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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix H, Part 10 of 41
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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Appendix H10 -RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report T11: Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : ARE.1'\ 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Table of Cont-=nts Part I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary .. . Site-Specific Parameter Summary ......................... . Summary of Pathway Selections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Surrunary . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Total Dose Components Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time 0. OOOE+OO 1.000E+OO 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO l.200E+01 3. OOOE+Ol 7. 500E+Ol 1. 750E+02 4. 200E+02 9. 700E+02 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathw.ays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Single Radionui:::lide Soil Guid.;lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Run Time Infotmation 47 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 1of47 Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report T'-1 Limit = 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2.1 HIKER.ROF Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Current Library: FGR 12 Default J,ibrary: FGR 12 Current Menu Parameter Value DCSF DCE"' s for external ground radiation, lmrem/yr) / ipCi/g) DCSF Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3. 606E+OO DCSF Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7. SlOE-04 DCSf Sr-90 (Source: FGR 12) 7. 043E-04 DCS!: Y-90 (Source: FGR 12) 2. 3 91E-02 Library: FGR 11 Default Library: FGR 11 Current Menu Parameter Value DCSF Dose conversion factors for inhalation, m.rem/pCi: DCSF Cs-137+0 3 .190E-05 DCSF Sr-90+0 1. 3088-03 OCSE' Dose conversion facto:rs for ingestion, mrem/pCi: DCSF Cs-137+D 5. OOOE-05 DCSF Sr-90+0 1. 52BE-D4 2 of 47 Default 3. 606E+OO 7. SlOE-04 7 .043E-04 2 .391E-02 Default 3. l 90E-05 1. 308E-03 5. OOOE-05 l. 528E-04 Parameter Name DCFEXTI 11 DCFEXT( 21 DCFEXT { 3) DCFEXT{ 4) Parameter Name DCF2 (1) DCF2(2) DCF3 (l) DCF3(2)

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report T11 Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page Dose Conve:r:sion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary (continued) Current Library: RESRAD Default Transfer factors Default Library: RESRAD Default Transfer factors Current Menu Parameter Value Default TF Soil to plant transfer factors: TF Cs-137+0 plant/soil con'centration ratio, dimensionless 4. OOOE-02 4. OOOE-02 TF Cs-137+0 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4. OOOE-02 4. OOOE-02 TF Cs-137+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4. OOOE-02 4. OOOE-02 TF Cs-137+0 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4. 4. OOOE-02 TF TF Sr-90+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 TF Sr-90+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 TF Sr-90+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 TF Sr-90-i-D plant/soil concentration, diffiensionless 3. OOOE-01 3, OOOE-01 TF intake to meat/milk t.ransfer factors: TF Cs-137+0 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg) / (pCi/d) 3. OOOE-02 3. OOOE-02 TF Cs-137+0 milk/lives tock-intake ratio, (pCi/Li / lpCi/d) 8. OOOE-03 8. OOOE-03 TF TF Sr-90+D beef/ livestock-intake ratio, lpCi/kg) / (pCi/d) 8. OOOE-03 8. OOOE-03 TF Sr-90+0 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L) / (pCi/d) 2. OOOE-03 2, OOOE-03 TF Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg: TF Cs-137TD fish 2. OOOE+03 2. OOOE+03 TF Cs-137+0 crustacea and mollusks 1. OOOE+02 1. OOOE+02 TF TF Sr-90+D fish 6. OOOE+Ol 6. OOOE+Ol TF Sr-90+0 crustacea and mollusks 1. OOOE+02 1. OOOE+02 3 of 47 Parameter Name RTF(l,l) RTF(l,2} RTF(l,3) RTF(l,4) RTF(2,l) RTE'(2,2) RTF(2,3) RTF(2, 4) I_M(l,l) IJ!(l,2) I_M(2,l) I_M (2, 2) BIOFA{l,1) BIOFA(l,2) BIOFA(2,ll BIOFA(2,2)

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : /t..REA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary *M.enu Parameter FSTI Exposure duration FSTI Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) CONC Initial principal radionuclide {pCi/g): Cs-137 COUC Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g):. Sr-90 VDEP Deposition velocity for Cs-137 VDEP Deposition velocity for Sr-90 DCLR Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 DCLR DCLR DCLR DCLR DCLR DCLR DCLR DCLR DCLR Contaminated zone (cm"""3/g} Unsatur:ated zone 1 {cm'""*3/gl Saturated zone (cm*,..3/g} Sediment in surface water body (cm**3/g) Agricultural -3.rea (cm"'*3/g) Agricultural ax:ea 2 (cm"',..3/g) Agricultural 3 (cm*""3/g) Agricultux:al ax:ea 4 (cm"'Y3/gl Off:::ite Dwelling {cm*"'3/g} User Input Default 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol 2. 500E+Ol 2. 500E+Ol 1. 940E-01 O.OOOE+OO 1. 261£+00 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-03 1. OOOE-03 1. OODE-03 1. OOOE-03 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 4. 800£+02 4. 600£+03 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 2. 800£+02 4. 600£+03 2. 800£+02 4. 600£+03 2. SOOE+02 4. 600E+03 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 RES RAD computed Parameter ED BRDL SI 11} Sl {2} Name DEPVEL (1} DEPVEL 121 DCllUCC Ill DCNUCU Clr l) DCNOCS 111 DCNUCSWB 11 l DCNUCOF ( l, 1) DCNUCOF{l, 2) DCNUCOF (1, 3) DCNUCOF(l, 4) DCNUCDWE 111 DCLR Initial Leach rate (/ytl Cs-137 O.OOOE+OO O.ODOE+OO 5.461E-04 ALEACHlll DCLR Distribution coefficients for Sr-90 DCLR DCLR DCLR. DCLR DC.LR DCLR DCLR DCLR DCLR Contaminated zone (cm"",..3/g) Onsaturated ::one l * (cm"'*3/g) Saturated ;::one (cm**3/g) Sediment in surface water body {cm**3/g) Agricultural area (cm"'*3/g) Agricultural area 2 (cm"'*3/g) Agricultural ar:ea (cm**3/g) Agricultural area 4 (cm**3/g) Of.fsite Dwelling {cm""'"3/g) 5. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol 5. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol 5. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol 1. SOOE+Ol 3. OOOE+Ol 5. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol 5. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Dl 5 . 00 OE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol 5. ODOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol 5. OOOE+OO 3. 000£*01 OCNUCC 121 DCNUCU 12, ll DCNUCS (2l DCtlOCSWB 12) OCNllCOF(:!., 1} DCtlOCOF 12, 2 J DCNUCOFl2, 3) DCHUCOF(2, 4) DCNUCDWE 12) DCLR Initial Leach rate {/yr.) Sr-90 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 2. 989E-02 ALEA.CH (2) LYOT Bearing of X (clockwise angle U-->X in deg.rees} I 9.000E+Ol 9.000E+Ol LYOT Lengt:h of P.rimary contamination in X Direction 7.000E+OO 1.000E+02 L'iOT Length of Primary contamination in Y Direction 6. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+02 LYOT Smaller X coordinate of Agricultural A.rea 1 0. OOOE+OO 3. 438E+Ol LYOT Larger X coordinate of Agx:icultural Area 1 1. OOOE+OO 6. 563E+Ol LYOT Smaller Y coordinate of Agricultural Ai:ea 1 0: OOOE+OO 2. 340E+02 L'lOT Larger Y coordinate of Agricliltural Area 1 1. OOOE+OO 2. 660E+02 LYOT Smaller X coordinate of Agricultural Area 2 0. OOOE.:+00 3. 4 38E+Ol LYOT Larger X coordinate of Agricultural Area 2 1. OOOE:+OO 6. 563E+Ol LYOT Sma,ller Y coordinate of Agricultural Area 2 0. OOOE+OO 2. 680E+02 LYOT Larger *i: coordinate of Agricultural Area 2 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+02 LYOT Smaller: X coordinate of Agricultural Area 3 l-1. 330E+02 O. OOOE+OO LY01' Larg"2r X coordinate of Agricultural Area 3 I 3. 340£+01 i. 000£+02 LYOT Smaller Y coordinate of Agricultural Area 3 l-2. 672£+02 4. 500E+02 4 of47 DNXBEARING SOURCEXY (ll SOURCEXY l2l AGRIXY (1, 1) AGRIXY (2, 1) (3, !) AGP.IXY 14, ll AGRIXY 11, 2} AGRIXY 12, 2 l AGRIXY(3,2) AGRIXY (4, 2) hGRIXY(l,3} l\GRIXY (2,3) AGRIXY{3,3)

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Ti.,; Limit 30 days Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER.,ROF 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) Menu Parameter LYOT Larger Y coordinate of Agricultural Area 3 LYOT Smaller X coordinate of Agricultural Are.a 4 LYOT Larger X coordinate of Agricultural Area 4 LYOT Smaller Y coordinate of Agricultural Area 4 LYOT Larger Y coordinate of Agricultural Ar:ea LYOT Smaller X coordinate of Dwelling Area LYOT Larger X coordinate of Dwelling Area LYOT Smaller Y coordinate of Dwelling Area LYOT Larger Y coordinate of Dwelling Area LYOT Smaller X coordinate of Surface water body LYOT Larger X coordinate of Surface water body L'fOT Smaller 'i coordinate of S1n:face water body LYOT Larger Y coordinate of Surface water body STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days): STOR Surface ,,.,*ater STOR Well water STOP. Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain STOR Leafy vegetables STOR Livestock fe.ed -pasture or silage STOP. Livestock. feed -grain STOR Heat and poultry STOR Hilk: STOR Fish STOR Crustacea arid mollusks TIME Times at which dose/risk are .to be reported (yr) TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be reported {yr) TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be reported {yr) TIME Times at which dose/risk to be reported {yr) TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be reported {yr) TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be 'reported (yr) TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be reported {yr) TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be :r:eported (yr) TIHE Times at which dose/risk to be :r:eported (yr) SITE Precipitation (m/yr) SITE Average annual wind speed (m/sec) PRCZ Area of primary contamination (m+"'2) PRCZ Length parallel to aquifer flow (rn) PRCZ Depth of soil mixing layer {m) PRCZ Deposition velocity of dust {m} PRCZ Irrigation {m/yr.) PRCZ Evapotranspiration coefficient PRCZ Runoff coefficient PRCZ Rainfall Erosion Index User Input Default 6. 680E+Ol 5. 500E+02 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 1. ODOE+OO 1. OOOE+02 0. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+02 1. OOOE+OO 4. OOOE+02 0. OOOE+OO 3. 438E+Dl 1. OOOE+OO 6. 563E+Ol 0. OOOE+OO 1. 340E+02 1. OOOE+OO 1. 660E+02 3. 340E+Ol l-1. OOOE+02 8. 340E+Ol 2. OOOE+02 l-2. 672E+02 5. 500E+02 6. 680E+01 8. 500E+02 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 1. 400E+Ol 1. 400E+Ol 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 4. SOOE+Ol 4. SOOE+Ol 2. OOOE+Ol 2. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE:+OO 1. OOOE+DO 3. OOOE:+OO 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200E+Ol 1. 200E+Ol 3. OOOE+Ol 3. OOOE+Ol 7. 500E+Ol 7. 500E+Ol l'. 750£+02 1. 750E+02 4. 200E+02 4. 200E+02 9.700E+02 9.700E+02 l .160E+OO 1. OOOE+OO 2. 27BE+OO 2. OOOE+OO 4. 20DE+Ol 1. OOOE+04 1. 650E+02 1. OOOE+02 1. 500E-Ol 1. 500E-or 1. OODE-03 1. OOOE-03 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 6. 200E-01 5. OOOE-01 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 1. 600E+02 1. GOOE+02 5 of 47 RES RAD computed Parameter Name l\GRIXY (4, 3) AGRIX"i(l, 4) hGRIXY (2, 4) hGRIXY (3, 4) AGRIXY {4, 4) DWELLXY (1) orJELLX'i (2) DWELLXY (3) DWELLXY(4) SWXY(l) Sff.<Y (2) SWXY (3} SWXY STOR_T (1) STOR __ T {2) STOR_T (3) STOR_T (4) STOR_T (5) STOR_T (6) STOR_T (7) STOR_T {B} STOR_T (9) STOR_T (10) T(2) T(3) T (4) T (5) T {6) T (7) T(8) T (9) T (10) PRECIP WIND AREA LCZPAQ DM DEPVEL _DUST RI EVAPTR RUNOFF RJ ... INEF\OS Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) User I Menu Parameter Input I. Default PRCZ Slope-length-steepness factor of ptim. contamination I 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 PP,CZ Cropping-management factor of primary contamination 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 PRCZ Conservation practice factor of prim. contamination 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO PRCZ Thickness of contaminated zone (ml 1. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE+OO PRCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 3. 600E-Ol 4. OOOE-01 PRCZ Computed erosion rate of contaminai:::ed zone (m/yr) 1. 2 65E-05 l.147E-ci5 PRCZ. Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1. 700E+OO 1. 500E+OO PRCZ Soil erodibility factor of contaminated zone 5. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 PRCZ Contaminated zone field capacity 2. OOOE-01 3. OOOEcOl PRCZ Contaminated zone b parameter 1. 400E+OO 5. 300E+OO PRCZ Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1. 400E+02 1. OOOE+Ol PRCZ Contaminated zone effective porosity 2. 50DE-Ol 4. OOOE-01 PRCZ longitudinal dispersivity of prime contamination {ml I 5.000E-02 5.000E-02 PRCZ Cover depth (m) PRCZ Total porosity of the cover material PRCZ Computed erosion .rate of cover mate.rial (m/yi:) PRCZ Density of cover material (g/cm**3J PRCZ Soil erodibility factor of cover PRCZ Volumetric water content of the cover material AGRI Areal extent of Agricultural Area 1 (m*""2} not used not used not used not used* 0. OOOE+OO 4. OOOE-01 1.14 7E-05 1. SOOE+OO 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 not used 5. OOOE-02 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+03 AGRI Fraction of Agri. Area 1 directly the c. z. not: used O. OOOE+OO AGRI Evapotranspiration coefficient in Agri. Area 6. 200E-01 5. OOOE-01 AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 1 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 AGRI Mixing depth/plow layei of Agricultural Area l L500E-01 *i.soOE-01 AGRI Water filled porosity of soil in Agri. Area l 3.000E-01 3.000E-01 AGRI Computed erosion rate of soil in Agri. Arel O. OOOE+OO l .14?E-05 AGRI Dry Bulk Density 0£ soil in Agricultural Area 1. 700E:+OO 1. SOOE+OO AGRI Soil erodibility factor of Agricultural Area 1 O. OOOE+OO 4. OOOE-01 AGRI Slope-length-steepness factor, {\gricultural Area 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 AGRI Cropping-management. factor of Agricul turai Area 1 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 AGRI Conservation practice factor of Agr;cultural Area l 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO AGRI Total porosity of soil in Agri. Area not used 4.000E-01 AGRI Areal extent of Agricultural Area 2 {m,...,.,2) 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+03 AGRI Fraction of Agri. Area 2 directly over the c. z. not used O. OOOE+OO AGRI Evapotranspiration coefficient in Agri. Area 6. 200E-01 5. OOOE-01 AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 2 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 AGRI Mixing depth/plow layer of Agricultural Area l. SOOE-01 1. 500E-01 AGRI Water filled porosity of soil in Agri. Area 2 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 AGRI Computed erosion rate of soil in Agri. Are2 O.OOOE+OO l.147E-05 AGRI Dry Bulk Density of soil in Agricultural Area 1. 700E+OO l. 500E+OO AGRI Soil" e:c:odibility factor of Agricultur:al Area 2 O.OOOE+OO 4..000E-01 AGRI Slope-length-steepness factor, Agricultural Area 2 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 AGRI Cropping-management factor of Agricultural Area 2 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 AGRI Conservation practice factor of Agricultural /l.rea 2 l.OOOE+OO l.OOOE+OO AGRI Total porosity of soil in Agri. Area not used 4. OOOE-01 AGRI Areal eztent of Agricultural Area 3 {m"" ... 2) 5.578E+04 1. OOOE+04 6 of 47 RES RAD computed Paraffieter Name SLPLENSTPPC CRPMANGPC CONVPRACPC THICKO TPCZ vcz DENSCZ ERODIBILITYCZ FCCZ BCZ HCCZ EPCZ ALPHALCZ COVE RO TPCV vcv DENS CV ERODIBILITYCV PH20CV AREAO(l) FAREA _PLANT ( 1) EVAPTRNll) RUNOFll) DPTHMIXG 11) TMOF Ill EROSN 11) RHOB Ill ERODIBILITY 11) SLPLENSTP Ill CRPMANG (11 COllVPRAC I 11 TPOF{ll AREAO 12) FAREA_PLANT (21 EVAPTR!l I 21 RUNOF(2) DPTHMIXG 12) TMOF(2) EROSN 12) RHOBl21 ERODIBILITY(2) SLPLEN5TP {2) CRPMANG (2) cmrvP RAC { 2 l TPOFl2) AREAO 13)

