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301 Exam Report Items Delayed Release RO as Given
Person / Time
Site: Catawba  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 10/08/2019
Duke Energy Carolinas
50-413/19-301, 50-414/19-301 50-413/OL-19, 50-414/OL-19
Download: ML19281E017 (88)


ES-401 Site-Specific RO Written Examination Cover Sheet Form ES-401-7 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Site-Specific RO Written Examination Applicant Information Name:

Date: 09/19/19 Facility/Unit: Catawba Nuclear Station Region:

I II III IV Reactor Type: W CE BW GE Start Time:

Finish Time:

Instructions Use the answer sheets provided to document your answers. Staple this cover sheet on top of the answer sheets. To pass the examination, you must achieve a final grade of at least 80 percent. Examination papers will be collected 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> after the examination begins Applicant Certification All work done on this examination is my own. I have neither given nor received aid.

Applicants Signature Results Examination Value

________ Points Applicants Score

________ Points Applicants Grade

________ Percent


(1 point) 1 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • EP/1/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection) has been entered
  • Containment pressure is 1.4 psig and slowly rising
  • S/G pressures are noted as follows:

In accordance with E-0:

A setpoint for automatic Main Steam Isolation signal _____(1)_____ been reached.

Below associated setpoint, if automatic and manual Main Steam Isolation is not successful, _____(2)_____ will be closed manually by the operator.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?

Steam Generator Steam Pressures Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 (4) 1A 820 psig 819 psig (817 psig) 1B 777 psig 774 psig 773 psig 1C 812 psig 810 psig 811 psig 1D 815 psig 814 psig (813 psig)


1. has
1. has NOT
1. has
1. has NOT
2. ALL MSIVs Page 1 of 75


(1 point) 2 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial conditions on Unit 1:

  • Unit is at 100% RTP
  • 1NC-35B (PZR PORV Isol) is placed in the CLOSE position Subsequently:
  • A transient resulted in an NC system pressure rise
  • NC pressure is 2200 psig and lowering

The current MCB switch position for 1NC-33A is _____(1)_____.

_____(2)_____ is designed to provide a BLOCK signal to 1NC-34A on lowering pressure.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


2. Selected Pressurizer Pressure 1 (SPP-1)


2. Selected Pressurizer Pressure 1 (SPP-1)


2. Selected Pressurizer Pressure 2 (SPP-2)


2. Selected Pressurizer Pressure 2 (SPP-2)

Page 2 of 75


(1 point) 3 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • The crew has just completed the actions of EP/1/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection) following a Safety Injection due to Hi Containment Pressure
  • NV pump flow to the NC system Cold Legs is 390 GPM
  • NC system pressure is 1350 PSIG and STABLE
  • SG pressures are 1092 PSIG and STABLE
  • NC system subcooling on the ICCM is 22°F and STABLE In accordance with the requirements of EP/1/A/5000/E-0, Enclosure 1 (Foldout Page),

the crew _____(1)_____ secure NC pumps.

Upon transition to EP/1/A/5000/E-1 (Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant), Steam Generators _____(2)_____ be required for heat removal.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. will NOT
2. will NOT B.
1. will NOT
2. will C.
1. will
2. will NOT D.
1. will
2. will Page 3 of 75


(1 point) 4 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • The Crew is entering EP/1/A/5000/FR-P.1 (Response to Imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock Condition)
  • NC W/R pressure is 10 PSIG and STABLE
  • ND Flow to the NC cold legs is 3200 GPM per train and STABLE Transition to FR-P.1 occurred when NC temperature lowered below a MAXIMUM of


The crew _____(2)_____ remain in FR-P.1 following completion of the first step.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. 250°F
2. will B.
1. 250°F
2. will NOT C.
1. 280°F
2. will D.
1. 280°F
2. will NOT Page 4 of 75


(1 point) 5 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • Unit is operating at 100% RTP
  • The NC MAKEUP MODE SELECT switch is in Manual
  • A loss of charging occurs
  • AP/1/A/5500/012 (Loss of Charging or Letdown) has been entered
  • Preparations for starting 1B NV pump are in progress In accordance with AP/12:

Prior to starting the 1B NV pump, 1NV-309 (Seal Water Injection Flow) will be ensured in the _____(1)_____ position.

Once 1B NV pump has been placed in service, if operators fail to manually makeup to the VCT, 1AD-7 I/1 (VCT LO LVL) will alarm at a MAXIMUM level of _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


2. 35%


2. 23%


2. 35%


2. 23%

Page 5 of 75


(1 point) 6 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 2:

  • Unit is in MODE 5 and drained to 6.5% NC system level
  • ND Train 2A is in service with a flowrate of 3200 GPM
  • 2A ND pump amps and discharge pressure begin to oscillate
  • The crew has entered AP/2/A/5500/019 (Loss of Heat Residual Heat Removal System), Case IV (Loss of ND in Midloop)

In accordance with AP/19 Case IV:

The BOP will throttle ND flow to less than a MAXIMUM of _____(1)_____.

Once this is complete, if 2A ND pump amps and discharge pressure continue to oscillate, the BOP will _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. 1000 GPM
2. further lower ND system flow B.
1. 1000 GPM
2. secure the 2A ND pump C.
1. 3000 GPM
2. further lower ND system flow D.
1. 3000 GPM
2. secure the 2A ND pump Page 6 of 75


(1 point) 7 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial conditions on Unit 1:

  • The Unit is in Mode 3
  • Shutdown Banks are withdrawn
  • NC System is at normal operating temperature and pressure Subsequently:
  • AP/1/A/5500/011 (Pressurizer Pressure Anomalies) has been implemented
  • An RO is directed to trip the reactor and initiate Safety Injection
  • Pressurizer Pressure is 1840 PSIG and lowering
  • S/I Actuated status light is DARK In accordance with AP/11:

The crew _____(1)_____ required to initiate SI at this time.

The crew will subsequently transition to _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. is NOT
2. EP/1/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection)


1. is NOT
2. AP/1/A/5500/027 (Shutdown LOCA)


1. is
2. EP/1/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection)


1. is
2. AP/1/A/5500/027 (Shutdown LOCA)

Page 7 of 75


(1 point) 8 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • Unit 1 reactor trip was attempted due to 1B NC Pump approaching the trip setpoint on pump lower bearing temperature
  • The Unit failed to trip manually from the control room
  • EP/1/A/5000/FR-S.1 (Response to Nuclear Power Generation/ATWS) has been entered The 1B NC Pump trip setpoint will be met when pump lower bearing temperature exceeds a MINIMUM of _____(1)_____.

