JPN-88-031, Forwards Addl Info Re Local Leakage Rate Testing Corrective Action Plan,Per NRC 880511 Request for Addl Info Re 880408 Request for Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50,App J, Section III.A.6(b)

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Forwards Addl Info Re Local Leakage Rate Testing Corrective Action Plan,Per NRC 880511 Request for Addl Info Re 880408 Request for Exemption from Requirements of 10CFR50,App J,Section III.A.6(b)
Person / Time
Site: FitzPatrick Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/17/1988
From: Brons J
JPN-88-031, JPN-88-31, NUDOCS 8806280314
Download: ML20195H515 (82)


- - _ _

123 Msin Strcet White Plains, New York 10f/!)

914 681 (;240

  1. > NewYorkPower ~" c. o-E ncutin Vce President Authon= m - o - 1en June 17,1988 JPN 031 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk hiail Station PI-137 Washington, D.C. 20555


James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant Docket No. 50-333 Additional Information Regarding Local Leakage Rate Testing Correctlie Action Plan


NYPA letter, J. C. Brons to the NRC, dated April 8, 1988 (JPN-88-012).

Dear Sir:

The referenced letter requested an exemption from the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix J, Section III.A.6(b), to res ore the normal Integrated Leakage Rate Test retest schedule of Section Ill.D(a). Attachment 11 to that letter contained a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) as technical justification for the exemption request, in a hiay 11, 1988, telecon with hiessrs. J. A. Gray, Jr. and J. A. Greene, your staff requested that the Authority provide additional supporting information to facilitate the NRC review of the CAP. That information is contained in two attachments to this letter.

Attachment I to this letter is a table noting all local leak rate test (LLRT) "as-found" failures for containment isolation valves. Notes to this table provide clarification of the information contained in the table.

Attachment 11 contains the LLRT data summaries from which the table in Attachment I was derived. These data summaries were previously submitted to the NRC as attachments to four individual Integrated Leakage Rate Test reports oser the past ten years and contain no new information. They are provided here to facilitate the staff review of the exemption request.

Should you or your staff have any questions regarding this matter, please contact hir. J. A. Gray, Jr. of my staff.

Very truly yours.

(-obnpC. Brons w

8806280314 880617 PDR ADOCK 05000333 Executive Vice President Nuclear Generation 0, d1 P PDR 1 \


cc: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission f

475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 i

Office of the Resident inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission P.O. Box 136 Lycoming, N ( 13093 Mr. Harvey Abelson Project Directorate 1-1 Division of ReacMr Projects - 1/11 U.S. Nuclear Rqcetory Commission Mail Stop 14 -'B2 Washhington, D.C. 20555

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4 d.


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l New York Power Authority JAMES A. FITZPATRICK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Docket No. 50-333 DPR-59 I'

LOCAL LEAK RAT 2: TEST FAILURES (Note 1) pg. 1 of 6 Valve Year Failed "As-Found" LLRT Description

_ _ _ _ _ = - ---



77 l 78 l 80 l 82 l 83 l 85 l 87



- - - - - - _ _ _ - =- _=- --

Main Steam i Note 2 29-AOV-80A X-7A X X 29-AOV-86A X X 29-AOV-80B X-7B X X 29-AOV-86B X X X 29-AOV-80C X-7C X 29-AOV-86C X X X X 29-AOV-80D X-7D X X 29-AOV-86D y ,,


=-- -- _ - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ = - - _ - - - - - -

_ = = - - - - - _ _ _ _ ----

MSL Drain 29-MOV-74 X-8 X X

_______________=- --- __-- - __

Feedwater 34-FWS-28A X-9A X 34-NRV-111A X X Will be replaced in CAP 12-RWC-62 X X X 34-FWS-28B X-9B X X 34-NRV-111B X X X X X Will be replaced in CAP

__==----- __=_ . _

__. - = - - - _ - - - -

RCIC 13-MOV-15 X-10 X X X Will be replaced in CAP

- _________=_ . - - - - - - _ _ - - -

_ _ _ = - _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . _ - _ - _ - - - - - _ _

JiPCI 23-MOV-15 X-11 X 23-MOV-16 X

= - - _ _ _ = - _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _- - _ - _ _ . - _ - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = - - . - - - _-___ _________

RHR Note 3 S/D coolino 10-MOV-17 X-12 X X X X X X 10-MOV-18 X X X X X X Replaced in 1985

______________________==_ - - - - _ _ - _ _ ___ ______________________==_ _____=__________

RHR LPCI Note 3 10-AOV-68A X-13A X Replaced as a CIV by MOV-27A in 1978 10-MOV-27A X X 10-AOV-68B X-13B X Replaced as a CIV by MOV-27B in 1978 10-MOV-27B X

__________________________________________________________________= -_ __ ______________



LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST FAILURES (cont.) pg. 2 of 6 .

Valve Year failed "as found" LLRT Description Pen.

77 l 78 l 80 l 82 l 83 l 85 l 87 Notes RWCU 12-MOV-15 X-14 X  % X X Will be replaced in CAP 12-MOV-18 X X Will be replaced in CAP Core Sprav Note 3 14-AOV-13A X-16A X Replaced as a CIV by MOV-11A in 1978 14-AOV-13B X-16B X Replaced as a CIV by MOV-11B in 1978

_ =- _=--- - - _ _ _ - _ - - . - - - . - = _ _ - - - - - - _ - - - - _ _

RHR Head Note 3 Sprav 10-MOV-33 X-17 X X

_ =--=_ -- =__ - = - - - _ = _ - - - -

-- = _ _ _ . _ - _ _

Cont. Floor Drain Gump 20-AOV-83 X-18 X

-==------ -- - - - = = = - --

- - = _ - ---- -____

Cont. Equip.

Drain Sump 20-MOV-94 X-19 X X X Will be replaced in CAP 20-AOV-95 X X Will be replaced in CAP

_ _ _ _ _ - - - - -==____------- - - - - - - = _ = = - -

Service Air Penetration will be capped and both 39-SAS-10 X-21 X X X X X X valves removed during 1988 refueling 39-SAS-9 X i outage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - = = _ _ _ = = - - - - ------. _ - - - - - - - - -

Instrument Air 39-IAS-21 X-22 X Replaced with 27-SOV-141 in 1987 39-IAS-22 X X X Replaced in 1987

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - _ ___ _--- _. ___

Coolina Water '

46-ESW-16B X-23 X 15-AOV-130A X 46-ESW-16A X-24 X X 15-AOV-130B X



Valve Year failed "as found" LLRT Description Pen. 77 l 78 l 80.l 82 l 83 l 85 l 87 Notes Vent, Purge, Note 4 and Sample 27-AOV-111 X-25,71 X X 27-AOV-112 X X X 27-AOV-131A X X X X X 27-AOV-131B X 27-CAD-68 X X X X X X X Replaced in 1980 and again in CAP 27-CAD-69 X Will be replaced in CAP 27-SOV-120A X-26A X X X X }

27-SOV-120B X X X ) Branch lines to be cut and capped 27-SOV-121A X X } and these six valves will be 27-SOV-121B X X } removed during 1988 outage 27-SOV-122A X X X X }

27-SOV-122B X X }

27-AOV-113 X-26A,B X X 27-AOV-114 X X X Recirc. pump Mini-Purce 02-RWR-13A X-31Ac X X X X X Replaced in 1987 02-RWR-40A X X X X Replaced in 1982 and again with 02-2-SOV-001 in 1987 02-RWR-13B X-31Bc X X X X Replaced in 1987 02-RWR-40B X Replaced with 02-2-SOV-002 in 1987

- - - - - - - - _ - - _ _ _- - - - - _ = = = - - - - - - - - - ===---- - _ _ -------=___- - _ -


Inert & Purce 27-SOV-135A X-31Ad X X Will be replaced in CAP 27-SOV-135B X X X X X Will be replaced in CAP

- _ _ _ _ - _ _ = - - - - = _ . - - -_ -_- - - = __


CRD FetuCD Penetration cut, capped and both 03-CRD-110 X-36 X X X valves removed in 1985 03-CRD-113 X X

.---------- _ == _ _- --

-- -- _ _- - - -__=-




Valve Year failed "as found" LLRT l Description

== - - - _ - - -


- - = _ _ _ _ _ _ _

77 l 78 l 80 l 82 l 83'l 85 l 87 l - - - - -- --

Notes RHR Drywell l Note 3 Sorav 10-MOV-26A X-39A X X Will be replaced in CAP 10-MOV-31A X Will be replaced in CAP 10-RHR-52A X X Replaced in 1983 10-MOV-26B X-39B X X X X X Will be replaced in CAP-10-MOV-31B X X Will be replaced ~in CAP

= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - = _ _ _ -- _ = _ - - - -. =- -----_---_ - --_--

RCS Sample 02-2-AOV-39 X-41 X Will be replaced in CAP

- - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - = - - --

E ' Note 3 11-SLC-16 X-42 X

lX X Will be replaced in CAP Inert & Purce 27-SOV-125B X-SSB X X X X Replaced in 1985 and again in CAP

__- - - - - - - - - - - _ - _--_=-

Cont. Sample Branch line cut, capped and both 27-SOV-123A X-59 X X X valves removed in 1985 27-SOV-123B X X X X j __ _ _ - - - - - - - - -

Breathina Air Penetration will be capped and both

, 39-BAS-4 X-61 X X X valves removed during 1988 refueling 39-BAS-5 X X X l X outage 4

__ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ = __ ________ __

! Coolina Water 15-RBC-22A X-64 X X An additional air operated contain-15-RBC-26A X-66 ,

X X X ment isolation valve was installed 15-RBC-22B X-68  ! X X in series to each of the non-power I 15-RBC-26B X-62 X X operated valves in 1983 15-AOV-131B X i 15-RBC-33 X-65 X 15-AOV-132A X-63 X

- = - -=_- _- - - - __ - - - = - - - -

= _ _ _ _ . _

Vac. Breaker 27-AOV-101B X-202BG X

_ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - . _ _ - - - - _ _ _ _ - - - =- ,_-__-

i i


2? "


I l LOCAL LEAK RATE Tk8T FAILURES (cont.) pg. 5 of 6 Valve Year failed "as found" LLRT Description

= _ , . -

TG. 77 l 78 l 80 l 82 l 83 l 85 l 87 Notes l

Cont. Atm.

Monitor l 27-SOV-119A X-203A X X X ) Branch lines to be cut and capped l 27-SOV-119B X } and these four valves will be 27-SOV-124A X-203B X X } removed during 1988 outage l 27-SOV-124B X }

= - - ________- _- -

Vent & Purce Note 4 27-AOV-117 X-205 X X X 27-AOV-118 X X 27-MOV-123 X Torus Sprav Note 3 10-MOV-34B X-211B X X i 10-MOV-38B X X 10-MOV-39B X X X X

- - - - - - - - -- =- -= = --- - - .. -

RCIC Exhaust 13-RCIC-04 X-212 X X X X X X X Will be replaced in CAP 13-RCIC-05 X X X X X X Will be replaced in CAP

- - - - - _ - - = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ____ _____ _ _ __ __

HPCI Exhaust 23-HPI-12 X-214 X X X X Will be replaced in CAP 23-HPI-65 X X X X X X X Will be replaced in CAP 23-MOV-59 X

-==- - - - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ . _ = = = _ - - -

Leak Rate Ana 16-1-AOV-102A X-218 X

_ _ _ _ - _ _ - = - - - -- ---

_ = - - - -

___--- _--- ---- ________ _ =

Vent & Purce Note 4 27-AOV-132B X-220 X 27-AOV-115 X 27-AOV-116 X X 27-CAD-67 X X Will be replaced in CAP 27-CAD-70 X X X X Will be replaced in CAP

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- = - - - _____________________________

RCIC Drain Note 3 13-RCIC-07 X-221 X X X X Will be replaced in CAP 13-RCIC-08 X X Will be replaced in CAP

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - -  :----= _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ - - - - -___ =-_______________________

1 IDCAL LEAK RATE TEST FAILURES (coat.) pg. 6 of'6 ..


1. A Local Laak Rate Test (LLRT) is performed on all primary containment penetrations each refueling outage. "As-found" failure is defined as exceeding the administrative 1y determined local leakage rate limit for any valve before maintenance is performed.

Maintenance (e.g., machining or lapping seating surfaces, replacing seat rings, adjusting operator, or packing adjustments) is performed prior to resuming power operation.

The FitzPatrick In-Service Inspection program sets leak rate limits that, when exceeded, require either more frequent testing or immediate repair (depending on the magnitude of the leak). Plant practice is to repair valves in lieu of more frequent testing. Since both this practice as well u real "as-found" failures result in maintenance being performed which improve the leakage characteristic of valves, no distinction is made in the LLRT test report between the two. Therefore, this more conservative practice results in indicated "as-found" failures in this table when there was no actual failure. Repaired valves are considered failurec for the purpose of this table if the. repair results in a significantly reduced leakage rate.

Valves also receivo routine preventative maintenance or parts replacement for environmental qualification concerns winich may result in changes in the leakage rate. Attachment II to this letter provides only the leakage rate results and the specific maintenance performed.

No indication is provided whether maintenance was performed due to the "as-found" leak rate or for other concerns. Therefore, valves which may not have exceeded their "as-found" acceptance criteria may be included in this table if there was a significant improvement in the leakage rate due to repair.

The FitzPt ick primary containment currently contains 112 testable penetrations, of which 64 are isolated by containment isolation valves (CIV). There are 172 CIVs on these penetrations in the LIJtT program. 33 of these valves are to be replaced as part of the CAP, and 14 others are being removed during the 1988 refueling outage. These 47 valves represent over 27% o* the current total. In addition to these valves, four CIVs were removed and eight were replaced since 1983 due to repeated local leakage rate "as-found" failures.

The 59 removed or replaced valves represent approximately one-third of the total number of containment isolation valves.

2. (MSIV) are subjected to the most severe duty (continuous The Main Steam saturated steam flow Isolation Valveg lbs/hr per valve) of 2.5x10 of any CIV. Since 1978, improvements in valve maintenance practices, including the purchase of the manufacturer's ceat maintenance tool, have improvei the leakage characteristics of the valves such that they now usually require refurbishment at four years intervals. Typically, two MSIVs will require maintenance during each refueling outage. The Authority considers this to be an acceptable level of performance.
3. Systems which are required to operate after accidents (RHR, Core Spray, HPCI, RCIC, and SLC) are designed to be leaktight systems (seismic, safety-related) and are periodically inspected. The containment isolation valves in these systems may be expected to open following an accident to mitigate the accident. Therefore, the "as-found" LLRT lee's 7es for these valves are not include in the calculation of the primary containment ILRT "a " und" condition.
4. The primary contaiment vent and purge isolation valves (27-AOV-111, 112, 115 4, 115, 115, 117, 118) were considered for inclusion in the CAP. Valve replacements and a . aalized periodic seat replacement program (such as the Millstone program) were evaluated but not considered cost effective or technically justifiable considering the current performance of the valves. The Authority will continue to reevaluate this situation in light of advancements in valve design and the continued performance of the valves. In the mean time, LLRT will be performed on these valves during each refueling outage, and maintenance will be performed whenever indicated.


-s. '

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l LOCAL LEAK RATE TEST DATA 1977 Through 1987 I

s s

. n-New York Power Authority l JAMES A. FITZPATRICK NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Docket No. 50-333 DPR-59 i

4 e .= l-e-..E--.-ww.. <m..w - ,w_

The following Local Leak Rate Test (LLRT) data summaries were previously submitted to the NRC as attachments to Integrated Leakage Rate Test (ILRT) reports.

l LLRT l ILRT l Transmittal letter l

1977 1978 J. D. Leonard ( PASNY', to Director 1978 Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRC),

(JAFP-79-114) dated March 6, 1979 1980 1982 C. A. McNeill (PASNY) to Director 1982 Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRC),

(JAFP-82-0546) dated May 20, 1982 1983 1935 R. J. Converse (NYPA) to Director 1985 Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRC),

(JAFP-85-0675) dated August 21, 1985 1987 1987 R. J. Conysrse (NYPA) to Director Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRC),

(JAFP-87-0534) dated July 2, 1987 1

t l

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/i Type Equip <m nt/ Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day)

Remarks Drywell Stabilizer 0* (GE-90*) B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 45* (GE-135*) B "O" rings 0.0 0.0

'ip0 * (GE-18 0 *) B "O* 1ings 0.0 0.0 135* (GE-225*) B 90* rings 0.0 0.0 180* (GE-770*) B *O* rings 0.0 0.0 225* (GE-315*) B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 270* (GE-0 *) B *O* rings 0.0 0.0 315* (GE-450) B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X1A-Equipment and L "O" rings 0.0 0.0 Ennergency Escape Hatch IIB-Er,aipsnent Hatch B "O" rings 1.28 1.28 X2A Personnel Access B "O" rings 9.17 9.17 Ha',ch 44-Drywell Head Man- B "O" ri ngs 0.0 0.0 hole X6-CRD Raw > val Hatch B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X7A "A" Main Steam C 29-AOV-80A (ISC) 54.92 54.92 Line 29-AOV-86A (OSC)

X78 "B* Main Steam C 29-AOV-80B (ISC) >1000 (both) 110.0 AOV-80B repacked and seat Line 29-ADV-86B (OSC) repaired: AOV-86B repacked X7C "C" Main Steam C 29-AOV-80C (ISC) >%000 (AOV-86C) 242.a AOV-86C seat repaired Line 29-AOV-86C (OSC)

X7D-"D" Main Steam C 29-AOV-80D (ISC) >1000 (AOV-86D) 172.11 AOV-86D repacked and seat Line 29-AOV-86D (OSC) repaired X8-Condensate Drain 0 29-MOV-74 (ISC) 11.30 11.30 29-MOV-77 (OSC) 1 of 7

'g -

/977 ATTACHMENT IV.2 (Cont)

Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair . Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Irakeqe (sef/ day) Leakage (scf/ day 1 Remarks 19A-Feedwater C 34 -FWS-28A (ISC) 155.40 155.40 NRV-111 A (OSC)

MOV-21 (OSt.)

