ML14290A304 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Catawba |
Issue date: | 10/27/2014 |
From: | Division of Reactor Safety II |
To: | Duke Energy Corp |
Shared Package | |
ML14290A363 | List: |
References | |
50-413/14-301, 50-414/14-301 | |
Download: ML14290A304 (31) | |
ES-201 Examination Preparation Checklist Form ES-201-1 Facility: IA-rAW34 Date of Examination: c/4 Developed by: Written - Facility NRC II Operating - Facility NRC LI Target Chief Date* Task Description (Reference) Examiners Initials
-180 1. Examination administration date confirmed (Cia, C.2.a and b) /,443
-120 2. NRC examiners and facility contact assigned (C.1.d; C.2.e) iJ
-120 3. Facility contact briefed on security and other requirements (C.2.c) YY
-120 4. Corporate notification letter sent (C.2.d) yyf3
[-901 [5. Reference material due (C.1 .e; C.3.c; Attachment 3)j rvi3
{-75} 6. Integrated examination outline(s) due, including Forms ES-201-2, ES-201-3, ES-301-1, ES-301-2. ES-301-5. ES-D-ls, ES-401-1/2, ES-401-3, and ES-401-4, as applicable (C.1.e and f; C.3.d)
(-70) {7. Examination outline(s) reviewed by NRC and feedback provided to facility licensee (C.2.h; C.3.e)}
{-45} 8. Proposed examinations (including written, walk-through JPMs, and scenarios, as applicable), supporting documentation (including Forms ES-301-3, ES-301-4. ES-301-5, ES-301-6, and ES-401-6, and any Form ES-201-3 updates), and reference materials due (C.1.e, f, g and h; C.3d)
-30 9. Preliminary license applications (NRC Form 398s) due (C.1.l; C.2.g; ES-202)
-14 10. Final license applications due and Form ES-201-4 prepared (C.1.l, C.2.i, ES-202)
-14 11. Examination approved by NRC supervisor for facility licensee review (C.2.h; C.3.f)
-14 12. Examinations reviewed with facility licensee (Cli; C.2.f and h; C.3.g)
-7 13. Written examinations and operating tests approved by NRC supervisor (C.2.i; C.3.h)
-7 14. Final applications reviewed: 1 or 2 (if >10) applications audited to confirm qualifications / eligibility; and examination approval and waiver letters sent (C.2.i, Attachment 5; ES-202, C.2.e; ES-204)
-7 15. Proctoring/written exam administration guidelines reviewed with facility licensee (C.3.k)
-7 16. Approved scenarios, job performance measures, and questions distributed to NRC examiners (C.3i)
Target dates are generally based on facility-prepared examinations and are keyed to the examination date identified in the corporate notification letter. They are for planning purposes and may be adjusted on a case-by case basis in coordination with the facility licensee.
[Applies only] (Does not apply) to examinations prepared by the NRC.
ES-201, Page 25 of 28
ES-201 Examination Outline Quality Checklist Form ES-201 -2 Facillty CatarwbaNucl.arStatlon -bi. DStOofEXarTLkWtiOn 0511912014 ksf-)
Initials Item TaskDesciiption
- 1. a. Veritythetthe outline(s) fit(s) the approptiate modal, in ardance with ES-401.
w (A % /ii R b. Assess whether the outline was sTialically and randomly prepared lii accoidance with 1 SectIon D.1 of ES.401 and whether KJA categories aie appmpdately sampled. Vi 1* A T c Assess whethar the outline over-emptiasixes any systems, evolutions, or genenc topica. ifr, fA
- d. Assess Miether the luatificatlons r deselected or rejected KIA statements are appupriate. N/,4
- 2. a. Using Foan ES-301-5, verity that the proposed scanano sets cover the required number of normal avOlutIo, instaiment and component Failures, technical specifications, and major S transients.
M b. A ess whether there are enough scenario sets (and spares) to test the projected number and u mix of applicants in accordance with the expected crew composition and rotation schedule
L COlTlPfVl11isI1 exam lntegnty. and ensure that each applicant i be tested using at A least one new or signacanhly modified scenario, that no scenarios are duphcated from the r ppp)lcan audit test(s), and that scenarios will flot b repeated an subsequent days.
- c. To the extent possible, assess whether the outline(s) xmforrn(s) with the qualitative and quantitative criteria specified on Form ES-301-4 and described in Appendix 0
- 3. a. Verify that the systerns wac.through outhne meets the criteria specified on Form ES-301-2 (1) the outline(s) contain(s) the required number of control room and in-plant tasks distributed W among the safety fimotlons as specified on the tomi (2) task repetition from the last tao NRC recssikiaa iswilhlrt the biits specified on the form T (3) no tasks are dup5cated from the applicants audit test(s)
(4) the ntenberotnewcr nxd tasks meets crexceeds the nteiniumsspecthod on the form (5) the number of abmate path. lov,.power, emergency, and RCA tasks meet the criteria on the form.
- b. Verify that the administrative outline meets the crfleris specified on Form ES-301-1 (1) lIre tasks are distributed among the toplos as specified on the form .aJ (2) at least one task Is new or significantly modified .
