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ISI Rept for Third Interval (1990-1999) Third Period, Second Outage (1999) at Re Ginna Npp.
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Site: Ginna Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/19/1999
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ML17265A720 List:
NUDOCS 9908030087
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R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)Introduction and Synopsis ASME Section XI Summary of Work Accomplished Class 1 Components Class 2 Components Class 3 Components Kgh Energy Components Design Break/Consequential Break Weld Examinations and Component Support Examinations Steam Generators System Pressure Testing Leakage Testing Service Induced Rejectable Components

-Expanded Examinations Snubbers Visual Examinations

/Functional Testing Seismic Support Program Containment IWE/IWL Program Erosion/Corrosion (Minwall)Program Class 1 Valve Summary (Relief Request 8 5)ISI Program Examination Summary IWE Appendix J Testing Repair, Replacement

&Modification Program Summary Erosion/Corrosion (Minwall)Program Summary R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inserv ice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999).Inservice Inspection (ISI)activities for 1999 were performed on components within Class 1, 2, 3, MC (Containment Liner), High Energy Piping, Steam Generator Tubes, Seismic Supports and Snubbers.ISI examinations were concluded on April 24, 1999.Examination methods included Visual and General Visual (VT), Liquid Penetrant (PT), Magnetic Particle (MT), Ultrasonic (UT), Radiographic (RT), and Eddy Current (ET).Functional Testing (FT)and System Pressure Tests were also performed.

Erosion/Corrosion examinations were also performed during this time.Personnel involved included RGAE Laboratory and Inspection Services, SouthWest Research Institute, Framatome Technologies, Sonic Systems International, Master Lee Services Corporation, ABB Combustion Engineering Corporation, Quality Inspection Services, Ginna Station Quality Control and the Ginna Station Performance Monitoring.

Additional Support Personnel included individuals

&om the following departments:

Ginna Station Insulators, Maintenance, Electricians, Pipe Fitters, Radiation Protection, Turbine Maintenance, RG8cE Physical Services and Ginna Station System Engineering.

Upon conclusion of the 1999 Outage, 100'ro of ASME Section XI Code required examinations for the Third Interval ISI Program has been completed.

A detailed component summary of all outage ISI activities with their associated results can be found within"Attachment I and IA".A total of 97 ASME, Augmented or Owner Elected components were examined.The examinations for these components consisted of 23 VT's, 30 PT's, 1 MT, 57 UT's and 1 RT.A total of 112 examinations were performed on Class 1 Components.

A total of 86 ASME or Owner Elected Components were examined.The examinations for these components consisted of 39 VT's, 28 PT's, 14 MT's, 4 RT's, and 20 UT's for a total of 105 examinations.

R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)A total of 66 ASME or Owner Elected Components were examined utilizing the VT visual examination method.Twenty (20)Augmented or Owner Elected items associated with the High Energy Program were examined during the 1999 Outage.The examinations for these items on welds, component supports and associated integral attachments consisted of 19 VT's, 18 MT's, 7 PT's, 14 RT's and 4 UT's for a total of 62 examinations.

ASME and Owner Elected Examinations were performed on tubes in the"A" and"B" Steam Generators.

The following examinations were performed on both Generators.

Open Generator Tubes-Eddy Current examination utilizing Bobbin coils-20%Min.Full Length (performed>50%).Visual Examination of Manufacturers Welded Plug, one (1)in each generator.

Generator Tube Repaired Sleeves (No Sleeves Installed)

Diagnostic examinations in specific areas were sampled Open Generator Tubes Previous Identified Degradation

>20%(No Previous Degradation seen)Steam Generator Eddy Current Examination details are documented in the Rochester Gas Ec Electric 1999 Steam Generator Eddy Current Final Report.A total of fourteen (14)Leakage Examinations" were performed.

Leakage tests performed included one (1)Class 1, Reactor Coolant System 10-Year (modified PT-7)examination, twelve (12)Class 2 or 3 examinations and one (1)High Energy Mainsteam examination.

R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)There were seven (7)components that were classified initially as"Service Induced Rejectable".

The following list identifies the components that had expanded examinations performed.

MSU-2 MSU-15(N)MSU-18(S)RHU-76 FWU-13 AFU-224 CSV-103 A total of 149 Snubber component supports were Visually (VT)examined.These Augmented examinations were performed to satisfy Ginna Station Snubber Program commitment.

A total of nineteen (19)snubbers were Functionally Tested (FT)during the 1999 outage.From the nineteen snubbers that were originally scheduled, fifteen (15)were mechanical snubbers and four (4)were hydraulic snubbers.Snubber Functional Tests (FT)were performed on the following supports.AFU-98 FWU-40 RHU-75 CVU-186 FWU-47 RHU-33 FWU-15 MSU-13(East)

SIU-3 FWU-38 RHU-30 MSU-55 FWU-39 RHU-61 MS'S-11 N604 N615 SGA-7 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)A total of seven (7)Augmented or Owner Elected Seismic Supports were inspected utilizing the visual (VT)examination technique.

The Containment IWE/IWL Program consist of metallic liner (IWE)requirements as well as concrete (IWL)requirements as pertaining to our containment structure.

During the 1999 Outage, no containment concrete (IWL)examinations were performed.

A total of 172 IWE metallic containment items were examined utilizing the visual (VT)examination technique.

In addition to these visual examinations, Appendix J Tests were also performed and are detailed within Attachment lA of this report.A total of 168 items were examined during the 1999 Outage.The breakdown of this total is as follows: Pipes Elbows Bends Reducers Tees 65 60 02 35 06 Relief Request Number 5 dealt with Class 1 Valve internal visual examinations as required by ASME Section XI Code under Category B-M-2, Item Number B12.50.This relief request was approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)which allowed the internal examination of class 1 valves when they were made accessible.

The NRC stipulated within their SER to RG&E that class 1 valves that were not made accessible for examination shall be identified within the 90 Day (end of interval)ISI Report.The following class 1 valves were not accessible for valve internal visual examinations.

R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)Lintier lPtt 1Ptt I Ptt l Pll 6lt 6 lt 842A 842B 867A 867B 853A 853B Darling/Check Darling/Check Darling/Check Darling/Check Velen/Check Velen/Check The statements made in this report and attachments are correct and the examinations and corrective measures taken conform to the Rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.Prepared By: Frank A.Klepacki ISI Engineer 7f l9/99 Date Approved y:>/(9jt9 Michael J.Sa orito Date Manager, Laboratory and Inspection Services, Technical Performance and Field Inspections I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Pressure y II p I dh ihi P'led d plydhy~f have inspected and/or verified the components described within this report and associated Attachments during the stated reporting time frame, and state to the best of my knowledge and belief, the Owner has performed examination and corrective measures described in this Report in accordance with the requirements of the ASME Code,Section XI.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be liable in any manner for any personal injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or.connected with this inspection.

Reviewed By:~~~~+'NII's Signature Date Page I of 2 FORM NIS-1 0%NER'S REPORT FOR INSERVICE INSPECTIONS (As required by thc Provisions of the ASME Code Rules)I.Owner Rochester Gas&Electric Corp., 89 East Ave., Rochester New York 14649 (Name and Address of Owner)2.Plant R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant, 1503 Lake Road, Ontario, New York 14519 (Name and Address of Plant)3.Plant Unit 1 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (if required)N/A 5.Commercial Service Date 07/00/1970 7.Components Inspected 6.National Board Number for Unit N/A Component or Ap purtcnancc Manufacturer or Installer Manufacturer or Installer Serial No.State or Province No.National Board No.(*)SEE"ATTACHMENT 1&1A" FOR APPLICABLE INFORMATION" Note: Supplcmcntal sheets in form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (I)size is g-l/2 in.x 11 in., (2)inlormation in items I through 6 on this rcport is included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet is numbered and thc number of sheets is recorded at thc top of this form.This form (E00029)may be obtained from the ASME Order Dept., 22 Law Drive, Box 2300, Fairficld, N J 07007-2300 Page2of2 8.Examination Dates 1/7/98 9.Inspection Period Identification:

1997 IO.Inspection Interval Identification:

1990 FORM NIS-I (Back)to 4/24/99 to 1999 to 1999 I I.Applicable Edition of Section XI 1986/1992 12.Date/Revision of Inspection Plan: 11/10/98 Rev.10 Addenda No/1992 13.Abstract of Examinations and Tests.Include a list of examinations and tests and a statement concerning status of work required for the Inspection Plan.See Attachment I 8 1A for applicable information l4.Abstract of Results of Examinations and Tests.See Attachment I&1A for applicable information I 5.Abstract of Corrective Measures.See Attachment I 8 1A for applicable information We certify that a)the statements made in this report are correct, b)the examinations and tests meet the Inspection Plan as required by the ASME Code,Section XI, and c)corrective measures taken conform to thc rules of the ASME Code,Section XI.Certificate of Authorization No.(if applicable)

N/A Expiration Date Date 07/16/1999 Signed Rochester Gas&Electric Corporation Owner mS~/=~(~erg CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION of I, the undersigned, holding a valid commission issued by the National Board of Boiler and Prcssure Vessel Inspcctorcs and thc State or provinces of'ew York and employed by Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection

&Insurance Company Hartford CT.have inspected the components described in this Owner's Report during thc pcroid 1/07/1998 to 4/24/1999 , and state that to thc best of my knowledge and bclicf, thc Owner has performed'xaminations and tests and taken corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with thc inspection plan and as rcquircd by thc ASME)Code,Section XI.II By signing this certificate neither thc Inspector nor his employer makes and any warranty, expressed or implied, conccming thc examinations, tests, and i, corrective measures described in this Ovvner's Rcpon.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall bc liable in any manner for any personal;injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

j I P~~c/'Inspector's Signature'ate 07/16/1999 Commissions NY2498 National Board, State, Province, and Endorscmcnts (4)SEE"ATTACHMENT I&I A" FOR APPLICABLE INFORMATION

ATTACHMENTI Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 1 of 71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: R chester Gas&Ele ric o E Ave.R ch ser New York1464 R.E.Ginna Nucl rPower Plan 1 3L ke Road On ri New York1451 1 g/A~D7/00/1 97 Class 1 Components:

Summer/I No.~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tion I000100 RPV-B UPPER SHELL-TO-INT SHELL CIRC WELD Method: Datasheet:

99GU253 Accept Method: Datasheet:

99GU253 Accept Comments: No Recordable Indications; WO¹19700183 B.A B1.11 A-I Sum~arm No.I000200 Method: Method: Comments Summarur No.I000300 Method: Method: Comments Summarmr No.l000400 Method: Method: Comments~com onent IO Com onent Descri tlon RPV-C INT SHELL-TO-LOWER SHELL CIRC WELD Datasheet:

99GU337 Accept Data sheet: 99GU337 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Drain line bracket;WO¹19600315~Com onerlt ID Com onentDescrl tlon RPV-D LOWER SHELL-TO-RING FORGING CIRC WELD Data sheet: 99GU342 Accept Datasheet:

99GU342 Accept Support was moved and reinstalled

-maintenance, baseline.exam.WO¹19704003.~corn onent IO Com onent Descrl tion RPV-E RING FORGING-TO-LOWER HEAD CIRC WELD Datasheet:

99GU256 Accept Datasheet:

99GU256 Accept VT-2 Exam performed and evaluated to ASME Section XI-Class 3, 3/4" line.B-A B1.11 A-1 B-A B1.11 A-1 B-A B1.11 A-1 Svmmarlr No.l000503 Method: Comments Sum~arm No.I000800 Method: Comments Sum~arm/No.I000920 Method: Comments B-A B1.30 A-1~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tion RPV CORE SUPPORT ST CORE SUPPORT STRUCTURE Datasheet:

99GV662 Accept All accessible areas of the core support structure were examined-No Relevant Indications seen.B-N-3 B13.70 A-1~corn onent/O Com onent Descri tlon RPV INT ATTACH OUT B ATTACHMENTS BEYOND BELTLINE REGION Datasheet:

99GV791.Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; RPV A&B Outlet and Inlet Nozzles, A 8 B Safety Injection Nozzles.Lower radial supports show norma)wear on mating surfaces, linear on A Inlet Nozzle, scratch on A Nozzle on inside radius-No change since'89 B-N-2 B13.60 A-1~Com anent IO , Com onent Descrl tlon RPV-A (32-1)VESSEL-TO-FLANGE CIRC WELD Data sheet: 99GU257 Accept NRI&Insig;15 Indications found&Acceptable.

All indications were detected while scanning from below the inner taper&detected with the 45 Degree S-wave transducer.

Weld 1 is RG&E Weld-A.See FTI report for details&RR¹42 for coverage limits.S~umma No.'Com onent IO Com onent Descrl tio I001 807 Method: Comments: I001807 Method: Comments:~Summa No.I001 808 Method: DRIVE¹26 CONTROL ROD DRIVE HOUSING Datasheet:

99GP200 Accept No Recordable Indications


99GU105 Accept No Recordable Indications

-PT and UT CCom lonent IO Com onont Doscrl lon DRIVE¹27 CONTROL ROD DRIVE HOUSING Datasheet:

99GP198 Accept B-0 B14.10 A-1 B-0 B14.10 A-1 B-0 B14.10 A-1

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 2of 71 1.Owner.Rochester Ga&El ri 8 Eas Ave.R ch st r New York 14649 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial SeNice Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: R.E.inn Nucl arPow rPlan 15 3Lake Road Ont rio New York14519 1 N/A~07/0/1970 N/A Comments: No Recordable Indications

-PT and UT examinations I001808 Method: Comments: Summarmr No.'001814 Method: Comments DRIVE¹27 CONTROL ROD DRIVE HOUSING Data sheet: 99GU106 Accept No Recordable Indications

-PT and UT examinations

~Com onant ID Com onent Descri tlon DRIVE¹16 CONTROL ROD DRIVE HOUSING Datasheet:

99GP199'ccept No Recordable Indications

-PT and UT 814.10 A-1 B-O 814.10 A-1 I001 814 Method: 'omments: DRIVE¹16 CONTROL ROD DRIVE HOUSING Datasheet:

99GU186 Accept No Recordable Indications

-PT and UT B-O 814.10 A-1 Sum~arm/No.I001900 Method: Method: Comments Summarml Mo.I002000 Method: Comments S~umma No.I002100 Method: Method: Comments~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tlon N1A NOZZLE-VESSEL WD 028D-30M Datasheet:

99GU258 Accept Datasheet:

99GU258 Accept See Erosion/Corrosion program for exam records-SS¹99GRT027~Com anent/D Com onent Descri tion N1A-IRS NOZZLE INSIDE RADIUS SECT.Datasheet:

99GU259 Accept No Recordable Indications;

-See FTI report for details-Weld 06 is RG&E weld N1A-IRS~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tlon PL-FW-II NOZZLE-TO-PIPE (BUTTERED WELD)Datasheet:

99GP263 Accept Datasheet:

99GP263 Accept Relief Request generated for surface exam coverage 8-D 83.90 A-1A 8-D 83.100 A-1A 8-F 85.10 A-3A I002100 Method: Method: Comments 8-F 85.10 A-3A PL-FW-II NOZZLE-TO-PIPE (BUTTERED WELD)Datasheet:

99GU260 Accept Datasheet:

99GU260 Accept Information given to engineering

-System is-Non-class-Class 2 criteria used for disposition.

Line is 3/8" or less.WO¹19802565.~summa No.I002200 Method: Method: Comments~corn onent ID.Com anent Deacrl I/on N2A NOZZLE-VESSEL WD 328D-30M Datasheet:

99GU261 Accept Data sheet: 99GU261 Accept See FTI report for final exam results 8-D 83.90 A-1A Summarmr Mo.I002300 Method: Comments Summarmt No.1002400 Method: Comments~Com onenl/0 Com onent Descri tlon N2A.IRS NOZZLE INSIDE RADIUS SECT.Datasheet:

99GU262 Accept No Recordable Indications:

-See FTI report for details-Weld 16 is RG&E Weld N2A-IRS.See RR¹42 for coverage limitation.

8-D 83.100 A-1A 8-F 85.10 A-3C~corn onent IO Com onent Descri tion PL-FW-V ELBOW-TO-NOZZLE (BUTTERED WELD)Datasheet:

99GP265, Accept PT: No REcordable Indications; Limited exam due to sand box (RR¹36).UT: No Recordable Indications; See Framatome 10 YR RPV Vessel Examination Report for details.1002400 PL-FW-V ELBOW-TO-NOZZLE (BUTTERED WELD)8-F 85.10 A-3C

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 3of 71 1.Owner.a a 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterGas&


.89Eas v R e r w Y rk1464 R.E.Ginna Nuclear PowerPlan 1503L ke Roa Ontario New York14 1 1 N/A 07/00/1 970 NIA Method: Comments: Summaru No.I002500 Method: Comments~corn onsnt/D Com onent Descri tion N18 NOZZLE-VESSEL WD 208D-30M Datasheet:

99GU264 Accept No Recordable Indications;

-See FTI report for details-Weld 12 is RG&E Weld N18.See RR¹42 for coverage limitation.

8-D 83.90 A-1A Datasheet:

99GU263 Accept PT: No REcordable Indications; Limited exam due to sand box (RR¹36).UT: No Recordable Indications; See Framatome 10 YR RPV Vessel Examination Report for details.Summarlr No.!002600 Method: Comments:~Com onent/0 Com onent Descrl tion N18-IRS NOZZLE INSIDE RADIUS SECT.Datasheet:

99GU265 Accept No Recordable Indications;

'-See FTI report for details-Weld 12 is RG&E Weld N18-IRS 8-D 83.100 A-1A Summaru No.I002700 Method: Comments I002700 Method: Comments: Sum~arm No.I002800 Method: Comments~Com onent 10 Com onent Descri tion PL-FW-IV NOZZLE-TO-PIPE (BUTTERED WELD)Datasheet:

99GP266 Accept PT: No Recordable Indications; Limited exam due to sand box (RR¹36).UT: No Recordable Indications; See Framatome 10 YR RPV Vessel Examination Report for details.8-F 85.10 A-3E PL-FW-IV NOZZLE-TO-PIPE (BUTTERED WELD)8-F 85.10 A-3E Datasheet:

99GU266 Accept PT: No Recordable Indications; Limited exam due to sand box (RR¹36).UT: No Recordable Indications; See Framatome 10 YR RPV Vessel Examination Report for details.30M 8-D 83.90 A-1A~corn onant/D com onentDescrl tton N28 NOZZLE-VESSEL WD 148D-Datasheet:

99GU268 Accept No Recordable

&Insignificant; Two recordable flaws identified

-One previously recorded as unacceptable

-now acceptable

-the other is acceptable

-See FTI report for details-Weld 10 is RG&E Weld N28 Summatmr No.1002900 Method: Method: Comments~corn anent/D Com onentDescri tion N28-IRS NOZZLE INSIDE RADIUS SECT.Datasheet:

99GU269 Accept Datasheet:

99GU269 Accept See FTI report for final exam results 8-D 83.100 A-1A Summarm No.1003000 Method: Method: Comments 1003000 Method: Method: Comments Summaru No.I003100 Method: Comments~Com onent 10 Com onent Descri tion PL-FW-Vll ELBOW-TO-NOZZLE (BUTTERED WELD)Datasheet:

99GP267 Accept Datasheet:

99GP267 Accept PT: No Recordable Indications; Limited exam due to sand box (RR¹36).UT: No Recordable Indications; See Framatome 10 YR RPV Vessel Examination Report for details.B.F B5.1D/t-3G 85.10 A-3G PL-FW-Vll ELBOW-TO-NOZZLE (BUTTERED WELD)Datasheet:

99GU270 Accept Datasheet:

99GU270 Accept PT: No Recordable Indications; Limited exam due to sand box (RR¹36).UT: No Recordable Indications; See Framatome 10 YR RPV Vessel Examination Report for details.8-D 83.90 A-1A~ourn onent/0 Com onent Descrl tion AC-1003 NOZZLE-VESSEL WD 108D-30M Datasheet:

99GU271 Accept No Recordable

&Insignificant; Five Flaw indications Identified

-All evaluated as acceptable

-3 not recorded in the past-See FTI report for details-Weld 08 is RG&E Weld AC-1003.See RR¹42 for coveraage limitations.

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page4of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterGas&


.8 E Av.R ches r New York14649 R.E,GinnaNuciearPowerPlan 150 L keRo d Onari New Y rk14 1 1 NIA 03//700/191 I N/A Sum~armm No.I003200 Method: Comments~summa Mo.I003300 Method: Comments S~umma Mo.l003400 Method: Comments~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tion AC-1003-IRS NOZZLE INSIDE RADIUS SECT.Data sheet: 99GU272 Accept No Recordable

&Insignificant; Flaw Indications found-See FTI report for details-Weld 08 is RG&E Weld AC-1003-IRS.

9 D 03.100 A-IA~Com onsnt ID Com onent Descri tion AC-1003-1 SAFE END-TO-NOZZLE (Sl LINE)Datasheet:

99GU273 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Flaw indications

-See FTI report for details-Weld 09 is RG&E Weld AC-1003-1.

PT not performed see RR¹36, embedded in concrete.B-F B5.10 A-2 B-D B3.90 A-1A~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tion AC-1002 NOZZLE-VESSEL WD 288D-30M Datasheet:

99GU274 Accept No Recordable

&Insignificant; Three indications were found-All three indications were evaluated to be Acceptable

-See FTI report for details-Weld 14 is RG&E Weld AC-1002.See RR¹42 for coverage limits.Summarm No l003500 Method: Comments~corn onent IO Com onent Descri tion AC-1002-IRS NOZZLE INSIDE RADIUS SECT.Datasheet:

99GU275 Accept No Recordable Indications;

-See FTI report for details-Weld 14 is RG&E Weld AC-1002-IRS B-D B3.100 A-1A Su~~arm No.I003600 Method: Comments Summer/I No.I003610 Method: Comments Summanl No.1003620 Method: Comments Summarm No.I003630 Method: Comments S~umma No.l003640 Method: Comments 9~emma No.I004350 Method: Comments~Corn onent/0'om onnntOeserl t/on AC-1002-1 SAFE END-TO-NOZZLE (Sl LINE)Datasheet:

99GU276 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Flaw Indications Found-See FTI report for details-Weld 15 is RG&E Weld AC-1002-1.

PT not performed see RR¹36, embedded in concrete.B-F B5.10 A-2~Com onen 10 Com onent Desert tion N1A SUPPORT PAD RPV NOZZLE SUPPORT PAD Datasheet:

99GV1262 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; No visible signs of degradation of concrete or nozzle pads.Limited examination, can only see concrete and some of the noule pad, viewed with remote camera.Minor Boron build-up.F-A F1.40 A-1~Com onant IO Com onent Descri tlon N2A SUPPORT PAD RPV NOZZLE SUPPORT PAD Datasheet:

99GV1261 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; No visible signs of degradation of concrete or nozzle pads.Limited examination, can only see concrete and some of the noule pad, viewed with remote camera.Minor Boron build-up.F-A F1.40 A-1 F-A F1.40 A-1~Corn onent 10 Com onent Descrl tion N2B SUPPORT PAD RPV NOZZLE SUPPORT PAD Datasheet:

99GV1 264 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; No visible signs of degradation of concrete or nozzle pads.Limited examination, can only see concrete and some of the noule pad, viewed with remote camera.Minor Boron build-up.F-A F1.40 A-1~Com onantlO Com anent Desert tlon SLN SE , NOZZLE-TO-SAFE END (SURGE LINE)Datasheet:

99GP247 Accept PT;No Recordable Indications.

UT;No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Weld root geometry seen 360 degrees-Acceptable.

B-F BSAO An4~Com onsnt/0 Com onent Descrl tion N1B SUPPORT PAD RPV NOZZLE SUPPORT PAD Datasheet:

'99GV1 263 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; No visible signs of degradation of concrete or nozzle pads.Limited examination, can only see concrete and some of the noule pad, viewed with remote camera.Minor Boron build-up.

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 5of 71 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: ochest rGas&EiectricCo

.89E s Av.Ro erNew rk1464 E.irma NuclearPowerPlan 1 3Lake Road Ontari N w Y rk14 1 1 N/A 07/00/1 970 N/A 1004350.Method: Comments: SLN SE NOZZLE-TO-SAFE END (SURGE LINE)B-F, B5 40 An4 Datasheet:

99GU185 Accept PT;No Recordable Indications.

UT;No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant; Weld root geometry seen 360 degrees-Acceptable.

S~umma No.1005410'Method: Comments S~umma No.I006530 Method: Comments 1006530 Method: Comments: Summarm No.I006535 Method: Comments I006535 Method: Comments:~corn onenttD Com onent Descri tion PRZSSW PZR SUPPORT (IA)Datasheet:

99GV1130 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tion OMN-AR OUTLET MANWAY NUTS (20)Datasheet:

99GM194 Accept MT&VT: No Recordable Indications.


99GV861 Accept MT&VT: No Recordable Indications.

~Com onent IO.Com onent Descri tlon OMS-AR OUTLET MANWAY STUDS (20)Datasheet:

99GM195 Accept MT&VT: No Recordable Indications.


99GV862 Accept MT&VT: No Recordable Indications.

F-A F1.40 An4 B.G-2 B7.30 A-5 B-G-2 B7.30 A-5 S.G-2 87.30 A-5 B-G-2 B7.30 A-5 Summaru Mo.I006644 Method: Comments F-A F1.40 A-7F~Com anent 10 Com onent Descrl tion SGA-RS RING SUPPORT Datasheet:

99GV1183 Accept No Recordable Indications; All shims are in place according to Bechtel drawing¹C-024 Rev.1 Summarlr No.1011100 Method: Method: Comments Summarm Mo.I016200 Method: Method: Comments Summarm No.1024400 Method: Comments~Cpm anent lD Com onent Descrl tion PL-FW-II/2C-RCO-2501-A 2" BRANCH WELD Datasheet:

99GP161 Accept Datasheet:

99GP161 Accept No Recordable Indications.

~Colll onellt 10 Com onent Descri tion CSW-3 PIPE-TO-ELBOW Datasheet:

99GP160 Accept Datasheet:

99GP160 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com anent ID Com onent Descrl tion 17 ELBOW-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP213 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Weld surface is rough B4 B9.32 A-3A Bd B9.21 A-10 Sd 99.40'-11 S~umma No.I026000 Method: Method: Comments Bd B9.40 A-11~corn anent IO Com onent Descri tion 27 PIPE-TO-REDUCER Datasheet:

99GP158 Accept Datasheet:

99GP158 Accept PT: No Recordable Indications.

RT: No Recordable 8 Insignificant; IUC 1 1/2" to 2"Tungensten O¹5, pore 1/2N Rt¹4, Film Artifact Lead Mark-No change ln weld since last exam.

0 ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 6o/71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Roch sterGas&ElectricC.89Eas Av.RocheserN w York14649 R, E, Ginna Nuciear Power Plan 1503Lake R a On ario New Y rk14519 1~NI 07/00/1970 NIA 1026000 Method: Method: Comments 89.40 A-11 27 PIPE-TO-REDUCER Bd Datasheet:

99GRT221 Accept Datasheet:

99GRT221 Accept PT: No Recordable Indications.

RT: No Recordable

&Insignificant; IUC 1 1/2" to 2", Tungensten e¹5, pore 1/2" Rt¹4, Film Artifact Lead Mark-No change in weld since last exam.~summa No.1027200 Method: Comments~corn anent tc Corn onent Descri tion DM PIPE-TO-VALVE(430)


99GP162 Accept No Recordable Indications 89.21 A-12 Summaru Mo.1027225 Method: Comments F-A F1.10S A-12~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tlon PS-5 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

r 99GV637 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable Per ME-256 Req.2 3/4", Actual 2 5/8"-Serial¹PD 87239-1246

-See evaluation sheet for disposition

-Perform functional test and return to service-Acceptable Summarm No.1028900 Method: Comments 1028900 Method: Comments: Svmmartr No.1029225 Method: Method: Comments:~Com anent ID Com onent Descrl tion A VALVE(720)-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP121 Accept PT-No Recordable Indications

-UT-Geometry-indications seen 360 degrees A VALVE(720)-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GU115 Accept PT-No Recordable Indications

-UT-Geometry-indications seen 360 degrees~Com onentlc Com onent Descri tlon SIU-52 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV596 Accept Data sheet: 99GV596 Accept NRI-ME-256 Setting 2 1/2"-Actual 2 5/8"-Serial¹15348 8-J 89.11 A-14 89.11 A-14 F-A F1.198 A-14 Summaru No.1029800 Method: Method: Comments 1029800 Method: Method: Comments EW 89.11 A-14 89.11 A-14 CSW-2 PIPE-TO-ELBOW Bd Datasheet:

.99GU103 Accept Datasheet:

99GU103 Accept PT;No Recordable Indications.

UT;No Recordable Indications


-Geometry indication can be seen intermittently 360 degrees.~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tlon CSW-2 PIPE-TO-ELBOW Datasheet:

99GP107 Accept Datasheet:

99GP107 Accept VT&MT exams cover both the A and 8 Steam Generator Pots.Line is 3/4".Leakage test was covered under the PT-7 at the end of the outage-Summary¹1411000 Summaru Mo.1031300 Method: Method: Comments~Com onen IO Com onent Descri tion CSWa4 ELBOW-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP108 Accept Datasheet:

99GP108 Accept PT&UT;No Recordable Indications.

UT-45 TAN Up, Dn, CW, and CCW.84 89.11 A-IS'1031300 Method: Method: CSWn4 Datasheet:

99GU102 Datasheet:

99GU102 ELBOW-TO-PIPE Accept Accept 89.11 A-15 ATTACHMENT<

Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 7of 71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterGas&

Ele ricCo.9Eas Ave, RocheserNew York14649 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plan 15 3Lak Road Ontario New York 14519 1 N/A 07/00/1 970 N/A Comments: Summary No.I041 100 Method: Comments Summary No.1044100 Method: Method: Comments Summary No.I044200 Method: Comments Summary No.l044300 Method: Comments Summary No.1044400 Method: Comments: Summarlr Mo.l044420 Method: Comments~Summa No.1044440 Method: Comments S~umma No.I047600 Method: Comments S~umma No.l048204 Method: Comments:~Summa Mo.l049000.Method: Comments PT&UT;No Recordable Indications.

UT-45 TAN Up, Dn, CW, and CCW.~Com onant ID Com onent Descri tion LSW4 2" PIPE-TO-BRANCH CONNECTION Datasheet:

99GP123 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tlon 13 TEE-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP208 Accept Datasheet:

99GP208 Accept No Recordable Indications, PSI-weld¹1~com onentID Com onent Descrl tlon 14 PIPE-TO-VALVE(2204)


99GP209 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn anent 10 Com onent Descri tlon 15 VALVE(2204)-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP210 Accept No Recordable Indications, PSI weld¹3.~com anent 10 Com onent Descri tion 16 PIPE-TO-COUPLING Datasheet:

99GP211 Accept No Recordable Indications, PSI weld¹4~corn onent 10 Com onent Descri tlon 16A COUPLING-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP212 Accept No Recordable Indications, PSI weld¹5~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tlon 16B PIPE-TO-CAP Datasheet:

99GP252 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com onnnt 10 Com onent Descri tlon 37 ,ELBOW-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP100 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com anent 10 Com onent Descri tion 3 TEE-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP101 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com onenttO Com onent Descri tion 68 VALVE(304B)-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP275 Accept No Recordable Indications

-baseline exam.Ref.WO¹19801737 B4 B9.40 A-16 B4 B9.40 A-23 Bd B9AO A-23 B-J B9.40 A-23 Bd B9A0 A-23 B4 B9.40" A-23 B-J B9.40 A-23 B-J B9.40 A-23 Bd B9.40 A-24 B9.40 A-32A Summary No.l049005 Method:~corn onent10 67 Datasheet:

99GP276 Com onent Descri tion PIPE-TO-COUPLING Accept B-J B9AO A-32A

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 8of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Rochester Gas&EI ric.8 Eas Ave.Roches er New York14649 E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plan 1 03 Lake Road On ario New Y rk 1451 1 N/A~7/0)~/1 70 Comments:~Summa No.I049325 Method: Comments Summary No.1049590 Method: Comments Summary No.l053300 Method: Comments No Recordable Indications

-baseline exam.-Ref.WO¹19801737~Com onent ID Com onen Descri tlon CVU-102 GUIDE Data sheet: 99GV860 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tion 43.ELBOW-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP181 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onen ID Com onen Descri tion 38 VALVE(383A)-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP105 Accept No Recordable Indications

-PT and UT F-A F1.10R A-32 BnJ B9.40 A-31A B4 B9 40 A-26 l053300 Method: Comments: 38 VALVE(383A)-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GU100 Accept No Recordable Indications

-PT and UT B-J B9.40 A-26~Summa No.I055100 Method: Method: Comments:~Com onellt ID Com onent Descri tlon 11 VALVE(393)-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP152 Accept Datasheet:

99GP152 Accept PT&UT;No Recordable Indications.

UT one sided exam.Bd B9.40 A-27 t I055100 Method: Method: Comments: 11 VALVE(393)-TO-PIPE Datasheet; 99GU125 Accept Datasheet:

99GU125 Accept PT&UT;No Recordabie Indications.

