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Rev STR-1 to RCS Leak Rate Verification Test Supporting Documentation Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/20/1984
Shared Package
ML20126B295 List: ... further results
FOIA-84-897 TP-600-5-REV-STR-1, TP-600-5-REVST, NUDOCS 8506140205
Download: ML20126B758 (293)


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   .,                                 PREP RED: . Cog'nizant Engineer                                 ,.
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                                                                                                 - .                                         Date_


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                             ,                                    Signatur d                                  '

Date [ - / b b

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O&M DIRECTOR CONCURRENCE: M . Signature l Date 5- 2I-R<-/ u __ _4. -


k*, APPROVAL OF TEST RESULTS: s . SU & T Representativ

  • 8506140205 850125 a

Date[-2.d-f b ' PDR FOIA - n i ENCLOSURES: A ~ 1. lA. Test Execption and Deficiency List Questions for Test Exception Acceptabil..y "Miete Page b -

2. Quality Control Witness Signoff Sheet /
3. SP 1303-1.1 RCS Leak Rate -(To be added af ter performance) "~~~~~ ~ ~ ~
4. SP 1303-1.1 RCS Leak Rate With Known Leakage (To be added after performance)
            .        E-7            5. Method for Calculating Known Leakage D-4            6.      SP 1303-1.1 RCS Leak Rate - Retest                                                                      .                   -

D-4 7. SP 1303-1.l' RCS Leak Rate - With Known Leakage - Retest D-10 S. RCS Leak Rate Test Summary

9. / p rf Temporarv Superimposed Leak Rate Piping Sketch /o/
10. SP 1303-1.1 RCS Leak Rate (To be added af ter performance)
11. SP 1303-1.1 RCS Leak Rate With Known Leakage (To be added after performance) STR-}

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  ,Y' '                                         .PAGE       ' REVISION                          .PAGE      REVISION                           PAGE             REVISION
                                                     !l             'O                            14             0
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                                                    . 10      STR-1 71-   STR-1 4                                                   -                                                                                                                                                                 _

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                                                   ' llb      STR-1 1.12 STR-1                     - -             .-                                                                    -

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12d STR-1 i . .. 13 STR-1 i .. ( _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ , . . . . . . ~ . .

                                                 .a n .--* m s, j                                   y                              T:!I UNIT 1.~

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1.0 , PURPOSE ' i 1.1-Determine baseline RCS leakage by calculating change in RCS inventory just prior to superimposed leak rate test. y 3- ' ~ egg

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    'w-Tb',*                          1.2       _ Demonstrate the overall validity of the method used to determine RCS 7.?                                               ~

N} [* '

                                           - leakage. by: superimposing a knoim leak rate.
                          .w 1.3        Demonstrate the validity of the three methods of calculating RCS Leak
                                .,              Rate (as specified in SP 1303-1.1) over the same time interval.

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                        -REFERENCES J; .

2.1 Vendor Manuals CV 2.1.1 None t 2.2 Drawings

  -                       @r 2.2.1        GAI Drawing C-302-661, Revision 23.

lSTR-1 2.3 Technical Reports Ch 2.3.1 None. V 2.4 Procedures 2.4.1 SP-1303-1.1, ReactorCoolantSystemLeakRate, Revision 13.lSTR-1

                        .y 2.5    Engineering Change Modifications                                                 -

2.5.1 None. .


T111 UNIT 1 TP 600/5 P.evision STR-1 NC."'N

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                                                                          ,~ . s Page 2 Custicate Page         h-
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2.1 Vendor Manuals h

                               .l.1    None 2.2     Drawings 2.2.1       GAI Drawing C-302-671, Revision 25.                                       ~

2.3 Technical Reports

                        --2. 3 .1      None.

2.4 Procedures . 4.i SP-1303-1.1, Reactor Coolant System Leak Rate, Revision 12. a 2.5 Engineering Change Modifications

                        -4. 5.1        None.             .

w hg . d) TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Q Effective Page O Duplicate Page Page 2 J

m z--

                                                    ,                           :- g ..                                         . .
                                                                                      ,N ;                                         %.

3.1 Steps 9.1 and 9.2 will require about three (3) hours each. ,,

                                                                        - (Total six hours)

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                   '4.1     Tests 4.1.1   STP 311/13, Modcomp Computer RC Leak Rate Test, MTX

J > Signature M M _ Date M2d--h --


STR-1 4.1.2 'STP 311/14 Modcomp Computer RC Leak Rate Test, 4 MTX Signature 8 . M eM Date # 2 6 T f ~ 4.2 Construction Completion Status 4.2.1 None. STR-1

           .                       Signature      b[M               Date .f18'M 4.3     Environmental Conditions 4.3.1   No special environmental conditions are required.
      - j.

Signature M/M Date f 25 #4 4.4 Technical Specifications 4.4.1 Technical Speciffcation, Section 3.1.6. Signature [M Date f*2N O '. D.L FELJ COPY E'6PoE Revision STR-1 Cuplicate Pag. O .

                                                                                    ""8  '


v s.. 4.0 PREREQUISITES 4.1 -Tests 4.1.1 TP 250/1 'RCDT Tempe ture Calibration, MTX 141.5.3. s Signature 0$ Date 9-3053 - 4.2 Construction Completion Status 4.2.1 RCDT temperature input .(Point 459) to computer completed (DRF 8070). Signature J /// _ Date 9-7C-[3

                         '4.3'  Environmental Conditions 4.3.1      No special environmental conditions are required.

Signature ) dr'e s Date 9:88 3 4.4 Technical Specifications 4.4.1 Technical Specificat on, Section 3.1.6. Signature d M ' Date h88--[1

            ..e                   w Tnz ex1T 1 OH! IIA.L MD T3M                                       TP 600/5
                       .              Duplicate Paga 0      __.;

Effective Page O Page 4 (n

            ^                                                                                                                            ,


                                                       ..v                                      g 5.0      TEST EQUIPMENT 5.1         DVM capable of reading           10 VDC, accurate to 1 0.01 VDC with input      ~   '

impedance of > 100MA. Extra long banana plugs required to make

                ~               '

proper pin contact at Patch Panel.

          .                  5.2-       Weighing scales, Dillon 0-500 lbs.             Serial No. AN 49673,.Identifica-tion No. S-D-10, 1% Full Scale.
                          - 5. 3        Collecting Containers - Four (4) identified 55 gallon Radwaste drums                   STR-j with spill basin.

5.4 Flow Meter,' Brooks Model 1110, 0.1 - 1.0 gpm water, 2% ac' curacy

                         .              FSA.


                                                                                                       ,                               .4 TMI UNIT'1 y,g,,,        .,       3g                    TP 600/5                       >

s [ ,' . s . tu I . [. 3J- sdk y Revision STR-1 Page 5 wwiw 0 -

6.0 -LIMITATIONS'ANDPRECkUTIONS 6.1 , As listed in Enclosure 3 Section 3.0 of SP 1303-1.1. STR=


6.2' Ensure no pressurized RCS letdown samples'are required during test. .

f. -

y, 6.3 - Deleted. i.-

                                                                                                                                                  'STRc 4

6.4 Makeup tank pressure shall not be altered during test except for that resulting from MU-T-1 level' changes. Pressure shall be set at

                                                            -the high end of the normal operating band prior to beginning the test. (Approximately 30 psig)



p-' _ 6.5 Deleted. P 1 4 a

                                                                    .                                                           TM1 UNIT 1 i-4"*CE"i N .        f l a- a -*8"!q q ]*           TP 600/5
                                                    .                        . Ci 3 .U..$i 4-Effective Page STRe Page 6 3:J;i.icate Page             O i:


                                          - e L                            -              (, n 7.0  ' PLANT STATUS 7.1    As required by TP 700/1, Controlling Procedure for Low Power                      STR-3 Physics Testing.

Signature W /44 b - ,-~ Date $* Zf*SY

                    .7.2      Reactor Coolant Grade' Makeup should be available for addition to the                       -

Makeup and Purification System should the Makeup tank level fall to where adequate Makeup Pump NPSH is no longer available. Signature b 84tt - Date $5254 4.- J E. . e r

                                                                  &                      9 TML UNIT 1 7
                                                      *O!4i      r",*'=[ n a n g y
                                                                              ;;d, . J       TP 600/5
                                                       -e .' . i = 1 i~a e Effective Page STR-1 Page 7 OUplicate Page .

D 46*

Sun (.s . ( st 7.0 PLANT STATUS 7.1 As required by TP 600/2, Controlling Procedure for OTSG Repair Testing.

                          . Signature     [4 k         m            Date   /c !3!f3

( 7.2 Reactor Coolant Grade Maheup should be available for addition' to the Makeup and Purification System should the Makeup tank level fall to where' adequate Makeup Pump NPSH is no longer available. Signaturs [ N /0 b f3 ene Date L

                                                .-e        $      .

r . o r s TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 opgcIAL HELD CO  :,. trzeceive Pese o Page 7 j D-4 DUFUCATE FAC-E_M6 e e

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              ' ~ 7.0
                   . PLANT ST TUS 7.1 . As required by TP 600/2, Controlling Procedure for OTSG Repair                                                                                                    I Testing.
                              -       Signature 2                                         Ir                  Date [*38 8 7,2          R'         or Coolant Grade Makeup available for addition to the                                                                           - -

p and Purification System should the Makeup tank level fall to


where adequate Makeup Pump NPSH is no longer available. Signature M N / M Date 3043 F%_. t 4

                          .                                                                                                                           . . . -         . - - . . . ~ .
                                                                           =;pps e c-                       r" -


                                                                 ?     !"l;.;  >         seqmpr/y                 4 TMI UNIT 1 Duplicate Page                         Q                                            TP 600/5                          .

Effective Page O Page 7 e

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                                                                                                                            'I 8.0   PREREQUISITE SYSTEM l

8.1 Makeup tank leve. between 7p" and 96". ,_ Signature db [M Date f-25 # 1- l 8.2 Reactor Coolant System in a steady state conditions at 532 2 3*F- -1 and 2155 psig 2 25 psig, RCS T and pressure respectively. Signature b [N Date 5 25-#4 8.3 Pressurizer level control (RC-1-LIC) in automatic with water level

                              ;;ren;::   Y: 200". 4/ / a *' O y /* * *.
                             ' Signature      b /A                       Date       T-If-8 +     _

8.4 Computer operable and computer printer set up to print out required STR-3 leak rate parameters (See SP 1303-1.1) every 15 min. througt.out this test - i.e. from start of baseline leak rate calculation to end of superimposed leak rate calculation. Signature [o 8- , [A Date f II-F4 8.5 .For Section 9.2, no Reactor Building Isolation System Testing in

t. .

progress nor scheduled during test period. l Signature k[M Date I' 2I~N


8.6 Temporary Mechanical Modification .(TIDI 23 ) as per Enclosure 9. STR-1 is approved, installed and leak tested. Signature [*/,-[ M Date fZi#+

      +                                                                                             -. .      .      .

TM7 UNIT 1 TP 600/5 a *-*-' o f ft l i f "* ' j p nopy Revision STR-1 a;4 1; .% ;4 i'U t i Page 8 3 s tate Page h . I I

(.. s 3-o. 8.0 , PREREQUISITE SYSTEM


8.1 Hakeup tank level between 75" and 96". Signature (k k AA Date f 0 [}[p

                    -                                              o 8.2   Reactor _ Coolant System in a steady state condition at 532                        3*F and 2155'psig.             25'psig, RCS T an -and Pressure respectively.

Signature (,d ruu h Data /0 f3[fj l 8.3 Pressurizer level control (RC-1-LIC) in automatic with water level greater than 200". Signature CRb b, Date lo {3l f3 s . l 8.4 Bailey computer operable. Utility computer printer set up to print out re-quired leak rate parameters (See SP 1303-1.1) every 15 min. throughout this test - i.e. from start *of baseline leak rate calculation to end of superimposed leak rate calculation. Signature $R $s,- h Date /ObfS') 8.5 For Section 9.2, no Reactor Building Isolation System Testing in , progress nor scheduled during test period. Signature bk Date /d !3/f3 8.6 Verify the MU-T-1 level transmitter MU-14-LT Reference Leg is dry prior to conducting Section 9.1 h ond 5 f-C.f'O'J; I.2. .O[ tii, s tesf. iSignature ( A e . Date [ -3 0 - 73

  • / TM1 UNIT 1
                                                                                                       -TP 600/5 Effective Page O Page 8 M

D-+ OFFICIAL w u ,.,..n.<a .

                                                                  $ / FIELD CO          -

w N. [- 8.0 PREREQUISITE SYSTEM 8.1 Makeup tank level between 75" and 96". Signature 7 [. b Date 3 d! 87 N

                  ,                                                      /

8.2 Reactor Coolant System in a steady state condition at 532 : 3*F and 2155 psig : 25 psig, RCS T and pressure respectively. Signature h e Date ad f F3 8.3 Pressurizer level control (RC-1-LIC) in automatic with water level greater than 200". Signature c

                                         .[If h Date 30!/ib 8.4  Bailey computer operable. Utility computer printer set up to print out re-quired leak rate parameters (See SP,1303-1.1) every 15 min. throughout this test - i.e. from start *of baseline leak rate calculation to end of superimposed leak rate calculation.

Signature /,( Date $8 ((b 8.5 'For Section 9.2, no Reactor Building Isolation System Testing in , progress nor scheduled during test period. Signature [(, Date 3d((9 f h '


8.6 Verify the MU-T-1 level transmitter MU-14-LT Reference Leg is dry prior to conducting Section 9.1 of this test. Signature 4 [ ' Date 9* 30 TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Cffective Page 0 MuT(rda Jra . JNha) .h h d.! page 8 D;p!!C"tte ??? _

                                        .( -
  • 4,

('K 8.0 PREREQUISITE SYSTEM (Cont'd.) 8.7 ' ~ Empty Test Drums with their associated lids and clamps (identified 1 STR-1 as A, B, C, D) have een weighed and data recorded in Step 10.2.1. SignatureM _;/ Date M2S"'[f u -


c -

   .s t


                                              '     C'"' N ;3 }
                                                ,. s . . J E  - '

N55"" U; TP 600/5 Revisior. STR-1 Page Sa

                                              .ac;ticais F889

{.. 9.0 TEST METHOD 9.1 -Reactor Coolant System Leak Rate Calculation .. (N 9.1.1 Using all three methods of leak rate determination simultaneously (Step 6.1 of SP 1303-1.1), conduct a RCS Leak Rate Calculation for a minimum of two (2) hours in - 13-accordance with Enclosure 10 (SP 1303-1.1). These results STR-1 are valid as a baseline for 9.2 only for the succeeding six

                       ,                  (6) hours.

9.1.2 Ensure Enclosure 10 (SP 1303-1.1) is completed and RCS Leak STR-1. Rate is acceptable per Tech Specs. Incorporate the com-pleted SP 1303-1.1 in this test procedure and enter Summary STR-1 Data in Step 10.1.2. Continue on to Section 9.2 ensuring the RCS is in steady state conditions, Step 8.1 is satisfied

             ,'                          and the Plant Operational Status can support another Leak                       ,

Rate Test. Section 9.1 Accomplished' Sat. <> Unsat. Signature [A h Date F 25 84 TMI UNIT 1

                                                 .,- -og 31        I"f5"3 M 00,0                   TP 600/5 (7 7 *,. ;,nb . L e. M       wV'                  Revisien STR-1
           ,                                     Ducticate Page          k,
                                                                                                        .,,  .-p,-
                                                  - S 9.0    TEST METHOD 9.1     Reactor Coolant System Leak Rate Calculation n

m>d 9.1.1- Using all three methods of leak rate determination simultaneously, (Step 6.1 of SP 1303-1.1), conduct a RCS

fy '

Leak Rate Calculation for a minimum of two (2) hours in

    , f,                         'D-4~ accordance with Enclosure                            (SP 1303-1.1). These results are valid as a baseline for 9.2 only for the succeeding six (6) hours.

D-4 (,

                      #344d 9.1.2            Ensure Enclosure # (SP 1303-1.1) is completed and RCS Leak' Rate is acceptable per Tech Specs.                     Incorporate the completed SP 1303-1.1
                                        ,    in this. test procedure.

Continue on to Section 9.2 ensuring the RCS is in steady state conditions, Step 8.1'is satisfied and the Plant Operational Status can support another Leak Rate Test. Section 9.1 Accomplished Sat. Unsat. i Signature d Date / 0 -f- 83



                                                                 .                                                TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Effective Page 0 OFFICIAL FELD COH DUF'JCATI PAGE. _                rY              _
                                  ;(                                  l N                                  s 9.0    TEST METHOD'              .

9.1 Reactor Coolant System Leak Rate Calculation

9.1.1 Using all three methods of leak rate determination simultaneously (Step 6.1 of SP 1303-1.1), conduct a RCS.

Leak Rate Calculation for a minimum of two (2) hours in accordance with Enclosure 3 (SP 1303-1.1). These results are. valid as a baseline for 9.2 only for the succeeding six (6) hours. b 9.1'.2- Ensure Enclosure 3 (SP 1303-1.1) is completed and RCS Leak Rate is acceptable per Tech Specs. Incorporate the completed SP 1303-1.1 in this. test procedure. Continue on to Section 9.2 ensuring the RCS is in steady state conditions, Step 8.1 is satisfied and the-Plant Operational Status can support another Leak Rate Test. Section 9.1 Accomplished Sat. Unsat. Signature $A h Date 'lh El ~ f $b p,c.e 9 POC ' ~~

     '                                  CQ1    pg' y own

0 =r=ni Tat unir 1 TP 600/5 pupliC3tB EEEU- Effective Page O Page 9 ~

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('r 4 . . r 9.0 TEST METHOD (Cont'd.). s 9.2 Reactor Coolant System Leakage Calculation With Known Leak Rate. - NOTE: Prior to commencing Section 9.2, make arrangements with the Shift Supervisor so that the RCS Leak Rate


Test (SP 1303-1.1) is started first and induced Known Leak Rate is started shortly thereafter. g% 9.2.1 Verify Prerequisite Step 8.7 data entered in Step 10.2.1 and the Drum lids and clamps have been removed. 9.2.2 Open the 'D' collection drum inlet valve and ensure other inlet valves to Drums 'A', 'B' and 'C' are closed. STR-l' Ol[ 9.2.3 Establish a Known Leak Rate of 0.9 1 0.1 GPM (induced leak V rate is an approximation for reference only), as indicated on test flow indicator, by opening MU-V45A and throttling


the Test Throttle Valve (TTV).. Close the 'D' Drum inlet valve. i CF 9.2.4 Commence RCS Leak Rate Test per Enclosure 11 (SP 1303-1.1). F

  • Use all three (3) methods of leak rate determination (Step 6.1 of SP 1303-1.1) simultaneously. (Do not correct RCS calculation for the 0.9 GPM leak as would oridinarily be required on Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4)
                                                                                                                  , ,_.    ..-e        -         -w TMI UNIT 1 r ,0. ;',1                   ~ ;'I
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TP 600/5 c: . .J a % . . - - "" Revision STR-1

                                                              .                                                   Page 10
                                    ,;::: del 5 kS50
                                                                                                                                         -w* -~,

(. s (.. s.. 9.0' TEST METHOD (Cont d.)


9.2 Reactor Coolant System Leakage Calculation with Known Leak Rate.

                 - E- (,

pgui Establish a known leak rate of 1.0 1 0.25 GPM from the c .

  .4 c ?A.

letdown line by completing the following valve lineup.

 .;u -

rggp Open oPEu Close S,i - Closed B.y _. = JH W CA-V A-t/ 3 eidA/ CA-V-1 _ , ' "f 1J" w [-9

                                             . nem/ CA-V                         -@38/           fndal CA-V-3 c A- l(o
  .                                    ,         W CA-V-2                                              A CA-V-26A

g CA-V-25A g CA-V-26C M CA-V-26B fidu/ CA-V-25B

    '                                                       C4-V-3/                                          t.",'_    q pi4m> "A-7 ^1 (Cr.. ta                                 W      C.'. 'J "

c4 v 3T I, Carr'a ei&) c 4- v-2 f e- N /4 f-9 l e .::

                                                                                                              "A Y 't
    .                E-/o           9.11.1                  Thr tele cA-v-za to obtain the 1.0 spm flow rate FArou-)
                                                          -:.' - v ; b sample. posnf s-9 _

( 6-7 /nfAd 9.2.2 During the two hour (minimum) run, measure the letdown line sample i flow r' ate every 30 minutes by determining the time required to Per [nclowrc. S'

                                                                ,m , L,                                                             y               Per & clo w e collect e m e,.llca.                     Record temperature o,f watertollected to allow later conversion to lbm/ min. values. Record on Data Sheet 10.2.2.                                                                                                  .
                               /yMol 9.2.3      As soon as the Known Leak Rate has been established (Lto),

7 commence conducting the RCS Leak Rate Test per Enclosure # (SP 1303-1.1). Use all three (3) methods of leak rate deter-mination (Step 6.1 of SP 1303-1.1) simultaneously.

                                                                     ,                                                              TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Effective Page O Page 10
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         -                                          -.y.                                      s ,.
               . 9.0     , TEST METHOD (Cont'd.)
                          .9. 2 _ Reactor Coolant System Leakage Calculation with Known Leak Rate.

9'.2.1 -Establish a known leak rate of 1.0 1 0.25 GPM from the

                                             . letdown line by completing the following valve lineup.

Open Close

                                                        'CA-V-24                  pH4fd CA-V-1 agg_ CA-V-13                        pdad. CA-V-3 n                        .

g .CA-V-2 g CA-V-26A g CA-V-25A ,sdOI CA-V-26C CA-V-26B M CA-V-25B CA-V-31 (Open to & CA-V-33 Sample Sink) ' d CA-V-19 8~I M Throttle CA-V-25C to obtain the 1.0 gpm flow rate M 9.2.2_ .During the two hour (minimum) run, measure the letdown line sample F flow rate every 30~ minutes by determining the time required to 4000atL 6-L collect one ;;:lix.. Record temperature of water collected to

           ,                                  allow later conversion to lbm/ min. values.             Record on Data Sheet-10.2.2.                                                                    .    .

W 9.2.3 As' soon as the Known Leak Rate has been establis'hed (Lto), commence conducting the RCS Leak Rate Test per Enclosure 4 (SP 1303-1,1). Use all three (3) methods of leak rate deter-mination (Step 6.1 of SP 1303-1.1) simultaneously. e ~ =r t't E p, p F"9 ?: G $% W

                                                                             ,e U (" {'                  TMI UNIT 1

[N[PJdhL E l$li., TP 600/5' Effective Page 0 Cuplicate Page O _ m Page 10 m2

L. . [ ,- 9.0 TEST METHOD (Cont'd.) 9.2.5 After the RCS Leak Rate Test has commenced open the 'A' Drum- - inlet valve and adjust the TTV valve if necessary to maintain

                          .          0.9     0.1 GPM flow rate on the test flow indicator. Maintain

[ this flow rate for the duration of the test. . M 9.2.6 Record time 'A' Drum inlet valve opened. O8J3,5

         .e                                                   ..

dd[ 9.2.7 Visually observe Drum levels and open 'B' or 'C' Collection V Drum inlet valves when Drum level approaches the top. Then close' inlet valve to 'A' or 'B' Collection Drum. Adjust the TTV to maintain 0.9 2 0.1 GPM as required. ~ STR-1

                   ,/1rl d 9.2.8 Coordinate with Shift Supervisor so that the closing of h

MU-V45A and TTV will occur within 5 minutes of the termination of the RCS Leak Rate Test (SP 1303-1.1). Close MU-V45A and record the time 0730 . r e (-G 7 M gi C!it N fe Dy TMI UNIT 1 W . L ds ..[%

                                                         ; ;; '   .,    ., d l e                    TP 600/5 Revision STR-1 Page 11 Cupii::3te E2g3 L
s. -

s s c 9.0 TEST METHOD (Cont'd'.) . NOTE: Do not correct RCS calculation for the 1.0 gpm leak

                                .          3.      as would ordinarily be required on Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4.

M 9.2.4 After completion of the two hour (minimum) test period return the RCS to normal operation. . E-(, . d 9.2.5 Close CA-V13 and CA-V2 to stop letdown sample flow and return Sampling System to normal operation._ Restore sample system


lineup - shut CA-V24, 25A, 26B, M , and 2#h. 35 ZSC g-9 D-4 , 7 9.2.6 Complete Leakage calculation Sheet (Enclosure k) for the completed leak rate test. Incorporate the completed SP 1303-1.1 in this test procedure. Section 9.2 Completed Sat.' Unsat. lD Signature N M . A UL) d - Date / o- 4-t3 TMI UNIT.1 TP 600/5 OFFICTAT i. n U"'TTT

                                                             "     ~Q (CChY                     tereceive rase o pk        cuPUCATE PAGE         [X f

_ Page 11 (

m. (,

                                            - s                        -

9.0 TEST METHOD (Cont'd.) NOTE: Do not correct RCS calculation for the 1.0 gpm leak

                .                                       as would ordinarily be required on Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4.
  .a                      .
                      /Meul 9.2.4         After completion of the two hour (minimum) test period return the.
           .                               RCS to normal operation.                                                                  .

T/44) 9.2.5 Close CA-V13 and CA-V2 to stop letdown sample flow and return Sampling System to normal operation. Restore sample system lineup - shut CA-V24, 25A, 26B, 31, and 25C. p&4/ 9.2.6 Complete Leakage Calculation Sheet (Enclosure 4) for the

             .                             completed leak rate test.         Incorporate the completed SP 1303-1.1 in this test procedure.

Pk Section 9.2 Completed Sat. Unsat. Signature df d. km Date /O-/ - 1f3 4 LY".$ ua . Jh!h! e. 4 h5,a5 O .' e b TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 D u pl!: :.te P a g e h Effective Page 0

                  ,                                                                                        Page 11 8
4. (
                                                                             .s 9.0 ' TEST METHOD (Cont'd.)      ,
     ,,                       9.2.9   At the end of two hours terminate the RCS Leak Rate Test per SP 1303-1.1.
                      $ N 9.2.10 Place the Drum lids and clamps on their respective                   l
            ' ~ ~

Drums. jh 9.2.11 Remove Collection Drums to weighing scale. Record weight STR-{ on Data Sheet 10.2.11 for each drum. hh 9.2.12 From data taken, calculate weight of water collected in Known Leak Rate. Record in Step 10.2.12. 9.2.13 Complete Superimposed RCS Leakage Calculation in Step 10.2.13. ! (* T N ];, k

                                                         ,                             TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 i

cupacate Page h - Revision STR-1 p,,, 11, It

e. . -



! 9.0 TEST METHOD (Cont'd.)

                                     -9.2.14    Ensure Enclosure 11 (SP 1303-1.1) is completed and RCS                         -

Leak Rate is acceptable per Tech Specs. Incorporate the completed SP 1303-1.1 in this test procedure and enter. F Summary Data in Step 10.2.14. CW 9.2.15 Verify the validity of the method used to determine RCS leakage by completing the calculations required in Step 10.2.15 and compare with, Step 11.2. 9.2.16 After review and acceptance of test date remove the temporary equipment installed per TMM 83 and STR-1 reinstall the MU Tank sample line. Pump down the Drums to the Auxiliary Building Sump. 5 Section 9.2 Accomplished Sat. Ju/. . Unsat. Signature bol, {a6-r-- Date 5-Jo bf THI UNIT 1 to 7 Yn f.'. ..w

                                                             ')d;i ? ~ fHP

1 hh?Y ~ p , 33y STR-1

. =. mc O


e w w 10.0 DATA REQUIRED

  • Initials -

Step ' No. Acceptance Description of Data Required Data Criteria Org. Date 10.1.2 LEAKAGE PLUS LOSSES (L)' 3.2555 WS4t f.y.,q Computer Calculation , GPM 4 30 GPM S 75 4f-3.3S3L $ Manual Calculation w/ Computer Data GPM < 30 GPM '~ W^B 5 4 T-

                        '                                          3,2;i _ fa +

hII Manual Calculation w/ Patch Panel

a. :0 $

GPM d.3 < 30 GPM gvf y- . 8"6-J f 3.3448 GROSS RCS LEAK RATE (G) Computer Calculations ,5~/36 @ g ,j p GPM < 10 GPM Sv(T~ 4-Manual Calculation w/ Computer Data


GPM 4 10 GPM Wf v$, f I 1S-df 7-Y m .p,m m (( Manual Calculation w/ Patch Panel SGPM 'YH8* 5 ts-a+ 4.10 GPM pi 7" ,

                                                                  .7+3G NET UNIDENTIFIED LEAK RATE (U)

Computer Calculation ,3f/2 < 1 GPM Y f.23 .g, GPM and 11.1 .W4 7 Manual Calculation w/ Computer Data ,3734 @ 4 y gpg ,, y.yg.,, GPM and 11.1 0 a.57 22 -{ l6 Manual Calculation w/ Patch Panel f * 4 1 GPM N 2##t-SM GPM N t and 11.1 39a: - e y= n ggy . TMI U::IT.1 L 7 f /v3,4 8 f fil.) UUI B TP 600/5 Revision STR-1 Dupil03te P3?t! -

         -                                 .( ~o                      .


                    ,                                                                                           Initials       -

Step Acceptance No. Description of Data Required Data ' Criteria Org. Date 10.2.2 ("o} """ "~ ~2'~ ~~ Time = 0 Time 15: 4r gg Sec. ( y s') w/A - ~ Known Leak Rate (Leo) /.Of 1.0 2 0.'25 f g. l Temperature Mi.J.3 p4*,

                             - (t i),
                                                                           " kd5 *F             h                            if
                                                 ,                            ff, /                                                             ,

Time = 30 Minutes - g adw .. l Time ff,;/5 Sec. N/A g o Known Leak Rate (Lti) , '

  • Temperature g

thp *F gfg N/A

                                                                                                                     /Y g o ,T'Q (t2)

Time = 1 Hour jg { Time /(l45' Sec. N/A - 10' c.19 Known Leak Rate (Lt2) Temperature GPM 1.0 2 0.25. [ 99_/ *F N/A 10 Time li Hours _ _ ,, f Time n:2.1 Sec. 'N/A 1'0 O 15 Known Leak Rate'(Lt3 ) cyg Temperature' 93.1* F go y N/A (t 4) **8' GPM 1.0 1 0.25 ' ' 71,, 2 Hours fEp""rkE*be"*** /.Y F y/

                                                          .                                                            {

Ti"* /9.5 lo,4'O 17lSO sec. N/A Average Known Leak Rate = Lt1 + Lt2 + Lt3 + Lt4

  • GPM fe'
                                                                             .GPM 4

Stop w SA): W AL'n t M U Ca l 5-+th Do /yn.

                                                                                                              . TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 g,tr OFFICIAL FIELD COH                                                                   Ef fectin Page 0 Page 12 i


( . ( 10.0 DATA REQUIRED

         .                                                                              Initials Step                                                               Acceptance No.       Description of Data Required                  Data        Criteria               Org. Date 10.2.2        (t )


                *fime = 0                                      %,/                                   f, Time 1.'89                                     Sec.          M/A O.?W Known Leak Rate (Lto)                  g t 0827A'1.0 1 0.25                                  ,g')

Temperature hf.h 'F h d Time 30 Minutes 7j 3 f. Time 7, 40 Sec. N/A to'I o.195- - Known Leak Rate (Lti ) 8' gpg

                                                                                           $d            ,o,I g Temperature                                   37. 6 'F       N/A Time         1 Hour                                                                            ,(3 Time    3.* /0                                Sec.           N/A                     -

to D.776 , GPM 1.0 0.25. Known Leak Rate (Lt2) . Temperature T 6 'F N/A go " (t 3) Time = 115 Hours g y) Time 3'35 Sec. N/A n.744 Known Leak Rate ~(Lt3) GM I 0 ' Temperature * - 19.7. 'F . N/A (t 4) GPM 1.0 0.25 Time = 2 Hours p hemhrkS*he ae F p/ u.c sd 10 Time 4,* / ~2. - Sec. N/A Average Known Leak O*77 1.0 1 0.25 Rate = Lt1 + Lt2 + Lt3 + Lt4 GPM uI 4 GPM 3 o-I-83 570PwAred S/A): LuAkan nu cm/: p.4.s a L,14

                                                 ,m .

onMJ T".I t* NIT 1 f @,1,D b u t 8 TP 600/5 Ef:,cetive Ps::e 0 Duplicate Paga Q - Pace 12 A ew



(I ( 10.0 DATA REQUIRED (Cont'd.) Initials - Step No. Acceptance Description of Data Required Data Criteria Org. Date 10.2.1 'h' Drum Weight Empty (with lid & 9///8 fpf clamp) 7[ lbs. NA (( N

                    'B' Drum Weight Empty (with lid &           g                                      f-pf--
                                                           "'E lbs.         NA
                    'C' Drum Weight Empty (with lid &

clamp) NA 9 g( . 8 I'N'N '

                    'D' Drum Weight Empty (with lid &           A) A clamp)   ' hs.           NA       fV[7           N#O 10.2.11     'A' Drum Weight + RCS Leakage              Mfk                      But?g          S           -

lbs. NA f . 'B' Drum Weight + RCS Leakage T37 3~~ lbs. NA M. [f

                    'C' Drum Weight + RCS Leakage                   !O                                 g lbs.          NA       gvgy .
                   'D' Drum Weight + RCS Leakage               NA                       y (If Necessary)                      Ibs.          NA g 7-         5>-pf-h d/ [ - W A /4 4 l W W E * '"
                                                     ;;   ,  s 9"@

aba "!I 1";IT^ 1^ TP 600/5 Revision STR-1 occli::ste Pago 0 - pace 12s

( s * ( g 10.0 DATA REQUIRED

                 .                                                                                    Initials Step                                                                       Acceptance                             "

No.- Description of Data Required Data Criteria Org. Date Id0

         /o.22 Ti ms - 2 '4 Aout.5 90.5        .

p/A Wgo r- to-i-ts rint:04:31 sac . p3' '9.$

                          " " * "      "'~'              D              $

s q.t f Suf* ni-n 7amPenarune v e/A GD /-;~< 3 4,.a.s

                                                                               ,                      p 7/.T          p/4             Sur~        so-i-n TI*C: O C:/o                              W

_g x own te m ore CLu) o 1. o : o.1 c . p

   .                                                                        t +.t                         saf         so -1. r3 rentwrvnL                                     ry--            Ai/s squany nowu so u s. ors avnius                                I' * ' "' ' '~

umara e,eie-ia r;o us - NAM W nare s Law , tne ton ta r-a.s s o.73 o m Sur . io ,,,, f.. e S e O s O G e T!:I t':!IT 1 T 7,':,r ' C e-en . TP 6**/s-

                                          %] ' < rh%,i; f;.. .. ?' y         . .

ittactt.c Paceo Page /2#a. C C'J.:.'hte P:ge o b__

g e s. (o

                                                                                                - s 10.0    DATA REQUIRED (Cont'd.)

Initials Step No. Acceptance Description of Data Required Data Criteria Org. Date 10.2.12 Weight of RCS Collected during Leak Rate Test Drum + RCS (10.2.11)- Drum (10.2.1)

                                        'A'     Drum 9 5'd lbs. . - 6/ lbs.                                YOI lbs.                NA d[N f-N         [y
                                       'B'      Drum.

hMF d'N-N O [ lbs. - h lbs. lbs. ['

                                       'C'      Drum NA g



M lbs. - lbs. h lbs. NA

                                       'D'      Drum lbs. -                 lbs.                     Y                            b g (If Necessary)                                    1 s.                NA


                        'A'   . 3FI
                                    'B' g' C N /g
                                                                    'D' M/J lbs.               NA g     ESE v

10.2.13 Superimposed RCS Leak Rate = Total RCS (10.2.12)1bs. x 0.12 gal / ' lb.(SP 1303-1.1) Time (120 Min.) Superimposed RCS Leak Rate


77S lbs. x 0.12 gal /lb. 4,7ff gp g5* M,~' 120 Min. - NA CPM gg V pk ~ fAA# (MLts!K.2 a.s '*7"!P84I bl.a % EUO

                                                             '   " ' = ' '  O']
                                                                              '    *9 Y                     TMI C'IT.1 3p sonj$

LusttCate Page Revision STR-1 pace 12b

( . l s 10.0 DATA REQUIRED (Cont'd.) Initials -- Step No. Acceptance Cascription of Data Required Data Criteria- Org. Date 10.2.14 ' LEAKAGE PLUS LOSSES (L)~ 3.9/7/ g } Computer Calculation f.gsy i GPM 4 30 GPM j#dT

                                                                        .i.:.^; %s+

b Manual Calculation w/ Computer Data l ;u, Q GPM < 30 GPM G f 4.036 H. SgT . g.3 39 El5 Manual Calculation w/Patea ranel GPM < 30 GPM s .9,7 s ws+ t.cou un GROSS RCS LEAK RATE (G) Computer Calculations /.944 7 'Y f ,3o -34 GPM < 10 GPM UkI , le 30s Wt [ .[ld Manual Calculation v/ Computer Data GPM " 4 10 GPM gvg7 830*8f ( 6;5 Manual Calculation w/ Patch Panel h* GPM I.4 254 un 4 10 GPM Y Svl T~ , Sw-s+ .

    ,             NET UNIDENTIFIED LEAR RATE (U)

Computer Calcolation /.dYd3 - C/r

                                     .,                                 GPM            NA                      f*3* *b4
                                                                                               $ g{g l.IJ86 Manual Calculation w/ Computer Data hg                                                                 -/4d 4 y GPM "4'        NA

[ gv(T' Manual Calculation w/ Patch Panel fj,.34 GPM **** UA l Ig *s ,6 ' .Mni 7' 'N O f" ""' b T !! 'J';17 '.


u J.% e  !-" ' TP 600/5

               .-                    Cup.i;;*J DiJ             O                       .

Rc+.'ision STR-1 P ce 12c

( 10.0 DATA REQUIRED (Cont'd.) Initials Step No. Acceptance Description of Data Required Data Criteria Org. Date 10.2.15 ti computer (10.1.2) = U Computer (10.2.14) '

                                             - Leak Rate (10.2.13)                                  0.50 GPM
                                            ,Jf51 GPM = /.0 483 GPM - 0.786 GPM                                                                                                                     -
                                                                         -t 0.50 GPM                                              NA                  NA g.3,g
                                            .3552 GPM =,2ff3 GPM ! 0.50 CPM'                                                             5'"        Yes      y No    and 11.2      pg                                             NM


                                                                                     " *. 8 .'         "'*"*1    M ^ COY                                     T.'!I l' NIT.1 3 3' ',' . '.; t.%) 1 T   ';1! J '4             tJ 8 e                       TP 600/5 w

Revision STR

  • u; .n.. H 1; . - page 12d

(* - (o s s 11.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 11.1 For Section 9.1, the RCS Leak Rate calculations (Step 10.1.2), 'STR- 1 bhen conducted simultaneously using the three methods described

                                                                                           .in Step 6.1 of SP 1303-1.1, are all within 2 0.50 gpm of each other.

11.2 For Section 9.2. Leak Rate (Computer-Cale., Section 9.1) = Leak Rate (Computer Calc.,-Section 9.2) - (Average Known Leak Rate,

  .                                                                                              Step 10.2.13) 1 0.50 gpm.                                                                                                                                     STR-1

D e b'

  • TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 0,5FICIAL FIELD COPY ":;*'n"5'"-'
.. O -




11.1 For Section 9.1, the RCS Leak Rate calculations, when conducted simultaneously using the three methods described in Step 6.1 of SP 1303-1.1, are all within 1 0.50 gpm of each other.

 ;~;                        11.2 For Section 9.2. Leak Rate (Computer Calc., Section 9.1) = Leak Rata
  • gk (Computer Calc., Section 9.2) -(Average Known Leak Rate Step 10.2.2) 1 0.50 gym.

YID d 9

 .                                          f',CP W CW D {df{            P 3

s i a . V i n !. ) la. s TMI UNIT 1 n TP 600/5 Dupli:ato Page_ U Effective Page 0 Page 13 e

( '( TEST PROCEDURE EXCEPTION & DEFICIENCY LIST ENCLOSURE 1 of TP 600/5 The Exception & Deficiency List consists of the following pages: 1,23,4/i Justified / Completed E/D No. Par. Description / Signature /Date Justification / Resolution Sign-off Da'te g.] <f,g.f $4mP t M*b N Vald U - M susat i Tns sample. 6**b s.**s u*f r* yer \p pince *,u sanPit $34 gs. w$60.A ,\re* CAPS *!** @O

                                                                         .., . ,..,<.r ,, ,,,, n. .                             *5     -

g; /6./-8)wa 7,(,s <#4a;& *e se/4rso p/eas AJ C4.v.t j .us vid % Awk , ,N 844f*84

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Doros was n.ousa ra ,,t/e s.,o b.-- .- m

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E"*2 '"' 1 crr,egiv,' page o Page 14p: 4+4

                                                                                             -V        .



EXCEPTION & DEFICIENCY LIST Justified / . Page MS Completed E/D No. Par. Description / Signature /Date Justification / Resolution Sien-off .Date p4 ff, g . 7pc 444spidaese. c4*</da)4 4A re d Z)us 7e vas resf~ fdil**E A88 ev a n nis eu r * $ rn e !* *** * **

  • rag ;yngtyy ), magr rese
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                                                      / 6 */ 7 7 Sps.,      3,f,y) 7,e rssr evill 4t
                                                                             ,,,,,,,, ,, y,ygiga,g pays f pg 647           ~ ~s *Ps s.*        s -o.750 0           G!

tever Ekb t e e s.' O'S$I5 S?" #"CI#0*aes 4 7* 12.1, 1.1.1.  % h v.s.3, y.2.4 f./c. ara #4 448 -o074/ 4 pas rg ,,,- ...s- ....r>~a an t' fdt!Ak'A '::CL .

