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Ack Receipt of Expressing Concern Re Proposed long-term Storage of Radioactive Fuel Rods at Plant. Extensive Evaluation of Pertinent Info Re Decommissioning Will Be Undertaken Before NRC Decision Made
Person / Time
Site: Humboldt Bay
Issue date: 06/19/1985
From: Zwolinski J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Luster T
NUDOCS 8506260578
Download: ML20127J372 (3)






% ,,,,, # June 19, 1985 Mr. Thomas Luster Post Office Rox 354 Arcata, California 95521

Dear Mr. Luster:

In your letter of January 19, lo85 to Mr. Peter Erickson of my staff you expressed your concern about the proposed long-tenn storage of radioactive fuel rods at the Humboldt Bay nuclear power plant. Your letter as well as letters from others in Humboldt County and elsewhere have become part of the official record of the decomissioning of this plant.

It is the responsibility of the Nuclear Regulatory Comission (NRC) to assure that the decomissioning of Humboldt Bay power plant is conducted in a manner that does not endanger the health and safety of the public.

In order to accorplish that, the NRC requires that Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) submit a Decomissioning Plan describing how the decomissioning will be conducted and an Ervironmental Report which describes the environmental aspects of the decomissioning. Both of these documents were submitted to the NRC on July 30, 1984 and we have completed our initial review. Questions generated during the review have been sent to PGFF on Jenuary 23 and February 14, this year and PG8E has provided responses to nost of the questions. The NRC is currently evaluating those responses.

' An frportant aspect of the decomissioning planning is the receipt of coments from the public. For the Humboldt plant, this was done through the public meetings held on September 10 and December 4,1984 in Eureka, California as well as through letters such as yours. Both PG8E and the NRC need to know what the public environmental and safety concerns are so that they may be adeouately considered during the decommissioning process. Consequently, the transcripts of the meetings as well as the letters become part of the official decomissioning record and are reviewed to detennine if there are additional facts which should be cor.sidered. The transcripts, the letters frora the public and all correspondence from PGAE and the NPC are available in the Humboldt County Library, 421 I Street (County Courthouse), Eureka, California.

Following our review of environmental issues we will publish a " Draft Environmental Impact Statement" (Draft EIS) that will be made available to the public in the Humboldt County Library and will also be sent to State and Humboldt County agencies as well as other Federal agencies. This Draft EIS will present the NRC evaluation of potentiel environmental impacts of decomissioninn the Humboldt plant. Coments on the Draft EIS from State, local and Federal agencies and the public will be included and evaluated in the Final Environmental Impact Statenent (Final EIS).

0506260570 050619 3 DR ADOCK 0500

4 Mr. Thomas Luster After the staff reviews are conplete and if it is detemined that PGRE has taken the precautions necessary to assure no undue risk to the health and safety of the public and the environment, the decommissioning will be approved and the NRC will publish a Final FIS.

In sumary, I want to assure you that an extensive evaluation of all of the pertinent information, including coments from concerred citizens, regarding the decomissionino is undertaken before a NFC decision is made. A favorable decision will be predicated on PGt,E taking adequate steps to pro ^ect the public and the environment during its activities. Our target date for completing the Draft EIS is July 31, 1985 and for completing our final action ei +Fe decomissioning plan and the Final EIS is October 31, 1985. A copy of the Draft EIS will be sent to you when it is available.

The Final EIS will be published under the U.S. Government Printing Office NUREG series. You may then obtain a copy from the U.S. Goverrtent Printing Office, P.O. Pcy ?7082 Washington, D.C. P0013-7982. A copy will also be available to the public in the Humboldt County Library.

Since ly., 1 John . Zwolinski, Chief Operating Reactors Branch #5 Division of Licensing 6

Mr. Thnras Luster June 19, 1985 After the staff reviews are complete and if it is determined that PGatE has taken the precautions necessary to assure no undue risk to the health and safety o# the public and the environment, the deconnissinrirn will be approved and the NRC will publish a Final EIS.

'In sunrary, I went to assure you that an extensive evaluation of all of the pertinent information, including corrents from concerned citizens, regarding the c'ecommissioning is undertaken before a NRC decision is made. A favorable decision will be predicated on PG&E taking adecuate steps to protect the public and the environment during its activities. Our target date fer completirg the Draft EIS is July 31, 1985 and for conpleting our final action on the decommissioning plan and the Final EIS is October 31, iff5. A copy of the Draft EIS will be sent to you when it is available.

The finel FIS will be published under the U.S. Government Printing Office fl0 REG series. You may then obtain a copy from the ll.S. Government Printing Offico, P.O. Box 37082, Washington, D.C. 20013-7982. A copy will also be available to the public in the Hunholdt County Library.

Sincerely, Original signed by Jchr f. 7velinski, Chief Operating Reactors Branch d5 Division of Iiconsing DISTRIBUTION DL #PO?

,Decket File ~(Docket No. 50-133)

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