MONTHYEARML20217M1851999-10-19019 October 1999 Forwards NRC Rept Number 17, Requal Tracking Rept from Operator Licensing Tracking Sys.Rept Was Used by NRC to Schedule Requalification Exam for Operators & Record Requal Pass Dates JPN-99-035, Forwards Comments on Version 2 of Reactor Vessel Integrity Database for Plant.Table Listing Recommended Changes to Info in Rvid,Encl as Attachment 11999-10-15015 October 1999 Forwards Comments on Version 2 of Reactor Vessel Integrity Database for Plant.Table Listing Recommended Changes to Info in Rvid,Encl as Attachment 1 JPN-99-034, Forwards Proposed risk-informed ISI Program,Provided from NRC Review & Approval as Alternative to Current ASME Section XI Insp Requirements for Class 1 & 2 Piping1999-10-13013 October 1999 Forwards Proposed risk-informed ISI Program,Provided from NRC Review & Approval as Alternative to Current ASME Section XI Insp Requirements for Class 1 & 2 Piping JPN-99-033, Provides Response to Questions Contained in 990712,facsimile from NRC Re Ja FitzPatrick USI A-46 Program.Questions Were Also Discussed Between Members of Util & NRC Staff During Telcon1999-10-0808 October 1999 Provides Response to Questions Contained in 990712,facsimile from NRC Re Ja FitzPatrick USI A-46 Program.Questions Were Also Discussed Between Members of Util & NRC Staff During Telcon JPN-99-030, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,proposing Change to TS 3.5.B.3 & Associated Bases to Extend LCO Allowable Out of Service Time for RHRSW Sys from 7 Days to 11 Days1999-09-29029 September 1999 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,proposing Change to TS 3.5.B.3 & Associated Bases to Extend LCO Allowable Out of Service Time for RHRSW Sys from 7 Days to 11 Days JPN-99-032, Forwards Info Re Potential Environ Effects of Alternatives to Proposed Expansion of FitzPatrick Spent Fuel Pool,In Response to NRC Project Manager Request1999-09-29029 September 1999 Forwards Info Re Potential Environ Effects of Alternatives to Proposed Expansion of FitzPatrick Spent Fuel Pool,In Response to NRC Project Manager Request ML20212F8341999-09-22022 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-333/99-07 on 990718-0828.No Violations Noted JAFP-99-0262, Forwards Voluntary Response to Administrative Ltr 99-03, Re Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Exams. Completed NRC Form 536,containing Info Re Proposed Exam Preparation Schedule & Initial Operator License Exams,Encl1999-09-16016 September 1999 Forwards Voluntary Response to Administrative Ltr 99-03, Re Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Exams. Completed NRC Form 536,containing Info Re Proposed Exam Preparation Schedule & Initial Operator License Exams,Encl ML20212A8341999-09-0909 September 1999 Requests That Licensees Affected by Kaowool Fire Barriers Take Issue on Voluntary Initiative & Propose Approach for Resolving Subj Issues.Staff Plans to Meet with Licensees to Discuss Listed Topics ML20212A6951999-09-0909 September 1999 Requests That Licensees Affected by Kaowool Fire Barriers Take Issue on Voluntary Initiative & Propose Approach for Resolving Subj Issues.Staff Plans to Meet with Licensees to Discuss Listed Topics JAFP-99-0258, Forwards Operator License Restriction Change for Tj Pelton, License SOP-10090-3.License Is Requested to Be Reissued with Restriction for Corrective Lenses.Encl Withheld1999-09-0808 September 1999 Forwards Operator License Restriction Change for Tj Pelton, License SOP-10090-3.License Is Requested to Be Reissued with Restriction for Corrective Lenses.Encl Withheld ML20211N4301999-09-0808 September 1999 Discusses Proposed Meeting to Discuss Kaowool Fire Barriers. Staff Requesting That Affected Licensees Take Issue on Voluntary Initative & Propose Approach for Resolving Issues JPN-99-028, Informs That Util Requires Extension from 990901 to 1015,to Complete Review of Rvid & Forward Comments to Nrc,Per GL 92-01,Rev 1,Suppl 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity1999-08-30030 August 1999 Informs That Util Requires Extension from 990901 to 1015,to Complete Review of Rvid & Forward Comments to Nrc,Per GL 92-01,Rev 1,Suppl 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity JAFP-99-0247, Forwards JAFNPP Effluent & Waste Disposal Semi-Annual Rept for 990101-0630, IAW Amend 93,App B,Section 7.3.C of Plant Ts.Format Used for Rept Is Outlined in App B of Reg Guide 1.21,Rev 1.Distribution Is IAW Reg Guide 10.1,Rev 41999-08-26026 August 1999 Forwards JAFNPP Effluent & Waste Disposal Semi-Annual Rept for 990101-0630, IAW Amend 93,App B,Section 7.3.C of Plant Ts.Format Used for Rept Is Outlined in App B of Reg Guide 1.21,Rev 1.Distribution Is IAW Reg Guide 10.1,Rev 4 JAFP-99-0245, Informs That Two Licensed Operators Have Returned to Site Upon Release for Normal Duties by Physician.R Korthas, License OP-11159,meets ANSI Std 3.4-1983 & R Sarkissian License SOP-10007-3,was Terminated in Mar 19991999-08-19019 August 1999 Informs That Two Licensed Operators Have Returned to Site Upon Release for Normal Duties by Physician.R Korthas, License OP-11159,meets ANSI Std 3.4-1983 & R Sarkissian License SOP-10007-3,was Terminated in Mar 1999 ML20210U2621999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-333/99-06 on 990601-0717.No Violations Noted JPN-99-026, Forwards Relief Requests 18 & 19 to Jaf ISI Program Re Proposed Alternatives IAW 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) & Relief from ASME Section XI Code Re Insp of RPV Vertical Shell & Shell to Flange Welds1999-08-0505 August 1999 Forwards Relief Requests 18 & 19 to Jaf ISI Program Re Proposed Alternatives IAW 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) & Relief from ASME Section XI Code Re Insp of RPV Vertical Shell & Shell to Flange Welds JPN-99-025, Forwards Relief Request 17 Re Proposed Alternatives IAW 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) for Reactor Pressure Vessel Circumferential Shell Weld Exams1999-08-0505 August 1999 Forwards Relief Request 17 Re Proposed Alternatives IAW 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) for Reactor Pressure Vessel Circumferential Shell Weld Exams ML20216D9421999-07-28028 July 1999 Forwards Safety Evaluation Granting Requests for Relief from Requirements of ASME Code,Section XI for Second 10-year ISI Interval for James a FitzPatrick NPP JAFP-99-0229, Forwards Three Sets of Corrected Summaries of Changes for Inclusion Into Security Plan for Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant,Rev 19 & Security Contingency Plan,Rev 5.Encls Withheld Per 10CFR73.21 & 10CFR2.790)d)(1)1999-07-22022 July 1999 Forwards Three Sets of Corrected Summaries of Changes for Inclusion Into Security Plan for Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant,Rev 19 & Security Contingency Plan,Rev 5.Encls Withheld Per 10CFR73.21 & 10CFR2.790)d)(1) JAFP-99-0228, Forwards Rept Re Changes & Errors in ECCS Evaluation Models, Per 10CFR50.46(a)(3)(ii) for Period from 980701-990630.No Commitments Contained in Submittal1999-07-21021 July 1999 Forwards Rept Re Changes & Errors in ECCS Evaluation Models, Per 10CFR50.46(a)(3)(ii) for Period from 980701-990630.No Commitments Contained in Submittal ML20210A7001999-07-16016 July 1999 Forwards Request for Addl Info to Supplement Response Provided for GL 97-05, Steam Generator Tube Insp Techniques JAFP-99-0208, Provides Clarification of Info Re Proposed Its, & 0601.Table Reconciling Differences,Encl1999-07-14014 July 1999 Provides Clarification of Info Re Proposed Its, & 0601.Table Reconciling Differences,Encl ML20209D5511999-07-0606 July 1999 Informs That as Result of NRC Review of Licensee Response to GL 92-01,rev 1,suppl 1,staff Revised Info in Reactor Vessel Integrity Database & Releasing Database as Rvid Version 2 ML20210C9031999-06-30030 June 1999 Summarizes Impact of Changes & Errors in Methodology Used by GE to Demonstrate Compliance with ECCS Requirements of 10CFR50.46.Summary of Changes & Errors Provided in Attached Table 05000333/LER-1999-003-01, Forwards LER 99-003-01 Re SRV Setpoint Drift.Revised Rept Is Being Submitted to Change Commitment Due Date Made in Original LER1999-06-28028 June 1999 Forwards LER 99-003-01 Re SRV Setpoint Drift.Revised Rept Is Being Submitted to Change Commitment Due Date Made in Original LER JPN-99-021, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,changing to Pressure Temp Limits.Pressure Temp Curves & Associated LCO & Bases Changes Included in Proposed Amend1999-06-22022 June 1999 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,changing to Pressure Temp Limits.Pressure Temp Curves & Associated LCO & Bases Changes Included in Proposed Amend JPN-99-020, Submits Response to RAI Re ISI Program Relief Requests for Second 10-yr Interval Closeout & Summary Rept,Per 990426 Telcon with Nrc.Info Provided to Clarify or Withdraw Individual Relief Requests Contained in Summary Rept1999-06-21021 June 1999 Submits Response to RAI Re ISI Program Relief Requests for Second 10-yr Interval Closeout & Summary Rept,Per 990426 Telcon with Nrc.Info Provided to Clarify or Withdraw Individual Relief Requests Contained in Summary Rept ML20196G2981999-06-18018 June 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-333/99-04 on 990412 to 0529.Violations Being Treated as non-cited Violations ML20212J0541999-06-17017 June 1999 Responds to Requesting That NRC Staff ...Allow BWR Plants Identified to Defer Weld Overlay Exams Until March 2001 or Until Completion of NRC Staff Review & Approval of Proposed Generic Rept,Whichever Comes First JPN-99-019, Withdraws Recent Exemption Request Re 10CFR50,App R, Use of Core Spray