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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix E, Part 16 of 24
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16293A811 (15)


App E-Sub-Area 5.5 - COC Forms

Piige: ~~-**-.-*'-'_o(_*_*_*_*--.-*.-.*-.- :om; tabo~a1'aric~, u.c Pro.i~ct.1!; . 2049. Savage Road

  • ~'Sce*www,cg~LcomJor .OEVs Sample l,l:c~eptance.SQP*"'*

O~L,Quot~}I: -*.~*~~~~--~---,--..,.- 1

  • Chilrlest~n,.sc.}9407.

cot Number oi; *-*-***----*--~-o----~* --- GEL.Work OT:derNun\bet: . Phone: (843)'556-8 l 71 P.o:Number: . F~x: (S4jl 766* I 178 Sample -:\nalysl5 nc,q11£.stcd.!5) '(l;'.ill ipthc n11.rnbcr .of co11t~iocrs.foreach.test)

Shu)Jld ..

i-.-.,....--...__..,...__.,...:.._____.:...__"'-___....____.,--..___....,..=----.-t, !Ills * ***rqplo:li~*

';\ddress: (Onsldmtl Comme11ts

  • ca!lectclby:* Scndltcsulis'To: *Note: ..extra sample is "Tin1~ :requirecl for sample

.fit.hi: Sr~nn1la; :TSC*.

Ci>llic1cJ q~*.

l'ihe/.d. :Mu1t1£. nnt.i' . /\ sp~ciiic QG

. S::in1:ple'tb . .(~l!l~~ry)

.: '(hhlJllU).

C<>do.'ii ',(l) 'i~)* :O~cU. *R~i;u

  • F<11' <;0mvosire.t .. tmllr:ute .'itun am( :rlov t/(lle/tli11e YC lo!<d J~r*o TAT R1:au<:i;tcd: Normal:: Rusli: .Specify; [Subj~c1 ro'S*<<harg*) IF~x.Results:. Yes j: ... No Circlc.Dcliver11blc: C ofA 'i 'QC.Summ~rv f Lcvol'I' I Lcvet"2 I Lcvcl'3 I. Lcvcl.4 .

Remarks: Are t/1e1'e.any~fcno.wn' haziirdi applica.f?licto* tliese .~amp/esnf.)'O, pleaselist fhe'.hazardf StJmp!£ Collcttion-Time Zone

  • Eastem *
  • Paeifii::-

.c'.!cn~I Othe~ -*__...,


.Sample Slltjiplng*and fieriyerY. Detalls

~el\!J_qnliihc.d *!Jy (S,ignctl) Dote. " *Time * *.Rcccjvcd hy .(~igncii).



2: Atrblll.#:

Airbiil #:

l.): Cluii11 Or:C1t:1CoaJy NUnili~ -'Ctfon1 i:k~n~P1\'d For*Lob Receiving ~LJ/le o 11fy

  • 2.), Qt' Co~.:: N .; N9nn.*l,Si~1plo;1'll *Trip lll>1)k.;l'D*"' l'icld.Duplirna;1m ~ l'.<J*.ipll!<tll Blonk,, ;\i!;. 'i;1o1rix*S1>ikc s,.mplc, M~D.... Molrix Sviko.Thniica1c.Sa1nplc, Q., 9*.*u:c.~ (o_u1p0Jilc:

3j.fickl l'l\icJOtl;. foi'.1iiJuidm*1ri<c.1; ln~~h.C~vilb.o.;:y,., *ror Y~* lfib *on1pfo.wps.flcld ii!1<1cd.~i-N **f~pnmple~:nnt Add fiJ1<1<<L * *

  • C11s1ody'Ss:u[-/nlfU:t?'

