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Technical Specifications (TS) Change TS-431 - Extended Power Uprate (EPU) - Piping System Evaluation
Person / Time
Site: Browns Ferry Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 12/21/2006
From: Crouch W
Tennessee Valley Authority
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC MC3812, TVA-BFN-TS-431
Download: ML063560224 (18)


December 21, 2006 TVA-BFN-TS-431 10 CFR 50.90 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Mail Stop OWFN, P1-35 Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Gentlemen:

In the Matter of ) Docket Nos. 50-259 Tennessee Valley Authority )



By letter dated June 28, 2004 (ADAMS Accession No. ML041840109), TVA submitted a license amendment request to the NRC for the EPU of BFN Unit 1. On July 19, 2006 (ML061980144), the NRC staff issued the Round 7 request for additional information (RAI-7), including question EEMB-42 requesting the results of structural evaluations for certain piping systems. In its July 26, 2006 (ML062200277),

response to RAI-7 question EEMB-42, TVA indicated that restart modifications were ongoing and results were not then available. In a related response to RAI-10 question EEMB-118, by letter dated October 5, 2006 (ML062860267), TVA committed to provide an evaluation summary for Unit 1 piping systems by December 31, 2006. The evaluation summary includes calculated maximum stresses for piping systems similar to the information provided for the EPU application for BFN Units 2 and 3 in the July 26, 2006, submittal.

The enclosure to this submittal provides TVAs supplemental response to RAI-10 question EEMB-118 for Unit 1 and fulfills the above commitment.

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 December 21, 2006 TVA has determined that the additional information provided by this letter does not affect the no significant hazards considerations associated with the proposed TS changes.

The proposed TS changes still qualify for a categorical exclusion from environmental review pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 51.22(c)(9).

No new regulatory commitments are made in this submittal.

If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact me at (256)729-2636.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this 21st day of December 2006.

Sincerely, William D. Crouch Manager of Licensing and Industry Affairs


Response to Round 10 RAI Question EEMB-118

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 3 December 21, 2006 Enclosures cc: (Enclosures):

State Health Officer Alabama Dept. of Public Health RSA Tower - Administration Suite 1552 P.O. Box 303017 Montgomery, AL 36130-3017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW, Suite 23T85 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3415 Mr. Malcolm T. Widmann, Branch Chief U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW, Suite 23T85 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-8931 NRC Senior Resident Inspector Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant 10833 Shaw Road Athens, Alabama 35611-6970 NRC Unit 1 Restart Senior Resident Inspector Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant 10833 Shaw Road Athens, Alabama 35611-6970 Margaret Chernoff, Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (MS 08G9)

One White Flint, North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852-2739 Ms. Eva A. Brown, Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (MS 08G9)

One White Flint, North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852-2739

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 4 December 21, 2006 JEM:LTG:BAB Enclosures cc (Enclosures):

B. M. Aukland, POB 2C-BFN M. Bajestani, NAB 1A-BFN A. S. Bhatnagar, LP 6A-C R. H. Bryan, BR 4X-C R. G. Jones, POB 2C-BFN G. V. Little, NAB 1D-BFN R. A. DeLong, SAB 1A-BFN B. J. O'Grady, PAB 1E-BFN K. W. Singer, LP 6A-C P. D. Swafford, LP 6A-C E. J. Vigluicci, WT 6A-K NSRB Support, LP 5M-C EDMS WT CA - K s:lic/submit/EPU/TS 431 - piping system evaluation.doc




RESPONSE TO ROUND 10 RAI QUESTION EEMB-118 The enclosed supplements TVAs response to Unit 1 EPU Round 10 request for additional information question EEMB-118 that was provided by letter dated October 5, 2006.

NRC RAI EEMB-118 In the July 26, 2006 response, the licensee indicated that Unit 1 is currently performing restart modifications and that the final stress analysis results, which reflect the as-built configuration, are not available for most of the reactor coolant pressure boundary and balance-of-plant systems. Provide the schedule for completion of the piping system evaluation for Unit 1. Upon completion, provide the evaluation summary for piping systems and their supports including main steam, feedwater, recirculation, residual heat removal, and torus-attached piping systems. The information should include the calculated maximum stresses and fatigue usage factors, as necessary, for piping systems and their supports similar to those provided for the Units 2 and 3 extended power uprate (EPU) evaluation.

TVA Response to EEMB-118 An evaluation summary for piping systems (including main steam, feedwater, core spray, recirculation, torus attached piping, and residual heat removal) is provided below. The information provided includes the calculated maximum stresses (based on the maximum stress ratio, EPU stress/Allowable stress) for these piping systems. The design basis code of record for BFN is the USAS B31.1-1967 code; consequently, fatigue usage factors have not been calculated for the piping systems.

