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Calculation MDQ0999970046 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps
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Site: Browns Ferry Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 03/23/2006
Tennessee Valley Authority
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC MC3812
Download: ML060880469 (176)




QA Record TVAN CALCULATION COVERSHEETICCRIS UPD Page 1 REV 0 EDMSIRIMS NO EDMS TYPE: EDMS ACCESSION NO (NIA for REV. 0 R14981118108 ca!culations(nuclear) R 14 V. b 0 ; i 4 1 4) 5 Calc


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALGID TYPE PRG PLANT ERANCH CUR REV NEW REV CURRENT CN NUC BFN MEB MD00999970046 007 008 APPLRV BILITY NEW = C = NUC _Selected pages 0 i I No CCRIS Changes O ACTION NEWN O DELETE 0 j SUPERSEDE El CCRIS UPDATE ONLY 0 (For calc revision. CCRIS REVISION 0 j RENAME 0 1 DUPLICATE C (Verifier Approval Signatures Not been reviewed and no

_ Required) CCRIS changes required)



1-312-2596382 DPESIGN REVIEW' PREPARERSIGNAT U. DATE CHECKERSIGNATUtRE CATE Fady Gaied -f-f 0-C - 06 Chfis Rennels/ Qo -200 VERIFIERSI5NA71 DATE ATURE 1OrMAL CATE Chris Rennels, (tv o/2'i'4 1  ;

3-o9-6 J3 /"v/._


The purpose of this calculation is to determine Ihat the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) pump and the Core Spray (CS) purp Net Pos~tive Suction Head (NPSH) is adequate and that margin is available for the Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) replacement strainer Cesign.


This revision updates the calculation utlizing MultifSow and updated flow and temperatures for EPU, ATVS. AppenCix R.and 550 ccrndions MICROFICHE/EFICHE Yes E No[0 FICHENUMBER(S) TVA-F-U001744. TVA-F-U001745. TVA-F-WU01746 O LOAD KNFO EDMS AND DESTROY 0 LOAD lNTO EOD.MS AND RETURN CALCULATION TO CALCULATION ADDRESS:POB-1A-BFN LIBRARY.


TVA 40532 107-20 051 Page 1 of 2 NEDP-2-1 137-08-20051



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_DM A 4W_ _3-A P DW BFN MEB 47W403-201 A _ _P_ DW BFN MED 47W403-202 I l A P GN BFN MEB EPuTR T0611 A P GN BFN MEB EPU TR T0903 A P DW BFN MEB 1-E20 A P GN BFN MEB EPU TR T0902 A P_ TH BFN MEB ANSI/HI9.6.1-1998 I A p GN BFN MEB E-mail 02/16/2006 _

CCRIS ONLY UIPOATES: -E CHCE SIG DA Following ;re required only when making keyword'cross rference CCRIS udates and page 1 of form NEDP-2-1 is not ircluded:

TVAodn 4053 PREPARER SIGNATURE recuiredl mkn ew rtr DATE2CCR, srfrne Pagwe 2pae n CIE or ae1o INATURE NEDP-2-1 is no ncloded R R PHONE NO. ,312-269-6382 EDS ACCESSON NO TVA 40532 r`o7-20051 Page 2 of 2 NEDP-2-1 107 08 20051 I


Document MDQ0999970046. Rev. 8 Plant: BFN


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps For Extended Power Uprate IQ Electronic storage of the input files for this calculation is not required. Comments:

Inputfiles for this calculation have been stored electronically and sufficient identifying information is provided below for each input file. (Any retri6ved file requires re-verification of its contents before use.)

Ref. I]) No. 308140 1 Microfiche/eFiche EDES reference number: TVA-F-U001744 (unit 1)

EDMS reference number: TVA-F-U001745 (unit 2)

EDMS reference number: TVA-F-U001746 (unit 3)


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps

  • document date: 2006-03-09
  • document identifier: mdqO999970046
  • facility: BFN Unit 0 keywords: E)CS, ERm, CS, NPSHi
  • comments: Multiflow analysis WA~~ ~403

[1-200 PaI'I l '.P 1-4-00 TVA 40535 112-20001 Page I of I NEDP-2-6 [12-04-20)01

3 Pe. 3 TVAN CALCULATION Titlo: I REVISION L.OG NP',H Evaluation of Browns Fery RHR and CS Pumps MD-.Q0999-970046 Revision DSCRIPTION OF REVISION Date No. Approved 0 INITIAL ISSUE. 11-18-98 I Added case studies for one loop of RHR at runout, one at maximum /

design filow, all CS pumps at normal design flow, suppression pool temperature at 951F.

Pages added: Cover Sheet, page 1 Table 3, pages 3A and 3B Appendix 1: 2 EZFLOW file printouts (36 pages)

Appendix 2: 2 EZFLOW file printouts (36 pages)

Pages deleted: None Pages changed by this revision: 1A, 2, 5,13,14, Appendix 1 cover sheet, Appendix 2 cover sheet SAR sections 4.8, and H.4.2.1 have been reviewed by Werner Voss and this revision of the calculation does not affect the current contents of the SAR. These SAR sections will be revised based on these calculation results as part of the resolution of the Containment Overpressure issue.

Total pages Rev. 1: '352 2 A aJ* e4 wol- o f tk. p 4. 4:4 4-V. ,t tat Eccs ai,4 an 1E4*


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This calculation was reviewed In light of the NRC memos granting BFN approval of containment civer-pressure, references 3.17, 3.18, and the SAR statements in section 6.5.5, Potenual Piluging of Emergency Core Cooling System Suction Strainers, (Units 2 and 3). The summary of these documents are (1) During the short term LOCA event, the first 10 minutes of a postulated LOCA event, credit is taken for 3 psi above atmospheric in the primary containment air space arid (2) During the long term LOCA event, from 10 minutes to the end of the postulated LOCA event, credit is taken for 1 psi above atmospheric In the primary containment air space for a period of time from 5500 to 35000 seconds. 1.5 to 9.7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />. Table 3 states *2 psig of containment pressure is added for all pool temperatures. The calculation summary tables (Tables I and 2) provide the pump NPSH margin for the various cases analyzed. The first six plant conditions are within the first 10 minutes. The last line on each table I%; the long term case where the suppression pool temperature is at 177fF.

The NRC letters allow a 3 psig overpressure for the first 10 minutes compared to the calculation's assumed value of 2 psig. Therefore the results for the first six cases are conservative by I psig (2.31 ft water). The values for the first six plant conditions in Tables I and 2 have been revised accordingly.

The supporting Information in Table 3 has not been revised In order to maintain consistency with the actual EZFLOW calculated values; however, Table 3 has been annotated to refer to this discussion in the Revision Log.

The NRC lefters do not allow overpressure In the period of 600 seconds to 5500 seconds; howeve r, no cases are analyzed in this time period.

The NRC letters allow a I psig overpressure Inthe period of 5500 seconds to 35000 seconds compared to the value assumed In the calculation of 2 psig overpressure. The case of peak suppression pool temperature (17r F) occurs at approximately 19000 seconds and thus falls In this I psig region. The NPSH margin for the last plant condition on Tables I and 2 have been reduced accordingly by 1 psig difference. The resulting NPSH margin value Is still positive (ie., acceptable) for the limiting pumps.

The supporting Information in Table 3 has not been revised in order to maintain consistency with the actual EZFLOW calculated values; however, Table 3 has been annotated to refer to this discussion in the Revision Log.

This calc was not revised to refect the NRC approved over-pressure of I psi since the cales show that adequate NPSH to the RHR and CS pumps Isensured.

SAR sections were reviewed via full text search for the key word overpressure' In Curator. The SAR sections found were reviewed by the preparer and this revision of the calculation does not affect the SAR.

This calculation does provide the basis for containment overpressure statements made In SAR section 6.5.5.

This calculation addresses the NPSH Information obtained from the following calculations: MD-OQC07 R 870258'and MD-00074-870360.

This calculation supersedes the following calculations: MD-03999-970055, ND-Q0074-880119, ND-Q0999-880127, ND-02000-880135, ND-Q0990-880138, ND-Q0999-"80140, NO-Q0074-880141, and ND-02ggg-040019.

Pages added: 2A Pages revised: 5, 8, 13, 14, Table 3 Pages deleted: none Total Pages Rev 3: 355 NEOP-2-2 101.08-1999]

Page 1 of I TVA\ 40t709 0l TVA 40708 -1999]

101.1 S9] Page 1 of I NEDP-2-21014Z-19991

C7CO6 5%f t'day 4L7.mep

__ Page 4A l_ TVAN CALCULATION RACORD OF REVISION CALCULATION IDENTIFIER MD-0099-97004 l Rev. 04 TRIO NPSH EVALUATION OF BROWNS FERRY RHR AND CS PUMPS Revision DESCRIPTION OF REVISION ODue o EPU, the pek supprslon pol temperature has risen 11o I8.5F' 14,700 seconds. This revision assumes a over premsure of 3 psi for both short and long terms. Tables 4 A 5 were added to provide details of the calcultion.

Pags added; 1.2, 4A, .13 (Tble 4).14, 15 (tabl 5), A-I, andA-2, B-4.RZt 4 -3 Pages revied. 4. 6. B.and II.

Pages dotedl 1, 1A, 3,4,nd 6 Total Pages: Y32 UV ps ..

c70; FSAR Sections 0.4, e.5, and 14.0 end the Technical Specificaftons hew been re~twwd for ehangm  :

assoclated with this revilon. This calculation relslon reflects paramers I values assodated with the

.Implemenaftfon of fidended PoW Uprtat (EPU. EPU raquirs the apprl ofa 1one smrmert NRC and i o r ions o multpl sadior ot the FSR and Techl S pe o

  • . . q^ororn of EPU condItions We the F8 and Technical Speclcations wiU be.aooompishid,  :

t-otmuie, EPU licenss ameandment 11*1 ng NRC approval.

8r^^wpwq Fve Ct -EPW"-2 3Z104-q


CALCU-DENTIFI ER MW0099 ,,700 ' .. 'X'. -> I..

-ie t NPS Elioof BrowS Feiry'RHR aid CS Ptui mfps ' 4 Z, ,; -


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t. - , :.c; NuImtdbed. Table 3 as Pages,15through29.-,

Renumbered Table4 fr4 m Page '13 to Page 30.3

. ,. zip-, Rsenumbered Table 5 from~Pages 14 ':nd 15 .to Pai jes 31 and 3





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(8apages), Attachmnent A (Pages 4%< & A;; i- sh;ivz 3 p ginatlon only); Table 4 j ln lo 4ouslydesgnateds Atta er 2) q odIn conjunction with the DCt'Jpackbae. '. -;-.

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007 This revislon adds Appendix 6 to quantify, and to document the base for, the nunwrieil values of available NPSH and NPSH margins lot U1 that are submitted to the NRC in response to bath Generic Loner (GL) 97-04 and NRC Bulletn 9-03.

Pages added: 4C, Appendix 6 (8 pages), AttachmentA (Peg" A-8 A A-9)

Pages rwed and replaoed 1, 2, & 5 Pages revised: 8 Pages dleted: none TOal Page Count 4W FSAR aecbans 6.4,6.6, and 14.6 and the Techrical Splficatiaons hav been ravewd lor chanes associated Wth this claunge. This calculation revision relbects parametersklues associated with the irnplernentation of Extended Powor Uprate (EPU) as well as the ue of S pd contalnment ovaf-pressure credit for calcuatg NPSH margins for Unit 1. Both of ftese ooddnswill require he amendments thatwil revise varous FSAR ndTecical Speiicatbions. Incorporalon d EPU conditions lor Unit I as well as the oer-pressure credcfor ECCS NPSH analystis (TS-429) Into the FSAR arid Technial Specl osific be ecccyl a part of the EPIJ license and TS-429 an# Idments kdbski ashed NFC approval. 2r941LTJIL2ID4 lVA 4D70911t2-2000] Page I of I NEDP-2-2 l12-04-20001

Pane 5 TVAN CALCULATION VERIFICATION FORM Calculation Identifier MDQ0999970046 Revision 007 Method ot verification used:

1. Design Review
2. Alternate Calculation Verifier n ate
3. Oualification Test 0 Comments:

\S NtE~~~a U>Be 2e TVA40633107.20013 P11 I I j l NEDP-2-4[07-M9,-001]

i I Pace 5A TVAN CALCULATION RECORD OF REVISION I CALCULATION IDENTIFIER MDQ0999970046 Title NPSH EVALUATION OF BROWNS FERRY RHR AND CS PUMPS Revision DESCRIPTION OF REVISION No. I 008 In this revision the existing EZ-flow model contained in Calculation MDQO-999-970046 was converted to Multi-Flow 1.21 using the h ardcopy files contained in the calculation. The Multiflow model was verified against current plant layout and configurations and case runs were made using the same pump configurations and flows as Rev. 007 with temperatures updated for Extended Power Uprate (EPU) conditions.

This revision also includes evaluation of ECCS pump NPSH for the special events of Anticipated Tran:;Ient Without Scram (ATWS), Appendix R, and Station Blackout (SBO) at Extended Power Uprate (E'PU) conditions.

The model results were used to perform NPSH calculations for the RHR and CS pumps for various pump combinations and rated flow demands on the suction piping at various suppression pool temperatures.

FSAR sections 6.4, 6.5 and 6.15 and the Technical Specifications have been reviewed for changes associated with this change. This calculation revision reflects parameters/values associated with the Implementation of Extended Power Uprate (EPU). This condition will require license amendments thal: will revise various FSAR and Technical Specifications. Incorporation of EPU conditions for ECCS analysis into the FSAR and Technical Specifica wi e accomplished as a part of the EPU license and amendments following NRC approval.

Pages added are: 2A, 5A, 5B and Al0 Appendix D is added.

Pages revised are: 1,2 and 7- 115 Appendices 1, 2, 4 and 5 are deleted.

Attachment C Is deleted.

Total Page Count:139 I

__*_ .. I 1I I..

TVA 40709 112-20001 Page I of I NEDP-2-2 [12-04-2000)]

Page 5B TVAN CALCULATION VERIFICATION FORM Calculaticn Identifier MDQ0999970046 Revision 8 Method of verification used:

1. Design Review
2. Alternate Calculation E Verifier Date &'2 -o09-?,'6
3. Qualification Test El Chris Rennels Comments The design inputs and sources are valid for the purpose of the calculation. The results and conclusions are reasonable and correct based on the inputs and methodology. Based on this review, it is concluded that the calculation is technically correct.

The review was conducted in accordance with the applicable requirements of TVAN NEDP-2 and NEDP-5.

NEDP-2-4 [07-09-2001]

Page 1 of I TVA 107-2001]

40533 107-2001]

TVA 40533 Page I of I NEDP-2-4 [07-09-20011

Page 6

.,I TVAN CALCULATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Calculation Identifier: MD00999970046 4 Revision: l 008 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION TITLE PAGE TVAN Calculation CoversheetlCCRIS Update 1,2 TVAN Computer Input File Storage Information Sheet 2A TVAN Calculation Record of Revision Sheet 3, 4, 4A. 4B.

4C, 5A TVAN Calculation Verification Form 5, 5B TVAN Calculation Table of Contents 6 1.0 Purpose 7 2.0 References 7 3.0 Design Input Data 9 4.0 Assumptions 9 5.0 Special Requirements/Limiting Conditions 9 6.0 Computations And Analysis 10 7.0 Supporting Graphics 16 8.0 Results and Conclusions 22 Appendices Appendix 1: Deleted Appendix 2: Deleted Appendix 3: Evaluation Of ECCS Strainer To Ingest A Steam Plume/Bubble 3 Pages Appendix 4: Deleted Appendix 5: Deleted Attachments A. Previous Cover Sheets 10 Pages B. Memo from Tom Newton to Those Listed 3 Pages C. Deleted D. E-mail forwarded by Donald McQueen from Thomas Newton 2 Pages NEDP-2-3 112-04-2000]

112-20001 Page 1 or i TVA 40710 TVA 4071i0 [112-2000) Page I Of 1 NEDP-2-3 112-04-20001

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 8 Plant: BFN Ul, 2&3 Page: 7


NPSH¶ Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps l Prepared Date Checked ____Date__


1. PURPOSE The purpose of this revision is to revise the existing Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) suction piping hydraulic analysis to be based on the current accepted TVA method (Ref. 2.5) at Extended Power Uprate (EPU) conditions. Results of that analysis are then used to compute the Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) available for pump and system flows. This revision also includes evaluation of ECCS pump NPSH for the special events of Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS), Appendix R, and Station Blackout (SBO) at EPU conditions. NPSH available is determined for various ECCS pump combinations and rated flow demands on the suction piping at various suppression pool temperatures. Where necessary, suppression pool containment pressure necessary to meet the NPSH required is also determined.
2. REFERENCES 2.1 Vendor Technical Manual BFN-VTM-B260-0010 for Bingham-Willamette Pumps, Section 0020 (CS Pump Curves).

2.2 Vendor Technical Manual BFN-VTM-B260-0010 for Bingham-Willamette Pumps, Section 0040 (RHR Pump Curves).

2.3 Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 8th Edition.

2.4 TVA Drawings:

a. 47W403-204, R5
b. 47W403-205, R4
c. 47W403-206, R4
d. 347W403-207, RO
e. 47W403-208, R4
f. 2-47W403-203, RO
g. 3-47W403-209, RO
h. 47W403-200, R3
i. 47W403-201, R5
j. 47W403-202, R3 2.5 MULTIFLOW- Version 1.21 (S&L Program Number 03.7.749-1.2 1, Dated 09/25/02).

2.6 TVA Drawings:

a. 2-47E814-1, R049, "Flow Diagram- Core Spray System".
b. 3-47E814-1, R033, "Flow Diagram- Core Spray System".
c. 2-47E8 11 -1, R064,'Tlow Diagram-Residual Heat Removal System".
d. 3-47E81 1-1, R061,"Flow Diagram-Residual Heat Removal System".
e. 1-47E814-1, R013, "Flow Diagram- Core Spray System".
f. 1-47E81 1-1, R025,Flow Diagram-Residual Heat Removal System".


_I MD-Q0999-970046 , _

l Rev.: 8 1 Plant:

I BFN Ul, 2&3 Page:8


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared _ Date__

Checked ____Date_

CALCULATION SHEET 2.7 Additional Drawings:

a. PDM Drawing 2-E20, R004, "TVA Containment Vessel"
b. PDM Drawing 3-E20, ROO1, "TVA Containment Vessel"
c. PDM Drawing I-E20, ROOO, "TVA Containment Vessel" 2.8 TVA Design Criteria No. BFN-50-7074, "Residual Heat Removal System", Units 2 & 3, Rev.

17, to include DIM-BFN-50-7074-25.

2.9 TVA Design Criteria No. BFN-50-7075, "Core Spray System", Units 2 & 3, Rev. 6.

2.10 TVA Engineering Change Notice L1636.

2.11 TVA Engineering Change Notice P0602.

2.12 TVA Design Criteria No. BFN-50-715, "Environmental Design", Rev. 5.

2.13 Steam Tables, Combustion Engineering, 15th printing. Values reprinted from 1967 ASME Steam Tables.

2.14 GENE-E12-00148-04, "Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) Evaluation for Browns Fery Nuclear Plant ECCS Strainer Design", Revision 0, June, 1997.

2.15 GENE-E12-00148-01, "ECCS Suction Strainer Hydraulic Sizing Report", Rev. 0.

2.16 GENE-El2-00148-06, "Containment Pressure Report", Rev. 0.

2.17 NRC memo dated Nov 15, 1999,


BFN Units 2 and 3, Completion of Licensing Actions for Bulletin 96-03, Potential Plugging of Emergency Core Cooling Suction Strainers By Debris In Boiling Water Reactors, Dated May 6, 1996 (TAC NOS M96135, M96136 and M96137) L449911230011.

2.18 NRC memo dated Sep 3, 1999,


BFN Units 2 and 3, Issuance Of Amendments Regarding Crediting Of Containment 'Over-Pressure For 'Net Positive Suction Head Calculations For Emergency Cooling Pumps. I44-990913-002.

2.19 TVA BFN Unit 2 and 3 EPU Task 0406: ECCS Net Positive Suction Head. GE-NE-A22-00125-27-01, Rev. 0, May 2002 (W 79 020517 001).

2.20 EPU Task Report T0902, "Anticipated Transient Without Scram", Rev. 2.

2.21 EPU Task Report T061 1, "Appendix R Fire Protection", Rev. 0.

2.22 EPU Task Report T0903, "Station Blackout", Rev. 0.

2.23 ANSI/HI 9.6.1-1998, "American National Standard for Centrifugal and Vertical Pumps for NPSH Margin", Hydraulic Institute, 1998.

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 IRev.: 8 Plant: BFN U1, 2&3 Page: 9


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date_

IChecked _ Date_

CALCULATION SHEET 2.24 TVA Correspondence (E-Mail),


"Fw: Pump/Flow Combination Cases for MULTIFLOW EPU Revision to NPSH Calculation", 02/16/2006 11:32 AM. (Attachment D) 2.25 STMFUNC, Steam Table Function Dynamic Link Library (DLL), Program No. 03.7.598-3.1.

See Appendix 3 for additional references.

3 DESIGN INPUT DATA Input data required is derived from references shown above. The pump flow rates and fluid temperatures are taken from TVA correspondence (Ref. 2.24).

4 ASSUMPTIONS 4.1 No pressure drop is assumed across the strainers for ATWS, SBO, and Appendix R events.

These events do not result in debris entering the suppression pool and the strainers are large enough to have negligible pressure drop when clean. Check valves with minimal equivalent length are included to aid with convergence.

4.2 The minimum NPSHr at 10,000 gpm for the RHR pumps is 23.7 ft from Refere:ace 2.2.

Conservatively, this value is used for all RHR pumps with flow at 6500 gpm.

4.3 For bends with no angle and/or curvature information denoted on drawings, 900 short radius elbows are conservatively assumed.

4.4 HPCI and RCIC systems are assumed to not operate in a mode drawing suction from the torus ring header for all analyzed cases.

4.5 The effective strainer hydraulic loss is taken at the point of the ECCS piping flange for the strainer.


Document: MD-Q0999-970046 l Rev.: 8 lPlant: BFN Ul, 2&3 Page: 10


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date___-

Checked Date_

CALCULATION SHEET 6 COMPUTATIONS AND ANALYSIS The multiflow Version 1.21 runs were executed on S&L PC #ZD2958 using Windows NT Operating System. The following files are located in E:\0N3015\TVA\Multiflow files\Multi Flow program Fowp,00ram ...................

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Document: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 8 Plant: BFN Ul, 2&3 Page: 11


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Datet__

L Checked Date_

CALCULATION SHEET The results presented are based on the conditions specified for each of the analyzed scenario. These conditions must be met for the results of the applicable scenarios to be valid.

This calculation documents the results of analysis to determine the NPSH available for the pipe routing and configuration from the ECCS suction strainer to the pump suction for both the RHR and CS' piping systems. NPSH margins are calculated for selected pump flow combinations and system maximum flow rates and suppression pool temperatures. The system operating conditions and modes of operations that are considered in this analysis are listed below.

Table 1: Temperature and Flow Rate Combinations LOCA Pump/Flow Combinations Suppression Pool Temperature CS Pumps A/B/C/D - 3125 gpm each Temperature @ 950 F RHR A/C Pumps - 10,000 gpm each Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.4F)

RHR B/D Pumps - 11,000 gpm each CS Pumps A/B/C/D - 3125 gpm each Temperature @ 950 F RHR A/C Loop - 11,000 gpm each Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.40 F)

RHR B/D Loop - 10,000 gpm each CS Pumps A/C - 3125 gpm each, B/D -0 Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.4F)

RHR A/C Pumps - 6500 gpm each, BI/D -0 Temperature where NPSHa = NPSHr Temperature ) T.,, EPU (187.3 0F)

CS Pumps B/D - 3125 gpm each, A/C -0 Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.4F)

RHR A/C Pumps - 6500 gpm each, B/D - 0 Temperature where NPSHa = NPSHr Temperature @ T,,,xEPU (187.30 F)

CS Pumps B/D - 3125 gpm each, A/C -. 0 Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.4F)

RHR B/D Pumps - 6500 gpm each, A/C -0 Ternperature where NPSHa = NPSH, Temperature @ T. EPU (187.31F)

CS Pumps A/C - 3125 gpm each, B/D - 0 Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.4F)

RHR B/D Pumps - 6500 gpm each, A/C - 0 Temperature where NPSHa = NPSHr Temperature @ Tm,,SEPU (187.30 F)

CS Pumps A/C - 3125 gpm each, B/D - 0 Temperature @ 1660F RHR A/B/C/D Pumps - 6500 gpm each _

ATWS Pump/Flow Combinations RHR A/B/C/D Pumps - 6500 gpm each i Temperature (a 214.60F (EPU Task Report T0902)

Appendix R Pump/Flow Combinations One RHR Pumps (non specific) - 6500 gpm Temperature (@2270 F (EPU Task Report TO -11)

SBO Pump/Flow Combinations Two RHR Pump (A/C) - 6500 gpm, B/D -0 Temperature @ 197.30 F (EPU Task Report T0903)

Two RHR Pump (B/D) - 6500 gpm, A/C -0

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date_

IChecked Date_

CALCULATION SHEET Per American Hydraulic Institute standards (Ref. 2.23), the required Net Positive Sucticn Head (NPSHr) of a pump is the NPSH that will cause the total head to be reduced by 3%, due to flow blockage from cavitation vapor in the impeller vanes (Ref. 2.23). The Net Positive Suction Head Required (NPSHr) for the RHR and CS pumps is determined from the vendor pump curves (Ref. 2.1 and 2.2). The difference between NPSHa and NPSHr is the NPSH margin.

