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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix E, Part 11 of 24
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16293A677 (41)


{{#Wiki_filter:~ . :' " * ** I App E-

               . Sub-Area 4.5 - COC Forms

rr::1;e: __ , --****~--~ of GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request GEL L*boralorics, l.LC Pnijccc #* 2040 Sa1*agc Road

                                                                                                                                                          "'*See for GEL's Sample ./\.cccptancc SOP 0 GEL Qua to fl: . **-***** " - - - - * * * ......                                   .....                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Charleslon, SC 29407 COC Number t'l:
                                                                                "                        GEL Work Order Nnmbcr:                                                                                                                                                                                      Phone: (843) 556-8 I 71 PONumbor:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Fax* (8'1J) 7~6-l 178 Client Name:                                                                                                                                             Phone II:                                                                     S~ntple     Analysis Rcql!esterl 1si (Fill in                        th~  number of containers for each test)
  .. ~.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Should                                                            '

Project/Sil~ Name: Fa:i: #: !bi* *'** Prcscm1tivc Type (6) sampl.r: l>c Address: cuh>ldcro!l

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     '                                                                                                                   Comments Collected by:                                                                                 Send Rcsuhs To:                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Note: extra sample is
                                                                                                                                                                          *"fir.*~                                                                                                                                                                 required for smpple
                                                                                                                                  .. l)r,?.: (.'utl~..:1.::-*l                                       Fi.:.1d     S.:in~r:~             TSC C'u~ko1<tl       QC                                                                                                                                                              !ipecific QC Y.u;tri:ic.. Rodi       A Sample ID                                                                                                     1Mil!l*1y\      Ca.Jc:; ID flltr:;t:d          r*1 (nim*dd-yy}                                                     V!                      .QJldf   Re~u (lih*1m)
                         "' Fm cmm:o.vilr.\*
  • imlir:u/r ,v,fo.1rt Rl!t/ ,,*/rJJJ d'1lc./limr: l:ircd 1cro q, s~\ ti**~'\ I \l.*+-\c;'

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                                          '1 \R,                       ~.1,-z.,                                                  11--\-'\.S TAT RcQucstcd: Nonna!:                                         Rush:                     Spec1r1*                       (Sl!b;'-"cr ,.,    surLh,a!l,~)         IFox Res.ohs:                 Yes              I         No               Circle Dclivcmblc: C u1 A I QC Summary I Level I i Level i I Level 3 I                                              Lc~dol Re11111rk~*: Ar<' there <tny known hamrds appficabf,, to tlre~e .rnmple.r? ((so, pleas<: list the hazai*ds                                                                                                                                                                                                              Smn11I~ !:!lll~~!i~n T11n* Z!:!n~

Eosleri1 Pocific* Ccrl!ral Other ~ ~**-******* Mountain Chah1 ofCust<!dy Signatures Sample Shipping :111d Delivery Details Rolinquiohcd By [Signed) Qnto Time R<<oivoJ by (01gnoJ'1 Dalo Trmc GEL PM: I I ' Me1hod of Sh1omo;:r Dnl* Shmncd: 2 4 A.trbill "' 3 3 Airb1ll ~ I.) C'.ht!iii of c~sl~y N1.11nb=T ::.. Clic;PI D~f!:!rmil'lt:.d Fo1* Loh Receiemg W~ 011\r 2} QC Codes* N ... N( S~mpl~ TU- Trip lllartk, FD ... fidc.l 011p1rcatrJ, EU"' Fqu;timcrit Hl::it~lr:. U:S-= M~tri~ Sr.1k~ S.amp:c:-, ~lSD w M:itwr: s,ilc Dt.rhc:>J(' Samp~c, f.Jo .. lir:ib, C "'C~IT'r.<nH~ l) F1-eM r.'tbrcd }-Qr !iqmd llln,:rii;c~, lruJit:~lc: w;.lh ., ~ Y ~ t'ott )'~!Ii lhCI .s:a;np~c \Y:'I(. fc13)d flh~r.;d ~' - l'i - for scmpln.. ;ois nul lic;!d fi!l1:ac:i Cmwdy s~al lrll<JCI?

4) M~lti:< Cr.des. l)\\.'=Dn!1kmg \Vei~cr. GW:-:Cir~111;:dwh!c;r, !HY"'"'S:l4rr:iu:: W1:1.:t.1, W\\' \\...*\\'u~...:r 1 ML=.Misi: Ltii:;:1*, SO*=~ml, ~D**Si:di11a.n1. SL**.''-', S$**,1it:Ji*.1 '.':<t~h:.. o.:011, F *fltt'-.'r. l ..* Wij ...:. u~*t-mt.:.1-': rc:~~I. ~* ~ l'ES NO
         ~.) !-:unp:,~   l\}"::ill R~.tjt('S:ed:       A'1nlyf~.;11I  mc:Utod    r"Jt.:~~~d {rt= BUOB, -601Dlll14'10A} m~ r.w1~twr                              or,01:r:1ineb p:-cwtleJ for cnL:!i tu: .UdtJR- :t. t:fJJO/Jl7./71~A - I>                                                                                                         Covh!r Temp.
       . 11) Prc:.lCT\'i!.UYe 1*ypc: HA        :::r   H)'d~o;hf.::111~   Ac:ii,, Nl  'C" J\lnnc Ac::d, SU .. Smh:.i:n h)"Jr"Jdd... S,\""                       s~ilf;~~*.:- A,:utt AA= ,-!\1ccJTb1i; Arnt,   fl~  T*  Hi:::tm~. ST,., Sc':aJ~ll~11 Tb*;.udfra:c, lf l~U ftc:':C~'ltli:.H\'; i~ oidibf ,.. k.;n* t::M h!.ink                                         c


P*gc: ___ ----*-** of ****-------** l'rojcct ii:


GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request GEL L>bcrMorios, LLC 204(} Sav~s~ R(\~d GEL Quote#: -***-"------ **-*** .... .. "*See for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOP""' Charlesta11. SC 29407 COC Number 111: .. . . .. Phone* (843) 556-8171 GEL Work OJ'der Numb!!r: PONum~cr: Fnx: (B43) 766- J l 7!l Client N~me: Pl:one #: S~mple Analysis Requested <5l (Fill in the nmnberoiconlainers forend1 l~st'1

 ,_.,.:;;i .                                                                                                                                                                                                              Sho"ld Project/Site Na111c .                                                                                                                  Fax#:                                                                  lhl*                                                                                                                     <::-- Prcscrva1iw Type {6)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .uunpte b.c:

Address*. OJJl:!iiiden:d Comments Col lcctcd by: Send Rc~uhs To: Note: cxtrn sample is

                                                                                                                                                           *Tim:::                                                                                                                                                                                      required for sample
                                                                                                                           '1:i:H.: (\'l~ic;.:kd                                               F1dd      Si11tpic                'fSC C"il~l:C:Ltl          Q('

f.~lrcred*x R*dl A specific QC Sample ID (l\11111,.,n C"4.11:111 (mni-~d-yy)

                                                                                                                                                                                                            '4}        t!Ntl[   R.igU 8 F11r t**011,/fts - mJi<:afe       ,*r.:.1rt iiml .rl1)JJ doteJlm:c                                                    lhhmm)                                                                l:l.1.c!.d ber o
                                        !{5( ,"\t.3. l                                                                    p_,1..-1(

I.'\ ,'SC ' R.2>.1. 11-Hr' LL <SC' l) ' '2.,*, ':) L-']..-t 5 4, -Sc jl.. 3.. L;> I 1t..--H<

                                        ~ I((.. R,..1..J, }.                                                           l'l-\ -'1'5
                                       'i . SC. it.                         4 ,(_,                                        n.1-\~

Lf , ')C. :r.. .6 . I n.-( - rS-q, :)G- i s. l. 11-1 -\') I I L\, s-r. '\t.l.Q. \ 11..-1*\1 l..\' ~ (' IL. w. 2. ri-1 ""s-- TAT Roque.stcd; Normal: Rush; Specify, (St:il>?t't."Lh.!S~!"di:.:rg-e) lr-a:x Rcsult5. Ye* I No Circl" Llclh*orabk. C of A I QC' S mmnarv I Level l ! l.cvc\ ~ , Level 3 I Lc,*el 4 Re1mrr/ts: Are there a11y kno>>.n hazcmls applicahle to rhes.- samples? !f.wi, please li.~t rhe hazard> .S.!*.w)ll~ C!lllccti!ln Time Zim~ Pacific Central Oiiier ..........-.. ,. Mo1mt.1in Chai11 or'cu~lody Signatures Sample Shi11ping and Delivery Pdnils Rolinquis\:c<l lly IS1goe<l) Date Tune Rccoiwd by (s1g11cJ) D*l* l'*IJ:C'l GELl'M: I l M<lhud uf Sh1nm.,I; D~I* Shipood: 2 2 Airbil! ii* 3 3 Airb1!! ff: l .} ('h1?j;1 of Custody Nl!1:tb~ =- o~i:ril Dcitrrn!r."d 2 J QC C~:t~'.il* iii.,... Ncm1~d S'1mrlt, TH rTr1r Ul~rrk, f'O ... ff~ld Dup:i.'.:~!c, F.U = Erimprner11 Bt1111k, MS .. Ma1mc Sp!~e Saw.r:~c, )1SD .. Ma;rLL Srikc TJ\..pHrntc :;an~~!!, G...:. Orab, C .. Cumptni:..c tor L"" 1<ec*i"i1rg U.<<< 011(1

             ) ) Fu:ld Fdti;:rn;f: fer l;qu:-d rFalm:e,;, 1'!1dccs'c \v.Jl1 .:l - V -fo~ ye~ i_hc          ~~1riplt: ~v1u  Ri!d nl!~tcd eor .. N' .. for    ~.~mp!!'  was ncl tkfd filtered                                                                                                                                                         C11srcd,1* Sl!a/ l11tact?
             ~) M.:itru: ('c.1dc:,* lJ\V=-=tlri:lkmg \"-"*llt.T. GW*:(iwrt:;.d"""';::r. S\V='.':t1rfi;c.c \VJ[~f, "'\V**Wu:nC" W...1.1:r, \'f"* ',\' Jl<=1, ML*:M1!t.: Lio]l~idt 80**~ ** Li 1 SD=-*~i;J~~.:l!t, Sl ..**S!~\!gc,SS**S~ld \Y~~~~ O***Otl. F **F11tc1, r-*Wi1~. U-L'rin*.:, I-1-Fc~l\l 0 ~* l                                            )'ES                 NO S.)  S;~!11p!a A~lal)l~t:lltcquc-t.itc:d. Ar:olyC1..:al  m~l~~fd rcq~es~C'd (i      c. 31Ei.Gfl., 60HJDJ7.f70A) t:md r.:.i11~l.:.c1* af 1.:1..1nLi1:::u::*t~1ifu\'ickd. rar czd~ (1 r. Sit11)b * ,1, 61U'il1170rJA
  • l' Cno/cJ* T.:*r.p
  • 6.l PJ.ct:J\*'1.ln*~T)',1-r. HA .. H:ydro-:.Mcmc AcJct. Nl - 1'.Jtr;:.c Acirf. SIJ .. Sc:d1:.r;"n l()'.Jro,xr:Jc.St\ ... S*Jffnr;c Aci'll'l, i\.1\ .... Atii.::mb1"1:" A":(J. UX .., H1~11.~n:". ST .. Sci.:.~,:*n TJ;io~1Jf,,!t-. lf1~ ... rt":t~!v~h'tc i.r,.~1fi~cid -lc.1\.'i'? ifali! bl.:i!,k c WHITE= LABORATORY. YELLOW~ FILE PINK~ CLIENT

GEL L>b'1role>ric>, ll.C

            ------*- -- or                                                                                  GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request PraJcct #                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2040 SJvag~ ll.~ad v~see        W'Ww.gcl.oom for                         GEL'~       Sample Acceptance SOP 0 GEL Quo10 I/; *-**- ... -***                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Charlcst~ii, SC.' 29407 COC Numbor1 11:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Phone* (843)   556*~l71 GEL Wm*k Order !\'umber:

PO Number; F*x (S4,PM-l l78 Cl*.cnt Name* Phune II* Sample Analysis Requested 1'l (P1H in the number ,,f ~unlainer> for cal'h tt-:;tJ Shvuld Project/Site Name: Fnx ii tl1h *** Pr>:~crvotiv~ l\µo (6\ l--------------------------------------------1 ... inpl< !J* Addre>s: co11sidc1*ed Cummcnts i Collected hy: Scr.d Rc~u!L~ To. Note: extra san1ple h I* D;H": Cu!k::!..:G O:.'*!u1;Li r~( fidd ~.:lm\~ lSC I rcquirc,l fm ~ilmp!c specific QC

                "'fi;1 .;.rm:p'~.~irn Sample fD
                                            - 'JrJ.'i'lrit' .\"/.IJ'I i.C! 1Jh'top J,:fr{t.*r.1c I     ,,,,,,,.,Jot.~*r)

J~ftlH:lt\) (hhmr*l) 1_.:-1,!c m Hiorod

                                                                                                                                                                                       ,,,       M~~~ 1x
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ~4 :

ttnib A t-c.;ci RCJ:,\J loi.~ ~er ol

        ~ s. IS.f?... 3 !                                                                                        i2..f!      ,,~-                                                                                                                                                                                                                    I
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i..J.':::-.1s.1C3S rz./r/f'\ -, I 1----1..j_: . S' * ~. c ._~__G_**------------+-nlJ.LL-1-----1-----1-----1---4-....;..--+---+--i*- .,...__ _,_____+-1__.1--+--...--+--~--- _______ J 11 .5'. 6 1( . S". l 11~! I;,,-  : i No Cir.:lc [ldww1blo C: 1*1" A I {)r:' Summary ' Lovci I 1 Lov*;l 2 I level J r l cwl 4 Remarfl,;: Ar...- th.:re any lmrJWll Ju1zard1 <lpplinrbf., ro these: .1*amplt:s? if.~o. list the hm:ards S.iJ.ill~*(~n Time 71:nc Eastcn1 P~caric* rcntrnl 01hc:* M<rnntJin Ch:iiu of Custody Signature~ S~mplt Shipping and Dclh*cry D~tails Dau:: Ti:nc GEL PM: Anl>ihll

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     /\11bill #.

l 1 {.'h,'li:t of Cl!Mod;* Nti*n~t ** c*~:cn: Dc1;:rm:*>:1;il Fm* Lall R{'ceivinf: Che Ot1(1' ~ l QC (\":,k.~* N .. Nvrrt~~t ~.nt..r!e, Ta-= Trip, FD= f1cid D:u~!b.i:;-, F.U.:. Eq1.11r.n~!:r*. n!:.1:lt. \1fi .. :r-,falt*~ Sp~Kc S:;imr.le, \t.S() =-\!:urn.. ~p*l:~ Dup~1~Jtl"' Sa11~pl.:, G., Gn:b. C .. C.:rrnro:Jitc

3) Fmld Filli.:!ttd r:o~1io;1.:1.:J 1l*nlnr;1=r., ,~~h-o:;: wil~I n. '\'. fo1 't't.~ 11:.c- 'i~n,1;:J..:: u,o,;.~ l1t'kl rfEcri:::! er. :'.j .. fi;;r(;:i~~~=~ '.\--lS .1.:il l~cr~ n;:c:tct:. C11.r1od1.* S<!al iJ;t,JL'f?