UT one sided exam.B-J B9.40 A-27 Summary No.I057701 Method: Method: Comments Summary No.l057702 Method: Method: Comments Summary No.I057703 Method: Method: Comments Summary No.l057704 Method: Comments~Com anent ID Com onent Descrl tion STUD¹1 BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Datasheet:

99GU298 Accept Datasheet:

99GU298 Accept See Erosion/Corrosion program for exam records-SS¹99GU196~Com anent ID Com onent Descrl tlon STUD¹2 BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Datasheet:

99GU303 Accept Datasheet:

99GU303 Accept See Erosion/Corrosion program for exam records-SS¹99GU180~Com onentID Com onent Descrl tlon STUD¹3 BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Data sheet: 99GU300 Accept Datasheet:

99GU300 Accept See Erosion/Corrosion program for exam records-SS¹99GU197~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tion STUD¹4 BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Data sheet: 99GU301 Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning B-G-1 B6.180 A-7 B-G-1 B6.180 A-7 B-G-1 B6.180 A-7 B-G-1 B6.180 A-7

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 9o/71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req,)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Rochester s&Ele ric o.Eas Ave, s rN wYork1464 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 150 Lak Road n ri New York 14519 1 N/A~07/00/1 97 S~umma No.l057705 Method: Comments: Summa//I No.1057706 Method: Comments: S~m~armr No.I057707 Method: Comments: Summarmr No.I057708 Method: Comments Summary No.I057709 Method: Method: Comments~corn onent ID STUD¹5 Datasheet:

99GU302 Com onent Descrl tion BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning~Com onent ID STUD¹6 Datasheet:

99GU304 Com onent Descrl tion BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning CCem Ionent/D STUD¹7 Datasheet:

99GU305 Com onent Desert tio BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning~Com onent/0 STUD¹8 Datasheet:

99GU306 Com onent Descri tfon BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning~Com onent IO Com onent Descrl tlon STUD¹9 BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Datasheet:

99GU307 Accept Datasheet:

99GU307, Accept See Erosion/Corrosion program for exam records-SS¹99GU166&99GU167 8-G-I 80.180 A-7 B-G-1 B6.180 A-7 B4-1 B6.180 A-7 8-G-I 80.100 A-7 B-G-1 B6.180 A-7 S~umma No.I057710~Com onent/0 STUD¹10 Com onent Descrl tlon BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)B-G-1 B6.180 A-7 Method: Datasheet:

99GU308 Accept Method: Data sheet: 99GU308 Accept Comments: No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning Summaru No.I057711 Method: Comments: SU~~Blmu No.I057712 Method: Method: Comments Su~marm No.I057713 Method: Method: Comments Summer/I No.1057714 Method: Method: Comments~corn onent ID STUD¹11 Datasheet:

99GU309 Com onent Descri tlon BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning~Com onent/D Com anent Oenorl t/on STUD¹12 Datasheet:

99GU310 Datasheet:

99GU310 BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Accept e Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tion STUD¹13 BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Datasheet:

99GU311 Accept Datasheet:

99GU311 Accept See Erosion/Corrosion program for exam records-SS¹99GU190~corn onent IO Com onent Descri tlon STUD¹14 BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Datasheet:

99GU312 Accept Datasheet:

99GU312 Accept See Erosion/Corrosion program for exam records-SS¹99GU189 B-G-1 B6.180 A-7 B-G-1 B6.180 A-7 B4-1 B6.180 A-7 8-G-I 80.100 A-7 ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 10of 71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Rochester Gas&Electric Co.89 East Ave.Roches er New York1464 R.E.Ginna NuclearPower Plan 1 Lake R a Ont rio New York14519 1 N/A 07/00/I 970~Summa No I057715 Method: Comments: S~umma No.I057716 Method: Comments Summer/I No.I057717 Method: Comments: Summaru No.I057718 Method: Comments~Com onent ID STUD¹15 Datasheet:

99GU313 Com onent Descri tion BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Accept~Com onent ID STUD¹16 Datasheet:

99GU314 Com onent Descri tlon BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning~Com onent/0 STUD¹17 Datasheet:

99GU315 Com onent Descri tion BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning~Com anent 10 STUD¹18 Datasheet:

99GU316 Com onent Descri tlon BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning B-G-1 B6.180 A-7 8-G-I 86.180 A-7 B-G-1 B6.180 A-7 B-G-1 B6.180 A-7 Summaru No.I057719 Method: Method: Comments B-G-1 B6.180 A-7~corn onent 10 Com onent Descri tion STUD¹19 BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Datasheet:

99GU317 Accept Datasheet:

99GU317 Accept Results given to Bill Berguson-information only exam only-B Berguson viewed exam as it was performed Sum'maru No.I057720 Method: Comments S~umma No.I057721 Method: Comments: Summarlr No.I057722 Method: Comments Svmmaru No.I057723 Method: Comments:~Summa No.I057724 Method: Comments~Com onant 10 STUD¹20 Datasheet:

99GU318 Com onent Descri tlon BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning~Com onant IO STUD¹21 Datasheet:

99GU319 Com onent Descri tion BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning~corn anent/0 STUD¹22 Datasheet:

99GU320 Com onent Descri tion BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning~Com onont/0 STUD¹23 Datasheet:

" 99GU321 Com onent Descri tion BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning~Com onon IO Com onentDescrl tlon STUD¹24 BOLTING, REMOVED (24 TOTAL)Datasheet:

'9GU322 Accept No Recordable Indications

-2 Zone scanning B-G-1 B6.180 A-7 B-G-1 B6.180 A-7 8-G-I 86.180 A.7 BN-I 86.180 A.7 8-G-I 86.180 A-7 Summalu No.I058120 Method: Comments~Com anent/0 Com onent Descrl tlon RCP-B ANCHOR BOLTS BOLTS Datasheet:

99GU148 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; No Change since last exam.Indication still seen on stud N2." BOLT A4

A ITACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 11 of 71 1.Owner: 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: R ches er Gas&EfectricCo

.89Eas Ave.R ch ser New York14 9 R, E.Ginna NuclearP wer Plant 150 Lake Road Ontari New York14519 1 NIA$77/IQ/1970

~NI Summalll No.1058810 Method: Comments Summanl No.I058900 Method: Comments~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tlon V-700 (INTERNAL SURFA 10" VELAN MOTOR OPER.GATE VALVE 1500¹Datasheet:

99GV857 Accept No Recordable Indications

-All internal surfaces are intact-stem failed hardness test and is being replaced.B-M-2 B12.50 A-15 8-G-2 87.70 A-15~Com anent ID Com onent Descrl tion V-700 (BOLTING)10" VELAN MOTOR OPER.GATE VALVE 1500¹Datasheet:

99GV856 Accept No Recordable Indications; 1 stud and nut is being replaced.Replaced stud&nut examined under R99135.S~umma Mo.1059010 Method: Comments Summarlr Mo.I059100 Method: Comments: S~umma No.I059410 Method: Comments: S~umma No.l059500 Method: Comments Summarm No.I059800 Method: Comments Sum marlr No.I059810 Method: Comments:~Summa No.~corn anent ID Com onen Descrl tion V-701 (INTERNAL SURFA 10" VELAN MOTOR OPER.GATE VALVE 1500¹Datasheet:

99GV881 Accept No Recordable Indicatons

~Com anent ID Com onent Descrl tion V-701 (BOLTING)10" VELAN MOTOR OPER.GATE VALVE 1500¹Datasheet:

99GV882 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Bolting in place~Com onent lc Com onent Descri tlon V.721 (INTERNAL SURFA 10" VELAN MOTOR OPER.GATE VALVE 1500¹Datasheet:

99GV833 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com onent lc Com onent Descri tlon V-721 (BOLTING)10" VELAN MOTOR OPER.GATE VALVE 1500¹Datasheet:

99GV832 Accept No Recordable Indications; Bolts 1,2,5,13 Removed-All other styds examined in place.~corn onant rc Com onent Descri tlon V-852A (BOLTING)6" VELAN MOTOR OPER.GATE VALVE Datasheet:

99GV884 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Bolting was in place~corn anent tD Com onent Descrl tion V-852A (INTERNAL SURF 6" VELAN MOTOR OPER.GATE VALVE Datasheet:

99GV883 Accept No Recordable Indications CCom I on ant I 0 Com onent Descri tion 8-M-2 812.50 A-15 B-O-2 B7.70 A-15 8-M-2 812.50 A-14 8-G-2 87.70 A-14 8-G-2 87.70 A-14 8-M-2 812.50 A-14 I059900 V-8528 (BOLTING)6" VELAN MOTOR OPER.GATE VALVE Method: Datasheet:

99GV885 Accept Comments: No recordable Indications

-Examined in place 84-2 87.70 A-18 Summarlr Mo.I059910 Method: Comments~Com onent tc Com onent Descrl tlon V-8528 (INTERNAL SURF 6" VELAN MOTOR OPER.GATE VALVE Datasheet:

99GV886 Accept No Recordable Indications 8-M-2 812.50 A-18 Summarll No.1411000 Method: Comments 8-P IW8 5221 L-1~Com onont ID Com onent Descrl tion PT-7 LEAKAGE TEST OF REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM Datasheet:

99GV996'ccept See AR 994539994539and 99-0540 for disdosition of packing and leaks-exam completed and acceptable

-See Summary¹R99148 report¹99GV1001 for V-700 leakage exam and Summary¹R99147 report¹99GV1000 and 99GV1280 for initial VT-2 for V-701 ll ATt'ACHIICIENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 12of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Roche ter Gas&Electri Co.89 East Ave.Rochest r N w Y ik 14649 R.E.Ginna N le r P w r Plan 15 3 Lake Road On rio N w York 1451 1 N/A$77/)r//1 9~7 N/A Summarm No.I600080 Method: Comments.'ummarll No.I600081 Method: Comments I600081 Method: Comments Svmmarm No.I600090 Method: Comments~summa No.1600120 Method: Comments~Somme No.I600130 Method: Comments~Com onentID Com onent Descri tion SGA-7 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER SN-VT-A-7F Datasheet:

99GV925 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Setting Per ME-256 38 1/8", Actual 37 1/2".-Serial¹AH-1.Inboard supply/return

-minor oil.Outboard leak slightly.SN-FT-A-7F SN-FT SGA-7 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER A-7F Datasheet:

99GV1335 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 38 1/8", Actual 38"-Serial¹AH-1~Reserrvoir Level 3/4 full.Snubber was functionally tested&operable.Testing performed under WO¹19801516.~corn onentlD'om onent Descrl tlon SGA-8 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV926 Accept No Recordable Indications, Setting per ME-256 Req'd.38 1/4", Actual 38".-Serial¹AH15, ANKER-Holth 77-28073-A, 10" bore.SN-VT-~A-7F~corn enantio Com onent Descrl tion SGB-3 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV942 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable VT: Per ME-256 Req'd.setting 38 9/16", Actual 38 3/4".Serial AH-2.Rejected for empty reservoir.

Snubber declared opperable, re-exam, Per ME-256 Req'd.setting 38 9/16", Actual 38 3/4".-acceptable.

SN-VT-A-7F~Com anent lD Com onent Descri tlon SGBQ HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV089 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable VT;Setting per ME-256383/8",Actual383/4".


Rejected due to emptyreservoir.

Snubberdectared opperable.

Re-exam;ME-256 38 9/16", Actual 38 1/8-acceptab!e.r SN-VT A-7F~corn anent IO Com onentDescrl tlon SGA-7 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1168 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 38 1/8", Actual 38"-Serial¹AH-1;Reserrvoir Level 3/4 full.Snubber was functionally tested&operable.Testing performed under WO¹19801516.Sum~arur No.I600880 Method: Comments~Com anent IO Com onent Descrl tlon CVU-26 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV559, Accept"No Recordable Indications-ME-256 set 2"-actual 2"-Serial¹20880, PSA-1.4" stroke.SN-VT A-23 Summatu No.I600960 Method: Comments S~umma No.I600961~i Method: Comments SN-VT-A-32~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tlon CVU-103 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1307 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Reject: Action Report¹99-0354 generated for setting.New setting per Engineering 2 1/4".Rewxam-setting 2 3/16"-acceptable.

Serial¹24450.Snubber functionally tested 8 operable under WO¹19900896.SN-FT A-32~Com onent IO Com onent Oescri tlon CVU-103 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV946 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable No Recordable Indications

&Reject;Serial¹24450, Setting per ME-256 Cold 2", Actual 3 9/16", Action Report 99-0354 generated for setting.Reexamination performed on Summary¹l600961-report¹99GV1285-Acceptable.


I 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: ATTACHMENT I Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)e ter Ga EI ricCo.89Eas Ave.R h er New Y rk14 9 R.E.Ginna NuclearP werPI n 1 0 Lake Road nario New York1451 1~NI tL77/Ig/1 970 Page 13of 71 Method: Comments: Datasheet:

99GV947 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable No Recordable Indications

&Reject: Action Report¹99e0354 generated for setting.New setting per Engineering 2 1/4".Rewxam-setting 2 3/16"-acceptable.

Serial¹24450.Snubber functionally tested&operable under WO¹19900896.S~umma'o.I600980 Method: Comments~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tlon CVU-104 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV563 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256 req.2".actual 2 3/4".-Serial¹24449 SN-VT-A-32 S~umma No.I601690 Method: Comments~Ca e~o SN-VT~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tlo RHU-30 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV633 Accept No Recordable Indications; ME-256 Req.1", actual setting 1", Serial¹7065, PSA-35, 6" stroke.A-15 Summarm Mo.I601 691 Method: Comments a I601691 Method: Comments SN.FT-A-15 SN-FT A-15 RHU-30 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV912 Accept VT;No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.Setting 1", Actual 1 1/8".Serial¹7065.VT report 99GV912.FT report¹99GV1298.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801512.~Com anent ID Com onont Descri tion RHU-30 MECHAAICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1298 Accept VT;No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.Setting 1", Actual 1 1/8".Serial¹7065.VT report 99GV912.FT report¹99GV1298.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801512.5um~armr No.1601700 Method: Comments~corn anent lo Com onent Descri tion RHU-33 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV632 Accept No Recordable Indications; ME-256 setting 3"-Actual 3 1/4", Serial¹7064.SN-VT-A-15 Summarur Mo.1601701 Method: Comments 1601701 Method: Comments S~umma No.I601850 Method: Comments S~umma No.I601851 Method Comments~corn anent IO Com onent Descrl tion RHU-33 MECHANICAL SNUBBER SN-FT-A-15 Datasheet:

99GV1299 Accept VT: No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 req.setting 3", actual 3 1/8".Serial¹7064, VT report 99GV911.FT report¹99GV1299.Snubber tested 8 operable per WO¹19801515.RHU-33 MECHANICAL SNUBBER A-15 Datasheet:

99GV911 Accept'T: No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 req.setting 3", actual 3 1/8".Serial¹7064, VT report 99GV911.FT report¹99GV1299.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801515.SN-FT CGomlonent ID Com onen Descri tion SIU-3 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV630 Accept No Recordable Indications.

Per ME-256, Req.setting 3", actual 3 1/8", Serial¹8614, PSA-10, 6" stroke.SN-VT-A-17 SN-FT-A-17~corn onent IO Corn onent Descrl tion SIU-3 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1 231 Accept No Recordable Indications; VT&FT.Per ME-256 Req.Setting 3",Actual 35/16".Serial¹8614.


FTreport¹99GV1231.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801517.I601851 Method: SIU-3 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV762 Accept SN-FT A-17

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 14of 71 1.Owner: och terGas&ElectricCo

.89Eas Ave.Roch sterNew Y rk14 2.Plant:.E Ginna NuclearPower Plan 1503Lake R ad Ontario New Y rk14 1 3.Plant Unit: 1 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)~/A 5.Commercial Service Date: 27779 rll979 6.National Board Number for Unit: N/A Comments: No Recordable Indications; VT&FT.Per ME-256 Req.Setting 3", Actual 3 5/16".Serial¹8614.VT report¹99GV762.FT report¹99GV1231.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801517.Summarir No.I601860 Method: Comments SN-VT-A-16~Com onentlD Com onent Descrl tlon SIU47 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV181 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per Me-256 Req.3 1/2", actual 3 3/8"-Serial¹15349, PSA-3, 3 1/2" stroke.Summar2 No.I601 870 Method: Comments:~Com onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon SIU-52 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV595 Accept NRI-ME-256 Setting 2 1/2"-Actual 2 5/8"-Serial¹15348 SN-VT-A-14 Summarm No.I602110 Method: Comments SN-VT-A-12~Com enantio Com onent Descri tlon PS-5 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV636 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable Per ME-256, Req.2 3/4", Actual 2 5/8".-Serial¹PD 87239-1246

-See evaluation sheet for disposition

-Remove snubber for FT and return to service-Acceptable Summaru No.1602111 Method: Comments:~Com onentin Com onent Descrl tion Cater PS-5 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER SN-FT Datasheet; 99GV1233 Accept ME-256 2 3/4, Actual 2 9/16-Serial¹PD 87239-1246-VT exam-No Recordabie Indications

-FT A-12 I602111 Method;Comments: Summaru No.I602120 Method: Comments S~umma No.I602121 Method: 'Comments I602121 Method: Comments: PS-5 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER SN-FT,-A-12 Datasheet:

99GV1300 Accept ME-256 2 3/4, Actual 2 9/16-Serial¹PD 87239-1246

-VT exam-No Recordable Indications

-FT~Com onent tD Com onent Descrl tlon PS%HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV635 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable Per ME 256 Req.3 1/4", Actual 3 5/8"-Serial¹PD87767-1239-WO¹19801735-this snubber was functionally tested under l602121.SN-VT-A-12 SN-FT-A-12 PS%'*HYDRAULIC SNUBBER SN-FT-A-12 Datasheet:

99GV1296 Accept VT;No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.Setting 3 1/4", Actual 3 1/2".Serial¹PD87767-1239.

VT report 99GV1232.FT report¹99GV1 296.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19900869.~Com anent lD Com onent Descrl tion PS%HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1 232 Accept Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable VT;No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.Setting 3 1/4", Actual 3 1/2".Serial¹PD87767-1239.

VT report 99GV1232.FT report¹99GV1296.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19900869.Summarm No.I602130 Method: Comments Summaru No.I802700 Method: Coo~lonenl ID Com onent Descri tlon PSn8 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV506 Accept No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256, Req.2 5/8" Actual 3"-Serial¹PD86144-1159

~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tlon OPEN GENERATOR TUB BOBBIN COIL-20%MIN FL Data sheet: 99ET018 Accept SN-V7-A-72 B-Q B16.20 0

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice'Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 15o/71 1.Owner eche rGa Ele ri 9 E s Av.R che ter New Yoik1464 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: R.E.Ginna Nu lear Power Pl n 15 3 Lak Road Ontario New York 14519 1~N/$77/0~/1 7 Comments: Summarlr No.I802710 Method: Comments>50%sample of S/G tubes full length-See S/G ET final report (1999)for raw data.B-Q B16.20~Com anent tO Com onent Desert tron GENERATOR TUBES REPAIRED WELDED PLUGS Datasheet:

99GV931 Accept VT: No Recordable Indications, Inconel 690 thimble tube plug was welded during S/G manufacturing, Row 52, Column 14.Summary No.I802720 Method: Comments~corn onsntlD GENERATOR TUBES Datasheet:

99ET019 No Sleeves installed.

Com onent Descrl tion REPAIRED SLEEVES Accept B-Q B16.20 Summary No.I802730 Method: Comments~Com onsnt ID Com onont Descri tlon DIAGNOSTIC EXAM SAMPLING HS AREAS B-Q B16.20 Datasheet:

99ET020 Accept Exam scope was 20%sample of row 1&2 U-bends, sample of H/L roll transitions, sample of dings&dents-see ET final report (1999)for raw data Summant No.I802740 Method: Comments Summary No.I803700 Method: Comments~corn enantio Com onent Descri tlon OPEN GENERATOR TUB PREY IDENT DEGRAD>20%Datasheet:

99ET021 Accept No Previous degradation seen.See ET final report (1999)for details.~corn onent lu Com onent Descrl tlon OPEN GENERATOR TUB BOBBIN COIL-20%MIN FL Datasheet:

99ET022 Accept>50%sample of S/G tubes full length examined-see S/G ETfinal report (1999)for raw data B-Q B16.20 B-Q B16.20 Summarlr No.I803710 Method: Comments B-Q B16.20~corn anent lu Com onent Descri tion GENERATOR TUBES REPAIRED WELDED PLUGS Data sheet: 99GV929 Accept VT: No Recordable Indications, Inconel 690 thimble tube plug was welded during S/G manufacturing, Row 67, Column 17.S~umma No.1803720 Method: Comments:~Com onent lO GENERATOR TUBES Datasheet:

99ET023 No sleeves installed Com onent Descrl tlon REPAIRED SLEEVES.Accept B-Q B16.20 Summarll No.I803730 Method: Comments B-Q B16.20~com onenltO Com onont Descrl tion DIAGNOSTIC EXAM SAMPLING HS AREAS Datasheet:

99ET024 Accept Examination covers 20%row 1&2 U-bends, H/L roll transition, sampling of dings&dents-see ET final report (1999)for raw data~Summa No I803740 Method: Comments~corn onsnt lu Com onent Descri tlon OPEN GENERATOR TUB PREY IDENT DEGRAD>20%Datasheet:

99ET025 Accept No previous degradation seen.See ET final report (1999).B-Q B16.20

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval~3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 16 of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterGas&

El ctricC.8 Eas Av.R esterNew York1464 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 1503 Lak Roa n rio New York 14519 1 N/A 07/00/1 970 C-A C1.10 B-1 Class 2 Components:

Summarm No.~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tion I071000 TUS-AR TRANSITION-TO-UPPER SHELL CIRC WELD Method: Datas hect: 99GU343 Accept Method: Datasheet:.

99GU343 Accept Comments: Thickness of area around arc strike are on other R99140 summary-this is the exam of the arc strike after removal-not service induced surface conditioning only.WO If 19900966.Summarlr No.I071 360 Method: Comments C-C C3.10 B-1~corn onen IO Com onent Descri tion AB1R, Weld 185@Snubb EARTHQUAKE BRACKET-IA Datasheet:

99GP253 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; No apparent change since last exam-Acceptable per IWC-3511-2.

Su~marut No.I071362 Method: Comments Sum~armm No.I071364 1 Method: Comments: Summarm No.1071366 Method: Comments: S~umma No.I071 900 Method: Comments~Com anent IO Com onent Descri tlon AB2R, Weld 186 O Snubb EARTHQUAKE BRACKET-IA Datasheet:

99GP255 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; No apparent change since last exam.~Com anent lo Com onent Descri tion AB3R, Weld 184 O Snubb EARTHQUAKE BRACKET-IA Datasheet:

99GP254 Accept No Recordabie Indications

&Insignificant; No apparent change since last exam.~Com anent IO Com onent Descri tion AB4R, Weld 183@Snubb EARTHQUAKE BRACKET-IA Datasheet:

99GP256 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; No apparent change since last exam.~Com anent IO Com onent Descrl tlon FWIN-BR FEEDWATER INLET NOZZLE TO VESSEL WELD Datasheet:

99GM218 Accept MT&UT;No Recordable Indications C-C C3.10 B-1 C-C C3.10 B-1 C-C C3.10 B-1 Cate~o Item No.Iso Dw Number C-B C2.21 B-1 I071900 Method: Comments: FWIN-BR FEEDWATER INLET NOZZLE TO VESSEL WELD Datasheet:

99GU218 Accept MT&UT;No Recordable Indications C-B C2.21 B-1 Summaru No.I071 950 Method: Comments~summa No.I075000 Method: Comments I075000 Method: Comments:~Corn onent10 Com onent Descri tlon FWIN.BR FEEDWATER INLET NOZZLE INSIDE RADIUS Datasheet:

99GU222 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Corn onerlt IO Com onent Descri tion CF-3 BAFFLE-TO-OUTLET SHELL WELD Datasheet:

99GP168 Accept PT&UT;No Recordable Indications.

UT 45 degree cw/ccw performed.


99GU124 Accept PT&UT;No Recordable Indications.

UT 45 degree cw/ccw performed.

C-B C2.22 B-1 C-F-1 C5.11.B4 C-F-1 C5.11 B4 Sum~arm No.I075460 Method:~Com anent IO CF-S2 Datasheet:

99GV768 Com onent Descri tion SUPPORT (IA)Accept F-A F1.20A B4

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 17of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Roches r Gas ElectricCo


Rochester New Y rk14649 R.E.Ginna Nudear Power Plan 1503 Lake Road Ontario New York 1451 1 N/A 07//70I/1970 j3I/A Comments: Summer/I No.I075700 Method: Method: Comments No Recordable Indications

~Com onsntlc Com onent Desert tlon C-F-1 C5.11 B4 1 CAP-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP177 Accept Datasheet:

99GP1?7 Accept No Recordable Indications, Maintenance moved for work activity and reinstalled, baseline exam for ISI summary¹502870.I075700 Method: Method: Comments C-F-1 1 CAP-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GU144 Accept Datasheet:

99GU144 Accept PT&UT;No Recordable Indications.

PT and UT-Limited Exam due to support-owner elected exam.C5.11 B4 Summarls No.l077400 Method: Comments Summaru Mo.I077800 Method: Comments S~umma No.I077801 Method: Comments Summaru No.l079500 Method: Method: Comments Summaru Mo.I080100 Method: Comments~Cam onent lc Com onent Descrl tlon CVU410 RIGID RESTRAINT (IA)Datasheet:

99GV1052 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Arc strikes on support not pressure boundary-Indications removed by surface conditioning and confirmed with PT.Weld spatter all over support plates.F-A r F1.20R B4~Com onent/0 Com onent Descrl tlon CVUu414 RIGID RESTRAINT (IA)Datasheet:

99GV944 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable Action Report¹994363 written-Use-as-is per AR-drawing to be chariged-DCR¹99-0253 and 99-0254 have been generated F-A F1.20R B4~Com onent tc Com onent Descrl tlon CVUu414 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GP223 Reject No ID Tag-AR¹994363 written-See ar 994363 for use-as-is disposition

-ISI Summary Report l077800 C-C 03.20 Ss F-A F1.20V B-8~Com onentlc Com onent Oescri tlon MSU-5 VARIABLE SPRING Datasheet:

99GV1175 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Two nuts at the top of pipe damp are not fully engaged, OK per NCR 688-173.Setting 6150¹'s.F-A F1.20V B-8~corn onen IC Com onen Descrl tlon MSU-1 VARIABLE SPRING Datasheet:

99GV880 Accept Datasheet:

99GV880 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Per ME-303 Req'd.10998, Actual 11624, Some misalignment noted 2 degree from I-beam to damp.S~umma No..I080900 Method: Comments:~Com onantlc Com onsntcsacrl t/on MSU45 VARIABLE SPRING Datasheet:

99GV082 Accept NRI-ME-303 REQD SET 2118¹-ACTUAL 2115¹, CORNER 7 LADA, SIZE 12 TYPE G.0-A 0 I.201/0-9 Summarlr Mo.n I082050 Method: Method: Comments F-A F1.20S B-9~Com onant lc Com onent Descrl tlon MSU-39 MECHANICAL SNUBBER (IA)Datasheet:

99GV853 Accept Datasheet:

99GV853 Accept All 11 studs visually inspected on exposed surfaces-some corrosion between threads-threads also have some nicks and dings on them-stud¹5 has 1/8" hole in it.Old bolts, not the new replaced bolts.~Summa No.~Com onsnt lc Com onent Descrl tlo

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 18of 71 1.,Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterGas&


.89Eas Av Roche erNew York14 R, E.Ginna Nu earPowerPI n 150 Lake Road Ontario N w Y rk14 1 1 N/A 07/00/1970 N/A I082055 Method: Comments: Summary No.I082500 Method: Comments MSU-39 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GM182 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn anent IO Com onent Descrl tlon MSU-38 MECHANICAL SNUBBER (IA)Data sheet: 99GV645 Accept No Recordable Indications, ME-256 set 3"-Actual 3"-Serial¹1090 C-C C3.20 B-9 F-A F1.20S B-9A Summalu No.I085200 Method: Method:.Comments~Com onent IO MSU-8 Datasheet:

99GV1189 Datasheet:

99GV1189 No Recordable Indications; F-A F1.20S B-8 Com onent Descri tlon HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Accept Accept ME-256 setting 3 3/4", actual 4".Serial¹G15200-1.HSSA-20, 6" stroke, 3.25" bore.Summaru No.I086525 Method: Comments F-A F1.20S B-10A~Com anent IO Com onent Descrl tlon MSU-13 MECHANICAL SNUBBER (IA)Datasheet:

99GV1221 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; per ME-256 setting req.3 5/16" actual 3 1/16".Serial¹1467, PSA-100, 6" stroke.Pigeon Feces.Summaru No.1086530 Method: Comments S~umma No.I086600 Method: Comments~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tion MSU-13 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GM245 Accept No Recordable Indications, East&West IA examined.~Com onent IO Com onent Descrl tion MSU-14 GUIDE Datasheet:

99GV1 212 Accept No Recordable Indications

&InsigniTicant; Pigeon Feces.C-C C3.20 B-10A F-A F1.20R B-10A Summaru Mo.I086900 Method: Comments Summarmr Mo.I087100 Method: Comments~Com anent t0 Com onent Descri tlon MSU-17 VARIABLE SPRING Datas he et: 99GV1210 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; per ME-303, 8620¹'s, Actual 8119¹'s.Pigeon Feces.F-A F1.20V B-10A~corn anent IO Com onent Descrl tron Msve18 MECHANICAL SNUBBER (IA)F-A F1.20S B-10A Datasheet:

99GV1136 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable No Recordable Indications, Insignificant 8 Reject;Serial¹7197(south) 7478(north)

Pigeon Feces.Actual settings 2.75"(south) 2.375"(north), Action Report 99-0634 generated for south settinng (reject).Use as is per AR¹99-0634.Summaru No.1087105 Method: Comments~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tlo MSUe18 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:.

99GM249 Accept No Recordable Indications; for both integral attachments on this support..CeC C3.20 B-10A Summaru No.I087125 Method: Method: Comments F-A F1.20S B-10A~corn onent IO Com onent Descri tlon MSU-19 MECHANICAL SNUBBER (IA)Datasheet:

99GV1111 Accept Datasheet:

99GV1 111 Accept 4 welds, MT root&final welds as well as VT of final welds-Leakage performed on Summary¹R99146 report¹99GV1279-WO¹19901151 S~umma No.~Com onnntlO Com onent Descrl tlon ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval~3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 19 of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterGas

&Electricc 89E Av.Ro ester New Y rk1464 R.E.Ginna Nu lear Power PI n 150 Lake Road Ontari New York 14519 1 NIA 07/00/1970 NIA I087130 Method: Comments: MSU-19 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GM250 Accept No Recordable Indications-Both Integral attachments CnC C3.20 B-10A Summarm No.I087200 Method: Comments Summarlr No.I088000 Method: Method: Comments F-A F1.20V B-10A~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tion MSU-27 MECHANICAL SNUBBER (IA)Datasheet:

99GV1114 Accept Datasheet:

99GV1114 Accept No Recordabie Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 Set 1.375", Actual 1.125".Serial¹9398, pigeon feces.F-A F1.20S B-10A~Com anent IO Com onent Descri tion MSU-20 VARIABLE, SPRING Datasheet:

99GV1 211 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; per ME-303 9866¹'s, Actual 9000¹'s.Pigeon feces.Lock nuts are not fully engaged on top of spring can pin.Su~~armr No.1088005 Method: Comments Su~~arur No.I088300 Method: Method: Comments S~umma No.I088305 Method: Comments~corn onent IO Com onent Descri tion MSU-27 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GM251 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tlon MSU-31 MECHANICAL SNUBBER (IA)Datasheet:

99GV515 Accept Datasheet:

99GV515 Accept Scanned for minimum wall thickness only-WO¹19801756~Com onnnl ID Com onent Descri tion MSU-31 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GM101'ccept No Recordable Indications C-C C3.20 B-10A F-A F1.20S B-10A C-C C3.20 B-10A Su~~arur No.I094100 Method: Comments I094100 Method: Comments S~umma No.I094200 Method: Comments I094200 Method: Comments',~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tion DD9 PIPE-TO-REDUCER Datasheet:

99GM237 Accept MT;No Recordable Indications.

RT;No Recordable Indications


Porosity O 13 1/2", Int.Concavity, internal concavity 8 slag O 34 1/4", 3/16" long.No apparent change since last examination.

C-F-2 C5.51 B-12 DD9 PIPE-TO-REDUCER C-F-2 C5.51 B-12 Datasheet:

99GRT226.Accept MT;No Recordable Indications.

RT;No Recordable Indications


Porosity O 13 1/2", Int.Concavity, internal concavity&slag34 1/4", 3/16" long.No apparent change since last examination.

C-F-2 C5.51 B-12 DD10-R REDUCER-TO-ELBOW C-F-2 C5.51 B-12 Datasheet:

99GRT228 Accept MT;No Recordable Indications.

RT;No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Slag, porosity&concavity, no change in condition since 5/15/96.~Com onentlO Com onent Descrl tron DD10-R REDUCER-TO-ELBOW Data sheet: 99GM239 Accept MT;No Recordable Indications.

RT;No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Slag, porosity&concavity, no change in condition since 5/15/96.~Summa No I094825~Com onnnllD FWUn42 Com onent Descri tion MECHANICAL SNUBBER (IA)F-A F1.20S B-14

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 20of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Rochester Gas&Electric Co.89Eas Ave.Roches er New Y rk 14649.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 1503 Lake Road Ontario New Y rk 1451 1 N/A 07/00/1970 N/A Method: Comments: Datasheet:

99GV212 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Grout damage on outside wall, Per ME-256 req.4 3/8", actual 4 3/8"-Serial¹6159 Summary No.1094827 Method: Comments Summaru No.I095100 Method: Comments I095100 Method: Comments: I095100 Method: Comments:~Com onant lo Com onont Descrl tlon FWUn42 (IA)INTEGRAL ATfACHMENT Datasheet:

99GM100 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn onsntl0 Com onent Descri tlon 01 ELBOW-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GM107 Accept VT, MT&RT: No Recordable Indications.

RT: No apparent change since last exam.01 ELBOW-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GRT216 Accept VT, MT&RT: No Recordable Indications.

RT: No apparent change since last exam.01 ELBOW-TO-PIPE Data sheet: 99GV642 Accept VT, MT&RT: No Recordable Indications.

RT: No apparent change since last exam.C-C C3.20 B-14 0-F-2 05.51 B-14 C-F-2 C5.51 B-14 C-F-2 C5.51 B.14 S~umma No.l097300 Method: Comments~Com onnnt10 Com onent Doscri tion V ELBOW-TO-PIPE PEN.404 C-F-2 C5.51 B-14 Datasheet:

99GM265 Accept Exam performed to complete both ISI Preservice and High Energy requirements

-See l200090 for HE reports I097300 V ELBOW-TO-PIPE PEN.404 C-F-2 C5.51 B-14 Method: Datasheet:

99GRT229 Accept Comments: Exam performed to complete both ISI Preseivice and High Energy requirements

-See l200090 for HE reports Summanl No.l097450 Method: Comments: Summarlr No.l097700 Method: Method: Comments Summarm No.1097701 Method: Comments: Summaru No.a I098025 Method: Method:.Comments~Com onnnt10 Com onent Doscri tion PS-B, PEN 404 ANCHOR ANCHOR (IA)Datasheet:

99GV835 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Exam for expanded scope (FWU-13)~Com anent 10 Com onont Doscrl tion FWU-13 VARIABLE SPRING (IA)Datasheet:

99GV818 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable Datasheet:

99GV818 Reject, Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable NRI-exam where push rod was removed~corn onsnt10 Com onont Doscrl tion FWU-13 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GM164 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com onsnt 10 Com onent Descri tlon FWU-12 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV839 Accept Datasheet:

99GV839 Accept No Recordaable Indications, Per Me-256 Req'd.3", Actual 3 3/8".-Serial¹8034 F-A F1.20A B.l 3 F-A F1.20V B-13 C-C C3.20 B-13 F-A F1.20S B-13 Summaru No.Com onon D Com onont Doscri lion ATTACHIIENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1 999)Page 21 of 71 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Roch serGas ElectricCo, 89Eas Av.Roche ter New York14649 E.GinnaNuclearP werPI n 15 3L keRoad Ontari New York14 19 1~/07/l70/I 970 N/A I098825 Method: Comments: FVN-9 VARIABLE SPRING Datasheet:

99GV838 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-303 Req'd.2783-Actual 2858-4 1/8" F-A F1.20V B-13 Summarm No!099000 Method: Comments Summaru No.I103850 Method: Comments~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tion FVN-7 VARIABLE SPRING (IA)Data sheet: 99GV837 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-303 Req'd 3150-Actual 2858¹~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tlon 8N TEE-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP115 Accept No Recordable Indications

-PT or UT F-A 91.201/9-13 C-F-1-B-16 1103850 Method: Comments: 8N TEE-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GU109 Accept No Recordable Indications

-PT or UT C-F-1 B-16 Summaru No.I109300 Method: Method: Comments I109300 Method: Method: Comments C-F-1 B-17 C-F-1 B-17 18 TEE-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GU110 Accept Datasheet:

99GU110 Accept PT;No Recordable Indications.

UT;No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant

-geometry indications can be seen iritermittently 360 degrees.~Com anent/0 Com onent Descrl tion 18 TEE-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP117 Accept Datasheet:

99GP117 Accept ME-256 Setting-2 1/2"-Actual 2 1/4"-Serial¹25432.Maintenance moved and reinstalled.

baseline exam for ISI summary l602200.WO¹19801792.Summarlr Mo.I112800 Method: Comments CCom Ionent 10 Com onent Descrl tion 14 PIPE-TO-ELBOW Datasheet:

99GP122 Accept PT&UT;No Recordable Indications.