(3) no more than one task Is ftpealed item the last two NRC licensing examinations
- c. Determine if there are enough different outlines to test the projected number and mix of appilcants and ensure that no ilems are duplicated on subsequent days.
- 4. a. Assess whether plant-specific priorities (including PRA and IPE insights) are covered i intheappropieexamsectlons G
E b. Assess whether the 10 CFR 5541143 and 5545 sampferg is appropriate. gi Ensure that KJA ksportence ratings (except for plant-specific priorities) are at least 2.5.
- d. Check for duplication and overlap among exam secikms.
I e. Check the entire exam for balance of coverage.
- 1. Assess whether tire exam fits the appropriate job level (RO or SRQ).
- a. Author Oarrafl Henglay
- b. Facility Reviewer() EncMadsen I 1
- c. NRC Chief Examiner (#) A rIIfl.J1i7s . 1
- d. NRC Supervisor E-j.r4 , S( (P Note: it Independent NRC reviewer halls) Items in Cokimrr c; chief exarranerconcurrence required.
Not applicable for NRC-pmpajed ar r*lation
ES-201 Examination Outline Quality Checklist Form ES-201 -2 Faciltty t r Date of Examination:
-A)- I. \1IZTTEI& L$)
Initials Item Task Descnptlon
- 1. a. Verify that the outline(s) fit(s) the appropriate model, in accordance wit!, ES-401. ? ii 1
w R b. Assess whether the outline was systematlcaliy and randomly prepared in accordance with I SectIon 0.1 of ES-401 and whether all IQA categories are appropriately sampled. 4
- c. Assess whether the outFne over-emphasizes any systems, evolutions, or generic topics.
- d. Assess whether the justifications for deselected or rejected KIA statements are appropriate.
- 2. a. Using Form ES-301-5, verily that the proposed scenario sets cover the required number of normal evolutions, Instrument arid component failures, technical specifications.
S and major transients.
M b. Assess whether there are enough scenario sets (and spares) to test the projected number u
and mix of applicants In accordance with the expected crew composition and rotation schedule without compromising exam integrity, and ensure that each applicant can be tested using at least one new or significantly modified scenario, that no scenarios are duplicated T from the applicants audit test(s), and that scenarios will not be repeated on subsequent days.
0 c. to the extent possible, assess whether the outline(s) conform(s) with the qualitative R and quantitative criteria specified on Form ES-301-4 and described in AppendIx 0.
- 3. a. Verify that the systems walk-through outline meets the criteria specified on Form ES-301-2:
(1) (he outline(s) contain(s) the required number of control room and in-plant tasks w distributed among the safety functions as specified on the form I (2) task repetition from the last twe NRC exarrinatlons Is within the rts specified on the form T (3) no tasks are duplicated from the applicants audit test(s)
(4) the number of new ormodliled tasks meets or exceeds the mInimums specified on the form
(5) the number of alternate path, low-power, emergency, and RCA tasks meet the criteria on the form. .....
- b. Verify that the administrative outline meets the criterIa specified on Form ES-301-1:
(1) the tasks are distributed among the topics as specified on the form (2) at least one task Is new or significantly modified (3) no more than one task is repeated from the last two NRC licensing examinations
- c. Determine If there are enough different outlines to test the projected number and mix ,, I ,I of applicants and ensure that no items are duplicated on subsequent days. t( i iii
- 4. a. Assess whether plant-specific priorities (IncludIng PRA and IPE Insights) are covered .si NM In the appropriate exam sections. 17f Hi
- b. Assess whether the 10 CFR 55.41143 and 55.45 sampling Is appropriate.
N c. Ensure that KIA Importance ratings (except for plant-specific priorities) are at least 2.5.
- d. Check for- duplication and overlap among exam sections.
A e. Check the entire exam For balance of coverage. ,*,f r-14
- a. Author 6 W
4 4cCI
- b. Facility Reviewer () N4i .r
- c. NRC Chief Examiner () tecn ti. NRC Supervisor Lj-u f1tr-&Q / 7S 5/Ct 1 Note: 4 Independent NRC reviewer initial items in Column c; chief examiner concurrence required.
Not applicable for NRC-prepared examination outlines ES-201, Page 26 of 28
ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 NRC EXAM FINAL SUBMITTAL Facility: Catawba Nuclear Station Date of Examination: May 2014 Examination Level: RO SRO Operating Test Number: 2014301 Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (See Note) Code*
Determine License Status G2.1.4 Knowledge of individual licensed operator responsibilities related to shift staffing, such as Conduct of Operations R,D medical requirements, "no-solo" operation, maintenance of active license status, 10CFR55, etc.
Calculate Boric Acid and Water Addition to FWST Conduct of Operations R,D G2.1.25 Ability to interpret reference materials, such as graphs, curves, tables, etc.
Tagout "A" KR (Recirc. Cooling Water) Pump for check valve inspection G2.2.15 Ability to determine the expected plant Equipment Control R,N configuration using design and configuration control documentation, such as drawings, line-ups, tag-outs, etc.
Calculate Low Pressure Service Water Discharge Flow Radiation Control P,R for Radioactive Release G2.3.11 Ability to control radiation releases.
