ML033510578 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Catawba |
Issue date: | 05/15/2003 |
From: | Ernstes M Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch |
To: | Gordon Peterson Duke Energy Corp |
References | |
50-413/03-301, 50-414/03-301 50-413/03-301, 50-414/03-301 | |
Download: ML033510578 (241) | |
See also: IR 05000413/2003301
Draft Submittal
(Pink Paper)
APRIL 30,2003
(PART 2 OF 3)
Bank Question: 968.3 Answer: C
1 Pt@) A unit 1 containment purge is in progress using OP/l/A6450/015. Given the
following events and conditions:
a IEIVfF-39(L) (Coniuiizrnent Gas (LoRange)) spiked to a trip 2 condition
then cleared
Which one of the following statements correctly describes the action
A. The VP release may not be reinitiated until Rp draws a new
containment air activity sample.
B. The VP release may be reinitiated after the spike clears. If iEMF-39
spikes a second time, the release cannot be reinitiated without RP
sampling containllnent air for activity.
C. The VP release may be reinitiated after the spike clears. If iEMF-39
spikes a second time, the release may also be reinitiated.
D. The VP release may be reinitiated if grab samples are taken of Unit
vent activity during subsequent reinitiation.
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: the QP allows the VP release to be reset twice if due to EMF
Plausible: This is a conservative answer.
B. Incorrect: the QP allow5 the VP release to be reset twice if due to EMF
Plausible: a new sample may be required if the EMF actuates prior to
initiating the reiease.
C. Correct: the OP allows the VP release to be reset twice if due to EMF
D. Incorrect: the QP allows the VP release to be reset twice if due to EMF
Plausible: grab samples are required if EMF-39 is inoperable when the
release occurs.
Level: RO&SRO
KA: G2.3.9 (2.5/3.4)
Lesson Plan Objective: VP Obj: 8,9
Source: New
bevel of knowledge: memory
1. OP/l/A/6450/0IS, limits and precautions page 2
2. OP-CN-CNT-VP page 15
Objective S
Explain the purDose of the Containment Purge System. I X
Describe the normal flowpath of the VP System and tRe refueling
flowpath. lx
Expiain the importance ~d a proper flow balance during VP System
Operations. lx
Explain the purpose and use of !oca! controls. Ix
Explain the functions and locations of the VP System controls and
Describe the startup, monitoring, and shutdown of the VP System per
event of an SHsignal. an alarm on EMF-39, or fan trip signal.
Given the appropriate plant conditions, apply Limits and Precautions X
associated with related station procedures.
Explain how to complete a purge release form after a purge is
Describe startup, monitoring and shutdown of the lncore Instrument 1
Room Purge System per t h i OF'.
!. ~
Page3of 29
Containment Purge System
1. Purpose
The purpose ofthis procedure is to outline the operation of the Containment Purge System (VP).
2. Limits and Precautions
2.1 After refueling, ensure the "FUEL-NORM" switch is returned to "NORM" prior to
putting the reactor vessel missile shield into place. This prevents pressurizing upper
2.2 A new Gaseous Waste Release (GWR) ample is required if:
24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> has elapsed since the last sample.
NOTE: Ifactuation is due to an EMF spike, the release may be re-attempted twice before a new
sample is required. I
VP release is automatically stopped due to a controlling EMF actuation.
2.3 Any time initial entry into lower containment is desired, the incore instrument room shall
be sampled by Radiation Protection (RP)and purged unless the Operations Shift
Manager (OSM) deems purging unnecessary.
2.4 Do NOT reset containment ventilation isolation until spurious containment radiation
level signals or any associated EMF alarms are properly cleared.
2.5 Any sudden increase or decrease in pressure across any filter bank shall be investigated
2.6 For two train operation, the VP Pre-filters shall be replaced when the combined Pre-filter
and upstream HEPA differential pressure reaches 2" HzO.
2.7 For single train operation, the VP Pre-filters shall be replaced when the combined Pre-
filter and upstream IIEPA differential pressure reaches 3" HzO.
2.8 If 1EMF-37 or IEMF-40 has reached the Trip I setpoint, Ipp shall be notified to change
the cartridge before a release is attempted.
2.9 Do NOT initiate purge of containment with 1EMF-39 inoperable. Once initiated, VP can
continue with 1EMF-39L inoperable under the limitations presented in Enclosure 4.9
(Actions for EMF-39 Inoperability With VP in Service).
D. The rheostats associated with the supply and exhaust dampers will be
positioned fully clockwise to ensure the supply and exhaust dampers are
closed and recirc dampers are open (refer to Figure 9, IO).
E. Set EMF-39 setpoints to the specified values and setup the associated
chart recorder.
F. Enter release initiation infomation on the Release Record
1. BateRime release initiated
2. Initial integrator reading
G. Start VP supply and exhaust fans. (refer to Figure 6).
H. Verify containment isolation valves open,
1. Balance supply and exhaust flows to prevent pressurization or vacuum
inside containment (refer to Figure 5).
J. Notify RP that Containment Purge has been initiated.
3.3 Shutdown of Containment Purge (Obj. #6)
A. Verify lnitiai Conditions.
B. Notify appropriate personnel that that the VP release will be terminated.
C. Place the Containment Purge Fan Units Control Switch to "OFF" (refer to
Figure 6).
7 . Verify all fans stop and all containment isolation valves close (refer to
Figure 6).
13. The rheostats associated with the supply and exhaust dampers will be
positioned fully clockwise to ensure the supply and exhaust dampers are
closed and recirc dampers are open (refer to Figures 9, 10).
E. Ensure mode selector switch is in the "NORM" position prior to the reactor
vessel missile shield being put into place. This will prevent
overpressurizing upper containment (refer to Figure 5).
F. Place the key operated valves "Enable" switches to the "BLK CLSB"
position (refer to Figures 7, 8).
6. Position "Enable" switches for valves and fans to "BLOCK" (refer to
Figures 7, 8).
H. Stamp EMF chart recorder.
I. Notify RP and enter release termination information on the release record.
(Obj. #9)
1. DateRime release terminated
2. Final integrator reading and volume released
3. Highest EMF reading
Page 15 of 29
Bank Quesfion: 970 Answer: B
1 PtiS) Unit 1 is at 95% power when a plant trip occurs due to P-14 actuation. Given
the following events and conditions:
The plant is currently stable.
The steam dumps have just closed at no-load Tave.
Steam generator levels are 35% in unaffected steam generators and 80%
in the affected steam generator.
What action must the operator take to reset CF isolation?
A. Cycle the reactor trip breakers only.
B. Cycle the reactor trip breakers and depress the CF isolation reset
6. Lower the affected steam generator level and cycle the reactor trip
D. Lower the affected stearn generator level, cycle the reactor trip
breakers and depress the GF isolation reset pushbuttons.
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: must also depress FWI pushbuttons
Plausible: would be true if P-4Low Tave FWI had not occurred.
B. Correct: to clear the P-14, the trip breakers must be cycled. To clear
the low tavdp-4 FWI, it must be reset.
C. Incorrect: not need to reduce S/G level on Unit 1 -nust heset FWI
Plausible: partially correct - would be true on Unit 2 and Low
TaveP-4 FWI had not occurred.
D. Incorrect: no need to reduce S/G level
Plausible: would be (rue on unit 2.
Level: RQ&SRQ
KA: SYS 059 K4.17 (2.5*/2.8*)
Lesson Plan Objective: ISE Obj: 5
Source: New
Level of knowledge: comprehension
1. QP-CN-ECCS-ISE page 21,22,23
Is, determine the actions necessary to comply with Tech Specs
1 in less than 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. I I
Page 3 of 26
Feedwater Isolation
Trip both Main Torblne FWI
Peed Pumps Trlp
F~ Feedwater Isolation
1. 4 signals can actuate Feedwater Isolation
a) Manual
1) One pushbutton per train: INITIATE and RESET on the same
switch. Indication of initiate and reset.
2) Either pushbutton (Train A or B) will send a feed water isolation
signal to dose all valves associated with feed water isolation.
3) Unit IInitiate bights and Unit 2 Initiate Lights will light for both
manual and automatic actuation.
b) Ss Signal
1) Train A or B Ss will cause an entire Feedwater Isolation.
2) With an S, signal present, CF isolation CANNOT BE RESET.
c) P-14 (Hi-Hi S/G LEVEL): 2/4 S/G Levels on any ONE SiG.
1) Unit 1 -greater than or equal to 83.9%.
2) Unit 2 -greater than or equal to 77%
Page 21 of 26
3) With Hi-Hi S/G LEVEL or Ss Signal present, CF ISOLATION
4) CF Isolation on P-14 can be blocked using the train related key
switch when:
(a) Less than P-I 1 (1955 psig)
(b) ln mode 4,5 or 6
d) Low Pave coincident with Rx Trip
1) 2/4 Tave channels less than or equal to 564OoF P-4 (Rx
2) Alarm on AD3 for CF Isolation.
2. An annunciator on AD3 CF ISOL TRN A (3) is actuated by any CF
3. Reset (on same switch as Initiate)
a) To reset CF Isolation following an Ss signal or P-14:
1) The Ss signal P-14 must be cleared; AND
2) The P-4 signal must be cleared.
b) YOU CAN RESET with the Low Tave and P-4 signal present. These
signals (LOW TAVE or P-4) would have to CLEAR and RETURN to
initiate another CF Isolation.
4. Indication of CF Isolation is provided by status lights on 3 - 5 for each
5. The P-14 signal exists only as long as SIG level is above the setpoint.
a) As soon as S/G leve! drops below the setpoint the P-14 signal
b j There is latching bistable for Feedwater lselation due to P-14
such as exists for 'Manual' and 'Low Tave with $4.
c) However, the P-14 signal will initiate a turbine trip and if reactor
power is above P-9 (69%) this will cause a reactor trip (P-4). The P-4
signal will 'seal in' the Main Feedwater Isolation. P-9 is Reactor trip
on Turbine trip permissive.
d) If less than P-9 but greater than 5% then APII or 2/5500/06 (Loss of
Normal Feedwater) will administratively require a reactor trip. The P-
4 will then seal in the Main Feed Water Isolation.
Page 22 of 26
P c
e) Individual Tempering Flow to CA Nozzle valves, Containment
Isolation valves, Containment Isolation Bypass valves, and CF
Bypass to CA Nozzle valves will all reopen if the valve did E t reach
the fully closed position before the P-14signal cleared. lf the P-14
signal clears after the valves are fully closed, then the valves will
remain closed.
6. S/G Feedwater Control and Bypass valves will reopen if in 'Auto' and an
'open' control signal exists.
Main Steam Isolation
Cant Press
+Reset 2 3 . 0 PSIG e 175 PSIG Rate of Decrease
I L 2 Manual
c-y-/ Z 100 PSlGlSEC
Maln Steam
G. Main Steam Isolation
1. 4 Signals can actuate Main Steam Isolation
a) Manual
1) One "INITIATEIRESET pushbutton on MC2 per train.
2) Either Manual Initiate will give an entire SM Isolation.
3) An annunciator for Main Steam Isolation is on AB-3.
Page 23 of 26
Bank Question: 971 Answer: A
1 Pys) Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when a srnall break LOCA occurred.
Given the following events and conditions:
lEMF-53NB (Containment TRNMB (HiRange)) = 36 FUhr
Containment pressure = 0.5 psig
e The operators enter FR-2.3 (Response io Containment High Radiation
Whish one of the following statements correctly describes the proper (major
action) response in FR-Z.3 to reduce airborne radiation levels inside
A. Place containment auxiliary charcoal mter units (CACFUs) in
B. Place containment purge (VP) system in senice.
C. Place the containment spray OS) system in operation.
D. Place the containment air return fans (ARFs) in service.
Distracter Analysis:
A. correct: This is a major action category for this event in FR-Z.3
B. Incorrect: VP is not used for accident response
Plausible: VP is used to reduce the airborne sbctivily prior to entering
containment for maintenance, inspections and testing - VP is the
normal path for reducing airborne contamination
C. Incorrect: Containment spray is only used when there is a high
pressure in containment
Plausible: Containment spray is used to reduce the airborne fission
products during accident conditions
D. Incorrect AFWs will not operate until CPCS actuates at 0.3 psig.
Plausible: ARFs force containment air through the ice condenser
during accident conditions, which will reduce airborne radiation
Level: RO&SRO
KA: BT 16EKI.I (2.713.0)
Lesson Plan Objective: EP-FWZ Obj: 3
Source: New
Lwei of knowledge: mcmory
1. OP-CN-EP-FRZ page 7
2. OP-CN-CNT-VP page 5
3. Background document FR-Z.3 page 3
State the purpose of Function Restoration procedures:
EP/l/Al5OOO/FR-Z Series - Containment
State the Bases for all NOTES and CAUTIONS in each of the
Function Restoration procedures: EP/l/Al5000/FR-Z Series ~
Given a set of specific plant conditions and required procedures,
apply the rules of usage and outstanding PPRBs to identify the
correct procedure flowpath and necessaw actions
Page 3 of 8
C. Major action step summary (OBJ.#3)
7 . Tiv to Identify UnexDected Source of Sump Water and Isolate It if
Possible: The concern regarding Wooding is that critical plant components
needed for plant recovery could be damaged and rendered inoperable.
2. Notify Plant Enaineedna Staff of Sump Level and Activitv Level: By
knowing the sump level and activity level, the plant engineering staff can
determine if the excess water can be transferred to storage tanks located
outside containment.
D. Use the "Enhanced Background Document", maintained by the Catawba
Procedures Group, for a detailed discussion of the bases of steps, notes, and
cautions. (OBJ.#2,3,4)
2.4 Response To High Containment Radiation Level (EP/FR-2.3)
A. Cover the purpose of FR-Z.3 as stated ~n the cover of the 2.3 procedure.
B. Yellow Path
containment Radiation Greater Than 35 WHR, (EMF53A or 53B)
C. Major action step summary (OBJ.#3)
1. Verifv containment Ventilation Isolation: The isolation of the non-
essential ventilation penetrations are verified to prevent the potential
release of radioactivity from containment.
2. Place Containment AtmosrJhere Filtration in Service: The containment
atmosphere filtration system is placed in service, if appropriate aiteria are
satisfied, to reduce the activity level in the containment atmosphere.
3. Notify Plant Enaineerina Staff of Containment Radiation Level: The
operator is instructed to notify the plant engineering staff of the
containment radiation level in order to obtain their recommended action.
This information may be needed by the plant engineering staff in order to
determine potential offsite releases.
D. Use the "Enhanced Background Document", maintained by the Catawba
Procedures Group, for a detailed discussion of the bases of steps, notes and
cautions. (OBJ.#2,3,4)
2.5 Response to High Containment Hydrogen Concentration (EP/FR-Z.4)
A. Cover the purpose of FR-Z.4 as stated on the cover of the 2.4 procedure.
B. Yellow Path
Containment Hydrogen Concentration Greater Than 0.5%
Page 7of 8
.- ...... ......-.
1.1 Purpose (Obj. # 1)
A. Provide capability to purge the Containment atmosphere to the
environment via the unit vent.
B. Keduce the concentration of airborne fission products within containment
to acceptable limits for personnel access for inspection, maintenance and
1.2 Design Bases
A. Must be able to:
I. Clean up Containment Purge exhaust during refueling.
2. Supply fresh air for contamination control when the containment is or
will be occupied.
3. Supply fresh air for contamination control when the incore
instrumentation room is or will be occupied.
4. Exhaust coniainment air to the outdoors through the purge exhaust
filter trains whenever the Purge air Supply System is operated.
5. Assure isolation of the system penetrations in the Containment vessel.
This is the only safety related function.
1.3 Flow Path (Obj. #2)
A. Outside Air into supply fans on Aux. Bldg. Roof.
1. Supply fans discharge through dampers to regulate the flow to upper
and lower containment. Flow into containment is through safety
related isolation valves.
2. 65% to upper and 35% to lower containment in "Normal" Mode and
82% to upper and 18% to lower containment in "Fuel" Mode.
Page 5 of 29
STEP 3: Place containment a u x i l i a r y charcoal f i l t e r s i n s e r v i c e as f o l l o w s :
To place contaiament atmosphere f i l t r a t i o n system i n s e r v i c e i f w i t e r i a are
This step i n s t r u c t s t h e operator t o place t h e containment atmosphere
f i l t r a t i o n system i n service i f possible. The containment atmosphere
f i l t r a t i o n system. which i s p a r t o f the reference p l a n t design. will reduce by
f i l t r a t i o n t h e r a d i o a c t i v i t y o f t h e containment a t r m p h e r e . I n t h e p l a n t
s p e c j f i c design. any a v a i l a b l e method o f reducing t h e containment atrasphere
r a d i o a c t i v i t y l e v e l should be considered t o be included i n t h i s step. For
certa'in p l a n t designs. f a n coolers have f i l t r a t i o n c a p a b i l i t y ar,c could be
used i n t h i s step.
I t should be noted t h a t t h e use o f containment spray t o reduce r a d i o a c t i v i t y
hzs been considered. However. since containment spray i s designed f o r
containment heat removal a t h i g h containment pressures. i t has beer: determined
t h a t i t would n o t be appropriate t o use contairrnent spray i n t h i s procedure t o
reduce r a d i o a c t i v i t y a t low containment pressure.
Page 3 o f 5 Revision 05/13/99
Bank Quatian: If74 Answer: D
1 Pt(s) Unit 1 was operating at 100% power when a loss of vital power OCCIKS.
Given the following events and conditions:
is lit
The operators dispatch an NLO to investigate the cause of the alarm
- The control room supervisor implements AP-29 (Loss c$vital or Am
Control Power).
Which one of the following actions shall be perfomed immediately?
A. Close the breaker to lEBB
B. Open the tie breaker to lEDB
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: This is not an immediate action for AB-29
PLausible: This is a supplementary action for the annunciator lilD-
1 1 W2 and this could clear the condition if the cause of the
annunciator was the breaker to 1EBB had tripped open
B. Incorrect: This is not an immediate action for AP-29
Plausible: This action would clear the alarm if ehc tie breaker had
closed for some reason. This is a supplementary action for the
annunciator response.
C. Incorrect: This is not an immediate action for AP-29
Plausible: This is the first supplementary action in M - 2 9
D. Correct: This is the only immediate action in AP-29.
Level: RO&SRO
KB: APE 058 G4.49 (4.0M.O)
Lesson Plan Objective: EPE Obj: 8
Source: New
Level of knowledge: memory
1. QP-CN-EP-EPL page 15
2. AI'-29 page 3
4. QP/l/B/6100!10L [AD-I I W2
. . i..
.^.. . . ..
- ....;,i.i
..... ...
.... .
... ...
-.. DUKE POWER ................-.
v_x_______- .-.-....-
9 ESS Inverter EID SW EMD to Alt. Source
5.2 Annunciators (Obj. # 19)
A. Setpoints
1. 120 VAC ESS PWR Channel A (B,C,B) Trouble
a) Annunciator Windows: G l l , Gl2, G/3,Gi4
b) Setpoint: local alarm actuated on RFMP2
c) lmmediate Action: Send operator to panel RFMP2 to determine exact
cause of alarm.
d) Supp. Action:
1) Attempt to restore power
2) Refer to Tech Specs.
2. 125 VDC ESS PWR Channel A (B,C,D) Trouble
a) Annunciator Windows: H/I, H/2, H/3, H14
b) Setpoint: local alarm actuated on RFMP2
c) Immediate Action: Send operator to panel RFMP2 to determine exact
cause of alarm.
d) Supp. Action: (1) If due to tie bkr. closed ensure condition desirable.
If not, return to normal condition (2) If due to undervoltage or ground
notify I&E (3) Refer to Tech. Specs.
3. STBY Charger ECS BnputiOutput trains x-connected
a) Annunciator Window: 1/6
b) Setpoint: N/A
c) Immediate Action: (I) Verify the desirability of this alignment. If
alignment is not desired, dispatch operator to ECS to align system
propedy (2) Refer to Tech. Specs.
d) Supp. Action: None
4. 125 VDC ESS PWR Stby Charger ECS Trouble
a) Annunciator Window J/6
b) Setpoint: N/A
c) Immediate Action: Dispatch an operator to ECS to determine cause
of alarm
d j Supp. Action: (1) If due to loss of power, attempt to restore (2) Refer
to Tech. Specs.
Page 15 of 26
I 6. PDerator Actions
1 -u
E n
1. Verify "TUREI IMP PRESS CH 1"
~ - Ensure "CRD BANK SELECT'" switch IN
- 2. -
NOTE 2ND-33 c m be considered closed unless known to be open.
- 3. Verify 2ND-33 (ND System Return To Perform the following:
- a. E ali NB pumps are off 2ND-33 is
required open as makeup path in
AP/2/A/5500/19 (Loss Of Residual
Heat Removal System), THEN GO TO
Step 5.
- b. E an ND pump is aligned for draining
only, THEN stop ND pump used for
c. Close the following valves:
- 2ND-32A (ND Train 2.4 Hot Leg Inj
- 2NB-65B (ND Train 28 Hot Leg Inj
- d. Dispatch operator to close 2ND-33 (ND
System Return To FWST) (88-567,
bb-62. Rm 425), (Key #660).
OPiliB:6 100/01O L
PANEL: 1AD-11 Page 79 of 120
SETPOINT: Local alarm actuated on IRFMP2
ORIGLV: lRFMP2: Module 1RFM28
PROBABLE 1. Battery IEBB Bkr. Open
CAUSE: 2. Battery Charger lECB tmuble
3. IEDB undervoltage
4. lEDB ground fault
5. Battery Charger lECB Bkr. open
6. Panelboard lEPB undervoltage
7. Bus lEDB Tie Bkr. closed
IMMEDIATE Dispatch operator to panel lRFMP2 (AB-554, BB-56) to determine exact
ACTIONS: cause of alarm.
IF due to lEBB IECB bkr. open IEDH tie bkr. closed, ensure
ACTIONS: the applicable condition is desirable. IF NOT, return to normal
2. -
IF due to lECB trouble, take corrective action as necessary.
necessary, remove lECB from service.
3. -
IF due to lEPB undervoltage, inspect feeder from 1EDB.
4. -
IF due to lEDB undervoltage, notify IAE of condition.
5. -
IF due to 1EDB ground. issue model work order 97099229 to UR.
6. Refer lo OP/l!N6350/008 (125VDC/120VAC Vital H&C Power
7. Refer to Tech Spec 3.8.9 and 3.8.10.
REFERENCES: I. CN-1905-01.0 1
2. CN- 1765-02.04
3. CNEE-0106-01.10
4. FSAR Fig. 8.3.2-3
5. CNLT-1765-02.01
Bank Question: 977 Answer: C
I Pt(s) Unit 1 was operating at 100%power.
Whish one of the following conditions requires a reactor trip and turbine
A. Exhaust hood temperature channel = 226 O F
B. Turbine bearing oil pressure = 13 psig
C. Condenser vacuum = 21.5 inches Wg Vacuum
D. Generator frequency = 65 WZ
Distraeter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: Exhaust hood high temperature trip is blocked / not
required above 60% power
Plausible: This would be correct is below 60% power
B. Incorrect: Turbine bearing oil pressure must be < 12 psig in 1 of 3
channels to cause / require a reactor/turbine trip
Plausible: Ifthe candidate does not h o w the setpoint
C. Correct: low vacuum < 21.8 inches ofNg vacuum in 2 of3 charnels
wili cause irequire a turbine and reactor trip
D. Incorrect: Generator frequency > 66 Hz will cause or require a
Plausible: 65 Nz is an extremely abnormal condition.
Level: RO&SRQ
KA: APE051 A2.02 (3.9M.1)
Lesson Plan Objective: MT3 Qbj: 6
Source: New
Level of knowledge: memory
1.OP-CN-MT-MT3 page 1 1
- -.
.L \ _ s -...Z
.. -
Identify the major components of the Main Turbine Front Standard. Ix
State the purpose of each of the major components of the Front
Standard. Ix
State the purpose of each Main Turbine Supervisory instrument. I X
State the purpose of the shaft grounding device.
- List the turbine trips and associated interlocks.
e Discuss the purpose of the mechanical trip mechanism in the front
standard and identify all applicable setpoints.
Explain how redundancy is provided within the turbine protective system. I
Explain the purpose of AP/l(2)/N55C18/02(Turbine Trip) and list the
immediate actions from memory. I
Given appropriate plant conditions, apply limits and precautions
associated with related station procedures.
Given a set of plant conditions and access to reference materials,
determine the actions necessary to comply with Tech SpedSLG's.
Page 3 of $4
2. Solenoid connected to T&M
a) Be-energized during a trip
b) Be-energized during electrical trip test, but the ELV prevents ET§
from tripping.
I=. Pressure switches monitor ET§ pressure and generate a trip if the pressure is
below 400 psis and the Generator Breaker is open.
G. Electrical Trip and Monitoring System (T&M) (Obj. #9)
I. Principal function is to connect externai trip signals (except signals from
OST and MTH which act directly on the Mechanical-Hydraulic Trip
System) to both the MTSV and ETSV (each of these valves is
independently capable of tripping ET§)
2. During an MTP test the MPSV is energized without causing an actual trip
of the MTV.
3. During the electrical trip test the ETSV is de-energized without activating
the lockup circuit.
4. Main Turbine Trips (Obj. #6)
b) Reactor trip (breakers open)
C) P-14
1) 2/4 NR levels in 1/4 SGs greater than 83% (unit 1)
2) 2/4 NR levels in 1/4 SGs greater than 77% (unit 2)
d) Low main oil pump discharge pressure
1) 2/3 less than 100 psig when greater than 96% speed
2) Armed by speed sensing wheel
e ) Exhaust hood high temperature (1/3 greater than 225OF) (blocked
above 60% first stage pressure)
f) Low LH oil pressure ( Z 3 less than 1100 psig)
g) MSR high level (2/3 2.5" below bottom on 1/4 MSR)
h) Low bearing oil pressure (2/3less than 12 psig)
i) Low vacuum (213 less than 21.8" I-lg Vac any condenser)
j) Thrust bearing wear (2/2 greater than Setpoint)
k) Remote manual trip button (CIR)
I) boss of both CFPks (75 psig control si1 pressure to CFPT Control
Valves. 2/3 Logic)
m) Generator overfrequency (66 Hz)
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Bank Question: 978 Answer: C
1 Pys) Unit 1 is preparing to conduct a vacuum fill of the NC system at the end of a
reheling outage. The NC system is in a mid loop condition.
Which one of the following reactor vessel level instruments will provide the
greatest accuracy for this condition'?
A. NC level loop indication
B. Sight glass loop indication
C. Ultrasonic level indication
D. RVLIS lower range indication
Distracter Analysis: During vacuum fill operations, the NC system is
evacuated to a condition of negative pressure. This affects any level
indicator that relies on pressur; diffekmces such as the loop ievel
indications or sight glasses. RVLIS indication will also not funstion
during this process. Ultrasonic sensors are not affected by vacuum
conditions because they do not mewure pressure differentials.
A. Incorrect: The ultrasonic level indicators should be used during
vacuum fill to provide the greatest accuracy
Plausibk this is one source ufRx vessel level indication during
reduced inventory operations
B. Incorrect: The ultrasonic level indicators should be used dunng
vacuum fill to provide the greatest accuracy
PLausible: this is one source of Rx vessel level indication during
reduced inventory operations
C. Correct: The ultrasonic level indicators should be used during
vacuum fill to provide the greatest accuracy
D. Incorrect: The ultrasonic level indicators should be used during
vacuum fill to provide the greatest accuracy
Plausible: this is one source ofRx vessel level indication during
reduced inventory operations
Level: RO&SRO
KA: S Y S 002 K6.03 (3.U3.6)
Lesson Plan Objective: NC Obj: 9
Source: New
Level of knowledge: memory
1. OP-CN-PC-NC page 28-30
-...... DUKE POWER
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Examine NC system operations.
Explain NC System leak testing
e Given appropriate piant conditions, apply limits and precautions associated
.----- with related station procedures.
Explain controlling NC level in a drained condition.
blst the symptoms for entry into AP/l/A/5500/10 (Reactor Coolant Leak)
Given a set of specific plant conditions and access to reference materials,
determine the actions necessary to comply with Tech SpecslSLCs.
State the system designator and nomenclature for major components.
Describe Critical Valves as specified in OP/Z (2)/A/6100/001 (Controlling
Procedure For Unit Startup). Include in discussion which valves are
designated as critical valves, how they may be identified locally, and
actions taken to ensure these valves are closed prior to commendng
normal power operations.
Describe the EMFSassociated with NC and be able to describe the
automatic actions that occur when they reach the Trip 2 setpoint.
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6. Ultrasonic bevel Indication (NC Narrow Range Level Indication)
a) Two (2) Channels, NCbT-6810 and NCLT-682Q
b) Provides indication of level from bottom of hot leg piping to the top of
the hot leg piping.
c) Strap-on type ultrasonic sensors utilized due to their immunity to
pressure fluctuations
d) Installed on NC system hot legs (A or B) and (C or B)during outages
for "Mid-Loop" operations
1) A and B Loops normally monitored
2) B and 6 loops may experience fluctuations in indication due to
turbulence or standing waves set up due to ND pumps taking
suction from these loops
e) Dual Scale Bargraph Indicator on MCZ 1 near NB system controls.
Scale of0 to 7.25% but is not accurate below 2.9%.
f) External potentiometer for each channe! for adjustment of low level
g) Annunciator "NC N/R Lo Level" on AD-9 will alarm (reflash) when:
1) Sensed level drops below the setpoint
2) Power is lost
3) Unit must be "On" and in "Operate" mode for annunciator to
C. System Operations (Obj. # 9)
1. Filling and Venting the NC System
a ) Limits and Precautions - reference OP/I(2)/A/6150/001
b) A NC System vacuum backfill system has been installed to provide
easier venting of the NCS from mid-loop operations.
2. Braining the NC system
Limits and Precautions - reference OP/I(2)/8/6150/806
3. Reduced Inventory Operation (Obj. #9)
a) Definitions
1 Reduced Inventory Operation Anytime reactor coolant system
level is less than 16% NC level (-3 feet below the reactor vessel
flange) with fuel in the core.
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2) Mid Loop Operation -Anytime the reactor coolant system is at or
below 7.25% NC level.
0 Used to allow repair of NCP seals or installation of S/G
Hot Leg and Cold beg nozzle dams. Installation of nozzle
darns allows S/G repair work to be conducted during the
refueling operation.
b) Operational Requirements/Guidelines
1) SLC 16.5-1 specifies the license commitments for operations in
reduced inventory conditions.
2 ) SB 3.1.30specifies the requirements in modes 5, 6, and NO
MODE to maintain safe shutdown configuration with fuel in the
core or spent fuel pool.
c) Industry Experience Mid loop operation has been shown to be a
very unstable operating condition requiring additional precautionary
Major Concerns during mid loop operation are:
Low coolant inventory to keep the core cooled and covered
2 of 3 fission product barriers may not be intact, NC system and
Reduced safety system availability. Industry Incidents:
0 Biablo Canyon - vortexing muses air binding of NB pumps
Vogtle - loss of power causes loss of core cooling
0 McGuire - Cycling NB boundary valves muses a loss of core
Bconee loss of core cooling support system causes near core
d) Mid Loop Specific Configurations
1) Instrumentation
0 Temperature - WIR loop Th and Tc become inaccurate when
NC level is less than 9%. At least two specified incore
thermocouples are required to be functional except during
periods when the reactor vessel head is being removed or
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ND system temperatures are oniy reliable if the ND loop is
8 Level At least two redundant and independent level
indications must be operating prior to decreasing below 16%
W/R NC level. This requirement is not met using the sight
glass or tygon tube.
0 Instruments available are:
b NCLT5200 'W/R NC Level Loop A' 0-100%
0 NCLT6450 'W/R NC Level Loop C' 0-100%
0 NCLT5201 'MIR NC Level Loop A' 025%
8 NCLT6451 'M/R NC Level Loop C' 025%
e NCLG6450 'Sight Glass Loop C' Q-15%
0 Narrow range Ultrasonics loops A or I3 & C or D 0-
b Pzr Cold Cal
8 RVLlS Lower Range
During NC system vacuum fili, the ultrasonic instruments will be
the most accurate and reliable.
2) NC Vent Paths a potential exists, that if the vessel head is in
place and all S/G nozzle dams are in place, that a loss of core
cooling resulting in core boiling would pressurize the T-HOT
plenum and force coolant down from around the Cold legs. Phis
situation is administratively prevented by the following method:
a Once the reactor coolant system has been drained to mid
loop and the S/G primary side manways have been
removed, at least one hotleg shall be maintained with no
n o d e dam installed. This aliows the hotlegs to be vented to
containment, should a loss of core cooling occur.