~1.) ".Malrix Cuik~: *P\V..e.Odnkfog \V~tcr,*.G)y;Csr~m,v.JwR1~r. Sw~su~(u£a~V*.1ti:.'T,.,v~V¥\V~-~1~. '~~fo~;-\v~\y~t~~t*MC:-.~.Mi~1." l;_i.~~li;1. ~QiiS~i1i:sp~~~*~~~1~, _sp.-~1u~th~. S.._.iS'J,itf,W3'>t.:A-o,.o;.1~* IMtrilt\lrt *r""'W.t~*. tJ<uUiini.:~ F-.,"~.i,...---'J""'E.""S_ ___._.N.-0._*- - - - 1 5J. Surnple l\cq11.,1eJ:

  • Annl~li"1l n1<Uood 1oqu<>tc.i'(i.c. Rl6iili:66iOlll747UAJ nnd.nmnbor.ofwn~'linm pr0'idod:f?t<a*'li.<i;;.112diJllc*, 3/MIOB/N70tf_"'1),. * * *aJIJ!er-Tem;>:

(),) _l)f~~~~ti~ 1)rC~-1;~ ~-HYftrochl9ric~Acid; N~ ... J::l!rti~~Add; SI! *""*SO~iuml~ydrox~i.~t; SA ....Sulfo1~ Ac14; ,\A -~.As.:otbl~.ACi~~:*t1~ ~ H0;-!{01n;;'~T ... S(!!-)iu~n,'fl11o!l_llf~_ti::.:1fTIO p1'c~rvi\iivt;- jt._:idrlt;?1.l ~ tc11v(tiCld bJ.1.i'¥ c*

. . . ,.. WHI'.[E "i;ABf)f{ATOR'Jt \".tlLLOW*~ F~LE P~j'iJ{ "'CL~ENT . . .

l~;~:~;~------o----* 01'--'~=:~~~-.:-*-~:~ --GEL Chai~ -of .Custody aJ11!d:A~alytical Request

!_(jfiL Quo!;;-!/; ----~--" --**-------------""" . *~See fol' GEL'.s Sampk Accep1ancc SOP*"

CPON~1111hcr:.'l; ....... -*-*-* * - ., * ... , ,GEL.W-0rk'.Orde1'.Nu~ber:

Jro~~ I . .

lcti'ent Nm::c: *phoil~-.11.:. 'Sample ,~1u1Jysis Rcqt1~sl~d m '(Vill m lh" numb.:r o: cQ11tainer~ f11r e;.ch tcs_l)

.J I -.Comme!ltS Noi_c: cxtrn sampk is*

icquired *for sample J *spcciJ!c'Q.C

'No  : Cir~k*Delivciablc~ C bf-A Qc'Surmnarv S11mpkCoi~Iimc' Zoll~

.. ~niiern 1*a~i1)c * *

  • Cl!mr~I .01hcr: __ ***--*-*--

\~::>- \' ~SY\lNt - A!~--...:-fi2C:)~-.;::- .1i.4"1Q;=;)..:.;(:..)...:'~::,.:;v.;,~*L.,=*;:..**-,--~-,-.-.---.,.,..--,-_,....;-.-_..,..L*'-::v-to1_1:i_tai_u_~----.,---j

.,c_.: -': : : .:. . .\'!- iv_:,\;*'- - -'"1-~-: !: .:. . .*'~ ..

Clial~ Of:Custody's)

  • Sm1111Jc.Shipji1ii1u1111J !>cll'VcryJJe1aU1J il.clii1qiifsl:cd lly:;Signc<l) Date Time ,_Rd:oiv:d by'(*Jipi<d) 'lluto


j z Airbillll; 3 . A'i1\lil! #: 0 "l~} _(':!1g.~{or ~,1i la~y. N~frf,h*~ ":i*Jie11~:n~,c(J11l~~d For .Lt!.l~.Re,~*,!ivi~ig *.{i~i:* oiil;.

  • J.QC:cod;s:.'N "'*;;ii*Sn1!!J1k,*.1:u_c. Tri.ii ~bl)k;: J.:.itn f'j:C!l!*I~!ip)li:11c.-:v.n~ J~t?t1ip11l~ra ftt.~'..1<, ~IS-a: M~_lft'<-S111kc Sa'llp!a.~~:tSJl~*M;t~,~~ S;1ii~?)~j1l{itl~~ ~Rlt11H~~ G*..;.nr1\f';,.(:. ~ q,11ipt1~i:G i-------_,.-,.,.,.~--~~ '

,) ) :f~c_kt. t*il.tcrcO: 'rm**~iq~:~ m1'llk~$i in~i"'tC:,\1lh it-V-*fnr.y:n..i~i:~ampl~.\\'~(f~td !!.t:c1.::.l'Qi-~: ..._.f<:r ~1un1Jl.c.~n1'1tfield*!i 1 li;;rerJ. ' - . ., Cu)*11)t/i,~Si.*a} b-:.t"dl;fl