In order to prevent fuel damage, the 1B NC Pump should not be tripped until reactor power has lowered to a MAXIMUM of _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. 195°F
2. 10-5%


1. 195°F
2. 5%


1. 225°F
2. 10-5%


1. 225°F
2. 5%

Page 8 of 75


(1 point) 9 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 2:

  • Unit 2 is currently at 100 EFPD
  • Crew is currently implementing EP/2/A/5000/ES-3.1 (Post - SGTR Cooldown Using Backfill)
  • Cooldown to Mode 5 is in progress
  • Primary Chemistry reports the current NC System boron concentration is 1600 ppm
  • Current NC system Tavg is 275°F Current NC system boron concentration _____(1)_____ adequate to maintain required Shutdown Margin for the current NC system Tavg.

Current NC system boron concentration _____(2)_____ adequate to maintain required Shutdown Margin for Mode 5.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. is
2. is B.
1. is
2. is NOT C.
1. is NOT
2. is D.
1. is NOT
2. is NOT Page 9 of 75


(1 point) 10 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following sequence of events on Unit 1:

Unit is at 50% RTP 1D S/G Flow Control Valve 1CF-55 (S/G 1D CF Ctrl) begins to fail OPEN 1AD-4 B/4 (S/G D Level Deviation) alarms AP/1/A/5500/006 (Loss of S/G Feedwater) Case III (CF Control Not in Auto) is entered and 1CF-55 is taken to MANUAL The following is observed on the 1D S/G CF flow and SM flow gauges:

In accordance with AP/06:

The 1D Flow Control Bypass Valve _____(1)_____ required to be placed in MANUAL.

The operator _____(2)_____ obtained a slight trend in the appropriate direction for 1D S/G N/R Level.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. is
2. has B.
1. is
2. has NOT C.
1. is NOT
2. has D.
1. is NOT
2. has NOT Page 10 of 75


(1 point) 11 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial conditions:

  • Both units have experienced a Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP)
  • No backup Diesel VI compressor is available
  • EP/1/A/5000/ECA-0.0 (Loss of All AC Power) was implemented on Unit 1 and the crew transitioned to EP/1/A/5000/ECA-0.1 (Loss of All AC Power Recovery Without S/I Required)


  • NC Thots are STABLE
  • S/G pressures are STABLE
  • NC Tcolds are STABLE
  • Subcooling on ICCM monitors indicate 2°F and STABLE
  • The crew is preparing to start 1A NV Pump Natural Circulation flow _____(1)_____ established.

Prior to starting 1A NV Pump, charging flow will be isolated by closing _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. is
2. 1NV-294 (NV Pmps A&B Disch Flow Ctrl)


1. is
2. 1NV-295 (NV Pmps A&B Disch Ctrl Isol)


1. is NOT
2. 1NV-294 (NV Pmps A&B Disch Flow Ctrl)


1. is NOT
2. 1NV-295 (NV Pmps A&B Disch Ctrl Isol)

Page 11 of 75


(1 point) 12 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial conditions on Unit 2:

  • Preparations are in progress for Unit startup
  • The Unit is at normal operating pressure and temperature Subsequently:
  • A Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) occurs
  • 2ETA is now powered from 2A D/G
  • 2ETB is de-energized
  • PZR level is 90% and stable In accordance with Tech. Spec. 3.4.9 (Pressurizer):

The LCO _____(1)_____ met for Pressurizer level.

The LCO _____(2)_____ met for Pressurizer heater capacity.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. is NOT
2. is B.
1. is
2. is C.
1. is NOT
2. is NOT D.
1. is
2. is NOT Page 12 of 75


(1 point) 13 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • Unit is at 100% RTP
  • 1ERPA is de-energized
  • The crew has entered AP/1/A/5500/029 (Loss of Vital or Aux Control Power)

In accordance with AP/29, an operator will be dispatched to 1A D/G room because


Entry conditions of AP/1/A/5500/016 (Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation System)

_____(2)_____ been met.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. D/G control power has been lost
2. have NOT B.
1. D/G control power has been lost
2. have C.
1. D/G Day Tank auto makeup capability has been lost
2. have NOT D.
1. D/G Day Tank auto makeup capability has been lost
2. have Page 13 of 75


(1 point) 14 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • NC system temperature is at 335°F and lowering for a refueling outage
  • Vital charger 1ECC fails
  • 1EMXA is unavailable to power Vital Spare Battery Charger 1ECS

_____(1)_____ can provide an alternate power supply to 1ECS.

OP/1/A/6350/008 (125VDC/120VAC Vital Instrument and Control Power System)

_____(2)_____ allow alignment of 1ECS to 125 VDC Vital Distribution Center 1EDC based on current Unit 1 conditions.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. 1EMXJ
2. does B.
1. 1EMXJ
2. does NOT C.
1. 1EMXC
2. does D.
1. 1EMXC
2. does NOT Page 14 of 75


(1 point) 15 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • The Unit is in Mode 5
  • 1A ND is in service
  • 1B ND is secured
  • Current NC temperature is 175°F and lowering at 2°F/minute Consider Each Statement Separately A loss of VI to 1ND-26 (ND HX 1A Outlet CTRL) will cause the cooldown rate to


A loss of VI to 1ND-27 (ND HX 1A Bypass CTRL) will cause the cooldown rate to


Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


2. RISE C.
2. RISE Page 15 of 75


(1 point) 16 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • A LOCA outside containment has occurred
  • EP/1/A/5000/ECA-1.2 (LOCA Outside Containment) has been entered
  • Crew is performing step 2 to attempt to identify and isolate the leak
  • Subcooling is -5°F and stable In accordance with ECA-1.2:

The crew will FIRST attempt to isolate the leak by isolating the _____(1)_____ system from the NC system.

The crew _____(2)_____ evaluate RVLIS level to verify the leak is isolated.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. ND
2. will B.
1. NI
2. will C.
1. ND
2. will NOT D.
1. NI
2. will NOT Page 16 of 75


(1 point) 17 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • A Large Break LOCA has occurred inside Containment
  • 1A and 1B ND pumps are NOT available
  • The Control room crew has implemented EP/1/A/5000/ECA-1.1 (Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation) but NO actions have been taken
  • Containment pressure is 8 PSIG and slowly rising
  • FWST level is 25% and lowering When the FWST Level LO setpoint is reached, 1NI-184B (ND Pump 1B Cont Sump Suct) AND 1NI-185A (ND Pump 1A Cont Sump Suct) _____(1)_____ automatically OPEN.

In accordance with ECA-1.1 Foldout Page, when FWST level lowers to less than a MAXIMUM of _____(2)_____, ALL ECCS pumps must be secured.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. will NOT
2. 5%


1. will
2. 5%


1. will NOT
2. 20%


1. will
2. 20%

Page 17 of 75


(1 point) 18 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • The crew is performing EP/1/A/5000/ECA-2.1 (Uncontrolled Depressurization of All Steam Generators)
  • All S/G N/R levels are off-scale low
  • Current NC system Tcolds are 400°F and lowering In accordance with ECA-2.1:

TOTAL CA flow to the S/Gs will be throttled to a MAXIMUM of _____(1)_____.