UT no exam upstream due to hanger..C-F-1-B-18 I112800 Method: Comments: 14 PIPE-TO-ELBOW Datasheet:

99GU116 Accept PT&UT;No Recordable Indications.

UT no exam upstream due to hanger.C-F-1 B-18~Summa Mo.I126900 Method: Comments Summers No.I130725 Method: CCom/ollollt tc Com onent Descrl tlon RHUn66 VARIABLE SPRING Datasheet:

99GV1170 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; No full thread engagement on locknut and no spacer on bottom pipe damp-OK per T/C 86-304-No Apparent change since last exam.Setting 702¹'s, Bergen Paterson.F1.20V B-20~F-A F1.20R B-20~Com onent/0 Com onent Desert tlon RHU-77 RIGID'SUPPORT (IA)Datasheet:

99GV1171 Accept Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable VT: No Recordable

&Insignificant, Item¹4 shows 4 1/20 bolts on the plate.Only 3 bolts left.Bolt in SW corner is missing and remaining 3 are corroded beyond recognition.

Not service induced-Accepted per AR-97-1935.

S~umma No.I131200~corn anent tc RHU-76 Com onent Descri tion VARIABLE SPRING (IA)F-A F1.20V B-20

ATI ACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 22of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Rochester Gas8 El ri.E Av.Ro e rNew York14649 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plan 1503 Lake Road Ontario New York 14519 1 N/A~07/OD/1 7 N/A Method: Comments: Data sheet: 99GV033 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable Not Service Induced-setting on east side low-See AR¹98-1017 and 994632 for disposition

-Use as is WO¹19801731 Summarll No.I131210 Method: Comments:~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tion RHU-76 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GP001 Accept NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS GC C3.20 B-20 Summaru No.l1 32900 Method: Comments:

F-A F1.20V B-20~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tlon RHU-62 VARIABLE SPRING (IA)Datasheet:

99GV1169 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Rough weld on IA&rust on inside of spring can, OK per Engineering on 3/2/87-no apparent change.Setting 1274¹'s, Corner Lad a Type F.size 10.Summarlr No.I135350 Method: Comments Summaru No.I1 35351 Method: Comments Summaru No.I139850 Method: Comments Summarm No.I139860 Method: Comments', Summarm No.'I140960 Method: Comments SummarlSNo.

I141700 Method: Comments:~corn anent ln Com onent Descri tion PEN 140 ANCHOR (IN/OU ANCHOR (IA)Datasheet:

99GV545 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com anent ID Com onent Descrl tion PEN 140 ANCHOR (IA)(IN INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GP102 Accept No Recordable Indications

-PT exam on Aux Bldg Side~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tlon RHU-37 GUIDE (IA)Datasheet:


~Com anent ln~Com onent Descri tion RHU-37 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GP002 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tlon RHU46(IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GP012 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tion 1 TEE-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP167 Accept PT&UT;No Recordable Indications.

ID plate on pipe side.F-A Ft.20A 0 20A C-C C3.20 B-20A Cate~o Item No.Iso Dw Number F-A F1.20R B-23 C-C C3.20 B-23 C-C C3.20 B-24 C-F-1-B-23 I141700 Method: Comments: 1 TEE-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GU123 Accept PT&UT;No Recordabie Indications.

ID plate on pipe side.C-F-1 B-23 S~umma No.I150600 Method: Comments~corn anent ID Com onent Descri tlon RHUA8 RIGID RESTRAINT (tA)Datasheet:

99GV592 Accept No Recordable Indications F-A F1.20R B-25 u S~umma No.I150620~Cour anent ID RHU48 (IA)Com onent Descri tlon INTEGRAL ATI'ACHMENT C-C C3.20 B-25

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 23 of 71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Rochester G El ric.89 Ea Av.Roches er New York 14 E.irma Nuclear PowerPIant 150 L k R n ari New Y rk14519 1~IA mm77/0071 97 I NIA Method: Datasheet:

99GP104 Accept r Comments: 'o Recordable Indications, Minor Undercut<<1/64", missing weld in crotch area, Indications reported in 1989.Disposition on NCR 89-525-IAW-EWR 2512-ME-36.S~umma No.l1 60400 Method: Comments F-A F1.20V B-19~corn anent ID Com onent Descrl tlon RHU-130 VARIABLE SPRING (IA)Data sheet: 99GV557 Accept No Recordable Indications-MEe303 set 490¹-actual 482¹-Serial¹N-582, Corner&Lads Size 7 Type F.r Sum~aru No.I160402 Method: Comments Sum~arnr No.I160730 Method: Comments I1 60730 Method: Comments:~corn anent lD Com onent Descri tion RHU-130 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GP103 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com onent ID Com onent Descrl tion 22 8X4 REDUCER-TO-PIPE Data sheet: 99GP120 Accept PT 8 UT;No Recordable Indications 22 8X4 REDUCER-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GU112 Accept PT&UT;No Recordable Indications C-C C3.20 B-19 C-F-1 C5.21 B-16B C-F-1 C5.21 B-16B Sum~are No.I160780 Method: Comments F-A F1.20S B-16B~corn anent ID Com onent Descrl tlon RHU-119 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV520 Accept No Recordable Indications-ME-256 set 1 7/8"-actual 1 3/4"-Serial¹15766, PSA-3, 5" stroke.Svmmarmr No.I1 61670 Method: Comments I161670 Method: Comments: S~umma No.I162060 Method: Comments~corn onnntlc Com onent Descri tlon 49 TEE-TO-REDUCER Datasheet:

99GP 110 Accept PT&UT: No Recordable Indications.

49 TEE-TO-REDUCER Datasheet:

99GU114 Accept PT&UT: No Recordable Indications.

~corn anent lc Com onent Descrl tion 26 ELBOW-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP116 Accept No Recordable Indications C-F-1 C5.21.B.38 C-F-1'5.21 B-38 C-F-1 C5.30 B-39 Su~marm No.I1 62540 Method: Comments Summarmm No.l162541 i~Method: Comments S~umma No.I163070 Method: F-A F1.20V Be40~corn onent ID Com orient Descri tlo SIU-95 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:, 99GP194 Accept No Recordabie Indications

-Arc strikes on IA-not on pressure boundary-PT performed no linear indications C-C C3.20 Be40~corn onentlc Com onentDeeurl lto 6 PIPE-TO-VALVE(870A)

C-F-1 C5.21 Be41 Datasheet:

99GP119 Accept~Com onenftc Com onent Descrl tlon SIU-95 VARIABLE SPRING (IA)Datasheet:

99GV831 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Per ME-303 setting 233 lbs.-actual 225¹.-Arc strike on IA base plate-PT performed no linear see Summary¹l162541.

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Pege 24o/71 1.Owner R cheserGas&

EI ri 9Ea Ave, Roch rN w Y rk1464 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: R.E inn NuclearP werPlant 1503Lake Road Onari New York14519 N/A~07/0/1~i~7 Comments: I163070 Method: Comments: Svmmarlr No.PT&UT;No Recordable Indications.

UT-Single side exam 6 PIPE-TO-VALVE(870A)


99GU111 Accept PT&UT;No Recordable Indications.

UT-Single side exam~Com onent lO Com onent Descrl tlon.C-F-1 C5.21 B41 I163800 21 PIPE-TO-ELBOW Method: Datasheet:

99GP124 Accept Comments: PT&UT: No Recordable Indications.

C-F-1 C5.21 B42 I163800 Method: Comments: Summarm No.l164170 Method: Comments l164170 Method: Comments: Summarm No.l164240 Method: Comments: l164240 Method: Comments: S~umina No.1164570 Method: Comments: Summaru No.l168342 Method: Comments: 21 PIPE-TO-ELBOW Datasheet:

99GU117 Accept PT 8 UT: No Recordable Indications.

~Com onentlO Com onent Descrl tlon 46 PIPE-TO-ELBOW Datasheet:

99GP109 Accept No Recordable Indications

-PT and UT 46 PIPE-TO-ELBOW Data sheet: 99GU108 Accept No Recordable Indications

-PT and UT~Com onent 10 Com onent Descri tion 51 PIPE-TO-ELBOW Data sheet: 99GP106 Accept No Recordable Indications

-PT and UT 51 PIPE-TO-ELBOW Datasheet:

99GU101 Accept No Recordable Indications

-PT and UT~Com onenl lO Com onent Descrl tlon 8 ELBOW-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GP259 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com anent 10 Com onent Descrl tlon CSU-57 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GP013 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Rounded indication 1/16" dia.C-F-1 C5.21 B42 C-F-1 C5.21 B43 C-F-1 C5.21 Bn43 C-F-1 C5.21 Bn43 C-F-1 C5.21&43 C-F-1 C5.30 BM C-C C3.20 BC7 Summanl No.1169000 Method: Comments Summatu No.l1 69043 Method: Comments~Com anent lO Com onent Descrl tlon LSFWRHE-1A LOWER SHELL-TO-FLANGE CIRC WELD C-A C1.10 B-109 Datasheet:

99GU184 Accept No Recordable Indications; Limitations

-Separation plates in scanning path from L~10, 38 15/16, 67 13/16 and 96 3/4.~Com onent tO Com onent Descri tlon INSRHE-1A INLET NOZZLE-TO-SHELL WELD Datasheet:

99GU198 Accept No Recordable Indications; Examination performed from vessel bowl ID-used 0, 45, and 60 degree angles.Also scanned from inside of nozzle 0 degree.Summanl No.1169053~Com onent10 ONSRHE-1A Com onent Descrl tion OUTLET NOZZLE-TO-SHELL WELD C;B 02,32 B-109

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 25of 71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization 5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterGasSEle ri C.8 Ea Av R h s rN w ork14 E.irma Nude r Power Plan 1 Lake Road n ari New Y rk145 1 (If Req.)N/A~07/II//17 I~/Method: Comments: Summaru No.l1 69243 Method: Comments Summarmr No.I169253 Method: Comments Summarmr No.I169360 Method:~Comments~Summa No.I169370 Method: Comments Svmmarmr No.I169380 Method: Comments~Com onent lc Com onent Descri tlon INSRHE-1B INLET NOZZLE-TO-SHELL WELD Datasheet:

99GU192 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Scanned from inside nozzle bore and also 45 and 60 degree scans 0-B 02.32 B-103~corn onenttD Com onent Desert tion ONSRHE-1B OUTLET NOZZLE-TO-SHELL WELD Datas hect: 99GU193 Accept No Recordable Indications; Seperator plate in way of getting 100%of the weld-scanned from the inside of the bowl and from the inside of the nozzle.RR¹43 generated.

C-B C2.32 B-109~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tlon 1B-1 SUPPORT LEG¹1 (IA)Datasheet:

99GV850 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable AR¹99-0459 written to address arc strikes and grout.Not Service Induced, Arc strikes were surface conditioned

-See acceptable re-exam on summary¹R99165-repairs made on WO¹19901064 and 19901096 F-A F1.40 B-109~corn onent tc Com onent Descri tion 1B-2 SUPPORT LEG¹2 (IA)Datasheet:

99GV852 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable AR¹994459 written to address arc strikes and grout.Not Service Induced, Arc strikes were surface conditioned

-See acceptable re-exam on summary¹R99165-repairs made on WO¹19901064 and 19901096 F-A F1AO B-109~corn anent rc Com onent Descri tion 1B-3 SUPPORT LEG¹3 (IA)Datasheet:

99GV851 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable AR¹994459 written to address arc strikes and grout.Not Service Induced, Arc strikes were surface'conditioned

-See acceptable re-exam on summary¹R99165-repairs made on WO¹19901064 and 19901096 F-A F1AO B-109 Datasheet:

99GU200 Accept No Recordable Indications; Examination performed from vessel bowl ID-used 0, 45, and 60 degree angles.Also scanned from inside of nozzle 0 degree, separator plate limitation.

RR¹43 generated.

Summarmt No.I1 76060 Method: 'omments Su~maim No.l1 76061 Method: Comments: Summaru No.I1 76240 Method: Comments~corn onent 10 Com onent Descri tion AFU-214 (AFW-16)GUIDE (IA)Datasheet:

99GV1 228 Accept No Recordabie Indications

~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tlon AFU-214 (AFW-16)(IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GM269 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn onentrc Com onentcencrt 11o AFU-223 (AFW-32)GUIDE Datasheet:

99GV859 Accept No Recordable Indications F1.20R C-20 C3.20 C-20 F1.20R C-20 Summaru No.I200090 Method:~corn onent 10 V Datasheet:

99GM246 Com onent Descri tlon ELBOW-TO-PIPE PEN.404 Accept HE-DB-B-14

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interva, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 26of 71 1.Owner.RochesterGas&

Ele ricCo.89Ea tAve.RocheserNew York14649 2.Plant: R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 1503 Lake Road Ontario New York 14519 3.Plant Unit:, 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)N/A 5.Commercial Service Date:~07/D 71970 6.National Board Number for Unit: Comments: Slag inclusion at 33 1/4"-AR¹99-0583-identified by RT on report¹99GRT224-Not service induced-Repaired and reexamined on Report¹99GRT234-Acceptable

-VT and MT also acceptable I200090 Method: Comments I200090 Method: Comments Summarur No.I200110 Method: Comments 1200110 Method: Comments I200110 Method: Comments Summartr No.I200115 Method: Comments I200115 Method: Comments 1200115 Method: Comments~Summa No.I200165 Method: Comments I200165 Method:.Comments V ELBOW-TO-PIPE PEN.404 Datasheet:

99GRT224 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable Repair completed by welding Slag inclusion at 33 1/4"-AR¹99-0583-identified by RT on report¹99GRT224-Not service induced-Repaired and reexamined on Report¹99GRT234-Acceptable

-VT and MT also acceptable HE-DB-B-14 HE-DB B-14 V ELBOW-TO-PIPE PEN.404 Datasheet:

99GV1104 Accept Slag inclusion at 33 1/40-AR¹99-0583-identified by RT on report¹99GRT224-Not service induced-Repaired and reexamined on Report¹99GRT234-Acceptable

-VT and MT also acceptable

~Com onant IC Com onent Descri tion E PIPE-TO-ELBOW Datas hect: 99GM103 Accept MT-No Recordable Indications.

RT-No Apparent change since last exam-porosity, rounded indications

&TSI.VT-No Recordable Indications


-Arc Strike removed-surface conditioning.

HE-CB-B-9 HE-CB B-9 E PIPE-TO-ELBOW Data sheet: 99GRT201 Accept MT-No Recordable Indications.

RT-No Apparent change since last exam-porosity, rounded indications 8, TSI.VT-No Recordable Indications


-Arc Strike removed-surface conditioning.

B-9 HE-CB E PIPE-TO-ELBOW Datas hect: 99GV627 Accept MT-No Recordable Indications.

RT-No Apparent change since last exam-porosity, rounded indications

&TSI.VT-No Recordable Indications


-Arc Strike removed-surface conditioning.

~Com onant IC Com onent Descri tion E1 ELBOW-TO-PIPE Datashe et: 99GM010 Accept MT: No Recordable Indications.

VT: No Recordable

&Insignificant, Arc strike removed-surface conditioning.

RT: No Apparent change since last exam-Slag 8 Porosity.HE-CB-B-9 B-9 HE-CB E1 ELBOW-TO-PIPE Data sheet: 99GRT200 Accept MT: No Recordable Indications.

VT: No Recordable

&Insignificant, Arc strike removed-surface conditioning.

RT: No Apparent change since last exam-Slag&Porosity.B-9 HE-CB~Com onanttn Com onent Descri tion D1 ELBOW-TO-PIPE D ate sheet: 99GM247 Accept MT&PT: No Recordable Indications, PT 25%&MT 75%-Total MT&PT coverage is 100%.VT: No Recordable

&Insignificant, light surface rust.RT: No Recordable 8 Insignificant, slag&surface indication-visually verifiedwk.

No Change since last RT exam.NEWS-INIOA D1 ELBOW-TO-PIPE HE-CB-B-10A Datasheet:

99GRT227 Accept MT&PT: No Recordable Indications, PT 25%&MT 75%-Total MT&PT coverage is 100%.VT: No Recordable

&Insignificant, light surface rust.RT: No Recordable

&Insignificant, slag&surface indication-visually verifiedwk.

No Change since last RT exam.E1 ELBOW-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GV623 Accept MT: No Recordable Indications.

VT: No Recordable

&Insignificant, Arc strike removed-surface conditioning.

RT: No Apparent change since last exam-Slag 8 Porosity.I200165 D1 ELBOW-TO-PIPE HE-CB B-10A

ATl'ACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 27of 71 1.Owner;2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Rocheser a&El ricCo, Eas Ave ochesterNew York1464 R.E.GinnaNu I arPowerPlan 1503Lake Road Onario N w York14 1 1 N/A Q7/Og//197 I N/A Method: Comments: Summarm No.I200170 Method: Comments I200170 Method: Comments I200170 Method: Comments~Com onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon D2 PIPE-TO-ELBOW Datasheet:

99GM248 Accept VT;NRI&Insig.;Gouge at 231/2" (5/32" deep).Gouge on long seam of elbow.PT&MT;No Recordable Indications; PT25%, MT 75%-100%combined total.RT;No Recordable

&Insignificant; 1/8" slag 1 11"&O 55".No changes since last exam.HE-CB-B-1 OA D2 PIPE-TO-ELBOW Datasheet:

99GRT225 Accept VT;NRI&Insig.;Gouge at 23 1/2" (5/32" deep).Gouge on long seam of elbow.PT&MT;No Recordable Indications; PT 25%, MT 75%-100%combined total.RT;No Recordable

&Insignificant; 1/8" slag@11" 8@55".No changes since last exam.HE-CB-B-10A D2 PIPE-TO-ELBOW HE-CB-B-1 OA Datasheet:

99GV1105 Accept VT;NRI&Insig.;Gouge at 23 1/2" (5/32" deep).Gouge on long seam of elbow.PT&MT;No Recordable Indications; PT 25%, MT 75%-100%combined total.RT;No Recordable

&Insignificant; 1/8" slag O 11"&O 55".No changes since last exam.Datasheet:

99GV1106 Accept MT&PT: No Recordable Indications, PT 25%&MT 75%-Total MT&PT coverage is 100%.VT: No Recordable

&Insignificant, light surface rust.RT: No Recordable

&Insignificant, slag&surface indication-visually verifiedwk.

No Change since last RT exam.Sum~are No.1411600 Mettled: Comments S~umma No.I413000 Method: Comments S~umma No.I413100 Method: Comments S~umma No.I413150 Method: Comments~corn anent ID Cpm onent Descri tlon FW OUTSIDE CONTAINM'EEDWATER SYSTEM LEAKAGE EXAMINATION Data sheet: 99GV081 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon CONTAINMENT SPRAY A PUMP DISCHARGE Datasheet:

99GV030 Accept No Recordable indications-B/A Residue on V856~corn anent ID Com onent Descri tlon CONTAINMENT SPRAY B PUMP DISCHARGE Data sheet: 99GV051 Accept NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS

~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tion SPRAY ADDITIVE NOAH TANK Datasheet:

99GV088 Accept No Recordable Indications.


-boric acid at end of sample drainline hose.C-H IWC 5221 L-1 C-H IWC5221 L-1 C-H IWC5221 L-1 C-H IWC5221 L-1 Summarm No.I414600 Method: Comments Summarm No.I600300 Method: Comments Summa No.600301 Method: Comments:~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tlon CHARGING&SEAL WAT FROM PUMPS (IN/OUT CV)Datasheet:

'99GV1344 Accept No Recordable Indications and Insignificant; Packing leaks and BA residues on some valves-BA cleaned off on all valves.C-H IWC5221 L-1~com onentlD Com onent Descrl tlon AFU-98 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV650 Accept No Recordable Indications

-ME-256 Req setting 2"-Actual 1 9/16"-Serial¹24454, PSA-1, 4" stroke.SN-VT-'-1B SM.FT-C-IS~com onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon AFU-98 MECHANICALSNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1072 Accept VT;No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.Setting 2", Actual 1 1/4".Serial¹23128.VT report 99GV1072.FT report¹99GV1294.Snubber tested 8 operable but degraded&was replaced with pretested spare per WO¹19801495.

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 28o/71 1.Owner: 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Rochester a&Ele ri 9 v.R ch s r New Y rk14 E.inn NuclearP w rPI n 150 LakeR d n ri N wY rk14 1 1 N/A Q77/0)/~170 N/A I60 0301 Method: Comments Summaru No.I600360 Method: Comments Summers No.I600361 Method: Comments Summers No.I600380 Method: Comments Summers No.I600400 Method: Comments AFU-98 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1 294 Accept VT;No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.Setting 2", Actual 1 1/4".Serial¹23128.VT report 99GV1072.FT report¹99GV1294.Snubber tested&operable but degraded&was replaced with pretested spare per WO¹19801495.SN-FT C-1 B~Com onant ID Com onent Descri tlon AFU-109 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV524 Accept No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.21/2" Actual23/16"-Serial

¹30986, Fluid Level 5/8 full:See Summary¹R99118, setting 2 15/16".SN-VT-C-1A~corn anent ID Com onent Descri tion AFU-109 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV913 Accept No Recordable Indications.

Setting per ME-256 Req'd.'2 1/2", Actual 2 5/8".Serial¹30987, Size 1.5, 5" stroke.SN-FT-C-IA SN-VT-C-1A~corn onent lc Com onent Descri tlon AFU-123 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV526 Accept No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.2" Actual 1 5/8"-Serial¹22485, PSA-1, 4" stroke.SN-VT-C-IA~Com onent tc Com onent Descri tlon AFU-111 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datas hect: 99GV528 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Per ME-256 Req.2" Actual 2 1/16"-Serial¹16377, Shield screw is wearing on AFU-111 shield.PSA-1, 4" stroke.S~umma No.l6 00420 Method: Comments S~umma No.I600460 Method: Comments S~umma No.I600530 Method: Comments Summarur No.I600610 Method: Comments Summarur No.I600710 Method: Comments~corn anent ID Com onent Descrl tion AFU-124 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV543 Accept No Recordable Indications-ME-256 Set 2"-Actual 2"-Serial¹24451, PSA-1, 4: stroke.~corn anent uc Com onent Descrl tron BDU-16 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV518 Accept No Recordable Indication-ME-256 Set 1 1/2"-actual 1 3/4"-Serial¹10182~corn ollant lc Com onent Descri tion CCU43 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV561 Accept No Recordable Indications-Req'd 1"-Actual 1 3/4"-Serial¹11462, PSA-1, Stroke 4".~Com onant'IO Com onent Descri tlon CCU-57 MECHANICALSNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV585 Accept No Record able Indications

-ME-256 Setting 2 1/2"-Actual 2 1/2"-Serial¹18164~corn onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon CCU-71 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet.

99GV597 Accept No Recordable Indications

-ME-256 Setting 2 1/2"-Actual 2 1/2"-Serial¹18193 SN-VT-C-1A SN-VT-B-31 SN.VT-'-29 SN-VT-N4 SN-VT-B-30 Summaru No.I600900 Method:~corn anent tc CVUe46 Datasheet:

99GV945 Com onent Descrl tlon MECHANICALSNUBBER Accept SN-VT-A-30

ATTACHMENT 1.Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 29of 71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Comments ocheser Gas&El ri C 8 Eas Av.R heserNew York14649 R, E, Ginn Nuclear Power PI n 1 03Lak R ad On ari N w Y rk14 1 N/A~07/Q//17~N/VT: Reject, Not Service Induced, Clamp tighten on snubber ear, no cone of freedome.AR¹99-0320 generated, Use as is per~Engineering.

Setting Per ME-256 Req.2", Actual 2".-Serial¹38555 Sum marlr No.I600920 Method: Comments Cate~o SN-VT~Com onent lo Com onent Descri tlon CVUn49 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV523 Accept No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.1 1/4" Actual 1 1/2"-Serial¹9483, PSA-1, 2 1/2" stroke.A-27 Summaru No: I600940 Method: Comments SN-VT-B-32~Com anent ID Com onen Descri tlon CVU-80 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV522 Accept No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.1 15/16" Actual 1 1/2"-Serial¹23518, PSA-1/4, 4" stroke.Summaru No.I601 000 Method: Comments~Com onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon CVU-186 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV631 Accept No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256, Req.Setting 1 1/2" Actual 1 3/4".Serial¹16541.SN-VT-B-34 Summarlr No.I601 001 Method Comments I601001 Method: Comments S~umma No.I601100 Method: Comments Summa ru No.I601110 Method: Comments SN-FT-B-34 CVU-186 MECHANICAL SNUBBER SN-FT-B-34 Datasheet:

99GV763 Accept No Recordable Indications, VT&FT.Per ME-256 Req.1 1/2" Actual 1 3/4", Serial¹16541, PSA-1~4" stroke.VT report¹99GV763.FT report¹99GV1218.Snubber tested 8 operable per WO¹19801497.~com onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon FWU-3 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV626 Accept No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.4 1/16", Actual 3.7"-Serial¹43862-01-22, BP-10, 6" stroke, Fluid Level 1/2 full.SN-VT-B'-12~Com onent IO Com onent Descrl tlon FWU-5 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV657 Accept No Recordable Indications; 3/8/99-Per ME-256 Req.2 1/8" Actual 2 1/4".3/16/99-ME-256 Req.: 2 1/8" Actual: 2 5/8, Serial¹2500-10-152.BP-10, 6" stroke.SN-VT-B.12~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tlon CVU-186 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1218 Accept No Recordable Indications, VT&FT.Per ME-256 Req.1 1/2" Actual 1 3/4", Serial¹16541, PSA-1~4" stroke.VT report¹99GV763.FT report¹99GV121 8.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801497.Summarlr No.I601120 Method: Comments S~umma No.I601130 Method: Comments~corn onentID Com onent Descri tlon FWU-8 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV764 Accept No Recordable Indications; ME-256 Req.3", Actual 2 3/8".-Serial¹8033, PSA-10.~Com onent IO Com onent Descrl tlon FWU-12 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV659 Accept No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.3" Actual 3 3/8"-Serial¹8034, PSA-10.SN-VT,-B-13 SN-VT-B-13 SN-VT-B-11 Summart No..~Com onent IO Com onent Descrl tlon l601140 FWU-15 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Method: Datasheet:

99GV558 Accept Comments: No Recordable Indicaations, Per ME-256 Req.2 9/16" Actual 2 5/8"-Serial¹9358 (51644)stamped.~Summa No.CCo~tenant 10 Com onent Descri lon

ATTACHIIENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 30o/71 1.Owner: 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization 5.Commercial Service Date:, 6.National Board Number for Unit: ches er as lecri.Ea Av.R che ter New ork14649 E.irma NuclearP werPI n 1503LakeR d n ri New Y rk14 1 1 (If Req.)~/~07/0/1970~N/I601 141 Method: Comments I601 141 Method: Comments SN-FT-'-11 B-11 FWU-15 MECHANICAL SNUBBER SN-FT Data sheet: 99GV1241 Accept VT: No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 req.setting 3", actual 3".Serial¹9358, PSA-35, 6" stroke.VT report 99GV1241.FT report¹99GV1 219.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801500.FWU-15 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1219 Accept VT: No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 req.setting 3", actual 3".Serial¹9358, PSA-35, 6" stroke.VT report 99GV1 241.FT report¹99GV1 219.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801500.Summary No.I601 260 Method: Comments~corn anent/0 Com onent Desert tlon FWUn42 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV512 Accept No Recordable Indication-ME-256 Set 3 1/4"-Actual 3 1/4"-serial¹61 59 SN-VT-B-14 Summary No.I601 270 Method: Comments SN-VT-B-14~Com onent 10 Com onent Descrl tlo FWUn44 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV072 Accept NRI: WR/TR¹19801499 INITIATED TO PROVIDE CORR.MAINT.-ME-256 Set 4 5/16"-actual 4 3/4" Serial¹G43864-02020 Summary No.1601271 Method: Comments:~Com onent10 Com onent Desert tlon FWUn44 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1239 Accept No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256, req.3 3/16", Actual 3 5/8", Serial¹2500-3NI8.

SN-FT-B-14 Summary No.I601280 Method: Comments~Summa No.I601281 Method: Comments I601281 Method: Comments Summer/1 No.I601290 Method: Comments S~umma No.I601300 Method: Comments~Com anent ID Com onent Descrl tion FWU47 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1 009 Accept No Recordable

&Insignificant; ME-256 setting 4 3l4" cold-Actual 5"-Serial¹7474, PSA-35, 6" stroke.Paint chipping on extension, personnel hand rail<1/4" from snubber, pidgeon feces.SN-VT-B-14 SN-FT-, B-14 FWUn47 MECHANICALSNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1 326 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 Setting 4.75"-actual 4.875, Serial¹7474, Hand rail within 1/4" of snubber&pigeon feces.Snubber tested and operable.Testing perforined under WO¹19801504.~corn onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon FWUA8 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1 115 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256-Setting 4.625"-Actual 4.5"-Serial¹4765, PSA-35, 6" stroke.Pigeon Feces.SN-VT-B-14~Com anent 10 Com onent Descri tion FWU-51 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1 102 Accept No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant; ME-256 setting 4 3/8"-Actual 4.5"-Serial¹7483, PSA-35, 6" stroke.Pigeon Feces.SN-VT-B-14~corn anent ID Com onent Descri tion FViN47 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1109 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 Setting 4.75"-actual 4.875, Serial¹7474, Hand rail within 1/4" of snubber&pigeon feces.Snubber tested and operable.Testing performed under WO¹19801504..S~umma No..I601310 Method:~Com onellt/D FWU-52 Datasheet:

99GV1 125 Com onent Descri tion MECHANICAL SNUBBER Accept SN-VT-B-14

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 31,o/71 1.Owner: RochesterGa ElectricCo


Roch serNew York14649 2.Plant:.E.irma Nu e rPowerPlant 1503Lak Road Ontario New Y rk14 19 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)N/A 5.Commercial Service Beta:~7/0 l1070'.National Board Number for Unit: N/A Comments: No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 Setting 3", Actual 2.937"-Serial¹8607.Pigeon feces, snubber is within.25" of hand rail.PSA-10, 6" stroke.Summary No.(601320 Method: Comments Summarir No.I601 330 Method: Comments Summarir No.I601350 Method: Comments Summarir No.I601360 Method: Comments S~umma No.1601369 Method: Comments SN-VT-B-14~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tlon FVW-57 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1123 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 Setting-3"-actual 2.875"-Serial¹10064, PSA-1, 6" stroke.Pigeon feces.SN-VT-B-14~Com onent IO Com onentDescri tion MSU-2 MECHANICALSNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV943 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable Req'd per ME-256 3".Actual 3 7/8"-Serial¹7087-See evaluation sheet for disposition of Action Report 99-0398-Use as is.SN-VT-'S~Com onent ic Com onent Descri tion MSU-3 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV761 Accept No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.3" Actual 3 1/16"-Serial¹7060, PSA-35, 6" stroke.SN-VT-B-5~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tion MSU-7 (TOP/WEST)


99GV1225 Accept No Recordable Indications; ME-256 setting 3", Actual 2 3/4"-Serial¹7051~PSA-35, 6" stroke.SN-VT-B-8~Com onent lc Com onent Descri tlon FVW-54 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1132 Accept Nom Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 Setting 3 3/16", Actual 4.125".Serial¹7482, Pigeon feces and chipped/loose paint.PSA-35, 6" stroke.~Summa No.I601370 Method: Comments~Com onen ID Com onent Descrl tlon MSU-7 (BOTTOM/EAST)


99GV1223 Accept No Recordable Indications; ME-256 set 3", Actual 3 1/8"-Serial¹7047, PSA-35, 6" stroke.S N-VT-B-5 Summary No.I601 380 Method: Comments Summary No..I601 390 Method: Comments: Summary No.I601399 Method Comments~Com onent tc Com onent Descrl tlon MSU-8 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1182 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 setting 3 3/4", actual 4 1/16".Serial¹G20968-1-30, slight film of oil on plug on bottom of reservOi.SN-VT-B-8 Cpm onen Descrl tlon MECHANICAL SNUBBER r SN-VT-B-IOA~Com onent lc MSU-13 (EAST)Data sheet: 99GV1010 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 set 3 11/16"-actual 3.75"-Serial¹1467, PSA-100, 6" stroke.Chipped and loose paint on snubber extension&pidgeon feces.~corn onnnt ID Com onent Descri tlon MSU-12 MECHANICAL SNUBBER SN-VT-B-10A Datasheet:

99GV1140, Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 Setting 3.25", Actual 3.375".Serial¹9400, PSA-35, 6" stroke.Pigeon feces, chipped paint on ears.Summani No.I601400 Method:~Com onent IO Com onent Descrl tion MSU-13 (WEST)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1201 Accept SN-VT-B-10A

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 32of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterGas

&Ere rlc o, 9Eas Ave, R e er New York14649 R.E, Ginna Nu I arPower Plan 1 Lak Ro Ontario New York1451 1 NIA~OTIDOI1 7 N/A Comments: Su~~armu No.I601401 Method: Comments I601 401 Method: Comments Sum~arm No.I601 409 Method: Comments Sum~arm No I601410 Method: Comments Su~~armr No.I601419 Method: Comments Su~marut No I601420 Method: Comments S~ulllllln No.I601429 Method: Comments S~umma Mo.I601430 Method: Comments~summa Mo.I601 439 Method: Comments Summarll No.I601440 Method: No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 setting 3 5/16" Actual 3 1/8, Serial¹1464, Pigeon Feces, PSA-100, 6" stroke.CComlonent ID Com onent Descrl tron MSU-13 (EAST)MECHANICALSNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1200 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Pigeon Feces.Setting 31/16", Serial¹1467,'PSA 100, 6" stroke.Snubber functionally tested&operable.Testing was performed under WO¹19801506.SN-FT-B-1 OA B-10A SN-FT~corn onent lc Com onent Descrl tron MSU-15 (NORTH)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1131 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable Reject;ME-256 Setting 2.75", actual 3.75".Action Report 99c0633 generated for setting.Serial¹7476, PSA-35, 6" stroke.Use as is per AR¹994633 for setting.No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant, Pigeon feces.SN-VT-B-10A~Com onnntlD Com onentcencrl lion MSU-15 (SOUTH)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1134 Accept No recordable Indications 8 Insignificant; per ME-256 Setting 3.25", Actual 4.0".Serial¹7477, PSA-35, 6" stroke.Pigeon feces.SN-VT-B-10A~Com onont to Com onent Descri tron MSU-16 (NORTH)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1121 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 Setting 2.75"-Actual 3.125"-Serial¹7481, Pigeon Feces.SN-VT-B-10A~Com onentlD Com onent Descri tip MSU-16 (SOUTH)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1122 Accept No Recordabie Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 Setting 3.5"-Actual 3.875"-Serial¹7480-Lower mounting pin is 6" long and extends 2" beyond ear.Pigeon Feces.SN-VT-B-10A~oom onent IO Com onent Descri tron MSU-18 (NORTH)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1 139 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 Setting 1.75", Actual 2.375".Serial¹7478, PSA-35, 6" stroke.Pigeon feces.SN-VT-B-10A~corn onont tD Com onent Descri tion MSU-18 (SOUTH)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1133 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable No Recordable Indications, Insignificant 8 Reject;Serial¹7197, Pigeon Feces.Per ME-256 Setting South 1.75", Actual 2.75", Action Report 99-0634 generated for settinng.Use as is per AR¹994634.SN-VT-B-10A~oom enantio Com onent Descri tron MSU-19 (NORTH)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1112 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 Setting 2.5", Actual 2.812".Pigeon feces, PSA-35.Serial¹9369.SN-VT-B-10A~oom onont IO Com onent Descrl tron MSU-19 (SOUTH)MECHANICAL SNUBBER SN-VT-B-1 OA Datasheet:

99GV1110 Accept MSU-13 (EAST)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1301 Accept No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant; Pigeon Feces.Setting 3 1/16", Serial¹1467, PSA-100, 6" stroke.Snubber functionally tested&operable.Testing was performed under WO¹19801506.

