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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix E, Part 3 of 24
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16293A389 (15)


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  • i App E-Sub-Area 2.1.COC Forms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ~p\(?;\ fnriA/
      ! ' a g e : - - - - - - of Project II:

GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Gl!L J.nbornlaries, LLC . 2040 Savage Road l f) GEL.Quot~#:

                                                                                                                    ""'See for GEL'S Sample Acceptance SOP**                                                                                       Charleston, SC 29407 COC Number !ll; . **-*** *-* . -*- -*-- - ...                       -- GEL W(ll'k Order                                                                                                                                                         Phone: (843) S56-817l PO Number;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              fall.: (84.3) 766-J I78 Client Name:                                                                                                         Plume II:                                                          Sample Analysis Requested {5) (Fil I in Ilic 1rnmbe1* of conlainers for each lest)

Should Projeci/Site Name: Fax#: !his <-- Proscrv6!ivc TYJlC (6} samfllt bo Address: consltler<d I Comments Collected by: Send Results To: Note: extra sample is "Timi! required for sample:

                                                                                                    *01u0: Co\!cckd          Cul:~"1!1N      QC'       ficl<I    Sum11fo            TSC specific QC ll*dl 11 Sample ID Fnr<.*umnosl/e.\' .. Jndicalt< :tlarJ a11U slim t/ulelllmD (l*Jll*dd*);')

(MIU,.ryl (lthn1m) Ctxk"' FJ!Ccnd

                                                                                                                                                         µ1 Mc.trix OACtl      "

Rtuu 1:1E~cl htrG I. 3, C.. I l~-'lHS'" Of*.?fo N

           /13,G,2-                                                                                lh--1..H~                q:50 {\.l I '3 J         I (...., 3                                                                 ll)-1.,,\-"'\$" !D'*OO f\l*

i I 3 t C.,6 10-'21-f~ q:~o Ft> l13. (,_,{; flY'1\ ...1S" q~55 i;~

          *3 r \ L.{, i2., I                                                                      10-£..H('                (Q'.q:;           t1 3,\,t../1£r2                                                                            r6 --1.,!--l'{ ll'-c6 \1'\
          ~.Llfff?-<3                                                                             10-l.J**t< ll" 11?' tr-l 10-&H~ W;N) N

3, /, '-!,e,f..f *- TAT Rccucsl~d: Norm~l: SuccifJ'; fSubJ.c11u Soiol>~*n*l JFax Rc~ul1s: Yc3 No l I level 2 I Lc~cl J I Level 4


Re111nr/cs: Are there any known hazardr applicable to these samples? lf.w. please lirt the hazard~ ' Circle Dcliwrable: C of A I QCS11111man- I J...~11cl SJ!mpl!.' CQl[~Qlion Iim~ Zs:m~ Eastem J>ocifir. Central Oihcr _ _ _ Mountain Clialn of Custody Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details

        )teli11q11ishttl lly (Sigr.c.J)             Dnlc              TllllC                        Rocolvcd by (signed)                Date           Timo GEL PM:

I l MoJhu~ of Sbromc~t: P~t~ Shinned: 2 2 Alrbillll: 3 3 Alrbill ~: t) Chl'IJil cf Cu~to:ly Number:... Cli::ht D.e:tcrm!ric-d Fur Luh 11.~~u/\*lng Us* 011/y

Z.) QC Ccd:J$: N .. N(lnllal Sttmplc1 TB* Tri)"t B1~ntc' 1 FD - FiQJd Dupli~slcJ F;ll .. '\ Rhut.,, MS ,. Melri~ Splkc S&mptr:. :\fSD
  • Mtill'f:c SpU:.~ Durl1t.111l1!1 Sr:rnpl~ G
  • Cltflb, C
  • Ci)nlJJ-:ifilit~

J) FitlrJ f1llCltd: Fer liquld malrlcc.5, lndic.DJ.c wjth., .. v .. foryez; 1lu;: samp1:: WOi!. f!Jt~rtd Cf. l'f. for sornpl(' WU r101 Jii:ifd m:et¢d. C11.r1ody s~al Jn1111:t? 4.l M:11rl>e Cc!Jc1'! DW=-Drin\ing W:t1er1 G\V1110rc1u1t[hvt11.t:r, S\\Pc:S!.11i11ct! \V.111c.t, \\'\V.,,\l/ti$lc Wu1r:1J WcW.ith.*r, ML=-M1:sc Llq:rid, SO~s~,:ftSD""'S"dim~J\!, Sl ...'="Slu-.ll!.rJ,SS""SQf\d Wtt:;tlt! 1 OQOI!, f:aF1l1{'.\. r=Wl11e-, U11Uti1"'* F""t"!'c-e'J.t, N*I l'ES NO 5.) Son>pl< An11ly;b R"1U01Lo.t' /\n*lytlool mclho<l requ*;t<*I (I.e. guon, GCIGDfl4?0A) *11d 11un1b" .r cnn!ftlws pl~vlde-1 for coch {i.o. 816~8. 3, 60/Y!Jlll?OA. 1). C11vlr!rT~mp: l'.i..) jljc~cr'ta!fvc Type: UA .. Uy[rrti-chlwii; A.cld, ru o:i Nilric J\chJ, SH.,. Sorlmrn lty~lrcic.1cfo,$SI'\;.. Sutfufrc Acidf Alt. .. Atcwbit A~fd. HX"' llCXll!li;', ST-Sodium Tiriow.lt1u~.1r1:0 f}T~CJ'\'l\!ive I\ iu!rli:<l. tc-avc-flc\d blari.k c WHl'fIT. ~LADORATORY \'F.1,LOW = F[Lii; l'INK =CLIENT j