Prevention of S/G tube dryout _____(2)_____ a reason for establishing this flowrate.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. 450 GPM
2. is NOT B.
1. 450 GPM
2. is C.
1. 300 GPM
2. is NOT D.
1. 300 GPM
2. is Page 18 of 75


(1 point) 19 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • Unit initially at 85% RTP at EOL
  • During power ascension, Control Bank D rod M4 partially fell into the core and became stuck
  • One hour later, the following Power Range NI readings are noted:

N-43 N-42 N-44 N-41 Upper Power %

80.820 81.223 80.817 65.696 Lower Power %

81.028 81.597 81.024 75.584 Current QPTR is _____(1)_____.

In accordance with Tech Spec 3.2.4 (Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio (QPTR)), a power reduction _____(2)_____ required.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. 1.053
2. is B.
1. 1.053
2. is NOT C.
1. 1.037
2. is D.
1. 1.037
2. is NOT Page 19 of 75


(1 point) 20 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • The refueling crew is lowering an irradiated fuel assembly next to a new fuel assembly in the core
  • The assembly inadvertently drops completely into the core
  • The crew has entered AP/1/A/5500/025 (Damaged Spent Fuel)

Due to this event:

The Containment Evacuation Alarm _____(1)_____ automatically initiate.

AP/25 _____(2)_____ direct VP to be manually secured.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. will
2. does NOT B.
1. will
2. does C.
1. will NOT
2. does NOT D.
1. will NOT
2. does Page 20 of 75


(1 point) 21 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions:

  • A planned Liquid Waste Release of Waste Monitor Tank (WMT) A was initiated at 1110 The following timeline of events then occurs:

1120 - 1RAD-1, C/5 (EMF-49 LIQUID WASTE DISCH HI RAD) alarms 1130 - The release is manually re-initiated without re-sampling 1145 - 1RAD-1, C/5 (EMF-49 LIQUID WASTE DISCH HI RAD) alarms The release _____(1)_____ be manually re-initiated, without re-sampling, in accordance with OP/0/B/6500/113 (Operations Liquid Waste Release).

The release was automatically isolated by closure of _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. can
2. 1WL-124 B.
1. can
2. 1WL-X28 C.
1. can NOT
2. 1WL-124 D.
1. can NOT
2. 1WL-X28 Page 21 of 75


(1 point) 22 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 2:

  • A Small Break LOCA has occurred
  • Containment Pressure peaked at 2.8 psig
  • A RED path on the CORE COOLING CSF status tree exists and EP/2/A/5000/FR-C.1 (Inadequate Core Cooling) is entered
  • The crew is preparing to initiate a cooldown Prior to initiating the cooldown, FR-C.1 directs the crew to throttle CA flow from 2A and 2B CA pumps to maintain MINIMUM S/G N/R levels of _____(1)_____.

The cooldown rate specified in FR-C.1 is _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. 15%
2. maximum rate while attempting to avoid a Main Steam Isolation B.
1. 15%
2. < 100°F in any one-hour period C.
1. 26%
2. maximum rate while attempting to avoid a Main Steam Isolation D.
1. 26%
2. < 100°F in any one-hour period Page 22 of 75


(1 point) 23 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station In accordance with the following step of EP/1/A/5000/ES-0.0 (Rediagnosis):

A previous Safety Injection signal actuation _____(1)_____ required to proceed in ES-0.0.

Completion of EP/1/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection) _____(2)_____

required to proceed in ES-0.0.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. is
2. is NOT B.
1. is
2. is C.
1. is NOT
2. is NOT D.
1. is NOT
2. is Page 23 of 75


(1 point) 24 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 2:

  • A LOCA occurred coincident with a Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP)
  • EP/2/A/5000/ES-1.2 (Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization) has been implemented and the NC system has been cooled down to 510°F
  • NC system pressure is 1600 PSIG
  • PZR level is 8%
  • Containment pressure peaked at 2.4 PSIG and is STABLE

_____(1)_____ will be used to depressurize the NC system.

NC system depressurization can be secured when PZR level exceeds a MINIMUM value of _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


2. 25%


2. 44%


1. NV Aux Spray
2. 25%


1. NV Aux Spray
2. 44%

Page 24 of 75


(1 point) 25 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • Unit is in Mode 3
  • 1B S/G pressure is 1235 PSIG
  • 1B S/G NR level is 95%
  • 1A, 1C, and 1D S/G pressures are 850 PSIG and stable
  • 1A, 1C, and 1D S/G N/R levels are 50% and stable
  • All feedwater isolation status lights are DARK
  • The crew has implemented FR-H.2 (RESPONSE TO S/G OVERPRESSURE)

Manual isolation of feedwater to the 1B S/G _____(1)_____ required.

Dumping steam from the 1B S/G _____(2)_____ allowed.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. is NOT
2. is B.
1. is NOT
2. is NOT C.
1. is
2. is D.
1. is
2. is NOT Page 25 of 75


(1 point) 26 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • A Large Break LOCA occurred 40 minutes ago
  • 1B ND pump is tagged out for maintenance
  • EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.3 (Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation) has been completed to align 1A ND pump to the suctions of the NV and NI pumps
  • Containment pressure is 16 PSIG and rising slowly
  • EP/1/A/5000/FR-Z.1 (Response to High Containment Pressure) has been entered In accordance with FR-Z.1, 1A train of ND _____(1)_____ be aligned for Aux Containment Spray at this time because _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statement above?


1. can
2. containment pressure is > 15 PSIG B.
1. can NOT
2. 1B ND pump is tagged out C.
1. can
2. ECCS is aligned in Cold Leg Recirculation D.
1. can NOT
2. the time requirement following a LOCA has not been met Page 26 of 75


(1 point) 27 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • The CRS has elected to enter EP/1/A/5000/FR-Z.3 (Response to High Containment Radiation) following an event causing a Containment Radiation level of 37 R/hr If required for inventory control, _____(1)_____ letdown must be placed in service.

In accordance with FR-Z.3, the Containment Auxiliary Charcoal Filters will be placed in service if Containment Sump level is less than or equal to a MAXIMUM of


Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. normal
2. 0.5 feet B.
1. excess
2. 0.5 feet C.
1. normal
2. 2.5 feet D.
1. excess
2. 2.5 feet Page 27 of 75


(1 point) 28 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Regarding the NCP seals:

Consider Each Statement Separately A failure of the NCP #2 seal would be indicated by a _____(1)_____ NCP #1 Seal Leakoff flow.

A failure of the NCP #3 seal would be indicated by a _____(2)_____ NCP #2 Seal Standpipe level.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. High
2. High B.
1. High
2. Low C.
1. Low
2. High D.
1. Low
2. Low Page 28 of 75


(1 point) 29 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • Unit is at 100% RTP
  • Pressurizer Pressure Master Controller is initially in MANUAL
  • A failure of the Pressurizer Pressure Master Controller causes all Pressurizer heaters to energize
  • NC pressure has risen to 2310 psig Based on the conditions above:

Pressurizer Surge Line Temperature trended _____(1)_____.

Charging Line Flow trended _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. down
2. down B.
1. up
2. down C.
1. down
2. up D.
1. up
2. up Page 29 of 75


(1 point) 30 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • A Safety Injection has occurred With the local control switch in AUTO, the 1A/1B ND & NS sump pumps

_____(1)_____ start at the HI level setpoint.

To reset the 1A/1B ND & NS sump pumps, A/B train ECCS and D/G load sequencers

_____(2)_____ need to be RESET.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. will
2. will B.
1. will NOT
2. will C.
1. will
2. will NOT D.
1. will NOT
2. will NOT Page 30 of 75


(1 point) 31 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following:

  • At time 08:10:00, an inadvertent Reactor Trip/Safety Injection occurs due to IAE testing At time 08:10:30, SI _____(1)_____ be reset.

Once Safety Injection is RESET, any subsequent AUTOMATIC Safety Injection actuation signals _____(2)_____ start safeguards equipment.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. can
2. will B.
1. can
2. will NOT C.
1. can NOT
2. will D.
1. can NOT
2. will NOT Page 31 of 75


(1 point) 32 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • A Safety Injection has occurred on BOTH trains Subsequently:
  • The BOP notices that PRT level and pressure are rising slowly The PRT level and pressure rise are due to the _____(1)_____ relief valve lifting.

If PRT pressure exceeds a MINIMUM of _____(2)_____, engineering is required to evaluate the rupture disc integrity In accordance with OP/1/A/6150/004 (Pressurizer Relief Tank).

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. NV Letdown Orifice
2. 50 PSIG B.
1. NV Letdown Orifice
2. 100 PSIG C.
1. NCP Seal Return
2. 50 PSIG D.
1. NCP Seal Return
2. 100 PSIG Page 32 of 75


(1 point) 33 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following timeline on Unit 1:


  • The Unit is at 100% RTP
  • 1A2 KC Pump is in service
  • 1A KC flow is 5000 gpm and stable 1005
  • 1KC-9 (1A2 KC Pump Disch) is inadvertently closed 1007
  • No additional KC pumps have been started Following closure of 1KC-9, 1KC-C37A (Train A Miniflow Isol) opened as flow decreased to a MAXIMUM value of _____(1)_____.

Assuming no operator action, once 1KC-9 is reopened 1AD-9 F/5 KC Train A Single Pump Runout _____(2)_____ alarm.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. 3150 gpm
2. will B.
1. 1100 gpm
2. will C.
1. 3150 gpm
2. will NOT D.
1. 1100 gpm
2. will NOT Page 33 of 75


(1 point) 34 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial conditions on Unit 1:

  • Unit is in Mode 3 with a cooldown to Mode 5 in progress
  • 1NV-294 (1A & 1B NV Pumps Disch Flow Controller) is in MANUAL
  • Pressurizer level shrinks to 15%
  • Pressurizer pressure lowers to 2210 psig Subsequently:
  • Cooldown is stopped to raise Pressurizer level to 50%
  • Pressurizer level rises to 25%
  • Pressurizer pressure is 2217 psig and stable Which ONE (1) of the following correctly states the present status of:
1) 1C Pressurizer Heaters
2) 1A, 1B, and 1D Pressurizer Heaters A.
1. On
2. On B.
1. On
2. Off C.
1. Off
2. On D.
1. Off
2. Off Page 34 of 75


(1 point) 35 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 2:

  • Unit is at 90% RTP
  • Control Bank D rods are at 195 steps
  • P/R N-43 fails HIGH Control interlock C-2 _____(1)_____ met.

If C-2 is met, MANUAL control rod withdrawal _____(2)_____ possible.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. is
2. is B.
1. is
2. is NOT C.
1. is NOT
2. is D.
1. is NOT
2. is NOT Page 35 of 75


(1 point) 36 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial conditions on Unit 1:

  • Reactor power is stable at 8%
  • Pressurizer Level Channel 1 failed LOW o All Tech Spec REQUIRED actions have been completed Subsequently:
  • Pressurizer Level Channel 2 fails HIGH Consider each statement separately An automatic reactor trip _____(1)_____ occur.

A DCS alternate action _____(2)_____ occur.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. will
2. will B.
1. will
2. will NOT C.
1. will NOT
2. will D.
1. will NOT
2. will NOT Page 36 of 75


(1 point) 37 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • Unit is at 50% RTP
  • NO operator actions have been taken Based on the conditions described above, an AMSAC actuation _____(1)_____


The AMSAC System is automatically enabled based on _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. has NOT
2. Main Turbine Impulse Pressure B.
1. has
2. Main Turbine Impulse Pressure C.
1. has NOT
2. Power Range Nuclear Instruments D.
1. has
2. Power Range Nuclear Instruments Page 37 of 75


(1 point) 38 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial conditions on Unit 1:

  • Unit is at 100% RTP
  • Containment Pressure Channel 4 failed LOW

Instrumentation) required actions have been taken Subsequently:

  • Containment Pressure Channel 1 fails HIGH A Phase B Containment Isolation signal _____(1)_____ actuate.

A Safety Injection Containment Pressure - High signal _____(2)_____ actuate.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. will
2. will B.
1. will
2. will NOT C.
1. will NOT
2. will D.
1. will NOT
2. will NOT Page 38 of 75


(1 point) 39 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Regarding the Containment Air Return System:

The Containment Air Return Fans will start _____(1)_____ following receipt of an Sp signal.

In order to open, Containment Air Return Dampers require differential pressure to be less than or equal to a MAXIMUM of _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. 9 minutes
2. 0.5 psid B.
1. 9 minutes
2. 0.9 psid C.
1. 10 seconds
2. 0.5 psid D.
1. 10 seconds
2. 0.9 psid Page 39 of 75


(1 point) 40 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • An event has occurred
  • NC System pressure is 1940 PSIG and lowering slowly
  • Containment pressure is 2.3 PSIG and rising slowly Of the NF (Ice Condenser) system valves listed below, valve(s) will receive a signal to CLOSE.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statement above?


1NF-228A (Glycol Sup Cont Isol Otsd) 1NF-233B (Glycol Ret Cont Isol) 1NF-234A (Glycol Ret Cont Isol)


1NF-228A, 1NF-233B and 1NF-234A B.

1NF-228A and 1NF-233B ONLY C.

1NF-228A and 1NF-234A ONLY D.

1NF-233B ONLY Page 40 of 75


(1 point) 41 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • Unit is at 100% RTP
  • It has been determined that eight Ice Condenser Intermediate Deck doors will not open due to excessive ice buildup Based on the conditions listed above, peak pressure following a Design Basis Accident will be reached _____(1)_____ than normal.

Containment design pressure is _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. sooner
2. 20 psig B.
1. later
2. 20 psig C.
1. sooner
2. 15 psig D.
1. later
2. 15 psig Page 41 of 75


(1 point) 42 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station 1B NS (Containment Spray) Pump is normally powered from _____(1)_____.

In accordance with Extensive Damage Mitigation Guidelines, when 1B NS pump is powered from the alternate source, starting of the pump will be from _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. 1EMXB
2. Unit 1 B.
1. 1ETB
2. Unit 2 C.
1. 1EMXB
2. Unit 2 D.
1. 1ETB
2. Unit 1 Page 42 of 75


(1 point) 43 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • Containment pressure peaked at 3.3 PSIG, and is now 2.5 PSIG and slowly lowering
  • Crew has entered EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.2 (Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization) and is performing the initial cooldown In accordance with ES-1.2:

The INITIAL cooldown will be started using the _____(1)_____.

With rates established, per the graphic above, the cooldown _____(2)_____ continue.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statement above?


1. S/G PORVs
2. can NOT B.
1. S/G PORVs
2. can C.
1. Condenser Steam Dumps
2. can NOT D.
1. Condenser Steam Dumps
2. can Page 43 of 75


(1 point) 44 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 2:

  • The crew is shutting down the Unit for a refueling outage, per OP/2/A/6100/002, (Controlling Procedure for Unit Shutdown)
  • The Unit is at 11% power
  • CF flow is 14% for all S/Gs
  • CA nozzle swap permissive lights are LIT for all S/Gs
  • The operator depresses "CA NOZZLE" pushbutton When the first CF containment isolation valve has CLOSED, the speed of the operating CF pump will _________ by 150 rpm.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statement above?


be manually RAISED B.

automatically RAISE C.

be manually LOWERED D.

automatically LOWER Page 44 of 75


(1 point) 45 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 2:

  • Unit is at 100% RTP
  • A failure of the 2A S/G Main Feed Regulating Valve has resulted in a P-14 signal being generated The following actions have occurred:
  • Unit 2 Turbine is tripped
  • S/G CF Control Valves are closed
  • S/G CF Control Valve Bypass Valves are closed
  • S/G CF Containment Isolation Valves are closed
  • S/G CF Containment Isolation Bypass Valves are closed
  • S/G Individual Tempering Flow to CA Nozzle Valves are closed Which ONE (1) of the following identifies the manual actions required to complete the P-14 actuation signal?


Trip 2A and 2B CF Pumps Close S/G CA Nozzle Tempering Control Valve B.

Trip 2A and 2B CF Pumps Close S/G CF to CA Nozzle Isolation Valves C.

Reduce 2A and 2B CF Pump speed to 2975 RPM Close S/G CA Nozzle Tempering Control Valve D.

Reduce 2A and 2B CF Pump speed to 2975 RPM Close S/G CF to CA Nozzle Isolation Valves Page 45 of 75


(1 point) 46 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • A Steam Line Break occurred on 1C S/G
  • Containment pressure is 3.2 psig and stable
  • NC Tcolds are 450°F and lowering
  • The crew has entered EP/1/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection)

S/G 1A 1B 1C 1D NR Level 34% rising 32% rising 9% lowering 30% rising CA Flow 225 gpm 200 gpm 250 gpm 150 gpm Following completion of Enclosure 1 (Foldout Page) actions, S/G _____(1)_____ will be receiving the highest CA flow rate.

Following completion of Enclosure 4 (NC Temperature Control) actions, total CA flow will be throttled to a MINIMUM of _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. 1A
2. 450 gpm B.
1. 1D
2. 450 gpm C.
1. 1A
2. 0 gpm D.
1. 1D
2. 0 gpm Page 46 of 75


(1 point) 47 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial conditions on Unit 1:

  • The crew is performing a Unit Startup and Power increase
  • Unit is holding at 2% RTP per OP/1/A/6100/001 (Controlling Procedure for Unit Startup)
  • 1A CF pump is out of service for emergent repairs Subsequently:
  • The crew enters AP/1/A/5500/006 (Loss of S/G Feedwater)
1) In accordance with AP-06, what is the MAXIMUM power level allowed, above which, a manual reactor trip is required?
2) What is the basis for manually tripping the reactor above that power level?


1. 3%
2. to prevent an inadvertent mode change B.
1. 3%
2. to ensure CA can maintain adequate S/G levels C.
1. 5%
2. to prevent an inadvertent mode change D.
1. 5%
2. to ensure CA can maintain adequate S/G levels Page 47 of 75


(1 point) 48 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions:

Unit 1 and Unit 2 are at 100% RTP when the following switchyard PCBs open:

  • PCB 20
  • PCB 21

_____(1)_____ will experience a Turbine Runback due to loss of the associated

_____(2)_____ offsite power.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statement above?


1. Unit 1
2. A train B.
1. Unit 1
2. B train C.
1. Unit 2
2. A train D.
1. Unit 2
2. B train Page 48 of 75


(1 point) 49 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • The Unit is at 100% RTP
  • A complete Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) occurred 1.5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br /> ago
  • 1A D/G started but subsequently tripped on low-low lube oil pressure
  • Load shed of 1ETA is complete 125 VDC Vital Distribution Center 1EDA is currently _____(1)_____.

Annunciator 1AD-11, B/2 (SEQ A LOSS OF CONTROL POWER) is currently


Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. energized
2. DARK B.
1. energized
2. LIT C.
1. de-energized
2. DARK D.
1. de-energized
2. LIT Page 49 of 75


(1 point) 50 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

Unit is at 100% RTP The 125 VDC/120 VAC Auxiliary Control Power System is in normal alignment The supply breaker from 1CDA to Static Inverter 1KXIA trips open Alternate power to 1KXPA will be _____(1)___ aligned.

The crew can verify 1KXPA is energized by observing that _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. automatically
2. NC pump vibration monitor is IN SERVICE B.
1. manually
2. NC pump vibration monitor is IN SERVICE C.
1. automatically
2. individual P-11 Channel 1 status light on 1SI-7 is LIT D.
1. manually
2. individual P-11 Channel 1 status light on 1SI-7 is LIT Page 50 of 75


(1 point) 51 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial conditions on Unit 2:

  • Unit is at 100% RTP Subsequently:
  • A Blackout of 2ETA occurs
  • While loading, the Accelerated Sequence halts at Load Group 2 Assuming D/G voltage and speed permissives are met, the Accelerated Sequence

_____(1)_____ re-initiate once the Committed Sequence completes Load Group 2.

Following completion of all Load Groups, the sequencer _____(2)_____ need to be reset in order to start the 2A KF Pump.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. will
2. does NOT B.
1. will
2. does C.
1. will NOT
2. does NOT D.
1. will NOT
2. does Page 51 of 75


(1 point) 52 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 2:

  • Unit is at 75% RTP
  • 2EMF-33 fails high In accordance with the 2RAD-1 B/1 (2EMF-33 CSAE EXHAUST HI RAD) Annunciator Response, the BOP will ensure the above switch is in the _____(1)_____ position.

Once this is done, the CSAE exhaust will be aligned to the suction of the _____(2)_____

VA filtered exhaust.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


2. Unit 1 B.
2. Unit 2 C.
2. Unit 1 D.
2. Unit 2 Page 52 of 75


(1 point) 53 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial conditions:

  • Unit 1 is shutdown with cooldown in progress
  • Unit 1 NC system temperature is 195°F and lowering
  • Unit 2 is at 100% RTP
  • 1A and 2B RN pumps are in service
  • 1A1 and 2A1 KC pumps are in service Subsequently:
  • 1A RN pump trips 1RN-291 (1A KC Hx Outlet Throttle) will throttle in the _____(1)_____ direction.

Tech Spec 3.7.8 (Nuclear Service Water System (NSWS)) _____(2)_____ applicable at this time for Unit 1.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. open
2. is B.
1. open
2. is NOT C.
1. closed
2. is D.
1. closed
2. is NOT Page 53 of 75


(1 point) 54 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station The power supply for Instrument Air (VI) Compressor F is __________.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statement above?





2LXH Page 54 of 75


(1 point) 55 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 2:

  • Unit is in Mode 3
  • Maintenance has informed the control room that BOTH Upper Containment airlock doors are INOPERABLE In accordance with Tech Spec 3.6.2 (Containment Air Locks):

Action to evaluate overall containment leakage rate per LCO 3.6.1 (Containment)

_____(1)_____ required.

Action to verify a door is closed in the affected airlock will be performed at a MAXIMUM timeframe of _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. is
2. immediately B.
1. is
2. one hour C.
1. is NOT
2. immediately D.
1. is NOT
2. one hour Page 55 of 75


(1 point) 56 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions:

  • Unit 1 is at 100% RTP


Immediately trip the reactor B.

Immediately enter T.S. 3.0.3 C.

Verify SDM or initiate boration within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> D.

Reduce power to less than 75% within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> Page 56 of 75


(1 point) 57 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following:

  • The Control Room has been evacuated due to toxic gas Following Control Room evacuation, In accordance with AP/1/A/5500/017 (Loss of Control Room):

Reactor shutdown condition can be verified by monitoring of _____(1)_____


Shutdown margin will be maintained by use of the _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. Wide Range Neutron
2. Standby Makeup Pump B.
1. Wide Range Neutron
2. Boric Acid Transfer Pumps C.
1. Source Range
2. Standby Makeup Pump D.
1. Source Range
2. Boric Acid Transfer Pumps Page 57 of 75


(1 point) 58 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial indications on Unit 1:

  • Unit is at 100% RTP
  • A DCS Alternate Action has occurred on Selected Pressurizer Level-1 (SPL-1)


  • Actual Pressurizer Level is RISING Assuming no operator action, as Pressurizer Level continues to rise, The Pressurizer High Level annunciator _____(1)_____ alarm.

A Pressurizer High Level reactor trip _____(2)_____ occur.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. will
2. will B.
1. will
2. will NOT C.
1. will NOT
2. will D.
1. will NOT
2. will NOT Page 58 of 75


(1 point) 59 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Which ONE of the following is the power supply for the 1B VE Fan?





1EMXI Page 59 of 75


(1 point) 60 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • Containment pressure peaked at 7 psig
  • Containment pressure is currently 5 psig and slowly lowering
  • Containment Hydrogen concentration is 4%
  • An AO is performing OP/1/A/6450/010 (Containment Hydrogen Control Systems) Encl. 4.10 (Operation of the Hydrogen Recombiners Following a LOCA)
  • Attempts to place the 1A Hydrogen Recombiner in service have failed
  • The AO is now attempting to place 1B Hydrogen Recombiner in service and asks you to perform step 3.3.12 to determine the required power setting The required power setting per step 3.3.12 is __________.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statement above?


54 - 55 kW B.

56 - 57 kW C.

58 - 59 kW D.

60 - 61 kW Page 60 of 75


(1 point) 61 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 2:

  • The Unit has just entered Mode 3 preparing for cooldown to Mode 5 To use the STEAM DUMP CTRL M/A station to perform the cooldown in MANUAL, the STEAM DUMP SELECT switch must be ensured in the _____(1)_____ position.

To cooldown to Mode 5 the STEAM DUMP INTLK BYP train A and B switches

_____(2)_____ be placed in BYP INTLK.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. T-AVG
2. will B.
1. T-AVG
2. will NOT C.
2. will D.
2. will NOT Page 61 of 75


(1 point) 62 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial conditions on Unit 1:

  • The Condensate System is aligned for High Pressure Cleanup Subsequently:
  • The 1A CFPT experiences a complete loss of oil pressure The windmill protection circuit will send a DIRECT signal to trip the operating


Low CFPT oil pressure will cause the 1A CFPT _____(2)_____ to close.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. Hotwell Pumps
2. discharge valve B.
1. Hotwell Pumps
2. recirc valve C.
1. Condensate Booster Pumps
2. discharge valve D.
1. Condensate Booster Pumps
2. recirc valve Page 62 of 75


(1 point) 63 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial conditions:

  • Both Units are at 100% RTP
  • VQ release is in progress on both Units Subsequently:
  • A leaking isolation valve has initiated an unplanned release from C Waste Gas Decay Tank
  • 0EMF-41 (Aux Bldg Ventilation) is in Trip 2
  • 1EMF-36 (Unit Vent Gas Monitor) is in Trip 2
  • No operator action has been taken Currently:

2A VA _____(1)_____ aligned to filter mode.

Unit 2 VQ release _____(2)_____ been secured.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. is NOT
2. has B.
1. is NOT
2. has NOT C.
1. is
2. has NOT D.
1. is
2. has Page 63 of 75


(1 point) 64 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:

  • Unit is at 4% RTP following startup o Main Turbine warming is in progress o 1A CFPT is in service o 1B CFPT is Tripped o All S/G levels are 39% and stable
  • CFPT Condenser Vacuum is 23 Hg Vac and lowering The 1A CFPT will trip when CFPT Condenser Vacuum decreases to a MAXIMUM of


Following the trip of 1A CFPT, 1A and 1B CA pumps _____(2)_____ automatically start.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. 21.8 Hg Vac
2. will NOT B.
1. 21.8 Hg Vac
2. will C.
1. 16.9 Hg Vac
2. will NOT D.
1. 16.9 Hg Vac
2. will Page 64 of 75


(1 point) 65 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions:

  • Both Units operating at 100% RTP
  • A fire has been reported in the Unit 1 Turbine Building
  • AP/0/A/5500/045 (Plant Fire) has been entered
  • A RY Pump is OFF
  • B RY Pump is OPERATING
  • C RY Pump is OFF In accordance with OMP 1-7 (Emergency/Abnormal Procedure Implementation Guidelines) General Statements of Philosophy:

The BOP _____(1)_____ start A RY pump.

The BOP _____(2)_____ start C RY pump.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. will
2. will B.
1. will
2. will NOT C.
1. will NOT
2. will D.
1. will NOT
2. will NOT Page 65 of 75


(1 point) 66 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station In accordance with AD-OP-ALL-1000 (Conduct of Operations):

The RO is required to perform an end to end control panel walk-down approximately every _____(1)_____ hours during the shift.

The walk-down _____(2)_____ required to be logged in the Narrative Logbook.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. two
2. is B.
1. two
2. is NOT C.
1. six
2. is D.
1. six
2. is NOT Page 66 of 75


(1 point) 67 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Note the table below from SLC 16.5-3, (Chemistry).


= 0.10 ppm

= 1.00 ppm Chloride

= 0.15 ppm

= 1.50 ppm Fluoride

= 0.15 ppm

= 1.50 ppm In accordance with SLC 16.5-3 (Chemistry), Fluoride is a _____(1)_____ chemistry parameter.

In accordance with the applicable abnormal operating procedure, if dissolved oxygen were at a value in Action Level 3, a shutdown to Mode 3 would be required in a MAXIMUM of _____(2)_____ hours.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. Secondary
2. 3 B.
1. Secondary
2. 24 C.
1. Primary
2. 3 D.
1. Primary
2. 24 Page 67 of 75


(1 point) 68 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions:

  • Unit 1 is at 50% RTP
  • Unit 2 is in a refueling outage, with NO fuel currently in the reactor vessel For the above conditions, and per Selected Licensee Commitment 16.13-4, (Minimum Station Staffing Requirements) which ONE of the following describes:

What is the MINIMUM required number of ROs to be present at the controls (total for both units)?

What is the total MINIMUM required number of ROs on shift?

Total Minimum ROs at the controls Total Minimum Required ROs on shift A.

1 2


2 3


1 3


2 4

Page 68 of 75


(1 point) 69 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions:

  • A transient has occurred In accordance with OMP 1-7 (Emergency/Abnormal Procedure Implementation Guidelines) General Statement of Philosophy for Transient Load Changes:

The operator will immediately reduce up to _____(1)_____ turbine load and then to reduce as needed to maintain reactor power less than pre-transient condition.

To control the plant more precisely, the operators should monitor _____(2)_____ for reactor response.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. 10 MWe
2. Thermal Power Best Estimate (TPBE)


1. 10 MWe
2. NC loop delta Ts C.
1. 25 MWe
2. Thermal Power Best Estimate (TPBE)


1. 25 MWe
2. NC loop delta Ts Page 69 of 75


(1 point) 70 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 2:

  • NC system temperature is 195°F

When the FWST is required to be operable, and level is less than the borated water volume required by Surveillance Requirement, Actions to restore the FWST to operable status are required within a MAXIMUM timeframe of _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. is
2. ONE hour B.
1. is
1. is NOT
2. ONE hour D.
1. is NOT
2. IMMEDIATELY Page 70 of 75


(1 point) 71 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:

  • 0EMF-50 (WG Disch Monitor - Waste Gas) Trip 2 actuated
  • 1EMF-31 (Turbine Building Sump) Trip 2 actuated Consider Each Statement Separately Re-initiation of the Waste Gas release at least once WITHOUT resampling

_____(1)_____ allowed.

Re-initiation of the Turbine Building Sump release at least once WITHOUT sampling

_____(2)_____ allowed.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. is NOT
2. is B.
1. is
2. is C.
1. is NOT
2. is NOT D.
1. is
2. is NOT Page 71 of 75


(1 point) 72 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station An Operator needs to access an area with a general area radiation dose rate of 1100 mREM/hr to hang a clearance tag.

In accordance with CSD-RP-ALL-1013 (RADIATION PROTECTION STANDARD GLOSSARY OF TERMS), the correct radiation posting for this area is a



Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. Locked High Radiation Area
2. is B.
1. Locked High Radiation Area
2. is NOT C.
1. High Radiation Area
2. is D.
1. High Radiation Area
2. is NOT Page 72 of 75


(1 point) 73 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 2:

  • Crew is performing AP/2/A/5500/028 (Secondary Steam Leak)
  • Operator determines that a makeup to the Upper Surge Tank is needed
  • Operator verifies that this is on the approved Prudent Action list In accordance with AD-OP-ALL-1001 (Conduct of Abnormal Operations):

The operator _____(1)_____ need SRO concurrence prior to performing this Prudent Action.

The operator _____(2)_____ required to provide a Crew Update prior to performing this Prudent Action.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. does
2. is B.
1. does
2. is NOT C.
1. does NOT
2. is D.
1. does NOT
2. is NOT Page 73 of 75


(1 point) 74 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 2:

  • 2B CA pump failed to automatically start PRIOR to any direct procedural guidance being given, and in accordance with OMP 1-7 (Emergency/Abnormal Procedure Implementation Guidelines) General Statements of Philosophy:

The 2B D/G Load Sequencer _____(1)_____ be RESET without CRS approval in order to manually start the 2B CA pump.

The crew shall NOT take action to reset and control CA until S/G N/R levels exceed a MINIMUM value of _____(2)_____.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. can
2. 39%


1. can
2. 62%


1. can NOT
2. 39%


1. can NOT
2. 62%

Page 74 of 75


(1 point) 75 2019 CNS RO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 2:

  • The crew has transitioned to EP/2/A/5000/E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture)
  • NC pressure is 1650 psig
  • The CRS has just read a series of NOTES prior to E-3, Step 10 Initiate NC System cooldown as follows:

Once the cooldown is initiated:

The OATC will dump steam while maintaining steam pressure negative rate less than 2 psig per second in order to prevent a _____(1)_____.

If NC system subcooling is lost, the crew _____(2)_____ secure NC pumps.

Which ONE (1) of the following completes the statements above?


