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Forwards Preservice Insp Summary Rept. Class 1 & 2 Sys Examined Using Nondestructive Techniques Include,Reactor Coolant,Nuclear Svc Cooling Water,Safety Injection,Rhr, Containment Spray & Chemical & Vol Control
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 05/22/1989
From: Hairston W
MSV-00049, NUDOCS 8905310199
Download: ML20247H265 (9)


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f I. n w a %uon m MSV-00049

,f ' [j ; 7 May 22, 1989 1799R U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555 PLANT V0GTLE - UNIT 2 NRC DOCKET 50-425 OPERATING LICENSE NPF-81 PRESERVICE INSPECTION


REPORT Gentlemen:

Enclosed herein is a summary report of the Vogtle Electric Generating Plant, Unit 2 (VEGP-2) preservice inspection activities. It is consistent with the report submitted to the NRC on Plant Vogtle Unit 1 preservice activities and constitutes the " Summary Report /NIS-1 Form Report" required by Subarticle IWA-6200 of the 1983 Edition of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI with Addenda through Summer 1983. The enclosed report was compiled from excerpts of the Southern Company Services -

prepared report, "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant - Unit 2: Preservice Examination Final Report", which is available at the pl ant site for review. Other information, e.g. , reactor pressure vessel examinations, steam generator tubing examinations, etc., is available for review at the plant site. The VEGP-2 preservice inspection activities were conducted utilizing an authorized inspecticn agency, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, to verify the performance of examinations and tests as required by the Code.

This submittal should be forwarded to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation for review. A copy of this submittal has been forwarded to NRC Regicn 11 for their review.

Should you require any additional information, please contact this office.

Sincerely, l

iJ..A W. hairston, III JAE/JMA/gb


8905310199 890522 PDR G ADOCK 05000425 di PNU


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MSV-00049 Page 2.

May 22, 1989 4



Preservice Inspection Sumary Report for Plant Vogtle Unit 2 c: Georgia Power Company Mr. C. K. McCoy Mr. G. Bockhold, Jr.

NORMS U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mr. M. L. Ernst, Acting Regional Administrator Mr. J. B. Hopkins, Licensing Project (4anager, NRR (2 copies)

Mr. J. F. Rogge, Senior Resident Inspector - Operations Plant Vogtle l

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REPORT INTRODUCTION Southern Company Servic3s (SCS) and their contractors performed baseline nondestructive examinations (NDE) of selected Class 1 and 2 Components and Class 3 welded attachments and the component supports at Georgia Power Company's Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant (VEGP) Unit 2. Preservice inspection activities began in Dccember 1986 and were completed in February 1989. VEGP-2 is a Westinghouse pressurized water reactor located in Burke County, Georgia.

Contract personnel which were utilized in the performance of non-destructive examination were: Lambert, MacGill, and Thomas, Inc.

(LMT), Combustion Engineering (C-E), and Westinghouse (W).

Combustion Engineering performed the reactor pressure vessel exam-inations utilizing their own procedures. They performed mechanized ultrasonic examinations from the vessel interior as well as some manual ultrasonic examinations from the exterior. In addition, C-E performed visual examinations. The results of these examinations are included in a separate report entitled "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant - Unit 2 Reactor Pressure Vessel Preservice Examination." The C-E report is available at the plant site for review.

Westinghouse performed a 100 percent eddy current (ET) baseline exam-ination of the steam generator tubes utilizing their own procedures.

The results of these examinations are included in a separate report entitled "VEGP-2 Steam Generator Preservice Eddy Current Inspection" which is available at the plant site for review.

The preservice examination of component supports and snubbers was performed by SCS personnel. The results or these examinations are contained in a separate report which is available at the plant site for review.

An authorized inspection agency, Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, was utilized during the course of preservice l inspection activities to verify the performance of examinations and tests.

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ENCLOSURE (Continued)




COMPONENTS SUBJECT TO EXAMINATION Plant components subject to examination were selected to the appro-priate classification for examination in accordance with Section XI of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, " Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear Power Plant Components", 1983 Edition with Addenda through Summer 1983. The classification as ISI Class 1, 2, or 3 for Inservice Inspection does not imply that the components were designed or constructed to the same ASME Code classification requirements. The safety design codes remain as stated in the Vogtle Electric Gener-ating Plant Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR).

In addition to the above code requirement, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has imposed certain augmented examinations as added assurance of structural reliability. Those components and the examinations performed are as follows:

e The results of the manufacturer's testing and examination were used to satisfy the requirements of plant technical specifi-cation and FSAR paragraph for the reactor coolant pump flywheels.

e The steam generator tubing was examined in accordance with Standard Technical Specifications (NUREG-0452, Rev. 4) and Regulatory Guide 1.83, Rev. 1. This examination consisted of the full length of all steam generator tubes.

e Certain portions of the ISI Class 2 piping, which penetrate containment, are designated as high energy lines. The aug-mented examinations consisted of a 100% volumetric examination of the large-diameter Main Steam and Feedwater System welds between the containment penetration and the first rigid restraint outside containment.

4 A minimum of 8% of the total number of welds in the engineered safety systems (Nuclear Service Cooling Water, Safety Injection, Residual Heat Removal, Containment Spray, and Chemical and Volume Control) were subject to an ultrasonic examination in accordanca with the requirements of the VEGP Safety Evaluation Report paragraph 6.6.3. These added welds were mostly in thin-walled and small diameter piping that had not previously been selected for volumetric weld examination due to size, pressure, and/or temperature exemptions.


.; m; ENCLOSURE (Continued)



REPORT EXAMINATION DOCUMENTATION Selected Class l'and 2 Components were examined in accordance with the following documents:

S Section XI of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)-

Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, " Rules for Inservice Inspection of Nuclear-Power-Plant Components", 1983 Edition with Addenda through Summer'1983.

O "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 2 Preservice Inspection Program, ISI-P-010."

e "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant Unit 2 Preservice Inspection Plan, ISI-P-009." -

The mechanized reactor pressure vessel (RPV) examinations complied with the above documents except that the 1980 Edition of the ASME Section XI Code with Addenda through Winter 1981 was used. The re-maining RPV examinations were performed in accordance with the 1983 Edition through Summer 1983 Addenda of ASME Section XI. The require-ments of NRC Regulatory Guide 1.150, Revision 1 were followed to the extent practical.

The Class 1 and 2 systems which were examined using nondestructive techniques are listed below with their applicable system number:

System System Number Reactor Coolant 1201 Nuclear Service Cooling Water 1202 Safety Injection 1204 Residual Heat Removal 1205 Containment Spray 1206 Chemical and Volume Control 1208 Main Steam 1301 Auxiliary Feedwater 1302 j Condensate and Feedwater 1305  ;

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ENCLOSURE (Continued)



REPORT EXAMINATION METHODS Tne nondestructive examinations were performed utilizing approved procedures which met the requirements of the applicable section of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. The C-E and Westinghouse NDE procedures as well as the visual examination procedures for com-ponent supports are included in the respective final reports. SCS auxiliary procedures were used to measure search unit location, record results, and document details on the applicable forms when referenced by an NDE procedure. The SCS NDE and the auxiliary procedures are included in their rerv.-t, "Vogtle Electric Generating Plant - Unit 2:

Preservice Examinati;m Fj nal Report," which is available at the plant site for review.

' NONDESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION PERSONNEL All SCS peraonnel were certified to SCS written practice AUX-H/F/V-300 which meets the applicable codes and standards. All contractors were certified to their own written practice and were audited by either SCS or Georgia Power Company Quality Assurance. Personnel certifications for C-E, Westinghouse, and those personnel who per-formed the visual examination of component supports are included in their respective final reports. The remaining NDE personnel certifications are included in the aforementioned SCS - prepared report. Personnel certifications for SCS and its contractors are available at the plant site for review.

Also, all contractor personnel who performed manual examinations were qualified'to SCS procedures prior to performing examinations.

SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS During the examination of some types of materials it was discovered that new methods and equipment would have to be developed in order to provide the best possible examination.

(1) Selected 10-Inch Safety Injection Piping During the initial ultrasonic calibration at VEGP-1 using calibration block ISI-D-306 (which is fabricated from 10-inch schedule 140 piping, SA-376, TP316), it was noticed that by using conventional shear wave transducers, the ultrasonic beam angle would vary or shift at different locations within the i material. This is undesirable since the beam angle would not permit sufficient code coverage to locate discontinuities.


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ENCLOSURE'(Continusd) J L





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Since the calibration block was fabricated from the same material as used in the plant the characteristics were the l same.. The calibration block was then sent'off to a leading

. manufacturer of ultrasonic equipment (KB Aerotech) so that a transducer could be developed that would effect'ively examine this type of piping material. The transducer that gave the best results for VEGP-1 was 3/8" x 3/4" dual element transducer  !