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Tl.:l, Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued} User RES RAD Menu Parameter Input Default computed AGRI Fraction of Agri. Area 3 directly over the c. z. 7. 530E-04 0. OOOE+OO AGRI Evapotranspiration coefficient in Agri. Area 3 6.200E-01 5.000E-01 AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 3 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 AGRI Mixing depth/plow layer of Agr:icul tural Area ..3 1. SOOE-01 1. SOOE-01 AGRI Water filled porOsity of soil in Agri. Area 3 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 AGRI Computed erosion rate of soil in Agri. Are3 1. 265E-05 1.147£-05 AGRI Dry Bulk Density of soil in Agricultural Area 1. 700E+OO 1. 500E+OO AGRI Soil erodibility factor of Agricultural Area 3 5. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 AGRI Slope-length-steepness factor, Agricultural Area 3 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 AGRI Cropping-management factor of Agricultural Area 3 3.000E-03 3.000E-03 AGRI Conservation practice factor of Agricultural Area 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO AGRI Total porosity of soil in Agri. Area not used 4. OOOE-01 AGRI Areal e:)-:tent of Agricultural Area 4 (m+-"2} 1. (JDOE-t 00 1. OOOE+04 AGRl E'raction of Agri. Area 4 directly over the c.z. l. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AGRI Evapotranspiration coefficient in Agri. Area '5.200E-Ol 5.000E-01 AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 4 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 AGRI Mixing depth/plow layer of Agricultural Area 1. SOOE-01 1. 500£-01 AGRI Water filled porosity of soil in Agri. Area 4 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 AGRI Computed erosion rate of soil in Agri. A:re-1 O. OOOE+OO l.147E-05 AGRI Dry Bulk Density of soil in Agricultural Area 1. ?OOE+OO 1.500E+OO AGRI Soil erodibility factor of Agricultu:c:al Area 4 O.OOOE+OO 4.000E-01 AGRI Slope-length-steepness factor, Agricultural Area 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 AGRI Cropping-management factor of Agricultural Area 4 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 AGRI Conservation practice factor of Agricultural Area 4 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO AGRI Total pOrosity of soil in Agri. Area not used 4. OOO!l-01 DWEL Areal eztent. of Offsite dwelling* sit'= im'*'"2) 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+03 Evapotranspi:ration coefficient in dw'=lling (Off) site I i5.200E-01 5.000E-01 DWEL Runoff coefficient in Offsite dwelling site 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 DWEL Mixing depth of Offsite dwelling site 1. SOOE-01 1. SOOE-01 DWEL Water filled porosity 9f soil in Offsite Dwelling 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 DWEL Computed erosion rate of soil in Offsite Dwelling 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DrlEL Dry Bulk De:nsity of soil *in Offsite dwelling site 1. 70DE+OO 1. SOOE+OO DWEL Soil erodibilit'y factor of soil in Dwelling site 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DWEL Slope-length-steepness factor of Dwelling site 4. OODE-01 4. OOOE-01 DNEL Cropping-management factor of Dwelling site 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 DWEL Conservation practice factor of bffsite Dwelling sit I 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO DNEL Total porosity of soil in Offsite O\Y"elling not used 4. OOOE-01 AIRT Dispersion Coeffficients; 1 Pasquill-Gifford AIRT Population zone; 1 """ Rural AtRT Release' height, (m) 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO AIRT Heat flux for buoyant plume {cal/s), 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT Anemometer height, (m) 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOEtOl AIRT Absolute temperature {Kelvin) 2. 850E+02 2. 850E+02 AIRT AM atmospheric mixing height (m) 4. OOOE+02 4. 000Et02 AIRT PM atmospheric mixing height {m) l. 600E+-03 1. GOOE+03 7 of 47 Parameter Name FAREA _PLANT ( 3 I EVAPTRN (3) RUNOF(3f DPTHMIXG (3) TMOF(3) EROSN ( 3) RHOB (3) ERODIBILITY (3) SLPLENSTP(3) CRPMANG(3) CONVPRAC ( 3) TPOF(3) AREA0(4) FAREA_PLANT (4 l EVAPTRll ( 4) RUNOF(4) DPTHMIXG ( 4) TMOF{4) EROSN (4) RHOB (4) ERODIBILITY {4) SLPLENSTP(4) CRPMANG (4} CONVP RAC ( 4 ) TPOF(4) ARE..".ODWELL EVAPTRNDWELL RUNOFDWELL DPTH1:HXGDWELL TMOFDWELL EROSNDWELL RHOBDWELL ERODIBILITYDWELL SLPLENSTPDWELL CRPMANGDWELL CONVPRACDWELL TPOFDWELL IDISPMOD !ZONE AIRRELHT HEATFLX AN"H TABf: AMIX PMIX Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 Pare_nt Dose Report T\1 Limit """ 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) User Menu Parameter Input Default AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Area above primary cont. 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Area 2 above primary cont. O. OOOE+OO O. OCOE+OO AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Area 3 above primary cont. O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+DO AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Area 4 above primary cont. 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT Elevation of Dwelling Site relative to primary cont. 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT Elevation of Surf.Wtr body relative to primary cont. O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO AIRT Joint frequency Meteorological data: AIRT Upper limit for windspeed class 1 {m/s) AIRT Opper limit for windspeed class AIRT Upper limit for windspeed class (m/s) (m/s) AIRT Upper limit for windspeed class 4 (rn/s) AIP.T Upper limit for windsPeed class AIRT Upper limit for windspi:ed class AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector (m/s) lrn/s) AIRT fo:c wind speed class and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C AIRT for win<}. speed class and stability class D AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class and stability class c AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class D AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector AIRT for wind sr;.eed class 4 and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B Jl._IRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C AIRT for wind speo:d class 4 and stability class D AIRT for wind spe<:::d class .; and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 7. 500E-01 8. 900E-01 2. 250E+OO 2. 460E+OO 4. 500E+00 4. 470E+OO 7. SOOE+OO 1. 050E+01 1. 350E+Ol 6. 930E+OO 9. 610E+OO 1. 252E+Ol 1. OOOE-04 I 1. OOOE*OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 1. 200E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO 6. 950E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO 1. 983E-02 I 0. OOOE+OO 1. 54 7E-02 I 0. OOOE+OO I I 2. 200E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO 5. 600E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO 1. 660E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO 2.274E-02 I O.OOOE+OO 2. 191E-02 I 0. OOOE+OO 2. 400E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO I I 5. lOOE-04 I O.OOOE+OO L030E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO 1. 8 lOE-03 I 0. OOOE+OO 1. 506E-02 I I). OOOE+OO 7. 710E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO I I 2. OOOE-05 I 0. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE-05 I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 6. lOOE-04 I 0. OOOE+OO 2.400E-04 I O.OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 8 of47 RES RAD Parametei: Name AGRIELEV(l) AGRIELEV ( 2) AGRIELEV{3) AGRIELEV ( 4) DWELLELEV SNELE11 >IItTDSPEED ( 1) WI!TDSPEED(2) WINDSPEED(3) WINDS PEED (4) WINDSPEED i 5) WINDS PEED i 6) DFREQ(l,1,1} DFREQ(l, 2, l} DFREQ(l, 3, l} DFREQCl, 4, 1) DFREQ(l, 5, 1} DFREQ(l, 6, ll DFREQ(2, 1, 1) DFREQ(2, 2, 1} DFREQ(.1, 3, l) DFREQ(2, 4, 1) DFREQ(2, 5, 1) DFREQ(2, 6, 1) DFREQ{J, 1, l} DFREQ(3, 2, 1} DFREQ(3, 3, 1) DFREQ(3, -111) DFP.EQ ('."!., 5, ll DE'REQ(3, 6, l} DFREQ(4, 1,1) DFREQ(4, 2, 1) DFREQ(4., 3, l) DFREQ[4,4,l) DFREQ(4, 5, l) DfREQ[4, 6, 1)

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days* 05/04/2016 13:14 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) Menu Parameter AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A for wind speed class 5 and stability class B for wind spee:d class and stability class C for wind speed class 5 and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class 5 and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in N S.ector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed cl..<iss 6 and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class C for wind speed class 6 and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in NNE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for. wind speed class 1 and stability class A for wind speed class 1 and stability class B for. wind speed class 1 and stability class C for wind speed clas:;; and class D for wind speed class and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT JOint Frequency in IJ'NE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class C AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D AIRT for wind speed 2 and stability class E .AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in NtJE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIR'!' for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class 3 and stability class B for. wind speed class and stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for. wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in NNE Sector AIHT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A for wind speed class 4 and stability class _B for wind speed class 4 and stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D for 1.,iind speed class 4 st<:r.bili.ty class E for wind speed class 4 and stability class User Input Default 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE:+Oo" 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 5. OOOE-05 O. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 7. 200E-03 0. OOOE+OO 1. 092E-02 O. OOOE+OO 6. 760E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO I I 2. 700E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO 8. 300E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO 1. 810E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO 2. 296E-02 I 0. OOOE+OO. 7. 050E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO 6. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO 7. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO 6. 930E-03 0. OOOEtOO 9. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 2.. OOOE-0.5 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 9 of 47 RES RAD computed Parameter Name DFREQ (5, l, l) DFREQ(5,2,l) Df'REQ (5, 3, 1) DFREQ (5, l, l) DFREQ{S,5, 1) DFREQ(5, 6, 1) DFREIJ(6, l, l) DFP.E:Ql6,2,1) DFREQ(6, 3, 1) DFREQ{6, 4, l) lj DFRE:Q {6, 5, 1} DFP.EQ(l, 1, 2) Df'REQ(l,2,2) DFREQ(l, 3, 2) DFREQ(l, 4, 2) DFREQ{l, 5, DFREQ(l, 6, 2) DE"REQ{2,1,2) DFREQ(2, 3, 2) Dl:""REQ{2, 4, 2) DFREQ{2, 5, 2) DFREQ{2, 6, 2) DFREQ(3, 1, 2} DFREQ(3, 2, 2) DFREQ(3,3, 2) DFREQ(3,4,2) DFP.EQ(3, 5, 2) DFREQ(3,6,2) DFREQ(4,l,2) DE"REQ!4, 2, 2) DE"REQ!4, 3, 2) DfREQ(.J, 5, 2) DFREQC4, 6,2)

