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Initial Operator Licensing Operating Test and Written Examination Approval - Millstone Unit 3
Person / Time
Site: Millstone Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 07/05/2011
From: Hansell S L
Operations Branch I
To: Heacock D A
Dominion Resources
Shared Package
ML110030662 List:
Download: ML111860296 (4)


sor"o" ttor,rt-IW+***t UNITED STATES NUCLEAR REGU LATORY COMMISSION REGION I 475 ALLENDALE ROAD KING OF PRUSSIA. PA 19406.1415 July 5, 20Ll Mr. David A. Heacock President and Chief Nuclear Officer Dominion Resources 5000 Dominion Blvd.Glen Allen, VA 23060-6711



Dear Mr. Heacock:

The purpose of this letter is to confirm the final arrangements for the upcoming operator licensing examinations at Millstone Unit 3.The NRC has completed its review of the operator license applications submitted in connection with this examination and separately provided a list of approved applicants to Ms. L. Armstrong, Director of Training.

Note that any examination waivers and application denials have been addressed in separate correspondence The NRC has approved the subject examinations and hereby authorizes you to administer the written examinations in accordance with NUREG-1021, "Operator Licensing Examinations Standards for Power Reactors," Revision 9, Supplement 1, on July 18, 2011. The NRC staff will administer the operating tests during the week of July 11, 2011. This examination has undergone extensive review by my staff and representatives responsible for licensed operator training at your facility.

Based on this review I have concluded that the examination meets the guidelines of NUREG -1021 for content, operational, and discrimination validity.

By idministering this examination, you also agree that it meets NUREG-1021 guidelines, and is appropriate fbr measuring the qualifications of licensed operator applicants at your facility.

lf you determine that this examination is not appropriate for licensing operators at your facility, do not administer the examination and contact me at (610) 337-5046.Please contact your Chief Examiner, Mr. D. Silk, at 610-337-5372, if you have any questions or identify any errors or changes in the license level (RO or SRO) or type of examination (partial or complete written examination and/or operating test) specified for each applicant.

Samuel L. Hansell, Jr., Ch Operations Branch Division of Reactor Safety Mr. David A. Heacock President and Chief Nuclear Officer Dominion Resources 5000 Dominion Blvd.Glen Allen, VA 23060-6711 INITIAL OPERATOR LICENSING OPERATING TEST AND WRITTEN EXAMINATION APPROVAL - MILLSTONE UNIT 3 Dear Mr.The purpose of this letter is to confirm the final arrangements for the upcoming operator licensing examinations at Millstone Unit 3.The NRC has completed its review of the operator license applications submitted in connection with this examination and separately provided a list of approved applicants to Ms. L. Armstrong, Director of Training.

Note that any examination waivers and application denials have been addressed in separate correspondence.

The NRC has approved the subject examinations and hereby authorizes you to administer the written examinations in accordance with NUREG-1021, "Operator Licensing Examinations Standards for Power Reactors," Revision 9, Supplement 1, on July 18,2011. The NRC staff will administer the operating tests during the week of July 11,2011. This examination has undergone extensive review by my staff and representatives responsible for licensed operator training at your facility.

Based on this review I have concluded that the examination meets the guidelines of NUREG -1021 for content, operational, and discrimination validity.

By idministering this examination, you also agree that it meets NUREG-1021 guidelines, and is appropriate for measuring the qualifications of licensed operator applicants at your facility.

lf you determine that this examination is not appropriate for licensing operators at your facility, do not administer the examination and contact me at (610) 337-5046.Please contact your Chief Examiner, Mr. D. Silk, at 610-337-5372, if you have any questions or identify any errors or changes in the license level (RO or SRO) or type of examination (partial or complete written examination and/or operating test) specified for each applicant.

SincerelY,/RN Samuel L. Hansell, Jr., Chief Operations Branch Division of Reactor Safety SUNSI Review Complete: -QW- (Reviewer's Initials)ADAMS PKG: ML110OSOO62 ADAMSACC#ML111860296 DOCUMENT NAME: G:\DRS\Operations Branch\SILK\Exam FY11-MS3 Jul11 (U01832)\MS3-ExamApproval-W-O-Ltr.docx After declarinq this document "An Offlcial Agency Record," it will be released to the Public.DATE 06130111 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY D. Heacock Docket No.: 50-423 License No.: NPF-49 cc: Distribution via ListServ D. Heacock 3 Distribution w/encl: (via email)W. Dean, RA D. Lew, DRA (RIoRAMATL RESOURCE)(RIORAMAlL RESOURCE)D. Roberts, DRP (RIDRPMAlL RESOURCE)J. Clifford, DRP (RIDRPMAIL RESOURCE)C. Miller, DRS (RIDRSMAIL RESOURCE)P. Wilson, DRS (RIDRSMAlL RESOURCE)S. Bush-Goddard, Rl OEDO D. Jackson, DRP T. Setzer, DRP D. Dodson, DRP S. Shaffer, DRP, SRI B. Haagensen, Rl J. Krafty, DRP, Rl C. Kowalyshyn, OA D. Bearde, DRS RidsNrrPM Millstone Resource RidsNRRDorlLpl 1 -2 Resource S. Hansell, DRS D. Silk, Chief Examiner, DRS Distribution:

DRS Master Exam File (C. Bixler) (w/concurrences)