0'1 ATI'ACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 33of 7f 1.Owner: Rochester Gas&Electric C.89 Eas Ave.Roches er New York 14649 2.Plant: R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plan 15 3 Lake Road Ontario N w Y rk14519 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)N/A 5.Commercial Service Date: 07/00/1970 6.National Board Number for Unit: N/A Comments: No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Rubber boot covering scale, ME 256 setting 2.5", actual 2.812".Serial¹9372, Pigeon feces.PSA-35, 6" stroke.Summary No.I601450 Method: Comments Summarlr No.I601460 Method: Comments Summary No.I601 469 Method: Comments Summary No., I601470 Method: Summary No.I601480 Method: Comments~corn onentID Com onentDescri tion MSU-22 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1126 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 Setting 1.875", actual 2.0".Serial¹9357.Pigeon feces.PSA-35, 6" stroke.SN-VT-B-10A~corn onent10.Com onent Descri tlon MSU-25 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1103 Accept No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant; ME-256 setting 1.75", Actual 2.187".Serial¹1465, PSA-100, 6" stroke, pigeon feces.S N-VT-S-l OA~Com onent 10 Com onent Descri tlon MSU-26 (TOP)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV1 127 Accept No Recordabie Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 setting 4.5", Actual 4.625", Serial¹9335, PSA-35, 6" stroke.Pigeon feces.SN-VT-B-10A~corn onent10'om onentoeecrl tton MSU-26 (BOTTOM)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1128 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 Setting 4.75", Actual 3.125".Serial¹4686, PSA-35, 6" stroke.Pigeon feces.SN-VT-B-10A SN-VT-~B-10A~Com anent 10 Com onent Descri tion MSU-27 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datashe et: 99GV1 113 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; ME-256 Setting 1.375", Actual 1.125", Serial¹9398, PSA-35, 6" stroke.Pigeon feces.Summary No.I601490 Method: Comments Summary No.I601 500 Method: Comments Summary Mo.I601510 Method: Comments~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tion MSU-29'ECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV056 Accept No Recordable Indications; Required setting is 4 1/4", actual setting is 4", Serial¹1469.~Com onent10 Com onent Descri tion MSU-31 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV514 Accept No Recordable Indications:

Per ME-256 Req'd.1 1/8" Actual 1 1/2"-Serial¹9356~Com onent10 Com onent Descri tlon MSU-32 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV055 Accept NRI-2 9/16".SETTING IS 2 1/2", SERIAL¹1093 SN-VT-B-10A SN-VT-B-10A SN-VT-B-10 Summary No.I601 520 Method: Comments S~umma No.I601 530 Method: Comments Summary Mo.l601 540 Method:~Com onent10 Com onent Descrl tlon MSU-38 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datas he et: 99GV644 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256 Req.3", Actual 3"-Serial¹1090, Pin to Pin 54", Model PSA-100.SN-VT-B-9A~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tlon MSU-39 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV854 Accept No Recordable Indications, Setting Per ME-256 4 13/16", Actual 4 7/8"-Serial¹1087, PSA-100, 6" stroke.SN-VT-B-9~Com onenttO'om onentOeacrl tlon MSUQO MECHANICAL SNUBBER SN-VT-B-9 Data sheet: 99GV057 Accept

ATTACHMENT 1 Inseivice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 34of 71 Comments: NRI-4 3/4" SETTING IS 4 3/4", 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Roche erG s&ElectricCo 89E Ave.R ch rNew York14649 R.E,GinnaNuclearP werPI n 1 0 L keR d nario New York1451 1~NI~07/0 I 9~7 N/A SERIAL¹1080.S~umma No.I601550 Method: Comments SN-VT-B-9~corn onentIO Com onentoeeorl lion MSUM MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV539 Accept No Recordable Indications; Hot Setting ME-256 is 3 1/4"-Actual 3 1/4"-Serial¹1468, PSA-1 00, 3" stroke.Summarm No.I601560 Method: Comments~corn onent IO Com onent Descri tion MSU-55 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV058 Accept NRI~2 SETTING IS 1 1/2", SERIAL¹18195.SM-VT-0-IO Summarlr No.I601561 Method: Comments 1601561 Method.'omments SN-FT-B-10 MSU-55 MECHANICAL SNUBBER SN-FT-B-10 Datasheet:

99GV622 Accept No Recordable Indications; VT&FT.Per ME-256 Req.3 1/16" Actual 2 3/4", Serial¹18195, PSA-3, 5" stroke.VT report 99GV622.FT report 99GV1226.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19802738.~Com onent IO Com onent Desert tlon MSU-55 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1226 Accept No Recordable Indications; VT&FT.Per ME-256 Req.3 1/16" Actual 2 3/4", Serial¹18195, PSA-3, 5" stroke.Vl report 99GV622.FT re port 99GV1 226.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19802738.S~umma No.1601570 Method: Comments: Su~~arur No.I601580 Method: Comments S~umma No.1601620 Method: Comments Summaru Mo.I601670 Method: Comments S~umma No.I601680 Method: Comments Summarm No.I601710 Method: Comments~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tlon MSU-57 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV059 Accept NRI-ME-256 REQ'D SET 2 1/4"-ACTUAL SET 2 1/4"-Serial¹27182~com anent ID Com onent Desert tlon MSU-58 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV060 Accept NRI-1 7/8" SETTING IS 2", SERIAL¹18187~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tlon MSU-75 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV065 Accept e NRI-ME-256 reqd set 2"-actual set 1 7/8"-Serial¹8030~corn enantio Com onent Descri tlon MSU-85 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV508 Accept No Recordable Indications

-3 1/8" setting is 3 3/8", Serial¹10074.~Com anent IO Com onent Descrl tlon RHU-8 MECHANtCAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV507 Accept NRI-ME-256 Setting 2 1/2"-Actual 2 3/4"-Serial¹15755, PSA-3, 5" stroke.~Com onent IO Com onent Descrl tlon RHU-36 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV040 Accept NRI-ME-256 REQ'D SET 2 1/2"-ACTUAL 2 1/2"-Serial¹15756 SN-VT-B-10 SN-VT-B-9A SN-VT-B-10 SN-VT-B-9A SN-VT-, B-17 SN-VT-B-23 Summaru No.I601 720 Method:~Com anent ID RHU 51 Datasheet:

99GV535 Com onent Descrl tlon MECHANICAL SNUBBER Accept SN-VT-0-25

ATTACHMENT S Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 35of 71 1.Owner.Rochester as&Electric Co, 8 Eas Av.R chester N w York 14649 2.Plant: R.E.Ginna N e r P w r Plan 1503 Lake Road ntario New York 14519 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)N/A 5.Commercial Service Date: 07/00/1970 6.National Board Number for Unit: N/A Comments: No Recordable Indications, Cold setting per ME-256, Req.2 1/2 Actual 2 7/16"-serial¹15752, PSA-3, 5" stroke.S~umma No.I601730 Method: Comments Svmmarm No.I601740 Method: Comments S~umma No.1601741 Method: Comments I601741 Method: Comments~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tlon RHU-53 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV529 Accept No Recordable Indications-ME-256 set 2 1/2"-Actual 2 3/4"-Serial¹15754, PSA-3, 5" stroke.SN-VT-8-25~corn onentlO Com onentDeecrl tlon RHUa61 MECHANICALSNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV653 Accept No Recordable Indications;-ME-256 req.2 1/2" Actual 2 7/16"-Serial¹15753, PSA-3, 5" stroke.SN-VT-B-26 SN-FT-B-26 SN-FT B-26 RHU41 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV795 Accept VT;No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.Setting 21/2", Actual 2 3/8".Serial¹15753, PSA-3, 5" stroke.VT report 99GV795.FT report¹99GV1229.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801513.~Com onnntlO Com onent Descri tlon RHU41 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1229 Accept VT;No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.Setting 2 1/2", Actual 2 3/8".Serial¹15753, PSALM, 5" stroke.VT report 99GV795.FT report¹99GV1229.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801513.Summarm No.I601749 Method: Comments~Com onnnt IO Com onent Descri tion RHU43 (NORTH)MECHANICAL SNUBBER'atasheet:

99GV748 Accept No Recordable Indications, Setting per ME-256 Req.3", Actual 2 7/8"-Serial¹16380 SN-VT-B-20~Summa No.I601750 Method: Comments SN-VT B-20~Cpm onent ID Com onent Descri tion RHU-63 (SOUTH)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV747 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Motar under mounting plate cracked, Setting per ME-256 Req.3", Actual 2 7/8"-Serial¹16375 Summarlr No.I601 760 Method: Comments~Com onnntIO Com onent Descri tion RHU49 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV037 Accept NRI-ME-256 REQ'D SET 3"-ACTUAL SET 3"-Serial¹8629 SN-VT-B-20A Summarlr No.,I601769 Method: Comments SN-VT-B-20A~Com onnnt tO Com onent Descrl tlon RHU-71 (NORTH)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV035 Accept No Recordable Indications;

-ME-256 Required setting 2 1/2"-Actual Setting 3"-Serial¹11466.~Summa No.I601770 Method: Comments: Summarll No.I601780.Method: Comments~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tion RHU-71 (SOUTH)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV036 Accept No Recordabie Indications

-ME-256 Required Setting 3"-Actual Setting 3"-Serial¹11465.~Com onnnt IO Com onent Descri tlon RHU-72 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV041 Accept NRI-ME-256 REQ'D SET 3"-ACTUAL SET 3"-Serial¹8606 SN-VT-B-20A SN-VT-B-20A Summaru No.I601 790 Method:~corn onent ID RHU-75 Datasheet:

99GV042 Com onent Descrl tlon MECHANICAL SNUBBER Accept SN-VT B-20

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 36 of, 71 1.Owner.o hes r&Ele ricCo.89E s Av.Roche erN w York14 2.Plant: R.E.Ginna Nude rP werPlan 1503Lake Road Onari New York14519 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)~I 5.Commaroial Sereioe Date:$77/00/I l70 6.National Board Number for Unit:~NI Comments: NRI-ME-256 REQ'D SET 3"-ACTUAL SET 3 1/16"-Serial¹8632 S umma rlr No.l601 791 Method: Comments I601791 Method: Comments Summer/i No.I601800 Method: Comments S~umma No.I601810 Method: Comments~Cate~o Item No.SN-FT Iso Dw Number SN-FT-B-20 RHU-75 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV814 Accept No Recordable Indications; VT&FT.Per ME-256 Actual: 3 1/2" Req.3", Serial¹8632, PSA-10, 6" stroke.VT report¹99GV814.FT report¹99GV1230.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801514.~corn anent ID Com onen Descrl tlon RHU-92 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV034 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant, Rust on support cylinder, housing, kwick bolt and floor, ME-256 req'd set 2"-actual set 2 1/4"-Serial¹16376 SN-VT-B-21~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tion RHU-109 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV575 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256 Req.2" Actual 2 1/4"-serial¹11463, PSA-1, 4" stroke.SN-VT-'-19~corn anent ID Com onent Descrl tion RHU-75 MECHANICAL SNUBBER B-20 Datasheet:

99GV1230 Accept No Recordable Indications; VT&FT.Per ME-256 Actual: 3 1/2" Req.3", Serial¹8632, PSA-10, 6" stroke.VT report¹99GV814.FT report¹99GV1230.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801514.Sum~armr No.I601820 Method: Comments~Com onent/D Com onent Descrl tlon RHU-110 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV537 Accept NRI-Cold setting per ME-256=2"-actual 2 1/4"-Serial¹16373, PSA-1, 4" stroke.SN-VT-B-19 Summarlr No.I601830 Method: Comments SN-VT-B-16B~Com onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon RHU-119 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV519 Accept No Recordable Indications-ME-256 set 1 7/8"-actual 1 3/4"-Serial¹15766, PSA-3, 5" stroke.S~umma No.I601840 Method: Comments S~umma No.I601 900 Method: Comments Summarmr No.1601910 Method: Comments.'Com onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon RHU-123 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV578 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256 Req.2 1/2" Actual 2 1/2"-Serial¹15765~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tlon SWU-308 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV546 Accept NRI Setting ME-256-2 1/2"-Actual 2 7/8"-Serial¹8031, PSA-10.~Com onent/D Com onent Descri tlo SWU-309 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV549 Accept NRI Setting as per ME-256 3 3/8N-Actual 3 1/4"-Serial¹10073, PSA-10 SN-VT-B-19 SN<<VT-B-50A SN-I/7-B-50A S~umma No.I601930 Method: Comments~Summa No.I601940~Com onont/0 Com onent Descrl tlon AFU-205 (AFW-10)HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV511 Accept No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 3 1/4" Actual 3 7/32"-Serial¹15403, Fluid level 5/8 full, no Jam nuts.SN-VT-C-24~corn anent ID Com onent Descrl tlon AFU-208 (AFW-13)HYDRAULIC SNUBBER SN-VT-C-24

ATTACHMENT 0 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 37of 71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: ches rG s&Electric o.89EastAve.

RochesterNew York14649 R.E.Ginna Nuclear PowerPlant 1503Lake Road On ario N w Y rk14 1 1 N///,~7/0/1970 Method: Comments: Summaru No.I601970 Method: 1 Comments S~umma No.1601980 Method: Comm'ants S~umma No.I601 990 Method Comments Data sheet: 99GV572 Accept No Recordable Indications

-ME-256 Setting 1 1/2"-Actual 1 17/32"-Serial¹12902, Fluid Level-1/2 Full, No Jam Nuts.Replaced with spare Serial¹12900, setting 1 9/16", level 1/2 full,'ee Summary¹R99181.SN-VT-C-20~corn anent ID Com onont Descri tion AFU-226 (AFW-27)HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV639 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable Per ME-256 Req.2 1/4", Actual 2 3/4".-Serial¹12903-See evaluation report for disposition-Use as is.SN-VT C-20~corn onent IO Com onent Descrl tlon AFU-225 (AFW-29)HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV594 Accept No Record able Indications

-ME-256 Setting 2 1/4"-Actual 3"-Serial¹30985, Grinnell size 1.5, 5" stroke, Reservoir 2/3 full.SN-VT-C-20~corn onant/D Com onent Desert tion AFU-224 (AFW-28)HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1 342 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable, Per ME-256 Req.3 1/16" Actual 2 1/4"-Serial¹12907-Action Report¹994274 initiated-see evaluation sheet for disposition

-revisedrawing and setting per PCR¹99-023~Summa No.I602000-Method: Comments~corn onent/0 Com onent Descri tlon AFU-227 (AFW-31)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV510 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256, Req.4" Actual 4 7/16"-Serial¹25594 SN-VT-C-20 Summarlr No.I602200 Method: Comments SN-VT-S-3~Com onenl 10 Com onent Descri tion CVU-131 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV566 Accept r No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256 req.2 1/2", actual 2 1/2"-Serial¹25432.Maint.moved and reinstalled support, see R99179.setting now actual is 2 1/4".~summa No.I602300 Method: Comments~corn anent/D Com onent Descri tion CVU-550 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV564 Accept No Record able Indications, Per ME-256 req.2 1/2", actual 2 3/8".-Serial¹18190 SN-VT-S-3 Summary No.I602400 Method: Comments Summaru No I602500 Method: Comments 0 SN-VT C-24~Com anent 10 Com onen Descri tlo AFU-229 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV584 Accept No Recordable Indications

-ME-256 Setting 1 1/2"-Actual 1 13/16"-Serial¹21010, Insufficient thread engagement on jam nuts.Bldg.side rod eye&bracket missing washer on 1 side.Stroke 1 13/16".SN-e/7-0 20~Com anent/0 Com onent Descri tion AFU-209 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV628 Accept No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant;"Per ME-256 Req.3 1/4, Actual 3 1/4-Serial¹12904, Spherical bearing on pipe side rod eye 8 adjacent clamp have>5/16" gap.Fluid Level 1/2 full.

ATTACHMENT 1 Inselvice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 38o/71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterGas&

El ri o.89EastAve.

RochesterNew York1464 R.E.Ginn Nuclear P wer Plan 1503 Lake Road Ontario N w Y rk14519 1~N/077)00)1 97 I N/A D.S IWO5221 t-t Class 3 Components:


~Com anent)D Com onent Descri tlon I411900 AUX FW TURBINE DRIVE Method: Datasheet:

99GV001 Accept Comments: PT-Procedure PT-16Q-WR/TR INITIATED.


Summaru No.I412000 Method: Comments Summaru No.I412100 Method: Comments Summarm No.I41 3600 Method: Comments~corn onent ID Com onentDescrl tlon STANDBY AUXILIARY FE PUMP"C" Datasheet:

99GV027 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com onant lc Com onent Descri tlo STANDBY AUXILIARY FE PUMP"D" Data sheet: 99GV028 Accept NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS

~Com onent IO Com onent Descrl tlon AUX COOLING INSIDE CONTAINMENT Datasheet:

99GV172 Accept No Recordable Indications

-wr/tr 030563 written to address the chipped paint and rust.D-B IWD5221 L-1 D-B IWD5221 L-1 D-S IWO5221 C-I Summaru No.1413700 Method: Comments D-B IWD 5221 L-1~corn anent lc Com onent Descri tlon AUX COOLING OUTSIDE CONTAINMENT Datasheet:

99GV550 Accept No Recorable Indications

-Greenish residue at bottom of"BN HX flange connection gasket area-No drips.General light corrosion.

Summartr No.I414000 Method: Comments S~umma No.I41 4300 Method: Comments~corn anent tc Com onent Descrl tlon SERVICE WATER OUTSIDE CONTAINMENT Datasheet:


~Com onent tc Com onent Descri tlon SERVICE WATER TO TDAFWP Datasheet:

99GV026 Accept NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS D-A IWD 5221 L-1 D-A IWD5221 L-1 Summaru No.I500100 Method: Comments~Com anent rc DGIN-1A (IA)Datasheet:

99GV778 No Recodable Indications Com onent Descrl tlon INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Accept D-B D2.20 C-39 Summarm No 1500107 Method: Comments Summaru No.I500108 Method: Comments~corn onent'IO Com onent Descrl tlon DGEX-1A (IA)INTEGRAL ATI ACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV781, Accept No Recordable Indications.

~Com anent tc Com onent Descrl tion DGEX-1A VARIABLE SPRING (IA)Datasheet:

99GV782 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline, Spring setting IEH5=420¹'s, TFH6=420¹'s.D-B D2.20 C-39 F-A F1.30V C-39 S~umma No.I500117 Method:~corn anent rc DGEX-1 B (IA)Datasheet:

99GV890 Com onent Descrl tion INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Accept D.S D2.20 CNO ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 39 of 71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: es er Gas&Electric Co E Av.Roches er New York 1464 R, E,Ginn Nucle rPowerPlan 1 0 Lake Road Ontario New York14 19 1 N/A~7/Q/1970 Comments: VT: No Recordable 8 Insig;light surface rust on lugs&pipe-accept.Sum~arm No.I500118 Method: Comments F-A F1.30V MO~com onent lc Com onent Descri tlon DGEX-1B VARIABLE SPRING (IA)Data sheet: 99GV891 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable Rejected because of west setting,-AR-994475 written and evaluated to use-as-is-see evaluation

-this is not service induced Summarlr No.I500140 Method: Comments~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tlon DG-1 B (IA)INTEGRAL ATI ACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV1305 Accept No Recordable Indications D-B D2.20 C-36 Su~~armr No.1500145 Method: Comments Sum~armr No.l500530 Method: Comments S~umma No.I500780 Method: Comments F-A F1.30R C-36 CCom Ionent tc Com onent Descri tlon CCU-138 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV1116 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable See AR99-0624 for disposition of new indications

-not service induced-See 4/95 letter for disposition of previous indications

-All indications are use-as-is.

Lugs 2,3&4 have welds undersize&undercut.Lug¹1 has arc strikes-Acceptable.

D-B D2.20 CA~corn anent tc Com onent Descrl tlon CCU-159 RIGID RESTRAINT Datasheet:

99GV521 Accept No Recordable Indications


Plate has 5/32" liftoff from wall.Use as is per NCR94-125.

North support top Hiltihas 2 washers installed.

South support bottom Hilti has 4 washers installed.

F-A F1.30R C4~Com anent lc Com onont Descri tion DG-1 B RIGID SUPPORT (IA)Datasheet:

99GV513 Accept No Recordable Indications


-poor welding from Nov 1995 (Report 961003, WO¹19504222)-no change from previous exam S~umma No.I501 670 Method: Comments Sum~arm No.I501675 Method: Comments S~umma No.I501780 Method: Comments~Summa No.1501785 Method: Comments Sum~arm No.I501900 Method:~corn onen IO Com onen Descrl tlon SWU-175 (IA)INTEGRAL ATfACHMENT Datasheet:


~corn onent lc Com onent Descri tion SWU-175 RIGID RESTRAINT (IA)Datasheet:


-MINOR CORROSION,~com onent'IO Com onent Descri tlon SWU-186 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Data sheet: 99GV581 Accept NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS

~corn anent lc Com onent Descri tlon SWU-186 RIGID HANGER (IA)Data sheet: 99GV582 Accept NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS

~corn onentlc'om onentcaeorl lion SWU-194 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV618 Accept D2.20 C-11 F1.30R C-11 D2.20 C-11 F1.30R C-11 D-C D3.20 C-12 ATTACHMENT 1 Insefvice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 40of 71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: hes r G Electric.89 a Ave.Rochester New ork 1464 E.Ginn Nuclear Pow r Plan 1503 Lake Road On ari New York 14519 1~/$77/Q/~197 Comments: Summary No.1501920 Method: Comments No Recordable Indications D-C D3.50 C-12~Com onerlt to Com onent Descrl tlon SWU-196 (IA)INTEGRAL ATrACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV621 Accept No Recordable Indications


Light rust on weld and service water pipe pitted slightly<1/64".Summary No.1501925 Method: Comments: S~umma No.1503390 Method: Comments Sum marlr No.1503395 Method: Comments: Summarlr No.1503490 Method: Comments Summary No.1503495 Method: Comments'ummary No.1505720 Method: Comments Summary No.1505725 Method: Comments Summary No.1507208 Method: Comments SSum~a y No.1507225'ethod: 'omments~com anent ID Com onent Descrl tion SWU-196 RIGID SUPPORT (IA)Data sheet: 99GV620 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com onent lo Com onent Descrl tion SWU425 (N736)(IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV517 Accept No Recordable Indications

~oom onent IO Com onent Descri tion SWU425 (N736)GUIDE (IA)Datasheet:

99GV516 Accept No Recordable Indications

~oom onent to Com onent Descri tlon SWU435 (N746)(IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV603 Accept No Recordable Indications

~oom anent Io Com onent Descri tion SWU435 (N746)RIGID SUPPORT (IA)Datasheet:

99GV604 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com anent IO Com onent Descri tion AFU-72 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV611 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn onent to Com onent Descrl tlon AFU-72 RIGID SUPPORT (IA)Datasheet:

99GV612 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn onnnt ID Com onent Descrl tlon AFU-257 GUIDE Datasheet:

99GV586.Accept No Recordabie Indications

~corn enantio Com onent Descri tion AFU-260 (AFW-73)(IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV588 Accept No Recordable Indications F-A F1.30R C-12 D-B D2.20 C-17 F-A F1.30R C-17 D-B D2.20 C-17 F-A F1.30R C-17 D-B D2.20 C-1 F-A F1.30R C-1 F-A F1.30R C-21 D-B D2.20 C-21 S~umma No.1507230 Method:~corn onent to AFU-260 (AFW-73)Datasheet:

99GV589 Com onent Descrl tio GUIDE (IA)Accept F-A F1.30R C-21

ATTACHINENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 41of 71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: R chester asSElectricco

.Ea Ave.Ro h r New York1464 R.E, Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 1503 Lake Road On ari N w Y rk 14 1 1~/07/00/1970 N/A Comments: Sum marti No.I507260 Method: Comments: Summarv No.I507280 Method: Comments Summaru No.I507310 Method: Comments Summarm No.No Recordable Indications.

~Com onerlt 10 Com onent Descrl tlon AFU-263 (AFW-76)U-BOLT (NRC 50%)Datasheet:

99GV599 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com anent ID Com onentOeeorl tron AFU-265 (AFW-78)'UIDE (NRC 50%)Datasheet:

99GV587 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn onent IO Com onent Descri tlon AFU-268 (AFW-81)GUIDE (NRC 50%)Datasheet:

99GV600 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com anent IO Com onent Descri tlon F-A F1.30R 0-21 F-A F1.30R C.21 F-A F1.30R C-21 1507320 AFU-269 (AFW-82)GUIDE (NRC 50%)Method: Datasheet:

99GV602 Accept Comments: No Recordable Indications F-A F1.30R C-21 Summarlr No.l507450 Method: Comments: S~umma No.l507455 Method: Comments Summanl No.I508180 Method: Comments Summaru No.I508185 Method: Comments~Summa No.I508220 Method: Comments S~umma No.1508240 Method: Comments Summaru No.I508245 Method:~corn onent 10 Com onent Descri tion AFU-152 (AFW-94)(IA)INTEGRAL ATIACHMENT Datasheet:


~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tlon AFU-152 (AFW-94)GUIDE (IA)Datasheet:


~Com ollellt IO Com onent Descri tion AFU-238 (AFW-56)(IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV003 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com onent ID Com onent Desert tion AFU-238 (AFW-56)GUIDE (IA)Datasheet:

99GV017 Accept No Recordable Indications or Conditions

~Com onent10 Com onent Descri tlon AFU-242 (AFW40)GUIDE (NRC 50%)Datasheet:


~corn onent IO Com onentoescri tion AFU-244 (AFW42)(IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:


~Com enantio Com onent Descri tion AFU-244 (AFW-62), GUIDE (IA)Data sheet: 99GV020 Accept D.S D2.20 0-22 F-A F1.30R C-22 D-B'2.20 C-25 F-A F1.30R C-25 F-A F1.30R C-25 D-B D2.20 C-25 F-A F1.30R C-25

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 42of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: ochester Gas&ElectricCo

.89E s Ave, Roches er New York14.E.Ginn NuclearPowerPlan 1503Lak R d n ri Ne Y rk14 19 1 Q/A 077/0/1 970 Comments:~Summa Mo.1508280 Method: Comments Summaru Mo.I508300 Method: Comments~summa No.I508305 Method;Comments S~umma No.I508320 Method: Co'mments:

Summaru No.I508335 Method: Comments: NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS

~Com onnntlD Com onent Descri tion AFU.248 (AFWa66)GUIDE (NRC 50%)Datasheet:


~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tlon AFU-250 (AFWa68)(IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:


~corn anent ID Com onent Descri tlon AFU-250 (AFW48)GUIDE (IA)Datasheet:


~corn anent ID Com onent Descri tion AFU-252 (AFW.70)GUIDE (NRC 50%)Datasheet:



~Com anent lc Com onent Descri tlon AFU-254 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV049 Accept NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS F-A F1.30R C-25 D-B D2.20 C-25 F-A F1.30R C-25 F-A F1.30R'-25 D-B D2.20 C-25 Summers No.~Com onent lc Com onent Descri tion I508337 AFU-254 ANCHOR (IA)Method: 'atasheet:

99GV084 Accept Comments: NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS F-A F1.30A 0.25 S~umma Mo.I508780 Method: Comments Summers No.I508783 Method: Comments Svmmarlr No.I508900 Method: Comments S~umma No.I508903 Method: Comments S~umma No.f509030 Method:~corn onent lc Com onent Descri tion SWU-552 (SW-111)(IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV024 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tion SWU-552 (SW-111)GUIDE (IA)Datasheet:

99GV025 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tion SWU-508 (SW-116)(IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:


~corn onant lc Com onent Descri tlon SWU-508 (SW-116)ANCHOR (IA)Datasheet:


~corn anent/0 Com onen Descri tion MSUa65 (IA),INTEGRAL ATI ACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV607 Accept D-B, D2.20 C-26 F.A F1.30M 0-25 D-B D2.20 C-27 F-A F1.30A C-27 D-B D2.40 C-32

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval~3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 43 of 71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RocheserGas&EIe ric.Ea Ave.RocheserNewY rk14 R.E.irma NuclearPowerPI n 15 L k Ro d n ri N wYork14519 1~NI IL7/0/1970 Comments: Summarm No.I509035 Method: Comments~Summa No.1509080 Method: Comments Summaru No.I509085 Method: Comments: S~umma No.l510045 Method: Comments Summarm No.1510050 Method: Comments~summa No.I510105 Method: Comments Summarr No.1510110 Method: Comments Su~matmr No.l555000 Method: Comments Summer/r No.I555050 Method: Comments Summaru No.I555100 Method: Comments No Recordable Indications

~Com onent tc Com onent Descri tlon MSU45 VARIABLE SPRING (IA)Datasheet:

99GV605 Accept No Recordable Indications

-ME-303 setting 470¹-Actual 482¹-Serial¹N582~corn anent/0 Com onent Descri tlon MSU-70 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV770 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn onent/D Com onent Descrl tion MSUe70 GUIDE (IA)Datasheet:

99GV771 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn anent ID Com onent Descri tlon AFU-1 33 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV614 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn anent ID Com onent Descri tion AFU-133 GUIDE (IA)Datasheet:

99GV615 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tlon AFU-127 (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV616 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com onent/0 Com onentoescrl tlon AFU-127 GUIDE (IA)Datasheet:

99GV617 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn onenttc Com onent Descri tlon CCW1A-W (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Data sheet: 99GV532 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com onent IO Com onent Descrl tion CCW1A-W SUPPORT WEST (IA)Datasheet:

99GV533 Accept No Recordable Indications

~corn anent/D Com onent Descri tlon CCW1A-E (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV963 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Light rust.F-A 91.30I/C-32 D-B'2.20 C-32 F-A F1.30R 0-32 D-B D2.20 C-1 G F-A F1.30R C-1G D-B D2.20 C-1H F-A'1.30R C-1H D-B D2.20 Ce41 F-A F1.40 C<t D-B D2.20 C'A1 S~umma No.1555150 Method:~Com anent lc CCW1A-E Datasheet:

99GV849 Com onent Descri tion SUPPORT EAST (IA)Accept F-A F1.40~1 ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 44 of 71 1.Owner.Rochester Gas&Electric Co.89Eas Av.R he ter N w Y rk 14649 2.Plant: R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plan 150 Lak Ro d ntario New Y rk 14519 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)N/A 5.Commercial Service Date: 07/00/1 970 6.National Board Number for Unit: N/A Comments: No Recordable Indications


-MDCN¹1627 for grouting repair-Report¹99GV849 was the second examination performed and is acceptable.

Light rust.I555150 Method: Comments F-A F1.40 C41 CCW1A-E SUPPORT EAST (IA)Datasheet:

99GV964 Reject I Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant;

-MDCN¹1627 for grouting repair-Report¹99GV849 was the second examination performed and is acceptable.