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Ti1,Limit 30 days .05/04/2016 13:14 Page 10 Parent Dose Report Title P.ESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summar*y (continued) User RES RAD Menu Parameter Input Default computed AIRT Joint Frequency in NNE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO A.IRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO /l_IRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0, OOOE+OO />_IRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO JtIRT Joint Frequency in N'NE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIF.T for wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+DO AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE tOO AIRT Joint Frequency in NE Sector AIRT for wind speed class .1 and stability class A 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 2. OOOE:-05 0. OOOE+OO AIF.T for wind speed class and stability class C 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OQ AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 6. 290E-03 0. OOOE+OO AIRT foi wind speed class l and stability class E 6. 860E-03 0. OOOE**OO AIRT for wind speed class l and stability class F 4. 060E-03 0. OOOE+OO AIR1' Joint FreqUency in NE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 1. 220E-03 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 2. 500E-03 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 785E-02 O.OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E l.440E-03 O.OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and class F 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO AIRT Joint Frequency in NE Sector AIRT fo:i: wind speed class and stability class A 3.400E-04 O.OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 6. 600E-04 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class c 7. JOOE-04 tJ. OOOE+OO AIRT* for: wind speed class and stability class D 4. 430E-03 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO AIR'l' for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT Joint Frequency in NE Sector Jl_IRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class .h. 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEcOO AIRT for wind spe<::d class 4 and stability class C 0 :ooOE+O.O 0. OOOE+OO ltIRT for wind. speed class 4 and stability class D 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE.+00 ll_IRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class F 0. OOOE+-00 0. *ooOE.+00 10 of 47 Parameter Name I I DFREQ(S,1,2) I DFREQ(S, 2, 21 I DFREQ(5, 3, 2) I DFREQ(5,4,2) I DFREQ(5, 5, 2) I DFREQ(5,6,2) I I I DF\<.EQ(6,l,2) I DFREQ(6,2,2) I DFREQ(6,3,2j I DFREQ(6,4,2) I DFREQ(6, 5, 2) I DFREQ(6,6,2) I I I DFP.EQ(l,1,3) I DE'REQ(l, '.?, 3) I DE'REQ(l,3,3} I DFREQ(l,4,3) I DFREQ(l, 5, 3) I DFREQ(l,6,3) I I I DFREQ 12, 1, 3) I DFREQ(1, ::, 3) I DFREQ(2, 3, 3) I DFREQ(2, 4, 3) I DFREQ(2, 5, 3) I DFREQ(2, 6, 3) I I I DFREQ(3,1,3) I DFREQ(3,2,3) I DFREQ(3,3,3) I DFREQ(3, 4,3) I DFREQ(3, 5, 3) I DFREQ(3,6,3) I I I DFREQ(4,l,3) I DE'REQ{4, 2, 3) I otREor4, 3, :n I DFREQ(4,4,3) I DFREQ(4,5,3) I DFREQ(4,6,3)

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 'RESRAD-OE'FSITE,. Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Tl1 Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default !?arameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 11 Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued) Menu Parame:ter AIRT Joint Frequency in NE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT 11.IRT AIR1' AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A for wind speed clas."J 5 and stability class B for wind speed class ,s and stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D for wind speE:d class and stability class E for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in NE Sector AIRT AIRT A!RT ll..IF.T AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class B for. wind speed class and stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class 6 and st.ability class E for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Fr-equency in ENE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT A!RT AIRT for wind speed class 1 and st.ability class A for wind speed class 1 and stability class B for wind speed class 1 and stability class C . for wind speed class 1 and stability class D for wind speed class 1 and stability Class E for:: wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in ENE Sect.or itIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class C for wind speed class 2 and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class 2 and stability F AIRT Joint Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability ciass A for wind speed class 3 and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class C for wind speed class 3 and stability class D for wind speed class 3 and stability class E for. wind speed class 3 and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT AIRT J\.IRT AIRT AIR'l' for wind speed class 4 and stability class A for wind speed class 4 and stability class B Eor wind speed class 4 and stability class C for wind speed class 4 and class D for wind speed class 4 i!nd ty class E for wind speE:d class 4 and stability class F User Input 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Default O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+DO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEt-00 0. 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE-05 D. OOOE+OO 6. lSOE-03 0. 0003+00 6.540E-03 O.OOOE+OO 2. 720£-03 0. OOOE+OO 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO 6. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO 1. 180E-03 0. OOOE+OO 1. 227E-02 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-03 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 2. 400E-04 4. 700£-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 2. 350E-03 0. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0 .'OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE+OO O. OOOEtOO O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOEt-00 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 11of47 RES RAD computed Parameter Name DFREQIS,1,3) DFREQ(5, 2, 31 OFREQIS,3,31 DFREQ(5, 4, 3) DFREQ(S,5,3) DFREQ(S, 6, 3) DFREQ(6, l, 3) DFREQ(6, 2, 3) DFREQ(6,3,31 DFREQ(6, 4, 31 DFREQ(6, 5, 3) DFREQ(6, 6, 31 DFREQ(l, 1, 41 DFREQ(l, 2, 4) DFREQ(l, 3, 4) DFREQ(l, 4, 41 DFREQ(l, 5, 41 DFREQll, 6, 41 DFREQ(2,1,41 DFREQ(2,2,4} DFREQ(2,3,4) DFREQ(2,4,4) .DFREQ(2,5,4) DFREQ(2,6,4) DFREQ(3,1,4) DFREQ(3, 2, 4) DFREQ(3, 3, 4) DFREQ(3, 4, 4) DFREQ(3, 5, 4) DFREQ (3, 6, 4) DFREQ(4, 1, 4) DFREQ(4,2,4) DFREQ(4,3,4} DFREQ(4,4,4) DFREQ(.J, 5, 4) DFREQ(4, 6, 4)

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report T11 Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File AREA 2. l HIKER. ROF .05/04/2016 13:14 Page 12 Site-Specific Parameter Sununary (continued) Menu Parameter* AIRT Joint Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A for wind speed class 5 and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class C for wind speed class 5 and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class 5 and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class C for wind speed class 6 and stability class D for wind speed class 6 and stability class E for wind speed class and stability F AIRT Joint Frequency in E Sector AIRT AIRT A!RT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class B for wind speed class 1 and stability class C for wind speed class 1 and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in E Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A for wind speed class 2 and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for "'.'ind speed class 2 and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in E Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class 3 and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class C AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class D AIRT for wind speed class stability class E AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in E Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A A!RT for wind speed class 4 and class B AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D AIRT -for wind speed class and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class F User Input O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Default 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE.,.QO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 5. OOOE-05

  • 0. OOOE+OO 8.320E-03 O.OOOE+OO 7. lOOE-03 O. OOOE+OO 1. 660E-03 0. OOOE+OO 2. 700E-04 8. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 1. 740E-03 O.OOOE+OO 2. 025E-02 0. OOOE+OO 1.620E-03 O.OOOE+OO 1. 700E-04 7. OOOE-05 3. 400E-04 5. llJOE-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I). OOOE+OO 5. 240E-03 0. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO D. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 12 of 47 RES RAD computed Parameter Name OFREQ(5,1,;) DFREQ(5,2,4) DFREQ(5,3,4} DFREQ(S, q,4) DFREQ{S,5,4) DFREQ(5, 6,4). DFREQ(6,l,4) DFP.EQ(6, 2, 4) DFREQ(6, 3, 4) DFREQ(6, 4, 4.) OFREQ(6, 5, 4) DFREQ(6, f,;, 4) DFP.EQ(l, 1, 5) DFREQ(l, 2, 5) DFREQ(l, 3, 5) DFREQ(l, 4, 5) DFREQ(l, 5, 5) DFREQ(l, 6, 5} DFREQ(2, 1,5) DFREQ(2, 2, 5) DFREQ(2,3,5) DFREQ(2, 4, 5) DFREQ(2, 5, 5) DFREQ(2, 6, 5) OFREQ(3, 1, 5) DFREQ(3, 2, 5) DFREQ{3, 3, 5) .I DFREQ13,4,5) I DFREQ(3, 5, 5) I DFREQ(3,6,5) I I I DFREQ(4, 1,5) I DFREQ(4,2,5) I DFREQl4,3,5) I DFREQ(4, 4,5) I DFREQ(4,$,5) I DFREQ(4,6,5)

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAO-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Tl1 Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parametets File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 13 Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) He nu Parameter AIRT Joint Frequency in E Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT IHRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A for wind speed class 5 and stability class B for wind spee:d class 5 and stability class C for wind speed class 5 and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class 5 and stability class E' AIRT Joint Fr!=quency in E Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIF.T AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class 6 and stability class B for wind speed class 6 and stability class C for wind speed class 6 and stability class D for wind speed class an.ct stability c:l<=iss E for wind speed class 6 and stability cl?.ss F AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A for wind speed class 1 and stability class B for wind speed class 1 and stability class C for wind speed class 1 and stability class D for wind speed class 1 and stability class E for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class B for wind speed class 2 and stability class C for: wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class 2 and stability class E for wind. speed class 2 and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT I for wind speed class 3 and stability class A AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class B AIRT \ for wind speed class and stability class C AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class D AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class E AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class f I AIRT j Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT I for wiild speed class 4 and stability class A AIRT I for win"d speed class 4 and stability class B AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class C AIRT. J for wind speed class 4 and stability class D AIRT I for w.ind speed class 4 and stability cla."Ss AIR'l' I for wind speed class 4 and stability class E' User Input 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Default O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-04 0. l. OSOE-02 0. OOOE+OO 7. 760E-03 0. OOOE+OO 6. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO 5. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO 1. 640E-03 0. OOOE+OO 3. 500E-03 0. OOOE+OO 3. 529E-02 0. OOOE+OO 4. 480E-03 0. OOOE+OO 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 9. 800E-04 O. OOOE+OO 1. 490E-03 0. OOOE+OO 1. 760E-03 IJ. OOOE+OO 1. 809E-02 0. OOOE+OO 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I I I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I. 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I 2. OOOE-05 0' OOOEtOO I D.OOOE+OO o.OOOE>OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 13 of 47 RES RAD computed Parameter Name DE"REQ(S,1,5) DFREQ(S,2,5} DFREQ (5, 3, 5) DFREQ(S, 4, 5} DFREQ(5,5,5) DFREQ(S, 6, 5) DFREQ(6, 1, 5) DFREQ{6, 2, 5) DFREQ(6,3,5} DFP.EQ(6, 4, 5) DFREQ(G,5,5) DFREQ(6, 6, 5) DFREQ(l, 1, 6) DFREQ(l, 2, 6) DFREQ(l, 3, 6) DFREQ(l, 4, 61 DFREQ(l, 5, 6) DFREQ(l, 6, 6) DFREQ(2, 1, 6) DFREQC2, 2, 6) DFREQ{2, 3, 6) DFREQ(2, 4, 6) DFREQ(2, 5, 6) ,DFREQ (2, 6, 6) DFREQ(3,l, 6) DFREQ (3, 2, 6) DFREQ (3, 3, 6) .DFP.EQ(3,4, 6) DFREQ(3,5, 6) DE'REQ(3, 6, 6) DFREQ(4, 1, 6} DE'REQ(4,2,6) DFREQ(4,3,6) DE"REQ(4,4,6) DFREQ(4, 5, 6) OFREQ (4, 6, 6}

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : 2.1 HIKER.ROF 05/04/2016 13,14 Page 14 Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued) Menu Parameter AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT AIRT. AIRT AIRT AIRT HRT for: wind speed class 5 and stability class A for wind speed clas.s and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D for wind speE:d class and stability class E for wind* speed class 5 and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIF.T AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class C fo:r wind speed class 6 and stability class D fo:r wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint frequency in SE Sector AIRT A.IRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability Class A for. wind speed class and stability class B for wind speed class l and stability class C for wind speed class l and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for: wind speed class and stability class F Jli.IRT Joint Frequency in SE Sectox AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class c for wind speed class 2. and stability class D f,or wind speed class 2 and stability class E for wind speed class and stubility class F AIRT Joint. Frequency in SE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for. wind speed class 3 and stability class A for. wind speed class 3 and stability class B for. wind speed class and stability class C for. wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for: wind speed class and stability class E' AIRT Joint E'requ-ency in SE Sector. AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stabllity class A for wind speed class and stability class B for wind speed class 4 and stability class c for wind speed class 4 and stability class D for wind spe.e-d class and stability class E for wind spe-:.d class 4. and stability class F' User Input Default 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OD 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 1. 700E-04 9.060E-03 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 4. 280E-03 0. OOOE+OO 4. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO 1.130E-03 0. OOOE+OO 2.. 910E-03 0. OOOE+OO 4. 970E:-03 0. OOOE+OO 6. 305E-02 6. 540E-03 1. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 5. 920E-03 0. OOOE+OO 5. 900E-03 0. OOOE+OO 8. 350E-03 0. OOOE+OO 4.447E-02 O.OOOE+OO 6. 900E-04 0. OOOE+DO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 5. OOOE-05 2. OOOE-05 1. OOOE-04 2.. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 14 of 47 RES RAD Computed Patameter Name DFREQ CS, 1, 6) DFREQ(S,2,6) DFREQ(S, 3, 6) DFREQ(5, 4, 6) DFREQCS, 5, 6) DFREQ{5, 6, 6) DFREQIG, 1, 0) DFREQ(6, 2, 6) DFREQ (6, 3, 6} DFREQ(6, 4, 6} DFREQ(6, 5, 6} DFREQ{*, 6, 6) DFP.EQ(l,*1, 7) DFREQ(l, 2, 7) DFREQ(l, 3, 7) DFREQ(l,4, 7) DFREQ(l, 5, 7) DfREQ(l, 6, 7) DFREQ(2., 1, i) DFREQ(2, 2, 7) DFREQ(2, 3, I} DFREQ(2, 4, 7) DFREQ(2, 5, 7) DFREQ{2, 6, 7) DFREQ (3, l, 7) DFREQ(3, 2, 7) DF'REQ{3, 3, 7) DFREQ(3, 4, 7} DFREQ(3, 5, 7} DFREQ(3, 6, 7) DFREQ(4, 1, 7) DFREQ(4, 2, 7) DFREQ(4, 3, 7) DFREQ(4, 4, 7) DFREQC', 5, 7) DFREQ(4, 6, 7)

