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Summary of 981208 Meeting with STPNOC Re Status of Current & Future Licensing Actions & Activities.List of Meeting Attendees & Handout Provided by Licensee Encl
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 01/11/1999
From: Alexion T
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NRC (Affiliation Not Assigned)
NUDOCS 9901190367
Download: ML20199D193 (13)


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d January 11, 1999 LICENSEE: STP Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC)

FACILITY: ' South' Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 (STP) .


STATUS OF LICENSING ACTIONS AND ACTIVITIES On December 8,1998, representatives of STPNOC met with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff to discuss the status of current and future licensing actions and activities. Meeting attendees are listed in Attachment 1. The handout provided by the licensee is in Attachment 2.

The staff opened the meeting with a discussion of new staff goals regarding the number of licensing actions to be completed each year and the age of those actions. By the year 2000, the staff's goalis to have the age of 95% of the licensing actions at the age of one year or less. i Several approaches were discussed to help achieve this goal, including having licensees  !

ensure that the applications are of good quality, having the staff ensure that any requests for additional information are of good quality, having licensees meter the volume of applications under staff review so as to not overload the staff with new applications, and taking advantage of l preliminary meetings or discussions between licensees and the staff on new or innovative proposals from licensoes, so that the application more closely meets the staff's expectations  !

and requirements when it is submitted on the docket. The staff also informed the licensee that '

risk-informed applications would be assigned a Priority 2 review priority.

Following the above discussion, the details of the various licensing actions under staff review were discussed (Attachment 2). The bulk of the discussion focused on who had the next action l (NRC or STPNOC). Then the licensee discussed proposed licensing actions yet to be l submitted (also Attachment 2). The licensee indicated that this list of proposed actions was a ,

living document, subject to change both in content and schedule. I ORIGINAL SIGNED BY:

Thomas W. Alexion I


Project Directorate IV-1 9901190367 990111 Division of Reactor Projects il!/IV DR ADOCK 050') 48 Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation l

Docket Nos. 50-498 and 50-499 j Attachments: 1. List of Meetin,g Attendees

2. Meeting Handout cc w/atts: See next page DISTRIBUTION: See next page Document Name: MT120898.WPD J

.,o OFC PM/PM LA/PD4-1 h/ 'h4-1 1 ,p\

NAME TAlexio Chad Jbnnon 1)

DATE l / k /99 1/ II /99 /99 COPY hEhNO YES/NO /bEhNO Of*MCIAL RECORD COPY / V '

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          • January 11, 1999 LICENSEE: STP Nuclear Operating Company (STPNOC)

. FACILITY: South Texas Project, Units 1 and 2 (STP) 1


STATUS OF LICENSING ACTIONS AND ACTIVITIES On December 8,1998, representatives of STPNOC met with the Nuclear Regulatory l Commission (NRC) staff to discuss the status of current and future licensing actions and activities. Meeting attendees are listed in Attachment 1. The handout provided by the licensee is in Attachment 2.

The staff opened the meeting with a discussion of new staff goals regarding the number of-licensing actions to be completed each year and the age of those actions. By the year 2000, the staff's goal is to have the age of 95% of the licensing actions at the age of one year or less.

Several approaches were discussed to help achieve this goal, including having licensees .

ensure that the applications are of good quality, having the staff ensure that any requests for additionalinformation are of good quality, having licensees meter the volume of applications under staff review so as to not overload the staff with new applications, and taking advantage of t preliminary meetings or discussions between licensees and the staff on new or innovative I proposals from licensees, so that the application more closely meets the staff's expectations I

and requirements when it is submitted on the docket. The staff also informed the licensee that risk-informed applications would be assigned a Priority 2 review priority.

Following the above discussion, the details of the various licensing actions unde:r staff review were discussed (Attachment 2). The bulk of the discussion focused on who had the next action (NRC or STPNOC). Then the licensee discussed proposed licensing actions yet to be submitted (also Attachment 2). The licensee indicated that this list of proposed actions was a living document, subject to change both in content and schedule.


< aw f Thomas W. Alexion w.

Project Directorate IV-1 Division of Reactor Projects Ill/IV  !

Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation

. Docket Nos. 50-498 and 50-499 Attachments: 1. List of Meeting Attendees

2. Meeting Handout a


! cc w/atts: Cee next page 4

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I.' ,

W l

Meeting Summary of December 8,1998, dated: January 11, 1999 )


'IDocketfile ]

PUBLIC l PD4-1 r/f TAlexion OGC ACRS l

E-MAIL 4 SCollins/RZimmerman (SJC1/RPZ) )

BBoger (BAB2) l EAdensam (EGA1)

JHannon (JNH) l CHawes (CMH2) l TMartin (SLM3)

' TPolich (TJP1) .

TGwynn (TPG) )

I l

i 1


, STP Nuclear Operating Company South Texas, Units 1 & 2 cc:

Mr. Cornelius F. O'Keefe Jack R. Newman, Esq.

Senior Resident inspector Morgan, Lewis & Bockius U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 1800 M Street, N.W.

P. O. Box 910 Washington, DC 20036-5869 Bay City, TX 77414

, Mr. T. H. Cloninger A. Ramirez/C. M. Canady Vice President, Engineering & Tech Servs City of Austin STP Nuclear Operating Company Electric Utility Department P. O. Box 289 721 Barton Springs Poad Wadsworth,TX 77483 Austin, TX 78704 Office of the Governor Mr. M. T. Hardt ATTN: John Howard, Director Mr. W. C. Gunst Environmental and Natural City Public Service Board Resources Policy P. O. Box 1771 P. O. Box 12428 San Antonio,TX 78296 Austin,TX 78711 Mr. G. E. Vaughn/C. A. Johnson Jon C. Wood Central Power and Light Company Matthews & Branscomb P. O. Box 289 One Alamo Center i Mail Code: N5012 106 S. St. Mary's Street, Suite 700 Wadsworth,TX 74483 San Antonio, TX 78205-3692 INPO Arthur C. Tate, Director l Records Center Division of Compliance & Inspection l 700 Galleria Parkway Bureau of Radiation Control

! Atlanta, GA 30339 3064 Texas Department of Health j 1100 West 49th Street l Regional Administrator, Region IV Austin,TX 78756 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 611 Ryan Plaza Drive, Suite 400 Jim Calloway Arlington,TX 76011 Public Utility Commission of Texas Electric Industry Analysis l D. G. Tees /R. L. Balcom P. O. Box 13326 l Houston Ughting & Power Co. Austin, TX 78711-3326

!' P. O. Box 1700 Houston,TX 77251 Mr. William T. Cottle l President and Chief Executive Officer

Judge, Matagorda County STP Nuclear Operating Company.

Matagorda County Courthouse South Texas Project Electric 1700 Seventh Street Generating Station

Bay City, TX 77414 P. O. Box 289

< Wadsworth, TX 77483 4

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, S. Head STPNOC

~W. Harrison STPNOC D. Stellfox' McGraw-Hill J. Hannon* NRC T. Polich' NRC T. Alexion NRC

  • Were present during the opening discussions only.


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,= . s 12M7/98 i

7 _. -Urmuse Ansh'to and Tedsfooli ^- ^^ Cheness Under SWIC Resteer e__ - g,;, TAC # C- _. Z Sutmdade Comments #Stense TSC-208 Useof Empoor Tape for ST-HL-AU-5602 - 7/18/1997 W STPNOC wante approval for Unll 2 outeri, j CR 97-11173 RCS Flour ST-HL-AE-5707 84ff997 Routelon to e afeicuWi RCS Hour leeue we be edessmen.' bf TACdr MesNE, MORNS ST-AE-HL-94911 8/11/1997 NRC RAI NRC approval of TSC 209. Queston roept e PhDWegur 8302 ST-Ht.-AE-5734 9atft937 Response to RAI under NRC revleur. Neur NRC routener as e6 J17 ST44L-AE-5743 9f4ft997 Revlelan to e worMng en PHorny 1 leaues front osier Beaneese.  !

.i ST-HL-AE-5752 W1W1997 Amended rapponse to RAI Roulewer resumed roulow about 8/1/1908. Med l ST-AE-HL-94977 10/21/1997 NRC RAI accan try STP b respond to queogene - may l STNOC-AE-00025 1279ft997 Responsole RAI need oonferencocam babusen NRC end i l ST-AE-NOC-00201 7/29/1998 NRC RAI WoosnWoouse.  !

