ML17215A801 | |
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Site: | Catawba ![]() |
Issue date: | 08/03/2017 |
From: | NRC/RGN-II |
To: | |
References | |
Download: ML17215A801 (107) | |
(1 point) 1 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- The Unit entered EP/1/A/5000/ECA-1.1, (Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation) following a LOCA outside containment
- Safety Injection Termination criteria is NOT met o The crew has been directed to determine minimum SI flow per (Minimum S/I Flowrate Versus Time After Trip)
Current conditions:
- Unit 1 Reactor was tripped 60 minutes ago
- NCS pressure is 1000 psig.
- 1B NI pump is running with flow indicated at 380 gpm
- 1A NV pump is running with flow indicated at 400 gpm The MINIMUM S/I Flowrate required to remove current reactor decay heat is
The _____(2)_____ pump is required to be secured.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 2.
340 gpm 1A NV B. 1.
- 2.
360 gpm 1A NV C. 1.
- 2.
340 gpm 1B NI D. 1.
- 2.
360 gpm 1B NI Page 1 of 100
(1 point) 2 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
The Unit is at 100% RTP A Pressurizer Safety Valve begins leaking by its seat AP/1/A/5500/010 (Reactor Coolant Leak) Case II (NC System Leak) is entered 1NV-294 (NV Pmps A&B Disch Flow Ctrl) is throttled to the full open position, to establish 150 gpm charging line flow Subsequently:
Pressurizer Level is at 53% and decreasing at a rate of 0.3%/minute Letdown flow is 75 gpm and stable Pressurizer Pressure is 2215 psig and decreasing slowly Per AP/10, the crew will NEXT adjust 1NV-849 (Letdn Flow Var Orif Ctrl) to establish a MAXIMUM of _____(1)_____ Letdown Flow.
_____(2)_____ will be energized due to the current Pressurizer Pressure.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
0 gpm "C" Pressurizer heaters ONLY B. 1.
- 2.
45 gpm "C" Pressurizer heaters ONLY C. 1.
- 2.
0 gpm ALL Pressurizer heaters D. 1.
- 2.
45 gpm ALL Pressurizer heaters Page 2 of 100
(1 point) 3 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 timeline:
- Unit at 100% RTP
- A Small Break LOCA occurs 1045
- The crew is in EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.2 (Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization)
- The CRS is reading the step to initiate NC System cooldown to Cold Shutdown
- Current NC System T-Colds are at 480°F and decreasing slowly Per ES-1.2, if the OATC maintains the MAXIMUM required cooldown rate, at 1145 S/G Pressures will be __________.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
710 psig B.
434 psig C.
330 psig D.
181 psig Page 3 of 100
(1 point) 4 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- A Large Break LOCA occurred 30 minutes ago
- NC System Tcolds are 249° F and decreasing slowly Based on these conditions:
EP/1/A/5000/FR-P.1 (Response to Imminent Pressurized Thermal Shock) entry conditions _____(1)_____ met.
OMP 1-7 (Emergency/Abnormal Procedure Implementation Guidelines) MINIMUM monitoring requirements states that CSF Status Trees shall be monitored
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
- 2.
are continuously B. 1.
- 2.
are every 10 to 15 minutes C. 1.
- 2.
are NOT continuously D. 1.
- 2.
are NOT every 10 to 15 minutes Page 4 of 100 from 100% RTP
(1 point) 5 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
- The Unit is at 100% RTP
Time 2100 2105 2110 2115 Shaft Vibration (mils) 5 15 19 22 Frame Vibration (mils) 2 4
6 8
Per 2AD-6 B/5 (NCP HI-HI VIBRATION), which ONE of the following indicates the EARLIEST time that the 2C NCP must be secured?
2100 B.
2105 C.
2110 D.
2115 Page 5 of 100
(1 point) 6 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
The Unit is at 100% RTP The crew has entered AP/1/A/5500/012 (Loss of Charging or Letdown), Case I (Loss of Charging) following a trip of 1A NV Pump Subsequently:
The crew is in the process of re-establishing charging o
1B NV Pump has been started o
1NV-294 (NV Pmps A&B Disch Flow Ctrl) has been throttled to proper flow In accordance with AP/12, the BOP will next throttle 1NV-309 (Seal Water Injection Flow) in the _____(1)_____ direction to establish a MINIMUM of _____(2)_____
"Total Seal Water Flow".
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
A. 1.
- 2.
OPEN 32 gpm B. 1.
- 2.
CLOSED 32 gpm C. 1.
- 2.
OPEN 40 gpm D. 1.
- 2.
CLOSED 40 gpm Page 6 of 100
(1 point) 7 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 initial conditions:
- The Unit is in MODE 5 and drained to Mid Loop
- ND Train 2A is in service
- ND system flow rate is 3200 gpm
- NC system level is 6.5% and stable Subsequently:
- 2A ND pump amps and discharge pressure begin to oscillate
- The crew has entered AP/2/A/5500/019 (Loss of Residual Heat Removal System), Case IV (Loss of ND in Mid Loop or S/G Manway Removed)
Per AP/19 Case IV, the BOP will FIRST __________ to mitigate this issue.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
secure 2A ND pump B.
reduce ND flow to less than a MAXIMUM of 2000 gpm C.
reduce ND flow to less than a MAXIMUM of 1500 gpm D.
reduce ND flow to less than a MAXIMUM of 1000 gpm Page 7 of 100
(1 point) 8 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 timeline:
1000 The Unit is at 100% RTP 1A2 KC Pump is in service 1A KC flow is 5000 gpm and stable 1005 1KC-9 (1A2 KC Pump Disch) is inadvertently closed 1007 1KC-9 is reopened No additional KC pumps have been started Following closure of 1KC-9, 1KC-C37A (Train A Miniflow Isol) opened as flow decreased to a MINIMUM value of _____(1)_____.
Assuming no operator action, once 1KC-9 is reopened 1AD-9 F/5 "KC Train A Single Pump Runout" _____(2)_____ alarm.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
A. 1.
- 2.
1100 gpm will B. 1.
- 2.
3150 gpm will C. 1.
- 2.
1100 gpm will NOT D. 1.
- 2.
3150 gpm will NOT Page 8 of 100
(1 point) 9 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
The Unit was at 72% RTP and increasing following a refueling outage Subsequently:
The main turbine has tripped due to a low condenser vacuum DRPI indicates Control Bank "D" at 178 steps and inserting One of the required Immediate Action Steps is to _____(1)_____.
Following completion of this step, control rod speed will indicate _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
Insert Control Rods in MANUAL 48 steps per minute B. 1.
- 2.
Insert Control Rods in MANUAL 72 steps per minute C. 1.
- 2.
Verify Control Rods IN "AUTO" AND STEPPING IN 48 steps per minute D. 1.
- 2.
Verify Control Rods IN "AUTO" AND STEPPING IN 72 steps per minute Page 9 of 100
(1 point) 10 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
- The Unit is at 45% RTP
- The crew has entered AP/2/A/5500/028 (Secondary Steam Leak)
A steam leak at location A, will cause Main Turbine Megawatts to _____(1)_____.
In order to isolate the leak, AP/28 will direct the crew to _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
increase trip the Main Turbine B. 1.
- 2.
increase trip the Reactor and close MSIVs C. 1.
- 2.
decrease trip the Main Turbine D. 1.
- 2.
decrease trip the Reactor and close MSIVs Page 10 of 100
(1 point) 11 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
- EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.1 (Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink) was entered and bleed and feed of the NC system was initiated
- All CA Flow Control Valves have been closed Subsequently:
- The Turbine Driven CA pump is returned to service and a source of feedwater is available
- CETs are stable
- All S/G WR levels are indicating 8%
In accordance with FR-H.1, Enclosure 6 (S/G CA Flow Restoration), CA flow is required to be restored to _____(1)_____.
This limit _____(2)_____ based on minimizing thermal stress to S/G components.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
ALL intact S/Gs at a rate not to exceed 100 gpm per S/G is B. 1.
- 2.
only ONE intact S/G at a rate not to exceed 100 gpm is C. 1.
- 2.
