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Forwards Ltrs to Editor,News Clip,Sierra Club 640222 Release & Northern California Assoc to Preserve Bodega Head & Harbor Release.Media Info Discusses Plant Site Issues
Person / Time
Site: 05000000, Bodega Bay
Issue date: 02/25/1964
From: Southwick R
To: Fouchard J
Shared Package
ML20234A767 List: ... further results
FOIA-85-665 NUDOCS 8709230049
Download: ML20234F176 (6)




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j Redaey L. Southwick, Assistant to the , g( ,, , ,]

Manager for Public Informatism SAN s

209506 aAY - 70.3 j I

F1sEL5 Attached are recent letters to the editor, a asus story and releases from Sierra Cimb and the Rodeos Enad g:_ _ .co.

a Attachments As stated es JlpgeJd_Kise, EES,_M, w/ettesha. _

f nehere unemastete, sua, aq, w/setacks.

F. K. Pittman, B W , EQ, w/attaaks.

J. D. Lyman, nF1, NR, w/ attache.

R. W. S.ith, campi. V., a&M, w/ attacks.

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aI,T.EM L Northern Califo-tia has sev-eral rivers that could be har. 7 ,

L.2OndC 20',*/07^ . O, e/ nessed with inexmnstve diver.

,1 1 I . 1. COO 20GTY sinn dams. There is enough 9 1f '. ' g 4' ,

!W70;t: Most subjects that nre l 3!y cor,troversial, have fall every few rniles to oper- f_Qg]$]8MC '!

ate a whole series of Pelton j one thir ; in common - the type turbines. These wouldn't rs q f i

e n,'; cat festare are of- even require an attendant on FrOGC!GG On.., i u co r W !y ignored, or the job, and could be serviced I

, ,S, lM rodega pow

  • from a distribution and volt- D 04',. , . .

s . is t)picalHt just age control center at the foot U OM)e g a .W'/

,, , ,s:ary' of the grade.

tlc PGT.E isn't concerned There are several I a r g e Gh c:.perac, Unc!c Sam, or >!cmbers of I h e $ ate plants now in operation on bor w anmers--with no com- streams with enough fall so k M.UIU*

  • C E " H' ,l
v tica we are trapped and that they could be penstocked by the Sierra ({hib S oli'r. ',

ti rv,o;a:!v pay for some- several times between them day to get on ulth a imm. l

L,1, at was budt with de- and the valley. There is no '

ised inveali.:ntinn ol' t he An interestic:: thm; in good reason why most, if not PG&E's a t o m i e p o w e r !

coanechon with the B o d c g a all, of northern Califomia .

plant at Bodega Bay.

plant is that therc is a pos* could not be served f r o m  :

s;lah!/ that it will be obsolete these. , The Mslahn pud a p c'.en before completion. Any With the new technology resolution callmg for the ,m ,

day now we may hear the coming up every day there is , quiry last year ht. ac0ordm.': , .

n,nouacemeat that the ineffi- no reason for hysteria con. .

to Siura Club executive de -(

eknt and expensive U235 is to cerning future power de ' rector David firower, the re-i {1 Le rep! aced by what is called mands. Maybe our Mexican olution has been " bottled : '

a " breeder reactor " The set' cousins could show us some- up."

cr.tists who are working on thing-the village of Puerto "The leg,Matum is riuH to ; n the prgect claim that the use Penasco, state of Sonora, is take a look at the Baldu m ,

ut Um is like " burning gold." producing 3,000 gallons of ' 11 ills er or sonic l0 Northern C;!!frnia has a fresh water daily from salt crumbimg timbers at Oro. ,o ,

great many gas wells capa- water-with a solar furnace! ville' Dam." Brower said.p8 ble of producing mi!!ians of The greatest potential source "but when it comes to PGkM i l cu'a;c feet of f;as a day with of energy is right up there in proposals at Dodega, thei t a rew one com;ng in every the sky-who knows what's Rules Committe e seems j t  ;

ter weeks; the let two wells next? clearly to have done nothuz::.

P Acd out wc!! cver a mil- COB LOWELL on a matter referred tn it j '.

