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Summary of 990723 Meeting with Stakeholders in Rockville,Md Re Responsibilities of Div of Licensing Project Mgt & Solicit Feedback on Div Ongoing Redefinition Process from Interested Stakeholders.List of Attendees Encl
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 08/09/1999
From: Black S
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
To: Sheron B
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9908180201
Download: ML20210S794 (200)


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"%.....#o'! August 9 1999 MEMORANDUM TO: Brian W. Sheron Associate Director For Project Licensing and Technical Analysis a Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation p

FROM: Suzanne Black, Deputy Director Division of Licensing Project Management , j

' fA y. 4,h'k d Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation



- JULY 23,1999, MEETING WITH STAKEHOLDERS ON REDEFINING THE ROLE OF THE DIVISION OF LICENSING PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN THE OFFICE OF NUCLEAR REACTOR REGULATION On July 23,1999, representatives of various licensees and members of the public met in a public meeting with members of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff at NRC Headquarters in Rockville, Maryland. The NRC invited representatives of various nuclear utilities, other groups, and the public to participate in a workshop to discuss the responsibilities of the Division of Licensing Project Management (DLPM) and solicit feedback on the Division's ongoing redefinition process from interested stakeholders. A list of attendees is provided as Attachment 1. The workshop agenda is provided as Attachment 2. The Division's re-invention report provided during the meeting is included as Attachment 3. The feedback obtained from the meeting participants during the breakout sessions is included as Attachment 4. The written comments received to date on the role of DLPM are included as Attachment 5.

N DLPM is in the process of redefining its responsibilities. Previous audits and reviews had indicated that the function of operating reactor licensing project managers needed to be

, reevaluated, clearly defined, and communicated. In addition, the staff is attempting to correlate the functions of DLDM with the four strategic objectives of maintaining safety, reducing unnecessary regulatory burden, increasing public confidence, and increasing efficiency and

  • effectiveness of key NRC processes. DLPM shared the results ofits redefinition process with extemal stakeholders to solicit feedback so that the responsibilities can be further refined.


  • After introductory remarks, the meeting participants broke into four groups to discuss the questions summarized in Attachment 4 (also published in the Federal Reoister. Volume 64, Number 133 dated July 13,1999). Discussions focused on the proiect manager being the primary NRC interface for licensees and the public on operating plant licensing matters, the need for consistency, cost and senedular control of licensing actions, and the importance of maintaining staff with the required knowledge, skills and abilities for effectively carrying out the project manager function. The feedback presented by the various participants during the 9908190201 990909 PDR P

ADOCK 05000245 QS PDR n@ ya j

August 9, 1999 breakout sessions, and included as Attachment 4, was very extensive and will be useful to the NRC in DLPM's initiatives involving the project manager function within the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

Attachments: 1. Attendance List

2. Agenda
3. DLPM Re-invention Report
4. Feedback from breakout sessions
5. Written comments on the role of DLPM DISTRIBUTION:

HARD COPY (w/ Attachments 1-5)

(UDocket File -

PUBLIC SPeterson OGC ACRS E-MAIL (w/ Attachments 1 and 4 only)

J. Zwolinski (JAZ)/S. Black (SCB)

H. Berkow (HNB)

E. Adensam S. Richards S. Peterson (SRP)

W. Reckley M. Gamberoni Region 1 - M. Oprendek j Region 11 - L. Plisco (LRP)  !

Region lli - G. Grant Region IV - K. Brockman Original signed by S. Black: l DOCUMENT NAME: G;\PDil-2\peterson\meetingsum723.wpd To receive e copy of this document. Indicate in the box: *C" = Copy without attachment / enclosure "E" = Copy with attachment / enclosure *N" = No copy OFFICE PDll-2/SCsn l PDll-2/LA l DLPM/DD d NAME SPetersoW EDunnington 6fp SBlack '3D DATE 8 /6/99 8/ 4/99 8/7/99 l OFFICIAL RECORD COPY l

l 9


2-breakout sessions, and included as Attachment 4, was very extensive and will be useful to the NRC in DLPM's initiatives involving the project manager function within the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.

Attachments: 1. Attendance List

2. Agenda

, 3. DLPM Re-invention Report

4. Feedback from breakout sessions
5. Written comments on the role of DLPM


I e

t' 4



, Pat Nugent PGBE 805-545-4872 Roger DeWolfe TXU 241-897-8233 Kenneth Russell First Energy 440-280-5580 John A. Zwolinski NRR-DLPM 301-415-1403 Philip A. Rose SCE&G 803-345-4052 Jeff Sobotka NAFISCO 603-773-7152 George Wrobel RG&E 716-771-3535 Mike Krupa Entergy 601-368-5758 Mike Brandon Entergy W3 504-739-6254 Paul Blanch Milhtone 860-447-1791 Mark J. Ajiuni Southern Nuclear Oper.Co. 205-992-7673 Joe Sheppard STPNOC 512-972-8757 Jon Hopkins NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-3027 Patrick Sekerak NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-2623 Alan Wang NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1445 Helen Pastis NRC/NRRIDLPM 301-415-1261 Jack Cushing NRC/NRR/DLPM 301 415-1424 Marsha Gamberoni NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-3024 Lee Berry - NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1487 James Persetter North Atlantic 603-773-7001 Mike Runchark AEP 616-466-2499 Norm Peterson Detroit Edison 734-586 4258 1

j . . .

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a .

R. M. Kruch Coned 630-663-7330 Jerry Roberts Entergy Ops GGRS 601-437-6710 Roger Huston Licensing Support Services 703-671-9738 James Priest PSE&G- 856-339-5434 Nate Haskell Consumers Energy 616-764-2276 Stuart Richards NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1395 Ram Subbaratnam NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1478 Chris Jozwick NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1886

. L. N. Olshan NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1419 Bob Martin NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1493 Harold Chimoff CP&L 843-857-1437 Rich Laufer NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1373 j Byran Ford Millstone 1 860-437-5895 William Heyser EPU Nuclear 717-948-8191 Sheri Peterson NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1193 Steve Bethay Entergy-Pilgrim 508-830-8955 l Bill Reckley NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1323 Jim Clifford NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1352 Al Passwater AmenemVE 314-554-3205 Johnny Eads CP&L 414-382-2646 Glenn Michael Arizona Public Service Co. 623-393-5750  ;

Merrill Atkins Yankee Atomic /DE&S 978-568-2156 l l

S.Singh Bajwa NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-2426 C. Stephen Brennigan Entery, PNPS 508-830-8674

. John Hufnagel PECO Energy 610-640-6789 Don Palmrose NUSIS 301-255-2277 l George W. Busch GPU Nuclear Inc. 609-971-4643 Suzanne Black NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1403 Frank Rinaldi NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1447 Duke Wheeler NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1444 2

l t


I Gordon Edison NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1448 Claudia Craig NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1053 Paulinserra Energy Northwest 509-377-4147 Gene Eckholdt NSP 651-388-1121 C. Jeff Thomas Duke Energy 704-373-3810 Paul Pace TVA 423-365-1824 Steve Bennett Entergy-ANO 501-858-4626 Paul Willoughby Northeast Nuclear 860-447-1791(3655)

, Mike Schoppman NEl 202-739-8011 Tom Elwood Illinois Power 217-935-8881 X3409 Marc Koth Northern States Power 612-271-5116 Bob Gramm NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1010 Scott Hega STP Nuclear Op. 512-972-7136 Elaine Chobanan Northeast Utilities 860-447-1791 X4090 Donna Skay NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-1322 John Harrison NRC/NRR/DLPM 301-415-3199 John Kelly NYPA 914-681-6275 Kathy Harvey Gibson NRC/Ril 401-415-6928 Eileen McKenna NRC/NRR 301-415-2189 Thomas Shaub VA Power 804-273-2763 Bill Gleaves NRC/NRR/DLPM 30'-415-1479 Tom Elwood. lilinois Power 217-985-8881 X3409 6

s 3


ATTACHMENT 3 q DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries g..... Program Area: Licensing Authority Licensing Authority is the core program area for the Division of Licensing Project Management (DLPM).

The project manager (PM) is expected to be the single most knowledgeable member of the staff regarding the licensing agenda for a given facility. The PM is also expected to be the most informed member of the staff in matters pertaining to a facility's licensing basis and any activities undertaken to modify or change the licensing basis. The wide range of issues involving the licensing basis of power reactors require each PM to have a technical background in terms of understanding overall plant design and operating practices as well as a thorough understanding of NRC rules, processes, and licensing

' requirements. The PMs are therefore expected to be ' generalists

  • in that they must have the ability to work on a diverse number of assignments, which may or may not be interrelated. This is especially relevant when DLPM assesses its contribution and mission in support of office level goals, noting that specific technical expertise resides in other Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) divisions. Having an adequate number of generalists results in routine efficiency gains as well as providing flexibility for and improving the responsiveness of the overall organization. The DLPM example can be readily compared to the regional projects organizations in which residents are viewed as generalists and technical specialists from the regional office or NRR are called upon, as necessary, to address specific issues or inspection needs.

Activities covered in this progam area include all DLPM tasks associated with carrying out the regulatory requirements contained in Title 10 of the CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS, Part 50 (10 CFR Part 50) with regard to specific plant activhies. These tasks include (1) licensing actions that require prior NRC approval before licensees may proceed with an activity, (2) review of licensing basis documents controlled and submitted to the NRC in accordance with specific regulations or licensee administrative controls, (3) management of NRC processes associated with these activities, and (4) other licensing tasks required by regulation or established NRC procedures.

DLPM activities associated with completing licensing actions comprise the majority of the division's efforts in this program area. Evaluating and responding to licensee requests for amendments to their licenses, requests for reliefs from or attematives to the requirements specified in the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and requests for exemptions from NRC regulations are examples of licensing action tasks. The tasks included in the mandated controls category include DLPM's reviews of Updated Final Safety Analysis Reports submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.71, descriptions of changes, tests and experiments submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59, updates to the Quality Assurance (QA), Security, and Emergency plans submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54, and regulatory commitments not addressed by specific NRC regulations.

Other licensing tasks include those items associated with NRR's role as the licensing authority for power reactors but not addressed by the aforemention.ed categories. DLPM tasks in this area include evaluating information received from licensees in response to requests for information (e.g., generic letters and bulletins), responding to petitions from parties requesting NRC actions pursuant to 10 CFR 2.206, and responding to requests for assistance from other NRC organizations made via the Task Interface Agreement (TIA) procedure.

Operating Reactor Licensing Assistants provide a comprehensive review and quality assurance of licensing correspondence. These reviews ensure licensing products comply with management directives, office letters, and rules in addition to improving uniformity and consistency of effort for all licensees.

The Agency and NRR benefit from having a designated point of contact for all licensing issues associated with each power reactor facility. The project management staff can assess a licensee's performance in the licensing area, evaluate licensees' efforts to make improvements in licensing submittals, and help evaluate key licensee activities that may or may not have a direct bearing on the licensing agenda for the plant. Specifically, requiring the PMs to maintain a sound awareness of the 50.59 process and to

-9 DRAFT '

O DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries j

g...../ Program Area: Licensing Authority participate in NRC's evaluation of each licensee's program for determining which changes require NRC review and approval has a clear nexus in this program area.

In assessing products and evaluating outcomes for this area, the staff has identified products primarily in the licensing action and activity categories. These products are scrutinized by a myriad of stakeholders.

NRR products continue to be closely analyzed and evaluated by the industry, individual licensees, and other stakeholders, including public interest groups. Issues of paramount concem associated with these products include assuring high quality, uniformity, consistency, and timeliness. Thus, high importance is placed in assuring all products being issued by the staff can withstand close scrutiny, and are predictable and repeatable. To this end flows the conclusion that the program area of licensing authority receives high marks when weighed against the four pillars. Specifically, licensing actions have a direct bearing on maintaining and assuring safety while also reducing unnecessary regulatory burdens. The ability to process documents in a timely manner, relying on precedents and the broad-based knowledge of plant.

specific project managers, is key to ensuring effective and efficient work force outputs and the associated outcomes from this program area. Enhanced pub!ic confidence is derived from the quality of NRR products that are technically sound and defensible, completed on schedule, and well communicated to all stakeholders.

e Performance Measures T.XEt Ett!1 Timeliness Work is completed within the NRR Timeliness goals for various steps of processing Licensing

. Amendments (see OL 803). Achieve a licensing amendment inventory age distribution as follows: 80% < 1 year old, 95% < 2 years old, and 100% < 3 years old in FY 1999; and 95% <

1 year old and 100% < 2 years old in FY 2000. Manage review to meet schedules negotiated with Icensees for about 3 power uprates in FY 1999 and FY 2000. Help to maintain schedules to complete conversions to improved Standard Technical Specifications (iSTS). Work is completed to support licensee schedules for outages, restart, and continued operation.

ygg_r Performance Measure Annual Goal IMER Eff!1 Effectsveness Products are responsive to requests as measured by voluntary feedback from licensees (also see Licensing Action Task Force). Applicable 10 CFR Part 50 requirements are met.

feg_r Performance Mansure Annual Goal IMER Eff!E c Efficiency Work is completed within negotiated timetables and office priority guidelines.

Xggr Performance Measure Annual Goal l T.XEn Enals I Quality Completed work is of the ht,hea' quality and does not need to be reissued to correct technical errors. A high level of lier xitg zxpertise is evident.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal

- 99 DRAFT 2

q DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries if

\..... Program Area: Licensing Authority Type 333 1g Quantity bug leted Goal for number of license actions completed is met. Complete the processing of af poximately 1670 licensing actions in FY 1999 and 1640 in FY 2000, of which about 40% of the reviews will be performed by DLPM staff. Achieve a licensing action inventory of 1000

- actions by the end of FY 1999 and 600 in FY 2000. The target for total inventory size is based on the assumption of approximately 1400 licensing action requests in FY 1999 and 1400 in FY 2000. The licensing action backlog does not increase.

Year Performance Measure

. AnnualGoal 115!f EEE!E Other Licensing action performance measures will be adjusted based on revisions to the NRR Operating Plan.

fegr Performance Measure Annual Goal s Outcomes Outcome Goals Esait e Maintain Safety Completed tasks continue to have a high importance to maintaining safety.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Licensing authority tasks are completed without undue Burden burden on the regulated industry. Predictability in completing licensing actions in a timely manner can aid licensees in planning and scheduling, thereby reducing burden.

e increase Public Confidence Competent and thorough evaluations of requested licensing actions will assure that the health and safety of the public are protected. In addition, the public is given the opportunity to comment on changes proposed during the license amendment process.

e increase intemal Efficiency and Relying on licensing action precedents and continued

. Effectiveness efforts to enhance processes and procedures, the staff will seek to realize a 15% efficiency gain in FY 2000.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make Sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other l

7/21/99 D hFT 3

o q DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries 9.9.. 9. Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Licensing Actions j

l The Licensing Actions category covers tasks involved with the processing of licensee requested actions.

These actions require NRC review and approval prior to licensee implementation. DLPM has the lead interface role between the NRC and the licensee for these tasks. The division takes the lead to coordinate and/or conduct NRC review activities, to engage the staff and licensee to resolve identified

, issues, and to process the NRC licensing documentation.

Licensing actions include the following items: license amendments (including Unresolved Safety

  • Questions or USOs); exemptions to regulatory requirements; Code relief and attematives; license transfers; Notices of Enforcement Discretion (NOEDs); lead plant reviews in areas such as risk-informed changes; plant-specific topical report reviews; and plant program (QA, Security, and Emergency plans) changes that require prior NRC approval. '

Based primarily on the complexity of the item and the existence of precedents, a decision is made whether DLPM or the technical staff will perform the associated technical review and generate a safety i

evaluation (SE). DLPM estimates it will take the lead on performing the technical review for approximately 40% of the FY 2000 licensing actions. For those cases where the review is performed by the technical staff, DLPM will concur on the work product. DLPM takes the lead in all cases to coordinate interactions with the licensee including meetings, phone conferences, and issuance of Requests for Additional information to resolve issues and obtain more information. DLPM further issues licensing action documentation, such as Notices, No Significant Hazards Consideration Determinations, and the completed SE package for transmittal to the licensee.


= Performance Measures l IMRt Stal.a Timeliness Work is completed within the NRR Timeliness goals for various steps of processing Licensing Amendments (see oL 803). Achieve a licensing amendment inventory age distribution as follows: 80% < 1 year old,95% < 2 years old, and 100% < 3 years old in FY 1999; and 95% <

1 year old and 100% < 2 years old in FY 2000. Manage review to meet schedules negotiated with licensees for about 3 power uprates in FY 1999 and FY 2000. Help to maintain schedules to complete conversions to irnproved Standard Technical Specifications (iSTS). Work is completed to support licensee schedules for outages, restart, and continued operation.

fegr Performance Measure Annual Goal


. IXen Ants i Effectiveness Products are responsive to requests as measured by voluntary feedback from licensees (also see LATF).10 CFR 50.90,50.91, and 50.92 requirements are met.

fegr ,%%ihince Maasggy AnnualGoal

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IEEE EBall Efficiency Work is completed within negotiated timetables and office priority guidelines. A 15% efficiency gain in FY 2000, for example PM effort on producing SE packages is expected to go from 48 to 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br />. DLPM is targeting a 25% reduction in like Licensing Assistant (LA) process variability in FY 2000.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal

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mee DRAFT 4

r q DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries y, ... / Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Licensing Actions T. Man Esa!n Quality Completed work is of the highest quality and does not need to be reissued to correct technical errors. A high level of licensing expertise is evident. The backlog does not increase.

Xatr Perfornwnce hiensure Annual Goal IMER ESE!!

Quantity Budgeted Goal for number of licensing actions completed is met. Complete the processing of approximately 1670 licensing actions in FY 1999 and 1640 (1500) in FY 2000, of which about 40% of the SEs will be written by DLPM staff. Achieve a licensing action inventory of 1000 actions by the end of FY 1999 and 600 in FY 2000. The target for total inventory size is based on the assumption of approximately 1400 licensing action requests in FY 1999 and 1400 in FY 2000.

fett Piil&iear4+ hiensure Annual Goal I.MRt ERE!1 Other Performance measures will be adjusted based on revisions to the NRR Operating Plan.

Xtti Performance Measure Annual G.,ggi I

l i

. \

l l

l mi. DRAFT 5

rg DLPM Reinvention Project . Program Area Summaries kN.....) Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Licensing Actions k j

i I

e Outcomes Outcome Goals 3,31!s i e Maintain Safety Completed Licensing Actions continue to have a high i

  • importance to maintaining safety. Technical Specifcations establish the fundamental operating limits the NRC has i independently reviewed and approved. Adherence to these limits ensures the health and safety of the public and quahty of the environs. j
  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory The NRR licensing action process is completed without i Burden undue burden on the regulated industry. Predictability in cornpleting licensing actions in a timely manner can aid licensees in planning and scheduling thus reducing burden.

e increase Public Confidence Competent and thorough evaluations of requested licensing actions will assure that the health and safety of the public are being ensured. In addition, the public is giving opportunity to comment on changes proposed during l

' the various Icensing action processes. l I i e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand Relying on precedents and continued efforts to enhance Effectiveness processes and procedures, the staff will seek to realize a 15% efficiency gain in FY 2000.

l e Enhance NRC's ability to make j

. sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible

. other m wa DRAFT *

(q DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries

\Q..... Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Mandated Controls The mandated controls category involves those DLPM tasks associated with the control of the licensing basis information that is subject to change-control and reporting requirements specified in NRC regulatioas. The implementation of most changes to the licensing basis in accordance with these programs does not require prior NRC approval but the changes are nevertheless reported to the NRC in

, order to allow post-implementation reviews and to maintain the NRC's ability to retrieve the current licensing basis information for its licensed facilities. The tasks included in this category include DLPM's reviews of . Updated Final Safety Analysis Reports (UFSARs) submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.71 descriptions of changes, tests, and experiments submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59, TS Basu changes (for non-iSTS plants), and updates to the OA, Security, and Emergency plans submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54. Also included in this category is a proposed programmatic review and sampling of specific evaluations performed by licensees in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59 (this function has historically been conducted as an inspection activity). It is advantageous to incorporate this task into DLPM along with other licensing authority functions (especially given recent changes to 10 CFR 50.59 that introduce criteria associated with licensing acceptance limits and analytical methodologies).

It should be noted that the NRC staff, and the projects staff in particular, has traditionally performed little or no review of the information submitted in accordance with mandated controls. Staff deficiencies in these areas resulted, at least in part, in recent controversies associated with the maintenance of UFSARs and changes made by licensees in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59. The definition of clear roles and responsibilities and associated performance measures is intended to prevent such problems in the future and thereby serve to maintain both safety and public confidence, e Performance Measures IMat Effia Tirneliness Review of licensee submittals and programs are completed on schedule as defined by NRR or DLPM guidance documents.

Jegt Performance Measure Annual Goal IYER Ett!!

Effectiveness Reviews ensure accuracy of licensing basis information as indicated by low number of issues identified by other sources (licensee programs, inspection program, allegations, etc.).

Year Performance Measure AnnualGoal IEEt ERE!1 o

Efficiency Work is completed within negotiated timetables and office priority guidelines.

f_egr Performance Measure Annual Goal IXEt ERE!E Quality Completed work is of the highest quality. A high level of licensing expertise is evident.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal 7/21/99 Q 7



l rN DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries fg.....


Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Mandated Controls i e Outcomes i

l Outcome Goals Basis

  • Maintain Safety Maintaining a plant's licensing basis will ensure that the l* plant is operating within design limits and that the public's 4 health and safety are maintained.  !

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory l Burden 1


! e increase Public Confidence I

Maintaining the fidelity of a plant's licensing basis will ensure that the plant is operating within design limits and enables improved communications with the public.

) e increase Intemal Efficiency and Maintaining an integrated approach to the control of

Ettectiveness licensing basis supports reductions in overlapping controls l and reporting requirements.

l l e Enhance NRC's ability to make Maintaining the fideldy of a plant's licensing basis improves i sound, realistic decisions that are j confidence in available information and thereby enhances timely and predictible timely and appropriate decisionmaking.

i e Other l

7/21 -


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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries (g/ .....


Program Area: Licensing Authority Categon/: Other Licensing Tasks Other Licensing Tasks include all DLPM tasks that do not fall within the other Licensing Authorization categories (Licensing Actions or Mandated Controls). These tasks involve regulatory commitment i

management program, pre-application reviews, Generic Topical Reports reviews, plant-specific multi-i plant actions (MPAs), Task Interface Agreements (TIAs), petitions submitted pursuant to 10 CFR 2.206, l

, support to Hearings,10 CFR 50,54(f) letters, backfits, and proprietary information reviews.

Several of these licensing tasks f acilitate the licensee's efforts to streamline the regulatory process. 3

  • Providing pre-application reviews allows the licensee to focus resources on regulatory issues that need to l

be addressed in the subsequent request. Reviews of Generic Topical Reports expedites the undertaking i of complex technical upgrades and allows licensees to recover costs incurred for these upgrades.

PMs ensure that generic issues (as they apply to their plant) are resolved in a timely manner commensurate with the safety significance of the issue. Technical support to the Regions that cannot immediately be resolved are handled via TIAs. TIAs are invaluable in addressing these technical issues and PMs ensure that the resolution is distributed to all Regions providing consistency throughout the Regions.

PMs provide technical and administrative support for the 10 CFR 2.206 petition process, Hearings, issuance of 10 CFR 50.54(f) letters, backfit evaluations, and proprietary information reviews.

I e Performance Measures '

IXRt BRE!1 Timeliness Closure of MPA is consistent with division goals established. Proprietary information letter is {

issued within 2 months of receipt of request. TIA responses are issued within NRR timeliness l goals. 2.206 petitions are concluded within the NRR timeliness goals for 2.206 packages as described in Division or Office Operating Plan (reviews are conducted within the timeliness I

goals of MD 8.11). Backfits are imposed in a time frame commensurate with their safety 1 significance and requirements of OL 901. OGC's ability to support the hearing schedule is not impacted by the perfonnance of the DLPM staff. 50.54(f) letters are issued promptly upon determination of need.

Xegr Performance Measure Annual Goal

.T,ygg gas!g Effectiveness ' TIAs are responsive to regional requests and perm 4 the Office or Region to disposition open items on a sound technical and ragulatory basis

  • 206 products are responsive to the Petition issues and have supportable bases. With respect to 50.54(f) letters, no clarification of information request is needed and the request is adequately justified.

fegr Performance Measure Annual Goal mee DRAFT a

i i


\gk j DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries l


.... Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Other Licensing Tasks

-IYes Ban!n Efficiency Work associated with MPAs is completed utilizing generic guidance to the maximum extent so that resources do not exceed those programmed. With respect to TIAs, Regional decisions on j closure of inspection findings or enforcement actions are reached with the minimum expediture



of resources by utilizing inter-organizational expertise. Labor rates to complete actions do not j exceed those budgeted and are commensurate with safety significance of petitioners l


,Yggr Performance Measure Annual Goal I.Yet ESE!E Quahty Proprietary information determinations are based on sound engineering and legal positions.

MPA closure documentation complies with guidance provided by Lead PM and substantive changes are not required as a result of management review. TIA is responsive to regional requests and permits disposition of open items without additional NRR input (OL 1201 1 guidance is followed). With respect to 2.206 petitions, Directors Decision is accurate and responsive and is accepted with little re-work. Backfit conclusions and analyses are technically supportable, conform with current policy (OL 901,10 CFR 50.109) and do not require any substantive changes upon management review.

Jgg.r Performance Measure Annual Goni j

l 1

mw9 DRAFT 'o

(m, DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries

\Q..... Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Other Licensing Tasks s Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis l

e Maintain Safety Closure of issues comports with goals established by Lead l PM and supports safety significance of issue. TIA responses provide sound basis for requiring appropriate licensee actions that maintain or improve safety, imposition of backfits should restore safety to the licensed level or enhance safety, o Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory The withholding of proprietary information is meant to Burden reduce unnecessary burdens that would result in economic repercussions. With respect to TIAs, appropriate regulatory decisions may prevent resident or regional inspectors from imposing unnecessary requirements on licensees. Proper management of backfits avoids inappropriate imposition.

l e increase Public Confidence Proper handling of 2.206 petitions shows responsiveness r

to public concems. Correct and timely proprietary l determinations enhance NRC credibility and improve public confidence. Completion of generic safety issues identified by NRC, which often have high pub!ic visibility, could increase public confidence in the agency's commitment to maintaining safety. When 2.206 Director's Decisions are l i

fair and supportable, they contribute to'public confidence in j the process. Imposition of backfits, when warranted, could 1 contribute to increased public confidence. i e increase Intemal Efficiency and The MPA process is more efficient than plant-specific Effectiveness resolutions. Closure of generic safety issues could lay the {

groundwork for improved plant performance, making NRC t regulation more efficient. Broad dissemination of TIA i resolutions can provide guidance to all regions and avoid j duplication of effort. a e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are

, timely and predectible o Other

== DRAFT u

(q . .

DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries

\..... Program Area: Interfaces The DLPM interface program area covers DLPM tasks involving interactions with NRC internal and extemal stakeholders. These DLPM interactions include the NRC regional offices, other NRR divisions, other offices at NRC Headquarters, power reactor licensees, owners groups and other industry organizations, govemment organizations (local, State, and Federal), and the public. From the perspective

  • of DLPM, the interfaces are either integral to its core activity (serving as the licensing authority for power reactor facilities), directly support the licensing authority role by providing its staff with an awareness of plant issues, or result from the project managers serving as a convenient point of contact at NRC

- Headquarters for plant specific information. The interface program area presents some challenges in terms of measuring performance because rnany of the activities do not involve a deliverable product.

Feedback from stakeholders as a measure of performance may result in some changes in or additions to NRC processes.

Project Managers in DLPM routinely interact with their counterparts in the regional offices and with inspectors at reactor sites. A common interface with regional personnel is in the form of participation by the PM in routine status calls between the resident inspectors and the projects organization in the regional office. The PMs participation in these calls allows DLPM to maintain an awareness of plant status, operating issues, inspection issues, and significant activities being conducted or planned by licensees.

This information is used to ensure that ongoing issues are considered in the management of a plant's licensing agenda and that the NRC's inspection / assessment activities can property account for licensing activities. The project managers also maintain an awareness of, and occasionally offer insights into, licensee performance issues through routine interactions, participation in assessment processes, and reviews of various reports.