ALL intact S/Gs at a rate not to exceed 100 gpm per S/G is NOT D. 1.
- 2.
only ONE intact S/G at a rate not to exceed 100 gpm is NOT Page 11 of 100
(1 point) 12 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 timeline:
1000 A Loss of All Offsite Power has occurred Both Unit 2 D/Gs started and loaded their associated bus 1005 While monitoring D/G operating parameters, the Unit 2 BOP notes that D/G 2B "VOLTS" indicates 3925 V 1007 Voltage is adjusted to within the normal operating range by operation of the "D/G 2B Volt Adjust" controls on 2MC-11 As a result of the 2B D/G voltage adjustment at 1007:
2B D/G "AMPS" _____(1)_____.
2B D/G "P/F" _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
decreased remained the same B. 1.
- 2.
decreased became more lagging C. 1.
- 2.
increased remained the same D. 1.
- 2.
increased became more lagging Page 12 of 100
(1 point) 13 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial conditions:
- 1B RN Pump in service
- 1B1 KC Pump in service
- 2A1 KC Pump in service Subsequently:
- Both units enter AP/0/A/5500/030 (Plant Flooding), Enclosure 8 (Flooding From RN) following discovery of a large RN leak on the 1A Essential Header
- Per AP/30 guidance, the crew has isolated the 1A RN Essential Header (ONLY)
Based on current conditions:
Cooling water supply _____(1)_____ available to the 1A KD Heat Exchanger.
Mini-Flow protection _____(2)_____ available for the 1B RN Pump.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is is B. 1.
- 2.
is is NOT C. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is NOT Page 13 of 100
(1 point) 14 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
- A Loss of Instrument Air occurred while at 100% RTP Subsequently:
- The reactor has been manually tripped due to low VI pressure
- The crew has transitioned to EP/1/A/5000/ES-0.1 (Reactor Trip Response)
- The OATC has been given S/G level guidance In accordance with the design of the CA system, the OATC will maintain control of CA flow for a MINIMUM of _____(1)_____ from the Control Room.
The purpose for this design feature is to protect from _____(2)_____ with a Loss of VI.
A. 1.
- 2.
30 minutes S/G overfill during a S/G Tube Rupture B. 1.
- 2.
30 minutes runout of the CA pumps during a Main Feedwater Line Rupture C. 1.
- 2.
60 minutes S/G overfill during a S/G Tube Rupture D. 1.
- 2.
60 minutes runout of the CA pumps during a Main Feedwater Line Rupture Page 14 of 100
(1 point) 15 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions:
AP/1/A/5500/037 (Generator Voltage and Electric Grid Disturbances), Case I (Abnormal Generator or Grid Voltage) has been entered following a Grid Disturbance The TCC has reported that "Real Time Contingency Analysis" (RTCA) indicates CNS switchyard voltage would NOT be adequate if the unit should trip SPOC is making preparation for installation of Jumpers per AM/1/A/5100/008 (4KV Essential Power System Degraded Voltage Logic)
Unit 1 ECCS is currently _____(1)_____.
Once jumpers are installed, LOCA sequencer actuation will cause a Blackout
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
operable immediately B. 1.
- 2.
operable after 5 seconds C. 1.
- 2.
inoperable immediately D. 1.
2 inoperable after 5 seconds Page 15 of 100
(1 point) 16 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station In accordance with EP/1/A/5000/ECA-1.2 (LOCA Outside Containment):
The crew will FIRST attempt to isolate the leak by isolating the (1) system from the NC system.
The parameter used to verify the leak is isolated is (2).
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
ND PZR level B. 1.
- 2.
NI PZR Level C. 1.
- 2.
ND NC pressure D. 1.
2 NI NC pressure Page 16 of 100
(1 point) 17 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.1 (Loss of Secondary Heat Sink) step 9 states "Stop all NC pumps".
Prior to stopping the NC pumps in this step, Steam Dumps are ensured to be in
_____(1)_____ mode.
The primary reason for stopping the NC pumps in this step is to _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
T-AVG extend the time to align a feed source prior to meeting Bleed and Feed criteria B. 1.
- 2.
T-AVG preserve the NC pumps for long term core cooling once a heat sink is restored C. 1.
- 2.
PRESS extend the time to align a feed source prior to meeting Bleed and Feed criteria D. 1.
- 2.
PRESS preserve the NC pumps for long term core cooling once a heat sink is restored Page 17 of 100
(1 point) 18 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station From the given "List of Reasons", which ONE of the following includes ALL correct reasons for performing a cooldown/depressurization in accordance with EP/1/A/5000/ECA-1.1, (Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation)?
List of Reasons 1.
To inject Cold Leg Accumulators 2.
Minimize reactor coolant break flow 3.
To establish conditions for ND system operation 4.
Minimize NC dilution potential in case of a subsequent tube rupture A.
1, 2, and 3 B.
2, 3, and 4 C.
1, 3, and 4 D.
1, 2, and 4 Page 18 of 100
(1 point) 19 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- The refueling crew is lowering an irradiated fuel assembly next to a new fuel assembly in the core
- The assembly inadvertently drops completely into the core
- No other annunciators have been received
- The crew has entered AP/1/A/5500/025 (Damaged Spent Fuel)
As a result of this event:
The Containment Evacuation Alarm _____(1)_____ automatically initiate.
AP/25 _____(2)_____ direct VP to be manually secured.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
will does B. 1.
- 2.
will does NOT C. 1.
- 2.
will NOT does D. 1.
- 2.
will NOT does NOT Page 19 of 100
(1 point) 20 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
- AP/2/A/5500/010 (Reactor Coolant Leak), Case I (S/G Tube Leak) has been entered due to indications of a 2B S/G tube leak.
- Current conditions are as follows:
o Pressurizer level has been stabilized o Letdown flow is 75 GPM o Charging flow is 150 GPM Based on the above conditions, the estimated leak rate is _____(1)_____ GPM.
If leak rate increases, a S/G Tube Rupture will be indicated by the inability to maintain Pressurizer level above a MINIMUM of _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
63 2%
B. 1.
- 2.
63 4%
C. 1.
- 2.
75 2%
D. 1.
- 2.
75 4%
Page 20 of 100
(1 point) 21 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
- A leak has developed in the Spent Fuel Pool area
- Water leaking from an overhead pipe is collecting on the floor
- RP reports that the water is a Beta dose concern The primary biological concern for this spill is dose to _____(1)_____.
The normal occupational dose limit for this body location is _____(2)_____ per year.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
skin 15 rem B. 1.
- 2.
skin 50 rem C. 1.
- 2.
internal organs 15 rem D. 1.
- 2.
internal organs 50 rem Page 21 of 100
(1 point) 22 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Which ONE of the following statements represents a loss of Containment Integrity?
Both lower personnel airlock doors closed with all seals deflated B.
Annulus doors blocked open for maintenance work C.
Submarine hatch is found open D.
Engineering discovery of major divider barrier seal degradation Page 22 of 100
(1 point) 23 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station In accordance with the following step of EP/1/A/5000/ES-0.0 (Rediagnosis):
A previous Safety Injection signal actuation _____(1)_____ required to proceed in ES-0.0.
Completion of EP/1/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection) _____(2)_____
required to proceed in ES-0.0.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is is B. 1.
- 2.
is is NOT C. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is NOT Page 23 of 100
(1 point) 24 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
A Small-Break LOCA has occurred EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.2 (Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization) has been implemented Containment pressure is 2.8 PSIG and STABLE 1AD-9, C/8 "FWST Pre-Lo Level" is illuminated 1AD-20, B2 "Cont Sump Level >2.5 ft" is DARK 1AD-21, B2 "Cont Sump Level >2.5 ft" is DARK In accordance with the requirements of ES-1.2, Enclosure 1 (Foldout Page), the BOP _____(1)_____ secure Unit 1 ND Pumps because _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
A. 1.
- 2.
will ND Heat Exchanger cooling is NOT aligned B. 1.
- 2.
will 1AD-20, B/2 and 1AD-21, B/2 are NOT LIT C. 1.
- 2.
will NOT 1AD-9, D/8 "FWST 2/4 Lo Level" is NOT LIT D. 1.