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RE:SRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose .Report T11 Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 15 Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) Menu Parameter AIRT Joint Frequency in *sE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class B for wind speE:d class and stability class C for wind speed class 5 and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed cluss 5 and stability class F AIRT Joint E'requency in SE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIP.T AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class 6 and stability class B fot wind speed class and stability class C fot wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class 6 and stability class E for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT A!RT AIRT A!RT for wind speed class 1 and stability clas.£ A for wind speed class l and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class C for: wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class 1 and stability class E for: wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint FrequencY in SSE AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class C for wind speed class and stabili*ty class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class 2 and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIR'l' for speed class 3 and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class B for. wind speed class -:lnd stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class 3 and stability class E for wind speed class 3 and stability cluss F AIRT Joint E'requency in SSE Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for: wind. speed class 4 and stability class A for wind speed class 4 and stability class B for wind speed class 4 and stability class C for wind speed class 4 and stability class D for wind spe<?d class and stability class E for wind speed class and stability class F User Input Default 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0 .-OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO 3. 600E-03 0. OOOE+OO 1.470E-03 0.000E+OO 5. 600E-04 0. OOOE+OO 4. ?OOE-04 .0. OOOE+OO 8. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO 2. 330E-03 0. OOOE+OO 1. 542E-02 0. OOOE+OO 8. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE;-04 1. 640E-03 2. 330E-03 2. 890E-03 1. 205E-02 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+DO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 1. SOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO l.200E-04 O.OOOEtOO 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEt-00 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 15 of 47 RES RAD computed Parameter Name DFREO 15, 1, 7) DFREQ (5, 2, 7) DFREQfS,3,7} DFREQ (5, '1, 7) DFREQ(S,S, 7) DFREQ(S, 6, 7) DFREQ(6, 1.. 7) DFREQ(6, 2, 7) DFREQ(6,3, 7) DFREQ(6, 4, 7) DFREQ(6,5,7) DFREQ(6, 61 7) DFREQ(l, 1, S) DFREQ(l,2,3) DE"REQ(l, 3, B} DFREQ(l, 4, SJ DFREQ(l, 5, 8) DE"REQCl, 6, Bl DFREQ(2, 1, 8) DFREQ(2, :!, BJ DFREQ(2,3, 8} DE"REQ(2, 4, B) DFREQl2, 5, 8) DFREQ(2, 6, 8) DFREQ(3,1, S} DFREQ(3,2, 8) DFREQ(3, 3, 8) DFP.EQ(3, 4, Bj DFREQC3, 5, 8) DFREOC3, 6, 8) DFREQ(4, 1, 8) DE'REOC4,2,8) DFREQ(4, 3, 6) DFREQf.J., 4, 8) DFP.EQ(.t, 5, SJ DE'REQC4, 6, Bl Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE1 VE:rsion 3 .1 Parent Dose Rep?rt T"'1 Limit 30 days' Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : Jl..REA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 16 Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued) User RES RAD Menu ParamE:ter Input Default computed AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed clas.s and stability class B 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind spee:d class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speE:d class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed c*lass and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. ODOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stabilfty class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 2. 00 OE-05 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 3. 210E-03 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class l and stability class E 9. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class l and stability class F 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sec"tor AIRT for wind speed class .and stability class A 5. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 5. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class C 1. 740E-03 0. DOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class D 1. 031E-02 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class :and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class A 4. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 4. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 7. 300E-04 I). OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 3.080E-03 O.OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO AIR'I' foi: wind speed class and stability class 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE:+OO Q. "OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed .class 4 and stability class c 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 0.000E;.OO O.OOOE+OO AIRT fo:-wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO lURT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 16 of 47 Parameter Name I I DFREQ(5, 1, 8) I DFREQ(5, 2, 8) I DFREQ (5, 3, 8) I DFREQ(5, 4, 9) I DFREQ(5,5,B) I DFREQ(5,6,B) I I I DFREQ(6, 1, B) I DFP.EQ(6, 2, 8) I DFREQ(6, 3, Bl I DFREQ(6, 4, 8) .J DFREQ(6,5,8) I DFREQ(6, 6, 8) I I I DFREQ(l,1,9) I DFREQ(l,2,9) I DFREQ(l,3,9) I DFREQ(l,4,9) I DFREQ(l,5,9) I DFREQ(l,6,9) I I I DFREQ (2, 1, 9") I DFREQl2,2,9) I DFREQl2, 3, _9) I DFREQ(2, 4, 9) I DFREQ(2, 5, 9) I DFREQ(2,6,9) I I I DFREQ(3,1,9) I DFREQ(3, 2, 9) I DFREQ(3, 3, 9) I DFP.EQ(3, 4, 9) I DFREQ(3,5, 9) I DFREQ(3,6,9) I I I DFREQ(4,1,9) I DFREQ(4, 2, 9) I DFREQl4, 3, 9) I DFREQ(4,4,9) I DFREQ(4, 5, 9) I DFREQ(4,6,9)

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 17 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) Menu Parameter AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A AIRT for wind class 5 and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D /l_IRT for wind speed class and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector AIRT for wind .speed class and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C A.IRT for wind speed class and stability class D AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E AIRT. for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class and .stability class F AIRT Joint Fretjuency in SSW Sector AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C AIR'r for wind speed class and stability class D i\IRT for wind speed class and stabi.lity class E AIR'l' fo:r: wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class 4 a!1d stability class B AIR'J' for wind speed class 4 and stabi.lity class C AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D ATR1' for wind speed class and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class F User Input Default I I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE*OO 0. OOOE+OO I I I 0. OOOE*OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I I I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO I 3.400E-03 O.OOOE+OO I 9. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO I 2. 4 OOE-04 0. OOOE+OO I I I 4.400E-04 O.OOOE+OO I 6.900E-04 O.OOOE+OO I 9.500E-04 O.OOOE+OO I 6. 390E-03 0. OOOE+OO I 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO j* 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I I I 2. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO I 3. 700E-04 O.OOOE+OO I 2. 700E-0-1 I). OOOE>OO I l .130E-03 0. OOOE+DO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I I I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I O.OOOE+OO O.OOOEtOO I 0. OOOE:.+00 0. OOOE+OO 17 of 47 RES RAD computed Parameter Name DFREQIS,1,9) DFREQ(S,2,9) DFREQ(5,3,9) DFREQ (5, 4, 9) DFREQ(515,9) DFREQ(5, 6, 9) DFREQ(G, 1, 9) DFREQ(6,2,9) DFREQ(6, 3, 9} DFREQ(6,4,9) DFREQ(6, 5, 9) DFREQ(6, 6; 9) DFREQ{l, 1, 10) DFREQ(l, 2, 10) DFREQ(l, 3, 10) DFREQ(l,4,10) DFREQ{l, 5, 10) DFREQ(l, 6, 10) DFREQ(2, 1, 10) DFREQ""(2,2,10)

  • DFREQ(2, 3, 101 DFREQ(2, 4, 10) DFREQ(2, 5, 10) DFREQ(2, 6, 10) DFREQ(3, l, 10) DFREQ(3, 2, 10) DFREQ(3, 3, 10) DFP.EQ(3, 4, 10) DFREQ(3, 5, 10) DFREQ(3,6,10) DFREQ(4,1,10). DFREQ(4,2,10) D!'REQ(4, 3, 10) DFREQ(4,4,10) DFREQ{4., 5, 10} DFREQ(4, 6, 10)

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Ve:rsion 3.1 Pai:ent Dose Report T'1 Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROE' 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 18 Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued) Menu AIRT Joint Frequency in SS'i1 Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class B for wind spee:d class 5 and stability class C for wind spee:d class and stability class D for wind spee:d class and stability class E for wind speed class 5 and stability class F AIRT Joint E'requency in SSW Sect.or AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed cl.ass and stability class A for wind speed class 6 and stability class B fox: wind speed class 6 and stability class C_ for wind speed class 6 and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class

  • and stability cl.; F AIRT Joint Frequency in Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for: wind speed class 1 and stability class A for wind speed class 1 and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency iri SW Secto:r AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class 2 and stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in SN Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIR1' for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class 3 and stability class B fo:r wind speed class and stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class 3 and stability class E for wind speed class and stability class E' AIRT Joint Frequency in SW Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A for wind speed class 4 and stability class B for wind spe<2d class 4 and stability class C for wind speed class 4 and stability class D for wind speed class 4 and stdbility class E for wind class 4 and stability class F User Input Default 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. 000£+00 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 1. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO 2. 230E-03 0. OOOE+OO 7. aooE-04 o. OOOE+OO 4. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO 3. 200E-04 5. 400E-04 8. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO. 0. OOOE+OD 4. 160E-03 0. OOOE+OO 2. ZOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO_ 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO 2. 700E-04 7. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO I). OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 18 of 47 RES RAD computed Parameter Na rile Dl'REQ (5, 1, 10) DFREQ(S,2,10) DFREQ(S,3,10) DFREQ(S, 4,10) DFREQ{S, 5, 10) DFREQ(S, 6, 10) DFREQ{6, 1, 10) DFREQ(6,2,10) DFREQ(6, 3, 10) DFREQ(6, 4, 10) DfREQ(6, 5, 10) DFREQ(6, 6110) DFREQ(l, l, 11) DFREQ(l, 2, 11) DFREQ(l, 3, 111 DFREQ ( 1, 4, 11} DE'R.EQ(l, 5, 11) DFREQCl, 6, 11) DFREQ(2, 1, 11) DE'REQ(.2., 11) DfREQ(2, 3, 11) DFREQ(2, 4, 11) DFREQ(2, 5, 11) DFREQ(2, 6, 11) DFREQ(3, 1, 11) DE'REQ(3,2,11) DFREQ(3, 3, 11) DFP..EQ(3, 4111) DFREQ(3,5, 11) DE'REQ(3, *., 11) DFREQ(4, l, ll) DfREQ(4,3,ll) DFREQ14,4,ll) DFREQ(4, 5,ll) DfREQC4, G, 11)

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Tl-1 Limit c. 30 \days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 19 Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) Menu Parameter AIRT Joint Frequency in -?i*l Sector AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class C AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D AIRT for wind .-::peed class 5 and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint frequency in SW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C AIRT ] for wind class 6 and stabil.ity class D AIRT I for wind speed class 6 and stability cl.ass E AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F I AIRT I Joint Frequency in WSW Sector AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class A AIRT I for l'lind speed class 1 and stability class B AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class C AIRT ] for wind speed class 1 and stability class D AIRT ] for wind speed class and stability class E AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class F I AIRT [ J6int F:r:equency in WSW Sector AIRT I for wind speed class and stability cldss A AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class E AIRT I for wind speed class ap.d scability class C AIRT I for wind speed class 2 and stability class D AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class E AIRT I . for wind speed class 2 and stability class F I AIRT I Joint Frequency in WSW Sector AIRT J for wind speed class 3 and stability class A AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class B AIRT I for. wind speed class and stability class C AIRT \ for wind speed class '3 and stability class D AIRT \ for wind speed class and stability class E AIRT J fo:r: wind speed class 3 and stability class F I AIRT I Joint Frequency in WSW Sector r AIRT l for wind speed class 4 and stability class A AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class B AIRT J for wind spe<:d class 4 and stability class C AIRT I* for wind speed class 4 and stability D AIRT J for wind speed class 4 and stability class E AIRT J for wind speed class 4 and stability class F User Input I I 0. OOOE+OO I O.OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO I I I O.OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO I O.OOOE+OO I 0. OIJOE+OO I I I 0. OOOE+OO I 5. OOOE-05 I 7. OOOE-05 I 2. 200E-03 I 1. 320E-03 I 4. 200E-04 I I I 2. 700E-04 I 3;200E-04 I 4.400E-04 I 3.480E-03 I 2. OOOE-04 I 0. OOOE+OO I I I 2. 91JOE-04 I 1. OOOE-04 I 1. SIJOE-04 I 2.860E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO I I I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO I 2. OOOE-04 I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO Default 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+o*o 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I). OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO D. OOOE+OO D. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 19 of 47 RES RAD computed Paramete:r: Name DFREQ(5,l,ll) DFREQC5,2,ll) DFREQCS,3,11) DFREQ(.5, q,11) DFREQ{S,5, 11) DFREQ(5, 6, 11) DFREQ(6, l, lll DFREQ(6,2,11). DFREQ(6, 3, 11) DFREQ(6, 4, 11) DFREQ(6, 5, 11) DFREQ(6, 6, 11.) DFREQ(l, 1, 12) DFREQ(l, 2, 12) DFREQ(l, 3, 121 DFREQ(l, 4, 12) DFREQ(l, 5, 12) DFREQ(l, 6, 121 DFREQ(2, 1, 12) DFREQ(2, 2, 12) DFREQ(2, 3, 12) DFREQ(2, *l, 12) DFREQ(2, 5, 12) DFREQ{2, 6, 12) DFREQ(3, 1, 12) DFREQ(3, 2, 12) DFREQ(3, 3, 121 DFREQ(3, 4, 12) DFREQ(3, 5, 12) DFREQ(3, 6, 12) DFREQ(4, l, 12) DFREQC4, 2, 12) DFREQ(4, 3, 12) DFREQC4,4,12) DFREQ(4, 5, 12) DFREQC4, 6, 12)

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAO-OFFSITE, Version 3. l Parent Dose Report T11 Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2,.1 HIKER. ROF 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 20 Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) Menu Parameter AIRT Joint Frequency in WSW Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed clas.c; and stability class B for wind spee.d class and stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed cla'.ss and stability class F Joint F!:equency in WSW Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT .AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class B for. wind speed class and stability class fo:r wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class 6 and stability class E for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in W Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stabil,ity class C AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Jol.nt Frequency in w Sector AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B for wind speed class 2 and stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class 2 and stability F AIRT Joint Frequency in W Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIR'l' fo:c wind speed class and stability. class A for. wind speed class and stability class B for. wind speed class and stability *class C for wind speed class 3 and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class 3 and stability class AIRT Joint Frequency* in W Sector HRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIR1' AIRT for win!i speed class 4 and stability class A for wind speed class 4 and stability class B for wind speed 4 and stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D for wind spee.d class 4 and stability class *E for wind speed class 4 and stability class F User Input 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Default 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OQ I 2. 520E-03 0. OOOE+OO I 2. 330E-03 0. OOOE+OO I 1. 030E-03 0. OOOE+OO I I I 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO I 3. 700E-04 4. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 3. 940£-03 0. OOOE+OO 3. 700£-04 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 2. 200E-04 1. 700E-04 4. 90DE-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO IJ. OOOE+OO 3 .130E-03 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEt-00 0. OOOE+DO 20 of 47 RES RAD computed JW-Parameter Name DFREQ(S, 1, 12) Df"REQ(S,2012) Df"REQ15, 30121 DFREQ(S, 4, 12) Dl'REQ(5, 50 121 DFREQ(5, 6, 12) Dl'REQ(G, 1012) DFREQ(6, 2, 12) DFREQ(6, 3, 121 DFREQ(6, 4, 12) DFREQ{fi,5, 12) DFREQ(6, 61 12) DFREQ(l, 1, 13) DE'REQ(l, 13) DE"REQ(l, 3, 13) DFREQ(l, 4, 13) DFREQ(l, 5, 13) Df"REQll. 60131 OFREQ{l,1,13) DFREQ(.2., 2, 13) DtREQ(2, 3, 13) DE'REQ(2, 4, 13) DFREQ{2. 5.13) Dl'REQ(2, 6013) DFREQ(3,1,131 DFREQ (3, 2, 131 DFREQ (3, 3, 13) DFP.EQ(3. 4, 13) DE"REQ(3,5, 13) DFP.EQ(3. 6, 13) DFREQ(40 l013) DFREQC4,2,13) DFREQl4,3,131 DFREQ(.,l, 4, 13) DFREQ(4, 5, 13) DFREQ(4, 6, 13)