' l Mo*ll' <'.<"k>>* DW**lJti,ki"i w,;.;r. GW **Gro;ua<h'""'" sW-*~r:rfau: 11'>!.:r, \\ W w,,,,. IV,1!<r. w.,\\'a:*r, Mt Ml>< Li-r,:d, SO*-S,,.l . .SO"S"h""'*'* SL '5'*,Jr**, iio So;;.r '"" (1-.,)p, f **f.liq, l'**Wrr<, l' *Hto"'* !'-fr,.,,. N** '1-----'-)..:::"£:::.J_ ___c..'lc....;'O'------l '\) S:in1µo!t /\}'-.ii T<.e~=.*e-sf~.i.i Ar:~lyui::i-: mell.u..I rc\1tiC'~LeJ ,1.~. 8l61Ul. ~{) l.'.W/747\)AJ ;in Lt ["..-:1*.Lrt \1f t:<*;)!;1:m:1~ :,:r~l*mJ:.i for ~,li:.h {1 ~- ~;twD - J, t:)/l:B.'74f0.-l - IJ Cooli.:r "!'i!inp t*.J PI01<1Vd*"' Typo f!A "l\)-d,ocl1!,,(o Aci.1, NL~ N:im "'"'* Sii ~ ~oj1*;ro H)o~mx;,i, S,\ ** 3;,ltr*PCA.:1;~, ,\.-\ ~. A"ort;< ,\<Id, UX - Hcx>no. ~T ~ So.!t<m1 Hiu.1*.lf*"* :t'1ro *°'"""""" "-'<1.'.c*I- ~.,., r,,,1.J bbr.l (* WHITF. :*LABOR.\ TORY vr..1,1,ow ~ 1111.r. l'l;\IK *~ CLmNT

_,r -*--*--- ..... - **-*** GEL L*bvro1<orie>. LLC Poge: ***-*****-* Project 11* GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request 2040 S ovagc Road

                                                                                                                                      *~See WWW            for GEL'S Sample Acceptance sop~~

GEL Quote#: Charle,;t<1n, SC 29407 COC Number en. Pl~cr.c: (84)} 55fi-8171 GEL W<lrlc Order Number: PO Number: Fn~- (MJ) Uiri-1178 Clcent N~me* Phnne #* S111n11te l\.11alysis Rrqnti.ted tll (f't1l 1n the munber of container~ flir e~ch :est)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ~h*lllld Pmjectl.Site Name.                                                                                                                                                                                                   lhl*

1---------------------------------------------l ;a1n11I" he Address: t"onsid<:rt'd Comnt~nt~ Collectcd by: Send Rcsu)ts To Note: extrn i,11mpk 10 requ 1red for sample f *(.1.,!~ t'c.*t!e~*kd hold e":r.p'.o TS<:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    ~pe.::1fic OC S:imple ID
                 - Fm rm:'VifJ.~J/f"!t .. rn.J1c:are.,*w,,"-'J:r:~

I 1nun-dd*J.*) f*l<md Mi.~m;


R;uJi Cr.l\.'Ii

                                                                                                                                                                                                                  'e 1\

Rt-i,~ lilfcd l.Jern L\.$". c.R.'?.S- l l\.s.cR.t ! !I*

4. ~. (.. I(. ~. ;;i.

i.\. S. B. ~. i. \ I i C:-irclo Dcli'vcrablc: C <'f A I QC Surnm~ry Lcvci J i I .<vol ~ I Lcvd J i Lewi *I Smn!lk.Co.ll!:~!!1.11Tim.Ur.11~ E~r.tent Pa(..:dk C:cmral ll:hcr Monn tail\ Chain of Custody Slgn:ttntr~ .Su 1r1ple Shipping and Delivery Dct~ils t imc Tm.r. GEL PM: M<:~hod t1! Shinmcn, 2 A:rbillll. 3 1.} Om\*i :>fC'\l.!<ilody N1.;.:~~r- ( h~m 1':.krttt:11~d For Lab Rec:elvurg l/9e Onh*

a; Q
~: Cc:J~s* N ""'!"4.::1nr..11 $a~:lpl~ TB.:..: Tr:p 0l;i.r.k, FO "' F'1c:d Drip:11.:flli:-, F.0:.. ~(!tapri~~!li Jj!m:Jc. \.1S ... M:ilrix ~:::uki: Sa1¥tp~~. ~Um~ ~-'q1fric ~ri~~ Di.:p:!c;i;ti Sa1rpr~. G
  • Gnh, r , ,_ C~:;ipo3:t~

J} ro~ltl Filler.:~ F'C\l'll 111..1TJ r.*.1:n;*~*. ird~ta!t: w11~ :-; * , ** re~ "l"t::~ 11:~ "31':11-tC \ioa1 r:.c:::J r:lli:r.::t C*r. !'\ .. ft:r ~<ll!".pl;: lk;J.::i ()Cl 1:.t.*f;:l fi:Li:,c:d Cn,*!OdJ* Seal lnwc*r~

** 1 !\.lo!lrf( Cr.ido.';, OW**Op11h1~ \\.'.1!i.:r, GW t.:m:;~~.J,"*,,~c:-, S\1r~1.1f;::1.:;c: ', WW W.isia: W.~ri.:1, \\'.*\\.'*.:.~:.'!,Ml,- ~Jl'-L L~~l*ill~. f!i().-:Slii:, !;D..:"i!!:):~;~n!, SL*-.Sii.ltl;;.:o, SS **~*~*:11! \1.*a .. r.*, O: (;d, i;-,,,r::lt..:r, l,._*Wi1~. U t~n.:..:., f*..-Fo:i.:.;i!, 1"1***1-----"l'-"E"'S----'-l-'JO'------i
5) $;:nr.p!c ,\niltJ-S~' Re.q:~eued: Ar::;.iyltc.l. n~eth;,li rtfi:l..".?:S!iJ<l~* ~ ll':iiiO,O, 6010ru'747U.'\} 0!1*l ~~;**>;lJc-r-:Jf it.L*::rtiir-C"111 ;,):!1Yi:lL!'J for t".:>d; (* e. Slt.OB- *'* t;~}JulJ 1 U'!n1. l} l.. iwler Temµ

,;..) l'tc<c""""c T:1:< It.~ - liy<'rr<l1,orrc A<l1, NI" Ntu: AcrJ, SJI ~ !\o~rn:n H)*lim<*rlo. Sit~ .i<1lf.u*:o ""'*AA*<!< A<>.!. llX *Hu' ST~ ~.Y.fl.:ll T!'1<><1;)f,,r:, tf 11u r.rtm>,,;**" >d:~c.1" ;.,,.* r.d,1 bl>:*l C WHITJJ:= LABORATORY Yin,LOW=FlLf: PINK-Cl .. 11-;NT

GEL Lnb<Jro1ories, LLC Pai;~

                 - - - -. *********- oi" -*                                                        GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request Project#:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    2040 Sav~ge Road
                                                                                                                            **See for GEL's Sample Accep1ance SOP*"                                                                                                     Charleston, SC *29407 GEL Quote#:                -- ...... * - - - - - - - * * - -           ***-**

COC N11111bcr en: ... .. .. ... .. .. Phone: (843) 556.8171 GEL Worlt Order Number: PONumbor: I'*~* (843) 766-1178 Clicut Name: Phone#:. Sample Analysis Reque.~!ed <<J (Fill m the number oi,anlai11ers for endr tc~I) -~ Should

  ** 'Projec!iSite Name:                                                                                                            Fax II:                                                         this                                                                                                                    <-- Prcscrv-Jti\~    Type (6) s:un11le he Address:                                                                                                                                                                               considered Comments Collected by:                                                                 Send Results To:                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Note: extra sample is 1

T1mt.: required for sample

                                                                                                       *o:.H..:  c,~!~..:t.::iJ C'll~kc~t:<l       QC"         Fi::~d    Si1t'l!pt1!              TSC f  lr~~cd   M-;.1rne. ll~<ll      '~                                                                                                                      specific QC Sample ID                                                  (inm-<1'1-Y)')

[Ml!ll;tr>) Co~e £ll

                                                                                                                                                                        ~J         "i         1l:1Ctl   R~cu


  • Forcomvo~i!e_,.* ir;Ju:vtc* .,*larl and.\Jaµ Ja1elfll.~l.' ve 101red Jl'r oh l-f I ~c *\l_, ~. \ YL-\""'\'5 Lj I s-c R..X .1- !1,,-\-\ S'
                                ~. S-C.1l.. i .s-                                                  ' ')    -I -l(

TAT Rcmics!cd: Nonna!: Ru*h: Specify: (S"~ic..' '" ~"""""1:<1 IFnx Rcsulll: Ye~ I No Circle Dcliwrob!c. c~rA. I QC S111mn.iiy i Level I I LcYcl 2 I Lc,c\ 3 I Level 4 Re111111*ks: Are th,*r~ a11y !mown hazards applicable ro these .rnmples? Jf.~o, p!mse Ii.rt the hozard~ :illm~I~ !:;ol!~i;llQD Tim* Z!!r.'1 En stem Poc11ic Central 01hcr ... ---*- *-** Mo1mtain Chai11 of Custody Signntures Smn1>le S!iipp!ng a11d Delivery Details Rolinquishod lly (S1gr.cJ) Doto Time Rccowod by {sign,d) D"tc lime G8:LPM: l I M~thoJ of St.inmcn1

  • Dale ShiJJPCd:

2 2 A;rbi!I#. 3 3 Airbil!ll* l ) C.wh<ii;t. ,,r C-1,2~1udy N':.unbr =- Cl1i:n1 o,1c:rm!m:d Fm* Lab /leceMng Us~ 011/r 1.) 'QCCC"::le::<: N -Nl!nn~IS<'!lmJllC. TH .... Tr~r m;mk, r.'D ... fi:::ld Duplicate, Ell - J?quipn\c~t r1h:1ik, MS.,... Mltri:< ~pike, :i..1~b - M11~r1:t S;;dco r'!s.:ph~c Sl t1pk. G-Ori)li, C-C*.m~~;i.S"itc 1 3..) Fi~kl F1i:crcd* Forl:quid rn*~ii:c,.:, indlrntcW!1b a.'\" .. fer ye~ Ilic 3.2111'P~C: \\i;t~ fi:;:l.j m,cr;<l c;.r . . N' -for .:; w~S !icl lidd fillt:r~. C11swdy S<'ul lmaL1~.

    .1 ~ M~1r1ic Cct!es: [)\VnDrrnkR1g Woit~r. <i\\':*Gmund\Vil1u. :SW-S1Jrf.:<:c: W~~.;:r, '\\!\V...,\\.',;*:;lc \\.';it.:r, \\.'-*\V;ii:~r. M1-**M'1~1: l. . lljl!:U, SO** Su~1, SD:-Si:d::lic:iV, SL; ..S!;JJge, SS *S::i1iJ Wt;s.w. O-:C:1I, F**F~!;::-;;, r**W1po!'. U l'r:nr.:, 11            l'***I. :<**.            }'ES             NO 5.) SJ11!~~ A113l)'jig Reqt:e:hcJ: Ar..nly,itill m~llioJ IC{jliCs:!cJ {1 e. !1:26-0R, 60l{ID/7'370A) ,,ll~ r~:1~;b~ -.if <.r--~;Ja:cr!> r.=-~"~dcd for c;;i;,,:h {i z: .[{1608-J, ~J(}Bll47fM
  • l) . Clm/,r Temµ.

r;. J Jlc(::111m,:\:i\.~ T)"r:o* JI,\ T. Hy.~ro:t1lori~ Ar;:i~, Nl "'"Nirri; Ac:W, Sil Hydroxir.o;, .~A .,. Si, Ac:!'! *.\A.,... A.t.i:~rh'(, JlX. ** Hci~iu;-=. ST* SG;!~\;m Thiim:lro\:c., l(11i..\prc1cn:a,1v:?

El .'ii :i.. M~rl .... :ca\*¢ f'i-.:M ll!.i:i:1l.. c wmn; = LAUOR/\TORY YELLOW~ FILE l'JNK ~-CLIENT

rag~:_..,::.,,._____ ~r______ GE_JL ~eh_-ain of Cust_od_y 'and. Ana;Iytic_._al 'Rei'!_-* nest 'G!>l; 4 buralories, LLC _PJ:Ojcct #: - "'1 2_~Q-Savagc Rqad GEL,Q~ote fl: _~-~--------,--' -~~See www;gel._c_om._(or GEVs Sample.Ac.ceptanc<,i SOF*~ _(:liurleston, SC ~9407 CO~ Numberm:._ --*- .. ...,_ .. ___,7_ *--**- --' GEL'W<irkOrderNumber; P!10nc: (843) 55~-~m Po' Number: fall: {843) 766- i 178


Fad-; -ihl*. h,.-..,------------------------""'"----:;-....--,---.....,-..,------1 ~nmploM

  • Address: 'cim~ldercd
. Coll~ctcd       by;.                                                       Send ~cs111ts T9:                                                                                                                                                                                      Note.:* cx,tra :sample ls
                                                                                                                            .*rnn1:.                                                                                                                                                  requiredfor:sample
                                                                                               , ,.~a~c'*C~Uci!t~d.
                                                                                                                      .* C"0Uoc1.:il                                                                                                                                                        specific QC SampleJD                                                    (m!'l-dil-yy)

_I ..(illlllt.1r>*J

               "'F..fJr &111uJo.-,*ites ~ jmfiCotR .1t1,1rt DIUi .1r:m1Jatdtime.                                          (tihl!im):

i s!\.)-, \'\ 77.' 11.::.1.~.<.

                      <.r\i      11!...,*17 ** i-                                             '11 ...1,4<'

. -TATJicaucstcd: Normal: . Rush: --:gpccifv: . c(Su~j'"' "' Siir<h**i:<) I~VI Results: "Yes I No Circle 'Diiliwrnblc: -C of-A I QC Summarv* I. Level '1 I Level 2 i Level 3* I Level 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              -* &iim11le Collection J'jmµ Zpn4 Ea~tem -          Pacific Cemrnl            Qthcr _ _ _,


                                                                   *Chain of.Custody: Signatures                                                                                                                Sample Shipping .1111d Delivery Dc.11111s
  • Rc_l]l)quishcd'.Uy_(SjgiJ<>tl) TillJ< Rcccjv<d .by (*igm:J).
                                                                                                                                                                            . GEL PM:

i l Mc1Jiod*gfSllinm*n1: 2 2  : Airbill #:


- 1,) 'CMi11 of.Cusludy N~mlitr.- Cli*nl 0.lcroiincd

      ** * * " * -                     * .. * * * * *                        *      ,*
  • f:?r £p[l 'J/.eceM11g .0.fe. On/;:

2.)':Qt'c;oitc.: N.~ N.o~!iilS*m11!** Tll ~Trip lll*nk.-fli ~FiCld [li,plih!e;.En-'.ll~uip,;.,n1-.8l*11k,:-MS"* ~l*Ui> SpikcS_*mplii;:YtSIJ" Mil!rix:spj!<< O,i1pll<a1e5amp1<:.,G ~prop.!=-"' Cot>lp1ui1c.