4.). M~triic,(~~Jr.:s~ 1l\y?q;~1}:f~t)\~*a1_c~~.(;Wi-'\il**~if,~w*~1cr, ~~w,~~.tffJilc~* Woiti:r, ,V.\\;1;!\\.'tMc W."1~; \\***W.~i~,y~*u>.1!1;~. 1' ;.i?,(1fiJ. ~a.;o;~S~i1~, 5~:_..s..:~i~1!~1u~ ;.1,..,..1:m1~\~ ~.c;:-.s1:lill \V~:.~i:. <l-;-'.CJ_;j; J~:cF1fkr: f,~\'11Jlc, t!~;.u,;ili.;,~f:~~~~:.,~r. fi'"*! ,' l;Ds' . *NO

.!,) Sampk.A1~l)"b'i~j~,Cqt\tJi~\! ,-\1:niyli!!Bi ~~,t1i1,1d f~'l\lC$1t1I (i,e, si~OO;~Ol01)1,74WA)'roul murit!:rJ.i1f C{ll\11tinc1s 1n;w;dcd\~r,~tch (i.e. ~2r/ilf ,,),'110rrmJi47~M ~ t): . . CiuJlur Temp.*

6,) t*Jl:~,cr.:::.!~'.~_Tf_tte:*HA,~ I tyd~a~i~la~i{;'At:tt". t:fJ~,Nihll; ~,*hi; sfr:. . .,~d~l~.ll ii)'.~*cx:~i'"* S.~: ** ()!11!l~ll~'A¢c!,_..t\~:!I!- f,fi;1n!>w:Arn:l;*1ix *~* ~~ ..~~1\e. I\*( ~:.s,~~!U!i\';;.J1".'lsf~lfa!~~)(:~rt:lc~Civ~ll'IC-1io~it~rll::d "'* lilJ:*t:':itl*f tf!'-,l.. '--":'~~f;....---~-----1 wmn,,,1.1\nonAt*o:R\*. YF.l.~OW'= FJLK PINl< .,,__cJ.1J.:N1'

  • ;~=~,c~;-.---.-*. _or-*~*****---~-~~!: ... --GEi*Chaiu:ofCu st_odr*_**flj*d . A.naly-~jit.a! Request G(;L Lob'oratcric3, hL.C 2040 Sav~g~Ro;td

. GEL quote#; c**-- ... .,....,-* -***,**-.------:-1* -HSce. www:gelii:omlor. GEL's~amplcAccep!ance sopn C:h~rlc:itcii\. S<;!'294\J?

cbc_Nunibcr.n':. jGl~L!\1\1orkOrder*'Nu.n1bcr:. . p}\onc: (84~) ~~6-8l7i

. PO'N~mber*

  • l"u": (S;l:i)'liioci i78 Coi11t11.eiits .


rcquhed;for sam!ile


  • No:


  • Eastern :l'aci'Cic.

C.cntrnf" *'Other. _______ _


  • Chain <lf Cust<ldy.Signatui*cs

. I l DnteShiimcd:


.3 'AhliillU:

    • 1.) Cht..i*,* cfO.stct?y Nm~llt~ ""'.t~!iCr.t'P<:l4rnd!1r~
  • 2'.) QCC~~s:~*:N*.,..*No~;~~.SPl}~ic, i~n ,.,,Tri~*D!li.nk~ J;ll., l'.ii;1~,U11PJJ~a*t:i, ~li u 'F.;ctu1~1~~M:3;;,1,f<.. '-f~*"'.Mt)\fi~*s,)!~:~*S:ti~l~/~:sn,~;* l1fA~t*,,*,~r~kt ~J~11>l!c~1~* s.u~ji,t..q*~:Grli~; r.:~ <.flh;rti>:t1i~c:
  • 3.! Fic:ltf i.~l~C1i!O' *f'ot*Uq_uict~~41d:t~, l7:d1cnwwith 11,*_.,~ -*for ycs..thc.j,at11plc: was J1ctd*fHit:n:d*cr ~*N*,. fcc:ofcmp!z w~~ ..nPi ~i¢fd.fiHc1~!1 '(,:r'1.o:tDd1lSi.x1l
  • h) ~~1~rr;li:*C:~Jes l)\fr:~~~ik~11~ W111cr-, GW~Orilt1tui\\'.!ll1!f,.:S\\'-:Surf~t..iW~tur,; WW::.:W.>!.:c* \V.ikt1 ,,.,,_Wdf~1.Ml.'°'ML~ ..~ L!1\':~.1l;S()t~SL'*,;.Sn~*s.:dim.c1<I, St;,51udg~;.S.'i.-:--S1d1~\ *.v.iMi:, J):<()it; v.~Fiitta.*J'-;Wip1:.-Ur'\Jrm.;; Jo:... l1i.:l-.:i\~~""? ~- l'ES . . , .NO
s:} :5Ui1!ji_l~*~r11JyjB.I~c~wt;!!ia:. ~1.1a1):rl~t1f*1:1~lh1;~ n:m1cife4 {i.c~ 8~~on,*'() 1opiMWA} ~1r.1fh1*.1~\li~i* ~f'-Cti1ilu!n(!I~ Pt~*}'fil::itt*~fj~ t-~h*~i~.i!.*~:lj{UJ .. ,,.,,,nP)}J/14.JrJA'., .* ,__ . . c*m:Jer:1i:uJi~*
  • rt.;' P:'\:1'(1~*"\th.t'. 1Y,l}r;';.~ HA~, Hnlr.9~11IGt:IC l\,i::1rl*.:f'il .. ,~,n~_ic.~"*~t;S~L"" S,.ndmm~.~!ydro~~dt'_,-S~ ~-~111:*1~:w.Ari~q ~\,(\ -~ A$:.r..:.1J.1i:..~C.,1L n~ ...... ~{o:X~Jt::; sr-'"~,S9*!1t1tu"fJHoJ1l:~;~,~fJJ~Jl1CS~rT'i11i~*~~'-:"!flf}~~-~ lt:il~'.t_.nc1~.~~1!1I1i, L . . . . __ c WHH'E ~,~;A_B_O_RA'.I'C)R'\-' \:F.,J;'LO'W r. FILl~ PINK*~* 'CUJ<:NT

.. P~ge: *--* * - -*-- .. _ ol" _..... _.._ _ _ __ GEL Lobur.itorrns, Li.C Projccr #:

GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request 2040 S*vngc Rtiad GEL Quote U ___ ... --*- -~ -**--

"*Sec www.gc.1 co111 for GEL's Somple Accep1ance SOP*" Chartes1011, ilC 2~407 COC Number fl I;  !'hone: (843) 556*8171 GEL \\'ork Order Number:

l'O Nomber* fa.: (843) 7t-O-l l78 Phone If* Sample A11alys!s Requester! cs1 (Fill !n tht: numbl!r c1f ccntainers far eQch test\

. Should

-~ . . _Project/Sit~ Nan1e* Fax II: !hi> *:-- Prescrvolivc Type (6) 1-----'-'--------------------------------------4 HlllJll< be i:mz:dtlerrd Comments Collcct.::d by* Send Result~ To: Note: c~tra sample is

..T1:rr.c: re*quired for sample C"t>i~~~1..1I Fi.i.:~J

~""'i* TSC: specific QC r.1lce.m.I Mt:rm:: Rll<tl A Sample ID (mtn-lld-l')')

{Mtl!l;*ry) Ill (~) lhl.Cti 'R111r.LJ

  • f"*~-.-*p'J'"l~f> ~ mdiL'ale .\fiJrJ '111d ,*!r1*J d.1:el1a:;r.: (h!rnunl Ln~rd l>r-r ol No Circle Delivernblc, Col' A f QC Summary I Levo( l f Level 2 I Level 3 I Level 4 Remt11*!1~: ; rf1ere any !cnaw11 hazards appliccrMe to the.v<J .wmples? !f .w1, p/easr:1 fat the hauwd.~ full:Dp]q Collection Tim~ Zor.c E*stem _ Paci tic Co1Hrnl 01hcr --*--**- ....

