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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix G, Part 5 of 11
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16294A196 (45)


Appendix G-Sub-Area 3.1.16- 3.1.18- COA

I GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843} 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: l 5 Ha7.clwnod Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. !. !6.R.I Project: MJWCOOll5 Sample ID: 385070007 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 2 l *OCT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 18. l %,

Le Gravimetric Solids AST.MD 2216 % Moisture As Received" Moisture 18 I percent CXCI l lfl0il5 1319 1521842 Rnd Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Ge1mma. So(id "Dry Weight Correc1ed" Actimu111-227 U -0.0964 +f-0.260 0.494 0 230 +1-0264 pCilg RXF'2 12!03115 1303 1522383 2 Anlimony-125 U -0 0282 +/-0.112 O:W6 0 0948 +f-ll 112 pCi/g Bismuth-212 Ul 0 00 +/-0.914 1.23 0 564 +1-1 00 pC1/g Bismuth-214 06fi2 +/-0.167 0 139 0.0628 +/-0 177 pCi/g Ccsium-137 I 75 +/-0.161 0.0756 () 11339 +/-0215 0.100 pC1!g Ul 0.00 +/-00414 00968 0 0423 +/-0 0459 p("i/g Cobalt-60 Europium-154 u -0.0231 +l-0 114 0.\91 1)()791 +/-0.114 pC110\

l.cud-212 0.930 ->*/-0 129 (J,"163 00778 +/-0.152 pCi/g Lcad-214 0.944 +l-0 22ll 0.149 0 0585 +1-0.234 pC1/g Potassium-40 11 7 +f-1 55 0 702 11291 +f-1.84 pC1/g Prolactmium-231 u 0.306 +/,O 558 \.12 0.525 +/.{) 57') pC1/g Radium-226 0 682 +/-0 I C17 0.139 0.0628 +1-0 177 pC'1lg Raduim-228 0.716 +l-0 295 () 279 0 123 +/-0 309 pC1.'g Thallmm-208 lJ 278 +I-\} 0785 00696 0 0313 +/-0.0818 pCi/g Tin-l 26 U 0.0837 +/-0.143 ll 193 0 0922 +f-0.144 pCJ/g R~1d Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC Gross ArB. solid Dry Weight Corrected" Al~a 1~7 +/-3 55 . 3.98 l 77 +/-4.64 4 00 pC1/g. KXB2 12102115 11 l 6 1525757 21.7 +f-1 59 2.91 1 38 +/-4.02 10.0 pC1/g Bela Tile following Prer :Vlelhods were performed

~i~th~d****--- * * *

  • o~~~rifi1ion * * ***- *-* ****** * ... **-******-*****

Analyst Date Time Prep Batch CXCI 1111011.) 1319 1521842 Diy Soil Prep DT)* Sot! Prep GL-RAD*A-021

  • i:~~- f<J:l.l?~vi11g ,\n al_~:t_ical !"1.etho.J.s_ ~vc.r:c per._fl)r.IU.l!d.,. .

Method Description ASTM D 2216 (Mod1ticd) 2 DOE HASL 300, 4.5 2 3/Ga*O 1-R 3 EPA 900.0fSW846 93 lo;sM 71 IOB Modified Surl"O~ate!fr:1ccr Recovery Tes I Batch ID Recovery% Acce1>table Limits

.' "I

, \,

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corpomtion Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I 12 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


M~. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.16.R.I Project: MJWCOO 115 Sample ID: 385070007 Client ID: MJWCOOI raram_etc.r -* _....... -* ......!r: ... *-. R.c.s.u.lt_. _ !'.11."-ert_l)_in~* .. :\IP..~~**** ... !~_c_ ... . . TP.J' ....... .1~~ .. ~!.n.i.ts .. I?.F .r\na_lyst ...P~~~-1-:~~1~_.Ba~~~- ..l\'!~~-*

Surrogate!fracer Reco\'ery Test Batch llJ Recowry% Acceptable Limits Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (-1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazcl'\\."(lOd Drive Suite! 12 Buffalo. New York !4228 Report Date: December 17, 20 I 5


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotop~s Client Sample ID: 3.1.16.R.l Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample JD: . 385070007 Clienl ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 2 l -OCT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: l&.1%

Parameter Gra,*inietric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moist11re "As Received

l&.1 percent CXCI 11/10.'IS 13\9 1521842 Moisture Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "D1:i' Weig/11 Corrected" Actimum-227 U -0.0964 +/-0 2fl0 () 49.J 0230 .;./.Q.264 pC1/g RXF2 12;03115 1303 1522383 2 t\J1t1mony-125 l! -002&2 +/-0 112 () 206 (I 0948 +/-0. \ \2 pCt/g Bismuth-212 Ul O.UO +1-0 914 l 23 0.564 +I-\ 0(1 pC1/g Bi~mmh-214 0.682 +i-0.167 0 13\J 0.0628 +/-\) 177 pC1ig Cesrnm-!37 l 75 +/.Q.161 0.0756 0.0339 +/-0.215 0 100 pCi/g Cobalr-60 UI 0.00 +/-00414 IJ096H 00423 +!-0 0459 pCi/g Europium-154 v -0.0232 +/-0. l\4 ()I'll 00791 +/-0.114 pCilg Lead-212 (J 930 +/-0.1.29. 0 163 () 0778 +/-0.152 pC1/g 0.944 +/.() 220 0.149 (I 0685 **/-0.234 p(\ig L~ad-214 Pnlassium-40 11 7 +/-\ 55 0 7(12 0 291 +l-1.84 pCilg Protaclmmm-231 u 0.306 +1-0.558 I 12 () 525 +/-0 579 pCi!g

() 682 +/-0 167 0.139 0 0628 +/-0 177 pC1lg Radium-226 Radium-228 0716 +/-0 295 0279 I) 123 +/.() 309 pC1/g Thallium-208 0.278 +f-0 0785 0.0696 00313 +1-ll 0818 pC1lg Tio-126 U 0.0837 +/-0.143 0.193 0.0922 +l-0 144 pCi!g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Countiug GFPC. Gross ../:B. solid "D1:l' Weigh1 Corrected" Alphu 14 7 +/-355 3 98 1.77 +/-4 64 4 uo p('ilg KXB2 12102115 \ \ 16 1525757 3 21.7 +l-2.59 2 91 t 38 +/-402 JOO pCllg 13eta l_"hC. [>rc.p .'.\l.c.t.~.~ds.. w~r.c.P.~':!"o~'Tll:tl .

Methot! Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep 0!)* So1r Prep GL-RAD-A-021 C.XCI ll/l0115 1319 1521842 i:~~ _f~!J~_wint::.'.\n!J!Y.t.i~!l_l_ ":'.~ct_h.o~s '~~.i:e_ p_er~o_rn:!e~ ...


  • Oesl'.ription ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE l*IASL 300_ 4.5.2 3/Ga-01-R 3 F.PA 900 OISW846 9310/SM 71 IOB Modified Test Batcb JD Recow:ry% Acceptable Limits Su!"'rogatc{fraccr Recovery . . . .... - -**- .. -** .. -**- .... . .. . . ***-* ..... .. . . . ... . .. ........ *-** . ... .. ... .. . . .. . . . -.... *-* . .. . .. *- ~** ..................

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171

  • Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suik 112 Buffalo, New York !4228 Report Date: December l 7, 201 S


Ms. Laurie Lose}

Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample TD: 3.1.16.R.l Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070007 Client ID: MJWCOOl Parllmeter TPC RL . ~'.n~ts... .l.J.F .. A~1.~lysf. ...._D_11_t_i:.}*.iIJ1~ .ll.a.tch Mtd.

Surrogat"cffracer Re~overy Test Batch ID Recovery% Ai:ccptablc Limits Notes:

TPU and Counting Unce1tainty arc calculated at the 95% confidence l<?vcl {1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Technical Services Addres~: 15 Hazt!lwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. Nev. York 14228 Report Daie: February IO, 2016


Ms. Laurie Lo~cy Project Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample JD: 3.1.16.R.2 Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID: 389296012 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 2 !-OCT-! 5 Receive Date: 14-JAN-16 Collector: Client Moisture: 16.6%

P:1rametcr ...............9~:1Jifier, ....... Resu It_ ..... Fncel'h!i.~~'.t.. ........ ~1,0C Le RL Units DF Anlll;rst ... DatcJi_m~. B.a.tch Mtd.

Gravimetric Solids ASTA,/ D 2216 % Moismre "A.1 Reaived

Moisture 16.6 .percent CXCl 0!114'16 1208 1537312 Rad Gamma Spec A11a!ysi~

Gamma with Ingrowth "Dry Weight Corrected" Actmmm-227 u 0.186 +/-0317 I) 567 02.66 ..-1-i) 329 pC'1/g .RXF2 02105'16 0843 1537546 2 Antunony-125 Lil 0 00 +/-(), 128 0256 (J,\20 +/-0 139 pC1/g.

Bismuth-212 Ul 0.00 +/-0 641 Ill (1.501 +/-0.717 pCilg.

131smuth* 214 0.635 +/-0 180 0 J.J6 () 0663 +!-0 \88 pCi/g Ccsium-137 2.48 t/-0 176 0074 0.0331 +/-0.278 0 100 pC1ig Cobalt-60 l! -0.0267 +/-0 0439 00788 o.o:m ***/..fl.0456 pC1/g Eurapium-154 lJ -0 0256 +/-0.136 0226 0.096 <-/.{), 137 pCi!g Lcad-212 07().l. +l*O 128 0 132 P0626 '+1-0 140 pCi!g Lcad-214 I 07 +/-0.214 0 340 0 164 +!-0 232 pCi/g Potassium-40 12.l +/. t.57 0.510 0. 193 +/-\ &S pC1tg Protactmium-23 l u 0.349 +f-0 57l I IJ 0.530 +f-0 5<j7 pCitg Rndium-226 0.635 +f-0 180 0 146 00663 +/-0 188 pCl/g Rudiun:i-228 0.663 +f-0 302 0 2'1-2 (l 104 +i-0 317 pClfg Thallmm-208 0 248 '+1-0.0756 0.0777 ()IJ353 +/.() 0787 pC1/g Tm-126 u 0.0248 +/-0 173 0. 170 0.08ll9 +J-0 174 pCi/g qammaspec, Gamma. Solid "D1:v Weight Cu1-rected" Aclinium-227 u *-0.0361 +/-0.247 0449 ()213 +1-0 247 pCi/g RXF2 Oll18116 1123 1537545 3 Aimmony-125 lJ -0.081 .../.(! 107 0.!86 0 0877 +f-ll l !3 pC'i!g Bismuth-212 lll 0.0\J ~1-0 503 09&8 0463 *1-0.947 pCilg Bismuth-214 0.475 +l*O 125 (J 117 0 0546 ../.() 13! pCilg c~~ium-137 2 *II +/-0 138 0063 110292 +/-0.139 0100 pCtlg C'obalt-60 u 0.0219 +f-0 0352 0.0715 0 0323 +/-l) 0366 pCi!g Europmm-15.J u -0.0751 ~l-0 105 0. l&I 0 0811 **l-0 110 pCilg.

Lcad-212 () 829 +/-0 108 0 0995 oil4n <-/-0. l27 pC1/g lcad-214 0.684 +/-0 134 l) 122 0 057 +/-0. 145 pC1/g Potassium-40 12.5 +/-! 26 0452 0192 ~:-1.66 pC11g Prolactmu1m-2J I l.' -0 189 +/-0.462 () 816 (J.385 +/-0.472 pCilg Ra<lmm*226 (1475 +/-0. 125 () 117 0 0546 +/-0. 131 pCi/g Radium-228 0.8.42 +1-0 214 0.2\5 0.0977 +1.n 253 pCi/g' Thalhum-208 0220 +/-0 0636 0 0533 {) 0245 .../-ll.0662 pC1ig Ttn-126 Ul 0()0 +/-() 145 () 140 0 0667 +1-0 14:' pCi/g Rml Glls Flow Proportional Counting GFPC Gross A*B, solid "D1:v Weight Corrl!cted" Alpha 8 99 +1-3.55 3.91 l 56 +/-3.95 4 00 pC1/g KXB2 (1*1126/16 1152 !539462 4 Beta 17 0 +1-2.71 z 56 1.17 +t-~. 73 \0 0 pCi/g

GEL LABO RATORlES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company; MJW Technical Services Address: 15 1-lazelwood DriH!

Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: February 10.2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project . Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID:

  • 3. l .16.R.2 Project: MJWCOO 115 Sample ID; 389296012 Client ID: MJWCOOI

..... -* ...... ..... ................ ~.. ....... .. .... .......................

Parameter . _Ri:st~~~- ......U.11.~.l'.r.~ain.ty__ ....~:l[)C' ...... L~.... ... ....... i:r.i;_ ......ll~ __ ~~ni.t~... O.l'... _AJ)_~ily~t. Date Tl me Batch Mttl.

r..11~. f()!l.owi_ag r.r.e.e_ ~t.~.t~o£s. '~e_r': .P~:rfo.r.111.~d....... " ... -* '

'.\let hod Description Analyst Dnte Time Prep natch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RALl-A-021 CXC1 OllW\o 1208 1537311 1.'~c..f<!.!~o~i_nll.'.\nal1ti~a.1 ..:VIe_tl.1<1d~. '"~r.~J?.l'.l;f().r~.l!d....... _ .

Mel bod Description ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE HASL 300, 4 5.23/Ga-01-R 3 DOE HAS!. 300, 4.5 2 3!Gn-IJ 1-R 4 EPA 900.0iSW846 93Hl!SM 7\ \OB Mnd1ficd Sm*rogate(fraeer RecoYcry Test llatch ID Rcco,*ery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% con fide nee level ('l .96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: Dec em her 4, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample lD: 3. LI 6.R.6 Project: MJWCOOl !5 Sample ID: 385070008 Client ID: MJWCOOJ Matrix: Water Collect Date: 2 l*OCT-15 14: I 5

. Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Parameter . _.C??~l!f~~!..... _.Result Unc~rtaint:L .... Ivl.g~~... -....__RL Units Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Liquid (Standard List) "As Received" Actimum-227 ll 23 {1 +/-29 6 55.3 p(1il. MJHI 11117115 0657 l5219l5 Antimony-125 U -8.67 +/-l I 0 18 0 pC1!1.

