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Rev 5 to 0PGP05-ZA-0002, 10CFR50.59 Evaluations
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 10/28/1996
From: Cox F, Dukes B
Shared Package
ML20198E840 List:
0PGP05-ZA-0002, PGP5-ZA-2, NUDOCS 9708110034
Download: ML20198E851 (4)



01'Gl'05-ZA-0002 Hev.5 P8ce 40 of 41 10CIR50.59 bsluations form 2 Unteviewed Safety Question Evaluation Fonn (Sample) Page 3 of 4 Untoviewed Safety Quesuon Evaluauon # CR DG-0040 Rev. No. O Page q of g-Originating Document: 06 7692 Rev.No. O SAFETY EVALUATION


The subject of this Safety Evaluauon is a revision to the Fire Harards Analy als Report (FHAR) to indicate that a single trt,In of plant equiprnent will be available to ochieve post fire safe shutdown. The previous FHAR credited two trains of equipme'it, a primary path and a redundant path, as being evallable to achieve post fire safe shutdown. This dual train availablilty is in excess of the requirements of 10 CFR 60 Appendia R, Section lit.G.1, which requires that a sin l 0 e train or path of plant systems and c;rnponents tornain free of fire damage to erwure ttw post fire safe shutdown of the plant. The ability of ttw plant to ochieve poet fire safe shutdown uditrjng a single train of equipment for the inartmum postulated fire in any plant fire area has been vertfled. Results of this poet fire safe shutdown roanalyste have been incorpoested into calculations ILA011MC6023

  • Appendix R Evaluadon* and 6A011 MC6068 *Appendts R separation lnelde Containment'.
  • Sectiott 4.1 of the FHAR presents 8TP's position with respect to ttw requirements of Appendix R. The STP posluon with respect to Secuon 111.0.1 states that ' systems and componente essential for safe shutdown are separated or protected frotu fire hazards to assure that redundant safe shutdown pathways necessary to och and maintain hot shutdown are evollable following a firs? The subject of this evaksauon does not affect the validity of thle postuon 'f redundant pathway of systems and components necessary to achieve and maintain safe shutdown will temain evallable following a ire in any fire area. '

s This change to the fire protection program is allowed by the plant's standard licensing condition which allows changes per this evaluation procedure provided the changes da "not adversety affect the ability to achieve and maintain safe shutdown in the event of a fire."

This evaluauon demonstrates that the plant's ability to achieve and maintain safa shutdown in the event of a fire is not adversely cffected.

r Reviewers STP has three redundant trains and in this staternent the word 'A redundant

  • rneans a single redundant pathway (one train) of systems or components necessary to achieve and maintain safe shutdown will remain available following a fire in any one fue area . During plant Operation Review Committee, (PORC) the words 'A redundant train
  • was discussed in this contert and everyone understood that to mean 'A single train' h /

9708110034 970004 PDR F ADOCK 05000490 pm

, Ul'Gl'05.ZA 0002 l1(cV.5 l'are of JOCth60.Wl:taluations 15rm 2 Unre vie wed Sately Quest 6on !! valuation iorm (Sample) J' ape 4 of 4 Urirovlowod Gafoty Quottion Evaluation # 00-0040 nov, tJo. , o Pago 6 of 5 Originating Documont: CR 004092 . Hov tJo O D. 1. (X) All of tho abovo questions woro ensworod iJo* therefoto, tho originating document doos not involvo an Untoviewod Galoty Ovostion. iho Condition Hoport Action for changing

_ lho UFGAR por OPOP05 ZiJ-0004 is 90127P71. l

2. thotofore tho originating Ono or rnoro document involvosof tho abovo questions an Untoviowod was inarked Safoty Quostiori. T YES;he orialnaling docomont, as prosontod, chall f 40T bo implomonted without prior opproval by tho f 4RO. Provido a recommendation for disposition of the Untovlowed 6sfoty Ouostion below. Rofor to OPGP05 Zif 0004 for prooosstna floonsing amendmonts. Further processing of this form to the POHO, Plant iAanagor and 14 SAD is not requ1 rod. tJolify Proceduro Control that tho ovaluation involved an Unroviewod Safety Ouostion to that Proceduto Control can closo tho USOE number.

