Appendix O-land Use Surveys
Appendix D - Land Use Surveys NYSERDA 2015 Soil Sampling Project land Use Information Information collected by AccJ tea_ /4vte((o, Date <khkr<<. ZZJ ZUl5 Area. _ _ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Sub Area \ * \
Property Address.
- 1) Please describe how the property is used -what activities are conducted there?
Undeveloped or wooded v""
Agricultural Residential -V-Other (please describe)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
- 2) If the property is undeveloped or wooded:
a} Is the property used for hunting?Jlf Yes, what is hunted there, and do the residents p,n the property consume the game? 'i_<ff-.'3. Y@/ ~e_ r e_sfC.1e\\..:fs ConSL<.~e 'fhQ..yrvie, b) Is the pro~rty used for hiking or camping? If yes, how frequently and for what period of time? 0 . * .
d) Is the property used for other forms of recreation? If so, what type? _N-=-=o____
e) Is creek water used on the property for any purpose? If yes, what purpose? hSfk kR~\ f(l\ lo~<-L f) Is there a water well near the sampling area that is used for drinking or crop irrigation? If used for drinking, is it the only source of drinking water on the property? f
~~ we)\ \ Y!Lcih c£-St;'i=fl1'r§ te.rec- 1 us-e_a Q_~ <ld'<\.'L~ we...~ Svcl-fCQ % n~sill-e_noL. WieJl \':> ~~(1Jf_1~-kl; I~°\ I'\'\Q._ks Sdl.A-~ ~ 6.\-- fC(C(.frVv\. .
- 3) lfthe property is agricultural:
a) What crops are grown on the property? Are the crops grown to be eaten by people? Does the per~on residing qn tbl:! prqperty eat tlw crpps? -------~-----
b) Ar.e the ..crops grown to be animals? If yes, wliich animals? Is the meat, milk,:ett.
- tonsurrie~. by the person residing on ihe pr:opertyf - .
c) Is cree.kwater used. on the property f9r;;iny PtJrpose( 'if ye_s, what purpose?_~-----'---'---------'---'--,,------------
d) ts.there a waterwell nearthe sampling.area that is used for drinking o(crop irrigation?* If 1.Jsed for d:i'in.king, is it tlw only source ofdrinl<ing w~ter .on the property? .. .
e) If the property is near a water body, is fishing conducted.from this propeiW? If yf!s, how freqyently, *and do the resi{lf;nts of the property c.orisume the fish?_.- - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - -
- 4) lfthe property is residential:
i3') t:s the pr:operty use~ fofgatdenirig? lfyes1 What is gro\ivn7 If fruits or ve~et;,obJes, rs i.tf9r personal.consumption?.......i~"-----------------,-------
b) 1.:S cre~?j<wat~rused.<;>n the property for ~ny ptJq)ose? If ye~,wtiat purpose? * 't>.,.'0\:- ~\rrab\~. * . ..
c) I~ there a water we.II near the sampJtn~ area that is useci for ddn~ing or crop irti&atiori? If used for.d'r:inking, is it th~* only sotirc~.9f Clrin~ing water9ii tlie prop_\:!rty?
lk1t~ *~u lctLLM ~ <1t &"~hh\ 4~.
d) If the propertY is near a water body; is fishing conducted fromthis property? If yes, how fre~iy;~n:~ do_th.e .re\sidents oJ .the pfop~rty consume*the fis.h}
~ [\-:W\\C.c;.\o. JL.' ' '. .
Other observatiqns_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
latid Use lnforrrration Information collected by_ f\'Cf;J\'(g:;;,. }?\"<:\\Ck) . . .
oate Ll1'1>%< 2Z1 2o\5 .
Area_.- - ' - - - - - - ' - - ' - - - - - - - " " " " - - - - - - -
S_uQ )\rea \ ~i..
- 1) Ple~$~*descfi~e ho\,'{ the propery~s* tis~d ,.,-IJVhaU1d!vlties are tqnduded there?
Undeveloped or wooded V' ..
