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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix E, Part 20 of 24
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16293A846 (13)


{{#Wiki_filter:Appendix E - . Confirmatory

Appendix E-Confirmatory- COC Field Copies

!'age: .......... ......                 of .... ****------*

GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request GrlL Lnborntonos, J.,L(' c, elrl Co\0Ul.- I (rJ Projcc1 II: 2040 Savage Roud

                                                                                                                                  **Sec \V\\'W.gel_com for GEL'S Sample Accepiance SOP**

GEL Quote#: ........ ... ... .. ... ..... .. ... .. ***- Charleslon, SC 2!1407 COC Number 11l: GEL Work Order Number: Phone: (843) SSu-8171 PO Number: Fax. (843l 766-1178 Client Name: Phone#: Sainple Allalysls Rcq11estcd c~l (Fill in the mtmller of cont~iners for each tcsl) Should Project/Site Name: Fnx #* 11ils <-- Prcscr1*a1ivc Type (6)



                                                                                                                                                                                 '"       C.:\dt R'l!U Vo      l*lrcl ~Cl' 0 C.'J.'-\ /                                                                                                 l 0/c..-1 (, )' 10:..?t:;v "1 c..?, .c J, \!                                                                                           101-.i.. 7 f is- /O~i..{0 N C.. 'd-.Cj /                                                                                            IL    7.."(    {I) IO>>~S N c          '.l.C..~

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(. I (_~*J IC{L7/t; . . 1fo: ol r;:0 TAT Rcqucs1cd: Nonnaf: llush: Snccifv: (Sub:'""""""'"'*'*) [F~x Ro1mlls: Yes i No C1<dc Dclivcmb!c: C of A j QC Summary I Level I i Level 2 ( Level 3 I Lcvcl 4 Remal'ks: Are there any /mown ha::arcls applicable to these smnples? lf.rn. please list rhr: hazard~ Sl!t!iPI~ C!ill~£1ioa lime ZQa!: Eosrcm P~oitic c~mral Other *------*-. Mount~ill Chain of Custody Signatures Snmplc SJ1ipplng nnd D~li\*e1*y Details Rolm*1nish*<I By (Stgno<l) D::itc Tune Rccoivc.J by (llBn<d} D:11c Tilr.c GEL PM:

)                                                                                                           I                                                                                      M<lhod of Sluninent.                                                             Date Shipped*

2 2 A'irbiil N* 3 J t.irbill #: I ) ('h::it!l ~fCLL-.t<ldJ Nurr.ber - ('hcn1 T.1t!em11n~ f'm* l.;h R<'l'l'Jcmg U.<e OniJ 1.) QC Cu:k.~: N ... "°~t)!'l!l:d Sa'Tlp~c, Tn = Tdf O!;>;nlc, ~rp *Field Oup]:c;tf\':, F.ll o::. F.q~1pmeTJt B!0'11k. 'CS* Mrurit Sp,Lt: S~i1't!~o. MSD ... ~<':nx S'rikc £111phc.'\t~ S:t*r.p~c. G = nra'J, C ... C~r:'lp\JslLo .l } t1ald ~*1hored F;:n i~~~cid r::l!-lttCC$, 111rl1rnlc Wll~\ 4 * '\'- fct)"C:I 11le :Ji:ITT'j:IC \\I'll~ fidd 1iJrrre.i or -N- fDr _o;,ur.~~ Wt!.'\ nee f!eld mtt:'c:d C11.,*r1xJ.v s~o/ ln1a**1 r ~] M<1.:ri:< Cn1k;; D\\r*.:TJri~i~11'!~ \Y",ltcr, GW~ Grm:1i.d\".-.1!i:r, fi\\'=Swfa;;c \\*'.1t1.::~. \VW..-Wi1:-t1t" WOlm. W:~\\'llfcr, ML *M1:il.:'. U41.!.J, SO* Sc,: I. SD=Sd1r.t~i:r, SL**StosJgi::, BS ..S*.1htl \V.1..<;.tl!, O:.:Q1f, Ji **f.'s!tct, Jfr\\.':pl.'I, L' - l.1r111'>', P*-h..:'1~, 'N *~ YES NO