3) Make Up Flow Paths - In addition to the T.S. required boration
flow paths, there are specific makeup capability requirement for
Mid loop operation:
0 A(B) NI pump - prior to establishing an NC system vent path,
an NI pump shall be maintained "available". Po be available,
the NI pumps breaker may be racked out, but it shall be
installed in the cubicle.
At least one of these gravity flowpaths shall be available:
FWST through ND suction lines to the Hot Legs
0 FWST through ND33 to Cold Legs via N1173A and/or
Page 30 Qf 37
Bank Question: 979 Answer: B
1 Pt(s) Unit one was conducting a reactor startup. Which one of the following
statements correctly describes the expected overlap between source range,
intermediate range and power range nuclear instruments?
A. Intermediate range channels first come on scale at 1 x lQ-" amps
when the source range reaches 5 x 10' CPS.
Power range channels first come on scale at 1%when the
intermediate range reaches 5 x 10.' amps.
B. Intermediate range channels first come on scale at 1 x IO-" amps
when the source range reaches 5 x lo3CPS.
Power range channels first come on scale at 1% when the
intermediate range reaches 5 x 10" amps.
C. Intermediate range channels first eome on scale at 1 x 10"' amps
when the source range reaches 5 x io3CPS.
Power range channels first come on scale at 1% when the
intermediate range reaches 5 x lod amps.
D. Intermediate range channels first eome on scale at 1 x lo- amps
when the source range reaches 5 x lo' CPS.
Power range channess first come on scale at 1% when the
intermediate range reaches 5 x 10"amps.
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: The overlap is one decade too low
Plausible: if (he candidate does not know the overlap between NI
B. Correct:
C. Incorrect: IRchannels comes on scale at IxlO-" not 1x10-"
Plausible: partially correct - PR - IR overlap is correct 1 ~ 1 0=" P6
D. Incorrect: The IR-PR overlap is one decade too high. IR channels
comesonscaleat 1x10-11 not 1x10-10
Plausible: SR = 5x104when IR reaches 1 ~ 1 0 " ~ .
Level: RO&SRO
KAAPE 032 A2.01 (3.0/3.5)
Lesson Plan Objective: EhB Obj: 3
Source: New
Level ofknowledge: memory
1. OP-CN-IC-ENB page 40
-DUKE POWER .........................................-.
Objective I S
Is O R
State the purpose of the ENB system. I
Describe the principle of operation of each detector used. I
Describe the overlap provided between each range. I
Describe the function of each output from each range of nuclear
Explain the function of each portion of the individual ranges when
siven a block diagram of each range.
Explain the function of all indications and controls associated with
Describe the Gamma Compensation used by each range. I
Describe the effects of over and under compensation in the
Intermediate Range. I
Describe the plant response to a given detector or instrument
failure. I I
Given a set of spedfic plant conditions and access to reference
materials, determine the actions necessaty to comply with Tech
List the symptoms as given for each case in AP/1/A/5500/16,
Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation. I
FROM MEMORY state the Immediate Actions as required by
AP/1/N5500/16, Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation.
Describe the source range instrumentation response for voiding in
taken in less than 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.
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a a z
Bank Question:98Q Answer: C
1 Pt(s) Unit 1 was shutdown in mode 6, in mid loop operations when a loss of ND
cooling occurred. Given the following events and conditions:
e The operators implemented CASE IV of AP-19 (Loss ofResidual Heut
Removal System) and have reached step 23.
The M3 system has been refilled and properly vented
e Step 23 requires restart of one ND pump to restore cooling.
A caution wams the operator that restarting an ND pump can cause NC
system level to decrease rapidly.
What is reason for this caution?
A. NC system level will drop due to the contraction of the water
from the cooldown.
B. NC system level wili drop due to the suction of water from the
NC system into the ND pump.
C. NC system level drop due to the coUapse of system voids.
D. NC system level will drop due to increased system pressure.
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: Cooldown is insuficient to cause a level drop at
representative temperatures
Plausible: sufficient cooldoivn wiil cause volumetric contraction and
level drop
B. Incorrect: The suction surge is accompanied by discharge back into
the system so the mass balance remains the sanie.
Plausible: initially the suction will withdraw water from the NC
C. Correct: system voids can occur if the loss of h D is severe
D. Incorrect: system pressure will not increase -mid loop operations
require ai open vent path to atmosphere
Plausible: if the vent path were not open, pressure could increase and
cause level to drop if there were gas pockets
Level: RO&SRO
KA: APE 025 (32.1.32 (3.4/3.8)
Lesson Plan Objective: none
Source: New
Level of knowledge: comprehension
1. AP-19 Case IV step 23 page 42
22. Determine ND System venting
requirements as follows:
- a. Verify both trains of ND - REQUIRE - a. Observe Caution prior to and GOTO
VENTING. Step 23.
- b. Maintain NC System level stable or
increasing while venting ND System in
subsequent steps.
- c. Vent NB System. REFER To
Endosure 3 (NQ Suction Header
and Pump Casing Venting).
CAUTlObl NC System level may decrease rapidly when an ND pump is started due
to the collapse of system voids. Additional makeup flow may be
231' Establish conditions to start one ND
pump. SS 18Enclosure 8 (Restoring
An ND Train To Operation).
- 24. Verify ND cooling RESTOREB.
Perform the following:
- a. Monitor core exit TICS.
- b. Consult Station Management for
alternate core coaling means.
- c. RETURN TO Step 11.
Bank Question: 981 Answer: D
1 Pt(s) What sub-group of pressurizer heaters can be powered from SLXG?
A. Backup heater Group A
B. Backup heater Group B
C. Control Group C
D. Backup heater Group D
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: Backup heater group D is powered from SLXG
Plausible: may feel the A goup is logical for control
B. Incorrect: Backup heater group D is powered from SLXG
Plausible: may feel B is logical for control
C. Incorrect: Backup heater group D is powered from SLXG
Plausible: may feel the control group makes sense to be used for
D. Correct: Group D can be powered from SLXG for pressurizer
presswe control during plant control from the Safe Shutdown Pacilily
Level: RQ&SRO
MA: SYS 011 K2.02 (3.113.2)
Lesson Plan Objective: IPE Obj: 6
Source: New
Level of knowledge: memory
1.OP-CN-PS-IPE page 19,20
2. OP-CN-CP-AD page 12
Describe the operation of the pressurizer heaters I I lxlx
Describe the operation of the PORVs and the PORV motor
operated isolation valves I I lxlx
List the power sources (electrical and pneumatic) for the pressurizer
pressure control devices I I IXlX
Describe the controls and indications associated with IPE I I lxlx
List the nominal value for the alarms and control functions x x
generated by the pressurizer pressure master controller, assuming
the controller is set fer 2235 psig
Describe a l alarms, control functions, and interlocks which are
generated by pressurizer pressure but not controlled by the master
ion has on the output of the
Describe the effect a failure of a pressurizer pressure channel (high
or low has on wessurizer Dresswe control
temperature end pressure are used to generate an actuation signal
includina setooints
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b) High Pressure Trip protects integrity of NCS
1) 2/4 channels greater than 2385 psig
2) Cannot be blocked
c) Pressurizer Water bevel High - protects against water relief through
the Pressurizer Safety Valves. These Valves are designed to only
pass Steam, Water.
1) 213 channels greater than 92%
2) Automatically blocked when less than P-7
d) Over Temperature AT (OTAT) Protects against violating DNBR Limits
1) 2/4 channels greater than set point
2) Cannot be blocked
2. Engineered Safety Feature Actuation System (ESFAS) Instrumentation
a) Safety Injection - bow Pressurizer Pressure S/l
1 2/4 channels less than 1845 psig
2) Can be blocked less than P-11
b) P-1T - Block Permissive Interlock
4 ) 2/3channels = 1955 psig (channel 4 is not used for P-I 1)
2) Less Than P-11; Allows manual block of Pressurizer Low
Pressure .§/Iand Low Steam Line Pressure Main Steam Isolation
3) Going Above P-I 1 will automatically re-enable these functions.
J. ASP (Aux. S/B Panel)
1. Heater groups A & B are avail from ASP
2. "Low pressure mode" light i f less than 300°F (no keyswitch) and in "local"
control on the ASP'S (PQRV will not be in "LTOP Mode).
3. Have control of PQRV and PORV block valve control switches from ASP
K. SSF (Stby SID facility)
1. Selected group B htrs. available at SSF
2.3 Power Supplies (OBJ. #6)
A. Heater Banks
I. GroupA LXI-6C
2. GroupB LXHdC
3. GroupC LXC-GC
4. GroupD LXD-5C
Page 19 of 30
1. NC-32B, 36B EDF FQ1J
2. NC-34A ED FOlJ
C. PORV Isolation
2. NC-33A EMXC F03C
3. NC-35B EMXD F05A
2.4 Technical Specifications and Selected Licensee Commitments JQBJ. #19 &21)
A. Use current copy of TS.
1. Reactor Coolant System Safety Limit (2.1.2)
2. RCS Press Temperature, and Flow Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB)
Limits (TS 3.4.1)
3. Reactor Trip System Instrumentation (TS 3.3.1)
4. Engineered Safety Features Activation System Instrumentation (TS 3.3.2)
5. Remote Shutdown System (BS3.3.4)
6. Post Accident Monitoring Instrumentation (W 3.3.3)
7. Pressurizer (TS 3.4.9)
8. PORVs (PS3.4.1 1)
9. LTQP (PS3.4.12)
10. Pressure Temperature Limits (TS 3.4.3)
?I. PZR Safety Valves (TS 3.4.1 0)
12. PZR Safety Valves Shutdown (SLC 16.5-2)
B. Technical Specification usage incidents (Committed Operating Experience)
I. PIP 1-C97-4363, Pressurizer Tech Spec heatup limits were violated.
a) While attempting to makeup to the G W s an inadvertant injection from
1A NI Pump into the NC System caused PZR level to increase rapidly
by about 40%. This insurge caused a cooldown of the pressurizer
from 489°F to 361°F at 002%on 12/29/99. Subsequently, the
pressurizer temperature returned to 472.8"F, as pressure was being
lowered, at 0036 hours4.166667e-4 days <br />0.01 hours <br />5.952381e-5 weeks <br />1.3698e-5 months <br />. This is greater than the 100°F heatup in less
than 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> limit as specified in Tech Spec Per the action
statement of Tech Spec, an engineering evaluation to
determine the effects of the out-of-limit condition on the structural
integrity of the pressurizer is requested. This evaluation shall
determine if the pressurizer remains acceptable for continued
operation. Report results to the on duty QSM per NSB 203.
Page 20 Of 30
4) Head vents discharge to the PRT
NC-253A NC-2515
N C -2525 NC-2S0A
3. Primary Side Pressure Control (Obj. #8)
a) Sub group of bank "B" heaters used for pressure control
b) Must be enerqized within 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br /> to ensure PZR bubble remains in
the PZR.
e) Powered from SLXG
d) Contain 70 KW of heat production
e) Can be controlled from the SSF by selecting a heater control transfer
switch (upper right) to the "LOCAL" (SSF) position and then placing
the heaters in ON.
Page 12 ob 33
Bank Question: 982 Answer: B
1 Pt(s) Unit 2 is at 100% power following a refueling. Given the following events
and conditions:
Reviews of surveillances reveals that all 3 channels on the flow instruments
for NC loops IC and ID were not calibrated properly and are out of
specification. Repairs cannot be made for 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> due to parts availability.
What is the maximum power level allowed by Tech Specs at the time of
A. No power reduction is required
B. Reduce power to less than 48%
e. Reduce power to less than 10%
D. Reduce power to mode 3
Distracter Analysis:
With 3 of 3 NC flow channels OQC in one loop, Tech Spec 3.3.1
Table 3.3.1-1 function 10.a requires action statement M when power
is > P-8 (48%). Action statement M requires placing the channel in
trip within 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> (unable to do this due to failure) or reducing
power beiow $8 in 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />.
A. Incorrect: Must get below k8 in 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />
Plausible: If candidate cannot locate the proper section <#Table
B. Correct:
C. Incorrect: Must get below P8 in 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />
Plausible: If candidate reads action for loss of2 loop fluw
instruments - note h in Table 3.3.1-1
d. Incorrect: Must get below F8 in 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />
Plausible: if the candidate miss-reads note g in Table 3.3.1-1.
Level: RO&SRO
KA: SYS 012 A2.01 (3.U3.6)
Lesson Plan Objective: IPX Obj: 12
Source: New
Level of knowledge: comprehension
1. Tech Spec 3.3.1, table 3.3.1-1 - PRQVIBED
Objective P T
State the pumose of the Reactor Protection Svstem W X I Svstem.
List the reactor trips.
X l X I X
List the setpoint for each reactor trip. X
List the logic and interlocks associated with each reactor trip. X
Describe the function of the Solid State Protection System (SSPS).
Describe the operation of the following breakers and associated x x x
Reactor trip breakers
B Reactor trip bypass breakers
Explain the derivation of the reactor trip setpoints.
Define the following:
- Safety Limit
Limiting Safety System Setting
- Nominal Setpoint X
-ist all permissive and control "Pand "C"interlocks and their function,
jetpoint and logic. -
Describe the function of the "First Out" annunciator panel. X
Describe the function of all instrumentation and controls associated with X
- he Reactor Protection System (IPX). -
3ven a set of specific plant conditions and access to reference materials, X
jetermine the actions necessary to comply with Tech Specs.
State from memory all Tech Spec actions for the system, subsystem or
mmponents which require remedial action to be taken in less than one
Page 3 Of 35
RTS Instrumentation
3.3.1 Reactor Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation
LCO 3.3.1 The RTS instrumentation for each Function in Table 3.3.1-1 shall be
APPLICABILITY: According to Table 3.3.1-1.
Separate Condition entry is allowed for each Function.
A. One or more Functions A.1 Enter the Condition Immediately
with one or more referenced in Table 3.3.1-1
required channels for the channel($).
B. One Manual Reactor B.1 Restore channel to 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />
Trip channel inoperable. OPERABLE status.
8.2 Be in MODE 3. 54 hours6.25e-4 days <br />0.015 hours <br />8.928571e-5 weeks <br />2.0547e-5 months <br />
C. One channel or train 6.1 Restore channel or train to 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />
inoperable. OPERABLE status.
C.2 Open reactor trip breakers 49 hours5.671296e-4 days <br />0.0136 hours <br />8.101852e-5 weeks <br />1.86445e-5 months <br />
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-1 Amendment Nos. 173165
RTS Instrumentation
ACTIONS (continued)
B. One channel inoperable,
The inoperable channel may be
bypassed for up to 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> for
sutveillance testing and setpoint
adjustment of other channels.
D.l.l Place channel in trip. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />
D.1.2 Reduce THERMAL 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />
POWER to 5 75% RTP.
B.2.1 Place channel in trip. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />
0.2.2 _________----NOTE ____ ____s__s__
Only required to be
performed when the Power
Range Neutron Flux input to
QPTR is inoperable.
Perform SR Once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />
3.3 Be in MODE 3. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />
Catawba Units 1 and 2 4.3.1-2 Amendment Nos. 173/165
RTS Instrumentation
ACTIONS (continued)
E. One channel inoperable
The inoperable channel may be
bypassed for up to 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> for
surbeillance testing of other
E.l Place channel in trip. 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />
E.2 Bo in MODE 3. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />
> P-6 and e P-io, one POWER to e P-6.
Intermediate Range
Neutron Flux channel
F.2 Increase THERMAL I hours
POWE!? tQ > P-10.
6. THERMAL POWER 6.1 Suspend operations mmediately
> P-6 and e P-20, two involving positive reactivity
Intermediate Range additions.
Neutron Flux channels
G.2 Reduce THERMAL ? hours
POWER to c P-6.
H. THERMAL POWER H.1 Restore channel(s) tu Wur to increasing
e P-6, one or two OPERABLE status. rHERMAL POWER
Intermediate Range Q > P-6
Neutron Flux channels
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-3 Amendment Nos. 1731165
RTS Instrumentation
ACTIONS (continued)
I. One Source Range 1.1 Suspend operations Immediately
Neutron Flux channel involving positive reactivity
inoperable. additions.
J. Two Source Range J.l Open RTBs. immediately
Neutron Flux channels
K. One Source Range K.l Restore channel to 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />
Neutron Fiux channel OPERABLE status.
K.2 Open RTBs. 49 hours5.671296e-4 days <br />0.0136 hours <br />8.101852e-5 weeks <br />1.86445e-5 months <br />
b. One channel inoperable. __s__ss -----NOTE ______________s__s
The inoperable channel may be
bypassed for up to 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> for
surveillance testing of other
L.1 Place channel in trip. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />
L.2 Reduce THERMAL 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />
POWER to < P-7.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-4 Amendment Nos. 1731165
RTS Instrumentation
ACTIONS (continued)
M. One Reactor Coolant ____
s___s___ NOTE------_____________
Flow - how (Single Loop) The inoperable channel may be
channel inoperable. bypassed for up to 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> for
surveillance testing of other
M.Z Place channel in trip. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />
M.2 Reduce THERMAL ?O hours
POWER to e P-8.
N. One Turbine Trip - Stop
Valve EH Pressure bow
channel inoperable.
N.l Place channel in trip. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />
N.2 Reduce THERMAL 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />
POWER tQ e P-9.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-5 Amendment Nos. 1931165
RTS Instrumentation
ACTIONS (continued)
0. One or more Turbine 0.1 Place channel(s) in trip. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />
Trip - Turbine Stop Valve
Closure channels OR
_ I
0.2 Reduce THERMAL 10 hours1.157407e-4 days <br />0.00278 hours <br />1.653439e-5 weeks <br />3.805e-6 months <br />
POWER to P-9.
P. One train inoperable,
II toOne4 hours
train may be bypassed for up
for surveillance testina -
provided the other train is
P.1 Restore train to 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />
P.2 Be in MODE 3. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-6 Amendment Nos. 1731165
RTS Instrumentation
ACTIQNS (continued)
Q. One RTB train _________________NOTES _________________
inoperable. 1 ~ One train rnay be bypasse
for up to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for
surveillance testing,
provided the other train is
2. One RTB rnay be bypasse
for up to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> for
maintenance on
undervoltage or shunt trip
mechanisms, provided the
other train is OPEBABLE.
Q.1 Restore train to 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />
OPERABLE status.
6.2 Be in MODE 3. 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />
R, One or more channel@) R.1 Verify interlock is in f hour
inoperable. required state for existing
unit conditions.
R.2 Be in MODE 3. 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-7 Amendment Nos. 1731165
RT§ Instrumentation
ACTIQNS (continued)
S. One or more channel(s) S.1 Verify interlock is in Ihour
inoperable. required state for existing
unit conditions.
S.2 Be in MODE 2. 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />
T. One trip mechanism T.l Restore inoperable trip 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />
inoperable for one RTB. mechanism to OPERABLE
T.2 Be in MODE 3. 54 hours6.25e-4 days <br />0.015 hours <br />8.928571e-5 weeks <br />2.0547e-5 months <br />
U. Two RTS trains U.4 Enter LCO 3.0.3. Immediately
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-8 Amendment Nos. 173/165
Si3 Perform CHANNEL CHECK. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />
SR --------------N6TES------
s_______________ _____-
1. Adjust NIS channel if absolute difference is 2%.
2. Not required to be performed until 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after
Compare results of calorimetric heat balance calculation 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />
to Nuclear Instrumentation System (NIS) channel output.
31 effective full
power days
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-9 Amendment Nos. 1931165
RTS Instrumentation
This Surveillance must be performed on the reactor trip
bypass breaker prior to placing the bypass breaker in
Perform TADOT 31 days on a
SR Perform ACTUATION LOGIC TEST. 31 days on a
92 days
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-10 Amendment Nos. 1731165
RTS Instrumentation
This Surveillance shall include verification that interlocks
P-6 (for the Intermediate Range channels) and P-IO (for
the Power Range channels) are In their required state for
existing unit conditions.
Perform COT. _________NOTE _______
Only required
when not
performed within
previous 92 days
Prior to reactor
Four hours after
reducing power
P-I0 for power
and intermediate
Four hours after
reducing power
below P-6 for
source range
Every 92 days
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-11 Amendment Nos. 173/165
RTS Instrumentation
Perform TADOT 32 days
Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION. 18 months
SB 3.3.1,I1 ____________________-____---------NOm
1. Neutron detectors are excluded from CHANNEL
2. Power and Intermediate Range Neutron Flux
detector plateau voltage verification is not
required to be performed prior to entry into MODE
4 or2.
Perform CHANNEL CALIBRATION. 18 months
SR Perform COT. i 8 months
Catawba Units Z and 2 3.3.1-12 Amendment Nos. 173/165
RTS Instrumentation
Perform TAABOT. 18 months
NOTE _______
M y required
vhen not
)erformed within
xevious 31 days
Perform TADOT. lrior to reactor
8 months on a
SR Verify RTS RESPONSE TIME for RTBs is within limits. 8 months
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-13 Amendment Nos. 1731165
RTS Instrumentation
Table 3.3.1-1 (page 1 of 7)
Reactor Trip System Instrumentation
1. Manual Reactor Trip 2 8 SR NA NA
2. Power Range
Neutron Flux
a. High 4 D SR <?IO.$% 109% RTP
b. Low 4 E SR3.3.1.1 < 27.1% RTP 25% RTP
3. PowerRange
Neutron Flux
High Positive Rate 4 D sa < 6.3% RTP 5% RTP
SR with time with time
constant constant
> 2 sec 2 2 sec
4. Intermediate Range 2 F.G SR 5 31% RTP 25% RTP
Neutron Flux SR
2 H SR s 31% RTP 25% RTP
5. Source Range 2 I,J SR s 1.4 E5 cps 1.0 E5 cps
Neutron Flux SR
2 J.K SR s 1.4 E5 1.0 E5 cps
6. Overtemperature AT 4 E SR Refer to Refer to
SR Note 1 (Page Note 1
SR 3.3.1-18) (Page
SR 3.3.1-18)
(a) With Reactor Trip Br@ak6B(RTBs) closed and Rod Contml System capable of rod withdrawal.
(b) Below the P-10 (Power Range Neutron Flux) intedocks.
(c) Above the P-6 (Intermediate Range Neutron Flux) interlocks.
(d) Below the P-6 (intermediate Range Neutron Flux) interlocks.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-14 Amendment Nos. 179/171
RTS Instrumentation
Table 3.3.1-1 (page 2 of 7)
Reactor Trip System Instrumentation
7. Overpwer AT 1.2 4 E SR Refer to Refer to
SR Note 2 (Pam Note 2
SR 3.3.1:19r (Page
SR 3.3.1-19)
8. Pressurizer Pressure
a. Low 4 b SR3.3.1.1
b. High 1.2 4 E SR 5 2399 psi5 2385 PdQ
9. Pressurizer Water 3 L SR 5 93.8% 92%
Level - High SR
I O . Reactor Coolant
Flow - Low
a. Single Loop I@) 3 per loop M SR3.3.1.1 5 89.7% 91%
b. TwoLoops 3 per loop L SR L 89.7% 91%
(e) Above the P-7 (Low Power Reactor T r i p Block) interlock.
(F) Time constants utilized in the lead-lag controller for Pressurizer Pressure - Low are 2 seconds for lead and 1 second for lag.
(9) Above the P-8 (Power Range Neutron Flux) interlock.
(h) Above the P-7 (Low Power Reactor Trips Block) interlock and below the P-E (Power Range Neutron Flux) interlock.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-15 Amendment Nos. 179/171
RTS Instrumentation
Table 3.3.1-1 (page 3 of 7)
Reactor Trip System instrumentation
11. UndeNoitageRGPs l(e) 1 per bus L SR 2 5016 V 5082 V
12. Underfrequency 1 per bus L SR t 55.9 Hz 56.4 Hz
13. StBam Generator 1.2 4 per SG E SR 3.3.1 .I 2 9% (Unit 1) 10.7% (Unit
(SG) Water Level - SR 2 35.1% 1) 36.8%
Low Low SR (Unit 2) of (Unit 2) of
SR narrow range narrow
span range span
14. Turbine Trlp
a. Stop Valve E# 10) 4 N SR z 500 psig 550 psig
Pressure Low SR
b. Turbine Stop l(i) 4 0 SR3.3.1.10 >$%open NA
Valve Closure SR3.3.1.15
15. Safety Injection (SI) 12 2trim P SR NA NA
Input from SR3.3.1.14
Engineered Safety
Feature Actuation
System (ESFAS)
(e] Above m e P-7 (bow Power Reactor Trips Block) interlock.
(i) Not used.
(j) Above the P-9 (Power Range Neutron Flux) interlock,
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-16 Amendment Nos. 179l171
RTS instrumentation
Table 3.3.1-1 (page 4 of 7)
Reactor Trip System InstNmentxtion
16. Reactor Trip System
a. Intermediate 2 R SR > 6E-I Iamp 1E-10 amp
Range Neutron SR
Flux, B-6
b. Low Power 1 per train S SR3.3.1.5 NA NA
BlQCk. P-7
c. Pow@rRange 4 S SR3.3.1.11 5 50.2% RTP 48% RTP
Neutron nux. SR 3.3.1 .I3
d. Power Range 4 S SR3.3~1.11
Neutron Flux, SR3.3.1.13
e. PewarRange 4 R SR 2 7.8% RTB '0% RTP
Neutron Fiux, SR and s 12.2%
f. Tutbine
2 S SR3.3.1.12
s 12.2% RTP P:'e,"
Pressure. P-13 impulse impulse
pressure pressure
ecluivalent equivalent
17. Reactor Trip 2 trains QS. sa NA NA
2 trains c SR NA NA
18. Reactor Trip maker 1 each per T SR NA NA
Undervoltage and RTB
Shunt Trip
Mechanisms 1 each per c SR NA NA
19. Automatic Trip Logic 2 trains P,U SR3.3.1.5 NA NA
2 trains C SR3.3.1.5 NA NA
(a) With RTBs closed and Rod Control System capable of rod wilhdrawal.
(d) Below the P-6 (Intermediate Range Neutron Flux) interlocks.
(k) Including any reador trip bypass bwakers that are racked in and closed for bypassing an RTB.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-17 Amendment Nos. 1791191
RTS Instrumentation
Table 3.3.1-1 (page 5 Of 7)
Reactor Trip System Instrumentation
Note 1: OvertemDerature AT
The Overtemperature 4T Function Allowable Value shall not exceed the following NOMINAL
TRIP SETPOINT by more than 4.3% (Unit I ) and 4.5% (Unit 2) of RTP.
Where: 4T is the measured RCS AT by loop narrow range RTBs, O F .
AT, is the indicated AT at RTP,O F .
s is the Laplace transform operator, sec-'.
T is the measured RCS average temperature, O F .
T' is the nominal TBv8at R f P (allowed by Safety Analysis), 5 585.1"F (Unit 4 )
e 590.8"F (Unit 2).
pis the measured pressurizer pressure, psig
P' is the nominal RCS operating pressure, = 2235 psig
K, = Overtemperature 4T reactor NOMINAL TRIP SETPOINT, as presented in
the COLR,
K2 = Overtemperature AT reactor trip heatup setpoint penalty coefficient, as
presented in the COLR,
K3 = Overtemperature AT reactor trip depressurization setpoint penalty
coefficient, as presented in the COLR,
T,,T~ = Time constants utilized in the lead-lag compensator for 4T, as presented in
the COLR.
73 = Time constant utilized in the lag compensator for AT, as presented in the
T ~ T$
, = Time constants utilized in the lead-lag compensator for,,T, as presented in
the COLR.
= Time constant utilized in the measured ,T, lag compensator, as presented
in the CBLR, and
f,(BI) = a function of the indicated difference between top and bottom detectors of
the power-range neutron ion chambers; with gains to be selected based on
measured instrument response during plant startup tests such that:
(i) for q, - q, between the "positive" and "negative" f,(4l) breakpoints as
presented in the COLR; f,(4i) = 0,where qt and q, are percent
BATED THERMAL POWER in the top and bottom halves of the
core respectively, and q, + qb is total THERMAL POWER in percent
(ii) -
for each percent AI that the magnitude of q, qb is more negative
than the f,(Al) "negative" breakpoint presented in the COLR, the AT
Trip Setpoint shall be automatically reduced by the f1(41) "negative"
slope presented in the COLR; and
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-18 Amendment Nos. 199188
RTS Instrumentation
Table 3.3.2-1 (page 6 of 7)
Reactor Trip System Instrumentation
(iii) for each percent Ai that the magnitude of qt q, is more positive
than the fl(Al) "positive" breakpoint presented in the COLR, the AT
Trip Setpoint shall be automatically reduced by the f,(Al) "positive"
siope presented in the COLR.
Note 2: Overimwer AT
The Overpower AT Function Allowable Value shall not exceed the following NOMINAL TRIP
SETPOINT by more than 2.6% (Unit 1) and 3.1% (Unit 2) of RTP.
Where: AT is the rneasured RCS AT by loop narrow range RTDs, O F .
ATo is the indicated AT at RTP, "F.
s is the Laplace transform operator, sec-'.
T is the measured RCS average temperature, "F.
T' is the nominal Taveat RTP (calibration temperature for AT instrumentation),
-e 5851°F (Unit 1) 5 590.8"F (Unit 2).
K4 = Overpower AT reactor NOMINAL TRIP SETPOfNT as presented in the
K5 = 0.02PF for increasing average temperature and 0 for decreasing average
K, = Overpower AT reactor trip heatup setpoint penalty coefficient as presented
in the COLR for T > T' and & = 0 for T 5 T',
T,, z2 = Time constants utilized in the lead-lag compensator for AT, as presented in
the COLR,
73 = Time constant utilized in the lag compensator for AT, as presented in the
TTg = Time constant utilized in the measured T,, lag Compensator, as presented
in the COLR,
77 = Time constant utilized in the rate-lag controller for T,, as presented in the
COLR, and
f,(Al) = a function of the indicated difference between top and bottom detectors of
the power-range neutron ion chambers; with gains to be selected based on
measured instrument response during plant startup tests such that:
(i) for q, - q, between the "positive" and "negative" f,(Al) breakpoints as
presented in the COLR; f,(Al) = 0, where q, and qb are percent
RATED THERMAL POWER in the top and bottom halves of the
core respectively, and q, + qbis total THERMAL POWER in percent
Cahwba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-19 Amendment Nos. 195/188
RTS Instrumentation
Table 3.3.1-1 (page 7 of 7)
Reactor Trip System instrumentation
(ii) for each percent Ai that the magnitude of q: - q, is more negative
than the f,(Al) "negative" breakpoint presented in the COLR, the AT
Trip Setpoint shall be automatically reduced by the f2(Al) "negative"
slope presented in the COLR; and
(iii) for each percent AI that the magnitude of q, - q, is more positive
than the f2(Ai) "positive" breakpoint presented in the COhR, the AT
Trip Setpoint shall be automatically reduced by the f2(Al) "positive"
slope presented in the C O R
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.3.1-20 Amendment Nos. 173/165
Bank Question: 985 Answer: D
1 Pt(s) Unit 2 was operating at 100% power when a LOCA occurred.
Which one of the following statements correctly describes the operation of
the NSNX reset during the LOCA and what is the reason for this operation?
A. NSNX is reset to allow the operator to take manual control of NS
B. NSNX is reset to terminate spray flow after pressure is reduced to
prevent a vacuum in containment.
C. NSNX is NOT reset to prevent excessive cycling of NS spray pumps
and VX fans.
D. NSNX is NOT reset to allow NS components to continue to operate
when transferring to recirculation.
Distrarter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: NSNX is not reset
Plausible: this is a reason for resetting sequencers.
B. incorrect: NSNX is not reset
Plausible: this is why CPCS turns off spray when pressure is less
than 0.3
C. Incorrect: Resetting NSNX does not prevent excessive cycling of
NS pumps and VX fans - these pumps and fans will continue to
cyck and must be manually secured later in the accident.
Plausible: partially correct - NSNX is reset - but the reason is
incorrect. This is the correct reason for m a n d l y securing NS pumps
later in the procedure.
D. Correct: NSIVX Reset is not reset in order for NS components to
continue operating after transferring to the recirculation mode
Level: RO&SRO
KA: S Y S 026 A4.05 (333.5)
Lesson Plan Objective: NS Obj: 10
Source: New
Level of howledge: memory
1.OP-CTd-CNT-NSpage 10
- -
State the purDose ofthe containment stprav svstem.
State the purpose and operation of the following components:
8 Containment Spray pumps
b Heat exchangers.
b Spray headers
0 Kefueiing Water Storage Tank (FWST)
Containment sump
Containment Pressure Control System (CPCS) transmitters
Explain the control board controls and indications.
Given appropriate plant conditions, apply limits and precautions
3ssociated with related station procedures.
Sescribe the normal alignment of the containment spray system.
Describe how NS is manually initiated.
