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U1R28 OCC Interactive Turnover with Handwritten Notations
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/17/2004
Nuclear Management Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051950585 (5)


Coi In~IZ~dgo Naf~

Agena fMeet~inl May 17, 2004'

,~inda, NS 'Cafeteria

-St C.0 060 ATTjEND.EES

'Shift9uae DireSt0 (O Shift outage Managers (SOC)

~Operatlofls ordinatOis :(MO )

.Maintenanc Coordinators E M nieIIProjdas Co(..riltr t~anager (RM)

~Rad Proetecton, orla~ (SC)

Site Safty Assesso r- (SSA,)

"ShutdO6f Safety (SSM)

Sie a~lgem~ent "General Su~rIPP1s

_First Unle uperv/isoS Agenda

---. ~,(~)

Issue DScu5s~(SC

-'safetW RPM) (OG)

R ProtedIn0 2 d iati~n SS'

4. S~t~~Safett MC coodflatrTroe ~M

_ !:tateance CoordinaitoerdTurover (EOMN 6.-.Enginleering, ajor Proj~ecis`UPdajte 9.Maflagem.ExpetatioS(SM CEMAN' AssessetRsls(O' 10 ailly package

'IteMS included ain SieComnication

_SafetY Sn ppet OuaeAlara Repor ouag Satus Report As'.sessMen

-ShutdO'"Wl Safety

,Defined Critclpt Risk Assignment

.WorK AtiW


Commnitted to Nucfear Excltenc F P..FlT W *EMi: .-

Point Beach. Nuclear PIant U1R28 Refueling Outage

i. . I . ..

-.- '< . :~SdfetV T opic-for W d kof M ay 16422,`2004 ,"> .:1 Y::-1.--%-'Q-;$Yj1..,;1.

-- . .*. .. '-Themneforthe'weeak'~";::

This'week's theme is Material Handling. .,We are.moving a lot of equipment this' week,'

both'big and smnall. It is a good time to review some'basics in this area.-.. .- ' --.

  • - .,. ; . . -'. . I . -'-Daily ..D a l S I .' .. -  : . .  :' SafetyvSniippets:- K.: 'r -I ,'J. , ,
  • .K'

' z

'1. _- -

'Sundav'.3/4.;:'. .

_. , ; - -'-. I . I - .1  :-, . -,-7.Sunday -!,-'_;-, , ;-,- -,. - .:. - .. ._ :

',;-." ."When you can - push a cart and use both hands."'

OE 16141 -Farle'y. Electrician was pulling a cart with 350 lbs of batteries, through an area'of multiple tumrs.He was pulling the cart,)walking backwards when the wheels'of the cart hit an edge of a raised deck plate. The cart beg i to tilt up and the handle (that was ir&nioable) pulled free. One battery hit the'floor with enough force to crack the jar and 6 gall6ns of acid was spilled onto the floor.'- '. '-'-' " '

... .:. II i . ,  :: .: . I ,

- - . - . Monda

.  ;  :  ;. "Check your slings or you might be wearing wings".

April 1997. -Emplo'yeesat a conistruction site were positioning a-22,O00 lb. genierator with the use ofld o'ruckntothuetedmrpaoee. Onde fo rsethic'slins;.' 6nie of the slings failed,'the generator fell and nrolledontoothe aplowyees. cOnk er'npo1ee.'was killed and a second hospitalized with'multiple6'.; ;e injuries. o we aways ch slings before use? ..Do we always stay 6ut of the path Of an-overfeadload? -' ,.; "" - .