Monnin in Chain of Custody Sigunlarn~ Snmµlc Sblpph1g and Delivery Details Dnlt: Time Rcooiv:d Ly ('1gnod) Tune GELP:';l*

Mclhcd of Shinmcnt Dntc Shipped.

z 2 Airbill #*

3 A1rbillU*

I.) Cb:i:l of cv,,l'Ody N:..ic;'l~oer - Clictd Di:~~rnmcd: Fnr llect:rvmg u,~*e Oltiy 1.J QC C."<ir!:.:i; N ~ Norh~&I S;1.r.1plc, TR =-Triri ll:'3nk, FD ,. Pro:ld D*.~p!h.:M:, F.11TI1:*Gt~=r~1;;:r1~ JH::ii:I<, ~:JS ... Matm. Sp\kcS,rnrti::. MSI> ... Ma.*mc Sp1"°~ nuv~::c;,!.e S~n:r:e. G ... fjrcti, C'"' c.)"~r.o.. t'lt' J ) f'tC1:1 M!~crcd 1'01 !'!Jutd mtitrictr;, ;JJdlt'illc ,,.. 1t1* ct~ Y - foJ y.:i;. 1~:c s:~;t1f-C~ 'II~ ficlt~ r:l:ci.::l c.r

  • N .. rbu.m~ra!e wa~ ;1rl fald fi~l~rtd. Cu:Uody Sl!al /ntm.:I?

.J l Mim~x. l.~~c.1. lJ'V-=I.Jr;:1ki:1t WJh:r. Gn**..,ctr.H*l!(l\::,'1U:c, S'\'--=:'imfut-e !.';:m:r. WW~*Wa!t* \\."<Jt('r, W.. \\';W.!r, M1.n*M1~i,; Lr.i1;i'1-. RCF-Su1~ sn,*!i.d*:n~nt, SL=S!H'Jg,c, SS1* S.:~hd, 0-=01:, ~ .. r,~1c1,, r-.",\ :;>c, L' *t.'1i1:..i.,

  • f'i:i;.1.1, N t.""-_ _ __,Y~ES:.:* '--*_ ___..N_O_ _ _- i

.S) S:1"1!11~~ A11~l)':m: !(i::q,:co.&l<:J * .A.-.a1yfr..:r:l 1~~clkt!.ll tc~t!e~11i'LI {J c 81600. ~GHJJ\.'747tJJ\) ri;.~J ,~:m:l;~r u~cOii!hiitcb 11.0*~1~c*J for r~;.:b (i.e 826f1lJ * .l, WltiDl747:Jlf

  • I). Crwler i~mp.

6.J l'1c1crtt:.1h1c T)ljl!'" Ill\ ... Uydro::hk:ric Acid, NE ** Nt!tlC AroiJ, Sit .. Si,;d:.*~m lty!!:f";:u.k, f;,\.,..,, s,1u~.:""!ir. Mui,,\,\ L A~c~\i!(' Ae!:l, ux . . H~'(.M~. s*r = ~ Hh1,.q~ TJ1tl1U:.JfMo If rn 1~n::!:\'.:r~*,;1:1 ..'I: l!I. :;c'c!-=::l ~. l~Jl\*.:J Ji.cld [.l'~.;r.~

1 c WHffE ~ LAIWRA"f'ORY Y!CLLOW ~ 1'11.11, PINK-* CLmNT

App E-Sub-Area 5.5 - Field Survey Checklist

The MJW Companies GPS Field Survey Checklist The following field suivey check.list is u5ed once th;;.* s1Jrvey team has walked to the location that they wlll begin a GPS survey. Th ls checklist is intended tu verify none oft he cables or settings changed or cables came loose between the initial setup location and the field survey location. Complete step 9 once the current walkover segment is complete .

1- . ,.,J ~*

.. ;_" Verify the Ludlum Meter is in Rat.P rnodP.

  • 2- 4-- J.

.* i Verify that the Ludlum Meter is Jltetndting di~play of "DUP" and "Value"

3. '-* j { **~ Set Menu 1 to "Status" and Menu 2 to "Receiver" I ' -' .
4. -~ (~'. Verify that Antenna slates "External"
5. CJ') Set Menu 1 to "Data
6. *~-f (-) Name a file to start the current ..:urvey and start the data logger F }i I ~ s-- . ~.;- "

Filename: - - - .____:.~::.. .. _ *---=*- . **-*** ...::.~.... - . -- --*-~~---~-

IL !7 t < *-*


\ ....-

Set Menu 1 to "Statu~** and Memi 2 to "Sew.or"

8. ~- Verlfy that the sensor field is read111g the t.cime as the display on the Ludlum 9.

/Jl' When finished, set Menu 1 to "Datc.J" and close the current file.



