IR 05000254/1990009

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Partially Withheld Physical Security Insp Repts 50-254/90-09 & 50-265/90-09 on 900604-08 (Ref 10CFR73.21(c)(2)).Violation Noted But Not Cited.Major Areas Inspected:Mgt Support, Protected & Vital Area Physical Barriers & Detection Aids
Person / Time
Site: Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/18/1990
From: Creed J, Kniceley J
Shared Package
ML20043H820 List:
50-254-90-09, 50-265-90-09, NUDOCS 9006260485
Download: ML20043H823 (2)









Reports No. 50-254/90009(DRSS);50-265/90009(DRSS)

Licenses No. DPR-29; DPR-30 Licensee: Commonwealth Edison Company Post Office Box 767 Chicago, IL 60690 Facility Name: Quad Cities Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 and 2 Inspection At: Quad Cities Site, Cordova, Illinois Inspector:


NO es 1. Kniceley-Tcte Signed sical_ Security Inspector



Approved By:



J s R. Creed, Chief Date Signed guards Section t

Inspection Summary Inspection on June 4-8, 1990 (Reports No. 50-254/90009(DRSS);



Areas Inspected: Routine unannounced physical security inspection involving


management support; protected and vital area-physical barriers, detection and assessment aids; protected and vital area access control of personnel, packages and vehicles; review of security event reports and allegation review'

(AMS No. RIII-90-A-0040).

Results:.0ne licensee identified violation dealing with an unlocked vital door was reported to _the NRC as required by 10 CFR 73.71. ' The licensee's


immediate and long term corrective actions were adequate.

The violation is not being cited because the criteria specified-in Section V.G. of the


Enforcement Policy were satisfied.

The allegation that a_ security officer left a weapon unattended and dia not report the incident to.a supervisor was substantiated and the allegat en that

'a vital area door was not adequately monitored and the event was not properly reported was not substantiated.

No violations of NRC requirements cccurred.

We concluded that the licensee's performance exceeds regulatory. requirements and the security program is being well implemented and-is wel.nanaged. The experience level and-technical competence of the Station Security Administrator (SSA)isconsideredaprogramstrength.

Management involvement and concern regardi_ng the Security Program is evident and is well communicated to site personnel and is considered a program strength.

The contract security force training involving: security incident report writing was too general and is considered a weakness, caelosuro containa

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Reports No. 50-254/90009(ORSS);50-265/90009(DRSS)

Licenses No. DPR-29; DPR-30 Licensee: Commonwealth Edison Company


Post Office Box 767 s

Chicago, IL 60690'


Facility Name:

Quad Cities Nuclear Generating Station, Units 1 and 2

Inspection At:

Quad Cities Site, Cordova, Illinois Inspector:

N/8h es 1. Kniceley Date Signed.

sical Security. Inspector Approved By:

Ch -

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J s R. Creed, Chief Date Signed guards Section Inspection Summary Inspection on June 4-8, 1990 (Reports No. 50-254/90009(DRSS);

.i 50-265/90009(DRSS)

Areas Inspected: -Routine unannounced physical security inspection involving


management support; protected and vital area physical barriers, detection and


assessment aids; protected and vital area access control of personnel, packages and vehicles; review of security event reports and allegation review (AMS No. RIII-90-A-0040).

Results: One licensee identified violation dealing with an unlocked vital.


door was reported to-the NRC as required by 10 CFR.73.71.

The licensce's

immediate and long term corrective actions were adequate. The violation is not being cited because the criteria specified in Section V.G. of the Enforcement Policy were satisfied.

The allegation that a security officer left a weapon unattended and did not '


report the incident to a supervisor was substantiated and the allegation that a vitil area door was not adequately monitored and the event was not properly reporued was not substantiated. No violations of NRC requirements occurred.

We cencluded that the licensee's performance exceeds regulatory requirements


and ;he security program is being well implemented and is well managed. The experience level and technical competence of the Station Security Administrator (SSA) is considered a program strength. Management involvement and concern regarding the Security Program is evident and is well communicated to site-i personnel and is considered a program strength.

The contract security force


training involving security incident report writing was too general and is considered a weakness.

Enclosure Centainu

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