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                            ~,,,,,    ,.n.. ... ,,,,,a. . . s.                 '~'-
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E-G t.o. t. chen< ed d'* SI** f**U N Sl'" PS *Il*"d E tM 9: ,g QQ undue.ed for penkee cce on ca ssire !!'n RCS Qfgg,p g 2, s. t ses lecr ka s. dp I gymjL,, j inh ln l<rtosun kk%s. os m ,% e chan u.r , . . ., I es.,, ,,, e o. ,5 < sc. ope ae e nier,1-

                    t* '


                                                         ,                                                 TPdo8/r Enclosure 1 0FF!C.'.Ci F!E D COPY                                                 C'%*}'J" Dup' Page                   O                ,

(* , (' s y SUBSEQUENT PACE TO TEST PROCEDURE EXCEPTION & DEFICIEMCY LIST Justified / Page_ f , Completed E/D No. Par. Description / Signature /Date Justification / Resolution Sign-off Date s-7 c,,s. Reuaaf ru+I .J foe C(<raf ea+<an sF . ske.]. dehem en on, l<newn s0 svar regu,n/ i. y Cas/ s- nacs Ica.k (m+e , to espsure Cor/ec.fth - L (Q Bl. cale s l*.to o*r

  • S rosl n.+ a,.y e.

m%t oc un r.r, Rw.s / ereyvisib *- c  % **



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mm ,2 y s*o *~s " o.norr ,s.3 L sn 't . o + zoo *. p r-w S tf-tS AH gjz y. 7 L-pby 1e >+ dre ~s w< -e pre -s watI b<. usgL*4 gj.:,.4A r.,gg

g. t.l n,+ wu3L s1 p..e h ks t- o%. tu. dr.o-s &c.

e-,r.aa+n ~ a.z.s s x i.n

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y p+,, hMs ""q f u t. 4% weista,$ p OX4w mr A4 04r4 e4Mee W

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                                                                                          &#r Dl! UNIT !

TP 600/5 Enclosuro 1,84/r

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  • 5 a t - -] [ h r.,h ffe C,u .etive e .'"."'. .'.'.., . a c. Page o
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  • lE/D No.' ' ' Par.

Description / Signature /Date ' Justification / Resolution Sign-off Date EI3 s.l.l m ., Lw.raler.a alr.<w kr sig mte, darste osdsed of Is* O r~laam ds~,,s+r4 %k 14. lsA rsA s. on aste. derd.*n See t*lsk f**st prostAsee os dye +h fre verhy csluidness du os3 es<lesed laskYrds7,,g. o pp m e t s iss t derJy r In g,Lp yL g.g , [e <I sors Is) . S4,Il acco9 I a'* k. h~a.

                                                               ,b l f4 $o r--        .

derJsn dsurspansy was "4'd . l I4 St by yg,g. dgrey sis reassast. TUf es $4,sl cons adored Alt *fMIsi pg u 33/o-# 4-083 fr*k 4* f fd kssl.l'oelsass le  : ft, J. Dele. / T. *t. eku k **s ,

  • E. l+ EK It- Addd Ms** fr*~ F.4.falw,sa_ AdJs4. W $ ode 4n. fg,, fk g.g,.g ,

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                           **'.L           As a twlt' el tetos.r a4 tut fjg                                                                           Clayu so.<, ,,u,. py s Y

u tueHs asa ca e eds h Q,A., . no 2,3nelosant cAs y n,is  : Wfh , "' h - oss ee.h,ur oudt .t % s is calceled. ens, , celulstd lut edu , cAs yu ' taon,tnas i g fg ' , do ut af4ut Iut nu.4M.I.+f.Q. , pg I*' '*, As*J l rssee,43 s? g,. o 4.y as ruel+s af oil ras.t fssi

                                                                                         ,, , ,   f,,, ,,,, gf, 4,,, , ,

kA y f488, fage t , tato,f9e2 Jaso,%e le lelol &tl o fac , #f . oms ot,ht.4 em on,7 ,gy 5 I" *** % * ' , Instys , T:!I UNIT 1

                                                 .                                                                                                             TP Goo E"CI/t*                " f' I ' I' /8' ev e
  • N,,..,I.,,,.

we 4 . . .j.

                                                                    '.. P  g*,b un t)f(,
                                                                        . . , . . . r* ** t Revision 0 Page lH
            ,                                   000Heste PoBe                      O            -


                                                   .o.                                                         .

( . , I. s'.



                                           ,                     f        ENCLOSURE 1A                   !

Exception vs. STR - applicable to all Test Exceptions .- a.

  ,                    1.       -Does this change revise the scope of the procedure as approved?
2. Does this change revise the intent of the procedure as approved?

Safety Evaluation Considerations - applicability Cateeory A procedures

3. Does this change increase the probability of occurrence or the consequences of an accident or malfunction of equipment important

to safety?

4. Does th'is~ change create the possibility :or an accidento'r malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously in the safety analysis report?
5. Does this change reduce the margin of safety as defined in the basis for any technical specification?

Environmental Evaluation Considerations - applicability Cateeorv B procedures

6. Does this change possibly involve a significant environmental impact?
7. Does this change have a significant adverse effect on the environment?

8. Does this change involve a significant environmental matter or question , not previously reviewed and evaluated by the NRC7

                                                               ,                                                     T}tI t,"!!T 1 f = a= . 6 ' to '       "'      t-                                      TP 600/$

U."[.Wlaii. I' l .'=* ;. .I (# 6$ f IS ja 3V Enclosura 1A. 1/1 Effoetive Pace 0 JupJ:ste Pago O '

C. .- '

b:. ,

k .. .. ( ,

               .a                                       ENCLOSURE 2 0F T. P.          600/5 QUALITYCONTROLWITNESSSkCNOFFSF.EET Paraerach                                                 Results witnessed as Satisfactorv                                 .
   ...-                                                                                           Sat.                     Unsst.

Signature Date


4 d


r o . r I , Tit' UNIT I

  .                                                                                                                  TP 600/3 Enclocuro 2 r -- ee n q
                                                          ..,.s...!         i;.. n enny r 1,-

RJr. Effective Pago 0  ; Page 16  ! Sup.icate.0a.. O 1 D

rc Q  %./ , Y- m go rA C m UATE: 9/30/a3 Tii4E:79:2:3:54 ~ IUTE: RC5 VULLhE li4CREA5E DATA BiTRY I41ST BE NEGATIVE, F]~ dE ** YOJ RJ3T 84TER DEC. PT. FITH LEAKAGE VALUE3 UC$3o 2 _.. _ .. _' _ . . g g g g -

                                                                                                                                                                                            - 'M&
  '                                                                                                                                                                                         Eksts
                                                                                                                              ,       p..             _ _ . _ _ _ _ _                                .             _



BP 1303-1.1 O g _ ._ _ _. _ b - f""3 ~~g ~ ~ ~ '~~

                                                                                                                                    ~                   - ~ ~ '



L ENTER IDENT LEAKAGE FROH DS 1303-1.1.3 (LSl/ MIN) - . - _.. y ENTE.1 RCOT OIAiGE FRGl D51303-1.1.4 (LS4) G=,


y 0.0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' EHit4 f.La Ol%Aat. fHUR~Da 1303-1.1.4 (GAD , 9 LL. S" - O.0 - ENTER OTSG LEA / AGE FRGl DS 1303-1.1.5 (GR4) LI-U S

                                                                                                                                                                   ~ ~ - ~

u.u A sie. mA allA IC3 HB TAVE PRZR LVL7UTTLVL7CDT LVL7CDT784P' 'RC3'P11E3S (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (IN) (IN) (VOLT) (F) (PSIG) 9 , I d:30:72: 232 52) > >4 .o u >>2 04T 332 734732 984718.012 77.262 7 G28~ 73.'283 - 2179.34 ~ W.d 21:30:22: 532.531 534.643 532.047 532.734 532.984 217.830 76.440 7.663 83.382 2180.00 _ _, V , LEAKAGE Pl.uJ LOSJE3 (<30 GRI): 0.2338 GR4 y ..D.._ y GR05$ RC3 LEAK RATE (<10 GRt): 0.1382 GR1 .

t. __. --

y NET ONIDENTIFIED LEAK RATE (<1 GR4): -0.b761GRI , u OPERATOR: 6 I I-d , w . --

                                                                               ;.   %-e's.                                        _.        e.m
   &bl%M$dyil .5f$W. ,.,5&c.aQS?                                         ,                      w$' .m Fd';q. A.,S iQy&&mW$$O? +                          "

L.':: - p (.



      ;                                                                                             WORKING CCPY Table of Effective Pages Page    Revision     Page        Revision     Page      Revision    Page               Revision 1.0       12        31.0          12         61.0        12 2.0       .2 32.0          12         62.0        12 3.0 '     12        33.0          12         63.0        12

4.0 12 ,34.0 12 64.0 12 5.0 la 35.0 12 65.0 12 6.0 12 36.0 12 66.0 12 7.0 12 37.0 12 67.0 12

8. 0 12 38.0 12 ,

9.0 12 39.0 12 10.0 12 40.0 - 12 11.0 12 41.0 12

                       !!'.!      !!        #!'.8 5            !!           I VERIFIED CURRENT REV                       10N                      5 14.0       12        44.0          12               /7yo         9.Jo-g J               j 15.0       12        45.0          12

.* 16.0 12 46.0 12 TIME DATE NfTIAL 17.0 12 47.0 12 'y 18.0 12 48.0 12 RE-VERIFIED PROCEDURE CURRENT

      ,                $.'!       !!        N.'8          [j             ( APPLIES ONLY IF USE IS NOT 21.0       12        51.0          12 22.0       12         22.0         12 TERMINATED WITHIN SAME DATE )

23.0 12 :53.0 12 TIME 4 24.0 12 li4.0 12 DATE INITIAL . i- 25.0 12' ti5.0 12 26.0 12 !i6. 0 12 27.0 12 57.0 12 29.0 12 58.0 12 ' 29.0 12 59.0 12 - . 30.0 12 60.0 12 JMJL 5ignature va'Date h d34,n.: re

                                                                                              ? -2/s -3.5
                    "'ElH 6

C OFi40fM.TiELU COPY la*2;;;; hy!' FOR USE IN UNIT I ON _Y

                    " "   2

g ounii:ato e:g. -Q ,

s.~ r'.C "

o '

c'  !#3;b12 OR.USE IN UNIT I O N LY DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 Page 1 of 12


j4 x For Use When Computer is Available

 ,9 NOTE:           For unavailable computer inputs, patch panel inputs may be substituted provided that they are converted to units listed above for both initial
.; ,                       and final readings (refer to Enclosure 1 for conversion factors). Note 4
     ,                    that not all computer points have corresponding patch panel inputs.
   ',      Initial . Conditions - To be taken at one minute intervals.

Co'mputer Point T1 T2 T3 (Circle Selected Point) Line 1 Time /7a0 /13 / /fA2 Line 2a Tc Loop A .CJ2,8~ + S32.f + 83),d' = 3=53J,[F.. Line 2b TH Loop A h405 O Y,6 + S3 4/ , /.

                                                                             +   83 4, /,        =\b + 3 =gM*F.

Line 2c Tc Loop B @514 S32 + JA3 + #30

                                                                                                 =    + 3 =#3A*F.

Line 2d TH Loop B O , ca),7 + 8.A0,7 + 530,7 = 3 953al7'F. 407 ' Line 2e Unit Tave (Sum of Lines 2a, 2b, 2c, and 2d + 4) Ald + 4 =532.Y. Line 3 Przr Level 6 ,D / F + 2/'7,9 + R /f = +3=2I7'N. 1721 1722 Line 4 MU Tk l' Veld 99 + 9 7. p + 77. e7 = + 3 =77.Rin. 7 7. D Line 5 RCOT Level 835 7, (, .'l + 2 4. 2. + '240 = 4 3 =262.f t. x 12 in/ft Line Sa

                                   ,                                                                  M in.

Line 5b RCDT Temp. A 459 93,1 + os, A + +3,J =g + 3 =N' 'F Line Sc RCS Press ( g ! '7 4 +  ;:t / 7 y + n / #,,

                                                                                                 =[ 4 3 =@                     'P G TMI UNIT 1                                .

tr 6*/5 Enclosure 3, 3/53 11.o 07F G AL FIEl.D COPY Effective Page#O en.19 9 USE IN UNIT I ON Y' Dupli!a'to Pace 6 - N .


    "     ' ~
                    =OR USE O UNIT l ONLY                                                      in3;j;2     12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont'd)                    Page 2 of 12 Final Conditions - To be taken at one minute intervals.                                                            -

Computer Point T1 T2 T3 (-Circle Selected Point) Line 6 Time 2./30 2/3/ A/S1 b Line 7a Tc Loop A h SS R, (f + dT;32,8~ + 63 2, 5~ =\ 3 6>-T, k 511 A l Line 7b .Tg Loop A @ S3 V, G + S3 Y, 4 + Q Yi,4 = D + 3 g Jy F. 405 l

                                                                                                          .r $

Line 7c Tc Loop B (U) 6 32. + C3R + 6BR -

                                                                                                        =s'o + 3 Q *F.

514 l Line 7d TH Loop B @ E3 a ,7 + 63 L ) +,._ G ) =\ + 3 @ *F. 407 Line 7e Unit Tave (Sum of Lines 7a, 7b, 7c, and 7d + 4) QY + 4 = C i h' *F . Line 8 Przr Level 6 R 17. f + QI),1 + "A / ) , ff "Jg_ 3 =2/2 Fin. 1721 1722 4 l - Line 9 MU Tk Level 498' 7 /,, 4 + ')6,Y + 74, Y =4 + 3 74, Yin. Line 10 RCDT Level 835 '2 (.(f + 7 44 + '7,46 =F l 3 =2/d.ft. x 12 in/ft Line 10a A "9Ib1D-Line 10b RCDT Temp. A 459 93,3 + T 3, ~3 + f 3. 3 =D 3 f J3'F Line 10c RCS Press 8 O/so + ':2 / fo + 'A/TO =b + 3 r2]fjp_PSIG 507 s .

NOTE: Leakage out of the R'CS will have a positive (+) sign. :
" Leakage" into the RCS (chemical additions, etc.)  :
will have a negative (-) sign.  :
                    ~r -


                                                      .                                            TP 600/5 Enclosure 3, 4/53 l

Effective Page 0 - Page 20 v~ 0FFiCIA- t sa.D C

             -                          FOR USE IfDNIT I OWCiXto Page                                              m L'
p. .-
' . " b HOR USE ikUNIT I ONLY 1303 1,1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.1 (Cont'd) Page 3 of 11 CARRY ALGEBRAIC SIGNS THROUGH ALL STEPS
1. ,

Mass change due to changes in Pzr. level' and temperature. b;. .

. NOTE: The volum of the Pzr. up to the 200" level is  :
752.03 ft  :
a. Initial mass in Pressurizer. Determine the initial absolute pressure inside the Pzr. (Line 5c plus 14.7 psi - absolute pressure).

Line Sc A 1 7 9, 3.1 psig

                                                     +                   14.7       psi Line 11a       =          2/44,'03        psia
            ,              b.      Use Line 11a and Table 2 to determine the initial specific volume of water (vi) in the Pzr. Assume saturation conditions.

Line lib, vi = ,026447 ft.3/lbm. c.- Invert Line lib, to determine the initial density of the water in the Pzr. Line 11c = 1 - 1 5679 lbm/f t.3 Line lib (,o 2g4~)) f t.3/lbm

d. Determine initial volume of water in the Pzr. [(Line 3 minus 200") times 3.18 ft.3/in, plus 752.03 ft.33 ,

Line 3 A l 7M71n. _ 200 in. Line lid = / 7,771n. ft.3/in. x 3.18 Line lie - 57, / y y/, TP 600/5 l Enclosure 3. 5/53

                                                        +.              752.03      ft.3              Effective Page O Page 21 Line lif                                       3

WO4. /7 O ft.0 !CIAi 'clo D COiPY FOR USE IN UNIT I ON _. e Du:licate Page C V '-

OR USE N UNIT l ONLY O 1303 1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont'd) Page 4 of 12 e.

Detera.fne initial mass in the Pzr (Line lif times Line lic). Line 11f 70 t I') 46 ft. Line 11c x 37,S'/4 lbm/ft.3 - Line lig = So arc 1~) /f lbm f. Detemine the final mass in the Pzr. Detemine the final absolute pressure inside the Pzr.. (Line 10c plus 14.7 psi.


equals absolute pressure.) Line 10c 2 / f0 psig '


14.7 psi Line 12a Q)943 psia

g. Use Line 12a and Table 2 to oetemine the final specific l volume (vf) of the water in the Pzr. Inte golate as necessary. Assume saturation conditions.

Line 12b, vf = , O R (,6 6 ft. /lbm

h. Invert Line 12b to detemine the density.

Line 12c = 1 = 1 _

                                                                                  = 3 L SD9 lbm/ft.3 Line 12b         (,ptG66 )ft.#/lbm
1. Determine the final volume in the Pzr. [(Line 8 minus 200")

times 3.18 ft.3/in. plus 752.03 ft.3] Line,8' 'A17,f in.

                                                -      .      200       in.

Line 12d = / 7,T i n.

                    ,                           x                3.18   ft.3/i n.            TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Line 12e      =          ((o,60Yft.3                       Enclosure 3, 6/53 Effective Page 0 l                                                +             752.03    ft.3                 Page 22 FOf./,34ft.

Line 12f = GFFICl AL FiEl.D CDPsf FOR USE W UNIT I ON Y c, Duplicate Page

r;. ... - - p

OR USE IN UNIT l ONLY (t 1303 1,1 Revision 12
                                              ' DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1       (Cont'd)                      Page 5 of 12     _

j. Determine the final mass in the Pzr. (Line 12f times Line 12c)

                                       'Line 12f                   Tor,/,3'/ ft.3 Line'12e       x            G"J. fo 9       lbm/ft.3 Line 129       =

A D.73/ /)S2 7l lbm

k. Determine the mass change in the Pzr (Initial' Mass minus Final Mass, or Line lig minus Line 12g)..

Line lig 30).CC 37/, 1bm Line 129 - 3 o 331, aga? J lbm Line 13 = R if, 3 5t. 3 R 93-/ lbm

2. Mass change in RCS due to the change in RCS pressure and temperature.
a. Use Table 3 to determine the initial and final specific volume of the compressed water in the RCS. Detennine the pressure from Lines lla and 12a. Determine temperatures from lines 2e and 7e.
1. Initial conditions Line 11a Initial pressure . R / 9 4. os psia Line 2e Initial temperature = JJa,9f "F Line 11h Initial specific volume ,oQofra ft 3/lbm Line 111 Initial density = 1 = 1 47,f($ lbm/ft3 3
2. Final conditions Line 11h ( ) ft /lbm Line 12a Final r+ essure = 2 / 8) '/, 7 psia Line 7e Final t oerature - Saa,9g *F .
                       .              Line 12h      Final Specific Yolume = .6Rorycq                   ft 3/lbm
                           .          Line 12i      Final Density =           1     -          1              S D ff1bm/ft3 TMI UNIT l-                                                  "

TP 600/5 '020 % Enclosure 3, 7/53 Effective Page 0 iciL RE D COP $i rase 23 FOR USE N UNIT I ON Y o Dualitate Page p .

r- . s ..

                      -OR USE IN UNIT l ONLY fi                                                             ((              1303-1.1 Revision 12 DATA-SHEET 1303-1.1.1                              (Cont'd)                 Page 6 of 12
b. Detemine density change in the RCS (Line 111 minus Line 121)

Line 111 4 7, tes- lbm/ft. Line 121 - 10,19e lbm/ft.3 , Line 14 = n ibm /ft.3

c. Detemine the mass change in the RCS (Line 14 times 10,564 ft3 )

Line 14 o 1bm/ft.3 ft.3 x 10,564 Line 15 = n ibm

3. Mass change in the Makeup Tank L(Line 4 minus Line 9) times 255 lbm/in]
NOTE: ' 255 lbm/in. assumes the tank is at 20 psig. pressure :
and 115*F. (This assumption is valid from 90*F. to  :
123*F. and from 15 psig. to 35 psig. ).  :

Line 4 7 7, R i n. Line 9 - ?6,'/ in.

                                                                 .                                        ,f          i n.

x 255 lbm/in. Line 16 = rod 1bm 4.- Total RCS mass change (Line 13 plus Line 15 plus Line 16) i Line 13 R i 3A3R 94 lbm Line 15

                                                                 +        -

n Ibm Line 16 + 0 0 6f Ibm TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5

                         .                           Line 17     =      R2t. T13194 lbm                                               Enclosure 3, 8/S:t Effective Page 0 Page 24 0FF!CIAL ?WLD C FOR USE IN6f) NIT I Oh% g                                                                    c

[a _,, y. , , ,, ,-m , _ , - - - - - , , -_--'i e-**'m+ * - ~~"~-

F . n (-

OR USE IN UNIT I ON LY y3;; 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont'd) Page 7 of 12
5. RCS inventory change in gallons ~
a. Mean Tave detemination [(Line 2e plus Line 7e) + 2]

Line 2e f32,9d' 'F. Line 7e + 53 2,9 f *F.


Line 18 =

                                                                                 /06fi 9                    *F.
                                                                      +                             2 Line 19               =

6'3h 96 *F. = Mean Tave

b. Use Fig. I and Line 19 to detemine the conversion factor from ibn. to gal. ,

Line 20 = ,/67 3 gal /1tra (conversion factor)

c. RCS inventory change (Line 17 times Line 20)

Line 17 rat, 32M9 L) l bn Line 20 x ,/f63 gal /lbm Line 21 = Mf // fr69 gal.

6. Operator caused changes in RCS inventory. (From Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4).

Line 22 O gal.



7. Total RCS inventory change (Line 21 minus Line 22).

Line 21 3 C.6,f49 gal. l l Line 22 - O gal. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 l Line 23 = S f, 6 f-(,9 gal. Enclosure 3. 9/S: Effective Page O Page 25 l _ 0FFICIA'e - FiEl.D CDPy FOR U S E l$ U. NIT I ON Y'" " **{ e

n (

                  -OR USE W UNIT l ONLY                                                                    HN;2;    13 DATA SliEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont'c)                              Page 8 of 12
8. Test duration (Line 6 minus Line 1 use Time = T2 )
                                            .Line 6                       Oh                    3 0 min.

Line 1 -

                                                                         /9 h                  3o      min.

Line 24 = 2h a min. = / .lo min.

NOTE: Minimum of 2 hrs (120 min.) per Para. 3.9.  :

9.. RCS Leakage Plus Losses (Line 23 divided by Line 24) Line 23 33-(,967 gal. , Line 24 + /2O min. Line 25 = ,29 7 gal ./ min. Limit: Line 25 shall not exceed 30 gal / min. (See Table 1303-1.1.1)

10. RCS Losses Detemination


a. Detemine the initial and final volume of the water in the RCDT. Use Line 5 a, Line 10 a and Table 4 to detemine this.

Interpolate as necessary. - al. Line Sa = T/, 4 Y in. Line 26 Initial volume = f/U77 ft.3 a2. Line 10a = T / , f2 _ in. Line 27 Final volume = (J7, t.3

b. RCDT water density. Use Line 5b, Line 10b and Table 3 to determine the specific volume of.the water in the RCDT.

Interpolate as necessary. _ bl. Initial specific volume = ,O /60 ? ft.3/lbm ) , Initial density = 1 Inititil Specific Volume ,

  .          TMI UNIT 1 co       e 3, 10/53                                                                                            CDPY Effective Page 0                                         }g,o
             '"8* 26 FOR U S E IN UNIT I O OK, g,,,                                                c


OR USE h UNIT I ONLY O 1303-1.1 Revision 12
                          ,                    -DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1          (Cont' d)                    Page 9 of 12 Line 28 =                 1              = (p b 19 lbm/ft.3

(,0//oDT)ft.3/1bm b2. Final specific volume = , o /(, CT ft.3/lbm Final density = 1

                                            .               Final Specific Volume Line 29 =                1                =     (,2, /Q lbm/ft.3

(,0/64 )ft.#/lbm '

c. Initial mass in RCDT (Line 26 times Line 28)

Line 26 S/4,77 ft.3 Line 28 x /od,J9 lbm/ft.3 Line 30 = 2 A Oi 3, fY[0 lbm

d. Final mass in RCDT (Line 27 times Line 29)

Line 27 $l ~), 0 4l(s it. Line 29 x 62,/9 lbm/ft.3 Line 31 = 3 % /f'/, T/ ~71 lbm

e. Operator caused changes in RCDT (Calculate 1bm. of water added or removed from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4).

Line 32 O lbm

           ,                f. Mass rate of change of RCDT (Final Mass minus Initial Mass, or (Line 31 minus Line 30 plus Line 32) divided by Line 24).
            ,                            Line 31       S o 154. PJ 7 /           lbm                         TMI WIT 1 TP 600/5 Line 30        3 a o r .3, g 4 /,, "A    lbm                         Enclosure 3, 11/5 3
                             ,                                                                               Effective Page O Line 32 +                O               lbm                         Page 27
                                                  =    iri. no ro" 0FRCWL RELD CO FOR USE tM UNIT I OQe e ne D
OR USEh UNIT I ONLY b A33;id 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont'd) Page 10 of 12
    ,                                    Line 24 +               )20       min.                                 ~

Line 33 = /,17726/,7 l bn/ min. l

g. Convert mass to gallons (Line 33 times Line 20)
                                                                                                          ,         ]
 ..                                      Line 33        /, / 7 7 a.f(,9       l bn/ min.                          -l Line-20     x      , /f/,3           gal ./1 bm Line 34     =      , /f Y            gal./ min 11    Identifed' Leak Rate (Generated from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.3).

Line 35 C lbn/ min. .

12. Leakage through OTSG tubes (Primary-to-secondary leak)
a. Line 36 O lbm/ min. (From most recent calculations required by 1301-1 calculated on D.S. 1303-1.5)
b. OTSG 1eakage in gallons Line 36 O lbm/ min.(from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.5, Line 4B)

Line 20 x /E/,3 gal./lbm Line 37 = O gal./ min Limit: Line 37 shall not exceed limits specified in Table . 1303-1.1.1.

13. Correction Fa: tor
a. Evaporative losses  : + 2.24 l bn/ min.
b. RCP No. 3 Seal Purge : -

0.87 lbm/ min. Line 38 = Sum  : + 1.37 lbn/ min. 14 Total identified leakage (Line 35 plus Line 36 plus Line 38_X Line 20) Line'35 O l bn/ min. Enc o e 3, 12/53 0FFiCIAL FIELD COPY Effcetive Page 0 20.0 u s, 28 FOR USE IN UNIT I ON Y Dup!Eate Page c'

N 'FOR USE IN UNIT I ONLY # 1303 1.1 Revision 12

                    .                     DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1       (Cont'd)                  Page 11 of 12 Line 36     +

O 1bm/ min.

                                   *Line 38     +                  1.37     lbm/ min.

Line'39 = 1,3 7 lbm/ min. (sum) Line 20 x ,/f/d gal./lbm L.ine 40 = ,, Al 3 1( [ 3 I gal./ min.

15. Unidentif.ied Leakage (Line 25 minus Line 34 minus Line 40)

Line 25 , 2 9 ~7 gal ./mi n. Line 34 _ ,I f4 gal./ min. Line 40 - ,Al4/3l gal ./mi n. Line 41 - -

                                                          /), / 0 I l 3 l gal./ min.

Limit: Line 41 shall not exceed I gal./ min. i if change in Line 41 from last calculation is >.33 gpm, obtain an kM.A_5 grab sample.

16. Total Leakage (Line 40 plus Line 41)

Line 40 2.) 4 / 3 / gal./ min. Line 41 + ,J0I/3l gal./ min. l Line 42 = 0, / / .3 gal./ min. Limit: Line 42 shall not exceed 10 GPM. Remarks (Specify reasons for any results detemined to be invalid): l l i

- NOTE: Attach all calculation sheets.  :


  • i TP 600/5 Enclosure 3, 13/53 Ir] d hiaD COPY Effective Page 0 hga 29 l FOR USE IN U.NlT I ON Y l Durslicate Page C

c.' . -


1303 1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1,1.1 (Cont' d) Page 12 of 12 DVM Serial No.: gA-Model No.:' #A-G C2s/f, S ~ Perfonned by: Time /Date: *A. R 30 9- Ro - 73 Reviewed by: Time /Date: "6 (, h~3O~bb. ' TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure 3, 14/53 Effective Page 0 Page 30 0FFICIAL FIELD CDPi FOR USE IN UNIT I ON_Y c Duplicate Page v t..

                      ..                                   ,.      #            " TEMPORARY CH ANGE**                          y Thrco ..nand Nuct;ar Staticii Temporak 5...a.g3 Notico (TCN) e    l " .!/     NOTE. Instructions and guidelinesin AP1001 A                                 12.TCN No. / - E -WCQ (From TCN Log indexl must be followed when completing thrs form.

I;; 13. implementation Date M -/-Z5 h'i SS/SF Signature n/ 54 v -

1. Procedure 3 0 3 '/* / / D M CS l66 /2. p9-f~4
  • No Present Rev No Title
2. Change Unclude page numbers. paragraph numbers, and exact wording of change. (Attach additional sheets y.' if necessary and provide the generic nature of the change on this sheet.)
    }..                                           5ce c /b -. le < d                     /


                                                                                              *.5 CA
   ,(('                        3. Reason for Change:               7ts       gf,.4 g .c.[                              t -s c.e n e < N7 h S l'"
  • b
    .h                      p, . M I ( =" l H .. Fe ne                         ( < u e / G s .* t-t. <- M s J m To.rL.. T4 h c <aw s h Y  '

L s.-.I . s ir w i.a.s. n n > s. .<.e u .% ..w.u<.. 2:I 4. Duration of TCN No longer than ninety days from implementation cate of TCN or as in (a) or (b) below Et: whichever occurs first. f (alTCN will be cance!!ed by a procedure re.visi n issued as a result of a Procedure Change 5 W. r.


Request to be submitted by v - re . (Submit PCR as soon as d' possible) Individuas suomitting t CN J'[ (b)TCN is not valid af ter O 7.: . Will an circumstances nn cn will result in TCN being canceited)

      .                        5.      Is procedure "important to Safety"?                                                                                 yes Etno O
     .$                                If "Yes" a safety evaluation is required (side 2).
6. Is procedure "Environmentallmpact Relat'ed") yes O no CK If "Yes" an environmentalimpact evaluation is required (side 2).
7. Does the change effect the intent of the original procedure? yes C no S NOTE:lf answers to #5. 6 and 7 are "no" the change may be approved by the Shif t Supervisor.

NOTE: If answer to #7 is "yes" the change must be reviewed and approved in accordance with Table 2 prior to implementation. NOTE: If answer to #7 is "no" and answers to #5 or 6 are "yes" change may be either (a) two member reviewed or (b) reviewed and approved in accordance with table 2.

8. Cha g Reco mended By: -

Date O

  • Procedure Owner Concurrence MS I do- kb" h Date 9M/63
  • Resoonsible Technical Reviewer. Responscie Cffice Decartment Nao.or nas Designee may concurif Procedure Owneris unavsilante .
  • May oe by Te econ
10. Tecn. Func:jons Rep. Notified (If read.) d Date ao u 11. Approval (s):

(a) Two Members of the GPUN Mng. l Ms taff Route l U" dQ 1-

                                            \%r O                   k            / /

9/N/$.3 l 5.gnature Caie

                                                                            ' Cad M [u -                         $w'               ]

9 *O-D l 5,gn,,,,, g,,, j 2 2. Ltut a l a


s.,,.m e q oa,e , l f Within 'curteen (14) cays: (Approval (c) SS Approval Only: (This approval only H per AP 100* A must occurt l used if anwers ic cues: sons #S. e and g . - :a o o liS E  ! signatwre :ae GF*RClL FiE!.D~'tDPY I

  • T, I ss s.graiure care i5 ew sc s., nave care l ,_

l l a.. awn is Cancellec DuptiCata Page L- i j, s Enir screman  :;aie l

.s; accc1 iLi A
           .-     , h,                                          g(-


                                                                            #ihrcs Mila"EVA           LU ATIO N" Island Nuclear Stalon, f, (    ..

Side 2 7 'I 'I Scfety/ Environmental Impact Evaluation e3 3 G t i-; . , .l 4 i

                                                                                .                                                                                                                 I
1. Procedure O C3 - /. I MS 66 # A M 4 N NO.
  • tle i
l. "
                         ,       2.      Safety Evaluation                                                                                                                                       '.


                         !                   Does the a:tacned procedure change:


                                             *(a) increase the probability of occurrence or tne consecuences of an accident or                                      yes.C no R malfunction of equipment important to safety) i
   '                    I
                                             *!bI create the possicility for an accident or malfunction of a different type tnan any                                yes C no E

[,, t evaluated previously in the saf ety analysis report' - . i { 4 .i l "c)- reduce tne margin of safety as cefineo in the casis for any tecn1: cal yes C nc I


specification? i i l t

                       !                'requ"reo.)

Details of Evaluation fExplain any answers :o acove questions are "no" Attach accational pages if ,' i y (t, ;s c f,.c., .ay L e c .c. < s < .*) ,e .;. T L t- S ~ L W < ' I'~~ * *

                                                                                                                                                          *% *  I"
  • l * ' N l
                       ,              j y y             e,    ,[_     u v - O - A- Iev e ls.                       % '~s    J' Al <*lic w * -' " ' N
  • I  !


                       ,            g       a      .s s / .,, s.       }~ u       GM ~ L * *" T /*** Y' *                        *                            "

l r,. .<. a -. t v - Y c (~ h ' '

                                                                                     '" '}                            }' *ff.}. Su ~.~ f ?r+                                                  i i

lges Ys)%,s C* /%%/ f'n opEvaluation

                                                                                         ., v s u,; By
                                                                                                     , p  .s 79s
                                                                                                                     --- h*

_- ,4

                                                                                                                                                   - Date y g, y 7 . ,1 U      E j
                                                                                                                                              ,,                               gx!
                                *!f any    of these   Questions       are   answered       "YES"  :ne  enange    must  ce reviewed     and       approvec  by  the NRC    pnor  :o j         tmptementation           c, , [ c.,, ge,,7 ce ,,,,,,                                                                                                         ,


3. Environmentallmpact Evaluation I i

Coes the attacned precedure cnange. i L t tal possicly :nvolve a significant environmentalimoac:) . yes i ; t'o 'w

                                                   'if 3 fat is yes, answer cuestions b: and :c) anc !di in '*0e: ails of Evaluation'                                                   '

below if no, state wny cy filing in :ne "Oetails of Evaivation'* :eiow I

bl nave a significant acverse offec: on :ne environment) .

o- j fesC noC N i

                    '                       "c) involve a significant environmental matter or cuestion not previous.y reviewed                                     fes C no C n$.           1 anc evarustac by :ne N R.O...                                                           .. -. !                                        '

9 9  ! Details of Evaluation 'At:acn ac:stict'alpages f recuitec)


W tic . 0FFLCul. FED COPY wi, , w o. , n'  : in N Duplicate Page D-i M E n Evaluation Sv

     .-4                                                                                                                                             Oa:e e in O                   *:f snv c' :Pese cues:: ens are answerec *"'ES" : e :Pange :us: ce reviewec ar c 3:=reved av :re N#C :rier ::
      **8 E8e                      errciefrenta tion
  • M a. .ti Normas Accrovasta) -

l4. ( 2) lf "Two 12) memoers of the g Fer A8

  • 00
  • A, I
                                                                                                                                     ' Within fourteen .14: Oays
                                                                                    -QK,UN - ' agement staff r utep                      Acorovalper AP 1001 A i       i                ~

( _ *B /93 l

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v. l 5.r ay, ,
.i.  ! s v r.,,  :..,

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fI ^

              ~'l USE              IWI.N                                                (c          go;t;                12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2                  (Cont'd)               Page 6 of 13 Nb                     e. Determine ~ initial and final mass in Pzr Y                                                                                                          TMI UNIT 1 S                                1.         Initial mass (Line 18 times Line 21)                              TP 600/5 Enclosure 3, 17/53
     ..                     ,              Line 18                                           /   lbm/ ft.3   Effective Page 0
                                                                                         /                   Page 33
.fl.                                       Line 21         x                  /                  ft.3 Line 23         .                                     lbm
2. finalmass(Lin 0 times Line 27)

ITI Line 20 lbm/ft.3 Line 22 x ft.3

    .h                                     Li     24                                             lbm
  ,I                                        '                           23                       gy
f. Change in Pzr. mass (Line #minus Line a) 23 Line,2( 30333,O3Q lbm Line -

3 0 3M. 6 4 6 lbm Line 25 = 4 eb(d: lbm

3. Mar change in RCS due to change in pressure and temperature.
a. tennine RCS density change (Use ine 11,.Line 12, Line 15, Line 16, and Table 3 to determin initial and final specific volumes.)
1. Initia density 3

Line 26 . nitial Specific Volume = ft /1bm Line 27 . . 1 . 1bm/ft.3 Line 25 ( ft.f1bm Line 27 . 1bm/ft.3 Final density 2. 3 Final Specific Volume Line 28 f t /lbm Line 29 . 1 . I lbm/ft3 Line 28 ( ft.3/18FFICIAL FIELD COPY FO9 USE I/ItN T I QLN C

i vii VVL ( ( ,. (( , Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont' d) ,, 'Page 7 of 13

3. Change'in density (Line 29 minus Line 27) /
       ;-                               Line 29                                                                                     !                                '

lbm/ft.3 - Line 27 - lbm/.ft.3 Line 30 =_, 1bm/ft 3 '

b. RCS mass change >'
   'J[-,.                              Line 30                                                       '

lbm/ft.3 RCS Vol. x 10,564 ft.3 Line 31 / lbm

4. Mass change in Makeup Tank
a. Initial level O plus (Line 4 times 5 in./v)]
          ..                          Line 4                                                                           y x     !                                  S                       in./v
                                                      =/                                                               in.

50 in. Line 32 = in,

b. F al level [50 plus (Line 9 times 5 in/v)]

Line v . x 5 in./v l = in.


50 in. Line 33 = in.

c. Level change (Line /2.R minus Line 13 W) TMI WIT 1 3A TP 600/5
                                                                                                                                    $ Enclosure 3, 18/53 Line R               D*                                                        in.                Effective Page 0 l                                     Line           -     7 TIM                                                     in.

tine 2, = mr igFFICIAL FIELD COPY t Duptkate Page CI FOR USE IN UNIT O N _Y


               .'v                                            ( ( ./
                                                                                               " TEMPORARY CH(                           ...      V lr '       !

Thrce Mila lstenc Nt.:ctest Statien Te:- ;:ctsr, Chsnge .'!c:! e ;TC';! NCTE.:ns:nac ces anc ;weennesin AP :o1a 12. 70N No. E-8.3ii-C ZC6 : :m N . g . cent mus::e 'eilowec anen ::me:etng :n.s !:rm. a, - 13. m: rec en:: en i:e - c -83 5

                                                                                                                                                               -( 1 w= 8

.1 7 S5o SF Signature . Q 1.

                                              .#r:cecute 13dh -i . I N.

O IR 8*.S.Mt 8.v N& MCT (E4 k hs4I


2. Change:Ine:ucs case numcers. =araq-son numcars. anc exact worcing :f enange. 'Attaca ac inenal seetts if necessarv anc revice :Pe genene nature :t tre :nange en :nis sneet; f M. 0 ; Sh An c g "a 5 0 p S t G/,v +o " En c to sa ar .1. coween-

3. S s on fa c ton **

Reason for Change-

                                              .2 m.we se d in to h d2 fRom (ASTpdoc6d Rf oTE Vt $10 M i

4 ct od svot fAE wTo A c c o u.dT do gracN l' C opv ER Sto & ;QcbS Duration amiC ever OC :f ICNgrs NC first. :nger

  • Pan :r er/ 04/s 8 Om r' ciernent::co :ste ;f 70N gr as n g; ;r ; gescw f


  • Sl'ON mnl te Oa . st't 4eCuest *: Ce Su mit:3c Ov Oy1 Or:c**" e * U I E SMI saute O. !: b' *, sus: *fI: tcure 0.Ma ge [
                               ,                              Sessic:et                                              ac'v cs.: s cmitteg *:r.           Su:mit    3C.E 1s 5 On as J b)TCN .s nCt vsiic :fier                                                                                                          ~

F4.n eies es c.e ::a :ces :ar.auec;

                              ;       5.        s :rececure **m:ct ant :: Sa! err * ?

1 ,esKrcC

                                               'f "Yes* a aaf- ari evt.uaten .s ricu: rec sw:e !!.
6. .s crccacute *i. vircnmental m:ac: 8e:a:ac*' ... _
                                               .f "'fes* an environmen:ss.meae:avaiuanen s asce !!.                                                                  <es ! -c[
                          ,,         7.        Oces tre :. sess n!!ect :re c:eet :l:?ecrg: cal:r:cature ?                                     _.

its 2 eM NCTI. .f seswers :: *f. ! tec ? 2re *me * :re :.-acqe-- av.:e. a::revec :v :. e 3ht!! Su:errscr. NCTI. .f teswer :: 8 7 s "res * :ne :Pange 1* s::s ev' ewe: anc sect:vec n ac:Or:sete .si:P. "'a

                            .                             =rcric mciementaten.

NCTI. .f ar swer ic *? s

  • o
  • an: answers :: *! :r i are * <es * :rar se av :e.e::ner as e :ar reviewec r ta reviewec anc a:cr:vec n ac::r: aces .viin :a::e
  • Revrew Signatures:
3. .' acte ec:mmeccec Ev: - ' M MA Ca:e ? d-7.3 e

n . s.

                                                =. . ::scure             c ~ er ::. e.cecce 9 & AdW-
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N3 inac

  • anwe s :: :.est:es =f. ! ac:

tre ail de 58d e s.v.n.a. Duplicato P:8e o ... Es2 s .v. n., . .. . .

                                                                                                               ,                  is z.g .v.                                 : .i.

u :n is cance.iee s ,- 5 .. .e, . r . .-.r .a  :. .

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c ( d' "

                                                                                                     ":VA LU A'~lO N"        ( (~ *-                                                     Sice 2 -

7"nreo Miie Is'anc Nuclear S:a::en .: , ,,, { -g ..CE c 6 -

                                   ;                                            Safety /Envirent ter tal!m;:ac: Evaluation
1.  ?*:cecure SP f 363 -1 no.

f RCS L EA h l?/9Y5 r.c.

2. Safety Evaluation 3
                                                 ,    Oces :ne at:acnac Orceecure :nange:                                                                                                        .
                                  !                   "at increase :ne :recacnity f Oc:urrence :r :ne ::nsecuences :f an ace: cent r e                           maifuncten =f ecunementimocr ant :: safety).                                                                      fes C ,[        ,

t  !

                                 ;                    "b
  • create :ne :cssicdity f:r en ac:: cent er malfunc:en :f a cifferent ice any i
                                 '.                           evaluatec rtvicus:y:n *ne safety analysts esecrt' sesC c[
                                                      "ct       ecuce me            arg:n :t sa fety as :sfinec n re :as.s 8:r any ac. nical
                                '                            s:ec:ficat:en 7 f es! *ek Cetails .of recu:re#        Evalua:icn 'Ix:.a.n unv ans. vers := accve :ves::cas are ac
  • atraca ace::.cnas : ages '

A- V

                                                 &m tw e M . cat N                                                                                                               4
                               .                 TA* ig TC N '                                       m nwcA     27~sk A-Grar      m                                    <-ne .
4) W 49MMgM:

IvaluaDen By - N Cate 9 8 {

                                           -> any :t mese cues:::ns ar. Ans.verec wss me ::anse ms::e rev.ewec2:\e:r:vec :y me uc :cer ::
                                          .rr'Ciem en ta cC A.