Project Managers in DLPM act as the primary interface between NRR and licensees. The primary function of the routine interactions between DLPM and licensees is to ensure that the licensing processes are working effectively. Licensees and project managers discuss plant issues, technical positions, process or procedural matters, generic activities, future licensing submittals, and the appropriate prioritization of licensing reviews. In addition to interacting with specific licensees, DLPM has recently assumed project management and interface responsibilities for licensing activities sponsored by owners groups, vendors, and other collective groups of licensees (other than the Nuclear Energy Institute).

DLPM serves as the primary interface between NRC Headquarters organizations and licensees or regional offices in matters pertaining to specific power reactor facilities. The need to communicate frequently with the regional offices and the licensees as part of their core activities enables personnel within DLPM to respond to many inquiries. This limits the numbers and types of requests for information to both the regional offices and licensees from the various organizations at NRC Headquarters. DLPM


also supports other Headquarts 's' organizations in terms of answering questions about and coordinating activities with the licensing programs. The NRC's incident response program also calls upon the DLPM staff for support due to their knowledge of plant design features and licensing basis.

Given its licensing authority responsibility and other interface functions, DLPM is often called upon to support the NRC's interactions with the public and other extemal stakeholders. These activities include responding to public inquiries and supporting the NRC's allegation process. DLPM will participate in the redesign of and long term maintenance of NRC Intemet web pages that provide plant-specific information to the pubric.

  • Performance Measures i

- DRAFT '2

q DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries ig. . ... Program Area: Interfaces IMEt Eash Timeliness Responses or other deliverables are provided in accordance with NRC, NRR, or DLPM guidance documents. Feedback from stakeholders is that DLPM provides timely responses.

Jegt Performance Measure Annual Goal IXEE ERA!E Effectiveness Feedback from stakeholders is that DLPM provides information in a manner that satisfies agency needs.

Jget Performance Mensure Annual Goal IMER ERE!E Efficiency Feedback from NRC headquarters organizations and regional offices that system is providing necessary support with minimal impact on regional operations.

Jegt Performance Measure Annual Goal IMEE ERflE Quality Completed work is of the highest quality and does not need to be reissued to corTect technical errors. A high level of licensing expertise is evident. Feedback from stakeholders is that quality of information provided is adequate.

Year Perfamance Meesure Annual Goal IMES ES1!!

Quantity As requested, yett Performance Measure Annual Goal

. . . . . . . . . . .........................................................~.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

i b

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l wim DRAFT 'a l

q DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries (g/)

..... Program Area: Interfaces e Outcomes Outcome Goals S,a. sis e Maintain Safety interface functions can help to maintain safety by ensuring

- that issues are identified and associated information is appropriately disseminated.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Providing a single Headquarters point of contact reduces e Burden unnecessary burden by reducing the number of inquiries to licensees and ensuring those requests that are forwarded to licensees are for only that information necessary to make a regulatory decision.
  • Increase Public Confidence Ensuring that Headquarters personnel are able to obtain and provide information in a timely manner increases public confidence in the agency.

e increaseintemalEfficiencyand Providing a single Headquarters point of contact and Effectiveness utilizing information gathered in support of core activities I limits demands placed on regional personnel (i.e., an additional retum on investment on interactions with regions and licensees).

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make l sound, realistic decisions that are j timely and predictible l

I e Other l

I l

l l

I l

l mwe DRAFT "

( q- DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries

..... Program Area: Interfaces Category: Licensee / Owners' Group Activities The Interfaces with Licensees / Owners' Groups category includes all DLPM tasks involving routine communication with licensees and Owners' Groups, which may or may not be associated with specific docketed issues. Good communication and productive interactions with Licensees / Owners' Groups are vitally important to the success of the Office mission. This is especially true when assessed against the

. Effectiveness, Efficiency and the Maintain Safety Outcome performance measures.

Since the PM is the single point of contact for each licensee, it is paramount that the staff remain updated

~ with respect to plant status, organizational changes, and other emerging issues. Routine and regular communications with plant licensing personnel and, if necessary, technical staff keeps the PM knowledgeable about plant issues and allows the PM to be the Headquarter's point for "one-stop-shopping" with respect to obtaining information about his/her plant. Daily calls are held to discuss plant status, status of docketed licensing actions and activities, operating schedules, etc. It is also expected that the PM will communicate with the licensee to discuss specific and/or emerging issues.

Communications are routinely held via phone, e-mail, and fax.

Another primary interface with the licensee is the review of routine reports to include the Core Operating Limits Report (COLR), Occupational Radiation Exposure Report, Radiological Environmental Report, Radioactive Effluent Release Report, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), and the Monthly Operating Report. These reports, submitted as required by regulation, keep the NRC informed of a variety of plant activities.

The PM interface with the Owners' Groups (and vendors) has two portions. First, there is a specific PM for each of the Owners' Group. The Owners' Group PM interfaces with the Owners' Groups in much the same way a PM interfaces with a licensee and produces much the same outcomes. The second interface is one that a plant-specific PM may have with the Owners' Group if his/her plant is the lead plant for review and/or implementation of a topical report. The PM typically works with the licensee, Owners' Group, NRR technical divisions, and the Lead PM for the specific Owners' Group to ensure a timely, successful review. These are very important efforts as the end result can have a significant resource savings for many other plants. Effectiveness and efficiency are significant attributes.

DLPM also reviews unsolicited information to understand the scope and breadth of future regulatory action requests. These reviews also allow DLPM to screen for safety issues that may require a formal process to be adopted.

a Performance Measures Iyge Basis Timeliness Reports are reviewed within 2 weeks of receiving. Comrnunicate with Licensee / Owners' Group at least weekly.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal


  • l l

q DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries j

(g/ Program Area: Interfaces Category: Licensee / Owners' Group Activities Iyag Basis Effectiveness Significant issues identified during report reviews are brought to management's attention. All i safety issues are identified with appropriate follow-up. With respect to routine communications I with the Licensee / Owner's Group, a back-up PM will be identified. Focus Licensee / Owners' Group through a single point of contact.

1 Year Performance Measure Annual Goal

................................................................... ................................ I IMER EAf!s Efficiency increased knowledge of Licensee / Owners' Group issues. Avoid repeat communication due to I

inappropriate coordination (single point of contact). Staff responses are not changed by NRC management or the Commission.

.Yeg.r Performance Measure l' AnnualGoal l

IMan ansia '

Qualrty Staff responses succinctly and accurately address concems.

.Ypar Performance Measure Annual Goal \

l Iges ggsig s

Quantity Report reviews as assigned.

.Yggr Performance Measure Annual Goal l

l l

1 l


(qj DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries l

\g/ Program Area: Interfaces Category: Licensee / Owners' Group Activities I

l 1

e Outcomes I j

Outcome Goals BRE!1 1

e Maintain Safety Reports are reviewed with a safety focus. Communications

, will tend to focus on safety significant issues.

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Routine and effective communication with the Burden Licensee / Owners' Group facilitates the regulatory process.

Conveying NRC policies and/or positions can aid licensee / Owners' Group in planning and scheduling and thus reduce unnecessary burden, i e increase Public Confidence PM serves as plant expert and focal point for plant / Owners' Group information.

e increase intemal Efficiency and Effective Communication between PM and Effectiveness Licensee / Owners' Group facilitates regulatory process for both the Licensee / Owners' Group and NRC.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, reaftstic decisions that are timely and predactible

. Other l

i i

1 i

1 l

l mt. DRAFT '7 i



DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries Program Area: Interfaces Category: Regions The Regional Interface Category covers all DLPM tasks during interaction with Regional personnel such as the Division of Reactor Projects (DRP) Branch Chief and Resident inspectors. This interaction is invaluable in giving the PM a unique perspective of licensee performance and plant status. This allows the PM to be more knowledgeable as the Headquarters' focal point. ,


The most common interface with the Region is via the moming status calls. The PMs are able to gain insight on plant status and also update the Region on any pertinent licensing issues. The PMs are also kept current on Regional issues and changes. The moming calls also help establish a good working relationship between the PMs, Region DRP personnel, and the residents.

The improved working relationship facilitated by the moming calls allows the PM to carry out his/her other regkmalinterface duties more effectnely. The PMs field Technical Specification interpretation questions on a regular basis. Resolution of technical questions from the resident are handled in a timely manner in order to support inspection and assessment efforts. If not able to answer the technical question outright, the PM forms a technical team comprised of Headquarters staff and manages the resolution of the issue.

The PMs provide event follow-up support to the Regions as appropriate, coordinating Headquarters involvement in the near term. Immediate event follow.up includes response to management and/or media quesbons regarding the event.

PMs keep current on licensee performance by thoroughly reviewing the inspection Reports and noting trends and emerging issues. In support of licensee assessment efforts, PMs provide input to the Plant information Matrix (PIM) and attend Plant Performance Reviews (PPR). PPRs are held on a biannual basis and PMs provide assessment of the licensees licensing performance and offer unique insights to overall plant performance. PMs also participate in enforcement activities offering their insight and perspective.

t When appropriate and necessary, PMs will be an integral member of a Management Oversight Panet. I j

e perggrynence naammassee

,Inna Enda -

Timeliness Participate on calls with the regonal staff on a daily basis. Technicalinformaton, Technical ,

W%tions (TS) interpretatens, event follow-up information and support to the Regen and j Office of Enforcement on enforcement issues are provided in a twnely manner consstent with l the safety segnificance of the issue. PIM inputs are provided within 2 weeks of documentation.

Inspecten reports are reviewed in a twnely manner, j

far Per16tmance Meneure AnnualGael

  • \

IIRa Etnit Effectiveness Feeeack from Region reveals that DLPM knowledge of plant issues is useful and communcation is effective. Consistency is provided with regard to TS interpretations.  !

Significant events are identified promptly. PIM inputs provide the Region with insights to ,

licensee performance Appropriate issues identified in inei dsn Reports are brought to  !

management's attention, y Pytormance Measure Annual Goal i 7/2t/99 RAFT '8

l 73 DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries ig/..... Program Area: Interfaces Category: Regions Irat Haa!s Efficiency information is efficiently disseminated on NRC positions, policies and Tech Spec interpretations. Resources expended on RegionalInterfaces are commensurate with safety and risk significance of the issue. !nterface has little or no adverse impact as measured by feedback from the Regions.  ;

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal 1

1 Iygg Basis Quality information provided is accurate per feedback from stakeholders.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal IMRt EAE!s 1

Quantity PM participates in two PPRs per year.

1 Yegr Performance Measure Annual Goal 1

l 1

......................................... ................................... l l

l l

1 1

1 i

j l

i I

7/21S 9 DRAFT 'a

i q DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries fg/j

..... Program Area: Interfaces Category: Regions a Outcomes Outcome Goals Bag!n e Maintain Safety PM perspective provides an integrated view of eac;. We

' and ensures safety concems and events are factored into daily work. Risk significant issues and events are discussed during moming calls. Communications with the Regions often involve conveying NRC positions regarding safety issues. Support to regional staff in conducting inspection program helps identify safety and compliance issues at specific site or problems with content of technical specifications. Identification of significant events can lead to risk reduction, ensure appropriate agency response, and quickly klentify potential generic concems.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory A knowledgeable PM can prevent unnecessary questions Burden forwarded to the licensee.

e increase Public Confidence PM knowledge of plant results in ability to share knowledge during interactions with the public resulting in increased public trust. Involvement in Management Oversight Panels demonstrates that the NRC is proactive with respect to safety concems.


e increase Intemal Efficiency and Sharing of information allows routine processes to be more Effectiveness efficient. Regional interface allows NRR to perform some interface roles which can be more efficiently performed by Headquarters staff, thereby minimizing impact on regional staff.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other i

i I

l 4

1 I

i m wa DRAFT 2o

F i

I l

m. DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries Program Area: Interfaces Category: NRC Headquarters DLPM serves as the primary interface between NRC Headquarters r>rge.nizations and licensees or regional offices in matters pertaining to specific power reactor f*.c!;rties. The need to communicate frequently with the regional offices and the licensees as part of their core activities enablec personnel within DLPM to respond to many inquiries. This limits the numbers and types of requests f or information to both the regional offices and licensees from the various organizations at NRC Headquaders. In addition, DLPM's ability to discuss requests for information first-hand with those posing the questions or requesting briefings and to incorporate related discussions into routine exchanges with o: hor NRC staff

' and licensees greatly reduces the burden on regional staff or licensees in terms of providing information.

As the NRC Headquarters point of contact for information about specific reactor facilities, DLPM personnel are able to provide support to senior managers at Headquarters; the Commission; other offices such as Research, Public Affairs and Congressional Affairs offices; the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards; and other organizations within NRR. The avadable support comes in the forms of answering isolated inquiries, helping to evaluate events, preparing briefing packages, coordinating site visits, conducting surveys, and reviewing draft reports or evaluations.

DLPM also supports other Headquarters organizations in terms of answering questions about and coordinating activities with the licensing programs, Examples include interactions with the Office of Research' regarding accident sequence precursor evaluations or investigation of safety issues, with the Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards regarding spent fuel storage and transportation issues, and assisting the Office of the General Counsel prepare for and participate in legal proceedings. The NRC's incident response program also calls upon the DLPM staff for support due to their knowledge of plant design features and licensing basis.

l e Performance Measures i i

T.xas maals 1

Timeisness Briefing packages, surveys, or other dehverables are provided in accordance with NRC, NRR,  !

or DLPM guidance documents. Foodback from NRC Headquarters orgaruzations is that DLPM  !

provides timely support. l fat Performance Mansure AnnualGoal \

T. Man Baala E*lectiveness Feedback from NRC Headquarters orgeruzations is that DLPM support is necessary to fulfill agency needs.

yngt Performance Mansure AnnualGoal Llae Baalf i Efficiency Feedback from NRC Headquarters organizations and regional offices that system is providing

necessary support with minimal imper t on regional operations.

ynet PerformanceMansure AnnualGael

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . - . . . . . . . . . ...........................................

m DRAFT 2,

q DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries (g/)... Program Area: Interfaces Category: NRC Headquarters Iran Baa!t Quality Completed work is of the highest quality and does not need to be reissued to correct technical errors. A high level of licensing expertise is evident. Feedback from NRC Headquarters organizations is that quality of information provided is adequate to fulfill agency needs.

fegr Performance Measure Annust Goal 1

IEnf Ett!t Quantity As requested Xegr, Performance Measure Annual Goal o Outcomes


Outcome Goals Eng!g  !

i e Maintain Safety Support to other NRC Headquarters organizations can help to maintain safety by ensuring necessary infonnation is provided to appropriate personnel.

l e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Providing a single Headquarters point of contact reduces Burden {

unnecessary burden by reducing the number of inquiries to  !

licensees and ensuring those requests that are forwarded to licensees are for only that information necessary to make a regulatory decision.

i e increase Public Confidence Ensuring that Headquarters personnel are able to obtain information in a timely manner increases public confidence in the agency.

e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand Providing a single Headquarters point of contact and l Effectiveness utilizing information gathered in support of core activities limits demands placed on regional personnel (i.e., an additional retum on investment on interactions with regions and licensees).

  • l
  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other mt. DRAFT 22

l q DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries g\...../) Program Area: Interfaces Category: Public I

The need to communicate frequently with the regional offices and the licensees as part of their core i activities enables personnel within DLPM to respond to many inquiries from outside of the NRC. This limits the numbers and types of requests for information that are forwarded to the regional offices or the I licensees. DLPM will participate in the redesign of and long-term maintenance of NRC intemet web

~ pages that provide plant-specific information to the public as well as NRC personnel. Their knowledge of plant design and licensing basis information for power reactor facilities makes DLPM personnel routine participants in responding to allegations, controlled and routine correspondence, and other requests for i

. information from the public (requests made under the Freedom of Information Act).

l a Performance Measures  ;

IEE!! Etf.1 i Timeliness Responses or other deliverables are provided in accordance with NRC, NRR, or DLPM  ;

guidance documents. Feedback from public is that DLPM provides timely responses. j fagr Performance Measure Annual Goal Ixste Baalt  !

Effectiveness Feedback from senior management, Public Affairs, Congressional Affairs or other stakeholders is that DLPM provides information to the public in a manner that satisfies agency needs.

fggr Performance Measure Annual Goal IXIlg Eggis Efficiency Feedback from NRC Headquarters organizations and regional offices that system is providing necessary support with minimal impact on regional operations. )

year Performance Meesyre Annual Goal TYDe Ban!1 Quahty Completed work is of the highest quakty and does not need to be reissued to correct technical errors. A high level of licensing expertise is evident. Feedback from NRC organizations and other stakeholders is that quality of information provided is adequate to fulfill agency needs.

fggr Performance Measure Annual Goal

, .........-.................~..............~..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

IYl2R EE!!!

Quantity As requested.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal mee DRAFT 23

1 (q

\g/j DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries

..... Program Area: Interfaces Category: Public e Outcomes Outcome Goals 333,3 3 e Maintain Safety Response to allegations or other public inquiries can help

  • to maintain safety by ensuring that issues are identified and associated information is appropriately disseminated.

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden '

e increase Public Confidence Addressing concems raised by the public or simply providing information in response to requests increases public confidence in the NRC and its processes and procedures. Having a point of contact in Headquarters supports responses and avoids perception that NRC is not in touch with activities at specific facilities.

e increaseintemalEfficiencyand Providing a single Headquarters point of contact and j Effectiveness utilizing information gathered in support of core activities I limits demands placed on regional personnel (i.e., an additional retum on investment on interactions with regions and licensees).

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predctible e Other i

4 m wa DRAFT 24

1 q DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries l


..... Prograrn Area: Regulatory improvernents The Regulatory improvements Program Area includes tasks and activities undertaken by DLPM either at the request of licensees or in response to problems identified by NRC staff. By interacting with licensees and owners groups in various forums, DLPM has an opportunity to address those issues that result in inefficient or ineffective use of resources and unnecessary regulatory burden. A logical role for DLPM in l

~ improving regulatory processes is drawn from the routine responsibilities that DLPf I has in the licensing i authority program area and the associated knowledge and skills of the DLPM staff. In general, the


changes in procedures, policy, and guidance documents are undertaken to sirrpiify existing processes l associated with licensing actions and other licensing tasks. As licensee and NRC resources become more scarce, these efforts will become even more important.

The Licensing Action Task Force is currently addressing issues or processes identified by industry and the NRC staff as potential areas of improvement. The improvements being pursued include changing the request for additional information (RAI) process, developing a mechanism to address minor discrepancies in the wording of requirements in the technical specifications, refining the process for issuing changes to technical specification bases sections, enhancing the process for the staff's handling of generic or repetitive licensing actions, refining the guidance for the staff's preparation of safety evaluations, and addressing miscellaneous policy issues such as limiting the use of TIAs to address generic issues.

Interactions with owners groups are invaluable in sharing technical and process information. DLPM interactions with owners groups and management of generic topical reports facilitates improving the working relationships between licensees and NRC, resulting in a more effective and efficient regulatory process. It is expected that industry groups will play an increasing role in resolving safety concems by ,

undertaking voluntary initiatives in lieu of responding to generic communications issued by the NRC. l NRC resource expendrtures will be reduced due to efficiency gains resulting from these interactions.

Additionally, pubic confidence may be enhanced by the increased consistency that comes from resolving issues generically.

Licensing workshops offer a unique and invaluable way for licensees and DLPM to interact on a working level. A goal of the workshops is to improve licensing submittals and associated NRC reviews.

Licensees and DLPM staff share experiences and knowledge of their own processes to improve the licensee-NRC regulatory interface. DLPM prepares revisions to existing policies, rules, and guidance documents including office letters (or provides assistance to those with the lead for these activities).

DLPM's experience with the licensee-NRC ir,terface can provide valuable insights when process changes or rules are being developed.

e Performance Measures Ixas Danin Timeliness Meet established schedule for closure of issues agreed upon by NRC and DLPM contingent upon industry ability to support issues. Interactions are conducted in a timely manner as to promote reaching closure on regulatory issues. Intemal regulatory improvements meet established schedules.

Yent Performance Measure Annual Goal 7/21/99 DhFT 2s

Nj DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries (g/..... Program Area: Regulatory improvements IrEt Ean!n Effectiveness Interactions are effective methods of communication among the NRC, Owners' Groups and I licensees. Topics address added value to the regulatory improvement process. Intemal i efforts result in increased regulatory effectiveness. I Year Performance Measure Annual Goal i

Iygg Basis l Efficiency All interactions involving regulatory improvements facilitate resolution of issues through topical i

reports or industry initiatives to reduce NRC resource expenditures. '

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal IYER ERE!! I Quality Completed work is of the highest quality as measured through voluntary licensee feedback.

Policy and rule changes are clear and add value to the regulatory process.

Xtgr Performance Meesure Annual Goal l IERf ERE!E Quantity Five or more safety significant issues are resolved by Owners' Groups rather than through NRC. Hold eight licensing workshops in FY 2000 as directed by the office director.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal i



mee DRAFT 2$


l 1

DLPM Reinvention Project - Program Area Summaries I (q\g.....

Program Area: Regulatory Improvements 1

e Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Working with groups of licensees to resolve safety

- concems through the use of voluntary industry initiatives '

helps to maintain safety.


e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory By focusing efforts and resources (NRC and licensees) on Burden l generic resolution of safety issues, regulatory burden is reduced and NRC efficiency is gained. Increased communication with licensees leads to increased understanding of NRC infomiation needs which results in elimination of unnecessary regulatory burden and increased NRC efficiency, e increase Public Confidence By assuring the pubhc that safety significant issues are being resolved in a consistent manner for all affected licensees, public confidence will be increased.

e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand improved communication with licensees and better Effectiveness poley/ rules / guidance leads to increased effectiveness and efficiency.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible

. other 7/21/99


g..... DLPM Reinvention Project - Table of Contents Paoe No.

Licensing Authority Licensina Actions


1 IJcense Amendments 1

2 UFSAR Changes Requiring Prior Approval (USOs) 3 3 Exemptions


5 4 Code Re:iefs & Altematives 7 5 QA Program- prior approval 9

6 Secunty Program prior approval 11 7 Emergency Plan - prior approval 13 8 Notifications of Enforcement Discretion (NOED) 15 9 Orders 17 10 Topical Report - Plant Specife 19 11 License Transfers 21 12 Lead Plant Reviews for industry (eg. Risk-Informed) Initiatives 23 Mandated Controls 13 Technical Specifications (TS) Bases Changes 25 14 UFSAR Changes - 10 CFR 50.71(e) 27 15 Facility Changes - 10 CFR 50.59 29 16 Quality Assurance (QA) Program Change Reviews 31 17 Security Program Change Reviews 33 18 Routine Emergency Program / Plan updates 35 OtherLicensino Tasks 19 Regulatory Commitment Management Program 37 20 Pre-application Reviews 39 21 Plant-Specific implementation of Multi-Plant Actions (MPAs) 41 22 Task interface Agreements (TIAs) 43 23 10 CFR 2.206 Petitions 45 24 Support to Public Hearing Process 47 25 10 CFR 50.54(f) Letters 49 26 Backfrts 51 27 Proprietary Information Reviews 52 28 Transition of Assignments 54 Page 1 of 3 i . .


g..... DLPM Reinvention Project - Table of Contents Pace No.

Interfaces Licensee / Owners' Group Activities 29 Routine Communications with licensee 56 30 Visit Licensee Site 58

  • 31 Unsolicited information (Ul) reviews 60 32 Lead PM on Technicalissues 62 Reaions 33 Moming Calls (Routine) 64 34 PIM inputs /PPR participation 66 35 IP 40500 involvement (or equivalent in risk informed baseline) 68 36 Management Oversight Panels 70 37 Routine Communications with Regions.on Licensing, inspection and Assessment 72 38 Technical Specifications interpretations for Regums 74 39 Enforcement Conferences and Reviews 76 40 Event Follow-up Support to Regions (Initial) 78 41 Review inspection Reports 80 NRC Headauarters 42 Plant Status Sheets 82 43 Management Information and Status Reports 84 44 Support to Senior Management, Commission, Public and Media 86 45 Review Miscellaneous Licensee Reports 88 46 Fee Billing Reviews 90 47 Event Follow-up Support (Long-term) 92 48 incident Response 94 49 License Renewalinteractions 96 50 Support ACRS 98 51 Ol report reviews 99 52 NMSS/SFPO interactions 101 53 RES interactions (eg., ASP analyses) 102 54 Support to Public Affairs 104 55 Support to Congressional Affairs and Intemational Programs 106 56 Surveys 108

. 57 PD/Section Meetings 110 58 Process improvement Program 111 59 Millstone / Maine Yankee Lessons Leamed 112


60 Maintain Plant Information on NRC Web Page 113 61 Allegations 115 62 Controlled Correspondence 117 63 Routine Correspondence 119 64 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests 121 Page 2 of 3

  1. %g igj DLPM Reinvention Project - Table of Contents Paae No. i Regulatory improvements 65 Licensing Action Task Force (LATF) 123 66 Interactions with Owners' Groups and Managing Generic Topical Reports 125 67 lasuance and Revision of NRR Office Letters 127


68 Re-invention effort, Risk Informed Licensing Panel (RILP) 129 69 DLPM Handbook 131 70 Future Rule Changes (Support and Direct) 133 71 Policy Development / Reviews 135 72 Licensing Workshops 137 Page 3 of 3

O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

) License Amendments No. 1 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Licensing Actions Task Output: Complete licensing amendment packages with Safety Evaluations. Intermediate process steps including: issuing notices, performing technical reviews and generating

  • RAls, producing Safety Evaluations, concurring on Safety Evaluations (produced by technical staff), and processing of all Safety Evaluations by projects.

m Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oroanizations Licensee DSSA, DE, DRIP, DIPM

= Performance Measures IMM EAE!1 Timeliness Work is completed within the NRR Timeliness goals for various steps of processing Licensing Amendments (see OL 803). Achieve a licensing amendment inventory age distnbution as follows: 80% < 1 year old,95% < 2 years old, and 100% < 3 years old in FY 1999; and 95% < 1 year old and 100% < 2 years old in FY 2000. Manage review to meet schedules negotiated with licensees for about 3 power uprates in FY 1999 and FY 2000.

Help to maintain schedules to complete conversions to improved Standard Technical Sgn.#icatkms (iSTS). Work is completed to support licensee schedules for outages, restart, and continued operation.

Xmt Performance Measure Annual Goal 2000 License Amendment inventory Age < 2 Years Old = 100 Percent 2000 License Amendment inventory Age < 1 Year Old > 95 Percent IMHf ERE!!

Effectiveness l Products are responsive to requests as measured by voluntary feedback from licensees i (also see LATF).10 CFR 50.90,50.91, and 50.92 requirements are met.

fgr Performance Measure Annual Goal 2000 Number of positive responses from stakeholders > 0 IMER ERE!E Efficiency Work is completed within office priority guidelines. A 15% efficiency gain in FYOO will be realized, for example Project Manager production of an SE will be reduced from 48 to 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br />.

Xegr Performance Meesyre Annual Goal

  • . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .D. . . ' ....$ .. .. . .". ..$........ .. i.... .. . .$.".S.....

IMER EBE!1 Quality Completed work is of the highest quality and does not need to be reissued to correct technical errors. A high level of licensing expertise is evident.

far Performance Measure Annual Goal 2000 Number of Correction Letters = 0 m1. 11:'2 ^"


a DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Ucense Amendments No. 1 Iygg ga.lis Quantity Budgeted Goal for number of license amendments completed is met. Complete the processing of approximately 1193 amendment requests in FY 1999 and 11'1(1071) in FY 2000, of which about 40% of the SERs will be written by DLPM staff. Achieve a license amendment inventory of approximately 714 actions by the end of FY 1999 and 430 in FY 2000. The target for total inventory size is based on the assumption of approximately 1000 amendment requests in FY 1999 and 1000 in FY 2000.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal 2000 License Amendment inventory at end of FY 2000 < 430

  • i 2000 Number of Completed License Amendments > 1,171 IEES E8!11s Other The performance measures will be adjusted based on revisions to the NRR Operating Plan.

& Performance Measure Annual Goal m Outcomes Outcome Goals e Maintain Safety Completed Licensing Amendments continue to have a high importance to maintaining safety. Technical Specifications establish the fundamental operating limits the NRC has independently reviewed and approved. Adherence to these limits ensures the health and safety of the public and quality of the environs.

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory The NRR licensing amendment process is completed Burden without undue burden on the regulated industry.