Light rust.Su~malo No.I555600 Method: Comments: Summarur No.I555650 Method: Comments S~umma No.l555700 Method: Comments: Sum~arur No.l555750 Method: Comments S~umma No.I555800 Method: Comments Summarm No.I555850 Method: Comments S~umma No.l555900 Method: Comments S~umma No.l555950 Method: Comments:~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tlon DGHTX-1A (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV613 Accept'o Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Cracked paint, light surface rust.~corn onent IO Com onent Descri tion DGHTX-1A RIGID SUPPORT (IA)Datasheet:

99GV610 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Light surface rust, Chipped paint.~Com anent lD Com onent Descri tion DGHTX-2A (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV590 Accept No Recordable Indications


Chipped Paint&Light Surface Rust.~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tion DGHTX-2A RIGID SUPPORT (IA)Datasheet:

99GV591 Accept No Recordable Indications


Light Surface Rust.~Com onent ID Com onent Desert tlon DGHTX-1B (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Data sheet: 99GV601 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Chipped Paint and Light Surface Rust.~Com onnntlD Com onent Descri tion DGHTX-1B RIGID SUPPORT (IA)Datasheet:

99GV598 Accept No Recordable Indications


Chipped Paint&Light Surface Rust.~Com onellt ID Com onent Descri tlon DGHTX-2B (IA)INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Datasheet:

99GV608 Accept No Recoerdable Indications


Chipped Paint&Light Surface Rust.~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tion DGHTX-2B RIGID SUPPORT (IA)Datasheet:

99GV606 Accept No Recordable Indications


Chipped Paint&Light Surface Rust..D-B D2.20 C-37 F-A F1.40 0-37 D-B D2.20 C-37 F-A F1.40 C-37 D-B D2.20 C-38 F-A F1.40 C-38 D-B D2.20 C-38 F-A F1.40 C-38~Summa No.I600200 Method: Comments SN-VT-C-16~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tion AFU-3 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV553 Accept No Recordable Indications, Setting as per ME-256 2 1/2"-Actual 2 1/4"-Serial¹20925, PSA-1.S~umma No.I600220~com onen 10 AFU-31 Com onent Desert tlon MECHANICAL SNUBBER SN-VT-C-1E


ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 45of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterG s ElectricCo

.89Eas Ave.RochesterNew York14649 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant 1503 Lake Road On ari N w York 14 19 1~NI$77/IQII197

)N/A Method: Comments: Summarlr No.I600240 Method: Comments~Summa No.I600260 Method: Comments Datasheet:

99GV567 Accept No Recordable Indications Setting as per Me-256 2"-Actual 2"-Serial¹24452, PSA-1~Com anent IO Com onent Doscrl tlon AFU-34 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV556 Accept No Recordable Indications, Setting as per ME-256 2 3/4";Actual 2 3/4"-Serial¹14448, PSA-1.SN.VT-C-1 E SN-VT-C-1A~corn onent IO Com onent Doscri tlon AFU-52 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV555 Accept No Recordable Indications, Setting as per ME-256 1 7/8"-Actual 1 3/4"-Serial¹24453, PSA-1.Summarmr No.1600280 Method: Comments~corn onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon AFU-75 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV004 Accept NRI-2" SETTING IS 2 1/8", SERIAL¹20924.SN-VT-C-1 B Summara Mo.I600320 Method: Comments SN-VT-C-I C~corn anent IO Com onont Descri tlon AFU-101 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV544 Accept No Recordable Indications-ME-256 Set 3 1/4"-Actual 3 1/2"-serial¹15751, PSA-3, 5" stroke.Summarlr No.I600339 Method: Comments Cate~o SN-VT~Com onent IO Com onont Descri tlon AFU-103 (EAST)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV625 Accept No Recordable Indications, ME-256 Req.2 1/2M Actual 2 3/4"-Serial¹18184, PSA 3, 5" stroke C-1C S~umma No.I600340 Method: Comments SN-VT C-1C~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tlon AFU-103 (WEST)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV624 Accept No Recordable Indications, ME-256 Req.2 1/2" Actual 31/4"-Serial¹18185, PSA 3, 5" stroke Summarll No.I601600 Method: Comments Summarmr No.I601610 Method: Comments S~umma No.I601 630 Method: Comments Su~marm No.l601640 Method: Comments:~Com anent IO Com onent Descrl tion MSU-72 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV061 Accept NRI-3 1/16" SETTING IS 2 1/2", SERIAL¹15767.~corn onent IO Com onont Doscrl tlon MSU-74 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV066 Accept NRI-3 5/16".SETTING IS 3 1/4", SERIAL¹10066.~Com anent IO Com onont Doscrl tlon MSU-78 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV064 Accept NRI-3" SETTING IS 3", SERIAL¹8576.~Com onentlD'om onentneaorl tlon MSU-80 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV063 Accept NRI-ME-256 SET 2".-ACTUAL 2"-Serial¹18181~SN-VT-C-32 SN-VT-C-32 SN-VT-C-32 SN-VT-C-32 Sum~arm Mo.1601650 Method:~corn anent ID MSU-82 Datasheet:

99GV580 Com onent Descrl tlon MECHANICAL SNUBBER Accept SN-VT-C-32 ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 46of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req,)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Roches erG s&Electric o.9Ea Ave, Rochester New Y rk14649 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plan 1 ake Road On ario New York 14519 1 N/A 07/00/1970 N/A Comments: No Recordable Indications-Settings as per ME-256 is 2 11/16"-Actual 2 3/4"-Serial¹15768, Summartt No.~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tion l601659 MSU-84 (EAST)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Method: Datasheet:

99GV847 Accept Comments: No Recordable Indicatioins; Per ME-256 Req.3 1/4" Actual 3 1/8"-Serial¹10108 S~umma No.~Com onent IO Com onent Descrl tlon 1601660 M SU-84 (WEST)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Method: Datasheet:

99GV848 Accept Comments: No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.2 5/8" Actual 2 3/4"-Serial¹10141 SN-VT-C-32 SN-VT-C-32 SN-VT-C-13 Summartr No.~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tlon 1601920 SWU-370 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Method: Datasheet:

99GV551 Accept Comments: No Recordable Indications-Setting as per ME-256 2 1/2"-Actual 2 1/4"-Serial¹11464, PSA-1.SN-VT-C-16B Summartr No.~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tion I601890 SWU.254 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Method: Datasheet:

99GV542 Accept Comments: No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.1" Actual 1 1/8"-Serial¹12508, PSA-1/2, 2 1/2" stroke.Sum~arm No.~Com onent tO Com onent Descri tion I700760 SWU-366 GUIDE&IA Method: Datasheet:

99GV619 Accept Comments: No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Light surface rust on pipe.SS-CS SF1.20R C-16

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 47of 71 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: R ch serG s&ElectricCo


R serNew York1464 R.E.Ginna NuctearPow rPlan 1 03Lake Road Ontario New York14 1 1 N/A~07/0~/5 7 HE-LK-L-1 Class 4 Components:

Summarm No.~Com anent tD Com onent Descri tlon 1411400 MS HIGH ENERGY Third Interval ISI System Inservice Method: Datasheet:

99GV099 Reject Comments: Valve 3615 is scheduled to be replaced during the Fall 2000 RFO per WO¹19901269.All other areas acceptable Summarut No.~Com anent tD Com onent Descri tlon l601590 M SU%0 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Method: Datasheet:

99GV548 Accept Comments: No Recordable Indications-Setting as per ME-256 2 3/4"-Actual 2 1/2"-Serial¹18197 SN-VT-S-9A SN-FT-B-9A l601591 M SU%0 MECHANICAL SNUBBER SN-FT-B-9A Method: Datasheet:

99GV1 240'ccept Comments: VT: No Reocrdable Indications; Per ME-256 req.setting 315/16", Actual 3 5/8".Serial¹18197, PSA-3, 5" stroke.FT report 99GV1227.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19802739.Summarm No.~Com onent tn Com onent Descrl tlon l601591 MS Ue60 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Method: Datasheet:

99GV1227 Accept Comments: VT: No Reocrdable Indications; Per ME-256 req.setting 3 15/16", Actual 3 5/8".Serial¹18197, PSA-3, 5" stroke.FT report 99GV1227.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19802739.~Summa No.~Com anent tD Com onent Descrl tlon I700540 MSU-50 RIGID SUPPORT&IA Method: Datasheet:

99GV609 Accept Comments;No Recordable Indications S~umma No.~Com onent tn Com onent Descrl tion I700550 M SU-56 RIGID SUPPORT&IA Method: Datasheet:

99GV509 Accept Comments: No Recordable Indications SS-CS'Ft.29R S-1D SS-CS'F1.20R B-10 ATTACHMENT I Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1 999)Pege48of 71 1.Owner: 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Roches er Gas&Electric Co.89 Ea Av.Rochester New York 14 R.E.irma Nuclear Power Plant 1503 Lake Road Ontari New Y rk 1451 1~I 07/00/1 970 E-A E1.11 Class MC Components:

Summarmu No.~Com onsnt 10 Com onent Descri tlon 1900000 DOME LINER CONTAINMENT METAL DOME Method: Datasheet:

99GV889 Accept Comments: No Relevant Indications

-Additional exams performed for areas behind jib mast-zip disk for photos.Insignificant

-rust-Baseline.Sum~arm No.I900006.Method: Comments E-A E1.11~Com onsntlO Com onent Descri tion PEN.29 TTL PEN 29 TRANSFER TUBE LINER Datasheet:

99GV629 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable AR fr994474-Performed a controlled leakage exam-no leaks found-Leakage to be performed using helium leak detector during 2000 RFO Summarlr No.I900010 Method: Comments Summarlr No.I900012 Method: Comments~com anent to Com onentOeacrl tlon PEN.1 (IN&OUT)PEN 1 SPARE E-A E1.11 Datasheet:

99GV663 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; paint on exterior side of faded and stained slightly-Baseline.E.A E1.11~Com onent 10 Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.2 PEN 2 S/G INSPECTION


99GV664 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; sleeve coated lightly on bottom&has minor surface rust on bottom-patch 3" x 4".Coating removed from sleeve at 2 o'lock-patch 6" x 2" from abrasion.Sum~arm No.1900014 Method: Comments S~umma No., I900016 Method: Comments:~Com onellt ID Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.29 PEN 29 FUEL TRANSFER TUBE Datasheet:

99GV665 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline CCom I on ant ID Com onentoescri tion PEN.99 (IN 8 OUT)PEN 99 SPARE Datasheet:

99GV668 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline-Examined both inside and outside of CV E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 Sum~arm No.I900018 Method: Comments~corn onsnt ID Com onent Descri tion PEN.100 PEN 100 CHG LINE TO B LOOP Datasheet:

99GV812 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline E-A E1.11 Summarlr No.1900020 Method: Comments E-A E1.11~Com onsnt ID Com onent Descrl tion PEN.101 PEN 101 SI PUMP 1B DISCHARGE Datasheet:

99GV676 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; paint was removed at system piping weld.-Baseline Sum~arm No.I900022 Method: Comments Sum~atmm No.I900024 Method:~Comments:~Com anent 10 Com onent Descri tion PEN.102 PEN 102 ALT.CHG TO A COLD LEG Data sheet: 99GV678 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onent10 Com onent Descri tlon PEN.103 (IN&OUT)PEN 103 CONST.FIRE SWCAP Datasheet:

99GV669 Accept No Recordable Indications, inside&outside of Pen.examined.E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11~Summa No.~corn onsnt 10 Com onent Descrl tion

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Pege49of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: R cheserGas&Ele ri C E Av.Ro h serNewYork14649 R.E.Ginn Nude rP w rPI n 1503L k R ad ntari New Y ik14 1 1~NI~07/0/1<)~7 I900026 Method: Comments: PEN.104 (IN&OUT)PEN 104 SPARE Datasheet:

99GV670 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline-Examined both inside and outside of CV E-A E1.11'ummarmm No.I900028 Method: Comments:~Com anent ID Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.105 PEN 105 CONT.SPRAY PUMP 1A Datasheet:

99GV671 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline E-A E1.11 Summarm No.I900030 Method: Comments E-A E1.11~corn anent tc Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.106 PEN 106 RCP A SW OUTLET Data sheet: 99GV675 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; paint was removed at system piping weld-Baseline.Summarmu No.1900032 Method: Comments Summarm No.l900034 Method: Comments Summarm No.I900036 Method: Comments~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tlon PEN.107 PEN 107 SUMP A DISCHG TO WASTE HOLDUP TANK Data sheet: 99GV680 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tlon PEN.108 PEN 108 SEAL WATER RET.&EXCESS LTDWN Datasheet:

99GV809 Accept No Recordable Indications-Baseline~corn anent 10 Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.109 PEN 109 CS PUMP 1B Datasheet:

99GV667 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 Summarlr No.l900040 Method: Comments Cate~o Item No.Iso Dw Number E-A E1.11~corn anent 10 Com onent Descri tlon PEN.110 PEN110(110a8 110b)Data sheet: 99GV673 Accept No Recordabie Indications

&Insignificant; grinder marks found on outer radius of Pen.steeve.3 radial grind marks approx.1 1/4" long, located at 9:00, 12:00&3:00.Marks are from grinding off temporaty welds before Pen.was coated-Baseline.~Summa No.I900042 Method: Comments Sum~arm No.l900044 Method: Comments~corn anent tc Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.111 PEN 111 RHR TO B COLD LEG Datasheet:

99GV677 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onent tc Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.112, PEN 112 LETDOWN TO NON-REGEN HTEX Datasheet:

99GV811 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline EnA E1.11 E-A E1.11 Summarll No.I900046 Method: Comments E-A E1.11~corn onent 10 Com onent Descrl tlo PEN.113 PEN 113 SI PUMP 1A DISCHRG Datasheet:

99GV674 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; paint was removed at system piping weld-Baseline.~Summa No.1900048 Method: Comments~Com anent lc Com onent Descri tlon PEN.118 (IN&OUT)PEN 118 SPARE Datasheet:

99GV813 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline-Examined both inside and outside of CV E-A E1.11 Summarm No.~corn anent lc Com onen Descrl tlon

a 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: ATT ACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Rochester Gas&ElectricCo

.89Eas Av R h r New York14649 R.E.Ginna NuclearPow r Plan 1 Lake Road On ari New York14519 1 N/A 07/00/1970 N/A Page 50of 71 l900050 Method: Comments: PEN.119 PEN 119 SAFW TO S/G 1A Dates hect: 99GV810 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline E-A E1.11 Summartr No.I900052 Method: Comments: Su~~armr No.l900054 Method: Comments: Sum~arm No.I900056 Method: Comments Summartr No.1900058 Method: Comments: S~umma No.I900060 Method: Comments Sum martt No.I900062 Method: Comments S~umma No.l900064 Method: Comments~Com anent ID PEN.120 Datasheet:

99GV1165 Com onent Desert tion PEN120(120a

&120b)Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com anent ID PEN.121 Datasheet:

99GV1164 Com onent Descri tion PEN 121 (121 a, 121b, 121C)Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onent ID PEN.123 Datasheet:

99GV1166 Com onent Descri tion PEN123(123a&

123b)Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tion~Com onnnt IO PEN.125 Datasheet:

99GV1065 Com onent Descri tion PEN 125 CCW FROM RCP 1B Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onent ID PEN.126 Datasheet:

99GV933 Com onent Descri tion PEN 126 CCW FROM RCP 1A Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline Com onent Descri tion PEN 127 CCW TO RCP 1A Accept CCo~Ionent ID PEN.127 Datasheet:

99GV1059 No Recordable Indications

-Baseline PEN.124 PEN 124 (124a, b, c&d)Datasheet:

99GV1064 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 S~umma No.I900066 Method: Comments: Su~~armm No.I900068 Method: Comments: Summarur No.l900070 Method: Comments~corn onent IO PEN.128 Datasheet:

.99GV1060 Com onent Descri tion PEN 128 CCW TO RCP 1B Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onant ID PEN.129 Datasheet:

99GV820 No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~corn onent IO PEN.130 Datasheet:

99GV1061 Com onent Descri tion PEN 130 CCW FM REACTOR SUP.COOL Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline Com onent Descri tlon PEN 129 RC DRAIN TK, PR TK TO CONT.VENT Accept E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 S~umma No.I900072~Com onent IO PEN.131 Com onent Descrl tion PEN 131 CCW TO REACTOR SUP.COOL E-A E1.11 0 1 0 ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 51of 71 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterGa


.89EastAve, RochesterNew Y rk1464 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Pow r Plan 1 03 L ke R ad Ontario New York 14519 1 N/A 07/00/1 970 N/A Method: Comments: Datasheet:

99GV1062 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline.Paint chip from impact on penetration sleeve O 11:00 position<1%.Summarm Mo.l900074 Method: Comments S~umma No.I900076 Method: Comments Summarmu No.I900078 Method: Comments Sum~armr Mo.I900080 Method: Comments Su~~arm No.I900082 Method: Comments S~umma No.I900084 Method: Comments: Summarll No.I900086 Method: Comments S~umma No.I900088 Method: Comments S~umma No.l900090 Method: Comments~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tlon PEN.132 PEN 132 CONT.MINI-PURGE EX.Datasheet:

99GV1163 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onent tO Com onent Descri tlon PEN.133 (IN&OUT), PEN 133 SPARE Datasheet:

99GV1162 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onent IO Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.140 PEN 140 RHR PUMP SUCTION FM A HOT LEG Datasheet:

99GV1343 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline exam~Com anent IO Com onent Descri tlo PEN.141 PEN 141 RHR PUMP A SUCTION FM SUMP B Datasheet:

99GV1216 Info Liner inaccessible in concrete, remove from future schedule~corn anent IO Com onent Descri tlon PEN.142 PEN 142 RHR PUMP B SUCTION FM SUMP B Datasheet:

99GV1 214 Info Liner Inaccessible in concrete, remove from future schedule~corn onent IO Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.143 PEN 143 RC DRAIN TANK DISCH.LINE Datasheet:

99GV1215 Info Liner Inaccessible in concrete, remove from future schedule.~Com onant IO Com onent Descri tion PEN.201 PEN 201 (201a&201b)Datasheet:

99GV982 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~oom onent IO Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.202 PEN 202 (202a&202b)Datasheet:

99GV981 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~corn onent IO Com onent Descri tlon PEN.203 PEN 203 (203a, b, c)Datas hect: 99GV983 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A" E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 Sum~atmr No.I900092 Method: Comments S~umma No.I900094 Method: E-A E1.11~corn onent IO Com onent Descri tion PEN.205 PEN 205 LOOP B HOT LEG SAMPLE E-A E1.11 Datasheet:

99GV985 Accept~<om onent IO Com onent Descri tion PEN.204 PEN 204 PURGE SUPPLY DUCT Datasheet:

99GV937 Acce pt No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; coating on IB nuts are peeling on the outside (approximately 30%)-Baseline.

ATTACHMENT,1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 52of 7f 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Rochester Gas&Electric o.89E Ave.Ro ster New York14649 R, E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plan 1503 Lake Road On ari New York 14519 1 N/A 07/00/1970 N/A Comments: Summaru Mo.I900096 Method: Comments Su~marut No.I900098 Method: Comments S~umma No.I900100 Method: Comments: S~umma No.I900102 Method: Comments~Summa No.I900104 Method: 'omments No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant; paint removed at system piping weld-Baseline~Com onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.206 PEN 206 (206a&206b)Datasheet:

99GV984 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tlon PEN.207 PEN 207 (207a&207b)Datasheet:

99GV986, Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tion PEN.209 PEN 209 (209a&209b)Datasheet:

99GV987 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~corn anent ID Com onent Descri tlon PEN.210 PEN 210 OZ MAKE UP TO A&B RECOMBINERS Datasheet:

99GV980 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com anent ID Com onent Descrl tion PEN.300 PEN 300 PURGE EXHAUST DUCT Datasheet:

99GV1144 Accept No Recordable Indications


-IB nuts coating peeling on the outside-Baseline.E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 Summarlr Mo.1900106 Method: Comments E-A E1.11~corn anent IO Com onent Descri tion PEN.301 (IN&OUT)PEN 301 AUX STEAM SUP TO CONT.Datasheet:

99GV1013 Accept No Recordabie Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline-Examined both inside and outside of CV.3 of 4 Pen.pipes are cut off&hex head bolts welded in as plugs.Paint is burned off in area of plug welds.~Summa No.I900108 Method: Comments Summarm No.I900110 Method;Comments~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tion PEN.303 (IN&OUT)PEN 303 AUX STEAM COND.RETURN Datasheet:

99GV1014 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline-Examined both inside and outside of CV~Com onentlO Com anent Deacrl lion PEN.304, PEN 304 (304a&304b)Datasheet:

99GV1015 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 Su~marmr No.I900112 Method: Comments~Com onenttO Com onent Descri tlon PEN.305 PEN 305 (305a, b, c, d, e)Datasheet:

99GV1016 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline, paint chipped on face of Pen., approx.2%.Paint removed on system piping welds at locations A, C 8 D.Summarmr No.I900114 Method: Comments~Com onent IO Com onent Desert tlon PEN.306 (IN&OUT)PEN 306 SPARE Datasheet:

99GV1012 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline-Examined both inside and outside of CV E-A E1.11~Summa No I900116~Com onent IO PEN.307 Com onent Descrl tion PEN 307 FIRE SERVICE WATER E-A E1.11 0

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interva, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 53of 71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Roche r as&ElectricCo

.89Ea tAve.RochesterN wY rk14 R.E.irma NuciearPower Plan 15 3L ke Ro d On ari New York1451 1 Itl/A$77/Q/~197 Method: Comments: Summary No.I900118 Method: Comments Datasheet:

99GV1037 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Corn onent ta Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.308 PEN 308 SW FROM A FAN COOLER E-A E1.11 Datasheet:

99GV1019 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline, Minor surface rust on system piping weld area.Coating chipped-minor impact damage at outer edge of Pen.sleeve.Paint was removed at system piping weld.Summarlr No.I900120 Method: Comments Summary No.I900122 Method: Comments Summarll No.e I900124 Method: Comments~Com onen ID Com onent Descri tlon PEN.309 PEN 309 MINI-PURGE SUPPLY Datasheet:

99GV1018 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Corn anent ID Com onentDescri tlon PEN.310 PEN310(310a


99GV1017 Accept" No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~corn onant ta Com onent Descri tion PEN.311 PEN 311 SW FROM B FAN COOLER Datasheet:

99GV938 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline, paint removed from system piping weld.E-A E1.11 E-A E1~11 E-A E1.11 Summarlr No.I900126 Method: Comments E-A E1.11~corn anent la Com onent Descri tlon PEN.312 PEN 312 SW TO D FAN COOLER Datasheet:

99GV1033 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; paint was removed from system piping weld, minor surface rust in area of system piping weld only-Baseline Sum~ary No.I900128 Method: Comments~summa No.1900130 Method: Comments Summary No.I900132 Method: Comments: S~umma'o.~Corn onent la Com onent Descri tion PEN.313 PEN 313 LEAKAGE TEST DEPRESSURIZATION Datasheet:

99GV1 032 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com anent la Com onentDescri tlon PEN.315 PEN 315 SW FROM C FAN COOLER Datasheet:

99GV1031 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; paint was removed at system pipe weld-Baseline~Com onent la Com onent Descrl tion PEN.316 PEN 316 SW TO B FAN COOLER Datasheet:

99GV1030 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Corn onent la Com onent Descri tio E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 I900134'EN.317 PEN 317 LEAKAGE TEST SUPPLY Method: Datasheet:

99GV1029 Accept, Comments: No Recordable Indications; Baseline E-A E1.11 S~umma No.I900136 Method: Comments E-A E1.11~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tion PEN.318 (IN&OUT)PEN 318 DEAD WEIGHT TESTER Datasheet:

99GV1028 Accept No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant; Baseline-Examined both inside&outside of CV.Minor surface rust at Pen.sleeve to flange weld at top from 11:00 to 1:00.Angle iron welded to Pen.face&cut off 1/4" from face.No paint/rust at cut area.

ATTACHIIENT I Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 54of 71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: och serG s&Ele ric o.9Eas Ave R che rN w York14 R.E.inn NuclearPowerPI n 1 3L k Ro Onari New Yo 14 1~/uu77/00/1 70 N/A S~umma No.1900138 Method: Comments Summaru No.1900140 Method: Comments:~Com onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.319 PEN 319 SW TO A FAN COOLER Datasheet:

99GV1 027 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; paint removed from system piping weld-Baseline.~Com anent 10 Com onent Dencrl tron PEN.320 PEN 320 SW TO C FAN COOLER Datasheet:

99GV1026 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 Sum~arum No.1900142 Method: Comments Summarur No.1900144 Method: Comments Summarur No.1900146 Method: Comments~Com enantio Com onent Descri tion PEN.321 PEN 321 A S/G BLOWDOWN Datasheet:

99GV1036 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; heat from system piping has burned paint around face of penetration, paint burned&flaked within 2" of system pipe&discolored beyond that point.Minor surface rust under insulation

-Baseline E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 e~corn onnnt lc Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.323 PEN 323 SW FM D FAN COOLER Datasheet:

99GV1034 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; paint was removed near system piping weld-Baseline E-A E1.11~Com onentlD Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.322 PEN 322 B S/G BLOWDOWN Datasheet:

99GV1 035 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; heat from system piping has burned paint around face of penetration, paint burned&flaked within 4" of system pipe&discolored beyond that point-Baseline Su~marmr No.1900148 Method: Comments~Com onent tc Com onentDescri tlon PEN.324 PEN 324 DEMIN WATER TO CONTAINMENT Datasheet:

99GV1025 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline E-A E1.11~Summa No.1900150 Method: Comments Su~~armr No.1900152 Method: Comments E-A E1.11~corn onent 10 Com onent Descri tlon PEN.326 (IN&OUT)PEN 326 SPARE Datasheet:

99GV1022 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline-Examined both inside and outside of CV.Paint chipped off on top of pipe cap approx 1" x 1" area from damping device, no rust apparent.E-A E1.11~Com onenttc Com onentDescrl tion PEN.325 PEN 325 DEMIN WATER CLEANUP Datasheet:

99GV1024 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Paint chipped off on top of Pen.pipe near cap approx.1" x 2 area, no rust apparent.-Baseline Summarm No.1900154 Method: Comments~summa No.1900156 Method: Comments: S~umma No.1900158 Method: CCom Ionent ID Com onent Descrl tion PEN.332 PEN 332 (332a, b, c, d)Datasheet:

99GV1020 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~corn onent lc Com onent Descri tion PEN.336 (IN&OUT)PEN 336 SPARE Datasheet:

99GV1021 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline Examined both inside and outside of CV CCom I on ant I 0 Com onent Descri tlon PEN.401 PEN 401 MS FM A S/G Datasheet:

99GV1 323 Accept E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 55of 7f 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RocheserGas&Electricco

.Eas Av.Ro eserN wYork1464 R.E.Ginna NuctearPowerPlant 150 L ke R ad nt ri New York14519 1 N/A 9710911 970 N/A Comments: No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Minor surface rust on tenyon brackets.PT developer on plate surface 8 lugs-Baseline.Partial exam performed, full inspection scheduled for 2000 outage.Sum~a>mr No.I900162 Method: Comments~Cate LoO E-A~Com anent 10 Com onent Descri tion PEN.403 PEN 403 FW LINETO A S/G Datasheet:

99GV1324 Accept No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant; sleeve to tenyon plate weld has a stain from 4 to 7 0'clock.E1.11 S~umma No.I900164 Method: Comments Summarll No.I900166 Method: Comments Sum~arm No.I900168 Method: Comments~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tion PEN.404 PEN 404 FW LINE TO B S/G Datasheet:

99GV939 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Tenyon brackets&bolting have light surface rust-Baseline.This is a partial exam, a full inspection will be performed in the 2000 outage.E-A E1.11~Com oheht IO Com onent Descri tion PEN.1000 (IN&OUT)PEN 1000 PERSONNEL HATCH Datasheet:

99GV1325 Accept No Recordable Indications

&lnsigniflicant; interior&exterior doors and adjacent areas have 8 minor paint chips.E-A E1.11'-A E1.11~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tion PEN.2000 (IN&OUT)PEN 2000 EQUIPMENT HATCH Datasheet:

99GV1312 Accept No Recordable Indications.

Insig.-minor surface rust on OB door&frame on external surfaces.Paint chipping&minor wear on floors 8 traffic areas.Pen.flange gasket area not coated.1.5" L x 1/2" W dent&flat spot on outer edge of CV gasket-ok.Svmmarlr No.I900170 Method: Comments~Com anent 10 Com onent Descri tlon PEN.AE1 PEN AE1 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1 161 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; minor surface rust on sleeve&ID flange-Baseline.E-A E1.11~Summa No.1900172 Method: Comments Summarur No I900174 Method: Comments Sum~armr No.I900176 Method: Comments~Summa No.1900178 Method: Comments SummelUf No.1900180 Method: Comments~Corn onentt0 Com onent Descri tlon PEN.AE2 PEN AE2 ELECTRICL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1160 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; light rust on sleeve (primarily on bottom), flange&bolting~Baseline.E-A E1.11~Com anent tD Com onent Descri tion PEN.AE3 PEN AE3 ELECTRICAL PEN.E-A E1.11 Datasheet:

99GV1159 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; light rust on sleeve, ID flange 8 on bolting, fillet weld not filled out flush on sleeve to flange weld 8-1 0 o'ciock (1/8" deep)-Baseline.~Com onent 10 Com onent Descri tion PEN.AE4 PEN AE4 ELECTRICAL PEN.E-A E1.11 Datasheet:

99GV1158 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; outside flange coated, minor rust on sleeve&ID flange coated-Baseline.~Com onant IO Com onent Descri tion PEN.AE5 PEN AE5 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1 156 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; sleeve 8 ID flange has light rust primarily on bottom-Baseline.E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11~Com onent 10 Com onent Descri tion PEN.AE6 PEN AE6 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1157 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; light rust on sleeve, ID flange&26 bolts, sleeve to flange fillet weld not filled out flush e 2<o'ctock (1/16")-Baseline.

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 56of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Rochester as&Electri C.9Eas Ave.R che er New York1464 R.E.Ginna Nu I arPow rPlan 1503Lake Road Onari N w Y rk14 1 1 N/A~07/00/I 7 N/A Summer/I No.I900182 Method: Comments E-A EI.I I~Com anent ta Com onent Descrl tion PEN.AE7 PEN AE7 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1154 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; light rust on bolting, ID flange coating peeling approximately 30%-Baseline., Su~~atmrNo.

I900184 Method: Comments~corn onent la Com onent Descrl tio PEN.AE8 PEN AE8 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1153 Accept No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant, light rust-Baseline E-A E1.11~Summa No.1900186 Method: Comments Su~~arur No.I900188 Method: Comments Summarmm No.I900190 Method: Comments Svmmarlr No.I900192 Method: Comments S~umma No.I900194 Method: Comments S~umma No.I900196 Method: Comments S~umma No.I900198 Method: Comments~Colll oheht/0 Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.AE9 PEN AE9 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1152 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; bottom of flange peeled with light rust, fillet weld not welded flush from 7-8 o'lock (1/8")spare flange-Baseline.E-A E1.11~corn onent la Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.AE10 PEN AE10 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1151 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; light rust on bolting, ID flange has thin coating approximately 40%peeling-Baseline.E-A E1.11~corn onent/0 Com onent Descri tlon PEN.AE11 PEN AE11 ELECTRICAL PEN.E-A E1.11 Datasheet:

99GV1302 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; light coating on ID sleeve with light surface rust, ID flange approximately 50%peeling-Baseline.E-A E1.11~corn anent/0 Com onent Descri tlon PEN.AE13 PEN AE13 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1148 Accept No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant

-minor surface rust on flange&ID sleeve-Baseline.E-A E1.11 CCom lonent la Com onent Oeecrl t/on PEN.AE14 PEN AE14 ELECTRICAL PEN.Data sheet: 99GV1149 Accept No Recordable Indications


-no coating on ID flange or sleeve, minor surface rust on sleeve and ID flange-Baseline.E-A E1.11~corn anent/0 Com onent Descri tlon PEN.BE1'EN BE1 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV976 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Paint worn thin on small areas of flange, minor surface rust on these areas-Baseline.E-A E1.11~Com onent/0 Com onent Descri tion PEN.AE12 PEN AE12 ELECTICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1155 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; sleeve to flange weld showed reduced fill from 3 to 6 o'clock and an irregular weld profile at 3 o'lock, not detrimental to design function-Baseline.Su~~a>mr No.I900200 Method: Comments~corn onent/0 Com onent Descri tion PEN.BE2 PEN BE2 ELECTRICAL PEN Datasheet:

99GV900 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline E-A E1.11~Summa No.I900202 Method:~corn onent/0 PEN.BE3 Datasheet:

99GV899 Com onent Descri tion PEN BE3 ELECTRICAL PEN.Accept E-A E1.11

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 57of 71 1.Owner a 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: '.National Board Number for Unit: Roch serGa&Ele ric o.8 Eas Ave.Roche erNew York14649 R.E,Ginna Nucl arP werPI 1503Lak R ad On ario New York14519 1 NIA~07/00//97 NIA Comments: Summarm No.l900204 Method:.Comments No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tion PEN.BE4 PEN BE4 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV898 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline E-A E1.11 Summarlr No.I900206 Method: Comments~summa No.I900208 Method: Comments Sun>~arnr No.I900210 Method: Comments~Summa No.I900212 Method: Comments~Summa No.1900214 Method: Comments~summa No.I900216 Method: Comments Summer/I No.I900218 Method: Comments:~corn onent IO Com onent Descrl tion PEN.CE1 PEN CE1 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1063 Accept No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant; WO initiated for cteaning boron residue.Dry boron leaking down from operating floor on flange and bolting.E-A E1.11~corn anent IO Com onent Descrl tlo PEN.CE3 PEN CE3 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1 067 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline, coating on Pen.sleeve is thin&minor surface rust is evident in areas between 2:00&6:00 on the sleeve.Outer flange is stainless steel.E-A E1.11 Com onent Descrl tion PEN CE4 ELECTRICAL PEN.E-A E1.11~Com onent IO PEN.CE4 Datasheet:

99GV1068 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insigniflicaant; Baseline, WO initiated for boron removal.Minor boron on bolts and flanges.~corn onent/0 Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.CE5 PEN CES ELECTRICAL PEN Datasheet:

99GV1 069 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline, Minor Boron on flange&bolting.WO gerierated for boron removal.E-A E1.11~corn anent/0 Com onent Descrl tion PEN.CE6 PEN CE6 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1074 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline, Minor Boron on flange&bolting.WO generated for boron removal.E-A E1.11~Com anent/0 Com onont Descri tlon PEN.CE7 PEN CE7 ELECTRICAL PEN.E-A E1.11 Datasheet:

'99GV1 075 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline, Light rust on bolting.Minor paint chipping from handling<1%.~corn anent ID Com onen Descrl tlon PEN.CE2 PEN CE2 ELECTRICAL PEN.E-A E1.11 Datasheet:

99GV1066 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline.Diy Boron residue on flange.WO generated for cleaning boron.Dry boron on carbon steel caoted bolting.Summarlr No.I900220 Method: ,Comments~Com onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.CE8 PEN CE8 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1076 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline, minor paint chipping from handling<1%.E-A E1.11 Summer/I No.I900222 Method: Comments:~corn onent IO Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.CE9 PEN CE9 ELECTRICAL PEN.Data sheet: 99GV1 188 Accept No Relevant Indications

-Baseline E-A E1.11 S~umma No.~Com anent/0 Com onent Descri tion

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 58of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization 5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterGas&


.89EastAve, Ro heserN w Y rk14 9 R.E.Ginna Nuclear PowerPlan 1503L ke Roa n ri N w York14519 1 (If Req.)~NI 07/00/1970 NIA I900224 Method: Comments S umm arm No.I900226 Method: Comments E-A E1.11~corn onent ID Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.CE11 PEN CE11 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1 078 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline, minor surface corrosion&minor paint chipping from handling<<1%.E-A E1.11 PEN.CE10 (IN&OUT)PEN CE10 (ELECTRICAL PEN-SPARE)


99GV1284 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline.This Pen was modified and capped, ISI VT-2 exam and other construction NDE can be found under summary¹R99112.Summarm No.I900228 Method: Comments~corn onent lc Com onent Descri tlon PEN.CE12 PEN CE12 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1 079 Accept No Recordabie Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline, minor paint chipping from handling<<1%.E-A E1.11 Summarm No.I900230 Method: Comments E-A E1.11~COIII onallt ID Com onent Descri tion PEN.CE13 PEN CE13 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1080 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline, minor surface rust on sleeve&minor surface rust on bolting.S~umma No.I900232 Method: Comments Summarm No.1900234 Method: Comments~corn anent ID Com onent Descri tion PEN.CE14 PEN CE14 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1081 Accept No Recordable Indications


-Baseline, Minor surface rust on sleeve.~Com onenttc Com onent Descri tion PEN.CE15 PEN CE15 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1082 Accept No Relevant Indications

&Insignificaant; Baseline, minor rust on sleeve.E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 Summarm No.1900236 Method: Comments Summarm No.I900238 Method: Comments~Com onent lc Com onent Descri tion PEN.CE16 PEN CE16 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1083 Accept No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant; Baseline, minor surface rust on sleeve&on bolting.~corn anent ID Com onent Descrl tion PEN.CE17 PEN CE17 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1084 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11.Summarm No.I900240 Method: Comments Summanl No.1900242 Method: Comments S~umma No.1900244 Method: Comments:~corn anent lc Com onent Descri tion PEN.CE18, PEN CE18 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1 085 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~com onent lc Com onent Descri tion PEN.CE19 PEN CE19 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1086 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline, minor surface rust dn bolting.~corn anent rc Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.CE20 PEN CE20 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1087 Accept No Recordable, Indications

&'Insignificant; Baseline, minor rust on bolting.E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 S~umma No.~Com onont IO Com onen Descri tion ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interva, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 59of 71 1.Owner: Rochester Gas&Ele ii Co.89Eas Av.R che ter New York14649 2.Plant: R.E.Ginna Nuci r Power Plant 1503 Lake Ro On ri New York 14519 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)NIA 5.Commercial Service Date:~07/0 11 70 6.National Board Number for Unit: NIA I900246 PEN.CE21 PEN CE21 ELECTRICAL PEN.E-A E1.11 Method: Datasheet:

99GV1088Accept'r Comments: No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline, the gap area between the 2 flanges is wrapped with masking tape on the flange O.D.Sum~armr No.I900248 Method: Comments Summarm No.I900250 Method: Comments: Summarur No 1900252 Method: Comments Summarm No.I900254 Method: Comments S~umma No.I900258 Method: Comments: S~umma No.I900262 Method: Comments~Summa No.I900264 Method: Comments Summarmr No.I900266'ethod: Comments~Com onent 10 Com onent Deecrl tlon PEN.CE22'EN CE22 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1089 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onontlD Com onent Descri tion PEN.CE23 PEN CE23 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1090 Accept-No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tion PEN.CE24 PEN CE24 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1 091 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~corn onent 10 Com onent Descri tion PEN.CE25 PEN CE25 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1092 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~corn onent 10 Com onent Descri tion PEN.CE27 PEN CE27 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1 093 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onerl 10 Com onent Descri tion PEN.CE29 PEN CE29 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1094 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onent tD Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.CE30 PEN CE30 ELECTRICAL PEN Datasheet:

99GV1095 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline, outer flange is stainless steel.~Com onenl 10 Com onent Descri tion PEN.CE31 PEN CE31 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

.99GV1096 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline, outer flange is stainless steel.E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 E-A E1.11 Summaru No.I900268 Method: Comments Summarlr No.I900270 Method: Comments E-A E1.11~Com onent 10 Com onent Descri tion PEN.CE33 PEN CE33 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV1098 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Minor Boron on flange&bolting-WO generated for boron removal.Minor surface rust on bolting.E-A E1.11~Com onont 10 Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.CE32 PEN CE32 ELECTRICAL PEN Datasheet:

99GV1097 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Baseline, Minor boron on bolts 8 flange, WIO Initiated for boron removal.Minor surface rust on bolting.

ATTACHINENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Ppge 60of 71 1.Owner: 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: I R chesterGa&Electric o.9Eas Ave, Rochester New Y rk14 R,E.GinnaNuclearPowerPlan 1503L k R d On ri New Y rk14 19 1~N/~07/00/I 70 N/A Summa/It No.I900272 Method: Comments S~Ulllllln Nu.l903000 Method: Comments S~umma No.I903002 Method: Comments Sum~armm No.l903004 Method: Comments~Com anent lO Com anent Gener/t/on PEN.CE34 PEN CE34 ELECTRICAL PEN.Datasheet:

99GV941 Accept No Relevant Indications

-Baseline, outer flange is stainless steel.~Com onent 10 Com onent Descri tlon PEN.2 (IN&OUT)BOLTING, 10" BF Datasheet:

99GV1314 Accept No Recordable Indications, 12 bolts, 7/8" x 5 1/4".~Com onent10 Com onent Descri tlon PEN.29 BOLTING, 20" BF Datasheet:

99GV819 Accept No Recordable Indications, 20 bolts, 1" x 3 1/2".~corn onent/0 Com onent Descri tlon PEN.204 (IN&.OUT)BOLTING, 30" BF Datasheet:

99GV1277 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline.1 1/2" dia.x 2 1/2" long bolts.0-A El.l I E-G E8.10 E-G E8.10 E-0 ES.IO Summarm No.I903006 Method: Comments E-G E8.10~Com anent IO Com onent Descrl tion PEN.300 (IN&OUT)BOLTING, 36" BF Datasheet:

99GV1 276 Accept No Recordable Indications, 32 bolts 1 1/2" dia: x 2 1/2" long for cover plate removed&inspected, 44 bolts on flange were inspected in place-Baseline.~Summa No.I903008 Method: Comments Summanl No.I903010 Method: Comments Summarlr No.I903012 Method: Comments:~corn onentIO Com onent Descri tion PEN.313 BOLTING, 6" BF Datasheet:

99GV1 317 Accept No Recordable Indications-6, 3/4" x 3" bolts&nuts-Baseline~Com onant10 Com onent Descri tion PEN.317 BOLTING, BF Datasheet:

99GV1316 Accept No Recordable Indications; 6, 3/4" x 3" bolts&nuts-Baseline~corn onentIO Com onent Descri tion PEN.1000 (IN&OUT)BOLTING Datasheet:

99GV1315 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline E-G E8.10 E-G E8.10 E-G E8.10~summa No.I903014 Method: Comments E-G E8.10~Com anent/0 Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.2000 (IN&OUT)BOLTING Datasheet:

99GV1265 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; 36 hatch studs show minor thread flattening damage at 3" to 5" from end of stud.Stud¹3 first 4 threads from top damaged slightly-Baseline.Summaru No.I903100 Method: Comments Sum~arm No.I903102 Method:~Com onent 10 Com onent Descrl tion PEN.AE1 BOLTING, 16-1 1/8" Datasheet:

99GV1 341 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; minor surface rust on some nuts-Baseline.~Com anent 10 Com onent Descrl tlon PEN.AE2 BOLTING, 16-1 1/8" Datasheet:

99GV1319 Accept E-G E8.10 EN ES.10 t 0 A ITACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 61 of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RocheserGas&

Ele ricC.8 Eas Ave.RochesterNew Yoik1464 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plan 15 Lak Road Ontario New York 14519 1 N///07/00/1970 N/A Comments: Summary No.I903104 Method: Comments Summary No.1903106 Method: Comments~Summa No.I903108 Method: Comments Summanl No.I903110 Method: Comments Summary No.1903112 Method: Comments~Summa No.I903114 Method: Comments Summary No.1903116 Method: Comments S~UIIIIII8 No.I903118 Method: Comments Summary No.I903120 Method: Comments S~umma No.l904000 I Method: Comments Summary No.I904100 Method: No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com anent IO Com onent Descrl lon PEN.AE3 BOLTING, 16-1 1/8" Datasheet:

99GV1 320 Accept No Recordable Indications

-Baseline~Com onentlO Com onentDeeorl lion PEN.AE4 BOLTING, 16-1 1/8" Datasheet:

99GV1321 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; minor surface rust on some nuts.~corn onent IO Com onent Descri tion PEN.AE5 BOLTING, 16-1 1/8" Datasheet:

99GV1322 Accept No Recordable Indications


-minor surface rust on some nuts-Baseline.~Com onent IO Com onent Descrl tion PEN.AE6 BOLTING, 16-1 1/8" Datasheet:

99GV1333 Accept No Recordable Indications


minor surface rust on most nuts.~corn onent IO Com onent Descri tion PEN.AE7 BOLTING, 16-1 1/8" Data sheet: 99GV1332 Accept No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant; minor surface rust on most nuts.~corn anent IO Com onent Descrl tion PEN.AES BOLTING, 16-1 1/8" Datasheet:

99GV1331 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; minor surface rust on some nuts.~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tlon PEN.AE9 BOLTING, 16-1 1/8" Datasheet:

99GV1 330 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; minor surface rust on some nuts.~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tion PEN.AE10 BOLTING, 16-1 1/8" Datasheet:

99GV1329 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com anent IO Com onent Descrl tion PEN.AE11 BOLTING, 16-1 1/8" Datasheet:

99GV1328 Accept No Recordable Indications

~Com ollellt ID Com onent Descri tion PRESSURE RETAINING CONTAINMENT VESSEL Datasheet:

99GV1385 Accept See Attachment 1 A for details of examinations performed during the 1997 and 1999 outage.~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tlon CONTAINMENT PENETR CONTAINMENT VESSEL Datasheet:

99GV1386 Accept E-G E8.10 E-G'8.10 EnG E8.10 E-G E8.10 E-G E8.10 EN E8.10 I'-G'8.10 E-G E8.10 EW E8.10 E-P E9.10 E-P ES.20 ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report'rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 62of 71 1.Owner.och serGas&El ri E Ave.Rochester New York 14 9 2.Plant: R.E.Ginna NuclearPowerPlan 15 3LakeRo d On ario New York14519 3.Plant Unit: 1 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)N/A 5.Commercial Sereim!Date;Q7ioort979 6.National Board Number for Unit:~NI r Comments: See Attachment 1 A for details of examinations performed during the 1997 and 1999 outage.Su~~arur No.~Cam onent tD Com onent Descri tion I904200 AIRLOCKS CONTAINMENT VESSEL E-P E9.30 Method: Datasheet:

99GV1387 Accept Comments: See Attachment 1 A for details of examinations performed during the 1997 and 1999 outage.Sum~armr No.~Com onent tD Com onent Descrl tlon l904300 SEALS AND GASKETS CONTAINMENT VESSEL Method: Datasheet:

99GV1388 Accept Comments: See Attachment 1 A for details of examinations performed during the 1997 and 1999 outage.E-P E9.40

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 63of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterG s&ElectricCo

.89 as Ave.Rochester New York14649 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plan 1503 Lake Ro n ari N w Y rk 14519 1 N/A 07/00/1 970 N/A HE-DB-B-9A Class Q Components:

S~umma No.~Com onant ID Com onent Descri tion I200020 L1 REDUCER-TO-TEE Method: Datasheet:

99GM111 Accept Comments: MT, PT&VT;No Recordable Indications, MT&PT performed to get combin coverage>90%.RT: No Recordable

&Insignificant; Porosity 1/16" I 3 1/2"&.05"@0".No apparent change in weld since RT exam on 3/31/95 I200020 Method: Comments I200020 Method: Comments.'200020 Method: Comments Summartt No.I200025 Method: Comments I200025 Method: Comments I200025 Method: Comments I200025 Method: Comments Summaru No.I200045 Method: Comments l200045 Method: Comments: HE-DB B-9A L1 REDUCER-TO-TEE Datasheet:

99GP113 Accept MT, PT&VT;No Recordable Indications, MT&PT performed to get combin coverage>90%.RT: No Recordable

&Insignificant; Porosity 1/16"3 1/2"&.05" O 0".No apparent change in weld since RT exam on 3/31/95 L1 REDUCER-TO-TEE Datasheet:

99GRT205 Accept MT, PT 8 VT;No Recordable Indications, MT&PT performed to get combin coverage>90%.RT: No Recordable

&Insignificant; Porosity 1/16m@31/2"&.05"@0".No apparent change in weld since RT exam on 3/31/95 HE-DB-B-9A HE-DB L1 REDUCER-TO-TEE Datasheet:

99GV647 Accept MT, PT&VT;No Recordable Indications, MT&PT performed to get combin coverage>90%.RT: No Recordable 8 Insignificant; Porosity 1/16"@3 1/2"&.05" I 0".No apparent change in weld since RT exam on 3/31/95 B-9A~Com onant Iu Com onent Descri tion L2 TEE-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GM108 Accept VTPT&MT: No Recordable Indications.

RT: No Recordable

&Insignificant, 1/8 Slag I 34 1/2, parent mat'I surface indication@56, No apparent change since last exam.MT and PT performed to get combined coverage of greater than 90%.HE-DB-HE-7 HE-7 L2 TEE-TO-PIPE Data sheet: 99GRT203 Accept VT, PT&MT: No Recordabie Indications.

RT: No Recordable

&Insignificant, 1/8 Slag I 34 1/2, parent mat'I surface indication

@56, No apparent change since last exam.MT and PT performed to get combined coverage of greater than 90%.HE-DB HE-7 L2 TEE-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GV643 Accept VT, PT&MT: No Recordable Indications.

RT: No Recordable

&Insignificant, 1/8 Slag O 34 1/2, parent mat'I surface indication I 56, No apparent change since last exam.MT and PT performed to get combined coverage of greater than 90%.HE-DB-HE-7~corn onnn Iu Com onent Descri tion P1 REDUCER-TO-TEE Datasheet:

99GM109 Accept MT&PT: No Recordable Indications.

MT&PT performed to get>90%combined coverage.VT;No Recordable 8 Insign;2 parallel indications 1/8u x 2 1/2", 1/64 deep.RT: No Recordable

&Insig: No change in condition of weld since 1995 examination.

HE-DB-B-10 P1 REDUCER-TO-TEE HE-DB-B-10 Datasheet:

99GP112 Accept MT 8 PT: No Recordable tndications, MT&PT performed to get>90%combined coverage.VT;No Recordable

&lnsign;2 parallel indications 1/8" x 2,1/2", 1/64 deep.RT: No Recordable

&Insig: No change in condition of weld since 1995 examination.

L2 TEE-TO-PIPE Data sheet: 99GP111 Accept VT, PT&MT: No Recordable Indications.

RT: No Recordable

&Insignificant, 1/8 Slag I 34 1/2, parent mat'I surface indication

@56, No apparent change since last exam.MT and PT performed to get combined coverage of greater than 90%.I200045 Method: P1 REDUCER-TO-TEE Datasheet:

99GRT204 Accept HE-DB-B-10 ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 64 of 71 1.Owner.che ter as&Electric co.89Eas Ave Rochester New ork14 9 2.Plant: , E.inn N I arP werPlan 15 Lak Road n ri New York14519 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)N/A 5.Commercial Service Date: 07/00/1970 6.National Board Number for Unit: ".N/A Comments: MT&PT: No Recordable Indications.

MT&PT'performed to get>90%combined coverage.VT;No Recordable 8 Insign;2 parallel indications 1/8" x 2 1/2", 1/64 deep.RT: No Recordable

&Insig: No change in condition of weld since 1995 examination.

I200045 Method: Comments P1 REDUCER-TO-TEE HE-DB-B-10 Datasheet:

99GV646 Accept MT&PT: No Recordable Indications.

MT&PT performed to get>90%combined coverage.VT;No Recordable

&Insign;2 parallel indications 1/8" x 2 1/2, 1/64 deep.RT: No Recordable

&Insig: No change in condition of weld since 1995 examination.

Summartr No.I200050 Method: Comments I200050 Method: Comments: I200050 Method: Comments:~Com onant ID Com onen Descri tlon M3 PIPE-TO-TEE Datasheet:

99GM113 Accept VT, MT&UT: No Recordable Indications.

M3 PIPE-TO-TEE Datasheet:

99GU113 Accept VT, MT&UT: No Recordable Indications.

M3 PIPE-TO-TEE Datasheet:

99GV651 Accept VT, MT&UT: No Recordable Indications.

HE-DB-HE%HE-DB-HE%HE-DB-HEue Summary No.I200055 Method: Comments HE-DB HE-5~Com onant10 Com onent Descrl tion M4 TEE-TO-REDUCER Data sheet: 99GM115 Accept VT, MT, PT&UT;No Recordabie Indications.

MT and PT;exams done to get required coverage I200055 Method: Comments: M4 TEE-TO-REDUCER HE-DB Datasheet:

99GU121 Accept VT, MT, PT&UT;No Recordable Indications.

MT and PT;exams done to get required coverage HE-5 I200055 M4 TEE-TO-REDUCER HE-DB-HE-5 Method: Datasheet:

99GV654 Accept Comments: VT, MT, PT&UT;No Recordable Indications.

MT and PT;exams done to get required coverage Sum~arms No.I200075 Method: Comments I200075 Method: Comments 1200075 Method: Comments t 0~amma No.I200225 Method: Comments HE-DB-HE-5 HE-DB-HE-5'r A1 TEE-TO-REDUCER Datasheet:

99GU120 Accept No Recordable Indications

-MT, PT and VT-Limited exam Down Stream side due to support.UT: geometry seen 360 degrees.Limited exam for all methods, support in way.A1 TEE-TO-REDUCER HE-DB-.HE-5 Datasheet:

99GV658 Accept No Recordable Indications

-MT, PT and VT-Limited exam Down Stream side due to support.UT: geometry seen 360 degrees.Limited exam for all methods, support in way.~corn onant10 Com onent Descri tion L4 CAP-TO-PIPE Data sheet: 99GM114 Accept VT&MT;No Recordabie Indications.

RT;No Recordable Indications 8 Insignificant, 1/8" slag I 79", visual surface I 74" to 78".No apparent change since 4/24/1989 HE-CB HE-7~corn onant ID Com onent Descrl tion A1 TEE-TO-REDUCER Datasheet:

99GM116 Accept No Recordable Indications

-MT, PT and VT-Limited exam Down Stream side due to support.UT: geometry seen 360 degrees.Limited exam for all methods, support in way.1200225 L4 CAP-TO-PIPE HE-CB HE-7

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 65of 71 1.Owner: Roches rGas&EI ri o.89E s Ave R chesterNewYork14649 2.Plant:.E.Ginna N cl ar Power Plan 15 3 Lake Road On ario New York 14519 3.Plant Unit: 1 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)N/A 0.Commercial Semice Date: 0~7/I797 6.National Board Number for Unit: jul/A Method: Datasheet:

99GRT202 Accept Comments: VT&MT;No Recordable Indications.

RT;No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant, 1/8" slag O 79", visual surrace I 74" to 78".No apparent change since 4/24/1989 I200225 Method: Comments S~umma No.HE-CB HE-7 L4 CAP-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GV652 Accept VT&MT;No Recordable Indications.

RT;No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant, 1/8" slag I 79", visual surface I 74" to 78".No apparent change since 4/24/1989~Com onent lD Com onent Descrl tion I200230 A TEE-TO-PIPE HERB-HE-7A Method: Datasheet:

99GM110 Accept Comments: MT&VT: No Recordable Indications.

RT: No Recordable


Porosity&Slag at various locations.

No apparent changes since last exam.1200230 Method: Comments: I200230 Method: Comments~Summa No.I200290 Method: Comments A TEE-TO-PIPE HE-CB-HE-7A Datasheet:

99GRT209 Accept MT&VT: No Recordable Indications.

RT: No Recordable


Porosity&Slag at various locations.

No apparent changes since last exam.A TEE-TO-PIPE HEuCB-HE-7A Datasheet:

99GV648 Accept MT&VT: No Recordable Indications.

RT: No Recordable


Porosity&Slag at various locations.

No apparent changes since last exam.HE-CB-HE%~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tion J ELBOW-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GM104 Accept MT&VT;No Recordable Indications.

RT;Reject;unacceptable indication at 26 1/2".UT: See UT Indication Sizing Record attachment.

RT, VT&MT;Repair performed and acceptable

-Not service induced.No Recordable Indications.

1200290 Method: J ELBOW-TO-PIPE Data sheet: 99GRT217 Accept HE-CB-HE%Comments:, MT&VT;No Recordable Indications.

RT;Reject;unacceptable indication at 26 1/2".UT: See UT Indication Sizing Record attachment.

RT, VT&MT;Repair performed and acceptable

-Not service induced.No Recordable Indications.

I200290 Method: Comments Sum marmr No.I200335 Method: Comments 1200335 Method: Comments 1200335 Method: Comments J ELBOW-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GV638 Accept MT&VT;No Recordabie Indications.

RT;Reject;unacceptable indication at 26 1/2".UT: See UT Indication Sizing Record attachment.

RT, VT&MT;Repair performed and acceptable

-Not service induced.No Recordable Indications.

HE-CB-HEW HE-CB-HEu6 C ELBOW-TO-PIPE Data sheet: 99GRT210 Accept No Recordable Indications

-MT and VT.No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; RT-No apparent change since last exam-slag I 23 1/4"+1/8" large.HEuCB-HE%C ELBOW-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GV641 Accept No Recordable Indications

-MT and VT.No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; RT-No apparent change since last exam-slag O 23 1/4"+1/8" large.~corn onenl ID Com onent Descrl tion C ELBOW-TO-PIPE HE-CB-HEW Datasheet:

99GM106 Accept No Recordable Indications

-MT and VT.No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; RT-No apparent change since last exam-slag O 23 1/4"+1/8" large.Sum~arm No.~Com onant ID Com onent Descrl tlo ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 66 o/71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterGas

&Ele dcCo.89EastAv.Rochester New Y rk14 R, E.Ginn'NuclearPower Plant 1503Lake Ro d n ario New Y rk14519 1 N/A 07/00/1970 N/A I200405 Method: Comments: l200405 Method: Comments l200405 Method: Comments Summarm No.I200515 Method: Comments I200515 Method: Comments: I200515 Method: Comments: V1 PIPE-TO-PIPE Datasheet:

99GM105 Accept No Recordable

&insignificant; MT&VT-weld bead on centerline of weld O L1+0" to L2=7/8" size, w=5/16" L=7/8" on crown.RT: No Recordable 8 Insignificant; various slag, EUC, IUC, see exam report.No apparent change since last exam in 1989 HEaCB-B-11 V1 PIPE-TO-PIPE HE-CB-B-11 Datasheet:

99GRT213 Accept No Recordable

&Insignificant; MT 8, VT-weld bead on centerline of weld O L1+0" to L2=7/8" size, w=5/16" L=7/8" on crown.RT: No Recordable 8 Insignificant; various slag, EUC, IUC, see exam report.No apparent change since last exam in 1989~corn onent ID Com onent Descri tion HA PIPE-TO-FLANGE Datasheet:

99'GM112 Accept MT&VT: No Recordabie Indications.

RT: No Recordable


Porosity&Slag at various locations.

No apparent changes since last exam.HE-CB-B-14 HA PIPE-TO-FLANGE HE-CB-B-14 Datasheet:

99GRT211 Accept MT&VT: No Recordable Indications.

RT: No Recordable


Porosity&Slag at various locations.

No apparent changes since last exam.HA PIPE-TO-FLANGE HE-CB-B-14 Datasheet:

99GV649 Accept MT&VT: No Recordable Indications.

RT: No Recordable


Porosity&Slag at various locations.

No apparent changes since last exam.V1 PIPE-TO-PIPE HEnCB-B-11 Data sheet: 99GV640 Accept No Record able 8 Insignificant; MT&VT-weld bead on centerline of weld@L1+0" to L2=7/8" size, w=5/16" L"-7/S" on crown.RT: No Recordable

&Insignificant; various slag, EUC, IUC, see exam report.No apparent change since last exam in 1989 Svmmarm No.I201160 Method: Comments.'Com onnntIO Com onent Descri tlon MS-38 (SS)VARIABLE SPRING Datasheet:


-ME-303 set 7121¹-actual 7000¹HE-CS'FI.20V HE-7A Summartr No.I201180 Method: Comments HE-CS'F1.20V HE-7A~Com onnnt ID Com onent Descri tion MS-39 (S9)VARIABLE SPRING Datasheet:


-Serial¹0551442-Broken ID Tag-ME-303 set 7456-actual 7047 Summaru No.I201 541 Method: Comments:~corn onent IO FWU-1 8 (IA).Datas hect: 99GM102 No recordable Indications Com onent Desert tion INTEGRAL ATTACHMENT Accept HE-IA'03.20 S-11 Summartr No.l601040 Method: Comments Summaru No.I601 060 Method: Comments SN-VT-B-35~Com anent ID Com onent Descrl tion CVU-351 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV573 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256 Req.1 1/4" Actual 9/1 6"-Serial¹9472, PSA-1/2, 2 1/2" stroke.SN-VT-B-33~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tion CVU-345 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV583 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256 Req.1 1/4" Actual 1 3/8"-Serial¹9491, PSA-1/2, 2 1/2" stroke.S~umma No.CCom tonent IO Com onent Descrl lon

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 67of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: '.,National Board Number for Unit: Rochester Gas 8 Ele ric C 9 Ea Ave.Rochester New York 14649 R.E.irma Nuclear Pow rPlan 1 0 Lake Road Ontario New York14519 1 N/A~07/00/1 7 N/A I601080 Method: Comments SN-VT-B-36 CVU-372 MECHANICAL SNUBBER , Datasheet:

99GV531 Accept No Recordable Indications-ME-256 set 1 1/4"-Actual 7/8"-Serial¹9478, PSA 1/2, 2 1/2" stroke.S~umma No.I601150 Method: Comments Cate~o SN-VT~com onent ID Com onent Descri tlon FVW-17 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV530 Accept No Recordable Indications-ME-256 set 4 1/2"-actual 4 3/4"-Serial¹9392, PSA-35, 6" stroke.B-11 Summarlr No.I601160 Method: 'omments~0om anent ID FWU-18 MECHANICALSNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV552 Accept No Recordable Indications ME-256 Set 4 3/4"-Actual 4 1/2"-Serial¹7067 SN-VT-B-11 Sum~are/No.I601170 Method: Comments SN-VT-HE-5~com onent ID Com onent Descri tion FWU-20 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV538 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256 Req.1 11/16" Actual 1 11/16"-Serial¹7049, PSA-35, 6" stroke.SN-VT-NE-5 S um~armm No.~Oom onent IO Com onent Descri tion l601180 FWU-21 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Method: 'atasheet:

99GV541 Accept Comments: No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.4 1/4" Actual 3 11/16N-Serial¹2500-20-38, B-P Size 20, 6" stroke, Fluid Level 87%full.S~umma Mo.l601 190 Method: Comments Summarm No I601200 Method: Comments Summarlr Mo.I601209'Method: Comments~com onant/D Com onent Descri tion FWU-23 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV540 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256 Req.3" Actual 2 3/4", Serial¹8630, PSA-10, 6" stroke.Cate~o SN-VT~0om onent ID Com onent Descrl tio FWU-24 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV534 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256 Req.3" Actual 3"-Serial¹10061, PSA-10, 6" stroke.~Cate o SN-VT cate~a SN-VT~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tlon FWU-26 (EAST)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV178 Accept No Recordaable Indications, Per ME-256 Req.2 3/4" Actual 3"-Serial¹181 91, PSA-3, 5" stroke.HE-5 HE-5 HE-5 Sum~arm No I601210 Method: Comments S~umma No.I601220 Method: Comments~Oom onent/0 Com onent Descri tlon FVW-26 (WEST)MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV176 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256 Req.2 3/4" Actual 3"-Serial¹181 80, PSA-3, 5" stroke.SN-VT-'E-5 SN-VT=-HE-5~Oom anent/O Com onent Descri tlon FVW-32 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV634 Reject VT: Reject: 3/5/1999-Per VT-107 Rev.1 Para.8.3.7 Sec.E (loose nuts), AR¹994300 generated, VT: 3/12/1999:

No Recordable Indications

-Per ME-256 Req.3" Actual 3 1/4"-Nuts OK, PSA-35, Serial¹7053.~amma No.~corn onent IO Com onent Descri tlo l601230 FWU-38 MECHANICAL SNUBBER SN-VT-0-te Method: Comments Datasheet:

99GV565 Accept NRI-3 1/4"-Actual 2 3/4", Serial¹9395, 3 rd locking nuts loose, removed as per Eng.2/22/99.Pin connection to pipe clamp is held by 2 primary nuts&3 locking nuts, 2 on south side of pin.Outer most lock nut 50%engaged-inner nut performing function

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 68of 71 1.Owner: 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: ochester Gas Ef ctri 9 East Ave.Roche r New York 1464 R.E.'Ginna Nu le rPowerPlan 15 3Lake Road Ontario New Y rk14 19 1~NI~7/0/~97 N/A Svmmaru No.I601231 Method: Comments 1601231 Method: Comments SN-FT-B-14 SN-FT B-14 FWU-38 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV656 Accept No Recordable Indications; VT&FT.Per ME-256 Setting Req.3 1/4", Actual 3 1/2", Serial¹9395, PSA-35, 6" stroke.VT report¹99GV656.FT report¹99GV 1220.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801501.~corn onentID Com onentneecrl tlon FWU-38 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1220 Accept No Recordable Indications; VT&FT.Per ME-256 Setting Req.3 1/4", Actual 3 1/2", Serial¹9395, PSA-35, 6" stroke.VT report¹99GV656;FT report¹99GV 1220.Snubber tested 8 operable per WO¹19801 501.Summary No.I601240 Method: Comments~<am anent ID Com onent Descri tion FWU-39 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV560 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256 Req.4" Actual 4"-Serial¹9354 (51642)stamped.SN-VT-B-14 Summaru No.I601241 Method: Comments I601241 Method: Comments S~umma No.SN-FT-B-14 FVW-39 MECHANICAL SNUBBER SN-FT-, B-14 Data sheet: 99GV655 Accept No Recordable Indications, VT&FT.Per ME-256 Req.3 1/8" Actual 3 3/8", Serial¹9354, PSA-25, 6" stroke.VT report 99GV655.FT report 99GV1222.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801502.~Com onant ID Com onont Descrl tlon~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tlon FVW-39 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1222 Accept No Recordable Indications, VT&FT.Per ME-256 Req.31/8" Actual 3 3/8", Serial¹9354, PSA-25, 6" stroke.VT report 99GV655.FT report 99GV1222.Snubber tested 8 operable per WO¹19801502.l601250'WUn40 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Method: Datasheet:

99GV562 Accept Comments: No Recordable Indications-ME-256 set 3 5/8"-actual 3 1/2"-Serial¹7066, PSA-35, 6" stroke.SN-VT-B-14 Summaru No.I601251 Method: Comments I601 251 Method: Comments Summaru No.I602010 Method: Comments Svmmanm No.I602020 , Method: Comments SN.FT-S-14 SN-FT FWUAO MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV769 Accept VT;No Recordable

&Insignificant; Per ME-256 Req.3 1/8", Actual 3".1/2" pipe 7/8" from south side of snubber.VT report 99GV769.FT report 99GV1224.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801503.Serial¹7066.~~Com onent ID Com onent Descrl tlo N601 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV593 Accept No Recordable Indications

-ME-256 Setting 3 1/2"-Actual 3 7/16"-Serial¹6565, Fluid Level 3/4 Full.SN-VT-S-2~Com onent tD Com onent Descri tion N602 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV547 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Reject;Incorrect snubber size installed, Action Report¹994428 generated.

Use-as-is, drawing to be revised.Actual setting 31/16", Serial¹32844.Fluid level 3/4 full.SN-VT-S-2~com onant ID Com onent Descrl tion FWUn40 MECHANICAL SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1224 Accept VT;No Recordable

&Insignificant; Per ME-256 Req.31/8", Actual 3".1/2" pipe 7/8" from south side of snubber.VT report 99GV769.FT report 99GV1224.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801503.Serial¹7066.I602020 N602 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER SN-VT S-2

ATTACHNIENT I Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 69of 71 1.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)S.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: RochesterGas ElectricCo


R ches r New Y rk1464 R.E,GinnaNuclearPowerPlant 1503L k R ad ntario New Y rk14 1 1 jtI/A 07/00/1970 Method: Comments: Summaru No.I602030 Method: Comments Data sheet: 99GV807 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable No Recordable Indications

&Reject;Incorrect snubber size installed, Action Report¹994428 generated.

Use-as-is, drawing to be revised.Actual setting 3 1/16", Serial¹32844.Fluid level 3/4 full.SN-VT-.S-2~corn anent lD Com onent Descri tion N604 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV961 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable N/A The pre-functional test NDE examination was not performed by LIS technicians prior to the removal of the snubber.Credit is being taken for the pre-removal exam performed by mechanical maintenance to meet this criteria per Action Report 99-0456.~Summa No.I602031 Method: Comments I602031 Method: Comments~corn anent ID Com onent Descrl tlon N604 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER SN-FT-S-2 Datasheet:

99GV1336 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Per ME-256, Req.1 9/16" Actual 1 1/8", Serial¹6564.VT exam-Report¹99GV806-Rejected for wrong size snubber, see eval sheet&AR¹994429.Snubber functionally tested&operable, WO¹19801508.


99GV806 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable No Recordable Indications

&Insignificant; Per ME-256, Req.1 9/16" Actual 1 1/8", Serial¹6564.VT exam-Report¹99GV806-Rejected for wrong size snubber, see eval sheet&AR¹994429.Snubber functionally tested&operable, WO¹1 9801508.umber Summarll No.I602040 Method: Comments l602040 Method: Comments Summarlr No.I602050 Method: Comments Summaru No.I602060 Method: Comments S~umma No.I602070 Method: Comments Summaru No.I602071 Method: Comments~Com anent ID Com onent Descrl tlon N605 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV569 Accept No Recordable Indications

&Reject;Incorrect snubber size installed, Action Report¹99-0430 generated.

Use-as-is, drawing to be revised.Actual setting 3 3/8", Serial¹32849.Fluid level 3/4 full.SN-VT-S-2 SN-VT S-2 N605*HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV808 Reject Evaluation Disposition:

Acceptable No Recordable Indications

&Reject;Incorrect snubber size installed, Action Report¹99-0430 generated.

Use-as-is, drawing to be revised.Actual setting 3 3/8", Serial¹32849.Fluid level 3/4 full.~oom onent ID Com onent Descri tion N607 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV570 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256, Req.3 1/2" Actual 3 5/8"-Serial¹6562-Resenroir 1/2 full SN-VT-S-2~Com anent ID Com onent Descri tion N608 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Data sheet: 99GV576 Accept No Recordable Indications

-ME-256 Setting 3 5/8"-Actual 3 13/16"-Serial¹6563, Fluid Level-1/2 Full.SN-VT-S-2 SN-VT-'-2~corn anent ID Com onent Descri tion N615 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1 295 Accept VT;No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.Setting 2 1/8", Actual 2 3/8".Serial¹6567.VT report 99GV858.FT report¹99GV1 295.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801509.SN-FT-S-2~Com onent ID Com onent Descri tion N615 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV824 Accept N Recordable Indications, per ME-256 Req.2 1/8" Actual 2 1/2"-Serial¹6567, Pin to Pin 20 3/4", stroke 2 1/2", Fluid Level 1/2 full.

ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 70of 71.1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: ocheserGa&Ele ri Co.89Eas Ave.RocheserNew York14649.E.irma Nucl arPowerPIan 15 3Lake Road ntario New York1451 1~/977lrl 970 I6 02071 Method: Comments Summaru No.I602080 Method: Comments Summarll No.I602090 Method: Comments SN-FT S-2~Com onent ID Com onen Descri tlon N616 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV577 Accept No Record able Indications

-ME-256 Setting 3 1/4"-Actual 3 1/1 6", Fluid Level-3/8 Full.No Tag or S/N.SN-VT-S-2~Corn onnnttO Com onenlOeecrl llo PS-2 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV574 Accept No Recordable Indications

-ME-256 Setting 4 3/8"-Actual 4 1/8"-Serial¹PD86144-1152, Fluid Level-Green Band Visible.SN-VT-S-1 N615 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV858 Accept VT;No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.Setting 2 1/8", Actual 2 3/8".Serial¹6567.VT report 99GV858.FT report¹99GV1295.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801509.Sum~arm No.I602100 Method: Comments~Com onent IO Com onent Descri tlon PSP HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV568 Accept NRI, Per ME-256, Req.1 1/4" Actual 1 1/8"-Serial¹PD86144-1152

-Green band visible SN-VT-S-1 Su~~arur No.I602140 Method: Comments S~umma No.I602150 Method: Comments S~umma No.I602160 Method: Comments Summarlr No.I602161 Method: Comments I602161 Method: Comments~Com anent IO Com onent Descri tion PS-9 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV180 Accept No Recordable Indications

-ME-256 Setting 3 7/8"-Actual 3 3/4"-Serial¹PD86144-1154, Fluid Level-Green Band Visible.SN-VT-S-1A~corn onentlD Com onent Descrl tlon PS-10 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER SN-VT-S-1A Data sheet: 99GV579 Accept No Recordable Indications

-ME-256 Setting 3 1/2"-Actual 4 3/32"-Serial¹PD86144-1157, Fluid Level-Green Band Visible.~Com onnnt10 Com onent Oescri tion PS-11 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV788 Accept No Recordable Indications; Accept IAW, Per ME-256 Req.21/4", Actual 2 3/8"-Serial¹PD86144-1156, 2 3/8" stroke, Green Band Visible.SN-VT-S-1A SN-FT-S-1A PS-11 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER SN-FT-S-1A Datasheet:

99GV868 Accept VT;No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.Setting 2 1/4, Actual 2 3/4".Serial¹PD144-1156-VT report 99GV868.FT report¹99GV1297.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801507.~Corn onent IO Com onent Descri tlon PS-11 HYDRAULIC SNUBBER Datasheet:

99GV1297 Accept VT;No Recordable Indications; Per ME-256 Req.Setting 2 1/4;Actual 2 3/4".Serial¹PD144-1156

-VT report 99GV868.FT report¹99GV1297.Snubber tested&operable per WO¹19801507.Su~~arm No l700340 Method: Comments:~Corn onent IO Cpm onent Descri tion FWU-18 MECHANICAL SNUBBER 8 IA, Data sheet: 99GV554 Accept No Recordable Indications, Per ME-256 req.3 1/2", actual 3 1/2"-Serial¹7067.SS-CS'F1.20S B-11 Summaru No.1700570 Method:~com onent IO RHU-86 Dat" sheet: 99GV038 Com onent Descrl tion GUIDE&IA Accept SS-CS'F1.20R B-21 0 0 ATTACHMENT 1 Inservice Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Page 71 of 71 1.Owner 2.Plant: 3.Plant Unit: 4.Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)5.Commercial Service Date: 6.National Board Number for Unit: Comments: NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS Roch ser s8 El ri C.9Eas Ave.R hester N w Y rk14.E.GinnaNuctearPowerPlan 1 3L k R d nari New Y rk14519 1 N/A Drrr9olrt t 997799~Summa No.~Com anent lD Com onent Descrl tlon l700770 SWU-523 GUIDE&IA Method: Datasheet:

99GV043 Accept Comments: NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SummarmNo.