to Achieve Safe Shutdown. Exemption Dealt with Use of Core Spray for Reactor Coolant Makeup to Achieve Safe Shutdown in One Fire Area at Plant1999-06-15015 June 1999 Withdraws Recent Exemption Request Re 10CFR50,App R, Use of Core Spray to Achieve Safe Shutdown. Exemption Dealt with Use of Core Spray for Reactor Coolant Makeup to Achieve Safe Shutdown in One Fire Area at Plant ML20196L1451999-06-0707 June 1999 Informs That NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Reorganized Effective 990328.As Part of Reorganization,Div of Licensing Project Mgt Created.Ss Bajwa Will Be Section Chief for Ja Fitzpatrick & Indian Point NPPs JPN-99-018, Forwards Revised Application,Previously Submitted,For Amend to Plant TS for Converting CTS to ITS Consistent with Improved Std TS (NUREG-1433,Rev 1)1999-06-0101 June 1999 Forwards Revised Application,Previously Submitted,For Amend to Plant TS for Converting CTS to ITS Consistent with Improved Std TS (NUREG-1433,Rev 1) ML20207D9191999-05-27027 May 1999 Informs That on 990521 NRC Staff Held Planning Meeting to Identify Insp Activities at Facility Over Next Six Months JAFP-99-0171, Forwards Revised Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant 1999 FSAR Update. Update Also Includes Changes to Chapter 17, QA Program Which Described in Attachment 1.No Commitments Contained in Ltr1999-05-20020 May 1999 Forwards Revised Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant 1999 FSAR Update. Update Also Includes Changes to Chapter 17, QA Program Which Described in Attachment 1.No Commitments Contained in Ltr JPN-99-016, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,requesting 14 Day AOT for EDG Sys.Commitment Made by Util,Encl1999-05-19019 May 1999 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,requesting 14 Day AOT for EDG Sys.Commitment Made by Util,Encl ML20207A6751999-05-17017 May 1999 Forwards RAI Re 960626 Submittal & Suppl Related to IPEEEs for Plant.Licensee Committed to Revise Plant Fire IPEEE to Reflect Issues Associated with EPRI Fire PRA Implementation Guide within 120 Days of Issues Resolution JAFP-99-0168, Forwards Eight Operator License Renewal Applications for Listed Individuals.Without Encls1999-05-13013 May 1999 Forwards Eight Operator License Renewal Applications for Listed Individuals.Without Encls ML20206N0721999-05-11011 May 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-333/99-03 on 990301-0411.Four Violations of NRC Requirements Occurred & Being Treated as non-cited Violations,Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy JAFP-99-0160, Forwards 1998 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant. Distribution for Rept Is IAW Reg Guide 10.1,Rev 41999-04-30030 April 1999 Forwards 1998 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant. Distribution for Rept Is IAW Reg Guide 10.1,Rev 4 ML20206C8551999-04-27027 April 1999 Informs That Util 990406 Submittal, Licensing Rept for Reracking of Ja FitzPatrick Spent Fuel Pool,Rev 7, Will Be Marked as Proprietary & Will Be Withheld from Public Disclosure Pursuant to 10CFR2.790(b)(5) & Section 103(b) ML20205T1141999-04-22022 April 1999 Provides Comments from Technical Review of Draft Info Notice Re Unanticipated Reactor Water Draindown at Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station,Unit 2,ANO,Unit 2 & JAFNPP JPN-99-012, Informs That Authority Identified Typographical Error on Page 3 of Attachment 3 of 990331 Response to NRC RAI Re App R.Corrected Response to NRC Question 3 Is Attached1999-04-16016 April 1999 Informs That Authority Identified Typographical Error on Page 3 of Attachment 3 of 990331 Response to NRC RAI Re App R.Corrected Response to NRC Question 3 Is Attached ML20205P4641999-04-15015 April 1999 Forwards for Review & Comment Draft Info Notice That Describes Unanticipated Reactor Water Draindown at Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station Unit 2,Arkansas Nuclear One Unit 2 & Ja Fitzpatrick NPP ML20205P1991999-04-0909 April 1999 Discusses 990224 PPR & Forwards Plant Issues Matrix & Insp Plan.Advises of Planned Insp Effort Resulting from Plant PPR Review JAFP-99-0129, Submits Comments on Technical Review of Draft Info Notice Describing Unanticipated Reactor Water Draindown at Quad Cities Unit 2,ANO & FitzPatrick1999-04-0909 April 1999 Submits Comments on Technical Review of Draft Info Notice Describing Unanticipated Reactor Water Draindown at Quad Cities Unit 2,ANO & FitzPatrick JAFP-99-0127, Forwards Affidavit Signed by Holtec Which Describes Proprietary Nature of Licensing Rept & Addresses Considerations Listed in 10CFR2.790.Attachment 4 in Util Re Design Features Should Be Withheld1999-04-0808 April 1999 Forwards Affidavit Signed by Holtec Which Describes Proprietary Nature of Licensing Rept & Addresses Considerations Listed in 10CFR2.790.Attachment 4 in Util Re Design Features Should Be Withheld JAFP-99-0124, Forwards Rev 19 to JAFNPP Security Plan,Which Enhances Requirements of 10CFR73.55.Changes Do Not Decrease Safeguards Effectiveness of Plan.Plan Withheld IAW 10CFR73.21 & 2.790(d)(1)1999-04-0707 April 1999 Forwards Rev 19 to JAFNPP Security Plan,Which Enhances Requirements of 10CFR73.55.Changes Do Not Decrease Safeguards Effectiveness of Plan.Plan Withheld IAW 10CFR73.21 & 2.790(d)(1) JAFP-99-0125, Forwards Rev 5 to JAFNPP Security Contingency Plan,Which Enhances Requirements of 10CFR73.55.Changes Do Not Decrease Effectiveness of Plan.Plan Withheld IAW 10CFR73.21 & 2.790(d)(1)1999-04-0707 April 1999 Forwards Rev 5 to JAFNPP Security Contingency Plan,Which Enhances Requirements of 10CFR73.55.Changes Do Not Decrease Effectiveness of Plan.Plan Withheld IAW 10CFR73.21 & 2.790(d)(1) ML20205M8941999-04-0707 April 1999 Forwards Rev 21 to App C of JAFNPP Emergency Plan & Rev 1 to EAP-32, Recovery Support Group Manager 1999-09-09
MONTHYEARJPN-99-035, Forwards Comments on Version 2 of Reactor Vessel Integrity Database for Plant.Table Listing Recommended Changes to Info in Rvid,Encl as Attachment 11999-10-15015 October 1999 Forwards Comments on Version 2 of Reactor Vessel Integrity Database for Plant.Table Listing Recommended Changes to Info in Rvid,Encl as Attachment 1 JPN-99-034, Forwards Proposed risk-informed ISI Program,Provided from NRC Review & Approval as Alternative to Current ASME Section XI Insp Requirements for Class 1 & 2 Piping1999-10-13013 October 1999 Forwards Proposed risk-informed ISI Program,Provided from NRC Review & Approval as Alternative to Current ASME Section XI Insp Requirements for Class 1 & 2 Piping JPN-99-033, Provides Response to Questions Contained in 990712,facsimile from NRC Re Ja FitzPatrick USI A-46 Program.Questions Were Also Discussed Between Members of Util & NRC Staff During Telcon1999-10-0808 October 1999 Provides Response to Questions Contained in 990712,facsimile from NRC Re Ja FitzPatrick USI A-46 Program.Questions Were Also Discussed Between Members of Util & NRC Staff During Telcon JPN-99-030, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,proposing Change to TS 3.5.B.3 & Associated Bases to Extend LCO Allowable Out of Service Time for RHRSW Sys from 7 Days to 11 Days1999-09-29029 September 1999 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,proposing Change to TS 3.5.B.3 & Associated Bases to Extend LCO Allowable Out of Service Time for RHRSW Sys from 7 Days to 11 Days JPN-99-032, Forwards Info Re Potential Environ Effects of Alternatives to Proposed Expansion of FitzPatrick Spent Fuel Pool,In Response to NRC Project Manager Request1999-09-29029 September 1999 Forwards Info Re Potential Environ Effects of Alternatives to Proposed Expansion of FitzPatrick Spent Fuel Pool,In Response to NRC Project Manager Request JAFP-99-0262, Forwards Voluntary Response to Administrative Ltr 99-03, Re Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Exams. Completed NRC Form 536,containing Info Re Proposed Exam Preparation Schedule & Initial Operator License Exams,Encl1999-09-16016 September 1999 Forwards Voluntary Response to Administrative Ltr 99-03, Re Preparation & Scheduling of Operator Licensing Exams. Completed NRC Form 536,containing Info Re Proposed Exam Preparation Schedule & Initial Operator License Exams,Encl JAFP-99-0258, Forwards Operator License Restriction Change for Tj Pelton, License SOP-10090-3.License Is Requested to Be Reissued with Restriction for Corrective Lenses.Encl Withheld1999-09-0808 September 1999 Forwards Operator License Restriction Change for Tj Pelton, License SOP-10090-3.License Is Requested to Be Reissued with Restriction for Corrective Lenses.Encl Withheld JPN-99-028, Informs That Util Requires Extension from 990901 to 1015,to Complete Review of Rvid & Forward Comments to Nrc,Per GL 92-01,Rev 1,Suppl 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity1999-08-30030 August 1999 Informs That Util Requires Extension from 990901 to 1015,to Complete Review of Rvid & Forward Comments to Nrc,Per GL 92-01,Rev 1,Suppl 1, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity JAFP-99-0247, Forwards JAFNPP Effluent & Waste Disposal Semi-Annual Rept for 990101-0630, IAW Amend 93,App B,Section 7.3.C of Plant Ts.Format Used for Rept Is Outlined in App B of Reg Guide 1.21,Rev 1.Distribution Is IAW Reg Guide 10.1,Rev 41999-08-26026 August 1999 Forwards JAFNPP Effluent & Waste Disposal Semi-Annual Rept for 990101-0630, IAW Amend 93,App B,Section 7.3.C of Plant Ts.Format Used for Rept Is Outlined in App B of Reg Guide 1.21,Rev 1.Distribution Is IAW Reg Guide 10.1,Rev 4 JAFP-99-0245, Informs That Two Licensed Operators Have Returned to Site Upon Release for Normal Duties by Physician.R Korthas, License