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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix E, Part 2 of 24
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16293A368 (6)


App E-Area 1 - COC Forms

~p\0\ ~f>rYA/ t P a g o ; - - - - - - of Project II:

GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request GEL L.sbo!'lllaries, L.L<:

20~0 Savago Raad



  • "See fol' GEL'S Sample Aci.:eptance SOP** Char!es1on, SC 29407 COCNnmbl)[!!l;. --*** *-* .. *- - *-- - .- . -
  • GEL Work Order Number:  !'hone: (843) 536-!!171 PO Number; l'a:o;; <80\ 766-1178 Client Name: Phone#: Sample Analysis Requested ISl (Fil I i11 !he numbei* of conlaincrs for each lest)

Should Project/Site Name: Fax#: this <-- Preservative Tyj)C (6) sampl~ bo Address: con1ldered I

Comments Collected by: Send Results To: Note: extra sample is

'Tm1c required for sample ,

  • D1u0: CnUecl~il C"a1:\~1,'l.f, QC Fiol~ Sump!" rsc specific QC MotriA Rodi f-1!rc-ml I; Sample ID (1Plll*d~*)1')

(Mllll*ry) Code*> ('j OAC:U lt*gu

" For <:v11111oslle.\' ... J11dic:alf' :Jtan a11ti s/u1> 4otelthne !lihn1m) J:1ttfl ber <1 I. 3. C.. I l~-'Z,H~ Of*.?jO N 1,3,c..,Z. 10--t,H S- '1:50 ('.l

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  • 3 I\ t../, k,, I 1n-1Hs (Q'.q:;; t1 3 I \ o L{if!. l f r6 '""'1..1--1<; 11._c£ ~

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3, /, Lf ,e,1-f lb-&H< W;1-.0 N TAT R~aucslcd: NormQl' Rush: Succifii: {*t1 '" s.... b~'E*} I!'ax Rcsul1s: Yez I No Cirelc Dcliv..:rable: C of A I QC Su1t1marv I Lm1cl l I Level 2 I Level J I Level 4 Re11111rks: Are there any known hazards applicable to these .vamp/es? l{.ro, please list lhB hazardr Swnpl!) :CQll~~lion Iim~ Z1:ml.l Eastem Pocific Ccntr&l Other _ _ _

M0tmtnin Clialn of Custody Slguiiturea Sample Shipping ~nd Delivery Derails ltc[;11q11ishttl {SigncJ) Dnlc l'lmo RoociYcd by ($igned) Dore Time GEL PM:

I 1 McJl1ud of Sh[omcnt: Dale Shinced:

2 2 Airbi!lll:

) 3 Alrbill #:

q 'Ch11llt ofCu~c.iy Numbizr;.., Clittil De.u::rmlncd F/Jr Lah l!~~riM11g Us~ 011/y l.) QC.- t'cd~o: N

  • Non111d Samplo, TD* Trip ill*n~. FO
  • l'iold Duplk*la, Ell* llquipmtn\ nl*ll~, MS
  • M*rri< Spiko.Semplo, MSD
  • M~:ti* Splko Durl<<olo S.mplo, G
  • 011>b, C
  • C~mp,~ito
3) f'tld f1lmtd: For (iquld m~1rlw1i, lnd!c.DJc: wiU1:i .. V.foryIJi111~ s11mpt:: wc.s. rd,~rtd or .. H .. ror sornpJc: wa1 riot Hotd rmetvd. Crr.ttody Set1! Jntaa?

4.l M::a!ri~ CCldi:~ DW=Drfa'Ming W;tlcr, GW*Grou111.h...,t1k!r, S\V=SurCecu \Vorcr, \Y\Y-aW"$h: \Vlliti:fJ Wi::\Vo111~t. ML::rlA13.c Llq~lid, SO~S!~:t 1 ."iD=-S\!dim.::al, SJ~'.::.S(u:Jg...:, SS... Satu.t W'-"<(4.l 1 O.o-011, ftaF1ll<<-, r=\Vlii~, U 91 Utim:~ F**fc..:<it, :'ll""l  !'ES NO l.) S**IPI< Anolyib R<4<1oilO*I' /\r.ol11icol m<ll1o<l requ*;i<il (l.o. 81'0D, 601GDn47GA) *'Id 1tumbrr cr onnl*ir.ots provld"I for ...h (i.e. 8;6Q8

