ML061950670 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Browns Ferry |
Issue date: | 07/06/2006 |
From: | O'Grady B Tennessee Valley Authority |
To: | Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
TAC MC3812, TVA-BFN-TS-431 | |
Download: ML061950670 (49) | |
Tennessee Valley Authority, Post Office Box 2000, Decatur, Alabama 35609-2000 Brian O'Grady Vice President, Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant July 6, 2006 TVA-BFN-TS-431 10 CFR 50.90 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Mail Stop OWFN, P1-35 Washington, D. C. 20555-0001 Gentlemen:
This letter provides TVA's partial response to the NRC staff's June 26, 2006, request for additional information (RAI) (ADAMS Accession No. ML061730002) regarding the BFN Unit 1 EPU license amendment application. This response addresses NRC questions regarding General Electric Company (GE) fuel analytical methodologies. TVA expects to respond to the remaining Round 6 questions by July 14, 2006.
Enclosure 1 contains responses to RAIs SBWB-26 through 31.
Note that Enclosure 1 contains information that GE considers to be proprietary in nature and subsequently, pursuant to 10 CFR 9.17(a) (4), 2.390(a) (4) and 2.390(d) (1),
requests that such information be withheld from public disclosure. Enclosure 2 contains a redacted version of Enclosure 1 with the GE proprietary material removed, which is suitable for public disclosure. Enclosure I also contains an affidavit from GE supporting the request for withholding from public disclosure.
Prfiedo rcr-Wpaw
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 2 July 6, 2006 By letter dated March 7, 2006 (ML060720248), TVA submitted GE licensing topical report NEDC-33173P, Applicability of GE Methods to Expanded Operating Domains, in response to NRC's Round 3 RAI for BFN Unit 1, dated December 22, 2005 (ML053560120). NEDC-33173P was prepared to address NRC questions regarding the applicability of GE's analytical methods to expanded operating domains, including the EPU of BFN Unit 1. As stated in the March 7, 2006, submittal, TVA is applying the methodology of NEDC-33173P for the BFN Unit 1 EPU.
In support of the NRC staff's review of NEDC-33173P, GE has submitted additional information to the NRC in References 1, 2, and 3, which are hereby incorporated by reference in TVA's EPU application for BFN Unit 1. While acknowledging their applicability, TVA does not intend to duplicate those submittals on the BFN Unit 1 docket.
TVA has determined that the additional information provided by this letter does not affect the no significant hazards considerations associated with the proposed TS change. The proposed TS change still qualifies for a categorical exclusion from environmental review pursuant to the provisions of 10 CFR 51.22(c) (9).
There are no new commitments contained in this letter. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact me at (256)729-2636.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this 6 th day of July, 2006.
Sincerely, Brian 0
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 3 July 6, 2006
- 1. Letter from GE Energy to NRC, Responses to Methods RAIs - Interim Methods LTR, MFN 06-195, June 23, 2006
- 2. Letter from GE Energy to NRC, Responses to Methods RAls 1 and 5 - Interim Methods LTR, MFN 06-207, June 29, 2006
- 3. Letter from GE Energy to NRC, Remaining Responses to Methods RAls - Interim Methods LTR, MFN 06-209, June 30, 2006
- 1. Response to NRC Round 6 Request for Additional Information on GE Methods (proprietary version)
- 2. Response to NRC Round 6 Request for Additional Information on GE Methods (non-proprietary version)
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Page 4 July 6, 2006
cc: (Enclosures):
State Health Officer Alabama Dept. of Public Health RSA Tower - Administration Suite 1552 P.O. Box 303017 Montgomery, AL 36130-3017 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Region II Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center 61 Forsyth Street, SW, Suite 23T85 Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3415 NRC Unit 1 Restart Senior Resident Inspector Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant 10833 Shaw Road Athens, Alabama 35611-6970 Margaret Chernoff, Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (MS 08G9)
One White Flint, North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852-2739 Ms. Eva A. Brown, Project Manager U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (MS 08G9)
One White Flint, North 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, Maryland 20852-2739
General Electric Company AFFIDAVIT I, Louis M. Quintana, state as follows:
(1) I am Manager, Licensing, General Electric Company ("GE"), have been delegated the function of reviewing the information described in paragraph (2) which is sought to be withheld, and have been authorized to apply for its withholding.
(2) The information sought to be withheld is contained in Enclosure 1 to GE letter GE-ERI-AEP-06-315, L.W. King to J.D. Wolcott (TVA), Transmittal of BFN Responses to NRC
.Request for Additional Information, dated June 29, 2006. The proprietary information in Enclosure 1 of this letter, entitled Responses to RAls Related to Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant,is delineated by a double underline inside double square brackets. Figures and large equation objects are identified with double square brackets before and after the object. In each case, the superscript notation( 3 ) refers to Paragraph (3) of this affidavit, which provides the basis for the proprietary determination.
(3) In making this application for withholding of proprietary information of which it is the owner, GE relies upon the exemption from disclosure set forth in the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"), 5 USC Sec. 552(b)(4), and the Trade Secrets Act, 18 USC Sec. 1905, and NRC regulations 10 CFR 9.17(a)(4), and 2.390(a)(4) for "trade secrets" (Exemption 4). The material for which exemption from disclosure is here sought also qualify under the narrower definition of "trade secret", within the meanings assigned to those terms for purposes of FOIA Exemption 4 in, respectively, Critical Mass Energy Proiect v. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 975F2d871 (DC Cir. 1992), and Public Citizen Health Research Group v. FDA, 704F2d1280 (DC Cir. 1983).
(4) Some examples of categories of information which fit into the definition of proprietary information are:
- a. Information that discloses a process, method, or apparatus, including supporting data and analyses, where prevention of its use by General Electric's competitors without license from General Electric constitutes a competitive economic advantage over other companies;
- b. Information which, if used by a competitor, would reduce his expenditure of resources or improve his competitive position in the design, manufacture, shipment, installation, assurance of quality, or licensing of a similar product;
- c. Information which reveals aspects of past, present, or future General Electric customer-funded development plans and programs, resulting in potential products to General Electric;
- d. Information which discloses patentable subject matter for which it may be desirable to obtain patent protection.
GE-ER 1-A EP-06-315Affidavit Pagel of3
The information sought to be withheld is considered to be proprietary for the reasons set forth in paragraphs (4)a and (4)b above.
(5) To address 10 CFR 2.390 (b) (4), the information sought to be withheld is being submitted to NRC in confidence. The information is of a sort customarily held in confidence by GE, and is in fact so held. The information sought to be withheld has, to the best of my knowledge and belief, consistently been held in confidence by GE, no public disclosure has been made, and it is not available in public sources. All disclosures to third parties including any required transmittals to NRC, have been made, or must be made, pursuant to regulatory provisions or proprietary agreements which provide for maintenance of the information in confidence. Its initial designation as proprietary information, and the subsequent steps taken to prevent its unauthorized disclosure, are as set forth in paragraphs (6) and (7) following.
(6) Initial approval of proprietary treatment of a document is made by the manager of the originating component, the person most likely to be acquainted with the value and sensitivity of the information in relation to industry knowledge. Access to such documents within GE is limited on a "need to know" basis.
(7) The procedure for approval of external release of such a document typically requires review by the staff manager, project manager, principal scientist or other equivalent authority, by the manager of the cognizant marketing function (or his delegate), and by the Legal Operation, for technical content, competitive effect, and determination of the accuracy of the proprietary designation. Disclosures outside GE are limited to regulatory bodies, customers, and potential customers, and their agents, suppliers, and licensees, and others with a legitimate need for the information, and then only in accordance with appropriate regulatory provisions or proprietary agreements.
(8) The information identified in paragraph (2), above, is classified as proprietary because it contains detailed results and conclusions regarding GE Methods and analyses supporting evaluations of the safety-significant changes necessary to demonstrate the regulatory acceptability for the expanded power/flow operating domains including Extended Power Uprates, Constant Pressure Power Uprates, and the MELLLA+ domain for a GE BWR, utilizing analytical models and methods, including computer codes, which GE has developed, obtained NRC approval of, and applied to perform evaluations of transient and accident events in the GE Boiling Water Reactor ("BWR"). The development and approval of these system, component, and thermal hydraulic models and computer codes was achieved at a significant cost to GE, on the order of several million dollars.
The development of the evaluation process along with the interpretation and application of the analytical results is derived from the extensive experience database that constitutes a major GE asset.
(9) Public disclosure of the information sought to be withheld is likely to cause substantial harm to GE's competitive position and foreclose or reduce the availability of profit-making opportunities. The information is part of GE's comprehensive BWR safety and technology base, and its commercial value extends beyond the original development cost. The value of the technology base goes beyond the extensive physical database and analytical methodology and includes development of the expertise to determine and apply the GE-ER1-AEP-06-315 Affidavit Page 2 of 3
appropriate evaluation process. In addition, the technology base includes the value derived from providing analyses done with NRC-approved methods.
The research, development, engineering, analytical and NRC review costs comprise a substantial investment of time and money by GE.
The precise value of the expertise to devise an evaluation process and apply the correct analytical methodology is difficult to quantify, but it clearly is substantial.
GE's competitive advantage will be lost if its competitors are able to use the results of the GE experience to normalize or verify their own process or if they are able to claim an equivalent understanding by demonstrating that they can arrive at the same or similar conclusions.
