PNO-III-80-169, on 800904,reporter from Chicago Sun Times Contacted NRC Resident Inspectors Re Allegations That 400,000 Gallons of Radioactive Water Leaked from Station Since Jul 1980

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PNO-III-80-169:on 800904,reporter from Chicago Sun Times Contacted NRC Resident Inspectors Re Allegations That 400,000 Gallons of Radioactive Water Leaked from Station Since Jul 1980
Person / Time
Site: Dresden  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/05/1980
From: Barker J, Davis A, Reimann F
FOIA-80-533 PNO-III-80-169, NUDOCS 8010090136
Download: ML20148D671 (2)


, PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATION Date: September 3, 1980 PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATION OF EVENT OR UNU5UAL OCCURENCE--PNG-III 169 Page 1 of 2 l PLi s preliminary notification constitutes EARLY notice of events of POSSIBLE safety or public interest significance. The inforTnation presenteo _is as initially received without verification or eva_luati_on and is basically all_

MLSt is krmwn by IE staf f as of this date.

Facility: Co.nmonwealth Edison Company - Dresden Station Doc! ct Numbers: 50-010, 50-237, 50-249 Morris, IL

_S,uhir e;t,: NEWS MHDIA INTEREST CONCERNING ALLEGATIONS OF OPERATTONS AT DRESDXN This is to provide notification of high press interes' in two apparent allegations concerning operations 4! the Dresden Nuclear Power Station. On September 4,1980, a reporter from the Chicago Sun Tim s ncuspaper contacted NRC re.sident inspectors at Dret Jen. Region III (Chicago) pornonnel, and GECo personnel el Drenden nnd the corporate offices lu regard to charges by an unidentified individuni that 300,000 to 400.000 gallons of radioactive water has been leaking Etem the Dresden Station cince July, 1980. In later conversationn reportern n11uded that their "soureee" claimed that varar had been disappearing for several years and that the proble.m had gotten no had that action had to be taken.

The Resident Tnapector was first notified of this matter by a H tnLinn operator ou Auguwt 28, 1980. The licensee informed the resident inspector Lhut he wnR intending to inferm the NRC once it was deternined whether or not a wa ter lors was ectually occurring. Subsequently, on September 4, 1980, i t was notArminad that one of the LPCI heat exchanger s was leaking, to the service water system, and eveutually to the environment, at approximately 2tpm. The leak. lug exchanger wns immedia tely isolated, and the NRC was notified via the Rnd Phone at 9 :17 p.m.

nn September 4, 1980. The whing heat exchanger does not to acenunt f nr the total diaccepancy in wster f sventory. Investigations into cauwes of the discrep-ancy are continuing.

, N licensee reported data to the resident inspe.ctor which estimates the actgvity of the supprennion pon1 water being released via the heat exchanger al 5x10 Pci/L. It is alco encimated that 76,000 gClons of water has baen releaved whleh would result in a total release of 0.14ci . A f ollmup notif f e.arion will be trade to supply aa analysts of antun1 or probable releases.

A second allegation to the press involvew the resident inspector discovering two control room operatora which appeared to be alceping. Thiu mutter bus been and will conLinue to be pursued with station and utility tnanagement.

The allegations and media followup appeared in the September 5,1980 mornlug edition of the Chicago Sun Times. It is not kn rdn at this time if the licensee plars to issue a press relcasc. Region 111 does not plan a prew r el e.a m e a t thi n time , har will continu( to respond to media questions.


The State of 1111noin in being notitind and wil] be kept up-to-date on followup .

deveJopments. I I


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1 PRI.LIMIN ARY tlDT ITICAT 10'4 PNO !!! 169 Page 2 of 2 Drenden Unit 1 is shutdown for cxtended maintenance, Unitu 2 oud 3 ure operating I at 652 and 100% power respectively.  !

Reginn TTT in currently investigating both matters and appropriate enforces at action will he taken.

This inf ormation to current as of 6:00 a.tu. September 5, 1980.


.T . Fiarker 815/942-9267; R. L. Spa d. 312/932-2547; A. B. Daviv, 312/932-2010; R. 7 hman, 312/937-2540; F. W. Reimann 312/932-2558 Distribution: Transmitted H St.

u Chairman Ahearne Commissioner Hendrie S. J. Chilk, SECY