Predictability in completing licensing amendments in a timely manner can aid licensees in planning and scheduling thus reducing burden.

e increase Public Confidence Competent and thorough evaluations of requested licensing amendments will assure that the health and safety of the public are being ensured. In addition, the public is giving opportunity to comment on changes proposed during the licensing amendment processes.

e increase Intemal Efficiency and Relying on precedents and continued efforts to enhance Effectiveness processes and procedures, the staff will seek to realize a

, 15% efficiency gain in FYOO.

e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

7/21/99 11:12 AM DMFT

  • O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

..... ) UFSAR Changes Requiring Prior Approval (USQs) No.2 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Licensing Actions Task Output: Cornplete licensing amendment packages with Safety Evaluations. Interrnediate process steps including: issuing notices, performing technical reviews and generating

  • RAls, producing Safety Evaluations, concurring on Safety Evaluations (produced by technical staff), and processing of all Safety Evaluations by projects.

e Stakeholders Customers Supportina Ornanizations Licensee DSSA, DE, DRIP s Performance Measures IEEtt 89.111 Tirneliness Work is cornpleted within the NRR Timeliness goals for various steps of processing Licensing Amendments (see OL 803). Achieve a licensing amendment inventory age distribution as follows: 80% < 1 year old,95% < 2 years old, and 100% < 3 years old in FY


1999; and 95% < 1 year old and 100% < 2 years old in FY 2000. Work is completed to i support licensee schedules for outages, restart, and continued operation.

13gr Performance Measure Annual Goal 2000 See Performance indicators for License Amendments IXEt Eld!

Effectiveness Products are responsive to requests as measured by voluntary feedback from licensees (see also LATF).10CFR 50.59 and 50.90 requirements are met.

f.egr Performance Measure AnnualGoal 2000 See Performance Indicators for License Amendments IEER ERdf Efficiency Work is completed within office priority guidelines. A 15% efficiency gain in FYOO will be realized, for example Project Manager production of an SE will be reduced from 48 to 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br />.

JAgt hikrir-M& Measure Annual Goal 2000 See Performance indicators for License Amendments IXEt EBd1 Quality Completed work is of the highest quality and does not need to be reissued to correct

, technical errors.

JAtt Performance Measure Annual Goal Iygg ggds Quantity Budgeted Goal for number of changes completed is met.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal m1e 11:12 ^=


q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

..... ) UFSAR Changes Requiring Prior Approval (USQs) No. 2 I. ggt Ratsi Other The performance measures will be adjusted based on revisions to the NRR Operating Plan.

Year Performance Afessure Annual Goal a Outcomes l

Outcome Goals Basig

  • Maintain Safety Completed UFSAR changes continue to have a high importance to maintaining safety. Appropriate review of USQs assures the fidelity of the licensing basis upon which the staff based its originallicensing decisions.
  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory The NRR UFSAR change process is completed without Burden {

undue burden on the regulated industry l 1

  • Increase Public Confidence NRR review or signifcant changes to the licensing basis i provides assurance to the public that the licensee is not changing the plant without adequate regulatory oversight.

In addition, the public is given opportunity to comment on changes proposed during the various licensing action processes.


i e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand Proper and clear maintenance of the licensing basis allows I Effectiveness the staff to make informed decisions on proposed changes in an effective and effeient manner. Relying on precedents i and continued efforts to enhance processes and procedures, the staff will seek to realize a 15% effeiency ,

gain in FYOO.


  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible
  • Other a Stakeholders' Comments i Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

7/21/99 11:12 AM DhFT '

i q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

..... ) Exemptions No.3 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Licensing Actions Task Output: Complete exemption packages with Safety Evaluations. Intermediate process steps including: issuing notices, performing technical reviews and generating RAls, producing Safety Evaluations, concurring on Safety Evaluations (produced by technical staff), and processing of all Safety Evaluations by projects.

s Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oruanizations Licensee DSSA,DE a Performance Measures IME: Ett!!

Timeliness Work is completed within the NRR Tirnetiness goals for various steps of processing Licensing Amendments (see OL 803) Achieve a licensing amendment inventory age distribution as follows: 80% < 1 year old,95% < 2 years old, and 100% < 3 years old in FY 1999; and 95% < 1 year old and 100% < 2 years old in FY 2000. Work is completed to support licensee schedules for outages, restart, and continued operation.

Yant _Pe_rfgmance Measure Annunt Goal 2000 See Performance Indicators for License Amendments

.T.MRf ERA!!

Effectiveness Products are responsive to requests as measured by voluntary feedback from licensees.10 CFR 50.12 requirements are met.

fggr Performance Measure Annual Goni 2000 See Performance Indicators for License Amendments

.I.ME! ER&!!

Efficiency Work is completed within office priority guidelines. A 15% efficiency gain in FYOO will be realized, for example Project Manager production of an SE will be reduced from 48 to 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br />.

Xttr Performance Mensure Annual Goal 2000 See Performance Ind;cators for License Amendments IMER EEll!

Quality Completed work is of the highest quality and does not need to be reissued to correct

, technical errors.

yngr Performance Mensure Annunt Goal T.MER Eff!!

Quantity Complete approximately 88(80) exemptions to support overall licensing action goal of 1640(1500) licensing actions in FYOO.

Yent Performance Measure Annual Goal 2000 Number of Exemptions completed (estimated). 88

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .)

l me9 11:,2 ^=


1 i


r %. DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Exemptions No. 3 IMES EELSi Other The performance measures will be adjusted based on revisions to the NRR Operating Plan.

Xmt P& Meesure Annual Goal o Outcomes Outcome Goals Rggig


  • Maintain Safety Completed Exemptions continue to have a high importance to maintaining safety.
  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory The NRR licensing exemption process is completed without Burden undue burden on the regulated industry. Granting exemptions may permit licensee operation using improved equipment and/or processes or allow greater flexibility potentially resulting in cost and other resource savings e increase Public Confidence Competent and thorough evaluations of exemption requests ensure that the public health and safety are protected. Opportunity for public comment is available throughout this process.

e Increase Intemal Efficency and Appropriately granted exemptions can avoid unnecessary Effectiveness .

violations therefore reducing unnecessary inspection and enforcement effort. Relying on precedents and continued efforts to enhance processes and procedures, the staff will seek to realize a 15% efficiency gain in FYOO.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identifed above.

7/21/99 11:12 AM D MFT

  • a DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

.....) Code Reliefs & Alternatives No.4 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Licensing Actions

- Task Output: Complete relief packages with Safety Evaluations. Interrnediate process steps including: issuing notices, perforrning technical reviews and generating RAls, o producing Safety Evaluations, concurring on Safety Evaluations (produced by technical staff), and processing of all Safety Evaluations by projects.

m Stakeholders Customers Succortina Ornanizehons

, Licensee DE.DSSA e Performance Measures Irnt Bania Twneliness Work is completed within the NRR Timehness goals for various steps of processing Licensmg Amendments (see OL 803). Achieve a licensmg amendment inventory age l detnbubon as follows 80% < 1 year old,95% < 2 years old, and 100% < 3 years old in FY '

1999; and 95% < 1 year old and 100% < 2 years old in FY 2000. Work is completed to support licensee schedules for outages, restart, and continued operation.  ;

i Xggt Performance Measure AnnuelGoal \

2000 See Performance Indicators for License Amendments

....................................................................................... l M EEIla Effectiveness Products are responswe to requests as measured by voluntary feedback from licensees. 10 CFR 50.55a requirements are met.

1 I

Year Performance Measure AnnualGoal 2000 See Performance Indicators for License Amendments T.xet Baala Efficiency Work is cvii; Ted within office priority guidelines. A 15% efficiency gain in FYOO will be realized, for example Project Manager production of an SE will be reduced from 48 to 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br />. Where possible, provide process improvements to the responsible NRR organization.

Eggc Performance Measure AnnuelGoel 2000 See Performance Indicators for License Amendments IMER BnS8s Quality Completed work is of the highest quanty and does not need to be reissued to correct technical errors.

Eggt Asrformance Measure AnnualGoal IMER Ettia Quantity Complete approximately 258(236) relief requests to support overall licensing action goal of 1640(1500) licensmg actions in FYOO.

ym Portormance Measure Annual Goal 2000 Number of Relief Requests completed (estimated). = 258 M1m 11:12 AM DRAFT 7

l i

A DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

( .....

Code Reliefs & Alternatives No. 4 Tyne Basis Other The performance measures will be adjusted based on revisions to the NRR Operating Plan.

.Y.M.r Performance Ateesure Annual Goal m Outcomes Outcome Goals Eggi.g e Maintain Safety Completed Reliefs continue to have a high importance to maintaining safety, e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory The NRR relief process is completed without undue burden i

Burden on the regulated industry. Appropriate review and approval of reliefs give the licensee operational flexibility while ensuring adequate protection of the public's health and safety.

e increase Public Confidence Competent and thorough review of relief requests ensures l i

' the protection of the public's health and safety. Opportunity for public comment is available throughout this process.

e increase Intemal Efficiency and Relying on precedents and continued efforts to enhance Effectiveness processes and procedures, the staff will seek to realize a 1 15% efficiency gain in FYOO.

l e Enhance NRC's ability to make i sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other l

s Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above. "

mia iniau DRAFT

  • s

q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) QA Program - prior approval No. 5 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Ucensing Actions Task Output: Complete QA Program change packages. Intermediate process steps including:

issuing notices, performing technical reviews and generating RAls, producing Safety

' Evaluations, concurring on Safety Evaluations (produced by technical staff), and processing of all Safety Evaluations by projects, a Stakeholders '

Customers Supportina Oraanizations Licensee DIPM

= Performance Measures III!t BRE!!

Timeliness Work is completed within the NRR Timeliness goals for various steps of processing Licensing Amendments (see OL 803). Achieve a licensing amendment inventory age l distribution as follows: 80% < 1 year old,95% < 2 years old, and 100% < 3 years old in FY 1999; and 95% < 1 year old and 100% < 2 years old in FY 2000. Work is completed to support licensee schedules for outages, restart, and continued operation. ,

yggr Performance Meesure Annuel Goal  :

2000 See Performance Indicators for License Amendments Ixile Enala Effectiveness Products are responsive to requests as measured by voluntary feedback from licensees 10 CFR 50.54(a) requirements are met.

Xggr Performance Mensure Annual Goni 2000 See Performance Indicators for License Amendments IIIt! EBall Efficiency Work is completed within office priority guidelines. A 15% effeiency gain in FYOO will be realized, for example Project Manager production of an SE will be reduced from 48 to 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br />. Where possible, provide process improvements to the responsible NRR organization.

yggr. l'.iim.u. ci Measure Annual Goal 2000 See Performance Indicators for License Amendments IMI!f ER!it Quality Completed work is of the highest quality and does not need to be reissued to correct

, technical errors.

yggr Performance Mensure Annual Goal

.................................~............................ . . . . . . ............................ -

- 7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT

  • i I G DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets 1

) QA Program - prior approval No.5 IXRf EE.s.ig q

1 Quantity Complete approximately 82(75) QA/ Emergency Plan Programs in support of overall licensing actions goal of 1640 in (1500) FYOO.

Yeer Performance Measure Annual Goal 2000 Number of QA/EP Licensing Actions completed = 82 (estimated).


, Other The performance measures will be adjusted based on revisions to the NRR Operating Plan.

Xegr Performance Measure Annual Goal s Outcomes Outcome Goals Digis e Maintain Safety Proper regulatory requirements for and reviews of maintenance of the QA Program enhance safety.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory The NRR QA Program change process is completed Burden )

without undue burden on the regulated industry . I e increase Public Confidence Requirements for and review of the licensee QA program ensure the public that the bcensee operates in a manner consistent with protecting the public health and safety.

e increaseIntema!Efficiencyand Relying < precedents and continued efforts to enhance Effectiveness processes and procedures, the staff will seek to realize a 15% efficiency gain in FYOO.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to rnake sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other

= Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

l l

l 7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT '

O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Security Program - prior approval No.6 Program Area: Licensing Authority M ,xy: Licensing Actions Task Output: Complete Security Program change packages. Intermediate process steps including:

issuing notices, performing technical reviews and generating RAls, producing Safety .

Evaluations, concurring on Safety Evaluations (produced by technical staff), and processing of all Safety Evaluations by projects. l e Stakeholders Customers Suncortina Oroenizations Licensee DIPM e Performance Measures IMat Baali Timeliness Work is completed within the NRR Timeliness goals for various steps of processing 1 1.icensing Amendments (see OL 803). Acheve a licensmg amendment inventory age detnbution as follows. 80% < 1 year old,95% < 2 years old, and 100% < 3 years old in FY 1999; and 95% < 1 year old and 100% < 2 years old in FY 2000. Work is completed to support licensee schedules for outages, restart, and contmued operation.

Xmt Asrformance A00ssure AnnualGost 2000 See Performance indcators for License Amendments IMER ESAl1 Effectiveness Products are responsive to requests as measured by voluntary feedback from licensees. 10

, CFR 50.54(p) and 50.90 requirements are met.

Xmt Aert6rmance ninesure AnnualGoel 2000 See Performance indcators for License Amendments 3

IMit BMi1 Efficiency Work is completed within office priority guxlelines. A 15% officency gain in FYOO will be realized, for example Project Manager producten of an SE will be reduced from 48 to 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br />. Where possble, provide process unprovements to the responsble NRR organization.

Xmt Performance ninesure AnnualGoel 2000 See Performance Indicators for License Amendments '

IMat Basif Quality . Completed work is of the highest quakty and does not need to be reissued to correct

. technical errors.

IMER ESElf Quantrty Budgeted Goal for number of security plan changes completed is met.

Xegt PerfortDence hiesELLrt AnnualGoal MW9 M:13 AM -


r q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Security Program - prior approval No.6 Tygg Basis Other The performance measures will be adjusted based on revisions to the NRR Operating Plan.

XgLr Performance Measure Annual Goal

. o Outcomes .

Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Proper regulatory requirements for and reviews of maintenance of the Security Program enhance safety.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory The NRC security plan change process is completed Burden without undue burden on the regulated industry e increase Public Confidence Review of Security Program ensure that the licensee operates in a manner consistent with the protection of the public health and safety. ,

1 e IncreaseintemalEfficiencyand Relying on precedents and continued efforts to enhance Effectiveness processes and procedures, the staff will seek to realize a 15% efficiency gain in FYOO.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are ,

I timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT

t-G - DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

) Emergency Plan - prior approval No.7 Program Area: Licensing Authority Cr:yi: Licensing Actions Task output: Complete Emergency Plan change packages. Intermediate process steps including:

issuing notices, performing technical reviews and generating RAls, producing Safety Evaluations, concurring on Safety Evaluations (produced by technical staff), and processing of all Safety Evaluations by projects.

m Stakeholders


Customers Suncortino Ornanizations I Ucensee ' DIPM i

e Performance Measures limit Baalf l Tirneliness Work is completed within the NRR Timeliness goals for various steps of processmg Licenseg Amendments (see OL 803). Achieve a licensmg amendment inventory age datnbution as follows. 80% < 1 year old,95% < 2 years old, and 100% < 3 years old in FY 1999; and 95% < 1 year old and 100% < 2 years old in FY 2000. Work is completed to support licensee schedules for outages, restart, and contmuod opershon.

Xg Performance nfessure Armus!Goel 2000 See Performance Indicators for License Amendments l 1.15te Basif Effectrveness Products are responsive to requests as measured by voluntary feedback from heensees 10 CFR 50.54(q) requirements are met.

Xmt Performance nfessure Anrud Goel 2000 See Performance Indicators for License Amendments

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Iran Basif Efficency Work is completed within office priority guxlelines. A 15% efficiency gain in FYOO will be realized, for example Project Manager produchon of an SE will be reduced from 48 to 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br />. Where possible, provide process improvements to the responsible NRR organizaben.

  • Xggt Performance neensure AnnuntGoal

- 2000 See Performance Indicators for License Amendments

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . ~ . . ~ . . ~ . . . .

Irat Emait

, Quahty Completed work is of the highest quahty and does not need to be ressued to correct technical errors.

Xmr Performance niansure AnnualGoel

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . ~ . - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . - - .

l DhFT '

7/21/99 11:13 AM 1


A, DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Emergency Plan - prior approval No.7 IMER ER1!!

Quantity Budgeted Goal for number of Emergency Plan changes completed is met.

Xtgr Endgemance Measure Annual Goal 2000 See Performance Indicators for QA Program . prior approval.


Other The performance measures will be adjusted based on revisions to the NRR Operating Plan.

yggr Performance Measure Annual Goal

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................................... l


e outcomes Outcome Goals Rggig e Maintain Safety Completed Emergency Plan changes continue te have a high importance to maintaining safety, e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory The NRC Emergency Plan change process is completed Burden without undue burden on the regulated industry.

e increase Public Confidence A property regulated Emergency Plan process ensures that the licensee operates in a manner consistent with the protection of the public health and safety.

e IncreaseIntemalEfficiencyand Relying on precedents and continued efforts to enhance Effectiveness processes and procedures, the staff will seek to realize a 15% efficioney gain in FYOO.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT

l q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Notifications of Enforcement Discretion (NOED) No.8  !

Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Licensing Actions Task Output: Complete NOED packages with Safety Evaluations and associated approved licensee amendrnents. Intermediate process steps including: performing technical reviews,

  • producing Safety Evaluations, concurring on Safety Evaluations (produced by technical staff), and processing of all Safety Evaluations by projects.

s Stakeholders Customers Succortina Oraanizations Primary Licensee DSSA, DE l

Secondary Regions \

s Performance Measures IMER EAE!E Timeliness The acknowledgment letter is issued within 2 working days of receipt of the licensees written request. For NRR-issued NOEDs, exigent amendment processing is required to meet the 28 day goals for closure. Work is completed to support continued operation.

Jggt Performerpoe Meesure Annual Goal 2000 Acknc;;;tdgement Letters issued < 2 Days 2000 Exigent Amendment issued by NRR < 28 Days IEEf EidE Effectiveness Products are responsive to the NOED request. NRC Enforcement Policy requirements are met.

Xggt Performance Measure Annual Goal IEES erd!

Efficiency Work is completed within negotated timetables and office priority guidelines. A 15%

efficiency gain in FYOO will be realized, for example Project Manager production of an SE will be reduced from 48 to 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br />.

Xggr Perfortnence Measure Annual Goal 2000 See Performance indicators for License Amendments IYEf Ekdf Quality Completed work is of the highest quality and does not need to be reissued to correct ,

technical errors.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal IMES Eld!

Quantity Budgeted Goal for number of NOEDs completed is met. '

Jggr Performance Measure Annual Goal 7/21/99 11:13 AM D hFT '5

O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Notifications of Enforcement Discretion (NOED) No.8

.T.XIlf Engis Other The performance measures will be adjusted based on revisions to the NRR Operating Plan.

Jggt Performance Measure Annunt Goal o e Outcomes Outcome Goals .Qggig

. e Maintain Safety Completed NOEDs continue to have a high importance with respect to maintaining safety by typically preventing unnecessary plant shutdowns which can lead to additional 1 operator challenges and/or plant transients.


  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory The NRR NOED process is completed without undue Burden burden on the regulated industry 1 e increase Public Confidence The NOED process has in the past rassed significant concems in the area of pubhc confidence Going forward, the staff must ensure timely and accurate documentation and ensure that all stakeholders with a need-to-know are l kept informed. This will result in increased public l confidence.

1 e Increase intemal Efficiency and Relying on precedents and continued efforts to enhance Effectrveness processes and procedures, the staff will seek to realize a i 15% effoency gain in FYOO. l e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible )

e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.


7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT

q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Orders No.9 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Licensing Actions Task Output: Complete Order packages.

. m Stakeholders Customers Suonortina Oraani>=*3cns l Primary Licensee NRR, ODNR, Regions

. Secondary NRC OE, OGC e Performance Measures

.T. ret Baala Timeliness Orders are issued in a timely manner to support the safety / regulatory issue of concem.

l l

Xegr Performerwe Meesure Annual Goal 1

.T. ret Baala Effectiveness Products are effectively written and meet the intent of the order.10 CFR 2.202 requirements are met.

Xagt Performance Mensure Annual Goal Iret Esala Efficiency Work is completed within office priority guidelines. A 15% efficiency gain in FYOO will be realized, for example Project Manager production of an SE will be reduced from 48 to 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br />.

l Xegt Performance Measure Annual Goal 2000 See Performance Indicators for License Amendments T. ret Baala l

Quality Completed work is of the highest quality and does not need to be reissued to correct technical errors.

M Performance Measure AnnuelGoal l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

T.res Baala Other The performance measures will be adjusted based on revisions to the NRR Operating Plan.

Xgat Performance Meesure AnnuelGoal 1

7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT

l L

rg DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets h.....) Orders No.9 m Outcomes l


Outcome Goals Basis

  • Maintain Safety Completed Orders continue to have a high importance to i maintaining safety. l
  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory The NRR Order process is completed without undue Burden burden on the regulated industry

, e Increase Public Confidence issuance of appropriate orders ensures operation in a manner consistent with protection of the public health and safety.-

e Increase intemal Efficiency and Relying on precedents and continued efforts to enhance Effectiveness procesees and procedures, the staff will seek to realize a .

15% efficiency gain in FYOO. I e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible l

  • Other l

e Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

l 7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT '*

O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Topical Report - Plant Specific No.10 Program Area: Licensing Authority 1

Category: Licensing Actions 1 i

Task Output: Licensing action work associated with review and approval of a topical report for a specific plant. Interrnediate process steps including: issuing notices, performing

  • technical reviews and generating RAls, producing Safety Evaluations, concurring on Safety Evaluations (produced by technical staff), and processing of all Safety Evaluations by projects.

a Stakeholders Customers Suncortina oraanizations i 1

Licensee DSSA,DE i 1

m Performance Measures l


Timeliness Work is completed within the NRR Timeliness goals for approving topical reports. The l

backlog does not increase. I

.%ggr Performance Meesure Annual Goal

............................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I IMER Ett!1 Effectiveness Products are responssve to requests as measured by voluntary feedback from licensees.

Xgg.r Port 6rmance Measure Annunt Goal f

IMEs Batin Efficiency Work is completed within office priority guidelines. A 15% efficiency gain in FYOO will be realized, for example Project Manager production of an SE will be reduced from 48 to 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br />.

fegr Performance Mensure AnnualGoal IMER EEE!!

Quality Completed work is of the highest quality and does not need to be reissued to correct technical errors.

yggr Performance Meesure Annual Goal IMER ERA!!

Other . The performance measures will be adjusted based on revisions to the NRR Operating Plan.

fggr Performance Mensure Annual Goal 7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT

(N DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets (h.....) Topical Report - Plant Specific No. 10 m Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Noting the generic applicability of Topical Reports, the staff is focusing on maintaining safety by addressing all safety issues in an integrated manner.

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Topical Report reviews reduce licensee burden and Burden increase effectiveness and efficiency as numerous licensees can reference an approved document

  • Increase Public Confidence e increaseIntema!Efficiencyand Relying on precedents and continued efforts to enhance Effectiveness processes and procedures, the staf' will seek to realize a i

15% efficiency gain in FYOO.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

l 4

7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT

q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) License Transfers No.11 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Licensing Actions Task Output: Complete licensing amendment packages associated with License Transfers with Safety Evaluations. Intermediate process steps including: issuing notices, performing

  • technical reviews and generating RAls, producing Safety Evaluations, concurring on Safety Evaluations (produced by technical staff), and processing of all Safety Evaluations by projects.

e Stakeholders Customers Suonortina Oroanizations Licensee DRIP

= Performance Measures T.XI2!! Eff!!

Tirneliness Work is cornpleted within the NRR Tirneliness goals for License Transfers. The backlog does not increase.

Xett Performance Measure Annual Goal III2E ERf!!

Effectiveness Products are effectively written and are responsive to requests as measured by voluntary feedback from licensees.

19t[ Performance Measure Annual Goal l l

i j

Iran Ema!! '

Efficiency Work is completed within office priority guidelines. A 15% efficiency gain in FYOO will be realized, for example Project Manager production of an SE will be reduced from 48 to 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br />.

Xegr P+1& Measure Annual Goal IXItt ERf!!

Quality Completed work is of the highest quality and does not need to be reissued to correct technical errors.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal IMitt Eff!1 Other The performance measures will be adjusted based on revisions to the NRR Operating Plan.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal


7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT "'

(T DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

( )

License Transfers No. 11 m Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Completed License Transfers continue to have a high importance to maintaining accountability to all stakeholders regarding safety.

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory The NRR License Transfer process is completed Burden independent of other regulatory process.

e increase Public Confidence Provide an open forum via noticing and individual stakeholder contact ensuring hearing rights are exercised appropriately.

  • Increase internal Efficiency and Relying on precedents and continued effcrts to enhance Effectiveness processes and procedures, the staff wi!! seek to realize a 15% efficiency gain in FYOO.

e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic Wisions that are timely and prediccole e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above. '

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  • o a DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Lead Plant Reviews for industry (eg. Risk-Informed) Initiatives No. 12 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Licensing Actions Task Output: (Establish a licensing standard based on the review of a specific plant) Complete licens!ng amendment packages with Safety Evaluations. Intermediate process steps

- including: issuing notices, performing technical reviews and generating RAls, producing Safety Evaluations, concurring on Safety Evaluations (produced by technical staff), and processing of all Safety Evaluations by projects.


s Stakeholders Customers Suonortina Ornanizations Primary Licensee DSSA, DE. DIPM Secondary Industry Groups a Performance Measures IMER BRE!1 Timeliness Work is completed within the NRR Timeliness goals. The backlog does not increase.

ftgr Performence Measure Annual Gogi IMES ERai.1 Effectiveness Products are effectively written and are responsive to requests as measured by voluntary feedback from licensees.

fegr Performance Measure Annual Goal IMES EAf!!

Efficiency Work is completed within office priority guidelines. A 15% efficiency gain in FYOO will be realized, for example Project Manager production of an SE will be reduced from 48 to 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br />.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal IMES Eff!!

Quality Completed work is of the highest quality and does not need to be reissued to correct technical errors.

Xtgr Performance Measure Annual Goal IMEt EAELs Other The performance measures will be adjusted based on revisions to the NRR Operating Plan.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal t

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

) Lead Plant Reviews for Industry (eg. Risk-informed) Initiatives No. 12 l

= Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Cumulative risk impact of previous changes for plants <10E-04 should be kept in the range of 10E-06 to 10E-05 and plants >10E-04 should be limited to 10E-06 (database under development).

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory The NRR licensing action process is completed without Burden i undue burden on the regulated industry. This effort is a '

perfect example of how to reduce unnecessary burden by performing one detailed review and having other licensees reference previously approved work.

S e Increase Public Confidence e increase Intemal Efficiency and Applying the results of previous reviews will minimize Effectiveness review time significantly.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make Relying on precedents and continued efforts to enhance sound, realistic decisions that are processes and procedures, the staff will seek to realize a timely and predictible 15% efficiency gain in FYOO.

o Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identifed above.

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DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets (A.....

Technical Specifications (TS) Bases Changes No.13 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Mandated Controls Task Output: Issue letter distributing bases changes to service list (authority file) e Stakeholders Customers Suocortina Ornanizations Ucensee DSSA, DE, DRIP a Performance Measures T.Btg gasLs Timeliness Work is completed within one year. The backlog does not increase.

Yent Performance Meesure Annual Goal T.nt! Ela!!

Effectiveness Products are effectively written and are responsive to eaquests as measured by voluntary feedback from licersees.

yngr Performance Mensure Annunt Goal T.Btt ERE!!

Efficiency Work is completed within budgeted resources, timetables, and office priority guidelines.

Jegr Performance Measure Annunt Goal

............................................................... l T.Baf ES!!! i Quality Completed work is of the highest quality and does not need to be reissued to correct l technical errors.

Xggr Performance Measure Annunt Goal 115!! Eff.1 i Quantity included in total L* Budgeted Goals Year Performance Measure Annual Goal 7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT

  • r% DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Technical Specifications (TS) Bases Changes No.13 a Outcomes Outcome Goals Rgt!E e Maintain Safety e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory

. Burden e increase Public Confidence l e Increase Intema! Efficiency and Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible o Other Will be considered for sunsetting by LATF.

m Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comrnents to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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  • O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets g,

..... ) UFSAR Changes - 10 CFR 50.71(e) No.14 Program Area: Licensirig Authority 4

d Category: Mandated Controls Task Output: Insert UFSAR change packages, perform review, compare 50.59 change package against UFSAR update, memo to supervisor documenting review, including any identified problems, and if necessary, letter to licensee forwarding identified problems.

m Stakeholders

, Customers Sunoortina Oraanizations NRC, Licensee o Performance Measures TBtt Ett!1 Tirneliness Work is completed within the NRR Timeliness goals for UFSAR changes.

Jegt Performance Measure Annual Goal IMRt ESE!!

Efficiency Work is completed within budgeted resources and 90 days of receipt.

Jetr Performance Mensure Annual Goal IMRt EAf!!