,. ".' I *~

Name: *Date: J L- .: }  :

The MJW Companies GPS lnitial Setup Checklist

1. _ _/_ _ Complete source check of Ludlum Meter 2_ _ __,,1~/

__ Power off Ludlum Meter

3. -~ ..,/'" Verify Trimble 1s shutdown (not in su5pend mode)
4. V_ Connect the Serial Interface A.dapter (S!A) to the Trimble Unit
5. (...('~Connett the Serial tab It> to the Ludlum Meter
  • 6. ~ Connect the Serial cable to the Trimble SIA
7. __....V,__"_ C:onnect external GPS dntenna cable to the 'Trimble
8. /Power on Ludlum MetN to RritE: mod~
9. __v' __ Verify that the Ludlum Meter is alternating display of "OUP and "Value"
10. _ _/_ _
  • Power on the Trimble and wait for it to completely boot


11. ,__. __/*_Launch TerraSync and v,ait for it to load a11d acquire satellite.>
12. / Set Menu 1 to Status and Menu 2 to "Rec1;11ver
13. /' Verify that Antenna ~tates External
14. / S e t Menu 1 to Data),
15. _ L Name a test file and start the ll;ita loggP.r
16. ---* __,,/Set

-,... Menu 1 to "Statu~" and Menu l to "Sen~or"

17. ___ __ Verify that the sensor field is reading thE' :>ame as the di5play ~n the Ludlum i/'


18. t/ Set Menu 1 to "Dat<1" and close the current file.

App E-Sub-Area 5.5- Instrument Field Sheets

M.J~ TIC-c:Hl'IHC..-.'-<<- 5~~~

Rev 110/18/15 instrument Field Response Check Log 1

1. Instrument lnformation Ratemeter:

Detector 1:



Serial No.

Seri<il No.

Jc.&o;3 f'J[//J-CJ/,).

Cal. Due Date: op.f(,

Blcron Mii::roRem Meter: Serial N o . - - - - - Cal. Due Date: _ __

2. Check Source Information:
  • C. ., . /I.

Source 1 Isotope: {i;r).J'? Serial No.: f( ( Activity: ~units;~, Assay Date: /~./;D ~-

Response Acceptance Range (-t/-20%): uRem/hr +20% ___ uRe.m/hr -20% _ __ net cpm + 20% . net cpm -20% 3' ~

Source 2 Isotope: L5Jfl Serial Na.: l l't<!'.?-].-* \ ;.... Activity: 0..0:? units: t:Y.C;Assay Date: ~

Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% _ _ uRem/hr -20% _ _ . net cpm + 20%[J;? 21 net cpm -20% _!f/7'7

3. Technician/Worker Performing Checks:



_ _7(.._,__,,,c~'-1

____ oate:Ll/f?(/'£. Time: O'b/t;*

4. Site or Location: Site/Job: __ .~v*l'~ ~ C:---c;-. ~ Location Desrription:. G.v c,C'.*(Q;;,.

GPS Coordinates {when required): X*Coord: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Y-Coord: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __


l Meter Bkg

!nstru!Q~Qt Field Response~

Bkg Count& Source So1.1rce Response +/- 20%
Use Acceptance Criteria Inst.


Battery Time Ambient Remarks Initials and Comments I  ;

(ilrld'l Info: inst. Condition. etc.)

i Cnt (cpm) or Cnt (gross cpm or source Calib. Check Of Temp.

gross cpm I Time uRem/hr)

  • 1!me *uRem/hr}

or uRem/hr current (Y/N)

{Y/NJ check (F) rI' *- . . _ ,_, ,. . (Y/N) I

":;',;.'r ** ~~,,,.,.""""~"""'=-m~"""'t"""'~~~="'""°"'='<~"~A=~...m;~0 f

Ratemeter Ratemeter i------t-----f-:.-'-~c-----+1-~~.:_:__-l-,~..i.7-:-:::::..P.~-.IJ-----f--*-+--::>f~-+--~--p.L;GL:J....-..J.-f--L"-f.-,,---~~.,l__....:._.!......:.~~~,,_,.----~*~~*-f Rate meter -'--'--~---.'T~-------*---f Rate meter Rate meter Ratemeter I\

)--B_ic_ro_n~~1--NA~-+""' J.of'_.i..fw..~_...,***'--__,.._..z-~~...--.

