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Responds to Requests & Concerns Raised During 981014 Telcon Re Copies of Manifests for Radwaste Shipments from Bwx Technologies Facilities,Firehose Use to Suppress Dust During Deconstruction & Contamination Along Riverbank
Person / Time
Site: 07000364, 07003085
Issue date: 11/18/1998
From: Dennise Orlando
To: Ameno P
NUDOCS 9811230103
Download: ML20195G733 (6)


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p 1.. ' UNITED STATES - f


o WASHINGTON, D.C. 2006H001


  • '**** November 18, 1998 l Ms. Patricia J. Ameno

-131 Market Street Leechburg, PA 15656


Dear Ms. Ameno:

I am writing in response'to requests and concerns raised during our phone conversation on October 14,1998. . stated that:


j 1, You have not received copies of the manifests for the radioactive waste shipments from i i

the BWX Technologies (BWXT) facilities in Parks Township; j 2. BWXT personnel used a firehose, not a mister, to suppress dust during the deconstruction of Building C at the Parks Township facility; and

' 3. Contamination along the riverbank near Outfall 3 indicates that BWXT has violated the Clean Water Act.-

In addition, you requested that you be provided with copies of all correspondence regarding the p decommissioning of the BWXT facility in Parks Township.

Regarding the first item above, on April 1,1998, you requested copies of the manifests for radioactive waste that was sent from the Shallow Land Disposal Area to the Barnwell, SC, radioactive waste disposal facility. In a letter dated May 20,1998, Nuclear Regulatory -

Commission (NRC) staff informed you that NRC regulations do not require that licensees submit J these records to NRC and, therefore, we were unable to provide them to you. BWXT has stated ,

that it will maintain copies of the waste manifests at the information center adjacent to the BWXT facilities in Parks Township. Therefore,' you may wish to examine these records at the BWXT

_ l

. information trailer. However, please note that there is no regulatory requirement for BWXT to -

. provide copies of these documents for your examination and the failure to do so is not a violation of NRC regulations.

Regarding the second item, BWXT has informed us that they used a fire hose, set on a fine spray, to initially wet down the surfaces of Building C prior to beginning each deconstruction

operation. However, surfaces that contained residual radioactive material contamination in excess of NRC's limits for unrestricted use were previously painted to fix the contamination, and

. - during operations that could generate dust the mister was used. BWXT also used a garden hose to cool concrete cutting devices, as well as to suppress the generation of dust from these activities. Any water resulting from these activities was controlled using spill control devices and effluent / sediment control techniques. During many of these operations, both NRC and  ?

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection personnel were present, and the I; techniques used by BWXT were found to be adequate and appropriate. _p 9811230103 991118 $

PDR ADOCK 07000364 I C PM &g 200073  :

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i P. Ameno Regarding the third item, releases of radioactive material subject to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, are not subject to the requirements of the Clean Water Act. Rather, releases of this ,

material are controlled by NRC regulations in 10 CFR Part 20. Contamination near Outfall 3 was the result of past practices at the Parks facility in which process water, process cooling water, and sanitary facility water were discharged to the Kiskiminetas River in accordance with NRC regulations in 10 CFR Part 20. This practice was discontinued in 1977 when the facility was connected to the Kiski Valley Water Pollution Control Authority facility. This area is currently being remediated by BWXT.

Regarding your request for all correspondence pertaining to the decommissioning of the Parks Township facility, NRC forwards copies of all correspondence regarding the BWXT f acilities in your community to the Local Public Document Room (LPDR)in the Apollo Public Library. In addition, NRC maintains correspondence distribution lists of individuals in your community that have expressed an interest in receiving copies of correspondence pertaining to the BWXT facilities and forwards copies of correspondence to these individuals when the correspondence is sent to the licensee. You are included in the distribution lists for both BWXT facilities in Parks Township, PA, and, as such, this information has been forwarded to you in the past. In the event you did not receive a copy of an individual piece of correspondence, it should be available at the LPDR in the Apollo Public Library. You may also examine the correspondence at the information trailers maintained by BWXT near its Parks Township facilities.

If you have any questions concerning this information, please call me at (301) 415-6749.


,/ p f f W Dominick A. Orlando, Project Manager Low-Level Waste and Decommissioning Projects Branch Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Docket Nos.70-364 & 70-3085 License Nos. SNM-414 & SNM-2001 cc: SLDA Distribution List PTS Distribution List l

i l


  • P. Am:no l .