TSC 206 Use of SG PORV h ST-HL-AE-5889 Sf1W1997 AppEneSon Under NRC revleur, phone cas conthscled week of i '

! CR 97-11259 automede 7f20. NRC revleuser to scl=edad to have his

? TACS technkud hput to Wie Project Manager h eme for Ken Teplet 8418 leeuence shortyener 2RE08.

k l TSC-201 Detslo reference to ST-HL-AE-5547 If28ff997 App 5ceBon Resporusng to NRC queston regartSng wheie Sto [

. CR 97- ISEG boun TetWi Space requirement for ISEG wE be rh(OQAP er '

j TAC # MP7988, M97987 UFSAR) STP le planning to roolse Wie e 8392 to beRer descrtse hour ISEG Asnogen wE be Ph$WeBar hemsed. To be wegutsun and reeutenlastL i

, CR 97-14183 Improved Technical ST-HL-AE-5390 Sf4/1998 Inical submlital Deferred urs l001. No ocean plannett altioupt Tace MO6529, nessunn SpecNiceBone ST-HL-AE-5415 Sf27/1998 PSA Topical NRC 90 mis to send RAls tiet were ebeady f Wayne Harrison 7298 ST-HL-AE-5571 2f11/1997 Adstand Infomudon preparedwhen pn$sotwee defenetL ST-AE-HL-94801 Af10ft997 NRC Contractor report ST-AE-HL-94805 4f22/1997 Moseng summsy [

ST-HL-AE-5852 8f2/1997 3 kalrtinformadan  ;

ST-HL-AE-5875 7/22/1997 Major suppiament ST-HL-AE-5715 W5/1997 page comscGone ST-AE-NOC-000081 2f2ft998 Meegng summary ~

ST-AE-NOC-000104 Sf5/1998 NRC RAI

! ST-NOC-AE-000118 Sf28/1998 Response RAI m-NOC-AE-0001s2 eneW1998 Deferres orITs ST-AE-NOC-000135 4/27/1998 NRC RAI onITS 3.8 ST-AE-NOC400145 54i/1998 Moseng summary ST-AE-NOC400199 5720f1998 NRC RAI on 3.0 and 3.5 TSC-227 Proposed cfienge to NOC-AE-00tNIOS 929ft998 Inigel submillef RIeIpbuforususeL CR 90 8902 FHB HVAC and Control No schedder ettver, but pe=reve== recurrence of BA Mootticek7274 Room HVAC 5798NOED specnicasone to eBoer preclude unn====ary entry hto TS 3.0.3 for teMng more Wien one train out of sendee.

r, k '. .

12J07/98 Proposed ucense Amendmente and Technkel t ---- - . Changes under petC Revleve ChenoeWCRS/ TAC # Desertpuan Suiccede Comments /Stokse TSC-211 Proposed change to ST-NOC-AE-0000 547/1998 Num ebW Under NRC redow. Needed for 1R509.

CR 961313 ,

SpecinrAans 2.1.1 TAC # 2.2.1 ed 32.5 to renect Brian Sweeney 7019 he dfferences in reactor cocent fkw rees

- between current Modd 4

l E and replacement A94

} steem generators (RSG Propct-rewed)

TSC -221 Proposed chmgs to ST-NOC-AE-000178 7m1998 Innd submHW Under NRC redew. Needed to remove Bore-CR 9615535 permR boren credith RaK panels h opthg 1999 b reduos operator TAC # he spent fuelpool work-erounde due to weder ciertly probleme

' from seca.

Kdhy Work 7998 TSC-218 Proposed change to TS ST-NOC-AE-000163 7/22ft998 kr 1 submitW Under NRC redew. Needed for 1RE09 RSG.

CR 98-8033 Tables 22-1 and 3.3-4 TAC # to renect SG waterlevel j Brten Sweeney 7019 trip setpoirA dfferences

, between current Model E and replcement A94 steem gmarators TSC-219 Proposed change to be ST-NOC-AE-000151 7/28/1998 Infuel submittel Under NRC redew. Nooded for 1RE09, RSG.

