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U1R28 OCC Interactive Turnover with Handwritten Notations
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/03/2004
Nuclear Management Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML051940632 (5)


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  • UIR2B Point Beach Nuclear Plant U1R28 OCC Interactive Turnover Meeting Agenda Monday, May 3, 2004 Start Time: 0600 NSB Cafeteria BRIEFING NOTES ATTENDEES X7e 2 b'--z 6 Shift Outage Directors Shift Outage Managers (SOM) - I./ 4 7 4;-s / r,.'5' Operations Coordinators (SOC)

Maintenance Coordinators (MOC) 7ta ' c AS - Ks e, a -A, 4"- ;5Yh1:Wz-tT-J Engineer/ Projects Coordinators (EOM)

Rad Protection Manager (RPM)

Site Safety Coordinator (SSC)

  • Shutdown Safety Assessor (SSA)

Site Management (SSM)

General Supervisors First Line Supervisors Agenda

1. Safety Issue Discussion (SSC)
2. Radiation Protection (RPM)
3. Operations Coordinator Turnover (SOC)
4. Shutdown Safety Assessment (SSA)
5. Maintenance Coordinator Turnover (MOC)
6. Engineering Coordinator Turnover (EOM)
7. Major Projects Update (EOM)
8. Schedule Review (SOM)
9. Management Expectations (SSM)
10. ACEMAN Assessment Results (SOM)
11. Shift Goals (SOM)

Items Included In Daily Package:

- Site Communication Safety Snippet Outage Alara Report

- Outage Status Report

- Shutdown Safety Assessment

- Defined Critical Path

- Work Activity Risk Assignment

- Outage Schedule -)__

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  • UIR112 Point Beach Nuclear Plant UIR28 Refueling Outage Safety Topics for week of May 2 - 8, 2004 Theme for the week This week's theme is Hand Protection. During the last week of April, there were a lot of minor hand injuries reported. Although we have come a long way in the last few years, we still have not eliminated hand injuries. It is time we hand protection to the next level.

Daily Safety Snippets Sunday "It's difficult to grip when Your finger gets snipped" Could you imagine doing your job without your hands? We tend to take it too much for granted that we have two hands at our command, immediately ready to do what we want them to. They not only perform amazing manual tasks, but they also make us money. Just ask anyone who has lost the use of his or her hands.

Monday "Concerning fingers. do not ignore: Cut one off and you'll grow no more" Limmerk 1999, While lowering a 20001b. flow diffuser from the high pressure turbine, a worker lost a substantial portion of one finger when the cribbing and jack used to support the diffuser failed and pinned the worker's hand between the diffuser and an I-beam used as part of the cribbing.

Tuesday "Safety gloves worn is a hand not torn" OE12632 Davis Besse, While performing a search, a security officer ran his hand between the front and back seat of a vehicle. A utility knife with the blade partially open cut the leather outer covering of the search glove, but the Kevlar liner gloves the officer had on protected his hand and prevented a serious injury.

Wed nesdav "Where danger lingers, watch your fingers" Workers need to know accidents can happen in the strangest ways. Some accidents are simply bizarre. Others happen when no hazard is apparent. Doors were the source of more than 10,000 hand injuries a year in the US. Vending machines caused more than 100 lost-day hand injuries.

And 52 workers injured their hands while walking, according to the statistics.

Thursday "Practice safety until It fits like a glove" Do you consider gloves as much a part of your normal PPE as your hardhat, safety glasses, and hearing protection? If not, maybe you should be. Always carry a pair of gloves with you when in the plant and use them when operating the valve or picking up scrap metal.

Friday "A finger tip - don't leave work without theml" On April 4, 2001, a contract employee at Braidwood Station suffered a fractured right hand when an electric hoist disengaged from a crane hook and fell on to the new fuel storage rack. The electric hoist was being used to drag test new spent fuel racks being installed at the station. Workers attached a load cell and the electric hoist to the auxiliary hoist of the fuel building overhead crane, and then connected the electric hoist to a test gage. As the crane operator lowered the auxiliary hook, the test gage hung up on the fuel rack and caused the rigging to move laterally. The electric hoist became disengaged because the safety latch on the auxiliary hook was not used.

Saturday "It's no hand live... Proper gloves protect all five" OSHA 1910.138(a): General requirements. Employers shall select and require employees to use appropriate harid protection when employees' hands are exposed to hazards such as those from skin absorption of harmful substances; severe cuts or lacerations; severe abrasions; punctures; chemical burns; thermal burns; and harmful temperature extremes.