Quantity Budgeted Goal for number of UFSAR changes completed is met.

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t G DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets '

) UFSAR Changes - 10 CFR 50.71(e) No. 14 a Outcomes Outcome Goals Ryssis e Maintain Safety Accurate and up to date information in the UFSAR provides the baseline for all staff review of changes to the license and licensing basis and support IRC.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Reduces the need for unnecessary staff questions to Burden complete their reviews of licensing actions.

e increase Public Confidence Provides assurance that changes to the license ere based on accurate technicalinformation.

e increaseintemalEfficiencyand Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make Provides accurate information for staff review of plant sound, realistic decisions that are changes.

timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets l

) Facility Changes - 10 CFR 50.59 No.15 1

I 1

1 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Mandated Controls Task Output: Report (IR input or separate letter) on results of 50.59 program review and audit of selected plant changes including program review, process, and implementation of new rule.

m Stakeholders

, Customers SuDDortina Oroanizations NRC, Licensee a Performance Measures

.T. ret EaE!E Timeliness Work is completed within NRR timeliness goals for 50.59 reviews.

1 yngt Performance Measure Annual Goal '

IYER ERElf 4 Effectiveness Assurance that licensee program conforms to 50.59 requirements. Audit provides  !

reasonable assurance that licensee effectively identifies changes that require prior NRC review and approval.

Xagr Performance Measure Annual Gon!

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IXEt EEElf l Efficiency Confidence in the licencee's 50.59 program allows reduced involvement by NRC in I evaluating changes to the facility.

Xept Performance Meesure Annual Goal


LYE 2 EB1!E Quantity Within budgeted resource goals.

Yent Performance Measure Annual Goal

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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

..... ) Facility Changes - 10 CFR 50.59 No.15 e Outcomes Outcome Goals 93.Els e Maintain Safety e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Allows licensees to make changes without the impact of

. Burden staff review.

e increase Public Confidence Assurance to the public that NRC maintains appropriate regulatory cognizance over plant design.

e increase Intema! Efficiency and Assures that NRC resources are focused on regulatory Effectiveness significant issues. PMs are better able to perform evaluation due to licensing knowledge and awareness and familiarity with the licensing basis than inspectors.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make Ensures licensing basis is accurate and understood by sound, realistic decisions that are NRC and licensee.

timely and predctible e Other e Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identifed above.

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G DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets i g,

..... ) Quality Assurance (QA) Program Change Reviews No.16 j


Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Mandated Controls Task Output: Safety Evaluation as required a Stakeholders Customers Suonortina Oroanizations NRC, Licensee DIPM m Performance Measures III!R ERE!E Timeliness Reviews are completed in a timely manner, commensurate with regulatory requirements for such reviews.

Xtet Performance Measure Annual Goal III29 ERA!E Effectiveness Required safety evaluations address the program changes and adequately support staff position.

Xegt Performance nfeesure AnnualGoal IMI2E EtEll Efficiency Only necessary reviews are conducted and scope / resource expenditures are commensurate with significance of change.

Xegt Pw1ormance n0 ensure AnnualGoal IM ERE!!

Quality Completed work has necessary inputs from and coordination with quality assurance specialists and reflects agency policy.

Xegr Performance Meesure Annual Goal

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G DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Quality Assurance (QA) Program Change Reviews No. 16 o Outcomes Outcome Goals M e Maintain Safety Reviews assure that changes are not adverse to maintenance of safety,

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Timely approval could reduce unnecessary burden.


. e increase Public Confidence e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand Effectiveness

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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l q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets g,

.....) Security Program Change Reviews No.17 I

Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Mandated Controls l )

1 Task Output: Determination of acceptability of change and conformance with 50.54(p), including safety evaluation as required.

e Stakeholders Customers Suncortina Oroanizations

. NRC, Licensee DIPM e Performance Measures IYet Baa!.t Timeliness Reviews are completed in a timely manner, commensurate with requester's schedule.

far Peiiu,,. r.ce Measure Annual Goal IYet EAllt Effectiveness Required safety evaluations address the program changes and adequately support staff position fggr Performarsee Measure Annual Goal IMHf ESE!E Efficiency Only necessary reviews are conducted and scope / resource expenditures are commensurate with significance of change.

fggr Performance Measure Annual Goal IYRt ERE!E Quality Completed work has necessary inputs from and coordination with security program specialists and reflects agency porcy Yegr Performance Measure Annual Goal I

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A s DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets l

) Security Program Change Reviews No. 17 1

m Outcomes Outcome Goals Dr.sLs e Maintain Safety Reviews assure that changes are not adverse to maintenance of safety, o e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Timely approval could reduce unnecessary burden.

Burden e increase Public Confidence e increaseintemalEfficiencyand Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets j g h, ) Routine Emergency Program / Plan updates No.18 I

Program Area: Licensing Authority l

Category: Mandated Controls Task Output: Review EP changes with SE as necessary 1

= Stakeholders i Customers Sucoortina Oraanizations )

NRC, Licensee DIPM

= Performance Measures I. E,s Trneliness Work is consistently within the NRR guidelines for routine reviews.

fner Performance Measure I Ann,st,.ggg_I IMER EBal!

Effectiveness Products are relevant and well written.

Xggt Performance Meesure Annual Gon!

IMRt Eati!

Efficiency Budgeted resources for this area are fully utilized and are appropriate to complete the '

budgeted work. Work is completed within negotiated timetables and office priority guidelines.

Xggt Performance Measure Annual Goal IXRt . Eatif Quality Completed work is of the highest quality and does not need to be reissued to correct technical errors.

Xegt Performance Measure Annual Goal 1

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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Routine Emergency Program / Plan updates No.18 e Outcomes Outcome Goals Eggig e Maintain Safety EP changes contribute to assuring safety during and following a radiological or other EP event.

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Unnecessary req'uirements are eliminated.

Burden -

l e increase Public Confidence EP is highly visible public interface requiring extensive public interaction.

e Increase Intemal Efficiency and Licensee staff and financial resources focus on safety.

Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timey and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Regulatory Commitment Management Program No.19 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Other Licensing Tasks Task Output: Review and documentation of the regulatory commitment management program.

O a Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oroanizations NRC, Licensee s Performance Measures IXEt EAfif Timeliness Review is completed within the NRR Timeliness goals.

Xggt Performance Measure Annual Goal IXEt ERilE Effectiveness Scope and depth of review meets office expectations.

fggt Performance Measure Annual Goal IXEt ESnf Efficiency Resources are within budgeted amounts.

Xggr Performance Measure Annual Goal IXEt EBI!!

Quality Reviews are conducted using appropriate guidance and documentation comports with agency policy (well-wntten).

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal IXE! ERE!!

Quantity Number of reviews completed meets office goals.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal l

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rN DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Regulatory Commitment Management Program No.19 a Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Assures adequate controls on adherence to implementation of regulatory commitments.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden e Increase Public Confidence Assures licensees are doing what they say they are doing.

e increaseintemalEfficiencyand Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible m Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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  • q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Pre-application Reviews No.20 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Other Licensing Tasks Task Output: If applicable, meeting summary or response to a licensee letter documenting Pre-application activities.


s Stakeholders Customers Supoortino Oroanizations

. Primary Licensee DSSA,DE Secondary NRR e Performance Measures

.TXEt ERE!E Timeliness Work is completed in a timely manner to support the requests of preapplicant.

Egg.r, Performance Measure Annual Goal IMER ERE!!

Effectiveness Products are effectively written and are responsive as measured by feedback from licensees. Application is complete and requires no RAl.

Xqqr Performance Measure Annual Goal I.MES Eti!E Efficiency Resources expended are commensurate with safety significance of issue and are within budgeted resources.

Xqqr Performance Measure Annual Goal IXEt Eff!!

Quality Work is completed in accordance with office expectations, it is accurate, and in accordance with regulations.

Xttr Performance Measure Annual Goal Irpe Baals

. Quantity Following guidance of OL 803, the staff is encouraged to communicate frequently and early with licensees. ,

1 Year Performance Measure Annual Goal mee i,:,3 =


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A. DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Pre-application Reviews No. 20 j t

u Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis l

e Maintain Safety i

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Quality submittals reduces need for licensee resources to Burden support follow-on reviews.

1 e Increase Public Confidence l e increaseintemalEfficiencyand Pre-application reviews have a significant impact on Effectiveness increasing NRC effectiveness and efficiency. NRC gets a l

heads up of incoming work (is able to budget for it) and the applicant is able to provide more complete applications.


  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible i

l e Other l

e Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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  • q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Plant-Specific Irnplementation of Multi-Plant Actions (MPAs) No. 21 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Other Licensing Tasks Task Output: Issuance of closure documentation for each facility affected by MPA (i.e. IPEEE, SOUG, GL 96-06).

= Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oraanizations

. DRIP, DSSA, DE, Licensee a Performance Measures Iyge Basis Timeliness Closure of issues comports with goals established by LPM /LPD and supports safety significance of issue.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal IXEt EAE!!

Efficiency Work is completed utilizing generic guidance to the maximum extent so that resources do not exceed those programmed.

1991 Performance Measure Annun! Goal T.XEt Eff!!

Quality Closure documentation complies with guidance provided by LPM.

Substantive changes are not required as a result of management review.

Xegr Performance Measure Annun! Goal Iygg Basis Other Other licensing task goals for inventory reduction are met.

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l O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Plant-Specific implementation of Multi-Plant Actions (MPAs) No. 21 m Outcomes Outcorne Goals Rinit e Maintain Safety Closure of MPA issues on affected plants assures these generic safety issues have been adequately addressed by licensees.

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden i

e e increase Public Confidence Completion of generic safety issues identified by NRC which often have high public visibility, could increase public

' confidence in the agency's commitment to maintaining safety.

l e increaseIntemclEfficiencyand The MPA process is more efficient than plant specific Effectiveness resolutions. Closure of generic safety issues could lay the groundwork for improved plant performance, making our job of regulation more efficient. I e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are trnely and predictible ,


e other e Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.


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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Task interface Agreernents (TIAs) No. 22 Program Area: Ucensing Authority Category: Other Licensing Tasks Task Output: Complete TIA response package.

m Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oroanizations Regions, DIPM DSSA, DE, DRIP, DIPM O

a Performance Measures T.utt Eta!1 Timeliness Work is completed within the NRR Timeliness goals for TIAs. Work is completed on a schedule to support the requestor's need.

fggt Performance nieasure Annual Goal IHtt ERalE Effectiveness Products are responsive to regional requests and permit the Offee or region to disposition open items on a sound technical and regulatory basis.

fggt Performance niensure AnnualGoal 4

Efficiency Regional decisions on closure of inspechon findings or enforcement actions are reached with the minimum expenditure of resources by utilizing inter-organizational expertise.

Xggt Perfortnarwe hiessure Annual Goal 1 529 EEElf Quality Completed work is responsive to regional requests and permits disposition of open items without additional NRR input. OL 1201 guidance is followed.

Jggt Performance n0 ensure Annust Goal l

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

..... ) ' Task Interface Agreements (TIAs) No. 22 m Outcomes Outcome Gonis gggig e Maintain Safety Provides sound basis for requiring appropriate licensee actions that maintain or improve safety.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Appropriate regulatory decisions may prevent resident or Burden regional inspectors from irnposing unnecessary requirements on licensees.

e increase Public Confidence e increase Intemal Efficiency and Broad dissemination of TIA resolutions can provide Effectiveness guidance to all regions to avoid duplication of concems.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make NRR response is often the primary factor in the regions' sound, reafistic decisions that are decisions on open items.

timely and predictible e Other l

= Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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I O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets  ;

.....) 10 CFR 2.206 Petitions No. 23 Program Area: Licensing Authority j

Category: Other Licensing Tasks i


1 Task Output: (1) Support to PRB 1 j

(2) Acknowledgrnentletter (3) Periodic communication with petitioner (4) 2.206 Office Directors Decision (5) Status updates a Stakeholders Customers Suonortina Oraanizations Public DSSA,DE

= Performance Measures IYan Ena!1 Timeliness 2.206 petitions are concluded within the NRR timeliness goals for 2206 packages as i

l described in Division or Office Operating Plan. Reviews are conducted within the timeliness j goals of MD 8.11 1 1

f.egt Performance Measure Annual Goal IMER BRE!1 Effectiveness Products are responsive to the Petition issues and have supportable bases. No l Commission decisions to overtum.

Lagt Performance Measure Annual Goal IMRt ERf!1 Efficiency Labor rates to complete actions do not exceed those budgeted and are commensurate wrth safety significance of petitioners concems.

Xggr Performance Measure Annual Goal l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..............................................

l Iran Enn!1 Quality Directors Decision is accurate and responsive and is accepted with little rework.

Jagr Performance Measure Annual Goal I

IXRt EE!!!

Quantity Scheduled completions are met.

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10 CFR 2.206 Petitions No. 23 o Outcomes i Outcome Goals Rggig e Maintain Safety Proper assessment of petitions could lead to enforcement action against licensees to effect quality assurance and restore safety level.

I e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden e increase Public Confidence When Director's Decisions are fair and supportable, they contribute to public confidence in the process.

e increaseintemalEfficiencyand Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other e Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identifed above. l I

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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Support to Public Hearing Process No. 24 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Other Licensing Tasks Task Output: (1) Coordination of written testimony, including providing testimony (2) Processing and issuing Board notifications (3) Attendance at pre hearing conferences, depositions, hearing (4) Responses to discovery requests (5) Development ofinterrogatories (6) Direct testimony s Stakeholders Customers Sunoortina Ornanizations OGC DSSA, DE, DRIP a Performance Measures T.XEt BRE!1 Timeliness OGC's ability to support the hearing schedule is not impacted by the performance of the projects staff. This includes timely preparation of testimony, responses to discovery, and development of interrogatories. Board notifications are issued in accordance with the office standards, yngr Performance Meesure Annual Goal TJGtt Etal.E Effectiveness NRC's position prevails at the hearing.

yet Performance Meesure Annual Goal 11522 Ett!E Efficiency Assistance for all phases is provided within the budgeted resources, ynt Per*ormance Measure , Annun! Goal IEES EAf!1 Ouality Written testimony is thorough and accurate and does not need ' correction" in direct.

Interrogatories are insightful and address questions needed to develop the NRC case and are accepted by OGC with minimum revision. Responses to discovery requests are of such

. quality and thoroughness that cross examination is reduced. Decisions on documents to be used for Board Notifications conform to office guidance.

Yee' Pertwkarc& Mensure Annual Goal l

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rN DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets l

) Support to Public Hearing Process No. 24 m Outcomes Outcome Gon!!g Rgt!g e Maintain Safety e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory

. Burden e increase Public Confidence A well prepared and presented case by the NRC to challenges to our decisions can help build public confK$ence.

e increase intemal Efficiency and Effectiveness

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be prowded following meetings with stakeholders identified above.


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% DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets


) 10 CFR 50.54(f) Letters No. 25 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Other Licensing Tasks Task Output: (1) 10 CFR 50.54(f) letters including justification for information request and OMB clearance statements if required.

(2) Coordination and documentation of staff review of response to plant specific 50.54(f) letters a Stakeholders Customers Suncortina Oraanizatio_ng Primary NRC DLPM Secondary Regions a Performance Measures IXIlt EAE!!

Timeliness Letters are issued promptly upon determination of need. Reviews are completed on schedules commensurate with safety significance Xegr Performance Meesure Annual Gos!

IMiin Baala Effectiveness No clarification of information request is needed and the request is adequately justified.

Xggr Performance Mansure Annual Goal IMilt EEf!!

Efficiency Generic letters response reviews are designed to minimize staff resources and are completed within budgeted resources.

Xggr Performarwe Mensure Annual Goal IMI!! ER1!E Quality The letter is clearty written as to purpose, licensee requirements, and licensee impacts and request is adequately justified. Review results are technically and legally supportable and conform with agency policy.

Xmgr Performance Mansure AnnualGoal j

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) 10 CFR 50.54(f) Letters No. 25 e Outcomes Outcome Goals M e Maintain Safety information is needed to determine whether or not actions are required in order to maintain or enhance safety.


  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory A property developed 50.54(f) request does not impose an Burden unnecessary regulatory burden. .

. e increase Public Confidence Visibility of agency actions to address safety concems could increase public confidence, e increaseintemalEfficiencyand Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make Provides a basis for certain significant regulatory actions.

sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Backfits No. 26 Program Area: . Licensing Authority Category: Other Licensing Tasks Task Output: (1) Identification of backfits (2) Documents required by OL 901; 50.109 (3) Coordination of staff actions (4) Completed backfit

= stakeholders Customers Suncortina Oreanizations DSSA, DE DRIP, DIPM DLPM

= Performance Measures 11512 Baalf Timeliness Backfits are imposed in a time frame commensurate with their safety significance and requirements of OL 901.

XnEC Performance Mansure AnnuelGoal l

IMitt Baalf Quality Conclusions and analyses are technically supportable, conform with cunent policy (OL 901; 10 CFR 50.109), and do not require any substantive changes upon management review.

.het Performance Mensure AnnualGoal

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l s Outcomes Outcome Goals REEtt e Maintain Safety imposition of backfits should restore safety to the licensed level or enhance safety, e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Proper management of backfits is necessary to avoid Burden inappropriate iirvv.;0si 1

e increase Public Confidence imposition of backfits when warranted could contnbute to increasing public confidence, e increaseIntemalEffcencyand

. Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make Backfit analyses provide a staff basis regarding imposition sound, realistic decisions that are of a change.

timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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rN DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets l

) Proprietary Information Reviews No.27 Program Area: Licensing Authority Category: Other Licensing Tasks Task Output: A proprietary determination letter is issued.

s Stakeholders Customers Suncortina Oraanizations Licensee DSSA,DE m Performance Measures IInt Etti!  !

Timeliness Determination Letter is issued within X months of receipt of request (determination within 2 l weeks or issue interim letter). If a public meeting involves proprietary information and a l closed meeting is requested, the proprietary determination must be made prior to noticing l the meeting . (letter may be issued subsequent to meeting)

Xtgr Performance Mensure Annuct Gon!

IMRt Eta!!

Quality Determinations are based on sound engineering and legal positions.

Xtti Performance Mensure Annual Gon!

IMES Eff!1 Quantity As requested to meet demand.

l X.etr Performance Mensure Annun!Goni l

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r%, DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Proprietary information Reviews No.27 m OWoomes Outcome Goals Engig e Maintain Safety e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory The withholding of proprietary information is meant to

- Burden reduce unnecessary burdens that would result in economic repercussions. Unnecessary requirements are eliminated.

e increase Public Confidence Correct and timely proprietary determinations enhance NRC credibility and improve public confidence.

e increase Intemal Efficiency and Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Transition of Assignments No. 28 Program Area: Ucensing Authority Category: Other Licensing Tasks Task output: Effective transition of assignments. Includes changes in PM assignment and transition  !

of plant to Decommissioning status.

  • Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oraanizations

. DLPM a Performance Measures i l


.IMit! Efil l Timeliness Transitions are effected in a time frarne to support reassignment.

yngr Performance Mansurg Annual Goal l

...................................................................................................................................... i IMRt EEfl i '

Effectiveness New assignee is knowledgeable of current issues, knows where and how to access records, licensee contacts, regional contacts, etc.

l 1egr Performance Meesure Annual Goal IMRf EAE!E Efficiency Continuity of regulatory oversight is retained. Transition is transparent to stakeholders.

1sgr Performance Meesure Annual Goal IMRt EA8!!

Quality See Effectiveness and Efficiency Xtg.r Performance Mansure Annual Goal I

mim ,2:,3 =


7%, DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Transition of Assignments No.28 e Outcomes Outcome Goals DB is e Maintain Safety Reassignments assure objectivity and provide "new eyes" on a facility which can contribute to maintaining safety.


  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden e increase Public Confidence Match PM's capabilities with degree of complexity of plant.

e Increase Intemal Efficiency and Contributes to effective and efficient use of staff resources.

Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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t G DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets i

) Routine Communications with licensee No.29 Program Area: Interfaces Category: Licensee / Owners' Group Activities Task Output: Coordinate and research NRC policies or positions for licensee, obtain licensee perspective on plant issues, and general information/ priorities on licensing issues, e Stakeholders Customers Sucoortina Oraanizations

. Primary Licensee Secondary DLPM e Performance Measures

.T.Ynt Baa!n Effectiveness Backup PM is always identified. Focus licensee through PM as single point of contact.

Effective communications should reduce the need for expedited reviews by avoiding surprises. Based on feedback from licensee. Communicate with licensees at least weekly.

Xegr_ Performance Meesure Annual Goal LYRE EREla Efficiency Avoid repeat communication due to inappropriate coordination (single point of contact identifed).

fqqr Performance Measure Annual Goal i

l m4. 2 , ==


q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Routine Communications with licensee No. 29 I

e Outcomes i

_Outcoma Goals ,Qgg!g e Maintain Safety Communications will tend to focus on plant status, license conditions, requirements all of which enhance safety.  ;

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Communications with licensees often aimed at conveying Burden NRC policies or positions and planning work to reduce unnecessary burdens on licensees. Unnecessary

. requirements are eliminated.

e increase Public Confidence NRC single point of contact for facility aware of plant status, safety concems, etc.

e increase Intemal Efficiency and Communication aids in E&E of key NRR processes such as Effectiveness licensing. Early and frequent communications are stressed in OL 803

  • License Amendment Process" as a key contributor to increasing E&E.  ;

e Enhance NRC's ability to make i sound, realistic decisions that are l timely and predicbble e Other 1

m Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

7/21/99 11:13 AM D MFT

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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets


.....) Visit Licensee Site No.30 l

Program Area: Interfaces Category: Licensee / Owners' Group Activities l Task Output: (1) Plant familiarization - conduct routine plant walkdowns, attend moming meetings, {

l safety review meetings, meet with licensing staff and discuss licensing issue status, i

  • visit control room, follow-up on any outstanding issues resulting from the visit.

! (2) Interface with resident inspector (3) Communicate with licensee staff to understand licensee concems and safety

, issues. Inform NRC management of site visit highlights and significant issues.

m Stakeholders l Customers , Supportina oraanizations l



l e Performance Measures '

IMI22 ER.91E i

Timeliness Site visits conducted prior to signifcant plant activities. l l Eggr Performance 40 ensure Annual Goal IEl2R E!E!E Effectiveness


Results in increased awareness / understanding of plant issues  ;

fggt Performance Measure Annual Goal IMRE E4f!!

Efficiency Site visita preplanned well in advance to accomplish specific activities (ie. safety oversight, i licensing agenda, etc.)

1 fegt Performance Measure Annual Goal l

i IMRt ERE!E l Quantity On average 2 visits per year.

fggt Performance Measure Annual Goal 2000 Average number of site visits (approximate) = 2 1 -

l 7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT "

a DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Visit Licensee Site No. 30 m Outcomes l

Outcome Goals Basig e Maintain Safety PM insights / observations contribute to maintaining safety.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory increased awareness of regulatory burden when witnessed

. Burden at site enables PM to identify and reduce unnecessary burden more effectively.

. e increase Public Confidence Allows PM to interact with the public, when required, more intelligently on plant issues and increases public l confidence and NRC credibility.

l l

e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand Site visits promote opportunities for communication and l Effectiveness articulation of problems and concems early on. Discuss success paths for resolution of problems.

e Enhance NRC's ability to make Site visits increase NRC staff knowledge of licensee l sound, realistic decisions that are performance and site status.  !

timely and predictible e Other l

e Stakeholders' Comments -

Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.


" * * ""3^"

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l l q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

.....) Unsolicited information (Ul) reviews No. 31 Program Area: Interfaces Category: Licensee / Owners' Group Activities Task Output: Process Ul requests - review information to understand what regulatory actions are being requested or may be required, screen for safety issues that require follow-up, document all conversations, place all Ul that is not sensitive on a docket and in the PDR in accordance with MD 3.50.

m Stakeholders Customers Sunoortina Oraanizations NRC

= Performance Measures Irltt Bali.E Effectiveness All safety issues are identified with appropriate follow.up.

Xep! Performance Measure Annual Goal IMitt Eff!E Efficiency Staff responses are not changed by NRC management or the Commission.

X.epr Performance Mansure AnnualGoej IXHE ERE!E Quality Staff responses succinctly and accurately address the concems.

Xepr Performance Measure Annual Goal IYIN Eff!E Ouantity As required.

Xepr Performance Measure AnnualGoal l

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Unsolicited information (Ul) reviews No. 31 o Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Ul reviews can identify safety issues that require follow-up and contribute to maintaining safety.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Unnecessary requirements are eliminated.

Burden e increase Public Confidence When processed effectively and efficiently, public confidence is increased.

e increase Intemal Efficiency and Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make Staff responses should consider the generic aspects of the sound, realistic decisions that are particular issue, timely and predictible e Other e Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

7/21/99 11:13 AM D MFT

A DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Lead PM on Technicalissues No. 32 Program Area: Interfaces Category: Licensee / Owners' Group Activities Task Output: Perform lead PM tasks to close out MPAs, GSis, USIs (1) Prepare written instructions to plant PMs on how a particular MPA is to be processed, (2) Obtain TAC numbers, (3) Assist in the development of generic communications, (4) Monitor incoming responses and review schedules, (5) Prepare / monitor status reports regarding MPAs, (6) Coordinate activities, (7) Periodically evaluate the status and close out approach of the MPA, (8) Develop close out verification plans, (9) Issue RAls.

(10) Prepare close out memo for MPA.

(11) Presentations and briefings to management and others (ACRS, CRGR, etc.)

e Stakeholders Customprs Suonortina Ornanizations Primary Vendors, tJcensees DSSA, DE, DIPM Secondary NRC, industry Groups DLPM, Licensees a Performance Measures T.unt Baa!n Tirneliness i

MPA is closed out within the schedule established for the issue.

Xsar Performance niensure AnnuelGael Tran Baala Effectiveness No recurrent issues on MPA due to lack of thoroughness.

Xant Performanct ninesure AnnuelGoel

. T.rea Baala Efficiency Guidance to PMs results in resource savings and consistency (standardization).  !

Xeg Perfformance ninesure AnnuelGoal T. Man Baala Quality Briefings are clear, concee and accurate, leading to efficient dissemination of information.

Xtal Performance n0 ensure Annual Gael

= ""3^


i q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

..... ) Lead PM on Technical issues No. 32 T.jgte Basis Quantity Number of MPA's closed.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal e Outcomes l Outcome Goals pag!g ,

e Maintain Safety MPAs generally require licensees to take an action to I maintain safety.

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Lead PM ensures development of consistent approach and Burden implementation process for licensee resolution of issues that are property reviewed by management - preclude unnecessary burden on an individual licensee.

e increase Public Confxience e increaseintemalEfficumcyand The function of the LPM is to coordinate the MPA such that Effectiveness efficiencies and effectiveness are gained in completing other licensing tasks e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identifMKI above.

i l

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

..... ) Morning Calls (Routine) No. 33 Program Area: Interfaces Category: Regions Task Output: Direct: Interface on a frequent (on order of daily) basis 4

I Indirect: Interface and coordination of licensing, inspection, assessrnent and other  ;

licensing programs. Allows for DLPM to be HQ point of contact for plant specific l



i l = Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oraanizations DLPM Regions  ;

= Performance Measures i i

IMHf Eff!1 I Timeliness Participate on calls with the regional staff on a daily basis j a

fgr Performance Measure Annual Goal l l


l IIRE ERalf Effectiveness Feedback from regions that DLPM participation is useful. Feedback from licensees and l

other stakeholders that DLPM awareness of plant issues is useful l

yyr Performance Measure Annual Goal IERS ERE!E Efficiency Calls are typcally about 25 minutes per day. Interface conducted with minimal adverse j impact on regional staff. ,

Xggr Performance Measure Annual Goal  !

l l ..

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A, DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Morning Calls (Routine) No. 33 m Outcomes Outcome Goals Rgs!g

= Maintain Safety Provides an integrated view of each site and ensures safety concems and events are factored into daily work. Risk significant issues and events are discussed during the moming calls as they occur and generic implications are identified for HQ pursuit when appropriate which contributes to maintaining safety e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Timely consideration of NRR perspectives in inspection Burden activities as well as consideration of plant issues into licensing program e increase Public Confidence The sharing of infonnation regarding the various licensing  !

programs prevents ' silo effect* which might erode public j confidence (ie - HQ remains aware of plant issues / activities) e increase Intemal Efficiency and Sharing of information allows routine processes to be more Effectiveness


efficient. Allows NRR to perform some interface roles 1 (discussed later) which can be more efficiently performed by HQ staff, thereby minimizing impact on regional staff (ie - some of this time is recouped when viewed from an agency perspective).

