IR 05000482/1992023

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Insp Rept 50-482/92-23 on 920810-14.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Radiological Environ Monitoring Organization & Mgt Controls,Training & Qualifications of Radiological Environ Monitoring Personnel
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 08/31/1992
From: Murray B
Shared Package
ML20127D468 List:
50-482-92-23, NUDOCS 9209150069
Download: ML20127D490 (10)









Inspection Report: 50-482/92-23 Operating License: NPF-42 Licensee: Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation-P.O. Box 411 Burlington, Kansas 66839 Facility Name: Wolf Creek Generating Station inspection At: Burlington, Coffey County, Kansas inspection. Conducted: August 10-14, 1992 Inspector: Lorenzo Wilborn, Radiation Specialist

' Approv : -- r > .W f2 g B7arnd urn 6y, Tef, faU it es Inspection D~ te CProgramslect n Insp>ction Summary Areas inspected: Routine,-~ announced inspection of the radiological

environmental monitoring organization and management controls, training and qualifications of radiological environmental monitoring personnel, the environmental-monitoring quality-assurance audit program, the radiological environmental-monitoring program, and-the meteorological monitoring progra .Results:

c' : The radiciogical environmental monitoring program staff had a =10w turnover rate (paragraph 1.2).-

e A good-training and _ qualifications program had been established (paragraph-2.2).

Environmental monitoring quality assurance = audits were well planned and



- technically comprehensive, . and.they provided a good program evaluatio and management oversight (paragraph 3.2). _ An excellentL radiological environmerita1' monitoring program had been maintained. The annua 1 Eland use censuses had been performed and documented. The annual radiological environmental monitoring operating -

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reports issued were of good quality, timely, and contained the required l information (paragraph 4.2). l e A strong meteoro~ logical monitoring program had been maintained l (paragraph 5.2).

Summar_y of Inspection findinasl

  • Within the areas inspected, no violations or deviations were identifie ,

Attachmenh .

e Attachment 1 - Persons contacted and Exit Meeting

  • Attachment 2 - Documents Reviewed



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The inspector reviewed the organization, management controls, staffing, and assignment of radiological environmental monitoring program responsibilities for Wolf Creek Generating Station to determine compliance with the requirements in Section 6 of the Technical Specifications and agreement with commitments in Chapter 13 of the Updated Safety Analysis Repor .) Discussion The inspector verified that the organizational structure of the staff and the designation of who was responsible for the implementation of the radiological environmental monitoring .nrogram, was as defined in the Technical Specifications and Updated Safety Analysis Repor The inspector determined that the duties and responsibilities of the staff engaged in radiological envirrnmental monitoring activities, that were specified in approved management control procedures, were being impicmente The inspector noted that there had been some changes regarding titles, duties, and responsibilities, but the levei of management involvement and controls had not been adversely affected. The management controls including the changed scope of responsibilities appeared adequate fnr management oversight of the radiological environmental monitoring program. The management control procedures, which were reviewed, are listed in Attachment 2 to this inspection repor The inspector noted during the review of staffing that there had been one resignation from the technical staff which was responsible for the implementation of the radiological environmental monitoring program. The vacated radiological environmental monitoring program coordinator aosition was filled in July 1991 by an individual recruited from the ranks of tie environmental management group staf The staffing was in accordance with licensee commitment .1_ Conclusions The organizational structure and staffing of the radiological environmental monitoring program met Technical Specification requirements and Updated Safety Analysis Report commitments. The management controls were being implemented in accordance with approved procedures. During the period January 1990 to August 1992, the licensee's radiological environmental n)onitoring program staff had experienced a low turnover of technica? personne TRAINING AND QUALIFICATI0dS (B4750)

The inspector reviewed the training and qalifications for the corporate and onsite groups responsible for imphEnMr.g the radiological environmental monitoring program to determine compHMce with the requirements in Sections 6.3 and 6.4 of the Technit.a1 I.necifications and and agreement with commitments in Section 13 of the Upd?ted Safety Analysis Repor _ - . . . - _ - ~ - - - . . _ . _ .



-4- .