Bicron NA

.__...B-ic-ro_n_ _,_N_A-1-~.-ul......,r
~~- NA .

I* *

. *~-*


. **- /<1UO *(*~' -s-" . - . .:rl"'. * - - - - - * -._-_-__ - J


1. Instrument designated check source is listed on lalibr tion sticker. Record check source response (riet cpm) prior to field deployment for aU check sources being used.
2. Source and Background count rate sho;;ld he deterIT'ined from the <1vcrage of three static counts at the sal'"le loration. Repeat counts should be within 20%. lf count rate diverges 5ignificant1y, perform addltlo:ial counts to e*1a!u~t0 ir"lstrument stability

App E-Sub-Area 5.5 - Sample Data Sheets

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: .12:..17-:!L Project: ___H_~-5.~.1?~ ---.. -* -*----

o' :S,_,.l, ct-- ("\* --z.-....z._,,

weather: _,,,4*-*-- l""-.*

1. Sample Arca (SA): '

SA Designation:~--*-~?.~*---- --.. *----* Lkscr1ption: lc0 l~ ~Lt~ {;ri Coord.

System: -

SA Origin Location: - - * - * -....... -----*-* __ .. __ .

SA Land Afark Description_----*-*-*--*- ________ Coord: _,,,, ___ -----

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample :'>..rea ID: . __?._'....~f.. *~.:\. ---*-- Matrix:*-* ).~~J ......

Location Coard: tJ '12.. 3fJ.~.:o't __k-l 7'ef"__:j8' -31. ~S- ----*

Alt~mate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.)

X Dlst. from Origin (0,0) J-'/A Y Dist. from Origin: -----'4A---

Sito Sketch Attachtd (Yes) @

Sample Location


_?lti:!..~~u!J/\L:)C>n1L -tn_,tj ch_.11i l".:i. \;Y ~ (c_}*::1,*e_2.l)

I Canop)J Type: {2£.J.i.~J~'i r:.*r*h+ Land Ust: -~.k.1r,:j_1-_~+/-(..~--- Sl)iJ Moisture (Wet. dry, etc.):_G_~.'.Y'f -* _*--

3. Lo~ation Radiation Read~~.

. 2x.2 NaI (cpm)

T _______ .. --~*~--------------~

Bicron (uRemn1r)


4. Sample Information:


I --

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: ....!J...:J!i.:ff Project:-* N.Y.9.~_'g,D.£t_ ______ _

..1.. cf Weather: ___ _cs,.,~~.1.~ (lc~.-'.t--.~Q

1. Sample Area {SA):

SA Designation:_....~ .s ..~~~---- -*-----


\ilooo.5 ------*----

SA Origin Location: __ *----*-~*- Coord_ System: _ _ _ __

SA Land Mark Descnption. -----*-------* -*** * - - Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: ___S~~. :l~.--~* Matrix: ~-c:..~:.~***----

_.w.....1-_8""'_?.'{__4~* -=-Zo-J o_***

Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.)

X Dist. from Origin (0,0) *... N y/-A* --* '(Dist. from Origin: N ,I A Site Sketch Attached (Yes) @_)

Sample Location


~ 1 ~~ ~

Canopy Type: Qolr11, Land Use: _!'.\.ti.~ ..- - Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): ~'f-- -~--

3. Location Radiation Read!ngs: ..

2~P~~r -~ C~~~~-r-)---.~-----N-o-te-s--~~~~


Counttime j

  • lcm  ! lm :t \cm f Im flicJon* WOL.\JM 2:2. 1-2.
  • -***---*----~--


, =L . . __ ___

~ 14- -272--r~~r~~

_l______ § <:A\ doe <;i'/lf 72

4. Sample Information; Sample Area JD: ~. 5 ,f.\ I a... 2.. 1-"Z.

Dcscnptlon by Depth Depth Interval (cm)

II Soil Type (Org; clay; sand, etc.)