CR 98-6325 operaunglicense to TAC # renect USQ ImmMng Brian Sweeney 7019 operator acson b Homes SG PORV opera 8an during a SBLOCA event (RSO Project-related)

CR 92-435 Proposedincreasein ST4fL-AE-5015 5/30/1995 Inleaf submRtd Under NRC redew. Review has been delayed TAC # UFSAR allowed Spent ST-HL-AE-5102 6ft/1995 errata to submittel because of NRC resolution of the generic lesus of ,

PNRp WoAwr 8302 Fuel Poolheetloads. ST-HL-AE-5233 2/8/1996 revised submittd and spent fuel pool design besle. AcWwe review bogen responses to NRC anew in June 1998. Pims are to supplement he quessons original request to respond to NRC verbd ST-AE-HL-94473 3/27/1996 NRC nodos of consideregon comments. Overad plan le for he eBowed ST-HL-AE-5336 4/4/1996 comp 5ence of STP off-load tempendure to renect he stuctJrel deelgri praceees wih lioeneing smndians basis ST-HL-AE-5349 5/1/1998 response to NRC questone ST-NOC-AE-000255 8/10ft998 Request for NRC to hold redew TSC-218 Proposed change to NOC-AE-000203 8/31/1998 InlWal sihmNid Under NRC review. RSG chege needed for CR 9tHl883 Technical W 1RE09.

Mark Van Nor Figure 3.44 to renect RSG revised Cold Overpressure MmgeBon curve

)* ',

e . 4 12/07/98

7. _ z- - Ucense Asessulosanto and Teshnical?_ - -- Cheness Utador OSIC Routeur 1 CheseneMCRefTAC# Descripton SutunRImIs CosimentatStukse TSC 214 PrW change to SR NOC-AE-000162 9fJ0ft998 h$1st autr1Rist Noodud for 1RE09 RSG cutugo CR 99-1316 twu to Brian Suseensy7019 for deferences in habe Irppocton. 7 ^ -

O e betuneen Model A94

i sesem annerators TSC-231 Propor#;d amendment NOC-AE-000231 9Q9ft998 Inigel sedenMuf
CR 98-10872 for USQ me=wedarf w19:

', MarkVan Ney LOCA nues and energy l [ release calcuhson ,

t i snelhod changes

! TSC-220 Proposed USO for NOC-AE-000140 erJoft998 inMd sedunMaf WantedIer2REUT Nooded for 1RE00 R9G CR 97-7896 pr ed E and RSG for outsgs.

j Bilun Suseeney7019 dose eNects and redsced FW terre i' TSC250 PrW clumgo to NOC-AE-000281 10G9ft998 InMelsedunMed Brist Suseeney7019 relocado SR

. .7 ^ _l totestWie 4i Diesel FOST to Wie Technical Requiremente Manues.

TSC-229 Proposed clunge to NOC-AE-000262 1029ft998 inMalsulunRluf IMun Sweeney7019 relocato andbar nochnical specm b WieTodinical Requiremento Manud.

TSC-234 Proposed change to tw NOC-AE-000283 1029ft998 InMd submmel arten Sweeney7019 Technicos SpecMessono to relocate the Turbine Overspeed specilleason to Wie Techniced Requiremento Maiusd.

CR 9818300 Proposedchange tots NOC-AE-000335 11/23/1998 InMaf autwWed Brian seemey 314.7.1.1 and Tele 3.7-2 to th MSSV 4

erglos stre to Wie i Technical Requkemente Manus l I


  • m . . __. ~_ . __ .___ . __.. _

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12/07/98 '.

Mon 4tSO Related M _ - _^ Ucense Asnandmente end Technleal Ff6 Chansee Yet en tuo Subenilled ChegeeCRe Desenpeon Egnscted Comments /Shmus W - ~; ;

TSC-226 Proposed change b severd specmcasons fue woukt aRow adcSean of water 1" quarter 1999 under technied revleur. Wated Bus to have for 1RE08 or  ;

Jkn Morrte of louver baron concentramon to the RCS asa ang as baron concentradon of Rousne 2RE07. NRC maywent STP b war for sie TSTF to be woest being m6 tare masts shutdown baron cmncentrallon requirements redeused.

