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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix H, Part 10 of 41
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
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ML16293A155 List: ... further results
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Appendix H10 -

RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11: Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : ARE.1'\ 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Table of Cont-=nts Part I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary .. .

Site-Specific Parameter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Summary of Pathway Selections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Surrunary . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Total Dose Components Time 0. OOOE+OO 35 Time 1.000E+OO 36 Time 3. OOOE+OO 37 Time 6. OOOE+OO 38 Time l.200E+01 39 Time 3. OOOE+Ol 40 Time 7. 500E+Ol 41 Time 1. 750E+02 42 Time 4. 200E+02 43 Time 9. 700E+02 44 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathw.ays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Single Radionui:::lide Soil Guid.;lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Soil Concentration Per Nuclide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Run Time Infotmation 47 1of47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T'-1 Limit = 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2.1 HIKER.ROF Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Current Library: FGR 12 Default J,ibrary: FGR 12 Current Parameter Menu Parameter Value Default Name DCSF DCE"' s for external ground radiation, lmrem/yr) / ipCi/g)

DCSF Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3. 606E+OO 3. 606E+OO DCFEXTI 11 DCSF Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7. SlOE-04 7. SlOE-04 DCFEXT( 21 DCSf Sr-90 (Source: FGR 12) 7. 043E-04 7 .043E-04 DCFEXT { 3)

DCS!: Y-90 (Source: FGR 12) 2. 3 91E-02 2 .391E-02 DCFEXT{ 4) Library: FGR 11 Default Library: FGR 11 Current Parameter Menu Parameter Value Default Name DCSF Dose conversion factors for inhalation, m.rem/pCi:

DCSF Cs-137+0 3 .190E-05 3. l 90E-05 DCF2 (1)

DCSF Sr-90+0 1. 3088-03 1. 308E-03 DCF2(2)

OCSE' Dose conversion facto:rs for ingestion, mrem/pCi:

DCSF Cs-137+D 5. OOOE-05 5. OOOE-05 DCF3 (l)

DCSF Sr-90+0 1. 52BE-D4 l. 528E-04 DCF3(2) 2 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Dose Conve:r:sion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary (continued)

Current Library: RESRAD Default Transfer factors Default Library: RESRAD Default Transfer factors Current Parameter Menu Parameter Value Default Name TF Soil to plant transfer factors:

TF Cs-137+0 plant/soil con'centration ratio, dimensionless 4. OOOE-02 4. OOOE-02 RTF(l,l)

TF Cs-137+0 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4. OOOE-02 4. OOOE-02 RTF(l,2}

TF Cs-137+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4. OOOE-02 4. OOOE-02 RTF(l,3)

TF Cs-137+0 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4. OOOE~02 4. OOOE-02 RTF(l,4)

TF TF Sr-90+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 RTF(2,l)

TF Sr-90+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 RTE'(2,2)

TF Sr-90+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 RTF(2,3)

TF Sr-90-i-D plant/soil concentration, diffiensionless 3. OOOE-01 3, OOOE-01 RTF(2, 4)

TF intake to meat/milk t.ransfer factors:

TF Cs-137+0 beef/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/kg) / (pCi/d) 3. OOOE-02 3. OOOE-02 I_M(l,l)

TF Cs-137+0 milk/lives tock-intake ratio, (pCi/Li / lpCi/d) 8. OOOE-03 8. OOOE-03 IJ!(l,2)

TF TF Sr-90+D beef/ livestock-intake ratio, lpCi/kg) / (pCi/d) 8. OOOE-03 8. OOOE-03 I_M(2,l)

TF Sr-90+0 milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L) / (pCi/d) 2. OOOE-03 2, OOOE-03 I_M (2, 2)

TF Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

TF Cs-137TD fish 2. OOOE+03 2. OOOE+03 BIOFA{l,1)

TF Cs-137+0 crustacea and mollusks 1. OOOE+02 1. OOOE+02 BIOFA(l,2)

TF TF Sr-90+D fish 6. OOOE+Ol 6. OOOE+Ol BIOFA(2,ll TF Sr-90+0 crustacea and mollusks 1. OOOE+02 1. OOOE+02 BIOFA(2,2) 3 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : /t..REA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary User RES RAD Parameter

  • M.enu Parameter Input Default computed Name FSTI Exposure duration 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol ED FSTI Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2. 500E+Ol 2. 500E+Ol BRDL CONC Initial principal radionuclide {pCi/g): Cs-137 1. 940E-01 O.OOOE+OO SI 11}

COUC Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g):. Sr-90 1. 261£+00 0. OOOE+OO Sl {2}

VDEP Deposition velocity for Cs-137 1. OOOE-03 1. OOOE-03 DEPVEL (1}

VDEP Deposition velocity for Sr-90 1. OODE-03 1. OOOE-03 DEPVEL 121 DCLR Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 DCLR Contaminated zone (cm"""3/g} 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 DCllUCC Ill DCLR Unsatur:ated zone 1 {cm'""*3/gl 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 DCNUCU Clr l)

DCLR Saturated zone (cm*,..3/g} 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 DCNOCS 111 DCLR Sediment in surface water body (cm**3/g) 4. 800£+02 4. 600£+03 DCNUCSWB 11 l DCLR Agricultural -3.rea (cm"'*3/g) 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 DCNUCOF ( l, 1)

DCLR Agricultural ax:ea 2 (cm"',..3/g) 2. 800£+02 4. 600£+03 DCNUCOF{l, 2)

DCLR Agricultural 3 (cm*""3/g) 2. 800£+02 4. 600£+03 DCNUCOF (1, 3)

DCLR Agricultux:al ax:ea 4 (cm"'Y3/gl 2. SOOE+02 4. 600E+03 DCNUCOF(l, 4)

DCLR Off:::ite Dwelling {cm*"'3/g} 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 DCNUCDWE 111 DCLR Initial Leach rate (/ytl Cs-137 O.OOOE+OO O.ODOE+OO 5.461E-04 ALEACHlll DCLR Distribution coefficients for Sr-90 DCLR Contaminated zone (cm"",..3/g) 5. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol OCNUCC 121 DCLR Onsaturated ::one l * (cm"'*3/g) 5. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol DCNUCU 12, ll DCLR. Saturated ;::one (cm**3/g) 5. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol DCNUCS (2l DCLR Sediment in surface water body {cm**3/g) 1. SOOE+Ol 3. OOOE+Ol DCtlOCSWB 12)

DC.LR Agricultural area (cm"'*3/g) 5. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol OCNllCOF(:!., 1}

DCLR Agricultural area 2 (cm"'*3/g) 5. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Dl DCtlOCOF 12, 2 J DCLR Agricultural ar:ea (cm**3/g) 5 . 00 OE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol DCNUCOFl2, 3)

DCLR Agricultural area 4 (cm**3/g) 5. ODOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol DCHUCOF(2, 4)

DCLR Of.fsite Dwelling {cm""'"3/g) 5. OOOE+OO 3. 000£*01 DCNUCDWE 12)

DCLR Initial Leach rate {/yr.) Sr-90 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 2. 989E-02 ALEA.CH (2)

LYOT Bearing of X a~ds (clockwise angle U-->X in deg.rees} I 9.000E+Ol 9.000E+Ol DNXBEARING LYOT Lengt:h of P.rimary contamination in X Direction 7.000E+OO 1.000E+02 SOURCEXY (ll L'iOT Length of Primary contamination in Y Direction 6. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+02 SOURCEXY l2l LYOT Smaller X coordinate of Agricultural A.rea 1 0. OOOE+OO 3. 438E+Ol AGRIXY (1, 1)

LYOT Larger X coordinate of Agx:icultural Area 1 1. OOOE+OO 6. 563E+Ol AGRIXY (2, 1)

LYOT Smaller Y coordinate of Agricultural Ai:ea 1 0: OOOE+OO 2. 340E+02 t~GRIXY (3, !)

L'lOT Larger Y coordinate of Agricliltural Area 1 1. OOOE+OO 2. 660E+02 AGP.IXY 14, ll LYOT Smaller X coordinate of Agricultural Area 2 0. OOOE.:+00 3. 4 38E+Ol AGRIXY 11, 2}

LYOT Larger X coordinate of Agricultural Area 2 1. OOOE:+OO 6. 563E+Ol AGRIXY 12, 2 l LYOT Sma,ller Y coordinate of Agricultural Area 2 0. OOOE+OO 2. 680E+02 AGRIXY(3,2)

LYOT Larger *i: coordinate of Agricultural Area 2 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+02 AGRIXY (4, 2)

LYOT Smaller: X coordinate of Agricultural Area 3 l-1. 330E+02 O. OOOE+OO hGRIXY(l,3}

LY01' Larg"2r X coordinate of Agricultural Area 3 I 3. 340£+01 i. 000£+02 l\GRIXY (2,3)

LYOT Smaller Y coordinate of Agricultural Area 3 l-2. 672£+02 4. 500E+02 AGRIXY{3,3) 4 of47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Ti.,; Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER.,ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name LYOT Larger Y coordinate of Agricultural Area 3 6. 680E+Ol 5. 500E+02 l\GRIXY (4, 3)

LYOT Smaller X coordinate of Agricultural Are.a 4 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AGRIX"i(l, 4)

LYOT Larger X coordinate of Agricultural Area 4 1. ODOE+OO 1. OOOE+02 hGRIXY (2, 4)

LYOT Smaller Y coordinate of Agricultural Area 4 0. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+02 hGRIXY (3, 4)

LYOT Larger Y coordinate of Agricultural Ar:ea 1. OOOE+OO 4. OOOE+02 AGRIXY {4, 4)

LYOT Smaller X coordinate of Dwelling Area 0. OOOE+OO 3. 438E+Dl DWELLXY (1)

LYOT Larger X coordinate of Dwelling Area 1. OOOE+OO 6. 563E+Ol orJELLX'i (2)

LYOT Smaller Y coordinate of Dwelling Area 0. OOOE+OO 1. 340E+02 DWELLXY (3)

LYOT Larger Y coordinate of Dwelling Area 1. OOOE+OO 1. 660E+02 DWELLXY(4)

LYOT Smaller X coordinate of Surface water body 3. 340E+Ol l-1. OOOE+02 SWXY(l)

LYOT Larger X coordinate of Surface water body 8. 340E+Ol 2. OOOE+02 Sff.<Y (2)

L'fOT Smaller 'i coordinate of S1n:face water body l-2. 672E+02 5. 500E+02 SWXY (3}

LYOT Larger Y coordinate of Surface water body 6. 680E+01 8. 500E+02 SWXY (~)

STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days):

STOR Surface ,,.,*ater 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO STOR_T (1)

STOR Well water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO STOR __T {2)

STOP. Fruits, non-leafy vegetables, and grain 1. 400E+Ol 1. 400E+Ol STOR_T (3)

STOR Leafy vegetables 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO STOR_T (4)

STOR Livestock fe.ed - pasture or silage 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO STOR_T (5)

STOP. Livestock. feed - grain 4. SOOE+Ol 4. SOOE+Ol STOR_T (6)

STOR Heat and poultry 2. OOOE+Ol 2. OOOE+Ol STOR_T (7)



STOR Crustacea arid mollusks 7. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE+OO STOR_T (10)

TIME Times at which dose/risk are .to be reported (yr) 1. OOOE:+OO 1. OOOE+DO T(2)

TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be reported {yr) 3. OOOE:+OO 3. OOOE+OO T(3)

TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be reported {yr) 6. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO T (4)

TIME Times at which dose/risk to be reported {yr) 1. 200E+Ol 1. 200E+Ol T (5)

TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be reported {yr) 3. OOOE+Ol 3. OOOE+Ol T {6)

TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be 'reported (yr) 7. 500E+Ol 7. 500E+Ol T (7)

TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be reported {yr) l'. 750£+02 1. 750E+02 T(8)

TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be :r:eported (yr) 4. 200E+02 4. 200E+02 T (9)

TIHE Times at which dose/risk to be :r:eported (yr) 9.700E+02 9.700E+02 T (10)

SITE Precipitation (m/yr) l .160E+OO 1. OOOE+OO PRECIP SITE Average annual wind speed (m/sec) 2. 27BE+OO 2. OOOE+OO WIND PRCZ Area of primary contamination (m+"'2) 4. 20DE+Ol 1. OOOE+04 AREA PRCZ Length parallel to aquifer flow (rn) 1. 650E+02 1. OOOE+02 LCZPAQ PRCZ Depth of soil mixing layer {m) 1. 500E-Ol 1. 500E-or DM PRCZ Deposition velocity of dust {m} 1. OODE-03 1. OOOE-03 DEPVEL _DUST PRCZ Irrigation {m/yr.) 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RI PRCZ Evapotranspiration coefficient 6. 200E-01 5. OOOE-01 EVAPTR PRCZ Runoff coefficient 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 RUNOFF PRCZ Rainfall Erosion Index 1. 600E+02 1. GOOE+02 RJ... INEF\OS 5 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User I RES RAD Paraffieter Menu Parameter Input I. Default computed Name PRCZ Slope-length-steepness factor of ptim. contamination I 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 SLPLENSTPPC PP,CZ Cropping-management factor of primary contamination 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 CRPMANGPC PRCZ Conservation practice factor of prim. contamination 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO CONVPRACPC PRCZ Thickness of contaminated zone (ml 1. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE+OO THICKO PRCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 3. 600E-Ol 4. OOOE-01 TPCZ PRCZ Computed erosion rate of contaminai:::ed zone (m/yr) 1. 2 65E-05 l.147E-ci5 vcz PRCZ. Density of contaminated zone (g/cm**3) 1. 700E+OO 1. 500E+OO DENSCZ PRCZ Soil erodibility factor of contaminated zone 5. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 ERODIBILITYCZ PRCZ Contaminated zone field capacity 2. OOOE-01 3. OOOEcOl FCCZ PRCZ Contaminated zone b parameter 1. 400E+OO 5. 300E+OO BCZ PRCZ Contaminated zone hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) 1. 400E+02 1. OOOE+Ol HCCZ PRCZ Contaminated zone effective porosity 2. 50DE-Ol 4. OOOE-01 EPCZ PRCZ longitudinal dispersivity of prime contamination {ml I 5.000E-02 5.000E-02 ALPHALCZ PRCZ Cover depth (m) not used 0. OOOE+OO COVE RO PRCZ Total porosity of the cover material not used 4. OOOE-01 TPCV PRCZ Computed erosion .rate of cover mate.rial (m/yi:) not used 1.14 7E-05 vcv PRCZ Density of cover material (g/cm**3J not used* 1. SOOE+OO DENS CV PRCZ Soil erodibility factor of cover 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 ERODIBILITYCV PRCZ Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5. OOOE-02 PH20CV AGRI Areal extent of Agricultural Area 1 (m*""2} 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+03 AREAO(l)

AGRI Fraction of Agri. Area 1 directly ov~r the c. z. not: used O. OOOE+OO FAREA _PLANT ( 1)

AGRI Evapotranspiration coefficient in Agri. Area 6. 200E-01 5. OOOE-01 EVAPTRNll)

AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 1 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 RUNOFll)

AGRI Mixing depth/plow layei of Agricultural Area l L500E-01 *i.soOE-01 DPTHMIXG 11)

AGRI Water filled porosity of soil in Agri. Area l 3.000E-01 3.000E-01 TMOF Ill AGRI Computed erosion rate of soil in Agri. Arel O. OOOE+OO l .14?E-05 EROSN 11)

AGRI Dry Bulk Density 0£ soil in Agricultural Area 1. 700E:+OO 1. SOOE+OO RHOB Ill AGRI Soil erodibility factor of Agricultural Area 1 O. OOOE+OO 4. OOOE-01 ERODIBILITY 11)

AGRI Slope-length-steepness factor, {\gricultural Area 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 SLPLENSTP Ill AGRI Cropping-management. factor of Agricul turai Area 1 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 CRPMANG (11 AGRI Conservation practice factor of Agr;cultural Area l 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO COllVPRAC I 11 AGRI Total porosity of soil in Agri. Area not used 4.000E-01 TPOF{ll AGRI Areal extent of Agricultural Area 2 {m,...,.,2) 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+03 AREAO 12)

AGRI Fraction of Agri. Area 2 directly over the c. z. not used O. OOOE+OO FAREA_PLANT (21 AGRI Evapotranspiration coefficient in Agri. Area 6. 200E-01 5. OOOE-01 EVAPTR!l I 21 AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 2 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 RUNOF(2)

AGRI Mixing depth/plow layer of Agricultural Area l. SOOE-01 1. 500E-01 DPTHMIXG 12)

AGRI Water filled porosity of soil in Agri. Area 2 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 TMOF(2)

AGRI Computed erosion rate of soil in Agri. Are2 O.OOOE+OO l.147E-05 EROSN 12)

AGRI Dry Bulk Density of soil in Agricultural Area 1. 700E+OO l. 500E+OO RHOBl21 AGRI Soil" e:c:odibility factor of Agricultur:al Area 2 O.OOOE+OO 4..000E-01 ERODIBILITY(2)

AGRI Slope-length-steepness factor, Agricultural Area 2 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 SLPLEN5TP {2)

AGRI Cropping-management factor of Agricultural Area 2 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 CRPMANG (2)

AGRI Conservation practice factor of Agricultural /l.rea 2 l.OOOE+OO l.OOOE+OO cmrvP RAC {2 l AGRI Total porosity of soil in Agri. Area not used 4. OOOE-01 TPOFl2)

AGRI Areal eztent of Agricultural Area 3 {m"" ... 2) 5.578E+04 1. OOOE+04 AREAO 13) 6 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tl.:l, Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued}

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AGRI Fraction of Agri. Area 3 directly over the c. z. 7. 530E-04 0. OOOE+OO FAREA_PLANT ( 3 I AGRI Evapotranspiration coefficient in Agri. Area 3 6.200E-01 5.000E-01 EVAPTRN (3)

AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 3 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 RUNOF(3f AGRI Mixing depth/plow layer of Agr:icul tural Area ..3 1. SOOE-01 1. SOOE-01 DPTHMIXG (3)

AGRI Water filled porOsity of soil in Agri. Area 3 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 TMOF(3)

AGRI Computed erosion rate of soil in Agri. Are3 1. 265E-05 1.147£-05 EROSN ( 3)

AGRI Dry Bulk Density of soil in Agricultural Area 1. 700E+OO 1. 500E+OO RHOB (3)

AGRI Soil erodibility factor of Agricultural Area 3 5. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 ERODIBILITY (3)

AGRI Slope-length-steepness factor, Agricultural Area 3 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 SLPLENSTP(3)

AGRI Cropping-management factor of Agricultural Area 3 3.000E-03 3.000E-03 CRPMANG(3)

AGRI Conservation practice factor of Agricultural Area 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO CONVPRAC ( 3)

AGRI Total porosity of soil in Agri. Area not used 4. OOOE-01 TPOF(3)

AGRI Areal e:)-:tent of Agricultural Area 4 (m+-"2} 1. (JDOE-t 00 1. OOOE+04 AREA0(4)

AGRl E'raction of Agri. Area 4 directly over the c.z. l. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FAREA_PLANT (4 l AGRI Evapotranspiration coefficient in Agri. Area '5.200E-Ol 5.000E-01 EVAPTRll ( 4)

AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 4 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 RUNOF(4)

AGRI Mixing depth/plow layer of Agricultural Area 1. SOOE-01 1. 500£-01 DPTHMIXG ( 4)

AGRI Water filled porosity of soil in Agri. Area 4 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 TMOF{4)

AGRI Computed erosion rate of soil in Agri. A:re-1 O. OOOE+OO l.147E-05 EROSN (4)

AGRI Dry Bulk Density of soil in Agricultural Area 1. ?OOE+OO 1.500E+OO RHOB (4)

AGRI Soil erodibility factor of Agricultu:c:al Area 4 O.OOOE+OO 4.000E-01 ERODIBILITY {4)

AGRI Slope-length-steepness factor, Agricultural Area 4.000E-01 4.000E-01 SLPLENSTP(4)

AGRI Cropping-management factor of Agricultural Area 4 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 CRPMANG (4}

AGRI Conservation practice factor of Agricultural Area 4 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO CONVP RAC ( 4 )

AGRI Total pOrosity of soil in Agri. Area not used 4. OOO!l-01 TPOF(4)

DWEL Areal eztent. of Offsite dwelling* sit'= im'*'"2) 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+03 ARE..".ODWELL D~*lEL Evapotranspi:ration coefficient in dw'=lling (Off) site I i5.200E-01 5.000E-01 EVAPTRNDWELL DWEL Runoff coefficient in Offsite dwelling site 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 RUNOFDWELL DWEL Mixing depth of Offsite dwelling site 1. SOOE-01 1. SOOE-01 DPTH1:HXGDWELL DWEL Water filled porosity 9f soil in Offsite Dwelling 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 TMOFDWELL DWEL Computed erosion rate of soil in Offsite Dwelling 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO EROSNDWELL DrlEL Dry Bulk De:nsity of soil *in Offsite dwelling site 1. 70DE+OO 1. SOOE+OO RHOBDWELL DWEL Soil erodibilit'y factor of soil in Dwelling site 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO ERODIBILITYDWELL DWEL Slope-length-steepness factor of Dwelling site 4. OODE-01 4. OOOE-01 SLPLENSTPDWELL DNEL Cropping-management factor of Dwelling site 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 CRPMANGDWELL DWEL Conservation practice factor of bffsite Dwelling sit I 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO CONVPRACDWELL DNEL Total porosity of soil in Offsite O\Y"elling not used 4. OOOE-01 TPOFDWELL AIRT Dispersion Coeffficients; 1 Pasquill-Gifford IDISPMOD AIRT Population zone; 1 """ Rural !ZONE AtRT Release' height, (m) 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO AIRRELHT AIRT Heat flux for buoyant plume {cal/s), 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO HEATFLX AIRT Anemometer height, (m) 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOEtOl AN"H AIRT Absolute temperature {Kelvin) 2. 850E+02 2. 850E+02 TABf:

AIRT AM atmospheric mixing height (m) 4. OOOE+02 4. 000Et02 AMIX AIRT PM atmospheric mixing height {m) l. 600E+-03 1. GOOE+03 PMIX 7 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 T\1 Limit """ 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page Pare_nt Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parametei:

Menu Parameter Input Default comput~d Name AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Area above primary cont. 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AGRIELEV(l)

AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Area 2 above primary cont. O. OOOE+OO O. OCOE+OO AGRIELEV ( 2)

AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Area 3 above primary cont. O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+DO AGRIELEV{3)

AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Area 4 above primary cont. 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AGRIELEV ( 4)

AIRT Elevation of Dwelling Site relative to primary cont. 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DWELLELEV AIRT Elevation of Surf.Wtr body relative to primary cont. O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO SNELE11 AIRT Joint frequency Meteorological data:

AIRT Upper limit for windspeed class 1 {m/s) 7. 500E-01 8. 900E-01 >IItTDSPEED ( 1)

AIRT Opper limit for windspeed class (m/s) 2. 250E+OO 2. 460E+OO WI!TDSPEED(2)

AIRT Upper limit for windspeed class (m/s) 4. 500E+00 4. 470E+OO WINDSPEED(3)

AIRT Upper limit for windspeed class 4 (rn/s) 7. SOOE+OO 6. 930E+OO WINDS PEED (4)

AIP.T Upper limit for windsPeed class (m/s) 1. 050E+01 9. 610E+OO WINDSPEED i 5)

AIRT Upper limit for windspi:ed class lrn/s) 1. 350E+Ol 1. 252E+Ol WINDS PEED i 6)

AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector AIRT fo:c wind speed class and stability class A 1. OOOE-04 I 1. OOOE*OO DFREQ(l,1,1}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, l}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 1. 200E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, l}

AIRT for win<}. speed class and stability class D 6. 950E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQCl, 4, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 1. 983E-02 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 1}

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class F 1. 54 7E-02 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, ll I

AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 2. 200E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 5. 600E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 2, 1}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class c 1. 660E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(.1, 3, l)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class D 2.274E-02 I O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E 2. 191E-02 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 2. 400E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 1)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class A 5. lOOE-04 I O.OOOE+OO DFREQ{J, 1, l}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B L030E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 1}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 1. 8 lOE-03 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 506E-02 I I). OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, -1 1 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 7. 710E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ ('."!., 5, ll AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(3, 6, l}

I AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector I AIRT for wind sr;.eed class 4 and stability class A 2. OOOE-05 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1,1)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 7. OOOE-05 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 2, 1)

Jl._IRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4., 3, l)

AIRT for wind speo:d class 4 and stability class D 6. lOOE-04 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ[4,4,l)

AIRT for wind spe<:::d class .; and stability class E 2.400E-04 I O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5, l)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DfREQ[4, 6, 1) 8 of47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days* 05/04/2016 13:14 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, l, l)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,2,l)

AIRT for wind spee:d class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Df'REQ (5, 3, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, l, l)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{S,5, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6, 1)

AIRT Joint Frequency in N S.ector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREIJ(6, l, l)

AIRT for wind speed cl..<iss 6 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.E:Ql6,2,1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 4, l)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE:+Oo" DFRE:Q{~ 1 S, lj AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFRE:Q {6, 5, 1}

AIRT Joint Frequency in NNE Sector AIRT for. wind speed class 1 and stability class A 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(l, 1, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 5. OOOE-05 O. OOOE+OO Df'REQ(l,2,2)

AIRT for. wind speed class 1 and stability class C 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 2)

AIRT for wind speed clas:;; and st~bility class D 7. 200E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 1. 092E-02 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ{l, 5, ~)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 6. 760E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 2)

I AIRT JOint Frequency in IJ'NE Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A 2. 700E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ{2,1,2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 8. 300E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class C 1. 810E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 2. 296E-02 I 0. OOOE+OO. Dl:""REQ{2, 4, 2)

AIRT for wind speed ~lass 2 and stability class E 7. 050E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 5, 2)

.AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 6, 2)

AIRT Joint Frequency in NtJE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 2}

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B 6. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 2)

AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class C 7. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,3, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 6. 930E-03 0. OOOEtOO DFREQ(3,4,2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 9. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(3, 5, 2)

AIR'!' for. wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,6,2)

AIRT Joint Frequency in NNE Sector AIHT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,l,2)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class _B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ!4, 2, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ!4, 3, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 2.. OOOE-0.5 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ(4,4,~)

AIRT for 1.,iind speed class 4 ~nd st<:r.bili.ty class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO DfREQ(.J, 5, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC4, 6,2) 9 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Ti1,Limit 30 days .05/04/2016 13:14 Page 10 Parent Dose Report Title P.ESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summar*y (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in NNE Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(S,1,2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO I DFREQ(S, 2, 21 A.IRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5, 3, 2)

/l_IRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0, OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5,4,2)

/>_IRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5, 5, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5,6,2)

I JtIRT Joint Frequency in N'NE Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DF\<.EQ(6,l,2)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6,2,2)

AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6,3,2j AIF.T for wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+DO I DFREQ(6,4,2)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6, 5, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE tOO I DFREQ(6,6,2)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in NE Sector I AIRT for wind speed class .1 and stability class A 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFP.EQ(l,1,3)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 2. OOOE:-05 0. OOOE+OO I DE'REQ(l, '.?, 3)

AIF.T for wind speed class and stability class C 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OQ I DE'REQ(l,3,3}

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 6. 290E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l,4,3)

AIRT foi wind speed class l and stability class E 6. 860E-03 0. OOOE**OO I DFREQ(l, 5, 3)

AIRT for wind speed class l and stability class F 4. 060E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l,6,3)

I AIR1' Joint FreqUency in NE Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ 12, 1, 3)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 1. 220E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(1, ::, 3)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 2. 500E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2, 3, 3)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 785E-02 O.OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2, 4, 3)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E l.440E-03 O.OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2, 5, 3)

AIRT for wind speed class and stabili~y class F 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2, 6, 3)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in NE Sector I AIRT fo:i: wind speed class and stability class A 3.400E-04 O.OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3,1,3)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 6. 600E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3,2,3)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class c 7. JOOE-04 tJ. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3,3,3)

AIRT* for: wind speed class and stability class D 4. 430E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3, 4,3)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3, 5, 3)

AIR'l' for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3,6,3)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in NE Sector I Jl_IRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class .h. 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4,l,3)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEcOO I DE'REQ{4, 2, 3)

AIRT for wind spe<::d class 4 and stability class C 0 :ooOE+O.O 0. OOOE+OO I otREor4, 3, :n ltIRT for wind. speed class 4 and stability class D 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4,4,3)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE.+00 I DFREQ(4,5,3) ll_IRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class F 0. OOOE+-00 0. *ooOE.+00 I DFREQ(4,6,3) 10 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1

'RESRAD-OE'FSITE,. Version 3 .1 Tl1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 11 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default !?arameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parame:ter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in NE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQIS,1,3)

AIRT for wind speed clas."J 5 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 2, 31 AIRT for wind speed class ,s and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO OFREQIS,3,31 11.IRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 4, 3)

AIR1' for wind speE:d class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,5,3)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 6, 3)

AIRT Joint Frequency in NE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, l, 3)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 2, 3)

A!RT for. wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+DO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,3,31 ll..IF.T for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 31 AIRT for wind speed class 6 and st.ability class E 0. OOOEt-00 0. O~lOE+OO DFREQ(6, 5, 3)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6, 31 AIRT Joint Fr-equency in ENE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and st.ability class A 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 41 AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 4)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class C 7. OOOE-05 D. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 4)

AIRT . for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 6. lSOE-03 0. 0003+00 DFREQ(l, 4, 41 A!RT for wind speed class 1 and stability Class E 6.540E-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 41 AIRT for:: wind speed class and stability class F 2. 720£-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQll, 6, 41 AIRT Joint Frequency in ENE Sect.or itIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,1,41 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 6. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,2,4}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 1. 180E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,3,4)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class D 1. 227E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,4,4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 1. OOOE-03 0. OOOE+OO .DFREQ(2,5,4)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability c~ass F 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,6,4)

AIRT Joint Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability ciass A 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,1,4)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 4. 700£-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 4)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class D 2. 350E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 4)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 4)

AIRT for. wind speed class 3 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (3, 6, 4)

AIRT Joint Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0 .'OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 4)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,2,4)

J\.IRT Eor wind speed class 4 and stability class C 0. OODE+OO O. OOOEtOO DFREQ(4,3,4}

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and st~bility class D O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,4,4)

AIR'l' for wind speed class 4 i!nd ty class E 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOEt-00 DFREQ(.J, 5, 4) for wind speE:d class 4 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 4) 11of47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days .05/04/2016 13:14 Page 12 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File AREA 2. l HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Sununary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter* Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO OFREQ(5,1,;)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,2,4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,3,4}

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, q,4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{S,5,4)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class F 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6,4).

AIRT Joint Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,l,4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(6, 2, 4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3, 4)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OOOE.,.QO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 4.)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO OFREQ(6, 5, 4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability F 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, f,;, 4)

AIRT Joint Frequency in E Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(l, 1, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 5)

A!RT for wind speed class 1 and stability class C 5. OOOE-05

  • 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 8.320E-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 7. lOOE-03 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 1. 660E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 5}

AIRT Joint Frequency in E Sector AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A 2. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1,5)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class B 8. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 2, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 1. 740E-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,3,5)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 2. 025E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 1.620E-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 5)

AIRT for "'.'ind speed class 2 and stability class F 1. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 5)

AIRT Joint Frequency in E Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO OFREQ(3, 1, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B 3. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 5. llJOE-04 I). OOOE+OO DFREQ{3, 3, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class D 5. 240E-03 0. OOOE+OO .I DFREQ13,4,5)

AIRT for wind speed class an~ stability class E 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3, 5, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3,6,5)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in E Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4, 1,5)

A!RT for wind speed class 4 and stabilit~r" class B 0. OODE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4,2,5)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQl4,3,5)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO D. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4, 4,5)

AIRT -for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4,$,5)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4,6,5) 12 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAO-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tl1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 13 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parametets File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter He nu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in E Sector AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DE"REQ(S,1,5)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,2,5}

AIRT for wind spee:d class 5 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 3, 5)

IHRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 4, 5}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,5,5)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 6, 5)

AIRT Joint Fr!=quency in E Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 2, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,3,5}

AIF.T for wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(6, 4, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class an.ct stability c:l<=iss E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(G,5,5)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability cl?.ss F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6, 5)

AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class C 2. OOOE-04 0. O~OE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D l. OSOE-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 61 AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 7. 760E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 6. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 6)

AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A 5. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 1. 640E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC2, 2, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class C 3. 500E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 3, 6)

AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class D 3. 529E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E 4. 480E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 6)

AIRT for wind. speed class 2 and stability class F 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO ,DFREQ (2, 6, 6)

AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT I for wind speed class 3 and stability class A 9. 800E-04 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,l, 6)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class B 1. 490E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (3, 2, 6)

AIRT \ for wind speed class and stability class C 1. 760E-03 IJ. OOOE+OO DFREQ (3, 3, 6)

AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 809E-02 0. OOOE+OO .DFP.EQ(3,4, 6)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class E 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,5, 6)

AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class f 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DE'REQ(3, 6, 6)

I I AIRT j Joint Frequency in ESE Sector I AIRT I for wiild speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I. DFREQ(4, 1, 6}

AIRT I for win"d speed class 4 and stability class B 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DE'REQ(4,2,6)

AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4,3,6)

AIRT. J for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 2. OOOE-05 0' OOOEtOO I DE"REQ(4,4,6)

AIRT I for w.ind speed class 4 and stability cla."Ss ~ D.OOOE+OO o.OOOE>OO I DFREQ(4, 5, 6)

AIR'l' I for wind speed class 4 and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I OFREQ (4, 6, 6}

13 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T~ Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13,14 Page 14 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : F~~ll. 2.1 HIKER.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued)

User RES RAD Patameter Menu Parameter Input Default Computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT for: wind speed class 5 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ CS, 1, 6)

AIRT. for wind speed clas.s and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,2,6)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 3, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 4, 6)

AIRT for wind speE:d class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQCS, 5, 6)

HRT for wind* speed class 5 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OD DFREQ{5, 6, 6)

AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQIG, 1, 0)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 2, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (6, 3, 6}

AIF.T fo:r wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 6}

AIRT fo:r wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 5, 6}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{, 6, 6)

AIRT Joint frequency in SE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability Class A 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(l,*1, 7)

A.IRT for. wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class l and stability class C 1. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class l and stability class D 9.060E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,4, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 4. 280E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 7)

AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class F 4. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DfREQ(l, 6, 7)

Jli.IRT Joint Frequency in SE Sectox AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 1.130E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2., 1, i)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 2.. 910E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 2, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class c 4. 970E:-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, I}

AIRT for wind speed class 2. and stability class D 6. 305E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 7)

AIRT f,or wind speed class 2 and stability class E 6. 540E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stubility class F 1. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 6, 7)

AIRT Joint. Frequency in SE Sector AIRT for. wind speed class 3 and stability class A 5. 920E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (3, l, 7)

AIRT for. wind speed class 3 and stability class B 5. 900E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 7)

AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class C 8. 350E-03 0. OOOE+OO DF'REQ{3, 3, 7)

AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class D 4.447E-02 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 7}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 6. 900E-04 0. OOOE+DO DFREQ(3, 5, 7}

AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 7)

AIRT Joint E'requ-ency in SE Sector.

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stabllity class A 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 2, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class c 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 3, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 2.. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 4, 7)

AIRT for wind spe.e-d class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC', 5, 7)

AIRT for wind spe-:.d class 4. and stability class F' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 7) 14 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RE:SRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 15 Parent Dose .Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in *sE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREO 15, 1, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 2, 7)

AIRT for wind speE:d class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQfS,3,7}

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, '1, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,S, 7)

AIRT for wind speed cluss 5 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 6, 7)

AIRT Joint E'requency in SE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0 .-OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1.. 7)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class B O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 2, 7)

AIRT fot wind speed class and stability class C 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,3, 7)

AIP.T fot wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,5,7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6 1 7)

AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability clas.£ A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, S)

AIRT for wind speed class l and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,2,3)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ(l, 3, B}

A!RT for: wind speed class and stability class D 3. 600E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, SJ AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 1.470E-03 0.000E+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 8)

A!RT for: wind speed class and stability class F 5. 600E-04 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQCl, 6, Bl AIRT Joint FrequencY in SSE ~ector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 4. ?OOE-04 .0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 8. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, :!, BJ AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 2. 330E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,3, 8}

AIRT for wind speed class and stabili*ty class D 1. 542E-02 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ(2, 4, B)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 8. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl2, 5, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class F 1. OOOE;-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 8)

AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector AIRT for w~nd speed class 3 and stability class A 1. 640E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,1, S}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 2. 330E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,2, 8)

AIRT for. wind speed class -:lnd stability class C 2. 890E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 205E-02 0. OOOE+DO DFP.EQ(3, 4, Bj AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC3, 5, 8)

AIR'l' for wind speed class 3 and stability cluss F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREOC3, 6, 8)

AIRT Joint E'requency in SSE Sector AIRT for: wind. speed class 4 and stability class A 1. SOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DE'REOC4,2,8)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C l.200E-04 O.OOOEtOO DFREQ(4, 3, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQf.J., 4, 8)

AIRT for wind spe<?d class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEt-00 DFP.EQ(.t, 5, SJ AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQC4, 6, Bl 15 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE 1 VE:rsion 3 .1 T"'1 Limit 30 days' 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 16 Parent Dose Rep?rt Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : Jl..REA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu ParamE:ter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5, 1, 8)

AIRT for wind speed clas.s and stability class B 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5, 2, 8)

AIRT for wind spee:d class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ (5, 3, 8)

AIRT for wind speE:d class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5, 4, 9)

AIRT for wind speed c*lass and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5,5,B)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5,6,B)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6, 1, B)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. ODOE+OO I DFP.EQ(6, 2, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6, 3, Bl AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stabilfty class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6, 4, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO .J DFREQ(6,5,8)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6, 6, 8)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l,1,9)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l,2,9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 2. 00 OE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l,3,9)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 3. 210E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l,4,9)

AIRT for wind speed class l and stability class E 9. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l,5,9)

AIRT for wind speed class l and stability class F 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l,6,9)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sec"tor I AIRT for wind speed class .and stability class A 5. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ (2, 1, 9")

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 5. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQl2,2,9)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class C 1. 740E-03 0. DOOE+OO I DFREQl2, 3, _9)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class D 1. 031E-02 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2, 4, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2, 5, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class :and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2,6,9)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class A 4. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3,1,9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 4. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3, 2, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 7. 300E-04 I). OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3, 3, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 3.080E-03 O.OOOE+OO I DFP.EQ(3, 4, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3,5, 9)

AIR'I' foi: wind speed class and stability class 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3,6,9)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4,1,9)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE:+OO Q. "OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4, 2, 9)

AIRT for wind speed .class 4 and stability class c 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQl4, 3, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 0.000E;.OO O.OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4,4,9)

AIRT fo:- wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO I DFREQ(4, 5, 9) lURT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4,6,9) 16 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T~ Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 17 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQIS,1,9)

AIRT for wind sp~ed class 5 and stability class B I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,2,9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,3,9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D I O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 4, 9)

/l_IRT for wind speed class and stability class E I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5 1 5,9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F I 0. OOOE*OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6, 9)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector I AIRT for wind .speed class and stability class A I 0. OOOE*OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(G, 1, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class B I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,2,9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3, 9}

A.IRT for wind speed class and stability class D I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,4,9)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E I 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 5, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6; 9)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{l, 1, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B I 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class I 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D I 3.400E-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,4,10)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E I 9. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{l, 5, 10)

AIRT. for wind speed class and stability class F I 2. 4 OOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 10)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A I 4.400E-04 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B I 6.900E-04 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ""(2,2,10)

  • AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C I 9.500E-04 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 101 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D I 6. 390E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E I 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and .stability class F j* 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 10)

I AIRT Joint Fretjuency in SSW Sector I AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class A I 2. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, l, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B I 3. 700E-04 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C I 2. 700E-0-1 I). OOOE>OO DFREQ(3, 3, 10)

AIR'r for wind speed class and stability class D I l .130E-03 0. OOOE+DO DFP.EQ(3, 4, 10) i\IRT for wind speed class and stabi.lity class E I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 10)

AIR'l' fo:r: wind speed class and stability class F I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,6,10)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,1,10).

AIRT for wind speed class 4 a!1d stability class B I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,2,10)

AIR'J' for wind speed class 4 and stabi.lity class C I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO D!'REQ(4, 3, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,4,10)

ATR1' for wind speed class and stability class E I O.OOOE+OO O.OOOEtOO DFREQ{4., 5, 10}

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class F I 0. OOOE:.+00 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 10) 17 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Ve:rsion 3.1 T'1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 18 Pai:ent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROE' Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Input Default computed Na rile AIRT Joint Frequency in SS'i1 Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Dl'REQ (5, 1, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,2,10)

AIRT for wind spee:d class 5 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,3,10)

AIRT for wind spee:d class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 4,10)

AIRT for wind spee:d class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. 000£+00 DFREQ{S, 5, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 6, 10)

AIRT Joint E'requency in SSW Sect.or AIRT for wind speed cl.ass and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 1, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,2,10)

AIRT fox: wind speed class 6 and stability class C_ 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DfREQ(6, 5, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability cl.; F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6 1 10)

AIRT Joint Frequency in S~"! Sector AIRT for: wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, l, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 1. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 111 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 2. 230E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ ( 1, 4, 11}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 7. aooE-04 o. OOOE+OO DE'R.EQ(l, 5, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 4. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQCl, 6, 11)

AIRT Joint Frequency iri SW Secto:r AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 3. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 11)

AIR~ for wind speed class and stability class E 5. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO. DE'REQ(.2., ~. 11)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class C 8. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OD DfREQ(2, 3, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 4. 160E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 2. ZOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO_ DFREQ(2, 6, 11)

AIRT Joint Frequency in SN Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(3,2,11)

AIRT fo:r wind speed class and stability class C 2. 700E-04 I). OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 7. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFP..EQ(3, 4 1 11)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,5, 11)

AIR1' for wind speed class and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(3, ., 11)

AIRT Joint Frequency in SW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, l, ll)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ£4,2,~1)

AIRT for wind spe<2d class 4 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DfREQ(4,3,ll)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO DFREQ14,4,ll)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stdbility class E 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5,ll)

AIRT for wind spe~d class 4 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DfREQC4, G, 11) 18 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tl-1 Limit c. 30 \days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 19 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Paramete:r:

Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in -?i*l Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class A I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,l,ll)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class B I O.OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC5,2,ll)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class C I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQCS,3,11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(.5, q,11)

AIRT for wind .-::peed class 5 and stability class E I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{S,5, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6, 11)

I AIRT Joint frequency in SW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A I O.OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, l, l l l AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,2,11).

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3, 11)

AIRT ] for wind spe~d class 6 and stabil.ity class D I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 11)

AIRT I for wind speed class 6 and stability cl.ass E I O.OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 5, 11)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F I 0. OIJOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6, 11.)

I I AIRT I Joint Frequency in WSW Sector I AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class A I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 12)

AIRT I for l'lind speed class 1 and stability class B I 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 12)

AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class C I 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 121 AIRT ] for wind speed class 1 and stability class D I 2. 200E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 12)

AIRT ] for wind speed class and stability class E I 1. 320E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 12)

AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class F I 4. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 121 I I AIRT [ J6int F:r:equency in WSW Sector I AIRT I for wind speed class and stability cldss A I 2. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 12)

AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class E I 3;200E-04 0. OOOE+o*o DFREQ(2, 2, 12)

AIRT I for wind speed class ap.d scability class C I 4.400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 12)

AIRT I for wind speed class 2 and stability class D I 3.480E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, *l, 12)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class E I 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 12)

AIRT I . for wind speed class 2 and stability class F I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 6, 12)

I I AIRT I Joint Frequency in WSW Sector I AIRT J for wind speed class 3 and stability class A I 2. 91JOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 12)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class B I 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 12)

AIRT I for. wind speed class and stability class C I 1. SIJOE-04 I). OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 121 AIRT \ for wind speed class '3 and stability class D I 2.860E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 12)

AIRT \ for wind speed class and stability class E I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 12)

AIRT J fo:r: wind speed class 3 and stability class F I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 12)

I I AIRT I Joint Frequency in WSW Sector r I AIRT l for wind speed class 4 and stability class A I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, l, 12)

AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class B I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC4, 2, 12)

AIRT J for wind spe<:d class 4 and stability class C I 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 3, 12)

AIRT I* for wind speed class 4 and stability D I 2. OOOE-04 D. OOOE+OO DFREQC4,4,12)

AIRT J for wind speed class 4 and stability class E I 0. OOOE+OO D. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5, 12)

AIRT J for wind speed class 4 and stability class F I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC4, 6, 12) 19 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAO-OFFSITE, Version 3. l T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 20 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2,.1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed JW- Name AIRT Joint Frequency in WSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 1, 12)

AIRT for wind speed clas.c; and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Df"REQ(S,2 0 12)

AIRT for wind spee.d class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Df"REQ15, 3 0 121 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 4, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Dl'REQ(5, 5 0 121 AIRT for wind speed cla'.ss and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6, 12)

AI~T Joint F!:equency in WSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Dl'REQ(G, 1 0 12)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 2, 12)

AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3, 121

.AIRT fo:r wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{fi,5, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6 1 12)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in W Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l, 1, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DE'REQ(l, ~, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stabil,ity class C 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OQ I DE"REQ(l, 3, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 2. 520E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l, 4, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 2. 330E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(l, 5, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 1. 030E-03 0. OOOE+OO I Df"REQll. 6 0 131 I

AIRT Jol.nt Frequency in w Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO I OFREQ{l,1,13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 3. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(.2., 2, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class C 4. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DtREQ(2, 3, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 3. 940£-03 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(2, 4, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 3. 700£-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2. 5.13)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability clas~ F 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO Dl'REQ(2, 6 0 13)

AIRT Joint Frequency in W Sector AIRT fo:c wind speed class and stability. class A 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,1,131 AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class B 1. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (3, 2, 131 AIRT for. wind speed class and stability *class C 4. 90DE-04 IJ. OOOE+OO DFREQ (3, 3, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class D 3 .130E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(3. 4, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ(3,5, 13)

AIR'l' for wind speed class 3 and stability class 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(3. 6, 13)

AIRT Joint Frequency* in W Sector HRT for win!i speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4 0 l 0 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC4,2,13)

AIRT for wind speed 4 and stability class C 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl4,3,131 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(.,l, 4, 13)

AIR1' for wind spee.d class 4 and stability class *E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class F 0. OOOEt-00 0. OOOE+DO DFREQ(4, 6, 13) 20 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 TJ.:l Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 21 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : ARE.l\ 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Defa.ult computed Name AIRT \ Joint Frequency in W Sector AIRT \ for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ[S,1.131 AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ[5, 2, 131 A!RT I for wind speed class 5 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ[5,3,131

/1._IRT I for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 4 0 131 AIRT I for wind speed class 5 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO .DE'REQ(S,5,13)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ[S, 6, 131 I

AIRT I Joint frequency in W Sector AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1, 131 AIRT I for wind speed class 6 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 2, 13)

AIRT I for wind speed class 6 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO o. oooi;:+oo DFREQ(6,3,131 AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 131 AIRT I for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOl)E+DO DFREQ(6,5,13)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(, 6, 131 I

AIRT I Joint Frequency in WNW Sector AIF.T J for wind speed class l and stability class A U. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 141 AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DfREQ(l,~,14)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class C 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,3,14)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class D 3. 430E-03 0. OOOE+90 DFREQ(l, 4, 14)

AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 2. 790E-03 0. OOOE+OO' DfREQ{l, 5, 14)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F 2. 350E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 14)

I AIRT j ,Joint Frequency in WNW SectOr AIRT J for wind spei::d class and stabilit::( class A 1. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DE"'REQ{2, 1, 14)

AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class B 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(:?., 2, 14)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class C 5. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DE"'REQ{2, 3, 14)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class D 7. 690E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 141

~l\IRT I for wind speed class and stability class E 1. 790E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2 0 5,141 AIRT I for wind speed class 2 and stability class F 3. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 141 AIRT I Joint Frequency in WNW Sector AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class A 1. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 141 AIRT I fol: wind speed class and stability class B 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 141 AIRT I for. wind speed class and stability class C 3. 41JOE-04 IJ. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 14)

A!RT J for. wind speed class 3 and stability class D 4. 950E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 14)

AIRT I for wind spe~d class and stability class E 1. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5 1 14)

AIRT I for wind speed class 3 and stability class F 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 141 I

AIRT I Joint Frequency in WNW Sector A.IRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 14) hlRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEt-00 DE'REQ(4,2,14)

AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class C O. OOOE+OO 0. 0008+00 DFREQ(4, 3, 14)

AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 5. OOOE-05 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 4, 14)

AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stnbllity class E 0. OOOEtOO O.OOOEtOO DFREQ ( 4, 5, 14) fli_IRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, G, 141 21of47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 22 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF.

Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in WNW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 5 and ~tabilit'/ class A 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 1, 14)

AIRT for wind speed clas.s and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 2, 14)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 3, 141 AIRT for wind speed. clas~ and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, q, 14) lURT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{S,5,14)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO. I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6, 14)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in WNW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, l, 14)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 2, 14)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(G,3,14)

AIP.T for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 14)

AIRT for win"d speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOEtOO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,5,14)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOEtOO I 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(6, 6, 14)

I AIRT Joint rrequency in m'l' Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOEtOO I 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(l, 1, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability.class B 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class C 1. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO OFREQ(l, 3, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 4. 680E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 6. 730E-03 D. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 5. 4 6DE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQCl, 6! 15)

AIRT Joint* Frequency in NW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class B 3. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQCZ, 2, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 9. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class D 1. Gl6E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ"(2, 4, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 1. 060E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 15)

AIRT for wind sp~ed class 2 and stability class F 1. 760E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (2, 6, 15)

AIRT Joint Frequency ih NW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 3 and st.ability class A 2.~00E-04 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,1,15)

AIP.T fo:t wind speed class and stability class B 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (3, 2, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class C 1.080E-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 15)

AIRT for; wind speed class 3 and stability class D 1. 709E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 4. 870E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 15)

AIR'r for wind speed class 3 and stability class E" 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 15)

AIRT Joint Frequency in NW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stabilit*y class B 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 2, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 3, 15}

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 2.. 790E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ ( 4, 4, 15)

AIRT for wind speed clas.s 4 and stability class E 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,5,15)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ!4, 6, 15) 22 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 ?age 23 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (contin.ued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default comput.ed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in HW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(S 0 l,15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,2, 15)

AIRT for wind spee:d class 5 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 3, 15)

AIRT for wind speE::d class and stability class D 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{S, q, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,5,15J

>.IRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 6, 15)

P..IRT Joint Frequency in NW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 2, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,3, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,5, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability F 0. O/JOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6 0 6,15)

AIRT Joint Frequency in NNW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A I 5. OOOE-05 o. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l 0 l, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B I 5. OOOE-Q5 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class C I 5. OOOE-05 Q _ OOOE+OO DFREQ(l 0 3, 16) l~IRT for wind speed class and stability class D I 4. 410E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E' \ 1. rnsE-02 o. oooE+oo DFREQ{l, 5, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class I 1. 741E-02 o. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6 0 16)


}>.!RT Joint F~equency in UN1i'J Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A I l . 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E I 4. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 2, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C I 9. 500E-04 o. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D I 1. 307E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2 0 4, 16)

AIRT for wind speed ciass and stability class E I 1. G94E-02 o. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2.* S.16)

AIRT for wind speed 9lass 2 and stability class F I 3. 330E-03.' I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (2, 6 0 16)

I I AIRT Joint Frequency in NNW Sector I I AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class A I 2. 400E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B I 9. SOOE-04 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3 0 2, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class c I 1. 030E-03 I I). OOOE+OO DfREQ(3, 3, 16)

AIRT for wind sPeed class 3 and stability class D I l . 951E-02 I 0. OOOE+OO DE'P.EQ(3, 4, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E I l.165E-02 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3 0 5, 16)

AIR'l' fo:r wind speed class and stability class f I 2. 400E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 16)

I I AIRT Joint frequency in NNW Sector I I AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability cl.ass A I 0. OOOE+OO I o. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,l,16)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ!4, 2, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C I 2. 200E-04 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 3, 16)

A!RT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D I 6. 610E-03 I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,4,16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability cL:iss E I 2.300E-03 I O.OOOEtOO DFREQ(4, 5, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class F I 0. OOOE+OO I 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 16) 23 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Versiop. 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13' 14 Page 24 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Param(:ter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint E'requency in NNW-1 Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{S, 1, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stdbilit.y class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,2,16)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class C 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 3, 16)

AIRT for wind spet:d class 5 and stability class D 7. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 4, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 2. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 5, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 6, 16)

AIRT Joint Frequency in NNW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, L l~)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B D. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 2, 16)

AIRT fat wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,3,16)

AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class D 7. OOOE-05 0. OODE+OO DE'REQ(6, 4, lS)

AIRT fin wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6,5, 16)

AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+DD 0. OOOE+OO DFPEQ(6,6, 16)

AIRT. Spacing of points used fol'. ar:eal integration, (m) 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol ATGRID GWTP. fractional accuracy desired - convergence criteria 1. OOOE-03 1. OOOE-03 EPS GWTR Distance from d/g edge of contamination to Well, (m) l-1. OOOE+OO 1. ODOE+02 OFFLPAQW GWTR Contamination to Well c/c distance normal to flow, ml-2. 798E-Ol O.OOOE+OO OFFLH~.QW GWTR Distance from dig edge of cz to surface water, (m)  !-2.166E+02 4.500E+02 OFFLPP.QS GWTR Contamination to near edge of swb, c/c normal to flow I -2. 91 7E+02 [-1. SOOE+D2 OFFL!!P.QSN GVITR Contamination to far edge of swb, c/c normal t6 flow!-2.412E+02 J l.500E+02 OE'FLHAQSF GWTR Number of main sub zones in primary contamination I NPCZ GYJTR Number of minor sub :;:ones in main PC sub <:On l" I Gt-ITR Number of main sub zones in each unsaturated stratum! 1 I NPSS GWTR Number of minor sub zones in last main UZ sub 1 I NPSSF GYITR Number of main sub zones in saturated sti:atum I NAQS GI'ITR Number of minor sub zones in last main SZ sub zone 1 J NAQSF GWTR Distribution coefficient and longitudinal dispersion I 1 I 1 = Nuclide specific distrubution coefficients in all subzones. Longitudina dispersion in all but the subzor1e of transformation.

GWTR Retardation factor flag for groundwater transport o I o I 0 = (total porosity + distribution coefficient*dry bulk density) I total porosity I

USZN Number of unsaturated zone strata I 1 NS USZN Unsat. zone 1, thickness (m) 2. OOOE+OO I 4. OOOE+OO Hill USZN Onsat. zone 1, soil density {g/cm.... .,..3) l . 700E+OO I l.500E+00 DENSUZ (1)

USZN Unsa t. zone 1, total' potosity 3. 600E-01 I 4. OOOE-01 TPUZ(l)

USZN Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 2. SOOE-01 I 2. OOOE-01 EPUZ (11 USZN Unsat. zone 1, field capacity 2.000E-01 I 3.000E-01 FCUZ (1)

USZN Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic c;onductivity (m/yr) l.400E+02 ] l.OOOE+Ol HCUZ ( 1)

USZN Unsat. zone 1, soil-specific b parameter l.400E+00 J S.300E+OO BUZ i l l

  • USZN Un sat. :::one 1, longitudinal dispersivity (m) l. OOOE-01 "J 1. OOOE-01 ALPHALU(l)

I SZNE Well pump intake dept:h (m below water table) 5.000E+OO l 1.000E+Ol DWIBWT SZNE Depth of aquifer contributing to surface water body 5.000E+OO I l.OOOE+Dl DPTHAQS\.>l SZNE Thickness of saturated {m) l. OOOE+02 I l. OOOE+02 DPT HAQ 24 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 25 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2. 1 !fIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Paramete:z:

Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name SZNE Density of saturated ;:one (g/cm*+3) 1. 700E+OO 1. SOOE+OO DENSAQ SUIE Saturated zone total porosity 3. 600E-Ol 4. OOOE-01 TPSZ SZNE Saturated zone effective porosity 2.. 500E-01 2. OOOE-01 EPSZ SZNE Saturated zone hyd:raulic conductivity (m/yr) 1. 400E+03 1. OOOE+02 HCSZ SZUE Saturated zone hydraulic gradient to well 3. OOOE-02 2. OOOE-02 HGW SZUE Satur. 2one hydraulic gradient to surface water bodyl 3.000E-02 2.000E-02 HGSN SZNE longitudinal dispersivity to well (m) 3. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO ALPHALOW SZHE longitudinal dispersivity to SWB (m} 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol ALPHALOSW SZNE lateral (horizontal) dispersivity to well (m) 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 ALPHATW SZNE lateral (horizontal) dispersi vity to SWB (m) 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO ALPH.\.TS'l SZNE lateral (vertical) dispersi vi ty to well (m) 2. OOOE-02 2. OOOE-02 ALPHAV1'1'1 SZNE lateral (vertical) dispersivity to SWB (m) 6. OOOE-02 6. OOOE-02 ALPHAVSY1 SZNE Irrigation rate over aquifer to well (m/yr) not used 0. OOOE+OO RIAQW SZNE Irrigation rate over aquifer to SWB (m/yr) not used O.OOOE+OO RIAQSW SZNE Evapotranspiration coefficient over aquifer to well not used 1. OOOE+OO EVAPTRAQW SZNE Evapotranspi ration coefficient over aquifer to SWB not used 1. OOOE+OO E.V11.PTR.i\QSW SZNE Runoff coefficient aquifer to well not used 1. OOOE+OO RUNOFFAQW SZNE Runoff coefficient ove-r aquifer to SWB ~ot used 1. OOOE+OO RUNOFFAQSN SZNE Concentration of mobile colloids in the aquifer 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO CCOL SZNE Water - Soil Distribution coefficient of colloids 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Kl Col SZNE Water - Mobile Colloids Distribution coefficient 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO K3Col WTRU Drinking water intake (L/yr} not used 5.100E+02 DWI WTRU Fraction of drinking water from surface water not used 0. OOOE+OO FSWD VITRU Fraction of driilking water from well water not used 1. OOOE+OO FW\\!'D WTRU Fraction of household water £ram surface water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWHH 1iITRU Fraction of household water from well water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FW";\THH trITRU Livestock water intake for meat 1 (L/day) 5. OOOE+Ol 5. OODE+Ol LNI(l)

WTRU Fraction of livestock water 1 from surface water 1. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWLV{l) trITRU Fraction of livestock water 1 from well water 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FWWLV{l) 1iITRU Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1 .. 600E+02 L\"lI (2)

WTRU Fraction of dairy cm., water from surface water not used 0. OOOE+OO FSWLV(2)

WTRU Fraction of dairy cow water from well water not used 1. OOOE+OO Fi"JWLV{2) yqTRU Irrigation rate in Agricultural Area l {m/yr) 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RIRRIG (1)

WTRU Fraction of ir:r::igation water 1 from surface water 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWIR(l)

V7TRU Fraction of irrigation wat:er 1 from well water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FWWIR(l)

!f7TRU Irrigation rate in Agricultural Area 2 {m/yrJ 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RIRRIG (2}

VITRU Fraction of irrigation water 2 from surface wat-;r 0. OOOE+OO D. OOOE+DO FSOiIRl2)

WTRU Fraction of irrigation water 2 from well .water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FWWIR(2)

WTRU Irrigation rate in Jl.g~icultural Area 3 {m/yr} 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RIP.RIG (3)

!fITRU Fraction of irrigation water 3 f:r::om surface water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWIR(3)

WTRU Fraction of irrigation wat_:-r 3 from well water 1. QOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO E'"~~HR(3)

VITRO Irrigation rate in Agricultural Area 4 (m/yr) 0. QOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RIRRIG {4)

~ITRU Fraction of irrigation water 4 from surface water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWIR(4) lfITRU Fraction of irrigation water 4 from well water 1. 0008+00 1. OOOE+DO E'"WWIR{4)

~ITRU Irrigation rate in dwelling site (m/yr) 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-0 l RIRP. IGDWELL

~rrRU Fraction of ir~igation water from surface water 0. OOOE*OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWIRDTIBLL 25 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESJ;tAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 26 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parametei:

Menu Parameter *rnput Default computed Name VITRO Fraction of irrigation water from well water 1. OOOE+OO I 1. OOQE+OO FWWIRDWELL WI'RTJ Well pumping rate (m*"'3/yr) 0. OODE+OO I 5 .100E+03 uw I

SWBY Sediment delivery ratio 1. OOOE+OO I 1. DOOE+OO SOR SWBY Volume of surface water body 1. 670E+04 I 1. 500E+05 VLAKE SWBY Mean residence time of water in surface water body 1. DOOE+OO I 1. OOOE+OO TLAKE SWBY Surface area of water in surface water body 1. 670E+04 I 9. OOOE+04 ALA KE

.I INGE Fish consumption {kg/yr) not used J 5. 400£+00 DFI {11 INGE Fraction of Fish from affected area not used .1 5. OOOE-01 FFISH(l)

INGE Other Aquatic food consumption (kg/yr) not used 9. OOOE-01 DFI {21 INGE Fraction of Aquat:ic food from affected area not used 5. OOOE-01 FFISH (21 INGE Non-Leafy vegetables consump.~ion {kg/yr) not used 1. 600E+02 DVI (11 INGE Fraction of vegetable 1 from affected area not used 5. OOOE-01 FVEG Ill INGE Leafy vegetable consumption {kg/yr) not used 1. 400E+Ol DVI 121 INGE Fraction of vegetable 2 from affected not used 5. OOOE-01 FVEG {21 INGE Meat 1 consumption (kg/yr) 6. SOOE-t-01 6. 300E+Ol DMI {11 IIJGE Fraction of meat !from affected 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FMEMI (11 INGE Milk consumption CL/yr) not used 9.200E+Ol DMI {21 INGE Fract:i.on of milk fi:"om affected area not used 1. OOOE+OO FMEMI (2)

INGE Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 1. 830E+Ol 3. 650E+Ol SOIL

  • VEGE Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leafy Ckg/in**2) not used  ?.OOOE-01 YIELD {11 VEGE Growing Season for Non-Leafy (years} not used 1. 700E-01 GROl*lTIME {11 "VEGE Translocation Factor fo:r *Non-Leafy not use:d l.OOOE-01 FOLI_F(l)

VEGE Weathei:ing Removal Constant fo:r Non-Leafy not used 2.000E+Ol RWEATHER {1 I VEGE Foliar Interception Fraction for dust Non-Leafy not used 2. SOOE-01 FINTCEPT (1, 1*)

VEGE Foliar Intercept-n Fract-n fo:r irrigation Non-Leafy not used 2.SOOE-01 FIUTCEPT {1, 2 l

\lEGE Depth of roots for Non-Lea.fy (m) not used 1. 200E+00 DROOT {l)

VEGE ~iet weight crop yield for Leafy {kg/m**2} not used 1. 500E+DO YIELD {2)

VEGE Gi:owing Season for Leafy (yea~s> not used 2. SOOE-01 GROl><"TIME (2)

VEGE Translocation Factor for Leafy not used 1. OOOE+OO FOLI_Fl21 VEGE Weathering Removal Constant for Leafy not used 2. OOOE+Ol RNEATHER(21 VEGE Foliar: Interception Fraction for dust Leafy not used 2. SOOE-01 FINTCEPT {2, 11 VEGE Foliar Intercept-n Fract-n for irrigation Leafy not used 2. SOOE-01 FillTCEPT {2, 21 VE:GE Depth of roots for Leafy (ml not used  ?. OOOE-01 DROOT(21 VEGE Wet weight crop yield for Pasture {kg/m**2} 1. lOOE+OO l. lOOE+OO YIELD(3)

VEGE Growing Season for Pasture (years) 8. ODOE-02 8. OOOE-02 GROWTHm(3)

VEGE Translocation Factor for Pasture 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FOLI_F (31 VEGE Weathering Removal Constant for Pasture 1. SOOE+Ol 2. OOOE+Ol RWEATHER (3)

VEGE Foliar Interception Fraction for dust Pasture 2. SOOE-01 2. SOOE-01 FINTCEPT ( 3, 1}

VEGE Foliar Intercept-n Fract-n for irrigation Pasture 2. SOOE-01 2. SOOE-01 FINTCEPT (3,2)

VEGE Depth of roots for Pasture {ml 9.000E-01 9.000E-01 DROOT {31 VEGE Wet weight crop yield for Grain (kg/m"*2) 7.000E-0.l 7.000E-01 YIELDl41 VEGE Growing Season for Grain {years) 1. 700E-Ol 1. 700E-01 GROl*lT IME 14 I VEGE Translocation Factor for Grain 1. OOOE-01 1. OOOE-01 FOLI F(4)

VEGE Weathering Ri;moval Constant fo.r: Grain 1. 800£+01 2. OOOE+Ol RWEATHER ( 4) 26 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 27 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE 'Default Parameters File  : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name VEGE Foliar Interception Fraction for dust Grain 2. 500E-01 2. SOOE-01 I FINTCEPT ( 4, l I VEGE Foliar Intercept-n Fract-n for irrigation Grain 2. SOOE-01 2. SOOE-01 I FINTCEPT (4,2)

VEGE Depth of :r:o.ots for Grain (m) 9. OOOE-01 1. 200E+OO I DROOT(4)

I LINT Feed 1 intake by livestock 1 (kg/day) 2. 250E+OO 1. 400E+Ol I LFI(l,1)

Lit!T Soil intake with feed 1 by livestock 1 (kg/day) 5. OOOE-01 1. OOOE-01 I LSI {1, 1}

LINT Feed 1 intake by dairy cow (kg/day) not used 4. 400E+Ol I LFI(2,l)

LIUT Soil with feed 1 by dairy cow {kg/day) not used 4. OOOE-01 I LSI (2, l)

LINT Feed 2 intake by livestock 1 {kg/day) 0. OOOE+OO s. 400£+01 I LFI(l,21 LINT Soil intal:e with feed 2 by livestock 1 (J.::g/day) 0. OOOE+OO 4.000E-01 I LSI(l,2)

LINT Feed 2 intake by dairy cow (kg/day} not used 1. 100£+01 1* LFI (2, 2)

LINT Soil im:ake with feed 2 by dairy cow (kg/day) not used 1. OOOE-0 l I LSI 12, 2)

I INHE Inhalation rate (mt-*3/yr) 8. 400Et03 e. 400E+oJ I INHALR HIRE Mass loading above primary contamination {g/m**3) 1. 480E-05 1. OOOE-04 I MLFD INHE Mass loading for inhalation (g/m**3) 1. 480E-05 1. OOOE-04 I ML I NH UTHE Indoor dust filtration factor, inhalation 1. OOOE+OO 4. OOOE-01 I SHF3 INHE Shielding factor, external gamma 2. 730E-01 7. OOOE-01 I SH Fl INHE Shape factor flag, external gamma l-1. OOOE+OO l.OOOE+OO noncircularl FS SEXT Onsite shape factor array (used if non-circular):

SEXT Radii of shape factor array {used if non-circular}:

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: 5. OOOE-01 6. OOOE+OO RAD_SHAPEI 11 SEXT Outer anntllar radius (ml, ring 2: 1. OOOE:+OO 1. 200£+01 RAD_SHAPEI 2)

SEXT Outer annular radius {m), ring 3: 1. SDOE+OO 1. SOOE+-01 RAD_SHAPEI 3)

SEXT Outer ailnular radius {ml, ring 4: 2.000E+OO 2.4.00E+bl RAD_SHAPE ( 4)

SEX'l' Outer annular radius (m) , ring 5: 2. 500E+OO 3. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPEI 5i SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 6: 3. OOOE+OO 3. 600E+Ol RAD_SHAPE( 6)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 7: 3.SOOE+OO 4.200E+Ol RAD_SHAPE( 71 SEXT 01Jter annular radius {m}, ring 8: 4. OOOE:+OO 4. 800Et01 RAD_SHAPE( 81 SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring, 9: 4. SOOE+OO 5. 4-00E+Ol RAD_SHAPEI 9)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 10: 5. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(10)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 11: 5.50DE+OO 6.500E+Ol RAD_SHAPE {11)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 12: 6. OOOE+OO 7. 200£+01 RAD_SHAPE(l2) 27 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 28 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete:rs File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Pararrieter Input Default computed Name SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA:



SEXT Ring 9. OOOE-01 1. OOOE+OO FRACA( 3)


SEXT Ring 4. 600E-01 1. OOOE+OO FRACA( 5)

SEXT Ring 5. 600E-01 1. OOOE+OO FRACA ( 6)

SEXT Ring 7 4. 800E-01 1. OOOE:+OO FRACA ( 7)

SEXT Ring 6. 200E-01 1. OOOE+OO FRACA( 8}

SEXT Ring l .200E-01 7. 700E-Ol FRACAf 9)

SEXT Ring 10 5. 400E-02 3. 700E-01 FRACA(lO}

SEXT Ring 11 0. OOOE+OO 1. 700E-01 FRACA{lll SEXT Ring 12 0. OOOE+OO 3. lOOE-02 FRACA(l2)

SEXT Shape factor array from offsite dwelling:

SEXT Radii of shape factor array {used if non-circula:::.-) :

SEXT Outer annular radius (ml , ring 13: 7. SOOE-01 1. 325E+Dl RAD_SHAPE(13)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 14: 1. 500E+OO 2. 650E+01 R.~D_SHAPE(l4)

SEXT Outer annular radius (ml, ring 15: 2. 250E+OO 3. 975E+Ol RAD_SHAPE(l5)

SEXT Outer annular radius (~), ring 16: 3. OOOE+OO 5. 300E+Ol RAD_SHAPE{l6)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 17: 3. 750E+OO 6.625E+Ol RAD_SHAPE(17)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring lB: 4. SOOE+OO 7. 950E+Ol PJID_SHAPE (18)

SEXT Outer annular *radius (m}, ring 19: 5. 250E+OO 9. 275E+Ol RAD_SHA~E{l9)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), rln9 20: 6. OOOE+OO 1. 060E+02 RAD_SHAPE(20)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 21: 6. 750E+OO 1. l 93E+02 RAO_SHAPE(21)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 22: 7. 500E+OO 1. 325E+02 RAD_3HAPE{22)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 23: 8. 250E+OO 1. 458E+02 RAD_SHAPE (23)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 24: 9. OOOE+OO 1. 5 90E+02 RAD_SHAPE(24)

SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

SEXT Ring 13 5. OOOE-01 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(13)

SEXT Ring 14 8. OOOE-01 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(14}

SEXT R~ng 15 5. OOOE-01 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(l5)

SEXT Ring 16 3.900E-01 2.400E-02 FRAO_(l6}

SEXT Ring 17 3. 60DE-01 1. 900E-01 FRACAtl7}

SEXT Ring 18 1. 300E-01 2. 400E-Ol FRACA(18)

SEXT Ring 19 4. 200E-Ol 2. OOOE-01 FRACA(l9)

SEXT Ring 20 1. BOOE-01 1. 700E-Ol FRACA(20)

SEXT Ring 21 8. lOOE-02 1. SOOE-01 FRACA(21)

SEXT Ring 22 2. 400E-02 1. 300E-01 FRACA (22)

SEXT Ring 23 0. OOOE+OO 1. 200E-Ol F.RACA(23)

SEXT Ring 24 0. OOOE+OO 5. 200E-02 FRACA(24) 28 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RE:SRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 T'1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13' 14 Page 29 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

I User RES RAD Parameter Menu. I Parameter Input Default computed Name SEXT Shape factor array from offsite area 1:

SEXT Radii of shape factor ar.ray {used if non-circulaL):

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 25: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE {25)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring* 26: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(26)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 27: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPEl27)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 28: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE{28)

SEXT Outer annular radius (rn), ring 29: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(29)

SEXT Outer annular x:adius (m}, ring 30: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE{30)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 31: 1. OOOE+Ol 1 ."OODE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(31)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 32: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE (32)

SEXT Outer annular radius {m), ring 33: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+O 1 RAD_SIIAPE(33)

SEXT Outer annular radius (ml, ring 34: l. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPEl34)

SEXT Outer annular radius {ml, ring 35: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RF.D_SHAPE(35)

SEXT Outer annular radius (ml, ring 36: 1. OOOE+Ol l. OOOE+O l RAD_SHAPE(36)

SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

SEXT Ring 25 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(25)

SEXT Ring 26 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(26)

SEXT Ring 27 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACAl27)

SEXT Ring 28 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE+OO FRACAl28)

SEXT Ring 29 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO. FRACA(29)

SEXT Ring 30 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(30)

SEXT Ring 31 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(31)

SEXT Ring 32 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACAl32)

  • sEXT Ring 33 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA (33 i SEXT Ring 34 0. OOOE+OO a*. OOOE+OO FRACA(341 SEXT Ring 35 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA (35)

SEXT Ring 36 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(36)

SEXT Shape factor array from off site area 2:

SEXT Radii of shape factor array (used if non-circular):

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 37: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE{37)

SEXT Oute~ annular radius (m}, ring 38: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE (38)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 39: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(39)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 40: 1 ~ OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPEl40)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 41: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE (41)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 42: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(42)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 43: l. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RM_SHAPE(43)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 44: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol R.'ID_SHAPE(44)

SEXT Outer annular radius (ml, ring 45: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(45)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 46: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(46)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 47: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RJl.D_SHAPE(47)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 48: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol R.'ID_SHAPE(48) 29 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1.

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T'1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 30 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : ll....~A 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Site-Speciffc Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default ccimputed Name SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

SEXT Ring 37 .0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRAC.i\(37)

SEXT Ring 38 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO FRAC.i\(38)

SEXT Ring 39 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(39}

SEXT Ring 40 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(40)

SEXT Ring 41 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(41}

SEXT Ring 42 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(42}

SEXT Ring 43 0. OOOE+OO 0. DODE+OO FRACAl43)

SEXT Ring 44 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACAl44 I SEXT Ring 45 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA{45}

SEXT Ring 46 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FP.ACA(46)


SEXT Ring 48 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(48)

SEXT Shape factor array from off site area 3:

SEXT Radii of shape factor array (used if non-circular) :

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 49: l. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol R.~D_SHAPE(49)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 50: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_ SH,\PE ( 50 l SEXT Out et annular radius (m), ring 51: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol R.~D_SHAPE(Sl)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring S")

  • l. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol R.~D_SHAPE(52)

SEXT Oute:c: annular radius (m) , ring 53: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol R.~D_SHAPE(53)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m) , ring 54: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol R..;.D_SHAPE{54)

SEXT Outer annular radi1:Js (m), ring 55: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(55)

SEXT Cuter annular radius (m), ring 56: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE{56)

SEXT Oute:c annular radius (rn), ring 57: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE (57)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 58: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE (58)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 59: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(59)

SEXT Outei: annular radius (ml , ring 60: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol I<AD _SHAPE ( 60)

SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

SEXT Ring 49 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(49}

SEXT Ring 50 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA{50)

SEXT Ring 51 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(51)

SEXT Ring 52 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACJ<~(52)

SEXT Ring 53 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRA.CA(53}

SEXT Ring 54 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(5~)

SEXT Ring 55 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(55}

SEXT Ring 56 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA {56)

SEXT Rin9 51 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(57)

SEXT Ring sa 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(58)

SEX'l' Ring 59 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(59)

SEXT Ring 60 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(60)


30 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016

  • 13'14 Page 31 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete:rs File  : AREA 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued}

User I RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input . I Default computed Name SEXT Shape factor array from off site area 4:

SEXT Radii of shape factor array {used if non-circular) :

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE ( 61)

SEXT Outer annul,:i.r radius (ml, ring 62: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_ SHAl?E: { 62)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 63: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_ SHAPE\ 63)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 64: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol. RAD_SHAPE ( 04)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 65: 1. OODE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol R.lli.D _ SH.?..PE ( 65)

SEXT Outer artnular radius (ml, ring 66: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(56)

SEXT annular radius (m), ring 67: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE (67")

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 68: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SH.'\PE(68)

SE:XT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 69: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OODE+Ol RAD_SHAPE ( 69)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 70: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+O l RAD_SHAPE (70)

SEXT Outer annular radius {ml, ring 71: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(71)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 72: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(72)

SEXT Fractions of annular areas within J>..REA: I SEXT Ring 61 a. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I FRACA(61)

SEXT Ring 62 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I FRACA(62}


SEXT Ring 64 a. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I FRACA(64)

SEXT Ring 65 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I FRACA(65)


SEXT Ring 67 0. OOOE+OO 0. DOOE+OO I FRACA(57)

SEXT Ring 68 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE >00 I FRACA(68)

SEXT Ring 69 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I FRACAi59l SEXT Ring 70 0. OOOE+DO 0. OOOE+OO I FRACA(70)


I occu Fraction of time spent indoors on contaminated site 0. OOOE+OO 0. DOOE+OO I FIND occu Fraction of tirne spent outdoors on contaminated site] l .142E-02 0. OOOE+OO I FOTO occu Fraction cf time spent indoors in Offsite Dwelling O *. OODE+OD 5. ODOE-01 1 FIHDDWELL occu Fraction of time spent outdoors in Offsite Dwelling O.OODE+OO 1. OOOE-01 I FOTDDWELL occu Fraction of time spent outdoors in agri. O. oo*oE+OO 1. OOOE-01 I *occuP1mcY(ll occu Fraction of time spent outdoors in agri. area 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-01 I OCCUPANCY { 2) occu Fraction of time spent outdoors in agri. area 0. OOOE+OO 1. QOOE-01 I .occoPAllCY (3) occu Fraction of time spent ontdoo:rs in agri. area 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-01  !' OCCUPANCY ( 4)

I RADN Diffusion coefficient for radon gas (m/sec}: I RADN in ~over material not used 2. OOOE-06 I DIFCV RADN in contaminated zone soil not used 2. OOOE-06 I DIFCZ RADN in fruit, grain and non-leafy vegetable field not used 2. OOOE-06 I DIFOS(l)

RADN in leafy vegetable field not used 2. OOOE-06 I DIFOS (2)

RADN in pature not used 2. OOOE-06 I DIFOS 13)

RADN in live.stock grain field not used 2. OOOE-06 I DIFOS(4)

RADN in offsite dwi:lling site not used 2. OOOE-06 I DIFOS (5)

PADN in foundation material not used 3. OOOE-07 I DIFFI.

PADN Thickness of building foundation (m) not used 1. SOOE-01 I FLOORl 31of47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T'1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 32 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete:rs File  : F.REA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu l?arameter Input Default computed Name RADN Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm**3) not used 2. 400E+OO DENS FL RADN Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1. OOOE-01 TPFL RADN Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3. OOOE-02 PH20FL RADN Building depth below ground surface (m} not used l-1. OOOE+OO DMFL BADN Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m} not used 2. OOOE+OO HMIX RJ!..DN Height of the building (room) (m} not used 2. SOOE+OO HRM RADN Average building air exchange rate {l/hr) not used 5. OCOE-01 REXG RADN Building interior area factor not used 0. OOOE+OO FAI AADN Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2. SOOE-01 EMANA(l)

RADN Emanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1. SOOE-01 EMANA(2)

Cl4 C-14 evasion layer thickness in soil (m) not used 3. OOOE-01 DMC Cl4 Vertical dimension of mixing for vegetation. (m} not used 1. 0001!:+00 HM I XV Cl4 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (l/sec) not used 7. OOOE-07 C14EVSN C14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (1/sec) not used 1. OOOE-10 C12EVSll C14 E'raction of vegetation carbon from ail:: not used 9.BODE-01 CAIR C14 E'raction of vegetation carbon from soil not used

  • 2. OOOE-02 CSOIL Cl2 C-12 concentration in the atmosphere {g/m**3) not used 1. SOOE-01 C12AIR C12 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3. OOOE-02 C12CZ C12 C-12 conceritration in water {g/cm" *3) not used 2. OOOE-05 Cl2WTR C12 C-12 concentration in.meat 1 (g/g) not used 2.400E-Ol Cl2MEAT_MILK (1)

C12 C-12 concentration in milk (g/g) not used 7. OOOE-02 Cl2MEAT_MILK(2)

Cl2 C-12 concentration in vegetabl:: 1 (g/g} not used 4.000E-01 Cl2PLANT (ll Cl2 C-12 donc.;;intration in vegetable 2 {g/g) not used 9. OOOE-02 Cl2PLANT (2)

Cl2 C-12 concentration in livestock feed 1 {g/g) not usE:d 9. OOOE-02 C12PLANT (3)

Cl~ C-12 concentration in livestock feed (g/g) not used 4. OOOE-01 C12PLANT (4)

H3 Humidity in air (g/cm**3) not used 8. OOOE+OO HUMID H3 Mass fraction of water in meat 1 (g/g) not used 6. OOOE-01 H20MEAT _MILK {l)

H3 Mass fraction of water. in milk {g/g) not used a. SOOE-01 H20!1EAT_MILK (2)

H3 Mass fraction of water in vegetable 1 {g/g) not used 8. OOOE-01 H20PLANT (ll H3 Hass fraction of water in vegetable {g/g} not used a. OOOE-01 H20PLANT (21 H3 Mass fraction of water in livestock feed {g/g) not used a. OOOE-01 H20PLANT ( 3 l.

H3 Ma*ss fraction of water in livestock feed (g/g) not used e. OOOE-01 H20PLAllT (4) 32 of 47


I Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 14 Page 33 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection ezternal gamma active inhalation (w/o radon) I active 3 -- plant ing~stion suppressed 4 -- meat ingestion active 5 -- milk ingestion suppressed aquatic foods suppressed drinking water suppressed 8 -- soil ingestion active 9 -- radon suppressed 33 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Ve:rsion 3 .1 T~ Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 34 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default. Parameters File  : AREA 2.1 HIKER.ROF Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g Area: 42. 00 square meters Cs-137 1. 940E-01 Thickness: 1. 00 mete.ts Sr-90 1. 261E+OD Cover: Depth: 0. 00 meters Total Dose TDOSE(t), mrem/yr Basic Rad.iation Dose Limit= 2.500£+01 rnrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M{t) = Fraction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time (t) t {years}: O.OOOE+OO l.OOOE+OO 3.000E+OO 6.000E+OO l.200E+Ol 3.000E+Ol 7.500E+Ol ~.750E+02 4.200E+02 9.700E+02 TDOSE (t): 4. 804E-03 4. 633E-03 4. 451E-03 4 .126E-03 3 .SSOE-03 2. 276E-03 7. 702E-04 7 .188E-05 2. lBIE-07 4. 904E-13 M (tl : 1. 9~2E-04 L873E-04 1. 781E-04 1. 650E-04 1. 420E-04 9.106E-05 3 .081E-05 2. 975E-06 9. 749E-09 1. 962£-14 Maximum TDOSE (t): 4. 804E-03 m.rem/y.r: at t 0 years 34 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T\1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 35 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t "" 0 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Vlatez:

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dos.a Dose Dose Dose Cs-i37 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 67E-08 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Sr-90 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO a. 73E-os 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0.00E+OO 1. 04E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individua*l Radionuc*lides ( i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 0 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Seil All Pathways" Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 4. 50£-03 94 B.21E-10 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 6.31£-06 0. OOE+OO 8.41E-08 4. SlE-03 94 Sr-90 2. OBE-04 2 .16E-07 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO B.64£-05 0. OOE+OO 1. 65£-06 2. 9GE-04

== == == == == ==

Total 4. 71£-03 98 2. l 7E-07 O. OOE+OO 0.00E+OO 9.47E-05 0. OOE+OO 1. 73E-06 4. SOE-03 100

  • Sum of dose from all r"eleases and from primary contamination.

35 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFS!TE, Version 3 .1 T'-2 Linlit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 36 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : ll.RE.~ 2. 1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Coritributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 1 years E'rom releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dos..: Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0 O.OOE+OO 3. 68E-08 0 .OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO o*. OOE+OO Sr-90 0. ODE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 1. SOE-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO

~= == == == = == == ~~~==

Total 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. 26E-07 O.OOE+OO 0.00E+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dos.a at t = 1 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere {Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil 1'.11 Pathways"'

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 4.39E-03 94 8.02E-10 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO S.llE-06 0 O.OOE+OO 8.21E-08 4.40E-03 94 Sr-90 1. 97E-04. 2. 04E-07 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO B .19E-05 0. OOE+OO l.56E-06 2. 81E-04 Total 4. 59E-03 98 2. 05E-07 0. OOE+OO o. OOE+oo* *9. OlE-05 O.OOE+OO 1. 64E-06 4. 68E-03 100

"'Sum of dose fi:om all releases aild from primary contamination.

36 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 l I RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T\1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13,14 Page 3'?

Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 3 years From releases to ground water a"nd *to surface watet' Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs.-137 . O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4. 55E-08 0 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Sr-90 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0.00E+OO 2. 23E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO 0.00E+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. 68E-07 0 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 3 years*

Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation ex.eludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Mil~: Soil All Pathways,..

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 4.19E-03 94 7.65E-10 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 7.74E-06 0 O.OOE+OO 7. 64E-08 4. 20E-03 9*1 Sr-90 1. 77E-04 1. 84E-07 O. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 7. 36E-05 2 0. OOE+OO l.40E-06 0 2.52E-04 Total 4 .37E-03 98 1.84E-07 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 8. 13E-05 0. OOE+OO 1. 48E-06 4. 45E-03 100

  • Sum of dose from all releases and from primary Contamination.

37 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 38 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : ll~REA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p}

in mrem/yr and as a .Percentage of Total Dose at t = 6 years E"rom releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-

' Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 O.OOE+OO 0 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O. OOE+OO 4. 3BE-08 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Sr-90 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Q. OOE+OO 1. 97E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+DO 0. DOE+ DO Total 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. 41E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mr:em/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 6 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere {Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways"'

Radio-nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose .% Dose Cs-137 3.90E-03 95 7.13E-10 0 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0

  • Sum of dose from all releases and from primary contamination.

38 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 *T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 39 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Pe:rcentage of Total Dose at t = 12 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk ~oil Water:

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 O.OOE+OO 0. O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 3. 81E-OS 0 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Sr-90 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO I. 4 3E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO .0 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO  !. 8 lE-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDO.SE(i,p,t) fo:r Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 12 years Directly from primai:y contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation excludes i:adon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Hl Pathways+-

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 3.39E-03 95 6. lBE-10 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 6.25E-06 0. OOE+OO 6. 33E-OB 3. 39E-03 96 Sr-90 l.09E-04 l.13E-07 0 0. OOE+,00 0. OOE+OO 4.54E-05 0. OOE+OO B.64E-Oi 1. 56E-04

== ~-==== == == ===~= ==

Total 3. SOE-03 99 l.14E-07 O. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5 .16E-05" 0. OOE+OO 9. 28E-07 3 .55E-03 100 "Sum of doSe from all releases and from primary contamination.

39 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE. Version 3 .1 T\i Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 40.

Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : }\REA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Fathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 30 yea:rs From releases to ground water and to surface Water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil \'later Radio-Nuclide Dose. Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2.49E-08 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. 00.E+OO Sr-90 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 5. 44E-08 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 7. 93E-08 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE:+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides ( i} and Fathways {p) in rn:rem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 30 year:s Directly from prima:ry contamination and from release to atmosphere {Inhalation ex:cludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways~

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 2.21E-03 97 4. 04E-10 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4.09E-06 0. OOE+OO 4 .14E-OS 2. 22£-03 97 Sr-90 4. lSE-05 4. 31E-08 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 73E-05 0. OOE+OO 3.23E-07 5. 92E-05

===~= ~

== == == == =

Total 2. 2SE-03 99 4. 35E-OS 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2 .14E-05 0. OOE+OO 3. 70E-07 2. 28£-03 100

  • Sum of dose from. all releases and from pi:im:J.ry con famina ti on.

40 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tl1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 41 Par'ent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : Ji..REA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclidss {il and Pathways {p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 75 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water:

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOEtOO 0. OOE+OO B.5BE-09 0 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. 00£+00 Sr-90 0.00E+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 4.86E-09 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 34E-08 0 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE ( i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides { i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 75 years Dire:ctly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere {Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways+

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 7. 63E-04 99 1. 39E-10 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO l.41E-06 0 O.OOE+OO 1. 4 3E-08 1. 65E-04 99 Sr-90 3. 71E-06 3. 85E-09 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 54E-00 0 0. OOE+OO 2. 93E-08 5.29E-06 Total 7.67E-04 100 3.98E-09 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2.95£-06 0. OOE+OO 4.36£-08 7. 70E-04 100 "Surri of dose from a11 releases and from primary Contamination.


Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T~ Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 42 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i ). and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 175 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. DDE+OO 8. 06E-10 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Sr-90 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. 26E-ll 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO

~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~

== ~ ~ ~~

Total 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 8. 29E-10 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE {i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways {p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 175 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways+-

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 7. l ?E-05 100 1. 31E-ll 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 32E-07 0. OOE+OO 1. 34E-09 7 .19E-05 100 Sr-90 1. 73E-08 1. 79E-ll 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 7. lSE-09 0. OOE+OO 1. 37E-10 2. 46E-OS

== ~~=== == --= == ==

Total 7.l?E-05 100 3.lOE-11 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO l . 40E-07 0. OOE+OO l.48E-09 7 .19E-05 100

  • sum of dose from all releases and from primary contamination.

42 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 Tl-1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13'14 Page 43 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mI:em/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 420 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose . Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO a. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2. 45E-12 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Sr-90 O.OOE+OO 0 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4.37E-17 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total O.OOE+OO 0 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2.45£-12 0 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 4.20 years Directly from primary contamination and from re:lease tt.1 atmosphere (Inhalation excludes :radon)

Ground Inhalation Ra.don Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways+-

.Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Do~e Dose Cs-137 2. 18E-07 100 3.99E-14 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4.03E-10 0. OOE+OO 4. 0SE-12 2. 19E-07 100 Sr-90 3.34E-14 3.46E-17 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO l.39E-14 0. OOE+OO 2.64E-16 4. 76E-14

== == == == == ==

Total 2 .18E-07 100 3.99E-14 0. OOE+OO 0. OOEtOO 4.0:JE-10 0. OOE+OO 4. OBE-12 2 .19E-07 100

  • sum of dose from all releases and from prima:iy contamination.

43 of 47

Appendix H10: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Veirsion 3 .1 T~.Limit "" 30 days 05/04/2016 13'14 Page 44 Pat:ent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parametet:s File  : ARE.~ 2 .1 HIKER. ROE' Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclidi::s ( i) and Pathways {pl in rnrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 970 years From releases to grOund water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil ~later Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5. SOE-18 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Sr-90 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O. OOE+OO 6. 53E-30 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Q. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 5. SOE-18 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p)

  • in mrem/yr. and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t ~ 970 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways ..

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 4. 90E-13 100 B.94E-20 0. OOE+OO O. OOE+OO 9.04E-16 0. OOE+OO 9.lSE-18 4. 90E-13 100 St:-90 4. 98E-27 0 5. l 7E-30 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 2.07E-2'7 0. OOE+OO 3.94E-29 7. llE-G:i

== == == == ~~~~= ==

Total 4. 90E-13 100 8. 94E-20 0 O. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 9.04E-16 0. OOE+OO .9.15E-16 4. 90E-13 100

  • sum of* dose from all releases and from* primary contamination.

44 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 45 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways Parent and Progeny Principal Radionuclide Contributions Indicated Parent Product Thread DSR{j,t) (mrem/yr) I (pCi/g)

(i) (j l Fraction 0. OOOE+OO l .OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200E+01 3. ODOE+Ol 7. 50DE+Ol 1. 750E+02 1.200E+02 9. 700E+02 Cs-137+0 Cs-137+0 l. OOOErOO 2 .324E-02 2 .269E-02 2 .164E-02 2. 016E-02 1. 749£-02 1.143£-02 3. 943E-03 3. 704E.-04 l.127E-06 2. 52SE-12 Sr-90+D Sr-90+D 1. OOOE+OO 2. 350E-04 2 .228E-04 2. 002E-04 1. 704E-04 1. 235E-04 4. 696E-05 4 .191E-06 1. 951E-08 3. 775E-14 5. 635E-27 The DSR includes contributions from associated (half-lif~ S 30 days) da.ughters.

Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines G (i, t) in pCi/g Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2.SOOE+Ol mrem/y:c:

Uuclide (i} t= O. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200E+Ol 3. ODOE:+Ol 7. SOOE+Dl 1. 750E+02 4. 20DE+02 9. 700E+02 Cs-137 1.076E+03 1.102E+03 1.155E-t03 l.240E+03 1.429E+03 2.187E+03 6.341E+03 6,750E+04 2.217E+01 9.889E+12 Sr-90 1.064E+05 1.122E+05 l.2-19E+05 l.467E+05 2.025E+05 5.323E+05 5.965E+06 l.281E+09 ""1.365E+l4 "1.365E+l4

  • At specific activity limit Summed Dose/Sou.rce Ratios DSR(i, t) in (mrem/yr) I (pCi/g) and Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelin-es G (i, t) in pCi/g at tmin time of minimum single radionuclide soil guideline and at tmax = time of maximum total dose = 0 years Nuclide Initial tmin DSR(i, tmin) G {i, tmin) DSR(i,tmax) G {i, trna:<l (i) (pCi/g) (years} {pCi/g) (pCi/g)

Cs-137 1. 940E-01 2. :;24E-02 l .076E+03 2. 324E-02 1. 076E+03 Sr-90 1. 261E+00 2. 350E-04 1. 064E+05 2. 350E-04 1. 064E+05

= = ~

45 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RES RAD-OFFS ITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13014 Page 46 Parent Dose Report Title RESFAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : P...REA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Individual Nuclide Dose Summed Over All Pathways Par13nt Nuclide and Thread Fraction Indicated Nuclide Parent THE'(i) DOSE (j, t) , mrem/yr (j) (i) t=. 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200E+Ol 3 .OOOE+Ol 7. SOOE+Ol 1. 750E+02 4 .2DOE+02 9. 700E+02 Cs-137 Cs-137 1.000E+OO 4. 508E-03 4. 402E-03 4 .199E-03 3. 911E-03 3. 394E-03 2.217E-03 7. 649£-04 7 .185E-05 2 .187E-07 4. 904E-13 Sr:-90 Sr-90 1. OOOE+OO 2.9G3E-04 2.810E-04 2.524E-04 2.149E-04 l.557E-04 5.922E-05 5.265E-06 2.461E-08 4.760£-14 7.106E-27

=====~==== ===========

THF(i) is the thread fraction of the parent nuclide.

Individual Nuclide Soil Concentration Parent Nuclide and Thread Fraction Indicated Nuclide Parent THF(i) S{j,t), pCi/g (j) (i) t= 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO_ 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200E+Ol 3. OOOE+Ol 7. 500E+Ol 1. 750E+02 4. 200E+02 9. 700E+02 Cs-137 Cs-137 1. OOOE+OO 1. 940E-01 1. 895E-01 1. B07E-01 1. 683E-01 1. 401E-01 9.542E-02 3. 292E-02 3. 091E-03 9. 414E-06 2. lllE-11 St:-90 Sr-90 1. OOOE+OO 1. 261£+00 1. l 95E+OO 1. 073E+.00 9 .137E-01 E;. 621£-01 2. 518E-01 2. 249E-02 1. 04 6E-04 2. 024E-10 3. 022E-23

= ====~==== =====~====

THF(i) is the thread fi:::action of the parent nuclide.

46 of 47

Appendix HlO: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 2.1 RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3. l T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:14 Page 47 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File AREA 2 .1 HIKER. ROF Run Time Information ResOCalc.EXE e?.ecution began at 13:14 05/04/2016 ResOCalc. EXE e:{ecution ended at 13: 14 05/04/2016 ResOCalc. EXE execution time . 503 seconds 47 of 47