  • 3, 60/U!JllOOA - I). C1wh>r T<Jmp:

6.) Jl1~~trv11it[ve l'~pc: U/\

  • Uy1f ['lttl1lwiic: A.~M, Nt""' N'i1ric Add, SH .. Sodmrn Hy~ll'D)C.fri~. SA ... Sulfu1ic Acid, A,.\ .. A:trnb;i;- Acrd~ HX."" Uex:B:1~1 S.T
  • Scdi1m1 Titf.O.St:lflllc, ~r1:~ prc.5t!\'R!iv~ t\ 1u!.CM
  • te:avc flcld c WHITE~ LABO RA TORY YF.l,l,OW = JllLli: PINK= CLIENT J

ccf' 1 Page:---*--*- of **---* OEL Loborotories, LLC Project II:

GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request 2040 Savage Road

  • "Sec for GEL's Sample Acceptance SOP** Ch~rleston, SC 29407 GEL Quolc II: _ ..... * - - - - - - * ***-* .,

COC Nmnbcr l'l: Phone: (S43) 556-8171 GEL Work Order Number:

PO Number. Falt: 11!4~) 766.11 ?S Client Name: Phone#: Sample Analysis Requested (51 (Fill in the number or conlainctll for ench test)

Shot1h1 Project/Site Name: Fux II: this < .. Preservative Type: (6) san1pl~ bo Address: <Omldortil Comm cuts Collected by: Send Rcsulls To: Note: extra sample is

  • r1rn~ required for sample
  • D~.\i:: C1.:ltcdc:d f'c:hl Si.\mpfo TSC C(.J!lt.'t!tcd QC Sample ID

.. Far c.-011mo.ri1l!S ~ irrd1c:ufR .sturl wrd .'fffJJJ dutelltlllc (mm-tld*J')')

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C0<!0*2' r.~:1acd tn Mut1i1 Aadl A Dad) Rri;u .

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L, ti TA 1' Rcqucsrcd: Ncnn~ l: Rush: Specify: (S*bJ<<l IU Surchorg') ) Fax Rcsulls:

  • Yos I No Circle Dclivcr~hlc'. C of A I QCSummary I Level [
  • I I.eve! 2 ( Luvcl 3 I Lcvcl4 Remctrks: Ar11 them any !mmvn*hawrds applicable tu rhe.w samples? lfso, please list the hazard1* Sil!np[i;; c~llci;ti~D Iim~ zgoc Ea stem l'3cilic Ccmral Mounrojn Other Cl1ai11 of Cuslody Sign :itorcs SAmp!e Sl1ippfng and Deliv~ry Dct:\il~

!tolmqllishcd. By {Sign~tl) Onie Time Received by (~ign*d) Ou!o 'rune GEL PM:

I l Molhod ofShi~nionl: Date: Sliirmed:

2 2 A11bill/I:

3 3 Aitbill#:

l .) DtilJlt or CLos!o.dy Nu!nbcr - CHonl Di.?1£m1incd Fm* Lab Re~eiving Us** 011/)'

l.) QC' Codz:\: N

  • N'om~ill S'amp~c.10-= T:ri() Rtnr.k,, FD .. Ft~1d t'~tp11c::iilc, F:ll'"' r:.q'\llPl'll(l1ll SJ:mk, ~rs=- M~Hhc Spi~ci ~iiltr.pla. 'lSO ~ l.'h11d~ Spike Ot:.pl1ca~c SiJu;p:e, G u.(?rah, C =ecin.,~UI!