_ - * ; .. . .  : .-.- '.Tuesdav. - ' - -- , _- -

.Don't block your-vision or you could be headed for a collision" OE1 2937 -O'ctober 2001.' Fdrklift'operator at Kewau-nee was asked to lift a containment 'fan coil unit ir order th'at a pallet could be placed u'n'derneathit. The approach was from an angle, 'rather than .directly from the front due to 4x4's underpneath the unit creating a:frontal obstrcutionh..The'-

forklift o'perator maneuvered close to the area, stopped and asked inidividu'6als to move. - As 'they began to move, the back end of the forklift swung around, pinning a security officerrto a'a:.- -.- t doorfrar~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .'; ,,. e. . ;.  ;, , , .'I A'.,'.-.!, ' '

1 ,.. : -.1 I . . ., ,. ,. .- : ,I ,- , ,. . "'. ;- ; - . --, , I- , . 11 Wednesday- ' "" -.----..,- '.'. - , ,-. -. _% ":  ; - . . , -

"--I"f your.load starts to slip,-get out-of the way. quick.-: --.

December 1997.- An employee at aiospital a w'a's pushing a fo6d cart down a-ramp when she lost, control of it As' she tried to'sto'pthe'cart, she was cru'shed betweeni it and 'a'wall. -'She was h'ospital'iied for a-fractured ankle an'd a lace'rated ear; 'a ' i. >I  :; - - '

- i~ .. ~h. " . I - -T1.. - W':' - <. :.. - .' K. 'i. > .,

Gravity snotJust anid eanit's thelaw".--,," 'E.. 7 OE17160 "e behber30, 2003 .. Atbin'necrew at ronywasl ift iga evrnorva alve'thatwas'r -t tuned'rd favn dr.'hev The vwador.s- t-v'nedfrori horizontal' to verttical and a Hl lright bbegaanr'g ovinjhep lastic wehther cvrhil While'thv va.vase'w4'as 4 ft'above'a truck bed,themiwright'.tp.l pleded his hand bbetwe'en thealveplug andt shiftedand a thevvallve stem1w was not gagged as isnormallyddoo e whenreretunred from the'vendor.-'Te lhu'plug rmo d downt r o 1ugthemo u fh er ,,'crushing'hishad.;'," Bal Balanceyour load ogt.get'squished like a toadd"-.1 -

OE1A2517i l1p.l 2001. -Mhncks'at dGulfd Gur were removing VMSIV beninet using nylon'sl slingso.fz.S6teners were used onthis l e the sling contacted 90 egrede stdg'es on the bennet.; Aslh'ldtid was beirng'adju-sted to the verticalp~osition,'th'e loadhififtad dd th' e softenero.'

eouledto ofpit position.T Tlin slings wer'ihn cutb by t sharp pe' edges an the droppsev -e.

severalinch es'onto'a woodenshippingcrate.;,.. - .:.. .-.--i :  :

Don't gamble'and try tocarry. more than you can'handlell-NMC.Safety Manual "Ify6u' ai-re"n'ot 'sureof the'wei6ht of 'a Iarge'opjct, ge heir) from another w0'rker to_avoid inldf.' ... , .

.: , , . . ], . . . I A I. K.



,'Point Beach NuclearPlant Outage' R28 .:-.Path':: ' Picture'..

. v .j:s - 3nA wf

.-.--  ; . . - :Meets

. .. . I . .

Ouae Ruppi ia tion Erformance ...

; .. Su.. 53a on:a Ie; n 1,. .

This indicator measures-cumulative.dose'radiation exposure and, Da y42-May 15.............. ... .

'tuaI.193.- -. - . . .

totalnumber of personnel-contamination'events (PCE's > 5000 AC tmulative = 55242  :

cpm) during refiieling butages. lThe'dose indicat6r is measured in':,. cuumulativ6 Forecast= 56.108 Rem an individ M al PCEeventss.', .' D.

iIy i6CE goal reforec ast on 4/23. Dail dose reforecastfon 518/4.-

Lets: - <,7;5 Rem - ctu I C. Reactor Head Repair Dose for May.15th is 0.184 vs. goal of 0.880.

Exiceedsi <71 Rm'Dose  :-55.242- Rem R' Head Totai Dose is 10.538. -

,: ;;Meets:. .<= 18 .:Exceeds.i.I'>1 2 <l Actual PCE's.-: *10 CE #1 individual as found to have an 8,000 ncpm particle on his shoe.

m- 6e 0 **C I,..

Stu Thomas' ';;.