.an cubic feet a day, each. llealdsburg There is a who3 colony cf last June."

Brower sai,d th ccititcas o'.j these wc !s in just one area 3auw - California deserve "a full and c: Nntthern Califcrnia. All of k b be,8 fair" hearing so the ". smooth i them wc;ls are capped, and 'PG&E Should and Proper development o vaused.

nuclear power in our State"4,- i-There is a large di field in Hecd Opponents, can de property explored.  ;

Wyoming uith lots of ges; and EDIT 0ft: I have friends,  ;(

r,c consumers; the PG&E just relatives, and acquaintances recently turned down an of* who are employed by PCLE tcr. In positions ranging from vice The state of Oregon tricd to president downwards. They make a deal with the Rogue have the right and privilege end Umpt;ua rivers, and got as citizcz to make decisions ne pl ace. These rivers are on public issues. Not all of their nght in our back yr.rd and opinions of the proposed reac-have terrific fall and volume tor at Bodega Bay necessarily the year around: millions of agree with the company's offi-plential kilowatts pouring in- cial position.

to the ocean every duy. ^

Many stockholders in PG&E disagree with the company on the Bodega Bay reactor, and they have made their views known to PGLE. The company ,

would be wise to heed their counsel.


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THE SIERPA CLUB FOR DMEDIATE RELFASE litlls Tower San Francisco 4, Calif. -


i The Sierra Club today urged the State Legislature to get a promised investigation of the Bodega Bay atomic power plant " moving l

again." The request, made in a letter to the legislature, carried an implied charge that Assembly Rules Committee Chairman Tom Bane (Dem.-No.

  • j 1

Hollywood) had " bottled up" a resolution passed during the 1963 General  !

Session, uhich directed an investigation of the controversial Pacific Gas

} and Electric Company installation. a i

i "The legislature is quick to take a look at the Baldwin Hills disaster or some crumbling timbers at Oroville Dam" said David Drower.

Executive Director of the 23,000-member Sierra Club. "But when it comes l i

to PG&E proposals at Bodega, the Rules Committee seems cicarly to have 1 i

i donc nothing on a matter referred to it last June."

1 In his letter to the Assembly and Senate members, Brower added:

"It vould seem most regrettabic in a matter of this importance for the public to assume that the measure is being bottled up."

"The Bodega controversy has becomo an issue of national attention." Brouer noted. "The citizens of California deserve a full and fair hearing in order to explore icgislation which will allow the smooth and proper development of nucicar power in our state--without the vaste of human energy that results from controversies which could have been prevented by proper state action."

l (more)

( f 2.

The resolution referred to was passed by the icgislature during the closing days of the 1963 General Session. It was introduced by Assemblyman Alfred Alquist (Dem.-San Jose). Alquist said at the time, "I particularly am disturbed by the way they (PG&E) ruined Morro Bay uith their steam plant and likcuise Moss Landing."

l l

A PC&E spokcaman said in 1963 that the company " welcomes the opportunity to appear before a legislative committee to state once again the facts about our Bodega Bay Atomic Park."

In its letter today, the Sierra Club said: "In light of the -

villinancos of all parties to see the issue aired, uhat could be the reason for holding up the hearing?

The Sierra Club resolution Icading to Brower's request was voted ,

I last Junc 9,1963, and immediately forwarded to each member of the l i

Legislature. It stated: "The Sierra Club requests that the Legislature pass an appropriate resolution urging that no'further construction on a poucr plant be permitted at todega IIcad, and that the matter be referred to an interim committee of the Legislature for study of an amendment to the Public Utilitics Act of California to provide for the consideration of scenic and community values in determining the issuance of a certificate of public convenience and necessity."