Emergency Procedures/Plan ---
NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.
- Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank (< 3 for ROs; < 4 for SROs & RO retakes)
(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (> 1)
(P)revious 2 exams (< 1; randomly selected)
ES 301, Page 22 of 27
ES-301 Administrative Topics Outline Form ES-301-1 NRC EXAM FINAL SUBMITTAL Facility: Catawba Nuclear Station Date of Examination: May 2014 Examination Level: RO SRO Operating Test Number: 2014301 Administrative Topic Type Describe activity to be performed (See Note) Code*
Determine License Status G2.1.4 Knowledge of individual licensed operator responsibilities related to shift staffing, such as Conduct of Operations R,D medical requirements, "no-solo" operation, maintenance of active license status, 10CFR55, etc.
Calculate Boric Acid and Water Addition to FWST Conduct of Operations R,D G2.1.25 Ability to interpret reference materials, such as graphs, curves, tables, etc.
Tagout 1EBC (Vital Battery)
Equipment Control R,N G2.2.13 Knowledge of tagging and clearance procedures.
Calculate Low Pressure Service Water Discharge Flow Radiation Control P,R for Radioactive Release G2.3.11 Ability to control radiation releases.
Classify the Event, and determine Protective Action Recommendations (PAR)
Emergency Procedures/Plan R,M G2.4.44 Knowledge of emergency plan protective action recommendations NOTE: All items (5 total) are required for SROs. RO applicants require only 4 items unless they are retaking only the administrative topics, when 5 are required.
- Type Codes & Criteria: (C)ontrol room, (S)imulator, or Class(R)oom (D)irect from bank (< 3 for ROs; < 4 for SROs & RO retakes)
(N)ew or (M)odified from bank (> 1)
(P)revious 2 exams (< 1; randomly selected)
ES 301, Page 22 of 27
ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 NRC EXAM Facility: Catawba Nuclear Station Date of Examination: May 2014 Exam Level: RO SRO-I SRO-U Operating Test Number: 2014301 Control Room Systems (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)
Safety System / JPM Title Type Code*
- a. Respond to inadvertent dilution while shutdown A,L,N,S 1 004A2.06 Control/mitigate inadvertent dilution. 4.2/4.3
- d. Start 1B NC (RCS) Pump A,D,L,S 4P 003A1.01 Parameters for operating RCP controls - vibration 2.9/2.9
- e. Synchronize the Generator to the Grid A,N,S 4S 045A4.02 Monitor/operate T/G controls, including breakers. 2.7/2.6
- f. Restoration of Offsite Power N,S 6 062A4.01 Operate/monitor All breakers in the control room 3.3/3.1
- g. Shift Lower Containment Ventilation Units C,N 5 022A4.01 Operate/monitor CCS fans 3.6/3.6
- h. Shift KC (CCW) Trains M,S 8 008A4.01 Operate/monitor CCW indications and controls 3.3/3.1 In-Plant Systems (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)
- i. Break Main Condenser Vacuum Locally - Unit 2 P,D,E 4S 045A1.06 Monitor parameters following T/G trip 3.3/3.7
- j. Shift Main Transformer Auxiliaries P,D 6 062A2.01 Operate loads that would degrade plant operation. 3.4/3.9
- k. Place 2A Hydrogen Analyzer in service D,E,L,R 5 028A1.01 Monitor parameters for operating HRPS controls-H2 con. 3.4/3.8
@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
- Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank <9 / <8 / <4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant >1 / >1 / >1 (EN)gineered safety feature - / - / >1 (L)ow-Power / Shutdown >1 / >1 / >1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) >2 / >2 / >1 (P)revious 2 exams <3 <3 / < 2 (randomly selected)
(R)CA >1 / >1 / >1 (S)imulator
ES-301, Page 23 of 27 ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 NRC EXAM Facility: Catawba Nuclear Station Date of Examination: May 2014 Exam Level: RO SRO-I SRO-U Operating Test Number: 2014301 Control Room Systems (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)
Safety System / JPM Title Type Code*
- a. Respond to inadvertent dilution while shutdown A,L,N,S 1 004A2.06 Control/mitigate inadvertent dilution. 4.2/4.3
- d. Start 1B NC (RCS) Pump A,D,L,S 4P 003A1.01 Parameters for operating RCP controls - vibration 2.9/2.9
- e. N/A
- f. Restoration of Offsite Power N,S 6 062A4.01 Operate/monitor All breakers in the control room 3.3/3.1
- g. Shift Lower Containment Ventilation Units N,S 5 022A4.01 Operate/monitor CCS fans 3.6/3.6
- h. Shift KC (CCW) Trains M,S 8 008A4.01 Operate/monitor CCW indications and controls 3.3/3.1 In-Plant Systems (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)
- i. Break Main Condenser Vacuum Locally - Unit 2 P,D,E 4S 045A1.06 Monitor parameters following T/G trip 3.3/3.7
- j. Shift Main Transformer Auxiliaries P,D 6 062A2.01 Operate loads that would degrade plant operation. 3.4/3.9
- k. Place 2A Hydrogen Analyzer in service D,E,L,R 5 028A1.01 Monitor parameters for operating HRPS controls-H2 con. 3.4/3.8
@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
- Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank <9 / <8 / <4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant >1 / >1 / >1 (EN)gineered safety feature - / - / >1 (L)ow-Power / Shutdown >1 / >1 / >1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) >2 / >2 / >1 (P)revious 2 exams <3 <3 / < 2 (randomly selected)
(R)CA >1 / >1 / >1 (S)imulator ES-301, Page 23 of 27
ES-301 Control Room/In-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 NRC EXAM Facility: Catawba Nuclear Station Date of Examination: May 2014 Exam Level: RO SRO-I SRO-U Operating Test Number: 2014301 Control Room Systems (8 for RO); (7 for SRO-I); (2 or 3 for SRO-U, including 1 ESF)
Safety System / JPM Title Type Code*
- a. N/A
- d. N/A
- e. N/A
- f. Restoration of Offsite Power N,S 6 062A4.01 Operate/monitor All breakers in the control room 3.3/3.1
- g. N/A
- h. N/A In-Plant Systems (3 for RO); (3 for SRO-I); (3 or 2 for SRO-U)
- i. Break Main Condenser Vacuum Locally - Unit 2 P,D,E 4S 045A1.06 Monitor parameters following T/G trip 3.3/3.7
- j. N/A
- k. Place 2A Hydrogen Analyzer in service D,E,L,R 5 028A1.01 Monitor parameters for operating HRPS controls-H2 con. 3.4/3.8
@ All RO and SRO-I control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; all 5 SRO-U systems must serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room.