The value of this information to GE would be lost if the information were disclosed to the public. Making such information available to competitors without their having been required to undertake a similar expenditure of resources would unfairly provide competitors with a windfall, and deprive GE of the opportunity to exercise its competitive advantage to seek an adequate return on its large investment in developing these very valuable analytical tools.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing affidavit and the matters stated therein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.
Executed on this 27th day of June 2006.
Louis M.Quintana General Electric Company GE-ER1-AEP-06-315Affidavit Page 3 of 3
This is a non-proprietary version of Enclosure 1 with the proprietary information redacted. Portions of the enclosure that have been removed are indicated by an open and closed bracket as shown here (( I].
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION NRC RAI SBWB-26 Provide the following bundle operating conditions with exposure:
- maximum bundle power,
- maximum bundle power/flow ratio,
- exit void fraction of maximum power bundle,
- maximum channel exit void fraction,
- peak linear heat generation rate, and
- peak end-of-cycle (EOC) nodal exposure.
Provide the maximum bundle operating conditions relative to EPU plants. Include the plant-specific data in the plots containing the high density and EPU plants maximum bundle operating conditions. Since there are no recent Unit 1 pre-EPU data and the units are similar, include the Units 2 and 3 pre-EPU data in the plots.
TVA Response to RAI SBWB-26 Plots of bundle operating conditions as a function of cycle exposure for Browns Ferry and Vermont Yankee are presented in Figures SBWB-26-1 through SBWB-26-5 and in Table SBWB-26-1. The Browns Ferry Units 2 and 3 data shown in the figures and table is for operating cycles rated for 3458 megawatts thermal (MWt),
which is 105% of the original rated power of 3293 MWt. The Browns Ferry Unit 1 data is for Cycle 7 operation at extended power uprate (EPU) conditions (120% of original rated power).
The Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station data is for EPU conditions at 120%.
Figure SBWB-26-1, Maximum Bundle Power (MW)
Figure SBWB-26-2, Maximum Bundle Power/Flow Ratio E2-3
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Figure SBWB-26-3, Exit Void Fraction of Maximum Power Bundle E2-4
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Figure SBWB-26-4, Maximum Channel Exit Void Fraction E2-5
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Figure SBWB-26-5, Peak Linear Heat Generation Rate (kW/ft)
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-26-1 EOC Peak Nodal Exposures Peak Nodal Exposure Plant Cycle (GWD/ST)
Browns Ferry 1 .7 R Browns Ferry 2 13 Browns Ferry 3 11 VYNPS (120%) 25 (Design Cycle) ]I E2-7
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION NRC SBWB-27 Provide quarter core map (assuming core symmetry) showing the bundle maximum linear heat generation rate and the minimum critical power ratio for beginning-of-cycle, middle-of-cycle and EOC. Similarly, show the associated bundle powers and exposures.
TVA Response to RAI SBWB-27 The requested information is provided in Tables SBWB-27-1 through SBWB-27-24. Middle-of-cycle (MOC) is at 7000 MWd/ST cycle exposure and the EOC is at 13800 MWd/ST when the end of full power capability at rated conditions occurs.
The bundle maximum linear heat generation rate (LHGR) distributions are shown in Tables SBWB-27-1, SBWB-27-9, and SBWB-27-17. The bundle margins to LHGR limit are shown in Tables SBWB-27-2, SBWB-27-10, and SBWB-27-18. The margin to LHGR limits is defined as:
MFLPD=Maximum Bundle Nodal LHGR/LHGR Limit The bundle critical power ratio (CPR) distributions are shown in Tables SBWB-27-3, SBWB-27-11, and SBWB-27-19. The bundle margins to operating limit MCPR (OLMCPR) are shown in Tables SBWB-27-4, SBWB-27-12, and SBWB-27-20. The margin to OLMCPR is defined as:
MFLCPR=OLMCPR/CPR The bundle margins to average planar linear heat generation rate (APLHGR) limit are shown in Tables SBWB-27-5, SBWB-27-13, and SBWB-27-21. The margin to APLHGR limits is defined as:
MAPRAT=Maximum Bundle Nodal APLHGR/APLHGR Limit Bundle relative power distributions are shown in Tables SBWB-27-6, SBWB-27-14, and SBWB-27-22. Bundle absolute power distributions are shown in Tables SBWB-27-7, SBWB-27-15, and SBWB-27-23.
Bundle exposure distributions are shown in Tables SBWB-27-8, SBWB-27-16, and SBWB-27-24.
The information is based on the Browns Ferry Unit 1 Cycle 7 Core Loading Pattern shown in Figure SBWB-27-1, which was previously submitted to NRC on May 15, 2006, as part of the Unit 1 Reload Licensing Report (ADAMS Accession No. ML061450390).
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- D fEEE D] ELED]*-
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- 42 IL,* UI MI NIO NIE NI m-FDioWE00l & EEI o PI 18' CL" Al FE EDO i D 'D FLE C D 14W UUNE m~7 MDMI 0E D I-Ts E lID E D 0 ME 0 FEOF M 10 ~ D ~ II1T~E E EDO0 [H DE EDO KE L C 6 10[ f]M I l 101 mID~~~ I CI I AAM]E M oN 1 53 7 9 11 3 5 17 1M MIM 23G25 29r 1 33J NMI 37 NJ143D 454W9D15 575 Fuel Type A=GEI 3-P9DTB391- 13GZ- 100T-146-T6-3964 (Cycle 13) H=GEI14-PI1ODNAB 147-NOG-100OT-1I50-T6-2893 (Cycle 7)
B=GE 14-PI1ODNAB200-3GZ-100OT-1 50-T6-2609 (Cycle 13) I=GEI14-P 1ODNAB4 19-1 6GZ-100OT-1I50-T6-2894 (Cycle 7)
C=GEI 3-P9DTB I56-NOG-100OT-146-T6-2887 (Cycle 7) J=GEI 4-PI1ODNAB368-1I5GZ-100OT-1 50-T6-2895 (Cycle 7)
D=GE14-P IODNAB1I57-NOG-100OT-150O-T6-2889 (Cycle 7) K=GEI4-P IODNAB402-1 9GZ-100OT-1 50-T6-2896 (Cycle 7)
E=GE14-P IODNAB377-1 6GZ-100OT-150O-T6-2890 (Cycle 7) L=GEI 3-P9DTB I63-NOG-100OT-146-T6-2888 (Cycle 7)
F=GEI 4-ri ODNAB402-1 6GZ-100OT-1 50-T6-2891I (Cycle 7) M=GEI 4-P 1ODNAB377-l17GZ-l100T-1 50-T6-2897 (Cycle 7)
G=GEI14-P 10ODNAB350-1 6GZ- 100OT-1 50-T6-2892 (Cycle 7)
Figure SBWB-27-1 Browns Ferry I Cycle 7 Core Loading Pattern E2-9
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-1 Browns Ferry I Cycle 7 Maximum Linear Heat Generation Rate (MLIIGR) at Beginning of Cycle (kW/ft)
I/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 ___ ______ ______ ______ __ 4.683 5.444 5.609 5.638 4.471 4.553 4.409 58 ___ ______ __ 6.343 10.038 8.824 9.362 9.463 8.980 8.639 7.858 56 ___ _________ 3.747 6.450 10.677 9.968 11.549 10.932 10.881 10.219 9.633 10.776 54 1__1_1 5.679 10.418 9.674 111.006 10.498 11.217 8.638 110.355 9.651 8.632 52 _______ ___5.596 110.236 9.748 1!1.119 9.026 9.156 10.629 10.524 8.918 8.640 9.773 50 ____3.743 5.618 10.2441 8.983 9.568 10.603 9.021 9.211 11.435 11.446 9.045 8.743 9.502 48 ____6.710 10.438 9.765 9.575 7.796 8.037 10.090 11.436 10.669 10.655 11.364 9.743 8.543 46 6.317 110.702 9.701 11.127 10.605 8.038 8.141 .10.191 11.493 10.676 1!0.6391 11.345 9.994 8.519 44 14.751 10.044 9.986 11.014 9.028 9.022 10.091 10.191 9.129 9.221 11.500 1!1.401 9.005 8.897 9.913 42 5.311 8.827 11.557 10.500 9.157 9.212 11.436 11.493 9.221 9.148 10.286 10.056 8.890 8.829 10.638 40 5.591 9.373 10.937 11.222 10.632 11.436 10.669 10.677 11.501 10.286 8.246 8.060 9.776 10.809 9.179 38 5.900 9.475 10.888 8.641 10.528 11.447 10.655 10.639 11.402 10.057 8.061 17.925 9.893 10.319 9.092 36 4.492 8.995 110.225 10.359 8.920 9.046 11.365 11.345 19.006 8.890 9.776 9.893 8.568 8.651 10.457 34 4.555 8.650 9.640 9.652 8.643 8.744 9.745 9.994 8.898 8.829 10.810 10.319 8.651 8.469 9.4 32 4.413 7.869 110.778 8.634 9.774 9.503 8.544 8.519 19.914 10.638 9.179 9.092 10.457 9.440 7.1 E2-10
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-2 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Bundle Margins to LHGR Limit (MFLPD) at Beginning of Cycle I/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 ___ __ 0.461 0.527 0.548 0.553 0.379 0.373 0.355 58 ___ __ 0.596 0.697 0.613 0.650 0.657 0.624 0.600 0.546 56 ____0.352 0.590 0.741 0.692 0.862 0.816 0.812 0.763 0.719 0.804 54 1______ 0.463 10.724 0.672 0.82 1 0.783 0.837 0.645 0.773 0.720 0.644 52 ___ __ 0.446 0.711 0.677 0.830 0.674 0.683 0.793 0.785 0.665 0.645 0.729 50 0.353 0.464 0.711 0.624 0.714 0.791 0.673 0.687 0.853 0.854 0.675 0.652 0.709 48 ____0.602 0.725 0.678 0.715 0.582 0.600 0.753 0.853 0.796 0.795 0.848 0.727 0.638 46 ____0.594 0.743 0.674 0.830 0.791 0.600 0.608 0.761 0.858 0.797 0.794 0.847 0.746 0.636 44 0.467 0.698 0.693 0.822 0.674 0.673 0.753 0.761 0.68 1 0.688 0.858 0.851 0.672 0.664 0.740 42 0.521 0.613 0.862 0.784 0.683 0.687 0.853 0.858 0.688 0.683 0.768 0.750 0.663 0.659 0.794 40 0.548 0.651 0.816 0.837 0.793 0.853 0.796 0.797 0.858 0 .768 0.615 0.602 0.730 0.807 0.685 38 0.566 0.658 0.813 0.645 0.786 0.854 0.795 0.794 0.851 10.751 0.602 0.591 10.738 0.770 0.678 36 0.379 0.625 0.763 0.773 0.666 0.675 0.848 0.847 0.672 0.663 0.730 0.738 0.639. 0.646 0.780 34 0.374 0.601 0.7191 0.720 0.645 0.653 10.727 0.746 0.664 0.659 0.807 0.770 0.646 0.632 0.704 132 10.356 0.5461 0.8041 0.6441 0.729 10.7091 0.638 10.636 0.740 0.7941 0.685 0.679 0.780 0.7041 0.568 Minimum margin of 0.86 at location 5-42.