~Com onentlD Com onentDeacrl tlon l700780 SWU-524'UIDE&IA Method: Datasheet:

99GV046 Accept Comments: NO RECORDABLE INDICATIONS SS-CS'F1.20R C-28A SS-CS'F1.20R C-28A

ATTACHMENT 1A Inspection Report 3rd Intewal, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Owner: Rochester Gas&Electric Corporation Plant: R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Plant Unit: 1 Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req.)Commercial Service Date: 7/01/70 National Board Number for Unit: N/A EXAM CATEGORY I ITEM NUMBER: E-P I E9.10 Pressure Retaining Boundary-Repair, Replacement or Modification LLRT Com onent CE-10 LLRT Procedure 22.18 Pen.¹CE-10 Examination Results: Appendix J Test, (Option B)-Acceptable LLRT Com onent Equip Hatch LLRT Procedure 22.6 Pen.¹2000 Examination Results: Appendix J Test,(Option B)-Acceptable EXAM CATEGORY I ITEM NUMBER: E-P I E9.20 Containment Penetration Bellows LLRT Com onent Mech Man A LLRT Procedure 22.8 Pen.¹313 304 319 316 306 322 321 318 317 310 332 309 312 Examination Results: Appendix J Test, (Option B)-Acceptable Page l of 5 ATTACHMENT 1A Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Owner.Rochester Gas&Electric Corporation Plant: R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Plant Unit: 1 Owner Certificate of Authorization tlf Req.)Commercial Service Date: 7/01/70 National Board Number for Unit: N/A EXAM CATEGORY I ITEM NUMBER: E-P I E9.20 Containment Penetration Bellows LLRT Com onent Mech Man C LLRT Procedure 22.10 Pen.¹300 401 403 Examination Results: Appendix J Test,(Option B)-Acceptable LLRT Com onent Mech Man F LLRT Procedure.

22.12 Pen.¹133 129 119 Examination Results: Appendix J Test, (Option B)-Acceptable LLRT Com onent Mech Man H LLRT Procedure 22.14 Pen.¹404 402 Examination Results: Appendix J Test,(Option B)-Acceptable LLRT Com onent Mech Man J LLRT Procedure 22.16 Pen.¹107 102 101 113 118 105 109 99 103 Examination Results: Appendix J Test, (Option B)-Acceptable Page2of5 ATTACHMENT 1A Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Owner.Rochester Gas&Electric Corporation Plant: R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Plantunit:

1 Owner Certificate of Authorization (if Req.)Commercial Service Date: 7/01/70 National Board Number for Unit: N/A EXAM CATEGORY/ITEM NUMBER: E-P/E9.30 Airlocks LLRT Com onent Equip Hatch Volume LLRT Procedure 22.4 Pen.¹2000 Examination Results: Appendix J Test, (Option B)-Acceptable LLRT Com onent Per Hatch Volume LLRT Procedure 22.3 Pen.¹1000 Examination Results: Appendix J Test, (Option B)-Acceptable EXAM CATEGORY/ITEM NUMBER: E-P/E9.40 Seals and Gaskets LLRT Com onent Purge Supp Flange LLRT Procedure 23.35.1 Pen.¹204 Examination Results: Appendix J Test, (Option B)-Acceptable LLRT Com onent Purge Exht Flange LLRT Procedure 23.36.1 Pen.¹300 Examination Results: Appendix J Test,(Option B)-Acceptable LLRT Com onent Fuel Xfer Flange LLRT Procedure 23.54 Pen.¹29 Examination Results: Appendix J Test, (Option B)-Acceptable Page 3 of 5

ATTACHMENT 1A Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Owner: Rochester Gas&Electric Corporation Plant: R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Plant Unit: 1 Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req,)Commercial Service Date: 7/01/70 National Board Number for Unit: N/A EXAM CATEGORY I ITEM NUMBER: E-P I E9.40 Seals and Gaskets LLRT Com onent LLRT Procedure S/G Comm Flange 23.53.2 (OUT)Pen.¹2 Examination Results: Appendix J Test,(Option B)-Acceptable LLRT Com onent S/G Comm Flange (IN)LLRT Procedure 23.53.1 Pen.¹2 Examination Results: Appendix J Test, (Option B)-Acceptable LLRT Com onent Equip Hatch Door Seals LLRT Procedure 22.1 Pen.¹2000 Examination Results: Appendix J Test, (Option B)-Acceptable LLRT Com onent Pers Hatch Door Seals LLRT Procedure 22.2 Pen.¹1000 Examination Results: Appendix J Test, (Option B)-Acceptable LLRT Com onent Equip Hatch 0-ring LLRT Procedure 22.7 Pen.¹2000 Examination Results: Appendix J Test, (Option B)-Acceptable LLRT Com onent Blank Flange LLRT Procedure 23.42 Pen.¹313 Examination Results: Appendix J Test, (Option B)-Acceptable Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT 1A Inspection Report 3rd Interval, 3rd Period, 2nd Outage (1999)Owner.Rochester Gas&Electric Corporation PlanL'.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Plant Unit: 1 Owner Certificate of Authorization (If Req,)Commercial SeNice Date: 7/01/70 National Board Number for Unit: N/A EXAM CATEGORY I ITEM NUMBER: Seals and Gaskets E-P I E9.40 LLRT Com onent Blank Flange LLRT Procedure 23.43 Pen.¹317 Examination Results: Appendix J Test,(Option B)-Acceptable LLRT Com onent Elect Man II LLRT Procedure 22.19 Pen.¹BE-1 BE-2(Spare)

BE-3 BEP Examination Results: Appendix J Test, (Option B)-Acceptable Page 5 of 5 FORM NIS-2 OWNER'S REPORT FOR REPAIRS OR REPLACEMENTS As R uired b the Provisions of the ASME Code Section XI Date Sheet Unit 3.Work Performed by Address Name Repair Organization P.O.No., Job No., etc.Type Code Symbol Stamp Authorization No.Expiration Date 4.Identiticatkin of System*5.iai Apptmatde Consltnmam Coda~19~pditton~Addenda,~Code Case (b)Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs or Replacements 1 6.Identitication of Components Repaired or Replaced and Replacement Components Name of Com Name of Manufacturer Manufacturer Serial No.NaUonal Board No.Other IdentiTicatlon Year Build Repaired Replaced Re Iacement ASME Code Stamped (Yes or No 7.Description of Work 8.Tests Conducted:(')

Hydrostatic P Pneumatic P'ominal Operating Pressure P Ctnaf P Pfaaanta psl Teal Temp.~P NOTE: Supplemental sheets In form of lists, sketches, or drawings may be used, provided (1)stze is 8-1/2 in.x 11 In., (2)Information in items 1 through 6 on this report ls included on each sheet, and (3)each sheet is numbered and the number of sheets Is recorded at the top of this form.(')See"ATTACHMENT II" FOR APPLICABLE INFORMATION (12I82)This Form (E00030)may be obtained from the Order Dept., ASME, 345 E.47th St., New York, N.Y.10017 1 9.Remarks FORM NIS-2 (Back)Applicable Manufacturer's Data Reports to be attached CERTIFICATE OF COMPUANCE We cerUIy that the statements made In the report are correct and this'conforms to the rules of the ASME Code, Sectke or replacement Type Code Symbol Stamp CerUfkateo A N Signed Owner or Owner's Designee, Title Expiratke Date Date CERTIFICATE OF INSERVICE INSPECTION I, the undersigned, hokUng a vaUd commisshn issued by the NaUonal Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and the State or Provhce of and employed by of have Inspected the components described kt this Owner's Report during the period to laMI corrective measures described in this Owner's Report in accordance with the inspectke plan and as required by the ASME Code, SecUon XI.By signing this cerUIIcate neither the Inspector nor his employer makes any warranty, expressed or Implied, concerning the examinations and corrective measures described in this Owner's Report.Furthermore, neither the Inspector nor his employer shall be Iktble in any manner for any personal Injury or property damage or a loss of any kind arising from or connected with this inspection.

Date Inspector's Signature Commlsshns National Board, State, Province, and Endorsements


(-)Repair, ReptacementorModIUcaUonasldenUUedwithin ATTACHMENT II" R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner: 2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

The Repair, Replacement and Modification (RR&M)Program, as identified within the"Inservice Inspection (ISI)Program", identifies component jurisdiction and associated requirements.

Applicable Repair, Replacement or Modification activities have been performed in accordance with ASME Section XI Code, 1986 Edition, No Addenda or the 1992 Edition with 1992 Addenda for IWE/IWL (Containment).

When an item under the rules and requirements of the"Inservice Inspection (ISI)Program" is found deficient, an Engineering"use-as-is" evaluation may result.This determination is indicated within the ISI Program Summary,"Attachment I", for the applicable component within this report.If the deficiency results in a Code Repair, Replacement or Modification; the deficiency will be classified as one of three category types.These category types shall consist of a"Code Service Induced Rejectable Indication", a"Code Rejectable Indication" and a"Corrective Action Activity".

A"Code Service Induced Rejectable Indication" occurs when a component under the RR&M Program contains an indication that is beyond ASME Section XI Code acceptable standards and was determined to be"Service Induced"."Service Induced" indications, stemming from Inservice Inspection Examinations (ISI), shall require additional expanded examinations.

The associated expanded examinations shall be'performed in accordance to the requirements of the ASME Section XI Code.A"Code Rejectable Indication" occurs when a component under the RR&M Program contains an indication that is beyond ASME Section XI Code acceptable standards and was determined to be not"Service Induced".This category includes but is not limited to items such as welding discontinuities from a modification identified during ISI preservice examinations or component damage caused by human involvement.

R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

A"Corrective Action Activity" may occur when a component under the RR&M Program requires corrective action.This corrective action may be a result from a maintenance operation that identifies a need to perform a Code Repair, Replacement or Modification.

This category includes but is not limited to items such as machining a component to correct an identified problem or the removal and later reapplication of hardface material on pressure boundary surfaces.The following groups have performed applicable Repair, Replacement and Modification activities.

Each group has been identified by a number and will correspond to the groups'ame and address.Rochester Gas and Electric, Ginna Station departments will not be identified as like contractors but by generic name.In the below listing of Repairs, Replacements or Modifications; the work group will be identified by a number within the component discussion.

1.Rochester Gas&Electric, Ginna Station 2.Framatome Technologies 3315 Old Forest Road Lynchburg, Va.24506 3.BW/IP International.

PO Box 3428 701 First St.Williamsport, Pa.17704 4.Leak Repair International Syracuse, NY 5.Flowserve Corp.701 First Street Williamsport, Pa.17701 The following information will report applicable Repairs, Replacements or Modifications performed at R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant during this reporting period as required by ASME Section XI Code.

R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner: 2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

HHHLLI'HH HHHLH L B31 1 55I SP 5291~ME 318~ASME III 86 1 FI-2020, Replacement of 8 3/4" dia.flange bolts.A Replacement activity was initiated for S.bolts (3/4"-10)associated with the outlet Flange of the"A" SFP Heat Exchanger.

This activity was controlled by WO¹19604602.Upon reinstallation, an ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary¹R97086.,2~N/A HHH HHHLH B31 1 55I EWR 10286I ME 318~ASME II I 86 1 AAA02B, Replacement of"B" RHR Pump Cooler Coil, Replacement of threaded 1 1/2" Inlet&Outlet Piping and Flange Bolting.A Replacement activity was initiated to install a Pump Cooler Coil as well as 1 1/2" threaded Inlet and Outlet piping and flange bolting.This activity was controlled by WO¹19403733.Upon reinstallation, an ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary¹R97089.3.~H 2fl HHHLHI'HHHH'HHHILH ASME III, NF, 1986 1 CCU-94, Installation of new component support on pipe to RHR Pump"B" A Modification activity was initiated to install a new piping component support.This activity was controlled by WO¹19703996, Action Report 97-1781&PCR¹97-106.Upon installation, construction code VT exams were performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary¹R99037.

RQ E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)I.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

4~QQIQQQ'--'I*Q.5.N/A QKII QQKQQ B31~1 55~RO 2204 I ME 318I ASME II I 86 1 PSW01C, Replacement of"C" SW Pump Ass'y (PSW01C)&48 Flange Bolts&Nuts (7/8" x 4" B7).A Replacement activity was initiated to install a refurbished pump assembly&installation of new bolts and nuts.This activity was controlled by WO's I 19800961, 19800139&TE-586.Upon re-installation, an ASME Section XI VT preservice exam was performed and acceptable for pump supports under NDE summary number R99024 as well as VT-2 leakage exam under NDE summary number R99025.See GORR Number 98-009 for additional information.

6.Lirlp'/A QQKQII AISC 8th edition, AWS D1.1, EWR 10182 Rl, GC76.4 RO.1 EAC01A, Modify pedestal anchorage on CCW Heat Exchanger.

A modification activity was initiated in accordance with PCR 97-059 to alter the pedestal anchorage associated with the"A" CCW Heat Exchanger.

This activity was controlled by WO 5 19702147.Upon installation, construction VT exams were performed and acceptable.

ASME Section XI ISI baseline support VT examinations were performed under ISI Summary numbers 555000, 555050, 555100&555150.7.KKIQII R E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner: 2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

8.Lirlp'/A B31 1 55I RO 2204I ME 318'SME I I I 86 1'SW01A, Replacement of"A" SW Pump Ass'y, Basket Welds&Discharge Flange Bolting.A Replacement activity was initiated to install a pump assembly, new bolts&the replacement of basket weds.This activity was controlled by WO¹'s 19802970,19802969

&TE 94-586.Upon installation, Construction Code VT exams were performed and acceptable on the basket welds.ASME Section XI VT Preservice exam for the pump supports&a VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary¹'s R99029&R99030.9.N/A GDKlll B31 1 55I RO 2204 I ME 318 I ASME I I I 86 1 PSW01C, Replacement of Flange Bolting on SW Pump"C".A Replacement activity was initiated to install new flange bolting.This activity was controlled by WO¹'s 19801939, 19800961&19800139.Upon installation, ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary¹R99025 and GORR 98-005.

R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner: 2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

10.iiSBLCl'iP'~'1.5B-AC6-2503 B31 1 55I B15 5 61I ME 318I G 676262I ASME III'92/'86.1 RR¹31 (Code Case N-416-1)Replacement of 1 1/2" tees and 3/4" test connections downstream of valves 735A&V735B&installation of new valves 761G&761H.A Replacement activity was initiated to install tees, valves and test connections downstream of valves 735A&735B.This activity was controlled by WO¹19802386&19802387.Upon installation, construction.

code VT&PT exams were performed and acceptable.

ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage exams were also performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary¹'s R99064&R99065.ii~Wiiill L B31 1 55~G 676262'SME I I I 86/92 1 RR¹31 (Code Case N-416-1)-Test connections installed between valves 896A&896B.A Replacement activity was initiated to install a 3/4" test connection between valves 896A&896B as well as a saddle on the 10" line.This activity was controlled by WO¹19802390&PCR¹97-085.Upon installation, construction code VT and PT exams were performed and acceptable.

An ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary¹R99063.

R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner: V t 4 2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

12.E5HLC1 EIELJI L B31 1 55/SP 5291~ME 318'16 5~ASME I I I 86 92~G 676258'676262 1 RR¹31 (Code Case N-416-1)Replace MOV-813.A Replacement activity was initiated to install a new valve.This activity was controlled by WO¹19604729&PCR¹96-076.Upon installation, RT, VT and MT exams were performed and acceptable.

An ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary¹R99062.13.EIKLC1 QDHLX L'-25 fkt 6A-RCO-2501-B B16 5 65~ASME III 86 1 Valves 852A&B, drilling of pressure relieving hole in each wedge.A Replacement (Modification) activity was initiated on valves 852 A&B to drill pressure relieving hole in each wedge of the valves to remove potential for Bonnet Pressure locking.This activity was controlled by WO¹'s 19802388,-19802389&PCR 96-086.Upon mechanical reinstallation, an ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam (PT-7)was performed and acceptable.

See Summary¹I411000.

R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner: v et 2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

14.CVCS DDKlll Liras B31 1 55i ME 318I ASME I I I 86 1 ECH07, Replacement of flange bolting on Boric Acid Heat Exchanger at CCW flanges.A Replacement activity was initiated to install CCW flange bolting associated with the Boric Acid Heat exchanger.

This activity was controlled by WO¹'s 19803924, 19803754&Action Report 98-1403.Upon re-installation, ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary¹R99188.15.ill KDl'K K'DDK lit~le N/A AISC 63 I ASME I I I 86 1 CVPCE10, capping of Electrical Penetration CE-10.RR¹31 (Code Case N-416-1)A Replacement activity was initiated to remove and cap off Electrical Penetration CE-10.This activity was controlled by WO¹19802385, Action Report 97-1643&PCR 97-096.Upon completion of this activity, construction code RT, PT&VT exams were performed and acceptable.

ASME Section XI IEW baseline VT examination was performed as well as VT-2 Leakage Exam in conjunction with Appendix J Testing was performed and acceptable.

See Summary Numbers I900224&R99112.10 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR PO%ER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

16.1SQCl Lir~N/A SFP GDEILJI B31~1 55~ME 318'SME I I I 86/92 2 NAC03, Replacement of Spent Fuel Pool suction strainer&piping.RR 831 (Code Case N-416-1)A Replacement activity was initiated to replace the SFP suction strainer&piping.This activity was controlled by WO 5 19802991&PCR 95-098.Upon installation, VT&PT (root&final)exams were performed and acceptable.

Piping is open ended and no ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed as allowed by the Code.See NDE Summary Number R99054.17.IIBHKCl'LJI~'Kill B31 1 55~SP 5291 g ME 318/ASME I I I'86/'92.1 RR 031 (Code Case N-416-1)Replacement of 10" piping downstream from Valve 8689.A Replacement activity was initiated to install piping downstream from Valve 8689.This activity was controlled by WO 0 19804652&Action Report 98-1691.Upon inst'.lation, construction code exams were performed which included Surface examinations of the root and final welds as applicable and VT examinations.

An ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Number R99068.

R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inserv ice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section M Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

18.GDKlll'8 I'Gkt&U&l'31.1

'55 SP-5291, ME-318, ASME III 86/r92 1 RR¹31 (Code Case N-416-1)Replacement of valve 4619, 14 x 10" reducer and flange components.

A Replacement activity was initiated to install a new 10" valve, reducer and flange.This activity was controlled by WO¹19804740, Action Report 98-1659&PCR 98-101.Upon installation, construction code exams were performed and acceptable which consisted of MT&PT of root and final welds and VT examinations.

An ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Number R99071.19.N/A 8'DKLJI ASME III'65/'86~3 EAC02A&EAC02B, Replacement of Bolting on the RHR HT.EX."A"&"B".A Replacement activity was initiated to install 33 new bolts in the"A"&"B" Heat Exchangers.

This activity was controlled by WO¹19803963.Upon installation,-

ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exams were performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Number R99110, R99111&R99164.

R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner: 2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

20.aBHLC!'5~'55555 I'5 20I-SWO-125-1 B31 1 55I SP 5291I ME 318~ASME III'86/'92.1 RR¹31 (Code Case N-416-1)Replacement of (2)20" diameter stainless steel spool pieces.A Replacement activity was initiated to install 20" stainless steel spool pieces.This activity was controlled by WO¹'s 19900374, 19900375&PCR¹99-107.Upon installation, construction code surface (MT&PT)exams for the root and final welds as well as VT exams were performed and acceptable.

ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exams were performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Numbers R99106&R99107.21.Lirle N/A SBHKC1 55KIII"I B18.3'1, ASME III'6 2 Replacement of Reactor Vessel Baffle Bolts A Replacement activity was initiated to install Reactor Vessel Baffle Bolts.This activity was controlled by WO¹19802453.UT examinations of bolting was performed to determine bolts to be replaced.Upon installation of new bolts VT examinations were performed.

13 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999) e 2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section Xl Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

22.l!5HKCl RQELJI L 4A-CD-150-1B B31 1 55I SP 5291I B16~34I ME 318I ASME III'86/'92 1 RR¹31 (Code Case N-416-1)Replacement of Valves 4016&4017.A Replacement activity was initiated to install new 4016&4017 valves.This activity was controlled by WO¹'s 19800376 and 19800377.Upon installation, construction code MT/PT root and final weld exams as well as VT exams were performed and acceptable.

ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exams were performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Numbers R99040&R99041.23.EIHKC1 GQEKJI I ASME III NF'74 1 AFU-109 Snubber Replacement.

A Snubber Replacement activity was initiated for AFU-109 component support.This activity was controlled by WO¹19801496.Upon installation a VT baseline examination was performed and, acceptable under ISI Summary¹I600361.24.SRLCl MBILtt ASME III NF'74 1 FWU-44 Snubber Replacement.

A Snubber Replacement activity was initiated for FWU-44 component support.This activity was controlled by WO¹19801499.Upon installation a VT baseline examination was performed and acceptable under ZSI Summary¹I601271.14 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inserv ice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

25.satkC1 aUulll I ASME III NF'74 AFU-98 Snubber Replacement.

A Snubber Replacement activity was initiated for AFU-98 component support.This activity was controlled by WO¹19801494.Upon installation a VT baseline examination was performed and acceptable under ISI Summary¹I600301.26.lIatkC1'lam'KLJI L ASME III NF'74 1 FWU-5 Snubber Replacement.

A Snubber Replacement activity was initiated for FWU-5 component support.This activity was controlled by WO¹19801498.Upon installation a VT baseline examination was performed and acceptable under ISI Summary¹I601110.27.ilSHLCl'B!kt coellll L ASME III NF'74 1 AFU-225 Snubber Replacement.

A Snubber Replacement activity was initiated for AFU-225 component support.This activity was controlled by WO¹19801495.Upon installation a VT baseline examination was performed and acceptable under ISI Summary¹I601990.15 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

28.IQQQQI'QQQQJQ I ASME III NF'74 1 N602 Snubber Replacement.

A Snubber Replacement activity was initiated for N602 component support.This activity was controlled by WO¹19801511.Upon installation a.VT baseline examination was performed and acceptable under ISI Summary¹I602020.29.QQQQSI'QQQ QQQQQI I ASME III NF'74 1 N604 Snubber Replacement.

A Snubber Replacement activity was initiated for N604 component support.This activity was controlled by WO¹19801508.Upon installation a VT baseline examination was performed and acceptable under ISI Summary¹I602031.30.Q QQQ IIIIIII I ASME III NF'74 1 N605 Snubber Replacement.

A Snubber Replacement activity was initiated for N605 component support.This activity was controlled by WO¹19801510.Upon installation a VT baseline examination was performed and acceptable under ISI Summary¹I602040.16 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inserv ice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner.2.-Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

31.GGGLGI'GKG GDKlll L ASME III NF'74.1 AFU-110 Weldless Eye Nut Replacement.

A Weldless Eye Nut Replacement activity was initiated for AFU-110 component support.This activity was controlled by WO I 19900961&Action Report 99-0353.Upon installation a VT preservice examination was performed and acceptable under NDE Summary I R99137.32.GDKL22'33.DDK 229'd 34.DGIILLI GDDLll L B31 1 55I SP 5291~Bl 6 34 I ME 3 1 8 I ASME III'86/'92.1 RR 031 (Code Case N-416-1)Replacement of valve 4739A.A Replacement activity was initiated to install a new valve 4739A.This activity was controlled by WO I 19804771&19901151.Upon installation, construction code exams which consisted of VT and MT (root and final welds)were performed and acceptable.

An ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Number R99145.35.DDGLGI 17 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner: V 2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

36.IISHLCl GDBKJI I B31 1 55~SP 5291~B16 34~ME 318i ASME III'6/'2.I RR¹31 (Code Case N-416-1)Replacement of 14" Lunkenhiemer Globe valve 4620 with 10" Jamesbury Butterfly valve with associated reducers.A Replacement activity was initiated to install a new valve 4620 with associated reducers.This activity was controlled by WO¹19901151.Upon installation, construction code exams which consisted of VT and MT (root and final welds)were performed and acceptable.

An ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Numbers R99157&R99146.37.3 SBHLC1 MEILJI I'B-MS-600-1 6C-MS-600-1 B31.1'55, SP-52-91 1 Internals Replacement on Valves 3504B&3505B.A Replacement activity was initiated to install new shaft, disk&hinge arm internal components in valves 3504B&3505B.This activity was controlled by WO¹'s 19900704&19900913.Upon re-assembly of the valves, ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Numbers R99194&R99195.18 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR PO%ER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner.V 2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

38.iidHKHt'Y"d'tdtLH l B31 1 551 SP 5291~B1 6~34 I ME 3 1 8 I ASME III'86/'92.1 RR¹31 (Code Case N-416-1)Replacement of Check Valve 4014.A Replacement activity was initiated to install a new check valve 4016.This activity was controlled by WO¹19800377.Upon installation, construction code exams which consisted of VT, MT and RT were performed and acceptable.

An ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Number R99042.39.HdtdLH--d 40.HHHKH1'HHH HldlLH L'31 1 55I SP 5291 I B1 6~34 I ME 3 1 8 I ASME III'86/'92 1 RR¹31 (Code Case N-416-1)Replacement of Valve 3505C 6 1 1/2" piping.A Replacement activity was initiated to install a new 3505C valve and associated piping.This activity was controlled by WO¹19801152, Action Report 98-021 and PCR¹98-021.Upon installation, construction code VT 6 MT exams were performed and acceptable.

An ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Number R99053.19 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner: 2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

41.N/A IIBKCl'XN MKLJI B31 1 55i SP 5378 i ASME I I I 86~]SGA-7 Snubber Replacement.

A Snubber Replacement activity was initiated for SGA-7 snubber component support on the"A" Steam Generator.

This activity was controlled by WO N 19801516.Upon installation a VT baseline examination was performed and acceptable under ISI Summary 0 I600081.42.IIBHKC1 GQKLH L B31 1 55'P 5291~ME 318i ASME III 86 1 Replacement of threaded nipple by Valve 5974.A Replacement activity was initiated to install threaded piping/nipples by valve 5974.This activity was controlled by WO 5 19801918.An ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Number R99168.43.asBKS1 av"~'DKlla L'/B31 1 55~SP 5291 i B16 34 i ASME I I I 86 1 Replacement Lube Oil RV's on EDG"A" a"B" and Fuel Oil RV on EDG"B", valves 5960, 5989 a 5990.A Replacement activity was initiated to install.threaded RV's associated with the Lube Oil on EDG"A"&"B" and the Fuel Oil on EDG"B".This activity was controlled by WO 5's 19800580, 19800581&19900132.ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exams were performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Number R99138, R99166&R99167.20 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)1 l.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

44.ilSHKCI GDELJI i'2 li" i~"'""!'31 1 55~SP 5291~ME 31 8 I ASME I I I 86/'92 1 RR¹31 (Code Case N-416-1)Replacement of CRFC A, B, C&D Motor Cooler SW Outlet Piping&Cooling Coil Brazed Repair on<1".A Replacement activity was initiated to install associated 2 1/2"&smaller SW Outlet piping on CRFC A, B,C&D as well as a Cooling Coil Brazed Repair on<1" coil.This activity was controlled by WO¹'s 19802776, 19802777, 19802778, 19802779&19901234 for the Brazed Repair.Upon installation a VT construction code exam was performed to the rebrazed weld as well as an ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam.These exams were acceptable.

See NDE Summary Numbers R99082, R99080, R99081&R99079.45.iliHLCi'u~WKLJI L ASME III NF'74 1 CVU-103, Modification to Mechanical Snubber Support, spacer added.A Modification activity was initiated to install a spacer on Mechanical Snubber CVU-103.This activity was controlled by WO¹19900896, PCR¹99-023 and Action Report 99-0354.Upon installation, Construction Code and ASME Section XI VT baseline Exam were performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Number R99053 and I600961.21 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner.V 2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or ModiTications:

46.333L33 003ltll I B31.1'55/'86, SP-5291 1 Repair of Slag Indication in Weld V.A Code Weld Repair activity was initiated to remove a slag indication found in weld"V" on a 14" Feedwater line.A Code repair cycle was initiated.

Indications were removed by mechanical means, the excavated area was PT examined and UT thickness readings obtained.Baseline RT, MT and VT'exams were performed and acceptable.

This activity was controlled by WO¹19901199 and Action Report 99-0583.See NDE Summary Number R99161 and ISI Summary Number I200090.47.333L33'L!~'0KLII I'l 00-3~>>>>ty ASME III NF'74 1 MSU-8 Snubber Replacement.

A Snubber Replacement activity was initiated for MSU-8 snubber component.

This activity was controlled by WO¹19801505.Upon installation a VT baseline examination was.performed and acceptable.

See ISI Summary¹I601380 and I085200.48.0030030 I B31 1 55~SP 5291~ME 318~4 Replacement of Stud on Valve 3517.A Replacement activity was initiated to install one (1)injection stud on valve 3517.This activity was controlled by WO¹19901453&Action Report 99-020.One stud was removed and the new one installed without breaking the pressure boundary.22 S

R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

49.SSHLC1 alKiil L ASME III NF'74 1 AFU-208 Snubber Replacement.

A Replacement activity was initiated for AFU-208 snubber component.

This activity was controlled by WO¹19901422&Action Report 99-0760.Upon installation a VT baseline examination was performed and acceptable.

See ISI Summary¹I601940 and NDE Summary¹R99181.50.ilBHKC1 I iii m GDEiiii i B31~1 55~G 676343'676262'16 34~ASME III'86/'92 1 RR¹31 (Code Case N-416-1)Replacement of Valve 304B&associated 2" Piping.A Replacement

" activity was initiated to install a new valve 304B and associated 2" piping..This activity was controlled by WO¹19900754 and TSR 97-061.Upon installation, construction code VT&PT exams were performed and acceptable.

An ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable under PT-7 as well as PT preservice exams fur Class 1.See NDE Summary Number R99142 and ISI Summary Numbers I049000 and I049005.23 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

51.55~5555555 L B31 1 55/SP 5291~G 676343~G 676262 B16 34~ASME I I I 86/92 1 RR¹31 (Code Case N-416-1)Flange, Vent Cap&Valve 2204 Replacement.

A Replacement activity was initiated to install a flange, vent cap and valve 2204.This activity was, controlled by WO¹19803488 and Action Reports 99-0439, 99-0249, 99-1193.Upon installation, construction code PT&VT exams were performed and acceptable.

An ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable under PT-7 as well as PT preservice exams.See NDE Summary Numbers R99078, R99104 and ISI Summary Numbers I044100, I044200, I044300, I044400&I044420.52.5555lll'IW5'5KLII I B31 1 55~E 676279/B1 6~34 1.Replacement of Valve 434.A Replacement activity was initiated to install a'new valve by mechanical means.This activity was controlled by WO¹19800563.Upon re-installation, an ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable under PT-7.53.5555555 I'B31 1 55~E 676279~B16~34 1 Replacement of Valve 435.A Replacement activity was initiated to install a new valve by mechanical means.This activity was controlled by WO¹19800562.Upon re-installation, an ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable under PT-7.

R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner: 2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

54.LiZ~N/A aaHKC1'/EKillO ASME III'86 1 Replacement of Secondary Hand Hole Cover Studs on Steam Generators"A"&"B".A Replacement activity was initiated to install new Secondary Hand Hole Cover Studs.One stud was replaced on S/G"A" (East¹5)and two studs were replaced on S/G"B" (East&West¹5).This activity was controlled by GMS-43-11-HANDCOVER.

Augmented Installation NDE was performed and acceptable which consisted of a VT exam on the studs.Upon reassembly, an ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable under PT-7.55.lIBltLCl QDKLJI'"v B31 1 55I SP 5291 I ME 31 8 I ASME I I I'6/'2 1 RR¹31 (Code Case N-416-1)Replacement of TDAFW Lube Oil Piping, 1 1/2" 3/4"&1/2" A Replacement activity was initiated to install associated Lube Oil Piping by welding or mechanical means.This activity was controlled by WO¹19703571, PCR 95=084 and MDCN-1607.

Upon installation, construction code VT&PT exams were performed and acceptable.

An ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Number R99102.25 R.E.GINNA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)l.Owner.2.Plant: 3.Applicable Edition of Section XI Utilized for Repairs, Replacements or Modifications:

56.ilBHKC1 QOKLJI L B31 1 55I SP 5291 I B16 34~5 Replacement of Valve 3410 Internals, Stem Plug, Diffuser&Pilot.A Replacement activity was initiated to install a new stem plug, diffuser and pilot on valve 3410 by mechanical means.This activity was controlled by WO 5 19800016.Upon installation, an ASME Section XI VT-2 Leakage Exam was performed and acceptable.

See NDE Summary Number N99084.26 R.E.Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)Attachment III Erosion/Corrosion (Minwall)Program Summary This section provides Erosion/Corrosion examination details and information corresponding to the items inspected during the 1999 Outage.A total of 168 components were examined, the breakdown of this total, by component type is as follows: Com onent T Pipes Elbows Bends Reducers Tee Total Total 65 60 02 35 06 168 The following lists identify systems of examined components, system component summaries, and component result details.S stems of examined Com onents Component thickness measurements were performed on the following systems: Drawin Number M-1 M-2 M-3 M-4A M-5 M4 M-7A M-12A M-128 M-15A M-158 M-16 M-17A M-178 M-18 M-19 M-20 M-21 M-22 M-31 M-32 M-33 M45 M468 M-75 M-81~Sstems A/8 FW PUMP DISCHARGE TO 5A/58 HEATERS 5 A/8 FW HEATERS TO FW HEADER HEATER 4A/48 DRAIN TO HEATER DRAIN TANK FW CLEANUP TO CONDENSER FROM 5A/58 FW HTRS.HEATERS 4A/48 TO FEEDWATER SUCTION FEEDWATER SUCTION TO PUMPS A/8 HEATER DRAIN TANK DISCHARGE MSR 1A&18 2nd PASS DRAIN MSR 2A&28 2nd PASS DRAIN MSR 1A 4th PASS TO 5A'HEATER MSR 18 4th PASS TO 5A HEATER MSR 1A&18 4th PASS TO CONDENSER MSR 2A 4th PASS TO 58 HEATER MSR 28 4th PASS TO 58 HEATER~MSR 2A 8 28 4th PASS TO CONDENSERS 1A,2A,3A LOW PRESSURE HEATER DRAINS TO CONDENSER 18,28,38 LOW PRESSURE HEATER DRAINS TO CONDENSER STEAM EXTRACTION TO PRESEP.TANK 8&48 LP HEATER STEAM EXTRACTION TO PRESEP.TANK A 8 4A LP HEATER MSR 1A&18 TO HEATER DRAIN TANK&CONDENSER MSR 2A8 28 TO HEATER DRAIN TANK8 CONDENSER MSR 1A, 18, 2A, 28 TO HEATER DRAIN TANK PRESEPARATOR A/8 TO HEATER DRAIN TANK&CONDENSER P RESEPARATOR A/8 TO HEATER DRAIN TANK STEAM EXTRACTION TO 5A 8 58 HEATERS FEEDWATER DISCHARGE (TURBINE BLDG.)