The following BFN Unit 1 reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) piping systems are impacted by EPU:

Table EEMB-118-1 MAIN STEAM BFN Unit 1 Description Calculation No.

Main Steam Loop A Main steam piping CDQ100120020348

- Loop A (Inside Containment)

Main Steam Loop B Main steam piping CDQ100120020347

- Loop B (Inside Containment)

Main Steam Loop C Main steam piping CDQ100120020349

- Loop C (Inside Containment)

Main Steam Loop D Main steam piping CDQ100120020346

- Loop D (Inside Containment)


Table EEMB-118-2 FEEDWATER BFN Unit 1 Description Calculation No.

Feedwater Piping Feedwater piping CDQ100320020352 Loop A - Loop A (Inside Containment)

Feedwater Piping Feedwater piping CDQ100320020353 Loop B - Loop B (Inside Containment)

Table EEMB-118-3 CORE SPRAY (inside drywell)

BFN Unit 1 Description Calculation No.

Core Spray Piping Core Spray piping CDQ107520020030 System I - System I (Inside Drywell)

Core Spray Piping Core Spray piping CDQ107520020031 System II - System II (Inside Drywell)

Table EEMB-118-4 RECIRCULATION BFN Unit 1 Description Calculation No.

Recirculation Reactor Water Recirculation CDQ106820020029 Piping - (including RHR supply and return lines inside containment)


The following BFN Unit 1 torus attached piping systems are impacted by EPU:

Table EEMB-118-5 TORUS ATTACHED PIPING BFN Unit 1 Description Calculation No.

Torus Attached Piping Main Steam Safety Relief CDQ101020020386 Valve (SRV) Lines to Torus Torus Attached Piping Torus Air Exhaust CDQ106420031262 Penetr. X-231 Torus Attached Piping Torus Air Supply CDQ106420031263 Penetr. X-205 Torus Attached Piping RCIC Turbine Exhaust CDQ107120030243 Penetr. X-212 Torus Attached Piping HPCI Turbine Exhaust CDQ0073900442 Penetr. X-214 Torus Attached Piping RCIC & HPCI Turbine CDQ107120030245 Exhaust Vacuum Relief Penetr. X-218 Torus Attached Piping RHR, HPCI, RCIC and CS CDQ107320030248 Pump Suction from Torus Penetr. X-204A,B,C,D Torus Attached Piping RHR Recirculation & Pump CDQ107420031022 Test; and RHR Suppression Pool Containment Spray Penetr. X-210A,B and X-211A,B Torus Attached Piping Torus Drain CDQ107420031023 Penetr. X-213B Torus Attached Piping Core Spray Pump Test CDQ107520031024 (system II)

Penetr. X-223B Torus Attached Piping Core Spray Pump Test CDQ107520031025 (system I)

Penetr. X-223A E-3

The following BFN Unit 1 piping other than RCPB and torus attached piping systems are impacted by EPU:

Table EEMB-118-6 RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL BFN Unit 1 Description Calculation No.

Residual Heat Removal RHR 20 Shutdown Supply CDQ1074892710 (RHR) Line - (Outside Containment)

Residual Heat Removal RHR Heat Exchanger A & C CDQ107420021065 (RHR) Return Lines to RPV for Shutdown Cooling - (Outside Containment)

Residual Heat Removal RHR Heat Exchanger B & D CDQ1074893802 (RHR) Return Lines to RPV for Shutdown Cooling - (Outside Containment)

Residual Heat Removal RHR Pump A & C Discharge CDQ107420021071 (RHR) to RHR Hxs A & C Residual Heat Removal RHR Pump B & D Discharge CDQ1074895410 (RHR) to RHR Hxs B & D Residual Heat Removal RHR Drywell Upper Spray CDQ107420020396 (RHR) Header Residual Heat Removal RHR Drywell Lower Spray CDQ107420020397 (RHR) Header Residual Heat Removal RHR Heat Exchanger A & C CDQ107420032526 (RHR) Relief Line Residual Heat Removal RHR Heat Exchanger B & D CDQ107420032526 (RHR) Relief Line E-4

Reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) piping systems MAIN STEAM The loading conditions for the Main Steam piping that are affected by EPU include the higher RPV pressure and temperatures and the turbine stop valve closure transient. A summary of the highest stressed (based on the maximum stress ratio, EPU stress/allowable stress) locations for the Main Steam piping that were affected by EPU are presented in the tables below. The equations are as defined in General Design Criteria No.

BFN-50-C-7103, Structural Analysis and Qualification of Mechanical and Electrical Systems (Piping and Instrument Tubing).

As shown in the tables below, the maximum stresses for each of the Unit 1 piping systems impacted by EPU are less than the applicable original code of construction allowable stresses.

