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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix E, Part 4 of 24
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16293A391 (17)



App E-Sub-Area 2.2.COC Forms

l'a6c* - - * - - - -* of --** . *-**-----

C1 eJd GEL Labornlorics; LLC Q.[)DA--

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ProJcct IJ~

GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request 2040 Sa~agc Road

  • "See VlWW.gel:com for GEL's Sample Acceptance sopu Charleston, SC 2.9407 GEL Quote#: -**-**----** -'*

COCNumbcr!'I: - .. - .. .... Phone: {843) 556-&111

      • GEL Work Order Number:

PON11mber: Fax; (&43) 766-1178 Clicllt Nanie. Phone II: Sample Analysis Reqneskd {SJ (FIJl in lhe number df contniner.s for each lest)

Should Projecu'Si te Name: Fax#. ll1i* <-- Prcscrvotivc Tyt>c (6) s.1mplcbc Address: <omlderctl Comments Collecrctl by: Send Results To: Note: extra sample 1s

'Tune req11ired for sample

"'D01LI; CnHcc!ed Co)':k~ti;tf Qr f:olJ Sl!mple "fSC r: t~!i!rie LI specific QC Ma~i:t R*dl /\

Sample lD (Mj1lt;1ty) Ceil~ rn

'For l*mm:cJ:tUes. irul1c~re .\'ltJr/ aml :Jlt;u date/r11n~

('nm*<ld-yy} (hhmrl'o)

"' "' 0><11 RC'J;U lill('d icr o

../z,z..1, 'fl_ J l IO*"lu *1~;- 10'.15 N

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./z.:z.. 2, f2..I !o**"W1) 11'*6 N

./2' l. 2.. j2, ' l.. (0-f.µ ...1) ll'*dU N  !

Jz.z .l .tz ,) /"' *-?lr~ ll '.YD N .

TAT Rottucstod. Normal. ll11sh: Succifv: (S"b.iccr t* S*n:!;:u-~el IFnx Results: Yes ) No Circle Dclivcr>1blc; C of A I QC Summary ; LC*Ci I I Lwcl 2 ' Lcvci J I Lncl**I Remal'its: Are there any known hazarrh appiic:abfe lo !11ese sample.~? (f.vo, please list the hazard~ ~~l[~*li!H' Iims z~rie Eastern Pucitic Centro! O!hcr ---*--

Mounloin Chfiln of Custody Signatures Sampl~ Shipping and De!iver*y Det~lls Rcli1111uishod lly (:Signe~) Dore Tim* Rocoivod by (Rldncd) Dale Tune GEL PM:

I I Moi)wd of Shmmcnr: Dnlo Shio1ied 2 2 /\irb1H II:

3 3 /\iroillll:

i ) Cb1il nf C"IJstcdyN1r.1nttr - Cllt:i: Oc1cnmr.c1l Far Lah R*c~n*rng Use 011(r 2.) QCC:odc.* N .. Ncm::tl S:n!1pl.c 1 *ra =-Trip u:~11k, FO

  • Fie:d.r.:t:pltcatc, Rn .. f:.q*J:r-n*~--it n*.\:i\, ~'FS ... Malrix. Sp1k~S1:rj\l~ 1 ~1SD-= M:oar.-; Sru~i;": D~plit;:Ut:! G .. Cirnh, C -Ci!J'l)pc~~~c.

J ) fold l'iilcr<d Fer Jiq~it! rn.-Lr:lt'C..'(, mdi.c-nt~ wi:l* ri - Y

  • f;ir )'~!. tht sam~:i;: "u; Jic!tl rn:cred or - N' - rcr wa!i mu field r1ltc:rcrJ Custody S*al lntm*1?

