Letter Sequence Response to RAI |
MONTHYEARML0630700372006-11-14014 November 2006 Edwin I Hatch, Nuclear Plant Unit No. 1 & 2, Request for Additional Information for Alternate Source Term Review (TAC Nos. MD2934 & MD2935) Project stage: RAI ML0632800652006-11-14014 November 2006 Meeting Summary Handouts, Enclosure 2 (Tac Nos. MD2934 and MD2935) Project stage: Meeting ML0632401972006-12-11011 December 2006 Summary of November 14, 2006, Meeting with Southern Nuclear Operating Co., on Alternative Source Term Submittal Project stage: Meeting ML0704602852007-02-22022 February 2007 Request for Additional Information Regarding Alternate Source Term Application Project stage: RAI ML0706502982007-03-15015 March 2007 Edwin I Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 (HNP) - Request for Additional Information Alternative Source Term Application Project stage: RAI ML0708902972007-04-10010 April 2007 RAI Regarding Alternative Source Term Application Project stage: RAI ML0710900392007-04-26026 April 2007 Request for Additional Information Alternate Source Term Application Project stage: RAI ML0710900572007-05-0808 May 2007 Request for Additional Information Alternate Source Term Application Project stage: RAI ML0712801262007-05-30030 May 2007 Request for Additional Information the Revision of the Licensing and Design Basis with a Full Scope Implementation of an Alternative Source Term Project stage: RAI ML0721904682007-08-16016 August 2007 Nos. Units 1 and 2, (Hnp), RAI, Request for Additional Information Regarding Alternate Source Term Application Project stage: RAI ML0726806972007-10-0303 October 2007 Request for Additional Information Regarding Alternate Source Term Application Project stage: RAI NL-07-1949, Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Turbine Building Ventilation and Leakage Treatment Piping Seismic Evaluations2007-12-11011 December 2007 Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Turbine Building Ventilation and Leakage Treatment Piping Seismic Evaluations Project stage: Response to RAI ML0800702622008-01-0909 January 2008 (Hnp), Request for Additional Information (RAI) Regarding Alternate Source Term Application Tac Nos. MD2934 and MD2935) Project stage: RAI ML0801100512008-01-30030 January 2008 Discussion of Review Schedule Regarding Alternate Source Term Application Project stage: Other NL-08-0035, Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Unit 1 Main Steam Isolation Valve Alternate Leakage Treatment Seismic Evaluation2008-02-0404 February 2008 Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Unit 1 Main Steam Isolation Valve Alternate Leakage Treatment Seismic Evaluation Project stage: Response to RAI ML0803801412008-02-13013 February 2008 E.I Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 (Hnp), RAI Regarding Alternate Source Term Application Project stage: RAI NL-07-1389, Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Radiological Consequences Analyses2008-02-25025 February 2008 Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Radiological Consequences Analyses Project stage: Response to RAI NL-07-1532, Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Turbine Building Ventilation and Standby Liquid Control Systems2008-02-27027 February 2008 Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Turbine Building Ventilation and Standby Liquid Control Systems Project stage: Response to RAI NL-08-0351, Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Power Sources for the Turbine Building Ventilation System2008-03-13013 March 2008 Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Power Sources for the Turbine Building Ventilation System Project stage: Response to RAI NL-08-0524, Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Atmospheric Dispersion Factors2008-04-0101 April 2008 Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding Atmospheric Dispersion Factors Project stage: Response to RAI NL-08-0634, Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Radiological Consequences Analyses2008-05-0505 May 2008 Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Radiological Consequences Analyses Project stage: Response to RAI ML0814201722008-05-30030 May 2008 Request for Additional Information Regarding Alternative Source Term Application Project stage: RAI NL-08-0903, Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Turbine Building Ventilation Exhaust System Fans2008-06-25025 June 2008 Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Turbine Building Ventilation Exhaust System Fans Project stage: Response to RAI NL-08-1022, Request to Revise the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Operating Licenses to Extend the Interim Period for the Use of Potassium Iodide2008-07-0202 July 2008 Request to Revise the Unit 1 and Unit 2 Operating Licenses to Extend the Interim Period for the Use of Potassium Iodide Project stage: Request ML0819001752008-07-0909 July 2008 Request for Additional Information, Alternate Source Term Application Project stage: RAI ML0819003312008-07-14014 July 2008 Transmittal of Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments for Alternate Source Term Application Project stage: Other ML0819003382008-07-14014 July 2008 Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments for Alternate Source Term Application Project stage: Other ML0819703922008-07-14014 July 2008 Edwin I. Hatch, Transmittal of Responses to Request for Additional Information Addition of License Conditions to Operating Licenses for Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Project stage: Request NL-08-1269, Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Requests for Additional Information Regarding Turbine Building Ventilation Exhaust Systems and Operating License Changes2008-08-14014 August 2008 Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Requests for Additional Information Regarding Turbine Building Ventilation Exhaust Systems and Operating License Changes Project stage: Response to RAI ML0817700752008-08-28028 August 2008 Issuance of Amendment Nos. 256 and 200, Alternate Source Term Project stage: Approval 2008-02-13
[Table View] |