-ist the automatic start signals for the NS System.
Describe the svstem response to an automatic start sianal.
Describe the flow path and list the source(s) of cooling water.
Explain the procedure to realign the pump suction path and when
molina water is alianed.
%en a set of specific plant conditions and access to reference
materials, determine the actions necessary to comply with Tech
Draw the Containment Sprav Svstern simplified dmwina
State the system designator and nomenclature for major
Page 3 of 12
E. Operator Action during Emergency Operation (Obj # I O )
1. To prevent a negative pressure condition in contalnment, the CPCS
interlocks shutdown the NS and VX components at 0.3 psig in
containment. To prevent cycling the spray pumps, valves, VX fans, and
dampers later in the accident, the emergency procedures direct the crews
to shutdown the spray system. When aligned to the FWST, they are
secured if pressure is less than 2.4 psig. If aligned for recirculation, the
NS is shutdown if pressure is less than 1.O psig.
2. Resetting ESF signals will do the following for the NS System
a) ECCS Reset is necessary to allow the sequencer to be reset
b) Resetting the sequencer allows the operator manual control of the
breaker for the NS pumps
c) The NSNX Reset is not reset in order for NS components to
continue operating after transferring to the recirculation mode.
3. Upon receiving LO-bO FWST LEVEL (1 I%), the operator is directed by
procedure to manually shutdown the pumps and realign their suction to
the containment sump.
a) Reset the train related Safety Injection signal and load sequencer.
b) Secure NS pump then isolate the suction from the FWST and open
the suctions from the containment sump.
c) The suction valves are interlocked as follows:
I)To open NSI8A (NS pump A sump suction)
(a) Close NS2BA (NS pump A FWST suction block)
(b) Open NI185A (Containment sump isolation)
2) To open NSlB (NS pump B sump suction):
(a) Close NS3B (NS pump 6 FWST suction block)
(b) Open N1184B (containment sump isolation)
3) To open NS20A (NS pump A FWST suction block):
(a) Close NS18A (NS pump A sump suction)
4) To open NS3B (NS pump B FWST suction block):
(a) Close NSlB (NS pump B sump suction)
d) Once the valve swap is complete, if the CPCS Permissive is present,
the pumps WILL RESTART when their respective containment sump
isolation valve is FULLY OPEN.
Page f Q of 12
Bank Quesfion: 986 Answer: B
1 pt(s) Unit 2 is operating at 100% power. Given the following events and
- The plant operator reports the following annunciator is received on D/G
- VG receivers starting air pressure is 149 pig.
Which one of the following statenients correctly describes the 2A D/G7
A. The D/G cannot be manually or automatically started until the
VG receiver is repressurized.
B. The D/G can be manually started and is capable of one or two
C. The D/G can be automatically started and is capable of one or
two starts.
D. The D/G can be automatically started and is capable of five
Distracter Analysis:
IfVG Pressure decreases to less than 150 psi& all automatic start
signals are blocked. This conserves enough air for one or two
manual start attempts after the cause of the start failure is corrected.
A. Incorrect: Can be started inanually started
Plausible: psychometric balancc
B. Correct: Can be started manually one or two times
C. Incorrect: With starting air receiver pressure < 150 psig, auto starcs
are blocked.
Plausible: partially correct - capable of one or two manual starts.
D. Incorrect: Auto starts are blocked below 150 psig - cant make 5
starts at 150 psig.
Plausible: This is the FSAR requirement for the number of starts on
a D/G
Level: RO&SRO
KA: SYS 064 A3.04 (3.U3.5)
Lesson Plan Objective: DCPI Obj: 10
Source: New
Level of knowledge: comprehension
1.OP-CM-DG-DG1 11,12
2. Tech Spec Bases 3.8.3 El
State the purDose of the Diesel Building Ventilation System (VD)
Given a training diagram, trace the VD System flowpaths for the
following operating modes:
Standby (Diesel Generator NOT running)
- Test or Diesel Generator Operation
- Purae
Explain the meration of the VD System while in Standby
Explain the operation of the VD System in Test or while the Diesel
Generator is running.
Exolain the VB Svstem res~onseto a COPsvstern actuation.
~~ ~
Explain the o F t i o n of the VD System when being u s e z o purge ~
the diesel room after a 6 9 system actuation.
State the purpose of the Diesel Generator Starting Air System (VG)
Given a Row diagram, explain how starting air pressure is supplied
to the Diesel Generator.
Explain how the VG Compressors automatically operate to maintain
VG receiver tank pressure.
State the reason Diesel Generator automatic starts are blocked on
low VG pressure.
Explain the effect of a toss of control air pressure on the Diesel
State the purpose of the 125VDC Diesel Generator Auxiliary Power
System (EQQ).
List the major DC Loads supplied by the EPQ System.
Given a one-line diagram, explain how the EPQ system provides
DC power to the major DC Loads.
State the ~ o w esumlies
r to the EPQ Svstem battew charaers.
Describe the ground detection controls and indications used at
Catawba Nuclear Station
Page 4 of 28
P0 -.WEW
2) Recirculation Air Dampers BSF-D-2 (8) and DSF-D-4 (40) direct
room air to the air intake plenum for recirculatiun. These
dampers automatically modulate on fan start to maintain room
temperature at 85°F.
c) Exhaust dampers 1DSF-Dd (1 2 ) and DSF-D-6 (12) are passive
check dampers that open on diesel building pressurization.
d) The Normal Vent Fan must be manually re-started foilowing a D/G
shutdown or shutdown of VD Diesel Building Vent Fans.
4. VD System Response to CO, Fire Protection Actuation. (Obj. #5)
a) All VD Diesel Building Vent Fans and the VD Normal Vent Fan
shutdown if running.
b) Outside air supply and recirculation dampers will close.
c) If a DIG Auto Start signal is present, the Diesel Building Vent Fans
will NOT shutdown until the sequencer is reset.
5. VI3 System Purge Mode (Obj. #6)
a) Purge mode shali be used to recover from a 60, actuation.
b) The VD Fans are interlocked with the CO, system to shutdown
following an actuation. Fire Protection must be bypassed or CO,
system reset in order to re-start the vent fans.
c) When the damper control is selected to PURGE, the outside air
supply and recirculation dampers may be manually positioned by use
of controls on the local panel.
Z 1 An indicator is provided to show the degree of purge selected.
2) Unit 1 is calibrated in milliamperes and Unit 2 in percent.
6. DIG Room Air Temperature Reduction
a) When used to reduce room temperature, the diesel building vent
fan(s) will be started in TEST without enabling the damper PURGE
control. The dampers will modulate to reduce room temperature to
2.2 Diesel Generator Starting Air System (VG)
A. Purpose (Obj. #7)
To provide a fast start capability for the diesel engines by using compressed
air to rotates the diesel until it starts and runs under its Qwn power. The VG
System also provides control air to the diesel engine panel and motive force
for the barring device.
B. System Description and Operation
1. System Flowpaths (Obj. #8)
Page I O of 28
2. Automatic Operation of VG Air Compressors (Obj. #9)
a) There are 2 two-stage reciprocating compressors per Diesel
b) Nuclear Service Water (RN) cools each VG Compressor.
c) VG Compressors are powered from 600v essential power (EMXE,
EMXF) and will be reenergized following a lass of power.
d j Compressors cycle automatically to maintain 235 psig to 250 psig in
the receiver tanks.
I)When a compressor is taken out of service far maintenance, the
receivers are cross-connected so that the in-service compressor
maintains pressure in both receivers. There is a local
cornpressor selector switch which allows a compressor to be
taken out of service. Positions of this local switch are:
(a) Nom (both compressors cycling and aligned to maintain
pressure in their respective receiver)
(b) A(Bj1 OFF (A(B)2 compressor will be cydiog to maintain
pressure in both receivers)
(c) A(5)2 OFF (A(B)l cornpressor will be cycling to maintain
pressure in both receivers)
e) AirDryers
2 ) TWOduplex desiccant ais dryers are provided downstream of
each compressor.
2) While one side of the desiccant tower is in service, a small
amount of dry air is automatically directed back through the other
side of the tower for desiccant regeneration. The air dryer
periodically switches sides. Certain procedures require the
operator to verify this purge flow.
3) A loss of power to the air dryers will cause the dryer four-way
switchover valves to fail as is resulting in excessive moisture
discharge to the receiver tanks.
9 Air Receiver Tanks
1) There are two air receiver tanks for each diesel generator.
2) Both air receiver tanks are required to be pressurized to maintain
the Diesel Generator OPERABLE.
(a) The 'Compressor Selector Switch' (described in 2.2,
B.2.d.l above) shall not be used when isolating a VG
Receiver Tank.
Page I f of 28
(b) If a VG Receiver Bank is to be removed from service,
selecting the Compressor Selector Switch for it's
corresponding VG Compressor to 'OFF' will cause the out
of service Receiver Tank's pressure switch to effect the
auto staNstop of the remaining in service V 6
Compressor. This may result in lifting a relief valve (or
over pressurizing) the in-service tank.
(I) Example: VG receiver 1AI is being taken out of
service. VG compressors are cross-connected. if
1Al VG Compressor Selector Switch is selected to
'1Al OFF' when pressure in receiver ZAI drops
below 235 psig, compressor t42 will start resulting
in overpressurization of l A 2 Receiver Tank
3) Air receiver tanks may be cross-connected to allow one VG
compressor to feed both tanks if necessary.
4) The Air Receiver Tanks store enough air for five diesel generator
start attempts.
3. Low VG Pressure Auto-Start Block (Obj. # I O )
a) If VG Pressure decreases to less than 150 psig, all automatic start
signals are blocked.
b) This conserves enough air for one or two manual start attempts after
the cause of the start failure is corrected.
4. Starting Sdenoids and Distributors
a) Each diesel engine cylinder has its own starting air injection control
valve. These valves receive a pneumatic signal to open from the
b) These air injection valves are fed from distribution headers on either
side of the engine, commonly referred to as the left and right bank
VG headers.
c) Air is admitted to either end of the left and right bank headers by a
solenoid valve.
I ) There are two solenoid valves per header (four per diesel
2) These solenoid valves receive BC power from the diesel engine
control panel. The two solenoids on the same header are
powered from different DC circuit breakers to irnpfove reliability.
d) Right and left bank distributors (two per engine) direct air to each
engine cylinder's air admission valve to ensure air is admitted to the
cylinder at the proper time.
Page j 2 cf 28
Diesel FueJ Oil, Lube Oil and Starting Air
B 3.8.3
AQPLCABLE The initial conditions of Design Basis Accident (DBA) and transient
SAFETY ANALYSES analyses in the UFSAR, Chapter 6 (Ref. 4), and in the UFSAR,
Chapter 15 (Ref. 5), assume Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) systems
are OPERABLE. The BGs are designed to provide sufficient capacity,
capability, redundancy, and reliability to ensure the availability of
necessary power to ESF systems so that fuel, Reastor Coolant System
and containment design limits are not exceeded. These limits are
discussed in more detail in the Bases for Section 3.2, Power Distribution
Limits; Section 3.4, Reactor Coolant System (RCS); and Section 3.6,
Containment Systems.
Since diesel fuel oil, lube oil, and the air start subsystem support the
operation of the standby A 6 power sources, they satisfy Criterion 3 of 10
CFR 50.36 (Ref. 6).
LCO Stored diesel fuel oil is required to have sufficient supply for 7 days of full
load operation. It is also required to meet speciflc standards fer quality.
Additionally, sufficient lubricating oil supply must be available to ensure
the capability to operate at fuli load for 7 days. This requirement, in
conjunction with an ability to obtain replacement supplies within 7 days,
supports the availability of BGs required to shut down the reactor and to
maintain it in a safe condition for an anticipated operational occurrence
(AOO) or a postulated DBA with loss of offsite power. DG day tank fuel
requirements, as well as transfer capability from the storage tank to the
day tank, are addressed in LCQ 3.8.1, "AC Sources-Operating," and
LCO 3.8.2, "AC Sources-Shutdown."
The starting air system is required to have a minimum capacity for five
successive DG start attempts without recharging the air start receivers.
APPLICABILITY The AC sources (LCQ 3.8.1 and LCO 3.8.2)are required to ensure the
availability of the required power to shut down the reactor and maintain it
in a safe shutdown condition after an A 0 0 or a postulated DBA. Since
stored diesel fuel oil, lube oil, and the starting air subsystem support
LCO 3.8.1 and LCO 3.8.2, stored diesel fuel oil, lube oil, and starting air
are required to be within limits when the associated DG is required to be
Catawba Units 1 and 2 B 3.8.3-2 Revision No. 0
Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil and Starting Air
B 3.8.3
ACTIONS The ACTIONS Table is modified by a Note indicating that separate
Condition entry is allowed for each BG. This is acceptable, since the
Required Actions for each Condition provide appropriate compensatory
actions for each inoperable DG subsystem. Complying with the Required
Actions for one inoperable DG subsystem may allow for continued
operation, and subsequent inoperable DG subsystem(s) are governed by
separate Condition entry and application of associated Required Actions.
In this Condition, the 7 day fuel oil supply for a DG is not available.
However, the Condition is restricted to fuel oil level reductions that
maintain at least a 6 day supply. These circumstances may be caused by
events, such as full load operation required after an inadvertent start
while at minimum required level, or feed and bleed operations, which may
be necessitated by increasing particulate levels or any number of other oil
quality degradations. This restriction allows sufficient time for obtaining
the requisite replacement volume and performing the analyses required
prior to addition of fuel oil to the tank. A period of 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> is considered
sufficient to complete restoration of the required level prior to declaring
the DG inoperable. This period is acceptable based on the remaining
capacity (> 6 days), the fact that procedures will be initiated to obtain
replenishment, and the low probability of an event during this brief period.
With lube oil inventory 400 gal, sufficient lubricating oil to support
7 days of continuous DG operation at full load conditions may nut be
available. However, the Condition is restricted to lube oil volume
reductions that maintain at least e 6 day supply. This restriction allows
sufficient time to obtain the requisite replacement volume. A period of
48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> is considered sufficient to complete restoration of the required
volume prior to declaring the DG inoperable. This period is acceptable
based on the remaining capacity (> 6 days.),the low rate of usage, the
fact that procedures will be initiated to obtain replenishment, and the low
probability of an event during this brief period.
This Condition is entered as a result of a failure to meet the acceptance
criterion of SR Normally, trending of particulate levels allows
sufficient time to correct high particulate levels prior to reaching the limit
Gatawba Units 1 and 2 B 3.8.3-4 Revision No. 1
Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil and Starting Air
B 3.8.3
ACTIONS (continued)
of acceptability. Poor sample procedures (bottom sampling),
contaminated sampling equipment, and errors in laboratory analysis can
produce failures that do not follow a trend. Since the presence of
particulates does not mean failure of the fuel oil to burn properly in the
diesel engine, and particulate concentration is unlikely to change
significantly between Surveillance Frequency intervals, and proper engine
performance has been recently demonstrated (within 31 days), it is
prudent to allow a brief period prior to declaring the associated DG
inoperable. The 7 day Completion Time allows for further evaluation,
resampling and re-analysis of the DG fuel oil.
With the new fuel oil properties defined in the Bases for SR not
within the required limits, a period of 30 days is allowed for restoring the
stored fuel oil properties. This period provides sufficient time to test the
stored fuel oil to determine that the new fuel oil, when mixed with
previously stored fuel oil, remains acceptable, or tu restore the stored fuel
oil properties. This restoration may involve feed and bleed procedures,
filtering, or combinations of these procedures. Even if a DG start and
load was required during this time interval and the fuel oil properties were
outside h i t s , there is a high likelihood that the DG would still be capable
of performing its intended function.
With starting air receiver pressure e 210 psig, sufficient capacity for five
successive DG start attempts does not exist. However, as long as the
receiver pressure is 150 psig, there is adequate capacity for at least
one start attempt, and the DG can be considered OPERABLE while the
air receiver pressure is restored to the required limit. A period of 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br />
is considered sufficient to complete restoration to the required pressure
prior to declaring the BG inuperable. This period is acceptable based on
the remaining air start capacity, tRe fact that most DG starts are
accomplished on the first attempt, and the low probability of an event
during this brief period.
With a Required Action and associated Completion Time not met, or one
or more DG's fuel oil, lube oii, or starting air subsystem not within limits
Cataw4a Units 1 and 2 B 3.8.3-4 Revision No. 0
Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil and Starting Air
B 3.8.3
ACTIONS (continued)
for reasons other than addressed by Conditions A through E, the
associated DG may be incapable of performing its intended function and
must be immediately declared inoperable.
This SR provides verification that there is an adequate inventory of fuel oil
in the storage tanks to support each DGs operation for 7 days at full load.
The 7 day period is sufficient time to place the unit in a safe shutdown
condition and to bring in replenishment fuel from an offsite location.
The 31 day Frequency is adequate to ensure that a sumdent supply of
fuel oil is available, since low level alarms are provided and unit operators
would be aware of any large uses of fuel oil during this period.
This Surveillance ensures that sufficient lube oil inventory is available to
support at least 7 days of full load operation for each BG. The 400 gal
requirement is based on the DG manufacturer consumption values for the
run time of the DG. In order to account for the lube oil sump tank
inventory decrease that occurs when the DG is started, the 400 gal
requirement shall be met with the Surveillance conducted while the DG is
A 3f day Frequency is adequate to ensure that a sufficient lube oil supply
is available, since DG starts and run time are closely monitored by the
unit staff.
The tests listed below are a means of determining whether new fuel oil is
of the appropriate grade and has not been contaminated with substances
that would have an immediate, detrimental impact on diesel enghe
combustion, If results from these tests are within acceptable Ilmits, the
fuel oil may be added to the storage tanks without concern for
contaminating the entire volume of fuel oil in the storage tanks. These
Catawba Units 1 and 2 B 3.8.3-5 Revision No. 1
Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil and Starting Air
B 3.8.3
tests are to be conducted prior to adding the new fuel to the storage
tank(s). The tests, limits, and applicable ASTM Standards are as follows:
a. Sample the new fuel oil in accordance with ASTM D4057-81
(Ref. 7);
b. Verify in accordance with the tests specified in ASTM 13975-81
(Ref. 7) that the sample has an absolute specific gravity at 60/60°F
of > 0.83 and 5 0.89 or an APB gravity at 6WF of 2 27" and 5 39", a
kinematic viscosity at 40°C of 2 1.9 centistokes and 5 4.1
centistokes, and a flash point of 2 225°F;and
c. Verify that the new fuel oil has a clear and bright appearance with
proper color when tested in accordance with ASTM 84196-82
(Ref. 7).
Failure to meet any of the above limits is cause for rejecting the new fuel
oil, but does not represent a failure to meet the LCO concern since the
fuel oil is not added to the storage tanks.
Within 31 days fallowing the initial new fuel oil sample, the fuel oil is
analyzed to establish that the other properties specified in Table 1 of
ASTM D975-81 (Ref. 8) are met for new fuel oil when tested in
accordance with ASTM 8975-83 (Ref. 7), except that the analysis for
sulfur may be performed in accordance with ASTM D1552-79 (Ref. 7) or
ASTM D2622-82 (Ref. 7). The 31 day period is acceptable because the
fuel oil properties of interest, even if they were not within stated limits,
would not have an immediate effect on DG operation. This Surveillance
ensures the availability of high quality fuel oil for the DGs.
Fuel oil degradation during long term storage shows up as an increase in
particulate, due mostly to oxidation. The presence of particulate does not
mean the fuel oil will not burn properly in a diesel engine. The particulate
can cause fouling of filters and fuel oil injection equipment, however,
which can cause engine failure.
Particulate concentrations should be determined based on ASTM D2296-
78, Method A (Ref. 7). The test described in this Standard is for jet fuel.
It is therefore permissible to determine particulate concentration using a 3
micron filter instead of the 0.8micron required by the Standard. This
method involves a gravimetric determination of total particulate
Catawba Units I and 2 E3 3.8.3-6 Revision No. 0
Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil and Starting Air
B 3.8.3
concentration in the fuel oil and has a limit of 10 mg/l. It is acceptable to
obtain a field sample for subsequent laboratory testing in lieu of field
testing. For those designs in which the total stored fuel oil volume is
contained in two or more interconnected tanks, each tank must be
considered and tested separately.
The Frequency of this test takes into consideration fuel oil degradation
trends that indicate that particulate concentration is unlikely to change
significantly between Frequency intervals.
This Surveillance ensures that, without the aid of the refill compressor,
sufficient air start capacity for each DG is available. The system design
requirements provide for a minimum of five engine start cycles without
recharging. A start cycle is defined by the DG vendor, but usually is
measured in terms of time (seconds of cranking) or engine cranking
speed. The pressure specified in this SR is intended to reflect the lowest
value at which the five starts can be accomplished.
The 31 day Frequency takes into account the capacity, capability,
redundancy, and diversity of the AC sources and other indications
available in the control room, including alarms, to alert the operator to
below normal air start pressure.
Microbiological fouling is a major cause of fuel oil degradation. There are
numerous bacteria that can grow in fuel oil and cause fouling, but all must
have a water environment in order to survive. Removal of water from the
fuel storage tanks once every 31 days eliminates the necessary
environment for bacterial survival. This is the most effective means of
controlling microbiological fouling. In addition, it eliminates the potential
for water entrainment in the fuel oil during DG operation. Water may
come from m y of several sources, including condensation, ground water,
rain water, and contaminated fuel oil, and from breakdown of the fuel oil
by bacteria. Frequent checking for and removal sf accumulated water
minimizes fouling and provides data regarding the watertight integrity of
the fuel oil system. The Surveillance Frequencies are established by
Catawba Units 1 and 2 B 3.8.3-9 Revision No. 0
Diesel Fuel Oil, Lube Oil and Starting Air
0 3.8.3
Regulatory Guide 1.137 (Ref. 2). This SR is for preventive maintenance.
The presence of water does not necessarily represent failure of this SR,
provided the accumulated water is removed during performance of the
Draining of the fuel oil stored in the supply tanks, removal of accumulated
sediment, and tank cleaning are required at 10 year intervals by
Regulatory Guide 1.137 (Ref. 2),paragraph 2.f. This SR also requires
the performance of the ASME Code,Section XI (Ref. 9),examinations of
the tanks. To preclude the introduction of surfactants in the duel oil
system, the cleaning should be accomplished using sodium hypochlorite
solutions, or their equivalent, rather than soap or detergents. This SR is
for preventive maintenance. The presence of sediment does not
necessarily represent a failure of this SR, provided that accumulated
sediment is removed during performance of the Surveillance.
2. Regulatory Guide I.137.
3. ANSI N195-1976, Appendix 8.
4. UFSAR, Chapter 6.
5. UFSAR, Chapter 15.
6. 10 CFR 50.36, Technical Specifications, (c)(a)(ii).
7. ASTM Standards: D4057-81; D975-82; 54176-82; 81552-79;
~2622-82;~2276-78,Method A.
8. ASTM Standards, D975-81, Table 1.
9. ASME, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 B 3.8.3-8 Revision No. 0
Bank Question: 987 Answer: D
1 Pt(s) Which one of the following statements explains the reason for E-0,
Reacror Trip or Safefy Znjecfion,step 8. Verify all Feedwater Isolation
status lights (1 SI-5) - LIT.?
A. Prevent water from entering the steam lines due to
uncontrolled CA flow.
B. Prevent water from entering the steam lines due to
uncontrolled CF flow.
C. Prevent excessive NC system cooldown due to
uncontrolled CA f l o ~ .
D. Prevent excessive NC system cooldown due to
uncontrolled CF flow.
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: CA flow is not isolated by the Feedwater Isolation
Plausible: CA flow must be controlled to prevent overfilling
B. Incorrect: CA flow is not isolated by the Feedwater Isolation
Plausible: CA flow must be controlled to prevent excessive NC
system cooldown
C. Correct: This is the EQP basis for this step
D. Incorrect: Steam generator uncontrolled filling during a steam
generator tube rupture is controlled by reducing NC pressure
Plausible: Steam generator level control is difficult during a steam
generator tube rupture event
Level: RQ&SRO,
KA: hP2fl07EK301 (4.W4.6)
Lesson Plan Objective: EP1 Obj: 18
Source: New
Level of Knowledge: Memory
1, Background Document for E-0, page 10
Objective S L P
Explain the bases of Enclosure 1 (Foldout Page) acttons of
EP/l/A/500Q/ES-0.2 (Natural Circulation Cooldown). I I Ix
Explain the Bases, including any identified knowledges/abilities,
for all of the steps, notes, and cautions in EP/I/A/5OOO/E-O
(Reactor Trip or Safety Injection).
Explain the Bases, inchding any identified knowledgeslabilities,
for all of the steps, notes, and cautions in EQ/l/A/5000/ES-0.0
Explain the Bases, including any identified knowiedges/abilities,
for all of the steps, notes, and cautions in EP/l/A/5000/ES-0.1
(Reactor TriD Response).
Explain the Bases, including any identified knowledges/abilities,
for all of the steps, notes, and cautions in EP/I/A/5000/ES-0.2
(Natural Circulation Cooldown)
Explain the Bases, including any identified knowIedgeslabiEities,
for all of the steps, notes, and cautions in EP/T/N5000/ES-0.3
Page 4 of 8
51tP IESCRIPIICN T A M FOR i P l l i A i 5 0 0 0 / E - 0
C. Operator Actions
STEP 8 : Veri:y a l l Feeddater I s o l a t ' i o n status l i g h t s (1SI-5) - L I l
To ensure feedwater i s o l a t i o n has occurred.
The main feedwater system i s i s o l a t e d on a CF I s o l a t i o n s i g n a l t o ?revent
uncontrolled f i l l i n g o f any steam generator and t h e associated excessive NC
Systen: cooldown which could aggravate t h e t r a n s i e n t . e s p e c i a l l y i f i t were a
steamline break.
Page 10 0: 49 Revision 18
Bank Question: 990 Answer: B
1 Pt(s) Which one of the following statements correctly describcs the analog and
digital portions ofthe Engineered Safety Features Actuation System?
A. There are 2 analog channels. There are 3 to 4 redundant digital
logic trains,
B. There are 3 to 4 analog channels. There are 2 redundant digital
logic trains.
C. There are 3 to 4 analog channels. There are 4 redundant digital
logic trains.
D. There are 4 analog channels. There are 4 redundant digital logic
Distracter Analysis:
3. The system circuitry consists of an analog portion and a digital
1. The analog portion consists of three to four redundant channels per
parameter to monitor such variables as the reactor coolant system and
steam system pressures, temperatures, flows, and containment
2. The digital portion consists of two redundant logic trains, which
receive inputs &om the analog protection channels and perform the
needed logic to actuate the engineered safety features.
A. Incorrect: There are 3 or 4 analogue channels
Plausible: reverse of actual
B. Correct:
C. Incorrect: Only 2 digital logic trains, not 4.
Plausible: partially correct - relates 4 digital channels to the 4 ESF
D. Incorrect: There are 2 digital logic trains
Plansible: partially correct - believes there is a 1 to 1 correlation
Level: RO&SRU
KA. SYS 013 K5.01 (2.813'2)
Lesson Plan Objective: ISE Obj: 4
Source: New
Level of knowledge: memoly
- -
1. OP-CN-ICCS-ISE page 4
- -
List all the Engineered Safeguards Signals with their setpoints, logic
and interlocks.
Describe how each ESF Signal is reset.
Given a set of specific plant conditions and access to reference
materials, determine the actions necessary to comply with Tech Specs
State from memory all Tech Spec actions for the applicable systems,
subsystems and components which require remedial action to be taken
in less than 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.
Page 3 of 26
2. Presentation
2.1 General Description
A. The Engineered Safeguard Actuation System Monitors selected plant
parameters: (press, temp, level, flow, power)
1. If predetermined safety limit setpoints are exceeded, signals are
combined into logic matrices sensitive to combinations indicative of
primary or secondary system boundary ruptures.
2. When the required logic combination is completed, the system sends
actuation signals to the appropriate ESF equipment.
B. The system circuitry consists of an analog portion and a digital portion.
1. The analog portion consists of three to four redundant channels per
parameter to monitor such variables as the reactor coolant system and
steam system pressures, temperatures, flows, and containment
2. The digital portion consists of two redundant logic trains, which receive
inputs from the analog protection channels and perform the needed logic
to actuate the engineered safety features
C. The specific functions which rely on the Engineered Safety Features
Actuation System for initiation are: (OBJ #2)
1. A reactor trip, provided one has not already been generated by the
Reactor Trip System.
2. NV, NI and ND pumpssand associated valves which provide emergency
makeup water to the cold legs of the NC System following a LOCA.
3. KC pumps which provide cooling water to the ND heat exchangers and is
thus an intermediate heat sink for containment cooling.
4. RN pumps which provide cooling water to the KC heat exchangers and is
thus the ultimate heat sink for containment cooling.
5. Motor Driven CA pumps.
6. Phase A Containment Isolation (Sp),which functions to prevent fission
product releases. (Isolation of all lines essential to reactor protection.)
7. Main Steam Isolation to prevent the continuous, uncontrolled blowdown
of more than one steam generator thus preventing an uncontrolled NC
System cooldown.
8. Feedwater Isolation as required to prevent or mitigate the effect of
excessive cooldown.
9. Diesel Generators to assure a backup supply of power to emergency and
supporting systems components.
I O . VE System actuation to maintain a negative pressure in the annulus.
Page 6 of 26
Bank Quesfisn: 997 Answer: B
1 Pt(s) Unit 1 was operating at 50% power. Instrument air pressure is reading 80
psig in the control room
Which one of the following actions should have just occurred?
A. Quick start of the standby air compressor
B. VI-670 'VI Dryer Auto Bypass' opened
C. CF control vaIves failed closed
D. VS-78 'VSsupply to VI' opened
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: wrong setpoint
Plausible: starts at 94 psig
B. Correct: VI-670opens
C. Incorrect: wrong setpoint
Plausible: occurs around 50 psig.
D. Incorrect: wrong setpoint
Plausible: occurs at 76 pig.
Level: RO&SRO
KA: SYS 078 A4.01 (3.U3.1)
Lesson Plan Objective: VI SEQ 5, 1I
Source: New
Level of knowledge: memory
1. OP-CW-SS-VI page 20
DUKE POWER .......... -
State the system designator(s) and nomenclature for maior components
Explain the ournose of the Instrument Air svstem
Describe the basic flow paths through the instrument Air system
Recirculated Cooling water flow
- Nuclear Sewice Water flow
Identify the normal Instrument Air system header pressure.
Identify the major components sewed by the Instrument Air system
and describe the effect on plant operations on a loss of Instrument Air
Describe the conditions which will cause an Instrument Air compressor to
Explain how the Instrument Air system will respond to a compressor trip
Describe how to cross-connect the Instrument Air and Station Air
Explain why the cross connection is made
- Describe the flow Dath from VS to VI
Describe the Instrument Air compressor automatic actions and their
Explain the purpose of the Instrument Air dryers
Describe the automatic actions, alarms, and their setpoints associated
with the Instrument Air Dryers
Identify the type of power supplies to each compressor (VI, VS and VB)
Explain the purpose of the Station Air system
Describe the basic flow paths through the Station Air system
Recirculated Cooling Water flow
Low Pressure Service Water flow
Identify the normal Station Air systerfi header
................................... -.
Page4 of36
6) Aux Feedwater (CA) System Response to a boss of Instrument Air
With a Loss of Instrument Air, the Row control valves for all S/G's
will no longer fail open. A Mod has been completed on both
units which added air receiver tanks to the CA Blow control valves
with enough air that will allow dosure of these valves for 60
minutes after a loss ofVB. This will also preclude SIG overfill on a
SGTR with a loss of AC Power and a subsequent loss of VI.
d j Transient
1) Air will be lest to:
e Main feedwater control
- Steam dump control
NC PORVs and PZR sprays
2) Reactor trip will occur on 'SIG LO LO Level due to CF control
valves failed dosed.
3) Steam dumps will not operate. S/G PORVs wili not open in
'AUTO'. Heat removal will be via SIG safeties.
4) NC system pressure may increase beyond PZR PORV setpoint.
N2 may have to be aligned to PZR PORVs.
2.2 Station Air System (VS)
A. System Purpose (Obj. #t3, 14)
1. Supplies air to miscellaneous tools and equipment throughout the plant.
2. Backup air supply for the Instrument Air system.
3. Interconnections with other systems.
a) Rearculated cooling water (KR) cools the compressor
1) Effluent coding water temperature controls the KR flow rate
2) Inlet isolation valves closes automatically when the associated
compressor is shutdown.
b) bow Pressure Service Water (RL) cools the after coolers
6) Instrument Air (Obj. #8, 17)
I)Backup supply fer VI
2) IVS-78 will automatically open if VI pressure drops to 76 psig.