' Regarding the third item, releases of radioactive material subject to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, are not subject to the requirements of the Clean Water Act. Rather, releases of this material was controlled by NRC regulations in 10 CFR Part 20. Contamination near Outfall 3 l was the result of past practices at the Parks facility in which process water, process cooling j . water, and sanitary facility water were discharged to the Kiskiminetas River in accordance with l

NRC regulations in 10 CFR Part 20. This practice was discontinued in 1977 when the facility was connected to the Kiski Valley Water Pollution Control Authcrity facility. This area is

- currently being remediated by BWXT.

Regarding your request for all correspondence pertaining to the decommissioning of the Parks Township facility, NRC fonnards copies of all correspondence regarding the BWXT facilities in your community to the Local Public Document Room (LPDR)in the Apollo Public Library. In addition, NRC maintains correspondence distribution lists of individuals in your community that have expressed an interest in receiving copies of correspondence pertaining to the BWXT l facilities and forwards copies of correspondence to these individuals when the correspondence is sent to the licensee. You are included in the distribution lists for both BWXT facilities in Parks Township, PA, and, as such, this information has been forwarded to you in the past. In the event you did not receive a copy of an individual piece of correspondence, it should be l available at the LPDR in the Apollo Public Library. You may also examine the correspondence l at the information trailers maintained by BWXT near its Parks Township facilities.

If you have any questions concerning this information, please call me at (301) 415-6749.

t Sincerely, l

l [ original signed by:]

l Dominick A. Orlando, Project Manager l Low-Level Waste and Decommissioning l Projects Branch Division of Waste Management l Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Docket Nos.70-364 & 70-3085 License Nos. SNM-414 & SNM-2001 cc: SLDA Distribution List PTS Distribution List TICKET:n/a DISTRIBUTION: Central File LLDP r/f NMSS r/f RJohnson HNewsome Tmadden Public SGagner RBellamy,RI RO'Connell TJackson


, DATE 11/2 /98 11/2 /98 11/12 /98 11/16 /98 11/ /98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY LSS: YES __ NO_X_ ACNW: YES ___ NO _X._

IG: YES __ NO_X_ Delete file after distribution YES __. NO_X_


l Ms. P. Ameno ,

material was controlled by NRC's regulations in 10 CFR Part 20. Contamination near O tfall 3 was the result of past practices at the Parks facility in which process, process cooling, nd sanitary facility water were discharged to the Kiskiminetas River in accordance with C's regulations in 10 CFR Part 20. This practice was discontinued in 1977 when the fa lity was connected to the Kiski Valley Water Pollution Control Authority facility. This area ' currently being remediated by BWXT.

Regarding your request for all correspondence pertaining to the decommissi ing of the Parks Township facility, NRC fonuards copies of all correspondence regarding the WXT facilities in your community to the Local Public Document Room (LPDR)in the Apollo ublic Library. In addition, NRC maintains correspondence distribution lists of individuals i your community that have expressed an interest in receiving copies of correspondence pert 'ning to the BWXT facilities and forwards copies of correspondence to these individuals en the correspondence is sent to the licensee. You are included in the distribution lists for b th BWXT facilities in Parks Township, PA, and, as such, this information has been fonu ded to you in the past. In the event you did not receive a copy of an individual piece of corr spondence, it should be available at the LPDR in the Apollo Public Library. You may als examine the correspondence at the information trailers maintained by BWXT near its Parks ownship facilities. l If you have any questions concerning this information, plea e call me at (301) 415-6749.

Sinc rely,

[ iginal signed by:]

ominick A. Orlando, Project Manager Low-Level Waste and Decommissioning Projects Branch Division of Waste Management -

Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards I Docket Nos.70-364 & 70-3085 License Nos. SNM-414 & SNM-2001 cc: SLDA Dist List PTS Dist List  :

TICKET:n/a  !


  • Sea previous concurrence

! DISTRIBUTION: Central File LLDP r/f NMSS r/f RJohnson HNewsome,OGC TJackson,RI 4 TMadden,0CA Public SGagne ,OPA RBellamy,RI RO'Connell,lMNS DOCUMENT NAME: S:\DWM\LLDP\DAO MNO10.WPD OFC LLDP* LLDP! OGC* LLDP Y/ / LLDP

/ It" 1 l NAME DOrlando JCApeland RNelson ' JHickey  ;

DATE 11/2 /98 /2 /98 11/12 /98 11/ /98 11/ /98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY LSS: YES.__ N O _ X._

ACNW:YES___ N O _.X_.