3. i Enverenmental lmcac: Eva.uarten Oces :ne at:acsec =rcescure :nanga;

                                                       'al   :Cssicly nvesVe a Significarlt envircomental .r Cac '

ses C *: C r

                             ,                               ' eicw f Olal.f ssc.*ses*. afswer :ues:icos Of Enc :l anc 8!il .rt '*Oetaus *f Ie
  • state anv cv !!ang n tre 'Oetans :f iveiust:en * :eicw ,
                                                     * *D 8 nave a lig*fficant SCserse eMeg: :n :Pe enver:nt ent? .
                                                                                                                                                             . . . . . . .    .ts C *c C "cf nverve a :griF:an: envir:nt ental - at:er r et :rev cus:v ev ewee                                           ,es! :C o                                                    anc evaivatec :v : e N : -
                           .                     Oetails of Evaluation At:acn aceitenaicages.f scure:!
        .to e                :

As . L un

q) , e. j.0FFICIAL FIED COPY .

o i

e. eno i M& l .A
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N 04:e



               "                                                                                                                         7 r anv :f :. ese :uestens are sesweric -!!

y r-ciemen:acen.  : e :. zese use :e ev'ewec see a::revec :v me MC :nce :: o 4 11 Ncrma Accr: val (si '4 g(y *

                                       .%g a      **       -

[ ' . . : if """wc . ".:GPUN merecers :f :ne management staff Witnin r ute:?:urteen .* a; Oavs ._ B8d accrevas :er A7

  • 001a
            *            ' 02/$ 11/ 2rst 9 3C/?3
                                        ).. I wj 0-3e43 t                  s                                           :m E gg                          .<rg                                            '

s4. .co  :. . s . . . n.,. s.e- o . :m - r.e c.r. I

                                          -                                                                                  :...            s.e .e    -

u:  : n::: L_..

t ,.. o ,. \ (* " FO R US IN UNlT I ON _Y 13 ,_1,1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 4 of 13  ! Line 14 200 in - (Line 8a)

                            .               Line 14       200 in -(-16,/6o)in . El's./So in.                                       I
b. Determine initial and final P:r. Pressure = 82co +(Bon 4DC-) l
                                                                                                       )$ ,,e , e,yyppy),
1. Initial Pressure [(Line 5e or 5d times ~ 2:C g3i;/v) plus ##

14.7 psi 3


Line Sc/5d ^Is3Y Ie y

                                                '                                                      e                  d V DC x                est      ;:i;/v     uelf7oo
  • SCA**"


                                                                .       atr7roso
                                                                +                 14.7    psi Line 15      . 2 l47. 68 O         psia                              VC g fjojj
2. Final Pressure [(Line 10c or lod Times 450 ;:1;/!} plus 14.7 psi 3 Line ICc/10d 6.'564 v y 44yoQ
                                                                  ,                ,g,      ,e7,iPh,e t . t cou rEn siok
                                                                  .        zi 1700 t'426'3 D Line 16         .        tl 43.02         psia
c. Determine initial and final density -
1. Initial density (Use Line 15 and Table 1 water column to determine initial specific volume at Line 17)

Line 17 = o .O M .~6 6 ft.3/lbm Initial density . 1 = $ 7. % 6 l bm/ f t.3 Line 17 Line la . _ 3~7. 9 0 6 lbm/ft.3 (Initial Density) a m,1 . OFFICIN FMLD CDP % l TP 600/5

Enclosure 3, 21/53 Effective Page O j Pcge 37 23 c Duplicate Page- O _


T I ON LY p :.

   ,4 0*
          .. * 'l



Page Revision Page Revision P_ age Revision Page Revision 1.0 12 31.0 12 61.0 12 2.0 12 32.0 12 62.0 12 *I "IT 1 3.0 12 33.0 12 63.0 12 TP 600/5 4.0 12 34.0 12 64.0 12 Enclosure 3, 22/53 Effective Page 0 5.0 12 35.0 12 65.0 12 6.0 12 36.0 12 66.0 12 Page 38 7.0 12 37.0 12 67.0 12 8.0 12 38.0 12 9.0 12 39.0 12

               !!'0.          !!      4I.0       ((         VERIFIED CURDE,$!T REVISTOR 3' -

12.0 13.0 12 12 42.0 43.0 12 12 __OU2T jo,g g g .: 14.0 12 44.0 12 TIME [n"1: 15.0 12 45.0 12 INilIAL 16.0 12 46.0 12

                             }j                            RE-VEnlFiED PROCECURE CUR

[j,*8 8,8 {j I APPL!EC C.'!LY lF USE IS NOT 19.0 12 49.0 12 lTERMii-l,,7i 3 3 m.Ui! S AME DATE ) 20.0 12 50.0 12 21.0 22.0 12 51.0 52.0 12 '7d 0* '~

                                                                                          ,    Tl'!

23.0 12 12 53.0 12 12 h- ~ ]-


S.0 1 .0 1 _._'_' "~ 26.0 12 56.0 12 ---..

                                                                                        .-_~i. 2 27.0           12      57.0        12 28.0           12      58.0        12 29.0           12      59.0        12 30.0           12      60.Q        12 A /J/ L .

51gnature vn' Date h W 'crdk '51,gnature 9 3.5 C Date 0 FEM.loF ELD COPY FOR USE IN UNIT I ON Y Dupt!ca:o Page c-

" wa>.n

   ,(. [:OR USEy)N T l Oh LY p:


  /,b '                                        DATA SHEET 1303.',1,2 1                                  Page 1 of 13 For Use When Computer is not Available                               TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5
 , Initial Conditions - To be taken at one minute intervals.                                             Enclosure 3, 23/53 Effective Page O Patch                                                                  Page 39 Panel Point    .

T1 T2 T3 Line 1 Time /930 /93/ /93 L T2 = /93l Line 2 Tave 40 7.029 + 7. o 29 + 7.oz.'6 .r/4 3 2029VDC "Line 3 Przr level 27 . 75lo + . 7 'f 4 + ~? S C - ? 27'+ 3 AVDC Line 4 HU Tank 15 5,/9/ + 5./9'5 + ;T. /90 .6.5#+ 3 .s/9/VDC Line Sa RCDT Level (Note 2) 717. I4c) + 7. / v / + '7 . / l/ l = tN24 3 .7.N I VDC Line 5b RCDT Temp (Note 2) 73 3. kA + L lW '+3 . l l, ? '

                                                                                                           . LW+ 3 5.lC7VDC Line 5c          RCS Pres            28 7. %7                + 7.9 2.7           +   7.9 7.9            .oM3         7.9:eVDC (Wide Range) or Line 5d           RCS Pres           30    5 34~7            + 5. 3%             +  s.34(,              .d 3 .5.34(vDC (Narrow Range)
NOTE: 1. Use of the patch panel alloys this' procedure to  :
be performed when Tave >520 F.  :
2. Conversion factors are given in Enclosure 1.  :
Attach any additional calculation sheets used to  :
convert the values in Lines 1 to 10 into the  :
parameters used in the calculations. All values  :
recorded are in volts. DC.  :
, 3. Leakage out of the RCS has a positive (+) sign.  :
" Leakage" into tae RCS (ex, chemical adds) has a  :
negative sign.  :
      .        :                    When voltage  using   patch+ p(anel polarity       or .) andvoltage, treat be thissure as an to record the   : :
. algebraic sign.  :
NOTE: All values belcw are in Tems of volts, DC.
               .. . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . .23.0      ... .. . .. .. ... . .... .. . .... .. . .. . . . . .. g.Mp FOR USE N UN T                                    ON Le e ne                       C
OR USEf't)N T I ON LY (  : g3;jg1g
 '. 3 DATA SHEFT 1303 1.1.2   (Cont 'd )                  Page 2 of 13 Final Conditions - To be taken at one minute intervals.                                                 ~

Patch Panel Point T1 T2 T3 Line 6 Time 2/30 2/3 / 2 / 3 Z_ T2 . 2/3/ Line 7 Tave 40 7. OZ8 + 7, D ZM + 7.0Z'7 . tubi + 3 7027VDC Line 8 Przr level 27 976/ + .76/ +

                                                                              .156            .-2,r$ 3 . .757VDC Line 9        MU Tank           15   S.O7        + S . 03 6         +   5',0 3 2.        ./ 3 40%VDC Line 10a      RCDT Level (Note 2) 71 7,/72       +   7. / 7 Z-      +
                                                                              ?./ 7 Z.        = TWi 3 =t&-YDC -

Line 10b RCDT Temp (Note 2) 73 3.1 b9 + s.1-) I + 3. w 6 .t W+ 3!VDC Line 10c RCS Pres 28 7.9Z8 + 7. 9 21 + ~7. 9 'l 'I .d.7% 3 1.%DC (Wide Range) or line 10c RCS Pres 30 T,36 3 + 5.36'I + S . 35 ~) .g.* 3 #ENDC (Narrcw Range)

CAUTION: When using patch panel voltage, be sure to record the :
voltage polarity (+ or .) and treat this as an  :
algebraic sign.  :

TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclos'ure 3, 24/53 Effective Page 0 Page 40 0FF'CIAL lELD COPY Dup!!:ste Page b 'd FO R U S E IN6N, T I ON Y

OR U$E lbl')N T OK Y '

c-1303 1.1

 .,.V , * ' '                                                                                        Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.2         (Cont'd)                  Page 3 of 13
1. Temperature conversion (from VDC to *F)

Initial, temperature [570*F. minus (Line 2 Times 5)] 57.0* F . . ( ~7.02.9 v de x 5 )

  • F.

570*F. - 65./// f *F. Line 11 . 5 7,(/, S T C *F. . Initial Tave Final temperature [570*F. minus (Line 7 timis 5)] 570* F . . ( -), o2.7 v de x 5 )* F. 570*F. - 35./ 3 (*F. Line 12 . 5 3 V.665- *F. - Final Tave

2. Mass change in Przr. The volume of the Pzr. up to the 200" level is 752.03 f t.3, '
a. Determine levels in the Pzr.
1. Initial level in the Pzr.
NOTE: Carry algebraic signs.  :

Initial level 200" minus (Line 3 Times 20 in/ volt) Line 3 7 'I 7 VDC x 20 in/VDC

                                   . Line 3a          .      - / f' /90           in Line 13      200 in . (Line 3a)

Line 13 200 in . (-/MO)in . 2/5./#O in 737 gy71

2. Final level in the Pzr. {cfofra3,25/53 e Page O Line 8 -

779 VDC ec Page 41 Line 8a

                                                                                    '"'@F CLAL F E.D CO?Y
                                                        .,   - / f, /60             in Duplicato Page               -


OR USE IN ON T l ON Y ( 1303-1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1 2 (Cont'd) Page 4 of 13 Line 14 200 in - (Line 8a) -

Line 14 200 in -(-t %/go)in = Zl 5 /80 in.


Determine initial and final Pzr. Pressure

1. Initial Pressure [(Line 5c or 5d times 250 psig/v) plus -

14.7 psi) ne Sc/5d v l x 250 psig/v Q l'p.7.ov

                                                                                  $# q.9 03 14.7       psi Line 15       .                         psia
2. Final Pressure bline 10c or 10d Times 250 psig/v) plus 14.7 psi)

Line 10c/10d v x \250 psig/v

                                                .            \
                                                +                                     TMI UNIT 1 14.'7      psi TP 600/5 Line 16                                                 Enclosure 3, 26/53
                                                .                        psia         Effective Page.O
c. Determine initial and final density '8*

1. Initial density (Use Line 15 and Table 1 {ater column to determine initial specific volume at Line 'l ) Line 17 . - ft.3/1bm Initial density . 1 . 1bm/ft.3

                                               'line 17

[pf!dd"h'INbdOPY N Duplicato Page FO9 USE IN UN T I ON Y

O R U S E lh' f ) N T I O N _ Y c- -

1303-1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 5 of 13

2. Final density (Use Line 16 and Table 1 to detennine final specific volume at Line 19) -

Line 19 . ,D2(o'$6 ft.3/lbm Final density . 1 . 2/7.908- lbm/ f t.3 Line 19 Line 20 = 37.908 lbm/ft.3 (Final Density)

d. Determine initial and final volume 1.

Initial volume [(Line 13 minus 200") times 3.18 ft.3/in. plus 752.03 ft.33 Line 13 Z l T.14 0 in. 200 in.

                                                            .          ( f. I 40        .in'  .

x 3.18 ft.3fgn,

                                                        . .          4 6.1%T             ft.3
                                                            +                 752.03     ft.3 Line 21       .         600 (17             ft.3
2. Final volume [(Line 14 minus 200") times 3.18 ft.3/in plus 752.03 f t.33 Line 14 7_tT. ISO in.

200, in.

                                                          .             t T. ISO        in.

x 3.18 ft.3/in. TMI UNIT 1

                                                          .            46.'2'I'6        ft.              TP 600/5
  • Enclosure 3, 27/53
                                                          +                   752.03    ft.3             Effea.tive Page O Page 43 3

Line 22 . 800 3OL ~ f'0?FICIAL FfELD C Dup!!:ste Page_ b FORUSE N'9JN T I ON Y

OR USE lblf)N T l ON LY (: '
                                                                                                     $;I;12 l,,, ? /.' .

DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 6 of 13

                          . e. Determine initial and final :.: ass in Pzr                     TMI WIT 1
1. 6 Initial mass (Line 18 times Line 21) g[e1o re 3, 28/53 Line 18 37.908 lbm/ft.3 E

pa e Line 21 x 800. ( ~7 5' ft.3 6 Line 23 . '60333.034 lbm

ep 4 CM.,01 2. Final mass (Line 20 times Line 2'>)

l' 0 Line 20 '$ 7 .9 OP; lbm/ f t.3 Line 22 x 600 . So '2.- ft.3 Line 24 30~5 V7.S'{8 lbm

f. Change in Pzr. mass (Line 24 minus L e-231 Line 24 lbm Line 23 -

Ibm Line . Ibm

3. Mass change in RCS due to change in pressure and temperature,
a. Detennine RCS density change (Use Line 11, Line 12, Line 15, Line 16, and Table 3 to determine initial and final specific volumas.)
1. Initial density Line 26 . Initial Specific Volume . 0 206 ft /lbm 3 Line 27 . 1 . 1 .

O. 'Q lbm/ f t.3 Line 26 ( ,ot.difft f1bm Line 27 . t.h .'7 33 lbm/ft.3

2. Final density Line 28 . Final Specific Volume . .0109 ft 3/lbm
 ,                                         t.ine 29 =       1    .         1             . 4 7."I33 lbm/f t3 Line 28     ( .otc9 fft.3/lbm) 0FFLCX 5'ED C05 209 USE MiJ N, T I O N w%cate e,,e                                         C
         .. FOR USE lh'f)N T l ON Y c-'

1303 1,1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 7 of 13

3. Change in density (Line 29 minus Line 27) -

Line 29 L 7.733 lbm/ft.3 Line 27 - Q 7 . ~7 % lbm/ft.3 , Line 30 - O 15m/ft 3

         .g- p        b. RCS mass change Line 30                    O             lbm/ft.3 RCS Vol.      x          10,564          ft.3 Line 31                    O             lbm         .
4. Mass change in Makeup Tank
a. Initial level [50 plus (Line 4 times 5 in./v)]

Line 4 6,(9 [ v x 5 in./v

                                                .       z.s .9 75-        in.

50 in. Line 32 . ~7 T i 9 S '$~ in.

b. Final level [50 plus (Line 9 times 5 in/v))

Line 9 S.O % v , x 5 in./v

                                               .       T 6.16D           in.
                                       -       +    -

50 in. Line 33 .  ? T .18 O in. TMI UNIT 1

c.  % hange (Line 33 minus Line 32) TP 600/5
                  .                                                                        Enclosure 3, 29/53 Line 33                                 in.               Effective Page O Line 32       -

in. SnqFICIAL FIELD COM . une 3. . Cuplicato Page FOR USE N UVT ON _Y

             ,' FOR USE IN(j)N T I ON Y                                   (


                                                                               --           13e-1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd)                      Page 8 of 13
                     ,     d. Mass change (Line 34 times 255 lbn./in)

TMI UNIT 1 Line 34 ell 5 in. [cfohe3,30/53 x 8 255 l bn/in. Ng Line 35 = lD.417 lbn

5. Total RCS Mass change (Sum of Line 25, Line 31 and Line 35)

Line 25 + - 9,bl4 l bn Line 31 + 0 l bn Line 35 + (97.625 lbm Line 36 = (S2'81l l bn

6. RCS lbn. to gal. conversion factor
a. Mean Tave detennination [(Line 11 plus Line 12) divided by 23 Line 11 T M . 6 7 b' 'F.

Line 12 + T *34 , 8(o T *F.

                                                  =     t ot/1 72.0         F.
                                                 +                   2 Line 37    =   6 34 . 6(,.          *F. = Mean Tave
b. Use Line 37 and Fig.1 to find the conversion factor.

a Line 38 (conversion factor) =

  • I S lo) gal ./l bn
7. RCS Inventer / Change (Line 36 Times Line 38)
                                      'Line 36          19 ~2 8 I l       l bn Line 38   x       i(TG7            gal./lbn at Mean Tave Line 39    =     3 0 . 2.( 3 7     gal.

OFFICJL FIELD COPY Du;ll: ate Page_ h 3

        . FOR USE lt'{lN              t           T l ON LY               <y           $;U12 4

DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 9 of 13

8. Operator caused ' changes to RCS inventory (From Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4)

Line 40 : O gal.

NOTE: Gallons added is minus (-), gallons removed is  :
plus (+).  :
9. Test duration (Line 6 minus Line 1)
                 .                 Line 6         El          h    "bl         min.

Line 1 8 h Sl min. Line 41 Z. h O min. = 12 0 min.

10. Total RCS Leakage minus changes (Line 39 minus Line 40)

Line 39 Se,E(35 gal. Line 40 - O gal . Line 42 = SO ,2.( 55 gal. rut unzr i

11. Leakage Rate (Line 42 divided by Line 41) Enc o e 3. '1/53 Line 42 30."213 7 gal . p ",cNve 0

Line 41 + t20 min . Line 43 =


2 TI O gal ./ min. Limit : Line 43 shall not exceed 30 gpm. (See Table 1303-1.1.1)

12. RCS Losses to RCDT
a. Detennine initial and final water volume in the RCDT. (L'se Line Sa, Line 10a and Table 4 Interpolate as necessary).
               *                                                                  ~

Line 44 (Initial volume) = 5 2 S~ L,1 / ft.3 Line 45 (Final volume) = 52~/.3 M ft.3 OFRCSL RELD 31.0 FOR US E N UN T I OS"$Y "* C

                                ,,     :OR USE ikHN                                      .o T I ONLY                                       ce -A
                                                                                                                                                                                    . u na-1.1 Revision 12
  ; , f, .
               -t. . :

DATA: SHEET 1303-1.1.2' (Cont'd) Page 10 of 13

                                                    .b.          Determine initial' and final watsr density in the RCDT. (lise                                                                                                .

Line Sb, Line.10b and Table 3 to determine the initial and final specific volume. Invert this to find the density. Interpolate as necessary). -

       .                                                         1.             Initial density a                  _
                                         ,                                     Line 46 = (Initial Specific Volume) =                                      ,

D //pO7 ft3/lbm

                                         - s-                        L' ine 47 (Initial Density) = ~

1 = 1 = GZ,Z281bm/ft Line 46 (,ooo7ftf1bm) ~

                              -                                  2.            Final DensitF ~

q Line' 48 = (Final Specific Volume) = ,OMO7 ft.3/lbm. Line 49 (Final Density) = 1' = 1 +4.Z2Ebibm/ft.; (,o/60 / ft.3/1bm.)-

                                  ,,                                                                                       Line 48
c. -Initial mass in RCDT (Line 44 Times Line 47)

Line 44 626,Gl7 ft.3 ,

                                     ---                  n.-

Line 47 x (p 7 z. 2 B lbm./ft.3 Line 50 ,= 3 E 70 6 , 0 9 7 lbm.

d. Final mass in RCDT (Line 45 Times Line 49) TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Line 45 527,377 -

ft.3 Enclosure 3, 32/53 l Effective Page O Line 49 x (o 7 . 72 6 lbm./ft.3 Page 48 Line 51 = 5 7. 81 7. (,, t G lbm.

e. Mass. change in the RCDT (Line 51 minus Line 50)

Line 51 'b L811. (p I G lbm. l- . . l_ Line 50 - 2 0 Z 7O G . 09 T lbm. i Line 52 = 'l 00 .6E l 1 lbm. O'etgAL ?mLD CO i Dupilcate pag, [ ,1 l F'OR USE % UNIT I ON Y 8"" . 6 6* ,

                                              -m..-    - , ,          -- , , _       m,_    .--,,,,,-y       ,,.      .m.,    m_.,   -..--__-.,.c.,       m--     . . , . - - - . - . , _ , _ .         -.,+...m  -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ----r-----  ---e-
OR USE liy HN A T l ON LY < r As;l;12 4
    '. f ' " '                                   DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd)                                        Page 11 of 13
f. Operator ca'used changes in RCDT (Calculated 1trn. of water added or removed from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4)
         .                                 Line 53          =

0 l bn.

NOTE: Water added is (-). Water removed is (+). Carry  :
' algebraic signs. -  :
g. Mass rate of change in RCDT- [(Final Mass minus Initial Mass) or
                      .            (Line 52 plus_ Line 53) divided by Line 41]

Line 52 /d 9,62 I l bn. , Line 53 + C l bn.

                                                            =        /OY, S'E /              l bn.

Line 41 + /ZO min. Line 54 = ,9 / ZI6 1 bn./ min.

h. Convert mass change to gal. (Line 54 multiplied by Line 38)

Line 54 = 9/2/of$ lbn./ min. Line 38 x /'5 6 7 gal ./l bn . Line 55 = .1 t/3 o L gal./ min.

13. -Identified Leak Rate (Generated from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.3; sign is ,

j positive) Line 56  : O l bn./ min .

14. Leakage through OTSG Tubes (Primar/-to-secondary leak; sign is positive detennined from D.S. 1303-1.'1.5)
a. Line 57  : O lbn./ min.
b. OTSG 1eakage in tenns of gal./ min. (Line 57 times Line 38)

TMI UNIT 1 Line 57 O 1 trn./ min. TP 600/5 Enclosure 3, 33/53

 ,                                        Line 38           x         .75 0                  gal ./l bn.            Effective Page 0 Page 49

' 'ia' 58 - o 33.0 S*'WFIC3i FJELD C " FOR U S E IN UNIT I O NLGil:Yate Page 0 , J

     ,     1: FOR USE lb' j')N T l ON LY
            *'                                                                 cr           un-;;1    1,
     '),.. * * ',

DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont' d) Page 12 of 13


Limit :- Line 58 shall not exceed limits specified in Table 1303-1.1.1

15. _ Correction factor : Line 59 =( + 1.37 lbm./ min.) (from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.1,,1 tem 14)
16. Total identified leakage L(Line 56 plus Line 57 plus Line 59) Times -

Line 38.]


Line 56 O lbm./ min. Line 57 + O lbm./mi n. Line 59 +

                                                             --l . 8 41.37 lbm./ min.

Line 60 = (:M lbm./mi n. Line 38 x .lS C gal./lbm. Line 62 . ,Z.l468 gal ./mi n.

17. Unidentified Leakage (Line 43 minus Line 55 minus Line 62)

Line 43 i Mt O gal ./mi n. Line 55 - i l4 SOE gal./ min. Line 62 - 2(%6 gal ./mi n. Line 63 . ~ . I O 69 gal./ min. Limit : Line 63 shall not exceed 1 gal / min.. (See Table 1303-1.1.1). If change in Line 63 from last calculation is >.33 gpm, obtain an RM-A-5 grab sample


18.. Total Leakage (Line 63 + Line 62) Line 63 ~ . I O S9 gal./ min. Line 62 + , Z lM c.8 gal./ min. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Line 64 10678 gal./ min. Enclosure 3, 34/53

                           . Limit :   Line 64 shall not exceed 10 GPM.                     pg OFFICML F%LD CO Duplicate Page__     D FOR USE IN4(9N,T I ON Y                                                    -
,'   . 7,:OR USE lh' {lN T l ON LY                                      c         g3;};1    1, I

., t .' . DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont' d) Page 13 of 13 Remarks (Specify reasons fo'r any results determined to be invalid): I DVM Model No.  : A//M-Serial No. : A A pgon114Tlf'*h3 Perfonned by :c- Y CoPrF.O DATA4 05 46; ya t-s3-20~1 TO ARet0C Time /Date  : O HA L 0 l # /9,3 AT- c he.eeres, PATA S14EEE.5 AT/Ad/Eb y, - plA4 E%,'rE od unlE 5 7-decace. U, Reviewed by  : le _ - Time /Date  : O2.00 'OI L l83 TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5

  • Enclosure 3, 35/53 Effective Page O Page 51 0FFICIAL RED Co?


   ,                                                                     Dupli: ate Page      h FOR USE fN UNIT I ON Y
          ,                 s'                                                          *

e . . ,.c ('

      ,,;er,               "
                                                                                                             ** TEMPORARY CH ANCE" Three Mile island Nuclear Station Tern;:crarf Char:ge Notice (TCN)

NOTE. Instrue::ces anc guice6ines in AP1CO t t. 12. TCN No. h-E-C'2S6

                 .                          .                    rnust =e fedowee wnen :cmcieung :nts form.

13.;meiementanen Os:e g,

                                                                                                                                                                                 .Fecm TCN ug incest me     -

T ' SS SF Signature > ~ ~ - - NJ L Y)l 1., Procecure I30h"I I IR R 0 S' [. f M lt EAfE

 ./ ~                                                                             .%                    ..n    * ., s no.

'., 2. Change ilnc'uce page numbers. paragraph numbers, and exact worcing of enange. (Attaca accitsonal sneets if necessary and, crovide the genene nature of the change on : Mis sheet.) . f Me.0

  • C$ gy $g a 50 ja $IGlnt "


                                                                                                                                                -f~, "[N c l0 5'u ME .1.                       C dN*'GW~
3. S eaN (A Ciom

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Phlin cs,cusest.nce. an:cn =.6 r..yst .n *C.4...eq 4.ecte.cs

5. Is erccecure mcortant to Saf aty*? '

If "'fes" a safety eva!uacon is recuirac 's.ce 21. yesKno..

6. *is CrCCecure "Invercomenfa4lmQaCf 9 elated *? .

yes C no if "Yes* an environmentalimpact evaluat Cn is recus.e 'sace 21.

                                                .' ... b**.I"*. .8 ag,e eqc;g,e intent of g,,ongme,t ;rcc3cu,re(

__ res C o NCTE:sf answers to *5. 5 ano ' are ~'no* :ne enance may te accrovec by ne Shd! Sucervisor. NOTE:if answer to #7 is "yes* :ns :nange must :e reviewec anc accrovec n ac: rcance uitn 7acie 2 I pnce to imctemen ta ncn. NOTE. 't answer to #7.s "no* anc answers :o

  • 5 or 5 are 'fes :nange may es es:cer as :we mer cer reviewee er 'bl.reviewec anc accr:vec m ac: reance uitn tacie 2.

S.- Cha 9 Fece mencediv:

  • 2 ete iOd-b
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                          - 'I "EVA t.U ATIO N"
                            ,[                                                                            Three Mile Island Nuclear S ta tion Side 2 Saf aty/ Environmental Impact Evaluation re3 3, @-Q- o?..o.61
                   ,,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                j

(, r l 1. procedure S P 1363.**l.I w. RCS LEAh

  • n. ,

SAk a

T.1 2. Safety Evaluation y


   ,tfr -                                     j                  Oces the attacned procacute enange:                                                                                                                                                                                                t I
                                                                  *fa) incrossa the ;rcbacility of occurrence or the consecuences of an acc: dent or                                                                                                                     yes C r malfunction of equipmentimportant to safety 7.
                       ,                                         *!bl create the possibility for en accedent or malfunct:en of a different type tnan any evaluatec previcusly in the safety analysis reccet'                                                                                                                                               yesC nog t
                                                                 "cl reeuce tne margin of safe:y as :sfinec in :ne casas *cr any :ec".nical                                                                                                                                yesC nc[

seecification > ._ - -- . [ i l Details of Evaluation L;1am any answers :o soove cuesuons are "no* Attaen accitional pages f; r,cui,ee .,

                                            ?                L A W JAVA O                                                                                                                                        .
                                           ;                 / -p m a&W 4                                                           '
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                                                       *if any cf enese cues:;ces are answerec *YES":ne :nange must ce reviewec                                                                                                                     accrevec :y :ne NRC cnct to l           imciementation.                                                         .

i 3. EnvironmentalImoset Evaluation i i

                                          ,                      Coos tt:e attaenec procacute enange.                                                                                                                                                                                           !
t. {
as cossicty invoive a significant environr' entatimcac:? ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ..           yes6 ac w g                              'if 3(al is *,es". answer :uesticos bl anc c: ana 'iil in *0etails af Evaiwanen*

below.if no state any cy fiiing in ene '*0etads of Eva4uaucn* meicw 1  ; i i

                                                                "bl nave a s4gnificant acverse effect :n tse environment? .                                                                                                                                                                    '


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ses C ao C "ci invcive a significant envir:nmental mattar :r cuest;en 9ot previousiv reviewec g l anc evaivatec ty :ne N R. vesC noC A l Details of Evaluation (Attaen accinonal:agesif *ecurec) i ei I 'Mm uc r e en

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          } Accroval =er A7 :C01 A eM                                         A MAf                                    O [                                                                                                                                      '

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ,               i.e: Accci1::a Duplicate Page                                                                                            L C'                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      __


< t .

OR USE IN UNIT I ONLY 1303-1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 4 of 13 Line 14 200 in - (Line Ba) Line 14 = 200 in -( -/I/Bv)in . 2/ri /8 d in.

b. Determine initial and final Pzr. Pressure Qua) = /7eo +(80 A V Ea.Iosues a coNuressoN !
1. Initial Pressure [(Line 5c or 5d times 250 peig/v; plus ##

14.7 psi] Line Sc/5d 5,3 44 y eg,,) f?,o+@oxac)f X E5C p:fg/v fu e l. I con #I I I ### f9oo + 427.680

                                                  . 2; z.7 6 Bo
  • 14.7 psi Line 15 = 219z.38d psia b a)* #7## NO
                                                                                                                   *4 CHclosaREI cenvtttsos"
2. Final Pressure [(Line 10c or 10d Times 250 p:fi /d plus 14.7 psi 3 line 10c/10d 6'354 y _ j 7 ,o ( s o x v p c. )

X 250 pd !v Eucl o coa / tGR s 10N

                                                    =      '2fEB,32-                   f 700 f 428.35
                                                    +                 14.7     psi                            ,

Line 16 . T./ 4 3,0 2- psia

c. Determine initial and final density
1. , Initial density (Use Line 15 and Table 1 water column to determine initial specific volume at Line 17)

Line 17 . o. o 2fo 38 ft.3/lba

                 .           Initial density .          1      =  37.90 8         1'bm/ f t.3 Line 17   .
            .                      Line 18       .      3 7,908            lbm/ft.3 (Initial Density)

Enclosure 3, 36/53 0FFICIAL FIELD COPY Effcctive Page 0 7/N 9~30~0 2 Paga 54 Duplicate Page



p. .
     ...     .:. .                                 (-                                                 <-'


."                                                  REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LEAK RATE                                         CONTROC ROOM WORKING COPY Table of Effective Pages                                    ,

Page Revish Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision 1.0 12 . 31.0 12 61.0 . 12 2.0 12 32.0 12 62.0 12 3.0 12 33.0 12 63.0 12 4.0 12 ;34.0 12 64.0 12 5.0 12 35.0 12 65.0 12 6.0 12 36.0 12 66.0 12 7.0 12 37.0 12 67.0 12 8.0 12 38.0 12 9.0 12 39.0 12 10.0 12 40.0

  • 12 11.0 12 41.0 12 VERlFIED CURRENT RE "


              ,12.0             12            42.0          12           _ / 76ed                  9.yo . gy                                    !

13.0 43.0 12 12 - 14.0 12 44.0 12 IME DATE 15.0 12 45.0 12 lidTlAL 16.0 12 46.0 12 17.0 18.0 12 12 47.0 48.0 12 12 RE-VERlFIED PROCEDURE C ( App [fg3 ONL.( IF USE IS NOT 19.0 12

  • 49.0 12 20.0 21.0 12 50.0 12 TERMINATED P/lTHIN SAME DA 12 51.0 . 12 TIME DAr:~_

22.0 12 52.0 12 - INITIAL 23.0 12 53.0 12 - -- 24.0 12 54.0 12 ' ~ 25.0 12 55.0 12 -


26.0 56.0 - - 12 12 -

                                                                                  ~       ~

27.0 12 57.0 12 -- - _ TMI UNIT 1

              '28.0             12           .58.0          12                                                                     TP 600/5 29.0            12            59.0          12                                                                     Enclosure 3. 39/53 30.0            12            60.0          12                                                                     Effective Page O Page 55 ADL
                                              . signature shhDate
                               >    A lcyde                                                                         ?-24-3.5 Date d ' Signature 0FRGiu16BS COPY FOR 'USE IN UNIT I ON Y Duplicate Page                       [

I e, ..

        -I,6:OR USE IN bNIT I Oh LY (2 0;h12                                   l DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2                   Page 1 of 13 For Use When Computer is not Available                  TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Initial Conditions . To be taken at one minute intervals.                              Enclosure 3, 40/53 Effective Page 0
                                 .      Patch                                                    Page 56
 .                                      Panel f                                        Point              T1             T2          T3 Line 1           Time                        /93o             /93/         /9 3 2.          T2 = /93/g          Tora Line 2           Tave                40      7.O 29      +
7. 0 2. */ + 7,028 pA + 3 Jo$YDC 2/4 Line 3 Przr level 27 . - O. 7W. + -d. 757 + -0 756 =#/,e + 3 iro75'/YDC-Zz7 Line 4 MU Tank 15 E, /1/ + 5,/93 + 5. / 9d = #/a + 3 =C/9/ YDC(.571 Line 5a RCDT Level (Note 2) 71 7, / 90 + 7./4/ + 7,/Y/ .N/A + 3 7M VDC2/ 42 Line 5b RCDT Temp (Note 2) 73 2, / 6 8 + 3, / 6 G. + 3./C 7 = #/A + 3 3.47VDC fdel Line Sc RCS Pres 28 7.927 +

7.92 7 + 7 129 = $ + 3 =2faSYDC R3,76] (Wide Range) or Line 5d RCS Pres 30 S,397 + S.3 96 + E. 3 Y6 =N/e + 3 534VDC&,oM (Narrw Range)

NOTE : 1. Use of the patch panel allows this procedure to  :
be perfomed when Tave >520*F.  :
2. Conversion factors are given in Enclosure 1.  :
       <               :                        Attach any additional calculation sheets used to :
convert the values in Lines 1 to 10 into the  :
parameters used in the calculations. All values :
recorded are in volts, DC.  :
3 Leakage out of the RCS has a positive (+) sign.  :
" Leakage" into the RCS (ex. chemical adds) has a :
negative sign.  :
CAUTION: When using atch panel voltage, be sure to record the :
                           .              voltage pol rity (+ or .) and treat this as an            :
algebraic sign.  :
   ..                  : NOTE:           All values be1w are in Tems of volts, DC.                  :

23.0 0FFIClhL FIELD CO FOR USE IN UNIT I ON _.Y dup!Icate Pogg [> (

   ,*"        FOR USE IN tJNIT I ONLY                                            As ; d 12
                        ,              DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.2 (Cont 'd )               Page 2 of 13 Final Conditions - To be taken at one minute intervals.

c Patch _l Panel - Point Ti T2 T3 Line 6 Time 2.1J o 2.I 3 / 2. l 3 2- T2= 2.13 / .Toa Line 7 Tave 4.% 2Td 40 7. O 2. 6 +

                                                             ?.o26      +

7.o 2.7

                                                                                         =u/4 + 3 dVDC M Line 8          Przr level         27 - C. 7c / . +       O . 76 /  +
                                                                           -o.756        =4/n + 3      ,WVDC 2,M Line 9 S A39 hp+          .

MU Tank 15 SSW S. 03 C + 6.o 32. =44 + 3 =Se%YDC 6./C Line 10a RCDT Level (Note 2) 71 7. / 72. + 7,/72 + 7./72'-. =#4 + 3 W.6 Line 10b RCDT Temp (Note 2) 73 3. /49 + 3./7 / + 3./69 4/4 + 3 =3.E7VDC f.JN Line 10c RCS Pres 28 7.92.9 + 7, 7 Z ') +

                                                                             ~7. 92 7    =4A + 3 ='294 VDC 2.3.74 (Wide Range) of Line 10e       RCS Pres           30      S.35'3     +

S.35/ + E,3f7 =N/A + 3 (Narrcw Range)

CAUTION: When using patch panel voltage, be sure to record the :
voltage polarity (+ or -) and treat this as an  :
algebraic sign.  :

TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure 3, 41/53' Effective Page 0 Page 57 n.0 FOR USE IN UNIT I ON_Y0FRCIAL FIELD C0F Ou.dieste Page g d a


   .. : 2FOR USE IN tJNIT l ONLY 1303 1,1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.2     (Cont'd)              Page 3 of 13   .
1. Temperature conversion (from VDC to *F)

Initial temperature [570*F. minus (Line'2 Times 5)] 570* F . ( 7.o z'1 vde x 5 )* F. ~ 570*F. - 35,/45 *F. Line 11 - g3wasS *F. . Initial Tave Final temperature [570*F. minus (Line-7 times 5)]


57 0* F . . ( 7,0Z 7 vde x 5)*F. l 570*F. . 35.13 7 *F. Line 12 = _S34,86f _ 'F. . Final Tave

2. Mass change in Przr. The volume of the Pzr. up to the 200" level is 752.03 ft.3 ,
a. Determine levels in the Pzr.
1. Initial level in the Pzr.
NOTE: Carry algebraic signs.  :

Initial level 200" minus (Line 3 Times 20 in/ volt) Line 3 - 0.757 VDC . x 20 in/VDC Line 3a . - /(,/+o in Line 13. 200 in . (Line 3a) Line 13 = 200 in ( -/S14o)in - 2/S, (4o in

2. Final level in the Pzr.

Line 8 - 0. 757 VDC x- - 20 in/VDC TMI UNIT 1 Line 8a . -/S,/So in TP 600/5 Enclosure 3, 42/53 Effective Page O Page 58 FOR USE IN UNIT I ONWRCIAL RELD COPi e w c

s' .* f . (-

    .;M,FOR USE IN tJNIT l ONLY 1303-1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2    (Cont'd)                    Page 4 of 13
      ;; -                          Line 14 = 200 in - (Line Ba)

Line -14 = 200 in -( -14/Eolin = 2/f.16o in.

b. Detennine initial and final Pzr. Pressure s .-
1. Initial Pressure [(Line Sc or 5d times 250.psig/v) plus 0 14.7 psi)

Line Sc/5d v - f x 250 psig/v e b 09 14.7 psi ,[ Line 15 = psia

2. Final Pressure [(Line IOc or 10d Times 250 psig/v) plus 14.7 psi]

Line 10c/10d y t x 250 psig/v

                                                    .      +               14.7    psi Line 16          =                        psia
c. Determine initial and final density 1.,

Initial density (Use Line 15 and Table 1 water column to determine initial specific volume at Line 17) Line 17 = ft.3/lbm Initial density = 1 = lbm/ f t.3 Line 17 Line 18 = lbm/ft.3 (Initial Density)

                            .                                                                       TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure 3, 43/53 Effective Page O Pag,e 59 0 FECIAL tlELD COPY FOR USE IN UNIT I ON_Y Duplicate Page
    ..    :~                              <                                        ('
    .J'..-:OR USE IN ONIT I Oh LY a

1303 1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) - Page 5 of 13 .

2. Final density (Use Line 16 and Table I to determine final specific volume at Line 19)

Line 19 . rO 2C 38 ft.3/lbm Final density . 1 = 3 7,90s 1bm/ft.3 Line 19 Line 20 = 3 7, tog 1bm/ft.3 (Final Density)

                . d.         Determine initial and final volume
1. Initial volume [(Line 13 minus 200") times 3.18 ft.0/in.

plus 752.03 ft.3) Line 13 '2 /#. / 40 in, c - 200 in.

                                                    .           /5, /40          in.

x 3.18 ft.3/in.

                                                . .            48.445"          gt,3
                                                   +                   752.03   ft.3 Line 21       .           60 0 . / 7F~     ft.3
2. Final volume [(Line 14 minus 200") times 3.18 f t.3/in plus 752.03 ft.3)

Line 14 2 /S, / Bo in. 200 in.

                                                   .            /S, tBe         in.

x 3.18 ft.3/in.

                                                   .             96,272-        ft.3
                                                   +                   752.03   ft.3             TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Line 22      .            800,3o2.         ft.3             Enclosure 3, 44/51 Effective Page 0
                                     ,                                                           Page 60 FOR USE IN UNIT I ON_Y                                 0FFIClkL RELD OUDil:ato Page_
                                                                                        ,                    D

(' ( r'*' FOR USE IN^UN T l O NLY 13 ,3 1,1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 6 of 13

e. Determine initial and final mass in PZr '


1. TP 600/5 Initial mass (Line 18 times Line 21) Enclosure 3, 45/53 Line 18 3 '7, 10s oc va Page O 1bm/ft.3 g. t Line 21 x B o o ,/ 7# ft.3 '

Line 23 . 30333,o34- lbm

2. Final mass (Line 20 times'Line 2'>)

Line 20 3 7.908 lbm/ft.3 Line 22 x 8 o o . 3 o 2. ft.3 Line 24 30337,848 lbm

f. Change in Pzr. mass (Line 24 minus Line 23)

Line 24 3o 3 3"7 s'+e Ibm Line 23 - 3o333.o3+ Ibn , Line 25 = d/, $ + Ibm

3. Mass change in RCS due to change in pressure and temperature.
a. Determine RCS density change (Use Line 11', Line 12, Line 15, Line 16, and Table 3 to determine initial and final specific volumes.)
1. Initial density Line 26 . Initial Specific Volume .o.o2o9f f t3/lba Line 27 . 1 . 1 . e/ 7,733 lbm/f t.3 Line 26 (o otots f t. f1bm Line 27 . 4 7.733 lbm/ft.3
2. Final density Line 28 . Final Specific Volume . 0 020 7$~ f t 3/1bm
      ,                              Line 29 .      1   .         1                . Y77U       Ibm /ft3 Line 28   (o.62ctr f t,3/1bm)


     .?     'c"FOR USE th UNIT l O NLY n03-1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2     (Cont'd)               Page 7 of 13
3. Change in density (Line 29 minus Line 27)

[ . Line 29 47.733 lbm/ft.3 Line 27 - 47,733 lbm/ft.3 . Line 30 . O lbm/ft 3

b. RCS mass change Line 30 0 lbm/ft.3 RCS Vol. x 10,564 ft.3 Line 31 0 lbm
4. Mass change in Makeup Tank
a. Initial level (50 plus (Line 4 times 5 in./v))

Line 4 4/9/ v x 5 in./v

                                               .       76.988             in.
                                               +                    50    in.