Ccsium-137 U 0 378 +/-4 01 7.52 .\[).0 pCi!L Cobalt-60 lJ 0318 +/-4.94 952 pC1/\.

Europmm-154 ll I 81 **l-l2 7 2~ l'I pC1/L Protactim11m-23 I U 24 2 +1-51.3 94.5 pC1!L Radium-228 U -22 7 +/-22.3 28.6 pCi/L Tm-1~6 U -68 +/-144 Hill pC1/L Rad Gas Flow -Proportional Counfo1g GFPC. Gross A/B, liquid As Received" Alpha ll -0.489 +/-) 76 3.75 5.00 pC11L JXB7 l210211S 1303 1525771 2 Beta U -2 58 +/-2 47 4 94 5 00 pCi/L T_he_ ~0_1l()\'.'i.11i; ~Il~l_Y_ti_c~l..Me~~.~?:.. w~rc P.~~f~.~IIJe<l.: ...................

M.~~~~~ ........................... P~~~~m.~i9_q . ...... _* * * -* . . ................. . .. ...... A.!1al_yst.<;9111!:rJe.!.l.~........... _.......

I EPA 901.l 2 EPA 900.0tswg.169310 Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95'% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LA BORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporalion Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite !12 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December L7. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sarnple ID: 3.1.16.R.6 Project: l'v!JWCOO 115 Sample ID: 385070008 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matdx; Water Collect Date: 21-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15

...... ~<.?!Je~~o.r;_ .............(l.i.~_l_l!._ .. _... _....... ,.. . ........ ****-. .. ... . . . .. ... . .. . ..

TPl' RL Vuits Rrstl Gamma Spec A11alysis Gammaspec. Gamma. I.iquid (Standard List) '~1s Received" Actmium-227 u 23.6 +1-29.6 55.3 26.2 +/-31.7 pCilL MJHI 11117/15 0657 1.521915 Anumony-125 ti -&.67 +1-11 0 18 0 836 +1-11 7 pCi1L Bismu!h-212 u 31 4 +f.54 8 HIS 49 3 +J-56 7 pC1IL Bismu!h-214. u -12 8 +1-10.9 16 5 7 68 +/~!2 .i pC11L Ccsium-137 lJ 0.378 +/-4.tll 7.52 3.44 /-4 01 . 10.0 pCllL Cobolt-60 Li 0. 318 +/-494 9 52 426 +*1-4.94 pCi/L Eumpium-154 lJ l-81 +/-12 7 250 II I +/-\2 7 pC1IL l.ead-212 UI 0.00 +i- rn.9 12.5 5 95 +/*11 0 pC1/L Lcad-214 u -! 37 +/-11 5 169 7.96 +/-11.5 pCiiJ.

  • Po!llSsium-40 ll -279 +/-56.9 !01 45 7 +/-58.3 pCiil Protaclinium-23 l tJ 242 +l-51 3 94 5 44.5 +/-52.7 pCi!L Radiwn-228 lJ -22 7 +/-22.3 28 (i 129 +/-24 7 pCi/L Thallrnm-208 UL 0.00 +1-5"92 6.62 J.02 +!-6 OJ pCi/1.

Tm-126 u -6.8 +l-!4.4 if1.0 7 66 +1-14 8 pC1IL Rad Gas Flow Pro11ortional Counting GFPC. Gras::; A-B. liquid "As Receiwd" Alpha u -0 489 +/-l.76 3 75 I 56 +/-\.76 5 00 pC1/L JXB7 12/02115 1~03 1525771 2 Beta u -2.58 +1-247 494 2.27 +/-2 47 5 OU pC'1/I.

~h.c f?.!l~lv_i_ng_ ~~.nal_yl_icl:l.!~"~c.:1.ho~s ..,\'.C.1"~. F~!.~!'r.."!e~........

Method Descriptinn EPA90l.\

2 EPA 900 O/SW846 9310 Snrrogatc/Tracer Recovery Test Batch !D Rc.covery% Acceptnblt> Lilllit.~*

  • Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95%1 confidence level (I .96*sigma}.

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charlest~.rn SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJ W Corporatio.n Address: 15 Ha7.Clwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17; 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. LI 6.R.6 Project: MJWCOOll5 Sample ID: 385070008 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Water Collect Date: 21-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV- l 5 Col!~c~qr:_ ....... -* ... C.1 iel)t..

Result MD~'. ...... :r:-~ ..... TP_r.

Rad Gamma Spee Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma. liquid (Srandard lisl) "As ReceNed" u 23.6 +1-29.6 55.3 262 +1-.ll.7 pC'ifL MJHI I lll7/J5 0(157 1521915 Actmmm-227 AntimoRy- I 25 u -8.67 +/-11 0 18.0 8 36 +i-11.7 pC1/L Bisrnuth-212 u 31.4 +/-54 8 lll8 ,i93 +1-56.7 pCiil..

Bismulh-214 l.l -12 8 +/.JO 9 16.5 7.6S +l-12.4 pCi/L Ccsium-137 u 0.378 +l-4 Ol 7 52 344 +/-4.01 10.0 pC111.

Cobali-60 u 0.318 +/-4 94 9 52 4.26 *H-4 94 pCi.11..

Europium-154 u I 81 +/-12 7 25 0 11.l ...1-12 7 pCi/L Lcad-212 Ul 000 +/-109 12 5 5.95 +/-11.0 pC1.IL Lead-2 l 4 I.I -l 37 +l-11.5 16 9 7.96 +/- l 1.5 pC1/L u -27 9 +1-56.9 \01 45 7 +l-58 3 pC1/L Pota;;sium-40 Prmactm1um-23 l u 24.2 +!-51 3 94.5 44.S +/-52 7 pCi!L ll -22.7 +/-22 3 28.6 12.9 +/-24.7 pCJil..

Radium-228 T1ialli11m-208 UJ 0 00 +/-5.92 o.62 3 02 +f.(J 01 pC1iL Tin-126 u -68 +l-14 4 16 0 7 66 +/.14 8 pCiiL Rad Ga5 Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross A,B, liquid "As Received" u -0.489 +/-1 76 3 75 l 56 +/-1.76 5.00 pCi/L JXB7 12/02115 1303 1525771 2 Alpha Bela u -2.58 +1-2.47 4.94 2.27 +/-2 47 5.00 pC11L T.~~. ~oll1?~.i.11g. AIJ.~!~:t.icai ~etli.c:i.':'s. \\:ere JlJ!

Method Description EPA90l I 2 Ef'A 900 O/SW846 CJJIO Surrogatefl'racer Recovery Tes! 'Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate ofAnalysis Repo11 Date: December 4, 2015 Company : MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Cot1tact: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes MJWCOOl lS

.................... * ** , ..... ,_ 0 * * *

  • O M. . 000 0 0 0 Client Sample JD: 3.1.17.R. l Project:

Sample ID: 385070009 Client ID: MJ\VCOOl Matrix: Soil CollectDate: 20-0CT-15 10:40 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 21 %


Parameter ........Qu_al. i~e.'.. .....~~s~.l~ .... U!1cert~in_ty .... *---~1.1?\ ....... ~ .. ..

Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" CXCI I lflOll5 13\'I 1521842 percent Mois1ure 21. O Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" RXF2 l2i03fl5 1303 1522383 2 Actinium-227 U -0 0672 +/-() 346 IJ.631 pC1/g Antimony- !25 U 0 0605 +/-0. !57 0.272 pCi/g Ccsrnrn-137 0.935 +l-0 133 00906 0 100 pCilg C'obal!-60 U -2 82£-05 +/-0.0516 0.103 pC1/g 0.336 pC1lg Europmm-154 U -0 I \2 .,./-0 235 1 23 pCi/g Protactmium-231 U 0 403 t/-0 712

  • Radium-226 l 05 +/-0 !97 0 163 pCtig Rad1w11-22B I 04 +/-0.329 0 324 pOlg Tin-126 u O.U48 t .,.,.o.154 0.220 pC1/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC', Gross AiB, solid "Diy Weight Corrected" KXB2 121021\5 1128 1525757 3 Alpha 1l S +1-2 94 3 ..\6 4.00 pCilg O.cta 24 .4 +/-2.64 3 11 10.0 pCi/g Th~. foH_~~ill.~. ?.£er_M_et~<?.~~ .~e.~e_p~rf~~r!1e1.:__ . - . -*** ...... -** ........ --*-** .......... --** .... ... *-*-* ............. -***. -*** ****-**** -

Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Method Dry Suii" rrc*p*-* --**--


- ...... br;;*soi1'PrCP"GL~i~A"t5~i't~t)it°'- ... * .......... c-xti * ***-** ... 1'ilfoii5 *-- -1"3°"i9- -****

  • 1sii842. * * * **-* * * * * * ****- *- ** ****

Tbe following Analytical Methods were performed: . ***--************** .. *** .... .... ***-*** .... ********-** ............*-*** '******-*. -* *****--

-~1~t~.94.: _ . **:*~: *. . : : **:**J~es~~til:ii*~~-.:. *::*:.. *.~. :.*.*-.:.*: .: *:.*:.*_ . .

ASTM D 221 (> (Modified) 2 DOE HASL 300.4.5 2.3iGa-01-R J EPA 900 O.iSW846 9310/SM 71 lOB Mo<ltfted Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( l .96-sigma).

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Report Date: December ! 7. 2015 Buffa!o.NcwYork 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Project: MJWCOO!l5 Client Sample ID: 3.1.17.R.l MJWCOOI Saml?te ID:. 385070009 Client ID:

Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT- l 5 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 21 %1 .. . . - -* ..... *******-*-*******

Paramet.c!:_ ...... .. .......... 911~.lijj~~-- ... Res~~-'...... r_!!_cer,tai'!t.Y. .. ~me

. ............. .. l,c .Trr ..... RL Gravimetric Solids AST<\-[ D 2216 % Moisture ",1s Received" CXC! \lf\()/15 JJ\9 1521842 percent Moisture 21 0 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. (iµmma. Solid "DJ}' Weight Corrected" RXF2 12103/15 1303 U22383 2 u -0.0672 +/-0 346 0 631 (} 295 +/-0 3.+8 pC1/g Actimum-227 u 0.0605 +f-0. 157 0.272 0.126 +1-0 160 Anumony-125 pC1/g B1smuth*2 l 2 U! 0.00 +/-ll.727 l SR o729 +/.0.92\

1.05 +l-0 l 97 0. \63 () 0738 +l-0 218 pCi/g Bismuth-2 l 4 pCtfg 0.93S '"l-0 \J3 0.0906 0 0408 +1-0 157 0 !llO Ccsium-137 pCi!g U -2.82E-05 +/-0.05.16 (1 103 IU.1443 +l-0 0516 CobalH10 pC1lg u -0.112 +/-0.235 0.336 0 149 +/-0.240 Europmm-*154 pCi!g I 04 +/.() 154 . 0.142 Oll666 +f-0.181 Lead-212 pCi/g l.19 +/-0.231 0406 l) 196 .,./-0.254 Lead-214 pC1/g

\3 0 +/-L65 0 '102 0 380 +i-1.98 Potassrnm-40 pCilg I 23 0.57\ +1-0 741 Protactinium-231 u 0.403 +/-0 712 pCi/g 1.05 +1-0 197 0.163 0.073& +l-0 21&

Radium-226 pC1/g I 04 +J-0 329 0.324 (1.143 +/-0 366 Radium-228 pCi/g 0426 +!-0.0914 0.0781 0 035 +f-0 (}99 Thallmm-208 pCilg

+/-0.154 () 220 0 106  ;-/-0. l 55 Tm-\26 u 0.04&1 Rad Gas Flow Proportional Cuunting CFPC. Gross A.-B, solid "Dl'.l' Weight Cori*ected" 12102/15 1128 1525757 3

+/-2 94 3.46 1.56 +/-3.80 400 pC1/g KXB2 Alpha 11 8 pCilg

+/-2.64 3.Jl l.50 +1-4.35 lll.O llib N4

!~e _fol~().\V.\~g f:r._eP. _~l~h.ods. ,v_er.:e p~~forme.d ...... .. .... ... . ... ..

Time Prep Batch Aiudy~t Date

\'.lethod Description ...................

CXC\ 11110/15 1319 152\842 Dry Soil Prep Dry SOii l'rcp GL-RAD*A-021 Th_c .li)l![)\!ii:tg A11al~*_1i~,~-1._ry1_et~_[)d.s. wer:"...r~rf'!~*.111~d_

'.\>1ethod Description ASTM 02216 (Modified) 2 DOE l!ASL JOO, 4.5.2 3/Ga-01-R 3 El'A 900.0/SW846 9310/SM 71 !OB Modilied Batch ID R.ecovery% Acceptable J,imils Surro:zateffracer Reeovcry Test

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample rD: 3.1.17.R.I Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070009 Client fD: MJWCOO I Pararncte.r_ ...... *****-** **-**** .. 911.?li~er_........ 1.l~s11_1t _**- rnc_cr::t_ai11tv MDC Le Surrogatdfracer Reconiry Test Batch JD Recovery% Acceptable Limit~


TPU and Counting lJncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Dale: Dt:cember 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample JD: 3. l .17.R. I Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070009 Client JD: MJWCOO\

Matrix: Soi!

Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV -15 Collector: Client

~foisture: 21%

Paramelcr ........... gu!i.liti~.i: ... .. . Re5uJ.t..... .l.' ......... :\WC' Le ... JYr_... . .. g~ .. y_~it~ .. _f)F --~\nti.I.>:st ... Date _Ti.'!le .J:latcl1 ... ~l_td ..