~.) Ma'n" CCtJes: DW*D,iakir-1t W.uk1, GW=CirL1u11dw21tet, SW*~mfacr.: W:Ucr, \\*\\o'-=-W<1:1!c \VaH.,-, w~W~l~i. ML~Misc Lit\1t1d,SO,,.S.J1I, Sfl..:.Si.:r.hJl1e111, Sl..::.~~:d\;~, SS..1.So!id WLJ.:it!.0 1 O"Orl, [i::fi:tcr 1 r'-*Wipl.:", t:=-Um?t.::, F'.:..:.Ft:i.:..11. ~-"l l'ES NO 5.) Somij)!c Ar.::r.:y::d.1 llcqL.C"Uc:d* Ario.l;rlkal n:c1t'u:U n;~ue~1tl!{1.c. 31400. 41J10DfJHUf\.) am.I .n:m\l;:t ... Qf t:-:in:11iru~r~ t'J'<l\.lttJ~J fot ~acii (u. SJrmB

  • l, t!JllJ/JJ1t!DA - t}. Cooler Temp.

6.) PtcJ1e1 w1lt\rC Tyr;I!' tl.i\. c liydr.Jdtl~ii::: And, I'll"" Nirt~c A<:1r1. SH :::r S!l1fn:1~ tlyl!;~;cidc, SA* Sulf1:tic Ar.icl, AA "'"1\scct'b1c- Aml. ltX .. Ho~'!llt: 1 Sf ~Sodu:n1 TI'1a!l~fa 1 <:, If m: t**c~c,vari<n. '~ .hlit!C11 ... 1:.'lv.:: Di:ld tl:1:-.k c WHITE~ LABO RATORV YEl.LOW ~ FtLF. PINI(~ CU ENT

~I ef f j {j[Jpu/ ___

Page:-------*- of -----**---**---

Pro1ecl fl:

GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request

    • See for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOP*+

GEL Lnboralories, Ll-C

~040 SavDge Roi!<l 0 GELQuote#: --****-*--***-* *- Charlcs10,,, SC 2!1407 COC Number !1): -* .. ... ... .. Phone: {843) 556-8 !71 GEL Work Order Number:

PO Number: Fax: (~431 '766-1178 Client Name: Phone ll: Snmple Analysis Requested (SJ (l*ill in 1he Illltnber of containers for each les1)

Sl1oulu Project/Sit~ Name: Fax ii: 1hi.* <-* Prcscrv"111:0 Type (6)

>ample be Address: conr!d~nd

' Comments Collected by: Send Results To: Note: extra sample is "TITT.c required for sample

  • c~):~c:..t1:d fu:!tl 511:i:r,>~( TSC C't!!t~l~~i Of specific QC F1ltorc~ Mu~ix Rncll A Sample ID (Ml:U*>Y) Coi.l~ f~

one fl Regu

.. Pvr c;IIJ/1/JOl'll~-)' - mdlcaJe ll.t..Jrf aud .-rfop dutcllilm:


(hhmm} '" ~<\ttd lUl"O

./z.7.... 3. 2. I 10.--z..1.v1 r il-/*.oo iN

.ylz.. z. (3' tz,, 2. /0-7LI1'l)" /lf:t6 N

~2.?.... 3 ,\(...~~ \o~Ht"'I< /lf:tt-S N

~2., I 2 *./,.( I Q_ '- \ Jo *Y{oJf) IY'-~C N V2 ,z rLf,((.,, *z... 10-iui~')


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  • 3 1u--1JJ1) lS!D N

--.T J?.-/l, I.{' fl,. 5" (0-1,Lt--t) l.,*.1S" FD

'>"2 I l1 lj D. I,) I

- IO-;;l(o. 1r::. JVi;oD ~8 TAT Rcaucsrcd* Normal: Rush: so~cir)'.: (Su~i""l !o ~~r.*!~orgoJ IFa~ Rcslllls: Yes I No Circle Dciivembk: C of A I QCSmnmary I Level I i luwlZ I Level 3 I Level 4 Remarks; Are there any knovm hazard.~ applicable to these samples? lf.w, plea.~e list the hazard~ S;Jm11I~ ~ls!cliQn Tim~ 220~

Eaatcm Pacific Central Other - - -

Muunlnin Ch:iin of Custody Slgnatul'cs Sample Shipping and Delivery DctaUs Roh111111ishot! Uy (Sii;ne.!J Dn.Lc T'mr: Rcooivcd ~y (<ignc<l) Dole 1'i1r:.c GEL PM:

l l Mcthud of Shiom<n!; Dare Shioned:

2 2 A1rl.>lll #.