RWC-62 (OWC) 19B-Feedwater C 34-FWS-28B (ISC) 295.52 295.52 NRV-111B (OSC)

MOV-19 (GSC)

X10-Steam to RCIC C 13-MOV-16 (ISC) >200 (MOV-15) 0.0 MOV-15 binding st m turb. 13-MOV-15 (OSC) repaired XII-Steam to HPCI C 23-MOV- 15 (ISC) 10.12 10.12 Turb. 23-MOV-16 (OSC) 23-MOV-60 (OSC)

X12-Shutdown Supply C 10-MOV-17 (ISC) >380 (MOV-19) 22.28 MOV-17 seat repaired; to RHR 10-MOV-18 (OSC) >1000 (MOV-17) MOV-18 limit torque reset X13A-RHR Return C 10-AOV-68 A (ISC) >1000 (MOV-68A) 186.45 MOV-68A seat repaired 10-MOV-25A (OSC)

X138-RHR Return C 10-AOV-68B (ISC) Gross (MOV-68B) 175.10 MOV-68B seat repaired 10-MOV-25B (OSC)

X14-RWCU Supply to C 12-MOV-15 (ISC) 1.24 1.24 Recirc Psamps 12-MOV-18 (OSC) 12-MOV-80 (OSC) 116A-Core Spray C 14 -AOV-13A (ISC) >1000 (A0V-13A) 71.60 AOV-1". seat repaired Pump Disch 14-Mov-12A (CSC)

X16B-Core Spray C 14-A0V-13B (ISC) >1000 '(A0V-13B) 54.41 AOV-138 seat repaired Pump Disch 14-MOV- 128 (OSC)

X17-RPU Head Spray C 10-h0V-32 (TSC) 80 (MOV-33) 59.70 MOV-33 seat repe L Od 10-MOV-33 (OSC)

X18-Floor Sump Pump C 20-MOV-82 (ISC) 2.77 2.77 Disch 20-AOV-83 (OSC)

X91-Equipment Sump C 20-MOV-94 (ISC) 9.96 9.96 Pump Disch 20-AOV-95 (OSC)

X21-Service Air C 39-SAS-10 (ISC) 29.36 29.36 39-SAS-9 (OSC) 2 of 7


'l ATTACHMEter IV.2 (Cont)

Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Pott-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakage (sef/ day) Leakane {sef/ day) Remarks X22-Instrument Air C IAS-22 (ISC) 720 (IAS-22) 0.793 IAS-22 seat repaired IAS-21 (OSC)

IAS-23 (OSC)

X23-Cooling Water C EWS-16B (OSC) 0.0 0.0 Supply RBC-24 A (OSC) -

X24-Cooling Water C EWS-16A (OSC) 6.9 6.9 Supply RBC-24B (OSC)

X25-Drywell Inerting C 27-AOV-131 A (OSC) Gross (AOV-131 A) 37.16 O S-CV-2A and AOV-112 seats and CAD Purge X71 CNS-CV-2A (OSC) (CNS-CV-2A) repaired 27-AOV-131B (OSC)

CNS-CV-28 (OSC) 27-AOV-111 (OSC) 27-AOV-112 (OSC)

X26A-Vent frosa and C 27-AOV-114 (OSC) >1000 44.59 A-11 SOVs cleaned; AOV-112 Dryuell X26B 27-AOV-113 (OSC3 seat repaired 27-MOV-113 (OSC) 27-SOV-120A/B (OSC)

~ 27-SOV-121 A/B (OSC) 27-SOV-122A/B (OSC)

X31Ac "A" Recirc C 02-RWR-13A (ISC) >1000 (RWR-13A) 12.88 RWR-13A seat repaired Pump Mini Purge 02-RNR-40A (OSC) 131Ad-Drywell Inert C 27-SOV-135A (OSC) >1000 (CNS-6) 11.95 Packing leak on test and Purge 27-SOV-135B (OSC) boundary v/v X31Bc "B" Recirc C 02-RWR- 13B (ISC) >1000 (RWR-13B) 16.43 RWR-13B seat repaired Pump Mini Purge 02-RWR-40B (OSC)

X35A-TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OSC) 2.96 2.96 N" ring (OSC) 135B-TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OSC) 1.23 1.23 "O" ring (OSC) 135C-TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OSC) 1.28 1.28 "O" ring (OSC) 135D-TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OSC) 1.09 1.09 "O" ring (OSC)

X35E-TIP Purge Cdf X-35 E-TP-1 (OSC) 0.0 0.0 "O" ring (OSC) 3 of 7

4-: e ITU ATTACHMENr IV.2 (Cont)

Type EquiF..*./ Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test S c* ei I#akage (scf/ day! Leakage (scf/ day)' Remarks X36-CRD Return C CRD- 110 (OSC) >1000 (combined) 11.16 CRD-110 and CRD-113 seats

CRD-113 (ISC) repaired X39A-Containment C 10-MOV-31A (OSC) 49.80 49.80 l Spray 10-MOV-26A (OSC)


X3955-Containment C 10-MOV-31B (OSC) 40.84 40.84 Spray 10-MOV-26B (OSC)

RHR-528 (OSC)

X41-Recire Loop C 02-ADV-39 (ISC) 6.96 6.96 sample 02-A0V-C 0 (OSC) 142-Standby Liquid C 11-SIf-16 (OSC) 6.55 6.55 Control 11-SIC-17 (ISC)

X45-Leak Rate C LRA-18 (OSC) 0.0 0.e Analyzer LRA-19 (OSC)

LRA-20 (OSC)

LRA-21 (OSC)

X55b-Drywell CAD C 27-SOV-125A (OSC) 3.67 3.t>7 Inert and Purge 27-SOV-125B (OSC)

XS9-Drywell CAD C 27-SOV-123A (OSC) 0.0 0.0 Inert and Purge 27-SOV-123B (OSC)

X61-Breathing Air C BAS-5 (ISC) 20 (BAS-5) 8.76 BAS-5 seat repaired BAS-4 (OSC)

X62-Drywell Cooling C RBC-26B (OSC) 7.43 7.R 3 Return X63 *B* Recirc Pump C 15-RBC-21B (OSC) 4.35 4.35 MTR Cooling Supply 164 *A* Recirc Pump C 15-RBC-22B (OSC) 0.0 0.0 MTR Cooling Return X65-Equipment C 15-RBC-33 (OSC) 2.70 2.70 Drain Pump Clr Return X66 *A* Drywell C 15-RBC-26A (OSC) 700 0.0 RBC-26A seat repaired Clr Assy Return 4 of 7

n. .


Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day 1 Remarks X67 "A" Recirc C 15-RBC-71 A (OSC) 6.33 6.33 Punp MTR Cooling 46-ESW e5B (OSC)

Supply X68 "B" Recirc C 15-RBC-22A (OSC) >1000 0.0 Pimap MTR Cooling RBC-22A seat repaired Return X100A-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X100B-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X100C-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X100F-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X100G-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X100K-Elect B "O" rings 0.D 0.0 X101A-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X101B-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 1101C-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X101D-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X101E-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X101F-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X103A-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X103B-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 1104C-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X104D-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 110.4E-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X106A-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X106B-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X107-Elect -B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 5 of 7

ATTACHMEfff IV.2 (Cont)

Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakage (sef/ day) Isakage (sef/ day) Reumarks X D8-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X109-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 1110C-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X110D-Elect B *O" rings 0.0 0.0 X1118-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X200A-Turus B "O* rings 0.0 0.0 Access X200B-Torus B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 Access X200C-Torus B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 Access X202BG-Vacuuan C 27-AOV-101B (OSC) 10.27 10.22 Breaker VB-7 (OSFs 2')-ADV -101A (OSC)

VB-6 '.OSC)

X202E-Vacuu.a C 13-MOV-130 (OSC) 0.0 0.0 Breaker X202G-Vacutaa B "O" ring (VB-1) Not Tested Breaker X202G-Vacuum B "O" ring (VB-2) Not Tested Breaker X202H-Vacuum B "O" ring (VB-3) Not Tested Breaker X202I-Vacuum B "O" ring (VB-4) Not Tested Breaker X202J-Vacuuun B "O" ring (VB-5) Not Tested X203A-0, Analyzer C 27-SOV-119A (OSC) 0.0 0.0 Sample 27-SOV-119B (OSC)

X203B-0, Analyzer C 27-SOV-124 A (OSC) 0.0 0.0 Sample 27-SOV-124B (OSC) 6 of 7

'l e .

1977 ATTACHM WF IV.2 (Cont)

Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakage (seffday) Leakage (sef/ day) Remarks 1205-Drywell Inert C 27-MOV-117 (OSC) 1.143 1.143 CAD and Purge 27-AOV- 117 (OSC) 27-AOV-118 (OSC)

X211A-Containment C 10-MOV-38A (OSC) 79.6 79.6 Spray 10-MOV-39A (OSC) 10-MOV-34A (OSC) 1211B-Containment C 10-MOV-38B (OSC) >1000 (MOV-398) 649.5 MOV-398 seat repaired Spray 10-MOV-39B (OSC) 10-MOV-34B (OSC)

X212-RCIC Turb C RCIC-4 (OSC) >1000 (combined) 33.70 RCIC-4 and RCIC-5 seats Exhaust RCIC-5 (OSC) repaired X214-HPCI Turb C H/I-12 (OGC) >1000 (cn-hi ned) 236.90 HPI-12 and HPI-65 seats Exhaust HPI-65 (OSC) repaired X217-HPCI Turb C 23-MOV-59 (OSC) 13.9 13.9 Exhaust Vent 23-HPI-403 (OSC)

X218-Leak Rate C LRA-13 (OSC) 0.0 0.0 Analyzer LRA-14 (OSC)

LRA-11 (OSC)

LRA-12 (OSC)

X220-Drywell CAD C 27-AOV-132A 15."; 1 15.71 Inert and P'trge CNS-CV-2C 27-AOV-132B CNS-CV-2D 27-AOV-115 27-ADV-116 X221-Condensate C 13-RCIC-52B (OSC) >1000. (RCIC-07) 3.48 RCIC-07 seat repaired frosa RCIC

  • urb 13-RCIC-38 (OSC)

X231-Elect B "O* rings 0.0 0.0 h tal Penetration Leak Rate (scf/ day) 3005.256 7 of 7

. [ ^



Type Equipment / Valves Pre nepair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Isakage (scf/ day) Leakage (sef / day) Remarks Drywell Stabilizer 0* (GE-90*) B "O" rings 1.02 1.02 45' (GE-135*) B "O" rings 1.02 1.02 90 * (GE-180*) B "O" rings 1.'02 1.02 135* (GE-225*) B "O" 1.02 1.02 180* (GE-270*) B "O" rings 2.02 1.02 225* (GE-315*) B "O" rings 1.02 1.02 270* (GE-0 *) B "O* rings 1.02 1.02 315* (GE-4 5 *) B "O" rings 1.02 1.02 X1A-Equipment And B *O* rings 4.08 4.08 Esmergency Escape Hatch X1B-Equipament Hatch B "O" rings 1.02 1.02 X2A-Personnel Access B "O" rings 1.02 1.02 Hatch X4-Drywell Head B "O" rings 1.02 1.02 Manhole X6-CRD Removal B "O" rings 1.02 1.02 Hatch 17A *A" Main C 29-ADV-80 (ISC)

Steam Line >1018* (combined) 105.363 (combined) Packing repairs on MOV-80A 29-AOV-86A (OSC) and MOV-86A X7B *h* Main C 29-AOV-80B (ISC)

Steam Line >1018 (combined) 1.02 MOV-80B repacked and seat 19-AOV-86B (OSC) repaired X7C *C" Main C 29-AOV-80C (ISC) >1018 (combined)

Steam Line 178.1 (combined) MOV-80C seat retuired:

29-AOV-86C (OSC) MOV-86C repacked and seat repaired X7D "D" Main C 29-AOV-8Cu (ISC)

Steam Line > 1018 (ccanbined) 4.22 (combined) MOV-80D repacked and seat 29-AOV-86D (OSC () repaired 1 of 7

> > J' 19N ATTACHMENT IV.1 (Cont)

Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested I#akdoe (sef/ day) Leakage (scffday) Remnarks 18-Condensate Drain C 29-MOV-74 (ISC) >1018 (MOV-74) 15.78 (MOV-74) MOV-74 seat repaired 29-MOV-77 (OSC)


(MOV-21) 19A-Feedwater C 34-FWS-28A (ISC) > 1018 (RNC-62) 23.20 RWC-62 check valve seat NRV-111 A (OSC) repaired MOV-21 (OSC)

RWC-62 (OSC)

X98-Feedwater C 34-FWS-28B (ISC) 34.05 34.05 NRV-111B (OSC)

MOV-19 (OSC)

X10-Steam to RLIC C 13-MOV-16 (ISC) 26.16 26.16 Turb. 13-MOV-15 (OSC)

X11-Steam to C 23-MOV-15 (ISC) 1.02 1.02 HPCI Turb. 23-MOV- 16 (OSC) 23-MOV-60 (OSC)

X12-Shutdown C 10-MOV-17 (ISC) > 1018 (combined) 1.02 Supply tv RHR Reset limit torque on MOV-17 10-MOV-18 (OSC) and MOV-18 X13A-RHR Return C 10-MOV-27A (OSC) 38.6 38.6 10-MOV-25A (OSC)

X138-RHR Return C 10-MOV-27B (OSC) 37.79 37.79 10-MOV-25B (OSC)

X14-RWCU Supply C 12-MOV-15 (ISC) 1018 (MOV-15) 4.963 MOV-15 . seat repaired to Recirc Pumps 12-MOV-18 (OSC) 12-MOV-80 (OSC)

X16A-Core Spray C 14-MOV-11 A (OSC) 1.02 1.02 Pump Lischarge 14-MOV-12A (OSC)

X16B-Core Spray C 14 -MOV-11B (OSC) 1.23 1.23 Pump Discharge 14-MOV- 12B (OSC)

X17-RPU Head Spray C 10-MOV-32 (ISC) 1.23 1.23 10-MOV-33 (OSC)

X18-Floor Sump fump C 20-MOV-82 (ISC) 1.02 1.02 Discharge 20-AOV-83 (GSC) 2 of 7

, .# * ^

l979 ATTACHMENT IV.1 (Cont)

Type Equipsment/ Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. yTp TestM1 leakage (Scf/ day) Leakage Isef/ DAY) Rernarks X19-Equipment Susep C 20-MOV-94 (ISC) 18.32 18.32 Pump Discharge 20-AOV-95 (OSC) 121-Service Air C 39-SAS-10 (ISC) 100 (SAS-10) 81.95 39-SAS-9 (OSC)

X22-Instrumment Air C IAS-22 (ISC) 4.98 4.98 IAS-21(OSC)

I AS-23 (OSC)

X23-Cooling Water C EWS-16B (OSC) 2.04 2.04 Supply RBC-24A (OSC)

X24-Cooling Water C EWS-16A (OSC) 10.85 10.85 Supply RBC-24 B (OSC)

C ., -

/ X25-Drywell Inerting C 27-AOV-131 A (OSC) (ADV-131A) >1018 220.32 ACV-131A and CNS-CV-2A and CAD and Purge X71 CNS-CV-2A (OSC) (plus CNS-CV-2A) seats repaired 27-AOV-131B (OSC)

CNS-CV-2B (OSC) 27-AOV-111 (OSC) 27-AOV-112 (OSC) 126A-Vent frosa and C 27-AOV-114 (OSC) 15.73 15.73 Drywell X26B 27-AOV-113 (OSC) 27-MOV-113 (OSC) 27-SOV-120A/B (OSC) 27-SOV-121 A/B (OSC) 27-SOV-122A/B (OSC)

X31Ac *A" Recirc C 02-RWR- 13A (ISC) > acceptable 20.5 Pump Mini Purge RWR-40A and RWR-13A seats 02-RNR-40A (OSC) repaired X35Ad-Drfwell Inert C 27-SOV- 135A (OSC) 6.27 6.27 and Purge 27-SOV-135B (OSC)

X31Bc "B" Recire C 02-RWR-1?B (ISC) 142 (RWR-138) 2.17 RWR-13B and RWR-40B seats Puunp Mini Purge 02-RWR-40,B (OSC) repaired X35A-TIP Prose C/B Ball Valve (OSC) 5.15 5.15 "O" ring (OSC)

X35B-TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OSC) 2.20 2.20 "O" ring (OSC)

X35C-TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OSC) 2.04 2.04 "O* ring (OSC) 3 of 7


Type Equipment /VaIves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. hst Tested Leakage (Scf/aay) Irakage (sef fda y) Remarks X35D-TIP Probe C/B Ba11 VaIve (OSC) 1.76 1.76 "O" ring (OSC)

X35E-TIP Purge C/B X-3 5E-TP-1 (OSC) 2.04 2.04 "O" ring (OSC)

X36-CRD Return C CRD-110 (OSC () 14.15 14 .15 CRD-113 (ISC)

X39A-Containment C 10-MOV-31A (OSC) 15.07 15.07 Spray 10-MOV-26A (OSC)


X39B-Containneent C 10-MOV-31B (OSC) > 1018 (combined) 34.1 MOV-26B .nd MOV-31B seats Spray 10-MOV-268 (GSC) repaired RHR-528 (OSC)

X41-Recirc Loop C 02-AOV-39 (ISC) 28.76 28.76 sample 02-P.07-40 (OSC)

X42-Standby Liquid C 11-SIf-16 (OSC) >1000 (SLC-16) 22.93 SLC 16 seat repaired Oontrol 11-SLC-17 (ISC)

X45-Leak Rate C LRA-18 (OSC) 2.04 2.04 Analyzer LRA-19 (OSC)

LRA-20 (OSC)

LRA-21 (OSC)

X55b-Drywell CAD C 27-SOV-125A (OSC) >1018 (SOV-125B) 4.04 SOV-125B seat repaired Inert and Purge 27-SOV-125B (OSC)

X59-Drywell CAD C 27-SOV-123A (OSC) 10.10 10.10 Inert and Purge 27-SOV-123B (OSC)

X61-Breathing Air C BAS-5 (ISC) 2.93 2.93 BAS-4 (OSC)

X62-Drywell Cooling C RBC-26B (OSC) 15.78 15.78 Return X63 "B" Recirc Pump C 15-RBC-21B (OSC) 2.04 2.04

^ MTR Cooling Supply 46-ESW-15A (OSC)

X64 "A" Recirc Pump C 15-RBC-22B (OSC) 1.02 1.02 MTR Cooling Return 4 of 7

, J?