Agricu.ltural~ **
- Resltl.e.nti~I_.v_.* _.*..
Other(pl~~s~ describe)__._-'-------_,_,-_.__~-'------_..,..--
- 2}. If the propettl/is undeveloped or wooded:
~) !s th.e pr.qp.eryv US!=d. fo. r h,~nti!1g? If Yes, wh~t_is hu~t~.d ther:; a nc!f~o ~~e r~sitj?nts _o~ th~ _ .*
prop~i'.ty .cofl_SUffie t,h.e game? \t'fi.5).. H~ ,Nb~ lfe5 tifo-V\. ~- C.Of\S.0dnf4ke -~l'tl e .
b) Is the property.used for hiking or camping? If yes, how frequently and for what period of tirne? ~ *. *
- d) 1.~ t~~ prope)ty used for oth_e'r foi'r'ns of recreiition? lfso, ~hat t\fpe? ____;.__ _ __
b ' .
~) is creel:< wate.r used ?\;he property forany purpc;>se? )fyes, what pu,rpqse?. **~~ . 9p)rrt~.H:L -
fl ls.there a water well near the sampling area that is used for drinking or ctop irrigation? If Q"sed fo_r drin~l'ng, i~ it the. only source of 'rinkin_~('Vate,r.-o.n the prope!rty?.... _ . . . d.
- ~ l,0e_l . .. a...ti * . J, (3\ & .. .\W\. ,a,,r-ec.... 1 L\&'
O:.';;i d~~\(..\Y\~ vJ~W -~Y-CCL .0- ne.s,(jQ.V\C~; ~J\ \) awrtJ{!mc:k_/f
/&6 rueAe-rs .~-l2hwe ~+ G-t locc.:-h_ .
~) .ifthe prooert\ris agricultural:
a} What crops are grown(mthe ptoperty? Are the crops grown to be :eaten by p*eople? Does tlJ~ per59n residing on the pr9perty e.cit the crops?_--'-_________.;..._ _ __
I;>) Are
. . the' crop~ grown to b~ e(!terfby
- ..., ' . (. '
- If' yes, wbi¢h.~.nhriills?*
Is the m~at;milk,
' . . etc.
.consumed by.the petson *residin~ oh the property?,.....- - - - - - - - - - - - -
c) Is creek water used on th!,;! pioperw:for any purpose? If yes, what p't1rpbse:?....,.__.....__ _ _ _......,____________~~----'-----'-"-~----....,-..,
'd) Is there a water weH near the. sampling Qrea used for drinking ¢r tto,p h:r!~atiorf?Jf used foi: drinking, is itt.he Qnly source of drfnklng w~ter on th~ .property? .
- e) If the a water body;*is flshrng tonductedfrom this j:lr~per.i;y? lfye*s, how frequently, and po the* res.i~ents .ofthe prop~ri:y c;on~t!me th~ * *
- Qsh?__________________________
4J if the property is residential:
a) ls Jhe: prQp;erty used for gal'genitig? If y~s, what is g(()wff? ff fruits, or*veg.~tables,. is it fo'r:
personal consi.unption?_ . ..1.:*..;:-==-----------------.,....-.,..-----,,.
.b) t.s c*r~ek yvater used.o.n t~e prqpertyJ9t,any Pllrpos~/ if ye,~, purpose? .W-.~\fc@\~. .. . ..
c:) ls there awater wel.I near the samplin.g a,rea that is used for drinking or.~rop ' If
~s~~ f?r~rinkin.g, 1 is Jt the o *ly s.9urfe of~[i1nkii'lg. at~<:>~ t_he prope~y? .. * . *.* .
\AJk~ kft;.~ *, (,,:. 1LQ;i .* k~ . J.:A. ' . . (,"@..;:. i d) If the property is near .a Water body)s fishing conducted from this pro petty?* Jfyes~ how fre~ntlL;~ ro.~tr,~i~erits of the property cqnsurrJe. ~he fish?
N . *~~ 1rc v. . . . .. . . .