3) Via two oil removal filters
d) Logic from the Engineered Safety Features Actuation System closes
the containment isolation valves upon receiving a Phase A (S,)
containment isolation signal. (VS54B) (Obj. #I?)
Page 20 of 36
Bank Quesfion: 992 Answer: B
1 Pt(s) Unit 1 was operating at 190% power. Given the following events and
3 control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) vent fans are running.
CRDM vent fan 1D is out of service.
0 Lower containment temperature is 105 F and steady.
- 1B pipe tunnel booster fan (PTBF) is running in LOW.
Lower containment ventilation units (LCWs) IB, IC and 1D are
running in LOW speed and NORM cooling.
CIA1081 (Reactor Vessel Head Area Temp) is 110 F
CIA1087 (Reactor Vessel Head Area Temp) is 110 F
CIA1093 (Digital Rod Pos Ind Cabinet Area Temp) is 97 F.
If one of the running CRDM fans trips on over-cumcnt, what is the first
action (if any) that needs to be taken by the crew?
A. No action required for the current plant conditions.
8. Start a second PTBF.
C. Place LCVU 1D and 1B in MAX cooling and Secure L C W IC.
D. Generate a work request to determine CRDM shroud leaving air
- -
Distrader Analysis:
See attachment 4.16 of the procedure (Abnormal Operation With
Two Control Rod Drive Ventilation F,ans Available)
A. Incorrect: by procedure precautions, it states at least 2 CRDM fans
shall be running
Plausible: this is the case for the current plant conditions.
B. Correct: this is correct since air temperature is greater than 100 'F
and DRPI area temperature is above 95F
C. Incorrect: Containment temperature is not below 100 "F
Plausible: correct if containment temperature is below 100 O F
D. Incorrect: DRPI air temp 3.95 "F
Plausible: correct if DRPI air temperature is below 95F
Level: RO&SRO
KA: SYS 022 A201 (2.Y2.7)
Lesson Plan Objective: none
Source: New
Level of knowledge: comprehension
1.0P/1/A/6450/001/ Encl 4.16 pages 1-4
Page 2 of 3
Containment Ventilation (VV) Systems
1. Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to outline the operation of the Containment Ventilation (VV)
2. Limits and Precautions
2.1 Observe the upper and lower containment temperature limits of Tech Spec 3.6.5.
2.2 Two or more control rod drive ventilation fans shall be in operation when either reactor
coolant temperature is > 350'F or control rod drive mechanisms are energized.
2.3 All operating lower containment ventilation units, and the operating pipe tunnel booster
fan, should be operated at the same speed.
2.4 Hfoperating the L C W s in "LOW" speed and " N O M " cooling, the normal chilled water
control valves will remain closed ifthe inlet air temperatures are < 100'F. This
condition can occur with the CRBM Fans out of service or the CRDMs de-energized and
may trip W Chillers on low chilled water flow. During these conditions, operate the
LCVUs in MAX COOL until lower containment air temperature is 100°F. Failure to
follow these precautionary measnres may result in tripping the W Chillers or
overpressurizing the YV System causing a relief valve to lift. If returning the L C W s to
"LOW" speed or "WORM" cooling under these conditions, the YV chillers may trip on
low chilled water flow.
3. Procedure
Refer to Section 4 (Enclosures).
Enclosure 4.16 OP/l!N6450/00 1
Abnormal Operation With Two Control Rod Page 1 o f 4
Drive Ventilation Fans Available
1. Imitial Conditions
- 1.1 Review the Limits and Precautions.
-1.2 Verify two Control Rod Drive Vent fans are NOT available.
- 1.3 Veri6 Control Rod Drive Mechanisms are energized.
- 1.4 Verify Lower Containment Ventilation is in service per Enclosure 4.2 (Lower Containment
Ventilation Unit Startup And Normal Operation).
2. Procedure
2.1 lower containment air temperature is decreasing, prior to air temperature decreasing
below 10O0F,align the lower containment ventilation units as follows: {PIP 98-01739)
-2.1.1 Ensure all operating L C W s and the operating Pipe Tunnel Booster Fan are in
"LOW" speed.
NOTE: Operation of L C W 1D is desired since the Pipe Tunnel Booster Fans take suction from its
discharge. L C W s 1B and 1C are diametrically opposed to ID and will provide the best
possible air distribution.
-2.1.2 Place one of the following switches in the "MAX" position:
61 "W L C W ID MAX"
ba "WL C W IA MAX"
2.1.3 Place one of thc following switches in the "MAX" position:
0 "VV L C W 1B MAX"
0 "WLCVlJ 16 MAX"
-2.1.4 Ensure that only the two LCVUs selected to "MAX" in the above steps are in
2.1.5 Verify the red indicating lights illuminated for the two operating LCVUs.
2.1.6 Verify the red indicating lights illuminated to ensure the appropriate LCVU
dampers associated with the two operating L C W s are open.
2.1.7 Verify the red indicating lights illuminated for the two LCVUs operating in
Enclosure 4.16 OP/1/A/6450/00 1
Abnormal Operation With Two Control Rod Page 2 of 4
Drive Ventilation Fans Available
1 NOTE: Procedure should continue while monitoring temperatures in the foilowing step. --
2.2 Monitor the following QAC points until temperatures stabilize:
CIA1081 (Reactor Vessel Head Area Temp)
CIA1087 (Reactor Vessel Head Area Temp)
CIA1093 (Digital Rod Pos Ind Cabinet Area Temp)
~ 2.3 temperature in the Reactor Vessel Head Area exceeds 120°F, contact MSE for further
Person contacted
2.4 temperature in the DRPl area exceeds W F , perform the following:
__ 2.4.1 Start the standby Pipe Tunnel Booster Fan by placing its control switch in the
"LOW" speed position (rear of 1MC3).
2.4.2 Verify the red indicating light illuminates for the Pipe Tunnel Booster Fan started.
NOTE: The air temperature obtained in the following step will be used by MSE to confirm
calculations. This temperature need only be measured once; it is NOT the intent to
continuously or periodically monitor the air temperature.
MSE HVAC may be contacted for additional guidance on obtaining the air temperature in
__ 2.5 Determine the CRDM Shroud leaving air temperature by generating a work request for
SPOC to measure the CRD Ventilation fans air temperature near the inlet of the operating
-2.6 WHEN the CRDM Shroud leaving air temperature has been determined AND IF the
temperature is 2 16O"F, contact MSE HVAC for further guidance.
Person contacted
Enclosure 4.16 OP/f/N6450i00 1
Abnormal Operation With Two Control Rod Page 3 of 4
Drive Ventilation Fans Available
2.7 E the LCVU alignment was changed from three to two operating units in Step 2.1, throttle
the following applicable valves for the operating YV Chillers to accomplish the following
flow balance:
1W-21 (IYV Chiller 1 Outlet Isol) (CMEB-595, D-3)
1W-22 (1W Chiller 2 Outlet Isol) (CMEB-599, D-3)
E l 1YV-68 (IYV Chiller 3 Outlet Isol) (CMED-598, D-3)
-2.7.1 Ensure equal pump discharge pressure for the chilled water pumps in service as
read on the following gauges and total flow of 3200 - 3600 gpm as read on
1WPG5220 (YV Chiller Outlet Flow):
1YVPG5070 ( 1 W Chiller Pump 1 Disch Pressure)
1YVPG5100 ( 1 W Chiller Pump 2 Disch Pressure)
0 lYVPG5130 ( 1 W Chiller Pump 3 Disch Pressure)
2.7.2 Calculate and establish equally balanced D/P across the applicable chillers
evaporator at 2 8 psi&
Chiller Unit 1
IWPG5140 - 1WP65240 =
Chiller Unit 2
lYVPG5160 - 1WP65280 =
Chiller Unit 3
- lYVPG5180 - 1YVPG5360
Enclosure 4.16 OPlhN6450iOOl
Abnormal Operation With Two Control Rod Page 4 of 4
Drive Ventilation Fans Available
2.8 WHEN a third CRD Ventilation Fan has been restored to service, perform the following:
-2.8.1 Ensure the operating L C W s are selected to "NORM"
2.8.2 Operate the Lower Containment Ventilation Units as necessary to maintain
temperature within Technical Specification limits.
2.8.3 both Pipe Tunnel Booster Fans are operating, secure one as follows:
- Stop the desired fan by placing its control switch in the "OFF"
0 "PIPE TUNhTL BSTK FAN 1B" Verify the green indicating light illuminates for the pipe tunnel
booster fan stopped.
2.9 Do NOT file this enclosure in the Control Copy folder ofthis procedure.
Bank Question: 993 Answer: A
1 Pt(s) When does the CPCS shutdown signal actuate and what is the purpose of this
automatic protection?
A. CPCS actuates at 0.3 psig to prevent drawing a negative pressure
in CQntdnMent.
B. CPCS actuates at 0.3 psig to prevent NS pump runout caused by
decreasing backpressure.
6. CPCS actuates at 0.5 psig to conserve FWST inventory.
D. CPCS actuates at 0.5 psig to reduce Rh' heat load.
Distracter Analysis:
A. Correct: Trips at 0.4 psig and resets at 0.3 psig to stop the NS
pumps. The shutdown signal prevents negative pressure from an
inadvertent spray down in containment.
B. Incorrect: Does not prevent NS pump runout
Plausible: lower containment pressure leads to increased S pump
C. Incorrect: CPCS actuates at 0.3 psig
Plausible: NS draws from the FWST before recirculation but this is
not the purpose ofthe system
D. Incorrect: CPCS actuates at 0.3 psig
Plausible: RN cools the NS heat exchangers so securing the NS
pumps would reduce the heat load on Rn'.
Level: RO&SRB
KA: SYS 026 G2.1.27 (2.W2.9)
Lesson Plan Objective: NS Qbj: 2
Source: New
Levcl of knowledge: memory
1. OP-CN-ECCS-NS page 7
p _____
- Heat exchangers.
Spray headers
Refueling Water Storage Tank (FWST)
0 Containment sump
I 7 I List the automatic start signals for the NS System.
I 8 I Describe the system resDonse to an automatic start signa[.
I STDescribe the flow Dath and list the souree(s) of cooling water.
procedure to realign the pump suction path and when
wolina water is alicaned.
14 Given a set of specific plant conditions and access to reference
materials, determine the actions necessary to comply with Tech
22 Draw the Containment Spray System simplified drawing.
State the system designator and nomenclature for major
Page 3 of 12
_.._._._.- ..:
............ ........ ............~.~ .. CA FA WRA-.OPERA TlONS TRAINING
~ ~
--. A=... _l-
E. Containment Pressure Control System (CPCS) (Obj #2)
1. (Located in ETA(5) rooms) one per train.
2. Each cabinet contains four transmitters, one for each NS pump, valve,
VX fan, and VX damper of that train. The transmitter monitors
containment pressure and allow the component to actuate and shutdown
based on the pressure setpoint. The shutdown signal prevents negative
pressure from an inadvertent spray down in containment.
3. lndications and controls include:
a) "Noma1 Mode" lights -which indicate the system is aligned for
n m a l operation awaiting an actual containment spray actuation
b) "Test Mode" lights - which show that testing of components serviced
by a pressure transmitter is allowed.
c) "CPCS Control CIR Permit" lights activated when the actual or
simulated containment pressure increases above 0.4 psig.
d) Ksy test switches, one per component and its transmitter to allow the
testing of that component.
e) Containment pressure indication for each of the 4 channels (-5 to *5
Page 7 Of f 2
Bank Question: 994 Answer: D
1 Pt(s) Unit 1 is operating a 100% power when a main steam line break occurs on
the 1B steam generator. Given the following plant events and conditions:
The operators have entered EP/l/a/5OOO/E-O (Reuctor Trip or Sufety
Maximum containment pressure was 1.5 psig
1A and 2A RN pumps are RUNNHNG
All other ECCS systems operate properly
Whish one ofthe following actions is required to place the RN system in the
correct configuration for the given conditions?
A. Close 1RN36A and open 1RN47A b ~ G W 5 e p a~ i p ~s R ~ ~
B. Close 1RN37B and OPEN 1RN48B became 1B m d 2B RN
-_ are-not operating.
C. Start 1B and 2B RN pumps, open 1RN47A & 1Rlri48B and close
1RN232A & 1RN292B.
D. Start l B and 2B RN pumps, close 1RN36A & 1RN37B and open
lRh'47A & 1RRT48B.
Distracter Analysis: All 4 RN pumps start on a safety injection signai.
IRN46A & 1RN37B close on a safety injection signal. 1RN232A &
iRN292B open when the diesel engine starts. 1RN47A & IRN48U
close on a Phase B sigmal.
A. Incorrect: The 1B and 2B RN pumps should start on a safety
injection signal
Plausible: 1RN3GA closes s on a safety injection signal and
1RN47A closes on a Phase B signal
B. Incorrect: The 1B and 2B RN pumps should start on a safety
injection signal
Plausible: 1RN37B doses on a safety injection signal
C. Incorrect: 1RV292B must be open when D/G IB is operating
Plausible: The 1B and 2B RN pumps should start on a safety
injection signal
D. Correct an5wer
Level: RO&SRO
KA: SYS 076 A4.01 (2.912.9)
Lesson Plan Objective: RN Obj: 12
Source: New
Level of knowledge: analysis
1. OP-CN-PSS-RNpages 10,11, 18-20,33
Explain the action which takes place on:
- A Blackout
- An Emergency bow Pit Level
e A Safety injection signal
An Sp signal
Describe the reason for isolating the Auxiliary Building non-
essential header supply valve on a blackout signal.
Draw a block diagram of the RN System per the ISS REQUIRED
training drawing.
Explain the purpose of the W system and basic operation of the
- Purpose
- Normal Alignment
Flow Path
e Control switch alignments & parameters required for autu swap.
Parameters required for W operable status.
Explain the purpose of the VZ system and basic operation of the
Normal Alignment
e Describe how temperature is controlled.
Given appropriate plant conditions, apply limits and premutions
associated with related station procedures.
Page 4 of 50
B. RN Pumphouse Section
1. RN Pumphouse Structure
a) The RN Pumphouse was designed to protect the RN pumps. The
Pumphouse is a Category I seismically designed concrete structure
capable of withstanding a safe shutdown earthquake, tornado
missile, or maximum probable flood. It contains two separate pits
from which independent channels of RN pumps draw suction. The
train A section is physically separated from the train B section by a
concrete wall.
b) Flow enters each pit from either bake Wylie or the SNSWP and is
diffused by a wall peldorated with 3" holes. These "flow spreaders"
prevent excessive vortices and flow irregularities. Flowing back to
the pumps, the water is strained by 1" x I"removable lattice screens
that can be pulled out in sections by a monorail hoist.
c) The RN pump motors, RN strainers, and electric motor operators for
the pit isolation valves are located on ground level.
d) A trough (curbed area) is provided on the operating floor above each
Pumpheuse pit where debris can be hosed off the lattice screens.
Debris is flushed outside to the RN Pumphouse trash basket.
2. RN Pumphouse Components
a) RNPumps
Four nuclear service water pumps (RN pumps) supply nuclear
service water to the entire station. The pumps are numbered I A , 2A,
1B, and 28 (Obj. #6) to identify their Unit and emergency power
sources. Pumps 1 8 and 2A draw water from the "A"pit and
discharge into a common train A supply header that services both
units. Likewise, pumps 1B and 28 draw water from the " B pit and
discharge into a common train B supply header that serves both
1) Powered from 4160V essential Bus
(a) 1A-IETA
(b) 1B-IETB
(c) 2A-2ETA
2) Cooled by RN
(a) Upper bearing oil cooler
(b) Motor cooler
(c) Shaft bearing and seals
3) Pumps (Obj. #12)
Page 10 of 50
(a) S, on either unit starts all 4 RN pumps
(b] Either Unit Brain related blackuut starts the associated
train pumps.
(c) Emergency Lo bevel in Pit A Pit B starts all 4 RN
(1) Pumps can be stopped at any time after the
emergency low level occurs.
4) Controlled from MC-?1 or ASP "A & B"
5) Pump Bata
(a) Maximum flow, 25,800 gpm
(b) Minimum flow, 8600 gpm (or per Limits and Precautions
of OP/O/A/~O6/QO~C)
(c) Design pressure
(I) Normal 80 psig
(2) Maximum 150 psig
(d) Minimum flow is automatically controlled at approximately
16,500 gpm by providing a flow path through either unit's
idke KC heat exchanges by pfacing the appropriate "KC Hx
OTLT Mode" switch to "Mini Flow". The circuit monitors all
running RN pumps, selects the smallest flow output, and
modulates the KC HX flow to raise it to 16,500 gpm. (Obj.
- 11)
6 ) RN Pump associated valves.
(a) 1(2) RN1I A , l(2) RN20B; Pump l(2) A and l(2) I3 Motor
Cooler Inlet Isolation Valves.
(1) Motor operated valves, interlocked with respective
pump motor starters, so valve opens on pump start
and closes when pump stops. This prevents
circulation of cold water through motor when not
operating with resulting condensation damage.
(2) Heat exchangers are provided to cool the RN
pump motors and the RN pump motor upper
bearing oil.
(b) IRN854,l RN855; Pump Discharge Vacuum Breakers
(I) Open at .2 psig of VAC (-.4" H20 VAC) to aliow
air to enter pump discharge to provide air cushion
which will prevent water hammer on pump start.
(c) l(2) RN28A, l ( 2 j RN38B; RN Pumps Bischarge Valves
Page ?I of50
2. Main Supply Valves
a) FIN Supply Header Isolation Valves (182RN67A and 6QB)
1) These valves must be open at all times to help provide a flow
path to the diesel generators from either train of RN pumps. A
installed over each control switch at all times except
2) Each valve receives a signal to open when its associated ASP is
placed in LOCAL.
3) Powered from essential motor control centers.
b) RN Supply Crossover Isolation Valves (1&2RN47A and 48B)
The RN supply crossover isolation valves are normallv OE to
supply cooling water to the non-essential header.
1) Each valve closes upon a 3, Phase E3 Isolation signal from its
respective unit.
2) The W N supply crossovef isolation valves are also equipped with
safety related interlocks to close upon emergency low level in the
Pumphouse pits.
(a) Pit A Emergency Low bevel will close:
(1) 1 and 2 RN48B
(b) Pit B Emergency Low bevel will close:
(2) 1 and 2 RN47A
3) Powered from essential motor control center§.
D. Heat Exchanger Section
3. Essential Headers (Obj. # I O )
a) Essential Header Components
Each RN essential header provides flow to a redundant set of safety
related components and systems. Essential header pressure
indication is provided in the control room with an alarm less than 46
psig, and essential header supply temperature indication is also
provided. The following components and systems are served by
each essential header:
1) Heat Exchangers:
(a) Diesel Generator Engine Jacket Water Cooler (KB Hx).
(b) Diesel Generator Engine Starting Air (VG) Aftercoolers
(two per essential header)
(c) Containment Spray Heat Exchanger (NS Hx)
Page I 8 of 50
(d) The Control Room Area Chiller (Condensers A and B are
shared between units, so they are fed by Unit 1 essential
headers only)
(e) Backup to Auxiliary Shutdown Panel Air Conditioning Unit
(The ASPSUs are required for normal operational modes,
including loss of offsite power, but are not required for
safe shutdown following a LOCA) KC is normal supply.
(f) Component Cooling Hx (KC Hx)
2) Assured Makeup/Supply:
(a) Assured Auxiliary Feedwater Supply (CA) -Auto opens on
low suction pressure with CA auto start
(b) Assured Fuel Fool Makeup (KF) (Manual)
(c) Assured KC System Makeup (Manual)
(d) Assured CNT Is01 Seal Water System Supply (NW) (Auto
opens on Phase A Isolation Signal (St) with NW surge
tank low-low level or Lo-Lo Press and St).
3) Miscellaneous
(a) Diesel Generator Building Fire Water (RF)
(bj Flush connections (WS System Flush manifold)
2. Essential Header Valves
a) Diesel Generator Engine Jacket Water Cooler ls~latioilValves (182
RN232A and 2928)
1) These valves are normally closed
2) Each valve is interlocked to open upon the start of its respective
3) Diesel Generator Return Isolation Valves to SNSWP
(1&2RN846A and 8488). These valves are normally closed, but
are opened whenever RN water is drawn from the SNSWP.
They automatically open upon
(a) Emergency low level in either RN Pumphouse pit. They
are interlocked with the DieseL Generator Engine RN
Cooling Water bake Wylie Return Isolation valves. (See
description below)
(b) Uninrain related ASP Auxiliary Shutdown Panel to
Page f 9 of50
4) Diesel Generator Return Isolation Valves to Lake Wylie
(1&2RN847A and 849B)
(a) These valves are normally open to provide a flow path
whenever Diesel is started.
(b) Interlocked with SNSWP return valves so that the Lake
return valves are open whenever the SNSWP valves are
closed (switch is spring return to auto) and the SNSWP
valves receive an open signal whenever the lake return
valves are closed.
(c) Close on
(1) FIN pumpheuse pit Emergency Low signal from
either pit, or
(2) Unitrrrain related ASP to "LOCAL"
b) Component Cooling Heat Exchanger Inlet Isolation Valves
(1&2?RN287Aand 3478)
1) These valves should remain open at all times to enable this flow
path to be available for use in RN minimum flow operation. A
installed over each valve's control switch.
2) Opens on Uniflrain related ASP to "LOCAL" if an associated
train KC pump is running.
c) Component Cooling Heat Exchanger Outlet Throttle Valves
(1&2RN291 and 351)
1) When in "KC Temp" mode these valves modulate to maintain the
shell side (KC side) outlet temperature at 90°F. They are
controlled by temperature instruments on the KC System.
2 ) These valves fail open upon
(a) Loss of Instrument air.
(b) "&"(Safety Injection) signal (LQCA unit only)
(c) Unitrrrain related ASP to LOCAL
3) Reset required at MCB to operate these valves after &.
Page a0 of 50
8. There is a two minute time delay before the operator may realign the
suction valves to the take. This allows system restoration to normal if the
signal was erroneous. Two minutes is sufficient time for all components
to respond and allows the operator to verify the error prior to attempting
to return to the normal lineup.
F. Actions on Safety injection S: (Obj. #12)
Z. ANY unit S, will:
a) Start all RN pumps
I) Pumpstart
(a) opens its discharge
(b) opens its motor cooler inlet
b) Close lube injection strainer crossover valves
2. LOCA unit specific action on S,:
a) Full KC Hx flow on LOCA unit
I) Throttle valve fully opens
(a) Unit 1 S, open: 1RN291 (KC Hx 1A Outlet Throttle), 352
(KC Hx 1B Outlet Throttle)
(b) Unit 2 S, open: 2RN291 (KC Hx 2A Outlet Throttle), 351
(KC Hx 28 Outlet Throttle)
b) Isolate LOCA unit Aux Bldg vent header
1) Unit 1 S, CLOSE: 1RN839A (Unit 1 AB Fuel Hdlg Rad Area
Sup Hdr), 841B (Unit 1 AB Fuel Hdlg Rad Area Ret Hdr)
2) Unit 2 S, - CLOSE: 2RN839A (Unit 2 AB Fuel Hdlg Rad Area
Sup Hdr), 841B (Unit 2 AB Fuel Hdlg Rad Area Ret Hdr)
3. If control has been switched to the ASPS, the only equipment
automatically positioned on an S, (which will occur during NC cooldown)
will be the lube injection strainer crossover valves (1RN36A, 376),and
the Aux 61dg vent header (1 and 2 RN839A, 841B)
G. Actions on containment high-high pressure S,(Ob]. #fa)
1. Assure discharge flow path
a) Any S,- OPEN 1RN63A (RN Header A Return To SNSWP), 588
(RN Header B Return To SNSWP)
2. Split LOCA unit essential header supplies
a) Unit 1 S, - Close 1RN47A (RN Supply X-Over Isol), 48B (RN Supply
X-Over Isol)
Page 33 of 50
Bank Qvestlon: 995 Answer: C
1 Pt(5) Unit 2 is operating at 100% power. Given the following events and conditions:
e Normal letdown alignment exists
0 Controlling pressurizer pressure channel fairs low.
0 Operator immediately transfers control to an alternate operable channel.
Assuming no additional operator action, which one of the following statements
correctiy describes how letdown flow responds?
A. Letdown flow will indicate approximately zero gpm.
B. Letdown flew will indicate approximately 45 gpm.
C. Letdown flow will indicate approximately 75 gpm.
D. Letdown flow will indicate approximately 120 gpm
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: Letdown remains in service
PEausible: Operator incorrectly determines that letdown will isolate on
low pressurizer pressure andor reactor trip will occur when the spray
valves and PORV NC-34A open
E. Incorrect: Normal letdown alignment has 75 gpm orifice in service
Plausible: Operator incorrectly determines that 45 gpm orifice is in
service for normal letdown alignment
c. Correct:
D. Incorrect: Normal letdown alignment has only the 75 gpm orifice in
Plausible: Both the 45 gpm and 75 gpm orifice are in service if
pressurizer level is being reduced.
Level: RO&SRO
KA: APE 027 AA2.08 (3.Z3.2)
Level of knowledge: comprehension
Lesson Plan Objective: HPE Qbj: 14
Source: New
1. OP-CN-PS-IPE page 10
2. OP-CN-PS-NV page 12
1. OP-CN-FS-IFE page 14
2. OP-CN-PS-NV page 12
- . 5
State the purpose of the Pressurizer Pressure Control (IPE)
Describe the operation of the pressurizer sprav valves
Explain the purpose of the spray bypass flow
Describe the operation of the pressurizes heaters
Describe the operation of the PORVs and the P O W motor
oaerated isolation valves
List the power sources (electrical and pneumatic) for the pressurizer
pressure control devices
Describe the controls and indications associated with IPE
List the nominal value for the alarms and control functions
generated by the pressurizer pressure master controller, assuming
the controller is set for 2235 psig
Describe all alarms, control functions, and interlocks which are
generated by pressurizer pressure but not controlled by the master
controNer, including setpoint and pressure channel
Describe the effect of adjusting the potentiometer on the pressurizer
pressure master controller while the controller is in automatic
Describe the effect the integral function has on the output of the
pressurizer pressure master controller
Describe how messurizer Dressure can be controlled in manual
List the protection signals and pemissives, including setpoints, that
are aenerated bv pressurizer pressure
Describe the effect a failure of a pressurizer pressure channel (high
or low ) has on pressurizer pressure control
List the prerequisites which must be met to enable bow
Temperature Overpressurn protection /LTOP)
For each train of LBQP list the PORV used and which channels of
temperature and pressure are used to generate an actuation signa!
including setpoints
Page 3 of 30
b) Manual
1) Bypasses master pressure controller signal
2) Operator positions valves using pushbuttons on M/A station.
c) Controller output signaliposition demand signal.
1) Indicated on spray controller
2 ) Is valve position.
3) PZR Spray Control valves are expected to indicate open
somewhere belwem 10% and 15 % demand. The actuator setup
is such that vakes will start to open when the positioner input
signal approaches approximately 6.3% demand. The valves v-
ball design is such that another 6.3% demand increase is required
to rotate the v-ball and slightly open a flow path. As such,a flow
path through the PZR spray controt valve will not be established
until the positioner input signal reaches approximately 12.6%
demand (i.e., somewhere between 10% and 15 % demand).
d) Lights on controller pushbuttons (red, green) indicate actual valve
position (open, closed).
e) With NC pump in operation, opening either NC27 or NC29 will
cause a pressure decrease in the reactor codant system as long as a
steam bubble exists in the BZR. The magnitude of the pressure
decrease is dependent on the length of time the valve remains open.
(PIP 2-96-2663)
f) During Boration or Dilution events, PZR heaters will be placed in
MANUAL and energized. This will result in a pressure increase and
corresponding spray flow increase as the spray valves open greater
than 2260 psig. This is done to allow better mixing of NC and PZR
water to keep the boron concentrations within 50 ppm.
3. Spray valve bypass flow (QBJ. #3)
a) Manual throttle valves in parallel with spray vabes.
b) .5gpm Row/spray line
1) Prevent thermal shock
2 ) Provide mixing between NCS and PZR.
c) Temperature sensor (2) indicates insufficient bypass flow with low
temp alarm.
G. Power Operated Relief Valves (POWS) (OBJ. #5)
1. General
a) Three PORVs
b) Discharge to PRT
Page 74 of 30
1) bow PZR level (17%).
2) Containment %solation (ST).
3) Closure of NVIA or NV2A (cannot open NVIOA, 11A or 13A
unless NV1 and 2 are open).
4) Beth centrifugal charging pumps tripped.
4. UD Orifices (2) Isolation Valves NV-11 & 13
a) Reduce coolant press - 1900 psig at design Row rate.
b) One 75 gpm orifice. This is the normal flowpath for letdown on Unit 2
(NV-13 Block Valve).
c) One 45 gpm orifice (NV-11 Block Valve). Used to obtain greater UD
Row in conjunction with 75 gpm orifice or reduce letdown flow as
required by procedures.
d) Max UD flow of 120 gpm at normat operating pressure.
5. UD Manual Flow Control Valve (NV843) (NV10 Block Valve)
a) Used to warm up downstream piping on Unit 2. On Unit 1 this is the
normal Betdown Rowpath and is set at 75 gpm per the NV operating
b) Flow rate of 5 to 110 gpm (when NCS pressure is less than or equal
to 385 psig).
c) Controlled from MCB via manual loader.
d) The power source for the control drcuit of this valve (NV 849) is now
a non-safety related, non-intenuptibie power source (1KXPB).
During a LOOP event, control of this valve is still available as tong as
the battery source for 1KXPB and VI are available.
e) The response of NV-849 to the controller shows that the flow
response is not linear throughout the scale and is as follows:
4) NV-849 does not respond until -35% demand on the controller.
2) OAC indicates the valve is full closed at 26% demand.
3) Demand is off scale high when flow is d10 gpm.
4) NV-849 travel stops are set for I10 gpm.
5) NV-849 flow rate is very sensitive in the 95-1I O + % demand
6 ) NV-$49 controls for a very steady flow rate once Set.
6. If Letdown flow is to be increased to greater than normal Row (greater
than 80 gpm) a new Dose Equivalent Iodine limit is instated per APIl8,
High Activity in Reactor Coolant.
Page 12 of 63
Bank Question: 996 Answer: C
1 Pt(s) Unit 1 is in the process of a plant s w p . Given the following plant
conditions and events:
W Mode 1 at 17% power
W Loop A flow instruments = 0% flow
Which one of the following statements correctly explains the loop A flow
A. NCP 1A automatically tripped when NCP 1A upper bearing KC
outlet flow exceeded 140 gpm.
B. NCP 1A automatically tripped when stator temperature
exceeded 311°F.
C. NCP IA was manually tripped when the NCP frame vibration
exceeded 5 mils
D. NCP 1A was manually tripped when the NCP shaft vibration
exceeded 5 mils
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: NCP does not automatically trip on KC temperature
Plausible: NCP upper bearing KC outlet low flow alarm is 140 gpm
B. Incorrect: NCP does not automatically trip on stator temperature
Plausible: NCP is manually tripped when stator temperature exceeds
- 3 I l°F
C. Correct:
D. Incorrect: NCP manuaily tripped when shaft vibration exceeds 20
Plausible: NCP is manually tripped when frame vibration exceeds 5
Level: RO&SRO
WA. APE 015/017AK2.10 (2.8*/2.8)
Lesson Plan Objective: NCP Obj: 12
Source: New
Level of Knowledge: memory
1. OP-CN-PS-NCP page 7
3ven a set of specific plant conditions and access lo reference materials,
jetermine the actions necessarv to comDly with Tech SpecslShC's.
- valuate NCP operations including:
1 NCP operability verification
1 NCP Starting duties
1 NCP malfunction
1 When immediate trip of the NCP is required
State the Immediate Actions of AP104 from memory.
%ate from memory all T.S actions for the applicable systems, subsystems
md components which require remedial action to be taken in less than 1
Page 4 of 29
3. Themalastic epoxy insulation system
4. Stator Air Cooler
a) Air to water heat exchanger
b) YV System (Backup from RN) (Obi #4)
c) Cook ventilation air to stator
5. Temperature detectors
a) Seven (7) detectors, with only 1 connected to OAC.
b) Located throughout the stator winding.
6. NCP must be secured if stator temp greater than or equal to 34 1" F .
(Obj #12)
7. Two (2) vibration monitors
On shaft and motor frame near lower radial bearing.
Provide signals to the NCP vibration monitor on the MCB for
control room indications. Alarms are provided for hi vibration
NCP must be tripped if vibration exceeds: shaft 20 mils, frame 5
mils (Obj #12)
Bases for trip:
a ) The 5 mils frame vibration limit was established based en
industry standards for rotating equipment operating at 1200
rpm. Operation of the NCP at frame levels above 5 mils for
short periods of time, as in emergency situations, will not result
in significant NCP damage. However, long-term operation at
elevated frame vibration levels can result in pump and motor
bearing damage.