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other Promotes cooperation and teamwork between regions and HQ. Prevents isolation of staff involved in the various elements of the Licensing Program. Helps morale of DLPM staff by maintaining contact with the 'real world" l

a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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A,,. DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets


..... ) PIM inputs /PPR participation No. 34 .

1 1

Program Area: Interfaces C:^:;-:=f: Regions Task Output: Direct: (1) PIM feeders on licensee performance in licensing, (2) Participate in plant performance review (offer some insights but is more of a leaming than a contributing role)

Indirect Coordination of licensing, inspection, assesstnent and other licensing programs. Allows for DLPM to be HQ point of contact for plant specific information.

m Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oreanizations NRC, Regions a Performance Measures IMitt EAElf Timeliness PIM inputs are provided within two weeks of documentation (ie, docketing of concem in a letter).

Xset Performance Measure AnnuelGoel IXilt ERElf Effectiveness Provides the region with insights to licensee performance based on licensing activities.

Provides DLPM personnel with valuable insights regarding licensee performance to support other interface functions. Measure is feedback from regional and DLPM staff that participation remains useful.

Xggt Performance Mensure AnnuelGon!

IMilf EEE!1 Efficiency Participation by video-conference or other means such that cost is commensurate to benefits (DLPM not to exceed 900 hours0.0104 days <br />0.25 hours <br />0.00149 weeks <br />3.4245e-4 months <br />). Interface conducted with minimal adverse impact on process as reflected by feedback from the region.

Xggt Performance Meesure AnnualGoal IMER ESE!!

Quality Provide accurate insights and interpretations. Poor licensing submittals may provide insights into engineering capabilities. PIM entries combined w% other interactions with licensee clearfy identify problem that could support improvement in quality of licensing submittals.

Xtet Performance Mensure Annual Goal 7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT "

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) PIM inputs /PPR participation No.34 IMER ESA!!

Quantity PM participates in all PPRs for assigned plant.

f.gg_r Performance Measure Annual Goal

. m Outcomes Outcome Goals Ent!E

  • Maintain Safety Provides valuable insights from the licensing perspective on the performance of the licensee. Supports consideration of licensee performance in licensing decisions.
  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory insights of DLPM staff in interactions with ILimee, and use Burden of lead to improved submittal quality which reduces staff review efforts, e increase Public Confidence Helps provide consistency of NRC HQ and Regional activities and information released to the public.

e increase intemal Efficiency and DLPM input to PIMs combined with routine interactions with Effectiveness licensees used to improve quality of licensing submittals ,

which will improve efficiency of licensing processes. j e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets I

..... ) IP 40500 involvement (or equivalent in risk informed baseline) No. 35 l 1

Program Area:

1 i Interfaces '

Category: Regions 1 Task Output: (1) Report input on NRC review of effectiveness of licensee process to identify, resolve  ;

and prevent problems; l (2) Provide information on facility reflecting observations of licensee corrective actions a Stakeholders Customers Suncortina Oroanizations NRC Regions a Performance Measures 11522 Eta!E Timeliness PM involvement is coordinated with the region on a timely basis @f Xqqr Pwlw;. u,ce Measure AnnualGoal

.IJGit Eff!!

Effectiveness PM provides different perspective arxl licensing insights on licensee corrective actions that result in appropriate NRC decisions. Regional office and/or other stakeholder feedback that DLPM adds value to inspection would be measure.

Xegr Performance Measure Annunt Goal T.XIt! Eff!!

Efficiency Efforts to support IP40500 within budgeted retources.

Zggt Performance Mensure Annual Goal I

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) IP 40500 involvement (or equivalent in risk informed baseline) No.35 m Outcomes Outcome Goals Ran!E e Maintain Safety PM insights used to ensure appropriate ===a== ment of the effectiveness of licensee corrective actions regarding problems that potentially degrade the quality of plant operations or safety. Increasing reliance on licensee corrective action programs is likely to influence licensing processes and DLPM understanding of such programs is

- necessary as part of integrat.ed oversight and licensing process.

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden e increase Public Confidence HQ knowledge of specific corrective action programs needed to prevent " silo effect".

e IncreaseIntemalEffoencyand Licensing perspectrve adds to regumal perspective for Effectiveness more effective assessment of licensee e Enhance NRC's ability to make Understandmg of correctwe action programs allows timely sound, realistic decisions that are and effective decision making in matters such as NOEDs trnely and predictible - and other licensing actums e Other a Stakehoksers' Comments l Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identitied above.


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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets g,

..... ) Management Oversight Panels No.36 Program Area: Interfaces i Category: Regions Task Output: The panel charter defines the outputs which are typically restart recommendations, allegation reviews and providing an independent oversight observation beyond inspections. Meeting summaries are also issued

  • Stakeholders ,

, Customers Suncortina Oreanizations I NRC Regions 1

a Performance Measures  !


Timeliness The lice .e's schedule for restart is not unduly irnpacted by licensing issues. Aerformance Measure Annual Goal IMitt E88!1 Effectiveness The MOP minimizes NRC involvement in the plant shutdown beyond that required to maintain safety. No shutdown days driven by NRC for non-safety significant issues.

Licensing activities are coordinated with oversight and plant restart activrbes (per fee &ack from stakeholders).

Xegr P!arformance Mensure Annual Goal IIItt ERE!1 Quantity As needed to support oversight process.

Xnr Performance Measure Annual Goni 7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT 7

E i q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets l

) Management Oversight Panels No.36 m Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety involvement is deemed appropriate to maintain safety. l e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory MOP shall ensure unnecessary burden is reduced and j

. Burden oversight, restart, and licensing activities are well l coordinated. 1

. e Increase Public Confidence Ensuring public understands that NRC is involved when safety is at risk ( not being reactive) and that NRC is working effectively together with licensee to address problems.

e increaseintemalEfficiencyand Effectiveness of working on the risk significant issues. ,

Effectiveness l e Enhance NRC's abirrty to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible o Other -

1 m Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.


l 7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT 7'

O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

  • "* ) Routine Communications with Regions on Licensing, Inspection and Assessment No.37 Program Area: Interfaces Category: Regions Task Output: Communication with regions on licensing, inspection and assessment programs (other than TIAs but beyond those during moming calls task).

Provide technical support to regional staff, research/ convey NRC policies or positions for Region (usually without documentation)


m Stakeholders Customers Suncortina Oroanizations DLPM, Regions a Performance Measures 115!! EttJE i Tirneliness info requested by region is provided in a timely manner

,Y3 gt Performance Mensure Annual Goal IXEt EAfit Effectiveness improved communications with Regions (per feedback)

.Y,. ggt Performance Measure Annual Goal 11528 ESA!!

Efficiency Efficient dissemination of information on NRC policies or positions.

Measure is via feedback from regional offices.

fyr Performance Measure Annual Goal IXEt EER!E Quality information provided is accurate per feedback from stakeholders,

. feet Performance Measure Annual Goal IXEE- EBf!1 Quantity As needed to support regional staff fqqt Performance Measure Annual Goal 1

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets l

~~ ' ) Routine Communications with Regions on Licensing, Inspection and Assessment No. 37 a outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Communications with the region often involve conveying NRC positions regarding safety issues.


  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden Contributes to PM coordination of NRC activities such that licensees are not unduly burdened during periods of high activity at the plant. PM considers backfit implications and  !

cominunications between HQ and regions contribute to consistent application of the regulations and avoid sending conflicting messages to licensee - one NRC voice.

e increase Public Confidence Contributes to PM knowledge of plant to pass on information to stakeholoet.1 when requested. Consistency between HQ and regions Iso helps increase public confidence e increase Intema! Efficiency and Effectiveness Contributes to more effective decision makirs and more efficient briefings of management when requested. Also, improves interaction between HQ and regions.

1 e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

mee t':$au DRAFT "

O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

... ) Technical Specifications Interpretations for Regions No. 38 Program Area: Interfaces Category: Regions Task Output: TS interpretation (other than TIAs) o e Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oraanizations Regions DRIP

= Performance Measures T.MER E!!!1 Timeliness Info is provided to the region on a negotiated schedule. l


Year Performance Mensure Annual Goal IMER EEll!

Effectiveness Provide consistency of TS interpretation across all regions. Support regional staff in inspection process.

ynt Performance Mensure AnnualGoal IEEt ER11 3 Quality Ensure TSB involvement for latest policy guidarce.

fejt Performance Measure hnnualGoal IMER Eff!!

Quantity As needed to support regional staff.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal O

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Technical Specifications interpretations for Regions No. 38 o Outcomes Outcome Goals Baj)_s e Maintain Safety Support to regional staff in conducting inspection program.


Helps identify safety and compliance issues at specific site I or problems with content of technical specification


e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Provide consistency among the regions, early involvement i

Burden of licensing staff may prevent unnecessary questions to

, licensee


e increase Public Confidence Contributes to providing clear and transparent regulations.

e increase Intema! Efficiency and Effectiveness l

e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e other i

e Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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i G DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets  !

..... ) Enforcement Conferences and Reviews No.39 Program Area: Interfaces Category: Regions i

Task Output: Licensing authority participation in Enforcement activities, brief NRR management on I significant issues.

a Stakeholders

. Customers Supportina Oraanizations

. Primary Regions Regions Secondary OE

= Performance Measures IMES RER!!

Timeliness Support to the region and OE on enforcement review schedules i l

M &nce Meeswp Annual Goni i

l IMES Eff!!

Effectiveness Provide NRR insights when appropriate and arrange for technical s'aff involvement when needed

.Yggr Pp_rtwmance_ntagswp Annual Goal IMER Eff!! l Quantity As needed to support Regional staff /OE.

Yent Performance Mensure Annual Goal


mim ,ma a DRAFT 7'

a DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Enforcement Conferences and Reviews No.39 m Outcomes Outcome Goals EL*ls e Maintain Safety Enforcement is intended to maintain safety and should focus on the risk significant items.

j .

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory l Burden

. e increase Public Confidence e Increase Intemal Efficiency and Licensing /PM insights on enforcement activities may Effectiveness increase effectiveness of process.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible
  • Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Event Follow-up Support to Regions (Initial) No.40 Program Area: Interfaces Category: Regions Task Output: (Initial Support - see event follow-up to NRR for long term support)

(1) Support to regional staff in event follow up and coordination of HQ involvement prior

. to REXB taking lead.

(2) Provide information on the assigned facility.

(3) Informed PM, able to respond to management or media questions regarding the event.

m Stakeholders Customers Suncortina Oroanizations Primary Regions DSSA, DE, DRIP Secondary DLPM a Performance Measures l

IxEm Easta '

Timeliness Responses to requests are provided on a time scale representative of the significance of the event, yttr Performance Measure Annuel Goal IMEE Eff!1 Effectiveness Significant events are identified promptly.

Xegt Performance Meesure Annual Goni i i

IMER Ett!1 Efficiency Resources expended reflect risk significance of an event. Duplication of effont by other organizational units (REXB/ Regions) does not occur yngr Performance Meesure Annual Goal IMES Baalt Quality Accurate data is provided when requests are filled. No mistakes of significance occur due to poor quality in the information provided.


Xggr Performance Ateesure Annual Goal IMER BAf!E Quantity As needed to support regional staff.

Xent Performance Mansure Annual Gon!

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a DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Event Follow-up Support to Regions (Initial) No.40


m Outcomes Outcome Goals Bggls e Maintain Safety identification of significant events can lead to risk reduction, ensure appropriate agency response, and quickly identify potential generic concerns.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory A welHnformed PM can eliminate requests to the licensee Burden for information.

e increase Public Confidence Being able to call the PM and get accurate and informative responses to queries can imbue the caller with a sense that the agency has matters under control.

e increase Intemal Efficiency and Using the PM as a resource for information can free up Effectiveness others to pursue the resolution of the issue, such as the region staff and the events assessment staff. The PM often can provide information to a reviewer quickly from his/her ,

knowledge of the facility precluding resources spent i searching for the information.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predichble e Other a Stakeholders' Comrnents Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

e 7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT 7'

f'N DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Review Inspection Reports No. 41 Program Area: Interfaces Category: Regions Task C:stput: Maintain HQ awareness of plant issues and support consistency in licensing, inspection, and assessment processes.

a StakePolders Customers Succortino Orcanizations

., DLPM Regions a Performance Measures IXEt l E9.f.1 Timeliness Reports are reviewed in a timeh manner.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal IXE! ERail Effectiveness Appropriate issues are incorporated into status sheets and, as necessary, are brought to management's attention Xgg Piulwiu.&Gci Measure Annual Goal IXEE ERE!!

Efficiency Awareness of inspection program (through routine interactions, inspection reports, etc.)

minimizes HQ requests to regions for plant information (per feedback from region).

fgr Performance Measure Annual Goal I

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(% DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets 1


Review inspection Reports No. 41 m Outcomes

, Outcome Goals a Ra,qlg l

e Maintain Safety e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory

. Burden l

e increase Public Confidence increases PM knowledge of plant resulting in ability to share knowledge during interactions with the public resulting in increased public trust that we're aware of plant issues.

e increase Intemal Efficiency and increased PM knowledge of plant increases E&E of Effectiveness processing licensing actions and activities. PM often bridges gap of understanding between NRC technical staff I and licensee based on overall knowledge of assigned plant.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

l l

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Plant Status Sheets No. 42 1

Program Area: Interfaces Category: NRC Headquarters Task Output: Maintain Plant Status Sheets, updated in accordance with rnanagernent expectations.

e Stakeholders Customers SuDDortino Oraanizations NRC Regions m Performance Measures TXI!t BM!!

Timeliness Plant status sheets updated in accordance with management expectations.

fegr Performance Mensure Annual Goal IXI!$ Ettil Efficiency Drop in visits require minimal effort to prepare briefing packages based on PM interactions with variety of stakeholders on a routine basis. Maintaining available and current status sheets minimizes impact on regional staff when status sheets needed for short-term request.

1ggr Performance Meesure Annual Goal

.T.XIt! Ett!!

Quality information is accurate and complete.

fegr Performance Measure Annual Goal 7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT 82

q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Plant Status Sheets No.42 o Outcomes Outcome Goals Egg!E

'e Maintain Safety e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden N

e Increase Public Confidence Maintaining status sheets and making them available allows response to public inquiries by staff other than assigned PM e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand Maintaining a status sheet is intended to increase NRC Effectiveness effectiveness and efficiency by having the information readily available to intemal stakeholders that need to interact with the licensee or make informed decisions.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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  • m G DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Management Information and Status Reports No. 43 Program Area: Interfaces Category: NRC Headquarters Task Output:

Status of TIAs, Licensing Actions and Activities, Highlights, PMR, WISP, Exemption Database, NOED Database,2.206 Vonthly Status, etc

  • Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oraanizations

. NRC Regions a Performance Measures T.EES ER!.!!

Timeliness All schedules are tracked. Reports are provided on schedule in accordance with agency guidelines.

_Yogr Performance Measure Annual Goal T.ERt EEE!E Effectrveness Ensures we are focusing efforts on safety significant or time sensitive products. ,

.Y.nn.r Performance Measure Annual Goal

.......................................... 1

.I.XES ER.!g s

Efficiency WISP and existing systems should be kept up to date so that they are utilized to the greatest extent possible. Should reduce the need for all separate / duplicate reporting systems.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal l

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

) Management Information and Status Reports No. 43 m Outcomes Outcome Goals Rat is e Maintain Safety Provides process for ensuring the most safety significant issues are addressed promptly.


  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden

. e increase Public Confidence Status on public interactions tracked (2.206) - higher management focus helps increase public confidence.

Reduced likelihood that issues are not property tracked and dealt with, e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand Heightening staff awareness of meeting due dates.

Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make Provides current status of issues for management tracking sound, realistic decisions that are and decision making.

timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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& DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets 1

.....) Support to Senior Management, Commission, Public and Media No. 44 Program Area: Interfaces Category: NRC Headquarters Task Output: (1) Briefing packages I 1

(2) Briefings (3) Arranging site visits, drop-ins (4) Responses to budget hearing O&As, phone calls, email, requests for inforrnation about the assigned plant (plant status updates)

(5) Attend site visits, drop-ins (6) Provide escort service for visitors a Stakeholders Customers Suonortina Ornanimiens NRC Regions a Performance Measures IXRt BRE!E Timeliness Briefing packages are provided on the requested due date. Responses to O&As and


requests for information about the assigned plant are provided in a timely manner to support the agency needs, yqqt Performance Measure Annual Goal IMRt ESME l Effectiveness Scope and depth of information are appropriate to satisfy the requestor's needs. l Legr Performance Measure Annual Goal

............................. ......................................................~..................

Iran EsWE Efficiency Information provided is accurate. Briefings are organized, clear and brief.

Xegr Performance Measure Annual Goal IMER EBEt Quality Positive feedback or lack of negative feedback from the requestor. Interactions with the public and media are courteous and helpful. Site visit and drop-in arrangements are satisfactory to the requestor. Escort is courteous and congenial.

Yeer Performance Mensure Annual Goal l ............................................................................................................. .....

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1 O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Support to Senior Management, Commission, Public and Media No. 44 )

o Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Providing senior decision makers with timely and accurate information, could lead to agency decisions that properly l

l reflect the safety impact of those decisions.


  • e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Well-informed senior managers are more likely to make Burden decisions that are in keeping with reducing unnecessary

, regulatory burden.

i e increase Public Confidence Providing accurate information to senior managers will equip them to address public concems and in tum will enhance public confidence. Communications with the public and the media are a prime opportunity to cultivate public confidence.

l e increase Intemal Effeiency and l Effectiveness l e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible l l

e Other 1

l e Stakeholders' Comments l Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets l

.....) Review Miscellaneous Licensee Reports No. 45 j Program Area: Interfaces i Category: NRC Headquarters Task Output: (1) Core Operating Limits Report (2) Occupational Radiation Exposure Report (3) Radiological Environmental Operating Report

. l (4) Radioactive Effluent Release Report ,

(5) Offsite Dose Calculational Manual  ;

(6) Monthly Operating Report (7) Post Accident Monitoring Reports )

(8) Steam Generator Tube inspection Report (9) Inservice inspection Results )

(10) Reactor Vessel Surveillance Reports (11) ECCS EM Changes / Errors Report (12) Fitness for Duty Report (13) Emergency Plan /EPIP changes ,

(14) Simulator Certification Reports )

i (15) Decommissioning Funding Report  !

(16) other Identify safety issues related to the current licensing basis and items that might require licensing action or that have an effect on a licensing action in process.

Alert management / develop highlights of significant issues Oversight of hours charged to fee billable TACs e Stakeholders Customers Suncortina Oraanl*6ns NRC DSSA, DE, DIPM e Performance Measures IMat BRE!E Timeliness Reports are reviewed within two weeks of receiving.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal T,ygg Basis Effectiveness Appropriate issues are brought to management's attention.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal IMER ERE!.E Efficiency increased knowledge of licensee issues.

fggr Performance Measure Annual Goal 7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT **

O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets i i

.....) Review Miscellaneous Licensee Reports No. 45 IEE!! Ell!L8!

Quantity COLR .1/ cycle, Occupational Radiation Exposure Report .1/yr, Radioiogical Environmental Operating Report - 1/yr, Radiological Effluent Report 1/yr, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual .1/yr, Monthly Operating Reports .12/yr, SG Tube inspection Report .1/ cycle, Simulator Certification Reports 1/4 yrs, Decommissioning Funding Report - 1/2 yrs, LERs -

6/yr, ECCS EM changes / errors report 1/Syrs, fitness for duty report 2/yr, Emergency

. plan /EPIP changes, decommissioning funding report % yrs, and other miscellaneous reports Year Performance Afeasure Annual Goal m Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Reports are reviewed with a safety focus e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden e increase Public Confidence increases PM knowledge of plant resulting in abihty to share knowledge during interactions with the public

' resulting in increased public trust that we're aware of plant issues.

e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand increased PM knowledge of plant increases E&E of Effectiveness processing licensing actions and activities. PM often  :

bridges gap of understanding between NRC technical staff I

and licensee based on overall knowledge of assigned plant. i e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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, O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Fee Billing Reviews No. 46 l Program Area: Interfaces Category: NRC Headquarters 1

Task Output: (1) Identification of billing discrepancies l (2) Resolution of said discrepancies l (3) E rnall certification of fees. l m Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oroanizations l OCFO, Licensee a Performance Measures T.XRt BRE!!

Timeliness Work is completed within the schedular goals for Fee Billing reviews.

l l Year Performance Mensure Annual l

l IrRs Basin Effectiveness No valid complaints are received from licensees with respect to fees.

.Yeg.r. Performance Mensure Annual Goal l

l Quality Efforts by projects result in identification and resolutior, of errors such that licensees provide no negative fee &ack or that challenges can be supported.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

..... ) Fee Billing Reviews No. 46 m Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Fee Billing reviews that assure accuracy of reporting may

, Burden reduce the unnecessary economic burden on licensees.

e Increase Public Confidence e increase intemal Efficiency and Encourages accurate reporting of hours and identifies Effectiveness excessive resource use. Accuracy in fee billings can improve effectiveness and efficiency by reducing I opportunities for licensees to challenge fees, reducing need for us to spend resources defending against those challenges. l

= Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realiste decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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es DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Event Follow-up Support (Long-term) No.47 Program Area: Interfaces Category: NRC Headquarters 1

Task Output: (1) Provide information on the assigned facility l (2) Informed PM, able to respond to management or media questions regarding the event m Stakeholders

, Customers Supportina Oraanizations DRIP l

m Performance Measures '

T.XEt ERE!E Timeliness Responses to requests are provided on a time scale representative of the significance of the event, or of the public/ management interest in the event. Requests for support of potential AO determinations are provided on a schedule to support issuance of our report to Congress.


Xepr Performance Measure Annual Goal l

IEER EAf!E Effectiveness Significant events are identified promptly.

fggr Performance Measure Annual Goal IEES ERA!E Efficiency Resources expended reflect risk significance of event. Management and media do not

' repeatedly have to ask the same questions. Duplication of effort by other organizational units (REXB/ Regions) does not occur l

i Year Performance Measure Annunt Goal l

l TYDe ERE!!

Quality Accurate data is provided when requested. No mistakes of significance occur due to poor

quality in the information provided or the assessment of the data.

! Year Performance Measure Annual Goal l

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets  !

..... ) Event Follow-up Support (Long-term) No.47 l

l m Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis l e Maintain Safety identification of significant events can lead to risk reduction, agency response to generic safety issues, and a safer operating plant.

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory A well-informed PM can eliminate requests to the licensee Burden for information.

l 1

e increase Public Confidence Being able to call the PM and get accurate and informative responses to queries can give the caller a sense that the agency has matters under control.

e increaseintemalEfficiencyand Using the PM as a focal point for information can free up l Effectiveness others to pursue the resolution of the issue, such as the region staff and the events assessment staff. The PM often can provide information to a reviewer quickly from his/her knowledge of the facility precluding resources spent searching for the information.

e Enhanco NRC's ability to make Projects input supports reaching correct safety decisions.

sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other l

= Stakeholders' Comments l Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets l

) Incident Response No.48 i Program Area: Interfaces l Category: NRC Headquarters Task Output: (1) Participate as a team member upon activation of the IRC for events at the assigned plant.

(2) Panicipate as a team member on an AIT.  !

(3) Participate as a team member for IRC activation for other facilities to provide shift coverage.


m Stakeholders Customers Succortina Oraanizations EDO/lRC a Performance Measures hgg _ Basis Timeliness When assigned on shift, reports to the IRC within expected timeframes and serves full shift.

l Xepr Performance Measure Annual Goal DDR Eff1 3 Effectiveness Contributions to the team are well received by the team leader. Projects staff provides requisite information about facility.

18a.1 Performance Measure Annual Gos!


Efficiency information provided is timely and accurate and expedites assessmant capabilities of the responding team.

1 891 Performance Measure Annual Goal IYDs Easig Quality Participation is active and adds value to essessment. Information is accurate and of the proper scope inspection efforts as part of an AIT follow the procedure and are accepted without rework by the team leader.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal l

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1 O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Incident Response No. 48 m Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Contributions to incident response have a direct impact on safety. Accurate and timely information can save an assessment team time and lend insights that may affect

, safety decisions.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Minimize unnecessary information requests on licensees.

. Burden e increase Public Confidence Agency response to events is an essential part of cultivating and maintaining public confidence, e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand Provision of accurate and timely information during an Effectiveness incident can help the assessment process move toward an appropriate solution more effectively and more efficiently.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible
  • Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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l q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets l

..... ) License Renewal interactions No. 49 1

l Program Area: Interfaces i Category: NRC Headquarters l

l Task Output: (1) Provide information on assigned plant.  !

(2) Identify discrepancies between license renewal SER and current licensing activities.

l (3) Identify discrepancies between the environmental assessment and current licenses.

(4) Support public meetings (5) Support ACRS meetings (6) Support preparation of the finallicense renewal approval (license).

m Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oraanizations Primary DRIP DRIP Secondary DLPM a Performance Measures j IMgg ga.Ls!g Tirneliness Products are provided on a timely basis to support the license renewal schedule.

f.per Performance Measure Annual Goal IMRt EEI!!

Effectiveness Avoid redundancies between operating PM and License Renewal PM.

l fggr Performance Measure Annual Goal IMRS ERE!!

Efficiency input from the PM can be demonstrated to save time and resources in meeting needs for the license renewal review.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal Iygg Basis Quality Scope and depth of information provided addresses the needs of the license renewal review; j

support to meetings is at the proper level to further the review; reviews for discrepancies are of sufficient depth to identify any problems.

, Year Performance Measure Annual Goal l

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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) License Renewal Interactions No. 49 m Outcomes Outcome Goals D.ggig e Maintain Safety Coordinating the licence renewal review with the current plant PM offers an opportunity to avoid making safety

" mistakes" in the license renewal review in that it offers a

, check and balance.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Proper interface would reduce burden on a licensae to

, Burden avoid providing duplicate information and ensure credit for operating reactor phase work.

e increase Public Confidence e increaseintema!Efficiencyand Use of the plant PM to review documents, provide Effectiveness information and support extemal meetings can improve our efficiency by going to the " source" for information. This can save time and resources.

e Enhance NRC's ability to make Plant PM corporate knowledge can enhance technical sound, realistic decisions that are decision making on License Renewal.

timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets g h, ) Support ACRS No. 50 Program Area: Interfaces Category: NRC Headquarters l

Task Output: (1) Meeting preparation (obtain technical branch support, get copies of pertinent safety evaluation and other material, etc.)

(2) Make presentation to ACRS if required a Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oroanizations NRC

= Performance Measures Iggt Basis Timeliness All materials are provided to ACRS within requested due dates.

y_egr Performance Measure Annual Goal IMES EAf!E Quality Presentations are clear and concise and provide accurate information as measured by ACRS feedback.

fggr Performance Measure Annue1 Goal m Outcomes Outcome Goals Rati t e Maintain Safety ACRS focus is on safety and this task supports maintaining safety.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden e increase Public Confdence e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand Support and coordination provided by PM for timely Effectiveness resolution by ACRS.
  • Enhance NRC's ability to make ACRS feedback in support of making industry-wide safety

, sound, realistic decisions that are decisions, timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identifed above.

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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Ol report reviews No. 51 1

Program Aree: Interfaces l Category: NRC Headquarters Task Output: Review Ol conclusions and agree or disagree with Ol recommendations a Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oraanizations 01 Regions

  • Performance Measures

.T.XRf Basis Tirneliness Review completed within 30 days of 01 completion

& Performance Measure Annual Goal

.I.XRf ESME Quality Reviews follow guidance of OL 1001 fegr Performance Measure Annual Goal T.XRf Anna Quantity Number of 01 reports received by PMs fger Performance Measure Annual Goal l

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i e s DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) 01 report reviews No. 51 a Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Of reviews may include safety issues 1

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden I

e increase Public Confidence Resolution of 01 matters intended to maintain public confidence f e IncreaseintemalEfficiencyand Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) NMSS/SFPO Interactions No. 52 Program Area: Interfaces Category: NRC Headquarters Task Output: Interactions on Dry cask storage /ISFSI amendrnents, spent fuel transportation issues, etc.

a Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oroanizations


= Performance Measures IMEt Bafia Timeliness NMSS/SFPO interactions are timely in that licensee schedules are met.

Xggt Performance Mensure Annual Goal o Outcomes Outcome Goals Dadt i e Maintain Safety e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Interactions / coordination activities with NMSS/SFPO are Burden intended to help reduce the burden on the licensee of dealing with two NRC offces.

e increase Public Confidence e Increase Intemal Efficiency and Communication with NMSS should contribute to increased Effectiveness E&E of processing licensee requests that require NMSS review e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predctible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakehpiders identified above.