OP-11159,meets ANSI Std 3.4-1983 & R Sarkissian License SOP-10007-3,was Terminated in Mar 19991999-08-19019 August 1999 Informs That Two Licensed Operators Have Returned to Site Upon Release for Normal Duties by Physician.R Korthas, License OP-11159,meets ANSI Std 3.4-1983 & R Sarkissian License SOP-10007-3,was Terminated in Mar 1999 JPN-99-026, Forwards Relief Requests 18 & 19 to Jaf ISI Program Re Proposed Alternatives IAW 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) & Relief from ASME Section XI Code Re Insp of RPV Vertical Shell & Shell to Flange Welds1999-08-0505 August 1999 Forwards Relief Requests 18 & 19 to Jaf ISI Program Re Proposed Alternatives IAW 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) & Relief from ASME Section XI Code Re Insp of RPV Vertical Shell & Shell to Flange Welds JPN-99-025, Forwards Relief Request 17 Re Proposed Alternatives IAW 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) for Reactor Pressure Vessel Circumferential Shell Weld Exams1999-08-0505 August 1999 Forwards Relief Request 17 Re Proposed Alternatives IAW 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)(i) for Reactor Pressure Vessel Circumferential Shell Weld Exams JAFP-99-0229, Forwards Three Sets of Corrected Summaries of Changes for Inclusion Into Security Plan for Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant,Rev 19 & Security Contingency Plan,Rev 5.Encls Withheld Per 10CFR73.21 & 10CFR2.790)d)(1)1999-07-22022 July 1999 Forwards Three Sets of Corrected Summaries of Changes for Inclusion Into Security Plan for Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant,Rev 19 & Security Contingency Plan,Rev 5.Encls Withheld Per 10CFR73.21 & 10CFR2.790)d)(1) JAFP-99-0228, Forwards Rept Re Changes & Errors in ECCS Evaluation Models, Per 10CFR50.46(a)(3)(ii) for Period from 980701-990630.No Commitments Contained in Submittal1999-07-21021 July 1999 Forwards Rept Re Changes & Errors in ECCS Evaluation Models, Per 10CFR50.46(a)(3)(ii) for Period from 980701-990630.No Commitments Contained in Submittal JAFP-99-0208, Provides Clarification of Info Re Proposed Its, & 0601.Table Reconciling Differences,Encl1999-07-14014 July 1999 Provides Clarification of Info Re Proposed Its, & 0601.Table Reconciling Differences,Encl ML20210C9031999-06-30030 June 1999 Summarizes Impact of Changes & Errors in Methodology Used by GE to Demonstrate Compliance with ECCS Requirements of 10CFR50.46.Summary of Changes & Errors Provided in Attached Table 05000333/LER-1999-003-01, Forwards LER 99-003-01 Re SRV Setpoint Drift.Revised Rept Is Being Submitted to Change Commitment Due Date Made in Original LER1999-06-28028 June 1999 Forwards LER 99-003-01 Re SRV Setpoint Drift.Revised Rept Is Being Submitted to Change Commitment Due Date Made in Original LER JPN-99-021, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,changing to Pressure Temp Limits.Pressure Temp Curves & Associated LCO & Bases Changes Included in Proposed Amend1999-06-22022 June 1999 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,changing to Pressure Temp Limits.Pressure Temp Curves & Associated LCO & Bases Changes Included in Proposed Amend JPN-99-020, Submits Response to RAI Re ISI Program Relief Requests for Second 10-yr Interval Closeout & Summary Rept,Per 990426 Telcon with Nrc.Info Provided to Clarify or Withdraw Individual Relief Requests Contained in Summary Rept1999-06-21021 June 1999 Submits Response to RAI Re ISI Program Relief Requests for Second 10-yr Interval Closeout & Summary Rept,Per 990426 Telcon with Nrc.Info Provided to Clarify or Withdraw Individual Relief Requests Contained in Summary Rept JPN-99-019, Withdraws Recent Exemption Request Re 10CFR50,App R, Use of Core Spray to Achieve Safe Shutdown. Exemption Dealt with Use of Core Spray for Reactor Coolant Makeup to Achieve Safe Shutdown in One Fire Area at Plant1999-06-15015 June 1999 Withdraws Recent Exemption Request Re 10CFR50,App R, Use of Core Spray to Achieve Safe Shutdown. Exemption Dealt with Use of Core Spray for Reactor Coolant Makeup to Achieve Safe Shutdown in One Fire Area at Plant JPN-99-018, Forwards Revised Application,Previously Submitted,For Amend to Plant TS for Converting CTS to ITS Consistent with Improved Std TS (NUREG-1433,Rev 1)1999-06-0101 June 1999 Forwards Revised Application,Previously Submitted,For Amend to Plant TS for Converting CTS to ITS Consistent with Improved Std TS (NUREG-1433,Rev 1) JAFP-99-0171, Forwards Revised Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant 1999 FSAR Update. Update Also Includes Changes to Chapter 17, QA Program Which Described in Attachment 1.No Commitments Contained in Ltr1999-05-20020 May 1999 Forwards Revised Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant 1999 FSAR Update. Update Also Includes Changes to Chapter 17, QA Program Which Described in Attachment 1.No Commitments Contained in Ltr JPN-99-016, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,requesting 14 Day AOT for EDG Sys.Commitment Made by Util,Encl1999-05-19019 May 1999 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,requesting 14 Day AOT for EDG Sys.Commitment Made by Util,Encl JAFP-99-0168, Forwards Eight Operator License Renewal Applications for Listed Individuals.Without Encls1999-05-13013 May 1999 Forwards Eight Operator License Renewal Applications for Listed Individuals.Without Encls JAFP-99-0160, Forwards 1998 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant. Distribution for Rept Is IAW Reg Guide 10.1,Rev 41999-04-30030 April 1999 Forwards 1998 Annual Radiological Environ Operating Rept for Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant. Distribution for Rept Is IAW Reg Guide 10.1,Rev 4 ML20205T1141999-04-22022 April 1999 Provides Comments from Technical Review of Draft Info Notice Re Unanticipated Reactor Water Draindown at Quad Cities Nuclear Power Station,Unit 2,ANO,Unit 2 & JAFNPP JPN-99-012, Informs That Authority Identified Typographical Error on Page 3 of Attachment 3 of 990331 Response to NRC RAI Re App R.Corrected Response to NRC Question 3 Is Attached1999-04-16016 April 1999 Informs That Authority Identified Typographical Error on Page 3 of Attachment 3 of 990331 Response to NRC RAI Re App R.Corrected Response to NRC Question 3 Is Attached JAFP-99-0129, Submits Comments on Technical Review of Draft Info Notice Describing Unanticipated Reactor Water Draindown at Quad Cities Unit 2,ANO & FitzPatrick1999-04-0909 April 1999 Submits Comments on Technical Review of Draft Info Notice Describing Unanticipated Reactor Water Draindown at Quad Cities Unit 2,ANO & FitzPatrick JAFP-99-0127, Forwards Affidavit Signed by Holtec Which Describes Proprietary Nature of Licensing Rept & Addresses Considerations Listed in 10CFR2.790.Attachment 4 in Util Re Design Features Should Be Withheld1999-04-0808 April 1999 Forwards Affidavit Signed by Holtec Which Describes Proprietary Nature of Licensing Rept & Addresses Considerations Listed in 10CFR2.790.Attachment 4 in Util Re Design Features Should Be Withheld JAFP-99-0124, Forwards Rev 19 to JAFNPP Security Plan,Which Enhances Requirements of 10CFR73.55.Changes Do Not Decrease Safeguards Effectiveness of Plan.Plan Withheld IAW 10CFR73.21 & 2.790(d)(1)1999-04-0707 April 1999 Forwards Rev 19 to JAFNPP Security Plan,Which Enhances Requirements of 10CFR73.55.Changes Do Not Decrease Safeguards Effectiveness of Plan.Plan Withheld IAW 10CFR73.21 & 2.790(d)(1) JAFP-99-0125, Forwards Rev 5 to JAFNPP Security Contingency Plan,Which Enhances Requirements of 10CFR73.55.Changes Do Not Decrease Effectiveness of Plan.Plan Withheld IAW 10CFR73.21 & 2.790(d)(1)1999-04-0707 April 1999 Forwards Rev 5 to JAFNPP Security Contingency Plan,Which Enhances Requirements of 10CFR73.55.Changes Do Not Decrease Effectiveness of Plan.Plan Withheld IAW 10CFR73.21 & 2.790(d)(1) ML20205M8941999-04-0707 April 1999 Forwards Rev 21 to App C of JAFNPP Emergency Plan & Rev 1 to EAP-32, Recovery Support Group Manager JPN-99-011, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,removing Position Title of General Manager from Sections & Will Delegate Responsibilities to Another Staff Member,In Writing1999-04-0505 April 1999 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,removing Position Title of General Manager from Sections & Will Delegate Responsibilities to Another Staff Member,In Writing ML20205G4111999-03-31031 March 1999 Forwards Rev 7 to JAFNPP EP App J & Rev 6,pages 7 & 8 to EAP-5.3 JPN-99-008, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,converting CTS to Be Consistent with Improved Std TS in NUREG-1433, Rev 1.Synopsis of LAR for Conversion to Its,Pending Lars, List of Subsections,Scope of Changes & Commitments,Encl1999-03-31031 March 1999 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,converting CTS to Be Consistent with Improved Std TS in NUREG-1433, Rev 1.Synopsis of LAR for Conversion to Its,Pending Lars, List of Subsections,Scope of Changes & Commitments,Encl JPN-99-010, Transmits Revised Exemption Request from Some of Requirements of 10CFR50,App R.Exemption Would Permit Use of CS for Rc Makeup to Achieve Safe Shutdown in Fire Area XI at JAFNPP1999-03-31031 March 1999 Transmits Revised Exemption Request from Some of Requirements of 10CFR50,App R.Exemption Would Permit Use of CS for Rc Makeup to Achieve Safe Shutdown in Fire Area XI at JAFNPP 05000333/LER-1999-001-01, Forwards LER 99-001-01 Re Incorrect EDG line-up During Fire Placing Plant in Outside Design Basis.Suppl Contains Results of Completed Root Cause Evaluations & Subsequent Corrective Actions Taken.Rept Contains No Commitments1999-03-31031 March 1999 Forwards LER 