 }.) l'icld Pihcred:_ .fo!'l!quid mnuloc*;indi<uto wilh ** Y .,for j!C>:ll>* oamplo w4>*flol<J fi!i<ml'or ~ N. for *r.mplo'""' nu1 li~1J*fi11.rcd,*                       .      .                                . -                                                              .C11swdy*SmJJn1aill 4.) -M_~1lj~ C<~d~s,~ll\Y.... ~rbt1'iilg WutCr~~GW..,Owu11dwri1gr 1 _!n~*~sy~_f;.1~~*WPti;r~ ~V.W~Wo1~c<W'otto/, W~W41t~r, M~-~Mi1.:-,L;1JUi:f, S_Q""~_ull, SO*SC~im,cuii:&I!"S1~~gc;'SS*"'~foll~ Waste, Oi-Oll;:ftl';fjl11a.,:r.-..wiv.c, U.,,,Urhl9~.1*~,fc~~~~ N~*-~1---~Y:..:E:.:S::.,_, _ __,_*N'-'0'----,--1 SJ'. Sample Arn\i)'>is.Rc~u<sg'J: :flnolyjkot*methoJJC<iUL~1cJ (i.e: snoa;~OIUl11'747UAl~mhn.1'b<i'of ~uni:oin~l~-pr<.vi<l.:d (,;, <<~_h (i:< ..826/JB-J, Ml.OIJIJ470A.**I).                                    .                       .                                              C<ioier Te>np:

6.)'*'rrc_~~~ali*'C Typer. llA ... *~ydrothl~~i~ Actct>N1 ~-N!1ril:*A~id. su_'~ Sodhn~Jiyd;Q~id.~~ ~A~ Suwm~_Ad~. ,\~*~*.'\~.:'1r~ic Acid.-_i1x ... fJc:um~.~Sr~ SodiuJ~-Thioshlf1~1~. u:r.a. pf,(:M!fYati ..e ~-added;,,, ica~;*,fi~1d blank . c

                         '                                  .WijlT~=J.ABOR{\J,'QRY.                                                    YEU:;ow'=l\ILE                                PiNK~CtJENT

P~gc: -----**** -** .. ol' . -.. *--* GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request* GEL Lnbcratonc<. LL(' rriljcct II. 2040 Sava go Road

                                                                                                                              *'*Sec * for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOP*"'

GEL Quote#: -*-" ,,_. -**-*---*-*-** ..... Charlcslou, SC 29407 COC Number in: Ph1mo: (84~) 55<i*8l71 GEL Work Order Numberi PO Number: Fax' (843176t;* I I 78 Client Name; Phone#: S-ample Analysis Requested lSJ (Fill in the: 1mmb~r of tontuiners for each lest} Should

 ** *Project/Site Nam~:                                                                                                             Fax:#:                                                                  lllis                                                                                                                 < .. - Prcscrvatiw Type (6)
                                                                                                                                                                                                   **mplo ho Address:                                                                                                                                                                                    (Onsiderc:d
                                                                                                                                                                                                              '                                                                                                                            Comzmmts Collected by:                                                                 Send Rcwlls To:                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Note: exlrn sample is "Tim~                                                                                                                                                                                       required for sample
                                                                                                            *O:lkCo1h::;1 ..oJ        Clll:ci.::~d Fi.:~J        S.ur.p~*                    TSC QC specific QC Filtc:.-e:J       ~;:.ln11;    !lndi           /\

Sample ID (nrm-rld-yy) (Mlli1ary1 Cr..J;l*l (ll **J Ol'!ll:::Ji R*~* (hhmm)

                     "Fur l'IJlllf'V"*il~.,* -  il!,ftL'~lf' Mad mrd rfou ~luli!lllm'1                                                                                                                          l:iltd 1er o ll I :)C . )L . l ,3                                                  \1~(~(

y,.SC1 'il. \' 1.1 11*2 ~IS" L.t. $"'(,. \t-.\ 1 ~ t-z.* z.-1s L-\ -~ *(.. . *1.. .I<< 11-* '2-- !( l..\.S . L . ((. 'l* J,. \'2-* 2.* IS'

   -                                                              J.: ~                                   r2* 2-1r
                  -----r.S.C- t(_'                                                                        ic...* Z:         l~
                                     . 4.S".C.. (('.' ?,_.L[
                                        !.\. S' . G . i<.. :i,.~                                          !'2. - i.* {~

TAT RcQu~stcd: Nom1ul: Rush: Svcc1f}" {.S*~h;ei.:t 10 ~~1:~hn~c:) Fi\;\ Rc~ult~* l Yes I No Circle Dchvortlblc. C of A I QC Swn~\Qry J Leve! I I Lc*Jc] 2 ! Level 3 I I.cwl 4 Remarks: A1-I.! therf!' any known hazards applirnble tr> tl11:se .wmples? Ifw, pl1mse, list th<! hMcwd~ Sillncltl'illk.;,ijrm Time lone Eastern Poc1tic Central Other ....... **-******- Moun1ai11 Chain of Custody Sig11at11res Sample ShlpJ!lng iuul D~llvery Details R*linqursl-"'il By ISisncd) D.ire Time llcc~]..-e,I by (~igni.:d) "Tur.c GEL PM: I I Mclhud of Sln1>rncn1: D~1c Smt!~o<l: 2 '2 Airbillll. 3 3 AlrbillU: I.} (:h3111 or<..\:stcdy Ni.:1r:llcr-C.:Jfon1 Dc1crm11;i:d For Loi> Receivwg U.~1* 011/J' 1} QC: Cqd~"* N Nonn:,I Sirnftc, TB,,..TriJl Bli!nl<, FD- fMd DtpHi;ll~.1-:J)= I:"~uipmi:::m. 13IA1:~, )JS,..., M::i.m:tSJakc: S~mr:c. :VfSU.""'M.l:m: S~is.c r>upliC!11~ Sau!p~c. Cr '"'0r';l!:i, C ... Cc.1,~pv.... 1:;.

i l.} F1clJ F*?.!eted. Fm Hquid n!11.ilfoc!!, mdic~tc w:lh ,j] .. v - foT ye~ 1!~~ nmr~c:: ~-,;:is fo:!LI nl!c~ ("f - ~
  • fer Si.~Mpb:: v;a.i; ,IOI fi::ld rPicrcJ D1swd_vS1:al {mac/?

4.J MatuX Ct~l!c.s:. D\V***Drinkl:ig \V11.ta, GW'**Gru;;,:,1h.i.111cr,S\Y*""Smf.m:: Wu~cJ. WW...-\V;,o:itc Wi<ti.:1, \\;"W;;1:cr, M[.=-M1~ ... l.i'-111;.r..l, SO .. S.1~J. SU.... Si;1l;:1;;r.1. ::::14*Slil:lt;c, SS* S-:l1d W;::~i:. O**Ci1r, rt-J.'!lt.:r, r:-W1~l.::, l:::-eri11e, F~Fc..:;;il. N '* YES NO s., 5urr.p1t' An..'11Y~*f: R~¢1~mal* Analj'1k::il merbod rrq;:c:$;c;U (1.r: JU60D, '40!0IJJ7i.l?lt.\):1r.i.l 4;~1;~1,:u*ofcpn~=i.'.ni:r$ p1tl'**;i!.:-J rwr ~i!ch (u. 8}61)8 - l, (;0/(}BiU'JIM - I} Cuvier Temp;

   .(i)  r1c..~.:.1v.nJ\'C' Typ:: Ur\ - ll)drc::l1b~1c AcLd. NI c. Ni,ric Ac:.i, .SU .. Slldi:Jm lf)*J~md~.:.. So\'"'" S111!L:nc A~~d, r\.\"'" Atco;b!c Aud, tlX:.. H-;x:v1o;, ST= St'H!illrr. Tl:v:::i.1.L.lfo:c                       [fo~ pi~s:-:t\::tiv*!":1..M:i~t:. h:v.. ~ u~l.i ht;!rik                                                 c WHITE= LADORATORY                                                                 YELLOW"' l'ILF.                                                       PINK~          CLlENT I

l'agc* --***---*** cf ... - . -- GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request G BL Laborator;c*;, LLC Project II; 2040 Sav~gc Road

                                                                                                                                 *"Sec \' for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOP*>!<

OEl. Quo~c #: .-*-*--- ... ..-*-*** - * - - .... .. Charleston. SC 29407 COC Number (ll: " ... .. GEL Work Order Nam~et*: Plm11c* (843) 556*8111 PO Number: Fax* (843'> 76<i-1 l ?8 Client Name: Phone# Sample Analysis Heqncncd 151 (Fill in rhe mur.ber of co111aincrs for euch lest)

  • '" - ProjecliSite Name: Fax II.

Shoulcl I his "-**Preservative Type (6)

                                                                                                                                                                                                      **mpic l>c Address:                                                                                                                                                                                       (O!lfldcrotl Comments Collected by:                                                                  Send Rcsuhs To:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Note: extra sample i~
                                                                                                                                           "'Til!li:                                                                                                                                                                                       required for sarnple tp;e1~ C'ci~ 1.l*.;lcJ co::*~*        QC          rlt::J      Sillrnp:I.'!              TSC Filrcrcd      M.u1r1x        Rodi          A                                                                                                                            specific QC Sample ID                                                                          r       (MUilm>)           Lct.le**1i*


  • For ~ompm*ites
  • lmlic:ufe ,"o/utl illUI Jilrlµ Ja:eltir1;i?


                                                                                                                                         \hlm1m)                                          "'         oacU R1gu VO       liikd JOT      c LI . 5fi\: Q . \ . \                                                                11-1 ... 1)

L\ I s~ I\) .\ 7 n. -115' Y, 5' f.\ i2. \.'2, t1 tS" - -- 4, S" '(4. 'Q . " tj \1,-1-1')

4. rR R.!1,.1 12-7-IS
                       ~.)P,,             ~. -;            ?                                              11.-1-iS'
                          ~. S---R .i1. 2.*~                                                           1*1-1-1<                                                                                                                                                                                                                  I y,f:°t, r7 1...'i                                                             11J1..-1r
                             '-11 ~F\ .jLZ...*5                                                           11..1-1 $'

Li *:)A . il. 7. (o l \1--1"'1S' TAT RcQUCS!cd: Nonna!: Re11mr/,~; Rush* S1icc1fy JS"c'<< ,,, S:<r-h.:r~:) /Fax Rc&ul1s* Arff rherr:. any knr1w11 liazards app/icablt! tu tlu:.v.' .wmpll's? f(.w. please list the hazard1 Y~s No Circle Dohvcrab!c: C or A I QC Summ.ry . level I ' Level=:! / Level 3 I Lc,*ol S;impl~ :\:Q\l~c!i!IO Time Zgc~


lfastcni Pacific Ccurrol M~uarain Otli~r

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -... ~ ---*

Chai11 of Custody Signatures Sample Shippini: and Delivery Detall> Rolinq11islocd By ( D:\IC Time Rccc1"*cd b'.\' (f.1~ned} 0010 l"nnc GEL PM* I 1 Moihod of Slriumcnt* Date Shinocd: 2 2 Airbillll J 3 Airbill ~: t ) C'h~1:1 of CU:-l~d/ Nt..11:-;,\;~t ** Ch:ml Dcl~rmi\~t:d

/-'m' L 1h~ .szimp.!c ,.,1\11 fl:.~d fil1crcd m - S

  • Cm* .i;.i.mple: wnis "C.l lh1tJ fi l~er~~ Cm'todySra/ J,11a~*1'
    **) Mtitn:t t.<a!cs UW-L'rml<n:11 W"Ut~r. G\\'.*(Jr..11n:du-,11;.:r.SW*-=Swf.1!rC \\"M~l', °\\'=-W;i.~,..,_ \V11.1<:r, w ...*.v.a~::r, MJ.-:~11~... L:::1;:1,L,SQ-.!hi', ~f}*.::.S..:J1n*i.::JI!,        SL'*Sl..t~g.:i, &~ *:"iiil!l.l \'\';i<.c-c. o-=011.l'"'Fl~'(r, P*'*W!J*~*. lh*l:rm*:, I~ *fr1.:.iL N*.. t                l'ES             .\'O 5~    S;im~c .\r.nl1~11s     Rcqi.;uttd. i\n~Jyuc:ul matt.oil r~G\!C$~eJ CJ e . .lt26~n. 6tJJOll/7")'t)A) ::md r.~:1;~lJcr o! i.:1)1"ti11:r.'!r., 1,1't:.o":J~~ for t'a,+. ii~ 11~1 ,J;!JlJ
  • J, li:lJliB,*7-llOri - lJ. CrJ1Ji<rT~llrfi
    " ' frc;cl:cr'\>;;,1\.'C Typi:: H1\ - ll~1l!C~~~IIC Aclff, Nl ~ Nt~nC' 1\crct SIL .. S(i<lf~m          tiy1fxxt<!c, S:\ = 'S11l11 n.; ..-,l;rl, ,\..\ ...\~i::C*lhu: A~*..J. ti:\ .. lk~:i.m:. s*r., Se;,;j;.;.1~1 Thias1.lf.t?c.,    lh:c.* rrc:~rr:-IL'YC      I "(!r!,i;:,l. !ii:ii'YC fi::::H bl.o.:.~                                         c WHYTE           7-  LABORATORY                                                        YELLOW~                FILE.                                        .PINK~          CLrnN'f


               *,  l!~se:_*----*----_or_;..,.___ .~~~                                                                                                                                                                                                                   '. .QEL LabQr)ltori~iq:c l'f9jccl:11:,

GEL Chain of' Custody an.d *A.nalytlcalRequest 2,P40Sa\il~c}loaq GELQuot'Cfl: . *~~-----.- - .__ . * "'See.*WW:l,V<&ctc?m~for(3Et;1 ~ Sampl~.Ac9~ptanc~S()l'**

  • Charlc~ton,,SC*29407
  • COCNi1mbe(I~:-.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         . Phone: {843):556,81:7 l
  • flix:(ll43):766-1 !78
                                                                                                                                                                                                   '.~ample Anlilysls .

R~qne~l~!f(SJ*. . (Ellli11

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               .. . 'lhe     . 11u1nber-0f con1riine111
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ;for. e~ch' test} .
- * *:1'Sll* "' Ji~~j~cl/Sitc Name:


                                                                                                                                                                                   . *ll1is         .
                                                                                                                                                                         ** .        s~mpidic*
              ** ~<14re$~:                                                                                                                                                         ~on$1tlerru:


               ' b11Ice1ccj by;                                                              .Send Rcsulis :to:                                                                                                                                                                                             'NQI~;    extr<! s!(1(lpJe: is
                                                                                                                                   -~Time                                                                                                                                                                     reqi.lired;for sample c~n.:....;1                                                                                                                                                                        ~p~cificQq SaJ!lpfoJD                                                           .JMl!l~t~}'


                               ** f"or**r:0111110JJ1Jes--: inJJ(/Utr ;~tw-t (tf1/I .~1uv*du1cl1Jme 1.
*.*. . ~:,:1:(.,* <<
                                                                       *z... -r Ruah:
  • S11ccitV:
                                                                                                        *;~.,.;i-'j..,.            I .. . -. - -
                                                                                                          !S*bJ*<nusurch*r,;*J Fa1tRcsults:*                   Yes
  • J 'Cfrelii*Dcliv(jrilbk:: C ofA *1 QCSumniarv '/ 1..Cvct l' I Level 2 I Level 3 :I 'Lc.vel4 Sample Col!eptilill J1me*Zo11~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          *Eastem           Pacific:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          *cc;it~~I         *01her ___._        ..