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a DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

..... ) RES interactions (eg., ASP analyses) No. 53 Program Area: Interfaces Category: NRC Headquarters Task Output: (1) Issuance of ASP analysis.

(2) Decisions utilizing the most current information with respect to evolving technical issues (e.g., PTS, SG tube repairs, etc.)

(3) Identification of significant generic issues that require RES participation to resolve.

m Stakeholders~

Customers Sucoortina Oroanizations NRC

= Performance Measures IXEt Bag!g Timeliness Within 2 weeks of receipt of the product. NRR user needs are identified in a timely manner f.ep! Performance Mensure Annual Gon!

IXE9 Ellif Effectiveness Decisions can be supported by data and/or experience when challenged by either licensees or other stakeholders, fggr. Performance Measure Annual Goal IMER E11!!

Efficiency Provide lessons leamed from previous reviews (to RES and licensee) to enhance future review process.

Xep Performance Measure Annual Gon!

IXE! ESill Quality Factually correct, technically reasonable, and accepted by the licensees without challenge.

ftpr Performance Mensure Annual Goal 7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT '

e s DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) RES interactions (eg., ASP analyses) No. 53 A

a Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety identification of generic safety issues requiring RES' resolution could contribute to safer operation. Decisions on new and unique technical areas utilizing the latest information could improve safety.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory

. Burden e increase Public Confidence e increase Intemal Efficiency and Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make Sharing of current technicalinformation is relevant to sound, realistic decisions that are agency safety decisions.

timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Support to Public Affairs No. 54 Program Area: Interfaces Category: NRC Headquarters Task Output: (1) Responses to requests for information about their assigned plant (2) Coordination w/ PA on public meetings, phone calls, letters, press releases, matters of public interest related to assigned plant (3) Responses to media a Stakeholders Customers Suncortina Oraanizations NRC, Public

= Performance Measures IXH!!! E!!La!!

Timeliness Responses to requests are provided in a timely enough manner to support OPAs deadlines and agency timeliness goals. Information (press release input) is proactively provided in an appropriate time frame Year Performance Measure Annual Goal IMRt Eff!!

Effectiveness As a result of effective coordination, general public inquiries can be directed to OPA when they have the knowledge /information. Projects should respond when we have cognizance that is required.

Xegr Performance Mepsure Annual Goal IXRt EBE!!

Efficiency Resources expended on OPA support are in keeping with the significance of tne matter and reflect current agency policy on dealing with the public.

fqqr Performance Measure Annual Goal IME9 EAf!!

Quality Responses are accurate and scrutable. OPA is provided enough information to respond to the public without requiring significant iteration with the PM to obtain data. No repeat requests.

Year Performance Measure Annual Goal 7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT '"

O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Support to Public Affairs No. 54

  1. 9 a Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Correspondence is screened to kientify Allegations and 2.206s where safety issues will be addressed through i those processes. l
  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory NRC's ability to deal effectively with the public may relieve Burden the licensees of having to provide information that is ,

already on the public record to the public again.


e increase Public Confidence Our ability to provide timely, accurate and scrutable information to the public is a pnme factor in increasing pubhc confidence.

e increaseintemalEfficiencyand A congenial interface with the public through OPA offers Effectiveness many opportunities for us to become more efficient through reduced effort on our part to respond to inquiries that we could have nipped in the bud. Resolve issue at lowest level possible (agency process and stakeholder).

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make May give us information to improve our decision making sound, realistic decisions that are based on stakeholders perceptions and expectations.

timely and predictible o Other a Stakeholders' Comr:sents Feedback and comrr ents to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT '5

1 q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

..... ) Support to Congressional Affairs and International Programs No. 55 Program Area: Interfaces j Category: NRC Headquarters Task Output: (1) Coordination of site visits for IP and foreign personnel (2) Support site visits and meetings.

(3) Responses to requests for information on assigned plant I 1

m Stakeholders

, Customers Supportina Oroanizations NRC, Public '

s Performance Measures l

IXEt Emain Tirnetiness Preparation for site visits is compatible with the travel schedule of foreign dignitaries. I Responses to requests are provided by negotiated due date.

Jegt Performance Measure Annual Goal

.T.,ygg Egg!g l Effectiveness Time commensurate with safety benefit of information exchange.

Xqg( Performance Measure Annual Gon!

............................................................ .................................................. 1 IXEt ERE!1 Efficiency Appropriate level and expertise of staff engaged.

1 fqqr Performance Mensure Annual Goal

....................................................n.................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

IXEt ERE!E Quality Site visits are compatible with visitor /IP needs and comport with licensee needs. Responses to requests are accurate and grammatically correct. Support for meetings has value added with respect to our interaction with our foreign counterparts.

M Performance Mensure Annual Goal 7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT '"



i A, DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Support to Congressional Affairs and International Rograms No. 55 m Outcomes Outcome Goals Rgt!E e Maintain Safety interfaces with IP offer unique opportunities to gather l safety-related information on their facilities that may be I applicable to plants within our realm of responsibility. May

, contribute to global nuclear safety, e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Proper coordination and support can reduce the burden on

. Burden the licensee of having foreign visitors on site.

e increase Public Confidence Timely and accumte interactions with elected officials could indirectly benefit public confidence. (Good report card from individual congressman or from subcommittees.)

e increase Intemal Efficiency and I Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make May give us information to improve our decision making l sound, realstic decisions that are b-sed on stakeholders perceptions and expectations.

timely and predictible Also, see maintain safety.

. Other a Stakeholders' Comrnents Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.


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l q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets g,

.....) Surveys No. 56 Program Area: Interfaces l j

Category: NRC Headquarters Task Output: Coordinate and obtain requested information a Stakeholders Customers Supportino Oroanizations NRC Ucensees, Regions m Performance Measures l

IMER ERNE Timeliness Work is completed in accordance with the requested schedule i

yggr Performance Measure Annual Goal 1

IMER EadE Quality Cornpleted work is accurate, responsive to the request, provided in the requested format.

l Year Performance Measure Annual Goal l

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L q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets l

1 g,

.....) Surveys No. 56 m Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety if needed to assess the breadth of a potential generic l

safety issue, an accurate, timely response could have an impact on maintaining safety.

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory If completed without going to the licensee, could reduce Burden unnecessary licensee burden by effective use of information that is already in house.

e Increase Public Confidence Development of information for safety issues could I

increase public confidence by providing data to say we have surveyed all reactor power plants in the US and the l

problem is (is not) significant or outstanding for these reactors.

e Increase Intemal Efficiency and if needed to support research of an immediate safety Effectiveness concem, could make the data gathering process more efficient for the data collector.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make See increase public confidence sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) PD/Section Meetings No. 57 Program Area: Interfaces Category: NRC Headquarters Task Output: PD and Section meeting attendance - Improved Communications O

a Stakeholders Customers Suncortina Oraanizations DLPM

. 1 e Performance Measures Tyne HanLs Timeliness Branch meeting held on a monthly basis and section meetings held on a weekly basis.

19p,5 Performance Measure Annual Goal

.T.ran Bata i Effectiveness Generalinformation and management expectations are conveyed effectively, feat Performance Measure Annes1 Goal o Outcomes Outcome Goals e Maintain Safety e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden e increase Public Confidence e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand Information and management expectations are Effectiveness disseminated to increase effectiveness and efficiency of the staff. Improved Communications e Enhance NRC's ability to make Feedback on important issues to support sound decisions.

sound, realistic decisions that are

, timely and predictible e Other m Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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,q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Process improvement Program No. 58 Program Area: Interfaces Category: NRC Headquarters Task Output: Desired performance improvement by the licensee.

m Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oroanizations NRR s Performance Measures T.Yes anni.E Timeliness Perfomiance improvement program is initiated in a timely and orderly manner and concluded at the appropriate time. Actions are completed within schedular milestones.

Xeg.r Performance Mansure Annual Goal 1Yet . Eff!!

Effectiveness Performance improvement goals are met Xgg_r Performance Mensure Annuni Goal

.................................s........................................................ ..........

s Outcomes Outcorne Goals .Qttig e Maintain Safety e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory NRC actions are conducted as to not increase unnecessary Burden regulatory burden.

e increase Public Confidence Public Confidence is increased through a well run and well documented performance improvernent program.

e increaseintemalEfficiencyand

. Effectiveness .

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictble e Other e Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT "'

e, s DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

.....) Millstone / Maine Yankee Lessons Learned No. 59 Program Area:

Interfaces Catgory: NRC Headquarters Task Output: Implementation of lessons learned into NRC regulations and practices.

m Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oroanizations NRR m Performance Measures IXIts EAf!1 Tirneliness DLPM actions associated with the MSMY lessons leamed are completed within the planned schedular deadlines.

Xegt Performance Measure Annual Goal s Outcomes Outcome Goals Reg!g e Maintain Safety MS/MY lessons leamed when implemented have an impact on maintaining safety.

e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden e increase Public Confidence MS/MY lessons leamed when implemented have a significant impact on increasing public confidence e increaseintemalEfficiencyand Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible


e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above, i

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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets g,

.....) Maintain Plant Information on NRC Web Page No. 60 Program Area: Interfaces Category: Public Task Output: Input to Plant Information Books and other NRC Web pages containing plant specific information.

a Stakeholders Customers Suncortina Oraanizations

. Public OClO a Performance Measures -

IXEt Ett!E Timeliness NRC Web Page information is reviewed monthly and recommended changes,if any, are j made to OClo. '

i Xttr. Performance Meesure Annual Goal 1


................................................................................. ....................................... 1 IMER EREE Effectiveness Feedback from stakeholders Xegt  %-l. air,&r ;& Measure Annual Gon! l 1

IMER ESA.1 I Efficiency Feedback from stakeholders, such as OPA, that actnnties performed by NRR/DLPM are beneficial and cost-effective.  ;

Jett Performance Mensure Annual Goal IXEt ESA!!

Quality information is accurate and complete Yent Performance Measure Annual Goal w= u:'a ^= DRAFT "

q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets  ;

.....) Maintain Plant Information on NRC Web Page No. 60 e Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Updates for Plant Information Books ensure that information is useful for incident response functions

, e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden e increase Public Confidence Portrays agency as knowledgeable and forthcoming regarding plant information, licensee performance, and other issues e increase Intemal Efficiency and Maintaining accurate and consistent information on NRC Effectiveness Web pages is intended to increase NRC effectiveness and efficiency by having the information readily available to intemal and extemal stakeholders.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make .

sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT "'

es DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets g,

.....) Allegations No. 61 Program Area: Interfaces Category: Public Task Output: Attendance at ARB meetings. Support to IQMB. Close out letters and interactions with alleger where PM is POC a Stakeholders Customers Supportino Oraanizations

. NRC, Public e Performance Measures IXnt! i Timeliness Less than 120 days. If older than 120 days provide reasons for delay to Associate Director fyr Performance Measure Annust Goal IIRB Eat.E i Effectiveness Safety issues are appropriately addressed fggr Performance Measure Annual Goal IIRf ERE!!

Other Support to IOMB fyg Performance Measure Annual Goal 7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT "'

l l

l l e s DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Allegations No. 61 m Outcomes Outcome Goals Ent!E e Maintain Safety Some allegations contain safety issues requiring follow-up 1

and corrective action to maintain safety.


  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden o

e increase Public Confidence Effective and timely interaction with public can increase i

i public confidence.

e IncreaseIntemalEfficiencyand Effectiveness e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

1 7/21/99 11:13 AM p { 116 l

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Controlled Correspondence No. 62 l i

Program Area: Interfaces Category: Public Task Output: Responses to letters from the public, Congress, and other NRC offices that are sufficiently significant to ticket. Note: these will refer to plant specific issues.

= Stakeholders Customers Suonortina Oraanizations

. NRC, Public a Performance Measures IERf D.ta!!

Timeliness On average, responses are completed by due date and meet agency timeliness goals (x days).

Xggt Performance Measure Annual Goal IXRE EEli!E Effectiveness Responses reflect an understanding of the sensitivity of the issue and our responsibilities for public responsiveness.

fegr Performance Measure Annual Goal IMER Eff!1 Efficiency Responses are provided with the minimum of resources needed to develop an accurate response. Prior responses are researched and utilized as appropriate to prevent reinventing the wheel. No substantive rewrites are required.

Yent Performance Measure Annual Goal IXEt EE1!E Quality Responses are factually accurate, reflect current policy, and are grammatically correct.

Minimize repeat requests.

, fggr Performance Measure Annual Goal 7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT "'

l l q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets


l Controlled Correspondence No. 62 l

e Outcomes Outcome Goals Risls e Maintain Safety Correspondence is screened to identify Allegations and I 2.206s where safety issues will be addressed through those processes.

O e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden e increase Public Confidence Timely responsiveness to public correspondence demonstrates an appreciation of the public interest and a recognition of the public as a stakeholder in our regulatory process, thereby contributing to public confidence.

e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand For correspondence responding to the Commission /EDO, Effectiveness timely responses can improve the office's E&E by minimizing unnecessary interim status reports and briefings. l e Enhance NRC's ability to make May give us information to improve our decision making sound, realistic decisions that are l based on stakeholders perceptions and expectations. I timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments I Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.  !

l l

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7/21/99 11:13 AM p { 118

O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets g,

.....) Routine Correspondence No. 63 Program Area: Interfaces Category: Public Task Output: Letters to licensees, rnembers of the public; internal memos to other NRR staff and other NRC offices.

a Stakeholders Customers Suncortina Ornanizations

. NRC, Pubic l

a Performance Measures 3 Im Saalg i Tirneliness On average, correspondence is completed within the agreed upon schedule and agency i timeliness goals (X days) are met. This is contingent upon early projects awareness of I correspondence fmt Performance hisesure Annual Goal T.xsta Baala 1 Effectiveness Scheduing of correspondence is appropriate relative to its significance in safety and 1

l regulatory space.

Xegt Performance n0 ensure AnnualGoal 1

Im Baait Efficiency Responses are responsive, but do not expand on the issue unnecessarily. Resources used i to respond do not exceed those required. Responses are provided with the minimum of i resources needed to develop an accurate response Prior responses are researched and utilized as appropriate to prevent reinventing the wheel No substantrve rewrites are required.

Xegt Performance h00esure Annuel Goal T3mt Basia

. Quality Correspondence is factually accurate, editorial errors are missing. Minimize number of repeat requests.

Xegt Performancy hiessure AnnuelGael

' Irlin Baalt Other Expected average response schedules could be published (similar to 2.206 pamphlets).

fgt Performance hieesure Annual Goal 7/21/9g 11:13 AM DhFT "'


q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Routine Correspondence No. 63 e Outcomes Outcome _ Goals M e Maintain Safety Correspondence is screened to identify Allegations and 2.206s where safety issues will be addressed through those processes. l e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Routine correspondence may provide licensees with Burden regulatory related information that makas their interface l

with the NRC less burdensome. l l

e increase Public Confidence Timely responsiveness to public correspondence, ticketed l

or not, demonstrates an appreciation of the public interest l and a recognition of the public as a stakeholder in our 4 regulatory process, thereby contributing to public '


e increaseintemalEfficiencyand Effectiveness

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT '

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G DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests No. 64 Program Area: Interfaces Category: Public Task Output: Identify / provide inforrnation requested under FOIA.

e Stakeholders Customers Sucoortina Oraanizations Public

= Performance Measures IMit! ELS.!!

Timeliness Meeting the rules / statutes /MD/ policy standards for timely responses to FOIA requests.

(Specifics: MD 3.1 and OL 104 Preliminary searches respond to FOIA coordinator <= 2 days; completes search and reports to FOIA coordinator <= 5 days.)

ygg.r Performance Mensure Annual Goal IMitt E&t!1 Efficiency - Response is sufficient to preclude further requests from the same individual on the same subject matter. FOIA searches accomplished with < the number of estimated staff hours.

Xggr. Performance Mensure Annual Goal IMitt Ett!1 Quality Response is thorough and accurate such that no further documents relating to the issue in his/her possession are identified that were not identified by the PM. Also, no inappropriate records (personal information or allegation related) have been released.

Jggr Performance Mensure Annual Goal S

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i' q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests No. 64 e Outcomes Outcome Goals i D.a. t.E e Maintain Safety e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory

. Burden e increase Public Confidence Providing timely and accurate responses to FOIAs can e,

contribute toward public confidence in NRC activities.

e increaseintemalEfficiencyand in order to preclude unnecessary FOIAs, the staff should Effectiveness ensure that documents are made available to all stakeholders in a timely manner and references in safety evaluations are available in the PDR.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predetd>le
  • Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders klentirwxi above.


e- '

7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT '2'

q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

......) Licensing Action Task Force (LATF) No. 65 Program Area: Regulatory improvements Category: ,

Task Output: Issues / Processes include: RAls, Minor TS Changes, TS Bases Changes, Generic TS Changes, Precedent TS Changes, Communications (staff / licensee),


QA/ Security / Emergency Plan Changes, Consistency of submittals, submittal quality '

factors, OGC involvement in licensing reviews, industry feedback (NEl commitment),

SE guidance, TIAs, and miscellaneous policy issues.

Specific Outputs:

(1) Identify process issues needing improvements with NEl and industry, (2) Meet with industry LATF to develop common solutions to issues, (3) Document improvements in the Licensing Process - changes, improvements, codification of NRR expectations as contained in PM Handbook, Office Letters, Management Directives, (4) Implement change and improvements, (5) Train the staff as necessary.

m Stakeholders Customers Suonortina Oraanizations Primary Licensees RTSB, OGC Secondary NRC

= Performance Measures IXI f affla Timeliness Schedule for closure of issues agreed to with industry LATF are met 90% of the time contingent upon industry ability to support issues.

Xggt Performance ninesure Annual Goal

.T.YER Eff!!

Effectiveness improvements for the NRR Licensing process based on stakeholder feedback (NEl survey).

fggr Performance nieasure Annual Goal IXEf Eff!!

Efficiency For an approved process change, resource savings or timeliness improvements are demonstrated by hours charged.

yegr Performance hieasure Annual Goal

....................................-............................................................................. ...........~.

IMER Eff!!

Quality Action items from previous meeting are resolved based on agreed upon schedule.

Year Performance A0easure Annual Goal mi. ,,:43 =


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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Licensing Action Task Force (LATF) No. 65 m Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Process improvements reduce unnecessary process I

. Burden burden on licensees.

I l

e Increase Public Confidence )

e increase Intemal Efficiency and NRC EffectNeness and Efficiency are enhanced by Effectiveness program improvements (eg. RAI process enhancements in OL 803. Products are directly tied to SRP, BTP, RG and basis for acceptance is regulatory driven.)

e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other


u Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

i A

lI 7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT

q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Interactions with Owners' Groups and Managing Generic Topical Reports No. 66 Program Area: Regulatory improvements Category:

Task Output: (1) Routine and valuable interactions with Owner's Groups on important regulatory issues; (2) Coordination of NRR and Regulatory Response Group; (3) Project Management of Generic Topical reports including conducting meetings, transmitting RAls and SEs, and coordinating with technical staff.

= Stakeholders Customers Supportina Oraanizations Primary NRC, industry Groups DSSA, DE Secondary Licensees

= Performance Measures IXng pga11 1 Timeliness Interactions are conducted in a timeiy manner as to promote reaching closure on regulatory issues. 75% of topical reports are reviewed within 1 year of submittal.100% of topical reports are reviewed within 2 years of submittal. Communicatons with RRG are initiated promptly based on safety signifcance.

yggr Performance Measure Annual Goal IEEf EA1.1 3 Effectiveness Interactions are effective methods of consistent commun'cation between the NRC and the Owners Groups as measured by feedback from these groups. RRG interactions result in appropriate corrective action.

fear Performance Measure Annual Goal IXEt EAE1 3 Efficiency interactions with Owners groups facilitate resolution of issues through topical reports or j industry initiatives to reduce NRC resource expenditures (i.e. Generic Communications) to l achieve result. '

fgg.r Performance Measure Annual Goal 1

Ixet Ema!1 I i

Quality initial communications are clear as measured by lack of need to repeat phone calls, meetings or letters. Topical report approvals are processed with minimal management rework.

Xtgr Performance Meesure Annual Goal I'


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O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets l

-) Interactions with Owners' Groups and Managing Generic Topical Reports No.66 IEEtt Ban!1 Quantity 5 or more safety significant issues are resolved by owners groups rather than through NRC.

fyr Performance Mansure Annual Goal 2000 No. of Safety Significant issues resolved >


Other Lack of need to repeat phone calls.


. yer Eerformance Measure Annual Goal

............................... ....................................... l o Outcomes '

Outcome Goals .Qi!t.iE e Maintain Safety Good interface with OG lead to licensee actions to address safety issues promptly. Completed review of topical reports address generic issues where resolution maintains safety.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory NRC interactions with the Owners Groups signifcantly Burden reduce unnecessary regulatory burden by promoting voluntary industry initiatives.

e increase Public Confidence improved coordination amongst industry results in more consistent resolution of issues in a public forum. j e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand interactions with Owners Groups which allow for resolution Effectiveness of generic issues promote NRC efficiency and decrease the number of plant-specific licensing actions. OGs facilitate information gathering and exchange to promote better (more timely and consistent) NRC decision-making.

e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other m Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT 12e

q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets  !

..... ) Issuance and Revision of NRR Office Letters No. 67 Program Area: Regulatory Improvements l


Task Output: Issuance and revision of Office Letters (803- Lk:ense Amendment Process,807-Control Licensing Basis,900-Commitment Mangement,106- Release of Draft Information, etc...)

Specific Outputs:

(1) Up-to-date NRR Office letters associated with DLPM areas of expertise, (2) Training is provided, as necessary, to staff.

s Stakeholders Customers Suncortina Oraanizations l NRC I a Performance Measures IMat Etala .

1 Timeliness Office letters are updated in accordance with established schedules. 1 yegt Performance Mensure Annunt Goal {


Effectiveness Office letters usociated with the DLPM areas of expertise are effective in providing useful guidance for DLPM staff and others. Feedback of stakehoklers.

yngt Performance Meesure Annual Goal IMat Etail Efficiency Office letters associated with the DLPM areas of expertise endorse efficient mettxxis for the DLPM staff and others, and enhance consistency. Reduction in office variability by 25%.

yngt Performance Meesure Annual Goal IMRt ES&!!

Quality Office letters are clear and easily understood and implemented based on feedback from stakeholders. OLs are rarely revised to correct errors.

. yngt Performance Meesure Annual Goal s

7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT '27

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.r% DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets I

.....) Issuance and Revision of NRR Office Letters No.67 l

s Outcomes '

Outcome Goals gnnis e Maintain Safety Provide requisite framework for NRR working controls to ensure processes maintain safety.

o Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Office letters can provide guidance to assure NRR does not l Burden impose unnecessary burdens on licensees, eg. OL 803 RAls.

e increase Public Confidence Office letters promote consistent implementation of NRR policy which makes the regulatory process more scrutable.

e increaseintemalEfficiencyand NRR Office letters an impact on increasing effectiveness Effectiveness and efficiency on NRR processes by reducing process variability. OLs should promote more timely / predictable decision-making.

e Enhance NRC's abilrty to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identifed above.


7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT '*

i G DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Re-invention effort, Risk informed Licensing Panel (RILP) No. 68 1

Program Area: Regulatory improvements 1

Category: l Task Output: Valuable contributions to the mission charters of Committees and Task Forces in the area of DLPM expertise.  ;

~ i m Stakeholders I Customers Supportina Oraanizations DLPM,NRC

= Performance Measures IEES Baa!E Timeliness DLPM led committees and task forces complete assigned function (>80% of due dates met) fggt Performance Mnesure Annual Goal Iras Rania Effectiveness DLPM contributions to these groups are effective in promoting divisional, office, and NRC goals.

yetr. Performance Measure Annual Gon!

IYRt EBalf


Ouality DLPM contributions to multi disciplined task groups enhance product quality. l yerr Performance Measure Annual Goal

=9 ":'a


(N DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

) Re-invention effort, Risk Informed Licensing Panel (RILP) No. 68 m Outcomes Outcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory

. Burden e Increase Public Confidence e increase Intemal Efficiency and By lending projects expertise to policy / position / rule Effectiveness development we can help assure the most effective / efficient products. Also produce something we can live with when it comes to implementation.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

O i

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1 O DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets l

..... ) DLPM Handbook No.69 Program Area: Regulatory Improvements Category: I Task Output: (1) Key information regarding fundemental practices to be adopted by DLPM Project Managers, (2) Clear and up to date guidance to PMs on expectations, l (3) Training is provided, as necessary.

e Stakeholders Customers SuDDortina Oraanizations DLPM i i

= Performance Measures 135t! Eff!E I Timeliness Updates are made in a timely manner to support office / division initiatives and in accordance with established schedules.

Xttr Performance Meesure Annuel Goal 135!f ERai.E Effectiveness The handbook is effective in providing useful guidance to DLPM including methods, ,

procedures, and guidance each staff member is expected to follow. Fee &ack from  !

stakeholders. l Xtgt Performance Measure Annual Goal 135tt ERE!E l Efficiency The PM handbook endorses efficient methods for DLPM staff. No errors in performance requiring rework occur due to failure to document new guidance. Reduction in the office variability by 25%.

Year Performance Mensure Annual Goal l

I)Gli Ett!1 o Quality Handbook provides clear, concise guidance. Handbook is clear and easily understood and irnplemented based on feedback from stakeholders. PM handbook is rarely revised to correct errors.

X.ttC Perfg_rrnance_Menggre Annual Goal Iran Baala .

Other The PM Han@ook contains extensive guidance to be adopted and followed by the DLPM staff. Guidance and procedures helps to ensure other categories meet established Performance Measures.

Year Performance Mensure Annual Goal

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

.....) DLPM Handbook No.69 a Outcomes Outcome Goals Dp.gis e Maintain Safety Provides framework to ensure licensing efforts are property conducted to maintain safety.

. e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Handbook can provide guidance to assure NRR does not Burden impose unnecessary burdens on licensees.

e Increase Public Confidence Following established procedures allows the staff to be predictable and all stakeholders benefit from having ,

knowledge of the efforts NRR undertakes. Handbook i

promotes consistent implementation of NRR policy which makes the regulatory process more scrutable.

e increase Intemal Efficiency and DLPM Handbook has a significant irnpact on increasing Effectiveness NRR effectiveness and efficiency by reducing process variability.

e Enhance NRC's ability to make The handbook should promote more timely and predictable sound, rearestic decisions that are decision making.

timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

e 7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT

q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets 1

) Future Rule Changes (Support and Direct) No. 70 Program Area: Regulatory improvements Category:

Task Output: Issued Rule Changes, completed either in a support or direct role. Peer review of licensing rules prepared by other divisions (50.54,52,54), support risk informed Part 50, lead on licensing rules 50.90, 50.36, and 50.91.

a Stakeholders

. Customers Suncortina Oraanizations Primary Licensees Secondary NRC

= Performance Measures TER BRE!1 Tirneliness DLPM input meets Rulemaking Actmty Plan Milestones.

Xggt Performance Measure Annual Goal

.T. rat Es.nla Effectiveness DLPM input is competent and effective in completing the rulemaking The goalof the rulemaking is met.

Xegt Performance Meesure Annual Gon!

.................................n........................................................................................... .

T.xna Bea!1 Quality Prornulgated rules are clear and easily understood by all stakeholders. They meet planned objectives as measured by lack of requests for exemptions and revision to the rule, and are not challenged in court.

Xent Performance Meesure Annual Goal 7/21/99 11:13 AM p {f 133

1 q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Future Rule Changes (Support and Direct) No. 70 e Outcomes Outcome Gonis Regit e Maintain Safety Do not decrease safety.

  • Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Rulemaking activities are performance-based when

. Burden appropriate resulting in licensee resource savings. Cost benefit analysis also ensures unnecessary burden is reduced.

e increase Pubhc Confidence Rulemaking activities are conducted in a public forum and resulting rules are written in plain English.

e increase Intemal Efficiency and Rulemaking activities are conducted with due consideration Effectiveness of intemal resource implications in development and post implementation costs. Cumulative risk impact of previous changes per plant <10E-04 should be kept in the range of 10E-06 to 10E-05. Plants >10E-04 should be limited to 10E-06.

  • Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other

. e Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

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q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets l l

) Policy Development / Reviews No. 71 Program Area: Regulatory improvements Category: l Task Output: Policy Development / Reviews (commitment management,50.59 implementation, public release of outage schedules, etc.)

= Stakeholders j

Customers Suncortina Oraanizations  !