99-001-01 Re Incorrect EDG line-up During Fire Placing Plant in Outside Design Basis.Suppl Contains Results of Completed Root Cause Evaluations & Subsequent Corrective Actions Taken.Rept Contains No Commitments JAFP-99-0112, Informs of Util Determination That Listed Individuals No Longer Need to Maintain Operating License for Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Plant.Termination of Listed Licenses,Requested1999-03-29029 March 1999 Informs of Util Determination That Listed Individuals No Longer Need to Maintain Operating License for Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Plant.Termination of Listed Licenses,Requested JAFP-99-0114, Requests That License OP-11037,for Bs Brooks,Be re-issued Without Restriction for Corrective Lenses.Nrc Form 369,encl. Without Encl1999-03-29029 March 1999 Requests That License OP-11037,for Bs Brooks,Be re-issued Without Restriction for Corrective Lenses.Nrc Form 369,encl. Without Encl JAFP-99-0097, Forwards JAFNPP Referenced Simulation Facility Four Year Performance Testing Rept, Containing Description of Performance Testing Completed During Past Four Years & Description of Testing Scheduled During Next Four Years1999-03-17017 March 1999 Forwards JAFNPP Referenced Simulation Facility Four Year Performance Testing Rept, Containing Description of Performance Testing Completed During Past Four Years & Description of Testing Scheduled During Next Four Years ML20204B6241999-03-17017 March 1999 Forwards Plant Referenced Simulation Facility Four Year Performance Testing Rept, Per 10CFR55.45(b)ii ML20204C7371999-03-15015 March 1999 Forwards Revised EP Coversheets for Sections to Vol 1 & Rev 26,Vol 3 to EPIP SAP-10, Meteorological Monitoring Sys Surveillance JAFP-99-0085, Submits in-vessel Visual Insp Summary Rept for RFO 13 for Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant.All Relevant Indications Recorded During Insp Were Satisfactorily Dispositioned IAW Util Internal C/A Tracking Sys & Were Found Acceptable1999-03-0808 March 1999 Submits in-vessel Visual Insp Summary Rept for RFO 13 for Ja FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant.All Relevant Indications Recorded During Insp Were Satisfactorily Dispositioned IAW Util Internal C/A Tracking Sys & Were Found Acceptable ML20207J3201999-03-0505 March 1999 Forwards Form NRC-369,requesting That Restriction for Corrective Lenses Be Placed on Current License SOP-10089-3, for Ks Allen.Encl Withheld Per 10CFR2.790(a)(6).Without Encl JAFP-99-0073, Submits Annual Rept on SRV Challenges & Failures,Per Plant TS 6.9.A.2.b.No Challenges to SRVs from Automatic Control Circuits or from RCS Pressure Transients,Occurred.Ltr Contains No New Commitments1999-02-26026 February 1999 Submits Annual Rept on SRV Challenges & Failures,Per Plant TS 6.9.A.2.b.No Challenges to SRVs from Automatic Control Circuits or from RCS Pressure Transients,Occurred.Ltr Contains No New Commitments JAFP-99-0071, Forwards Semi-Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Period of 980701-1231. Format Used for Effluent Data Is Outlined in App B of Reg Guide 1.21,Rev 1.Distribution Is IAW Reg Guide 10.1,Rev 41999-02-25025 February 1999 Forwards Semi-Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Period of 980701-1231. Format Used for Effluent Data Is Outlined in App B of Reg Guide 1.21,Rev 1.Distribution Is IAW Reg Guide 10.1,Rev 4 JAFP-99-0068, Forwards Form NRC-5 Equivalent Records of All Individuals Monitored at JAFNPP from 980101-1231 on Electronic Media, Per 10CFR20.2206(b) & App a of NRC Reg Guide 8.7, Instruction for Recording & Reporting..1999-02-22022 February 1999 Forwards Form NRC-5 Equivalent Records of All Individuals Monitored at JAFNPP from 980101-1231 on Electronic Media, Per 10CFR20.2206(b) & App a of NRC Reg Guide 8.7, Instruction for Recording & Reporting.. JAFP-99-0019, Informs of Licensee Intent to Upgrade ERDS at Ja FitzPatrick in Preparation for Year 2000 (Y2K) Readiness,Per GL 98-01. Encl Contains Brief Summary of Proposed Changes to ERDS1999-01-25025 January 1999 Informs of Licensee Intent to Upgrade ERDS at Ja FitzPatrick in Preparation for Year 2000 (Y2K) Readiness,Per GL 98-01. Encl Contains Brief Summary of Proposed Changes to ERDS JAFP-99-0012, Documents Util Position Re Methodology for LPRM Calibr During Reactor Operation Using Traversing In-core Probe Sys1999-01-18018 January 1999 Documents Util Position Re Methodology for LPRM Calibr During Reactor Operation Using Traversing In-core Probe Sys JPN-99-002, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,removing Local Power Range Monitor (LPRM) Signal Calibr Method from TS Table 4.1-21999-01-15015 January 1999 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,removing Local Power Range Monitor (LPRM) Signal Calibr Method from TS Table 4.1-2 1999-09-08
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MONTHYEARJPN-90-063, Responds to NRC Re Deviations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/90-19.Interim Corrective Action:Temporary Procedure Change Implemented to Administratively Prohibit Concurrent Closure of Upstream Feeder Breakers Until Issue Resolved1990-09-18018 September 1990 Responds to NRC Re Deviations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/90-19.Interim Corrective Action:Temporary Procedure Change Implemented to Administratively Prohibit Concurrent Closure of Upstream Feeder Breakers Until Issue Resolved JPN-90-061, Forwards Analyses Re Installation of Hardened Wetwell Vent, Including Benefits of Elevated Vs Ground Level Gas Release. Analyses Provide Further Evidence That Addition of Elevated Release to Existing Hardened Vent Not Cost Beneficial1990-09-0707 September 1990 Forwards Analyses Re Installation of Hardened Wetwell Vent, Including Benefits of Elevated Vs Ground Level Gas Release. Analyses Provide Further Evidence That Addition of Elevated Release to Existing Hardened Vent Not Cost Beneficial JPN-90-060, Forwards Info to Satisfy 900716 Commitment Re Switchgear Deficiency,Per SSFI Insp Rept 50-333/89-80.Waiver Requested Re Design Requirements for Three Phase Bolted Fault Criteria for Switchgear Configuration for Diesel Generator Testing1990-09-0404 September 1990 Forwards Info to Satisfy 900716 Commitment Re Switchgear Deficiency,Per SSFI Insp Rept 50-333/89-80.Waiver Requested Re Design Requirements for Three Phase Bolted Fault Criteria for Switchgear Configuration for Diesel Generator Testing JPN-90-057, Forwards GE Supplemental Rept of Ultrasonic Indications in Top Head Weld VC-TH-1-2 at Ja Fitzpatrick Power Station1990-08-14014 August 1990 Forwards GE Supplemental Rept of Ultrasonic Indications in Top Head Weld VC-TH-1-2 at Ja Fitzpatrick Power Station JAFP-90-0581, Forwards Proposed Rev 6 to IAP-2, Classification of Emergency Conditions, Per Insp Rept 50-333/90-15,Unresolved Item 89-11-03.Rev Incorporates Changes Assuring That Applicable Initiating Conditions,Per NUREG-0654,addressed1990-07-30030 July 1990 Forwards Proposed Rev 6 to IAP-2, Classification of Emergency Conditions, Per Insp Rept 50-333/90-15,Unresolved Item 89-11-03.Rev Incorporates Changes Assuring That Applicable Initiating Conditions,Per NUREG-0654,addressed JPN-90-055, Forwards Comments on Installation of Hardened Wetwell Vent at Plant,Per 891027 Response to Generic Ltr 89-16.Concludes That Hardened Vent Not Cost Beneficial & Consideration of Mods Be Deferred Until Individual Plant Evaluation Complete1990-07-25025 July 1990 Forwards Comments on Installation of Hardened Wetwell Vent at Plant,Per 891027 Response to Generic Ltr 89-16.Concludes That Hardened Vent Not Cost Beneficial & Consideration of Mods Be Deferred Until Individual Plant Evaluation Complete 05000333/LER-1989-012, Advises That Suppl to LER 89-012-00 Re Postulated Fault 4 Kv Bus Fault Will Be Submitted by 9009041990-07-16016 July 1990 Advises That Suppl to LER 89-012-00 Re Postulated Fault 4 Kv Bus Fault Will Be Submitted by 900904 JAFP-90-0517, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/90-17.Corrective Action:Suspended Surveillances Reinstated on 9005071990-07-0606 July 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/90-17.Corrective Action:Suspended Surveillances Reinstated on 900507 JPN-90-049, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,making Temporary Change Re LPCI Pump Flow Permanent,Per . Change Reduced Surveillance Test Flow Acceptance Value for RHR Pump1990-06-21021 June 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,making Temporary Change Re LPCI Pump Flow Permanent,Per . Change Reduced Surveillance Test Flow Acceptance Value for RHR Pump JAFP-90-0468, Informs That Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program at Plant Completed Transition to Program Based on Sys Approach to Training as Ref to in 10CFR55.4 & 591990-06-14014 June 1990 Informs That Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program at Plant Completed Transition to Program Based on Sys Approach to Training as Ref to in 10CFR55.4 & 59 JPN-90-048, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,revising Tech Specs to Reflect Containment Isolation Valves in RHR & Core Spray keep-full Sys1990-06-12012 June 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,revising Tech Specs to Reflect Containment Isolation Valves in RHR & Core Spray keep-full Sys JPN-90-046, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59 Re Performance Discharge Testing of 125-volt Dc Batteries & LPCI Motor Operated Valve Independent Power Supplies1990-06-11011 June 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59 Re Performance Discharge Testing of 125-volt Dc Batteries & LPCI Motor