IR 05000245/1996005

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Summary of 970515 Meeting in King of Prussia,Pa Re Status of Corrective Actions Re Training Issues Identified in Insp Rept 50-245/96-05.Viewgraphs Encl
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 05/21/1997
From: Meyer G
To: Kenyon B
50-245-96-05, 50-245-96-5, CAL-R1-97-10, CAL-RI-97-10, NUDOCS 9706090305
Download: ML20148H247 (27)


May 21, 1997



Dear Mr. Kenyon:

This letter documents the May 15,1997, meeting with Mr. J. Thayer and Mr. R. Johannes and other representatives of your staff from each of the three Millstone units. The meeting was held in the NRC Region I office in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania and was led by Mr. J. Wiggins and Mr. W. Lanning of the NRC Region I office. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the status of corrective actions concerning the training issues identified in NRC inspection Report 50-245/96-05 for Millstone Unit 1 and other Millstone training commitments discussed in your March 3,1997, letter forwarding the Independent Review Team Report and our March 7,1997, Confirmatory Action Letter, No. 1-97-010.

Your evaluations and proposed corrective actions appear to be comprehensive. Your staff also appears to be proceeding appropriately and in accordance with your projected schedule. We encourage you to continue to actively pursue the actions discussed during the meeting and identified in your handout (Enclosure) and to review and verify the j

effectiveness of those corrective actions.


We appreciate the time and effort expended by your staff to brief us on this important matter. There wcre no decisions or actions requested of the NRC staff at the meeting and none were provided; however, we will verify your actions taken in response to Confirmatory Action Letter No. 1-97-010 during a future inspection.





Glenn W. Mey hief Operator Licensing and Human Performance Branch Division of Reactor Safety Docket Nos.:

50-245, 50-336, and 50-423


Licensee Handout Q" %, i /i i


0G0013 IllEIE!NI, HIE!IWilll 9706090305 970521 PDR ADOCK 05000245 G



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Mr. Bruce cc w/ encl:

N. S. Carns, Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer P. Loftus, Director - Regulatory Affairs for Millstone Station J. McElwain, Unit 1 Recovery Officer D. M. Goebel, Vice President, Nuclear Oversight J. K. Thayer, Recovery Officer, Nuclear Engineering and Support P. D. Hinnenkamp, Director, Unit Operations F. C. Rothen, Vice President, Work Services J. Stankiewicz, Training Recovery Manager R. Johannes, Director - Nuclear Training J. F. Smith, Manager - Operations Training -

D. Benyada, Assistant Supervisor, Operations Training R. W. Heidecker, Manager - Operations Training J. Rein, Supervisor, Operations Training D. Lazarony, Supervisor, Operations Training


L. M. Cuoco, Esquire J. R. Egan, Esquire V. Juliano, Waterford Library J. Buckingham, Department of Public Utility Control S. B. Comley, We The People State of Connecticut SLO Designee D. Katz, Citizens Awareness Network (CAN)

R. Bassilakis, CAN J. M. Block, Attorney, CAN S. P. Luxton, Citizens Regulatory Commission (CRC)

Representative T. Concannon E. Woollacott, Co-Chairman, NEAC











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l Mr. Bruce Distribution w/ encl:


Region I Docket Room (with coov of concurrences)

Nuclear Safety information Center (NSIC)



FILE CENTER, NRR (with Oriainal concurrences)

NRC Resident inspector M. Kalamon, SPO, Rl



W. Lanning, Deputy Director of Inspections, SPO, RI l

D. Screnci, PAO W. Travers, Director. SPO, NRR J. Andersen, PM, SPO, NRR M. Callahan, OCA R. Correia, NRR W. Dean, OEDO S. Dembek, PM, SPO, NRR G. Imbro, Deputy Director of ICAVP Oversight, SPO, NRR D. Mcdonald, PM, SPO, NRR P. McKee, Deputy Director of Licensing, SPO, NRR L. Plisco, Chief, SPO, NRR S. Reynolds, Technical Assistant, SPO, NRR j

D. Screnci, PAO Inspection Program Branch (IPAS)

DOCDESK (Inspection Reports Only)

DRS File

DOCUMENT NAME: A:MSMTG597.LTR Ts recilve a copy of this document, indicate in the box: *C" = Copy without attachment / enclosure

"E" = Copy with attachment / enclosure

  • N" = No copy 0FFICE Rl/DRS l

Rl/DRS l

gT. /5?o l





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DATE 05/11/97 0546 /97'] F 05/7 /97 ' Vf 05/

/97 05/








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i Millstone / NRC Working Meeting




Operator Training Issues j

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May 15,1997 10:30 AM














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Jay K. Thayer Recovery Officer, Nuclear


Engineering and Support j

Paul D. Hinnenkamp Unit Operations Director, MP1 J. Alan Price Unit Director, MP2


G. Denny Hicks Unit Director, MP3


Richard N. Johannes Director, Nuclear Training




John J. Stankiewicz Recovery Manager, Nuclear


l Training Services Jeffrey F. Smith Manager, Operator Training l





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Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Background


December 6,1996:

MP1 Licensed Operator Upgrade Training (LOUT)



NRC examination failures projected.