3 J Airbill #

I.) Ch11i1\ ofCuslo-dy 'Numl:cr - Cl~rnl Dc1;r111~r.~ol For Lah Roczm,mg ( Only 2' QC'Carli;:i:: N"' Ncrn1;if SP.:n~p;Ci TB ... Trip Hli11t1k l<f) ... ric.1d Oup1tco:e. ti:B

  • E(rmpnrnr.l Ufnrtk, MS .. Mairix: 'Sp:ktS~1nr1lc-, MSD"" M.tltt:l sr.-:~ Ot:.r.!i<::ito S<imp::C, G .... Orr.b,C ... Car.~;iu1111e 0

l } 'Fi:ld r:;:11m:d. Fo1* u:n~n,;os, ~n1.h~111c w1:1. Ill - v. rc:.r YL!~*!l1e .trunp[c \\f.H nt:!d'!:!d QT - N - fol' ~"ri'~ '\.le,11"10-( rictd (j~(ctcd Custody Seal ln1a,*1?

.q M3rri1. Cot!~:;* DW="D1MdBg W;i:C". GW::--"{imumht.:rm::r, SW<. Water, W"\V-Wtliiti: WiJlt!t', W'!.>\ViiJ~c1 1 ML=l",it!it. L.1'1111cl, SOz..')~:I, SD=:'iii!dm~unt 1 SL ..:Sh1t!r:.: 1 SR:.:Sri-:i~l 1.\';i:.r~, O* Oil, Z.'.:fi:t::r, r*.~W1l~..:. U'"'t.irlnc, l'"fcl:ill, ;\'::.? YES NO s} s.~mple Ar.alyJIS Rc::i11u1c:<J* An:il;iHCi>hl\~~h;Jd reqi::t~td fie. 8Z60ll, 6CHODl147i.JA) :ir:d 11wnbe:r dca.n1oinct'S [UO\',*Llcd rort;1CI\ (Le. R2MiB -J, t.rUOR/147l~tf. 1). Ctmler 1emp:

ti.J;:rvn.ttvc. "t)*1,.;: l(A:a fiy;ir{ A(i*l, Nl ... Nl!i ii: AcJt~ * .SU-Sotliiu1l H)'<lroxu~:::. SA ... S-.11f1:nc A~ul, AA - As<:1'r"Jic Add, llX - tk:il"1<:, ST .. S¢cJn::.-i Th>i::t11Jfoir;:, If,,~. pri;s-c;r\"Atiw 1q <1tltt.::c~.,, lcnvc 11i:k~ b!~r.iJi c WHITF. co LABORATORY YF.LLOW = FTLF. PINY<= CI.mNT

App E-

  • Sub-Area 2.2. Data Collection Sheets

le (-2~ {1.5' r[)~~~ ~ (..J ~

Grid Pattern Manual Data Collection Form frhree/ AREA d*- ~

10/19/15 L {.*

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App E-Sub-Area 2.2. Instrument Field Sheets

Rev 110/18/15 Instrument Field Response Check log 1

l. Instrument lnformation Ratemeter: Makt>/Model: LUDLUM 2241-2 Serial No. -2,62737
  • Ca! Due Date: 9/2/16 Detector I: Make/Model: _._L._l)._Q),JJJ~..4~10. __ .. Serial No. _..P£. 1U127 ..

Bicron MicroRem Meter: Seri<ll No. _l\2).~"""tJ,___ Cal. Due Date: _8/4/16

2. ~heck SO.L.!f.~. lnforrn_ation:

Source 115otope: Tb-232 S.~rial No .. _JJ_9 Activitv: 5-Q..l.... units: .u.cL .. A:>say Date. 12/30/10 Reo;pon~e Acceptance Range U/*W%): uRem/hr +20% ... **-** .. _ uRem/hr -20% _ _.- net rpm+ ?.0%_?.l.!.U§_ net cpm -20% 15284 Source2 Isotope: .C.S.-::l37.. ....SE-mil No.: .. .81£13.-48. ... -- Activity: ..O...QL_._units:_µcL Assay Datp* JJ2!J/J.0 Fl.espo'1se Acceptance Range { +/ 20%)* uRem/hr +20% _ _ uRem/l1r -20% _ _ _ net cpm + 20% ..133?.S... net cpm -20% ..8.9.19.....