Operated Valve Independent Power Supplies JPN-90-045, Forwards Reload 9/Cycle 10 Core Operating Limits Rept1990-06-11011 June 1990 Forwards Reload 9/Cycle 10 Core Operating Limits Rept JAFP-90-0456, Responds to Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalties in Amount of $75,000 Re Radiation Exposure. Corrective Actions:Worker Decontaminated & Examined by Physician.Civil Penalty Fee Transferred Electronically1990-06-11011 June 1990 Responds to Notice of Violation & Proposed Imposition of Civil Penalties in Amount of $75,000 Re Radiation Exposure. Corrective Actions:Worker Decontaminated & Examined by Physician.Civil Penalty Fee Transferred Electronically JPN-90-047, Forwards GE Nonproprietary Rept, GE11 Lead Test Assembly Fo Ja Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant Reload 9 Cycle 10 & Proprietary Rept GE11 Lead Test Assembly Fuel Bundle.... Proprietary Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790)1990-06-11011 June 1990 Forwards GE Nonproprietary Rept, GE11 Lead Test Assembly Fo Ja Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant Reload 9 Cycle 10 & Proprietary Rept GE11 Lead Test Assembly Fuel Bundle.... Proprietary Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) JAFP-90-0455, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/90-02.Corrective Actions:Refuel Floor Work Stopped, Chief Radiation Protection Technician Disciplined & Importance of Following Procedural Guidelines Reinforced1990-06-0808 June 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/90-02.Corrective Actions:Refuel Floor Work Stopped, Chief Radiation Protection Technician Disciplined & Importance of Following Procedural Guidelines Reinforced ML20043H0451990-06-0808 June 1990 Responds to NRC 900509 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/90-02.Corrective Actions:Refuel Floor Work Stopped, Chief Radiation Protection Technician Disciplined & Importance of Following Procedural Guidelines Reinforced JPN-90-044, Forwards IGSCC Insp 1990 Refueling Outage Summary Rept Addendum1990-06-0707 June 1990 Forwards IGSCC Insp 1990 Refueling Outage Summary Rept Addendum JPN-90-043, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,revising Tech Spec 5.5.B to Increase Number of Spent Fuel Assemblies That Can Be Stored in Spent Fuel Pool1990-05-31031 May 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,revising Tech Spec 5.5.B to Increase Number of Spent Fuel Assemblies That Can Be Stored in Spent Fuel Pool JPN-90-042, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,updating Tech Spec Tables 3.2-8 & 4.2-8 to Reflect Installation of post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation,Per Reg Guide 1.97 & Deleting Tables 3.2-6,4.2-6 & 4.7-11990-05-30030 May 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,updating Tech Spec Tables 3.2-8 & 4.2-8 to Reflect Installation of post-accident Monitoring Instrumentation,Per Reg Guide 1.97 & Deleting Tables 3.2-6,4.2-6 & 4.7-1 JPN-90-040, Forwards Structural Evaluation of Indications in Reactor Top Head at Ja Fitzpatrick Power Station, Based on Evaluation Analyses for Flaw Indications Identified During Routine Inservice Insps1990-05-25025 May 1990 Forwards Structural Evaluation of Indications in Reactor Top Head at Ja Fitzpatrick Power Station, Based on Evaluation Analyses for Flaw Indications Identified During Routine Inservice Insps JPN-90-038, Responds to NRC Bulletin 90-002, Loss of Thermal Margin Caused by Channel Box Bow. Channel Boxes Not Reused After First Lifetime.Methodology Developed by Ge,Vendor for Plant, Used to Account for Channel Bow1990-05-16016 May 1990 Responds to NRC Bulletin 90-002, Loss of Thermal Margin Caused by Channel Box Bow. Channel Boxes Not Reused After First Lifetime.Methodology Developed by Ge,Vendor for Plant, Used to Account for Channel Bow JAFP-90-0414, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/90-01.Corrective Actions:Disciplinary Actions Taken & Job Performance Counseling Provided Re Responsibilites for Control Room Operations & Command in Control Room1990-05-14014 May 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/90-01.Corrective Actions:Disciplinary Actions Taken & Job Performance Counseling Provided Re Responsibilites for Control Room Operations & Command in Control Room JAFP-90-0415, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/90-13.Util Requests That Notice of Violation Be Withdrawn & Reclassified as Deviation & That Submittal of Inaccurate Info Be Considered Isolated Case1990-05-14014 May 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/90-13.Util Requests That Notice of Violation Be Withdrawn & Reclassified as Deviation & That Submittal of Inaccurate Info Be Considered Isolated Case ML20043B1021990-05-14014 May 1990 Responds to NRC 900412 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/90-01.Corrective Actions:Disciplinary Actions Taken & Job Performance Counseling Provided Re Responsibilites for Control Room Operations & Command in Control Room JAFP-90-0396, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/90-11.Corrective Actions:Mod Error Corrected,New Transmitters Installed & Mod Procedures to Be Revised to Assign Responsibility for Calibr Points Value Calculation1990-05-0909 May 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/90-11.Corrective Actions:Mod Error Corrected,New Transmitters Installed & Mod Procedures to Be Revised to Assign Responsibility for Calibr Points Value Calculation JPN-90-036, Responds to Generic Ltr 89-19, Request for Action Re Resolution of USI A-47, Safety Implication of Control Sys in LWR Nuclear Power Plants1990-04-30030 April 1990 Responds to Generic Ltr 89-19, Request for Action Re Resolution of USI A-47, Safety Implication of Control Sys in LWR Nuclear Power Plants JPN-90-033, Forwards Addl Info Re ATWS Rule Concerning Alternate Rod Insertion & Recirculation Pump Trip,Including Description of Sys Mods1990-04-23023 April 1990 Forwards Addl Info Re ATWS Rule Concerning Alternate Rod Insertion & Recirculation Pump Trip,Including Description of Sys Mods JPN-90-034, Forwards Development of Inconel Weld Overlay Repair for Carbon Steel to Stainless Steel Weld Joints1990-04-20020 April 1990 Forwards Development of Inconel Weld Overlay Repair for Carbon Steel to Stainless Steel Weld Joints JPN-90-032, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,changing Tech Specs to Remove cycle-specific Parameter Limits & Ref Core Operating Limits Rept Which Contains Limits,Per Generic Ltr 88-161990-04-20020 April 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,changing Tech Specs to Remove cycle-specific Parameter Limits & Ref Core Operating Limits Rept Which Contains Limits,Per Generic Ltr 88-16 JPN-90-030, Forwards Temporary Addendum Rept for Rev 1 to Security Plan. Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21 & 2.790(d)(1))1990-04-0505 April 1990 Forwards Temporary Addendum Rept for Rev 1 to Security Plan. Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21 & 2.790(d)(1)) JPN-90-031, Forwards Rev 12 to Security Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21 & 2.790(d)(1))1990-04-0505 April 1990 Forwards Rev 12 to Security Plan.Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21 & 2.790(d)(1)) JPN-90-028, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,revising Sections 3.5.F & 4.5.F of Tech Specs, Min ECCS Availability1990-04-0202 April 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,revising Sections 3.5.F & 4.5.F of Tech Specs, Min ECCS Availability JPN-90-023, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,changing Tech Spec Section 4.9.F, LPCI Motor-Operated Valve Independent Power Supplies, on Page 222a.Changes Purely Editorial in Nature & Revises Surveillance Requirement1990-03-13013 March 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,changing Tech Spec Section 4.9.F, LPCI Motor-Operated Valve Independent Power Supplies, on Page 222a.Changes Purely Editorial in Nature & Revises Surveillance Requirement ML20012C0441990-03-0909 March 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,clarifying Spec 3.9.B.3 Re Diesel Generator Operability to Eliminate Erroneous Ref to Both Diesel Generator Sys JPN-90-022, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,clarifying Spec 3.9.B.3 Re Diesel Generator Operability to Eliminate Erroneous Ref to Both Diesel Generator Sys1990-03-0909 March 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,clarifying Spec 3.9.B.3 Re Diesel Generator Operability to Eliminate Erroneous Ref to Both Diesel Generator Sys ML20012A1021990-03-0101 March 1990 Forwards Inservice Insp Hydrostatic Test Program for Class 2 & 3 Sys Conducted During First 10-Yr Insp Interval. Relief Requested for Second 10-yr Insp Interval for Hydrostatic Relief Requests Contained in Encl JPN-90-021, Forwards Inservice Insp Hydrostatic Test Program for Class 2 & 3 Sys Conducted During First 10-Yr Insp Interval. Relief Requested for Second 10-yr Insp Interval for Hydrostatic Relief Requests Contained in Encl1990-03-0101 March 1990 Forwards Inservice Insp Hydrostatic Test Program for Class 2 & 3 Sys Conducted During First 10-Yr Insp Interval. Relief Requested for Second 10-yr Insp Interval for Hydrostatic Relief Requests Contained in Encl JAFP-90-0183, Forwards New York Power Authority Ja Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept Jul-Dec 1989 & Rev 7 to Odcm1990-02-28028 February 1990 Forwards New York Power Authority Ja Fitzpatrick Nuclear Power Plant Effluent & Waste Disposal Semiannual Rept Jul-Dec 1989 & Rev 7 to Odcm ML20012A0201990-02-28028 February 1990 Forwards Response to NRC SALP