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report TJ.:l Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : ARE.l\ 2 .1 HIKER. ROF 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 21 Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) Menu Parameter AIRT \ Joint Frequency in W Sector AIRT \ for wind speed class and stability class A AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class B A!RT I for wind speed class 5 and stability class C /1._IRT I for wind speed class and stability class D AIRT I for wind speed class 5 and stability class E AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F I AIRT I Joint frequency in W Sector AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class A AIRT I for wind speed class 6 and stability class B AIRT I for wind speed class 6 and stability class C AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class D AIRT I for wind speed class 6 and stability class E AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F I AIRT I Joint Frequency in WNW Sector AIF.T J for wind speed class l and stability class A AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class B AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class C AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class D AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class E AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F I AIRT j ,Joint Frequency in WNW SectOr AIRT J for wind spei::d class and stabilit::( class A AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class B AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class C AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class D I for wind speed class and stability class E AIRT I for wind speed class 2 and stability class F ,. AIRT I Joint Frequency in WNW Sector AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class A AIRT I fol: wind speed class and stability class B AIRT I for. wind speed class and stability class C A!RT J for. wind speed class 3 and stability class D AIRT I for wind class and stability class E AIRT I for wind speed class 3 and stability class F I AIRT I Joint Frequency in WNW Sector A.IRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class A hlRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class B AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class C AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class D AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stnbllity class E fli_IRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class F User Input 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO U. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE-05 3. 430E-03 2. 790E-03 2. 350E-03 1. 700E-04 2. 400E-04 5. 400E-04 7. 690E-03 1. 790E-03 3. 400E-04 1. 500E-04 1. OOOE-04 3. 41JOE-04 4. 950E-03 1. 700E-04 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO Defa.ult O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO o. oooi;:+oo 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOl)E+DO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+90 0. OOOE+OO' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO IJ. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEt-00 0. 0008+00 O. OOOE+OO O.OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO 21of47 RES RAD computed Parameter Name DFREQ[S,1.131 DFREQ[5, 2, 131 DFREQ[5,3,131 DFREQ(S, 40131 .DE'REQ(S,5,13) DFREQ[S, 6, 131 DFREQ(6, 1, 131 DFREQ{6, 2, 13) DFREQ(6,3,131 DFREQ(6, 4, 131 DFREQ(6,5,13) DFREQ(*, 6, 131 DFREQ(l, 1, 141 DFREQ(l,3,14) DFREQ(l, 4, 14) DfREQ{l, 5, 14) DFREQ(l, 6, 14) DE"'REQ{2, 1, 14) DFREQ(:?., 2, 14) DE"'REQ{2, 3, 14) DFREQ(2, 4, 141 DFREQ(205,141 DFREQ(2, 5, 141 DFREQ(3, 1, 141 DFREQ(3, 2, 141 DFREQ(3, 3, 14) DFREQ(3, 4, 14) DFREQ(3, 5114) DFREQ(3, 6, 141 DFREQ(4, 1, 14) DE'REQ(4,2,14) DFREQ(4, 3, 14) DFREQ(4, 4, 14) DFREQ ( 4, 5, 14) DFREQ(4, G, 141 Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report T11 Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF. 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 22 Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) Menu Parameter AIRT Joint Frequency in WNW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 5 and class A AIRT for wind speed clas.s and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C AIRT for wind speed. and stability class D lURT for wind speed class and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in WNW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class C AIP.T for wind speed class and stability class D AIRT for win"d speed class 6 and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint rrequency in m'l' Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability.class B for wind speed class 1 and stability class C for wind speed class 1 and stability class D for wind speed class 1 and stability class E for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint* Frequency in NW Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A for wind speed class 2 and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class C for wind speed class 2 and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind class 2 and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency ih NW Sector AIRT AIP.T AIRT AIRT AIRT AIR'r for wind speed class 3 and st.ability class A fo:t wind speed class and stability class B for wind speed class 3 and stability class C for; wind speed class 3 and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class 3 and stability class E" AIRT Joint Frequency in NW Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A for wind speed class 4 and stabilit*y class B for wind speed class 4 and stability class C for wind speed class 4 and stability class D for wind speed clas.s 4 and stability class E for wind speed class 4 and stability class F User Input Default I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO. I 0. OOOE+OO I I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO I 0. OOOE+OO I I 0. OOOEtOO I 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 1. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO 4. 680E-03 0. OOOE+OO 6. 730E-03 D. OOOE+OO 5. 4 6DE-03 2. 200E-04 3. 700E-04 9. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 1. Gl6E-02 0. OOOE+OO 1. 060E-02 0. OOOE+OO 1. 760E-03 0. OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO 1.080E-03 O.OOOE+OO 1. 709E-02 0. OOOE+OO 4. 870E-03 0. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 2.. 790E-03 0. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 22 of 47 RES RAD computed Parameter Name DFREQ(5, 1, 14) DFREQ (5, 2, 14) DFREQ(5, 3, 141 DFREQ(S, q, 14) DFREQ{S,5,14) DFREQ(5, 6, 14) DFREQ(6, l, 14) DFREQ(6, 2, 14) DFREQ(G,3,14) DFREQ(6, 4, 14) DFREQ(6,5,14) DFP.EQ(6, 6, 14) DFP.EQ(l, 1, 15) DFREQ(l, 2, 15) OFREQ(l, 3, 15) DFREQ(l, 4, 15) DFREQ(l, 5, 15) DFREQCl, 6! 15) DFREQ(2, 1, 15) DFREQCZ, 2, 15) DFREQ(2, 3, 15) DFREQ"(2, 4, 15) DFREQ(2, 5, 15) DFREQ (2, 6, 15) DFREQ(3,1,15) DFREQ (3, 2, 15) DFREQ(3, 3, 15) DFREQ(3, 4, 15) DFREQ(3, 5, 15) DFREQ(3, 6, 15) DFREQ(4, 1, 15) DFREQ(4, 2, 15) DFREQ(4, 3, 15} DFREQ ( 4, 4, 15) DFREQ(4,5,15) DFREQ!4, 6, 15)

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Tli Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF 05/04/2016 13: 14 ?age 23 Site-Specific Parameter Summary (contin.ued) Menu Parameter AIRT Joint Frequency in HW Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT ;>.IRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class B for wind spee:d class 5 and stability class C for wind speE::d class and stability class D for wind speed class 5 and stability class E for wind speed class 5 and stability class F P..IRT Joint Frequency in NW Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class A for wind speed class 6 and stability class B for wind speed class and stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D for wind speed class 6 and stability class E for wind speed class and stability F AIRT Joint Frequency in NNW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class C for wind speed class and stability class D AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E' AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class }>.!RT Joint in UN1i'J Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D AIRT for wind speed ciass and stability class E AIRT for wind speed 9lass 2 and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in NNW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class A AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class and stability class c AIRT for wind sPeed class 3 and stability class D AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E AIR'l' fo:r wind speed class and stability class f AIRT Joint frequency in NNW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability cl.ass A AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C A!RT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D AIRT for wind speed class and stability cL:iss E AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class F User Input Default 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. O/JOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I 5. OOOE-05 o. OOOE+OO I 5. OOOE-Q5 0. OOOE+OO I 5. OOOE-05 Q _ OOOE+OO I 4. 410E-03 0. OOOE+OO \ 1. rnsE-02 o. oooE+oo I 1. 741E-02 o. OOOE+OO I I I l. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO I 4. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO I 9. 500E-04 o. OOOE+OO I 1. 307E-02 0. OOOE+OO I 1. G94E-02 o. OOOE+OO I 3. 330E-03.' I 0. OOOE+OO I I I I I 2. 400E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO I 9. SOOE-04 I 0. OOOE+OO I 1. 030E-03 I I). OOOE+OO I l. 951E-02 I 0. OOOE+OO I l.165E-02 I 0. OOOE+OO I 2. 400E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO I I I I I 0. OOOE+OO I o. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO I 2. 200E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO I 6. 610E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO I 2.300E-03 I O.OOOEtOO I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO 23 of 47 RES RAD comput.ed Parameter Name DFP.EQ(S0l,15) DFREQ(S,2, 15) DFREQ(5, 3, 15) DFREQ{S, q, 15) DFREQ(5,5,15J DFREQ(S, 6, 15) DFREQ(6, 1, 15) DFREQ{6, 2, 15) DFREQ(6,3, 15) DFREQ(6, 4, 15) DFREQ(6,5, 15) DFREQ(606,15) DFREQ(l0 l, 16) DFREQ(l, 2, 16) DFREQ(l0 3, 16) DFREQ(l, 4, 16) DFREQ{l, 5, 16) DFREQ(l, 6016) DFREQ(2, 1, 16) DFREQ(2, 2, 16) DFREQ(2, 3, 16) DFREQ(20 4, 16) DFREQ(2.* S.16) DFREQ (2, 60 16) DFREQ(3, 1, 16) DFREQ(30 2, 16) DfREQ(3, 3, 16) DE'P.EQ(3, 4, 16) DFREQ(30 5, 16) DFREQ(3, 6, 16) DFREQ(4,l,16) DFREQ!4, 2, 16) DFREQ(4, 3, 16) DFREQ(4,4,16) DFREQ(4, 5, 16) DFREQ(4, 6, 16)