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Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1.2017-09-30030 September 2017 NEDO-33883, Revision 0, Gnf Armor Lead Test Assembly for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1. NL-17-1255, Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Limited-Scope High Frequency Confirmation Evaluation2017-08-22022 August 2017 Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Limited-Scope High Frequency Confirmation Evaluation NL-17-0955, Alternatives HNP-ISI-ALT-05-05 and HNP-ISI-ALT-05-062017-06-0505 June 2017 Alternatives HNP-ISI-ALT-05-05 and HNP-ISI-ALT-05-06 ML17069A2402017-04-13013 April 2017 Mitigating Strategies Assessment (CAC Nos. MF7932 and MF7933) - Redacted ML16356A0172016-12-16016 December 2016 Information Report for Lead Use Assemblies NL-16-2466, Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report Completion2016-12-15015 December 2016 Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report Completion NL-16-1136, Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Limited-Scope Low Frequency Evaluation2016-08-10010 August 2016 Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Limited-Scope Low Frequency Evaluation NL-16-0463, Submittal of 10 CFR 50.46 ECCS Evaluation Model, Annual Report for 2015 and Significant Change/Error Report2016-04-0101 April 2016 Submittal of 10 CFR 50.46 ECCS Evaluation Model, Annual Report for 2015 and Significant Change/Error Report NL-15-2010, E.I. Hatch - Submits 10 CFR 71.95 Report on Non-Conformance Involving Radwaste Cask 8-120B2015-11-0202 November 2015 E.I. Hatch - Submits 10 CFR 71.95 Report on Non-Conformance Involving Radwaste Cask 8-120B NL-15-1461, Submittal of 10 CFR 71.95 Report on Potential Issues Involving Radwaste Cask 8-120B2015-08-21021 August 2015 Submittal of 10 CFR 71.95 Report on Potential Issues Involving Radwaste Cask 8-120B ML15097A4242015-04-27027 April 2015 Staff Assessment of Information Provided Pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 50, Section 50.54(f), Seismic Hazard Reevaluations Relating to Recommendation 2.1 of the NTTF Review ML15106A3102015-04-17017 April 2015 April 22, 2015, Meeting with Southern Nuclear Company, Draft Minimum Shift Staffing Analysis ML14335A1372015-03-25025 March 2015 Interim Staff Evaluation Relating to Overall Integrated Plan in Response to Order EA-13-109 (Severe Accident Capable Hardened Vents) NL-14-1989, Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report - Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.12014-12-30030 December 2014 Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report - Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 NL-14-1876, Proposed Lnservice Inspection Alternative HNP-ISI-ALT-HDPE-01, Version 2.0, Conceptual Design Information Package2014-11-24024 November 2014 Proposed Lnservice Inspection Alternative HNP-ISI-ALT-HDPE-01, Version 2.0, Conceptual Design Information Package NL-14-1245, 10 CFR 26.719(c) Report: False Negative Results for a Blind Performance Test Sample2014-08-22022 August 2014 10 CFR 26.719(c) Report: False Negative Results for a Blind Performance Test Sample ML14223A7942014-07-31031 July 2014 Enclosure 2 - Non-Proprietary Gnf Report GNF-001N6296-R1-NP, Gnf Additional Information Regarding the Requested Changes to the Technical Specification SLMCPR, Hatch 2 Cycle 24 ML14155A4052014-06-30030 June 2014 Staff Assessment of the Flooding Walkdown Report Supporting Implementation of Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3 Related to the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident (TAC MF0234-35) ML14176A9612014-06-24024 June 2014 Submittal of Non-Proprietary BWROG Technical Product, BWROGTP-11-006 - ECCS Containment Walkdown Procedure, Rev 1 (January 2011), as Formally Requested During the Public Meeting Held on April 30, 2014 ML14155A3612014-06-0606 June 2014 Staff Assessment of the Seismic Walkdown Report Supporting Implementation of Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3 Related to the Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident NL-14-0343, Seismic Hazard and Screening Report for CEUS Sites2014-03-31031 March 2014 Seismic Hazard and Screening Report for CEUS Sites NL-14-0326, Units 1 and 2, Recommendation 2.1 Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report, Requested by NRC Letter Dated March 12, 20122014-03-0606 March 2014 Units 1 and 2, Recommendation 2.1 Flood Hazard Reevaluation Report, Requested by NRC Letter Dated March 12, 2012 ML13364A2022014-02-27027 February 2014 Interim Staff Evaluation Related to Overall Integrated Plan in Response to Order EA-12-049 (Mitigation Strategies) ML14045A1472014-02-12012 February 2014 Mega-Tech Services, LLC Technical Evaluation Report Regarding the Overall Integrated Plan for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, TAC Nos.: MF0712 and MF0713 NL-13-1898, 10 CFR 71.95 Report on Potential Issues Involving Radwaste Cask 8-120B2013-08-30030 August 2013 10 CFR 71.95 Report on Potential Issues Involving Radwaste Cask 8-120B ML13193A3662013-08-0707 August 2013 Request for Concurrence on the Effects of the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2 on the Federally-Listed Endangered Species Altamaha Spinymussel NL-13-0172, Southern Nuclear Operating Company'S Overall Integrated Plan in Response to 3/12/2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation (EA-12-051)2013-02-27027 February 2013 Southern Nuclear Operating Company'S Overall Integrated Plan in Response to 3/12/2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Reliable Spent Fuel Pool Instrumentation (EA-12-051) NL-13-0214, Southern Nuclear Operating Company'S Overall Integrated Plan in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events..2013-02-27027 February 2013 Southern Nuclear Operating Company'S Overall Integrated Plan in Response to March 12, 2012 Commission Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events.. ML13115A4732013-01-31031 January 2013 GNF-0000-0079-7396NP, Rev. 6, Technical Basis Supporting GNF-Ziron Lead Test Assembly Introduction Into the Hatch Nuclear Plant, March 2008 NL-13-0402, GNF-0000-0079-7396NP, Rev. 6, Technical Basis Supporting GNF-Ziron Lead Test Assembly Introduction Into the Hatch Nuclear Plant, March 20082013-01-31031 January 2013 GNF-0000-0079-7396NP, Rev. 6, Technical Basis Supporting GNF-Ziron Lead Test Assembly Introduction Into the Hatch Nuclear Plant, March 2008 ML12355A6332012-11-26026 November 2012 SNCH082-RPT-02, Ver. 1.0, Edwin I. Hatch, Unit 2 Seismic Walkdown Report for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, Part 3 of 11 ML12355A6312012-11-26026 November 2012 SNCH082-RPT-02, Ver. 1.0, Edwin I. Hatch, Unit 2 Seismic Walkdown Report for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, Part 2 of 11 ML12355A0592012-11-26026 November 2012 SNCH082-RPT-01, Ver. 1.0, Seismic Walkdown Report for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, Part 11 of 11 ML12355A0562012-11-26026 November 2012 SNCH082-RPT-01, Ver. 1.0, Seismic Walkdown Report for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, Part 8 of 11 ML12355A0552012-11-26026 November 2012 SNCH082-RPT-01, Ver. 1.0, Seismic Walkdown Report for Resolution of Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.3: Seismic, Part 7 of 11 2024-09-03