- 2.
will NOT EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.3 (Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation) entry requirements are met Page 24 of 100
(1 point) 25 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
- The crew has reached the following step in EP/2/A/5000/FR-C.2 (Response to Degraded Core Cooling):
In accordance with FR-C.2, closing Cold Leg Accumulator Discharge valves will require a MINIMUM of _____(1)_____ NC Thot(s) < 370 degrees F and
_____(2)_____ require AO support for local power alignment.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
one will B. 1.
- 2.
one will NOT C. 1.
- 2.
two will D. 1.
- 2.
two will NOT Page 25 of 100
(1 point) 26 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- The Reactor tripped following an inadvertent Main Steam Isolation
- The crew has entered EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.2 (Response to Steam Generator Overpressure) immediately following the transition from EP/1/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection)
- The OATC has been directed to manually operate 1SV-19 (S/G 1A PORV) in order to decrease 1A S/G pressure In order to operate 1SV-19, in MANUAL, the Main Steam Isolation signal
_____(1)_____ required to be RESET.
Once 1SV-19 is opened, 1A S/G NR Level indication will initially change due to
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is SHRINK B. 1.
- 2.
is SWELL C. 1.
- 2.
- 2.
is NOT SWELL Page 26 of 100
(1 point) 27 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- The CRS has elected to enter EP/1/A/5000/FR-Z.3 (Response to High Containment Radiation) following an event causing a Containment Radiation level of 37 R/hr
- Containment Sump level instruments indicate bottom of scale In accordance with FR-Z.3, the BOP _____(1)_____ start the Containment Auxiliary Charcoal Filters (CACFU).
If required for inventory control, _____(2)_____ letdown must be placed in service.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
will excess B. 1.
- 2.
will normal C. 1.
- 2.
will NOT excess D. 1.
- 2.
will NOT normal Page 27 of 100
(1 point) 28 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- The Unit is at 100% RTP
- Total charging flow is currently 90 gpm
- 1NV-294 (NV Pmps A&B Disch Flow Ctrl) is in MANUAL
- 1NV-309 (Seal Water Injection Flow) is in AUTO Assuming stable plant conditions, as 1NV-294 is throttled OPEN, 1NV-309 will throttle in the _____(1)_____ direction.
In order to restore automatic control of the Pressurizer Level Control system
_____(2)_____ must be placed in AUTO.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
OPEN 1NV-294 ONLY B. 1.
- 2.
- 2.
OPEN 1NV-294 AND PZR Level Master D. 1.
- 2.
CLOSED 1NV-294 AND PZR Level Master Page 28 of 100
(1 point) 29 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station The 1A Boric Acid Transfer Pump receives power from __________.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
1EMXG Page 29 of 100
(1 point) 30 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
- The Unit is in MODE 5
- NC temperature is 112°F
- LTOP is in service
- 1B NV pump is running
- 1A NV pump is tagged out for maintenance
- Both NI pumps are tagged out Subsequently:
- 1A NV pump breaker is racked in following maintenance Entry into the Action statement of Technical Specification 3.4.12 (LTOP SYSTEM)
_____(1)_____ required at this time.
ND Suction Relief Valves will open if NC Pressure exceeds the MINIMUM listed value of _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is 400 psig B. 1.
- 2.
is 450 psig C. 1.
- 2.
is NOT 400 psig D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT 450 psig Page 30 of 100
(1 point) 31 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
- The Unit is at 100% RTP
- 1B NV Pump is running
- 1A NV Pump is OFF Subsequently:
- KC cooling flow to the Unit 1 NV pumps is lost
- The crew enters AP/1/A/5500/021 (Loss of Component Cooling), and has dispatched an operator to align backup cooling to an NV Pump
- The crew is performing Enclosure 5 (Maximize NV Pump Run Time)
NV Pump alternate cooling water will be supplied by the _____(1)_____ system.
While the alternate cooling alignment is being performed, the operating pump will be _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
YD secured immediately B. 1.
- 2.
YD operated for a maximum of 10 minutes C. 1.
- 2.
YM secured immediately D. 1.
- 2.
YM operated for a maximum of 10 minutes Page 31 of 100
(1 point) 32 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
If the input continues, PRT pressure will increase until rupture disc actuation at a MINIMUM value of _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
1ND-31 (1A ND Train Cold Leg Inj Return Safety Relief) 50 psig B. 1.
- 2.
1ND-31 (1A ND Train Cold Leg Inj Return Safety Relief) 100 psig C. 1.
- 2.
1ND-3 (1A ND Pump Suction From NC Loop B Header Relief) 50 psig D. 1.
- 2.
1ND-3 (1A ND Pump Suction From NC Loop B Header Relief) 100 psig Page 32 of 100
(1 point) 33 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
The Unit is cooling down in Mode 4 1A1 and 1A2 KC Pumps are in service 1A ND is being aligned for RHR 1AD-9 F/7 "KC Train A Two Pump Runout" has alarmed Aligning cooling water flow to 1A ND Heat Exchanger increased KC system flow by a MINIMUM of _____(1)_____.
The setpoint for 1AD-9 F/7 is _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following correctly completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
5,000 gpm 10,800 gpm B. 1.
- 2.
5,000 gpm 11,400 gpm C. 1.
- 2.
5,600 gpm 10,800 gpm D. 1.
- 2.
5,600 gpm 11,400 gpm Page 33 of 100
(1 point) 34 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- The Unit is at 100% RTP
- NC Pressure is currently 2150 psig and increasing slowly Current PZR Pressure Error (psi) indicates a _____(1)_____ value.
In accordance with TS 3.4.11 (Pressurizer Power Operated Relief Valves),
1NC-35B _____(2)_____ required to be de-energized.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
positive is B. 1.
- 2.
negative is C. 1.
- 2.
positive is NOT D. 1.
- 2.
negative is NOT Page 34 of 100
(1 point) 35 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
The Unit was at 100% power 1NC-35B (PZR PORV Isol) is in the "CLOSE" position due to a leak from 1NC-36B (PZR PORV)
A pressure transient resulted in an NC system pressure increase 1NC-34A (PZR PORV) opened but did not re-close NC pressure is 2200 psig and decreasing The BOP places the 1NC-33A (PZR PORV Isol) control switch to "CLOSE" 1NC-33A is currently _____(1)_____.
_____(2)_____ provides a BLOCK signal to 1NC-34A on decreasing pressure.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
OPEN Selected Pressurizer Pressure 1 (SPP-1)
B. 1.
- 2.
OPEN Selected Pressurizer Pressure 2 (SPP-2)
C. 1.
- 2.
CLOSED Selected Pressurizer Pressure 1 (SPP-1)
D. 1.
- 2.
CLOSED Selected Pressurizer Pressure 2 (SPP-2)
Page 35 of 100
(1 point) 36 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 initial conditions:
The Unit is at 45% RTP for 2A CFPT repairs Control Rod select switch is in "AUTO" Subsequently:
Power Range Channel N-41 Control Power fuse has blown Following this failure:
control rods _____(1)_____ be inserting in automatic.
manual control rod withdrawal _____(2)_____ blocked.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
will is B. 1.
- 2.
will is NOT C. 1.
- 2.
will NOT is D. 1.
- 2.
will NOT is NOT Page 36 of 100
(1 point) 37 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
- The Unit is at 3% RTP following a refueling outage Per Technical Specifications, which ONE of the following reactor trips is required to be operable to provide protection against DNB from the current power level to 100% RTP?
Low NC loop flow D.
Pressurizer low pressure Page 37 of 100
(1 point) 38 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
- A Reactor Coolant System leak has developed inside Containment
- The CRS has provided direction to the OATC for manually tripping the Reactor and the BOP for initiating Safety Injection Subsequently:
- Attempts to trip the Reactor have failed
- Containment pressure is 0.55 psig and increasing slowly
- PZR Pressure is 1950 psig and decreasing slowly Given the above conditions, EP/1/A/5000/F-0 (Critical Safety Function Status Trees) _____(1)_____ required to be implemented.
The BOP _____(2)_____ initiate Safety Injection at this time.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is will B. 1.
