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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix G, Part 1 of 11
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16294A190 (35)


{{#Wiki_filter:Appendix G-Area Certificates of Analysis

Appendix G-Area 1 -COA

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 ~ (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: l 5 .Hazelwood Drive Suite I 12 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: I. l.C I Project MJWCOOI 15 Sample ID: 385101005 Client ID: MJ\VCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-0CT-15 !"0:05 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 32% Parameter MDC RL Units_. . .... i?.f.__~-~~~ys_t __!)ate Time Batch. !\-1~thod_ Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 22 ! 6 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 32 0 percent LYTI 11110/15 0955 1521927 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actmium-227 !J -0.598 +/-lJ 511 0703 pCi!g RXF2 12!03/l:'i 0825 1522386 2 r\ntimony-125 u 0.143 +/-0 176 .ii 346 pCi.'g Ccsium-137 3.64 +/-0 256 0 108 0.[()0 pC1/g Cobalt-60 ll fl.Oii -r/-0.-0535 0.112 pCi/g Europium-154 l! 00401 +/-0 155 0.31_6 pC1/g Protacumum-231 lJ -0.936 +/-0.826 I 27 jJC1/g Radium-226 074(! +/-0 216 0.200 pCilg Radium-228 0 777 +/-0 275 0.308 pC1/g Tin- 126 l.l 0 0572 +/-0 l 74 0. 191 pC1/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A/B. solid "Dry Weight Corrected" l\.l1Jh.a 12.6 +1-3 93 3.89 4 00 pCilg JXB7 12/02115 1412 152576% 3 Beta 25.5 +/-3.89 3 57 IIJ.O pCi/g !l1e_ f<>.~l.t>.w.!~~- P.r~p .~1.~t_l:o~~--~\.'~r7_ P:e.~~<>.rr_n_~<;I:_ .. Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch br-Y So1i Prep... ... . *- .... "or): Soii"Prcp GL-kA°D~A-(i.ii . . . ... -..... . L)'Ti .. . 0955

                                                                                                                                                                                          *****152f927"""-*-*** ............ **- .. ***-*-* **-

.!.h.~-f?.11?\~*.in_~ -~-~-alY.ti_ci:t_l_ l\~~tl1~~~ pe_~r~rI?~d: .. . . ..... . .. .. ..... . . .. . . .. . . .. ... .. .. . (\W~o-~_ ... . .. _p~scr,ipti911_____ ......... *****--- .................... ___ .. -** *-****** .......... _.. AnaJyst.(o~in<,:)1t~ ........ . [ ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE HASL 300, 4 5 2.3iGa-lll-R EPA 900.0iSW846 9310.iSM 71 JOB Modified Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - {843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation* Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffalo. New York ! 4228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: l.2.CJ Project: MJWC001 l5 Sample ID: 38.5101006 Client ID: MJWCOOI l\!latri.x: Soil Collect Date: 22-0CT-15 !0:55 Rec*eive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 24%

 ~~r~!n.~t~r . . .. .                   ......... .9~.a~fier      -~e_s.~il~ ___U_n.c.e~~int.J.:. _ . _ -~1.I?S .           ... RL Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 %i Moisture "As Received" Mrnslure                                                                24 0                                                                          percent                        l. YTI     11110115 0955 I 521927 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid Dry Weight Corrected" Aclmium-227                                                ll      -0.0837           -t/-0 370                 0.680                                    pCifg                        RXF2. 12iU3115 0826 1522386                                       2 Antimony-12.5                                              [.l       00215           +/-0.151                  () 281                                   p('iig Ccsium-137                                                              2 52          +/-ll.198                () 102             0 IOtl                pC1!g Cobalt-60                                                  u         0.0114         +l-0 .04(15              0 0856                                     pC1/g Europtum-154                                               u       -0.0436           +/-0 13 3                 0245                                     p(."':'1/g
  • Protactimum-231 L' U.537 .,-/.1) 730 I 32 pC1/g Radium-22.6 {) 909 ...,.() 223 0201 pCilg Radium-228 0 595 +/.().287 0.350 pCilg Tin-126 U -00136 +/-0 166 0262 pC1/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC'. Gross AIB, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 7 52 +/-3.29 3.92 400 pC1/g JXB7 12102/15 \412 1525768 3 BS ~5 +1-3.81 3 69 10 0 pCi/g Th.~. f<?!.1.()~Y.i~~ Pr~P... 1\.'!t:t~.od_s _we1:~ p_e1/()1:llll!d.:_

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch ory**so~rpr*ef; ** **-*-**-*-- **-*******-**or): So1f'Pre*p*GL~R:Ao.:A:o:ff **-***-***-****** * . -****- . **-*** *"l>i'fl * ............... f1ii.nii5 * .. l)955 ***i si 19ii". *** ................. ** ***** -*** -* * **-** _:r1~e 1~~)?~!.~~--f\~~IY.ti~~l '.':~~~~o_ct: ."."'~~- ~:.r!?.~~-~-: ..... _......... __ ........ -*- _-*** ........ . . ......... ***-***---* Methqtj .. . . .D_e~cripti{)n. .. . . .. .. . .......... _ .. ... . .... . . _An11.J.l'st ~Ql)l,JJJe.11ts.... . .. _.. . ASTM D2216(Mod1ITcd) 2 DOE HASL 300, 4523fGa-01-R 3 EPA 900. OiSWS46 93 IOjSM 71 IOB Mod 1ficd Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level fl .96-sigma). 11

GEL LAB ORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Rcpon Dote: December 17, 2015


Ms. Lourie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 1.1.C l Project: l\-UWCOOJ 15 Sample ID: 3&5101005 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soi! Collect Date: 22-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05*NOV- J5 Col!ector: Client Moisture: 32% P:u---.unete r Result L)tcert:ti!l!Y ________ :Vl_D( __ . --~c __ __ . _ _Trr. _____ . . RL,_ Units _ Df_ -~~~~y~t- ___ _I>atc___Ti1t1e. J3'.lt~-~-- --~ltd:_ Gravimi:tric Solitls

 .-IS1JJ D 2216 % MoislUre "As Rt:cei1*ed" Mo1s1ure                                                           J2_0                                                                                             percent             LYTl   11/\ll/15 0955    1521927 R11d Gam1t1a Spec Alrnlysh Gammpspec. Gamma. Sofid "Dry Weigh! Corrected" Actmmm-227              '                          U          -(l.598          +1-0511                0.703         () 328         +1*0.585                          pC1/g              RXF2   12103115 0825     1522386         2 Antunony-125                                       U             0 143         +1-0 176               () 34&        0.162          +i-0 188                          pC1/g Bismuth-212                                        U             0.236         +l-0.678                  !J3        0591           +1-0.687                          pCi/g Bismuth-214                                                      0.740         +/-cl 216              0.200      D.ll9Q(,          +/-0_226                          pCtlg Ccsmm-137                                                          JM           +/-ti 256             0 108         (l 049         +/-tl-416           () 1(1{)      pCilg Cobalr-60                                          U             !i tl1 I     +/-0 05J5               {) 112     0.0476           +1-0.0538                          pCilg Europium-15-1                                      U           O 040 !         +/-0 155               (1.316        0.135          -<-/-0 \56                        pC1/g Lcad-212                                                         0.615         +/-0.142               () 155     O_ll724           ~1-0_ 152                         pCilg.

Lead-214 0.910 +/-0 196 0403 II 193 i-/-0.212 pCt!g Potassium-40 I0.4 +/-1.92 0.958 0-396 +/-2.12 pC1/g Protacumum-231 u -0 936 +/-0 826 I 27 0-589 -t-/-0. 952 pCi/g Radium-226 0.740 f.().2]6 0200 00906 +f-0.226 pCi/g Rad111m-228 0.777  ;./.Q 275 "308 0.132 +/-0 Jlll) p('1/g Thallium-208 0.121 +/-0.102 IW96R l)_[).\36. +/-0.102 p('ilg Tin-126 tJ 00572 +/-0-17-1 0 191 0.0904 +/-0 175 pC1/g Rad Gas .Flow Proportional Counting GFPC G1*oss A.B. solid "D1:1* Weigh! Cprrec1ed" Alphil 12 6 +/-3-93 3-89 1.57 +/.4_62 400 pCi!g JXB7 12102115 1412 1525768 3 Reta 25.5 +/-3.89 3-57 1 61 +l-5 31 100 pCilg ~:~c _foll~\~i_ng_Pi:_ep_ l\-leth_ii.~s. '\er.~ _p~rforn,i_~~ . . . .. . **-** -- . ... -*-*-**. **- Method Description Analyst  !>ate Time Prep Batch Dry*S(11J Prep Dry S(lll Prep GL-RAD*A-02 I L'lTI 11/IOflS 0955 1521927 Tbe __f.0J_ll)~-~1_!~_A!1_~_lyti_ca,I __ i\~_et_ho~~- ~\*er,~ p~r_f~ ~lll~c!- _ ...... ... . . ******** .............. ******-* ***-**** *****-**** Method Description ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE l\ASL 300, 4 5 2 J/Ga-0!-R 3 EPA 900_0/SW846 93 !0ISM 7\ IOB Modified Surrogateffraccr Recovery Test Batch m ReCO\'Cry% Acccp!ablc Limits

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -{843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis

  . Company:        M.IW Corporation Address:        15 Hazelwood Dri\*e Suite 112 Bu!Tnlo. New York 14228                                                                                                           Report Date:      December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 1.1.C I Project: MJWCOOI 15 Sample ID: 385101005 Client ID: MJWC_OO ! Par~mctcr .. .Qu,nlilfcr. ...... R.!~u_U_ ..... ~~n-~ert;a_i!J.IY. ...... ~:l_l)C ........ _l~c__ .... __ .. Tr..L ....... ll~ ...~'{lits... .Df. ~\n_aly~t. l)at~. l}l_tlc __ B~tc_h_. ~t.!.1~ Sur1*ogatc/Traccr Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2*040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - {843} 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Huzelwoo<l Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: January 2.0, 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 1.1.C.2 Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID: 388092001 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-0CT-15 Receive Date: 23-DEC-15 Collector; Client Moisture: 17.8% Parameter ...... 911.al_ilil'.'.. -* MDC Le TPl' RJ, l'nits... f>.~. ::.\n'.11.Ys.t .. Date Time Batch Mttl. Gravimetric Solids 1JSTM D 2.216 % Moisture "As Received" Mornturc 17.8 pcrc~nt LYTI 12124115 0703 1533555 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gum ma. Solid "DIJ' H'eighr .Corrected" Actmmm-227 lJ 0.039 +/-0.193 0.355 0 \69 +l-0 \94 pC1/g MJB I 12i29/15 1154 1533562 2 Antm1011y-!25 ll -0.0086 +/-0 072 0 134 0.0626 +l-0 0721 pCi/g Bi~muth-212 UI 0 OU  ;./.(l 40') 0.824 0.385 ..f.tJ.471 pC1/g Bi~muth-214 0.599 +/-0l12 00%(> 00448 +/-0 123 pC1/g Cl.lS\UID-137 0.182 +1-0.0431 00264 IU)l 12 +/-0.0458 0.1()0 p('1/g Cob~lt-60 u -000744 +1-0.0317 0 0.575 0.0256 +/-0.0319 pC1fg Emopium-154. u 00456 +/-0.0908 0 180 . 0.08l3 +/-0 0932 . pCilg 1.cau-212 0.522 H-0 !04 0. !06 (). 0513 +/-0 113 pCi/g Lead-214 () 878 +/-0 14(, 0106 00498 +/-0 164 p(.'1lg Potassium-40 9 so +/-I 00 0 601 0 269 +/-1 30 pCifg ProUictimum-231 lJ 0 00 +1-0561 0.599 0 281 +1-0 592 pCi!g Radium-226 0599 +/.() l 12 O.ll%(1 0 0448 +1-0 123 pC1/g Radium-228 0.6f>3 +/-0.230 l) 169 () n759 +/-0.250 pC1tg Thall1um*20& 0 248 +/-Q.0628 0.0465 \10215 +/-0.0663 pCi/g Tm-!26 u 0 0313 +l-0 0955 0 130 0063 +/-0.0964 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Prupurticmal Co!lntin~ CiFPC, Gross A:B. solid 11D1:1' Weight Carn!l'ted'1 Alplla 9 22 +/-l.49 l 62 () 748 +/-2.31 4 00 p('ilg JXB7 01/11/16 1859 1534760 3 Beta 14 3 +./-! 24 1.28 0614 +1-2.34 10 0 pCi.1g

}l.1_c:_ ff!ll_ow_i_ng_P.~_e.p ~l~t~ods "'-cr.e_pcr..form_e_d ....

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Blitch Dry Soil Prep Dry Sml Prep GL-RAD-A-02 l LYTI 12/24-115 11703 1533555

1:~':! ft_il_ID'Y.~n.g An:J:lyt~t:~l _:V,l!:!~~odS'_Ytr~ pcrforl!le.~..
VIethod Description ASTM D 2216 (Modil1ed) 2 DOE HASI. 300, 4.5.2JiGa-01-R EPA 900.0!S\V846 93l0/SM 71 lOB Modified Surrogatc/frncer Recovery Test Batch ID Reco,*c1j% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -{843) 556-8171 -WWW.!; Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 1!2 BufTalo. New York 14228 Report Dare; January 20. 2016


Ms. Laurie Lo~ey Project: Soil Radioi~otopes Client Sample ID: l. l.C.2 Project: MJWCOO I 15 Sample ID: 388092001 Client JD: MJWCOOI Parameter Qualifier .......R.csu_lt .... l' ......MDC......I:c . Surrogateffraeer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovcry 0k Acceptable Lin1its Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty arc calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Ha:;o;clwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: January 20. 20 I 6


Ms. Lallrie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 1.1.C.2 Project: MJWCOOJJS Sample JD: 388092011 Client ID: MJWCOOJ Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-0CT-15 Receive Date: 23-DEC-l 5 Collector: Clieut Moisture: l 7.8~o Pa ram etc.- Le TPl' RL ll11its Rad Gmnma Spec Analysis c;ammaspec, Gamma, Solid "D1:v H-'eiglu Corrected" Acumum-227 l~ 0 189 +/-(J.366 0420 0.196 +/.() 37} pCi/g MJHI 01118116 1)627 I 534020 Anmnony-125 u ().()0955 +f-0.0883 0 168 0 0769 +/-0 0884 pCilg Bismuth-212 Ul 0 00 +/.] 04 1 31 0.607 +/-1 25 pCil~ Bismuth-214 {) 814 +l-1) 159 0 l19 0.0536 +l-0 173 pCilg Ce~mm-137 0.150 +/-0.0613 1).(1615 0.{]274 +/-0.0625 0.100 pCl/g Cobalt-60 ll 0.00777 +/-0 0336 00701 0 0.298 +/-0.0338 pC1/g Europium-154 !J -II U0312 +/-0 l !3 0.220 0.0958 +1-0 113 pCi/.g Lead-2!2 0646 +/-0 I \9 0.0981 00461 +J-!l 148 pCi/g Lead-2\4 0.946 +1-0.168 n.296 0 143 +1-0 I'll pC1lg l'otassmm-40 9.18 +/-1.34 tl.716 llJl2 +I-I 57 pCi/g Prota~trmum-231 UI 000 +1-0.454 0 626 0.284 +/-0.473 pC1/g Ratlium-226 08l4 .,./.(1 [59 0.119 0.0536 +1-0.173 pCllg Radium-228 06&5 +/-0.271 0.223 0 0972 t-1-0291 pCill! Thallium-208 0. 191 +/-0 0609 ll.0636 (J 0288 +/-0 063 pCi/g Tm-126 UI 0.00 +l-00805 ll0794 0 0375 +/-0 0823 pC1fg.

!!.if:!_ foll()wing. l'rcp. ~!.c.t.~oi!~_\vere . , .,............. .                                                                    . .. .. .. . . ***-*

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Balch Dry Soll Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYTI *!2124/l.5 0703 1533924 !_h1:..f.1J!l~~':!l!~l!\~!1:1Y.1!.~.'11.~1c1.h.o<J.:s 'Y.e1*e. p~~.f.~.r~e(~ Method Description DOE HASL 300.4.5.2 3/Ga-01-R Surro~111e/Tracer Re<:overy Test Batch ID Recovery% Ac:ceptable Limit~

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8i71 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJ\\' Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: January 20. 20 l6


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotapes Client Sample 10: 1..1.C'.2 Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID: 388092011 Client ID: MJWCOOI P:ir:imeter ...... Q'!ali~_e!'. Result ... _l'n~ert:tinty .  !\-'IJ)C Le ........ T..f:'.l! ......... _l_lL .... l:n.ils.. ll.F. -~"lll):'st .. _[)i:i_t~ .'!:.i.1_n~ .~atc.h .. M.ttL Surroii,atcffraccr Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Ae~eptablc Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty arc calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Ce.-tificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 HaLelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample fD: 1.2.C 1 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385101006 Client lD: MJWCOOI Matnx: Solt Collect Date: 22-0CT-tS Receive Date: 05-NOV-i5 Collector: Client Moisture: 24% Parameter Le

  • 000****


                                                                                                                                  >O* ** OOHO 0 M >O 0  0 0   0 RL                 (:nits OF Analvst 00000 0 . . . . . 00 0 Date Time Batch :VHd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      ****** ~ * * *
  • 00 . , 00 *** 0 00 0 ., 0 0 00 0 ... 0 Gravimetric Solids ASTJf D 2216 % Moi11ture '~4s Received