[Table view] Category:Technical
MONTHYEARNL-22-0510, Plants Units 1 and 2, 10 CFR 50.46 ECCS Evaluation Model Annual Report for 20212022-07-14014 July 2022 Plants Units 1 and 2, 10 CFR 50.46 ECCS Evaluation Model Annual Report for 2021 NL-20-1295, 10 CFR 71.95 Report on Non-Compliance Involving Radwaste Cask 3-60B2020-12-14014 December 2020 10 CFR 71.95 Report on Non-Compliance Involving Radwaste Cask 3-60B ML20303A1782020-09-29029 September 2020 Submittal of Revision 38 to Updated Final Safety Analysis Report NL-19-0674, Proposed Alternative to Use ASME Code Case N-831-1, Ultrasonic Examination in Lieu of Radiography for Welds in Ferritic or Austenitic Pipe Section XI, Division 12019-09-30030 September 2019 Proposed Alternative to Use ASME Code Case N-831-1, Ultrasonic Examination in Lieu of Radiography for Welds in Ferritic or Austenitic Pipe Section XI, Division 1 NL-18-0282, Enclosure 1: NFPA 805 LAR Transition Report for Edwin I. Hatch2018-04-0404 April 2018 Enclosure 1: NFPA 805 LAR Transition Report for Edwin I. Hatch NL-17-1916, Pressure and Temperature Limits Report2017-11-27027 November 2017 Pressure and Temperature Limits Report ML18012A0582017-10-31031 October 2017 NEDO-33884, Revision 0, Gnf Fecrai ATF Lead Test Assembly for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1. NL-18-0026, NEDO-33884, Revision 0, Gnf Fecrai ATF Lead Test Assembly for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1.2017-10-31031 October 2017 NEDO-33884, Revision 0, Gnf Fecrai ATF Lead Test Assembly for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1. NL-18-0026, NEDO-33884, Revision 0, Gnf Fecrai Atf Lead Test Assembly for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1.2017-10-31031 October 2017 NEDO-33884, Revision 0, Gnf Fecrai Atf Lead Test Assembly for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1. NL-18-0026, NEDO-33883, Revision 0, Gnf Armor Lead Test Assembly for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1.2017-09-30030 September 2017 NEDO-33883, Revision 0, Gnf Armor Lead Test Assembly for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Unit 1. NL-17-1255, Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Limited-Scope High Frequency Confirmation Evaluation2017-08-22022 August 2017 Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Limited-Scope High Frequency Confirmation Evaluation NL-16-2466, Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report Completion2016-12-15015 December 2016 Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Expedited Seismic Evaluation Process Report Completion NL-16-1136, Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Limited-Scope Low Frequency Evaluation2016-08-10010 August 2016 Fukushima Near-Term Task Force Recommendation 2.1 Seismic Limited-Scope Low Frequency Evaluation NL-15-2010, E.I. Hatch - Submits 10 CFR 71.95 Report on Non-Conformance Involving Radwaste Cask 8-120B2015-11-0202 November 2015 E.I. Hatch - Submits 10 CFR 71.95 Report on Non-Conformance Involving Radwaste Cask 8-120B NL-14-1876, Proposed Lnservice Inspection Alternative HNP-ISI-ALT-HDPE-01, Version 2.0, Conceptual Design Information Package2014-11-24024 November 2014 Proposed Lnservice Inspection Alternative HNP-ISI-ALT-HDPE-01, Version 2.0, Conceptual Design Information Package ML14223A7942014-07-31031 July 2014 Enclosure 2 - Non-Proprietary Gnf Report GNF-001N6296-R1-NP, Gnf Additional Information Regarding the Requested Changes to the Technical Specification SLMCPR, Hatch 2 Cycle 24 ML14176A9612014-06-24024 June 2014 Submittal of Non-Proprietary BWROG Technical Product, BWROGTP-11-006 - ECCS Containment Walkdown Procedure, Rev 1 (January 2011), as Formally Requested During the Public Meeting Held on April 30, 2014 NL-14-0343, Seismic Hazard and Screening Report for CEUS Sites2014-03-31031 March 2014 Seismic Hazard and Screening Report for CEUS Sites ML13364A2022014-02-27027 February 2014 Interim Staff Evaluation Related to Overall Integrated Plan in Response to Order EA-12-049 (Mitigation Strategies) ML14045A1472014-02-12012 February 2014 Mega-Tech Services, LLC Technical Evaluation Report Regarding the Overall Integrated Plan for Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, TAC Nos.: MF0712 and MF0713 NL-13-0402, GNF-0000-0079-7396NP, Rev. 6, Technical Basis Supporting GNF-Ziron Lead Test Assembly Introduction Into the Hatch Nuclear Plant, March 20082013-01-31031 January 2013 GNF-0000-0079-7396NP, Rev. 6, Technical Basis Supporting GNF-Ziron Lead Test Assembly Introduction Into the Hatch Nuclear Plant, March 2008 ML13115A4732013-01-31031 January 2013 GNF-0000-0079-7396NP, Rev. 6, Technical Basis Supporting GNF-Ziron Lead Test Assembly Introduction Into the Hatch Nuclear Plant, March 2008 NL-11-1081, Reactor Pressure Vessel 2N2G Recirculation Inlet Nozzle-To-Safe End Weld Full Structural Weld Overlay, Crack Growth Calculations and Stress Analysis - Spring 2011 Outage (2R21)2011-07-0707 July 2011 Reactor Pressure Vessel 2N2G Recirculation Inlet Nozzle-To-Safe End Weld Full Structural Weld Overlay, Crack Growth Calculations and Stress Analysis - Spring 2011 Outage (2R21) NL-11-1131, Unit 2, GNF-Ziron Lead Test Assemblies2011-06-16016 June 2011 Unit 2, GNF-Ziron Lead Test Assemblies ML1013407402010-03-31031 March 2010 GNF-0000-0114-0175NP, Technical Basis Supporting GNF-Ziron Lead Test Assembly Introduction. NL-10-0824, Hatch, Unit 2, GNF-0000-0101-6839NP, GNF-Ziron Basic Characteristics and Properties.2010-03-31031 March 2010 Hatch, Unit 2, GNF-0000-0101-6839NP, GNF-Ziron Basic Characteristics and Properties. ML1013407382010-03-31031 March 2010 GNF-0000-0101-6839NP, GNF-Ziron Basic Characteristics and Properties. NL-10-0824, Hatch, Unit 2, GNF-0000-0114-0175NP, Technical Basis Supporting GNF-Ziron Lead Test Assembly