Gra,*imetric Solids ASTJf D 2216 % 1\1oistiwe "As Recei\*ed" Moisture 2\.0 P<!fCCnl C'XCl 11/10115 \319 1521842 Had Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actmiuni-227 u -0 0672 +/-0.346 0.631 0 295 +/.(} 348 pCi/g RXF2 12i0J!l5 1303 1522383 2 Antimony-125 u (l 0605 /-() 157 ()272 0.126 +f-0 160 pCilg Bismuth-212 Lii 0.00 +l-0 727 l 58 0729 +/-0 921 pC1/g Bismuth-214 I.OS +/-0.197 0163 0.0738 +/-0 218 pCi/g Ccsmm-137 0 935 +/-0.133 ()0906 ll.040R +/-0.157 0.100 pCilg Cobalt-60 u -2.82E-OS +l-0 05\6 () 103 () 0443 +1-0 osic. pC1!g Europium-154 I.I -0 112 +/-0.235 0.336 0.149 +/-0240 pC1/g Lcad-212  ! 04 +l-0.IS*l 0.142 0 0666 +/-0.181 pCi/g L~ad-214 l.19 +f-0.231 (l 4()1\ 01% +1-0 254 pCVg PolaS$ium-40 13.0 +/-1.65 0.902 () 380 +/-] 9ti pC1/g P.rotactimum-23 l u 0 403 +/-0712 I 23 0 571 +1-0 741 pCi/g Radium-226 1.05 +{-0.197 0 163 0.0738 +/-0218 pC11g Radium-228 I 04 +/.() 329 0.324 0 143 +/~0.366 pC1lg Thallium-208 0 426. +/-0.0914 0.0781 tl 035 +/-0.099 p('i!g Tm-126 l! 0.0481 +/-0.154  !) 220 0 106 ...,.() 155 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Pro11ortio11al Counting GFPC. Gross ..f'B, solid "Dry Weigfit C'on*ected" Alpho. 11.8 +/-2 94 3.46 1.56 +/-3 8(1 4-.00 pCi!g KXB2 12i02/l 5 1128 1525757 3 Bela 24 4 +1-2.64 3 11 1.50 +l-4 35 10.0 pCl/g

!~.~ _foll~~':i11g_Pr~p__ ~~!_ho~s..'"._cre petf!J_r_i~~~ .. _ .

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Sod Prep GL-RAD-A-02 l CXCI ll/lll/15 1319 152 l 842 T~~- folll)_~V.}.~g_ ~.\~~l:r.~!cal __t\1c!h.'?~~--:'e1'.~ .P~rf?.rrn.~d

\*Icthod Description ASTM D 2216 (Modified l 2 DOF. HASLJ00.4.5 2 3.iGtt-01-R 3 EPA 900.0.'SWS46 9310.iSM 71 lOB Modified Su rrogatcffracel' Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% AcCC[Jtablc Limits

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drh:e Suite 112 Bu!Talo, New York. 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Lose}'

Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. I. I 7.R. I Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070009 Client ID: MJWCOO I Parameter Surrogaten*racer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level {1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 BulTalo. New York 14228 Report Date: Jammry 20. 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample JD: 3.Ll7.R.2 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample !D: 388092017 Client ID: .MJWCOO!

Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 23-DEC-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 20.6%

Parameter MDC L.c __ . .. ... TPl'. RL Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weigh! Corrected"

() 6\3 0 290 +/.() 348 pC1lg MJHI 01/18/16 0723 1534020 Actm1im1-227 U 0.0259 +1-\J 34'1 Ant1mon7-125 U 0 0466 +f-0 127 0 246 0.115 +/-0.129 pCiig*

Bismuth-212 ur ooo +1-1.12 1.27 0.583 +/-1.18 pCi/g Bismuth-214 O 81.\ +/-0 20ll 0.162 I) 0742 +/-0.211 µCi/g Ce~ium-137 0 742 +/-0 107 0.0879 () 0402 +/-0.122 0 \00 pC1!g Cobalt-60 U -000171 +/-0.0366 () 072 u 0302 +/-0 0366 pCi/g u {) 122 +/-0 136 ()293 0.131 +l*O 148 pC1!g Europium-154 1.04 +l-0 132 0.\30 00616 +/-0 157 pCilg Leali-212 Lcod-214 1.05 +/-0 2\5 0.17(1 1).0823 +1-0232 pCifg 140 +1-1 68 ,0 570 0.228 +1-2.0(i pCi!g Potassium-40 Pro!acrnuum-23 \ U! ()00 +/-\ 66  ! ()8 0.507 . +/-! 70 pCi/g 0.814 +1-0 20() () 162 00742 +/-n.211 pCi/g Radium-226 1.12 +f-0.309 0 293 0 [31 +/-0 344 pCilg Radium-228 0 293 +/-0.0\15 ll.0779 00356 +/.0.098 pC1/g Thalhum-208 ll[ 000 +/-0 139 0.165 () ()79 +/-U MO pCifg Tm-126 T!1~ .P..~.e_p ;'v!~th.od.S. ~"'.~re. v.c.r~~r~~~ _........... *.- ****o ****** * * -**-" H**O '***' '*****-****'*** * ,,,,, ___ ,,, .. _ , *'***' ,*** -

Method Description Analysl Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil PrcpGL-RAD-A-021 I.YT! 12124/15 070J 1533924 Dry Soll Prep The .f.~lll)w.i!lg A1l.l1.IJ!i~alJ\1._e.t.~1si.d..s.~l*e.rc J.1~.r!.1:1-:in~<l Method Descriptiofl .... *-*. .. . .. . . . . . .. - . *-* . - ...... --** - .. *-. . . ... .. -*-** ... - . . . .. . ...... *****- - .. ******* *- ....... * ......... .

DOE 1-JASL 300. 4.5 2 3/Ga-01-R Batch ID Recm.-cry% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-B 171 - www Certificate of Analysis Company: MJ W Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Sulte J 12

.Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: Jnnunry 20, 20*16 Contaqt: Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample JD: 3.1.17.R.2 PrQject: MJWCOOl 15 Sample JD: 388092017 Client ID: MJWCOO I Parameter .. 91:1.~~~ficr........!l~~~~-t .... JLn1:~r-~ain~y ....... Ml)C: ***-* .. .l~i.:.... . .... 1J>_I:_ ......~L. *-- t:nil.S... _l)F__ ~n-~ly~t ... J:l:it_~ll .)I_l_d ..

Surrogatcftraccr Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level {1.96-sigina).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 !-lazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: January 20, 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.!.17.R.2 Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID: 388092007 Client ID: rvlJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 23-DEC-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 20.6%

Parameter Result l'ncertainh* MDC Le Gravimetric Solids AS1M D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Mmsmre .2(16 percent LYT1 12124/15 0703 1533555 Rnd Alpha Spec Al)alysi.5 ASP Plutonium isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plu\omum-238 (J 0518 +/-0 0673 0 0957 0.0274 +/-0.0677 I Otl pCiig MXS:? 01/12116 !021 1534070 2 Plutonmm-239i24(l 003! +/-0.0549 0()832 (1.0212 +/.() 055 I 0\l 1JC1lg

..ISP l.l*anium Isotopic, Solid "Di)' JYeight CoJ-rected" llrumurn-232 u -00392 +/-0 0409 0.142 0 0464 +/-0.041 1.00 pC11g MXS2 01/12116 \015 1534063 3 Umnium-2331234 0759 +1-0 245 Cl 128 0 0349 +l-0 280 100 pC1/g 1lranium-2351236 0.0296: +/-00681 CUOS ()0247 +/-0.0683 I 00 pCi/g t:ramum-238 0.841 +/-0 256 0.119 00302 +/-0.297 I 00 pCl/g Alp/1aspe,c Sp237, Solid "D1J' Weight Cotrecled" Ncpluamm-2:n u 00424 ""/-11.274 0.560 () 167 +/-0 274 I 00 pCiig MXS2 011121!(1 1032 1534069 4 Afphaspec 171229 ~ 228.130.232 Solid "Dry ll'eight Correcled" Thonurn-228 I 26 +/-0 642 0449 0.109 +/-0 698 1.00 pCiig MXS2 Olfl2/l6 l031 1534062 5 Thorium-229 u -0 0682 +/.[) 158 0468 0 128 +/-0 159 1.00 pC!lg TI1onrnn-2JO I 03 +l-0.55'i 0 393 0090 +/-0600 I 00 pC1lg Thonum-232 0.848 +/-0 SO I 0.212 00() +1-0.532 I OU pCi!g Am24l, Cm Solid "D1:r Weight C'orl'i!Cted" Americium-241 u 0 0173 +/.() 0477 00827 00211 +1-0.047.S  ! 00 pC1/g MXS2 01/12/16 1103 1534067 6 Curmm-242 0.00 +/-() 0385 ()()573 (l 00 +/.() 0386 l.00 pCllg Curium-2431244 0.0205 *l-0 ()47 (107..\5 0 0171 +l-0-0471  !.00 pCifg Cunum-2451246 0.0155 +/-0.0436 0.0465 (l 00 +/*0.0436 1 00 pC'1lg Liquid Si:int Pu24 l, Solid "Dry* Weight Corrected" l'lutomum-24 l ll -6.03 +/-7 26 12.9 6.26 +/-7.26 1.5.0 pC1!g MXS2 01/14/16 1749 1534073 7 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma I 129. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" loomc-129 lJ 0.0563 +1-0 400 I tl6 0.360 +1-0 4Cll 1 00 pCtlg MJHI 01115116 0849 1535059 8 Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Cm*i*ected" Actmmm-227 ll *0.0339 +/-0 182 0336 0 160 +/-0 182 pCilg MJH I 12129115 115(> I 53356:? 9 Antunony-!25 \] 0.0422 +/-0.0675 I) 129 0 ()606 +1-0.0702 pC1/g Bismurh-212 {) 0.00 +/-0.624 () 8J2 0 392 +/-0 972 pCilg Bismuth-214 0.746 +f-0.123 00981 0.046 +/-0.138 pC1/g Ce~mrn-137 0773 +i-0 0773 0.045 0 02()7 +/-0 0999 O. !UO p('1!g.

Cobalt*60 u -0.000218 +f-00238 O.lW>l (l.0202 +/.() 0238 pC1lg Europium-154 \J -0 ()157 +/-1)()955 0 172 0.[!78:? +/.() (1957 pCilg

_Lcad-212 I OS +/-U.0862 00739 0 ll353 +,'-0 127 pC1.1g Lcad-214 {) 841 +/.() 122 u 0942 0.0445 +/.() 142 pC1/g

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 SaY<!ge Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, Nc:w York 14228 Report Date: January 20, 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.17.R.2 Project: MJWCOOJJ5 Sample ID: 388092007 Client ID: MJWCOOJ Parameter

._:rrr Rad Gamnm Spec Analysis

. Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid "Dry 11-'eighl Corrected" Potassium-40 12.5 +f-1.09 OA75 0.209 +1-1.55 pCi!g Pro1acu11iu111-231 tll O00 +/-0.411 0 710 0.340 +1-0.449 pC1/g Radiwn-226 0 746 +/-0 123 0 0981" 0 04/i +/-0 138 pC'1/g Rudium-228 0965 +/-0 17'> 0.182 () 0832 +l-0 232 pC1fg Thalliwn-20~ ll.330 +/-0.0473 0.0465 {) 0217 +/-0.0547 pCLlg Tm-126 LI 0.00 +1-0 0766 0086  !)0413 +/.Cl.0791 pCifg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross ;J B. solid "D1:i* Weight Corrected" Alpha 10 2 +f-3 8 I 3.82 1.48 +f.4 ,)(} 4.00 pCi/g JXB7 01112116 0319 1534760 I0 Beta 17 9 +/-3.27 2 92 1.28 +/-4.08 10.0 pC1/g Gl'PC. Sr90, .wlid "Dry Weigh1 Corrected" S1ronm11n-90 U -0.298 +f-0.841 I 70 0 745 +/-0 841 200 pCifg KSDl 01/061.16 1654 1534788 11 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC Tr ilium Dist. Solid "D1:i* Weight Correc1ed" Tntium IJ I 27 +/-2 46 4 19 2.02 6.00 pC1/g TXJl IJl!JOl\6 2115 1534918 12 Liquid Sdm CJ.I. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curbon-!4 U -0182 +/-0.783 1 34 OMO +/.n 7S3 200 pC1/g TXJI 01/16116 1233 1534935 13 Liquid Sein/ Tr:99. Solid "Dry Weig/11 COl*rected" Teclmetium-99 U 0.241 +/-1 64 2.&4 I 36 +/-1 64 5 00 pCJJg MYM 01119116 0642 1534638 14 1

p1~ . rol~olV.i~g ~-r.~.P ~f ~t.h?.d.s. \~ ~r.~., ... ..

Method Dcsci-iption Analyst Date Time Prl!p Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry So11 l'rcpGL-RAD-A-()21 LYTI 12124113 0703 1533555

!~~ _f?._llo~~~i.11g.J\n:tl~tka.l_~~t_!ICJ_ds ncr~_r.i:r~(lrmcd ... __ . __ ............................. , .... *--*-**-* ...... ,. _..... **-*****

Method llcsc:ription ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE EML HASL-300. Pu-11-RC Modified DOE EML HASL-300, lJ-02-RC Modi lied 4 ASTM c 1476-00 Modified 5 DOE EML HASL-300, Th-01-RC Modified 6 I:JOE EML UASL-300. Am-05-RC Modtficd 7 DOE EMI. HASL-300. Pu-11-RC Modified 8 DOE El\IL HASL-300,!-01 Modified 9 DOE HASL300.4 5 2 3iGa-01-R 10 EPA 9000JSWR~693IO!SM111UB Modified II EPA 905 0 Modified/DOE RP501 Rev 1 ~od1t'icd 12 EPA 906.0 Modi tied 13 EPA EERFC-0 I Modified

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Anal;ysis Company: 1\-IJW Co!Jloration Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Dale: January 20. 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.l 7.R.2 Project: MJWCOOIJS Sample JD: 388092007 Client ID: MJWCOOl Parameter . Q'!a!ifi~!: ... __ _l~~~_u_lt ...;r~:i_in_ty ...... ~Ill..<" ...... ..l.~c........... Il'.r........ RL . -*Units DF An:1lvst

-***** ............ -- .. .........Date



  • -** ..... *- .. -* Batcb Mtd ..