- Type Codes Criteria for RO / SRO-I / SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 / 4-6 / 2-3 (C)ontrol room (D)irect from bank <9 / <8 / <4 (E)mergency or abnormal in-plant >1 / >1 / >1 (EN)gineered safety feature - / - / >1 (L)ow-Power / Shutdown >1 / >1 / >1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) >2 / >2 / >1 (P)revious 2 exams <3 <3 / < 2 (randomly selected)
(R)CA >1 / >1 / >1 (S)imulator ES-301, Page 23 of 27
ES-301 -
Operating Test Quality Checklist Form ES-301-3 FINAL SUBMITIAL Facility: Catawba Nuclear Station Date 01 Examination: May 2014 Operating Test Number 2014301 Lis
- 1. General Criteria
.j_ aft
- a. The operating test conforms with the previously approved outline; changes are consistent with G sampling requirements (e.g., 10 CFR 55.45, operational importance, safety function distribution). (Ad
- b. There is no day-to-day repetition belween this and other operating tests to be administered c c during this examination.
- a. The operating test shall not duplicate items from the applicants audit test(s). (see Section 0.1 .a.)
- d. Overlap with the written examination and between different parts of the operating test is within ( ..Jc acceptable limits. 44
- e. It appears that the operating test will differentiate between competent and less-than-competent 6 applicants at the designated license level. w
- 2. Walk-Through Criteria --
- a. Each .)PM includes the following, as applicable:
- initial conditions
- initiating cues
- references and tools, including associated procedures
- reasonable and validated time limits (average time allowed for completion> and specific designation it deemed to be time-critical by the facility licensee
- operationally important specific performance criteria that include:
detailed expected actions with exact criteria and nomenclature system response and other examiner cues statements describing Important observations to be made by the applicant criteria for successful completion of the task identification of critical steps and their associated performance standards restrictions on the sequence of steps, if applicable
- b. Ensure that any changes from the previously approved systems and administrative walk-through outlines (Forms ES-301-1 and 2) have not caused the test to deviate from any of the acceptance criteria (e.g., item distribution, bank use, repetition from the last 2 NRC examinations) specified on those forms and Form ES-201-2.
- 3. Simulator Criteria -- --
The associated simulator operating tests (scenario sets)have been reviewed in accortiance with Farm ES-301 -4 anda copy is attached.
J Printed Name I Si lure Date
- a. Author Darrell 0. Henslev / /i /14
- b. Facility Reviewer() Waiter L Hunni 41
- c. NRC Chief Examiner(#) j 5 k-c 4
- d. NRC Supervisor tkflA kvrLA f1gV ft i NOTE: The facility signature is not applicable for NRC-developed tests.
- Independent NRC reviewer hitial items in Column bc; chief examiner concurrence required.
ES-301 Simulator Scenario Quality Checklist Form ES-301 -4 FINAL SUBMlTAL Facitty: Catawba Nuclear Station Date of Exam: 05114 Scenario Numbers: 1/2/31415 Ooeratina Test No.: 2014301 Initials QUALITA11VE ATTRIBUTES a b c#
- 1. The initial conditions are realistic, in that some equipment andlor instrumentation may be out of A
service, but it does not cue the operators Into expected events.
LW* 14 ypl3
- 2. The scenarios consist mostly of related events.
J- jj_
- 3. Each event descnption consists of
. the point In the scenario when it is to be initiated
. the malfunction(s) that are entered to initiate the event ,
1b7 (43
. the symptoms/cues that will be visible to the crew
. the expected operator actions (by shift position)
- the event termination point (if appflcable)
- 4. No more than one non-mechanistic failure (e.g., pipe break) is incorporated into the scenario without a credible preceding Incident such as a seismic event. Kyn TW-w
- 5. The events are valid with regard to physics and thermodynamics.