Introduction.2010-03-31031 March 2010 Hatch, Unit 2, GNF-0000-0114-0175NP, Technical Basis Supporting GNF-Ziron Lead Test Assembly Introduction. NL-10-0824, GNF-0000-0113-8604NP, GNF-Ziron Performance Benefits and Licensing Requirements Assessment.2010-03-31031 March 2010 GNF-0000-0113-8604NP, GNF-Ziron Performance Benefits and Licensing Requirements Assessment. NL-09-0503, Response to Preliminary White Finding on 1B EDG Coupling Failure2009-04-15015 April 2009 Response to Preliminary White Finding on 1B EDG Coupling Failure ML0916006722009-03-31031 March 2009 GE-NE-0000-0080-0259-NP-R4, Shroud Repair Replacement of Upper Support Stress Analysis Report, Public NL-08-1781, Certified Material Test Report (CMTR) for CRD System Return Nozzle (N-9) Cap2008-12-19019 December 2008 Certified Material Test Report (CMTR) for CRD System Return Nozzle (N-9) Cap NL-08-1448, Submittal of Additional Information to Support Proposed Exemption to 10 CFR 50.448 and 10 CFR 50 Appendix K to Allow Ziron Fuel Cladding2008-09-22022 September 2008 Submittal of Additional Information to Support Proposed Exemption to 10 CFR 50.448 and 10 CFR 50 Appendix K to Allow Ziron Fuel Cladding ML0821900132008-08-0707 August 2008 Monthly Operating Reports Second Quarter 2008 NL-08-1250, GNF-0000-0088-6043NP, Enclosure 6, Properties of GNF-Ziron, July 20082008-07-31031 July 2008 GNF-0000-0088-6043NP, Enclosure 6, Properties of GNF-Ziron, July 2008 NL-08-1250, GNF-0000-0088-6047NP, Enclosure 4, Impact of GNF-Ziron Cladding on Thermal-Mechanical Licensing Limits, July 20082008-07-31031 July 2008 GNF-0000-0088-6047NP, Enclosure 4, Impact of GNF-Ziron Cladding on Thermal-Mechanical Licensing Limits, July 2008 ML0822500372008-07-31031 July 2008 GNF-0000-0088-6047NP, Enclosure 4, Impact of GNF-Ziron Cladding on Thermal-Mechanical Licensing Limits, July 2008 NL-08-1301, GE-NE-0000-0080-0259-R2, Hatch 2 Nuclear Plant, Shroud Repair Replacement of Upper Support Stress Analysis Report.2008-06-30030 June 2008 GE-NE-0000-0080-0259-R2, Hatch 2 Nuclear Plant, Shroud Repair Replacement of Upper Support Stress Analysis Report. NL-08-0634, Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Radiological Consequences Analyses2008-05-0505 May 2008 Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Radiological Consequences Analyses NL-08-0590, Revised Proposed Exemption to 10 CFR 50.46 and 10 CFR 50 Appendix K to Allow Ziron Fuel Cladding2008-05-0202 May 2008 Revised Proposed Exemption to 10 CFR 50.46 and 10 CFR 50 Appendix K to Allow Ziron Fuel Cladding NL-08-0380, Proposed Exemption to 10 CFR 50.46 and 10 CFR 50 Appendix K to Allow Ziron Fuel Cladding2008-03-21021 March 2008 Proposed Exemption to 10 CFR 50.46 and 10 CFR 50 Appendix K to Allow Ziron Fuel Cladding ML0624902422006-08-29029 August 2006 Enclosure 1, E. I. Hatch Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term - AST Safety Assessment ML0624904922006-07-28028 July 2006 Enclosure 8, E. I. Hatch, Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term - Unit 1 Main Steam Isolation Valve Alternate Leakage Path Seismic Evaluation ML0624904982006-07-28028 July 2006 Enclosure 9, E. I. Hatch, Request to Implement Alternative Source Term - Unit 1 Seismic Verification of Potential Secondary Containment Bypass Leakage Paths Terminating at Main Condenser ML0434304752004-10-20020 October 2004 SIR-04-120, Rev. 0, Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics Evaluation of the Plant Hatch Unit 1, Core Shroud V5 and V6 Welds. ML0802902312004-02-12012 February 2004 Westinghouse Technical Bulletin: Information Regarding Recent Crossflow Ultrasonic Flow Measurement System Performance Observations, TB-04-4 ML0624902592003-04-30030 April 2003 Enclosure 13, E. I. Hatch Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term - EPRI Technical Report 1007896, Seismic Evaluation Guidelines for HVAC Duct and Damper Systems. ML0311800572003-04-25025 April 2003 Results of the Edwin I. Hatch Generating Station Units 1 and 2 SDP Phase 2 Notebook Benchmarking Visit ML0310502642002-12-19019 December 2002 Request for License Amendment Measurement Uncertainty Recapture Power Uprate, Enclosures 1 - 6 ML0310502212002-12-19019 December 2002 Request for License Amendment Measurement Uncertainty Recapture Power Uprate, Enclosures 7 2022-07-14
[Table view] |
L M. Stinson (Mike) Southern Nuclear Vice President Operating Company, Inc.
Fleet Operations Support 40 Inverness Center Parkway Post Office Box 1295 Birmingham, Alabama 35201 Tel 205.992.5181 A.
Fax 205.992.0341 SOUTHERN COMPANY May 5,2008 Energy to Serve lOur WorlJ SM Docket Nos.: 50-321 NL-08-0634 50-366 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Radiological Consequences Analyses Ladies and Gentlemen:
On August 29, 2006 Southern Nuclear Operating Company (SNC) submitted a request to revise the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant (HNP) licensing/design basis with a full scope implementation of an alternative source term (AST). By letters dated November 6,2006, November 27,2006, January 30,2007, June 22,2007, July 16, 2007, August 13, 2007, October 18, 2007, December 11, 2007, January 24, 2008, February 4, 2008, February 25, 2008, February 27, 2008, March 13, 2008, and April 1, 2008 SNC has submitted further information to support the NRC review of the HNP AST submittal.
By email dated April 7, 2008 and during follow-on teleconferences between SNC and members of the NRC staff on April 15 and 17, 2008 the NRC requested additional information concerning the AST radiological analyses for the four HNP design basis accidents described in Enclosure 1 of the referenced AST submittal.
The enclosures to this letter contain the SNC response to the referenced NRC requests for additional information (RAI).
The 10 CFR 50.92 evaluation and the justification for the categorical exclusion from performing an environmental assessment that were included in the August 29, 2006 submittal continue to remain valid.
(Affirmation and signature are provided on the following page.)
U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission NL-08-0634 Page 2 Mr. L. M. Stinson states he is a Vice President of Southern Nuclear Operating Company, is authorized to execute this oath on behalf of Southern Nuclear Operating Company and to the best of his knowledge and belief, the facts set forth in this letter are true.
This letter contains no NRC commitments. If you have any questions, please advise.
Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN NUCLEAR OPERATING COMPANY " .1 :
'f ~
L. M. Stinson Vice President Fleet Operations Support Sworn to and subscribed before me this .1-# day Of_L...tl'Z<......L>4#==r , 2008.
bt2~ I Notary Public My commission expires: ~1 1 0 ...?o /0 LMS/CLT/daj
- 1. Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Radiological Consequences Analyses
- 2. Compact Disc (CD) of Updated RADTRAD NIF Files cc: Southern Nuclear Operating Company Mr. J. T. Gasser, Executive Vice President Mr. D. R. Madison, Vice President - Hatch Mr. D. H. Jones, Vice President - Engineering RType: CHA02.004 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. V. M. McCree, Acting Regional Administrator Mr. R. E. Martin, NRR Project Manager - Hatch Mr. J. A. Hickey, Senior Resident Inspector - Hatch State of Georgia Mr. N. Holcomb, Commissioner - Department of Natural Resources
Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Enclosure 1 Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Radiological Consequences Analyses
Enclosure 1 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Radiological Consequences Analyses NRC EMAIL QUESTION 1 In Enclosure 1 of your LAR submittal, in Table 6 on page 14, Table 7 (Note) on page 16, and in Appendix A (Conformance Matrix) on page A-1, you state that 10% is added to the core inventory to allow for future fuel changes or power uprates. However, in reviewing the core isotopic activities used in your RADTRAD (NIF) files, I notice that they are equal to the values in Table 7, which you state do not include the 10% increase. Also, the core power used in the runs is simply the current licensed power, plus the 0.5% ECCS flow uncertainty. So, is this 10% increase language a carryover, or typo, from previous analysis intentions, or am I missing something?
SNC RESPONSE In Enclosure 1 of the Alternative Source Term (AST) submittal dated August 29, 2006 Table 6 documented the inputs and assumptions common to multiple Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant (HNP) design basis accident (DBA) AST radiological analyses. As documented in Table 6, SNC chose to incorporate a 10% margin into the core inventory to accommodate potential future fuel changes or power uprates. It is noted that the core inventory, with the 10% margin, is applicable to three of the four HNP DBAs. This 10% margin discussion is not applicable to the main steam line break (MSLB) because no fuel damage is assumed. The applicable MSLB source term is based on the maximum primary coolant iodine activity as allowed by HNP Technical Specifications (reference AST submittal Enclosure 1 section which is independent of power level and core inventory.
AST submittal Enclosure 1 Table 7 documents the referenced core inventory without the 10% margin because, as the table footnote indicates, the core inventory is modified by use of a factor of 1.1 in the LocaDose modeling for the three affected HNP DBAs. However, Enclosure 1 Table 7 has been updated, and is provided below, so each listed isotope reflects the 10% margin.
NL-08-0634 E1-1
Enclosure 1 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Radiological Consequences Analyses_______________________
Table 7. Core Inventory Source Source Source Source Grp Isotope (Ci/MWt) Grp Isotope (Ci/MWt) Grp Isotope (Ci/MWt) Grp Isotope (Ci/MWt)
I-129 1.35E-03 Se-79 1.83E-02 Ru-103 4.68E+04 Sm-151 2.09E+01 I-130 1.16E+03 Sb-124 4.99E+01 Ru-105 3.27E+04 Sm-153 1.51E+04 8 - Noble Metals I-131 2.99E+04 Sb-125 6.71E+02 Ru-106 1.87E+04 Eu-152 5.17E-01 1, 2, 3 - Iodines I-132 4.32E+04 Sb-126 3.94E+01 Rh103m 4.21E+04 Eu-154 4.32E+02 I-133 6.07E+04 Sb126m 1.50E+01 Rh-105 2.99E+04 Eu-155 3.03E+02 I-134 6.66E+04 Sb-127 3.28E+03 Rh-106 2.00E+04 Eu-156 5.60E+03 9 - Lanthanides I-135 5.68E+04 Sb-129 9.74E+03 Pd-107 4.52E-03 Am-241 7.55E+00 6 - Tellurium Group I-136 2.69E+04 Te125m 1.46E+02 Pd-109 1.03E+04 Am-242 3.14E+03 I-137 2.62E+04 Te-127 3.30E+03 Y-89m 6.90E-04 Am242m 1.02E+00 I-138 1.30E+04 Te127m 4.40E+02 Y--90 3.52E+03 Am-243 8.21E-01 Kr-83m 3.63E+03 Te-129 9.58E+03 Y-90m 5.07E-01 Cm-242 1.85E+03 Kr-85 4.16E+02 Te129m 1.42E+03 Y--91 3.55E+04 Cm-243 9.89E-01 Kr-85m 7.61E+03 Te-131 2.65E+04 Y-91m 2.01E+04 Cm-244 1.16E+02 Kr-87 1.45E+04 Te131m 4.33E+03 Y--92 3.79E+04 Cm-245 1.10E-02 Kr-88 2.05E+04 Te-132 4.24E+04 Y--93 4.40E+04 Cm-246 1.82E-03 4 - Noble Gases Kr-89 2.49E+04 Te-133 3.56E+04 Y--94 4.46E+04 Br-82 1.99E+02 11 - Halogens Xe131m 3.33E+02 Te133m 2.19E+04 Y--95 4.80E+04 Br-83 3.63E+03 Xe-133 5.80E+04 Te-134 4.98E+04 Zr-93 1.05E-01 Br-84 6.26E+03 Xe133m 1.74E+03 Sr-89 2.74E+04 Zr-95 5.25E+04 Br-85 7.51E+03 Xe-135 2.08E+04 Sr-90 3.31E+03 Zr-97 5.49E+04 Br-87 1.22E+04 Xe135m 1.20E+04 Sr-91 3.47E+04 Nb-93m 9.03E-03 Br-88 1.31E+04 9 - Lanthanides 7 - Strontium, Barium Xe-137 5.29E+04 Sr-92 3.76E+04 Nb-95 5.27E+04 Ce-141 4.93E+04 Xe-138 4.97E+04 Sr-93 4.29E+04 Nb-95m 3.71E+02 Ce-143 4.54E+04 Rb-86 7.77E+01 Sr-94 4.06E+04 Nb-97 5.54E+04 Ce-144 4.06E+04 Rb-88 2.08E+04 Sr-95 3.77E+04 La-140 5.37E+04 Np-237 1.77E-02 Rb-89 2.66E+04 Ba136m 3.96E+02 La-141 4.92E+04 Np-238 1.63E+04 12 - Cerium Group Rb-90 2.57E+04 Ba137m 4.31E+03 La-142 4.74E+04 Np-239 6.28E+05 5 - Alkali Metals Cs-134 7.51E+03 Ba-139 5.40E+04 La-143 4.52E+04 Pu-236 3.01E-02 Cs134m 1.82E+03 Ba-140 5.20E+04 Pr-143 4.45E+04 Pu-237 1.14E-01 Cs-135 2.59E-02 Ba-141 4.90E+04 Pr-144 4.09E+04 Pu-238 1.44E+02 Cs-136 2.40E+03 Co-58 1.63E+02 Pr144m 4.88E+02 Pu-239 1.42E+01 8 - Noble Metals Cs-137 4.55E+03 Co-60 4.70E+02 Nd-147 1.98E+04 Pu-240 1.96E+01 Cs-138 5.52E+04 Mo-99 5.66E+04 Pm-147 4.98E+03 Pu-241 5.75E+03 Cs-139 5.23E+04 Tc-99 5.77E-01 Pm-148 8.60E+03 Pu-242 6.81E-02 Tc-99m 4.98E+04 Pm148m 1.28E+03 Pu-243 1.17E+04 Tc-101 5.09E+04 Pm-149 1.76E+04 Pm-151 6.04E+03 Note: The inventory shown in the table includes a margin of 10% for future fuel changes or power uprates.