Page:---*--**- of .. ---* GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request OEL Lobornrories, LLC Projccll/: 2040 Snvoge Rnad uscc for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOPh Charleston, SC 29407 GEL Quote h: * ._ .. * - - - - - - * ***- COC Number l'l: Phone: (843) 556-8 l 7_ I

                                    "                                                       GEL Work Orde1* Number:

PO Number: Falt: !843) 766-1.178 Clic11t Name: Phone#: Sam11le Analysis Requested 151 (Fill in the number or conrninotS for cnch test) Should Project/Site Name: Fux fl: !hi* ..:.- Proscrvativc '!'ype (6} sanlpl~ be Address: ~omld*rtil Comments Collected by: Send Rcsnhs To: Note: extra sample is

                                                                                                                                           'Time-                                                                                                                                                             required for sample
                                                                                                               *Q;ii)c Cdtcctcd                                          ficl~!<:            TSC Cu~IL-crL-J       Q{'

specific QC Sample ID

                   +For e:mm:tJ..ri1e.r-
  • irrd1caf~ .sturl uud .-rfou datell1111c.

(mm..Jll-i*y) 1 IMillt.ryJ (hhmm) Cix!e~Z) F1:lCTt:d


Murri* R&dl A oadl R.rgu l*ltol >ero / \, l .Cl ID -Z.'l.{ f) ,  ! I .CJ. 10 ii ts ./ I 1 .l.3 ID 2-Z. (') ti t.~ .c ( IC '2,-Z,f / ) / I . d. (;.::2_ /0 z:i.. /) 1 r/ I ?, .c.3 1o{i.i. o*

         \.I. (Z. S                                                                                          IQ 7-'l-       r'S                          e.s l ...... or
                       ~        -                                                                               "          ,,,


                                                                                                                        ~ 1'1
                                                                                                                               ,.,,. {..

TA r Rcqucsrcd: Ncnn~ !: Rush: Succify: (S*bJ<<llo Surchorgo) ) Fax Results: Yas I N<l Circle Dclivc:r~blc~ C of A I QCSummary I Level 1 I Level 2 I L"vd 3 I Level 4 Remark~*: Are 1here any known*hazm*ds_ applicable tu rhe.~e samplits? lf.m, please list the hazard1* mpl1; c~l]c~ti~D Iim£ Z!JOC Ea stem P~cilfo Ccnlral Mounroin Other Cl1aiu of Custody Sign:iturcs Snmple Shipping nnd Delivery Detail~ Rolm<Jlli1hcd_ Dy (Signctl) Dnlo Time Received by (aigncd) OHie Time GELl'M: I I Mc1nod ofS1"0111enl: D~li:> Sl1i1m~6: 2 2 Aorbillll: 3 3 Airbill#: L.) Cl~<lJlt or Cl;s;~od)' 'Nu~rib<:1 - C1knl Oi!termincd Fol" Lab Rec:eiving Us" 011/y 2.) QC Ccdz~: N - Nom101I Samp!c:. TD c T:ri(l tllnnk. m ... Field l)~1pll,Mc, P.J\"' r!q;Jlf-MC11l Blan}., MS .. ~falrh: Spi~~ Si!~r.plc, \-Jso* .. M"1rho Spike Ol!fllJCJ!C Si!lrr<p:c, G u.(;r;;i,h, c" (.\mlpcliltoi:.

  ). ) Field. f*!tcrod: Fc:ir l1qutd fllR.lrt('CS-. "ir.dttnli: w1tb [J- v. (i>rytt.11:c £~Hl1,PIC. \\'4i r-cld til(crcc.1 (IT- r-; ~ for$;:n~pl:: was ncl Jlcl.~ fi11;11!d,                                                                                                                              C11srody Se11/ l>llacr"
  *I} M.t~11:iic Cnafi::ir.: DW**Orl11kmg W~tcr, G\\'c.Qmt;1;..f*,.,.arcr, SW,..S.J1(.:u:.:c W11t~r. \VW=W~t.: W"'~cr-, .*w*.*w.111'-'r, Ml.* ML~ L111111d, SO:'ISml, .SD:"S.:.dm1cr,1, St.**si.:~,g~, SS**Sul1d W~s!G. O**Oil. P*MJ;11t.ct,           1~=*Wiri1:, \l.,t;nn~,    f*il7ci.:u!. :'II*.}        YES             NO
  $) $.;1mph: /\ri11ly~i:c itt.q\.lcstc:J l'\n...1ly*i~i.1l me1J-~l,}c1 J'C"l}'ilC"~H:d (1 ~. 816D:B. 60JG.W147rJAJ and 11m,1t:i:'I" ur ~u!1lltil~eu l]IO\-'Ldr'\t tc.r C'1\:~ (tt: . .'U6'1111
  • 3, {DUJR/74711A - ! l Crwl~r Tomp:

6.} PrC!\cr\lpHve Ty11~~ HA :. ur~.t:-v.;bl<1.1ir: Ac Kit NJ =i N11n( t\Citl, SH .. Sod tum Hy(.ro:imt~. SAT: s~m:ru~ AcLd, AA ... f\.:>catl:i1c Ac:J~, nx ::" Ha*41:PC, GT "2 .Sodu.m1 Tbcrnlf:Uc, lr 110 f1C!Cf1>'1.tio.:.: i11. :uM~d "' 1~...*t; fo::ld bl11!lk c WHITE~ LABORATOR.Y YELl,OW = FrLE PINK= CJ.TENT

Page: _ _ _ _ _ _ of l ec GBL U.bur~torics, LLC 1:JL( -- ij {f Project#; GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request 2040 Savage Road

                                                                                                                          **See for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOP**                                                                                Charlesian, SC 29407 GEL Quote ff: - - - * - -

COC Number Ul; .. ..  !'hone: (843) 556-8171 GEL Work Order Number: PO Number: Fa~: (843) 766-1 In Client Name: Phone#: Sample Analysis Requested (51 (Fill m the nnmber of containers for each 1esl) SJwuld Projecl/Site Name: fox#. lhi1 <.- !'rcscrV'1tivc Typ~ (6)

                                                                                                                                                                                 **mplebe Address:                                                                                                                                                                          considord Comments Collected by:                                                                         Send Results To:                                                                                                                                                                                             Nole: extra sample is
                                                                                                                                  *rrme                                                                                                                                                            required for sample
                                                                                                        *o;.1rc:CLltJ;::ctcd                                Field          TSC Col1'<*oJ         QC P*l1trc<l  Mo;iui:r. l\odE      A                                                                                                            specific QC Sample ID                                                          (IOln*<fO-))')
                                                                                                                               !Mlllfary)       c~~e !11
                                                                                                                                                              !lJ         f')    Ollcil R1gu
              *Fm: camr-0:1Jt~.t- ;mJt,*&11t1 .'ffl1rt mul .rluµ datdlim~                                                        (hilmm)                                           VO     l;ttrd 1cr o v2.1.1.i2.j.                                                                            ru .13...,s- 6)1)                         tJ
              .lz:.l. \'                \2. . 2.                                                     1U ;-z.y\-:i              12>3o N                                                                                                                **~ ~**
             ../2' \. I 12.. - ~        I
                                                                                                     \0 ~ "VH ( )'-1.W N                                 ~~
             ./ 2. J, ) 'i2.5                                                                        10 --i'J *t r3J~ Si r J7,,I, z
  • JZ, J I Jo ~'23 *1r' 13'..'2 }'\
             ./2. I, Z., e_, 2-                                                                        io -2~~1r /L/! tJj N
            ..lz. 11*3, i~. I                                                                        /0     **l.3 **I~         IY"I~            N
             -iz.. I        1  3. 12.. IL                                                            ID      (5

ilf:% N

           /?,, l 15 ,Q.5                                                                            iv-      z..~*-1 ~        j~~'d-'5 }:"l:::                                                                                                                                                                                      *-

Jz I .~ fL. I ' Ib-7;-?J-I S"' 1'-t~D N TAT ReQucsrcd: Nanna!* Rush: S11ccify !Sub*"' ro Su"'h>rc<l lfo~ Rcsul1s. Yes I No Circle Dcl1vcmblo: C of A I QCSmr.nmy I I.eve! I I [.~vcl 2 I Level 3 I l.cwl 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~ CQll~~!i!!O Tim~ Zon~

Remai*ks: Are there any known hazardr applicable to th(!se samples? ff.m, pleas!! list the hazcirilf Easten1 Pacific Cemrnl Olhcr .. .............._-~. Mountnin Chain ofCU5tudy Signatures Sample Shipping and Delivery Details Rclillijtrishcd By (Sigr.od) Dnlc Trmc Rcce1vc<l by ('1gncd) Date Ttmc GEL PM: l I Me!hod ofSliinmonl'. Dale Shir>ncd. 2 2 Airbi:I ~ 3 3 Aub:ll#* l ) Cl::im or Cbstody Nun1bc1..:. Clii:n~ DcLmn;l!til Fur Lah Ri:wh*mg U>~ 011(1 L> QC Ccd~r;.: N:.. No1'ftrnl S:m11riJ~. TB* Tf1p Olar.\:, FO ... r'tcld Dt:ptu:a:l'.l', En= f.~u~pmtN llhmk, MS .. Spike S;s:ri~lc, '.\TSD-MAiln:it Spike Duphcat-:.!c. G ... r,r~b, C ... Ci;1! l) Fi Bid. flhCl'.00. For tiql.i.ltl tlli'l'.Ht:t.S., md~i:nt~ w1:1, ll .. v . re, yes. o~~ sinnpk \VM rlcld (Ht.r;rcd c.r AN - for 31ln1jlJe WBS not lkM fi\~etl C11s10dy Seal Jnract?