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FwCS EW URKE /.S K San Trcncisco (Jen 20)--The Atomic E:ergy Com- "A VERT DCBIOUS PI. ACE" nission today releshed a second report on the In a follow-up develep ent, Dr. Joel geclogy of the Ecdega Eead reactor site which Hedgreth, Director of the Pscific Marize Statien ,

found a fcult--definitely of earthquake origin-- at Dillons Beach, announced tht electronic prctec <

crossing the reactor shaft. off the seavard side of Ecde;n Eced, cc Scted ty  ;

"The Chart fault," said the report, "is one the Scripps Institute of Oceecography, hd rev:*

of the principal faults cutting the granitic ed a " great complex" cf faults.

tedrock in the reactor shaft area" and it is Dr. Heds;eth temed Bodec: Eend c "very ddio :

"c.n important none of weakness.' place to put up an atenic, in S:t, In the event of another earthquake at the a bridge or e.nything." i site ce=; arable to the 1906 shock, " displace- The announce=ent ccce in a letter to Secre- l nant on the order of a few feet, either hori- tary of the Interior Udan requesting his to ash  !

acnte.lly or verticany, should te anticipated." that the AEC defer its henrings on the prcject A key finding of the repcrt was that there until the off shore study is cc pleted, about is clear evidence of displace =ent along sini- May 1%k.

lar faults off the cain San Andreas Ecce on Point Eeyes resciting from the 1906 tembler. l



PCLE's, consultant on structural design, Dr. George Ducheck of the San Prc.nci:co T-"--  !

Ceorge Housser of Cal Tech, vrcte to Chief Call Bulletin revealed en Jan c ry 30th th : 7G I Civil Engineer Worthingten er PGC in 1%0: is condemning 151 acres et Moss Lt:? irs en

' "As regards grcss ground movement produced by Monterey Sny for "an exclu ion crea neccc:nry fer faulting, I would say that if there appeared the construction and crerntion of n nuclecr-elec-evan a rrall libliMed of this h ypening, tric generati:g plent..."

then the site should not be used." On April 24, 1963, PGaE'c inte Presidttt TEE CRE ISSUI Sutherland announced pines to ex;;;i the current i

The AIO's Brochhaven Eeport (Vid:E-7kO),es. Moss Lcniing facility--but indicated it vould be l

ti=ati 5 the consequences of a nejer reactor conventionally fueled. l accide:t in a plant half the size of the pro.

After Dusheck's e.rticle,' a POLE " spoke:::n" i posed Bodega installation, found h=an damage said in the Onkle Tribe thtt the Dss Ln=di:3 ran31:3 to an upper limit, "in the worst case, plant vould "probsbly" be nuclear, de;;;iinc en i of about 3kOO killed and about 43,000 injured. experience at E=boldt and Bode:a 3:y. Althou;h

...Preperty damages ra=ged to an upper limit Bodega is far frcs built, renders win rcen11 in the verst case of about seven billion dol- PGLE spokesmen saying in Screen County t ht the lars...due to assu=ed contamination of land Bodega plant vould nuclear or conventio:nl--

with fiesion products. It was esti=ated that depending on experience at Eumboldt Lay, which pecple ceuld be killed at distances up to 15 plant had not been constructed before CPUC tiles, and injurei at distances of about k) hearings on Bodega were c:=picted. l l

miles. Land conta:1 nation could extend for This looks like a sc=e er nu: lent lespfrca greater distances." down all of the fine he.rbors of the California PG&E's original geological cenaultant, Dr. coast, each one teing picked off in the race of Willir.m baide, said after release of the speculation about success et the previous onec.

i l

latest USGS raport: "There is a chance that l

the fault tould treak beneath the plant's site THE UTILITYETHIC in case of an earthquake...It is necessary to There is sometming in the ethic of c big utili' that finds the public to be very troublese: wh:n o n er, oh we go ed it becomes more than an assert:: t of =cters to and tuild the" "'"*

"SU"iEFJICIE" PG&E's public relations steff is workin- over-ME's seissel: gist, Den Tocher, and the time denyi:g that Consolidated Edisen Co pullei geologist who replaced Dr. Quaide, Mr. Elmer ut f New rk City bece.use of public oppositic:

l l'arliave of Sacramento, flatly denied the namd muchar M.