4 ATFACHff.NF IV 1 (Cont)

Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakage fseffday) Leakage (scf/ day) Remarks X65-Equipment Drain C 15-RBC-33 (OSC) 1.02 1.02 Ptasp Clr Return X66 *A" Drywell Clr C 15-RBC-26A (OSC) >1018 257.05 Assy Return RBC-26A seat repaired 167-"A" Recirc Pump C ' 15-RBC-21 A (OSC) 2.04 2.04 NFR Cooling Supply 46-ESW-15B (OSC)

X68 "B" Recirc Piamp C 12.73 15-RBC + 22A (OSC) 12.73 NPR Cboling Return X100A-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X100B-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X100C-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X100F-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X100G-Elect B "O* rings 0.0 0.0 X100K-Elect B 90" rings 0.0 0.0 X101A-Elect B "O" rinas 0.0 0.0 X101B-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X101C-Elect B "O" rings 0 .0 0.0 X101D-Elect B "o" ring 0.0 0.0 X1C'E-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X101F-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X103A-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X 1038-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X104C-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X104D-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X104E-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X106A-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0

$ of 7

y. d!



Type Equipsment/ Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair P**netration No. Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (sef/ day) Reimarks X106D-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X107-Elect B "O* rings 0.0 0.0 X 108-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0

, X109-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X110C-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X110D-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X1118-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 X200A-Tbrus Access B "O" rings 1.02 1.02 X200B-1brus Access B "O" rings 1.02 1.02 X200C-Turus Access B *O* rings 1.02 1.02 X202BG-Vacum C 27-AOV-101B (OSC) 12.97 12.97 Breaker VB-7 (OSC) 27-AOV-101A (OSC)

VB-6 (OSC)

X202E-Vacuum C 13-MOV-130 (OSC) 12.27 12.27 Breaker X202F-Vacutan B "O" ring (VB-1) 14.5 14.5 Breaker X202G-Vacuum B "O" ring (VB-2) 7.8 7.8 Breaker X202H-Vacuusa B "O" ring (VB-3) 90.6 40.8 Replaced shaf t H)* rings Breaker X202I-Vacusan B "O" ring (VB-4 ) 427.56 1.02 Breaker Replaced shaft *O* rings X202J-Vacuum B "O" ring (VB-5) 81.44 12.83 Breaker Replaced shaft "O" rings X203A-0, Analyzer C 27-SOV-119A (OSC) 1.14 1.14 Sample 27-SOV-119B (OSC) 6 of 7

, . [


Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakage (seffday) Leakage (scf/ day) Renarks X203B-0, Analyzer '

27-SOV-124 A (OSC) >1018 (SOV-124 A) 1.07 sample SOV-124A seat repaired 27-SOV-124 B (OSC)

X205-crywell Inert C 27-MOV-117 (OSC) 6.28 6.28 CAD and Purge 27-AOV-117 (OSC) 27-AOV-118 (OSC)

X211A-Containment C 10-MOV-38A (OSC) 96.7 96.7 Spray 10-MOV-39A (OSC) 10-MOV-34A (OSC)

X211B-Containment C 10-MOV-38B (OSC) >1018 (cosabined) 1.53 MOV-39B valve internals Spray 10-MOV-39B (OSC) replaced; also, test 10-MOV-34B (OSC) boundary valve repaired X212-RCIC Turb C RCIC-4 (OSC) _1018 (bot.h) 297.3 Both valve seats repaired Exhaust RCIC-5 (OSC)

X214-HPCI Turb C HPI-12 (OSC) >1018 (HPI-65) 93.15 HPI-65 seat repaired; Exhaust HPI-65 (OSC) HPI-11 seat repaired X217-HPCI Turb C 23-Mov-59 (OSC) 32.37 32.37 Exhaust Vent 23-HPI-403 (OSC)

X218-Imak Rate C LRA-13 (OSC) 2.04 2.04 Analyzer LRA-14 (OSC)

LRA-11 (OSC)

LRA-12 (OSC) 1220-Drywell CAD C 27-AOV-131A >1018 (AOV-132B) 28.51 CNS-CV-2C, AOV-132B, Inert and Purge CNS-CV-2C (CNS-CV-2B) and CNS-CV-2D seats re-27-AOV-132B paired CNS-CV-2D 27-AOV-115 27-AOV-116 X221-Condensate C 13-RCIC-07 Gross (RCIC-07) 17.20 RCIC-06 seat and packing; froma RCIC Turb 13-RCIC-08 RCIC-07 seat X231-Elect B "O" rings 0.0 0.0 1btal Penetration Ieak Rate, scf/ day 1986.766 7 of 7 m


p.. . . __ __

ATTACH.11NT 4C 1980 TYPE b AND C DATA StaMMAR1r Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Re:paa r knetration No. Test Tested LeataQe f act / day) Leakage facf/ day) Wmaras Drywell Stabilizer 0* (GE-90*) B "O" rings 0.102 0.102 45* (GE-135*) B *O* rings 0.102 0.102 908 (GE-180*) B *O* rangs 0.104 0.102 135* (GE-225*) B "O" rangs 0.102 0 .10 1 130* (GE-270*) B "O" rings 0.102 0.102 225* (GE-315*) B *O* rings 0.102 0 .10 2 270* (GE-0 *) B *O* rings 0.102 0 .10 2 315* (GE-4 5*) B *O* rangs 0.102 0 .10 2 Dry Well Head B *O" rings <1.02 <1.02 1

X-1A Equipment and Emergency Escape Hatch B "O" rings 0.54 0.54 X-1B Equipseent Hatch B *O" rings <0.102 <0.102 1-2A Personnel Access Hatch B *O* rings 0.40s O.40s X-4 Drywell Head Manhole B *O* rings <0.102 0.102 1-6 CRD Removal Hatch 8 "O* rings (0.102 <0.10 2 X-7A *A* Main Steam Line C 29-AOV-80A gIPC) 43d.21 (P= nanea) 238.21 *A* and "3" Aaln Stedna 29-AUV-e6A (OPC) Lines were tested at the beginning of the See site reierence local loax rate progream 3og zor retest intornat. ion.

l X-7B *B" M. min Steam Line C 29-AOV-80B (IPC) 2.8al (Combined) 2.84 29-AUV-86h (OPC)

X-7C *C" Main Steam Line C 29-AOV-80C (IPC) 715.65 (em hined 9s.75 Auw-86C replaced 29-ADV-46C (OPC) packing and lantern rir.g ;

X-7D *D* Main steam Line C 29-AOV-80D (IPC) >1018 (Mined) 5.67 Aow-860 ground and 29-AOV-86D(UPC, lapgw ; repacked stem; replaced Donnet to Dody gasmet; 1 of 8 I

} .




Type Equipnent/ Valves Pre -Repair Post-Repair Wnetration No. Test Tested Leaxage f act /davl Leakage (set /dav) Resea r ns X-e Condensate Drain C 29-MOV-74 (IPC) 29.78 29.7s 29-+sOV-77 (OPC) <1.02 <1.02 X-9A Feedwater C 34-Fws-28A (IPC) 40.52 40.52 13-MOV-21 (OPC) < 1.02 (MOV-21) <1.02yeOV 41) 3*-NRV- 111A (OPC) (NRV-111A) pmV-111A)

RWC-62 (OPC) (IdeC-62) (RhC-62)

X-98 Feedwater C 34-FWS-28 B (IPC) 51.71 51.71 23-MOV- 19 (OPC) >1018 (MOV-19) s.81poV-19) NxV-111b replacea 34-NRV- 111B 80PC) (NRV-1118) (NRV-1118) busninga; lapped disc; X-10 Steam to RCIC Turbine C 13-MOV-16 (IPC) >1018 ( m nhaned) 0.102 MOV-15 repaired alsc; 13-MOV-15 (OPC) 0.113 lapped; repacted; X-11 Steam to HPCI Turbine C 23-MOV-15 (IPC) <1.02 (Combined) <1.02 23-MOV-16 (ON) 2 3-MOV-60 (OPC) 1-12 Shutdown Supply to R11R C 10-MOV-17 (IPC) 512.56 161.35 MOV-17 r, MOV-18 10-MOV-18 (OPC) > 1018 <1.02 adjustea torque; X-13A RHR Return C 10-MOV- 27A (OPC) >1018 179.68 MoV-27A no repair seas 10-MOV-25A (OPC) 18.07 18.07 pertormed; Proniem was with valve line-up; X-138 RBR Return C 10-MOV-27B (OPC) 823.0 80.62 MOV-278 lapped seat 10-MOV-25B (uPC) 100.8 100.8 ring cody; lapped nody and Donnet surfaces; replaced disc as4d stem assembly and gantets; X-14 RWCU Supply to C 12-MOV- 15 (I PC) 0.102 0.74 tow-1a o nuw-m0 gross Recirculation PtsLps 12-MOV-18 (OPC) > 1018 (204-18 ) 9.93 (MOV-1b) pre-repair leaange 12-MOV-80(OPC) (MLN-80) (MOV-dO) caused oy leaxage at Mov-15; Muw-15 replaced pacKang; X-16A Core Spray Pump Discharge C 14-MOV-11A (OPC) 0.967 0.967 AUV-13A adjusted 14-MOV-12A (OPC) 9.65 9.65 operator ; tigar-ened Donnet; X-168 Core Spray Pump Discharge C 14-seOV-11B (OPC) 0.63 0.63 14-MOV-12B (OPC) 4.54 4.54 14-ADV-138 94.9 94.9 2 of S

r .

ATTACf942.NF 4C (Cont. )

1950 TifPE b AND C DATA SOMMAR1r Type Equipunent/ Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested lea Kage fact / day) Leakage tuf/dayn Rama r Ks X-17 RPU Head Spray C 10-MOV-32 (IPC) <0.102 <0.102 10-etOV-33 (OPC) >102 0.102 stoV-33 Lappeo disc: replaced gasket and packing; X-18 Floor Sump Punnp Discharge C 20-MOV-82 (IPC) <0.102 <0.102 20-seOV-83 (OPC) <0.102 <0.102 X-19 Equipment Sunap C 20-nOV-94 (IPC) <0.102 <0.102 Pump Discharge 20-AOV-95 (OPC) 10.6 10.6 X-21 Service Air C 39-SAS- 10 (IPC) >1018 0.102 SAS-10 cleaned pastua 39-SAS-9 (OPC) <1.02 <1.02 seat area and cover; new gasket; X-22 Instrunnent Air C I AS-22 (IPC) 150.7 150.7 IAS-22(513) cleaned; IAS-21 (OPC) 0 . 10 2 0 .102 I AS-23 (OPC) 0.102 0 .10 2 X-23 Coolirg water Supply C 46-ESW-16t'(OPC) >1018 1.36 Este-lob repl.nced disc 15-RBC-24A (OPC) 0.102 0. 102 ar.d gasket; X-24 Cooling Water Supply C 4 6- ?.SW- 16A (OPC) <0.102 < 0 .102 RbC-23a lappea seat maa 15-RBC-24 B (OPC) <0.102 < 0.102 gate; replaced gastet; X-25 D.w ell Inerting and C 27-AOV-11 I (OPC) 6.1 (AOV-111) 6.1 (AUV-111)

CAD and Purge X-71 27-AOV-112 (OPC) (AOV-112) gAUV-112) 27-AOV-131A (OPC) >1080 (ADV-131A) 23.30 (ADV-131A) AOW-131a relapped plug CV-68 (CV-68) (CV-68) and atem; replaced seat 27-AOV-131b (OPC) 19.80 (AOV-1318) 19.80 (AOV-1318) ring and Donnet gasket; CV-69 (CV-69) (CV-69) CV-6s replaced valve; X-26A Containment Atmospheric C 27-SOV-120A (OPC) 4.27 4.27 SOV-120b & SUV-121A Sannpling 27-SOV-120a (OPC) >101d 0.146 removed rust troan 27-SOV-122A (OPC) <0.102 <0.101 seat; replaced o-ring; 27-SOV- 1228 (OPC) 4.06 4.06 27-SOV-121A (0PC) 61.94 0.102 27-SOV-121B(OPC) 2.48 2.48 X-26A,X-26B Containment Vent and C 27-AOV-113 (OPC) 54.15 (Casabined) <0.102 AOV-114 cleanea; Purge 27-ADV-114 (OPC) replaced flange gaskets; 27-seOV-1?3 (OPC) anstalled new elastomer T-ring; 3 ot 8

$ h ATTACHMENT 4C (Corat.)

1980 TYPE B AND C IMTA bOMMAkY Type Equipunent/Walves Pre-Rep;sr Post-Repair Pe:petration No. Test Tested Leakage fact / day) Imaxage tscf/dayn kemarts X-31AC "A" Recirculation Pump C 02-xwk-13A(IPC) > 10 % 64.m9 Rwk-13A e heeR-40a Mini Purge 02-kwa-40A (OPC) 40.92 11.04 lapped and clemmed; replaced connet,gasKeta; X-31AD Drywell Inert and Purge C 27-SOW-135A (OPC) 11.19 6.5 sod-135A replaceo 27-SOV-135B (OPC) 13.2 2.3 o-ring; SOW-135&

" rebumit valve; X-31oc *B" Recirculation Pump C 02-Ruk-13B (IPC) 44.5 1.02 kwx-13e repl.ced Mini Purge 02-RNR-40B (OPC) 5.97 _.s7 valve; l

X-35A TIP Probe C/B Ball valve (OPC) 28.03 26.09 "O" ring (OPC) 0.102 0.102 X-35b TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 1.9 1.9 "O" ring (OPC) 0.104 0.101 X-35C TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 6.10 6.%

"O" ring (OPC) 0.16 0.10 X-35D TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 11.6 11.6 "O" ring (OPC) 0.133 0.133 X-35h TIP Purge C/B TP-1 (OPC) 0.188 0.188 I "O" a ing (OPC) 0 . 16 0 0. %0 X-36 CRD Return C CRD-113 (IPC) 6.08 6.03 CRD-110 (OPC) J4.84 24.84 l

X-39A Containment Spray C 10-MOW-26A(OPC) 133.35 (Combined) <1.02 MOW 20A Aapped atsc; i 10-MOV-31A (OPC) replaced seat ring; l aulR-52A lOPC) RER-52A lagped disc; X-39B Containment Spray C 10 mOV-268tOPC) >1018 (Connined) 63.12 MOW-26B resullt dise; j 10-MCv-31B (OPC) replaced seat rings and RBR-52B (OPC) bonnet gasket; j

1 l X-41 Recirculation loop Sample C 02-2-AOV-33!IPC) 9.6 9.6 02 - ?-aOV-40 (OPC) 1.02 1.02 X-42 Standby Laguid Control C 11-SIf-17 (IPC) 14 . % 14.66 11-514- % (OPC) 17.05 17.05 4 of 6

D .