December 19,1996:

Independent Review Team (IRT) chartered


February 13,1997:

IRT Report:




- accurate analysis of weaknesses and problems


-comprehensive recommendations March 3,1997:

NU letter responds to NRC exam report



- forwards the IRT Report

- identifies 9 commitments for follow-on actions i

March 7,1997:

Confirmatory Action Letter (CAL) No.1-97-010


- confirms the 9 commitments ofNU's March 3 letter


March 14,31, and April 4,1997:


NU correspondence

- responds to all CAL. actions except medical review

- forwards the Corrective Action Plan (CAP)

April 22,1997:

NU letter forwards the results ofindependent medical


study of medical certifications (Forms 396)










Leadership Changes to Revitalize Training i


Director, Nuclear Training Services: Dick Johannes


- Proven leader, with a record of success in commercial nuclear maintenance and



- 26 year Navy nuclear veteran, had nuclear submarine and submarine support ship commands Recovery Manager, Nuclear Trammg: John Stankiewicz


- cooperative support from INPO and PECo Nuclear

- experienced commercial nuclear training manager and INPO. accreditation team leader L.-----









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Corrective Action Plan (CAP)


... Foundation for Training's Improvement



i CAP addresses IRT findings in key areas, including:

i Management oversight and accountability


Self-assessment and corrective action programs



Experience and staffing f


Maintenance of program and student records


Training materials







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l Significant CAP Items Completed


Continuing training program reviews complete


MP3 initial / upgrade license training assessment complete


Training Director's expectations on procedural compliance i


and usage issued and discussed at Department meetings Chief Nuclear Officer's expectations on line management


oversight of training issued Nuclear Training Department (NTD) self-assessment team


established and functioning

Executive Training Council (ETC) established




Unit Training Advisory Councils (TACs) in place and j


providing direction










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CAP Status

As of May 15: 17 of 57 CAP Action Items (30%) are




f CAP schedule calls for:




by June 15:

41 of 57 actions (72%)


by July 15:

50 of 57 actions (88%)


by August 15:

56 of 57 actions (98%)



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NTD Self2 Assessment Team


... Providing Vital Support for Training's Improvement



Team established:




s manager designated





- standing members include operator and technical t

trainers, and m.structional technologists

- augment with line personnel and utility peers




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Training Councils-l

... Providing Essential Coordination for Training Activities




Executive Training Council:


provides multi-unit oversight, guidance l


- example: no simulator graded evaluations


without Operations Manager / Assistant Manager

or above present



Millstone Chief Nuclear Officer chairs j



membership: Unit-Officers, VP Oversight, VP Work Services, Recovery Officer (NE & S),



Training Director
















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l Unit Training Advisory Council (TAC)



Provides senior management oversight to discipline-



specific curriculum advisory committees


Unit Directors chair (unit-specific councils)



f Membership: Unit managers and Training.

I Department managers i











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Industry Support

... Sharing and Learning from Successful Programs


INPO assist visits


March 17 and April 14,1997 - Simulator Training March 24,1997 - Training Management


July 1997 - Self-Assessment Benchmarking activities


NTD involvement in training assessments at other plants Operations visits to top performing plants j

Utility visits to NTD


Virginia Power: training assessment PECo Nuclear: procedures / training






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Licensed Operator Requalification Training - 1997 i

Millstone Unit 3

Seven, six-week cycles planned for 1997 (no relaxation


due to outage)



Focus on:


power and shutdown operations systems

  • industry events

special topics (e.g., reactivity management)



Plant design and procedure changes being addressed


i Simulator and written examinations included on regular


basis l

Program inspected by NRC in September,1996 -- good




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MP3 Program Outline -- Remaining 1997 Cycles



97-4 (5/26 - 7/11):

Systems, procedures, current


events,.and reactivity




97-5 (7/14 - 8/29):

Systems, procedures, current


events, and conservative decision-making 97-6 (9/1 - 10/17):

