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Radiological Survey and Dose Assessment Report for the Western New York Nuclear Service Center and Off-Site Areas in Follow Up to Aerial Gamma Radiation Survey Conducted in 2014, Rev. 0, Appendix H, Part 8 of 41
Person / Time
Site: West Valley Demonstration Project, P00M-032
Issue date: 08/22/2016
MJW Technical Services
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, State of NY, Energy Research & Development Authority, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML16293A155 List: ... further results
Download: ML16294A242 (47)


Appendix H8 -

RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1 L 12

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tl1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : /lo.REA l.Ll2 RESIDENT.ROF Table of Cont<::!nts Part I: Mixture Sums and Single Radionuclide Guidelines Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary .. .

Site-Specific Parameter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Summary of Pathway Selections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Contaminated Zone and Total Dose Summary . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Total Dose Components Time 0. OOOE+OO Time 1. OOOE+OO 35 Time 3. OOOE+OO 36 Time 6. OOOE+OO 37 Time 1. 200E+Ol 38 Time 3. OOOE+Ol 39 Time 7. SOOE+Ol 40 Time 1. 750E+02 ~l Time 4. 200E+02 4" Time 9. 700E+02 43 Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathw.ays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1 Dose Per Nuclide Summed Over All Pathways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Soil Concentration Per _Nuclide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Run Time Information . . * . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 1of46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 07 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA l.L12 RESIDENT.ROF Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary Current Library: FGR 12 Default Library: FGR 12 Current Parameter Menu Parameter Value Defat:lt Name DCSF DCF' s for external ground radiation, (mrem/yr) I {pCi/g)

DCSF Ba-137m (Source: FGR 12) 3. 606E+OO 3. 606E+OO DCFEXT ( 11 DCSF Cs-137 (Source: FGR 12) 7. 510E-0.4 7. 510E-04 DCFEXT I 2)

Cun:ent Library: FGR 11 Default Library: FGR 11 Current Parameter Menu Parameter Value Default Name DCSF Dose conversion factors for inhalation, mrem/pCi:

DCSF Cs-137+0 3.190E-05 3.190E-05 DCF2il)

DCSF Dose conversion factors for ingestion, mr.:m/pCi:

DCSF Cs-137+0 5. OOOE-05 5. OODE-05 DCF3 ( l) 2 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12}

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11: Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 07 Page Parent Dose Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1.Ll2 RESIDENT.ROF Dose Conversion Factor (and Related) Parameter Summary (continued}

Current Library: RESRAD Default Transfer facto:r:s Default Library: RESRAD Default Transfer factors Current Parameter Menu Parameter Value Default Name TC Soil to plant transfer factors:

TF Cs-137+0 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4. OOOE-02 4. OOOE-02 RTF(l,l)

'rF Cs-137+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4. OOOE-02 4. OOOE-02 RTF(l,2)

TF Cs-137+0 plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4. OOOE-02 4. OOOE-02 RTF(l,3)

TF Cs-137+D plant/soil concentration ratio, dimensionless 4. OOOE-02 4. OOOE-02 RTF(l, 4)

TF intake to meat/milk transfer factors:

(pCi/kg) I (pCi/d)

TF Cs-137+D beef/ livestock-intake ratio, 3. OOOE-02 3. OOOE-02 I _M{l,!)

TF Cs-137+D milk/livestock-intake ratio, (pCi/L) I (pCi/d) 8. OOOE-03 8. OOOE-03 I _M(l,2)

TF Bioaccumulation factors, fresh water, L/kg:

TF Cs-137+D fish 2. 000E+03 2. 000£+03 BIOFA (1, l)

Tf Cs-137+D crustacea and mollusks 1. 000Et02 1. OOOE+02 BIOFA(l,2) 3 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parametets File  : AREA 1.Ll2 RESIDENT.ROF Sit-:::-Specific Parameter Summary User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name FSTI Exposure duration 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+Ol ED FSTI Basic radiation dose limit (mrem/yr) 2. SOOE+Ol 2. SOOE+Ol BRDL CONC Initial principal radionuclide (pCi/g): Cs-137 7. 900E-01 0. OOOE+OO Sl 111 VDEP Deposition velocity for Cs-137 1. OOOE-03 1. OOOE-03 DEPVEL{ll DCLR Distribution coefficients for Cs-137 DCLR Contaminated zone (cm*"3/g) 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 DCNOCC (11 DCLR Unsaturated zone l (cm,...3/gl 2. SOOE+02 4. 600E+03 DCHUCU (1, l.l DCLR Saturated zone {cm""*3/g). 2. SOOE+02 4. 600E+03 DCNUCS Ill DCLR Sediment in surface body \cm....,3/g} 4. 800E+02 4. GOOE+03 DCNUCSWB Ill DCLR Agricultu:i::al l (cm""*3/g) 2. 800E+02 4. 600E;+03 DCNUCOF ( 1, 11 DCLR Agricultural area 2 (crn**3/g) 2. SOOE-t-02 4. 600E+03 DCNUCOF(l, 21 DCLR Agricultural area (cm"'*3/g) 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 DCNUCOF(l, 3j DCLR Agricultural area (cm~"'J/g) 2. 800Et02 4. 600E+03 DCNUCOF(l, 4)

DCLR .I Offsit.e Dwelling (cm**3/g) 2. 800E+02 4. 600E+03 DCNUCDWE ( l)

DCLR I Initial Leach rate {/yr) Cs-137 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 5.461E-04 ALEACHlli I

LYOT I Be~:r:in9 of X axi.s (clockwise angl-e N-->X in degrees} j 9.000E+Ol 9.000E+Ol DNXBEARING LYOT I Length of l?rimary contamination in X Direction .2. 400E+02 1. 000E+02 SOURCEXY (1)

LYOT I Length of Primary contamination in Y Direction 2. 900E+02 l. OOOE+02 SOURCEXY (21 LYOT I Smalle:r: X coordinfite of Agricultu.c:al Area 1 O.OOOE+OO 3.438E+Ol AGRIXY(l,l)

LYOT I Larger X coordinate of Agricultural A"tea 1 1. OOOE+OO 6. 563E+Ol AGRIXY(2,ll LYOT I Smaller Y cOordinate of P..gricultural Area 1 0. OOOE+OO 2. 340E+02 AGRIXY (3, 11 LYOT I Larger Y coordinate of Agricultural Area 1 1. OOOE+OO 2. 660E+02 AGRIXY (4, 11 LYOT I .Smaller X coordinate of Agricultural Area 2 O.OOOE+OO 3.43SE+Ol AGRIXY(l,21 LYOT I Larger *X coo:?:dinate of Agricultural Area 2 1. OOOE+OO 6. 563E+Ol AGRIXY (2,2)

LYOT I Smalle:r: Y coordinate of P..gricultural Area 2 0. OOOE+OO 2. 68 OE+02 AGRIXY (3, 21 LYOT I Larger Y coordinate of Agricultural Area 2 1. OOOE+OO 3. 000Et02 AGRIXY(4,2)

LYOT I Smaller .x coordinate of Agricultural Area 3 -4. 250E+02 0. OOOE+OO AGRIXY ( 1, 3)

LYOT I Large:r: X coordinate of Agricultut:al A:r:ea 3 P, .100E+02 I 1. OOOE+02 AGRIXY (2, 31 LYOT I Smaller 'i c6ordinateo of Agricultural Area 3 0. OOOE+OO I 4. 500E+02 AGRI_XY (3, 3)

LYOT I Largez: Y coordinate of Agz:icultural Area 3 8. 600E+02 I 5. 500E+02 AGRIXY(4,3)

LYOT I Smaller X coo:r:dinate of Fi.gricultural Area 4 0. OOOE+OO I. 0. OOOE+OO AGRIXY (1, 4)

LYOT I Larger X coordinate of Agricultural Area 4. 1. OIJOE+OO I 1. OOOE+02 AGRIXY (2, 41

.LYQT I Smaller Y coordinate of Ag:r:icultural Area 4 0. OOOE+OO I 3. OOOE+02 AGRIXY (3, 41 LYOT I Larger Y cOordinate of Agricultural Area 1. OOOE+OO I 4. OOOE+02 AGRIXY14.41 LYOT I Smaller X coordinate of Dwelling Area 8. OOOE+Ol I 3. 438E+Ol .I DWELLXY 111 LYOT I La.rger X coordinate of Dwelling Area l.870E+02 I 6.563E+Ol I DWELLXY121 LYOT I Smaller Y coordinate of Dwelling Areg 0. OOOE+OO I 1. 340E+02 I DWELLXY 131 LYOT I Larger Y coordinate of Dwelling Area 1. 070E+02 I 1. 650E+02 *1 DWELLXY ( 4)

LYOT I Smaller X coordinate of Surface wa::e:r body l-4. 250E+02 l-1. OOOE+02 I SWXY Ill LYOT I Larger X coordinate of Surface ~va'ter: body 8. 1 OOE+02 2. OOOE+02 I SWJtY 12)

LYOT I Smaller Y coordinate of Surface "1? body 8. 600E+02 5. 500E+02 I SWJtY 131 LYOT I Larger Y coordinate of Su.rface wat:er body 9. 100E+02 8. 500E+02 I SWXY(41 4 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tl1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA l.L12 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name STOR Storage times of contaminated foodstuffs (days}:

STOR Surface water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO STOR_T (11 STOR Well water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO STOR_T (2)

STOR Fruits, non-le:afy ve:getables, and grain 1.400Et01 1.400E+Ol STOR_T (3)

STOR Leafy vegetables 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOEtOO STOR_T (4)

STOR Livestock feed - pasture or silage 1.. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO STOR_T (5)

STOR Livestock feed - grain 4. SOOE+Ol 4. SOOE+Ol STOR_T (6)

STOR M.e:at and poultry 2. OOOE+Ol 2. OOOE+Ol STOR_T(7)


STOR Fish 7. OODE.;.QQ 7. OOOE+OO STOR_T (9)

STOR Crustacea and mollusks 7. OOOE+OO 7. OOOE+OO STOR_T (10)

TIME Times at which dose/risk to be reported (yr} l. OO:JE+OO 1. OOOE+OO T (2)

TIME Times a!: *..;hich dose/risk to be reported (yr) 3. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO T (3)

TIME Times at which dose/risk to be reported (yr) 6. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO T (4)

TIME *rimes at which dose/risk to be reported {yr) 1. 200E+Ol 1. 200E+Ol T (Si TIME Times at which dose/risk to be reported {yr} 3.000E+Ol 3.000E+Ol T (6)

TIME Times *at which dose/risk to be reported (yr) 7. SOOE+Ol 7. 500E+Ol T(7)

TIME Times at which dose/risk to be reported {yr} 1. 750E+02 1. 750E+02 T (8)

TIME Times at which dose/risk to be reported (yr) 4. 200E+02 4. 200E+02 T(9)

TIME Times at which dose/risk are to be repo:rted {yr) 9. 700E+02 9. 700E+02 T (10)

SITE Precipitation (m/yr) 1. 160E+OO 1. OOOE+OO PRECIP SITE Average annual wind speed {m/s;-c) 2. 27BE+OO 2. OOOE+OO WIND PRCZ Area of primary contamination (rn""*2} 6. 960E+04 1. 000E+04 AREA PRCZ Length pa:r.:allel to aquif~r flow (m) 1. 650E+02 l. OOOE+02 LCZPAQ PRCZ Depth of soil mixing layer (m) 1. 500E-01 l.SOOE-01 DM PRCZ Deposition velocity of dust {m) 1. OOOE-03 1. OOOE-03 DEPVEL _DUST PRCZ Irrigation (m/yr) 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RI PRCZ Evapotransp;iration coefficient 6.200E-01 5.000E-01 EVAPTR PRCZ Runoff coefficient 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 RUNOFF PRCZ Rainfall Erosioh Index. l. 600E+02 1. 600E+02 RAINEROS PRCZ Slope-length-steepness factor of prim. contamination\ 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 SLPLENSTPPC PRCZ Cropping-management factor of primary contamination 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 CRPMANGPC PRCZ Conservation practice factor of prim. contamination l.OOOE+OO l.OOOE+OO CONVPRACPC PRCZ Thickness of contaminated zone (ml l .OOOE+OO 2. OOOE+OO THICKO PRCZ Contaminated zone total porosity 3. 600E-01 4. OOOE-01 TPCZ PRCZ Computed erosion rate of contaminated ;;:one (rr-Jyr) l.265E-05 l.147E-05 vcz PRCZ Density of contaminated zone (g/cm,..~3) 1.700E+OO l.SOOE+OO DENSCZ PRCZ Soil erodibility factor of contaminated 5. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 ERODIBILI'l'YCZ PRCZ Contaminated field capacity 2. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 E'CCZ PRCZ Contaminated zone b parameter 1. 400E~OO 5. 300E+OO BCZ PHCZ Contaminated zone hydraulic condiictivity (m/yr) 1. 400E+02 1. OOOE+Ol HCCZ PRCZ Contaminated zone effective porosity 2.SOOE-01 4.000E-01 EPCZ f?RCZ longitudinal dispersivity of prime contamination (m} I 5.000E-02 5.000E-02 ALPHALCZ PRCZ Cover depth (m) I not us.;;d 0. OOOE+OO COVERO 5 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit = 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete:ts File  : AREA 1.Ll2 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name PRCZ Total porosity of the cover material not used 4. OOOE-01 TPCV PRCZ Computed erosion rate of cover material {m/yr) not used l .147E-05 VCY PRCZ Density of cover material (g/crn ... "'3) not used 1. SOOE+OO DENSCV PRCZ Soil erodibility factor of cover 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 E:RODIBILITYCV PRCZ Volumetric water content of the cover material not used 5. OOOE-02 FH20CV AGRI A:i:eal extent of Agricultural Area 1 (m,..*2) 1. 0008+00 l. OOOE+03 l\.REM{l)