- 6. Sequencing and timing of events is reasonable, and altows the examination team to obtain 4,
complete evaluation results commensurate with the scenario objectives. I YIr)
- 7. II time compression techniques are used, the scenario summary clearly so indicates. Operators have sufficient time to carry out expected activities without undue time constraints. Cues are given.
N A M ( i1P The simulator modeling is not altered.
- 9. The scenarios have been validated. Pursuant to 10 CFR 55.46(d). any open simulator performance
...L... i deficiencies or deviations from the referenced plant have been evaluated to ensure that functional fidelity is maintained while running the planned scenarios. (4/
- 10. Every operator will be evaluated using at least one new or significantly modified scenario. All other scenarios have been altered inaccordance with Section 0.5 of ES-301.
1 1. All individual operator competencies can be evaluated, as verified using Form ES-301 -6 (submit the form along with the simulator scenarios).
- 12. Each applicant wl be significantly involved in the minimum number of transients and events specified on Form ES-301-5 (submit the form with the simulator scenarios). (44
- 13. The level of difficulty is appropriate to support licensing decisions for each crew position.
IJ- 4t Target Quantitative Attributes (Per Scenario; S.. Section D.&d) Actual Attributes -
- 1. Total malfunctions (58) 7/7/8/618 çjf.-
- 2. MalfunctionsatterEOPentry(12) 2/2121112 3, Abnormal events (24) 413/4/4/4 ij Z*
- 4. Major transients (12) 1 1 /1 /1 /1
- 5. EOPs entered/requiring substantive actions (12) 212/2! 2/2 cf
- 6. EOP contingencies requiring substantive actions (02) 1 (1 /1 /1/1 f
- 7. Cnticaltasks(23) -.
ES-301 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301-5 Facility: Catawba Date of Exam: May 2014 Operating Test No.: 2014301 A E FINAL SUBMITTAL P V Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4 T M E
N u
R T 0 A T 0 R T 0 A T 0 Mf 0 C P 0 C P 0 C P 0 C P A IU E
RO RX -- 2 -- -- 1 --
-- 1 -- 110 NOR 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SRO-l I/C 3456 35 46 2345 45 23 2456 26 34 245 25 34 4 4 2 SRO-U MAJ 7 7 6 6 6 7 7 7 6 6 6 2 2 1 TS 56 -- -- -- -- -- 23 -- -- 0 2 2 Instructions:
- 1. Check the applicant level and enter the operating test number and Form ES-D-i event numbers for each event type; TS are not applicable for RO applicants. ROs must serve in both the at-the-controls (ATC) and balance-of-plant (BOP) positions; Instant SROs must do one scenario, including at least two instrument or component (I/C) malfunctions and one major transient, in the ATC position.
- 2. Reactivity manipulations may be conducted under normal or controlled abnormal conditions (refer to Section D5.d) but must be significant per Section C.2.a of Appendix D. (*) Reactivity and normal evolutions may be replaced with additional instrument or component malfunctions on a 1 -for-i basis.
- 3. Whenever practical, both instrument and component malfunctions should be included; only those that require verifiable actions that provide insight to the applicants competence count toward the minimum requirements specified for the applicants license level in the right-hand columns.
Page 1 of 2
ES-301 Transient and Event Checklist Form ES-301-5 Facility: Catawba Date of Exam: May 2014 Operating Test No.: 2014301 A E FINAL SUBMITTAL P V Scenario 5 T M E
R T 0 Mj)
T P 0 C P RIU RO AX -- 1 --
110 SRO-l1 NOR 1 - 1 1 1 1 I/C 2346 26 34 4 4 2 SRO-U MAJ 221 TS --
022 Instructions:
- 1. Check the applicant level and enter the operating test number and Form ES-D-1 event numbers for each event type; TS are not applicable for RO applicants. ROs must serve in both the at-the-controls (ATC) and balance-of-plant (BOP) positions; Instant SROs must do one scenario, including at least two instrument or component (I/C) malfunctions and one major transient, in the ATC position.
- 2. Reactivity manipulations may be conducted under normal or controlled abnormal conditions (refer to Section D.5.d) but must be significant per Section C.2.a of Appendix D. (*) Reactivity and normal evolutions may be replaced with additional instrument or component malfunctions on a 1 -for-i basis.
- 3. Whenever practical, both instrument and component malfunctions should be included; only those that require verifiable actions that provide insight to the applicants competence count toward the minimum requirements specified for the applicants license level in the right-hand columns.
Page 2 of 2
ES-301, Rev. 9 Competencies Checklist Form ES-301-6 FINAL SUBMITTAL Facility: Catawba Date of Examination: May 2014 Operating Test No.: 2014301 RO X RO RO SRO-l SRO-l X SRO-I SRO-U SRO-U SRO-U X Competencies SCENARIO SCENARIO SCENARIO 12345 1 234512345 Interpret/Diagnose Events 3456 2345 2345 2345 2345 34567 2345 2345 2345 2345 3456 2345 2345 2345 2345 and Conditions 789 67 6789 678 6789 89 67 6789 678 6789 789 67 6789 678 6789 Comply With and ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Use Procedures (1)
Operate Control ALL 1234 1234 1234 1246 Boards (2) 578 5689 78 89 Communicate ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL and Interact Demonstrate Supervisory ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL Ability (3)
Comply With and 56 34 345 23 35 56 34 345 23 35 Use Tech. Specs. (3)
(1)lncludes Technical Specification compliance for an RO.