Drawin Number:~setem A/8 FW PUMP DISCHARGE TO 5A/58 HEATERS Components examined: Results (%Nominal)4 Pipes 5>88 1 Elbow M-2 5 A/8 FW HEATERS TO FW HEADER Components examined: Results (%Nominal)1 Pipe 1>88 M-3 HEATER 4A/48 DRAIN TO HEATER DRAIN TANK Components examined: Results (%Nominal)1 Elbow 1>88 M4A FW CLEANUP TO CONDENSER FROM 5A/58 FW HEATERS Components examined: Results (%Nominal)1 Elbow 1>88 M-5 HEATERS 4A/48 TO FEEDWATER SUCTION Components examined: Results (%Nominal)2 Elbows 4>88 1 Tee 1 Pipe M-6 FEEDWATER SUCTION TO PUMPS A/8 Components examined: Results (%Nominal)3 Pipes 6>88 1 Tee 2 Elbows M-7A HEATER DRAIN TANK DISCHARGE Components examined: Results (%Nominal)1 Elbow 1>88 R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)MSR1A&18 2nd PASS DRAIN Components examined: Results (%5 Reducers (65 4 Pipes 76-82 2 Elbows 82-88 1 Tee>88 MSR 2A 8 28 2nd PASS DRAIN Components examined: Results (%4 Reducers 65-70 2 Elbows 76-82>88 Nominal)Nominal)MSR 1A 4th PASS TO 5A HEATER Components examined: Results (%3 Pipes 70-76 5 Elbows>88 3 Reducers MSR 18 4th PASS TO 5A HEATER Components examined: Results (%4 Pipes (65 6 Elbows>88 3 Reducers Nominal)Nominal)MSR 1A&18 4th PASS TO CONDENSER Components examined: Results (%Nominal)2 Pipes 76-82 2 Reducers>88 MSR 2A 4th PASS TO 58 HEATER Components examined: Results (%2 Pipes 82-88 5 Elbows>88 1 Reducers MSR 28 4th PASS TO 58 HEATER Components examined: Results (%1 Pipe 82-88 1 Reducer>88 6 Elbows Nominal)Nominal)MSR 2A&28 4th PASS TO CONDENSERS Components examined: Results (%Nominal)2Pipes>88 2 Reducers

R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)1A,2A,3A LOW PRESSURE HEATER DRAINS TO CONDENSER Components examined: Results (%Nominal)1 Pipe>88 1 Reducer 1B,2B,3B LOW PRESSURE HEATER DRAINS TO CONDENSER Components examined: Results (%Nominal)1 Pipe 82-88 1 Elbow>88 1 Reducer STEAM EXTRACTION TO PRESEP.TANK B 8 4B LP HEATER Components examined: Results (%Nominal)6 Pipes<65 6 Elbows 70-76 76-82>88 STEAM EXTRACTION TO PRESEP.TANK A&4A LP HEATER Components examined: Results (%Nominal)3 Pipes<65 3 Elbows 65-72>88 MSR 1A&1B TO HEATER DRAIN TANK&CONDENSER Components examined: Results (%Nominal)2 Bends 82-88 1 Elbow>88 2 Reducers MSR 2A 8 2B TO HEATER DRAIN TANK Components examined: Results (%Nominal)4 Reducers 82-88>88 NISR 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B TO HEATER DRAIN TANK Components examined: Results (%Nominal)1 Pipe>88 1 Elbow R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)M45 PRESEPARATOR A/B TO HEATER DRAIN TANK&CONDENSER Components examined: Results (%Nominal)1 Pipe>88 2 Elbows 1 Reducer 1 Tee M46B PRESEPARATOR AIB TO HEATER DRAIN TANK Components examined: Results (%Nominal)2 Pipes (65 1 Reducer>88 1 Tee M-75 STEAM EXTRACTION TO 5A&5B HEATERS Components examined: Results (%Nominal)6 Pipes (65 2 Elbows>88 M41 FEEDWATER DISCHARGE (TURBINE BLDG.)Components examined: Results (%Nominal)1 Pipe 82-88 1 Reducer>88 M@2 FEEDWATER DISCHARGE (INTERMEDIATE BLDG.)Components examined: Results (%Nominal)2 Pipes 82-88>88 M-83 FW DISCHARGE (INTERMEDIATE BLDG&FACADE)Components examined: Results (%Nominal)1 Elbow>88 M-88D S/G BLOWDOWN TO FLASH TANK (TURBINE BLDG.)Components examined: Results (%Nominal)7 Pipes 82-88~1 Elbow>88 1 Reducer 1 Tee

R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)M48E S/G BLOWDOWN LINES (INTERMEDIATE BLDG.)Components examined: Results (%Nominal)2 Pipes>88 2 Elbows M-89A S/G 1A BLOWDOWN LINE (INSIDE CONTAINMENT)

Components examined: Results (%Nominal)2 Pipes>88 1 Elbow M-90 FEEDWATER CLEANUP (CV-18)Components examined: 1 Elbow 1 Reducer Results (%Nominal)76-82>88 M-91 FEEDWATER CLEANUP (CV-19)Components examined: 1 Pipe 1 Elbow 1 Reducer Results (%Nominal)65-70>88 M-92 MAIN FEEDWATER PUMP RECIRCULATION Components examined: Results (%Nominal)2 Elbows>88 M-93 FEEDWATER BY-PASS LINE Components examined: 1 Pipe Results (%Nominal)>88 M-103 FEEDWATER HEATER DRAIN SYSTEM FROM H,D.PUMPS DISCHARGE TO HEATER DRAIN TANK Components examined: Results (%Nominal)1 Pipe>88 1 Elbow R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)Com onent Result Details The following list provides results in detail on components by drawing number and system description.

The" Component Type" classification, specified in the list below, corresponds to the following:

P=Pipe E=Elbow T=Tee.R=Reducer B=90 degree Bend M-1 A/B FW PUMP DISCHARGE TO 5A/5B HEATERS Summary Number Comp.ID Type Nominal Nominal T-Min.Wall 1 Wall 2 Minimun Reading Percent Nominal NDE Method 200010 200015 200310 200315 200320 1 1A 31 31A 32 P 0.719" P 0.719 P 0.719" P 0.719" E 0.938" 0.533'.533" 0.533" 0.533" 0.695'.672" 0.663'.650" 0.691" 1.002.>88>88>88>88>88 UT UT UT UT UT M-2 5 A/B FW HEATERS TO FW HEADER Summary Comp.Type Nominal Nominal Number ID Wall1 Wall 2 201375 37A P 1.281" 0.922'.262">88 UT T-Min.Mlnimun Percent NDE Reading Nominal Method M-3 HEATER 4A/4B DRAIN TO HEATER DRAIN TANK Summary Comp.Type Nominal Nominal Number ID Wall 1 Wall 2 T-Min.Minimun Percent NDE Reading Nominal Method 202090 09 E 0.688 0.267" 0.624>88 UT FW CLEANUP'TO CONDENSER FROM 5A/5B FW HEATERS Summary Comp.Type Nominal Nominal Number ID Wall 1 Wall 2 203080 08 E 0.594" 0.428'.595">88 UT T-Mln.Minimun Percent NDE Reading Nominal Method R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)M-5 HEATERS 4A/4B TO FEEDWATER SUCTION Summary Number 205080 205110 205120 205310 Comp.ID 08 11 12 31 Type Nominal Nominal T-Min.Wall 1 Wall 2 E 0.375" 0.210" T 0.375" 0.210'0.375" 0.210" E 0.375" 0.210" Minimun Reading 0.346" 0.527" 0.353" 0.366" Percent Nominal>88>88>88>88 NDE Method UT UT UT UT M-6 Summary Number 206060 206070 206160 206170 206180 206320 M-7A Comp.ID 06 07 16 17 18 32 FEEDWATER SUCTION TO PUMPS A/8 Type Nominal Nominal T-Min.Wall 1 Wall 2 P 0.375'.246" T 0.375" 0.246" P 0.375" 0.246" E 0.375" 0.246" P 0.375" 0.246" E 0.375" 0.210" HEATER DRAIN TANK DISCHARGE Minimun Reading 0.351" 0.537" 0.347'.339" 0.341" 0.416" Percent Nominal>88>88>88>88>88>88 NDE Method UT UT UT UT UT UT Summary Comp.Number ID Type Nominal Nominal Wall 1 Wall 2 T-Min.Minimun Percent Reading Nominal NDE Method 207180 18 E 0.365" 0.193" 0.356">88 UT M-12A MSR 1A 8 1B 2nd PASS DRAIN Summary Number Comp.ID Type Nominal Nominal Wall 1 Wall 2 T-Min.Minimun Reading Percent Nominal NDE Method 222055 222070 222165 222290 222330 222335 222340 222920 223015 223080 223090 223095 5A 07 16A 27 31 31A 32 90 98B 105 106 106A R R P E R P T P R E P R 0.432'.432"'.432" 0.432" 0.594" 0.594" 0.594" 0.594" 0.432" 0.432" 0.432" 0.594" 0.300" 0.300" 0.337".0.432" 0.300" 0.432" 0.264"I 0.163" 0.191"I 0.125" 0.191" 0.268" 0.274"/0.144" 0.274" 0.274"I 0.191" 0.274'.191"I 0.125" 0.191 0.191 0.274"I 0.191" 0.411"I 0.304" 0.389"I 0.303 0.398" 0.424" 0.598"/0.458" 0.574" 0.566"I 0.355" 0.598" 0.422'I 0.310'.317" 0.277" 0.465'I 0.407">88>88>88>88>88>88 88-82>88>88 82-76 (65 82-76 UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT

R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)M-12B MSR 2A 8 2B 2nd PASS DRAIN Summary Number Comp.ID Type Nominal Nominal T-Min.Wall 1 Wall 2 Minimun Reading Percent Nominal NDE Method 222490 222570 222670 222760 222780 222890 47 55 65 74 76 87 0.432" 0.300" 0.432" 0.337'.594" 0.337" 0.432" 0.432" 0.337" 0.432" 0.264"/0.147" 0.264"/0.186'.274"/

0.186" 0.264'.264"/

0.194" 0.191" 0.402"/0.309'.423'/


0.381" 0.386" 0.419"/0.439" 0.298'88>8 82-76>88>88 7045 UT UT UT UT UT UT M-1 5A MSR 1A 4th PASS TO 5A HEATER Summary Number 226119 226221 226230 226250 226320 226350 226355 226356 226365 226366 226510 Comp, ID 19 21 23 25 32 35 35A 35B 36A 36B 51 Type Nominal Nominal T-Min.Wall 1 Wall 2 0.300" 0.163" 0.300'.163" 0.300'.163" 0.300'.163" 0.300" 0.163" 0.300" 0.163'.300'.179" 0.163"/0.083'.179" 0.083" 0.218" 0.179" 0.105"/0.083" 0.337'.218" 0.144"/0.105" 0.337" 0.186'inimun Reading 0.329" 0.302" 0.332" 0.293" 0.292" 0.307" 0.271"/0.125'.140" 0.216"/0.234" 0.339'/0.243'.310" Percent Nominal>88>88>88>88>88>88 76-70 76-70>88>88>88 NDE Method RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT UT M-15B MSR 1B 4th PASS TO 5A HEATER Summary Number Comp.ID Type Nominal Nominal Wall 1 Wall 2 T-Min.Minimun Reading Percent Nominal NDE Method 227062 227064 227066 227069 227190 227250 227350 227355 227356 227370 227375 227376 227510 60 62 64 67 71 77 87 87A 87B 89 89A 89B 103 0.300" 0.300" 0.300'.300" 0.300" 0.300'.300" 0.300" 0.179" 0.337" 0.337" 0.218" 0.337" 0.163" 0.292" 0.163" 0.289" 0.163" 0.279" 0.163" 0.292" 0.163" 0.272" 0.163'.329'.163" 0.311" 0.179" 0.163"/0.083" 0.346"/0.109" 0.083" 0.118" 0.144" 0.351" 0.218" 0.144"/0.105" 0.343"/0.221" 0.179" 0.105"/0.083" 0.209/0.224" 0.246'.316">88>88>88>88>88>88>88 (65 (65>88>88>88>88 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT UT R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)M-16 MSR 1A 8 1B 4th PASS TO CONDENSER Summary Number 228178 228180 228455 228456 Comp.ID 17B 18 45A 45B Type R P R P Nominal Nominal T-Min.Minimun Wall 1 Wall 2 Reading 0.300" 0.179" 0.163"/0.083" 0.339"/0.188" 0.179" 0.083" 0.167" 0.300'.179" 0.163"/0.083" 0.318"/0.186" 0.179" 0.083" 0.144" Percent Nominal>88>88>88 82-76 NDE Method RT RT RT RT M-17A MSR 2A 4th PASS TO 5B HEATER Summary Number 230060 230220 230240 230260 230270 230330 230365 230366 Comp.ID 06 22 24 26 27 33 36A 36B Ty pe Nominal Wall 1 0.300" 0.300" 0.300" 0.300'.300" 0.300" 0.300 0.179" Nominal Wall 2 T-Min.0.163" 0.163" 0.163" 0.163" 0.163" 0.163" 0.163" 0.083" Minimun Reading 0.290" 0.336" 0.281" 0.285" 0.316" 0.263'.323" 0.195 Percent Nominal>88>88>88>88>88 88-82>88>88 NDE Method RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT M-17B MSR 2B 4th PASS TO 5B HEATER Summary Number 231085 231095 231110 231230 231250 231270 231375 231503 Comp.ID 58A 59A 61 73 75 77 87A 103 Type Nominal Nominal Wall 1 Wall 2 0.300 0.300" 0.300 0.300 0.300" 0.300 0.300" 0.179" 0.337.T-Min.0.163'.163'.163" 0.163'.163" 0.163" 0.163"/0.083" 0.236" Minimun Reading 0.287 0.299 0.263" 0.306" 0.297'.329 0.298"/0.185" 0.326" Percent Nominal>88>88 88-82>88>88>88>88>88 NDE Method RT RT RT RT RT RT RT UT M-18 MSR 2A&2B 4th.PASS TO CONDENSERS Summary Number 232192 232197 232452 232457 Comp.ID 19A 19B 45A 45B Type R P R P Nominal Nominal T-Min.Wall 1 Wall 2 0.300" 0.179" 0.163'/0.083'.179" 0.083" 0.300" 0.179" 0.163"/0.083" 0.179" 0.083" Minimun Reading 0.326"/0.178" 0.169" 0.331"/0.161" 0.174" Percent Nominal>88>88>88>88 NDE Method RT RT RT RT R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)M-19 1A,2A,3A LOW PRESSURE HEATER DRAINS TO CONDENSER Summary Comp.Number ID Type Nominal Nominal Wall 1 Wall 2 T-Min.Minimun Percent NDE Reading Nominal Method 234300 234465 30 46A P 0.500" 0.174" 0.483">88 UT R 0.432" 0.300" 0.163"/0.107" 0.495"/0.302">88 UT M-20 1B,2B,3B LOW PRESSURE HEATER DRAINS TO CONDENSER Summary Comp.Number ID Type Nominal Nominal T-Min, Wall 1 Wall 2 Minimun Reading Percent NDE Nominal Method 235120 235290 235465 12 29 46A E 0.500'.170" P 0.500" 0.174" R 0.500" 0.300" 0.174"/0.103" 0.449'88 UT 0.478>88 UT 0.437"/0.334'8-82 UT M-21 STEAM EXTRACTION TO PRESEP.TANK B 8c 4B LP HEATER Summary Number S30101 S30102 S30103 S30138 S30139 S 30140 S 30141 301390 301390*301410 301425 301430 Comp.ID S01 S02 S03 36-S1 36-S2 36-S3 36-S4 37 37 38 39A 40 Type Nominal Nominal Wall 1 Wall 2 P 0.237" E 0.237'0.237'0.375'0.375" P 0.375'0.375 E 0.375'0.375" E 0.375'0.375 E 0.375'-Min.

0.142" 0.142" 0.142" 0.172'.172" 0.172" 0.172" 0.172'.172" 0.172" 0.172'.172'lnimun Reading 0.224'.240" 0.218'.222" 0.264'.302" 0.338'.417" 0.178 0.209" 0.232" 0.304'ercent Nominal>88>88>88<65 76-70 82-76>88>88<65<65<65 82-76 NDE Method UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT*-As found condition, was replaced during the 1999 RFO.M-22 STEAM EXTRACTION TO PRESEP.TANK A 5 4A LP HEATER Summary Comp.Number ID Type Nominal Nominal T-Min.Wall 1 Wall 2 Mlnimun Reading Percent Nominal NDE Method 302020 302130 302140 302150*302150 302170 29 38 39 40 40 42 P 0.375" E 0.375" P 0.375'0.375'0.375'0.375" 0.172'.172'.172" 0.172" 0.172" 0.172" 0.368" 0.330'.196'.161" 0.440'.248'88

>88<65<65>88 72-65 UT UT UT UT UT UT~-As found condition, was replaced during the 1999 RFO.

R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservlce Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)M-31 MSR 1A&1B TO HEATER DRAIN TANK&CONDENSER Summary Number Comp.ID Type Nominal Nominal T-Min.Wall 1 Wall 2 Minimun Percent Reading Nominal NDE Method 260080 260157 260285 260315 260430 08-B 0.432'5B R 0.432" 28E B 0.432" 31 A R 0.432" 43 E 0.432" 0.163" 0.434">88 0.300" 0.163'/0.110" 0.433"/0.313">88 0.163" 0.402">88 0.300" 0.163"/0.110" 0.400"/0.265" 88-82 0.163'.428

>88 RT UT RT UT UT M-32 MSR 2A&2B TO HEATER DRAIN TANK Summary Number 261185 261195 261435 261445 M-33 Comp.ID 18B 19A 43A 44A Type Nominal Nominal T-Min, Minlmun Wall 1 Wall 2 Reading R 0.432" 0.300" 0.163"/0.110" 0.376"/0.299" R 0.594" 0.300" 0.431"/0.226" 0.563"/0.311" R 0.432" 0.300" 0.163"/0.110" 0.422/0.318" R 0.594" 0.300'.431

"/0.226" 0.553"/0.308" MSR 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B TO HEATER DRAIN TANK Percent Nominal 88-82>88>88>88 NDE Method UT UT UT UT Summary Number 262380 262390 Comp.Type Nominal Nominal T-Min.Minimun Percent NDE ID Wall 1 Wall 2 Reading Nominal Method 38 P 0.432" 0.163" 0.405">88 UT 39 E 0.432" 0.163" 0.414">88 UT PRESEPARATOR A/B TO HEATER DRAIN TANK&CONDENSER Summary Number Comp.ID Type Nominal Nominal T-Min.Minimun Wall 1 Wall 2 Reading Percent Nominal NDE Method 298090 298150 298290 298535 298540 09 15 29 53A 54 E E T R P 0.432" 0.432" 0.432 0.432" 0.432" 0.163'.415" 0.163'.429" 0.163" 0.407" 0.300" 0.163"/0.110" 0.409"/0.335" 0.163 0.413>88>88>88>88>88 UT UT UT UT UT M46B Summary Number Comp.ID PRESEPARATOR A/B TO HEATER DRAIN TANK Type Nominal Nominal T-Min.Minlmun Wall 1 Wall 2 Reading Percent Nominal NDE Method 328010 328080 328125 328660 01 08 12A 66 T 0.432" 0.163" 0.407">88 P 0.432" 0.163" 0.199"<65 R 0.432" 0.337'.163"/

0.123" 0.412"/0.357">88 P 0.432" 0.163" 0.244"<65 UT UT UT UT R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)M-75 STEAM EXTRACTION TO 5A 8 5B HEATERS Summary~Number 303140*303150'03155'03155 303280 303290 303295 303297 Comp.ID 14 15 15A 15A 28 29 29A 29B Type Nominal Nominal Wall 1 Wall 2 E 0.375" P 0.375" P 0.375" P 0.375" E 0.375" P 0.375" P 0.375" P 0.375" T-Min.0.215" 0.215" 0.215" 0.215" 0.215" 0.215" 0.215" 0.215" Minimun Reading 0.218'.346" 0.199 0.384" 0.349" 0.355" 0.304'.337" Percent Nominal<65>88<65>88>88>88>88>88 NDE Method UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT M-81 FEEDWATER DISCHARGE (TURBINE BLDG.)Summary Comp.Type Nominal Nominal T-Min.Minimun Percent NDE Number ID Wall 1 Wall 2 Reading Nominal Method 390060 390065 06 R 0.938" 0.844" 0.705"I 0.570" 0.818"I 0.705">88 UT 6A P 0.938" 0.697" 0.773'8-82 UT M-82 FEEDWATER DISCHARGE (INTERMEDIATE BLDG.)Summary Comp.Type Nominal Nominal Number ID Wall 1 Wall 2 T-Mln.Minimun Percent NDE Reading Nominal Method 392090 09 P 0.938" S39201 S01 P 0.300" 0.695'.174" 0.822" 88-82 UT 0.267">88 UT M-83 FW DISCHARGE (INTERMEDIATE BLDG 8c FACADE)Summary Comp.Type Nominal Nominal Number ID Wall 1 Wall 2 392570 07 E 0.938'.710" 0.875'88 UT T-Mln.Minimun Percent NDE Reading Nominal Method R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)M-88D S/G SLOWDOWN TO FLASH TANK (TURBINE BLDG.)Summary Number 385140 385392 385410 385530 385757, 385770 385775 385780 385790 385800 Comp.ID 14 39B 41 53 75B 77 77A 78 79 80 Type Nominal Nominal Wall 1 Wall 2 P 0.300" P 0.337" P 0.337" P 0.300" P 0.337'0.337'0.500" 0.337" E 0.500" P 0.500'0.500'.377'-Min.

0.170" 0.147" 0.142" 0.163" 0.147" 0.142" 0.224"/0.170" 0.224" 0.224" 0.262"/0.200" Minimun Reading 0.288'.298'.297" 0.283" 0.267" 0.302" 0.444"/0.354" 0.434" 0.465'.668"/

0.479" Percent Nominal>,88>88>88>88 88-82>88>88 88-82>88>88 NDE Method UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT UT M48E S/G BLOWDOWN LINES (INTERMEDIATE BLDG.)Summary Comp.Number ID Type Nominal Nominal T-Mln.Wall 1 Wall 2 Minimun Reading Percent Nominal H NDE Method 386010 386015 386270 386280 01 01A 27 28 E 0.218" P 0.218'0.218" E 0.218" 0.116" 0.116" 0.116" 0.116" 0.271" 0.312'.229" 0.211">88>88>88>88 RT RT RT RT M-89A S/G 1A BLOWDOWN LINE (INSIDE CONTAINMENT)

Summary Comp.Number ID Type Nominal Nominal T-Min.Wall 1 Wall 2 Minimun Reading Percent N DE Nominal Method 387010 387020 387510 01 02 51 P 0.218 E 0.218'0.218 0.116" 0.116'.116" 0.216'.313'.302

>88 RT>88 RT>88 RT M-90 FEEDWATER CLEANUP (CV-18)Summary Comp.Number ID Type Nominal Nominal Wall 1 Wall 2 T-Min.Minimun Percent NDE Reading Nominal Method 300300 29 300400 40 R 0.432" 0.337" 0.283"/0.196" 0.430"/0.425">88 UT E 0.432" 0.283" 0.343" 82-76 UT R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)M-91 FEEDWATER CLEANUP (CV-19)Summary Comp.Type Nominal Nominal T-Min.Number ID Wall 1 Wall 2 Nlinimun Reading Percent N DE Nominal Method 300790 33 R 0.432" 0.337 0.283"I 0.196" 0.409"I 0.349'88 UT 300840 38 E 0.432 0.282" 0.296 70-65 UT 300850 39 P 0.432'.242'.283" 7045 UT M-92 MAIN FEEDWATER PUMP RECIRCULATION Summary Comp.Type Nominal Nominal Number ID Wall 1 Wall 2 T-Min.Minimun Reading Percent NDE Nominal Method 281060 06 E 0.594" 0.337" 0.428"/0.229" 0.548" 281460 46 E 0.375" 0.210'.357">88>88 UT UT M-93 FEEDWATER BY-PASS LINE Summary Comp.Type Nominal Nominal Number ID Wall 1 Wall 2 T-Min.Minimun Percent NDE Reading Nominal Method 394000 01 P 0.375" 0.270" 0.369>88 UT M-103 FEEDWATER HEATER DRAIN SYSTEM FROM H,D.PUMPS DISCHARGE TO HEATER DRAIN TANK Summary Comp.Type Nominal Nominal Number ID Wall 1 Wall 2 325010 01 P 0.216" 325020 02 E 0.216" 0.072'.072" 0.208" 0.205" T-Min.Mlnimun Reading Percent NDE Nominal Method>88 UT>88 UT R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)Service Water In addition to the Erosion/Corrosion Program, Service Water components were selected to be surveyed from the following drawings.Related S stem C-381-358 Sheet 1 C-381-358 Sheet 3 C-381-358 Sheet 4 C-381-358 Sheet 5 C-381-358 Sheet 6 C-381-358 Sheet 7 C-381-358 Sheet 9 C-381-358 Sheet 10 C-381-358 Sheet 12 C-381-358 Sheet 13 C-381-358 Sheet 14 C-381-358 Sheet 16 C-381-358 Sheet 17 C-381-358 Sheet 23 C-381-358 Sheet 24 C-381-358 Sheet 29 C-381-358 Sheet 31 C-381-358 Sheet 34 C-381-358 Sheet 35 C-381-358 Sheet 36 C-381-358 Sheet 37 C-381-358 Sheet 40 Misc Items SW from Component Cooling HTX to Anchor SW return from Component Cooling HTX SW from Supply Header to Distribution Manifold SW return from Spent Fuel Pit HTX.SW supply to Spent Fuel Pit HTX.SW return from penetration Cooling Coil Plenum SW-Int., Bldg above EI.253'-6" fr Pen.308,311,315,323 SW-Int Bldg above 253'", fr Col 7 to Chiller A&B.SW-Int Bldg, above 253'" fr Pen 209,201 to 14" Header SW-Int Bldg, above 253'" fr 16" Hdr to Pen 312,316,319,320.

SW-Int Bldg, above El 253'"-16" 8 20 Headers.SW-Int Bldg from 14" Header to Pen 201 8 209.SW from Main 20" Header to M.D.Aux.FW Pumps 1A 8 1B.SW from Pen 320 to Contlnous Recirculation Unit¹1-C.SW from Pen 316 to Cont!nous Recirculation Unit¹1-B.SW-Inside Reactor from Pen.209 to Reactor Cavity Cooler.SW-Inside Reactor from Pen 201 to Reactor Cavity Cooler.A 8 B Service Water Pumps in Screenhouse.

C&D Service Water Pumps in Screenhouse.

Service Cooling Water to Recirculation Motors.SW-Diesel Generator Bldg, Room"A".SW-Diesel Generator Bldg.&Turbine Bldg.33013-1277 Sheet 2 33013-1 904 1310-1 261 33013-1 231 33013-1 920 33013-1 252 Steam Generator Blowdown V5742-4" dia pipe Turbine Gland Steam system Turbine Drains in Condensers

'urbine Driven Aux.Feed Water Pump Control Room Vent System-Chiller Water Condensate Trim System Service Water Result Details The following list provides examination result in details on Service Water components, by drawing number&system description.

The component type classifiaction specified in the list below corresponds to the following:

P=Pipe E=Elbow R=Reducer T=Tee R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)C-381-358 Sheet 1 SW from Component Cooling HTX to Anchor Sheet Number 99GU077 Component ID 1000 Type Nominal Waii T 0.375" T-Min Minimum Reading 0.266" 0.416" Percent Nominal>88 NDE Method UT C-381-358 Sheet 3 SW return from Component Cooling HTX.Sheet Number Component ID Type Nominal Wait T-Min Minimum Reading Percent Nominal NDE Method 99GU290, 1480 P 0.375'8EC031 2680-2690 E 0.375'.266" 0.343" 0.266'.363">88>88 UT UT C-381-358 Sheet 9 SW-Int.Bldg above El.253'4" fr Pen.308,311,315,323 Sheet Number 99GU215 99GU214 Component ID Type Nominal Waii T-Min Minimum Reading Percent Nominal NDE Method 2150-2160 E 0.375" 0.247" 0.243'65 UT 2150-2160' 0.375" 0.247" 0.282" 70-76 UT C-381-358 Sheet 10 SW-lnt Bldg above 253'", fr Col 7 to Chiller A 8 B.Sheet Number 99GU031 99GU060 Component ID 740 740 Type Nominal Wati T-Min Minimum Reading Percent Nominal P 0.280" 0.172" 0.177"<65 P 0.280" 0.172" 0.213" 76-82 NDE Method UT UT C-381-358 Sheet 13 SW-Int Bldg, above 253'" fr 16" Mdr to Pen 312,316,319,320.

Sheet Number 99GU157 99GU158 Component ID 940 950 Type Nominal Waii T-Min Minimum Reading, E 0.375" 0.247" 0.313" P 0.375" 0.247" 0.293" Percent Nominal 82-88 76-82 NDE Method UT UT R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Thtrd Period, Second Outage (1999)C-381-358 Sheet 14 SW-Int Bldg, above El 253'"-16"&20 Headers.Sheet Number 99GU171 99GU169 99GRT046 Component ID 530 540-550 4370-4390 Type Nominal Waii E 0.237" E 0.375" P 0.237" T-Min Minimum Reading 0.142" 0.159" 0.247" 0.315" 0.142" 0.219" Percent Nominal~65-70 82-88>88 NDE Method UT UT RT C-381-358 Sheet 16 Sheet Number SW-Int Bldg from 14" Header to Pen 201&209.Component Type Nominal T-Min Minimum Percent ID Wati Reading Nominal NDE Method 99GRT047 420<50 E 0.203" 0.1 19" 0.109" (65 RT C-381-358 Sheet 23 SW from Pen 320 to Continous Recirculation Unit¹1-C.Sheet Number Component ID Type Nominal Wall T-Min Minimum Reading Percent Nominal NDE Method 99GU233 620-650 P 0.322" 0.201'.274'2-88 UT C-381-358 Sheet 24 SW from Pen 316 to Conttnous Recirculation Unit¹1-B.Sheet Number Component ID Type Nominal Waii T-Min Minimum Reading Percent Nominal NDE Method 99GU230 440 E 0.322" 0.201" 0.290'88 UT 99GU231 420 E.0.322" 0.201" 0.295">88 UT C-381-358 Sheet 29 SW-Inside Reactor from Pen.209 to Reactor Cavity Cooler.Sheet Number Component ID Type Nominal Watt T-Min Minimum Reading Percent'ominal NDE Method 99GRT236 99GRT238 99GRT238 99GRT243 400 390 390 310/321 E 0.154" 0.091" 0.218" R 0.203" 0.119" 0.162" P 0.154'.091" 0.134" E 0.218'.119" 0.147'88 76-82>88 76-82 RT RT RT RT

R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)C-381-358 Sheet 31 SW-Inside Reactor from Pen 201 to Reactor Cavity Cooler.Sheet Number 99GRT212 99GRT212 99GRT239 99GRT239 99GRT239 Component ID 30 10 80-90 90-110 110 Type Nominal Waii 0.203 0.203'.203" 0.203'.203" T-Min Minimum Reading 0.119" 0.202'.119" 0.161" 0.119" 0.173'.119" 0.146'.119" 0.206'ercent Nominal>88 76-82 82-88 70-76>88 NDE Method RT RT RT RT RT C-381-358 Sheet 34 A&B Service Water Pumps in Screenhouse.

Sheet Number 99GU012 99GU032 Component Type ID 2970-2980 2920-2940 Nominal Waii T-Min Minimum Reading Percent'ominal 0.375" 0.247" 0.350">88 0.500"/0.375" 0.333" 0.455'/0.389">88 0.247" NDE Method UT UT C-381-358 Sheet 35 C&D Service Water Pumps In Screenhouse.

Sheet Number 99GU029 99GU011 Component ID 170-200 760 Type P P Nominal Waii 0.375" 0.375" T-Min Minimum Reading 0.266" 0.417'.247'.306'ercent Nominal>88 82-88 NDE Method UT UT C-381-358 Sheet 36 Service Cooling Water to Recirculation Motors.Sheet Number 99GRT235 99GRT235 99GRT235 Component ID 2245 2245 2245 Type E P-DS P-US Nominal Waii 0.154" 0.154" 0.154" T-Min Minimum Reading 0.091" 0.322" 0.091" 0.255" 0.091" 0.235" Percent Nominal>88>88>88 NDE Method RT RT RT C-381-358 Sheet 37 SW-Diesel Generator Bldg, Room"A".Sheet Number 99GU023 99GU013 99GU014 99GU024 99GU025 Component ID 65 170 185 6500 6501 Type Nominal Waii 0.237'.237" 0.237" 0.237'.237 T-Min Minimum Reading 0.142" 0.199" 0.142" 0.197" 0.142'.200" 0.142" 0.193" 0.142" 0.187 Percent Nominal>88>88>88>88 82-88 NDE Method UT UT UT UT UT R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)C-381-358 Sheet 40 SW-Diesel Generator Bldg.&Turbine Bldg.Sheet Component Type Nominal Number ID Wali 99GU008 890 T 0.280" T-Min Minimum Reading 0.172" 0.267" Percent Nominal>88 NDE Method UT Nlisce'ligneous.

Items 33013-1277 Sheet 2 Steam Generator Blowdown V5742-4" dia Sheet Number 99GU166 99GU167 01 02 E 0.337" 0.125" 0.257" 76-82 P 0.337".0.125" 0.181"<65 Component Type Nominal T-Min Minimum Percent ID Wali Reading Nominal NDE Method UT UT 33013>>1 904 Turbine Gland Steam System Sheet Number Component ID Type Nominal Wali T-Min Minimum Reading Percent Nominal NDE Method 99GRT049 99GRT049 99GRT049 99GRT049 04 09 14 19 E 0.237" 0.083'.238" P 0.280" 0.099" 0.291" P 0.280" 0.099'.265' 0.280" 0.099'.279">88>88>88>88 RT RT RT RT 1310-1 261 Sheet Number Component ID Turbine Drains in Condensers Type Nominal T-Min Minimum Percent NDE waii Reading Nominal Method 99GU216 1A E&P 0.154"'?'?'??0.065"<65 UT 99GU217 1B E&P 0.154"?'?'?'?0.062"<65 UT 33013-1231 Sheet Number 99GU161 99GU160 Component ID 01 02 Turbine Driven Aux.Feed Water Pump Type Nominal waii T-Min Minimum Reading Percent Nominal T 0.322" 0.201" 0.361">88 P 0.322" 0.201" 0.284" 82-88 NDE Method UT UT R E Ginna Nuclear Power Plant Inservice Inspection Report 1990-1999 Interval, Third Period, Second Outage (1999)33013-1 920 Control Room Vent System-Chiller Water Sheet Number Component ID Type Nominal Waii T-Min Minimum Reading Percent Nominal NDE Method 99GRT04599GRT045 99GRT045 99GRT045 99GRT045 99GRT045 99GRT045 99GRT045 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 0.216" 0.216" 0.216" 0.216'.216" 0.216'.216'.216" 0.111" 0.111" 0.111" 0.111" 0.111" 0.111" 0.111" 0.111" 0.132" 0.118" 0.075" 0.165" 0.275" 0.156" 0.220" 0.213"<65<65<65<65>88 70-76>88>88 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 33013-1252 Condensate Trim System Sheet Number Component ID Type Nominal Waii T-Min Minimum Reading Percent Nominal NDE Method 99GRT044 99GRT044 99GRT044 99GRT044 99GRT044 99GRT044 99GRT044 99GRT044 262728 08A 10 10A 15 20 21 23 24 26,27,28 99GU010 31 99GRT044 06 99GRT044 08 R R P R R R R P P R T E 0.375" 0.365" 0.365" 0.280" 0.280" 0.280" 0.432" 0.500" 0.280" 0.216" 0.216" 0.300" 0.432" 0.300" 0.688'.432" 0.500" 0.199" 0.184" 0.184" 0.132" 0.132" 0.132" 0.183" 0.229" 0.132" 0.092'.092" 0.120" 0.183" 0.120" 0.605 0.378 0.241" 0.375" 0.411" 0.371" 0.294" 0.294" 0.411" 0.351" 0.444" 0.268" 0.207" 0.183" 0.283" 0.425 0.279" 0.578" 0.492" 0.464">88>88>88>88>88>88 82-88>88>88>88>88>88>88>88 82-88>88>88 RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT UT UT UT r,