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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix G, Part 2 of 11
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16294A193 (40)


{{#Wiki_filter:"",* Appendix G-Sub-Area 3.1.1- COA

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address:  ! 5 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project:

                     **********-**      ...... .    .s°.~1- ~-~d_i?.i~?~_op~s                                                                                  . ......           **-***

Client Sample ID: 3.1.1.E.1 Project: MJWCOOIJS Sample ID: 385077001 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-15 13:10 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 23.1°..-o Par.~~et:r ... .......... ___ . _Quali 0.er___ Resu It _U_n_ce~~~1_1~Y. .. ~~C- ...... R,:~. ... . ..... Y~.~ts_ .... . ..1?.F.. A_n~l).'5.~ . .I?~t~*** T_i!n.e Batch_ I\1~~h~ci Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As.Received" Mm>curc 23 I percent CXCl 11/10/15 1347 1521843 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Conectcd'.' Actinium-227 u .Q 156 +/-0.336 0.60.3 pC1/g RXF2 12i03/15 01!38 1522384 2 Anumo11y-125 U 0 OIOS +/-0 129 0.235 pC11g Cesium-137 1.23 +/-0 144 0 0838 l).100 pCi/g U -6 76E-05 +/-0.0362 0.0732 p('i/g Cobalt-6\l Europium-154 u 0 03.03 +/-0 155 0 304 pCi/g Protactmitim-231 u 0.634 +1-0.821 L 00 pCi/g Radrnm-226 I 04 +/-0 188 0.147 pCtlg Radium-228 1.09 +/-0.445 0.353 pCilg Tin-126 U 0 129 -7/-0 133 () 150 pC1/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A/B, solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

                                                                                  +1-2:52     2 56         4.00                    pCi/g                             KXB2 l2i01/l5           1954 1525765                  3 Alpha                                                                 18.4 Beta                                                                  27.7         +1-176      1.72          10.0                   pCll[!,

T.!1~ follo*y~11~. ~!._ep_!y!et~_~d~..\\ .P.e_r~or.n._1~~: . . , ........... . .

                                                                                                                 . ... . . . . ..... .... .....  .....*. . . .......    -~

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batcl1 or)-* s~if?rcp- * * * * ** * * - .. ****** o:ry s<i11 *r;.e:r aL"-ilAD.A-cifr. ** *** *c:Xc1 ******* ....11"niii'l5' .. *** *** . i'3:i7 * *1s2is43 _.T~_e}°())l?.~i".g. A.'.l~~yLi~~lJv1~th?.~s."."e.T~. P~.r!'~r11.1~~: _M_(;:~)'i~\l..... *-** ........... P~~ri_p~i.l.'!! . . .... .,.. _......... *-*** ..... An~l.Y~t r.91lJl)1.~!lt.s ............--*--* .. ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 1 DOE HASL 300. 4.5 2.3iGa-Ol-R 3 EPA 900 OISW84fl 9310.iSM 71 lOE Modified Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% wnfidence !eve! ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8'171 - Certificate of Anal;ysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14218 Report Date: Dccernber 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1. LE.1 Project: MJWCOOI 15 Sample ID: 38507700! Client ID: MJWCOOJ Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 23.1% Parameter ......... MDC l,c Gravimetric Snlids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Rec!!ived" Moisture 23 I percent C'XCl 11/101\5 1347 1521843 Rad Gamma Spee A11alysis Gmnmaspec, Gamma. Sofid "D1:fl Weigh! Corrected" Aclinium-227 U* *O 156 +f*0.336 0 603 0 284 +(.() 344 pC1/g RXF2 12i03/15 0838 1522384 l Amimony-125 u o.m os +/.[) 129 0 235 0 109 +/-0.129 pCiJg llismulh-212 UI 0 00 *>-1-0 865 140 0\143 +/-1.01 pCi/g

!31smulh-214                                                       I 04                -!-/-0.188      (l  147   0.0665      +/-0207                pCi/g Cesium-137                                                         1 23                +/-0.144      0.0838      0.0379      ~/-0.176        0 100  pC1/g Cobalt-60                                          u      -6.76[*.-05               +l-0.0361        0.0732      0.0304    +1-0.0362                pCi/g Europium-154                                       u           0 0303                  +/-0.155        0.304       I) 135  . +/-0.156               pCilg Lcad-212                                                           l 40                +/-0.146        ().126    I) 0594     +/-0.186               pCiig Lead-214                                                           1.34                +l-0113         0401        0.195     +/-0.241               pO/g f'otassiunt*40                                                     \4 7                  +/-I 64       0.880       0 378      +/-2.09                pC1/g f'rotaclmium-231                                  UI              0.00                 +l-0 82\           I llli   04&7      +/-0.833               pC1/g Radium-226                                                         l 04                +/-0.188        0.147     ll Cl(>65   +f-0 207               pC'i/g .

.Radium-228 I 09 +/.(J.445 0.353 0 16ll +/*0474 pC1/g Thalliurn-208 0.394 +/-0 0939 00724 0.0326 +/-(),()991 pCi/g Tm-126 Ul il.00 i*/-0 133 (I 150 () 0713 +/-0.135 pCl.lg Rad Gas Flow Prnportio11:il Counting GFPC. Gross,{. B. solid "D1:r Weighl Correct.:d" Alpha 18.4 +/-2.52 256 1.19 +/-4 35 400 pCi!g KXB2 12/01/15 1954 1525765 3 Beta 27.7 +/-176 1.72 (I 83ll +/-4.28 JU 0 pCifg

'.f.he .fol.l_O.!' i.l\g :\,-lctho~_s_\'::~~e.!ll!rf!JE'.11~~ ............. *
\lethod Description Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Sml Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXCI \ 11101\5 1347 1521843 .
1:~1.e f~~~~-lYi_ng J\_rt~lytical_~!.:_l_htlds W~r~.J?~rf.o.r.m~.d Method Description ASTM D2211i{Modified) 2 DOE !!ASL 300, 4 5.2 3iGa-01-R 3 EPA 900.0!SW846 93!1l!SM 71 IOB Modified Surrogateffraccr Recovery Test Batch ID Hcco\*cry% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Cl1arleston SC 29407 - (843) 556*8171

  • Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazclwo!ld Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17: 2015


Ms. Lnurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.1.E. I Project: MJWCOO 115 Sample ID: 385077001 Client ID: MJWCOOJ Panimct.c_:, .............. Q!J~~_lifi_e_r ......R..csult ...... r!l.c'?.r_tn_i.nty . . ...~JI?.r ...... T"c*-* ... __ . J.YY. *****-* .. .R:!: .. ~~11it~ .. ..Dl" ...,~~a_l:\"'st. _Dat~ .'.J:ime Batch_.~~~: Surrogatcffracer Recovery Test Batch lD Recovery% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty arc calculated at the 95% confidence level ( ! .96-sigma).

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffitlo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.1.E.2

  • Project: MJWC001 l5 Sample ID: 385077002 Client ID: MJWC001 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-15 13:25 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 23.3%

Parameter MDC RL ...-* *- _u.1~i.ts.. *- . . __[).f.... f\.11al.YS.t .. D.~t~ .. .T,ime -~~t.c~ ..~1_eth.o.~ Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 23.3 percent CXCl 11/10.115 1347 1521843 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec; Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Acllmum-227 l! 0.0383 +/-U.392 fl 707 pC1/g RXF2 12/03115 1 \07 \522384 2 Antimony-125 u -0.00441 +/.() 158 0 291 pC1/g Ccsnun-137 1.9 +i-0.184 0 0985 0.100 pC1lg Cobalt-60 l! -0*00321 +1-1}0508 0.0977 pC'1lg ll 0.0969 . 0 339 pCt!g UI 0.00 1.28 pCl/g 0 229 pCi!g () 288 11Ci/g 0.260 pC1/g 259 4.0U pCilg I 6$ JOO pCi/g Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LAB ORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwoo<l Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


M~. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.1.E.2 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385077002 Client ID: MJWC-001 Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 2l-OCT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 23.3%

  • Parameter .........~~suit ... l:IJc.c.r.t!linty__ ..... ~m~: Le 'fPl'
                                                                                                                  ....................                RL l "oits --DF....          Anah*st
                                                                                                                                                                                   - ... *-*~--

Date Time Batch Mid. Gr:ivimetric Solids ASTJ1D2216 % lvloisture "As Received" M01s1ure

  • 233 percent CXC1 11110115 1347 1521843 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gt1111111a. Solid "Dry Weight Corri?ctcd"*

Actinium-227 lJ 0 0383 +l-0 392 0.707 0.333 +/-0 393 pC'ilg R.XF2 12/03115 l 107 1522384 2 Antimony* 125 lJ -0.00441 *f*!-0 158 0.291 0 136 +/-0 158 pCi/g Bismuth-212 lll (100 +/-0 869 167 () 774 +/-Ll2 pC1lg Bismulh-214 1.02 +/-0 241 0229 () I07 +!-0.256 pCi!g Ccs1urn- IJ7 194 +l-0.184 0,0985 0 0447 +l-0 246 o. !00 pC1/g Cobalt-60 u -O.OOJ21 +r-0 ()50& 0 0977 () 04 \6 +/-0.050~ pCilg Europmm-154 u 00969 +l-0 174 () 339 0.150 <-1-0 179 pCi/g Lead-212 I 44 +/-0. 173 0.153 0.07:!1 +/-11213 . pCi/g Lcad-214 I 33 +l-0 230 0436 0.2!1 +l-0 257 pCii!l Potassmm-40 170 +/-185 IJ.829 ll 341 +1-2.35 pC'llg Protactmium-231 lJ iJOO +/-!IO t 23 0.596 +/-1.16 pC1lg Radmm-226 \ 02 +/-0 241 0.229 0 107 +l*0.256 pCi/g Radnim-228 l 18 +/.() 327 0.288 0 124 +/.. !).Jj(J pCrig 111allmm-208 0.327 +/-0.0934 ll.10& 0.050 +/-0 0975 pCilg Tm-126 lJ -0 00367 +1-0.221 U.260 0.125 +/-0221 pC'i/g Rnd Glls Jllo,, Proportional Counting GFPC. Grass A*B, solid "D1J' Weigh/ Corrected" Alpha 13 2 +1-2.26 2 59 121 +/-3.43 40() pC'tlg KXB2 121011\S 1954 1525765 J Beta 25.7 +/-1.68 1.68 0.81 ! +l-3 96 10 ll pCilg Th_l'!! Me.!l1~~s.~vc.r.c.:r.e.!'tor111e.<1. ....... . ......... ***-*** .................. Ml:lhod Description Analyst Dntc Time Prep Balch Dry Soil Prep Dry Seu! Prep GL-RAD-A--02 I CXCI I 1110!15 1347 1521843 The follouing Analytical :\1ctltods were performed

~ii!iii.~<l*   * ** ***
  • ii~sc~iji!ion ** ** * ** *-...... * - ** ** *
  • ASTM D 2216 {Modified)

DOE HASL 300. 4 5.2 3iGa-01-R 3 EPA 900.0!SWH46 93 l OISM 71 !OB Modified Surrog11tcfl"r:1cer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 555-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 1422S Report Dntc: December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample fD: 3.1. l .E.2 Project: MJWCOO l 15 Sample ID: 385077002 Client ID: MJWCOO I .J>ara_111C.~~1: ........ *-* ...... g~~l~ficr .. . . .R.e~ult_ ... Xn.c£r.t!!.ill!~*....... l\fJ?._<; . .. Le.......... Tl:"'.f......... ~ .. I11.i.~s __l)r ~~*1.9:1,f~~ .. J~!l.t~ .'.Um~. __13.11~1:i~. ~It_c1. .. Surrogatcffraccr Recovery Test Batch lD Recovery% Acceptabll! Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty arc calculated at the 95%, confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 1422& Report Dme: January 20, 2016


Ms. Llrnrie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1. ! .E.3 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample JD: 388092016 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-15 Receive Date: 23-DEC- l 5 Collector: Cl icnt MoisLure: 21 . 6% Paramet~r... .. ... . . . ......... .Qu.~1.i~_c_r .........R.:~.sult_ .. J.~ i:icc~~l!in,t_v_  !\mC Le TPl' Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspcc, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Correcled" Actmium-227 U -0.115 +J-0 378 0.645 0.303 +1-0 382 pCilg MJHl 01/18/16 0722 1534020 Ant1mony-12S U 0 0664 +J..[l 13B ll.2fi6 () 124 +/-0 142 pC'i/g Bismuth-212 Lfl 0.00 +f-0. 995 l 46 0.672 +/-1.10 pC'ilg Bismuth-214 0754 +/-0 200 0 191 0 ()879 t-1-0.2!1 pCi/g Ccsium-137 2.18 +/-0.173 0 0805 0 0359 +l-ll 263 () 100 pCilg CobalH10 lJ -0 0565 +f-0.0527 0.0595 0.0228 +1-0.0587 pC!lg. Europium-154 u -0.236 +/-0 15B 0.235. (I 098(> +(.. (} 192 pC1lg Lead-212 I IS -+/-0.189 0 165 00782 +f-0 215 pCi/g Lcad-214 I 09 +/.. () 265 () 181 fl 084 ~1-0 281 pC1/g. rotass mm -40 14.5 +1-l 75 0.834 0 349 +/-2 14 pC1lg Protacnmum-23 l 0 060S +1-l) t.57 I 24 () 581 ,,./,11658 pO/g Radmm-226 0 754 +/-0.200 0 191 () OB79 +/-0.211 pC1/g Radium-228 1.12 +l-0 346 0.285 () 124 +l-0 380 pC'1lg Thulln1m-208 (] 409 +/-0 0963 0 0824 0.0373 +/-0 !03 pC1/g Tin-126 UI 000 +1-0.15(1 I) 239 0.115 +/-0.:WO pCitg

}"~~- f()ll(lwin.g _Pi-cp ~!~t.1.t~~~ .'.v.c_r~ .Pt:~for_rnctl                               ... ***--     ....... **- -**                                              .......... ........ - ..........*--** .........................