3. Technfc:ian/Wor!cer Performing Checks:

Name; . .5.'Tfv..¢.. Kt!.1!.S&:!AV Title. f(.G.T ....

-'l ~~e. or. k~CJ3~.i9.n: Site/Job*_.....5L_2____*-----**** .. **--*-- t ocation Description :~D~o~r..._ _______

GPS Coord1P<1t~ (wh~n required): X-Coord:_A;' 'fJ.1.".?'11.i.f.~ Y-Cuord: _w.}__<.)_:J.z:~J;{i S:i 2.

  • *
  • M-et~r*--**r**~~~*-r3~~~~~~~t~*** ....5*~~~~-- *5-~~~~:*~~e;~o~rsi-1 +{~~~: ~:~~- s;~!~~ r~~ A;;~~t Initials and Coinments

\act~n ;nfo. :n5t. Coridit1on, ~tc)

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._..... * :'me i uR-~m~rJ ~im.e ...

  • _:::":'..,_,  ::~;;,~: ~'!:'.,; (Y:Ni j. che'c'k ...... ("Fl .**... """_,_*., **~~~.

~ .. ~at~~e~e.r ;}i}ir,Vi- . :J.~ J .... ; /~r r.J.. j'l.9 . ~ .!.:'.... y .. . y**-.. *~*** ..... . . ~__Q_q~~--* _15",Jo_ -rn 'L'.l L t j_g&i J't~J..1~111(.. /I /Jl. \/ .......... ,. '( .. '..O'.lo~ . . .. }S".\::i ........ .6.11.7.. ........ . ..................... _._

~~t~!!!.e_t~~ .. J.m,iVf-i~~t 1.. rf! i W,oL_. 'I Y Y. . . :. . l . l.~.i.\ .....P ..'f .. J)..1}l.. ... ............... .

~.R.~~.erriet~.~ . .tl.1>11/V+ . .?..S'.'2' ... J.lJuN. .L ...IJJ.'?.7--. ... Y...., ....Y. ......+. '/. .. ~.1.l~.5-"-t~},_~--- .. .:0JL!..... *--. i

\.R.a~~m.1;1ter j/rrl.1*~+... J-~.~ /rv'Jr.1J . ' ..idv.1.11-. { *, .. /  : Y. if{J-v. 1.f?-~ .Tf..2.~7..,. ***************--*--------...!

[ Raterneter_LJ,.,.lf..ry'_'_ */s-5.. D /i'f1_1fJ .  !!'-/'5'1 Y Y . Y  :;{J.P...;_$)'.~-'P.. (JJJ.l . .. . .............. .

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'. Bicron ]I NA Y- NA * / f? '/ ....... +..... Y .... 1 y ... j !.'3 ~.{:.~ ?~. ~:*:*. *. **.. .. _ * ..... *..... .- . . ........ -. .. .. . . . .. :


  • 1~.~i~-r~n ........... ~A-- ..... £.. *- ..... NA ..... ~ .... Jl -*---- __ y__ .. ~ . ..Y _ . . J. __t_~J1_'f_J_o_~~5_2_~(,,_,~----- J

. 1. r;*~:',.IT'Mt d":':i;3'la':ed ch°"~\.: ~OJr<:~ i$ *i!to~d vn !'.ii'itraticr: ~t'rd;:r. RCC<Jni *:'1e*:~ 50<.1" :Y- Ce~pu 1 ~3':°: (n~t q.irr*i p*rv t'J f;-.!'d :;l(!p:oymtn~ f;,r al~ ci~ed ~OL*: c~~ b\;)S:g 'J5t!::l.