AGRI fraction of Agri. lu:ea 1 d~rectly. over the not used 0. OOOE+OO FAREA_PLANT{l}

AGRI Evapotranspi:-ati~n coefficient in Agr i. hrea 6. 200E-01 5. OOOE-01 EVAPTRN ill AGRI Runoff cvefficierit in Agricultural Area l 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 RUNOF{l)

AGRI Mixing depth/plow layer of Agricultural Area 1. SOOE-01 1. 500E-Ol DPTPJHXG{l)

AGRI Water filled porosity of sail in Agri. Area 1 3.000'E-01 3.000E-01 THOF(ll AGRI Computed erosion rate of soil in Agri. Arel O.OOOE+OO 1.147£-05 EROSN (1)

AGRI Dry Bulk Density of soil ~n Agricultural Area 1 1.70DE+OO l.SOOE+OO RHOB ill AGRI Soil erodibility factor .of Agricultural Area 1 O.OOOE+OO 4.000E-01 ERODIBILITY(l)

AGRI Slop~-length-steepness factor, F~gricultural Area 1 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 SLPLENSTP(l)

AGRI Cropping-management factor of Agricultural Area 1 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 CRPHANG(l)

AGRI Conservation practice factor of Agricultural Area 1 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO CONVPRAC (1)

AGRI Total porosity of soil in Agri. Area not used 4. OOOE-01 TPOF(l)

AGRI Areal ez.tent of Agricultural 1u:::ea C (m,..*2} 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+03 ARE.;0(2)

AGRI Fraction of Agri. Area 2 directly over the c. z. not used 0. OOOE+OO FAR.£;.._ PLANT (2)

AGRI Evapotcanspirat:ion coefficient in Agri. Area 6. 200£-01 5. OOOE-01 EVAPTRN(2}

AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 EUJ!lOFCZ)

AGRI Mixing depth/plow layer of Agricultural Area 2 1. SOOE-01 1. SOOE-01 DPTHMIXG ( 2)

AGRI Water* filled porosity of soil in Agri: Area 2 3.000E-01 3.000E-01 TMOE"(2)

AGRI Computed erosion ra.te of soil in Agri. Are2 O.OOOE+OO 1.147£-05 EROSN (2)

AGRI Dry Bulk Density c-f soil in Ag:ticul tural .;rea 1. 700E+OO 1. SOOE+OO RHOB{2}

AGRI Soil erodibility factor of Agricultural Ar:ea 2 0. OOOE+OO 4. OOOE-01 EROOIBILITY {2)

AGRI Slope-length-steepness factor, Agricultural Area 2 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 SLFLENSTP (2}

AGRI Cropping-management factor of Agricultural Area 2 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 CRPJ<ANG(2)

AGRI. Conservation practice factor of Agricultural Area 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO Cot~'PRAC { 2)

AGRI Total porosity of soil in Agri. Area not used 4. OOOE-01 TPOF.{2)

AGRI Areal extent of Agricultural Area 3 (m**2) 1. 062E+06 1. OOOE+04 AR!Oi\0(3)

AGRI Fraction of Ag:r:i. Area 3 directly over the c. z. 6. 553E-02 0. OOOE+OO FAREA_PLANT l 3 l AGRI Evapotranspiration coefficient in Agri. Area 3 6. 200E-01 5. OOOE-01 KllAPTR?J (3)

AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 RUNOF(3)

AGRI Hixin9 depth/plow layer of Agricultural Area 1. 500E-Ol l. SOOE-01 DPTHMIXG (3)

AGRI Water filled porosity of soil in Agri .* Area* 3 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 TMOF(3)

AGRI Computed erosion rate of soil in Agri. Are3 l.265E-05 l.147E-05 EROSN(3)

AGRI Dry Bulk Density of* soil in Ag:::::icultural Area 1. '700E+OO 1. 500E+OO RHOBPI AGRI Soil erodibility factor of Agricultural Area 3 5. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 E~ODIBILITY{3f Ji._GRI Slope-length-steepness factor, Agricultural Area 3 4. 900E-01 4. OOOE-01 SLPLEN.STP {3)

AGRI Cropping-management factor of Agricultural Area 3 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 CRPK'\NG (3)

AGRI Conservation practice facto.r of Agricultural Area 3 1.000E+OO l.OOOE+OO CONVPRAC ( 3)

AGRI Total porosity of soil in Agri. Area not used 4. OOOE-01 TPOF(3!

AGRI Areal. e~tent. of Agl'.icultural A::ea 4 (m"'.,.2) 1. OOOE+OO 1. 000Et04 AR!Oi\0(~)

AGRI Fraction of Agri. Area 4 di.rectly 0<1er the 1. 000E+OO 0. OOOE+OO FAREA_PI.ANT (4) 6 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (Ll2)

RE~RAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T"1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 eage Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File AREA 1. L12 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter He nu Parameter Input Default comput.ed Name AGRI Evapotranspiration coefficient in Agri. Area 6. 200E-01. 5. OOOE-01 EVAPTRll( 4 )

AGRI Runoff coefficient in Agricultural Area 4 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 RUNOFl4)

AGRI Mixing depth/plow layer of Agricultural Area 1. 500E-01 1. 500E-01 DeTHMIXG (4)

AGRI Water filled porosity of soil in Agri. Area 4 3. OOOE-01 3. OOOE-01 TMOF{4)

AGRI Computed erosion rate of soil in Agri. Are4 0. OOOE+OO l.147E-05 EROSN 14)

AGRI Dry Bulk Density of soil in Agricultural Area 4 1. 7DOE+OO. 1. 500E+OO RHOB{4)

AGRI Soil erodibility facto.t of Agricultural Area 4 0. OOOE+OO 4. OOOE-01 ERODIBILITY ( 4)

AGRI Slope-length-steepness factor, Agricultural Area 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 SLPLENSTP{4)

AGRI Cropping-management factor of Agricultural Area 4 3. OOOE-03 3. OOOE-03 CReMANG(4)

AGRI Conservation practice factor of Agricultu~al Area 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO CONV~RAC ( 4)

AGRI Total porosity of soil in Agri. Are.a not used 4. OOOE-01 TeOF\41 '

DWEL Areal e}:tent of Qffsite dwelling site {rn ... "'2) 1.145E+04 l.DOOE+03 AREAODWELL DWEL Evapotranspiration coefficient i~ dwelling (Off) site I 6. 20DE-01 5.000E-01 EVAPTRNDWE.LL*

DNEL Runoff coefficient in Off site dwelling site - 4. lOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 RUNOFOWELL DWEL Mixing depth of Offsite dwelling site 1. SOOE-01 1. SOOE-01 DPTHl..fIXGDWELL DWEL Water filled porosity of soil in Offsite Dwelling 3. ODOE-01 3. OOOE-01 TMOr'DWELL DWEL Computed erosion rate of soil in Offsite Dwelling O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO E.ROSNDWELL OWEL Dry Bulk Density of soil in Off site dwelling site 1. ?OOE+OO 1. SOOE+OO RHOBDWELL DWEL Soil erodibili ty factor of soil in Dwelling site 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO ERODIBILITYDt*JELL DWEL Slope-length-steepness factor of Dwelling site 4: OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 SLPLENSTPDWELL DWEL Cropping-management factor of Dwelling site 3. OOOE-03 . 3. OOOE-03 CRPMANGDWELL DWEL Conservation practice facto:r of Off site D-welling sit 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO COUVPRACDWELL DWEL Total porosity of so_il in Off site Dwelling n.ot used 4. OOOE-01 TPOFDWELL AIRT Dispersion Coeffficients; 1 l?asquill-Gifford IDISPMOD AIRT l?opulation :zone; 1 = Rural I ZONE AIRT Release height, (m} 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 'AIRRELHT AIRT Heat flux for. buoyant plume {cal/s), 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO HEATFLX AIRT Anemometer height, {m) 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol ANH AIRT Absolute temperature (Kelvin) 2. 850E;t02 2. 850Et02 Tl\BK AIRT AM atmospheric mixing height (m). 4. OOOE+02 4. OOOE+02 AMIX AIRT PM atmospher.ic mixing height (m) 1. 600E+03 1. 600E+03 PMIX AIRT Elevatio.n of Agricultural Area above primary cont. O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO AGRI ELEV ( 1)

AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Area 2 above primar:y cont. 0. OOOE+OO 0. ODOE+OO AGRIELEV(2)

AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Area above prirnai:y cont. 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AGRIELEV(3)

AIRT Elevation of Agricultural Area 4 above primary cont. 0. QOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AGRIELEV ( 4 )

AIRT Elevation of Dwelling Site relative to primary cont. J O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO DWELLELEV AIRT Elevation of Surf.Wtr body relative to primary cont. J O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO SWELEY AIRT Joint frequency Meteorological data:

AIRT Upper limit for windspeed class (rn/s) 7. 500E-01 8. 900E-Ol t"iINDSPEED{l)

AIRT Upper limit for windspeed class 2 (m/s) 2. 250E+OO 2. 460E+OO WINDSl?EED(.2)

AIRT Upper limit for windspeed class (rn/s) 4. 500E+OO 4. 470E+OO NINOS eEED ( 3)

AIRT Opper limit for windspeed class (rn/s) 7. 500E*00 6. 930E+OO t"i!NDSPEED(4)

AIRT Upper limit for windspeed class 5 (m/s) 1. OSOE+Ol 9. 610E+OO WINDSPEED{5)

AIRT Upper limit for windspced class (m/s) 1. 350E+Ol 1. 252E+Ol NU!DSPEED ( 6) 7 of46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1. L12 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 1. OOOE-04 1. OOOE+OO DFREQ{l,1,1)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,2,1)

AIRT for wind spee:d class and stability class C 1. 200£-04 0. OOOE*>OO DFREQ(l,3,1)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D

  • 6. 950E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 1. 983E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (1, 5, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class 1. 547E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 1)

AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, l, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 5. GOOE-04 0. OODE+OO DFREQ (2, 2, l}

AIRT for wind speed class and stabi~ity class C 1. 66DE-03 0. OOOE+'oo DFREQ(2, 3, 1)

AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class D 2 .2711E-:-~2 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 2. l 91E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(2, S, 1)

AIR'r for wind speed class and stability class F 2. 400E-OJ 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 1)

AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability cl0:ss P. 5. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQl3, 1, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B 1. 030E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(J, 2, 1)

A!RT for wind speed class 3 and stability clas~ C l. 810E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class D 1.506E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 7. 71DE-03* 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 1)

AIRT .Joint Frequency in N" Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 2. OOOE-05 0. 000£+00 DE'REQ(4, 1, l}

AIRT for wind spee<;l class 4 and stability class B 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4., 2, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 0. OOOE+-00 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl4, 3, 11 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 6.lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 4, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E 2. 400£-04 O. OOOE+OO DFREQl4, 5, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class <;lnd stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 1)

AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOilE;OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 1, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 2, 1)

AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 3, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(S, 4, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE;OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(S,5, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 6, 1)

AIRT Joint Frequency in N Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ!5, 2, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl6, 3, l)

A!RT for wlnd speed class 6 and stability cldss D 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(£,~,l}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 5, 1)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6, l) 8 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tl1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13' 07 Page Parent Dose Report Tit!~ RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : !>-REA l.Ll2 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in NNE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQll,1,2)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQll,2,2)

A!RT for wind spe~d class 1 and stability class C 7. ODOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ ( 1, 3, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 7. 200£-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, q,2)