Of.tier observations~------------------------------'
NYSERPA io1s S.oU sa,mpH_ng Prcde(:t land Use Information Information c~lletted _bV AV"<!Jx.qµ k\-e..l\on Date /'"\,\
1 -- \ Zo\5 Area ~l(~G_ \
Sub Area-""=-~
Property Address _
- ~ ~ H - - - -- ~ -
- f'rop~rW O~vh(\ror*Re_sicient - '" .
- 1) Pl.ea~e ~f?s_cri_b:~ ho\.y th_e propf1~ 1,1s~d - w.hat ai;:ti'(ltles_ are cqndutted thr{re?
.Unaev.elppeo or woode~ _ .
Agricultural _
Residenti~i _7*
Other (pie(lse c.te~cribe) _ _ _- - - ' - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- 2) If the property is undeveloped or wooded:
- - a) Is the p*rbperty used-for-hl1~tirig?~ If Yes, what is-fiuntedth~re~ _and do the. reside~ts~n the _ __IL prope~~~~ethegame? Yis~ \:(w.s1 Y:<e~K\QVi.;\5 . 6\: '(u~~ ~t11R':'."f1."t, b) -'~the ptop~fty usea_ fqr hi~ihg-cfr c~mpif)g? If ye~, h\)Wfrequ¢i1tl'{ ~nd for. what per.iod.:°.f time? _ 1G2S, -~ \uw ~"&.6 C\0.J( M "-'-\~ s~rnfuie,(~ ca:~p.
d) l.sth~ property used for other forms of recreation? If so, wnat type?"-.-'-kJ_*_(j_*._ _ __
e) Is creek water 1.1sed on 'the property for any purpdse? If yes, what purpose? NO .
f) Is there a wa_ter .well near the ~ampling an:!a that is useci for drinking or crop irrigation? If usep fo~ d~ng~is ~l~e 011~~ ce ~f drin~~ water- __ n ~{QS:~ _. /a:{ i\ Sfd
0-.s d (\'l\ 'L1Y\.~ WcJ~__,r. £~~c<L 29x (~sRi~rLq_. W~J \ \ ".::i D..rof(V/Jl!.-i.q_ftd/
4\D ""-e~ wQS\- d --.\-k scz~lr~ /o:~+r/N\. 'T
~l If the property is.agriculturai:
a) What c;rops are grown oi:i thfi? property?. th~ crops grown eaten b.Y peopl'e? Doe~
the person residiT}g l;Jll the property eat the c;rc;>p$? - - - - - - - - - - - - -
b) Are the crops grownto be ea.ten by an Ima ls? if yes, which ahir:nals? ls* the n:ieat1 miik, et:c;. the person re~i9Jng on the property?.. .
c) Is creek water Lise9 Qn the prdperty for any purpose? If yes, what purpose? _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
tj) Is th~re a wa!er w,ell n_ear th~ S(!l'np_ling ar~a tj1at _is µ~eci fqqlrjnking or.crpp ir.rig@c:>1:f? If Vs.ed for orJn~ing, is ipl:v~ 011Jv source pf drihking *wat~r on the pri;;pertY.?
e) If the property is near a wat1?r body, c;ondµc;ted from this pr()perty? If yes, h,ow frequently, do the r~siqents ohhe property cq11~iJrrie the fish? _ _ _ _,--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..,.--.-----~---...,.
- 4) If the property ts residential:
a) is the property used for gardening? If yes, what is.grown? If fruits or-veg_etabies, is it for personal *consumption? . No .. . .* .
b) Is creek water used on th~ prop*erty for any purpose? If yes; what purpose? **Be*- f\W\'vri;'q\t~.... .* . .
Other obse*rvatic>ns_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~---~-----~-~---
NVSERDA 2015 Soil Sampling Project land Use Information Information coJJectE?d by ,AwJ,Y\!24- M~\\ob .