Mo)lnl<iin . OELPM: i,,ic1h<id o(Sbivmtilt: D,11e Sbill!led; Aiibillll: 3 Afrbillii:~

             ~lo)'Cl!ali1of,Q,.1~~Y Nim>li<r ~ Clionr*D..ciniiti<d
                                          *                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          'Fm: Lab Rccel.vi11,'$_ Uxe Oill)'

2J<QC ~?;fa$: .N**:N*rnmlS,lin)j>IC,i '.I'!!" Trip Pln*k; l'IJ,= Field nu~li.,.19; ED"\ P4tijpm<nr l})*n~; Mil a ¥*1ri~Spl.kl:;Sa1Jlplg\.;v(SD-Mn1ilx'~~ik* 1/'lpli~*I* !'Ml~* G ~ Qro~iC

  • Corowsit*

rot J.)'~Fi6l\li'ilr~~;j~oi* Jlqu\d mo1ric..;';rn1;co1e 1Vith n "'.Y*~ ~1il*;_~11ipi* w~slit1<iim<~~~:~* "N :.fQr*pmjilo,....,.*noi.ficld m1~iil.i. .. . . ** .C11S,lnriyS1?.al111tt1cl,?- 4~~.,_M111rix C(ld(::;: DiY~Dfinlci!'fl *Wut<<;,GWWOt;,undW!ller,, S\°&S111f.atc.w'~ter,c.W.\Y*tWa:i;tc.*\V,om:r; i1~ -\V111c~; ~.fL~~~Aisc.Vqni~,,Sons\)u; 'S*p~*Se~iu_1CJ1J( SlrSlw.lg~*.S_#<-:S~lid,WG~;- ();::0Jt, -J~.;-:f'.llti::,~!l"-~\V,ip_.1;. ~J~tl~ith~, {b~ei:!l(!'f~~.l--.---"-l';:;E"'S=...,.......""N:.-0~---; S.);S~~'P.l* An~lj.~i* Reqti~Med;:;j\nn)yJ!(~I ~11.0lhod,""!"eol<ii.(1,<" ll?~Oll,6~!0Dl7410A)mlll 1mmbti* ohuntainqs provid<a.rnr em:h J.'-~. 32008-J;lJIJJOfl/7471JA .. 1), Ciiolrn-'Tm1Jp:* 6): Pt*,,.rir*t1w'T~pc~llA. '"'H~.dl**nlofi*.A~il!, N) -. Nitric MW. ~I~ ~ 'S(\<l~n 1:9'.<lmxld<;SA " ~~lluri* *\Ci<J.'AA

  • l\*£01~*~*A*ld, .HX ~Jl"'"'"" ST "'- S*,1lhi~'i,Thio*11lf~I?*. lfn* Pl*_.. ,,,?liY* i> ~d~i:d" ~**'~"fi*M b!*~~ 'c

App E-Sub-Area 4.5 - Instrument Field Sheets

   -~TS M J W T~L :fl>~'-"ICES Rev 110/18/15 Instrument Field Response Check Log 1
1. Instrument lnformation Ratemeter: Make/Model: Serial No. ;Jc*<. t:*"( ~* Cal. Due Date: t:'J-:!jt1f6 Detector 1: Make/Model: Serial No. Ft:' f I .).c,c.;.)

Bkron MlcroRem Meter: Serial No. i l..J SI Cla. Due Date: ~1l l'J f:iff") /*'

2. Check Source Information:

Source 1 lsotope:Ti-... :t. >J*seria! No.: ~(,_,f""""l~- Activity:<.:....C. 1 units: f'L~ : Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% uRem/hr -20% -~ Source 2 Isotope; Cs 177 Serial No.: j (Clf;/7-1.2. Activity: o.c* ;- . units:~Assay Date: NA Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%}: uRem/hr +20% _ _ uRem/hr -20% _~ net cpm + 20%[3:;.z. z 1 net cpm -20% S~'<f?.;

3. Technician/Worker Performing Checks:

Name: I ft/....,,,,.;~>


['7c*/ Date
l&1k (

I I Time: (1 df~ I

4. Site or Location: Site/Job*__jt r,,,.. L/. 1: / .'i, S Location


vr.,,.i..~c*f' S: GPS(OOrdinat5(When required): X-Coord:

                                                                   /, j * *
                                                                    '/\ ~ ,.:l..


                                                                                      ;Ii I

sue.-~ Y-Coord:  !':' Vv-. )$ "~" t.f'( (;.:Y"J'°"


2 1nstru me nt Field Response Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks i Meter l Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response i/- 20% Inst. Battery Time Ambient Initials and comments I Cnt (cpm) or I Cnt (gross cpm or source Ca lib_ Check Of Temp. (add'l Info: inst. Condition, etc.) Time uRem/hr) I Time uRem/hr) gross cpm current (Y/N) check {oFj or uRem/hr (Y/N) (Y/N)

                                                                                                                                                                                                             *-=; " ** *-


                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .. '"l

! Ratemeter lMif' ((&* ( ! Ratemeter Rate meter Bicron Bicron Blcron

1. Instrument designated check source Is listed o 'IOn sticker. Record check source response (net cpm) prior to field deployment for all check sources being used.
z. Source and Background count rate should be determined from the average of three static counts at the same location .. l"lepeat counts should be within :20%. If count rate diverges significantly, perform addittonat counts to evaluate Instrument stability

Rev 110/18/15 Instrument Field Response Check Log 1 L r'.~ ~ ,.1 _ ., 6 ~yfyje:,

1. Instrument lnformation Ratemeter: Make/Model: i.,..dw11 ./ . )i/;..-..-'- Serial *No. ,a6£f-cJt 5> Cal. Due Date:

Detector!: Make/Model: L,,/(rr-.,,... 'If-ft! Serial No. PRl/.2/Lt.l-Bicron MicroRem Meter: Serial No. //..ff? Cal. Due Date: o t}l/'b

2. Check Source Information:

source 1 Isotope~~~ J-32 Serial No.: / I/ Activity: 4'.)_ 1

                                                                                                                      µ . L.;

units: .. Assay Date: lJk/; e: Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% _ _ _ uRem/hr -20% net cpm + 20%~7"?5 netcpm -20%3.f')'.(;C. Source 2 lsotope:(s-!'57. Serial No.: J f1EJ~-J 2 Activity: O.OJ- units~ Assay Date: N../' Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20%___ uRem/hr -20%~*-- net cpm + 20% rs.)7"? net cpm -20% ~ 1/<f'j

3. Checks:


R. c r Date:/.J (y/r I

{" Time: 61~

4. Site or Location: Site/Job: e:-r~ <! '-(_ < ,, L~catio~ Descriptio~:*_r_ _.....xV--=J.o"'"o_-~t_.J~-------

GPS Coordinates (when required): X-Coord: N L/;t '\I $-=i. tn) Y-Coord: VI.I 'Cl {"}{ c,tq#6f'g' 2 Instrument Field Response Use Acceptance Criteria * .Remarks Meter 8kg Bkg Counts Source Source Response +/-20% Inst. Battery Time Ambient Initials and Comments Cnt [cpm}or Cnt (gross cpm or source Calib. Check Of Temp. [add'J Info: inst. Condition, etc.) Time uRem/hr) Time uRem/hr) gross cpm current . (Y/N) check (oF) or uRem/hr (Y/N) (Y/N) Ratemeter Ratemeter 1 Ratemeter l Ratemeter Rate meter Ratemeter r Bicron NA Bicron NA I Bicron NA

1. Instrument desi nated check source Is llsted on call ration s *
  • r. Re. ord check sour response (n t cpm) prior to field deployment for all check sou *es being used.
2. at Source and Background <:ount rate should be determined from the average of three static counts the same location. Repeat counts should be within 20%. If count rnte diverges significantly, perform additional counts to evaluate Instrument stability
  • iifP""°""'-
      * *-~~nf* TGC:i~-""      !JCEff'V/JCeS Rev 110/18/15 Instrument Field Response Check Log 1
1. Instrument lnformation Ratemeter: Make/Model: LUDLUM 2241-2 Serlal No. i,62737 CaL Due Date: 9/2/16 Detector 1: Mak~/Model: _L_l).DLJ.!.M.M:1.Q______ Serial No. _EB....ll112L Bicron MicroRem Meter: Serial No . ..Al]4U_ _ Cal. Due Date: 8/4/16
2. Ch~ck source Information:

source 1 Isotope: Ib-232 Serial No.: 116 Activity: <OJ.... units: _µ_c.L_ Assay Date; .1213.o/10 Response Acceotance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% *****-*--*- uRem/hr -20% _ _ . net cpm + 20%_£2926 net cprn -20% 15284 5our.ce 2 l~otope: .C.s.:13].___ Serial No.: -81.El.3.::4.8.._. Activity: O 02 units: _!J.c.L Assay Date: ..1.L2JUlO Resporise Acceptance Range (-+/-20%). uRem/hr +20% _ ugem/hr -20% ___ net cpm + 20%-1..3.iZ5_ net cpm -20% _39iS. ....

3. Technician/Worki!!r Performing Checks:

N ame:5-1£\If[_ _K.tN ~(!j,,.,N °


-~*-CT ...... *~*-* ..--*- 4,; S1te/Job:J_$ . *---*-- 11 Lgc<1ti~n Df.>scoption-~6-r_e_--_c_,.J________ GPS Coordinates [w11en required): X-Coord: .. A/_if uJ (£"(.:_J,__ Y-Coord: W D11 Oo S"C. r Meter Bkg Bkg Counts : Source Source ResponsP +/- 20% Inst. Battery Time Ambient Jnitials and Comments Cnt (cpm) or Cnt (gross cpm or source Calib. Check Of Temp. (add'l into: Inst. Conditi0:1. etc.) Time uRem/hrJ Time uRem/hr) gross cpm current (Y/N) check f'F}


V [ 1 0 µ) 1 oruRert!/hr (Y/N) (Y/N} Rat~~efe;'t:I~J~7=;*--""l**~--~""'.r:_"""7""".~-,~1=_. """_"""if"==--y_:_""'___ ~..,..===~~"~=<t=-=>=!:=~==-==,,,,_,.,.,.,...... ..,,,~ . *"*' ..,..


Ratemeter ' I f., .'ff.].,.{'_.. ....... . Y* * *-* Ratemeter I 11"5' I v 8' '


Bicron NA NA J. tnstrumilnt designated check source is Hsted-;n calibr;;ition ~ticker. Record check sourr.e response (net cprn) prier ta (ield deployment for all check souq::es being used. . .. 2. SotJrC!' and BackgrounrJ count rate should be determined frorn th~ average of three ~tatic i;ounts ar the same location. Repeat cour.ts should be within 20%. If c.oont rate div~rges significanlly, perform additional tOLrnt'.; to evaluate imtrument ~tability

Rev 110/18/15 ln.strument Field Response Check Log

1. Instrument lnformatfon 1 Ratemeter: Make/Model: Ca!. Due Date; C.'1141/ls.

Detector 1: Make/Model: Bicron MicroRem Meter: Cal. DueDate: ()~/t.rji£

2. check Source Information: . . . .

Assay Date:l.;:~6 1 Source 1 Isotope; **T{.<)3)-. Serial No.; { ( f Activity: -<c. units:;t.i:'.: ResponseAccepta*nce Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr+20%__ uRem/hr-20%__ net cpm +20%  !?.'. netcpm-20% ~?')&6 Source 2 Isotope: (_~-<37 Serial No.: I cc.,£;2.3-t.2 Activity: o~o:L units1tL Assay Date: /IJA Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%}: uRem/hr +20% _ _ uRem/hr-20%.__ net cpm + 20% 13..27-$ net cpm -20% SS'i/'7

3. Technician/Worker Performing Checks:

Name: I E:Jw.;.d5 *o_.--r..1


--=~,_,,,L=---** ' - - -

4. Site or Location: Site/Job:

GPS Coordinates (when required}; l I Instrument Field Response 2 Use Acceptance Crit-=ria Remarks I I I Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response +/- 20% Inst. Battery Time Anibie-nt Initials and Comments

 !                         Cnt         (cpm} or          Cnt               (gross cpm or                    source           Calib.           Check          Of        Temp.                    (add'.l Info: in!t. Condition, etc.)


 !                        Time       uRem/hr)           Time                   uRem/hr)                   gross _cpm or uRern/hr current (Y/N}

(Y/N} check {°F) I I (Y/N)

 ! Ratemeter I~\)\ G'55brA." I ......::ii".. lf )_ i I ~                                  <n-,.,.,,,.         ....;           v                    y     C)<t}O     'fpi, (.}    ~*  ft...-.,;l.3.2      R'i                             I I

I Ratemeter I l UJt..rt' ["qq) / 17"" "-' J./ ~ 1Hr I <f' Y,;L.~ v (s*- /$-7 16!"1 i

 ! Ratemeter            I 1<A1 ,: 6.5":\bcfii....   { lv' IV\         ¥3 ("1~ c'o1-.                          ,J             -...'!            v        l///S-. lf.Z:. () 0 llL-.- 9-*57 Cl[.?~-

i I Ratemeter <.1 .,~ f\.I 1i120 i./( ;).. c I(~* r"?-7 (~..,..* I v-

                                                    \ IMrV"-           Sf<3"7< / *",,""                                                                                                                                                 i Ratemeter           fM:'h. 7bn~<'.\"'         I1o-:)..         t:flf :2 i 5 ~-FJW>.                  ,1;             ~,-                 ..//    J5'"3;. i.fC.o      0 lTk-;).4#,? ~                                       II Ratemeter                                    I
                                                    \ (M...\'\r-..      q I 3 'l        c;.p...""           {1            .... 't              '-..!'   1<r1       i.f),_"l" ..,    L <...-t ~/ ,Pc..-*                                 I Bicron               NA .'I Jlil' .... l~f NA                       W2              I   ,.-
                                                                                                           .\f I          \ j                   {[       IL/DD      l.f4,C       -  Tl\ ..... /$'~Y.f"\L~                               I Bicron               NA ('..I -*~' / [,..ii NA                      K?JA          'fl                   :..;             (...,,;'             lt     /S,J/ 4t.*-~ ,, IL- ') l >v ,,/-~                                              !