14 DOE EML 11 ASI .-300, Tc-02*RC Modified Surrogatcffraccr Recovciy Test Batch lD Rccover,y<Yo Acceptable Limits Plntonium-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Correclecl" 1534070 75.4 {15%*125%)

Uran:ium-232 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weigl1t Corrected" 1534063 65.4 {15%-125%)

Uranium-235/236 Tracer l\SP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1534063 B6.1 ( 15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np237. Solid "Dry Wdght Corrected" 1534069 93 (15%-125%)

Aclinium-227 Tracer Alphaspce Th229 + 228,230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1534062 85.1 (15%-125%)

Americium-:?.43 Tracer Am241. Cm Solid "Dry \\!eight Corrected" 1534067 91.4 (15%-125%)

Plutoninin-242 Tracer Liquid Sc.:int Pu24 I. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1534073 75.4 (15%-125%)

Strontiulll Cmrier GFPC, Sr90. solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1534788 60 (25%*125%)

Tec!melium-99m Tracer Liquid Sein! Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight C-0rrectcd" 1534638 95.9 (_ 15%-l 25%}


TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4. 2015 Company : MJW Corporation Address : 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie* Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.!. !7.R.5 Project: MJWC00\15 Sample ID: 385070010 Client m: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soi!

Collect Date: 20-0CT- I 5 10:45 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector; Client i\foisturc: 21%

Parameter Grav.imetric Solids*

ASTM D 2216 <!-*(,Moisture "As Received" percent CXCl 11110!15 l 3 ! 9 1521842 Moisture 21.0 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

  • 0 I \4 \.00 pCi!g HAKB 11123115 1501 1522577 2 Plutomum-238 l! 0 0726 +f-0 09\9 Plutomum-:?391240 lJ 0.0437 +/-O. liJ5 0.190 1.00 pCi/g ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid Dry Weight Corrected" llramum-232 \J 0.0135 +/-00953 0 196 \ 00 pcifg HAKll I 1/2.4/I5 085 l l 522580 3 llrnnium-233i234 I 05 * +l-0.329 0.14.'l 1.00 pci/g Ummum-2351236 lJ 0 0456 +/-0 0897 () 124 1.00 pci!g l!rnmum-238 0 956 +i-0.312 00715 1.00 pc1/g Alphaspec Np237, Solid Dry Weight Con-ected" 06()9 l (10 pCi!g llAKB 11i23/15 1706 1522576 4 Neptunimn-237 U -0 0887 +J-0.206 Alphaspec 111229 + 228,230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 0.50! l 00 pC1!g HAKB 11124115 1014 15'22579 Thorium-228 l .05 +/-0.517 Thanum-229 U 0 Gl44 +/-0 151 0 314 \ 0() p('ifg Thonum-230 0. 924 +/-0.439 0 154 1.00 pClfg 111or111rn-232 1 33 +/-0.522 0.154 1.00 pC!lg_

Arn241, Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 0 120 1.0() pCilg HAKB l li24/15 1042 1522571 6 Amencmm-241 lJ -0.0175 +f-0.0406 Cunum-242 lJ 0.00 +/-0.0421 u 0627 ](1(1 pCilg Curmm-2431244 ll 0 0\44 +/-0.0647 0 126 t.00 pC!lg Curium-2451246 lJ 0 0417 **/-0 0715 00626 I 00 pCi!g Liquid Sc:int Pu24 l, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected

114 15 ll pC.1/g  !IA KB l !i25/l 5 0930 1522578 7 Plutomum-241 L' -3.38 +f-64\1 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma I 129, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" I) 491 I.OU pCi!g MJHI 12i02/15 1342 1522374 8 lodmc-129 ll -0.067 +/-0.270 Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Co(rected" 0 4S'l pC1/g RXF2 12!03115 1304 152231B 9 Aclinmm-221 U -0 0434 +/.() 269 Anumony-12:" U -tl.0629 +/-0. J l(J () 199 p{,'.tlg Cc~ium-137 I 00 +/-0.114 0 0654 0 100 j1Ci/g Cobalt-60 IJ 0 (){)885 +1-0 0356 00759 pCi!g Europium- !54 U -0 0-1-S9 +/-0. \37 () 255 pCilg Protacimmm-131 Ul 0 00 +/-0.773 0 968 pCt!g

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis.

Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample JD: 3.1.17.R.5 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070010 Client ID: MJWCOOI Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Radtum-226 0 800 +/-0.174 0.126 pC1lg Radium-228 0.968 +/-0.302 0 294 pCilg Tin-126 . U1 0.00 +/-0 134 D 137 pCilg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A!B, solld "Dzy Weight Comcted" Alpha 15 2 .../-2.8.+ 2 57 4.00 pClfg. KXB2 12102115 1128 1525757 IO 13eta 25 2 +/-2.55 2.84 10 0 pC'1/g*

GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Sttomium-90 *U -0.358 +l-0 742 l.53 2 ()0 pCi!g KSDI 12i02/15 1.641 !525755 11 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist. Solid Ory Weight Corrected"

+/-1 91 3. 14 6.00 pCilg TXJI 12102115 1324 1522724 12 Tritmm U 1.90 Liquid Scint C14, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

+/-0.868 1.48 200 pC1/g TXJJ l 2i03!15 1940 1522716 13 Carbon-14 U 0 232 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Tcchnctium-99 U 1 12 +/-l 58 Hi? 5 00 pC1lg MYMl 1\129115 1017 1522715 14 1~!~~_f9}l()}'!~.I'. .~.e!~I.()~~-w_e~e r.e.r.fo1:1ned.: ****- ........................... .

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch "Dry.Soll Prep . .. . . ......... 'br).'g(,jj Pr~p Gl-RAD:A:o21 .. c*xc:.~i'. * *1 *ilioiTs* * ** ** * *i"JW*** * ** *i"s.21842 ......... -..... ** * ...... .

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey

......... *-p~~jec_t: _ .........~?i.t..R.:ad!?.!~°.~opc*s*** ... _.............. ..........-

Client Sample ID: 3.1.17 .R.5 Project: MJWCOOI 15 Sample 10: 385070010 Client ID: MJWCOO!

-***** *--~ ..... *-** *-** ***-**-*- -*************** *--**** -* ****-** -*** ......... ****************

_The folt.o'.".'.in.~ ~'-~.alx~t~~~.~~~~?_<l.s v;~~~_perfo~~~= .....

M~t~.9.d... _ ............. _ ........ Q~~~ript.ign .... . . ...... .............. **-*. .. . .. An!!b'~t C:9!l)fll.e.n\~ ...........

I /\STMD2216(Modificd) 2 ODE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 4 ASTM C 1476-00 Mod1!ied .

5 POE EML HASL-300. Th-01-RC Modified 6 DOE EML l-IASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 7 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 8 DOE.EML f*!ASL-300.l~Ol Modified 9 DOE BASL 300. 4 5.2.3/Ga-01-R 10 Er A 'JOO O/S W84& 931 OiSM 711 OB Modi tied 11 f:PA 905.0 ModifiediDOE RP501 Rev. 1 Madtf1cd 12 EPA 906 0 Modified 13 EPA EERF C-Ol Modi lied 14 DOE EML HASL-300. Tc-02-RC Modified Test Result

~.urr.~~ate/)'r!l~:r~~c.ov_e.~Y. ......................... -* -** .... *******-*-*****-* .....

ASP Plutonium lso1op1c. Solid "D1y Weight 72 9 (15%-125%)

1'1\1ton1um-242 Tracer Corrected" ASP Uranium fsot<Jpic. Sohd "Dry Weight 57.5 115%-125%)

Urunium-2;32 Tracer Corrected" ASP Uranium lsotop1c*. Solid "Dry Weight 63 8 (15%-125%)

Uranium-2351236 Tracer Corrected" 70.5 (15%-125%)

Amcricium-243 Tracer Alphnspec Np237. Sohd "Dry Weight Corrected" 88.? (15%-125%)

Acurnum-227 Tracer Alphaspec;: Th229 + 228.230.232 Sohd "Dry Wei1:ht Corrected" Am24 I, Cm Sohd Dry Weight CorrCC1ed" 68 8 {15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Liquid Scmt Pu24 I. Solid "Dry Wetghl Corrected" 72 9 [15%-125%)

Plutomum-242 Tracer GFPC, Sr90, solid Dry Weight Corrected 86.7 (25%-125%)

Strontium Carrier l.1qmd Sci~t Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 94 2 (15%-125%)

Teclmctium-99m Tracer Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence levei ( 1.96-sigma}.

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: M.JW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12 13uffalo, New York I 422S Report Dale: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. l.17.R.5 Project: MJWC00! 15 Sample JD: 3850700 lO Client ID: MJWCOOJ Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 21%

}~~r~n,ie_t~~-- .......... __ 9u_alili~r.. .. . _Rc~t1It.... V.11<:ert_1tii:ttY Le TPl! . -~--- __l}_l_l_its . DI_'_. f.\niily_~t ... ~atc_}'h11c .':3-:..i!~_b __ ..~Ud, Gravimell*ic Solids ASTM D 1216 % Moisltlre "As Received" 21 0 percent CXC"l 11/I0/15 1319 1521842 Moisture Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Pluronium Isotopic. Solid HDIJ* Weight Corrected" 0.114 00262 +/-0.0926 I OU pCiig HAK!l l li23il5 1501 1522577 2 Plutonium-238 0 0726 +/-0 O<J 19 Plutonium-239/240 U 0 0437 +/-0 105 I} !90 0.064! +/-0 105 1\)0 pCi/g 1tSP Uranium Isotopic. SoUd "DI}' Weighr COl'l'er:wd" 0.196 0.0641 +/-0 0954 l.00 pcilg HAKB l 11241!5 0851 1522580 3 Uramum-232 U 0 0135 +/-0.0953 l/ramum-233/234 I 05 +/-0.329 () 143 (l.())28 +/-0400 I 00 pcilg tlranium-235/236 0.0456 +/-0.0897 0.124 () 0233 */-0.0902 1.00 pciig l)rantui:n-238 0. 956 +/-0 312 00775 (l.00 t/-0.375 l.00 pci/g Afphaspec ;\'p237, Solid "D1:1* Weight Corrected" (1609 0166 .../.() 2()6 l.Oll pCilg HAKB 111231!5 1706 1522576 4 Ncptuoium-237 lJ -0 0887 +/-0 206 Alphaspec 771229

  • 228.230,232 Solid. "Dry Weight Corrected" 0.501 0 171 +/-0 542 1.00 pC'1lg HAKB 11i24/15 1014 1522579 5 Tiiorium-228 1 05 +f-0. 517 Thorium-229 . lJ 0.0144 *+f-0.151 0314 0080 +f-0.15\ I()(! pCilg Thonum-230 0. 924 +/-0 439 0 154 (1.00 +f-<J.461 1.(1() pCi/g

+/-0.522 0 154 0 00 +/.() 560 l.UO pCi/g Thonum-232 I 33 Am24l._Cm Solid "DIJ-* JVeight C'orrected

+/-0.0406 0120 0 0327. -r/-0 0407 100 pCi/g llAKB 11/24ll5 1042 1522571 6 Amencium-241 U -0.0 !75

+"/-0.0421 0.0627 0 00 +/-0.0422 I 00 pC1lg Curium-242 (J.00

+1-0.0647 () 126 00362 +/-0.0647 1.00 pC1/g Cunum-243i244 ll U0144

+/-0.0715 0.0626 0 I]\) +/-0.0718 J.00 pCi/g Curmm-2451246 0 0417 f.iquid Seim ?11241. Solid "D1J' Weight Correc1eir

  • ~/-6.49 1\.4 5.53 "'"/-6 49 15.0 pCiig HAKl"l I li25115 0930 1522578 7 f'lutonium-241 U -3 38 Rad Garn ma Spe~ Analysis Gamma fl 29. Solid "D1y 1J!eig/Jt C'orrecled"

+/-0 270 0 491 0.2Hl +/-tl.272 1.00 pCi!g. MJHl l2i021!5 1342 1522374 8 lodinc-129 U -0 067 Gammasper:. Gamma, Solid "Dry J-Ve{ghl Cortecl~d"

() 489 0 228 +/-0 270 pCl/g RXF2 12i'03/15 1304 I 522383 9 Actimum-227 U -0.0434 +1-0.269 An111J1ony-125 U -0.0629 +/-0 ! 10 0.199 00916 +l-0 11*1 pCllg 0.860 0.379 +1- UJ9 pC1/g Bisrnuth-212 UJ 0 00 /-1.09 0.800 +/-0 174 (l 126 O.ll5M ~1-0. \86 pC1.lg Bismuth-21 4

! 00 +/-0.114 0.0654 {) 029 +1-0. 141 0 HJO pCt/g Ccsium-137 0.00885 +l-0.0356 0 0759 (J.0322 +/-0 0358 pCJ/g Cobalt-60 ll u -0.0489 +f-0 137 0.25.5 0.112 +/-0 139 pCilg Europilim-154 1.10 *1*/-0 \33 0 105 0.049 *+f-0 I 64 pCu'g Lcad-212 1.04 +/-0 183 0341 11165 *~/-0 204 pC1/g Lcad-214

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: IS Haz.elwood Drive Suite 112 13ufTa!o, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.l 7.R.5 Project: !VUWCOOl !5 Sample lD: 385070010 Client ID: MJWCOOl

. Parameter .... Q.~:i.lif!C.!'... .... ~~s~lt ...... Ync~"!a.i!ltY..... ~1Df. ...... Li: ....... .. Tl'~!.. _ _ RL . J~~1i.t$ _J?F. 1\Jt.~~rs.~ .. _D_a,t.e .Time Batch Mtcl.