Moisture 240 percent LYTI 11/lQ.1150955 1521917 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry /Yei~hl Corrected" Actmium-227 \J -0.0837 **/-0 370 0.680 0 322 +1-0 373 pCi/g RXF2 l 2103.115 0826 152:;!386 2 Anlimony-125 IJ 00215 +/.() \51 0 281 0131 +1-0 151 pC1/g Bismuth-212 u 0.529 +/-0 674 I 36 0619 +1-tl 717 pCilg Bismuth-214 0.909 +/.().223 ()201 0.0931 +/-0 236 pCi/g Ccsium-137 2 52 +/-0.198 0 102 0.0465 +/-0.286 () 100 pC1/g Cobalt*60 u 00114 +/-0.0405 0.085<- () 0363 +/-{) 0409 pCt/g Europium-154 LT -0.0436 +l*O 133 0.245 0 l05 +l-0 JJ4 pCi/g Lead-212 0.621 +/-0 130  !) 153 () 0727 t-/.() 139* pCi/g Lead-214 0.926 +/-0.244 0205 0.0%3 +f-0 255 pC1/g Potassrnm-40 11 7 +/-1 50 0 645 () 257 +/-1 82 pC1/g Prolactmrum-231 u 0 S37 +/-0 730 132 0.621 "'-/-0 778 pCi/g Radium-226 0.909 +/-0 223 0 201 () 0931 +f-0.136 pCt/g Radium-228 0.595 +/-0.287 0 350 0.157 +1-0.298 pCi!g Thallium-208 0246 +/-0 090 0 094(, OJJ434 +1-0.tl924 p('i/g Tin-12(> LI -0.0136 +/-0.1()6 n.2n2 0.126 +!-016.6 pCi!g, Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross :J.B. solid Dry Weight Corrected" Alplia 7.52 +/-3 29 3. 92 I SY +/-3 63 4*00 pCt/g .JX!l7 ~2!02115 1412 1525768 3 Beta 24.5 ~t-3.81 3 69 1.68 +1-5.17 100 pCt!g Jh.i: f.o_l_Io_l.v.i!ll,1 ~.'.:..".P. M~~~<l..d.s_1'."cr.e pc_rforlJl~<.1.. ... .... -*-*

!\1ctho<l                           Description                                                               Analyst                     Date                                Time            Prep Batch Ory Soil Prep                        Dry Soil Prep U L-RAD-A-021                                               !.YTl                        I III 1)/15                          0955          1521927

"_fb~ f[Jll(J1Vill,f,{ A1rn!r.t!c:1l :\-!ctlil)~.~ _'.\'.t:'.:.e_ r.e_r~nrnu!~

\1ctb11d Description ASTM D 22 I6 (Mo<l1Jicd) 2 DOE HASL 300. 4 5.2.J.'Ga-01-R 3 EPA 900 O!SWS46 9310/SM 71 lOB Modified Surrogaterrracer Reco1*cry Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable I,imits

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drh:e Suite 112 13uffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 1.2.Cl Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385101006 Client ID: MJWCOOl -~iu:_~_rn.~!.cT _.. ____ . _____ ..Q_11i~i.f!~~- .. ,, _ _l~e_s~tlt_.... -~'.!l~C._t:t:tin!Y. _.... ,~1.J?.~~ .... Le JJ'.l~. _. __ }ll,;.____Lt11.i1!1.. ll.1'.'.. ~!lalyM_ __()~te JilJI~. _Bnt~h.. :\f~~: Surrogalcffraccr Recovery Test Batch ID Reco\'ery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - W" Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 !*Ia:i:eh\ood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: January 20. 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project; Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 1.2.C.2 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID; 388092002 Client !D: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 22-0CT-l 5 Receive Date: 23-DEC-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 15.8% Result Le ... TPJ'.. RL l'.nits Dr< Analnt

                                                                                                                                ....................................... ****' '* .......Date

Time Batch :\-1td. GraYimch'ic Solids i!STM D 2216 % Mois/l/re "As Rect'iw:d" Moisture 15.S percent LYTI 12124115 0703 1533555 Rud Gamma Spec Anal)*sis Gommaspec. Gamma. Solid "DI')' lFl!ight Corrected" Actinium-227 U  !}.()35 +1-0.176 11343 0.163 +1-0.177 p('1lg MJH I 12/29115 1154 1533562 2 Antmiony-125 ll U.033 +/-0 0658 0.128 00601 +1*0.0675 pCi!g l31smuth-212 lJ IJ 00 +f-0 523 0.&52 0400 +1-0.843 pC1!g Bismuth-214 0 605 +t-O 120 ()(1912 00422 +/-() 136 pCilg Cesmm-137 0 139 +!-0 0437 0.05\ 0.0236 +/-0.0452 0 100 pCi/g Cobalt-60 lJ (I 0124 +f-0.03Q 0.()606 0.0273 +/.(l.0305 pC1ig

  • Europmm-154 lJ 0.{1494 +f-0 128 0 tSO 0()818 +1-0.130 pCi/g Lead-212 0.715 +l-ll,132 00806 00385 +i-0.14(1 pCi/g Lead-214 0 812 +/-0 114 0.200 0 0972 +J-0 133 pC'i/g Pornssmm-40 13 n +/-1 ()6 0.348 0 144 +/-1 53 pC'1/g Protactmium-231 ll 0.110 +l-0 388 iJ5J(I 0248 +1-0.431 pCl/g Rmhum-226 n 605 +f-0 126 00912 0.0422 H-0.1311 pC1!g

. Radium-228 0 456 +/-0 233 () 1~9 00711 +1-0 24() pCi/g Tbalhum-208 0.226 +/.().0531 00445 0.0205 +/-U.0563 pC1/g Tin-126 UI 000 +f.JJ lll7 () 129 0U625 +l-0 107 pC1/g Rad Gns Flo1~ Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross A. B, solid D1J* Weight Corrected"

                                                                                 +/-1.68          2 2')            +/-2 09                    pCiig                                 Olil 1/16 1859             1534760
 ~*                                                            ~D                                          1 08                    4.00                             JXB7                                                 3 Bc1<1                                                          170              +1-145            l.tW   0 818    +/-2.77         10.0       pCilg T~c fo_ll()Wi_n_g __P_:r.e.p ~I~!~~d..:~.l\:~1:c.J.lC!:fo_rll\£d. .....
 .\1ethod                   Description                                                                 Analyst        Date                 Time            Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep              Dry Sotl Prep GL-RAD-A-021                                                  I.YT!          12/24115              0703            1533555 The following Anal)iical Methods                   W!;rC  11crformed
~:1~th-~d* ** **** * * **i!>!iiiii * *** * ** ** -* ** *** * ****** **

ASTM D 2216 [:>.fod1fied) DOE HAS!. 30G, 4.5.2 3/Ga-01-R EPA 900 OISW846 9310iSM 7! lOB Modified Surrc>gatc/Tracer Recovery Test Batcll JO Recovery% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112

                    ~uffalo, New York 1.:/.228                                                                           Report Onie:        January 20. 2016 Contact         Ms. Laurie Losey Project:        Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID:    1.2.C.2                                                                  Project             MJWC00115 Sample ID:           388092002                                                                Client ID:          MJWCOO l l'arnmeter                                                              Le         .... 'f P.t:. _. *-* *- _RL.. _~'.nhs_. _D.f A11a_lyst___ 0.!lt.~ _Time ..B~tc~ .. ~I_td:

Surrogatcn'racer Recovery Test Batch ID Rccm*cry% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( ! .96-sigma).

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I 12 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: Jan11ary 20. 2016


M~. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample IO: 1.2.C.2 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 388092012 Client JD: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soi I Collect Date: 22-0CT- l 5 Receive Date: 23-DEC-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 15.8% Parameler .Le Rad Gamma Spec Aualysis Gamma:;pec. Gamma. Solid "Dry 1-Veight Corrected Acnrnum-227 u 0017 +/-0 253 D 495 0 231 +1-0.253 pC1/1; MJHI 01/18116 0627 1534020 Antimony-125 ur 0 00 +/-0 0944 . 0 200 (J 092 +1-0.106 pC'l/g Bismuth-212 u 0.557 +1-U.587 1n 0.562 +1-!i.641 pC1/g Bismuth-214 D.730 +/-0 170 I) 131 0.059 +i-0 183 pCi/g Ces!um-137 () l43 +/-() 063() 0.0815 (}.(1372 +/-0 0649 U.10(1 pC1tg Cohalt-6(1 u -0.00831 +/-<i 0387 0 0741 (}.()313 +/-0 03&9 pC1/g Europium-154 u -00202 +1*0.147 0.276 0 123 +/-0. 147 pCi!g Lead-212 0891 +1-0126 fJ.l 17 0055.J. +1-0 148 pCilg Lead-214 1 03 +l-0 209 ll 13 l 0060 +/-0.228 pCi/g Poiassi um-40 l4.7 +i-1 52 0.67() 0.27'J +l-1 97 p('i/g Protacl1111um-231 IJ -0.189 ..,.{) 521 11.MJ 0 38.9 +1-0.529 p('1lg Radmm-226 0 730 +/-0 170 0 131 0059 +1-0 183 pCi/g Radmiri-228 0932 +/-0 262 ll 295 0.132 +/-0.298 pC!fg

'Ilml\mm-208                                             0.185            +/-0 030      00679      00307    +/-0 0817               pCilg Tm-126.                                     lJ         ()0471             +/-0.140         0 161   (}07&8    +1-0 14]               pC1/g
r~~ foll.ov;ing J11~e]?_i';.l!'.~~~ds .w~:r~ r.~rro.i:111cl}

Method Description Anal)'St Date Time Prep Batch D1J Soil Prep D0* Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYTl 12124/15 0703 1533924 !h.c. foll1J, l}\l~.t~o'l.s ...

\fotl!od Description DOE HASL 300. 4 5 2 3/Ga-Ol*R Sllrrogateffracer Recovery Test Barch JD Rcc1n*cry% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Bu!Talo. New York 14228 Report Dute: January 20. 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Prnject: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 1.2.C .2 Project: MJWCOOJ 15 Sample ID: 388092012 Client ID: MJWCOOI .l'.'.1.ra~~-te~**-**- ....... -*** .... 9.1!.?.l_ifi.~.r. ...... ~es!l_lt.. _l'n_cc.rtain1_v . *-* .. :\:IT)C_ .. J,c TPt:

                                                                                                                      ... -*****- -     R~. C1t!t~ ... IJ_f'. 1~11alyst_ . D_a~_e.Yilile _B_at.c_h_ ..~~td.