) l fu:ld F*ltcrcd: F~r h;')tml mnJr1ccs.,!t w11b Q- v - (tlor)'H. lhc ur11ple rAi. f1ogld fillcred or-i"'~ DWvOrlnlm;g W::atcr, G\V,..Orn1mJw01ccr, S\Vz-SJJ(.:1[:11 W;atcr, \\.'\\!::i\V:isJi.: W"~<='[', \\,.,*, ML.* Mt~ L11'J111d, SO..,Sod, SJ>:~s~uu~icr.t, .SL**.!l~::J,g:", SS*~S:ultd!~. O*'Oil, j:*.-J*'11t~t. l*:~Wi;i1:, {I 'l:nn.::, f"=l7 ct:<i!, :"l**~ YES NO S) Samph: /\rJDJy1i$ Re.q.acS!cJ l\lllllylit~l me1t.od rt'C\ll;;~1td ti~. 8.Z60D. 60JQD/7470AJ C111d 11m11t:c:r llf ~D~11~r!I p10\'1<ltt'l (c.r co,,;~ Ci.i: .*~261111

  • 3, ~OJOB1747rtA - l) Crw/t!r T~mµ:

U.} l1rC:i=.tJ\1'1hVc Ty11e: HA~ Hrd~bl\Uit: Ar:i<t, Nl =- N1!n< f\cjU, SH .. Sodium Hy(.rn:r.1d<:, S.t\""' S~lfl:n~ AcLd, AA .. A:m~rtlJt' Ac1~ 1 HX = Uc)l:i;pc, ST-r .S,:,d11:111 TJm:stolf:tt<!, Er110 r.rc!Cl',,*.: i11. :uh!.;d"' k.-i,*e; f:~(d hl.i:ik c WHITE~ LABO RATOR.\' YELi.OW = F'ILE PINK~CUENT

App E-Area 1- Instrument Field Sheets

Rev 1 10/18/1~

Instrument Field Response Check Log 1

1. Instrument lnformatlon Ratemeter: Make/Model: k_c;f/._,~  ?-,;I<.:/ I- z. Serial No. 2(...1..~ Lf I Cal. Due Date: I  ;/o 3/t:i..,,

Detector 1: Make/Model: [.1H /cJ11<. 1-f'-(. 11/ . Serial No. Pie ;) fJ °6 '-I 2-9 Bicron MlcroRem Meter: Serial No. i'./ e7 Cal. Due Date: a;, /l~/o -

2. Check Source Information: " /

source 1 lsotope:77JJ:3l Serial No.: 11 I Activity~ ,v. / units:..A.-1 c.£.. Assay Date: !.!LJ!!!ro .

Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr+20%__ uRem/hr-20%__ net cpm + 20% S3 7 7't1net cpm -20% *;r,s- ~ (;.

/ ' I?? r Source 2 lsotope:L.S Serial No.: 11Cf e <... 3-/Z. Activity: & '7Z... unlt~Assay Date:~

Response Acceptance R<inge (-+/*2rf'!a): uRem/hr+20%~-*_ uRem/hr~20%__ net cpm + 20"/o 13 ;i. 73 net cpm -20% g,'jJc/7 3.


12.J Date: !O/t-0~ Time: CJ'Y ! I I

4. Site or Location: Site/Job: (* I .J- /. 2,.,. . Location


.O~vi-'/" tPy C.~-;-

If:JU 1 7 ~ 1 GPS Coordinates (when requfred): X-Coord: '7~ 7-~ I c.-., ~ Y-Coord: &?f3v 4'1 at:..v l Instrument Field Response 2

Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks I Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response +/-20% Inst. Battery TI me Ambient Initials and Comments Cnt (cpmJ or Cnt (gross cpm or source ca lib. Check Of Temp. {add'l Info: Inst. Condition, etc.)

TI me uRem/hr) TI me uRem/hr) gross cpm current {V/N) check (oF) or uRem/hr (Y/N)


Ratemeter /,t} 7 I l/-Cj /. c) C?-? ;c) \.( v y O'j.'Z.~ (,.,_?. 7" '5.c. fa~ ~J.1 c.clv1 c..r ***.J~

Rate meter /.0 *7 3l(t/ f' c.) 9 !y '/7 y v y /I: 10 t-V. '-lo /]p ~ _: ~ ~- -

..,. ...... ~J 'tr Rate meter '

Rate meter NA 7.D NA Y.f@~O y '( y J/

Bicron Bicron Sieren NA NA

'7- 0 NA NA

~/<"9.,D y v ./



Bicron NA NA

1. Instrument designated check source Is l!sted on callbrat!on sticker. Record check source response (net cpm) prior to field deployment for all check sources be\ng used.
2. Source and Background count rate should be determined from the average of three statfc*counts at the same location. Repeat counts should be within 20%. If count r<1te diverges significantly, perform additional counts to evsluate instrument stability


~W T~K... ~~VJCE'lli' Rev 110/18/15 Instrument Field Response Check Log 1

1. Instrument lnformation Ratemeter: Make/Model: L. vOl..-vll-'\ 21- YI~ Z Serial No. 2(o2 l '.$1 Cal. Due Date: 0{ 2. i1 t,.

Detectorl: Make/Model: l vji:,.,;,111... t.; 1l*t<-.., Serial No. ff- Ji 11 ;?. I Bicron MicroRem Meter: Serial No. A J. ;:!. '1 IA. Cal. Due Date: I?/'1/il~

2. Check Source Information:

Source 1Isotope:1). 1.. 5 ~ Serial No.: JI(.,,, Activity: ~ units:~ Assay Date:~-, o Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%): uRem/hr+20%__ uRem/hr-20% _ _ net cpm + 20% 219 lb..* net cpm *20% J5' 2 fr-/

Source21sotope: Ls /°3>/ Seria1No.:,f7[;'Jj~ .. 'f$" Activity;

  • v.2.. units:µ</_;. Assay Date: Li.2d10 Response Acceptance Range (+/-20%); uRem/hr +20% _ _ u8em/hr *20% _ _ net cpm + 20%' / 3 3 7 s net cpm -20% f? '11 7
3. Technidan/Worker Performing Checks:

Name: Sil:Vif K'1.vS11i.<iV


fC.T Date: 10f n!i) Time: uJ'Y*{

4. Site or Location: Site/Job:.--'A_,_*_,,,_R..::.<:'.l-1-'-'-..1.I_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Location Descripti on:__.t!/.=......'t..,*5'""f~f...


""" 1"'""0_!1'---------

GPS Coordinates (when required): X-Coord: N  !.(2 ° ,;i ") 1 ( /. \" Y-Coord: l..,J Cl")[" 7'1 '"(< , <"

I I I Instrument Field Response 2

Use Acceptance Criteria Remarks I Meter Bkg Bkg Counts Source Source Response +/-20% Inst. Battery Time Ambient Initials and Comments I

Cnt Time (cpm) or uRem/hr)

Cnt Time (gross cpm or uRem/hr) source gross cpm Calib.

current Check


Of check Temp.


{add'! Info: inst. Condition, etc.)

oruRem/hr (Y/N)


Ratemeter I m}IJ f! Ifs- Jm11J I 1M'J. y 7' y Dl't'i . l(/. "! 'fl.. Z H. l Ratemeter / mrr./ Vt/<( J 1111,...I fl t;t.< y y ~i O\**rt \./ 'fl.'] . ( ( /J) i R.atemeter ),.n1tJ 7(..l £, J ll'll*V /90J'f' '/ y y l'tl< (?.I fl,?. n I I

Ratemeter I

r m11v IG!.>-b .I v1:"-' J1o;v '1 t y J'{(!/ '{q I t~ 1n I

' Ratemeter I ,.,1,,J 1 ],f'1 j ;11 //\J J 15D"( v y '/ isl( <ff"_ f lh 1.~L  !

, Ratemeter I n-1 :,J ""Hrt'1 ) /YllJi/ /D f'tf If y y y I<;;{  :;,t'. g Cs* 1~'

I Bicron NA < NA JI v ,y y D£*1i,-' 'if' .(1  !

Bicron NA t~ NA IR '-i y I /'it*:/' {'I. I i Bicron NA ~ NA Ix y y y I '>.I *)"" (i'- ~  !

1. lnstrument designated check source ls listed on calibration sticker. Record check source response (net cpm) prior to field deployment for all check sources being used.
2. Source.and Background count rate should be determined from the average of three static counts at the same location. Repeat counts should be within 20%. If count rate diverges significantly, perform additlonal counts to evaluate instrument stability