1580 TYPE B AND C DATb SusqMARY Type Equipunent/ Valves Pre-kepair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested 1s.kage fact / day) leaaxage (sef/ day) Remarks X-45 Leak Rate Analyzer C 16-1-ADV-101A 0.44 (AOV-101A) 0.44 (AOV-101A) 16-1-AOV-10 IB (AOV-1018) (AOv-1018)

LRA-20 (OPC) <0.102 (LRA-20) <0.102 (IRA-20)

LRA-21 (OPC) (LRA-21) (IRA-21)

X-55b Drywell CAD Inert C 27-SOV-125A (OPC) <0.102 <0.102 Suv-125B replaced and Purge 27-SOV- 125B (OPC) >1018 8.3 alac and body 0-ring; X-53 Drywell CAD Inert C 27-SOV-123A (OPC) 1.43 1.43 and Purge 27-SOV-1238 (OPC) >1018 26.2 SOV-123b replaced body o-ring with.inse.rt and new disc;

X-61 Breathing Air C BAS-5 (IPC) <1.02 <1.02 BAS-4 (OPC) <1.02 <1.02 X-62 Drywell Cooling Return C RbC-268 (OPC) >1019 (0.102 RbC-24.b lapped seat and globe; repacmed; replaced gestet; X-63 *B* Recirculation Ptump C 15-hBC-21A (OPC) < 0.102 <0.102 RbC-20A lapped seat NTR Cooling Supply 46-ESW-15B (OPC) 31.2 31.2 replaced gasmet; X-64 "A" Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-22A (OPC) >101s <0.102 RDC-22A lapped seat and MTR Cooling Return globe; replaced gasket; X-65 t.quipament Drain Ptump C 15-RBC-33 (OPC) Ju3.5 483.5 RbC-33 replaced globe Clr Return ano gastet; X-66 *A* Drywell Clr C 15-kBC-26A(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 Assembly Return X-67 "A" Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-218 (OPC) 0 . 10 2 0.10" NTR Cooling Supply 4 6-2.SW-15A (OPC) 1.02 1.02 X-63 "B" Recirculation Pusp C 15-RBC-22B (OPC) >101s <0.102 hasC-22b lagped disc to MTR Cooling Retur7 seat; replaced gasket.;

X-100A Elect B *O" rings 0.0010 0.0010 X-100B Elect B "O" rings 0.0000 0.0000 1-100C Elect B *O* rings 0.21 0.21 5 of d

v s

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b va N FN F S'il {e {ae:FFFFFFFF{NFFF[N e

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t. t. t. $88 8 88 8888 8 NN NN N N N N NN NNN N a o a o o o
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kssn9M C 5 k$=?9 11Sn . e saB &

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r -

ATTAClue'.NT 40 (Cont.)



Type Aquipsment/ Valves Pre-Repair Penetration No. Tes t Post-Repair Tested IAakage (scl/ day) Leatage (scffdavl Remarks X-2008 Turus Access B "O" rings 40.102 <0.102 I

X-200C Turus Access b "O* rings (0.102 <0.102 1-202BG Vacuusa Breaker C 27-AOV-101B (OPC) <0.102 (AOV-101B) <0.102 (icv- 101B)

VB-7 (OPC) (VB-7) (Wh-7) 27-AOV-101A (OPC) <0.104 (AOV-101A) <0.102 (Auv-101A)

VB-6 (OPC) (VB-6) (VB-6)

X-202d vacuum Breaker C 13-seOV-130 (OPC) 7.65 7.65 X-202F V0cuum Breaker B *O* ring (VB-1) 11.96 11.96 X-202G vacuum Breaker B "O" ring (VB-2) 23.31 23.31 X-202H vacuusa Breaker B "O* ring (VB-3) 73.3 1.03 VB-3 replacea all packing and o-ring seals in Lot.n stutting ooxes; X-202I vacuum Breaxer B *O" ring (va-4) <0.104 < 0.102 X-202J Vacuum breaker B *O" ring (Vb-5) 27.79 27.79 X-203A On Analyzer Sample C 27-SOV-119A (OPC) 1.08 1.08 27-SOV-1198 (OPC) 0.38 0.38 X-2038 O, Analyzer Sample C 27-Sow-124A (OPC) 0.4 0.e 27-sOV- 124B (OPC) 0.48 0.48 X-205 Drywell Inert CAD C 27-AOV-117 (OPC) 18.07(Comoined) la.07 and Purge 27-AOV-118 (OPC) 27-seOV-117 (OPC)

X-211A Containsment Spray C 10-seUV-34A (OPC) 19.05 19.05(Combined) 10-seOV-38A (OPC) 10-seOV-39A (OPC)

X-2118 Containsment Spray C 10-se0V-34B (OPC) 380.2 (Cosabined) 312.02 MtM-38a replaced disc, 10-eeOV-38B (OPC) seat ring and bonnet 10-etOV-398 (OPC) 9asmet; a

7 of 8

'r ATTACHMENT 4C (Cont.)

1980 TYPY. 8 AND C DhfA


Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakage (sct/ day 1 _leaxage (scf/devi Rem. arts 1-212 RCIC Turbine Exhaust C RCIC-04 (OPC) >1018 3.25 RCIC-04 lapped Loch RCIC-05 (OPC) > 1018 30.18 disc and seat; resplaced gasket; RCIC-OS replaced pin hanger, nut holder, gasket, aisc, and dame rang; emory clothea seat a-rwrs; X-214 HPCI TurDine Exhaust C 23-tipi-12 (OPC) 170.00 121 BPI-12 polianed seat:

23-HPI-65 (OPC) > 1018 576. 18 replaced gasset; HPI-65 replaced alsc holder; lapped disc; replaced gasmet and pan plug gastet; X-217 HPCI Turbine C 23-MOV-59 (OeC)

Exhaust Vent 30.54 (Combined) 30.'*

23-flPI-403 (OPC) 23-BPI-402 1-218 Leak Rate Analyzer C LRA-13 (OPC) 0.64e (LRA-13) 0.646 (LkA-13)

LRA-14 (OPC) (LRA- 14) (LRA-14)

AOV-102A 3.914 (AOW-102A) 3.914 (Auv-102A)

AOV-1028 (AOV-101s) (AOV-1028) 1-220 Drywell CAD Inert C 27-AOV-132A and Purge 253.0 (ADV-132A) 11.8(W W-132A) CV ' CW-70 dis-CV-37 (CV-67) (CV-67) assemblea; cleanea 27-AOW-132s 134.0 (ADV-1328) 27.2 ( AOV-132a) piston and seat; CV-70 (CV-70) (CV-70) resurtaced paston ano 27-AOv-115 2.8 (AOV-115) 2.s (aOV-115) lapped into seat; 27-AOV-116 (AOw-116) (AOV-116) ' replaced Donnet gasmet; X-221 Condensate tross RCIC C 13-RCIC-07 22.8 22.0 Turbine 13-RCIC-08 4.1 4.1 X-231 Elect B "O" rings (0.102 <0.104 d of 8




Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repeir Penetration No. Test hated Leakage tscr/ day) Leakage tect/ day) hema r res Drywell Stabilizer 0* (GE-9 0*) D =0* rings <0.102 <0.102 45* (GE-135*) B *O' Tings <0.102 <0.102 90* (GE-180*) B *O* r ngs <0.102 <0.102 135* (GE-225*) B *O* rim s 0.155 0.155 18 0 * (G5-270*) B =0* rings <1.02 <1.02 225* (GE-315*) B "O" rings <1.02 <1.02 270* (GE-0 *) B "O" rings <1.02 < 1.02 315* (GE-4 5*) B "O" rings <1.02 <1.02 try well Head B "O" rings <0.025 <0.025 X-1A Equipment and Emergency Escape Hatch B *O' rings 0.102 0.102 X-1B Equirment Hatch B "O* rings 0.204 0.204 X-2A Personnel Access Hatch B 'O' zings 2.378 2.378 X-4 Drywell Head Manhole B "O" rings <1.02 <1.02 X-6 CRD Removal Hatch B "O" rings <0.102 <0.10 2 X-7A *A* Main Steam Line C 29-AOV-80A (IPC) 1.19 1.19 29-AOV-d bA (OPC)

X-7B *B* Main Steam Line C 29-AOV-80 B (IPC) 4.67 4.67 29- AOV-86 b (OPC)

X-7C "C" Main Steam Line C 29-AOV-80C(IPC) wou .39 pxxabined) 79.15 AOV-80C macntr.ed seat; 29-AOV-86C (OPC) lapped pilot disc; replaced p.cking, ring, gasnet, ar.J pin; X-7D *Da Main Steam Line C 29-AOV-80 D (IPC) 80.93 80.93 29-AOV-86D (OPC)

X-u condensate Drain C 29-MOV-74 (IPC) 64.39 os.39 29-MOV-77 (OPC) 1.79 1.79 1 of 9

i i


1981/1982 TYPE b AND C DATA SthtMARY Type t.quipment/ Valves Pre-Repair Ivnetration No. Test Tested Irak.qe (set / day) Leakage tsct/ day 1 Resnar u s X-9A Feedwater C 34-FWS-28 A (IPC) 19.14 (thS-28A) 19.14 (F WS-2 bA) hkV-111A lapped seat 13-Mov-21toPC) > 1018 (Pt>V-21) 0.7u(ciuvel) rang asun tlapper; aojus-34-NRV- 11 1A (OPC) (NhV-111A) (RWC-62) ted stutting nox ano pin RWC-t>2 (OPC) (RWC-62) 25.2 (NMf-111A) tecaring ; .<3)usted lantage on actuator; kWC-02 lapped seat. and flapper; replacea ganxet; X-9B Feedwater C 34-FwS-2 Bb (IPC) 143.96 (t hS-4 8B) 68.41 (FhS-2 db) FWS-2Db t ightesaed packing; 23-MO"-19 (OPC) > 1018 (MOV-19) 3.0 (MOV-19) 34-NRV- 111B (OkC) (NhV- 111b) (NRV-111b) tusV-111b lapped disc and seat; r epl.scesi gaskets and packing; X-10 Steam to RCIC Turbine C 13-MOV-1b(IPC) <1.016 <1.018 13-MOV-15 (OPC) <1.018 <1.018 X-11 Steam to HPCI Turbine C 4 3-MOV-15 (11t) 2.05 2.05 ssov-15 tagnteneo pacalag; 4 3-MOV-10 (OPC) cleaned inside nody Lole 2 3-MOV-60 (OPC) to lap area; X-12 Shutdown Supply to RilR C 10-MOV- 17 (I PC) >1018 (0.102 Mov-17 lapped seat .nd 10-MOV-18 (OPC) #10 9 <0.102 disc; replaced seal and sarety rang; MuV-18 and RHR-ou repaired packaruj leaks; X-13A ;Hk Return C >1018 10-Mov-27 A (OPC) 294.17 MOV-2 7A replacea pacA1 y; 10-MOV-25A(OPC) 9.62 9.62 hiin-703A replaced valve; X-13B RitR Return C 10-MOV-27 B (OPC) 12.32 12.32 AOV-ben replaced ounnet 10-MOV-25B (OPC) >1018 14.51 gasket; hiuc-700b replacco stem paCalng and disc; lapptal seat; Rita -7013 replaced stem packing and disc; X-14 RWCU Supply to C 12-Mov- 15 (IN) 2.3b (Muv- 85) 2.3d MOV-15 replaced packing; Recirculation Pumps 12-MOV-18 (OPC) 36.6 (MOV-18) 28.4 (MoV- lu) MeV-18 replaced p cxang; 12-MOV-80(OPC) (MOV-d O) (MOV-80) 2 or 9

ATTAC1 MENT 4A (Cont.)

1981/1982 TYPE B AND C DATA SUMMAkY Type Equipment / Valves Pre-kepair Post-ReNir Penetration No. Test Tested Isakage (set / day 1 Leakage tscr/dayn s<easaa r ts X-16A Core Spary Pimap Discharge C 14-MOV-11 A(OPC) 0.554 0.554 ADV-13A cleaned 14-MOV-12A(OPC) 2.94 4.94 seat ring; lapped disc; replaced gasket; I'-16b Core Spray C 14-MOV-11B (OPC) 15.37 15.37 Pump Discharge 14-MOV- 12 B (OPC) 3.57 3.57 X-17 RPV bead Spray C 10-MOV-32 (IPC) 1.25 1.25 10-MOV-33 (OPC) 6.99 6.99 X-18 Floor Sung Pump Discharge C 20-MOV-82 (IPC) <1.02 <1.02 20-MOV-83 (OPC) <1.02 <1.02 X-19 Equipmer.t Sump Pump C 20-MOV-94(IPC) 1.53 1.53 Discharge 20-AOV-95 (OPC) 17.15 17.15 X-21 Service Air C 39-SAS-10 (IPC) 254.91 0.375 2.As-10 relapped; new 39-SAS-9 (OPC) 70.65 <1.02 wedge, stem, and gammet; 2iAS-9 honed seat; new gasxet and wedge; X-22 Instrument Air C I AS-22 (IPC) 48.76 48.76 IAS-21 replaced pacAang; I AS-21 (OPC) > 1018 <1.02 I AS-23 (OPC) <1.02 <1.02 1-23 Cooling Water Supply C 4 6-2.SW- 16 B (OPC) <0.102 <0.102 15-RBC-24 A (OPC) <0.102 <0.102 X-24 Cooling Water Supply C 4 6 -2.SW-16 A (OPC) <0.102 <0.102 15-RBC-24 B (OPC) <0.102 <0.102 1-25 Drywell Inerting and C 27-AOV-111 (OPC) > 101b (AOV-113) 2.19 (AOV-111) AOV-111 & ADV-112 new CAD and Purge X-71 27-AOV-112 (OPC) (AOV-112) (ADV-112) gaskets and packing; 27-ADV-131A (OPC) 4 63.19 (AOV-131A) 3.02(AOV-131A) Iead3usted; CV-60 (CV-68) (CV-68) CV-68 lapped disc 27-AOV-131B(OPC) 22.9 (AOV-131b) 22.9(AOV-131a) e d seat:

CV-69 (CV-69) (CV-69) 3 of 9

1 ATTACHMEt(f 4A (Cont.)

198;/1982 TYPE B AND C DATA


Type Equipment / Valves Pre-kepair Post-Repair Penetretion No. Test Tested Leakage (set / day 1 Leaxage tsct/ day) Perna r KS X-26A Containment. Atmospheric C CAD-20e 0.102 Sampling 0.102 27-SOV-120A (ONn 95.34 <0.102 sOV-9c0A replaced piston 27-SCV-120B (OPC; 3.26 <0.102 CAD-206 spring, disc, o-ring, 0.102 0.102 set screw, and witon plug:

27-SOV-122A (OPC) 8.0 0.025 SOV-121A, dOV-1218, sOV-120h 2 7-SOV-122B (ON) 1.89 1.59 sOV-122A, and ddV-1428 CAD-205 0.102 0 .102 0.097 replaced o rang; cnarpsa 27-SOV-12 %A (OPC) <0.102 plugs trem TFt. to 27-SOV-121b (OPC) 1.83 < 0.102 Vatix.;

X-26A, X-26B Containment Vent C 27-AOV-113 (OPC) > 1018 (AOV-113) 0.276 (AOV-113) AOV-113 & mV-114 ad-and Purge 27- AOi-114 (OPC) i AOV-11m) f AOV-114) justed aetuatora; 27-MOV-113 (OPC) 0.188 (MOV-113) 0.18e gRN-113) AOV-113 Replaced T ring, 27-MOV-122 (MOV-122) (MOV-122) o-ring, actuator re-turn spring, and tlange gaskets; 7-31Ac *A" Ret:ircuir , an C 02-MWR-13 A (IPC)

Pump Mini Purge 14.5b (RWR- 11A) 14.Sb (RWR-13A) 02-RWR-14A (RWR-14A) (RNR-14A) 02-RWR-40 A (OPC) >1018 (kWR- 14A) 39.75 (kWR-14A)

(kWR-14A) (RhR-40A) RhR-40A replaced calve

  • X-31Ad Drywell Inert and Purge C 77-SOV-13 5A (OFC) 13.13 13.13 27-SOV-135D (OPC) >1018 44.69 SOV-13Sb replaced o-ring, disc, acal ring, and spring; noned Analae piston wall:

CAD-81 replaceo disc and packar3; lapped seat; X-31Bc *P" Recirculation ('

')2-kWR-13 B (IPC) 44.44 (RWR-13B) 44.44 (RNR-138)

Pump Mini Purge 02-RWM-148 (RWR-leb) (RWR-198) 02-RWR-40 h (OPC) 0.s 5 (xWk-40e) 0.25 (kWR-408)

(RWh-t4B) (RNR-14b)

X-3SA TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 24. 42 26.42 "O" ring (OPC) <1.02 <1.02 X-35B TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 8.5 8.5 "O" ring (OPC) <1.02 <1.02 X-35C TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 14.3 14.3 "O" ring (OPC) <1.02 <1.02 X-35D TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 9.93 9.93 "O" ring (OPC) <1.02 <1.02 e o1 9


1981/1982 TYPE B AND C DATA


Type Equ2psnent/V41vws Pre-Hepair Post-Repair Ivnetratton No. Test Tested Leak a<1t- tsef/ day 1 Leaxage Iset/ dan Hein orms l X-35d TI? Purge C/8 TP-1 (01C) 1.39 1.39

-O ring (OPC) <i.02 <i.02 X-36 CRD Return i CRD-113 (IK) 1.92 1.92 CRD-119 (OPC) >1018 30.9 CRIs-110 locx bracauet caugnt in slapper, in-l stalled new locx Dracnet; X-39A Containment Spray C 10-MOV-26A (OPC) <1.01d < 1.018 10-MOV-31A (OPC) i kHR-52AtoIC)

I X-39B Containment Spray C 10-140V-26B (OPC) 55.6u $5.bu l 10-MOV-318 (OPC)


X-41 Recirculation 14 sop .%mple C 02-Auv-39(IPC) 4.81 (AOV-39) 4.u1(Auv-39) l RWR-255 (Rwa-255) (RWR-255) 02-2-AOV-40 (OPC) 0.31 (AOV-40) 0.31 (Auv-4 0)

(RWR-255) (RWR-i$S)

X-42 Standby Liquid Control C 11-SLC-17 (IPC) 70.7S 70.75 11-SIf-16 (OPC) 1.89 1.89 X-45 I4ak Rate Analyzer C 16- 1-AOV- 101A 0.e l (AOV- 101 A) 0.41 (AUV-101 A) 16-1-AOV-101B (AOV-101b) (AUV-1018)

