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U1R28 OCC Interactive Turnover
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/2004
Nuclear Management Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051950561 (5)


7 Comminttwd to Nudetr ErcII n)


  • IiR2I

-Point.Beacth' Nuiclear6 Plan U-1R28:

0CC:Interacti've -Turnover.

iM eetinq Agenda 0600 NSB Cafeterli BRI1E-FING N'O-T'E'S' Start Time:

ATTENDEES Shift 0utage6 Director's -

-.Shift Ouitage M~anager (SOM)`_

.Operation sCoordinators (SOC)

Maintenance Coordinators (MOC)

Engine-er/j Projects Coordinators (EOM)

Rad Protedlon Maniager, (RPM)

,'Site Safety Coo6rdinator (SsC) htdown Safety As~seso6SA site Maae~ment (SSM)

~.General Supervisors.

_First Line Sup'ersors Agenda -

1.,Safety Issue Discusion16 (SSC)~

-2.,. Radiation Protcion 6(RPM):'`

3. -Operations C'oordinator Turnover. (SOC)-.

4.- 'Shutidowin Safety 'Asse'smment (SSA)-

5. MVainten~a nc'eCooredinator Turniover (OC

-6. En'gin'e!er'in"g C~o'ordcin~at'br turnibover' (EOM) .

-7., Major Projects Ulidite ~(EOM

8. -Schedule Review (SOM)

.9. management Expetton M

  • 10.ACEMAN A's ssmen eut SM L Shift
11. Goals (SOM).

-Items Included In Daily Packa'ge:

  • ite,Commu~nica~tio~n

-Safety Snippet ______________________________

- Otage Ala'ra Report -

-Outage Status Report ______________________________

-Shutdown Safety Assessmrient

-De'fined Critical'Path (Not Avallable 5/15/04)

.-'Work Activity R~isk'Assig'nment Outage 'Schedule

  • n~dw~deW Aod. rowU

Committed to At.xlc/Car EXCCI/CnCC II IRnEY 0F

.nT -BERCH *U1R213 Point Beach Nuclear Plant

I I U 1R28 Refueling Outage

'-Safet Topic .for week1of May 16-22,;2004. ,- -

--:Theme for the week This week's theme is Material Handlina. We'are moving a lot of equipment this week,'.

both big and smrall.' It is a good time to review sorim'basics in this area'.,;

Daily SafetySnippets.  :

- :Sunday.' - -

'-"When you can - push a cart and use both hands.",'>-,,'.:-

OE 16141 - Farley.: Electrician was pulling a cart with 350 lbs of batteries, through'an area'of multiple turnis.He'was pulling the cart, walking backwards when thewheels'of the cart hit an edge of a raised deck plate. -The cart began' to tilt upland the handle (that was removable) pulled free. One battery hit the floor with enough force to crack the jar arid 6 gallons of acid was spilled onto the floor.'--,.:. -

-- :'- '-  :- Monday.  :--

"Check your slings or youpmight be wearing wings" April.1997. Employee4 at a construction site were positioning a 22,000 lb. generator with6the us' of a truck-mounted crane and four synethic slings. 'On6 of the 'slinigs failed, the'generator fell and."

rolled onto the employees. One employee was killed and 'a secod hospitalized with rnultiple -

injuries. ','Do we always check our slings before use? Do we'e/iays stay out of the path of an ov6rhead load?. - - - -. . .- 'C -

-- .,P . . :.1>. A;-."- XK T ed v W ' - j7 ..-- ' . ::: . 1.


.- "'Don't block yourvision or you could be-headed for a collision" 0E12937 - Odtober 2001. Forklift operator at kewaunee was asked t6'lift a containm'ent fan cotil; unit in'order that a pallet could be placed underneath it. 'The ap'proach was from- an angle; rathEer thiq dlirectlj' frnthe front du~e to 4x4'i'underneaththe unit creatinga frontal obstruction The' forklift operator maneuvered close to the area,-stdoped and asked individuals to move
' As they .

began to move, the back end of the'forklift swung around, pinriinga 'se'curity officer to a", .-:,.-

'doorfra'me. - -;:' -~ed'o

  • -: . "f your load starts to slip,'get out of the way,- quicker ,-'

December 1997. An employe'e at a hospital was pushing a food cart'down a ramp when she'I cyst' control of it'. -As she tried t'ostop the cart,'she wa cr'ished between it and a wall. She was hospitaiized for a fractured ankle and a lae66ted ear: '. K:' .- :  ::

,;, no -: :'.: Thursday'. :: - : ~-;.-- - ..

-'Gravity - it's not just anidea, It's the law" OE17160 - September30, 2003. A tu'rbire crew at Byron was' lifting a governor valve that was,-::: . . .

retuned from a vendor. Th'e valve was turned from horizontal to' vertical and'6a millwright began . .

rmoving 'the plastic weather 'cover.' While the valve was 4 ft above a truck 'bd, 'themillwright' .

placed his hand between the valve plug'and the'muffler. The valve shifted and the valve stem was riot gagged s is normnally done whenr returned from thee ven'dor. The plug moved down ,,

through the muffler, crtishirig his hand.:: -. ' -; . . .