AIR'l' for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 1. 092E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQil,5,21 AIRT for wind speo;d class 1 and stability class F 6. 760E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 21 AIRT Joint Frequency in HNE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 2.700E-04 O.OOOE+OO DFREQl2,l,21 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 8. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 2, 21 AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class C 1. 8 lOE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,3, 21 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 2. 290.E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E 7 .OSOE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (2, 5 1 2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 2. 200E-04 f). QOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 21 AIRT Joint Frequency in NNE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class Ji.. 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ1*3, 1, 21 AIRT fer "1ind speed class 3 and stability class B 6. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 7. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 21 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 6. 9.JOE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,4,2)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 9. 5DOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,5,2l AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 2)

AIRT Joint Frequency ln NNE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 2)

AIR'l' for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 2, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{4, 3, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(4, 4, 2:)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO D. OOOE+OO DFREQl4,5,2)

AIRT for wind speed class and .stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,6,2)

AIRT Joint Frequency in NNE Sector AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,1,2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,2,2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO IJ. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,3,2)

AIRT for. wind speed class 5 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ (5, 4 1 2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 5, 2)

AIR'I' for wind speed class 5 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 6, 2)

AIRT Joint Frequency in NNE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,1,2)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 2, '.?.)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (6, 3, 2)

AIRT for wind spei::d class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OG 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{, 4, 2)

AIRT for wind speed class £ and stability class E 0. OOOE+-00 0. OCOE+OO DFREQ{6, 5, '.?.)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ 16, 6, 2) 9 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T~ Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 07 Page 10 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : /t..RE..b,, 1.Ll2 RESIDENT.RGF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued}

User RES RAD Parameter Menu ParamE-ter Input Default Name*

AIRT [ Joint Frequency in HE Sector AIRT [ for wind speed class l and stability class A :l. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,1,3)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class B 2.. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQCl,2,3)

AIRT I for wind spee:d class .1 and stability class C 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE >00 DFREQil, 3, 3)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class D 6. 290E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{l,4,3)

AIRT I for wind spee-d class and stability class E 6. 8 60E:-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{l, 5, 3)

AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class F 4. 060E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{l, 6, 3}

I AIRT I Joint Frequency in NE Sect.or AIRT I for wind speed class 2 and stability cla'.ss A 3.900E-04 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 3)

AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class B 1. 220E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 2, 3)

AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class C 2. 500E-03 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,3,3j AIRT. J for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 785E-02. 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 3)

AIRT I for wind speed class .and st.ability class E 1. -140E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,5,3)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F . 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 3}

I AIRT I Joint F"requency in NE Sector AIRT I for wind speed cl.ass 3 and stability class A 3. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, l,3)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class B 6. 600£-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 3)

AIRT I for wind speed class 3 and stability. clas.s C 7. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3:, 3)

AIRT I for wind speied class 3 and stability class D 4. 430E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 3)

AIRT J for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 1. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 31 AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (3, 6. 3)

I AIRT I Joint Frequency in UE Secto.t AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl4. 1, 3)

AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 2, 3)

P.IRT J for wind speed class 4 and stability class c 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,3,3)

AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, ~.3)

AIRT I for *..;.ind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5, 3)

AIR';[' I for wind speed class 4 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO. DFREQ.{4, 6, 3)

I AIRT I Joint Frequency in NE Sec-tot' AIRT I for wind speed class and st.ability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,1.3)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 2, 3)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. oooE+oo DFREQ(S, 3, 3)

AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(S,4,3)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'R£Q(5,5,3)

AIRT I for wind speed c;Lass 5 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6,3)


  • AIRT I Joint. Frequency in NE Sector AIRT \ for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1, 3.)

AIRT 1* for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQCE., 2, 3)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ!6, 3, 3)

AIRT [ for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 4, 3)

AIRT I for wind speed clas.s and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 5, 3)

AIRT I for wind spe..;d class and stability class C 0. OOOET-00 0. OOOEtOO Dl'REQf6, 6. 3) 10 of 46

---1 Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RE.SRAD-OFFSITE, .Version 3 .1 T'1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 eage 11 Paz:ent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1. Ll2 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Paiameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in ENE Sector I I

'AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I *J DFREQ(l 0 1,4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I. I DFREQ(l,2,4)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and s~ability class C 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQil,3,4)

AIRT for wind spe_ed class and stability class D 6 .150E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,4,4)

AIRT for *wind speed class a~d stability class E 6. 54 OE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{l, 5, 4)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and* stability class F 2. 720E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 4)

AIRT Joint Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl2,l,4)

AIRT for w~nd speed class and stability class B 6. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (2, 2, 4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C l. lSOE-03 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2 0 3,4}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 227E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,4,4)

AIRT for wihd speed class and stability class E 1 - OOOE-03 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2;5,4.l AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2. 6, 4)

AIRT Joint Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class />o_ 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{3, 1, 4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,2,4)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class C 4. ?ODE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 4)

AIRT foz: wind speed class 3 and stability class D 2. 350E-03 O. OOOE+OO .DFREQ(3,4,4)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,S,4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE°REQ(3 0 6,4)

AIRT Joint Freq*uency in ENE Sector AIRT foz: wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{4, 1 0 4)

AIRT for wind spee:d class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 2, 4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ{4,3,4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,4,4)

AIRT for wind speed class '4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{4.5,4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 4)

AIRT Joirit Frequency in ENE Sector AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,1,4).

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{5,2,4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,3, 4)

AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(S, 4, 4)

AIRT for w"ind _speed class and stability class E: 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,5, 4)

AIRT f6r wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 6, 4)

AIRT Joint E"requency in ENE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 1, 4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+oo 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ(£,2,4)

AIRT for wind speed* class and stability class c 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3, 4)

AIRT for wiii.d speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,4,4)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ16,5,4)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Df"REQ(6 0 6 0 *I) li of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 12 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters*

File  : AREA l. Ll2 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RESRAD I Parameter Menu Parameter Input De.fault computed 1* Name A!RT Joint F.requency in E Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A I 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (1, 1, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B I 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class C I 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQCl, 3, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D I 8. 320E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 5) 11.!RT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E I 7. lOOE-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,5 0 5)

AIRT for wind spe:d class and stability class I 1. 660E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 5)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in E Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A I 2. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ12 0 l, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B J e. 300E-04 o. ooos+oo DFREQ(2, 2, 5)

AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class C I 1. 740E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 5)

AIF.T for wind sp~ed class and stability class D I 2. 025E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E I 1. 620E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2,5,5}

AIR'f for. wind speed class and stability class F I l. 700E-04 I). OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6 1 5}

I AIR'!' Joint Frequency in E Sector I AIRT for. wind speed class 3 and stability class A I 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 5)

AIRT for. wind speed class 3 and stability class B I 3. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,2,5)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C I 5. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 5)

AIRT for. wind spe-;d class and stability class D I 5.240E-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class and i;tability class E I 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class F I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ 13, 6, 5)

I AIRT .Joint Frequency in E: Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability c'lass A I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Dl?'REQ(4,l,5)

AIRT for wind sp~ed class and stability class B I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 2, 5)

AIRT for. wind speed class 4 and stability class C I O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO DFREQC4, 3, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{4, 4, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5, 5)


  • for. wind speed class 4 and stability class. F I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 5)

I AIRT :Joint. Frequency in E Sector I AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class A I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, l .. 5)

AIRT fol:: wind speed class and stability class B I 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 2, 5)

AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class c I 0. OOOE+OO I). OOOE+OO DFRE_Q(5, 3, 5)

A!RT for. wind speed class and stability class D I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5;4,5}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E I 0. OOOE-tOO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ 15, 5, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Dl?'REQ (5, 6, 5}

I A!RT Joint Frequency in E Sector I

._IRT for wind speed class and stability class A I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1,5)

AIR'l' for wind speed class and stability class B I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Dl?'REQ{6, 2, 5)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO .DFREQ(6, 3. 5)

A!RT for wind speed class and stability class D I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE*OO DFREQ(6,4,5)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E I O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,5,5)

AIRT for wind ::;peE>d class a,nd stability class I?' I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+IJO DFREQ 16, 6, 5) 12 of 46

Appendix HS: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 {L12)

RE.SRAD-OFFS!TE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 13 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : J..R.E..Z\.. 1. Ll2 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name' AIRT Joint frequency in ESE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ{l,1,6)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E Z. OOOE-05 .o. OOOE+OO DFREQ (1, 2, 6)

AIRT for wind spe~d class and stability class C 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 1. 050E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, L 6}

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 7. 760E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 6}

AIRT for wind speed class 1. and stability class E' 6. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 6)

AIRT Join't Frequency in ESE Sect~r A!RT for wind speed class and stability class A 5. 400£-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ12, l, 6)

HRT for wind speed class and stability class B 1. 640E-03 D. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 2, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 3. SOOE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 6)

AIRT fo:r: wind speed class and stability class D 3. 52 9E-02 0. OODE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E 4.480E-03 0.000E+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 6)

AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class F 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 6)

AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class A 9. SOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B 1. 490E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, .:!, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C l. 760E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 0) l\!RT for wind speed class 3 and stability class D 1. 809£-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(J,4,6)

AIRT for wind speed class J and stability class E 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DfREQ (3, 6, 6)

AIRT Join't Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl4, 1, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 2, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 5 . 00 OE-05 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ(4,3,6)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl4, 4, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E

  • 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5, 6)

AIRT 'for wind speed class 4 and stability class F 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 6)

AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 1, 6)

AIP.T foI: wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{5, 2, 6)

AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 3, 6)

AIRT fer wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{S,4,6)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(S,5, 6}

AIRT foi: wind speed class 5 and stability class F 0. DOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6, 6)

AIRT Joint Frequency in ESE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability c*lass A 0. ODOE+OO 0. DOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 2, 6)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class C 0. OOOE+-00 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ ( 6, 3, 6}

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OODE+OO O. DOOE+OO D!?REQ(6,4,6)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO D!?REQ(6,5,6)

AIRT for wind spe(;:d class and stability class !?' 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO D!?REQ(6, 6, 6) 13 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13,07. Page 14 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : f>..REA 1. L12 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint frequency in SE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,2, 7)

AIRT £or wind speed class and stability class C 1. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,3, 7)

AIRT for wind spee:d class 1 and stability class D 9. 060E-03 0. OOOE+DO DFREQ(l, 4, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 4. 280E-03 0. OOOE+DO DFREQ{l, 5, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 4. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ{l, 6, 7)

AIRT Joint frequency in SE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A l .130E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, "i)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stabiiity class B 2. 910E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 2, /)

AIRT for wind speed class and stabilitY class C 4. 970E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 7}

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class D 6. 30SE-02 0 _OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 7)

AIRT~ I for wind speed class and stability class E 6. 54 OE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 7)

AIRT I for. wind.*speed class and stability class F 1. SOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DF.REQ(2, 6, 7}

I AIRT I Joint Frequency in SE Sec.tor AIRT ] fo:r: wind speed class 3 and statiility cl.ass A 5. 920E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 7)

AIRT J fo:r: wind speed class 3 and stability class B 5. 900E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 7)

AIRT J for wind speed class 3 and stability class 8 ~ 350E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 7)

AIRT J for wind speed class 3 and stability class D 4. 44tf:-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,4,7)

AIRT J for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 6. 90bE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0 - OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 7)

AIRT Joint Frequency in SE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, l, 7}

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, ~. 7}

AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class C 1. ODOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 3, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 4, 7)

, AIRT for: wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. DDOE+OO DFREQ(4,5,7)

AIRT for: wind spe_ed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{4, 6, 7)

AIRT Joint Frequency in *sE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and st.ability class A 0. OIJOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 1, 7}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OODE+OO 0 _OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 2, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class c 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 3 1 7}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0, OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 4, 7)

A!RT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+DO DFP.EQ (5, 5, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,6,7)

AIRT Joint E'requency in SE Sector:*

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class ~:; 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ{6, 2, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0 _OOOE+OO DE'REQ(6, 3, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability- class D 0. OOOE+OG 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ r6, 4, 7)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6, 5, 7}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO DFREQ(6, 6, 7) 14 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tl.:l: Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13,07 Page 15 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : ARE.Z.. l.L12 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu P"arameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 81 AIRT for wind speed clas.s 1 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQll, 2, 81 AIRT for wind spe~d class 1 and stability class C 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE:+OO DFREQ(l,3,8)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 3. 6008-03 0. OOOE+DO DFREQ(l, 4, Bl AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 1. 470E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,5,B)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class F 5. 6008-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, Bl AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 4. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl2, 1, Bl AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B e. 30DE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 2, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 2. 330E-03 0. OOOEHlO DFREQ (2, 3, 8)