In calculating doses, the progeny of these isotopes are also included.
NL-08-0634 E1-2 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Radiological Consequences Analyses_______________________
For the three affected HNP DBAs, specifically the loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA), control rod drop accident (CRDA), and fuel handling accident (FHA),
the 10% margin is incorporated in both the offsite dose results and main control room (MCR) dose results presented in AST submittal Enclosure 1. The LOCA MCR dose results presented in AST submittal Enclosure 1 Table 20 establish the limiting HNP MCR unfiltered inleakage of 115 cubic feet per minute (cfm).
The core inventory in the updated Table 7 (with the 10% margin) was used in LocaDose to calculate the doses due to airborne activity inside the MCR, the external shine dose from the turbine building (TB) air (more specifically the shine dose due to airborne activity inside the TB), and the ingress/egress dose while traversing through the TB. Hence, these three components of the MCR dose, as shown in AST submittal Enclosure 1 Table 20, include the 10% margin. The only other component of the MCR dose, as shown in Table 20, is other external shine sources, with a dose of 0.03 rem TEDE. The MCR dose due to other external shine sources was calculated using the original NUREG-0737 source term which reflects a core inventory with greater than 10% margin to the original AST submittal Enclosure 1 Table 7. For example, the I-131 release from the core was approximately 3.2E7 Ci for the NUREG-0737 review versus 2.3E7 Ci for AST.
The total noble gas releases were 8.6E8 Ci for the NUREG-0737 review versus 3.3E8 Ci for AST. Therefore, the LOCA MCR dose results presented in the referenced Table 20 are bounding with a margin of 10% included.
The RADTRAD input files referenced were submitted in the SNC letter dated November 27, 2006. As noted in that letter, these input files were provided to facilitate the NRC staff review of the HNP AST submittal by supporting the performance of confirmatory calculations using the RADTRAD code by the NRC staff. The HNP AST design basis calculations use the LocaDose code as documented in the HNP AST submittal. Therefore any RADTRAD results, while useful for NRC confirmatory calculations, do not represent the submitted HNP AST licensing basis. Consistent with the updating of AST submittal Enclosure 1 Table 7 to explicitly include the 10% margin, updated RADTRAD NIF input files which reflect the 10% margin are provided on compact disc as Enclosure 2. In addition, subsequent to the previous submittal of the RADTRAD input files in 2006, it was identified that some of the isotope group assignments should be changed but evaluation indicated that the overall conclusions were not changed.
Therefore, given the need to update the RADTRAD NIF files, the necessary isotope group assignments were changed as well. Of the RADTRAD input files supplied previously, only the RADTRAD NIF files needed to be changed to explicitly include the 10% margin.
The results of three RADTRAD cases (files) need to be added to determine the bounding LOCA MCR dose. Those RADTRAD file names are as follows:
- HatchLOCA4CR-ContainmentLeakageFinal.psf
- HatchLOCA4CR-ESFLeakageFinal.psf
- HatchLOCA4CR-PlantVentFinal.psf NL-08-0634 E1-3 Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Response to Request for Additional Information Regarding the Radiological Consequences Analyses_______________________
NRC EMAIL QUESTION 2 Also, I would just like to know the enrichment and burnup used in the ORIGEN runs. I could not locate it in the LAR.
SNC RESPONSE As documented in AST submittal Enclosure 1 Table 6, the equilibrium core inventory of fission products per unit power (Ci/MWt) was generated using the ORIGEN2 computer program based on a 24-month fuel cycle. A comparison of the fission product inventory of a single-batch core versus the fission product inventory of a multi-batch core demonstrates that, for DBA radiologically significant isotopes, isotope production due to uniform irradiation at constant power is a good approximation to isotope production from a multi-batch core under the same average power. The equilibrium core is assumed to be composed of a single uniform batch of GE14 fuel at 4.1% enrichment, with an end of cycle core average exposure of approximately 36,600 MWd/MT, or approximately 1330 EFPD.
It is noted that the resultant core inventory by isotope (with the margin of 10% as documented in the updated Table 7 provided in the response to NRC Email Question 1) is the actual input to the HNP AST analyses. Consequently, fuel designs reflecting different enrichments and burnups can be used as long as the resultant core inventory is bounded by the core inventory provided in the updated Table 7.
