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Responds to Violations Noted in Insp Repts 50-324/89-31 & 50-325/89-31.Corrective Actions:Audit Initiated to Verify Qualifications of Emergency Response Organization & 1 H Training Session Provided to Emergency Preparedness Staff
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick  Duke energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/27/1989
From: Harness J
BSEP-89-1051, NUDOCS 8912070274
Download: ML19332E477 (5)



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Caro!6na Power & Light Company Brunswick Nuclear Project P. O. Box 10429 Southport, NC 28461-0429 November 27, 1989

. FILE:. B09-135100 10CTR2.201 l SERIAL: BSEP/89-1051- j U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.  !

ATrN: Document Control Desk

- k'ashington, DC 20555-  ;



j Gentlemen:

The Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (BSEP) has received ISE Inspection Report 50-525/89-51 and 50-324/89-31 and finds that it does not'contain information of a proprietary nature, t

This-report identified two items that appear to be in noncompliance with NRC

  • requirementsi Enclosed is Carolina Power & Light Company's' response to this '

violation. ,

Very truly yours, [

I vU$%,LK J. L.~ Harness, General Manager Brunswick Nuclear Project ,

BLH/mcg Enclosure f cc: Mr. S. D. Ebneter [

Mr. E. G. Tourigny BSEP NRC Resident Office [

f 8912070274 891127 h6

/ '\

PDR ADOCK 05000324 a PNU

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10CTRSO.54(q) requires.that nuclear. power reactor licensees follow and I maintain in effect Emergency Plans which meet the requirements of 10CFRSO.47(b). Technical-Specification 6.8.1.e requires, in part, that written procedures shall be implemented and maintained covering the Emergency Plan

Section 6;1 of the Brunswick Emergency Plan states the training program ,

'provides -initial training and annuali retraining of the emergency response j organization. The specific _ training' requirements.for emergency response l personnel are defined in Section 3.0 of Plant Emergency. Procedure 04.3, and i Section 4'.0 of Training Instruction ~ 306.  ;

Contrary to the above, individuals were assigned to the emergency organization that were not trained in accordance with Attachment 1 of Training Instruction  ;

306, or Section 3 of Plant Emergency Procedure 04.3. -l

.This is a' Severity Level IV violation (Supplement VIII). 4


I. Admission or' Denial of the Alleged Violation i CP&L acknowledges.that individuals were assigned to the emergency ,

organization that were not trained in accordance with the stated procedure / instruction.

II. Reason for the Violation Section 6.1.1 of the Brunswick Emergency Plan ensures training of those 3

-individuals who may be called to respond to an emergency at the Brunswick- t plant by providing initial and annual' refresher training and retesting on the scope and content of the plan and procedures which implement the plan.- TI-306, Attachment I, indicates the required training for various emergency response positions.

As indicated above, several individuals have been identified as not having the required Emergency Plan training. A formal program for tracking and scheduling individuals for training was under development but not fully

' implemented. Specific causes for individuals who did not have the }

required training are as follows:  ;

a. Errors in the Training matrix for the STAS (i.e., SEC listed as being required).
b. Recent organization changes in Operations, i
c. Individuals whose training had become overdue.

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i il III. Corrective Steps Which Have Been Taken ,

1.; ~ An Emergency Response Organization audit has been iriitiated to q' determine.' individuals needing training and to ensure that their i training is updated. Each operating shift has been reviewed to j

.i determine that qualified personnel are available'to fill required ]

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emergency response positions.  !

p H 2. - The Specialist - Emergency _Preparednoss is'now receiving'a list from p the Personne1< Department on new employees and transfers within CP&L i O . for purposes of maintaining the tracking. system current.  ;

IV.. Corrective Steps to be Taken and'Date of Full Compliance I E

The Emergency Preparedness personnel, working with'the Brunswick Training l

~ Unit, has identified.a more dependable method of scheduling and tracking-Emergency plan Training and is currently finalizing the program. To U . ensure training is completed as. required, the Brunswick Training Unit will-assume responsibility to schedule and track the Emergency Plan training

=using the Nuclear Education Training System by January 11, 1990. This l'

process will provide se'quential " flagging" of personnel as they approach Lj expiration of current qualification to allow retraining prior to expiration.-

As noted in III.1, an audit has been initiated to verify qualifications'

.for the Emergency Response Organization. By January 11, 1990, the audit i-will be complete and appropriate Unit' Manager's will be notified of personnel in their unit needing training. Training will be conducted as appropriate to ensure the Emergency Response Organization. maintains t desirvd staffing needs.

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.10CFR50.54(q) requires that nuclear. power reactor licensees follow and maintain in effect' Emergency-Plans which meet the requirements of 10CFR50.47(b).

Technical Specification'6.8.1.e requires, in part, that written procedures

(_ shall'be implemented and maintained covering Emergency Plan implementation.

L b~ Section 3.5 of the' Brunswick Emergency Plan addresses notification and activation of the on-site and off-site emergency response organization.

Section 6.3 of Plant Emergency Procedure 02.6.21. Emergency Communicator,

@p ' details the Control Room activities regarding notification responsibilities.

E' -~According to Section 6.3.1, follow-up notifications should be made at p 60-minute intervals or more frequently if warranted by changing conditions.

-Contrary to the above, on June 17, 1989, the licensee declared an Unusual L ' Event and made initial notifications to authorities, but failed to make a follow-up notification for two hours.

This'is a Severity Level IV Violation (Supplement VIII).



.1. . Admission or Denial of the Alleged Violation CP&L acknowledges that we failed to make timely follow-up notification.

II. Reason for the Violation PEP-02.6.21, Emergency Communicator, details the Control Room activities h

regarding notification responsibilities. According to Section 6.3.1, follow-up notifications shot,1d be made at 60-minute intervals or more fraquently. if warranted by changing conditions.

Contrary to the above, on June 17, 1989, ibe licensee declared an Unusual


Event and made. initial notifications to authorities but failed to make a

~y follow-up notification for two hours. The Control Room staff did not


make the notification because they interpreted the procedure step as a suggestion rather than a requirement.

III. Corrective Steps Which Have Been Taken and Results Achieved PEP-02.6.21 has been re"ised to indicate that follow-up notifications "shall" be made at 60- ninute intervals or more frequently if warranted by changing conditions.

A special one-hour training session has been provided to each Operations shift by the Emergency Preparedness staff. The training included a 4 description of the procedure revisions and a review of similar problems in this area during past drills and events. Time was also given to enhance the operator's awareness of actions that would be taken by off-site agencies and the need for timely notifications, i


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