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-3 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Critical Power Ratio (CPR) at Beginning of Cycle I/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 _______ ______ ___3.751 3.366 3.121 3.026 3.323 3.303 3.410 58 ______________2.656 2.527 2.303 2.193 2.160 2.186 2.271 2.379 56 _______ ___4.301 2.666 2.262 1.958 1.567 1.564 1.688 1.622 1.722 2.042 54 _______2.933 2.245 1.956 1.575 1.963 1.621 1.991 1.897 2.017 1.922 52 _____ 2.801 2.311 2.005 1.660 1.820 1.767 1.905 1.815 1.764 1.826 2.014 50 ___4.325 2.913 2.308 2.112 1.854 1.766 1.828 1.757 1.795 1.780 1.738 1.801 2.001 48 ____2.660 2.240 2.003 1.854 2.165 2.056 1.985 1.826 1.698 1.688 1.786 1.922 1.834 46 2.653 2.259 1.955 1.659 1.766 2.056 1.982 1.955 1.810 1.689 1.677 1.576 1.884 1.828 44 3.721 2.524 1.956 1.574 1.819 1.827 1.985 1.955 1.765 1.726 1.570 1.565 1.e7807F 1.722 1.639 42 3.384 2.303 1.566 1.962 1.767 1.757 1.825 1.809 1.726 1.745 1.704 1.711 1.753 1.709 1.545 40 3.118 2.191 1.563 1.620 1.905 1.795 1.698 1.689 1.570 1.704 2.148 2.180 1.777 1.753 1.711 38 2.983 2.155 1.687 1.990 1.814 1.780 1.688 1.677 1.565 1.711 2.180 2.237 1.982 1.678 1.775 36 3.309 2.183 1.620 11.896 1.764 1.738 1.786 1.576 1.707 1.753 1.777 1.982 1.970 1.962 11.907 34 3.301 2.269 1.721 12.016 1.825 1.800 11.922 1.884 1.722 1.709 1.752 1.678 1.962 2.041 2.152 32 3.406 2.377 _2.042 11.922 2.013 2. 000 1.834 1.828 1.639 1.545 1.711 11.775 1.907 2.152 12.423 E2-12
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-4 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Bundle Margins to OLMCPR (MFLCPR) at Beginning of Cycle (OLMCPR=1.40)
I 1J 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 0.368 0.410 0.442 0.456 0.421 0.424 0.411 58 0.520 0.546 0.599 0.629 0.639 0.631 0.608 0.580 56 0.321 0.518 0.610 0.705 0.894 0.895 0.829 0.863 0.813 0.685 54 0.477 0.615 0.706 0.889 0.713 0.864 0.703 0.738 0.694 0.728 52 0.500 0.597 0.688 0.843 0.769 0.792 0.735 0.771 0.794 0.767 0.695 50 0.319 0.481 0.598 0.653 0.755 0.793 0.766 0.797 0.780 0.786 0.805 0.777 0.700 48 0.519 0.616 0.689 0.755 0.647 0.681 0.705 0.767 0.824 0.829 0.784 0.728 0.763 46 0.520 0.611 0.706 0.844 0.793 0.681 0.706 0.716 0.774 0.829 0.835 0.888 0.743 0.766 44 0.371 0.547 0.705 0.889 0.769 0.766 0.705 0.716 0.793 0.811 0.892 0.895 0.820 0.813 0.854 42 0.408 0.599 0.894 0.713 0.792 0.797 0.767 0.774 0.811 0.802 0.822 0.818 0.799 0.819 0.906 40 0.443 0.630 0.896 0.864 0.735 0.780 0.824 0.829 0.892 0.822 0.652 0.642 0.788 0.799 0.818 38 0.463 0.640 0.830 0.704 0.772 0.786 0.830 0.835 0.895 0.818 0.642 0.626 0.706 0.834 0.789 36 0.423 0.632 0.864 0.738 0.794 0.806 0.784 0.889 0.820 0.799 0.788 0.706 0.711 0.713 0.734 34 0.424 0.608 0.813 0.694 0.767 0.778 0.729 0.743 0.813 0.819 0.799 0.834 0.713 0.686 0.651 32 0.411 0.581 0.686 0.729 0.695 0.700 0.763 0.766 0.854 0.906 0.818 0.789 0.734 0.651 0.578 Minimum margin of 0.91 at location 19-32.
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-5 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Bundle Margins to APLHGR Limit (MAPRAT) at Beginning of Cycle I/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 _______ ___0.315 0.351 0.374 0.381 0.261 0.250 0.251 58 _______ ___0.435 0.471 0.521 0.543 0.536 0.522 0.491 0.448 56 _______ ___0.270 0.427 0.520 0.597 0.584 0.585 0.592 0.555 0.504 0.564 54 _______ ___0.297 0.526 0.595 0.625 10.559 0.615 0.5361 0.554 0.526 0.5581 52 ___ __ 0.309 0.504 0.583 0.583 0.574 0.588 0.571 0.585 0.569 0.537 0.537 50 ____0.270 0.300 0.504 0.556 0.524 0.545 0.567 0.591 0.612 0.612 0.579 0.544 0.523 48 ____0.430 0.529 0.584 0.524 0.470 0.493 0.53 1 0.603 0.678 0.677 0.599 0.529 0.565 46 ____0.434 0.522 0.596 0.583 0.545 0.493 0.513 0.535 0.607 0.680 0.677 0.606 0.530 0.565 44 0.317 0.472 0.598 0.626 0.574 0.567 0.532 0.535 0.577 0.593 0.621 0.615 0.580 0.563 0.535 42 0.349 0.521 0.584 0.559 0.588 0.591 0.603 0.607 0.593 0.582 0.553 0.545 0.562 0.569 0.577 40 0.375 0.543 0.586 0.615 0.571 0.612 0.679 0.680 0.621 0.553 0.381 0.372 0.520 0.541 0.582 38 0.386 0.537 0.592 0.536 0.585 0.612 0.677 0.677 0.615 0.545 0.372 0.365 0.491 0.550 0.571 36 0.261 0.523 0.555 0.554 0.569. 0.579 0.599 0.606 0.580 0.562 0.520 0.491 0.523 0.526 0.510 34 0.250 0.491 0.505 0.526 0.537 0.5441 0.529 0.5301 0.563 10.5691 0.541 0.550 0.526 0.508 0.4591 32 0.251 0.4491 0.5641 0.558 10.5371 0.523 10.565 10.565 10.535 10.577 10.582 0.571 10.5101 0.459 0.3711 Minimum margin of 0.68 at location 15-40.