Rail Gamma Spec Anulysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weigh! Corrected

Potassium-4 O 0.9 +l-1.52 0.732 0 308 +/-193 pCi/g Protacuniwn-231 UJ 0 00 */-0 773 (l 968 0.451 +/-0 806 pCi!g Rudium-226 0.&00 +/-0.174 0.126. 0.11564 +/-0 186 pCilg Radium-228 0 968 +/-Q 302 0 294 0 \3l ""'*0.334 pCt!g Thallium-208 0.352 *1/-!l 073 0.0627 0.028 +/-fl 07R7 pCt!g Tm-126 U! 0.00 +/-0 134 0 137 0.064S +/-0.136 pCilg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross ti '8, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 15.2 +/-2 84 2.57 l.IJ t-f-412 4.0U pCi!g KXB2 12/02/15 1128 1525757 10 Beta 25 2 +1-2.55 2.84 136 ""/-4.38 lll.O pC1/g GFPC. S1'90. solid "D1:v Weighr Correcff!d" Sironttum-90 U -0.358 +1-0.742 1.53 () 670 +/-0 742 200 pCi!g KSD1 12102115 1641 1525755 11 Rad Liquitl Scintillation Analysis LSC frilium Dist, Solid "D1:1' Weight (orrected" Tnlium 190 +/-I 91 3.14 I j7 +/-I 91 6.00 pCilg TXJl l2i02!15 1324 152272.f 12 Liquid Seim(' 14, Solid "Di:1* Weight Correcled"

+l-0.868 1.48 0 725 +/-0.868 200 pCt/g, TXJI 12/G3115 1940 1.522716 13 Carban-14 U 0.232 liquid Sein/ Tc99. Solid "D1y Wdg/1t Cm*rected" Technctmm-99

  • U 1.12 +/-1 58 2 67 1 28 +/-1 58 5 ()0 pCi!g MYM 11129115 lO 17 1522715 14 J'

~r_h.~ ..f~lln'IY.in_g.f!.llP Mc~~~~.s. '~~r.f.l Jl~!"fo.r111cd._. . .. . . . . ... -*-* . ....... _ ... ......... .. ... .. ...... *- ....... .... .... . .......... ********--***--*-*- .... ***** ..

Method Description

  • Aualyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep DI)' Soil PrcpGL-RAD*A-021 CXCl I l/!Ofl5 1319 !521842 .

~~ll.~011~,~-i-~g.:~!.ll~~i.c~l)~~et~(Jil~ w~r~pe.".f.<!.r[tlC~ .: ........................................................................... ..

1..1ethou Description 1 ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-l 1-RC Moililied 3 DOE EMLHASL-300, U-02-RC Mndtfied 4 ASTM C 1476-00 Modified 5 DOE EML HASL-300, *ni-01-RC Modified 6 OOE EML HASl.-300. Am-OS-RC Modified 7 DOE EML HASL-300. Pu-11-RC Modified 8 DOE EML HASL-300,1-01 Modified 9 DOE UASL 300,!Ga-01-R 10 EPA 900 OiSW846 93JOiSM 71 IOB Modified JI EPA 905.0 Mod1fiedtDOE RP501 Rev I Modified 12 EPA 9.06.0 Modified 13 EPA EERF C-01 Modified

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charles~on SC 29407 - {843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Dme: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.17 .R.5 PrCiject: MJWC00115 Sample ID; 385070010 Client lD: MJWCOOl TPl" Date...............

Time Bal"ch-*****


Parameter .......... 9..ll3-!i~"i~r. ......... I?.e_s_nlt .....F11c~.r.ta!11.t:Y .... ....

14 DOE EML l-IASL-300. Tc-02-RC Madilied Surrogatc!fraccr Recovery Test Batch rn Recovery% Accep!nble Limits Plutonium-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522577 72.9 (15%-125%)

Uranium-232 Tracer . ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522580 57.5 (15%-125%)

Uranium-235/236 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Coriected" 15225&0 63.8 ( 15%-125~(,)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np237, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522576 70.5 (15%-125%}

Actinium-227 Tracer Alphaspcc Th.229 + 228,230,232 Solirl Dry Weight Corrected" 1522579 88.9 (15%-125%)

Amcricium-243 Tracer Am241. Cm Solid "DI)' Weight Corrected" 1522571 68.8 (15%-125%1)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu24 l, Solid Dry Weight Corrected" 1522578 72.9 {!5%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90. solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1525755 &6.7 (25%-125%)

Technctium-99m Tracer 11 Liquid Scint Tc99. Solid 01}* Weight Correctt::d" 1522715 94.2 (15%-125%}


TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigrna).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 1 !2

!:luffalo. New York !4228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Los~y Project: Soil Radioi~otopes Client Sample JD: 3.1.17.R.5 Project: MJWCOOJIS Sample JD: 385070010 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collectol': Client Moisture: 21%

P_ar.~i:i1e.!~~-- .... .. *- .. ______9u.~!i~c.r..... Result ..Vni;.~t_llinn: .M°-~*** *-- __Le Gravimetric Solid~

ASTM D 2216 % Moistwe "As Received" 21 0 perc~nl CXCI 11/10!15 1319 1521842 tvloisture Rad Alpha Spec Analysi~

ASP Pl11to11i11m lsotapic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Pluioniurn-23& 0 0726 +/-0 0919 0.114 0 0262 +/-0.0926 1.00 pCi/g flAKll 11/23115 150\ 1522577 2 Phnoniuni-239/240 u 0.0.\37 +f-0 105 0 190 0.0641 +/-0 105 l 00 pC1/g ASP Ur,111i11m Isotopic. Solid "D1:v Wei;;hr Corrected" lJramum-232 U 0.0!35 +f-0.0953 0.196 0 064 l +J-0 0954 \.00 pc1.lg HAKB 11/24/15 0851 1522580 3 llramum-233!234 *1 05 +/-0.329 0 143 0.0328 +1-0400 1 Oll pc1.lg Uranium-2351236 0.0456 +/-0 0897 0.124 011233 +/-0 0902 1.00 pci/g llrnnium-23.8 0 956 +/-0 312 0 0775 ()00 +/-0 375 I UO pci/g Alphaspec Np237. Solid "Di:v Weight Corrected

NcplLmium-237 LI -0 08$7 +/.Q 206 0.609 ll.166 +/-0.206 I 00 pCi/g HAKB 11123/15 1706 1522575 4

.-l!phaspec T/1229 ~ 228,230,232 So/id "D1:i* Weight Corrected" 0.501 0 \71 +1-0.542 I 00 pCi/g HAKB \ 1124/15 1014 1522579 5 Thorium-228 I 05 +f.(l.517

  • nmnum-229 \J 0.0144 +/-0 151 0.314 0.080 +/-0 151 I 0(1 pC1/g Timnum-230 0.924 +J-0 439 0.154 (}.[)() +/-0.461 I 00 pe1lg "lliorium-232 I 33 +/-0.522 0 154 oon +/-0 560 1.00 pC1/g tlm241, Cm Solid "Dry IYeiglu Corrected"

+l-0.0406 0.120 0 0327 +/-0.0407 1.00 pCi/g HAKB 11124/15 1042 1522571 (1 Amencium-241 U -0O175 0 00 +/-0.0421 0.0627 0 00 +1-0.0422 1.00 pCi/g Curium-242 u 00144 +l-0 0647 0.126 () 0362 +1-00647 1.00 pCi/g Cunum-2431244 Curium-245.1246 0 0417 +1-0 0715 00626 O.llG +/-0.07\8 I 00 *pCilg liquid Sci11I P1124l, Solid "D1y Weight Col'rected" 114 5..53 +/-6 49 15 0 pC1lg HA Ki3 11125! l 5 0930 1522578 7 Phuonmm-241 U -3. 38 +1-6.49 Rad Gammu Spec Analysis Gamma l l 2.9. Solid "Dry IVC?ight Corrected" Jodmc-129 U *O 067 +/-0 27() 0 491 0 2IO +/-0 272 I 00 pC1/g MJlll 12102/15 1342 1522374 Gammaspec', Gamma. Solid "D1y Weight Corrected" 0 .\89 0.228 +f-0.270 pCilg R.XF2 12i03/!5 1304 \522383 9 Actinium-227 lJ -0 0434 +/-0.269 Antimony-125 U -0.062'! +/-0 110 0 19'l 0 0916 ..1.0 I \4 pC1lg Llismuth-2 I 2 Ll! 0 lltl +/. 1 09 () 860 0 379 +/-1.09 pCi./g Llisrnuth-214 0 80!) +/-0 17*1 () 126 0.0564 +/-0.186 pC1/g Cl'sium-137 1.(10 +/-0 114 () 0654 0.029 +/-0 141 0.100 pC1lg Cobalt-60 U O 00885 +!-0 0356 (!0759 0 0322 +/-0 0358 pC1/g Europium-15.\ U -0 0489 +/-0.. 137 0255 u 112 +l-0 139 pCi!g Lcad-212 I 10 +1-0 133 () lll5 0049 .,/-0.164 pCrlg Lcad-214 1.04 +/-0 183 0 341 0 165 -t/-0.204 pCilg

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charlesto11 SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I !2 Buffalo, "Ne.w York 142.28 Report Date: Dccc!llbcr 17. 2015


!'.1s. Laurie. Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.17.R.5 Project: MJWCOOl15 Sample ID: 385070010 ClienllD: MJWC001 Parameter 9..?.alifier .... __R,_cs.u_l_l_ .. ..l:I1ct:rt51i_n_~,: ....... ~IQ.C ........!'.s:..... .

!tad Gamma Spee Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry IVeiglrt Corre.cted" Potassmm-40 13 9 +1-1 52 0 732 0 308 +/-1.93 pC1/g.

Protactmium-23 l Ul 0.UO +/-0 773 D.968 0451 +/-0.!\06 pCi/g Radium-226 0 800 +/-() 174 I) 126 00564 +i-0.18(> pCi!g Radium-228 ()%8 +/ ..<J.302 0.29.+ {) 131 +1-0 334 pCilg Tha!hum-208 0.352 +/-0.073 O.ll(127 0 018 i*/-(1.()787 pC11g Tin-126 Ul 0 00 +/-0 134 0 137 ll.OM.5 +J-0136 pC1/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Ccunting GFPC. Gross AB. solid "Dry JVeight Corrected" Alph~ 15 2 ....,_2 84 2 57 I 13 +/...J.12 4.00 pCi.lg KXB2 12102;15 1128 1525757 ]()

Lktu 25 2 +/-2 55 284 I 36 +1-4.38 100 pC1lg GFPC. Sr9D. solid "DIJ' Weight Corrected" Strontmm-9(1 LI -0.358 ~1-o.n2 l .53 o.&10 +1-li 742 2.00 pCi/g KSDI 12102115 1641 1525755 II Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis .

LSC. Tritium Dist, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Tritium I .90 +(.. ] 91 3.14 I 37 +f-1 91 6.00 pC1/g

  • TXJI t2J02/l5 1324 1522724 12 Liquid Sein/Cl .f, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Curbon-14 U ll.232 +/-0.868 l 4S 0 725 +l-0 868 2 00 pCilg TXJ! 12/03!15 ! 940 1522716 13 Liquid Sci1Jt Tc.99. Solid "D1:1' Weight CoTl'ected" Tcchneuum-99 U I 12 +/-1 58 267 1.28 +/-[ 58 500 pCi/g MYM I !/29/!5 I017 15227!5 14 I

1.:~c..follo~~~~g _P.rep ..~~~~~ods_ 'v.i:r_c_p~r.~orm_c_d .. ............................... ....... ................ ...- ................ *****

Method Description Analysl Date Time Prep Balch Dry Soil Prep Dry Siu\ Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXCI 11110115 . 1319 1521842 1:h.e _fo_l_l~'~i Dl{__Ana!)'.1 ~~-~.1-~1_c_~~ o~s-~v,e:~ ('~ r~o.i:ll.1_cd.