(2)Optional for an SRO-U.
(3)Only applicable to SROs.
Check the applicants license type and enter one or more event numbers that will allow the examiners to evaluate every applicable competency for every applicant.
ES-401 -4 Record of Rejected K/As Catawba Nuclear Station Initial NRC License Exam May 2014 FINAL SUBMITTAL Tier I Randomly Reason for Rejection Group Selected K/A RO Exam 1 /2 067AA1 .01 Could not write a discriminating and operationally valid question. Received replacement KA from Chief Examiner: 067AA1 .05 2/1 064K2.02 The only electrically powered fuel oil pump associated with DIG is the fuel oil booster pump, which is operated only by maintenance personnel. Chief Examiner supplied the following replacement KA: 064K2.01 SRO Exam 1 /2 028AG2.2.12 Not feasible to develop an SRO only question that meets both parts of the KA. Per direction from the Chief Examiner, a replacement KA was randomly selected, with the following result: 028AG2.2.36 2/2 071A2.01 Extremely challenging to develop an SRO only question. Chief Examiner agreed and supplied the following replacement: 071A2.02 2I2 01 5G2.1 .31 Impractical to develop an operationally valid question at the SRO only level.
Chief Examiner provided the following replacement: 015G2.1 .23.
ES-401 Written Examination Quality Checklist Form ES-401-6 Facility: Catawba Nuclear Station Dale of Exam: May2014 Exam Level: FlO X SRO X FINAL SU8MITTAL Initial Item Description a b c I. Questions and answers are technically accurate and applicable to the facility. tvfl ,
- 2. a. NRC K/As are referenced for all questions. C
- b. Facility learning objectIves are referenced as available..
- 3. SF0 questions are appropriate in accordance with Section D.2.d of ES-401 G Wi jj
- 4. The sampling process was random and systematic (If more than 4 RO or 2 SRO questions were C s.r repeated from thelast 2 NRC licensing exams, consult the NRR CL proqram office). j4
- 5. Question duplication from the license screeninglaudlt exam was controlled as indicated below (check the item that applIes) and appears appropriate:
the audit exam was systematically and randomly developed; or
.. the audit exam was completed before the license exam was started; or the examinations were developed independently; or
& the licensee certifies that there is rio duplication; or other (explain)
- 6. Bank use meets limits (no more than 75 percent from the bank, at least 10 percent new, and the Bank I
I Modified I New -c rest new or modified); enter the actual RO I SRO- 34% 112% 9%! 24% I 57%I 64%
only question distribution(s) at right.
- 7. Between 50 and 60 percent of the questions on the Rb exam are written at the corn prehensiort!
Memory I I
C/A analysis level: the SRO exam may exceed 60 percent if the randomly selected K/As support the 44%! 28% I I
56% I 72% £i [,s1 higher cognitive levels; enter the actual Rb I SRO /
question distribution(s) at right.
I 8.
References/handouts provided do not give away answers or aid In the elimination of distractors.
44, iA Question content conforms with specific K/A statements in the previously approved examination outline and is appropriate for the tier to which they are assigned; deviations are justified.
$ L.dl 10.
Question psychometric quality and format meet the guidelines in ES Appendix B.
The exam contains the required number of one-point, multiple choice items; the total is correct 4 ....
and agrees with the value on the cover sheet. £4 Printed Name! Signatur Date
- a. Author D. HenslevJ s/i
- b. Facility Reviewer (1 Walter L Hunniutt /
- c. NRC Chief Examiner (#) MØ 1
- d. NRC Regional Supervisor -& I[ur Note: The facility reviewers initiafsIslgnature are not applicable for NRC-developed examinations.
- Independent NRC reviewer initial items In Column c; chief examsier concurrence required.
ES-401 Written Examination Review Worksheet Form ES-401-9
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LOD (F/H) (1-5) Stem Cues T/F Cred. Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only 1 L 2 S 2 H 3 S 3 H 3 E There is no way to know steam pressure. During LOCA, the steam generator can become a heat source as a combination of break flow and ECCS flow removes decay heat. See step 19 of E-1 and S associated background. Add to stem that a cooldown is in progress using SG PORVs. This ensures that the SGs are coupled.
Also change the distractor analysis to say that the steam pressure correlates to Tcold, not core exit temperature.
I could not verify the info from Revised Data Book Figure 58 since I do not have it. Licensee included Figure 57 with the Question.
Q now Sat.
4 H 3 E The bullet a double-ended break . . . may not be needed -
consider deleting. The crew could not possibly know the location or nature of the LOCA. The stem contains enough info to answer the S question without this bullet.
Q now Sat.
5 L 2 S 6 H 3 S
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LOD (F/H) (1-5) Stem Cues T/F Cred. Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only 7 H 3 E The timing of Subsequently needs refinement. If the time delay is such that system pressure is restored, the C heaters may not still be on.