TIECOT3f3EllDEDESPOSITIOlh PREPARED DY: Dob Dukos/ ((/ j OTla[lrp T014 _ _,_

10 22 90 Dato REVIEWED DY: Frank Oou 10 22-00



{ DEPART MLtdT l'W7XUEh PORC UECTING t40. -0(p-()f j

IO 3 '}&')



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N t>ato REl3 ARKS:

Ol'Gl'05 ZA.0002 ltev. S l '* ** of 10CI'll50.59 th aluellotti Ibtru i 10C1'll50.59 Sc4cenirig Ibrin (S6mple) l' age I of 3 J

QutJti s t O UTCAROfJ C DEtlot40tWJ00 @ Oitttit Cit 00 7092 WUtil102 IPNS #.fl%

System two lottor designotof or t,ttuctoro namo l#A UNIT 1 O UNIT 2 O (10111 O OftI0ltJATitJO DOCUlAtt4I i40. Cfl 90,7092 IlEV.fJO ,0 DE60RIPilOfJ Or CHAT 4GL line conord F tre Harords AreWe flopor1(f HAf t crets two tralrts of es>isc erd, a twknary ard a #M>rdard kann e: avallatdo b addeve rest fite sate staA4m lide Osal troh avanalditty h)h astess of tie te:rdeornord of 10 Cf A 60, Nywv*u R, Gecton lit. O.1 v,teli stales 'a Skone trein cv patiof ard vnerd or systems temahiree of 6arnepe b casure gott fire Sale tim /Mann.' 11ds dwoo reytSes the 1) f TWT b cre$t e air train d as evesatde b addeve gost 6te sete StuA3)*n P) Update f iWt corntestitdes bad for verbus $re ar6tl.0)flodseUf

!AntWalDl 71secton .140 aO*ets Wie sir AUh00Dlt1&2ki$ia10dathtm artetonm,igie kein of equiptwd as avasatde n totdeve gost tre sale staMm d) Anow pio ltahQ11hahatE PRElliAltJARY CCRECt4Ita VLG t40

1. Dves te profoted dange topro66nt a dwyo lo the Ptard T odenks! Credficatonst O '

O P. Is an Unredowo$ Safet/ Ovestion 6nown b to assodated Mth Vie sutioct dwne? O @

IJ01E if 'YCS' b eithet q>$scons 1 of P tofer to OPOf*O*rZtJM4, Oc4s the [vopotod etwgo topresord.

3. A dwgo e ordy coned a tgographkel, edibrial or dratGng enot? O O
4. A diarne M ddils HonDeel to and aOSessed in its ordaret/ t>y an eidsteg af etoved 10CFRLO.69 GevoerdroVSOE or 74RO aryvoved Lensing sutxnttiat?

O @

6 A stwo of tordacernent pa4bcenponent dwce Wei an (qutvalord partbornporwit?

(See Lecton P.3 la a definfuon c4 97;Ivalent)

O @

6 A confguraton dwgo Weiin ecstirg Oosign Srvdficems? O @

if all answers b Vie atow Osestions are 't40' portorm 9 no fanat soreerdng ord rnark ifA h # 4 aWovat idocAs tdatow.

If f e answer to any questbn (3) trougri(0) is 'YES* a nrial sueonirg is tot riocestary. ~

Gign approvat t40ce4 telow ard escord papos P ord 3 Pronse s justfication ord ref erences if any of items (3) ttvovgh (0)is answered 'YES'.

I "

The Connor, Retort Ac000 for dangirg the Uf S AR is _PC. .1272E1 .

hetortd t y. tvA (Wfrotor (41o Norcmd t'y. tVA Osabfgd itedows (mio


. 1

.. . 1 01'Gl'05 ZA 0002 Hav. 5 3' ate of 1001 il60.!.9 0t alualloitt iloten i 10CIH50.59 Sesetninr. Ibtru (Sarnple) I'ere 2 of 3 Chifnatirg (%merd ib. 00 7092 flev,ib. O l FINAL CCFILLinto rdbs in t tobcrite Io te at.sestbre t+bw if.,w,4 tie nn tierne si 6,mdat tornet dic talis tot oeuvit+$ 4 h.Use Callact, o,si.f< tot part.of tre keralig tesis, u.