Sui*l'Ogate!fracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Lirnits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company: MJ\V Corporation Address: 15 Haze!wo.od Drive Suite 112 BuffaioT New York . 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes

                     *client Sample ID:                     1.3.CI                                                                                   Project:              MJWCOOll5 Sample ID:                            385101007                                                                                Client ID:            MJWCOO!

Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-15 09:35 Receive Date: 05*NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 39.2% Parameter Qualifier MDC RL Gravimetric Solids ASTh1D2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 392 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gatnmaspec. Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actmium-227 u -0 01U9 +/-() 316 Antimony-l 25 ll 0.156 +/-0152 Cesium-l37 0.406 +/-0.144 Cobalt-60 ll 0.0075 +f-0 0663 Europ1um-l54 u 0 165 +/-0.187 Protaclimum-231 u 0.635 +/.rJ.752 Radium-226 ll.802 +/-0.242 Radium-228 \.03 +/-0 402 Tin-l26 Ul 0 00 ...,_() 0942 Rad. Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A/B, solid "Dry Weight CotTected" ~~ 7M +/-3,45 Beta  :!5 6 +/-3 77 T.liefoll.~w!ng Prep .Me~l!ol:J~ ..\1V~.r.e pe.r.f:'a.i:m.e.d.: ... Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch bi):so~*1prcp*- ***** **-****** ....... _"Dr}*s*oii.PiePGL~*RAb-A'~*oii * ** *'L~*~:ri .......... * -* * 't"1/i-Oils*** ***** - -*6;i55 ........ ***1'5ii9i7 .. ............ ***-*****- . *

 !.~~- ~~.ll_():Vi!lg; ~~~l~t.i_~.~1. ~f~.tll.?.~.s \V.e.ri:yer.f?.rn.1ed.: _ ..... _. ................_ ... *-............................... *- ..... _. .. ..... .                      .. .

.M~t.h9.<l _ ............. -**.,rip~ior.i ....... _................ -* . .... ........... .. . .. .At!~! *-. .. .. .. ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE HASL 300, 3 EPA 900 OISW846 9310/SM 71 lOB Modified Notes: Countrng Uncertainty is calculated at the 95%, confidence level ( l .96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: !VUW Corporation Address: 15 Haiclwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York. 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes ClientSampleID: 1.3.CI Project: MJWCOOll5 Sample ID: 385l01007 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 39.2% Parameter ... 9.ua_li_~~'." . . Result Le Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % !'doislure "As Received" Momure 39.2 percent LYTI 11/10115 0955 1521927 Rad Gamma Spc~ Anal~*sis GammasjJec. Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actinium-227 u -Q.0109 +f-0 316 0 586 0 27{) +/-0.316 pC1/g RXF2 t:\103/!5 0826 1522386 2 Antimony-125 ur 000 +/-0.152 03!4 (J 145 +1-0 \()8 pCi/g B1smuth*212 U1 000 +/-!DB 2.21 I 01 +(-1 24 pCt/g !3ismuth-214 0.802 +l-0 242 0.194 0.0856 +l-0 251 pCtlg Ce~ium-137 0406 +/-0 144 0. I09 0 0478 *-1-0.148 0.!00 pC1/g Cobalt-60 ti 00075 .../-0.0663 () 136 00569 +/-0.0664 pCt/g Europium-154 u 0 165 +/-0 187 n.429 (l 184 +l-0 202 pCt/g Lead-210 3 71 /-0.987 0.993 0.467 +/-I 04 4.00 pCi/r; Lead-212 0.879 +/-0 ]37 0 156 0.0733 +l-0 168 pCi/g Lead-il4 0.930 -i-/-0 237 0222 0.103 +/-() 25\ pC1lg Pota5S1um-40 f.j 3 -r/-2.24 (} 9{).1 () .140 +/-2.58 pCilg Pr(llactinium-231 Ul ().IJ(I +/~0 752 1.33 0.1>2() +/-0.8\7 p(i/g Radium-226 0 802 +/-0 242 0.194 ().()851* +/-0 25 [ pCilg Radium-228 I 03 +/-0.402 0434 0.187 +/-0 423 pCi!g Thallium-208 0369 +/.() 107 () 104 0.0465 +/-0 ! I! pCrlg Tin-126 lll 0.00 -'-f-0.0.942 0 106 () 0501 +/-00958 pC1/g Rad Ga~ Flaw Proportirrnal Counting GFPC, Gross A-*B, solid "Di)' Weigllt Corrected" Alpha 784 +/-3.45 J 97 1.60 +/-3.81 4 00 pClig JXB7 12'02/ l 5 1420 1525 768 3 Beta 25 6 +/-3. 77 3 05 l 35 +t-S 21 ]{) 0 pCilg !h~fo~lowing_P_~(!P -~~_tl10ds_ w~rc _pc_r,f()rl11~~.

Vlei hod Description Analyst Date Time Prep !latch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil l'rcp GL-RAD-A-021 LVTl l l/10!15 0955 1521927

~:he.f.ollowf11_g 1.\!J.lllyt_i~_al_M~~l!t,!d_s_~\:eE~..r.erfo_~lll_c~... Method Description ASTM D22\6 (Modified) 2 DOE HASL 300,4.5.2 J/Ga-()1-R 3 EPA 90().0!SW846 93 IOISM 71 !0B Modified Surrogate{fracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recover}*% Acceptable Li111its

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive

                    *Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228                                                                        Report Date:         December 17. 2015 Co11tact:        Ms. Laurie Losey Project:         Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID:      1.3.Cl                                                             Project:          MJWCOOl 15 Sample !D:             385101007                                                          Clien1 JD:        MJWCOO\

P:ir:tmcter .. _Result .. {* .. Jvl_J!(. Le TPl' RL.....~:n.1t.~ ... D_F__A11!1l:p_t ___ [)!l~~.!il_llc_)lj\tC~ :\:ltcL Surrogatefl.'racer Recovery Test Batch ID Re~ovcry% Accc1>tabfc Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 * (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York !4228 Report Date: January 20. 20 ! 6 Contact Ms. Laurie: Lose)' Project Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 1.3.C.2 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 388092013 Cllent lD: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Colh'lct Date: 21-0CT-15 Receive Date: 23-D EC -15 Collector: Client

  • Moisture: 21.6%

Parameter Le RL . l:'n [t.s....I:>.F.: Analys_t ...1)1_1 le_ .. Batch.. :\1t.~ .. Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Wei1?111 Corrected" Actmium-227 u 0 166 +/-OJI I 0.595 0280 +/-0.321 pCi.lg MJHI 01/18/16 0705 1534020 Antimony-125 u *0.0396 +/*O.l 16 *0203 0.0928 +/.().118 pC1/g Bismuth-2 l2 UI 0 00 +i-107 1 59 0742 +I-I 68 pCi!g Bismuth-214 I 08 +/-0 170 () 152 0.06&9 .../-0.192 pCi/g Ccsium-137 0.482 +1-0 []947 l) 0637 0.0279 +/-0.102 0 JOO pC!lg Cobalt-60 u (I 0129 .,.1-0.0444 0.0907 0 ()393 +1-li 0448 pCi/g f,urcp*um-154 u 0.0122 +/-0 138 (l.268 O.l 18 +/-0. 138 pC1/g LeHd-212 1.07 +/-0 J3B () 126 () 0594 .,./-0 162 pC'ili; Lead-214 I 31 +/-0211 0.388 0.1&8 +/../,) 234 pCi/g Potassmm-40 14.2 f/-1 72 0.877 0.379 +1-2 15 pC!!g Protnct1111um-23 l \JI 0.00. +/-fl 623 l 05 0,+90  :..1.0 632 pC)/g Radium-226 I 03 +/-0.170 0 152 006S9 -+/-0. \92 pC1/g Radiuni-228 . I 02 +/-0 272 0.309 0.138 ~*/-ll.306 pCilg Thalhum-208 0 360 +l-0 093B ti 0771 0.035 .,.f-0.0985 pCi!g Tin-121i lJI 000 +/-0.130 0.209 0 IOI +1-0 \31 pCtlg Th_~ f~!.l<l~~*i!lz. r.i:i:.e..JV!ethods_ w.~.**.c pi:rro~~c_d____ ... Method .Description *Analyst Date "Time Prep Batch DI)' Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021  !,YTI 12/24f15 U703 1533924 "t.he..f~l~~~v~~g :':\n_i:il~ica_l_l\11~.t~~-~s .~l'~r~..J?.crfoE~l(!~ _.. . ..... .. .. .... .. . ... ... . ...... __ . Method Description DOE HASL 300. 4.5.2 3/Ga--01-R Surrogateffracer Recovery Test Batch JD Recovery% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843} 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: l 5 I!azelwood. Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: January 20, 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioi5otopcs Client Sample JD: 1.3.C.2 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 3&8092013 Client ID: MJWCOO 1

 !'a.:a."..1d.~r........ _ .... . . ,quAli~cr ...... -~~c~1:1I~ .. -... l'.nce.rta.i11t.v ...... i>l!)C......L~ ...... -* ~P,l.!                   RL**-*
                                                                                                                                           ............ l;nils      IW r\ni1lvst
                                                                                                                                                          ,. . . .. . . .. .. - ... ~-      .. . . .. Time
                                                                                                                                                                                       . . Dale        ........B1ttch   Mtll.