S I do not have the Lesson Plan to verify the correct answer, but the last bullet (the OATC notifies . . .) seems to be window dressing.
How does the notification change the question or answer?
Q now Sat.
DRPI actually changes at least twice every 6 steps of bank motion 8 H 3 U because the two groups in the bank move separately. Since each rod is measured independently, DRPI changes could occur much more frequently. If you want to ask for rod speed, just ask for rod S
Q now Sat.
9 L 3 S 10 H 3 S 11 H 2 x U The LCOs were entered when the plant met the associated applicability statements. Required actions are entered in this case, not LCOs.
S Station blackout is defined in 10CFR50. Using the term Blackout for loss of a single bus seems strange. Would the plant call this a blackout, or is this simply an attempt to make it appear to be a better K/A match?
At the plants I am familiar with the most limiting action requirement in this condition is due to the loss of multiple battery chargers. If this is most limiting, it seems that the correct answer should contain this action.
KA Match: Discuss KA Match with the licensee. The KA requires testing TS Entry Conditions with a Station Blackout present - I.E.
loss of both onsite and offsite AC power.
Q now Sat.
12 H 3 S
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LOD (F/H) (1-5) Stem Cues T/F Cred. Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only 13 H 5 S Are the operators really expected to know the relationship between trip units and channels from memory?
Q Sat.
14 H 4 S 15 H 3 E The statement required actions for mitigating any adverse parameter trend seems vague and open-ended. Since it is not credible that anyone would think that rising RCS pressure and PZR S level are adverse parameter trends, the question clearly means, what do I need to do to stop the FWST from depleting?
If I think the break is not isolated , then I will continue to try to isolate the leak (c and d close additional valves).
But If think that the break is isolated then B is not credible , since it basically says that doing nothing will stop the loss of FWST inventory.
Q now Sat.
16 L 3 S 17 L 2 S 18 L 3 S 19 H 3 E The maximum time allowed to complete the required action of TS 3.1.4 is 5 days. Suggest: All required actions from TS 3.1.4 will be complete if RCCA H-8 is realigned within . . .
S Q now Sat.
20 H 3 S Have the licensee explain the third bullet. The current wording is confusing, but it may just a lack of understanding on my part.
Q Sat.
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LOD (F/H) (1-5) Stem Cues T/F Cred. Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only The current Catawba Unit 1 TS lists P-6 in units of amps, but the 21 H 3 E footnote says The > 6E-11 amp Allowable Value and the 1 E-1 0 amp NOMINAL TRIP SETPOINT value apply to the Westinghouse-supplied compensated ion chamber Intermediate Range neutron S
detectors. The compensated ion chamber neutron detectors are being replaced with Thermo Scientific-supplied fission chamber neutron detectors. The > 6.6E-6% RTP Allowable Value and the 1 E-5% RTP NOMINAL TRIP SETPOINT value apply to the replacement fission chamber Intermediate Range neutron detectors.
Is this MOD complete?
See Q22 and evaluate for overlap. Discuss with licensee.
22 H 3 E It seems that this has overlap with Q. 22. If I do not know how P-6 affects the source range I will miss both of these questions.
S See Q21 and evaluate for overlap. Discuss with licensee.
23 H 3 U I do not have to know anything about Catawba area radiation alarms or the high flux at shutdown alarm to eliminate A and B. With a dropped fuel assembly and observed bubbles, one could never S eliminate the possibility of an area rad alarm. Any answer that excludes this is not credible.
Q now Sat.
24 H 3 S 25 H 3 S 26 H 3 S 27 H 3 E Knowledge of entry conditions for yellow path procedures is SRO only knowledge. Is this really RO knowledge?
S Q now Sat.
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LOD (F/H) (1-5) Stem Cues T/F Cred. Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only 28 L 2 U Overlap with Q. 5. Q 5 also tests that thermal barrier HX has no cooling after hi-hi containment pressure signal.
29 L 2 X U If the switch is placed in the RHT position, it is not credible that it continues to send water somewhere else.
S Q now Sat.
30 L 2 S 31 L 2 S 32 L 2 S 33 H 3 E 1. Why are both trains affected by a single leak(are they normally x-connected?)
- 2. Why is only one train showing high radiation if both surge S
tanks are rising?
- 3. Why is a 2% rise on one tank 50 gal. (25 gal/%) while a 3% rise on the other tank is 150 gal (50 gal.%)?
Q now Sat.
34 L 3 S 35 H 3 S 36 H 3 S 37 H 3 S 38 L 3 S
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LOD (F/H) (1-5) Stem Cues T/F Cred. Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only 39 H 3 E Evidently 1EADA/1VADA means 1EADA AND 1VADA. This is not evident from the question, I had to read the distractor analysis to figure this out.
S Also, at many Westinghouse plants, the need for P-4 to be met to reset SI is not a function of HOW SI was initiated, but whether an automatic SI signal is currently present. In other words, SI may be able to be reset following an automatic SI if the initiating signal were no longer present. Please verify that the question is technically correct in this regard.
Q now Sat.