Table EEMB-118-7 Main Steam Loop A (CDQ100120020348)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 8221 15000 0.548 11 21933 43750 0.501 9U 13867 21000 0.660 9E 17110 31500 0.543 9F 17110 42000 0.407 Table EEMB-118-8 Main Steam Loop B (CDQ100120020347)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 9207 17500 0.526 11 30845 37500 0.823 9U 13821 18000 0.768 9E 23186 27000 0.859 9F 23186 36000 0.644 E-5

Table EEMB-118-9 Unit 1 Main Steam Loop C (CDQ100120020349)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) (psi) EPU/Allowable 8 8238 15000 0.549 11 25471 43750 0.582 9U 14947 18000 0.830 9E 25159 27000 0.932 9F 25159 36000 0.699 Table EEMB-118-10 Unit 1 Main Steam Loop D (CDQ100120020346)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 8328 15000 0.555 11 18550 37500 0.495 9U 15769 18000 0.876 9E 25970 27000 0.962 9F 26254 36000 0.729 FEEDWATER, CORE SPRAY and RECIRCULATION The loading conditions for the Feedwater, Core Spray, and Recirculation piping that are affected by EPU include the higher RPV pressure and temperatures. A summary of the highest stressed locations (based on the maximum stress ratio, EPU stress/allowable stress) for these systems that were affected by EPU are presented in the tables below. The equations are as defined in General Design Criteria No. BFN-50-C-7103, Structural Analysis and Qualification of Mechanical and Electrical Systems (Piping and Instrument Tubing).

As shown in the tables below, the maximum stresses for each of these Unit 1 piping systems impacted by EPU are less than the applicable original code of construction allowable stresses.

Table EEMB-118-11 Unit 1 Feedwater Piping Loop A (CDQ100320020352)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 6698 15000 0.447 11 35053 37500 0.935 9U 15634 18000 0.869 9E 25751 27000 0.954 9F 25751 36000 0.715 E-6

Table EEMB-118-12 Unit 1 Feedwater Piping Loop B (CDQ100320020353)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 6776 15000 0.452 11 33226 37500 0.886 9U 10212 18000 0.567 9E 15115 27000 0.560 9F 15115 36000 0.420 Table EEMB-118-13 Core Spray Piping System I (inside drywell) (CDQ107520020030)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 6287 15000 0.419 11 19841 41438 0.479 9U 8817 17280 0.510 9E 11674 25920 0.450 9F 11674 34560 0.338 Table EEMB-118-14 Core Spray Piping System II (inside drywell) (CDQ107520020031)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) (psi) EPU/Allowable 8 5580 14400 0.388 11 19089 37500 0.509 9U 12485 17280 0.723 9E 19228 25920 0.742 9F 19228 34560 0.556 Note to Table EEMB-118-14: Previously reported stresses (e.g., in the response to RAI EEMB-44) were based on maximum stress values. The above stresses are based on maximum ratios which indicate the least available stress margins.

Table EEMB-118-15 Recirculation (CDQ106820020029)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) (psi) EPU/Allowable 8 12168 15000 0.811 11 28849 45225 0.638 9U 15195 17311 0.878 9E 23480 25967 0.904 9F 24668 34622 0.712 E-7

Torus attached piping systems TORUS ATTACHED PIPING The loading conditions for the torus attached piping that are affected by EPU are affected by higher temperatures only.

As shown in the tables below, the maximum stresses (based on the maximum stress ratio, EPU stress/allowable stress) for each of the Unit 1 piping systems impacted by EPU are less than the applicable original code of construction allowable stresses.

Table EEMB-118-16 Main Steam Safety Relief Valve (SRV) Lines to Torus (CDQ101020020386)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 12144 17500 0.694 11 35877 37500 0.957 9U 17800 18000 0.991 9E 23800 27000 0.883 9F 23900 36000 0.664 Table EEMB-118-17 Torus Air Exhaust Piping (CDQ106420031262)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 4890 15000 0.326 11 8590 37500 0.229 9U 7507 18000 0.417 9E 10053 27000 0.372 9F 12036 36000 0.334 Table EEMB-118-18 Torus Air Supply Piping (CDQ106420031263)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 6392 15000 0.426 11 35664 37500 0.951 9U 13435 18000 0.746 9E 20750 27000 0.769 9F 25845 36000 0.718 E-8

Table EEMB-118-19 RCIC Turbine Exhaust Piping (CDQ107120030243)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 2716 15000 0.181 11 37327 37500 0.995 9U 4494 18000 0.250 9E 19899 27000 0.737 9F 20427 36000 0.567 Table EEMB-118-20 Unit 1 HPCI Turbine Exhaust Piping (CDQ0073900442)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) (Note 1) 8 2537 15000 0.170 11 15845 37500 0.421 9U 3285 18000 0.166 9E 13861 27000 0.513 9F 14266 36000 0.396 Note to Table EEMB-118-20: Stresses and Ratios reported are as shown in calculation and are due to manual adjustments of stresses and rounding within the calculation.