Method Description I ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE EM!. HASL-300, Pu-I I-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300. U-02-RC Modified 4 ASTM C 1476-00 Modified 5 DOE EML HASL-3()0, Th-01-RC 1'fod1ficd 6 DOE EML HASL-300. Am-ll5-RC Moclifi~d 7 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-\ l-RC Modllicd 8 DOE EML HASL-300J-01 Mod1ficd 9 DOE HASL 300,45 2 3/Ga-01-R

](l EPA 900.0/S\\.'846 93 IO/SM 71 lOB Modified II EPA 905.0 ModifiedlDOE RP50! Rev. I Modified 12 EPA '106 ()Modified 13 EPA EERF C-01 Modil1cd

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112

.Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December l 7. 2015


Ms. Luurie Losey Project: Soil Radiobotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.!7.R.5 Project: MJWCOOl J5 Sample ID: 385070010 Client JD: MJWCOOl

\4 DOE EML l-IASL-300, Tc-02-RC' Modified Surrogatcffr:icer RecO\*cry Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Plutonium-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium Isotopic, Solid "Dry *Weight Corrected" [522577 72.9 (l5%-\25%)

lJrnnium-232 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522580 57.5 (15%-125%)

l.lranium-2351236 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522580 63.8 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspcc Np237. Solid DI)' Weight Corrected" 1522576 70.5 (15%-125%}

Actiniurn-227 Tracer A!phaspec Th229 + 228.230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522579 SB.9 (15%-125%}

Am24 l. Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522571 68.8 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu24 L Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522578 72.9 (15%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1525755 86.7 (25%-125%)

Te*chnetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99. Solid "Dry Welght Correcred" 1522715 94.2 (15%-125%}


TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( l .96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company : MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project:

Soil Radioisotopes Cliem Sample JD: 3.1.17.R.6 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID:* 385070011 Client ID: MJWCOOJ Matrix: Soil Collect Date; 20-0CT-15 10:55 Receive Date: 05-NOV-l 5 Collector: Client Moisture: 20.5%,

Parameter Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 20.5 percent . exp 1uw11s n1'1 1521842 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plll!onium-238 U -0 00502 +/-0 0433 () lllO l 00 pC1/g HAKB 11123115 1501 1522577 2 Plutonium-2391240 U -0 0301 +/-0.0486 () 155 1 00 pC1lg ASP Uranium (sotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" l!ranium-232 U 0 0643 +/-0 0953 0.139 i 00 pc1tg. HAKB I 1124115 085 l 1522580 3 Uraniurn-2331234 I 2() +1-0 361 () 13 l 1.00 pc1lg Urarnum-23?/236 0.110 +l-0.12.l O.OBH I 00 pcifg Uramum-238 0 767 .;./.() 289 (l 0822  ! IJO pc1lg Alphaspec Np237. Solid "Dry Weight CmTccted" Neptumum-237 U -0.181 +/-0.189 (1.656 j 00 pCitg HAKB 11123!15 1707 1522576 4 Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230,232 Solid "Dr)r Weight Corrected" Thonum-228 l 41 . +1-0 530 0.336 l 00 pCilg HAKB lli24115 1014 1522579 5 ThorJum-229 U -0.0111 +/-0.0957 () 222 LOO. µC1lg Thorium-230 0 773 +/-0.385 0.221 1.00 pCi/g Thorium-232 . 1.08 +/-0 452 0 255 l 00 pCl/g Am241. Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Amcricium-241 U -0 00355 +*1-0 030(> 0.0708 I 00 pC!lg  !-IAKB 11/24115 !042 1522571 Cunum-242 U 0 00 +/-0.0341 0.0508 I 00 pCi/g Curium-243/244 U 0.000584 +/-0.0433 0.0963 l uo pC!lg Cmium-245/Z46 X 0 185 +/-0. l \5 0.0507 1 00 pC1/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected

Plutonium-241 lJ -3 4 +/-7.0S 15 () p('i/g HAKB ll/25/15 1031 1522578 7 R,ad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma 1129, Solid "Dry Weight Conected" lodine-129 U -0 0593 +1-0 280 (!554 1 !10 pCi!g MJHl 12i02/l 5 1343 1522374 8 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actimum-227 l) 0.0212 +l-0.279 0 529 pCilg RXF2 12:03/15 1304 1522383 9 Antimony-125 U -0.00335 +f-0 116 () 187 pCi.1g Ccsium-137 0 661 +-1-0 111 0 0858 0 100 pCi/g Cobalt-60 U -0 015 +l-0 0369 0 0681 pC1!g F-uropium-154 lJ -0 0303 +/-0.122 0.229 pC1/g Protactinmm-23 J lJ 0 806 +/-0..524 I 09 pC1/g

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - \" Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company : MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey

.P.r~je~-~:- ... .......... s_o_i_~ ~~di?.~~~topes ...

Client Sample ID:. 3.1.I 7.R.6 Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID: 385070011 Client ID: MJWCOOI Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Radmm-226 0 .634 +/-0_ 133 0 118 pCi/g Radium-228 UI 0 00 ~t-0 275 0.55ll pCilg Tin-126 U 0 114 +/-0 i30 0.159 pC1!g Rad Gas Flow Propo1tional Counting GFPC. Gross A/B, solid "Dry Weight Corrected

Alph~ 12.0 +/-lll 3.98 4.00 pCi/g KXB2 12i02/l 5 1128 152.5757 JO Beta .22.6 +1-2.41 2.8+ 1011 pCl/g GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Com~cted

Strontium-90 U .-0.244 +/-0.623 1.31 2 llO pC1/£! KSDI 12i02115 . 1655 1525755 II Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid "D1y Weight Conected" Tnti111n U -0.0268 +/-I 65 3 19 600 pC1/g TXJI 12/02/15 1411 1522724 12 Liquid Scint Cl4, Solid "Dry Weight Co!'rected" Carbon-14 U -0.435 +/-0.836 I 45 2.00 pC1/g TXJI 12103/\5 2053 1522716 13 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "DI)' Weight Corrected" Techneuum-IJ9 U 1.73 +/-1.69 2.82 5.00 pCilg MYMI 11129115 1044 1522715 14 T~()ll?_,~ir.i~ ?..r~p .~Ie,!l!_~~s ~e.T:C.. P.erf.o!.!!!~~: __ .. .. ..... .. ..... ........ . . . ... ........ .. -** .. **-*****--** ..... ***-* .............. ******-**

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch oiY*soii"hep-**- -** -*** ***-* * * * * *o~: sO"ii"Prcr aL:k."ii.o:koii-****-* ****** *"C.'xC.'i ....... * * ** * **11no115*** * ....... i319* * *rsi"i 842.

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite! 12 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project Soil Radioisotopes . ......... .

Client Sample lD: 3.l.17.R.6 Project: MJWCOOIIS Sample JD: 385070011 Client ID: MJWCOO\

0 0 -- 00 0000 'H .. H 000 **' 0 o' "' . . . **-***** O **-** 0 00 ' ' -* ** '

  • 0 ~--. 0 '* 0 rv!etho_d,_ ....... . .. _l?.~~r.\ll1Jor.i . . . .. .... .. .. ..... ...... . . . . * ... . .. .An~J.Y.~t~9n:irn~ms...... . .

ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE EMI. HASL-300. Pu-1 !-RC Modified J DOE EML HASL-300. U-02-RC Mod1ticd 4 ASTM C 1476-00 Modified 5 DOE EMI. HASL-300, Th-0!-RC Modified 6 DOE EMl HASL-300. Am-05-RC Modrfietl 7 POE EMl HASL-300. Pu-11-RC Modified ll DO£ EML HASL-300,1-0J Modified 9 DOE l!ASL3(l0, 4.5.2.JiG:i-O\-R 10 EPA 900.0/SWS46 9'.>°IO/SM 71 JOB Modified IJ EPA 905.0 lvfodificd/DOE RP50 I Rev I Modified 12 EPA 906 0 ~lodificd 13 EPA EERF C'-Ol Modified 14 DOE EML HASL-300, *rc.02-RC Modified

~~~~a.t:=IT!'>.Y~r.Y Test Resuh Non1inal .. R:ec?.v_~ry 0(<> Ac~.~pt~.b.le. !:.iir.i~ts P!ulonium-242 Tracer ASP Plulonium Isotopic, Solid Dry Wei[!,hl 67.4 ( 15%*125%)

Corrected" Umnium-232 Tracer ASP Uran mm Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight 52 9 (15%-125%)

Corrected" UraniLll11*2351236 Tracer ASP Unmmm lso1op1c, Solid Dry Weight 673 (15%-125%)

Corrected" Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspcc Np237, Solid "Dry Weight C<Jrrected" 918 (15%-125%)

Alphaspcc tht.29+ 228)30.232 Solid "Dry 98.9 (15%-125%)

/\c!m1um-227 Tracer Weight Corrected" Amcricium-243 Tracer Am24L Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 769 [15%-125%)

Plulomum-242 Tracer Liquid Scmt Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 67.4 (15%-125%)

Stromium Carrier GFPC. Sr'IO. solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 88.9 (25%-125%)

Liqrnd Scmt Tc99. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected 956 (l:i%-!25%)

Teclmct1um-99m Tracer Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffale>. New York 14228 Ri;:port Date: December 17.2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project:* Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3 .1.17 .R.6 Project: MJWCOOI [5 Sample ID: 385070011 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soi!

Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 20.5%

MDC Le TPl' Gravimetric Solids

. AS1:i.1 D 2216 % ;\,loi:m1re "As Received" Moisture 20.5 pcrcc11t CXCl 11110115 1319 1521842 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP P/uloniwn isotopic, Solid "D1y Weight Co1-rec1ed" Plutonmm-238 U -0.00502 "f"/-0.0433 0.100 (I 0188 +l-0.(1435 l.00 pCt/g HAKB 11/2.ll\5 1501 1522577 2 Plutonmm-239i240 U -0.030f +/-0 0486 0.!55 0 046 +/-0.()487 l.00 pCt/g ASP l.~*anium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Urantum-232 0 0643 +/-0.0953 0 139 0 038 <*/-0.0%4 I OQ pc1/g !IAKB ll/241150851 1522580 Urmiium-2331234 I 20 +/-0.361 0.13! 0.0246 +/-0 446 I 00 pcr/g Uranium-2351236 0 l 10 +/-0 121 00824 00(} +l-0 123 1 00 pci/g Uramum-238 0.767 +/-0.289 Oll822 000 +/-0 335 1.()0 pci/g A/phaspec Np237. Solid "Dry Weight Coi*rected

Ncpl~nium-237 U -0.181 +i-0 189 0 656 0 215 ...1.0 190 1.0(1 pCilg HAKB 11123115 1707 1522576 4 Alphaspec Th229 ,. 228,230,232 Solid "D1:11 Weight Corrected" lnonum-228 I 41 +/-0.530 0 336 0.0964 +/-0.569 I 00 pCilg HAKB \1124115 !014 1522579 5 Thonum-229 V -0.0lI1 +/.() 0957 0 222 0.0415 +l-0 0959 I 00 pC1/g Thonui11-230 0 773 +/-0.385 I) 221 0.11414 +/-0 400 I 00 pC'1/g Thonum-2J2 l O~ +1-0 452 0 255 0.0584 +/.().478 I GO p.Cilg Am241, Cm Sa/id "l)ry Weight Corrected" Amcricium-24! U -0 00355 +J.(J..030(, 0.0708 0 0133 +/-0 0306 I 00 pCilg HAKB 11124/15 Hl42 1522571 6 Cunum-242 0 00 +i-0 0341 0 050& 0.00 +l-0 0342 \.00 pCi/g Curium-2431244 U 0.000584 t/-0.043J n0963 0 0262 +1-(l 0434 l.00 pCi/g Curium-2451246 X 0.1 &6 +/-0.115 ll.0507 0.00 +/-0.118 I 00 pCi/g Liquid Seim ?11241. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected

Plutomum-241 U -3.4 +/-7.0S 12 4 6 03 +/-7.08 15.0 pC1!g l-IAKB 11125115 1031 ! 522578 7 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma I J29. Solid "Dry 'fVeight Corrected" lo<linc-\29 U -0 0593 +/-0 280 0554 0 215 +/.(J.281 l 00 pCr/g MJHI 12i02fl5 1343 !522374 8 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid '.'Dry Weight Corri;cred

  • Actinium-227 lJ 0.0212 +/-0.279 0.529 0 24R +/-0.279 pC1/g RXFl !2/03/\5 130-l 1522383 9 Antimony-125 U -00ll335 +/-0 116 (} 187 0.0861 +/.{] t 16 p('1.lg Bismuth-212 Ul 0 00 +1-0 669 l.JO 0601 +/-0.90& pCtlg Bismuth-214 0634 +/-0 13.} 0 118 0.053 +/-0.143 pCi/g Ce~ium-137 0 66\ +1-0 111 00858 0 0394 +/.() 123 0 100 pC1/g Cobalt-60 u -0 015 +/-0.0369 00681 00285 +/-0 0375 pCi.'g Europmm-154 LT -0 0303 +/-0.122 0229 0.0993 *r/.{) 123 pCi/g Lead-212 1.13 +/-0 130 0 112 0.0526 +/-0.161 pCilg Lc~d-214 I 05 +/-0.194 0.342 0 \66 +/-0.212 pC1/g

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite ll2 13uffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.17.R.6 Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID: 3850700 l l Client lD: MJWCOOl Parameter ......R!~ ... .i.;_nit~ .. J?.J1. i\:Jl~ly~.t. ... "f:>.~_tc.. 1.'.i!Jlc. Batch Mtd.

Rau Gamma Spec Analysis Gamrnaspec. Gamma. Solid "D1y Weight Conec1ed" Potassium-40 13 6 +/-1 48 0 719 0 305 +/-1.89 pCifg Protactinium-231 UI 0 00 +l-0 524 1 09 0.513 +/-0.663 pC1/g r~adium-226 0.634 -;./-0. 133 0 11g 0053 +f-0.143 pC1/g Radium-228 UI 000 .../-0.275 0 550 0.260 +f-0.451 pC1/g Thallium-208 0.258 +/-0:0808 00782 ll.0359 +!-() 0835 pCi/g Tm-126 Ul 0.00 +/-0.130 0 159 0.076 +/-0. \3 \ pC1!g Rad Gas Flow Proporlional Counting GFPC. Gross A*-B, solid "Dl".I' ll'eight CoJ'l'ected" Alpha 120 +/-3.12 3.98 I 83 +/-3 91 4 00 pC1/g KXB2 12i"02/15 1128 1525757 JO Beta 22 6 +/-2 41 2.84 137 +/-397 10.0 pCilg GFPC. Sr90, solid "Dr,1-* Weight Correc1ed" Strnntium-90 U -0.244 +/-0 623 1 31 () 562 +/-0.623 2.00 pC1/g KSDI 12;0211 s 1655 1525755 11 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium DJsr. Solid "D1*y lfeight Corrected

Tntium U -0.0268 +/-1.65 3.19 1.39 t/-1 65 6.00 pCtlg

  • TXJl 12i02/15 141 ! 1522724 . 12 l.iquid Sein! CJ 4. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Carbon-14 U -0 435 +/-0.836 1.45 (J 710 +i-0 &36 2.00 pCtlg TXJI 12/03/15 2053 15227.16 . 13 Liquid Scinl Tc99, Solid "D1:1* Weight Corrected" Technctium-99 1 73 +/-1 69 2 82 l 36 +/-1 70 5.00 pC'ilg MYM 11/29/1 s 1()44 15227!5 14 1

Th~--f~l!~~-i~g-~r~11 ::0:1".~h.!l..<.1.s _,'.*i.:.i:c p(?rfor111c_-A-021

~*:~~- £o.1_1.£?.'".i.ng_~na Jytica._I ~le!~I)~~- w,c~! _r._cr.~11rmc~ ......... -* . I

\1ethod Description I ASTM D2216{Mod1fied) 2 DOE EM!. HASL-300, l'u-11-RC Modified DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 4 ,\SU.IC' t 476-00 Modified s DOE EML HAS L-300, Th-0 I-RC Modified 6 DOE f:ML l*!ASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 7 DOE F.ML HASL-300, Pu-1 I-RC Modified 8 DOE EML HASL-300,1-01 Modified 9 DOE HAS L 300, 4 5.2.3/Ga-O 1-R lO EPA 900.01SW8.\(, 93 lOiS;'v! 71 !OB M11dified 11 EPfl 905.0 Modified/DOE R!'501 Rev l Modified 12 EPA 906.0 Mod1lied 13 EPA EERF C-0\ Modilie<l

[ __

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I 12 Buffalo, New York 14228 Reporl Date: December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.17.R.6 Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID: 3850700! ! Client tD: MJWCOOI __ *- *- .. _. _... .Qu.a._li!ie_r ...... ___ r!lce.rta_i!*- ....... ;\-~~C Le 14 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modified Surrugntc!rracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Plutonium*242 Tracer ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "D*f). Weight Corrected" 1522577 67.4 (15%-125%)

Uraaium-232 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 15225&0 52.9 (15%-l25'lu}

Vranium-2351236 Tnrcer ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Wcighl Corrected" 1522580 67.3 (15%-125%)

Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np237, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" !522576 91.8 ( 15%-125%)

Aclinium-227 Tracer Alphaspec: Th229 + 228.230,232 Solid "Dry Weigh! Correctedu 1522579 98.9 (15%-125%)

Americinm-243 Tracer Am24L Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522571 76.9 (15%-125%)

Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Sc:inl Pu24 l, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected 1522578 67.4 (15%-125%)

Strontium Carrier GF?C. Sr90. solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1515155 88.9 (25%-125%)

Tcchnetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522715 95.6 (15%-125%)


TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (I .96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address:  ! 5 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015 Contact Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. l .17 .R.6 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070011 Client ID; MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 20.5%

Le Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moislwr: "1Js Received" Mmsmrc 205 percent CXCI l l/10/15 1319 1521842 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis

.-ISP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid DI}* Wr:ighl Corrected" 1'1\1tonium-238 lJ -0.00502 +/-0 0433 0 JOO 0 OJS8 +/-0 0435 I 00 pC1lg HAKB 11123/15 1501 1522577 1 Plutonium-239/240 u -0 0301 +J-0 0486 0.155 0.046 +/.(l 0487 \ 00 pCiig ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Di)' Weight Corrected" Uranium-232 0.0643 +/-0 0953 0139 0.038 +l-0.0964 l 00 pc1/g l!AKB 11124/15 0851 1522580 3 llmnmm-233/234 l.20 +/-0.36 l 0.131 ().1}246 +/-0.446 l 00 pci/g Ummurn-235/236 () 110 +/..() 121 00824 (J(l(J +/-0.123 l.00 01c1/g Urnmum-238 0767 +/-0.289 (!.0822 0 0(1 +l-0 335 1 (){) pc1/g Alphaspec Np2J7. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Ncptunium-237 u -0.181 +/-0 189 0.656 () 215 +/-0.190 I 00 pC1lg HAKFl 11123/15 1707 1522576 4 Alphaspec Tlr229 + 228,230.232 Sofid Dry Weight Co/'reclr!d" Tnonum-228 1.41 +/-0.530 0 336 0.0964 +/-ll 569 I 00 pC1/g IIAKfl !1124/15 1014 1522579 S Thonum-229 ll -0.0111 +l-0 0957 02n ().(J-115 +/-0.0959 1.00 pCilg Thonum-230 0173 +/-0 385 0 221 0 (1414 +/-Cl.400 1.00 pC1/g Thorium-232 I.OS +/-0.452 n 255 00584 +/.() 478 l 0(! pCJ/g Am24l, On Sa/id Dr}' Weight Correcl<?d" Americiurn-241 u -0.00355 +/.Q.0306 0.0708 00133 +i-0.0306 1.00 _pCi!g HAKB 11/24/15 Hl42 1522571 6 Curium-242 000 +/-0 0341 0.0508 0.00 . +f*O 0342 \ 00 pCJ/g Cunum-243i244 lJ 0.()00584 +/-0.0.+33 0.0963 0.0262 +/-0.043*1 I 00 pC1/g Cunum-245/246 x G186 +/.(l.115 0.0507 () 00 ~1-0.11& 1.00 pCJ/g Liquid Seim Pu241. Sofid "Dry Weighr Corrected" Plutornum-24 l u -3.4 +/-7.08 12 4 6()3 +.f-7.08 15.0 pCtlg !IAKl3 l 112:5/15 1031 1522578 7 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma J119, Solid "D1y Weight Corrected" lodine-129 u -U.0593 +l-0 280 0.5.54 0 215 +1-0 281 LOO pC1 1g MJHl 12/02llS 1343 1522374 R Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "DIJ' Wr;ight Correcled" Actmium-227 u 0 ()212 +f*0.279 0529 0.248 +/-0.279 pCitg RXF2 12/03115 1304 1522383 9 Anumony-125 lJ -0.0Q335 +/.() l 16 0 187 0 0861 +1-0.l 16 pC1/g Bismuth-212 lJl 0.00 +/-0.669 I.JO 0 601 +/-0.90R pCi/g Bismuth-214 <l.634 +/-0 133 0 118 0 053 +/-0 143 pC1!g Ccsium-137 0.661 +1-0 111 0 085& u 03'14 +1-0.123 () 100 pCilg Cobalt-60 u -0.015 +/-0 0369 0.06RI IJ !l.:!RS +f-0 ll375 pCi/g Europmm-154 u -0 0303 +f-0 122 0 229 0 099.3 +/.0.123 pC1/g Lead-212 I 13 +1-0 130 0 112 0 0526 +/.Q 161 pCilg Lead-214 1.05 +/.0.194 0 342 0 166 +f-0.212 pCi/g

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: I 5 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Dale: December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioi~otopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.17.R.6 Project: MJWCOOIIS Sample ID: 385070011 Client !D: MJWCOOI

-~a.r_~l!l.c.t~~- *- ............ ***- __ g~_a).i_~~.'.- .. **- _l!~~~-ll- ...... ~'.!1.c.i;~taintv MDC Rad Gnmma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma. So{id "D1:i* Weip}U C01*rec/ed" Poiassium-.JO 13 .6 +/-[ 4& 0.719 0.305 +/-1.89 pC11g Protactimum-231 Ul 0.00 +/-0 524 1.09 0 513 +!-0.663 pCilg Radium-226 0.634 +l-0133 0 118 () 053 +1-0 143 pC1/g Radium-228 UJ 000. +/-0.275 0550 0.260 +/-0.451 pC1/g

  • 'nlallmm-208 0.258 +/-0.0808 0.0782 0.0359 +/-ll.0835 pCilg Tin-126 Ul 000 +l-0 130 0.159 0.076 +/-0 131 pCi/g Rlld Gas Flow Prop<>rtio11al Counting GPPC. Gross A.B. solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpl1a 12.0 i*/-3. 12 3.98 I 83 +/-3.91 4.00 pC1lg KXB2 12/02/15 1 [28 1525757 10 Beta 226 +/-2 41 2.84 1.37 +/-3.97 IO 0 pC1/g GFPC. Sr9fJ. solid "D1:v IVeight Corrected

Stronuum-90 lJ -0 244 +/-0 (>23 1 31 (l 562 +/..() 623 2 00 pCl!g KSDJ 12i02115 !655 1525755 [1 Rad Liquid Scintillation Anal~*sis LSC, Trit/11111 Dist. Sofi'd "Dry 1-Veight Correcied" Tritium U -0.0268 +/-I 65 3.19 1.39 +/-*l.65 600 pC1/g TXJI 12/02/15 1411 152272.J 11 Li'quid Sein/ C/4, Solid "Dry ll'eighl Corrected

Carbon-14 ll -0 435 +/-0 83(> 1.45 0.7!0 +/-0 836 2 00 pCi!g TX.It I2i03/ 15 "205 3 1522716 13 Liquid Scint Tc99. Solid "Dry IVeight Correcl<?d" Technetium-99 I 73 +/-1.69 2 82 I 36 +i-1.70 s 00 pCi/g MYM 11/29/1 s 1044 1522715 14 I

Tli_~ follmyir.ig ~~e~l~l)_dS. .~l:~i:~ _pel'..f?.~~I!~ -~ ..

i\-lcthod Dcscri11tion Analyst Date Time Pn!p Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Pr~p GL-RAD-A-021 CXCI 11/1011.5 1319 \521842 The following Analytical Methods were performed

~*f~ti~*od ***** **-* *** *ocs~-riPiiOn*--- ** *_. * . --** * * * * * * ** *** * * ** * *** -**-* * - * * -*** *** -**-***--*

'* *****~ . .... ... ' ......... .

ASTM D 2216 (Modificq) 2 DOE EML HASL-300, l'u-11-RC' Modi lied 3 DOE EML HASL-300. U-02-RC Modified 4 ASTM C 1476-00 Modified 5 DOE EML HASL-300. Th-01-RC Modified 6" DOE EML HASL-300. Am-OS-RC Modtlicd 7 DOE EMt HASL-300. Pu- I I-RC Modified 8 DOE El>IL HASl.-300,1-01 Modified 9 DOE HASL 300. 10 EPA 900.0!SW846 93 toiSM 71 IOB Mod1licd 11 EPA 905 0 Mod1flediDOE RP501 Rev 1 Modifkd 12 EPA 906 0 Modified 13 EPA EERF C-01 Modified

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 BuO'alo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 20 I 5


