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Requests That Natl Economic Council Assist NRC in Making Certain Findings Required by Usec Privatization Act
Person / Time
Site: Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, 07007001
Issue date: 05/09/1997
From: Paperiello C
To: Wallman K
NUDOCS 9705140236
Download: ML20141A342 (3)


i o C l May 9, 1997 i

Kathleen Wallman, Chief of Staff i National Economic Council The White House .

2nd Floor, West Wing l Washington, DC 20502

Dear Ms. Wallman:

I am writing to request that the National Economic Council assist the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in making certain findings required by the U.S. Enrichment Corporation Privatization Act.

The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, requires NRC to certify that the operation of tho

.Paducah and Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plants complies with NRC regulations. The USEC Privatization Act requires NRC to withhold that certification, for the privatized USEC successor, if certification would be inimical to the maintenance of a reliable and economical domestic source j of enrichment services. l l

l understand that the National Economic Council has coordinated the USEC privatization' process among Federal Govemment agencies, and may have information that is pertinent to the l determination required by the Act. We would like to discuss with you at your earliest l convenience the information that you have collected or developed, in particular we would like to j discuss with your staff any information which would assist the NRC staff in developing criteria l that can be applied to this determination. Please have your staff contact me or Mr. Robert i Pierson, Chief, Special Projects Branch, (301) 415-7192 to arrange a meeting to discuss this matter. Thank you for your prompt attention to our request.

Sincerely, 1

[ Original s!gned by Carl J. Paperie!!o Carl J. Paperiello, Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards l


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Docket 70-7001,70-7002 NRC File Center PUBLIC NMSS r/f  !

FCSS r/f SPB r/f g D G:\NEC

  • See previous concurrence OFC *SPB *SPB *SPB SPB FQSS) M B /)

j NAME TWenck:ij DHoadley DMartin RPierson Eyck [eriello DATE 5/7/97 5/7/97 5/8/97 / /97 /97 7df/97 C = COVER E = COVER & ENCLOSURE N=N CO -


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Kathleen Wallman, Chief of Staff National Economic Council The ite House 2nd FI est Wing Washingto , 20502 ,

Dear Ms. Wallma l

I am writing to request t the National Economic Counc' ssist the Nuclear Regulatory  ;

Commission in making cert findings required by the .S. Enrichment Corporation Privatization l Act. i l

The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as a nde equires NRC to certify that the operation of the Paducah and Portsmouth Gaseous Diffu ' Plants complies with NRC regulations. The USEC t Privatization Act requires NRC to with dt t certification, for the privatized USEC successor, if I i

certification would be inimical to th aintenan of a reliable and economical domestic source of 9nrichment services.

I understand that the Na ' al Economic Council has co dinated the USEC privatization process among Federal Gove ent agencies, and may have infor tion that is pertinent to the determination re ' ed by the Act. We would like to discuss you at your earliest convenience t information that you have collected or develope in particular we would like to discuss wit ur staff any information which would assist the NRC ff in developing criteria l that can applied to this determination. If you have any questions, p se contact I' Tom nck of my staff at 301-415-8088.

Sincerely, Carl J. Paperiello, Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety i and Safeguards DISTRIBUTION Docket 70-7001,70-7002 NRC File Center PUBLIC NMSS r/f FCSS r/f SPB r/f 2


  • See previous concurrence OFC *SPB *SPB SIM SFlEs FSqQ, NMSS NAME TWenck:ij DHoadley bartik krson Eyck CPaperiello DATE 5/7/97 5/7/97 T/h97 6/\ /97 / /97 C = COVER E = COVER & ENCLOSURE N = NO COPY OFFICIAL RECORD COPY i

thleen Wallman, Chief of Staff Natynal Economic Council The ite House 2nd Flo West Wing ,

Washingto DC 20502 Dear Ms. Wallma -

I am writing to request at the National Econo Council assist the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in making ce ein findings requir by the U.S. Enrichment Corporation Privatization Act. ,

i The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as ended, requires NRC to certify that the operation of  ;

the Paducah and Portsmouth Ga ous ' fusion Plants complies with NRC regulations.

The USEC Privatization Act re ires NRC t withhold that certification, for the privatized i USEC successor,if certific ion would be inim I to the maintenance of a reliable and economical domestic so ce of enrichment servic .

I understand that e National Economic Council has coo 'nated the USEC privatization process amon ederal Government agencies, and may have formation that is pertinent to the deter nation required by the Act. We would like to disc with you at your earliest c venience the information that you have collected or dev ped. In particular l we w d like to discuss with your staff any information which would aMist the NRC staff l in eloping criteria that can be applied to this determination. If you have y questions, ase contact Tom Wenck at 301-415-8088 of my staff. j Sincerely, Carl J. Paperiello, Director Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards I


NRC File Center NMSS r/f FCSS r/f SPB r/f b U C---

Doc 4ElT 10 ~)ool 3 10 -1 0 o 2-G:\NEC OFC SPB [ SPB f SPB SPB FCSS NMSS NAME benck:ij DHoadley DMartin RPierson ETenEyck CPaperiello DATE C fl/97 [ /f/97 / /97 / /97 / /97 / /97 C = COVER E = COVER & ENCLOSURE N = NO COPY OFFICIAL RECORD COPY