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Provides Procedure Outline for Decommissioning Reactor to Convert Facility Housing to Subcritical Assembly.Application Should Include Decommissioning Plan Which Discusses Radioactivity Levels Prior to Installation of Assembly
Person / Time
Site: 05000139
Issue date: 05/19/1989
From: Michaels T
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Robkin M
NUDOCS 8905310011
Download: ML20247G567 (6)


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,g WASHINGTON, D. C. 20555 May 19, 1989

\.....l* -

Docket No. 50-139 D'r. Maurice A. 'Robkin, Director Nuclear Engineering Laboratories University 'of Washington Seattle,~ Washington 98195

Dear Dr. Robkin:


DECOMMISSIONING 0F THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON ARGONAUT REACTOR In accordance with your request for guidance on the approach to be'taken, from a licensing standpoint, to convert the facility housing the reactor to a facility' housing a subtritical assembly, the following procedure as outlined below will be followed.

The application for terraination should include the following provisions:

a. A decommissioning plan which discusses what will be dismantled and the expected residual radioactivity levels prior to instal-lation of the subcritical assembly.
b. The decommissioning plan should also discuss the ultimate dis-position of this facility for use as an unrestricted area. Thus, if you plan to hold a possession-only license under 10 CFR Part 50, to possess the residual byproduct material and to house the subcrit-


ical assembly for 20 years, then you should discuss how the facility will be dismantled, and the expected residual radioactivity levels at that time,

c. A request to extend the license termination date to a point in time where you expect to ultimately decommission. This date should not be more than 40 years. The decommissioning rule (10 CFR 50.82 copy enclosed) permits this to occur. That is, the license remains in effect until the facility is ultimately decomiaission64. However, a statement to the effect that your license should be extended to a particular date to accommodate ultimate decommissioning is appropriate,
d. As required by 10 CFR 50.75(e) (copy enclosed from Federal Register Notice 53 FR 24050, June 27, 1988), financial assurance for ultimate decommissioning needs to be provided. Specifically, for your facility any of the subparagraphs of 10 CFR 50.75(e)(2) that apply to your facility should be addressed.

Of*I I \


8905310011 890519 PDP ADOCK 05000139 1


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. i Dr. Mabrice A. Robkin May 19, 1989

e. Concurrently, you should file an application for a separate ]

license under Part 70 to operate a subtritical assembly. 1 After review of the application, the staff, if appropriate, will amend the '

current license to permit possession of the contaminated facility and authorize decontamination and decommissioning of the reactor. Also, after review and if appropriate a Part 70 license will be issued.

Should you decide not to proceed with the subcritical assembly, then you l should submit a decommissioning plan for release of the facility as an unrestricted area.

l Since your license expires on October 13,1989, the decommissioning plan in I either of the above cases should be submitted as soon as possib.le, but in no I case later than September 13, 1989.

Please feel free to call me at 301-492-1102 if you have any questions regarding this approach.

Sincerely, 5, '

Theodore S. Michaels, Project Manager Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc: See next page I


Univer'sity of Washington Docket No.59-139 cc: Mayor of City of Seattle Seattle, Washington 98104 1

1 1

50.81 t d l 50.91(a)


l an> creditor secured by such mort. f21 A description of controls and hmits 1 50.90 Appr, cation for amendment of

, gaee, pledge or llen, any purchazer of on procedures and equipment to protect license or construction permit, g such faellsty at the sale thereof upon occupational and public health and Wheneser a holder of a license or

  • foreclosure of such mortrage. pledge, a
  • or tien or upon exercise of any poser safeth.. R construction pe mit desires to amend
  • (H A descnption of the planned fmal  ? the license or permit. application for an

[ofstrnee sale ofcontained therein, or any a.s.

any such purchaser. radiation survey: a amendment must be filed with the (4) An updated cost estimate for the I Commission. as specified in 150 4. fully 1 60 s2 Applicat6on for terrr; nation of chosen alternative for decommissionmg.

  • describing the changes desired. and beenu. comparison of that estimate with following as far as applicable, the form (a) Any licensee may apply to the present funds set aside for prescribed for original applications.