The NPSHa is the actual fluid energy delivered to the pump impeller through the piping configuration and is calculated by the following equation (Ref. 2.3).

NPSHa=ha+hs-hf-hvp (Eq. 6.1) where:

ha= Atmospheric head = Suppression Pool airspace pressure converted to feet of water (ft).

hl = Static pressure head = Elevation difference between the centerline of the pump inlet and the suppression pool water level (ft).

hr= Total friction head loss (ft).

hvp = Vapor pressure of water at system temperature (ft).

The Browns Ferry Plant ECCS configuration includes an ECCS ring header circumscribing the suppression chamber with connecting piping to four inlet penetrations through the torus wall into the suppression pool. Inside the suppression pool, each connecting line is fitted with a flanged surface for mating to the ECCS strainer flanges. The ECCS ring header supplies the suction piping of the RHR, CS, High Pressure Core Injection (HPCI) and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) systems.

Since the ECCS ring header and the connecting piping to the ECCS strainers is common to the suction of all of the ECCS pumps, the flow and pressure distribution for the ring header and S;trainers is different for varying system demands. Therefore, to determine individual ECCS pump suction pressures for various plant states, a model of the suction piping configuration was created frcm TVA drawings (Ref. 2.4 and 2.6) for analysis with the Multiflow computer program (Ref. 2.5). A simplified layout of the Multiflow model for the ECCS ring header and suction piping to tie RHR and CS pumps is shown in Figure 7.1 (See Section 8.0). All model link input dimensions and components were taken from TVA drawings (Ref. 2.4 and 2.6) which contained systems configuration and dimensions. Nodal diagrams for Units 1, 2 and 3 ECCS hydraulic models are shown in Figures 7.2, 7.3 and 7.4, respectively (See Section 8.0).

For piping links in the model, piping lengths included the total piping isometric dimension. When drawings did not specify whether a piping elbow was short or long radius, the conservative case, e.g.

short radius was chosen. The types of valves used in the models were taken from Reference :2.6. For all form losses (elbows, valves, etc.), the Multiflow default values of equivalent length, resistance, etc. were selected. The piping roughness value of 0.00015 ft was selected, which is acceptable for a condensate quality system and would not be expected to change with the system age.

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CALCULATION SHEET System design flow values for RHR and CS were taken from Reference 2.24. In the MultiFlow model the flow is represented in sgpm, requiring the conversion from gpm. The conversion i; shown below.

Specific Volume of Water at standard Temp. and Pressure Flow (gpm)

  • Spf= Flow(sgpm) (Eq 6.2)

Specific Volume of Water at desired Temp. and Pressure The standard temperature and pressure used in Multiflow is 60 0F at 14.7 psia. All flows are converted to sgpm at the corresponding temperature for all cases. All sgpm conversions are shown in Tables 4 and 5.

For the LOCA cases, in the MultiFlow model a pump component is used to model the strainer pressure drop as a function of the flow rate. Flows obtained from Reference 2.15 were converted to flow at standard conditions using Equation 6.2. Values of head loss at corresponding strainer flow rates taken from Reference 2.15 are converted to head loss at standard conditions. A plot of head loss at standard conditions was developed. A third order polynomial equation of head loss at standard conditions was developed in order to obtain head loss values between data points (See Fig. 7.5).

Table 2 depicts the head loss used to model the strainers as a function of flow. The values listed in Table 2 are linearly interpolated in Multiflow to obtain the system head loss.

Table 2: Strainer Loss Flow (sgpm) Loss (ff) 0 0 4592 -0.230 6000 -0.890 7000 -1.340 9000 -2.410 11000 -3.610 13239 -5.118 13288 -5.201 13514 -5.354 13515 -5.377 13565 -5.403 13624 -5.466 14033 -5.711 15000 -6.440

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IChecked _ Date CALCULATION SHEET In order to assist analysis convergence in the ATWS, Appendix R and SBO cases, "dummy" check valves with a minimum equivalent length to model strainer loss were installed in the piping links from the strainer flanges to the ECCS ring header tees. For these special cases, the strainer pressure drop is assumed to be zero since there is no debris in the strainer.

Pump static suction head is equal to the available water level above pump suction centerline. In the Multiflow model, the static head at the strainer flange node is needed for calculation purpo:;es. It is necessary to establish this value in psig in the Multiflow model at the strainer flanges. Frcm TVA drawings (Ref. 2.6), the low water level of the suppression pool is 536' 1 3/4" with Ap and 536' 3/4" with zero delta P, which will be considered here.

- . Poo L~evel_ .)  :.

':' ' ' '. '...... . . . . . . . . . . '.. ' ...  :'  : I '.:. . . ...: .. . ..

':.. ' :... . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . .I S.. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

it 4~~~~~25~ (Ref~~~S4n .24) :::::::

... Ring Header ..:  : .  : .  :

Angle =40° (Ref. 2.7a, bandc) h is the vertical distance from point A to the Ring Header centerline.

h =2.283 (Ref.2.7 aband c)

Point A is the strainer piping flange.

Point A elevation = 525 .333+2.283 = 527.616 and static head of Pt. A = 536.062 - 3527.616 = 8.446

... ............ ... ... .f . .. .t . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .

These prcssures were established at the strainer flange points (nodes 1,5, 23, and 27) for the specified temperatures. The densities as a function of temperature in the following equations are tak.en from STMFUNC (Ref. 2.25).

At 950 F, Ha = 8.446 ft x 62.05 lb 14 in = 3.639 psig (Eq. 6.2a)

At 155.4 0F,ELz = 8.446 ft x 61.09- ÷.144-f = 3.583 psig (Eq. 6.2b)

At 1660 F, EL = 8.446 ft x 60. 88-÷3 .144-f = 3.570 psig (Eq. 6.2c)

At 1720 F, HEs = 8.466 ft x 60.7 lb 14 in = 3.563 psig (Eq. 6.2d)

At 187.30 FEL = 8.446 ft x 60.42- ÷3*144-a = 3-544 psig (Eq. 6.2e)

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i I l i ' i: ; Checked _ Date-CALCULATION SHEET At 197.3 0 F,Ha - 8.446 fi x 60.18 b3 144 ft22 = 3.529 psig (Eq. 6.2f) ft lb in2 At 214.6 0F, FsL 8.446 ft x 59.76 3144- 3.505 psig (Eq. 6.2g)

-Ft ft lb in' At 2270F, H1 = 8.446 fi x 59.44 3144-3 = 3.486 psig (Eq. 6.2h) f ft2 The static elevation pressures at the ECCS piping flange points at corresponding system temperatures are summarized in Table 3.

l Table 3: Strainer Pressure - l Temperature( 0 F) Pressure (psig) 95.00 3.639 155.4 3.583 166.0 3.570 173.0 3.562 172.0 3.563 187.3 3.544 197.3 3.529 214.6 3.505 227.0 3.486 The Multiflow model calculation accounted for system static head and piping friction losses. To obtain the NPSH available, it was necessary to subtract fluid vapor pressure hvp (at the -analyzed suppression pool temperature) and take into account the suppression pool absolute pressure. lJtilizing Equation 6.1, the available NPSH is determined. Reduction of these values by the specific pump required NPSH values from vendor pump curves (Ref. 2.1 and 2.2) results in the final NPSH margin for the pumps. [NPSHa = (Ha (value of pool pressure) + (Ha-Hf) (value of Multiflow pump suction pressure) - Hvp (correction for fluid vapor pressure)) X (psia to feet conversion factor)]. See Tables 7.1 through 7.24 for calculations of NPSHa and NPSH margin for Unit 1. See Tables 11.1 through 11.24 for calculations of NPSHa and NPSH margin for Unit 2. See Tables 14.1 through 14.24 for calculations ofNPSHa and NPSH margin for Unit 3.

Flow conditions of the RHR and CS systems analyzed were

1) Maximum flow at a pool temperature of 950F.
2) Maximum flow combinations at pool temperatures of 155.41F and 1660 F with no operational reduction.
3) Long term operation at the suppression pool design temperature limit of 187.30 F at design required system flow.
4) Maximum flow combinations at pool temperature where NPSHa is equal to NPSHr.
5) Flow conditions of RHR system analyzed at pool temperature of 214.61F (ATWS, Ref. 2.2)).
6) Flow conditions of RHR system analyzed at pool temperature of 2270 F (Appendix R, Ref. 2.21).
7) Flow conditions of RHR system analyzed at pool temperature of 197.3 0F (SBO, Ref. 2.22).

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CALCULATION SHEET 7 SUPPORTING GRAPHICS Figure No. Title Page Figure 7.1 General multiflow Model 17 Figure 7.2 Unit 1 nodal diagram 18 Figure 7.3 Unit 2 nodal diagram 19 Figure 7.4 Unit 3 nodal diagram 20 Figure 7.5 Strainer Loss Curve Fit 21

RING HEADER (l6'(D (D- 3 l Q -0_


PUMP C PUMP I FIGURE 7.1 l General MultiFlow Model I I.-

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I Checked _ Date-CALCULATION SHEET Figure 7.2 Unit I Nodal Diagram.

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CALCULATION SHEET Figure 7.3 Unit 2 Nodal Diagram.

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CALCULATION SHEET Figure 7.4 Unit 3 Nodal Diagram.

fl I:


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Figure 7.5: Strainer Head Loss Curve 7-6 5

~~4 en

  • GE Report strainer loss 0


  • Intermediate Strainer Loss a) x High Flow strainer Loss I 3 2

1 n

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 Flow (SGPM)

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared _Date_

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CALCULATION SHEET 8 RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Summary values of pump NPSH margin are shown in Tables 6, 10 and 13 for Units 1, 2 and 3 respectively. In some cases overpressure is added to the normal atmospheric pool pressure (14.4 psia) to achieve the required NPSH. The pressures required to achieve BFN design basis desirabls NPSH values are shown (Ref. 2.12) for each case in Tables 6, 10 and 13. The temperature determined at NPSHa = NPSHr is 172°F for all Units.

All steps taken to calculate NPSHa are shown in Tables 7.1 through 7.24 for Unit 1, Tables 11.1 through 11.24 for Unit 2, and Tables 14.1 through 14.24 for Unit 3. The pump pressures are obtained from Multiflow output files. The equations used in these tables are shown in Table 8.

Tables 9, 12 and 15 list the strainer pressure drop and flow rates for Units 1, 2 and 3 respectively.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page :23 NPS11 evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 4: sanm calculations Te rnp (l V(ftlAb) Ratio VsIVr Flow Flow 60 0.01603 1.000000 (gpm) (sgpm) 95 0.01612 0.995022 172 0.01646 0.974154 95 155.4 214.6 172 227 197.3 166 187.3 155.4 0.01637 0.979577 3125 3109 3061 2995 3044 2979 3016 3051 3027 214.6 0.01673 0.958300 4500 4478 4408 4312 4384 4289 4343 4393 4359 227 0.01682 0.953197 6500 6468 6367 6229 6332 6196 6273 6345 6297 197.3 0.01662 0.965060 10000 9950 9796 9583 9742 9532 9651 9762 9688 166 0.01643 0.976166 11000 10945 10775 10541 10716 10485 10616 10738 1065E 187.3 0.01655 0.968770 14700 14627 14400 14087 14320 14012 14186 14350 1 Note 1: See Table 5 for steps of conversion of flow from gpm to sgpm.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:24 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET A B I C 0DI E I F I G I H I I J I K I L I M l Table 5: sgpm calculations 2 Temp(°F) V(ftJ/Ib) Ratio VsIVr Flow Flow 3 60 -vftsat97(60) 1 I (gpm (sgpm) 4 95 =vftsat_97(A4) =B31B4 _ I 5 172 =vftsat_97(A5) =B3/B5 95 155.4 214.6 172 227 197.3 166 187.3 6 155.4 =vftsaL97(A6) =B3/B6 3125 =E6*C4 =E6*C6 =E6*C7 =E6*C5 =E6*C8 =E6*C9 =E6*C1O =E6*C1 7 214.6 =vftsat_97(A7) =B3/B7 4500 =E7*C4 =E7*C6 =E7*C7 =E7*C5 =E7*C8 =E7*C9 =E7*C1O =E7*C11 8 227z-- =vftsatn97(A8)- =B3/B8- 6500 -- =E8*C4-- =E8*C6- =E8*C7 =E8*C5 =E8*C8 - =E8*C9 - =E8*C1O =E8*C11 9 197.3 =vftsat_97(A9) =B3/B9 10000 =E9*C4 =E9*C6 =E9*C7 =E9*C5 =E9*C8 =E9*C9 =E9*C1O =E9*C11 10 166 - =vftsatL97(A10) -=B3/B10 11000 =E1O*C4 =E10*C6 -E10*C7 =E10*C5 =E1O*C8 -E10*C9 -E10*CIO =E10*C11 11 187.3 =vftsat-97(A11) =B3/B11 = 14700 =E11*C4 =E11*C6 =E11*C7 =E11*C5 =E11*C8 =E11*C9 =E11*C1O =E11*C11 12 -_______

This table depicts flow conversion to flow at standard conditions utilizing the ratio of specific volume of water at standard temperature and pressure (See cell B3) to the specific volume of water at desired temperature and pressure (See cells B4 13 through B1 1), the resulting ratios are displayed in cells C3 through C1.

All flows (gpm) (See cells E6 through El1) are multiplied by the ratio VsNr at the desired temperature resulting in flows at 14 standard conditions (See cells F6 through M11) used in Multiflow.

vftsaL_97(Temperature) is the specific volume of water at a specific temperature, it is a thermodynamic property of water 15 obtained from STMFUNC excel add-in program (Ref. 2.25) (See cell B3 through B11)

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date____

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CALCULATION SHEET TABLE 6 Unit 1 LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure NYISH (ft) (ft) (psia) margin (f t)

LOCA IA @95 0F RHR/A 33.28 25.9 14.4 7.38 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each RHR/B 32.33 30 14.4 2.33 RHR A/C Pumps -10,000 gpm each I___I RHR B/D Pumps -I l,000 gpm each RIH{RC 31.89 25.7 14.4 6.19 RHR/D 33.91 29 14.4 4.91 CS/A 34.75 27 14.4 7.75 CS/B 36.93 27 14.4 9.93 CS/C 36.73 27 14.4 9.73 CS/D 35.13 27 14.4 8.13 0

LOCA IB @155.4 F RHR/A 31.07 25.9 16.7 5.17 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each RHR/B 30.13 30 16.7 0.13 RHR A/C Pumps -10,000 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps -11,000 gpm each RHR/C 29.68 25.7 16.7 3.98 RHR/D 31.71 29 16.7 2.71 CS/A 32.55 27 16.7 5.55 CS/B 34.73 27 16.7 7.73 CS/C 34.52 27 16.7 7.52 CS/D 32.92 27 16.7 5.92 LOCA 2A @95 0F RHR/A 32.39 29 14.4 3.39 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each RHR/B 33.50 26.4 14.4 7.10 RHR A/C Pumps -11,000 gpm each RHRJC 3071 29 14_4 1_71 RHR B/D Pumps -10,000 gpm each . .

RHR/D 34.80 25.8 14.4 9.00 CS/A 34.72 27 14.4 7.72 CS/B 36.90 27 14.4 9.90 CS/C 36.70 27 14.4 9.70 CS/D 35.10 27 14.4 8.10 LOCA2B @155.4 0F RHR/A 31.18 29 17.0 2.18 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each RHR/B 32.28 26.4 17.0 5.88 RHR A/C Pumps -11,000 gpm each RIHR/C 29.50 29 17.0 0.50 RHR B/D Pumps -10,000 gpm each RHR/D 33.58 25.8 17.0 7.78 CS/A 33.50 27 17.0 6.50 CS/B 35.68 27 17.0 8.68 CS/C 35.48 27 17.0 8.48 CS/D 33.88 27 17.0 6.88 LOCA 3A @155.4°F RHR/A 35.92 23.7 14.4 12.22 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/C 35.33 23.7 14.4 1 '1.63 B/D-0 gpm each _,_ ,

RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 31.83 27 14.4 4.83 B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 33.81 27 14.4 6.81

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CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure NPSH (ft) (ft) (psia) margin

__ (frt)

LOCA 3B @172 0F RHR/A 31.24 23.7 14.4 7.54 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each N Pr C 30.65 23.7 14.4 6.95 B/D-0 gpm.each NPSHa=NPSHr ___

RHRA/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 27.15 27 14.4 0.15 B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 29.13 27 14.4 2.13 LOCA 3C @187.3 0F RHR/A 31.25 23.7 16.9 7.55 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RFHR/C 30.66 23.7 16.9 6.96 B/D-0 gpm eachCSA 216 7 169 01 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 27.16 27 16.9 0.16 B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 29.14 27 16.9 2.14 LOCA 4A @155.4 0F RHR/A 35.93 23.7 14.4 12.23 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RIHRJC 35.34 23.7 14.4 11.64 A/C-0 gpm each CS/B 33.70 27 14.4 6.70 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/D 31.89 27 14.4 4.89 B/D-0 each LOCA 4B @172¶ RHR/A 31.25 23.7 14.4 7.55 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/C 30.66 23.7 14.4 6.96 RHRA/C Pumps-6500 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr CS/B 29.02 27 14.4 2.02 B/D-0 gpm each CS/D 27.21 27 14.4 0.21 LOCA4C @187.3 0F RHR/A 31.26 23.7 16.9 7.56 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/C 30.67 23.7 16.9 6.97 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 29.03 27 16.9 2.03 B/D-0 gpm each CS/D 27.22 27 16.9 0.22 LOCA 5A @155.4 0F RHR/B 35.64 23.7 14.4 11.94 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHRID 36.19 23.7 14.4 12.49 A/C-0 gpm each CS/B 33.67 27 14.4 6.67 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/D 31.87 27 14.4 4.87 A/C-0 gpm each LOCA 5B @1720 F RHR/B 30.96 23.7 14.4 7.26 CSPumpsB/D-3125gpmeach R 31.51 23.7 14.4 7.81 A/C-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr RH/D 31.99 23.7 14.4 7.99 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 28.99 27 14.4 1.99 A/C-0 gpm each CSID 27.19 27 14.4 0.19 LOCA 5C @187.3 0 F RHR/B 30.97 23.7 16.9 7.27 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each 31.52 23.7 16.9 7.82 A/C-0 gpm. each RR 15 37 69 78 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 29.01 27 16.9 2.01 A/C-0 gpm each CS/D 27.20 27 16.9 0.20 LOCA 6A @155.4 0F RHR/B 35.62 23.7 14.4 11.92 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each B/D-0 gpm each RJHR/D 36.17 23.7 14.4 12.47 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 31.87 27 14.4 4.87 A/C-0 gpm each

__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ CS/C 33.85 27 14.4 6.85

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CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure NPSH (ft) (ft) (psia) ma rgin (I't)

LOCA 6B @172 0F RHR/B 30.94 23.7 14.4 7.24 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/D 31.49 23.7 14.4 7.79 B/D-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 27.19 27 14.4 0.19 A/C-0 gpm each CS/C 29.17 27 14.4 2.17 LOCA 6C @187.3 0F RHR/B 30.95 23.7 16.9 7.25 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RJ]PD 31.50 23.7 16.9 7.80 B/D-0 gpm each CS/A 27.20 27 16.9 0.20

_ A/CD gpm each e CS/C 29.18 27 16.9 2.18 LOCA 7 @166¶F RHR/A 30.75 23.7 14.4 7.05 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHRI/B 30.76 23.7 14.4 7.06 B/D-0 gpm each RHR/C 30.17 23.7 14.4 6.47 RHR A/CB/D Pumps-6500 gpm each R 31.31 23.7 14.4 7.61 CS/A 27.61 27 14.4 0.61 CS/C 29.59 27 14.4 2.59 ATWS Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure NPhSH (ft) (ft) (psia) margin (rt)

ATWS @214.6 0F RHR/A 24.48 23.7 21.0 0.78 RHR AIC/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each RHRIB 24.53 23.7 21.0 0.83 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each RHR__ 237 10 RHR/C 23.90 23.7 21.0 0.20 RHR/D 25.08 23.7 21.0 1.38 Appendix R Pump/Flow Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure NPSH

'Combination (ft) (ft) (psia) margin App-RA @227°F A 23.93 23.7 24.1 0.23 RHR Pump A-6500 gpm I, App-R B @227°F B 23.91 23.7 24.1 0.21 RHR Pump B-6500 gpm I __; .__

App-R C '@227TF C 23.81 23.7 24.1 0.11 RHR Pump C-6500 gpm App-RD 1@227'F D 23.99 23.7; 24.1 0.29 RHR Pump D-6500 gpm I SBO Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure N1'SH (ft) (ft) (psia) margin

_ _ _ _ _ _ (ft)

SBO 1 A/C @197.30 F A 24.44 23.7 16.0 0.74 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each C 23.85 23.7 16.0 0.15 SBO 2 B/D @197.3 0F B 23.89 23.7 16.0 0.19 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each D 24.44 23.7 16.0 0.74

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:28 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.1: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 1A 95F

_ Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion FactorI Temp( F) (psia) V(fte/lb) psia to feet of head I j 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 1 I 95 1 0.816362332 F 0.016115213 I 2.320590685 I Pool Press. (psia) 114.41 RHR Pressure (psi ) NPSHa (ft)NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 0.757222 33.28 25.9 7.38 2PUMFPB 0.350229 32.33 30 2.33 3PUMF'C 0.159882 31.89 25.7 6.19 4PUMFPD 1.02991 33.91 29 4.91 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUNIPA 1.39134 34.75 27 7.75 2CSPUMPB 2.33064 36.93 27 9.93 3CSPUNIPC 2.24387 36.73 27 9.73 4CSPUMPD 1.5537 35.13 27 8.13 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD.Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:29 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.2: Unit 1 NPSH Calculations Case lB 155.4F Vapor Pressure lSpecific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) I (psla) Il V(ft3 /lb) psia to feet of head 60 = 0.256389624 [ 0.016034992 2.309038802 .

1 155.4 I 4.249928506 _ 0.016369309 I 2.357180486 I Pool Press. (psia) 116.71 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMFPA 0.732314 31.07 25.9 5.17 2PUMPB 0.332824 30.13 30 0.13 3PUMPC 0.143287 29.68 25.7 3.98 4PUMPD 1 1.00271 31.71 29 i 2.71 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

I CSPUIIMPA 1.35744 32.55 27 5.55 2CSPUMPB 2.28199 34.73 27 7.73 3CSPUMPC 2.19655 34.52 27 7.52 4CSPUMPD 1.51634 32.92 27 5.92 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-5170046, Rev. 8 Page:30 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (CSpuwps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.3: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 2A 95F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) I (psia) I V(ft3/lb) psia to feet of head 1

I 60 I

0.256389624 0.016034992

----- I 2.309038802 --

I 95- 0.816362332 0.016115213 2.320590685 Pool Press. (psia) 1 14.41

_- _ _ I 9 -I RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (f) NPSHr(ft) NPSH margin (ft)

IPUMF'A 0.373923 32.39 29 3.39 2PUMF'B 0.850622 33.50 26.4 7.10 3PUMF'C -0.34906 30.71 29 1.71 4PUMF'D 1.41222 34.80 25.8 9.00 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 1.37851 34.72 27 7.72 2CSPUrvPB 2.31816 .36.90 27 9.90 3CSPUMPC 2.23104 36.70 27 9.70 4CSPUMPD 1.54122 35.10 27 8.10 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-S970046, Rev. 8 Page:3 1 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.4: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 2B 155.4F

_ Vapor Pressure I Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp( 0 F) I (psia) V(ft 3/lb) I psia to feet of head I 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 j 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psia) 17 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (fi) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 0.477709 31.18 29 2.18 2PUMiFB 0.94292 32.28 26.4 5.88 3PUMF'C -0.23507 29.50 29 0.50 4PUMF'D 1.49653 33.58 25.8 7.78 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

ICSPUiVtPA 1.46104 33.50 27 6.50 2CSPUMPB 2.38859 35.68 27 8.68 3CSPUMPC 2.30015 35.48 27 8.48 4CSPUMPD 1.62294 33.88 27 6.88 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-S70046, Rev. 8 Page:32 NPS11 Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.5: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 3A 155.4F Vapor Pressure I Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft 3/lb) psia to feet of head

-N -- nn

- rn

-- I . - -^ - o --- o - - - --- --

I bU U.2b;5t$U4 U.U10bu4992 Z.609U3882uL 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 0 2.357180486 j Pool Press. (psia 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft)! NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMFiA 5.08703 35.92 23.7 12.22 2PUMF'B _  !