NL-08-0634 E1-4
Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant Request to Implement an Alternative Source Term Enclosure 2 Compact Disc (CD) of Updated RADTRAD NIF Files
Nuclide Inventory Name:
ST general Power Level:
0.1000E+01 Nuclides:
63 Nuclide 001:
Kr-83m 1
0.6696E+04 0.8300E+02 3.63E+03 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 002:
Kr-85m 1
0.1612800000E+05 0.8500E+02 7.61E+03 Kr-85 0.2100E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 003:
Kr-85 1
0.338613048E+09 0.8500E+02 4.16E+02 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 004:
Kr-87 1
0.4578000000E+04 0.8700E+02 1.45E+04 Rb-87 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 005:
Kr-88 1
0.1022400000E+05 0.8800E+02 2.05E+04 Rb-88 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 006:
Rb-86 3
0.1612224000E+07 0.8600E+02 7.77E+01
none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 007:
Rb-88 3
0.1062000000E+04 0.8800E+02 2.08E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 008:
Sr-89 5
0.4363200000E+07 0.8900E+02 2.74E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 009:
Sr-90 5
0.9189573120E+09 0.9000E+02 3.31E+03 Y-90 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 010:
Sr-91 5
0.3420000000E+05 0.9100E+02 3.47E+04 Y-91m 0.5800E+00 Y-91 0.4200E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 011:
Sr-92 5
0.9756000000E+04 0.9200E+02 3.76E+04 Y-92 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 012:
Y-90 9
0.2304000000E+06 0.9000E+02 3.52E+03 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00
Nuclide 013:
Y-91 9
0.5055264000E+07 0.9100E+02 3.55E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 014:
Y-92 9
0.1274400000E+05 0.9200E+02 3.78E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 015:
Y-93 9
0.3636000000E+05 0.9300E+02 4.40E+04 Zr-93 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 016:
Zr-95 9
0.5527872000E+07 0.9500E+02 5.25E+04 Nb-95m 0.7000E-02 Nb-95 0.9900E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 017:
Zr-97 9
0.6084000000E+05 0.9700E+02 5.50E+04 Nb-97m 0.9500E+00 Nb-97 0.5300E-01 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 018:
Nb-95 9
0.3036960000E+07 0.9500E+02 5.27E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 019:
Mo-99 7
0.2376000000E+06 0.9900E+02 5.67E+04 Tc-99m 0.8800E+00 Tc-99 0.1200E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 020:
Tc-99m 7
0.2167200000E+05 0.9900E+02 4.98E+04 Tc-99 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 021:
Ru-103 7
0.3393792000E+07 0.1030E+03 4.68E+04 Rh-103m 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 022:
Ru-105 7
0.1598400000E+05 0.1050E+03 3.27E+04 Rh-105 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 023:
Ru-106 7
0.3181248000E+08 0.1060E+03 1.87E+04 Rh-106 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 024:
Rh-105 7
0.1272960000E+06 0.1050E+03 2.99E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 025:
Sb-127 4
0.3326400000E+06 0.1270E+03 3.28E+03
Te-127m 0.1800E+00 Te-127 0.8200E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 026:
Sb-129 4
0.1555200000E+05 0.1290E+03 9.74E+03 Te-129m 0.2200E+00 Te-129 0.7700E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 027:
Te-127 4
0.3366000000E+05 0.1270E+03 3.30E+03 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 028:
Te-127m 4
0.9417600000E+07 0.1270E+03 4.40E+02 Te-127 0.9800E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 029:
Te-129 4
0.4176000000E+04 0.1290E+03 9.58E+03 I-129 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 030:
Te-129m 4
0.2903040000E+07 0.1290E+03 1.42E+03 Te-129 0.6500E+00 I-129 0.3500E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 031:
Te-131m 4
0.1080000000E+06 0.1310E+03 4.33E+03 Te-131 0.2200E+00 I-131 0.7800E+00 none 0.0000E+00
Nuclide 032:
Te-132 4
0.2815200000E+06 0.1320E+03 4.24E+04 I-132 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 033:
I-131 2
0.6946560000E+06 0.1310E+03 2.99E+04 Xe-131m 0.1100E-01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 034:
I-132 2
0.8280000000E+04 0.1320E+03 4.32E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 035:
I-133 2
0.7488000000E+05 0.1330E+03 6.07E+04 Xe-133m 0.2900E-01 Xe-133 0.9700E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 036:
I-134 2
0.3156000000E+04 0.1340E+03 6.66E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 037:
I-135 2
0.2379600000E+05 0.1350E+03 5.68E+04 Xe-135m 0.1500E+00 Xe-135 0.8500E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 038:
Xe-133 1
0.4531680000E+06 0.1330E+03 5.80E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 039:
Xe-133m 1
0.1926720000E+06 0.1330E+03 1.74E+03 Xe-133 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 040:
Xe-135 1
0.3272400000E+05 0.1350E+03 2.08E+04 Cs-135 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 041:
Xe-135m 1
0.91800000E+03 0.1350E+03 1.20E+04 Xe-135 0.9940E+00 Cs-135 0.6000E-03 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 042:
Xe-138 1
0.85200000E+03 0.1380E+03 4.97E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 043:
Cs-134 3
0.6507177120E+08 0.1340E+03 7.51E+03 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 044:
Cs-136 3
0.1131840000E+07 0.1360E+03 2.40E+03
none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 045:
Cs-137 3
0.9467280000E+09 0.1370E+03 4.55E+03 Ba-137m 0.9500E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 046:
Ba-139 6
0.4962000000E+04 0.1390E+03 5.40E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 047:
Ba-140 6
0.1100736000E+07 0.1400E+03 5.20E+04 La-140 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 048:
La-140 9
0.1449792000E+06 0.1400E+03 5.37E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 049:
La-141 9
0.1414800000E+05 0.1410E+03 4.92E+04 Ce-141 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 050:
La-142 9
0.5550000000E+04 0.1420E+03 4.74E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00
Nuclide 051:
Ce-141 8
0.2808086400E+07 0.1410E+03 4.93E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 052:
Ce-143 8
0.1188000000E+06 0.1430E+03 4.54E+04 Pr-143 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 053:
Ce-144 8
0.2456352000E+08 0.1440E+03 4.06E+04 Pr-144m 0.1800E-01 Pr-144 0.9800E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 054:
Pr-143 9
0.1171584000E+07 0.1430E+03 4.44E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 055:
Nd-147 9
0.9486720000E+06 0.1470E+03 1.98E+04 Pm-147 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 056:
Np-239 8
0.2034720000E+06 0.2390E+03 6.28E+05 Pu-239 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 057:
Pu-238 8
0.2768863824E+10 0.2380E+03 1.44E+02 U-234 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 058:
Pu-239 8
0.7594336440E+12 0.2390E+03 1.42E+01 U-235 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 059:
Pu-240 8
0.2063867E+11 0.240E+03 1.96E+01 U-236 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 060:
Pu-241 8
0.473364E+09 0.241E+03 5.75E+03 Am-241 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 061:
Am-241 9
0.13664441E+11 0.241E+03 7.55E+00 Np-237 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 062:
Cm-242 9
0.14083200E+08 0.242E+03 1.85E+03 Pu-238 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 063:
Cm-244 9
0.56488104E+09 0.244E+03 1.16E+02