2.1 0.iscussions


The inspector determined-tisat a good training and qualification program had been established. The inspector verified that the individuals responsible for performing radiological environmental mititoring program activities had completed all of the required training and were experience qualified to perform their assigned responsibilities. The inspector determined that the collection, preparation, storage, and shipping of environmental media sampics had been performed by well qualified staff. The supervisory and technical staff met the education and experience qualification requirements specified in the Technical Specifications and Updated Safety Analysis Repor .2 Conclusions A good training and qualification program had been established. The collection, preparation, storage, and shipping of environmental media samples .

had been performed by well qualified staf QUALIFIED ASSURANCE AUDIT PROGRAM (84750)

The inspector reviewed the licentee's quality assurance audit program to determine compliance with the requirements in Section 6.5 of the Technical Specifications and agreement with commitmerts in Section 13.4 of the Updated Safety Analysis Repor .1 Dis _gussion The inspector determined that the cuality assurance audit schedules for 1990, '

1991, and 1992 had been establishec and adhered to for the radiological environmental monitoring program. Audit reports for 1990, 1991, and 1992 indicated that quality assurance audits were well planned, were technically comprehensive, and provided good program evaluation and management oversit The inspector determined that the quality assurance audits of the radiological environmental monitoring program had been performed in accordance with approved procedures, audit schedules, plans, and checklists, by qualified auditors and assisted by qualified technical specialists. The inspector noted that identified deficiencies were corrected in a timely nanne The quality assurance audits of the radiological environmental monitoring program met the requirements of the Technical Speciff cations and Updated Safety Analysis Report. The quality assurance audits reviewed are listed in Attachment E to this repor ,2 Conclusions Environmental monitoring quality assurance audits were wall planned, were '

technically comprehensive, and provided good program evaluation and management oversigh RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGpAM (84750)

l The inspector reviewed the licensee's radiological environmental monitoring j program to determine compliance with the requirements in Sections 6.8.4.f


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l 5-6.9;1.6, and 6.14 of the Technical Specifications and the Offsite Dose Calculation Manua .1 Discesion The corporate technical ser/ ices group was responsible for the overall administration of the radiological environmental monitoring program. The irn,,ector noted that the onsite regulatory service group was responsible for !

- the collection, ) reparation, and shipment of environmental media sample j procedures for tie administration of the radiological environmental monitoring; sample collection, preparation, and shipment; reviewing sample analysis; interpreting results of sample analysis; and reporting resuits were

- written with sufficient detail to ensure compliance with the Technical Specifications and the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual. The procedures reviewed are listed in Attachnent 2 of this inspection repor The inspector determined from the review of the annual radiological environmental monitoring reports for 1990 and 1991 that the sampling, monitoring and measurement frequencies, interpretation, and evaluation of data requirements and the reporting requirements specified in the Technical Specifications and Offsite Dose Calculation Manual had been met. The inspector noted that the licensee had conducted the annual land use cennses for 1990 and 1991 in accordance with the requirements of the Technical S)ecifications and the results of the censuses were documented as requireo in tie respective annual radiological environmental operating reports. No reportable occurrences or events relating to the radiological environmental monitoring program were identified during the period covered by this inspectio The inspector determined that-the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, Revision 8, dated December 4,1991, contained the required radiological environmental monitoring program in accordance with the Technical Specificatio The inspector ins)ected selected environmental media sampling stations associated with tle radiological environmental monitoring 3rogram. The following types of. sampling locations were inspected: air)orne (particulate and charcoal), deep down sediment, drinking water (upstream), fish, milk, broad leaf vegetation, shoreline sediment, subsurf ace water, surface water, and thermoluminescent dosimeters. Several locations inspected were collocated with the Nuclear Regulatory Comission (thermoluminescent dosimeters) and the State of Kansas (airborne and thermoluminescent dosimeters). The inspector noted that the required equipment at the selected sampling locations was in place, operational, end caliarated. The inspector verified that the sampling locations were as des ribed in the O'fsite Dose Calculation Manual and the

- annual radiological e vironmental operating report The inspector determined that the licensee's facilities were appropriate for


- environmental sample receipt, storage, and nraparation. Areas were


sufficiently equipped ;nd supplied with the ...cessary chemicals, reagents, and expendable supplies to support the radiological environmental monitoring program, s

.o, - , . - , - ,m _ - - -



4.2 Conclusions An excellent _ radiological environmental monitoring program had been implemented s.nd maintained. The annual land use census had been performed and documnted . Quality annual radiological environmental monitoring operating reports which contained the required information had been submitted in a timely manne METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING PRCsRAM (34750)