4) l\.falti:( C11J~~* J)\V-=01i:~:.Or.i: W~b~r. G\\l=Gm::udwi'lltt, S\Yo::Surfoc..; Willer, W\'\h\V.i1sle W.ucr, W""Wat;:r, ML.::1M1sc Llt1'1id. SO .. SuiJ, SD**~i:thp~eul, SL:** .SS.::S-:;;~d WD.<tlc, O==Ctt. ft**Fi-!11:1 1 ) 1 :..Wr~;i:, U":Jrmc, f ***fcLJ.I, :--::*) l'l>S NO S) S41npk An*lytl> llt'11l<>'c,j ~nolyl1col mclhoo rcq~om~ {1.e 82600, MI Dll/7470,\) ood lllllnbcr of <ni:I**""" ~,,,,.;<led for "'h (i.e. <<1~08 - J, d,;J~b!N10A
  • I~ CtJo/er Temp 6} P1'clCrY:\frYC lyrt: UA"' l!y~~t:h\0111:? l\cict. Nl .. Nttri.c- Ae1d, sn :a Scti~um HydrQ)l:dc, SJ\ ... 8:}Jfrric: Ai:ui* .\. .\ .. Asicelrb:c Acid. HX,,,. Hcx::.:.c:. S'f ""SfJdH:m Th~~r.llf:,ri:., /(l':u (:tCsc:rv~fr~: JS a1[rJ.c:t1 ~ lc>PiC lic;d bl~rtA: c WHlTE = LABORATORY YELLOW= FXLF; PINK= CLIENT

I I Co1p~ (-' (,. Page:----* ___ or **------- GEL [,aboratari\ls, LLC Project ii'. GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request 2040 Savago Road

                                                                                                                            "*Sec foi* GEL'S Sample Acceptance SOP'"~.

GEL Quote#: -**----*~*- C!iadcaton, SC 294ll"l CCC Number <*I: *- *- , .. Phone: (843) 556-8171

  • GEL Wo1*k Order Number:

PO Number: "Fax: (843) 766-li 7g Client Name: Phone#: Sample Analysis Rcque~tcd l5l (Fill in the n1nnber of container$ foreuch test) Slrould Project/Site Name: Fax fl.- I his ~-- l'rcscrva1ivc Type (6) son1plollo Address: can*id<red C1m1111cnts Collected by: Send Rcsu!rs To: Note: ci<lrn sample is required for sample

                                                                                                          .. p,,_1c CoiTecrcd
                                                                                                                                     'T\1f'.ll C'utlccrcd         QC           fi.J<l S:am;,!tt             rsc specific QC
                                                                                                                                                                                     ..          A Fill<<<"!  M':ltrjx. Rodi Sample ID                                                              {Rllll-~~-)')'}

(Milll.ry) Ceodc:lll'


O;tr;tl R.t'gu (hhn1m)

                  "Fo1* com1m.!i/e.'( - ziultcalt' start and .\'/01> d~fellhJJtJ                                                                                                               l:Utd  hero
         .J.2... }.L/, /2. z..                                                                           10-T.YIS" /~'.<;[) N 4-1 . ti K(p                                                                                   /0* l)* 1( 15:9) g{!;>

Jz. I, '-f (2- 7 iO*  :.t> IS° !JJJJ ',CD Q~ TAT Requested: Normal. Rush: S~ccifv: (Sub1w 10 s,.n.h>rg*) r Fa~ Rcsuhs. Yes I No Circle Deliverable: C of A I QCSumm~rv I Level I I Lcvol 2 I Level) I l.~v~l4 Remarks: Are there any known hazardr applicahle lo ihese sample..~? !f.w1, plea,1*e /fat th!! hazardr Snnllll~ r.2il~c1i*Qa Iim~ 7,Qn~ Ea~1ern Pacific Ccntrn! Other -~-- Mcninrnin Clmln of Cu.~tody Signatures Snmp!e Shipping and O~livery Dl!tails Relim1uishcd By (Signed) D>IC Tinb: Rcoci\*ccl by (,ignod) Dole Time OELl'M: l l Molhod uf SJ1iomo111. Daro Shmpcd 2 2 Airhii!I/. J 3 Airbllltt* I } CJu1i;1 of Custody N~mbcr ... Cli~111 Dc1:irmfoed Fur Lob Rec~iving 1.he 011/r l' QC Cedc!I~ N ... l"form~I Se~plc:, TH ""'Trip Bf~m~:. JC()"" FieJd bllplii!~tc:. t:n"' f.:~1.uprr.~nl nli!::*k, MS .. M31fix SJ]iit.:~ MSD.,. Ma:r*x Sp1~c Dur;l:talo !:a;npr~. G ~ {jra~. C.,,, Ccmr.vf.1tc 3.} Ft~ld r1;u:rc:J. f~\" !lq\otd r.t.0.1Tll'l~,;, mdotal!C \\111;1 II. - v. fr;!(~.!!. ltu1 Hml?lC \V~S t1~1d micrctl t)f"* N .. for .s:imp:c Y/i3~ 1~0: flctd iillcn:d. Cu.wdySeal /11111r1? .J ) Ma!rix Cod~ D'V""~dnkmu, Water, OW=Gnnhtdw-1\tc.r, SW*=Si.ufr.~ Wil!a, W\V=\Vw.1c W;'1.:r. \V=War..:r, Ml...'"'Mt:ii: Liq::1J. SO:=.Sotl. SDr-S1!dJ1::1~r.1, SL"'$Jti~.i;.: 1 Ss"'.c;:c)hd W.i1~!o;.:c 1 ()*:Q1J,.F**F1i;~r. r **W~F'"* U""'Urmc, l-~*,f'c~l. N=l YES NO 5.J S;implc 1\r.clyns n~11cnciJ* 1\Ml)'l*;~1:1f 1;1~tllCd ttqt:;s1cd (t~- !:12C-OIJ. COl(l0f747iJA} om.I *~1t11ibcr o.r < pJo.vW~d for cllC!l (i.t 8260D -J, 60JOJll747fJA - I). C"c:/a~Temp (i.) #".(;l V;l!JVI! Typ~: Hh u ({)'cfroch!onc Aci.i, Nl """Nini"' Acid, .)'U Sodium H:ii,!i:cnucie. SA"' Sulfot*e Aw1, .\t\::.. J\i:corbit' Acal, BX Jtcx.1111c:, ST ... ~kd~i.:m 11u~s;.,lfatc, U' !\ol fl~l'i~TVt'lhv.:- n; 11.1McQ '= Je:l1ve li~lil blair.k D Cl c WHtTE"' LABORATORY YR(,LOW"" FILE rINK = CLfENT