ArRT for wind speed class and stability class b 1. 54 ZE-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 8}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 8. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 81 AIRT for wind speed class and stability cl.:iss F l. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 8}

AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Sector AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class A 1. 640E-03 0. OOOE+OO _DFP.EQ(3, 1, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B 2. 330£-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,2,B)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class C 2.890E-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 2.0SE-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, S)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, Bl A.IRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class F 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 8)

AIRT Joint Frequency in SSE Si;ctor

  • AIR1' for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 1. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1 1 8}

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B s. oooE-os o. ooog+oo DE'REQ(4, 2, B)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 1. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 3, B}

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 4, B)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5, B)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 8)

AIRT Joint Frequency in* SSE Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 1, 8)

AIP.T for wind speed cl.:iss and stability class B 0.0IJOE+OO O.OOOE+oo DFREQ(5, 2, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 3, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(S, 4, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 5, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6, 8)

AIR'I' Joint Frequency in SSE: Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,2,8J AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C O.OOOE+OO O.OOOEtOO DE"REQ(C, 3, 8)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(6,4,8)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE:+OO DFREQ(6, 5, 8)

AIRT for wind speE:d class and stability class F 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6, Bl 15 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12}

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T\.i Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 16 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1. L12 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary l continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,1,9)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ fl, 2, 9)

AIRT for wind spee:d class 1 and stability class C 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ Cl, 3, 9}

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D,,. 3. 210E-03 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, :l, 9}

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 9. 300E:-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, '9)

AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A 5.lOOE-04 0.000E+OO DE'REQ { 2, 1, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 5. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, Z, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 1. 740E-03 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,3, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class D l.031E-02 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 4., 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOEtOO DFREQt2, 5, 9)

AIRT for wind sp~oed class and stability clr.iss F 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 6, 9)

AIRT Joint Frequency in s Sector Ai RT for wind speed class 3 and stability class A 4. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3:, l, 9)

AIRT for wind spee~ class and stability class B 4. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{3, .:!, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class C 7. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class D 3. OBOE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,4, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 51)

AIRT Joint F'requency in S Sector AIRT for w~nd speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 2, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO AIRT for wind spe~d class and stability class D O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+OO Di::"'REQ(-1, *L 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQt4, 5, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(~, 5, 9)

AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, l, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, Z, 9)

AIRT for wind speed c*lass and stability class C 0. OIJOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,3, 9')

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 4, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S,.5, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class f 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, S, 9j AIRT Joint Frequency in S Sector AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 1, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class 8 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(£.,2,9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ!6, 3, 9}

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFRECf, 4, 9)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQCS, 5, 9}

AIRT for wind sp~o::d class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ16, G, 9) 16 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRA.D-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, V:rsion 3 .1 T11 Lirni t 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 07 Page 17 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete:ts File  : AREA 1. L12 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW Seccor AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A O. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,2,10)

AIRT for wind speE-d class and stability class C 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 3, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 3. 400E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ,(l, 4t 10)

AIRT for wind speed class l and stability class E 9. 300E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{l, 5, liJ)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 10)

AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW Sector AIRT for wind speed clciss and stability class A 4. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 6. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, Z, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 9. SOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 10)

AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class D 6. 390E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4, 10)

AIRT for wind speed clas~ and stability class E 2. OOOE-04 0. ODOE+OO DFREQ{2, 5, 10)

AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class F 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 6, 10)

AI RT Joint Frequency in SSN Sector AIRT for: wind speed class 3 and stability class A 2. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 3. 700E-04 O*. OOOE+OO D!?REQ(3, 2, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class C 2. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(3, 3, l(!)

AIRT for wind speed class and st.ability class D 1.130E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 .and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFR.EQ(3, 5, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 6, 10)

. AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW sector AIRT for wind sp-e.;,4 .class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(-4, 1, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 2, 10)

AIRT for: wind speed class 4 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO *a. OOOE+OO DfREQ(4,3,10i AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 0: OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (4, 4, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4,5, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class f 0. OOOE+OO 0: OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, f, 10)

  • AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW Sector AIRT for. wind speed class a.nd stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{5, l, 10)

AIRT for wind spe:d class and stability class B 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 2, 10)

AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 3, 10)

AIRT fo:r wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{S, 4 1 10~

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (5, 5, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 5, 10)

AIRT Joint Frequency in SSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1, 10)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC6,2,10}

AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ ( 1 3, 10)

AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(£,4, 10)

AIRT for wind speed clas.:; and stability class E a*. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,5,10)

AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ ( , 6, 10) 17 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Vei:sion 3. l T~ Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 l:l:07 Page 18 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1. L12 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Iiiput Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequeficy in SW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. 00 OE+OO O. OOOE+OO I DFREQ!l.1.11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 7. OOOE-OS 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQll,2.11)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class C l.20DE-0*1 0. OOOE:-~oo I DFREQ(l,3.11)

P.~IRT for wind speed class and stability class D 2. 230E-03 0. OOOE+'OO I DFREQ(l, 4, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 7. SOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ!l,5,111 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 4. 90GE-04 0. OODE+OO I DFREQ (1, 6. 11)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in SW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A 3. 2008-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ12, 1, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class .B 5.400E-04 0.000E+OO I DFREQ12. 2, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 8. lOOE-lH 0. OUOE+OO I DFREQ(2. 3, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 4 .160E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2, 4, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E 2. 2ouE-04 o. oooe+oo I DFREQ(2,5,ll)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 'I). OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2. 6, 11)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in SV1 Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class }\. 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3,1,11)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3,2,ll}

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class C 2. 700E-04 0. OOOE+CO I DFREQ(3,3,ll) l~IRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class D 7. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3, 4, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E . 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+oo* I DFREQ(J,5,11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO 'j DFREQ(J, 6, 11)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in SW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4, 1, 11)

AIR'l' for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4, 2.11)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4,3. ll)

AlRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4, 4, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQl4.S,ll)

AIRT for wind speed class and stai?ility class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE+OO j' DFREQ(4, 6, 11)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in SW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(S, 1, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5. 2, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(S,3,111 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(5, 4, 11)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFP.EQ(S,5, 11)

AIRT for wind speed claSs and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(S. 6, 11)

I Joint Frequency in S~J AIRT Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6, l, 11)

AIR'I' for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0, OOOE+OO  ! DFREQC6,2,11}

AIRT for wi11d speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEt-00 I DFREQ(6,3,ll)

AIRT for wind ::;peed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6,4,ll)

AIRT fo:::- wind speed class and stab.ility class E 0. OOOE:+OO O. OOOEt-00 I ornEac6,s,110 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQC6, 6, 11) 18 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016. 13:07 Page 19 Parent Dose Report*

Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Paramete:ts File  : Jl.....REA 1. Ll2 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in WSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQll, l, 121 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 5. OOOE-05 O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ 11, 3, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 2. 200E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 12)

AIRT for *;..rind speed class and stability class E l. 320E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 5, 121 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 4. 200E-04. 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 121 AIRT Joint Frequency in WSn Sector Jl.IRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A 2. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 3. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 2, 121 AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class C 4. *10DE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 121 AIP.T for wind speed class and stability class D 3. 480E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 4., 12)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 12)

AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+DO DFREQ(2, 6, 12)

AIRT Joint Fr~quency in WSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class A 2. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class. B l. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 2, 12)

A!RT for wind speed class 3 and stability class C 1. SOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class D 2. 860E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 12)

AIRT for: wind speed class 3 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO DFREQ (3, 6, 12)

AIRT Joint Frequency in* WSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. DOOE+OO 0. OOOE+QO DFREQ(4, 1, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, ~. 12)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 3, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 2. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 4, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stabili:ty class* F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5, 12)

AIRT Joint Frequency in WSW Sector AIF.T for. wind speed class and stability class A 0. OIJOE+OO 0. 000£+00 DFREQ(5,l,121 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 2, 12)

AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO I). OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 3, 121 AIRT fer: wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(5,4,121 AIRT for: wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(S, 5._121 AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class F

  • 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,6,121 AIRT Joint Frequency in WSW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1, 121 0

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability c lass B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 2, 12)

AIRT for wind spe<2d class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(E, 3, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ I 6, q, 12)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DfREQ(6,5,12)

AIR'l' for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+-00 0. OOOE+OO DFREQf6, 6, 121 19 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (l12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 07 Page 20 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1.Ll2 RESIDENT.ROF

~ite-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in W Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 1, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 2, 13)

AIR1' for wind speE:d class 1 and stability class C 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,3,13)

AIRT for wind speE:d class and stability class D 2. 520E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 4, 13)

HRT for wind spee:d class and stability class E 2. 330E-03 0. bOOE+OO DFREQ{l, 5, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class F 1. 030E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQll, 6, 13)

AIRT Joint Frequency in l\i Sector AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 1, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 3.?00E-04 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 2, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class C 4. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 3. 94.0E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(2,4;13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 3.700E-04. O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 5, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability cl.:iss .F 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{.?, 6, 13)

AIRT Joint Frequency in W Sector AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class A 2. 200E-04 0. OODE+OO DFP.EQ ( 3, 1, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability cla:;ss B 1. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(3,2, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class C 4. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 3, 13)

AIRT for wind spe'Z:d class 3 and stability class D 3. 130E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 4, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(J, 5, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl3, 6, 13)

AI"RT Joint F.cequency in W Sector*

AIRT for* wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 1, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC4, :!, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 3, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(4, 4, 13)

AIRT for wind spe~d class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5, 13)

AIRT ~or wind speed class and stability clas*s F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 13)

AIRT Joint Ftequency in W Sector AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, l, 13)

AIP.T for wind speed class 5 and st.ability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,Z, 13)

AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class C 0. OilOE+OO il. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 3, 13)

AIRT for. wind speed class and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 4, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOEt-00 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ(5., 5, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class 5 and stability class E" 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DE"REQ(S, 6, 13)

AIRT Joint Frequency in W Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class .~ 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, l, 13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,2,13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class G 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,3,13)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class D 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ{6,4,13)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ16,5,13)

AIRT for: wind spe-e-d class and stability claSs F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ16, 6, 13) 20 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

R8SRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .l T'1 Limit 30 daYs 05/04/2016 13: 07 Page 21 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFF.SITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1. L12 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT l Joint Frequency in WNW Sector AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,1,14)

AIRT I for wind speed clas.s 1 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,2,14)

AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class C 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQCl,3, 14)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class D 3. 430E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (1, 4, 14)

AIRT I for wind speed class 1 and stability class E 2. 790E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{l,5,14)

AIRT I* for wind speed class 1 and stability class 2. 350E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 14)

I AIRT I Joint Frequency in WNW Sector AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class A 1. 700E-04 0.000E+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 14)

AIRT I for wind speed class 2 and stability class B 2. 400£-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 2, 14)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class C 5. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2,3,14)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class D 7. 690E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 4, 14)

AIRT I for wind speed class 2 and stability class E 1. 790E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 5, 14)

AIRT J for wind speed class and stability class F 3. 400E-04 0. OOOE tOO DFREQ{2, 6, 14)

I AIRT \ Joint Frequency in WNW Sector AIRT j for wind speed class and stability class A 1. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(3,l,14)

AIRT J for wind speed class and st.ability class B 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(1,2,14)

AIRT J for wind speed class 3 and stability class C 3. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,3, 14)

AIRT I for wind speed class and stability class D 4. 950E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,4,14)

AIRT J for wind speed class 3 and stability class E l. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 14)

AIRT I for wind speed class 3 and stabilit~* class F 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (3, 6, 14)

I Jl.IRT / Joint Freque°ncy in WNW Sector AIRT I for wind speed class 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{4, 1, 14)

AIRT J for wind speed class 4 and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC4, 2, 14)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0 .*aooE+OO DFREQ{4,3,14)

AIRT for wind speed class. 4 and stability class D 5. OOOE-05 0; OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 4, 14)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DF.REQ(4, 5, 14)

AIRT for ~..,ind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 5 0 14)

AIRT Joint Frequ*ency in WNW ~ector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5,l,14)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 2, 14)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO . DFREQ(S, 3, 14)

AIRT for wind speed class and stubility class D 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(S,4,14)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ (5, 5, 14)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 6, 14)

AIRT Joint Frequency in WNW Sector AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 1, 14)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 2, 14)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 3, 14)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 0. ODOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6,4, 141 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. ODOE+OO DFREQC6, 5, 14}

AIRT for wind speE:d class and stability class F 0. OOOE+-00 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 6, 14}


Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, ion 3 .1 T11: Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 22 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : P.. . H.£..1\. l. Ll2 RESIDENT. RVF Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in 1TN Sector AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,l,15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 2. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,2,.15}