The intpector reviewed the meteorological monitoring program to determine '

compliance with the requirements in Section 3/4.3 of the Tecnh cal

Specifications, agreement with commitments in Section 2.3 of the Updated Safety Analysis Report and the recommendations of Regulatory Guides 1.23, 1.70, and 1.,97 and ANSI /ANS Standard 2.5-198 .1 Discussio The inspector determined that the meteorological data monitoring and recording instrumentation at the 60-meter primary and 10-meter backup meteorological towers was operational and currently calibrated. The ueteorological instrumentation calibration procedures and the instrumentation required daily channel checks and semiannual calibration records indicated that the instruments were being properly maintained, tested, and calibrated in compliance with Technical Specification requirements. The inspector noted that the meteorological tower instrumentation data recovery exceeded 90 percent as recommended in ANSI /ANS Standard 2.5-1984. Actual data recovery for 1990 and 1991 was 99 percent and 94 percent, respectively. The meteorological instrumentation calibration procedures reviewed are listed in Attachment 2 to this repor .2 conclusions A' strong meteorological monitoring program had been maintained. The primary and backup mateorological towers' instrumentation was being maintained, tested, and calibrated in accordance with approved procedures and in compliance with Technical Specification requirements. The meteorological towers' instrt'entation supplied reliable meteorological dat l






  • J. A. Bailey, Vice President, Operations
  • R. C. Hagan, Vice President, Nuclear Assurance
  • 0. L. Maynard, Director, Pi m i Operations
  • T. M. Anselmi, licensing Engin eer
  • R. S. Benedict, Manager, Quality Control
  • A. B. Clason, Maintenance Engineer Supervisor
  • T. F.. East, Supervising Instructor, Chemistry
  • R. D. Flannigan, Manager, Nuclear Safety Engineering
  • D, E. Gerrelts, M:. nager, Instrument and C0ntrols D. E. Haines, Senior Environmental Biologist
  • J. D. Hartley, Chemistry Instructor
  • S. A. Henry, Chemistry Sup3rvisor
  • R. Hobby, Environmental Biologist
  • R. W. Holloway, Manager, Maintenance and Modification
  • D Jacobs, Supervisor, Mechanical Maintenance
  • M. Lindsay, Manager, Quality An"' ,, '/ Acting Director, Quality
  • T. S. Merrill, Manager, Radiation h m in
  • K. J. Moles, Manager, Regulatory Services
  • B. .Norton, Manager, Technical Support
  • J, Pendergrass, Supervisor Engineer-Results Engineering
  • E. M. Peterson, Supervisor, Quality Assurance Audits
  • C, E. Rich, Jr., Supervisor, Electrical Maintenance
  • C.'M. Sprout,_ Manager, System Engineering
  • H. L. Stubby, Supervisor, Technical Training
  • C, A. Swartzendruber, Manager, Technical Services J. L. Walton, Engineering Specialist 11
  • J._D. Weeks, Manager, Operations
  • S. G. Wideman, Supervisor, Licensing
  • G. Williams, Manager, Plant Support
  • L. D. Young, Supervisor, Licensing 1.2 NRC Personnel
  • J. B. Nicholas, Senior Radiation Specialist
  • P. C. Wagner, Reactor Inspector

?enotes personnel that attended the exit meetin EXIT MEETING An-exit meeting was conducted on August 14, 1992. During this meeting, the inspeG or reviewed the scope and findings of the report. The licensee did not identify as proprietary, any information provided to, or reviewed by the inspecto MM





.18 12/91 j ADM-02-300 Surveillance Testing 6 5/91 KP-C205 Nuclear Services Training Program 6 11/91 Procedure Change Notice No. 1

6 5/92 j KP-RA210 Radiological Environmental t cnitoring Program A:biristration

s 5/92 KP-RA21 Review of Radiclogical Environmental Laboratory Analysis a 6/91 l Interpreting Results of Radiological Enviraranental Sample Analysis l KP-RA?l C/91 KP-RA210.3 Reporting of Radiological Environmental Program Results l

4 5/92 KP-R A211 Radiological Envirorenenta, Monitoring Program Implementation i 5/92 KP-kA211.4 Collection, Preparation, and Shipment of Sediment Samples 2 5/92 !

KP-RA211.5 Collection of Direct Radiation Samples l

1 3 5/9? I i


' KP-RA2*1.6 Ccilection, Preparation, and Shiprent of '4ater Samples l

2 5/92 KP-RA211./ Collection, Preparation, and Shipment of fruit and Vegetation Samples 2 5/92 KP-RA211 M Collection, Preparation, and Shipment of Milk Samples









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-3-Attachment 2 (cont') a 2 AUDIT REPORIS WCWC OA Audit TE:50140-K289, "Envircreental Radiological Protection and ODCM."

, _ -j8/90 5 VCNOC OA Audit TE:50140-K325, "Environmer.tal (Radiological) Monitoring, 6/4-30/91 VCNOC QA Audit TE:50140-K361, * Radiological Environnental Monitoring Frogram,"

6/4-30/92 i


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