App E-Sub-Area 2.1. Instrument Field Sheets

   ~n; UJW         'TE~CAC. .S~V}'C"ES Rev 110/18/15 Instrument Field Response Check Log
1. Instrument lnformation 1 .

Ratemeter: Make/Model: fo/ki,.11/1- ;p 'ii* 2. Serial No. ?. W).. I S-1 Cal. Due Date: Detector 1: Bicron MicroRem Meter: Make/Model: LvfJLv1'\ 'N*1 a Serial No. I/( /JI I;;? I Serial No. I) ;;;.12 if Y- Cal. Due Date: E.4l?

2. Check Source Information:

Source 1 lsotope: fh i 31. Serial No.: 11 <.v Activity: ~ units:~ Assay Date: ti/7;,;,/io Response Acceptance Range {+/-20%}: uRem/hr +20% _ _ uRem/hr -20% _ _ net cpm + 20% net cpm -20% _ __ Source 2 Isotope:(~ IS ) Serial No.: f1 ![ IJ., if~r Activity: .o L- units:~ Assay Date: Mo Response Acceptance Range {+/-20%}: uRem/hr +20% _ _ uRem/hr -20% _ _ net cpm + 20%_ __ net cprn -20% _ __

3. Technician/Worker Performing Checks:

Name: .$"72".1/.(. K/,.v~A..V


_ _ _ _ __ Date: /c/21/t) Time: 01o.:..'> r I

4. Site or location: Site/Job:._""".2_,...' - - ' / ' - - - - - - - - - - - Location


GPS Coordinates (when required): X-Coord: A/'IZc 1-i.f J t 4> Y-Coord: v 'l?. 1or'-( 1-l Instrument Field Response 2 I Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks I i Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response +/-20% lnst. Battery Time Ambient Initials and Comments I l Cnt {cpm) or Cnt (gross cpm or source Calib. Check Of Ternp. . (add'l tnfo: inst. Condition, etc.} (oF) l i Time uRem/hr) Time uRem/hr) gross cpm oruRem/hr {Y/NJ current (Y/N} (Y/N) check ! Ratemeter I/ {fi((i} l"-101 / 1}1 IAJ Jgsz..rn '( v D'"ic" *r1.., lit,i.n. I ! Ratemeter ) !111/t/ l!../01 I WI. I J./ Io !\L75 y y 11'*1.., *:* *11. '1 (d>l l j Ratemeter / 1111 r.I 9(.,'1(... JrM1V JqJl.(o v v*  ; *2 3 c:i l.f 1. >( IA 211 I ! Ratemeter Jmr;V irt.:. Cl (;,. J,.yu ,V F2 I q 2. y' 'f f'Z. ;,.) ~ ~- '{ Lin l Ratemeter J ~n1~ J ') 1 z I IJll: sv' fl 111 '/ y y 1(10 r1.? ~/c..U7 I Ratemeter /mrrJ /(Z~ /(Iii}./ I C)(YL- y I .>1 o ( l .. S' .lYf5 . 1 -L 7- ; 7- 1. 1 Bicron NA (o NA I~ y y r><ioo 77.1 I j Bicron NA "7 NA I 'i?' *y y* l'!..1.J 'i 9. *( I i Bicron NA /,.,

                                 .             NA                    I fl                                 y             y'        /)10          <z.?                                                              i I
1. lnstrurnent designated check source is listed on calibration sticker. Record check source response (net cprn) prior to field deployment for all check sources being used.
2. Source and Background count rate should be determined from the average of three static counts at the same location. Repeat counts should be within 20%. If count rate diverges significantly, perform addltional counts to evaluate instrument stability

Rev 110/18/15 Instrument Field Response Check Log 1 C)~/c1 1 /1 ~~

1. Instrument lnformatlon Ratemeter: Make/Model: Serial No. c;9C(:~*c7£* Cal. Due Date:

Detector 1: Make/Model: Serial No. f'R;;)..{:if.) Bicron MicroRem Meter: serial No.-~--- Cal. Due Date: _ __

2. Check Source Information: * ,

Source 1 Isotope: l/i-:;)9 Serial No.: ff ( Activity:~ units: pt-., Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20%_-~- uRem/hr -20% _ _ Source 2 lsotope:C.:;* rn Serial No.: Uf0:3-i?- Activity: 6..02 units~4/t..~* Assay Date: /U/ -- Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr+20%___ uRem/hr -20% _ _ net cpm + 20%1,;>~:.? 7.'> net cpm -20% g-,,_,*v'?

