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Forwards Addl Questions Re Fuel self-protection Calculations Included as Exhibit a to Univ Response to Committee to Bridge the Gap Interrogatories on Contention Xx,Per 820819 Agreement
Person / Time
Site: 05000142
Issue date: 08/23/1982
From: Bay J
To: Cormier W
NUDOCS 8208270418
Download: ML20063C916 (3)




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m iPC p3 Imbarcadero Center Twenty-third Floor 82 hSO 26 NO,M Francisco, CAWill iugust.23, 1982

'.lilliam H. Comier TAFT Orrice of Administrative Vice Chancs SERvlCE.,

tic D

ggAHCH University of California 405 Hilgard Avenue r--

Los Angeles, CA 90024 p pg,,

Dear Mr. Comier,

Enclosed please find the additional questions regarding the

" Fuel Self-Protection Calculations" included as Exhibit A to the University's Response to CBG's Interrogatories on Contention XX, pursuant to our agreement of August 19.

As we agreed, please provide us your response at the earliest possible tine.

I will contact you on '.iednesday, August 25, to determine the status of this process.

I appreciate your cooperation in resolving these matters.

Very truly yours,


Joba H. Say JH3:sa (dictated but not read by JH3)

F.nclosure ec Service List 8208270418 820823 PDR ADOCK 05000142



a Questions and Clarification as to " Fuel Self Protection Calculation", by Neill Ostrander, dated July 1962(" Exhibit a")


As to the equation in sentence is (1) 'Jhat is the source of the equation?

(a) If the source is a book, article, report or other document, give its title, author, publisher, date, page number, and other appropriate identifying infornation and indicate why you believe it is the appropriate equation to use.

(b) If derived by your staff or personnel, how was it derived and what assumptions were used in its derivation?


'.lhat is the source of the numerical exponential

"-1.2", and why is it enployed in said equation?

(a) If the source of the exponential is a book, article, report or other document, give its title, author, publisher, date, page number, and other appropriate identifying information and indicate why it is appropriate to use it.

(b) If derived by your staff or personnel, how was it derived and what assumptions were used in its derivation?

(3) What is the value which was used for the constant "A" in the equation, and what are the units in which it is expressed, as used to obtain the results in paragraph 37 (a) If the source of the constant is a document, please identify the document as above, and indicate why you think it is the appropriate value to use.

(b) If derived, how was it derived, and what assumptions were used in its derivation?


'.las the constant obtained by actual measurement or by calculation? What approximations and assumptions are made in so obtaining the constant?


As to part 3a of the calculation:

'das the periodic component of 200kd energy generation every seven days assumed to be regular with time or to be variable with time?

(i.e., did you assume 200kWh output on day 1, 200kdh on day 8, 200kih on day 15, etc.; or did you assume, e.g.100Mih on day 1, 75kih on day 5,130Mih on day 16, etc., which would average out to be 200kWh each week?)


As to the " random, s=oothed, average power level of 5 0 Wh per year" identified in part 3b of the calculations (1) Precisely what is meant by "randon, smoothed, average"?

(a) Is the power function P(T) implied by this sentence a J


. l constant power level of $fdh per year (i.e., was it "straightlined"?) or was some randonly generated function used for the calculation?

If the power function P(t) was not meant by this sentence l

to be a constant in time, then describe the function used and the means to generate it. Include in the description of the function used in addition to the mean power level, the constants or parameters and their values and units which indicate the temporal characteristics, that is, the rate of change of the function with time, and those that express the amplitude variability and deviation from the average power level.

(b) How was the random power level " smoothed"? Please provide the functions used to smooth it.


By tne reactor being " shut down", as used in paragrapn 3, do you mean coro power generation from both the periodic impulse conponent and the random smooth component?

(1) Are there any assumptions used in the calculation in question which would make the equation invalid for downtimes of less than one week? If so, please identify said assumptions.

(2) Please provide dose rate estimates for i day and 3 days after shut down or for similar T values or less than one week.


If the calculation was computer assisted, please provido the computer program and printouts.

(1) For those portions or the calculation not computer assisted, please show the actual calculations that resulted in the dose rate conclusions summarized in the table at the bottom of page 1 cf " Exhibit A".

(2) Please provide all other calculations or computer runs, ir any, from January 1901 to the present that were conducted to, or that could be used to, estimate operating conditions necessary to maintain the luel at 100 rem /hr.