Initial Rept 50-333/88-99 for May 1988 - Sept 1989.Emergency Operating Procedures Being Upgraded to Rev 4 of Emergency Procedures Guidelines & Will Be in Place Upon Startup from Spring Refueling Outage JPN-90-016, Requests That 900209 Application for Amend to License DPR-59 Be Processed on Emergency Basis & Approved by 900225 to Avoid Premature Plant Shutdown1990-02-21021 February 1990 Requests That 900209 Application for Amend to License DPR-59 Be Processed on Emergency Basis & Approved by 900225 to Avoid Premature Plant Shutdown JPN-90-015, Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 89-13, Svc Water Sys Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Testing of Circulating Water/Svc Water Sys for Mussels Will Begin Spring 19901990-02-13013 February 1990 Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 89-13, Svc Water Sys Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment. Testing of Circulating Water/Svc Water Sys for Mussels Will Begin Spring 1990 JPN-90-013, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,revising Tech Specs Re RHR Pump Operability1990-02-0909 February 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,revising Tech Specs Re RHR Pump Operability JPN-90-014, Notifies Second 10-yr Inservice Insp Interval Scheduled to End in Jul 1995 & Valve Insp During 1990,91 & 93 Refueling Outages1990-02-0808 February 1990 Notifies Second 10-yr Inservice Insp Interval Scheduled to End in Jul 1995 & Valve Insp During 1990,91 & 93 Refueling Outages JPN-90-012, Forwards Preoutage IGSCC Insp Plan for Upcoming 1990 Refueling Outage.Util Will Not Routinely Submit Preoutage Plans in Future Per Generic Ltr 88-01 & NUREG-03131990-01-29029 January 1990 Forwards Preoutage IGSCC Insp Plan for Upcoming 1990 Refueling Outage.Util Will Not Routinely Submit Preoutage Plans in Future Per Generic Ltr 88-01 & NUREG-0313 ML20006C3811990-01-29029 January 1990 Forwards Preoutage IGSCC Insp Plan for Upcoming 1990 Refueling Outage.Util Will Not Routinely Submit Preoutage Plans in Future Per Generic Ltr 88-01 & NUREG-0313 JAFP-90-0095, Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/89-21.Corrective Action:Background Instrumentation Results Will Be Reviewed on Periodic Basis1990-01-29029 January 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-333/89-21.Corrective Action:Background Instrumentation Results Will Be Reviewed on Periodic Basis JAFP-90-0066, Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-002, Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Hardness Type 410 Stainless Steel Internal Preloaded Bolting in Anchor Darling Model S350W Swing-Check Valves or Valves of Similar Design. No Insp of Valves Performed1990-01-19019 January 1990 Responds to NRC Bulletin 89-002, Stress Corrosion Cracking of High Hardness Type 410 Stainless Steel Internal Preloaded Bolting in Anchor Darling Model S350W Swing-Check Valves or Valves of Similar Design. No Insp of Valves Performed JPN-90-009, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,revising Tech Specs Re Augmented Inservice Insp of Main Steam & Feedwater Piping Welds.Spec 4.6.F.2, Structural Integrity & Associated Bases on Pages 144 & 153 Deleted1990-01-16016 January 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,revising Tech Specs Re Augmented Inservice Insp of Main Steam & Feedwater Piping Welds.Spec 4.6.F.2, Structural Integrity & Associated Bases on Pages 144 & 153 Deleted JPN-90-011, Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,revising Tech Spec 4.11.B.2, Crescent Area Ventilation to Require Calibr of Existing Temp Indicator Controllers or New Temp Control Switches1990-01-16016 January 1990 Forwards Application for Amend to License DPR-59,revising Tech Spec 4.11.B.2, Crescent Area Ventilation to Require Calibr of Existing Temp Indicator Controllers or New Temp Control Switches 1990-09-07
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John C. Brons E.xecutive V,ce President Nuclear Generation l
l January 29, 1990 J N 90-012 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn: Document Control Desk L
Mall Stop P1137 Washington, D.C. 20555
James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant E
Docket No. 50-333 IGSCC Inspection Plans for 1990 Refuel Outage
NRC Generic Letter 88-01, dated January 25,1988, which transmitted NUREG 0313 Revision 2,
- Technical Report on Material Selection and Processing Guldelines for BWR Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping."
L 2.
NYPA letter, J. C. Brons to NRC, dated July 26,1989 (JPN 89-053),
provided response to request for additinnat information on Generic Letter 88-01 response.
Dear Sirs:
' in Reference 2, the Authority committed to prepare and submit a pre-outage Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC) inspection plan ior the upcoming 1990 refueling outage. A copy of this plan is included as Attachment 1.
As permitted by Generic Letter 88 01 (Reference 1), the plan takes credit for the FitzPatrick plant's Hydrogen Water Chemistry Program and reduces the number of weld inspections required.
This reduction in weld inspections will apply only to inspections scheduled for the 1990 refueling, as guidelines for inservice inspection credit under hydrogen water chemistry have not been established. Occupational radiation exposures are expected to be cut by approximately 16 person rem as a direct result of the reduced number of welds requiring inspection.
' Attachment 2 summarizes the Authority's experiences with Hydrogen Water Chemistry during the first cycle of operation. provides additional information on the 1988 weld inspections and supplements prior Authority reports. Details on both the shrinkage stress analysis for weld overlays and as built data for overlays performed during the 1988 outage are included in this attachment.
9002070419 900329 3
t PDR ADOCK 0500o333 t T y
c, f
Since Generic Letter 88-01 and Revision 2 of NUREG 0313,
- Technical Report on Material l
Selection and Processing Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping,* no longer tequires pre-outage inspection plans, the Authority will not routinely submit pre outage plans in the future, i
Should you or your staff have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Ms. Sofia
~ Toth of my staff.
t 7
Very truly yours, rI boy ecutive Vice President uclear Generation r
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
475 Allendale Road i
King of Prussia, PA 19406 Office of the Resident inspector U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission i
P.O. Box 136 Lycoming, NY 13093 Mr. David E. LaBarge Project Directorate 11 Division of Reactor Projects l/II U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mail Stop 14 B2 Washington, DC 20555
l e
j t
4 ATTACHMENT 1 A total of thirty one welds will be inspected during the 1990 refueling outage. The Authority had originally scheduled a total of 41 welds for inspection. Due to the implementation of a Hydrogen Water Chemistry Program and the modified inspection frequency allowed by NUREG 0313 Revision 2, Paragraph 2.3.1, the number of welds to be inspected has been reduced by 10.
Occupational radiation exposures are expected to be cut by approximately 16 person tems as a direct result of the reduced number of welds.
Although only one of the four welds with IGSCC crack Indications requires inspection under the guidelines of Generic Letter 88 01, three of the four welds will be inspected. The two extra weld inspections included as part of the plan will provide additional data on the effectiveness of the FitzPatrick plant's Hydrogen Water Chemistry Program.
Table 1 1 details the summary of welds per category that are susceptible to intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC) at the FitzPatrick plant and establishes the basis for inspecting 31 welds during the 1990 refueling outage, it is noteworthy that 92 welds out of a weld population of 151 were inspected in the 1988 refueling outage. During the 1989 maintenance outage, as detailed in Reference 11, two welds that had IGSCC were inspected as part of a mid cycle inspection required by References 6,7, and 9.
These inspections revealed no significant IGSCC growth.
a n
1 i
Table 11 tGSCCincpection Summary I
No. of Wolds i
b No. of No. of Welds using Modified
'NUREG Wolds in Scheduled for HWC Inspect.
Category Category inspection Frequency Notes 3
A 26 2
2 Only one weld inspection Is required C
63 12 6
Note 1 C3 3
0 0
Note 1 i
2 0
0 Note 1 l
'D 32 16 13 Note 2 f
E 20 7
5 Note 3 I
F 2
1 2
Note d G
3 3
3 f
151 41' 31 i
A-Long seams are included in Category A, but are not noted as such. The long seam welds are inspected when the circumferential weld is inspected.
C-All Category C welds were inspected in 1987 or 1988. The welds are scheduled on a l
basis of 100% in 10 years.
C 3-Welds with high stress, lHSI has been performed and the three welds were inspected in the 1988 refueling outage. See Reference 10 for the Authority's position on these welds, C* -
Welds with Resistance Heating Stress improvement performed as noted in Reference 5.
Both welds were inspected in the 1988 refueling outage.
E-Total overlaid welds in Category E are eighteen. The other two weldi caritain IGSCC and have been lHSI treated-r t
t f
NOTES TO TABLE 11 NOTE 1 All welds in this category have been mitigated by Inductive Heating Stress improvement (IHSI). Hydrogen water chemistry is also an added mitigation factor in reducing susceptibility to IGSCC. The Authority requests that the weld inspection frequency be decreased by a factor of two for this refueling outage as allowed by NUREG-0313 Rev. 2, paragraph 2.3.1.