- 2.
is will NOT C. 1.
- 2.
is NOT will D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT will NOT Page 38 of 100
(1 point) 39 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
- Containment Pressure Channel III has failed high Following this malfunction, a High Containment Pressure Safety Injection signal will be generated if a MINIMUM of _____(1)_____ of the remaining channels exceed the setpoint of _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
A. 1.
- 2.
one 1.2 psig B. 1.
- 2.
one 3.0 psig C. 1.
- 2.
two 1.2 psig D. 1.
- 2.
two 3.0 psig Page 39 of 100
(1 point) 40 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Concerning the Containment Chilled Water System (YV):
Chilled water cooling _____(1)_____ supplied to the Containment Pipe Tunnel Booster Fans.
YV cooling water supply to NC Pump Motor Air Cooler will isolate upon a
_____(2)_____ signal.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is Phase A B. 1.
- 2.
is Phase B C. 1.
- 2.
is NOT Phase A D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT Phase B Page 40 of 100
(1 point) 41 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
1AD-13, D/8 "GLYCOL EXPANSION TNK LO-LO LVL" has alarmed 1NF-228A (Glycol Sup Cont Isol Otsd) _____(1)_____ closed.
The Glycol Expansion Tank Lo-Lo Level Interlock bypass switch is located on the
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is main control board B. 1.
- 2.
is local NF control panel C. 1.
- 2.
is NOT main control board D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT local NF control panel Page 41 of 100
(1 point) 42 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
The Unit is at 10% RTP 1AD-13 A/7 "ICE COND LOWER INLET DOORS OPEN" alarm is lit The lower inlet door position display panel indicates that a door is open The door is confirmed to be cracked opened. The door will not move further open and cannot be closed No other alarms related to the ice condenser, NF system or AHUs are lit The Action Statement of Tech Spec 3.6.12 (Ice Bed) _____(1)_____ required to be entered.
The Action Statement of Tech Spec 3.6.13 (Ice Condenser Doors) _____(2)_____
required to be entered.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is is B. 1.
- 2.
is is NOT C. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is NOT Page 42 of 100
(1 point) 43 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Concerning operation of the Containment Spray System (NS):
Aligning suction from the _____(1)_____ with a specific _____(2)_____ limits post-accident Iodine concentration and minimizes stress corrosion.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
A. 1.
- 2.
FWST pH B. 1.
- 2.
FWST boron concentration C. 1.
- 2.
containment sump pH D. 1.
- 2.
containment sump boron concentration Page 43 of 100
(1 point) 44 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- The Unit is at 35% RTP
- The crew has entered AP/1/A/5500/010 (Reactor Coolant Leak) due to a 1C S/G Tube leak 1EMF-73 (S/G C Leakage) _____(1)_____ provide accurate indication of S/G tube leakage at the current power level.
If the leak size increases, EP/1/A/5000/E-3 (Steam Generator Tube Rupture) will FIRST direct closure of _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
will 1C MSIV B. 1.
- 2.
will All MSIVs C. 1.
- 2.
will NOT 1C MSIV D. 1.
- 2.
will NOT All MSIVs Page 44 of 100
(1 point) 45 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
- The Unit is at 25% RTP following a refueling outage.
- AP/1/A/5500/028 (Secondary Steam Leak) has been entered following a discovery of a leak on the Unit 1 Main Turbine Crossover line Subsequently:
- The Unit 1 Main Turbine is tripped to isolate the leak
- Reactor power is currently 11%
At this time, _____(1)_____ steam dumps are operating to control NC temperature at _____(2)_____ degrees F.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
A. 1.
- 2.
ONLY condenser 557 B. 1.
- 2.
ONLY condenser 560 C. 1.
- 2.
condenser AND atmospheric 557 D. 1.
- 2.
condenser AND atmospheric 560 Page 45 of 100 modulating
(1 point) 46 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
- EP/1/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection) was entered following a Small Break LOCA
- Both trains of Safety Injection automatically actuated
- 1B Reactor Trip Breaker (RTB) failed to open from the Control Room
- All CA pumps failed to start Subsequently:
- The crew has entered EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.1 (Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink) and is attempting to align feed flow from 1A CFPT In order to reset 1B ECCS, 1B RTB _____(1)_____ required to be locally opened.
1A CFPT will be reset _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is locally B. 1.
- 2.
is NOT locally C. 1.
- 2.
is at 1MC-10 D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT at 1MC-10 Page 46 of 100
(1 point) 47 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.1 (Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink) has been implemented
- Following Bleed and Feed initiation, CA flow has been restored from CAPT #1
- Containment pressure peaked at 3.2 psig and is now 2.1 psig In accordance with FR-H.1, which ONE of the following indicates the MINIMUM heat sink requirements that must be met to allow termination of NC system bleed and feed?
NR level in at least ONE S/G > 11%
NR level in at least ONE S/G > 29%
WR level in at least ONE S/G > 24%
WR level in at least ONE S/G > 36%
Page 47 of 100
(1 point) 48 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions:
Unit 1 and Unit 2 are at 100% RTP when the following switchyard PCBs open:
PCB 17 PCB 18
_____(1)_____ will experience a Turbine Runback due to loss of the associated
_____(2)_____ offsite power.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
A. 1.
- 2.
Unit 1 "A" train B. 1.
- 2.
Unit 1 "B" train C. 1.
- 2.
Unit 2 "A" train D. 1.
- 2.
Unit 2 "B" train Page 48 of 100
(1 point) 49 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Which ONE of the following describes which of the DC breakers (labeled 1, 2, 3, 4 in the drawing above) that will cause an alarm to be received in the Control Room when the breakers OPEN?
Any one of the four breakers B.
Breakers 1 and 3 ONLY C.
Breakers 2 and 3 ONLY D.
Breakers 2 and 4 ONLY Page 49 of 100
(1 point) 50 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
- 2ETB has experienced a Blackout while at 100% RTP
- No operator action has been taken Which ONE of the following lists parameters which will cause a trip of the 2B D/G if a setpoint is exceeded?
Engine Speed Jacket Water Temperature B.
Engine Speed Lube Oil Pressure C.
Lube Oil Temperature Jacket Water Temperature D.
Lube Oil Temperature Lube Oil Pressure Page 50 of 100
(1 point) 51 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
- The Unit is in Mode 5 with Reactor Coolant System vented
- 2EMF-39 has been declared Non-Functional
- 2EMF-36 is in service In accordance with SLC 16.11-7 (Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation):
An in-progress Containment Purge (VP) release _____(1)_____ continue.
A new Containment Purge (VP) release _____(2)_____ be initiated.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
may may B. 1.
- 2.
may NOT may C. 1.
- 2.
may may NOT D. 1.
- 2.
may NOT may NOT Page 51 of 100
(1 point) 52 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions:
Unit 1 and 2 are at 100% RTP "A" and "B" RL pumps are in service "C" RL pump is tagged out while the pump is being rebuilt RL Pressure Controller malfunctions and causes all turnaround valves to fail full open As a result of this failure, RL flow to the _____(1)_____ will _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
A. 1.
- 2.
KR heat exchangers increase B. 1.
- 2.
KR heat exchangers decrease C. 1.
- 2.
IPB air coolers increase D. 1.
- 2.
IPB air coolers decrease Page 52 of 100
(1 point) 53 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station The power supply for Instrument Air (VI) Compressor E is __________.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
2LXH Page 53 of 100
(1 point) 54 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 initial conditions:
- The Unit is in Mode 4 In accordance with Tech Spec 3.6.4 (Containment Pressure), the MINIMUM Containment air pressure is _____(1)_____.
In accordance with Tech Spec 3.6.5 (Containment Air Temperature), the MINIMUM Lower Containment air temperature is _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
- 0.1 psig 60° F B. 1.
- 2.
- 0.1 psig 100° F C. 1.
- 2.
- 0.3 psig 60° F D. 1.
- 2.
- 0.3 psig 100° F Page 54 of 100
(1 point) 55 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
A rapid downpower is in progress due to a secondary steam leak inside Containment 1A, 1B, and 1D Lower Containment Vent Units (LCVU) are in operation Current Unit 1 Containment pressure is 0.58 psig and increasing slowly Assuming no operator action, 1RN-473 (LCVU A Full Flow Valve) _____(1)_____ currently open.