Bicron NA I I NA I .:;i./r,::. lh~-t:}'?__ ' ~ v i I

1. Instrument desi gnated check source is listed oi<call~ratiorl"'Sticker. Record check source response (netcpm) prior to field deployment for all check sources being used.
2. Source and Background count rate should be determined from the average of three statlc counts at the .samri location. Repeat munts shou!d be within 20%, If count rate diverges signiffcantly, perform additional co1.mts to evaluate Instrument stability

Re\I 110/18/15 Jnstrum~r.JUield Response Check Log

1. tnst:ry..£!)£nt ln.formationi Rate met-er: Make/Mode!: LUDLUM 2241~~-- Serlal No. Z6273L_ Cal. Due Date: ..'3.L2.L1.6 Detector 1: Make/Model; LUDLUM 44-lO- ...-......... Serial No. PR 111122.

Bicron Mii::roRem Meter: Serial No._A2=2~4""U'--- Cal. Due Date: 8/4/16

z. Ched: SolJif.§1. lnfor.m<.!!J2!!.:

Source 1 Jsotop~: JIJ-2,32 Serial No.: __11(L---- Actlvlty: .5..0..,J... _ units: .).I.CL. As-:;ay Date; ..12./.3.0/10 Responr.e Acawtam::e Range l-1/.20%): uRern/hr +20% .........:...._ uRP.m/hr *20% net cpm '1 20% 22926 nl':'t cpm -20% 15284 Source 2 l5olope: _C.~J..;?J__ SE>rial No,'. .....8..2E13~4.8.._. A.cthr1ty: 0 02 _unit~: J.l..CL As~ay Daite: ..1.L2.QLJ.O Ri?.spcr;:.~ Acceptance Ranae ( +/-20%): uRern/hr +20% ____ uRcrn/hr -20% * * * - - ner cpm -t 20%....UJ_lS..... net q:m -20% .8.9.J.;;i.....

3. Technici;in/Worker N;~;;;j_frY._CE!!..~.Lr,._;

Petforrning Ch~cks: Tille: ..f:.l._["_______ D;ite: /.l.. IJ.lff.°}.T1rne: .. Q_q_oo ..

4. $.It~ .9f. L?.~.;;ttiQ.r]: S,te/Job :___t_~_*-*-*---*-_. . - *--* --- Location Df1r,r.r ipti M
  • VJ~ O/) r/..f.J Yflf_ ___..____ .... __ ...

GPS Coordinates \wh~n required): X-Coorci:L!!_.!f..l~..11-JL!:f_"_ Y-Coord: vJ en 'f'".('1 1 ~1.1' .. *~* *-** ., ....,._......,.----* ...,. ** .*... * *** ......,.,_.,.,..,..,..,.~ ....,..,.,., *..* .,..~~***.*r ~..,..- ....... ~"-'***** -,..-... -':'r**:*-.. 'l'""*" *.* * **.""lo**,, .. -*~~*,..***:*~**r*-*~:*.,.-~~.~-*~-..~*~*-~==*--=~

 **** ** *          * * ..... * * ** ..
  • r **.. .. Instrument. f.ield Response': Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks
-~~Eter*---**                      -*Bkg r-&g Count;-r-5~*t1m'                                                                              source Respons£~                                        +/- 20%                    Inst.         l~attery           l 1me         Ambient Cnt                  (cpm) or                                              Cnt                           !eross cpm or                                        source                   Callb.          Check                Of          Temp.                         (add': Info'. in~t. ConditiOl1, nc.)

Time uRem/hr) TlmP. uRem/11r} gross cpm current (Y/N) c:hecl-: (oF) . I {ffl1J.1) * {fit~ or uRem/hr (Y/N)

~~-~:Q.Yf( .- .:r-: Z~'ili..3~~~"~-¢ ' .*.*.-.(.Y.~                                                                                                                                                      . .:_...-.J._*                                          I  O_il__..,.~~~-"'i :~"'=.~=-~"'-=- _" "'~ =_=_'ZE.-    =_*"'_*'""""'_-*_,,.,..,,..._*

o ... 111.JL._ . . Ratemeter I qg r tL Y Y  ! Be Rate~I__L_ Vft I - -~t_j_ Y ___ __'(_ _... ~,..._._... Cs 131 _St i

=~:- ~~:!£~~ ~:-l: _-~*J_~-:~--:-: =~t~--~j~~I *~o _!!' _JJ\;~ii----. ----- ---3
'3icron                              NA                                                                    NA                                                                                           Y                         _ . _ ...- ... X:..... :JllQ......... Y-I ...{ ___        _'f.J.... ?J.:1..5 /C-_______,_________ j 3~!?.r.~!1- ... -. -~-~                              ~-(..____ NA                                                                          ____1_%__                                                  '            ___L_ __Y                     Y              ,..Ci)       l /.I                          (,  _st-                      ........ .. ---** ..J
1. lnstrum.:nt designated cher:k source is :isted on :*<JHbrJtion ~ticker. J\ecor'd check soum~ nHponse (net ~pm) prior t.o fl<lld dep!oyinent fo1 all check :>ourcl!s bning usect.
          ?. .         sour~;i and Background cmmt rn1 ~ shouid b". der.@rrnlned frmn tht> average \'f three stC1tic count!i at th1H*.;ime loot1011. Re pea~ cotir.ts ~hcuid bl? within ,0%. 1r count rJte cii\'erges
                      ~1gn1fican1*Jy, perform additional courits to ewlu<ite in~tr:.iment st;:ibility                                                                                                                            .J

AppE-Sub-Area 4.5- Sample Data Sheets

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Weather: --~~.....\...,-...r_Ll_Q.--"~'r ~- -.i1.rr-

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: t-/. SA -.... **--



SA. Origin Location: __ --**- *-*-* ..... ----***--- Coord. System: ______ SA Land Mark


  • ----*-*--*- ... ____ ***-**-- Coard:
2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area Ill: .. ::L~ D:-\.~_~J________ Matrix: _:$p_~\_ ... Location Coord: N-3.."5:.~33:. IL&>'_*__ Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA orig111 and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0)_~-----. Y Dist. from Origin: rv/@:. Site Sketch Attach!::d (Yes) ~) Sample Location


__ _iN Co~-s. 7 \~~:f-:!.*--~~~.,-~--- Canopy Type: __ OfJ0:1 ____ Land Use: _l:iJ~hl]-*-- Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): D ~.., __ _

3. *Loc~~ion Radiation 2x2 NaI Reaj.~-~~- * ~ _--*--*Bicron*-** *-*---~- -----N-o-te_s____ _

(cpm) (uRem/hr) co~;:~r* --~~: ..___1.... _. .!}t..J'ifZ. J 1m _J 1cm l_ 1~.-~;:~\~=.:-~~~*,~2 . .

                                                                 ~?_'-/..!__ >--~--- t***3___-~~~-~~-."..~,-,~\-~-1...CL~1J? Cc~\_ck:ii.o.

_____ .. c1/'2/lt.> f---------- - '-~'1_ .'? S:. *-~--~_7_a'____ -~---* .. *- -_...... *---!/22'1--.::~-i **' .,,_ ~R. \\\\ t. 7 ~ *- l cL-.= ~)1111~ - - - - - - - L - - - - - -~--- ____.,__ .... ___ i___ . -*-* .... .L __ ..... .... Ji..}.~_~,_v_ _ _ ___, 4_ Sample Information: Sample Area ID: __ ~-!..'rA

  • R._,__L.L:..=1 Soil Sa;;,ple n)* ** 1**~*****-* Samplilzg Description Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention,

"--~~--+---'-----'---r,,-----r------*** . ...:~!usal, s~9ne or rock, topography, erosion ~~tures) !----"-----+-~' \  ?:i°(CA.""' ~L_IB.iL.L_l_] __~J.0___ 1---'-l':i=-----"'-3=-D--4-"'.5:.>.<...:.,~\_ _ "h~"' c..i. 1\'LI. L..s:rop,_\J.. c:,.,,,,.,,""\.. .,.{' +/-:@"-'*......,.__ _ _ _ ____,

                             .!> '\ -s.p... J g,, ~ '-I *~TI .,:< . \ *~ .r)J Pt" P-'~'-="~--~**..:::**i\.c;.\__ i?....,,,,.,"'" .
  • s.: (.y..! .R,.~J..:i4.::S:~'-""~----*. ---*--* ----------1 1--------1--
=~~~---*_*-_,           . _-*-_*-_* _* *_* _-_       _ L _ __ __ . _
  • Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled:
                                                                        == '. *---t
                                               *----+- ----+---~------!------------------
                                                                                                 =~=     -----                       * (N) 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: /Z*7-1S: . Project: _f\J'i S"6E-.QS Name: -* ~-~15._ro ,..J1) -~- Weath er: n. ""'"'\.,r..._ 1 . cl1:!::'1\:'-f /

                                                            .., ,.-Q**~--
                                                            ;i_.)     ..
1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: ~..!..£EL_ ___ *-*--


Wood.:>_____________ SA Origin Location: _____ **- -*****-- --** ***--- Coord. Syslem: _ _ _ __ S.--1Lund1Hark


.... ********---------**-**----                                                              Coord:
2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: l.J, SJ'i~£...__.:_~---*** Matrix: __$_~:~..L-Location Coard: _.flJ -t *z. . . ;; z' a..n:..__. ____ 1...i ...,Cl.

                                                                                            ..... :I.'L.LL.Q -*
                                                                                                                      '  3....J. zrr' 1 -****-***------ ***-

Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local C'oord.) X Dist from Origin (0,0) l"Jf>r Y Dist. from Origin: N 1 ,.;\

                                                         "                                                                             I Site Sketch Attached                            (Yes)@>

Sample Location


~l~!f-\~~-t--\tl:.qt_l.t:j\ri't                                                                                Tu~_)))_~ M.o"";.~

Canopy Type:

  • Op-e: \'\. Land Use: _J_A.~.\S,vi l\ Soil Moisture (Wet, d1y, etc.): --1:':1.r-'-1-'J---
3. LocatiOn Radiation Readin s:

2x2 NaI .Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr)

4. Sample Information:

.--"-...:..::_--"'::...=;-'-'-_.___---'~~--** - * - - - - - - * * - - - - .. *-* - * . - * - - * - - - ... Depth So)l Type Soil Samp/11 JD Sampli1tg Description

  /ntel'Va/         (Org; clay;                    Color                                                {Su!'face litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm)           sand, etc.)                                              -*----- refusal, ~1:?~~- or r~~k, topography, erosion fo~~1:_1res) 0*-\     <      ~o: \                                           *Lf~ S'f-\ ,K. ."2.. *\             ~        u.       cod-L-_ -* _------*

IS-' 3-0 So;\ .~.R . i i ... ~IA_________ * - - - 3u-* Q S<:i, I 'B Lj.<"r" .R. 2.. ~ ****-**----- .--*-**-**** - - - - - - * * * * * - - - * - - - lv<..}""l cu o'* \koc.--.0 *g ~ ~Sfi:.J.L..!1-.*~i- --.l:!.11~--*-----------*----. - - - - - * - * - - - - - i _ ___.,_......*. *.; ..:.\___ ~~--,.Lf!l._0 ~ -~:_.?..~ .£. -1!)-t-!3----------

                                     ~                       11S""A*~--~~:~~~_j~~~----~-.~-~~=-=-=~=~~---
--                .             I .                       ,

Sample Recorded mi Laboratory COC form and Container Labekd: e (N) 10/20/15

  ~   ~.,.~,_sf:;H~                                                                                           SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date:
         .Jd*--JQ_]l +'1<Project:. . -~~~~Vfr.                    .r
                                                                                         .... **-**--*-.             Name: __ ~n -~"°'-*---***

Weather:--~~ Cio:...~+--r* 'fi.J_~.'f<?._._

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation:_!:/.,,__.5.:::.-L...A..________ **--


_\J-=---o-""-u-'-d=.5_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SA Origin Location: --* ____ -*----*-- Coord. System: _ __ SA Land i'vfark


***--*---*- __ Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: - 4IS-ffr1. . _._ Matrix: --~o.. J____ _ ,, Location Coord: iJ '1L~3-z,' I 1.p. ~-- _ ~__i1_~.QJ ~-~~:':!.. __ Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) r-Jr1 e .. _ Y Dist. from Origin: r,.;iJ pr Site Sketch Attached (Yes) @ Sample Location


Canopy Type:

  • Dpen .***- __ Land Use: _.HdGhl--_ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): '"Dr-v 2:. Location Radiation 2x2 NaJ Rea~~~~-T-
                                                                                          ...   -----*~


                                                                                                             * * *-. *-~-----------**-----*-*--

l Notes (cpm) '. (uRem/hr) ~

4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: 'ft> '5 A-. R.. ~ . /-2 Depth Soil Type Soil Sample JD Sampling Description Interval (Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) -* __ refusal, ston~_£r rock, topogra h ',erosion features)
     -~ 1 l"   ~ 0'   '            ?.> (1) .... .., 4~S-Pt ~-3_;_\_        I                       . M'-'/A~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !

15'~~0 'lo~ 1.6.0_L_ *f]""""'i"l>.'-"--.,.,_......_...._............. f?_,_3_;:_>:., ___ */4-.._&"--.__

                     --+------t-*                               ~~~~~-: ~-=+/-                     i f------------+---~--+ ***----~-*-* ., ..... ****--*~* ... ***-**-*--*--* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form und Container Labeled: (N) 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DAT A SHEET Date: Jk_I -1 \ Project: ~'/ ~6 f2..ffi___ ____ Weather: Cc..ltA-1.,1 dt.A.i\.~ 1 4U-su' r

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: _j_'. )!i__


             ......,..>  c~)._       *---*-----

SA Origin Location: _ *--~ Coord_ System: _ SA Land i\:fark



2. Sample ;Location, Data:

Sample Area ID: _ '-J 5]3_,_ _'f___ . Matrix: 1 __ f5:G-_:j __ .

                                                                                    ...   \
                           ~_'fl ~-~1 S--:~_'f?.~'*--**--

Location Coord: ___ k:-' 75 _P!__3i *'-:1_1_____ Alternate Location Measurements {distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0)__ t'i IA Y Dist. from Origin: -----J)/E---- Site Sketch Attached (Yes)~) Sample Location


..              Wo<..J2-r.Q-"Re.D-+-.LL~~,. . . . ._______

Canopy Type: __ Land Use: ... __ /::1I.~)1T--- Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.):__J-:::X--.,.,__--1-{--

3. Location -Radiation Rea!!_!!!_~---*--*****-----~-

2x2 Nal ij Bicron Notes (cpm) ~ (uRem/hr) , Count time l cm I Im _,.r__Tc;;**-*r*--**,m : ..... . - (mi~) ._.__7_d'~q'i_--+---_7_~--~-;**:::=:t; ___J'!_ '--*-*-r*--** 7fJO/ _______?_'[~!-!;__ .