2) The 20 mils shaft vibration limit ha5 been developed over
many years of observation of NCP operation. Experience has
indicated that no operational problems have developed on
NCPs operated below 20 mils. Due to cost and risk involved,
an absolute maximum shaft vibration limit has not been
established. The NCP can be operated for limited periods (24
hours or less) with vibration limits exceeding 20 mifs.
However, operation with high shaft vibration limits could result
in pump and motor bearing damage.
3. Pump Motor Components
1. Flywheel
a) Purpose is to ensure coolant flow through core for cooling during
pump coastdown after all four NCPs are tripped.
Page7of 27
Bank Question: 997 Answer: D
1 Pt(s) AP-21 (Loss OfConiponent Cooling) Foldout Page directs the operators to align
alternate cooling to the 1A NV pump. Enclosure 4, Step 7 directs the operators to
reduce motor cooler and oil cooler flow.
Why is YD flow to the 1A NV pump motor cooler and oil cooler flow reduced?
A. To maintain motor bearing temperature greater than 160°F and
stator temperature greater than 240°F.
B. To maintain motor bearing temperature less than 160°F and stallor
temperature less than 240°F.
C. To minimize chloride contamination of the KC system.
D. To reduce drainage to hD/NS sump, which minimizes radwaste.
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: motor bearing temperature is maintained less than 160°F and
stator temperature maintained less than 240T
Plausible: 160°F and 240°F are valid maximum allowed temperature
B. Incorrect: YD flow is reduced to minimize radwaste
Plausible: 160°F and 240°F are valid maximum allowed temperature
C. Incorrect: YD flow is reduced to minimize radwaste
Plausible: YD water is purged to the ND,NS sump to minimize Chloride
contamination of the KC system
D. Correct: Per note prior to step 7, enclosure 4.
Level: ROgLSRO
KA: APE 026 AK303 (4.W4.2)
Level of Knowkedge: Comprehension
Lesson Plan Objective: KC SEQ 10 & 14
Somce: New
I. AP/I/A/5500/21 Enclosure 4, page 2 , 4
State the DurDose of the KC Svstem.
Describe how the KC System is cooled.
Describe the normal flowpath of the KC System, including
each header and like @me of loads serviced bv each.
Explain what happens in the KC System during:
- Safety Injection (Ss)
- Phase A Containment Isolation (St)
- Phase B Containment Isolation (Sp)
~ Blackout
- bow bow KC Surge Tank bevel
Given appropriate plant conditions, apply limits and
precautions associated with 0&/1(2)/N6400/005
(Component Cooling Water System)
State the typical values of the KC pump discharge
pressure, KC Hx outlet temperature and KC pump flow.
State the basic actions required of an NLO for a loss O
Component Cooling Water and why.
Describe KC system makeup.
Draw a block diagram of the KC system per the KC System
Simplified Drawing.
Explain when the Chemistry group is to be notified
concerning the KC system.
Describe the purpose of the EMF'S associated with the KC
System and what is indicated by a high level radiation
List the instrumentationavailable in the control room for the
KC System.
ahen given a set of plant conditions and access to
- eferencemateriais, determine the actions necessary to
- omply with Tech SpedSLC's.
Discuss the supplementary actions for the loss of KC AP.
Page 3 of 26
API?lN5500121 Enclosure 4 - Page 2 of 7
5. Notify Control Roam SRO of the following:
- e Status
- 0 Enter ZA NV pump in TSAIL.
- 6. Notify Radwaste Chemistry (Ext. 5558) ob YD fBcw to NDINS sump.
m-The following step is to reduce YD drainage to the NDlNS sump an
minimize radwaste.
9. time and conditions permit, Tmppesform the following:
a. Reduce motor cooler flow as follows:
- 1) Notify Control Room to monitor Unit 1 OAC graphic NVPMPIA while performing the
following steps.
- 2) In the foliowing step do net exceed 160°F on the motor bearings and 240°F on the
Adequate time should be allotted between adjustments to allow motor
bearing and stator temperatures to stabilize.
3) Slowly throttle closed 1KC-A52 ( I A NV Pump Motor Cooler Outlet Throttle) to maintain
the following temperatures:
-* Motor bearings 150°F
- Stator 230°F.
b. Reduce oil cooler flow as follows:
- 1) Monitor 1 A NV pump gear drive and outboard thrust bearing temperatures locally.
- 2) In the following step do not exceed 155°F on the pump bearings
Adequate time should be allotted between adjustments to allow pump
bearing temperatures to stabilize.
- 3) Slowly throttle closed 1KC-A58 ( l a NV Pump Oil Cooiers Outlet Throttle) to maintain
bearing temperatures at 150°F.
I, 1
APll /A15500121 Enclosure 4 - Page 4 of 7
NOBE YD water is purged to the NDINS sump to minimize chloride contamination of the
KC System.
- 13. Attach air line to IVI-2293 (Available VI Isol) (AB-549, "-56, Rm 200).
14. Perform the following:
- a. Remove pipe cap from 1KCPX8310 (AB-551, JJ-56, Rm 200) (Ladder I ~e
- b. Attach air line.
- c. Open root valve for 1KCPX8310.
- 15. Open 1W-2293 (Available VI Isol).
- 16. Open 1KC-A5I ($A NV Pump Motor Cooler Inlet) for 5 minutes.
- 17. Close 1KC-A51 (la NV Pump Motor Cooler Inlet).
18. Open IKC-A56 ( I A NV Pump Speed Reducer Oil Cooler Inlet) for 5 minutes.
- 19. Close 1KC-A56 (9A NV Pump Speed Reducer Oil Cooler Inlet).
20. Open 1KC-A57 ( I A NV Pump Bearing Oii Cooler Inlet).
21. WHEN 5 minutes have passed, close 1\11-2293 (Available Vl Isol).
- 22. Remove air line from 1Vl-2293 (Available VI Isol).
23. Perform the following:
- a. Close root valve for 1KCPX8310.
- b. Remove air line.
- c. Replace pipe cap on 1KCPX8310.
Bank Question: 436.1 Answer: D
1 Pt(s) Unit 1 is responding to a station blackout. Given the following events and
- A fault occurred on the lEMXE load center that supplied power to the
1A B/G battery charger. Repairs to this load center have not been
RN was manually lined up to supply the DG KD system
- After two hours, the operators are ready to start the 1A diesel to restore
power on E T A .
What effect will the loss of power on 1EMXE have on diesel generator
A. The diesel w%l start and run normally due to backup control
power from VADA.
B. The diesel will not start due to loss of control power.
C. The diesel will start but the outout breaker will not close due to
D. The diesel will start and tqte inti1 the D/G battery is exhausted.
_-_________-__-__I__-------~---~---------~--- ------------
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: - the diesel will run until the DG battery is exhausted
Plausible: - if the candidate thinks that 120 VAC control power
can be restored thni VADA.
B. Incorrect: - DG control power is not lost until 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> of DG
Plausible: - if the candidate thinks that control power is lost due
to 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> idle drain on the battery or loss of EMXE.
61. Incorrect: - I25 VDC control power provides the needed
electrical power to start and load the DG
Plausible: - if the candidate believes that DG output breaker
control power is lost either by 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> idle drain on the battery or
Loss of EM=.
D. Correct: - D/G battery is sized for -2 hours runtime per Tech Spec Bases 3.8.4.
Level: RO&SKO
KA. APE 055 A1.05 ( 3 3 3 . 6 )
Lesson Plan Objective: DG-DG1 Obj: 1, 14, 15, 18
Source: Bank
Level of Knowledge: Comprehension
1. OP-CN-DG-DGI, page 13, 14,26
2. Tech Spec Basis B3.8.4, page 2
- ~.~
..... ...... -
......-__ ....
State the purpose of the Diesel Building Ventilation Svstem CVD)
Given a training diagram, trace the VD System flowpaths for the
following operating modes:
- Standby (Diesel Generator NOT running)
0 Test or Diesel Generator Operation
- Purge
Explain the operation of the VD System while in Standby
Explain the operation of the VB System in Test or while the Diesel
Generator is running.
Explain the VD System response to a CO, system actuation.
Explain the operation of the VD System when being used to purge
the diesel room after a CO, system actuation.
State the purpose of the Diesel Generator Starting Air System (VG)
Given a flow diagram, explain how starting air pressure is supplied
to the Diesel Generator.
Explain how the VG Compressors automatically operate to maintain
VG receiver tank pressure.
State the reason Diesel Generator automatic starts are blocked on
low VG pressure.
Explain the effect of a loss of control air pressure on the Diesel
State the purpose of the 125VDC Diesel Generator Auxiliary Power
System (EPQ).
List the major DC Loads supplied by the EPQ System.
Given a one-line diagram, explain how the EPQ system provides
BC power to the major B 6 Leads.
State the power supplies to the EPQ System battery chargers.
Describe the ground detection controls and indications used at
Catawba Nuclear Station
Page 4 of 28
Describe how a ground is indicated OR the ground detection devices X X
used at Catawba Nuclear Station
Summarize DC battesy operation under loaded conditions X X
e State where to obtain accurate indication OB a
battery's condition
State actions to be taken to minimize the drain on a
Describe the operational characteristics when
subjected to heavy loads for Bong periods of time
Explain the effect of a loss of BC control power on the Diesel x x
Senerator while it is shutdown.
State the purpose of the Diesel Generator fuel Oil System (FD) x x
Siven a training diagram, trace the FD system flowpaths for: x Y
- FD Storage Tank recirculation and transfer.
FD Supply from the Main Fuel Oil Storage Tank to the
FD Day Tank.
e FD Supply from the FB Day Tank to the Diesei Engine
fuel iniectors.
State the conditions that may require manual operation of the FD
9C 5ooster Pump.
-ist the conditions that would Cause an automatic trip of the FD Y Y
qecirc Pump.
3xDlain the operation of the FD recirc pump trip bypass key-switch. <
Zxplain the method used for FD Main Fuel Oil Storage Tank water Y
nspection and water removal.
State the power supplies and failure mode for the FD Day Tank Fill
Solenoid Vaives.
Zxplain the automatic actions that occur on an FD Day Tank Y
?etaining Wall high level.
State. the purpose of the Diesel Engine Jacket Water Cooling Water
%stem (KD)
Page 5 of 28
5. Loss of Diesel Engine Control Air (Obj. #I 1)
a) Control Air is used to actuate the Diesel Engine Shutdown Cylinder
should a trip signal occur.
b) 250 psig VG pressure is provided to the Diesel Engine Control Panel
where it is regulated down to 60 psig.
c) Loss of Control Air pressure results in the inability to shutdown the
diesel engine by normal means.
C. Review OP/1/N6350/002 (Diesel Generator Operation) Limits and
Precautions associated with the VG System (Obj.#39).
2.3 125VBC Diesel Generator Auxiliary Control Power System (EPQ)
A. Purpose (Qbj. #12)
The 125VDC Diesel Generator Auxiliary Control Power §ystern provides DC
power to the diesel engine controls, generator field flash, and may provide
control power to the associated 416OV Essential bus switchgear.
B. System Description and Operation
1. Major DC Loads (Obj. #13)
a) The Diesel Engine Control Panel DECPA(B)
b) The Diesel Generator Control Panel DGCPA(B)
c) Auctioneering Diode Assembly VADA (B) Essential switchgear
control power may be provided by the diesel auxiliary control power
system or the vital instrument and control power system via an
auctioneering diode arrangement.
d) Diesel Generator Field Flash
e) Starting Air Soiesloid Valves
f) Miscellaneous Diesel Engine Controls
g) 125VBC Distribution Center BGBA(B) - sub-loads include:
0 DC Fuel Oil Booster Pump
2. One Line Diagram (Obj. #74)
3. Battery BGBA(B) and Charger DGCA(B) (Obj. #15)
a) Converts 6OOv AC input into 125VDC output
b) Powered from EMXE (EMXF)
c) Normal power supply to DC loads.
d) Battery DGBA(B)
1) Backup power supply to BC loads.
Page f 3 of 28
2) Battery electrolyte temperature is dependent on diesel room
temperature. Electrolyte temperature must be maintained within
a certain range in order for the batteries to remain OPERABLE.
e) DC battery operation under loaded conditions (Obj. # 18) (SER3-99,
PIP C-00-7223)
I)When batteries consisting of more than one cell are discharged
for an extended period of time, the potential exists for individual
cells to drop below the voltage of the battery bank. Under loaded
conditions the most accurate indication of a battery's condition
(voltage) is taken at each individual cell and not at the distribution
center or any meter which measures voltage across the entire
bank of batteries.
2) When a battery is under a heavily loaded condition for a long
period of time a phenomena known as cell reversal may occur.
Cell reversal is a condition where an individual battery cell
reverses polarity. The positive lead becomes the negative lead
and the negative lead becomes the positive lead. When this
happens, the cell becomes a load on the battery and causes the
battery's voltage to decrease rapidly. This phenomena occurs at
approximately 88-85% of normal battery voltage. Once a cell
has undergone cell reversal, it cannot be recovered.
3) how battery voltage can cause damage to the remaining cells in
a battesy bank and damage the equipment being supplied from
the battery.
4) TQ prevent cell reversal and damage to equipment being
supplied by a battery we have to minimize the drain on the
battery. Actions taken to minimize the drain on a battery include
removing non-vital loads from the DC bus, placing AC portions of
these systems on alternate power sources, and consulting
station management to for recommended loads to remove from
a BC bus.
5) Anytime battery voltage drops below 105 VDC, the battery is
removed from the bus.
f) Ground Detection (Obj. # 16 & 67)
1) A ground detection device and two auxiliary relays are provided
on each distribution center to detect and alarm for grounds on
either the bus leg (positive or negative) of the DC distribution
2) Upon ground detection, the auxiliary relays provide alarm outputs
to both a control room annunciator via a relash module and the
Operator Aid Computer.
Page f4 of 28
125VDC Diesel Auxiliary Power System (EPQ)
Page 26 of 28
DC Sources-Operating
B 3.8.4
BACKGROUND (continued)
The DC power distribution system is described in more detail in Bases for
LCO 3.8.9, "Distribution System-Operating." and LCO 3.8.10,
"Distribution Systems-Shutdown."
Each 125 V vital DC battery (EBA>EBB, EBC, EBD) has adequate
storage capacity to carry the required duty cycle of its own load group and
the loads of another load group for a period of two hours. Each 425 V
vital DC battery is also capable of supplying the anticipated momentary
loads during this two hour period. The 125 V DC DG batteries have
adequate storage capacity to carry the required duty cycle for 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />
Each 125 V vital DC battery is separately housed in a ventilated room
apart from its charger and distribution centers. Each subsystem or
channel is located in an area separated physically and electrically from
the other subsystem to ensure that a single failure in one subsystem does
not cause a failure in a redundant subsystem. There is no sharing
between redundant Class 1E subsystems, such as batteries, battery
chargers, or distribution panels, except for the spare battery charger
which may be aligned to either train.
The batteries for each channel DC electrical power subsystems are sized
to produce required capacity at 80% of nameplate rating, corresponding
to warranted capacity at end of life cycles and the 100% design demand.
Battery size is based on 125% of required capacity The voltage limit is
2.13 V per cell, which corresponds to a total minimum voltage output of
125 V per battery discussed in the UFSAR, Chapter 8 (Ref. 4). The
criteria for sizing large lead storage batteries are defined in IEEE-485
(Ref. 5).
Each channel of DC electrical power subsystem has ample power output
capacity for the steady state operation of connected loads required during
normal operation, while at the same time maintaining its battery bank fully
charged. Each battery charger also has sufficient capacity to restore the
battery from the design minimum charge to its fully charged state within
8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> while supplying normal steady state loads discussed in the
UFSAR, Chapter 8 (Ref. 4).
APPLICABLE The initial conditions of Design Basis Accident (DBA] and transient
SAFETY ANALYSES analyses in the UFSAR, Chapter 6 (Ref. 6), and in the UFShR,
Chapter 15 (Ref. 7), assume that Engineered Safety Feature (ESF)
systems are OPERABLE. The DC electrical power system provides
Catawba Units 1 and 2 0 3.8.4-2 Revision No. 1
Bank Question: 493.1 Answer: A
1 Pt(s) Unit I was holding at 72%power during a load increase to 100% power
when 4 control rods in bank D failed to move with the rest of the bank during
a Xenon burnout transient. Given the following events and conditions:
Rod control was in automatic
- Rod control urgent failure alarm had NOT actuated
Bank D group counter is at 112 steps
2 rods in bank D are at 120 stcps
- 3 ro& in bank D are at 108 steps
Which one of the following statements correctly describes the operator
actions prior to attempting rod realignment?
A. Place control rods in manual and do not move control rods. Wold
rods at present position until realignment.
B. Place control rods in manual and insert the 2 rods in bank D to
108 steps within one hour.
C. Place control rods in manual and withdraw the 3 rods in bank D
to 120 steps within one hour.
D. Trip the reactor and enter E-0.
Distracter Analysis: Tech Spec 3.1.4 LCO B requircs rod position to be
restored within alignment limits (+ or - 12 steps) within one hour or
power reduced c: 75%. A Xenon burnout causes positive reactivity to
he added and the rods will move IN to compensate. The candidate
must determine which rods are stuck ifhekhe cannot recall that the
rods can remain where they are if power is c: 75%.
A. Correct: The rod$ do not exceed the >12-step alignment spec from
group counter - immediate action from AP15.
B. Incorrect: Reactor power is 75% - not required to restore rod
position within one hour
Plausible: If power was > 75%, this would he correct
G. Incorrect: Reactor power is < 75% - not required to restore rod
position W i t h one hour. Also, a Xenon bumout transient causes
rods to move IN not OUT in auto rod controi. Thus the rods that are
stuck are at 120 steps not 108 steps. Attempting to insert the stuck
rods will not be successfu1.
Plausible: Tech spec 3.1.4 requires rod alignment to be restored in
one hour or reduce power below 75%.
Ques-493.1 .doc
D. Incorrect: Rods are not > 12 steps misaligned
Plausible: If more than one rod is misaligned by > 12 steps, then the
immediate action would be to trip the reactor
Level: RO&SRO
K A APE 005 EK1.03 (3.2/3.6)
Lesson Pian Objective: IRE Qbj 18 EDA Qbj: 6
Source: Mod Ques-493 Catawba NRC 1999
Level of knowledge: comprehension
1.COLR Figure 2
2Tech Spec 3.1.4
3. 1AD-2, B3 Comparator PR Channel Deviation
4. QP-CN-IC-IRE page 22,23
5. MI4 page 2
6. OF-CN-IC-EDA page 6
Ques-493.1 .doc
.....................................-. ..........................~-
Objective s
State the number of Control Banks, Shutdown Banks and total number
of rods
State the rod speeds for various modes of operation
State from memory all B.S actions for the applicable systems,
subsystems and components which require remedial action to be taken in
less than 7 hour8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br />.
State from memory, the immediate actions required per AWl/A/5500/1!3
Rod Control Malfunction
Given a set of specific plant conditions and access to reference materials,
determine the actions necessary to comply with Tech Specs/SLCs
Movement Test, as a reference, explain
the MG set overcurrent relays.
Hour: 3 Hours
Page 4 of 24
Objective s T
State the purpose of the EDA System. I!.*$;$>?.I
Be able ta describe how the EDA system detects, determines, and
jisolavs the Dositions of the control rods. ....
State system accuracv for normal and abnormal system conditions. ._.
ahen given a set ef initial conditions and a copy of Tech Specs, correctly $$?
jetermine the necessary actions to maintain compliance with Tech :. >g
.....r .,
j , ..,
SDecs. ... .. . ..
Page 9 of 27
Revision 19
Catawba 2 Cycle 12 <&*ore Operating Limits Report
Figure 2
Control Bank Insertion Limits Versus Percent Rated Thermal Power
Fully Withdrawn
2 Fully With6mwn
(Minimum = 226)
.-& 640 (Control Bank C )
0 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 YO 100
Percent of Rated Thermal Power
NOTE: Compliance with Technical Specification 3.1.3 may require rod withdrawal Iits.
Refer to the Unit 2 ROD manual for details.
Rod Group Alignment Limits
3.1.4 Rod Group Alignment Limits
LCO 3.1.4 All shutdown and control rot shall ? OPERABLE, with all individual
indicated rod positions within 12 steps of their group step counter demand
A. One or more rod($) A.l .IVerify SBM is within the Z hour
untrippable. limit specified in the COLR.
A.I.2 Initiate boration to restore 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />
SDM to within limit.
A.2 Be in MODE 3. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.1.4-1 Amendment Nos. 1731165
Rod Group Alignment Limits
ACTIONS (continued)
8. One rod not within B.1 Restore rod to within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />
alignment limits. alignment limits.
- Verify SDM is within the 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />
limit specified in the COLR.
B.2. .2 Initiate boration to restore 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />
SDM to within limit.
8.2.2 Reduce THERMAL 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />
POWER to 5 75% RTP.
B.2.3 Verify SDM is within the 3nce per
limit specified in the COLR. 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br />
8.2.4 Perform SR 3.2.1.I. 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />
3.2.5 Perform §R 2 haurs
3.2.6 Re-evaluate safety i days
analyses and confirm
results remain valid for
duration of operation under
these conditions.
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.1.4-2 Amendment Nos. 173/165
Rod Grow Alianment Limits
C. Required Action and C.l Be in MODE 3. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />
associated Completion
Time of Condition B not
B. More than one rod not D . l . l Verify SBM is within the 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />
within alignment limit. limit specified in the COLR.
8.1.2 Initiate boration to restore 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />
required SDM to within
B.2 Be in MODE 3. 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />
SR Verify individual rod positions within alignment limit.
4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> and every
4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> thereafter
position deviation
Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.1.4-3 Amendment Nos. 173/165
Rod Group Alignment Limits
the reactor head
a. ,T. z 551"F; and
Catawba Units Iand 2 3.1.4-4 Amendment Nos. 173/165
SETPOINT: Variablc, this sctpoint may he adjusted by IAE usiri: H'/0~13240/04L,to
eliminatc nuisance alarins in the Cotttrol Room.
ORIGIN: Comparator in Comparacor And Rate Drawer, difference between highest
and lowest channel.
PRQBABLE 1. Flux Tilt
CAUSE: 2. P/R in test
3. Instruinent mal fuoc t ion
4. Dropped rod
NOI'E: 111 ordcr to completely bypass (ha[ cli:iiuid, rlic following bypass switches niug bc
selected to that channel on the miscellaneous control and indicalion pnnei:
>.___L__ -.-..
a) Bank D full rod withdrawal
b) Lo Turbine Imp. Press less than 15%
2.4 Setpoints, Limits and Precautions
A. Setpoints
1. Rod Stop Interlocks. For the Rod Stop setpoints, see the section on Rod
2. Rod Speeds (Obi. #15)
a) Shutdown Banks - 64 steps/rnin
b) Control Banks Manuai or Bank Select 48 stepslmin
c) Control Bank Auto Variable 8 to 72 steps/min
3. Bank Overlap - amount of overlap varies (listed in Reactor Operating
Data Book)
B. Limits and Precautions
1. Refer to OP/1/N6150/008, Rod Control, for applicable Limits and
2. Refer to PT/I (2)/N4600/001~RCCA Movement Test for Limits and
2.5 Procedures (Obj. #21)
A. The following procedures should be reviewed and covered with the class as
1. OP/I/N6150/008, Rod Control (Obj. #3, 16): Use this procedure to
explain the basic operation of the Rod Control System during start up and
re-aligning a dropped or misaligned rod. For BSS & NLO classes, cover
the NLO Actions for a rod retrieval.
2. AP/I/N5500/14, Control Rod Misalignment. AP/14 now has two cases.
a) Ensure Immediate Actions are covered for both cases. (Qbj. #20)
b) Ensure reason for tripping the reactor on multiple dropped rods is
understood. (Obj. #23) Dropping multiple rods may put the plant in a
previously unanalyzed condition, especially if the rods drop in
different groups. Chapter 15 of the UFSAR only analyzes dropped
rods from the same group. Concerns for the core would be
exceeding peaking factors and BNBR.
3. AP/I/N5500/15, Rod Control Mslfunction (Qbj. #?8). Ensure Immediate
Actions for Case If are covered.
Page 22 of 24
4. PT/1/N4600/0OlI RCCA Movement Test, (Obj. #22). Use this procedure
for RO/SROs to explain how to perform the test, including Limits and
Precautions. For IS§ and NbBs explain how lo determine Rod Control
Power Supply Fuses status and how to verify selected banks GRP
SELECT Light is bit.
2.6 Technical Specifications (Obj. #19)
Review the latest revision of the following Tech. Specs and use prepared
exercises to cover the specifications and their interpretations with the class.
Small group exercises are preferred.
A. 3.1.4 Movable Control Assemblies.
1. Ensure the students understand how the Rod Motion Monitor works and
when it is used.
2. Ensure students know what the Rod Deviation Monitor is as referenced in
SR (Pi$ 2-C98-1612)
a) The rod deviation monitor relies on points in the OAC Rods program
to compare DRPl and Demand position for each group of rods.
Points 61P I551 - 1559 wili alarm if any rods DRPl and respective
group Demand deviate by more than +I 1 steps. This will generate a
Hi or LO alarm with the MI-HI or b0-LO coming in at +I2 steps.
B. 3.1.5S/D Bank Insertion Limit.
C. 3.1.6 Control Bank Insertion Limits.
D. 3.1.7 Position Indications Systems Operating (Shutdown requirement is now
in SLC).
E. 3.1.8 Physics Tests Exceptions this spec has a required action of less than
one hour (Obj. #IT)
F. Rod drop time requirement has been moved to the SR
2.7 Operational Occurrences.
A. In July, 96, 2LXC Normal incoming breaker tripped OPEN unexpectedly.
One item of interest from this is that 2A MG Set continued to RUN, even
without power from 2kXC. There were no protective or fault relays picked up,
thus all breakers stayed closed and MG Set 28 powered 2A. A note has
been added to the Annunciator Response for 1/2 AD-I 1 to alert the operator
to this potential. A step has been added to the Annunciator Response
procedure to have the operator secure the affected MG Set. Conversation
with SME indicates that a reverse power relay should have picked up and
tripped the 2A MG set. (PIP 2C96-1601).
3. Check operational data base for any applicable industry or CNS events.
Page 23 of 24
Verify only one rod MISALIGNED. IF two or more rods are misaligned by
greater than 24 steps, THEN:
- a. Manuaily trip Reactor.
- b. GO Io.EP/1/N5000/E-O (Reactor Trip
Or Safety Injection).
Ensure "CRD BANK SELECT" switch IN -
Verify affected rod bottom light(s) = - E rod is dropped, THEN GO TQ Case II
DARK. (Dropped Control Rod).
Stop any turbine load changes in
Adjust turbine load to maintain T-Avg
within 4°F of T-Ref.
NOTE If either "Data A Failure" or "Data f3 Failure" is indicated, and the "No Urgent
Alarm" block is green, then the affected individual rod position indications will be
in the "Half Accuracy" mode providing 12 step increment position indication
instead of 6. Individual rod position indication may differ by as much as 10 steps
from group step counter indication.
6. Verify any of the following BRPl _- GO - TO Step 11.
indications - IN ALARM:
- Data A Failure
- Data B Failure
B. Each Data Cabinet generates a 5 bit digital code, gray code, for each of the
53 rods. There are 20 valid gray codes which correspond to 12 step
increments of rad travel. When the rod position data from both Data A and
Data B are combined, the system accuracy increases to indicating every 6
steps of rod movement.
7 ~ The bottom two coils, AllBI, are always penetrated and the top two coils,
MIlB21, are never penetrated. The rod physically cannot go below the
bottom coil or above the top coil around the rod drive housing.
2. The Data Cabinets are located in containment to minimize the number of
containment electrical penetrations. The Data Cabinets are connected to
the Data A and Data B Computers by one cable each. This cable is used
to receive rod address information from and send the corresponding rod
position data to the Data.
E. A set of address lines from the Data Computers to both Data Cabinets
determines which rods gray code position is placed on the data lines. The
Data Computers continually cycle through all 53 rod addresses.
F. The Data Computers use the position data from both Data Cabinets to
calculate the position of each rod, and provide an output to the CRT drivers
for Control Board Display.
G. If the data from one cabinet is inaccurate because of cabinet or detector
failure, the valid data&ro is used for position calculation and a yellow A or B
light will flash for that rod along with a A Failure or Data B Failure on the
Control Board Display, and a Non-urqent annunciator. Rod position will be
half-accuracy, indicating every 12 steps instead of every 6 steps.
H. The Data Computers continually update and send all rod position data and
signals to the OAC when a rods position has changed.
1. The lowest position display for each rod is the Rod Bottom indicator.
2.3 Functional Description f05J #2) (Refer to CN-IC-EDA-I)
A. Detectors
1. Forty-two (42) coils spaced at 3.75 intervals (six steps).
2. Every other coil connected to one Data Cabinet.
3. Rod drive shaft concentrates magnetic flux in coil to increase inductance.
4. Increase in inductance causes increase in AC voltage drop across coil.
B. Detector/Encoder Card
1. Detects one rods position and generates a corresponding 5 bit digital
gray code.
2. The 21 coils of a detector are connected to one DetectoriEncoder Card
for each rod (53 total cards) in each Bata Cabinet.
Page 6 Of 71
Bank Quesfion: 51 1.I Answer: B
1 Pt(s) Unit 2 is responding to a LOCA outside containment. The operators have
reached step 22 of E-1 when the STA reports the following critical safety
functions (CSFs) status indications on the OAC:
CSF Status
5. HEAT S M Red
What is the correct order in which these CSFs shall be prioritized for
A. 5,2,6,4,3,1
B. 2,5,6,1,4,3
C. 5,2,6,1,4,3
D. 2,5,6,4,3,1
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorreet: Core cooling has a higher priority than heat sink for red
paths, and INVEWQRY yellow takes precedence over greens.
Plausible: if the candidate reverses the relative priority of the red
paths, and thinks that the priority is the order of relative importance
of the CSFs for yellow/green.
B. Correct answer
C. Incorrect: Core cooling has a higher priority than heat sink for red
Plausible: If candidate reverses the relative priority of the red paths.
D. Incorrect: Core cooling and heat sink have higher priority than sub
criticality with a yellow path.
Plausible: If candidate does not recall the priority rules; this is the
correct order of priority without regard to COLORS.
Level: RO&SRO
KA: G 2.4.21 (3.7M.3)
Lesson Plan Objective: EP-CSF Obj: 2
Sourcc: Mod; Ques-511, Cdtawba NRC 1999
Level of knowledge: memory
1.OP-CN-El'-CSF 6-7
2. OMP 1-7 page I I
Que-511. Ldoc
1 Pt(s) Unit 2 is responding to a LOCA in containment. The operators have reached
step 18 of E-0 when the STA reports a valid ORANGE PATH on
subcriticality. Given the following critical safety functions status indications
on the OAC:
CSF status
what is the correct order in which these CSFs shall be prioritized for
A. 3,1,6,5,2,4
B. 3,6,1,5,2,4
G. 3,1,6,2,5,4
D. 3,6,1,2,5,4
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: Containment does not have priority over subcriticality
PlausibIe: if the candidate thinks that the priority is the order of
relative importance of the critical safety hcction
B. Incorrect: Core cooling has higher priority tkan NC Inventory for
yellow paths
Plausible: If candidate does not recall relative priority
C. Incorrect: Subcriticality has a higher priority than containment or
orange paths
Plausible: : If candidate does not recall relative priority
D. Correct answer
............ . . . . . ~ _ _ _ I ~ ~ - OPERATIONS
I Safety Function Status
(Ernergency/AbnormaI Procedure implementation Guidelines)
C. OAC (OM. #4)
1. SPDS alarm box is displayed in upper right section of the OAC screens.
a) Flashes when alarm condition exists.
b) Color indicates highest priority function in alarm
2. SPDS Alarm Status screen is reached by double clicking the alarm box.
a) All 6 functions plus ND Flow and Radiation status is displayed with
color code and flashing for those in alarm.
b) Clicking on any color-coded box takes you to the appropriate tree
diagram which will have the alarm path color-coded.
c) Clicking the procedure circle on the right side of the tree diagram
takes you to the appropriate Logic Diagram.
d) Clicking the data input on the left side of the logic diagram takes you
to the Group Display for that data input.
D. Alarm Screen (OBJ. #4)
1. The Critical Safety Functions Status is also displayed at the bottom of the
alarm screen.
a) Color-coded.
b) Boxes flash until acknowledged or cleared.
c) Highest priority on the left descending to lowest priority on right.