. ___ __ :Z_?:>-+-*~zo_*i_s____________
1 Area____*~-*---------------~
Sub Area Genera_! c~ti:f ~f t~e property (resic:Jential, agric\Jltliral, W,bqded lot; un(i~veloped field, etc.) . * ~L\ U)t
- _ _ _
- 1) Plea~edescribe howy:ie Pf'.OPerty_.i~sed*-wnat activities are c;qnducted t_here?
Undeveloped or '<<ooded_v_*
_Agrkultlifal_ _
Residential Other (please describel-------'----------~--'---------
- 2) If the property is undeveloped or Wooded:
a) Is the property used *for hunting? If Yes, what is hunted there, and do the residents on the.
property con;ume the game? NO .
b) Is the properf used for hiking or ca!'llpihg? If yes, how frequently and for w~at_period of tiin_e?_ _-i-:"--""---~------------------
t) If the property is near a water body, Is fishing conducteti from this property? If yes, how freq1Jenfrv, ~nd ~o th,e resi~.ents Of,t.he propertycon:,um. ethe fish? Ya.s; *n-eeix CcJ!t;.:(t;:::LtSl0
. ~,c<l(_:e}l. 1 R(0~{+/-l;\C.Wrt-01~ <io V10I-~ s~.
d) Is the property used for otherton:s of recreation? If so, what type?
CWYl~ SwiM m~-e C'(e.e\l . .
e) Is creek_water ~sed on the property for any purpose?- If yes, what purpose? No _ *. * .
f) I~ th~re awater, well near the sampJing area that is used for drinking or crop irrigation? If used for drinking, is it the only source of drinking water on the property?
~ ~\f(Gb\-e_ - .
j) 1fthe property *is agriCultural:
a) What' ~rqps cm the. property?* Are thE? ch:>ps gi:own to ~e e~ten ~y people? Does the person residing Qn tl)e property eat ttie crops?--.,..-----------'---__,---'-
p) Are th~,c;rppsgrown tctbe. e~aten by animals? .If yes, wh.i~h animals? lsthe meat1 mli~,. et\'.:.
consume~ bv'ihe .person resji:!Jng on the propf?.rtY:? - * * * - * - - - - - - - - - - - - -
c) Is creek water used on the property for.any purpose? If ye$, what purpose?.,--.,,---------------------------
m I? there a wat~r we.I! near-;th¢. s~fi:iplii)g ~r~~ that is us~~ for drihking*or cfop irrigation? If used for drhikin&.. is 'it the:only'sourte of dri.rikin.s wa_ter o.n th~ prqp~hy?
e) If t.he pfopel):y is near a water body, i$ fishingcon(;jucteg fro,m thii;,i:irppertv? l.fy~s, how frequel)tly; arid do tfi~ t~sigeritS.of tt]e p~9pertyto_nsµtr1e toe.
4} .lf the property is* residential:.
a) Is the property used 'for gardening? Ifyes, what is. grown? If fruits or ve~etabfes, is it for persona i consl!mption?".,... ..,------__,,,..,..-.,.--~~-----------,-'--'--,-..,._.~
b) IS creek 'i\later used on the* property for any purpose? If yes, what p1,,.--.
t) a Is ~h~r~ water well n.ea(tne .s~ri'\plirig *area Jhat if t1Se~ for 'driJ\king ot tfop irrigatiqri? If
- used for drinking, is itthe only source of drinkin~ water on the property?
d) If the* propertv is n~ar; a w.~ter bOdy1 is fishing conrJ1.1dt=d from 'thi;; property? If yes, now frequently, and do the' residents of the *pr9pecty consume the fish?
NYSERDA 2015 Soil Sampling Project IA land Use Information Information collected by_~t-\_00~.~'f~-e=c;;:._~/vt~*-* *.~l\~v~h_,**----
- e;=*
date \\I .30)2o\5 .
Area Z Sup Arj:a Z ,.Z PropertV Address_
roperi:y (r~sideritfal, agricultural, wooded lot, undeveloped field; C.
- c\ l0\- - dk-1 *
- c,_,.rl/i.fl....~br.. * *.