Soil Color Sample ID Sampling Description (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, refusal; stone or rock, topo~hy, erosion features)

c;--i<;* 1

_.}.£Q~1l_ _____1--~'°.,..."""',_"'--t-~ '5P.1R..Z..A_...J..JO.J'M&7, WO\\ fsio'\~ 50'-~('D-~ la~.,,,?\ --*-

I'S" -_}_Q~,l.... ffi-i)ii~ £ S !\:_:.~--' ~:2..; __ +5)h~'0:yl:?,9_l~- _ -** -*--****** **------'

      • ---****-*-- I

=+/- I

=+~= .. ;

Sample Recorded on Laboratury COC form and Container Labeled: {N) 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: _l'l :::!.'-!.:!..'£ Proj ecr: _J~~J_ y_g_~ ~_f\_- .... __ .. _

Weathei.: - - -

l. Sample Area (SA} _,.:.~


SA Designarion: ____$~:5_ De-srription: \J 90d_5~-----

SA Origin J.ocarion: ______ *-*----- Coord_ System: _ _ _ __

SA Land A1ark Description.-*-****---*-------*-********-- Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

l\fatrix: -~2.L ___ .

Alternate Locatmn l'vfea.surements (distance from S.\ ongin and Local Coord.}

X Dist. from Origin (0,0) N /~ Y Dist. from Origin:

Site Sketch Attached (Yes)

Sample- Location llescription: ~. V~~- ..Ji¥tL-b£illn, \.R(lvc')

Canopy Type: ..,._V'l,_;;___ Land Use:_-~~ Dfy--- Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, ctc.):,_u.y - - -

  • Locatio0: Radiation Readings:

2~P:;I I (u~::o~~-*-- -i Notes

4. Sample Information: SampleArea1D: 6.6A ,g. ..3. l -2 Descnption b*Y D ept h Depth j Soil Type


buervol (Q,g; clay; (cm)

-* ~JS-sand, etc.)

' ~.:-~'


Color Sample ID -I t Sampling Description (Surface J;tte. type/depth, sample depth retent;on, refusa I, sto_!l~- or rock, topography, erosion features)

~V'I ~§_._?Pl* R. -;}.'.L... . ..lg~~---'-':>Mc, \.\. (DO\:;.. . .


i2.-~**l'lr.~ l'V~4----!Yi~5 ls-~&'.!

---***-*- ~1\ ,.,,.... " O SR*

f--*--** - ... -***** ...

,_________ -t- * *-

    • .**-- ~---**- **-** ........ -**-****f** -* ...,. ....... *--*


Sample ~ecorded on Laboratury COC form and Container Labeled:

I Q) (N) 10/20/15


,...--. . 0 Date: I Z-IL/-1S'°. Project: __ bLY.9_.~_F..D.fL._. *-- *-- Name: I Q\ll b'(bo...Y~!'"\~--

Weather:_@"'""'-, ~yJ.!.Q.~,.-~':!_

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: 5.5~


_ _...\N~'=ooc.,. ... '""'d=.">~-------~

SA. Origin Location: _ --****---- Coard. System:

SA Land iHark


__________ .. *--- C6ord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID:_ 5 SI\-.\<... '-l ___ Matrix: ~~--

Location Coord: -~ i?,~_3J~(P.§'"' __ _

Alternat~ Location Measurements (distanc-e from SA origin and Coard_)

X Dist. from Origin (0,0)_ NIA r Y Dist. from Origin: N II A Site Sketch Attached (Yes)~}

Sample Location


h-..P !?ii.., ~~...l-t-~*Me.. Jt..y\.\.¥\;"\J Canopy Type: ._6-?~ _,,_Land Use: ___ft1_Udnu__ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.):J)ny-*-***-** J
3. Loc~~*ion Radiation Readings: ----*****......-----~----------.

I 2x2 Nal ~ Bicron Notes I (cpm) ~ (uRem/hr)

4. Sample. Information: .~Sample Area ID: 5 .Sf\;.~<../, /-2 D escnption by Depth ...

Depth Soil Type SQ it Sample JD I Sampling Description Interval {Org; clay; l.olor J (Surhtce litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) refusal, stone or rock, topo~hy, erosion features) l f'J- I") *- --~iL__ ~ ~ * ~0_~.&HL l__ j ~-v-.L'"f_ ..,_..5.fy.VJ.-~ v-oo\~

l.5"-30 r-=-~--**


  • * -* rw...'<- \:;-1:...,.._ $, $ , ~-*'f'......4.-~--~--f.':t?.~i\.S vqC:...\>:.-~

i I .. *- ---+*-------*

=-* **-i---*****-**

--*--*--+-- ~-- --**-**-----*-* -*

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC fonn and Container I..abeled~o {l'I) l

  • -**-~*-*---**-*


    • -~