3PUMF'C 4.83846 35.33 23.7 11.63 4PUMi-D _ . _

CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUiIPA 3.35325 31.83 .27 4.83 2CSPUiMIPB . . .

3CSPUvlPC 4.19236 33.81 27 6.81 4CSPUiMPD ,  :

Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH rnargin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:33 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.6: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 3B 172F Vapor Pressure SpecificVolume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psia) V(ft3 /lb) psia to feet of head I 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 172 l 6.281035863 l 0.016460423 l 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psia) 14.41 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

IPUMPA 5.05889 31.24 23.7 7.54 3PUMPC 4.81158 30.65 23.7 6.95 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.33511 27.15 27 0.15 3CSPUMIPC 4.16951 29.13 27 2.13 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-570046, Rev. 8 Page:34  : NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.7: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 3C 187.3F

_ Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp( 0F) (psia) I V(ft3 Ilb) psia to feet of head I 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press. (psia 16.9 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin ft) 1PUMFPA 5.03185 31.25 23.7 7.55 2PUMF'B 3PUMF'C 4.78583 30.66 23.7 6.96 4PUMFID _

CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

ICSPUMPA 3.31809 27.16 27 0.16 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.14776 29.14 27 2.14 4CSPUMPD Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-'7/ D046, Rev. 8 Page:35 NPSH Evaluation of Bsowns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.8: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 4A 155.4F.

Vapor Pressure 1 Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft3/lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 II  ! I1 RHR Pressure (psig). NPSHa (ft) i NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMFPA 5.09288 35.93 r 23.7 . 12.23 2PUMF'B l l l  : _l_ _

3PUMF'C 4.84431 35.34 1 23.7 I 11.64 4PUM F'D l _ _ __!___li___

CS Pressure (psig). NPSHa(f) I NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)


2CSPUl`MIPB 4.14542 33.70 27 6.70 3CSPUMIPC . _

4CSPUMPD 3.37977 31.89 27 1 4.89 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-570046, Rev. 8 Page:36 NPS11 Evaluadon of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.9: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 4B 172F

_ 1Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft 311b) l psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 12.309038802 172__ 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psia 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA 5.06468 31.25 23.7 7.55 2PUMPB l l 3PUMPC 4.81738 30.66 23.7 6.96 4PUMPD _ _

CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

ICSPUIVPAg i 2CSPUMPB 4.12286 29.02 27 2.02 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.36135 27.21 27 0.21 Note 1:See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:37 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHRand CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.10: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 4C 187.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(F) (psia) I V(ft3Ilb) I Ipsia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press. (psia) 16.9 ]

RHR Pressure (psig) 'NPSHa (ft) i NPSHr(ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 5.0376 31.26 23.7 7.56 2PUMF'B _ ___I 3PUMF'C 4.79159 30.67 I, 23.7 6.97 4PUMF'D i CS Pressure (psig) iNPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA _ __ __ __ _I __

2CSPUMPB 4.1014 29.03

  • 27 2.03 3CSPUMPC I_

4CSPUMPD 3.34408 27.22 ;27 0.22 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:38 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS punps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.11: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 5A 155.4F

- Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft 3 /lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psia) f 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA _ I I 2PUMPB 4.97132 35.64 23.7 11.94 3PUMPC _

4PUMPD 5.205 36.19 23.7 12.49 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 4.13602 33.67 27 6.67 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.37038 31.87 27 4.87 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD.QO999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:39 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RIR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.12: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 56 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft/lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 172 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psia) 14.41 RHR _M Pressure(psig) NPSHa(ft) NPSHr(ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 2PUMPB 4.94375 30.96 23.7 7.26 3PUMPC _ _

4PUMF'D 5.17623 31.51 23.7 7.81 CS = Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMIPA 2CSPUMPB 4.11355 28.99 27 1.99 3CSPUMIPC 4CSPUMPD 3.35204 27.19 27 0.19 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:40 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS punps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.13: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 5C 187.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft3 Ilb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press. (psia) -16.9 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (f) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1 PUMF'A _

2PUMF'B 4.91731 30.97 23.7 7.27 3PUMF'C 4PUMF'D 5.14856 31.52 23.7 7.82 CS _ Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (f) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 4.09216 29.01 27 2.01 3CSPUMIPC _ ___ __ 0_20 4CSPUMPD 3.33485 27.20 27 0.20 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:41 iNP:SH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and ( S pumpqs i ICALCULATION SHEET TU In C 1 6 1: 1, I

Table 7.14: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 6A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) I V(ft 3 /lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 I 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 i Pool Press. (psia 14.4 I . i Ii  :! i1.

RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr(ft) i NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA . I 2PUMPB 4.96227 35.62 23.7 11.92 3PUMFC I i 4PUMPD 5.19595 I 36.17 23.7 12.47 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) i NPSH margin (ft)

ICSPUMPA 3.37058 31.87 27 4.87 2CSPUMPB I ,  !

3CSPUIVIPC 4.20969 33.85 - 27  ! 6.85 4CSPUIPD _J Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-S970046, Rev. 8 Page:42 NPSH Evaluadon of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.15: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 6B 172F I Vapor Pressure ISpecific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) I V(ftIb) psia to feet of head

- A

- IA - - - - - - - - - - I AAAAAAAA 60 1 0.256389624 I 0.01634992 I 2.3090U38u2 172 = 6.281035863 j 0.016460423 j 2.370300872 J Pool Press. (psiaT14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA 2PUMF'B 4.93475 30.94 23.7 7.24 3PUMF'C I _

4PUMF'D 5.16723 31.49 i 23.7 7.79 CS = Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.3523' 27.19 27 0.19 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.18671 29.17 27 2.17 4CSPUMPD Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-S970046, Rev. 8 Page:43 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS punps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.16: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 6C 187.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(f 3 /lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press. (psia)T 16.3 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr(f) NPSH margin (ft)

IPUMF'A 2PUMF'B 4.90836 30.95 23.7 7.25 3PUMF'C 4PUMF'D 5.13961 31.50 23.7 7.80 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.33516 27.20 27 0.20 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.16483 29.18 27 2.18 4CSPUMPD_

Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-570046, Rev. 8 Page:44 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.17: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case 7 166F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume IConversion Factor Temp(F) J (psia) j V(ft 3/lb) I psia to feet of head 1 60 I 0.256389624 0.016034992 I 2.309038802 I I 166 = 5.468938413 0.016426501 .2.365416198 Pool Press. (psia) 114.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) i NPSHr(ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 4.07008 30.75 23.7 7.05 2PUMF'B 4.07366 30.76 23.7 7.06 3PUMF'C 3.82229 30.17 1 23.7 6.47 4PUMPFD 4.30658 1 31.31 i 23.7 i 7.61 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) i NPSHr (ft) i NPSH margin (f) 1CSPUMPA 2.73989 27.61 27 0.61 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 3.57642 29.59 27 2.59 4CSPUMPD Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

. i, If Ir


MD-Q0999-470046, Rev. 8 Page:45 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.18: Unit I NPSH Calculations ATWS 214.6F

_Vapor Pressure lSpecificVolume Conversion Factor, Temp( F) (psla) 4 V(ft 3/Ib) I psia to feet of head I 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 1 2.309038802 I 214.6 1 15.4840075 1 0.016732744

_t I

2.409515179 A, A A I Pool Press. (psia) 1 21

- W 1

RHR [ Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) l NPSH margin (ft)


PUMPB 4.64472 4.66355 24.48 24.53

(( 23.7 23.7 0.78 0.83 PUMPC 4.40126 23.90 23.7 0.20 PUMP D 4.89238 25.08 23.7 1.38 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-S970046, Rev. 8 Page:46 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS puMps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.19: Unit I NPSH Calculations Ap -R A 227F

_ Vapor Pressure SpecificVolume Conversion Factor Terp(0 F) I (psia) I V(ft 3/lb) psia to feet of head I 60 - 0.256389624 1 0.016034992 I 2.309038802 I 227 19.65726995 0.016822324 1 2.422414688 Pool Press. (psia) I24.3 RHR J Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr(ft) l NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMFPA 5.43419 23.93 23.7 0.23 2PUMPB j l I I 3PUMF'C 4PUMF'D Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-S970046, Rev. 8 Page:47 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.20: Unit I NPSH Calculations Ap R B 227F l Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor remp(F) (psia) l V(ftIllb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 227 19.65726995 0.016822324 2.422414688 Pool Press. (psia) 24.1 1PUMFA Pressure (psig) (ft) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 2PUMFPB 5.42775 23.91 23.7 0.21 3PUMF'C 4PUM ID Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:48 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS puITps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.21: Unit 1 NPSH Calculations A p-R C 227F

_ Vapor Pressurea lSpecific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(

60 (ps0a) 63V(ft8634b 9 sa to feet of head 60_ 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 _

1 227 1 19.65726995 _ 0.016822324 I 2.422414688 . I Pool Press. (psia) I 24.11 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) , NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPAj 2PUMPEB 3PUMP(I 5.38615 23.81 23.7 0.11 4PUMPD____ _

Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:49 NPSH Evaluation of Bmwns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.22: Unit I NPSH Calculations A p-R D 227F 1Vapor Pressure lSpeciNfic Volumne Conversion Factor Temp( 0 F) (psia) V(ft3/lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 227 19.65726995 0.016822324 2.422414688 Pool Press. (psia) 24.1 ]

RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) J NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA l [ [ 7 2PUMPB _


4PUMPD) 5.46124 23.99 23.7 1 0.29 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:50 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps i li CALCULATION SHEET I Table 7.23: Unit 1 NPSH Calculations Case SBO A-C 197.3F Vapor Pressure SpecificVolume Conversion Factor, I Temp( 0 F) I (psia) I V(ft 3Ilb) psia to feet of head q

y I 0 I U.2b63896524 1 0.016034992 I 2.3093U8802 lI 197.3 10.90873195 0.016615541 2.392637845 ! Pool Press. (psia 16 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa _ NPSHr_(ft) _NPSH margin(ft) 1PUMPA 5.12276 L 24.44 23.7P) N 0.74 (


3PUMP(, 4.87763 23.85 23.7 0.15 4PUMP[ _

Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:51 NPSH Evaluadon of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 7.24: Unit I NPSH Calculations Case SBO B-D 197.3F

- Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp( F) (psia) V(ftellb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 1 197.3 1 10.908731950 _ 0.016615541 I 2.392637845 I Pool Press. (psia) 15.91 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa(f) l NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA I__ X I 2PUMPEI 4.99429 23.89 23.7 0.19 3PUMP(_

4PUMP ) 5.22469 24.44 23.7 0.74 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Qo999-97004 6, Rev. 8 Page:52 NPS1I Evaluationof'Browns Ferry RIM and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET I A I B I C D 0 I E I F I G I H I I IJ 1 Tohea St. IInji I ND~34 rnlm imiiinne (na IA QRC

_~ ~

own v. ~ fWav~ . . xa r .- 11r 2 i Vapor Pressure Specific voiume Conversion Factor I 3fl Temp(F) ! (psia) V(ft/lb) psia to feet of head 4 60 I=ptsat_97(60) I -vftsat..97(A4) 104'144 I 5 _95

_ =ptsat-97(A5) I=vftsal_97(A5) j=C5*144 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 6

7 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (fi) NPSH margin (ft) 8 1PUMPA 0.757222 =(B8-B5+F5)*D5 25.9 =C8-D8 9 2PUMPB 0.350229 =(B9-B5+F5)1D5 30 =C9-D9 10 3PUMPC 0.159882 =(B10-B5+F5)1D5 25.7 =C10-D10 11 4PUMPD 1.02991 =(B11-B5+F5)*D5 29 =C11-D11 12 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (if) 13 1CSPUMPA 1.39134 =(B13-B5+F5)*D5 27 =C13-D13 14 2CSPUMPB 2.33064 =(B14-B5+F5)*D5 27 =C14-D14 15 3CSPUMPC 2.24387 =(B15-B5+F5)*D5 27 =C15-D15 16 4CSPUMPD 1.5537 =(B16-B5+F5)*D5 27 =C16-D16 17 18 This table depicts the calculation of NPSHa (See cells in coumn C under NPSHa heading) 20 All pressures are in psi, which requires the conversion at the desired temperature (Cell D5 ) to obtain NPSHa in feet. The conversion factor (See cell D5) is obtained by 21 multiplying specific volume of water at the desired temperature (See cell C5) by 144.

[NPSHa = [ suction pressure (pressure at pump inlet nodes obtained from Multiflow output files) (See cells in column B under Pressure heading (psig)) - vapor pressure (See 23 cell B5 (psia)) + pool pressure (See cell F5 (psia))] X conversion factor from psia to feet (See D5)

NPSH margin (See cells in column E under NPSH margin heading) is obtained by subtracting NPSHr (values determined from vendor pump curves (Ref. 2.1 and 2.2)) (See 25 column D under NPSHr heading) from NPSHa (See column C under NPSHa heading).

vftsat97(Temperature) is the specific volume of water at a specific temperature, it is a thermodynamic property of water obtained from STMFUNC excel add-in program 27 (Ref. 2.25) (See cells C4 and C5) ptsat_97(Temperature) is the vapor pressure of water at a specific temperature, it is a thermodynamic property of water obtained from STMFUNC excel add-in program (Ref.

2.25) (See cells 14 and 851

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date____

IChecked ____Date_

CALCULATION SHEET TABLE 9 Unit 1 LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop


LOCA IA ;95 0F Strainer 1 14464.2 2.5 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each RHR A/C Pumps -10,000 gpm each Strainer 23 13122.7 2.142 RHR B/D Pumps -11,000 gpm each Strainer 27 13502.9 2.317 Strainer 5 13136.2 2.159 LOCA 1B @155.4 0F Strainer 1 14727.2 2.489 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each Strainer23 12931.8 2.127 RHR A/C Pumps -10,000 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps -11,000 gpm each Strainer 27 13238.2 2.298 Strainer 5 12943.8 2.142 LOCA 2A @95 0F Strainer 1 14499.5 2.528 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 13131.8 2.154 RHR A/C Pumps -11,000 gpm each I RHR B/D Pumps -10,000 gpm each Strainer 27 13448.4 2.326 Strainer 5 13146.3 2.172 LOCA 2B l 155.4 0F Strainer 1 13870.5 2.399 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 13199.5 2.012 RHR A/C Pumps -11,000 gpm each Strainer 27 13225.8 2.182 RHR B/D Pumps -10,000 gpm each Strainer 5 13090.1 2.038 LOCA 3A @155.4 0F Strainer 1 4923.85 0.1765 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4536.97 0.1043 B/D-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4621.3 0.119 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4773.88 0.1472 LOCA 3B @172 0 F Strainer 1 4896.25 0.1755 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each B/D-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPS Strainer 23 4512.32 0.1038 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4596.07 0.1185 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4747.36 0.1464 LOCA 3C @187.3°1 Strainer I 4868.75 0.1745 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4487.58 0.1033 B/D-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm Strainer 27 4570.78 0.1179 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4720.89 0.1456 LOCA4A @155.4¶F Strainer I 4861.33 0.1641 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4616.42 0.1182 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 27. 4695.98 0.1326 RA/C Pumps-6500gpm each I Strainer 5 4682.26 0.1301 B/D-0 each _

LOCA 4B ;172 0F Strainer 1 4834.22 0.1632 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4591.07 0.1176 A/C-0 gpm e~eh NSaMi RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4670.16 0.1319 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4656.55 0.1294

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date_

Checked Date-CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

LOCA 4C @187.3 0 F Strainer 1 4807.19 0.1623 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4565.69 0.117 RHR A/C Purps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4644.31 0.1312 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4630.81 0.1288 LOCA5A @155.4 0 F Strainer 1 4669.87 0.1278 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4757.96 0.1442 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4868.9 0.1656 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 4559.26 0.1081 A/C-O gpm each _ Strainer 4559_2 ______

LOCA5B @1720 F Strainer 1 4644.41 0.1272 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4731.46 0.1434 A/C-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr .

RHR B/D Pumnps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4841.57 0.1647 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4534.56 0.1077 LOCA5C @187.3 0 F Strainer 1 4618.88 0.1266 CS Pumps BD-3 e2agpm each Strainer 23 4705.02 0.1426 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4814.34 0.1637 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4509.75 0.1071 0

LOCA 6A @155.4 F Strainer 1 4743.94 0.1415 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 23 4665.05 0.1269 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4795.96 0.1514 A/C-O gpm each Strainer 5 4651.04 0.1244 LOCA 6B @172°F Strainer 1 4717.9 0.1408 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4639.35 0.1263 B/D-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr . -

RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4769.18 0.1506 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4625.57 0.1238 LOCA 6C @187.3¶F Strainer 1 4691.82 0.1401 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4613.64 0.1256 RHR B/D Purnps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4742.47 0.1497 A/C-O gpm each Strainer 5 4600.06 0.1231 LOCA 7 @166 0F Strainer 1 8339.61 0.8902 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 7506.83 0.6977 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 7849.45 0.7709 RHR A/C/BID Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 7786.11 0.7568

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps I Prepared Date_

- Checked _ Date_

CALCULATION SHEET ATWS Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop

_______ __ ____ ___ (psid)

ATWS @214.6 0F Strainer 1 8911.34 0.183 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 4111.41 0.039 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each .

Strainer 27 7046.99 0.1145 Strainer 5 4846.26 0.0541 Appendix R Pump/Flow Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure Combination (sgpm) Drop (psid)

App-R A @227 0F Strainer 1 2352.86 0.0128 RHR Pump A-6500 gpm Strainer 23 998.736 0.0023 Strainer 27 1641.59 0.0062 Strainer 5 1202.82 0.0034 App-R B @227 0F Strainer 1 1864.65 0.0081 RHR Pump B-6500 gpm Strainer 23 1202.94 0.0034 Strainer 27 2106.25 0.0103 Strainer 5 1022.17 0.0024 App-R C @2270F Strainer 1 2352.86 0.0128 RHR Pump C-6500 gpm Strainer 23 998.736 0.0023 Strainer 27 1641.59 0.0062 Strainer 5 1202.82 0.0034 App-R D @2270 F Strainer 1 1864.65 0.0081 R{R Pump D-6500 gpm Strainer 23 1202.94 0.0034 Strainer 27 2106.25 0.0103 Strainer 5 1022.17 0.0024 SBO Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop

__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (p sid)

SBO 1 A/C @197.3 0 F Strainer 1 4754.18 0.0517 RHR Pump AIC-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 2029.55 0.0094 Strainer 27 3320.54 0.0252 Strainer 5 2441.73 0.0136 SBO 2 B/D @197.3 0F Strainer 1 3775.42 0.0326 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 2443.47 0.0137 Strainer 27 4250.71 0.0414 Strainer 5 2076.4 0.0099

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared _ Date_

Checked _ Date___


LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Ij Pool Temp Pump NPSHa (ft)

NPSHr (ft)

Pressure (psia)

NI'SH margin (ft)

LOCA IA 0 RHR/A 33.51 25.7 14.4 7.81

@95 F CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each RHR/B 32.51 29.0 14.4 3 51 RHR A/C Pumps -10,000 gpm each RHR/C 32.21 26.0 14.4 6 21 RHR B/D Pumps -11,000 gpm each RHR/D 34.07 28.0 14.4 6 07 CS/A 34.88 27.0 14.4 7.88 CS/B 37.06 27.0 14.4 10.06 CS/C 36.86 27.0 14.4 9.86 CS/D 35.26 27.0 14.4 8.26 LOCA IB @155.4 0F RHR/A 30.11 25.7 16.2 4.41 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each RHR/B 29.12 29.0 16.2 0.12 RHR A/C Pumps -10,000 gpm each RHR BtD Pumps -11,000 gpm each RHR/C 28.81 26.0 16.2 2.81 RHR/D 30.67 28.0 16.2 2.67 CS/A 31.49 27.0 16.2 4.49 CS/B 33.68 27.0 16.2 6.68 CS/C 33.47 27.0 16.2 6.47 CS/D 31.88 27.0 16.2 4.88 LOCA 2A @950 F RHR/A 32.54 29.0 14.4. 3.54 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each RHR/B 33.60 26.0 14.4 7.60 RHR A/C Pumps - 1,000 gpm each RHR/C 30.97 30.0 14.4 0.97 RHR B/D Pumps -10,000 gpm each R___3488 244 _4__1_ 4 RHR/D 34.88 24.4 14.4 10.48 CS/A 34.77 27.0 14.4 7.77 CS/B 36.95 27.0 14.4 9.95 CS/C 36.75 27.0 14.4 9.75

__ CS/D 35.14 27.0 14.4 8.14 LOCA 2B @155.4 0 F RHR/A 31.67 29.0 17.2 2.67 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each RHR/B 32.72 26.0 17.2 6.72 RHR A/C Pumps -I 1,000 gpm each RH R/C 30.09 30.0 17.2 0.09 RHR B/D Pumps -10,000 gpm each RHR/D 34.01 24.4 17.2 9.61 CS/A 33.89 27.0 17.2 6.89 CS/B 36.07 27.0 17.2 9.07 CS/C 35.87 27.0 17.2 8.87

_ CS/D 34.27 27.0 17.2 7.27 LOCA3A @155.4°F RHRI/A 35.93 23.7 14.4 12.23 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/C 35.38 23.7 14.4 11.68 B/D-0)gpm each__ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 31.83 27.0 14.4 4.83 B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 33.81 27.0 14.4 6.81

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared _Date__

IChecked Date-CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure NIPSH (ft) (ft) (psia) margin

__ (it)

LOCA13B @172°F RHR/A 31.25 23.7 14.4 7.55 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/C 30.70 23.7 14.4 7.00 3/1D-0 gpm.each NPSIa=NPSHr____

RHR AIC Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 27.15 27.0 14.4 0.15 B/D- gpm each CS/C 29.13 27.0 14.4 2.13 LOCA3C @187.3 0 F RHRIA 31.26 23.7 16.9 7.56 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each, RHR/C 30.71 23.7 16.9 7.01 B/D- gpm each CS/A 27.16 27.0 16.9 0.16 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 29.14 27.0 16.9 2.14 LOCA4A @155.4°F RHR/A 35.94 23.7 14.4 12.24 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHRJC 35.39 23.7 14.4 11.69 A/C-0 gpm each CS/B 33.70 27.0 14.4 6.70 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CSID 31.90 27.0 14.4 4.90 B/D-0 each LOCA4B @1720 F RHR/A 31.26 23.7 14.4 7.56 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RH1RiC 30.71 23.7 14.4 7.01 A/C-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr RHR AIC Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 29.02 27.0 14.4 2.02 B/D1- gpm each CS/D 27.22 27.0 14.4 0.22 LOCA4C @187.3 0 F RHR/A 31.27 23.7 16.9 7.57 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHRJC 30.72 23.7 16.9 7.02 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 29.03 27.0 16.9 2.03 B/D-0 gpm each CS/D 27.23 27.0 16.9 0.23 LOCA5A @155.4 0 F RHR/B 35.65 23.7 14.4 11.95 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHR/D 36.20 23.7 ' 14.4 12.50 A/C-0 gpm each CS/B 33.68 27.0 14.4 6.68 RHRB/D Pumps-6500 gpmeach CS/D 31.87 27.0 14.4 4.87 AIC-0 gpm each _ _I LOCA 5B @172¶F RHR/B 30.97 23.7 14.4 7.27 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each 31.52 23.7 14.4 7.82 A/C-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 29.00 27.0 14.4 2.00 A/C- gpm each CS/D 27.19 27.0 14.4 0.19 LOCA 5C @187.3 0 F RHR/B 30.98 23.7 16.9 7.28 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each; AIC-0lgpm A/C-0 gpm eachRHRID each 31.53 23.7 16.9 7.83 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 29.01 27.0 16.9 2.01 A/C-0 gpm each