  • l **----**-+-. --** . : N/--IP! . ---**--------+
                                                                                          -1           "11:~'1-:=~----***--------1

'--------'------'--*----***l- .........-.l ______ --**- .l__ ...... *----* .... ' '**---~~---'

4. Sample Information:

Deptlt Soil Type Soil Sample ID Sampling Description Interval (Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, {cm sand, etc.) *-~*~fusal, st0n.~ __or rock, topography, erosion fe~turns.) r-.J'

                               ---+---***- -*--*** - - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !
                                     *---r----*-******* * * - * - - * - - - - * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1
.___ _ _ - I - - - - * * * - + - - - - + - - *           *-*******.-***-t~.-***-- . ----=- ***--~ --* - - - - - - - i Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: (Y) (N) 10/20/15


                                                                                                      ----,     . *-;:)

0 .-1 n re.. ....{\ I '

\Veather:    Cc.l....., 1 <\o.;o.       y(r <rt,**\-
                                                  ..>v 71
1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: _ _'-I~*,_(A-s-._ _ _ _


_V_o_o_cl~s-----~----- SA Origin Location: __ ___ . ---*--- Coord: System: _ __ SA Land Mark


_ _ _ Coard:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: --3:.m-=-~---*-*-- l'vlatrix: *--*~~L Alternate Location Measurements {distance from SA origin and Local Coord.). X'Dist from Origin (0,0) Jl)/li\- . Y Dist. from Origin: ,.; / f!c


Site Sketch Attached {Yes) @ Sample Location


... 1Jo_~_'$7 _~~1.....~5;                                   Le_c..\JC-5' Canopy Type: .            Open . .-.- . -.. -Land Use: ... fu.l~ 117                    Soil Moisture (Wet. dry.

etc.): Uc 't _

3. Location Radiation Readin~
  • 2x2 NaI *r*---B-1-.c-ro-n Notes (cpm) ~ (uRein/hr) co~~~~~me 1 cm 1m & 1 c~---r- -**1 m . _ **** -,=:~.--:-~.*~-*=::~=--=--=*-*-====~

~-}-*- &-11-;s1 15.5'11..?....... ... t L ~ .. -~JJL __ *-*-******--------1 1----1-----1--2'i.i __ '-l_'7__ *- __:::Z..8.. . 0__ .. ,_ *--------+-------- P

                                                                                              'UJJ_fi_ _ _ _ _        *-------j

- - - - - -**-_J__ -- '--*--******--.. l-*--**--.J'- -------** .. **---*---------'

4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: _ Y~-~~. S: 1~~

DescnphonbyDepth Deptli Soil Type Inte'rvai (Org; clay; (cm) sand, etc.) Soil Color Sample JD I_ --* J~fusal, Sampling Description (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, ston_e or rock, topography, erosion features) D-1S- . ..S9L __ .~!1:'"'.~~~sf\~.~_,_LI _u,,._,_l~~------------~

  /)~30        Soi\                ~n>vv-- L/.£8,.~ 1...G:_-Z.__ @:\: <fl 201..v--                             ___________,

--*-* - --****---+--- I - - - - - - - - - - - .. ----i----+---****-**-*- .... - - - + - - - * - - - - - - - - * - * * - - - ****--------------!

                         ***-*-+I----+---- -* --


                                                                                             *--*-----------,----_--j Sample Recorded ou Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: (N) 10/2d/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DA TA SHEET Date: J2. -J- Jr: Project: __ _JJ tS_f.~.u&_ ***--*--

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designarion: Cf* 'f:r4


SA Origin Location: -*--- __ - - - - * - Coord. System: _ __ SA Land 1'vfark Descriplion: _ _ _ _ __ Coo rd:

2. Sample LocatiOn Data:

Sample Area ID:-*- Lj, ~1'.\ K.. (p Matrix: _$~_!_\_ .....


Location Coord: tJ.!ii...3..z'....LL2'!..~-- __ b:i._75*' vi' J'-f.77 Alternate Location .Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coard.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) tV 1 A Y Dist. from Origin: tJ/ J~ Site Sketch Attached (Yes) @) Sample Location


___ \_,.J cx:id'5:~~-~-J +R-C"S \/1. ~_;i _ _ _ _...._. ..... Canopy Type:_ *-~'-2--. _.... Land Use:_ H.!Jl.~,"_n+)-- Soil Moisture (Wet, dry. etc.): ~~+---~

5. Location Radiation Readings:

2x2 Naf I Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr) Count time I 1 cm ------ -!~ ... 1' cm" I lm ~ --* - ---* ---- ~~t J~ 7µ_ -- ~~~ (_p r=--~-, -* *' . *~-~/;--=;---.---~~

                                                                                                           £____ .. ~fl. --*--*- --~---1 t - - - - ' r - - - - - t - - - ' - ' - - - - + - _ , _ ___

1-----'-***---21_¥!.____ ..?ff.:Z:L_ ~==~~.+/-~*- D_ ____ --

                                                                                                                *- -. -* --~~~ ----~--~
4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: 't. ~p,., tL ~-~?...,..

D escnp ' f wn b*Y D ep th Sample ID *-T Depth Soil Type Soil Sampling Descriptimt Interval (Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) . _ !.E!fusal, stone or rock, topography, erosion features) 0 --1S- ~<.);\ @.n:;u "- '-/, f'A, e.. L£, ' l /1.)1 Pr JS--"3:a i.,. )R. (a..&, Z. I+


hr.* /_$'\d R11:.\. .. l ti)/

                                  *--*                  -  r----   ........ -*****--**- .. -~ ~
                                                                                                   --***  -*--~---                ... ---*-* --*-
                           --********-         ----        r--*-**-**

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled:~ 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: /1!-J -1 S- Project: f'lY.S 61200' ... _ __ Name: -73,.,- *5rw;-v

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: ~ Lf, S-f\



SA Origin Location: - * - - - * - -**-*** ____ Coard. System: _ __ SA Land Mark


_ **--*----******--**-*-- Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: t:..f, ffi,R...~7_ _ l\1atrix.: So . \ Location Cqord: ~ 6-J2'::. 3'2.." '-~*_{i___. _ v_ __ 7 .7_** 0 r* 3<-i --z:z.~* Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) t-1/'f!r Y Dist. from Origin; --1:!.J.~fc __ Site Sketch Attached (Yes) @i Sample Location


H v-' oc-C~ - he,~*l::yv') r-..*--*----- Canopy Type: ()-pe11 Land Use: _1iL k.-i~f1~1+*_ _ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): ..J':::),__,_fI,___

3. Location.Radiation Readin~s: -~---,,---

2x2 Nal Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr)

4. Sample Information: Sample ,1rea ID: Lf, S-A. e.. 7. t -2.

Descnntmn bIY D epth - -** Deptlz Soil Type Soil Sample ID Sampling Descriptio11 11ztervai (Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) ... n~fusal, stone or rock, topogra1:ihy, erosion features) 0--1< "So;\

                . - * - * - * * - - - i--~1\.1.V"-

l{. r'i4 :\'2.] I ~ l':!..LJA-IS~3D_ S'o; I J5-~--~ '-f,m.R7.2. /J ltE"r ~~.-~


Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and C~ntainer Labeled: @(N) 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: 12-7-r 'l Project: f'J Y5 l- f'?...S>=B_,___~ Weather: _Cc:&\y:..,. I r I nv ~ '7

                                       *{A"F v
1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: J:.j, 5B


_..._\~-=::* ~1c..:::J."-"5'---------- SA Origin Location: - - - - * - - * * * - - - - Coord. System: ----~ SA Land lvfark


---***--- Coard: 2~ Sample Location Data: Sample Area lD: £1. ~f;,.@. I Matrix.: ----'-'$fuL_ Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local C0ord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) ~' 8 Y Dist. from Origin: fJ { A . Site Sketch Attached (Yes)@> Sample Location


             ~ O::.:. d )     \i( "':::(   l1c.jn.i.*    D{l)~ h 1
                                                                                                 \_e,\..""" ":I ,

Canopy Type: -°-t~J._'"\,____Land Use: \-\~L-"-:~v-i-'r-- Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.):__i:yy . )

3. Location Radiation Readings:

~-~~ 2~p~~T ..._____~-.--(u--~-~-~-~-~r--)--~------N-o-t-es-----~ I __ J~ I !.03______i f r , - - -......~ -----tt---~-*,_.:..._l_#"~P=t.:..:.\\\.:...:.\=2._,_7_tr-.........;..A_?J..:__._~"'--10

                               -~                                           1                     c~-,.i d.ue. ~/...j I}\...


4. Sample Information: Sample Area JD: 4. S 6. ~. \ . \ - Lo/

Soil Sample ID *1- SampUng Description (Surface litter type/depth, samp1e depth retention, Color 1--~~-+---'---,-<-----+-------1-re_fu_s_a~l,_s_tone or rock, topography. erosion features) t--'--'--"--+--=~---+-"=--';o-.=<-'-+---'----'-"-'---~\-1~ ' t-----4-------+----'-*----**"-----+- ---~----------------1 Sample Recorded on l,aboratory COC form and .Container Labeled: (N) 10/20/15

  ~     l>~T~L~~

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: I?. ~7 -1 ) Project: _N'f*S<;,,_ R Qfr_ _,,_ __ 0

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: ___ !L..fJ~---- ___



SA Origin Location: ___ .......... .. Coord. System: _ _ _ _ __ SA Land Mark


*---*- ..* .. -----*-.---- Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area TD: _,_!J, ~ S2... 2 ________ Matrix: __ .:$.Y_;._\__ Location Coord: .t.-l '1Z-"**r2: ILP-'1~- ~ 77 c O; 1 3._Z:_.2/' ___. _ Alternate Location Measurements {distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) fV/ t'.}:... Y Dist. from Origin: rJj ff Site Sketch A.ttad1e.d (Yes) §> Sampie Location


-* W9£..:0-~ 1 _ . \;_~-~5 'o-M\1 °\'.V'll.!* / /eul.(,J..,;-JC cl;\-c,.11\,. Canopr,Iype: *--~-*_Land Use:. l-:\d<...iY\,___ __ Soil Moisture (\Vet, dry, etc.): __ DJ::::/---- .*

4. Sample Information: Sample ..lrea ID: 1. '.f.~_-. R.l.l-_1t_.. ___ _

Soil Sample ID Sampliug Description. Color J (Surtace litter type/depth, sample depth retention, t--'--__:_--+---------'"-~- . +.!.*~fusal, s~~!le_9~::_ot:J:-..<!.~~graphy, erosion features row.-.. ~-~5..tLJk_,-1._J__ __ +-I,__tv._,__7,_A-,_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- . . j i-:..:IS-:._*......_..-~'--+--=-""-'--'---_µ..'-'-'-"~-l--Lj-'-.'516=.=..;Jl:__?... "2. __,_,J_i~~-*_______ ........... - - - * - * - - - - - - < jo-1.Q-~ '~- ~S"-~*-1?,., l.. .3 t.::!.~A--~--:-------~---~-----1 (;r, - to~ 13,.p...,"' '-!. ~. ,z.. "Z u:"-a h:u.,. roo.! _~ YV LJ<.;--~_ _ ___..

                         . ***-*--*           * - - - - - - ...........* - - - * - + - - - - - -

I-------+-----***~- ... -*--------+-*-*-**--*-*--------- Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC f;,-;:-~ a11d~~ntainer Label~d~@ (N) 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET . Date: n. I1 / 1<:;- Name: -:f. CS~ ~q..,..____ . *---- Weather: dr,.,s\4 1\J'f'i>* t/o':::, ._/a;,.. :1<>'j L Sample Area (SA): SA Designation: SA Origin Location: . L/ .S .. £>----******-


L\'.J~cJ~J __ .l_M-____ -****-- _. --*.,******----***--- coor<l. System: ~--*-- SA Land ~Mark


__ ----**--**** . **-- Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID; ~-~.. J> R.._3__ Matrix: _ ~ i I Location Coord: L/ )~ ~~, fl_:._~~** rJ_. __::tL.'.'.. . . L..1.3-0.'.... ti1_' hl___ 1 Alternate Location Measurements (dista11ce from SA origin and Local Coor<!.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0)_____ Y Disi. from Origin: _ __ Site Sketch Altached (Yes) ~* *

                                                      *. ___ _/

Sample Location


                      !]~~ie~>1~ vdro..vvor_J~ +n/LI:::. ~-*f'd 6r-u1h ~Yid f~\rt<>~c.{ />?.~-Jt5 L       *
  • OJJc.{ "&frck) (c.ll>a..r<tA\_

Canopy Type: 0£L) Land Use: ..1.l.. ~Jj , ~k__ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, ) etc.): ~Q..W1 y

-~* Location Radiation Readi~ .., .--*                                                       *****---                                                 ********-

Coun~ t~*me (mm) l=-==d.1~,. ~-~~ 2x2 Nal (cpm) l cm lm

                                                --- y;~r~---


  • Bicron (uRern/hr) 1 c~i~n .

I . . . *****- *=-~~:*~,.

  • ps*=--~***--r*


                                                                                                                                             ,~=*, * *
~   .-
 --T-                        *9 c ~1 ,-*~ '----****~--*t5=,
                                        -i-XB1-.                         -- *---*-1 **__2_.,............. :----~4-----~-***-** -~---*--

[__ . *--*-***** - - .I . --*-**-*--*-**--

4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: .:L?.B .{( 3_J_~-~+-Y* L<J Soil Sampie JD - *T-. . *-_--* :*-*sa;npli11g Description .

Color l (Surface htter type/depth, sample depth retention,

                                                                                  ~usal, 5tone or rock. topography, erosion features)
 ~"-'-'"---+--,__.,.....=:...:.._ _ µ,="-'----l----!i.,_*<;~*-B~.K"J_. I_-, -k-:-~;;.;----*-                                                              ..

i'.:;-:;, 4. S".B .e.. 3._~ _ ..f-o.,; Gri5 _ ****-************-*-**---** _____ h>~- ~., ! .ht,.,.r..\. <-:_l

4. ~:?- B :.~.+/- 1 -f~....... r~ ri-5 .. - - -----1 l~~-)o 'i'~
 ~r-----==E --~-~c------_
                                         .bou.,           4'.....~.R.. Z>.*~rf{,,o,,J. ___ yr._m______ ......