Method oc*scription . .\nal~st Date Timi.': Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL*RAD-A-021 LYTl 12/24115 0703 1533924 !11.~ ~~!~o.\\'_i1_1gA11!1. IJ~.!1. Li_\~c!1t.o.~~..'1'.cl'.c.P.~.rf~r.~-e~ .. !\.'J cth!ld Dcscriptiun

  • DOE HASL 300. 4 5.2 31Ga-Ol-R Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive St1ite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: January 20. 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. l.l .E.3 Project: MJWCOOl 15 SampldD: 3880920 I6 Client ro: ri..uwcoo 1 Surrogatcffracer Recovery Te~t Batch ID Recovery% Acce11table Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are ca!c:ulated at the 95% confidence level (I. 96-sigma}.

GEL.LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Curpomtion Address:  ! 5 Malelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo; New York 14228 Report Date: January 20. 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample 10: 3.1.1.E.3 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample JD: 388092006 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-15 Receive Date: 23-DEC-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 21.6% Pa111~et~r... ..... __ ... _. .9~~-*!~~r. _ Re.suit ..... ~:.JJcc!:lai.!1~V- Le TPl' Gr:1vim:etric Solids AS1i'!1D2216 % Moisrure "As Rf!ceived" Moisture 21.6 percent L.YTl 12/24i15 0703 1533555 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ti SP Plutoni11111 lsotopic. Solid D1J' Weigh/ Correc/f!d" Plulonmm-23& lJ 0.000662 +/.() 049 0.109 0 0297 +1-0 0491 1.00 pC1ig MXS2 01/12!16 102\ 1534070 2 Plulonivm-2391240 L: -0.0\ l2 +/-0.0503 0.128 \).039.2 +/-0 0508 I 0{) pCl!g ASP Ura11iu111 Jsoloµic. Solid "D1:i' Weigh/ Corrected Uramum-232 U *O 0254 +/.() 04Cl'l {) 130 O03S7 +/-0.041 1 on pC1/g MXS2 01112/l<'> Hll5 1534<163 3 llramum-2331234 0.906 +l-0 238 0.132 0.0431 +/-0.282" 1.00 pC'i/g Uramum-2351236 0.0732 +f-0 08 l ll. lll7 0 0306 +/.()0819  !.00 pCllg lJranium-238 0.779 +/-0217 0 0928 00236 +l-0 ..254 1.00 pCilg Aipf:a~1;ec :Vp237. Solid "Dry fVeight Corrf!cted" Neptunmm-23 7

  • 0.126 +/-0 248 0343 O!lM2 +/-0 248 I OD pC1/g MXS2 01/12/16 1032 \534069 Alplwspec Th229 + 228,230,232 Solid Dry Wei~ht Corrf!cted" Thonum-228 0 728 +/-0.509 0.507 0.142 +!-0 533 LOO pCi/g MXS2 01/!2116 1031 1534062 5 Thorium-229 U -0.0165 +/-0 142 0329 0 0616 +/-0.143 LOO pC1/g Thonum-230 l 20 +/-0.587 0.379 (l 0869 +/-0638 1 {)() pC11g Timnum-232 l O! +f-0 531 0327 (J 0612 +l-0 577 1.IJ() pCilg 1

Am24 l. Cm Solid DJ}' Jfright Corrected ' Amcricium-241 0 0335 +/-0.0532 () (1736 00169 +/.() 0.534 1.00 p('ilg MXS2 ll 1112116 I !03 15340(>7 6

  • Cunum-2-12 O.ol 87 +/-0.0525 fl ()5() 000 +l-0 0526 I 00 pC1/g Cunom-2431244 lJ 0.0169 +/-0 0465 () 0807 0 020.5 +1-0.0466 1.00 pCilg Curium-2451246 0.0304 +/-0 0521 00456 000 +/-0.0523 pCi!g
  • liquid Seim P1124 l. Solid "Dry /Veight Corrected" Pluto111u1n-241 U -W 2 +/-7.00 126 6 15 +/-7 ()() 15 0 pCi/g MXS2 01/14116 1653 1534073 7 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma II29. Solid "Dry Weigh! Corrected" l11di~e- l 29 lJ o0709 +/-0.139 0.522 ll 165 +/.() 143 1.00 pC1/g MJHI 01115.116 0848 1535059 8 Ga11wu1spec, Gamma. Solid "DIJ* H'eight C'urrected" 1\ctm1um-227 LI 0 0070 I +/-0 25 l () 463 I) 223 +/-0.251 pC!lg MJH I 12129/15 1156 1533562 9 Anlimony-125 U -0.0128 +/-0.102 0.184 lJ.0&76 +/-ll.!02 pC!lg Bismulh-212 1.32 +/-0.844 (J 726 (J 335 +/-0.854 pC1/g Bl>muth-21*1 0 8J8 -t/.() 139 (J 124 I! 0582 +/-0 156 pC1/g Cesium-JJ7 2 12 "/-0.137 l) 0659 [) 0309 +/.() 22\ () !()() pC1/g Cobalt-60 U [) 0125 +1-0 0307 0061 00274 +/-00312 pCi!g Eurcpmm-154 U C! 0934 +/-0 139 0219 0 101 +/-0 I 4;i pC1/g Lcad-212 I 21 +l-0. 113 () I04 0 (1501 +/-0 148 pCi/g L~ad-214 1.05 +/.O lCiS ci 126 I! (J598  !-/.(} 188 pC1!g

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Rc:>ad Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJ W Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suile I 12 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: January 20. 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioi~otopes Client Sample ID: 3.LI .E.3 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 388092006 Client ID: MJWCOOl l:nccrtainlv*****-**

                                                                                 .................        :VIDC             ~-c........... TPl'       .. ... ~*:* .. .. t:nits . IJ.F.. '.\~a.lys_l __ Date Time Batch Mid.

Rad Gamma Spec Analy.sis Gamnwspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weigh1 Correcled" Potassmm-40 141 +/-1.19 0 438 () 188 +~~ 1.72 pCi/g Protacimirnn-23 I Ul I) 00 .../-0.806 0 801 0 383 +f-0 816 pC1/g Radmm-226 0.838 */-0 !39 () 124 ll 0582 +(-(} l56 pCJ/g Radtitm-228 I 07 +/-0.264 0 215 110987 +(.Q 298 pCtfg Thslhum-208 0.429 +/-(! 0742 () 0595 0.0279 +/-0.0826 pC1lg. Tm-126 u OO() +/-0. !55 (J 147 0.07l2 ~1.0 159 pCilg Rad Gas Flow Propurtional Counting GFPC.. Gross AB. solid "Dry JVdi;fll Corrected" Alpha 16 3 +1-2 l l 197 0.\106 +l-3 79 4.00 p(i/g JXB7 0111 !/16 1900 1534760 10 I.I ctn 23.2 +f-1.54 157 0 760 ~1-3.53 IOU pCilg GFPC. Sr90, solid "Dl:v IVeight Corrected" Strontium-90 u -0.219 +/-0 842 l 66 (} 733 +/-0 842 21)() pCilg KSDI 01!07116 1129 !534788 II Rad Liquid Scintitlaticm Analysis LS(', Trili11111 Dist, Solid "Dry Wt!ig/11 Col'rected"

  • Trmum (J -1 11 +l-2.39. 4 _1'_, 2.04 +/-2*39 6 OQ pCi/g lXJl . 01/1(1/16 1952 1534918 12 liquid Sein/ C 14. Solid "D1y Weigf11 Cori*ected" Carbon-14 ll -0.823 +-1-0.79~ l.38 . 0.677 +/-0.792 2.00 pCi!g. TXJI 011161!6 1059 1534935 13 Liquid Sci111 Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Correctl!d" Teclmctlum-99 u -0.644 +/-1 56 2.77 1.33 +t-1 56 5.00 pC1!g MYM Olf19/!6 0626 1534638 14 l

The _fo_l_l~~'.'.h1g i>r~ti: ~lc~h.o~s _\v~rc_p~_r_f~i:111~d ...... . ....... ***-* ...... ____ ,,, l\lctltod Ucscription Analyst Date Time Prep Balch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep Gl.-RAD-A-021 LYTI 12124115 *0703 1533555 Tbl!':V.i.~g _ ':\nalytic~l .~1~~ho1f.s -~*~r_c_pc~fo-:tlle~

wcthod Description*

ASTM D 2216 (Mo<lilictl) 2 DOE Etv!L HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EM!. l*IASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 4 ASTM C 1476-00 Modified 5 DOE EML HASL-300. Th-Ol-RC Modified 6 DOE EML HASL-3(10, Am-05-RC Modified 7 DOE EMI. HASI...-300. Pu-11-RC Modified s DOE l.iML HASL-300,1-01 Modified 9 DOE HASL 300. 4 5.2JiGa-Ol-R 10 EPA 900.0!SW846 9310iSM 71 IOB Modified II EPA 905 0 Mod1ficd/DOE RP50 I Rev I Modified 12 EPA 906.0 Mod1ticd 13 EPA EERF C-01 Mmhfied

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: t\.-JJW Corporation Address: 15 Ha7.clwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: January 20. 2016


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.1.E.3 Project: MJWC'OOl 15 Sample lD: 388092006 Client ID: MJWCOOI Parameter ........... __ _g_u~_li.fie.r. ... .~es11It .... l_1ncerfaintv . -~*l_D_C.:. L_~ . _.............T.P.V . _ -~*-*** ~'.n.its .l>f. . . J\~.I~:S.~ ... _l.)_a~~-TilJ_l~ .~!l:~':~..~!d_._ 14 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modilicd Surrogatcffraccr Recovery Tes I" Batch JD Recovery% Acceptable Limits Plutonium-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrcetcd" 1534070 72. l (15%-125%) ll ranium-232 Tracer ASP llrnnium Isotopic. Solid "Ory Weight Corrected" 1534063 72.9 (15%-125%) lJranium-235/236 Tracer ASP Uranium bol-0pic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1534063 81.9 (15%-125%) Americium-243 Tracer Alpha~pec Np23 7. Solid "DI)' Weight Com:cled" 1534069 95.8 (15'}'0-125%) Actinium,227 Tracer Alphaspcc Th229 + 228.230,232 Solid "DI}' Weight Corrected" 1534062 92.2 {15%-125%) Amcricium-243 Tracer Am241, Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" !534067 87.4 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Sein! J>u24 I, Solid "Dry Weight Correc!ei.I" 1534073 72.1 ( ! 51!*(,- I 25'Vo) Strontium Carrier GFPC. Sr90, solid Dry Weight Corrected" 1534788 76 (25%-125'!*(.) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "Dry Weighl Corrected" 1534638 97.8 (15%-i25%) Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96.sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 20 l5 Company: MJW Corporation Address:

  • I 5 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes

                  .... -- .. *-*-* ..... ****- ... ~    ****** .   . ***-*-*     ....... **-*- ***-* .. -**---*** ... *-**** .... *.