_CSID 27.20 27.0 16.9 0.20 LOCA 6A 0 35.63 23.7 11.93

@155.4 F RHR/B 14.4 CS Pumps A/C-3 125gpm each B/D-0 gpm each RHR/D 36.18 ;23.7 14.4 12.48 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 31.87 27.0 14.4 4.87 A/C-0 gpm each CS/C 33.85 27.0 14.4 6.85

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NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date_

Checked _ Date_

CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure NISH (ft) (ft) (psia) margin LOCA 6B @172 0F RHR/B 30.95 23.7 14.4 7.25 CS PumpsA/C-3125gpm each RHR/D 31.49 23.7 14.4 7.79 B/D-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 27.19 27.0 14.4 0.19 A/C-0 gpm each CS/C 29.17 27.0 14.4 2.17 LOCA 6C @187.3 0F RHR/B 30.96 23.7 16.9 7.26 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/D 31.51 23.7 16.9 7.81 B/D-0 gpm each CS/A 27.20 27.0 16.9 0.20 RIJR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each A/C-0 gpm each . CS/C 29.18 27.0 16.9 2.18 LOCA 7 @1660F RHR/A 30.81 23.7 14.4 7.11 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/B 30.80 23.7 14.4 7.10 B/D-0 gpm each RHR/C 30.26 23.7 14.4 6.56 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each RHRJD 31.35 23.7 14.4 7.65 CS/A 27.61 27.0 14.4 0.61

_ CS/C 29.59 27.0 14.4 2.59 ATWS Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure NI'SH (ft) (ft) (psia) margin

.__. (rt)

ATWS @214.6 0F RHR/A 24.55 23.7 21.0 0.85 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each RHR/B 24.57 23.7 21.0 087 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each RHR/C 24.00 23.7 21.0 030 RHR/D 25.11 23.7 21.0 1.41 Appendix R Pump/Flow Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure N1'SH Combination (ft) (ft) (psia) margin (rt)

App-RA 227TF A 23.93 23.7 24.1 0.23 RHR Pump A-6500 gpm App-RB @2270F B 23.91 23.7 24.1 0.21 RHR Pump B-6500 gpm I App-R C @227¶F C 23.85 23.7 24.1 0.15 R.HR Pump C-6500 gpm I App-RD @2270F D i 23.99 23.7 24.1 0.29 RHR Pump D-6500 gpm __II i _ I SBO Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure N1'SH (ft) (ft) (sia) margin SBO 1 A/C @197.3 0F A 24:45 23.7 16.0 0.75 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each C 23.90 23.7 16.0 0.20 SBO 2 B/D @197.3 0F B 23.90 23.7 15.9 0.20 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each D 24.44 23.7 15.9 0

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:59 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Temp(°F) 60 I Table 11.1: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 1A 95F Vapor Pressure (psia) 0.256389624 SpecificVolume Conversion Factor V(ft 3 /Ib) 0.016034992 psia to feet of head 2.309038802 95 _ 0.816362332 0.016115213 2.320590685 Pool Press. (psia 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMFPA 0.8557 33.51 25.7 7.81 2PUMPB 0.4278 32.51 29 3.51 3PUMF'C 0.2945 32.21 26 6.21 4PUMF'D 1.0980 34.07 28 6.07 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 1.4476 34.88 27 7.88 2CSPUMPB 2.3860 37.06 27 i 10.06 3CSPUNIPC 2.3008 36.86 27 9.86 4CSPUMPD 1.6090 35.26 27 8.26 Note 1:See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:60 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET,,

Table 11.2: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 1B 155.4F

_ Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp( F) I (psia) I V(ft3 /lb) ,psia to feet of head 60 1 0.256389624 0.016034992 1 2.309038802 155.4 _ 4.249928506 0.016369309! I 2.357180486 JPool Press. (psia) 16.2 i ' I i RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft)J; NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft 1PUMF'A 0.8239 30.11 25.7 4.41 2PUMF'B 0.4022 29.12 29 0.12 3PUMF'C 0.2707 28.81 I 26 2.81 4PUMF'D 1.0630 30.67 I 28 I 2.67 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) , NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 1.4106 31.49 27 4.49 2CSPUMPB 2.3385 33.68 27 6.68 3CSPUMPC 2.2503 33.47 27 6.47 4CSPUMPD 1.5728 31.88 27 4.88 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:61 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.3: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 2A 95F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft/llb) psia to feet of head 60 = 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 95 _ 0.816362332 0.016115213 2.320590685 Pool Press. (psia 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft)NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMFPA 0.4393 32.54 29 3.54 2PUMFPB 0.8944 33.60 26 7.60 3PUMFPC -0.2399 30.97 30 0.97 4PUMFPD 1.4481 34.88 24.4 10.48 CS Pressure psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

ICSPUMPA 1.3999 34.77 27 7.77 2CSPUMPB 2.3371 36.95 27 9.95 3CSPUMPC 2.2531 36.75 27 9.75 4CSPUMPD 1.5602 35.14 27 8.14 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:62 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.4: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 2B 95F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor V(ft3 /lb)

Temp(°F) 60 155.4 j (psia) 0.256389624 4.249928506 0.016034992 0.016369309 psia to feet of head 2.309038802 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psia) 17.2 RHR J Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMFPA I 0.4860 31.67 29 2.67 2PUMF'B l 0.9305 32.72 26 6.72 3PUMF'C 1 -0.1834 30.09 30 0.09 4PUMF'D l 1.4766 34.01 124.4 i 9.61 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 1.4290 33.89 I27 6.89 2CSPUMPB 2.3531 36.07 1 27 9.07 3CSPUMPC 2.2687 35.87 27 8.87 4CSPU11PD 1.5875 34.27 27 7.27 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:63 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.5: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 3A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(fte/lb) psia to feet of head 60 = 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMFPA 5.0929 35.93 23.7 12.23 2PUMFPB 3PUMFPC 4.8594 35.38 23.7 11.68 4PUMF)D CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

ICSPUMPA 3.3527 31.83 27 4.83 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUIVIPC 4.1924 33.81 27 6.81 4CSPUMPD Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-S970046, Rev. 8 Page:64 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.6: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 3B 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp( F) (psia) V(ft 3 /lb) psia to feet of head 6 0.256389624 0.016034992 T 2.309038802 1 = 6.281035863 [ 0.016460423 2.370300872 I Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) INPSHa(ft) NPSHr(ft) NPSHmargin(ft)

IPUMF'A 5.0647 31.25 23.7 7.55 2PUMF'B 3PUMF'C 4.8324 30.70 23.7 7.00 4PUMF'D CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.3346 27.15 27 0.15 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.1696 29.13 27 2.13 4CSPUMPD Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:65 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS purnps CALCULATION SHEE!ET 1

Table 11.7: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 3C 187.3F Temp(0 F) 1 Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor (psia) V(ft 3/lb) psia to feet of head 60 _ 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press. (psia) 16.9

_ __ _ _'_ _ I _ _

I__ _ ._ _ _ _ _ __i_

RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 5.0376 i31.26 23.7 7.56 2PUMF'B l I _

3PUMF'C 4.8065 130.71 23.7 7.01 4PUMF'D l CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.3175 27.16 27 0.16 2CSPUMPB I3 3CSPUNIPC 4.1478 129.14 27 2.14 4CSPUMPD_

Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-S,700 .46, Rev. 8 Page:66 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.8: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 4A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp( F) (psia) V(ft 3/lb) l psia to feet of head 60 = 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 1155. = 4.249928506 1 0.016369309 I 2.357180486 j Pool Press. (psia)I 142 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 5.0991 35.94 23.7 12.24 2PUMFPB _ T _ _ _I 3PUMF'C 4.8656 35.39 23.7 11.69 4PUMF'D _ l l _ _ _

CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

I1CSPUN _PA_ _ ____ ____ __

2CSPUMPB 4.1471 33.70 27 6.70 3CSPUhlPC 4CSPUMPD 3.38145 31.90 27 4.90 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:67 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.9: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 4B 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psia) V(ft 31lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 172 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psia 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHrt) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 5.0708 31.26 23.7 7.56 2PUMF'B 3PUMF'C 4.8385 30.71 23.7 7.01 4PUMPD CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (if) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

I CSPUM__PA 2CSPUMIPB 4.1245 29.02 27 2.02 3CSPUNIPC 4CSPUIPD 3.36302 27.22 27 0.22 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-S970046, Rev. 8 Page:68 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.10: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 4C 187.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor I Temp(°F) I (psia) I V(ft3 /lb)

- S-q psia to feet of head I 1 60 1 0.256389624 1 0.016034992 I 2.309038802 I lll 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press. (psia 16.9 I .i I RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (f) 1PUMF'A 5.0437 31.27 23.7 7.57 2PUMF'B _ _

3PUMF'C 4.8126 30.72 23.7 7.02 4PUMF'D !I CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUNIPA 2CSPUMPB 4.1031 29.03 27 2.03 3CSPUNIPC 4CSPUMPD 3.34574 27.23 27 0.23 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:69 NPSH evaluation of Browns Fenry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.11: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 5A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft 3/lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1 PUMF'A _ I I _I_ _

2PUMF'B 4.9760 35.65 23.7 11.95 3PUMF'C l I I _I 4PUMF'D 5.2064 36.20 23.7 12.50 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMvPA 2CSPUMPB 4.1375 33.68 27 6.68 3CSPUMPPC 4CSPUMPD 3.37187 31.87 27 4.87 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-S,70046, Rev. 8 Page:70 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS punps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.12: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 5B 172F

_ Vapor Pressure SpecificVolume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft 3Ilb) psia to feet of head 60 = 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 172 _ 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psla) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A l r I____

2PUMF'B 4.9484 30.97 23.7 7.27 3PUMF'C _ = I 4PUMF'D 5.1777 31.52 23.7 7.82 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (1f) NPSHr(ft) NPSH margin (if)

ICSPUNMPA 2CSPUMPB 4.1150 29.00 27 2.00 3CSPUMIPC 4CSPUMPD 3.35352 27.19 27 0.19 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-S,70046, Rev. 8 Page:71 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS punps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.13: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 5C 187.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft311b) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press. (psia) 163 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA _ _ _ _ _ _

2PUMFPB 4.9220 30.98 23.7 7.28 3PUMFPC l 1 1 4PUMF'D 5.1500 31.53 l 23.7 7.83 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUlvPA 2CSPUMPB 4.0936 29.01 27 2.01 3CSPUMv]PC _ _ _ _ __ _

4CSPUMPD 3.33632 1 27.20 27 0.20 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-S,70046, Rev. 8 Page:72 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.14: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 6A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp("'F) (psia) V(ft3/lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 4.249928506 0.01 6369309_ 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psia) 1 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA _

2PUMF'B 4.9665 35.63; 23.7 11.93 3PUMF'C _ _ __

4PUMF'D 5.1969 i 36.181 23.7 12.48 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.3714 31.87 27 4.87 2CSPUMPB  ;

3CSPUMPC 4.2111 33.85 27 6.85 4CSPUM1PD ,

Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:73 NPSH evaluation of Browns Feny RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.15: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 6B 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft 3/lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 172 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)


2PUMF'B 4.9390 30.95 23.7 7.25 3PUMF'C 4PUMF'D 5.1682 31.49 23.7 7.79 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

ICSPUNIPA 3.3531 27.19 27 0.19 2CSPUNMPB _ _ _ _ _ _

3CSPUMPC 4.1881 29.17 27 2.17 4CSPUMPD Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-S'70046, Rev. 8 Page:74 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS punps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.16: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 6C 187.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psia) V(ft3/lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 Pool Press. (psia) 16.9 RHR Pressure (psigJ NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 2PUMF'B 4.9126 30.96 23.7 7.26 3PUMF'C _

4PUMF'D 5.1406 31.51 23.7 7.81 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.3360 27.20 27 0.20 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMIPC 4.1662 29.18 27 2.18 4CSPUMPD Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:75 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.17: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Case 7 166F

_ Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft3lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 166 _ 5.468938413 0.016426501 2.365416198 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA 4.0924 30.81 23.7 7.11 2PUMFPB 4.0911 30.80 23.7 7.10 3PUMFPC 3.8597 30.26 23.7 6.56 4PUMPD 4.3208 31.35 23.7 7.65 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

ICSPUMPA 2.7421 27.61 27 0.61 2CSPUMPB _

3CSPUIMIPC 3.5792 29.59 27 2.59 4CSPUMPD I_

Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:76 NPSH evaluation of Browns Feny RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.18: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations ATWS 214.6F Temp(0 F)

[ Vapor Pressure l SpecificVolume Conversion Factor (psia) V(ft 3Ilb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 214.6 15.4840075 0.016732744 2.409515179 Pool Press. (psia) 21 ]

[_RHR [ Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) J NPSH margin (ft)

PUMPA [ 4.6737 1 24.55 23.7 J 0.85 PUMPB 4.6813 1 24.57 23.7 l 0.87 PUMPC 4.4451 24.00 23.7 j 0.30 PUMPD[ 4.9070 25.11 23.7 j 1.41 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:77 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RMR and C'S pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.19: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations Ai p-R A 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft 3Ilb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 227 [ 19.65726995 0.016822324 2.422414688 Pool Press. (psia)T 24.3 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) l NPSH margin (ft)

_PUM__A 5.4375 23.93 23.7 0.23 2PUMF'B 3PUMF'C 4PUMFD Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page:78 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.20: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations A pp-R B 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp( F) (psia) V(ft3Ilb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 , 2.309038802 .

I.I 227 1 19.65726995 1 0.016822324 I 2.422414688 i I Pool Press. (psia) 24.11 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) l NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)l 1PUM PA _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

2PUMPEB 5.4287 23.91 23.7 l 0.21 3PUMP(, i 4PUMPD I .

Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-S70046, Rev. 8 Page:79 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferny RHR and CS pumps

,. CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.21: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations App-R C 227F

. Vapor Pressure SpecificVolumej Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psia) V(ft3 lb) psia to feet of head .P; 60 - 0.256389624 0.0160349924 2.309038802 227 19.65726995 0.016822 2.422414688  ;! Pool Press.SS(psia) 24.11 RHR 1PUMPA 2PUMPE3 I 3PUMPC


Pressure (psig) 5.4042 I


II i NPSHa (ft) i 23.85 I L I NPSHr (ft) 23.7

[NPSH margin (ft)

I L 0.15 4PUMP((_ _I_ _ _ _I Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-S,70046, Rev. 8 Page:80 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps


CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.22: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations App-R D 227F Vapor Pressure SpcificVolume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psia) V(ft3/lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.2565389624 0.0160349_92 2.309038802 i 227 19.65726995 0.016822324 2.422414688 Pool Press. (psia) 24.1 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) [NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA II 2PUMPE3 l I II 3PUMPCI 4PUMP 5.4591 23.99 I 23.7 L 0.29 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-S970046, Rev. 8 Page:81 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.23: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations SBO A-C 197.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psia) V(ft3/lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 197.3 10.90873195 0.016615541 2.392637845 Pool Press. (psia) 16 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) ] NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMP [ 5.1289 24.45 23.7 j 0.75 2PUMPEII 3PUMPC; 4.8986 23.90 23.7 0.20 4PUMPDI I Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999W-70046, Rev. 8 Page:82 NPSH evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 11.24: Unit 2 NPSH Calculations SBO B-D 197.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft311b) psia to feet of head I 60 _ 0.256389624 I 0.016034992 I 2.309038802 I 197.3 10.90873195 0.016615541 2.392637845 Pool Press. psla) 15.9 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) l NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA _ I _ J_ I 2PUMPE3 4.9975 23.90 1 23.7 j 0.20 1 3PUMPG 4PUMP[)

5.2248 24.44 j 1 23.7 l 0.74 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

DDcument: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 8 Plant: BFN U1, 2&3 Page: 83


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date____

Checked _ Date_

CALCULATION SHEET TABLE 12 Unit 2 LOCA Pump/Flow Combination, Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop

_ (psid)

LOCA IA @950F Strainer 1 14272.5 2.451 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each RHR A/C Pumps -10,000 gpm each Strainer 23 13418.6 2.089 RHR B/D Pumps -11,000 gpm each Strainer 27 13444.5 2.289 Strainer 5 13090.4 2.104 LOCA 1B @155.4 0F Strainer 1 14131 2.434 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 12895.5 2.083 RHR A/C Pumps -10,000 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps -11,000 gpm each Strainer 27 13290.3 2.276 Strainer 5 13069.3 2.099 LOCA2A @95F Strainer 1 14428.6 2.498 CS Pumps AAB/C/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 13122 2.142 RHR A/C Pumps -11,000 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps -10,000 gpm each Strainer 27 13545 2.336 Strainer S 13130.4 2.152 LOCA2B @155.4¶F Strainer 1 13734 2.426 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 13208 2.057 RiIR A/C Pumps -11,000 gpm each Strainer 27 13233 2.25 RHR B/D Pumps -10,000 gpm each Strainer 5 13210.6 2.072 LOCA3A @155.4°F Strainer 1 4906.49 0.173 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4554.8 0.1073 B/D-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4642.08 0.1228 BMD-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4752.64 0.1432 LOCA3B @1720F Strainer 1 4878.95 0.1721 BCD-0 gpm eachA/CS325Peac Strainer 23 4530.07 0.1069 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4616.77 0.1222 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4726.21 0.1424 LOCA3C @187.30 F Strainer 1 4851.52 0.1711 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4505.26 0.1064 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4591.39 0.1216 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4699.83 0.1416 LOCA4A @155.4 0 F Strainer I 4834.86 0.159 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4649.62 0.1241 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4730.9 0.1391 B/D-0 each Strainer 5 4640.62 0.1225 LOCA4B I172TF Strainer 1 4807.85 0.1581 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4624.13 0.1235 A/C-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPS1-r RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4704.94 0.1384 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4615.09 0.1219

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 8 lPlant: BFN U1, 2&3 Page: 84


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date l Checked Date_

CALCULATION SHEET LOCA PumplFlow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

LOCA4C l I187.3-F Strainer 1 4780.92 0.1572 CS Pumps B/D-3 25gpm each Strainer 23 4598.6 0.1229 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4678.94 0.1377 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4589.54 0.1212 LOCA 5A @155.4¶F Strainer 1 4641.86 0.1227 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4785.4 0.1494 A/C-O gpm each Strainer 27 4901.46 0.172 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 4527.29 0.1026 A/C-O gpm each II LOCA 5B @172¶F Strainer 1 4616.51 0.1221 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4758.78 0.1486 A/C-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4873.98 0.1711 A/C-O gpm each Strainer 5 4502.73 0.1022 LOCA 5C @187.30F Strainer 1 4591.11 0.1215 AC-uB gpm each Strainer 23 4732.21 0.1478 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4846.6 0.1701 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4478.08 0.1017 0

LOCA 6A @155.4 F Strainer 1 4723.27 0.1377 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 23 4678.05 0.1293 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4823.48 0.1567 A/C-O gpm each Strainer 5 4631.2 0.1208 LOCA 6B @172¶ Strainer 1 4697.33 0.137 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4652.29 0.1287 B/D-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPS S4r RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4796.54 0.1559 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4605.83 0.1202 LOCA 6C @187.30 F Strainer I 4671.37 0.1363 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4626.52 0.128 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4769.68 0.155 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each .

A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4580.42 0.1196 LOCA 7 @166¶F Strainer 1 8281.33 0.8749 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 7547.79 0.7061 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 7931.33 0.7895 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 7721.55 0.7428

ATWS Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

ATWS @214.60F Strainer I 8741.02 0.1761 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 4051.77 0.0378 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each Sar75 1 2 Strainer 27 7351.21 0.1246

. Strainer 5 4771.99 0.0525 Appendix R Pump/Flow Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure Combination (sgpm) Drop

_ __ _ _ __ __ _ __ __ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (p sid)

App-R A @227 0F Strainer 1 2331.73 0.0126 RHR Pump A-6500 gpm Strainer 23 984.885 0.0022 Strainer 27 1691.65 0.0066 Strainer 5 1187.74 0.0033 App-R B @2270F Strainer 1 1818.73 0.0077 RHR Pump B-6500 gpm Strainer 23 1178.54 0.0032 Strainer 27 2198.02 0.0112 Strainer 5 1000.71 0.0023 App-R C @2270 F Strainer 1 2331.73 0.0126 R-R Pump C-6500 gpm Strainer 23 984.885 0.0022 Strainer 27 1691.65 0.0066 Strainer 5 1187.74 0.0033 0

App-R D @227 F Strainer 1 1818.73 0.0077 RHR Pump D-6500 gpm Strainer 23 1178.54 0.0032 Strainer 27 2198.02 0.0112 Strainer 5 1000.71 0.0023 SBO Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop

___(p ___ sid)

SBO 1 A/C @197.3 0F Strainer 1 4710.92 0.0508 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 2001.19 0.0092 Strainer 27 3423.1 0.0268 Strainer 5 2410.79 0.0133 SBO2 B/D @197.3¶F Strainer 1 3681.88 0.031 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 2393.53 0.0131 Strainer 27 4437.98 0.0451 Strainer 5 2032.61 0.0095

Diocument: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 8 Plant: BFN U1, 2&3 6Page:86


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared _ Date___

Checked _ Date_

CALCULATION SHEET TABLE 13 Unit 3 LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure NIISH (ft) (ft) (psia) margin

_ _(tt)

LOCA 1A 95-F RHR/A 33.38 23.9 14.4 9.48 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each RHR/B 32.40 27.0 14.4 5.40 RHR A/C Pumps -10,000 gpm each RHR/C 31.98 23.7 14.4 8.28 RHR B/D Pumps -11,000 gpm each RpHjR/D 33.96 30.0 14.4 3.96 CS/A 34.86 27.0 14.4 7.86 CS/B 37.02 27.0 14.4 1C.02 CS/C 36.84 27.0 14.4 9.84

_ CS/D 35.22 27.0 14.4 8.22 LOCA 1B @155.4¶F RHR/A 29.65 23.9 16.0 5.75 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each RHR/B 28.67 27.0 16.0 1.67 RHR A/C Pumps -10,000 gpm each RHR/C 28.25 23.7 16.0 4.55 RHR BD Pumps -I1,000 gpm each RHR/D 30.23 30.0 16.0 0.23 CS/A 31.12 27.0 16.0 4.12 CS/B 33.29 27.0 16.0 6.29 CS/C 33.10 27.0 16.0 6.10 CS/D 31.48 27.0 16.0 4.48 LOCA 2A @950 F RHR/A 32.61 27.0 14.4 5.61 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each RHR/B 33.71 24.8 14.4 8.91 RHR/C 30.91 27.0 14.4 3.91 RHRB/DPumps-0,0gpmeach RHR/D. 35.00 26.0 14.4 9.00 CS/A 34.99 27.0 14.4 7.99 CS/B 37.17 27.0 14.4 10.17 CS/C 36.97 27.0 14.4 9.97 CS/D 35.37 27.0 14.4 8.37 LOCA2B @155.4AF RHR/A 28.79 27.0 16.08 1.79 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each RHR/B 29.87 24.8 16.08 5.07 RHR A/C Pumps -1 1,000 gpm each RHRJC 27.09 27.0 16.08 0.09 RHR B/D Pumps -10,000 gpm each RHR/D 31.16 26.0 16.08 5.16 CS/A 31.12 27.0 16.08 4.12 CS/B 33.28 27.0 16.08 6.28 CS/C 33.09 27.0 16.08 6.09 CS/D 31.48 27.0 16.08 4.48 LOCA 3A @155.4T RHR/A 35.93 23.7 14.4 12.23 CSPumpsA/C-3125gpm each RHR/C 35.33 i 23.7 14.4 1 1.63 B/D-0 gpm each RHRA/CPumps-6500gpmeach CS/A 31.84 27.0 14.4 4.84 B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 33.82 27.0 14.4 6.82 LOCA3B @1720 F RHRJA 31.25 23.7 14.4 7.55 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each B/D-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPS11r RHRC 30.65 23.7 14.4 6.95 RHRA/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 27.16 27.0 14.4 0.16 B/D-0 gpm each CS/C 29.14 27.0 14.4 2.14

Dacument: MD-Q0999-970046 Rev.: 8 Plant: BFN U1, 2&3 Page: 87


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date_

Checked Date-CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure NPSH (ft) (ft) (psia) margin

_ (let)

LOCA 3C @187.3 0 F RHRIA 31.26 23.7 16.9 7.56 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/C 30.66 23.7 16.9 6.96 B/D-0 gpm each CS/A 27.17 27.0 16.9 0.17 CB/D-0gpm each CS/C 29.15 27.0 16.9 2.15 LOCA 4A @155.4 ¶ RHR/A 35.94 23.7 14.4 12.24 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHRJC 35.35 23.7 14.4 11.65 RHRA/CPumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 33.70 27.0 14.4 6.70

_ B/D-Ogpm each CS/D 31.89 27.0 14.4 4.89 LOCA4B @1720 F RHRIA 31.26 23.7 14.4 7.56 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHRIC 30.67 23.7 14.4 6.97 A/C-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr CS/B 29.02 27.0 14.4 2.02 RHR A/CPumps-6500 pm each CS/D 27.21 27.0 14.4 0.21 0

LOCA4C e187.3 F RHRJA 31.27 23.7 16.9 7.57 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each RHIRC 30.68 23.7 16.9 6.98 A/C-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 29.03 27.0 16.9 2.03 B/D-0 gpm each CS/D 27.22 27.0 16.9 0.22 LOCA5A @155.4 0F RHR/B 35.65 23.7 14.4 11.95 CSPumpsB/D-3125gpm each RJ 36.19 23.7 14.4 12.49 A/C-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 33.68 27.0 14.4 6.68 A/C-0 gpm each CS/D 31.87 27.0 14.4 4.87 LOCA 5B @172T RHRIB 30.97 23.7 14.4 7.27 CS Pumps B/D-31l25gpm each A/C-Ogpmeach NPSEaWSHr HR/D 31.51 23.7 14.4 7.81 RH[R B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 29.00 27.0 14.4 2.00 A/C-0 gpm each CS/D 27.19 27.0 14.4 0.19 LOCA 5C @187.3¶F RHR/B 30.98 23.7 16.9 7.28 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each 31.52 23.7 16.9 7.82 A/C-0 gpm each .

RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/B 29.01 27.0 16.9 2.01 A/C-0 gpm each CS/D 27.20 27.0 16.9 0.20 LOCA 6A @155.4¶ RHRJB 35.63 23.7 14.4 11.93 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/D 36.17 23.7 14.4 12.47 B/D-0 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 31.88 27.0 14.4 4.88 A/C-0 gpm each CS/C 33.86 27.0 14.4 6 86 LOCA16B @172¶F RHR/B 30.95 23.7 14.4 7.25 CS Pumps A/C-3 125gpm each B/D-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr RHRID 131.49 23.7 J 14.4 7.79 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 1 27.20 [ 27.0 14.4 1 0.20 A/C-0 gpm each CS/C

-I. ___________________ A _____________ .

29.18 27.0 A _____________ L 14.4 2.18

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 8 Plant: BFN Ul, 2&3 Page: 88


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date__

Checked -_Date-CALCULATION SHEET LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure NFSH (ft) (ft) (psia) ma rgin LOCA 6C @187.3¶F RHR/B 30.96 23.7 16.9 7.26 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RJBRD 31.50 23.7 16.9 7.80 B/D-0 gpm each RHRB/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS/A 27.21 27.0 16.9 0.21 A/C-0 gpm each CS/C 29.19 27.0 16.9 2.19 LOCA 7 @1660 F RHR/A 30.77 23.7 14.4 7.07 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each RHR/B 30.78 23.7 14.4 7.08 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each RHHR/C 30.18 23.7 14.4 6.48 RHRJD 31.32 23.7 14.4 7.62 CS/A 27.63 27.0 14.4 0.63 CS/C 29.61 27.0 14.4 2.61 ATWS Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure NIPSH (ft) (ft) (psia) margin (Ft) 0 ATWS @214.6 F RHR/A 24.52 23.7 21.0 0.82 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each RHR/B 24.55 23.7 21.0 0.85 RHR/C 23.93 23.7 21.0 0.23 RHR/D 25.09 23.7 21.0 1.39 Appendix R Pump/Flow Pool Temp Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure NI'SH Combination (It) (It) (psia) margin (ft)

App-RA @227F A 23.93 23.7 24.1 0.23 RHR Pump A-6500 gpm App-R B c2270F B 23.90 23.7 24.1 020 RHR Pump B-6500 gpm _

App-R C @227 0F C 23.81 23.7 24.1 0.11

_FR Pump C-6500 gpm _

App-R D @227 0F D 23.98 23.7 24.1 0.28 RHR Pump D-6500 gpm _ _

SBO Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Pump NPSHa NPSHr Pressure Ni'SH (It) (ft) (psia) ma rgin

__ (ft)

SBO 1 A/C @197.3 0F A 24.45 23.7 16.0 0.75 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each C 23.85 23.7 16.0 0.15 SBO 2 B/D @197.3 0F B 23.85 23.7 15.9 0.15 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each .

D 24.40 23.7 15.9 0.70

MD-QO999-S-70046, Rev. 8 Page: 89 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.1: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 1A 95F Vapor Pressure SpecificVolume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psia) I V(ft3 /lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 95 _ 0.816362332 j 0.016115213 2.320590685 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSH margin (f) 1PUM_ A 0.80107 33.38 23.9 9.48 2PUMFB 0.378837 32.40 27 5.40 3PUMPC 0.196499 31.98 23.7 8.28 4PUMPD 1.04947 33.96 30 3.96 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft): NPSHr (fi) NPSH margin (i) 1CSPUMPA 1.43727 34.86 27 7.86 2CSPUMPB 2.3699 37.02 27 10.02 3CSPUIPC 2.29033 36.84 27 9.84 4CSPUWPD 1.59296 35.22 27 8.22 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. S Page: 90 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHI and CS punps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.2: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 1B 155.4F

_ Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(F) (psla) V(ft31Ib) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psla) 16 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

IPUMPA 0.828492 29.65 23.9 5.75 2PUMPB 0.414702 28.67 27 1.67 3PUMPC 0.232564 28.25 23.7 4.55 4PUMPD 1.07595 30.23 30 0.23 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 1.45158 31.12 27 4.12 2CSPUMPB 2.37214 33.29 27 6.29 3CSPUMPC 2.29119 33.10 27 6.10 4CSPUN.PD 1.60649 31.48 27 4.48 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken In calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-S70046, Rev. 8 Page: 91 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.3: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 2A 95F

- Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft3 /lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 r 2.309038802 =

95 [ 0.816362332 0.016115213 L 2.320590685 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (f 1PUMF'A 0.469288 32.61 27 5.61 2PUMF'B 0.944092 33.71 24.8 8.91 3PUMF'C -0.26239 30.91 27 3.91 4PUMF'D 1.49817 35.00 26 9.00 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (0f) 1CSPUMPA 1.49582 34.99 27 7.99 2CSPUt1PB 2.43307 37.17 27 10.17 3CSPUMIPC 2.34888 36.97 27 9.97 4CSPUMPD 1.65613 35.37 27 8.37 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-S-70046, Rev. 8 Page: 92 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.4: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 2B 155.4F 1 60 Temp( 0F) I Vapor Pressure (psia) 0.256389624 I

0.016034992 J

Specific Volume Conversion Factor V(ft3 Ilb) psia to feet of head 2.309038802 I 155.4 4.249928506 .1_

0.016369309 _

2.351180486 Pool Press. (psia) 1 6-W0 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1 PUMPA 0.383607 28.79 27 1.79 2PUMPB 0.84087 29.87 24.8 5.07 3PUMPC -0.33748 27.09 .27 0.09 4PUMPD 1.3873 3116 26 5.16 Cs Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

ICSPUMIPA 1.37023 31.12 27 4.12 2CSPUMPB 2.28972 33.28 27 6.28 3CSPUMPC 2.20984 33.09 27 6.09 4CSPUMIPD 1.52407 31.48 27 4.48 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page: 93 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.5: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 3A 155.4F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp( 0F) (psia) V(ft3ilb) psia to feet of head 1 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802

[15541 4.249928506 0.016369309 , 2.357180486 JPool Press. (psia) 14.4 I I I',

RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 5.09137 35.93 23.7: 12.23 2PUMFPB _

3PUMFPC 4.83981 35.33 23.7 11.63 4PUMFD Cs Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

ICSPUMPA 3.35622 31.84 27 4.84 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.19583 33.82 27 6.82 4CSPUMPD I I __ _I Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page: 94 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.6: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 3B 172F Vapor Pressure 1 Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp( 0 F) (psia) V(ft3 /ib) psia to feet of head

_--------- - o . -- A- n- .^^ - ---------

I bU U(.ZOb63R 4 U.U1 b6()49z z.3JUU)Yt38UZ 1 6.281035863 1 0.016460423 J 2.370300872 lPool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr(ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 5.06319 31.25 23.7 7.55 2PUMF'B ___ __ __ __

3PUMF'C 4.81293 30.65 23.7 6.95 4PUMF'D I CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (fi) NPSH margin (ft)

ICSPUMPA 3.33804 27.16 27 0.16 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.17294 29.14 27 2.14 4CSPUMPD I Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-S70046, Rev. 8 Page: 95 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.7: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 3C 187.3F 1

Temp(F) 60 Vapor Pressure (psia) 0.256389624 V(ft'/lb) 0.016034992 J

Specific Volume Conversion Factor psia to feet of head 2.309038802 1187.31 8.822339971 j 0.01655191 1 2.383475045 IPool Press. (psia 16.9 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr(ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 5.03611 31.26 23.7 7.56 2PUMPB 3PUMFC 4.78719 30.66 23.7 6.96 4PUMPD , , _ _

CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (if) 1CSPUMPA 3.321 27.17 27 0.17 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.15116 29.15 27 2.15 4CSPUMPD I Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-5'70046, Rev. 8 APage: 96 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.8: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 4A 155.4F I Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psia) /lb l psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 M 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psia)14.4 RHR_ Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) i NPSHr(ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMFPA 5.0976 35.94 i 23.7 12.24 2PUMPB _ _. -

3PUMPFC 4.84605 35.35 i 23.7 11.65 4PUMFPD  ; I CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) i NPSHr(ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA _ _

2CSPUMIPB 4.14542 33.70 27 6.70 3CSPUMPC _

4CSPUMPD 3.37977 31.89 27 4.89 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-S70046, Rev. 8 Page: 97 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.9: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 4B 172F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor 0

Temp( F) (psia) V(ft 3/lb) psla to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 172 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psia 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 5.06937 31.26 23.7 7.56 2PUMF'B 3PUMFC 4.81912 30.67 23.7 6.97 4PUMFD CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 4.12286 29.02 27 2.02 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUMPD 3.36135 27.21 27 0.21 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page: 98 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.10: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 4C 187.3F

_ Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psia) V(ft 3Ilb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045! Pool Press. (psia 16.9 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (if) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA7 5.04225 31.27 23.7 7.57 1 2PUMFB l I II_ I 3PUMPC 4.79333 30.68 23.7 6.981 4PUMPD _ 1 I CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

I CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 4.1014 29.03 27 2.03 3CSPUMPC _

4CSPUMPD 3.34409 27.22 27 0.22 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page: 99 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.11: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 5A 155.4F

- VaporPressure SpecificVolume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) _ (psia) V(ft3 /lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 1 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr(f) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA 7_ _ _ __ 1 2PUMFB1 4.97346 35.65 23.7 11.95 3PUMPC L 7 4PUMPD 5.20404 36.19 23.7 12.49 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

ICSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 4.13718 33.68 27 6.68 3CSPUMPC 4CSPUM PD 3.37154 31.87 27 4.87 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-S70046, Rev. 8 Page: 100 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.12: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 5B 172F i Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor 0

Temp( F) (psia) V(ft 3llb) psia to feet of head 0 01603499 60 0.256389624 . 2 2.309038802 172 _ 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 2PUMF'B 4.94591 30.97 23.7 7.27 3PUMFC  ;-

4PUMFD 5.17532 31.51 23.7 7.81 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2CSPUMPB 4.11471 29.00 27 2.00 3CSPUMPC_

4CSPUMPD 3.3532 27.19 27 0.19 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD.QO999-S70046, Rev. 8 CCPageT 101 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumps CALCULATION

! SHEET Table 14.13: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 5C 187.3F

- JVapor Pressure SpecificVolume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psia) V(ft3 Ib) psia to feet of head 60 1 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045 r Pool Press. (psia 16.9 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) i NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMFA ,

2PUMFB 4.91948 30.98 1 23.7 7.28 3PUMPC _ , _

4PUMFD 5.14769 31.52 23.7 7.82 Cs Pressure (psig) NPSHa (fi) I NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA _ _ .

2CSPUMPB 4.09332 29.01 i 27 2.01 3CSPUMPC I 4CSPU PD 3.33601 27.20 27 0.20 Note 1: Sse Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-S70046, Rev. 8 Page: 102 NPSH Evaluation of BrOwns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.14: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 6A;155.4F' Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psia) V(ft3lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 155.4 4.249928506 0.016369309 2.357180486 Pool Press. (psia) 14.4 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) iNPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1 PUMPA _ __ __ __ I 2PUMPB 4.96393 35.63 23.7 11.93 3PUMPC 4PUMPD 5.19451 36.17; 23.7 12.47 Cs Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) INPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)

ICSPUMPA 3.37547 31.88 27 4.88 2CSPUMPB  ; , _

3CSPUMPC 4.21507 33.86 27 6.86 4CSPUMPD i_

Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page: 103 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.15: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 6B 172F Temp( 0 F) 1 Vapor Pressure (psia)

Specific Volume Conversion Factor V(fteIlb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 172 6.281035863 0.016460423 2.370300872 Pool Press. psia 14.4 RHR Pressure(psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A ll 2PUMPFB 4.93642 30.95 23.7 7.25 3PUMPC 4PUMFD 5.16583 31.49 23.7 7.79 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.35715 27.20 27 0.20 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.19204 29.18 27 2.18 4CSPUMPD I Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-570046, Rev. 8 Page: 104 NPSH Evaluadon of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumIps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.16: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 6C 187.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(°F) (psia) V(ft 3 /lb) psia to feet of head 60 - 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 1 187.3 8.822339971 0.01655191 2.383475045. J Pool Press. (psia) 16.9 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (t NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1 PUMPA _ _ _ _II__

2PUMPB 4.91004 30.96 23.7 7.26 3PUMPC I ._I 4PUMPD 5.13825 31.50 23.7 7.80 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 3.33996 27.21 27 0.21 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 4.17012 29.19 27 2.19 14CSPU MIPD I _ _ _ _ I__ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-970046, Rev. 8 Page: 105 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S purnps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.17: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case 7 166F I Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(F) (psia) V(ftIlb) a psia to feet of head I 60 I 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 I 1 5.468938413 1 0.016426501 2.365416198 [Pool Press. (psia) 14..

RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMF'A 4.0793 30.77 23.7 7.07 2PUMF'B 4.08192 30.78 23.7 7.08 3PUMPC 3.82856 30.18 23.7 6.48 4PUMF'D 4.31176 31.32 23.7 7.62 CS Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (fi) NPSH margin (ft) 1CSPUMPA 2.74921 27.63 27 0.63 2CSPUMPB 3CSPUMPC 3.58624 29.61 27 2.61 4CSPUMPD I __

Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-970046, Rev. 8 Page: 106 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.18: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case ATWS 214.6F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psia) V(ft3Ilb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 1 214.6 15.4840075 0.016732744 2.409515179 Pool Press. (psla) 21 RHR 4Pressure(psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) J NPSH margin (ft)

PUMPA sr4.66078sr 24.52 23.7 l 0.82 1 PUMP3 l 4.67186 l 24.55 l 23.7 0.85 l PUMPC, 4.41446 1 23.93 1 23.7 0.23 PUMPD 4.89771 25.09 23.7 j 1.39 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-970046, Rev. 8 Page: 107 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and (S pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.19: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case App-R A 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp( 0 F) (psia) V(ft3 /lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 227 19.65726995 0.016822324 2.422414688 Pool Press. (psia) 24.1 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) X NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPR 5.43696 23.93 23.7 0.23 2PUMPEI 3PUMPCj,__

4PUMPD _______

Note 1: SBe Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-970046, Rev. 8 Page: 108 NPSH Evaluation of Brwns Ferry RPIR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Tabhi 14.20: Unit 2 NPRH Calculatinns Case Ann-R R 227F IIVapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor 0

Terp( F) (psia) V(ft 3/lb) psia to feet of head I 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 I 2.309038802 I 2 7; 19.65726995 0.016822324 2.422414688 Pool Press. (psia 24.1 RHR J Pressure (psig) NPSHa (f) NPSHr (f) H NPSH margin(ft) 1PUMPA J F _

2PUMPEB 5.42391 23.90 J 23.7 0.20 3PUMPC ,


Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page: 109 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.21: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case App-R C 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft/lb) I psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 227 19.65726995 0.016822324 l 2.422414688 Pool Press. (psia) 24.1 RHR [ Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA [ _

2PUMPEI l l 3PUMPCL 5.38608 l 23.81 [ 23.7 0.11 4PUMPDM[_ [ __

Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-Q0999-970046, Rev. 8 Page: 110 1 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHRand CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET

. a.

Table 14.22: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations Case App-R D 227F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor I I3-..Temp("F)I (psia)

I V(ft3Ilb) I1 psia to feet of head ,

I i I 60 1 0.256389624 I 0.0160349921 _ 2.309038802 19.65726995 0.016822324; 2.422414688 Pool Press. (psia) 24.1 RHR

  • Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft) 1PUMPA _ _ I 2PUMPEj 3PUMPC:

4PUMPD 5.45444 23.98 23.7 0.28 Note 1: SeBe Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.


MD-Q0999-5970046, Rev. 8 Page: 1S1H1 NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.23: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations SBO A-C 197.3F

_Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(OF) (psia) V(ft3/lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 197.3 10.90873195 0.016615541 2.392637845 Pool Press. (psia) 16 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) J NPSH margin (ft)

IPUMPA 5.12658 24.45 23.7 0.75 2PUMPB l l l 3PUMPC 4.87856 I 23.85 j 23.7 0.15 4PUMPDI D I Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

MD-QO999-970046, Rev. 8 Page: 112 NPSH Evaluadon of Bnrwns Ferry RHR and CS pumps CALCULATION SHEET Table 14.24: Unit 3 NPSH Calculations SBO B-D 197.3F Vapor Pressure Specific Volume Conversion Factor Temp(0 F) (psia) V(ft 3/lb) psia to feet of head 60 0.256389624 0.016034992 2.309038802 197.3 10.90873195 0.016615541 2.392637845 Pool Press. (psia) 15.9 RHR Pressure (psig) NPSHa (ft) NPSHr (ft) NPSH margin (ft)


2PUMPEI l 4.97858 23.85 23.7 0.15 3PUMPC l 4PUMPE) 5.20597 24.40 23.7 0.70 Note 1: See Table 8 for steps taken in calculating NPSHa and NPSH margin.

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 8 I Plant: BFN U1, 2&3 Page: 113


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps Prepared Date_

Checked Date-CALCULATION SHEET TABLE 15 Unit 3 LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop

__ (psid)

LOCA 1A @950F Strainer 1 14354.6 2.469 CS Pumps AIB/C/D-3125gpm each RHR A/C Pumps -10,000 gpm each Strainer 23 13421.3 2.101 RHR B/D Pumps -11,000 gpm each Strainer 27 13167.1 2.365 Strainer 5 13283.1 2.116 LOCAlB @1155.4¶F Strainer 1 13772.1 2.415 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 13093 2.029 RHR A/C Pumps -10,000 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps -11,000 gpm each Strainer 27 13313.7 2.274 Strainer 5 13207.2 2.052 LOCA2A @95wF Strainer 1 14264.8 2.442 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 13309.3 2.039 RHR A/C Pumps -11,000 gpm each RHR B/D Pumps -10,000 gpm each Strainer 27 13237 2.286 Strainer 5 13414.9 2.063 LOCA2B @155.4A Strainer 1 14262.7 2.485 CS Pumps A/B/C/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 12921.5 2.115 RHR A/C Pumps -11,000 gpm each Strainer 27 13265.2 2.354 RHR B/D Pumps -10,000 gpm each Strainer 5 12936.6 2.133 LOCA3A  : 155.4 0 F Strainer 1 4905.66 0.1729 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4551.66 0.1068 B/D-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4648.25 0.1239 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4750.43 0.1428 LOCA3B @172¶F Strainer 1 4878.12 0.1719 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each B/D-0 gpm each NPSlan=NPSHr Strainer 23 4526.95 0.1063 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4622.91 0.1233 B/D-O gpm each Strainer 5 4724.01 0.142 LOCA3C @187.3wF Strainer 1 4850.69 0.1709 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4502.16 0.1058 B/D-0 gpm each RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4597.51 0.1227 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4697.64 0.1412 LOCA 4A @155.4¶F Strainer 1 4835.65 0.1591 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4647.75 0.1238 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4731.51 0.1392 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 4641.08 0.1226 B/D-0 each LOCA4B I I172 0F Strainer 1 4808.63 0.1582 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4622.27 0.1232 A/C-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPSHr RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4705.55 0.1385 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4615.54 0.122

LOCA Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

LOCA4C @187.3'F Strainer 1 4781.69 0.1573 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4596.76 0.1225 RHR A/C Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4679.56 0.1378 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4589.99 0.1213 LOCA5A @155.4 0 F Strainer 1 4642.35 0.1228 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4773.43 0.1471 A/C-O gpm each Strainer 27 4913.97 0.1745 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 4526.25 0.1024 AtC-O gpm each LOCA 5B @172¶ Strainer 1 4617 0.1222 CS Pumps B/D-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4746.88 0.1463 AIC-0 gpm each NPHa=NPS~ir ___

RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4886.42 0.1735 A/C-O gpm each Strainer 5 4501.7 0.102 LOCA 5C @187.3 0F Strainer 1 4591.6 0.1216 CS Pumps B/D-3O25gpm each Strainer 23 4720.38 0.1455 AIC-O gpm each____ ______

RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4858.97 0.1725 A/C-O gpm each______

Strainer 5 4477.05 0.1015 LOCA6A @155.4¶F Strainer 1 4720.96 0.1372 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 23 4661.24 0.1262 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4846.9 0.1613 A/C-O gpm each Strainer 5 4626.89 0.12 LOCA6B @1720 F Strainer 1 4695.03 0.1366 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4635.59 0.1256 B/D-0 gpm each NPSHa=NPS Hr RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 4819.83 0.1604 A/C-O gpm each Strainer 5 4601.55 0.1195 LOCA 6C @187.30 F Strainer 1 4669.07 0.1358 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 4609.93 0.1249 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 4792.84 0.1595 RHR B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 27 45792.84 0.1595 A/C-0 gpm each Strainer 5 4576.16 0.1188 LOCA 7 @166T Strainer 1 8289.24 0.877 CS Pumps A/C-3125gpm each Strainer 23 7500.75 0.6964 B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 i7988.88 0.8029 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 5 7703.14 0.7388

Document: MD-Q0999-970046 I Rev.: 8 IPlant: BFN U1, 2&3 Page: 115-Final


NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps l Prepared Date_

IChecked Date_

CALCULATION SHEET ATWS Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

ATWS @214.6 0F Strainer 1 8797.52 0.1784 RHR A/C/B/D Pumps-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 3842.31 0.034 CS Pumps A/C/B/D-0 gpm each Strainer 27 7688.36 0.00 17 Strainer 5 4587.81 0.0485 Appendix R Pump/Flow Pool Temp. Strainer Flow Pressure Combination (sgpm) Drop

__ (psid)

App-RA @2270 F Strainer 1 2336.37 0.0126 RHR Pump A-6500 gpm Strainer 23 936.046 0.002 Strainer 27 1767.64 0.0072 Strainer 5 1155.95 0.0031 App-R B @227 0F Strainer 1 1707.37 0.0118 RHR Pump B-6500 gpm Strainer 23 1252.23 0.0064 Strainer 27 2088.01 0.0177 Strainer 5 1148.39 0.0053 0

App-R C @227 F Strainer 1 2336.37 0.0126 RHR Pump C-6500 gpm Strainer 23 936.046 0.002 Strainer 27 1767.64 0.0072 Strainer 5 1155.95 0.0031 App-R D @2270 F Strainer 1 1707.37 0.0118 RHR Pump D-6500 gpm Strainer 23 1252.23 0.0064 Strainer 27 2088.01 0.0177 Strainer 5 1148.39 0.0053 SBO Pump/Flow Combination Pool Temp Strainer Flow Pressure (sgpm) Drop (psid)

SBO 1 A/C @197.3 0F Strainer 1 4720.36 0.051 RHR Pump A/C-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 1901.72 0.0083 Strainer 27 3578.79 0.0293 Strainer 5 2345.14 0.0126 0

SBO 2 B/D @197.3 F Strainer 1 3456.45 0.0478 RHR Pump B/D-6500 gpm each Strainer 23 2540.8 0.0259 Strainer 27 4218.78 0.0713 Strainer 5 2329.97 0.0217

UculationMD-Q0999-970046 Pagc A3-1 of 3 Appendix 3 Evaluation of the ECCS Strainer to Ingest a Steam Plume/Bubble This appendix determines the vertical and horizontal distances btween the MSRVT-quechers and various poiris on the ECCS sucticn strainers. The horizontal distance is ompared to the MSRV T.Quenicer to ECCS separation critnia contained in the Brookhaven National Laboratoy attached to the NRC Safety Braluation Report for NEDO- 3083:2-A, "Elimination of Limit on BWR Suppression Pool Temperawurc 7imit for SRV Discharge cith Quenchers" Assmptions:



1. Drawing 2/3-E20, 'TVA Containent Vssel, Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co.
2 Drawlng 213-47W401-5, -Mechanical Kain Steam Relief Valve Vent Piping".
3. GeneralElectric Diaing 10SE2202 kv 1, Suction Strainer" Design lnut Dam:

1.. DistancfiromringhcadcenterlitwoeldonpmenainX-204A-D = 1'10" (Rlf. 1) 2i.Distancelfom weld aupenetrationX-204A-D to exterior or suppssion chamber shell -8.5 (based on field measuremen)

3. Distance fom oxerior of suppression chamber shell to sta flange - O'11 5116" (RE 1)
4. Length of suction srainr - 49.8 (Scaled from ReL 3)
5. Hydric Diamter of suction strain= 45" (ReL 3) 6

.AnglC of suion sainer to horinztal =40 08'36" - 40.14' (Ref. 1)

7. Distance from centedine of ring header to centerline of suppression chamber 13' 10" (Ref. 1)
8. Distance from cenuffino of suppression chamber to &vmcin ec of MSM. T-Q~encer - 1S (Ret 2)
9. Diameter of MSRV T-Qoencher 12" (Ref 2)

I1. Elevation ofming header= 525' 4- a(tR 1)

11. Elevation DfMSRVT-Qncher =526' 6 (Ref 2) miputations and Results The following calcuation is based on he sketch shown inFigure A3-I. The figure is based o he abov design ipt data Xi - (I' 10" + 8.5" + 11 S116" + 49.8")
  • COSINE 40.14" - 70.0" Xi = 22.
  • SINE 40.14° = 14.50"

Calculation M-vQ0999-970046 Page A3-2 of 3 Appendix 3 (Cont'd)

Evaluation of the ECCS Strainer to Ingest a Steam Plume/Bubble Ha:izontal Sepaation=SH= 13' 10r-X 1 -X2 + 1S -6" 13' 10--70.0- -14.50"+ 15 =90.5 -7.54fct 2.3 meters Z's = (1' 10 + 8.5" + 115/16" + 49.8") # SINE 40.140- 59.1'

.2 - 22.5 t COSINE 40.14

  • 172"

}, - 59.1" 17.2 41.9" -4r IDevation oftip of smaer - Centerlinc ofinng cadcr+ E- 525' 4" + 42- 528' 10O Vertical Scpataion - Elevation oftip of strainer - Elevation of MSRV T-Quencher

- 528' 10" -526' 6 2' 4 Conclusion.