AIRT for wind spet:::d class and stability class C 1. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(!,3, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class D 4. 680E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{l, 4,15}

A!RT for wind speed class l and stability class E 6.730E-03 O.OOOE+OO DFREQil, 5, 151 AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class F 5. 4 60E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQll, 6, 151 AIRT ..*oint Frequency in .NW Sector AIRT for ...,.ind speed class 2 and stability class A 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl2, 1, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 3. ?OOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 2, 15)

AIRT for wi.nd speed class and stability class C 9.500E-04 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 3, 151 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 610E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 4, 15)

AIRT for wind speE-d class and stability class E 1. 060E-02 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ{2, 5, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F 1. 760E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(2,6,15)

I N~l' AIRT Joint Frequency in Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability c_lass A .2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3, 1, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 3. 900E-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3,2,15i AIRT for wind speed class and si:ability class C 1. 080E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3, 3, 15)

A.IRT for wind speed class and stability class D 1. 709E-02 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3,4,15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E 4. 870E-03 0. OOOE+OO I DE"REQ{J.,5;15)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class F 7. OODE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(3,6,15)

I AIRT .Joint Frequency in IJW Sector I AIRT for wind spe~d r::lass 4 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ{4, 1, 15)

AIRT for wind .speed class 4 and stability class B 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4, 2, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class c 5.000E-05 O.OOOE+OO I DFREQl4,3,15)

AIRT fc-r wind speed class and stability class D 2. 7 90E-03 0 ~ OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4, {, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E 7. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ14,5,15)

AIRT fc-r wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(4,6,15)

I AIRT Joint_ Frequency in NW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DE"REQ(5,l,15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ{5,2,15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO I). OOOE+OO I* DFREQ(5, 3, 15)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 1. OOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO I DFP.EQ(5, 4, 151 AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E O.OOOE+OO O.OOOE+DO I DFP.EQIS,5,15)*

AIR'l' for wind speed class and stability class E" 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ (5, 6, 15i I

AIRT Joint FrE:quency in NW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO D. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(6,l,15)

AIRT £or wind speed class and stability class B 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(S, 2, 15)

.l:\.IRT for wind speed class and stability class 0. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO I DFREQC,3,15)

AIRT for wind* speed class and stability class D 0. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DE"REQl6,4,15)

AIRT fo1* wind speed class and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO I DFREQ(S,5,15)

AIRT fot wind speed class 6* and stability class E' 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOGE+OO I DfREQ(6,6,15) 22 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RE:SRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11: Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 23 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE: Default Parameters File  : .!l..REA 1. L12 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default cOrnputed Name AIRT Joint Frequency in NNW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class A I 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DE'REQ(l, 1, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class B I 5. OOOE-05 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ (1, 2, 16}

AIRT for wind spee:d class and stability class C I 5.000E-05 0.000EtOO DE'REQ ( 1, 3, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D I 4. 4 lOE-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, q, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E I 1.408E-02 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(l,5,16)

AIRT for wind speed class 1 and stability class F I 1. 741E-02 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(l, 6, 16)

I AIRT Joint: Frequency in NNW Sector I AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class A I 1. 500E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 1, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B I 4. 700E-04 O.OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 2, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C I 9. SOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 3, 16)

AIP.T for wind speed class and stability class D I 1. 307E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ\2, 4, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 2 and stability class E I 1. 694E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{2, 5, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class F I 3. 330E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(2, 6, 16)

I AIRT Joint Frequency in NNW Sector I AIRT for wind spaed class and stability class A I 2. 400E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 1, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class B I 9. SOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DE'RE.Q(3,2,16)

AIF.T for wind speed class and stability class C I 1. 030E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQC3, 3, 16)

A!RT for. wind speed class 3 and stability class D I 1. 951E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3,4, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class E I* 1. 165E-02 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(3, 5, 16}

AIRT for wind speed class 3 and stability class F I 2. 4 OOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(J, 6, 16)

I AIRT ,Joint *Frequency in NNW Sector I AIR'1' for wind speed class 4 and stability class A I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ{4, 1, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class B I 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 2, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class C I 2. 200E-04 0. OOOE+OO. DFREQ(4,3,16).

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D I 6. 610E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 4, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class E I 2. 300E-03 0. OOOE+OO DFREQl4, 5, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 4 and stability class E' I 0 *. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(4, 6, 16)

AIRT Joint Frequency in NNW Sector AIRT fo::: wind speed class and st:abili ty class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 1, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(5, 2, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(S, 3, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 7. lOOE-04 0. OOOE+OO DFP.EQ(5, 4, 16)

Al RT for wind speed class and stability class E 2. 700E-04 0. OOOE+OO DFREQCS, 5, 1.6)

AIR'l' for wind speed class and stability class F 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQCS, G, ~6)

AIR'f Joint Frequency in NNW Sector

]>._!RT for wind speed class E and stability class A 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(6, 1, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class B 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO D~REQC6, 2, 16}

AIRT fo:: wind speed class and stability class C 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO DtREQ(6, 3, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class and stability class D 7. OOOE-05 O. OOOE+OO DE'REQ{, 4, 16)

AIRT for wind speed class 6 and stability class E 0. OOOE+OO 0. QOOE.+00 DFREQ(6,5,16)

AfRT for wind spe~d class and stability class F 0. OOOE.H10 0. OOOE+OO DFREQ(G, 6, 16) 23 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 24 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFE'SITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1. Ll2 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name AIRT I Sp3.cing of. points used for areal integration, (m) 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol hTGRID I

GWTR I fractional accuracy desired - convergence criteria 1. ODOE-03 .1. OOOE-03 EPS GWTR I Distance from d/g edg;;; of contamination to Well, (m) l-1.000EtOO l.OOOE+02 OFFLPAQW GWTR I c9ntamination to Well c/c distance normal to flow, ml-2. 79SE-01 O.OOOE+OO OFFLNAQW GWTR I Distance from d/ g edge of cz to surface water, (m) j -2. l 60E+02 4. 500E+02 OFFLPAQS GWTR \ Contamination to near edge of swb,c/c normal to flowj-2.917E+02 l-1.500E+02 OFFLNAQSN GVITR I Contamination to far edge of swb, c/c normal to flowl-2.412E+02 I l.500E+02 OFFLNAQSF GVITR J Number of main sub zones in primary contamination l I NPCZ GWTR \ Number of minor sub zones in last main PC sub zone 1 I NPCZF GWTR I Number of main sup zones in each unsaturated stratum! 1 I NPSS GNTR I Number of minor sub zones in last main UZ sub zone I NPSSE" GWTR I Number of main sub zones in saturated stratum I NAQS m*ITR I Number of minor sub zones in last main SZ sub zone I N.?\.QSF G\'>ITR I Distribution coefficient and longitudinal dispersion! J I 1 == Nuclide: specific distrubution coefficients in all subz.ones. Longitudina dispersion in all but the subzone cf transformation.

GNTR I Retardation factor flag for groundwater transport 0 I 0 I I 0 = (total porosity + distrib11i:ion coefficient""dry bulk dcinsity) I total porosity

1. I USZN J Number of unsaturated zone strata I 1 Ns USZN J Unsat. 1, thickness (rn) 2. OOOE+OO I 4. OOOE+OO H ( l)

USZN J Unsat. zone 1, soil density (g/cm*,..3) 1. 700E+OO I l.SOOE+OO DENSUZ (1)

USZN I Unsat. ::;:one 1, total porosity 3.600E:-01 I 4.000E-01 TPUZ(l)

OSZN I Unsat. zone 1, effective porosity 2. SOOE-01 I 2. OOOE-01 EPUZ (1)

USZN I Onsat. zone 1, *field capacity 2.000E-01 I 3.000E-01 FCUZ(l)

USZN I Unsat. zone 1, hydraulic conductivity (m/yr) l...JOOE+02 \ l.OOOE+Ol HCUZ(ll OSZN I Onsat. 1, soil-specific b parameter 1. .,JOOE+OO 5. 300E+OO BUZ (1)

USZN I Un sat. zone 1, longitudinal dispersivity !ml 1. OOOE-01 1. OOOE-01 ALPHALU (1)

I SZNE I Well pump intake depth (m below water table) 5.000E+OO l.OOOE+Ol ornBWT SZNE J Depth of aquifer contr.ibuting to surface water body 5. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+Ol DPTHAQSW SZNE I Thickness of saturated zone {m) 1. ODOE+02 1. OOOE+02 DPT HAQ SZNE I Density of saturated zone (g/cm*"'3) 1. 700E+OO 1.500E+OO DENSAQ SZNE I Saturated zone total po:r:osi ty 3. 600E-01 4. OOOE-01 TPSZ SZNE I Saturated zone effective porosity 2. SOOE-01 2. OOOE-01 EPSZ SZNE I Saturated hydraulic r::onducti vity (m/yr) 1. 400E+03 1. OOOE+02 HCSZ SZNE I Saturated hydraulic gradient to well 3. OOOE-02 2. OOOE-02 HGW SZNE I Satur. ::.:one hydraulic gradient to surface water body I 3. OOOE-02 2. OOOE-02 HGSW SZNE J longitudinal dispersivity to well (m) 3.0001::+00 3.000E+OO 1'.LPHALOW SZNE I longitudinal dispersivity to SWB (m} l.OOOE+Ol 1.000E+Ol ALPHALOSW SZNE I laceral (horizontal) dispersivity to well (m} 4. OOOE-01 4. OOOE-01 ALPHATW SZNE I lateral (horizontal) dispersi*;ity to SNB (ml l.OOOE+OO 1.DOOE+OO ALPHATSW SZNE I lai:.eral (vertical) dispersivity to well (m} 2.000E-02  :?:.OOOE-02 ALPHAVW SZN'E I lateral (vertical) dispersivity to St*lB {m) 6. OOOE-02 6. OOOE-02 ALPHAVSW SZNE I Irrigation rate over aquifer to well (m/yr} not used O.OOOE+-00 RIAQW SZNE j Irrigar.ion rate over aquifer to SWB (m/yr} not used O.OOOE+OO RIAQSW SZNE J Evapotranspiration coefficient ove;r aquife-r to well not us:d 1. OOOE+OO EVAPTRA.QW 24 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13,07 Page 25 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : Jl..RE.l\ 1.Ll2 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary {continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parame:ter Input Default computed Name SZUE Evapotranspiration coefficient over aquifer to SNB not used 1. OOOE+OO EVAPTRAQS~*l SZNE Runoff coefficient over aquifer to well not used 1. OOOE+OO RUNOFE'AQW SZNE Runoff coefficient over aquife:t: to SWB not used 1. OOOE+OO RUNOFFAQSi<J SZNE Concentration of mobile colloids in the aquifer 0. OOOE+OO 0. OGOE+OO CCOL SZHE Water - Soil Distribution coefficient of colloids 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO Kl Col SZHE Water - Mobile Colloids Distribution coefficient 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO K3Col

'iITRU Drinking water intake (L/yr) 7. 300E+02 5 .100E+02 DWI WTRU Fraction of drinking water from surface water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWD WTRO Fraction of drinking water from well water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FWWD WTRU Fraction of household water from surface water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWHH WTRU Fraction of household water from well water l. OOOEtOO 1. OOOEtllO FWWHH liITP.U Livestock water intake for meat 1 (L/day) 5. OOOE+Ol 5. OOOE+Ol LWI 11)

W'I'RU Fraction of livestock water 1 from _surface water 1. OODE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWLVll) lfITRU Fraction of livestock water 1 from well water 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FNWLV(l) lfTrRU Livestock water intake for milk (L/day) not used 1. 600E+02 LWI (2) lfITRU Fraction of dairy cow water from surface water not used 0. OOOE+OO FSWLV(2}

WTRU Fraction of dairy cow water from well water not used 1. OOOE+OO FWWLV{2)

WTRU Irrigation rate in Agricultural Area l (m/yr} 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RIRRIG (1)

WTRU Fraction of irrigation water 1 from surfac-e water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSVHR(l)

WTRU Fraction of irrigation water from well water 1. OOOE+OU 1. OOOE+OO F'"~HR(l)

WTRU Irrigation rate in Agricultural Area 2 (m/yr) 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RIRRIG(21 wrRU Fract~on of irrigation water 2 from surface water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWIR(2)

  • ~ITRU Fraction of irrigation water 2 from well water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOEt-00 FWWIR(2)