Surrogate!Tr:iccr Recovery Test Butch ID Rccovc~*% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma). L

I GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l L2 13uffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: January 20. 2016


  • Ms. Laurie J ,osey Project Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 1.3.C.1 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 388092003 Client ID: MJWC001 Matrix: Soil Co!lect Date: 21-0CT-15 Receive Date: 23-DEC- l 5 Collector: Client Moisture: 21.6%

Parameter .... <)_uali_(i~r. . RcsuH ___ . J:nc.cr_ta.~11.t:Y ........ MDC Le . ~.Irr... . .. E.~ .....~*_nit~. _DF ..~\n1tl>.:st .... Date. .IJ!l!~ . ~a.~~h. _1\'1!~.'.. G r:ivimctric Solids ASTA-ID 12 J6 % Moisture "As Receivl!d" Mmsture 216 percent LYTI 12i24/l5 0703 1533555 Rail Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "D1:r !Veigf1t Corrected" Actinium-227 U -0.0784 +/-0.231 0.413 0.1% +l-0 234 pCtlg MJHI 12129115 \ 154 1533562 2 Antimony-125 lJ 00254 +/-00997 () 166 0.0782 +/-0 JOO pC1/g Bismutll-212 1.39 +l-0 700 n 852 0.394 +/-0.713 pC1.lg Bismutii-214 0678 +/-0122 (). 114 005:'.l +l-0.134 pCt/g Ccsium-137 0 405 +/-0 067B 0 0658 (I 0306 +1-0 0752 () 100 p('tlg Cobnit-60 U 0.0136 +/-!J.0426 0 0739 00332 +l-0 043 pC11g. l..:uropium-154 U -D.0175 +1-0 121 0.217 ll.098i +l-0 12.l pC1tg Lc~d-212 . *

  • I 06 +/.() 104 0.0882 0(142 +/-0.140 pCi/g l.ead-214 0.776 +/-0 142 0.129 00612 +/-0.157 pC11g Potassium-40 15.2 +/-l 34 0.547 0.236 +/-1.R7 pCi/g Protactmium-231 lJ 0.00 +f-0 728 0769 IJ 364 +/-0 762 pC1/g Rarlium-226 0 678 +f-0 122 0l14 0.0531 +l*O 134 pC1lg Radium-228 I 03 +/-0216 () 215 0.0974 +/-0.260 pCi!g Thaltium-208 0.286. +/.() 0695 0 0568 ll.0263 +/-(1.(1735 pCi/g Tm-126 U 0.00 ~i-0\13 0.111 0.0534 +/..{] 115 pCilg Rad Gas Flaw Proportional Counting.

GFPC. Gross A-8. solid "DI')' Ti'eight Corre,*1ed". Alpha 11 I +/-2 15 2.78 I 31 +/-3 06 4 00 pCtlg JXB7 Ol fl 1/16 1859 1534760 3 Beta 212 *-1-1.80 2 19 1.06 +/.J.53 HI Cl pC'1/g.

  • T~e- f.nll_~lt\o"i_nA, Pr~p _l\l~~-~~.d.s. ' .......... _ ... .
 ;\.let hod                   D.escription                                                                   Analyst            Date              Time       Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep                 Dry Soil Prep GL*R1\D-A-02 I                                                   LYTl               12/24115          0703       1533555 1:h.c f.IJ~ltl_)V_i:rig .A.n_a_~f.ti~~l-~fi:_t~ods_ '~C:r~ pcrfm:n.*_c~ _.. __ ...

Method Description ASThl D 2216 (Modified) DOE HASL 300, 4 5.2 3/Ga-01-R 3 EPA 9000.ISW.846 93 IO/SM 71 IOB Modilied Surrogatcffracc .. Recovery Test Batch![) Recovery% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I 12 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: Januai-y 20, 2016


  • M~. Lnurie Losey Project: Soil RJldioisolopes Client Sample ID: 1.3.C.2 Project: MJWCOOi 15 Sample ID: 388092003 Client ID: MJWCOOI Parameter Le . ll~~--. Y.*i.its . .D.-1'... :~.!1'.1.1_ys~ .. _D_a_~~..T!!'!e .. ~_:ttc.11 _..l\l,td:.

Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Reco\*ery% Acceptable Limit~ Notes: TP!J and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4. 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I 12 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes

    • -*
  • H*** *OOOO O*OOO OOOOO*o*****'* 0 H0 . . 0
  • Client Sample ID: l.3.C5 Project: MJWC00!15 Sample ID: 385101008 Client ID: MJWCOOl.

Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 2 l-OCT-l5 09:40 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 39.7% Parameter MDC RL Units Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 39 7 percent L YTI 11/\(}/I S 0955 1521927 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium lsotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" [>lutomum-238 U -0.0042 +/-0 0363 0 084 1 00 pC'1/g HAKB 11/23115 1502 1522517 l f'lutomum-239/240 ll 0 0\47 +/-0 0734 0.147 I 00 pC1!g ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-232 U 0 0644 +/-0 127 0.225 I OD pc1lg HAKB 1 l/24/15 0851 1522580 Uramum-233i234 0.656 +/-0 320 0.261 I 00 pct.lg Uranium-2351231;i U O 0709 +/-0.121 Cl.106 I 00 pctfg Urnmum-238 0 954 t/-0 367 ll.106 1 on pr:i/g Alphaspec Np237, Solid "D1y Weight Corrected" Neptumwn-237 U -0 146 +/-0 252 0.714 l 00 pCilg HAKB T l/23115 17 fl 1522576 4 Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230.232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Thorium-228 I 40 +/-0 595 CJ.449 I 00 pCrlg HAKfl 11/24/15 11114 1522579 5 Thonum-229 U -0 0406 +/-0 122 ll.344 l 00 pCilg Timrium-230 0 8()3 ../-0.444 0.343 100 pC1lg Thonum-232 0 616 +/-0.381 0.168 1 00 pC1/g Am241, Cm Solid ;'Dry Weight Corrected" Amcncium-241 lJ O 0173 +1-0.0593 011() 1 00 pC1lg HAKB l l/24115 1039 1.522571 6 Curmm-242 U -0.00457 +1-00394 II 0913 t 00 pCilg Curium-2431244 ll -0 0119 +1-0 0359 fLIOl 1 ao pC1/g Cunum-245/246 l: 0 0382 +1-0.0654 () 0573 l (l(I pCilg Liquid Scinl Pu241, Solid Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-241 U -\ S2 +/-5.SO 10.l 15.0 pCilg llAKB 11125/15 1739 1522578 7 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma 1129, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" lodine-129 lJ O 130 +/-0 576 (] 92& IUD pC1/g MJHI 12/021!5 1805 1522374 8 Gammaspec, Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actimum-227 1; 0.18 I -;-/-0 ..293 0 56l! pCtlg RXF2 12/03/15 0827 1522386 9 Antimony-125 l; 0 06D3 +/.() \O\J ll 213 pCilg Ccsium-137 CJ 481 +/-0 110 0.0796 0 100 pCtlg Coball-60 l) -0 00427 +f-Q.0412 0(l7RR pCilg Europium-154 l! * -0.0!18 +/.() 149 0.277 pC1/g Protactimum-~31 U (l 0888 +/-0.620 I (J3 pCilg

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December4, 2015

                   *Company:                        MJW Corporation Address:                        15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 1.3.C5 Project: MJWCOO!l5 Sample ID: 38510100& Client ID: MJWCOO! Rad Gamma Spec Analysis

  • Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "D1y Weight Con'Ccted" Radium-226 0 803 +/-0 169 () 156 pC'*lg Ra<lium-228 0 665 +l-ll.382 OJOO pCilg Tm-126 U! 0 00 +/.(). \6J O.IJO pCtlg Rad Gas Flow Proport[onal Counting GFPC, Gross A/B, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 9.43 +/-3.61 3.99 400 pCilg JXn7 12f02/l5 1422 1525768 LO Beta 27.0 +1-346 152 ]l),() pCtlg GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Strontium-90 U -0.321 +/-0.8S9 1 76 2 ()() pCi.lg KSDI 12/02/15 1710 1525755 II Rad Liquid Scintiflation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid "DI)' Weight Corrected" Tntium t; 2.71 +l-2 71 4.45 I> ()CJ pC1/g TXJI 12!0211 s 1944 1522724 12 Liquid Scint C' l 4, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Carbon-14. U -0 459 +/-0 768 1.32 2 00 pC1lg TXJI 12104/15 0357 1522716 13 Liquid Sein.! Tc99, Solid Dry Weight Corrected" Tcchnetium-99 U I 57 +/-2 OIJ 338 5.00 pCilg MY!\11 11/29/15 1349 1522715 14

.I.h~. f.o.ll~.'.N..i"-~.. ~~P...fyie_t!~()9s__>>'..~~~ Eerf~-~.e~.: ......_........ -* Method Description Date Time Prep Batch oi-y soii>rep. ** **** ori sO:ifi>rcii cii.:~R)\b-A-i1i1 .. iiifoh5 (l\155 1521927