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotope~

Client Sample ID: 3.1.17.R.6 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385070011 Client JD: (v1JWC001 Parameter ............ 9~.:~l!~!.c1: ........ ~e~_ul.~. _... ~'.!l.i;~r:!:ii~_t.,: ........ M_IK ........Lf:...... .... _. T..f r_ ....... R~. . Vnits D~*. ~~ll_l!_IY:S.! __[ll,lt! ..'!'.in_i~. J3at.ch_ :\J.~d._

14 DOE EML HASL-300. Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogaterrracer Rec1>very Test Batch ID Recovery% ,\cccptable Limits l'lutonium-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522577 67.4 (15%-125%)

Uranium-232 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "DI)* Weight Corrected" 1522580 52.9 {t5~a-I25%)

Uranium-2351236 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrcckd" 15225!>0 67.3 (15%-125%)

Aniericium-243 Tracer A!phaspcc Np237. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522576 CJ 1.8 {15%-125%)

Actinium-227 Tracer Alphaspec Th229 + 228.230.232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522579 98.9 (15%rl25%)

Ainericium-243 Tracer Am24 l. Cm Solid Dry Weight Corrected" !522571 76.9 (15%-125%)

Plutonium*242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu24l, Sulid "Dry Weight Com:cted" 1522578 67.4 (15%*125%)

Strontium Carrier GFPC. Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrcclecl" 1525755 88.9 (25%-125%)

Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522715 95.6 (15%-125%)


TPU and Couniing Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sig,ma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 * (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analxsis Report Date: December 4, 2015 Company : MJW Corporation Address : 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l !2 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie.Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.18.R.1 Project: MJWCOOJ 15 Sample ID: 385070012 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT- I5 11 :20 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 19.8%

-~~r.~~11e~e..~*-* .. _............- Qu_~J_i~::r. ...... !lesu_lr _L,li,ic~n.:~i_n_tY ..... _l\~P~'..- .....~-- ___*.. __ Units DF Analyst Date Time Batch Method Gravimetric Solids ASTM. D 2216 % Moisture As Received" Moisture 19.8 percent CXCI 1 lllllfl5 1319 1521842 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Conected" Actmium-227 lJ 0 103 +/-0 301 0 588 pCUg RXD 12!0.3115 1305 1522383 2 Antimony-125 LI 000129 +l-0.12! 0.227 pC1/g Ce5a1m-137 1 12 +/.() 127 0.0633 0.100 pCilg Cobalt-60 lJ ll.0364 +/-0.0372 0.0807 pC1/g Europmm-154 lJ 0.00261 +/-0.116 0229 pCifg Protactmmm-23 l u 0.367 +/-0.587 1.11 pCilg Radilllu-226 0.866 +/-0 181 0167 pC1/g Radium-228 1 04 +/-0.279 0306 pCi/g Tm-126 U 0224 +/-0.244 _ll 251 pCilg.

Rad Gas Flow Proportioiial Counting GFPC. Gross AiB, solid "Dry Weight Corrected".

Alpha 7 56 +/-2 42 3 21 4.00 pCitg KXB2 !2i021!5 1128 \525757 3 Beta 23.5 +l-2 39 2.63 100 pCE!g 1.11.~ f~llo.~vi_n~ ~~~P. _N_!etJ1o_d_s. ~l{~~_pe_r[<?r.t~~~:. ._............... _... ... .... .. . __ .. . . _.. __ .. . .. ... .**- . . -** _. _. .

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch DrySoifPre*p*-- ......_.. .-...... '"i5i)--Soi"I Pr~r.-GL~RAD:A~(i'iC ............ _........ _.. *cxc1' ......... - -i"1rloi(5- ....... _ '1':fi9- - .. 'j5~ff84'i""""- -*

!he_f~l-~?:vt~~g-~~~l~ti~~I- ~~~~~?.ds ..\ve.r~ _perfoE!l1_e_d: __ .......... -... . .. .. . .. ... . .. ..... . _.... __ .... .. -* _............................ *- .__ ........ .

fyl_c~@!-1. .. .............. ........................... _................... _...... ... .. .. .. . . ....... t\n.?.-\y;;t Co1p_!lJ.?TI-t$__ ...-..... . . ....... ...... ...

ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE !-IASL 300. 4.5.2 3!Gn-01-R J EPA 900 OISW846 9310/SM 71 \OB Modified Notes:

Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporntion Address: 15 l*luzelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York I 4228 Report Dale_: December 17, 2015 Contact; Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soll Radioisotopes ClientSampleID: 3.1.18.~.1 Project: MJWCOOJ 15 Sample ID: 385070012 Client JD: MJWCOOJ Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20.-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 19.8%

Gr11vimetric Solids 1fSTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Recr!ived" Moisture "t9.8 percent CXCI l !/l0/15 1319 1521842 Rat! Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec: Gamma. Solid "Dry l*Veight Corrected" Adinium-227 u 0. \03 +/-0.30! () 588 0277 +/-0 305 pC1/g RXF2 12/03115 1305 1521383 2 Antimony-125 u 0 00129 +/-0.121 0.227 () 105 +/-0121 pC!lg Bismulh-212 Ul 000 +/-0.661 133 0.615 +/-() 852 pC1fg.

Bismuth-214 0.8<>6 +f-0. tSI 0.167 0.0765 +f-0 195 pCifg c~sium-137 I 12 +/-0.127 0.0(133 0027S +1-0 157 O.LOO pCilg Cobalt-60 UI 0.00 +/-0 0372 o ri&o7 0 0346 +t-0 040S pCitg Europinm-154 u 000261 +/-0.116 0 229 0.0989 +/-0l16 pC1/g Lead-212 0773 +l-0 156 0.173 () 0832 +1-0. \68 pCi/g Lea~-214 0978 +1-0 184 G.332 0.160 +/.() 199 pCt/g Paiassium-40 11 & +/-1.49 0717 () 301 +f-1 ~2 pC1/g Protacnmum-231 u 0.367 +f-0 587 11 l 0 521 +1-0 615 pCllg R.admm-226 () 866 +/-0 181 0 167 0 0765 +l-0 195 pCilg Radium-228 l 04 +1-0 279 ().JQ(, 0.137 +!-0 300 pCi/g Thall1um-:ws 0 29! +l-0 107 0.065 0 029 +/-!l.110 pCilg Tin-126 UI 0 ()() +/-0 244 0 251 0.121 +/-0.245 pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross AB. solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 7.56 +1-2 42 3 21 l 46 +/-2.84 4 0() pC1/g KXB2 121{)2/15 1128 1525757 3 l.lctil 23 5 +i-2.39 263 12& +l-4.04 10 0 pCilg

'f.h..~. follo~v!~~- fr~_P.}:I eth?.~.s. '".er.i.:. pc~.foxrn.~c.1 ...................... _...... ................ **-- .... ....... .... -*- **-******** .... ***-* .... - . ... **- -*

Metlrnd Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-ll.AD-A-021 CXCl 11/10/!5 1319 1521842 T~e. ~().l_lo_,v~g-'~~a.lyti~.a! i\:l_c~.l.104s '"

Method Description ASTM D 2216 (Modified J DOE HASL 300. 4.52.3/Ga:lll-R 3 EPA 900.0iSW846 9310/SM 711013 Modified Surrogatcrrraccr .Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Li111its


  • 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 20 I 5


Ms. Laude Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. 1.18.R. I Project: MJWC'OO I 15 Sample ID: 385070012 Client JD: MJWCOOl

'OO OOO>>*o O .. , ** , "' ******** ,, ** , . . . OO*O . . OHOOH . . 00000 H ,,.,,,,_,

Vll)C ........ L~... ....1:'.~l'.. .. . . R_L... l.!~its ... ~~* j\!la_lyst_. i)_at~ ..*_ri~c .n11.~ch ....1\:lt.d..

Surrognteffracer Rec11\*ery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Umils Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncc11ainty are calculated at the 95'% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).


GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 19407 - (843) 556-8171!.com Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Lo~ey Project: SoH Radioisotopes Client Sample TD: 3.1.18.R.l Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID: 385070012 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 20-0CT-!5 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client

. Moisture: 19.8%

Param.c_!C.~ .. -.. .. . . ... ...... 9u.'.11~~~r ........ ~~~~It ... l1ncertai11ty .........!\-IDC::. Le . . .... JJ'_L ....... ~~ .... Ill its. _Df _A_n.?!Ys~ .. __D_!!-~':.. }'i~c Batch Mttl.

Gravimetric Solid~

AST,-\.{ D 2216 % :\foistitre "1(s Recdved" Moisture 19 8 percent CXCI I 1110!15 1319 1521842 Rad Gumm a Spec Analysi.~

Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid "Dry lf'eight Corrected" Aclmium-227 U 0 103 +/-0 301 0 S&B 0.277 +/.[) 31)5 pC1/g RXF2 12i03115 1305 \522383 2 Anlimony-125 U 0.00129 +/-0 121 0227 0.\0.5 +/-0.121 pCi/g Bismuth-212 Ul 0 00 +/-0.661 I 33 0.615 .;./.Q.852 pC1/g Bismuth-214 0.866 +/-0.181 0167 0.0765 +/-0.195 pCi/g Ccsium-137 1.12 +/-0 127 0.0633 0 0278 +l-0 157 0 100 pCi/g Collalt-60 lJl 000 +/-00372 00807 O.OWi +/-0 0408 pCi/g Europium-154 LI 000261 +l-0 116 0.229 00989 +/-0.t 16 pC1/g Lead-212 0.773 +l-0 156 0 173 00832 +/-0168 pC!.lg Lead-214 D 978 +/-0.184 () 332 0 16() +1-0 199 pCl/g Potassmm-40 11.8 +/-I 4g 0.717 0 JOI +/-1.82 pCi/g Protactmium-231 u 0 367 +/-ll.587 I II () 521 +/-0 615 pCiig Radium-226 lJ.866 +i-0.181 0 167 0 0765 +/-01.95 pCi/g Radium-228 l.[)4 +/-0 279 0 306 0.137 +/-0.309 pC1/g

-niallium-208 0 291 +/-0 107 0065 0 029 +/-0110* pC1ig Tm-126 VI 0.00 +l-0 244 0.251 0.121 +/-0.245 pC1/g Rat! Gas Flow Proportional ('ounting GFPC. Gross kB. solid "D1:r Weight Corrected"

~~ ~ +/-2.42 3.21 146 +l-2 84 4 00 pC1lg K..'XB2 12i02/l 5 1128 1525757 3 Beta 23 5 +/-2 39 2.63 1.26 +/-4.04 10.0 pCi/g

_f_h.e_f~~!~~i.11~. _l'_r~p.J\:~ ~.t.1~~£1~ -~.ere p_crfor.'!.'~~ ***********-**** ... ******* .............. ********---*************** *-*******"************ ..... .

Mctlwd Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil PrcpGL-RAD-A-021 CXC! 1ll!Oil5 13 l 9 1521842 T.h..eJo.llC}\Vi_ni;_ i\lll_l:.ly_t_i_cl11 i\1.~_thotl~ -~V~T.~.. P~r~C?,rl_Tled.

M.ethocl Description ASTM D 2216 (Modified}

2 DOE HASL 300, 4 5 2 3/Ga-01-R 3 EPA 900.0iSW846 93 lOiSM 71 tOB Mod1fi~d Surrogatcffracer Rcco\'cry Test Ilatch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (84S) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJ W Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date; December 17. :2015


Ms. Cauric Losey Project: Soil RadioL~otopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.1 S.R. l Project: MJWCOO l 15 Sample JD: 3&5070012 Client 10: MJWCOOI

..r~-~!1.£n.e.~c~ .......... __ . _... _g~-~-l~~e_r..... _R~sult__ __ l;'!)c_e.!'.!l!i!lt"'. _. *- _i\'.IDC Le Surl'ogateffracer Reco\*ery Test Batch ID Recm:ery% Acccplnble Limits Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncertainty arc calculated at the 95% confidence level (1.96-sigma}.

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Technical Services Address: 15 Hazelwood Drhe Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Dllte: February 10, 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.18.R.2 Project: MJWC'OOl 15 Sample ID: 3119296013 Client ID: MJ\VC001

.Matrix: Soil Col!ecl Dale: 20-0CT-15 Receive Date: 14-JAN-16 Collector: Client

~foisture: 13.6%

Paramete.r... ******-** .. _ ...... _.... !le~':'_l_t****-** r_ncei:!ai_l_l~L ..

Gravimetric Sofkls AST.\.f D 2216 % Moistw*e "1ls Received" Moistun: 13.6 percent CXCl 01114116 1208 1537312 Rad Gammn S1tcc Analy~is Gamma with (ngrowth "Dry Weig/ii Corrected" Acunium-227 lJl 0.00 +/.() 314 IJ.634 0298 +1-0146 pCi/g R.XF2 02105/16 0843 1537546 2 An11mony-125 u -0.0409 **/-0.135 (124CI 0 I IQ +/.(} !36 pC1/g

  • Bismuth-212 UJ 000 +/-0.807 1.43 0659 +1-D 987 pCi/g Bismuth-2!4 0.799 +i-0.183 0.165 ().(1752 +l-0 196 p("ilg C<.'h1um- \ 37 1.83 +!-0 !60 0.0837 () 0376 +l*O 228 0 100 pC1/g Cobalt-60 u 0019 +/-0 0421 0 0844 O.o354 +!-0 043 pC1/g Europium-154 u -0.0126 +f-0.129 0.250 () 106 +/-0.129 pCi/g Lead-212 0985 +f-0.135 [) 123 00577 +/-0 160 pCiig Lead-2\-1. 0.923 +l-0 230 () l87 ().0871 +/.() 244 pC'i/g PotaSi\IUm-40 111 +/-1.54 0.661 02M +/-1 81 pC1/g Protactinium-231 UI Qfl(l +/-0 92*1 I 23 0.577 +/-0 934 pCi/g Radiurn-226 0 799 +/-0.183 U.165 0.0752 +/-0.196 pCi/g Radium-228 1 05 +/.Q 301 0 340 0.152 +/-0 341 pC1/g Tliallium-208 () 333 +l-0.079\l 0.ll783 tl.0353 +1-0.0853 pCilg Tin-126 lJ 0.0199 +/-0.195 0 193 0.0923 +!-0 195 pCi/g Gammaspec, Gamma. Solid "D1:1' Weight Correcred

Actinmm-227 lJ *0.253 +/-0 .H4 0.569 0 267 +/-0355 pCi/g RXF2 01/ll!/16 1123 1537545 Antimony-125 lJ 0 0375 +/-0.134 0.257 0 120 +1-0 136 pCi!g Bismuth-212 UJ o 00 +/-0 710 I 09 0492 +/-0712 pCi/g Bismmh-214 O704 +/-0.181 () 163 00746 +/-0.190 pC1/g Ccsium-137 l 89 +i-0172 0()81i8 () 0365 +(-0 230 0100 pCi.'g Cobalt-60 lJ -0.0257 +/-0 0502 {) 0877 0 0378 +/-0.0516 pCi/g Europium-154 u 0 0103 +/-(1.140 0270 0 I !S +/-0 140 p("i/g l.ead-212 0 948 r/-0 133 0 133 0 0628 +/*O 154 pCi/g l.ead-214 0 685 +/-0.205 () 186 0 0369 +;.0212 pC1/g Potas~ium-40 12 I +/-! 42 () 593 0 237 +/-1 75 pC1tg Protactmmm-231 u 0.385 +/-0 787 1 29 0(109 +/-0.811 pC1lg Radtum-226 0.704 +1-0 181 () !63 IJ(l7'J(i +/-0.190 pC1/g Radium-228 1 16 +/-0 349 0.304 {) 136 +/-0.383 pC1/g Thull ium-208 0.248 * +1-0 0833 0 01!8 0 0405 +/-0.0$57 pCi/g Tin- 126 l!l 0. 00 +l-0 139 0.!92 00922 +/-0.159 pCilg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross A*B. solid Dry Weight Corrl!cted" Alpha 11 5 +l-3 28 3 91 ' 1.73 +f.-3 95 400 pC1/g KXB2 0 l/26ll.6 1153 1539462 4 17 3 +1.. 2 52 2 77 I 30 +l-J.54 IO I) pC1lg

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 -

  • Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Technical Services Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, Ni:w Ymk 14228 Report Date: February I0. 2016


Ms. Laurie Lo5ey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample 10: 3.1.18.R.2 Project: MJWC00! 15 Sample ID: 389296013 Client ID: MJWCOOI

.1.'a.rll.~.e.te.r....... ***- .... ....... 9ua.f.i.~er ... . .1:lc.s.u~t ..... ~*l)~~r.t~i"1.1.Y ....... :\IDC Le

r~~.f.~!~o'".!l_lg_f'i:~.P. ~J.~_1.!!I!~:~. .er~ .P..C.!f.~.r.1ncd, ... . ....- . ***-*- ....

!Vlcthod Description Am1\yst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXCI 01114115 1208 1537312

'J'.he . f.0.1.l~~~*!!:l.g.i:~!!lllJ~i~a.1_~1!1~<!~~ lve:r.~.pe_i:-f(lrlll.~~ ........ _.

\kthotl Description

. .. .. .. .... .. . . . .. ... ******* ............. ****~***** **-*** .... ***-*--* **- *-*** **- ...... *****-**-* .... --

1 ASTM D 2216 (1'fod1fied) 2 DOE HASL 300. 4.52JlGn-01-R 3 DOE HAS l.3()(), 4 5 2 3/Ga-01-R 4 EPA 900.0/SW846 93 ll>!SM 71 lOB Modifkd Surrognteffraccr Reco,*cry Test Batch ID l~ecovery% Acceptable Limits Notes:

TPU and Counting Uncertainty are c::alculated at the 95<l*o confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).