USGS findings in their own report submitted to But the decision ve.s read in most Instern cire I e AEC. However, their report largely ignored as at least a partial concession to public o;inir the findin;s of sy= pathetic faulting on Point The }J,gy York Ti--s editorialized clong cetr.tht E2yes during the 1906 shock. different lines from the PR depart =ent cf either l

PG&E or Con Ed, as did the Im Irld Prm nr.d CUTE President CTera TEE CUTE...Ecbert Che.=celler er the M. Hutchins, Univ. fomer severalotherpaSera.VE0'S IN CEARGE" of Chicago, Science, Scientists, and Politics," by The Association held a press conference en Jc:

the Center for the Study of Democratic insti* 29th in San Francisco to announce tht it viu no l tutions at Santa Earbarat longer accept faceless stntements frc: POLE "sych ,

i The foundation of morality in our society men" on the Bodega controversy. E:sp:nsibility i l

' is a desire to protect one's reputation...The prolonging the matter cust lie with ene re.n fres t:rrever the field in which a can :ast ten the now on, it was charged: Mr. E bcrt C0rdes, Presi truth, the vider is the area in which he is free dent of PG&E. Mr. Gerdes h:d no cc : nt, cata n to lie. This is, one of the advantages of PGLE spokesman. * *

  • 1 s - :n .

. NORTEEPR CA1.IFCQNI A Ass 0CI ATf'N TO PRESIBC E0ZA FJAD AND HAP 20B. ...Neeslotter no 4 /., Tetruary 8,19% l

' 2620 Telegra;n Ave., Beragley $, Califernia

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[vM.M . ( . . i .; San '

, Francisco (Feb h)~0ral arsument bercre the Ce.lifernin Sr Court was heard today, as the prolon5ed controversy over Ford i

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i yp'M ' .w 3, l f

,j 'u n k ' struction f

of a 325-thousand kilowatt nuclear power plant =cved toward eventual conclusion.

j I

(\ N ' .f., g7 f;, la ~ Chief Justice Tobriner disqualified himself and was replnce )

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(,9 =. .,7, ,'&y yh y Justice Pierce.

The Court said t % t it saw several tough and i=pertant 3eca issues raised by the exchange of briefs between the NCA/PIELH j



- tg on the one hand and PG&E and the CPUC on the other. {

cult ExPeats Durin6 the hearing Justice Traynor asha if the CPUO 1 g.

5 exceeded its discre'f.on in denying a petition to recpen heari:

,Right er wrong, last summer rer the 3:esentation of new evidence and to cress-Government geologtsts have ' examine P",&E experts. If it had, said Justice Traynor, the Cc reported to the Atomic Energy i ' should remand the case for new hearing before the CPUC~ fast. 4 l

T Eenjamin Dreyfus, Counsel for the Association, argued that Ne f the p opose nuclear q the powers of the CPUC vere pre-empted by the Atomic Ener5y Cc power plant on Dodega Head lies near a f ault, and that a 7 =ission, (1) the CPUO should have said so when it granted PGG:

p ertificate, rather than vaiting until a petition to reopen ht e 1d b exp etebt a rn 8C ings was filed, and (2) the ultimate significance of such a earthquake ocevra along the San Andreas Fault, in spite of these

, finding would be to strip the CPUC of its powers to re5ulate !

and other imdings. PG&E main.

utility plans.

caJE,cTroN Richard Tuttle, Chief Counsel for the CI ca$n o$ t e an an t a$ argued that his Co:::=ission had no auth:rit:

faith m its own experta is sm.

d.mmished. PG1E certamly has QVer ruled rule on the safety of a nuclear installati(

I faith in her own experts We John Morrissey, Counsel for 'PGLE, argue *

t. ave neser heard cf one's 3uds- Pod South *1ck. head of the M W SW hEa km W u en 1 ment bems quesuoned, even Atomic Energy Commission of-though other goverr. ment and free in Berkeley has telephoned to rule on the matter because the issue va '

independent everts and aci. to object to our speculation in within the discretion of the CPUC.