- utilizing a longitudinal wave mode. Curved shoes were also utilized to reduce coupling noise. Similar piping material was L used for Units 1 and-2. As a result, the same type transducer and examination technique were utilized for Unit 2. In addition, the NDE examiners were trained in this technique prior to the examinations.

The safety injection piping welds that were examined using this technique are located on the following drawings which are available at the plant site for review.

ISI-21204-122 ISI-21204-126 ISI-21204-124 ISI-21204-127 ISI-21204-125 (2) Ultrasonic Examination of Cast Stainless Steel Reactor Coolant Loop Piping Southern Company Services developed an examination method for the ultrasonic examination of centrifugally cast stainless steel piping. The reactor coolant loop piping is fabricated from SA-351, CF8A material. The pipe is centrifugally cast and the elbows are static cast. The material has an extremely coarse and somewhat irregular grain structure which causes significant .

attenuation and some angular differences during typical. l ultrasonic examination.

The basic calibration block (which is a dropout of the same material) was sent to KB Aerotech so that a transducer'could be developed to enhance the inspectability of'this material.

They designed a 1.0 inch dual-element transducer focused at a depth of 2.5 to 3 inches, utilizing a 45 degree refracted longitudinal wave with a frequency of 1.0 megahertz. The transducer was mounted on lucite shoes curved for axial and circumferential scanning which greatly reduced the signal to noise ratio on the CRT.


n a p ENCLOSURE (Continusd)




SCS, using this new transducer design,. coupled with a Krau't*

kramer USL-38 ultrasonic instrument and a procedure developed by SCS (UT-V-406), successfully demonstrated this technique te the NRC Region II, who determined this to be a conservative method of detecting ID reflectors.-("NRC Inspection Report Numbers 50-424/85-18 and 50-425/85-18," dated May 8, 1985).

Similar piping material was used for Units 1 and 2. As a result, the same type transducer and examination technique were utilized for Unit 2.

Prior to examination, ID contours were taken at several points around each weld to identify counterbore locations and aid in the evaluation of any indications.

(3) Ultrasonic Examination of Thin-Wall Piping (less than nominal 0.5 inches)

Thin wall piping was examined due to the imposition of certain augmented programs by the NRC.

By utilizing small diameter (1/4 inch) transducers with a reduced front wedge to index point, SCS was able to provide the maximum esverage possible due to the thin wall versus wide weld crown. These examina- 1 tions were performed using a 1/4 inch, 2.25 MHz, 60 degree shear wave with a modified wedge. l The circumferential scans (clockwise and counterclockwise) were omitted from the SCS procedure because, in most cases, the sound beam did not hit the inside diameter and the wide, as-welded condition of the weld crowns did not permit favorable coverage. The welds could not be ground flush due to the possibility of minimum wall violations from root concavity and close tolerances.

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o . e ENCLOSURE (Continu;d)  !



REPORT REPORTABLE _, INDICATIONS All' reportable indications were evaluated per the requirements of"the 1983 Edition of the ASME Section XI Code with Addenda through Summer 1983 (except for the reactor pressure vessel which utilized the 1980 Edition with Addenda through Winter 1981). Relief Request No. 45, which has been submitted to and approved by the NRC, addresses the use of acceptance criteria of Subparagraph IWB-3410.1 of the Code for other specific component examinations, e.g., pressurizer, steam generators, etc.. Components containing reportable indications were .

l either found to be acceptable or were appropriately repaired or replaced and reexamined with acceptable results. The details of which components had reportable indications and how each was resolved to the satisfaction of the representative (s) of the authorized in-spection agency are contained in the detailed reports at the plant site and are available for review by the NRC at any time.

REPORT INFORMATION This summary report' briefly describes the preservice inspection activities conducted at Georgia Power Company's Plant Vogtle Unit 2 and constitutes the " Summary Report /NIS-1 Form Report" required by Subarticle IWA-6200 of the 1983 Edition of the ASME Section XI Code with Addenda through Summer 1983. As noted herein, the final reports generated ~/ Southern Company Services and its contractors are available at the plant site for review and should be referred to should additional information be desired by the NRC. These and other documents pertinent to the preservice inspection at the subject facility will be made available to the NRC upon request at the plant site.

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