Point Beach Nuclear Plant Outage 1R28 Path Picture DAY 28 _ Pg Meets Supporting Operational Excellence Outace Radiation Performance

-- C. I I fnnnn't Mognt Exceepds

-_ (LjIW1111 This indicator measures cumulative dose radiation exposure and Day 28 - May 1 total number of personnel-contamination events (PCE's > 5000 Actual = 0.682 Cumulative = 48.126 cpm) during refueling outages. The dose indicator is measured in Cumulative Forecast = 53.488 Rem and individual PCE events.

Daily dose and PCE goals reforecasted on 4/23.

Meets: <=75 Rem Actual Cum.

Exceeds: <=71 Rem Dose: 48.126 Rem Meets: <= 18 Exceeds: <= 12 Actual PCE's: 6 co - - B mm S ra & .S1mm Stu Thomas I Personnel Contamination Events Cummulative Dose Exposure 20 so 18 SC16 .

,.I 60 - -Actual Cu14 0 - Adal x12

..- Forecast l . . . . .Forecast Goal C

0 I .' 0 4 3lo nE6 28 l"-MGoat z0 10 _.____._

020 2 I 0

0 2 4 6 8 101214161820222426283032343638404244464850 0 2 4 6 8 1012141618202224262830323436384042

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C wrinilted to Nuclear Escelloncex L~, &-02, Outage Status Report Plant: Point Beach Unit I Day: Monday Todav's Date / Time: 5/03/04 0400 Outage Duration: Day 30 Of Refueling Outage Number U1R28 Safety Status Industrial - Within the last 12 hours OSHA Recordables 0 First Aid cases I Significant near misses 0 Total for this outage I Summary: Jammed thumb Radiological Dose to date 48.126 Projected to date

  • 53.488 Outage Goal S75 R Difference -5.362 Number of PCEs 6 Summary:
  • Reforecast on 4/23 Nuclear Significant human performance errors and events in last 24 hours 0 Summary:

Plant Status Mode: ED Hot Standby (Mode 3) E Hot Shutdown (Mode 4) E Cold Shutdown (Mode5) 3 Refueling Shutdown (mode 6) RCS: Temperature: 82 Pressure: Vented to Atmosphere RV Level: Refueling Height Time to Boil: 32 hours Shutdown Safety Assessment Protected Equipment:

                                                                                                   ~0  7- Li Major Activities Completed In Last 24 Hours                         Critical Path and Near Critical Path Activities (Next 24 Hours)
  • Fuel Motion and Insert Shuffle
  • Close RHR B Loop Work Window
  • Core Map and Baffle Inspection . Start RHR A Loop Work Window
                                                                              . MOB Packages IWP-037-02 & IWP-037-07
  • IB RCP Motor Work
  • IP-15B SI Pump Seal Repair Significant Outstanding Issues Date Issue Due Responsibility 4/25/04 lB RCP Motor Oil 5/10/04 Rick Repshas 4/28/04 I W-.3B Shroud Fan Backdraft Damper FME 5/09/04 Terry Guay 5/2/04 IP-15B SI Pump Seal Leak 5/3/04 Mike Pajewski Upcoming Ma or Milestones Scheduled Actual - Scheduled Actual Date Time Date Time Date Time Date Time Cooldown <2000 4/03/04 2100 4/03/04 2230 RCS Fill & Vent 4/23/04 1500 Read Lift 4/09/04 0900 4/21/04 1550 Heatup >2000 4/25/04 0900 Refueled 4/14/04 0300 5/02/04 1848 Reactor Critical 4/28/04 0800 . -

RV Headset 4/18/04 1900 On-Line 4/30/04 0100 4

Point Beach Nuclear Plant PBNP SHUTDOWN SAFETY ASSESSMENT AND FIRE CONDITION CHECKLIST OUTAGE SAFETY ASSESSMENT UNIT: I DATE: May 3, 2004 TIME: 0200 KEY SAFETY FUNCTIONS REACTIVITY: GREEN CORE COOLING: YELLOW POWER AVAILABLE: GREEN INVENTORY: YELLOW CONTAINMENT: GREEN SFP COOLING: N/A PROTECTED EQUIPMENT: COMMENTS: RCS Time to Boil is 32 hours Fire Protection Condition IV: Credit is taken for fire rounds as fire prevention contingency PBF-1562 Rcefcrences: NP 10.3.6 Revision?2 10/3002 5 Page5of9 NP 10.2.1}}