. NRC a Performance Measures Let ESa!1 Tirneliness . Reviews are completed with the negotiated schedules.

Xtt! Performance Measure Annual Goal 1

i 1

LES Eta!1 Effectiveness Reviews are effective in shaping the policy issue, as measured by feedback from the i

requesting organizabon and stakeholders. 85% of staff are aware and accountable for '

lir.p;eirer.Gr,g policy.

Jggt Performance Measure Annual Goal l

.T.rste Ban!1 l Quality Appropriate changes /clanfications to proposed policy are suggested and implemented as a result of DLPM rewows. Policy consistent with existing regulations.

fegr Performance Mensure Annual Goal l

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l q DLPM Reinvention Project - Task Information Sheets

.....) Policy Development / Reviews No. 71 1

s Outcomes l Mcome Goals Basis e Maintain Safety Policy development / reviews have an impact on maintaining nuclear industry safety.

. e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Policy development / reviews have an impact on reducing Burden unnecessary regulatory burden. (i.e., control release of outage schedules - reduces economic burdens) e Increase Public Confidence Development of sound safety / regulatory policy can increase public confidence by making our regulatory actions more consistent and scrutable.

e increase Intemal Efficiency and Policy development / reviews have an impact on increasing Effectiveness NRR effectiveness and efficiency. Policy development and review are made/ implemented with consideration of resource implications and decisions are no longer made on an ad hoc basis, e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other a Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identified above.

7/21/99 11:13 AM DMFT '*

i G DLPM Reinvention Project - Task information Sheets

.....) Licensing Workshops No. 72 Program Ame: Regulatory improvements Category:

1 Task output: Meeting summaries and lessons leamed are issued on presentations conducted at the Eight Licensing Workshops (4-5 sites per workshop) on current regulatory issues and '

regulatory processes of interest to the licensees such as the license amendment process, submittal quality and project manager responsibilities a Stakeholders  !

1 Customers Suncortina Ornaniantions Primary NRR Secondery Licensees a Performance Measures T.ulla Baala Timeliness Schedule utilities to complete 8 workshops beginning in Sept 99. Issue meeting summaries within 30 days.

Xant Portormance ninesure AnnualGoel 2000 No. of days to issue meeting summaries < 30 T.xsit! Baala Effectiveness Obtain feeenck from I consees on usefulness of workshops - achieve > 80% favorable feedback.

, Xant Portarmance ninesure AnnuelGoni 2000 Percent favorable fee &ack from licensee attendees > 80 IIIIa Basia Efficiency The process of planning, developing and implementmg these workshops is standardized in DLPM to the greatest extent possbie - measure trend in hours charged to ensure efficiencies are gained ( l.e., hours charged per workshop are the same or decreasmg)lmprovement of licensee submittals is demonstrated. Possible assessment indicators include reduchon in # of RAls issued, reduchon in # of rejections, or reductions in

  1. of hours of review time charged cesi&&ied to similar schons.

Xant Portormance niensure AnnualGoal l IMDe Baala

. Quality Licensee subrmttal quality is improved.

Xant Performance niensure AnnuelGoel T.usta Baala Quantity Hold 8 workshops as directed by Office Director. All completed by June 2001. j Xant Performance niensure AnnuelGoal 2000 Number of workshops conducted 8 7/21/99 11:13 AM Q {f 137

A, DLPM Reinvention, Project - Task Information Sheets

) Licensing Workshops No. 72 o Outcomes Outcome Goals Dag!2 e Maintain Safety Safety issues and their resolutions are shared amongst the staff andlicensees(if applicable)

, e Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Regulatory processes and improvements aimed at Burden reducing unnecessary burden (i.e., RAls/OL 803) are discussed and reinforced. Licensees implement lessons leamed resulting in resource savings and better licensee submittals result in less effort in responding to staff questions.

e increase Public Confidence Public attendance increases their knowledge of the licensing process and therefore increases public understanding.

e increaseIntemalEfficiencyand Regulatory processes and PM responsibilities are Effectiveness discussed to ensure common understandings, communicate / reinforce process improvements and promote efficiencies based on precedent actions and higher quality submittals. Licensing action timeliness goals are met based on increased understanding of process.

e Enhance NRC's ability to make sound, realistic decisions that are timely and predictible e Other e Stakeholders' Comments Feedback and comments to be provided following meetings with stakeholders identifed above.

7/21/99 11:13 AM DhFT '38


1. Principal role of projects.

General comment: 72 tasks are too many to expect an individual to perform well.

(1) Support / Process licensing actions (a) Make it happen (authority)

Active, up-front planning with licensees to facilitate NRC and licensee resource planning.

Effective use of RAI process.

(2) Serve as the conscience of the staff.

. (3) Be the advocate for the project.

(4) Focal point for resoMng staff and licensee concems (and other stakeholders).

(5) Balancing / accomplishing NRC and licensee priorities.

2. Five activities most important.

(1) Timely completion of licensing actions (on agreed-upon schedule)

(2) Communicate, manage difficulties with licensing actions effectively.

(3) Tasks 1-4, 8, 22, 37,19, 26, 29, 59. - most important overall are tasks 1 through 12 '

(alllicensing actions).

3. Reasons these activities are important (2)

(1) Keep plants safe.

(2) Allow efficient operation of the plant.

4. Other activities projects should perform (1) Manage public documents (ensuring incoming and outgoing documents are rapidly and readily available to the public and to licensees..

(2) Ensure timely notification of meetings.

(3) Communication clearing house (timely transmittal to licensee, particularly for those requiring responses).

(4) Manage / Control potential Violations during resolution of ongoing generic reviews.

(5) Cost management (fee billing)/ Communicate targets up front, PM monitor during review (hold both staff and licensee accountable).

(6) Development / training / qualifications in project management skills and I

l L .

r .-

communication skills.


5. Reasons these activities are important (4).

(1) Reduce licensee burden (efficiency).

(2) Improve public confidence.

6. What types of performance indicators would be useful?

I i

i (1) Age oflicensing actions.

(2) Accuracy of product.

- number of correction letters

- rework l (3) Stakeholder approval rating (including PM evaluation).

(4) Number of teleconferences per action.

(5) Number of review hours vs. complexity ofitem.

(6) Performance to schedule (specific tasks).

7. Five activities least important.

(1) #39 - Enforcement actions (2) #28 - Transition of assignments (3) #70 - Future rule changes  !

(4) #57 - Section meetings (5) #23 - Petitions and requests from non-licensees o (6) #60 - Web page management (7) #64 - Freedom of Information Act (FOlA) requests post-ADAMS (Agencywide I document access and management system)

8. Reasons these activities (7) are less important.

(1) Not role of PM in meeting licensee priorities.

9. Any activities projects organization should not perform? l (1)  :



10. Additional input.

(1) Periodic face to faca feedback sessions.

(2) Planning for peak periods.

(3) PMs need guidance of how much authority they have and when.

(4) Training of PMs (including behavioral skills).

(5) Ensure consistency with prior NRC approvals.

(4) PM should facilitate, coordinate, and manager accomplishment of licensing actions i I

(5) Allow PM to focus on licensees as customers, maintaining his other obligations.

(6)' Does PM have the authority commensurate with his responsibilities?

11. Other issues.

(1) l l

l i

o e

1 c


Realon Il

1. Principal role of projects.

(1) Process Technical Specification changes / licensing actions.

(2) Deliverer of licensee information for licensing actions.

(3) Primary interface with licensee and region (single point of contact).

(4) Coordinate / ensure communication (filter out unnecessary interactions)- requires PM

. knowledge of submittal and licensing basis.

(5) Coordinate nieetings.

(6) Source of information on NRC policy / procedures (important for " filter" mentioned in 4 above).

(7) Contact on plant issues.

(8) Facilitate licensing work / streamline process.

(9) Owner oflicensing basis.

2. Five activities most important.

(1) Process licensing actions [ Federal Register notice, processing Requests for Additional Information, Environmental Assessments); including all actions tha require prior NRC approval before the licensee implements- [10 CFR 52.90; 50.54);

Determine review method, schedule [ work planning), and be responsible for ,

implementation - Project Manager; Writing Safety evaluations, and other licensing l tasks.

(2) Interface with licensee. I (a) Headquarter interfaces (provide filter for unnecessary regulatory burden) i (3) Administrative / Coordinator of NRC business functions; (1) Review fees (billing licensee for staff review effort / cost control and administrative oversight).

(b) Manage to Office Letter 803 staff review time estimates / hours (for all licensing actions and other licensing tasks beyond amendments) and communicate with licensees / ensure accountability for hours charged to a review (4) Other licensing tasks: Conflict resolution, ensuring consistent treatment of licensing actions / licensees, provide feedback on quality of licensee's submittals, and maintaining licensing basis.

(5) Interface with Office of General Counsel / Hearings 4


3. Reasons these activities are important (2)

(1) Licensing actions

- Reduce unnecessary burden

- Maintain safety (a) Project managers writing Safety evaluations  ;

- Effectiveness and Efficiency, maintain safety. l (2) Interface with Licensee (as well as, NRC headquarters and Region)

. - Efficiency and effectiveness

- Public confidence (accuracy of information). l (3) Administration / Cost control

- Reduce unnecessary burden

- Effectiveness and efficiency (4) Other licensing tasks

- Public confidence (lack of "open" safety issues) .

- Maintain safety  ;

- Reduce unnecessary burden i

4. Other activities projects should perform (1) Cost control (look at Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) talking points in enclosure 5).

(2) Task-oriented project management, i.e., license renewal, SG issues / replacement,  !

Power uprates, etc.

J (3) Skill development / maintenance for effective project management.


5. Reasons these activities are important (4).

(1) Cost control

- Reduce burden

. - Safety (best use of $$)

(2) Task-oriented Project Managers

- Effectiveness and efficiency  ;

i (3) Skills / Development

- Effectiveness and efficiency

6. What types of performance indicators would be useful?

(1) Supported NEl proposal (provided in enclosure 5) 5 i


l l

(2) Overall timeliness, schedule adherence (3) Average median ages (encourage staff to post data on the Web, including l

comparisons between NRC groups) , l l

(4) NRC staff should conduct Benchmarking  ;

(5) Customer surveys and feedback at the individual level (up to performance appraisal input on effectiveness of being the focal point.) I (6) Comparison of actual performance compared to a work plan vs. averages (ages, l etc.) '

7. Five activities least important.

1 (1) Maintaining licensing documents (need to do but shouldn't interfere with work). I (2) 50.59 reviews of annual report.

(3) Conducting surveys.

(4) Collateral duties /LPMs.

8. Reasons these activities are less important (7).

(1) Do not contribute to the four goals

. 9. Any activities projects organization should not perform?  !

(1) As determined by priorities above.


10. Additionalinput.

(1) NRC budget process should be more timely and in advance.

(2) . Role of Project Manager supervisor

- budget control '

- conflict resolution (various staff and licensees)  ;

- schedule adherence l

(3) Customer orientation (NRR-licensee, NRR-region, NRR-public; watch out for escalating cost of public interaction).

(4) Redefining - Reprioritizing for current effort.

(5) Move toward approaches like inspection / oversight process

- define need to do/ safety significance.

(6) Maintain separation of licensing and oversight.

I l


11. Other issues, O

e 4



Realon til

1. Principal role of projects.

(1) PMs should run interference to ensure reviewers are being consistent.

(2) PMs need decision authority to actively manage their issues.

(3) PMs need knowledge of licensing basis - tools - i.e., use a " licensing notebook,*

evaluate a plant against its licensing basis vs. Standard review plan (SRP should not be imposed on non-SRP plants).

l (4) Still need to work on Office Letter 803 implementation. Some PMs read requests for additional information (RAl) questions instead of faxing them to licensee. Some PMs don't review RAI questions to ensure they are appropriate (e.g., consistent with design basis) before sending them to licensee.

(5) PMs need to work with licensee for most efficient way to do review.

(6) Proactive PM/ " advocate" of efficient / effective review.

(7) PMs should provide for timely Technical Specification interpretations / commitments / regulation.

(8) "DLPM should initiate " Task Interface Agreement-like" process for questions from licensee.

(9) Continue daily interface with region (10) Improvement with PM doing own reviews.

(11) Staff should be consistent with past decisions.

2. Five activities most important (only 4 were selected).

l 1

(1) Management of licensing issues (including notices of enforcement discretion). i (2) Routine interface during licensing action reviews.

(3) Reduce regulatory burden through reduced reporting requirements.

(4) Communications - bring balance and perspective to regulation of power plant.

3. Reasons these activities are important (2)

(1) Maintains safety, improves efficiency and effectiveness and enhances public confidence.

(2) Reduce unnecessary regulatory burden.


i l

(3) Reduce unnecessary regulatory burden, improve safety by allowing licensees to concentrate on safety significant issues.

(4) Improve public confidence, improve efficiency and effectiveness and decrease unnecessary regulatory burden. )

4. Other activities projects should perform (1) Maintain a licensing notebook for licensing basis reference.

(2) Develop a standard process for PM turnover, etc.

(3) Communication / plant visits on open item (i.e, TAC list, etc.). Include reviewers on a case-by-case basis.

(4) Prioritize generic issues by risk significance so licensee's don't have to work them all

' at once.

5. Reasons these activities are important (4).

(2) Improves efficiency and effectiveness and improves safety (through better PM knowledge of plant).

(3) Improves efficiency and effectiveness.

(4) Improves efficiency and effectiveness, decreases regulatory burden and increases public confidence.

(5) Improves safety, decreases regulatory burden and increases public confidence.

6. What types of performance indicators would be useful?

(1) Rating PM behaviors, attributes and leadership (2) Formal feedback mechanism - surveys, errors in safety evaluation reports (SERs).

(3) Self assessments.

(4) Schedule vs. priority (5) Measure percentage of closed activities as a multiple of how fast they were requested to be closed out.

(6) Intemal review to ensure quality; develop a standard. SERs should be reviewed by independent group.

(7) At licensing workshops, get attributes for quality submittals and SERs.

9 l

7. Five activities least important. '

(1) Use of PMs as acting resident.

(2) Collateral duties (e.g., lead PM assignments).

. (3)' Requirement to submit routine reports that don't appear to receive NRC review.

(4) Should review 10 CFR 50.54 changes on audit basis instead of reviewing and

. approving each change.

(5) PMs should not be responsible f'or ensuring accuracy of licensing basis. That's the

. licensee's responsibility.

8. Reasons these activities are less important (7).

-(1) Not efficient or effective use of PM.

(2) Not efficient or effective use of PM, could harm safety by distracting PM from primary responsibility.

(3) Regulatory burden with no benefit.

(4) Regulatory burden with no benefit.

(5) Not efficient or effective use of PM.

9.- Any activities projects organization should not perform?

(1) DLPM s' hould not be doing technical specifications bases reviews in some cases (Distinguish between improved technical specifications (ITS) and non-lTS plants for TS bases changes (bases control program)).

10. Additionalinput/Other issues.

(1) " Cherry picking" - NRC should issue Generic Letter identifying what new improved technical specifications items they can get.

(2) Administrative support


- OGC - work of OGC should be better controlled to improve process

- Concurrence chain " empowerment" - concurrences should be minimized

- There should be enough administrative support to prevent typing / distribution causing delays in the licensing process.

'(3) Clarify role of PM/NRR in new oversight process

- ensure consistency

- role in 50.5g inspection

- SDP - NRR may need to support regional Senior Risk Analysts /others

- Plant performance reviews 10


(4) NRR should have input to new process (PMs)

(5) Need more informal ways of taking advantage of generic resolutions l (6) Need to define role of PM in license renewal and decommissioning. Need to retain same PM.

1 (7) Need the Infrastructure to support PM, (8) For informal surveys, need to ensure consistency; timeliness; NRC expectations; (9) TIA process should be more open to allow licensee input.

l i

l e

i l


Realon IV There was a fair bit of discussion about the need to distinguish between what PMs should do, and what DLPM/NRR should do when the group considered the following questions. In some cases, the group has delineated their responses accordingly.

1. Principal role of projects.

(1) Coordination (2) Interface with NRR/ Licensee

- advocate for licensee

. - (or) representative oflicensee

- on schedule (3) Screening Requests for additionalinformation (RAls) and staff decisions for regulatory basis / achieve burden reduction j Advance reactor safety by providing a knowledgeable interface between NRC and licensees and ensuring licensing actions are processed efficiently.

2. Five activities most important.

i The following items are important for PMs: '

(1) Licensing action coordination (true project management role)

(1a) licensing action review / approval performed by PM (personal approval)

(2) Communication with licensees - explain what is needed/ required by the staff, and why it is needed (regulatory basis)

(3) Screening RAls, and guarding the licensing basis.

(4) Keep senior NRC management informed of activities at that plant The following items are important for DLPM:

. (5) Coordination /prioritization with other divisions (6) NRR/ region interface (7) Regulatory improvements

3. Reasons these activities are important (2)

(1) PM should evaluate licensing actions, RAls, work priorities, etc. against outcome goals and reject those that don't conform with outcome goals..



4. Other activities projects should perform (1) Relationship with media, and maintain sensitivity when providing information that has financial or commercial consequences.

(2) Participate in site inspections -

l (3) Be more involved with enforcement l

[-* (4) Be more involved with new performance assessment process

, 5. Reasons these activities are important (4).

(1) Relationship to outcome goals.

6. What types of performance indicators would be useful?

(1) Number of days deviation from project schedule (joint agreement between staff and licensee on schedule).

(2) Current goalc, e.g.,95% < 1 year,.n_g.t appropriate for alllicensing actions.

-(3) Number of RAls.

(4) Quality of licensing action, e.g., number of errors.

(5) Percentage of licensing actions performed by project manager.

7. Five activities least important.

(1) 2.206, other Federal agency interface (this is important for DLPM, not PM).

1 (2) 50.59 evaluation reviews.

(3) Review ofinspection reports.

. (4) Maine Yankee, Millstone lessons leamed.

(S) Support for Congressional Affairs.

8. Reasons these activities are less important (7).

- (1) Not supportive of outcome goals and primary licensing action work.

9. Any activities projects organization should not perform?

(1) None identified.

1 13


' 10. Additi:nal input. I I

See 11.

11. Other issues.

(1) Dedicated projed manager for plant is key ingredient for success

- In some cases 1 PM could handle more than 1 plant (if plants were similar)

- is billing an issue?

- varies by commonality oflicensing tasks

- varies with workload

- decision to assign PM to more than 1 plant, and assignment of significant co-lateral

-. duties should include licensee input

- NRR needs to have flexibility.

(2) TIA process

- need licensee involvement to provide information for NRR consideration.

- currently little communication with licensee until decision is made.

(3) Better coordination of generic issues - need for generic issue project managers, not necessarily plant PMs.

(4) Should review 72 items against the priorities in Question 2.



i I

l 8

F l


ATTACHMENT 5 NRC Stakeholders Meeting - July 23,1999 l Redefining the Role of the Division of Licensing Project Management NEI TALKING POINTS 1


. The industry objective at the workshop is to give constructive feedback to NRC management regarding our perceptions, expectations, and concerns about the role, objectives, organization, and performance of the NRR Division of Licensing Project Management (DLPM), with emphasis on the role of the Project Manager (PM).

  • Some of the DLPM activities most important to licensees are:
1) Timely processing oflicensing action requests (e.g., proposed I license amendments, relief requests, and exemption requests)
2) Single point of contact (efficient handling of communications)
3) Internal resource for access to other parts of NRC (familiar with  !

plant organization, design features, licensing basis, schedule, priorities, etc.)

4) Decision-making authority of the PM (enhance' the experience and l technical training of the PM to increase the number of reviews /SERs that can be completed without requiring additional NRC resources)
5) Streamline internal DLPM/NRC interfaces to reduce bureaucratic complexity, e.g., streamline the concurrence process. DLPM  ;

o should look for opportunities to expand the authority of the PM to make licensing action decisions. Seek continuing improvement ,

, through dialogue at public meetings between NRC/NEI via their respective Licensing Action Task Forces.

6) Concentrate on the management of change within NRC. The PMs are ideally positioned to become " change agents" for regulatory initiatives and process improvements. They have perspective on the internal characteristics and behavior of both NRC and licensee organizations.



During the meeting, NRC needs to differentiate its expectations regarding "DLPM roles and responsibilities" vs. "PM roles and responsibilities." The answers to many questions will depend on whether one is talking about the Division as a whole or about the PM function in particular.

, . PMs should be available to respond to licensee requests for assistance in resolving disagreements with Region personnel. In other words, the' licensee should have the option to engage the PM in situations that involve, for example, inspection findings and L

technicalinterface agreements (TIAs).

. Each plant derives significant benefit from having a dedicated PM.

Assigning more than one site to a PM should be the exception rather than the rule, should only utilize very experienced and knowledgeable PMs, and should include consultation with the affected licensee (s).

. NRC should continue the practice of assigning dedicated " Owners Group PMs." The OG PMs should work closely with plant PMs to help resolve generic issues.

. NRC senior management action is needed to stabilize PM turnover.

It is not helpful when a PM stays on a project for only one or two years (or less, as is often the case).

. NRC may wish to consider "need based" assignment of PMs. In other words, some plants may benefit from having more that a i

single, full-time PM during periods when they anticipate a greater i than average number of submittals (e.g., power uprate, Tech Spec conversion, performance improvement program, risk-based pilot i activities, etc.). A thorough evaluation by NRC and the licensee l

-would be necessary to ensure that the benefit (technically sound,  !

efficient, and timely NRC reviews) outweighed any additional review fees.

I i  ;

I l'

L 2 1

. Have Administrative Letters 98-03 and 99-02 (Operating Reactor Licensing Action Estimates) been useful to NRC in preparing and i adjusting work management schedules?


. The PM interface is of prime importance to each licensee. PM l

incumbents should maintain a high degree of professional l ' development, experience, and qualification. It would be helpful to l

~ define the quality attributes of a PM and design a training program to maintain the necessary skill set.

. With respect to the functions now performed by PMs, which ones are l mandated by law or regulation, and which ones have evolved as  !

internal " administrative" functions that go beyond the regulations?

DLPM should look for opportunities to eliminate unnecessary administrative functions and delegate riecessary administrative functions to the Licensing Assistants (LAs).


. Potential DLPM performance indicators for discussion:  ;

1) Classification of proposed licensing actions based on anticipated  !

level of review effort. I

2) Tracking of similar submittals from different licensees to improve i the use of precedent. All things being equal, one would expect the review time for a sequence of"similar submittals" to decrease with each submittal.
3) Ability of NRC to meet cost / schedule targets.
4) Number of review hours per licensing action (as a function of the complexity of the proposed action).
5) The average number of RAIs for designated classes oflicensing actions.

- 6) The quality of RAIs (based on licensee feedback).

7) Feedback on process improvement (independent survey of

' industry to determine if process improvements have been effective).

8) Feedback on DLPM performance (independent survey ofindustry regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of DLPM's interface and communication with licensees).





Federal Register Notice / Volume 64, Number 133/ July 13,1999 1

, Comments: ,


The principle role of the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) Division of Licensing Project

. Management (DLPM) should be to:

A. Provide the primary point ofinterface between licensees and the NRR staff on regulatory matters.

B. Serve as the primary resource ofinternal reference information on each nuclear power plant to the '

NRR staff.

C. Manage the coordination of the various reviews oflicensing actions (Generic Letter responses, License Amendment Applications, ASME B&PV Code relief requests, exemption requests, etc.)

for the nuclear power plants.

4, The five activities most imponant for the DLPM to perform are:

A. Coordinate technical and legal reviews of Licensee-requested licensing actions and ensure that these reviews provide a high quality product and are timely with regards to Licensee-requested schedules and priorities.

B. Provide a single point of coordinated, communication between each Licensee and the NRC staff.

- C. Perform reviews / evaluations of Licensee submittals that are within their level of expertise.

D. Serve as the most knowledgeable expert within the NRR as to the overall plant design and licensing basis.

E. Ensure that the licensing basis of the assigned plant is properly maintained with regards to NRR staff requests to Licensees, and provide stable, consistent regulatory positions.

6. These five activities are important to the NRC staff outcome goals because they focus on the core responsibilities of the NRR staff. These activities provide an NRC point of coordination that can take into account the overall regulatory status of each nuclear power plant, thus ensuring that matters with regards to reactor safety and regulatory efficiencies are processed as high priorities. 'Ihese activities provide coordination of NRR licensing actions with the front line opponunity to identify unnecessary regulatory burdens, including unjustified backfits, to NRC management so that the process or situation causing these burdens can be rectified. Similarly, the coordination focal point responsibility of the DLPM provides a unique perspective to identify regulatory processes that are efficient and effective, and recommend similar approaches for ineffective and inefficient regulatory processes. Having a ,

knowledgeable source within the NRC for the public to contact and receive accurate and consistent '

infonnation, should bolster the public's confidence.

7. An additional activity not identified in the licensing authority, interfaces, and regulatory improvements program areas that the DLPM should perform is providing input into the type of regulatory research being performed by the NRC. i 1
8. This activity is important to the staff outcome goals because the DLPM staff can be uniquely aware of <

issues directly affecting licensees and ofissues ofinterest to the public, where research may be helpful in ensuring nuclear safety is maintained, ensuring burdensome requirements are adequatelyjustified, ,

ensuring processes are made as efficient and effective as possible, etc.  !

9. Types of performance indicators useful for the staff to employ to objectively determine its effectiveness in performing licensing activities could include:

A. Utilizing an agency or firm independent of both the NRC and the nuclear industry to periodically survey the performance of the NRC staff with regards to efficiency and effectiveness in processing Licensee requests for licensing actions, coordinating communications between the


NRC staff and Licensees, ensuring the licensing basis of the assigned plant is maintained with regards to NRC staff requests to Licensees, etc.

" B. Measuring the number oflicensee-requested licensing actions that are completed within a certain

. timeframe for categories whose timeframe targets are determined based on the complexity of the request.

C. Measuring the percentage oflicensing actions requested by the NRC (e.g., Generic Letters) and, after receipt of the licensee's response, closed out by the NRC within a timeframe that is a standard factor of the initial NRC-requested action. For example, if a Generic Letter requests information from a licensee within the next 180 days, then the NRC staff should be held accountable to complete their review of the submitted information within the next 360 days.

4. The five activities least important for the DLPM to perform are likely best determined by the DLPM f

itselfin objectively applying the four strategic objectives, and considering limited resources.

5. He five activities less important to the NRC staff outcome goals are likely best determined by the DLPM staffitself because they have the daily insights to their own activities that are ofleast importance and may, in fact, be in direct conflict with these four strategic objectives.
6. No comments regarding the activities that the DLPM should not perform.
7. Additional comments germane to the process of redef' ming the role of the DLPM organization:

A. The role of the Project Manager is crucial to licensees in obtaining timely, efficient and effective reviews oflicensee requests for diverse licensing actions. De Project Manager must be able to coordinate the review process of these diverse requests among various technical reviewers. This requires that the Project Manager must not only be capable technically, but also possess the necessary project management and personnel interfacing skill sets. The Project Manager must be a generalist of all of the aspects of nuclear power plant design and licensing requirements, yet the Project Manager must be capable of becoming a relative expert in a short time period of time. It is incumbent of the DLPM to ensure that the Project Managers be well trained to accomplish their key responsibilities. Due to the impact that training sessions can have on the Project Manager's workload, the DLPM management should ensure that such training is concise and worthwhile.

B. The role of the Licensing Assistant and other areas of support to the Project Manager should be

, reviewed and evaluated to ensure the Project Manager's time is being allocated to the tasks that are most important and demanding of the Project Manager's set of skills, and that tasks that should be delegated to tia Licensing Assistant and others are re-allocated to these areas.

F July 8,1999 Mr. John A.Zwolinski Director, Division of Licensing Project Management

, OfTice of Nuclear Reactor Regulation United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 .



Dear Mr. Zwolinski:

I appreciate receiving the notice and agenda for the public meeting on July 23,1999. Unfortunately, I cannot attend this meeting because I am on vacation that week. I did have an opportunity to review the summary of discussion topics attached to the meeting notice. I submit the following general comments which you may include, or exclude, from the saceting summary at your discretion.

O in the middle of page 3, a paragraph concludes with the following sentence: "Specifically, requiring the PMs to maintain a sound awareness ofthe 10 CFR 50.59 process and toparticipate in NRC's evaluation ofeach licensee 's programfor determining which changes require NRC review and approval has a clear nexus in thisprogram area." It is unclear to me if the PMs currently have this requirement or if this represents a new requirement. In either case, it is unclear to me how the PMs can maintain a sound awareness of the licensee's 10 CFR 50.59 process. IfI was a PM, I would have to tell you that I don't have ready access to the information necessary to make this determination.