1A LCVU _____(2)_____ operating in "Hi Speed".
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is is B. 1.
- 2.
is is NOT C. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is NOT Page 55 of 100
(1 point) 56 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
A unit shutdown to Mode 5 is in progress for a refueling outage Containment Purge (VP) system startup is in progress Subsequently:
The crew enters AP/1/A/5500/019 (Loss of Residual Heat Removal System) following indications of a NC system leak inside Containment 1EMF-39 (Containment Gas Hi Rad) has exceeded Trip 2 actuation Containment pressure is 0.28 psig and increasing slowly Based on current conditions:
The VP system _____(1)_____ isolated.
Phase "A" containment isolation _____(2)_____ occurred.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is has B. 1.
- 2.
is has NOT C. 1.
- 2.
is NOT has D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT has NOT Page 56 of 100
(1 point) 57 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
The Unit is at 100% RTP Control Banks A, B, & C are 228 steps withdrawn Control Bank D is 215 steps withdrawn 1AD-2 E/10 "RPI Non-Urgent Failure" is illuminated DRPI displays "Data A Failure" Subsequently:
The OATC performs the following evolution in accordance with PT/1/A/4600/001 (RCCA Movement Test) o Withdraws Control Bank "B" to 238 steps as indicated by the applicable step demand counter o
Inserts Control Bank "B" to 228 steps as indicated by the applicable step demand counter Following completion of this step (and plant stabilization):
DRPI accuracy is _____(1)_____.
NC system temperature will be _____(2)_____ (as compared to temperature prior to testing).
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
-10/+4 steps lower B. 1.
- 2.
-10/+4 steps the same C. 1.
- 2.
+10/-4 steps lower D. 1.
- 2.
+10/-4 steps the same Page 57 of 100 DRPI will indicate within _____(1)_____ of actual control rod position.
(1 point) 58 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
PZR Pressure Channel 1 has failed HIGH A Unit plant transient results in a cooldown of the NC system causing the PZR Backup Heaters to energize and "C" Heaters to be full ON Subsequently:
No Tech Spec actions have been taken related to PZR Pressure Channel 1 Unit 1 PZR Pressure Channel 3 fails LOW Annunciator 1AD-2, F/9 "DCS ALTERNATE ACTION" alarms Following this event:
The "C" Heaters _____(1)_____ remain full ON.
The PZR Backup Heaters _____(2)_____ remain energized.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
will will B. 1.
- 2.
will will NOT C. 1.
- 2.
will NOT will D. 1.
- 2.
will NOT will NOT Page 58 of 100
(1 point) 59 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Which ONE of the following is the power supply for the 1A VE Fan?
1EMXI Page 59 of 100
(1 point) 60 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
1A1 KC Pump is in service 1A KF Pump is in service Subsequently:
1KC-50A (Aux Bldg Non-Ess Hdr Isol) has spuriously closed 1KC-149 (KF Hx 1A Cool Wtr Otlt) _____(1)_____ AUTOMATICALLY reposition in order to maintain Spent Fuel Pool temperature.
If 1AD-13, E/1 "SPENT FUEL POOL TEMP HI" alarms, entry into the actions of SLC 16.7-9 (Standby Shutdown System) _____(2)_____ be required.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
will will B. 1.
- 2.
will will NOT C. 1.
- 2.
will NOT will D. 1.
- 2.
will NOT will NOT Page 60 of 100
(1 point) 61 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Which ONE of the following describes the effect of 1EMF-15, Spent Fuel Building Refueling Bridge Monitor losing power?
The Auxiliary Hoist cannot be raised B.
New fuel elevator cannot be operated in the UP direction C.
SFP Ventilation System automatically swaps to filter mode D.
Fuel movement in the Spent Fuel Pool must be stopped immediately Page 61 of 100
(1 point) 62 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- The Unit is at 100% RTP
- The crew enters AP/1/A/5500/006 (Loss of S/G Feedwater), Case III (CF Control Not in Auto) to address the failure If 1A S/G level control is not established, AP/06 will direct the crew to trip the reactor prior to reaching the S/G Hi-Hi Level setpoint of _____(1)_____.
AP/06 _____(2)_____ direct the crew to place 1A S/G CF Feed Reg Bypass Valve in Manual.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
will B. 1.
- 2.
will NOT C. 1.
- 2.
will D. 1.
- 2.
will NOT Page 62 of 100
(1 point) 63 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions:
A release has been initiated from "C" Waste Gas Decay Tank A calculation error resulted in improper determination of EMF setpoints for the release o
The release has been secured following EMF Trip 2 actuation of the Unit Vent Gas Monitor Following this event (assuming no operation action):
ABUXF-1A (1A Auxiliary Building Ventilation Unfiltered Exhaust Fan)
_____(1)_____ be in operation.
ABUXF-2A (2A Auxiliary Building Ventilation Unfiltered Exhaust Fan)
_____(2)_____ be in operation.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
will will B. 1.
- 2.
will NOT will C. 1.
- 2.
will will NOT D. 1.
- 2.
will NOT will NOT Page 63 of 100
(1 point) 64 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions:
- 1AD-8 A/7 (VI Lo Press) is received
- 0VIP5260 (VI Pressure) indicates 74 psig and slowly decreasing Which ONE of the following describes the position of VI system valves (and correct setpoint) in response to the lowering VI header pressure?
VS-78 (VS Supply to VI) opens at 80 psig B.
VI-500 (VI Supply to VS) closes at 76 psig C.
VS-78 (VS Supply to VI) opens at 76 psig D.
VI-500 (VI Supply to VS) closes at 78 psig Page 64 of 100
(1 point) 65 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
2ETA has experienced a blackout Following sequencer loading, the _____(1)_____ Main Fire Pump will be operating.
The "Main Fire Pumps Running" annunciator will alarm on annunciator panel _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
"A" 1AD-13 B. 1.
- 2.
"A" 2AD-13 C. 1.
- 2.
"C" 1AD-13 D. 1.
- 2.
"C" 2AD-13 Page 65 of 100
(1 point) 66 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Which ONE of the following describes an appropriate example of information to be communicated to the shifts by use of an OPS Guide, in accordance with the requirements of SOMP 01-13 (Operations Work List, Routine Task List, and OPS Guides)?
Notification that engineering has determined a Tech Spec inoperability may exist under certain conditions due to new analyzed failure scenarios B.
SM direction to verify 1A D/G Lube Oil Temp two times per shift due to an annunciator failure C.
Temporary procedure instructions for a system which is currently being modified, while a procedure change is being completed D.
Direction, from the unit lead, concerning work (or evolutions) that need(s) to be completed on a particular shift Page 66 of 100
(1 point) 67 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
IAE is scheduled to perform a calibration of 1A S/G NR Level Channel I A Pre-Job Brief has been completed with all affected Control Room personnel and IAE technicians The OATC has received a "Tear Sheet" and reviewed Annunciator Response Procedures for expected alarms Subsequently:
IAE has begun the calibration procedure An annunciator listed on the provided Tear Sheet alarms for the FIRST time In accordance with AD-OP-ALL-1000 (Conduct of Operations):
The OATC _____(1)_____ required to communicate receipt of this alarm to the CRS.
Receipt of this alarm _____(2)_____ required to be documented in the Narrative Log.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is is B. 1.
- 2.
is is NOT C. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is NOT Page 67 of 100
(1 point) 68 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Upon a Loss of All AC Power, a subgroup of bank _____(1)_____ Pressurizer Heaters can be powered from the SSF D/G.
When controlled from the SSF, this subgroup of heaters _____(2)_____ automatically de-energize if Pressurizer level decreases below the low level setpoint.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
A. 1.
- 2.
D will B. 1.
- 2.
B will C. 1.
- 2.
D will NOT D. 1.
- 2.
B will NOT Page 68 of 100
(1 point) 69 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- The unit is at 100% RTP In accordance with Tech Spec 2.1.1 (Reactor Core SLs), Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio (DNBR) shall be maintained greater than or equal to _____(1)_____.