40 L 5 S Is this memory level knowledge for an RO at Catawba?
41 H 2 E A TS is not entered. A required action is entered. Entering a TS has no defined meaning (it is slang, at best).
Consider a wording similar to : LCO 3.6.12 (Ice Bed) is (met or not S
met). Ice bed operability is based in part on (ice condenser door position or ice bed temperature).
Q now Sat.
42 L 2 E To help plausibility of distractors. The time requirement part would be better worded as Is or Is Not required to be restored within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />. This gets away from the 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> requirement, which an S applicant may know is beyond what is required from memory.
Q now Sat.
43 L 3 S 44 H 3 E Isnt it true that the main steam lines are normally warmed with drains open, and an excessive cooldown is prevented by throttling the MSIV bypass valves? It seems more credible to me to suppose S that the operator inadvertently fully opens the MSIV bypass valves.
Q now Sat.
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LOD (F/H) (1-5) Stem Cues T/F Cred. Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only 45 L 3 S 46 H 3 E The referenced procedure calls it the CF Flow Venturi Correction Factor..I suggest you change the wording in the stem to match that of the procedure.
S Q now Sat.
47 H 3 S 48 H 3 S Have licensee walk examiners through supporting documentation to ensure technical accuracy.
OK 49 L 3 U It seems that alternate source supplying load couldnt possibly be the wrong answer, making the in sync light not a credible distractor.
S Q now Sat.
50 L 3 S 51 L 3 S 52 H 3 S 53 H 3 S 54 L 3 E Consider removing In an effort to lower containment temperature and pressure- the info does not appear to be necessary.
S Q now Sat.
55 L 3 S 56 H 2 S 57 L 3 S 58 H 3 S
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LOD (F/H) (1-5) Stem Cues T/F Cred. Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only 59 H 3 S 60 H 3 S 61 L 3 E To quote from applicability, should say during latching of control rod drive shafts.
S Q now Sat.
62 L 3 S 63 L 2 E The paragraph beginning given the following . . . may be unnecessary info. If so, then consider deleting everything before (1)
To limit . . .
S Q now Sat.
64 L 3 S 65 L 3 E D is not a credible distractor. Seal return only re-directs when the header is isolated. This could not be used for pzr level control.
S Q now Sat.
66 L 2 S 67 L 2 S 68 L 2 S 69 H 3 S 70 L 2 S 71 L 3 S 72 H 3 S 73 H 3 S 74 L 2 S
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LOD (F/H) (1-5) Stem Cues T/F Cred. Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only 75 L 2 S 76 H 3 U One success path in FR-C.1 is restoration of high head ECCS. If this is the success path, there is no way to know RCS pressure at the time of restoration. There is not enough information in the stem S to eliminate high head restoration as a success path.
Q now Sat.
77 H 4 S 78 H 3 S 79 H 3 S 80 H 3 S 81 H 3 S 82 H 3 U This does not seem to be SRO only. I do not see the link to TS.
This question does not appear to test TS or TS bases.
S Q now Sat.
83 H 3 U This question only addresses TS above the line issues. Whether a TSAIL entry is active or for tracking is another way to say that the LCO is met or not met. With a failed PZR level instrument, the RO S should know that 3.3.1 is not met and 3.4.9 is met.
Q now Sat.
84 H 3 S 85 H 3 S 86 H 3 E Explain further why this may be SRO. The justification says that this is linked to TS, but the screening block for SRO only does not appear to be met. Is this an SRO-only task at Catawba? If so, S place that in the justification with the appropriate 55.43 link.
Q now Sat.
- 1. 2. 3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 6. 7. 8.
Q# LOK LOD (F/H) (1-5) Stem Cues T/F Cred. Partial Job- Minutia #/ Back- Q= SRO B/M/N U/E/S Explanation Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only 87 H 3 S 88 H 3 S 89 H 3 S 90 H 3 S 91 H 3 S 92 H 3 S 93 H 3 S 94 H 3 S 95 H 3 S Why didnt the oil change make the D/G inoperable?
Q now Sat.
96 H 3 S 97 H 3 S 98 H 3 S 99 H 3 S 100 H 3 S
ES-403 Written Examination Grading Form ES-403-1 Quality Checklist Facility: Date of Exam: Exam Level: ROLl SROLJ Initials Item Description a b c
- 1. Clean answer sheets copied before grading t) N/1 p._
- 2. Answer key changes and question deletions justified r MJ and_documented
- 3. Applicants scores checked for addition errors (reviewers spot check> 25% of examinations)
- 4. Grading for all borderline cases (80 +/-2% overall and 70 or 80, as applicable, +/-4% on the SRO-only) reviewed in detail(iiir) r5 N/A
- 5. All other failing examinations checked to ensure that grades are justified ( 93 N4
- 6. Performance on missed questions checked for training deficiencies and wording problems; evaluate validity 47 N of questions missed by half or more of the applicants Printed Name/Signature Date
- a. Grader M
- b. Facility Reviewer(*) /A
- c. NRC Chief Examiner (*) G.
- d. NRC Supeisor (*) -
(*) The facility reviewers signature is not applicable for examinations graded by the NRC; two independent NRC reviews are required.
ES-403, Page 6 of 6