LRA-20 (OPC} <0.Or. (LHA-20) <0.025 (LRA-20)

LhA-21 (OPC) (LRA-21) (LRA-41)

X-55B Drywell CAD C 2 7-Sov-125A (OPC) 0.3to 0.316 Inert and Purge 27-SOV-12 5D (01C) >1018 <1.02 LOV-1453 replaced disc and 12ody o-rin91 in-l stalled paston rings; X-58B CAD System C CAD-214 0.102 0.102 X-58C CAD Syst n C CAD-215 0.102 0.102 l

X-SbD CAD Systesa C CAD-216 0.102 0. 19 2 5 of 9


1981/1982 TYPE B AND C DATA S&tMARY Type Mulgunent/ Valves Pre-Repair Icr:etration No, Post-Sepair M$  % steG Imaxage fact /devi Leaxage tscr/dayt Remarks X-59 Drywell CAD Inert C and Purge 27-SOV-123A (O'C) 196.47 1.02 27-SOV-123b (Oro) >1018 bOV-143A 6 SOV-1238 5.14 replaced piston apring, CAD-207 0.102 0.102 disc, o-rang, and set screw; cra.nged plugs trom TPE to Viton; o

SOV-143b polished piston and sidew.11s; lapped seat; X-61 Breathing Air C LAS-5(IPC) 85.53 40.26 BAS-4 (OW) BAS-5 lapped seat and 43.16 29.06 1 lapper; BAS-4 cleaned and po-lashed seat and wedge;-

X-62 Drywell Cooling Peturn C RbC-2bB (OPC) 0.406 0.406 X-63 *B* Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-21 A (OPC) <0.1018 <0.1018 MTR Cooling Supply 4 6-LSW-15B (OPC) 5.97 5.97 X-64 "A* Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-22A (OPC) 4 4.74> 42.76 MTR Cooling Return X-6"a Equipment Drain C Pump Clr Return 15-RBC-33 (OPC) <0.1018 <0.1018 X-66 *** Drywell Clr C Asse y Return 15-RBC-26) (OPC) 0.163 0.163 X-67 *A

  • Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-21L(OPC) <4. ?018 MTR Cooling Supply <0.1018 46-ESW- 15A (OPC) <0.1018 <0.1018 X-68 *B* Recirculation Pump C MTR Cooling Return 15-RBC-22S (OPC) <0.1018 <0.1018 X-100A Elect B "O* rings 0.045 0.045 X-100s Elect B "O* rings <0.025 <0.025 X-100C Elect B "O" rings 0.121 0.121 1- 800D Elect B "O* rings <0.102 <0.102 New penetrat.lon; X-100P Elect B "O" rings <0.025 <0.025 X-100G tlect B "G" rings 0.424 0.422 6 or 9


1981/1982 TYPE b AND C DATA StD9tARY Type Equipenent/ Valves Pre-kepair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Irakage fset/ day 1 Leakage fact /dayl hemarks 1-100K Elect B M)" ringa 0.074 0.074 X-101A Elect B "O* rings 0.046 0.046 X-101B Elect B "O" rings (0.025 <0.025 X-101C Elect B "O" rings 0.052 0.052 X-100D Elect B "O" rings <0.025 <0.025 X-101E Ele'-t B M)* rings (O.025 <0.025 X-101T Elect B *O* rings (0.025 <0.025 X-1MA Elect B "O" rings <0.025 <0.025 X-1038 Elect B *O" rings 0.053 0.053 X-10eC Elect B *O" rings <0.025 <0.025 Z-10eD Elect B "O" rings 0.038 0.038 X-109E Elect B "O" rings <0.025 <0.025 X-106A Elect B *O* rings 0.067 0.067 X-106B Elect B "O" rings <0.025 (0.025 X-107 Moct B "O" rings 0.084 0.084 X-108 Elect B '~)" rings 0.062 0.062 X-109 Elect B *O* rings 0.042 0.042 X-110C Elect. B "O" rings 0.049 0.04 9 X-110D Ele,ct B "O" rings 0.103 0.103 X-1113 Elect b "O" rings 0.039 0.039 X-200A Turus T.ccess B "O" rangs 0.102 0 .10 2 2-2008 Turus Access B "O* rings 0.102 0.102 X-200C Turus Access B "O* rings 2.822 2.822 7 of 9

ATTACHMElff 4A (Ccat.)

1981/1982 TYPE B AND C DATA SUPMAR1 Type Equipement/ Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration %). Test Tested Jeekage isct/ day) Leakage (set /dayn k+smarKs X-202BG Vacuum Breaker C 27- AOV-$01B (ON) > 1018 (AOV- 1018) < 1.102 (AOV-1018) ADV-Iota replaced T-VB-7 (OnC) (VB-7) (VD-7) ring, set screw, and 27 -AOV-101A (OPC) 3.64 (AOV-101A) 3.b4 (AOV-101A) gasket:

VB-6 (OPC) (VB-6) (VD-t) x-202F Vacuum Breaker B '9" ring (VB-1) 27.13 27.13 X-202G Vacuum Breaker B "O* ring (VB-2) 49.88 49.88 X-202H vacuum breaker B "O" ring (VB-3) 46.47 <0.102 VB-3 1x>ning and ze-placed o-rings:

A-202I Vacuum Breaker B "O" ring (VB-4) 5.11 5.11 4-iO2J Vacuum Breamer B *O" ring (VB-5) 28 .30 28.30 X-203A O, Analyzer Sample C 27-SOV-11SA (OPC) 5.34 <0.102 M N-119A 6 SOV-1198 27-SOV-119B (OPC) 2.86 (0.102 replaced o-rings; changed j CAD-201 0.102 0.102 plugs from TFE to Viton; X-203B 0, Analyzer Sample C 27-SOV-124A (OPC) 2.49 2.49 27-SOV-124B (OPC) 2.89 2.89 CAD-202 0.419 0.8419 CAD-203 0.236 0.286 X-205 Drywell Inert CAD C 27-AOV-117 (OPC) 19.9 (AOV-117) and Purge 19.9 (AOV-117) 27-AOV-118 (OPC) (AOV-118) (AOV-118) 27-MOV-117 (OPC) 52.07 (MOV-117) 42.41(MOV-117) tov-117 removed tit-

, 27-MOV-123 (MOV-123) (MOV-123) up spacers; k-211A Containment Spray C 10-TOV-34 A (OPCL) 41.28 61.28 10-MOV-38A (OPC) 10-MOV-39A (OPC)

X-2118 Containment Spray C 0-Mov-34 B (OPC) 738.56 (nr-nined) 202.6 reuV .sub replaced seat 1.

i-MOV-38B (OPC) disc lapped neat and 10-MV-39B (OPC) disc: new gasxet; X-212 kCIe. Turbine Exhaust C RCIC-04 (OPC) >1018 44.91 xCIC-04 & WCIC-05 re-RCIC-05 (OPC) >1018 138.45 lapped marnine disc; 13-Mov-130 13.64 13.64 8 of 9 i


1981/1982 TYPE B AND C DATA SUMMAR1r Type Equipraent/Ja1ves Pre-tlepair Post-Repair M etration No. Test Testeo Leakage isct/ day) Leakage tscffday1 kemarKs X-214 HPCI Turbine Exhaust C 23-NPI-12 (OPC) 291.66 291.66 23-HPI-65 (OPC) >1018 40.97 HPI-6S lapped seat and disc; rebuilt bactscat; X-217 HPCI Turbine Exhaust Vent C 2 3-MOV-59 (OPC) 18.37 18.37 23-HPI-40 3 (OPC) 43-MPI-402 X-218 Imak Rate Analyzer C LRA-13 (OPC) (1.02 (LRA-13) <1.02(LRA-13)

LRA-14 (OPC) (IRA-14) (LRA-14)

A0W-102A <1.02 (ADV-102A) < 1.02 (A0W-102A)

AOV-102B (A0V-102B) (A0V-1028) x-220 Drywell CAD C 27-AOV-132A 2.4 3 (AOV-132A) 2.48 (AUV-112A)

Inert and Purge CV-67 (CV-67) (CV-67) 27-AOV-132B E5.56 (AOV-134D) 8 7.87 (AOV-132B) CV-70 lappeo seat and CV-70 (CV-70) (CV-70) and piston; new gas -

27-AOV-115 1# .71 (AOV-115) 14.71(AOV-115) kets; replaced alscs 27-AOV-110 (ADV-116) (AUV-116)

X-221 Condensate f rom C 13-RCIC-07 1.35 1.35 RCIC Turbine 13-kCIC-O8 <1.02 <1.02 X-231 Ele :t B "O* rings <0.025 <0.025 l

l i

9 of 9 l

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()el L. eGr flhnca os Rceov4EO

  1. W ~LJT' Si%3c &f 1983 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Penetration No. Post-Repair Test Tested Leakage (4.c f / day) Leakage (sef/ day) Repair / Notes Drywell Stabilizer G* (GE-90*) B "0" rings 0.5003 45' (GE-135*) B 0.5003 "O" rings 0.6153 90* (GE-180*) 0.6153 B "0" rings 0.401 135* (GE-225*) 0.401 B "O" rings 0.3206 180* (GE-270*) 0.3206 B "0" rings 0.5156 225' (GE-315*) 0.5156 B "O" rings 0.539 0.539 273* (GE-0*) B "0" rings 0.6036 315' (GE-45*) 0.6036 B "0" rings 0.6153 0.6153 Dry Well Head B "O" rings 0.102 0.102 X-la Equipment sad Emergency B "O" rings 1.593 Escape Hatch 1.593 X-1B Equipment Hatch B "O" rings 0.2229 0.2229 X-2A Personnel Access Hatch B "O" rings 42.25 42.25 X-4 Drywell Head Manhole B "0" rings 0.2682 0.2682 X-5 CRD Removal Hatch B "O" rings 0.2957 0.2957 X-7A "A" Main Steam Line C 29-A0V-80A(IPC) 14.761 .'s.761 29-A0V-86A(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)

X-7B "B" Main Steam Line C 29-A0V-80B(IPC) 20.36 <0.102 29-A0V-86B(OPC) 914.164 <0.102 J 2MN X-7C "C" Main Steam Line C 29-A0V-80C(IPC) 18.4258 18.4258 29-A0V-86C(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) 2196D-1515400-B2 Page 1 of 11

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ATTACIBE.NT 48 (Cont.)

1983 LOCAL IEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-kepair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested I.cakate (scf/ day) Leakane (scf/ day) Repatr/ Notes X-7D *D" Plain Steam Line C 29-AOV-80D(IPC) >1018 112.489 29-A0V-86D(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 L8 Condensate Drein C 29-It0V-74(IPC) 2.825 2.825 29-tt0V-77(OPC) 5.0034 5.0034 X-9A Feedwater C 34-fWS-28A(IPC) >1018(IVS-28A) 12.826(tVS-28A) IVS-28A cleaned valve, ground seat, and replated-disc.

13-PIOV-21(OPC) >1018(ft9V-23) 147.61(PIOV-21) NRV-Illa cleaucJ valve, grown.1 seat and dasc, 34-NRV-IIIA(OPC) (NRV-Illa) (NRV-IIIA) cleaned operator shalt and cyl sader, and repla< cd RWC-62(OPC) (kWC-62) (RWC-62) 0-rias and gasket.

X-95 Feedwater C 34-fvS-28B(IPC) >10l?(IVS-288) 6.275(IVS-28B) IVS-28B (leaned valve, ground seat, and reptared 23-ft0V-19(OPC) >1018(tt0V-19) 32.5251(tt0V-l*) disc.

34-sIRV-IIIB(OPC) (NRV-IllB) (NkV-IllB) 1-10 Steam to RCIC Turbine C 13-fl0V-16(IPC) <0.102 <0.102 13-tt0V-15(OPC) 5.1205 5.1205 X-11 Steam to NPCI Turbine C 23-tt0V-15(IPC) >1018 3.0947 ttuV-16 repacked valve 23-ft0V- 16(OPC) (Combaned) (Combined) 23-ft0V-60(OPC)

X-12 Shutdown Supply to RHR C 10-ft0V-17(IPC) 191.893 191.893 It0V-18 replated wedge, ground seats.

10-P90V-18(OPC) >1018 1.99 X-13A kNR Retura C IO-It0V-27 A(OPC) 81.44 81.44 10-ft0V-25A(OPC) 124.196 124.196 X-138 RNR Return C lo-P90V-27B(OPC) 81.185 81.185 10-ft0V-25a(^PC) 115.54 115.54 2096D-1515400-B2 Pase 2 of Il




1983 LOCAI LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equapment/ Valves Pre-Repair- Post-Repair Penetration No. Ty Ter.ted Leakane (scf/ day) Leakane (stf/ day) Repaar/ Notes X-14 RWCU Suppl; to Recarculation C 32-MLJ-15(IPC) 28.504(MOV-15) 28.504(MOV-15)

Pumps 12-MOV-18(OPC) 6.342(MOV-18) 6.342(NOV-18) 12-MOV-80(4PC) (MOV-80) (MOV-80) 1-16A Core Spray I' ump Dascharse C I4-MOV-IIA (OPC) <l.02 <l.02 14-MOV-12A(OPC) 29.165 29.165 X-16B Core Spray Pump Discharge C I4-MOV-11B(OPC) 0.1822 0.1822 14-MOV-s2B(OPC) 3.3085 3.3085 X-17 RPV Need Spray C 10-M01,-32(I PC) 30.2855 30.2855 10-MOV-33(CfC) 17.5605 17.5605 X-18 Ploor Sump Pump Discharge C 20-MOV-82(IPC) 0.803 0.803 -

20-A0V-83(OPC) 3.28 3.28 X-19 Equipecat Sump Pump C 20-MOV-94(IPC) >IOl8 1.04117 MOV-94 ground seat, replaced wedge, and repatked.

Discharge 20-A0V-95(OPC) >1018 0.579 with new rings.

X-21 Service Air C 39-SAS-10(IPC) >1018 3.379 SAS-10 cleaned and tapped seat and disc, replaced 39-SAS-9(cec) <0.102 .3.102 sasket.

SAS-Il anspected valve as 1 lapped seat.

X-22 Instrument Air C IAS-22(IPC) >1018 21.429 IAS-22 ground and lapped seat, replaced gasket.

IAS-21(OPC) 12.98 12.98 IAS-2)(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 X-23 Cooling Water Supply C 46-ESW-46B(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 AOV-130A new anstallation.

15-RBC-24A(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 15-A0V-130A(OPC) 39.3966 39.3966 X-24 Cooling Water Supply C 44-ESW-16A(OPC) >1038 2.1475 AOV-1308 new anstallation.

15-RBC-248(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 ESW-16A ground dasc and seat, new gasket.

15-AOV-130B(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 2006D-151540G. O Page 3 of II

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s o ATTACitIENT 48 (Cont.)

1983 IJDCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Hepair Penetration 96o. Ty Tested Isakage (scf/ day] Leakage (scf/ day) kepair/ Note,s X-25 Drywell Inerting and C 27-AOV-Ill(OPC) >1018(AOV-III)

CAD and Purge X-71 0,3547(AOV-Ill) AOV-Ill, !!2 (Icaned salves, seplaced T-rangs 27-a0V-Il2(OPC) (AOV-Il2) (A0V-II2) and 0-rings..

27-A0V-13IA(OPC) >10l8(AUV-131A) 4.983(AOV-13IA) CV-68 machined plug seat, seplated sprang, CV-68(OPC) (CV-68) (CV-68)- replace.I gasket, groun.I seat.

27-AOV-lilB(OPC) 2.5094(Auv-13tB) 2.5094(AOV-13IB)

CV-69(OPC) ( CV-t>9 ) (CV-69)

X-26A Containment Atmospheric Sampling C 27-SOV-Il9FI(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 SOV-II9Fl J2 new installa*aon.

27-SOV-Il9F2(OPC) <0.10; <0.102 27-SOV-120A(OPC) 127.25 <0.102 2 7-SOV-1208(OPC) 6.8613 6.8613 27-SOV-120El(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 SOV-120EI.E2 new installation.

27-SOV-120E2(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 27-SOV-122A(OPC) >1018 <0.102 27-SOV-122B(OPC) 2.2294 2.2294 27-SOV-122El(OPC) <0.102 (0.102 SOV-122El,E2 new installatneu.

27-SOV-122E2(OPC) (0.102 <0.102 27-SOV-12?A(OPC) 4.072 4.02 27-SOV-1218(OPC) 9.6557 9.6557 X-26A, X-268 Cos,tainment Vent and Purge C 27-AOV-II3(OPC) 0.2428(AOV-Il3) 0.2428(AOV-Il3) 27-AOV-Il4(OPC) (AOV-Il4) (ADV-II4) 27-HOV-Il3(OPC) 0.2?IS(HuV-Il3) 0.2718(NOV-Il3) 27-NOV-122(OPC) (NOV-I22) (NoV-122)

X-31Ac "A" Recirculataon Pump flini-Purge C 02-RWR-13%(IPC) > 1018(RWit-13A) 7.13(RW-13A ) ,kWR-13A machined plug, lapped plug and seat, 02-kWR-14A(IPC7 (RWR-14A) (RWR -14A) ' replaced gasket and spring.

02-Rndt-40A(OPC) >1018(RWR-40A) 13.28(RWR-40A)

(kWR-14A) (RWR-14A)

X-31Ad Drywell Inert and Purge C 27-SOV-135A(OPC) 8.037 8.037 SOV-1358 cleaned valve, replaced waton plug. seat.