3. Checks:


_ _.LU=.  :....T ___ Date: /L>~ Time:D'JO 2

4. Site or location: Site/Job:._ __,_,4__._ri_~_llt._J-

__._,_(______ <::> Location


._ _ ..,X='-""-.;.:..J,_yl--'~----t:7.;-~------ GPS Coordinates (when required): X-Coord: N L{g. l/421?- Y-Coord: Wa?!. 76177° I I l Instrument Field Response 2 Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks i I Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response +/- 20% Inst Battery Time

  • Ambient Initials and Comments t

source Check Of (add'J Info: lnst. Condition, etc.) l Cnt TI me (cpm) or uRem/hr) Cnt TI me {gross cpm or uRem/hr) _,.gross cpm Ca!ib. current (Y/N) check Temp. (oF} l! I 1

                                                                                             *er uRem/hr (Y/N)

(Y/N) i l j f Rate meter ( ,..,.. ..*, ~:* 1 JS i:: "*

  • I . ~-1,"' l/If '1 ( ,. //kf.. \/ y v 01o1 'Sl/. 7 . 111. J_!) J.)?  !

Rate meter l { vt-1 ,*,. '- I() 5 '-f°t'c..IJ?,.;-. '{/ i:; VI IJ112... <:<./' q /'c. 1.?7 7:,7~. I ( I I £/. Ratemeter Rate meter Bicron NA NA Bicron NA NA Bicron NA NA Bicron NA NA

1. Instrument designated check source is listed on cahbrnt1on sticker. Record check source response (net cpm) prior to field deployment for all check sources being used.
2. source and Background c:ount rate should be determined from the average of three static c:ounts at the same location. Repeat counts should be within 20%. If count rate diverges signlflcantly, perform additional counts to evaluate instrument stability

Rev 110/18/l'S Instrument Field Response Check Log 1

1. Instrument lnformatlon Ratemeter: Make/Model: Serial No.,.;JtJ6f!1.F Cal. Due Date: ~;)&

Detector 1: Make/Model: Setial No. &!_IJ?V Bicron MlcroRem Meter: Serial No.

  • CaL Due Date: _ __
2. Check Source Information:

Source 1 lsotope: n;.752 Serial No.: ti I Activity: CL>. I units:~- Assay Date: /;J/!>rJ/lt'

  • Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRern/hr +20% _ _* uRern/hr -20% _ _ net cpm + 2Q%Tiill net cpm -20% 3)8£.C Source 2 Isotope: C$-{>7 Serial No.: uq~.f?- Activity: l), cJ)- units:,,1'.'.:C: Assay Date: A)k Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% uRem/hr-20% _ _ net cpm + 20% 13.:??!. net cpm -20% $ft./']
3. Technician/Worker Performing Checks:

Name: X,.£/J.,. .,-,,15


_ _~---- Date:/p/.?.J//J Time:P~ r1

4. Site or Location: Site/Job:_ _ -=A--"'Vi.~~~4~,2_._/___,:---*-*__ Location


  • -$"1'1.

GPS Coordinates (when required): X-Coord: /'If.;...-¥'!;../ rE Y-Coord: Wt>Z$. 7o(t:!/1° i I i Instrument Field Response 2 Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks I I Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response +/*20% Inst. Battery Time Ambient Initials and Comments I 1 I Cnt (cpm) or Cnt ' (gross cpm or source Calib. Check Of Temp. {add'i Info: inst. Condition, etc.} II J Time uRem/hr} Time uRem/hr) gross cpm current (YIN) check (F) I or uRem/hr (Y/N) (Y/N} I Rat~meter /11A,)1 t:/31'1 LAI.. / 1t1.n. l./,6.t:i/ ~ t;>>,,,. \( v \( l;tJlf <;O. ( II.. -.)-'$;i.. A ~ Rate meter / tA...,'/,f, // <<..:z-;___,,. .JJ l/ \'r /,l 3"! SC>. 3' :/'._c-/"s 7 '2A-~ I { Rate meter J I  ?-" I I Rate meter l Bicron NA NA Bicron NA NA v Bicron NA NA Bicron NA NA

1. Instrument designated check source Is ltsted on cahbrat1on sticker. Record check source response (net cpm) prior to field deployment for al! check sources being used.
2. Source and Background count rate should be determined from the average of three static counts at the same location. Repeat counts should be within 20%. If count rate diverges significantly, perform additional counts to evaluate lnstrument stablfity

Grid Pattern Manual Data Collection Form 10/19/15 1 hreej r:;:_ l-


AREA d *I 11\ y 11.*t:.~

                                                       -, . ~               9 -~

(T-Lf;. ID .J,

                                                   \\. J.