The homizontA separation distance frm the Brookbaven rcpon is 1.5 meters. Since Ibe BFN separation (23 metels) cxcceds the Brookhaven criteria, it is not epectzd that the saeamheunal plume from an MSRVwould be ingested by an ECCS suction strainer.

ff C Ir1I:h Nu tO-G~oteq. ¶7Oef6 .5 3 A3 of I1 3 Z%< A, 1 is't

.5 WS V

2.39 W.,


-1'1i- 1-

\ I

Atl~-rrc* t A QA Record TVAN CALCULATION Prerre A- I NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry MMI and CS Pumips ~ /~~T BFN/ Unit 2 & 3 PREPARING ORGANIZATION KCEY NOUNS (Consult CCRIS LIMT Olte Englaeerit-gMechankcali Nuclear B)RANCH/IPROJECr IDENTIFIERS Each time these calculations are Isnued, prepsrern must ensure that the suigbina (RI) RIMS &aceason numiber is MD-Q0999-9 70046 file In.

Rev (for RIMS ue) RIMS aectesson aisober

___ T.4 98 1 I8 1 APPLICABLE DESIGNI)OULMYNT(S) Ri Dlesign Criteria No. BFN-50-7074 Ai R2 SARlSEC-70.%IO(s) IUMID)SYSTEM") p N/A 074 & 075______

Revision 0 RI R3 SfsRrlti Vs o DC.N Nom. (or Indicate NOt A pplicable) ,,,,Watement of Problem

'TA ______ _____ NRCJE Bulletin 96-03 and Regulatory Prepasred, Guide 1.82. Revision 2 In May 1996 e ___required measures to jnsuir adequate NPS~ffor ECCS pumpsr during post ilZ ~'.________ LOCA conditions R~ It is necessary to determine! the pump

-:el Y NSH W available is adequall and that margin Is availablefor EC CS strainer 1)3+/-5design.

Use folrm aill pnzes added This calculation determiner the RIIR and (VA bythis~CS pump NPSJI margin ov-il~iabie with a 141m Lit al pots eleed!ECCS replacement strained- design.

Ths iC~tos otl neISIedamption(s) that mint It verified later. Y., D No a Absiavi huinp Net Positive Suction Head R~equired (NPSHR) is defined as the rainimnm headreuedtprnmuV viaot.71NuPsic SuIcilon Head Ava1ible (N~PSHA) must be greter Oma the NPSHR to prevent pum~p cavtatiio. The difference betwee NPSHA and NPSHR is abe retmiiniing head margin and is refenred to in this calculation as tile NPSH margin Thi c'auationenicompasses both Unit 2 aid Unit 3 RIIR and CS purnp&

tID3lcrol'hnsand I

store caiclAntions in RIMS Service Ceater Micro film sond return eiek-dations to: POD TIC - BFN Microffim and destroy.


Atcwve1M A \k QA Record 7k.?e A- 2

'TVAN CALCULATION COVERSHEET ritoe NPSH Evaluation of Brons Fenry RHR and CS Pumps Plant BFN unit 2.'3 PrcparingOrganization KeyNoum (For LDM) i

!'E-DEtMNUC i Calculation Idertificr Each time these caluations are imued, preparer must ensne that the oiginal (R0)

RllIMSEDM accesin number is illed in.

ldD-Q0999-970046 Rev (for WM wiac) EDM Aomion Number ApplicableDesi~nDocumel(s) R _o R1491118 308 A R.SR017 I R14 93 99 616 105 NIlD Systm(s) It ____ ' A 9 . 9 11.J8 10.1 l;YS074&St075 * &qsA

_____ _R ___ 14 0000706 1 01 IR7.

_O R2 R3 Quality Relat7 Yea 1Fa lXNEDC. N/A WAI N/A afeated? If yswwki esYes t

?o A4A VA I J41A QualityRelatedve ta r3 lreqwed TFN > / 'Vt .

aeed , MI) r- Thea cloulabon Contain yet No unverfined asnswton(s) that C N he verifi d latw?

lesdgn MB eaU.1 catculafiona atain Yes rO Veriflod qeaal mpreffmannz and/or 13 g limiting Conditions7 approved JG C.J These calculatcurs ntaina Yas 4a design uwutauaclowd? o go S;AR Affeted? YesO Nos Y es Yes Yes Iteviance Enturt ei 0 Entire erie C Wra 3 Entire calc 0 u.nber eapplkab Slected Sity a0 Soud put Solectd ps% _I _ I (SERh REV. D Covl3R SHT.3oT PAaE 1IA) C 11 MA^L

-ria ;R C.14.1*X..9f H t'&IS V.).4*.,j v A.. p.iV%:.l pA.*J.4 4s. 4... 1Li, E:J it. ,t sees ~ .4 L 4~.W I 0UXUE i (SEF RF.V. O COVI'R SIUIFI' PA11 IA)?

IRev. I pefonr additional EZFLOWeaac nau foe loop OrRHR with two pus in nmiout at 11,000 apm eac ne loop f RHR with two pog at auupui dcIdciugn Ibw u lO.000 pncackh and fow CS pm popeatirgat nos dig fluw, 3125 pn, with the tppcaiw pool tmqtue at 95 d*g.m F.

13 MicroGllm and rem calculationtoCalculatlary. Address:

h a Mirofilm and deoy.

U3 Miroftlm and return caklulatin to: .  ;

p~~cA~ A, QA Record ORGNL

  • R14 981118B108 C3Qb*z~ 1g 2-p7q 1 0 5.

cs~.Tae: NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RH-R and CS Pumps CURN C V j RNAW !DUUA!

ME { V MOI009999e0046 Api 0 04ud APnIWV'D a oia u'OCCRVariouss N/A aEENM OPUA-YesINo es :Ho Yos NoY..e N jeC. I . E 2.;'MES .:2.-; ea, i


TE~nt~z Z - Ytr/c L AjTAW1MFT F PROVtIMWBSTRACT See pftwious cover sheets (Attachment A, pages A-I 8 A-2) for the earlier statements of the problem I qbstreacs.

Due to EPI.I,*the peak suppression pool temperature has risen to 186A0 F.O 14,700 seconds (Ret. This ceiciiation assumes a over pressure of 3 psi lot both the shoet Bned tong terr'w and concluded that there is adequate NPSH m~ai& fi the worst case after allowing for the in'crase In vapor pressure due 1o the highertenwporalure.





IVZU.f01Psor I2 NE DP-t74ttil I I i


. . - . --- . I -. 1. I.-- I . -- .

  • CN NUC BFN MEB MD-00999-970046 04 .


. ~~~ ~A WYIMWNOU .



  • *CROSS-FERENCES 4A-add, C'-hange. D-detete)
    • RF .X XREF..GEF . XR I:.

r _ g =- -l i.7 1



. A .


';2! We m...

. . ,W .* ... ,2~ tX,; M f.,_-. .,R 1". , at la :cp2 la to vke..

.. -0. _ =

PREMEJ~O~_N _ _ SCCSIO ._ . . _ .

.,VP U.~Jj.~.IJ . ,se f -. * '. .


§ YA 4Z IW1 Page7 o 2- - - - - K-QP7744W-MQ001.1-I


0 1R(Ver~ifr ApI'o Signatures Not I ReouI I I

Ora,0,1.- -

The purpose of this calcubtion is to determine that the Residual Heat Removal (RIR) pump and the Core Slray (CS) pump Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) is adequate and that margin is available for the Emergency Core C olinq -

Syrstem (ECCS) replacement strainer design.


Revislon 6 has determined that the values calculated In Revision 4 of the main calculation for Units 2 and 3 operations at Exlended Power Uprate (EPU) conditions is also applicable to Unit 1 operaiions at EPU conditions.

This revision makes the calculation applicable to Units 1, 2 and 3.



TVA 40532 l"-211 Page 1 of 2 IMEOP-2-1 J07-M20011


-%7 I1 Pt ANm I I


kitM.0ER I REV



CROSS-REFERENCES (A-add, C-change, Ddelete)


A P DW BFN MEB 2-47E811-1 A P oW 8FN MEB 3-47E8111 A P DW BFN MEB 147EE14-1 A P DW BFN MEm 0.47E462-1 A P DW BFN MED 2-47W2452-1 A p DW BFN MEB 0-47W458-2 A P DW BFN MEB 1-47W4564 A P DW BFN MES 2-47W4584 A P DW BFN MEB 2-47W4584.

A P DW BFN MED 2-47W465-A p OW BFN MED 47W4014 _

A P VD BFN mm 103 (uNfri)




Fohowdng are required only ten making keyword/~css reference CCRIS an dIatesnre I d bm NEDP-2-1 is not rsinudsm PREPARERSIGNATURE DATE CHECKER SIGNATURE _ DATE PREPARER PHONE NO. EOMS ACCESSION NO.

IITVON VAf3IUXh.1 NL*'Z- jQ7.0 ".Z , 1 "two53Z tul _00 ] raipez 2 NEDPZw 2197205QUOI



KEY NOUNS (A-add, D-dolote)

ACT10N tEYUNOD iKE NOUN CROSS-REFERENCES (A-add, C-change, D-delete)

ACTION XREF XREF  :.XREF  : REF XREF PXREF (APDO COE TYPE F BRANCH __ _ _M_ _ _ REV A P ON :FN MED DCN 61200 A P VD BFN MEe GENE-0000028716E O P DW BFN 'TU 47W814 _ i D P DW BFN WS 47W4584 D P DW BDN MED 3-47W401-5 I~. .,~ .'3. tzNO--170-0 _u-~u~ .ag .

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I VA qU:a3z tU7-2UU1l Page 2 of Z NEOP-2*'1 0709200t]


Cac, Tioe: NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps tALC1D ILtANTTF ORG BRANCH NUMER CUR=R EW CURRENT CN NUC BFN MEB MD0099M970046 APPI ICABIt1L NEW CN NtJC Enfiriscac Seleed pgs0


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_/J-O l WOCROUCtys Uj r


The purpose of this calculation is to determine that the Residual Heat Removal (RHR) pump and the Core Spray 4CS) pump Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) Is adequate and tlat margin is available for theEmergencyiCorE Cooling System (ECCS) replacement strainer design.

Abstract This revision adds the Unit I margin to the calculation.




Pae 1of ADORESS:

NEO.2- (0709.00.

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iVA 053 1072001 TVA 4OS32107-2WI) P"Ic1 -f NEDP-2-11(07-W201)


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'TVA 40632107-20011

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Rl4QBI¶¶Sculatior*(nuciear) Wv78 0 4 0(2 1 9 00 r Cad Titb: NPSH Evaluation of Browns Ferry RHR and CS Pumps CACI TYPE Oi PL6NT BRANCH NUMBER CUR REV NEW REV CURRENT CN NUC BFN MEB MD00999970046 006 _ APPLICABILITY NEW CN NUC .0.0OD7 _ _ Entire cal; 0 I s i ~No CRIS Changse6g ACTION NEW E0 DELETE D SUPERSEDE (F.,rsc NCISY on CCRIS REVISION tRE-NAME E DUPLICATE [3 1(Verifier Approyal Signatures Not Required)

I been revewed and no CCRIS chwn~e required)




The purpoe of Ni roaution is to determine Ihat Ow Residual Heat ReFmval (RHR) pump and te Core Spray (CS) pump Net Pocivn Suction Heed (NPSH) Is adequate and Mta margin is available for tie Emergency Core Cooling Syslem (ECCS) replecerent strainer design.


  • This rrAlon adds Apprix S to quantity, and to document fte boes tr, the numerical values of available NPSH and NPSH margins 1Cr Ul that are Submited to the NFC In response to both Goneric Letter (GL) 97-04 and NRC B1ullhin 96-03.



TVA A532 107-2001] Page 1 ot 2 NEDI'-2-1 107-09-2001]

- ~Atta~evnt-+ iaoee To: Those Listed . Cy From: Thomas Newton, BEN EPU Project


ECCS NPSH Calculation Revision Differences from EPU Task Report 10406 Date: 7116102 BFN Calculation MD Q0999-970046 was revised at Revision 3 to incorporate the approved licensc value of containment overpressurc credit. This meant adding I psi io the short tenn:

results for RHR and subtracting I psi from the long term results for CS in Tables I and 2 since the calculation already considered 2 psi in its original determibistic results. Revision 3 modified the calculation results per the NRC SER of approved overpressure for NPSH. The conversion factor for I psi Wsed in performing this calculation was 231 ftlpsi. The original results of the calculition utilized the conversion factor corresponding to the suppression pool temperature as listed in Table 3 of the calculaon.

In xtended Power Uprate analysis, General Electric made the followvig.staternent In Fnl Task Report 0406, 'ECCS Net Positve Sution cladw, Section 3.32, Item 2, primwy bulct 3, "CLTP NPSH MUri3 from previous NPSHcalcuIation (MD.Q099-970046) wer obtained.

Siiiheh6ii.kins-ncl de-ontainmesl ovei rure credits NPS rmgiswithoutti credits

  • rs te = ti;(MD-Q0!9s
  • to convert ii fto'titsfwater.-

S.% 'be.:


n~~~l s ~ ui iklid iaiid&~,liiystei nsiuses conove-rson factors cikultdbsao.~ttr *.*... ,

Therefore, GE's ariyses used a conversioD fictor of2.31 filpsi to establish the basline NPSH margin from the WA calculation and then used a vapor head conversion fact.or correctly bascd on the suppression pool waierftemperture for the additive cffect of increased Suppression pool temperature (and vapor prcssure) on NPSH margiL*

GE utilized a spreadsbeet and table (attbchd with marked changes per the IVA calculation) to supporT or report Task Report T0406 results which reflected the determiristic anntbutes above. If one utilizes conversion factors based on suppression pool temperature, the values for NPSH margin in Task Report T0406, Section, are Iightly different. Revision 4 ofMD.Q099O 970046 was performed using conversion factors based on the suppression pool water tempeaturm and a eontainment overoressure of 3 nsl. Results are refiected in Case I (NPSH man for the Wornt-se R}R pump), Cas ;. (NPSH miugin for the worst cseCS puipv), and Table 4 and som' values are sightydifferent from the content of Task Repoli T0406perthis epanstion ce*T..Taor

  • * :H.i J~ones..

~* . . . .,

I Cnepln*PS~agn Pro, lhut*¢5Tim

.. 1 PofleggfestrEPU Pool NFSH~ttCf~~l-~o-F~a-ea~

Flow Flo EPoo VPiesre ltTomNpupof~on W `9 ber Usn M Margin 1)overpressureargi t t (01" (opr) Tamp ( LOCc tom bv *oS ft § itoult wtthout crdt pt he&

Short Toerml* v*t_5 LOCA (0-00 42;000 12.50 t0 2.aAg9: t59

-.0QU........ 4 see). M 4.....20f

.. , 42 2.357 -Z*,1rA ,5.73-5,10 3 1;>

.. ,* I-" NIL

  • aR L~OCATl 13,Q00 0,250 1?? 7.02B G01, Aqq .0.:O.06a 4Sf 2.355 SAT S.7511413.08 17-1S 0; .. 13.j- 12145i9 .

7.026 4150 1S, 3 0.C037 'COB9 2:]74 S.875-7b 0.32 16-19 7.020 450n 177  ?.02id 6;O00 2.375 5.h7 5.07 7.026!-.- ,55D00 .179.1 7.4 , 4 ,328 2.377 7.026 70O "O118 5.87 5.09 I 7Ut .. ;1 2.379 5.87. 3.94 Ft I 7.023 7100 101.9 7.84 6e.8Z0 2.379 o: C3. '

7.02B 5.87 3"2 14t,700: - *: 18.E 8.604'e .,i.6S8 2.383 7.02B.' 3s- 88 79W.1 . .lS S,.87 .1.92 l 7.M2 2M38 5.47 3.56 07 5t)0 181.85 .; 0,1 Z2.379 5.875-Nt 3.94 z§ CS .. I , , ",%. ,,7OZ02 ,$2;300~ 175033 0. .:-16 Jhrit Tetm 2.374 3.- 8.32_

1  ;* )


-000q8, 15$At 1.352 2.357 4.23 4-1h t.02 "4 7-1t' Lano Tann LOCAv t o~t.

t tlt t 52 tgeq1 of ° 3 Z<355 2: 0-3 C1

.0.45 0X6,ZS76 6 ae' 2 n' 4151): i1$'75.FJWd nl OpsJ 189 2.374 :0.45 4580 O.,,,-ID 13 -6 s- s 177 *: F.O0 237S 045 -0.45

',;500 s1. .0.28 2377 -0.45 -1.23 760S *- n.85ECA or I i .4 l 2.370 -0.45 -2.38 13 7.100 18i.01mkdl*I2 -. 0.11:20 2.379 ,045 -2.40 I >

14700 t 'ISO 0. ,S 2.383 -0,45 t.3M - -4.40 -#4 . .te 2.380 -0.45 -2.76 1750D;: '101.8SEntdof2 pj.- .,1 52300-d- 175.82End of I pWl i 2.379 -0.45 -2;38 4 9

.189 2.S74 -0.4 5 .0 .0 0 rt Rlif CS EPU Vapor Tim aftrOEPU PoolVapor VWrolr . NMQ I.2S, i;;WR;AU}OII WWIS p6b1l!. -IIl # _+ .


I I * 'S1)MOC-I.Mf71 . Dral ti 04346 binA


~ ~ ~ immuR 'eO hIO Thbir1 4-*

ClleJ 113-.(,C, lt l h~tr~li.qf,1 111fi ;;stictOcrpicltsurcCrellit T@imuItte\(tr . Contatilil ,mgttllll Soil~lpvumtcle.g~n1£f1 ,,16s...........

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. . . * .rctettircdl rat lSwg-lcyt 'or fn CS t032} It nit5 I' . sim G-ac a:overprcsl- .

. . .. .retiltltd for Isng-Wrtll Inr CS 1.1,7'.t( Ib.(4 ~

! - , o- °;3

'lSitillprecsio~ll Icmpertnurc lml 17 Stl llgtI. ls - Lw5 amntlt jim or twerprtssortc

. . lri . e-rcqulircdl ler lon-lern, t'O;- CSt

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A- P O'Ce \-)- \

l Arks ai 1 A ct\C 1q 7 ° G4 IiDONALD L To FADY S 4GAIEbDSargentlundy@Sargentiundy MCQUEEN/Sargenflundy cc 0211612006 11:32 AM bcc Subject Fw: Pump/Flow Combination Cases for MULTIFLOW EPU Revision to NPSH Calculation Forwarded by DONALD L MCQUEEN/Sargentlundy on 0211612006 11:32 AM -

"Newton, Thomas F ."

S .ctfnewton@tva .gov> To <>


01/2312006 10:39 AM cc 'Housley, Denzel A.'>. Jones, Henry L. <hijonesetva'.gov>, 'Wolcott, J. D.' <>

Subject PumplFlow Combination Cases for MULTIFLOW EPU Revision to NPSH Calculation Don, The attached is a listing of the cases we have agreed upon. The number of cases is very similar to that of the existing calculation. It doesn't take long to modify the input and run each case - the largest effect is formatting and presenting the results. I am'leaving the office for the day, but will be here most of the day tomorrow. I will call you when I get in so that we can discuss any questions on the cases listed.

Tom Newton LOCA Cases lf MULTIFLOW Revion to NPSH Calicufiomdoc ,

pote f --- Vi \ '"

It JcCc w Mt NTt V>

V G O)9 Sq`oOz/60 7 r4 U Pump/FJow Combinations for MULTIFLOW Revision to NPSH Calculation Note I - All cases to be run at 0 containment overpressure conditions Notc 2 - LOCA strainer resistance to be developed as a function of strainer flow and input as a resistance element in MULTIFLOW model, special event strainer resistance taken as zero.

Note 3 - All cases at EPU conditions only Note 4 - Cases at which NPSHa = NPSHr will require iteration on pool temperature to determine final pool temperature LOCA Pump/Flow Combinations Suppression Pool Temperature CS Pumps A/B/C/D - 3125 gpm each Temperature @ 95'F RHR A/C Pumps - 10,000 gpm each Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU RHR B/D Pumps - 11,000 gpm each CS Pumps A/B/C/D - 3125 gpm each Same as above RHR A/C Loop - 11,000 gpm each RHR BID Loop - 10,000 gpm each CS Pumps A/C - 3125 gpm each, B/D - 0 Temperature t 10 minutes EPU (155.4'Fi)

RHR A/C Pumps - 6500 gpm each, B/D -0 Temperature where NPSH, NPSHr Temperature.@ Trna EPU (187.3°F)

CS Pumps B/D - 3125 gpm each, A/C - 0 Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (1 55.4°)

RHR A/C Pumps - 6500 gpm each, BID - 0 Temperature where NPSHa = NPSHr Temperature A T., EPU (187.3°F)

CS Pumps B/D - 3125 gpm each, A/C - 0 Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.40 F:)

RHR BJD Pumps - 6500 gpm each, A/C - 0 Temperature where NPSHa = NPSH,

_Temperature @T, EPU (187.3 0F)

CS Pumps A/C - 3125 gpm each, B/D - 0 Temperature @ 10 minutes EPU (155.4°F)

RHR BtD Pumps - 6500 gpm each, A/C - 0 Temperature where NPSHa = NPSH,


_ __ ) T.. EPU (1 87.3°F)

CS Pumps A/C - 3125 gpm each, B/D - 0 Temperature @ 166°F RHR A/B/C/D Pumps - 6500 gpm each ATWS Pump/Flow Combinations HPCI Pump Flow - 4500 gpm . Temperature @ 214.6 0 F(EPU Task Report RHR AIB/C/D Pumps- 6500 gpm each T0902)

Appendix R Pump/Flow Combinations One RHR Pump (non specific) - 6500 gpm Temperature @ 227°F (EPU Task Report T0611)

SBO Pump/Flow Combinations i__

One RHR Pump (non specific) - 6500 gpm Temperature @ 197.3°F (EPU Task Repo:t

_ _ __ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T 0903)


UNIT 1 CONTAINMENT CALCULATION FOR NPSH EVALUATIONS Following are the inputs, assumptions, methodology, and results for the containment calculations performed for input into the NPSH evaluations. The calculations are performed with assumptions which maximize the suppression pool temperature.