- 1-': melt\+
- 1) Please desc'ribe how the property ls used -whafattivitieis are coriductea there?
- Undeveloped or wooded ?
AgriCultl.iral_ _
Residential Other{pleasedescribel,(crn\c.:\v\s Ya.<¥--m.s .~ *~ ~~\~ "" s'k5Xoc\. OCCt<:StOViC.. *I
i.) if the property is undeveloped or wooded:
a) Is the property used for hunting? How*much time per'year? If Yes" what is liuhted fher~, arid do the re$ident~ qn consume the game? About how mucb is consumed on an annual basis? Nl)
- b) Is the property used for hiking*or camping? If yes; how frequently and for what p.erfod of tim~? ~* . .. * . . .
c} If the property is n.ear .a water body;. is fishing conducted frqm this property? If yes, how frequently, and do the residents of the property consume the fish? Aboutho\v many pounds of fish per year
.are eaten? ~ . .. .
d) ist)1e property used for other forms of recreation? If so, what type, howfreqlientiy, and for what dur.ation?_-'-"""*-==l)~-------------------------
e) Is creek w<iter use.don the property forar:iy purpose? If y~s, what purpose?_W..c-.c~)~-----
f) Is there a water well near the sampling area that is used for drinking or crop irrigation? If used for drinking, is it the only source of drinking Water on ~he property?
- 3) lfth~ pioperty"ls agriCulfufal:
a) What crops are grown onthe pro]JertY? Arethe crops grown to be eaten by pedple? Does the person residing qn tbe property ~at the crops? About hqw much i~ eaten ~nnually? -
b,) Ai"e:tpe ~reps grow11 fo be,e~ten by .ai')irnals? !fye~, V!hkti af1ima,!S.?. Is the m~at, mil~, etc:;.
consffmed by tfo~ persp(l resiqing on th.e property? Ab:o.!Jt'hq_~*ITluch p$r*year?_.- - - - - - -
c) Js*i:reekwater used on the propert'{for any purpose? lf~es1 what purpose?_ _~-----
d} inhere 9 water Well fiear tHe sarnpiirig area'that Is i;lse,d for drinking or cfop_ ki:igatiori:? .tr l]seCI. for
~rinking, ~ it. tlie only-source of d~in~ing water 911 the prqp~rty? - . . .*.
e)' If the property is near.a*water body~ is fishing tohducte.d this propertY? If yes, how frequently, and do th~ r~~id.ents of the. pi:-qperty consume the fis!i'? Abour_hqw rna.nY*P~_unds offish per y~ar are
.eaten? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...___.....
- 4) If the property is residential:
a) Is the property used for gardening? lfyes, what is grown? lf fniits*or vegetables1 ls lt for personal c;pnsuroption? Abourhoy.r is eat¢11 per y e a r ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bi Is cree~ wate.r µsed on the prop~rty for apy purpose?Jf yes, wflat purpos~?-----'-------
c) Is there awater Well near the.sampling area that is useMordrinkifig or crop.i!'rigatlon? !fused for
~rinking, is ltthe 9f drlriki'n.gwater on the: prppl:lrty? * .
d) If the prq'perty is ne'3r a Water body, is fishing i;:onduc;tec! from this propE;?rty? If yes, how freqijelitly, and do .th¢ re~iden~s oJ the pr,operl;y consume tb'e fiSh? Abo.lit how muc~ flsh is cons.urned per yea*r?
Othe' Obm<i*tion; u. '.>{(:.\ b. :;;Q'ti ~ I'1 .f'f' "*'Sin.5 ( s\x~ ch'i!h
~~\A 0(J meiit...\- # .
NVSERDA 2015 Soil Sampling Project L l l.and Us.e Information (nformatfon collected by f3CD'C~C. IV\£ \\on- .
Date Cttn\cB< ' }._\ 1 60\ ~
.Area 0 Sub Area . 6 .. \
- 1) describe how the property 'is used -what activities are co'nducted there?