Licensees employ a two-step process for 50.59s - first, they screen proposed activities to determine if a full safety evaluation is necessary, and second, they develop full safety evaluations when applicable. The licensees are not required, and seldom volunteer, to submit either the screenings or the full safety evaluations on the docket. Under 10 CFR 50.59, they are only required to provide material to the NRC on the docket when an unreviewed safety question (USQ) is involved. Under 10 CFR 50.71, they are required to submit an annual summary of full safety evaluations performed.

c Having both prepared and reviewed these annual summaries, I can tell you that they simply do not contain sufficient information for PMs to develop a sound awareness of the licensee's 10 CFR 50.59 process. Therefore, I cannot understand how NRR's PMs could possibly maintain a sound awareness  ;

of the licensee's 10 CFR 50.59 process.


O The paragraph at the bottom of page 3 continuing onto page 4 discusses the PMs interfaces with external stakeholders. I was pleased to see the public included on the list of stakeholders. To enhance l this recognized interface, I recommend that the NRC upgrade the publicly available information on I the PM assigned to plant sites. The NRC's telephone book lists the NRC Resident Inspectors and PMs assigned to each plant site. This information is useful, but it quickly becomes obsolete as staff l

Washington Office: 1616 P Street NW Suite 310 Washington DC 20036-1495 202-332 0900 . FAX: 202-332-0905 Cambruige Headquarters: Two Brattle Square . Cambridge MA 02238-9105 617 547-5552 . FAX: 617-864-9405 California Omce: 2397 Shattuck Avenue Suite 203 . Berkeley CA 94704-1567 510-843-1872 . FAX: 510-843-3785

{ )

July 8,1999 Page 2 of 4 i

members are transferred and reassigned. The NRC sends letters to licensees informing them promptly of PM reassignments. The NRC should provide the public with equivalent notice by maintaining a

'living' listing of RI and PM assignments on its website.

~ With respect to the ten questions asked by the staff, I provide the following answers:


1. What do you believe should be the principle role of the Projects organization?

e No comment.

2. Given the proposed descriptions of activities encompassed by the licensing authority, interfaces, and regulatory improvements program areas, what five activities do you consider most important for the Projects organization to perform?

In reviewing these three areas, I was unable to clearly define more than the four licensing authority activities listed at the bottom of page 2. The interfaces and regulatory improvements sections did not clearly define discrete activities performed by the PMs. Had the activities been ,

explicitly defined as in the licensing authority section, or had this question provided a full listing l of the activities, I would have answered this question.

3. Why do you consider the five activities identified in response to Question 2 important with I respect to the staff outcome goals? If you consider these activities important for a reason not related to the staff outcome goals, what is the reason these activities are important to you? )

Not applicable.


4. Are there any activities not identified in the licensing authority, interfaces, and regulatory improvements program areas that you consider the Projects organization should perform?

The last paragraph in the licensing authority section stated that "high importance is placed in assuring all products being issued by the staff can withstand close scrutiny, and are predictable and repeatable." It is not clear what the PMs do, or what DLPM does, to produce consistent licensing actions. Thus, I feel that the Projects organization should develop formal working relationships within PMs working on common safety issues. For example, all PMs assigned to BWR/6 plants should formally review each other's work products when those products have generic BWR/6 applications.

, S. Why do you consider the activities identified in response to Question 4 important with respect to the staff outcome goals? Ifyou consider these activities important for a reason not related to the staff outcome goals, what is the reason these activities are important to you?

The answer to this question is embedded in the answer to Question 4.

6. What types of performance indicators would be useful for the staff to employ to objectively detennine its effectiveness in performing licensing activities?

The number of RAls should EQI be used as a performance indicator because it could be influenced as much, if not more, by poor performance by the licensee as by the NRC staff.

[: i l

July 8,1999 Page 3 of 4 L The overall duration oflicensing actions shouldb'QI be used performance indicator because it L

could be influenced as much, if not more, by poor performance by the licensee as by the NRC staff.

l The incremental duration oflicensing subactions might be a suitable performance indicator. For example, rather than tracking the average NRC staff processing time for license amendment

, requests, it rnight be more appropriate to individually track the NRC staff time spent (a) conducting the initial submittal review, (b) reviewing RAI responses, and (c) preparing the safety o evaluation. This incremental approach would separate out the time spent by the licensee responding to RAls.

7. What five activities contained in the proposed descriptions of activities encompassed by the licensing authority, interfaces, and regulatory improvements program areas do you consider least important for the Projects organization to perform 7 See the answer to Question 2.
8. Why do you consider the activities identified in response to Question 7 ofless importance with respect to the staff outcome goals 7 See the answer to Question 3.
9. Identify any activities in the proposed descriptions for the licensing authority, interfaces, and regulatory improvements program areas that the Projects organization should not perform, and provide an explanation why.

None identified.

- 10. As a customer of the licensing organization's output, the staff welcomes any additional input that you feel would be germane to the process of redefining the role of the Projects organization.

In my interactions with PMs sincejoining UCS, I have generally found them to be knowledgeable and responsive. However, there seems to be a common weakness - tunnel vision.

The PMs have a firm understanding on plant conditions since they were assigned to that plant. l But they have little understanding, or interest, in what happened at the plant prior to their assignment. To me, that makes them unable to place events / problems in the proper context.1

, have been told more than once by a PM that it's the first time the plant has experienced a broken i widget when I know for a fact (using by scanning the NRC's website) that it is not the first time. ,

In addition, PMs seem to be overly insulated from industry events. I have on more than onc  !

occasion asked a PM why plant xyz chose to fix a problem one way when plant abc fixed the same problem differently only to learn that the PM was not even aware that plant abc had the very same problem. While I am not suggesting that there's only one way to remedy problems, I do think that PMs should be aware of similar safety problems at other plants. The staff at nuclear plants must be aware of such problems (operational experience reviews). The NRC should have a comparable requirement for its PMs.

1 i

l Washington Office: 1616 P Street NW Suite 310

  • 202-332-0900
  • FAX: 202-332-0905 Cambridge Headquarters: Two Brattle Square
  • Cambridge MA 02238-9105
  • 617 547-5552
  • FAX: 617-864-9405 Cal #fornia Ofhoe: 2397 Shattuck Avenue Suite 203
  • Berkeley CA 94704-1567
  • 510-843-1872
  • FAX: 510-843-3785

July 8,1999 Page 4 of 4 I appreciate the opportunity to provide comments on this matter and hope these comments are useful.

Sincerely, l


  • l David A. Lochbaum i Nuclear Safety Engineer i

1 1

t l


i 07/22/1999 09:32 17175415487 MAIL BOXES ETC 2204 pAGE el

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%. May 27, 1999

. Mr. James W. Lan0enbach Vice President and Di ector TMP2 g P. O. Box 480 .



Dear Mr. Langenbach:

' Effective March 28,1999. the NRC's Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR) ' underwent a reorganization (see enclosed chart).7Within the frarnework of this roorganization, the Division of Licensing Project Management (DLPM) was created. The director of DLPM, Mr.'.lohn A. Zwolinski, has four project directors reporting to him; each project directorate is responsible for the power reactors in one specific NRR Region. Project Directorate IV has two .

sodion chiefs who are responsible for. operating power reactors in Region IV and a third section chief who is responsible for all NRR power reactors uridergoing decommissioning.

The section chiefs are responsible for ensuring that licensing actions and activities are of consistent quality and are timely, and for the supervision of the project managers for those

, power plants within the section's scope of responsibility. The s'ection chief is also the first level of NRR management contact for any. operational, enforcement,' or licensing issue. The Section Chief for your plant, TMI-2, is Dr. Michael T. Masnik, who can be '

j(301) A15-1191. As the project director for your region, I am responsible for mariagement oversight of headquarters licensing issues for plants undergoing decommissioning. Your

. decommissioning project manager, Mr. Lee H. Thonus, remains your primary contact for all

- routine licensing and administrative. matters. If you have any questions concoming the

-reorganization, please call Mr. Thonus at 717-948-1161.

Sincerely, -

e .

W S Stuart A. Richards, Director Project Directorate IV & Decommissioning .

. Division of Licensing Project Managem'ent Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation -

Docket No. 50-320


As stated , ,

- 'cc w/ encl: See next page 9 i g ..

e 'l


07/22/1999 09:32 17275415487 MAIL BOXES ETC 2234 PAGE 05 Three Mile Island Nuclear Station 2 Lcc:

Eric Epstein EFMR Monitoring Group

' 2308'Brandywine Dr.

Harrisburg, PA.17112

. Mr. David J. McGoff Office of LWR Safety and Technology

' NE-23 .

.U.S. Department of Energy Washington, D.C. 20545

',Mrs Wythe Keever The Patriot

  • 812 Market Street

. Harrisburg, PA' 17105

~ Mr. Robert B. Borsum B & W Nuclea'r Technologies

.? Suite $25 l f1700 Rockville Pike

Rockvdle,- MD 20852

. ~ Ms.' Jane Lee 183 Valley Road .

. Etters, PA 17319 Mr. Walter W. Cohen, Consumer

~ Advocate .

- Department of Justice '

.S' vee %Ty Square.14th Floor -

Hamsburg, PA' 17127 '

U.S. Environmental Prot. Agency,

.. . Region lli Office

'.' ATTN: EIS Coordinator

, 841. Chestnut Street

,- . Philadelphia, PA ~ 19107 Mr.: Don Smith'.

GPU Nuclear, Inc.-

P.O. Box 480 Middletown, PA 17057. ,

u q 'i I

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07/22/1999 09:32 17175415487 MAIL BOXES ETC 2204 PAGE OB Werven said no decision has been made about whether the issue warrants an owners group response yet, but that a decision could come this summer.

However, Warren said the JOG Itself has na plana in discuss the de actuator issue with NRC at the meetleg on April Id. The JOO only deals with valve internels and not actuators. he noted.

Scarbrough said the de actuator issues was added by NRC et the end of the meeting's agenda and that the staffjust wams to take the opportunity to give industry a status report on the issue and find out what if anything the BWROO la planning.--Devu Stell$ne. Washington (dstel@mh. cone) i TRAVERS TELLS TMI-AREA RESIDENTS INDUSTRY INSPECTION NOURS NOT CUT NRC Executive Director for Operations William Travers told eeneral Pennsylvania residents concerned about NRC rewanchment that the agency had not cut inspection hours.

"We have nor cut inspection hours."Trevers said at a forum commemorating the 20th anniversary of the 1979 accident at OpU Nuclear's 'These Mlle Island-2. "We are using new tools." Travers told participants in the.

fonen held March 25 near H-. A' - Pennsylvania. The forum was broadcast live on the Intemet.

Trevers was challenged by reflow panelist Eric Epatein, a long-time entinuclear activist and enember of L Three Mlle Island Alert, the chieforganisation that trocked and followed the occident through the long years of ,

the cleanup. Sen,e*TMI-eres residents amended the forum to speak about their continuing fears.and concere about NRC ._. _ :.

."! heard (Chairman Shirley) Jah any (to the Senese oversight comminee ther) you wese going to cut j inspescen hours and shot has been " .' 4" Epseein told Trevers. j Trevers <5d est rement nor amend his stesemset, desphe the challenge, but insteed spoke ofJackson's and his '

own commienset to entsty and ched '- 1 la industry statistics on scrums and safety system ===ria==

' However, a copy ofJadraa='s July 30.1995 speech before the Senate Envhenment & public Worbs' Suheemreises on Cloen Air, Wetlands, prevese Property. sad Nuclear Safety, shows she did make such a l

sisteessat. t "While the NRC believes that the basic lbcus and ernphases ofits inspection end enforonment pmgrams are '

sound, we agree that improvernenes are needed in both areas. The everage number ofinspection bours has,is diset, decreased " Jackson told the Senate.

ShnDerfy, et the agency's recent Reguletory Information Conference. Office orNuclear Reactor Regulatloa

, Dienctor Sam CoBins said the agency's new reactor overnight process was expected so leed to a 10% so IS%

toduction in inspomion hours (INRC, IS March,9).--Devussellfer. Fashingren (JsseJ@aiA.cond i


. Clearly pigned at DOE's lheeling cooperation in evaluating the feasibility of NRC tegulation of DOE Emeilities. the NRC ocawnissioners directed the staff so forward an !4 dependent assessment of a 1997 pilot proiset's findings to Congress.

Since, artspping up lhe seudy at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory more than a year ago, the two .w m egencias have had difficulty in reaching a consensus on the tocht leal, policy, and regulatory rarnincations of MRC ovetuight, .

But it was not until last month that k become clear that the DO6 stait's chilled attitude toward outside regulatson was coming straight Erom the top. In a letter to the appropriations chairs sod odier key 5 _ ' " -

leaders. Emergy Seevetary Bill Richsedson asserted the high costs of adopting to NRC regulations and , . :  ; -

Ibeilities to meet NRC standards was not worth the effort of bringing in outside oversight (INRC,1 March,1).

He asserted the pilots at Lawrence Berkeley, the Radio Chemical Engineering Development Center at Oak o Ridge National Laboratory, and the,Sevennah River Receiving Basin for Off-site Fuels did not uncover any .

safety issues. Mostover. Richardson said the expected benefits of outside regulation had not been dersonstested and rhet DOE would not participate in any fhrther studies.

. Ricitanison did promise to send a report to Congress by the end of this month on the Berkeley findings.

Comuniassoner Gesta Dieus argued at a March 19 meeting it was prometure to conclude DOE did not need an outside body watching over it. ssylag the pilot sites "may not be representative at all of the bulk of the DOE ibcilities." The three pilots were only a Ermetion of the six to eight studies that had originally been plansod.

NRC staff told the ---Aa= it believed many DOE concerns about the costs and benefits of external regulerion could be resolved if DOE was willing to work through the issues. Commissioner Edward -

McGaffisen said he did not believe the agency should wait until the DOE sends its report on Lawrence Berke-

. ley to Congress before the NRC offers its views the advantages and disadvantages gleaned hem the pilots.

"They have been trying to torque the costs arourul in the direction that they are very high (and) bringing up red herring after red herring, all which could be solved." said Commissioner Edward McGaffisan,"At some s ,,,,,,, m c- INstot N.R.C.-Marets st.19ss

  1. go%,%g

07/22/1999 09:32 17175415487 MAIL BOXES ETC 2204 PAGE 09 u .."

- October 28. -1998 .The NRC identified a violation which ." involved the failure of

' the . radiation protection technicians'to fully comply with a procedure associated with-P - source checking of instruments usati to survey incoming shipments of radioactive ,


l s , .

. . + i . Additionally, the NRC notedIhat there 58 "contro,I room deficiencies" and '-

"orftlost control room deficiencies" scheduled to be oorrected during the most recent '

refueling outage.- (lR '50-277/98-08,k50-278/98-08.)'


. i

[. . .j , - October 28,' 1998 - The use of an improperly' sized jum;ier led to an ' unpl.anned oore spray . loop inoperability and " extended the inoperability period for all four '

emergency diesel generators (EDG)." (IR 50-277/98-10, 50-278/9810; NOV.) ,

- November 7,1998 "J. operations personnel in the Unit 2 oontrol room

. observed that the megawatt electric. output did.not agree.with the reactor core thermal c 1, 27 ' .

." (IR'50-277/98-11,'50-278/98-11.)The NRC'" treated" this incident as a Noni y #(. ,, Violation.-(This was the fiftft Non-Cited Violation since June 1998.)~

- November 17, .1998 "There was one deficiency identified during'the P, '<g November.17.1998, plume. exposure pathway exercise which was resolved'on March. l l


' - . , N.$eas Requiring Corrective' Action (ARCA) identified..." ,(FEMA Fina/ Exerc/s .

, '. Ak

. ' hedhe November th 1990, Peach Bottom Power Station Plume Exposure Pathway

  • s .;-

' ~

f: . . November.27i1998 "... operators shut down Unit 3 to repdr c. nitrogon' leak .

M ( oh'an air opened valve inside the'drywell." (IR 504277&278/96-11.)

'~ t . . :- November 30,1998. "... inadequacies'in a. breaker manipulation procedure...

an. unexpected loss of one off-site power source and.several emergency: safety actuations." (IR 50 277/9811, 50 278/98-11). The NRC " treated" this' incident -

a Non-Cited Violation.

.. t .

. ~

1 _

'- December 1,1998 - The reactor water cleanup system " isolated occurred as;

, operators were opening the system inboard and outboard isolation valves." Acocirding.

to PECO, his event was not directly related to an 'mcident that occurred at the RWCU i ' on September -15,1998.-(IR 50-277/98-11, 50-278/98-11).  ;

,+ . -


h ' g-

.- December 8,1998 - At Unit 3, a control rod ' worth minimizer rod block occurred:

5 ,

.during's control rod drift alarm test. (IR 50 277/98-11 50-278/98-11).

L , . - December 11,1998 "A fire watch' was found asleep in the cable spreading s . room by inspectors."(IR 50-277/9610; 50-278/9610; NOV.) (See December 18,'1993 ' <

[ fshd Augifst'4',;1994, for related developments.)

g g h


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07/22/1999 09:32 17175415487 MAIL BOXES ETC 2204 PAGE 10


For more iffernstlen on this issue contact:

Eric Epelsin #717-2337807 or.47175411101


j., ,


7 ,: 'zPlanned Operating Life for Nuclear Generating Stations 0 1


Experience at large commercial nuclear power plants over 200 MWe has-

{ ' ^

l clea{rly demonstrated that nuclear units will not operate.for 40 years. The nuclear c .


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,e; . f .( irqdustry's' decommissioning consultant? Thomas"LaGuardia (TLG), was asked by h4r.'

y; Eg, ,Epstein: "[H)ow many commercial nucieer power pla'nts in this country f have

-.v - 4. . .-: , .- ., . . . .

% a. .

,.W-(21 their full operating lives?" Mr. LaGuardia replied: "[N}one,' essentially'." : ;

.. p.......

22 : , , (PP&L Base Rate Case,' Page.4023,' Lines 20 22.) Additionally, Georgd T. Jones; Vice- L

./. ..  !


..Presi , , dent.of Nuclear Engineering for PP&L, was asked by Mr. Epstein:' -

I.h,"f ffl your experience.iwhich is rather extensive at TVA[ Entergy and CE, cab you ht g

.Qf, e,::,, g let me know what is the'iongest life of a plant you've been associate'd with?" ' '

.t u . a . .. g

, ' ' ' Mt; Jones: l've never been associated with one'that -- none of them have ever rea$hed

,i: s %anii of their hcensed life,. . . . .

e E 9 Theie has been a lot of work done and continues to be done on-life extension,- -

'not tgus'the industry..I' don't know." (Pade $272; Lines 8-16.) ,

s ,- -

'.Is ..


' s

,. g,

.u-2J- .

Mr. LaGuardia's and Mr. Jones's acknowledgments are confirmed by; empirical:

.? data. .


. .i e ft ,'*#~ ' $ f,. .',= ,

May.  ? .%.RWe telend-2, - .

v. a 792-MWe. reactor operated fs 1/120 of it planned

.~ .

f . operatingi 15e (December' 1978 to March 1979),:when it experienced a partial corej , ~ ,

..o [ ..

rn,1,ueltdown. Twenty years after the accident, the plant has been defueled at a , cost of $1~

billi5td,but h$s yet to be decontaminated and l decommissioned. )GPU also ownsithe) c

.h..y.. O .m ,- , .,

.M. .. J.,.';,SiuSEon' . , . y Nuclear Experimental FIcility, a'7 MWe reactor lwhich was placed ,

.( in"

. ? ., , e K e,,s,. , p, , etempora~ry storage" in 1972 and was ' dismantled several years ago at scost of $12' 4 .,

~ . 3.w . .

.. . c  ;

,g;,;... ;

.:; y) :' zi million:or yy. 200% above the original' capital costs);

.. , , ,l -

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l 07/22/1999 09:32 17175415487 MAIL BOXES ETC 2204 PAGE 11 l

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s. .j. ,
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' ' Oyster Creek, ai 619 MWe BWR designed by General Electric"that came on line in ~

a- . .. .


c ,

DecemberL1969.1"GPU now.has two options for the plant - retire early or continue to 2 l ., .s , s. .

! " # operate the plant until its license expires in 2009. GPU plans to reemphasize to the

. ,; c.n ,

4 l  % , t',NoEJersey(B' ardo of Public' Utilities (NJBPU) thst the early retirement' of the' plant in.

,. .<. w .. . ,

y L ]q>' }$thpifall of 2000 is'in the best interests of its customers due to the plant's costs ' -

\ . . .

h'S lphMaboristics."


'o '

"[s .[ y, , ( T. <o Our Shareholders, August 10,1998, Fred D. Hafer,! Chairman and CEO.) -

2. . . . ,


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., .f sf ,' $**-

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% 2.p$4fflprml-1 s,57 MWe rerder ppeqcd for 75 months tiefore it' was:shht down in1975N, ' d-2 ; c p. . w.

, , %.Camd " temporary storage" due to an accident; . . . L f l o: m ' f..s a..a ,

e, " 2 : [,y .- ~' , 'll , '-

- V{l:.L le:/'[ J . '

l 4 : .. .

3 . . . . , a. . .

misokst Bay, a 63 MWe unit, operated for 155" months before being shut down. -


.$$.3-,hu.,y ~ . m .- .. ..

v -

@.6.*;, Stri1976. v. The cost of sofurtnshing the plant to withstand a major earthquake was more . '


,.wney g , e , , 1..

,  ; i. ,

.t. . ,

'Jg G trywii the". original; licensing 4nd construction costs..This!riuclear station remains in > ,

. w - ., ,<

e a, , . , . .

tepoperary. storage" with'no funds accumulated to decom, mission the plant;f g'.,. .

+.. .- .;'

g , ,,, 3 .'n.

..L -

l ' '

j,g.u! - g' l ,,

r sd@n dj .' @p 'seden-ka 200 MWe reactor. operated for e 45N; of stieff life (July 196016 Oc


Nh.M). hand (was forced to' close. prematurely due to corrosive radioactive piping. This e i7 , Tuhtf]w'as[* partially" dooommissioned'with chemidais in'the early 1980s,'but!remaNiry

.. m.

p a '

I i

" temporary.stEraDe" until Dresdeni2 and)3 are " retired.", lin' January 1994,l cold ~ .

s. <m .. ;

. 7 j- .

,  : . . . , . ,.. .. .., . . . . i


.jc" < .e~ -  % i.tiesthefcaused cracles In the water service system caus,ng 55,000 gallons of. ,

- i . . 3 sg '

@:,$ raulicactive water to spill; , ,

3 / :c %.. ,U c  ; -

l .m


?  ; .. ..

  1. a.
    . . g. . x : - <

y N. , C l ..

.J.b.,dlian Point 1, 257 MWe reactor.functi6ned..!fors30% of its planned. operating' lifea3 S.  ;

.t h Y,.f . *:. . , .

.. t. .. ,

[q , . %

  • fp. ,,h @ Jfr)uar

-u; s;

l .$..% O ' ,


..M Cbmmission. regulations; the plant lacked an emergency core cooling ~ system; . . a '

..g.,.C'# . .

y;1963 . .

to . .

October 1974),sas'  ;,,

shut'do '

i .. .: ' '


s.,.~ ,I,,,,'. . ? ,1 - ,4 a ..


b (Q) Q.i);5 [' 4 h. i i ;.q'; 4 .


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07/22/1999 09:32 17175415487 MAIL BOXES ETC 2204 PAGE 12 x, ,

c i

L . . . .

. - Shoreham, 809 MWe, operated for two full-power days (which is' .000136986% of - i

. .+. . .

,i the estimated life of the Susquehanna Steam Electric Station) and closed' befoie'it r .: . . .' i 9 7,. ', could begin commercial ' operation in May ,1989. The fuel from this plant was' shipped L

, I

.- 4 ,

(f .. a.

, ' to Limerick; .


Y .d p- . ,

. v.

gS.k * . - Fort Saint Vrain, a 330J We M operated for 27.5 of its expected life'(January 1N79'to.

p ,. - .; . : ti y ~

FL Abdust 1989); >

9..{. ~ m.,- ,.+. .


. i.

._ a,. ; , , ;

.. n, n.m , r., .,

e;' ,3. e;. w.. . ..


w. t . ,

4%.' o q,- ,

by;.0 'fy Mancho Seco, a 873 MWe generating station completed in 1975 and operated for ,

ip > .. %7[monthis - >

before'It was shut ldown in 1992 by a voter referendum; -

,n . .y y t  !.

p [

,{'1,' . Q'rcisin dO90 MWe unit,' operated for'40% of Its operating life (May 1976 to

- 1

+;. c sc , . . .  :~ .

a l

9. v!37 ' Nb9, . w. ember:1992),

, . .. and was forced out of service due to chronic steam gen.erating tube '

,w o9 . .. O . t. :

y'.31,V :47 p(oblems; l

,*' ..' ,. :fi

,e .
u. ,

l .o Rt. . . . . . .

i J ,' .' E-M. .Opfore-1, a 436 MWe only operated for 35% of:lt projected operating life

u. . p .

+s .

. .sp ~.

l 4.,W,', },.(,hnuaryd96,8 to November 1992);.

.2. . . .n;.s,. .

,1 ' '

f . .t ,

a .. . . .

, .'- BigBock Point, a 67 MWe~ General Electric BWR began commercial: operation in e g. , ,

i; ,

' u Novl ember 1966lbut was forood,to close prematurely in;1996; ,

, . , q: . . j .t 3


n. w -


e. ,

. s. .,

4..,M/ l ' '-..n

. Qn December 4,1996, Haddam Neck a.582 MWe Pressurized Water Reactor.

ec ;: m 9

\ vs. . .y. - ~

. W,. J : s a ! : ..Ooperated by Connecticut Yanlies' Atomic power Company, closed prematurely inIth .

.. a.~ .. ., ,

1k h ,' h. i (hl. ', k. sa b..g rate payers'$100. million'(" Nuclear Monitor", p. 4,' Dece '


4. ^ e 7

I .[, ..}p. . Maht dame'on-line in January 1968 and operated for 72.'5 % of its predictedlife.

Q: } ,

x. . f.. a. . . s.

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07/22/1999 09:32 17175415487 MAIL BOXES ETC 2204 PAGE 13

.On May 27,1997 Alain Yankee was sh'ut down and became the first Combustion



Engineering reactor-to be prematurely retired. The plant, an 860 MWe Pressurized c 1. ' .

Water. Reactor, opened in December 1972 and was scheduled to operate through o f

2008. '

Y The Connecticut Department of Public Utility Control removed Mllistone-1 from'the

'j y rate base on December 31,1997.' Millstone-1, a 660 MWe General Electric Bolling

..e c.- '

., i

.7 Water Reactor operated by Northeast Utilities,: began operation:in March 1971 before n +

, q ., . .

s.j.W:s,. being' prematurely retired.'More importantly, the decision prevents Northeast l Utilities-i p .3 : ' ~ frbm charging rate payers for costs associated with the shutdown; '

'f . ;  :

.c .On January 15,1998, Commonwealth Edison announced it was permanently ?

.c t ,

[' ' . shutting'.down Zion-1 and Zion-2, .1040.MWe Westinghouse PWRs. Zion-1'. began 2

r9 e

commercial _ operation in December 1973 followedby Zion 2'in Septem'ber,

,, s. , '

i i

1974. Com Ed also reported this decision will' cost:shareh'olders $515 million~or $2.38. 1


pier share.

1. ,. .


' With the premature closure' of the Zion units every American commercial-rwolear reactor type and supplier has experien'ced early retirement' well' ,

.. .o cheffore:their pla~nned 40 year: operating life was achieved.

,m ,

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07/22/1999 09:32 171754154B7 MAIL BOXES ETC 2204 PAGE 14 A sense of fiduciary accountability and fair play dictate that utilities plan for decommissioning based on the assumption that their nuclear units will be prematurely ahut down. The chief indicators that the nuclear industry relies on to meas'ure plant -

, [ '

. ' longevity are spurious and imprecise. There is no clear nexus between operating capacity (measure of electricity actually produced' compared to what would have been 6~

V generated.if the plant had operated continuously at full power) and plant longevity.'

. ,;.; Obviously, there is chronic shortfall between " targeted" funding levels and actual costs

. :: ;for nuclear decommissioning.The burden of proof rests squarely on the shoulders of

'l Electric utilities to demonstrate that a 40 year operating life, which they predicate their.

vf '

ifinancial planning upon, is realistic. Furthermore, the nuclear industry has exasperated ,

.f,[ ', this problem by resolutely refusing to put aside adequate funds for nuclear -



decontamination and decommissioning.

y: , .


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