Table EEMB-118-21 RCIC & HPCI Turbine Exhaust Vacuum Relief Piping (CDQ107120030245)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 2358 15000 0.157 11 33048 37500 0.881 9U 11270 18000 0.626 9E 15464 27000 0.573 9F 20358 36000 0.565 Table EEMB-118-22 RHR, HPCI, RCIC and CS Pump Suction from Torus (CDQ107320030248)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) (psi) EPU/Allowable 8 6664 13700 0.486 11 31699 34250 0.926 9U 14833 18000 0.824 9E 19590 27000 0.726 9F 25109 36000 0.697 E-9

Table EEMB-118-23 RHR Recirculation & Pump Test; and RHR Suppression Pool Containment Spray (CDQ107420031022)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 5938 15000 0.396 11 35534 37500 0.948 9U 9982 18000 0.555 9E 26502 27000 0.982 9F 31824 36000 0.884 Table EEMB-118-24 Torus Drain (CDQ107420031023)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 1541 15000 0.103 11 5216 37500 0.139 9U 4681 18000 0.260 9E 16331 27000 0.605 9F 22060 36000 0.613 Table EEMB-118-25 Core Spray Pump Test (system II) (CDQ107520031024)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 5790 15000 0.386 11 33658 37500 0.898 9U 10962 18000 0.609 9E 20545 27000 0.761 9F 23117 36000 0.642 Table EEMB-118-26 Core Spray Pump Test (system I) (CDQ107520031025)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 5965 15000 0.398 11 36712 37500 0.979 9U 17728 18000 0.985 9E 26049 27000 0.965 9F 28131 36000 0.781 E-10

Piping Other Than RCPB and Torus Attached systems RESIDUAL HEAT REMOVAL (RHR)

The loading conditions for the Residual Heat Removal piping that are affected by EPU are affected by higher temperatures only. A summary of the highest stressed locations (based on the maximum stress ratio, EPU stress/allowable stress) for these systems that were affected by EPU are presented in the tables below. The equations are as defined in General Design Criteria No.

BFN-50-C-7103, Structural Analysis and Qualification of Mechanical and Electrical Systems (Piping and Instrument Tubing).

As shown in the tables below, the maximum stresses for each of these Unit 1 piping systems impacted by EPU are less than the applicable original code of construction allowable stresses.

Table EEMB-118-27 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) (CDQ1074892710)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 7848 15000 0.523 11 32410 37500 0.864 9U 15149 18000 0.842 9E 26882 27000 0.996 9F 27351 36000 0.760 Table EEMB-118-28 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) (CDQ107420021065)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 7386 15000 0.492 11 14972 37500 0.399 9U 15369 18000 0.854 9E 24602 27000 0.911 9F 24602 36000 0.683 E-11

Table EEMB-118-29 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) (CDQ1074893802)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 6447 15000 0.430 11 22007 37500 0.587 9U 10045 18000 0.558 9E 14213 27000 0.526 9F 14213 36000 0.395 Table EEMB-118-30 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) (CDQ107420021071)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 9473 15000 0.632 11 21892 37500 0.584 9U 15659 18000 0.870 9E 25818 27000 0.956 9F 25818 36000 0.717 Table EEMB-118-31 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) (CDQ1074895410)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 6199 15000 0.413 11 24984 37500 0.666 9U 12438 18000 0.691 9E 18725 27000 0.694 9F 18725 36000 0.520 Table EEMB-118-32 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) (CDQ107420020396)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 1813 15000 0.121 11 29139 37500 0.777 9U 2061 18000 0.114 9E 18043 27000 0.668 9F 18538 36000 0.515 E-12

Table EEMB-118-33 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) (CDQ107420020397)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 1967 15000 0.131 11 21219 37500 0.566 9U 2700 18000 0.150 9E 21398 27000 0.793 9F 23422 36000 0.651 Table EEMB-118-34 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) (CDQ107420032526)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 3044 15000 0.203 11 7695 37500 0.205 9U 7623 18000 0.424 9E 12203 27000 0.452 9F 12203 36000 0.339 Table EEMB-118-35 Residual Heat Removal (RHR) (CDQ107420032526)

Equation EPU Allowable Ratio Stress (psi) EPU/Allowable (psi) 8 3044 15000 0.203 11 7695 37500 0.205 9U 7623 18000 0.424 9E 12203 27000 0.452 9F 12203 36000 0.339 Notes (applicable to all calculations):

1) EQN-10 does not need to be met as long as EQN-11 is met; therefore EQN-10 is not reported for Unit 1.
2) EQN-9E, -9E, -9E represent different load combinations for ASME Code EQN-9E; these equations are screened for the maximum stress ratios and reported as EQN-9E for Unit 1.