~ITRU "Irrigation rate in Agricultural "Area 3 (m/yr) 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RIRRIG.(31 rITR!J Fraction of irrigation water 3 from surface water 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWIR(3) 1iITRU Fraction of i.rrigation water 3 from well water: l. 0008+00 1. DOOE+OO FWWIR(3) 1i"ITRU Irrigation rate in Agricultural Area 4 (m/yrl 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RIRRIG 14) 1i"ITRU Ft:action of irrigation water 4 from surface water 0. OOUE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FSWIR(4) 1i"ITRU Fraction of irrigation water 4 from well water 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FWWIR(4)

WTRU I.rrigation .rate in Offsit~ dwelling site (m/yr} 0. OOOE+OO 2. OOOE-01 RIRRIGDi*1ELL WTRU F.raction of irrigation water from surface water 0. OOOE+-00 0. OOOE+OO FSWIRDWELL WTRU Fraction of irrigation water from well water l. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+DO Fi'JWIRDWELL WTRU Well pumping rate (m"'*3/y.r) l. 394E+03 5. lOOE+OJ uw SWBY Sediment delivery ratio 1. OIJOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO SDR SNBY Volume of surface water body 6 .17 5E+04 1. 500E+05 VLAKE SWBY Mean residence time of water in surface water body l. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO TLAKE SWBY Surface area of water in surface water body 6. l 75E+04 9. OOOE+04 A.LAKE INGE Fish consumption (kg/yr) not. used 5. 400E+OO DE'I (l)

INGE Fraction of Fish from affetted area not: used 5. OOOE-01 FFISH(l)

INGE Other Aquatic food consumption i kg/yr) not used 9. OOOE-01 DFI {2J INGE Fraction of Aquatic food from affected not used 5. OOOE-01 FFISH(2)

INGE Non-Leafy vegetables consumption {kg/yr} not used 1. 600E+02 DVI (l l INGE Fraction of vegetable 1 from affected not. used 5. DOOE-0 l FVEG (1)

INGE Leafy vegetable consumption (kg/yr} not usE:d 1. 400E+Ol DVI 121 25 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 26 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : J'>...REA l.L12 RESIDENT.P.OF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter:

Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name INGE Fraction of vegetable 2 from affected area not used 5. OOOE-01 FVEG(21 INGE Meat 1 consumption {kg/yr) 6. 500E+Ol 6. 300E+Ol DMI ll)

INGE Fraction of meat lfrom affected area 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FMEMI (1)

INGE Hilk consumption (1/yrl not used 9. 200E+Ol DMI 12)

INGE Fraction of milk f:rom aff~cted arE:a not used 1. OOOE+OO FMEMI (2)

INGE Soil ingestion rate (g/yr) 1. 830E+Ol 3. 650E+Ol SOIL VEGE Wet weight crop yield for Non-Leaf~ (kg/m+-*2} not used 7. OOOE-01 YIELD(l}

VEGE Growing Season for Non-Lea.fy (years) not used 1. ?OOE-01 GR~vrriME { 1)

VEGE Transloca tion Factor for Non-Leafy not used 1. OOOE-01 FOLI_E'(l)

VEGE Vleathering Removal Constant for Non-Leafy not used 2. OOOE+Ol RWEATHER (1 i VEGE Foliar Interceptio_n Fraction for dust Non-Leafy not used 2. SOOE-01 FINTCEPT {1, 1)

VEGE Foliar Intercept-n Fract-n for irrigation Uon-Le'afy \ not used 2. SOOE-01 .E'INTCEPT(l,2)

VEGE Depth of roots for Non-Leafy (m) I not used 1. 200E+OO DROOTll)

VEGE Wet weight crop yield for Leafy (kg/m**2) ] not used l.SOOE+OO YIELD (2)

VEGE Growing Season for Leafy (years}. I not used 2. SOOE-01 GRONTIME (2)

VEGE Translocation Factor for Leafy I not used 1. OOOE+OO FOLI_E'(2)

VEGE Weathering Removal Constant for Leafy ] not used 2. OOOE+Ol RWEATHER(2.)

VEG8 Foliar Interception Fraction for dust Leafy j not used 2. SOOE-01 FINTCEPT (2, l)

VEGE Foliar Intercepc-n Fract-n for irrigation Leafy I not used 2.SOOE-01 FINTCEPT (2,2)

VEGE Depth of roots £or Leafy {m) J not used 9. OOOE-01 DROOT (2)

VEGE Wet weight crop yield for Pasture (kg/m*"'2} f l.lOOE:+OO l.lDOE+OO YIELD())

VEGE Growing Season for Pasture {years) I 8. OOOE-02 8. OOOE-02 GROl*lTIME (3)

VEGE Translocation ~actor for Pasture J 1. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO FOLI_F(3l VEGE Weatheririg Removal Constant for Pasture [ 1. 800E+Ol 2. OOOE+Ol RWEATHER{3)

VEGE Foliar Interception Fraction for dust Pasture I 2. SOOE-01 2. 500£-01 FINTCEPT (3, l)

VEGE Foliar Intercept-n Fract-n for irrigation Pasture I 2. SOOE-01 2. SOOE-01 FINTCEPT (3, 2)

VEGE Depth of roots for Pasture !ml I 9.000E-01 9.000E-01 DROOT (3)

VEGE Wet weight crop yield for Grain (kg/m*'"2} I 7.000E-01 7.000E-01 YIELDl4)

VEGE Growing Season for Grain (years} I 1. 700E-01 1. 700E-01 GRONTIME {4)

. VEGE Transloca tion Factor for Grain J 1. OOOE-01 1. 000.E-Ol . FOLI_E'(4)

VEGE Weathering Removal Constant 'for Grain I l.SOOE+Ol 2.000E+Ol RWEATHER ( 4 l VEGE Foliar Interception Fr.action for dust Grain I 2.SOOE-01 2.500E-Ot FINTCEPT (4, 1)

VEGE Foliar Intercept-n Fract-n for irrigation Grain I 2. 500E-01 2. SOOE-01 FINTCEPTM,2)

VEGE Depth of roots for Grain {m) I 9. OOOE-01 1. 200E+OO DROOT(4)

I LINT Feed 1 intake by livestock .1 {kg/day) I 2. 250E+OO 1. 400E+Ol LE'I(l,l)

LINT Soil intake with feed 1 by lives toe!: 1 (kg/day) I 5. OOOE-01 1. OOOE-01 LSI(l,1)

LINT Feed 1 intake by dairy cow (kg/day) I' not used 4. 400E+Ol LCI (2,1)

LINT Soil intake with feed l by dairy cow (kg/day) I not used 4.000E-01 LSI{2,1)

LINT -E'eed 2 in,tdke by li'lestock 1 (kg/day) I O.OOOE+OO 5.400E+Ol LFI (1, 2)

LINT Soil intake with feed 2 by livestock 1 {kg/day) I 0. OOOE+OO 4. OOOE-01 LSI(l,2)

LINT Feed 2 intake by dai.ry cow {kg/dayl I not used 1. lOOE+Ol LCI (2, c)

LINT Soil intake with feed 2 by dairy cow {kg/day) I not use-d l.OOOE-01 LSI(2,2) 26 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 T-11 Limit = 30 days 05/04/2016 13 :07 Page 27 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1. Ll2 RESIDENT. ROF .

Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Param~ter Input Default computed Nam.e INHE Inhalation rate (m**3/yrJ 8. 40DE+03 I 8. 400E+03 INHALR INHE Mass loading above primary contamination {g/ro**3) 1. 480E-05 I 1. OOOE-04 MLFD INHE Mass loading for inhalation {g/m*""3) l.480E-05 I l.OOOE-04 MLINH INHE Indoor dust filti:ation 'factor, inhalation l.OOOE+OO ] 4.000E-01 SHFJ INHE Shielding factor, external gamma 2. 7308-01 \ 7. OOOE-01 SHFl INHE Shape factor flag, external gamma l-1.000E+OO J l.OOOE+OO lnoncirct.ilar! FS SEXT Onsite shape factor array (used if non-circular): [

SEXT Radii of shape factor array {used if non-circular): I SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 1: l.575E+Ol I 6.000E+OO RAD_SHAPE( 1)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 2: 3.!SOE+Gl I l.200E+Ol RAD_SHAPE( 2)

SEXT Outer annular .radius (m}, ring 3: 4.725E+Ol I 1.BOOE+Ol RAD_SHA!?E{ 3)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring ~: 6.300E+Ol I 2.400E+01 R.~D_SHAPE( 4)

SEXT Out:er annular radius (m}, ring 5: 7.975Et01 I 3.000E+Ol RAD_SHAPE( 5)

SEXT Out:er annular radius (mj, ring 6: 9.450E+01 I 3.600E+01 RAD_SHAPEi 6)

SEXT Outer annulai: radius (rn), ring 7: 1.103Et02 I 4.200E+Ol R.l\D_SHAPE( 7)

SEXT Outer annular radius (rn), ring 8: 1. 260Et02 I 4. 800Et01 R..i\D_SHAPE ( S)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 9: l.418E+02 I 5.400E+Dl R...l\D_SHAPE( 9)

SEXT Outer annulai: radius (m), ring 10: 1.575E+02 ] 6.000E+Ol R.'\D_SHAPE{lOi SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 11: l.733E+02 I 6.600E+Ol RAD_SHAPE(ll)

SEXT Outer annulai: radius (ml, ring 12: l.890E+02 ] 7.200E+Ol RAD_SHAPE(l2J SEXT Fractions 0£ annular areas within AREA: ]



SEXT Ring 1. OOOE+OO J 1. OOOE+OO FRACA ( 31 SEXT Ring 1. oo*oE+OO I 1. OOOE+OO *FRACA c 4)



SEXT Ring 9.400E-Ol J l.OOOE+OO FRACA( 81 SEXT Ring 7. lOOE-01 I 7. 700£-01 FRACAI 91 SEXT Ring 10 4.SOOE-01 I 3.700E-01 FRACA(lOJ SEXT Ring 11 2.000E-01 J 1. 700E-Ol FRAC~.(11)

SEXT Ring 12 5.200E-02 I 3.lOOE-02 FRACA(l2) 27 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RE:SRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 28 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : Jl....REA 1.L12 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name SEXT Shape factor array from off site dwelling:

SEXT Radii of shape factor array {used if non-circular) :

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 13: 2.275E+Ol 1.325E+Ol RAD_SHAPE(l3)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 14: 4. 550E+Ol 2. GSOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(l4)

SEXT o"uter annular radius (m), ring 15: 6.825E+Ol 3.975E+Ol RAD_SHAPE(l5)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 16: 9.lOOE+Ol 5.300E+Ol RAD_SHAPE ( 161 SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 17: 1 .138E+02 6. 625E+Ol RAD_SHAPE(l71 SEXT Outer annular i:adius (m), ring 18: 1. 365E+02 7. 950E+Ol RAD_:SHAPE ( 18)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 19: 1. 593E+02 9. 275E:+Ol RAD_SHAPE(l91 SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 20: 1. 820E+OZ 1. 060E+02 RAD_SHAPE(20)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 21: 2. 048E+02 1.193£+02 RAD_SHAPE 121)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 22: 2. 275E+02 1. 3Z5E+02 RAD_SHAPEl221 SEXT Outer annular radius {m), ring 23: 2. 503E+02 1. 45SE+02 RAD_SHAPE 123 I SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 24: 2. 730E+02 1. 590E+02 RAD_SHAPE124)

SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

SEXT Ring 13 1. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACAl131 SEXT Ring 14 1. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRAGA 1141 SEXT Ring 15 1. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA 1151 SEXT Ring 16 7.300E-Ol 2.400E-02 FRACAl161 SEXT Ring 17 6. 400£-01 1. 900£-01 FRACA(l7)

SEXT Ring 18 4. 800E-01 2. 400E-01 FRACA(lBI SEXT Ring 19 3.lOOE-01 2.000E-01 FRACA(l9)

SEXT Ring 20 2. 500E-01 1. 700E-O l FRACA(201 SEXT Ring 21 2. lODE-01 1. SOOE-01 FRACA(211 SEXT  !(ing 22 1. 900E-Ol L 300E-01 FRACA(221.