Undeveloped or wooded'--._ _
Agricultt.iral v .
Resideiltial Other (please describe)./ -' b\.v...V\.A-1\.~
- 2) If the undeveloped or wooded:
a) ls'~he,property u?'ei;I for hu!lting? If Yt:;s, What is hunted there, and oo the. resi9ents on the property consume the game.? 'da $ . D-Q£'< U,tAd':k\/\-e '{$t0{>JA.ts (~me.:'-\h~ deE(.
b) Is the property used for hiking or camping? If yes, how frequently and foJwhat J1er:i.od of tirne? u c) If the property is near a water body, is* fishing conducted from this property? If yes, how fre'que tly, arrd do tlie residents ofthe property consume.the fish? .~etx l 5 'fi V -
. ' *, \-\.~\v'0 '
d) Is the property used for oth~r forms otrecreation? If so1. wh,at type? _N,_:_.O'-'--.*.._ _ __
e) :1s creek wa~et used on th~ properfyforanypurpc:ise? If yes, what purpose?_ __,_~------------'----------"---'----
f) Is there a water well near the sampling area that is used for drinking or crop irrigation? If u~ed for. drinking, is it the c;mly source of drinking water on the property?
~) If the property is agricultural:
a) What crops are g'i'own on the property? Ate the ctoP. grown to be eaten by pe:opfe? Does tJ1e person re;Siding on the propertY eat the crops?. *.. : {'{\, l0! ' . . . . ..... No b} :~~:~~~*~o~~ f~~~:r~~~;~~{~g~:na;~;~~~P~:;;, *c~+t1;imt~$t:~~'.lk,y;~ CQtt/e_
(oY\Su.:'(r).,.'fl!S* ~ "12Sil:\>Q.Y\-'\.** . .
~) Is c~.e~k ;at~r ~~{~ pn the prop~rty forany purpose? If yes; what p_urp_ose., '""° .. . .
- d,) Js there a water weil near the sampling area that is .u.sed for drJnkitig or crciplrrigation? If
~sN£>r drl.nking, is i~ fhe ~nly sou.rce of drinking water on the. property?
e) lhhe property Is near a water body; ~s fishing conducted from this property? If yes, how f~~que~y! and dp th~ residems of _the pro_p(\rtY the . .r .
- fish?. V:<~~ 'f"\-e_o.x c. ~""\tvr_ b c\ '1 . No :I\Sb\'Y\5
- 4)' If the property'is residential:
a) Js. the P,i"operty ~sed f()I' gar(Jening? lfyes, Wh~t is'gf()y.Jhr If fr~if~ cir y~getables, js:it for.
personal consumption?....,. . .----------,--------------
b) Is tree.k '.wat~r Jised onthe Rroperty f9r ~my *purpose? If yes,, V.,hat'
- purp9se?_ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , , - - - - - - - -
o) Is there a water well neartlie sampling ~recitha.t-is used. for*drinkiotror crop in'igation/*lf l.ISed l()rdrinking, i.S it the Only SOUrce ()f~rinking water 61\the property?
d) If the property-is near a water body, is fishing cond.ucted from property! If yes, how frequently, and ~o the residents of the property cpnsume th~ fish?
Other observations_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - " - - - - - - - - - -
NYSERDA 2015 Soil Samplin*g Project lnfprm~tion collected .W Atx:I~2d~sfff~fofmation bate ()(Xu'oo-r 2.1 1 2015 .