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Versiop. 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13' 14 Page 24 Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) Menu Param(:ter AIRT Joint E'requency in NNW-1 Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class and stdbilit.y class B for wind speed class 5 and stability class C for wind spet:d class 5 and stability class D for wind speed class and stability class E for wind speed class and stability class F AIRT Joint Frequency in NNW Sector AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A for wind speed class and stability class B fat wind speed class and stability class C for: wind speed class and stability class D fin wind speed class and stability class E for: wind speed class and stability class F AIRT. Spacing of points used fol'. ar:eal integration, (m) User Input Default 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO 7. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO 2. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO D. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE-05 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+DD 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol GWTP. fractional accuracy desired -convergence criteria 1. OOOE-03 1. OOOE-03 GWTR Distance from d/g edge of contamination to Well, (m) l-1. OOOE+OO 1. ODOE+02 GWTR Contamination to Well c/c distance normal to flow, ml-2. 798E-Ol O.OOOE+OO GWTR Distance from dig edge of cz to surface water, (m) !-2.166E+02 4.500E+02 GWTR Contamination to near edge of swb, c/c normal to flow I -2. 91 7E+02 [-1. SOOE+D2 GVITR Contamination to far edge of swb, c/c normal t6 flow!-2.412E+02 J l.500E+02 GWTR Number of main sub zones in primary contamination I GYJTR Number of minor sub :;:ones in main PC sub <:On* l" I Gt-ITR Number of main sub zones in each unsaturated stratum! 1 I GWTR Number of minor sub zones in last main UZ sub 1 I GYITR Number of main sub zones in saturated sti:atum I GI'ITR Number of minor sub zones in last main SZ sub zone 1 J GWTR Distribution coefficient and longitudinal dispersion I 1 I RES RAD computed Parameter Name DFREQ{S, 1, 16) DFREQ(5,2,16) DFREQ (5, 3, 16) DFREQ(S, 4, 16) DFREQ(S, 5, 16) DFREQ(S, 6, 16) DFREQ{6, L DFREQ{6, 2, 16) DFREQ(6,3,16) DE'REQ(6, 4, lS) DFREQ{6,5, 16) DFPEQ(6,6, 16) ATGRID EPS OFFLPAQW OFFLPP.QS OFFL!!P.QSN OE'FLHAQSF NPCZ NPSS NPSSF NAQS NAQSF 1 = Nuclide specific distrubution coefficients in all subzones. Longitudina dispersion in all but the subzor1e of transformation. GWTR Retardation factor flag for groundwater transport o I o I 0 = (total porosity + distribution coefficient*dry bulk density) I total porosity I USZN Number of unsaturated zone strata I 1 USZN Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) 2. OOOE+OO I 4. OOOE+OO USZN Onsat. zone 1, soil density {g/cm .... .,..3) l. 700E+OO I l.500E+00 USZN Unsa t. zone 1, total' potosity 3. 600E-01 I 4. OOOE-01 USZN Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 2. SOOE-01 I 2. OOOE-01 USZN Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 2.000E-01 I 3.000E-01 USZN Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic c;onductivity (m/yr) l.400E+02 ] l.OOOE+Ol USZN Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter l.400E+00 J S.300E+OO USZN Un sat. :::one 1, longitudinal dispersivity (m) l. OOOE-01 "J 1. OOOE-01 I SZNE Well pump intake dept:h (m below water table) 5.000E+OO l 1.000E+Ol SZNE Depth of aquifer contributing to surface water body 5.000E+OO I l.OOOE+Dl SZNE Thickness of saturated {m) l. OOOE+02 I l. OOOE+02 24 of 47 NS Hill DENSUZ (1) TPUZ(l) EPUZ (11 FCUZ (1) HCUZ ( 1) BUZ ill* ALPHALU(l) DWIBWT DPTHAQS\.>l DPT HAQ Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 25 Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2. 1 !fIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) User RES RAD Menu Parameter Input Default computed SZNE Density of saturated ;:one (g/cm*+3) 1. 700E+OO 1. SOOE+OO SUIE Saturated zone total porosity 3. 600E-Ol 4. OOOE-01 SZNE Saturated zone effective porosity 2 .. 500E-01 2. OOOE-01 SZNE Saturated zone hyd:raulic conductivity (m/yr) 1. 400E+03 1. OOOE+02 SZUE Saturated zone hydraulic gradient to well 3. OOOE-02 2. OOOE-02 SZUE Satur. 2one hydraulic gradient to surface water bodyl 3.000E-02 2.000E-02 SZNE longitudinal dispersivity to well (m) 3. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO SZHE longitudinal dispersivity to SWB (m} 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol SZNE lateral (horizontal) dispersivity to well (m) 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 SZNE lateral (horizontal) dispersi vity to SWB (m) 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO SZNE lateral (vertical) dispersi vi ty to well (m) 2. OOOE-02 2. OOOE-02 SZNE lateral (vertical) dispersivity to SWB (m) 6. OOOE-02 6. OOOE-02 SZNE Irrigation rate over aquifer to well (m/yr) not used 0. OOOE+OO SZNE Irrigation rate over aquifer to SWB (m/yr) not used O.OOOE+OO SZNE Evapotranspiration coefficient over aquifer to well not used 1. OOOE+OO SZNE Evapotranspi ration coefficient over aquifer to SWB not used 1. OOOE+OO SZNE Runoff coefficient aquifer to well not used 1. OOOE+OO SZNE Runoff coefficient ove-r aquifer to SWB used 1. OOOE+OO SZNE Concentration of mobile colloids in the aquifer 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO SZNE Water -Soil Distribution coefficient of colloids 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO SZNE Water -Mobile Colloids Distribution coefficient 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO WTRU Drinking water intake (L/yr} not used 5.100E+02 WTRU Fraction of drinking water from surface water not used 0. OOOE+OO VITRU Fraction of driilking water from well water not used 1. OOOE+OO WTRU Fraction of household water £ram surface water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 1iITRU Fraction of household water from well water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO trITRU Livestock water intake for meat 1 (L/day) 5. OOOE+Ol 5. OODE+Ol WTRU Fraction of livestock water 1 from surface water 1. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO trITRU Fraction of livestock water 1 from well water 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 1iITRU Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1 .. 600E+02 WTRU Fraction of dairy cm., water from surface water not used 0. OOOE+OO WTRU Fraction of dairy cow water from well water not used 1. OOOE+OO yqTRU Irrigation rate in Agricultural Area l {m/yr) 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 WTRU Fraction of ir:r::igation water 1 from surface water 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO V7TRU Fraction of irrigation wat:er 1 from well water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO !f7TRU Irrigation rate in Agricultural Area 2 {m/yrJ 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 VITRU Fraction of irrigation water 2 from surface wat-;r 0. OOOE+OO D. OOOE+DO WTRU Fraction of irrigation water 2 from well .water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO WTRU Irrigation rate in Area 3 {m/yr} 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 !fITRU Fraction of irrigation water 3 f:r::om surface water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO WTRU Fraction of irrigation wat_:-r 3 from well water 1. QOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO VITRO Irrigation rate in Agricultural Area 4 (m/yr) 0. QOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 Fraction of irrigation water 4 from surface water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO lfITRU Fraction of irrigation water 4 from well water 1. 0008+00 1. OOOE+DO Irrigation rate in dwelling site (m/yr) 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-0 l Fraction of water from surface water 0. OOOE*OO 0. OOOE+OO 25 of 47 Paramete:z: Name DENSAQ TPSZ EPSZ HCSZ HGW HGSN ALPHALOW ALPHALOSW ALPHATW ALPH.\.TS'l ALPHAV1'1'1 ALPHAVSY1 RIAQW RIAQSW EVAPTRAQW E.V11.PTR.i\QSW RUNOFFAQW RUNOFFAQSN CCOL Kl Col K3Col DWI FSWD FW\\!'D FSWHH FW";\THH LNI(l) FSWLV{l) FWWLV{l) L\"lI (2) FSWLV(2) Fi"JWLV{2) RIRRIG (1) FSWIR(l) FWWIR(l) RIRRIG (2} FSOiIRl2) FWWIR(2) RIP.RIG (3) FSWIR(3) RIRRIG {4) FSWIR(4) E'"WWIR{4) RIRP. IGDWELL FSWIRDTIBLL Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESJ;tAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 26 Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) Menu Parameter VITRO Fraction of irrigation water from well water WI'RTJ Well pumping rate (m*"'3/yr) SWBY Sediment delivery ratio SWBY Volume of surface water body SWBY Mean residence time of water in surface water body SWBY Surface area of water in surface water body INGE Fish consumption {kg/yr) INGE Fraction of Fish from affected area INGE Other Aquatic food consumption (kg/yr) INGE Fraction of Aquat:ic food from affected area INGE Non-Leafy vegetables {kg/yr) INGE Fraction of vegetable 1 from affected area INGE Leafy vegetable consumption {kg/yr) INGE Fraction of vegetable 2 from affected INGE Meat 1 consumption (kg/yr) IIJGE Fraction of meat !from affected User *rnput Default 1. OOOE+OO I 1. OOQE+OO 0. OODE+OO I 5 .100E+03 I 1. OOOE+OO I 1. DOOE+OO 1. 670E+04 I 1. 500E+05 1. DOOE+OO I 1. OOOE+OO 1. 670E+04 I 9. OOOE+04 .I not used J 5. 400£+00 not used .1 5. OOOE-01 not used 9. OOOE-01 not used 5. OOOE-01 not used 1. 600E+02 not used 5. OOOE-01 not used 1. 400E+Ol not used 5. OOOE-01 6. SOOE-t-01 6. 300E+Ol 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO INGE Milk consumption CL/yr) not used 9.200E+Ol INGE Fract:i.on of milk fi:"om affected area not used 1. OOOE+OO INGE Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 1. 830E+Ol 3. 650E+Ol *VEGE Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy Ckg/in**2) not used ?.OOOE-01 VEGE Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years} not used 1. 700E-01 "VEGE Translocation Factor fo:r *Non-Leafy not use:d l.OOOE-01 VEGE Weathei:ing Removal Constant fo:r Non-Leafy not used 2.000E+Ol VEGE Foliar Interception Fraction for dust Non-Leafy not used 2. SOOE-01 VEGE Foliar Intercept-n Fract-n fo:r irrigation Non-Leafy not used 2.SOOE-01 \lEGE Depth of roots for Non-Lea.fy (m) not used 1. 200E+00 VEGE weight crop yield for Leafy {kg/m**2} VEGE Gi:owing Season for Leafy VEGE Translocation Factor for Leafy VEGE Weathering Removal Constant for Leafy VEGE Foliar: Interception Fraction for dust Leafy VEGE Foliar Intercept-n Fract-n for irrigation Leafy VE:GE Depth of roots for Leafy (ml VEGE Wet weight crop yield for Pasture {kg/m**2} VEGE Growing Season for Pasture (years) VEGE Translocation Factor for Pasture VEGE Weathering Removal Constant for Pasture VEGE Foliar Interception Fraction for dust Pasture VEGE Foliar Intercept-n Fract-n for irrigation Pasture VEGE Depth of roots for Pasture {ml VEGE Wet weight crop yield for Grain (kg/m"*2) VEGE Growing Season for Grain {years) VEGE Translocation Factor for Grain VEGE Weathering Ri;moval Constant fo.r: Grain not used not used not used not used not used not used not used 1. 500E+DO 2. SOOE-01 1. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE+Ol 2. SOOE-01 2. SOOE-01 ? . OOOE-01 1. lOOE+OO l. lOOE+OO 8. ODOE-02 8. OOOE-02 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 1. SOOE+Ol 2. OOOE+Ol 2. SOOE-01 2. SOOE-01 2. SOOE-01 2. SOOE-01 9.000E-01 9.000E-01 7.000E-0.l 7.000E-01 1. 700E-Ol 1. 700E-01 1. OOOE-01 1. OOOE-01 1. 800£+01 2. OOOE+Ol 26 of 47 RES RAD computed Parametei: Name FWWIRDWELL uw SOR VLAKE TLAKE ALA KE DFI {11 FFISH(l) DFI {21 FFISH (21 DVI (11 FVEG Ill DVI 121 FVEG {21 DMI {11 FMEMI (11 DMI {21 FMEMI (2) SOIL YIELD {11 GROl*lTIME { 11 FOLI_F(l) RWEATHER { 1 I FINTCEPT (1, 1*) FIUTCEPT { 1, 2 l DROOT {l) YIELD {2) GROl><"TIME (2) FOLI_Fl21 RNEATHER(21 FINTCEPT {2, 11 FillTCEPT {2, 21 DROOT(21 YIELD(3) GROWTHm(3) FOLI_F (31 RWEATHER (3) FINTCEPT ( 3, 1} FINTCEPT (3,2) DROOT {31 YIELDl41 GROl*lT IME 14 I FOLI F(4) RWEATHER ( 4)

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 27 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE 'Default Parameters File : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) Menu VEGE VEGE VEGE LINT Lit!T LINT LIUT LINT LINT LINT LINT INHE HIRE INHE UTHE INHE Parameter Foliar Interception Fraction for dust Grain Foliar Intercept-n Fract-n for irrigation Grain Depth of :r:o.ots for Grain (m) Feed 1 intake by livestock 1 (kg/day) Soil intake with feed 1 by livestock 1 (kg/day) Feed 1 intake by dairy cow (kg/day) Soil with feed 1 by dairy cow {kg/day) Feed 2 intake by livestock 1 {kg/day) Soil intal:e with feed 2 by livestock 1 (J.::g/day) Feed 2 intake by dairy cow (kg/day} Soil im:ake with feed 2 by dairy cow (kg/day) Inhalation rate (mt-*3/yr) Mass loading above primary contamination {g/m**3) Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) Indoor dust filtration factor, inhalation Shielding factor, external gamma INHE Shape factor flag, external gamma SEXT Onsite shape factor array (used if non-circular): SEXT Radii of shape factor array {used if non-circular}: SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEX'l' SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: Outer anntllar radius (ml, ring 2: Outer annular radius {m), ring 3: Outer ailnular radius {ml, ring 4: Outer annular radius (m) , ring 5: Outer annular radius (m), ring 6: Outer annular radius (m}, ring 7: 01Jter annular radius {m}, ring 8: Outer annular radius (m}, ring, 9: Outer annular radius (m), ring 10: Outer annular radius (m), ring 11: Outer annular radius (m), ring 12: User Input 2. 500E-01 2. SOOE-01 9. OOOE-01 2. 250E+OO 5. OOOE-01 not used not used 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO not used not used 8. 400Et03 1. 480E-05 1. 480E-05 1. OOOE+OO 2. 730E-01 Default 2. SOOE-01 I 2. SOOE-01 I 1. 200E+OO I I 1. 400E+Ol I 1. OOOE-01 I 4. 400E+Ol I 4. OOOE-01 I s. 400£+01 I 4.000E-01 I 1. 100£+01 1

  • 1. OOOE-0 l I I e. 400E+oJ I 1. OOOE-04 I 1. OOOE-04 I 4. OOOE-01 I 7. OOOE-01 I RES RAD computed Parameter Name FINTCEPT ( 4, l I FINTCEPT (4,2) DROOT(4) LFI(l,1) LSI {1, 1} LFI(2,l) LSI (2, l) LFI(l,21 LSI(l,2) LFI (2, 2) LSI 12, 2) INHALR MLFD ML I NH SHF3 SH Fl l-1. OOOE+OO l.OOOE+OO noncircularl FS 5. OOOE-01 6. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE:+OO 1. 200£+01 1. SDOE+OO 1. SOOE+-01 2.000E+OO 2.4.00E+bl 2. 500E+OO 3. OOOE+Ol 3. OOOE+OO 3. 600E+Ol 3.SOOE+OO 4.200E+Ol 4. OOOE:+OO 4. 800Et01 4. SOOE+OO 5. 4-00E+Ol 5. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+Ol 5.50DE+OO 6.500E+Ol 6. OOOE+OO 7. 200£+01 27 of 47 RAD_SHAPEI 11 RAD_SHAPEI 2) RAD_SHAPEI 3) RAD_SHAPE ( 4) RAD_SHAPEI 5i RAD_SHAPE( 6) RAD_SHAPE( 71 RAD_SHAPE( 81 RAD_SHAPEI 9) RAD_SHAPE(10) RAD_ SHAPE { 11) RAD_SHAPE(l2)

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Tli Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete:rs File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 28 Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) Menu Pararrieter SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA: SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring 7 Ring Ring Ring 10 Ring 11 Ring 12 SEXT Shape factor array from offsite dwelling: SEXT Radii of shape factor array {used if non-circula:::.-) : SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT Outer annular radius (ml , ring 13: Outer annular radius (m), ring 14: Outer annular radius (ml, ring 15: Outer annular radius ring 16: Outer annular radius (m), ring 17: Outer annular radius (m), ring lB: Outer annular *radius (m}, ring 19: Outer annular radius (m), rln9 20: Outer annular radius (m), ring 21: Outer annular radius (m}, ring 22: Outer annular radius (m}, ring 23: Outer annular radius (m), ring 24: SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA: SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT Ring 13 Ring 14 15 Ring 16 Ring 17 Ring 18 Ring 19 Ring 20 Ring 21 Ring 22 Ring 23 Ring 24 User Input Default 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 9. OOOE-01 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 4. 600E-01 1. OOOE+OO 5. 600E-01 1. OOOE+OO 4. 800E-01 1. OOOE:+OO 6. 200E-01 1. OOOE+OO l .200E-01 7. 700E-Ol 5. 400E-02 3. 700E-01 0. OOOE+OO 1. 700E-01 0. OOOE+OO 3. lOOE-02 7. SOOE-01 1. 325E+Dl 1. 500E+OO 2. 650E+01 2. 250E+OO 3. 975E+Ol 3. OOOE+OO 5. 300E+Ol 3. 750E+OO 6.625E+Ol 4. SOOE+OO 7. 950E+Ol 5. 250E+OO 9. 275E+Ol 6. OOOE+OO 1. 060E+02 6. 750E+OO 1. l 93E+02 7. 500E+OO 1. 325E+02 8. 250E+OO 1. 458E+02 9. OOOE+OO 1. 5 90E+02 5. OOOE-01 0. OOOE+OO 8. OOOE-01 0. OOOE+OO 5. OOOE-01 0. OOOE+OO 3.900E-01 2.400E-02 3. 60DE-01 1. 900E-01 1. 300E-01 2. 400E-Ol 4. 200E-Ol 2. OOOE-01 1. BOOE-01 1. 700E-Ol 8. lOOE-02 1. SOOE-01 2. 400E-02 1. 300E-01 0. OOOE+OO 1. 200E-Ol 0. OOOE+OO 5. 200E-02 28 of 47 RES RAD computed Parameter Name FRACA( 1) FRACA( 2) FRACA( 3) FRACA( 4} FRACA( 5) FRACA ( 6) FRACA ( 7) FRACA( 8} FRACAf 9) FRACA(lO} FRACA{lll FRACA(l2) RAD_SHAPE(13) RAD_SHAPE(l5) RAD_SHAPE{l6) RAD_SHAPE(17) PJID_SHAPE (18) RAD_SHAPE(20) RAO_SHAPE(21) RAD_3HAPE{22) RAD_SHAPE (23) RAD_SHAPE(24) FRACA(13) FRACA(14} FRACA(l5) FRAO_(l6} FRACAtl7} FRACA(18) FRACA(l9) FRACA(20) FRACA(21) FRACA (22) F.RACA(23) FRACA(24)

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RE:SRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 T'1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13' 14 Page 29 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued) I Menu. I Parameter SEXT Shape factor array from offsite area 1: SEXT Radii of shape factor ar.ray {used if non-circulaL): SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 25: Outer annular radius (m}, ring* 26: Outer annular radius (m), ring 27: Outer annular radius (m), ring 28: Outer annular radius (rn), ring 29: Outer annular x:adius (m}, ring 30: Outer annular radius (m), ring 31: Outer annular radius (m), ring 32: Outer annular radius {m), ring 33: Outer annular radius (ml, ring 34: Outer annular radius {ml, ring 35: Outer annular radius (ml, ring 36: SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA: SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT *sEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT Ring 25 Ring 26 Ring 27 Ring 28 Ring 29 Ring 30 Ring 31 Ring 32 Ring 33 Ring 34 Ring 35 Ring 36 SEXT Shape factor array from off site area 2: SEXT Radii of shape factor array (used if non-circular): SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 37: annular radius (m}, ring 38: Outer annular radius (m), ring 39: Outer annular radius (m), ring 40: Outer annular radius (m), ring 41: Outer annular radius (m}, ring 42: Outer annular radius (m), ring 43: Outer annular radius (m), ring 44: Outer annular radius (ml, ring 45: Outer annular radius (m), ring 46: Outer annular radius (m), ring 47: Outer annular radius (m), ring 48: User Input Default 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1 ."OODE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol l. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+O 1 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol l. OOOE+O l 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO. 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO a*. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1 OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol l. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 29 of 47 RES RAD computed Parameter Name RAD_SHAPE {25) RAD_SHAPE(26) RAD_SHAPEl27) RAD_SHAPE{28) RAD_SHAPE(29) RAD_SHAPE{30) RAD_SHAPE(31) RAD_SHAPE (32) RAD_SIIAPE(33) RAD_SHAPEl34) RF.D_SHAPE(35) RAD_SHAPE(36) FRACA(25) FRACA(26) FRACAl27) FRACAl28) FRACA(29) FRACA(30) FRACA(31) FRACAl32) FRACA (33 i FRACA(341 FRACA (35) FRACA(36) RAD_SHAPE{37) RAD_SHAPE (38) RAD_SHAPE(39) RAD_SHAPEl40) RAD_SHAPE (41) RAD_SHAPE(42) RM_SHAPE(43) R.'ID_SHAPE(44) RAD_SHAPE(45) RAD_SHAPE(46) RJl.D_SHAPE(47) R.'ID_SHAPE(48)

( Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1. RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report T'1 Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : ll .... 2. 1 HIKER. ROF 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 30 Site-Speciffc Parameter Summary (continued) Menu Parameter SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA: SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT Ring 37 Ring 38 Ring 39 Ring 40 Ring 41 Ring 42 Ring 43 Ring 44 Ring 45 Ring 46 Ring 47 Ring 48 SEXT Shape factor array from off site area 3: SEXT Radii of shape factor array (used if non-circular) : SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 49: Outer annular radius (m), ring 50: Out et annular radius (m), ring 51: Outer annular radius (m}, ring S")

  • Oute:c: annular radius (m) , ring 53: Outer annular radius (m) , ring 54: Outer annular radi1:Js (m), ring 55: Cuter annular radius (m), ring 56: Oute:c annular radius (rn), ring 57: Outer annular radius (m), ring 58: Outer annular radius (m), ring 59: Outei: annular radius (ml , ring 60: SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA: SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEX'l' SEXT Ring 49 Ring 50 Ring 51 Ring 52 Ring 53 Ring 54 Ring 55 Ring 56 Rin9 51 Ring sa Ring 59 Ring 60 User Input Default .0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. DODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO O. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO l. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol l. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 30 of 47 RES RAD ccimputed Parameter Name FRAC.i\(37) FRAC.i\(38) FRACA(39} FRACA(40) FRACA(41} FRACA(42} FRACAl43) FRACAl44 I FRACA{45} FP.ACA(46) FRACA(47) FRACA(48) RAD_ SH,\PE ( 50 l R..;.D_SHAPE{54) RAD_SHAPE(55) RAD_SHAPE{56) RAD_SHAPE (57) RAD_SHAPE (58) RAD_SHAPE(59) I<AD _SHAPE ( 60) FRACA(49} FRACA{50) FRACA(51) FRA.CA(53} FRACA(55} FRACA {56) FRACA(57) FRACA(58) FRACA(59) FRACA(60)

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016

  • 13'14 Page 31 Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete:rs File : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued} User I Menu Parameter Input . I Default SEXT Shape factor array from off site area 4: SEXT Radii of shape factor array {used if non-circular) : SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SE:XT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT SEXT occu occu occu occu occu occu occu occu RADN RADN RADN RADN RADN RADN RADN RADN PADN PADN Outer annular radius (m), ring *1: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol Outer annul,:i.r radius (ml, ring 62: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol Outer annular radius (m), ring 63: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol Outer annular radius (m), ring 64: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol. Outer annular radius (m), ring 65: 1. OODE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol Outer artnular radius (ml, ring 66: annular radius (m), ring 67: Outer annular radius (m), ring 68: Outer annular radius (m}, ring 69: Outer annular radius (m), ring 70: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OODE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+O l Outer annular radius {ml, ring 71: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol Outer annular radius (m}, ring 72: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol Fractions of annular areas within J>..REA: Ring 61 a. OOOE+OO Ring 62 0. OOOE+OO 63 0. OOOE+OO Ring 64 a. OOOE+OO Ring 65 0. OOOE+OO Ring 66 O.OOOE+OO Ring 67 0. OOOE+OO Ring 68 0. OOOE+OO Ring 69 0. OOOE+OO Ring 70 0. OOOE+DO Ring 71 O.OOOE+OO Ring 72 O.OOOE+OO Fraction of time spent indoors on contaminated site 0. OOOE+OO Fraction of tirne spent outdoors on contaminated site] l .142E-02 Fraction cf time spent indoors in Offsite Dwelling O *. OODE+OD Fraction of time spent outdoors in Offsite Dwelling O.OODE+OO Fraction of time spent outdoors in agri. O. oo*oE+OO Fraction of time spent outdoors in agri. area Fraction of time spent outdoors in agri. area Fraction of time spent ontdoo:rs in agri. area Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec}: in material in contaminated zone soil in fruit, grain and non-leafy vegetable field in leafy vegetable field in pature in live.stock grain field in offsite dwi:lling site in foundation material Thickness of building foundation (m) 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO not used not used not used not used not used not used not used not used not used 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. DOOE+OO 0. OOOE >00 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 0. DOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 5. ODOE-01 1. OOOE-01 1. OOOE-01 1. OOOE-01 1. QOOE-01 1. OOOE-01 2. OOOE-06 2. OOOE-06 2. OOOE-06 2. OOOE-06 2. OOOE-06 2. OOOE-06 2. OOOE-06 3. OOOE-07 1. SOOE-01 31of47 RES RAD computed I Parameter Name RAD_ SHAPE ( 61) RAD_ SHAl?E: { 62) RAD_ SHAPE\ 63) RAD_ SHAPE ( 04) R.lli.D _ SH.?..PE ( 65) RAD_SHAPE(56) RAD_SHAPE (67") RAD_SH.'\PE(68) RAD_SHAPE ( 69) RAD_SHAPE (70) RAD_SHAPE(71) RAD_SHAPE(72) I FRACA(61) I FRACA(62} I FRACA(63) I FRACA(64) I FRACA(65) I FRF.CA(66) I FRACA(57) I FRACA(68) I FRACAi59l I FRACA(70) I FRACA(711 I FRACA (72) I I FIND I FOTO 1 FIHDDWELL I FOTDDWELL I *occuP1mcY(ll I OCCUPANCY { 2) I .occoPAllCY (3) !' OCCUPANCY ( 4) I I I DIFCV I DIFCZ I DIFOS(l) I DIFOS (2) I DIFOS 13) I DIFOS(4) I DIFOS (5) I DIFFI. I FLOORl Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T'1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 32 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete:rs File : F.REA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued) User RES RAD Menu l?arameter Input Default computed RADN Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2. 400E+OO RADN Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1. OOOE-01 RADN Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3. OOOE-02 RADN Building depth below ground surface (m} not used l-1. OOOE+OO BADN Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m} not used 2. OOOE+OO RJ!..DN Height of the building (room) (m} not used 2. SOOE+OO RADN Average building air exchange rate {l/hr) not used 5. OCOE-01 RADN Building interior area factor not used 0. OOOE+OO AADN Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2. SOOE-01 RADN Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1. SOOE-01 Cl4 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3. OOOE-01 Cl4 Vertical dimension of mixing for vegetation. (m} not used 1. 0001!:+00 Cl4 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (l/sec) not used 7. OOOE-07 C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1. OOOE-10 C14 E'raction of vegetation carbon from ail:: not used 9.BODE-01 C14 E'raction of vegetation carbon from soil not used
  • 2. OOOE-02 Cl2 C-12 concentration in the atmosphere {g/m**3) not used 1. SOOE-01 C12 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3. OOOE-02 C12 C-12 conceritration in water {g/cm" *3) not used 2. OOOE-05 C12 C-12 concentration in.meat 1 (g/g) not used 2.400E-Ol C12 C-12 concentration in milk (g/g) not used 7. OOOE-02 Cl2 C-12 concentration in vegetabl:: 1 (g/g} not used 4.000E-01 Cl2 C-12 donc.;;intration in vegetable 2 {g/g) not used 9. OOOE-02 Cl2 C-12 concentration in livestock feed 1 {g/g) not usE:d 9. OOOE-02 C-12 concentration in livestock feed (g/g) not used 4. OOOE-01 H3 Humidity in air (g/cm**3) not used 8. OOOE+OO H3 Mass fraction of water in meat 1 (g/g) not used 6. OOOE-01 H3 Mass fraction of water. in milk {g/g) not used a. SOOE-01 H3 Mass fraction of water in vegetable 1 {g/g) not used 8. OOOE-01 H3 Hass fraction of water in vegetable {g/g} not used a. OOOE-01 H3 Mass fraction of water in livestock feed {g/g) not used a. OOOE-01 H3 Ma*ss fraction of water in livestock feed (g/g) not used e. OOOE-01 32 of 47 Parameter Name DENS FL TPFL PH20FL DMFL HMIX HRM REXG FAI EMANA(l) EMANA(2) DMC HM I XV C14EVSN C12EVSll CAIR CSOIL C12AIR C12CZ Cl2WTR Cl2MEAT_MILK (1) Cl2MEAT_MILK(2) Cl2PLANT (ll Cl2PLANT (2) C12PLANT (3) C12PLANT (4) HUMID H20MEAT _MILK { l) H20!1EAT_MILK (2) H20PLANT (ll H20PLANT (21 H20PLANT ( 3 l. H20PLAllT (4)

I Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report T11 Limit 30 days Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection ezternal gamma active inhalation (w/o radon) I active 3 --plant suppressed 4 --meat ingestion active 5 --milk ingestion suppressed aquatic foods suppressed drinking water suppressed 8 --soil ingestion active 9 --radon suppressed 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 33 33 of 47 Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Ve:rsion 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 34 Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default. Parameters File : AREA 2.1 HIKER.ROF Contaminated Zone Dimensions Area: Thickness: Cover: Depth: 42. 00 square meters 1. 00 mete.ts 0. 00 meters Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g Cs-137 Sr-90 1. 940E-01 1. 261E+OD Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Rad.iation Dose Limit= 2.500£+01 rnrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M{t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t {years}: O.OOOE+OO l.OOOE+OO 3.000E+OO 6.000E+OO l.200E+Ol 3.000E+Ol 7.500E+Ol 4.200E+02 9.700E+02 TDOSE (t): 4. 804E-03 4. 633E-03 4. 451E-03 4 .126E-03 3 .SSOE-03 2. 276E-03 7. 702E-04 7 .188E-05 2. lBIE-07 4. 904E-13 M (tl : 1. L873E-04 1. 781E-04 1. 650E-04 1. 420E-04 9.106E-05 3 .081E-05 2. 975E-06 9. 749E-09 1. 962£-14 Maximum TDOSE (t): 4. 804E-03 m.rem/y.r: at t 0 years 34 of 47 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 T\1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 35 Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t "" 0 years Ground Radio-Nuclide Dose Cs-i37 0. OOE+OO Sr-90 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO Fish Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO From releases to ground water and to surface water Radon Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Plant Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0.00E+OO Meat Dos.a 1. 67E-08 a. 73E-os 1. 04E-07 Milk Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Soil Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Vlatez: Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individua*l Radionuc*lides ( i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 0 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation excludes radon) Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Seil All Pathways" Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose ----------------------------------------Cs-137 4. 50£-03 94 B.21E-10 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 6.31£-06 0. OOE+OO 8.41E-08 4. SlE-03 94 Sr-90 2. OBE-04 2 .16E-07 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO B.64£-05 0. OOE+OO 1. 65£-06 2. 9GE-04 == == == == == == == == Total 4. 71£-03 98 2. l 7E-07 O. OOE+OO 0.00E+OO 9.47E-05 0. OOE+OO 1. 73E-06 4. SOE-03 100 *Sum of dose from all r"eleases and from primary contamination. 35 of 47 RESRAD-OFFS!TE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 T'-2 Linlit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 36 Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Coritributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 1 years Radio-Nuclide Cs-137 Sr-90 Total Nuclide Cs-137 Sr-90 Total E'rom releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Dos..: Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose ----------------------------------------0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0 O.OOE+OO 3. 68E-08 0 .OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO o*. OOE+OO 0. ODE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1. SOE-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO == == == = == == 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. 26E-07 O.OOE+OO 0.00E+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dos.a at t = 1 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere {Inhalation excludes radon) Ground Inhalation Dose Dose 4.39E-03 94 8.02E-10 1. 97E-04. 2. 04E-07 4. 59E-03 98 2. 05E-07 Radon Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Plant Dose 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO o. OOE+oo* Meat Milk Dose Dose S.llE-06 0 O.OOE+OO B .19E-05 0. OOE+OO *9. OlE-05 O.OOE+OO Soil Dose 8.21E-08 l.56E-06 1. 64E-06 1'.11 Pathways"' Dose 4.40E-03 94 2. 81E-04 4. 68E-03 100 "'Sum of dose fi:om all releases aild from primary contamination. 36 of 47 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 T\1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13,14 Page 3'? Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 3 years Nuclide Ground Dose Cs.-137 . O.OOE+OO Sr-90 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO Fish Dose O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0.00E+OO From releases to ground water a"nd *to surface watet' Radon Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Plant Dose 0. OOE+OO 0.00E+OO 0. OOE+OO Meat Milk Dose Dose 4. 55E-08 0 0. OOE+OO 2. 23E-07 0. OOE+OO 2. 68E-07 0 0. OOE+OO Soil Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Water Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 3 years* Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation ex.eludes radon) Ground Inhalation Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Cs-137 4.19E-03 94 7.65E-10 Sr-90 1. 77E-04 1. 84E-07 Total 4 .37E-03 98 1.84E-07 Radon Dose O.OOE+OO O. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Plant Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO *Sum of dose from all releases and from primary Contamination. Meat Soil All Pathways,.. Dose Dose Dose Dose 7.74E-06 0 O.OOE+OO 7. 64E-08 4. 20E-03 9*1 7. 36E-05 2 0. OOE+OO l.40E-06 0 2.52E-04 8. 13E-05 0. OOE+OO 1. 48E-06 4. 45E-03 100 37 of 47 l I RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 38 Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p} in mrem/yr and as a .Percentage of Total Dose at t = 6 years Ground Fish Radio-' Nuclide Dose Dose Cs-137 O.OOE+OO 0 O.OOE+OO Sr-90 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO E"rom releases to ground water and to surface water Radon Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Plant Dose O. OOE+OO Q. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Meat Dose 4. 3BE-08 1. 97E-07 2. 41E-07 Milk Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Soil Dose O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+DO 0. OOE+OO Water Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. DOE+ DO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mr:em/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 6 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere {Inhalation excludes radon) nuclide Ground Dose Inhalation Radon Dose Dose Cs-137 3.90E-03 95 7.13E-10 0 O.OOE+OO Sr-90 1. 51E-04 1. 56E-07 0. OOE+OO Total 4. 05E-03 99 1. 57E-07 0 0. DOE+OO Plant Meat Dose Dose 0. OOE+OO 0

  • 7 .21E-06 0. OOE+OO 6.27E-05 0. OOE+OO 6. 99E-05 *Sum of dose from all releases and from primary contamination. 38 of 47 Milk Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Soil Dose 7. 30E-08 l.19E-06 l.27E-06 .% All Pathways"' Dose 3. 91E-03 95 2 .15E-04 4 .13E-03 100 Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report *T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 39 Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Nuclide Cs-137 Sr-90 Total Ground Dose Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Pe:rcentage of Total Dose at t = 12 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Water: Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose O.OOE+OO 0. O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 3. 81E-OS 0 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO I. 4 3E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO . 0 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO !. 8 lE-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDO.SE(i,p,t) fo:r Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 12 years Directly from primai:y contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation excludes i:adon) Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Hl Pathways+-Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose ----------------------------------------Cs-137 3.39E-03 95 6. lBE-10 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 6.25E-06 0. OOE+OO 6. 33E-OB 3. 39E-03 96 Sr-90 l.09E-04 l.13E-07 0 0. OOE+,00 0. OOE+OO 4.54E-05 0. OOE+OO B.64E-Oi 1. 56E-04 == == == == == == Total 3. SOE-03 99 l.14E-07 O. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5 .16E-05" 0. OOE+OO 9. 28E-07 3 .55E-03 100 "Sum of doSe from all releases and from primary contamination. 39 of 47 Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE. Version 3 .1 T\i Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 40. Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : }\REA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Radio-Nuclide Cs-137 Sr-90 Total Ground Dose. 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Fathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 30 yea:rs Fish Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO From releases to ground water and to surface Water Radon Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Plant Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Meat Dose 2.49E-08 5. 44E-08 7. 93E-08 Milk Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Soil Dose 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO \'later Dose 0. 00.E+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE:+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides ( i} and Fathways {p) in rn:rem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 30 year:s Directly from prima:ry contamination and from release to atmosphere {Inhalation ex:cludes radon) Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose ----------------------------------------Cs-137 2.21E-03 97 4. 04E-10 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4.09E-06 0. OOE+OO 4 .14E-OS 2. 22£-03 97 Sr-90 4. lSE-05 4. 31E-08 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 73E-05 0. OOE+OO 3.23E-07 5. 92E-05 = == == == == == Total 2. 2SE-03 99 4. 35E-OS 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2 .14E-05 0. OOE+OO 3. 70E-07 2. 28£-03 100 *Sum of dose from. all releases and from pi:im:J.ry con famina ti on. 40 of 47 Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tl1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 41 Par'ent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : Ji..REA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclidss {il and Pathways {p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 75 years Nuclide Ground Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO Sr-90 0.00E+OO Total 0. OOE+OO Fish Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO From releases to ground water and to surface water Radon Dose O.OOEtOO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Plant Dose 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Meat Milk Dose Dose B.5BE-09 0 O.OOE+OO 4.86E-09 O.OOE+OO 1. 34E-08 0 0. OOE+OO Soil Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Water: Dose 0. 00£+00 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE ( i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides { i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 75 years Dire:ctly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere {Inhalation excludes radon) Nuclide Ground Dose Inhalation Dose Cs-137 7. 63E-04 99 1. 39E-10 Sr-90 3. 71E-06 3. 85E-09 Total 7.67E-04 100 3.98E-09 Radon Dose O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Plant Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO "Surri of dose from a11 releases and from primary Contamination. Meat Milk Soil Dose Dose Dose l.41E-06 0 O.OOE+OO 1. 4 3E-08 1. 54E-00 0 0. OOE+OO 2. 93E-08 2.95£-06 0. OOE+OO 4.36£-08 41of47 All Pathways+ Dose 1. 65E-04 99 5.29E-06 7. 70E-04 100 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 42 Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i ). and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 175 years Radio-Nuclide Cs-137 Sr-90 Total Radio-Nuclide Cs-137 Sr-90 Total *sum of Ground Dose -----0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO From releases to ground water and to surface water Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose -----------------------------------0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. DDE+OO 8. 06E-10 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. 26E-ll 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO == 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 8. 29E-10 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE {i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways {p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 175 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation excludes radon) Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways+-Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose ----------------------------------------7. l ?E-05 100 1. 31E-ll 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 32E-07 0. OOE+OO 1. 34E-09 7 .19E-05 100 1. 73E-08 1. 79E-ll 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 7. lSE-09 0. OOE+OO 1. 37E-10 2. 46E-OS == == == --= == == == 7.l?E-05 100 3.lOE-11 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO l. 40E-07 0. OOE+OO l.48E-09 7 .19E-05 100 dose from all releases and from primary contamination. 42 of 47 RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 Tl-1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13'14 Page 43 Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mI:em/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 420 years Nuclide Ground Dose Fish Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO a. OOE+OO Sr-90 O.OOE+OO 0 O.OOE+OO Total O.OOE+OO 0 O.OOE+OO From releases to ground water and to surface water Radon Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Plant Dose O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Meat Dose 2. 45E-12 4.37E-17 Milk . Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2.45£-12 0 O.OOE+OO Soil Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Water Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 4.20 years Directly from primary contamination and from re:lease tt.1 atmosphere (Inhalation excludes :radon) Ground Inhalation Ra.don Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways+-.Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose ----------------------------------------Cs-137 2. 18E-07 100 3.99E-14 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4.03E-10 0. OOE+OO 4. 0SE-12 2. 19E-07 100 Sr-90 3.34E-14 3.46E-17 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO l.39E-14 0. OOE+OO 2.64E-16 4. 76E-14 == == == == == == == == Total 2 .18E-07 100 3.99E-14 0. OOE+OO 0. OOEtOO 4.0:JE-10 0. OOE+OO 4. OBE-12 2 .19E-07 100 *sum of dose from all releases and from prima:iy contamination. 43 of 47 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Veirsion 3 .1 Pat:ent Dose Report Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 "" 30 days 05/04/2016 13'14 Page 44 Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parametet:s File : 2 .1 HIKER. ROE' Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclidi::s ( i) and Pathways {pl in rnrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 970 years Radio-Nuclide Cs-137 Sr-90 Total Ground Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Fish Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO From releases to grOund water and to surface water Radon Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Plant Dose O.OOE+OO O. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Meat Dose 5. SOE-18 6. 53E-30 5. SOE-18 Milk Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Soil Dose 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO Dose 0. OOE+OO Q. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)
  • in mrem/yr. and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t 970 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation excludes radon) Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways .. Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose ----------------------------------------Cs-137 4. 90E-13 100 B.94E-20 0. OOE+OO O. OOE+OO 9.04E-16 0. OOE+OO 9.lSE-18 4. 90E-13 100 St:-90 4. 98E-27 0 5. l 7E-30 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.07E-2'7 0. OOE+OO 3.94E-29 7. llE-G:i == == == == == == == Total 4. 90E-13 100 8. 94E-20 0 O. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 9.04E-16 0. OOE+OO .9.15E-16 4. 90E-13 100 *sum of* dose from all releases and from* primary contamination. 44 of 47 Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Parent Dose Report T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 45 Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways Parent and Progeny Principal Radionuclide Contributions Indicated Parent Product Thread DSR{j,t) (mrem/yr) I (pCi/g) (i) (j l Fraction 0. OOOE+OO l .OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200E+01 3. ODOE+Ol 7. 50DE+Ol 1. 750E+02 1.200E+02 9. 700E+02 --------------------------------------------Cs-137+0 Cs-137+0 l. OOOErOO 2 .324E-02 2 .269E-02 2 .164E-02 2. 016E-02 1. 749£-02 1.143£-02 3. 943E-03 3. 704E.-04 l.127E-06 2. 52SE-12 Sr-90+D Sr-90+D 1. OOOE+OO 2. 350E-04 2 .228E-04 2. 002E-04 1. 704E-04 1. 235E-04 4. 696E-05 4 .191E-06 1. 951E-08 3. 775E-14 5. 635E-27 The DSR includes contributions from associated S 30 days) da.ughters. Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines G (i, t) in pCi/g Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.SOOE+Ol mrem/y:c: Uuclide (i} t= O. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200E+Ol 3. ODOE:+Ol 7. SOOE+Dl 1. 750E+02 4. 20DE+02 9. 700E+02 Cs-137 1.076E+03 1.102E+03 1.155E-t03 l.240E+03 1.429E+03 2.187E+03 6.341E+03 6,750E+04 2.217E+01 9.889E+12 Sr-90 1.064E+05 1.122E+05 l.2-19E+05 l.467E+05 2.025E+05 5.323E+05 5.965E+06 l.281E+09 ""1.365E+l4 "1.365E+l4 *At specific activity limit Summed Dose/Sou.rce Ratios DSR(i, t) in (mrem/yr) I (pCi/g) and Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelin-es G (i, t) in pCi/g at tmin time of minimum single radionuclide soil guideline and at tmax = time of maximum total dose = 0 years Nuclide Initial tmin DSR(i, tmin) G {i, tmin) DSR(i,tmax) (i) (pCi/g) (years} {pCi/g) -------Cs-137 1. 940E-01 2. :;24E-02 l .076E+03 2. 324E-02 Sr-90 1. 261E+00 2. 350E-04 1. 064E+05 2. 350E-04 == G {i, trna:<l (pCi/g) ----1. 076E+03 1. 064E+05 45 of 47 Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RES RAD-OFFS ITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13014 Page 46 Parent Dose Report Title RESFAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File : P...REA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Nuclide Parent THE'(i) (j) (i) Cs-137 Cs-137 1.000E+OO Sr:-90 Sr-90 1. OOOE+OO Individual Nuclide Dose Summed Over All Pathways Par13nt Nuclide and Thread Fraction Indicated DOSE (j, t) , mrem/yr t=. 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200E+Ol 3 .OOOE+Ol 7. SOOE+Ol 1. 750E+02 4 .2DOE+02 9. 700E+02 ------------------------------------4. 508E-03 4. 402E-03 4 .199E-03 3. 911E-03 3. 394E-03 2.217E-03 7. 649£-04 7 .185E-05 2 .187E-07 4. 904E-13 2.9G3E-04 2.810E-04 2.524E-04 2.149E-04 l.557E-04 5.922E-05 5.265E-06 2.461E-08 4.760£-14 7.106E-27 =========== = THF(i) is the thread fraction of the parent nuclide. Nuclide Parent THF(i) (j) (i) Cs-137 Cs-137 1. OOOE+OO St:-90 Sr-90 1. OOOE+OO Individual Nuclide Soil Concentration Parent Nuclide and Thread Fraction Indicated S{j,t), pCi/g t= 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO_ 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200E+Ol 3. OOOE+Ol 7. 500E+Ol 1. 750E+02 4. 200E+02 9. 700E+02 ------------------------------------1. 940E-01 1. 895E-01 1. B07E-01 1. 683E-01 1. 401E-01 9.542E-02 3. 292E-02 3. 091E-03 9. 414E-06 2. lllE-11 1. 261£+00 1. l 95E+OO 1. 073E+.00 9 .137E-01 E;. 621£-01 2. 518E-01 2. 249E-02 1. 04 6E-04 2. 024E-10 3. 022E-23 == THF(i) is the thread fi:::action of the parent nuclide. 46 of 47 Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3. l T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 47 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Run Time Information ResOCalc.EXE e?.ecution began at 13:14 05/04/2016 ResOCalc. EXE e:{ecution ended at 13: 14 05/04/2016 ResOCalc. EXE execution time . 503 seconds 47 of 47