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Matl Control & Accounting Insp Rept 70-0371/87-04 on 870609- 12.No Violation Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Facility Organization & Mgt Controls,Operations & Internal Controls & Licensee Action on Previously Identified Enforcement Item
Person / Time
Site: 07000371
Issue date: 10/19/1987
From: Della Ratta A, Keimig R
Shared Package
ML20236G347 List:
70-0371-87-04, NUDOCS 8711020518
Download: ML20236G382 (3)


,. ..

U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I Report No. 70-371/87-04 l Docket No.70-371 License No. SNM-368 Safeguards Group: I Licensee: UNC t Inc.

UNC Naval Products 67 Sandy Desert Road Uncasville, Connecticut 06382 Facility Name: UNC Naval Products Inspection At: Uncasville, Connecticut Inspection Conducted: June 9-12, 1987 Type of Inspection: RoutinetUnannounced Material Control and Accocnting Inspector: I A. Della Ratta, S< eguards Auditor d_ d eo -rf-Py date '

Approved by: '

/#' ' 9 ' B 7 K R. Keimig, Chie date Safeguards Sec n, DRSS Inspection Summary: Unannounced Material Control and Accounting Inspection on June 9-12,1987 (Report No. 70-371/87-04)

Areas Inspecte_d: Facility organization and management controls; facility operations and internal controls; records and reports; and licensee action on previously identified enforcement item.

Results: The licensee was in compliance with NRC requirements in the areas examined during this inspection.

k C k kKB0700037g B71026 PDR OFFICIAL RECORO COPY IR UNC 87 0003.0.0 10/07/87

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Details 'f i

i. Persons' Contacted R?Gregg,IDirector Technical-Services
  • T.' Collopy, Manage,r, Nuclear Material Control 4


j N.'Grenon, Supervisor,_ Nuclear Material ~ Control

'M.'Kelley, Statistician

  • B. Johnson, Nuclear Materia 1' Controller
J. Cacciapouti, Internal Control! Custodian J C. Pavelski, Internal Control: Custodian {

'J."L'Heureux, Nuclear Material Control Specialist- ,i M.. Hine, Lead. Technician' '

The inspector.also interviewed other licensee personnel involved in the' control..and accounting of' spec'ial nuclear material (SNM).

  • present at exit interview
2. . Licensee Action on Previously Identified Enforcement Item (Closed) Violation (86-10-01): Failure to perform a. management review and-audit of the nuclear' material control-and accounting-procedures and recordsfand the ongoing SNM measurements control program within the required 12. months. LThe' inspector.'s' review determined that the licensee's j

annual. management review and audit had been completed and was documented -'

lin.its Report No. 86-07, SNM/FNMCP, dated October 31, 1986. -On September 25, 1986, the licensee also revised the Management Review and

' Audits' sections 1.2.5, 4.1.3, and 8.2.1 of its Fundamental Nuclear ~

Material Control Plan (FNMCP) to further clarify that the Manager, Quality

. Control Engineering is responsible.for conducting these reviews and audits

.at least-every twelve months. ,

3 .' Facility Organization and Management Controls The inspector reviewed,and discussed with licensee management,the annual review and audit of the nuclear material control and accounting procedures and, management of the overall system of special nuclear material including the ongoing SNM Measurement Control Program. The audit was conducted 1 during July 1986, and the results were documented in Report No. 86-07,  !

SNM/FNMCP, dated October 31, 1986. Several minor deficiencies were noted, and some recommendations were made to management for improvements.

Management took corrective actions on the deficiencies, and responded to 4 the recommendations in a timely manner. 1 f

i CFFICIAL RECORD COPY IR UNC 87 0004.0.0 09/17/87 ,


,y- .... j UNC,' Incorporated. 2 I k


4. Facility Operations and Internal Controls The inspector reviewed the licensee's FNMCP and appropriate procedures on

. storage and internal control of special nuclear material (SNM) applicable for the seven material balance areas (MBA's) and six item control areas  !


The licensee maintains a. current perpetual inventory for both the facility as a whole and for each MBA and ICA. All stored materials were identified by measured SNM quantities and enrichments.

The inspector determined through review that the licensee had properly prepared and maintained control of SNM transfer documents. The inspector reviewed all of the MBA and ICA transfer documents for SNM issued in the physical inventory period of November 21, 1986 - January 9, 1987 for:

number of items, quantity of SNM transferred, location, timeliness, and signature of the authorized custodians / delegates involved in the transfer. i The values were compared to the central control record system and also I compared to the physical inventory reconciliation for the period ending January 9,.1987. No discrepancies were identified.

5. Records and Reports The inspector audited the nuclear material control records and reports for the material balance periods ending September 19, 1986, November 21, 1986, ,

and January 9, 1987. All line items on the SNM inventory reports for the l

three material balance periods were traced to source documents and compared to the records maintained by the licensee and to the DOE-NMMSS 1 computer tabulations. The licensee's general ledger was also checked for- j accuracy. Nuclear Material Transaction Reports (00E/NRC Form-741), which  !

documented receipts, shipment, measured discards, and inventory changes, were reviewed for timeliness, format, and accuracy of content. No i discrepancies were identified.


Material Status Reports (DOE /NRC Form-742) submitted for the material balance period ending September 30, 1986 were also reviewed for the same attributes. No discrepancies were identified.

The inspector determined that the licensee's control and subsidiary records for the periods under review were adjusted to the results of the  !

physical inventories, as required by NRC regulations. l

6. Exit Interview The inspector met with the licensee representatives indicated in j paragraph 1 at the conclusion of the inspection on June 12, 1987, and  !

summarized the scope and findings of the inspection. j At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspector.

OFFICIAL RECORD COPY IR UNC 87 0005.0.0 j 10/07/87 )