J. Sou~c~ and lla4.:kgrourd r..oi.!nT r a+-~ ~h.:-U~j. bP !1~tprrn~n~d frcrr. ~he> averag9 cf ttiree st.atk count~ at tiie ~-?Im~ ~::.::a'!t!:*~ P.f=Pf-J! ... o~~r. rs ~-h.~u:d i~~ *.Ji..*;:r=i*1 20~~. tr :;..~~..-n~ ri.Jtt: c.!i"1.:rg~1~

S'£n!f.ca11Ll*~. p2rlorrn add* Cc>l111t~ tv ev.;i'uat irJitrume11t st.itoit!t)"



Rev 110/18/15 Instrument Field Response Check Log 1

1. Instrument lnformation Ratemeter: Make/Madel: lvJ/uri, >>7'1-2 serial No. r)..~&<Yf'i Cal. Due Date: tJ~?/i (

Detector 1: Make/Model: I v,//vm ft/_# Serra! No. l'~!lLGfL Sieren MlcroRem Meter: Serial No. _ _ _ __ Cal. Due Date: _ __

2. Check Source Information:

Source 1 Isotope: -77.-;J-3).. Serial No.: /I J Activity: <:(). I units:~* Assay Date: l#>>,}'o Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% _~- uRem/hr-20% _ _ net c:prn + 20% ~.:5?'19 net cpm -20% 3'~.CG Source 2 Isotope: {s~f S? Serial No.: f /jEJ..>-/.2.. Activity: cJ .o,;z.. units: ,eC::. Assay Date: tJ.lA Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% _~- uRem/hr -20% _ _ net cpm + 20% 1$../.-13 net cpm -20% ~f 1[C]

3. Checks:



4. Site or Location: Site/Job: fl-r=f! e.. ..2. ;L Location



GPSCoordinates(whenrequired): X-Coord: N4J.-.lf7'*f7t.f ~ Y-Coord: W DW.t:.10,2 °

  • r lI Instrument Field Response~ Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks l i Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response +/-20% Inst. Battery Time Ambient Initials and Comments I

I Cnt Time (cpm) or uRem/hr)

Cnt Time (gross cpm or uRem/hr) source gross cpm Ca lib.

current Check (Y/N)

Of check Temp.


(add' I Info: inst. Condition, etc.)

or uRem/hr (Y/N)

I (Y/N)

! Ratemeter f iM*-;... ~ 7 (7(. /Jid- I ..... ,\I\ '-I.,. (/ '7 t:..#,... ....; v ...j ~1;.5 zq.) /h-;;. '('J llF Rate meter I

) Mn** I O7 () '-f ,,._)~"" \..) \/ .JJ i/Jt/'?CJ ~7.~ /,,. -!-7:1 P'/)y 7

Rate meter J I { I (7 i

Rate meter Bicron NA NA I Bicron NA NA Bicron NA NA Bicron NA NA

1. Instrument designated check source is listed on cahbrat1on sticker. Record check source response {net cpm) prior to field deployment for all check sources being used.
2. Source and Sackgrou nd count rate shou Id be determined from the average of three statfc counts at the same location. Repeat counts should be within 20%. If count rate diverges significantly, perform additional counts to evaluate instrument stabllity

Rev 110/18/15 Instrument Field Response Check Log

  • Instrument lnformation 1 Ratemeter: Make/Model: Serial No. dlOG()d}[;

Detector 1: Make/Model: Serial No. Pf!..! /.,2.C,.<-()_

Bicron MlcrCJRem Meter: Serial N o . - - - - - Caf. Due Date: _ __

2. Check Source Information:

Source 1 lsotope:":Zk~2 Serial No.: /{ f Activity:<O./ units: PC/ Assay Date:!Ubf~

Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%}: uRem/hr +20% _ _ uRem/hr -20% ~ net cpm + 2~7'7~ net cpm -20% .l>°U6 Source 2 lsotope:Cs-13'7 Serial No.; /1~-12 f Activity: t?.o;- units:~Assay Date: /1/A Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr +20% _ _ uRem/hr-.20%~~* net cpm + 20% 1~75 net cprn-20% ~lJt"j

3. Technician/Worker Performing Checks:

Name: .:£ E.Pw,_,.P.,,


__!ZC __r___

4. Site or Location: Site/Job:._ ___,_,&~..:;;~~""'2--'-'.;L._______ Location Description :_ _ __..W{.;;..;:;.c.;::;;~=.l-$--=---------

GPS Coordinates (when required): X-Coord: Al ij.Z. 't7'f7 'i

  • Y-Coord: W D7f'. ~9!>? 2 ° 1 2 I j i Instrument Field Response Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks I Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response +/-20% Inst. Battery Time Ambient Initials and Comments I i

I Cnt Time

. (cpm] or uRem/hr)

Cnt Time (gross cpm* or uRem/hr) source gross cpm Ca lib .

current Check

. (Y/N)

Of check Temp.


(add'l Info: inst. Condition, etc.)

l I

1 or uRem/hr (Y/N} i (V/N) l Rate meter I Mir fSb" I;,,,,.,.. f ... ,r, t.J~or C.>>N' y v v V3~ S".y'. & /A-...2..S 2. r:;;;;:

Rate meter ' , ,,A ........ /0 J,..2.'f ;.,.,..._

, /.../ f......I I\/ '!~'5? 5t,r i" /5~/37 C//lt:;

f f Rate meter ( ,(/

Ratemeter  !

Bicron NA NA Bicron NA NA Bicron NA NA Bicron NA NA

1. Instrument designated check source Is listed on cahbratloo sticker. Record check source response (net cpm) prlor to fleld deployment for all check sources being used.
2. Source and Background count rate should be determined from the average of three static counts at the same location. Repeat counts should be within 20%. If count rate dlvergas

', significantly, perform additional count~ to evaluate instrument stability

App E-Sub-Area 2.2. Sample Data Sheets


..w:JW T~ot. S~~-'ll!:E'fi" SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Project: bl Y5 r: i2.00 Name: ~...--,___ ....~"0.-*... ____ _

Weather: 'S"1 u1rn / l.oo l _

fJ ---

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation:-*- 2, 2. *--**


_k-:Joo~.~--- *****-- ---*--*-* ... **--*-

SA Origin Location: ~...!:JJ.-; z., "l'~_,_"1_.t./'_Jt.}._]_rf i.f (.§..~, 77" Coord. System: J#_.W,__ .......

SA Landi\tlark


__ _j5 o_. ~.--'&.a.-1~----*** Coord: .-$---. *-*- ___,__tJ""'f~Pr,____ _

. e-.~°'f ,v

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: Z, 2.. I .***-Matrix: 3_u_J_f._J.....~d..

Location Coord: ~ {. &9£/0 4'F _J~L.Lf 1- ~ I./7 3 'i 07 ~---

Alternate Location Measurement:; {distance from SA origin and Local Coord.)

X Dist. from Origin {0,0)... t:l.fl2r____ Y Dist. from Origin: :J_,_/_t'>_ < _ J ')O ~J_) £ o~ ~~-'=~d\

ey,,"{;)'1 1-..i t,r\.l.lf- .,J*c. .-- ("'"~~

Site Sketch Attached (Yt:s) @ c~~~<- (l--l r.,.~ ~*.-'.,~)

Sample Location


[Noud:?-r-:pl(ll('... i'\..udl"! )

Canopy Type: Ir-! lluCt,_.j,. Land Use: _tL_\L'..¥!~)-**-*--* Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.): :t)"\,


3. Location Radiation B.cadings:

2x2 Nal Bicron Notes (c m) (uRem/lff)

Count time J* crn Im 1 cm Im (min)

~~------***'"**-*- ....

4. Sainple Information: Sample<!lt JD: 2. 2.. I. R..1- "5 1 $.

D~:~7,~tion .S~~,n~~~: ,_Sc~l--**s~~-;,pie.iD*--1-***** -Sampling Description *-*--**-*****~

lnlerval (Org; clay; Color {Surface litter type/depth. sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) refusai,_.stone or roe~, topography, er<?~ion fea~~~~)

o-5 '~?:i>L~" _-z,.L.d~R..1 ~...,, a ~.1L.~'t:$._ _ _ __

'5-15" [!_,~ 1$0**,\ C..i'fnt'b;wf,.. Z. r 2, \ 1 t?,,~- _....[yQ'i.Q Sow**t.  !\";'\-1.Nl ~!~~-------<

!l\ll~ 'l -~-£:1.?f..ll ,_1'12.C,-,_~


' o- /QO ,so';\ L<'11'> J , "'l. * \ * \2... *5 0- 5 /,~.v...'-'I s.- \ ~-_le_~_:!...:..&.'?. . . __ ~f'N-~----1:::::2~ .5~ yg:..~"':::.~*- - - - - - -

l------+----*-t----*-**---*****-***- ---1--------**--*-**********-****-*** - - - - -. ..........- *- - ~----!

1-------t------- * * - - - - - + - - - - - - - f - -

Sample Reco~ded on Laboratory *cocronn ;~;d~~;;t~incr L;b-~i~d~)


SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: J.~:.?::r-1 ( Project: t-J'/'5 !S:/Z-DA- Name:


Weather; -~Oj e,...o<.,>.L*.. _. ____


1. Sampl~ Area (SA):

SA Designation: --2.-J~. _


_*_WCJv J '.:> ............. _________

0:4 Oris;in Location:11 ~],,_"_]...~' ~~~ -~1'1~41'3'1, n** . Coord. System: b(11J SA Land Mark


~~--<'if!t____ M___ -* '\- Coord: -.N/ipr- Njff (iro yJ:. ( ~>

2. Sample Location Data:
  • Sample Area ID: _7-_.2---'.-.;;...z'------ Matrix: __sd ...

Location Coord: V 7 8, li>J LjJ{) ~~- -*--

Alternate Location Measurements {distance from SA origin and Local Coord.)

X Dist. from Origin (0,0).. N/t+ ____._ Y Dist. from Origin: -~LI+_ ...

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) ~

Sample Location


. words f "r1~ IM' 'i Cc?~~-c'j)l/

~ j . -----&-'


Canopy Type: L...i oc>Md ____ Land Use: JJ.;_10.,"7*** .. *---.. Soil tvloisture (Wet, dry.


3. Loca.tion Radiation Rea.~i.11~: -*

2x2 NaI *--~---*Bic1:~;;1***--- **=- - - - - *---N-oi-es------* . *-*-----*--

(cpm) (uRem/hrJ Count time I cm tm l cm Im ,

1 (min)  : '

~-~. -*~---,. .... *~*~={-1,-...----+----...Ji!-~~~-----~

-*-'* t.zo1 . __ .__6_?-2J- ---:e-._!f__--~*-*/L._.. f'.IP..

,____f_____ LP~l.e____ ,___?(;7 g' , **--*--- *---.....;i.._---'-'.,._"'Jli,_~_____________ _

L __ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. i - .....* - - * * - * - - - * - - - * - * - - - * - - **-*--* ...... ___ .. -

4. Sample Information: Sample Area ID: '1, l. 2.
  • -~---*-***--*~-


  • 1- 3 S()i/ Sample ID Samplbtg Description Color {Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention.


refusal, stone or rock. topography, erosion features) b1:tJ\ .. 4JJ..(DL'lS { c:?.=l.l,_G--::::_:,_ _ _ _ _ _ __,

I 1----"--'----+=......+-=-"----'----l~r'W<\ ...... ~°?:. -~. fL.-'2- $'[)1t...'-\. V"c>i"Sr-~'-l.. i'CC\<:.-$__ - - * - .... ---*---

I - (i*I. ~** z...Z.."?-~--.'T-ll!~'.1:... - - - - - - * * - - - - - - - ;

1------**---*--*-..* * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +..* - - - - - - - - - - - -........ - - . - .. ------**

--=~=-~~--=-:*r-== -~:~==-~-.

' - - - - _ _ . l . - - - - - " - - * -..--.l---*- ..___ .,

.., .. ., _____ .. J _______________,,___

_,. _ .__ -=---.. --.. .

Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: © (N) 10/20/1$

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Project: NYS e gOA Name;_~ &-,,__,'/\ _. . ___

Weather: __5-un~l.f ---,-, c:co l

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: . 2. Z.


Coord. System: ---'-t-J~.....,iwc..:......*_

1 SA Origin Location; N '-12PZ.8 l.'t.'/b_Jt.J2jj:___I/;'*37f. 77" SA Land Mark


~" ~f} N {)soyJ s £.  ;,f) Coord: Ni P< rJ/ f\

2. Sample Loeation Data:

Sample Area ID: 2. 2. 3 Matrix: ._'fi;::;;:_o_\,____

Location Coord: W 7 '$. f.i:81::JD8( tv '12 , ! 73 i lP f u Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coard.)

X Dist. from Origin (0,0)

  • Nj.P. Y Dist . from Origin: -~ -~-

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) @

Sample Location


WoJc.i. 5I. rlfto/u "1- ~ ~-}-L~v~

Canopy Type: j,Joockd Land Use: ./-t; b °) Soil Moisture {Wet, dry, etc.): D r " / - -

3 L oca ti&n Rad"iaf wn R ca d"mgs:

-~--*-***- -*- ..----------**-

2x2 Nal Bicron Notes (cpm) '1 (uRem/hr)

Count time (min)

!cm lm 1 cm l lm f>sa7 *~Is . -


5'F 8$

(_pi. 3 7... 5'6&3 ' to r---- '>--;J)N)ff I~

      • - -~---**-

' I


4. Sample Information:*

D escnot1on by Den th Deptlz Soil 1)-pe Interval (Org; clay; (cm) sand, etc.)

Soil Color

  • -r--***r Sample ID --*-*---sm;;pling D~cription --~** * - - -

(Surface litt~r type/depth, sample deptb retention,

....~f.u.sal, stonli! or rock, topograph:r1 erosionfeatures) n~S 50',\ \) "°"....,-.. Z.2.3.~, l l Sfilp.,l\. yO 0 '4.- ~"\!--"--r'l;(,I<.. ~ .

5-15 .:::..r.'.\ ~...,. .... 2,-Z., ~ iZ. 2... ~~ s~..*-<>-'-'- ,-pc:,._!;,,~---------i 16~ JOO l<r-."\/.,_t,;_ ....A i..--r Abtv-"'" 2..Z..3. ~-5 ~~ {OC..\!.~ *--------!

- **-----**** +--*-*- *- ----- . . *--~--***--*

  • --*+*- 1


Sample Recorded t>D Laborato?' COC fom1 and Container Labeled:~ O'Q~--- --- ....



SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: /tJ --Z (,:; -1 ~ Name: --r;;;; ESn,.__,!\..___._._

Weather; 3...,.-nY\y C."-'""'


1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: 2..2



SA Origin Location: ~z:2Y\2'f-11:r' W19~'1 J'}s. 77"' Ctiord. Sy--s-te_m_;--N-~-w-,-

SA Land Mark


~~.t'rl E>-"\'Y -~~)'ds.b..;;t='}:oord: tljk --11/---1\-

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: _2_,2_.--i,__ ___ Matrix: l$..Qi] __

Location Coord: \N7"'15,i..oC;'-( J'+Z.:>_ _

Alternate Location Me.aSurements (distance fi-om SA origin and Local Coord.)

X Dist from Origin (0,0) jV/f+ Y Dist. from Origin:.&.'/ d Site Sketch Attached (Yes) c@D Sample Location


w~. f°'1'\.\:..,, {xOJ.-est f1N*11 co,,*. -c.'f"-~ ~---**---

Canopy Type:

etc.): ~

  • l~d .. Land Use: ~ tlJ----- Soil Moisture (Wet, dry,
3. Location Radiation Readings:

2x2 NaI ---,,-***--Bicron ****--~--*----***--N-ot-*es*-----*--

(cpm) (uRem/hr)

Count time I cm Im  : . 1 cm j lm (min) 1

~~:::r*~~....:;.35-~-~-'---""~'--.~-~t~ ~-~

1-->---_-_,-' , IT __*=:':=~-,...,/-~--_*~--~.:_-=.=-=-=-~-_._*~n-----~--.*~-.*_.~*==

' - - - - - - - - - - ' ' - - - - - - ' - " - - - --~~~'-_ _ _ __J_ _ _ _ ___,.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - '

4. Sample Information~

"-i-.1, w.. z, . J]-* 2 ~-~\._md:-.,, Qls\ ....,,{__,.~

It:. *"D,,_."' 2-. Z.. R.. , 3 1 (ti. i,(. -S vo.Yts. .. .. **-*-***---- _ ____,

'--=-'=---+--"""-'--'------t-'\-;:i,.,_fU.1""""'....l::..;,'l'l.:..+?:..!_~.~{2. ~s- '.. 11{.Yl'f,.,$ 11>.Y.'-'-"'<,.-=--- - - - - - -

1------l--==~c.:.~=--.. 'Z.':~i:1

  • R._to_J____.l!/t~ __ .. - - - * - - - - 1


Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and CQntainer Labeled: (!JJ (N)

J 10/20/15