Line 32 . 76. 985~ in,

b. Final level (50 plus (Line 9 times 5 in/v)]

Line 9 S,03C v x 5 in./v

                                              .          2 f. / f d       in.
                                        .      +                    50   in.

Line 33 . 75.180 in,

c. Level change (Line 33 minus Line 32)

Line 33 7 88 /do in. Line 32 - 94, 9ff in. 73t ag7 i Line 34 . - / . 7 77 in. T[e E re 3, 46/53 Effective Page O Page 62 FO9 USE N UN,T I ON JCIAL F! ELD CO?? y D Ul p*i nt? PM _E .

FOR USE IN UN T l O NLY - ll3;2; 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 8 of 13

d. Mass change (Line 34 times 255 lbn./in)
                                              . Line 34              - /,77f        in.

x 255 l bm/in. Line 35 = - Vf2,62f Ibn

               .            5. Total RCS Mass change (Sum of Line 25, Line 31 and Line 35)

Line 25 + V,6/ V lbm Line 31 + O lbn Line 35 + - VS2. 6 2f lbm Line 36 = ~4q f 7.#// lbm

6. RCS lbm. to gal. conversion factor
a. Mean Tave detennination [(Line 11 plus Line 12) divided by 23 Line 11 53 4. 85f *F.

Line 12 + SJY, B CT *F.

                                                           =     /oc 9 72.o        *F.
                                                           +                   2 Line 37    =     S 3 9,sco         *F. = Mean Tave
b. Use Line 37 and Fig.1 to find the conversion factor.

a Line 38 (conversion factor). = 0 /J49 gal./lbm

7. RCS Inventory Change (Line 36 Times Line 38)

Line 36 - 4 4 7.8 // l bn , Line 38 x o,/56 7 gal./lbn at Mean Tave Line 39 = - 70 , / 72. gal. TMI UNIT 1

                                 .                                                                   TP 600/5 Enclosure 3, 47/53
                                     .                                                               Effective Page 0 Page 63 30.0                  0FFICIAL F! ELD COPY FOR USE IN UNIT I ON_Y Duplicato Page       C

U' FOR USE lhUNIT I Oh LY !stk 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 9 of 13

8. Operator caused changes to RCS inventory (From Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4)

Line 40 : O gal.

NOTE: Gallons added is minus (_), gallons removed is  :
               ;                    plus (+).                                                       :
9. Test duration (Line 6 minus Line 1)

Line 6 ~2. l h 3I min. Line 1 19 h 3/ min. Line 41 '2. h O min. = 1EO min.

10. Total RCS Leakage minus changes (Line 39 minus Line 40)

Line 39 - 70./72- gal. Line 40 - o gal . Line 42 = -7o,s72 gal.

11. Leakage Rate (Line 42 divided by Line 41)

Line 42 - 7 6e17 2. g,j , Line 41 + l 2. O min. Line 43 = -o,f6477 gal./ min. Limit : Line 43 shall not exceed 30 gpm. (See Table 1303-1.1.1)

12. RCS Losses to RCDT
a. Detennine initial and f'inal water volume in the RCDT. (Use Line Sa, Line 10a and Table 4. Interpolate as necessary).

ft.3 Line 44 (Initial volume) = S24~,4/7 Line 45 (Final volume) = S z.7.377 ft.3 THI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure 3, 46/53


Effective PaBe 0 Page 64 31'0 0FFJCIAL F'! ELD COPY


FOR USE IN UN)T I ON_Y y. Duplicata Page - C'

                                                                                                      -_           ~


       ';. N,' l,:. OR USE IN bNIT l Oh LY 13n3 1,1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.2     (Cont'd)                  Page 10 of 13
b. Determine initial and final water density in the RCDT. (llse
          -                -   Line 5b, Line 10b and Table 3 to determine the initial and
      .v final specific volume. Invert this to find the density.

Interpolate as necessary). -

     ' I. -                    1. Initial density Line 46 . (Initial Specific Volume) . o,o/4,o7 ft /lbe Line 47 (Initial Density) .        1     .      1 4 2. r.281 bm/f t.3 Line 46     ( Ao/&s7 ft f1bm)
2. Final Density Line 48 . (Final Specific Volume) d,o/co p ft.3/lbm.

Line 49 (Final Density) . 1 . 1 + 42.aze 1bm/ft.3 Line 48 (o.o/se 7f t.3/lbm.)

c. Initial mass in RCDT (Line 44 Times Line 47) 575.G/7 Line 44 *3,??? O ft.3, Line 47 x G 7 2'2-8 lbm./ft.3 Line 50 6 32'700,095' lbm.
d. Final mass in RCDT (Line 45 Times Line 49)

Line 45 S2.7.377 ft.3 Line 49 x (,2.718 lbm./ft.3 Line 51 . '32817.4/4 lbm.

e. Mass change in the RCDT (Line 51 minus Line 50)

Line 51 32817.'I6 lbm.

              "                                       3 270e e otr Line 50     -
                                                     -3 1 0 L n L         lbm.

Line 52 . /0 .52/ lbm. 21 UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure 3, 49/b3 Effective Page O Page 65 0F FOR USE3W UNIT I OMS"CIAL F ELD C Dup!!cate Pcge

    .- .   ,-                                               c a, :OR USE IN'UN                                                 T l O NLY j'o3;};19 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd)                                                            Page 11 of 13
f. Operator caused changes in RCDT (Calculated Ibn. of water added or removed from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4)

Line 53 = 0 l bn. .

NOTE: Water added is (.). Water removed is (+). Carry  :
algebraic signs.  :
g. Mass rate.of change in RCDT ((Final Mass minus Initial Mass) or (Line 52 plus Line 53) divided by Line 41) .

Line 52 /09.S2/ l bm. Line 53 + 0 l bn.

                                                                  =                                                 /o ?.ya./    l bn.

Line 41 + /2o min. Line 54 = o.9/248 lbn./ min.

,                       h.         Convert mass change to gal. (Line 54 multiplied by Line 38)

Line 54 = o.7/26e Ibn./ min. Line 38 x 0, /Sc 7 gal ./l bn. Line 55 = 0, / %3o L gal./ min.

13. Identified Leak Rate (Generated from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.31 sign is positive)

Line 56  : o l bn./ min.

14. Leakage throudh OTSG Tubes (Primary-to-secondary leak; sign is positive determined from D.S. 1303-1.1.5)
a. Line 57  : o Ibn./ min.
b. OTSG 1eakage in tenns of gal./ min. (Line 57 times Line 38) ,

Line 57 o l bn./ min. [60 Line 38 x 0,/56-7 gel./lbn. E[jfl[* kgf0 2 Pase 66 bne 58 = a gal./ min. 3: .0 r FOR USE IN UNIT I OR.FF ClA . tu - -- i - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -9aiicota P::sa O

                                                                                                                                                             -- _ -_-_ __ --- z

N,' FOR USE INbN'T l ONLY ' g;};t 1,

                  .                      DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd)                   Page 12 of 13 e

Limit : Line 58 shall not exceed ifmits specified in Table 1303-1.1.1

15. Correction factor : Line 59 .( + 1.37 lbm./ min. ) (From Data Sheet 1303-1.1.1, l' tem 14)
16. Total identified leakage L(Line 56 plus Line 57 plus Line 59) Times
     ,; .             Line38.]       ,
                               ,   Line 56                   O           lba./ min.

Line 57 + o 1bm./ min. Line 59 + 1.37 l bu./ min. Line 60 . l 37 lbm./ min. Line 38 x 0,/rd7 gal./lbs. Line 62 . O,2/VG8 gal./ min.

17. Unidentified Leakage (Line 43 minus Line 55 minus Line 62)

Line 43 - o . S S 957 7 gal./ min. Line 55 - 8. /4 3o L gal./ min. Line 62 - D . 2 1 4 6* 8 gal./ min. Line 63 . - c. H 24 7 gal./ min. Limit : Line 63 shall not exceed 1 gal / min.. (See Table 1303-1.1.1). If change in Line 63 from last calculation is >.33 gpm, obtain an RM.A 5 grab sample

18. Total vakage (Line 63 + Line 62) .

Line 63 - o,9 4 284 7 gal./ min. Line 62 + c.2846e gal./ min. Line 64 - c.7 27 79 gal./ min. Limit : Line 64 shall not exceed 10 GPM. [6 Enclosure 3, 51/51 Effective Page 0 Page 67 CFF C AL FIELD COPY FOR USE IN3't3V T I O A Y Dupil:cte Page

i.. , ' FO 9 'JS E .N .'J N IT , O LY

       .                                                           k       u D3 1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2  (Cont'd)             Page 13 of 13 Remarks (Specify reasons for any results detennined to be invalid):

DVM Model No.  : N/A Serial No. : MA c Perfonned by  : M cm Time /Date  : !v f- / 9,3 4- 8 3 Reviewed by  : Time /Date  : g[3 BATA toAS U6EO Fo(L CEAA N CALCuLArlbAl 06/% ThW

  • I 'O 3 I y cocaterEC '**"' FidtSh lE D A r 0" Y /f//8.3 gjg go R. O Al L.t N6 32. .

CAcc'60 FO M " O. WIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure 3, 52/53 Effective Page 0 Page 68 0FFICIAL FLELD COPY

                .           FOR U S E NOUN?T I O M.Y2 Page                               b             _


A.. ( ' t

         < >oe                                                                                     y                                                                                                               g
                                                        =                              -
a. _ =_

Rcox_JcJet. - A' ~ # b .2tes 88..-C.0) +98 208 - 3.6

                                                                                                                                                           )      _ . - . .                                                                                    _              _.-
                                                                              -                                                 23"                             1. .           7. / 9. /. .. -. C.. _o.-


  • z.e s ) .
                                                                                                                                                    \                                                               \
                                                                                                . . /..t. . .* 0 L9./ ___                                                      (' . 3 '.' Y_ _I / ._*._ f*
  • 4/
                                                                                  =                        93.73 3     - . _ . -                                                    ..

fco r wc c. u e e .e. e_..v.. zar* + -.L'. _ 4 - i-. 9._3 )[y n_...) --

                                                                                                                  .:.. _ 3 . 1 2 . ' s                                  2 . L 9 h m - 9 s) S y )
 .                                                                        __                                         . .             S... .z z . e s.._......t-                 . ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                 . (' .7 3 3. )1' 4._. 7.2. /-

_ _ . _ = _ .M'.. f* f .7. . . .... _ _ ._ ._.-- 3 _ ._. (?. 0 ~. . O , n

                        $CC 7                       l. L   . v24.

Qq _.g. )-_. .j .,.q ,gy 1


q,,[ ..(.7...I7L . .-. .__. 30) . . _+__6 9 . . . [ 1 A_l ._. 0L2rI?L-) .tG9

                                           .. . ____. __ .__._ ..._.._a.                                                                                              11h
                                             ...._........._                                              cpp, j o5 "

3 gg, OT l/ c w as, s... . - . 55 2. ! J ~ t- (gI .-93)

                                                                                                                                               $7. I S" Y-k9 '/.10I ' 93 ) ( Y ? .))                                                                                                      . ._..                                  . . . . . _ . .

_ . - - THI-UNIT 1 - - - - - - -"

                                                                                                                                              $7.1.t$         - - -                       -   $ (/* /*W)(V 73) e                   e 3, 53/53                                   -                                   ':l -           827.377                                                        0FF CE FIF.I.D..CDEL._..

Effcetive Page 0

  .-        Pcgo 69                                                            -.                      .

Duplicate Page

                                                                                         --.,m-           . . . , . - , - - -           .,.m.-.-.m                          ->--.,--e.-m---,m-.n--                                                                             -                - - - . , - - -                    ,-v--        - -

r2-y - . umu 10/ I/53 ~ ~~' 7 o y Tile: 33 5:17 . 3. WTE: KC5 VOLUME INCREME DATA B4TRY MJST BE EGATIVE, .g is]UWJ5T EWTETDEC'~PT. . FITH LEAKAGE VALUES-

                                                                                                                        --          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ^ " ~
                                                                                                                                                                                             ~ **                      ~
- ~

MO$$o _a. _ g g g g e-k u *'O

  • 3 .

REACTUR Q)0 LAIT LEAKAGE TEST Nmc% e w w a-JP 130313

                                                                                                                                                                                      ~~ ~                                     -


                                               ~                         ~

ENTBFIDEWT LEAKAGCFR0i4 iffl303;Y~1.3 lLYN/Ai~N) ~ ~T w ,.0.0 ENTEA RC)T 04ANGE FR014 DS 1303-1.1.4 (Lillt) 0.0 g ENTER RCJ CHANGE FHi34 D5.1303-1.1.4 (CAL) 1 0.0 Duta OTg tmal# F;EliCDST3031.1.5 (GFH) T 'y 0.0 . y.

                                                                                                                                                                         ._ _ . . . g ,

w TI 4E TCA Til4 TC3 TIE TAVE PRZR LVL I4JTK LVL RCDT LVL RCDT itJ4P RCSPRESSC? (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (IH) (IN) (VOLT) (F) _ _ _ __.. (PSIG) C! i g 3'Te b 3: 5:43: 532.523 -534.648 532.031 532.719 532.977 217.652 36.032 7.311 83.258 2179.56 ]O L 332.45= sm.oII >>2333 532.719 232 961 7 17 552


3: 5143: 79.861 7.845 83.283 2179.~73 ~ p.s.1. . ' -

                                                                                                                                                                                           -        . , .e         to L'1"          {

LEAKAGE PLd3 UMiE3 (<30 GR4): 2.0459 GR4 .. N es. LL a

 '                                                                                                                                                                                                                 iL d     GRQ55 RCJ'LEM RATE ((10 GFH):                                      1.8920 GR4 C)           E$

guMIDEWTICIED__ LEAK RATE (<1_GR4): 1.6778 GR4 - v N M: .

        -     APPRDWED:                                              . , , . s                         .
                                                                        .~. . :
                                                                                      -=                   *         ..        ~ ,                                                   '

l%f '.,y Q re'- . 'S <

                                                                  ,:j h j~. _ ' .i ~ '           ,;  ,


  % p . ..                                           Three Mi(s and Nucl:ar St:tica Temp:rary;             .

s nge N tice (TCN)

  . f.f ' e 4            NOff, fostructices and 3:sce6 nes o AP1001 A                                          12. TCN No. 2"O* o *C'] Jrom TCN '.sg incest
A.1 must ne foinc*ee anon comciering tnis form.

b 13.imoiementatien Oate A* ^M SSiSF Signature M

1. Precedure b U 3
  • l' l I ECS BIO E M4
                                                                    %e             Pr as A., No                                           

a/ 2. Change 'Inc'uce cage nummers, paragraon numbers. and enact worcing of enarige (Attaen see,tional sneets if n.cesserv ano arovie. ine sen.ric n.iure of in. cnange on inis ineeu y% s . tk. 4 wl . io s.s < s. . i'g 3. neesen fet caen,e: rt. t'. rw-~~ Hr n5 r ,.6 u.twI Is e s I S.'e -. f. e f sI<=*IG.* A de p. .n%/ s, .t' M A ** d I' ** S

  • f'* O e u = ' M'
c. . I w . . J . 6e f.s 4 I es f . b u. .4 6 e. , = > s f e - e. r., s N 4
  • h ,e . * . ' h v t. .

4 Duration of TCN . No iceger inen ninety cays from imD6ernentation cate of TCN cr as in 'at . or tel cetow (Q) wniccever iccurs first. v talTCN will be cancelled by a orcced re rivision :ssuec as a result of a *rocedure Change 3

  .                                                       Recuest to be sucmitted oy                         -     '" 'l b - ' N **.                       i$wcmit PCn as soon as possione)                                              a*'*vd 8***'"'at
  • N (b)TCN is not valed after C
                                                                                                     .Ns.a e,, na n == enet a TcN ecas unu
 .-                            5.         Is procecure "tmoortant to Safety"?                                           -

ves2no C If "Yes" a safety eve;ustron is re'3uted ' side II.

4. 's procecure "Invironmentai Irn pact M ela tec"' .... .. .. . . . ... .... .. .... . yea C no 3 If "Yes" an envitenmentalirnpact evaluation is reewirec ' side 21. I
7. Oces the esange offect the intent of the original tececure 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yes" no 3 NOTE:lf answers to v 5. 6 ano 7 are "no* the enange may to accrevec or the Shif t $woor,'scr ,!

e i NCTE: If answer to 87 is "ses* ine enange must :e reviewec anc accroved n ac:creence wits Tacie 2 i' cnct to .mplementat;on.

  • NCTI. If seswer to *7 is 9e* ano answers to e5 or 6 are *yes* cnange may :'e eitner as two . eveer  !
                         ,                              reviewec or bs reviewed and accrovec .n accorcance witn tacle 2.                                                                                 l
                                 .        cna          seco$meneeeMsr                          T 6e'-/I                                                     -

esie Th*M

e. preceeure owner eeneurrence L.A Lh Wm-  ::a -

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                                             . ... ..        v .. ,,.oi ... .., . . ....... . . e e r o : . on.,..,, ,. ) . ., ,.. : ...c . . , u s ., e ..                      s. e ..., .     . ..   !
           .l           ,                    . v., u e,         ua                                                                                                                                    .

l 10. Tecn. 8v edirons Rec. Netifiea if>ecc.. 8

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Care - 12  ; i 1. 4,,revatt en j  ; I rai Two vemeers :f tne optN .ing. '$) Nc'**"'u:' h' CC i ^ i i

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tafge n ,b % < q 9/,e/g3 l s e~. .

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           -                       witnin rewrteen n a: =a,s.                  4:erevii                                                                                                               ,

Ei hg :er 27 ::ct A r ust sc:ur: ' gss.acerc.e:,w.7 .s escrwerwm gee .f , ,an; e,ry ::g:ge,pgs sf eye i l

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        ,                        I;                                            ( {Three Mil] Island Nucle:r Static.,,(                                               . ,,, % y ..


                               'o                                              $3etyitnvironm0ntal impact ! valuation
e. . .
t. proceeure 0 0 ~ I  !


                                                                                                           /2A .S        L t A r .t & f t.                                                             -
n. -

j 2. safety tvaluation coes :n attacnea :rocecure enange:

                 ,             .                     "as incrosee :ne stocae.utV of oc:urrence or tne :ensecuerces of                                                                 yesen  ace:

C no R ce meitunctien aI eau.omenf.mcortant to safatv > ... .... .

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l  ! create ev8ouaf44 the3rev'Cus:y acts.ciit/ fer in an acc. cent or malfurcton of a calderent tyce inen any yes C t'e X

                                                                                              *-e eafety analysia reogrt1.-..............                                                                      ,
                                                     "Cl reCuce         :ne mery.n Cf safetV ls 34finec n 15e 04:48 for any teCPnical specificationi i                                                                                                                                                                         /es C 'tC 3 g                       {
      .         ,                               Cetalia of Ival'uation Isolain any ansaers :o acove :uesbens ars no* Attaen aceit requires.:

rt.:. a.I.. 9 4 ,. a. , r . ,,, Me s  !. M As = - t l' N 5. . - , / e s / * . af ' lp,,,/ prt.4 . 4. -av -r' 4. / s o . /s . 'i, s*s v , 11 . //c w . a s M.

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                                          , anV '3f :nese Cuest.4ns are answe> rte :'#{$. tre gagngg mggg 3, pgy,eWeC                                                                                             a
                          ;            'mClementation. p g g,% gg,,, 7=gg ,                                                                                                               nce !=          ,'
3. Invironmentallmoset Ivsluation Oces tne a:tacned =rececure :nange. '

al 20s4tiv.nve8ve a signtf; Cant tf*Vercer" ental mCact' ,............................ tes C *C C '

                                                            'if 3 fae .
                                                                          *yes' answer :.estens e, ano ci ana 'ril n  etads of t,aiuscen


                   ',                                       De9w .f.*0. state *Py y iung in :". ': stasis if I#3.wat;Crt * :stC# a
                                                  ' 13 1 nave a a;gmflCant aC'.or34 elf tt! :n :ne envir:nment'                  .. ...... ...
                                                                                                                                                                                  /es C t'c C "Cl
                                                           'nvCive a significant envitCnrPental matter 1r :westice "Ct "rev'Culev etviewec                                        ,es C =0 C i

an . e v a s a t o. v ! e u : _. .. . . . ._. .. _ . .... . . .._.. . .. .._.. ._... .. . .. .. . 4 Details of Ivalua:Jen ;At:a:e sc:.n=ral: ages.f recurec: TML UNIT 1 . TF 600/5 Enclosure 4, 3/44

  • b*Jgey.., MM,h .....
                     ,           Ettective Page O                                                                                                                                     'f.

Page 72 Dupkg,gg p;;;p . g . IV - O a 's "f any :t :rese :.estens are arswerec "'!!" t e : range us :e ev e**c a

    ,                                                                                                                   a er:vec :v !?e *.*:':rs.
4. .11 Normas Asarsvaalal ,4. 2; if *Two *.!

emsers Of ine pera41;;tA, !J Witnin f autteen .14 e Oavs agement staf' rt,ute- . , Aseroval ter A710C1 A

                   , se,                                                      '

71_ */.3;:/f3 , ve  !. cave * :ve  ; I t* **.s e ;re .ii l

                                                                                             'No u       '!$ at      C re.1 e             '_ +..
r. r 4 c .r ..'

W  :.. ,t ..

                                                                     , OLY                 {          u03-:.1 paFOR              USE W((N                                                        .

o,. ,

                                                                          ,'             t Revisicn 12
      '{                                                 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2   (Cont'd)                   Page 6 of 13
                             . e. Oetermine initial and final mass in Pzr                      txt g ir 1          l TP 600/5          *
   .-                                    1.      Initial mass (Line 18 times Line 21)                 Enclosure 4, 4/44 Effective Page 0    '
                                               ' Line 18                                   lbm/ft.3   Page 73 Line 21       x                           ft.3                           i 1

Line 23 . Ibm - .

2. Final . sass (Line 20 times Line 21)
                                              ' Line 20                                    lbm/ft.3                   -

I Line 22 x ft.3 Line 24 lbm

                                                                          =s               .24
f. Change in Pzr. mass (Line F minus Line M) 2)

Line.2( lbm

                                                       .: 'r Line.H'       -                           1bn Line 25       .                           Ihm
3. . Mass change in RCS due to change in pressure and temperature.  !
a. Determine RCS denstty change (Use Line 11, Line 12, Line 15, Line 16, and Table 3 to determine initial and final speciffe vehmes.)
1. Initial density
                      .                     . Line 25 . Initial Seectfic 'lolume .                 ft 3/lbm Line 27 .         1  .      1                  .             Itm/ft.3    l t.ine 25   (        f t. 71tm
           .                                     Line 27 .                               Itm/ft.3
2. Final density Line 21. Final Scect fic 'Ichmo . ft 3/1tm
                             - ,e m . .. n- *4
0Fihv v. ~
                                           .~y2f ne 29 .           t  .        1              .             Itme, :

Line 29 ( ft.3/1tm)

                           .     . . . 9.. -


T bin V O C lly VINII


r I V IN L. Y { i 13g, {

                                            '.                                       ,           Revision 12
      ;          i.

DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont' d) Page 7 of 13

3. Change in density (Line 29 minus Line 27)
,7                                      Line 29                                     lbm/ft.3 Line 27         -

lbm/ft.3 Line 30 . lbm/ft 3

b. RCS mass change Line 30 lbs/ft.3
                                       .RCS Vol.       x        10,564             ft.3 Line 31                                    lba      ,
4. Mass change in Makeup Tank
a. Initial level (50 plus (Line 4 times 5 in./v)]

Line 4 v x 5_ in./v

                                                       .                          in.



50__in. Line 32 . in.

b. Final level (50 plus (Line 9 times 5 in/v)]

Line 9 v x 5 in./v '

                                                     .                           in.

50 in. Line 33 . in. Tgt gg71

c. Levelchange(Line$minusLineN) 3A ' ) fn,j fra4,5/44 Line X In* Effective Page 0 n Page 74 une se . in. DFF!CIAL F LD CDo u.......... p_

c.. .

                        .              OA USE W UNLT                           ON          Y
                       *                                                        {(
                                                                                                    "TIMPCMARY CH ANG.--

I 4 I. Thr e Mil 31 stand Nucitar 5:2:!cn Tern;:crary Change N::!:e iT::N! 4,

         ,.                                   NCT!. not*vct:ces arc ; wee ocee :n A8:::1a                                          12.?:N No E-C-E **:m ?:::'.:q.r ess y-                             .                   must te 'edowoc anon ::ms etteg in s *cem
13. re=+er eetarce 'ste -.

9 ,, ,g 33,37 $$ nature - >^=

1. , P*ecenure a 30'b " *
  • I IA A 0 S' l1M N 5 ATE i
                                                                                     %        .  .n. . s                                                     v.a.
2. .

Change Inc:uce sege nwrnsors. saragracn succers. sne esact acrcing at trange. 'Attaca aceit.onas snetts

                                                      .t mecuarv are. :rav.ce :ne"senene nature at tne :sanse en :nis sent.:

1 f 3 fa. C ; C h Au s t a se je !! Gl,v " +. "Es a la su er .1. copren ,

3. s i e u h e t e 4 **

M seen ter Change: '

                                     .                     N c. n tA t c d i A T. 7~s 06                    fAom                   i A s T fo A o e t d.U1*f MKVoSt &

ci sd Ne t* Af* let ode octaudf dr7y'racNf C 08V CM tt* A y%. ches. 4 Ocretion et 7:n . No :eger tran meeri:ase * :

                                     .                an.ceever :c: rs      . t'rst,                                                e:ier :sta :t :.N :r es a as :r :s :e ow                             :

i es?:N n..

                                     )                                                 :e :: se n :v s =r:e - d./d s eewut ts :s s cmittas my                            e L B w. u ens bnut :t s 8 ne.rt :33 ;e X                                    8 rsemit a:A as :en u ')

l ac nic;er e~... s .mes *: 4 ti?:N : not .ade atter --

                                                                                                              *.e.a.4.ema... ...a                         .., :r.           ei.r....
                               .,             s.         : :re ecwre * * =cr an *: Iatees "
                                                                                                                                                                                          ,n K        :"

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                          ,                              f -'es's,aaters evs;uamen s scwrec s ca 1:.                                                                                                            *
6. a 'trv.rcer earsi r sect es tatac" . .. . -
                                                                                                                                                                                          .ee " eg
                                    ,                    f "fes* an erv rsnrnentsomcast ava:waten s recwre: sice !.

7... O. ce.s.tre t _ - .e af dest .t.e e e. teat..:_8 re.ert:es..t :rsc.ac6.te .- ..' <n :" *:M O - - _ C*T. t seawers ta =1. I ses

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  • t e :earge  ; , s y , tes!. er., su NC"!; e sesner s *? : '.es' tre sese;e wst :a 'ev. ewes see sa:rs.n n sc::r:aa:e $.ta "a: e :
                             -                                     :ect ts m 'er en! sten.                .      . . .                                              . .     . .
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s. :n sCenseein s.- s.. ... r - .e -.. .

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                                                                                        " EVA L U A~~!C N             -
                ',,                                                                                                                                                         Sice 2 Three .Niiie Islanc Nuclear S ta::en                                 . .,., ,,, { -g ..C7 c 6 :

Safe:w Environmer:tal !m;:ac: Evalua tion s.. [,--

1. m:Cecure 5' P 13 6 3 -I , i w.

RCS l EA $p S/9?E ' a .a.

                           .      2.      Safety Evaluat:Cn r                                                                                                                                                           i t
                                         . CCts !ae E !3C".ac OrCCaCurt Onange:                                                                                                    t
                     ~{                       "al                                                                                                                                     .

8 'rlOrtata Ine :rC actilt'/ Of C urttfict Or l39 : n54Cuences *f In ICO: Cent P /t3 C 9 - malfunC :Cn Qf SCutCmentimpCrian::: Salety?. 9  ! i *h a Ottatt ne OCssacuity for In ICO: Cent Or maifunCOCn Of a Clfferent /Ce Inan any vesC 9C ev aluatec ;rtvtCUS;y in *nt saf tt/ Analysis *tOcr*'

                                             **Cl    *1Cuce ta t Targin Of Saft:y 3s              sfinec .n *Me :as:S 'Or ley a:En:C28                        <ts C *C t

5:ectl' cat:Crt ? Details of E salua:icn 'Ex:la.n wny 2ns.vtrs :: s::ve :GestCns art 1:wrec_ -'n C

  • Ac:aca aC ::.Cnsi : ages f L& fL+w$A Sm cy
                                                    & N .7Ac                                                                                                     4 TA4 rc N -                                      m . M se- M a. Z p ra Z w
                                                                                                 &mm w.har                                      a m A o./                     W:                                                   .

Evalua0Cn 3y

  • M# hb[d N 03tt j
                       *         **f It'V *f !atta cue 5C n3 J.*4 Ins.v tttC f E3** :"e Onangt Sus *e rfv.4we:..anC mC6ementa t:Crt.            -

200r vtc Oy "! NEC Ot'st::

3. EnvirCnmentsiIm aC: Ivsiuatten OCes :ne at:acaec crocacurs :. anga: -
                                               'a# "C53 :: V DVCivt a 3.gnifiC3nt envitCnmef}:af m aC:'

ses C *:C if Mai s *.ts* Inswer GeSUCos 03 anc l 5 t* C 8;il .n *Oet3 is * / Ev3rua:CS

  • OelCW..f 90. Statt .vny Ov ! hit'g n tSe 'Cet2n3 *f Ivtsuat:Cr'
  • O erCW ;
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         .                                                                                                                                                     45 C C'C
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   ,00 Cetails of Evalua:icn At:2Cn aC :cCnat : ages.! tcuira:1 A'               .

9 y@ u g r, - 0FP'C"W*

  • JFFC =I .D t,,3 g

. eo rt M 00

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wt> 1 so m Evaluat:CM IV ~ k ] 0 4 :*

                                **! any Of !.*ese :vesnCn! 2rt ar'swertO ~*'E3* :. e :

J r= ter=entatCn. Sar ge must :e ev ewec anc a::revec v :.=e %c0 : er ::

  .-4 0          4 JI NCr-=!a: A:cr=valls; UQ$                                                                        4 . 0 11 """ we C ?.emcers :f : e                  '.V i tn a n* .=urteen
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  • a; Oavs bS.N w

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                                           ; aA / Le'coha .t I                                                                                                                                                                            bl!ank!

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II I l !l l l i : !  ! l l' Record _A ! $.7,;.tc _s'ecbn_j.m _seifron_.[_fo. d.2.! L I l  ! l 1 1  !  !  ! I J i

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I i l  !  ! !l i l l' l I i l l l l  ! I i.i i  ! DATA l  ! I iiI l i  !!I I i i i Iii !I i !I i  !! I  !

                                , Tim e.

i i Ruu . I __.j j,ii i i . i i l i.v_4 i .. I a___

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24 El4TER IDEilT LEAKAGE FR0i1 DS 1303-1.1.3 (LBf1/141!1)

                                                                                                                                                  ' ' ~ ~ ~ ~ - - ~ ~ '-'

d p#* O.0 ~ ~ EllTETRCDT'CllANGETROWDS- 1303 1T1T(IDl) -

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U.0 ' $, y El1 Tert OTJG LEAKAGE FR0f4 DS 1303-1.1.5 (GR4)  ! .t. -M

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FOR USE IN UNIT I ON._Y . 03 '.1 Revisien *.2

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_ine .*S . 15/ ft.  : .. ':ial :en:' vi UNIT 1* n TP 0/5 r"CIPII[* I,E N -* . e . >p i " Qj

                                                                                                                         *,7               Oa5.,;01)V R                      Enclosure        6, 5/37

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m... , FDR USE JN UNlT I ON _.Y 13 03 ,. ..,.

     .;                                                                                                                                           Revision ~12                  -

T DATA SHEIT 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 6 of 13

e. Deter:gine initial and final mass in ?:r '

TMI UNIT 1 1.. Initial mass (Line 18 times Line 2' TP 600/5 Enclosure 6, 6/37 Line 18 ~1M/ff 3 Effective Page O

        .                                                                                                                                         Page 120 Line 21          x                                              ft."
                                                        .                                                                                                                                l i

Line 23 = lbm j i

2. Final mass (.

20 times Line 22) l. i Line 20 lbm/ft.- Line __ x ft.3

                                                                  ' ne 24 ibar
                                                                                                         ?. 3                    24 f.

Change in P:r. mass (Line J#minus Lineg, - Line 74 a3 ~5otA8. 79 7 ibm _ m Line % 94 - 30 ~1 L ~) .19 N lbe Line 25 . - (8.40E lbm

3. M. s :nange in E 5 due :: :nange in ; ress;re and :e.'=erature.
a. ., - sine E5 censity enange i

I' (Use .'ne 1*., Line

  • 2, Line 'i, Line 15, and Table 3 .o i

ce:c :3ine ':itial and final specific volumes.) -

1. Initial _ nsity q

Line 25 = Inf.'ai Soecific Volume = *t'/lbm l

                                                                . 4. n . . . .
                                                                        ..             e.       .            e
                                                                                                             .                         =                  . .w.
                                                                                                                                                              . ..,, 4 . . :           i 3

Line 25 ( f t. 51 N Ldne 27 - 15m/ft.

2. Final censi:l - - -
                                    . , u= >nn             9tv  a e 2s = etnai s:eci'i: veiene .                                                     't'/1dm U,, ,p   sw     4 :s. 3;. ,

s . e.n s, p. ~~ - 99a G Line 29 . . l_ . 1 . Ibm /'-3 f vuplicald :#4c [ -

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                                                                                                                        . 3,...w p-4                                               .
n. . y-W_ '

D$ $ E. $ 55 --

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q .

  • FOR USE1N UNIT I ONLY 13c3 1.1 Revision 12
     *^                                                                                                                                            .

DATA SHEET 13C3-1..'.2 (Cont' d) Page 7 of 13 47- _7

                  .                     3.      Change in density (Line E minus Line Af) 27 Line F.

A '1 O.74 lbm/f .3 Line yf - N '? . ~7 (a lbm/ft.3' Line 30 = D lbm/ft i.

t. R03 mass :hange ,

Line 30 lbm/ft.' j.

                                                                                                                ,                                         t RC3 Yei.         x                 *0,564                 ft.-           -


                                               -ine 31                                                    lbm 1
4. Mass :.ange 1. Makeup Tanx. I
a. .1:ial lavel :50. pius 'Line A times 5 in./v)2 Line 4 v 5 in./v L-
                                                                =_                                       i n.

50 in.

                                             'ine 32
                                              .                =                                        in.                                             !
b. . inal level 50 'us (Line 9 times 5 in/v); $

Line 9 v

                                                                                                        ,3. / V x                      -

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                                                               =                                        i n.
                                                                           .                     5      i n.
                                             .4. n e :c-       .                                       4. ..

sa 23

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LineJI3E b3.b[o i.. Enclosure 6, 7/37 Effective Page 0  ! Linei M 93- T. 76 i n. Pa8e 121 .! ine li = hs $b i ., , f.a ,( rt t ~ . i p '.knL Fin.D copy 1 '

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          ,    F.. OR USE !KIJNLT 1 ON LY                                                                         (J             1303 1.1
                                         -                                                                                       Revision 12 09/25/83 IMPORTANT TO SAFETY NON-ENVIR0uMENTAL IMPACT RELATED                                                                              O.?'.7.c'. .20 x;T FOR USE Di UNIT 1 c,NLv '


                                     , UNIT NO.1 SURVEILLANCE PROCEDUR' 1303-1.1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LEAK RATE                                            .CC.NTRC'_ RMf Table of Ef fective Pages                                                 '      '

Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision


1.0 12 31. 0 -- 12- 61.0 12 2.' O 12 ~ 32.0 12 62.0 12 TMI UNIT 1-3.0 12 33.0~ 12 53.0 12 ' TP_600/5 4.0 .12 '34.0 - 12 64.0 12 Enclosure 6, 8/37 5.0 12 35.0 12 65.0 12 Effective Page 0 6.0 12 36.0 '12 66.0 12 - Page 122 7.0 12 37.0 12 67.0 12

8. 0 12 38.0 12 9.0 12 39.0 12 10.0 12 40.0 12 -

11.0 12 41.0 12 12.0 12 42.0 12 _ 13.0 12 43.0 12 14.0 12 44.0 12 15.0 12 45.0 12 _ 16.0 -12 46.0 12 17.0 12 47.0 , 12 - 18.0 12 48.0 12 19.0 12 49.0 12 20.0 12 50.0 12 21.0 12 51.0 12 22.0 12 52.0 . 12 23.0 12 53.0 12 24.0 12 54.0 12 25.0 12 55.0 12 25.0 12 56.0 12 , 27.0 12 57.0 12 28.0 12 , 58.0 12 29.0 12 -59.0 12 30.0 12 60.0 12 l


t!1 rL- 24 33


Signature Date

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                                    'signatur G -2f Date g                     -
                                                                                                         .b $00N00cument 10: 0125S FOR LfsYIN &W1 ON _Y                                                              -
          ' {~OR USE IN JNIT I ON LY
      ;                                                                                       (J                          23Nid12 e

DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 Page 1 of 12 For Use Whe'n Computer is ;-vail 3M e NOTE: For unavailable computer inputs, pate.1 pane

  • inputs may be substituted provided that they are converted to units listed above for both initial i

and final readings (refer to Enclosure 1 for conversion factors). Ncts j that not all computer points have correspcnding patch panel inputs. f f

   . Initial Conditions - To- be taken at one minute intervals.

Computer - Point Ti T2 T3 (Circle Selected

                    . Point)                                                                                  .
 ' L ine l'     Time                      634(o                           O n> 4 ')            o348 Line 2a    TcLoop A       510    5'62.1                           +  532.t           +   $32.I                    = l5994 3 =Ex l *F.

511 . l Line 2b Tg Loop A 508 5 34. 'Z- + T34.3 + S 34 2- :JCor.7+ 3 =5ylMF. -l


405 l s b(. )


Line 2c S 31. (c 5 '3 ) . (., Tc Loop B 513 + -

                                                                                                                        =t1K9+ 3 =S3.CTF.          ,

514 1 Line 2d Tg loop B 509 5 3 2.s + 5 3 2. ."b + 5 3 2. ~5 =W $ 3 =53Z'}F. 407 1 Line 2e Unit Tave (Sum of Lines 2a, 26, 2c, and 2d + 4) geh $ 1 =537.SCF. Line 3 Przr Level 1720 2 2A + zzo.8 - 2r( =WS+ 3 =22045in. 1721 1722 Line 4 MV Tk level 498 $ S. (0 + /3 S . 5~ + 86.7 N+ 3 =ST.55in . Line 5 RCOT Level 335 ' 7 84 + 7.84 + 7.84 = S52+ 3 = 7.84 f t.

                                                                                                                              .x 12 in/ft Line 5a                                                                                                                  =ti c8in .

6 Line 5b RCDT Temp. A 459 83 7 + B 3. 8 + 8 '5. 7 = ntl2+ 3 @.73*F l Line Ec RCS Press 505 7A B l ' ec8o- + toBl =6sul+ 3 =tisc7PSIG TMI UNIT 1 j' TP 600/5 -m Enclosure 6, 9/37 riE $~lv,',b,[ [f~E,'d, l N P gc EffGetive Page 0 P:g2 123 11.0 D4 -

  • J,umicate P~-.x "~ g ~


                                      , , _ _ _ ,      _ , _ - , _ _ ,           -     .-      - - - ,          - - ~

F~$n< 1303-1.1 T

                     .FOR USE. INfJNIT I ON LY                                        (               'aevision 12 f,....  ...                        DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont'd)                                 Page 2 of 12 inal Ccnditions - To be.taken at one minute intervals.
   ?!ff[                                Computer l/*                                   Point        T1                T2                    T3 5                          (Circle Selected
                 .              Point)         ,
            'Line 6        Time                   059(a              OS47              o546                                        -

Line 7a Tc toop A 510 511 53t.( + 53 Z.. I + 532.'I #Y G 3 =33zf*F. e:Cs. .j Y Line 7b Tg Loop A 508 53Lt.Z + 5 3 Y . 7_,

                                                                           .   +       g34, Z.                 #4+ 3 -55/,I*F .

g 405

   .1                                                                                                                                   l N lLine 7c              Tc Loop B      513    O f.G         +   53l -lo     +       S3(, G                  =/W% 3 =55/.G'F.

P' ~ 514

  .g                                                                                                                                   l' F3Z-3
     -       Line 7d       Tg Leop B      509    5'3 Z . '$    + T32 3         +                               #3%'+ 3 =55Z.5F.
m. 407 .

Line 7e Unit Tave (Sum of Lines 7a, 7b, 7c, and 7d + 4) ZIRI + 4 =552NF . Line B Przr Level 1720 ~2Zf . 3 + E Dl / + E E l 2- :434+ 3 =221.'Lin. 1721 . 1722


Line 9 MU Tk Level 498 78.G + 2 8,lo + 78.6 =2358, 3 48.(, in. i. Line 10 RCDT Level 835 7 89 + 7.98 ' 7688 45M + 3 =7.66 ft.

   ,                                              . .                                                                 x 12 in/ft Line 10a-                                                                                                 4V.% in .