2. Clicking on the box will take you to the Tree Diagram unless you are
using the dedicated alarm monitor, which cannot change from the alarm
2.3 Logic Plant parameters are monitored for input to the CSFs via the OAC:.
Redundant inputs are used when possible to allow continued SPBS display with a
failed input. Point List found in the footer of the alarm status screen, provides a
point status summary report of all SPBS point units bad, or inserted quality
2.4 Primary Display
A. Always displayed on bottom portion of alarm video
I Eight colored blocks
2. Highest priority to left, descending to right
El. Five possible colors (OBJ. #2)
1. Red - Immediate operator action required.
2. Orange - CSF severely challenged, prompt action required.
3. Yellow - CSF not fully satisfied, may need operator action.
4. Green CSF satisfied.
Page 6 cf 92
5. Magenta - CSF status cannot be determined due to failed or OOS inputs.
6. Priority
1. When two red alarms occur, the one on the lefi should receive priority.
2. Any red alarm takes priority over any other color or position.
3. Ail alarms can be documented on the printer by selecting print.
2.5 Supporting Displays
A. SPDS Alarm Status
1. Available via either the alarm area of all OAC screens by clicking the
SPDSbox in upper right or at the bottom of the Alarm Screen.
2. Prioritized by position and color.
3. Flash until acknowledged.
B. Tree Diagrams
4 ~ Obtained by checking the appropriate box on the SPDS Alarm Status.
2. Color-coded to display alarm path
3. ACC indicated if applicable.
C. Logic Diagrams
I. Obtained by clicking the appropriate circle on the right side of diagram.
2. Color-coded to display alarm path.
D. Inputs
?. Subcriticality
a) Source Range Startup Rate
b) Wide Range Neutron Power Startup Rate
c) Intermediate Range Startup Rate
d) Wide Range Neutron Power
e) Power Range Indication
9 Reactor Protection System (Reactor trip required)
g) Control Rod on bottom indication
h) Reactor trip breaker position
2. Core Cooling
a) Core Thermocouples
b) Subcooling
c) NCP trip indication
d) RVLlS indication
Page 7 of 12
Operations Management Procedure 1-7 Page 11 of 25
0 If a valid orange path is encountered, the
operator is expected to scan all of the remaining
trees, and then, if no red path is encountered, to
promptly implement the corresponding EP. if
during the perfomrance of an orange path
procedure, any red condition or higher priority
orange condition arises, then the red or higher
priority orange condition shall be addressed
first, and the original orange path procedure
0 Once a procedure is entered due to a valid red or
orange condition. that procedure shall be
performed to completion unless preempted by
some higher priority condition. It is expected
that the actions in thc procedure will clear the
red or orange condition before all the operator
actions are complete. However, these
procedures shall be performed to the point of
the defined transition to a specific procedure.
At this point, any lower priority red or orange
paths currently indicating or previously started
but not completed shall be addressed.
0 if a CSF procedure directs the operator to return
to the procedure and step in effect and the
corresponding status tree continues to display
the off normal condition, then the corresponding
CSF procedure does not have to be implemented
again since ali recovery actions have already
been completed. However, if thc same status
tree subscquently changes to a valid higher
priority condition, then the corresponding CSF
procedure shall be implemented as required by
its priority.
e Certain CSF procedures are used to address both
orange and red path conditions for the same
parameters. If the procednre is already in
progress due to the orange path condition, it is
not required to return to the first step if the
condition becomes rcd. Also, at the completion
of the procedure, the procedure does a have to
be implemented again, since all recovery
actions have already been implemented.
Bank Question: 511 Answer: D
1 Pt(s) Unit 2 is responding to a 1,OCA in containtnent. The operators have
reached step 18 of E-0 when the STA reports a valid ORANGE PATH on
subcriticality. Given the following critical safety functions status indications
on the OAC:
CSF Status
2. CORE COO1,rnG Yellow
What is the correct order in whic.h these CSFs shall be prioritized for
A. 3, 1,6,5,2,4
B. 3,6,1,5,2,4
C. 3, 1,6,2,5,4
D. 3,6,1,2,5,4
Distracter Anaiysis:
A. Incorrect: Containment does not have priority over subcriticality
Plausible: if the candidate thinks that the priority is the order of
relative importance of the critical safety function
B. Incorrect: Core cooling has higher priority than NC Inventoty for
yellow paths
Plausible: If candidate does not recall relative priority
C. Incorrect: Subcriticality has a higher priority than containment for
orange paths
Plausible: : If candidate does not recall relative priority
D. Correct answer
Bank Question: 578.1 Answer: D
1 Pt(s) Why do some ofthe phase A containment isolation valves located in lower
containment for the KC system haye a separate manual reset on 1MCT
A. The valves use air operators, which are not subject to S ~ U ~ ~ O U S
repositioning should they be submerged during containment
flooding therefore they may be reset and repositioned if required
by procedure.
B. The valves are all above the containment flooding level and are
not subject to spurious repositioning during containment
flooding therefore they may be reset and repositioned if required
by procedure.
C. A separate reset is required because a containment phase A
signal removes power from these valves musing them to fail
closed to prevent them from spuriously repositioning due to
containment flooding.
D. A separate reset is required because a containment phase A
signal disables the open circuits for these valves to prevent them
from spuriousty repositioning due to containment flooding.
- -
Distracter Analysis:
A. incorrect: Valvcs have MOVs not AOVs
Plausible: Some plants have mainly AOVs in contahment for this
B. Incorrect: Valves arc located below flooding plane
Plausible: This is one way of preventing the problem
C. Incorrect: Valves do not have closing power removed or this would
prevent actuation in response to a valid ESF signal
Plausible: This would prevent the valves from spuriously opening.
Some ECCS valves are protected this way.
D. Correct:
Level: RO&SRO
KA: WE15 EA1.3 (2.8/3.0)
Lesson Plan Objective: CNT Obj: 16
Source: Bank
Ques-518. Ldoc
Level of knowledge: memory
1. OP-CN-CNT-CNT page 20
2. OP-CN-EP-FRZ 6,4
EXPLAIN the operation of the personnel airlock doors for
emergency entry and exit.
Given appropriate plant conditions, APPLY limits and
precautions associated with station procedures related to
Personnel Air Lock Operations.
DESCRIBE the operation of the Containment Isolation ESF
systems for a Phase 'AContainment Isolation.
DESCRIBE the operation of the Containment Isolation ESF
systems for a Phase 'B'Containment Isolation.
STATE the purpose of the Containment Valve Injection Water
(NW) system.
STATE the Normal and Assured makeup water sources to the
NW system and state when each is used.
Given appropriate plant conditions, APPLY limits and
precautions associated with station procedures related to the
Containment Valve Injection Water (NW) System.
DESCRIBE the operation of NW system following the receipt of
an ESF signal.
DESCRLBE the purpose and method for performing Type A, B,
and C leak rate tests and N W valve leakage tests.
STATE the purpose for establishing containment closure and
refuelina containment intearitv durina shutdown conditions.
STATE when containment closure or refueling containment
intearitv is reauired.
STATE the definition of Thermal Margin and explain its
significance in relatlon to containment closure.
Page 5 of 27
d) These relays have manual reset capability in the control rmm.
4. Containment Isolation valves are identified in UFSAR Table 6-77 (Containment
Isolation Valve Data).
a) Lists all Containment Isolation Valves and indicates the appropriate Tech.
Spec. Condition for inoperabie valves.
b) Most are automatically operated valves. Some are manual valves that are
normally locked closed.
c) A few are manually operated and normally open. SA-1 and 4 (S/G to CAPT
Maintenance Isol) must be open for the CAPT to be OPERABLE, but are
also manual containment isolation valves. The abilin, to close these valves
ensures operability. These valves remain open because operability of the
CAPT is more safety significant than the need for SA-? and S A 4 to be
d) The SIG PQRVs are dual function valves, required to perform a
containment Isolation function and to be available for cooldown. Refer to
bC0 3.7.4(Steam Generator Power Operated Relief Valves (SG PQRVs).
e) NW must be available to containment isolation valves (where applicable)
being used to isolate a penetration to comply with any LCO 3.6.3 Required
G. Containment Valve Injection Water (NW) System
1. Purpose (Qbj.#15)
The Containment Valve Injection Water (NW) System provides a liquid seal
between the gates of containment isolation gate valves to prevent leakage out of
containment past the discs.
2. Description
a) Consists of two redundant trains; one train supplies valves powered from
train 'A' essential power and the other train supplies valves powered from
train '8'essential power.
b) This separation of trains prevents the possibility of both containment
isolation vaives not sealing due to a single failure.
c) Each train consists of a surge chamber that is water filled and pressurized
with nitrogen. Discharge from the header is through one main line that
branches into several headers.
Page 20 of 27
A. High Containment Hydrogen Concentration
Hydrogen concentration is monitored and controlled to prevent
explosive concentrations from developing. The combination of high
containment pfessure with a hydrogen burn could challenge
containment integrity.
1.2 Response to High Containment Pressure (EP/F-R-Z.IJ
A. Cover the purpose of FR-Z.1 as stated on the cover of the Z.1
procedure. (OBJM)
B. Red Path
Containment pressure greater than 15 psig
C. Orange Path
Containment pressure greater than 3 psig but less than I 5 psig
D. Major action step summary (OBJ.#3)
I. Verifv Containment Isolation and Heat Removal: Ensures that the
automatic actions which are very important during a high
containment pressure condition, have occurred.
2. Check for and Isolate a Faulted Steam Generator: High
containment pressure could result from a steamline break inside
containment. Therefore, if a steamline break is detected, the
operator is instructed to isolate the faulted steam generators to
try to eliminate the release of mass and energy, which is causing
the containment pressure.
3. Check for Excessive Containment Hvdrouen and Determine
Appropriate Action: The Hydrogen concentration is a concern
since a flammable mixture can burn, if an ignition source is
available, and cause a sudden rise in containment pressure
which may challenge containment integrity. Therefore, if the
hydrogen concentration is high, the operator is instructed to
either turn on the hydrogen reduction equipment or notify plant
engineering staff to determine the appropriate action.
E. Use the "Enhanced Background Document", maintained by the
Catawba Procedures Group, for a detailed discussion of the bases of
steps, notes, and cautions. (OBJ.#2,3,4)
1.3 Response to Containment Flooding (EP/FR-Z.2)
A. Cover the purpose of FR-Z.2 as stated on the cover of the 2.2
procedure. (OBJ.#l)
B. Orange Path
Containment Sump bevel Greater Than 15.5 ft.
c. Major action step summary (OBJ.#3)
1. Tw to ldentifv Unexpected Source of Sump Water and Isolateuf
Possible: The concern regarding flooding is that critical plant
components needed for plant recovery could be damaged and
rendered inoperable.
2. Notify Plant Enaineerina Staff of Sump Level and Activity Level:
By knowing the sump levei and activity level, the plant
engineering staff a n determine if the excess water can be
transferred to storage tanks located outside containment.
D. Use the "Enhanced Background Document", maintained by the
Catawba Procedures Group, for a detailed discussion of the bases of
steps, notes, and cautions. (OBJ.#2,3,4)
1.4 Response To High Containment Radiation bevel (EP/FR-Z.3)
A. C O Wthe + purpose of FR-Z.3 as stated on the cover of the 2.3
procedure. (OBJ.#l)
B. Yellow Path
Containment Radiation Greater Than 35 WHR, (EMF53A or 538)
C. Major action step summary (OBJ.#3)
1. Verifv Containment Ventilation Isolation: The isolation of the non-
essential ventilation penetrations are verified to prevent the
potential release of radioactivity from containment.
2. Place containment Atmosphere Filtration in Service: The
containment atmosphere filtration system is placed in service, if
appropriate criteria are satbfied, to reduce the activity level in the
containment atmosphere.
3. Notify Piant Enaineerinq Staff of Containment Radiation Level:
The operator is instructed to notify the plant engineering staff of
the containment radiation level in order to obtain their
recommended action. This information may be needed by the
plant engineering staff in order to determine potential offsite
D. Use the "Enhanced Background Document", maintained by the
Catawba Procedures Group, for a detailed discussion of the bases of
steps, notes and cautions. (OBJ.#2,3,4)
1.5 Response to High Containment Hydrogen Concentration (EWFR-Z.4)
A. Cover the purpose of FR-Z.4 as stated on the cover of the 2.4
procedure. (OBJ.#l)
B. Yellow Path
containment Hydrogen Concentration Greater Than 0.5%
Bank Question: 521 Answer: C
I Pt(s) Step 9.e of ECA-I, 1 (Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation) requires
operators to initiate NC system cooldown to cold shutdown:
"9.e Dump steam to c0ndenst.r while maintaining cooldown rate
based on N% T-colds as close aspossibk without exceeding 100 F
in an hour."
Which one of the following statements is in accordance with this step?
A. Attention should be paid to maintaining the cooldown rate at
100 OWhr as an ideal value but not lo be overly concerned ifthe
exact value is not achieved. Any previous cooldown that had
been conducted within the last hour nee& to be considered.
B. Attention should be paid to maintaining the cooldown rate at
100 "Fhr as an ideal value hut not to be overly concerned if the
exact value is not achieved. Any previous cooldown that had
been conducted within the last hour does NOT need to be
C. Considerable attention must be devoted to achieving and
maintaining this cooldown rate - OMP 1-4 guidance on setpoints
does not apply to this step. Any previous cooldown that had been
conducted within the last hour needs to be considered.
D. Considerable attention must be devoted to achieving and
maintaining this cooldown rate - OMP 1-4 guidance on setpoints
does not apply to this step. Any previous cooldoavn that had been
conducted within the last hour does NOT need to be considered.
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: Not in accordance with the background document
knowledge/ability for this step.
Plausible: This is the standard OhW guidance for cooldowns.
B. Incorrect: Not in accordance with the background docunieni
knowledge/abiliiy for this step. Previous cooldowns need to be
Plausible: This is the standard OMP pidance for managing
cooidown rates in most EOPs.
G. Correct answer - per the Background document
D. Incorrect: Must consider previous cooldowns
Ques-52 1.doc
Plausible: Cooling down is very important under these
Level: RO&SRO
KA: \VE11EK3.2 (3.5h.O)
Lesson Plan Objective: EP2 Obj: 28
Source: Bank
Level of knowledge: memory
1.OP-W-EP-EP2 page 13
2. IECA-1.1 Background document step 9e page 10
3. OMP 1.4 page 6
Bases, including any identified knowledges/abilities, for
all of the steps, notes, and cautions in EP/I/N5000/ES-1.I(SI
Page 4 of 14
........ ...........
a) A controlled cooldown is initiated early to decrease the overall
temperature of the NC system in order to reduce the need for heat
removal. The SGs are further depressurized to decrease the NC
pressure and temperatures for the following reasons:
1) to inject the SI accumulators;
2) minimke break flow from a LOCA; and
3) to reach NB system conditions.
4. Try t5 Add Makeup to the NC System from Alternate Source
a) At this point there is no SI flow injecting since the FWST is empty and
recirculation capability is lost. Therefore, the operator should provide
makeup from any alternate source to cool the core.
6. Use the "Enhanced Background Document" for detailed step description.
2.7 EP/I/N5000/ECA-I 2 (LOCA Outside Containment)
A. Overview
1. Purpose: This procedure provides actions to identify and isolate a LOCA
outside containment.
2. There is one explicit transition to this guideline, which is contained in 4,
(Reactor Trip or Safety Injection), on abnormal radiation in the auxiliary
building due to a loss of NC inventory outside containment. If the leak is
isolated based upon increasing NC pressure, the operator is transferred
to E-? (boss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant). If the leak cannot be
isolated, the operator is sent to ECA-1.1, (Loss of Emergency Coolant
Recirculation), since eventually there will not be any inventory in the
containment sump to provide recirculation.
B. Major Action Summary
1. Verify Proper Valve Alignment
a) All normally closed valves in lines that penetrate containment are
verified closed. If a normally dosed valve is open, this action may
isolate the break.
2. identify and Isolate Break
a) The operator then attempts to identify and isolate the break by
sequentially closing all normally open valves in paths that penetrate
3. Verify Leak Path Is Isolated
a) NC pressure is monitored to determine if the break has been
isolated. NC pressure increasing indicates the break is isolated and
the operator is sent to E-I , (Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant).
If the leak is not isolated, the operator transfers to ECA-?.I (Loss of
Emergency Coolant Recirculation), for further recovery actions.
Page 13 Qf 14
SrEP 9: In-it:ate NC Systea cooldowri t o Cold Shutdcwri as follows:
To begin a c o n t r o l l e d NC System cooldcwn t o cG;d shutdown temperature using a
preferred gr a l t e r n a t e metlod w i t h a s p e c i f i e d maximum cooldown r a t e .
The o b j e c t i v e o f a c o n t r o l l e d cooldown i s t o reduce t h e o v e r a l l temperature o f
the NC Systcm coolant and metal t o reduce t h e need f o r supportir,g p l a n t
systems and equipment required f o r heat removal. The maximum cooldown r a t e o f
l G V F / h r w i l l preclude v i o l a t i o n o f the I n t e g r i t y Status Tree thermal shock
l i m i t s . The preferred steam release patti i s t o t h e condenser t o conserve
i w e n t o r y : however. atmospheric release i s the s t a t e d a l t e r n a t i v e . I f steam
cannot be duinped from i 2 t a c t S/tis t o the condenser o r by us?ng PORVs. t h e
operztor should use any other p l a n t s p e c i f i c means o f reaoving water o r st.eae
from t h e i n t a c t S / G s . This could include opening t h e bicvdown l i n e s o r
operatior: o f t h e steam d r i v e n AFW pump. I f no i n t a c t S/tis are a v a i l a b l e , t h e
operator i s i n s t r u c t e d t o use a f a u l t e d S/G.
The f o l l o w i n g performance standards are t h e management expectations that
should be a p p l i e d t o a l l cooldowns conducted i n t h e EPs where a cooldown r a t e
l i m i t i s specified:
a. I n a l l cases. t h e highest p r i o r i t y i s n o t t o exceed t h e stated cooldown
b . The Westinghouse Owners Group has i d e n t i f i e d two prccedures where i t i s
essential t h a t t h e coo!down rates be kept as close as possible t o t h e
stated 100 "Ffhr cooidown r a t e without exceeding i t i n order t o niiniaize
any p o t e n t i a l releases outside o f containment (reference DW-90-024). These
are ECA- 1.1 (Loss o f Emergency Coolant Recirculatjon) and ECA-3.2 (StiTR
With Lcss o f Reactor Coolant - Saturated Recovery Required). When
performjng a cooldown i n these procedilres. !t i s expected t h a t t h e crew
w i l l devote considerable a t t e n t i o n t o achieving and then maintaining t h e
cooldown i;t t h e given r a t e . It i s understood t h a t t h e desired cooldown
cannot be established immediately. however. i t s h a l l be a t o p p r i o r i t y t o
make adjustments t o reach and maintain t h e desired r a t e . For these two
cases, our procedures w i l l i d e n t i f y the cooldown r a t e as " . . . A S CLOSE AS
c . For a l l other cases. t h e cooldown r a t e should be t r e a t e d as a setp0ir.t ar,d
the guidance given i n O W 1-4. " . . a t t e n t i o n should be p a i d t o maintair, t h e
p a r m e t e r a t t h e i d e a l value but t o not be o v e r l y concerned i f t h e exact
value i s n o t achieved" i s t h e standard t h a t s h a l l be applied. I r other
words. t,he crew i s responsible f o r maintaining an awareness o f t h e i r actua'i
cooldown r a t e and f o r maklng adjustments as needed t o opt'imize t h e r a t e . i r
r e l a t i o n t o , and i n p r i o r i t y w i t h other a c t i m s which may be i n progress
Continued On Next Page.
Page 10 o f 50 Revision 1
Operations Management Procedure 1-4 Page 6 of21
G. Setpoints:
- When it is important to maintain a parameter within a
given band, ranges or tolerances are provided. When a
range or tolerance (e.g.: 5-15%) is providcd, it is
understood to mean extra attention shall be paid to
maintain the parameter within this range.
0 When a single value is given, it is assumed thc value is
an ideal value. When an ideal value (e.g. 350 psig) is
provided, it is understood to mean attention should be
paid to maintain the parameter at the ideal value but to
not be overly concerned if the exact value is
H. All writing required to be done on procedures and all
associated paperwork shall be done with a black ball-point pen.
I. Unless specified by a procedure, an automatic signal shall
be defeated from performing its intended function.
7.2. Use of Procedures:
A. When a procedure is to be used outside the control room or
sign off steps are required, a working copy should be used
except in cases where the control copy is maintained outside
the controi room and no signoffs are required.
B. Prior to using any procedure. && of that procedure's
enclosures should be reviewed to ensure the most appropriate
enclosure is utilized. {PIP 96-2234)
C. Prior to using any procedure or enclosure, the Limits and
Precautions shall be reviewed to assure these are known and
understood by those performing the activity.
D. Thc requirement to have procedures in one's possession when
in use shall preciudc qualified operators from taking the
appropriate actions required to place the plant in a stable or
safe condition independent of procedures. After the plant is in
a stable condition, all affected procedures shall be reviewed
and completed to ensure all required actions have been taken.
Bank Question: 531.1 Answer: B
1 Pt(s> Unit 2 is operating at 45% power when a load rejection occurs.
Which onc of the following statements correctly describes the response of
ncrator Load Rejection Bypass valve) during the load rejection?
pens to provide condensate flow around the hotwell pumps
inimum flow requirements.
E. 2-GiW83 opens to provide additional condensate pressure to the
condensate booster pumps and bypass portions of the low pressure
CM system.
C. .263EKTcloses to prevent a loss of water from the "C" heater drain
tank to the condensate booster pump suction.
D. loses to prevent condensate water from being recirculated
to the suction of the condensate booster pumps.
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect 2CM-83 does not provide a flow patb around the hotwell
pumps to meet minimum flow requirements
PlausibIe: 2CM-83 does open but CM-407 perfoms this function
E. Correct:
C. Incorrect: 2CM-83 openq - does not close
Plausible: 2CM-83 opens to route water from the hotwell pumps to
the condenyate booster pumps.
D. Incorrect: 2CM-83 opens - does not close. Does not prevent water
from being recirculated around the hotwell pumps.
Plausible: 2CM-407 opens to assure minimum flow around the
hotwell pumps to prevent water hammer on the CM system during
Level: RO&SRO
KA: SYS 056 K1.03(2.6/2.6)
Lesson Plan Objective: CM Obj: 6
Source: Bank
Level of knowledge: memory
1. OP-CN-CF-CM page 12,13
State the interlocks, controls, trip signals and protection features
associated with these condensate and condensate storage system
0 Hotwell and Hotwell level control
e Hotwell Pumps
0 Hotwell High Level Control (CM33)
e Generator Load Rejection Bypass (CM83)
0 Polishing Demineralizers
e F and G bow Pressure Heaters
0 Condensate Booster Pumps
a 'C' Heater Brain Tank Pumps
0 Condensate Storage Bank (CSB) and Pumps
e Low and High pressure cleanup flowpath valves: ~.d-123, A. &
227'. and CF-26
FOSeach of the following evolutions describe the basic sequence to place
h e condensate and condensate storage system components in
0 Filling the condensate system.
First hotwell pump star6
0 Low and High pressure cleanuphecirculation
e Normal operation supplying condensate to the suction of the
feedwater pumps
=or either a Full Load Rejection or a boss of Feedwater Pump, state how
- he following components operate to ensure the condensate system
0 Hotwell Pumps
Generator Load Rejection Bypass (CM83)
Condensate Booster Pumps
0 'C' Heater Drain Tank Pumps
Page 4 of 27
4. En AUTO CM-33 will e ~ e when n all 3 hotwell pump motor breakers are
opened. This allows the Upper Surge Tank to keep the condensate
piping full of water and minimize water hammers. This is also the only
flowpath available to the hotwell pump when starting the system.
5. A loss of power to the 6.9 KV busses supplying the hotwell pumps (TA,
TB, and TB) will defeat the auto open feature. CM-33 cloSeS to ensure
the UST inventory is available for Auxiliary Feedwater system use.
6. CM-33 is interlocked with CS-20 (UST Riser lsoi.) such that CS-20 mud
be open (operated from MC-13) before CM-33 can open.
D. Hotwell High Level Control Bypass (CM-35)
'I. In Mode 4 when the steam generators are NOT relied upon for heat
removal, CM-35 is a manual valve that is opened to gravity fill the
condensate piping.
E. CF Pump Seal Injection Header (CM878)
1. From the Hotwell Pump discharge a supply header is used to deliver
water for the following:
a) Main Feed pump seal injection (CL)
b) Condensate Booster Pump (CBP) Seals
c) Loop seal (e.g. between USB and CST) makeup
d) Turbine Exhaust Hood Spray (TS)
e) Condenser Seal Trough Makeup (only used once per month to wet
the seals)
f) "C" Heater Drain pumps tandem seals.
F. Generator Load Rejection Bypass (CM83)
1. Design Considerations
a) Condensate system transients will cause condensate flow rates to
decrease or be interrupted such as when drain flow from "C"heater
drain tank decreases due to decreased extraction steam flow on a
Full Load Rejection. This decrease in drain flow to the feed water
(CF) pump suction will muse CF pump suction pressure to Dossiblv
drop to the trip setpoint. In order to avoid this situation, the low
pressure portion of the CM system is bypassed to ensure the
Condensate Booster pumps continue to receive adequate suction
pressure and flow.
Page 12 of 27
2. To accomplish the above actions, CM-83 operates under two modes of
a) During normal operation, the valve is selected to "AUTO by
depressing the appropriate button for the valve on MC-13. Under this
condition, ANYTIME pressure decrease to less than 150&
sensed at the suction of the CBP, the valve will modulate open
enough to maintain pressure at or above 150 psig.
b) In its other mode of operation, the valve is in a closed condition; Le.
AUTO is released on the switch on MC-13. The valve will not
operate UNLESS one or both of the following conditions are present:
1) FULL LOAD REJECTKIN above 56% turbine load
2 ) LOSS of FEED WATER PUMP above 56% turbine load.
Under conditions from either of these signals, CM-83 acts as if it is in
automatic and modulates open to maintain CBP suction pressure.
3. CM83 must be closed to start the first HWP.
6. Polishing Demineralizers
1. 5 per unit (25% capacity each) utilize powered resin (H-OH) to maintain
water purity. Design flow is 5,450 gpm per demineralizer with a maximum
pressure drop of 41 psig.
2. Bypass valves CM42 and CM186 maintain proper delta-pressure (BP)
across the demineralizers. These valves are requited to be closed for the
first hotwell pump start. They are controlled from MC-13 using a
ManuaVAutomatic loader. In order to maximize water flow through the
demineralizers, procedure guidelines establish the valve positions for
CM42 and CMI 86:
a) Automatic is preferred with a maximum setpoint of 20 psid.
b) Valve demand displayed on the controller should be equal to or
greater than 10%.
c) CM186 will normally be closed and CM42 opened just enough to
clear the OAC alarm for the valve being closed and maintain
demineralizer DP to 20 or less psid.
3. The outlet valve on each Polishing Demineralizer (5 valves) must be
closed to start the first Hotwell Pump.
H. Steam Jet Air Ejector Condensers (CSAE)
7. Condenses steam used by the three sets of condenser steam air ejectors
2. The air ejector condensers are divided into two sections.
a) An "Intercondenser" drains to the main condenser.
Page 13 of 27
Bank QUCWQR:540.1 Answer: C
1 Pt(s) Unit 2 is responding to a LOCA.
Given the following sequence of events and conditions:
A reactor trip and safety injection occurred
E All NV, NI and h 9 pumps sequenced on properly
ECCS was reset
The 2ETA bus momentarily lost power but was reenergized by the 2A D/G
Which one ofthe following statements describes the correct restoration
process for the train A NV>NI and ND pumps?
A. 2A NV pump must be restarted by operator action
2A NI pump will automatically restart
2A ND pump will automatically restart
B. 2A NV pump will automatically restart
2A NI pump will automatically restart
2A ND pump will automatically restart
C. 2A NV pump will automatically restart
2A NI pump must be restarted by operator action
2A ND pump must be restarted by operator action
D. 2A NV pump must be restarted by operator action
2A NI punip automaticauy restart
2A ND pump must be restarted by operator action
Distracter Analysis:
NV pumps are controlled by both the ECCS and blackout sequencers. NI
and ND pumps are controlled by the ECCS sequencer only
A. Incorrect: NH and NH) pumps do not automatically restart, NV pump
will auto restart.
Plausible: Directed for psychometric balance by NRC (?)
B. Incorrect NH pump does not auto restart
Plausible: NV pump will auto restart and ND pump must be
manually restarted
C. Correct answer
D. Incorrect: NV pump will auto restart, the NI pump will NOT auto
Plausible: ND pumps require manual restart.
Level: RO&SRO
KA: SYS 005 K2.01 (3.013.2)
Lesson Plan Objective: EQB Obj: 13
Source: Bank
Level of knowledge: comprehension
1. OP-CN-EP-EQB page 25
Describe sequences operation during a LOCA initiation of the
sequencer, including:
When diesel generator receives start signal
Actions on loads not required for CQCA
Logic required to commence sequencing LBCA loads
Describe sequencer response to a LBCA actuation signal after a
station Blackout sequence has been initiated, including:
Effect on blackout loads already running
Automatic reset of sequencer
Describe sequencer response to a Station Blackout actuation signal
after a LOCA sequence has been initiated, including:
Effect on LQCA loads already running
e Automatic reset of sequencer
e Loadshed
Loads sequenced on
Describe the actions required to return the 4160 Volt bus to normal
after sequencer operation, including:
Removing SA signal if present
- Resetting sequencer
Restoring power from ofkite source if required
e Securina diesel generator
State the response of the sequencer if manually reset while
Blackout or LQCA loading is in progress.
Describe the response of the sequencer to an actual initiation signal
if the seauencer is in test.
Given a set of specific plant conditions and access to reference
materials, determine the actions necessary to comply with Tech
Page 4 of 27
141 a
0 X X X
W 3 J0
0 0
z Cr
Bank Question: 571.1 Answer: B
1 Pt(s) Unit 2 is responding to a snail break LOCA in ES-I 2, "Post LOCA
Cooldown and Drpressurization". Step I6 of ES-1.2 requires the operators
tu depressurize the NC system.
Which one of the following statements correctly describes the priority and
reasons for using the prescribed methods of depressurizing the NC system?
1. Pressurizer spray preferred method to be used if NC pump
is running
2. Auxiliary Spray alternate method better control over
~ ~
depressurization rate
3. PQRV method of last resort - lack of control of
depressurization rate results in rupturing the PRT
1. Pressurizer spray - preferred method to be used if NC pump
is running
2. PQRV alternate method - better than auxiliary spray
3. Auxiliary Spray method of last resort too slow and may
thermal shock the spray nozzles and degrade regenerative
heat exchanger
1. PQRV preferred method rapid depressurization rate
2. Pressurizer spray alternative method next most rapid
depressurization rate
3. Auxiliary spray - method of last resort too slow and may
thermal shock the spray nozzles
1. Anxiliary spray preferred method does not degrade
2. Pressurizer spray alternative method - will not work if NC
pump is not running
3. PORV method of last resort will rupture PRT and degrade
containment environment
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: PORV is the alternative method - am spray is the last
Plausible: Pressurizer spray is the priorky
B. Correct answer
(3. Incorrect: Pressurizer spray preferred over PORV
Plausible: Aux spray is last resort
D. Plausible: Aux spray is tlie last resort
Plausible: Pressurizer spray preferred over PORV
Level: RO&SRO
KA: WE03 E1K2.2 (3.7 /4.0)
Lesson Plan Objective: EP2 Obj: 24
Source: Bank
Level of knowiedge: memory
l.OP-CN-EP-EP2 pages 10- 11
2. ERG Background Document ES-1.2 step 14 page 18
Ques-571. Ldoc
B. Correct answer
C. Incorrect: Pressurizer spray preferred over PORV
Plausible: Aux spray is last resort
D. Plausible: Aux spray is the Iast resort
Plausible: Pressurizer spray preferred over PORV
Level: RB&SRO
KA: WE03 EK2.2 (3.7 /4.0)
Lesson Plan Objective: EP2 Obj: 24
Source: Bank
Level of knowledge: memory
1.OP-CN-EP-EP2 pages 10-1 1
2. ERG BacQound Document 3-1.2 step 14 page I7
Objective S L
s o
EQ/I/N5000/ES-I .2
Explain the Bases, including any identified knowledges/abilities, for
all of the steps, notes, and cautions in EP/I/N5000/-1 (Loss of
Reactor or Secondary Coolant)
Explain the Bases, including any identified knowledges/abilities, for
all of the steps, notes, and cautions in EP/1/N500Q/ES-1.I(SI
Explain the Bases, including any identied knowledges/abilities, for
Explain the Bases, including any identified knswledges/abilities, for
all of the steps, notes, and cautions in EP/I/N50(40/ES-7.4
(Transfer to Hot Leg Recirculation)
Explain the Bases, including any identified knowledges/abilities, for
all of the steps, notes, and cautions in EP/llN50Q0lECA-1.Z (boss
all of the steps, notes, and cautions in EF/l/N5800/ECA-I.2
Outside Containment)
Page 4 of 14
SILP DESCRIPTION TABLt FOR t P l i l A / 5 0 0 G i E S - ~ ~ ~
C. Ooerator Actions-
STEP 14: Depressurize NC System; t o r e f i l l Pzr as f o l l o w s :
To depressurize t h e NC System t o restore Pzr l e v e l using p r e f e r r e d o r
a l t e r n a t e methods f o r r e s t o r i c g Pzr l e v e l .