SEXT Ring 23 1. 300E-Ol 1. 200E-lll FRACA 123)

SEXT Ring 24 2. lOOE-02 5. 200E-02 FRACA(141 SEXT Shape factor array from offsite area 1:

SEXT Radii of shape factor array {used i.f non-circular):

SEXT Outer annular radius {m~, ring 25: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE (25)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 26: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(26)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 27: 1. OODE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol -, RAD_SHAPE(27)

SEXT Outer annular radius (mf, ring 28: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol I RAD_SHAPE(28)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 29: 1. OOOE+Ol .1. OOOE+Ol I RAD_SH~.PE {291 SEXT ,outer annular radius {m), ring 30: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol I RAD_SHAPE(30)

SEXT Outer ani1ular radius (mJ, ring 31: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol I RAD_SHAPE(311 SEXT Outer annular radius (ml , ring 32: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol I RAD_SHAPE (32)

SEXT Outer annular radius (ml , ring 33: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol I RAD_SHAPE (33)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 34: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol I RAD_SHAPE (34)

SEXT Outer annular radius (ml, ring 35: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol I R.~D_SHAPE(35)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 36: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol I R.~D_SHAPE (361 28 of 46

-,l Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.i/1.2 (L12)

RE:SRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 29 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1.L12 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input oefaul t computed Name SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

SEXT Ring 25 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA.(25}

SEXT Ring 26 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(26)

SEXT Ring 27 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA.(27)

SEXT Ring 28 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(28)

SEXT Ring 29 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACAl29)

SEXT Ring 30 0. OOOE:+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(30)

SElIT Ring 31 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(31)

SE:XT .Ring 32 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(32)

SEXT Ring 33 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(33)

SEXT Ring 34 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(34)

SEXT Ring 35 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA{3$)

SEXT R.j_ng 36 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(36)

SEXT Shape factor array from offsite area 2:

SEXT Radii of shape factor array (~sed if non-circular):

SEX'f Outer annular radius (ml, ring 37: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RlW_SHA!?E(37)

SEXT Outer annular radius (rn), ring 38: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SH,\PE(38)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 39: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(39)

SEXT Outer annular radius (ml, ring 40: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(40)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 41: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(411 SEXT Outer annular radius (mJ, ring 42: 1. OOOE+Ol 1- OGOE+Ol R.'\D_SHAPE{42)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 43: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(43)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 44: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(44)

SEXT Oute:r annular radius tm}, 45: l~OOOE+Ol l.OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(45)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 46: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE{46)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 4 7: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(47)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m) , ring 48: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol 8AD_SHAPE(48)

SEXT Fractions of annular areas within AREA:

SEX"T Ring 37 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(37)

SEXT Ring 38 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(38)

SEXT Ring 39 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACJ\_(39)

SEXT Ring 40 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA{40}

SEXT Ring 41 0. OOOE+OO 0. OODE+OO FRACA(41)

SEXT Ring 42 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(42)

SEXT Ring 43 0. OOOE+OO 0. OGOE+OO FRACA(43)

SEXT Ring 44. 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRl~CA(44}

SEXT Ring 45 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(45)

SEXT Ring 46 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FR.~CA(46}

SE:X'l' Ring 41 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRAC.ZU47}

SEXT Ring 48 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(48) 29 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Veision 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 07 Page 30 Parent Dos~ Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : Jl._RE.Z\ 1.Ll2 RESIDENT.ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parameter Input Default computed Name SEXT Shape factor array from offsite area 3: I SEXT Radii of shape factor array {used if non-circular) : I SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 49: . I 1.000E+Ol l.OOOE+Dl RAD_SHAPE (49)

SEXT Outer: annular radius (m}, ring 50: I 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RJID_Sl!APE(50)

, SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 51: I l.OOOE+Ol 1.000E+Ol RJ\D_SHAPE(51)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 5'1

  • I 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RJ\D_SHAPE (52)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 53: I 1.000E+Ol l.OOOE+Ol RJ\D _SHAPE ( 53)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 54: I 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE{54)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 55: J l.OOOE+Ol l.OOOE+Ol RAO_SHAPE(55)

SEXT Outer annular :radius (ml, ring 56: J l.OOOE+Ol 1.000E+Ol RAD _SHAPE (56)

SEXT Outer annular radius {m), ring 57: J 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(57)

SEXT Outer annular radius (ml, ring 58: I l. OOOE_+Ol 1. OOOE+tll RAD_SHAPEl58)

SEXT Outer annular radius (ml, ring 59: I l.OOOE+Ol l.OOOE+Ol RJ\D_SHAPE(59)

SEXT Outer annular radius (mJ, ring 60: \ l.OOOE+Ol l.OOOE+Ol Rb,D _SHAPE ( 60)

SEXT Fractions of annular areas within APEA: J SEXT Ring 4 9 I o. OOOE+OO O. OOOE+OO FRACA(49)


SEXT Ring 51 I o. OOOE+OO a. OOOE+Oo FRACA(51)

.SEXT Ring 52 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(52)


SEXT Ring 54 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEf.00 FRACA(54)

SEXT Ring 55 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRJ\CA I 55)

SEXT Ring 56 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(56)

SEXT Ring 57 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(57)

SEXT Ring 58 0. OOOE+*oo 0. OOOE+OO FRJ\CA (58}


SEXT Ring 60 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(60)

SEXT Shape factor array from off site area 4:

SEXT Radii of shape factor array {used if non-circular;:

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), :ring 61: 1. OOOE+Ol L OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE ( 61)

SEXT Outer anf"!-ular radius (rn}, ring 62: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol .RAD_SHAPE (62)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 63: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE I 63)

SEXT Outer annulat radius (m), rin<::i 64: 1. 000£+01 1. OOOE+Ol RJ\D _:_SHAPE I 64)

SEXT Outer annular radius. (m), ring 65: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE I 65 l SEXT Outer annular :radius (ml, ring 66: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(66)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m}, ring 67: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RJ\D_SHAPE(67)

SEXT Outer annular: radius (m), ring 68: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(68)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 69: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE{69)

SEX'l' Outer annular radius (ml, ring 70: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE{70)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 71: l. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol RAD_SHAPE(71)

SEXT Outer annular radius (m), ring 72: 1. OOOE+Ol 1. OOOE+Ol R.:1\D_SHAPE{72}

30 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T'1. Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 31 Pa:c:ent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE D~fault Parameters File  : P..REA 1. L12 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Parame:ter Input Default computed N.3me SEXT Fractions of annuli;>r areas within AREA:

SEXT Ring 61 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(61)

SEXT Ring 62 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(62 )*

SEXT Ring 63 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(63)

SEXT Ring 64 0. OOOEtOO 0. OOOEtOO FRACA(64)

SEXT Ring 65 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA ( 65)


SEXT Ring 67 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+DO FRACA(67)

SEXT Ring 68 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(68)

SEXT Ring 69 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(69)


SE:XT Ring 71 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOE+OO FRACA(71)

SEXT Ring 72 0. OOOE+OO 0. OOOEtOO FRACA(72)

OCCU Fraction of time spent indoors on ccntamin<1ited site 8.333E-Ol O.OOOE+OO FIND OCCU E'raction of time spent outdooi:s on contaminated site 1. 667E-01 0. OOOE+OO FOTD OCCU traction of time spent indoors in Offsite Dwelling O.OOOE+OO 5.000E-01 FINDDWELL OCCU Fraction of time spent outdoors in Offsite Dwelling 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-01 FOTDDWELL OCCU Fraction of time spent outdoors in agri. area 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-01 OCCUPANCY (1)

OCCU Fraction of time spent outdoors in agri. 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-01 OCCUPANCY (2)

OCCU Fraction of time spent outdoors in agri. 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE-Ol OCCUPANCY (3)

OCCU Fraction of time spent outdoors in agri. area 4 O.OODE+OO l.OOOE-01 OCCUPP.NCY ( 4)

RADN Diffusion coe:fficient for radon gas (m/sec}:

RADN in cover material not usoed 2. OOOE-06 DIFCV RADN in contaminated zone soil not usoed 2. OOOE-06 DIFCZ RADN in fruit,* grain and non-leafy vegetable field not used 2. OOOE-06 DIFOS(l)

RADN in leafy vegetable field not used 2. OOOE-06 DIFOS (2)

RADN in pature not used 2.000E-06 DIFOS (3)

RADN in livestock grain field not used 2.000E-06 DIFOS(4)

RJl.*DN in offsite d~elling site not used 2. OOOE-06 DIFpS (5)

RADN. in foundation material not used 3. OOOE-07 DIFFL RADN Thickness of building foundation {m} not used 1. SOOE-01 FLOORl RADN Bulk density of building foundation (g/cm ... ,,_3} not used 2. 400E+00 DEl'lSFL RADN Total porosity of the building foundation not used 1. OOOE-01 TPFL RADN Volumetric water content of the foundation not used 3. OOOE-02 PH20FL RADN Buildinry depth below ground su:Cface {m) not used j-1. OOOE+OO DMFL RADN Radon vertical dimension of mixing (m) not used 2. OOOE+OO HMIX P.ADN Height of the building (room) (m) not used 2. SOOE+OO HRM RADN Average building air exchange rate {l/hrl* not used 5. OOOE-01 REXG RADN Building interior area factor not* used 0. OOOE+OO FAI PADN Emanating power of Rn-222 gas not used 2. 500E-Ol EMANA (1)

RADN E.rnanating power of Rn-220 gas not used 1. 500E-Ol EMANA (2)

Cl4 c-14 .:vasion layer thickness in soil (rn} not used 3. OOOE-01 DMC C14 Vertical dimension of mixing for vegetation {m} not. used 1. OOOE+OO HMIXV C14 C-14 evasion flux rate from soil (l/sec) net used 7. OOOE-07 C14EVSN 31of46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OrFSITE. Version 3 .1 T'1: Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 07 Page 32 Parent Dose Report Title RESAAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : J>..REA 1. Ll2 RESIDENT. ROF Site-Specific Parameter Summary (continued)

User RES RAD Parameter Menu Paraml!::t:er Input Default co~puted Name

<':14 C-12 evasion flux rate from soil (l/sec) not used 1. OOOE-10 C12EVSN Cl4 Fraction of 11egetation carbon from air not used 9. SOOE-01 CAIR Cl4 Fraction of vegetation carbon from soil not used 2. OOOE-02 CSOIL Cl2 C-12 concentration in the atmosphere (g/m-.. ... 3} not USE:d 1. SOOE-01 C12AIR C12 C-12 concentration in contaminated soil (g/g) not used 3. OOOE-02 C12CZ Cl2 c-12 concentration 'in water (g/cm**3) not used 2. OOOE-05 Cl2WTR Cl2 c-12 concentration in meat 1 (g/g) not used 2. 400E-Ol Cl.ZMEAT_MILK(l)

Cl2 C-12 concentration in milk (g/g) not Used 7. OOOE-02 Cl2MEJ\T _l1I!,K {2) 0 Cl2 C-12 concentration in vegetable 1 lg/g) not used 4. OOOE-01 C12 PLANT 11)

Cl2 C-12 concentration in vegetable (g/g) not used 9. OOOE-02 Cl2P!.AJ.~T (2>

Cl2 C-12 concentration in lives tock feed 1 (g/g) not used 9. OOOE-02 Cl2PLAN'I' {3)

Cl2 C-12 concentration in livestock feed 2 lg/g) not used 4. OOOE-01 Cl2PLAllT(4)

H3 Humidity in ah: (g/cm~"'3) not used 8. OOOE+OO HUMID H3 Mass fraction of water in meat 1 lg/g) not . used 6. OOOE-01 H20HEAT_MILKil)

H3 Mass fraction of water in milk (g/g) not used 8. BOOE-01 H'.?:OHEAT_MILK (2:)

H3 Mass fraction of water in vegetable 1 (g/g) not used 8. OOOE-01 H20PLA!IT ( 1)

H3 Mass fraction of water in vi;g~table ig/g) not used B. OOOE-01 --- H20PL.~NT(2)

H3 Mass fi:action of water in li *rnstock feed 1 lg/g) not used 8. OOOE-01 HZOPLANT (3)

H3 Mass fraction of water in li<Jestock feed 2 lg/g) not us-ad 8. OOOE-01 H201?~.NT ( 4)

Summary of Pathway Selections Pathway User Selection 1 -- external gamma active 2 -- inhalation (w/o radon) I active 3 -- plant ingestion suppressed 4 -- meat ingestion active

-- milk ingestion suppressed G -- aquatic foods suppressed drinking water active soil ingestion active radon suppro:ssed 32 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T'1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 33 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default earametets File  : AREA 1.L12 RESIDENT.ROF Contaminated Zone Dimensions Initial Soil Concentrations, pCi/g Area: 69600.00 square meters Cs-137 7, 900E-01 Thickness: 1.00 me:ters Cover Depth: O.DO meters Total Dose TDOSE(t),

  • mrem/yr Basic Radiation Dose Limit = 2. 500E+Ol mrem/yr Total Mixture Sum M{t) = F:raction of Basic Dose Limit Received at Time {t) t (years): O.OOOE+OO l.OOOE+OO 3.000E+DO 6.000E+OO l.200E+Ol 3.000E+Ol 7.500E+Ol l.750E+02 4..200E+02 9.IOOE+02 TDOSE(t}: l.OZOE+OO 9.962E-Ol 9.502E-01 B.B52E-01 7.6BlE-01 5.0lBE-01 l.731E-01 l.626E-02 4.950E-05 1.llOE-10 N(t): 4.0BOE-02 3.985E-02 3.801E-02 3.541E-02 3.072E-02 2.007E-02 6.924E-03 6.504E-04 l.9BDE-06 4.440E-12 Mazimum TDOSE (t): 1. 020E:+OO mrem/yr at t 0 years 33 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 34 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  :'AREA 1.Ll2 RESIDENT.ROF Total Dose C~:mtributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclido;s (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = O years E'rom releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil i*Jater Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 3. 03E-05 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total* 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 3. 03E-05 0. O.OE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOS8(i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways {p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = O years Directly from primary cont:amination and from release to atmo.sphe:re {Inhalation ex.eludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant ~ieat Milk Soil P..11 Pathways;..