Line 10b RCDT Temp. A 459 83.7 + 83,7 + 8A7 =zsu+ 3 =85 7'F. Line 10c RCS Press 505 Z.(80 + E.(80 + Z.l8l 4WI+ 3 m 3?SIG

NOTE: Leakage cut of the RCS will nave a positive (+) sign. :
" Leakage" into the RCS (chemical addittens, etc.) .:
will have a negative (-) sign.  :

A ' TMI UNIT 1 . O I f @. t~r TF 600/5 Enclosure 6, 10/37 1)-f *Q Yl${h [Qpj

                                                                                          .Du.plicate p glrnr *" o                                         12.3  .


                            ;FOR USE1K!jNLT I Oh LY Q
                ~                                                         .

u03 1.1

             ' .i       i Revision 12
                                                                         . DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.1
                                                                                ,                                  (Cont'd) .                             Page 3 of 11
      .                                                          CAP.RY ALGEERAIC SIGNS THROUGH ALL STEPS                                                             '
1. . Mass change due to changes in Pzr. level and temperature.
NOTE: The volum of the Pzr. up to the 200" level is '
                                       -:                          752.03 ft                                                                                      .
a. Initial mass in Pressurizer. Determine the initial absolute pressure inside the Pzr. (Line 5c plus 14.7 psi = absolute pressure).

Line 5c I

                                                                                                  -Zt80.-)                       psig                                     '

la.7 psi Line lia = lit lC fi. tk psia v

b. Use Line 11a and Table 2 to determine the. initial specific volume of water (vi) in the Pzr. Assume sataratien conditions.

e- Line 115, vi = , 0 7.G 6,4s 4 ? f t.~/lbm.

                          .                   c.    :nvert Line lib, to determir.e the initisl density of the water in the PIr.

Line 11: = 1 = 1 = ?>l . 6I lbm/ft.3 Line l'b . r,ozG6647, f t.3/lba l

c. :eterr.i e ini-f ai v:1une of wa ar 'n the :zr. .'i.' ine 3 miaus 200"' t' es 3. 3 # t.3 / 'n. pl us 752.03 ft.-: .
                                                           .                                .        2 Z. 6. 9 3              19
                                                                                                                   . ~. e.     . 7 e *..:
                                                                                    =                    2ca.9 3              ia.                    TMI UNIT 1 l
                                                                                                                                    ,                TP 600/5 c                          2 , .* 3      e t . *, ' ' , .       Enclosure 6, 11/37
                                                                                                            .                                        Effective Page 0
                                                          .         e   *..e        =                   (,G, . 5s (,                                 Page 125
                                                                                                                              ': DFF0iAi. Fia.0 00P1
                                                                                    .                   z3igs. sci            ,.

_ _o

                                                                              --          :1. :.                                                                        __
                                                     . v., , , :s s -            - .. .


                                                                                                 -   N,.


                                                                                                                           ,- ,N. ._.,. , ,v. p ,4 J' I
         ~          '


           .J           * '-                                                                 1         Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1      (Cont' d)                   Page 4 of 12
          ,,                     e.

s. Detemine initial mass in the Pzr (Line lif times Line 11c). ~- Line 11f 818. @ ft.3 Line,11c x '3'] . I lbm/ft.3

        .                                    Line lig        =    3 0 @ 7.t2 f lba                                          -

Detennine the' final mass in the Pzr. f. Determine the final absolute pressure inside the Pzr. (Line 10c plus 14.7 psi. equaIs absolute pressure.) Line 10c ~2.1 8 0 . ~5 psig  !


14.7 psi Line 12a E l 9 5 psia

g. Use Line 12a and Table 2 to detennine the final specific f t

volume (vf) of the water in the Pzr. Interpolate as neces sary. Assume saturation conditions. Line 12b, vf = . O t f,Ff2.T ft.3/lbm

h. Invert Line 12b to deternine the density.

s Line 12c = 1 - 1 _

                                                                                                   = 37. 6      lbm/ft.3 Line 12b          ( ,o2fM 257f t."/lbm 1.

Determine the final volume in the Pzr. [(Line S minus 200") times 3.18 ft.3/in. plus 752.03 ft.3] Line B ~2. 7 l s L in. 200 in. , Line 12d = 21

  • b in.

ft.3/i n. x 3.16 TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 ' Lir.e 12e = le7[ l (o ft.3 Enclosure'6, 12/37 Effective Page 0


752.03 ft.3 Page 126 tSne 12f = 8t9 . 4 5~ f:.9FF!0!A;. p.4 7~.m n CD;3y cuwwem, o



                .FOR USE !Nj)NLT I OiN LY
          .                                                                              (


              ,.,-                                                                         A
       ..,                                                                                                Revision 12-DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1~ (C ont' d )'                      Page 5 of 12 j.

Determine the final mass in the Pzr (Line 12f times Line 12c) - Line 12f 6(i.4 E ft.3 Line 12e x ~57.7 lbm/ft.3 Line 12g = ~5 0 7 2.9 .~5 W lbm -

k. Determine the mass change in the Pzr (Initial Mass minus Final Mass, or Line 11'g minus Line 12g).
                         .                     Line 11g           ~5oc.9-f.I2.f1bm Line 129     -     Bo779        ~^.575~ 1bm            .

Line 13 = - 3Z. Z$ lbm

2. . Mass change in RCS due to 'the change in RCS pressure and temperature.
a. Use Table 3 to determine the initial and final specific volume of the ccmpressed water in the RCS. Cetemine the pressure frcm Lines lla and 12a. Determine temperatures frca lines 2e and 7e.-
1. Initial conditions Line 11a Initial pressure = ?_t 9 5. 4 psia Line 2e Initial temperature = _5'5Z. Sb *F ,

Line lih Initial specific volume 0208 ?h ft 3/lbn

                 ,                            Line lli     Initial density =        1      =            1          =  4'7.91 lbm/ft3
2. Final conditions Line h (or,e@$ft3 /lbm l

Line 12a Final pressure = 2. l 9 7 psia , Line 7e Final temperature = 5 Az.S S *F  ! Line 12h Final Specific Volume = ,02.o67 ft 3/lbm f Line 121 Final Density = *1 = 1 = #7,72_1bm/f t3 l

    .Off0h,& .Y$.D   -          .
                                         -a poPY n                          Une Uh         W V t libm                                 i

_1 r Duplicate Page_ g T#fo g,c e 6, 13/37 ic g Effective Page 0 FOR USE IB UNIT I ONLY "8127 p .


            , s.  ..

R3; ; 12 9 [ DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.1 (Cont'd) Page 6 of 12

b. Determine density change in the RCS (Line 11i minus Line 121)

Line 111 47.9( lbm/ft.3

                                .              Line 121       .-

47 37. 1bm/ft.3 Line 14 = ~~.O\ lbm/ft.3

c. Determine the mass change in the RCS (Line 14' times 10,554 ft3 )
                                              --Line 14                   .6L             lbm/ft.3 x         10,56'4            ft.3 Line 15       =
                                                                     ~lo5.LQ             lbm
3. Mass change in the Makeup Tank 1.(Line 4 minus Line 9) times 255 lbm/in]
NOTE: 255 lbm/in. assumes the tank is at 20 psig. pressure :.
            .        .        :                   and 115*F.     (This assumption is valid from 90*F. to        :

129'F. and from 15 psig. to 35 psig.). Line 4 8 S . 5 ~5 in. Line 9 .

                                                                     ~76 . (o            in.
                                                            =          b 43 3           in.

x 255 l bm/i n. ! Line 16 = Illo) lT 1bm

4. Total RCS mass enange (Line 13 plus Line 15 plus Line 16) l Line 13 ~ ~6'7_ 6 lom Line is +

t67.LN lem Line 16 +

                                                                   \ l b'7. l(             lem TMI UNIT 1 l                                              Line 17      =        l (p 'ZS Z.(p          lbm      TP 600/5 Enclosure 6, 14/37

' ~ Effective Page 0 Page 128 GFF!CIAL 7;gtg ggpy Dupiicate page g FOR USE IN'DNIT I ONLY . L

             ;:OR USElN fJN T I ON LY                                                                     Q           Oi% 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1                    (Cont'd)                     Page 7 of 12
5. .RCS inventory chinge in gal.lons
a. Mean Tave detennination [(Line 2e plus Line 7e) + 2]

Line 2e 5 57. SYo *F. Line 7e + 652.55-- *F. Line 18 = 1OGT. (l 'F .

                                                                -+                          2 Line 19              =      532,65S'                 'F. = Mean Tave
b. Use Fig.1 and Line 19 to determine the conversion factor from ibn. to gal.

Line 20 = .15(, L gal /lbn (conversion factor)

c. RCS inventory change (Line 17 times Line 20)

Line 17 ((e2.3 , Ef, 1 bn Line 20 x . t 74 7- gal /1bm Line 21 = 254.49 gal.

6. Operator caused changes in RCS inventory. (From Data Sheet

Line 22 O gal.

7. Total RCS inyentory change (Line 21 minus Line 22).

Line 21 Z S 4.49 gal. Line 22 - O gal , EIN*qq TMI UNIT 1

                   .                         Line 23             =                                       gal .          TP 600/5 Enclosure 6. 15/37 Effective Page 0 Page 129 OFFIC!.01 FIE.D COPY D ;

l 17.0 m.. .....:. O FOR USE IN UNIT I ONLY Y-f a

                      ..FOR USE IKf)N T l Ch LY t.

Q 1

  • n031.r
          ,f Revision 12
    .                                                   DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont'd)                             Page 8 of 12

_8. . Test duraticn (Line 6 minus Line-1 use Time = T7) TMI W IT 1 -

   ,,                                                                                                            TP 600/5
   '.                                         . Line 6          '6 E             h       %7             min. Enclosure 6,16/37 Effective Page 0 Line 1   -

O 'S h 47 min. Page 130 m

                                                                        '                       O                                    ~t Line 24 =                         h                      min. =    t? O    min . l
NOTE: ' Minimum of ~ 2 hrs (120 min.) per Para. 3.9.  :
9. RCS Leakage Plus Losses (Line 23 divided by Line 24)

Line 23 7.54.91 gal. Line 24 + l'E O min. Line 25 =

                                                                         'T_ . I'Z 0 7 6~      gal./ min.

Limit: Line 25 shall not exceed 30 gal / min.

    ..                                         (See Table 1303-1.1.1)
10. -RCS Losses Detemination '


 ,                                       Detemine the initial and final volume of the water in the
                        ,                 RCDT.      Use Line 5 a, Line 10 a and Table 4 to detemine this.

Interpolate as necessary, al. Line Sa =

                                                                      %. 68                    in.

Line 26 Initial volume = NZ'7.ET6 ft.3 , a2. Line 10a = 9%.T(o in. Line 27 Final volume = EEi.TE9 ft.

5. RCOT water density. Use Line 5b, Line 10b and Table 3 to detemise the specific volene 0f the water in the RCDT.

Inter;:olate as necessary. bl. Initial s:ecic vehme = .O t (o O8 ft.3/lin

nitial censity = 1 <-_..

Inittai 5ce: 1fic 46yme'!!!' M L r.~~ I y G,D, P ] v 4. ~....... ., , g~Ge a' V N Li D .' i x11, ,sna .s. .-yVi %,/lNL, A:; v . ~ .' '  % y .

                                                                                'J            1g;};;12 DATA SHEET 1303 1. : .1' (Cont' d)                         Page 9 of 12 Line 28 =                  1
                                                                         = 67. /89 lbm/ft.3

( .DIGob ) ft.3/lbm b2. Final specific volume = , C/GO6 ft. /lbm Final density = 1 Final Specific Volume Line 29 = 1 = 62.ISS lbm/ft.3 ( 01406 )ft.4/lbo

c. Initial mass in RCDT (Line 26 times Line 23)

Line 25 S 2.'? . ET8 ft.3 Line 28 x VZ .189 lbm/ft.3 Line 30 = 3Z 799 M'? lbm

d. Final mass in RCDT (Line 27 times Line 29)

Line 27 729.TE9 ft.3 Line 29 x fo*L.189 lbm/ft.3


Line 31 -

                                                  '6 1 9 3 0.619            lem
e. Operator caused :hanges in RCDT (Calculate Ibm. of water added or removed from Data Sheet 1303 1.1.4).

Line 32 O lbm

                                                              . . . . . . . _ _ .'4AT E R R EM OV E D I S P
f. Mass rate of change of RCDT (Final Mass minus Initial Mass, or

[Line 31 minus Line 30 plus Line 32) divided by Line M). Line 31 3 ZT 30.679 lba TMI tmIT 1 TP 600/5 Line 30 'A t 7 8 9 . le7 ') lba Enclosure 6. 17/37 Effective Page O Line 32 + D Page 131 lbm . , . , . 7 . ,. Uc..;u Ap.1..D CDP

                                        .         s t .2              lbm D'?up.icua Page        0              .
           .              FOR USE IN UNIT I ON;_Y

1303-1.1 1.';

         ;s    .*
                  .FOR USE IN?JN T I ON LV                                         (J           Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1        (Cont'd)                    Page 10 of 12
      '~                                                                                            TMI UNIT 1 Line 24 +        t z.O                min.                   Te 600/s Enclosure 6, 18/37
 ;/                                    Line 33 =         {     Illo 7        1tm/ min.              Effective Page 0
g. Convert mass to gallons (Line 33 times Line 20)

_ Line 33 I

  • 1% 7 1tm/ min.

Line 20 x , l flo 2. gal ./l bn. Line 34 =

                                                            . I O 38             gal .'/ min
11. Identifed Leak Rate (Generated from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.3).

Line 35 ,_ O itm/ min.

12. Leakage through OTSG tubes (Primary-to-secondary leak)
a. Line 36 62.48 ltm/ min. (Frca most recent calculations recuired'by 1301-1 calculated on 0.S. 1303-1.5)
b. OTSG 1eakage in gallons Line 36 .07%8 ltm/ min.(from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.5, Line 4B)

Line 20 x i \ T(o 7 gal./lbm Line 37 = 063 6~) gal./ min Limit: Line 37 shall not exceed limits specified in Table 1303-1.1.1.

13. Correct. ion Factor
a. Evaporative losses  : + 2.24 ltm/ min.
b. RCP No. 3 Seal Purge : - 0.87 ltm, min.
                              .        Line 38 = Sum    : + 1.37.l tm/ min.
14. Total identified leakage (Line 35 plus Line 36 plus Line 38 X
                          .Line 20)      .                                                                     _
  .                                    Line 35                     O            ltm/ min.

3e w OC.*P.'a

                                                                                           "            N. D COPY
                                                                                ,_#                    N.~.


                                                                 .                  %,g           .


FOR USE IKf)N T I ON LY Q =;tg 1z DATA SHEET 1303_1.1.1 (Cont' d) Page 11 of 12 TMI UNIT 1 Line 36 +

0Z46 lbm/ min. TP 600/5


Enclosure 6, 19/37 Line 38 + 1.37 lbm/ min. Effective Page 0 '

           .             Line 39           =              l. M %              lbm/ min. (sum) Page 133 Line 20           x               . ( SG Z           gal./lbm                                -

Line 40 = , Z l~l6') gal./ min. -

15. Unidentified' Leakage Itine 25 minus Line 34 minus Line 40)
      .                  Line'25                  Z .t 7_ O '7 T              gal ./ min.

Line 34 .

                                                    .lSEO                     gal./ min. .

Line 40 - , Z ( ~? 87 gal./ min. Line 41 = 1 71908 gal./ min.

         . Limit: Line 41 shall not exceed 1 gal./ min.

If change in Line 41 from last calculation is >.33 gpm, j i cbtain an kM.A.5 grab sample. -

16. Total Leakage (Line 40 plus Line 41) l, Line 40 . El 18 'l gal./ min.

Line 41 + l . 7 L908 gal./ min. Line 42 = l .9 $ (o37 gal./ min. . Limit: Line 42 shall not exceed 10 GPM. . Remarks (Scecify reascns for any results determined to' be invalid):

N_0TE : Attach all calculation sheets.  :

OFF!C!AL FELD COPY D-+ cumv.., . 0 -

       .              FOR USE ?T4 UN!T I ON;_.Y

~ ~ - c c (t '

             . (. FOR USE IN ONiT I ON _Y                                                                13 ,3_1,1 Revision 12 4             '

DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 4 of 13 9 ./. Line 14 = 200 in - (Line 8a) Line 14 = 200 in -( )in = in,

b. Deter.nine initial and final P:r. Pressure '

Ea< las uge o couvresicN

1. Initial Pressure [(Line 5c or 5d times 2~0.p-:g/v) plus pse roR 14.7 psi)

Line Sc/5d y x ~-25 c . psi;ly Cu e I. I c oNv6 R *"

                                                        +                    14.7       psi gsc losa RE I coNVERSHa[Ach
2. Final Pressure [(Line 10c or 10d Times-050 ;:f;/'t> plus 14.7 psi)

Line 10c/10d y x 250 ;t' lu Eucl. t con t ER S t CN

                                                           +                    14.7      psi Line 16           =                              psia
c. Detersine initial and final density
                               - 1.

Initial density (Use Line 15 and Tacle 1 water column to determine initial specific volume at Line 17) Line 17 = ft.3/lbm Initial density = 1 = 1bm/ ft.3 Line 17 Line 18 = lbm/ft.3 (!nitial Censity) f}CC;N l l w : . An

                                                                           '7Iu 5a,u
                                                                           ,      I '. 9 w9.. u9Va C :ph'~n P*:;,":         0
                     ,                                                                                TMI UNIT 1 25.0                                   TP 600/5 Enclosure 4, 8/44 FOR U S E [N U N                        T ON LY g:c;;" "*"
               ..   :OR.USE IN: C NTIONLY-  '

[' 1303 1.1 Revision 12

       ,'                                                                                            09/26/83 IMPORTANT TO SAFETY NON-ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT RELATED Cor.- Retg3 mp,. pg THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR ' STATION UNIT NO.-1 SURVEILLANCE PROCEDURE 1303-1.1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM, LEAK RATE                 .C0i,TR'. noct,f Table of Effective Pages                                       CO.W Page    Revision    Page     Revision       Page          Revision      Page       Revision
                   ~1.0       12      31.0          12       61.0              12 2.0       12     32.0           12       62.0                                     TMI UNIT 1 12 3.0       12      33.0        -12        63.0              12                     TP 600/5 4.0       12     34.0           12                                                Enclosure 4, 9/44 64.0              12                     Effective Page 0 5.0       12     35.0           12       65.0              1, 6.0       12     36.0           12                                                Page 78 66.0              12 7.0       12     37.0           12       67.0              12-8.0       12     38.0           12                           ^

9.0 12 39.0 12 . 10.0 12 40.0 12 11.0 12 41.0 12

                  !$:8        }!     l2;8            j      VERIFIED CURRENT REVISION 14.0-     '12      44.0         ~12      3720                  to-P63            $  '
                     .                 5.            2                                         INITIAL
                 !6.g         j2        ,


                 $8.'O        }$

8.8 }j RE-VERIFIED PROCEDURE CURRENT 19.0 12 49.0 12 l APPLIES ONLY IF USE IS NOT 2$'.$  !! 5$',$ [2 TERMINATED WITHIN SAME DATE 1 22.0 .12 52.0 12 23.0 12 53.0 TIME DATE INITIAL 12 24.0 12 54.0 12 -- - 25.0 12 55.0 12 26.0 12 56.0 12 27.0 12 57.0 12


j 28.0 12 58.0 12 29.0 12 59.0 12 30.0 12 60.0- 12 cAJ A . Signature

                                                                                             ,M, Date-b           .,             ,k $ $E!;


                                              , n , ':- # %.

g f -2[ -h Date Document ID: .01255 FOR USE IN UNIT I ON Y .

OR USE IN([N'T l 0 N LY [ '

M ;d 12  ; i-  ; DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 Page 1 of 12 b'~ . For Use When Computer is Available

   .J -                                                                                                                   -
N OTE: - For unavailable computer inputs, patch panel inputs may be substituted

provided that they are converted to units listed above for both initial and final readings (refer to Enclosure 1 for conversion factors). Note that not all computer points have corresponding patch panel inputs. Initial Conditions - To be taken at one minute intervals. Computer Point Ti T2 T3 (Circle Selected Point) Line 1 Time 03c r oso (o oso 1 l l Line 2a TcLoop A 510 532,5- + 537_.T + 5 32.. V =rs%T 3 =ss2.5 F 511 l l Line 2b Ty Loop A 508 6 3tf.(0 + 5M -(a + 554.b =ke3h 3 =75%'F. ! 405 Line 2c Tc Loop B 513 532- + S3 L + 6'3 L = l% + 3 = 532.*F. 514 Line 2d TH Loop B 509 53E 7 + 53ZQ + 5 3 2.') = i96.l+ 3 =552.')*F. 407 (Sum of Lines 2a, 2b, 2c, and 2d + 4) l Line 2e Unit Tave 761.6+ 4 =552.6F Line 3 Przr Level 1720 z l 7 5' + z t 7. 8 + Et7 5' e8+ 3 =to.61n. 1721 1722 Line 4 MU Tk Level .498 86,, O + 86,,0 + 85.9 z57.1 + 3 =65.Uin. I Line 5 RCDT Level 835 7. 8 + 7,8 + '/.Ol =Z3.d + 3 =7.23f t. x 12 in/ft ! Line Sa =13Liin. l Line 5b RCDT Temp. A 459 R3,3 + 83 '2.- + 83. Z =2W.7+ 3 =832TF i Line 5c RCS Press 505 7.l80 + Et79 + Et79 =6538+ 3 =Zrn5fPSIG l 507 TMI UNIT 1

  • hfbk Va
                                                                                    " ' ' ' Ef5
                                                                                             " ~ " ']'

t' TP 600/5  % $ l Enclosure 4, 10/44 11.0 - - l Effective Page 0

                                                                                     #A -         O FOR USE IN UNIT I O 4 Y                              -

j *- -DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont'd) Page 2 of 12 Final Conditions - To be taken at one minute intervals.

       ':l,                                             Computer f/c                                                      Point              T1               T2                     T3

i, (Circle Selected P.oint) Line 6 Time 05DT ~OE06 0507 - 6 52.4


Line 7a Te Loop A 510 + 532.4 + 632.T =l5T0+ 3 =53243*F. 511-

 ~.'              '                                                                  '

l L_,1,ne 7b TH Loop A 508 5 34 , (, + 53% (, + 5 34, y =148+ 3 =SJh*F.

                                             .            405 l

Line 7c Tc loop B 513 532 + F3L + 6 37- = l% + 3 = Sn*F . 514 l

             ~ Line 7d                  TH Loop B         509      55'l.7         +      532.7          +      S32.7           =l5W + 3 = 5321*F.

407 . . Line 7e Unit Tave (Sum of Lines 7a, 7b, 7c, and 7d + 4) 2tsf.1k 4 =532.9F. 2Line'8 Przr Level 1720 Z l ~? . $~ + 21 ~h'i + ~2 t 7 8 =C.i7S+ 3 =Ti%in. 1721

                       ..                                1722                           --

Lina 9 MU Tk Level 498 79,9 + 79.R + 79.9 =Eftt,+ 3 ='/I$lin. Line 10 RCDT Level 835 7 84 + ~7 84 + /.84' =23.57.+ 3 =~7 84 f t . x 12 in/ft Line 10a =W.0Ein. l'.ine 10b RCDT Temp. A 459 83,2 + 63.3 + 85. $ =z4% 3 =g2FF Line 10c RCS Press 505 EI80 + zt79 + 2i6O =653i + 3 =200 PSIG 507

NOTE: Leakage out of the R'CS will have a positive (+) sign. :
" Leakage" into the RCS (chemical additions, etc.)  :-
will have a negative (-) sign.  :

h*55bi.b c-~-- $l~".?2') n;.;gl? ',

                                                                                                        .. . : ,;         ay                               i CUi L' CMS ?c.2'                             rut unir 1
                                                                                                          -.-.' O TP 600/5 Enclosure 4, 11/44 Effective Page O 12.0                                        Page 80 FOR USE IN UNJT I ON Y

[ .

OR USE IN JN T l ORY [' 1303 1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303_1.1.1 (Cont'd) Page 3 of 11 CARRY ALGEBRAIC SIGHS THROUGH ALL STEPS
1. Mass cha,nge due to changes in Pzr. level and temperature.

NOTE: The volum of the Pzr. up to the 200" level is  :

752.03 ft -


              ,                Initial mass in Pressurizer. Determine th'e initial absolute pressure inside the Pzr. (Line- Sc plus 14.7 psi               absolute i

pressure). Line Sc ~21 ~79 e D psig

                                                +                      14.7       psi Line 11a      =          ~219 4.03          psia
b. Use Line lla and Table 2 to determine the initial specific volume of water (vi) in the Pzr. Assume saturation conditions.

Line lib, vi . s 0 2 (o G T 7 ft.3/lbm.

c. Invert Line 11b, to determine the initial density of the water in the Pzr.

Line 11c = 1 = 1 = 3 7 51 % 1bm/ft.3 Line 11b (,07(dot 7)ft.3/lbm

d. Determine initial volume of water in the Pzr. [(Line 3 minus 200") times 3.18.ft.3/in. plus 752.03 ft.3),

Line 3 Z.17. 6 in. TMI UNIT 1 200 in. TP 600/5


Enclosure 4, 12/44 Line 11d - i)L in. Effective Page 0

                                                                                     .,        Page 81 x                    3.18     ft.*/in.

Line 11e T *r . 9 L,8 p. .- - m , t-- e e-

                                                   .                               glg, ,;         f M: Lg, .ng"I:;d, w.

752.03 fhpSate Pcg3 O Line lif . 86'7.996 ft.3 "C FOR USE IN ONlT I ON Y -


8 - u03-1.1 Revision 12 4 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont' d) Page 4 of 12

e. Determine initial' mass in the Pzr (Line lif times Line lic). I Line lif 80'?N18 ft.3 Line 11c x 37.Tl % lbm/ft.3 Line lig = 30 31 O .Cl13 lbm
f. Detemine the final mass in the Pzr. Determine the final

absolute pressure inside the Pzr. (Line 10c plus 14.7 psi.


equals absolute pressure.) - Line 10c '2('79.7 psig

                                                +                 14.7      psi Line 12a                7!M*N                  psia
g. Use Line 12a and Table 2 to detemir.e the final specific volume (vf) of the water in the Pzr. Interpolate as necessary. Assume saturation conditions.

Line 12b, vf = , O 2&o 5 7 ft.3/lbm

h. Invert Line 12b to determine the density.

Line 12c = 1 = 1 .

                                                                                        =    37.Flh1bm/ft.3 Line 12b         ( .O ZM57)f t."/lbm
i. Determine the final volume in the Pzr. [(Line 8 minus 200")

times 3.18 ft.3/in. plus 752.03 ft.33 Line 8

                                                      2.I '7 . b         in.
                                               .                200        i n.                   TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Line 12d           =          l7 b             in.                    Enclosure 4, 13/44 Effective Page 0 Page 82 x                  3.18     ft.3/in.

Line 12e = T T4 9 (o p2; ft.3

                                               +                752.03     ft.3 ,7 ~~'m t a g          ,.

g h { } { Va

                                                                                   '- ' ' ' v b . z., ]',f3.

Line 12f = @)O7 .9% ft.4 Dupni;Dtc Paga g FOR USE M UNIT I ON Y

OR USE IN[>N T I 05 LY [ '

n o3 1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont'd) Page 5 of 12

      ;.                        j.

Determine the final mass in the Pzr (Line 12f times Line 12c) Line 12f 807.N8 ft.3 Line,12c x M T ) Ll 1bm/ft.3 Line 12g . ~2 30 3 I(, D7 lbm -

k. Determine the mass change in the Pzr (Initial Mass minus Final Mass, or Line lig minus Line 12g).
                                            ~                                '

Line 11g 3 o~5 I O .9I 3 lbm Line 14g - 3 6 511 2.37 lbm Line 13 . .32.4 lbm

2. Mass change in RCS due to the change in RCS pressure and temperature.
a. Use Table 3 to determine the initial and final specific volume of the compressed water in the RCS. Determine the pressure from Lines 11a and 12a. Determine temperatures from lines 2e and 7e.
1. Initial conditions Line 11a . Initial pressure . Z t9 4.0 3 psia Line 2e Initial temperature . 63 2.9T*F Line 11h Initial spectfic volume . .ozo68 l ft /lbm 3 Line lli Initial density . 1 = 1 .c/7.bl1bm/ft3
2. Final conditions Line 11h (.owel' ft3/lbm Line 12a Final pressure . Z(% .d psia Line 7e Final temperature 5 3 2.9 3 *F Line 12h Final Specific Volume . .C'208B l 3 ft /1bm Final Density .

Line 121 1 - 1 . 'l7.811bm/ft3 {M*T".,e.i Line 12h <<<<e.,3 ft3 /13m sa.w F.A.--*D COPY TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Dupt.c m ?O M ' h Enclosure 4, 14/44 Effective Page 0 FOR USE 's OVT I O V Y ""

COR USE IN[;N T I ON LY <f g3;2; 12 a DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont' d) Page 6 of 12

b. Determine dens'ity change in the RCS (Line lli minus Line 121) ,

[ Line lli M~78 h lbm/ft. 47.89 Line 121 - lbm/ft.3 Line 14 = - O lbm/ft.3

c. Determine the mass change in the RCS (Line 14 times 10,564 ft3 )

Line 14 O lbm/ft.3 x ~ 10,564 ft.3 Line 15 = 0 lbm

3. Mass change in the Makeup Tank L(Line 4 minus Line 9) times 255 lbm/in]
NOTE: 255 lbm/in. assumes the tank is at 20 psig. pressure :
and 115'F. (This assumption is valid from 90*F. to  :
129'F. and from 15 psig. to 35 psig.).  :

Line 4 hT N) in. Line 9 -

                                                             ~~7 9 . 8 )        in.
                                                  =               la . l        in.

x 255 lbm/i n. Line 16 = (556.7 lbm

4. Total RCS mass change (Line 13 plus Line 15 plus Line 16)

Line 13 ~,32N lbm Line 15 + - D lbm Line 16 + ( 5 S-5. 5' lbm , Line 17 -,, I6SEI) lbm

                                                     ,#. ~: _.,:.
                                                              , ,m M M

a h  : u. 0 TMI tmIT 1

                                    -                 Dupg eate Pene-        -

TP 600/5 Enclosure 4, 15/44 Effective Page 0 9 FOR USE IN'DNIT I ON Y 4


                    . FOR USE IN CN T I ON LY                s                                                                  c{

s Revision 12

                                                          . DATA SHEET.1303-1.1.1                           (Cont'd)                                      Page 7 of 12

S. RCS inventory change in gallons

    . [h[                            a.       Mean Tave determination [(Line 2e plus Line 7e) + 2]

m , I'

s -

Line 2e 5 3 7 M 'I *F. 7, Line 7e '+ 532 O 3 *F. Line 18 =

                                                                                 ' /O lo '3 . 8 8                 'F .

S + 2 Line 19 = 6'5 L d N *F. = Mean Tave a

b. .Use Fig.1 and Line 19 to determine the conversion factor from lhn. to gal. .

Line 20 = d El,d gal /lbn (conversion factor)

c. RCS inventory change (Line 17 times Line 20) i TES . t 7 Line 17 ltm Line 20 x , i T(,, t4 gal /lbm

Line 21 = 2.9 5.2 h gal.

6. Operator caused changes in RCS inventory. (From Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4).

Line 22 ' O __ gal.

7. Total RCS . inventory change (Line 21 minus Line 22).

Line 21 Z U$ ? 3 gal. Line 22 - O gal . Line 23 = 143.23 gal. Tll }

                                                          .                        ,.3.*.           ,
                                                                                   .y ; . . , .. . .

_ _ - - - TMI UNIT 1 D u p;ic st e P 0 8 0 .- TP 600/5 Enclosure 4, 16/44 17.0 Effective Page 0 FOR USE IN UNIT I ON Y

                                                                                                                                                                       . . - -. -,--~ --
                                                                     -                    .-       _._    , , ,      - , _ _ _ _        , - . _ , . . . .-,     ,m


              . :OR USE IN9N T I ON LY       '

(s 1303_1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont'd) Page 8 of 12 8.


Test duration (Line 6 minus Line 1 use Time = T2 ) TMI tmIT 1 ~ TP 600/5


Line 6 O h Ob niin. Enclosure 4,17/44 Effective Page 0

                         .            Line 1    -
                                                        .O3            h       6 ,o          min. Page 86 Line 24 =              2._       h         O           min. =        /20 min.
NOTE: Minimum of 2 hrs (120 min.) per Para. 3.9.  :
9. . RCS Leakage Plus Losses'{Line 23 '^~ividedd by Line 24) l ~ -

Line 23 E4 ~5 . Z 3 gal . , Line 24 i (20 min. Line 25 = 2, O ZM gal ./ min. Limit: Line25shallnoteEceed30 gal / min. (See Table 1303-1.1.1)

10. RCS Losses Detemination "'~
a. Detemine the initial and final volume of the water in the RCDT. Use Line 5 a, Line 10 a and Table 4 to detemine this.

Interpolate as necessary, l

                              'a 1. Line Sa      =

O( ~5. lo N in. l Line 26 Initial volume = 6 Z T. 0 7 ~L- ft.3 a2. Line 10a = 9 4 0 8> in. Line 27 Final volume = SE 7.ZE8 $ ft.3 l b. RCDT water density. Usi Line 5b, Line 10b and Table 3 to detemine the specific volume of the water in the RCDT.


Interpolate as necessary. bl. Initial specific volume = .Ol le 0 8 ft.3/1tm Initial density = 1 Initial Specific Volume ' in i 70; D A

                                                                                     .n        ,:it,,,;.;.) b Dup"CD:e Page             h         ~


OR;USE INd4T I 0"N LY t[ g 3;};1 12
         .   ,    d.

DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 - (Cont' d) Page 9 of 12 l Line 28 = 1 = (o2./09 lbm/ft.3 l

      ,                                                 ( ,68006 ) ft.3/lbm                                                                      I f                                             -                                                                                                  '

b2. Final . specific volume . .o/606 ft.3/lbm . Final density = 1 Final Specific Volume Line'29 = 1 _ = lo Z . @ lbm/ft.3 ( , O/608_ )ft.#/lbm

c. Initial mass in RCDT (Line 26 times Line 28)

Line 26 TZs. I'l / Z. ft.3 Line 28 x (o2 189 lbm/ft.3 Line 30 = $ 7_6.G O.2tt$~ lbm

d. Final mass in RCDT (Line 27 times Line 29)

Line 27 SE'7. Z 584 ft.3 Line 29 x (o 2. . L P.39 lbm/ft.3


Line 31 = 3Z'7 89.6~/ 6 lbm

e. Operator caused changes in RCDT (Calculate ibm. of water added or removed from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4).

Line 32 D lbm

f.  ?! ass rate of change of RCDT (Final Mass minus Initial Mass, or

[Line 31 minus Line 30 plus Line 32) divided by Line 24). TMI UNIT 1 Line 31 3Z'789.1o13 lbm TP 600/5 Enclosure 4, 18/44 Line 30 5 2%O.74 6~ lbm Effective Page O Page 87 Line 32 + O l bm .._ .,,, ,

                                                                                         .c          ..            i."; - '"} e_q^psV
                                                                                                                  ',,pi i bm' *"Na,.y " "7 ,, ,9 gr9.Liz~l(o
                                                                                                              "                   U  '
                                                                                                          . , -               0
                                                                'C         -


[+ 1303-1.1


Revision 12

/ .' '*                            DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont'd)                          Page 10 of 12 Line 24 +        17_.O               min.

f Line 33 = l.O'78(o itn/ min.

g. Convert mass to gallons (Line 33 times Line 20)

Line 33 1 O ?8(o 1tn/ min. Line 20 x , I T(o N gal ./l bm Line 34 = slG8~7 gal./ min'

11. Identifed Leak Rate (Generated from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.3).

Line 35 O itn/ min.

12. Leakage through OTSG tubes (Primary-to-secondary leak) '
a. Line 36 O 1tn/ min. (From most recent calculations required by 1301-1 calculated on D.S. 1303-1.5)
b. OTSG 1eakage in gallons Line 36. O lin/ min.(from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.5, Line 4B)

Line 20 x i I5bN gal ./l bm Line 37 = O gal./ min Limit: Line 37 shall not exceed limits specified in Table 1303-1.1.1. .

13. Correction Factor
a. Evaporative losses  : + 2.24 l trn/ min.
b. RCP No. 3 Seal Purge : -

0.87 lin/ min. Line 38 = Sum  : + 1.37 ltn/ min.

14. ~ Total identified leakage (Line 35 plus Line 36 plus Line 38 X TMI UNIT 1 Line 20) TP 600/5 znclosure 4, 19/44 Line 35 O itnfmin. treeceive Pose o UMC!n FiE0 00PY""8* **

20.0 Dupi!ccte ?cge [ _ FOR USE IN UN,T I ON_Y

  .        , :OR USE lh.'f)N T I ON LY   '

c5s 1303-1.1 Revision 12 . g~ a DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont' d) Page 11 of 12 Line'36 + O lbm/ min. - Line 38 + 1.37 lbm/ min.


Line 39 = 1s37 lbm/ min. (sum) Line 20 x . LTlo 4 gal./lbm . Line 40 = .Z141 gal ./ min.-

15. Unidentified Leakage (Line 25 minus Line 34 minus Line 40)
                                /Line25               2 . OZ.(o9              gal./ min.

Line 34 - t llo87 gal./ min. Line 40 -

                                                       . Z l 4 ~h            gal./ min.

Line 41 = l . (o ll 33 gal./ min. Limit: Line 41 shall not exceed 1 gal./ min. If change in Line 41 from last calculation is >.33 gpm, obtain an kM.A_5 grab sample.

16. Total Leakage (Line 40 plus Line 41)

Line 40 . 2 N3 gal./ min. Line 41 +

1. (ow 39 sa1./ min.

Line 42 = \ M ED gal./ min. Limit: Line 42 shall not exceed 10 GPM. Remarks (Specify reasons for any results determined to be invalid):

. NOTE: Attach all calculation sheets.  :


                                             . t. . J .      2 ;        hhh                   TP 600/5 Enclosure 4, 20/44 O@iGte PCAO__           h                         Effeetive Page 0 FOR USE N UNIT I ON_Y


   ,,,  4Ao   %                          -

1303-1.1 Revision 12 s, DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont' d) Page 12 of 12 D7M Serial No.:

             .            Model No.:

Performed by: Time /Date: - Pi - 054 E tofi B 5 Reviewed by: Time /Date: dota 4 , LEAK _ EAT E TE S T', i l OCf".'f4 m ; . a ,. 3 ~.0: CETI aa?: POCV >h a OtU *a J- _ _ ,,,_ T!!I UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure 4, 21/44 Effective Page O Page 90 FOR USE A UVT I O4 Y , 4

                                                        . - . . _ . - . _ , . _                  ,_... .,,y,             , , , . . . , . , , _ , , ,             - . _ . _ _

T (y .. .



. s. . .  %

1,, ,. . .

           .I O H, l .                         em c. u,                                 c' s zz. t 5(q 3.cq'- n)* (3_.t.73. : 6 2 5. n 1 2_.

y c ms-g u st.z ,

                                                                                      =                                                                                         u.73 s sz7.zsa_s an                                                            9 4

I l.- M WN h e . m 6.e.+m h

                             .e-                        m.e.-,e.y-..-                     ..        e.         e                                                   .....e.                  . - . . . .            -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .      w     w                        m,
     -.c._...---.                                                        .....                             ... . - __                                  .-                       -_-

e OFFf0iAL. .. F.m .n. .m,.),o.v .g -. . . .... . - . .

          . _ _ . . _ . . . . .                . ... ..                _ _-- - . . . _Duplicat e . .D.e..e.,..                                   .

4 _. _..._ .. _.TP 600/5 Enclosure 47 22/44 ~' -- Effective Page 0

                                                                                                                                                                                                . _ ._ . . _ _ _ p, g , 9 7

7o. . er " TEMPORARY CH ANGE** g , l' Thrco Milk. tand Nuclatr Stttien Tamperary C. ga Notica (TCN) l D.> C

12. TCN No. / "" W @M (From TCN Log indeal
                ,..'          NOTE.'tnstructions and guidelines in AP1001 A must be followed when completing this form.

7.^ 13. implementation Date /M -/-f 3 7 SS/SF Signature ef >O -

      '             ~
                            ' 1. Procedure            I 3 0 3 'l* /                                           M CI           BIO                 A Y'3                      ~
 ,'                                                             No.           Presens Rev No.                                         Tette
2. Change (include page numbers. paragraph numbers, and exact wording of change. (Attach additional sheets

if necessary and provide the generic nature of the change on this sheet.) -

                                                   ~ $ .e e c h .. l< .e b je s ,$ c. S-
3. Reason for Change: 7t, .a. f4 p ,e s l s m ts e s s o s. e u Ny P* $ l'% ' N
         ?{ -              g . M I ( w s!- H                         Fe aw f ,,(<,u. el 9 <             t-tr e. f ra.      ,/ .m To.r k.          Tk h c u s ' 1%
  • 4.- m .. t. m. u <.a.A u a ., s e. t a a 4 es.. % <_.
4. Duration of TCN - No longer than nrnety days from implementation date of TCN or as in (a) or (b) below whichever occurs first.

Iq - (a)TCN will be cancelled by a procedure rgvisio,n issued as a result ,of a Procedure Change 5 Request to be submitted by U.A t- U v - f c -* . (Submit PCR as soon as possible) 'aon"oual Suba"">a9 tcN (b)TCN is not valid af ter O Edlin circumstances wnica win result in TCN being cancealed)

5. Is procedure "important to Safety") _ yes E no O If "Yes" a safety evaluation is required (side 2).

yesO no 3

      .                       6.        Is procedure "Environmentallmpact Related"? -
    -                                   If "Yes" an environmentalimpact evaluation is required (side 2).
7. Does the change effect the intent of the onginal procedure? _ _ yes O no S
                                         ' NOTE:lf answers to #5,6 and 7 are "no" the change may be approved oy the Shif t Supervisor.

NOTE: If answer to #7 is "yes" the change must be reviewed and approved in accordance with Table 2 prior to implementation. NOTE: If answer to #7 is "no" and answers to #5 or 6 are "yes" change may be either (a) two member reviewed or (b) reviewed and approved in accordance with table 2.

n. 8. C a g Rec mended By: -


  • Procedure Owner Concurrence ME J ~h h Date 9/'E'3/85
  • Responsible Technical Reviewer. Aesponsense office Department Mac or nas Dessnee may concurif Prececure Owneris unovadacee
  • May ee by Te6 econ
      .>4 4e
      'U*                     10. ' Tech. Functions Rep. Notified (If reqd.)                                         d                                    Date an                                                                                              '

d ,8f 11. Approval (s)t ' * . . ormal ute r 001Ah

                    ,         la) Two Members of the GPUN Mr.g.