This calculation however differs from the EPUDBA!LOCA containment calculation described in PUSAR Section 4.1, "Containment System Performance," in that this calculation uses inputs, which minimize the resultant containment (wetwell airspace) pressure.

Key Analysis Inputs TABLE 7-1 II:

1. Reactor Power 102% of EPU power 4031 MWt
2. Reactor Steam Dome Pressure 1055lpsia
3. Decay Heat ANS 5.1 - 1979 +2o
4. Initial Suppression Pool volume 121,500 ft3 corresponding to minimum suppression.

pool level

5. Drywell Volume 159,000 ft3
6. Initial Wetwell Airspace Volume 129,300 ft 3
7. Initial Drywell Pressure 1 5.5 psia
8. Initial Drywell Temperature OF50F
9. Initial:Wetwell Airspace Temperaturel
10. Initial Wetwell Airspace Pressure psia
11. Initial Suppression Pool Temperature 95 0F E7-1


12. Initial Drywell Relative Humidity 100%
13. Initial Wetwell Relative Humidity 100%
14. Ultimate Heat Sink/RHR Service Water 950 F Temperature
15. RHR Heat Exchanger K value 223 Btu/sec-0 F
16. Pump Heat Per RHR/LPCI Pump 2000 hp
17. Pump Heat Per LPCS 600 hp Analysis Method The GE SHEX code is used to calculate the containment response, including suppression pool temperature and wetwell airspace pressure.

Analysis Description The DBA LOCA for NPSH is analyzed for two time periods: up to 600 seconds (no containment sprays) called "short-term" DBA LOCA for NPSH and after 600 seconds (containment sprays on) called "long-term" DBA LOCA for NPSH. For the short-term, all ECCS pumps are assumed to be operating, as the worst assumption, whereas the long-term analysis assumes that only one RHR loop (2 RHR pumps and 2 SW pumps) is operating.


Assumptions for DBA LOCA Short-Term NPSH Evaluation TABLE 7-2

1. The break is modeled as an This assumption instantaneous double-ended guillotine would produce a break of a recirculation discharge peak suppression line (1.94 ft2 ). pool temperatures and a minimum containment pressure.
2. Containment heat sinks are included Heat transfer to in the model. the wetwell and drywell heat structures decreases the containment pressure, which is worse for NPSH calculations
3. The four LPCI pumps operate during Minimize the the event, with the flow from two pressure response.

pumps injected into the broken loop (going directly to the drywell through the break) at 11,000 gpm/pump. The other two pumps inject into the intact loop at 10,000 gpm/pump.

4. The four LPCS pumps operate during Minimize the the event injecting 3125 gpm/pump. pressure response.
5. Initial drywell and wetwell pressures Minimize the are at their minimum expected values pressure response.

of 15.5 psia and 14.4 psia, respectively.

6. Initial drywell relative humidity is Minimize the mass at its maximum expected value of of non-condensable 100%. gas to minimize the pressure response.



7. Heat transfer between the wetwell This is a airspace and suppression pool is conservative mechanistically calculated. approach for determination of wetwell temperature and pressure for NP;3H.
8. No RHR heat exchanger operation for No operator action the short-term analysis time period before 600 of 600 seconds. seconds.
9. Containment mass leakage of 2%/day Minimize the was used to evaluate the impact on containment the wetwell pressure. pressure.

Assumptions for DBA LOCA Long-Term NPSH Evaluation TABLE 7-3 U ... . . . . ..... goR'2>>a

1. The break is modeled as an This assumption instantaneous double-ended guillotine would produce a break of a recirculation suction line peak suppression (4.2 ft2 ). pool temperature and a minimum containment pressure.
2. RER cooling is initiated for Minimize the containment spray with 2 RHR pumps pressure response.

(5,850 gpm/pump), 2 SW pumps, 950 F SW temperature, and a heat exchanger K-value of 223 BTU/sec-0 F. The RHR pump flow is split 95%/5% between drywell and wetwell spray.

3. Two LPCI pumps actuate and provide Minimize the 9,000 gpm/pump to control RPV level pressure response.

for the first 600 seconds of the



TABLE 4 .I 7-3

4. Two LPCS pumps actuate and provide Minimize the 3,550 gpm/pump to control RPV level pressure response.

throughout the event.

5. Initial drywell and wetwell pressures Minimize the are at their minimum expected values pressure response.

of 15.5 psia and 14.4 psia, respectively.

6. Initial drywell relative humidity is Minimize the mass at its maximum expected value of 100% of non-condensable gas to minimize the pressure response.
7. Heat transfer between the wetwell This is a airspace and suppression pool is conservative mechanistically calculated. approach for determination of wetwell temperature and pressure for NP.SH.
8. Containment mass leakage of 2%/day Minimize the was used to evaluate the impact on containment the wetwell pressure. pressure.

Analysis Results The results of the SHEX short-term and long-term containment analyses for evaluating NPSH, including suppression pool temperature and wetwell airspace pressure, are provided in Attachment A to this enclosure.  ! {




1. Adjusted wetwell airspace pressure including 2% leakage per day.

A.l: Short-Term Results for Input to NPSH Evaluation s TABLE 7-A.1 0.00 14.40 95.00 14.40 0.25 14.86 95.02 14.86 0.87 17.72 95.16 17.72 1.50 20.45 95.37 20.45 2.59 24.07 95.83 24.07 4.15 27.46 96.61 27.46 6.65 30.58 98.07 30.58 11.40 33.09. 101.20 33.09 16.90 34.10 105.00 34.10 26.90 34.96 111.70 34.96 36.40 35.61 117.20 35.61 47.65 36.34 123.00 36.34 54.34 36.73 125.90 36.73 66.59 37.35 130.30 37.35 73.59 37.65 132.30 37.65 79.09 37.86 133.60 37.86 84.21 _38.04 134.70 38.04 88.061 38.17 135.40 38.16 91.34J 38.14 135.90 38.14 93.25 38.12 136220 fl38.12 94.66 38.10 136.30 38.09 95.53 38.08 136.40 38.08 E7-6


7-A.11 1;i 96.22 38.07 136. 40 38.07 96.94 38. 06 136.'40 38.06 97.81 38.04 136. 0 38.04 98.91 38.02 136.40 38.02 101.31 37.98 136.40 37.98 103.81 37.95 136.,40 37.95 106.31 37.92 136.!40 37.91 108.87 37.89 136.,40 37.89 111.47 37.56 136. 40 37.56 113.97 37.03 136.850 37.03 116.47 36.54 136. 60 36.54 118 . 97 36.01 136.80 36.01 121.47 35.48 136.l90 35.48 123. 97 34.95 137.'00 34.95 126.47 34.42 137.20 34.42 128.97 33.91 137.30 33.91 131.47 33.40 137.<50 33.40 133.97 32.88 137.60 32.88 136.47 32.41 137.,80 32.41 138.97 31.92 138.100 31.91 141.47 31.42 138.'20 31.42 143.97 30.99 138.:40 30.99 146.47 30.56 138.60 30.56 148 . 97 30.11 1 3 8 .!8 0 30.11 151.47 29.67 139.100 29.67 153.97 29.27 139.20 29.27 156.47 28.87 139.40 28.87 158.97 28 49 139.460 28.48 161.47 28.11 139.170 28.11 1631.97 27.74 139.190 27.74 166.47 27.38 140.20 27.38 168.97 27.02 140.40 27.02 E7-7


7-A.1 171.47 26.66 140.60 26.66 173.97 26.32 140.80 26.32 176.47 25.98 141.00 25.98 178.97 25.65 141.20 25.65 181.47 25.33 141.40 25.33 183.97 25.02 141.60 25.02 186.47 24.70 141.80 24.69 188.97 24.39 142.00 24.39 191.47 24.06 142.30 24.06 193.97 23.73 142.50 ;23.73 196.47 23.41 142.70 23.41 198.97 23.1'0 142.90 23.10 201.84 22.73 143.10 122.72 204.72 22.39 143.30 122.39 207.72 22.03 143.50 22.03 210.59 21.71 143.70 21.71 213.34 21.40 143.'90 21.40 215.97 21.13 144.10 21.13 218.72 20.8'6 144.30 20.85 221.22 20.60 144.50 20.59 223.72 20.35 144.60 120.34 226.28 20.100 144.80 '120.10 229.09 19.89 144.90 119.89 231.97 19.63 145.10 19. 63 234.84 19.4,3 145.'30 119.:42 237.91 19.2'0 145.'40 19.20 240.50 19.02 145.50 19.02 243.00 18.8'5' 145.70 ;18.85 245.62 18.68 145.80 '118.67 248.34 18.5,3 145.!90 118.53 251.97 18.34 146.10 :18.34 254.94 18.18 146.20 18.18 E7-8



257.44 18.07 146.30 18.07 259.66 17.99 146.40 17.99 264.12 17.95 146.60 17.94 274.25 17.98 147.10 17.98 281.62 18.00 147.50 18.00 287.12 18.02 147.70 18.02 292.00 18.03 147.90 18.03 296.94 18.04 148.00 18.04 301.19 18.02 148.20 18.02 304.94 17.95 148.30 17.94 309.00 17.86 148.50 17.86 313.06 17.79 148.60 17.79 316.81 17.71 148.80 17.71 320.81 17.64 148.90 17.64 325.06 17.56 149.10 17.56 329.25 17.51 149.20 17.51 333.44 17.44 149.40 17.44 337.87 17.39 149.50 17.39 342.31 17.33 149.70 17.33 347.19 17.28 149.80 17.28 351.75 17.23 149.90 17.23 356.25 17.17 150.10 17.16 360.87 17.14 150.20 17.14 365.62 17.10 150.30 17.10 370.00 17.07 150.50 17.06 374.87 17.04 150.60 17.04 379.62 17.02 150.70 17.01 385.06 16.97 150.90 16.96 389.87 16.96 151.00 16.96 394.87 16.93 151.10 16.92 399.94 16.92 151.20 16.92 404.87 16.90 151.30 16.90 E7-9

TABLE 7-A.1 409.75 16.87 151.50 16.87 414.75 16.87 151.60 16.87 419.62 16.87 151.70 16.87 424.50 16.84 151.80 16.84 429.50 16.84 151.90 16.84 434.50 16.84 152.00 16.83 439.87 16.83 152.10 16.83 445.25 16.83 152.20 16.83 450.50 16.83 152.30 16.83 455.87 16.83 152.40 16.83 461.37 16.83 152.60 16.82 467.00 1 16.82 152.70 16.82 472.56 16.82 152.80 16.82 478.25 16.82 152.90 16.82 483.75 16.82 153.00 16.82 489.50 16.82 153.10 16.81 495.06 16.82 153.30 16.81 500.87 1 6.81 153.40 16.81 506.62 16.81 153.;50 16.81 512.62 16.81 153.60 16.81 518.37 16.81 153.70 16.81 524.25 16.81 153.90 16.81 530.06 16.81 154.00 16.81 535.81 16.81 154.10 16.81 541.81 16.81 154.20. 16.81 547.69 16.81 154.40 16.81 553.69 16.81 154.50 16.81 559.69 1 6.81 154.60 16.81 565.69 16.81 154.70 16.81 571.69 16.81 154.80 l 16.81 577.62 16.81 155.00 16.81 583.62 16.81 155.10 16.81 E7-10

TABLE 7-A .1 589.62 16.81 1 55.20 16.81 595.62 16.81 155.30 16.81 600.12 16.81 155.40 16.81 A.2: Long-Term Results for Input to NPSH Evaluation TABLE 7-A.2 0.00 '14.40 95.00 14.40 0.52 17.16 95.20 17.16 1.52 23.84 96.11 23.84 4.96 32.32 100.60 32.32 12.21 34.96 111.00 34.96 23.83 36.84 125.90 36.84 32.33 37.24 131.90 37.24 36.57 37.33 133.30 37.33 37.29 37.35 133.40 37.35 40.91 37.47 134.40 37.47 43.98 37.56 135.10 37.56 46.48 _37.64 135.60 37.64 48.98 37.700 136.10 37.70 52.60 37.81 136.80 37.81 56.48 37.93 137.4093 60.16 38.05 138.00 38.05 64.10 38.17 138.50 38.17 67.48 38.26 138.90 38.26V 70.85 138.32 139.30 38.32 73.51 138.34 139.60 38.34 76.10 '38.36 139.80 38.35 78.79 38.37 140.00 38.37 81.54 38.38 140.30 38.38 E7-11

TABLE 7-A.2 84.01 38.39 140.50 38.39 85.91 38.40 140.60 38.40 87.41 38.40 140.70 38.40 88.66 38.41 140.70 38.41 89.91 38.42 140.80 38.42 91.19 38.42 140.80 38.42 92.54 38.42 140.80 38.42 93.88 38.43 140.90 38.42 95.29 38.43 140.90 38.43 96.73 38.44 140.90 38.44 98.13 38.44 141.00 38.44 99.63 38.45 141.00 38.45 110.79 38.56 141.30 38.56 123.19 38.38 141.40 38.38 135.69 38.06 141.50 38.06 148.19 37.74 141.60 37.74 160.19 37.50 141.80 37.50 172.91 37.44 142.00 37.43 185.32 37.04 142.30 37.04 197.82 36.64 142.60 36.64 210.32 36.34 142.80 36.33 222.82 36.04 143.00 i136.04 235.32 35.73 143.10' 35.73 247.82 35.43 143.30 35.43 260.26 35.13 143.40 35.13 272.76 34.83 143.50 34.83 285.26 34.55 143.60 34.54 297.76 34.35 143.70? 34.35 310.01 34.19 143.80 34.19 322.51 33.75 144.00' 33.75 335.01 33.39 144.20 33.39 347.23 32.94 144.50 32.94 E7-12

TABLE 7,-At2 359.41 32.55 144f1. 80 32.55 371.63 32.14 145'.10 32.14 383.63 31.78 145.50 31.78 395.79 31.40 145'.80 31.40 408.10 31.00 146'.20 30.99 420.23 30.66 146.60 30.66 432. 6 30.26 147.00 30.26 444.10 29.94 147'.40 29.93 456.13 29.59 147.80 29.58 468.16 29.25 148'.20 29.24 480.38 28.92 148.60 28.91 492.79 28.53 149.10 28.52 505.29 28.24 149.50 28.24 517.79 27.90 149.90 27.90 530.29 27.56 150.30 27.56 542.79 27.30 15b.70 27.29 555.60 26.96 i5l'.10 26.96 568.54 26.68 151-.50 26.68 582.79 26.35 152.00 26.35 596.23 26.02 152:.40' 26.02 607.18 24.43 1'52'.80 24.43 618.52 22.64 153.30 22.63 630.43 21.94 153.80 21.94 642.18 21.16 154.40 21.15 654.08 20.49 154!.90 20.49 667.40 19.96 155.50 19.95 681.12 19.57 15,6.00 19.57 695.49 19.28 15'6.40 19.28 711.08 19.'04 15'6.90 19.04 726.52 18.82 15,7'.30, I 18.82 742.71 18.67 157.70 18.67 760.62 18.59 158.10 18.59 E7-13


7-A.2 780.77 18.67 158.60 18.67 802.55 18.75, 159.00 18.74 821.49 i8.58 159.30 18.58 844.58 18.68 159.70 18.68 867.08 18.76 159.90 18.75 886.77 18.80 160.10 18.80 903.90 18.84 160.20 18.84 919.52 18.87 160.40 18.87 942.33 18.91 160.50 18.91 966.08 18.94 160.70 18.94 990.33 18.98 160.90 18.97 1014.96 19.01 161.10 19.00 1039.27 19.04 161.30 19.04 1063.46 19.08 161.50 19.07 1087.59 19.10 161.60 19.10 1111.59 19.13 161.80 19.12 1135.27 19.151 162.00 19.14 1159.84 19.17 162.20 19.17 1183.96 19.20 162.30 19.19 1208.27 19.221 162.50 19.22 1232.59 19.25 l 162.70 19.25 1257.02 19.28 162.80 19.27 1281.55 19.28 163.00 19.27 1306.15 19.28 163.20 19.27 1330b.68 19.28 163.30 19.27 1355.71 19.281 163.50 19.28 1380.155 19.29i 163.70 19.28 1404.90 19.29f 163.80 19.29 1429.43 19.30 164.00 -19l 29 1455.!02 19.30 164.10 1i9l 30 1478.80 19.31 164.30 19.30 1503.27 19.31 164.40 19.31 E7-14

I IX !i I STABLE 17-A.12 j , i 1527.87 19.32 164.60 19.31 1552. 40 19.32 164.80 19.31 1577.30 19.32 164.90 19.31 1600.90 19.32 165.10 19.31 1624.74 19.32 165.20 19.31 1647.68 19.29 165.30 19.28 1671.99 19.32 165.50 19.31 1695.40 19.31 165.60 19.31 1718.46 19.28 165.80 19.28 1741.65 r 19.32 165.90 19.31 1765.30 19.31 166.00 19.31 1789.59 19.31 166.20 19.31 1814.74 19.32 166.'30 19.31 1839.34 19.32 166.50 19.31 1864.93 19.32 166.'60 19.32 1889.02 19.32 166.70 19.32 1914.80 19.32 166.90 19.32 1941.15 1'9.333 167.'00 19.32 1966.37 19.33 167.20 19.32 1992.71 19.33 167.30 19.33 2037.93 ,19.31 167;.50 19.30 2090.24 19.32 167.80 19.31 2142.21 19.35 168.10 19.34 2193.77 19.36 168.30 19.35 2245.62 19'.39 168.60 19.38 2297.49 19.39 168!.'80 19.38 2347.46 19.42 169.'10 19.41' 2398.74 19'.45r 169 .30, m 19.'44' 2448.74 19.44 169.050' 19.44

2498.84 + 19.47 169.,80: 1 9 .,46 2548.74 19.50 170.00 19.49 2597.55 19.50 170.20 19.49 E7-15

TABLE 7-A.2 2647.15 19.53 170.40 19.52 2695.90 19.53 170.70 19.52 2745.74 19.56 170.90 19.55 2794.99 19.56 171.10 19.55 2844.52 19.60 171.30 19.59 2893.46 19.61 171.50 19.59 2942.99 19.64 171.70 19.63 2992.30 19.65 171.90 19.64 3041.55 19.66 172.10 19.65 3091.40 19.69 172.30 19.68 3140.52 19.69 172.50 19.68 3189.59 19.69 172.70 19.68 3239.43 19.73 172.80 19.72 3288.49 19.73 173.00 19.71 3338.09 19.75 173.20 19.74 3387.40 19.74 173.40 19.73 3436.99 19.76 173.60 19.75 3486.96 19.78 173.70 19.77 3536.55 19.80 173.90 19.78 3585.99 19.79 174.10 19.77 3635.84 19.81 174.20 19.79 3685.09 19 '80 174.40 19.78 3735.18 19.82 174.60 19.80 3785.77 19.84 174.70 19.82 3835.59 19.83 174.90 19.82 3885.43 199.85 175.00 19.84 3934.74 19.84 175.20 19.83 3985.09 19.86 175.30 19.85 4034.77 19.85 175.50 19.84 4084.18 19.88 175.60 19.86 4134.27 19.90 175.80 19.88 4183.99 19.92 175.90 19.90 E7-16

TABLE 7-A.2 l l 4234.21 1 19.93 176.10 19.92 4284.30 '19.95 176.20 19.93 4334.24 19.94 176.30 19.92 4383.90 19.95 176.50 19.94 4431.74 19.97 176.60 19.95 4481.02 19.98 176.70 19.97 4530.99 20.00 176.80 19.98 4580.46 20.02 177.00 20.00 4630.43 20.04 177.10 20.02 4681.02 20.05 177.20 20.04

,4731.37 20.07 177.40 I 20.06 4781.59 20.09 177.50 20.07 4831.68 20.11 177.60 20.09 4882.09 20.13 177.70 20.11 4931.93 20.14 177.80 20.13 4981.96 20.16 178.00 20.14 5031.71 '20.14 178.10 20.13

'5081.68 20.16 178.20 20.14 5131.77 20.18 178.30 '20.16 5182.49 20.20 178.40 20.18

.5230.27 20.21 178.50 20.19 5277.87 20.23 178.60 20.21

'5323.15 '20.26 178.70 20.24 5368.52 20.25 178.80 20.23 5411.12 20.23 178.90 20.21 5457.09 20.26 179.00 20.24

,5506.99 20.29 179.10 20.27 5557.02 120 .32 179.20 20.30 i5607.90 20.36 179.30 l 20.34

,5658.90 20,.41 179.40 'll20.39 5709.77 20.40 179.50 20.38 5760.49 20.42 179.60 20.40 E7-17

TABLE 7-A.2 5810.87 20.41 179.70 20.39 5857.21 20.42 179.80 20.40 5907.21 20.42 179.90 20.40 5957.24 20.44 180.00 20.41 6006.87 20.43 180.10 20.41 6057.02 20.45 180.20 20.43 6106.80 .20.47 180.30 20.44 6155.93 20.46 180.40 20.44 6205.59 20.48 180.50 20.45 6252.99 20.49 180.50 20.47 6303.27 20.51 180.60 20.48 6352.93 20.52 180.70 20.50 6402.46 20.54 180.80 20.52 6452.62 20.55 180.90 20.53 6481.46 20.56 180.90 20.54 6506.46 20.58 181.00 20.55 6550.77 ;20.56 181.00 20.53 6601.40 1120.59 181.10 20.57 6636.30 20.59 181.20 20.57 6661.30 20.61 181.20 20.59 6686.30 20 '62 181.30 20.60 6732.43 20.60 181.30 20.58 6782.43 20.63 181.40 20.61 6825.34 i20.63 181.50 20.61 6850.34 20.64 181.50 20.62 6875.34 .20 '66 181.50 20.63 6900.34 20.67 181.60 20.64 6944.09 :20 !64 181.60 20.61 6994.46 20.66 181.70 20.64 7045.09 201'69 181.80 20.66 7080.05 20.68 181.80 20.65 7105.05 20.69 181.90 20.66 E7-18

TABLE 7-A.2 7130IJ.05 20.-lU 181.90 20U. 67 7155.05 20.70 182.00 20.68 7180.05 20.71 182.00 20.68 7228.68 20.68 182.10 20.65 7279.55 20.70 182.10 20.68 7329.68 20.72 182.20 20.69 7369.96 20.71 182.30 20.68 7394.96 20.72 182.30 20.69 7419.96 20.73 182.30 20.70 7444.96 20.73 182.40 20.71 7469.96 20.74 182.40 20.71 7494.96 20.75 182.40 20.72 7519.96 20.75 182.40 20.72 7567.46 20.72 182.50 20.70 7617.46 20.74 182.60 20.71 7667.71 20.76 182.60 20.73 7718.21 20.78 182.70 20.75 7743.24 20.76 182.70 20.73 7768.24 20.77 182.80 20.174 7793.24 20.77 182.80 20.75 7818.24 20.78 182.80 20.75 7843.24 20.78 182.90 20.175 7868.24 20.79 182.90 20.176 7893.24 20.79 182.90 20.76 7930.62 20.75 183.00 20.!72 7980.74 20.77 183.00 20.174 8030.74 20.78 183.10 20.175 8081.37 20.80 183.10 20.77 8131.37 20.81 183.20 20.~78 8158.46 20.80 183.20 20.177 8183.46 20.80 183.30 20.77 8208.46 20.81 183.30 20.-78 E7-19