Commission for authonty to surrender a decommissionmg. and plan for assunng license voluntarily and to decommission the asailabihty of adequate funds for 6cM Noaca for pdec cerament; Ssata the facility. For a facihty that completion of decommissioning. conauftatkan.

permanently ceases operation after July (5) A desenption of technical The Commanha wdl uaa the 27.198& this apphcation must be made specifications. quahty assurance O following procedras en an appbcation within two ears following permanent provisions and physical security plan " requestag an asaendment to an cessation o operations. and in no case provisions in place dunng sp,,g%,e ler a lealMy lioroced la'er than one year prior to expiration of decommissionmg under i &QJ4b) se 130.22 er for a the operating bcense. Each appbcation (c) Decommissionmg plans which testmg facikty:

for termination of hcense must be propose an alternative that delays -

accompanied. or preceded, by a completion of decommissioning by proposed decommissioning plan. For a includmg a period of storage or long- { MbMWCMA8WNM S the time a licensee requests an facihty which has permanently ceased term surveillance must provide that-operation pnor to luly 27.1988' (1) Funds needed to romplete j amendment. it must provide to the requirements for contents of the . Commission, in accordance with the decommissioning be placed into an a decommissionira plan as specified in 6 distribution requirements specified in account segregated from hcensee assets paragraphs (b) thrrugh (d) of this section  ; I 50 t its analysis about the issue of no and outside the hcensee's ma) be modified with approsal of the admmistrative control durmg the storage significant hazards consideration usmg Commission to reflect the fact that the or surseillante period. or a surety the standards in ! $0.92.

decommissionmg process has been method or fund statement of intent be E initiated previousib .

. mamtamed in accordance with the (2)(i) The Canaissioni may publish in (b) The proposed decommissiomng cntena of i 50.75(e). and b Fede al Ragmaar under l 2J(5 an (2) Means be included for adjusting individnal acbce of propesed action for 11 ch ce o[the alternative for . an amendmmt for wtid at makaa a decommissiomng with a description of g cost estimees and associated funding a

  • lesels oser the storage or surveillance . pposed determaretim that no 1 ed sigtifa n* hazards cmarbtion la 5 (i) r n e ectnc utihty bcensee, an period 1 (d) For decommissiomng plans in

{a tavcdved er. at leaaJ ance every 30 days.


  • lternatn a e is acceptable if it provides I for completien of decommissioning ' which the maior dismantlement i publieb a penodic Federal Register actinties are delay ed by first placing e nobce of pryosed actions wtuts 7 withm 60 years Consideration will be ideDtIFau cad SEr endment la6Ued and given to a'n alternatne which proudes the facihty in storage. plannmg for these delayed actinties may be less detailed each amendment pr70 sed to be lesned l for completien of decommissionmg sina the la st seca periodie notice. er 61 beyond 60 years only when necessary to Updated detailed plans must be submitted and approsed pnor to the snay publish both sad no6ces.

protect the pubhc heal'.h and safety. (ii) For coch amendment proposed to Factors to be considered in evaluatmg start of these actinties an abernatn e w hich praides for le} lf the decommissionmg plan completion of decommusionmg beyond demonstrates that the decommissionmg 60 years are set out in paragraph will be performed m accordance with (b)(1)(ni) of this section ~ the regulations in this chapter and will In) For a hcensee other than an not be mimical to the common defense electnc utilit), an alternatn e is and security or to the health and safety r acceptable if it proudes for completion of the pubhc. and after notice to of decommissionmg without sigmficant mterested persons. the Commission will delay Consideration will be gn en to an approse the plan subject to such alternetis e which provides for delayed conditions and hmitations as it deems completion of decommissioning only appropnate and necessary and issue an when necessar) in protect the pubhc order authonzing the decommissioning health and safety Factors to be (f) The Commission will terminate the considered in evaluating an alternatne bcense if it determines that-which proudes for dela> ed completion (1) The decommissioning has been of decommissiomng are set out in performed in accordance with the paragraph (b)(1)Dii) of this section. approsed decommissioning plan and the order authorizing decommissioning; and (iii) Factors to be considered in (2)The terminal radiation survey and making the evaluations required by paragraphs (b)(1)(i) and (bl(1)(ii) of this associated documentation demonstrates section include unavailability of waste that the facihty and site are suitable for disposal capacity and other site specific _ release for unrestncted use.