1\.5 (x,o) Up= N S 1._'E) w LP- b {circle) 1...,,.., I v' 7;:ll1**,1-, u

                                                                                ""' o .). I 6 LQN r*1                                     i..kt               ,:; . '               --

Three bat." ~ ;;i_v ~'()IL/~ .0\ WA. v.J 1't. '-f,;J. c. ~ *5 \ Dimension {1 to 2)  !~ Meters

      ...>>1"1 I                . 4 1 s- l.-C....t.                        .                    /                                        .

Four .bet. ft l.J J..1* ~~* - * .5 -lm:l. \) 7'8 *q J..

  • o;;:,. ~ ~ Dimensions (1to3) 1'\ Meters

App E-Sub-Area 2.1.Sample Data Sheets

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date; ru-21-1 ~ Weather: --21J_v,_n1 1 r c.c \ d

1. Sample Arca (SA):

SA Designation: 2.1


_ _ _ \J_.oJds* SA Origin Location: l\I '11..'i7j'i*-r -~ </, 7 o:.?.~ Coard. System: ~µ~1-~.J_ __ SA Land Mark Descri1ition: _Md 6Wob:r--l!?.~- _ Coard: ~ LJZ. ~'t~l.E'.:._ .W Tt -, <"

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: 2.1.1 Matrix: __ci~'._I ___ _ Location Coord: W7.f(, 7ocnd' -** /\/ ...1...?- '-/7793 _,

  \'i Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.)                                                                                 ---rr-e..t i \'\

~- X Dist. fi em Origi~ (G,B)_r-J ~ 2 /1101¥1" ¥Dist Flom Ot igin:vJ 7 <l. ]().)'?}.:>

\~1 L'I                                                                                                                          -ro 1ojz.:'.:i Site Sketch Attached                            (Yes) ~

Sample Location


__yns\.e5 *~ j ti{) Canopy Type: Wood.gel Land Lise: J:L..~'-'-'{l=cJ1--- . Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): T)'\l1 I

3. L ocat10n Rd" a Ia f IOil R ca d"mgs:

2x2 NaI I Bicron  ! Notes (cpm) (uRemfhr) Count time  ! cm i Ill i I cm Im (min) j J/}?;1~ 9&25' ii ..}j_ . . 7. NIP..


I i{}f5 !I I

                                                                                           ;                    ..   ~----     --*-              fJ i 11-
     ~*   ***-**                                      --*   ... .,                                     *-*-*-***-'----******


4. Sample Information: Sample Area TD: 2.1. l . R.
  • l -~ '5 Description b y D epth ....

Dept/1 Soil Type Soil Sample ID Sampling Description Jnter1*al (Org; clay; Color (Suiface litter type/depth, sample depth retention,

    ,____,(cm)                  sand, etc.)                                                                       refusal, stone or rock, topography, erosion features)

()-JS s- 1 l5 c._o ~)

                                </"'~ \                ~

bvn (\. 2.t.l.ILt 2., \I I,~ .1...

                                                                                                                   <;o\'\'\..<l mo-1--S r D ~ IL< -e:P----1t1.s~s J<":)   -/o() CD~-+               S* '.\      .fu.n                -Z.. \, L    1L. 'i                tj~; c. v~"'-9-~~                      ~   i,JG..S     \.\~        co>-.~


                      .,          ~

b..-.:itJr- ....-?-' I\

  • t ........ ,~
                                                                                     \2:. I      '5
                                                                                                                '.':>,,.*~ vi:>'-'lr°>
                                                                                                                *--*-......  *****~*~~
    ._s;~ple Rc~o;ded on Luboratory.COC form and Container Labeled: (N) 10/20/15
              ~ -n;-~c SEWVR:".E;l!<"

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: ; v 5-/S Weather: ___5.~JIAY,

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: 2 .\ _ -


_ __.__W,_c_.-_J_5_ _ _ _ _ _ __ SA Orig;n Location: tJ'l2."f1'11'( W 7'{,}tJvls Coord. System: r-J "'1 SA Land lvfark


So.:~ (7.>9--d _ei1-..d Coord: t-141,'-!t~

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: Z. \ . L Matrix: -5.~ Location Coard: \tJ 7 ?;'. 7 UJ& i.:; ' __ _l:!__':/2 Ji 7 Cf '16'" Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) 0\\ l'C-$+ ~,4 0~ 'Qv-,:. c.;,{O*' X Dist. from Origin {O,O)_MJJ~--- Y Dist. from Origin: JJ-'----,1-'-_

                                                                                                /f'.'t __         IJ5        1;~    I   r-v.dP\.<. Cf 5,d_

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) -~ Sample Location


_ _w_~-~1 fu\l,o i1 k_g_,-r- co1.,r;.rJ . n,__.,,s'---_ Canopy Type: ____1!'\o:..iW _Land Use:__ Hi\i'!(l;) Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.):_-ck_~*- ci

3. Location Radiation Readings~
     ------              2x2 NaI



B1cron Notes 1 {cpm) , (uRein/llr) Count time lcm Im 1cm lm I (min) I Cf&ffJ Cf?91 c,* - 'i NJA I qt?"f% '1553__ - I

4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: __ 2, \ 1 2. , K.. f -3 Descri tion b Depth_:-.--------.-----------.----------------------.