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: ~ (N)

                                                                                                                              *-                ***-----1 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: _,-"I...{ 1(  ! 5" Project: _f.J 'cj ~-~-(<.Of.__ .____ Name: Weather: c kd1.. 1, u'?~'~-r.:"'l :Jo'..-) -lo~-; ')o';,

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: L\ _~~---


__1t)tocl¢JJ9.f_________ SA Origin Location: Coord. System:-*---*--*-- SA Land Mark


                                 ----*~--*              -*** **--**-


2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: ~ 5. -~-*R . L\ Matri~: ...~?.d __ Location Coord: L/ d." 'Yd-,' I ft, .G]" tJ . ..7 '1 t-.__j' ] /. }~_"_kJ___ Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Origin: Site Sketch Attached (Yes) fNC:l_D SampleLocationDescription: f\o:;t ~{"*~::i_a___J,oJ."'**-\ hr,,:J, ~ncl prid:'.~-v-5* de~r:l ("J*.JD (c\~.:if:>...?\J Canopy Type: \.I~_. _ _ Land Use: 111k1n*) 1 ?.fc.. _Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): t\Q..M"

3. Location Radiation Readings:

2x2 NaI Bicro11 Notes (cpm) (uRem/llr) _c_o__(m_nt_i~"""~m=e===<=~l=cm=~=~~lm==<=l~""""'*1=c':_[  ;~ _ "-~

                                                                       -L *-J--=-~.--. .:-

1--'-~--i--'*~~f~1--~__;..~_,_io-=-{ ------**-----.**-==---_::_ ~---~----~------..- -**L__, ___ I ****---*----------' 4 .. Sample Information: SampleArea!D: j.'5.B.r<.. Y.!-:-.?.~ D escnptio11 b>Y D epth Sampl-e-1n-**r--- -- ---*-*---s.-~;,-r.p-1t-.n-g D"~;~*-;,p-1-io-,i-* -**-****** Depth . Soil Type Soil Interval (Org; clay; Color * (Surfa~e litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) ---+--re~fi_us_a_l,_stone or rock, topography, erosion features) 1<; --Thi:.:,c.i l b,t,,.,..-, '-\S.13 r2__ --1)- 1~-30

       -        +ur;>:s~*,       I                            L\ .'r.'3.

l bsi""'

                                                                          -+--* ---=-~-*--- -

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC f~~m und Co11-ta-i-ne_r_L-~b~led:

                                                                           ~                                  @ (N) 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Weather: d.:...::l':l,'-f'r~' tiD"' -fr,tu s-o's

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: Ll . .:;- .13


w~~d ~ J... \crt SA Origin Location: Coord_ System: _ _ _ __ SA Land Mark


Coo rd:

 . 2. Sample Location Data:

Location Coard: --- 79 . I . .,3ei3<.1 ,, I J

                                                                                               *-~- .,1-....____11:_ .........,..... .,._... ~-

Alternate Location Measurements ldistance from SA origin and Local Coord_) X Dist_ from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Origin: Site Sketch Attached (Yes)~


Sample Location


                  +lei.+ ~ritkv5 {\'.:'.!4~--*-d hn.i)h_,J11>oct j..,.~-'JO                                         Qvid :rfi cb (cl.-3-""d)

Canopy Type: po.,-+~~ lti.i t.f'°ll Land Use: h1b,::j: efr . Soil Moisture {Wet, dry, etc.): dru1'\f .

3. Location Radiation Readings; 2x2 Nal -~-- Hicron-----** c--*

Noces (cpm) (uRemihr) Count time lcm 1tn l cm lm (min)

 ~~=~="'--=--- -~~= *:= ..:.:~. ~;~~~=**=*,,_,__==*l==~=~-~

_ _ __,___~~--'d.,~cl~__,__'R_..__1--'1~) - *

  • J.____ ,__S___
                                                                                                                                                     ***'"'*'**'~~-====I NIA .... *--*---*-**--- ... ~_ .. ___ _

. f------.1 ~J.3) )'._'i;_l3___ . > - - * - - f - - - - * - ... -.... -~------------l

 ~*-*-        *-       ----- ----------"---------'-

11.,-*01*~ 'i

4. Sample Information: Sampl e Area I.D: '-' . *-' . i::i -ti... * ...; ,_! :_12!,_

D escnption b~y Dept b Depth Soil Type Soil Sample ID T--~--- _*sampling Descriptio11 ---- *1 Interval. (Org; clay; Color I (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, I (cm) sand, etc.) _ _ _ J__!:_~fusal, stone or rock, topography, erosion feat':Ue~L 0-1~ -h,.,.,<.<,: l brt~~ .. YS.t:,.r<: .\_J 'I .\=Q.µ r cr+s- . *--------------1

                -fk':'.c: I           b,i..,,_           Ll.':.i::: ({_ :, ;i . :SVn-ll!. !~

1<;* 30 I -. --~~*~


Santple Recorded on Laboratory COC f~~m and C~1~tainer Labeled: ~ (N) ___ .. _ 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: _r:}_!l.L Name: :f. B~""' ,~----

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designalion: L{ . S", G.--.........~


w~d*d /of..... _, ________ SA Origin Location: ---* * - __ . . _ ... Coord. System: _ __ SA Land Mark


________ -**-* __ Coard:

2. Sample Locatjon Data:

Sample Area fD: Y . S". (5 .!( .. ~**-- Matrix: '.'.:.c:_: J __ _ Location Coord: - .79 _L_L,, ~ '3D ,(.o .. LJ Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Origin;---*

                                                       .;.~*  ...

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) ({No)**. Sample Location


fl~+ ~1~~nd -f.ric..h.~s~~'O*~f'~ Dr1.1:J\, di!'J~~-EJ. v!.S {ckuJ)

                               .                                                                             J CanopY,*Type:          1J!\.rt1~ Ii.,~ ".t'..1-.. Land Use: hihl"'*'1 <f~-*_Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): ai:i t'\11\'

I 3 . Location Radiation Readino-s* ..,,.. 2x2 NaI Bicron Notes (cpm} (uRem/hr) Count time (min) I 1 cm

                         '1330 Im 1.12_~_.               ,___

1 cm (.,-'=' I (,, lm


(\) 1"A

                                                                                                                                            =*** "
                                                                                                                     '                         -*~-----
                         ~l, l                        J.6                    joS')               "

l-----o*-*****--:--1------~---* .. - -*1;--* tJ(4

                                       *-~---.---                           -*~-.-              ----***---*                        *-*-                       ---*-
4. Sample Information: Sample Area JD:-~. S'. ~ r<:. L.r -?...._._

D cscrtption b'Y D ept h : Depth *Soil Type Inten*al (Org; clay; (cm) sand, et(;.) Soil Color


Sample JD Samplilfg Description (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, refusal, sl_o_i!la_ or roe~, topography, erosion features) 0~1{ 1S*:,O

                +ur-~.r.'. \
                 +~n-s<>. I b~*~'I b~1'~'.*~*,...

4.!S.i3.r"<.l,. LI. S"

  • t? ..k:_!l.__

I ...N .. w r~"::t)

                                                                                                 +~.,,... ro :i::l..
                                                                               ***~---*                          ------**--** -*                                  *-----

Sample Recorded on LaboratOl}' COC form and Container Labeled: ~ {N) t -***--- 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: .~-£~~ **- Weather: __ dc..J..., , ~o*.>

1. Sample Area (SA}:



ti'~ S ~ e_ GA

                                                     -----/-)L.l;_.__ -    .. **-- - -     -*-*-*

Name: ~.~_L_,.,..:..__,______ SA Designalian: ~. 5. &.._. **~ __ . . ~-


l.t.Jed. ~A let SA Ongin Localio.n: ~*-* , ----* ---* _ -*. Coord. S}stem: -*--**---*** SA Land A1ark


.*-**** .... -*- Coon:!:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area (D: _i: S .f?._..rh?. ____ l'vla.trfa.: __ ;}ci l__ . LocationCoord: _y1* 3:> 1

                                                /C.._,13 IJ___                   .. JJl'.J~~-J_. ~~~Y ......... *--

Alternate Location Mea.c;uremcnt5 {<lisrarn::e from SA \rrigin and Local Cootd.) X Dist. from Origln (0,0) _____ ., Y Dist. from Origirr: .._ _ _ _ Site Sketch Attach~d t Y~) @~~ Sample Location


_ ( (~ ~:a._,,..,d (lr..!.LA:'~.r:..'i_nnd bru:S~ ,'{b!!tJ.iU J~ii\1r~L Canop~ Type:~~----- Land Use: nd'.-t~~ih:........... Soi1 Moisture (Wet, dry. etc.}: ....Z-.~-P--- .

3. LtJc:atron Radiation Rf1adings: ___ .* - - - --*- _ ,-.....-- ____ *--- ____ _

2X2 Nal Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRemJhr) Counttirne I cm ** Im l cm 1**- Im...... .-.. ~*-*

       ~~                                                                                  l
 .       J      .       -    'l~'-1$"             . ~<t w,,_, *.~ ..........._f__""..,_. 1                  .  *~-;n4**-----------,~-~-
                                                           'l.[ ... -.   ...... - -- --1*** --- -*--* -ll-----'-'"->-'-'-------------

L-.,_, ~~-_j-~Q_::t~!~~.r____ ~-~~ -~*+----

                                                                                                                    -~-- **-------~----~       . ---'
4. Sample Information: Si1mplo? .4rea ID . . .4 S. @i. R.. -=t. I ~.a__

Descri ~~u.byDepth: ------*--*-*****- ... *----- .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____, Depth Soil Type I* Soil I Swrrple ID 1 Sampling Description Jntt!n>al {Org; clay; CollJr I j (Surface titter typt:/depth, sample depth retention. (cm sand, etc.J ......., .... L_!!)ftis!l!,_s!~~ or rock. toP?&,:aphy 1 e~osion fe~!¥fes) o- . -+ ~*!... b~~ -j--jh,,; r'..irb ,..._____

                      +~ *r.,l           brt.'n.       .*~.S.§!.:..::!..:~              -~C:~.!<.:.*.........__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
                                      --+-~*-=-*----*~--= f---. :~==-==--~-~-
                                 ,--+----+---. **--..
                                                            *- --1                         * -*-*---*-----*-**---   .. .

s;;ple Re~orded on Laboratory coc form an.d Container Labeled:*-~-)--**-*-- 10/20/15

  ~     ~r~~SER~

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: 12..{ i !r 5" Name: -J.8ni1.. . .n_ . _ _ _ __ 1 Weather: _<Jwt\.~--i$~0_ 5_ _ _ __

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: l\ .sG____________ _


__1;,i_c=.;:_,,___d-";.J=-----'-'Itrf"-'------- SA Origin Location: __ * - - - - Coord. System: SA Land J\rfark


_ .. _ _ __ Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: L\.'S" _,__G~~-'..J . . _____ Matrix: 2~:J__ Location Coord: '-Id.~ .);:J' (~. 38'1 /J _.It.:J'~~}_J'.~ . '. 1,.)_______ _ 1 Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.} X Dist. from Origin (0,0)_. Y Dist. from Origin: _ __ Site Sketch Attached {Yes) (NO} Sample Location


.C\cd- )*~~rd 1                         ~~11'1"- ~*u..1 h'l.J,\J~i):'.r)
  • d.!2.i_ fr.Y.11U (( li';l r-~tft)

_Land Use: ~'l1b11'j..,ttc __ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry.

3. Location Radiation Readings:

~-----------____,_,_----,,---* -- r - - * * - * - - - - - " * * - - - - - - - - 2x2. Nal Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRern/hr) Count.time l cm  ! m *- 1 cm  !, Im (min)

4. Sample Information:

~---"-----"-----..__~--~-----*-*-r--"' Soil Sample ID I Sampling Description T-~---- Color * (Surl'ace litter type/depth, sample depth retention, refusal, stom~ or rock, topography, erosion features) (**iS' i.IS 13.RT\--..(~~.,.t-_;-*----* --- ~1';_:<.>_e>__1-..;;:.(C_.=-'-'-=~2~:::::::_------'----'-.___::__')~ e .-s :: -hc... ! 1.;-----------------1 I


s~~le Re<n~-d-ed_o_n_L+-ia_b_o-ra_t_o-+l-.__ :.~~ ~~}::o~miner ~a-b_e_l~-~-:~-(\i-~ C_O_C *-(N)___ -~---~~~=== 10/20/15


                                                                                                                      -.-        '    12 Project: ...N.)'&:;\?.-~ .....                                          Name: . 1C>r*i          !...lle.~d>- * - - -

Weather: C.c,.Se_,_Q._~ 1 LJ!i.~ .....**

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation:-~~-----*-- __ DesL'ription: ~Ct.0-.~. **-*~----- .SA Origin Location: --**---***--- ---*-*-------- .. Coord. System: _ _ _ __ SA Land Mark


_________________ ----* Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: _4__.5<;:-l~~J ...... _ ..... Matrix: __;?_p_*_ l_ __ . Location C.oord: N, .~Z:.J_2..... I L* si__ ___ Alternate Location Measurement:. (distamx' from SA nngin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0)__ rJ/ f\-- .... Y Dist. from Origin: fJ/ f\ Site Sketch Auached (Yes) @ Sample Location


_f::te.a..~..t'.:(-_ j~_(p-5_}\T~d___+/-rrg~_~-------- Canopy Type: Ope0 _____ Land Use: _+/-j...!..~....ft---- Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): Df'._Y+---- I

  • Location Radiation Readings:

,.,-----***---- 2~p~~1 ___ . (u~~~~~i)*- *--*-*-,,---------N-ot_e_s- - - - - - -

4. Sample Information: .\'ample *1n:a ID: .. '!:L.f"..C.. i;L_.__\ , I -1.f _

Soil Color SampT;ii>* .. *r-**~~~1-~ac~* .litters;;~~=~e.*:%~~o;:pt:-retention,

  ~-~--t--~-~-1-------+-*-------+ r~f~~al *. s~one..~'._!9ck, t_~poip-~hy, erosion features) f---'--......;_---+-=""""'-:-'---+-....,i.-"""'"-~+-.L!'-Si_(...~*'..:..;il..,_* .;;_;1.....;.1__ ..tl1Es__ - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - \


  • n:.~L. ~ -r~v<:-' C..) JSC,,._. - * .:.~ _
               '-!----=..:"-'--'---;...:::&=~_:_ ~...._ _ _j.s--'-..l.~D-- . ~/4 -*. --*---****-*-*--*-*----
                                          . ~~-1!.r.::,_: . ~.!.1. -.'i..~--~lf.t_____ ,____ ... ****--*----**-**--*-*-----!

Sample Recorded on LaboratOI")' COC form and Containe-r Labeled: {

-::___-~---i (N) 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: 1i.(-i../1< Project fJ'1 ~G ~Qfr-. __**--*---**-- Name: .. .=r,_,f'-"'~-'-'n,._,.,=*v~,,______

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: LI -S"" -L .*- ___ . ___


*- _\il2o:1 ;i _i \q:~ ______ __:_ . ____

SA Origin Location: **--**-**-*- -*---** __ . -*---- Coord. System:--*--***-- SA Land ]vfark


.... -~-*-***** _****---                                 Coord:
2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area CD:_ '-1 -") * ( .*~-~- ____ :tl.larrix: _)(':_ J . __ Location Coord: 1_:>.* .))~~ :~l *' ti. ___ _ I ~ ~ 11 J ~ . )._ 1

                                                                  ..:r. **--- ...~.-.-- *--

11 w --*-** Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Loca[ Coord.) X Dist from Origin (0,0)_ ______ Y Di::.-t. froni Origin: *-**--*-**. Site Sketch Attached (Yes)~ Sample Location


__ J. !oJ ~*Jn{ ,......J,."'~.r.:Cd..._$1=)."

                                                ,J                           ~

{_br.-1*,h_ -".vd __nw ftlr*.L. CanopJ: Type: ?~*A ,t, \ \,_J t>",, ...1 Land Use: ~-; k 1_1~..'}--.d:::lk_:__ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry_ etc.):__ ~o.-""'f.---

3. Location Radiation Readings~ **---*-h-*---*---* ****~-..---------*------,

2x2 Nal Bicron Notes (cpm) (uR~m/hr)

4. Sample Inform:ttiox:i:


SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: _L z_-L:lC_ Weather: (c. \ 1t-1.., t lo.. ~., '10--S'C' i

1. Sample Area (SA):


_ _,,\N'-' c=-o~d=-~~~---- 1 SA Designation: L-/,5_(, *------- SA Origin Location: _____ _____ Coord. System: _ __ SA Land Mark



2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: Lj .SG :J.:.\?::__ Matrix: -~~'2.~

                         /;,/     ..     '                                                r_,       * *                  ...

