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Rev 19 to QA Program Manual
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Site: Waterford Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/1997
Shared Package
ML20199D162 List:
NUDOCS 9711200274
Download: ML20199D169 (166)


hjf14*qi ATTACHMENT I TO W3F1-97-0211 Changes affecting QAPM Chapter 2, Revisien 19 Pages revised are 50,51, and 52 9711200274 971114 PDR ADOCK 05000382.



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Change the definitions of Basic Component, Commercial Grade and Dedication in accordance with page 2. i These definitions are located in the QuMty Arsurance Frogram Manual, Chapter 2 Attachment 7A The proposed definitions are extractions from 10CFR21.

7 10CFR60.54 REVIEW: 1

1. Does the proposed change represent a reduction of commitment ** Yes No to the QA Program description previously accepted by the NRC? ,


Th3 new 10CFR21 definitions are broadened to include structures, systems, components or parts not designed as basic components. The previous definitions excluded items subject to design or specification requirements unique to the nuclear industry.

2. If item 1 above is YES, does the proposed change include the ia Yes No O N/A basis to conclude that the revised program incorporating the change continues to meet the criteria of 10CFR60 Appendix B and other previously. accepted FSAR commitments?

Explain' The propcsed definitions will not detract from our commitment to comply with 10CFR21,10CFR 50 Appendix B or the UFSAR. The QAPM identifies the source of the current definitions as *Enterg perations" and " Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations". Use of the definitions from 10CFR21 does not alter the ree(s) identified in the QAPM.


'QA RepresentW

/i Y/ 9)

Reviewed By: Efate RECOMMENDATION:

Does not represent a lessening of commitment and it can be implemented immediately.

2-Represents a lessening of commitment, however, the change has sufficient basis to

'a . demonstrate continued compliance with Appendix B and other FSAR commitments. Therefuse, 1 it should be submitted to the NRC for acceptance prior to implementation.

.g Represents a lessening of commitment with insufficient bas's to determine continued compliance. Therefore, the change should not be processed.

.M '

IP 97 Recommended By: - QA SuperM' Date DISPOSITION:

Approved for implementation Discpproved Approved for submittal tphe NRC for acceptance

! / F

' Approved By:(( 2nczag 6.uM7 Date

. :.y g QAP 018 R6.C Attachment 7.1 R-TYPE: J3.11 p.,.,%,m. , - - - ,

..%. . .4, _...

10CFR50.54 page 2 of 2



' Change the QAPM definition of

  • from:

As it applies to Waterford 3, it is a component, structure, system or part thereof that is directly procured by Entergy Operations /LP&L, is subject to 10CFR21 and in which a defect or failure to comply with 10CFR21, an NRC order, or license conditions could create a substantial safety hazard. (r,q) -

to the following: ,

A structure, system, or component, or part thereof that affects its safety function necessary to assure (A)

The integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary; (B) The capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition; or (C) The capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents which could result in potential offs!te exposures comparable to those referred to in Sec.100.11 of Title 10, Chapter 1, Code of Federal Regulations; Basic components are iterns designed and manufactured under a quality assurance program complying with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, or commercial grade items which have successfully corr.pleted the dedication process. Basic component includes safety-related design, analysis, inspection, testing, fabrication, replacement of parts, or consulting services that are associated with the component hardware whether these services are performed by the component supplier or others.


  • from:

Those items which (1) are not subject to design or specification requirements that are unique to facilities or activities licensed by the NRC and (2) are used in applications other than facilities or activities licensed by the NRC and (3) can be ordered from the manufacturer / supplier on the basis of information set forth in the manufacturer's published product information or nationally recognized non nuclear codes or standards.

(NOTE: Although an item is exempted from 10CFR21 being imposed on the manufacturer, supplier or vendor by the definition of' Commercial Grade *, the item may still have other QA requirements which need to be imposed in the procurement documents). (r,q) to the following:

A structure, system, or component, or part thereof that affects its safety function, that was not designed and manufactured as a basic component. Commercial grade items do not inciode items where the design l

and manufacturing process require in-process inspections and verifications to ensure that defects or i failures to comply are identified and corrected (i.e., one or more critical characteristics of the item cannot be verified).

DEDICATION Change the QAPM definition of' DEDICATION

  • from:

T he act of verifying that a Commercial Grade item is acceptable for a safety related application.

Dedication occurs after receipt when that item is designated for use as a basic component. (r,q) to the following:

Dedication is an acceptance process undertaken to provide reasonable assurance that a commercial grade item to be used as a basic component will perform its in3nded safety function and, in this respect, is deemed equivalent to an item designed and manufactured under a 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, quality assurance program. The process is considered complete when the item is designated for use as a basic component.


_ - _ .O

Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Progiam Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 It is the objective of Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOl) to operate and maintain the Waterford 3 nuclear plant in the highest degree of functionalintegrity and reliability and to avoid undue risk to the healm and safety of employees and the general public. It is the policy of Entergy Operations, Inc. that the programs for design, procurement, fabrication, installation, inspection, testing, operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification of Waterford 3 comply with the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix B and other related regulatory guidance.

1.2 This section of the QA Program Manual describes the overall Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program which assures that quality related activities are performed in a controlled manner and are documented to provide objective evidence of compliance with NRC regulations and guidance. This program takes into account the need for trained personnel, approved procedures, special controls, processes, equipment, and skills necessary to attain the required quality, and the need for verification of ouality by inspection, testing, and audit.

1.3 The Quality Assurance Program is implemented through the use of approved, procedures, and instructions which provide written guidance for the control of quality related activities. These documents incorporate the requirements of the regulatory guides and the NRC endorsed ANSI Standards to which Waterford 3 has -

specifically committed.


2.1 USNR3 Regulatory Guide 1.33, Rev. 2, February 19/8 (which endorses ANSI N18.7-1976," Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nucleas Power Plants")

2.2 Technical Specificationo. Waterford Steam Electric Station, NUREG-1117 2.3 10CFR50, Appendix B," Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants" 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 See Chapter 2 - Attachment 7.4.


Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 10-4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Vice President, Operations The Vice President, Operations is responsible for providing overall approval and direction for the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program.

4.1.1 Safety Review Committee (SRC)

The Safety Review Committee is responsible for functioning as the off-site independent review committee. The SRC is responsible for: providing independent review and audit of Waterford 3 operations, reviewing changes or modifications which involve an unreviewed safety question, and reviewing safety evaluations of changes made to the plant ana plant procedures under the provisions of 10CFR50.59. Additional responsib!Iities are listed in Chapter 1 and the Waterford 3 Technical Specifications.

4.2 General Manager, Plant Operations The General Manager, P! ant Operations is responsible for ensuring the developmant of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following functional units: Plant Operations Review Committee (FORC); Operations; Maintenance; Plant Engineering; Chemistry; Radiation Protection / Safety; and Planning and Scheduling, The primary quality related responsibilities of the General Manager, Plant Operations are listed in Chapter 1.

4.2.1 Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC)

The PORC is responsible for functioning as the on site independent review committee, and is responsible for reviewing plant operations items and proceduras which are submitted to it; and for recommending approval by the General Manager, Plant Operations in accordance with applicable procedures.

Additional responsibilities are listed in Chapter 1 and the Waterford 3 Technical Specifications.

f 23 i

Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 4.3 Director, Plant Modification and Coastruction The Director, Plant Modification and Construction is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following programs and organizational units: Modification Control, Construction, and Project Management. The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Plant Modification and Construction are listed in Chapter 1.

4.4 Director, Site Support

'lhe Director, Site Support is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following programs and organizational units: Security; Emergency Planning; Site Business Services; and Employee Concerns Program. The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Site Support are listed in Chapter 1.

4.5 Director, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs The Director, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following programs and organizational units: Licensing; Operational Experience Engineering; and in House Events Analysis. The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs are listed in Chapter 1.

4.6 Director, Quality The Director, Quality is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the Quality Assurance organization, The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Quality are listed in Chapter 1.

4.7 Director, Training The Director, Training is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance

, of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following programs and organizational units: Operations Training; Simulator Training; Maintenance Training; Technical Training; and Engineering Training and Accreditation. The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Training are listed in Chapter 1.

24 i


e. .*

Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 4.8 Director, Design Engineering The Director, Design Engineering is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following programs and organizational units: Safety and Engineering Analysis; Procurement / Programs Engineering; and Design Engineering. The primary quality reiated responsibilities of the Director, Design Engineering are listed in Chapter 1.

4.9 Vice President, Engineenng The Vice President, Engineering reports directly to the Executive Vice President &

Chief Operating Officer, and is responsible for providing engineering services in support of the Waterfocs 3 Quality Assurance Program. The primary quality related responsibilities of the Vice President, Engineering are listed in Chapter 1.

4.10 Vice President, Operations Support The Vice President, Operations Support reports directly to the Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, and is responsible for the administration of corporate support functions in the areas of radiological protection, radioactive waste management, chemistry, environmental services, operations, maintenance, outage management, security, emergency planning, technology transfer, and central licensing: oversight of site Health Physics and Chemistry activities; and management of the Plant Support and Assessment, Information Systems, Material Requirements, EOl shared services, and Materials, Purchasing Purchasing and Contracts groups. It is the responsibility of the Vice President, Operations Support to assure that these functions performed for Waterford 3 are performed in accordance with the requirements of the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance program.

t 25 l-

Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Document Hierarchy 5.1.1 Attachment I depicts the hierarchy of documents comprising the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance program. This attachment identifies various program documentation that controls quality related activities at Waterford 3. Quality Assurance program implementing documents define the responsibilities of individuals and organizations participating in quality related activities.

5.1.2 The highest level of the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance program includes: Federal and state regulations; Industry codes and standards; Licensing agreements and specifications; and The Final Safety Analysis Report.

5.1.3 The next level of the document hierarchy includes: Nuclear Management Manual; Waterford 3 Management Manual; and Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual (OAPM).

5.1.4 The succeeding level of documentation contains departmental level procedures and instructions.

5.1.5 This manual, as well as the Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope),

provides the media for informing responsible organizations and individuals that implementation of the Quality Assurance program is mandatory and that the Quality Assurance program shall be enforced.


Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 5.2 Quality Assurance Program Manual 5.2.1 This Quality Assurance Program Manual defines the responsibilities and activities necessary to implement the quality requirements and commitments contained in the highest level documents including 10CFR50 Appendix B, the regulatory guides, and the ANSI Standards as listed in Chapter 2 Attachment 7.2 of this manual.

5.2.2 Chapters 1 and 2 of this manual address the Waterford 3 quality related commitments in order to summarize the entire scope of the Quality Assurance program.

5.2.3 Chapters 3 thiough 18 of this manual have been developed to promulgate the safety related commitments only.

5.3 Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) 5.3.1 The Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) defines the quality requirements for quality related items and activities not meeting the definition of safety related. The Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) has been developed to define the 10CFR50 Appendix B criteria applicable to specific activities. The Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) may address each criteria and its implementation; or reference the applicable chapter of this Quality Assurance Program Manual, stating that the safety related controls apply.

5.3.2 The chapters provide direction for the following special scope programs: Fire Protection Quality Assurance; Radiological Effluent and Environmental Monitoring; Emergency Preparedness; Security; Radioactive Waste Management Quality Program: Special Nuclear Material Control and Accountability; Computer Software; 27

r Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 ALARA Program; Radiation Protection; ATWS; and Station Blackout.  ;

5.4 Procedures and Instructions 5.4.1 The individual Entergy Operations, Inc. organizations assigned responsibilities by the Nuclear Management Manual, Waterford 3 Management Manual, and the '

..QAPM shall be responsible for the development, maintenance, and implementation of procedures and instructions to detail the respective elements of program performance.

t 5.4.2 The procedure types listed in 5.4.3 have been developed at Waterford 3 to address required aspects of plant management and operations. These procedures will: Implement the policy and directior of the Nuclear Management Manual, Waterford 3 Management Manual, and the OAPM to provide control over quality related operations and activities to a degree consistent with their importance to safety; Provide a clear understanding of the operating philosophy at Waterford 3; and Delineate the responsibilities and authorities of the Waterford 3 staff.

5.4.3 The Waterford 3 procedures and instructions contained in this level are the: Plant Operating Manual; Quality Assurance procedures; Site Support procedures: Design Engineering procedures; Design Engineering Administrative Manual (DEAM);

^ Plant Modification and Construction procedures; 28

t Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs procedures; Nuclear Training procedures; and Materials, Purchasing & Contracts Administrative Procedures.

5.5 Identification of Safety Related Structures, Systems, and Components 5.5.1 The Quality Assurance Program applies to all activities associated with quality related structures, systems, and components to an extent commensurate with their importance to safety. FSAR Table 3.2-1, Chapter 2 Attachment 7.2, and the Waterford 3 Q-List provide safety related classifications of plant structures, systems, and components; and identify thoce items subject to 10CFR50 Appendix B requirements.

5.5.2 Procedures provide further guidance for the identification of safety and quality related structures, systems, components and related activities to assure that the appropriate level of Quality Assurance program requirements are applied.

5.5.3 Procedures for the preparation and control of procurement documents provide guidance for spare and replacement part classification determination. These procedures invoke applicable codes, standards, regulations, FSAR requirements, and the Q-List classifications for determining the classification of spare or replacement parts or materials.

5.6 Resolution of Disputas 5.6.1 Disputes involving quality, arising from a difference of opinion between Entergy Operations, Inc. departments, are normally resolved via direct interaction between the managers involved. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, the disputes are resolved through higher levels of management. The Director, Quality should be consulted for disputes involving the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance program interpretation and implementation.

5.6.2 Disputes involving quality, arising from a difference of opinion between EOl entities, contractors, or suppliers, are normally resolved through the appropriate manager. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, the disputes should be elevated to the Vice President, Operations, if necessary. The Director, Quality should be consulted for disputes involving other EOl entities. The Vice President, Operations Support and/or the Director, Quality should be consulted for disputes concerning contractors or suppliers.



t Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 5.6.3 Written notification shall be provided to the Vice President, Operations, ea the Safety Review Committee rogarding disputes or disagreements arising from a difference of opinion between the Plant Operations Review Committee and the ,

General Manager, Plant Operations. S he General Manger, Plant Operations has responsibility for resolution of such disputes in accordance with the technical  ;

specificatior.1 5.7 Indoctrination, Training, and Qualification Programs 5.7.1 Indoctrination, training, and qualification programs shall be established for Entergy Operations, Inc. personnel performing quality related activities. These ,

programs shall be designed to ensure that personnel involved are knowledgeable in quality procedures and requirements, and have the necessary proficiency to perform the tasks. The scope, objective, and method of implementing the indoctrination and training program shall be documented in approved procedures.

5.7.2 Entergy Operations, Inc. management is responsible for assuring that personnel are properly trained to perform activities in a safe and effective manner. The Director, Training is responsible for providing professional, technical, and educational programs to support the indoctrination and training of Waterford 3 employees, contractors, and visitors to assure their safety and proficiency during the performance of their activities at Waterford 3. The Director, Quality reviews t the content of quality related indoctrination and training programs to assure adequacy.

5.7.3 Indoctrination, training, and qualification programs require: Personnel responsible for performing activities that affect quality are instructed on the purpose, scope, and implementation of quality related manuals, instructions, and procedures; Personnel performing activities that affect quality are trained and qualified in the principles, techniques, and requirements of the activity being performed; I Proficiency and qualification of personnel performing or verifying activities are maintained by retraining, re-examining, and/or recertifying on a periodic basis, as applicable; Proficiency testing is utilized to determine qualifications when education, experience, and training cannot be verified by other means; and 30 em-w -m9 e c w *1t'- T '-w -- <-e-r- u-*'r-

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Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 Training and qualification documentation is maintained which describes the objectives, content, attendance, tests, acceptance criteria, and the functions personnel are qualified to perform.

5.7.4 The training program for Waterford 3 personnel is further described in Chapter 13 of the FSAR and in implementing procedures.

5.7.5 Waterford 3 Quality Assurance or the Entergy Operations, Inc. Material Requirements organization conducts audits of other organization units, such as suppliers and contractors engaged in quality related activities at or for Waterford 3 to verify that personnel are adequately indoctrinated, trained, and qualified.

5.8 Controlled Conditions for Performing Activities 5.8.1 Quality related activities shall be accomplished under controlled conditions by personnel with the necessary skills to attain the required quality. Activities shall be performed using appropriate equipment, under suitable environmental conditions and with the assurance that prerequisites for the given activity have been satisfied.

5.0 Management Review of the Quality Assurance Program 5.9.1 The Vice President, Operations ensures that a management assessment of the Quality Assurance program is conducted periodically (not to exceed 24 months) by a qualified independent organization.

5.9.2 The information from these management assessments, the trend report, and summaries of the Quality Assurance program status are used by the Vice President, Operations to evaluate the effectiveness of the Quality Assurance program and to take action, as necessary, to assure that the program complies with applicable regulatory requirements.

31 l

Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19  !

5.10 Main 6 nance of the Quality Assurance Program 5.10.1 Revisions to the Quality Assurance Program Manual are issued as necessary to support effective implementation of the Quality Assurance Program. The NRC shall be notified annually, or 6 months after each refueling outage provided the  ;

interval between successive updates does not exceed 24 months, of any changes to the Quality Assurance Program aescription that do not reduce the ,

commitments previously accepted. The revisions must reflect all changes up to a maximum of 6 months prior to the date of filing. If a change is contemplated which would reduce the commitments in the approved Quality Assurance Program description, the proposed change shall be submitted to the NRC for approval prior to implementing the change.

5.10.2 Revisions to the Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) are issued as necessary to support effective implementation of the Quality Assurance Program. NRC notifivatico regarding changes to the Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) is not required.

5.10.3 Entergy Operations, Inc. requires principal contractors and suppliers to submit their QA Program descriptions to Entergy Operations, Inc. for evaluation and to provide notification of changes. Significant changes to such program descriptions shall be reported, as applicable, to the NRC in writing. In addition, principal contractors and suppliers are required to provide notification of significant changes to their subcontractor's quality assurance program description which has the effect of changing the quality assurance program of the principal contractor or Entergy Operations, Inc.

6.0 RECORDS None 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Quality Assurance Program Documentation

7.2 Regulatory Guidance Documents 1

7.3 10CFR50, Appendix B Compliance l

i 7.4 Terms and Definitions 32


Identification Description Approval and Control

1. Quality Assurance Defines the Quality Assurance - Prepared by Quality Assurance, Program Manual Program, assigns responsibilities to concurred with by the affected various organizations, and defines organizatione and approved by the safety elated activities. Vice President. Operations, Waterford 3. Issued and contro!'ed by Site Business Services.
2. Nuclear Management A set of Policies and Procedures Prepared by cognizant personnel, Manual which prescribe activities and issued and controlled by responsibilities. Headquarters, Entergy Operations.

Inc. and approved by Entergy Operations, Inc. Management.

3. Waterford 3 Management A set of Policies and Procedures Prepared by cognizant personnel, Manual which prescribe activities and and approved by Waterford 3 Vice responsibilities at Waterford 3. President, Operations. Issued and controlled by Site Business Services.
4. Waterford 3 Plant A manual consisting of a set of Prepared by cognizant plant staff Operating Manual procedures which prescribe organizational units. Quality related required aspects of plant procedures shall receive a quality management and operation. This related review. Approved by the manual provides the mechanism General Manager, Plant Operations.

through which the administrative issued and contro!!ed by Site contrcis and quality assurance Business Services.

requirements are implemented during the operation of Waterford 3.

The POM applies to all personnel when they are within the Waterford 3 protected area.

Chapter 2 Rev;19 Attachment 7.1 (Page 1 of 4) 33


Identification Description Approval and Control

5. Quality Assurance - A set of procedures prepared and Prepared by Quality Assurance and Procedures Manual issued to specify and control the coordinated with other organizations activities of the Quality Assurance as applicable. Approved by the organization. Director. O.uality. Issued and controlled by Site Business Services
6. Site Support Procedures A set of procedures which Prepared by cognizant personnel prescribe activities and within the Site Support Group.

responsibilities within the Site Quality related procedures shall Support Group. receive a quality related review.

Approved by the Director. Site Support. Issued and controlled by Site Business Services.

7. Design Engineering A set of procedures which Prepared by cognizant personnel Procedures prescribe activities and within Design Engineering, Quality responsibilities within the Design related procedures shall receive a Engineering organization. quality related review. Approved by the Director, Desi5n Engineering or Department Manager. Issued i and controlled by Site Business Services.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.1 (Pace 2 of 4) 34


Identification Description Approval and Controi

8. Design Engineering A set of corporate level procedures Prepared by cognizant personnel Administrative Manual which prescribe activities and within Design Engineering. Issued (DEAM) responsibilities within the Design and controlled by the Manager, Engineering organizations. Engineering Supoort, Central Design Engineering. Quality related procedures shall receive a quality related review. Concurred with by the Site Director, Design Engineering for DEAM subsections applicable to their respective sites; and the Managers, Central Design Engineering. Approved by the Managers, Central Design Engineering for DEAM documents within their functional area of responsibility.
9. Plant Modification and A set of procedures whic;i Prepared by cognizant personnel ,

Construction Procedures prescribe activities and within Plant Modification and responsibilities within the Plant Construction. Quality rebted Modification and Construction procedures shall receive a quality organization. related review. Approved by the Director. Plant Modification and Construction. Issued and controlled by Site Business Services.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.1 (Page 3 of 4) 35


idc,itiricauon Desu;ptbn Approval and Contro!

10. Nuclear Safety ar.d A set of procedures which Prepered by cognizant personnel Regulatory Affairs prescribe actrvrbes and within Nuclear Safety and Procedures responsibilities within the Nuclear Regulatory Affa%. Quakty related Safety and Regulatory Affairs procedures shall recetve a quakty organization. related rmnew. Approved by the Dhedvr, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs.

Issued and controlled by Site Busmess Services.

11. NuclearTraining A set of procedures which ' Prepared by cognizant personnel Procedures . prescribe activities and within NuclearTrairing. Quality
. responsibilities within the Nuclear resated procedures shall receive a Training Organization quality related review. Approved by the Director. Training. Issued
.. cmitiviled by Site Business Sennces..
12. Materials, Purchasing A set of procedures, which Prepared by cognizant personnet

& Contracts presenbe actrvities and within Matenais, Purchasmg &^

Administrative responsibilities within the Materials. Cm iiir.ts. Quahty related Procedures Purchasir.g & Contracts procedures shall receive a quality organizaton. related review. Approved by the

, F.irector, Matenais, Purchasing &

4' Contracts issued and csitivrc-d by

Materials, Purchasmg & Contracts.


. Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.1 (Page 4 of 4) l 36 i

L .- . - :x - . . , . . . - . . . - . . . - . . - . - . - - , . - . . - . - . . - . -. = . . - -.. . -. - - . . . . - .

l REGULATORY GUIDANCE DOCUMENT This document contains a listing of Regulatory Guides and ANSI Standards applicable to the Quality Assurance Program for Waterford 3. Reference FSAR Section 1.8 for a complete listing of regulatory guides and standards applicable to the design and operation of Waterford 3.

Document Comment

1. Appendix B to 10CFR50
  • Quality 1. Criterion Vil, Control of Purchased Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Materials, Equipment, and Services Power Plants and Fuel states that documentary evidence that Reprocessing Plants" material and equipment conform to the procurement requirements shall be available at the riuclear power plant or fuel reprocessing plant site prior to installation or use of such material and equipment.

.4 The Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program requires that required documentary evidence be available at  ;

the site prior to use, but not necessarily prior to installation. This allows installation to proceed under specified conditions while any missing documents are being obtained, but precludes dependence on the item for safety purposes.

2. A. Regulatory Guide 1.8, 1. The qualifications of personnel in the Revision 1. September Heahh Physics, Radweste, and 1975, " Personnel Selection Chemistry Departments are in and Training"(Endorses accordance with ANSI N18.1 1971 as ANSI N18.1-1971) endorsed by this Reg. Guide and/or as shown in FSAR Chapter 13.

1 i

l l

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 1 of 8) 37

i f

Document Comment B. ANSl/ANS 3.1-1978, 2. The qual 66 cation of personnel other .

" Standards for Selection than those in the Health Physics,  :

. and Training of Personnel Radwests, and Chemistry  !

for Nuclear Power Plants" Departments are in accordance with i t

ANSI /ANS 3.11978. Speci6c _ '

commitments are shown in FSAR Chapter 13. j

3. Personnel performing independent Technical Review functions meet the t quell 6 cation requirements of NUREG. '

0737-1900 instead of Section 4.7.2 of ANSI /ANS 3.1-1978.

-3. Regulatory Guide 1.30, August 1. Waterford 3 applies the provisions of i 1972," Quality Assurance this Regulatory Guide and its Requirements for the installation, endorsed standard to Class 1E ~,

Inspection and Testing of equipment only.

Instrumentation and Electrical ,

Equipment" (Endorses ANSI 2. Each safety related item of proosse  !

N45.2.41972) instrumentation is identi6ed with a unique number. This number is used in instrument maintenance records so that cunent calibration status, including data such as the date of the 4 calibration and identity of the person that performed the calibratiori, can be readily determined. Such information may also be contained on tags or labels that may be attached to installed instrumentation.

4 I

Chapter 2 Rev.19 = Attachment 7.2 (Page 2 of 8)

-38 ,

I t

Document Comment  !

4. Regulatory Guide 1.33, Rev. 2, 1. ANSI N18.7 references certain other i February 1978, " Qual.ty standards to which Entergy Assurance Program Operations, Inc. takes exception.

Requirements (Operational)" Waterford 3 exceptions and (Endolses ANSI N18.71976) altematives are listed in this table. ,

2. Waterford 3 complies with Regulatory Posit lon C.3 of Regulatory Guide  :

1.33, except under emergency '

condRicns in which case Entergy Operations, Inc. shall submit proposed changes to Technical Specifications or license amendments ,

in accordance with 10CFR50.54 and or 10CFR50.71.

3. ANSI N18.7, Section 3.4.2, Requirements for the on-site operating organization, states that [the activities of the individual or organizational unit responsible for i verifying that the administrative controls and Quality Assurance Program is being eNoctively 8mplemented) shall be periodically audited by designated personnel.

Waterford 3 utilizes designated off-site personnel or an outside agency to  :

perform assessments of the entire ,

QA Program including the activities of the on-site audit personnelin lieu of periodic audits. Assessment results  :

and other program evaluation '

documents such as the Trend Anclysis Report sie forwarded to Entergy Operations, Inc. management for evaluation and determination of corrective action.

I Chapter 2 Rev. ig - Attachment 7.2 (Page 3 of 8) 3g

-._ a

i Document Comment i

4. Regulatory Guide 1.33 4. ANSI N16.7, Section 5.2.7,  !

(Continued) Maintenance and Modification:

Waterford 3 pro-plans and performs maintenance of equipment in accordance with written procedures except in emergency or abnormal conditions where immediate action is required to:

a. Protect the health and safety of t the public.
b. Protect equipment or personnel, c, Prevent the deterioration of plant conditions to a potentially unsafe or unstable level .4
5. ANSI N18.7, Section, Maintenance Program: Repair of safety related equipment will be accomplished in accordance with approved procedures and/or vendor manuals.
6. Waterford 3 will provide procedures for the activities in Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.33 as discussed in Section C-1 of the regulatory guide.

However, Waterford 3 does not consider all activities listed to be

" safety-ielated" (e.g., activities in 7.e).

7. ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.15 states,

" Plant procedures shall be reviewed by an individual knowledgeable in the ,

area affected by the procedure no less frequently than every two years." )

I l

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 4 of 8) 40

Document Ccmment

4. Regulatory Guide 1.33 Waterford 3 has programr. .; tic control (Continued) requirements in place that initiate procedure reviews upon identification of new or revised source material that has a potential to affect the intent of the procedure.

A biennial audit is poiformed by the Quality Assurance Department to verify compliance with existing programmatic controls used to maintain procedures current.

5. Regulatory Guide 1.37, March No exceptions.

1973," Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning Fluid

Systems and Associated Components of Water Cooled Nuclear Plants" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.1-1973)

6. Regulatory Guide 1.38, Rev. 2, For the storage of new fuel assemblies and May 1977," Quality Ansurance neutron sources, Waterford 3 commits to the Requirements for Packaging, storage requirements of Level B of ANSI Sh!pping and Receiving, Storage N45.2.2-1972 less the flooding prevention and Handling of items for Water requirements and will minimize dust and Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" other particles contacting these items by (Endorses ANSI N45.2.2-1972) placing a fire retardant polyethylene cover over these items or the cell locations in which the itenis are stored. As an attemative to dry cell storage with dust and particle protection, new fuel assemblies may be "19 stored in the spent fuel pool.

ANSI N45.2.2 states that motors in storage should have the insuletion resistance checked on a schWuled basis. Waterford 3 conduc+: co.;iplete insulation tests upon receipt of the motor and again before the motor is installed in the plant. An extensive motor run-in is also performed before installation to verify operability.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 5 of 8) 41

,. 4 Document Comment

, 6. Regulatory Guide 1.38 Insulation resistance tests will be conducted -

(Continued) upon receipt only on motors equal to or  !

greater than 460V, in accordance with g IEEE Std. 43 and/or NEMA Std. MG1.

7. Regulatory Guide 1.39, Rev. 2 The zone designations of Section 2.1 of September 1977," Housekeeping ANSI N45.2.31973 and the requirements '

Requirements for Water Cooled associated with each zone are not consistent Nuclear Power Plants" with the requirements for operating plant. l (Endorses ANSI N45.2.31973) Instead, procedures or instructions for i housekeeping activities which include the applicable requirements outlined in Section

! 2.1 of ANSI N45.2.3 and which take into account radiation ceritid considerations, security considerations and personnel and ,

equipment safety considerations are .  !

developed on a case basis.

8. Regulatory Guide 1.58, Rev.1 Personnel performing nondestructive testing l

September 1980," Qualification of meet the quellfication requirements of ASNT Nuclear Power Plant inspection, Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC 1A- ,

Examination and Testing 1980 and its applicable supplements.

Personnel" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.6-1978)

9. Regulatory Guide 1.64, Rea. 2 No exceptions.

June 1976," Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of-Nuclear Power Plants" (Endorces ANSI N45.2.11-1974)

10. Regulatory Guide 1.70, Rev. 2, No exceptions.

September 1975," Standard Format and Contents of Safety Analysic Reports for Nuclear ,

Power Plants"

11. Repulatory Guide 1.74, February - No exceptions.

1974," Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.10-1973)

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 6 of 8) 42-

-._ _ _ ~ _ . _ _ - _ . . . _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _

Document Comment

12. . Regulatory Guide 1.88, Rev. 2. The interim storage of Quality Assurance October 1976, " Collection, Records will be conducted in accordance Storage and Maintenance of . tith approved procedures. At a minimum, Nuclear Power Plant Quality Quality Assurance Records stored on an Assurance Records"(Endorses interim basis will be afforded the protection ANSI N45.2.91974) of a one-hour minimum rated facility or storage cabinet.
13. Regulatory Guide 1.f 4, Rev.1 No exceptions.

April 1976," Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, inspection, and Testing of Structural Concrete and Structural Steel During Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.5-1974)

14. Regulatory Guide 1.116, No exceptions.

Rev. 0-R, May 1977, " Quality Assurance Requirements for l Installation, inspection and l

Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems"(Endorses ANSI N45.2.8-1975) 1

15. Regulatory Guide 1.123, Rev.1 No exceptions.

l July 1977," Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of  :

Procurement of items and Services for Nuclear Power Plants" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.13-1976) l l

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 7 of 8) 43

Document Comment

16. Regulatory Guide 1.144, Rev.1 Waterford 3 takes exception to the following September 1980," Auditing of paragraphs of ANSI N45.2.12:

Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants" (Endorses 1. 2.3 - Training - Technical Specialists ANSI N45.2.121977) who assist in performing audits in their area of special expertise will not necessarily be trained in audit techniques; however, they will always be accompanied by a trained and qualified auditor.

2. 4.4 - Reports Audit reports will be issued with!n 30 working days of the post-audit meeting. (Except audit reports required by the SRC Audit .

Program which are required withio 30 days).

3. 4.3 - Conferences - Pre-audit at d post audit conferences shall be neld only when deemed necessary by Quality Assurance or when requested by the audited organization
17. Regulatory Guide 1.146, August No exceptions.

1980," Qualifications of Quality l Assurance Program Audit

! Personnel for Nuclear Power l Plants" (Endorses ANSI

, N45.2.23-1978) l Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 8 of B) 44

10CFR50, APPENDIX B COMPLIANCE This doc; ment illustrates the relationship between 10CFR50, Appendix B and the Nuclear Safety Quality Assurance Policies.

10CFR50, Appendix B Criterion Nuclear Safety Quality Assurance Policy

1. Organization Chapter 1 - defines the organizational structure and delineates the authority and responsibilities of individuals and organizations performing quality assurance activities.
11. Quality Assurance Program Chapter 2 - defines the scope of the Quality Assurance Program and establishes that activities affecting safety related structures, systems, and components will be conducted in accordance with approved procedures.

Ill. Design Control Chapter 3 - defines requirements for the control of the design of safety related structures, systems, and components including the design of plant modifications.

IV. Procurement Document Control Chapter 4 - defines requirements for the control of procurement of safety related structures, systems, components, materials, and services.

V. Instructions, Procedures, and Chapter 5 - defines requirements for tho Drawings development and control of instructions, procedures, and drawings.

VI. Document Control Chapter 6 - defines requirements for the control of documents for safety related structures, systems, and components and identifies the type of documents to be controlled.

Vll. Control of Purchased Material, Chapter 7 - defines requirements for control of Equipment, and Services purchased material, equipment, and services, including concol of suppliers and recei <ing inspection.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 - Attachment 7.3 (Page 1 of 3) 45

10CFR50, Appendix B Criterlon Nuclear Safety Quality Assurance Policy Vill. Identification and Control of Chapter 8 - defines requirements for control of Materials, Parts, and Components materials, parts, and components.

IX. Control of Special Processes Chapter 9 - defines requirements for control of special processes including welding, heat treating, NDE, and chemical chaning.

X. Inspection Chapter 10 - defines requirements for inspection of materials and activities important to safety including criteria for determining when and how inspections are performed.

XI. Test Control Ch .pter 11 describes the scope of the test c< atrol program and establishes requirements for test procedures and instructions.

Xil. Control of Measuring and Test Chapter 12 - defines requiremenm for control Equipment of measuring and test equipment and for inspectiono, tests, and monitoring of quality related equipment and activities.

Xill. Handling, Storage, and Shipping Chapter 13 - defines requirements for handling, storage, and shipping of safety related structures, systems, and components.

XIV. Inspection, Test, and Operating Chapter 14 - defines requirements for control Status of inspection, test, and operating status of safety related items and equipment.

XV. Nonconforming Material, Parts, or Chapter 15 - defines requirements for Components identification, documentation, segregation, review, and disposition of nonconforming materials, parts, and components.

XVI. Corrective Action Chapter 16 - defines requirements for estrblishment of an effective corrective action program with specified basic corrective action elements.

XVil. Quality Assurance Records Chapter 17 - defines reouirements for a quality assurance records program including identification of types and content of records.

Chapter 2 R,sv.19 Attachment 7.3 (Page 2 of 3) 46

  • c*

ioCFR60, Appendix B Criterion N_uclear Safety Quality Assurance Policy.

XVill, Audits Chapter 18 defines requirements for audits of safety related activities including audit j program scope and methods.



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J 1



- Chapter 2 Rev.19 ' Attachment 7.3 (Page 3 of 3) 47

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This document provides a compilation of terms and definitions which are important to  ;

establishing the boundaries of the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program. They are provided as guidance to achieve standardization within Waterford 3 documents and as an aid in the implementation of the Quality Assurance Program. The terms and definitions were selected from those contained within the ANSI standards listed in Appendix A on the  :

basis of most frequent usage.

Those responsible for the Quality Assurance Program implementation are reminded thai those terms and definitions prnvided by the standards but nct listed herein should be regarded as valid. Therefore, the user is referred to the standards listed in Appendix A for additional guidance.  :

it is the responsibility of the user of the terms and definitions contained herein to ascertain that they are appropriate for the intended application. Where a term is used to convey a different intent than that defined herein, clarification should be provided at the point of 3 application.

The subscript following each definition provides the source of the definition. An index of ,

the subscripts is contained at the end of this appendix.  !

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 1 of 19) 48

,. .o ABNORMAL CONDITION Hardware deviations (i.e. conditions not meeting the threshold criteria of advese conditions or nonconforming condition) observed in the course of inspections, testing, maintenance, operation, etc.

ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA A limit or limits placed on the variation permitted in the characteristics of ar. item expressed in definitive engineering terms such as dirnnsional tolerances, chemical compositinn limits, dencity and size of defects, temperature ranges, time limits, operhting parameters, and other similar characteristics. e ACCEPT-AS IS Same as Use-As-Is. q ACCURACY The d;p of conformity of a measure to a standard or to a true value.

(See Precision). q ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Rules, orders, instructions, procedures, policies, practices and designations of authority and responsibility. c ADVERSE CONDITION An svent, defect, characteristic, state or cctivity which negatvely impacts the safe, efficient operation of WMerford 3. Adverse conditions include:

Nonconforming condition; Conditions adverse to quality; Industrial safety concerns; and Plant reliability concerns.

APPROVAL An act of endorsing or adding positive authorization or both. i APPURTENANCE A part that is attached to a component which has been completed.l AS BUILT-DATA Documented data that describes the condition actually achieved in a product. l A SEMBLY A combination of subassemblies or components, or both fitted together to form ; unit. l AUDIT A documented activity performed in accordance with written procedures or checklists to verify, by exemination and evaluation of objective evidence, that applicable elemeias of the quality assurance program has been developed, docum.nied, and effectively implemented in accordance with specified requirements. An audit should not be confused with surveillance or inspection for the sole purpose of process control or product acceptance. . I, n, o Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 2 of 19) 49

BASIC COMPONENT A structure, system, or component, or part thereof that v P its safety function necessaiy to assure (A) The integrity of the reactor coolant prek .:

boundary; (B) The capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition; or (C) The capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents which could result in potential offsite exposures comparable to those referred to in -

19 Sec.100.11 of Title 10, Chapter 1 Code of Federal Regulations. Basic components are items designed and manufactured under a quality assurance program complying with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, or commercial grade items which have successfully completed the dedication process. Basic compt ent inc!udes safety-related design, analysis, inspection, testing, fabrication, replac...aent of parts, or consulting services that are associated with the component hardware whether these services are performed by the component supplier or others, r,q BID EVALUATION An euluation of proposals or bids received in response to an inquirv (request for proposal or bid) to determine the vendor or contractor to whom the purchase

, order or contract will be awarded. q CAllBRATION Comparison of an item of Measuring and Test huipment and certain installed instrumentation and control devices with a reference standard or with an item of M&TE of required tolerance to detect and cuantify inaccuracies and to report or eliminate those inaccuracies, q, t I CAUSE A reason or contributing reason for the occurrence of an adverse condition.

Causes are categorized as either apparent cause or root cause.

Apparent Cause - the obvious reason for the occurrence of an adverse condition.

The apparent cause is identified without performing a formal root cause analysis.

Root Cause - the most basic cause(s) which, if corrected or eliminated, would prevent recurrence of the adverse condition. Root Causes are generally identified through the conduct of a formal root cause analysis.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE A written statement, signed by a qualified party, F attesting that the items or services are in accordance with specified requirements and k accompanied by additional information to substantiate the statement. l CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE A written statement, signed by a qualified party, certifying that items or services comply with specific requirements. j CERTIFICATION The action of determining, verifying and attesting, in writing, to the qualifications of personnel or material. l CERTIFIED MATERIAL TEST REPORT A written and signed document, approved by a qualified party, that contains sufficient data and information to verify the actual properties of items and the actual results of all required tests. l Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 3 of 19) 50

y i.
- ,



CHARACTERISTIC Any property or attribute of an item, process,'or service that is; idistinct, describable. and measurable, as conforming or nonconforming to specified 1

~ iguality assurance wuirements. Quality assurance characteristics are generally identified -  !

in 'specdications a nd drawings, which describe the item, process or servloe.1 :

CLEANNESS (A state of b9g cican in accordance with predetermined standards, and ~

umally implies freedom ' rem dit scais, heavy rust, oil or other contaminating impurities. l-COMMERCIAL GRADE i. Acture, system,'or component, or part thereof that affects

'its safety function, that was not designed and marmfactured as a basic component.'

Commercial grade items do not include items where the design and manufacturinga _ 19 4 . process require in-proces s inspections and verifications to ensure that defects or failures 7 to comply are identified and corrected (i.e, one_or more critical characteristics.of the item  ;

- cannot be verified)2 r,q .

L COMPONENT A piece of equipment such as a vessel, piping, pump, valve or core i

cupport structure, which will be combined with other components to form an assembly; or:

' items from which electrical equipment is assembled, for example, resistors, capacitors,

- wires, connectors, transistors, switches, springs, etc.l i

CONDITIONS ADVERSE TO QUALITY An adverse condition which prevents a quality related .

system, structure, component or activity from meeting license or design basis requirements q l

CONSTRUCTION PHASE' The period of time beginning with the start of construction L  ; cetivityland ending as each plant area is turned over to the plant operator.b,i L

L LCONTRACT: A' document such as a contract order, change order, agreement,-

cddendum, work order or task authorization which defines the requirements and conditions for fumishing contract services. q

- CONTRACTOR- Any organization under contract for furnishing items or services. It -

u -_ includes the terms Vendor, Supplier, Subcontractor, Fabricator, and subtier levels of these where appropriate. d, l-

. CORRECTIVE ACTION Measures taken upon the identification of an adverse condition

l. ' to correct the condition and prevent recurrence. The basic elements of the corrective


tction program _are:

1). - identification and immediate action; . '
2) - review for impact / assignment e 3) ' investigate and analyze;-


L4)L corrective action planning and irnplementation; ,

verification of completion; and ~



. 6) .' verification of long-term effectiveness -

L l f Chapter 2 Rev.19. Attachment 7.4 (Page 4 of 19).


.i DEDICATION An acceptance process undertaken to' provide reasonable assurance that a commercial grade item to be used as a basic component will perform its intended

safety function a_nd, in this respect, is deemed equivalent to an item designed and 19 manufactured under a 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, quality assurance program. The -

process is considered complete when the item is designated for use as a basic component. r,q DEFECTIVE MATERIAL A material or component which has one or more characteristics that do not comply with specified requirements. l

- DEFICIENCY An observed condition that is or appears to be adverse to quality or beyond a defined or approved qualitative or quantitative acceptance criterion q DESIGN Technical and management processes which commence with identification of

-design input and which lead to and include the issuance of design output documents h DESIGN CRITERIA Documents which establish overall plant design requirements including NSSS and BOP interfaces; they establish the overall system parameters and dettign requirements for major portions of the BOP as necessary for the interrelationship of systems, components and machines. h DESIGN DOCUMENTS Engineering specifications,- drawings, calculations and/or instructions. h DESIGN INPUT Those criteria, parameters, bases or other design requirements upon

! which detailed final design is based, h L

DESIGN INTERFACE The relationship between design organizations internal or external to a company, q DESIGN OUTPUT Documents such as drawings, specifications, and other documents defining technical requirements of structures, systems, and components as delineated in Section 4 of ANSI N45.2.11. h l DESIGN REVIEW An analysis of design with respect to technical adequacy, interface control, inspectability, maintainability, and conformance to applicable codes, standards, regulations and design criteria h l DESIGN SPECIFICATION An engineering document describing function, design L requirements, environmental conditions, code requirements, and boundary definition, and

. containing sufficient detail to provide a complete basis for construction in accordance with cpplicable codes and standards. q Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 5 of 19) 52

. s, * -

a v

. .i DESIGN VERIFICATION 1The process of checking, conforming, or substantiating the j

l design by individuals or groups other than those who performed the original design to .

- provide assurance that specified requirements have been met.- Methods include design i

' review, attemate_ calculations,' and testing. h,'q 'l DISCREPANCY A condition which is at variance with requirements, q._ l

l DOCUMENTATION - Any. written or pictorial lnformation describing, defining, specifying,- <

reoorting, or certifying ' activities, requirements, procedures, or results, d, e, i ELECTRICAL CLASS 1E' See Quality Related.

EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION (EQ) The process or activities necessary to demonstrate <

~ by test, analysis or other_ suitable means, that specific devices are capable of performing -

their function in the specified environment, q 1

- EXAMINATION An element of inspection consisting of Investigation of materials,-

supplies, parts, components, appurtenances, systems,pocesses, or structures to 1 determine conformance to those specified requizements which can be determined by .

such investigation. Examination is usually nondestructive and includes simple physical L manipulation, gaging, and measurement. g, i, l EXEMPT ltene or services that have no effect on the operating plant, such as, office

- furniture, office supplies, and non-permanent plant computers.  :

1 EXPERIMENTS Performance of those plant operations carried out under controlled

- conditions in order to establish characteristics or values not previously _known, c .

EXTERNAL' AUDITS of those portions of an organization's quality assurance program not retained under its direct control and not within its organizational structure, n FUNCTIONAL TESTS performed, as required, after modification, maintenance, or L significant changes in operating procedures to confirm that the maintenance, modification, or changes produce expected results. q .

GUIDELINES Particular provisions which are considered good practice but which are not

- mandatory in programs intended to comply with this standard.

L o

I; l.

l ..

! I Chapter 2 Rev.19 : Attachment 7.4 (Page 6 of 19)

L 53

_ . - . s - i 4

HOLDPOINT A point in the manufacturing / fabrication / erection sequence or in the j maintenance process beyond which work may not proceed until the authorized inspector / purchaser / owner has observed or examined the work and has given consent to proceed,q INDEPENDENT REVIEW A documented review completed by personnel not having direct responsibility for the work function under review regardless of whether they operate cs a part of an organizational unit or as individual staff members (see Review). c, q

' INSPECTION A phase of quality control which by means of examination, observation, or measurement determines the conformance of material, supplies, parts, components, cppurtenances, systems, processes, or structures to predetermined quality assurance requirements. c, g, I, I L

INSPECTOR (OWNER OR INSTALLER) A qualified inspector employed by the Owner or Installer whose duties include the verification of quality related activities or installations or both. l

' INSPECTOR (STATE OR CODE) A qualified inspector employed by a legally constituted

!_ cgency of a Municipality or state of the United States, or Canadian Province, or regularly I cmployed by an Authorized Inspection Agency and having authorized jurisdiction at the site of manufacture or installation. l INTERNAL AUDITS of those portions of an organization's quality assurance program retained under its direct control and within its organizational structure, n ITEM Any level of unit assembly, including structure, system, subsystem, subassembly, component, part, or material, d, e, I

LEAD AUDITOR An individual qualified to organize and direct an r.udit, report audit j findings, and evaluate corrective action. n, o l

MANUFACTURER One who constructs any class of component, part, or appurtenance

- to meet prescribed design requirements. l MASTER EQUIPMENT LIST (MEL) The MEL identifies each component by a component identification number and provides a compilation of pertinent data. The MEL is a comprehensive on-line computerized listing of the components in the Waterford 3 SES. The MEL is a source of component data to be used by the station departments such as maintenance, operations, engineering and quality control and other Entergy Operations, Inc.

- organizations during routine operation and maintenance of Waterford 3. q Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 7 of 19) i: 54

y , . .. J -

l MATERIAL A substance or combination of substances forming components, parts, _

pieces, and equipment items' (Intended to. include such as machinery, castings, liquids,L

. q

? formed steel shapes, aggregates, and cement.). l .

s MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT (M&TE) _ Devices =or systems used to calibrate, o

measure, gage, test, inspect, or control in order to acquire research, development, test or ,
cperational data, or to determine compliance with design, specifications, or other  ;

. technical requirements. M&TE does not include permanently installed operating :

equipment, nor test equipment used for preliminary checks where data obtained will noti  ;

' be used to determine acceptability or be the basis for design or engineering evaluation. t l

MODIFICATION A planned change in plant design or operation and accomplished in Eccordance with the requirements and limitations of applicable codes, standards, specifications, licenses, and predetermined safety restrictions. l ,

NONCONFORMING CONDITION- An adverse condition aff( ting a safety related, quality i related. trip sensitive (or balance of plant, when feasible) system caused by a deficiency in characteristic, documentation, or procedure which renders the quality of an item unacceptable or. indeterminate. Examples of nonconforming conditions include, but may not be limited to:

on Unanticipated or unplanned entry into any Tech Spec LCO; c' Discovery of a condition of a system or component required to be operable by -

. Tech Spec, which calls into question the current or past operability (including -

missed surveillance testing);

.o Failure of a component to meet a surveillance or post-modification test acceptance criteria (prior to performing any corrective maintenance);

o An unanticipated ESFAS signal or actuation of ESFAS equipment; o .ldentification of a discrepancy between a licensing document (i.e., FSAR, Tech Spec) or a design basis document,'(i.e., drawings) and the actual configuration -

of the plant;'

, o Discovery of a valve or breaker in a position different from that required by the p . proper procedure; o Unanticipated actuation of an over-current protective device, (i.e., blown fuse or-tripped circuit breaker); , .

o Routine actuation of an over-pressurization protective device, such as a relief '

' valve; o- Unexpected or unplanned reactor power, power distribution, or shutdown .

margin condition or transient; or, o-

Issuance of incorrect or defective parts or material c

" Chapter 2 Rev. Attachment 7.4 (Page 8 of 19) 551 4

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, 4,; ms . .

.1 r

10BJECTIVE EVIDENCE TAny statement of fact, information, or record, either quantitative --!

or. qualitative, pertaining to the quality of an item or service based on observations, i measurements, or tests whig can be verified. l 3 1

ON-SITE PERSONNEL Those personnel providing technical and operational supports l

-who are located within the Waterford 3 owner-controlled area. q .;

OPERABLE / OPERABILITY A system, subsystem, train, component or device is operable :

or has_ operability when it is capable of performing its specified function (s), and when all! ,

necessary attendant instrumentation; controls, electrical power, cooling or seal water,  !

. lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train,  !

component or device to perform its function (s) are also capable of performing their related i support function (s), s OPERATIONAL PHASE _ That period of time during which the principal activity is cssociated with normal operation of the plant. This phase of plant life is considered to begin formally with commencement of fuel loading and ends with plant decommissioning c

- OWNER ORGANIZATION The organization, including the on-site operating organization, which has overall legal, financial and technical responsibility for the operation of one or

, more nuclear power plants a, c, i PEER / MAINTENANCE INSPECTOR An ANSI N45.2.6 certified individual normally casigned to the line organization, but who reports to the QA Inspections unit during the inspection activity. Thit individual is not directly responsible for, or supervisor of, the activity.being inspected, q PRECISION The relative consistency or repeatability of each measurement in a set of.

. measurements made under the same conditions. (See Accuracy). q  ;

I PROCEDURE A document that specifies or describes how an activity is to be performed.

si t ma*f include methods to be employed, equipment or materials to be used and sequence of operations. l-

' Chapter 2 Rev.19 . Attachment 7.4 (Page 9 of 19)-

56 r

1,3 A

-v 1


Procurement Classification Level 1 (L1) is assigned to those items that are procured as -

> safety-related under the responsibility of the suppliers approved 10CFR 50 Appendix B - _


. type. quality assurance program with 10 CFR Part 21 reportability imposed on the

- supplier.__

Procurement Classification Level 2 (L2) is assigned to those items that are safety-related '-

Cr items meeting the definition of commercial grade, procured under the responsibility of  :

the site quality assurance program for which Entergy Operations, Inc. assumes the responsibility defined in 10 CFR Part 21.

Procurement Classification Level 3 (L3) is assigned to those items which are not safety-related but fall into Augmented Quality /special scope as described in the site design -

' basis licensing documents,

Procurement classification Level 4 (L4) is assigned to those permanent plant items which cre defined as non-safety-related (Balance of Plant) for which no quality assurance -
requirements are imposed.-

c Procurement classification Level Pending (LP) is assigned to those items pending review by Materials Purchasing & Contracts for assigning the correct procurement classification.

Procurement classification _ Level Exempt (LE) is assigned to non permanent plant items -


Below is a matrix relating former and current procurement classifications (procurement ,

quality levels).









PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT A_ document including purchase requisitions, specifications, drawings,' instructions, contracts, letter of intent, work orders, purchase orders, or proposals -

. and their acceptances, when applicable, which authorize the seller to perform services or

- ' supply equipment, materials, or facilities on behalf of the purchaser i, m Chaptar 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 10 of 19) 57 e i _ m- . ._ _ _ __ _ . _ a,._, -


PURCHASE ORDER A document issued by a purchaser to a supplier which defines the requirements and conditions for furnishing material, components, or equipment. q ,

PURCHASER The; organization or organizations responsible for issuance and administration of a contract, subcontract, or purchase order i, m Q-LIST A listing, by system, of all safety related components in the Waterford 3 SES.- For cach safety-related component the Q-List indicates the safety classification and seismic category along with the primary source documents which were used to determine if the component is safety-related, q Q-RELATED LIST- A ;isting of items or activities considered to have a limited impact on public health and safety and receive an appropriate application of 10CFR50 Appendix B Criteria. These areas include; Special Scope; Non-Nuclear Safety, Seismic Category I cnd items designated by FSAR Table 3.2-1, Note 17. q QUALIFICATION (PERSONNEL) The characteristics or abilities gained through training or experience or both that enable an individual to perform a required function. l

-QUALIFICATION TESTS performed to qualify the basic material source or manufacturer.

These tests are mandatory unless current documentary test data are available to cstablish complete confidence in conformance to requirements. k QUALIFIED PROCEDURE A procedure which incorporates all applicable codes and

- standards, manufacturer's parameters, and engineering specifications and has been proven adequate for its intended purpose, i, k QUALIFIED SUPPLIERS LIST (QSL) A list of suppliers approved from a quality cssurance standpoint, to furnish specified quality related items or services in accordance with procurement documents Qualified suppliers are approved by Supplier QA, who maintains the Qualified Supplier's List. q QUALITY ASSURANCE All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide cssurance that a structure, system or component will perform satisfactorily in service, it cpplies to all activities associated with performing a job correctly as well as verifying and documenting the satisfactory completion of the work. l QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS Those records which furnish documentary evidence of the quality of items and of activities affecting the quality of quality related structures, systems or components. m, q QUALITY CON FROL Those quality assurance actions which provide a means to control cnd measure the characteristics of an item, process, or facility to established requirements. l Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 11 of 19) 58

, ...o

  • QUALITY RELATED Waterford 3 uses the term Quality Related to describe the entire scope of structures, systems, components and activities which require soms degree of 10CFR50 Appendix B, Quality Assurance criteria application. Quality related is divided into five major categories: (ref: fig.1) o Safety Related o Special Scope o Non-Nuclear Safety o Non-Safety Seismic o Other items identified by FSAR table 3.2-1, note 17 or Waterford 3 procedures, 2 QUALITY '




(SEISMIC 1) II over i WTTH W!THOUT PLANT Critede j TABLE 3.21 i TABLE 3.21 o Fire Protem NU MU bal% Assurance o @ Su m  !

0 Safety Class 1 e HVAC Supports I o RadiologicalEffluent o Safety Clase 2 o EcWal o Safety Class 3 and EnWronmental l "0" M "9 "#E BALANCE 08 l K o IEEEClass1E o l&C Supports l o Emergency NT W E o Setemic Category 1 ,

4 Preparedness TABLE 3.2-1 o Safety Related l N (Le. Active /autoviv.

  • I'CN NOTE 17 l o Radioactive Waste j b operators, snubbers, WnagM Quath

]u S#t consumables

  • te l o Program Nucle




o ASME Clase "MC. l I

end Accountability l o ComputerSoftware [

o ALARA Program I o Radweste Protecuon i o ATWS i  !

o Station Blackout Fult 10CFR80 Applicable 10CFR50 Rag. Guide 1.28 No Quality 3 (. AppendiaB Appendia B l Quahty Group D Program N Program Program j requiremente only Requirementa Note: The applicable critena eyotem scope and other requ6romonte are defined in quality policies, I g procedures, procurement documents, work packages and other documentation. I i

L1 and apply 1CFR21 L3 or L4 L3 g g  ;


" L2 Commercial Grade) 4 die permitted for selected special scope l Specia receipt inspection


g and dedicate activities if permitted by the applicable QAPM (Special Scope) procedures, l l

! I EW i

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 12 of 19) 59 J


.. ,..> y Safety Related -

Based on the definition of basic component in 10CFR21, Safety related structures, systems, and components are those necessary to assure:

1. The integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary;
2. The capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition; or
3. The capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents which could result in potential off-site exposures comparable to the gulaelines of 10CFR100. >

In all cases, safety related includes design, inspection, testing or consulting services important to safety that are associated with the component hardware, whether these services are performed by the component supplier or by others.

Safety related is further divided into five categories:

o Safety Class 1

o. Safety Class 2 o Safety Class 3 o IEEE 1E o Seismic Category I Specific definitions Safety Class 1,2,3 and IEEE 1E may be obtained by referencing Regulatory Guide 1.26; ANSI N18.2 - 1973; ANSI N18.2a - 1975; and IEEE-308 - 1971.

Supports that have a nuclear safety function shall be the same safety class as the components that they support.

-Seismic Category I includes those items that are designed to withstand the effects of a safe shutdown earthquake and remain functional. By definition, all of the safety related categories are designed to include the Seismic Category I requirements. Reference Regulatory Guide 1.29-1978.

Seismic Category I design requirements extend to the first seismic restraint beyond the defined boundaries. Those portions of structures, systems, or components that form interfaces between Seismic Category I and non-Seismic Category I features are designed to Seismic Category I requirements. See Regulatory Guide 1.29 - 1978, Regulatory Position C3.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 13 of 19) 60

- l

7. . .


~ The safety related items listed above make up the Waterford 3 Q-List. These items and '

related activities require full 10CFR50 Appendix B implementation. Fullimplementation

- should not be cor.strued to mean that each criterio_n necessarily applies, only that cxceptions will not be given or taken when the criterion is applicable. For instance, a supplier that provides testing services only, cannot be expected to have a design program in place. However, that supplier will be required to implement the remaining applicable -

criteria in their QA Program.

Special Scope - The Special Scope areas are listed in Chapter 2 of the Quality Assurance Program Manual and are addressed in the Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special.

Scope). Program implementation and applicable 10CFR50, Appendix B criteria are defined in EOMM policies and procedures. Reference Figure 1 to this appendix for a sample list of areas included as Special Scope.

Non-Nuclear Safety (NNS)- applies to portions of the nuclear power plant not covered by Safety Cl asses 1,2, or 3 that can influence safe normal operation or that may contain radioactive fluids.- Design of non-nuclear safety components shall be to applicable industry codes and standards. This applies primarily to components of secondary systems and waste disposal systems not otherwise covered. Also included are safety system components whose failures would not degrade system performance or cause a release to the environment of gaseous activity normally required to be held for decay (e.g., smali components).

Non-Safety Seismic (NSS) - includes those items whose continued function is not required but whose failure could reduce the function of any safety related equipment to an unacceptable level or could result in an incapacitating injury to occupants of the control room and should be designed and constructed so that the safe shutdown earthquake

- would not cause such failure. See Regulatory Guide 1.29 - 1978, Regulatory Position C2.

Other items (FSAR Table 3.2-1, Note 17) - Other structures, systems, and components identified on FSAR Table 3.2-1 and accompanied by note 17 receive applicable 10CFR50, Appendix B Quality Assurance. These areas have been evaluated to have some safety significance although they do not fall into any of the other safety classifications. Applicable program requirements are included in policies, procedures, procurement documents and other documentation as required.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 14 of 19) 61

)7,_...., .-

The items included in the above section (Special Scope, Non-Nuclear Safety and Other items with FSAR Note 17) are identified on the Waterford 3 Q-Related List.

Implementation of a 10CFR50, Appendix B QA Program is based on a graded approach.

The applicable criteria is defined in either the Special Scope procedures, procurement documents, work packages, or applicable procedures. The criteria selection and program scope are identified by Engineering & Construction in concert with Quality Assurance and the tissponsible management.

SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION (SI) security-related documents not classified as-National Security information or Restricted Data, but protected from disclosure to the public an unauthorized persons. With respect to Waterford 3 SES, Si is any document which contains detailed information pertaining to:

1. Security measures for the physical protection of special nuclear materials; or

- 2. Security measures for the physical protection and location of certain p; ant equipment vital to the safety of production facilities.

SEISMIC QUALIFICATION which demonstrates an equipment's ability to perform its required function during and after the time that it is subjected to the forces resulting from a seismic disturbance (design basis earthquake).

SHALL, SHOULD, AND MAY Reference Nuclear Management Manual, Vol.1, Corporate Directive C2.101. The word "shall"is used to denote a requirement considered cnforceable by the appropriate regulatory body; the word "should"is used to denote a recommended action, but not an enforceable requirement. Each employee is to carry out eny "should" statement unless circumstances prevent or necessitate a deviation; and the word "may" is used to denote an option, neither a recommendation nor a requirement. q, c SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE CONDITION a level of condition for which a Root Cause Analysis and action to prevent recurrence are required:

1. A condition will be classified as a Significant Adverse Condition when it meets one or more of the following criteria:
a. The unplanned event, condition, or failure involves a system, structure, or component that has resulted in, or has the potential to cause:
1. a reactor or secondary system transient; or
2. a significant ciegradation of a safety related or trip sensitive system.

Chapter 2 Rev.19_ Attachment 7.4 (Page 15 of 19) 62

+:, .... .

i b.L [The condition or event is reportable per.10CFR50.72,10CFR50.73,

-10CFR21 or 40CFR; l

- c. The condition or event is cited by the Nuclear Regulatory Comtoission as a violation; .  ;

d. The cono:+ ion or event has reached an unacceptable level of severity or recurrence; -
e. The condition' it; classified as a significant industrial safety concern x (e.g., resulting in a lost time' accident); or ,
f.  ; The cond: tion or event is representative of a major noncompliance with,' or major misundeatanding of Quality Assurance Program requirements (Usually de! ermined by upper management).

SOURCE ACCEPTANCE of a product of Entergy Operations, Inc. or its designated egent at the supplier's plant, prior to shipment. 3 SOURCE SURVEILLANCE A review, observation, or aspection for the purpose of

venfying that an action has been accomplished as specifed at the location of material P - procurement or manufacture. i

- SPECIAL PROCESSES Those processes that require interim in-process controls in tddition to final inspection to assure quality c SPECIAL TEST Test that is developed with the intent of being utilized only one time and j- - is normally contained within the applicable work package. q SPECIFICATION A concise statement of requirements to be satisfied by a product, a material or process indicating, whenever appropriate, the procedure by means of which it may be determined whether the requirements given are satisfied. I SUBSYSTEM A group of assemblies er components or both combined to perform a single function. l SUPPLIER Any individual or organization who furnishes items or services in response to a procurement document. It includes the terms Vendor, Seller, Contractor,- "

- Subcontractor, Fabricator, Consultant, and subtier levels m SURVElLLANCE The act of monitoring or observing to verify whether an item or activity

- conforms to specified requirements, q L

- Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 16 of 19) 63 --

7-m , ,, , , .

SURVEILLANCE TESTING Periodic testing to verify that safety-related structures, ,

systems, and components continue to function or ere in a state of readiness to perform theirfunctions c SYSTEM- An integral part of a nuclear power plant comprised of components which may be operated or used as a separate entity to perform a specific function; Also, a group of subsystems united by some interaction or interdependence, performing many duties but functioning as a single unit. c, i SYSTEM PERFORMANCE TEST A test performed on a completed system including ciectric, instrumentation, controls, fluid, and mechanical subsystems under normal or simulated normal process conditions such as temperature, flow, level, and pressure b, i TESTING The determination or verification of the capability of an item to meet specified requirements by subjecting the item to a set of physical, chemical, environmental, or operating conditions. Performance of those steps necessary to determine that systems or components function in accordance with predetermined specifications. c, g, I, I TOLERANCE The alloweble deviation from a specified or true value q TRANSIT CARRIER (CLOSED) Trucks, trailers, railroad cars, barges, aircraft, or ships which do provide protection of items from the environment by nature of their closed design. e, l i TRANSIT CARRIER (OPEN) Trucks, trailers, railroad cards, barges, aircraft, or ships which do not provide protection of items from the environment. e, l UNREVIEWED ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTION A proposed change, test, or experiment chall be deemed to involve an unreviewed environmental question if it concerns: (1) a matter which may result in a significant increase in any adverse environmental impact previously evaluated in the FES-OL, environmental impact appraisals, or in any decisions of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; or (2) a significant change in effluents or power level or (3) a matter, not previously reviewed and evaluated in the documents specified in (1) above, q UNREVIEWED SAFETY QUESTION A proposed change, test, or experiment shall be l

deemed to involve an unreviewed safety question: (1)if the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the safety analysis report may be increased or (2) if a possibility l for an accident or malfunctio,i of a different type than any evaluated previously in the L _ safety analysis report may be created or (3)if the margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is reduced, q, r l

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 17 of 19) 64 l

USE-AS-IS A disposition which may be imposed for a nonconformance when it can be established that the discrepancy will result in no adverse conditions and that the item under consideration will continue to meet all engineering functional roquirements -:

, including performance, maintainability, fit, and safety. (Same as Accept-as-is); l VERIFICATION Ar, act of confirming, f.9bstantiating, and assuring that an activity or condition has been implemented in conformance with the specified requirements. I, l.

WAIVER An approved exception to established controls. q t

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 18 of 19) 65


SUBSCRIPT INDEX SUBSCRIPT SOURCE OF DEFINITION a ANSI N18.1-1971/ANS3.1-1978 b- ANSI N45.2.4-1972/IEEE-336 - 1971 c ANSI N18.71976/ANS3.2 d ANSI N45.2.1-1973 e ANSI N45.2.2-1972 f ANSI N45.2.3-1973 g_ ANSI /ASME N45.2.6-1978 h ANSI N45.2.11-1974 i ANSI N45.2.10-1973 J ANSI N45.2.9-1974 k ANSI N45.2.5-1974 l l ANSI N45.2.8-1975 in ANSI N45.2.13-1976 n ANSI /ASME N45.2.12-1977 o ANSI /ASME N45.2.23-1978 p IEEE 308 - 1971/323 - 1983 q Entergy Operations, Inc.

r Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations j s Technical Specifications t IEEE 498 - 1980 1-

- Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 19 of 19)

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M e

W ATTACHMENT ll TO W3F1-97-07.11 Changes affecting QAPM Chapters 4, Revision 19 Page revised is 79 .

QAPM Chapter 7, Revision 19 Page revised is 95 QAPM Chapter 8, Revision 19 Pages revised are 100,101, and 102 1 i

e l l, l


. . J







1. Does the proposed change represent a reduction of commitment to the ExpIntn: QA Program description previously accepted by the NRC? E Yes O No s


2. If item 1 abuve is YES, does the proposed change include the basis to conclude that the revised program incorporating the E Yes O No C N/A change continues to meet the *riteria of 10CFR50 Appendix B and other previously accepted FSAR commitments?



Reviewed By:

f~ Y/jf;"/9)

QA RepresentatifI RECOMMENDATION: D' ate O Does not represent s lessening of commitment and it can be implem Represents a lessening of commitment, however, the change has sufficient basis o Q demonstrate continued compliance with Appendix it should be submitted to the NRC for accepta ice prior to implementation B and other FSAR g Represents a lessening of commitment with insufficient basis to determine continu compliance. Therefore, ti.e change snould not be processed.


_ Recommended By: QA Supervisor 9ffy 99 DISPOSITION: bate O Approved forimplementation C Disapproved for acceptance E Approved for tubmittWal -

, to the Approved By: Date Directoi, Qu lity sin date' QAP-018 R6.0 Attachment 7.1 R-TYPE: J3.11

.p ,

10CFR 50.54 REVIEW CONTINUED page 2 of 6 CHAPTER 4 REVISION 18.0 paragraph 5.3.3 Change paragraph 5.3.3 from:

An independent review of procurement documents and subsequent revisions shall be accoglished prio' to issuance to the vendor or contractor to assure that appropriate quality requirements havt been imposed.

to the following:

An initial independent review of quality related procurement documents and subsequeit changes to quadty assurance or technical requirements shall be accornplished prior to istuanco to ti.e vendor cr contractor.

10CFR50.54 REVIEW:

1. Does the proposed change represent a reduction of commitment " Yeo No to the QA Program description previously accepted by the NRC?


Th's change represents a lessening of commitment.

The current wording of this section, implies that all procurement documents receive an independent review regardles' of procurement classif, cation. MP&C, Materials Technical department performs an initial indepervient review of quality related purchase requisitions (defined as: safety related, commercial grade and special scope / augmented quality items) cnd inventory Control or Materials Technical performs an initial independent review cf procurement Level 4 purchase requisitions (defined as balance of plant), except as indicated below.

Non safety-related Balance-of-Plant material may be procured tu requirements estata shed in a blanket purche order, contract or vene'or stocked. For items procured by these methods, the end user ensures compliance with plant design basis and configuration at the time of installation, not Materials, Purchasing and Contracts personnel.

The prccurement process requires Materials Technical autnorization to implement changes to quali+y assurance and

- technica; requirements invoked on the procurement documents. When the change is requested determines whether or not a revision is issued. Whenever possible, the MP&C organization resolves supplier issue' . lor to orc'r placerrent.

Subsequent reorders are analyzed by trained personnel to determine if there have been any changes to quality tssurance or technical requirements to the item for quality related procurement documents, if changes have occurred, then the purchase requisition is reviewed by Materials Technical prior to conversion to a purchase order.

/ 2. If item 1 above is YES, does the proposed change include the u Yes No N/A basis to conclude that the revised program incorporating the change continues to meet the criteria of 10CFR50 Appendix B and other previously accepted FSAR commitments?


10CFR50 Appendix B specifically addresses safety related structures, systems and comp mnts. Tne plant licensing

~ basis reflected in the UFSAR (Chapter 3 Table 3.2.1, Footnote 17 - requires "These items will receive applicable 10CFR50 Appendix B QA during the operational phase.- Items / services will be procured whenever possible from a vendor with a 10CFR50 Appendix B QA program. When this is not possible, additional steps will be taken by LP&L QA, such as a detailed receiving inspection to assure that it performs its required functions." Items with Footnote 1/, are non-safety related and are classified as Procurement Level 3. In addition, those non-safety related Sms with specific Special Scope procurement requirements are classified as Level 3.

QAP-018 R6.0 Attachment 7.1 R-TYPE: J3.11

. .L '

10CFR 50.54 REVIEW CONTINUED page 3 of 6 The clarified woraing, ensures that quality related Procurement documents receive an initial independent review and that changes to quality assurance and technical requirements ala reviewcd prior to submittal to the supplier, The ievision to Chapter 4, Paragraph 5.3.3 will nnt detract from cornpliance with 10CFR 50 Appendix B or UFSAR commitments.

CHAPTER 7 REVIS!ON 18.0 paragraph 5.3.1 Change paragraph 5.3.1 from:

Audits and surveillances of safety related vendors during fabricatioc, inspection, te sting, and shipment of materials, equipment, and components shall b3 planned and performed in acconiance with written procedures to ensure vendor conformance to procurement requirements.

to the following:

The need for qualifying audits and surveillances nf safety related vendors during fabrication, inspection, testing and shipment of materials, equipment and components shall be considered during procurement planning and when performed, shall be in accordance with written procedures to ensure vendor conformance to procurement requirements.

10CFR50.54 REVIEW:

1. Does the proposed change represent a reduction of commitment r* Yes No to the QA Program description previously accepted by the NRC?


This change represents a lessening of commitment.

The current wording of this section, implies that audits and suiveillances are performed for all safety related vandors during fabrication, inspection, testing, and shipment....regardless of item complexity, supplier performance history or supplier status on the Entergy Operations. Inc. Qualified Suppliers List (OSL).

2. If item 1 above is YES, does the proposed change include the '* Yes No N/A basis to conclude that the revised program incorporating the change continues to meet the criteria of 10CFR50 Appendix B and other previously accepted FSAR commitments?

. Explain:

The proposed change represents a clarification of the requirement to concider whether audits or surveillance's a.'e needed during the procurement planning process. Safety related (not commercial grade) procurements are from Qualified Sepplier List (OSL) vendors, and the history of the supplier and the complexity of the procurement dictates whether source audit or surveillance is imposed for a particular order. The methods used to place suppliers on the OSL includes audits and surveillance's, 10CFR50 Appendix B requires: "The measures shall include provisions, as appropriate, for source evaluation and selection, objective evidence of quality fumished by the contractor or subcontractor, inspection at the contractor or subcontractor source.. ". The UFSAR addresses source surveillance through inclusion of the OAPM as a licensing document. The changed wording in Paragraph 5.3.1 of Chapter 7 will not detract from compliance to 10CFR50, Appendix B or UFSAR Commitments.

OAP-018 R6.0 Attachment 7.1 R-TYPE: J3.11

10CFR 50.54 REVIEW CONTINUED page 4 of 6 CHAPTER 8 REVISION 18,0 p gaaph 6.1.1

- Change Paragraph 5.1.1 from:

The identification of applicable safety related materials, parts, and components shall be by means of heat numbers, serial numbers, date coding, lot numbers, part numbers, or other appropriate means. Where physica!

identification on the item is impracticable or insufficient, physical separatior., procedural control or other appropriate treans shall be emoloyed. However, physicalidentification shall be utilized to the maximum extent possible.

to the following:

- When required by codes, standard , specifications and procurement docuinents, the identification or applicable safety related materials, parts,.. .

The change Edds *When required by codes, standards, specifications and procurement documents" to the beginnir.g of the Paragraph.

paragraph 5.3.1 Change Paragraph 5.3.1 from:

Procedures shall be established and order to ensure continued retrievability of pertinent records.

13 the following:

Procedures shall be established and order to ensure continued retrievability of quality assurance records.

The change replaces " pertinent" with

  • quality assurance",

paragraph Change Paragraph from:

Class 1, 2 or 3 Code material: Where bulk material will be cut, each piece of material shall be marked to include all means of traceability to the maximum extent possible. The marking shall include the material specification and grade, the heat number or heat code. For class 1,2, or 3 Code material with less than 1 inch in any direction available for marking, the item must be packaged in a container that is marked with the material specification and grade and the heat number or heat code.

to the following:

( 3.3,1 ' ASME Class 1,2, or 3 Pressure Retaining Code Material and Component Support Material:

a. For material 3/4' nominal pipe size and less (pipe, fittings, flanges, materials for valves and tubes, except heat exchanger tubes), bolting 1" nominal diameter and less, and bars with a nominal cross-sectional area of 1 sq. inch and less, the following marking is required per ASME Section lil:
1. Applicable material specification
2. Applicable grade of material QAP418 R6.0 Attachment 7.1 R-TYPE: J3.11

,~ . - - ~. .- -. .. - -- - . - -


. paga 5 of 6

b. For other size material and heat exchanger tubes, the following marking is required per ASME Section Ill:


1. Applicable heat number or heat code
2. Applicable material specircation
3. Applicable grade of material
c. For Support Material (not including support assemblies) for Class 1,2, or 3 Components:
1. For pipe support material used in the ASME Class 3 chill water system, the following marking is required:

e Applicable material specification e Applicable grade of mater!al

2. For pipe support material used in the remaining Class 1,2 and 3 piping systems, marking in accordance with non-code material requirements is required.
d. For bolts and nuts 1* nominal diameter and smaller and other products where the largest space 4 available for marking is less than 1" in any direction, individual marking of the material is not required if the matenal is packed in packages or containers which are clear'y identified by legible marking.

The change incorporates ASME provisions for alternate marking / traceability of small parts, pcragraph Change Paragraph from:

Non-Code material: Where bulk material will be cut, each piece of material should be marked for traceability to the blockcode, purchase order and Material Receiving inspection Report.

to the following:

Non-Code material: Where bulk material will be cut, each piece should be traceable to the stockcode, purchase order and Materialinspection Report.

The change replaces " marked for traceability" with

  • traceable" and deletes " Receiving".

QAP-018 R6.0 Attachment 7.1 R-TYPE: J3.11

! *o 10CFR 50.54 REVIEW CONTINUED page 6 of 6 10CFR50.64 REVIEW: _

1. Does the proposed change represent a reduction of commitment E Yes No to the QA Program description previously accepted by the NRC?  !

. Explain:

These changes represent a lessening of commitment.

The current wording of Section 5.1.1 states that ' applicable" safety related material is identified by heat numbers, date codes, lot numbers, part numbers or other appropriate means. The wording proposed clarifies when and how the applicability requirement is determined or invoked.

The current wording of Section 5.3.1 provides no definition of

  • pertinent" records. Waterford 3 complies with ANSI N45.2.g for quality assurance records requirements. By changing from
  • pertinent" to
  • quality assurance
  • the requirement is clarified.

The current wording of Section 5.3.3,1 regarding the marking requirenient for code class cut material infers that the same marking is required for small parts as for larger parts. ASME code contains provisions for alternate marking requirements for small pa ts. The proposed revision incorporates the ASME small parts provisions.

The current wording of Section regarding the requirement for marking cut Non-Code material infers that each c ut piece is marked. Not all cut materialis able to be legibb/ marked due to size or marking surface restrictions. It is in keeping witn 10CFR50 Appendix B and ASME/ ANSI requirements to ensure traceability either en the item or on records traceable to the item. The proposed wording allows traceability to be maintained by other methods such as, bundling, segregation or tagging.

The document name is Material Inspection Report (MIR), not Mateng Receiving Inspection Report (MRIR). MRlR was terminology used during the construction phase for the current MIR.

2. If item 1 above is YES, does i he proposed change include the @ Yes No O N/A basis to conclude that the resised program incorporating the change continues to meet the cliteria of 10CFR50 Appendix B and other previous,1v accepted FSAR commitments?


The changes are recommendeo to clarify that traceability marking requirements are imposed in order to comply with 10CFR50 Appendix B, ASME code and ASTM / ANSI /IEEE standards, construction or design specifications and procurement documents. Maintaining traceability of unmarked items, small products and cut material is considered on an cs required basis and established at the time of procurement or if divided by MP&C, at issue. Whenever possible, materialis marked, however, other methods, such as tagging, bundling or segregation may be more appropriate to the product.

"0CFR50 Appendix B requires: "These measures shall assure that identification of the item is maintained by the heat number, part number, serial number or other approptiate means either on the item or on records traceable to the item.. *.

The UFSAR addresses material traceability through inclusion of the QAPM as a licensing document. The clarification of the wording in Chapter 8, Paragraphs 5.1.1, 5.3.1 and will not detract from compliance to 10CFR50, Appendix B or the UFSAR.

QAP-018 R6.0 Attachment 7.1 R-TfPE: J3.11


j' Waterford 3 Quality'Assurance Program Manual Chapter 4 Procurement Document Control- Revision 19 1.0 ' PURPOSE 1.1 Procurement document control applies % the preparation, review, approval, handling, and storage of documents used to obtain materials, spare and replacement parts; components, and services required to modify, maintain, repair, test, inspect or operate Waterford 3. Safety related vendors / contractors and subtier vendors are required, through procurement documents, to implement quality assurance programs consistent with the Entergy Operations, Inc. Quality Assurance Program. It is the Waterford 3 policy that the quality and design of purchased replacement materials, components, and spare parts are equal to or better than the original item.

1.2 Services performed by other Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOI) sites (shared services) are obtained from those sites in accordance with documented agreements between the sites.


2.1 USNRC Regulatory Guic: 1,123, Revision 1, July 1977 (which endorses ANSI N45.2.13-1976, " Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of items and Services for Nuclear Power Plants.")

2.2 USNRC Regulatory Guido 1.89, " Environmental Qualification of Certain Electric Equipment important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants."

3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 See Chapter 2 - Attachment 7.4.

4.0 RESPONSIElLIWIS 4.1 DIRECTOR, DESIGN ENGINEERING The Director, Design Engineering is responsible for ensuring the development of procedures for defining the performance and documentation of engineering

-evaluations, as requeste or mandated; to establish requirements and controls when original technical or quality assurance reouirements cannot be for spare or replacement parts.


-Waterford 3 Quality Assurance. Program Manual Chapter 4 Procurement Document Control Revision 19 4.2- VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS SUPPORT The Vice President, Operations Support is responsible for:

4.2.1 Ensuring the development of procedures for defining the vendor and contractor selection process and defining the process for the preparation of purchase orders and contracts for site specific procurement; 4.2.2 Ensuring that appropriate procedures are developed and implemented for activities related to the preparation, review, approval, and control of requisitions; and procurement planning; 4.2.3 Vendor selection; coordination of contractor selection; preparation, review, and issuance oipurchase orders and contracts to support the procurement of

. material, equipment, spare, and replacement parts, and services; 4.2.4 Identifying procurem ,at or safety classifications and establishing the quality assurance and technical requirements 4.2.5 Administration of a quality control receipt inspection program to assure acceptability and maintenance of quality related materials, parts, and components; 4.2.6 Coordinating the processing and review of procurement documents for equipment, parts, materials, and services in support of plant operations and station modifications, including maintenance and design changes; and l


-4 Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 4 Procurement Document Control; Revision 19 -



5.1.1 Procedures are provided for the preparation, control, and review of procurement

. documents to ensure that quality assurance requirements are correctly stated, .

inprocess and final inspection criteria are defined, and that appropriate controls are established.

5.1.2. Entergy Operations, Inc. personnel are responsible for the preparation of procurement documents for safety related parts, structures, systems, components, and services. Their responsibilities include procurement planning; preparation, review, approval, and control of procurement documentation; and assisting in vendor selection.

5.1.3 . Organizations preparing procurement documents shall determine the applicable procurement or safety classification in accordance with approved procedures.

Procurement and safety classifications are invoked to conform with committed to, codes, standards or design bases.

5. i.4 Procurement documents, as applicable, shall: State the materials, parts, and components or the scope of work or services to be provided by the vendor; Identify the procurement or safety classification of the item or service being procured; Contain or invoke, by reference, the technical requirements, including ,

drawings; test and specification requirements; special inctructions for

- activities such as designing, handling, identification, special processes, fabrication, cleaning, erecting, packaging, shipping, extended storage, etc.; and applicable regulations, codes, and industry standards; Identify the documentation (e.g., drawings, specifications, inspection and fabrication plans, inspection and test records, personnel and procedure qualifications, and chemical and physical test results of material) to be prepared, maintained, and/or submitted to Entergy Operations, Inc. for information, review, and/or approval; 77


, . Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 4 .

Procurement Document Control? Revision 19 I Identify the Entergyl Operations, Inc. Quality Assurance Program requirements which must be described 'and implemented in the' vendor / contractor and subtier vendor quality assurance programs;. Identify those records to be retained, controlled, and maintained by the vendor and those to be delivered to li.1tergy Operations, Inc. prior to use or installation of the item; ,

5.1.'.7 4 l Establish the right of access for Entergy Operations, Inc. and its agents to the vendor's facilities and records for source inspection and audits; Identify the storage requirements and retention periods for records to be retained by the vendor; - Specify, for non commercial grade item safety related procurement, the requirement for vendors to comply with 10CFR21 for reporting defects and noncompliances which could create a substantial safety hazard; Establish measures for the identification, control, and disposition of items .

and services that do'not meet procurement document requirements; and Procurement documents for on-site work by a vendor service representative shall require that any materials or replacement parts, and required documentation, shall be subjected to receiving inspection, records review, and Stores Operations issue by Entergy Operations, Inc.

5.1.5 Where commercial grade items are to be used in safety related applications, the c procurement documents, inspection plan, or both shall specify special . ,

[ inspections, tests, verifications, documentation or other methods required to ,

assure suitability for the intended safety related application.

5.2 - . PREPARATION OF REQUISITIONS FOR SPARE AND REPLACEMENT PARTS 5.2.1 Orders for spare and replacement parts shall be requisitioned to specifications and cod _es equivalent to those soecified for the original equipment or those specified by_a propMy reviewed and approved change.

5.2.2 :In those cases where the original item or part is safety related and is found to be 3

3 commercial grade and without specifically identified quality assurance requirements, equivalent spare and replacement parts may be procured commercial grade provided the items are properly evaNated and dedicated for

. safety related use. -


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Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 4 Procurement Document Control Revision 19 5.2.3 In those cases where the technical and/or quality assurance requirements of the original item cannot be determined, an engineering evaluation shall be conducted and documented by quall'ied individuals to establisi. the requirements and controls. This evaluation shall assure that interfaces, safety, interchangeability, fit, environmental compatibility, and function are not adversely affected or contrary to the UFSAR, applicable codes, standards, and regulations.

5.2.4 Replacement electrical and elec! conic equipmerit in harsh environments shall be qualified in accordance with regulatory guides and specifications.

5.3 REVIEW AND APPROVAL 5.3.1 As a minimum, procurement documents shall be reviewed to verify that the procurement document contains the appropriate requirements identified in 5.1.4.

5.3.2 Reviews of procurement documents shall be performed by personnel who have access to pertinent information and who have an adequate understanding of the requirements and intent of the procurement documerts. Performance of reviews shall be documented to provide objective evidence of accomplishment.

5.3 3 An initialindependent review of qut.iity related procurement documents and subsequent changes to quality assurance or technical requirements shall be ~19 accomplished prior to issuance to the vendor or contractor.

5.6 PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT CHANGES Procurement document charges are subject tc the same degree of control as utilized in the preparation of the original documents.

6.0 RECORDS None i


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Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 7 Control Of Purchased Materials, Equipment, and Services Revision 19 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 Safety related material, equipment, and services, whether purchaseJ directly or through othera, conforms to procurement document specificatione as described in Chapter 4. Provisions are made, as appropriate, for source evaluation and selection, review for objective evidence of quality, inspection at source, and inspection upon delivery. In addition, products may be accepted by pre / post installation testing or qualification testing by Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOl) or an approved test laboratory.

1.2 Vendors' Qustity Assurance Programs are reviewed at periodic intervals commensurete with the importance, quantity, and complexity of the product or services being purchased. These reviews may employ audits, surveillances, source verifications, independent inspections, or tests to verify that documentation, such as inspection records and certifications, are reliable and valid.

1.3 Pr ,posals (bids or quotations) by vendors are reviewed to ensure that no exceptions are taken which would violate safety, technical, or quality assurance requirements. The program requirements for control of purchesed material, equipment, and services are contained in approved written procedures.

1.4 Services performed by other EOl sites (shared services) are obtained from those sites in accordance with documented agreements between the sites.


'1. USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.123, Revision 1, July 1977 '"'Sich endorses ANSI N45.2.13-1976, " Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of items and Services for Nuclear Power Plants.")

2.2 USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.33, Revision 2, February 1978 (which endorses ANSI N18.7-1976, " Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants.")

3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 See Chapter 2 - Attachment 7.4.


Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 7 Control Of Purchased Materials, Equipment, and Services Revision 19 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 DIRECTOR, DESIGN ENGINEERING The Director, Design Engineering is responsible for:

4.1.1 Assisting in the establishment of quality assurance and technical requirements in quality related procurement documents; and 4.1.2 Reviewing selected requests for spare and replacement parts designated EQ to determine their technical ar.d quality assurance requirements, if required.

4.2 VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS SUPPORT The Vice President, Operations Support is responsible for:

4.2.1 Ensuring the development of procedures for defining the vendor and contractor selection process and defining the process fcr the preparation of purchase orders and contracts for procurement; 4.2.2 Vendor selection, the coordination of contractor selection, and the preparation and issuance of purchase orders and contracts to support the procurement of material, equipment, spare and replacement parts, and services; 4.2.3 Performing inspections of site storage facilities; and i

4.2.4 . Establishing and maintaining a qualified suppliers list through the conduct of pre-award evaluations, annual evaluations, periodic audits and surveillances.


4,3 DIRECTORS / MANAGERS l . Directors / managers are responsible for ensuring the initiation of procurement documents for equipment, materials, and services in support of their departmental activities.

4.4 DIRECTOR, QUALITY The Director, Quality is responsible for assuring that appropriate quality standards are maintained throughout the procurement process.


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j Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Prograrn Manual Chapter 7 Control Of Purchesed Materials, Equipmsht, and Services . Revision 19 5.0 PROCEDURE l 1

5.1 QUALIFICATION OF VENDORS 5.1.1 Safety.related (not commercial grade) equipment, materials, and servioos ,

shall be obtalwd from vendors, contractors, and consultants contained on a  !

qualified suppliers list (QSL), when required, to assure compliance with codes, i standards, and regulatory commitments. -Suppliers,~oontractors, and consulte(,ts shall be qualified for inclusion on the QSL- through an evaluation of their l technical and quality assurance capabilities for providing safety related items j and services. Quality Assurance evaluations shall be conducted by  ;

appropriately certified personnel and the results documented and maintained in l

'~~ '

. accordance with quality records management procedures, j 5.1.2 The evaluation of vendors shall be based on one or more of the following  !

criteria:- } The vendor's ability to comply with the requirements of the Quality  !

Assurance Program as applicable to the type of material, equipment or i service being procured;  ! A review of the records and performance of vendors who have previously provided items and services similar to the type being procured; or A' survey of the vendor's facilities and/or quality assurance program to i determine the vendor's capability to provide a specified service or product  !

which meets design, manufacturing and quality assurance requirements. }

(5.1'.3 - Re-evaluation and requalification of vendors on the QSL simil be made on a  !

periodic basis, as specified in applicable procedures.


5.1.4 : Suppliers of safety related (not commercial grade) structures, systems, components, and, services for Waterford 3 shall be informed through l procurement documents of their requirement to comply with 10CFR21 for _

reporting defects and noncompliances that could create a substantial safety e hazard.- j o




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t Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Maneal Chapter 7 i Control Of Purchased Materials, Equipment, and Services Revision 19  ;

5.2 PROCUREMENT PLANNING 5.2.1 Procurement planning is a shared responsibility between the Site Support and Operations Support organizations. l 5.2.2 Based on the relative importance, complexity, or quantity of the item or service, planning activities shall establ;sh the following in accordance with approved procedures: > The need to perform surveillance (s) of the vendors /subtier vendors activities and/or products during the manufacturing process; The need to participate in the inspection hold point program established by the vendor or to establish Entergy Operations, Inc. mandatory hold points.; The identification of documents, such as, qualifications of personnel or i procedures to be generated and submitted to Entergy Operations, Inc. for approval prior to start of work; The identification of schedules, plans, drawings, design documents, test / inspection results, etc., to be submitted to Entergy Operations, Inc. for ,

approval or information; The method for acceptance of items or services by Entergy Operations, Inc.; The scope and frequency of audits /surveillances required to monitor performance and/or maintain vendor qualifications; The timing or schedule for each of the above, as applicable; and The Entergy Operations, Inc. organization or authorized representative responsible for performing each of the above as applicable.


Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 7 Control Of Purchased Materials, Equipment, and Services Revision 19 5.3 AUDITS AND SURVEILLANCES OF SUPPLIERS 5.3.1 The need for qualifying audits and surveillances of safety related vendors during fabrication, inspection, testing, and shipment of materials, equipment, and components shall be considered during procurement planning and when performed, shall be in accordance with written procedures to ensure vendor 3

conformance to procurement requirements.

These procedures shallinclude: j Instructions that specify the characteristics or processes to be witnessed, inspected or verified, and accepted; The method of surveillance and the extent of documentation required; and . The personnel responsible for implementing these instructions.

5.3.2 In process surveillances should be performed when procurement requirements cannot be verified during receipt inspection.

5.3.3 The effectiveness of the vendor's quality assurance program shall be assessed

  • by Entergy Operations, Inc. at intervals consistent with the importance, complexity, and quantity of the item or service.

5.4 RECEIPT INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE 5.4.1 Quality control receipt inspection of quality related material, components, and equipment shall be performod in accordance with written procedures which provide for the following: The material, component or equipment is properly identified and

-corresponds to the requirements of procurement documentation; Material, components, equipment, and records are inspected in accordance with procurement document requirements prior to installation or use; > .As applicable, inspection records or certificates of conformance attesting to the quaMy of material, components, and equipment are available at Waterford 3 prior to installation or use; and e


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Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 7  :

Control Of Purchased Materials, Equipment, and Services Revision 19 Accepted and released items have their inspection status identified prior to being forwarded to a controlled storage area or released for installation or further work. i i

5.4.2 Methods for product acceptance include evaluation of the vendor's OA Program, source inspection / surveillance, receipt aspection, pre / post installation testing, or qualification testing by Entetgy Operations, Inc. or a qualified test laboratory.

The methodology to contral these acceptance methods shall be specified in procedures. Acceptance by vendor's certificate of conformance or compliance is satisfactory, provided means are available to verify the validity of such certifications.

5.4.3 Acceptance by post installation testing should be used when it is difficult to verify the quality of the item without it being installed or in use.

5.4.4 Services, such as, engineering and consultant services or installation, repair, or maintenance work shall be accepted by one of the following methods: technical verification of data; audit; inspection; surveillance; or review of objective evidence for conformance to procurement documents.

5.5 PROCUREMENT AND DEDICATION OF COMMERCIAL GRADE ITEMS 5.5.1 Commercial grade items shall be evaluated for suitability of application. The evaluation results shall be doramented.

5.5.2 The preparer of the purchase requisition is responsible for clearly identifying the commercial grade item to be procured and the acceptance methods. The item selected shall be identical to the original or an approved alternate or equivalent.

5.5.3 If the part is different from or an addition to the original design and constitutes a plant modification, Design Engineering shall review the material application and verify the part's suitability for the intended use.

5.5.4 Additional source verification, inspection, or test requirements shall be specified in the procurement documents or inspection plan, as necessary, to dedicate the commercial grade item for use in a safety related application.

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Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 7 l Control Of Purchased Materials, Equipment, and Services Revision 19 5.6 SPARE AND REPLACEMENT PARTS 5.6.1 Spare and replacement parts for safety related systems, structures, and components shall be subject to Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program controls, and to codes, standards, and technical requirements at least equivalent to or better than those used for the original equipment.

5.7 RECORDS 5.7.1 Quality Assurance records, when required by procurement documents, shall be collected and retained by vendors of safety related items. Suppliers shall furnish the following records, as a minimum, to Entergy Operations, Inc. or its agent: Documentation that identliies the purchased material or equipment and the specific procurement requirements (e.g., codes, standards, specifications) met by the items; and Documentation that identifies any procurement requirements which have not been met, together with a description of those nonconformances dispositioned " accept as-is" or " repair."

5.7.2 The review, evaluation, and acceptance of the required vendor records furnished to Entergy Operations, Inc. shall be described in procedures.

5.7.3 Records acsociated with qualification testing (inplace or test laboratory) shall also be considered QA records and shall be submitted to, or made available to Entergy Operations, Inc.

5.7.4 Required procurement documents shall be available at Waterford 3 prior to use of purchased material, components, or equipment. The documentation shall be retained in accordance with approved procedures.

6.0 RECORDS None 7.0 ATTACHMENTS None 97

l Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 8 Identification And Control Of Materials, Parts And Components Revision 19  ;


Identification and control of safety related materials, parts, and components are  ;

accomplished in accordance with approved procedures and apply to materials, parts, or components in all stages of fabrication, storage, installation, use, or - .

removal from use. This chapter defines requirements for the identification and ,

control of materials, parts, and components.


2.1 10CFR50.55a 2.2 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section ill 2.3 10CFR50 Appendix B  !

4 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 See Chapter 2 - Attachment 7.4.


4.1 DIRECTOR, QUALITY The Director, Quality is responsible for verifying adherence to applicable procedures for the identification and control of materials, parts, and components through the perfom1ance of periodic audits, surveillances, and inspections.

4.2 VICE PRESIDENT, OPERATIONS SUPPORT The Vice President, Operations Support is responsible for:

4.2.1 Ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures for the identification end control of safety related items which are received, stored, and issued at the

_ plant site; 4.2.2 Implementation of procedural controls necessary to ensure proper identification i of items in storage, items issued for installation. and the control of items in L storage which have limited shelf lives; L

4.2.3 Verifying that materials, parts, and components are properly identified at receipt; and 98

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Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 8 Identification And Control Of Materials, Parts And Components Revision 19 4.2.4 Verifying the transfer of required identification or traceability information prior to items being subdivided while in stores control or at the time of issue from stores control.

4.3 DIRECTORS / MANAGERS Directors end Managers ar6 responsible for the inclusion of appropriate identification and control requirements in purchase or contract requisitions in order to ensure compliance with requirements of the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program and applicable codes, standards, and regulations. Directors and Managers are also responsible for developing and maintaining procedures for the identification and control of items drawn from stores, installed, or used.

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Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 8 Identification And Control Of Materials, Parts And Components Revision 19 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL 5.1.1 When required by codes, standards and procurement documents, the 19 Identification of applicable safety related materials, parts, and by means of heat numbers, serial numbers, date coding, lot numbers, part numbers, or other appropriate means. Where physical identification on the item is impracticable or insufficient, physical separation, procedural control or other appropriate means shall be employed. However, physical identification shall be utilized to the maximum extent possible.

5.1.2 When identification markings are employed, they shall be clear, unambiguous, indelible,and not detrimental to the service life of the item.

5.1.3 The inclusion of identification requirements in design documents shall be checked during design verification by the design organization.

5.1.4 Items of production (batch, lot, component, part, etc.) shall be identified from the initial receipt or fabrication of the item up to and including installation and use. This identification shall relate the item to applicable design or other specifying documents.

5.1.5 Procedures shall include provisions to prevent the use of incorrect or defective items by requiring that identification be maintained either on the item or on records traceable to the item. The identification of materials, parts, and components shall be verified and documented prior to release from storage areas to ensure that only correct and accepted items are used and installed.

5.2 TRACEABILITY 5.2.1 Inventory and issuance controls shall be established to ensure material traceability to storage and plant locations.

5.2.2 Procedures shall be established and maintained to ensure that material identification is specified on procurement documents. Since marking requirements vary between specifications for different matenois and construction codes, procedures must be established to ensure material to be used has been purchased in accordance with the requirements of the proper specification and construction code for the application.


Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 8 Identification And Control Of Materials, Parts And Components Revision 19 5.3 MAINTAINING IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY 5.3.1 Procedures shall be established and maintained to provide continued cross-referencing between the various identifications that have been used for traceability during an item's life (i.e., between the Architect Engineer's system, the NSSS supplier's system, manufacturer's systems, and the Waterford 3 Station Information Management System) in order to ensure continued retrievability of quality assurance records. 3l 5.3.2 Procedures shall be established and maintained for the control of item identification consistent with the planned duration and conditions of storage, such as: Provisions for the maintenance or replacement of markings due to damage during handling or aging; Protection of markings on items subject to excessive deterioration due to environmental exposure; and Provisions for updating existing plant records.

5.3 3 Identification of the item shall be maintained by heat number, part number, serial number, or other appropriate means, either on the item or on records traceable to the item, throughout fabrication, erectiori, installation, and use of the item. All mens of traceability of material shall be maintained to the maximum extent possible. Where identification or markings must be destroyed, hidden or removed from an item, traceability must be maintained to documents and records associated with the material. ASME Class 1,2 or 3 Pressure Retaining Code Material and Component Support Material:

a. For material 3/4' nominel pipe size and less (pipe, fittings, flanges, materials for valves and tubes, except heat exchanger tubes), bolting 1" nominal diameter and less, and bars with a nominal cross sectional area of 1 sq. inch and less, the following marking is required per ASME Section lil:
1. Applicable material specification
2. Applicable grade of material g
b. For other size material and heat exchanger tubes, the following marking is required per ASME Section Ill:
1. Applicable heat number or heat code
2. Applicable material specification
3. Applicable grade of material 101


Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 8 Identification And Control Of Materials, Parts And Components Revision 19

c. For Support Material (not including support assemblies) for Class 1,2, or 3 Components:
1. For pipe support material used in the ASME Class 3 chill water system, the following marking is required:

. Applicabks material specification e Applicable grade of materijal

2. For pipe support material used in the remaining Class 1,2, and 3 piping systems, marking in accordance with non-code material requirements is required. _19
d. For bolts and nuts 1" nominal diameter and smaller and other products where the largest space available for marking is less than 1" in any direction, individual marking of the materialis not required if the materialis packed in packages or containers which are clearly identified by legible marking. Non Code material: Where bulk material will be cut, each piece should be traceable to the stockcode, purchase order, and Material Inspection Report.

5.3.4 Stamping is allowed on 1/4" or thicker material. If identification of material by metal stamping is performed, low stress stamps (sometimes referred to as blunt nosed or round faced etamps) with minimum radius of 1/32" shall be used. QA (not other department emp!ovees acting as inspectors) is the only gmup allowed to use interrupted dot die stamps. When vibrating marking tools are used, they shall be fitted with carbide marking tip or equivalent and shall be designed to provide a rounded impression not to exceed 0.010 inches in depth. Etching shall not be performed on nickel alloys or on weld areas or sensitized areas of stainless steel.

Electric arc markers shall not be usei 5.4 LIMITED LIFE ITEMS 5.4.1 Items having limited shelf or operating life shall be identified and controlled to preclude the use of items whose shelf or operating life has expired. Use of such items beyond the specified limits shall be evaluated and documented justification provided.

6.0 RECORDS None 7.0 ATTACHMENTS None 102

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ATTACHMENT lli TO W3F1-97-0211 Changes a#ecting QAPM Chapter 2, Revision 19 Pages revised are 41 and 42 l'

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  • s QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM CHANGE REVIEW FORM PROPOSED CHANGE: Chapter 2 Attachment 7.2 Add paragraph to section 0
  • Insulation resistance tests will be conducted upon receipt - only on motors equal to or greater than 460V, in accordance with IEEE Std. 43 and/or NEMA Std. MG1, 10CFR50.54 REVIEW:
1. Does the proposed change represent a reduction of commitment E Yes No to the QA Program description previously accepted by the NRC?


Appendix A, Rev. 6.0 section O This change represents a lessening of commitment. The current wording of this section, which seems to irnply that all motors, regardless of voltage, will be tested for insuiction resistance, is not sufficiently detailed to reflect our intention to follow the guidance of IEEE Std. 43.

  • Now Chapter 2. Attachment 7.2 af ter fonnat change.$V
2. If item 1 above is YES, does the proposed change include the W Yes O No O NIA basis to conclude that the revised program incorporating the change continues to 1.teet the criteria of 10CFR50 Appendix B and other previously accepted FSAR commit sents?


IEEE Std. 43 cautions against insulation resistance testing of low potential machines if the test potential is too high.

The next smallest motor size available for use at Waterford, after 460V, is 230V. A motor of 230V tested with a msgohmmeter at the lowest test voltage setting of 500V would constitute a *de hi potential test,' not an insulation r:sistance test, arid may cause insulation overstress and failure.

Changing the wording of Chapter 2 Attachment 7.2, Section 6 to clarify our adherence to IEEE Std. 43, with regard to the insulation resistance testiN of motors, will not detract from our compliance to 10CFR50, Appendix B or FSAR commitments.

ham h . bdau?MN O 9/)?/97


Reviewed By: QA Repre%tst$e date RECOMMENDATION:

O Does not represent a lessening of commitment and it can be implemented immediately.

Represents a lessening of commitment, however, the change has sufficient basis to Q demonstrate continued compliance with Appendix B and other FSAR commitments. Therefore, it should be submitted to the NRC for acceptance prior to implementation.

Represents a lessening of commitment with Insufficient basis to determine continued g compilance. Therefore, the change should not be processed.

Recommended By: QA SupervTsI G&- I 9/,,h 2


C Approved forImplementation Disapproved

@ Approved for submittal to t C for acceptance N_ /8


Approved By: eg8'@r/4 Mrup ,gu4y.g 'Dat's


OAP-018 RS 0 Attachment 7.1 R-TYPE: J3.11 J

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Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19


1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 It is the objective of Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOl) to operate and maintain the Waterford 3 nuclear plant in the highest degree of functionalintegrity and reliability and to avoid undue risk to the health and safety of employees and the general public. It is the policy of Entergy Operations, Inc. that the programs for design, procurement, fabrication, installation, inspection, testing, operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification of Waterford 3 comply with the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix B and other related regulatory guidance.

1.2 This section of the QA Program Manual describes the overall Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program which assures that quality related activities are performed in a controlled manner and are documented to provide objective evidence of compliance with NRC regulations and guidance. This program takes into account the need for trained personnel, approved procedures, special controls, processes, equipment,

  • and skills necessary to attain the required quality, and the need for verification of quality by inspection, testing, and audit.

1.3 The Qual!ty Assurance Program is implemented through the use of approved policies, procedures, and instructions which provide written guidance for the control of quality related activities. These documents incorporate the requirements of the regulatory guides and the NRC endorsed ANSI Standards to which Waterford 3 has specifically committed.


2.1 USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.33, Rev. 2, February 1978 (which endorses ANSI N18.7-1976," Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants")

2.2 Technical Specifications, Waterford Steam Electric Station, NUREG-1117 2.3 10CFR50, Appendix B," Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants" 3.0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 See Chapter 2 - Attachment 7.4.


1 Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19


4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Vice President, Operations The Vice President, Operations is responsible for providing overall approval and direction for the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program.

4.1.1 Safety Review Committee (SRC)

The Safety Rt . .aw Committee is responsible for functioning as the off site independent review committee. The SRC is responsible for: providing independent review and audit of Waterford 3 operations, reviewing changes or modifications which involve an unreviewed safety question, and reviewing safety evaluations of changes made to the plant and plant procedures under the provisions of 10CFR50.59. Additional responsibilities are listed in Chapter 1 and the Waterford 3 Technical Specifications.

4.2 General Manager, Plant Operations The General Manager, Plant Operations is responsible for ensuring the development of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following functional units: Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC); Operations; Maintenance; Plant Engineering; Chemistry; Radiation Protection / Safety; and Planning and Scheduling. The primary quality related responsibilities of the General Manager, Plant Operations are listed in Chapter 1.

4.2.1 Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC)

The PORC is responsible for functioning as the on site independent review committee, and is responsible for reviewing plant operations items and procedures which are submitted to it; and for recommending approval by the General Manager, Plant Operations in accordance with applicable procedures.

Additional responsibilities are listed in Chapter 1 and the Waterford 3 Technical Specifications.

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Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 4.3 Director, Plant Modification and Construction  !

The Director, Plant Modification and Construction is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following programs and organizational units: Modification Control, -

Construction, and Project Management. The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Plant Modification and Construction are listed in Chapter 1.

4.4 Director, Site Support The Director, Site Support is responsible for ensuring the :levelopment and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implemi ntation of the following programs and organizational units: Security; Emergency F>lanning; Site Business Services; and Employee Concerns Program The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Site Support are listed in Chapter 1. J 4.5 Director, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs The Director, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following programs and organizational units: Licensing; Operational Experience Engineering; and In House Events Analysis. The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs are listed in Chapter 1.

4.6 Director, Quality The Director, Quality is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures orinstructions for the implementation of the Quality Assurance organization The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Quality are listed in Chapter 1.

4.7 Director, Training

- The Director, Training is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following programs and organizational units: Operations Training; Simulator Training; Maintenance Training; Technical Training; and Engineering Training and Accreditation. The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Training are listed in Chapter 1.


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i Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 4.8 Director, Design Engineering The Director, Design Engineering is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following ,

programs and organizational units: Safety and Engineering Analysis; Procurement / Programs Engineering; and Design Er'gineering. The primary quality .

related responsibilities of the Director, Design Engineering are listed in Chapter 1. l 4.9 Vice President, Engineering The Vice President, Engineering reports directly to the Executive Vice President &

Chief Operating Officer, and is responsible for providing engineering services in support of the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program. The primary quality related ress nsibi!ities of the Vice President, Engineering are listed in Chapter 1.

.4 4.10 Vice President, Operations Support The Vice President, Operations Support reports directly to the Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, and is responsible for the administration of corporate support functions in the areas of radiological protection, radioactive waste management, chemistry, erivironmental services, operations, maintenance, outage management, security, emergency planning, technology transfer, and central licensing; oversight of site Health Physics and Chemistry activities; and management of the Plant Support and Assessment, Information Systems, Material Requirements, EOl shared services, and Materials, Purchasing Purchasing and Contracts groups. It is the responsibility of the Vice President, Operations Support to assure that these functions performed for Waterford 3 are performed in accordance with the requirements of the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance program.


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' Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual - Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 1g  ;


5.1 Document Hierarchy.

5.1.1 - Attachment I depicts the hierarchy of documents comprisinc the Waterford 3 l

Quality Assurance program. This attachment identifies various program l documentation that controls quality related activities at Waterford 3. Quality l Assurance program implementing documents define the responsibilities of  !

Individuals and organizations participating in quality related activities, j

5.1.2 - _ The highest level of the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance program includes:  ;


~ Federal and state regulationr,; Industry codes and standards; 2 L'- inning agreements and specifications; and i - The Final Safety Analysis Report. i i

5.1.3 The next level of the document hierarchy includes:' Nuclear Management Manual; Waterford 3 Management Manual; and  : Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual (QAPM).


5,1.4 - The succeeding level of documentation contains departmental level procedures

- and instructions.

5.1;5 This manual, as well as the Quality / . surance Program Manual (Special Scope),  !

provides the media for informing responsible organizations and individuals that implementation of the Quality Assurance program is mandatory and that the -

Quality Assurance program shall be enforced.

4 5-h 26-r



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Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 5.2 Quality Assurance Program Manual 5.2.1 This Quality Assurance Program Manual defines the responsibilities and activities necessary to implement the quality requirements and commitments contained in the highest level documents including 10CFR50 Appendix B, the regulatory guides, and the ANSI Standards as listed in Chapter 2 Attachment 7.2 of this manual.

5.2.2 Chapters 1 and 2 of this manual address the Waterford 3 quality relabd commitments in order to summarize the entire scope of the Quality Assuonce program.

5.2.3 Chapters 3 through 18 of this manual have been developed to promulgate the safety related commitments only.

.1 5.3 Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) 5.3.1 The Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) defines the quality requirements for quality related items and activities not meeting the definition of safety related. The Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) has been developed to define the 10CFR50 Appendix B criteria applicable to specific activities. The Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) may address each criteria and its implementation; or reference the applicable chapter of this Quality Assurance Program Manual, stating that the safety related controls apply.

5.3.2 The chapters provide direction for the following special scope programs: Fire Protection Quality Assurance; Radiological Effluent and Environmental Monitoring; Emergency Preparedness; Security; Radioactive Waste Management Quality Program; Special Nuclear Material Control and Accountability; Computer Software; 27


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Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 Al. ARA Program; Radiation Protection; ATWS; and Station Blackout.

5.4 Procedures and Instructions 5.4.1 The individual Entergy Operations, Inc. organizations assigned responsibilities by the Nuclear Management Manual, Waterford 3 Management Manual, and the QAPM shall be responsible for the development, maintenance, and implementation of procedures and instructions to detail the respective elements of program performance.

5.4.2 The procedure types listed in 5.4.3 have been developed at Waterford 3 to address required aspects of plant management and operations. These procedures will: Implement the policy and direction of the Nuclear Management Manual, Waterford 3 Management Manual, and the OAPM to provide control over quality related operations and activities to a degree consistent with their importance to safety; Provide a clear understanding of the operating philosophy at Waterford 3; and Delineate the responsibilities and authorities of the Waterford 3 staff.

5.4.3 The Waterford 3 procedures and instructions contained in this level are the: Plant Operating Manual; Quality Assurance procedures; Site Support procedures; Design Engince."ng procedsms; Design Engineenng Ad% .tive Manual (DEAM); Plant Modification and Construction procedures; 28


,. .. 1 1

l Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 l Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 l Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs procedures: Nuclear Training procedures; and Materials, Purchasing & Contracts Administrative Procedures. I 5.5 Identification of Safety Related Structures, Systems, and Components 5.5.1 The Quality Assurance Program applies to all activities associated with quality related structures, systems, and components to an extent commensurate with their importance to safety. FSAR Table 3.21, Chapter 2 Attachment 7.2, and the Waterford 3 Q-List provide safety related classifications of plant structures, systems, and components; and identify those items subject to 10CFR50 Appendix B requirements. J 5.5.2 Procedures provide further guidance for the identification of safety and quality related structures, systems, components and related activities to assure that the appropriate level of Quality Assurance program requirements are applied.

5.5.3 Procedures for the preparation and control of procurement documents provide guidance for spare and replacement part classification determination. These procedures invoke applicable codes, standards, regulations, FSAR requirements, and the Q List classifications for determining the classification of spare or replacement parts or materials.

5.6 Resolution of Disputes 5.6.1 Disputes involving quality, arising from a difference of opinion between Entergy Operations, Inc. departments, are normally resolved via direct interaction between the managers involved if a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, the disputes are resolved through higher levels of management. The Director, Quality should be consulted for disputes involving the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance program interpretation and implementation.

5.6.2 Disputes involving quality, arising from a difference of opinion between EOl entities, contractors, or suppliers, are normally resolved through the appropriate manager. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, the disputes should be elevated to the Vice President, Operations, if necessary. The Director, Quality should be consulted for disputes involving other EOl entities. The Vice President, Operations Support and/or the Director, Quality should be consulted for disputes concerning contractors or suppliers.


Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 5.6.3 Written notification shall be provided to the Vice President, Operations, and the '

i Safety Review Committee regarding disputes or disagreements arising from a difference of opinion between the Plant Operations Review Committee and the General Manager, Plant Operations. The General Manger, Plant Operations .

has responsibility for resolution of such disputes in accordance with the technical  !

specifications. l l

5.7 Indoctrination, Training, and Qualification Programs 5.7.1 Indoctrination, training, and qualification programs shall be established for Entergy Operations, Inc. personnel performing quality related activities. These programs shall be designed to ensure that personnel involved are kncwledgeable in quality procedures and requirements, ar'd have the necessary proficiency to perform the tasks. The scope, objective, and method of ,

J implementing the indoctrination and training program shall be documented in approved procedures.

5.7.2 Entergy Operations, Inc. management is responsible for assuring that personnel are properly trained to perform activities in a safe and effective manner. The Director, Training is responsible for providing professional, technical, and educational programs to support the indoctrination and training of Waterford 3 employees, contractors, and visitors to assure their safety and proficiency during the performance of their activities at Waterford 3. The Director, Quality reviews the content of quality related indoctrination and training programs to assure adequacy.

5.7.3 Indoctrination, training, and qualification programs require: Personnel responsible for performing activities that affect quality are instructed on the purpose, scope, and implementation of quality related manuals, instructions, and procedures; Personnel performing activities that affect quality are trained and qualified in the principles, techniques, and requirements of the activity being performed; Proficiency and qualification of personnel performing or verifying activities

are maintained by retraining, re-examining, and/or recertifying on a periodic basis, as applicable; Proficiency testing is utilized to determine qualifications when education, experience, and training cannot be verified by other means; and 30


- Waterford 3 Quality Assuran's Program Manual Chapter 2 - ,

Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 i Training and qualification documentation is maintained which describes [

the objectives, content, attendance, tests, acceptance criteria, and the functions personnel are qualified to perform.

5.7.4 The training program for Waterford 3 personnel is further described in Chapter 13 of the FSAR and in implementing procedures.

5.7.5 Waterford 3 Quality Assurance or the Entergy Operations, Inc. Material Requirements organization conducts audits of other organization units, such as suppliers and contractors engaged in quality related activities at or for Waterford 3 to verify that personnel are adequately indoctrinated, trained, and qualified.

5.8 Controlled Conditions for Performing Activities 5.8.1 Quality related activities shall be accomplished under controlled conditions by personnel with the necessary skills to attain the required quality. Activities shall be performed using appropriate equipment, under suitable environmental conditions and with the assurance that prerequisites for the given activity have been satisfied.

5.9 Management Review of the Quality Assurance Program >

5.9.1 The Vice President, Operations ensures that a management assess nent of the Quality Assurance program is conducted periodically (not to exceed 24 months) by a qualified independent organization.

5.9.2 The information from these management assessments, the trend report, and summaries of the Quality Assurance ...ogram status are used by the Vice President, Operations to evaluate the effectiveness of the Quality Assurance program and to take action, as necessary, to assure that the program complies with applicable regulatory requirements.

l l


Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 5.10 Maintenance of the Ouality Assurance Program  ;

5.10.1 Revisions to the Quality Assurance Program Manual are issued as necessary to support effective implementation of the Quality Assurance Program. The NRC  ;

shall be notified annually, or 6 months after each refueling outage provided the interval between successive updates does not exceed 24 months, of any changes to the Quality Assurance Program description that do not reduce the commitments previously accepted. The revisions must reflect all changes up to a maximum of 6 months prior to the date of fin!ng. If a change is contemplated which would reduce the commitments in the approved Quality Assurance Program description, the proposed change shall be submitted to the NRC for approval prior to implementing the change.

5.10.2 Revisionn to the Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) are issued as necessary to suppcit effective implementation of the Quality Assurance .

Program. NRC notification regarding changes to the Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) is not required.

S.10.3 Entergy Operations, Inc. requires principal contractors and suppliers to submit their QA Program descriptions to Entergy Operations, Inc. for evaluation and to provide notification of changes. Significant changes to such program descriptions shall be reported, as applicable, to the NRC in writing. In addition, principal contractors and suppliers are required to provide notification of significant changes to their subcontractor's quality assurance program description which has the effect of changing the quality assurance program of the principal contractor or Entergy Operations, Inc.

6.0 RECORD 3 None 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Quality Assurance Program Documentation 7.2 Regulatory Guidance Documents i

7.3 10CFR50, Appendix B Compliance 7.4 Terms and Definitions 32 l



identification Description Approval and Control

1. Quality Assurance Defines the Quality Assurance Prepared by Quality Assurance, Program Manual Program, assigns responsibilities to concurred with by the affected various organizations, and defines organizations and approved by the safety-related ac'ivities. Vice President. Operations, Waterford 3. Issued aM controlled by Site Business Services.
2. Nuclear Management A set of Policies and Procedures Prepared by cognizant personnel, Manual which prescribe actrvities and issued and controlled by responsibilities. Headquarters. Entergy Operations, Inc. and approved by Entergy Operations, Inc. Management.
3. Waterford 3 Management A set of Policies and Procedures Prepared by cogniz.snt personnel, Manual which prescribe activities and and approved by Waterford 3 Vice responsibilities at Waterford 3. President Operations. Issued and controlled by Site Business Services.
4. Waterford 3 Plant A manual consisting of a set of Prepared by cognizant plant staff Operating Manual procedures which prescribe organizational units. Quality related required aspects of plant procedures shall receive a quality management and operation. This related review. App';oved by the manual provides the mechanism General Manager, Plant Operations.

through which the administrative issued and controlled by Site controls and quality assurance Business Services.

requirements are implemented during the operation of Waterford 3.

The POM applies to all personnel when they are within the Waterford '

3 protected area. ;_

i Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.1 (Page 1 of 4) 33


Identification Description Approval and Control

5. Quality Assurance A set of procedures prepared and Prepared by Quality Assurance and Procedures Manual issued to eM and coritrol the coordinated with other organizations activities of the Quality Assurance as applicable. Approved by the organization. Director, Quality. Issued and controlled by Site Business Services
6. Site Support Prccedures A set of procedures which Prepared by cognizant personnel prescribe ac*ivities and within the Site Support Group.

responsibilities within the Site Quality related procedures shall Support Group. receive a quality related review.

Approved by the Director, Site Support. Issued and controlled by Site Busmess Services.

7. Design Engineering A set of procedures which Prepared by cognizant personnel Procedures presenbe activities and within Design Engineenng, Quality responsibilities within the Design related procedures shall receive a Engineering organization. quality related review. Approved by the Director Design Engineering or Department Manager. Issued and controlled by Site Business Services.

Chanter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.1 (Page 2 of 4) 34


Description Approval and Centrol )

identification A set of corporate leve' procedusas Prepared by cognizant personnel l

8. Design Engineering which prescribe activities and within Design Engineering. Issued Administrative Manual responsibilities within the Design and controlled by the Manager, (DEAM) Engineering Support, Central Design Engineering organizations.

Engineering. Quality related procedures shall receive a quality related review. Concurred with by the Site Director Design Engineering .

for DEAM subsections applicable to their respective sites; and the Manecers, Central Design Engineering. Approved by the Managers, Central Design Engineering for DEAM documents within their functional area of responsibility.

A set of procedures which Prepared by cognizant personnel

9. Plant Modification and Construction Procedures prescribe activities and within Plant Modification and responsibilities w2hin the Plant Construction. Quality related Modification and Construction procedures shall receive a quality organization. related review. Approved by the Director, Plant Modification and Construction. Issued and controlled by Site Business Services.

L Attachment 7.1 (Page 3 of 4)

Chapter 2 Rev.19 35


Identification Description Approval and Control

10. Nudear Safety and A set of procedwes which Prepared by cognizant personnel Regulatory Affairs prescribe activities and within Nuclear Safety and Procedures responsibilities within the Nuclear Regalatory Affairs. Quality related Safety and Regulatory Affairs procedures shall receive a quality organization. related review. Approved by the Director, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs.

Issued and controlled by Site Business Sentices.

11. NuclearTraining A set of procedures which Prepared by cogniza ' ,c:sonnel Procedures prescribe activ". ties and within NuclearTraining. Quality.

responsibilities within the Nuclear related procedures shall receive a ,

Training Organization quality related review. Approved by the Director, Training. Issued controlled by Site Business Services..

12. Materials, Purchasing A set of procedures, which Prepared by cognizant personnel

& Contracts prescribe activities and within Materials, Purchasing &

Administrative responsibilities within the Materials, Contracts. Quality related Procedures Purchasing & Contracts procedures shall receive a quality  ;

organization. related review. Approved by the Director, Materials, Purchasing &

Contracts,. Issued and controlled by Materials, Purchasing & Contracts.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.1 (Page 4 of 4) '


I REGULATORY GUIDANCE DOCUMENT This document contains a listing of Regulatory Guides and ANSI Standards applicable to the Quality Assurance Program for Waterford 3. Reference FSAR Section 1.8 for a complete listing ,

of regulatory guides and standards applicable to the design and operation of Waterford 3.

Document Comment

1. Appendix B to 10CFR50 " Quality 1. Criterion Vil, Control of Purchased Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Materials, Equipment, and Services Power Plants and Fuel states that documentary evidence that Reprocessing Plants" material and equipment conform to the procurement requirements shall be available at the nuclear power plant or fuel reprocessing plant site prior ta installation or use of such material and equipment. '

The Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program requires that required documentary evidence be available at the site prior to use, but not necessarily prior to installation. This allows installation to proceed under specified conditions while any missing documents are being obtained, but precludes dependence on the item for safety purposes.

2. A. Regulatory Guide 1.8, 1. The qualifications of personnelin the Revision 1, September Health Physics, Radwaste, and 1975, " Personnel Selection Chemistry Departments are in and Training"(Endorses accordance with ANSI N18.1-1971 as ANSI N18.1-1971) endorsed by this Reg. Guide and/or as shown in FSAR Chapter 13.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 1 of 8) 37

Document Comment B. ANSI /ANS 3.1-1970, 2. The qualification of personnel other

" Standards for Selection than those in the Health Physics, and Training of Personnel Radwaste, and Chemistry for Nuclear Power Plants" Departments are in accordance with ANS./ANS 3.1-1978. Specific commitments are shown in FSAR Chapter 13.

3. Personnel performing Independent Technical Review functions meet the qualification requirements of NUREG-0737-1980 instead of Section 4.7.2 of ANSI /ANS 3.1-1978.
3. Regulatory Guido 1.30, August 1. Waterford 3 applies the provisions of 1972," Quality Assurance this Regulatory Guide and its Requirements for the Installation, endorsed standard to Class 1E Inspection and Testing of equipment only.

! instrumentation and Electrical l Equipment" (Endorses ANSI 2. Each safety related item of process N45.2.4-1972) instrumentation is identified with a unique number. This number is used

' in instrument maintenance records so that current calibration status, including data such as the date of the calibration and identity of the person that performed the calibration, can be readily determined. Such information may also be contained on tags or i

labels that may be attached to installed instrumentation.

l l

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 2 of 8) 36

Document Comment

4. Regulatory Guide 1.33, Rev. 2, 1. ANSI N18.7 references certain other February 1978, " Quality standards to which Entergy Assurance Program Operations, Inc. takes exception.

Requirements (Operational)" Waterford 3 exceptions and (Endorses ANSI N18.7-1976) alternatives are listed in this table.

2. Waterford 3 complies with Regulatory Position C.3 of Regulatory Guide 1.33, except under emergency conditions in which case Entergy Operations, Inc. shall submit proposed changes to Technical Specifications or license amendments in accordance with 10CFR50.54 and or 10CFR50.71.
3. ANSI N18.7, Section 3.4.2, Requirements for the on-site operating organization, states that [the activities of the individual or organizational unit responsible for verifying that the administrative controls and Quality Assurance Program is being effectively implemented) shall be periodically audited by designated personnel.

Waterford 3 utilizes designated off-site personnel or an outside agency to perform assessments of the entire OA Program including the activities of the on-site audit personnelin lieu of periadic audits. Assessment results ano other program evaluation documents such as the Trend Analysis Report are forwarded to Entergy Operations, Inc. management l for evaluation and determination of

corrective action.

l l

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 3 of 8) 39


i t

Document-- Comment ,

L4. # Regulatory Guide 1.33_ 4. - ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.7,-

"(Continued) Maintenance and Modification:

Waterford 3 pre-plans and performs maintenance of equipment in accordance with written procedures z

- except in emergency or abnormal ,

conditions where immediate action is required to:

a. Protect the health and safety of the public.
b. Protect equipment or personnel. _
c. Prevent the deterioration of plant conditlcns to a potentially - ,

unsafe or unstable level

5. ANSI N18.7, Section, Maintenance Program: Repair of safety related equipment will be accomplished in accordance with approved procedures and/or vendor manuals.
6. Waterford 3 will provide procedures-for the activities in Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.33 as discussed -

! in Section C-1 of the regulatory guide.

However, Waterford 3 does not consider all activities listed to be

" safety-related" (e.g., activities in 7.e).

7. ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.15 states, L " Plant procedures shall_be reviewed by an individual knowledgeable in the.

area affected by the procedure no ,

less frequently than every twc years."

r LChapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 4 of 8)~

L __ _

40 i

f,. )

Document - Comment- ,

4. - Regulatory Guide 1.33 Waterford 3 has programmatic control

. 2(Continued) requirements in place that initiate

' procedure reviews upca identification

. of new or revised source material that-

. has a potential to affect the intent of

- the procedure.

A biennial audit is performed by the

' Quality Assurance Department to:

verify compliance with existing programmatic controls used to maintain procedures current.

, L 5. - Regulatory Guide 1.37, March No exceptions. l 1973," Quality Assurance 'q Requirements for Cleaning Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water Cooled Nuclear Plants" (Endorses ANSI ,

N45.2.1-1973) {


6. Regulatory Guide 1.38, Rev. 2, For the storage of new fuel assemblies and May 1977,." Quality Assurance ' neutron sources, Waterford 3 commits to the Requirements for Packaging, storage requirements of Level B of ANSI Shipping and Receiving, Storage N45.2.2-1972 less the flooding prevention

- and Handling of items for Water requirements and will minimize dust and Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" other particles contacting these items by

(Endorses ANSI N45.2.2-1972) placing a fire retardant polyethylene cover over these items or the cell locations in which the items are stored. As an alternative to dry cell storage with dust and particle protection, new fuel assemblies may be g l stored in the spent fuel pool, d'

ANSI N45.2.2 states that motors in storage should have the insulation resistance checked on a scheduled basis. Waterford 3 conducts complete insulation tests upon receipt of the motor and again before .the motor is installed in the plant. An extensive i motor run-in is also performed before installation to verify operability.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 _ Attachment 7.2 (Page 5 of 8)

. 41

e  !

- Document Comment 3

- 6. Regulatory Guide 1.38 Insulation resistance tests will be conducted

_ (Continued)- upon receipt - only on motors equal te or greater than 460V, in accordance with -

IEEE Std. 43 and/or NEMA Std. MG1.


7. Regulatory. Guide 1.39, Rev. 2 The zone designations of Section 2.1 of September 1977, " Housekeeping ANSI N45.2.3-1973 and the requirements Requirements for Water Cooled associated with each zone are not consistent Nuclear Power Plants" with the requirements for operating plant.

(Endorses ANSI N45.2.3-1973) Instead, procedures or instructicns for-housekeeping activities which include the applicable. requirements outlined in Section 2.1 of ANSI N45.2.3 and which take into account radiation control considerations, sece;ity considerations, and personnel and equipment safety considerations are developed on a case basis.

8. Regulatory Guide 1.58, Rev.1, Personnel performing nondestructive testing September 1980, " Qualification of meet the qualification requirements of ASNT Nuclear Power Plant inspection, Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1 A-Examination and Testing 1980 and its applicable supplements.

Personnel" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.6-1978)

9. Regulatory Guide 1.64, Rev. 2, No exceptions.

June 1976," Quality Assurs.nce Requirements for the D9 sign of Nuclear Power Plants

, (Endorses ANSI N45.2.11-1974) .

- 10. Regulatory Guide 1.70, Rev. 2, No exceptions.

September 1975, " Standard

- Format and Contents of Safety

. Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants"

11. Regulatory Guide 1.74, February No exceptions.

e 1974,'" Quality' Assurance Terms t and Definitions" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.10-1973)

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 6 of 8).

42 -

Documem Comment

- 12. Regulatory Guide 1.88, Rev. 2, The interim storage of Quality Assurance October 1976, " Collection, Records will be conducted in accordance Storage and Maintenance of with approved procedures. At a minimum, Nuclear Power Plant Quality Quality Assurance Records stored on an Assurance Records"(Endorses interim basis will be afforded the protection ANSI N45.2.9-1974) - of a one-hour minimum rated facility or storage cabinet.

13. Regulatory Guide 1.94, Rev.1, No exceptions.

April 1976, " Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, inspection, and Testing of Structural Concrete and Structural Steel During Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.5-1974)

14. Regulatory Guide 1.116, No exceptions.

Rev. 0-R, May 1977, " Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, inspection and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems"(Endorses ANSI N45.2.8-1975)

15. Regulatory Guide 1.123, Rev.1, No exceptions.

July 1977, " Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of items and Services for Nuclear Power Plants" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.13-1976)

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 7 of 8) 43

- Document Comment

- 16. . Regulatory Guide 1.144, Rev.1 Waterford 3 takes exception to the following

' September 1980, " Auditing of paragraphs of ANSI N45.2.12:

Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants" (Endorses 1. 2.3 - Training - Technical Specialists -

ANSI N45.2.12-1977) who assis t in performing audits in their area of special expertise will not necessarily be trained in audit techniques; however, they will always be accompanied by a trained and qualified auditor.

2. 4.4 - Reports - Audit reports will be issued within 30 working days of the post-audit meeting. (tixcept audit reports required by the SRC Audit .

Program which are required within 30 days).

3. 4.3 - Conferences - Pre-audit and post-audit conferences shall be held only when deemed necessary by Quality Assurance or when requested by the audited organization-
17. Regulatory Guide 1.146, August No exceptions.

1980, " Qualifications of Quality Assurance Program Audit Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.23-1978) i Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 8 of 8) 44

10CFR50, APPENDIX B COMPLIANCE This document illustrates the relationship between 10CFR50, Appendix B and the Nuclear Safety Quality Assurance Policies.

10CFR50, Appandix B Criterion Nuclear Safety Quality Assurance Policy I. Organization Chapter 1 - defines the organizational structure and delineates the authority and respansibilities of individuals and organizations performing quality assurance activities.

II. Quality Assurance Program Chapter 2 - defines the scope of the Quality AFSurance Program and establishes that activities affecting safety related structures, systems, and components will be conducted in accordance with approved procedures.

Ill. Design Control Chapter 3 - defines requirements for the control of the design of safety related structures, systems, and components including the design of plant modifications.

IV. Procurement Document Control 4 - defines requirements for the control of procurement of safety related structures, systems, components, materials, and services.

V. Instructions, Procedures, and Chapter 5 - de9nes requirements for the Drawings development and control of instructions, procedures, and drawings.

VI. Document Control Chapter 6 - defines requirements for the control of documents for safety related structures, systems, and components and identifies the type of documents to be controlled.

Vll. Control of Purchased Material, Chapter 7 - definea requirements for control of Equipment, and Services purchased material, equipment, and services, including control of suppliers and receiving inspection.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.3 (Page 1 of 3) 45

,' i 10CFR50, Appendix B Criterlon Nuclear Safety Quality Assurance Policy Vill. Identification and Control of Chapter 8 - defines requirements for control of Materials, Parts, and Components materials, parts, and components.

IX. Control of Special Processes Chapter 9 - defines requirements for control of special processes inc!uding welding, heat treating, NDE, and chemical cleaning.

X. Inspection Chapter 10 - defines requirements for inspection of materials and activities important to safety including criteria for determining when and how inspections arc performed.

XI. Test Control Chapter 11 - describes the scope of the test control program ar.d establishes requirements F for test procedures and instructions.

Xil. Control of Measuring and Test Chapter 12 - defines requirements for contrbi Equipment of measuring and test equipment and for inspections, tests, and monitoring of quality related equipment and activities.

Xill. Handling, Storage, and Shipping Chapter 13 - defines requirements for handling, storage, and shipping of safety related structures, systems, and components.

XIV. Inspection, Test, and Operating Chapter 14 - defines requirements for control Status of inspection, test, and operating status of safety related items and equipment.

XV. Nonconforming Material, Parts, or Chapter 15 - defines requirements for Components identification, documentation, segregation, review and disposition of nonconforming materials, parts, and components.

XVI. Corrective Action Chapter 16 - defines requirements for establishment of an effective corrective action program with specified basic corrective action elements.

XVil. Quality Assurance Records Chapter 17 - ocices requirements for a quality assurance reccnds program including identif. Aion of types and content of records.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.3 (Page 2 of 3) 46

-10CFR50, Appendix B Criterion Nuclear Safety Quality Assurance Policy XVill. Audits Chapter 18 - defines requirements for audits of safety related activities including audit program scope and methods.

Chapter 2 Rev.19. Attachment 7.3 (Page 3 of 3) 47

, i TERMS AND DEFINITIONS This document provides a compilation of terms and definitions which are important to establishing the boundaries of the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program. They are provided as guidance to achieve standardization within Waterford 3 documents and es an aid in the implementation of the Quality Assurance Program. The terms and definitions were selected from those contained within the ANSI standards listed in Appendix A on the basis of most frequent usage.

Those responsible for the Quality Assurance Program implementation are reminder' that those terms and definitions provided by the standards but not listed herein should 'Je regarded as valid. Therefore, the user is referred to the standards listed in Appendix A for additional guidance.

It is the responsibility of the user of the terms and definitions contained herein to ascertain that they are appropriate for the intended application. Where a term is used to convey a different intent than that defined herein, clarification should be provided at the point of application.

The subscript following each definition provides the source of the definition. An index of the subscripts is contained at the end of this appendix, Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 1 of 19) 48


JABNORMAL CONDITION Hardware deviations (i.e. conditions not meeting the threshold.

. criteria of adverse conditions or nonconforming condition) observed in the course of -

inspections, testing, maintenance, operation, etc. y ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA' A limit or limits placed on tho variation permitted in the

- characteristics of an item expressed la definitive engineering terms such as dimensional .

tolerances,' chemical composition limits, density and size of defects, temperature ranges,-

time limits, operating parameters, and other similar characteristics. e

~ ACCEPT-AS-IS Same as Use-As-Is. q

- ACCURACY The degree of conformity of a measure to a standard or to a true value.

(See Precision). q .

AbMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Rules, orders, instructions, procedures, policies, practices and _ designations of authority and responsibility. c J

ADVERSE CONDITION An event, defect, characteristic, state or activity which negatively impacts the safe, efficient operation of Waterford 3. Adverse conditions include:

Nonconforming condition; Conditions adverse to quality; ,

industrial safety concems; and Plant reliability concems.

' APPROVAL An act of endorsing or adding positive authorization or both. ;

APPURTENANCE _ A part that is attached to a component which has been completed.i J AS4UILT-DATA Documented data that describes the condition actually achieved in a product. l ASSEMBLY A combination of subassemblies or components, or both fitted together to form a unit. l AUDIT A documented activity performed in accordance with written procedures or checklists to verify, by examination and evaluation of objective evidence, that applicable elements of the quality assurance program has been developed, documented, and effectively implemented in accordance with specified requirements. An audit should not

- be confused with surveillance or inspection for the sole purpose of process control or product acceptance. I, n, o .


f Chapter 2 Reh.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 2 of 19) 49

.. --- . .- x. -. _- . - .. - ,-

l BASIC COMPONENT A structure, system, or component, or part thereof that affects its safety function necessary to assure (A) The integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary; (B) The capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition; or (C) The capability to prevcat or mitigate the consequences of accidents which could result in potential offsite exposures comparable to those referred to in 19 Sec.100.11 of Title 10, Chapter 1 Code of Federal Regulations. Basic components are" items designed and manufactured under a quality assurance program complying with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, or commercial grade items which have successfully completed the dedication process. Basic component includes safety-related design, analysis, inspection, testing, fabrication, replacement of parts, or consulting services that are associated with the component hardware whether these services are performed by the component supplier or others, r,q BID EVALUATION An evaluation of proposals or bids received in response to an inquiry (request for proposal or bid) to determine the vendor or contractor to whom the purchase order or contract will be awarded. q CALIBRATION Comparison of an item of Measuring and Test Equipment and certain installed instrumentation and control devices with a reference standard or with an item of a M&TE of required tolerance to detect and quanti'y inaccuracies and to report or eliminate those inaccuracies q, t CAUSE A reason or contributing reason for the occurrence of an adverse condition.

Causes are categorized as either apparent cause or root cause.

Apparent Cause - the obvious reason for ue occurrence of an adverse condition.

The apparent cause is idevafied without performing a formal root cause analysis.

Root Cause - the most basic cause(s) which, if corrected or eliminated, would prevent recurrence of the adverse condition. Root Causes are generally identified through the conduct of a formal root cause analysis.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE A written statement, signed by a qualified party, attesting that the items or services are in accordance with specified requirements and accompanied by additional information to substantiate the statement. I CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE A written statement, signed by a qualified party, certifying that items or services comply with specific requirements. I CERTIFICATION The action of determining, verifying and attesting, in writing, to the qualifications of personnel or material. l CERTIFIED MATERIAL TEST REPORT A written and signed document, approved by a qualified party, that contains sufficient data and information to verify the actual properties of items and the acual results of all required tests. I Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 3 of 19) 50

CHARACTERISTIC Any property or attribute of an item, process, or service that is .

- dist_inct, describable, and measurab!e, as conforming or norconforming to specified -

quality assurance requirements._ Quality assurance characteristics are generally identified in specifications and drawings, which describe the item, process or service. l -

CLEANNESS A state of being clean in accordance with predetermined standards, and usually implies freedom from dirt, scale, heavy rust, oil or other contaminating impurities. l COMMERCIAL GRADE A structure, system, or component, or part thereof that affects its safety function, that was not designed and manufactured as a basic component.

Commercial grade items do not include items where the design and manufacturing 19 process require in-process inspections and verifications to ensure that defects or failures -

to comply are identified and corrected (i.e, one or more critical characteristics of the item -

cannot be verified). r,q

. COMPONENT A piece of equipment such as a vessel, piping, pump, valve or core support structure, which wul be combined with other components to form an assembly; or:

items from which electrical equipment is assembled, for example, resistors, capacitors, wires, connectcrs, transistors, switches, springs, etc.l J

' CONDITIONS ADVERSE TO QUALITY An adverse condition which prevents a quali'y related system, structure, component or activity from meeting license or design basis requirements q CONSTRUCTION PHASE The period of time beginning with the start of construction at tivity and ending as each plant area is turned over to the plant operator.b,1 CONTRACT A document such as a contract order, change order, agreement, addendum, work order or task authorization which defines the requirements and

,  ::onditions for furnishing contract services, q CONTRACTOR Any organization under contract for fumishing items or services, it

-includes the terms Vendor, Supplier, Subcontractor, Fabricator, and subtier levels of these where appropriate. d, i CORRECTIVE ACTION Measures taken upon the identification of an adverse condition to correct the condition and prevent recurrence. The basic elements of the corrective action program are:

1)- identification and immediate action;

2) review for impact / assignment
3) investigate and analyze;
4) corrective action planning and implementation; L 5) verification of completion; and ,
6) verification of long-term effectiveness Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 4 of 19)

'- 51

f ,*

DEDICATION- An acceptanca process undettaken to provids reasonable assurance that a commercial grade item to be used as a basic component will perform its intended safety function'and, in this respect, is deemed equivalent so an item designed and 19 manufactured under a 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, quality ast urance program. The ~

process is considered complete when the item is designated fx use as a basic -

component. r,q DEFECTIVE MATERIAL A material or component which has one or more characteristics 1that do not comply with specified requirements. l l DEFICIENCY An observed condition that is or appears to be quality or beyond a defined or approved qualitative or quantitative acceptanca criterion. q DESIGN Technical and management processes which commence with identification of design input and which lead to and include the issuance of design output documents. h '

DESIGN CRITERIA Documents which establish overall plant design requirements. _

. including NSSS and BOP interfaces; they establish the overall system parameters and design requirements for major portions of the BOP as necessary for the interrelationship of systems, components and machines. h DESIGN DOCUMENTS Engineering specifications, drawings, calculations and/or instructions, h -

DESIGN INPUT Those criteria, parameters, bases or other design requirements upon

. which detailed final design is based. h -

- DESIGN INTERFACE The relationship between design organizations intemal or extemal to a company, q DESIGN OUTPUT Documents such as drawings, specifications, and other documents defining technical requirements of structures, systems, and components as delineated in Section 4 of ANSI N45.2.11. h DESIGN REVIEW An analysis of design with respect to technical adequacy, interface control, inspectability, maintainability, and conformance to applicable codes, standards, regulations and design criteria. h

DESIGN SPECIFICATION An engineering document describing function, design requirements, environmental conditions, code requirements, and boundary definition, and containing sufficient detail to provide a complete basis for construction in accordance with applicable codes and standards, q d

Chapter 2 Rev.19) Attachment 7.4 (Page 5 of 19) 52

. _ - - _ _ . _ _ . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ , _ - -. - - . =

7 * .*

I i

DESIGN VERIFICATION The process of checking, conforming, or substantiating the design by individuals or groups other than those who performed the original design to provide assurance that specified requirements have been met. Methods irclude design review, alternate calculations, and testing h, q DISCREPANCY . A condition which is at variance with requirements, q DOCUMENTATION Any written or pictorial information describing, defining, specifying, i reporting, or certifying activities, requirements, procedures, or results, d, e, i ELECTRICAL CLASS 1E See Quality Related.

EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION (EQ) The process or activities necessary to demonstrate by test, analysis or other suitable means, that specific devices are capable of performing their function in the specified environment. q EXAMINATION An element of inspection consisting of investigation of materials, supplies, parts, components, appurtenances, systems, processes, or structures to determine conformance to those specified requirements which can be determined by a such investigation. Examination is usually nondestructive and includes simple physical ,

m-lipulation, gaging, and measurement, g, i,1 EXEMPT ltems or services that have no effect on the operating plant, such as, office furniture, office supplies, and non-permanent plant computers.

EXPERIMENTS Performance of those plant operations carried out under controlled conditions in order to establie. J,aracteristics or values not previously known. c EXTERNAL AUDITS of those portions of an organization's quality assurance program not retained under its direct control and not within its organizational structure. n FUNCTIONAL TESTS performed, as required, after modification, maintenance, or significant changes in operating procedures to confirm that the maintenance, modification, or changes produce expected results, q ,

GUIDELINES Particular provisions which ara considered good practice but which are not mandatory in programs intended to comply with this standard.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 6 of 19) 53

.-._--._.7.-.-_..-..-.--.---.. _

. g(v ,

HOLDPOINT-- A point in the manufacturing #abrication/ erection sequence or_ in the maintenance process beyond which work may not proceed until the authorized jl inspector / purchaser / owner has observed or examined the work and has given consent to ,

Proceed. q;  ;

INDEPENDENT REVIEW A documented review completed by personnel not having .

direct responsibility for the work function under review regardless of whether they operate -

as a part of an organizational unit or as individual staff members (see Review). c, q  ;

INSPECTION A phase of quality control which by means of examination, observation, or  !

measurement determines the conformance of material, supplies, parts, components, appurtenances, systems, processes, or structures to predetermined quality assurance .


requirements c, g, i, I INSPECTOR (OWNER OR INSTALLER) A qualified inspector employed by the Owner or :

Installer whose duties include the venfication of quality related activities or installations or both. I INSPECTOR (STATE OR CODE) A qualified inspector employed by a legally constituted J

' agency of a Municipality or state of the United States, or Canadian Province, or regularly employed by an Authorized Inspection Agency and having authorized jurisdiction at the site of manufacture or installation. l INTERNAL- AUDITS of those portions of an organization's_ quality assurance program '

retained under its direct control and within its organizational structure, n ITEM Any level of unit assembly, including structure, system, subsystem, subassembly, component, part, or material. d, e, I

( LEAD AUDITOR 'An individual qualiGod to organize and direct an audit, report audit

- findings, and evaluate corrective action n, o

, . MANUFACTURER One who constructs any class of component, part, or appurtenance .

- to meet prescribed design requirements. l MASTER EQUIPMENT LIST (MEL)_ The MEL identifies each component by a component -

- identification number and provides a compilation of pertinent data. The MEL is a -

comprehensive on-line computerized listing of the components in the Waterfctd 3 SES. The MEL-is a source of component data to be used by the station departments such as maintenance, operations, engineering and_ quality control and other Entergy Operations, Inc.

organizations during routine operation and maintenance of Waterford 3. q a

Chapter 2 Rev.19 j Attachment 7.4_(Page 7 of 19) 54

- - - - ... - - - . - . _ - _ - . . - - - ~ - - - - .

. ~ .-

t t MATERIAL A substance or combination of substances forming components, parts, pieces, and equipment items._ (Intended to include such as machinery, castings, liquids, formed steel shapes, aggregates, and cement.). l MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT (M&TE) Devices or systems used to calibrate, L measure, gage, test, inspect, or control in order to acquire research, development, test or ,

operational data, or to determine compliance with design, specifications, or other technical requirements. M&TE does not include permanently installed operating equipment, nor test equipment used for preliminary checks where data obtained will not be used to determine acceptability or be the basis for design or engineering evaluation t-MODIFICATION A planned change in plant design or operation and accomplished in accordance with the requirements and limitations of applicable codes, standards, specifications, licenses, and predetermined safety restrictions. l NONCONFORMING CONDITION. An adverse condition affecting a safety related, quality.

. related, trip sensitive (or balance of plant, when feasible) system caused by a deficiency in -

characteristic, documentation, or procedure which renders the quality of an item unacceptable or indeterminate. Examples of nonconforming conditions include, but may not be limited to:a o- Unanticipated or unplanned entry into any Tech Spec LCO; o Discovery of a condition of a system or component required to be operable by Tech Spec, which calls into question the current or past operability (including
missed surveillance testing);-

o Failure of a component to meet a surveillance or post-modification test tv.:ceptance criteria (prior to performing any corrective maintenance);

o An unanticipated ESFAS signal or actuation of ESFAS equipment; o identification of a discrepancy between a licensing document (i.e., FSAR, Tech Spec) or a design basis document, (i.e., drawings) and the actual configuration of the plant; o Discovery of a valve or breaker in a position different from that required by the proper procedure; o - Unanticipated actuation of an over-current protective device, (i.e., blown fuse or -

tnpped circuit breaker);

o- Routine actuation of an over-pressurization protective device, such as a relief valve; o Unexpected or unplanned reactor power, power distribution, or shutdown

. margin condition or transient; or, o issuance of incorrect or defective parts or material Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 8 of 19) 55

,- .. 1 Y

OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE Any statement of fact, information, or record, either quantitative or qualitative, pertaining to the quality of an item or service based on observations, j measurements, or tests which can be verifimi.1; ON-SITE PERSO_NNEL - Those person _nel providing technical and operational support -

who are located within the Waterford 3 owner-controlled area. q l

-OPERABLE 10PERABILITY A system, subsystem, train, component or device is operable - -

or has operability when it is capable of performing its specified function (s),'and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, electrical power,- cooling or seal water,-

lublication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train

- component or device to perform its function (s) are also capable of performing their related support function (s), s OPERATIONAL' PHASE That period of time during which the principal activity is associated with normal operation of the plant; This phase of plant life is considered to begin formally with commencement of fuel loading and ends with plant decommissioning. c OWNER ORGANIZATION The organization, including the on-site operating organization, .

which has overall legal, financial and technical responsibility for the operation of one or t more nuclear power plants a, c,i PEER / MAINTENANCE INSPECTOR - An ANSI N45.2.6 certified individual normally assigned to the line organization, but who reports to the QA Inspections unit during the inspection activity. This individual is not directly responsible for, or supervisor of, the activity being inspected. q PRECISION The relative corisistency or repeatability of each measurement in a set of measurements made unde.r the same conditions, (See Accuracy). q PROCEDURE .A document that specifies or describes how an activity is to be performed.

It may include methods to be employed, equipment or materials to be used and sequence of operations. I' t

o Chapter 2 Rev.19- >

Attachment 7.4 (Page 9 of 19) 56

= _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ __ _ _,

7 w,

  • PROCUREMENT CLASSlFICATIONS LProcurement Classification Level 1 (L1) is assigned to those items that are procured as' safety-rolated under tha responsibility of the suppliers approved 10CFR 50 Appendix B . )

. type quality assurance program with 10 CFR Part 21 reportability imposed on the supplier. .

Procurement Classification Level 2 (L2) is assigned to those liams that are safety-related or items meeting the definition of commercial gmde, procured under the responsibility of the' site quality assurance program for which Entergy Operations, Inc. assumes the responsibility defined in 10 CFR Part 21.

4 Procurement Classification _ Level 3 (L3) is assigned to those items which are not' safety-related but fall into Augmented Quality /special scope as described in the site design basis licensing documents.

i Procurement classification Level 4 (L4) is assigned to those permanent plant items which are defined as non safety-related (Balance of Plant) for which no quality assurance 2

requirements are imposed.

Procurement classification Level Pending (LP) is assigned to those items pending review by Materials Purchasing & Contracts for assigning the correct procurement classification.

Procurement classificatiors Level Exempt (LE) is assigned to non pt.....anent plant items L (exempt).

Below is a matrix relating former and current procurement classifications (procurement quality levels).








- PROCOREMENT DOCUMENT A document including purchase requisitions, specifications, drawings, instructions, contracts, letter of intent, work orders, purchase orders, or propcsals and their acceptances, when applicable, which authorize the seller to perform servicee er


supply equipment,' materials, or facilities on behalf of the purchaser. l, m g 3

. Chapter 2 Rev.19L Attachment 7.4 (Page 10 of 19)

- Y. . . .

. _. .. - -. - _ - . - - . ~ . - -~... -. - - - .- .-

X '

i t

PURCHASE ORDER A document issued by a purchaser to a supplier which defines the -

requirements and conditions for fumishing material, components, or_ equipment, q.-

PURCHASER'The organization or organizations responsible for issuance and

" administration of a contract, subcontract, or purchase order.1, m Q-LIST. A listing, by system, of all safety-related components in the Waterford 3 SF.5. For

-l" oach safety-related component the Q-List indicates the safety classification and seismic '

category along with the primary source documents which were used to determine if the component is safety-related, q .

-Q-RELATED LIST A listing of items or activities considered to have a limited impact on public health and safety and receive an appropriate application of 10CFR50 Appendix B :

Criteria. These areas include; Special Scope; Non-Nuclear Safety, Seismic Category 1 and items designated by FSAR Table 3.2-1, Note 17 q QUALIFICATION (PERSONNEL) The characteristics or abilities gained through training -

or experience or both thet enable an individual to perform a required function. i QUALIFICATION TESTS performed to qualify the basic material source or manufacturer.

These tests are mandatory unless current documentary test data are available to establish complete confidence in conformance to requirements. k ,

QUALIFIED PROCEDURE A procedure which incorporates all applicable codes and standards, manufacturer's parameters, and engineering specifications and has been proven adequate for its intended purpose. l, x QUALIFIED SUPPLIERS LIST (QSL) A list of suppliers approved from a quality assurance standpoint, to fumish specified quality related items or services in accordance with procurement documents. Qualified suppliers are approved by Supplier QA, who maintains the Qualified Supplier's List. q

. QUALITY ASSURANCE All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide assurance that a structure, system or component will perform satisfactorily in service, it applies to all activities associated with performing a job correctly as well as verifying and documenting the' satisfactory completion of the woit. l

- QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS Those records which fumish documentary evidence ,

of the quality of items and of activities affecting the quality of quality related structures,. u systems or components m, q .

QUALITY _ CONTROL Those quality assurance actions which provide a means to control

.and measure the characteristics of an item, process, or facility to established requirements. l Chapter 2 Revi19: Attachment 7.4 (Page 11 of 19) 58

e . .e . j

- < \

l QUALITY RELATED Waterford 3 uses the term Quality Related to describe the' entire scope ,

of structures, systems, components and activities which require some degree of.10CFR50 Appendix B, Quality Assurance criteria application. - Quality related is divided into five major categories:L(ref: fig.1) =

o Safety Related .

o Special Scope o Non-Nuclear Safety o Non-Safety Seismic .

o. Other items identified by FSAR table 3.2-1, note 17 or Waterford 3 procedures. .

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I Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 12 of 19) 59

7 .1-Safety Related Based on the definition of basic component in 10CFR21, Safety related structures, systems, and components are those necessary to assure:

1. The integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary;
2. The capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition; or
3. The capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents which could result in potential off-site emosures comparable to the guidelines of 10CFR100.

In all cases, safety related includes design, inspection, testing or consulting services important to safety that are associated with the component hardware, whether these services are performed by the component supplier or by others.

Safety related is further divided into five categories: .:

o Safety Class 1 o Safety Class 2 o SU?ety Class 3 o IEEE 1E o Seismic Category i Specific definitions Safety Class 1,2,3 and IEEE 1E may be obtained by referencing Regulatory Guide 1.26; ANSI N18.2 - 1973; ANSI N18.2a - 1975; and IEEE-308 - 1971.

Supports that have a nuclear safety function shall be the same safety class as the components that they support.

Seismic Category I includes those items that are designed to withstand the effects of a safe shutdown earthquake and remain functional. By definition, all of the safety related categories are designed to include the Seismic Category I requirements. Reference Regulatory Guide 1.29 - 1978.

Seismic Category I design requirements extend to the first seismic restraint beyond the defined boundaries. Those portions of structures, systems, or components that form interfaces between Seismic Cat; gory I and non-Seismic Category I features are designed to Seismic Category I requirements. See Regulatory Guide 1.29 - 1978, Regulatory Position C3.

Chapter 2 Fev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 13 of 19) 60

The safety related items listed above make up the Waterford 3 Q-List. These items and related activities require full 10CFR50 Appendix B implementation. Fullimplementation should not be construed to mean that each criterion necessarily applies, only that exceptions will not be given or taken when the criterion is applicable. For instance, a supplier that provides testing sentices only, cannot be expected to have a design program in place. However, that supplier will be required to implement the remaining applicable criteria in their QA Program.

Special Scope - The Special Scope areas are listed in Chapter 2 of the Quality Assurance Program Manual and are addressed in the Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope). Program implementation and applicable 10CFR50, Appendix B criteria are defined in EOMM policies and procedures. Reference Figure 1 to this appendix for a sample list of areas included as Special Scope.

Non-Nuclear Safety (NNS)- applies to portions of the nuclear power plant not covered by Safety Classes 1,2, or 3 that can influence safe normal operation or that may contain r,7dioactive fluids. Design of non-nuclear safety components shall be to applicable industry codes and standards. This applies pnmarily to components of secondary systems and waste disposal systems not otherwise covered. Also included are safety system components whose failures would not degrade system performance or cause a release to the environment of gaseous activity normally required to be held for decay (e.g., small components).

Non-Safety Seismic (NSS) -includes those items whose continued function is not required but whose failure could redte ' the function of any safety related equipment to an unacceptable level or could result in an .vspacitating injury to occupants of the control room and should be designed and constructed so that the safe shutdown earthquake would not cause such failure. See Regulatory Guide 1.29 - 1978, Regulatory Position C2.

Other items (FSAR Table 3.2-1, Note 17) - Other structures, systems, and components identified on FSAR Table 3.2-1 and accompanied by note 17 receive applicable 10CFR50, Appendix B Quality Assurance. These areas have been evaluated to have some safety significance although they do not fall into any of the other safety classifications. Applicable program requirements are included in policies, procedures, procurement documents and other documentation as required.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 14 of 19) 61

. . 4 l

The items included in the above section (Special Scope, Non Nuclear Safety and Other l

Items with FSAR Note 17) are identified on the Waterford 3 Q-Related List.

Implementation of a 10CFR50, Appendix B QA Program is based on a graded approach.

The applicable criteria is defined in either the Special Scope procedures, procurement documents, work packages, or applicable procedures. The criteria selection and program scope are identified by Engineering & Construction in concert with Quality Assurance and the responsible management.

SAFEGUARDS INFORMATiON (SI) security related documents not classified as National Security Information or Restricted Data, but protected from disclosure to the pubi.c an unauthorized persons. With respect to Waterford 3 SES, SI is any document which contains detailed information pertaining to:

1. Security measures for the physical protection of special nuclear materials; or
2. Security measures for the physical protection and location of certain plant equipment vital to the safety of production facilities. .:

SEISMIC QUALIFICATION which demonstrates an equipment's ability to perform its required function during and after the time that it is subjected to the forces resulting from a seismic disturbance (design basis earthquake).

SHALL, SHOULD, AND MAY Reference Nuclear Management Manual, Vol.1, Corporate Directive C2.101. The word "shall" is used to denote a requirement considered enforceable by the appropriate regulatory body; the word "should" is used to denote a recommended action, but not an enforceable requirement. Each employee is to carry out any "should" statement unless circumstances prevent or necessitate a deviation; and the word "may" is used to denote an opSon, neither a recommendation nor a requirement. q, c SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE CONDITION a level of condition for which a Root Cause Analysis and action to prevent recurrence are required:

1. A condition will be classified as a Significant Adverse Condition when it meets one or more of the following criteria:
a. The unplanned event, condition, or failure involves a system, structure, or component that has resulted in, or has the potential to cause:
1. a reactor or secondary system transient; or
2. a significant degradation of a safety related or trip sensitive system.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 15 of 19) 62


b. The condition or event is reportable per 10CFR50.72,10CFR50.73, 10CFR21 or 40CFR;
c. The condition or event is cited by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as a violation;
d. The condition or event has reached an unacceptable Sevel of severity or recurrence;
e. The condition is classified as a significant industrial safety concern (e.g., resuliing in a lost time accident); or
f. The conditbn or event is representative of a major noncompliance with, or major misunderstanding of Quality Assurance Program requirements (Usually determined by upper management).

SOURCE ACCEPTANCE of a product of Entergy Operations,Inc. orits designated agent at the suppl;er's plant, prior to shipment. 3

.4 SOURCE SURVEILLANCE A review, observation, or inspection for the purpose of verifying that an action has been accomplished as specified at the location of material procurement or manufacture. {

SPECIAL PROCESSES Those processes that require interim In-process controls in addition to final inspection to assure quality, c SPECIAL TEST Test that is developed with the intent of being utlil zed only one time and is normally contained within the applicable work package. q SPECIFICATION A concise statement of requirements to be satisfied by a product, a material or process indicating, whenever appropriate, the procedure by means of which it may be determined whether the requirements given are satisfied. I SUBSYSTEM A group of assemblies or components or both con'bined to perform a single function. l SUPPLIER Any individual or organization who furnishes items or services in response to a procurement document, it includes the terms Vendor, Seller, Contractor, '

Subcontractor, Fabricator, consultant, and subtier levels. m SURVEILLANCE The act of monitoring or observing to verify whether an item or activity conforms to specified requirements q Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 16 of 19) 63

SURVEILLANCE TESTING Periodic testing to verify that safety-related structures, systems, and components continue to function or are in a state of readiness to perform their functions, c SYSTEM An integral part of a nuctaar power plant comprised of components which may be operated or used as a separate entity to perform a specific function. Also, a group of subsystems united by some interaction or interdependence, performing many duties but functioning as a single unit. c,i SYSTEM PERFORMANCE TEST A test performed on a completed system including electric, instrumentation, controls, fluid, and mechanical subsystems under normal or simulated normal process conditions such as temperature, flow, level, and pressure, b, i TESTING The determinatic' or verification of the capability of an item to meet specified requirements by subjecting the item h a set of physical, chemical, environmental, or operating conditinns. Performance of those steps necosary to determine that systems or components function in accordance with predetermined specifications. c, g, I, I 2

TOLERANCE The allowat'le deviation from a specified or true value, q TRANSIT CARRIER (CLOSE.0) Trucks, trailers, railroad cars, barges, aircraft, or ships which do provide protection of items from the environment by nature of their closed design. e, l TRANSIT CARRIER (OPEN) Trucks, trailers, railroad cards, barges, aircraft, or ships which do noi provide protection of items from the environment. e, i UNREVIEWED ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTION A proposed change, test, or experiment shall be deemed to involve an unreviewed environmental question if it concerns: (1) a matter which may result in a significant increase in any adverse environmental impact previously evaluated in the FES-OL, environmental impact appraisals, or in any decisions l

of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; or (2) a signiJeant change in effluents or power tevel or (3) a matter, not previously reviewed and evaluated in the documents specified in (1) above, q UNREVIEWED SAFETY QUESTION A proposed change, test, or experiment shall be I

deemed to involve an unreviewed safety question: (1)if the probability of occurrence or the consequences af an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the safety analysis report may be increased or (2) if a possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the safety analysis report may be created or (3)if the margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification is reduced q, r l

I Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 17 of 19) 64

_. - ~ _ . _ __ .._ __ . _ _ . ._ __ . _ _ . _

s USE AS-IS A disposition which may be imposed for a nonconformance when it can be established that the discrepancy will result in no adverse conditions and that the item under consideration will continue to meet all engineering functional requirements .

including performae:n, maintainability, fit, and safety. (Same as Accept as is).1 VERIFICATION An act of confirming, substantiating, and assuring that an activity or i condition hws been implemented in conformance with the specified requirements. I, l WAIVER An approved exception to established controls. q e  :

r Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7A (Page 18 of 19) 65 -


. .:: t '

SUBSCRIPT INDEX SUBSCRIPT SOURCE OF DEFINITION a ANSI N18.1-1971/ANS3.1-1978 b ANSI N45.2.41972/IEEE-336 - 1971 c ANSI N18.7-1976/ANS3.2 d ANSI N45.2.1 1973 e ANSI N45.2.2-1972 i

i ANSI N45.2.3-1973 g ANSI /ASM3 N45.2.6-1978 h ANSI N45.2.11-1974 4 i ANSI N45.2.10-1973 J ANSI N45.2.9-1974 k ANSI N45.2.5-1974 i ANSI N45.2.8-1975 m ANSI N45.2.13-1976 n ANSI /ASME N45.2.121977 o ANSI /ASME N45.2.23-1978 p IEEE 308 - 1971/323 - 1983 q Entergy Operations, Inc.

r Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations s Technical Specifications t IEEE 498 - 1980 l

l Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 19 of 19) '


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t e. .

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i i



1 F

l i


ATTACHMENT IV TO W3F1-97-0211 -:

-1 Changes affecting QAPM Chapter 2. Revision 19

., y.

Pages revised 41 and 42 I

l b

L 4

e q

. I

..'1 c '
  • s 0- .;


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QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM CHANCE REVIEW FORM PROPOSED CHANGE: Chapter 2, Attachment 7.2 Rev.18 Change item 6 comment on new fuel assembly storage to read:

For the storage of new fuel assemblies and neutron sources, Waterford 3 commits to the storage requirements of Level B of ANSI N45.2.21972 less the flooding prevention requirements and will minimize dust and other particles contacting these items by placing a fire re'.:,,dnt polyethylene cover over these items or the cell locations in which the items are stored As an alternatrve to cry cell etorage with dust and particle protection, new fuel assemblies may be stored in the spent fuel pool.

10CFR50.54 REVIEW:

1. Does the proposed change represent a reduction of commitment to the @ Yes No QA Program description previously accepted by the NRC7 Explain:

The QAPM currently addresses only one storage option, the new fuel vault, for new fuel. Chapter 9, Section of the FSAR describes two options for storage, the new fuel vault and the spent fuel pool. The QAPM was not revised to r;flect the storage options of the FSAR.

2. If item 1 above is YES, does the proposed change include the basis to x Yes No O N/A conclude that the revised program incorporating the change continues to meet the criteria of 10CFR50 Appendix B and other previously accepted FSAR commitments?


Th3 storage of new fuel assemblies in the new fuel storage vault or the spent fuel poolis addressed in Chapter 9, Section of the FSAR. This change to Chapter 2, Attachment 7.2 Rev.18, will make the QAPM consistent with th3 information in the FSAR. !} th storage methods have been affirmed by the NRC through previous approvals of the W \ 6MIQ6(

d Q/30/97 Reviewed By: 'QA Repr ntat[] / D6te RECOMMENDATION:

Does not represent a lessening of commitment and it can be irnplemented immediately.

Represents a lessening of commitment, however, the change i ss sufficient basis to demonstrate


continued compliance with Appendix B and other FSAR commitments. Therefore,it should be submitted to the NRC for acceptance prior to implementation.

Represents a lessening of commitment with insufficient basis to determine continued compilance.

Therefore, the change should not be processed.

M- 3D l Recommended By: QA Supe 5tsoW Date DISPOSITION:

O Appluved forimplementation Disapproved C Approved for submittal to the NRC for acceptance Approved By:

kh Direcior~, Q ality lo)Iki)-

' Date W2.NO, Rev. O Attachment V Page 1 of 1

Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 It is the objective of Entergy Operations, Inc. (EOl) to operate and maintain the Waterford 3 nuclear plant in the highest degree of functionalintegrity and reliability l and to avoid undue risk to the health and safety of employees and the general public. It is the policy of Entergy Operations, Inc. that the programs for design, i procurement, fabrication, installation, inspection, testing, operation, maintenance, repair, refueling, and modification of Waterford 3 comply with the requirements of 10CFR50, Appendix B rd other related regulatory guidance.

1.2 This section of the QA Program Manual describes the overall Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program which assures that quality related activities are performed in a controlled manner and are documented to provide objective evidence of compliance with NRC regulations and guidance. This program takes into account the need for trained persennel, approved procedures, special controls, processes, equipment, and skills necessary to attain the required quality, and the need for verification of quality by inspection, testing, and audit.  :

1.3 The Quality Assurance Program is implemented through the use of approved policies, procedures, and instructions which provide written guidance for the control of quality related activities. These documents incorporate the requirements of the regulatory guides and the NRC endorsed ANSI Standards to which Waterford 3 has specifically committed.


2.1 USNRC Regulatory Guide 1.33, Rev. 2, February 1978 (which endorses ANSI N18.7-1976," Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants")

2.2 Technical Specifications, Waterford Steam Electric Station, NUREG-1117 2.3 10CFR50, Appendix B," Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants" s 3,0 DEFINITIONS 3.1 See Chapter 2 - Attachment 7.4.


1 Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 4.0 RESPONSIBILITIES 4.1 Vice President, Operations The Vice President, Operations is responsible for providing overall approval and direction for the Watelford 3 Quality Assurance Program 4.1.1 Safety Review Committee (SRC)

The Safety Review Committee is responsible for functioning as the off site independent review committee. The SRC is responsible for: providing independent review and audit of Waterford 3 operat i ons, reviewing changes or modifications which involve an unreviewed safety question, and reviewing safety evaluations of changes made to the plant and plant procedures under the provisions of 10CFR50.59. Additional responsibilities are listed in Chapter 1 and the Waterford 3 Technical Specifications.

4.2 General Manager, Plant Operations The General Manager, Plant Operations is responsible for ensuring tie development of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following furictional units: Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC); Operations; Maintenance; Plant Engineering; Chemistry; Radiation Protection / Safety; and Planning and Scheduling. The primary quality related responsibilities of the General Manager, Plant Operations are listed in Chapter 1.

4.2.1 Plant Operations Review Committee (PORC)

The PORC is responsible for functioning as the on-site independent review committee, and is responsible for reviewing plant operations items and procedures which are submitted to it; and for recommending approval by the General Manager, Plant Operations in accordance with applicable procedures.

Additional responsibilities are listed in Chapter 1 and the Waterford 3 Technical Specifications.

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Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Proaram Manual Chapter 2.

Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 4.3 Director, Plant Modification and Construction The Director, Plant Modification and Construction is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following prog *ams and organizational units: Modification Control, Construction, and Project Management. The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Plant Modifiation and Construction are listed in Chapter 1.

4A Director, Site Support The Director, Site Support is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following programs and organizational units: Security; Ernergency Planning; Site Business Services; and Employee Concerns Program. The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Site Support are listed in Chapter 1.

4.5 Director, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs The Director, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs is responsible for ensuring the development and rnaintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following programs and organizational units: Licensing; Operational Experience Engineering; and on-House Events Analysis. The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs are iisted in Chapter 1.

4.6 Director, Quality The Director, Quality is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the QuaRy Assurance organization. The primary quality related responsibilities of the virector, Quality are listed in Chapter 1.

4.7 Director, Training The Director, Training is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following programs and organizational units: Operations Training; Simulator Training; Maintenance Training:

Technical Training; and Engineering Training and Accreditation. The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Training are listed in Chapter 1, 24

Waterford 3 Quality Assuiance Program Manual Ct.spter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 4.8 Director, Design Engineering The Director, Design Engineering is responsible for ensuring the development and maintenance of procedures or instructions for the implementation of the following programs and organizational units: Safety and Engineering Analysis; Procurement / Programs Engineering; and Design Engineering. The primary quality related responsibilities of the Director, Design Engineering are listed in Chapter 1.

4.9 Vice President, Engineering The Vice President, Engineering reports directly to the Executive Vice President &

Chief Operating Officer, and is responsible for providing engineering services in support of the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program. The primary quality related responsibilities of the Vice President, Engineering are listed in Chapter 1.

4.10 Vice President, Operations Support The Vice President, Operations Support reports directly to the Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, and is responsible for the administration of corporate support functions in the areas of radiological protection, radioactive waste management, chemistry, environmental services, operations, maintenance, outage management, security, emergency planning, technology transfer, and central licensing; oversight of site Health Physics and Chemistry activities; and management of the Plant Support and Assessment,Information Systems, Material Requirements, EOl shared services, and Materials, Purchasing Purchasing and Contracts groups. It is the responsibility of the Vice President, Operations Support to assure that these functions performed forW ' aterford 3 are performed in eccordance with the requirements of the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance program.



1 Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 5.0 PROCEDURE 5.1 Document Hierarchy 5.1.1 Attachment I depicts the hierarchy of documents comprising the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance program. This attachment identifies various program documentation that controls quality related activities at Waterford 3. Quality Assu.ance program implementing documents define the responsibilities of individuals c.od organizations participating in quality related activities.

5.1.2 The highest level of the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance program includes: Federal and state regulations; Industry codes and standards; Licensing agreements and specifications; and The Final Safety Analysis Report.

5.1.3 The next al of the document hierarchy includes: Nuclear Management Manual; Waterford 3 Management Manual; and Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual (OAPM).

5.1.4 The succeeding level of documentation contains departmental level procedures and instructions.

5.1.5 This manual, as well as the Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope),

provides the media for informing responsible organizations and individuals that implementation of the Quality Assurance program is mandatory and that the Quality Assurance program shall be enforced.


Waterford 3 Quainy Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 5.2 Quality Assurance Program Manual 5.2.1 This Quality Assurance Program Manual defines the responsibilities and activities necessary to implement the quality requirements and commitments contained in the highest level documents including 10CFR50 Appendix B, the regulatory guides, and the ANSI Standards as listed in Chapter 2 Attachment 7.2 of this manual.

5.2.2 Chapters 1 and 2 of this manual address the Waterford 3 quality related commitments in order to summarize the entire scope of the Quality Assurance program.

5.2.3 Chapters 3 through 18 of this manual have been developed to promulgate the safety related commitments only.

5.3 Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) 5.3.1 The Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) defines the quality requirements for quality related items and activities not meeting the definition of safety related. The Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) has been developed to define the 10CFR50 Appendix B criteria applicable to specific activities. The Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) may address each criteria and its implementation; or reference the applicable chapter of this Quality Assurance Program Manual, stating that the safety related controls apply.

5.3.2 The chapters provide direction for the following special scope programs: Fire Protection Quality Assurance; Radiological Effluent and Environmental Monitoring: Emergency Preparedness; Security; Radioactive Waste Management Quality Program; Special Nuclear Material Control and Accountability; 5.3.2,7 Computer Software; 27

  • l Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 l Cuality Assurance Program _

Revision 19 l ALARA Program; i I Radiation Protection;

> ATWS; and Stat %n Blackout.

5.4 - Procedures and Instructions 5.4.1 The individual Entergy Operations, Inc. organizations assigned responsibilities by the Nuclear Management Manual, Waterford 3 Management Manual, and the QAPM shall be responsible for the development, maintenance, and implementation of procedures and instructions to detail the respective elements of program performance.

'5.4.2 The procedure types listed in 5.4.3 have been developed at Waterford 3 to address required aspects of plant management and operations. These procedures will: < Implement the policy and direction of the Nuclear Management Manual, Waterford 3 Management Manual, and the QAPM to provide contiol over quality related operations and activities to a degree consistent with their importance to s&fety; Provide a clear understanding of the operating philosophy at Waterford 3; and Delineate the responsibilities and authorities of the Waterford 3 staff.

5.4.3 The Waterford 3 procedures and instructions contained in this level are the:' - Plant Operating Manual: Quality Assurance procedures; Site Support procedures;- Design Engineering procedures; Design Eng'ineering ~ Administrative Manual (DEAM);  ! Plant Modification and Construction procedures; 28

l Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 ,

l l Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs procedures, Nuclear Training procedures; and i Materials, Purchasing & Contracts Administrative Procedures. i 5.5 Identification of Safety Related Structures, Systems, and Components 5.5.1 The Quality Assurance Program applies to all activities associated with quality related structures, systems, and components to an extent commensurate with their importance to safety. FSAR Table 3.2-1, Chapter 2 Attachment 7.2, and the Waterford 3 0 List provide safety related classifications of plant structures, systems, and components; and identify those items subject to 10CFR50 Appendix B requirements.

5.5.2 Procedures provide further guidance for the ident;fication of safety and quality rebted structures, systems, components and related activities to assure that the appropriate level of Quality Assurance program requirements are applied.

5.5.3 Procedures for the preparation and control of procurement documents provide guidance for spare and replacemant part classification determination. These procedures invoke applicable codes, standards, regulations, FSAR requirements, and the Q List classifications for determining the classification of spare or replacement parts or materials.

5.6 Resolution of Disputes 5.6.1 Disputes involving quality, arising from a difference of opinion between Entergy Operations, Inc. departments, are normally resolved via direct interaction between the managers involved. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached,

. the disputes are resolved through higher levels of management. The Director, Quality should be consulted for disputes involving the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance program interpretation and implementation.

5.6.2 Disputes involving quality, arising from a difference of opinion between EOl entities, contractors, or suppliers, are normally resolved through the appropriate manager, If a satisfactory resolution cannot be reached, the disputes should be elevated to the Vice President, Operations, if necessary. The Director, Quality l should be consulted for disputes involving other EOl entities. The Vice President, Operations Support and/or the Director, Quality should be consulted for disputes concerning contractors or suppliers.


1 1

i Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 l Ouality Assurance Program Revision 19 5.6.3 Written notification shall be provided to the Vice Presid2nt, Operations, and the Safety Review Committee regarding disnutes or disagreements arising from a difference of opinion between the Plant Operations Review Committee and the General Manager, Plant Operations. The General Manger, Plant Operations has responsibility for resolution of such disputes in accordance with the technical 1 specifications.

5.7 Indoctrination, Training, and Qualificat.o 1 Programs 5.7.1 Indoctrination, training, and qualification programs shall be established for Entergy Operations, Inc. personnel performing quality related activities. These programs shall be designed to ensure that personnel involved are knowledgeable in quality procedures and requirements, and have the necessary proficiency to perform the tasks. The scope, objective, and method of implemonting the indoctrination and training program snall be documented in approved procedures.

5.7.2 Entergy Operations, Inc. management is responsible for assuring that personnel are properly trained to perform activities in a safe and effective manner. The Director, Training is responsible for providing professional, technical, and educational programs to support the indoctrination and training of Waterford 3 employees, contractors, and visitors to assure their safety and proficiency during the performance of their activities at Waterford 3. The Director, Quality reviews the content of quality related Indoctrination and training programs to assure adequacy.

5.7.3 Indoctrination, training, and qualification programs require: Personnel responsible for performing activities that affect quality are instructed on the purpose, scope, and implementation of quality related manuals, instructions, and procedures;! pedorming activities that affect quality are trained and qualified in the principles, techniques, and requirements of the activity being performed; Proficiency and qualification of personnel performing or verifying activities are maintained by retraining, re-examining, and/or recertifying on a periodic basis, as applicable; Proficiency testing is utilized to detemline qualifications when education, experience, and training cannot be verified by other means; and 30

Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Assurance Program Revision 19 Training and qualification documentation is maintained which describes the objectives, content, attendance, tests, acceptance criteria, and the functions personnel are qua ified to perform.

5.7.4 The training program for Waterford 3 personnelis further described in Chapter 13 of the FSAR and in implementing procedures.

5.7.5 Waterford 3 Quality Assurance or the Entergy Operations, Inc. Material Requirements organization conducts audits of other organization units, such as suppliers and contractors engaged in quality related activities at or for Waterford 3 to verify that personnel are adequately Iredoctrinated, trained, and qualified.

5.8 Controlled Conditions for Performing Activities 5.8.1 Quality related activities shall be accomplished under controlled conditions by personnel with the necessary skills to attain the required quality. Activities shall be performed using appropriate equipment, under suitable environmental conditions and with the assurance that prerequisites for the given activity have been satisfied.

5.9 Management Review of the Quality Assurance Program 5.9.1 The Vice President, Operations ensures that a management af aensment of the Quality Assurance program is conducted periodically (not to e. md 24 months) by a qualified independent organization.

5.9.2 The information from these management assessments, the trend report, and summaries of the Quality Assurance program status are used by the Vice President, Operations to evaluate the effectiveness of the Quality Assurance program and to take action, as necessary, to assure that the program complies with applicable regulatory requirements.

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Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program Manual Chapter 2 Quality Atsurance Program l Revision 19  !

l 1

5.10 Maintenance of the Quality Assurance Program 5.10.1 Revisions to the Quality Assurance Program Manual are issued as necessary to support effective implementation of the Quality Assurance Program. The NRC shall be notified annually, or 6 months after each refueling outage provided the interval between successive updates does not exceed 24 months, of any changes to the Quality Assurance Program description that do not 6 educe the commitments previously accepted, The revisions must reflect all changes up to a maximum of 6 months prior to the date of filing. If a caange is contemplated which would reduce the commitments in the approved Quality Assurance Program description, the proposed change shall be submitted to the NRC for approval prior to implementing the change.

5.10.2 Revisions to the Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) are issued as necessary to support effective implementation of the Quality Assurance Program. NRC notification regarding changes to the Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope) is not required.

5.10.3 Entergy Operations, Inc. requires principal contractors and suppliers to submit their QA Program descriptions to Entergy Operations, Inc. for evaluation and to provide notification of changes. Significant changes to such program descriptions shall be reported, as applicable, to the NRC in writing, in addition, princioal contractors and suppliers are required to provido notificathn of significant changes to their subcontractor's quality assurance prog ~r am description which has the effect of changing the quality assurance program of the principal contractor or Entergy Operations, Inc.

6.0 RECORDS None 7,0 ATTACHMENTS 7.1 Quality Assurance Program Documentation 7.2 Regulatory Guidance Documents 7.3 10CFR50, Appendix B Compliance 7.4 Terms and Definitions 32

QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DOCUMENT ATION Identification Description Approval and Control

1. Quality Assurance Defines the Quality Assurance Prepared by Quahty Assurance, Program Manual Program, assigns responsibilities to concurred with by the affected various organizations, and defines organizations and approved by the safety-related activities. Vice President. Operations, Waterford 3. Issued and controlled by Site Business Services.
2. Nuclear Management A set of Policies and Procedures Prepared by cognizant personnel, Manual which presenbe activities and issued and controlled by responsibilities. Headquarters, Entergy Operations, Inc. and approved by Entergy Operations, Inc. Management.
3. Waterford 3 Management A set of Policies and Procedures Prepared by cognizant personnel, Manual which prescribe activities and and approved by Waterford 3 Vice responsibilities at Waterford 3. President Operations. Issued and controlled by Site Business Services.
4. Waterford 3 Plant A manual consisting of a set of Prepared by cognizant plant staff  !

Operating Manual procedures which prescribe organizational units. Quality related required aspects of plant procedures shall receive a quality management and operation. This ietated review. Approved by the i manual provides the mechanism General Manager, Plant Operations.

through which the administrative issued and controlled by Site controls and quality assurance Business Services.

requirements are implemented  ;

during the operation of Waterford 3.

The POM applies to all personnel when they are within the Waterford i 3 protected area.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.1 (Page 1 of 4) 33 l i

OUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION Identification Descnption Approval and Control
5. Quality Assurance A set of procedures prepared and Prepared by Qaiakty Assurance and "

' Procedures Manual- issued n specify and control the ' cooidiseied with other cigisimai;0iw activsbes Of the Quahty Assurance as applicable. Approved by the organization. Drector. Quahty. Issued and controlled by Site Business i Services i

i 6. Site Support Procedures A set of procedures which Prepisied by cognizant personnel

- presenbe activities and within the Site Support Group.

responsdnishes within the Site Quakty related procedures shall l

! . Support Group. receive a quatty related review.

Approved by the Drector Site  !

Support. Issued and controlled by Site Business Services  ;

7. Design Engineering A set of procedures which Prepared by cognizant personnel Procedures presenbe activities and within Design Engineenng, Quakty responsibilities within the Design related procedures shall receive a  ;

Engineenng organization quahty related review. Approved i by the Dwector, Desegn Engineering l or Department Manager. Issued [

and controlled by Site Business -;

i Services. j f


.I t

1 i

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.1 (Page 2 of 4) 34  !

OUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM DOCUMENTATION Identdication Description Approval and Control

8. Design Engineering A set of corporate level procedures Prepared by cognizant personnel Administrative Manual which presenbe activities and within Design Engineenng. Issued 2

(DEAM) responsibilities within the Design and controlled by the Manager. '

Engineering organizations. Engineenng Support, Central Design Engineering. Qualdy related procedures shall receive a quahty ,

related review. Concurred with by the Site Director, Design Engineenng for DEAM subsechons apphcable to their respective sites; and the Managers, Central Design Engineering. Approved by the Managers, Central Design l

Engineering for DEAM documents ,

within their functonal area of responsibility. .

9. Plant Modification and A set of procedures which Prepared by cognizant personnel Construction Procedures presenbe activities and within Plant Modification and  ;

responsibilities within the Plant Construcbon. Quakty related Modification and Construction procedures shall receive a quality organization related review. Approved by the Director, Plant Modification and Construchon. Issued and controlled by Site Busmess Services. t 1

t Chapter 2 Rev.19. Attachment 7.1 (Page 3 of 4) i 35  ;


Identdication Desuv^uon Approval and Control -

10. Nuclear Safety and A set of procedures which Prepared by cognizant personnel Regulatory Affairs presenbe activities and within Nuclear Safety and Procedures - responsibilities within the Nuclear Regulatory Affairs. Quaiety related Safety and Regulatoiy Affairs procedures shall receive a quality organization. related review. Approved by the Director Nuclear Safety and Regulatory Affairs.

Issued and controlled by Site Business Services.

11. NuclearTraining A set of procedures which Prepared by cognizant personnel

, Procedures presenbe activities and withinIJuclearTraining. Quality responsibilities within the Nuclear related procedures shall receive a Training Organization quality related review. Approved


by the Director, Training. Issued


conuolled by Site Business Services..

12. Materials, Purchasing A set of procedures, which Prepared by cognizant personnel

& Contracts prescribe activities and within Matenais, Purchasing &

Administrative responsibilines within the Materials, Contracts. Quality related Procedures Purchasing & Contracts procedures shall receive a quality organization. related review. Approved by the Director, Materials, Purchasing &

Contracts,. Issued and controlled by Materials, Purchasing & Contracts.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.1 (Page 4 of 4) 36

REGULATORY GUIDANCE DOCUMENT This document contains a listing of Regulatory Guides and ANSI Standards applicable to the Quality Assurance Program for Waterford 3. Reference FSAR Section 1.8 for a complete listing of regulatory guides and standards applicable to the design and operation of Waterford 3.

D_ocument Comment

1. Appendix B to 10CFR50 " Quality 1. Criterion Vil, Control of Purchased Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Materials, Equipment, and Services Power Plants and Fuel :tates that documentary evidence that Reprocessing Plants" material and equipment conform to the procurement requirements shall be available at the nuclear power plant or fuel reprocessing plant site prior to installation or use of such material and equipment.

The Waterford 3 Quality Assuranc)

Program requires that required documentary evidence be available at the site prior to use, but not necessarily prior to installation. This allows installation to proceed under specified conditions while any missing documents are being obtained, but precludes dependence on the item for safety purposes.

2. A. Regulatory Guide 1.8, 1. The qualifications of personnelin the l Revision 1, September Health Physics, Radwaste, and 1975, " Personnel Selection Chemistry Departments are in and Training"(Endorses accordance with ANSI N18.1 1971 as ANSI N18.1-1971) endorsed by this Reg. Guide and/or l as shown in FSAR Chapter 13.

l l

l l

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 1 of 8) 37

l Document Comment  !

i i

B. ANSl/ANS 3.1 1978, 2. The qualification of personnel other i

" Standards for Selection than those in the Health Physics, and Tl raining of Personnel Redweste, and Chemistry for Nuclear Power Plants" Departments are in accordance with  !

. ANSl/ANS 3.1-1978. Specific  ;

commitments are shown in FSAR 4

Chapter 13. l

3. Personnel performing Independent Technical Review functions meet the  :

qualification requirements of NUREG- .:

0737-1980 instead of Section 4.7.2 of ANSI /ANS 3.1-1978. ,

3. Regulatory Guide 1.30, August 1. Waterford 3 applies the provisions of 1972," Quality Assurance this Regulatory Guide and its  !

Requirements for the Installation, endorsed standard to Class 1E '

i inspection and Testing of equipment only.

Instrumentation and Electrical Equipment" (Endorses ANSI 2. Each safety related item of process _

N45.2.4-1972) instrumentation is identified with a unique number. This number is used in instrument maintenance records so

' that current calibration status, l~ including data such as the date of the calibration and identity of the person that performed the calibration, can be l: readily determined. Such information may also be contained on tags or labels that may be attached to installed instrumentation.  ;

h 4

l i

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E-  ; Chapter 2 Rev.19 ' Attachment 7.2 (Page 2 of 8)-


1 Document Comment

4. Regulatory Guide 1.33, Rev. 2, 1. ANSI N18.7 references certain other February 1978, " Quality standards to which Entergy Assurance Program Operations, Inc. takes exception.

Requirements (Operational)" Waterford 3 exceptions and (Endorses ANSI N18.7-1976) alternatives are listed in this table.

2. Waterford 3 complies with Regulatory Position C.3 of Regulatory Guide 1.33, except under emergency ,

conditions in which case Entergy Operations, Inc. shall submit proposed changes to Technical Specifications or license amendmants in accordance with 10CFR50.54 and or 10CFR50.71.

3. ANSI N18.7, Section 3.4.2, Requirements for the on site operating organization, states that [the ,

activities of the individual or organizational unit responsible for verifying that the administrative controls and Quality Assurance Progrcm is being effectively implemented) shall be periodically audited by designated personnel.

Waterford 3 utilizes designated off-site personnel or en outside agency to perform assessments of the entire QA Program including the activities of the on site audit personnelin lieu of periodic audits, Assessment results and other program evaluation documents such as the Trend Analysis Report are forwarded to Entergy Operations,Inc management for evaluation and determination of corrective action.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 3 of 8) 39

Document Comment

4. Regulatory Guide 1.33 4. ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.7, (Continued) Maintenance and Modification:

Waterford 3 pre-plans and performs maintenance of equipment in accordance with written procedures '

except in emergency or abnormal conditions where immediate action is ,

required to:

a. Protect the health and safety of the public,
b. Protect equipment or personnel,
c. Prevent the deterioration of plant conditions to a potentially unsafe or unstable level
5. ANSI N18.7, Section, Maintenance Program: Repair of safety related equipment will be accomplished in accordance with approved procedures and/or vendor manuals.
6. Waterford 3 will provide procedures for the activities in Appendix A of Regulatory Guide 1.33 as discussed in Section C-1 of the regulatory guide.

However, Waterford 3 does not consider all activities listed to be

" safety-related" (c .g., activities in 7.e).

7. ANSI N18.7, Section 5.2.15 states,

" Plant procedures shall be reviewed by an individual knowledgeable in the  ;

area affected by the procedure no less frequently than every two years."

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 4 of 8)  ;


l l

Document Comment 4 Regulatory Guide 1.33 Waterford 3 has programmatic control (Continued) requirements in place that initiate procedure reviews upon identification of new or revised source material that has a potential to affect the intent of the procedure.

A biennial audit is performed by the Quality Assurance Department to verify compliance with existing programmatic controls used to maintain procedures current.

5. Regulatory Guide 1.37, March No exceptions.

1973," Quality Assurance Requirements for Cleaning Fluid Systems and Associated Components of Water Cooled Nuclear Plants" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.1-1973)

6. Regulatory Guide 1.38, Rev. 2, For the storage of new fuel assemblies and May 1977," Quality Assurance neutron sources, Waterford 3 commits to the Requirements for Packaging, storage requirements of Level B of ANSI Shipping and Receiving, Storage N45.2.2-1972 less the flooding prevention and Handling ofitems for Water requirements and will minimize dust and Cooled Nuclear Power Plants" other particles contacting these items by (Endorses ANSI N45.2.2-1972) placing a fire retardant polyethylene cover over these items or the cell locations in which the items are stored. As an altamative to dry cell storage with dust and particle protection, new fuel assemblies may be Jg stored in the spent fuel pool.

ANSI N45.2.2 states that motors in storage should have the insulation resistance checked on a scheduled basis. Waterford 3 conducts complete insulation tests upon receipt of the motor and again before the motor is installed in the plant. An extensive motor run-in is also performed before installation to verify operability.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 ' Attachment 7.2 (Page 5 of 8) 41 .

Document Comment

6. Regulatory Guide 1.38 Insulation resistance tests wi!I be conducted I (Continued) upon receipt - only on motors equal to or greater than 460V, in accordance with 3 IEEE Std. 43 and/or NEMA Std. MG1.
7. Regulatory Guide 1.39, Rev. 2 The zone designations of Section 2.1 of September 1977," Housekeeping ANSI N45.2.3-1973 and the requirements Requirements for Water Cooled associated with each zone are not consistent Nuclear Power Plants" with the requirements for operating plant.

(Endorses ANSI N45.2.3-1973) Instead, procedures or instructions for housekeeping activities which include the applicable requirements outlined in Section 2.1 of ANSI N45.2.3 and which take into account radiation control consk'erations, security considerations, and personnc! and equipment safety considerations are developed on a case basis.

8. Regulatory Guide 1.58, Rev.1, Personnel performing nondestructive testing September 1980, " Qualification of meet the qualification requirements of ASNT Nuclear Power Plant inspection, Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A-Examination and Testing 1980 and its applicable supplements.

Personnel" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.6-1978)

9. Regulatory Guide 1.64, Rev. 2, No exceptions.

June 1976," Quality Assurance Requirements for the Design of Nuclear Power Plants" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.11-1974)

10. Regulatory Guide 1.70, Rev. 2, No exceptions.

September 1975, " Standard t Format and Contents of Safety l Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants"

11. Regulatory Guide 1.74, February No exceptions.

1974," Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.10-1973)

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 6 of 8) 42

Document Comment

12. Regulatory Guide 1.88, Rev. 2, The interim storage of Quality Assurance October 1976, " Collection, Records will be conducted in accordance Storage and Maintenance of with approved procedures. At a minimum, Nuclear Power Plant Quality Quality Assurance Records stored on an ,

Assurance Records"(Endorses interim basis will be afforded the protection ANSI N45.2.9-1974) of a one-hour minimum rated facility or storage cabinet.

13. Regulatory Guide 1.94, Rev.1, No exceptions.

April 1976,"Qualih Assurance Requirements for Installation, inspection, and Testing of Structural Concrete and Structural Steel During Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.51974)

14. Regulatory Guide 1.116, No exceptions.

Rev. 0 R, May 1977," Quality Assurance Requirements for Installation, Inspection and Testing of Mechanical Equipment and Systems"(Endorses ANSI N45.2.8-1975)

15. Regulatory Guide 1.123, Rev.1, No exceptions.

July 1977," Quality Assurance Requirements for Control of Procurement of items and Services for Nuclear Power Plants" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.13- 1976)

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 7 of 8) 43

+ -- _


- Document Comment

16. Regulatory Guide 1.144, Rev.1, Waterford 3 takes exception to the following September 1980, " Auditing of paragraphs of ANSI N45.2.12: '

Quality Assurance Programs for Nuclear Power Plants" (Endorses 1, 2.3 - Training - Technical Specialists

- ANSI N45.2.12-1977) who assist in performing audits in their area of special expertise will not necessarily be trained in audit techniques; however, they will always be accompanied by a trained and qualified auditor.

2. 4.4 - Reports - Audit reports will be issued within 30 working days of the post-audit meeting. (Except audit reports required by the SRC Audit .

Program which are required within 30 days).

3. 4.3 - Conferences - Pre-audit and post-audit conferences shall be held oniy when deemed necessary by Quality Assurance or when requested by the audited organization s
17. Regulatory Guide 1.146, August No exceptions.

1980," Qualifications of Quality Assurance Program Audit Personnel for Nuclear Power Plants" (Endorses ANSI N45.2.23-1978)

Chapter 2 Rev 19 Attachment 7.2 (Page 8 of 8) 44

10CFR50, APPENDIX B COMPLIANCE This document illustrates the relationship between 10CFR50, Appendix B and the Nuclear Safety Quality Assurance Policies.

10CFR50, Appendix B Criterion Nuclear Safety Quall'y Assurance Policy

1. Organization Chapter 1 - defines the organizational structure and delineates the authority and responsibilities of individuals and organizations performing quality assurance activities.
11. Quality Assurance Program Chapter 2 - defines the scope of the Quality Assurance Program and establishes that activities affecting safety related structures, systems, and components will be conducted in accordance with approved procedures.

Ill. Design Control Chapter 3 - defines requirements for the control of the design of safety related structures, systems, and components including the design of plant modifications.

IV. 1-rocurement Document Control Chapter 4 - defines requirements for the control of procurement of safety related structures, systems, components, materials, and services.

V. Instructions, Procedures, and Chapter 5 - defines requirements for the Drawings development and control of instructions, procedures, and drawings.

VI. Document Ccntrol Chapter 6 - defines requirements for the control of documents for safety related structures, systems, and components and identifies the type of documents to be controlled.

Vll. Control of Purchased Material, Chapter 7 - defines requirements for control of Equipment, and Services purchased material, equipment, and services, including control of suppliers and receiving inspection.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.3 (Page 1 of 3) 1 45 )

l 10CFR50, Appendix B Criterion Nuclear Safety Quality Assurance Policy Vill. Identification and Control of Chapter 8 - defines requirements for control of Materials, Parts, and Components materials, parts, and components.

-IX. Control of Special Processes Chapter 9 - dafines requirements for control of special processes including welding, heat treating, NDE, and chemical cleaning.

X. Inspection Chaptt '1es requirements for insp( c. e ils and activities important to safe , " ming -iteria for determining whenL c w im :tions are performed.

XI. Test Control Chapter 11 uo ws the scope of the test control program . . sstablishes requirements for test procedunes and instructions.

Xil. Control of Measuring and Test Chapter 12 - defines requirements for control Equipment of measuring and test equipment and for inspections, tests, and monitoring cf quality related equipment and activities.

XIll. Handling, Storage, and Shipping Chapter 13 - defines requirements for handling, storage, and shipping of safety related structures, systems, and components.

XIV. Inspection, Test, and Operating Chapter 14 - defines requirements for control EMtus of inspection, test, and operating status of ,

safety related items and equipment.

XV. Nonconforming Material, Parts, or Chapter 15 - defines requirements for Components identificatica, documentation, segregation, review, and disposition of nonconforming materials, parts, and components.

XVI. Corrective Action Chapter 16 - defines requirements fur establishment of an effective corrective action program with specified basic corrective action elements.

XVil. Quality Assurance Records Chapter 1.7 - defines requirements for a quality assurance records program including identification of types and content of records.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.3 (Page 2 of 3) 46

10CFR50, Appendix B Criterion Nuclear Safety Quality Assurance Policy XVill. Audits Chapter 18 - defines requirements for audits of safety related activities including audit program scope and methods.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.3 (Page 3 of 3) 47 l 1

TERMS AND DEFINITIONS Th;s document provides a compilation of terms and definitions which are important to establishing the boundaries of the Waterford 3 Quality Assurance Program. They are provided as guidance to achieve standardization within Waterford 3 documents and as an aid in the implementation of the Quality Assurance Program. The terms and definitions were selected from those contained within the ANSI standards listed in Appendix A on the basis of most frequent usage.

Those responsible for the Quality Assurance Program implementation are reminded that those terms and definitions provided by the standards but not listed herein should be regarded as valid. Therefore, the user is referred to the standards listed in Appendix A for additional guidance.

It is the responsibility of the user of the terms and definitions contained herein to ascertain that they are appropriate for the intended application. Where a term is used to convey a different intent than that defined herein, clarification should be provided at the point of application.

.1 The subscript following each definition provides the source of the definition. An index of the subscripts is contained at the end of this appendix.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 1 of 19) 48

l- ABNORMAL CONDITION Hardware deviations (i.e. conditions not meeting the threshold criteria of adverse conditions or nonconforming condition) observed in the course of inspections, testing, maintenance, operation, etc.

ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA A limit or limits placed on the variation permitted in the characteristics of an item expressed in definitive engineering terms such as dimensional tolerances, chemical composition limits, density ano size of defects, temperature ranges, time limits, operating parameters, and other similar characteristics. e ACCEPT-AS-IS Same as Use-As-Is. q ACCURACY The degree of conformity of a measure to a standard or to a true value.

(See Precision), q ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROLS Rules, orders, instructions, procedures, peiicies, practices

. and designations of authority and responsibility c ADVERSE CONDITION An event, defect, characteristic, state or activity which negatively impacts the safe, efficient operation of Waterford 3. Adverse conditions include: a Nonconfomiing condition; ConditLns adverse to quality; Industrial safety concems; and Plant reliability concerns.

APPROVAL An act of endorsing or add:ng positive authorization or both. i APPURTENANCE A part that is attached to a component which has been completed.1 AS-BUILT-DATA Documented data that describes the condition actually achieved in a product l ASSEMBLY A combination of subassemblies or components, or both fitted together to form a unit. l AUDIT A documented activity performed in accordance with written procedures or checklists to verify, by examination and evaluation of objective evidence, that applicable elements of the quality assurance program has been developed, documented, and effectively implemented in accordance veith specified requirements. An audit should not be confused with surveillance or inspection for the sole purpose of process control or product acceptance. I, n, o Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 2 of 19) 49

BASIC COMPONENT A structure, system, or component, or part thereof that affects its safety function necessary to assure (A) The integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary; (B) The capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition; or (C) The capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents which could result in potential offsite exposures comparable to those referred to in 19 Sec.100.11 of Title 10, Chapter 1 Code of Federal RegulaCons. Basic components are-items designed and manufactured under a quality assurance program complying with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, or commercial grade items which have successfully completed the dedication process. Basic component includes safety-related design, analysis, inspection, testing, fabrication, replacement of parts, or consulting services that are associated with the component hardware whether these services are performed by the component supplier or others, r,q BID EVALUATION An evaluation of proposals or bids received in response to an inquiry (request for proposal or bid) to determine the vendor or contractor to whom the purchase order or contract will be awarded. q CALIBRATION Comparison of an item of Measuring and Test Equipment and certtin installed instrumentation and control devices with a reference standard or with an item of a M&TE of required tolerance to detect and quantify inaccuracies and to report or elimir, ate those inaccuracies. q, t CAUSE A reason or contributing reason for the occurrence of an adverse condition.

Causes are categorized as either apparent cause or root cause.

Apparent Cause - the obvious reason for the occurrence of an adverse condition.

The apparent cause is identified without performing a formal root cause analysis.

Root Cause - the most basic cause(s) which, if corrected or eliminated, would prevent recurrence of the adverse condition. Root Causes are generally identified through the conduct of a formal root cause analysis.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE A written statement, signed by a qualified party, attesting that the items or services are in accordance with specified requirements and accompanied by additional information to substantiate the statement, i CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMANCE A written statement, signed by a qualified party, certifying that items or services comply with specific requirements, i CERTIFICATION The action of determining, verifying and attesting, in writing, to the qualifications of personnel or material. l CERTIFIED MATERIAL TEST REPORT A written and signed document, approved by a qualified party, that contains sufficient data and information to verify the actual properties of items and the actual retutts of all required tests. l l

l' Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 3 of 19) 50

CHARACTERISTIC Any property or attribute of an item, process, or service that is distinct, describable, and measurable, as conforming or nonconforming to specified quality assurance requirements. Quality assurance characteristics are generally identified in specifications and drawings, which describe the item, process or service. l CLEANNESS A state of being clean in accordance with predetermined standards, and usually implies freedom from dirt, scale, heavy rust, oil or other contaminating impurities. I COMMERCIAL GRADE A structure, system, or component, or part thereof that affects its safety function, that was not designed and manufactured as a basic component.

Commercial grade items do not include items where the design and manufacturing g process require in-process inspections and verifications to ensure ' hat defects or failures to comply are identified and corrected (i.e, one or more critical characteristics of the item cannot be verified). r,q COMPONENT A piece of equipment such as a vessel, nioing, pump, valve or core support structure, which will be combined with other components to form an assembly; or:

items from which electrical equipment is assembled, for example, resistors, capacitors, ,

wires, connectors, transistors, switches, springs, etc.i CONDITIONS ADVERSE TO QUALITY An adverse condition which prevents a quality related system, structure, component or activity from meeting license or design basis requirements q CONSTRUCTION PHASE The period of time beginning with the start of construction activity and ending as each plant area is tumed over to the plant operator.b,i CONTRACT A document such as a contract order, change order, agreem nt, addendum, work order or task authorization which defines the requirements and conditions for furnishing contract services, q CONTRACTOR Any organization under contract for fumishing items or services. It includes the terms Vendor, Supplier, Subcontractor, Fabricator, and subtier levels of these where appropriate d,i CORRECTIVE ACTION Measures taken upon the identification of an adverse condition to correct the condition and prevent recurrence. The basic elements of the corrective action program are:

-1) identification and immediate action; -

2) review for impact / assignment
3) investigate and analyze;
4) corrective action planning and implementation;
5) verification of completion; and
6) verification of long-term effectiveness Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 4 of 19) 51

DEDICATION An acceptance process undertaken to provide reasonable assurance that a commercial grade item to be used as a basic component will perform its intended safety function and, in this respect, is deemed equivalent to an item designed and 19 manufactured under a 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix B, quality assurance program. The -

process is considered complete when the item is designated for use as a basic component. r,q DEFECTIVE MATERIAL A material or component which has one or more characteristics that do not cornply with specified requirements.1 DEFICIENCY An observed condition that is or appears to be adverse to quality or beyond a defined or approved qualitative or quantitative acceptance criterion q DESIGN Technical and management processes which commence with idutification of design input and which lead to and include the issuance of design output documents, h DESIGN CRITERIA Documents which establish overall plant design requirements including NSSS and BOP interfaces; they establish the overall system parameters and design requirements for major portions of the BOP as necessary for the interrelationship 4 of systems, components and machines. h DESIGN DOCUMENTS Engineering specifications, drawings, calculations and/or instructions, h DESIGN INPUT Those criteria, parameters, bases or other design requirements upon which detailed final design is based h DESIGN INTERFACE The relationship between design organizations internal or extemal to a company. q DESIGN OUTPUT Documents such as drawings, specifications, and ciber documents defining technical requirements of structures, systems, and components as delineated in Section 4 of ANSI N45.2.11. h DESIGN REVIEW An analysis of design with respect to technical adequacy, interface control, inspectability, maintainability, and conformance to applicable codes, standards, regulations and design criteria h DESIGN SPECIFICATION An engineering document describing function, design requirements, environmental conditions, code requirements, and boundary definition, and containing sufficient detail to provide a complete basis for construction in accordance with applicable codes and sondards. q Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 5 of 19) 52

- - -~ - . - _ - - . - - .- -- .. -~--


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DESIGN VERIFICATION The p mas of checking, conforming, or substantiating the' design by individuals or groups or r than those who performed the original design to provide assurance that specified reairements have been metc Methods include design .

reviow, altemate calculations, and te ting. hlq _

~ DISCREPANCY A condition which is at variance with requirements. q

= DOCUMENTATION Any written or pictorial information describing, defining, specifying, reporting, or certifying activities, requirements, procedures, er results, d, e, I ELECTRICAL CLASS 1E See Quality Related.

EQUIPMENT QUALIFICATION (EQ) The process or activities necessary to demonstrate -

.by test,' analysis or other suitable means, that specific devices are capable of performing their function in the specified environment q EXAMINATION An element ofinspection consisting ofinvestigation of materials,

- supplies, parts, componcrts, appurtenances, systems, processes, or structures to t determine conformance to those specified requirements which can be determined by a

such investigation. Examination is usually nondestructive and includes simple physical manipulation, gaging, and measurement. g,1; l

. EXEMPT Items or services that have no effect on the operating plant, such as, office furniture, office supplies, and non-permanent plant computers.

e EXPERIMENTS Performance of those plant operations carried out under controlled e coriditions in order to establish characteristics or valdes not previously known. c EXTERNAL AUDITS of those portions of an organization's qua!ity assurance program not retained under its direct control and not within its organizational structure. n FUNCTIONAL TESTS performed, as required, after modification, maintenance, or significant changes in operating procedures to confirm that the maintenance, modification, o.r changes produce expected results q l GUIDELINES Particular provisions which are considered good practice but which are not mandatory in programs intended to comply with this standard.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 : Attachment 7.4 (Page 6 of 19) 53

1 HOLDPOINT-'A point in the manufacturing / fabrication / erection sequence or in the

.. maintenance process beyond which work may not proceed until the authorized inspector / purchaser / owner has observed or examined the work and has given consent to proceed.-q

! INDEPENDENT REVIEW A documented review completed by personnel not having direct responsibility for the work function under review regardless of whether they operate -

- as a part of an organizational unit or as individual staff members (see Review). c, q INSPECTION A phase of quality control which by means of examination, observation, or measurement determines the conformance of material, supplies, parts, components, appurtenances,' systems, processes, or structures to predetermined quality assurance requirements c, g,i,I INSPECTOR (OWNER OR INSTALLER) A qualified inspector employed by the Owner or Installer whose duties include the verification of quality related activities or installations or both, i -

INSPECTOR (STATE OR CODE) A qualified inspector empioyed by a legally constituted a agency of a Municipality or state of the United States, or Canadian Province, or regularly employed by an Authorized Inspection Agency and having authorized jurisdiction at the site of manufacture or installation. l lNTERNAL AUDITS of those portions of an organization's quality assurance program retained under its direct contro' and within its organizational structure, n ITEM Any level of unit assembly, including structure, system, subsystem, subassembly, component, part, or material, d, e, I LEAD AUDITOR An individual qualified to organize and direct an audit, report audit findings, and evaluate corrective action. n, o MANUFACTURER One who constructs any class of component, part, or appudenance to meet prescribed design requirements. I

' MASTER EQUIPMENT LIST (MEL) The MEL identifies each component by a component identification number and provides a compilation of pertinent data. The MEL is a comprehensive on-line compuierized listing of the components in the Waterford 3 SES. The i, MEL is a source of component data to be used by the station departments such as inaintenance, operations, engineering and quality control and other Entergy Operations, Inc.

organizations during routine operation and maintenance of Waterford 3. q Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 7 of 19) 54 <

.. l

1 MATERIAL. A substance or combination of substances forming components, parts, pieces, and equipment items. - (Intended to include such as machinery, castings, liquids,

- formed steel shapes, aggregates, and cement.). I

MEASURING AND TEST EQUIPMENT (M&TE) Devices or systems used to calibrate, measure, gage, test, inspect, or control in order to acquire research, development, test or operational data, or to determine compliance with design, specifications,' or other .

technical requirements. M&TE does not include permanently installed ope.ating equipment, nor test equipment used for preliminary checks where data obtained will not be used to determine acceptability or be the basis for design or engineering evaluation. t MODIFICATION A planned change in plant design or operation and accomplished in accordance with the requirements and limitations of applicable codes, standards, specifications, licenses, and predetermined safety restrictions. I NONCONFORMING CONDITION An adverse condition affecting a safety related, quality _

related, trip sensitive (or balance of plant, when feasible) system caused by a deficiency in _

characteristic, documentation, or procedure which renders the quality of an item unacceptable or indeterminate. Examples of nonconforming conditions include, but may not be limited to:a o - Unanticipated or unplanned entry into any Tech Spec LCO; o Discovery of a condition of a system or component required to be operable by Tech Spec, which calls into question the current or past operability (including missed surveillance testing);.

i o Fe; lure of a component to meet a surveillance or post-modification test occeptance criteria (prior to performing any corrective maintenance);

i. .o An unanticipated ESFAS signal or actuation of ESFAS equipment; o identification of a discrepancy between a licensing document (i.e., FSAR, Tech Spec) or a design basis document, (i.e., drawings) and the actual configuration ,

i- of the plant; o - Discovery of a valve or breaker in a position different from that required by the

' proper procedure; o Unanticipated actuation of an over-current protective device, (i.e., blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker);

o Routine actuation of an over-pressurization protective device, such as a relief l- valve; o Unexpected or unplanned reactor power, power distribution, or shutdown margin condition or transient; or, o- Issuance of incorrect or defective parts or material l'

l l

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 8 of 19) l- 55 l

l______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ , _ _ . _ . . . . . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.

OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE Any statement of fact, information, or record, either quantitative or qualitattse, pertaining to the quality of an item or service based on observations, measurements, or tests which can be verified. l ON-SITE PERSONNEL Those personne! providing technical and operational support who are located within the Waterford 3 owner-controlled area, q OPERABLE / OPERABILITY A cystem, suhystem, train, component or device is operable or has operability when it is capable of performing its specified function (s), and when all necessary attendant instrumentation, controls, electrical pcwer, cooling or seal water, lubrication or other auxiliary equipment that are required for the system, subsystem, train, component or device to perform its function (s) are also capable of performing their related support function (s). s OPERATIONAL PHASE That period of time during which the principal activity is associated with normal operation of the plant. This phase of plant life is considered to begin formally with commencement of fuel loading and ends with plant decommissioning. c OWNER ORGANIZATION The organization, including the on-site operating organization, J which has overall legal, financial and technical responsibility for the operation of one or more nuclear power plants. a, c, i PEER / MAINTENANCE INSPECTOR An ANSI N45.2.0 certified individual normally assigned to the line organization, but who reports to the QA Inspections unit during the inspection activity. This individual is not directly responsible for, or supervisor of, the actF/ity being inspected, q PRECISION The relative consistency or repeatability of each measurement in a set of measurements made undar the same conditions. (See Accuracy). q PROCEDURE A document that specifies or describes how an activity is to be performed.

it may include methods to be employed, equipment or materials to be used and sequence of operations,i Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 9 of 19) 56

a .

l l

PROCUREMENT CLASSIFICATIONS Procurement Classification Level 1 (L1) is essigned to those items that are procured as safety-related under the responsibility of the suppliers approved 10CFR 50 Appendix B type quality assurance program with 10 CFR Part 21 reportability imposed on the supplier.

Procurement Classification Level 2 (L2) is assigned to those items that are safety-related or items meeting the definition of commercial grade, procured under the responsibility of the site quality assurance program for which Entergy Operations, Inc. assumes the responsibility defined in 10 CFR Part 21.

Procurement Classification Level 3 (L3) is assigned to those items which are not safety-related but fall into Augmented Quality /special scope as described in the site design basis licensing documents.

Procurement classification Level 4 (L4) is assigned to those permanent plant items which are defined as non-safety-related (Balance of Plant) for which no quality assurance requirements are imposed.  ;

Procurement classification Lavel Pending (LP) is assigned to those items pending review by Materials Purchasing & Contracts for assigning the correct procurement classification.

Procurement classification Leve! Exempt (LE) is assigned to non permanent plant items (exempt).

Below is a matrix relating former and current procurement classifications (procurement quality levels).








PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT A document including purchase requisitions, specifications, drawings, instructions, contracts, letter of intent, work orders, purchase orders, or proposals and their acceptances, when applicable, which authorize the seller to perform services or

. supply equipment, materials, or facilities on behalf of the purchaser 1, m i

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 10 of 19) l 57

1 PURCHASE ORDER A document issued by a purchaser to a supplier which defines the requirements and conditions for furnishing material, components, or equipment. q PURCHASER The organization or organizations responsible for issuance and administration of a contract, subcontract, or purchase order 1, m Q-LIST A listing, by system, of all safety-related components in the Waterford 3 SES. For each safety-related component the Q-List indicates the safety classification and seismic category along with the primary source documents which were used to determine if the component is safety-related. q Q-RELATED LIST A listing of items or activities considered to have a limited impact on public health cod safety and receive an appropriate application of 10CFR50 Appendix B Criteria. These areas include; Special Scope; Non-Nuclear Safety, Seismic Category I and items designated by FSAR Table 3.2-1, Note 17. q QUAllFICATION (PERSONNEL) The characteristics or abilities gained through training or experience or both that enable an individual to perform a required function. I

_a QUALIFICATION TESTS performed to qualify the basic material source or manufacturer.

These tests are mandatory unless current documentary test data are available to establish complete confidence in conformance to requirements. k QUALIFIED PROCEDURE A procedure which incorporates all applicable codes and standards, manufacturer's parameters, and engineering specifications and has been proven adequate for its intended purpose, i, k QUALIFIED SUPPLIERS LIST (QSL) A list of suppliers approved from a quality assurance standpoint, to furnish specified quality related items or services in accordance with procurement documents. Qualified suppliers are approved by Supplier QA, who maintains the Qualified Supplier's List, q QUALITY ASSURANCE All those planned and systematic actions necessary to provide assurance that a structure, system or component will perform satisfactorily in service. It applies to all activities associated with performing a job correctly as well as verifying and documenting the satisfactory completion of the work. i QUALITY ASSURANCE RECORDS Those records which fumish documentary evidence of the quality of items and of activities affecting the quality of quality related structures, systems or components, m, q QUALITY CONTROL These quality assurance actions which provide a means to control and measure the characteristics of an item, process, or facility to established requirements. I Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 11 of 19) 58

O 8 QUALIT( RELATED Waterford 3 uses the term Quality Related to describe the entire scope of structures, systems, components and activities which require some degree of 10CFR50 Appendix Br Quality Assurance criteria application Quality related is divided into five major categories: (ref: fig.1) o Safety Related o Special Scope o Non-Nuclear Safety o Non-Safety Seismic o Other items identified by FSAR table 3.2-1, note 17 or Waterford 3 procedules.

2 QUALITY '  !


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$ .l Safety Related ,

Based on the definition 'of basic component in 10CFR21, Safety related structures, systems,~and components are those necessary to assure:

.1. The integrity of the reactor coolant pressure boundary;

12. _ The capability to shut down the reactor and maintain it in a safe shutdown condition;'orJ "

i 3, The capability to prevent or mitigate the consequences of accidents which wid result in ,

potential off site exposures comparable to the guidelines of 10CFR100.

g in all cases,; safety related includes design, inspection, testing or consulting services

_ important to safety that are associated with the component hardware, whether these services are performed by the component supplier or by others. q Safety related is further divided into five categories; a l-- -o Safety Class 1 L .o. Safety Class 2 o Safety Class 3 o

, IEEE 1E ..

ll .o Seismic Category i Specific definitions Gafety Class 1,2,3 and IEEE 1E may be obtained by referencing Regulatory Guide 1.26; ANSI N18.2 - 1973; ANSI N18.2a - 1975; and IEEE-308 - 1971.

Supports that have a nuclear safety function shall be the same safety class as the -

L components that they support.

Seismic Category I includes those items that are designed to withstand the effects of a l-

safe shutdown emithquake and remain functional. By definition, all of the safety related categories are designed to include the Seismic Category I requirements. Reference Regulatory Guide 1.2941978.

I L Seismic Category I design requirements extend to the first seismic rutraint beyond the defined boundaries. Those portions of structures, systems, or components that form interfaces between Seismic Category I and non-Seismic Category I features are designed to Seismic Ca_tegory I requirements.. See Regulatory Guide 1.29 - 1978, Regulatory '

- Position C3.

i-Chapter 2 Rev.- 19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 13 of 19)


. , _ 2_ j

l - . :. .t .l l

iThe'safeG rolated items listed above make up the Wateiford 3.-Q List These items and related actwities require full 10CFR50 Appendix B implementation. Full implementation .

should not be construed to mean that each criterion necessarily applies, only that

- exceptions _will not be given or taken when the criterion is applicable. For instance, a <

- supplier that provides testing services only, cannot be expected to have a design program -

. In place. However, that supplier will be required to implement the remaining appeable .

- criteria'in their QA Program.

Special Scope - The Special Scope areas are listed in Chapter 2 of the Quality Assurance Program Manual and are addressed in the Quality Assurance Program Manual (Special Scope). Program implementation and applicable 10CFR50, Appendix B criteria are defined in EOMM policies and procedures. Reference Figure 1 to this appendix for a sample list of areas incladed as Special Scope.

Non-Nuclear Safety (NNS) - applies to portions of the nuclear power plant not covered by l

. Safety Classes 1, 2, or 3 that can influence safe normal operation or that may contain radioactive fluids. Design of non-nuclear safety components shall be to applicable industry codes and standards. This applies primarily to components of secondary systems and waste disposal systems not otherwise covered. Also included are safety J system components whose failures would not degrade system performance or cause a release to the environment of gaseous activity normally required to be held for decay (e.g., small components). '

Non-Safety Seismic (NSS) - includes those items whose continued function is not l required but whose failure could reduce the function of any safety related equipment to an unacceptable level or could result in an incapacitating injury to occupants of the control room and should be designed and constructed so that the safe shutdown earthquake would not cause such failure. See Regulatory Guide 1.29 - 1978, Regulatory Position C2.

- Other items (FSAR Table 3.2-1, Note 17) - Other structures, systems, and components identified on FSAR Table 3.2-1 and accompanied by note 17 receive applicable

- 10CFR50, Appendix B Quality Assurance. These areas have been evaluated to have some safety _ significance although they do not fall into any of the other safety classifications. : Applicable program requiremants are included in policies, procedures, procurement documents end other documentation as required.


- Chapter 2 Rev.-19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 14 of 19) 61

Li The items included in the above section (Special Scope, Non-Nuclear Safety and Other items with FSAR Note 17) are identified on the Waterford 3 Q-Related List.

Implementation of a 10CFR50, Appendix B QA Program is based on a graded approach.

The applicable criteria is defined in either the Special Scope procedures, procurement


' documents, work packages, or applicable procedures. The criteria selection and program scope are identified by Engineering & Construction in concert with Quality Assurance and the responsible management.

SAFEGUARDS INFORMATION (SI) security-related documents not classified as .

National Security Information or Restricted Data, but protected from disclosure to the public an unauthorized persons. With respect to Waterford 3 SES, Si is any document which contains detailed information pertaining to:

1. Security measures for the physlai protection of special nuclear materials; or
2. Security measures for the physical protection and location of certain plant equipment vital to the safety of production facilities. 3 SEISMIC QUALIFICATION which demonstrates an equipment's ability to perform its required function during and after the time that it is subjected to the forces resulting from a seismic disturbance (design basis earthquake).

SHALL, SHOULD, AND MAY Reference Nuclear Management Manual, Vol.1, Corporate Directive C2.101. . The word "shall" is used to denote a requirement considered

enforceable by the appropriate regulatory body; the word "should" is used to denote a recommended action, but not an enforceable requirement. Each employee is to carry out any "should" statement unless circumstances prevent or necessitate a deviation; and the word "may" is used to denote an option, neither a recommendation nor a requirement. q, c
SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE CONDITION a level of condition for which a Root Cause Analysis and action to prevent recurrence are required
1. A condition will be classified as a Significant Adverse Condition when it meets one or more of the following criteria:

a The unplanned event, condition, or failure involves a system, structure, or component that has resulted in, or has the potential to cause:


1. a reactor or secondary system transient; or
2. a significant degradation of a safety related or trip sensitive system.

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 15 of 19) 62

b. The condition or event is reportable per 100FR50.72,10CFR50.73, 10CFR21 or 40CFR;
c. The condition or event is cited by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as a violation;
d. The condition or event has reached an unacceptable level of severity or recurrence; L
e. The condition is classified as a significant industrial safety concem (e.g., resulting in a lost time accident); or
f. The condition or event is representative of a major noncompliance with, or major misunderstanding of Quality Assurance Program requaoments (Usually determined by upper management).

. SOURCE ACCEPTANCE of a product of Entergy Operations, Inc. or its designated agent at the supplier's plant, prior to shipment. 3 a

SOURCE SURVEILLANCE A review, observation, or inspection for the purpose of verifying that an action has been accomplished as specified at the location of material procurement or manufacture i SPECIAL PROCESSES Those processes that require interim in-process controls in addition to finalinspection to assure quality c SPECIAL TEST Test that is developed with the intent of being utilized only one time and is normally contained within the applicable work package, q SPECIFICATION A concise statement of requirements to be satisfied by a product, a material or process indicating, whenever appropriate, the procedure by means of which it may be determined whether the requirements given are satisfied. l SUBSYSTEM A group of assemblies or components or both combined to perform a single function. I SUPPLIER Any individual or organization who furnishes items or services in response to a procurement document. It includes the terms Vendor, Seller, Contractor, Subcontractor, Fabricator, Consultant, and subtier levels. m SURVEILLANCE The act of monitoring or observing to verify whether an item or activity conforms to specified requirements, q -

Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 16 of 19) 63

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l E " SURVEILLANCE TESTING Periodic testing to verify that safety-related structures, systems, and components continue to function or are in a state of readiness to perform

- their functions, c 7 SYSTEM An integral part of a nuclear power plant comprised of components which may be operMed or used as a separate entity to perform a specific functioni Also, a group of

l subsystems united by some interaction or interdependence, performing many duties but

. functioning _as a single unit. c, i I ' C VSTEM PERFORMANCE TEST. A test performed on a completed system including electric, instrumentation, contiols, fluid, and mechanical subsystems under normal or simulated normal process conditions such as temperature, flow, level, and pressure. b, i

TESTING- The determination or verification of the capability of an item to meet specified requirements by subjecting the item to a set of physical, chemical, environmental, or

_ operating conditions Perfo;Tnance of those steps necessary to determine that systems or components function in accordance with predetermined specifications, c, g, i, l' J

-TOLERANCE The allowable deviation from a specified or true value. q ,

TRANSIT CARRIER (CLOSED) Trucks, trailers, railroad cars, barges, aircraft, or ships which do provide protection of items from the environment by nature of their closed design, e, l

- TRANSIT CARRIER (OPEN) Trucks, trailers, railroad cards, barges, aircraft, or ships which do not provide protection of items from the environment. e, i UNREVIEWED ENVIRONMENTAL QUESTION A proposed change, test, or experiment shall be deemed to involve an unreviewed environmental question if it concems: (1) a .

matter which may result in a significant increase in any adverse environmental impact previously evaluated in the FES-OL, environmental impact appraisals, or in any decisions

. of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board; or (2) a significant change in effluents or power

level or (3) a matter, not previously reviewed and evaluated in the documents specified in b (1) above. q UNREVIEWED SAFETY QUESTION A proposed change, test, or experiment shall be deemed to involve an unreviewed safety question
-(1) if the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment important to safety previously evaluated in the safety analysis report may be increased or (2) if a possibility

, - for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the safety analysis report may be created or (3) if the margin of safety as defined in the basis for any; technical specification is reduced. q, r


Chapter 2 Rev.- 19 ' Attachment 7.4 (Page _17 of 19) 64-


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USE-AS-IS A disposition which rnay be imposed for a nonconformance when it can be established that the discrepancy will result in no adverse conditions and that the item under consideration will continue to meet all engineering functional requirements

. . including performance; maintainability, fit, and safety. (Same as Accept-as-is). l

. VERIFICATION An act of confirming, substantiating, and assuring that an activity or ,

- condition has been implemented in conformance with the specified requirements. I, l WAIVER ' An approved exception to established controls. q 1



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i Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 18 of 19) 65-

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- SUBSCRIPT SOURCE OF DEFINITION a ANSI N18.1-1971/ANS3.1 1978 b ANSI N45.2.4-1972/IEEE-336 - 1971 c ANSI N18.7-1976/ANS3.2 d ANSI N45.2.1-1973 e ANSI N45.2.2-1972 f ANSI N45.2.3-1973 g ANSI /ASME N45.2.6-1978 h ANSI N45.2.11-1974 i ANSI N45.2.10-1973 J ANSI N45.2.9-1974 k ANSI N45.2.5-1974 l ANSI N45.2.8-1975 m ANSI N45.2.13-1976 i

n ANSI /ASME N45.2.12-1977 o ANSI /ASME N45.2.23-1978 p IEEE 308 - 1971/323 - 1983 q Entergy Operations, Inc.

r Title 10 Code of Federal Regulations s Technical Specifications t IEEE 498 - 1980 Chapter 2 Rev.19 Attachment 7.4 (Page 19 of 19) 66