this column last week that the Then Morrissey seened to waver tova-d c l entists aren't nearly so con. J vinced of the suitability of the AEC had already given its ap- plaining that PGkT is being picked on--and j site PG&E's defense aga4nst all provst to PG&E's construction not allowed to spend "nearly $ million" v l eriticlam on this pbat borders of the A-plant at Bodega Head '

en the savage. If we prmted a Our point was that PG&E would out the risk of having it go down a hole. 4 story that the weather is bad not have entered the atomit ,,be A Justices of the Court appeared exce l today on Bodega Head, we'd Celd, would not have bought ly well-informed en the issues bercre the: j protably get a convinems denial the Bodega site, would not have frem the company's pubbe rela. gone ahead and prepared the They carefully lifted each of the attorney I tions department the next day. site at a cost of 53.9 million by the scruff of the nechand then set him ),

We don't pretend to,know who's had not the AEC given its prior again -not always gently. -

right in the matter of safety epprovst either formal or tacit Mr. 50uthwick's point is that i The written opinion of the Court vill t And when ue don't know who's handed down probably in April. There ret here. we thirk it prudent Nst isn't so. And in return, ou' fs as a ha eepe- WN M

  • DM dM P M M that no one is betting on the outco=e. Su

$*ekhcI e$c"' ed." There is no use for the l

' ' E

  • vote AULEADY IN have this atomic power plant . . .

h.dt. 3rthe AEC bad not favos- Two pes:LrICss in0M rnEsso: Lossns! rar ed the rtant. would it have ar.

Plant'eF#reved ranged to have the proposed CHARGED. . . .COLUMSI A RIVER POWER ALTIENATI There un't much chance that plant's habihty insurance of Two separate organ 17.ations =eeting in I t5e AE0 w 111 disapprove $100.000.000 assumed by the PG&E's appiteation to build the governnient? Would the AEC on January 20-21, passed resolutions attac plant if and when the long. have contracted to buy back, the Bedegn pcVer plant.

  • steed asuttc" an a.;w, waa tawayer money, the . The California Democratic Council accu:

te d tn $anta Rosa That body's by products of the plant's atom. the Assembly Pules Co::::ittee and its Chai:  ;

approval was gwen rnere than ic fission -which is tantamount trree years ago. ebe the com. to a government subsidy? Tom Bane of succumbing to PGLE lobbyist p:

pany wod not have proceeded Would craig Hommer, a member in refusing to hold hearinEs on the reso?*t utth the purchase of land and of the Jomt Committee on passed during the 1963 Session--introduces preparation of the site. Come Atomic Energy, make a hurried Assemblyman Alfred Alquist of San .?ose, at the hearmas. AIC ofncials will flyms trip out here and issue 14ca to petitions from both a public statement saying, pre. a full and th0 rough airing of the matter.

etmps.then render the decision maturely, that the plant would The Western Vater and Power Users Cou*.C it reached mere than three years be safe-and at the same tame passed a strongly worded resolution ur;;in; a:o-only this time it will be radicuhng opponents of the open and off2eial. It is no secret punt? Would Mr. Seaborg, that PG&E follow the excmple of Fev Ycrk'r l

(Mt the AEC want.s the plant at chairman of the AEC, rush onto Consolidated Edison Company and withdrav !

a et t to a y h o Bodega in favor of high-voltage tren: .issi

& a must m nta of surplus power from the Columbia Eiver.

and utend sts dommance in n't be afraid to hve neat door the atomic field. as any normal to a nuclear reactorf Would An agreement between Canada and the U.I government bureaucracy seeks these thm:s have happened had announced on January 21 7 for joint develo; to do. 7;as hearmes have been the AEC not been involved in of the Columbia River, providing about 21*

delayed and postponed to per, behalf of PC&E, and are these kilowatts of surplus power for the U.S. opposition to die down.1 thmus charseteristic of a body Those who oppose the plant which Mr. Southwick now say* Department of the Interior has proposed a l

and who are relymt upon the has not even given " tacit" ap. Carrier transmission line through Califor:

preval of the plans for the re.

AEC to me them aid and com.

actor? Knock it elf.. Net au tax.

the Pacific Southwest, which could meet t,.

'.nrt, had States power needs for many years to come l . . s ,. o. c .

bette r brace .them, Payers were burs resterday.

--- - _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .