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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix E, Part 14 of 24
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16293A809 (14)


App E-Sub-Area 5.3- COC Forms

Page: ___________ ..... of

  • -*- .... - ..-*** ---*--- GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request GEL Lvbor.tluries, I.LC Project#; 20~0 Savage Rmd GEL Quote Ir:
    • See for G EL's Sample Acceptance SOP*"' Charlosto11, SC 29407 COC Number m; Phone* (8.1.1) 556-g 171 GEL Work Order Number:

PO Nrnnb*r Fa:<: (843) 766-l l 7R Client Name: Phone#: S2mple Analysis RcqMstcd 1

.Sl (Fill in !lie number of contai~e1:;- for e:ich Jest)


PmjcctiSite Name: Fax#: *---l'r~scrval1vcT;'p" (6)

Jamplc he Address: considere<l

' Com1nents Colkcicd by: Send R~oulti To: Note; e:dra SRmpl~ is

  • Ti;r:~ required for ~mnple
  • O;,!J C'c,!~'C~{ul C:..*~l . . i..:tt..J QC" fl,h] 5;.imri!c lSC r:il<r<<i M.itm: R*dl .\ specific QC Sample ID {rnrn-dd-yy)

(Mlli!ory) Cc..!i:*.li 1)) 11; O<J(ll Rcgll (hhmm)

  • Fur r..nmpr>:W£*.r ~ f11dir:cJll.' :tl.l'!'f sJt;p (/ure/t1me toled )Cl" 0

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s :, .-A. l't.4.~ 1-z..l 11 f,<; I s .~ A. IZ. t1. $"' J'l.111/;<; I TAT Rcoucs!cd: Normal: Rush: S11corfy: (SLhf<<t I* &:,-,1,.,~*) Ifo;c Results* Yes I No Circle Dcliv~rnb!e: Cof,\ i QC Summarv : Level I I Level 2 I LL'VC] 3 I Level '1 Remarks: Are there any /mow11 hazards opp/icable to these samples? lf.w, plea,,*e /l.1*11he hazc1rdr  :;\Dl!J!JIC Cgll~~lim:J TlUl~

Easlern Pacific C~ll!ral O!h<!r - * - - * *

?vlm,mlaiu Cbnh1 uf Custody Signat1ncs Sample Shipping and Odivcry Derails Rclinq111shc~ l!y (Sigoc~) Date Th11c Rccc\\!cd b)' (!{!gm;dJ Date Time GEL PM:

I \ Mcthcd of Shipmrnl. Dale Sliippc~

2 2 A11b1llll:

J 3 Alrbill //*

l.} (ha;n cirCl!'i.teidy NumU:r - C'1cn1 Dc1wmLit:d f'm* Lah R~<:C"Mng Oi1/y 2.) QC tcdc'!i. N :s Ncm:1I Sanip!i:, TIJ1:1 Tr.p l)!3rik. Fil ::r F"kld Pcrbc:*nt:, EB .. fquip'.l':.;-:n; Brthk, \.fS-= Ma.1ri:1 Sp*ke'S.:.1.:r.rJ!"!, '\ISD.,,,. M~1mr ~r:1ce T);.rihbri= Ss.n:pfc:, C. =-Gr::Jh, C.,., ('omr~'-ll~

J) Ft~rd l;i'.tctll.!(t Fer trq1.11d ln<1lrt~s. :~rl~CL.::c 1.V1lh .a* Y .. fer~" Jhe  :;a,n:p~c w:is fit!d ri:-C::rcd*cr- :S *fer $;)mp~c v.-c,'i 11~1 fl;J~ fillcrcd Cu.,*wrly &al lm11ct~

-1.) :\.11.1!11~ Cud~11 OW D[i!lhl& W.s!L.'t, GW* Grnl::~J*~~ilcr, SW* Swfac\!' W;ltcr, \V\\'=\'i.'<1~>! \V.i:ter. \\'=\V~l..:r 1 ML **M15:!! Uc11ud, SO,-=S~:l, SU~*Sc-Jl:m:nr. SL=S!o~J~i:. SSc-:~\lbl Wi~c.:-. 0=01~. !i**F*l~cr, I* *W11x:. ll="l!r.:m:*.F.:.ft'L'3!. !'tl*' YES NO

$.} SJr:lJ.!lc Ac~lphi IlcQ1l~Slc:i: Ara.;;yl:c<il u1c!hJ*J f(!;'.l'Jt:~t,J Ci~ Ml6gO, 6{)11JM41rJA) LimJ 11u11!l.1n Mccr.\ pro'-'*.L!d for i:'~'-'t. (1 c ,4/.1f;tUJ * ~. ~()}1!ll!7rf1i/4 - I). Crmlt:rT~mµ r~) Pr~~~r..,~n""' Tyr.~: UA- lfy11r~chl*:m.;:- Acid, J'lifJ .. NmJC' A<!J.:I, SH"" Sod:u~n Uyflroxtd:i;, ~.\ ""S;.U-11nc Ac:1d. AA= /m;orl\1::-Acd, HX ::..* .Hc~;:i.1~::. ST= Scdm1'1 Th~on:lfn: 1 lf tiO p~c,cr.,;;1!1\.'t' 15 add;oc'I '=- fioM b'~r.)i c WHll'E ~ L1\llORATORY YELLOW= PILE PINK= CLIENT

l'*B'" -----**--***- oJ' ... ---*-*---* GEL Chain of Custody and Analytical Request GEL Labornlurios, LLC l'rojcct #: 2040 Savage Rold

~*See fm* GP.L's Sample Ac~eptance SOPt*

GEL Quote N - * .. -*--~*-*** ******---*** .....--- Charleston, SC 29407 COC Number rn; .. .... ***** .. GEL W1ll'k Order NUlllbc:r: Phooc: (843) 556-8 l7 l l'O Nu1nh.r Fax: (&43) 766-1178 Client Name* ?hone#: Saznple Analysis Requested lS; {Fill in !ho numbtl1 of.co11tniners for each Lest)


    • 'Proj!lct/Sitc N~m~: Fux II* lhls <-- Prc5crvali'c T,*p" (6)

$ilmpl< be Address: COllShlerciS'

" Commcnls Collected by: Send Results Io; Note: ex.Im sample is Sample ID

'!Mo C"ll"Lod

  • ru~i~


(~111;1 ..})

QC Co~u1 Fi*:~Ll F~Jle:l:::J S.;1~1ljll.::

M~t11x Rndi TSC:


!l requiri::d for ~ampk spcdfic QC

~_Fv* r.."fmrp~~*~.*!..'~Pf(a!e/tiiit~

':t.m-dd*))') thbmln)

'" '" Ulldl ltC\:,U l>1iltd >Cr U s -~*A.fZ..I_\ [LI /';'I I"{°

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TAT Rcqu;:;lc<i; Normal: Rush: Specify: [Sub1*d tu S*>>ll<r~*J IF*X Results: Yes I No Circle Dclivcrnblc. CofA I QCSummnrv I lavd I I Lc>>cl 2 f Level 3 I t.~.vcl 4 R11marlfs: Al'e tlwre any !mown hazards appikabh: lo lhese .1'amp!es? !f.~v, pl1mse fist the hazards S;unplc Cglli;r.lIDll..'..CimJ<Z<.>.i;i;.

Enstem Poclfic Centro\ Other -**--.

f'f'l0ltnl11in Clmln of Cusiody Sigmllurcs Sample Shi111iing a111J Ocllvcry Details il.cl11u11:"!:0J By (S*B*"'JJ Dil[C Tin1c Rcccivod ~)' 1.i~nctl) Dut~ Ti1nc GEL PM:

I I Mclb<*d of Sl1mr,1e111: Pale Shinned_

2 2 Airbillll:

3 3 Ai~bill#*

1 ) Ch!'lit'I c( C.:~lndy Nun:-t!eT *

  • i.:li!::r:t D~t~rminr.:!d 2 .) QCt"o~11.: Ti,. N-0n*1i\l~tn:plc. 'l'R-Tnp U~ti:k. FO .. field D!!pl1~ah':, F.TJ,.. V.<;i:ip.1~lt!'1.L Bbtik. MS'°' M;i.,n..; Srn~*t? S:.*tp~c. MST>* MtilrX Spike [)\1J1l~ca~.:=, 1; = Gr.::.b-, C
  • Cuirp~1;c For La/i lieceivlll[I v.,,, 011/;*

l l Fickl F1'.:md l-c-1 ~iqu1d P.111irJ~Cti, *11d11:1.n~ w1U~ n- Y - for ye~ tht: s.t3lll~f: wo~ ri.~kl f'il::l:'lC_j {:r- N - l(r s::ir.1p~z 'nl.~ *1a~ !i.clJ fillc1cJ C11src.u~v S**a/ lnltl<"I?

  • I.\ Miar1~*:c Ct1JJ.;:;. D\........ D'clakiils w.11cr, c;w. . ,G,tJtllhh"i~;.:.:r, SW< W;:lcr, ww~w.-rs1c Wr.l..:r, w. W~l::r, Ml.**MI:<>..: l.i~j~!~J. SO-"'S~11I. SD ... Sdi1n1mr. SLL*S!;;(tgc,,SS* :)ql:.:.I \V:i.:;.tc. O**Oi~. r* *riitci, P* \\'1;1t:, tr: Uti~i;. Ehl"'c.. al. ;-..i .-t YES /\'O

.S.) S~ri:.1>ie A'1.1l,-sis: r..c:q~;C'i.~cd: A1101~1h::il t:.1cll'.tic1 f(.~1:1:~!{-d Ci i: 1!261lll. 601-0nfT*l?OA.~ T\~ *l<:.m;\.-ri* r1f c.o,11r.::\t:ts 1i*o*.,,.:-:.i;J l~r e-r:~h (t.c . *Oi!.'Jn . :;, t.tJJiJBl747fM .. l} Crwfor T"np .

(1)*"1Hh,,.. 1)"p~ HA.,, i lyd,.~hlc~1.:: 1\c1d. NI r N:.trn: A.;i,i. SH

  • Sc:.:!11m1 Hy1k(~jrll! 1 S,\ ::z;..r1c /u.:1ct, AA...: Aii::c;*l::ii: AtM, HX 01 H~t!.l:C::, 1t*r - Bccln111~ 1J)~oH,lfotr., If nfl r-1as:cr.,,~11v:; '*" :i ...M-e(' fonov~ Jl~td t:P.1TII;.

App E-Sub-Area 5.3 - Field Survey Checklists

The MJW Companies GPS Field Survey Checklist The following field survey checklist is u!">ed oncP the su1vey team ha~ walked to the loci:ltlon that they will begin a GPS survey. This checklist is intended to verify none of the cables or settings changed or cable;, came loose between the initial setup location and lhe field survey location. Complete step 9 once the current walkover segment is complete 1.

.; j

j Verify the Ludlum Meter is in Rate mode

/1  !}

2. -~Verify that the Ludlum Meter i:, alternating d1~p!ay of" DuP*' and "Volue" i .
3. ~ 5et Menu 1 tu "Status" and M~nu 2 to "Receiver'*
4. 4£ 4 ...,

Verify thCJt Antenna stati?5 "External"

5. --*~Set Menu 1 to ~Data"' *
6.  !/~ Name a fife to start the current wrvev ;:ind ~tart the data logger

°"re""-~~_,.--:* h Filename: --1...!::::...__!_i___!_~_._":!_ ..*-*. ~~--'"'.". *-** . -*--**- .. ********--


  • '\


7. L-- ! V j Set Menu 1 to "Status" and Memi ::. to Sensor"


8. ~/3.. *-Verify that the sensor field is read*ng th<"! same ao, the display on the Ludlum

'1 ,F"J

9. ~ Q_ When finished, ~et Menu 1 to "D<ita and close the cu1 rent file.

Name:_4:lk,t_+.{- -~---- __ Date:

_ The MJW Companies GPS Initial Setup Checklist

1. __v_'_ Complete source check of Ludlum !yleter
2. /' Power off Ludlum Meter
3. -~/*_Verify Trimble is shutdown (not in suspend mode) 1
4. _ _/_ __ Conne.ct the Serial Interface Adapter {S1A) to the Trimble Unit
5. _ _/__ ,* _Connectthe Serial cable to the Ludlum Meter
6. _ _.__ /* _ Conne(.t the Serial cable to the Trimble S!A
7. ---=~'----, Connect external GPS antennJ c;1ble to the Trimble
8. .,,,// Power on Ludlum Meter to Rate mode
9. ***-.~~Verify that the Ludlum Meter is ;i!ternatmg display of "DUP" and "Value"
10. /Power on the Trimble and wait for it to completely boot

( ~unch 1=ziffy

11. Tetra Sync and wa;t fo, ;t to load and acqu;re sotelllM
12. Set Menu 1 to "Statu.'>" <ind Menu 2 to "Receiver
13. th"1 Antenna <t"1e< ** '"""'"'
14. / Set Menu 1 to "Data"
15. v//~arne a te~t file and ;,tart tht! data logger
15. / Set Menu 1 to "Status" and Menu 2 to "Sen::.or
17. ~:Verify that the sensor field is reading thE' same a~ the displ<iy on the Lu.dlum
18. 7 Set Menu 1 to "Data" and*do~e the current file.

Date: /~*/S*/S


App E-Sub-Area 5.3 - Sample Data Sheets

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: .J..3:( 1~\ r<) _ Project N~~,t;Cl_Q_i:l._ _____ ..... - _.....

1. Sample Area. (SA):

SA Designation: "S. 3 4*


_C_*.J_*~~_,J_*_.o_I._fd_r, _ __

SA Origin Location: - - - - * - - . Coord. System: _ _ __

SA Land ,Mark


_ _ _ _ Coard:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: S * ?J _A-*-((-\ - - Matrix: --*-*-- 'S.o '1 \

Location Coord: 4 ). ' *3. I ' J,. lS '

1 tJ A Item ate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coo rd.)

X Dist from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Origin: _ _ __

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) 8 Sample Location


!(<J...+ '41-t.;,.,*d l~~;J_-t-c.J.C'J{.'1 ~c6'1~ tn>.~':,, (~orv?S (c.f .,J-rJ..)

Canop~ Type: ~r\-,\Jj.\..~, c11~-il\ Land Use: J}~  !,;;..J.L~ Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, etc.):__:_:_; G.L'Vl_t--

3. *Location Radiation Readin S!

2x2 Nal Bicron Notes (cpm) (uRem/hr)

,...., ":l ,fl . I

4. Sample Information~ Sample Area ID: _, *:; . h-- -f(. I. I - l..._p D escnption bty D epth: *--**

Depth Soil Type Soil Sample ID Sampling Description Interval (Org~ clay~ Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth retention, (cm) sand, etc.) Aus al, stone or rock, topos.raphy, erosion features) o* ;'} -\-t1S(:.* \

ru*~~" '.).5.~.((l.:l_ .i::~v r-.;-J-b.___

/<;". )tl *- -*-

-t~., ::.~ '* \ -s.:~.A-.K i.z.. ct' S"

-- ~r. **~-

  • - :;~*\":('"- rC)

"3G-~~ -h,.-se**\ t+. b~;...,.. 5.'. ~.rt _i( -1~ .. ~)v_ffi..i!. n~

to-,:.::::, *- t~~!(~w.l I+ . btt.-* S"C\ <f __lli.~u,1 --r;;.;~ f'

~- (\ f' ' -

-t ~*;!,i '\ c:l~ b,~.,, .-.;.~.H-.1<:..1.s T~\.,l_, rum_

G1.', -f l0 t*.~,1* I, r~lCI, 1+.b-.. . ~ '.) .*.s. ft. K . I . (D .J1~e1,.,,~ n:s~h( reek~

-*S;mpl~ Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: (CV) ... __,,

(N) 10/20/15



Date: 1Z. t! Ii ~

I ..-

Project: Name:  ::f"_ cs~\.-->_h___

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: S. 3 A ____ Desi::ription: ... _G2~-~~< DLJcr-f_________

SA Origin Location: _______ Coord. System:---*--***

SA Land Afark


__ Coord:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: <::;-. s~~-~.2--- Matrix: So: [ ---

l.\ ):- ..)I l J I *7 . ,, A 1 ~ ? <- .:-~v -; '1  ? " !r\

Location Coord: 1. T) /V ____ .!_ __1..___)_!2_....:..l~-~J~--

Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.)

X Dist. from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Origin: _ _ __

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) ~

Sample Location


__+\rd- ~r'L,_xd ~.rfl~_+"t.t)_,_;...--\11.;l,*! \:;._g..,_filU \.;-}1'"_;,~J'--1\,.....*_ _ __

Canopy .Type: w..-t*.JY--0...... ______

0 Weather: '5v l"ri=1 1 101,,) GC' s __ . . . _

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation:

SA Origin Location:

DesCliption: v-JQ'Ad 4

Coard. System: _____ ,_

SA Land Mark


_ --*---.. Coord:

2. Sampfe Location Data:

Sample Area ID: 'S' *?, ..\. iS.:_~ _____ rvlatrix: __2t.:.i.l ... _

Location Coord:

Alternate Location Measurements (dist.ance from SA origin and Local Coord.)

X Dist. from Origin (0,0) Y Dist from Origin: _____ _

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) ~

Sample Location


_+h+-3rn.;..-d."l',::,0*"'***.~ ~? ;;,..::, 1 J~ J. ~l l~ 11, ~'l (< k*'.I * ' ;))

Canopy Type:riv:iA-1<:1.~h t..{*t...... Land Use: .h*** \.'. ,~.;;:-~----Soil Moisture (Wet, dry, r .J etc.): !:.*-1".:(


.....: *._. _ ~ 1'.,.,P



3. Location Radiation Readings:

2x2 Nal Bicron Notes cpm) (uRem/hr)

4. Sample Information: .Sample A.rea ID: S, 3 . f\-. ((.. 3. I * :;;}_

D escnption b1' D epth Deptlz Soil Type Soil Sample ID l Sampling Description Interval (Org; clay; Color (Surface litter type/depth, sample depth rntention, (cm) sand, etc.) *--- l -~fusal, stone or rock, ~_gra hy, erosion features)

()-l <;





).'.S. A._~

'5.~ tU (*_ ~- ~- . *FT.:-f~ *--------*

---*r=----~ _. ____. .__ *------!



J-_ --=--=\----~--


Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled:(tY)) (N) 10/20/15

SAMPLE LOCATION DATA SHEET Date: \7..\ 11 \ r< Name:

-J. ~Hl~~**

---****-*** **- .. 1-... _._. *------*-

Weatl~er: "::>'-' *\rn.1 . ! {. .;.:. ., l*Q\

1. Sample Area (SA):

SA Designation: S". 3. +.


_\_J..r_o:-_.~_,_,)_.~+=+_-:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

SA Origin Location: _____ **--- Coord. System: _ __

SA Land 1\!fark


________ -~-- Coard:

2. Sample Location Data:

Sample Area ID: S", ~ rt_ 1( . LI 1v1atrix: Sc ~d--- **-

Location Coord: L\J" )I I l. ~r:r* 1 rJ . TL ~~1_}~-Y_t,_**_1.,~,J_ __

Alternate Location Measurements (distance from SA origin and Local Coord.)

X Dist. from Origin (0,0) Y Dist. from Origin:

Site Sketch Attached (Yes) ~

Sample Location


_ -Cl:i+ ;}{""'1**1, .J;.f\I\'<... i-vu*~ _J~J ~t /<i1~0k) (<.. (.;;u~,;11J____

Canopy_Type: y;-1-111. li. 1 Of~'i Land Use: _h1b1~.;.,..~:!s____. Soil l'vtoisture (Wet, dry, etc.): ~\.'\h!l'-r, d.:ht.}z

3. Location Radiation Readings: -*-* ---*-*-- * - -
  • 2x2 Nal ~ Bicron Notes (cpm}

(uRem/hr) I

~~:-~.~E:-t ;m-~:1:~"~ 1r.::a.:* 1Yii;:1 c!llc *~*

Count time I cm (min) r 1G1~ 1 I *:n.-+<, *---*.... 1- \ v 'l  : - I . lid.\ I. N\ ' l - z;!l- *µ; \..(*,'f /)" .

~ __)_ \J.,l"\t.. C)>t,YK_ Y<.{*IG:_il, 11-z.~n c,d .~.

4. Sample Information~ Sample Area JD: S'". ~::, 'ft . (2_. 'i .l - )

D escnption bty D epth **-~*~**

Dept!* Soil Type Soil Sample lD Sampling Descriptio1i Interval (Org; clay; Colar (Surlace litter type/depth, sampl e depth retention,

_____lcm) sand, etc.) r\::.fusal, stone or rock, !opograph)',erosion features)

!:'- I<, +*~!,c.' \ 11..-\'.._ b-o*~, ~ S' --~. A.!/.'...'{_\ 7-.t_~n:1~ (C*:-':'\

  • -+----------***-***

I I I"* 1,C +...~.')( \ ~~~.-~.:. P.-:. ...,,., 5,5 A l(. ll,?... 1 ft'°'O- U*...A . ..* .f'"'°"~'; **--

f---* ----***---<


~* **-- *****-* .

    • ~

1 Sample Recorded on Laboratory COC form and Container Labeled: @ {N) 10/20/15

App E-Sub-Area 5.3- Static Survey Tables

AREA 5.3A Date Elevation Coordinates Collected sample 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30*60cm 60-lOOc cm f(_~S-1) S.3A R 1 1 x 42°31'2.lS"N 78°58'32.35"W ll...-1$'-, ~ 5.3A R 1 2 x l"Z..-1 S--tl'" 5.3A R 1 3 x

' i. "1 ':)"- , .,. 5.3A R 1 4 x

\1..-\S°- ,'} 5.3A R 1 5 *.* x 1""2...-/ l .. A., 5.3A R 1 6 *.*.) ( **

t2....U..-<.) 5.3A R 2 x 42°31'1.73"N 78°58'32.13"W (2-H-t.< S.3A R 2 2 x

{L ..M.-t"f" 5.3A R 3 1 x 42"31'1.79"N 78°58'32.82"W (2Al4~ 5.3A R 3 2 x C2 -!L'l.< S.3A R 4 1 x 42 °31'1.89"N 78"58'32.46"W (7 ...... jt-1-) 5.3A R 4 2 x t2--cl-rr


AREA S.3A Date Elevation Coo rdinates Collected Sample 0-15 cm 15-30 cm 30-60 cm 60-lOOc cm 17_/ ,, I 1< S.3A R 1 1 x 42°31'2.lS"N 78°58'32.35 11 W 11...[ 1"1/rf 5.3A R 1 2 x 1<- J, '\ r, .; 5 .3A R 1 3 x

,Lfi<</1*( 5.3A R 1 4 x 1<- f1d r ) ... S.3A R 1 5 x 1 ~!1\f 1) x 5 .3A R 1 6 ..

1z..i, /1{ 5.3A R 2 x 42°31'1.73"N 78°58'32.13"W


.J l! l' ~\

l j -

S.3A R 2 2 x

~( tr'~ S.3A R 3 1 x 42"31'1.79"N 78"58'32 .82"W n.. <1 r,<i 5.3A R 3 2 x

~ '"t.

' I *; 5.3A R 4 1 x 42°31'1.89"N 78°58'32.46W 11... ,. f, '*' 5.3A R 4 2 x

,'.. f.Y-


  • . *..