Pu-240 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 End of Nuclear Inventory File
Nuclide Inventory Name:
ST for FHA (enhanced Kr-85 and I-131)
Power Level:
0.1000E+01 Nuclides:
63 Nuclide 001:
Kr-83m 1
0.6696E+04 0.8300E+02 3.63E+03 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 002:
Kr-85m 1
0.1612800000E+05 0.8500E+02 7.61E+03 Kr-85 0.2100E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 003:
Kr-85 1
0.338613048E+09 0.8500E+02 8.32E+02 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 004:
Kr-87 1
0.4578000000E+04 0.8700E+02 1.45E+04 Rb-87 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 005:
Kr-88 1
0.1022400000E+05 0.8800E+02 2.05E+04 Rb-88 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 006:
Rb-86 3
0.1612224000E+07 0.8600E+02 7.77E+01
none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 007:
Rb-88 3
0.1062000000E+04 0.8800E+02 2.08E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 008:
Sr-89 5
0.4363200000E+07 0.8900E+02 2.74E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 009:
Sr-90 5
0.9189573120E+09 0.9000E+02 3.31E+03 Y-90 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 010:
Sr-91 5
0.3420000000E+05 0.9100E+02 3.47E+04 Y-91m 0.5800E+00 Y-91 0.4200E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 011:
Sr-92 5
0.9756000000E+04 0.9200E+02 3.76E+04 Y-92 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 012:
Y-90 9
0.2304000000E+06 0.9000E+02 3.52E+03 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00
Nuclide 013:
Y-91 9
0.5055264000E+07 0.9100E+02 3.55E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 014:
Y-92 9
0.1274400000E+05 0.9200E+02 3.78E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 015:
Y-93 9
0.3636000000E+05 0.9300E+02 4.40E+04 Zr-93 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 016:
Zr-95 9
0.5527872000E+07 0.9500E+02 5.25E+04 Nb-95m 0.7000E-02 Nb-95 0.9900E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 017:
Zr-97 9
0.6084000000E+05 0.9700E+02 5.50E+04 Nb-97m 0.9500E+00 Nb-97 0.5300E-01 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 018:
Nb-95 9
0.3036960000E+07 0.9500E+02 5.27E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 019:
Mo-99 7
0.2376000000E+06 0.9900E+02 5.67E+04 Tc-99m 0.8800E+00 Tc-99 0.1200E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 020:
Tc-99m 7
0.2167200000E+05 0.9900E+02 4.98E+04 Tc-99 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 021:
Ru-103 7
0.3393792000E+07 0.1030E+03 4.68E+04 Rh-103m 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 022:
Ru-105 7
0.1598400000E+05 0.1050E+03 3.27E+04 Rh-105 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 023:
Ru-106 7
0.3181248000E+08 0.1060E+03 1.87E+04 Rh-106 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 024:
Rh-105 7
0.1272960000E+06 0.1050E+03 2.99E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 025:
Sb-127 4
0.3326400000E+06 0.1270E+03 3.28E+03
Te-127m 0.1800E+00 Te-127 0.8200E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 026:
Sb-129 4
0.1555200000E+05 0.1290E+03 9.74E+03 Te-129m 0.2200E+00 Te-129 0.7700E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 027:
Te-127 4
0.3366000000E+05 0.1270E+03 3.30E+03 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 028:
Te-127m 4
0.9417600000E+07 0.1270E+03 4.40E+02 Te-127 0.9800E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 029:
Te-129 4
0.4176000000E+04 0.1290E+03 9.58E+03 I-129 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 030:
Te-129m 4
0.2903040000E+07 0.1290E+03 1.42E+03 Te-129 0.6500E+00 I-129 0.3500E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 031:
Te-131m 4
0.1080000000E+06 0.1310E+03 4.33E+03 Te-131 0.2200E+00 I-131 0.7800E+00 none 0.0000E+00
Nuclide 032:
Te-132 4
0.2815200000E+06 0.1320E+03 4.24E+04 I-132 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 033:
I-131 2
0.6946560000E+06 0.1310E+03 4.78E+04 Xe-131m 0.1100E-01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 034:
I-132 2
0.8280000000E+04 0.1320E+03 4.32E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 035:
I-133 2
0.7488000000E+05 0.1330E+03 6.07E+04 Xe-133m 0.2900E-01 Xe-133 0.9700E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 036:
I-134 2
0.3156000000E+04 0.1340E+03 6.66E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 037:
I-135 2
0.2379600000E+05 0.1350E+03 5.68E+04 Xe-135m 0.1500E+00 Xe-135 0.8500E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 038:
Xe-133 1
0.4531680000E+06 0.1330E+03 5.80E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 039:
Xe-133m 1
0.1926720000E+06 0.1330E+03 1.74E+03 Xe-133 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 040:
Xe-135 1
0.3272400000E+05 0.1350E+03 2.08E+04 Cs-135 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 041:
Xe-135m 1
0.91800000E+03 0.1350E+03 1.20E+04 Xe-135 0.9940E+00 Cs-135 0.6000E-03 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 042:
Xe-138 1
0.85200000E+03 0.1380E+03 4.97E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 043:
Cs-134 3
0.6507177120E+08 0.1340E+03 7.51E+03 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 044:
Cs-136 3
0.1131840000E+07 0.1360E+03 2.40E+03
none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 045:
Cs-137 3
0.9467280000E+09 0.1370E+03 4.55E+03 Ba-137m 0.9500E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 046:
Ba-139 6
0.4962000000E+04 0.1390E+03 5.40E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 047:
Ba-140 6
0.1100736000E+07 0.1400E+03 5.20E+04 La-140 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 048:
La-140 9
0.1449792000E+06 0.1400E+03 5.37E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 049:
La-141 9
0.1414800000E+05 0.1410E+03 4.92E+04 Ce-141 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 050:
La-142 9
0.5550000000E+04 0.1420E+03 4.74E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00
Nuclide 051:
Ce-141 8
0.2808086400E+07 0.1410E+03 4.93E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 052:
Ce-143 8
0.1188000000E+06 0.1430E+03 4.54E+04 Pr-143 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 053:
Ce-144 8
0.2456352000E+08 0.1440E+03 4.06E+04 Pr-144m 0.1800E-01 Pr-144 0.9800E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 054:
Pr-143 9
0.1171584000E+07 0.1430E+03 4.44E+04 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 055:
Nd-147 9
0.9486720000E+06 0.1470E+03 1.98E+04 Pm-147 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 056:
Np-239 8
0.2034720000E+06 0.2390E+03 6.28E+05 Pu-239 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 057:
Pu-238 8
0.2768863824E+10 0.2380E+03 1.44E+02 U-234 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 058:
Pu-239 8
0.7594336440E+12 0.2390E+03 1.42E+01 U-235 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 059:
Pu-240 8
0.2063867E+11 0.240E+03 1.96E+01 U-236 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 060:
Pu-241 8
0.473364E+09 0.241E+03 5.75E+03 Am-241 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 061:
Am-241 9
0.13664441E+11 0.241E+03 7.55E+00 Np-237 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 062:
Cm-242 9
0.14083200E+08 0.242E+03 1.85E+03 Pu-238 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 Nuclide 063:
Cm-244 9
0.56488104E+09 0.244E+03 1.16E+02
Pu-240 0.1000E+01 none 0.0000E+00 none 0.0000E+00 End of Nuclear Inventory File