Personnel Contamination E - Cummulative Dose Exposure.,. -

al Cso

-Forecast 20' 0 ^

8 12412- - ;242-

- - - - - 2834--  ; 43- 6i-8 .20

.,. '-  ! > -; , .  ; .'. . .;: . ,;. . . . .; '; .- ;, ! 0 I, . -. .. .... 2 i6i 8101214161820222426283032343638404244464 -^

52 .0246 8 101241680246233k68404244464802

VP., '.' -- -

' Committed to Nuclear Excellence Outage Status Report Plant: P6int Beach Unit I Day: -Monday Today's Date / Time: 5/17/04 0330 Outage Duration: Day i'44'.:0fRefuelingOutage Numnber U1R28

- . - * .- . - .- -- . Safety Status - -

Industrial - Within the last 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> OSHA Recordables 0 First Aid cases 0 Near misses 0 Total for this outage 1 Summary:

Radiological Dose to date 55.242 Projected to date

  • 56.108 Outage Goal -, 75 R Difference -.866
  • Reforecast on 5/8 Number of PCEs 10 Summary: Reactor Head Repair Dose for May 15 is 0.184 vs. goal of 0.880. RV Head Total Dose is 10.538.

Nuclear Significant human performance errors and events in last 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> 0 Summary:

-Plant Status' Mode: E Hot Standby (Mode 3) 0 Hot Shutdown (Mode 4) , Cold Shutdown (Mode 0 Refueling Shutdown i'rUode 6);.

RCS - Temperature: 79 . Pressure: Vented to Atmosphere . RV Level:

'CRod L 'a'tHeight Time to Boll: ' 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />' . - -

I - . .'.--- ' .-. - .Shutdown Safety Assessment Protected Equipment: .. - -. . . t 9 -

-, 'I- ,

I .

4 ..

.. - . I .. - . - .

- Major Activities Completed In Last 24 Hours ' Critkal Path and Near Critical Path Activities (Nest 24 Hours) .-

  • Upper Internals Lift Rig NDE & Painting ' Reactor Head Relief Re4uest'Issues
  • ORT-6 Containrmeit Spray Sequence Test
  • Setup anrd Prepare Mockup for Rx Head Pen #26,Grinding
  • Filled Condenser Hotwel .
  • Revise Work Package to Grind u Over Lap
  • Generator 60# Air Test
  • ORT-24 SI Test Line CIV Leakage Test 1X03,Tranforrrr

' r Sevice

',,',ReLmove Bg ' +/-

  • D106 Battery Cell Repliacement .
  • Internals Lifting Rig Scaffold Remova
  • Radiography of T-26 B/D Tank Pipe Repair

. T-26 B/D Tank Piping Radiography Resolution

. . . .....y, - .o:

Significant Outstanding Issues - .

Date . Issue -Due Responsibility 5/03/04. Reactor Vessel Head Repair Penetration #26 . . 5/21/04 John Walsh'.

5/14/04 - T-26 Steam Generator Blowdown Tank .5/17/04 . ScoitManthei

._ _ ._ '_._ _ .- ':_._._.' U p coxiing' Ma or Milestones . ' . .: . :_______..i.

- Scheduled Actual - Scheduled Actualv

_ Date Time' Date Time . _.___. Date' Time Date Time Cooldown <200° 4/03/04 2100 :4/03/04 2230 RCS Fill & Vent 4/23/04 . 1500 .. .. . _

Head Lift 4/09/04 .0900 4/21/04 1550 Heatup >2000 ..4/25/04 0900 . .

Refueled 4/14/04 - 0300 5/02/04 1848 Reactor Critical 4128/04 0800 . .. .

RN 'Headset 4/18/04 1900 .On-Line ' .430/04 0100 .





.. ~. =. .



RCS Time to Boil is 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br />. Using NP 103.6 Time To Boil curves.

Fire Protection Condition IV: Credit is taken for fire rounds as fire prevention contingency Removed Unit I Safety Injection Pump'(1P-15B)'from Protected Equipment list.



NP 10.3.6 Revision 2 10/30/02 5 Page s of9 NP 10.2:1