4 taff Route 3 [yh% e gg' Cati s.,nuo,e , one d 8NY" \ l s.gnature - Date O 2. b 1 .1 m . a. 9 -M--D l dcy . s n u ,.

                                                    ,A 0 ,e                   ,

E88 ** l fc) SS Apereval Only: (This approval only

        >.4          u           Within fourteen (14) days. (Approval
      .% $ ;$                    per AP IC01 A must occur)                                                !.            usec if anwers to cuestions #5. 6 and l      * .
. r b,, re.a4l "No" ) v-, - -

T.i.i.:, Ua.,WeY One I '4W 4. a". h.- sien u ,e l ss s.snoore eve w re Ove l C C 'iC3te P n q h 14*' TCN is Cancellec 5.o ev.see s Sai's 5ctema" . toe ,

.e;e r Qia
                           --c                                                             = " EVAL.U ATIO N"                        r'
  • Sida 2 y l 'Thrca Milo Island Nuc! car Station' .c3 so O 1 j-, q,


            *q'ii        !

Safaty/Environmsnts! Irnpact Evaluation - t-d ' Procedure O 3 ~ I" I b0b

  <.; E I'

1. No d"6 # E N # retle '

 /f              -
2. Safety Evaluation i
                        ,                      Does the attacned procedure enange:
                                               'fa) increase ne probability of occurrence or tne consequences of an accident or                                           yes C no R              !

malfunction of equipmentimportant to safety? . _

    \;                  i I
                                              ?(b) t                              create ne possioility for an ac:icent or malfunction of a different :yce tnan any -                               yesC coK               :
                     ...                               evaluatec previously in the safety analysis report U I


l i'
                                          ~ *!c) reduce the margin of safety as defined in the basis ' for any tecnnical                                                 yes C ne l specification? .                                                          -                                 .                            i j

r .- i

                  .I                    Details of Evaluation : Explain any answers :o aeove cuestiens are *no" Attaen additional pages .f requirec.)                                                                                                                                              ;
                       ,           . rz,4        . t,.. 9 ,           , e o e - ,,s .e s.              Tq t-          S-rf..
                                                                                                                                         /c . s E T.4 < . , h s / t - c/ !; .

j4 / y y g. .r w { u v - /h. L / c v * /8 - 9'I 5' * ' #I

  • II' * ** N ' i l l e s 6. v
                      .                                 'S j            9 eu v c .a Y p e:..' t v *                                      ^ I~k "             '%'  " *J * ?' " ' ' '

l rw 3 *-h 7* * (~ Y' *' r

                                                                                         ',','I z" .," ,.<_ d ,' ~ "s s% sr
  • Ff.e-
                                                                                                                                                              "> ~ ,'g'*Wt-4 -L .I
                     @ds ft5**                        C /4/ 4                    Ev
                                                                         '*~ oy. aluation
                                                                                        ., w
  • w By. '
  • Date U
p. i' r'r <. M ** A *** *, ,w / e c.. f,'u r t r /
                                *!f any of these questions are answered "YES" ine enange must ce reviewed anc soproved cy tne NRC pno implementation. p / c% [c,, Tec ,,,                                                                                                                           ,


3. Environmental impact Evaluation
  • i-6 Coes the attacned precedure enange.  !
                                                'al pcssicIV invcive a significant environmentalimoact?.                                                                 yesC noC            j
                                                       *if 3fas .s "yes. answer cuestions bs anc ci anc hil .n 'De: ails of Evaluatien'

[ below if no. state way by filing in tne "Oetails of Eva4ua::en * :eiow I l* t , I

  • b) nave a significant acuerse ef fect on :ne environment E . yes C no C '

o  ; n, c; invcive a signif: cant environmental matter Cr cuestion act previousiv rev'ewee ano eva!ua:ec Oy :ne N A.C f es C co C f j. . ne , i .e Details of Evaluation !At:acn aceitional ages.f recuirec) 8'< m , 4.4 th o O C4 *' s 85 t:P8 M gg - - f.= ta',

                                                                                                               =atO * /g* g
                                                                                                              . ~ g .:. .    , . r. .P.. .d     W
                                                                                                                                                 ].                                       .

1I. Duplicate Pcge O l

         .t N
          ~r                                                                         Eva!us: co Sv                                                      0 3:e
.-e .

g .. g *:f sev of : ese :uestens are answerec "/ES e : ange must ce nev ewec a c a revec :v : e ,*.20 : rice ::

                              .r e emen:st:en.                                                                                                         ,
4. ill Normal Accrovaila) :4. l 2; if "Two (21 memoers of the Witnin fcutteen :14: Oays
      ,,   y,                Fer AF
  • 001 A,
                                                                                    %U            agement staff re,utep                       Accroval per A? 1001 A
       " "2 -                                                                 '

M > N ( *Beves j

              ; so n.r.                                             :..       ,       14. m              ,                  :..,           ; 5 7 ,:.,.                             : ,.,

s : r. .

                                                                                        % _q f r 5 n ., /

c..r. . o i 3 .... ..

                                    .                                                                                                                                      s.t: cc:n::s
        '          ' :OR USE IN \'#NLT A             l ON LY                         rL            u03-1.1 Revision 12
 .      n.       .
       +-                                         DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2             (Cont'd)                          Page 6 of 13
e. Determine initfal and final mass in Pzr -

j 1. Initial mass (Line 18 times Lin 1)

                               .         Line 18                                              lbm/ ft.3 Line 21           x                                  ft.3 Line 23            =                                 lbm
2. Final mass ine 20 times Line 27)
                             .           Line 20                                              lbm/ft.3

Line 22 x ft,3 e 24 lbm

                                                                           .n                 A1
f. Change in Pzr. mass (Line 24'minus Line 25)
                                                .23 Line .2(               30339,(54                     lbm Line               -
                                                               ~3 0 3 Z O .'5 1 9             lbm               _. z     ,

Line 25~ = (8577 lbm

3. Mas change in RCS due to change in pressure and temperature.
a. Dete ne RCS density change l

l (Use Lin 1, Line 12, Line 15, Line 16, and Table 3 to determine ini i,al a and final specific volumes.)

1. Initial den ,

3 Line 26 Init cecific Volume . ft /lbm ! Lin'e 27 - 1 . 1 . 1bm/ft.3 Line 26 ( ft.fibm 3 i Line 27 . ~.l bm/.,. 3 w[Sdk -9ED .00PY

2. Final density 's Cup;i '

Line 29 . Final Specific Volume . cak.a""- - - h f.t 3/l bm  ; x 1 l TMI UNIT 1 ({ne 29 , 1 , 1 , \ lbm/ft3

~ TP 600/5 -

Enclosure 4, 25/44 Line 28 ( ft.3/lbm) \sN l Effcctive Page 0 Pcg2 94 \ FOR USE IMJNIT I ON Y

                                                                                                    .                 'xs            /




  • 1303 1,1 Revision 12 i

DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont' d) Page 7 of 13 3. Change in density (Line 29 minus Line 27) / - Line 29 lbm/f .3 Line 27 -

                                                                                         ,1bm/ft.3 Line 30           =
                                                                                     /lbm/ft3                                          ^
b. RCS mass change Line 30 lbm/ft.3

RCS Vol. x 10,564 ft.3 Line 31  ! lbm -

                     -4.        Mass change in Makeup Tank
a. Initial lev 1 [50 plus (Line 4 times 5 in./v)]

Line 4 v 5 in./v

                                                              .                          in.

50 in. Line 3 . in.

b. inal level [50 plus (Line 9 times 5 in/v)]

Li 9 v x 5 in./v

                                                             .                          in.

50 in. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Line 33 . in. Enclospre 4, 26/44 Effective Page O

c. Level change (Line ' minus Line ) 88* "

3.2. J Line.A'P ,

                                                                   @.                  i n . ..,  . , ., , . _, 3    ,,,,,,,

Line -

78. S l in. ~
                                                                                                                                 # 8 E'03I Line 34                                     in. Duplicate Page Q      ~


                          .               FOR USE W UNcT I ON_Y

e .


M ~e .

                                                                                                        " TIM PCRARY CH AN[-                                       -          f
  'h [         .-                                                      Throo Milo Island Nuciott Sts !cn Ter .;:crary Change Net!ce (TON)

W *. e ~ NOTE.instrue:cas anc wcennes.n A7*:011. g g% _ p rnust :e !cdowee wnen ::m::een.; :nis form. 12.T:N No. E'U-M - **:m ' N '.:s :. cost w 13.:me:eeeetat:en :::e9, p ,,g 4 p ar ss,sr signature v 2~ & r r,,ce.u,,; a os -f.s oa-

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                                                       ~if necessary and :rovice the genenc nature of the snange on : sis sneet.:

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               ':.                         (,                                                            l ."
f. y- :OR USE IN UNIT l ON_Y
  • 1303-1.1

Revision 12 y DATA SHEET 1303-1. (Cont'd) '~

- Page 4 of 13
f. ,Line 14 200 in - e 8a) --

Line 14 = in -( )in . in.

b. Detemine initial and final P:r. Pressure gy , g ,, ,,, , couygg s,,a
1. Initial Pressure [(Line 5c or 5d times 2:0 g3ig/v) plus r,4 c r0S 14.7 psi)

Line Sc/5d 5sff

f. i c. -n v x esc  ;;ig/v fu eI. I c o "# 8 " 5 ' * *
                                                                     .        2.i ze. 4
                                                                     +                         14.7          psi                                                          .

Line 15 . ~ ' 2. ( 'l-I 3 I psia


[Hclosa RE I conytttste" 7 AC r pa

                ,                    2. Final Pressure [(Line 10c or 10d Times-E0 ;;';,';' plus                                                             ,

14.7 psi) -- e r- - Line 1Cc/10d S . ~55 b y x 25: :t";lv Eucl. : con tER s tCN

                                                                       =      7118.40
  • 14.7 psi Line 16 . El 4%. Ib psia
c. etermine initial and final density
1. tial density (Use Line 15 and Table 1 water column to determ initial specific volume at Line 17)

Line 17 . ft.3/1bm Initial density . 1 = l bm/ ft.3 Line .7 . Line 18 . ~ lbm/ft.3 (Initial Density) TMI UNIT 1

                                                         , h*i$$.'([        *--+i=

DYN[N;. h5

                                                                                            h-a ,             :'e M
                                                                                                                                                'f TP 600/5 Enclosure 4, 29/44 Effective Page O Cupl!CEte Pa33                         h                                             Page 98 25.b FOR USE (N UN;T ON_Y
       ..f '.:OR USE IN *)NLT I ONLY
       ;~ .

d 1303 1.1

                **                                                                                                     Revision 12 09/26/83 IMPORTANT TO SAFETY -



THREE MILE ISLAND NUCLEAR STATION UNIT NO.1 SURVEILLANCE PROCEDURE 1303-1.1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LEAK RATE .CONTRO' R00,3,{ Table of Effective Pages Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision 1.0 12 31.0 12 61.0 12 2.0 2 32.0 62'0 12 3.0 12 33.0 (( 53.0 12

4. 0 . 2 34.0 12 64.0 12
5. 0 35.0 12 65.0 12 6.0 1h 36.0 66.0 12
7. 0 12 37.0 {22 67.0 12 B. 0 12 38.0 12 9.0 12 39.0 12 40.0 12 IS*.S $$ 4
  • 12.0 4LO 12 1h 43.0 lVERIFIED O0 Q J O-t-9 5 CURRENT3 RE I$.'0 12 44' (( I 45 O 12 I'.'$

17 0 k 46' 47 O k$ TIME DATE _K_ 18.0 $$ 48 0 INITIAL

                                                          }2 19.0 20.0 21.0 12 12 12 49.0 50.0 51.0 12 12 12 hE-VERIFIED

( APPLIES ONLY IF USE P 22.0 23.0 24.0 12 12 12 52.0 53.0 54.0 12 12 - TERMINATED TIME

                                                                                                --DATE WITHIN 12 25.0       12         55.0
                                                                                                                     -INITIAL 12                           -        -

26.0 12 56.0 12 _ 27.0 12 57.0 12 _ _ _ ~ 28.0 12 58.0 12 _ _

  • 29.0 12 59.0 12
                                                                                                                           ~ '

30.0 2 60.0 12 n A j < 1/h443 signature Date

                                      ' Si gnature .. .. .. . . .    , . .,'
                                                                                           . . c.- it            Date
                                                " ~:
                                                        ' . 9 :.n.,

Document ID: 01255 0____ rm mr1 FOR .USE N OSiT I oN Y 1U 14. 30/u Effective Page 0 l . m


( .. Eld 12

          ,   ,                                   DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.2                                  Page 1 of 13 For Use When Cmputer is not Available 737 ggr7 1 TP 600/5 Initial Conditions _ To be taken at one minute intervals.                                             Enclosure 4, 31/44 Patch                                                                Effective Page 0 L,y(![
 , i- -                               Panel                                                                Page 100 7-                            -

Point . Ti T2 T3 Line 1 Time 030P $ 30/, oJn 7


T2=A3_Te Line 2 .Tave 40 7,3 $ + r/. 3 f5' + 7JI =2Z.14+ 3 =7.38VDC Line 3 Przr leyel 27 ', 76 6 + -'

                                                                         ', '7/, 4     + ', 7 4' 7           rZ279+ 3 ='.15Y1VDC Line 4             MU Tank              15      (,, 8 (,      +        r, , g f    +     /, . 74/        =20E+ 3 =LKVDC Line Sa            RCDT Level (Note 2) 71          7./,5~' +           7. (,4     +

7.66 =72/f? + 3 =7,(,s7VDC Line 5b RCDT Tenp (Note 2) 73 JJ41I + 3, //, (, + 3, //, 7 qSbt + 3 =3.1 A VDC Line 5c RCS Pres 28, 7,Q. f + 7,9J d + 7 177 =73M+ 3 =7.92iVDC (Wide Range) or - _ ~, Line 5d RCS Pres 30 53f7 + ( 75 3 + f3@ " LN+

                                                                                                             =        3 =*i.35fEDC
(Narrw Range)
1. Use of the patch panel allows this procedure to
NOTE :  :

l  : be performed when Tave >520 F.  : !  : 2. Conversion factors are given in Enclosure 1.  :

- Attach any additional calculation sheets used to :
convert the values in Lines 1 to 10 into the  :
parameters used in the calculations. All values : .
recorded are in volts, DC.  :

l  : 3. Leakage out of the RCS has a positive (+) sign.  : l  : " Leakage" into the RCS (ex. chemical adds) has a  :

negative sign.  :

l  : CAUTION: When using patch anel voltage, be sure to record the : i -  : voltage polarity + or -) and treat this as an  : !  : algebraic sign.  : l i

NOTE: --~ All values below are in Tenns of volts, 0C ,3 rp .)} .:
                  ..........-._..........._.............-_-..._.----..---..---.....-r--y;npOa            '
                                                                                                                   . .. ;- -) u 23.0                               Duplicate Pa;;e _             O        .


   ,.       *.. FOR USE lhM)N T l ON LY                                                    ,             jg;};t         1,
   ','.                                DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont 'd )

Page 2 of 13 Final Conditions - To be taken' at one minute intervals. Patch .

      .                            Panel

-' ./ Point T1 T2 J . T3 / Line 6 Time d5&f of0 t, o fo 7 T2'= 050 b Line 7 Tave 40 7,37 +

                                                                 '/. J 8'               +            9,1 (              72.6 3 7.385VDC
 ' Line 8              Przr level        27    ,'7f4'      +      ,W9                   +       ,7f3                  n254 3 .,157_VDC Line 9           MU Tank           15   G7/          +   f,'f,9g                  +        f, g. r z.           =GA6 3 .6.43VDC Line 10a         RCDT Level (Note 2) 71      /2 76   +

7 70 + '), 7o .23. l+ 3 . 7.70 VDC Line 10b RCDT Temp (Note 2) 73 1/t 7 +

2. /t t +

J. 57 4501+ 3 5.lL7VDC Line 10c RCS Pres 28 9. 9d 7 + 7. 9) T + ').9dff' .376 3 .7.19hDC (Wide Range) or Line 10c RCS Pres 30 f3r( + f,3co + S~,3fc2. =& &75 3 .C52VDC (Narrow Range)

CAUTION: When using patch panel voltage, be sure to record the :
voltage polarity (+ or -) and treat this as an  :
algebraic sign.  :

TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure 4, 32/44 Effective Page

                                                                       < . . , . . . . , .       .                Page 101
                                                                        'I. '          ..,i, 4

i , , _ .,

                                                                                                                                   .I U h .O !.*J . I. g'* 3 . . .. ... ....        . . .. . . . .



( *~ 1303 1.1

              '                                                                                           Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.2        (Cont'd)                        Page 3 of 13                    ,
1. Temperature conversion (from VDC to *F) '

Initial . temperature (570*F. minus (Line 2 Times 5)] 570*F. . ( .').3 6 vde x 5)*F. 3


570*F. - % ,9 *F. Line 11 . 536.l *F. . Initial Tave

     ~~                                            '

Final temperature (570*F. minus (Line 7 times 5)] 570* F . . ( ~7."$83 vde x 5 )* F. 570*F. - 36.11 T *F. Line 12 . 533. OSI *F. . Final Tave

2. Mass change in Przr. The volume of the Pzr. up to thb 200" level ,

is 752.03 ft.3

a. Determine levels in the Pzr.
1. Initial level in the Pzr.
NOTE: Carry algebraic signs.  :

Initial level 200" minus (Line 3 Times 20 in/ volt) ' Line 3 .~1T T 1 VDC x 20 in/VOC Line 3a . - 15 . 19 L in Line 13 = 200 in (Line 3a) Line 13 200 in - (-15.dd )in . ElT.IN in

2. THI UNIT 1 Final level in the Pzr. TP 600/5

Line 8 ~~

  • ITb Enclosure 4. 33/44 VDC Effective Page 0 x 20 in/VDC

. une sa .

                                                                 -is.ou                  in   0?7iClAl FiE!.D COP Du;:l;cate Page                                p      .



gg;g1 1, DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 4 of 13

 ,                              Line '14 = 200 in - (Line 8a)                                                                                               <

Line 14 = 200 in -(-lT.od )in . 215.o4 in. / .b. Determir,it initial and final Pzr. Pressure Initial Pressure [(Line 5c or 5d times 250 psig/v) plus 7 psi) Line 5d 7A7.,9 y g 250 psig/v Q'l ,

                                                                                                                                     $2        ,63
                                                                \                                 14.7       psi Line 15           .                \                                    psia            .
2. Final Pressure [(Line 1 or 10d Times 250 psig/v) plus 14.7 psi)

Line 10c/10d y x 250 sig/v

                                                           +                                          14.7     psi Line 16               .                                                   psia
c. Determine initial and final density
1. Initial density (Use Line 15 and Table 1 water colum to determine initial specific volume at Line 17)

Line 17 . .07(,36 ft.3/1bm Initial density . 1 - 31MO /5 Ibm /ft.3 Line 17 Line 18 . 37.90W 1bm/ft.3 (Initial Density)

                                                    ,@*;.Jf"il(             ~~.
                                                         .  . 'W %          r'Q,',[ f,4,QV                 '#38 TMI UNIT 1 8                    TP 600/5 Pr,g,~                                                                       Enclosure 4, 34/44
                                                                         % _ _h_                                                           Effective Page 0 FOR USE 8 UN,T I ON Y


         -         '                                                               <'*           n03-1.1 Revision 12
           .1                                   DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2       (Cont'd)                   Page 5 of 13
2. Final dens'ity (Use Line 16 and Table 1 to determine final .

specific volume at Line 19) S' - Line 19 . . O 2 (o 38 t . ft.3/1bm Final density = 1 . $1. 907$~1bm/ft.3 . Line 19


Line 20 . bl.9O/7 lbm/ft.3 (Final Density)

d. Determine initial and final volume
1. ' Intt'ial volume [(Line 13 minus 200") times 3.18 ft.3/in.

plus 752.03 ft.3) . Line 13 2.l T.19 N in. 200 in.

                                                       =          (5,l9$            in.

x 3.18 ft.3/in.

                                                   ..          46,% \ (,o9 L        ft.3'
                                                       +                 752.03    ft.3 t.ine 21      .           AOO. 59 7        ft.3
2. Final volume [(Line 14 minus 200") times 3.18 f t.3/in plus 752.03 ft.3]

Line 14 , Z. I T . 0 4 in. - 200 in. ( 3, O 4

                                                      .                            in.

x 3.18 ft.3/in.

                                                      .           47. 07 T         ft.3
                                                      +                  752.03    ft.3 Line 22       .            799.857         ft.3               --
                                                                                                 *Enclosure El 4, 35/44 OFF! CIA!. F!EO COPY                                e Duplicate Page             0                     Effective Page 0 FOR USE WUSIT I ON _Y 1: ^
OR USE INg'-)N T I ON LY c'-

13 m-1.1 Revisicn 12 a' DATA SHEET 1303.l.1.2 ~ (Cont'd) Page 6 of 13

e. Determine initial and final mass in Pzr

[' 1. Initial mass (Line 18 times Line 21) Line 18 37 . 90 7 'a' 1bm/ft.3

      ..                                     Line 21      x    800.391                ft.3

(, Line 23 - 30339 .1E' lbm A 20 1 2. Final mass (Line 20 times Line 27) l' i d" Line 20 3'l.90 6 l bm/ft.3 Line 22 x M9.657 ft.3 Line 24 30'52 0. '5 ~7 ' lbm

f. Ch e in Pzr. mass (Line 24 minus Line 23) ,

Line Ibm

                     ,                      Line 23      -

lbm ' Line 25 = bm

3. Mass change in RCS due to change in pressure and temperature,
a. Determine RCS density change (Use Line 11, Line 12, Line 15, Line 16, and Table 3 to determine initial and final specific volumes.)
1. Initial density Line 26 = Initial Specific Volume . ,0Zo&f'l ft 3/lbm Line 27 . 1 = 1
                                                                                          - 4'?. 6 4 9 lbm/ft.3 Line 26     (.02cMift. fibm Line 27 .          Sl.dN3              lbm/ft.3
2. Final density Line 28 . Final Specific Volume .


                                                                                      . 07069 ~7      ft 3/lbm SFFIC!AL FiE!.D CG2Ee 29.                                    1  -         1              . 4 7.s s 4i   ,b./ft 3 Oup!icata Pace                                         Line 28   ( .otc817 f t.3/1bm)                TMI tmIT 1
                        -            O TP 600/5
               ~                                                                                     Enclosure 4, 36/44 FO9 USE IN2 1CJN T                    l ON Y                 R:*in'""
               . ,:OR USElN 1)N T I O N LY
                                                                                                                                              ,:        1303 1.1 Revision 12
         ',     s DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 _ (Cont'd)                                                     Page 7 of 13
3. Change in density (Line 29 minus Line 27) -

Line 29 ' l .87I ' lbm/ft.3

                                             .              Line 27                 -

47.84# 1bm/ft.3 M ,c1 Line 30 - - 00T lbm/ft 3 . g3"lp b. RCS mass change Lin'e 30 0 0 b~ lbm/ft.3

                                         .                  RCS Vol.                x                     10,564                             ft.3 Line 31                                           5261                            lbm      ,
                   " 4.                    Mass change in Makeup ' Tank
a. Initial ' level [50 plus (Line 4 times 5 in./v)]

Line 4 63. 85~ v x - 5 in./v

                                                                                  -=                    34. Z5                              i n.
                                                                                   +                                                  50    in.

Line 32 - 89.26 in.

b. Final level [50 plus (Line 9 times 5 in/v)]

Line 9 3.G83 v x 5 in./v

                                                                                   .               28.t\ t 5-                              in.
                                                                        -          +                                                  50   in.

Line 33 . 78.4IT in.

c. h 1 change (Line 33 minus Line 32)

Line in. Line 32 - in. . Line 34 . DI'.*EfDF4

                                                              .                                  - - ~ 6.h                         ,: ;    &. { { p y       M MT1 TP 600/5 Duscate Page                                  p             Enclosure 4, 37/44
                                                                                                                          %                                 Effective Page 0 FOR USE tN UNIT I OR_T                                                                                ra8- o6
                  .j:0R USE lik,1)N T I O N Y c              g3;t;t     1,
       ,                                       _ DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd)                         Page 8 of 13
            .                 d. Mass change (Line 34 times 255 lbn./in)
   ,.                                     Line 34                 T 835'            in.        -
 . ?;                                   .

y , x 255 l bn/in. U Line 35 = N 6'?. 9 2.7 l bn

5. Total RCS Mass change (Sum of Line 25, Line 31 and Line 35)

Line 25 + 18.57 7 l bn Line 31 + 52.8 D l bn Line 35 + IM 6M25 lbm Line 36 = l TT9, 3L l bn

6. RCS lbn. to gal. conversion factor
a. Mean Tave determination [(Line 11 plus Line 12) divided by 2]

Line 11 533.\ 'F. Line 12 + 633,085- 'F. i

                                                      =         ( % lo .1 8 T      *F.
                                                      +                        2 Line 37     =           533.0927         *F. = Mean Tave
b. Use Line 37 and Fig. I to find the conversion factor.

a Line 38 (conversion factor) = .I544 gal ./l bn

7. RCS Inventory Change (Line 36 Times Line 38)

Line 36 15*59. 5'7.- 1 bn Line 38 x (%4 gal./lbn at Mean Tave Line 39 = 743.678 gal.

                                                                             ) .$,kOf
                                                              '      /,

Cup],icgte p320 _ TMI UNIT 1 h TP 600/5 Enclosure 4, 38/44 Effective Page 0 FOR USE IN3.DNIT I OV Y P 8 2o'

FOR USE IN ,4N T I ON LY U ;; 12

         ',-.                                       DATA SHEET 1303'-1.1.2 (Cont'd)                                                                             Page 9 of 13
8. Operator caused changes to RCS inventory (From Data Sheet .


           ,                                 Line 40 :                              6                                         gal.                                                               '
NOTE: Gallons added is minus (_), gallons removed is  : ~
plus (+).  :
9. Test duration (Line 6 minus Line 1) Tz.
                          .                  Line 6                         C) '5'       h          OL                           min.

Line 1 O% h O (c, min. . Line 41 E h O min. = R.O min.

10. Total RCS Leakage minus changes (Line 39 minus Line 40)

Line 39 ZM3.676 gal . Line 40 - O gal. Line 42 =

                                                                                 ~2 4~3 6'/ 6                            gal.

11.. Leakage Rate (Line 42 divided by Line 41) Line 42 7ML6'?6 gal . Line 41 + 17.0 min. Line 43 = 2.03T5 gal ./ min. , Limit': Line 43 shall not exceed 30 gpm. (See Table 1303-1.1.1)'

12. RCS Losses to RCDT
a. Detennine initial and final water volume in the RCDT. (Use Line Sa, Line 10a and Table 4. Interpolate as necessary).

Line 44 (Initial volume) = SIL ,8E ft. Line 45 (Final volume) = 519,3/2.- ft.3

                                               . 3                I I- =                        h                   i                                    TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Di8clicata Pag 11.0                              0                                                        Enclosure 4, 39/44 Effective Page 0 FOR USE N UVT I ON Y                                                                                                     ""8-    8 y,-~-,--,-7-r-,1.-                  ----- . -- ---
                                      ,...-n           -.-.-----.---.--,e              ,, , , - , -
OR USE l(UKT l 0 N LY (-

13n3 1.1 Revision 12

     .                                 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2        (Cont'd)                     Page 10 of 13
b. Determine initial and final water density in the RCDT. (ilse Line 5b, Line 10b and Table 3 to determine the initial and final' specific volume. Invert this to find the density.

Interpolate as necessary). .

1. Initial density Line 46 (Initial Specific Volume) . _.016 07 ft 3/lbm Line 47 (Initial Density) = 1 . 1
                                                                                                         . //2.22.11 bm/f t Line 46        (,olbo'l ft f1bm)
2. Final Density Line 48 . (Final Specific Volume) , , ollool ft.3/lbm.

Line 49 (Final Density) = 1 . 1 + (,T.;.' 281 bm/ f t.)

             ,                                                     Line 48       ( .01407 ft.3/lbm.)
c. Initial mass in RCDT (Line 44 Times Line 47)

Line 44 S I L, .B S- ft.3 Line 47 x (4 2.. E Z 6 lbm./ft.3 Line 50 . 3 21(,.7. 54 L lbm.

d. Final mass in RCDT (Line 45 Times Line 49)

Line 45 R 9. 3t 7 ft.3 Line 49 x 6,7 . r2. 8 lbm./ft.3

                               'Line 51       .       37.~M T.74 7           lbm.
e. Mass change in the RCDT (Line 51 minus Line 50)

Line 51 2,2 3) T . h ] lbm. Line 50 - 3 Z l(o'Z,. 5 4 1 . 1bm. Line 52 . IS 5. 70$ lbm. O F E C!A!. R Ei,D C O P Y THI UNIT 1 Dup e Page 0 'lc!Tr.4,40/44 t tifactive Page 0 FOR U S E,$ UV T I O V Y "a 2o'

FOR USE lh[NNT I OhY k[dn';};,2

        ,      :                                                                                                   12
          ,4                                     -

DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 11 of 13

            ,                     f. Operator caused changes in RCDT (Calculated ibn. of water added or removed from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4)                 .                         .
     '[                           -
                                              *Line 53        =

O l bn.

NOTE: Water added is (-). Water removed is (+). Carry  :
algebraic signs. ,

g. Mass rate of change in RCDT [(Final Mass minus Initial ' Mass) or (Lir$e 52 plus Line 53) divided by Line 41] ,r 'l Line 52 IT 3.7.4 7 1 bn. - Line 53 + O l bn.

                                                              =      ( *5 '3 . N E       l bn.    .

Line 41 + l'2_O min. ,,, ' .


Line 54 = l .~2,7 7 l bn./ min.

                               " h.      Convert mass change to gal. (Line 54 multiplied by Line 38)

Line 54 = l'Ill Ibn./ min. Line 38 x .ITGN gal ./l bn . Line 55 . = i1997 gal./ min.

13. Identified Leak Rate (Generated from Data Sheet 1303 1.1.3; sign is positive) .

Line 56  : b lbn./ min.

14. Leakage through OTSG Tubes (Primary-to-secondary leak; sign is positive determined from D.S. 1303 1.1.5) a.. Line 57  : O l bn./ min.
b. OTSG 1eakage in terms of gal./ min. (Line 97 times Line 38)

Line 57 O lbn./ min. Line 38 x . ( *N N gal ./l bn. THI UNIT 1 Line 58 = C gal./ min. TP 600/5 Enclosure 4. 41/44 33.0 Effective Page 0 FO R U S-E.:. N:.nU N, :.5 _. ..eO.m V .,_Y

                                                          . . _ . _               m
               ..:OR USE QUN                    T     , ON LY                r '


  • Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont' d) Page 12 of 13 Limit : Line 58 shall not exceed limits specified in Table 1303-1.1.1 .
15. Correction factor : Line 59 .( + 1.37 lbm./ min.) (From Data Sheet 1303-1.1.1, item 14)
16. Total identified leakage L(Line 56 plus Line 57 plus Line 59) Times -

Line 38.3 Line 56 O lba./ min.

                       .            Line 57       +            O             lbs./mi n.

Line 59 + 1.37 lbm./ min. Line 60 = li37 lbm./mi n. Line 38 x , I 5(o4 gal./lbm. Line 62 . '87,I4 3 gal ./mi n.

17. Unidentified Leakage (Line 43 minus Line 55 minus Line 62)

Line 43 7. 03 Z, b gal ./mi n. Line 55 -

                                                          .199~)             gal./ min.

Line 62 -

                                                         *7 l% 3             gal ./mi n.

Line 63 . l .L,18D gal./ min. Limit : Line 63 shall not exceed 1 gal / min.. (See Table 1303-1.1.1)., If change,in Line 63 from last calculation is >.33 gpm, obtain an RM-A-5 grab sample

18. Total Leakage (Line 63 + Line 62)

Line 63 C.M63 gal./ min. Line 62 + . 7a 4 3 gai./ min. Line 64 l . A37 b gal./ min. Limit : Line 64 shall not exceed 10 GPM.

                                         ~--, ,y n 3       - , , ,
  • E*YN!Js.% I'!!M. TM1 UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure 4. 42/44 D u t t.f o P W D Effective Page 0 TOR USE IN4UN,T '"'"'


p. . .

y ;,:OR USE lh(j)N T I Oh LY c; go;1;1 1,

           ,      ?-

DATA SHEET- 1303-1.1.2 (Cont' d) Page 13 of 13 Remarks (Specify reasons for any results detennined to be invalid):. _., M

                                                                      %         e DYM Model No.. :

Serial No. : _ Performed by.  : Time /Date  : 06lT- to/e i

                                                                        'AS a

Reviewed by  : Time /Date  : 4 i s - CI5CIP!A? P

  • F' e, W P V
                                            ss t .%?in:     T !!".3    . m 15
                                                                                      .cij i~ j                                - ~ ~              ~

g, - g TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure 4, 43/44 Effective Page 0 FOR U S E l'f4 UNIT l ON Y j-_

z_ , (~, ('-

                                                                                                                                                                                       .y 4,                                                          ,

a' ' l' ,, I Lt d E 4 L\ =-- II x v oC(J.(.s-d =- 4 ) .26. =) S/G,.8% -@t' 3 II."1 i - L ( M 6. ( Q - T - 50 + 2 Eg y o e - r. voe_ )- - 3 gg _ _y , O 1601 ~ I'3 b 1lMf ' L.(( '- l'T X V D C. 78 E h7,,. s


b* I 3%7 {g g { Q t. T ' ' *50 P 7- v oc - 2 V D C ) H ,\7 f M . 6 t G O l b DN 4 a, s _ _ _ _ . _ _. _ . .. .. . . _. p] p" #! r- -- TMI UNIT .

                                                                                   ,                                        {                           . . e, ,o b       I m u. s ?,- U                                                                 TP 600/5
  ..__._.__ __                                                                                                                                                                                                     Enclosure 4,--44/44 Cup!icate P0ge                                          g                                                          Effective Page 0
          ..__ _ .             _ . . . . . _ . . _ .                 .              . . - _ . .                                                                                              -_- . -- - . -- Pa ge 113 . ..- _ -.                       -
   , _.              ....v_.       . _ . . .         .                        -

O 8

        -e 9

9 e 6 9 de N N N W % *svf a

 ^ v . eFOR USE IN) NIT l ON LY c*'
     '                                                                             1303-1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1      (Cont'd)                  Page 12 of 12 DVM Serial No.:

Model No.:' Performed by: %7 _

                                ~ .  , -               -     -

Time /Date: OGoo to/V[e3 i i Reviewed by: Time /Date: 7 pig ts TP 6,oo/T DATA W m4. A TE. S T g g ,g przoc,,egsS Ovecin/k- G AC C u LA 770AIS. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure'6, 20/37 Effective Page 0 O  ;.,Page 134

                                                                  - C,'"'.7 7 y 3 mu:c. res.O CDPy 1> -+Guuiicate pagewp-FOR USE iN ON!T ! ONLY


i3 o

                               .,                                                                 ( '-


                                                                                                                                                                                                                    . s ..
._ l_Y$__?.h                                                              5$E
  • I_T__*__ _4 08 ~% __ _ y ___ ~ - 3 ~ I A
  • I- S O g =

5 2.7 - (T t{- M .5G ON k . 7 h c Sq, g3 A


__.__._.__.._____._.___._...._._.__.g. WIT 1 TP 600/5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ...___..- Enclosure 6, 21/37~~~

Effective Page 0 Page 135 - - - - - -

               . . . , . . . . . - . .         . . . .        _ . _ - _ - . - . . . _ . . - . . .                               _ . , -             . . _ .                              i                       -.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ..e                          _ _ - _ . _ . .          . . _ -

u . __ . . _ . - - Duplicate P22e_ -. O 3

."     %                                                                                                 e

(- 1.303-1 1 w", .I

                    ?O R US E iKl'JN' T I O N LY                                                                                s Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2                                                           Page 1 of 13 TMI UNIT 1 For.Use When Ccaputer is not Available TP 600/5 Enclosure 6, 22/37 Initial Ccnditions . To be taken at one minute intervals.                                                                                      Effective Page O Page 136 Patch Panel      '

1 Point T1 T2 T3 Line 1 Time 03Vd OX V 7 0 2 4 C' T2 =,p_$7 Line~2 Tave 40 '7.09 7 + '/,097 + 9, O'f 4 =4zt4 3 =7,#/7EC

       ~Line 3             Pr:r level                 -   27          ,9/3                +
                                                                                                    ~.903                +       ,9dA                     l'l M+ 3 =;qlz?VDC Line 4,            MU Tank                         15         /,.7 G               +
4. 77 A. + 4, M I M* + 3 .A MIDC Line 5a RCDT Level (Note 2) 71 '7, 3Y9 + Z 34 b + 7,J,s o *"+37'MdDC'j

Line 5b RCDT Temp (Note 2) 73 3./d + 5. / f 7 + 3,/97 JSl* + 3 F#'h0C !

                                                                                                 '                                                                                     i P"5 3 J M/DC            1 Line 5c             RCS Pres                       28       7,912.                 +    7,9 3/ ~                  +

v.93/ (Wide Range) or Line 5d RCS Pres 30 f 361

                                                                                          +    ,(~,34If                  +

r3# ="+3=M/DC - (Harrtw Range)

NOTE: 1. Use of. tne patch panel alicws this precedure to  :
be performed when Tave >520 F.  :


2. Conversion factors are given in Enclosure 1.  :
Attach any additional calculation sheets used o  :


convert the values in Lines 1 to 10 into the  :
paraneters used in the calculations. All values  :
recoraed are in volts, DC.  :


'3 Leakage out of the RCS has a positive (+) sign.  : l
" Leakage" into the RCS (ex. chenical adds) has a  :
negative sign.  :


                                                      'When using patch panel vcitage, be sure to reccrd the :
            .        :        CAUTION:
voltage polarity (+ or -) and treat tnis as ao .
algebraic sign.  :

All values belcw ara in Terms of volkE:EiN.4] c ,s ". q-.wO nt., fl.x y y'


r 23.0 Oupl;cate pa ,e { i iR 'v' < N .' U :M, 3 i

                                                                                                                    .' nviW, ','
                                - - - ,      - , -               -     ,    --e      s

pos.USE IK JNLT l ON LY C A0;';12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (C ont 'd ) Page 2 of 13

           . Final Conditions - To be taken at one minute intervals.                                                 -
                                    ' Patch Panel
                             .        Point           Ti              T2                   T3 Line 6        Time                   Ofyg           _ of'/7              df//7'               T2 = 0$*/7   -

Line 7 Tave 40 r7, /of + 7./of +

                                                                                      ?. /0 V       J134 3 = 7J04EC
      ^ Line B            Przr level       ^27    ,92/        +
                                                                    . 9.2/        +
                                                                                     ~~ 9a o
                                                                                       ,            ;;*'#+3='M/DC ~

Line'9 .MU Tank 15 f,W4 + 5.W,3 + r.94/ 4 32+ 3 Se'l5k3C

    ' ' ~

Line 10a- RCDT Level (Note 2) 71 ').3flf + '7.3 fr9 + 9,3 f? =22*+ 3 2 58'8?DC Line ICb RCDT Teap (Note 2) 73 3./ W + J.if6 +

3. / Fef f,5W+ 3 5.l6'OVDC Line 10c RCS Pres 28 7.933 + 9,9JV + 7. 9J3 35.S+ 3 7 T'53/DC
                          .(Wide Range) or Line 10c      RCS Pres          30   f3W          + f,367             +  f.J f., s'               3 -S.%7VDC d*'+

(Narrcw Range)

CAUTION: When using patch panel voltage, be sure to record the :
voltage polarity .(+ or -) and treat this as an  :
algebraic sign.  :

l l TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5'

                       .                                                                        Enclosure 6, 23/37 Effective Page-0 Page 137
                                         .                                  urna,.C. Mi_D COPY 2)-+Dupicate Page       Q               _
                       .            FOR USE l#0 NIT i ON _Y

{= 3

        - l; lFOR USE liCJNIT I ON LY                                    Q                 1303 1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2        (Cont'd)                        Page 4 of 13 TMI UNIT 1 Line 14 = 200 in - (Line 8a)                                      TP 600/5 Enclosure 6, 25/37 Line 14 = 200 in -(-lg.yl()in = Zl8.%IL( in.                       Effective Page O i-                                                                                      Page 139
                   'b. Determine initial and final Pzr. Pressure
1. Initial Presstire [(Line 5c or-5d times 250 psig/v) plus 4.7 psi]

Li Sc/5d v x 250 psig/v *

                                                                                                     -                 e
                                                                                                ,        I  go.1 -N

14.7 psi g # c * \(2 Line 15 =\' - psia

2. Final Pressure [( ine 10c or 10d Times 250 psig/v) plus ~

14.7 psi]

                                                                                                     -{60 y.f3*k   l -

Line 10c/10d v f4d g /(;W" O x 50 psig/v N

                                              +                   14.7\ psi Line 16          =                             p ia                                       i
c. Determine initial and final density L. Initial density (Use Line 15 and Table 1 water column to i determine initial specific volume a: Line 17)

Line 17 = .cz(,3 68 f't.3/lbm f Initial density = 1 = 3 7, f}Q(, lbm/ f t.3 Line 17 - Line 18 = 37.896 lba/ft.3 i:nitial Density)

                                                             ,) '~~,- REl,0 CCPY cuvearee,ge FOR USE IN'UN!T ! ONLY                                .

(.. .

          . FOR USE IN *'JNLT FON LY C-*                u03-1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2       (Cont'd)                      Page 5 of 13
2. Final density (Use Line 16 and Table 1 to determine final -

specific volume at Line 19) Line 19 = .o2 4 388Y ft.3/lbm Final density = 1 = 3~7 89 T~ lbm/ft.3 - Line 19 Line 20 = "bl.8T lbm/ft.3 (Final Density) d.- Determine initial and final volume

1. Initial volume [(Line 13 minus 200") times 3.18 ft.3/in, plus 752.03 ft.33 Line 13 Zl 8. E Td in.

200 in.

                                             -              18,254       in.

x 3.18 ft.3/in.

                                            =               SS, o 5' ft.3
                                            +                 752.03    ft.3 Line 21      =              O(O. 06      ft.3
2. Final volume [(Lin~e 14 minus 200") times 3.18 f t.3/in plus 752.03 ft.33 Line 14 7-18, 4 ti in. i-200 in.