Area _ __;:,,.._.;.._.-.___________,______..;.._
Person interviewed
'Generaf .rop~_:tY (ftsid:ntwl, cigric~ltural, woci~ed IC!t, U\iafNeloped f!e!d 1
.etc.)_ __,_~~""'----==-'-.!--O.___._*.l.C:;.-1:'.,_r\-=r::...v...:_.\;..:.\_.;...UJ<:_-~~-*
i) Please ~escribe howthe prppett:y is use:ci '-Wh~tac.tivities .are condoc;te~ the~e?
iJnqeveloped orwooded
- Agrlcultur~I ::;::;
Residential Other (please describe)_ _ _ _ _ _ _~----------------
'2) If the property is undeveloped or woode~:
a) Is the profierty qsecl fqr htmtifig? If Ye~. what i~ hunted there, and do the residents on the property consume the game? '
b) Is the property used for hiking or camping? If yes, how frequently and ~or what period of time?
c) If the property is near a water body, iS fishing conducted from thfa property? If yes; how frequer:itly, and rjo the resi~ef)t~ ofthe proper~y consume the fish?*_-------
d) Is the property used for other forms of recreation? If so, what type? _ _ _ _ _ __
e) Is creek wat~r used oh th~ prop~rty for any p!Jrpos~? If yes, wnat purpose?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,.------,-~---~--~--~
f) *1s there a water well near the sampfing area. that is used for drinking or crop irrigation? If used for d,rinkii)g, is it t~e orily source ofCll'inking water on the property'?
- 3) If the property is'agritultural
a) What crops ar~ ~rnwnon the property?. Are the cr9ps grown '.t.() b!':? ea.ten oy Pwle.? Does the person residing on the property .eat the*~rops? 'No ( fLJ\2'2 . .sw~ ~JY'\. . .
b) Are the crqps grown to be eaten by animals? lfye:s, Which animals? Is the meat, milk, etc.
const1m. ed. by,,t_'1**~~ per_Spn residing o.n th~ prpMrty?. :S'hee.o .(CfY\~'rY\.~ \:i4 '\jOhi@CWn~
Q,:r(.\ 0..<J(l,\t11JY\.rj)_ G-XY\C;~d:Sb~. \
c;) Is ~~eekwate(_~sed on _the pro.perty for C1hi/ purpose? If yes, *wh~t purpose?. f'.P. . ..
d} ls there a .water well near the sampling area that ls .l!sed fbr drinking or crop irrigation? If use~DorinkiiJg, i_s ittof;! o~ly ~9utce of pririklrig _waler on. t~e pi'operty?
e) If the propertyis near a water body, is fishing conducted this Property? If yes, hoW fr.equently, and \10 ~he*resid~nts of f.~e pf9pert.y c. :~~m~ the .
- fish? \.(<U:iJ OPCU< (.).'f\k h;c!Yj. b-:Y)*:TIJbth3 ,
- 4) If the property is residential:
'a) I~ th~ property .used 'f9.r g~rdening? If ye~, ~hat i~ grown? lffp.Jits or vegetat:iles,H it for p'ersonaLtonsumptiori?_,..:~~-~---,-,------'-----,-------
- b} l#treEikw~tetused oh the prope,ity for arw pun' If yes, what purpose? ,:6 *
~) Is there'<!. water well n.~~r the sampling an~a tha~ is 1,1seq *fQf drinking pr crop irrigation? If
.userndrlnking, i.s iqne qnly 56!-)rce. bf drinki~g w~ter 'on th_e: proper~y?.
d) If the property is .near a water body, is fishing condutte9 from 'this propt!rty? .If yes, how l?qu~ntlY:}nd do-~idents}f tl)e property ~o}J~um~_the fish?'
.:t41~ 1 (\~ l~<brac.'(), --~ +/-6">D~ .
.Other o.bservati9f)s_ _ _ _ _~-----~----'-------------
.Mellori,.Ancfrea l :(NYSERDA)
From: Bembia, f!quf ~ (t*:JYSERDA) seilt: Weqne~d;ay, November.~ B; 201 s 1.1 :~3AM TCi! Mellon, Andrea L (NYSERDA) .
Cc: JameS'Griffin
- subject: Lano. Use for NYSDOT Property I spoke With bout land use oh the property that eontains.Aerial Radiation survey follow up soil samp 1ng area .. * . p.cqmung to om, 1t is only used occasionally for staging construction equipment when work ls done bn the Route 219 brid~es. There is no hikih~~ picniCking, br any other publk use allow.ed.