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 l.02E+OO 100 6.34E-07 0 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. 94.E-03 0. OOE+OO 7.14E-04 1. 02E+OO 100 Total 1. 02Et00 100 6. 34E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. 94.E-03 0 .OOE+OO 7.14E-O<l 1. 02E+OO 100 "Sum of dose from all r~leases and from primary contamination.

34 of 46

Appendix HS: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 07 Page 35 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1. L12 RESIDENT. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways {p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 1 years From releases to grou-nd water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 6. 66E-05 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+Oq 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 6. 66E-05 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides { i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of* Total Dose at t = 1 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere I Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways*

Radi0-Nuclide Dose  %

  • Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 9.'_93E-01 10'0 6.19E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. 87E-03 0. OOE+OO 6. 98E-04 9.9E-01 100 Total 9. 93E-01 100 6. l 9E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. 87E-03 O 0. OOE+OO 6. 98E-04 9.96E-01 100

"'Sum of dose from all rele.ases and from primary contamination.

35 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 {L12)

R8SRAD-OE'FSITE, Ve::csion 3 .1 T'1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 07 Page 36 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1.L12 RESIDENT.ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways {p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 3 years E'rom releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water:

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 O.OOE+OO 0 O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+DO 8. 21E-05 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 8.21E-05 O.OOE+OO 0. O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) fo:r: Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways {p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 3 years Directly f?:om pr:irnary contamination and from release to atmosphere {Inhalation eKcludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Heat Milk Seil All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Doss Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 9. 47E-01 100 5. 91E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2.74E-03 0. OOE+OD 6. 65E-04 9.SOE-01 100

== == == == == ==

Total 9.47E-01 100 5. 91E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. 74E-03 0. OOE+OO 6.65E-04 9. SOE-01 100

""Sum of dose from all I:eleases and from primary con tarnination.

36 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T'1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 37 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA l.Ll2 RESIDENT.ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual RadionuclidE>s (i) and Pathways {p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 6 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Nater Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 7. 92E-05 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO I. 92E-05 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 6 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to a-cmosphere (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil P..11 Pathways,._

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dos-:: Dose Dose DOS'Z! Dose Dose Cs-137 8.82E-01 100 5.SOE-07 O. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. 55E-03 O.OOE+OO 6.20E-04 B.85£-01 100

= == == == == == == =*

Total 8.82£-01 100 5.50E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. 55E-03 0. OOE+OO 0.20E-0'1 S. BSE-01 100

"'Sum of dose from all reieases and from primary contamination.

37 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RE:SRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T~ Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 38 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : fi..REA 1. L12 RESIDENT. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclid'2:s (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 12 years From rele:ases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. DOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 6. 89E-05 0.00E+OO 0 O.OOE--t*OO 0. OOE+OO Total 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0 O,OOE+OO 6.89E-05 0.00E+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways {p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 12 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 7 .. 65E-Ol 100 4. 77E-07 O. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 2. 22E-03 0. OOE+OO 5.38E-04 7.68E-01 100 Total 7. 65E-01 100 4. 77E-07 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 2 .22E-03 O.OOE+OO 5. 38E-04 7. 66E-Ol 100 "Sum of dose froir-. all releases and from primary contamination.

38 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 07 Page 39 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1.LlZ RESIDENT.ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage. of Total Dose at t = 30 yeai:s From releases to ground water and to suiface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4_. SOE-05 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4. SOE-OS 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+oo' 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE {i, p, t) f~r Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways {p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 30 years Directly f:com primary contamination and from release to atmosphe:ce (Inhalation eKcludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 S.OOE-01 100 3 .12E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 45E-0.3 O.OOE+OO 3.SlE-04 0 5.0~E-01 100

== == ~

== == ==

Total 5. OOE-01 100 3 .12E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO l.45E-03 0 .OOE+OO 3. SlE-04 .5 .02E-Ol 100

  • sum of dose f:com all releases and from primary contamination.

39 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, version 3 .1 TJ.:l: Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 40 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1.Ll2 RESIDENT.ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) £or Individual Radicinuclides (i) and Pathways !pl in m.:cem/yr and as u Percentage of Total Dose at t = 75 years From releases to ground water and to surface water dround Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Oose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. SSE-05 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO O. OOE+OO Total O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 55E-05 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO o. ooE:+oo Total Dose Contributions TDOSE{i,p, t) for: Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t "" 75 years D~rectly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation ezcludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose bos~ Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 1. 72E-01 100 1. 08E-07 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OD 4. 99E-04 0. OOE+OO 1. 2 lE-04 1. 73E-01 100

= == == == == == ==

Total 1. 72E-Ol 100 1. 08E-07 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 4. 99£-04 0. OOE+OO 1.ZlE-04 1. 73E-Ol 100

"'Sum of dose from all releases and from primary contamination.

40 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 {L12)

RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 41 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : /.I.REA 1. Ll2 RESIDENT. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p,t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 175 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Watex:

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 O.OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1.46£-06 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOEtOO Total 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO l.46E-06 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE(i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways (p) in mrern/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t "'" 175 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere (Inhalation e:<.cludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Neat Milk Soil ll.11 Path'.vays t-Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose * % Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 1. 62E-02 100 1. OlE-08 0. OOE:+OO 0. OOE+OO 4. 69E-05 0. ODE+OO 1.14E-05 1. 638-02 100 Total 1. 62E-02 100 1. OlE-08 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4. 69E-05 0. OOE+OO 1.14E-05 0 ". 63E-02 100

"'Sum of dose from all releases and from primary contamination.


Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3. l T\.:! Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13: 07 Page 42 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA l. Ll2 RESIDENT. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE {i,p, t) for. Individual Radionuclides (i) and Pathways Ip) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 420 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO O. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4.44£-09 0. OOE+OO O. OOE+OO 0. OOE-+00 Total 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 4.44£-09 0. OOE+OO O. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose: Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides {i} and Pathways (p) in mi::em/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 420 years Directly from primary contamination and from release to atmosphere {Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon .Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways*

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 4. 93E-05 100 ~LOBE-11 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 1. 4 3E-07 0. OOE+OO 3. 41E-08 4. 95E-05 100

== == == == == ~ ~

Total 4. 93E-05 100 3.0BE-11 0. OOE.+00 0. OOE+OO 1. 43E-Oi 0. 00.E+OO 3.47E-08 4. 95£-05 100

'-Sum of dose from all releases and from primary con tamina ti on.

42 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 Tli Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 43 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA 1. Ll2 RESIDENT. ROF Total Dose Contributions TDOSE (i,p, t) for Individual Radionuclides {i) and Pathways lp}

in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t = 970 years From releases to ground water and to surface water Ground Fish Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil Water Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 9. 99E-15 0. OOE+OO O.OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO

= == == ===~= == == == ===~

Total O. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 9. 99E-15 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO Total Dose Contributions TDOSE {i, p, t) for Individual Radionuclides { i) and Pathways (p) in mrem/yr and as a Percentage of Total Dose at t ""' 970 years Directly f:rom prima:ry contamination and from release to atmosphere {Inhalation excludes radon)

Ground Inhalation Radon Plant Meat Milk Soil All Pathways ..

Radio-Nuclide Dose Dose Dos.; Dose Dose Dose Dose Dose Cs-137 l. llE-10 100 6. 90E-l 7 0. OOE+OO 0. OOE+OO 3. 20E-l3 0. OOE+OD 7. 77E:-14 l . HE-10 100

== == == == == ==

Total 1. llE-10 100 6.90E-17 0. OOE+OO 0 0. OOE+OO 3.20E-13 0 0. OOE+OO 7. 77E-14 l. llE-10 100

  • Sum of dose from all releases and from primary contamination.

43 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OE'FSITE, Version 3 .1 T!.i Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13 :07 Page 44 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : }...REA 1. L12 RESIDENT. ROF Dose/Source Ratios Summed Over All Pathways Parent and Progeny Principal Radionuclide Contributions Indicated Parent Product Thread DSR (j, t) (mrem/yr) I {pCi/g)

(i) (j) Fraction 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO *3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200E+Ol 3. OOOE+Ol 7. SOOE+Ol 1. 750E+02 4. 200E+02 9. 700E+02 Cs-137+0 Cs-137+D 1. OOOE+OO 1. 291E+OO l.261E+OO 1.203E+OO 1.120E+00 9. 722E-Ol 6.352E-Ol 2.191E-01 2. OSSE-02 6. 266E-05 1. 405E-10 The DSR includes contributions from associated .(half-life $ 30 days} daughters.

Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines G (i, t) in pCi/g Basic Radiation Dose .Limit = 2.SOOE+Ol mrem/yr Ni.lclide (il t- 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+,00 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200E+Ol

  • 3. OOOE+Ol 7. SOOE+Ol 1. 750E+02 4. 200E+02 9. 700E+02 Cs-137 1. 936E+Ol 1. 982E+01 2. 078E+Ol 2. 231E+Ol 2. 57 lE+Ol 3. 936E+Ol 1. 141E+02 1. 215E+03 3. 990E+05 1. 7,79E+ll Summed Dose/Source Ratios DSR(i, t) in (mrem/y:r:::} I (pCi/g) and Single Radionuclide Soil Guidelines G {i, t) in pCi/g at tmin time of minimum single radionuclide soil guideline and at trnax = t~me of maximum total dose 0 years Nuclide Initial tm~n DSR(i,troin) G(i,trnin) DSR{i,tmax) G(i,tma.x)

(ii (pCi/gl (years) (pCi/g) (pCifg)

Cs-137 7. 900E-01 1. 291E+OO 1. 936E+Ol. 1. 291E+OO 1. 936E+Ol 44 of 46

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3. l Ti-1 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Page 45 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : AREA l.Ll2 RESIDENT.ROF Individual Nuclide Dose summed Over All Pathways Parent Nuclide and Thread Fraction Indicated Nuclide Parent THF ( i) DOSE (j, t), mrem/yr (jl Ii I t= O. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO 6.000E+OO 1. 200£+01 3. OOOE+Ol 7. 500E+Ol 1. 750£+02 4. 2DOE+02 9. 700E+02 Cs-137 Cs-137 L OOOE+OO 1. 020E+OO 9. 96z"E-Ol 9. 502£-01 8 .852E-01 7. 681E-01 5. 018E-01 1. 731£-01 1. 626E-02 4. 950E-05 1. llOE-10 THF(i) is the thread frac.tion of the paro;nt nuclide.

Individual Nuclide Soil Concentration Parent Nuclide and Thread Fraction Indicated tluclide Pat*ent THE"(i) S(j,t), pCi/g

{j I Iii t= 0. OOOE+OO 1. OOOE+OO 3. OOOE+OO 6. OOOE+OO 1. 200E+01 3. OOOE+Ol 7 .SOOE+Ol 1 :750E+02 4 .200E+02 9. /OOE+02 Cs-137 Cs-137 l.OOOE~oo 7.900E-01 7.715£-01 7.359E-Ol 6.855E-01 5.948E-01 3.880E-Ol l.341E-Ol l.259E-02 3.833E-05 8.595£-ll THF(i) is the thread fraction of the parent nuclide.

45 of 46 L

Appendix H8: RESRAD-Offsite 3.1 Output for Area 1.1/1.2 (L12)

RESRAD-OFFSITE, Version 3 .1 T11 Limit 30 days 05/04/2016 13:07 Pag.e 46 Parent Dose Report Title RESRAD-OFFSITE Default Parameters File  : ltREA 1. Ll2 RESIDENT. ROF Run Time Information ResOCalc. EXE er.ecution began at 13: 07 on 05/04/2016 ResOCalc.EXE ezecution ended at 13:07 on 05/04/2016 ResOCalc. EXE execution time . 159 seconds 46 of 46