16 4ti in. x 3.18 ft.3/in.

                -                          =            58.55 7         ft.3              m mri TP 600/5

752.C3 ft.3 Enclosure 6, 26/37 Effective Page O Line 22 Page 140

                                           =           810. T8 7        ft.3 r ~ . er. . . ,      p . ,,,

i, y'[ ,fj) O h t . "' ' ' - D-4

                                                    ,, c t.




(-* ' n03-1.1

        ".                                                                                                                                                             Revision 12-DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2                                     (Cont'd)                                Page 6 of 13 e.-         Determine initial and final mass in Pzr'                                                                                          -

1., Initial mass (Line-18 times Line 21) Line 18 _

                                                                                                   '$), 6%                                    lbm/ f t.3 b             Line 21                x              SiO.OS                                       ft.3 a.e  $e-
              , e ',           h'                            Line 23                =              30(M 8.'7} L                                lbm 2.

Final mass (Line 20 times Line 20)

                                ~ ,306                       Line 20                             ~5'7. 6W                                      lbm/ft.3 I

90 Line 22 _x 810,T67 ft.3 f6 to

                 ,V                 '

Line 24 Scry i ~7 , (9 Q ' lbm

f. Ch . . in Pzr. mass (Line 24 minus Line 23)

Line 24 lbm


Line 23 lbm Line 25 = k.

3. Mass change in RCS oue to change in pressure and tenperature.
a. Determine RCS density change (Use Line 11., Line 12, Line 15, Line 16, and Table 3 to determine initial and final specific volumes.)
1. Initial density Line 26 = Initial Specific Volume = .02o9'57 ft 3733, Line 27 = 1 = 1 = 47,% lbm/ft.3
            ,                                                                     Line 25              (,ozoi31 f t. 71 bm Line 27 =                              47 h                                    iba/ft."                                        l
2. ~inal density
                                     -                                                                                                                                     2              i L.ine 28 = Final 3:ecific Vol.;ne =                                                . Oroq $7                 ft*/lbn

.'itm M y'7. 7(o 1bm/f 3

        ; i .Ac .,3:-
. p,s, .n e Line 29 =

1 = 1 = y * " ' '"" ~ ; , M . R b U[# ;y L{ r,e 25 (,pzo ef3 yf;,2 )3m) ,

                                                                                                                                        /                              TMI UNIT 1         l TP 600/5 POOMO .D;e                        h                                                       ,, ,

Enclosure 6, 27/37 m- . ri^-

                                                                                                                 ...                                                   Effective Page 0 U.,'i;                      . 1 O N l sY rvmu5c                                .,.N-         i-                                                          rese 141
                         +                                          ,e,.                                                                         -           - - - - -       ---
                -wet-w                           w4,.      ,,4   y        --, . ,       ---i---               -- - - - - - - - -           y-
          , .FOR USE !K 'JNIT l QN LY                       s

( s 1303-1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 7 of 13

3. Change in density (Line 29 minus Line M
                                                                                                                                                                   'l Line 29                                            lbm/ft.

g M Line 27 - lbm/ft.3 , Line 30

      /- %   ' '
                                                         ,                                              lbm/ft
               " .                           RCS mass change
                           ,g3                     Line 30                         O                  lbm/ft.3 10                            RCS Vol.                     10,564                ft.3 e$

9 h h Line 31 x O ' lbm 4.. Mass change in Makeup Tank

a. Initial level [50 plus (Line 4 times 5 in./v)]

Line 4 (, , 'l 7 2 v x 5 in./v

                                                                   =_         3L86,                    in.

50 in. Line 32 = 858C in.

b. Final level [50 plus (Line 9 times 5 in/v)]

Line 9 5 . 4 5G') v x 5 in./v ~ l

                                                                  =          7.3.Z.8                 in.
                                                          .                                                                                                           )

50 in. Line 33 = 7') . TO in.

c. Level cnange (Line 33 minus Line 3?,
                      .                                                                                                             TMI UNIT 1                        l
                                                   ,1ne c,a.                                          .

in* TP 600/5  ! Enclosure 6, 28/37 Line 32 -

                                                                           /                          .

in. Effective Page O Page 142

                                                   ' ine 34                                                l'#,"* : <. , ,,
                                                   -              =                                  i                '

[=y .~ ,. v -g'n' . ' . 4 .:= .ELD ccpy cm. - n . .

                                                 ; u n L, d c w,, , U N3..i.

v N; ,Lr s, _jws~~ . t O

                                                                                                          . . , . ,          _    ,    ,         m. _. -       4-,

P LFORoUSE IN:JNIT FON LY 130-1.1 1, ~ . ' Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cent'd) Page 8 of.13

d. Mass change (Line 34 times 255.1tm./in) -

Line 34 (o.58 in. Y -

                                                               ,            x                                             255         -1bm/in.

Line 35 =- 1073 l bn

                         . 5.        Total .RCS Mass' change (Sum of Line 25, Line 31 and L'ine 35)

Line 25 + 18.402. 1 ba Line 31 + O- l bn

                                                        - Line 35           +                  ( G T7. 3                               lba Line 36          =                  lGT1490                                  l bn
6. RCS lbn. to ' gal, conversion factor
a. Mean Tave deternination [(Line 11' plus Line 12) divided b.s 2]'
                                                        ' Line 11                    s 54 SI L(                                       ' 'F.

Line'12 '+ T 34.474 E *F.


lo $ 99 F.

                                                                            +                                                   2 Line 37          =

5 M . 49 I *F. = Mean Tave 3

b. Use Line 37 and Fig. I to find the conversicn factor.

a' Line 38 (conversica factor) = itTL7- gal ./15n 7.

                      .              RCS Inv.entory Change (Line 36 Times Line 38)

Line 36 )GT1.49 8 l bn Line 28 x s 15 (o'Z., gal ./l b, at Mean Tave Line 39 = Z59 . 7 I 9 gal. TMI UNIT 1

              ,                                                                                                                                                            TP 600/5 Enclosure 6, 29/37 Effective Page 0

, , Page.143

                                                                                                                            ,n .w.m . .. .                 -

g+. cgp ;,

.~.= u. =n ,
                                                                                                                                                       -~ .           g
                                                                                         'C FOR USE ! NUN!T ! ONLY p   .e---*,      _ y--..       _,, .       ,..,,c ,w       m.y  w---em__       - , . . , . - , . . ,        .       -,_.___.s.     -

________._______w --

           .F OR USE IK!)N T l ON LY (J                   $;M12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd)                          Page 9 of 13
8. Operator caused changes to RCS inventory (From Data Sheet TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 1303 1.1.4) Enclosure 6, 30/37 Effective Page 0
                       ,           Line 40 :              O              gal.                    Page 144
NOTE: Gallons added is minus (-), gallons removed is  :
plus (+).  :
9. Test duration (Line 6 minus Line 1) ,

Line 6 OT h 4'~) min. Line 1 C) ~5 h 47 min. ' Line 41 T- h O min. = t 7. O min. ,

10. Total RCS Leakage minus changes (Line 39 minus Line 40)

Line 39 ES~9 . El N gal. . Line 40 - O gal . Line 42 =- Z. T k .2l N gal.

11. Leakage Rate (Line 42 divided by Line 41) i Line 42 ~2.5 9 ,~2 L N gal.

L ine 41 - + 12 0 m in . Line 43 = 25 lb gal . / min . Limit.: Line 43 shall not exceed 30 gpm. - (See Table 1303-1.1.1)

12. l RCS Losses to RCDT , I a' . Detennine initial and final water volume in the RCDT. (Use Line Sa, Line 10a and Table 4. Interpolate as necessary).

Line 44 (Initial volume) = Lt d . O I ft. Line 45 (Final volume) = SO l ifoz 5- ft.3

                                   .                                             D : ., -      .

j{.CC: m =u. h..,D u COPY 31.0 CUplicate Page y w .

                .               FOR USE IN UNIT I ONLY


                  * *iOR-USE hYfJN T l ONLY                                          c-'               13n3 1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2       (Cont'd)                         Page 10 of 13
b. Determine initial and final water density in the RCDT. (lise Line 5b, Line 10b and Table 3 to determine the initial and
                               . final spec,ific volume. Invert this to find the density.

Interpolate as necessary). '

1. Initial density Line 46 = (Initial Specific Volume) = _.o/407 ft 3/lbm '

Line 47 (Initial Oensity) = 1 = 1 =[,Z.13lbm/f2 Line 46 (.0/607ft fibm)

2. Final Density.

Line 48 = (Final Specific Volume) = ,c/Go7 ft.3/lbm. Line 49 (Final Density) = 1 = 1

                                                                                                                 + 62.Z31 bm/ f t.

Line 48 (.0/4e 7 ft.3/lbm.)

c. Initial mass in RCDT (Line da Times Line 47)

Line 44 l( d .M 3 7 ft.3 . Line 47 x (f 7'Z.3 lbm./ft.3 Line 50 .=

                                                         ~$ ( Q 7 8 . 7 2        lbm.

d. Final mass in RCDT (Line a5 Tices Line 49) .


Line 45 5 0(.'G.7 5 ft.3

                                     ,Line 49      x      62.'Z.3               lbm./ft.3 Line 51     =     31Z[G,12'              lbm.
e. Mass' :hange in the RCDT (Line 51 minus Line 50) TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5'
                             ,         Line 51         31 2. t G . ( 7.N        lbm.                     Enclosure 6, 31/37 Effective Page O Line 50     - 3Io~lBs7 D                 lbm.                     Page 145
                         .             Line 52     =       (M.NDC               l'en.
                                                                                   !':T                   p.,..                l m.s cgpy vt:c .u=i..

u .=m._ _ .,-n. ,.

                                     . U ,5 V D C . iN: V;..

N!i , n . v b. 7 c.

             '. OR USE IKfJA T I ON LY                                          <;             y3;d12 0ATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd)~                     Page 11 of 13
f. Operator caused changes in RCOT (Calculated ibn. of water . I

added or removed frcm Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4)

                        .             Line 53    =           ~O               l bn.
NOTE: Water added is (-). Water removed is (+). Carry  :
algebraic signs.  :
g. Mass rate of change in RCDT [(Final Mass minus Initial Mass) or (Line 52 plus Line 53) divided by Line 41]

Line 52 ( ~5~7. 40 4 l ba. Line 53 + O l bn.

                                                 =     l'*07.40'              l bn.

Line 41 + l'2.0 min. Line 54 = 1.14 T lbn./ min.

h. Convert mass change to gal. (Line 54 multiplied by Line 38)

Line 54 = {.(% 7 l bn. / min. Line 38 x . t % '2 gal . /1 bn . Line 55 =

                                                       . I '? B8              gal./ min.
13. Iden.tified Leak Rate (Generated frem Data Sheet 1303_1.1.3; sign is positive)

Line~55  : O lbn./ min. l

14. Leakage thrcugh OTSG Tuces (Primary-to-seccndary leak; sign is positive determined frca D.S. 1303-1.1.5) l'
a. Line 57  : .o2.48 l bn. / min .
b. OTSG 1eakage in tenns of gal./ min. (Line 57 times Line 3S)  !,

I Line 57 e o 2.46 1,bn./ min. I TMI UNIT 1 Line 38 x . W b '2 TP 600/5 gal . /1 b3]'J'Q ,] j {.*,-] dp p g

                                                                                                " * ' - " "    ~       u n-Enclcsure 6, 32/37               Line 58    =          0038738           gal./ min.                                   l-Effcctive Page O                                                                    Cupli:: ate Page     8            '

Pcg2'146 33.0 . p-4

                  .              FOR USE IN UNIT I ONLY                               .

( FOR USE IK 'jNIT I ON LY 1303 1.1

     '   T>  k Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2         (Cont' d)                 Page 12 of 13 Limit :    Line 58 shall not exceed limits specified in Table 1303-1.1.1 ~
15. Correction factor : Line 59 =( + 1.37 lbm./ min. ) (From Data Sheet i 1303-1.1.1,' Item 14)
16. Total identified leakage L(Line 56 plus Line 57 plus Line 59) Times Line 38.]

Line 56 0 lbm./ min. Line 57 +

                                                                .8Z48              l bm. /mi n.
                                        -Line 59      +

1.37 1bm./ min. Line 60 = 1 39 L18 lbm./mi ni Line 38 x- s (%1 gal./lbm. . Line 62 = . Z ( ~787 ga l ./mi n.

17. Unidentified Leakage (Line 43 minus Line 55 minus Line 62)

Line 43 'l-- l (p ga l . /mi n. Line 55 -

                                                               . t '786            gal./ min.

Line 62 -

                                                              .ZA787               ga l . imi n.

Line 63 = l.1(o53 gal./ min. Limit : Line 63 shall not exceec 1 gai/ min.. (See Table 1303-1.1.1). If change in Line 63 from last calculation is >.33 gpm, obtain an RM-A-5 grab sample la. Total Leakage (Line 63 + 'ine 62) Line 63 1. ~l (, '5 ~5 g al . /mi n. TMI UNIT 1 Line 62 +

                                                              .7.178)              gal./ min. TP 600/5 Enclosure 6, 33/37 Line 64            l A8LD                 gal./ min. Effective Page O Page 147
' -Limit
Line 64 snail not excaed 10 G?M. -

O w:...'. .. ,C O C y .f u s t m.%) a ;T Y:.: d

                                                                                                               .          a 3'k Ducti:ata Pa.;.2        8 .       _-
vMvv- if . v : 'l l + 2 v'i 6, p .

_.. . FOR USE IN1'.)NLT 1 ON LY ( #;l;h2 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont' d) Page 13 of 13 Remarks (Specify reasons for any results detemined to be invalid): '- a DVl1 Model No.  : Serial No. : Perfomed by  : ~J N[ v-Time /Date  : l674C lo (4 h3 Reviewed by  : Time /Date  : TP boc/5 rHtS tS PATA co iT 4 A rE.ST LEAK iM PitoMECSS Do et 46, c.A.c cDL&TnoC , TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure 6, 34/37 Effective Page O Page.148 '~ n. e- ~ . . ~ - . . .. . m m e, .y G[ f : e..',,$. T .I [..' .O I.e U ;~' f DupUca:a.J, h . _.

                   -            FOR USE fh UNIT I ONLY                                                                    -

9 -

V. . (' (

            .. . g                                                                          ~                                                                              n.

t l-h ENY '* ] , $g9__]_X 1 L

  • 88, /9G 4'l$hW'f-f OME 4 4
so+r_sh,!sp7-z): 3 47.

llW N$L D e h 00] X (*2-- ~- O b r $fo SQL(p =;r,S-f (~ b l QA/E.I V 8 '. 5p

  • 77(3._l897 ~2-) ) 7,b Z-L i


                                                                                                           .. _ _ . . . ._ . . . . .. _ . . . . . _ _ -. _ _ . ._ _. . -- TP 6 0 0 / 5 --                                                 -

1 Enclosure'6, 35/37 p - _ _ . . . . . _ .._ . . . - . _ . . . .

                                                                                                                                                                                 . . _ .-Ef fective-Page ------

Page 149 ! mom,

                                                                                                                . . . . _. Qth.**6  V .'*t= t t .n
  • i'eet n s m e e p a }. gQ. Mg .ge v-+

oupii::a:e page g - - - - . -- -- -

  .                                                                                                                                                                                S
             ..       ac.
                                      ,-o U h pm , m                                       ;( -,3                                         . q p y
                                                                                               . '-Ni.l! t v hi
       ..                                                                 . :nN                                                                                 )                                                 1303.:. ;;
   .       .. .       .a ._                                                                    ^                                                                                   . ('-%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  .se v,. s ,. c n ..    .c um.s,          an::.

1303 ,.... , c. pa e ; cf 2

                                                                                                                                       ..                                                                                                                    i-viac eakace
                        ..          ,c us...R    e..                 c. ,a-                                                                                                              . . .                                                               I
                                                             .vi.                                                                D iso
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                          ..         M:..n..s.                  . .; .         . s:.        . :.u . . ....,KA
                                                                                     ....y.,h.                     :.n        .a:. :
NO-'E : :If RMAS cpm de er::inaticn of CTS 3 ' leakage (Me .nce A  : -
from 1301 1) is_inoperasle anc if DtA5 gras samples  :
incicate <LLD a::ivity levels, enter :er: (0.0) CTSG  :
. leakage.  :
                                             .   .e it.e:'c / *                                 *3. ? 1N~'                          .a.:f < .N % )..........................                                                                            ' 'l
                                                                                                                                .            - 1.
                                                                                                                        /. 4 4
3. LEAK RATE: ,3C/ . I';;m Unsient Conct:f ns)
4. - v i. . .t.,.. .. .. .ai. n., . 4 i . ,. v.-. . -. :.n.. A. iv . . :. . h.. :n. ... $
       .                                                                                                                                       ,,,r.
                                                                                                                                               ,     . bm m,. n i

Line A P.sak rate in gal / min: x. E.315 10m/;al = . '~"2.

                                                                                                                                                                                                      .                  imm/ min                         1.-

Line 5 - *

en-ified Leakage = . . I'M lom/ min-  : F p .
                                                          ..a.                                                              *
                                                                                           . h e. s ,i .,. . t. 3 i s . ., c . . . s g.. . 4 , ...., n u , e ,, . .                                                                                      '
                                                                                                                                                                                             . . . . . .e.n   . .1..4.o ,..
Enter.- t.his value er. Line 35 of D.S.13031.1.; cr
i a: u.a. .:n......a.t.
                                                                                          .tne                                                                                                                                           :


                      -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 l-
.- 3 :. .:.. .s. ,,
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  • TP 600/5 p.4 Encicsure 6. 36/37 Ou;;heste ?3;;0 0 Effective Page 0

, P~8e 150 -  % , , . - . . . . .. . .

                                                                                                                            .a'c . .w- ,i f'*f .,.6e                                     .l V
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  • 3 . 'V .

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                                                                                                                                                                                  . . .      =                        ,                        .

r.. ... .. i.., . .

                                          .Line '.              .' OR0 8'               cal
                   ,                                                                    min                                                                                                                                           .


                               'This value is . os ase: ir. ne :cm;u er os .e--f r.a . ion
                                                                                                                                     ..,.                                                                                                 - l'.

re Ort;:s Oy: v f ,,' n,1pi/.'..-.t.E.

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           -                               II;jt:      u: 4:31 fuit: IIC3 VOI.lll$ IIJ0trAiE DATA CilirtY inJT tie IILGATIVF,..

YOU i.al3I EI1 Tut DrC. I'T. Filit LEN:h;E VAltlES y, Q a f.L J C3 C.3 ItEACTUlt C00thlT tred'F.l? TEST SP 1303-1.1 C3 D

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -es 2.**. 2
tans :f Evi.wa::: : a:2:. 2:::.:ra. :s;es ' t: ee TMI UNIT 1
                                                                                         .v' 7          ,<
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .TP 600/5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ' Enclosure 7, 3/37
                                                                                        ','l         .~'y p','.)?.,. f& 'd, 'f.".2 '/ !-


                                                                                                                                  '.                                                                                 EEEecttve Page 0 0FFICIAL FiE!.D COPY                                                                                                                                                                                         '*** "
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e , J". ...'. ,a. a g e e r : ::2?? r.: :

r:,s :e- := ::
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E_ - O

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      ;m &        1n            m      a      2        M             k          =;T s

y2Ys 7WMa/M'. " 9-26' % deu4 "/

                                               /4-/-f 3
       $ch       4  I 0 Y  A ' 8 ,* W O f' ,Q u WD)q rca     i.-23 ass u d 1-73 2e ,.

1 TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure 7, 4/37 Effective Page O Page 155

                                                                   == e s= ,

L"..'"T n! **. 7 " -o ::... ircLD C D-+ oupu w e .= n c D e

  -i..-:.------             _.         .. . . .. ...                     ...                       --                                                                                                  ,


                               .     . .          . . . .                                                                        j- .
                  ..                                             m                                         -.-                               .-.                          .
e FOR US E IN U NlT I ON._Y eaca F.evisicn
  • 2 .
                                                                                                     .... . g
                                                                           ,n . ey.:.-.      . ,.
                                                                                                   .                   r-v,.   ., n . 13
                                                                                       ..       .~                                                                     .see         ,

Line 14 = 200 in - (Li... 3) Line

  • 4 = 200 .in -(
                                                                                                        )in .                               -in.                                                     '
b. Oeter=ine initial and 'inai ?:r. Pressure
                                                                                                                               G elo suite I C C N M E S
  • Ch' j~ ^. 'M
1. - Initial Pressure [(Line ic :r Ed times 4-C 3-c:f;.' . ' :ius li.7 ;si".

Line Ec/5c 5, 37 y pc -+(80N V DC)

                                                                                  -x                               ^                  E a :I.s' :. w .tEi? c N N
' ;/" 4 cG4
                                                                                    =            7 l ~2.9. le
  .                                                                                                                  14.7           :si Line *5    ;          .
                                                                                                 *2A Q N . 3                        :sfa-Es  veio s.ser / noo      c owErtsaa  &(.80       ,.~ir^: 0 abc
2. Final ? n ssure :(Line 10c or *0c Times-25: ni;.'.. :ius- .
                                                             ,,              z.
                                                             .    .e    ;s..

Line .*0c/ ce 5. 3(,4 y m +(soxvoc) ' x En : .o s aar t R ;* iosv iM _

3 i-;A-- - -g a n e?

i s k (

                                                                                       .                               ..                ,s..e Line .*5                   .             *2.( 4 E 8 7_,                      ;sia
                                                    .a mine *niziai an: 'tnai dens 1TJ
                                                 .           *n. '=1 density .'.Use *.ine
  • 5 and Tasi e . *atar ::iumn ::

etamine ':it' :7eci'i: veh.ra a: *_ine '-) -

                                                           ,_ s. n ,. .. ,        .                                                s. a. . :, s.m i
                                              *ni-fai denri;v                     .
  • _= *bm/'t.'

_ ;ne .',' y

                                                          ..s... , .. 2          .                                                n. ,      z...     *.

a.g:. . ,,g

                                                                                                                                                      ..  ..a.             ... a. .,y r TMI UNIT 1                                                                                              ' ' " "
                                                                                                                                  - . "-         . ..              4. > y .. . e.P .-

TP 600/5 ~.'

                                                                                                                ~                                ' ' ~ '      .               .

Enclosure 7, 5/37

      . Effactive Page 0 p-4                                                  ,
                                                                                                                 ,   p.        :0 r*63                                          --

Pcg2 -156 , g , n .w , ,a, cn , ,n . .m mo

( . .( , FOR USE !N UNIT I ONLY ,.., 0., - l . .,

       .                                                                                                                                                  Revision 12           -
                                                  ,                        DATA SHEU .* 3C3 1.1.2                             (Cent'd)                             Page 6 of 12
e. Determine initial anc final mass in ?:r TMI UNIT 1 I TP 600/5 4.

Initial mass (Line 18 times Line 21) Enclosure 7, 6/37 Effective Page O L 13 lbm/ft.3 Page 157 Line 21 x 10.4 i l'ne 23 = lbm i

2. rinal . ass ('.ine 20 .'- as '_ine 22 '
                                                                                                                                                       ,                                    i Line 20                                                                      ite/ft.-
i. <, ne e .e. x 4
4. ..

Line 21 lb . j E3 24 ' f.

                                              "hange in 2:r. mass (Line y minus _' ineg                                                                                                   !


                                                             ' ine 74 E3

_  ?.>O 7 5 7 .9 (,8 lba Line j!I 2*i - 3 0 7 7. l . 9 2 'h h  !, t l'ne 25 = l lo . O 46 lbm , f 3.' Mas: :.ange ia C5 cue  : nan;e ' ;ress:.;re and em: era-are, I j

a. A e. ::ine US :ensity enange i
                                              'O            Line 11, Line *2, Line *5, Line .                   .                  '5,       anc a:ie 2 :

cetermi.. i:-itial an: final spe:if'c v: '.res.)

  • nit ai . .isi y d


                                                            '.ine 25 = :ni.'=: 3:ee'#f c lo* =e =                                                        '3 /15m                        '
                                                                                         .           =
                                                                                                                  .                             .                  .:mt ,t t
                                                                                   < . .,..e,            ,N
4. 3 Line 27 = l bm/ 't . -
2. I'nal Censi*y
                                                           ' i n e IE = ~ # .a

_ 3:0:i#i; 7 l '_7.e = \ #*-/*:m

m. m:= .t ;n t ,e . ,
                            . ~ . .
                . e1        t.     .mr-   t
                                           .~ m:         o

'. , 4 a s V h"*. - . *L'.u '.s 44 s 4(,f=e 9 ,  ; ,

                                                                                                                                              ,                 * :m/ 4 4
                                                                                      .g                                     O Juplicate Page                        O                .,
                                                                                                                                      %q *

p-4 .

                                                                                              . e. . .
                                              " .O ,wM                      (b             P               *%     *'N                               k
                                                                              % =.               '

N > [g,,#

                    .                                        .                                                                     _ . .m           -_
                                                            -                                               .(.'
                      'FOR USE IN UNIT I ONL Y                                               _

13,3 1, r i Revision *2. DATA SF.EIT 1303-1.1.2 (Con:'d) _, Page 7 of 13 a? *)

               ,                         2.        Change in censity (Line W ainut Line,2f)                                                                ,

27 Line,27,

                                                              ^1 dl.hb b                     ibm /ft.3                       -
       .                                          Line[T              -

O +8b h lbm/ft.3 Line 30- = < O ibm /ft 3

. R05 = ass :hange ,

Line 20 lbm/ft.' i 1 05 Vol. x 10,564 ft. - - 3 I Lin 31 ihm 4 Mass :nnnge in .. Keup Tank *

a. Int 'al level [50 plus ('.ina 4 times 5 in./v)2
                                                 'ine 4 v

x\ 5 in./v

                                                                     =                                  in.
                                                                                \                 50    in.                           -

u ne 22 . N in. -

b. Final level [50 :las ;Line 3 ti:nes 5 in/v);

Line 9 v x  : i n. /.v .

                                                                    =                                  i n.

50 i.

4. n e . ..,
                                               .                    =                                 4. n .

g TMI UNIT 1 s a. 33 TP 600/5 Level enange " ine JE minus Line,3C Enclosure 7, 7/37 Effective Pag,e 0 LineJIt2 @*OI in. Page 158 Line 32' ? ? - ~7~/ Z-3 7 in. ' un. g . , (,1 C in C'='='i'.~n p.g ~ n- E.i.D COPY I ouan = e.=,50 C Qso, C 1 i C# O

                                                                            .o .c . .-

J N..l.i~\ li V

r. ! sSt 's! f Gs
                                           .           s J                                                         I f,.                          -

i "ll:dR USE MJN T I ON LY 4; 1303 1.1 P Revision 12

!                                                                                            09/26/83
                                                                                          "~'*'t y = p,yeg-
                                  , UNIT NO. 1 SURVEILLANCE PROCEDURE 1303-1.1 REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM LEAK RATE                  .CC.NT3.'8_ Z - ,f Table of Effective Pages                                    '

Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision Page Revision 1.0 12 31.0 12 61.0 12 2.'O 12 32.0 12 62.0 12 3.0 12- 33.0 12~ 53.0 12 4.0 12 34.0 12 64.0 12 5.0 12 35.0 12 65.0 12 6.0 12 36.0 12 66.0 12 7.0 12 37.0 12 67.0 12. 8.0 12 38.0 12 9.0 12 39.0 12 10.0 12 40.0 12 ' 11.0 12 41.0 12 12.0 12 42.0 12 13.0 12 43.0 12 14.0 12 44.0 12 15.0 12 45.0 12 16.0 12 46.0 12 17.0 12 47.0 12 18.0 12 48.0 12 19.0 12 49.0 12 20.0 12 50.0 12 21.0 12 51.0 12 22.0 12 52.0 . 12 23.0 12 53.0 12 24.0 12 54.0 12 25.0 12 55.0 12 TMI UNIT 1 26.0 12 56.0 12 TP 600/5 27.0 12 57.0 12 Enclosure 7, 8/37 28.0 12 ' 58.0 12 Effective Page 0

            '29.0       12          59.0         12                                         Page 159 30.0        12          60.0         12

s 1 si Ar>L.- 24fd3 signature Date

                    . i

( - 9 7 o

                                 'Si gna vre 4                            _ _ _
                                                                                         '25-8b Date Documen: *D:     01255
                                                                                     ~           :

FOR U S E IN ON!T i C%-DY"a pr. m COPY '" a ~ w me .O-

7bR USE INTjN T I ONLY TJ $;h12 s, DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 Page 1 of 12


i , For 'Jse When Computer is Available . NOTE: For unavailable cceputer input's, patch panel inputs may be substituted provided that they are converted to units listed abcve for both initial

                    ,   and final readings (refer to Enclosure 1 for conversion factors).- -Note'                                                                       .

that not all computer points have corresponding patch panel inputs. E Initial Ccnditions - To be taken at one minute intervals. Computer Point Ti T2 T3 (Circle Selected Point) - lLine 1 Time OcoN 000 5~ oCo (a Line 2a Tc Loop A 510 532./ + 532./ + 73Z. l =15%3+ 3 = $32.l*F . 511  ! L ine 2 b -. Ty Loop A 508 53Y. 2 + 5'39,2 \

                                                                                                 +             y3y,2                           St.4+ 3 =55/.2*F .

405 Line 2c Tc Locp 3 513 6 3/. (o + f 3( b + 53/,G =gdh 3 =33qjF. . 514 I. Line 2d Tg loop 3 509 532.3 + S 3 t. ~5 + 532 3 =M.i+ 3 =Sgz.4F. 407 j.

    'Line 2e            L' nit Tave      (Sum of Lines 2a, 2b, 2c, and 2d + 4)                                                                fj%l+ 4 =6TE.dF.
Line 3- Przr Level 1720- 2.E( . 2. + 2. 2,I . 7,. + 4 f.4 =isS + 3 =zzldlin.

1722 - Line 4 MU Tk Level a93 79. Z + 77 E- + W . '2 =25 % 2 =7f.Zin. Line 5 RCDT Level S35 ,_7. 7 5- A

7. 7T + 2 7 G, 452W 3 =7.755ft.

3 12 in/ft. Line 5a =D.0b. Line 55' RCDT Tenp. A d59 83.8 + 63 7

  • 63,7 =25l.t+ 3 =gg37 )

Lina Ec 205 Press 505 2.t BO . 2: 80 - 2/60 =G m 3 =2#8 & SIG 507

 ' TMI UNIT 1                               .

TP 600/5 '- [f ' " '" '- ~^ '- -

                                                                                                                                                          ,...-..y Enc 1csure 7, 9/37                                                                                                                                    -(

Effcetive Page 0 11.0 D~+ Peg 2 160

                                                                                                                            ~ g;                     [
                                                                                                                                    ~ " " ~ ~ - ~ " - ' ~-

P O n U. so t i N, u, , M..i _ l O N L y

                                                   , - -        . - - , - -                        , - . , - - - -              - - , - - -             -            -e


          .        '. EOR USE 1N TJNIT FON LY
                                                                                                  <;         si% 12
                         .                          DA.TA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 ( Cont'd)                                       Page 2 of 12 Final Condittens - To be.taken 'at one minute intervals.

Computer Point T1 T2 T. 3

                                   ~(Circle Selected Point)

Line 6 Time O20 /4 oto y o z.o G - Line 7a Tc Loop A. 510' 532.( + 632.( + $3 E. ( =/5%3 ' 3 = 5'52fF . 511 l Line 7b TH Loop A' 508 83k 3 + 837.3 + 93 V. 3 ./,dd+ 3 =534.TF.

                                .               405 l

Line 7c Tc Loop B 513 T3/_ C + s 3 ( (o + f 3 /_ (, # 8+ 3 =s3f.cjF. 514 l Line 7d TH Loop B 509 732 3 + 7 52.3 + 6 3 2-. '$ =M+ 3 =5 5z.TF. 407 Line 7e Unit Tave (Sum of Lines 7a, 7b, 7c, and 7d + 4) zasa3+ 4 e5525??. Line 8 Przr Level 1720 Z'Z l. 5 + EE.(,G + Z.Z.( e f = W/4+ 3 a s hn. 1721 1722 L in e _9, MU Tk Level 498 ~78 k + 78 L/ + 78, Y =257 4 3 =78.(in. Line 10 RCOT Level 835 '7. c3 + ~7,8 + 7,8 / =75 * + 3 =T-@3ft. x 12 in/ft Line 10a =13kiin. Line 10b RCDT Temp. A 459 B 5. ~7 + B3,8 . B3 8 =29 5+ 3 =ess - ! - Line ICc RCS Press 505 f_I 8 8 + Z/8 / ~

                                                                                                + Z/8 O                      =4W + 3 =om3PSIG ;

507  !

                                                     .                                                                                                  s i
HCTE: Leakage cut of the RCS will have a positive (+) sign. :
" Leakage" into the RCS (chemical additiens, etc.)  :

L  : will have a negative ( ) sign.  : TP 600/5 Enclosure 7, 10/37 Effective Page 0 Page 161 i* -. 3, p Eff[ [-[I'f pngy

                                                                                                                                            - - vu; ,

12.C CCicate Paga [

                                             -. p ,m gm-         ,

f i g., . - g, g Lq l N ,L,. . I" V U t.) D C ! i L' ,' N / \ , e-, ., , , , . - . , , . . - , -- ~

i J.70R USE IN TJNLT I Ob LY l' ' 1303 1.1 g

         .i.-                                                                                Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.1       (Cont'd)                   Page 3 of 11

,. CARRY ALGEBRAIC SIGMS THROUGH ALL STEPS - 1.. Mass change due to changes in Pzr. level and temperature. _ .: HOTE: The volum of the Pzr. up to the 200" level is

752.03 ft -
a. Initial mass in Pressurizer.

Determine th'e initial absolute pressure inside the Pzr. (Line 5c plus 14.7 psi = absolute pressure). Line Sc ~2_ l 80 psig


14 .7 psi Line lla = 2.[ $ 4C psia

b. Use Line lla and Table 2 to determine the initial specific volume of water (vi) in the Pzr. Assume saturation conditions.

Line lib, vi = . OZM67 ft.3/lbm.

c. Invert Line lib, to determine the initial density of the water in the Pzr.

Line 11c = 1 = 1 = 57,Sp/ lbm/ft.3 Line lib (,ozuB7 ) f t.3/lbm d. Determine initial volume of water in the Pzr. [(Line 3 minus 200") times 3.18.ft.3/in. plus 752.03 ft.33, Line 3 27_ t ,7. 'T i n . 200 in. TMI UNIT 1

                                                                                            ~TP 600/5 Line lid       =              2 l .D in.                   Enclosure 7,11/37l
                                                                                  ,           Effective Page 0 x                3.13      ft."/in.         Page 162    -

Line lie = lo~"l . (p3] [


752.03 ft.

                                                                                      *  '  '      5   .-

Oh' [ Line lif = $19, L (pg ft, Duplicate Page [ =. FOR USE ITPUNIT ! ONLY .


                 . 3 m .; [. * ~'.

q . r: 130 -1.1 Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont' d) Page 4 of 12

e. Determine initial mass in the Pzr (Line lif times Line 11c).. -
       ,:f.. .
Line lif~ 8 ii .(,(o9 ft.3 Line ,11c x' 37. $t d 1bm/ft.3 Jh.

n Line.11g .. 3 0 74 6 0(,3 lbm. - Yi? f. Detemine- the final mass in the Pzr. Determine the final m.: c.

  ..-l-i                       absolute pressure inside the Pzr. (Line 10c plus 14.7 psi.
   -}i                         equals absolute pressure.)
   ;iT                              Line 10c                           C 60. 3                psig
                                                         +                         14.7       psi
     .,                             Line 12a                                2.( 9 T         . psia
   ':-                  g. Use Line 12a and Table 2 to determine the final specific
         ':                   volume          (vf) of the water in the Ezr.                   Interpolate as necessary. Assume saturation conditions.

~ Line 12b, vf = s O Z4G G 2 - ft. / lcm

h. Invert Line 12b to detenaine the density.

Line 12c = 1 = 1 = 6'7.f l lbm/ft.3 0 Line 12b -(.0 % ~Z-)ft. /lbm i. Determine the final volume in the P:r. [(Line 8 minus 200") times 3.13 ft.3/in. plus 752.03 ft.33 Line 3 2.Z. t . 5 3 in. 200 in. Line 12d = ~2 L . 5 3 in. x 3.18 ft.3793, TMI UNIT 1 Line 12e = f.6. %f ft.3 TP 600/5 - Enclosure 7, 12/37

                                                       +                        752.03       ft.3               Effective Page 0 n       ,     Page 163 Line *2f   .       =               $70.d f               f t.N$7 . i.b'              ,(]         p1 Cuplicate Page_      0       . .    .-


                                       ,.y,.              ,,-w-.


a M.OR LUSE IN1,JN T :1 ONLY f, . . .

C ~ n o3-1.1

                                                                                                              -Revision 12
                                                        . DATA SHEET 1303-1.1 ~.1      (Cont'd)                      Page 5 of 12
    .                                   -Determine the final mass in the Pzr.(Line'12f times Line 12c)                                '-

Line'12f 820.4%~ ft.3 m '. Line 12c x '5'?. 7 1 lbm/ft.3 Line'12g = 3o 77(o.76L lbm- '

k. Determine the mass change in the Pzr (Initial Mass minus Final 4! ~

Mass, or Line'11g minus-Line 12g).

                               .               Line lig               30 744,56 $               lbm                                           ..

Line 12g - ~ So TN . 78L lbm . 7 Line 13 =

                                                                        " 7 7 . '7 t 9          lbm s

2.. Mass change in RCS due tto the change in RCS pressure and temperature. i

                                 .a.. Use Table 3 to determine the initial and final specific volume it of the ccmoressed water in the RCS.                  Determine the pressure                            !

frca Lines lia and 12a. Determine temperatures from lines 2e and 7e.

1. Inf tial conditiens Line 11a Initial pressure = z.W4.'7 psia l Line 2e Initial temperature = $52 5T *F-Line 11h Initial specific volume = . 0Z087 ft 3/lbm Line 111 Initial density = 1 = 1 = 47.ilfe ibm /ft3
2. 'I"' I " I
  • I FinaT conditions
l. .

Line 12a Final pressure = 'Z' l 9 7 psia Line 7e Final temperature - 5 3 2. 57

  • F Line 12h Final Specific Volume = . 6 ?o D f t /lbm l Line 121 Final Censity = 1 = 1 = Q U S lom/f:3

! OCU Os a jry;.s%* Line 12h 2 (.oa87; ft /l ba l i!;;,;:,ijn' my TMI UNIT 1 1 TP 600/5

   -Duplicate Page_                         [            b^4                                                       Enclosure 7, 13/37 m                    ,e g                                          Effective Page O L                                           FOR USE IN UN!T ! ONLY s                                                                                                       .
                     .                                                                c'-               1303_1,1 Revision 12 e    N ,,

DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.1 .(Cont' d) Page 6 of 12

         ~ f. ' .                b. Determine density change in the RCS (Line 111 minus Line 121) 1   ~
                                             'Line 111           47. i l G              lbm/ft.3
, . Line 121 .
                                                                ' 4 'l. 9 1 b          lbm/ft.3
   .; , -                                   lLine 14~     =                0           lbm/ft.3
c. Determine the mass change in the RCS (Line 14ftimes 10,564 ft3)

Line 14 O lbm/ft.3 x 10,564 ft.3 Line 15 - O lbm i I

3. Mass change in the Makeup Tank L(Line 4 minus Line 9) times 255 lbm/in]
NOTE: 255 lbm/in. assumes the tank is at 20 psig. pressure  :
                     .     :                    and 115*F. . (This assumptior is valid from 90*F. to                       :            l
129'F. ano from 15 psig, to 35 psig.).  : I Line 4  %.1 in.

Line 9 . M.k in.

                                                         =              .6            in.

x 255 lbm/in. Line 16 = 2d ibm 4~. Totai RCS mass change (Line 13 plus Line 15 plus Line 16) Line 13 ~ Z 7. ~719 lba I Line 15 - O lem TML UNIT 1 l Line 15 + 204 lbm TP 600/5 Enclosure 7, 14/37 l Line 17 = l7h.Z8I i::m Effective Page 0  ! Page 165 . *j g OCN- ,a v *. : > .3 ..

  • M.% ,'-~ r .'- 3+ Q p n n y D-d- -

L.1,;; g Duplicate page w g FOR USE IN'DN!T ! ONLY t .

        -          .- -                e                                                                     1303-1.1 r-O R U c tI.N. eJ N <' _i i O h LY                                       (. 7         Revision 12

_ -DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.1 (Cont'd) Page 7 of 12

5. RCS inventory change in gallons TMI UNIT 1
a. Mean Tave determination [(Line 2e plus Line 7e) + 2] TP 600/5 Enclosure 7, 15/37
               .                                Line 2e               5 g 2. , s 5-- *F .                       Effective Page O Page 166 Line 7e         +-     5 315 7            *F.

Line 18 = lot,T. I L *F.

                                                              +                    2 Line 19         =

5 $"2. 5 (o *F. = Mean Tave

b. .Use Fig.1 and Line 19 to detennine the conversion factor from Ibn. to gal.

Line 20 = , /f/, L gal /lbn (conversion factor)

c. RCS inventory change (Line 17 times Line 20)

Line 17 / 7(, , 28 l ibn Line 20 x . / S-(, 2. gal /1bm r Line 21 = Z~?. 5 l/ gal.

6. . Operator caused changes in RCS inventory. (Frcm Data Sheet 1503-1.1.4).

Line 22 O gal.

                       ' 7.       Total RCS inventory change (Line 21 minus Line 22).

Line 21 2 7, T Ll gal . Line 22 - O gal.

                            .                  Line 23        =       ~2?.SN                   gal.

GFFim,u a p w cu,n.;.'ci;j;".,UDP 1.c N ~ FOR USE IN UN!T ! ONLY g .


(! n03 1.1 Revision 12 l 1 DATA SHEET 1303_1.1.1 (Cent'd)- Page 8 of 12 l



8. Test duration (Line 6 minus Line 1 use Time = T2) '

TP 600/5

                                                                                                            . Enclosure 7, 16/37
                                                 , Line 6            C ~2.          h    C D_          min. Effective Page O

Page 167 Line 1 - 0O h oF min.

   ,                                               Line 24 =            2-          h      O          min. =            ( 2 O min.
    . '                  ,. :         NOTE:            Minimum of 2 hrs'(120 min.) per Para. 3.9.                            :

9.. RCS Leakage Plus Losses (Line 23 divided by Line 24) Line 23- E 'l . T ' gal. Line 24 + l~2 0 min.