27-SOV-135B(OPC) >1038 26.57 piston rangs, o-rangs, paston, piston rod, connec-tion tank, plunger assent,1y, and Jasc.

2096D-1515400-82 Page 4 of Il

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ATTACISE.NT 4B (Cont.) 'I 1983 thCAL 11AKAGE RATE TEST ITNETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested I.eakaac (scf/ day) pakane (scf/ day) R g aig Notes X-31Bc *B" Recirculation Pump Mini-Purge C 02-RWit-138(IPC) 30.133(RWR-138) 30.133(RWR-138) 02-RWR-14B(IPC) (kWR-148) titWit-148) 02-RWR-40B(OPC) 34.256(kWR-408) 34.256(kWit-408)

(ItWitl48) (RWR-148)

X-35A TIP Probe Cf2 Ball Valve (OPC) 26.824 26.824 "O" ring (OPC) 0.207 0.207 X-35B TIP Probe C/B ball Valve (OPC) 0.964 0.964 "O" ring (OPC) 0.205 0.205 X-35C TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 3.346 3.346 "O" ring (OPC) 0.135 0.135 X-35D TIP Proe c C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 6.795 6.795 "O" ring (OPC) 0.0208 0.0208 X-35E TIP Purse C/B TP-1 (OPC) 1.006 1.006 "O" eing (OPC) 0.132 0.132 X-36 CRD Return C CRD-Il3(IPC) 70.14 1.5422 CRD-Il0(OPC) >1018 (Cambined)

X-39A Containment Spray C 10-MOV-26A(OPC) >1018 1.5779 kitR-52A cut-out valve and replaced with new osw.

10-MOV-31A(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)


X-398 Contoimeent Spray C 10-ftOV-26B(OPC) 533.941 74.212 FIOV-2s2 inspected valve operator, increased torque 10-MOV-31B(OPC) (Combined) (Combine 1) switch settang, naclazned s angs, replaced wedge and Ragt-52B(OPC) rangs.

2096D-1515400-82 Page 5 of It i



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ATTACWEJT 48 (Cont.)


Type Equaperat/ Valves Pre-kepair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Isakane (scf/ day} leakage _(scf/ day) Repay /Not e s X-01 Recirculation Imop Sample C 02-AOV-39(IPC) >1018(AOV-39) 1.48t(AOV-39) AOV-39 se; *ded valve, ground and lapped seat and .

Riet-255(IPC) (Rtat-255) (Riet-255) plug.

02-AOV-40(OPC) 2.036(AOV-40) 2.0 h(AOV-40)

(Stat-255) (Ridk-255)

X-02 Standby Liquid Control C 11-SLC-17(IPC) 2.652 2.652 SLC-16'veplated gasket, plug, pasten,' danc and Il-SLC- %(OPC) 44.792 39.85 sprang.

X-05 leak Rate Analyzer C 16-1-AOV-ICIA(OPC) 0.789(AOV-101A) 0.789(AOV-10lA) 16-1-AOV-1018(OPC) (AOV-10lk) (AOV-1018)

IJtA-20(OPC) 0.1415(IJtA-20) 0.1415(LRA-20)

IJtA-21(OPC) (IJtA-21) (LRA-23)

X-5SB Drywell CAD leert and Purge C 27-SOV-125A(OPC) 0.9625 0.9625 2 7-SOV-125B(OPC) 1.3183 1.3183 X-588 CAD System C 27-SOV-122Fl(OPC) 4.698 4.698 SOV-122Fl.F2 new a s..t a l l a t i on .

27-SOV-122F2(OPC) O.1669 0.1669 X-SSC CAD System C 27-SOV-120FI(OPC) 0.3995 0.3995 SOV-120FI.F2 new anstallataoa.

0.6542 27-SOV-120F2(OPC) 0.6542 1

J U-58D CAD System C 27-SOV-123FI(OPC) 0.4123 0.4123 SOV-123FI.F2 new anstallation.

27-SOV-123F2(OPC) 0.2647 0.2647 X-59 Drywell CAD inert and Purge C 27-SOV-123A(OPC) >1018 5.6499 SOV-123A,8 cleaned valves, seplaced seats, vaton 27-SOV-123B(OPC) >1018 <0.102 discs, sprimas, pisteu sangs, and 0-rzogs.

27-SOV-123El(OPC) 2.6977 2.6977 SOV-123El,E2 new installatnon.

27-SOV-123E2(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 20%D-1515400-82 Pa8e 6 of 11 s

ATTAC30ENT 4B (Cont.)

1983 IDCAL IIAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATlaJ DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Femetration No. Test Tested Leakate (scf/ day) Leakate (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-61 Breathing Air C BAS-5(IPC) 413.817 13.743 BAS-5 cleaned valve and polished disc.

BAS-4(OPC) 119.615 6.785 BAS-4 ground disc and seat.

X-62 Drywell Cooling Return C RBC-2(B(OPC) 36.85 36.85 A0V-131B new austallation.

15-A0V-131B(OPC) _13.794 13.794 X-43 "B" Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-21A(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 AOV-132A new installation.

IfTR Cooling Supply 46-ESW-15B(OPC) 12.5214 12.5214 -

15-AOV-132A(OPC) 27.995 27.995 X-64 "A" Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-22A(OPC) 38.84 38.84 NTR Cooling Return AOV-133A new installation _

15-AOV-133A(OPC) 4.5351 4.5351 X-65 Equipment Dra.- C 15-RBC-33(OPC) 2.0156 2.0156 AOV-134A new insta!!ation.

Pump Cooler Return 15-AOV-134A(OPC) 2.1174 2.1174 X-66 "A" Drywell Cooler C 15-RBC-26A(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 A0V-131A new anstallation.

Assembly Return 15-AOV-131A(OPC) 5.446 5.446 X-67 "A" Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-21B(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 A0V-132B new installation.

MTR Cooling Supply 46-ESW-ISA(OPC) -0.102 <0.102 15-AOV-132B(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 X-68 "B" Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-22B(OPC) 560.41 34.3575 RBC-22B cleaned valve. lapped disc and seat.

MTR Coolir.g Re ;rn ,a 15-A0V-133B(OPC) 19.8001 19.8001 AOV-133B new installation.

X-120A Elect B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-1008 Elect B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-100C Elect R "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-100D Elect B "O" rings 0.2769 0.2769 2096D-1515400-B2 Page 7 of 11

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1983 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Penetra, tion No. Post-Repair Test Tested Leakane (scf/dag Leakage (scf/ day) 3epair/ Notes X-100F Elect B "O" rings 0.1312 0.1312 X-100C Elect B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-100K Elect B "^" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-101A Elect B "O" rings (0.102 <0.102 X-101B Elect B "O" rings <0.102

<0.102 X-101C Elect B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-101D Elect B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-101E Elect B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 1 X-101F Elect B "O" rings 0.1273 0.1273 X-103A Elect B "O" rings <0.132 <0.102 X-103B Elect B "O" rings -9.102 <0.102 X-104C Elect B "0" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-104D Elect B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-104E Elect B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-106A Elect B "O" rings 0.5039 0.5039 X-106B Elect B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-10's Elect B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 2096D-1515400-E2 Page 8 of 11

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1983 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Por;-Repair Penetracion No. Test Tested Leakage (sef/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-108 Elect B "

-- 0" rings <0.102 <0.102

.X-109 Elect B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-110C Elect B "O" rings <0.102

<0.102 X-110D Elect B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-IllB Elect B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-20CA Tcrus Access B "O" rings 0.3741 0.3741 X-2008 Torus Access B "O" rings 0.5415 0.5415 Y-200C Torus Access B "O" rings 0.3337 0.3837 X-202BG Vacuum Breaker C 27-A0V-101B(OPC) 1.49(A0V-101B) 1.49(AOV-101B)

VB-7(OPC) (VB-7) (VB-7) 27-A0V-101A(OPC) 2.35(A0V-101A) 2.35(A0V-101A)

VB-6(OPC) (VB-6) (VB-6)

X-202F Vacuum Breaker B "0" ring (VB-1) 0.214 0.214 X-202G Vacuum treaker B "O" ring (VB-2) 0.214 0.214 X-202H Vacuum Breaker B "O" ring (VB-3) 0.216 0.2

X-202I Vacu-a Breaker B "O" ring (VB-4) 2.9as 2.988 X-202J Vacuum Breaker B "O" ring (VB-5) 0.247 0.247 2096D-1515400-B2 Page 9 of 11

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1983 IDCAL ILAKACE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repaar Post-Nepair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakate (sci / day) Isakage (stf/ day) kepaar/ Notes X-2034 0, Ar.- y:-r Sample C 27-SOV-Il9A(OPC) 3.242 3.242 SOV-I l9L t .E2 - sew innt llation.

27-SOV-Il9B(OPC) 3.7528 3.7528 27-SOV-Il9F.1(OPC) 0.779 0.779 27-SOV-II9E2(OPC) 2,08 2.08 X-8338 0, Analyzer W ie C 27-SOV-124A(OPC) 13.28 13.28 27-SOV-124B(OPC) 0.2214 0.2214 27-SOV-124El(OPC) 0.6103 0.6103 SoV-124EI.E2 e,cw ansta t sou.

27-SOV-124E2(OPC) 0.2713 0.2713 27-SOV-124Fl(OPC) 0.2779 0.2779 SUV-124FI,12 new anstallatson.

27-SOV-124F2(OPC) 0.6886 0.6886 X-305 Drywell leert CAD and Purge C 27-AOV-Il7(OPC) 330.85(A0V-Il7) 52.1725(AOV-II7) AOV-IIT seplate.1 T-raux .sa.d 0-rang.

27-AOV-Il8(OPC) (AOV-118) (ADV-Il8) 27-700V-I l 7(OPC) 0.2886(MOV-Il7) 0.2886(tIOV-It?)

27-teoV-123(OPC) (ftov-123) (Ptov-123)

X-311A Contaamment Spray C 10-ft0V-34A(OPC) 107.399 107.399 10-floV-38A(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) 10-PIOV-39A(OPC)

X-3115 Contanament Spray C 10-MOV-348(OPC) 53.5468 53.5468 10-ft0V-38B(OPC) (Combined) (Combaned) 10-ft0V-39B(OPC)

X-312 RCIC Turbane Embaust C RCit-04(OPC) >1018 44.7106 P.CIC-04 macI.ined Isaa k seat suriare, seat r a n g s. au-l

i. RCIC-05(OPC) >1018 44.1812 disc.

13-ftOV-130(OPC) 6.885 6.885 X-314 MPCI Turbine Exhaust C 23-IIPI-12(OPC) >1018 101.545 MPI-65 (Icaned valve, mas tianed and ground bac k scan 23-IIPI-65(OPC) >1018 44.842 . sur f ac e, seat . Ja st , d a ss swing arm, and erplased gaskets.

IIPI-12 cleaned valve, disc, groun.1 seat, replaced gasket.

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..f ATTACESENT 4B (Cont.)

1983 LOCAL IEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Isakaac (scf/ day) Leakage-(scf/ day) Repai r/Not em X-217 MPCI Turbine Embaust Vent C 23-It0V-59(OPC) 19.2402 19.2402 23-NPI-403(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) 23-MP3-402(OPC)

X-218 laak Rate Analyzer C IJtA-13(OPC) 0.3277(!JLA-13) 0.3277(IRA-13)

IJtA-14(OPC) (IRA-14) (LRA-14)

AOV-102A(OPC) 0.3064(AOV-102A) 0.3064(AOV-102A)

AOV-1028(OPC) (AOV-1028) (AOV-1028)

X-220 Drywell CAD Inert and Purge C 27-AOV-131t(OPC) 2.189(AOV-132A) 2.789(AOV-132A) AOV-Il5,Il6 cleaned valves, replaced T-rings and CV-67(OPC) (CV-t>7 ) (CV-67) 0-rings.

27-AOV-132B(OPC) 55.l?56(AOV-13251 55.3756(AOV-1328)

CV-70(OPC) (CV-70) (CV-70) 27-AOV-115(OPC) >1018(AOV-Il5)' 4.0618(AOV-115) 27-AOV-Il6(OPC) (AOV-116) (AOV-Il6)

X-221 Coadcasate from RCIC Turbine C 13-RCIC-07(OPC) >1018 2.8605 RCIC-07,08 cleaned valves, ground and lapped plugs, 13-RCIC-08(OPC) >1018 2.7587 seats, pistons, replaced flex gaskets and springs.

X-231A Elect 8 "O" rings 0.3823 0.3823 20960-1515400-82 Page 11 of II

'D e DN L "T~~


[<'Cfo4ctC, .

  • S**-

ATTACHMENT 4A (1 W 'r W ger;-(w 1985 IDCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (sef/ day) Repair / Notes Crywell Stabilizer O' (E-90*) B "O" rings 0.188 0.188 45* (GE-135*) B "O" rings 0.181 0.181 90* (E-180*) B "O" rings 0.133 0.133 135* '3E-225*) B "0" rings 0.154 0.154 180* (E-270*) B "O" rings 0.252 0.252 225' (GE-315*) B "O" rings 0.417 0.417 }.

270* (E-0*) B "O" rings 28.0 <0.102 270*

.315' (E-45*) 0.155 B "O" rings 0.155 Dry Well Head B "0" rings 0.2886 0.2886 X-1A Equipment and Emergency B "O" rings 7.89 7.89 Escape Hatch X-1B Equipment Match B 0" rings 0.1404 0.1404 X-2A Personnel Access Hatch B "O" rings 91.387 91.387 X-4 Drywell Head Manhole B "O" rings 0.2886 0.2886 X-6 CRD Removal Hatch B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 j l

X-7A "A" Main Steam Line C 29-A0V-80A(IPC) 0.298 0.298 29-A0V-86A(OPC) (Corloined) (Combined)

X-7B "B" Main Steam Line C 29-A0V-80B(IPC) >1018 16.13 A0V-868 29-A0V-86B(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)

X-7C "C" Main Steam Line C 29-A0V-80C(IPC) 0.102 0.102 29-A0V-86C(OPC) (Combined) Combined) 2096C-1515400-82 Page 1 of 13

O: W 1 ATTACHMENT 4A (Cont.)


[ Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested 7.cakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-7D "D" Main Steam Line C 29-A0V-80D(IPC) 0.141 0.141 29-A0V-86D(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)

X-8 Condensate Drain C 29-MOV-74(IPC) 826.6 <0.102 MOV-74 ground

. . -110V-77 (OPC) 16.69 16.69 bonnet mating surfaces and replaced gasket.

X-9A Feedwater C 34-EWS-28A(IPC) 0.520 (FVS-28A) 0.520 (EWS-28A) 13-MOV-21(OPC) 184.2 (MOV-21) 184.2 (MOV-21) 34-NRV-111A(OPC) (NRV-1I1A) .(NhV-111A)

RWC-62(OPC) 17.9 (RWC-62) 17.9 (RWC-62)

X-9B Feedwater C 34-FVS-28B(IPC) 0.674 (FVS-28B) 0.674 (EVS-28B) NRV-Ill$

23-MOV-19(OPC) 343.5 (NOV-19) 221.4 (NOV-19) machined disc 34-NRV-IllB(OPC) (NRV-II]B) (NRV-IllB) and seat.

Replaced internals and adjusted valve.

X-10 Steam to RCIC Turbine C 13-MOV-16(IPC) 40.102 <0.102 MOV-15 lapped 13-MOV-15(OPC) 30.4 4.39 disc and seat l and body / j l

bonnet I tightened.

X-Il Steam to HPCI furbine C 23-MOV-15(IPC) 14.04 14.04 23-MOV-16(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) 23-MOV-60(OPC) l X-12 Shutdown Supply to RHR C 10-MOV-17(IPC) >1018 26.72 MOV-17 lapped 10-MOV-18(OPC) >1018 23.82 disc and seat replaced MOV-18 new installation 2096C-1515400-B2 Page 2 of 13

.a .


1985 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (sef/ day) Eepair/ Notes X-13A RHR Return C 10-MOV-27A(OPC) >1018 81.74 MOV-27A repacked 10-MOV CSA(OPC) 5.53 40.92 MOV- g repacked X-138 RHR Return C 10-MOV-27B(OPC) 73.9 73.9 10-MOV-25B(OPC) 119.6 119.6 Q'

X-14 RWCU Supply so Recirculation C 12-MOV-15(IPC) 71.26 (McV-15) 9.75 (MOV-15) MOV-15 machined Bumps Poe.(> Net

  • 12-MOV-18(OPC) 13.54 (MOV-18) 13.54 (MOV-18) stem and wedge.

12-MOV-80(OPC) (MOV-80) (MOV-80) Lapped wedge and seat. Replaced gasket and packing.

X-16A Core Spray Pump Discharge C 14-MOV-11A( M ) 0.102 0.102 14-MOV-12A(OPC) 0.231 0.231 X-12B Core Spray Pump Discharge C 14-MOV-IIB (OPC) 0.178 0.178 14-MOV-12B(OPC) O.102 0.102 X-17 RPV Head Spray C 10-MOV-32(IPC) 0.855 0.855 10-MOV-33(OPC) 15.06 15.06 X-18 Floor Sump Pump Discharge C 20-MOV-82(IPC) 1.74 1.74 20-A0V-83(OPC) 19.95 19.95 X-19 Equipment Sump Pump Discharge C 20-MOV-94(IPC) >1018 18.9 MOV-94 cleaned 20-$V-95(OPC) 269.0 1.53 seat and disc.

RDW-98A repacked lapped seat.

X-21 Service Air C 39-SAS-10(IPC) >1018 15.6 SAS-10 lapped 39-SAS-9(OPC) 4.63 4.63 disc and seat, cleaned, new gasket.

2096C-1515400-B2 Page 3 of 13

wr, D o ATTACHMENT 4A (Cont.)

1985 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakage (sef/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-22 Instrument Air C IAS-22(IPC) 0.242 0.242 IAS-21(OPC) 0.102 0.102 IAS-23(OPC) 0.102 0.102 X-23 Cooling Water Supply C 46-ESW-16B(OPC) <0.102 3.48 ESW~16B disas-15-RBC-24A(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 sembled for dry-well cooling.

15-A0V-130A(OPC) 30.44 30.44 X-24 Cooling Water Supply C 46-ESW-16A(OPC) 65.05 6.71 ESW-16A lapped 15-RBC-24B(OPC) <0.102 'O.102 disc and seat 15-A0V-l'10B(OPC) 13.89 13.89 and cleaned valve internals.

X-25 Drywell Inerting and C 27-A0V-111(OPC) <0.102 (A0V-111) <0.102 (A0V-111)

CAD and Purge X-71 27-A0V-112(OPC) (A0V-112) (A0V-112) CV-68 lapped 27-AOV-131A(OPC) >1018 (A0V-131A) 9.37 (A0V-131A) seat and L'"// ) ,CV-68(OPC) (CV-68) (CV-68) replaced disc, 27-A0V-131B(OPC) 6.36 (A0V-131B) 6.36 (A0V-131B) spring, and GAD .CV-69(OPC) (CV-69) (CV-69) gasket.

A0V-131A re-placed plug, stem, seat, and repacked.

X-26A Containment Atmospiseric Sampling C 27-SOV-119F1(OPC) -

0.25 0.25 SOV-120A cleaned 27-SOV-119F2(OPC) - 0.102 0.102 replaced disc 27-SCV-120A(OPC) i, 21.3 <0.102 spring, body 27-SOV-120B(OPC) 41.1 <0.102 o-ring, piston 27-SOV-120El(OPC) 0.102 0.102 ring.

2096C-1515400-B2 Page 4 of 13


1985 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test. Tested Leakage (sef/ day) Leakage (sef/ day) Repair / Notes 27-SOV-120d2(OPC) 0.102 0.102 SOV-120B cleaned 27-SOV-122A(OPC) >1018 0.102 replaced d;ac 27-SOV-122B(OPC) 98.2 <0.102 spring, body 27-SOV-i22El(OPC) 1.67 1.67 o-ring, piston 27-SOV-122E2(OPC) 0.386 0.386 ring.

27-SOV-121A(OPC) 4.38 4.3", SOV-122A cleaned 0.119 replaced disc 27-SOV-121B(OPC) 33.8 spring, body o-ring, piston ring.

SOV-122B SOV-121B cleaned replaced disc-spring, body o-ring, piston ring.

( X-26A, X-26B Containment Vent and Purge C 27-A0V-113(OPC) 7.35 (A0V-Il3) 7.35 (A0V-113) 27-A0V-114(OPC) (A0V-114) (A0V-Il4) 27-MOV-113(OFC) 0.179 (MOV-113) 0.179 (MOV-Il3) 27-MOV-122(OPC) (MOV-122) (MOV-122) p fD X-31Ac "A" Recirculation Pump Mini-Purge C 02-RWR-13A(IPC) >1018 (RWR-13A) 2.8 (RWR-13A) RWR-13A lapped 02-RWR-14A(IPC) (RWR-14A) (RWR-14A) disc and seat.

02-RWR-40A(OPC) 11.2 (RWR-40A) 11.2 (RWR-40A) Cleaned valve (RWR-14A) (RWR-14A) internals and replaced spring and gasket.

X-31Ad Drywell Inert and Purge C 27-SOV-135A(OPC) 2.85 11.04 SOV-135A f 27-SOV-135B(OPC) 328.3 11.4 SOV-1358 new plunger assembly viton disc, piston ring, body o-ring.

2096C-1515400-B2 Page 5 of 13


1985 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair t'ost-Repair P:netration No. Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-31Bc "B" Recirculation Pump Mini-Purge C 02-RWR-13B(1PC) 79.9 (RWR-13B) 4.55 (RWR-13B) RWR-143 re-02 '= -14BfYPe-}- (RWR-14B) (RWR-13B) placed interna 1s 02-RWR-40B(OPC) 7.48 (RWR-408) 7.48 (RWR-408) RWR-135 lapped (RWR-14B) (RWR-14Bi disc and seat.

Cleaned valve internals and replaced disc, spring, and gasket.

X-35A TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 0.347 0.488 X-35A disassen-

"O" ring (OPC) 0.102 0.282 bled for main-Let3nCe.

X-35B TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 0.79 2.5 X-35B disassen-

"0" ring (OPC) O.102 0.I16 bled for main-tenance.

X-35C TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 3.17 <0.102 X-35C disassen-

"O" ring (OPC) 0.102 0.228 bled for main-tenance. Ball valve replaced.

X-35D TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 0.401 0.79 X-35D disassen-

"O" ring (OPC) 0.102 2.74 bled for main-tenance.

X-35E TIP Purge C/B TP-1 (OPC) 0.435 0.435 "0" ring (OPC) 0.102 0.102 X-39A Containment Spray C 10-MOV-26A(OPC) >101.8 42.1 MOV-26Aglapped 10-MOV-31A(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) wedge and seat.

2096C-1515400-B2 Page 6 of 13


1985 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair 1enetration No. Post-Repair Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes RHR-52A(OPC) Replaced gasket and packing NOV-3AA lapped wedge and seat, polished stem, repacked.

X-39B Containment Spray C 10-MOV-26B(OPC) 136.9 41.3 MOV-265 lapped 10-MOV-31B(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) disc and seat RHR-52B(OPC) and replaced gasket.

X-41 Recirculation Loop Sample C 02-A0V-39(IPC) 0.266 (A0V-39) 0.266 (A0V-39)

RWR-255(IPC) (RWR-255) (RWR-255) 02-AOV-40(OPC) 0.109 (AOV-40) 0.109 (AOV-40)

(RWR-255) (RWR-255)

X-42 Standby Liquid Control C II-SLC-17(IPC) 0.447 0.447 11-SLC-16(OPC) 0.987 0.987 X-45 Leak Rate Analyzer C 16-1-A0V-101A(OPC) 0.3415 (A0V-101A) 0.3415 (A0V-101A) 16-1-AOV-101B(OPC) (A0V-101B) (A0V-101B)

LRA-20(OPC) <0.102 (LRA-20) <0.102 (LRA-20)

LRA-21(OPC) (LRA-21) (LRA-2I)

X-SSB Drywell CAD Inert and Purge C 27-SOV-125A(OPC) 1.068 1.068 27-SOV-125B 27-SOV-125B(OPC) >1018 0.364 installed new valve.

X-58B CAD System C 27-SOV-122F1(OPC) 0.251 0.251 27-SOV-122F2(OPC) 0.1694 0.1694 X-58C CAD System C 0.786 27-SOV-120Fl(OPC) 0.786 27-Sev-120F2(OPC) 0.1501 0.1501 2096C-1515400-B2 Page 7 of 13

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1985 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEh2 PEhETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-58D CAD System C 27-SOV-123Fl(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 27-SOV-123F2(OPC) <0.102 <0.102 X-59 Drywell CAD Inert and Purge C 27-SOV-123A(OPC) 101.8 X-59; SOV-123A, 27-SOV-123B(OPC) 357.0 1238 line cut 27-SOV-123El(OPC) 0.102 0.'02 and capped.

27-SOV-123E2(OPC) 0.923 0. .i t3 X-61 Breathing Air C BAS-5(IPC) 16.38 16.38 BAS-4 laoped BAS-4(OPC) 125.21 0.72 disc and seat.

X-62 Drywell Cooling Return C RBC-26B(OPC) 2.55 2.55 15-A0V-131B(OPC) 1.41 1.41 X-63 "B" Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-21A(OPC) 0.127 0.127 1 MTR Cooling Supply 46-ESW-15B(OPC) 33.64 33.64 15-A0V-132A(OPC) 2.9 2.9 X 64 "A" Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-22A(OPC) 6.7 6.7 l MTR Cooling Return 15-A0V-133A(OPC) 0.81 0.81 l

l X-65 Equipment Drain C 15-RBC-33(OPC) 4.95 4.95 Pump Cooler Returr. 15-A0V-134A(OPC) 6.3 6.3 X-66 "A" Drywell Cooler C 15-RBC-26A(OPC) 207.0 9.0 RBC-26A, lapped Assembly Return 15-A0V-131A(OPC) 9.92 9.92 seat, disc, repacked.

X-67 "A" Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-213(OPC) 0.102 0.102 MTR Cooling Supply I.6-ESW-15B(OPC) 0.102 0.102 15-A0V-132B(OPC) 0.324 0.324 X-68 "B" Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-22B(OPC) 3.72 3.72 MTR Cooling Return 15-A0V-133B(OPC) 0.835 0.835 l 2096C-1515400-B2 Page 8 of 13 l

L m

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1985 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type- Equipament/ Valves Pre-Repair P2netration No. Post-Repair Test. Tested Leakage (sef/ day) Leakage (sef/ day) Repair / Notes X-100A Elect B "O" rings 0.525 0.525 X-1008 Elect B "O" rings 0.554 0.127 X-1008 Elect.

X-120C Elect B "O" rings 0.242 0.242 X-100D Elect B "O" rings 0.639 0.639 X-100F Elect B "O" rings 0.2692 0.2692 X-100G Elect B "O" rings 0.102 0.102 X-100K Elect B "O" rings <0.102 <0.102 X-101A Elect B "O" rings 0.303 0.303 X-1018 Elect B "O" rings 0.453 0.453 X-101C Elect B "O" rings 0.239 0.239 X-101D Elect B "O" rings 0.171 0.171 X-101E Elect B "O" rings 0.401 0.401 X-101F Elect B "O" rings 0.1119 0.1119 X-103A Elect B "O" rings 0.102 0.102 X-103B Elect B "O" rings 0.102 0.102 X-104C Elect B "O" rings 3.018 0.102 X-104C Elect.

X-104D Elect B "0" rings 0.102 0.102 2096C-1515400-B2 Page 9 of 13

'J w -


1985 IDCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Psnetration No.

Pre-Repair Post-Repair Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-104E Elect B "O" rings 0.776 0.776 X-106A Elect B "O" rings 0.948 0.102 X-106A Elect.

X-106B Elect B "O" rings 0.5614 0.5614 X-107 Elect B "0" rings 0.102 0.102 X-108 Elect B "O" rings 0.207 0.207 X-109 Elect B "O" rings 0.489 0.489 X-110C Elect B "0" rings 0.1628 0.1628 X-110D Elect B "O" rings 0.!409 0.1409 X-111B Elect B "O" rings 0.4591 0.1786 X-111B Elect.

X-200A Torus Access B "O" rings 0.1521 0.102 X-200A X-200B Torus Access B "O" rings 0.3949 0.3949 X-200C Torus Access B "O" rings 0.332 0.332 X-202BG Vacuum Breaker C 27-AOV-101B(OPC) <0.102 (AOV-101B) <0.102 (A0V-101B)

VB-7(OPC) (VB-7) (VB-7) 27-AOV-101A(OPC) 4.79 (A0V-101A) 4.79 (A0V-101A)

VB-6(OPC) (VB-6) (VB-6)

X-222F Vacuum Breaker B "O" ring (VB-1) 0.285 0.285 X-202G Vacuum Breaker B "O" ring (VB-2) 0.210 0.102 VB-2 X-202H Vacuum Breaker B "O" ring (VB-3) 0.1369 0.1369 2096C-1515400-B2 Page 10 of 13 1


1985 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Lea ka ge (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-202I Vacuum Breaker B "O" ring (VB-4) 0.1328 0.1328 X-202J Vacuum Breaker is "O" ring (VB-5) 0.2397 0.2397 X-203A 0 2 Analyzer Sample C 27-SOV-119A(OPC) 16.03 0.284 SOV-IljA cleaned 27-SOV-Il9B(OPC) 0.1817 0.1817 new disc spring, 27-SOV- 119El(OPC) 2.81 2.81 body o-ring and 27-SOV-119E2(OPC) 0.1129 0.1129 piston ring.

X-203B 0 2 Analyzer Sample C 27-SOV-124A(OPC) 7.5 7.5 27-SOV-124B(OPC) 0.228 0.228 27-SOV-124El(OPC) 0.171 0.171 27-SOV-124E2(OPC) 0.35 0.35 27-SOV-124F1(OPC) 0.115 0.115 27-SOV-124F2(OPC) 0.378 0.378 X-205 Drywell Inert CAD and Purge C 27-A0V-117(OPC) >1018 (A0V-Il7) 0.338 (A0V-117) A0V-Il7, 118 27-A0V-118(OPC) (A0V-118) (A0V-118) cleaned valve 27-MOV-117(OPC) 0.33 (MOV-117) 0.33 (MOV-Il7) and installed 27-MOV-123(OPC) (MOV-123) (MOV-123) new "T" ring and "O" ring X-211A Containment Spray C 10-MOV-34A(OPC) >101.8 4.16 MOV- j 10-MOV-38A(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) 10-MOV-39A(OPC)

X-211B Containment Spray C 10-MOV-34B(OPC) 153.7 96 15 MOV-395 tround 10-MOV-38B(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) seat and disc.

IO-MOV-39B(OPC) Cleaned valve internals and replaced gasket.

2096C-1515400-B2 Page 11 of 13 J




, Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-212 RCIC Turbine Exhaust C RCIC-04(OPC) >1018 38.17 RCIC-05(OPC) >1018 RCICp' lapped 52.93 seat.

13-MOV-130(OPC) 0.2 0.2 RCIC-03 lapped wedge and seat.

X-214 HPCI Turbine Exhaust C 23-HPI-12(OPC) 96.6 96.35 HPI-65 cleaned, new gasket.

23-HPI-65(OPC) >1018 88.51 HPI-11 Cleaned ground seat, new gasket X-217 HPCI Turbine Exhaust Vent C 23-MOV-59(OPC) 9.45 9.55 MOV-59 23-HPI-403(OPC) (Combio-d) (Combined) repacked.


X-218 Leak Rate Analyzer C LRA-13(OPC) 0.203 (LRA-13) 0.203 (LRA-13)

LRA-14(OPC) (LRA-14) (LRA-14)

A0V-102A(OPC) 5.3 (A0V-102A) 5.3 (AOV-102A)

A0V-102B(OPC) (A0V-102B) (A0V-102B)

X-220 Drywell CAD Inert and Purge C 27-AOV-132A(OPC) 4.3 (A0V-132A) 4.3 (A0V-132A)

CV-67(OPC) (CV-67) (CV-67) 27-A0V-132B(OPC) 0.116 (A0V-1328) 0.116 (A0V-132B)

CV-70(OPC) (CV-70) (CV-70) 27-A0V-Il5(OPC) >1018 (A0V-115) 1.84 (A0V-115) A0V-Il6 replaced 27-A0V-Il6(OPC) (A0V-Il6) (AOV-II6) operator pin.

X-221 Condensate from RCIC Turbine C 13-RCIC-07(OPC) >101.8 23.41 RCIC-07 lapped 13-RCIC-08(OPC) >101.8 5.27 piston and seat, installed new spring and gasket, and repacked valve.

2096C-1515400-B2 Page 12 of 13

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1985 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST PENETRATION DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No. Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair /Noty RCI M lapped seat and re-placed gasket.

X-231A Elect B "0" rings 0.597 0.597 2096C-1515400-B2 Page 13 of 13

(}g =1 %

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Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Pznetration No./ System Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes Drywell Stabilizers i

' 0 (CE-90g B "0" rings .10435 .10435 45 (GE-135 ) B "0" rings .11299 .11299 90 (GE-180 ) B "O" rings. .1018 .1018 135 (GE-225 ) B "O" rings .10689 .10689 180 (GE-270 ) B "0" rings .1018 .1018 ,

1 225 (GE-315 ) B "0" rings .1018 .1018 270 B "O" rings .1018 .1018 315 (GE-0g)

(GE-45 L "0" rings .1018 .1018 Dr, ell Head B "0" rings .353246 .353246 X-1A Equipment and Emergency B "O" rings .11198 .11198 Equipment hitch Escape Hatch 22.8032 22.8032 Emergency Hatch X-1B Equipment Hatch B "O" rings .133358 .133358

seal .163389 .163389 X-2A Personnel Access Hatch B "0" rings 128.6726 37.4115 'No maintenance performed.

X-4 Drywell Head Manhole B "O" rings .I'018 .1018 X-6 CRD Removal Hatch B "0" rings .1018 .1018 X-7A "A" Main Steam Line C 29-AOV-80A(IPC) 1159.56 .1367 MOV-80A Machined 29-A0V-86A(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) seat and replaced pilot 6-disc.

A0V-86A Replaced packing.

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/ , kill 4 e


Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair

_Panstration No./?.ystem Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X- 7 B,, "B" Main Steam Line C 29-A0V-80B(IPC) 93.308455- 93.308455 29-A0V-86B(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)

X-7C "C" Main Steam Line C 29-A0V-80C(IPC) 25.957 25.957 29-A0V-86C(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)

X-7D "D" Main Steam Line C 29-A0V-80D(IPC) 1094.681 13.4976 , A0V-86D Machined 29-A0V-86D(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) seat and lapped main & pilot disc's.

X-8 Condensate Drain C 29-MOV-74(IPC) .1018 .1018 MOV-74 Machined 29-MOV-77(OPC) 35.2737 35.2737 wedge mating surfaces.

X-9A Feedwater C 34-FWS-28A(IPC) 2.19888 2.19888 RWC-62 Lapped 13-MOV-21(OPC) 46.5226 46.5226 disc and seat.

34-NRV-Illa (OPC) (Combined)- (Combined) >

RWC-62(OPC) 226.505 16.7461 X-9B Feedwater C 34-FWS-28B(IPC) 1.66952 1.66952 NRV-IllB l 23-MOV-19(OPC) gross 70.1911 Adjusted 34-NRV-IllB(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) flapper.

X-10 Steam to RCIC Turbine C 13-MOV-16(IPC) .1018 .1018 No maintenance 13-MOV-15(OPC) 17.4587 16.1353 performed.-

X-11 Steam to HPCI Turbine C 23-MOV-15(IPC) 369.025 5.05946 MOV-15 Replaced 23-Mov-16(OPC) ,(Combined) (Combined) packing.


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Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No./ System Tese Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-12 Shutdown Supply to RHR C IG-MOV-17(IPC) 7635.0 111.98 MOV-17 Machined 10-MOV-10(OPC) 37.157 37.157 vedge & seat and replaced pressure seal 6 packing.

X-13A RPR Leturn C 10-M0V-27A(OPC) 78.9459 78.9459 -

10-MOV-25A(OPC) 128.268 128.268 X-13B RHR Return C 10-MOV-27B(OPC) 102.818 102.818 IG-MOV-25B(OPC) IG6.381 106.381 X-14 RWCU Supply to C 12-MOV-15(IPC) 93.5542 1.65934 MOV-15 Added Recirculation Pumps 12-MOV-18(OPC) 107.618 23.5158 packing.

12-MOV-80(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)

MOV-18 Replaced stemc pipe, and coupling.

X-16A Core Spray Pump Discharge C 14-MOV-IIA (OPC) .1018 .1018 14-MOV-12A(OPC) .1018 .1018 X-16B Core Spray Pump Discharge C 14-MOV-11B(OPC) .64896 .64898 14-MOV-12B(OPC) .41484 .41484 4

X-17 RPV Head Spray C 10-McV-32(IPC) 5.13072 5.13072 10-MOV-33(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)

X-18 Floor Sump Pump Discharge C 20-MOV-82(IPC) 2.06654 2.06654 MOV-82 Replaced 20-A0V-83(OPC) 53.9031 .35805 _, ,


AOV-83 Replaced wedge ring and bonnat gaskets.

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Type 4

Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penztration No./ System Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leak. age (scf/ day) Repair /Nstes

, X-19 Equipment Sump Pump C 20-MOV-94(IPC) 308.454 ?t 887 MOV-94 Discharge 20-MOV-95(OPC) 570.08 21.9888 Maintenance per MP59.10.

MOV-95 Replaced plug stem end.

X-21 Service Air C 39-SAS-10(IPC) 119.615 12.9286 SAS-10 Reworked 39-SAS-9(OPC) 9.30452 9.30452 per WR 39-052711.

X-22 Instrument Air C IAS-22(IPC) 133.749 .246865 IAS-22 Replaced 27-SOV-141(OPC) .1018 .1018 valve.

SOV-141 Replaces IAS-21 & 23.

X-23 Cooling Water Supply C 46-ESW-16B(OPC) .1018 5.996 A0V-130A 15-RBC-24A(OPC) .1018 .1018 Machined and 15-A0V-130A(OPC) 270.788 3.680 cleaned seat.

X-24 Cooling Water Supply C 46-ESW-16A(OPC) 1.16052 1.16052 AOV-130B Cleaned 15-RBC-24B(OPC) .1018 .1018 and replaced 15-A0V-130B(OPC) 1527 2.7333 packing.

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ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) 1987 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No./ System Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-25 Drywell Inerting and C 27-A0V-111(OPC) .912632 .912632 A0V-131A Re-CAD and Purge X-71 27-A0V-112(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) placed packing.

27-A0V-131A(OPC) 843.413 16.288 CV-68(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) CV-68 Cletned 27-A0V-131B(OPC) 57.9242 .347138 and lapped seat CV-69(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) and disc.

A0V~131B Cleaned and replaced packing and seat ring.

CV-69 Cleaned

. and lapped seat and disc.

Replaced and lapped plug.

X-26A Containment Atmospheric C 27-SOV-119Fl(OPC) .13539 .13539 Sampling 27-SOV-119F2(OPC) .1018 .1018 27-SOV-120A(OPC) 8.94822 .1018 SOV-120A&B Seat 27-SOV-120B(OPC) 659.15 .1018 maintenance per 27-SOV-120El(OPC) .4296 .4296 MP59.5.

27-SOV-120E2(OPC) .1018 .1018 27-SOV-122A(OPC) .19138 .337976 SOV-121A Seat 27-S0V-122B(OFC) 1.39466 .138957 maintenance per 27-SOV-122El(OPC) .98033 .98033 MP59.5.

27-SOV-122E2(OPC) .10536 .10536 Page 5 of 15 l l

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ATTACHMr.NT 4A (Continued) 1987 LOCAL LLAKAGE RATE "'.ST DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penstration No./ System Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes 27-SOV-121A(OPC) 15.117 .40109 SOV-121B Re-27-SOV-121B(OPC) .95692 .1018 placed disc, plug, and o-rings.

SOV-122A&B Re-

  • placed disc, plug, and o-rings.

X-26A, Containment Vent C 27-A0V-Il3(OPC) 9.38596 9.38596 X-26B and Purge 27-A0V-Il4(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) 27-MOV-Il3(OPC) .32169 .32169 27-MOV-122(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)

X-31Ac "A" Recirculation C 02-RWR-13A(IPC) .214798 8.5308 RWR-13A Replaced Pump Mini-Purge 02-2-SOV-001(OPC) 12.0124 .1018 valve.

SOV-001 New valve, replaces RWR-40A.

X-31Ad Drywell Inert and Purge C 27-SOV-135A(OPC) 11737.9 .1018 SOV-135A6B Re-27-SOV-135B(OPC) 10739.9 .69985 built per MP59.5 X-31Bc "B" Recirculation Pump C 02-RWR-13B(IPC) .224469 10.8926 RWR-13B Replaced Mini-Purge 02-2-SOV-002(OPC) 2.22942 .1018 valve.

SOV-002 New


valve, replaces RWR-40B.

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ATTACIDiENT 4A (Continued) 1987 LOCA* LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair "enetration No./ System Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day)

X-35A TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) .47083 .47083 l "O" ring (OPC) .1018 .1018 l X-35B TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 2.50428 2.50428 "O" Ring (OPC) .13438 .13438 X-35C TIP Probe C/B 3all Valve (OPC) .27689 .27689 .

"O" ring (OPC) .13946 .13946 l X-35D TIP Probe C/B Ball Valve (OPC) 1.15543 1.15543 l "0" ring (OPC) .1018 .1018 X-35E TIP Purge C/B CAD-901(IPC) .32474 .1018 -

CAD-901 & SOV-001 27-SOV-001(OPC) .1018 .1018 New valves, "O" ring (OPC) .1018 .1018 replaces TP-1.

X-39A Containment Spray C 10-MOV-26A(OPC) 3.3594 3.3594 10-MOV-31A(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)


X-39B Containment Spray C 10-MOV-26B(OPC) 712.6 26.0608 MOV-31B Replaced 10-MOV-31B(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) seat ring &

RIIR-52B(OPC) Packing and machined wedge &


. MOV-26B Replaced seat ring, wedge and packing.

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ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) 1987 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penstration No./ System Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-41 Recirculation Loop Sample C 02-A0V-39(IPC) 1.87312 1,87312 RWR-255(IPC) (Combined) (Combined) 02-A0V-40(OPC) .24432 .24432 X-42 Standby Liquid Control C ll-SLC-17(IPC) 1.30304 1.30304 SLC-16 Lapped ll-SLC-16(OPC) 44.435 9.79316 disc 6 seat.

s X-45 Leak Rate Analyzer C 16-1-A0V-101A(OPC) .48762 .48762 16-1-A0V-101B(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)

LRA-20(OPC) .1018 -

LRA-20 6 21 LRA-21(OPC) (Combined) Valver removed and line capped.

X-55B Dryvell CAD Inert C 27-SOV-125A(OPC) .898385 .47083 SOV-125A6B Re-and Purge 27-SOV-125B(OPC) .69733 .49424 placed disc, plug, o-rings, and stem assembly.

X-57C Instrument Nitrogen C IAS-29(IPC) .1018 X-57C New 27-SOV-145(OPC) -

.214798 penetration.

X-58B CAD System C 27-SOV-122Fl(OPC) .50035 .50035 27-SOV-122F2(OPC) .1018 .1018 X-58C CAD System C 27-SOV-120Fl(OPC) .12878 .12878 27-SOV-120F2(OPC) .15219 .15219 X-58D CAD System C 27-SOV-123Fl(OPC) .15779 .15779 ,,

27-SOV-123F2(OPC) .1018 .1018


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ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) J' 1987 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair .

Penstration No./ System Test Tested Leakage (sef/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-59 Drywell CAD Inert C 27-SOV-123El(OPC) .22803 .22803 and Purge 27-SOV-123E2(OPC) .11045 .11045


X-61 Breathing Air C BAS-5(IPC) 39.5493 8.86678 BAS-5 Cleaned BAS-4(OPC) 3.47647 3.47647 disc and seat.

X-62 Dryvell Cooling Return C RBC-26B(OPC) 71.61 .326778

, A0V-131B Re-placed packing-and repaired per MP59.12.

X-63 "B" Recirculation Pump C 15-REC-21A(OPC) .1018 .1018 A0V-132A Cleaned MTR Cooling Supply 46-ESW-15A(OPC) .1018 .1018 and replaced 15-A0V-132A(OPC) -

228.032 9.20272 packing.

X-64 "A" Recirculation Pump C 15-RP '2A(OPC)

8.77516 8.77516 MTR Cooling Return 15-J f-133A(OPC) 7.32451 7.32451 X-65 Equipment Drain C IS-RBC-33(OPC) 3.37858 3.87858-Pump Cooler Return 15-A0V-134A(OPC) 3.44084 3.44084 1 X-66 "B" Drywell Cooler C 15-RBC-26A(OPC) .41229 .41229 Assembly Return 15-A0V-131A(OPC) 4.65 4.65 Page 9 of 15


. . .l h..s ,i $hY / ~Y..

U ATTACHMENT 4A (Continued) 1987 LOCAL 1.EAKAGE RATE TEST DATA' Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No.,/ System Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (sef/ day)

X-67 "A" Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-IlB(OPC) .1018 .1018 MTR Cooling Supply 46-ESW-15B(OPC) .1018 .1018 15-A07-132B(C1C) '23.6685 23.6685 X-68 "B" Recirculation Pump C 15-RBC-22B(OPC) 2.8809 2.8809 MTR Cooling Return 15-AOV-133B(OPC) .12114 .12134 o

X-100A Elect B "O" rings .42603 .42603 X-1008 Elect B "O" rings .1018 .1018 X-100C Elect B "O" rings .15728 .15728 X-100D Elect B "O" rings .56804 .56804 X-100F Elect B "O" rings .19088 .19088 X-100C Elect B "O" rings .1018 .1018 X-100K Elect B "O" rings .30184 .30184 X-101A Elect B "0" rings .1018

.1018 X-101B Elect B "O" rings .1374 .1374 X-101C Elect B "0" rings .1018 .1018 X-101D Elect B "O" rings .1018 .1018 X-101E Elect B "O" rings .1018 .1018 .. .

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Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penttration No./ System Test Tested Leakage (sef/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-101F Elect B "O" rings .60164 .60164 X-103A Elect B "0" rings .1018 .1018 X-iO3B Elect B "O" rings .1018 .1018 X-104C Elect B "O" rings .37513 .37513 -

X-104D Elect B "O" rings .1018 .1018 X-104E Elect B "0" rings .1018 .1018 X-106A Elect B "O" rings 48253 .48253 X-106B Elect B "O" rings .5523 .5523 X-107 Elect B "O" rings .1018 .1018 X-108 Elect B "O" rings .1018 .1018 X-109 Elect B "O" rings .13285 .13285 X-110C Elect B "O" rings .24788 .24788 X-110D Elect B "O" rings .1018 .1018 X-IllB Elect B "0" rings .55634 . .55634 X-231A Elect B "O" rings .50340 .50340


X-200A Torus Access B "0" rings .1018 .1018 Page 'l of 15

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- a ATTACIDiENT 4A (Continued) 1987 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Type Equipment /Vaives Pre-Repair Post-Repair Pcnetration No./ System Test Tested Leakage (ocf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-200B Torus Access B "0" rings .1018 .1018 X-200C Torus Access B "O" rings .31609 .31609 X-202BG Vacuum Breaker C 27-A0V-101B(OPC) 9.15182 9.15182 VB-7(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) 27-A0V-101A(OPC) 9.49794 9.49794 .

VB-6(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)

X-202F Vacuum Breaker B "O" ring (VB-1) .13641 .13641


X-202G Vacuum Breaker B "O" ring (VB-2) .1018 .1018 X-202H Vacuum Breaker B "0" ring (VB-3) .1018 .1018 X-202I Vacuum Breaker B "O" ring (VB-4) .14608 .14608 X-202J Vacuum Breaker B "O" ring (VB-5) .12165 .12165 X-203A 0 Analyzer Sample 2

C 27-SOV-119A(OPC) 7075.1 .1018 SOV-Il9A Re-27-SOV-119B(OPC) .17001 .37462 worked per 27-SOV-119El(OPC) .13896 .13896 MP59.5.

27-SOV-Il9E2 (OPC) .10587 .10587 X-203B 0 Analyzer Sample 2

C 27-SOV-124A(OPC) 12.0124 .1018 SOV-124A Re-27-SOV-124B(OPC) .147101 .1018 worked per 27-SOV-124El(OPC) .151682 .151682 MP59.5.

27-SOV-124E2(OPC) .377169 .377169 27-SOV-124F1(OPC) .119106 .119106 SOV-124B Re-27-SOV-124F2(OPC) .123178 .123178 placed disc, plug, o-rings, and stem assembly.

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Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No./ System Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (sef/ day) Repair / Notes X-205 Drywell Inert CAD C 27-A0V-Il7(OPC) 16847.9 .79048 A0V-Il7 Replaced and Purge 27-A0V-Il8(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) 0-rings &

27-MOV-Il7(OPC) 297.765 .13030 T-rings.

27-MOV-123(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)

A0V-Il8 Replaced packing & seals.

MOV-123 Machined seat.

X-211A Containment Spray C 10-MOV-34A(OPC) 42.8578 42.8578 10-MOV-38A(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) 10-MOV-39A(OPC) 54.5139 54.5139 X-211B Containment Spray C 10-MOV-34B(OPC) gross 14.5574 MOV-34B 10-MOV-38B(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) Tightened &

10-MOV-39B(OPC) lapped seat ring and replaced packing.

MOV-38B Lapped seat and cleaned disc & stem.

Replaced packing.

MOV-39B Cleaned and replaced seat rings.

,, , Lapped seat and wedge. Replaced packing.

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e @ Oi ATTACIIMENT 4A (Continued) 1987 LOCAL LEAKAGE RATE TEST DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Penetration No./ System Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (scf/ day) Repair / Notes X-212 RCIC Turbine Exhaust C RCIC-04(OPC) 212.253 40.3128 RCIC-04 Lapped RCIC-05(OPC) 96.6082 43.265 seat & disc and 13-MOV-130(OPC) 10.3327 10.3327 replaced gasket.

RCIC-05 Maintenance per

. MP59.12.

X-214 HPCI Turbine Exhaust C 23-HPI-12(OPC) 7889.5 8.5766 IIPI-12 Lapped 23-HPI-65(OPC) 8194.4 78.1315 disc and seat.

23-MOV-59(OPC) 29.9292 8.10837 Welded seat ring to body and ground seat ring.

IIPI-65 Lapped disc & seat and welded seat ring to body.

MOV-59 Limitorque PM per MP59.3.

X-218 Leak Rate Analyzer C LRA-13(OPC) .123178 -

LRA-13 & 14 LRA-14(OPC) (Combined) Valves removed A0V-102A(OPC) 4.6319 1.59317 and line capped.

AOV-102B(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)

A0V-102A Replaced plug, stem, and packing.

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ATTACIDENT 4A (Continued) 1987 LOCAL LEAKACE RATE TEST DATA Type Equipment / Valves Pre-Repair Post-Repair Panetration No./ System Test Tested Leakage (scf/ day) Leakage (sef/ day) Repair / Notes X-220 Drywell CAD Inert C 27-A0V-132A(OPC) 11.6561 8.58174 CV-67 Inspected and Purge CV-67(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) valve intervalt:.

27-A0V-132B(OPC) 87.3444 25.0937 CV-70(OPC) (Combined) (Combined) CV-70 Lapped 27-A0V-115(OPC) 5.43148 5.43148 disc and seat.

27-A0V-116(OPC) (Combined) (Combined)

X-221 Condensate from RCIC C 13-RCIC-07(OPC) .62963 .62963 Turbine 13-RCIC-08(OPC) 13.9975 13.9975 Page 15 of 15

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