> ior <

1(Cfoee(6049 oi an

$ciperurg nt n [q $3urd in AG)ervAstri omv.oeaa,d

$. me.t. das,1 ox,urnard.s uvi as,uaie ar,s oxurnentt :4ue annfee i,ter<s n res < eb*ie n mcx,*asan m inaie mnya,wl un u .

(a voo a t4o (9 fil5A are nvia* Ally Armi ssis 1 errnalityWavics [] noactat t age, O oi$ [] u v>i _

CDtadg/f [] to [] other YCS IJo 1, (bet tw 69tiject of pds todow trmde a verge to Wie ladlety as cotortt+3 h wie Coloty Armissis fretort1 [@ +

Q Geeten 9.t 1 of tie UF SAft states. h fert ifet *the ixdetkin ard toparatkrictiterts ubilioi h the riv/Il kalrldetJon of s afe 6 vA3m systerns, knether NFi the use ol tnarvaliire surpressbn sytternt ard rete 15re terriers, brutt tree ofteMs or a fire b a at gle tah.' Dy oo.

cretorg tie 1hertro leg tire terriors, nere tren one train rney to atrocial ibewr, h each area, at least <<ie Vain vitt isaneln evenalde b actdeW Sale Lidt-)> Wit flodew Of supgdertient P c4 CCR states ' the milberit's Esfe &f uld>wn ard hre ar# t its comonstretes fdt $)sternt hoodej lar f ct ard Oc4j $tv13.wan are ieduryjud ard yet at least orne of the ladurdarnt t) sterns be&303 br tafe Stutdm Would 19 frce of fe's oarnepe'.

e 9

P. (bes Vie Id4(d of t'is fedew kMdve a charge 60 the (<ocedur65 at ooscstt+s h the f.afoty AreWs [] (Q flogert? f teler to OPAP017A.Ol03, 1 Ids ledow o.4$ r,ol hwin a derne to any (vco.doro es descrited h the SA4. Itwe oro to giroudres l'el feQ Are red 541 por t'ds charge.

Ol>Gl'05 ZA 0002 Rev. 5 l'*te of 10C1'1150.591;)aluallora l'orni l 10Clil50.59 Sctc<ning liorm (Sample) l' age 3 of 3 Ort /nsting imment ib. On oc7092 tu.v.Ib _o YtB IJO


3. lues tr ee sut(>M of t'd: redew gircwse t se c<nid c4 test or eyertments rd Oewit+d h itso Latety Aneirs's tietort? O @

1M 6@M of fis to Aew ones rvat tworose tie cor:1>M of anyletts or egeriments tot dewitod h he SAR, sirve to tests or eme1rnents are picyowj t+y itds cierge.

4 Does he tvorosed cience atloci cwdlions tw teses essumed h tre Safety Ana%Is Floport or safety.

rstated lurc$ ore of monttystems, own 9otr/i Ve progosed ctange Odes tot antas any rityskel

@ C ct arne h edsting si ures, systems or procedures as desorited h tre SARt itse CAR assumes he evahaldtty of two sale stout 1wi kahs h sadi&re tr6a.1rds eneeds tre terwiremonts of 10 Of f) 60,4pords F1, wtkin rer?uires Vet one trah of soutpment riocessary u addeve rest sete stdawitio evosatd br any van fro area. line redsed eneto1*>;y vs sta comity wipi Apred n, sPoe at least one troh vil remain avisatdo H eacti tre area e esteve rest tre safe s.tiutiwi.

e 4

ff any artwer is att.rmabre, complete t+ie screerWrg foon ar:1 perkum en Uryedewed Safety OJesbon Ehlualon if all ariswers are rir9atve, ro Unaedewed Sefety Ososton l valuatbn is tsquire3 1he UF S AR rew1ros eeAston por OPGPOS2rJ DX4? D D 1he Cudtkvi Herort Achin be cterning tree Uf SAR b. ._t+E12JtA1 l'repare ly (bti tNkos/ dh ,,_t 10 22+0 4Twovej ty TsarA Con! 19??+0 y 4 60- -