! TSC 228 Proposed change for Unit 2 Stoem Generalty annmate plugging crfloria. (3 Submit early 1999 Needed for 2RE07 in he of 19997 Two step approacit Leuver

' 2RE07 support pines we tube esponsion for 2REe7, USP w1h habe Brian Swooney7019 volts).

aupansion for 254E08.

TSC 212 Proposed change to Asceney Feedmeter survomance requirements to Submit earty 1999 Under technicd routeur. No schmedar elver, but adtteeses Brian Seveeney7019 replace speclAc Sour and pressure requirement wilh refounce to IST pien. Rousne resoluson of seguoint hopecten losue tiet wee orkjnsey to in remhed h ITS Jtn Morrte Prapa==rsc hange to tio Technkxd Specmessons to combine hyeogen 2" quarter 1999 Resofwee LER correcews accan tint was ortlpnady to be,anmars

+ monitoring ,% _ A Into a single speelAcanon. Rousne wth ITS. Combkinson of specmcanons le consistant uWt ITS.

TSC-233 Proposed c#umige to tio Tactinical SpeelAcanons to relax RCP flysuhool Submit early 1999 PORC approved. Based on NRC approved WCAP.


,} CR 98-11234 survesence requiremento Rousne PhD Wagrir 8352 Jim Morrto Proposed change to tie Technical Specmcamens to amminado accelerated 2" quarter 1999 Consistent wIst etendard improved Technical SpecdReasons teseng of Steney DieselGenerators. Rousne Proposed change to Technical Speelnessono to amove sie equipment hadch 3* or 4" quarter Risit-Internied Requires coseyengineeringanalysis. SknBar to be open datng fuel movement h the Reactr Contenment BuAding. 1999 Vog6e sutmealwee unsuccessful RS-t ['

TSC.198 Proposed change to T'3 3M.3.2 to taket slave relay test frequency frorn [ quarter 1999 Approved by PORC and NSRB. Requires hardurare changee

  1. Rousne tud need aulhartrason. NRC revien9tg WCAP for TVA CR 9s.13s0 quarterty to refuemgL xassyWorst7sse 2.* submmde - STP wsNng for lesues wigi lead phnt b be reached.

CR 98-17389 Proposed change to the Tectinled SpectReasono to redman he TotW 2nd quarter 1999 Consistent wist impround Stedard Technied Specipemanrio. ,

Katvy Work 7588 Apowance. 2, and Sensor Error columns and associated .


_._ Iri Rousne No schmedar driver, but approud wE facetato r==*mari of STP the speemesmons, consistant wesi ITS. ==arr*it issues.

4*queter of 1999 Reek-intonned. Egect that asowed cutage eme wondd be

  • Proposed change to the Technical Specmcadene to essend sie diowed y eh= eme for tudenries and banery charcars RS-2 estiended to altier 24 or 48 hours5.555556e-4 days <br />0.0133 hours <br />7.936508e-5 weeks <br />1.8264e-5 months <br /> based on risk basisfite l CR 98-19219 Proposed change to tie Technical Specmcelons b amour more tien one 2"(parter 1999 Bang-term conoceve accon for LER 91H101, which orighspy i MSiv or MFIV to be Ingerable and caa==ri Rousne credend ITS as the TS correceve accen. Consistant weh ISTS.  ;

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e s. .

12/07/98 i

! Non RSO fletated - ^ tJeaneo Amendments and Technical % r -^ Channes Yet to Ipe Sutunftted ChnngeeCRS Descripten Empacted CommentstStubs 91 ZZ.' L .

Proposed change to me Technicd SpeclHeaWons to sidend to aSowed [queter 1999 Reek-Infenned. Prmextension from 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> to 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />, outage smo for containment integrity. 2'M* RI-2 simmer b CfVs.

Jim Monte Proposed change to me Technied Specincetone to aAow adcBeand d- 2"'or 3" quarter t.oed rejeccan (precedent essete), possRWy LOOP-ESF toot.

power temung or the Sinncary Diesel oenerators. 1999 C_ / not stated. Requires sipimeent Engheerhg Rouune rodew.

' 1" quarter 1999 Risk anfersned. Based en STP"o academic sRs. No seisdder xen Tapeaa Proposed TS 3.0.7 to prodde setended asowed outage time for SSCs tud

== inopersbee sossey for not me ng setemic cenortet RS-2 drher.

1 R Jim Monte Proposec8 chsige to Technied SpedRceBono to extend RPS and ESFAS ,[ quarter ItW9 namneson NRC approved WCAP.

j toot ames and asowed outage smes per NRC approved WCAP 14333. ~2" Rculho ,


'j Proposed changs to SR to eEmhate the 10 second desel stat - SubmNed date Risk 4ndernsed een ti prepareson by PSA and I.toensingL cenorte undstormhed. STPNOC part of hdustyTeok Zero pgot inNedvet RS 2 i Kadhy Work Proposed change to the Technied Specincemons for apowed outage smes 2d quator 1999 Rish 4nferased.

, for two of three trahe tobe hoperdde. (Repackaghg of the'1hree trdif N2 changes proposed h the STM80C ITS.)

Proposed change to HVAC TS/Basas 3/4.7.7. 3/4.7.8. 3/4.9.12 to remove 2"or 3" quarter Enhancement nosebe4earelver

., _ " for bypass leakage toe 9ng for HEPA meers fotowing pahung. 1999 ee. and to cierry when tesung le requhai Rousne i

Proposed chsige to todos appareasy at TS 3.0.3 to incorpande rtok 2" quater 1999 Risk 4nfenned innovesseapproach insights RS-2 Proposed change to rodeo TS d.0.3 for missed sunmulance not to require 2" quarter 1999 TS 4.0.3 wordng to be redoed to acomowledge tid missed entyinto anected LCO. Roueno sunmemco does not tupfyinoperabety and sie LCO does not hevo to be entered. Opersbety can be determined by any stedlle mems.

Martyn Johnson Proposed change to adminletraswo TS for owreme to delete sentence Rougne Recommended by NRC Sr. Resident.

vooarcena nominal 40-hour workwealt Jim Morrto Proposed chsige to to aAour work to be clone to the baraWon Hour 2" quarter 1999 Spec 4Resson would be changed such Win 9 e aparaer %

pesi tehoe as long as tio potengel cmusnn floor pest le secured. Rouune widwee are not Idenuned alhoupi tie regidrement to secure he bonson now sudh woidd be retehed Brten Sweeney Prope9ed change to relocate Meteoroto@ced hetrumentagon to tie TRM 1" quarter 1999 Canetstent wIet BSTS. Being properai Routne Jim Monte Proposed change to adow Beacon b perform flux monitoring 1" quarter 1999 Beacon Is descrhed h WCAP stat hee been revioused and Rougno approved on o9ier docesete PhEp WeAur Proposed change to TS 3.7.8 to preclude FHB enhesst booster fan vnotar 1" quarter 1999 STP would submit a proposed change consistent wth tuhat

., - problem NRC hee approved for NOED to be on tie *=*=r should amatter fat motor fa5 before TSC 227 le approved.

Proposed change to TS 3.7.4 to esmhde reference to screen wash booster 1" quarter 1999 pasnpo auto start on St.

2 i

e . .


1. 12/22/1997 ST-NOC-APA00026 REQUEST POR RRI mP FROM ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE, SECTION XI REQUIREMENTS RRINF REQUEST RR-ENG 18 (De flaw is a discoloration on the exterior of a 3-ind cast aluminum-bronze pipe flange located in the Essential Coohng Water latake Structure. The discoloration is due to dealloying propagating from an interia weld or casting defect. There is currently no measurableleakage.)
2. 04/08/1998 ST NOC-AE--000104 Request for Relief from ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section XI Requirements (Relief Request RR-ENG-19). The flaw is a discoloration on the exterior of a 10-inch by 10-indi by 10-inch cast aluminum tronze pipe tee located in the Unit 2 Mechanical Auuhary Building. The tee is part of the Essen:ial Cooling Water Train 2A to Train 2B Chiller supply aoss-tie isolation valve. The discoloration is due to dealloying propagating from an interior weld or casting defect. Here is arrently no visible leakage.
3. 07/02/1998 ST NOC-AE-000208 Request for approval to use ASME Section IX Code Cases 21421 and 21431 during fabrication and installation of the delta 94 Replacement Steam Generators (RR-ENG-26).
4. 7/16/98 ST NOC-AE-000201 REQUEST POR RELIEF PROM ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE SECTION XI REQUIREMENTS (RRY MF REQUEST RR ENG-25) to perform a VT-3 visual examination on the interior surface of seleded Class 1 valve bodies and selected Class 1 pump casings.
5. 7/16/98 ST NOC-AE-000199 REQUEST POR RELIEF FROM ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE SECTION XI REQUIREMENTS (RFJ NF REQUEST RR-ENG-23) requests relief from the ASME Section XI code requirement to perform a VT-1 visual examination on the azessible surfaces of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) flange inserts (bushings).
6. 7/16/98 ST NOC AE-000198 REQUEST POR RELIEF FROM ASME BQILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE SEClON XI REQUIREMENTS (RELIEF REQUEST RR ENG-22) requests relief from the ASME Section XI requirement to perform a surface examination on the outside surface of the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) nozzle-to-safe end welds and the safe end-to-piping welds and adjacent base material.

11/24/98 ST NOC AE-00364 Relief Request RR-ENG-22 (Revision 1) Addresses the augmented inspection requirements of 10CFR50.55a.

7. 7/16/98 ST NOC AE-000197 REQUEST FOR RELIEF FROM ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE SECTION XI REQUIREMENTS (RELIEF REQUEST RR ENG 21 ) requests relief from performing an inservia inspection (ISI) nondestructive examination on essentially 100% of the weld length of two reactor pressure vessel (RPV) welds in Unit 1 and three RPV welds in Unit 2.
8. 4/1/98 ST NOC-AE-000099 De STP Nuclear Operating Company proposes to revise the schedule for ,'

implementation of the next ten year inservice test interval for the South Texas Project pump and valve inservia /

test program. Currently, the second test interval is scheduled to begin August 25,1998, for Unit 1 and June 19, 1999, for Unit 2. With implementation of this proposed change for both units, the next ten year test interval will begin September 25,2000. The STP Nuclear Operating Company also proposes to incorporate the criteria of the 1995 Edition and 1996 Addenda of the ASME OM Code into the South Texas Project pump and valve inservice test program.

9. 9/30/98 NOC APA00243 REQUEST POR RELIEF FROM ASME BOIL IIR AND PRESSURE VRSSEL CODE SECTION XI REQUIREMENTS (RELIEF REQUEST RR-ENG 27). De flaw is a discoloration on the exterior of a 3-inch flange that is part of the cast aluminum-bronze saeen wash booster pump located in the Train C" Unit 2 Essential Cooling Water Intake Structure.

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10. 10/868 NOC AE-000313 In accordance with the provisions of 10CFR50.55a(a)(3)Gi), the South Texas Project submits this request for relief from the requirements of ASME Section XI Code Case N-498.

ASME Code Case N 498 has been approved for use previously and is listed in Regulatory Guide 1.147,

  • Inservice ,

Inspection Code Case Acceptability ASME Section XI Division 1," Revssion 11. However, compliance with the l

specified requirements would result in hardship without a compensating increase in the level of quality and safety.

This code case requires that the boundary subjea to test pressurization during the system prersure test extend to all Class 1 pressure-retaining components within the system boundary. Approval of this relief request will exempt )

Class 1 components from being tested at full Reactor Coolant System pressure if they are normally isolated from '

full Reactor Coolant System pressure.

11. 11/16/98 NOC-AE-000338 REQUEST POR RELIEF FROM ASME BOII.ER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE SF4 TION XI REQUIREMENTS (RELIEF REQUEST PR 56/52) to extend testing of Component Cooling Water and Safety Injection Check valves for closure exercise to the same frequency as 10CFR50 Appendix J, Option B frequacy.
12. 11/24/98 NOC AE-000364 Relief Request RR ENG-29 Augmented Frammation of Reactor Pressure i Vessel - Request for relief on performing inservice inspection nondestructive eramination on reactor pressure vessel welds under Examination Category B A, items Bl.10.



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