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBVM-27-6 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Relative Bundle Power at Beginning of Cycle I/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 125 27 29 60 _______ ___0.420 0.469 0.505 0.518 10.511 0.511 0.494 58 ____0.59 1 0.772 0.857 0.897 0.892 10.880 0.846 0.802 56 _______0.365 0.591 0.859 0.998 1.121 1.121 1.146 1.090 1.027 0.854 54 1______ 0.583 0.883 1.001 1.224 1.107 1.186 1.068 1.136 1.066 0.839 52 _____ 0.606 0.843 0.979 1.130 1.161 1.187 1.129 1.176 1.183 1.147 1.062 50 ___0.364 0.587 0.844 0.934 1.028 1.066 1.150 1.184 1.170 1.171 1.190 1.157 1.071 48 ____0.593 0.885 0.980 1.028 0.794 0.822 1.079 1.142 1.091 1.097 1.163 1.108 0.867 46 0.592 0.860 1.002 1.130 1.067 0.822 0.837 1.088 1.147 1.096 1.103 1.194 1.131 0.889 44 10.423 0.773 0.999 1.225 1.161 1.150 1.079 1.088 1.171 1.192 1.195 1.202 1.215 1.213 1.1811 42 0.467 0.857 1.122 1.107 1.187 1.184 1.142 1.147 1.192 1.186 1.130 1.131 1.197 1.230 1.255 40 0.505 0.898 1.122 1.187 1.130 1.170 1.091 1.096 1.195 1.130 0.804 0.797 1.109 1.161 1.236 38 0.525 0.893 1.147 1.069 1.177 1.171 -1.097 1.103 1.202 1.131 0.797 0.785 1.042 1.173 1.199 36 0.513 0.881 1.091 1.136 1.183 1.190 1.163 1.194 1.215 1.197 1.109 1.042 1.108 1.112 1.081 34 10.512 0.846 1.027 1.067 1.147 1.157 F1.0 8 1.131 11.213 1.230 1.161 1.173 1.112 1.074 0.969 132 10.494 10.802 0.854 10.839 -11.063 11.071 10.867 10.889 11.181 11.255 1.236 1.199_ 1.081 10.969 10.7141 E2-15
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-7 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Bundle Power at Beginning of Cycle (MW)
I/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 ___ ______ __ 2.174 2.427 2.612 2.677 2.644 2.644 2.555 58 _______ ___3.057 3.993 4.431 4.638 4.612 4.550 4.374 4.14 7 56 _________1.891 3.1057 4.442 5.163 5.800 5.800 5.927 5.640 5.311 4.417 54 _______ ___3.0161 4.569 5.180 6.333 5. 725 6.136 5.527 5.876 5.516 4.339 52 _____ 3.137 4.361 5.063 5.844 6.004 6.140 5.841 6.085 6.118 5.931 5.495 50 ____1.883 3.036 4.367 4.831 5.316 5.516 5.948 6.123 6.051 6.057 6.157 5.985 5.538 48 3.066 4.579 5.067 5.317 4.109 4.253 5.579 5.909 5.644 5.673 6.016 5.729 4.485 46 3.063 4.449 5.184 5.847 5.518 4.253 4.330 5.630 5.935 5.669 5.707 6.174 5.852 4.598 44 2.188 3.998 5.167 6.336 6.006 5.949 5.580 5.630 6.058 6.166 6.182 6.219 6.284 6.276 6.1071 42 2.416 4.432 5.8041 5.727 6.142 6.124 5.910 5.936 6.167 6.133 5.844 5.852 6.191 6.361 6.491 40 2.615 4.643 5.804 6.139 5.843 6.053 5.644 5.669 6.183 5.844 4.160 4.123 5.*734 6.007 6.395 38 2.715 4.620 5.932 5.530 6.087 6.058 5.673 5.707 6.219 5.852 4.123 4.063 5.389 6.068 6.201 36 2.655 4.556 5.644 5.879 6.120_ 6.158 6.017 6.174 6.284 6.191 5.734 5.389 5.729 5.753 5.593 34 2.646 4.378 5.314 5.518 5.933 5.986 5.7301 5.853 16.276 16.362 16.007 6.068 5.753 5.553 5.011 32 12.557 4.149 4.4191 4.341 15.497 5394.485 14.5991 6.1071 6.4921 6.395 16.202 15.5 93 15.011 3.692 E2 -16
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-8 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Bundle Exposures at Beginning of Cycle (MWd/ST)
I/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 38953 38581 38468 38774 19199 17919 17438 58 38671 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 56 38844 37983 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 54 18838 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 19136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 39200 18722 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48 38078 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 38536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 38868 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 38793 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 38462 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 38205 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 19114 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 18014 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 17437 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E2-17
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-9 Browvns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Maximum Linear Heat Generation Rate (MLHGR) at Middle of Cycle (kW/ft)
/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 _________ ______ __ 3.227 3.698 4.093 4.374 3.932 4.208 4.081 58 ___ __ ______ ___4.321 6.528 6.238 6.364 6.704 7.470 7.630 7.470 56 ___ __ ______ ___2.849 4.603 7.358 7.199 9.049 9.112 8.473 9.737 10.000 9.167 54 __ ___ ___4.019 1__ 7.572 7.506 9.707 19.612 9.451 7.106 9.588 9.827 7.630 52 ___ __ ___4.217 7.030 7.750 9.719 7.360 7.751 9.974 9.124 7.539 7.677 9.208 50 _____ 2.947 4.276 7.506 6.777 9.164 10.451 7.911 7.863 10.168 9.270 7.714 7.778 9.321 48 _____ 4.677 7.393 7.549 9.676 7.468 8.234 10.324 10.377 7.763 7.533 9.778 10.128 7.920 46 __ 4.210 6.631 6.659 9.352 9.909 8.043 8.172 10.532 10.258 7.780 7.538 9.909 10.134 7.914.
44 3.204 6.695 7.310 9.203 7.167 7.733 9.937 10.464 7.878 17.901 9.810 9.179 7.708 7.756 9.433 42 3.733 7.171 9.954 10.249 8.099 8.047 10.637 10.082 7.794 7.434 9.303 8.875 7.422 7.511 8.985 40 4.112 7.914 10.927 11.086 10.973 10.991 8.274 7.975 9.321 9.211 17.300 7.295 9.153 9.478 7.319 38 4.419 8.043 10.465 8.408 11.491 11.094 8.298 7.985 9.311 9.169 7.274 7.260 9.129 9.141 7.203 36 3.612 8.142 11.054 11.172 8.342 8.339 10.678 10.217 7.804 7.291 9.002 8.531 6.981 7.030 8.573 34 3.675 8.015 10.657 10.3041 8.016 8.038 10.280 10.668 7.867 7.863 9.737 _8.582 6.768 6.739 8.253 32 3.742 7.737 9.544 7.389 19.614 9.779 8.395 8.554 110.8451 10.182 7.542 6.990 8.571 .8.698 6.581 E2-18
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-10 Browns Ferry 1 Bundle Margins to LHGR Limit (MFLPD) Cycle at Middle of Cycle I/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 0.319 0.369 0.405 0.436 0.338 0.352 0.346 58 0.420 0.453 0.433 0.442 0.466 0.519 0.530 0.519 56 0.268 0.436 0.511 0.500 0.675 0.681 0.632 0.727 0.746 0.684 54 0.338 0.526 0.521 0.724 0.717 0.705 0.530 0.716 0.733 0.569 52 0.350 0.488 0.538 0.725 0.549 0.578 0.744 0.682 0.563 0.573 0.687 50 0.278 0.354 0.521 0.471 0.684 0.780 0.590 0.587 0.760 0.692 0.576 0.580 0.696 48 0.429 0.513 0.524 0.722 0.557 0.614 0.770 0.774 0.579 0.562 0.730 0.756 0.591 46 0.398 0.461 0.462 0.698 0.739 0.600 0.610 0.786 0.766 0.581 0.563 0.739 0.756 0.591 44 0.312 0.465 0.508 0.687 0.535 0.577 0.742 0.781 0.588 0.590 0.732 0.685 0.575 0.579 0.704 42 0.380 0.498 0.746 0.765 0.604 0.601 0.796 0.753 0.582 0.555 0.694 0.662 0.554 0.561 0.671 40 0.416 0.550 0.823 0.833 0.822 0.824 0.617 0.595 0.696 0.687 0.545 0.544 0.683 0.707 0.546 38 0.444 0.559 0.781 0.627 0.863 0.832 0.619 0.596 0.695 0.684 0.543 0.542 0.681 0.682 0.538 36 0.316 0.565 0.836 0.839 0.623 0.622 0.797 0.762 0.582 0.544 0.672 0.637 0.521 0.525 0.640 34 0.317 0.557 0.805 0.770 0.598 0.600 0.767 0.796 0.587 0.587 0.727 0.640 0.505 0.503 0.616 32 0.315 0.537 0.712 0.551 0.717 0.730 0.626 0.638 0.809 0.760 0.563 0.522 0.640 0.649 0.491 Minimum margin of 0.86 at location 9-38.
