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Physical Security Insp Rept 70-0371/88-08 on 880912-16.Major Areas Inspected:Plan & Implementing Procedures,Mgt Effectiveness,Organization,Records & Repts,Testing & Maint, Locks,Keys & Combinations & Security Sys Power Supply
Person / Time
Site: 07000371
Issue date: 10/31/1988
From: Keimig R, Galen Smith
Shared Package
ML20205R205 List:
70-0371-88-08, 70-371-88-8, NUDOCS 8811090478
Download: ML20205R214 (6)


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U.S. NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION REGION I Report No. 70-371/88-08 Docket No.70-371 License No. SNM-368 Licensee: UNC Incorporated UNC Naval Products 67 Sandy Desert Road Uncasville, Connecticut 06382 Facility Name: UNC Naval Products Inspection At: Uncasville, Connecticut Inspection Conducted: September 12-16, 1988 Type of Inspec io : houtinePhysicalSecurity Inspector: W s I 3 7/ if

'G. C. Smith, Safeguards Specialist ' date Approved by: [ pi A /- /O -5/- 88 R. R. KeiMg,J hife , Safeguards Section, date Division of RadMtion Safety and Safeguards Inspection Summary: Unannounced Physical Security Insp_ection on September 12-16,1988 (Report No. 70-371/88-C8)

Areas Insj,ected: Plan and Implementing Procedures; Management Effectiveness; Organizati'n; Records and Reports; Testing and Maintenance; Locks, Keys and Combinations; Physical Barriers - Protected Areas; Physical Barriers -

Material Access Areas; Security System Power Supply; Lighting; Compensatory Measures; Assessment Aids; Access Control (Personnel, Packages and Vehicles);

Detection Aids (Protected and Material Access Areas); Alarm Stations; Communications; Personnel Training and Qualifications; and Safeguards Contingency Plan Implementation.

Results: The licensee was in compliance with NRC requirements in the areas inspected.

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l l 8811090478 set 1og

[DR ADOCK 07000371 l PDC I

DETAILS Key Persons Contacted UE

  • c Andress, Vice President, Engineering
  • R. Gregg, Director, Technical Services
  • R. Gig 11otti, Director of Security
  • W. Ormeno, Security Operations Supervisor K. Nurmi, Security Shift Supervisor B. Gibson, Security Shift Supervisor M. Youngquist, Security Shift Supervisor E. Ezzel, Security Shift Supervisor.

C. Bowler, Security Shift Supervisor B. Taft, Security Shift Supervisor USNRC-NMSS

  • W. Floyd, Security Specialist
  • D. Kausun, Section Leader, Policy and Operations Section
  • R. Burnett, Director, Division of Safeguards and Transportation The inspector also interviewed employees of the licensee's contract security organization.
  • present at exit interview
2. Security Plan and Implementing Procedures

! The inspector reviewed the licensee's NRC-approved security plan (the Plan) and implementing procedures and confirmed that the procedures were consistent with Plan commitments and were adequate to meet applicable regulatory requirements.

3. Management Effectiveness I

l The inspector observed that licensee management is involved in the i security program and continues to be supportive of program requirements.

. This is evidenced by the initiatives taken to expand the contract security organization, the support for an improved benefit package for i the contract security organization and the general overall attitude of

! plant oersonnel toward the security program. The six proprietary l Security Shift Supervisors, who provide around-the-clock oversight of the contract security force, are continuing to provide effective oversight i

of the contract security force and inter' ace between the security organiza-

tion and the plant operations staff. However, the inspector observed two 4 instances where ongoing major construction activities, under the direction of Facility Engineering, could have adversely impacted the security program.

. 3 The first involved the erection of an enclosure for an oil tank without consideration that it could have blocked security lighting in the area.

The second involved shutting down the visitor search area for construction activities at a time when a large number of visitors were expected.

Apparently, neither of these activities were coordinated with the security organization. Even though these instances did not ultimately impact the security program, a good potential existed. The licensee must establish and implement strict controls to ensure effective coordination, interface and communications among all facility organizational entities. This is 9articularly important at this time when a substantial and abnormal amount of construction and modification activity is occurring on-site.

4. Security Organization The inspector reviewed the security force manning and determined that there is still a shortage of guards, which requires a significant amount of overtime to be worked by members of the contract security force.

The shortage is being caused by the length of time needed to obtain U.S.

Department of Energy clearances for new members of the security organiza-tion. The licensee has submitted and is awaiting clearances for approxi-mately 20 individuals at this time. Despite the overtime being worked, the inspector found that performance and morale was at an acceptabla level. The use of overtime, and its ef fect on performance and morale, will continue to be monitored during future inspections.

5. Records and Reports The inspector reviewed the following records and reports generated since the last inspection: Protected Area Visitor Access Control Register; Outy Logs; Security Incident Reports; testing and maintenance records; and records of lock, key and combination changes. All records were found to be well maintained and completed in accordance with Plan commitments and implementing procedures.
6. Testing and Maintenance l

The inspector reviewed the testing and maintenance records and procedures for the intrusion detection system, metal detectors, explosives detectors, and assessment aids. No discrepancies were i identified relative to either the records or procedures.