5) S:mlp!~ A:ioil;,1,:1:;!; Rcq;:f':i.lcJ: Ar.~ly!*:t:al W:!lh~~ ~::ict::.:!ul {1 l' 82(,0b., 60laB/74?UAl !l:tl N=m~i:r l,)r ..:t:r.~.:nr.z::rs 1m1v1.t:J f..;r Cll~h (~ c ,fi]~IJ,f)
  • J, tJOJ(J8!147lU - l} CmJler '/'r:mp Ci) P1.c*.c1,*11l;Vl! TfJl:!: II,\:~ HydrJ;;h:~m Acirt, NI* N1tr:c Ac:iil. SU"' SC!f~im'!'ll Hydro>, S.\ u s~1!fw.~ A.:ld, ;'\,<\ A~;orlu.: Ac1d. lL'(...: H::'t-:mc, S] .L Scdili!ll Th:v~11lfa1.:. lftl~1 r.r:sc::rvaH"*c 1~ added-= :ca" fi:'.::d f.l:ank
                                                                                                                                                        'T                                                                                                                                                                                      c WHITE~ [,ABORATORY                                                                   ygt,LOW = FILF.                                         PINK= CUE.NT

V\tl 0&)1~ 0 GEL l.<lburalorics, LLC \ Page:~-*---*-** of .. ..... - . Pro.icct II:

                                                .. --~-*----

GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request 2040 Savage Road GEL Quolc ~: __... __ . -* ... _.

                                                                                                                                   *"Sec for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOP**                                                                                                                  Charle~lcn, SC 29*l07
                                                       ~   -- . - -    .. *-

COC Nu111b~rl'~ Phone* [843) 556*817i GEL Wol'k. Order Number: PO Number Fax: (843} 766-1J78 Client Name: Phone#: S:unple Analysis Reqt1cslcd csi (Fill in lhe number of confijiners for each tesl) Should Project/Site Name: Pa-.:#: lhl* *: *. Prcscr\'~(ivc iypc (61 Janiplo be consldcr~1J Address:

                                                                                                                                                                                                            '                                                                                                                                          Cummcuts Collected by:                                                                      Send     Rc~ults            To:                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Note: extra sample IS
                                                                                                                                                 *Tune                                                                                                                                                                                           required for sample
                                                                                                               *o,Ltt:.C,,1:1;-;d;;ol                                       Fit~d     ~:mlJ>I~                TSC Culkcr<J       CC'                                                                                                                                                                                     specific QC F1:rm:J     MaLrj>.       Jl*di       A Sample ID                                                                                             (Mlllt><y)   t'c:.~m oacU R*&U
             *For t.oml)Dl>Jfe~           - mJu;~I" .tJarl u1!d s/m) dfJ(t:/lmH!

(l1lm*rl~*)')') (htlnut*) Ll:

                                                                                                                                                                                         "'            **     t~lcd     JCr o v( '~ CI                                                                                                                      1<;; Cf:~o                    1'1 If 2.
 -Jc. 3 .c :l                                                                                                 If I 1.         (':J             q'. *3c; N
/c_.J.L-3 (( -z..(t) q:i.f o  !'1
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(.. y .C ~ I/ 2 f) iHS F-0

c. Lj. ~~ JI I 2. 1< (2JDD e8
 *rA'f RCCJu~:;tcd: N~mnal:                              Rush:                   Specif':,;                   {Scbi<d      <> Sur<<J       JF~x Results:                 Yes           I           No                Circle !Jdivcrnblc: C of A I QCSummory I Level I I Level 2 .' Level 3 I Lcvol 4 Remarll!i: Arit rhere any known hazards appli""b/1<                                                  lo    tlies;; sampl~s? ffsv, please list the hazard.~                                                                                                                                                                      ~~