                                                                      *2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4. 2015 Company:                           MJW Corporation Address:                            15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffalo, New York !4228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: l .3.C5 Project: MJWCOOI 15 Sample ID: 385101008 Client ID: MJWCOOI .Th.~.~o_l_lo_':"in~ _;\~~lrt_i~al. tvle~_hods_ ~e:_c__p~_~f.?!.n~~d_:__ . _.... .......... .. .... . Jyl~t!.1.c.>'f... . .. . .. . .. ... ... .. ... . Q~,'!~riPti Qll_.... . ......... i\STM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE EML HASL-300. Pu-I !-RC Modilkd J DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modilicd 4 ASTM C 1476-00 Modified 5 DOE EML HASL-300. Th-OJ-RC Mod1Jied 6 DOE EML HASL-300. Am-05-RC Modified 7 DOE EML HASL-300. Pu-1 I-RC Modified 8 DOE EML HASL-300J-Ol Modified 9 DOE HAS\. .100, 4 5 23/Ga-Ol*R lO EPA 900 OiSW846 93 !0ISM 7l IOJ3 Mod1f1cd ll EPA 905.0 Mod1ficdiDOE RP501 Rev 1 Modtfi~d 12 EPA 906.0 Modified l3 EPA EERF C-\)1 Modified 14 DOE EML HASL-300. 'fo*U2-RC' Modified ~.u.rro~at~(f r_~::_e!. ~e::?~e_ry Result Test ............................................................................ ***-** _l\j()n~i[]_~l...... ~_e_cg~e.9'.~ -* _'\c_c~_P.-~(l~~~J~i!:ll.it_s_ Plutonium-242 Tr<.icer ASP Plutomum !sotop1c, Solid "Dry Weight 84.:5 (15%-125%) Corrected" llranium-232 Tracer ASP Uiamurn l~otop1c, Solid "Dry Wc1gh! 42 (15%-125%) Corrected" !Jranium-235/236 Tracer ASP Uranium lsotop1c_ Sohd "Dry Weight 64.9 (15%-125%) Corrected"' Amcricmm-243 Tracer Alphaspcc Np237, Solid "Dry Wc1gln Correcccd" 86.2 (15%-125%) Aclmium-22 7 Tracer Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230.232 Sohd Dry 89.2 (15%-125%) Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Trru::cr Am24 I, C't11 Solid "Dry Wcigln Comx:lcd" 88 3 (15%-125%) Plutomum-242 Tracer Liquid Scmt Pu24 l, Solid Dry Weight Correc1cd 84 ..5 (1.5%-125%) Stronlium Carner Gl'l'C, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 86.7 (25%-l2S%} Tcchnctirn11-99m Tracer L1qu1d Scint Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Corrc~ted" 94 5 (l5%-125%i Notes: Counting Uncet1ainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 .. (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Compan>*: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Halclwood Drive Suite 112 Buffo.lo. New York 14228 Report Date; December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotor-:s Client Sample ID: l .3.C5 Project: MJWCOOJl5 Sample ID: 385101008 Client lD: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 39.7% Parameter Result _l..'n.ccrt:ii~.IY. . [\-:I.Dr .... J,.c. . . .... .. IP.t.: .. Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisl!Jre As Received" Moisture 397 percent LYT! I I/10/1 S 0955 15219i7 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Pi11to11i11111 Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonium-238 ll -0 0042 +!-0036.3 (I 084 0 0157 i/-0 0363 l 00 pC1lg HAKB 11123115 1502 1522577 2 Plutomum-239/240 u 0.0147 t/-00734 (J t.17 (J0.171 +l-0 0734 I 00 pC'ilg ASP Ura11i11111 Jsotopic, Solid "Dry 1-f'eight Co1*re~*1ed" llranium-232 lJ 00644 +1-0 127 0225 00853 +l-0 128 l.00 pci/g HAKB 11124115 0851 1522580 3 Uranium-:!331234 0.656 +/-0 320 0.261 00777 +/.() 355 l.Oll pc1/g Urnrnum-2351236 007t)<) t/-0.121 0.106 l)I)[) +(-0 123 1.00 pcilg Uramurn-238 () 954 +1~0 367 O.Hl6 0.00 +f-0.429 I 00 pci/g tflphaspec .Vpi37, Solid "D1:1* TVeight Corrected" N~ptunium-237 ll -0.146 '!-/-0.252 0714 0 241 +1-0252 1 00 pCi!g HAKB 11123115 1711 l 522576 4

  .4.fphaspec Tl1229 ;- 228:230.232 Solid "Dr.i* Weighr Corrected" Thonum-228                                          140          ~l-0 595          t'J.449     (\ \38           +/-0.631            I 00   pC1lg        HAKB 11/24115 1014 1522579      5 Thonum-229                             lJ     -0.04011           +-1-0 122         0 344     () ()876           +.'-0.123           1.00   pCi/g Thonum-230                                        0.803         +l-0 444           0.343     00874              +1-045~             I 00   pCi!g Thonum-232                                        ()616         +/-0.381           O. lfi8        000           +1-0 392            ll\O   pC1/g AmUJ, Cm Solid "Dry Weig/it Corl'ected

Amcncium-24 I u 00173 +/-0 0593 (l.l]O 00299 +1-0 0:593 1.00 pC1/g HAKE l 1124115 1039 152257,l 6 Curium-242 u -0 00457 +1-0.0394 0 0913 00171 +1-0 0395 l 00 pCi/g Cunum-243i244 u -ll.0119 +/-0.0359 0 WI 0 025(> +/-0 0359 \ 00 pCslg Curmm-2451246 0.0382 +1-0Q(,54 00573 0.00 +f-0 0656 l.00 pCilg liquid Seim Pit24 I. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected Plutonium-241 ll -1.82 +/-5.80 10.1 4.92 +/-5.80 IS 0 pCi!g HAKB 11125115 1739 1522578 7 Rad Gamma Spec Ane.lysis Gamma I I 29, Solid "Di:v Weight Comxted" lodme-\29 u 0 130 +/-0 576 0.928 0 4::!8 +l-0 576 100 pCilg MHll 12/02/15 1805 1522374 8 Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid "Di:v Weight Corrected" Actmium-227 ll 0 181 +/-0 293 () 568 () 265 +l-0 305 pCi/g IL'XF2 \2/03/15 0827 1522386 9 Anlmwny- 125 ll 0.0603 +/-0.109 0.213 0.0971 +/.() 112 pC1/g Brnmuth-2 J2 1.39 +/-0.906 I 12 0 499 .../.() 916 pCi!g Bismuth-214 0.803 +/-0 169 0 156 00704 +/-0.181 pCilg Cc~ium-137 0.481 +/-0. l 10 *o.u796 0 0354 +/-0.117 0 100 pC1/g Cobalt-60 lJ -0.00427 +-/.() 0412 0.0788 0.0327 +/-0.0412 pC!/g Europmm-154 ll -00118 +l-0 149 0.277 0.120 */-0.149 pCilg Lcad-212 0.928 +/-0 127 0 112 0 0522 +/-0 148 pCt!g Lcad-214 l OS +/-0 188 0 .l84 (J 185 +f-0 :W6 pCs/g

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJ W Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwoml Drive Suite! !2 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: . December 17, 20 l5


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: l.3.C5 Project: MJWCOOJ15 Sample ID: 385101008 Client ID: MJWCOOI Parameter Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "D1:v Weigli! C01*1*ected" Potassium-40 14.2 +/-l.66 0 8C>7 0 336 +/ pC1tg Pmtnctinmm-23 l U 0.0888 +/-0.620 1.03 ll.475 +/-0 621 pCrlg Radium*226 0.803 t/-(l.J 69 0 15(1 () 0704 +l-0 181 pC1lg Radium-22.8 0.665 +l-0 382 030() (J 132 +1-U 393 pC1tg Thallium-208 0.354 +/-0.0817 !Ui70ol [J.(l312 ~/-0 0867 pCi/g Tin-126 U! 000 +/-0.163 0 130 ll.0612 +/-0.165 pC1 11r Rl'ld Gas Flow Proportional Counting M* Bem GFPC.. Gross A-'B. solid "Dry Weig/rt Corrected" 9~

                                                                           +1-3 61
                                                                           +1-3 .i6 3 99 2 52 16!

I 12

                                                                                                                      +/-5.28 400 10 u pCtfg pCi/g JXB7           l2i02f\5 1422 1525768                  IO GFPC. Sr90. solid "Dr,\' Weight Correc1ed" Strontium-90                                  U           -0 321          +/-0.889         1 76       0 7S3          +/-0.889             200        pCilg                   KSDJ            12102115 1710 1525755                  11 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC. Tritium Dis1, Solid "Dry Weig/rt Corrected" Tritium                                                        2 71         +1-171          4 45          1.93         *H-2 71              6(1(1     pC'1lg                   TXJI           \2/02/15 1944              1522724     12 liquid Seim Cl 4. Solid "DI')' Weig/It Corrected" Carbon-14                                      U           -0.459                           1.32       0.651          +/-0.768              2.00      pCt/g                    TXJ1           \2i04/\5 0357              1522716     13 liquid Scint Tc99. Solid "Dry WeiRhl Corrected" Techncuurn-99                                  U               1.57         +l-200          3 38          I 63         +1-2 01              5.00      pCi/g                    MYM 11/29115 1349 1522715                             \4 I

Th~-~~l~~~v.i~ILP.F~I? ~lt:l~?~S.:'.cr~. pcz:f~n_r1~.~ . . ............. *-**. .............. . .. ..... -*-**-**-*******"'"'

~1ethod                 Description                                                                  Analyst               Oatc                     Time            Prep B:itch Dry Soil Prep           DI}' Sml Prep GL-RJ\D-A-02 l                                                LYTI                   I 1/l0Jt5                0955             1521927

}11.~ fol'.?l\"~ng_,\n~!Y.tic_al __ !\*~-~th._o~~- l'er~ pl)r_f~rm.~d- _ Method Description ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 OOE EML HASLoJOO. Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML l!ASL-300, U-02-RC Modifi~d 4 ASTM C 1476-00 Modilicd 5 DOE EML HASL-3UU, Th-CH-RC Modified (l DOE E"ML HASL-300. Am-05-RC Modified 7 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 8 DOE EML HASl.-300.l*O I Modified 9 DOE HASL 30(), 4 5 2.3/Ga-01-R 10 EPA 900.0.iSW846 93!0iSM 71 IOB Modified II EPA 905.0 Modified/DOE RP50\ Rev 1 Modified 12 EPA 9{)6 0 Modified 13 EPA f.ERF C-0 I Modified

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - {843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW C'orp()ration Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


l\*fa. Laurie Losey Project: Soil RadiC1isotopes Client Sample ID: l.3.C5 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 38510!008 Client ID: MJWCOOI Parnmeter J.c 14 DOE El\IL HASL-300, Tc-02-RC' Modified Sun*ogatcfl"racer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Plutonhnn-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "DI}* Weight Corrected" 1522577 84.5 ( 15%-125%) llranium-232 Trac~r AS!' Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Com.>c!ed" 1522580 42 (15%-125%) Urnniurn-235/236 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522580 64.9 (15%-125%) Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np237. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522576 86.2 (15%-125%) Actinium-227 Trnccr Alphaspcc Th229 + 228,230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522579 89.2 (15%-125%} Amcricium-243 Tracer Am24 L Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522571 88.3 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Sein! Pu24 l. Solid "Di) Weight Corrected" 1522578 84.5 (15%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1525755 86.7 (25%-125%) Technelium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99. Solid "DI)' Weight Corrected" 1522715 94.5 (15%-125%} Notes:* TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level { 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) ~56-8171 -www.geLcom Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address:  ! 5 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 1.3.C6 Project: MJWCOOll5 Sample ID: 385101009 Client JD: MJWCOOJ

  • Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-!5 09:55 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector; Client Moisture: 23.6%

Paramet~r, ................ __ ___9ua!i~~r_ Result UncMainty lVIDC

                                                                                                                     .~L. ..... *- ______l)_n_it~ .... _... !?~- Ana._ly_s~. _J::)ate    Time Batch Method Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 22 l 6 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture                                                   23.6                                                                         percent                    LYTl     11/I0/15    0955 1521927 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutomum-238                               lJ         0.00979            . +/-0 0544                    0 !04             I !HJ                                    UAKB 11/23/15        1502 1522577     2 Ptutonirnn-2391240                         U          0.00677              +/-U 0799                    0 168             I 00 ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-232                                lJ           0.0473.              +/-0.121                   fJ 222            I 00             pci!g                   HAKB l 1124i15       0851  1522580    3 Uranium-2331234                                          0 799*               +1-0 30 I                 0 214             I 00             pcilg IJranmm-2351236                            U            0 0469             /-0 0921                  () 128            I 00             pc1lg Urnnium-238                                                 I 14              +/-0 345                0.0796              I O!J            pc1lg Alphaspec Np237, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Ncptunium-237                              U          -0 0342                +/-0 236                   0 575             I 00            pCifg                    HAKB 11123115        !711 1522576     4 Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Thomim-228                                               0 984                +/-0 482                  0 395             I 00            pC1/g                    HAKB 11124115        IQl4 1522579     5 Thormm-229                                 U             0 131                +/-0 207                  0 287             l.Q{)           pC1lg Thormm-230                                                  l.lti             +!-{l.498                  0 280            I 00            pCi!g Thorium-232                                              0.979                +1-0.452                   0 155            I 00            pC'1/g Am241,.Cm Solid "Dry Weight Con*ected" t\mencium-241                              U            0.0315                +/-0 062                (}.0859             I 00            pC1lg                    HAKB 11124115        1039 1522571     6 C11rium-242                                U               0 00             +/-0 0412                 00613               1.00             pC'1!g Cunum-24 3/244                              U         0 00921               +/-0. 0512                0 098l              I 00             pCt/g.

Curium-2451246 U 0.0361 +/-D 0709 ()()'}83 I 00 pC1/g Liquid Scint Pu241. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutonmm:241 lJ -2 07 +/*6 40 11 2 150 pCi/g llAKB 11125115 \840 1522578 7 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gnmma I129, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" lodine-129 U 0.214 +/-0.383 0.76') I 00 pCi/g MHll J2i02/15 1806 !522374 8 Gammaspec, Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Con*ected" Actmium-227 l! -0.478 +/-0 4M 0 775 pCtlg R.XF2 \2i0:>/l 5 0828 1522386 9 Antimony-125 U 0 0263 * +/-0 202 0 361) p('Jlg Cesium-137 O 357 -ti-0. \22 0178 !l 100 pC'ilg Cobalt-60 U -0 0195 t/-(J.081<1 () 153. µCtlg Europium- I 54 U co ()()356 +/-0 241 O46B pCt!~ Prolactinium-231 lJ 0 80 I +/-0 980 I 81 pC1lg

GEL LA BORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company : MJW Corporation Address : 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes

                  **fi*******-** .............. ,. **-*** ... ******** ........                  ............. .

Client Sample ID: l .3.C6 Project: MJWC00! 15 Sample ID: 385101009 Client ID: MJWCOOl Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid Dl)* Weight Corrected" Radmm-226 I .08 +/-0 289 () 255 pCi/g Radium-228 0.891 +1-0.403 0 526 pCilg Tin-1215 U 0 143 +/.() 185 0 177 pC1/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross AiB, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 7 80 +/-3 22 3.91 4.00 pCi/g JXB7 12103115 123<> 1:\25768 lO Beta 18 3 +r-2 99 2.69 100 pC1/g GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Stronuum-90 U -0 122 -+*l-0 65'1 [ 34 200 pCi!!_! KSOI 12/02il5 1712 1525755 II Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC. Tritium Dist, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Tritium lJ I 95 +/-2.00 3.30 6.00 pC1/g TXJ! 121()2/15 2031 1522724 Liquid Scint Cl4, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Carbon-14 ll -0 833 +/-0.891 1.55 2.UO pC1!g nm 12104r15 0520 1s2271r, 13 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Tcchneuum-99 ll 1 60 +/-1.76 2 \15 5.00 pCitg MYMI 11129115 1416 1522715 14 T.h.~ _fo~!~_\\:i!l~ ..P.£ee. ~"..~~-{)~~-'~~e _pert:~1:m~~: ****- .... Method Description Analyst Date Time Pl'ep Batch Dry-Soii f:ire*;i* ...... '[:i[y's{i1f'Pi-~j:iGI ;~RAD~A~02T . *******-******-****** **y:~fc-- i Wib/15 . ... . .. 0955 1521927

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 20 I5 Company; MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: l .3.C6 Project: MJWCOOll5 Sample JD: 385101009 Client JD: MJWCOOI The ~°.I to:vi_n~ r.\n_alY.tical M~~~?~.5.. ~e_re_ye_r~?~!~:~.:..... . .. " ......... *****-** .. .. . . - .... -**-**** .. rYl.~tJ:io.cJ.... . ....... .... .P.~~~r.ipti<:JI). ...... ... .... .. .. .... . .. ...... __ ........ _.. *-- ..[y~t. f ()~ll)l~IJt~- .................... -* *- ....... _ .......... __ r\STM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE EML !-!ASL-JOO, Pu-l 1-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300. tJ-02-RC Modified 4 ASTM C 14 76-00 Modi ficd 5 DOE EML J-IASL-300, *111-0l-RC' Modified 6 OOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC" Modilicd 7 DOE EML HASL-300. Pu-11-RC Modified 8 DOB EML HASL-300,1-01 Modified 9 DOE HASL JOO. 4 5.2 JIGn-01-R 10 EPA 900.0iSW8% 93 IO!SM 71 lOB ~fodified II EPA 905 0 Mod11icd/OOE RP50l Rev 1 Mod11led 12 EPA 906.0 Mod1fie<l 13 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 14 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modilfod ~1:1.'..'..()_~~~:/Tr~_ce~* -~~-~('.)~'.Cl)' . Test Result Pl1aonium-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid Dty Weight 76.6 (15%-125%) Corrected" Uranium-232 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic. Sohd Dry Weight 55.9 (IS%-125%} Corrected" Uranium-235/236 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "IJry We1~11 654 (15%-125%) Corrected" Amcncium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np237, S<ll1d "OT)* Weight Corrected' 74.8 (15%-125%) Actimum-227 Tracer A!phaspec Th229 + 228.230,232 Solid Dry 88 6 (15%-125%) Weight Correct~d" Amencmm-.243 Tracer Am241,Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected 86.4 {15%-125%) Plutomum-242 Tracer Liquid Semi Pu24I, Solid "Dry W~ig.hl Corrected" 76 6 (15%-125%) Strontium C<1mer GFPC', Sr90, ~olid "Dry Weight Corrected" 88 9 {25%-125%) Tcclme!lum-99m Tr~cer L1qmd Scint Tc99, Solid "Dlj' Weight Corrected" 98.4 (!5%-125%) Notes; Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence !eve! ( 1.96-sigma). _j