Annual examinations and


good operating practices


97-7 (10/20 - 12/5):

Start-up training and



examinations focused on start-up evolutions









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MP3 Special Activities Remaining in 1997


At-power and start-up observation training planned at


other sites Reactivity Management, SOER 96-1 emphasis


Unit 3 Director working session with Shift Managers on l


conservative decision-making

- reinforcing the " Northeast Utilities Nuclear Safety i

Standards and Expectations" Cycle 97-7 focus (training and examination) on start-up



activities Increased use ofindustry experts to verify standards









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Licensed Operator Requalification Training - 1997 Millstone Unit 2 Seven, six-week cycles planned for 1997 (no relaxation


due to outage)

Focus on:


power and shutdown operations t


industry events


t special topics (e.g., reactivity management)

Plant design and procedure changes being addressed



Simulator and written examinations included on regular j


basis l

Program inspected by NRC in November,1996 -- good j


results l








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MP2 Program Outline -- Remaining 1997 Cycles

97-4 (5/26 - 7/11):

Procedures training, current events, and-



on-going theory / basics refresher i

97-5 (7/14 - 8/29):

Procedures practice, fire AOP training, f


and heatup and cooldown procedures 97-6 (9/1 - 10/17):

Annual simulator examinations l


procedures training, heatup training 97-7 (10/20 - 12/5):

Annual written & JPM examinations,


and plant modifications and Unit start-up training





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MP2 Special Activities Remaining in 1997


Observation training at plants going through startup from


refueling outages Placing appropriate focus on procedure changes --


heatup/cooldown, reactor startup, fire and other AOPs l

i Training and reinforcement of Unit 2 Operations Standards



Reinforcing the " Northeast Utilities Nuclear Safety l


Standards and Expectations"



Focusing cycles 97-7,98-1 on startup activities



l t

Increasing the use ofindustry experts to verify standards i








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Licensed Operator Requalification Training - 1997 Millstone Unit 1 i

Seven, six-week cycles planned for 1997 (no relaxation l


due to outage)



Focus on:



power and shutdown operations j

i systems

.i industry events


special topics (e.g., reactivity management)


Plant design and procedure changes being addressed



Crews have been performing supplementary study,



between training weeks, under Shift Manager guidance j


Simulator and written examinations included on regular


basis i

Program inspected by NRC in June,1996 -- good results



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MP1 Program Outline -- Remaining 1997 Cycles i

97-4 (6/2 - 7/11):

Diagnosis ofinstrument failure,


reactivity management, EOPs, ONPs 97-5 (7/14 - 8/29):

Annual simulator and JPM


examinations, ECCS, EOPs, ONPs, l

ECCS weekly simulator evaluations


97-6 (9/1 - 10/17):

Annual written examinations,



current events, reactivity management, EOPs, ONPs, ECCS, weekly simulator evaluations 97-7 (10/20 - 12/5):

Plant start-up/ shutdown procedures,



current events, weekly simulator evaluations










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MP1 Special Activities for 1997


Training for new Recirculation Pump controls installed on




Reinforcing the " Northeast Utilities Nuclear Safety i


Standards and Expectations"



Following up on PECo Procedures Review



Planning at-power and start-up observation training



Increasing the use ofindustry experts to verify standards















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Simulator Fidelity


Fidelity of the three Millstone simulators very good L




Operations Managers chair Simulator Configuration l



Control Committees to enhance line ownership t


February 1997: Oversight audit identified programmatic




Simulator, Training and Engineering procedures being






- clarify roles and responsibilities,


- formalize interface between plant Design Engineering and Simulation Computer Engineering



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Future Key Schedule Events



June 1997:

Oversight annual training audit (internal "1220" audit)

June 1997:

MP3 observation of Seabrook start-up


July 1997:

INPO assist visit on Self-Assessment




July 1997:

MP3 Examinations


July 1997:

Annual examinations begin


t Late 1997:

OSTI visits (NRC)


-November - December 1997:

Start-up evolutions training with associated examinations Ongoing:

NTD self-assessments





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Nuclear Safety Standards and Expectations

... Foundation for Millstone Operations




Need to maintain a profound respect for the safety of the reactor core and the spent fuel i

Need to focus attention and resources on proactively i

preventing events that compromise reactor safety

Use of conservative decision-making i

Requirement to enforce high standards by doing the l

"right thing" l


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" Operate the way we train"


Neil S. " Buzz" Carns

Senior Vice President and R

ChiefNuclear Officer - Millstone


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