Easrern Paci tic c~ntrni Other M01mtmn Chain of Custody Signatures s~mplc Shipping nnd Delivery Dctoils Rclmqu.,!1cd By (S1gncu) O:'lrc Tln1e Roe<..:c1v.-::d b}' i~igr:~J} Dau.: Time GEL PM: 1 I Mclh{'hi o! Shirzrncut: Date Shrnoed* 2 2 Airbi!I ~ 3 ) Airbill fl* I.) C!tat:1of(.'ui.:t<iCly ?\t1~1\1J.:r.:.. Cl:cr.l De~i.::rtnr::d For Lr1/J Rei:eil'l/1f: Use 011(1*

7. J QC Cud~* N-NQil):al Satriplc:, TB=- Tr1JT Dijr.J.i, FD"" F'~ld rJ1::p~.c<'lt. EB f:q,ulp 1 ~!cJH f31a:d;, '1S - Ma.:ru, Sµ1ko. Sa1i<Jll~. '\1SU ...

1 M~ai::c Sr.ikc: Dur.l~t::1~.:- Sa:..-:pl:, G .. <1r;,;!i. C ** C.::u~p:i<o:ltJ J. ~ 'f*rdd F1l!i:rcd. r~r hli~ml mtilritc~. ,~d*1~Q.f,,;:: wHh (1. r. ror ;-~~ lhL Si!n*p!;:: \'Ii;., (iQ!d ft~~cr~J (.'.r- !\'

  • for sumpl~ wa.o; f"'1l 11dd fihi;ft::J. Crt~todySral lnf(lcl?
  • U ~IW11:i C..'* D\Vr Du:.diir.~ \"'ffi<tr.GW-,Clrm.>111Jwa1,r. :;w *Sl.i.rfa~ ,,\:'=:.:c1. W\V* \\";:t.,;!.o! L,\'.,it1.1, w.*Woit~r. ~l !Vl::o.~ l**t~1LI, SO-*S;u~. Sll:.*ScJtn:~r;f,Sl.-:-S!*~;J~'(', SS *Sl!!i.J WJ'if~. 0 0;.J, [;. f"l!r..::1, ('11*W!~1q, l!: t*Tmi=, l-"'.*f~* ..*JJ, :"<J .] l"ES NO 5} S:ir.ip:C' Ar.alyns: R('quc'$LcJ~ Ar.i1:ya~L :ni:i!i.:::-!.f rcqu~~cJ ll ~ ~2600. liOJDU..'747llA).ctJ :,d:t:b~:- cf u: ...,1z:1,.,er) p1~~i:Jd fi:.r<C";:sc;h He *""~fJ -J,r;.r:Jfl)8.'7./7QA. I). \tJofa Temp:

Ct) Prc!>crvrm"c Typ::* UA ,,. Hydr.J:~,lcih: At1.d, Nl !°" Na 1[;; /\eiJ, SU ... Sr:-dh:;n Hydt>:io'lidc, 1

                                                                                                                              ~1\ ... .<tcUu:c Aci~. /\,'\ -' Astotb~.c:   Ai;rd, HX
  • Hc:ii:n~1.:, ST .. Sc;Jiu1r1 l'l:fo.s*~U:i:e, ~f fl i:re;,-;::1,.;:itp,,*c ~~ ,1,~dcri =- ~~=-"c (11'.::J lifa*1k. c WHITE~ LABOHATOHY YELLOW = FILE PINK ~ CU ENT

Appendix E-Confirmatory- Instrument Field Response

Rev 1 10/18/15 Instrument Field Response Check Log

1. Instrument Information~

Ratemeter: Make/Model: LUDLUM 2241-2 Serial No. 222737 Cat. Due Date: 9/2/16 Detector 1: Make/Model: _JjJJ)LUM 44-10 __. Serial No . ...J:R.111.UL_ Bicron MlcroRem Meter: Serial No. A224U Cal. Olje Date; 8/4/16

2. Check Sourc_i! Information:

Source 1 Isotope: Ih-232 Serial No.; 116 Activity: .:s.9..:L. units: .JJ~L .. Assay Date: .12L3D/10 Response Acceptance Rtmge (t/.20%): uRem/hr +20% ____ ~ uRem/hr *20% net cpm + 20% 22926 net cprn -20% 15284 Source 2 Isotope: _i;;_~BZ.....Sem~I No.: -81.E13=&B.-.... Activity: Q 02 .units: _).ici.:_ Assay D<Jte: J.l2..QL;l.O Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%}: uRem/hr +20% ~-- uRern/hr 20% net cpm + 20%.13..315- net cpm -20% --89-19 ... 3. rn1e ..... EG-l'°______ _

4. ~!te_orJP~r>ttqn: S1te/Joh*-~---***** * .I M location Desr.ripticn:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

GPS coordinates (wl1en requir~d): H:oord: _jY_!f.~7 6~-eoord: W t>2~____!SI[. 7 u


Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response +-/- 20% Inst. I Battery 'llrrie Ambient Initials and Comments Cnt (c:pm) or Cnt (gross cpm or Cafib. Check Of Temp. (add'! Info: inst. Condition, etc.) Time uRem/hr) Time uRem/hr) current (Y/N) check ("F} (Y/N)

                                                                                                                                                                                                   . * <l\t ** 1.t*t< ..

Ratemeter -*-- .. --.- ..... *-*----- ***-- Ratemeter I ~_.._--t'-.....-"'"'-"'"---'~~"-~+-{c:-7-J..-1.....;........---"~---~~~-~---~~f -*-------i-- i Ratemeter Ratemeter i

                                                                                                                                                                                    ***-**-----*----i Bicron Bicron                                                                                                                                                                                                                    i Bicron                NA         /v           NA                                                             A/                                            - -- -*--* **--*-***--*--=-~~J
1. *1;,-;-trume~tdes!gnated check source is listed on calibration stider. Record cl1eck source response (net cpm) prior to field deploymerrl for all check sources be11ig*~~d.*-.
    -:!. Sou re~ and sackgrow1d count r;,ite should be determined from tfl<' aver.age of th,.ee static counts at the same location. Repeat ~otmt5 5not1td be witnin 20%. If wunt rate diverges s*{lnificantJ11, perform additional count~ to evoluate instrument 5tability

Appendix E-Confirmatory- Sample Data Sheets

SAMPLE LOCATION DA TA SHEET Project: _ t\J \~ ~c-~D~--- Name:  ::f_ b.._t:._. _*..i_"1~-~-

l. Sample Area (SA):

e; n* yr y-1,? ~ u

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: C. . I*~---*-- . - Matrix: J.?.1J_._.__ LocationCoord: t.\J_v~1':)D_J..i {U.. _J_~*Jr "$~_t,S \.A)_ __ Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coard.) y.t,;r.~l fZJcaJ,i1 is ~ct~ -fl-. X Dist. from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Origin:---*** .. __ E. d ciu, dt.:..._:; sfcr'ii. i.{: ro1.d, O~J..-- I ' --Tuf' o( re ._.,*YlL Site Sketch Attached (Yes) l (NO) ,,'

                                                                '*          /

Sample Location


_ ~(~*~.:.J, 0'r+;ctlL:}_~:::cs~~(i _______ Canopx Type: ek): clet,ty/&r.if..0*+* a.(\.,* u_.r_;;.. *L- Land Use:


hi h;.,,*-r--- Soil Moisture (Wet, drv,-

3. L.ocation Rd' a iatrnn . R ea d"mgs:
                                                                                  ***--*   ~----               .., .....- . -           --                                         **-~

2x2 Nal  : Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRern/hr} Count time 1 cm

  • lm I cm lm


    * (min}

i f 1b, S'3 I IU -p11

                                                **- i---

_i~c) *--

                                                                '7 (., 9"!
                                                                             *-          t

_J1_____ . - /0


I!\. §

..ii.--******-**-**-*----**-******- ...
                            ..                                      ,,, _______JL .
                                                                                                                **********~* ****-- ~--                             .         ...----*****-**-*--
4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: ~.: ! . C ( ~ C 3 Descri J.ion Deptfl lnten al 1 b~t_h_:_ __

Soil Type (Org; clay; Soil Color Sm~pi~'iD .r-~- .. &mpling D~~~ription {Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) ..Tefusal, stone or ro~k, topo!!ra h ', erosion features) (_. j .c \ --*-- -----*-*- . - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1-------'--~---l---'-'-"-'-'-'-'--'-~---+'*1,_,_,.,.'-"'_='-*-*~ --~~.. ' <;t~.'~i:. ----*---

                                                     .. b-o~-           C. J *...£::~--** -.-h:.-_;_J:b!Y-::-~.'------
                                                                        ~-**      **--~------              ------***-***-----

i , - - - - - - - - - e f - - . .. - - - - - - - - - + - - - - * * - * - -... *----******** *---- c____*---___,_-- ..-. _ - _-:___-___L_-.. .==*:~:.~=+/-~-.--.---'- . ---*----*-*-*- . . . . .-..-- Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container I,abcled: (Y) (N) 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Project: JJ"l 'Stf'. o-A --- Weather: __ :5unrH1 yv;1d .So_:i 1

1. Sample Arca (SA):
                                                                                      . .                   .               J. I l .

SA Designation: ----'---'-------- .A .... _,_ D escnplton: *~"a" I

                                                                                                                            ;\ *
                                                                                                         . --~~ .:i..L..Wrr"--T..._/ ~

SA Origin Location: _,, ___ -*--*-**-*---~ Coord. System: _qlJ-fJYJ"' )e c. SA Land lvfark


...~SY."":"' <;it****+/-L.1.i~L;t__~--                                           Coord: t..1:*;_7_*11.1*1 tJ ~-=-**:,1*4/.S..~
2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID:~'.. 'l . (_.. --.. -Matrix: _Jo:,,:J..._ Location Coord: ll '-\ ?: -J -rr I ..:--1

                                          ..) :__ <:,,.,...

__ ,rV___ --19, f v u  ::~ 'f~*I, t:'.*7

                                                                                            ,..! .L ____ .______

I* L* . l-r ____________ J .... Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) J {4 cl-. c\ 11-1 *I'{, /V J: r v..r X Dist. from Origin (0,0)_

  • Y Di~t.. from Origin: +c  !
<.Qmr e.  ::i~

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) E;~).\ Sample Location


... -q~                           O-rt~q:L.11'.u"' _r.r~*:..t b** j                 1*1 :,c, ..;.b                { G,~;'.J, >,[~,,_.J~j. L*.i'<~d-:r
                                                              ~'                                                                                                        i Can~p:X Type: poA-i ~ 'L o?~D                    Land Use:              h,~, ;'j        __ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry.

etc.). t!tl<'-1? i no  ;,'J'-* ~,

3. Location Radiation Rea~!-'!~-- ~ . -..- - -..*-*--**---,,------- _ _ ,,_ . ____

2x.2 Na! Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr) Count time I cm Im 1 cm lm (min) 4.. Sample Information: Sample Area JD: C .'J. .(I* ~-c) Soil Sample ID Sampling Description Color *(Surface litter type/depth. sample depth retention, refu.sal, st°;ne or rock. ~opography, erosion fe_(l~~res)

c. ;).,J_ !
                           --+---~::---+-~                           __j,___           !1, :1.    ,5(l t'1~';
                                                                                   ---'-cc_~f-_-"'-.-0.n-.,-+r~----------_ - - * - - - - 1 1-'-~---r--*-r-,--r-P'-'-'-'-* --i-<-=-* d,
  • C.. 3 h< ;i:;i~ . **-------- ---*-

(__ i c. *I -* ... +i.,.! t('?+ :i /"' ~- i:'.-'i

                                         ~--+--("'--'..___:i~~.f.___ : .... ~'~-                     '~r.5!r1Y*-S.S                    ~-* . *** ****** -~****------~
                                      - - - j f - - - * - ...... -
  • Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC fo~*~1 and Container Lab-e-le_d_:....,((Y)~_ ~_~ 1 _(N_)__________ , ..... --~



                        <(           l \               - r Weather:           ,)JO D1\.r':,,1_f  ~:- ') 0 j L Sample Arca (SA):

SA Designation: ~ i-:' \J ( .1


          ~ r?      J'-'-.
                                                                                                     ....;.l    ------..-J-.-----1---

SA Origin Location: .. ' _ *- -*--- Coord. System: ~a p*'1,.- SA Land Mark


-*                 c\tr _L'./}_~--                      -      Coard:        1

{ ~ c J.7 Io:'.:: J..' }j_'"-'-'--"----

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: C . 3-(-: ___ Matrix: ~:)~- Location Coord: __Ti:'* ::,~ ' :;D_.,._7~-**'_'-*-'"'\*~J__ Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) IO,+. X Dist. from Origin (0,0) __ -~--- Y Dist. from Origin:______ _

  • r~IY'i ( (lf 1 ct1 rttf-f,,

Site $ketch Attached (Yes) {<NO)**~

                                                  ..     ../

Sample Loc~tion


_[_~_\-l:'\:SS~ j y~b-t_ _:_.crre. C1 *~~J_\  :-:M(k. tr\ t>.* S Q!r.:.1-*j "J1 d.u.__ Cano'd~ype: (;QUI ...._.Land Use: __\:1 rk: ;...;r; __ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): t .Dy,1~T _

3. Location Radiation Rcadill_~--

2x2 NaI Bicron

                                                                                                -...---------*---                  Notes

(c m) (_uRem/hr) Count time !cm 1m lcm lm (min

4. Sample Information: Sample Area JD: C.. 3. C f - ~--~>-

Descri >tion b

  • De th:

Depth Svil Sa_m_p_le-JD~* Sampliug D~~cripti<Jn - - - - - - Interval Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm ~--. _ _ _ refusal. stone or rock, ti;>pography. erosion features) C'

    ---*..:>,......_                                   C,_ :_}, U _____            o. \ l  +/-er :Jd                                 .          .-------1 s-* - I "'.)                                     {_,_j__.12.____ ___h.;. (t,~ts, -fu.: rcr.~~"-------------l I

( *: 3. C.3... -- .

                                                                               - -N.'. ,,sh r~ .i.I-='-'"'-"d'-=-<J_ _ _ _ _ _ _ * * -
  • 1--------- ___,L-...-- **-*-- -*-*** * - * - - * - - * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !
                . - -*----+------+---~---**-*--                               *-~-**----*--*------ *--------<
    '-----'-_______....._ _ _J____ .____                                    . L __ _ _ _ _ __,_,....,,.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____,

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: ....(Y}) __ _ (N) 10/20/15

   . ~---.

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: H{ *z...f r) Project. AJ'~J St (Qfl ___ Name: S. @if,, L-_'~_:i.__ _ _ _ __ Weather:,,.- Sc*L.5::.'~-

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA De~i~1wtion:. C, LI . .


.-11:.+-fl:i. L{L{ l.*J~~:l;.;,{ ____

SA Orzgm Localton: - - - * - - . ~ -*--**---~ . -_ Coord. System: cG}0~(_ SA Land Afark


_i,.*v c.'.. r*,.:J-t *----- Coord: '-1.~"J.~' *ie:q.v 7y 1"~;; * 'l<J .ul *' \i...l

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: .. C .Li.(. __ .___ , l\fatrix: _'~ 0_'_l * - - Alternate Location Measure171enls (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) -z_,:, C+ _ f,.!fl"V.\ X Dist. from Origin (0,0)_,_____ Y Dist. from Origin: ..... _ .....__ ( ~:r~.. "' '" . cr+{,\. 1 Site Sketch Attached (Yes) §) . Sample Location


_ +!cr.+ Of'U.., ..:_-ft< u 1

                                                                                         ~.~tl. 1.~*vJ\      N';   -,:,~~-i ',,


  • Canopy Type: _o~P-~_-~1"'t"- __. Land Use: __rt~'~::; L._.. Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): do. 1l1 "*, 110 1..:.'"' "h.,..-
3. Location Radiation Readin~

2x2 Nal Bicron Notes {cpm) (uRem/llr) Count time lcm lm I cm lm (min) r ,.""'.=~_=,"2~*: o~2' ~

  ---L*..                Ii ,C'(:~
f. .
4. Sample Information:
                                                              ... ------*-*-- r-..------*--                      .                        ..._ .. _ __

Sui/ Sample ID Sampling Descriptio11 l----""--..;___._,.__ Color __,_____e__i-,.1-tl--~~-....,--+--1 . 4 . c. (-=~~ "; G-~ ..r*; ,;J: s .. -~= ._. _*___. --- (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention. refusal, stone or rock, topography. erosion features) r---*--~--+-- b~ C ,.:L_(_J..... *-*. *-r. _(~_:_j0_____ ---*--

                                          ~~~ ~ ~*~{,*~~~ +t"~-~~;~'~
                                                              -"*"--     ------.**i=. -------*--..
                                                                                                          -                        .... ~---
                                                                                                                       -=-=--~ :==--

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COCf~~~~d Container Labclcd:(oonNf----*---*--------' 10/20/15

Appendix E-Confirmatory- Static Survey Table

Table 3 WNY Confirmatory Static Survey and Sample Collection Specifications Location Sample Depth Depth Depth Depth Number Number (~m) (cm) (.cm} (cm) 0-5 5-15 15-30 30-100 Latitude ... longitu.r!.~ .

                                                                               -*--***                 -*---*-                                           {~

I . 1 C.1.C1 )( 42°27 130.28" N 78°39'50.05" W


n" r ((:r- *dt<: ~-**--*-~*

                                                                                                                                       $Lr ... li-'r
                                                                            -----*-Lw ~~}1'3)..;;i'I 1   C.1.C2                   x                                                                          wq_?1~ ?i~'
                                        *----- **-- .                                                                                               S""'t7k_
1) J/i-; 1 C.l.C3 ){


 !Ll 11\2
      -dr; C.2.Cl      >c 42°27'51.92"    N       78°39'14.97"

w I 2 C.2.C2 ___){

      ?111)2 Cl'C! ~ 3 i_'~I(. $ ..

{Ii C.2.C3 x x


C.3.Cl x.... 42°27 105.46" N 78~38'50. 73" w C.3.C2 x

                                             -*      ....... , _...........   ***--*****-Moo* - *-***-**-.-***---**

C.3.C3 x r--::-- ..... --*-*-***- *~-*-------*- *-*-*- 11 "2./\ 4 C.4.Cl x ***-*-*- **-**----*-- *-- 42"26'59.47" N


78°38'58.80" ... w J' Z.' 1<:; 4 C.4.C2. )( 1 (J1y **-***--* **-*** *-****--*~ *-*****-~*-*- 4 C.4.C3 )( 1 1 *;:*1~J 4 Rinsate


42°26'59.47" N 78°38'58.80" w 11}}