Client Sample JD; 3.J.1.E.4 *Project: MJWCOOl-15 Sample ID: 385077003 Client lD: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-lS !3:45 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 21.8% Parameter.............. _.. .. . . . .. _9,! .....R~s~i_l.~ ... ~nc_e_rta!n!Y........ -~~DS' ....... -~~- ............... ~11_i_~s.............. ?~ . f\n.~l~_st.. _l?a_~e..... !.in.:i<.: J3.a~~.h...~1~th.?d.. Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Mmsture 21.S percent C'XC I 11/!0il 5 !347 1521843 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Actmium-227 U 0.356 +/*0.453 0675 pCi/g RXl'2 12103-/15 l 107 1522384 2 Antnnony-125 l: 0.0916 +/-0 116 0 236 pC1ig Cesium-137 0.315 +f-0 0979 00869 0 IOQ pCi/g Coball-60 u O.ll439 +/-0 0449 O.IOJ pC1lg Europmm-154 LI -0 0144 +1-0 166 () 321 p('ilg Protactinirnn-231 u 0 526 +1-0.985 IM pCi/g Rndwm-226 1 II +1-0.194 0 l-l-7 pC1lg Radium-228 I 22 +/-Q.370 0374 pCi!g Tin-126 UC 0.00 *~1-0.177 o.:m pCi/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross AiB, solid "Dry Weight C.oJTected" Alpha 47.S t-/-3.52 223 4.00 pC'1lg KXB2 12i01!l5 1954 1525765 3 Beta 32 0 +/-2 01 2 14 JO() pCi!g T.~l!.f.C>l!()~~~~l:i.. ~EeP. I\ll~lh_~ds...~~rqie.rf.oi:rn.~_<l: *-* ........... _................. ........................ -* .... .... .. . ... .. ........ _ !Vletlmd Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batc11 of): so*;1-rrcp--* * ...... * ***- *- *-nr~; So.Ii *prcp-cii~=-RAD~A:"t.l2f * ** ... -- *-**** *** * ** ****** ** c-x*c*f** --** ** ****

  • i lii6ii5 * --*-** *-*1J.r1. -******
  • i5il843 *** - *********--** **- *** ** *** * *
  • _T~e_f~!l?_~i11g A-~~l_y~i~~1 ...~~tl1?~S. .w.e.r~_P.:.r[° .. .. . ... ...... ... .. .. . . ... .. ...... . . ..... *--- ....... ...... .. ... ... .. ..... . . . .. . .

.t:-1t:~l1~\l..... _.......... _... _. pc~criJ!ti2!'1. .... . .. ..... ..... .. .............. __ ...... .. ... .A..nal_J:'.sl (ornm.~.tJ.t.s ....................... - ..................... ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE [*JASL 300. 4 5.2.3/Ga-lll-R 3 EPA 900.0iSW846 9310/SM 71 IOB Modified Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level (I. 96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corpomtion Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228' Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample fD: 3.1. ! .E.4 Project: MJWCOO! [5 Sample ID: 385077003 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-!5 Receive Date: OS-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 21.8% Parameter MDC . _I!c ............ __ TPV, .. . RL l'nit.s DF AJ!aly_st_ Dntc Time .!:i.'.lt~l! .. ~!.t~:. Grnvimctric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moiswre "As Received" Moisture 218 pcrce11t CXC I 11/10115 1347 l 521843 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corl'ected" Actinium-227 lJI 0.00 +/-0453 0.675 () 316 +l-0 484 pCi/g RXF2 l2/0J/15 1107 1522384 2 Antimony-125 u 00916 +/-0. l \6 0.236 0.108 +1-0 124 pCilg Bismmh-212 UJ 000 +1-0 808 I 59 0.728 +/-1.14 pCi/g Bismuth-214 1.11 +/-0 !94 0 147 0 0648 +/-() 215 pC1/g Ccsil1m-137 0.315 +/-00979 I) 0869 0.0386 +/*O lOI 0.100 pCilg Cobalt-60 (JI 0.00 +/.(J 0449 0.103 0 043& +/-00492 pC'1/g Europium-154 lJ -00144 +/-0.166 0 321 0 140 "'i-0 166 pCiig. Lcad-212 I 16 +/-0.149 0 134 o 062S +/-0.180 pC'ilg Lcad-214 1.07 +/-0 219 0 398 0.192 +/-0.237 pCi/g Pota~smm-40 12 8 *t-/-1 63 0 Q7') 0.413 +/-! % pCi!g Protactinmm-23) \Jl 0()0 +1-0 985 \.()9 0 505 +/-0 993 pCi/g Radmm-226 111 +/-0 194 0 147 (I Q&48 +/-0.215 p('1lg Rad1un1-22& 1.22 +l-0 370 0374 0 166 +l-0 403 pCitg lltall1um-20S 0 373 +/-0.103 00747 0 033 .+l-0 108 pCilg Tin-126 UI 0.00 +1-0.177 0213 0 IOI +l-0 178 pC1/g R:td Gas Flow Proportional CounliRg Gf1'C. Gross kB, solid "Diy Weig/Jr Corrected" Alpha 47 8 +/-3.52 2 23 t 03 +/-10 0 4.00 pCi!g KX!32 12i01/l5 1954 1525765 3 Beta 32.0 +/-2 01 2 14 1.04 +/.499 10.0 pCi/g The _f()ll~.'~i~~ .P..r_ep :Vlc.t~()~_s -'~er:l'.P.e.r~~~-nu:d ....... . Method Descri11tion Analyst Date Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXCI 11/10115 1347 1521843 The following Analytical :\lcthods were performed ~i~th~d**** . .. .**- 'ii~~~~ij;ii~~- . . .. .. . . - . .. - ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE HASL 300, 4.S 2 31Ga-0 l-R 3 EPA 900 O/S\l/846.93 IO/SM 7l 10B Modified Surrogateffraeer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407- (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: M.TW CorporatiOn Address; 15 1-Iru:elwood Drive Suite l 12 Buffalo, Ne*w York l42Z8 Report Dlttc: De~ember l 7. 20l5


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.1.E.4 Project: MJWCOO 115 Sample ID: 385077003 Client ID: MJWCOO 1 ~~r~~e.te.r.................... _qu~_lifiel_'",, ... ..1~~s.u_l,t ..... Inccrtaintv ..... ;\*t[)L .... Le .... 1,',P_l:'. .... . . . RL.. l}uits ... ~F. ~~!l!llY._st.... _Dal~. Jil_t!e....13.!'.t.i.:1_1 ....*l\i~d_._ Surrogatcrfracer Recovery Test Blllch ID Recove~*% Acceptable Limits Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 9 5% confidence level (I. 96-sigma).

GEL LA BORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - {843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Ddv1: Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: January 19. 2016


. Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Samp.Je. lD; 3.1.1.E.4 Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID: 389094001 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil CoJlect Date: 21-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 2!.8% Parameter ...... ***-***** ..... 9':';t.lilie.r_ Result .. l'111,:ert.a_in.t.v... MDC Le TPl.;. RL .... ~:i1i.t~.... O.~- .~"' Date Time Bntch Mtd. Rad Gas Flow l'roportional Cou11ti11g GFPC. Gross A* B. solid "DJ'.V Weight Corrected" Alpha 14.5 +/-3 5l) 3.92 l 73 +J-4.55 4.00 pC1/g JXB7 Ol/Df16 1613 1536863 Beta 21 6 +l-2.76 2.85 1.34 +1-4 16 10.0 pCilg!{ J'rep ~1ctl1~ds.1~~r!-' perf~l'.~.~d ............ .

Method Description Analyst Date Time P~p Batch DI)' Soil Prep Ory Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXCl l l/!0115 1347 1536780 ~1~11_1: folio\\.'t.i~a~ ~1et~~d.s__,vi:r.:~ r.~!:forme~...

Vlcthod Description EPA 900.0JSW846 93!0/SM 71 IOB Modified S11rrogateffracer Recovery Test Balch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limil'i Notes:

TPlJ and Counting Uncertainty .are calculated at the 95% confidence level {I .96-sigma).

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407'- {843) 556-8'!71 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company; MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. I. l .E.5 . Project; MJWCOOl 15 Sample lD: 385077004 Client ID: MJWCOO! Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT* IS 13:15 Receive Date: . 05-NOV-15 Colledor: Client Moisture: 22.9% Parameter Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" M~~~ n~ pcrce11t cxc1* 111rn11s 1347 1521843 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Pl11tomun1-238 {J -0.0167 -r/.o 0386 0 114 [ 00 pCilg HAKU ll/23115 1501 1522577 2 Plutomum-2391240 .U -0.00278 +/-0 0643 (1.145 1.00 pC'r!g ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Uramum-232 U -0.02 +/-0 0486 0 [(16 LOO pci/g HAKB 11125115 1325 1522580 3 Uramum-233/234 (I 995 +/-0.246 00854. 1.00 pc Ilg Uranium-235/236 U 0.0427 +/--0 0615 0 (1741 ion pcilf:! llranmm-238 0 849 +/-0 23 \ () 125 1.00 pcilg A!phaspec Np23 7, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Ncptumum-237 lJ .{) 108 +/-0 245 0 668 I 00 pCi/g l-!AKB 1112311 S 1707 1522576 4 Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Thorium-22& 1.60 +/-0 545 ().35(} I 00 pCi!g HAKB 11124115 1014 1522579 5 Thorium-229 U -0.0396 +/--0 134 () 34~ 1 0() pCilg Thorium-230 I 03 +/-0.432 0283  !.00 pCilg. Thorium-232 . \ .28 -+/-0 468 0 128 l 00 pCilg Am24 I, Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" .-\mericmm-241 U O0129 ...!-0 0442 0 0819 l OU pCi!g HAKB 11/24115 1042 1522571 Curium-242 U -0.{)034 +/-0.0293 OU&8 1 on pCi/g Curium-243/244 U -0 Oll246 +/-0.0369 0.0862 1.00 pCilg Cunum-245/246 u o 0392 +1-0 05&5 ().()682 I 00 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu24 I, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" f'J~1t1JlllUITI*~4 l lJ -2.57 +/-5.58 9 7& 15.0 llAKB 11125/15 1233 1522578 7 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma 1129, Solid "Dry Weight Conected" lodine-129 U -0.00286 +t-D 364 0 643 I 00 pCi.lg. MJHI 12i02/15 1556 1522374 $ Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Acumum-227 U 0.285 +/-0.4\2 () 785 pCitg R.XF1 \210lif5 110& 1522384 Antirnony-125 U -0. \3\ +/-0.185 0276 pCi/g C.::s111m-B7 1.25 +/-0.142 0.111 0 JO[) pCrtg Cobalt-60 ll 0 0377 ...1-00576 u 125 pC:llg Europium-154 ll 0.190 +/-0.174 0 382 pC1/g J.>rotactimurn-231 lJ 0 635 +1-0.833 149 pC1/g

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 . Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey

   ... ... ....... _r.1:?j.~~-t: ............. *--* ... So_i_l_ .R.~di_°.~:°.t?_p~s ........ _.........                                     ********-* ***-************-***-*** .....

Client Sample JD: 3. 1.1.E.5 Project: l\UWCOOl 15 Sample lD: 385077004 Client ID: MJWCOO I Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Radium-226 O.S58 +/-0.232  !.l.207 pCi!g Radium-228 1.19 +/-0.351 0 390 ptVg Tin-126 lJ . 0 1)42 I +/-0.158 0.242 pCifg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A/B, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 16 7 +i-260 2 98 4.llO pC1/g KXB2 12!01115 1954 1525765 10 Beta 28 l +1-1.7() 1 50 IO.O pC1/g GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Stmntium-9lJ lJ -0.0135 +1-0.998 191 2 no pC1lg KSD! l 2/03115 1629 1525755 11 Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Tritium U 0.912 +/-l.S7 3.34 6.00 pC1/g TXJI 12i()2115 1546 1522724 12 Liquid Scint C l4, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Cnrtion-14 U *O 7:54 +f-0.860 I 50 2 (){) pCilg TXJl 12/03115 2206 1522716 13 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Tcclmctium-99 U I 26 +f-1.56 262 51)() pCs/g MYMI 11/29/!5 1)37 1522715 14 .!he. _f?l.~<;>~~1~~-Pr_~l:I. ~t<'.lh.C!~~ -~~.r.~. P.~rt<Jr~-e~:_ ..... Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch oi);s-;,;1 Prep. .***-* *- ..oi): s*oli"i>rcp oCR.Ao:A:oii" ... -* *******-c5;c:1** ****** ... i 1ii<iii:'i... -** .. *13.if ..... Bi184f

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston _Sc 29407 -'(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company : MJW Corporation Address : 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. I.! .E.5 Project: MJWCOOI L5 Sample ID: 385077004 Client ID: MJWCOOl _TJ.1e...f.o_!~?.~i_n_~--~-~~lY.~!c~l .~e_t~o9s ~e~e P.~~fo,1:n1e_~'. ... _ ... _ ......... ... . . .. ***--*- ... -**- .. . . ... .. ....... ... ... .................... - ....... .. .... ~Mb.2.d... .D.~c.ripti()n ..... -*****.***** .. **- ............... **-* ***- *-*-*** .. _ ---*-* .Aq13Jyst Conw!.~JJ!.s .................................. **- **- . ASTM D 22"16 (Modified} 2 DOE EM!. HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Moditicd 3 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC Modified 4 ASTM C 1476-00 Modified 5 DOE EML. HASL-300, Tii-Ul-RC lvloditicd (J DOI! EM!. BASL-300. Am-05-RC Modified 7 DOE EML l~ASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 8 DOE EML HASL-300,1-01 Modified 9 DOE HASL 300, 4523/Gu-01-R lO EPA 900.0/SW346 93 totSM 71 !OB Modified II EPA 905.0 Modi!icdlDOE RP501 Rev. I Modified 12 EPA 906 () Modl11cd 13 15Pr\ EERF C-01 Modified 14 DOF. EML HASL-300, Tc-02~RC Modified S.UIT()~~~-~!.!.:F.1:".=er Re_c_ov~9'......:r~~t. P"lutomum-242 Tracer ASP Plutomum Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight

                                                                                                                      ............ Result         N~mi.J1.ll.1......... ~e~oyery~.?