This will decrease weld inspections from 12 to 6 welds. All welds in this category have been inspected in either 1987 or 1988 (56 welds in 1988; 8 welds in 1987).
NOTE 2-This category includes 12 Reactor Recirculation System safe end to nozzle welds which contain inconel 182 weld metal and are currently protected by hydrogen water chemistry. Six of these welds are scheduled for inspection during this outage. The i
L Authority requests that the weld inspection frequency be decreased by a factor of l
two for this refueling outage as allowed by NUREG-0313, Rev. 2, paragraph 2.3.1.
Two other nozzle to safe end welds, Core Spray "A* and Jet Pump B," will be -
inspected during this outage. Thus five safe end to nozzle welds will be inspected.
All these welds were inspected in 1987 or 1988 with no IGSCC noted. Granting of this relief by the NRC would result in an inspection decrease from 8 to 5 nozzle to safe end welds. Significant Al. ARA savings are anticipated as the vessel nozzle inspections are labor intensive due to the vessel bio shield doors and insulation system located on the nozzles.
!n addition to the 5 nozzle to safe end welds, the Authority will inspect 8 more Category D welds. A total of 13 Category D welds in all will be inspected.
NOTE 3 Category E welds include welds that have been weld overlald (18 total) and welds with IGSCC that have been lHSl treated (2 total) and comply with NUREG-0313 Rev.
2, paragraph 4.5.
As detailed in Reference 12, three weld overlays on the Core Spray "B" loop were surface finished and inspected during the 1989 fall maintenance outage, in order to consolidate the Core Spray System overlay inspections on a refueling outage basis due to ALARA considerations, the Authority plans to inspect these welds on an alternating refueling outage basis, l e.1991,1995 etc., starting with the 1991 l
refueling outage.
Currently, NUREG 0313 Rev 2, requires inspection of weld overlays at a frequency of 100% in two refueling outages with 50% required in the first refueling outage after installation. The remaining 15 weld overlays were inspected in the 1987 refueling outage or after installation during the 1988 refueling outage. Thirteen of the weld overlays are on the Reactor Recirculation System and are mitigated by hydrogen water chemistry. The two remaining Reactor Recirculation System overlays are on the jet pump instrument nozzle assembly. A hydrogen water chemistry injection system was installed in September 1989 to protect the jet pump instrument nozzle assembly welds.
i e
- The two welds in this cMogory (12-4 and 28 33) that contain IGSCC were inspected during the 1988 refueling outage. One was re-inspected during the 1989 maintenance outage with no significant crack growth noted. These welds do not require inspection, according to NUREG 0313 Rev. 2, until the 1991 refueling
The Authority proposes that the inspection cycle of weld overlays be decreased by a factor of two for the 15 weld overlays on the Peactor Recirculation System and the jet pump instrument nozzle assembly based on the mitigating effects of hydrogen water chemistry. The Authority will inspect the two cracked welds as discussed j
above to demonstrate the mitigating effects of hydrogen water chemistry even though these welds do not require inspection. This will also allow the Authority to j
implement an inspection plan for the 15 weld everlays on the Recirculation System on a schedule of 3/4/4/4 10 total on a refueling outage basis.
This requires relief from the Category E requirement of inspection of weld overlays j
from 100% in two outages to 100% in four outages. The weld overlay metal,308L with ferrite > 7.5FN,is extremely resistant to IGSCC. The compressive residual i
stress of the weld overlay process has also been shown to stop crack growth in I
laboratory tests. Finally, the hydrogen water chemistry effect provides added protection from IGSCC.
NOTE 4 -
This category contains two welds (28 53,28112). Both welds were inspected during the 1988 refueling outage. Weld 28112 was inspected during the 1989 fall s
maintenance outage. This weld was determined not to contain IGSCC by two independent examiners (EBASCO and NYPA). The Authority will continue to classify j
this weld as Category F until the next scheduled inspection (1991 refueling outage).
l If it is determined that no IGSCC exists at this time this weld may be upgraded to l
Category C.
l Only one weld requires inspection during this outage, but if the HWC relief is
.1 approved as detailed in the previous notes, both welds will be inspected.
l l
I l
During Cycle 9, the Crack Arrest Verification (CAV) system was operated in both normal water chemistry (NWC) and hydrogen water chemistry (HWC) almost continuously. Cycle 9 began December 21,1988 and is scheduled to end in March 1990. A planned two week maintenance outage was held starting September 15,1989.
Hydrogen water chemistry operated from January 5,1989 until the September 15,1989 shutdown.
in addition, General Electric's Zine injection Process (GEZIP) also began operation on January 12, 1989 with no observed effects on electrochemical potential (ECP) or crack growth rates. The only effect of GEZIP on HWC was the suppression of chromate which causes conductivity spiking during the shutdown of the hydrogen addition system.
The CAV system was operated from December 21,1988 until July 23,1989 when a solenoid valve, on the supply of the recirculation sample to the CAV, failed and the system isolated. During this period (July 24,1989 September 15,1989), chemistry data such as conductivity, dissolved hydrogen, dissolved oxygen, pH, ECP and crack growth on the recirculation sample line could not be obtained. For the remainder of the cycle, HWC was controlled by monitoring main steam line radiation and Reactor Water Cleanup (RWC) dissolved oxygen.
A review of the HWC data collected shows compliance with the EPRI *HWC Guidelines" for achievable values of ECP and conductivity > 80% of the time for the entire reporting period from December 21,1988 September 15,1989. The Authority plans to maintain at least 80% Hydrogen Water Chemistry when the plant is above 80% power from the time of the September 1989 maintenance outage to the refueling outage planned in March 1990.
Chemistry Results Figures 21 through 2 4 show plant power and the chemistry of the recirculation system compared wibi the EPRI 'HWC Guidelines" for conductivity, Cl and SO for the reporting period of January 4
1989 to September 1989. These parameters comply with the EPRI Achievable values of > 90%
Some transients are Indicated and were attributed to condenser leaks which were found and repaired during several power reductions or the 1989 fall maintenance outage. The power reductions are indicated on Figure 21. Chlorides and sulfates paralleled the conductivity transients, but the corresponding ECP and crack growth data showed no significant changes. Conductivity transients during the first few months with no corresponding Cl or SO changes are attributed to chromate 4
spikes from lowering or Isolating the hydrogen addition system.
Chlorides and sulfates are normally measured from the RWC System. The RWC measurement is a combination of recirculation and bottom head drain lines. One would expect the bottom plenum area to be more oxidizing and hence have a higher dissolved oxygen concentration than the l
Recirculation System. A comparison of Figures 2 5 and 2-6 demonstrate this point. Figure 2 5 is the i
l recirculation dissolved oxygen which ranged from 0.5 ppb to 1.0 ppb. Transients occur during periods of high makeup flow or placement of new condensate domineralizer beds in service. In comparison, Figure 2-6 shows the RWC inlet dissolved oxygen which typically operated at 1.5 ppb before the CAV isolated and 2.0 ppb after.
Figure 2 7 plots the average of the four main steam line radiation monitors (MSLRMs). When this value is > 1300 mr/hr, the ECP was generally < 230 rW SHE. After the CAV isolated (July 23, 1989), there was approximately a 10 day period when the MSLRM's were slightly below this value.
During this period, the power supply to the hydrogen flow control system was causing a false Indication of H flow transients. There was a concern that if the H 2
2 flow spike indications were true, the potential existed for a plant scram due to high steam line radiation. To prevent a possible plant scram, hydrogen flow was limited. Additionally, there were some hydrogen flow measurement problems limiting the effective amount of hydrogen in the two feedwater trains. Even during this period, the estimated ECP ranged from 200 mV to 230 rW. Other transients below 100 mV SHE were caused by plant power reductions but did not affect crack growth.
J Crack Growth Results Table 21 shows the specimens in the CAV autoclave and relevant parameters.
Table 2 2 shows the crack growth rates at several time periods using linear regression for best fit lines with a 95% confidence level. As shown on the table, there is about a 10-fold reduction in crack growth rates from NWC (region 1) to HWC.
Table 2 3 again shows the overall crack growth of the CAV specimens. Total crack extension not including CAV flow interruption periods is given.
j Figure 2-8 shows the crack growth of the 304 SS specimen. The step-like graph is an effect of unloading and loading the CAV during system shutdowns as shown in Figures 2 9 and 210. Figures 2 9 and 210 are 8 month plots of CAV inlet flow rate and temperature. The cycling seen by the CAV 1
is not representative of the load cycle on plant components. Figure 211 is the crack growth rate of the Alloy 182 which is more sensitive to flow, temperature, and loading / unloading variations.
ECP Measurements The recirculation ECP and conductivity are the key parameters used in controlling the HWC environments. The CAV includes the following electrodes: 304 stainless steel, Alloy 182, A!!oy 600, copper copper oxide (Cu-Cu20) and platinum (Pt). The 304 stainless steel ECP vercus the Pt electrode is used to control ECP for the EPRI HWC Guidelines, but can not be used during periods when the recirculation dissolved oxygen is > 50 ppb because it defaults to 999mV. Data from the Cu-Cu20 electrode is used for the plots and statistics shown in this attachment, as it is accurate in a broader range of operating modes.
Figure 212 shows the 304 stainless steel ECP values for the entire 7 month report period. As reflected in Table 2 4 and Figure 211, operators routinely lowered the hydrogen flow during the first three months for Al. ARA reasons during surveillance in the feedwater heater and condenser bays
causing several transients ranging from 230 mV to 50 rW. Subsequently, this practice was modified, and fewer transients occurred in the remainder of the report period. ECP transients of
+ 100 rW to + 200 rW were caused by shutdowns of the Hydrogen Addition System. Despite all the transients, ECP was maintained in compliance with the EPRI HWC Guidelines as shown in Table 2-4.
l L
'e ~
l Specimen Intensity Level l
Number Material (ksiin)
SS 122 Type 304 Stainless 24 Steel, Sensitized I-INC 71 Alloy 182 28.5 INC 73 Alloy 600 27.5 f
TABLE 2-2 i.