Depth Soil Type Soil Sample ID Sampling Description Interval (Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) refusal, stone or rock, topocrraphy, erosion features) () - 5__ ---5.oll__--+~= _b_!~~-----+------+-"""---""---'"S::;,.___&.. me t..5 . )~ ~ -- I 5 _t~ :1 --+-"*"'-'=---'--+--2 ,J_t___!&_'? __Y?A:* h" _9.-we.-f-C...:; -------------

$":!             --------------+-----*----
                                                                          ------------------------4 r-------+-------+---------**---+----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: ( (N) 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Dute: tO -.z.3 -f ) Project: N'fSlt2DPt Weather: S>J*N1j, wen*"* l.* Sample Area (SA): SA Designation: 2. J


-"'"/JJ~o~"'-'ci_s; ___~----
   'A Origin Location: ...tsl~- # ]J&~ i*Qi, 7 0' 1 ~ ** 3- Coord. System:~ i.J             Z1 0  'A Land Mark


_,_S"ux\1,,j~c0- <Ilf~_d__ Coord: rJ~Z,-tfu_*_

      ~~2..4/ 'fi4' j,N'7&-, 7067)""
2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: ____2_,__L_l ____ Matrix: _ ....~ .. - D Location Coard: N4Z.17'io1...-~ __ ..1.~ 73,7oofflg

  • Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and.Local Coord.)

X Dist. from Origin (0,0)4__,,

  • Y Dist. from Origin: N/ft Site Sketch Attached (Yes) ~

Sample Location


Vl"lck- hr.0,.___fkt..._pJ.a:fd!L---12t--2ML c;.;*/Y\J2...r" J Lf17...,-! j

  • Canopy Type: jtJCoc\.eJ etc.): .'D...,,'---~--+---

Land Use: hit; J-*-.. Soil Moisture {Wet, di}', -3. Location Radiation Readings: 2x2 Nal

                                                               .. I.~"

Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr) Count time {mil~) lcm Im 1c1nI Im I

                                                                     .._!L. _ _____g_

I 07fJ'-7 JtJi35 t-.dP- >-*-r- ..~L..£2.J{ _ . i 0 Di./ g ._ 1,-JJ~ 1¥ _._.,.,..--~ . --- ~**---"

4. Sample Information: . Sample Area ID: 2. l , 3 , R-. I ~?..

D C!Scnpt10n bIY D ~pt i: Dept/J Soil 1)'pe Soil Sample ID Sampling Description Interval (Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) refusal. stone or rock, toEogra:Phy, erosion features) 6-5 5o.\ b{l:;>u.>n 2,\,3,,R,\ s~~

  ".1-J~      sc: \                h ....... .,.._   2..., I*~. 12.. ';l..        5rvv** 1.1    l('bQt, 5-1r-         'Srl ; \           hvuw               2.-; I,~,~*~-- r----***----:--*

S'r'YlDL\\. V\)(>'\' s

                                                                        *-     C-"-****~*

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: (j1 (N) 10/20/15

                                                                                                                                     * ~ *"
  • d SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date:_~TI_-§ Project: ~ .i'.'...5J;E::!2&. ****--*. -
  • Weather: 5.."vi+,

I. Sample Area (SA): SA Designation: 2. I


___trJ_o..,_d_-s_________ SA Origin Location: ;.l}j_Z. '17H'*i"' W7 If. 70o7'J<; Coord. System; _.AJ)J SA Land lvfark


.,;w:.~L~---~- Coord: ~ 'f&<.1'0-Siv"" _id._7"8'. 701'*(Z-~
2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area lD: -----2. . L.:t_____ ._ Matrix:_ 5'1.t *, \ Location Coord: N !:/-~77'/ "Z... " Alternate Location Measurements {distance from SA origin and Local Coard.) X Dist from Origin (O,OLt!fi_ _ _ Y Dist. from Origin: -Mfj_ Site Sketch Attached (Yes) (@> Sample Location


--~~s,..~-6~-~r-*- - - - - - - - -

Canopy Type: tuo~6 Land Use: Hi IL.\.~_ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.):__l?~___,+~--

3. Location Radiation Readings:

2x2 NaJ Bicron. ~ Notes (cpm) ' (uRem/hr) Count time lcm lm !cm Im ' (min) ,. 4 'i7Lf , I __ __::_;_ ~11\ J I Wfi

                  ~* *~]___- ,___°!377 *- 'r--*-
                                                     * -1 [ 1 - - - - - - - - -
                                                                                    ----*- r-gjvt
4. Sample Information: San?ple Area JD: 2. \. '1, 't. l - -Z.,

D escnption b}' D eE th Depth SoH Type Soil Smnple ID Sampling Descriptim1 Interval (Org; clay; Co/rJr (Surface Jitter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) _refusal. stone or rock, topography, erosion features) .. D-~ ~-l bVU<..-h\ ~.\,t..\.\2-.\ I hl\I\.\./

                                   ~LJ.,:-     _z, 1. 'i.~. 0 5-1     ~

i2,;'(1re;. k IT'ir: -H.O "i,d

                            -     ~-..;;,.;___


                                               ~ I . 'i . 12. * (,,,_ r - - - - - - - - *
                                               ? 1...1.__f?:_J_ ***--*--**       ~

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: © (N) 10/20/15}}