IG: YES___ N O _ X_. Delete file after distribution YES __. NO_X_


_ . ._ . -_ ~


  • ?e Ms. P. Ameno . -

l t

material is centrolled by NRC's re32,ations in 10 CFR Part 20. Contamination near Outf 3 '

was the result of past practices at the Parks facility in which process, process cooling, d sanitary facility water was discharged to *f.., Kiskiminetas River in accordance with N 's .,l regulations in 10 CFR Part 20. This pracuce was discontinued in 1977 when the fa ' ity was I connected to the Kiski Valley Water Pollution Control Authority facility. This area i curre:.tly j being remediated by 8WXT.

j Regarding your request for all correspondence pertaining to the decommissio ing of the Parks Township facility, NRC forwards copies of all correspondence regarding the WXT facilities in your community to the Local Public Document Room (LPDR) in the Apollo ublic Library. In addition, NRC maintains correspondence distribution lists of individuals i your commun ty that have expressed an interest in receiving copies of correspondence pert ing to the BWXT

. facilities and forwards copies of correspondence to these individuals en the correspondence is sent to the licensee. You are included in the distribution lists for th BWXT facilities in Parks Township, PA, and, as such, this information has been forw ded to you in the past. In the event you did not receive a copy of an individual piece of corr spondence, it thould be available at the LPDR in the Apollo Public Library. You may al examine the correspondence at the information trailers maintained by BWXT near its Parks ownship facilities.

If you have any questions conceming this information, ple e call me at (301) 415-6749.

Sin rely, riginal signed by:]

ominick A. Orlando, Project Manager Low-Level Waste and Decommissioning Projects Branch Division of Waste Management OMice of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Docket Ncs.70-364 & 70-3085 License Nos. SNM-414 & SNM-2001 cc: SLDA Dist List PTS Dist List TICKET:n/a

  • S::o previous concurrence DISTRIBUTION: Central File LLDP r NMSS r/l RJohnson HNewsome,OGC TJackson,RI TMadden,0CA Public SGag r,OPA RBellamy,RI RO'Connell,lMNS DOCUMENT NAME: S:\DWM\LLDP\DA AMNO10.WPD ,y /, p b Mn nu ry w jW WC LLDP* LL
  • OGC LLDP LLDP NAME DOrlando J opeland IN$k RNelson JHickey DATE 11/2 /98  ! 11/2 /98 11/ M'/98 11/ /98 11/ /98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY i LSS: YES NO_X_


IG: YES___ NO_X_ Delete file after distribution YES .__ NO_X_

.  ?. -

l Ms. P. Ameno e

. i material is controlled by NRC's regulations in 10 CFR Part 20. Contamination near Outfall 3 was the result of past practices at the Parks facility in which process, process cooling, and sanitary facility water was discharged to the Kiskiminetas River in accordance with NRC' 2 regulations in 10 CFR Part 20. This practice was discontinued in 1977 when the facility as connected to the Kiski" alley Water Pollution Control Authority facility.

Regarding your request for all correspondence pertaining to the decommissioning f the Parks Township facility, NRC forwards copies of all correspondence regarding the B facilities in 4

your community to the Local Public Document Room (LPDR) in the Apollo Pub ' Library. In

, addition, NRC maintains correspondence distHbution lists of individuals in yo community that have expressed an interest in receiving copies of correspondence pertainin to the BWXT facilities and forwards copies of correspondence to these individuals whe he correspondence is sent to the licensee. You are included in the distribution lists for both T facilities in Parks Township, PA, and, as such, this information has been forwarded to y in the past. In the event you did not receive a copy of an individual piece of correspond nee, it should be available at the LPDR in the Apollo Public Library. You may also examine th correspondence at the information trailers m.nintained by BWXT near its Parks Township acilities.


If you have any questions concerning this information, please 11 me at (301) 415-6749.

Sincer ,

[ori mal signed by:]

D inick A. Orlando, Project Manager w-Level Waste and Decommissioning Projects Branch Division of Waste Management Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards Docket Nos.70-364 & 70-3085 License Nos. SNM-414 & SNM-2001 cc: SLDA Dist List PTS Dist List TICKET:n/a DISTRIBUTION: Central File LLDP r/f MSS r/f RJohnson +iNenome,0GC- TJackson,RI TMadden,0CA Public SGag r,OPA RBellamy,RI, RO'Connell,lMNS DOCUMENT NAME: S:\DWM\LLDP\DAO\A CMWPD OFC LLDP LLDP OGC LLOP LLDP NAME D'Orlando JCo nd RNelson JHickey DATE 11/ D /98 1// /98 11/ /98 11/ /98 11/ /98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY LSS: YES NO X ACNW: YES NO_X_

IG: YES j NO_X_ Delete file after distributior, YES __ NO_X