If this Safety Limit is exceeded, DNBR must be restored within limits in a MAXIMUM of _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
1.14 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> B. 1.
- 2.
1.14 5 minutes C. 1.
- 2.
1.3 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> D. 1.
- 2.
1.3 5 minutes Page 69 of 100
(1 point) 70 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 timeline:
- The Unit has experienced a runback, from 100% power, following a trip of 1A CFPT 1003
- Main Turbine target load has been reached
- 1AD-2 A/9 (Control Rod Bank Lo Limit) illuminates 1005
- 1AD-2 B/9 (Control Rod Bank Lo-Lo Limit) illuminates
- Steam Dumps have closed
- Temperature Error meter indicates (+) 1.8° F Entry into the Action Statement of Tech Spec 3.1.6 (Control Bank Insertion Limits) is FIRST required at _____(1)_____.
Per the conditions provided at 1005, OMP 1-7 _____(2)_____ state that control rods should be placed in MANUAL.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
1003 does B. 1.
- 2.
1003 does NOT C. 1.
- 2.
1005 does D. 1.
- 2.
1005 does NOT Page 70 of 100
(1 point) 71 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Consider the following Unit 1 conditions:
EMF-50 (WG Disch Monitor - Waste Gas) Trip 2 actuated EMF-31 (Turbine Building Sump) Trip 2 actuated Consider Each Statement Separately Re-initiation of the Waste Gas release at least once WITHOUT resampling
_____(1)_____ allowed.
Re-initiation of the Turbine Building Sump release at least once WITHOUT sampling _____(2)_____ allowed.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is is B. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is C. 1.
- 2.
is is NOT D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is NOT Page 71 of 100
(1 point) 72 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station An Operator needs to access an area with a general area radiation dose rate of 1100 mREM/hr to hang a clearance tag In accordance with PD-RP-ALL-0001 (Radiation Worker Responsibilities):
the correct radiation posting for this area is a _____(1)_____.
continuous RP coverage _____(2)_____ be required.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
High Radiation Area will B. 1.
- 2.
High Radiation Area will NOT C. 1.
- 2.
Locked High Radiation Area will D. 1.
- 2.
Locked High Radiation Area will NOT Page 72 of 100
(1 point) 73 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
- Unit is at 100% RTP
- A Steam Line Rupture occurs inside containment
- The CRS direct a Unit 1 reactor trip and S/I based on increasing containment pressure Subsequently:
- A Main Steam Isolation occurs
- All MSIVs are closed
- 1A S/G is depressurized
- 1A S/G N/R level is off-scale low
- All other S/G N/R levels are 30% and increasing
- EP/1/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection) is entered Which ONE of the following describes the FIRST time that the OATC is authorized to throttle CA flow to the 1A S/G to minimize NC system cooldown?
When any S/G reaches the normal level setpoint B.
When E-0 Enclosure 1 (Foldout Page) is given to the OATC C.
When direction is provided by E-0 Enclosure 4 (NC Temperature Control)
When direction is provided by EP/1/A/5000/E-2 (Faulted Steam Generator Isolation)
Page 73 of 100
(1 point) 74 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
- An automatic Safety Injection has occurred following a LOCA
- The crew has entered EP/2/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection)
- While performing a board walkdown, the BOP notes the following equipment did not position/actuate as required o 2NV-252A (NV Pumps Suct from FWST) failed to OPEN o 2B NI Pump failed to start Approval and guidance from the CRS _____(1)_____ required to open 2NV-252A.
Approval and guidance from the CRS _____(2)_____ required to reset the 2B D/G sequencer and start 2B NI Pump.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is is B. 1.
- 2.
is is NOT C. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is NOT Page 74 of 100
(1 point) 75 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
The Unit is in Mode 6. The following indications are noted:
o 1AD-10 C/1 "ND & NS Rooms Sump Level Emerg Hi" - LIT o
1AD-10 C/2 "ND & NS Rooms Sump Level Hi-Hi" - LIT o
NC System WR level indication - decreasing o
EMF-41 (Aux Bldg Ventilation) reading 5 x 105 cpm Based on listed symptoms, _____(1)_____ contains the proper guidance for mitigation of this event.
Based on current EMF-41 indication (ONLY), Site Assembly initiation
_____(2)_____ required.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
AP/1/A/5500/027 (Shutdown LOCA) is B. 1.
- 2.
AP/1/A/5500/027 (Shutdown LOCA) is NOT C. 1.
- 2.
AP/1/A/5500/019 (Loss of Residual Heat Removal System) is D. 1.
- 2.
AP/1/A/5500/019 (Loss of Residual Heat Removal System) is NOT Page 75 of 100
(1 point) 76 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following initial conditions on Unit 1:
A Reactor Trip and Safety Injection has occurred due to a Small Break LOCA Subsequently:
The crew has transitioned to EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.1 (Safety Injection Termination)
The CRS has reached step 10 of ES-1.1 - "Determine if NI pumps should be stopped" NC pressure and PZR level begin to decrease Per ES-1.1:
To stabilize Pressurizer level, the crew will increase charging line flow to less than a MAXIMUM of _____(1)_____.
The CRS will direct transition to _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
120 gpm EP/1/A/5000/E-1 (Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant)
B. 1.
- 2.
180 gpm EP/1/A/5000/E-1 (Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant)
C. 1.
- 2.
120 gpm EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.2 (Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization)
D. 1.
- 2.
180 gpm EP/1/A/5000/ES-1.2 (Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization)
Page 76 of 100
(1 point) 77 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
The Unit is at 100% RTP The crew entered AP/1/A/5500/010 (Reactor Coolant Leak), Case II (NC System Leak) due to an NC leak inside containment 15 minutes later:
Letdown has been isolated Charging flow is stable at 110 gpm PZR level is 55% and stable 1AD-7 I/1 "VCT Lo Lvl" annunciator is lit An Automatic VCT makeup is in progress Containment pressure is 0.4 psig and slowly increasing In accordance with AP/10 guidance, the CRS _____(1)_____ direct a reactor trip.
In accordance with EAL Wall Chart specific criteria (i.e. not EC Judgment), the SM will determine that an EAL threshold _____(2)_____ been exceeded.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above? (Assume the leak size has remained constant since the initial conditions)
- 2.
will has B. 1.
- 2.
will has NOT C. 1.
- 2.
will NOT has D. 1.
- 2.
will NOT has NOT Page 77 of 100
(1 point) 78 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- The Unit is at 100% RTP
- Annunciator 1AD-2 F/9 (DCS Alternate Action) is received
- The OATC determines Selected PZR Pressure-2 (SPP-2) is in Alternate Action In accordance with Tech Spec 3.4.11 (Pressurizer PORVs) and the associated Basis, 1NC-32B (PZR PORV) _____(1)_____ operable.
PZR PORV operability is required to mitigate the effects of a _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is Locked NCP Rotor B. 1.
- 2.
is Steam Generator Tube Rupture C. 1.
- 2.
is NOT Locked NCP Rotor D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT Steam Generator Tube Rupture Page 78 of 100
(1 point) 79 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
The Unit is at 100% RTP Containment Pressure Channel 1 failed High Pressurizer Pressure Channel 1 failed High All required Tech Spec actions have been completed Subsequently:
A loss of 1ERPB occurs 1FO-1, D/5 "Hi Cont Press S/I Rx Trip" _____(1)_____ be lit.
If the Unit 1 Reactor does NOT trip, an ATWS _____(2)_____ in progress.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
will is B. 1.
- 2.
will is NOT C. 1.
- 2.
will NOT is D. 1.
- 2.
will NOT is NOT Page 79 of 100
(1 point) 80 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions:
- AP/0/A/5500/020 (Loss of Nuclear Service Water), Case I (Loss of RN Train) has been entered due to a leak in the 2B RN Essential Header AP/20 will direct closure of RN Supply crossover isolation valves if operating RN pump discharge flow exceeds a MINIMUM value of _____(1)_____.
Once the 2B RN Essential Header is isolated, the RN system _____(2)_____ have sufficient flow to support post LOCA loads on one unit and shutdown and cooldown on the other unit.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
19,000 gpm does B. 1.
- 2.
19,000 gpm does NOT C. 1.
- 2.
23,000 gpm does D. 1.
- 2.
23,000 gpm does NOT Page 80 of 100
(1 point) 81 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
- Safety Injection termination is in progress per EP/2/A/5000/ECA-2.1 (Uncontrolled Depressurization Of All Steam Generators)
- OATC reports that 2B S/G MSIV has closed and that 2B S/G pressure is increasing Based on the conditions above, which ONE of the following indicates the response directed by the CRS?
Procedure Legend:
EP/2/A/5000/E-2 (Faulted S/G Isolation)
EP/2/A/5000/ES-1.1 (SI Termination)
Immediately transition to E-2 to verify that 2B S/G is intact B.
Immediately transition to step 10 of ES-1.1 to complete Safety Injection termination C.
Complete Safety Injection termination per ECA-2.1 and then transition to E-2 D.
Complete Safety Injection termination and initiate a cooldown to cold shutdown per ECA-2.1 Page 81 of 100
(1 point) 82 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- A Unit startup in progress
- All Power Range Instruments indicate 6%
- Intermediate Range Detector N35 fails low
- The CRS enters AP/1/A/5500/016 (Malfunction of Nuclear Instrumentation System)
In accordance with Tech Spec 3.3.1 (Reactor Trip System (RTS) Instrumentation),
the power increase _____(1)_____ continue.
Loss of N35 Control Power _____(2)_____ result in a Reactor trip.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
may will B. 1.
- 2.
may will NOT C. 1.
- 2.
may NOT will D. 1.
- 2.
may NOT will NOT Page 82 of 100
(1 point) 83 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
- A spurious Safety Injection has occurred due to an instrument malfunction The CRS will direct SI termination sequence per _____(1)_____.
SI Termination must be completed within a MAXIMUM of _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
EP/2/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection) 15 minutes B. 1.
- 2.
EP/2/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection) 50 minutes C. 1.
- 2.
EP/2/A/5000/ES-1.1 (Safety Injection Termination) 15 minutes D. 1.
- 2.
EP/2/A/5000/ES-1.1 (Safety Injection Termination) 50 minutes Page 83 of 100
(1 point) 84 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
- The crew has entered EP/2/A/5000/ECA-3.2 (SGTR With Loss of Reactor Coolant Saturated Recovery Desired)
- All NCPs are secured
- Subcooling indicates (-) 8°F
- Core Exit Thermocouples indicate 670°F
- RVLIS lower range level is 48%
Based on listed conditions, EP/2/A/5000/FR-C.3 (Response to Saturated Core Cooling) entry conditions
_____(1)_____ met.
Increasing Safety Injection flow _____(2)_____ desired.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
are is B. 1.
- 2.
are is NOT C. 1.
- 2.
are NOT is D. 1.
- 2.
are NOT is NOT Page 84 of 100
(1 point) 85 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
- A LOCA occurred Current conditions:
- Containment pressure is 2.5 PSIG
- ECCS suctions have been swapped to the Cold Leg Recirculation alignment
- FWST level is 4% and slowly decreasing
- NC pressure is 2 PSIG and stable
- CETs are 600°F and slowly increasing
- Reactor Vessel Lower Range level is 49% and slowly decreasing
- Containment Sump level is 16.1 feet and increasing Based on the current conditions, which ONE of the following states the required procedure transition AND the reason for implementation of this procedure?
Implement FR-C.2 (Response to Degraded Core Cooling).
The level of water in the core region has been reduced such that a challenge exists to core cooling.
Implement FR-C.2 (Response to Degraded Core Cooling).
Core exit temperatures and NC pump status indicate that a challenge exists to core cooling.
Implement FR-Z.2 (Response to Containment Flooding).
Containment sump levels are higher than expected, indicating a potential for a ruptured RN or KC pipe inside containment.
Implement FR-Z.2 (Response to Containment Flooding).
Containment sump levels are higher than expected, indicating a potential secondary line (feedwater or main steam) break inside containment along with the input from the NC system and the FWST.
Page 85 of 100
(1 point) 86 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:
- The Unit is stable at 100% RTP
- Operators are performing PT/1/A/4150/001 A (NC Pump Seal Injection Flow Verification)
- 1NV-294 is fully open
- Seal Injection flow is 42 gpm and stable Based on the conditions above, the Action Statement of Tech Spec 3.5.5 (Seal Injection Flow) _____(1)_____ required to be entered.
In accordance with the Bases of Tech Spec 3.5.5, the Seal Injection Flow Limit
_____(2)_____ based on the safety analysis assumptions for minimum ECCS Injection flow.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
is is B. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is C. 1.
- 2.
is is NOT D. 1.
- 2.
is NOT is NOT Page 86 of 100
(1 point) 87 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 2 conditions:
- The Unit is at 100% RTP
- A loss of 2ERPD has occurred
- The crew has entered AP/2/A/5500/029 (Loss of Vital or Aux Control Power)
- NO Tech Spec actions have been addressed The current Containment Pressure channel logic for the remaining Containment Pressure channels which will cause a Phase B actuation is _____(1)_____.
In accordance with Tech Spec 3.3.2 (ESFAS Instrumentation) LCO Actions, when the failed channel is removed from service, I&E will place the Containment Pressure Hi-Hi Bistable in _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
2/3 Trip B. 1.
- 2.
2/3 Bypass C. 1.
- 2.
1/3 Trip D. 1.
- 2.
1/3 Bypass Page 87 of 100
(1 point) 88 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- An Auxiliary Operator has reported a rupture of the Main Feed Common Discharge Header
- All CA Pumps failed to automatically start and cannot be manually started
- The crew has implemented EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.1 (Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink)
- S/G WR level is 40% in all S/Gs and decreasing Consider Each Statement Separately In accordance with FR-H.1:
The CRS _____(1)_____ perform the steps to initiate Bleed and Feed at this time.
If required, Bleed and Feed must be initiated within a MAXIMUM of
_____(2)_____ after reaching initiation criteria.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
will 4 minutes B. 1.
- 2.
will 8 minutes C. 1.
- 2.
will NOT 4 minutes D. 1.
- 2.
will NOT 8 minutes Page 88 of 100
(1 point) 89 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- The Unit is at 12% power and preparing to roll the main turbine
- An OAC alarm associated with 1CA-37 (CA Pmp #1 Disch to S/G 1D Check) has been received
- The CRS has directed completion of OP/1/A/6250/002 (Auxiliary Feedwater System), Enclosure 4.11 (Cool Down of Turbine Driven CA Pump Piping)
- As required by this enclosure, the BOP must position the following controller to 0%:
o 1CA-36 (CA Pump #1 Flow to S/G 1D)
In accordance with OP/1/A/6250/002, Enclosure 4.11:
the purpose of this enclosure is to prevent void formation _____(1)_____ of the CA Pump discharge check valve.
prior to repositioning 1CA-36 controller, the CRS _____(2)_____ required to declare CAPT #1 inoperable.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
upstream is B. 1.
- 2.
upstream is NOT C. 1.
- 2.
downstream is D. 1.
- 2.
downstream is NOT Page 89 of 100
(1 point) 90 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Following an earthquake impacting Catawba Nuclear Station, plant conditions are as follows:
- Unit 1 Conditions:
o Safety Injection has been initiated following a NC System leak o The crew is performing EP/1/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection)
- Unit 2 Conditions:
o Unit 2 remains at power o 2ETB has experienced a blackout with failure of 2B D/G to start o 2A1 and 2A2 KC Pumps have been secured due to piping rupture o The crew is performing AP/2/A/5500/021 (Loss of Component Cooling) o 2A NV Pump remains in service o VCT level is 20% and decreasing slowly In accordance with AP/21:
The Unit 2 CRS _____(1)_____ direct performance of AP/21, Enclosure 2 (Alternate Cooling to NV Pump 2A).
The Unit 2 CRS _____(2)_____ direct performance of AP/21, Enclosure 6 (Rx Trip Sequence).
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
will will B. 1.