7. Locks, Keys, and Combinations The inspector reviewed the installation, storage, rotation, and associated records generated since the last inspection for all locks, keys and combinations. No deficiencies were identified.


8. Physical Barriers - Protected Areas 4.

The inspector observed all physical barriers that for.n the protected area perimeter and found that the barriers were installed and maintained in conformance with Plan commitments.

9. Physical Barriers - Material Access Areas

! The inspector observed the interior and exterior barrier features l of the Material Access Areas and found that they were installed and maintained in accordance with Plan commitments.

10. Security System Power Supply The inspector reviewed the uninterruptable power supply for security equipment and determined that the system was installed, functioning and tested in accordance with Plan commitments.
11. Lighting The inspector observed the lighting within the protected area and isolation zones from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on September 15, 1988. All areas were found to be lighted in accordance with NRC requirements based upon general observation and observation of measurements taken by the licensee. During Inspection No. 70-371/88-03, an unresolved item was identified relative to the Plan not including a commitment to the 1tghting level prescribed by NRC regulations. The licensee and the NRC are currently reviewing this item. This unresolved item remains open and will be reviewed during a future inspection.
12. Compensatory Measures The inspector observed the implementation of compensatory measures being utilized in conjunction with an on going major construction project inside the protected area. The compensatory measures were being implemented in conformance with Plan commitments and implementing procedures.
13. Assessment Aids The inspector observed the various methods of alarm assessment used by the licensee and confirmed that they were in conformance with Plan commitments and implementing procedures.
14. Access Control-Personnel and Packages The inspector reviewed the personnel and package access control procedures and determined them to be as committed to in the Plan. This determination was made by observing personnel access processing during

. 5 shift change, visitor access processing, and discussions with licensee and security personnel about package search procedures.

15. Access Control - Vehicles The inspector reviewed the vehicle access control procedures and determined that they were as committed to in the Plan. This determination was made by observing vehicles being processed through the main and contractor access control points.
16. Detection Aids - Protected Area The inspector observed penetration tests of ',00% of the licensee's intrusion detection system (105) that were conaucted on September 14 t and 15, 1988. Test results confirmed that operation of the system was in accordance with Plan commitments and implementing procedures with the following exception.

In one 105 zone, the inspector identified a potential weakness that was apparently caused by the recent removal of a temporary barrier. The nature and exploitability of the weakness were such that an extended period of time was required to breach the 105 zone during a demonstration conducted by NRC personnel. Because that area was well lighted, and under continual assessment and frequent patrol as compensatory measures for an unrelated reason, breaching the zone by stealth w.s deemed by the inspector to be highly improbable. The potential weakness was immediately corrected by the licensee. It is important for members of the Security force on patrol to be alert for and report such weaknesses to supervision promptly in order to maintain effective facility security. Security management should stress this point to the security force.

17. Detection Aids - Material Access Areas The inspector observed the licensee corduct tests of selected alarmed portal barriers in the material access areas on September 13 and 14, 1988. The alarms functioned properly and were in conformance ,

with Plan commitments and implemating procedures.

18. Alarm Stations The inspector confirmed that the Central Alarm Station (CAS) and Secondary Alarm Station (SAf) operators were performing their duties in conformance with commitments in the Plan and its implementing procedures.

Cffective command and control practices were evident in support of response tests conducted during the inspection, i


19. Communications The inspector monitored radio voice transmissions between the CAS and SAS operators, and other members of the security organization and observed tests of offsite communications equipment. The inspector confirmed that equipment and alarm station operator performance were in accordance with Plan commitments and implementing procedures.
20. Personnel Training and Qualifications The inspector reviewed the licensee's Training and Qualification Plan (T&QP) and its implementation. The inspector determined that security force training was conducted in accordance with the T&QP.

I However, during Inspection No. 70-371/88-03, conducted March 14-18, 1988, an apparent violation was identified regarding the failure to requalify security force personnel in Non-Lethal Weapons - Self Defense . The licensee's response to that apparent violation is still being evaluated by the NRC. The inspector verified that the licensee is in the process of requalifying security force personnel in the use of non-lethal weapons, as corrective action. Additionally, during Inspection No. 70-371/88-03, an unresolved item was identified relative to walving the annual physical fitness test for members of the security organization for medical reasons but not restricting the tasks to which the individuals could be assigned, for the same medical reasons. The licensee and the NRC are currently reviewing this item. The inspector verified that, at the time of this inspection, there were no members of the security organization in this category. This unresolved item remains open and will be reviewed during a future inspection.

21. Contingency Plan Implementation The inspector reviewed the Security Contingency Plan and determined that its provisions were being implemented as committed to in the Plan.
22. Exit Interview The inspector met with licensee representatives indicated in paragraph 1 at the conclusion of the inspection on September 16, 1988 and summarized the scope and findings of the inspection.

At no time during the inspection was written material provided to the licensee.


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