CRACK GROWTH DATA 304 SS Crack Alloy 182 Crack e
Region Growth Rate Growth Rate (mil /yr)
(mil /yr)
1 28.6 + 4.3 76.2 + 2.8 NWC 2
2.1 + 0.5 12.9 + 1.5 HWC 3
2.070.4 6.4 7 0.4 HWC 4
1.5 + 0.7 4.7 + 1.3 HWC 5
0+0.9 7.9 + 1.3 HWC 6
1.8 70.4 0 7 2.4 HWC t
-7 0.9 + 0.3 8.5 + 0.8 HWC 8
3.0 + 0.4 10.8 + 2.3 HWC 9
11.4 0.5 HWC
1 t
t Table 2-3 FITZPATRICK CAV PERFORMANCE Crack Extension Annuallzod Crack EPRI Guideline Under HWC Extension Under HWC Value Material (mils)
(mil /yr)
(mil /yr) 304 SS 0.7 1.5 5
Alloy 182
. 2.6 8.5 i
Table 2 4 PLANT OPERATION UNDER HWC CONDITIONS Action Level 1 Achievable Month
% < 230 n# SHE
% < 250 n# SHE January 77.2 66.7 February 92.4 88.5 March 89.6 83.4 April 95.5 95.3 May 92.5 92.0 June 100.0 100.0 July 02.5 85.4 Jan.. July S1.4 -
87.3 i
c P
4 h
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tn en N
00 to o
0-O O
O l
l 1'
i i
l I'
O Condenser Tube Leak
- * ~
.N-N Control Rod Tcsting.
O Condenser Problem N-flotwell Conductivity l
N Control Rod Testing
-g-N a
OVN-Condenser Tube Leak U
Control Rod Testing 7
Valv Repair-P w r R duced To 0
m NL-
. Reduce Leakage
>H M
.m N
-. O wwn b
-N-m :e m
o N.
' N o fu p Condensor Tube Leak Ea mm m
.' O On N. -
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Cn N-O.
' (n N-N.
em O
N\\. -
me C'
.a i,
l l
i l
' I p
.7 l
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.6 i
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.5 O
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,4 Q See Note ns
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.1 7
' O
.. i..
i i.
i 1 Bos 1900 31 Boc 1900-30 Jan ISIS 1 fler 1989 31 fler 190S 30 firr 1989
' 30 finy 1989 29 Jun 1999 29 Jul 1999 Notes : Grab Samples were taken due to CAV shutdown.
.50 LEGEND 45 Chloride 40 35 30
.o a 25 a
20 acursvasts vawr 15
[* '(
10 5
,,'l 0":""""""""::"":a:"""""""
' Note: 5 ppb was 1cmest level of detection through July,1989.
,o 70 m*
g g
7, h[W 1
,,j(, _gw 10 0
O 158.489 O
100.000 --
k 63.096 z
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y 15.849 b
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a 6.310 1
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e O
2.512 L
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d g
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1 i
Structural Integrity Associates has performed a shrinkage stress evaluation on the Reactor Recirculation System at the FitzPatrick plant. NUREG 0313 Revision 2, paragraph 3.1.2 discusses the inclusion of shrinkage stresses caused by weld overlays in the fracture mechanics analyses of crack growth in welds in the piping system.
Previously, as detailed in References 6 and 7, the Authority has conservatively used a shrinkage r
stress of 1000 psi. This value was used, as it was the bounding value calculated in most cases in previous work performed by Structural Integrity Associates at other nuclear power plants.
l The analysis performed also determined stresses at locations in the system which contained neither weld overlay repairs nor identified flaws. Such information may be useful in prioritizing weld inspections in the future.
METHODOLOGY A finite element analysis of each recirculation loop was performed. The recirculation system was
assumed to be rigidly constrained at inlet and outlet nozzles, and unrestrained throughout the rest of the system. The finite element model is shown in Figure 3-1, t
AS BUILT DATA The as built results for the 1988 refueling outage are included in Table 31. The Core Spray weld i
overlay as-built data has been previously provided in Reference 12. The as-built data for the six weld overlays installed in 1985 and surface finished in 1987 have been previously reported in Reference 1. The as built shrinkage data is noted in Table 3-2 for each weld.
l Weld overlay shrinkage measurements were performed following weld overlay application. The measured shrinkages were imposed at the weld ovorlay repaired locations in the model of each loop, and were treated as the system loading for the purposes of the analysis. A steady state static stress analysis was performed by the finite element method using the computer program ALGOR SUPERSAP. Weld overlay shrinkage was simulated by imposing a pseudo-temperature change boundary condition on the model representing the weld overlays, so that the regions i
containing weld overlays would appear to shrink due to thermal contraction. This thermal contraction at a weld overlay location resulted in a stress, i.e., shrinkage stress, at weld locations in the system.
m i
The following is a summary of the weld overlay shrinkage induced stress at unrepalred locations.
EVALUATION (psi) 1-:
12-4 484.3 1000
28-33 230.2 1000 28-53 53.0 ~
1000 28 112 46.8 1000 Based on the above evaluation the use of a shrinkage stress on 1000 psi is acceptable for the fracture mechanics evaluations as detailed in References 6 and 7.
f I',
r i
7 4
E, T:Vf:%,i m
. li 3 4 /
5 %
,,n 2
. c..
z r
-1f Table 31 s
o As-Built Data (1988 Refueling Outage Results) p Thickness (in.)
Length (in.)
Wold No.
. Design Actual Design Shrkikage _
.l 28-92 0.55 0.51 6.4 7
0.092 (Note 1)
. 28-48
-- 0.64
. 0.52 -
6.5 6.4 '
.28-52 0.572
-O 47 6.9 6.6
' 0.027 p
- 28 116-0.542 0.48 7.2 6.8
. 0.048
~ 28 113
~ 0.582 0.46' 5.4 -
6.6 0.043
- (Note 2) '
? 63.'
O.503 0.38-5.75 5.3 0.095 (Note 3) i
- 12 15 ^
- O 307 0.24 2.95 4
. (Note 4) 1',
1 N8A SE-2 0.467 0.285 4.54
'4 0.232 (Note 6).
E4118 0.313
. 0.155 3.45 2
0.431 1
(Note 5)
(Note 6)
.c i
.f i
,o jk s
l 4
s i
Note 1:
Length on valve side is below 3.5' as overlay is blended into the valve taper.
Note 2:
Length on valve side is below 3.3' as overlay is blended into the valve taper.
- [
Note 3:
Shrinkage does not affect stress analysis. Wold is on end cap. Shrinkage data is.
provided for information only.
Note 4:
Length on sweep o let is tapered into the fitting.
Note 5:
The weld configuration is a jet pump instrument (JPI) nozzle assembly weld (8'x4' reducer) to the JPl safe end.
Note 6:
Minimal shrinkage stress effect as the JPl nozzle assembly is connected to Instrument tubing and is anchored on the reactor vessel side only.
c L
e I-l~
f l
5 e
%o n.
s Table 3-2.
Shrinkage Measurements of Remaining Wold ~
Overlays on the Reactor Recirculation System :
s Weld-Shrinkage (in.)-
d 12 12 0.103.
. 0.M9 12-64 0.137 12 69' O.126 1-
-12 70 0.157 22-22:
0.116' q
' i Note:
Wold 22 22 is an end cap, and thus there are no shrinkage stress effects. In addition,;
the jet pump instrument nozzle assembly welds are not anchored on the instrument tubing, and thus the shrinkage stress effects are minimal.
? !l 2
p' I-L i
l t
7, I
- 1. NYPA letter, J. C. Brons to D. R. Muller, dated Aprl! 9,1987 (JPN 87 018), "Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking inspection Results for the Reload 7/ Cycle 8 Refuel Outage."
- 2. NRC letter, R. A. Capra to J. C. Brons, dated April 17,1987,
- Review of IGSCC Inspection Results."
- 3. NRC Generic Letter 88-01, dated January 25,1988, which transmitted NUREG-0313 Revision 2, 4
" Technical Report on Material Selection and Processing Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure Boundary Piping."
- 4. NYPA letter, J. C. Brons to NRC, dated August 16,1988 (JPN-88-041), provided plans relating to pipe replacement, inspection, repair, and leakage detection.
- 5. NYPA letter, J. C. Brons to NRC, dated August 19,1988 (JPN 88-043), " Resistance Heating Stress improvements."
- 6. NYPA letter, J. C. Brons to NRC, dated November 10,1988 (JPN-88-061), summarized results of Reload 8/ Cycle 9 Refuel Outage inspections.
- 7. NYPA letter, J. C. Brons to NRC, dated November 10,1988 (JPN 88-062), provided additional information on results of IGSCC Inspections.
- 8. NRC letter, R. A. Capra to J.' C. Brons, dated November 18,1988, concluded that the 7
FitzPatrick plant could be safely returned to service.
- 9. NYPA letter, J. C. Brons to NRC, dated March 24,1989 (JPN-89-012), corrected errors in Reference 7.
-10. NYPA letter, J. C. Brons to NRC, dated July 26,1989 (JPN 89-053), ' Response to Request for L
11.- NYPA letter, J. C. Brons to NRC, dated July 29,1989 (JPN 89-054), provided inspection I
summary for Fall 1988 Outage.
- 12. NYPA letter, J. C. Brons to NRC, dated September 29,1989 (JPN 89-063), providing
-inspection summary for the Fall 1989 Maintenance Outage.
L l
l l
1 l