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-1 1 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Critical Power Ratio (MCPR) at Middle of Cycle I/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 113 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 ___ ______ __ 4.831 4.212 3.928 3.885 4.357 4.282 4.246 58 ___ ______ __ 3.457 3.258 2.880 2.744 2.763 2.832 2.83 1 2.779 56 ______ 5.330 3.316 2.871 2.406 1.925 1.899 1.980 2.246 2.191 2.034 54 ____3.666 2.742 2.309 1.775 1.933 1.708 2.297 1.952 1.915 2.361 52 ___ __ 3.734 2.824 2.256 1.744 2.103 2.020 1.752 1.749 2.164 2.197 1.870 50 ____5.976 4.054 3.017 2.453 1.783 1.619 1.975 1.928 1.634 1.699 2.122 2.156, 1.814 48 3.669 3.065 2.407 2.022 2.152 1.958 1.608 1.5186 1.914 2.024 1.819 1.807 2.114 46 3.615 3.050 2.537 2.076 1.914 2.039 1.896 1.574 1.570 1.904 2.014 1.804 1.797 2.098 44 14.793 3.298 2.467 1.860 2.246 2.099 1.661 1.596 1.887 1.892 1.596 1.658 2.103 2.132 1.735 42 4.132 2.837 1.900 1.919 2.044 1.959 1.609 1.613 1.980 1.996 1.646 1.691 12.150 2.178 1.7761 40 3.707- 2.617 1.795 1.622 1.684 1.590 1.895 1.978 1.842 1.843 2.059 2.111 1.'934 1.904 2.260 38 3.485 2.536 1.760 2.081 1.611 1.579 1.888 1.973 1.841 1.852 2.085 2.143 1.921 2.004 2.341 36 3.788 2.505 1.748 1.724 1.962 1.914 1.596 1.592 1.980 2.025 1.709 1.867 2.377 2.460 2.068 134 13.695 2.520 1.780 1.793 2.084 2.019 1.618 1.574 1.877 1.915 1.742 1.783 2.408 2.497 2.096 132 13.710 2.545 _I1.836 12.258 12.023 1.923 1.938 11.827 11.525 11.562 11.969 12.167 12.034 12.074 2.536 E2~-20
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-12 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Bundle Margins to OLMCPR (MFLCPR) at Middle of Cycle (OLMCPR=1.40) 1/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 0.286 0.328 0.351 0.355 0.321 0.327 0.330 58 0.399 0.424 0.479 0.503 0.499 0.487 0.487 0.497 56 __0.259 0.416 0.481 0.574 0.727 0.737 0.707 0.623 0.639 0.688 54 0.382 0.503 0.598 0.789 0.724 0.820 0.609 0.717 0.731 0.593 52 0.375 0.489 0.612 0.803 0.666 0.693 0.799 0.800 0.647 0.637 0.749 50 0.231 0.345 0.457 0.563 0.785 0.865 0.709 0.726 0.857 0.824 0.660 0.649 0.772 48 0.376 0.450 0.573 0.692 0.651 0.715 0.870 0.883 0.732 0.692 0.770 0.775 0.662 46 0.382 0.452 0.544 0.675 0.731 0.687 0.738 0.889 0.892 0.735 0.695 0.776 0.779 0.667 44 0.288 0.418 0.559 0.753 0.623 0.667 0.843 0.877 0.742 0.740 0.877 0.844 0.666 0.657 0.807 42 0.334 0.486 0.737 0.730 0.685 0.715 0.870 0.868 0.707 0.701 0.850 0.828 0.651 0.643 0.788 40 0.372 0.527 0.780 0.863 0.831 0.880 0.739 0.708 0.760 0.760 0.680 0.663 0.724 0.735 0.620 38 0.396 0.544 0.795 0.673 0.869 0.887 0.741 0.710 0.760 0.756 0.672 0.653 0.729 0.698 0.598 36 0.370 0.551 0.801 0.812 0.714 0.731 0.877 0.879 0.707 0.691 0.819 0.750 0.589 0.569 0.677 34 0.379 0.548 0.786 0.781 0.672 0.693 0.865 0.890 0.746 0.73 1 0.804 0.785 0.581 0.561 0.668 32 0.377 0.542 0.763 0.620 0.692 0.728 0.722 0.766 0.918 0.897 0.711 0.646 0.688 0.675 0.552 Minimum margin of 0.92 at location 17-32.
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-13 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Bundle Margins to APLHGR Limit (MAPRAT) at Middle of Cycle I/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 ____0.233 0.261 0.291 0.316 0.241 0.250 0.248 58 ________ 0.3 14 0.3 18 0.365 0.374 0.398 0.432 0.447 0.442 56 _____ 0.213 0.317 0.366 0.453 0.520 0.517 0.512 0.578 0.595 0.559 54 1______ 0.239 0.386 0.473 0.5741 0..585 0.596 0.4671 0.612 0.629 0.513 52 ___ __ 0.256 0.358 0.476 0.569 0.501 0.522 0.633 0.595 0.519 0.532 0.586 50 0.216 0.244 0.381 0.432 0.532 0.608 0.530 0.542 0.657 0.604 0.525 0.536 0.592 48 ____0.323 0.382 0.480 0.581 0.491 0.532 0.677 0.681 0.528 0.514 0.640 0.655 0.545 46 0.306 0.334 0.418 0.571 0.609 0.507 0.550 0.687 0.678 0.523 0.519 0.645 0.658 0.546 44 0.223 0.324 0.4541 0.553 0.468 0.4921 0.657 0.682 0.542 0.53 1 0.624 0.578 0.526 0.532 0.597 42 0.255 0.406 0.579 0.639 0.537 0.548 0.693 0.670 0.503 0.495 0.592 0.563 0.509 0.5 16 0.572 40 0.286 0.454 0.638 0.716 0.729 0.733 0.561 0.515 0.573 10.591 0.500 0.4961 0.599 0.602 0.506 38 0.304 0.467 0.663 0.581 0.754 0.7371 0.562 0.515 0.575 0.589 0.494 0.490 0.589 0.607 0.492 36 0.217 0.473 0.660 0.720 0.571 0.566 0.688 0.656 0.501 0.487 0.564 0.521 0.467 0.467 0.546 34 0.219 0.4671 0.642 10.680 0.520 0.523 0.668 0.676 0.543 0.522 0.581 0.532 0.450 0.454 0.537 32 10.215 10.4581 0.618 10.498 0.48 1 0.511 0.537 10.571 0.689 0.6601 0.504 0.447 0.567 0.578 10.442 Minimum margin of 0.75 at location 9-3 8.
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-14 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Relative Bundle Power at Middle of Cycle IJ 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 _______ ___0.323 0.372 0.398 0.397 0.378 0.380 0.385 58 _______ ___0.453 0.612 0.701 0.73 1 0.706 0.663 0.650 0.669 56 ____0.291 0.474 0.697 0.840 1.085 1.097 1.064 0.859 0.841 0.988 54 _______0.467 0.736 0.874 1.195 1.185 1.240 0.991 0.977 0.955 0.931 52 ___ __ 0.450 0.698 0.889 1.195 1.082 1.126 1.293 1.286 1.035 1.009 1.179 50 0.254 0.412 0.632 0.805 1.161 1.276 1.147 1.175 1.371 1.320 1.057 1.032 1.216 48 ___0.423 0.632 0.669 0.936 1.051 1.154 1.390 1.409 1.182 1.117 1.044 1.023 1.052 46 0.434 0.653 0.785 0.924 1.016 1.109 1.191 1.416 1.420 1.187 1.121 1.047 1.033 1.062 44 0.328 0.611 0.825 1.151 1.018 1.084 1.353 1.401 1.199 1.195 1.379 1.326 1.068 1.050 1.268 42 0.386 0.724 1.113 1.202 1.121 1.163 1.396 1.390 1.147 1.135 1.336 1.299 1.048 1.031 1.243 40 0.432 0.787 1.179 1.316 1.351 1.415 1.200 1.151 1.066 1.049 1.099 1.072 0.962 0.933 0.993 38 0.458 0.805 1.224 1.112 1.403 1.424 1.204 1.154 1.065 1.043 1.086 1.056 0.930 0.910 0.958 36 0.460 0.815 1.212 1.326 1.168 1.192 1.404 1.389 1.148 1.121 1.287_ 1.206 0.970 0.934 1.080 34 0.471 0.811 1.194 1.280 1.105 1.134 1.383 1.415 1.207 1.183 1.294 1.235 0.962 0.922 11.062 32 0.469 10.803 1.179 1.030 11.009 1.049 1.173 11.237 1.446 1.415 1.153 1.052 0.888 0.846_ 0.909 E2-23
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWVB-27-15 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Bundle Power at Middle of Cycle (MW)
IIJ 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 ___ __ 1.671 1.925 2.058 2.052 1.956 1.968 1.990 58 ___ ______ __ 2.342 3.167 3.626 3.783 3.653 3.431 3.364 3.461 56 __ 1.504 2.450 3.604 4.345 5.612 5.676 5.504 4.444 4.353 5.109 54 ____2.413 3.805 4.519 6.181 6.129 6.415 5.128 5.056 4.938 4.815 52 ____2.329 3.613 4.597 6.180 5.598 5.822 6.690 6.651 5.351 5.220 6.101 50 1.314 2.131 3.270 4.166 6.006 6.602 5.935 6.076 7.091 6.827 5.470 5.340 6.288 48 ____2.186 3.271 3.459 4.841 5.435 5.968 7.190 7.287 6.113 5.776 5.401 15.294 5.439 46 ____2.246 3.375 4.059 4.782 5.257 5.737 6.159 7.325 7.345 6.138 5.798 5.416 5.341 5.493 44 1.698 3.162 4.268 5.951 5.264 5.605 7.000 7.246 6.201 6.180 7.131 6.860 5.527 5.432 6.557 42 1.996 3.744 5.759 6.e2 18 5.798 6.017 7.222 7.188 5.933 5.874 6.909 6.719 5.419 5.334 6.428 40 2.233 4.072 6.097 6.807 6.989 7.317 6.207 5.956 5.514 5.429 5.683 5.543 4.974 4.825 5.139 38 2.369 4.163 6.332 5.753 7.259 7.369 6.230 5.970 5.510 5.396 5.617 5.462 4.811 4.709 4.953 36 2.379 4.215 6.272 6.860 6.044 6.165 17.265 17.187 5.938 15.801 16.656 6.236 5.017 4.831 5.589 34 2.435 4.193 6.174 6.622 5.716 5.86 7156 17.319 16.2421 6.1201 6.693 16.390 4.977 4.770 5.496 132 12.4261 4.151' 6.101 15.326 15.222 5.4241 6.0701 6.397 17.4791 7.318 15.963[ 5.4-441 4.591 14.374 4.701.
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-16 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Bundle Exposures at Middle of Cycle (MWdIST)
IJ 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 ___ __ 41561 41576 41741 42169 122428 21259 20805 58 ___ __ 42254 4765 5441 5788 5825 5826 5827 5870 56 A______ 41013 41540 5223 6293 7487 7680 7856 7408 7359 7676 54 _______22125 5241 6196 8006 7765 8368 7219 7936 7802 7066 52 ____22563 5063 5700 7029 7332 7749 8355 8654 7857 7646 7527 50 ___41426 22119 5169 5929 6713 7208 7581 7969 8860 8845 7978 7727 7531 48 ____41751 5431 6040 7019 6407 6793 8394 8809 8209 8146 8344 8047 7028 46 42228 5372 6399 7443 7577 6870 7137 8625 8870 8145 8073 8396 8183 7240 44 41569 4893 6457 8227 7526 7743 8500 8667 8143 8110 8258 8186 7949 8007 8786 42 41871 5598 7707 7983 7925 8109 8917 8938 8150 7973 7929 7843 7773 7943 8853 40 41866 5997 7962 8646 8579 9023 8293 8213 8446 8091 6902 6792 7698 7758 7781 38 41819 6116 8274 7538 8942 9014 8198 8101 8346 7989 6784 6647 7254 7601 7379 36 22570 6225 8194 8696 8173 8133 8217 8205 7916 7734 7506 7094 6977 6901 6872 34 21601 16260 8186 8611 8023 7930 7928 7974_ 7933 7861 7548 7408 688ý6 6692 646,5 32 21052 16273 8266 7561 18139 7980 7105 17208 8716 8763 7689 7323 6993 6603 5802 E2-25
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-17 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Maximum Linear Heat Generation Rate (MLHGR) at End of Cycle (kW/ft)
I/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 _________________2.681 3.243 3.437 3.573 3.087 3.134 3.173 58 3.637 5.247 5.307 5.777 5.771 5.932 5.9 19 5.897 56 _______2.290 3.815 5.693 5.823 7.142 7.573 7.550 8.497 8.706 8.009 54 _________________3.309 5.803 5.804 7.566 7.590 7.739 6.306 8.291 8.661 6.396 52 ___ __ 3.298 5.829 6.184 7.576 6.259 6.324 7.974 8.312 7.289 7.250 9.280 50 2.288 3.297 5.841 5.830 7.665 8.028 6.336 6.425 8.381 8.591 7.364 7.304 9.389 48 3.859 5.853 6.222 7.636 6.442 6.521 8.051 8.414 7.140 7.114 8.696 9.060 7.790 46 3.697 5.788 5.882 7.599 8.033 6.521 6.629 8.619 8.794 7.121 7.122 9.040 9.064 7.843 44 2.846 5.395 5.980 7.686 6.371 6.415 8.094 8.629 7.666 7.657 9.011 9.302 7.877 7.865 9.119 42 3.252 5.5 17 7.366 7.803 6.483 6.544 8.542 8.830 7.671 7.627 9.498 9.692 7.823 7.868 9.280 40 3.568 6.039 7.769 8.009 8.210 8.590 7.280 7.248 8.998 9.344 8.223 8.192 9.974 9.785 7.527 38 3.829 6.065 7.666 6.588 8.634 8.885 7.261 7.245 9.227 9.686 8.194 8.158 10.453 10.306 7.453 36 3.273 6.241 8.085 8.524 7.602 7.629 9.034 9.228 7.988 7.921 10.3501 10.551 7.909 7.902 10.748 34 3.335 6.242 8.125 8.594 7.584 7.581 9.261 9.283 7.968 7.954 10.071 10.513 7.897 7.949 11.2571 32 3.348 16.229 7T7ý5 9 6.746 8.826 9.210 18.012 8.011 9.344 9.56'1 7.575 7.506 10.804 11.240 18.323 _
E2 -26
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-18 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Bundle Margins to LHGR Limit (MFLPD) at End of Cycle IJ 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 ___ ______ __ 0.268 0.329 0.355 0.372 0.276 0.276 0.274 58 ___ ______ __ 0.358 0.364 0.369 0.404 0.405 0.424 0.423 0.421 56 _______ ___0.219 0.366 0.395 0.409 0.573 0.635 0.624 0.698 0.712 0.653 54 1__ __ __ 0.2891 0.404 0.406 0.599 0.611 0.651 0.491 0.684 0.708 0.493 52 ____0.282 0.405 0.429 0.598 0.472 0.49 1 0.669 0.698 0.552 0.546 0.729 50 ____0.220 0.290 0.407 0.407 0.605 0.639 0.492 0.507 0.705 0.713 0.559 0.55 1 0.744 48 0.367 0.408 0.432 0.605 0.481 0.496 0.681 0.710 0.554 0.550 0.733 0.746 0.581 46 ____0.365 0.403 0.412 0.604 0.642 0.498 0.508 0.720 0.729 0.550 0.548 0.727 0.754 0.586 44 0.281 0.375 0.421 10.611 0.481 0.4991 0.684 0.722 0.581 0.579 0.716 0.732 0.595 0.595 0.7461 42 0.337 0.383 0.591 0.627 0.504 0.518 10.719 0.732 0.581 0.575 0.759 0.780 0.589 0.594 0.762 40 0.368 0.423 0.629 0.670 0.689 0.723 0.563 0.559 0.724 0.758 0.614 0.611 0.796 0.796 0.577 38 0.390 0.427 0.619 0.514 0.723 0.736 0.560 0.557 0.7401 0.782 0.612 0.6091 0.831 0.817 0.566 36 0.294 0.442 0.657 0.702 0.575 0.575 0.751 0.737 0.602 0.595 0.797 0.831 0 .590 0.590 0.831 34 0.296 0.442 0.659 0.705 0.571 0.569 076 070 0.600 058 080 0.823 0.589 0.593 0.858 32 .0.295 0.441 0.627 0.520 ,0.736 ,0.762 ,0.598 ,0.598 0.752 0.779 ,0.578 0.569 0.842 10.863 10.621 Minimum margin of 0.86 at location 27-32.
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBVB-27-19 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Critical Power Ratio (CPR) at End of Cycle I/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 ___ __ 6.328 5.171 4.606 4.339 4.640 4.486 4.487 58 ________ 4.722 4.207 3.511 3.213 3.097 3.013 2.987 2.997 56 ______________7.530 4.533 3.819 3.038 2.178 2.038 1.988 1.911 1.896 1.939 54 _______ ___5.002 13.695 2.987 2.133 2.084 1.831 2.401 1.824 1.808 2.333 52 ______4.911 3.706 2.927 2.122 2.647 2.453 1.843 1.767 2.230 2.205 1.684 50 __ 7.586 4.983 3.711 2.968 2.110 1.940 2.475 2.359 1.780 1.735 2.173 2.143 1.632 48 __ 4.546 3.696 2.934 2.110 2.611 2.444 1.839 1.786 2.230 2.190 1.662 1.633 2.080 46 4.704 3.801 2.976 2.116 1.936 2.439 2.327 1.766 1.727 2.177 2.144 1.659 1.617 2.069 44 6.229 4.167 3.012 2.116 2.629 2.460 1.825 1.757 2.183 2.135 1.657 1.638 2.071 2.074 1.631 42 5.147 3.474 2.157 12.065 2.428 2.337 1.768 1.714 2.133 2.089 1.612 1.599 2.044 2.054 1.628 40 14.570 3.176 2.020 1.813 1.824 1.761 2.207 2.162 1.656 1.618 2.000 1.988 1.586 1.611 2.065 38 4.272 3.064 1.974 2.373 1.750 1.713 2.160 2.122 1.632 1.600 1.983 1.970 1.580 1.586 2.044 36 4.619 2.989 1.916 1.823 2.205 2.142 1.627 1.632 2.044 2.023 1.562 1.572 2.034 2.042 1.588 34 4.485 2.969 1.906 1.813 2.186 2.116 1.599 1.578 12.038 2.023 1.591 1.561 2.034 2.034 11.570 32 4.490 2.978 1.937 12.320 1.690 11.628 12.047 12.030 11.604 11.604 2.035 2.021 11.579 1.5681 2.020 E2 -28
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-20 Browns Ferry I Cycle 7 Bundle Margins to OLMCPR (MFLCPR at End of Cycle (OLMCPR=1.43)
I/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 0.218 0.267 0.300 0.318 0.308 0.319 0.319 58 0.292 0.328 0.393 0.429 0.446 0.458 0.462 0.460 56 0.183 0.304 0.361 0.454 0.657 0.702 0.719 0.748 0.754 0.738 54 0.286 0.373 0.462 0.670 0.686 0.781 0.596 0.784 0.791 0.613 52 0.291 0.372 0.471 0.674 0.540 0.583 0.776 0.810 0.641 0.649 0.849 50 0.182 0.287 0.372 0.465 0.678 0.737 0.578 0.606 0.803 0.824 0.658 0.667 0.876 48 0.304 0.373 0.470 0.678 0.548 0.585 0.778 0.801 0.641 0.653 0.860 0.876 0.687 46 0.293 0.363 0.464 0.676 0.739 0.586 0.615 0.810 0.828 0.657 0.667 0.862 0.884 0.691 44 0.222 0.331 0.458 0.676 0.544 0.581 0.784 0.814 0.655 0.670 0.863 0.873 0.691 0.690 0.877 42 0.268 0.397 0.663 0.693 0.589 0.612 0.809 0.834 0.670 0.685 0.887 0.894 0.700 0.696 0.878 40 0.302 0.435 0.708 0.789 0.784 0.812 0.648 0.661 0.864 0.884 0.715 0.719 0.902 0.888 0.693 38 0.323 0.450 0.725 0.603 0.817 0.835 0.662 0.674 0.876 0.894 0.721 0.726 0.905 0.902 0.700 36 0.310 0.462 0.746 0.784 0.648 0.668 0.879 0.876 0.700 0.707 0.915 0.910 0.703 0.700 0.901 34 0.319 0.465 0.750 0.789 0.654 0.676 0.895 0.906 0.702 0.707 0.899 0.916 0.703 0.703 0.911 32 0.318 0.463 0.738 0.616 0.846 0.878 0.699 0.705 0.891 0.892 0.703 0.707 0.906 0.912 0.708 Minimum margin of 0.92 at location 23-34.
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-21 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Bundle Margins to APLHGR Limit (MAPRAT) at End of Cycle l/J 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 0.191 0.222 0.245 0.259 0.198 0.200 0.198 58 0.256 0.259 0.305 0.328 0.336 0.345 0.348 0.348 56 0.166 0.261 0.285 0.351 0.455 0.493 0.515 0.549 0.562 0.547 54 0.196 0.298 0.360 0.476 0.497 0.551 0.428 0.581 0.594 0.441 52 0.199 0.295 0.368 0.482 0.412 0.434 0.553 0.577 0.466 0.469 0.635 50 0.165 0.195 0.296 0.364 0.485 0.521 0.434 0.450 0.583 0.594 0.481 0.485 0.645 48 0.262 0.300 0.371 0.486 0.415 0.440 0.570 0.586 0.475 0.481 0.612 0.624 0.500 46 0.261 0.290 0.364 0.485 0.523 0.441 0.460 0.593 0.605 0.486 0.492 0.619 0.629 0.505 44 0.199 0.266 0.360 0.485 0.416 0.439 0.574 0.594 0.489 0.497 0.624 0.629 0.508 0.507 0.628 42 0.232 0.316 0.470 0.511 0.444 0.459 0.594 0.609 0.499 0.506 0.644 0.663 0.513 0.511 0.636 40 0.257 0.341 0.495 0.548 0.571 0.598 0.485 0.493 0.625 0.638 0.520 0.521 0.685 0.662 0.506 38 0.272 0.350 0.511 0.447 0.598 0.613 0.494 0.501 0.633 0.651 0.523 0.533 0.699 0.700 0.509 36 0.210 0.358 0.519 0.572 0.486 0.499 0.633 0.636 0.517 0.519 0.699 0.707 0.531 0.532 0.709 34 0.214 0.362 0.522 0.576 0.490 0.504 0.643 0.649 0.518 0.519 0.684 0.717 0.538 0.545 0.727 32 0.212 0.361 0.521 0.460 0.613 0.634 0.517 0.519 0.640 0.650 0.512 0.523 0.720 0.735 0.565 Minimum margin of 0.74 at location 27-32.
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-22 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Relative Bundle Power at End of Cycle TIJ 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 _______ ___0.245 0.303 0.342 0.364 0.372 0.386 0.387 58 ___ __ 0.328 0.474 0.583 0.643 0.664 0.685 0.693 0.691 56 __ 0.203 0.342 0.523 0.673 1.010 1.082 1.121 1.152 1.161 1.152 54 _______0.338 10.545 0.682 1.034 1.109 1.203 0.975 1.258 1.269 1.005 52 ____0.344 0.538 0.695 1.037 0.872 0.942 1.239 1.287 1.040 1.053 1.346 50 ____0.201 0.339 0.538 0.686 1.043 1.126 0.929 0.975 1.272 1.303 1.062 1.079 1.380 48 ____0.340 0.543 0.693 1.042 0.881 0.940 1.229 1.262 1.029 1.050 1.354 1.378 1.108 46 0.327 0.522 0.681 1.036 1.126 0.941 0.985 1.275 1.302 1.055 1.072 1.364 1.388 1.112 44 0.246 0.473 0.672 1.033 0.873 0.932 1.236 1.280 1.049 1.073 1.369 1.386 1.111 1.110 1.380 42 0.301 0.581 1.008 1.108 0.943 0.978 1.270 1.308 1.073 1.098 1.406 1.418 1.125 1.120 1.383 40 0.340 0.639 1.076 1.198 1.238 1.274 1.035 1.058 1.362 1.398 1.146 1.153 1.429 1.397 1.117 38 0.363 0.657 1.109 0.970 1.283 1.306 1.058 1.079 1.383 1.414 1.156 1.163 1.427 1.430 1.128 36 0.366 10.674 1.130 1.239 1.035 1.065 1.371 1.385 1.122 1.135 1.445 1.435 1.141 1.137 1.423 34 10.377 10.6-79 11.136 1.245 1.045 1.080 1.394 1.412 11.126 11.135 1.418 1.447 1.142 1.143 1.4ý37 32 10.377 10.677 11.128 10.990 1.325 11.371 11.116 11.128 11.401 11.404 1.132 1.140 11.430 1.440 1.152 E2 -31
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-23 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Bundle Power at End of Cycle (MW)
IIJ 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 _______ ___1.266 1.567 1.771 1.882 1.926 1.997 2.000 58 _______ ___1.698 2.452 3.016 3.325 3.435 3.544 3.584 3.574 56 ____1.049 1.767 2.705 3.482 5.225 5.596 5.800 5.959 6.007 5.957 54 _______ ___1.748 12.818 3.527 5.347 5.736 6.220 5.042 6.506 6.56-2 5.196 52 ___ __ 1.778 2.785 3 .596 5.363 4.509 4.872 6.411 6.659 5.379 5.448 6.962 50 ____1.040 1.751 2.781 3.549 5.394 5.822 4.808 5.041 6.578 6.741 5.495 5.581 7.136 48 ___1.758 2,811 3.585 5.389 4.557 4.861 6.359 6.530 5.325 5.434 7.003 7.127 5.732 46 1.694 2.699 3.522 5.359 5.823 4.867 5.094 6.5941 6.734 5.455 5.547 17.055 7.182 5.754 44 1.271 2.444 3.4771 5.345 4.514 4.8201 6.392 6.620 5.425 15.552 7.08 .4 7.167 5.749 5.743 7.138 42 1.557 3.004 5.212 5.730 4.879 5.0591 6.571 6.765 5.553 5.681 7.274 7.335 5.822 5.795 7.152 40 1.760, 3.305 5.566 6.198 6.405 6.593 5.352 5.472 7.047 7.233 5.927 5.965 7.391 7.226 5.776 38 1.879 3.400 5.739 5.019 6.636 6.756 5.471 5.581 7.1541 7.316 5.977 6.017 7.379 7.397 5.836 036 1.895 3.486 5.845 6.407 5.356 5.511 7.092 7.167 5.805 5.872 7.4741 7.425 5.901 5.883 7.363 34 1.951 3.514 _5.8741 6.439 5.407 5.584 7.213 7.306 5.825 5.873 7.333 7.485 5.905 5.911 7.435J 32 11.95511 3.501 5.8361 5.122 16.856 7.091 15.775 15.832 7.250 7.263 15.8551 5.897 7.397 17.449 E5.960 E2 -32
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-27-24 Browns Ferry 1 Cycle 7 Bundle Exposures at End of Cycle (MWdIST)
IIJ 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 ___ ______ __ 43697 44122 44560 45106 25227 24129 23669 58 _______ ___45172 8733 10148 10868 10973 11018 11004 11018 56 __ 42881 44587 9661 11796 15059 15611 15949 15375 15247 15565 54 ______25015 19924 11851 16024 116086 17207 14198 16545 16245 13756 52 __ 25542 9694 11520 15127 14131 14929 17432 17792 14543 14154 15583 50 ______43251 24977 9750 11612 14828 15902 14761 15363 18228 18065 14763 14340 15680 48 44742 10029 11707 14997 13270 14036 17683 18211 15677 15533 17371 16928 13974 46 ____45113 9755 11967 15352 16073 14027 14502 17868 18107 15453 15332 17326 17147 14333 44 143704 8834 11919 16173 14232 14787 17433 17615 14920 14811 16618 16521 14659 14818 17844 42 44402 10290 15265 16276 15051 15396 17969 17884 14869 14572 16102 15998 14388 14707 17884 40 44689 11083 15916 17497 17687 18365 15668 15499 17276 16736 13572 13427 16216 16338 14934 38 44804 11296 16436 14573 18146 18219 15465 15294 17109 16582 13397 13217 15549 16090 14309 36 25408 11480 16340 17508 14925 14855 16677 16574 14515 114246 15493 14905 113224 13143 14657 34 124515 11524 116303 117339 14700 114571 16267 16311 145271 14409 15521 15360 13090 12863 14139 32 123965 11515 116368 114497 16913 116720 13993 114100 17529 117545 114621 141301 15110 114648 12345 E2 -33
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION NRC RAI SBWB-28 Figure 2-4 of licensing topical report, NEDC-33173P, Applicability of GE Methods to Expanded Operating Domain, shows the cold critical eigenvalues of reference plants. Figure 2-5 of NEDC-33173P shows the measured and predicted eigenvalues for Reference Plants. Provide the pre-EPU Units 2 and 3 cold critical eigenvalues measured and predicted differences for previous cycles based on the GE methods. Provide evaluation of any available local critical and startup shutdown calculations.
TVA Response to RAI SBWB-28 Table SBWB-28-1 provides the requested information for Browns Ferry Nuclear (BFN) Units 2 and 3 for the most recent operating cycles that used GE cores and methodology. BFN Units 2 and 3 transitioned to Areva fuel/Areva methodology in 2005 and 2004, respectively.
These results are based on the earlier TGBLA04/PANAC10 methods rather than GNF's current TGBLA06/PANAC11 set of nuclear methods being used for Unit 1. Nonetheless, the results correlate well with the results presented in NEDC-33173P. Local critical data is not available since BFN units perform shutdown margin demonstrations (SDM) using an insequence (distributed) critical approach.
The standard SDM design margin used by GE is 1.0% Ak/k. The differences shown in the table below remain well within this design margin criterion. ((
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-28-1 BFN Units 2 and 3 Recent Cold Critical Comparisons Cycle Exposure Projected Actual Critical Difference Plant/Cycle (MWd/ST) Eigenvalue Eigenvalue (Ak)
BFN-2 C12 ((
BFN-2 C13 BFN-3 C10 BFN-3 C1I))
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION NRC RAI SBWB-29 Provide a discussion addressing whether the traversing-in-core probes (TIPs) are gamma or thermal TIPs.
TVA Response to RAI SBWB-29 The BFN Unit 1 TIPs previously used fission chamber probes.
These are being replaced with gamma TIPS of the same model and type being used on Units 2 and 3. As would be expected, TIP incore tube locations remain the same on all three units.
Many of the Unit 1 TIP system subcomponents, including the TIP drive units, indexers, and tubing runs, are being replaced or refurbished. The existing TIP control drawers in the control room are being upgraded to the General Electric NUMAC design.
The existing Unit 1 control drawers, which are installed in all three units, require operator action to position the TIPs and perform TIP scans. The NUMAC design controls will allow most TIP functions to be performed automatically, greatly reducing the need for operator actions.
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION NRC RAI SBWB-30 Based on the EPU Cycle core design, establish whether Unit 1 will experience bypass voiding ((
1] Specify the peak bypass calculated for any 4 bundle bypass zone at EPU conditions. Discuss why the bypass voiding is ((
)) Also calculate the bypass voiding for the second cycle where the large batches of fresh fuel loaded in Unit 1 will be at the most reactive state.
TVA Response to RAI SBWB-30 Specific calculations performed for Browns Ferry Unit 1 Cycles 7 and 8 show that the core will not experience bypass voiding
[ 1))
The maximum relative bundle power in cycles 7 and 8 is 1.45. This maximum occurs at 13,800 MWd/ST cycle exposure in Cycle 7. This is the cycle exposure when the end of full power capability occurs and all control rods are fully withdrawn. The relative bundle power distribution for this statepoint is provided below in Table SBWB-30-1.
Detailed thermal hydraulic analyses were performed for Cycles 7 and 8 with the ISCOR steady state thermal hydraulic model. ((
)] The maximum average relative bundle power for the four bundles surrounding a LPRM detector string in Table SWBW-30-1 is 1.3. An ISCOR analysis with a 4 bundle average power of 1.3 shows no bypass voiding at any LPRM level.
To further demonstrate the margin, a very conservative calculation was performed where all four bundles surrounding a LPRM were assumed to have the maximum relative bundle power of 1.45, which corresponds to an actual bundle power of approximately 7.5 MW. An ISCOR analysis using this very conservative assumption shows no bypass voiding at the axial height of the D level LPRM for both a mid-peaked and bottom-peaked axial power shape. The bypass void fraction at the bundle exit was determined to ((
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-30-1 Relative Bundle Power Distribution at 13,800 MWD/ST in Cycle 7 1/1 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 60 __________ __ ______0.245 0.303 0.342 0.364 0.372 0.386 0.387 58 ___ __ ______0.328 0.474 0.583 0.643 0.664 0.685 0.693 0.691 56 _____ 0.203 0.342 0.523 0.673 1.010 1.082 1.121 1.152 1.161 1.152 54 ___0.338 0.545 0.682 1.034 1.109 1.203 10.975 1.258 1.269 1.005 52 _____ 0.344 0.538 0.695 1.037 0.872 0.942 1.239 1.287 1.040 1.053 1.346 50 __ 0.201 0.339 0.538 0.686 1.043 1.126 0.929 0.975 1.272 1.303 1.062 1.079 1.380 48 1__ 0.3401 0.543 0.693 1.042 10.881 0.940 1.229 1.262 1.029 1.050 1.354 1.378 1.108 46 0.327 0.522 0.681 1.036 1.126 0.941 0.985 1.275 1.302 1.055 1.072 1.364 1.388 1.112 44 0.246 0.473 0.672 1.033 0.873 0.932 1.236 1.280 1.049 1.073 1.3691 1.386 1.111 1.110 1.380 42 0.301 0.581 1.008 1.108 0.943 0.978 1.270 1.308 1.073 1.098 1.406 1.418 1.125 1.120 1.383 40 0.340 0.639 1.076 1.198 1.238 1.274 1.035 1.058 1.362 1.398 1.146 1.153 1.429 1.397 1.117 38 0.363 0.657 1.109 0.970 1.283 1.306 1.058 1.079 1.383 1.414 1.156 '1.163 1.427 1.4301 1.128 36 0.366 0.674 1.130 1.239 1.035 1.065 1.371 1.385 11.122 1.135 1.445 1.435 1.141 1.37tl1.423 340.377 0.679 1.136 1.245 1.045 1.080 1.394 1.4121 1.126 1.135 1.4181 1.447 1.142 114 1.437 32 0.37 0.6771 1.128 0.9901 1.325 1.371 1.116 1.128 T1.401 11.4041 1.132 11.1401 1.430 t1.440 1.152 E2-38
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION NRC RAI SBWB-31 Based on the first/second EPU Cycle core design, determine the bypass voiding at the different local power range monitor elevations after a recirculation pump trip. Perform the calculations on limiting conditions (initial condition, axial power distribution and in-channel voids) and provide the results.
TVA Response to RAI SBWB-31 TRACG was used to determine the most limiting condition following a two-recirculation pump trip. The limiting condition is at natural circulation following a two-recirculation pump trip from the rated power, minimum flow maximum extended load line limit analysis (MELLLA) statepoint. The first EPU cycle Reference Loading Pattern from Reference 31-1 for 120% uprated power was used.
PANACEA is used to calculate a limiting Axial Power Shape to input into ISCOR. Since beginning-of-cycle (BOC), MOC, and EOC were analyzed, a variety of Axial Power Shapes are considered.
ISCOR is then used to compute core average and hot channel bypass void fractions for the limiting condition following a two-recirculation pump trip from the rated power, minimum flow MELLLA statepoint. ISCOR results for the first EPU cycle are shown in Table 31-1 at the Top of Active Fuel (TAF) and local power range monitors (LPRMs) A, B, C, and D for BOC, MOC, and EOC. ISCOR in-channel voids are also provided in Table 31-1 for reference.
ISCOR results for the second EPU cycle are shown in Table 31-2 at the TAF and LPRMs A, B, C, and D for BOC, MOC, and EOC. ISCOR in-channel voids are also provided in Table 31-2 for reference.
((I 1))
Therefore, for both first EPU cycle and second EPU cycle hydraulic data, the highest voiding for LPRM locations is ((
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-31-1 First EPU ISCOR ISCOR ISCOR ISCOR Cycle Location Cyce LcaionCor Average Core Aerae Hot Ht Channel hanel Core Average In-Channel Hot Channel In-Channel (Cycle 7) Bypass Voids Bypass Voids Ids IdsC(an )
NON-PROPRIETARY VERSION Table SBWB-31-2 Second EPU ISCOR ISCOR ISCOR ISCOR Core Average Hot Channel HntChannel Cycle Location Core Average Hot Channel Chane (Cycle 8) Bypass Voids Bypass Voids Ids IdsC(aF)
31-1 Supplemental Reload Licensing Report for Browns Ferry 1 Reload 6 Cycle 7, 0000-0043-8325-SRLR, May 2006.