The c o r b i n a t i o n o f subcooling and Pzr l e v e l ensures t h a t NC System c o c d i t i o n s
are under adequate operator c o n t r o l . Subcooling should have been established
before e n t r y t o t h i s step. Ifsubcooling i s l o s t during t h e depressurizztion.
i t w i l l be reestablisbed a f t e r t h e depressurization is stopped as t h e NC
System cont:nues t o cool down.
IfNC pump(s) are running. rormal Pzr spray i s t h e p r e f e r r e d means o f
r e s t o r i n g Pzr leve'l. Level can be restored w i t h normal spray since S / I f l o w
increases and break flow decreases as t h e NC System i s depressurized.
I f normal spray i s n o t a v a i l a b l e . use of one Fzr POKV has p r i o r i t y Over
a u x ' i l i a r y spray. A u x i l i a r y spray i s used as a l a s t r e s o r t t o minimize thermal
shock t o t h e spray nozzles.
This step i s performed immediately before s t a r t i n s an NC pump i n Step 15
T r a n s i t i o n s from other steps when Pzr l e v e l i s low are also possible. For a l l
possjble e n t r i e s . t h e NC System should be subcooled p r i o r t o NC System
depressurization, Since t h i s p r i o r subcooling requirement ensures a small
break, subcooling shauld be restored w i t h continued cooldown i f subcooiir;s i s
l o s t during t h e depressurization.
I t i s n o t c r i t i c a l t o maintain l e v e l above t h e t o p o f t h e heaters. I n many
cases. t h e l e v e l (and pressure) w i l l jncrease a f t e r t h e operator stops t h e
depressurization u n t i l i n j e c t i o n f l o w balances break f l o w and l o s s due t o
cool down s h r i n k ,
Incorporated t h e requirements o f maintenance itenl Uk-90-035. t o a l i g n f o r NV
aux spray w i t h S / I i r service as w e l l as t h e p l a n t s p e c i f i c reqgirerents t o
a l i g n f o r HV alix spray.
If NV aux spray must be used. t h e f l o w r a t e through t h e regenerative heat
exchanger must be considered when t h r o t t l i n g charging flow t o o b t a i n t h e
desired pressure response. Catawba's Regenerative Heat Exchanger (RHX)
maximxn f l o w rslte i s 185 GPM. per c a l c u l a t i o n CNC 1201.06-GO-0010. A vsllue o f
180 GPM charging f l o w (which includes seal i n j e c t ' i o n f l o w and actual RHX f l o w )
i s conservatively used i n t h e procedure t o ensure compl'ance with t h e f l o w
1i m i t a t i o n .
The NC pressure response t o openins t h e Pzr spray valves may be fiinimal b u t as
!ong as normal spray i s a v a i l a b l e (capable o f being opened and an operating NC
pump i s associated w i t h a spray valve) t h e operator should continue t o perform
t h e step w i t h normal Pzr spray and not t r a n s i t i o n to t h e RNO t o use t h e Pzr
PORV. When Pnr l e v e l i s restored, t h e expectation i s t o close t h e appropriate
valve used t o depressurize and restore Pzr l e v e l .
Continued On Next Page.
Page 17 o f 57 Revision 5-22-2002
- POWER .......
...-. -.-- .
a) The plant is maintained in a stable status while the operator reverifies
that SI flow is not required. A determination is then made as to which
plant recovery procedure should be used.
c. Use the "Enhanced Background Document" for detailed step description.
2 3 EQ/1/N50QQ/ES-1.2 (Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization)
A. Overview
7 . Purpose: This procedure provides actions to cooldown and depressurize
the NC system to cold shutdown conditions following a loss of reactor
coolant inventory.
2. ES-I .2 is structured to deal primarily with smalr LQCAs where safety
injection flow can keep up with the break flow, at pressure above the
shutoff head of the ND pumps.
3. Entry into ES-I .2 can be from -I (Loss of Reactor or Secondary
Coolant) if SI termination criteria are not satisfied and NC pressure is
higher than the shutoff head of the ND pumps. Entry is also possible
from E§-1 .I(SI Termination), If pressurizer level cannot be maintained
with normal charging or NC pressure is less than the shutoff head of the
NI pumps.
4. After reaching and maintaining cold shutdown conditions the final step of
ES-I .2 instructs the operators and plant engineering staff to evaluate the
long term plant status. At this time the NC system will be cooled by the
ND system or cold leg recirculation.
B. Major Action Summary
1. Prepare For and Initiate NC Cooldown
a) Instrument air is established to containment to operate vaives
needed for the recovery. Verification is made that AC busses are
energized from offsite power. If NC pressure is higher that the
shutoff head ofthe ND pumps they will be stopped. A cooldown to
cold shutdown is initialed. Subsequent actions can be performed
when specified NC subcooling criteria are satisfied.
2. Depressurize NC System to Refill Pressurizer
a) A "small" LOCA is first ensured by requiring NC subcooling before
depressurization, As NC pressure decreases, injection flow will
increase relative to break flow. This depressurization should be
sufficient for restoring pressurizer level. If subcooling is lost during
the depressurization, it should be restored as the cooldown
3. Start One NC PumplStop All But One NC Pump
a) The NC pump restarted (or left sunning) is used to provide normal
pressurizer spray and mix the NC system.
Page lOoff4
4. Reduce SI flow
a) As NC subcooling builds up to specified values one NV pump and
both NI pumps are stopped. With subcooling requirements met the
remaining MV pumps is aligned for normal charging. Suboling
criteria are specified such that a minimum MC subcooling will be
maintained after the injection flow is reduced.
5. Depressurize the NC System to Minimize Subcooling
a) Po further reduce the make-up flow required, the NC system is
depressurized to minimize NC subcooling (and break flow). The SI
reduction sequence will have been completed by this time. The NC
system can be depressurized until NC subcooling approaches a
minimum value or pressurizer level reaches the upper tap.
6. Perform Other bong Perm Kecovery Actions
a) bong term recovery actions and checks are included near the end of
this procedure but within the main cooldown loop. Plant specific
equipment that will not be needed in the long term can be shutdown.
When ND system cooldown conditions are met, the plant
engineering staff is consulted to determine if the ND system should
be placed in service to continue the cooldown to cold shutdown.
C. Use the "Enhanced Background Document" for detailed step description
2.4 EP/l/N500O/ES-1.3 (Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation.)
A. Overview
1. Purpose: This procedure provides the necessary instructions for
transferring the safety injection system and the containment spray system
to the recirculation mode.
2. 3 1 . 3is entered when level in the FWST decreases to the cold leg
swithover setpoint. After the safety injection and containment spray
systems are aligned to cold leg recirculation, the operator returns to the
procedure and step in effect for further actions.
5. Major Action Summary
1. Align SI System for Recirculation
a) The ND pumps are aligned to take suction from the containment
sump and to inject into the NC system cold legs, if pressure is low
enough, while concurrently supplying the NV and NI pumps.
2. Align Containment Spray System for Recirculation If Necessary
a) The Containment Spray pumps are aligned to take suction from the
containment sump if necessaDy to control containment pressure.
C. Use the "Enhanced Background Document" for detailed step description.
2.5 EP/I/A/5000/ES-1.4 (Transfer to Hot Leg Recirculation)
Page f l of f 4
Bank Question: 7008 Answer: 3
1 Pt(s) Unit 1 is operating at 100% power with a lgpm condenser tube leak present
Given the following plant conditions and events:
8:OO AM Chemislq reports that secondary chioridcs have increased to
action level 3.
0 8:15 AM Power reduction in accordance with QP/l/A/6100/003
(ContrullingProcedure For Unit Operation) initiated.
- 200 PM power has been reduced to 35%.
Which one o f the following actions must be performed at 2:OO PM?
REFERENCES PROVIDED: AP-34 (Secondary Ciaemistry Out of
A. Initiate a rapid power reduction in accordance with AP-9 (Rapid
B. Continue power reduetion in accordance With QP/1/A/6100/003
(ControllingProcedure For Unit Operation).
C. Enter OP/l/A/6100/Q02(ControllingProcedure For Unit
D. Trip the reactor and enter E-Q(Reactor Trip or Safety In&thf).
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: A!YO/A/5500/34 (Secondary Ckcmistry Out Of
Specification) specifies reducing power in accordance with
OP/I/A/6100/003 (Controlling Procedure For Unit Operation)
Plausible: AP/O/A/5500/34 (Secondary Chemkhy Out Of
Specification)directs reducing power to less than 2% within
approximately 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />
B. Correct answer
C. Incorrect: OP/l/M6100/002 (Controlling Procedure For Unit
Shutdown) is entered when power is less than 15%
Plausible: A plant shutdown is required
D. Incorrect: AP/O/A/5500/34 (Secondary Chemistry Out Of
Specification) directs reducing power to less than 2%
Plausible: Operator incorrectly determines plant trip is required
Level: SRO Only iOCFR55.43@)5
KA: SYS 056 A2.05 (2.1/2.5*)
Lesson Plan Objective: SC Obj: 4
Sourcc: New
Levcl of knowledge: comprehension
1. Ap/0/.4/5500/34 page 5
2. OP-CN-CH-SC page 9
DUKE POWER-. .........
.... - - . -CATAWBA
State the three purposes of Secondary System Chemistry Control.
Describe why each of the following parameters monitored in the
Secondary System is limited and how each is controlled:
Cation Conductivity
Suspended Solids
Given a set of specific plant conditions and access to reference
materiais, determine the actions necessary to comply with Tech
State the required action of AP/O/A/5508/34 (Secondary Chemistry
Out of Specification) given an out of spec secondary chemistry
condition and a CODY of the A$
Page 3 of 9
6. Pegformthe fdbwiolg Action Level 3
- a. Notify Chemistry to verify sample
b. Reduce power level to iess than 2% b. E power cannot be reduced to less
within approximately 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> as follows: than 2% within approximately 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />
because the power reduction will cause
IF Dower level areater than 15%, a reactor trip to occur, T m
m 1) Reduce power to lowest level
I achievable.
Procedure For Unit Operation). - 2) pian: conditions ailow,
THEN reduce power to less than
E Unit 2, REFER Le 2%.
0$/2/N6100/003 (Controlling
Procedure For UnLt Operation)
E power level less than 15%, W:
OQ/l/N61OQ/OO2 (Controlling
Procedure For Unlt Shutdown).
- E Unit 2, THEN REFERS32
OP/2/AI6100/002 (Controllifla
Procedure For Unit Shutdowi).
- c. Notify Reactor Group Engineer of
- d. Consult Chemistry for recommendation
for continued plant operation.
e. Correct chemistry condition as foliows:
m Initiate feed and bleed of Secondary
- WHEN power level is less than 2%,
initiate drain and refill of
secondary systems.
2) Coats turbine blades and can cause severe vibration.
b) Controlled by blowdown dernins and poiishers.
3. Suspended Solids (a diagnostic parameter for Final Feedwater - not
blowdown - during startup)
a) Not routinely monitored
b) If high in feedwater, solids can
1) Coat heat transfer surfaces.
2) Buildup sludge.
c) Controlled by blowdown and polishers.
4. N H 3 (not diagnostic for blowdown, but monitored in Final feedwater)
a) Measured to do theoretical conductivity calculation
5. 0 2
a) Limit general corrosion & local corrosion
b) Control with N2H4 addition, deaerate M/CB
2.3 Secondary Chemistry But of Specification (Qbj M)
A. The purpose of APIOIN55001O34 is to identify correct the cause of any
out-of-specification secondary chemistry parameters and to minimize S/G
6. Symptoms - Secondary CRemist identifies secondary chemistry as being out-
6. Instructor refer to Procedure for Speafications and Subsequent Actions.
1. The 30% power point is for reason indicated above, and if conditions
degrade further power is reduced less than 2% to stop steaming.
2.4 Technical Specifications/Selected License Commitments (Obj. #3)
A. 3.7.$7,Secondary Specific Activity
3. Summary
3.1 Qbjectives
Page 9 of 9
Bank Question: 1007 Answer: C
1 Pt(s) A Unit I starcup is in progress in accordance with OP/1/A61W/OO1
(ControllingProcedurefor Unit Startup). Given the following events and
AuxiIiary steam from Unit 2 was being used for turbine warming.
- NC system pressure is 2235 psig
Steam dumps are controlling NC Tave at 557 F
The crew is preparing to restore AS to a normal alignment by closing 1AS-4,
(Main Steam to AS HDR CTRL Bypass).
Who should be notified prior to the operator closing 1AS-4?
A. PLant personnel should be notified to remain clear while closing
the valve.
B. The NLO in the field should be notified to monitor the closing of
the valve.
C. The CRSRO should be notified to expect an increase in unit 2
generator megawatts.
D. The unit 2 CRO should be notified that reactor power may
decrease slightly.
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: There is no requirement to notify plant personnel for
closing this valve.
Plausible: plant personnel are notified prior to starting large
equipment such as NCPs.
B. Incorrect: No requirement to notify the NLO -have indieation in the
control mom.
Plausible: since the units are cross-tied by the AS valve, it may seem
prudent to ensure the valve is fully closed.
C. Correct: as the valve closes, increased unit 2 steam flow to the
turbine wit1 increase megawatts by approximately 5 MW.
D. Incorrect: power may increase.
Plausible: candidate may feel that less "demand" may mean lower
reactor power.
Level: SRO OnIy lOCFR55.43@)5
KA: SYS 039 G2.1.14 (2.513.3)
Lesson Plan Objective: none
Source: New
Level of knowledge: memory
1.OP/1/A/61QO/QOlstep 2.127.4
2.0m2-16 pages 4 , 8
Enclosure 4.1 OP/1/A/6100/001
Unit Startup Page 38 of57
~ 2.127 Step 2.6 was completed to supply Unit 1 Turbine warming from the AS System, perform
the following to restore AS to normal alignment:
-2.127.1 Ensure turbine warning has been securcd.
-2.127.2 Notify the CRSRO that an approximate 5 MW increase in generator output on
Unit 2 may occur when using the AS System for Unit 1 Turbine Shell Warming.
2.127.3 Monitor the Unit 1 SM piping for water hammer.
2.127.4 Notify the CRSRO to monitor Unit 2 Reactor Power, Generator M W , and AS
header pressure while performing the following step.
-2.127.5 Slowly close 1AS-4 (Main Steam to Aux Steam Header Control Bypass) (TB-610,
2.128 the NC System heatup was performed with the MSIV's closed, open the MSWs as
-2.128.1 Open the following valves:
67 ISM-132 (SM Equalization Hdr Trap T-05 Byp) (TB-594, IH-32)
El ISM-139 (SM Equalization Hdr Trap T-06 Byp).(TB-5%, 1H-32)
~ 2.128.2 After I5 minutes. close the following valves:
C! 1SM-132 (SM Equalization Hdr Trap T-05 Byp)
1SM-139 (SM Equalization Hdr Trap T-04 Byp).
2.128.3 Equalize pressure across and open the MSIV's per OP/l/A/6250/006 (Main
2.129 Establish automatic steam dump control as follows:
[3 2.129.1 Adjust the "Stm Dump Ctrl" pot to the value provided in Figure 25 of the Unit
One Revised Data Book.)
67 2.129.2 Place the "Stm Dump Ctrl" in "AUTO".
2.130 Turn the following switches to the "ON" position:
0 "Steank Dump Intlk Byp Trn A"
e3 "Steam Dump Intlk Byp Trn B".
Operations Management Procedure 2-16 Page 7 of 8
7. Testing of Annunciator Lamps
7.1. Testing of annunciator horn and indicating lamp logic should be
conducted as soon as possible after shift turnover.
A. Depress and hold lamp test pushbutton. Verify the horn
sounds and that the individual indicating lamps light and flash.
B. For the First Out Panel, depress the reset pushbutton while the
annunciators are flashing to test the white indicating lights and
C. Release the test pushbutton and depress the annunciator
acknowledge pushbutton to complete testing.
D. Any new annunciators that remain lit shall bc evaluated and
responded to in the normal manner.
8. Starting Large Electrical Components
When starting large electrical components (4160v and greater), the following
guidelines shall be followed:
8.1. Ifthe component has been started within the past six hours, CRSRO
discretion may be used to preclude the component checkout.
e Plant logs, procedures in progress and other configuration
control processes shall be checked to verify no adverse change
to system alignment has occurred.
8.2. As close to component start as possible, have a Non-Licensed
Operator inspect the following component parameters to ensure proper
stamp operation:
e bearing oil levels
e motor cooler flows
0 suction pressure
0 valve lineup, etc.
8.3. Reactor Operator shall use available Control Room indications and
OAC graphics to verify the following to ensme proper startup
e bearing oil Ieveis
0 motor cooler flows
e suction pressure
e system lineup (e.g. suctioddischarge valves)
Operations Management Procedure 2- 16 Page 8 of 8
8.4. Reactor Operator shall announce twice on the plant paging system the
impending startup of the component, giving the component system
designator, unit number, and train designator.
8.5. A period of 15-30 seconds is recommended prior to starting the
component to allow personnel in the area time to get clear of the
8.6. After component start, refer to the available OAC graphics and
Control Room indications to monitor component parameters such as
suction and discharge pressures, oil levels and temperatures, and
bearing temperatures.
w Particular attention shall be given to rates of change of
parameters until these parameters have become relatively
stable within normal operating values.
Bank Question: 1006 Answer: A
1 Pt(§) Unit 1 was operating at I00%power when a LOCA occurred. Given the
foliowing events and conditions:
a The Crew has entered E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safely Injection)
e Containment pressure reached 5 psig
a The inadequate core cooling monitor indicates -10 O F subcooling
e AI1 NI and NV pumps have malfunctioned and will not start.
What action (if any) should the crew take regarding the NCPs?
A. Secure all the NCPs.
3. Secure 3 NCPs and leave 1 running.
C. No action, the NCPs must continue to run.
D. Monitor trip parameters and secure the NCPs if trip parameters
are reached.
Distracter Analysis:
A. Correct: The NC pumps should be tripped when the Phase B occurs
per Oh@ 1-7 guidance because KC is lost - or by the guidance of
step I0 of EPE-0. Step 10 of EWE-0 checks containment pressure
and if greater than 3 psig the NC punips are stopped regardless of the
Enclosure I guidance.
B. Incorrect: Must secure all NCPs
Plausible: this is the guidance in C.2
C. Incorrect: Must secure all WCPs
Piausible: this is the response for small LOCAs with no high head
ECCS pumps running.
D. Incorrect: Must secure all NCPs
Plausible: this is the response per the NCP abnormal.
Level: SRO Only 10CF%155.43(b)S
KA: SYS 002 A2.02 (4.2/4.4)
Lesson Plan Objective: OP-PROF-14 Obj: 9
Source: New
Level of knowledge: memory
1. OP-CN-BP-PROF- I4 page 12 and 13
Objective S L P
sition indicator flags associated with 600
Page 3 of f 4
5. Response
1. Remove control valves from the Verify Turbine Trip step in EP/E-0,
EWECA-0.0, EWFR-S.1, AP-02 and AP-17.
2. If all stop valves are not dosed then the operator will transition to the
RNQ and manually trip the turbine and use diverse indications when
asked to determine turbine trip status in the RNO.
C. Background Information
1. By design the stop valves being closed is the most reliable indication that
the turbine is tripped.
2. If control valves are used the operator could be misled because the
control valves may cycle on turbine overspeed protection.
3. If control valves are left in the procedure, then operators will have to be
trained on the unreliability of using the control valves by themselves as an
indication of a turbine trip.
4. The ERGSonly use stops valves for turbine trip indication.
2.9 PPWB OQS-12386 (Applying NC Pump Trip Criteria) (OBJ. #9)
A. Event
I. The following situation arose during a Simulator Training Session. OPS
Training requests clarification for when (and i9 the NC Pumps should be
tripped during a transient where the following conditions concurrently
a) A LOCA has occurred. The Crew has entered EWE-0, and Enclosure
1 has been handed to the ROs.
b) A valid Sp signal due to 3 psig in containment isolates all support
cooling to the NC Pumps.
c) NC System Subcooling is less than zero.
d) All Nl and NV pumps have malfunctioned and will not start.
2 Per EWE-0, Enclosure 1 Guidance, the NC Pumps shall be secured if
Subcooling is less than or equal to 0 degrees AND at least one NI or NV
Pump is ON.
3. The background document for this step goes on to say: It cannot be
emphasized too strongly that a fundamental condition which must be
satisfied for NC pump trip during an emergency condition is that at least
one high pressure SI1 pump be in operation and capable of delivering
flow to the NC system.
Page I 2 of f 4
4. In addition, there is guidance in OMP 1-7 (under the General Statements
of Philosophy)which reads as follows: Since an Sp signal or Lo FWST
level coincidence with an S/I signal result in the isolation of support
systems to the NC pumps and will result in eventually reaching the
normal trip parameters, it is acceptable for a crew to trip the NC pumps
following the occurrence of either of these conditions without procedural
guidance unless the procedure has directed othetwise, such as in
Response to Degraded Core Cooling.
B. Response
1. The NC pumps should be tripped when the Phase B occurs per OMP 1-7
guidance or by the guidance of step 10 of EPIE-0. Step 10 of EP/E-O
checks containment pressure and if greater than 3 psig the NC pumps
are stopped regardless of the Enclosure 1 guidance.
C. Rackground Information
1. Generic Guidelines for NC pump trip criteria implies that if 3 PSIG in
containment exists then you are most likely outside the boundaries
analyzed fur the Small Break LOCA NC pump trip criteria.
2. The ERG background document for step 10 of EWE-0 states that NC
pumps should be tripped on loss of KC to the NC pumps to prevent
damage to the seals and motors.
Page 13 of 14
2/3/2003 Request Detail Sheet
Reauest Number: OPS-12386 Request Status: Closed
Document Idormation
Number: EP/I/A/5000/7;.-0 Group: OPS
Assiened Writer (NEDE): HTB2265
Originator: ehk0143 - Kulesa,Edward B
Odeination Date: 12/29/2000
Assigned Writer Actual: HTB2265 Due Date:
Prloritv m Rework Ind. Work Order
Driving Event: PPKB
User Defined:
The following situation arose during a Simulator Training Session. OPS Training requests clarification for when (and
if) the NC Pumps should be tripped during a transient where the following conditions concurrently exist:
-A I.OCA has occurred. The Crew has entered E-0. and Encl 1 has heen handed to the KOs.
-A Valid Sp signal due to 3 psig in Containment isolates all support cooling to the NC Pumps.
-NC System Subcooling is Less than Zero.
-All NI and NV pumps have malfunctioned and will not start.
Per E-0, Enclosure I Guidance, the NC Pumps shall bc secured if Subcooling is IXSS Than or Equal to OF ANI) at
least one NI or NV Pump is ON. The background document for this step goes on tu say: It cannot he emphasized too
strongly that a fundamental condition which must he satisfied for NC pump trip during an emergency condition is that
at least one high pressure S/i pump be in operation and capable of delivcring flow to the NC system.
In addition. there is guidance in OMP 1-7 (under the General Statements of Philosophy) which reads as follows:
Since an Sp signal or Lo PWS?'level coincidence with an SA signal result in the isolation of support systems to tlre
NC pumps and will result in eventually reaching the normal trip panmeters. it is acceptable for a crew to trip the NC
pumps following the occurrence of either of these conditions without procedural guidance unless the procedure has
directed otherwise. such as in Reponse to Degraded Core Cooling.
Please pro\,ide guidance on when (and io the NC Pumps should he tripped assuming the above conditions exist.
PPRB resolution
Miscellaneous Infnrmatioa:
uacu I racKS
2/3/2003 Request Detail Sheet
Date: 1/9/2002
Resolution - The NCPs should he tripped when the Plrace B occurs per OMP 1-7 guidance or by the guidance of step
I O E-0. Step 10 UTE-0checks containment pressure and if greater than 3 psig the NCPs are stopped regardless of the
Encl I guidance.
Backgrcund Information - Generic Guidelines for NCP trip criteria implies that if 3 psig in containinen6 exists lhen
more than likely you are outside the boundries analy7ed for the SBLOCA NCP trip criteria. The ERG background
document for step for step 10 states that NCPs should be tripped on loss o KC to the NCPs to prevent damage to the
seals and motors.
Approved by the PPRB on 1-9-02.
Page 2 of 2
Bank Question: 1005 Answer: B
1 Pt(s) Unit 2 is responding to a LOCA and trip from full power.
Given the following conditions:
4 A safety injection has occurred
4 Train B Sp signal failed to actuate (automatically and manually)
a The 2A NS pump started automatically
0 The 2B NS pump was started manually by an opcrator
4 The Ss signal and sequencer have been reset
4 The Train A Sp signal has not been reset
4 Both pumps were stopped for shiftkg suctions to the containment sump
4 Containment pressure is 2.5 psig
Following the completion of the swapover, which one of the statements
correctly describes the operation of the NS pumps?
A. The operator will need to restart the 2A NS pump.
B. The operator will need to restart the 2B NS pump.
C. No action required because containment pressure is less than 3
D. No action required because both NS pumps should automaticauy
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: the 2A NS pump should automatically restart.
Plausible: Exceeding 3 psig will also restart the 2A NS pump under
normal alignment circumstances
B. Correct: Both pumps receive a start signal if containment pressure
reaches the CPCS setpoint (0.3 -0.4 psig). The 2B NS pump will not
restart automatically because the train B Sp has failed to actuate - that
pump was placed in manual
C. Incorrect: both receive start signal above 0.3 psig.
Plausible: Exceeding 3 psig will also restart the 2A NS pump under
normal alignment circumstances
D. Incorrect answer: 2B will not auto restmt.
Plausible: true if both Phase B signals had worked properly.
KA: SYS 026 A2.03 (4.1M.4)
Lesson Plm Objective: NS Obj: 8 and 9
Source: New
Level of knowledge: comprehension
1. QP-CN-EGGS-NS pages 9 - 11
2.OP-CN-ECCS-ISE page 20
- - -
I L b P
Objective S P T
~ ~
0 Q
State the purpose of the containment spray system.
State the purpose and operation of the following components:
Containment Spray pumps
B Heat exchangers.
m Spray headers
m Refueling Water Storage Tank (FWST)
Containment sump
B Containment Pressure Control System (CPCS) transmitters
rxplain the control board controls and indications.
3ven appropriate plant conditions, apply limits and precautions
x-mciated with related station procedures.
Describe the normal alignment of the containment spray system.
Describe how NS is manually initiated.
-ist the automatic start signals for the NS Svstem.
Describe the system response to an automatic start signal.
lescribe the flow path and list the source(s) of cooling water.
Explain the procedure to realign the pump suction path and when
- ooling water is aligned.
%en a set of specific plant conditions and access to reference
naterials, determine the actions necessary to comply with Tech
3raw the Containment Spray System simplified drawing.
State the system designator and nomenclature for major
Page 3 of 12
L .................TRAINING
................. ..................
2.2 System Operation
A. Refer to the iatest Limits and Precautions OP/1(2)/A/6200/007, Containment
Spray System. (Obj $14)
B. Standby alignment and manual operation (Qbj #5 &6)
1. When aligned for standby readiness, each pump is aligned to an open
suction valve from the FWST. The motor operated spray header isolation
valves are closed.
2. The containment building is not designed to withstand a negative
pressufe. An inadvertent spray down of containment would damage the
liner. When in aligned for standby readiness, separate permissive signals
ensure that if a pump is started, the spray header isolation valves are stil
closed and vice versa.
3. Even when operating the pumps in manual, the CPCS Permissive Signal
MUST still be satisfied. To operate the pump, operators obtain and use a
key to place CPCS in TEST and adjust the TEST SIGNAL potentiometer
to obtain the permissive signal. The key ensures we only operate one
component at a time. So the spray header isolations would remain closed
if the pump were setup to run.
C. Start Signals (Obj #7)
1. Automatic Containment Spray initiation "NSNX Init" occurs when Y4
Containment Pressure Channels are greater than or equal to 3.8 psig.
AND CPCS is greater than or equal to 0.4 pslg.
2. An operator can manually initiate spray with the "Phase B, NSNX,Cont
Vent Isol" pushbuttond J' the CPCS signal
3. Remember that the above start signals are dependent on the CPCS
permissive. If any transmitter pressure decreases to less than 8.3 psig,
the associated component will no longer function. The pumps shutdown
and the valves will close. This also applies to the VX fans and their
D. Automatic system operation (Obj #8 & 9)
1. With the system actuation signal present from the 2/4 Containment
Pressure channels, each train of containment spray does the following:
a) The pumps along with their CPCS signal are given permission to
start. They are then loaded on by the EIS load sequencer.
b) The spray header isoiatisn valves are allowed to open once their
CPCS permissive signal is present.
c) The pumps take suction on the FWST and spray containment
through the spray isolation valves. Flow through the heat exchangers
is only OR the NS side. RN remains isolated during the initial injection
Page 9 of 72
E. Operator Action during Emergency Qperation (Obj #I 0)
4. To prevent a negative pressure condition in containment, the CPCS
interlocks shutdown the NS and VX components at 0.3 psig in
containment. To prevent cyding the spray pumps, valves, VX fans, and
dampers Mer in the accident, the emergency procedures direct the crews
to shutdown the spray system. When aligned to the FWST, they are
secured if pressure is less than 2.4 psig. If aligned for recirculation, the
NS is shutdown if pressure is less than 1.O psig.
2. Resetting ESF signals will do the following for the NS System
a) ECCS Reset is necessary to allow the sequencer to be reset
b) Resetting the sequencer allows the operator manual control of the
breaker for the NS pumps
c) The NSNX Reset is not reset in order for NS components to
continue operating after transferring to the recirculation mode.
3. Upon receiving LQ-LO FWST LEVEL (1 1%), the operator is directed by
procedure to manually shutdown the pumps and realign their suction to
the containment sump.
a) Reset the train related Safety injection signal and load sequencer.
b) Secure NS pump then isolate the suction from the FWST and open
the suctions from the containment sump.
c) The suction valves are interlocked as follows:
1) To open NS18A (NS pump A sump suction)
(a) Close NS2QA(NS pump A FWST suction block)
(b) Open Nil 85A (Containment sump isolation)
2) To open NSIB (NS pump B sump suction):
(a) Close NS3B (NS pump 5 FWST suction block)
(b) Open N1184B (Containment sump isolation)
3) To open NS2QA(NS pump A FWST suction block):
(a) Close NS18A (NS pump A sump suction)
4) To open NS3B (NS pump 5 FWST suction block):
(a) Close NSIB (NS pump 5 sump suction)
d) Once the valve swap is complete, if the CPCS Permissive is present,
the pumps WILL RESTART when their respective containment sump
isolation valve is FULLY OPEN.
Page f 0 of12
e) Align RN to NS heat exchanger is based on the number of RN
pumps available. Flow through the heat exchanger is limited due to
"tube vibration" 5000 GPM is the absolute limit. A high flow
annunciator at 4650 GPM alerts the operators. A low flow
annunciator, at 2600, warns the operator of low flow conditions when
the RN to NS valves are open (Track 89-033 and 89-853)
4. When conditions are satisfied, spray can be supplied from ND:
a) At least one train operating in Cold Leg Recirculation mode.
b) Time since the LOCA must be greater than 50 minutes
c) With the above conditions met, you check containment pressure:
1) IF greater than 3 pig, ONE ND Spray line is aligned
2) IF greater than 'IO pig, TWO ND Spray lines are aligned
d) For each train aligned to NB Auxiliary Spray, that trains' Cold Leg
Injection is isolated to prevent pump runout.
5. Po open ND Auxiliary spray isolation valves:
a) ND spray isolation NS43A
f Requires CPCS signal
2) Close NDIB ND2A (ND pump suctions from NC system)
3) Open Nll85A (Containment sump line A isolation)
b) NB spray isolation NS38B:
1) Requires CPCS signal
2) Close ND36E ND37A (ND pump suctions from NC system)
3) Open N1184B (Containment sump line 3 isolation)
2.3 Bechnial Specifications (T.S.) and Selected License Commitments (SLC) (Obj
- llj
A. T.S. 3.6.6Containment Spray System. Making a train of ND inoperable also
makes the associated train of NS inoperable due to losing the 8\88) Auxiliary
Spray header. But NS will still available from an ORAM-Sentinel viewpoint.