1. S/G lo-lo level actuation
2. will B.
1. S/G lo-lo level actuation
2. will NOT C.
1. main steam isolation
2. will D.
1. main steam isolation
2. will NOT Page 75 of 75

WRITTEN EXAM REFERENCE PACKAGE CONTENTS EXAM ID: CNS ILT 19 NRC Exam (RO) 1 Unit 2 ROD Book Section 5.11 (Minimum Shutdown Margin Boron) 2 Tech Spec 3.2.4 (Quadrant Power Tilt Ratio (QPTR))

3 CNS Unit 1 Data Book Figure 10 (Hydrogen Recombiners Post-LOCA Power Consumption) 4 OP/1/A/6450/010 Encl. 4.10 (Operation of the Hydrogen Recombiners Following a LOCA), Page 5 5

Steam Tables

UNIT TWO REACTOR OPERATING DATA SECTION 5.11 MINIMUM SHUTDOWN MARGIN BORON Source: CNEI-0400-331 Prepared by: WJ Murphy Revision Number: 795 Date: 3/28/18 Page 1 of 2 For 1.0% Shutdown Margin Tech Spec Refueling Boron Concentration is 2700 ppmB (C2C23 COLR)

Fill and Vent Boron Concentration is 1894 ppmB (C2C23 SOR Table SOR-2)

UNIT TWO REACTOR OPERATING DATA SECTION 5.11 MINIMUM SHUTDOWN MARGIN BORON Source: CNEI-0400-331 Prepared by: WJ Murphy Revision Number: 795 Date: 3/28/18 Page 2 of 2 For 1.3% Shutdown Margin

QPTR 3.2.4 Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.2.4-1 Amendment Nos. 173/165 3.2 POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS 3.2.4 QUADRANT POWER TILT RATIO (QPTR)

LCO 3.2.4 The QPTR shall be < 1.02.




Not applicable until calibration of the excore detectors is completed subsequent to refueling.


QPTR not within limit.

A.1 Reduce THERMAL POWER > 3% from RTP for each 1% of QPTR

> 1.02.

AND A.2 Perform SR and reduce THERMAL POWER > 3% from RTP for each 1% of QPTR

> 1.02.

AND A.3 Perform SR and SR

AND 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> Once per 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> 24 hours AND Once per 7 days thereafter (continued)

QPTR 3.2.4 ACTIONS Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.2.4-2 Amendment Nos. 173/165 CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A.


A.4 Reduce Power Range Neutron Flux - High Trip Setpoint > 3% for each 1%

of QPTR > 1.02.

AND A.5 Reevaluate safety analyses and confirm results remain valid for duration of operation under this condition.



Perform Required Action A.6 only after Required Action A.5 is completed.

Calibrate excore detectors to show zero QPT.

AND 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> Prior to increasing THERMAL POWER above the more restrictive limit of Required Action A.1 or A.2 Prior to increasing THERMAL POWER above the more restrictive limit of Required Action A.1 or A.2 (continued)

QPTR 3.2.4 ACTIONS Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.2.4-3 Amendment Nos. 173/165 CONDITION REQUIRED ACTION COMPLETION TIME A.




Required Action A.7 must be completed when Required Action A.6 is completed.

Perform SR and SR

Within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> after reaching RTP OR Within 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> after increasing THERMAL POWER above the more restrictive limit of Required Action A.1 or A.2 B.

Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.

B.1 Reduce THERMAL POWER to < 50% RTP.

4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />

QPTR 3.2.4 Catawba Units 1 and 2 3.2.4-4 Amendment Nos. 263/259 SURVEILLANCE REQUIREMENTS SURVEILLANCE FREQUENCY SR



With input from one Power Range Neutron Flux channel inoperable and THERMAL POWER

<75% RTP, the remaining three power range channels can be used for calculating QPTR.


SR may be performed in lieu of this Surveillance.


This SR is not required to be performed until 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after exceeding 50% RTP.

Verify QPTR is within limit by calculation.

In accordance with the Surveillance Frequency Control Program AND Once within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> and every 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> thereafter with the QPTR alarm inoperable SR


Only required to be performed if input from one or more Power Range Neutron Flux channels are inoperable with THERMAL POWER > 75% RTP.

Verify QPTR is within limit using the movable incore detectors.

In accordance with the Surveillance Frequency Control Program

Unit 1 Data Book Source: TP/1/A/1200/11 68 66 64 62 60 58 56 54 c -----

d --------

e f

g 52 h ---- i so 2

3 4

5 6

7 8

9 10 Rev. 0, 6/30/98 Figure 10 - Unit 1 Hydrogen Recombiners Post-LOCA Power Consumption Page 10 A Train B Train

.10 OP/1/A/6450/010 Operation of the Hydrogen Recombiners Following a LOCA Page 5 of 7 3.3.10 Advance the "POWER ADJUST" setting until an output of 20 KW is obtained on the "POWER OUT" meter.

3.3.11 Maintain a 20 KW output for 5 minutes.

3.3.12 Determine Hydrogen Recombiner 1B power setting as follows: Determine KW value from Figure 10 of the Unit One Revised Data Book. H2 concentration (1MC7) ________% IF H2 concentration is > 3.5%, add 4KW to calculation. Calculate KW as follows:

_________+ __________ = ______ KW Step Step or N/A 3.3.13 Advance the "POWER ADJUST" setting until the "POWER OUT" meter indicates the value calculated in Adjust "POWER ADJUST" as necessary to maintain this output.

3.3.14 Notify NCO that Hydrogen Recombiner 1B is now in service.

Person notified ___________________________________

CAUTION: The maximum electric hydrogen recombiner heater temperature is 1400°F.


1. Temperature stabilization may take up to 5 hours5.787037e-5 days <br />0.00139 hours <br />8.267196e-6 weeks <br />1.9025e-6 months <br />. The heater temperatures are considered stabilized when the channels are within 60°F of each other and the average temperature is 1225°F. (CNM-1399.36-0010)
2. Hydrogen Recombiner Heater 1B Temperature is monitored from 1VXCR5500 (Train B Hydrogen Recombiner Heater Temperature Recorder) located on 1ELCP0300 (AB-560, DD-52, Rm 370).
3. 1VXCR5500 is a touch screen video monitor. Touching the screen while in screen saver mode will display the main menu. The thermocouple temperatures will be displayed when the "Digital" icon is selected. The "Return" icon on the lower left of the screen returns to the main menu.

3.3.15 Record hourly the Hydrogen Recombiner Heater 1B Temperature for each of the three thermocouples on Enclosure 4.11 (Hydrogen Recombiner Heater Temperature Log), until stabilized.

Examination KEY for: 2019 CNS RO NRC Examinati Question Number Answer 1

C 2

C 3

B 4

B 5

B 6

B 7

C 8

D 9

C 10 B

11 B

12 D

13 D

14 B

15 B

16 A

17 B

18 D

19 B

20 B

21 A

22 A

23 B

24 A

25 D

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Examination KEY for: 2019 CNS RO NRC Examinati Question Number Answer 26 D

27 B

28 D

29 B

30 B

31 D

32 C

33 A

34 C

35 B

36 C

37 A

38 D

39 A

40 A

41 C

42 B

43 B

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46 D

47 D

48 C

49 B

50 A

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Examination KEY for: 2019 CNS RO NRC Examinati Question Number Answer 51 A

52 D

53 B

54 D

55 B

56 C

57 D

58 C

59 C

60 C

61 C

62 B

63 C

64 D

65 A

66 A

67 C

68 C

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72 A

73 D

74 D

75 D

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