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: * .! 5 Tfozc:lwood Drive Snite I 12 Bu/T[l)O. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015


Ms. La~rie Lo~ey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: I .3.C6 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 38510 I 009 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date; 21-0CT-!5 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 23.6% Parameter ................... 911~1m.e.~ ..........~i:sult .... ~:n_ccr~?-i!ltY.. ............. t\lDC_, .......Le. R~~... .l 'nits__ ..O..F.. ..~.1~a.IY.SI ...!...!ipc Bate~ . .:vi Id... Gravimetric Solids ASTA!/ D 2216 % Mois1ure "As Received" Moisture 23.6 percent LYTl l \IJOil5 0955 1521927 Rod Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "D1:r Weigh/ Corrected" Plutomum-238 lJ 0 00979 +/-0.0544 0 104 0.0239 +/-00545 1.00 rC1lg HAKB 11123115 1502 1522577 2 Plutm1ium-23W240 U 0 00677 +/-0 0799 0 168 0 056 +!-0 0799 1.00 pCi/g ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Uronium-232 U (} ()473 +/-ll 121 0222 0 0&21 +/-0121 1.00 pc1/g 1-!AKB 11124115 0851 1522580 3 Un:mfom-2331134 0.799 +f.() 30 I 0214 0.0674 +/-0 347 1.00 pci/g llromum-2351236 00469 +/-[) 0921 0.128 00239 +/-0.0927 l.00 pc1/g Uranium-238 l 14 .,./.() 345 00796 000 +/-0.424 1 00 pc1.lg Alplmspec Xp237. Solid "Dr)' Weight Correaed" Neptunium-237 ti -0.0342 +/-0.236 0.575 0.171 +/-0 236 1.00 pCilg HAKB I l123/l5 1711 1522576 Alphaspec Th229 ~ 2:!8,230.232 Solid "D1y Weight Corrected" Thorium-228 0.9&4 *l-IH&2 0.395 0 117 +1-0505 I 00 pC1/g 1-!AKB I J/24/l5 1014 1522579 Thonum-229 0 13 l +l-0 207 0 2&7 ()0657 +/-0208 pCi/g Thormm-230 t.16 +/-l! 498 0 2~6 0.0656 +1-0 527 1 00 pCiig Thorium-232 0.979 /-[} 452 () 155 000 +/-(}475 l.00 pCi/g A11124 l. Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Amenciurn-241 0.0315 +l-0 062 0 0859 0 016.1 +1-0.0621 1.00 pCi/g HAKB 11/24115 .1039 1522571 6 Curi u m-242 000 +/-0.0412 0.0613 000 +l-0 0413  !.00 pCi/g Curium-2431244 ti 0.00921 +/-0.0512 0.0981 () 0225 +/-0 0512 1.00 pC1lg Curium-2451246 0 0361 +!-O.o709 0.()*)&3 00184 +/.()()711 100 pC1lg liquid Sein/ Pu:.!41. Solid "Dry Weifdll Con*ected" Plutomum-24l lJ -2.07 +/-6..JO 11 2 H3 +/-6 40 150 pCilg HA.KB ll/25115 1840 1522578 Rall Camma Spec Analysis Gamma 1129. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" !odinc-129 ll 0.214 +/-ll.383 0 769 0 345 +/-0396 1.00 pCUg MJH I 12102115 1806 1521374 8 Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected Acunium-227 ll -0.478 +f-0 464 0 775 () 355 +/-0.517 pCi/g RXF2 12i03/\5 0828 1522386 9 /\ntimony-125 U 1).0263 +f-0.202 !1369 IJ. !69 +/-0 202 pC'i/g Bismuln-212 lI 0.725 +/-I 19 2 35 1 07 +f-1 23 pCi/g Bismu(h-214 I 08 +/-0.289 0.255 () 114 t-/-0 303 pC1/g Cesium-137 0 357 +/-0.122 0.178 IJ.0812 +/-0 126 O. lOO pCi/g Coba!t-60 U -0.0195 +/-00816 0 153 lUl64 +1-0.0821 pC1/g Europium-154 U -0 00356 +/-0.241 0.468 0 200 ~1-0 241 pCi/g Lcad-212 I 34 +/-0. 197 (} 181 l) 0839 't-/-0'236 pC1/g Lcud-214 l.09 +/-0.363 0 5SO 0 279 -rl-0 374 pCiig

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407-(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJ\V Corporntion Address: 15 Ha:zelwoocl Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 20 LS


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample JD: l.3.C6 Project: MJWC001 l5 Sample ID: 385101009 Client ID: MJWCOO! 1':1n1metcr. ................... Qu~_lifi~r. ***- ... ~c_s11I_t___ ... l)1se~!li.!1tV **- ... :VJ.I_).( ........ l.:C: ... . **-* *******-* Tl'F.. **-**-*** Rad Gamma Spee Annl)'sis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight CorrecNd Potassium-.40 I3 9 +/-227 1.05 0 402 +/-2.5(;> pCi/g Piatactmium-23! lJ 0 80! +/-0 980 I.St . 0 841 +1-1.06 pC1/g Radium-226 1.08 +/-0.28'1 0.255 0.114 +/-0 303 pC1fg Radmm-228 0.892 +1-0403 0 526 0.229 +/-0415 pCitg Tlmllnun-208 0381 +l-0168 0 131 00584 t-1-0 171 pC1/g Tin-126 UI 0 00 +/.() 185 ll.177 00839 +/-0 185 p('ilg Rat! Gos Flow Proportional Cou11ti11g GPPC. Gross A.* B, solid "Dry Weigltr Corrected" Alpha 7.80 +!-3 22 3.91 1 63 +/-3.56 4 OU pCiig JXl37 12/03!15 1234 1525768 10 Beta 18 3 -+*/-2 99 2 69 \ 20 +/-393 10.0 pC'i/g GFPC. Si*9fJ. solid "D1:i* Weight Corrected" Stromium-90 ll -0.122 +/-0 659 I 34 0.573 +/-0 660 2HO pCifg KSDI I 2i02/l 5 1712 152.5755 II Rad Lic111il.I Scintillation Analysis LSC. Triti11m Dis/, Solid "D1:v Weight f'orracted" Triuum I 95 +/-2.llO 3 30 l 44 +/-2.00 6.00 pCl/g TXJ! 12/02/15 2031 \522724 12 Liquid Seim C/4. Solid "D1:r Weight Corrected" Carbon-14 U -0 833 +/.()~<)\ 1 55 o 1r,2 +i-0.891 2.00 pCifg TXJI I21lW15 0520 1522716 13 Liquid Sein/ Tc99, Solid "D1J-* Wf!ighl Con*ec/ed" Technetium-99 1.60 +l-l.76 2.95 1.42 +1-1 77 5.0(J pCi/g MYM 11129/15 1'116 15227!5 14 I Th.~ (oll!J"'.!ll:g~rcp_~l~tl!o~~ \V.f.!~e.11~rfor111e.d_. . ...... ... **- .......... .... -* *- ....... *****- ... ***** ..... ...... -* ........ .. Method Oescriptio11 Analyst "Date Time Prep Batd1 Dry Soil Piep Dry Sml Prep GL-RAD-A-021 LYTI I J/J0/15 0955 1521927 Tl1c_ f(}_l~o":i.n_g_:~?.~ly~~cal l\*lt~t~_c!~~- ~~-c!:~ _11crfor111e_q Method Description ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified ASTM C 1476-00 Mod1tied 5 DOE EMI. HASL-300, Th-01-RC Modified 6 DOE EML l IASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 7 DOE liML HASl.-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 8 DOE EMLJ!ASL-300,1-01 Mollified 9 DOE HASL 300, 4 5.2 Ji<la-01-R 10 EPA 900 O.'SW84G 93 lOiSM 71 \OB IV!od1ficd II EPA 905 0 Mod1licd!DOE RP501 Rev l Mod1fi~d 12 EPA 906 0 Modified 13 EPA EERF C-01 Modified

1 GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 13u1Talo, New York 14228 Reporl Date: December 17, 20 l S


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample lD: 1.3 .C6 Project: MJWCOO! 15 Sample ID: 385!0J009 Client ID: MJWCOO! P:m1mcter .. *-**** _....... 9.ll:tl!fl~E. ***- ___I~c~ull ~!11~er:~a,i!}ty .:\IDC Le 14 DOE EML llASL-300. T,-02-RC Mod1fieJ Surrogate{fraeer Recovery TesI Batch JD Rcc1n*ery% AccertabJc Limits Plutonium-242 Tmccr ASP Plutcmium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" t522'.i77 76.6 (15%-125%) lJranium-232 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522580 55.9 (15%-125%) 1522580 65.4 (15%-125%) lJranium-235/236 Tracer ., ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspcc Np237, Solid "!Jr)' Weight Corrected" 152257fr 74.8 Cl 5%-125'lol Actiniuin-227 Tracer Alphaspec Th229 + 228.230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" !522579 88.6 05%-125%) A1m:rici11m*243 Tracer i\m24l. Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected 1522571 86.4 (15%-125%) Plutmiium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu24 l. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522578 76.6 (! 5%-125~0) Strontium Carrier GFPC. Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1525755 88.9 (25%-125%) Tcchnetiurn-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99. Solid "D1y Weight Corrected 1522715 98.4 (15%-125~'<.) Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).}}