factors affectmF the hcensee's

capabihty to carry out decommissionmg AurNoutNT or Liernst on CoNsT*oc.

safely,includmg presence of other T!op PERMIT AT RicWzsT or Hoteca l

nuclear fecihties at the site.

i l

November 30,1988 50 50 t

27, 1988 / Rules and Regulations .


j,,f Regist:r / Vcl. 53, No.1:3 / Monday, June indi  !

(2) An adjustment factor atleast equal be renewed automatically unless 90 - I 1 r

  • dect  ;

to 0.65 L + 0.13 E + 0.22 B is to be used ' days or more prior to the renewal date.

%,on, graphs

. Funding for (b). (c). (e), and where L and E are escalation factors for the issuer notifies the Commission, t!!e

,,c, gr) beneficiary, and the licensee ofits i,,ioning of electric utilities labor is and energy.respectively, and are intention not to renew.The surety or ^f, year p, d",g,,ct to the st Energy regulation Department Regulatory of agencies to be taken from regional data of U.S.

of Labor Bureau of Labor insurance must also provide that the full deci g' mission (FERC) and State Public Stdtistics and B is an escalation factor face amount be paid to the beneficiary ,,gi, .

t/tility Cornmissions) having jurisdiction for waste burial and is to be taken from automatically prior to the expiration t get rate reguladon. The -requirements without proof of forfeiture if the !icensee I, up gct.

NRC report NUREG-1307, Report on ef this section,in particular paragraph ' Waste Burial Charges." fails to provide a replacement j,~ p,lar (cl.cre in addition to, and not (d) Each non-electric utility applicant acceptable to the Commission within 30 / go1 substitulloo for, other requirements, and cre not intended to be used, by for or holder of an operating license for days after receipt of notification of i infi a production or utilization facility shull , cancellation. / (? l themselves, by other agencies to (B)he surety or insurance must be i ant submit a decommissioning report as cstablish rates. required by i 50.33(k) of this part payable to a trust established for freq l (b) Each electric utility applicant for. containing a cost estimate for decommissioning costs.%e trustee and C cot cr brider of an operating license for a decommissioning the facility, an trusi must be acceptable to the 5 (.

production or utilization facility of the Commission. An acceptable trustee to r indication of which method or methods type cod power level specified in desenbed in paragraph (e) of this includes an appropriate State or Federal (

paragraph (c) of this section shall submit secti n as acceptable to the Commission government agency or an entity which

  • to o o decommissioning report, as required has the authority to act as a trustee and , rad i will be used to provide funds for, ('

by i 50.33(k) of this part containing a decommissioning, and a description of whese trust operations are regulated g certification that financial assurance for the means of ed usting the cost estimate and examined by a Federal or State g (- j f co decommissioning will be provided in an and associated undinglevel agency.

cmount which may be rnore but not less periodically over the life of the facility. (C) he surety method or insurance i enI than the amount stated in the bble in d(e)(1) As provided in paragraphs (e) must remain in effect until the g int Commission has terminated the license.

4g fur paragraph (c)(1)of this section, adjusted- (2)and(3)of this section, financial annually using a rate at least equal to assurance is to be provided by the . (2) For a licensei, other than an that stated in paragraph (c)(2) of this f 11 wing methods: ehetric utility, acceptable methods of $; yas de section, by one or more of the methods 8 (i) Prepayment. Prepayment l's the providing financial assurance for described in paragraph (e) of this section as acceptable to the deposit prior to the start of operation decommissioning are- a


y j int an account segregated from licensee (i) Prepayment;  ;

Commission.The amount stated in the assets and outside the bcensee s (ii) An external sinking fund,in which g cpplicant's or licensee's certificatica ,

administrauve control of cash or liquid deposits are made at least annually, d' may be based on a cost estimate for assets such that the amount of funds coupled with a surety method or g decommissioning the facility. As part of would be sufficient to pay insurance, the value of which may the certification, a copy of the financial dec mmissioning costs. Prepayment decrease by the amount being instrument obtained to satisfy the may be in the form of a trust. escrow . accurculated in the sinking fund. p g, requirements of paragraph (e) of this account, government fund, certificate of (iU) A surety rnethod,insurarjee,or section is to be submitted to NRC. deposit, or deposit of government other guarantee method. A parent g- In securities. company guarantee of funds for I" (c) Table of minimu'm amounta .