TABLE 7-A.2 i i I 8233.46 20.81 l 183.30 20.78 8258.46 20.82 183.30 20.79 8283.46 20.82 183.40 20.79 8308.46 20.82 183.40 20.79 8333.46 20.83 183.40 20.80 8358.46 20.83 183.40 20.80 8383.46 20.83 183.50 20.80 8408.46 20.83 183.50 20.80 8433.46 20.83 183.50 20.80 8458.46 20.83 183.50 20.80 8483.46 20.84 183.60 20.81 8508.46 20.84 183.60 20.81 8533.46 20.84 183.60 20.81 8558.46 20.84 183.60 20.81 8583.46 20.84 183.70 20.81 8608.46 20.84 183.70 20.81 8633.46 20.84, 183.70 20.81 8658.46 20.84 183.70 20.81 8683.46 20.854 183.80 20.82 8708.46 20.85 183.80 20.82 8733.46 20.85 183.80 20.82 8758.46 20.85 183.80 20.82 8783.46 20.85 183.90 20.82 8808.46 20.85, 183.90 20.82 8833.46 20.85 183.90 20.82 8858.46 20.85 183.90 20.82 8883.46 20.85 184.90 20.82 8916.77 20.81' 184.00 20.78 8966.77 20.831 184.00 20.80 9016.77 20.851 184.10 20.82 9066.77 20.87 184.10 20.84 9102.49 20.86 184.20 20.83 E7-20

TABLE 7-A.2 9127.49 20.87 184.20 20.83 9152.49 20.87 184.20 20.84 9177.49 20.88 184.20 20.85 9202.49 20.88 184.30 20.85 9227.49 20.89 184.30 20.86 9266.93 20.85 184.30 20.81 9316.93 20.86 184.40 20.83 9366.93 20.88 184.40 20.85 9416.93 20.89 184.40 20.86 9466.93 20.91 184.50 20.87 9494.21 20.89 184.50 20.86 9519.21 20.90 184.50 20.86 9544.21 20.90 184.50 20.87 9569.21 20.91 184.60 20.87 9594.21 20.91 184.60 20.88 9619.21 20.91 184.60 20.88 9644.21 20.92 184.60 20.88 9669.21 20.92 184.60 20.88 9705.27 20.87 184.70 20.84 9755.27 20.89 184.70 20.85 9805.27 20.90 184.70 a20.86 9855.27 20.91 184.80 20.88 9905.27 20.92 184.80 I 20.89 9952.62 20.91 184.90 20.87 9977.62 20.92 184.90 '20.88 10027.62 20.93 184.90 20.89 10152.62 20.94 185.00 -' 20.90 10277.62 20.95 185.10 I20.91:

10402.62 20.95 185.20 20.91' 10527.62 20.95 185.20 20.91 10652.62 20.95 185.30 20.91 10842.43 20.94 185.40 20.90 E7-21

TABLE 7-A.2 11048.02 20.96 185.60 20.92 11173.02 20.98 185.60 20.94 11298.02 20.98 185.70 20.94 11423.02 20.98 185.70 20.94 11548.02 20.97 185.80 20.93 11673.02 20.97 185.80 20.93 11798.02 20.97 185.90 20.93 11923.02 20.96 185.90 20.92 12048.02 20.96 186.00 20.92 12173.02 20.96 186.00 20.91 12298.02 20.95 186.10 20.91 12423.02 20.95 186.10 20.90 12548.02 20.94 186.20 20.90 12673.02 20.94 186.20 20.89 12798.02 20.93 186.20 20.89 12932.40 20.93 186.30 20.89 13182.40 20.99 186.30 20.94 13432.05 20.99 186.40 20.94 13682.05 21.00 186.40 20.96 13932.05 21.01 186.50 20.96 14182.05 21.00 186.50 20.95 14432.05 21.00 186.50 20.95 14682.05 20.99 186.60 20.94 14932.05 20.98 186.60 20.93 15182.05 20.97 186.60 20.92 15432.05 20.96 186.60 20.91 15682.05 20.96 186.60 20.91 15932.05 20.95 186.60 20.89 16182.05 20.93 186.60 20.88 16432.06 20.92 186.60 20.87 16682.06 20.91 186.60 20.86 16932.06 20.90 186.60 20.84 E7-22

i TABLE 7-A.2

I I I . 1,i 17182.06 20.89 186.601 20.'83 17432.06 20.88 186.60 20.82 17682.06 20.87 186.60 20.81 17932.06 20.86 186.60 20.80 18182.06 20.85 186.60i 20.78 18432.06 20.84 186.60 r 20.78 18682.06 20.83 186.50 20.77 18932.06 20.82 186.50 20.76 19182.06 20.82 186.50 20.75 19432.06 20.81 186.50 20.74 19682.06 20.80 186.40 20.73 19932.06 20.80 186.40 20.73 20182.06 20.79 186.40, 20.72 20432.06 20.78 186.30 20.71 20682.06 20.79 186.30 20.72 20932.06 20.80 186.30 20.73 21182.06 20.85 186.20 20.77 21431.77 20.89 186.20 20.:82 21680.81 20.93 186.101 20.86 21929.18 20.95 186.10; 20.'87 22177.37 21.00 186.001 20.;92 22426.49 20.99 186.00 20.92 22676.49 20.98 185.90 20.91 22926.49 20.94 185.90' 20.86 23176.49 20.89 185.90 20.81 23426.49 20.83 185.80! 20.75 23676.49 20.79 185.801 l20.71 23926.49 20.77 185.801 20.69 24176.49 20.76 185.70l 20 . 67 24426.'49 20.74 185.701 l 20b.66 24676.49 20.74 185.70 20.65 24926.49 20.73 185.60 20.65 E7-23

TABLE 7-A.2 25176.49 20.73 185.60 20.64 25426.49 20.72 185.60 20.63 25676.49 20.72 185.50 20.63 25926.49 20.72 185.50 20.63 26176.49 20.71 185.50 20.62 26426.49 20.70 185.50 20.61 26676.49 20.68 185.40 20.59 26926.49 20.66 185.30 20.57 27176.49 20.65 185.30 20.55 27426.49 20.63 185.20 20.54 27676.49 20.62 185.20 20.53 27926.49 20.61 185.10 20.51 28176.49 20.60 185.00 20.50 28426.49 20.58 185.00 20.49 28676.43 20.57 184.90 20.47 28926.43 20.56 184.80 20.46 29176.43 20.54 184.70 20.44 29426.43 20.53 184.70 20.43 29676.43 20.51 184.60 20.41 29926.43 20.51 184.50 20.40 30176.43 20.49 184l.50 20.39 30426.43 20.47 184!.40 20.37 30676.43 20.46 184.30 20.36 30926.43 20.44 1841.20 20.34 31176.43 20.43 184L10 20.32 31426.43 20.41 184l1 0 20.31 31676.43 20.40 184L.00 20.29 31926.43 20.38 1831.90 20.28 32176.43 20.37 183i.80 20.26 32426.43 20.36 183 .70 20.25 32676.43 20.34 183.60 20.23 32926.43 20.33 183.60 20.21 E7-24

TABLE 7-A.2 33176.43 20.31 183.50 20.20 33426.43 20.30 183.40 20.18 33676.43 20.28 183.30 20.17 33926.43 20.27 183.20 20.15 34176.43 20.25 183.10 20.14 34426.43 20.24 183.00 20.12 34676.43 20.22 182.90 20.11 34926.43 20.21 182.80 20.09 35176.43 20.19 182.70 20.07 35426.43 20.17 182.70 20.05 35676.43 20.16 182.60 20.04 35926.43 20.14 182.50 20.02 36176.43 20.12 182.40 20.00 36426.43 20.11 182.30 19.99 36676.43 20.10 182.20 19.97 36926.43 20.08 182.10 19.96 37176.43 20.07 182.00 19.94 37426.43 20.05 181.90 19.93 37676.43 20.03 181.80 19.91 37926.43 20.02' 181.70 19.89 38176.43 20.00;, 181.60 19.87 38426.43 19.98 181.50 19.85 38676.43 19.97 181.40 19.84 38926.43 19.95 181.30 r 19.82 39176.43 19.93 181.20 19.80 39426.43 19.91 181.10 19.78 39676.43 19.90' 180.90 19.76 39926.43 19.88 180.80 19.75 40176.43 19.86,! 180.70 19.73 40426.43 119.85', i80.60 19.71 40678.81 19.83 180.50 19.69 40929.93 19.81 180.40 19.68 E7-25

TABLE 7-A.2 41179.93 19.79 180.30 19.66 41429.93 19.78 180.20 19.64 41679.93 19.77 180.10 19.63 41929.93 19.75 180.00 19.61 42179.93 19.74 179.90 19.60 42429.93 19.72 179.80 19.58 42679.93 19.70 179.70 19.56 42929.93 19.69 179.60 19.54 43179.93 19.67 179.50 19.53 43429.93 19.66 179.40 19.51 43679.93 19.64 179.30 19.49 43929.93 19.62 179.20 19.48 44179.93 19.61 179.10 19.46 44429.93 19.59 179.00 19.44 44679.93 19.58 178.90 19.43 44929.93 19.56 178.80 19.41 45179.93 19.55 178.70 19.40 45429.93 19.53 178.60 19.38 45679.93 19.52 178'.50 19.36 45929.93 19.50 178.40 19.35 46179.93 19.49 178'.30' 19.33 46429.93 19.47 178.20, 19.32 46679.93 19.46 178.10 19.30 46929.93 19.44 178.00 19.29 47179.93 19.43 177.90 19.27 47429.93 19.41 177.80 19.26 47679.93 19.40 177.70 19.24 47929.93 19.39 177.601 19.23 48179.93 19'.38 177'.501 19.22 48429.93 19'.36 177.401 19.20 48679.93 19.35 177.30 19.19 48929.93 19.33 177.20 19.17 E7-26

TABLE 7-A.2 49179.93 19.32 177.10 19.16 49429.93 19.31 177.00 19.14 49679.93 19.29 176.90 19.13 49929.93 19.28 176.80 19.11 50179.93 19.27 176.70 19.10 50429.93 19.25 176.60 19.09 50679.93 19.24 176.50 19.07 50929.93 19.23 176.40 19.06 51179.93 19.21 176.30 19.04 51429.93 19.20 176.20 19.03 51679.93 19.19 176.10 19.02 51929.93 19.18 176.00 19.01 52179.93 19.16 175.90 18.99 52429.93 19.15 175.80 18.98 52679.93 19.14 175.70 18.96 52929.93 19.12 175.60 18.95 53179.93 19.11 175.60 18.94 53429.93 19.10 175.50 18.92 53679.93 19.08 175.40 18.91 53929.93 19.07 175.30 18.89 54179.93 19.06 175.20 18.88 54429.93 19.05 175.10 18.87 54679.93 19.03 175.00 18.85 54929.93 19.02 174.90 18.84 55179.93 19.01 174.80 18.83 55429.93 18.99 1:74.170 18.81 55679.93 18.98 174.60 18.80 55929.93 18.97 174.50 18.79 56179.93 18.96 174.410 18.77 56429.93 18.94 174.40 18.76 56679.93 18.93 174.30 18.75 56929.93 18.92 174.20 18.73 E7-27

TABLE 7-A.2 57179.93 18.91 174.10 18.72 57429.93 18.89 174.00 18.71 57679.93 18.88 173.90 18.69 57929.93 18.87 173.80 18.68 58179.93 18.86 173.70 18.67 58429.93 18.84 173.60 18.65 58679.93 18.83 173.50 18.64 58929.93 18.82 173.50 18.63 59179.93 18.81 173.40 18.62 59429.93 18.80 173.30 18.60 59679.93 18.78 173.20 18.59 59929.93 18.77 173.10 18.58 60179.93 18.76 173.00 18.56 60429.93 18.75 172.90 18.55 60679.93 18.74 172.80 18.54 60929.93 18.73 172.70 18.53 61179.93 18.72 172.70 18.52 61429.93 18.71 172.60 18.51 61679.93 18.69 172.50 18.49 61929.93 18.68 172.40 18.48 62179.93 18.67 172.30 18.47 62429.93 18.66 172.20 18.46 62679.93 18.65 172.10 18.45 62929.93 18.64 172.10 18.44 63179.93 18.63 172.00 18.43 63429.93 18.62 171.90 18.41 63679.93 18.61 171.80 18.40 63929.93 18.60 171.70 18.39 64179.93 18.59 171.60 18.38 64429.93 18.58 171.60' 18.37 64679.93 18.57 171.50 18.36 64929.93 18.56 171.40 18.35 E7-28

TABLE 7-A.2 i' , I II I I I 11.

65179.93 18.55 .171 .30 18.34 65429.93 18.54 171.20 18.33 65679.93 18.53 1171120 18.31 65929.93 18.52 , 171.10 18.30 66179.93 18.51 171.00 18.29 66429.93 18.501 1170.90 18.28 66679.93 18.49 ,170'. 80 18.27 66929.93 18.48 '170.80 18.26 67179.93 18.47 170.70 18.25 67429.93 18.46 170. 60 18.24 67679.93 18.45 i170.50 18.23 67929.93 18.44 .170.50 18.22 68179.93 18.43 170.40 18.21 68429.93 18.42 1170.30 18.20 68679.93 18.41 1170.20 20 18.19 68929.93 18.40 '170. 10 18.18 69179.93 18.39 170.10 18.17 69429.93 18.38 170.00 18.16 69679.93 18.37 1169. 90 18.15 69929.93 18.36 169.80 18.14 70179.93 18.35 1169'.80 , 18.13 70429.93 18.34 169.70 18.12 70679.93 18.33 169.60  ! L18.11 70929.93 18.33 1169'.60 18.10 71179.93 18.32 1169.50 18.'09 71429.93 18.31 1169'. 40 18.08 71679.93 18.30 1169'.30 1n8.07 Ii 71929.93 18.29, 1169.1 30b l 0118.b06 72179.93 18.28' 1169.!20' i 1'8.05 72429.93 18.27' 1169. b10 1 8.04 72679.93 18.26 169.00 18.03 72929.93 18.25 169.00 18.02 E7-29

TABLE 7-A.2 73179.93 18.24 168. 90 18. 01 73429.93 18.24 168.80 18.00 73679.93 18.23 168.80 17.99 73929.93 18.22 168.70 17.98 74179.93 18.21 168.60 17.97 74429.93 18.20 168.50 17.96 74679.93 18.19 168.50 17.95 74929.93 18.18 168.40 17.94 75179.93 18.17 168.30 17.93 75429.93 18.16 168.30 17.92 75679.93 18.16 168.20 17.91 75929.93 '18.15 168.10 17.90 76179.93 18.14 168.10 17.89 76429.93 18.13 168.00 17.88 76679.93 18.12 167.90 17.87 76929.93 18.11 167.90 17.87 77179.93 18.10 167.80 17.86 77429.93 18.10 167.70 17.85 77679.93 ,18.09 167.60 17.84 77929.93 18.08 1'67.60 17.83 78179.93 18.07 167.50 17.82, 78429.93 18.06 167.40 17.81 78679.93 18.05 167.40 17.80 78929.93 , i18.05 167.30 17.79 79179.93 18.04 167.20 17.78' 79429.93 I 18.03 1'67.20 17.77 79679.93 18.02 167.10 17.77 79929.93 ]l '18.01 167.00 17.76 80179.93 H18.00 167.00 17.75 80429.93 18.00 166.90 X17.74 80679.93 17.99 166.80 17.73 80929.93 17.98 166.80 17.72 E7-30


I 81179.93 17.97 166.70 17.71 81429.93 17.97 166.70 17.70 81679.93 17.96 166.60 17.70 81929.93 17.95 166.50 17.69 82179.93 117.94 166.50 17.68 82429.93 17.93 166.40 17.67 82679.93 17.93 166.30 17.66 82929.93 17.92 166.30 17.65 83179.93 17.91 166.20 17.64 83429.93 17.90 166.10 17.64 83679.93 17.90 166.10 17.63 83929.93 17.89 166.00 17.62 84179.93 17.88 166.00 17.61 84429.93 17.87 165.90 17.60 84679.93 17.87 165.80 17.59 84929.93 17.86 165.80 17.59 85179.93 17.85 165.70 17.58 85429.93 17.84 165.60 17.57 85679.93 17.84 165.60 17.56 85929.93 17.83 165.50 17.56 86179.93 17.'82 165.50 17.55 86400.06 17.'82r 165.40 17.54 E7-31


UNIT 1 MARKUP OF PUSAR SECTION 4.2.5 INDICATING CHANGES ASSOCIATED WITH REVISED NPSH CALCULATION This enclosure provides a markup of the text previously provided in the PUSAR regarding Emergency Core Cooling System (ECCS) net positive suction head (NPSH). The marked changes indicate the impact resulting from the revision to the NPSH calculation as described in the cover letter.

Changes are shown as follows:

  • Deleted material is bold and is struck through. (deleted)
  • New material is bold and double underlined.

PUSAR MARKUP 4.2.5 ECCS Net Positive Suction Head Following a LOCA, the RHR and CS pumps operate to provide the required core and containment cooling. Adequate margin (NPSH available minus NPSH required) is required during this period to ensure the essential pump operation. The limiting NPSH conditions occur during either short-term or long-term post-LCCA pump operation and depend on the total pump flow rates, debris loading on the suction strainers, and suppression pool temperature.

TVA previously requested containment overpressure credit for Browns Ferry Units 2 and 3 (Reference 20). In that submittal, TVA indicated that the need for containment overpressure in the short; term was based on RHR requirements, and in the long term was based on CS requirements. The pre-EPU analysis indicates that up to 3 psi of overpressure credit (considering whole number value) is required for the short-term case for RHR pump operation to maintain adequate NPSH. One (1) psi of overpressure credit is required pre-EPU for the long-term case for CS pump adequate NPSH.

For the pre-EPU and the EPU analyses, the assumptions used maximized suppression pool temperature and minimized containment pressure. EPU RTP operation increases the reactor decay heat, E8-1

which increases the heat addition to the suppression pool following a LOCA. Therefore, changes in vapor pressure corresponding to the increase in suppression pool temperatures affect the NPSH margin. After 10 minutes, operation of the RHR pumps for containment cooling in the containment spray mode with continued operation of a CS loop for ECCS injection is also assumed.

The NPSH margins were calculated based on conservatively assuming RHR maximum flow rates and CS design flow rates during the short-term, and RHR and CS design flow rates during the long-term. The system flow rates for the short-term case are 42,000 gpm total RHR flow and 12,500 gpm total CS flow. The system flow rates for the long-term case are 13,000 gpm total RHR flow and 6,250 gpm total CS flow. The methodology used to determine the amount of debris generated and transported to the ECCS strainers is generally based on NEDO-32686, the BWROG Utility Resolution Guidance for ECCS Suction Strainer Blockage.

The minimum quantity of paint chips recommended by this guidance is 85 lbs. BFN has identified a maximum surface area allowable of 157 ft2 for unqualified coatings within the primary containment, which represents an additional 18 lbs of debris; therefore, 103 lbs of paint debris were assumed in sizing the strainers. This quantity did not change with EPU. Because the ECCS pump flow rates were unchanged for EPU, strainer approach velocities were not affected. Therefore, the debris loading on the sauction strainers for EPU is the same as the pre-EPU condition. The assumptions used in the Browns Ferry Unit 1 ECCS NPSH calculations for friction loss, static head, strainer loss, flow, and NPSH required have not changed since the responses to NRC GL 97-04 (Reference 15) and NRC Bulletin 96-03 (Reference 21).

The short-term EPU NPSH analysis (0 to 600 seconds) indicates that with a containment overpressure (suppression chamber air space pressure) credit of 3 psi the RHR pumps have adequate NESSH margin. The short-term analysis also indicates that greater than 3 psi of overpressure is available from the beginning of the event until approximately 350 seconds. From 350 seconds to 600 seconds, the short-term analysis (using inputs that conservatively maximized suppression pool temperature and minimized containment pressure) indicates an available overpressure of less than 3 psig. For the brief tie that the sbem* term analcysis indicates that less thea 3 pal i9 ailab -&r the-Ium pumps only requires 2.5 poic. Ademiate mirein exiete ha=e th O ecie n the Containment nre~seure excetfg tzleIHE nu=n8 iniectina into the broken recirculat ion eee 3jja d~ninxcr the latter ngrtion of the DRPA TOCA 'Sbort-Ter E8-2

analv Oneration of the MM~nuMS With a sma3 3 necratime MM~

n (annroximatelv-0,3 nsil for a' ehor-t-nerioti of time

(< Minute Wi3l not cause Sia to the EBRRRmaaa jgtincr into the broken recircrnlation system Winincr... If addition, historical aiAtgrical plant testing has demonstrated that the RHR pumps are capable of operating for short periods of time at NPSH values less than (approximately 9 feet) the manufacturer's required NPSH without degradation or substantial loss of flow. Therefore, RHR pump operation is not adversely affected by containment pressure less than 3 psi. This was previously presented for pre-EPU conditions and approved by the NRC in Reference 16. In the SER accompanying Reference 16, the NRC stated that "the use of 3 psi of containment overpressure above the initial airspace pressure is acceptable for the first 10 minutes after a LOCA." Reference 16 also concludes that CS pump operation is not affected by this lower containment overpressure during the short term.

The long-term EPU NPSH analysis (0 until the end of the event) indicates that up to 4 2?- psi (considering whole numenr value*

containment overpressure credit is required. Contaimnent fX=reeur redit ies r when the suppression pool 0

temperature exceeds 14- J2U F to obtain adequate NPSH margin for the long-term operation of the CS pumps. This is an increase from the 1 psi of overpressure credit currently approved for pre-EPU conditions. The long-term analysis demonstrates that greater than 4 psi of containment overpressure is available during this period.

Tables 4-2 and 4-3 provide the results of the short-term and long-term containment response. Table 4-4 provides the suppression pool temperature and required containment overpressure required to maintain NPSH margins during the DBA LOCA for EPU conditions.

Based on the above, Browns Ferry is requesting approval of 3 psi of overpressure credit to meet both the short-term and long-term NPSH requirements. A single containment overpressure credit value is requested both to account for potential future contingencies and to provide consistency between the inputs to the short- and long-term analyses. Other means to increase the NPSH margin were found to not be feasible.

eene H.M pn its required2 to ever-,e durne'ther the GBO or--etn frne dLm R fEire event. ;rratign a m analvzed-1m; c~onsid~eratione rdnrincx the ME. IATWS. and Annendix R fire a EPU RTP operation increases the reactor decay heat, which increases the heat addition to the suppression pool following these events (see Sections 6.7.1. 9.3.1. and 9.3.2).


w As a result, the long-term peak suppression pool water temperature and peak containment pressure increase. The NPSH evaluation at these peak pool temperatures shows adequate NPSH margins during the SBO._^LN¢& and Appendix R events with containment overpressures of + a psi, l7nai, and 10 psi, respectively.

The HPCI system primary function is to provide reactor inventory makeup water and assist in depressurizing the reactor during an intermediate or small break LOCA. The HPCI system can operate with suction from the suppression pool at a temperature below 140 0 F during the first 10 minutes after initiation of the event.

EPU has an insignificant effect on the time for the suppression pool temperature to reach 140 0F. If the HPCI pump operates beyond the first 10 minutes following the event, the reactor operator may terminate HPCI pump operation when the suppression pool temperature reaches 140'F. The HPCI pump NPSH margin remains adequate as long as the suppression pool temperature does not exceed 1400 F during HPCI operation.

HPCI system operation is credited during.ATWS, Ampeni -R, and SBO events. The suppression pool temperature does not affect the NPSH margin, because the HPCI pump takes suction from the CST during these events.


Table 4-4 Browns Ferry EPU DBA LOCA NPSH Margins and Containment Overpressure Credit Minimui RHR Time Suppression Containment pump CS pump After Pool Overpressure NPSH NPSH LOCA Temperature Required margin margin (sec) (°F) (psi) (ft)* (ft)* Description/Easis 600 155.4 2046 *6- Short-term Q9analysis.

Overpressure required to meet RHR NPSH

_ equirements.

601 052.4 1^.95 Long-term analysis

_ 155.4 11.63 2E 4,15 1075.83 Greater than C psi of overpressure (171 is required for long-3used to term for CS pumps.


_margin) 181.05 47,:9g CrGater then i-pe of everpreaeutne required for .-eng

. erm for Cs pumpe 14,700 4G86.6 1.90 632 0 Peak Suppression Pool temperature 37,54: m _G 0fi Less than : Q psi A.UQ0.1. of overpressure required for Long-used to term for CS pumps.

proyid ai n Tinits 1. 2. and 3 3imitina nu=. and creditinr COP..