                                                                                                                                                                                                  .A.~_cep~a.b.le__Li_mits (15%-125%)

Corrected" llranium-232 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight RI 9 (15%-125%} Corrected" ASP Uranium lsotop1c, Solid "Dry Weight 74.7 (15%-125%) .Uranium-235/236 Tracer Corrected" Al phaspec Np237, Solid "D!)' Weig.lit Corrected" 92.3 {15%-125%) Americium-243 Tracer Alphaspcc Th229 + 228,230,232 Solid "Dry 103 {15%-125%) t\ctmium-227 Tracer Weight Corrected" Amencmm-243 Tracer Am24 I. Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected". 93 9 (15%-125%) Plulonium-24;! Tracer Liquid Scmt Pu24 l, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 86.6 (15%-125%} GFPC. Sr'iO, solid "Dry Weight Corrected 63.2 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier Tecbnetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Corrccled" 94.2 [15%-125%) Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level { 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 151-!w..clwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Lamie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1. l.E.5 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample JD: 385077004 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 2 !-OCT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 22.9% MD,(. Le .........HI ... . Gnivimetric Solids AST,\,/ D 2216 % Moisrure '~4s Received" Moisture 229 percent CXCl 11/!0ll 5 1347 1521843 Rau Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected Plutonium-238 ll -00167 +/-0.0386 0.114 0.0312 +l-0 0387 1 00 pCilg HAKB 11/23115 1501 1522577 2 Plutoniurn-239/240 U -0.00278 +l-0 0643 0 145 0.0467 +/-0 0643 1 00 pCi/g ASP Uranium isotopic, Solid "Dry Weighr C01*rected Uranmm-232 U -0.02 +/-0 0486 0 106 00433 +1-0.()486 1.00 pc1.lg BAKB 11125!15 1325 1522580 3 IJr,mium-2331234 0 995 +l-0 246 (J 0854 0 0196 ""/-0 303 l.Ofi pc1/g llraiiium-2351236 0 0427 +/-0.0615 0.0741 (l 0139 '+-/-0062 1.00 pci/g Uranmm-238 0 849 +/-0.231 0 125 0 0391 +/-0.276' I 0.0 pc1/g Alphaspec Ap237, Solid "D1:v Weight Conwted" Ncptumum-237 LI -0.108 +/-0.245 0.668 0 218 +1-0.245 l.00 pCi/g HAKB 11123115 1707 1522576 4 Alphaspec Th229 *** 228.230.232 Solid lJ1J' Weight Corrected Thonum-228 1.60 "/-0 545 () 350 0 109 +1-0.589 1.00 pC1/g HAKB 11124/15 1014 1522579 5 Thorium-229 ll *O 03% +f-0.134 (1348 ll.109 +f-0134 I 00 pC1/g Thtmum-230 1 03 +/-0.431 {] 283 0.0771 +/-0 4;14 I 00 pC1/g Thorium-232 I 28 +/-0 46g ll.128 0.00 +/-0 499 I 00 pCilg Am24 I, Cm Solid "D1y Weig/it Corrected"

                                                         +/-0.0442     0.0819     0 0223      +l-0 0442        I 00  pCilg         HA.K.B 11/24/15 10-U 1522.571 6 Americium-241                          U       0.0129 Curium-242                             U      -0.0034    +J-0.0293        ll 068  ().(}127    +/-0 0294        1.00  pCifg Curium-2431244                         lJ   -0.00246     +/-0.0369      () 0862   0 0247      +/.Q 0369        I 00  pCi/g Cunum-2451246                                  0 0392    H-0.0565       0.0682     [}.0\28    +/-0 0567        I 00  pCilg liquid Scint !'112.Jl, Solid "Dry Weigh! Correc!ed" Plutonium-241                          U         -2 57      +/-5 58          9 76      4 75      +/-5.58       15.0  pC1/g         HAKB 11125/!5 1233 1522578    7 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma ll 29, Solid "D1y Weight Corrected" lodine-129                             lJ   -0.00286       +1-0 364        0.643     0.298      +/-U.364       1.00   pC1/g        MJHl   12102/15 1556 l522374 Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid "D1~1* Weigh/ Corrected" Actmmm-227                             U          0.285    +/-0 412        0 785     0370       +1-0.434              pC1/g        RXF2    !2i03!15 1108 1522384  9 Antimony-125                            ll      -0.131     +l-0 185        0 276     0 127      -~l-0 195             pCi/g Bismuth-212                                         1.52    +/-1.03          1.30    0.532       +/-1 05             pCilEJ Bismutn-214                                       0 858    +/-0.232        0.207   0.0949       +l-0.245              pCiig I 25   +/-0 142        0 1\ \  0.0505       +/-0.181     0. 100   pCi/g Cesium-137 u       0.0377   +/-0.0576         0 125   0 0547      +f-0.060\              pCilg Co~alt-60 Europium-154                          Ul           0.00    +/-0 174        ().382    () 1711    +/-0 194              pCilg I 36   +/-0 187        0.161   Oli757       +l-0 224              pCi!g Lead-212 I 15   +/-0 274        0.222     () \()4.   +1-0.292              pCLlg Lead-214

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date; December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1. l.E.5 Project: MJWC'OOl 15 Sample ID: 385077004 Client fD: MJWCOOl MDC Le Rad Gamma Spec A11al;1-*sis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dl)' Jl'eigf1t Corrected" Potassium-40 15 9 +/-2 04 Dg94 0.369 +/-2.45 µCi.lg

!'rot;i~tinium-231                                         u                   0635               +l-0 833                     1 49          () 701         +/-0.893                pCi!g Rlldium-226                                                                    0 858              +!-0 232                  0 207.         () 0949          +/-0.245                pCi/g Radium-228                                                                       119              +1-0351                   0 390            U.174         *+/-0 395                pCi/g Tllll!lium-208                                                                 0.477              +/-0 110                  () 104         0.0476           +/-0 118                pC1/g*

Tm-126 Ll 0.0421 +/-0.158 0 242 0.116 +/-0.159 pCi/g Rad Gas flon "Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross kB, solid "Dry Weight Correc1edn Alpha 16 7 +/-2 (10 2.98 140 +1~1 18 4.00 pC'lfg KXB2 12i0l/15 1954 1525765 10 Beta 28.1 +/-I 76 I.St> 0.717 +/-4.52 10.0 pC1/g GFPC. Sr90, :,*o/id "Dry Weight Con*ected" Strontmm-90 u -00135 +/-0.998 191 0 839 +/-0.998 2.00 pCt/g KSDJ !2/03/\5 1629 1525755 ll Rad Liquid Scintillation A11ulysis LSC. Tritium Dist. Solid "Dry Weig/11 Corrected" u 0 912 +/-UP* 3.34 1.45 +/-1.87 6 0() pC'1/g TXJI 12/0211 5 1546 1522724 12.

  • Tritium Liquid Sein/ Cl4. Solid "Dry lfttight Corrected" Carbon-14 u -0.754 +l-0 860 1.50 {] 734 /-0 860 200 pCl/g niJl 12/03115 2206 1522716 13 Liquid Scint Tc99. Solid "D1y Weight Corrttcted" Teclmetium-99 u 1.26 t/-1.56 2 62 *126 +/-1 56 5 O() pCi!g MYM 11129115 1137 \522715 14 I

The following Prep Methods were performed

 ~:iei*h~d*       *-- * **** ***o~s~riil1i~~-* - -*- * * * * * ** ** *****- -* **                                                           Analyst                Dati!           Time      Prep Batch
                ~                            .. .. .. ... . ....... *- ... --- .. .    ..... '*'* ......... *-* **- -. . . . . .   .   ... ~**-  --* - **-

Dry Soil Prep Dry Soll Prep Gl .-RA:D-A-021 CXCl 11/10!15 1347 . 1521843

*1:~c f(lllo~i*i.~ ~.naly~ica!. :Vl_j!t~~~~. ~~l:~C. p~rra.~~~~ ............... .
\-Icthoci Description ASTM D 2216 (M<ldificd) 1 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu- I I-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-30U, U-02-RC Modified 4 ASTM C 147CJ-00 Modilled DOE EML HASL-300, Th-01-RC Modified 6 DOE EML l !ASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 7 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 8 DOE EML HASL-300,1-01 Modified 9 DOE HASL 300, 4.5 2 3/Gµ-01-R 10 EPA 900 OiSW846 9310iSM 71 IOB Modi fled 11 EPA 905.0 .Modified/DOE RP501 Rev I Modified 12 EPA 906.0 Modified 13 EPA EERF C'-01 Modified

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 -!.com Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporatiou Address: 15 Hazelwo~i<l Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York !4i28 Report Date: December ! 7. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.1.E.5 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample JD: 385077004 Client ID: MJWCOOJ Par:u~J~~e:. .. ..... -**. *-** __Q_!!alifler. . .... l~~~-~-1~ .......l"ncert:1in_tv _.. MDC 14 DOE EML HASL-300. T*:.02-RC Madi!icd Surrogate/Tracer Recovery Test Batch lD Recovery"!., Acceptable Limits Plulonium-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522577 86.6 (15%-125%) Uranium-232 Tracer ASP Uranium 1>6topic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522580 8!.9 (15l'o-125%) Uranium-2351236 Tracer ASP Uranium lsolopic, Solid "DrJ Weight Corrected" 1522580 74.7 (!5%-125%) Arncricium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np237. Solid "Dry Weight Corrcctc<l" 1522576 92_3 (15%-125%) Actinium-227 Tracer Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230.232 Solid "Dl)' Weight Corrected" !522579 103 (!5%-l25%) Am241, Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522571 93.9 (15%-125%) Americiurn-243 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weigh! Corrected" 1522578 86.6 (15%-125%) P!utoniuin-242 Tracer GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected 1525755 63.2 (25%-125%) Strontium Carrier Liquid Scint T~99, Solid "Dry Corrected" 1522715 94.2 (15%-125%) Teehnctium-99m Tracer Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( l .96-sigma).

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charieston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Ce.rtificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address : 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes .......... Client Sample ID: 3. ! . ! .E.6

  • Project: MJWCOOJ IS Sample ID: 385077005 Client lD: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-l 5 13:.30 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 23.4%

P.ll!.~rlle!~~--******* -* _.... **- Q_u~_l_i~er ... __ Res_ul~ ... l!~certa.i_n~. MDC R~ *-* ..... _U_11.i~s__ -* .... _l)F_ Af1al)'.s~ p~1.: ....~l~i'.11~ !3.atc~ .. l\1~~~o1. Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Mo1~ture 234 percent CXCI 11/10/15 l'.!47 \521843 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium Isotopic, Solid Dry Weight CmTected" l'lutomum-23& lJ 0.0278 +l-0 01\39 0 !01 I 00 pC1lg HAKB 11123115 1SOI J522577 2 P\utonium-2391240 U -0 0117 +/-0.0688 OIM l 00 pCi/g ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Urumum-232 lJ () 0288 +/-0.0774 0. 14() I 00 pcilg l*IAKB 11124115 0851 152258() 3 Uramum-2331234 I 16 +1,0.300 0I19 1.00 pc1lg Uranium-2351236 U 0.0345 +1-0.0679 00941 1.0(1 pc1/g Uranium-23S 0.958 +l-0 271 0 0587 1 (10 pci/g Alphaspec Np237. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected Ncpuunum-237 U 0.0729 +1-0.249 0462 1 ()() pCi!g HAKB l 112311.5 1707 1522576 Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Thorium-228 lJ 0 773 +1-0 805 \II 1.00 pCilg HAKB 11i24/15 1014 1522579 5 Thorium-229 lJ -0.062 +1-0.274 0.716 1 00 pC1/g Thoriuftl-230 1.8 l +/-1 02 0.850 1.00 pC1/g Thonum-Z32 0 998 +1-0 761 0.617 1.00 pCi!g Am241, Cm Solid "D1y Weight Corrected" Americium-241 U 0.0182 +/-00418 0 0663 1.00 pCi!g HAKB l l/24115 I042 1522571 6 Curium-242 lJ 0 00 +/-0.0276 (I 041 l.O(l pC1/g CuriLim-2431244 lJ -0.00521 +/-{l.036 0 0&76 I 00 pCi/g Cunum-2451246 X 0 137 +/-0 0893 00411 I 00 pCi/g Liquid Scint Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Phllomum-241 ll -2.06 +/-6 25 10.'J 15 0 pCi/g HAK!3 11125/l 5 1335 1522578 . 7 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma I 129, Solid "Dry Weight CoITected" lodinc-129 U tl.162 +/-0.310 0.601 l (l(j pCi/g M.!HI !2;02/15 1556 1522374 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Aclinium-227 U 0.219 +1-0 330 () 576 pC1/g RXF2 12103/15 110& 1522384 9 Antimony- 125 lJ 0.0237 +/.D.135 0.25.5 pCi/g Ccsium-137 1.86 +/.o IM 0.09] \ 0.100 pC1!g Cobalt-60 li -0.026 +1-0 0457 0 082\ pC1/g Europium-I 54 u 0 0489 +/-0. \32 0.278 pCi!g Protactmmm-231 Ul 0.00 +/-LO\ 1.()8 pCllg

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7. 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address; 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioiso1opes ....... Client Sample rD: 3.1.1.E.6 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385077005 Client ID: MJWCOOI Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" R.admm-226 0 840 +1-0 203 (J 170 pCi/g Radium-228 I 19  ;-/.Q 438 0285 pC1/g Tin-!21> U o 151 +1-0 127 0.176 pC1/g Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A/B, solid "Dry Weight Conected" Alpha 23.6 +/-2 63 2 jj) 4.00 pC1/g KXl32 12/(11/15 1954 1525765 lO Bela 29 .4 +/- l. 83 166 10.0 pCi/g GFPC. Sr90, solid "D1y Weight Co1Tected Strnntium-90 U -0 .576 +/-0 594 1.37 200 pCilg KSD I J2i02/15 1710 1525755 IJ Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Tr1t1um U 0 979 +/-1 86 329 *6.00 pC1/g TXJl 12102115 1634 1522724 12 Liquid ScintC14, Solid "Dry Weighr Corrected"* Carbon-14 U -0.975 "-/-0 836 1.47 2.00 p('ilg TXJI l2i03!!5 2318 1522716 13 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Tcchneuum-99

  • U I II +/. ! 76 2.99 5.00 pC1/g MYMl I 1129/!5 1203 1522715 14 T.~-e f()l} f.'!~P..:\/l~t!~~~~ ~~~!e. pe.~.f.C?r.~e.?.:...... , .. _. . ........... ****-***

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch br,;*5.;;rrrep. * *** ** ** -bry.saiCrrcp.GL~iiAr}~~\~oiC ... *** *** ** *****cxc1* **** ** 1111011;:;** 'fj47 ... -* "i5i(843 ............ ***- ***-*-**-*** *--*-*******-

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407-(843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company : MJW Corporation Address: !5 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey

             . Pr?ject .. *--- _. ---** _S?il Radioi~olop~_s_

Client Sample ID: 3. 1.1.E.6 Project: MJWC00115 Sample lD: 385077005 Client ID: MJWCOOl .T~:.~o_llow~~¥ ~11.a.t~ti~a,1 . ~~~h°.~s."'<l.: . Met.h{)~ ................ .D.~scr_ip!_i~.~-****** . , I ASTM 02216 (Modified) 2 DOE EML !IASL-300. Pu-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02-RC l\.fodificd 4 ASTM C 1476-00 Modified. 5 DOE EML HASL-300, Th-01-RC Modified 6 DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modified 7 DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-! I-RC Modified 8 DOE EML HASL'JOOJ-01 Modified 9 DOE 1-IASL 300, 4.5.2.JiGa-Ol-R 1(1 EPA 900 OISW846 93 IOISM 71 IOB Modified II EPA 905.0 Mod1fied/DOF. RP50l Rev I Mod1ikd 12 EPA 906 0 Modified 13 EPA EERF C-0 I Modified 14 DOE EML HASL-300, Te-02-RC Modified SU,1!.0.~~teiTra_c~.r R..e.C()_Y~I)'. Test Result Nominal .. ~eco.11~9'.'!I? ... _t\_cc_ep_t~~lf! L.i!?.i!s Plutoniurn-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium !sotop1c, Solid "Dry Weigh! 78.8 (15%-125%) Corrected" Urnnium-232 Tracer ASP Uranium lsotop1c, Solid "Dry Weight 77.3 {\5%-125%) Corrected" lJrnnium-2351236 Trac~r ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight 75A (15%-125%) Corrected" Amcnciurn-243 Tracer Alphaspcc Np237, Suitt! "Dry We1ghl Corrected" %9 (J5%-l25~*l Actinium-227 Tracer Alphaspec Th22g + 228,230.232 Solid "Dry 40 i (15%-125%) Wc1ghl Corrected" Amcncium-243 Tracer Am241. Cm Solid 'Ory Weight Corrected" 892 (15%-125%) l'lutoninm-242 Tracer Liquid Sc int Pu241, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected'" 78 8 (15%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC. 5r90. solid "Dry Weight Corra:tcd" 87.S (25%-125%) T~chnetium-99m Trncer Liquid Scnll Tc99. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected 94 I {15%*125%) Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 * (843) 556-8171.* Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address; 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. I. I.E.6 Project: :v!JWCOOI 15 Sample ID: 385077005 Client ID: MJWCOOl Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 23.4% Parameter Qu_a_li~i:r. *-** --~~s.ult_ .... V!lsc:rt:;ih1t'**. M.DC Le TPl: ... _R.~... ~:nits. . ~f". . .:\.n..3.~)'~~t ..... Date Time J3:itc.h .~I.Id. Gravimctrlc Solids AS1M D 2216 % Moisture ".4s Received" Moisrnrc 23.4 percent CXCI ll/IOfl5 1347 1521843 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Piulonium Isotopic, Sa/id "Dry Weif,fhl Corrected" Plutoniuni-238 0.0278 i*/-0.0639 0 101 CJ.0232 +/-0.064 I 00 pC1!g HAKB 11123115 1501 1522577 2 Plutomum-23<J/24l) u -0 0117 +/-0.0688 () 164 00544 +/-0.0689 1.()() pCi/g ASP Ura11ium !satopic. Solid "DIJ' Weight Corrected" Uramum-232 u 0.0288 t/-00774 () 140 0 ll587 +/-0.0776 1 00 p<:1/g HAKB 11124/15 0851 1522580 3 Uranium-233/234 116 +/-0 300 (1119 0 (1304 +/-0 370 1 00 pcilg Urnniurn-2351236 0.03*t5 +/.O.U679 0.0941 () 0176 +/.{) 0682 1 00 pd/g, L:ranium-238 0.958 +/-0.:1.71 0.0587 uon +/-0.325 1.00 pc1/g Alplwspec Xp237. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Neµtunlllm-237 u 0.0729 +1-0.249 0.462 0126 +/-0.249 1.00 pCilg HAKB 11/23/15 1707 1522576 4 Alpha_sper: I1l229 + :!28,230,232 Solid "D1:i* Weight Corrected" Timnum-228 0773 +/-0.805 111 () 357 +/-0 824 I 00 rC1!g HAKB 11/24/15 Hl14 1522579 5 Thonum-229 u -0.062 +l-0.274 ().716 0.164 +/-{) 276 f 00 pCi/g Thormm-230 I !!I +f-1.02 0.850 0.231 +/-1 09 \ 00 pCi/g 111oriurn-232 099!! ..-/-0.761 0617 0l15 +/.Q.79) 1.00 pC1/g Am24 l, Cm Solid "D1:11 Weight Correc/ed" Americium-241 0.0182 +l-0 04.l& (1.0663 0.0152 +1-00419 1.00 pCl!g l*JAKB l 1/24.115 1Q42 1522571 . (l .Curiuin-242 00() +/-0 0276 0041 000 +l-0 0276 1.00 pC1lg Curlum-243/244 u -0.0052.\ +/-0.036 0 0876 0026 +/-0.036 1.00 p('1!g Curium-2451246 x 0.137 +/-0.0893 0.0411 0(10 +/.() 0908 I ()(I pC1lg Liquid &int Pu24 I, Solid "Dry Jfeight Cor1*ected" Plutonium-24 l u -2.06 +1*6 25 10 9 5 30 +/.{>.25 150 pC1lg HAKB 11/251)5 1335 1522578 7 Rad Gamm:1 Spec AJJalysis Gamma 1129," Solid "D0* ll"eight Corrected" lodmc-129 u 0 162 +/.() 310 OM>I 0 2.74 +/-0.319 I 00 pCt!g MJH l 12/02/15 1556 I 522374 8 Gamnmspec, Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Acunmm-227 u 0 219 +f-0.330 0.576 0 269 +/-0.346 pC!Jg RXF2 12i03/l 5 1103 I 52.'.lJ84 9 Aonmony-125 LT 0.0237 +1-0. us 0 255 0 118 +/-0.!36 pCi/g Bi$muth-212 UI (l.00 -+/-0.909 149 () 686 +1-1 IS pC1/g Bismuth-214 0.840 +/-0.203 0.17CJ 00776 +f-0 215 pC1/g Cesium-137 1.86 +/-0.164 0 0911 *o 0413 +/-0.225 l) 100 pCi/g C'obalt-60 u -0 026 ..-/-0.0457 0.0821 [) 0343 +-1-0 0472 pC1/g Europmm-154 LI 0.04S9 +/.0.132 (J 278 0.121 +/.()\34 pC1/g Lead-212 1.34 +/-U 152 0 125 0.0585 +/-0.\92 pCilg Lead-214 1 23 +/-0 229 0.395 \) 191 +/-0 252 pCi!g

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 -www.geLq:>m Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015


M.s. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: }. l. l .E.6 Project: MJWC00fl5 Sample ID: 385077005 Client ID: MJWCOOI Para!Jl.C.1.~~. .. .............. ,_.Qu_a_li~~r........ R.-~.s.~lt_ . J.'**.t:1i11.ty_ ... _ MIJC:. . . Le TPC .. _. . g~ .... ~'11its_ . [)_F. ::\nalyst. ..  !)_at~.. '.E~.C. ..~atch *--*~!I:~~~ Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec. Gamma. Solid Dry H'eight ('orrectud" Potassmm-40 171 +/-1.88 0 *)22 (J 394 +/-2 38 pC'1/g Prolactmium-231 UI 0.00 "'-/-! Ol I US () 500 +/-1 06 pC'ilg Radmm-226 0.840 +/-0.203 0 170 0.0776 +l-IJ215 pCi!g Radium-228 I 19 +/-0438 0.285 () 125 ~*/-Cl 472 pCilg Thu!lium-208 0430 +/-0.0867 0 0704 0031.J +/-0 0939 pCilg Tin-126 UI 0 00 +/.(l 127 0.176 00837 +/-U 129 pC1lg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross A1B, solid "D1:1* Weight Correcred Alpha 236. +1-2 63 2 ID 0 963 +l-5.81 4 00 pCtlg KXB2 12101115 1_954 1525765 10 Bera 29.4 +/.\ 83 I 66 0 798 +1-4.56 10.0 pCilg GFPC. Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Col'rected" Strontmm-90 lJ -0 57(1 +/-0 594 1.37 (1591 +/-0 594 2 00 pC!lg KSIJI 12102115 1710 1525755 11 Rad Liquil! Scinlillat.ion Analysis LSC. 1i'iti11m Dist. Solid "Dry II 'eight Corrected" Tritium lJ 0979 +I-I 86 329 144 +/-1.86 6.00 pC'tlg TXJI 12i02/15 1634 1522724 12 Liquid Sein/ C14. Solid "D1}" Weigl11 Corrected" Carbon-14 u -0.975 +/-0.836. 1.47 0719 +1.0 ~36 2.00 pC1lg TXJl 12i03115 2318 1522716 13 Liquid Sein/ Tc99, Solid "Di:)' Weight Corrected" Technclmm-99 u I.! I +1-1.76 299 I 44 /-176 5 00 pCi!g MYM 11i29115 1203 1522715 14 I

!..!!~J~.11,u,~i.11g_Prepl\--I.e_t_b_od_s':m.~~- ....... ___ .................... *-*. _ ............ .
  • Description Anal)*st Dntc Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Dry Soil* Prep GL-RAD*A-021 CXCI 11110/15 1347 1521843 Ib.s: .r~ll!>~in.~ .:~~-~1x~i-~~1_.i\l_ct~-:i_ds..!~~~rc_.r.e.rro!'ll1e_I! __ . . .. . . ... . .... -* .. -***-** .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . ..... .

Method Desc1*iplio11 ASTM D 2216 (Modilictl) 2 DOE EML HASL-300, ?u-1 l*RC Modified 3 DOE EML HASL-300, U-02* RC Mod1fici.l 4 ASTM <: 1476-00 Modified 5 DOE EML HASL-300. Th-01-RC Modilied 6 !JOE EML HASL-300, Am-<J5-RC Mod1ticd 7 DOE F..ML HASL-300, Pu-11-RC Modified 8 DOE EMC. HASL-300,1-01 Modified 9 DOE HASL 300, 4 51 3/Ga-01-R 10 EPA 900.0ISW846 93 IO.iSM 71 IOB Modified II EPA 905 0 Mod1fied!DOE RP501 Rev. I Modified 12 EPA 906 0 Molli lied 13 EPA EER!' C-!Jl Modi!)ed

GEL LA BORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite l !2 Buffalo, New York 14228 Reporl Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.1.E.6 Project: MJWC00115 Sample ID: 385077005 Client [0: MJ\VCOOJ Parameter . .9_u~l~fi~r. *--* ..l~.e~_u_t~.... l!ncertain_t_y .... _ ..:\:":lo.\.'... Le .... "l'.J'~.! ......... J!F.. ~n~_!y~t. _.J?.~te Tim.c.. ,ll:t~.l:~. Mtd. 14 DOE EML HASL-300. Tc-ll2-RC Modified Surrogatcffraccr "Recovery Test Batch TD Recovery% Accepmbte J,imits Plutonium-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium lso1opic, Solid "Dry Weigh! Corrected" 1522577 78.8 {l 5o/O" 125%) Urunium-232 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522580 77.3 { 15%-125~0} Urnnium-235/236 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weigh! Corrected" 1522580 75.4 (15%-125%) Americium-243 Tracer Alpliaspcc Np237, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522576 96.9 (15%-125%) Actinlum-227 Tracer Alphaspec Th229 *f- 223,230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Comcted" !5;!2579 40.1 (15%-125%) Arnericium-243 Tracer Am24 l. Cm Sol id "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522571 89.2 (15%-125%) rlutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu2in. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" [522578 78.8 { 15%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1525755 87.8 {25%-125%)

   '.fechnetium-99m Tracer               Li{1uid Scint Tc99, Solid "DJ)' Weigflt Corrected"                                                     1522715            94.!          (15%-125%)

Notes; TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (.1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis

                                                                                                                                       . Report Date: Deceli.tber 7, 2015 Company:                 MJW Corporation Address:                 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 BL1ffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project:


Soil Radioisotopes . ......... Client Sample lD: 3.1. l.E.7 Project: MJWCOO! !5 Sample JD: 385077006 Client ID: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-15 13:40 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 22.\% . -* __ ............ q~al.ifier . _... f{:S.~!t . l).nc~r.t~!.n.~'.. _.... ~!I?.C'.. RL Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moistur~ 22 I pcrce11t CXC I 11/\0/15 I 347 152 I 843 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weigh1 Corrected" Plutonmm-238 U O0414 +l-0.0732 0.11 l l.Otl pCi/g HAKB l li23/!S !5(J1 \522577 2 Plutonium-239/240 L; -0.0421 +f-0.0719 0.192 1 00. pCi/g ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected Uranium-232 U 0.033(> +/-0 105 0 196 l 00 pci/g HAKB 11/24/!5 0851 1522580 J Urnnium-2331234 0.7.+7 +/-0.251 -0 117 l.llO pc1/g

  • Urnniwn-235/236 0 \59 +/-0.125 0 117 I (JO pci/g Unmium-238 0.815 +/-0261 O.ltll 1.00 pcilg Alpha.spec Np237, Solid "Dry Weight Co1Tected" Neptunium-23 7 U 0.002 78 +/-0.206 0 .458 I (l(J pCi/g HAKB I l/2'3/l5 1707 1522576 Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Thonum-228 l.38 +f-0 542 0.376 I 00 pCilg HAKB l l/24/15 1014 1522579 5 Thorium-229 lJ 0 0995 . +/-0 198' 0 321 1.00 pCtfg Tiiorium-230 0.841 +/-0.418
  • 0 297 I 00 pC1lg Thorrnm-232 l.l 5 +/-0.477 0.233 l 00 pC1lg Am241, Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Amcricium-241 U 0.(JJ()j +/-0.0454 0 0888 I (I() pCifg . HAKB I \/24115 1042 1522571 6 Currnm-242 U 0 OU +l*0.0291 00434 I 00 pC1/g Curiurn-2431244 U O.U 125 +/-0.0352 0.0376 1.00 pCtig Curium-245/246 X 0 10 I +/-0 0806 0.0435 1.00 pC1/g Liquid Scint Pu24 I, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

~lutonium-241 lJ -4.56 +/-5. 95 10 5 15.0 pCtlg HAKB 11125/15 1436 1522578 7 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma 1129, Solid "Dry Weight Con*ected" lodme- \29 l.l -0 103 +/-0.254 0447 I OU pCi!g. MJH 1 12102/15 1557 1522374 Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected Actuuum-227 U 0.193 +/-0.347 0 648 pCilg RXF2 12!03/15 l \09 1522384 9 Antimony-125 lJ o 0443 +l-0 139 () 263 pCi/g Cesium-I 37 2 53 +l-0 21)2 0.089 0 100 pCt/g Cobah-60 lJ 0.0335 +/-0.0582 0.109 pC1fg Europium-154 u -0.128 +/-0 189 n 326 pC1/g Protactimum-23 I u 0 870 +/-U 724 IJ.')(>7 pC1/g

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. l.1.E. 7 Project: ~UWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 3&5077006 Client ID: MJWCOOl Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Radium-226 0 912 +l-0 169 0 177 pCiig Radmm-228 1 27 +/-0 4'32 0281 pCi/g Tm-126 UJ 0 00 +/-0.093 0.122 pCifg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross A/B, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Alpha 104 +/-205 241 4.UO pCilg KXB2 12/01115 195..\ 152576~ 10 Beta 250 +/-2 07 2 5<J 10.0 pC'i/g. GFPC, Sr90, solid "Di'y WeightCorrected" Strontmm-90 U -0.368 +/-0 522 1.12 2 ()0 pC1/g KSDI \2i03/15 1125 1525755 II Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Tritium U 1 56 +/-l 9() 3.21 600 pCifg TXJ! 12i02/15 1721 1522724 12 Liquid Scint Cl4, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Carbon-i4 U 0 399 +1-0 897 152 2.00 pC1IJ:! TXJ\ 12/1)4115 0142 1.522716 13 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Tcdmclium-99 lJ 2 21 +/-1.64 2 70 S UU pCilg, MYMl l 1129115 1230 1522715 14 T~~f.C?.ll.~wi_ng P_r~~ :.VJ~!!l:?~S .Y'..C.r~ pe1:~0.r~n_~d:_ .... **-******-**** ......... -* **-* _ ...................... ********-*- ...... . .. . .. .............. _.............. _.. . Method Descrip1ion Analyst Date Time *Prep Batch o~*sciii'rrcii* -**-*** * ---- * *... br).. soii-rrcii ciL:*liAb-A::o2c* *** ** ** ***** *** -*** * *** **cxci".. *11ifolis * ** ******T.347 * 'f52.1843. *******-****** ....

L GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556*8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I 12 Buffalo, New York l4228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.1.E.7 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample rD: 385077006 Client ID: MJWCOOI i_:h_e ~o_ll?.~v!."~.;\11al_yti9.8.l ~et~~~-s..~\':r.~ p~rfo_nne_d_: ____ ....... -****** M.etho.d._ ....... -*****-* .. .,tio11 ____ ..... ...... .. . ......... . . .. .Ao~JY.~~.(Qrn.n:i.t'!ng; .......... . ASTM D 2216 (Modified) 2 DOE EML llAS1..-3ll0, Pu-1 l-RC Modified 3 DOE EML l!ASL-300. U-02-RC Modified 4 ASTM C 1476-00 Modi lied 5 DOE EML l*!ASL-300, Th-0\-RC Modified (i DOE EML HASL-300, Am-05-RC Modi tied 7 DOE EML HASL-300. Pu-11-RC Modified 8 DOE EML ! IASL-300.1-0 I Modified 9 DOE HASL 300, 4.S.2 3/Ga-01-R 10 EPA 900 O!SW846 93 lOiSM 711013 Modiricd 11 EPA 905 0 Mo<l1ficd/DOE Rl'501 Rev I Modified 12 EPA 906 0 Modified 13 EPAEERFC-01 Modified 14 DOE EML HASL-300. Tc-02-RC Modified S.ll!!o_g_~t~J}"!(lC_e!. !_l_e~-()~~9'. .. Test .... ****- .. _.. -* .................... . . ~~11!~---* -*- ~<?111~11~.1 ...... ~~?~Y~r,Y'Y.o ... J\~~"'.pta~!_:.!:'.im_its Plutomum-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium !sotop1c, Solid "Dry Weight 80 9 ( 15%-125%) Corrected" Uramum-232 Tracer ASP \Jranit1m lsotop1c, Solid "Dry Weight 76 3 ( 15%-125%) Corrected" Uranmm-235l236 Tracer ASP Uranium lsotop1c. Solid "Dry Weight 797 (\5%-125%) Corrected" Amcricium-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np237, Sohd Dry Weight Corrected" 94.8 (15%-125%.l Actinium-227 Tracer Alphaspec Th22't + 228.230,232 Solid "D1y 106 (15%-125%) Corrected" Amcricium-243 Tracer Am241, Cm Solid "Dry We1ghtCorrcctcd" 84 I (15%-125%) Plutonmm-242 Tracer L1qu1d Scint Pu24 I. Solid Diy Weight Corrected" 80 9 (15%-125%) Slrontium Carrier GFPC. Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 91 (25%-125%) Tcchm:t1um-99m Tracer Liquid Scmt Tc99_ .Soltd Dry Weigl1! Corrected 95 7 {15%*125%) Notes: Counting Uncei1ainty is calculated at the 95'Yo confidence level ( ! .96*sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis c01npany: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Dri~*e Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December ! 7, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.1.E.7 Project: MJWCOOJ 15 Sample ID: 385077006 Client ID: MJWCOOJ Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 2 l-OCT-15 Receive Date: 05-NOV-!5 Collector: Client Moisture: 22.1% Paramcl~r -* -* ............... .()u11~ifi~:".. ... . Result ..... l)1cc~t:ti~tv M.JJ..~~ ...... L.c....... :rrr ........ .l~L Cnits ... P~.. An.11!r.~~- Date Time B~tl:h . .:\-1~~.. Gravimetric Solids AST.-\,/ D 2216 % !vloi:mrre "As Received" Moisture 22 1 percent CXCI 11110115 1347 1521843 Rad Alpha Spec A1rnlysis ASP Plwo11iu111 Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weig/Jr Corrected" Plutonium-238 0.0414 +/-0 0732 0 111 00282 +l-0.0734  ! 00 pCi/g HAKB 11123!15 1501 1522577 2 Plutomum-239-/240 U -0 0421 +f-(J 0719 () 192 () 06*) +/-0 072 I 00 pCi/g ASP Uranium !soropic, Solid "Dry Weigh/ Corrected" Ornmum-232 U 0.0336 +/-Cl. 105 0 196 0.0767 +/-0 1(15 1 00 pc1.lg  !-lAKB 11/24/15 0851 1522580 3 llranium-233/234 0 747 +t-0 251 [).117 0.0267 +/-0.292 I 00 pc11g Uruniurn-235/236 O. I~() +/-0 125 0 117 0.0268 +/-0.129 J.()0 pcilg Urallium-138 0 815 +i-0 2(>\ 0.101 00189 +/-0.307 l (10 pci/g Afphaspi::c Np237, Solid "Dry H'eiglu Coi*rected" N~ptunium-237 U 0 00278 +/-(l.206 0 458 0.125 */-0.206 l.DO pC1/g HAKB I l/.'.?3/15 1107 l522576 4 Alphaspec Tlr229 .,. 228,230,232 Solid "Dry IVeight Corrected" Thorium-228 I 38 +/-0 S42 0.37(* OIB +1-0.577 1.00 pC1/g 1-lAKB !1124115 1014 1511579 5 Thorium-229 0.0995 +/-0.198 0321 0.0876 +/-0 198 l 00 pCilg llionum-230 O.lM 1 +f-0 418 0 297 00756 +/-0 43S l ()0 pCi/g Thorium-232 1.15 +/-0 477 0.233 00435 +!-0 504 1.00 pC1/g Am241. Cm Solid "Dry Weig/it Correcled" Amencium-241 U () 010\ . +/-0.0454 {) 08&8 () 0254 +l-0 0454 1.00 pCi/g HA!-;B I 1124115 1042 1522571 Curmm-242 0 .00 ..../.0.0291 0.0434 0.00 +l-002<}2 1.00 pC1/g C'unurn-2431244 0.0125 +/-0.0352 0.0376 (l 00 +/-0 0352 1.00 pC1/g Cunum-24512~6 X 0.101 +!-0 0806 00-135 000 +1-0 0816 1.00 pC1/g Liquid Scint Pu24 l. Solid Dry Weig/ti Corrected" . Plulomum-241 U -4 56 +f-5.95 I() 5 5I1 +/-5 95 15.0 pCi!g HAKB '11/25115 1436 1522578 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma I.129. Solid "Dry Wr?ig/rt Corrected" lodinc-129 U -0 103 +/-0.254 0447 n.190 +/.() 258 I 00 pC1/g MJHt ni02/J5 1557 1522374 Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid "DI!-* Weighr Corrected" Ac1it11um-227 U 0.193 +1-0 347 0 648 0 308 +1-0 359 pCl/g RXF2 12/03/15 1109 l 522384 9 Anumony-125 U 0.0443 +1-0.139 0 263 0.124 +/-0.141 pCi/g Bismuth-212 200 +/-0 947 0 941 0.416 +l-0 967 pC1/g Bisnmth-214 0.912 +/-0 169 0.177 0 0815 +/.l) 186 pCi/g Ccsium-137 2.58 +/-0 201 0.089 (l.()405 +/-0.296 0 100 pCi/g Cob~lt-60 u () 0335 +/-0.0582 0 109 0.0479 +/-0.0602 pC1/g Europium- I,54 u -0.128 +1-0. 189 0.326 0.146 +l-0 198 pCilg Lead-212 128 +l-0 14\ 0.123 00583 +1-0.211 pC1lg Lead-214 1.26 +/.() !7ll (l,'1<)2 ll 0904 +/-0 209 pCi/g

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - {843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015


Ms. !...auric Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1. l.E.7 Project: MJWCOOll5 Sample TD: 385077006 Client ID: MJWCOOJ Le .......... Jrt" Rnd Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma, Sofid "Di:v H'eiglrt Corrected" Potassmm-40 15 5* +/-] 65 0.845 () 359 +/-2 23 pCi!g Protactmium-231 U! 0 00 +/-0 724 0967 0.451 +/.(J 751 pCLlg Radium-226 0.912 +/-0.169 0 177 0.0815 +1-0 186 pCilg Rndmm*228 1 27 +/-0.432 0.281 () 123 +/-0 463 pC1ig Tlialliuin-208 0347 +1-0.11 l 0.0915 0.0422 +/-0.114 pCiig Tin-126 UI 0 00 +1-0093 u 122 0 ll585 +l-0 096 pCi/g Rad G:is Flow Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross A '8, solid "Dry *weight Corrected" 0 A~ IM +1-2 05 241 1.12 +/-3 00 4.UO pCilg KXB2 12i01/15 1954 1525765 10 Beta 25.0 i-/-2 07 2 59 I 26 +l-4 12 lllO pCJ!g GFPC. Sr90. solid "DI')' Weight Corrected" Strontium.90 U -0 368 +1-0.522.  ! 12 0 490 +/-0 522 2 0() pCi!g KSDI 12/03115 1125 1525755 11 Rad Liquid Scintillatlon Analysis LSC Tritium Dis/, Solid Dry Weight Corrected Tritium 1.56 3.21 l.40 . +/-1.90 6 00 pCi/g TXJI 12i02fl 5 172 I 1522724 12 liquid Scint ('14. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected"

  • Carbon* 14 U 0 399 +/-0.897 1.52 IJ.7.i6 +/-CJ.898 200 pC1!g TXJl 12i04/15 0142 1522716 13 Liquid Seim Tc99. Safid "Dry Weight Correctec("

Tcchnetrnm-'}9 2 21 +/-\.64 2 70 I 30 +f-1 66 500 pCi~g MYM 11/2'1/15 1230 1522715 14 1 The ffl.U.~~V.!IJ~. Pn:_P-.~.e.t.!J.~~ ~~.e.r.~. P.l!.rforn:ie~! .............................................. *-** ********-********-***** Method Description Dute Time Prep Batch Dry Soil Prep Diy Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-{!2 l CXCI l l/10115 \347 1521843

~:h.e. ~<,1l!~~'".i1Jg:~.i:.a.l)ltic.a.!.~I.e~l1~c.l.s 'v~rc.,11.erf!l.r~n.c.~ ..

Method Description ASTM D 22 \6 (Modified} 2 DOE EML HASL-'300, PL1-l l-RC Modilicd 3 . DOE EML HASL-300. U-02-RC Modified

;J                              ASTM C 147()-00 Modified 5                              DOE EML HASL-300, Th-Dl-RC Modified 6                              DOE EML       llAS1~300.Am-05-RC            Modified 7                              DOE EML HASL-300, Pu-l 1-RC Modified 8                              DOE EML HASL-J00,!-01 Modified 9                              DOE HA.SL JOO, 4.S 2.3/Ga-01-R I(}                          . EPA 90U.QISW84fl 9310/SM 71 itm Modil'icd II                             EPA 905.0 ModifiedJDOE RP501               Re~. I Modified 12                             EPA 906.0 Modified 13                             EPA EERF C-0 I Modified

GE.L LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo. New York 1422& Report Date: December 17. 2015


Ms. Lauri'! Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. ! . l .E. 7 Project: MJWCOO 115 Sample ID: 385077006 Client ID: MJWCOO l l'ar:i meter_ .. ***- .. _......... Qu~!if.i_e_r: ___ . }lcsult t:ncertnin.!.Y.. _.... _:\'ll)t;:: .... Le ....... T?.V _,. ..... ~- . -~-'-~_its_ .I>F.. ;\n.a.lyst ___ p_a~e !i.~.e I,J.ii.!.c_h,___Mt_t!*. 14 DOE EML HASL-300. Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogateffracer Recovery Test Batch ID Recovery% Acceptable Limits Plutonium-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522577 80.9 (15%-125%} ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid Ory WcighL Corrected" 1522580 76.3 (15%-125~0) Uranium-232 Tracer Uraniuin-235/23 6 Tracer ASP Umni11m Isotopic. Solid "DI)' Weight Corrected" 1522580 79.7 {15%*125%) Amer[cium-243 Tracer Alpbaspec Np237. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522576 94.8 {15%-125%) Actinium-227 Tracer Alphaspec Tb229 + 228.230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522579 106 (!5%-125%)

   ,\mcricium-243 Trnccr                            Am241, Cm Solid "Dry Weighl Corrl!cted"                                                   1522571               84.1          (15%-125%)

Pltilonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scfot Pu24 I. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522578 80.9 (15%-125%) Strontium Carrier GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1525755 91 (25%-125%) Technetium-99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99, Solid Dry Weight" C'orrcctcd" 1522715 95.7 (15'%-125%) Notes: TPU and Counting Uncertainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level ( l .96-sigma).

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 -(843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company: MJW Corporation Address; 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite 112 Buffalo, New York .14228


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.1.E.8 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 385077007 Client lD: MJWCOOI Matrix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-15 13:50 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 21.5% Parameter Gravimetric Solids ASTM D 2216 % Moislllre "As Received" Mmsture 21 5 pcrcem CXC1 11110/\5 1347 1521843 Rad Alpha Spec Analysis ASP Plutonium Isotopic, Solid Dry Weight Corrected" Plutomum-238 lJ 0.010 +/-0 0556 O.Jll7 1 00 pC1lg HAKB 11123/15 1501 1522577 2 Plutunium-2391240 U 0 00154 *r/-0 0707 O.ISS l.l)O pCi/g ASP Uranium Isotopic, Solid Dry Weight Corrected" Uramum-232 U 0 0148 +/.() OS69 0 17) 1 00 pc1lg HAK8 11/24/15 0857 1522580 3 Urnmum-233/234 "1.12 +/-0.316 0.176 I 00 pc1/g Uranium-2351236 0.148 +1-ll.122 0.105 1 00 pc1/g Uranmm-238 0.951 +t-U.288 0.121 I.OU pci!g A!phaspec Np237, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Ncptunium-237 U 0.131 f-O 257 0.356 I 00 pCi/g HAKB I lf23/15 1707 1522576 4 Alphaspec Th229 + 228,230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 'Thonurrt-228 0 973 +/-0.445 o.m I 00 pC1lg HA~B 11124/15 1014 1522579 5 Thormm-229 LI 0.0786 +/.(J. !78 0.306 1.00. pC1/g Thorium-230 () 960 +/-0.421 0.287 I 00 pC1/g* Thonum-232 1.09 +1-0.444 0.286 1.00 µCi/g Am24 l, Cm Solid "Dl}' Weight.Corrected" Americrnm-241 tJ 0.0()914 +/-0.059 0.121 l CJD pCi/g HAKIJ 11/24115 1042 1522571 6 Curium-242 U 0.00 +f-0 0375 0.0559 I 00 pCi.lg Curium-2431244 ll -0 0232 +1-0.0375 0.1!9 1.00 pCi!g Curium-245/24(, U 0.0702 +/-0.0828 0.0895 1 00 pCt/g Liquid Scint Pu24 \,Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Plutomum-24 l U -4 42* +/-6.41 11 3 15 0 pC1/g HAKB 11/25115 1537 1522578 7 Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gamma 1129, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Jodin~-129 U -0.2H +/-0 361 0 607 I f.10 pCi/g MJHl 12/021!5 15$8 1522374 8 Gmnmaspec, Galilma, Solid Dry Weight Co1Tected" Actnuum-227 lJ 0.394 +/-0.272 b.567 pC'i!g RXF2 12/03115 1109 1522384 9 Antimo11y-l25 U 0.00737 +/-0 102 0 193 pC!lg Ccsium-137 0.3 IS +f-0 083 0.081 0 100 pCilg Cobalt-60 lJ 0.0063 +/-0 0346 0.0738 pCi!g Europiuni- l54 u 0 119 +1-0.132 0292 pCr.lg Protu~timum-23 l VI 0.00 +/-0 788 I 00 pCilg

GEL LABO RATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company : MJW Corporation Address : 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I [2 Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey

             -**** ~! ............. ~-oil -~~~!?.i~°.~?.~~~                                                                      ...

Client Sample JD: 3.1.l.E.8 Project: MJWCOOI 15 Sample JD: 385077007 Client ID: MJWCOOI Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight C01Tectcd" R.adium-226 0.952 +f-0 176 {) 142 pC1lg Rudium-228 0_991 +1-0.327 I) 293 pCifg Tin-126 UJ () 00 +1-!l. 143 0.167 pCilg Rad Gas Flow Proportional Counting GFPC, Gross AIB. solid "Dry Weigbt Corrected" Alpha 10.7 +/-1 91 215 400 pCtlg KXB2 12/01115 1954 1525765 10 Beta 19 O +/-1 50 1.50 IO 0 pC1lg

  • GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dey Weight Corrected" Stronnwn-91) lJ 0 259 +f-0 5 JO 0 913 2. uo pC.lg KSD! 12103/15 1156 1525755 ll Rad Liquid Scintillation Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Tntium U l.54 +/-1.91 3 24 6.00 pC1/g TXJ I 12/02115 1809 1522724 12 Liquid Sc int CJ 4, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected

Carbon-14 U -0 847 +/-0.846 148 2 00 pC'ilg TXJI 12/04fl 5 0255 1522716 13 Liquid Scint Tc99, Solicl Dry Weight Corrected" Technctium-99 U 0 991 +/-1.62 2.75 5.00 pCifg MYMI 11129115 1257 !522715 14

 !~e .fo.!~o-~jn_~!~P.rvt~~l1(J~S<:~f.()_l:~n~?:.       _...

Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Batch DC}~ s~*ilrrep *-* ................... i5fYSOri"Prcp Gi:.~RAD~A*:ci2f .. ... '". . , ...... . ...cxc*r' ..... *** ****

  • i Oi"iiii5. * * '"T347 * ~*s2is*43** * ******* *** .......... - .......... .

GEL LA BORA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 Certificate of Analysis Report Date: December 7, 2015 Company : MJW Corporation Address : 15 Hazelwood Drive Suite I 12. Buffalo, New York 14228


Ms. Laurie Losey


Project Soil Radioisotopes .. -*... . .. . Client Sample lD; 3. L 1.E.8 Project: MJWCOOI 15 Sample JD: 385077007 Client ID: MJWCOOl

r?~. f<>.~l.?.'.'."'.i11g J\.n~lY.ti~8.~ ~t~o? P.erfo_~~~:........ .

M.eJh9d .... Q.~s1::riptj9n. ........................... _............... ASTh1 D2216{Mo<l1fied) 2 DOE EML MASL-300, Pu-I l-RCMod1ticd 3 DOE EML HASL-300. l!-02-RC Modified 4 ASTM C \476-00 Modified 5 DOE EML 11ASL-3nO, Th-01-RC Modified 6 DOE EML 1IASL-300, Am-OS-RC Modified 7 DOE EML HASL-300. Pu-11-RC Modified 8 DOE EML HASL-300,1-01 Modified 9 DOE !!ASL 300, 4.5 2.3/Ga-01-R JO El'A 900 OISWS46 93101SM 71 IOB Modified II EPA 905 0 Modified/DOE Rl'50\ Rev \ Modified 12 EPA 906 0 Modified 13 EPA EERF C-01 Modified 14 DOE EML HASL-300, Tc-02-RC Modilied S.Uf!O&a~~i"'!"rac~_r f3.e.~<:>Y~.I)'._ ... !e~t......... -* .............. . Result N0111~~.a.1 .......~c9oy~r;!/o .~~c.ei::t.a_blc.~ imi\s Plutonium-242 Tracer ASP Plutomum l~otopic. SoHd "Dry Weight 75 9 (15%-125%) Corrected" l!ramurn-232 Tracer ASP Uranium lsotop1c. Solid "'Dry Weight 74 (15%-125%) Corrected" Uramum-2351236 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dr)' Weight 6& 4 (15%-125%) Corrected" Americmm-243 Tracer Alphaspec Np237, Solid "Dry W~ighl Corrected" 94 9 ~ 15%-125%) Actimum-227 TrJcer Alphaspec Th229 + 228.230.232 Solid 'Dry 105 (15%-125%) Weight Corrected" Amcncium-243 Tracer Am24 l, Cm Solid "Of}' Wciglit Corrected" 75 (15%-125%) l'lulonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scinl Pu.241. Solid "Dry Wc1gh1 Corrected 75.9 (15%-125%) Stromium Carner OFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected" l)2 l (25%-125%) Technct1um-99m Tracer Liquid Scmc Tc99. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 936 (15%-125%) Notes: Counting Uncertainty is calculated at the 95% confidence level ( 1.96-sigma).

GEL LABORATORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: I 5 Hazeh~ood DriYe Suite 112 Buffalo, New York 14228 Report Date: Dcccmbc~ 17. 2015 Contact Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil. Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3. t. l .E.8 Project: MN/COOi iS Sample ID: 385077007 Client ID: MJWCOOl Mat1*ix: Soil Collect Date: 21-0CT-!5 Receive Date: 05-NOV-15 Collector: Client Moisture: 21.5% ... . . " .... -*--******** ...... .. *******-********** Parameter Q~_a.!iti".!. ... MDC Result _, :_ r.n~ertain~: .. *******-*********** Le TPl: RL .... -~-'nit_.s_ ... D._F. /\,n:ilyst .. . .. .Dale Time Batch Mtd.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ~                                    ~

Gravimetric Solids ASTM f) 2216 % Moisture "As Received" Moisture 21 5 percent CXCl I I/10/l s 134 7 1521843 Rad Alpha Sp~ Analysi~ ASP Plutonium Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" u 0.010 +/-0.0556 0 107 () 0244 ti-() 0557 I 00 pCi_lg !IAKJ3 l 1123/15 !SOI 1522577 2 Plutonrum-238 Plulomum-2391240 u 0.00154 +/-0.0707 0 155 0 048& ";-/-0.0707 LOO pCi!g

1SP Ura11illm lsoropic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Uranium-232 l:' 0.0148 +l-0.0869 IJ.173 (J 0634 +/-0 0!}69 l 00 pcllg 1-!AKB 1112*1115 0857 1522580 3 Uramum-233i234 112 +f-Q3l6 0 176 0 0554 +1-0 387 I OD pc1fg Uramum-2351236 0148 +/-Q.122 0 JOS 00197 +f-0.126 l.00 pci/g Uranium-238 0 951 +/.() 288 0 121 00277 +1-D 345 l.00 pci!g.

Afphaspec Np237. Solid "Dry Weight Correcled" 0 131 +/-0 257 0 356 0.0665 ":-/-0.257 1.00 pCilg 1-lAKB l l/23115 1707 1522576 4 Ncp!unium-237 A!phaspec Th229 ~ 228.230,232 Solid "Dry Weight Con't!cted" 0 973 +/-0.445 () 3~1 0 123 +l-0.4C17 LOO pCi/g l-IAKB 11/24/15 1014 1522579 5 Thorium-228 Thorium-229 u 0078(\ +/-0 178 0306 0 0876 +/-0.179 LOO pC1!g 0.960 +f-0.421 0287 0 0781 +1-0.442 I 00 . pCi/g Umnmn*230 Tlionum-232 l 09 +/-0.44~ 0286 00779 +1-0471 1.00 pCVg

Im2-11. Cm Solid "Dry /Yeight Corrected" Arnericmm-241 u 0.00914 +!-0.0:W 0 121 0 0359 +/-0.0591 LOO pCi/g HAKB 11124/ I:i *1042 1522571 6 Cunum-242 () 00 +f-0.0375 0 0559 000 +l-0 0376 1.0tl pCi/g Cunum-2431244 u -0 0232 +f-0 0375 0I19 0.03S5 +/-0.0375 1 00 pCi/g Curium-245/246 0.0702 +/-0.0828 O.!HN5 0.0168 . -.-/-0 0833 1 IJO pC1/g liquid Sci111 Pu24 l. Solid "D1}' Weig/it Corrected"
  • lJ -442 +l-6.41 I 1.3 5 50 +/-6.41 15.0 pCi/g HAKB 11/25115 1537 1522578 7 Plutomum-241 Rad Gamma Spec Amilysi~

Gamma ll29. So{id "Dry }Veighr Con*ecled" u -0243 +/-0.361 "()607 0.242 +l-0 378 l (l() pC1/g MJHl \2i02/t5 1558 1522374 8 {adine-129 Gammaspec. Gamma, Solid "D1J' Weight Corrected" O.UO +/-0.272 0.567 0.266 +/-0.330 pC"1lg RXF2 12i03115 1109 1522384 9 Actimum-227 U! Antimony-125 u 0 00737 +/-0 I02 0 193 0.0885 +/-0.102 pCi/g Bismulh-2!2 lJ 0533 +/-0 711 128 0.589 +J-0 752 pC1/g 0.952 f-f-0 176 ll.l-12 0 064! +/-0.194 pCi/g B1smu1h-214 0315 +/-0.083 Cl 081 0 0366 +1-0 0871 0 JO() pCi/g Ccsrum-137 u 0.0063 +/-0 0346 0.0738 0 0309 +/-0.0347 pCilg Cobalt-60 Europium-154 tJ 0 119 +/-0 132 (I 292 0 129 +/-0.143 pCilg 1.12 +1-0.158 0 174 \l 0832 +1-0.185 pCi!g Lcad-212. Lead-214 1 41 +l-0 232 () 389 u 189 +/-0 261 pCrlg L

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843} 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address: l 5 flazelwood Drive Suite 112 Bu!Talo. New York 14228 Report Date: December 17, 2015


Ms. Laurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample ID: 3.1.LE.8 Project: MJWCOOl 15 Sample ID: 335077007 Client ID: MJWCOOl Le RL Rad Gamma Spec Analysis Gammaspec, Gamma. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Potas~1 um-40 13 6 +/-1.60 () 656 () 268 -'.*~-1.99 pCi/g Prolaclmmm-231 Ul 0.00 +/-0.788 I 110 04(i6 +f-0 863 pC1/g Radmm-226 0.952 +/-0.176 0.142 ll0641 +/-0 194 p('1/g Radmm-228 0.991 +/-0.327 0 293 0.130 +/-.0 358 p('1/g Thal!ium-208 0.374 +/.()0813 (I 07()3 0.0317 +/-0.0873 pCilg Tm-126 Ul 000 +/-O. l43 0 167 0.0794 +/.() 146 pCilg Rad Ga.~  !'low Proportional Counting GFPC. Gross A*B, solid "DI'.\' IVeigltt Corrected" Alpha 10.7 +l-1 91 2 15 IJ 995 +1-2.87 4.ll() pCiig KXB2 12101115 1954 1525765 10 Beta 190 +f-1.50 I SO 0720 +/-3.07 IO.O pCiig GFPC. Sr90. solid "Dry Weighr Corrected" Strontium-90 t: 0.259 +l-0 5W 0 913 0 390 +/-Cl 512 2 00 pC1/g KSDI 12i03/15 1156 1525755 11 Rad Liquid Scintillntiou Analysis LSC, Tritium Dist, Solid "Dry Weigh! Corrected" Trttlum 1.54 +/-l.9! J24 1.41 +/-1 91 60(! pCilg TXJl I2i02/l 5 1809 1522724 12 Uquid Scint C 14, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" Carbon-14 lJ -0 847 +/-0.846 1.48 ().725 +/-0.846 2.0ll pCi/g TXJI I 2i041 ls 0255 1522716 J3 liquid Scinf Tc99, Solid "DIJ' Weigh! Corrected" Technctrnm-99 u 0 991 +/-162 2 75 133 +/-1 62 5.00 pCi/g MYM 11/29115 1257 1522715 14 I Th_e_ fol_l_11wi1_1g_.P.r~p ~:~~~ll!J.tIS ,~*e,rl;!.. Pcr[~r~~u.,_ .. ........ .. ............ . Method Description Analyst Date Time Prep Balch Dry Sm I Prep Dry Soil Prep GL-RAD-A-021 CXCI 11110.115 1347 1521843 1:h!!_.fol!~~~i.~g t~_naj;y_tic_:~I .~1~~~o<~S. -~~cr~J."'_e!!~~ll1l:~ ............ ****-* _.......... *-*- ..............

\.fcthod Description I ASTM D 22"16 (Modified) 2 DOE EML HASL-300, Ptt-11-RC Modified 3 DOE EML l*IASL-300. U-02-RC Modified 4 i\STM C 1476-0() Mod1ticd 5 DOE E:\11. HASL-300, Th-0!-RC Modified

() DOE EML HAS!.-300. Am-OS-RC Modified 7 DOE EML HASL-390, Pu- I I-RC :\fod1ticd 8 DOE EML HASL-300,1-0 I M.od1 fied 9 DOE 1-!ASL JOO. 4 5.2 3/Ga-01-R lO  !:PA 900 OiSW846 93 !0ISM 71 IOB Modilfod 11 F,PA 905.0 ModificdiDOE RP501 Rev. l Modified 12 EPA 906.() Modified 13 EPA EERF C-01 Mochlled

GEL LABO RA TORIES LLC 2040 Savage Road Charleston SC 29407 - (843) 556-8171 - Certificate of Analysis Company: MJW Corporation Address; 15 Ha7.elwood Drive Suite112 Buffalo. New York 14228 Report Date: !Jecember 17. 2015


Ms. Lnurie Losey Project: Soil Radioisotopes Client Sample JD: 3.l. I .E.8 Project: MJWC00115 Sample JD: 385077007 Client ID: MJWCOOI _l'.:.i.ra~~-1~~---*** .... -** ....... Q~aJ!f!.cr *- ... Result__ ... l!ncc11_a.i.nty___ ... MDC Le *****-. _Tl'V ... _-*-** ~- ... V_nirs . PY !\n~l~st .... !)ate_ ~i.IIle __B~t~.h. J\:1t:d .. 14 DOE EML HASL-300. Tc-02-RC Modified Surrogateffraccr ~ecovcry Test Batch ID Rccovcry/o Acceptable Limits P!utonium-242 Tracer ASP Plutonium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522577 75.9 (15%-125%) Un.inium-232 Tracer ASP Uranium Isotopic. Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522580 74 (15%-125%) Umnium-2351236 Tracer ASP Uranit1m Isotopic, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522580 68.4 (15%-125%) Americium-243 Tracer Alpbaspec Np237, Solid "Dry Weight Corrected 1522576 94.9 (15%-125%) Aclinium-227 Tracer Alplrnspec Th229 + 228,230,232 S()lid "Dry Weight Corrected" 152257!} J05 (15%-125%)* Americium-243 Tracer Am24 ! , Cm Solid "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522571 75 (15%-125%) Plutonium-242 Tracer Liquid Scint Pu24 l, Sc;>1id "Dry Weight Corrected" 1522578 75.9 (15%-!25%)

   .Strontium Carrier                                GFPC, Sr90, solid "Dry Weight Corrected"                                              !525755         92.l            (25'%-125%)

Techm:tium~99m Tracer Liquid Scint Tc99. Solid "Do* Weight Corrected" 15227!5 93.6 (15%-125%) Notes: TPU and Counting Unce11ainty are calculated at the 95% confidence level (l.96-sigma}.}}