- ~~. - E-;-Frid av :.,'-  ;-'*;';j-- .

" lance'your load or get squished like a toad'!.

'Ba OE12517 -Apri[ 2001 "'Mechanics at Grarnd Gulf were removing a MSIV bonnet using nylon slings. Softeners were used on those places in which the sling contacted 9odegree edges on the bonnet. 'As the load was beinig adjusted to the vertical position,'the load'shifted and the softeners rolled out'of position. The slings were then cut by the'sharp edges and the bonnet drbpped several inches onto a woodein shipping crate. -.- ': s-;, .:


-Don't gamble and try to carry more than you can handle".: i.

NMC Safety Manual - if you are not sure of the weight of 'a large object, get help from another worker to avoid injury." .; ' . ,

. I 11 . - , . .: . _..  :. :.- .- i .. Z. I . . . I _.- , ,: . -  :, - - - , - - , , , - , - " . I


Point: Beach- Nuclear-Plant~ Outaige~ 1R28.-~

- ~DAY 4

i OutaeRadiainProrac, 7II,: . ...

, '.. , . .~.._.. . .. .j;- .- - , . .-- --. - -


  • g A g 7 .Tis indicator-m-easures .cumulative dose radiation exposure and-, Day 41 - Ma y 14 totl nmbe ofpersonnel-contaminatioVeet PEs 00 Ata . 69 Cumulative =55.049' cprndubrin rfueing ou~tages. Te dose' inictr measured'in. cumnurative Forecast =55.131 Rem and iridividua'PCE evehs. -_. .:. -. alyP oal reforecast on 4I23' Daily do'se reforecast on 518104:.

Met:<5RmActual Ctum. Reactor ' Repair Dose for May 14th is 1.328 vs. goal of 2.430.

Exceeds:- i.=71 R oe 5.4RmRV~aT ital Dose Is 10.354.

Personnel Contamination Eve'nts Cbum mu latiive' Do6s~eEx'po sure

.18 -.. .

'1 6 .

--- Actual 7 w14 -

~12 Forecst GoaI I.0 0777~

0 2 4 6 8 012141618202224262830323436384042444648505 a 24 6 310 12416182Oi24 ~M 3233840$2444648502'

, Committed to Nuclear Excellence Outage Status Report Plant: Point Beach Unit I Day: Sunday Todav's Date / Time: 5/16/04 0400 OutageDuration: Day 43 Of Refueling Outag Number UIR28 Safety Status Industrial - Within the last 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> OSHA Recordables .0 First Aid cases 0 Near misses 0 Total for this outage I Summary:

Radiological Dose to date 55.049 Projected to date

  • 55.131 Outage Goal 575 R Difference -.082
  • Reforecast on 5/8 Number of PCEs 10 Sunmmary: Reactor Head Repair Dose for May 141h is 1.328 vs. goal of 2.430. RV Head Total Dose is 10.354.

Individual was found to have an 8,000 ncpm particle on his shoe.

Nuclear Significant human performance errors and events in last 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 0 Summary:

Plant Status Mode: 0 Hot Standby (Mode 3) 0 Hot Shutdown {Mode 4) . Cold Shutdown (Afodes5) 0 Refueling Shutdown(Afode6)

RCS: Temperature: 79 Pressure: . Vented to Atmosphere RV Level: RodLatchHeight Tlrme to Boll: .30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br /> Shutdown Safety Assessment Protected Equipment: LZ _

I' . MaJor Activities Completed In Last 24 Hours Critical Path and Near Critical Path Activities (Nest 24 Hours)-

  • Upper Internals Lift Rig Paint Stripping
  • Reactor Head Relief Request Issues

. Respond to Unit 2 Reactor Trip

  • Upper Internals Lift Rig NDE
  • Cooldown & Final NDE of Reactor Head Repair Area
  • Secondary Systems Recovery
  • D106 Battery Cell Replacement
  • Generator 60# Air Test Siginficant Outstanding Issues Date . Issue- . Due Responsibility 5/03/04 Reactor Vessel Head Repair Penetration #26 5/21/04 John Walsh 5/13/04 IP-IA'RCP Motor Oil . . 5/16104 1 Dan Laing 5114104 T-26 Steam Generator Blowdown Tank 5/17/04 Scott Manthei

. Upcoming Ma or Milestones' Scheduled Actual' Scheduled Actual Date .. Time Date ' Time . Date Time Date Time Cooldown <2000 '4/03/04 '2100 4/03/04 2230 RCS Fill & Vent 4/23/04 1500 .

Head Lift 4/09/04' 0900 4/21/04 1550 Heatup >2000 . 4/25/04. 0900 Refueled 4/14/04 0300 5/02/04 1848 . Reactor Critical 4/28/04 0800 RV Headset 4118/04 1900 On-Line' 4/30/04 0100 4




RCS Time to Boil is 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />. Using NP 10.3.6 Time To Boil curves.

Fire Protection Condition lV: Credit is taken for fire rounds as fire prevention contingency I WI AI & I WIA2 returned to service this morning.



NP 103.6 Revision 2 10/30/02 Page 5 of 9 NP 10.2.1