B. T.S. 3.3.2Engineered Safety Features Actuation System Instrumentation
Table 3.3.2-1 Functions #2 AND #9
C. SLC 46.6-5, ND/NS Sump Pump Interlock
3. Summary
3.1 Review Objectives
Page f I of 12
__e -
Containment SprayffX
Manual Phase B
Is01 .
20.4 psig CPCS
Seal In
< 0 . 3 psig CPCS m !
E. Containment SprayNX
1. 2 signals can actuate NSNX
a) Manual "Phase 4, NS-VX Initiate, Cont Vent kol" AND CPCS Signal.
Train A (B) (Phase 3, NS-VX initiate, Cont Vent Isol) pushbutton
actuates Train A (B) NSNX, AND CPCS signal greater than or equal
to 0.4 PSIG. This is a single pushbutton that actuates three
b) 2/4 Hi-Hi Containment Pressure greater than or equal to 3.0 PSIG
CPCS signal greater than or equal to 0.4 PSIG.
2. Annunciator on AD-13: Hi- Hi Containment Pressure and Containment
Spray Actuation Indication annunciators.
3. Reset (NS-VX Reset)
a) One pushbutton per train (NS Board)
b) Functional at any Containment Pressure
c) Hi-Hi Containment Pressure would have to CLEAR and then
RETURN to initiate another NSNX Start. (Actually CPCS must be
present also to get the NSNX equipment to start operating.)
Page 20 of 26
Bank Question: 1004 Answer: D
1Pt(s) Unit 1 is operating at 50% power. Given the following events and
- Diesel air compressor is out of service for maintenance
VI compressors D, E, and F are running
- VI and VS pressure were decreming slowly due to an air leak
- VI and VS air pressures are equalized at 74 psig
If ail air system components operate as designed (no component failures
other than the air leak), which one of the following statements correctly
describes the location of the air le'& and the required action to isolate the VI
A. An air leak exists between IVS-78 and the VS air receivers.
1VS-78 must be closed to isolate the VS leak from the VI system.
B. An air leak exists between IVS-78 and 1VI-500 in the VS oil
removal filters. 1VS-78 must be closed to isolate the VS leak
from the VI system.
C. An air leak exists downstream of a VI system purge exhaust
mumer. The VI exhaust muffler must be manually isolated.
D. An air leak exists on VI system dryer downstream of the A
compressor discharge. The VI system dryer must be manually
~~~ ~~
Distracter Analysis: The following automatic actions occur:
94 psig - standby VI compressor starts and load$
90 psig - the standby VI air compressor quick-starts
80 psig - VI-500 closes to isolate the VS and VI systems
76 psig - VS-78 opens to allow VS to supply VI - hut a check valve
prevents reverse flow (VIsupplying VS).
In order for the pressure in both VS and VI to he equalized below 76
psig; the leak must be on the VI side.
A. Incorrect: VS system is isolated from the VI system by a check
valve that prevents flow from VI to VS. If the leak were on the VS
system. this check valve would close to prevent VI from
Plausible: 1VS-78 opens automatically when VI system pressure
decreases to 76 psig to allow VS to supply VI. The candidate may
think chat 1VS-78 shuts to isolate a VI or VI leak ifhe/she confuses
this with 1VS-500.
B. Incorrect: VS system is isolated from the VI system by a check
valve and by 1%-500 auto-closing.
Plausible: IVS-78 opens automatically when VI system pressure
decreases to 76 p i g - if the candidate does not recall the check valve.
C. Incorrect: purge exhaust muffler isolates automatically when VI
pressure decreases below 8%.
Plausible: air leak exists on VI system and there is an automatic
isolation to stop the leak.
D. Correct: Although 1VI-670 opens at 80 psi& this valves bypasses
the dryer units. It does not isolate a leak on the dryer unit.
KA: ME 065 A4203 (2.6D.9)
Lesson Plan Objective: VI Obj: 8, 17
Source: New
Level of knowledge: analysis
1. OP-GN-SS-VI pages 10,15,21,35, and 36
POWER. I _ _
Objective T
State the system designatorls) and nomenclature for major components
Explain the purpose of the Instrument Air system
Describe the basic flow paths through the Instrument Air system
- Airflow
- Recirculated Cooling water flow
Nuclear Service Water flow
Identify the normal Instrument Air system header pressure.
Identify the major components served by the Instrument Air system
and describe the effect on plant operations on a loss of Instrument Air
Describe the conditions which will cause an Instrument Air compressor to
Explain how the Instrument Air system will respond to a compressor trip
Bescribe how to cross-connect the Instrument Air and Station Air
e Explain why the cross connection is made
Describe the flow path from VS to VI
Describe the Instrument Air compressor automatic actions and their
Explain the purpose of the Instrument Air dlyers
Describe the automatic actions, alarms, and their setpoints associated
with the Instrument Ais Drvess
Identify the type of power supplies to each compressor (VI, VS and VB)
Explain the purpose of the Station Air system
Describe the basic flow paths through the Station Air system
- Recirculated Cooling Water flow
e Low Pressure Service Water flow i
Identify the normal Station Air system header pressure i
Page4 of36
DUKE POWER ,... . _
I - . . __
.. .
Identify the major components served by Station Air system and describe
the effect on plant operation of a loss of Station Air
Describe the alarms, automatic actions and their setpoints associated
with the Station Air svstem
Explain the purpose of the Breathing Air system
Describe the basic flow paths through the Breathing Air system
Recirculated Cooling Water flow
Identify the normal Breathing Air system header pressure
Explain the importance of the limits placed on the Breathing Air system
Air pressure limits
e Oil
E Pal-Biculates
Describe the Alarms, Automatic actions, associated setpoints, and trips
for the Breathing Air system.
State the actions requires of a NLO during a loss of VI and why those
actions are performed
Describe the basic operation and purpose of ail major components on the
VI dryer skid
E After-filters
Given appropriate plant conditions, apply limits and precautions
associated with related station procedures.
Describe the action which is required upon receipt of the VE3 system
alarm in the Control Room
List Wo common mode failures of the Instrument Air system and describe
the potential consequences to the Reactor core
Discuss the actions of the Loss of VI AP/Q/A/5500/22
Page 5 of 36
............... CATAWRA O....,P,........E
-. . I ................
.=..= =
c) Station Air (VS)
4) VS can provide backup air to VI via VS78. VS78 will
automatically open when VI pressure drops to 76 psig.
2) VS is supplied to VI via 2 oil removal filters.
d) Engineered safety features actuation system
Closes the containment isolation valves upon receiving an
isolation signal.
B. Basic Flow Paths (Obj. #3)
1. Air Flow
a) Air intakes located in Service building basement.
b) Three Compressors direct hot compressed air to the air receivers,
which are used to smooth out surges, and act as storage volume.
c) Downstream of the air recelvers are dryers to remove moisture.
61) Header splits into branches for Turbine Buildings, Service Buildings,
Aux Building, and Containment Buildings.
2. Recirculated Cooling Water Flow (MR)Provides cooling to:
a) 1st Stage Intercooler
b) 2nd Stage Aftercooler
c) Oil Cooler
3. Nuclear Service Water (RN)
a) Normally isolated
b) Manually aligned to provide cooling water for the compressors
intercooler, aftercooler and oil cooler during a blackout to "E" and "F"
compressor only.
e. Major Loads (Obj. #5)
1. Components served
Polishing demineralizers
Water chemistry building
HVAC controls
Primary PORV's
S/G PQRVs (in auto)
Inflatable seals on containment airlock doors
Steam dump valves
Page 70 of 36
d) Outlet piping of the local air dryer connects to VI System downstream
of the VI dryers.
G. Instrument Air Dryers (Obj. #IO, 11,241
Two instrument air dryer packages were installed in 1995 as replacements for
the dour dryer packages that were originally installed at Catawba. Each
package consists of one air pre-filter, two desiccant filled vertical air dryers,
one afterfilter, and alk necessary controls and indications.
A bypass line has been installed around the entire dryer package to be used
in the event of any failure on the dryer unit that could result in restriction of air
flow to the supply headers. An automatic control valve (Vl-670) (Obj. #I I ) will
automatically bypass the entire dryer package upon low air pressure of 80#
downstream of the dryer unit. VI-670 must be manually dosed when
restoring the system. The automatic bypass valve also has a manual bypass
around it.
The Instrument Ais Dryer packages are designated E and F.
2 . Flowpath
a) Upon entry to the dryer skid, the air first passes through an air pre-
filter. This canister contains a nylon fiber wound filter thats primary
purpose is to remove any water in droplet form from the incoming air.
Each pre-filter is provided with delta-p indication for filter change
requirements. The pse-filters are provided with automatic blowdown
devices to remove accumulated water from the pre-fifter housing.
Any moisture in the air leaving the pre-fikers should now be in vapor
form only.
b) From the pre-filter, the air next enters the actual air dryer itself.
These are large vertical chambers tilled with activated alumina
desiccant, which employs the principle of adsorption to remove water
vapors from the incoming air. As the incoming air is impinged onto
the desiccant bed, any molecules of water vapor are held om the
outside of the desiccant crystals by a phenomena called Vanderwalls
Forces. As the air molecules strike the desiccant bed, heat is built up
within the bed as result of molecular friction. This heat is 6ater used
in the Regeneration Cycle to aid in release of the water vapor
molecules from the desiccant.
An Automatic Moisture Load Control (AMLOC) Device is installed
within the desiccant bed of each dryer. This electric probe senses
moisture content of the bed, and is used to signal the dryers
Automatic Microcomputer Control System to shift the dryer from a
drying cycle to a regenerating cycle.
A configuration of check valves and a three-way valve is located at
the inlet and outlet of each dryer. This allows for air flow down
through the desiccant bed of one chamber that is Drying, and smalL
amount of air flow (15%) in reverse flow back up through the other
Page 15 of 36
.....-. ...........
- . .%, , . , -
B. Basic Flow Paths
1. Air Flow (Obj. #5,8,14, 15)
a) Air intakes located in Service Building basement.
b) Local filters on the compressors
c) The compressed air passes through an after cooler and a moisture
separator which cools the hot compressed air to within 1Oo F of the
Rb system water temperature and removes moisture resulting from
the cooling process.
d) Air now enters the receiver tanks, which smooth out any pressure
e) Air is distributed through the plant by headers located on each floor.
f) Air can also be supplied from the VS air receiver discharge header to
the Instrument Air System.
1) Air is passed through two oil removal filters to prevent oil
contamination of the VI system.
2) IVS-78 automatically opens when VI air receiver pressure
reaches 76 psig.
2. Recirculated Cooling Water Flow (MW)
a) Cools VS compressor oil coolers
b) Automatically isolated when associated compressor is secured.
c) Efnuent temperature automatically controlled.
C. Major Loads (Obj. #16)
1. Components sewed
a) Fuel cask decon pit sump pump
b) Waste solidification facility sprinkler system
c) Sewage lift stations
d) Meteorological mast
e) Main turbine fire protection system
f) Headers with misc. connections
1) Reactor building
2) Auxiliary building
3) Turbine building
4) Service building
Page 2f of 36
Page 35 of 36
Removes 1v1-487
i 1VMZl
moisture MUFFLER
Page36 of36
Bank Questisn: 1003 Answer: C
1 Pt(s) Unit 2 was shutdown in accordance with OP/2iA/6108/002 (Controlling
Procedurefur Unit Shutdown) is in progress. Given the foliowing events and
I&E were testing the safety injection actuation relay for the 1B NI pump.
0 A human error by a technician caused the Nl pump to start
The 1B h'lpump injected into the NC system
What is correct requirement to notify the NRC?
A. 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> notification in accordance with IOCPR50.72
B. 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> notification in accordance with 10CFR50.72
C. 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> notifieation in accordance with lQCFR50.72
D. 30 day notification in accordance with 10CFR20.2201
Distrarter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: hvalid ECCS injections are reportable to the NBC within
8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> per IOCFRSQ.72(b)(2)(iv)(~)
Plausible: Operator incorrectly determines injection is reportable
inmediately or within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> - or thinks that this is a NOUE.
B. Incorrect: Invalid ECCS injections are reportable to the NRC within
8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> per IOCFR50.72@)(2)(iv)(A)
PLausible: Valid ECCS injcctioa? are reportable to the NRC within 4
hours per lOCFRSO.72(b)(2)(iv)(A)
C. Correct: The safety injection actuation was invalid because it was
not caused by an actual demand signal
Do Incorrect: Invalid ECCS injections are reportable to the NRC within
8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> per 1OCFRs0.72@)(2)(iv)(A)
Plausible: Theft, lost or missing licensed materiak is reportable to the
NRC within 30 days.
Level: SRO Only 10CFW5.3@)5
KA: APE 006 G2.4.30 ( 2 2 3 . 6 )
Lesson Plan Objective: None
Source: New
Level of knowledge: memory
1. RP/O/B/5OOO/I? Enclosures4.1,4.2,4.?,4.4,4.6,
& 4.8
Enclosure 4.1
Events Requiring IMI\.IEDIATENRC Notification
uirements for the following events as soon as practical after the occul ice becomes known to the licensee:
Event Description Reporting Requirement
Events involving receiving and opening packages when removable Notify the final delivery canier.
radioactive surface contamination of the package (as determined by
L'ransportation events Radiation Protection) exceeds the limits of 1OCFR71.87(i) or when Votify the Region II Administrator at 404-562-
nvolving receiving external radiation levels (as determined by Radiation Protection) 1400. An Emergency Notification System (ENS)
md opening packages exceed the limits of 10CFR71.47 phone call does not need to be made unless
specified by Region n.
rhere is not an enclosure for reporting to Region II
pursuant to lOCFR20.1906(d).
Events involving any lost, stolen, or missing licensed material in an Notify the NRC Operations Center
aggregate quantity equal to or greater than 1,OOO times the quantity
WaterirVExposure specified in Appendix C to 10CFR20.1001 - 20.2401 (as determined
- vents involving theft by Radiation Protection) under such circumstances that it appears
)r loss of stolen that an exposure could result to persons in unrestricted areas.
licensed material
I QCFR20.2202 Any event involving byproduct, source, or special nuclear material Notify the NRC Operations Center
that may have caused or threatens to came an individual to receive
WateriaVExposure any of the following:
events involving
radiological exposure e A total effective dose equivalent of 25 rems or more
An eye dose equivalent of75 rems or more
A shallow-dose equivalent to the skin or extremities of 250 rads
or more
May have caused or threatens to cause the release of radioactive
material, inside or outside of a restricted area, so that, had an
individual been present for 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, the individual could have
received an intake five times the occupational annual limit on
inrake (does not apply to locations where personnel are not
normally stationed during routine operations).
Enclosure 4.1 RP/OA~J'~OQQ/Q~ 3
Events Requiring IMMEDIATE NRC Notification Page 2 of 2
mplete the reporting re iirements for the following events as soon as practical after the o urrence becomes known to the licensee
IQCFR Section Event Description ... Reponing Reqirement
OeFR5Q.72 Declared emergency classification as specified in Kotify the NRC Operations Center &edi& after
RP/Q/A/5QQQ/QO1, "Classification of Emergency". notification of the appropriate state or local agencies
hergency and not later than 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> after the time one ofthe
Zlassification Change from one emergency classification to another emergency classes is declared.
- Termination of an emergency classification Activate the Emergency Response Data System
(Erns) as soon as possible but not l a t a than one
Any fhther degradation in the level of safety of the plant or hour after declaring an Alert or higher emergency
other worsening plant conditions, including those that classification.
require the declaration of any of the emergency classes, if
such a declaration has not been previously made
The results of ensuing evaluations or assessments of plant
e The effectiveness of response or protective measures taken.
Information related to plant behavior that is not understood
As a courtesy in situations deemed necessary.
Enclosure 4.2
Events Requiring 1-HOUR NRC Notification Page 1 of 2
Complete the reporting requirements for the following events as soon as practical and in all cases within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> after the occurrence becomes known
to the licensee:
lOCFR Section Event Description Reporting Requirement
IOCFR50.72@)(2)(i) Reasonable action that departs from a license condition or a technical Votify the NRC Operations Center
specification may be taken in an emergency when this action is immediately
TS Deviation needed to protect the health and safety of the public and no action consistent
[lOCFTW.S4(x) with the license condition or technical specification that can provide
Declarations) adequate or equivalent protection is immediately apparent.
Deviation from the intent of an emergency procedure constitutes a
10CFR50.54(x) action.
Actions taken per 10CFR50,54(x) shall be approved, as a minimum, by a
Licensed Senior Reactor Operator prior to taking such action.
10CFR50.54(x) decisions shall be documented in the Reactor Operators
Logbook and the TSC Logbook.
Ifnot reported as a declmtion of an emergency classification, the NRC
shall be notified as soon as practical but always within one hour of the
occmence of a lOCFR50.54(x) action.
(PIP 2-C96-0273)
Enclosure 4.2 RP/~/B/5000/013
Events Requiring 1-HOUR NKC Notification Page 2 of 2
Complete the reporting requiremcnts for the following events as soon as practical and in all cases within 1 how after the occurrence becomes h o ~ n
to the licensee:
lOCFR Section Event Description Reporting Requirement
Accidental criticality or
loss or theft o r Any case of accidental criticality or any loss, other than normal operating
attempted theft of loss, of special nuclear material
Any loss or theft or unlawful diversion of special nuclear material or any
incident in which an attempt has been made or is believed to have been
made to commit a theft or unlawful diversion of such material
1QCFR73.71 Events involving physical protection of plant and materials Notify the NRC Operations Center.
Physical protection of * The loss of any shipment of special nuclear material or spent fuel (also Notify the NRC Operations Center of
plant and materials notify the NRC Operations Center within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> after recovery of or significant supplemental information,
accounting for such lost shipment) which becomes available.
Safeguards evmts as determined by Security personnel
Enclosure 4.3
Events Requiring 4-HOUR NRC Notificath
Coniplete the reporting requirements for the following events as soon as practical and in all cases within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> after the occurrence becomes known
to the licensee:
lQCFR Section Event Description Reporting Requirement
10CFR50.72@)(2)(i) Initiation of a shutdown is defined as: "A reduction in power required by an Votify the NRC Operations Center
Action statement of Technical Specifications to enter Mode 3."
Initiation of any plant
shutdown required by Shutdown is defined (for reporting requirements) as: "Mode 3 and below fiorn
Technical Specifications Mode 1 or Mode 2."
Cooldown to comply with an Action statement of Technical Specifications
does not constitute "Shutdown initiation of any plant shutdown." reporting
Example: If the unit is already shut down and a cooldown is required to comply
with a Technical Specification ACTION statement, no further reporting
requirements apply because of the cooldown
S/G Tube Integrity Notify the NRC of Steam Generator Tube Plugghg in accordance with Technical Notify the NRC Operations Center
Technical Specification Specifications 5.5.9, Table 5.5.2.
Enclosure 4.3 KP/OIR,WQO/Q~~
Events Requiring 4-IIOuK NRC Notification Page 2 of 2
Complete the reporting requirements for the following events as soon as practical and in all cases within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> after the occurrence becomes known
to the licensee:
IOCFR Section Event Description Reporting Requirement
IQCFR50.72(b)(2)(iv)(A) 4ny event that results or should have resulted in ECCS discharge into the reactor qotify the NRC Operations Center
mlant system as a result of a valid signal except when the actuation results from
ECCS discharge into md is part of a pre-planned sequence during testing or reactor operation.
system Valid signal refers to those signals automatically initiated by measurement of
rn actual physical system parameter that was within the established setpoint
band of the sensor that provides the signal to the protection system logic, or
manually initiated in response to plant conditions. Valid signals also include
passive system actuations that occur as a function of system conditions like
differential pressure (i.e., cold leg accumulators) whereby no SSPS or other
electxical signal is involved. The validity of an ECCS signal may not be
determined within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />; ECCS signals that result or should have resulted in
injections should be considered valid until firm evidence proves otherwise.
ECCS injections are still considered a System actuation, but are NOT
repoportable to the NRC per 10 CFR 50.72. It is still reportable under 10 CFR
50.73 as an LER. (Refer to Enclosure 4.8 for guidance as to what
constitutes a System actuation.)
1OCFR50.72(b)(2)(iv)(13) Any event or condition that results in actuation of the reactor protection system Votify the NRC Operations Center
(WS) when the reactor is critical except when the actuation is part of a pre-
RPS Actuation planned sequence during testing or reactor operation.
lQCFR50.72@)(2)(xi) Any event or situation related to the health and safety ofthe public or on-site Notify the NRC Operations Center
personnel, or protection of the environment, for which a news release is planned or
Offsite Notification notification to other government agencies has been or will be made. Such an event
(News Release) may include an on-site fatality, transport of an injured or ill employee to a hospital
by ambulance, or an inadvertent release of radioactively contaminated materials.
Enclosure 4.4 KP/0iB/50001013
Events Requiring 8-HOUR NRC Notification Page 1 of 2
Complete the reporting requirements for the following events as soon as practical and in all cases within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> after the occurrence becomes known
to t G licensee:
-. Re2orting
... Requirement
K d f y thc VRC Operatims Center
Degraded Condition
B. The Nuclear Power plant being in an unanalyzed condition that sipificantly
degrades plant safety.
Votify the NRC Operations Center
System Actnation part of a pre-planned sequence during testing or plant operation.
Votify the NKC Operations Center
Safety Function
Prevented From A. shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition,
B. remove residual heat,
C. control the release of radioactive material, or
Enclosure 4.6
Events Requiring 30-DAY NRC Notification
Complete the reporting requirements for the following events as soon as practical and in all cases within 30 days after the occurrence becomes known
to the licensee:
IOCFR Section Event Description Reporting Requirement
10CFR20.2201 All licensed material in a quantity greater than ten times the quantity Notify the NRC Operations Center via the
specified in Appendix C to 10CFR20.1001 - 20.2401 (as determined by Emergency Notification System
Theft, Loss or Missing Radiation Protection) that is still missing at this time
Licensed Material
Enclosure 4.8 RP/O/I3/5O0O!Ol 3
List of System (ESF) Actuations for Catawba Page 1 o f 2
1. Any reactor trip (P-4)
2. Safety injection (UFSAR 6.3.1, 6.3.2)
A. NV charging path
B. NI charging path
C. ND charging path
D. CLA injection
E. D/G sequencer activation
F. Reactor trip sigma1
G. FWST - containment sump ND suction swap
0 If a second NV pump is manualiy started in order to maintain NC inventory, this is also a
system actuation.
3. Containment spray (UFSAR 6.2.2)
A. NS pump stadvalve alignment
B. Actual spraydown of containment
4. Containment isolation (UFSAR 6.2.4)
A. Phase A (St)
B. Phase B (Sp)
C. Closurc of the VP or VQ valves upon receipt of a high radiation signal from EMF-38, 39, or 40
docs not constitute a reportable system actuation during any mode.
D. NW system injection
5. Steam line isolation (UFSAK 10.3.2)
A. individual steam line valve closure*
B. System isolation
C. Actuation of P-12 to close steam dumps is NQT a system actuation
- Individual component activation due to component failure not reportabie per this requirement
Bank Quesfion: 1002 Answer: 6
1 Pt(s) Fire suppression valve position is currently verified semiannually. The
required review of fire suppression valve position reveals that the valves
were in the correct position 98.5% ofthe time.
Which one of the following actions should be taken concerning the frequency
of performing the valve position check?
A. The check could be decreased to an annual frequency.
B. The check should continue on a semiannual frequency.
C. The check should be increased to a quarterly frequency.
D. The check should be increased to a monthly frequency.
Distracter Analysis:
A. Incorrect: ma% be increased to quarterly per SLC 16.9-1
Plausible: true if the frequency was greater than 99% and done
B. Incorrect: must be increased to quarterly per SLC 16.9-1
Plausible: given the high pass frequency, it may be assumed that it
should continue on the annual basis
C. Correct: per the basis in SLC 16.9-1, If the results demonstrate that
the valves are not found in the correct position at least 99% of the
time, the frequency of conducting the valve position verification shall
be increased from - annually to semiannually or - semiannually to
quarterly or - quarterly to monthly - as applicable. The valve position
verification need not be conducted more often that monthly.
B. Incorrect: BIIMS~be increased to quarterly per SLC 16.9-1
Plausible: true if the frequency had initially been quarterly
Level: SRO Only lOCFR43@).2
KA: APE 067 G2.25 (233.7)
Lesson Plan Objective: WFY Obj: 40
Source: New
Level of knowledge: analysis
1. SLC 16.9-1 basis
- -
Objective P P
0 0
- -
3ven a set of specific plant conditions and access to reference X X
naterials, determine the actions necessary to comply with Tech
Spec's/§ LC's.
- -
Page 6 of 24
16.9 -
The Fire Suppression Water System shall be OPERABLE with:
a. At least two fire suppression pumps, each with a capacity of 2500 gpm, with
their discharge aligned to the fire suppression header, and
b. An OPERABLE flow path capable of taking suction from Lake Wylie and
transferring the water through distribution piping with OPERABLE
sectionalizing control valves and isolation valves for each sprinkler, hose
standpipe, or Spray System riser required to be OPERABLE per
Commitments 16.9-2 and 16.9-4.
At all limes.
a. With one of the above required pumps andlor one Water Supply/Distribution
System inoperable, restore the inoperable equipment to OQEFWBLEstatus
within 7 days or provide an alternate backup pump or supply.
b. With the Fire Suppression Water System otherwise inoperable establish a
backup Fire Suppression Water System within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.
a. The Fire Suppression Water System shall be demonstrated OPERABLE:
I. At least once per 10 days on a STAGGERED TEST BASIS by starting
each electric. motor-driven pump and operating it for at least 15
minutes on recirculation flow,
11. By visual verification that each valve (manual, power-operated, or
automatic) in the flow path, which is accessible during plant operations,
is in the correct position. The frequency of the verification shall be
determined by the performance based criteria stated in the Bases
Chapter 16.9-1 Page 1 of 4 05105199
iii. At least once pes 6 months by performance of a system flush of the
outside distribution ioop to verify no flow blockage by fully opening the
hydraulically most remote hydrant,
iv. At least once per 12 months by cycling each testable valve in the flow
path through at least one complete cycle of full travel,
Exception: Valves that are cycled as part of the ASME Section XI,
Subsection IWV (Inservice Testing of Valves in Nuclear Power Plants)
program (RF3895,RF4475,RF457B)are exempt from this
v. At least once per 18 months by verifying that each valve (manual,
power-operated, or automatic) in the flow path which is inaccessible
during plant operations is in its correct position,
vi. At least once per 18 months by performing a system functional test
which inc9udes simulated automatic actuation of the system
throughout its operating sequence, and:
1) Verifying that each pump develops at least 2500 gpm at a net
pressure of 144 psig by testing at three points on the pump
performance curve,
2) Cycling each valve in the Row path which is not testabie during
plant operation through at least one complete cycle of full travel,
3) Verifying that each fire suppression pump starts within 10 psig of
its intended starting pressure (A pump, primary switch-95 psig; I3
pump, primary switch -90 psig; and C pump, primary switch-85
vii. At least once per 3 years by performing a flow test of the system in
accordance with Chapter 8, Section 16 ofthe Fire Protection
Handbook, 15th Edition, published by the National Fire Protection
1) Catawba FSAR, Section 9.5.1
2) Catawba SER, Section 9.5.1
3) Catawba SER, Supplement 2, Section 9.5.1
Chapter 16.9-1 Page 2 of 4 01/I7\00
4) Catawba SER, Supplement 3, Section 9.5.1
5) Catawba Fire Protection Review, as revised
6) Catawba Fire Protection Commitment Index
7) Startup and Normal Operation of Fire Protection System - OP/1/A/6400/02A
The OPERABILITY of the Fire Suppression Systems ensures that adequate fire
suppression capability is available to confine and extinguish fires occurring in any
portion of the facility where safety-related equipment is located. The Fire
Suppression System consists of the water system, spray, andlor sprinklers, CO, ,
and fire hose stations. The collective capability of the Fire Suppression Systems is
adequate to minimize potential damage to safety-related equipment and is a major
element in the facility Fire Protection Program.
The ability to demonstrate that the valves in the RFlRY flow path can be cycled is
critical to maintaining the system properly. The containment isolation valves
(RF389B and RF447B) and the annulus sprinkler system isolation valve (RF4575)
are required to be cycled or stroked at least once every quarter as part of the
Catawba IWV program. Therefore, credit can be taken for cycling these valves
under the IWV program, and they do not need to be cycled annually to meet the SLC
The proper positioning of RFiRY valves is critical to delivering fire suppression water
at the fire source as quickly as possible. The option of increasing or decreasing the
frequency of valve position verification allows the ability to optimize plant operational
resources. Should an adverse trend develop with RFlWY valve positions, the
frequency of Verification shall be increased. Similarly if the RFlRY valve position
trends are positive, the frequency of verification could be decreased. Through
programmed trending of RFRY as found valve positions, the RF/RY System will be
maintained at predetermined reliability standards. The RF/RY System Engineer is
responsible for trending and determining verification frequencies based on the
Initially the frequency will be monthly.
Annually review the results of the completed valve position verification procedures.
If the results demonstrate that the valves are found in the correct position at lead
99% of the time, the frequency of conducting the valve position verification may
be decreased from - monthly to quarterly or quarterly to semiannually or
~ -
Chapter 16.9-1 Page 3 of 4 01117100
semiannually to annually as applicable. The frequency shall not be extended
beyond annually (plus grace period).
0 If the results demonstrate that the valves are not found in the correct position at
least 99% of the time, the frequency of conducting the valve position verification
shall be increased from - annually to semiannually or - semiannually to quarterly
or - quarterly to monthly as applicable. The valve position verification need not
be conducted more often that monthly.
In the event that portions of the Fire Suppression Systems are inoperable, alternate
backup fire-fighting equipment is required to be made available in the affected areas
until the inoperable equipment is restored to service. When the inoperable fire-
fighting equipment is intended for use as a backup means of fire suppression, a
longer period of time is allowed to provide an alternate means of fire fighting than if
the inoperable equipment is the primary means of fire suppression.
In the event the Fire Suppression Water System becomes inoperable, immediate
corrective measures must be taken since this system provides the major fire
suppression capability of the plant.
This Selected Licensee Commitment is part of the Catawba Fire Protection Program
and therefore subject to the provisions of the Catawba Facility Operating License
Conditions #6 for NPF-52 and #8 for NPF-35.
Chapter 16.9-1 Page 4 of 4 011171QQ
Bank Question: 1001 Answer: D
1 Pt(s) Unit 1 was operating at 100% power, all rods out at 226 steps. Given the
following events and conditions:
A runback OCCUTS
Reactor power is lowered to 60%
e Rod D-4is stuck out at 226 steps
Which one ofthe following statements correctly describes the indications for
this stuck rod?
REFERENCES PROVlDED: Databook Figures 3.1 (Control Rod Map),
3.3(Core T/C Locations) and 3.7(F?coreDetector Locations)
A. Core exit T/C T-3 is lower than T-61
3-43 is lower than N-44
B. Core earit T/C T-3 is higher than T-61
K-43 is lower than N 4 4
C. Core exit T/C is T-3 lower than T-61
N-43 is hqher than N-44
D. Core exit T/C T-3 is higher than T-61
N-43 is higher than N-44
Distracter Analysis: Rod B-4 (located in position GD-1 GR-1) is stuck out
of the core and causes localized flux peaking in the vicinity of the rod. This
causes power and temperatures to increase.
A. Incorrect: This is the reverse ofwhat actually Rappens
Plausible: if the candidate thinks that the stuck rod will lower flux levels
B. Incorrect: the stuck rod causes localized suppression of flux in area of
rod, which also causes a reduction in coolant temperature.
Plausible: if the candidate confuses the excore detector locations (north)
with the quadrant designations (0-360')
C. Incorrect: T/C T-3 is higher than T-61 due to flux suppression in a m of
mdCD-1 GR 1 .
Plausible: partially correct - N-43 is higher than N-44
D. Correct: Rod D-4 is stuck out of the core and causes localized flux
peaking in the vicinity of the rod. "his causes power and temperatures to
Level: SRO Only IOCFR55.43@)5
KA: APE 005 AA2.01 (3.3M.l)
Lesson P h Objective: none
Source: New
Level of knowledge: comprehension
1. Databook Figure 3 ~ 1(Control Rod Map)
2. Databook Figure 3.3 (Core T/CLocations)
3. Databook Figure 3.7 (Excore Detector Locations)
-- Sank
A - Group No.
NO. T:i-
SOURCE CNM 1399.06-69 Brig. f6122E35
(1 . c r i \ R m a y J.R. F O X - 5 - Grade