LocationCoord: .11r32 J£,cf; ~ __]_j___2__J____ l]*S?> ______ Alternate Location Measurements {distance from SA origin and Local Coord. J X Dist. from Origin (0,0) f'Ji t.:lr ______ Y Dist. from Origin: tJj 8r . Site Sketch Attached (Yes) @ Sample Location


                -~~--*;s                            1
                                                                                                  ~~)                  k:nf --b~ :;;,*h.i~i"i2'-+-"-'----

Canopy Type: ei~_n .Land Use: _J::\1).,lnj Soil Moisture (Wet, di}'. etc_): ~ ------*

3. Location Radiation Readinv;s: ------ ~I 2x2 Nal Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRern/hr)
                                                                                                                   ~~**-             -*****                             --

Count time lcm_~:~ I cm Im  ; (min) -****-*:,:*.--*--:-..... ~'!SI" ..... ~ -- I &'2-40 "4vkb 5 £/ ~---"------ --~---- I ~51.JJ _is_$_J____ . -**--*--- ! ~*** - I J _ _ _______ , ---- - -

4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: ~C
  • R_. 3. I -*2, 5-{.J.J Depth Soil Type Soil Sample ID Sampling Descriplion Interval (Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm sand, etc.) refusal, st~ne or rock, topogra hy, erosion features)

Q -I~ -+---'->4.'--'--~--t---= l_j_/fJ(,_-'-R,_;~~*~*I-~ roo\~---------~----------l 1~~.:su - .~c.R...~.z. 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: _l_Z-1-1 S"-' Name: _-W o 'Drt\id!L_ _ _ _ ._ Ll ** r Weather: _LC....~V"'-.

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: l.f. S-C


Jvond""--"S.___________ SA Origin Location: --** *-~-*- Coord. System: _ _ _ __ SA Land Mark


--*-*-----***-*-*--* Coord:

2. Sample Locafam Data:

Sample Area ID: _l::/_!QC.,R.!__:/. . ________ Matrix: ___5.<:-:'d_ . Location Coord: N 4 2., *37' 1s-,10" __'b) ]~J)_l '__l i..* ._*3*_~J..- A[ternate Location l\.foasurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coard.) X Dlst. from Origin (0,0) rJ/'k Y Dist. from Origin:-~- Site Sketch Attached . (Yes) (~ Sample Location


                                      \JJcW")                             ~J.          *-\-rets;      ~c.pu. fi'J *: .             /   ~ej_ _ _ _ __

Can~py Type: _C.tpc2r' --*** ....... Land Use: .11.iL~k:r---- Soil Moisture (Wei, dry, etc.). 'DI'-'"/ J .

3. Loc~~io_n Radiation Read~~g~*s:_ _.,.,...__

2x2 NaI

  • Bicron--**-- c--

Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr)

 . Count time                              1 cm                        Im                                    I cm              lm           :

~~-~--=- (mir:i) I

                                             . -~
                                       'i<}}3_~ __7_131.p_
                                                                             *-       ~::.*..c.


                                                                                            *-- __f>___ _s:__ :-#-1-t~-l          ..
                                                                                                                                                       -~.... *-~*'**~-.. r.z:.:¥.11:~=====~

. J .... **-*r:i.t..~-=--*-7]~ ~--*~-~t=:-*.~*--*--* --~*~----' ,6-.~-.--_-__:__*-:_--

4. Sample Information: Sample Area !D: .!l "S"°(,. *,'2.. :. ..'-i..: i:-:3:.._

Deptlz Soil Type Soil Sample ID Sampling Description Interval (Org; clay; Color {Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) .!~fusal. st<2_~~ or rock, topography, ero.sion features) __lj:S::Gi':..*~- -~..._,_A--=-*---------------i l--'--1Y:.::....--'5"'-'o=*-+--'"-'-'--'--"----f'"-'-'->/'C:;l-=-~--f.-4..........::;o:;l...;;C.,J g_.. L4

  • i.. _ -~¥'r:-£..,\.., ;'\::>("> \')
                                              --+---                    _ _...,.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l

_____,_,,.....----* =*=~~~-=i...------~===-***~_~--~----_*-_**-_-_*~~---l-l

                                                       *-- -*- . . --*-r*--*--

Sample Recorded ou Laboratory CO(' form and Co-~t-a-in_e_r_J_.a_b_el-ed;@ (N)- 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Project: -***-.J::rj_ ?E:.~1).F\_.,, _ _

                                              .         o(

Weather: ...f.~~'M., c.\uu~.. __!10~ . LQ.._ 1

1. Sample Area (SA}:*

SA Designation: ___ -'-f, <.. c.


Woo_2s.__~ ________ _ SA Origin Location: -**-. _.---..**--- Coord. System: _ _ _ _ _ SA Land fyfark


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: .. lf. 'SC,,_i2...5..__,,___ Matrix: -5o~_\__ Location Coord: ~~ ~2' J ~.Jt;'?{....:r *- Alternate Location Measurements (distance from 'SA origin and Local Coard.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) rJJ It.\' Y Dist. from Origin: ,...J/ ~ Site Sketch Attached (Yes) § Sample Location


                     \'10(..d~, &.c::tp.l_i~rtj~ 1 l\1h\- ...~.~,..=;;**Sh=->----------

Canopy Type: Open . ___ Land Use: _l:i_J~nl--- Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): __b~-*-*

3. Loc?_rj_!)_n Radiation Rea~ipgs: ______ -~---'---~-------------..._,

2x2 Nal Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr) *

4. Sample Information: Sample Area JD: .!i~5C, & 5. I - Z D escrmt1on bJ'V D ept fl Deptlt Soil Type Interval (Org; clay; Soil Color Sample JD*----[ Sampli11g Description (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) refusal, stone or ro~~, to~raph).'..!_~rosion features) 0~1< ~O~! i2--.n-.... ,1. __

1~5J: ,'i"LS. l _ -j-IAp. *-* I ~3 u Su."\. __ IRn-, ,r- :l*S'".l ..~

        **- ---*--****- . ~--


                                                    ---*---                                                                    -=t-              -

Sample Recorded oo Laboratory COC foTm and Container Labeled:~ (N) 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: _[1:1 5' Project: t-l"'f S ~_g.._oo_ _______ _

l. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: _ ___!j__, S:G D~scription: \Jocc\-- .------>£-------- SA Origin Location: Coord. System: _ _ _ __ SA Land Aiark


_________________ Coord: 2~ Sample Location Data: Sample Area lD: ____.tj_!:lC~~*4' ___ Matrix.: --~.:i.L __ _ Location Coard: N :f2. .:o ~-i,' /'-/, 'i { ~ "l~ ~_Q~~_'Z_l£__. ~(._~--- Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) J-'/ P- ----- Y Dist. from ,., / A


Site Sketch Attached (Yes) © Sam_ple Location


__ VJ ~S__J-_ J_~¥ Cxush._d..e..c:.d._ (....)Qo=~d_ _ _ __ Can~py Type: -~- ____ Land Use: _ru: _ \~~.'il..T ____ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.) ..J::2c_'i---- .

3. -Location Radiation Readings: *- _..._ ..... ---*------ -------------~

2x2 Nal Bicron *Notes (cpm) {uRern/hr)

4. Sample Information: Sample Area JD: Lf, 5G. *~~_ J,P._J.:.:L Soil Sample ID-. ~ - Samplif;g- D~~criptiot~-- _,

Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, f--...O.--'---+--~--"---+-----+-----*-*l. __ refusal, st~_T1.~_?.r r~ck, _!~.e.£~!P..~%~!.osion features) 1 ____.""-----_,_,._--+____,<:;:.=o::...:._.__ __,__..____.""-""-'---'--+~'--=C-~,k._I__ i---<--=---==--i---$:...:'O'-*---\_ __,.._,,___,=--+----'-~""'*"-""~* . I

                                           ----1-----+--....... _. _____, --
                                  -----+--~'"                      _..___ _____, ___ ._. _ _1-----------------------1
,__Sa-,m-p-le-R~e-c-*o-r-de~d-on-L~a-b-o-ra_L_o~ry----_C_O_C_fo_r_m_a_n_d~C-oIJ.tainer Labeled:

00)'-(N) 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: 1z.f 1 (I~~ Weather: cf~, ~1-1 ~o*_,;':>_. _____

1. Sample Arca (SA):

SA Designation: 4 .'S'. (__ * - - ~


_____L0.-;;o d ~!~1. Itrl


SA Origin Location: _ *-- - - - -

  • Coord. System: - - - - - -

SA Land Mark


_.. Coord: 2.. Sample Location Data: Sample Area ID: L\. s-.(.. {(. L. - Matrix: '_d~*--- Location Coord: 4d. 0 ~J_' /tf, 14 11 tJ __:1.J.:.J.'?,)  !./ 9 11 (J Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coo~d.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Origin: _ _ __ Site Sketch Attached (Yes) @) Sample Location


                    +1 a..+ ~       (U\.,>J A'42(*; Lk*..rS           tu1~     g r{'1vn       t~ bn '.,) b.chv~rA r~j:<!!-.) {cli'.~r" . *i')

Canop~Type: f'Mlo ll1..1 vT'v.!::'\Land Use: hi k1f! j ~+r:.... . Soil Moisture {Wet, dry, 0 1 etc.): l]..UM*j? **-

  • I L oca f 100 R ad'Ia tion Rea d"mgs:

--3 2x2 Nal Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hi) Count time (min)

                      --    1 cm          l        hn_               [   l cm _     l ._       Im
                         'T-~)~... ~'

I 9' $ o?.' JJi4

             *-**                                               *--*--*-~

l1i- ~-- I

                                                            -~*==:---                        5
                                                                                                 .               rJ
4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: l\. S
  • c.J<.. lJ - ~-

D escripti<>n b1y D epth - Depth . Soil Type Soil Sample ID Sampling Description Interval (Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) __!.E[usal, ~t~ or rock, t~graphy, ero,sion features)

                                                    'f ,'.'.:.<..{( r. I

{'l - '*;- {:t.?.St.; \ h..,.*"""' "it*1~1;, ry~--~,. fup.J~ *I bn ~,-, 1'5 . ~C*


I.I . *:; . c. R. :L~- Jn.,..-iy r* ,-r-


Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled((Y)) (N) 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DAT A SHEET Date: f2.-1__:!I__ Project: ~ffi):tl_~---- weath*er: Cc. \ ~v.., .._rl* <..>~'-1 I '-r1*0....c'l'>.<>{'." L Sample Area (SA): SA Designation: 4, SC


w~----- SA Origin Location: -----*----**- co1;1rd. System:~---- SA Land Mark


_**---**- -*---- ... ~-*-*-- Coard:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: 4, S-C . ~...:$__ .I\.1atrix: .... ~o.J. Location Coord: N_~jl.'1 '.3].' l<-j_~_l___

                                                                                        \N 7*f'_QIL         z.:s. G=>~--- ~

Alternate Location Measurements (di:;tance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) ... ....r>--JJL . __ Y Dist. from Origin: ,J/ A-Site Sketch Attached (Yes) ~ Sample Location


ltJood.sJ __s:;;q)~""nY}; \)~}h+/- \-:KD-S."'7kA.\Je~ )!.. l'\f\0'5:) Canopy Type: D[f n Land Use: H; \<-~ f"\~ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry. etc.); pr"'(

3. Location Radiatfon Readings:

2x2 Nal Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRern/hr)

 ~:(.;:!~~me           1    cm __

~) .... _, ..__ ~_9K_ __J'-1__8? _,,_ Im -.~ - 1 =~= ---~~-~~ ~.- ,~-=*~=====~

                                                                         ~__5_ __              *FL-
                                                                                                                 .NJ F\ __ *--* _. , .. " ---------!

,......___~---- 'iL3~ -s- . ___...:TI'_10___ . .... .. - - - + -.. _____ *- __ ~£.\'.. *-------------1

***---~----- *--~-- - ._____. -- ____ ,l________ ... -- ... L_.._ --------------~

4. Sample Information; Sample Area ID:---~* SC.*. t2.. [_,_t_:~

D escnptron b y D epth ...... Depth Soil Type Soil Sample ID *r Sampling Descriptkm I Interval (Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) .. refusal, stol_'.e or ro~L.!_~pography, erosion fe~n,tres) -~ *-~9.1\ ___ ~~n .1-f£..._'R-:--.Ll... -- wtt'\ **-*-

                                   'Gro ....."- i./'                 *'Q...., ~     z.        tJ sP\-

1S---~1\ 'OOt \ S"'C

                                                                 *-*-*~-                                                   ---*-
                                                       -                                l.. _                              -*

Sam p le Recorded on Laborato ry CCC form and Contaiuer Label~l:- 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: ~z{ 1 /1-r Project: 0 tt .. nl 'I ::,l...R------ *~~-- Name:-~- tS1tiL..: :i .. _ _ _ __ Weather:. cf~,Jqy s-*o'.s...____ 1

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: 4.5.~---*-


            \,.J<l<',tl d. k+

SA Origin Location: -*****--- ---*~*-*-*. _ Coord. Systt:m: _ ***- ____ SA Land Mark


---**--- Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID:~.:_ (._~J_. __ .__ l\'Jatrix: *-~tJ.i_L____ _ Location Coord: 4 :i." :S). ' J(p. 5 '.~-- --1.1~2. ~-*-~-~LJ *---- _ Alternate Location Measurement's (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.) X Dist. from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Site Sketch Attached (Yes) ~~ Sample Location


                             ~-if d..~rt.***1_d._+2'-~~*k...r)~iL~'S_ (c(~ll-.l"~J)

Canopy Type: O~ Land Use:. hik..!_~t.+r...L_ Soil Moisture (Wet. dry, etc.): (\QM?

3. Location Radiation Readings; I 2x2 Nal Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr)

Counttime 1 cm lm 1 cm I Im*+-, * (min) ~ I

_:_'=~=-"""'-=-=-=-=-:+=-= - ~ =~=i:=o======:+_,_~~F.__y--:P-*
                                       *                                                       =r=i~F~~ ;r~--. ~=~~==--
                                                                ---- ---~-*--~----**-*-+/-
          ----'-~~~-_j__                             1

____ .l ___ ._.... -- ---*---------l

4. Sample Information~ Sample Area JD: --~ , 5 *_C
  • r~_-_'1_J_-_J_

D escnntion bIV D eot b

                                                                                                *-*~-*--                   ----------~-*-

Depth Soil Type Soil Sample ID Sampling Description Interval (Org; clay; Color (Surface lilter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) refusal, stone or roe~, topography, erosion features)

                                                                                    *---*      *-:t:~.* l ;:....~(~-**
                      -hi""~. I t) ~ ( <._,-
                                                 .bttl:..1i""I       4.$"C.R."l.I 1':*30             +<:<:- ... ,.,1           bro.-..~ ~.s- ( R. .'l-.l.       -~**--**-
                                                                                                    .(.~ u, n. ..+\_

i I k---,****-

                          ***-.*~-                            .. -
                                                                              .. *-*---J__**


                                                                       ---==-t--_ .

I Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC foi-m and Con~iocr Label~d; /~ (N) 10/20/15}}