- 2.
will will NOT C. 1.
- 2.
will NOT will D. 1.
- 2.
will NOT will NOT Page 90 of 100
(1 point) 91 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- The crew is performing steps in EP/1/A/5000/E-1 (Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant) following LOCA
- Containment Pressure is 2.2 psig
- Containment Sump Level is 10.6 ft
- Containment Radiation is 28 R/Hr
- Containment Hydrogen Concentration is 6.8%
Per the Containment CSF status tree, MINIMUM requirements for entry into EP/1/A/5000/FR-Z.4 (Response to High Containment Hydrogen Concentration)
_____(1)_____ met.
Based on above listed conditions, the crew _____(2)_____ energize Hydrogen Ignitors.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
are will B. 1.
- 2.
are will NOT C. 1.
- 2.
are NOT will D. 1.
- 2.
are NOT will NOT Page 91 of 100
(1 point) 92 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
- Condenser Hotwell temperature is increasing following a malfunction of the Condenser Air Ejectors Assuming this trend continues, the CRS will declare the CA system inoperable, per TS 3.7.5 (Auxiliary Feedwater System), when Hotwell temperature reaches a MINIMUM value of _____(1)_____.
Once TS 3.7.5 actions are entered, the CRS _____(2)_____ apply the Required Actions of LCO 3.0.3.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
134 degrees F will B. 1.
- 2.
134 degrees F will NOT C. 1.
- 2.
136 degrees F will D. 1.
- 2.
136 degrees F will NOT Page 92 of 100
(1 point) 93 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
The Unit is at 100% RTP Channel 4 PZR Pressure has failed low All required Tech Spec actions have been completed Subsequently:
1B NC Loop Tcold detector fails low Channel 2 OTdeltaT setpoint will _____(1)_____.
Assuming no other actions are taken, the latest time that Unit 1 will be required to reach Mode 3 is in _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
decrease 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> B. 1.
- 2.
decrease 78 hours9.027778e-4 days <br />0.0217 hours <br />1.289683e-4 weeks <br />2.9679e-5 months <br /> C. 1.
- 2.
increase 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> D. 1.
- 2.
increase 78 hours9.027778e-4 days <br />0.0217 hours <br />1.289683e-4 weeks <br />2.9679e-5 months <br /> Page 93 of 100
(1 point) 94 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 initial conditions:
- The Unit experienced a complete loss of the switchyard
- The crew was performing steps in EP/1/A/5000/ES-0.2, (Natural Circulation Cooldown)
- Station management recommended a rapid cooldown due to secondary inventory concerns
- The crew transitioned to EP/1/A/5000/ES-0.3, (Natural Circulation Cooldown) with Steam Void in the Vessel Subsequently:
- Pressurizer level is 92% and increasing
- Reactor vessel Upper Range (UR) level is 70% and decreasing
- The STA notes a YELLOW path on NC INVENTORY and confers with the SM regarding whether to transition to EP/1/A/5000/FR-I.3, (Response to Voids in Reactor Vessel)
In order to control void growth, the CRS will direct the BOP to _____(1)_____ per the direction provided in _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
A. 1.
- 2.
open reactor vessel head vents FR-I.3 B. 1.
- 2.
open reactor vessel head vents ES-0.3 C. 1.
- 2.
energize pressurizer heaters FR-I.3 D. 1.
- 2.
energize pressurizer heaters ES-0.3 Page 94 of 100
(1 point) 95 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following Unit 1 conditions:
The Unit is in Mode 6 1AD-4 B/1 "S/G A LEVEL DEVIATION" will not illuminate. IAE has Blocked the inputs for outage related activities 1AD-9 B/7 "FWST EMERG LO TEMP" will not illuminate. IAE has disconnected the associated transmitter in order to temporarily change the alarm setpoint for an upcoming test In accordance with OMP 2-31 (TMs Affecting Control Room Annunciators):.1 will be used to track the inoperability of _____(1)_____..1 will be filed in the _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
1AD-9 B/7 Ops Shift Routine Logbook B. 1.
- 2.
1AD-4 B/1 Ops Shift Routine Logbook C. 1.
- 2.
1AD-9 B/7 Shift Work Manager Logbook D. 1.
- 2.
1AD-4 B/1 Shift Work Manager Logbook Page 95 of 100
(1 point) 96 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Which ONE of the following changes requires a 10CFR50.59 screen?
A change to the Site Physical Security Plan that reduces the shift staffing requirements for security guards.
A system modification that adds a backup Nitrogen accumulator to an air operated containment isolation valve.
A revision to the Site Emergency Plan that changes the designated assembly areas for accountability.
A change to the Nuclear Quality Assurance Plan.
Page 96 of 100
(1 point) 97 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station In accordance with SLC 16.11-19 (Gas Storage Tanks):
Waste Gas Decay Tanks (WGDT) are monitored to ensure radioactivity is limited to a MAXIMUM of _____(1)_____.
This limit is based on exposure received by a _____(2)_____ during an accidental release.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
97,000 Curies member of the public B. 1.
- 2.
97,000 Curies plant worker C. 1.
- 2.
10 Curies member of the public D. 1.
- 2.
10 Curies plant worker Page 97 of 100
(1 point) 98 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions:
- An Auxiliary Building waste monitor tank liquid waste release (LWR) package has been delivered to the Control Room
- All RN Pumps are ON
- 1AD-12 B/1 RN Pump Intake Pit A Lo Level is LIT
- 1AD-12 E/2 RN Pit-A Swap to SNSWP is LIT
- A and B RL pumps are on and RL flow is greater than required for WL release
- EMF-57 (Monitor Tank Building Liquid Discharge Monitor) is NOT Functional
- EMF-49 (Liquid Waste Discharge Lo Range) is Functional The CRS _____(1)_____ approve this release because _____(2)_____.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
A. 1.
- 2.
will NOT EMF-57 is NOT Functional B. 1.
- 2.
will NOT RN is aligned to the SNSWP C. 1.
- 2.
will RL flow is greater than required for WL release ONLY D. 1.
- 2.
will EMF-49 is Functional AND RL flow is greater than required for WL release Page 98 of 100
(1 point) 99 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions:
A fire event has occurred inside the Protected Area In accordance with RP/0/B/5000/029 (Fire Brigade Response), the "Fire Emergency Report" is completed by the _____(1)_____.
If required, _____(2)_____ will direct a partial transfer to the SSF.
Which ONE of the following completes the statements above?
A. 1.
- 2.
Shift Manager AP/0/A/5500/045 (Plant Fire)
B. 1.
- 2.
Shift Manager RP/0/B/5000/029 (Fire Brigade Response)
C. 1.
- 2.
Fire Brigade Leader AP/0/A/5500/045 (Plant Fire)
D. 1.
- 2.
Fire Brigade Leader RP/0/B/5000/029 (Fire Brigade Response)
Page 99 of 100
(1 point) 100 ILT-17 NRC Written Exam CNS SRO NRC Examination Catawba Nuclear Station Given the following conditions on Unit 1:
A Loss of Offsite Power occurs following a LOCA No ECCS injection flow is available EP/1/A/5000/FR-C.1 (Inadequate Core Cooling) has been entered from EP/1/A/5000/E-0 (Reactor Trip or Safety Injection)
All S/G N/R levels are < 0% with no feed flow available "A" train NC vent path aligned by opening 1NC-250A (Rx Head Vent Block) and 1NC-251B (Rx Head Vent)
Core Exit Thermocouple temperatures are 1205°F and INCREASING Based on current conditions, the CRS will __________ to further mitigate this event.
Which ONE of the following completes the statement above?
Enter EP/1/A/5000/E-1 (Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant)
Enter EG/1/A/CSAM/SACRG1 (Severe Accident Control Room Guideline Initial Response)
Enter EP/1/A/5000/FR-H.1 (Loss of Secondary Heat Sink)
Remain in FR-C.1 until Core Exit Thermocouples indicate < 1200°F Page 100 of 100
Q77 Provided
Emergency Classification Tables
/2662)(0(5*(1&<&22/$175(&,5&8/$7,21 (QFORVXUH3DJHRI