(January 1966 dollars) required to (ii) External sinking fund. An external decommissioning costs based on a .E.

demonstrate reasonable assurance of sinking fund is a fund established and financial test may be used if the i*-

funds for decommissioning by reactor maintained by setting funds aside guarantee and test are as contained in

type and power level. P (in MWt): periodically in an account segregated Appendix A of10 CFR Part 30. A parent '


company guarantee may not be used in adjustment factor.' from licensee assets and outside the licensee's administrative controlin combination with other financial {[p 1 mas which the total amount of funds would methods to satisfy the requirements of  ; ,

be sufficient to pay decommissioning this section. . j. , .

(1)(t) For a PWR: costs at the time termination of (iv)In the case of Federal. State, or ,. p greater than or equal to local government licensees, a statement 3400 M Ws $105 operation is expected. An extemal l twtween 12b0 MWt and 3400 MWt (yor a PWR sinking fund may be in the form of a trust. escrow account, government fund.

ofintent containing a cost estimate for decommissioning, and Indicating that

+ funds for decommissioning will be y'

r g,

I .,

of less than 12o0 MWt. ce.tificate of deposit. or deposit of use P=1200 MWt) $PS +,0.0088PJ government securities, obtained when necessary. Y' (iii) A surety method. insurance.or (3) For an ' electric utility. acceptable. g.

g eater tha or equal to other guarantee method.nese methods methods of providing financial ,

3400 M Wt _.. 3135 assurance for decommissioning are-Fuarantee that decommissioning costs between 1200 MWs and will be paid should the licensee default. (i) Prepayment: .t 3400 MWt (For a BWR A surety method may be in the form of a (ii) An external sinking fund in which ,

of less than 1200 MWt. deposits are made at least annually: r use P=1200 MWt) $(104 + 0.009P) surely bond. letter of credit. of line of (iii) A surety method or insurance; y :

credit. Any surety method or insurance used to provide financialinsurance for and i decommissioning must contain the (iv)in the case of Federal government <

1 umounts .re twnd on .cwtice retved to the Iicensees, a stetcment ofintent e dehndson of " Decommission"in i so.2 of thispart (olloWlng Conditions:

' (A) The surety method or insurance containing a cost estimate for p l ripen $OtYof ronrs$nci$e*sNIuNa'$'ff"1 must be open-ended or,if written for a decommissioning or an amount based - , l rr. men.t. tie 3and thai neceuery to urminate the on paragraph (c) of this section, and 4.cenu.

specified term, such as five years, must y.


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i Dr. 'Maurice A. Robkin May 19, 1989 i


e. Concurrently, you should file an application for a separate ifcense under Part 70 to operate a subcritical assembly.

After ' review of the application, the staff, if appropriate, will amend the current license to permit possession of the contaminated facility and authorize decontamination and decommissioning of the reactor. Also, after review and if appropriate a Part 70 license will be issued.

Should you decide not to proceed with the subcritical assembly, then you should submit a decommissioning plan for release of the facility as an unrestricted area.

Since your license expires on October 13, 1989, the decommissioning plan in either of the above cases should be submitted as soon as possible, but in no case later than September 13, 1989.

Please feel free to call me at 301-492-1102 if you have any questions regarding this approach.



Theodore S. Michaels, Project Manager Standardization and Non-Power Reactor Project Directorate Division of Reactor Projects - III, IV, V and Special Projects Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


As stated cc: See next page DISTRIBUTION:s

? DocketJ11e L '

'NRC & Local PDRs PDSNP R/T EHylton TMichaels EJordan BGrimes OGC ACRS(10)



on TMichae s:cw 05/ /89 05/ /89 05/*.) /89 05//p/89

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