Line 25 = .229' gal./ min. Limit: Line 25 shall not exceed 30 gal / min. (See Table 1303-1.1.1).

10. - RCS Losses Deteminaticn
a. Detennine the initial and final volume of the water in the RCDT. Use Line 5 a, Line 10 a and Table 4 to deter.nine this.

Interpolate as necessary. al. Line 5a = 9504 in. Line 26 Initial volume = 6EZ.DN ft.3 a 2. Line 10a = 93.b N in. Line 27 Final volume = SES. l 'i ~7 ft."

b. RCDT water density. Use Line 5b, Line 10b ard Table 3 to determine the specific volume of the water in the ROT.

Interpolate as necessary. bl. In.itial specific volume = .OlWS ft. / W Initial densi.ty = 1 ~~- .. Initial Soeci-ic 'scit.mev. ; _ , . , . U: ~~ psf. s t; , D- %ze .%c ~~g FOR USE IN UN!T 1 ONLY . Y e

                - FOR USE IN JN Tl ON LY C          5 ; ; 12                   !

DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.1 (Cont' d ) - Page 9 of 12 Line 28 = 1: = p2.163 lbm/ft.3 ( ,olcob ) ft.3/lbm

                                'b2. Final specific volume =            . b/6 08            f t. /lbm Final ' density ' =              1
 ,-                                                          Final Specific Volume Line 29 ='               1              = 62 16 9 lbm/ft.3

( . 0/606 ) f t. '/l bm

c. Initial mass in RCDT (Line 26 times Line 28) -

Line 26 5 ZZ ~54 ft.3 Line 28 x G1. l63 lbm/ft.3 Line 30 = 3 M 83.80k Ibm

d. Final mass in RCOT (Line 27 times Line 29)-

Line 27 S E T ("l ') ft.3 Line 29 x 6 T.18 9 lbm/ft.3 Line 31 = ~$2.G(,C) . 24 T lbm

e. Operator caused changes in RCOT (Calculate ibm. of Yater added or reccved frca Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4).

Line 32 O lbm

f. Mass rate of change of RCDT (Final Mass minus :nitial Mass, .or

[Line 31 minus Line 30 plus Line 32; diviced ay Line 2al. TMI UNIT 1 Line 31 ag 2 4 (,0. Z.% 7 lbm TP 600/5 Enclosure 7. 17/37 Line 30 3 2 4 Bh ,801 lbm Effective Page O Page 168 Line 32 + O 1bm Of[p'{'.1 ,r-lq g

                                                                                                           . . - . m'y
                                                 =        n ro .w             lba Duplica:e page      __

g " 34 oo r

                     .               FOR USEiN UNIT i ONLY                                  *
'~ '

C Ashd 12 j *, - DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont'd) Page 10 of 12


1 L.ine 24 +- 17.0 min . Line 33 = ( . 4 ~7 ltm/ min. Enclosure 7. 18/37 Effective Page 0

   ..,.                       g. Cony'ert mass to gallons (Line 33 times Line 20)                  Page lH
 -f.,                                     Line' 33              l.N 7                1tm/ min.

n_ Line 20 x  : L 5(o 7 gal./1ba.

     ,.                                   Line 34      =
                                                               .ZZS~l              .gal.'/ min J.
                       -11. Identifed Leak Rate (Generated from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.3).
  .l                                      Line 35                 'O                lbm/ min.
12. Leakage thr.ough OTSG tubes (Primary-to-secondary leak)
a. . Line 36 ,D2F0 l ba/ min. (From most recent calculations recuired.~by 1301-1 calculated on D.S. 1303-1.5)
b. OTSG 1eakage in gallons Line 36 , 0 2 5~0 lbn/ min.(from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.5, Line 48)

Line 20 x , /G 2 gal ./l ba Line 37 . = , D6 39 gal./ min Limit: Line 37 shall not exceed ifmits specified in Table 1303-1.1.1. ~

13. Correction Factor
                            .a.      Evaporative losses     :    + 2.24 l bn/ min,
b. RCP No. 3 Seal Purge : -

0.87 l bm/ min.

                                   .      Line 38 = Sum     :. +     1.37 l bm/ min.
14. Total identified leakage (Line 35 plus Line 36 plus Line 38 X
                             .Line 20)      ,
   .                                      Line 35                    O              l bn/mi                                l D F r. c.. . m..m.


                                                                                                       -     ..a. J.,ou nnm; u,

D-+ 20.0 Ou:::!cate Pa2e O FOR USE !N UNIT I ON Y .

T.l JOR USE IN"JNIT l Ob LY c 13 m -1 1 Revision 12

...i DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.1' (Cont' d) Page 11 of 12 Line 36 + TMI UNIT 1
                                                                        . O Z.SD                 lbm/ min.

TP 600/5


Line 38 + - Enclosure 7, 19/37- # 1.37 lbm/ min. Effective Page 0 Mb

                              .              Line 39     ..               l                    lbm/mia. (sum)

8 I

                                            'Line 20      x                      15(o2'       gal./lbm
                                                                                                                                                 -l Line 40      =                 , ~2. l 7 9       gal./ min.
15. Unidentified Leakage (Line 25 minus Line 34 minus Line 40)
                       .                     Line-25                  . 2- Z.$ '              gal./ min.

Line 34 -

                                                                       .1.7.97                gal./ min. .

Line 40 -

                                                                        .Zl79                 gel./ min.

Line 41 = . E [ 6(, gal./ min. Limit: Line 41 shall not exceed 1 gal./ min. If change in Line 41 frcm last calculation is >.33 gpm, obtain an k'4.A-5 grab sample.

16. Total. Leakage (Line 40 plus Line ?l)

Line 40 .2-l'19 gal . /mi n. Line 41 + ' 7.18(o gal./ min. Line 42 = . 00 0 ~7 gal./ min.

                         . Li ii t:      Line 42 shall not exceed 10 GPM.

Remarks (Specify reasons for any results deter tined to be invalic): I

                .  :           NOTE:          Attaen all calculation sheets.                                                         :
                                                                                                         . .. _    =:,: n m. .r. u D-f'oupawe.u.,a_              a          p             _
                                         .rOR USE N UNIT ! ONLY y..                                                                                                               .
       ^l FOR USE INIJN T I Oh LY C


                                                                                                          ~ 1303-1.1
                   ,                                                                                         Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.1 (Cont' d)                            Page 12 of 12
                       'DVM Serial No.:

Model No.: Perfomed by: - m \ wM ,- , Time /Date: OZM to -Q -83 Reviewed by: Time /Date: TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure 7, 20/37

            ,                                                                                                  Effective Page 0     -

Page 171 e -

                                                                             ..; . , , . , . . ~ . .


                                                                                                        > . . g P"J aO V  a D-f   Duplicate Para n

v __ s hb ' l4 l 01 $ u_ U

e - g e

                                                                                               .                                                                                                (


                   .. o llBC 'E4                                                    5_RI..IT_1(15.03 -Th.1_M k :                                                                                                    5 22.3L(

2 _ e. ._ n. -. __.,_ S ,z._i s e . w n ( u e = m . m _ . - - . . . . . _ . . _ . . _ _ . . . . ~ _ . . . . . . ._ _

                                                                                                                                                                                                           . . . . . . _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ = - - - -                    _ _ . _ -

THI UNIT 1 _ . _ . _ . _ . _ _ - = . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . - _ . . . . . . .. _ _. . ._ ,gp .6 00 / 5 --- -- - Enclosure.7. 21/37

      . . _ _ _ . . . . -                            _ . . .                                           _-                     .                                    -.                      . . _ ....... ..               . ..- Ef f ective Page 0 ---_-

Page 172

 . m . .. ___. .                                   _         . . . .              . ~ . . _                  .             _.                              .                            -

r : m..,..

n. .
            . . . . . . . . . .                 _.                   ._                . . . . . . _ . . _ _ _ . .                         -_                                      . . . . . . .             . . . . _ . . . . . . .PdD..-COD                        8 A ...- - -
      . . _ . _ . . . . .                    .                 . .-                                                                                                          UytiC3tc Page                                              h.                                        .   . . _ . .
                                                                                                                                                                  ~Y                         - _ .


              '?                                                                                1303 1 1
         ..; ..FOR USE INJJNIT I Oh LY                                                    y     Revision 12

[ **

  • DATA SHEET 1303 1.1.2 Page 1 of 13 For Use When Ccaputer is not Available TMI UNIT 1 3.N -

TP 600/5 Enclosure 7, 22/37

  '!~ Initial Conditions . To be taken at one minute intervals.                                       Effective Page 0 i

Page 173

   .c :                             P at'ch Panel      '

Point Ti T2 T3 Line l' . Time o oc'/ oow edo[ T2 =@f

       ^ Line'2       Tave                  40    7,/[G             +    p,/c 7         +  7, /of(       f*V+ 3. = /./ct/DC
       ~ Line 3       Przr level            27 - C. 93a.            + - d . */ 3 4      + -0. 9 2./ ~3' h?+ 3 r.t3o VDC M Line 4           MU Tank               15   g.f/ o             + ' g, 56 V         +

(57 / 'D

                                                                                                         =    7+ 3     r.so7DC Line Sa       RCDT Level (Note 2) 717,2(of +                      7,2 90        +  7,37/         7' 0 0+ 3 = >. WIDC Line 5b       RCDT Temp (Note 2) 73 7 46 f +                     3, / fr6       +   J./d         I'% + 3 3 'tfvDC.

Line 5c RCS Pres 28 9,f32 + 9,73O + 7.93/ #%

                                                                                                         =    + 3 =>.UlVDC (Wide Range) of Line 5d         RCS Pres            30    s' ) "/f          +   S. 3 d          +

[< 3 6 7 hl 7 + 3 =d NoVDC (Narrcw Range)

NOTE : 1. Use of.the patch panel allcws this precedure to  :
be performed when Tave > 520*F.  :
2. Conversion factcrs are given in Enclosure 1.  :
Attach any additional calculatten sheets used to  :
convert the values in Lines 1 to 10 into the  :
parameters used in the calculations. All values  :
recorded are in volts, DC.  :
3. Leakage out of the RCS has a positive (*) sign.  :
"Leakace" into the RCS (ex. chenical adds) has a  :
negative sign.  :
            .    :       CAUTION:      When using patch aanel voltage, be sure to record the :
voltage polarity (+ or .) and reat this as an  :
algebraic sign.  :
NOTE: All values belcw are in Tems of volts, DC.  :
                                                                                                  ,.....,....        .- . , s r 23.0                                        4
                                                                                                  .,,.,,3,._         , . ;., t,   ;.

FOR U S E IN O NIT ! O N Y mm ge,,o v _ H n? .

                 .FOR USE IN ') NIT l OiN LY                                     r;        g";'d 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd)                 Page 2 of 13 Final Ccnditions - To be taken at one minute intervals.                                                    -

Patch Panel

                              .        Point             Ti          T2                  T3 Li ne*6         Time                   ddd8'           O.;2.07          d R /C                    T2 =0203

1.ine 7 Tave 40 9,O ffo + 7, 0 9G +

7. C98' @'% + 3 = >,07FDC Line 8 Przr level ~27 , t z P + ,7/8' +
                                                                                  - 920             =5 c + 3 2 %VDC Line 9          NU Tank            15- f. </6 3     + S. (/ Y 7     +

5.V3R b)v x+ 3 E vv>VDC Line 10a RCDT L evel (Note 2) 71 ?, 3 /5' + ^/, J Cf + 9,75 I'I4 + 3 2'3'#VDC Line 105 RCDT Temp (Note 2) 73 7, / 9'S + 3. /# V +

3. / 6'I I'h + 3 3' 'tf VDC Line 10c RCS Pres 28 9, 7J/ + 7, 93/ + 7,930 '
                                                                                                    =4.+3=%sVDC' 2

(Wide Range) of Line 10c RCS Pres 30 5,36) + f, 358" + 5367' %)

                                                                                                   =         + 3 =#'44VDC (Narrow Range)
CAUTION: *n hen using patch panel voltage, be sure to record the :
voltage polarity (+ or .) and treat this as an  :
algebraic sign.
  • TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Enclosure 7, 23/37 Effective Page O

, Page 174 n- - D-4

                                                                      -rrua new copy   - -.

Duplica:a Paga O N. - FOR USE IN ONIT ! ONLY

      -.          ' FOR USE IN:JN'T I Ob LY
                    "                                                                         (;'     ~

1303-1.1 F ' '.' . Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303 1'.1.2


(Cont'd) Page 3 of 13 E

1. Temperature conversion (from VCC to *F)

Initial' temperature [570*F. minus (Line 2 Times 5)]

                -                                 57'0* F . _ ( '7.10 6 v de x 5 )
  • F. ,

570*F. - $56k *F. Line 11 = 5 54,#(, 'F. = Initial Tave Final temperature [570*F. minus (Line 7 times 5)]

                                                                   ~7.o'l 7 570*F.      (      .@0ydex5)*F.

570*F. - 3T.487* F. Line 12 = S 3 Q. 5 7 [ *F. = Final Tave

2. Mass change in Przr. The volume of tile Pze. up to the 200" level is 752.03 f t.3 ,
a. Determine levels in the Pzr.
1. Initial level in the Pzr.
HOTE: Carry algebraic signs.  :

Initial level 200" minus (Line 3 Times 20 in/ volt) Line 3 -.930 VOC x 20 in/VDC


Line 3a = ~ 16 . (, in Line 13 = 200 in . (Line 3a) Line 13 = 200 in . (~ 18.4)in = Z I 6. (, in

              .                           2. Final level in the Pzr.                                      TMI UNIT.1 TP 600/5 Line 8                       .922_           VDC             Enclosure.7, 24/37
                                 .                                                                          Effective Page 0 _

x 20 in/VOC Page 175

    .                                                                               r Line Sa         =
                                                                          -/8,4L            inQC;"*lpyg         g,
                                                                                                    ~-          ntw, CDPY o_ ,Cuplicate a  ,


 'l:.      70R USE IN .'.jN'T I OiN LY                                     (J              1303-1.1 Revision 12 DATA. SHEET 1303-1.1.2     (Cont'd)                   Page a of 13 TM1 UNIT 1 Line 14 = 200 in - (Line 8a)

TP 600/5 Enclosure 7, 25/37. Line 14 = 200 in -(-16.4% )in = 1,t8 M in. i Effective Page 0 Determine initial and final Pzr. Pressure . Initial Pressure [(Line 5c or 5d times 250.psig/v) plus

                                  . 7 psi)

Line /5d S.57 v g x 250 psig/v - l

                                                                                              , r                           go.t -            .

14.7 psi g c ' * \\.2 Line 15 = \ psia

2. rina1' Pressure [(Line l ' or 10d Times 250 psig/v) plus 14.7 psi] P
                                                                                                   # J-83*I Line 10c/10d                               v f4     g3                              $*

x 250 sig/v

                                                  +                 14.7     psi Line 15          =                          psia c.

Determine initial and final density

1. Initial density (Use Line 15 and Table 1 water column to det' ermine initial specific volume at Line 17)

Line 17 = , O E4 39 ft.3/1bm Initial density = 1 __ = 37.69 '5 lbm/f t.3 Line 17 Line 18 = 57.81'5 lbo/ft.3 (:nitial Density)  : j.FjiCl.a.L FELD COPY Duplicate Paga 0 -_

              -           FOR USE 18 UN!T I ONLY                                 -

e '

                   *FOR USE IN")N T I OblY        '


  • n 03 1.1 9 +* .

Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 5 of 13 2. Final density (Use Line 16 and Table I to determine final '

                                        ,   specific volume at Line 19)

Line 19 . ,OZ436l ft.3/lbm [' Final density . 1 - 37.697 lbm/ft.3

                                                           -Line-19                            .

Line 20 . M .8O lbm'/ft.3 (Final' Density)

d. Determine initial and final volume
1. Initial volume [(Line 13 minus 200") times 3.18 ft.3j93, plus 752.03'ft.3) .

Line 13 E 16.6, in. 200 in. 18.(o in. x 3.18 ft.3/in. c4.R8 ft.3


752.03 ft.3 Line 21 . $ ll .17 6 ft.3

2. Final volume ((Line 14 minus 200") times 3.18 ft.3/in plus 752.03 ft.3)

Line la 7, L8. 4 N in. 200 in.

                                                        .                I8M           in.

TMI UNIT 1 x 3.*3 ft.3/in. TP 600/5 Enclosure 7. 26/37

              .                                         .              60.(rN          ft.3         Effective Page 0 3        Page 177

752.03 ft.- '

                                          . u, 22
                                          -             .           sio .<,e          .:.3 kgffICI.0.L FiEiD COPY DUDil:3tc Pa,a         g
 .'  .        ' . FOR USE IN.~JN T , OK Y                                         c- '           1303-1.1
         ,,    ,.                                                                                Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2    (Cont'd)                  Page 6 of 13
e. Determine initial and final mass in P:r'
 ~                                                                                               TMI UNIT 1
  • TP 600/5
1. Initial mass (Line 18 times Line 21) Enclosure 7, 27/37 Effective Page 0 Line 18 37.893 lbm/ft. Page 178 4b Line 21 x 811. ll 8 ft.3 -

e g, Line 23 . '5 0 T 3 7 9 fo 8 lbm

                      ~.'              2.* Final mass (Line 20 times Line 29)
                                ,g06        Line 20           Ti 8N                l bm/ f t.3 90                        Line 22      x    @(o64G9              ft.3
  -f6          ,V                           Line 24            30 1 -Z.1 A23       lbm
f. Change in P:r. mass (Line 2A minus Line " i Line 24 lbm Line 23 -

lbm Line 1bm

3. Mass change in RCS cue to change in pressure and temperature.
a. Determine RCS density change (Use Line 11, Line 12, Line 15, Line 16, and Table 3 to determine initial and final specific volumes.) .
1. Initial density Line 26 . Initial Specific Volume . Of#083 3f t /1bm Lihe 27 . 1 . 1 . A '7.8B (, Ibm /ft.3 Line 26' ( ,6ce60t, fibm Line 27 . O .68h> lbm/ft.
2. Final density Line 28 . Final Specific Volume . , ozo 8 8*'$

3 f t /1bm - Line 29 . 1 . 1 . O .88 G lbm/ft3 Line 2B (,ototf3ft.3/lba) 0FF! CIA!. FiE.LD C: FOR USE INi) NIT I ON YJebaae o y

1.. ' . FOR US E IK."JN 5 + T l Ob LY Q. ' 1303 1.1 a Revision 12 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont' d) Page 7 of 13

3. C e in density (Line 29 minus Line 27)

Line 29 lbm/ft.3

                  / g.,                   Line 27       -

lbm/ft.3 Line 30 = 3 ft

b. RCS mass change

g'4c4 ,g$ .Line 30 O lbm/ft. 10 RCS Vol. x 10,564 ft.3 6# d Line 31 O lbm

4. Mass change in Makeup Tank
a. Initial level [50 plu: (Line 4 times 5 in./v)]

Line 4 *J . T'] y x 5 in./v , [ = T. 7 +0$ i n.

                                                       +                   50    in.
                .                        Line 32       =      '77 69-            in.
b. Final level [50 plus (Line 9 times 5 in/v))  :

Line 9 5.44'7 v x 5 in./v

                                                       .       27. ns~          in.
                                                      +                   50    in.

Line 33 = 7 '7. Z 5 I in. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5

c. ' Level c.... (Line 33 minus Line 32) Enclosure 7, 28/37 Effective Page 0 Line 33 in. Page 179 Line 32 -


                                                                                        .r.90!E E.D COPY D Ouplicate Page        O           _


., . .FOR USE !N~'jN T l ON LY (

A 13a-t i Revision 12 DATA' SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 8 of 13

d. . Mass change (Line 34 times 255 Itm./in) -

Line 34 ,(o l 7 in. x 255 l bn/in. Line 35 = l fio . 8 Z.7 l bn

5. Total RCS Mass change (Su:n of Line 25, Line 31 and Line 35)~
                                     'Line 25    +      /(, 0 4 7            ltm
                        .            'Line 31    +            O              l bn Line 35    +     l TG .8ET             lbm           ,

Line 36 = l71$87 l bn

6. RCS lbn. to gal. conversion factor
a. -Mean Tave deternination [(Line 11 plus Line 12) divided by 2]

Line 11 5 3t-l. % *F. Line 12 + 6'$4.S~lT 'F.


lo46.175~ 'F.

                                                 +                     2 Line 37    =

6 34. LI8S 'F. = Mean Tave

b. Use Line 37 and Fig. I to find the conversion factor. , ,

a 'Line 38 (conversion factor) = , ( T (, '2, gal ./1 tm

7. RCS Inventory Change (Line 36 Times Line 38)

Line 36 17'Z. 8) I ts Line 38 x s'l5b7 gal./1ta at Mean Tave Line 39 = 7.,7 . O o 1 gal. TMI UNIT 1

  • TP 600/5 Enclosure 7, 29/37 Effective Page O Page 180 o 4 "TC*Ts e,h ' d Fi E Cuplicate Paga g FOR USE IN#U N I T l O N _. Y g
                    . FOR USE WJJN T i OiN LY                                                      fc            A3;;n12                           ;

j DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 9 of 13 '

                      '8.        Operator caused changes to RCS inventory (Frcm Data Sheet TMI UNIT l-                                    ,~

TP 600/5 c 1303-1.1.4) - Enclosure 7. 30/37 Effective Page 0

                                             ' Line'40 :                   O-                     gal.                Page 181
- NOTE: Gallons added is minus (-), gallons removed is  :
-plus (+). -:
                       '9 .

Test duration (Line 6 minus Line 1) Line 6 02. h O9 min. Line 1 co h *T min . Line 41 7 h N min. = l'2LN - min.

10. Total RCS Leakage minus changes (Line 39 minus Line 40)

Line 39 T.'7.C O 2 gal. Line 40 - CJ gal . g Line 42 = t 7 oo "L- gal.

11. Leakage Rate (Line 42 divided by Line 41)

Line 42 2. t gal.. Line 41 - + (LM m in . Line 43 = . 116 gal . / min . Limit : Line 43 shall not exceed 30 gpm. -

                                          . (See Table 1303-1.1.1)
12. RCS Losses to RCDT
a. Determine initial and final water volume in the RCDT. (Use Line 5a, Line 10a and Table 4 Interpolate as necessary).

Line 44 (*nitial volume) = Il9963(I ft. Line 45 ( inal volume) = SD. M ft. Drb.Cuil Fin

                                                                                                                     - ~ s.n
                                                                                                                           " cup,,,

n b.g 31.0 Duplicate pagg Q


C P,Q 't }QC '\' A

                                                                                                '\'s s yas vv- ;l I i\,.iI t.\l* l* **\*l
                                                                                            .   ~.) i l' l \/


          '. .FOR USE IK JN T l Oh LY c.

(; 13n3 1.1 Revision 12. DATA ' SHEET 1303-1.1.2 '(Cont'd) Page 10 of 13

b. . Determine initial and final water density 'in the RCDT. (l!se '

Line 5b, Line 10b and Table 3 to determine the initial and final specific volume. Invert this to find the density. Interpolate as necessary). ~

1. Initial density Line 46 = (Initial Specific Volume) = _, O/(,07 ' ft 3/lbm L'ine 47 (Initial Density) = 1 = 1 = /,2.1 51bm/f?

Line 46 (,c/ko7ft fibm)

2. Final Density Line 48 = (Final Specific Volume) = , o//,o 7 ft.3/lbm.

Line 49 (Final Density) = 1 = 1

                                                                                                 + le 2.?-31 bm/ f t.

Line 48 ( ,0/In07 ft.3fjgg,)

c. Initial mass in RCDT (Line 44 Times Line 47)

Line 44 l./N.91Y ft.3 , Line 47 x (, 7 1 ~3 l bm./ f t.3 Line 50 = 3 0 W7 W T lbm.

d. Final mass in RCDT (Line 45 Times Line 49) .

9 Line 45 49 7. 4 9 ft.3 Line 49 x 6 Z. 2 3 l bm./ ft.3 Line El = 50957,Wlo lbm.

e. Mass change in the RCCT (i.ine 51 minus Line 50) gg1 Line 51 309 57. MG lbm. TP 600/5.

Enclosure 7. 31/37 Line 50 - 1 0 79 7t 4 4 T 1bm. Effective Page O Page 182 Line 52 = f(oO , o f lbm. CFF!CIAl. FIEl.D COPY b-+Duptizate Paic 0 FOR USE"A UNIT I ONLY .

   .+            .

m.1. .- . n .

.OR USE W7JNIT ILOb LY ( H?3;ld12
                                                                                                                             'Page 11 of 13
                                                            ' DATA SHEET.1303-l'.1.2 (Cont'd)
f. -Operat'or caused changes in RCDT (Calculated ihn. of water .

added~or removed frcm Data Sheet.1303-1.1.4)


6 Line-53 = l bn.

            ;                   ':        NOTE:        ' Water added is (-).            Water removed is (+). . Carry               :

b<  :; algebraic signs.' - g.- Mass rate of change in RCDT [(Final Mass minus Initial Mass) or (Line 52 plus Line 53) div'ded by Line 41]


Line 52 ' I (, O . O T- .l bn . Line 53 + o I bn.

                                                                      =         16 0.O T                 l bn.

Line 41 + l 2.M min. 157.9 Line 54 = lba./ min.

h. Convert mass change to gal. (Line 54 multiplied by Line 38)

Line 54 = lI-3 l bn./ min. Line 38 x ,_ .(%t gal ./l bn . Line 55' = t 7.01 F gal./ min. 13.- Identified Leak Rate (Generated from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.0; sign is positive)

                                                    .Line 56           :               O                 l bn./ min .                             l
14. ' Leakage through OTSG Tubes (Primary-to-secencary leak; sign is positive deter nined frca J.S. 1303-1.1.5) i a.

Line 57  : . OEY l bn./ min .

b. OlSG 1eakage in tenas of gal./nin. (Line 57 times Line 35) e O ET ibn./ min.

Line 57 - .

   *TMI UNIT 1                                       Line 38          x.          .lM                     gal./1ha.
    -TP 600/5                                                                                                                        w.

Encicsure 7, 32/37 Line 58 = ,oO39 (*; 8C,'."M; m 1N != M d h h g al ./mW.

     -Effcetive Page 0 Paga 183                                                              33,0 .                        gJuplicata Pago           8 FOR USE ;N UNIT ! ONL.Y
          .: -i =
                     .FOR US E IN .'JN'T l ON LY

( 1303-1.1 Revision 12 DATA. SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont' d) - Page 12.'of 13


Limit-: Line.58 shall not exceed limits 'specified in Table '1303-1.1.1

                       '15. -       Correction factor':       Line 59 =( + 1.37 lbm./ min. ) (From Data Sheet
                               ' 1303-1.1.1, Item 14)-                                                                  ,
16. Total identified leakage 1,(Line 56 plus Line 57 plus Line 59) Times Line 38.3 1

Line 56 C lbm./ min. Line 57 + e027 l bm./mi n. Line 59 + 1.37 lbm./ min. Line 60 = t i 5*l f lbm./mi n. Line 38 x (TkE gal./lbm. - Line 62 = - Z.t 7 9 .

                                                                           ,                gal./ min.
17. ~ Unidentified Leakage (Line 43 minus Line 55 minus Line 62)-

Line 43 i ~2 16 gal./ min. Line 55 - Z O I 5~ gal./ min. Line 62 ' '- 7.1 % gal./ min. Line 63 =


s70tN gal./ min. '

          .                           Limit :      Line 63 shall not exceed 1 gal / min.. (See Table 1303-1.1.1).-

If change in Line 63 from last calculation is >.33 gpm, obtain an Dt-A-5 grab sample

18. Total Leakage (Line 63 + Line 62)

Line 63 t 7.,0 I N gal./ min. . Line 62 +- 7.t~li gal./ min. , Line 64 , 6 i L T' gal./ min. TMI UNIT 1 TP 600/5 Limit : Lin.e 54 shall not exceed 10 GMI. Enclosure 7, 33/37 Effective Page 0 Page 18 0FPC'.a.!. n.s' n ' v' D-4 o

                         .                 FOR USE IN40) NIT 1 ON _.Y

i ..

            'h0R USE IN ;)N T I Ob LY                                                        (J       '[3e;};t   1, DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2              (Cont' d)                   Page 13 of 13 1 Remarks (Specify reasons' fer any results determined to be invalid):                                 .

f DVit Model No.  : Serial No. : 4 Perfomed by  : Te n, - Time /Date  : 0 'b t,L to-i ~6 D 4 4 Reviewed by  : Time /Date  :

     *                                        (['i'".'L'"I'N-
                                                            ?s     m.   ,

El'I.[ h (,', / ?/ 3,,,4

  • THI UNIT 1 TP 600/$

U"Ad 1;-) Ea .a' .g - Enclosure 7, 34/37 Effective Page 0 l m- Page 185

                                   .- O n u,d m i
                                                                                  , 0 ,g*;      i.,sj i ,g..s 4      u'; il   i    ,


n (- p-

            ,          ,o s

LoAI L 4 Q 1 7_ _ n_ n v q c,. ( _1 7 1  : Q.z__ .____ . 3.M U N L _N__ (o. __ S*O + E S..(V.O..C.. ~ 2-.

  • 2 -

=~ f.W_ .7.8, LjdE l/.k-. .

                                                   =_/z.m. . _x .W.o... . .                                                   -
                                                                                                                                      ._sS rw                           -

UNE 49 So + zS(s._.tss z.) ~ 71ces - r

                                                                                                                                                      .               -=_                                                         _

. . . . . 4...-. ._..._ __ __ . - _- . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . - _ . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . . ~ . . . l .: . . . . . . . . . .

                                                                                                                                                                                                              .. TMI UNIT 1~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ ~

TP 600/5 4 . Enclosura 7. 35/37 - s l!1Ld.2. . > et.D COPY s" ceiv r s o

                                                                        - - -M                                                                                                                                       Page 186                                 '
           .._. _             _                _. ._. .__ . .Ou;:lic::t o Pa s. e _                                                                O                   . _ . . _ _                      .          _        . . . ._ _                     .    . .


                .-m                                ; ,.,               ..r          t.                        g              - it         -

_."Q.  ! .\1 (- 4 )3g. WI (= - 'f i l ,/ v'% g e a m, . .*. .* (. . a.

                                                                                                                                                                    '-                   Revisicn 12 3 .-8.f,. 3....-- . ., s. ,e. ., ....o             ,     .
                                                                                                                                                                                                 .- age 1 c,. 4.

l OTS3 -'eakage S u, . . . ,. .un :.: 0... 0.;su

5. . s.: a x
                                                                                                                     . 3 --                                        . 0.m.
                                                                                                                                                                        ,,         .c2 5 n                . . . . . . ,
4. .y.:..nvv ,c,S:. , .. .....,,,.. . , ..r..... . v s :. i:.n
                                                                                                       . . . c.
NOTE: If RMA5 cpm ceteraina:icn c' 0753 leakage Nethod A  :

f ec- 1301 1) is inocerable a .c if DN.5 ;'-as sam;;1es  : indicate <LLD a::ivig levels, enter :erc (~.0) 0753

leakage.  :

Nrv i .;- > , , c - Y f;:.. <. y ,,,; 7 9 ,' .

e. 7 7 E - A I
3. *. E AX RATE: 0/ U; m (inbien: C nci:f ons'.
            ,.           3.s.n :. g .. y..  .             .      e.,.:
                                                                          . .n e . ,; a n, . . ... ..:n.u.a .r-w i...e.    ..

Line A (Lea.: ra a in gal / min) x 6.3.*i lbm/ gal = ,/l4; A's.7 lem/ min Line 5 : ,

                                                                         *cen-ffiec .'eakage                                       '.               ; - .e 's          1:m/ min                       $

5 07 : value is :: :e use: ':P manaa; ce:e-,ina-icn. q;e .nis value :n 26 cf ;.S. 1303 1.".. or I

                                   .                                       . 4.n.         :.
                                                                                                  , e.s. 45,..ine      .....3...               .  .
                                                                                                  .a ....,a.
a. i :. s . . ..m . ..
. n . e.,... :. .., .. ., .
              .                                                    .                   .                  . :. . . .       .       :,.... .... . s .. :.. ..s
                                                                                                                                                           . . . s u . . ,J, ., :.     .

s' h e . a. s . a m. , '. ... a n .'. '. . .i '. - ".'. s .. '. o n ,1

a. ., t . >. '. . . . . r v a. - .. - '. . . ' . . * . - . . - . ' .
                                                                                                                        .6 ., . '. v a. '. a. . . . s . .e , .>.'i a n s ' . ,... a v a.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    ,   ..a. d. s s.e.,s...,......s...a..,
                                                                                                                                                                               ...-      . . . . ,.e
                                                                                                                                                                                                  . .       ..s
                                                    .... n ..              ,i.,,.....
                                                                           .          .. .. ...        an. . ........... .
                                                                                                                    . ....              ... ..                                                                           l
                                            .. , ...         ...,e.,e..,.,    . . . . . ra...... . . . .             ,- . ,. _-
                                                                                                                     .,      .                                       ,a ..                                             ,


     .                                                                                           V'i.p' I.;)I N. b                                                                         THI UNIT 1
                                                                                                                                       .b. 5...U.Iu M,,0          s.         !f g

D-t/. TP 600/5 Dupuente Page- g Enclosure 7. 36/37


Effective Page 0 Fage 187 l

                                                        . L .Q. ! ,l vC O 1. '.f . C ', .N G,                                                              A ! i! .**~ l>                n., ,Q. j './

p .

                                .m-       >r*

t :l i ii V'l\ 11 LV

                     ,31 9

v, c t -l!N ( .:. .N (

            .   ** I  ,,

n . \...,,.

                                                                                                                                      .s..      ..
                                                     , n* . . ...,..r.
                                                                            . .t .a.
                                                                                         .....       (*   .'c'
                                                                                                     ..s...      .

m {  !

. :e er.ine e;'.ivale .- R"5 gali r Isakage -


                              ' ine 3 x ine ~ = . f r? u*-                     I D;-      x S. z f.'- O         sci    =   I 0. ' ?.FC min                               iDm
                              *ine D e . n _ t'
                              .                            gal m:n Tr's salue is .: b= used in -he c ce erminati0n

te rf:me: cy: q---- Sf.-#m w . -y - .a

                                           ~ime/Ca e:                      CiSO                    t o-U. -8 3 1
                                                            . e. .
                                                            '*          3      ...
                                                .s   ,g.

s . s;-~~. r';r;l-l.' r

                                                                                         -       :~. **
                                                                                                       . m ,!

e TM1 UNIT 1

                                                                        -a    - . ~ . .          - : u 's .s                     TP 600/5
                                            '4 Enclosure 7, 37/37 Duplicatc Fa;a                              8                                     Effective Page 0 Page 188
                                    .M y , Q,. so.
                                                 !I C >~_. }ld.^ v-I,.'\l.I i                             v*I.\l.! V u .ic u

(u i .. s s x _- . Inter-Office Memorandum Date October 3, 1983 E~ Subject TP 600/5 RCS LEAK RATE VERIFICATION TEST tuc ear A 3310-83-255 To. M. A. NELSON, ENGINEER SENIOR II, TMI-l Location Three Mile Island ' Plant Engineering has completed an initial review of the test.results from

    ,,            TP 600/5. The initial review results are as follows:
    )                                                 .

a.) Excellent correlation exists between the three methods of determining the RCS. Leak Rate - i.e. , computer determination, manual determination using computer data and manual determination using patch panel data. This occurred for both the Baseline and Superimposed Leak sections of the test. b .') A substantial error, howeve'r, was determined when the amount of the superimposed leak rate was compared to the leak rate which was calculated

' when this superimposed leak rate was in effect. All three leakage terms indicated an increase in leakage of approximately 1.8 gpm while the superimposed leak rate was only*on the order of 1 gpm. In other words, all terms indicated about 0.8 gpm high. This error is in the conservative direction.

At present, Plant Engineering is unable to explain the reason for this dis-crepancy, but note that it is in the conservative dir'ection. Since this error is in the conservative direction, Plant Engineering concludes that the requirements for determining, leakage rates as specified in Tech. Spec. 3.1.6 were satisfied. Plant Engineering will continue review of the data and Startup and Test' plans to repeat the test. 9A w. G%s F. W. PAULEWICZ


Engineer III, TMI-l WP:gh Attachment (1) , cc: J. J. Colitz, Plant Engineering Director, TMI-l "T.-M.-Hawkins, Manager TMI-l Startup and Test M. J. Ross, Manager, Plant Operations, TMI-l M. Sanford, Reactor Plant Manager, Tech. Functions, Parsippany R. J. Toole, Operations and Maintenance Directcr, TMI-l pgy CARIRS R. O. Barley, Lead Mechanical Engineer, TMI-l g,,7g S&Ma 8, lf2. e+t m 'r P m o

                                                                })-Ig                   pm./n

( (

s. s
         ;o          .



U: -0.0761 _-0.101 -0.1059 , p . ' SUPERIMPOSED - LEAK 0306 L:

  • 2.0459' 2.0269 2.0323 10/1/83 G: 1.8920 1.8582 1.8326 U: 1.6778 ~1.6439 '1.6183 SUPERIMPOSED LEAK DATA:

From 600/5 Data Sheets, the average superimposed leak rate was'O.730 gpm. Conver-sion factor from COLD CPM to RCS HOT GPM is (x 1.3) .

                              ,.                (0.730 gpm)(1.3)=0.949 gpm (RCS)

This value would show up as unidentified leakage and would be calculated as leakage

              ,     for all three leakage terms. In other words, L, G, and U should all go up by about l'gpa.

LEAKAGE DISCREPANCY' In order 'to determine the leakage discrepancy (LD), it is necessary to use the ' following equation: LD = Superimposed Leak Rate - Baseline Leak Rate - Superimposed Leakage For each term LD , LD , and LDU , is works out to: ' LD = 2.0459 - 0.2998 - 0.949_ .0.797 gpm . LD G

                                .1.892- - 0.1382 - 0.949 - 0.805 gpm
                      .LD g =    1.6778 - (-0.0761) - 0.949 = 0.795 gpm In other words, all three terms indicated a leakage which was about 0.8 gpm higher than the " actual" superimposed leak. Since all calculated terms were higher than the actual superimposed leak rate, the error was in the conservative direction.


                     - L: Leakage plus Losses G: ' Gross RCS Leakage U: Unidentified Leakage 6

TM.C I THooo/S Wewuge 7, 2/2. y ID &"& g. P + - L1e-

                                                                                                                                         .                                                                            2 v
                                                                                                                                              , hi):ll;] .

3 E CONutECTeoes ERokeN R*, TEMP. insTLe


e .I I l hf- .

     '.e :
              >)                                                 4 su a

m MU '" *

     ?        .'. S                                              {}                           Flow IHoicaTest.                                     ~
     'd       C ~'                         TANK                  gg                                                         -

l * -'t R YLusH

                                                                 %0 l

D l[',}

                                                                                                  /                  CONNECT 1oeJ                            ..

a CJ O h.d T V V .;. s 3

                                                                           - mI C"3                r                              s -r                                                                        f      '.
             "U               f/                               9              T                                 f                                          '"

N n n. n .I,- n m To PUMP 5 MO-Vl 45A i, gTar'p(sbrne gem rry) -  ! l A B C D I - y e  % p . s _ _

                                                                                                                    ,               __ .._ Ls                 %-                  ,
                                                                                           -w                      s                         '              <                  J g

EXISTING l TEMP. PLANT l igsTALLATaord 55 GAL. COLLECTsoPJ E quip. I y,ned o.=m drums tuiT8 srit.L l

           ; ;i. e. . -

BAsieJs ANb vent '

               ?88&                                                                                                               V1LTER.5 (if REQUltED)
           .a 8 E 3 ti u, *      ~
              , . ~
                                                                                                                                                 );: 2, ' -
                                                                                                                                                       ,                               go'
                                                                                                                                             -\.}} ,l,[i' h, *; .* ,.jp,                .


                                                                                                                                                                                           >'       i                     *                <

f REACTOR COOLANT SYSTEM. LEAK RATE DATE: 05/25/84 ._;.._.__.  : ., . . . . .. , . . .; . . T 1 f1E : 02:15:11



  . Ef 3TERED _RC DT.. CHANGE. FROM . D51303--1 i 5.. __.                                                           _ _ . ,                    _.             -.     .._.0.000 LBM. .                                 . . . _ . .                . ~ . _ . . . . . . _ .

ENTERED IDEllTIFIED LEAK R ATE FROM D51303-1.1.4 0.000 LBM/ MIN EflTERED 05TG LEAKAGE FROM,D51'303-1.1.6 0.000 LBM/ MIN , POIflT ID: A510 A508 A513 A509 C1720 A426 A835 A586 POINT..ID: .._A510_. .._A508 ._.. A513.__ A509_ . _..C1720._._ _ A426. __ ,-A835 .....A586. . . . . ._. p tit 1E TCA THA TCB THE TAVE PRZR LVL MUTK LVL RCDT LVL- RC5 PRESS g (F) (F) (F) (F) (F) (IN) (IN) -(IN) (PSIG) =

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .h 02: 49:06              531.732           532.800               531.532                       532.108                    532.043                  103.801                  82.554 .              '84.450                          2157.26                             ..,,,,

93.819 2157.06 L 04:49:06 331.644 532.709 531.464 532.037 531.963 103.6898 69.729-LEAKAGE PLUS LOSSE5 (MUST BE LESS THAN 30 GPf1) : 3.2555

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ..n GRO55 RCS LEAK RATE (MUST BE LESS'THAN'10 GPM) :                                                                                                              0.5196                                                                                                          3 ,


  • DATE/ TIME: M 2f-M .


                                                               .                                                                                                                                                                              rnt er i
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .. .. _ . ..                 'Tf 60 *l$. .-
                                                                                                              -.....OFFICIAI~FIEDTCOPY. . . .                                                                                                e a a . s m " .. b.. - -

ww.a sm-> fl0TE: ATTACH .ALL APPROPRI ATE. DATA .5HE.ET5_.__ DUPLICATE PAGE . - . O -- - g gg - --

__ l 4 .]

  . . ._. UNABLE TO. AC.TIVA.T.E..Oll. RESUME _ TASK. P.IP_ Lee._ EUNC.TIDN_ C ANCELLED .                                                                                                                                .__.._._.....,.;.. .. ... . ~ .7.                                                                                _. J.'.                                .

INITIAL WATER AND STEdM DENSITY 1= f: 37.6896: 3 s 7.1668. - s f - INITIAL MASS IN PZR = 19181.2912 .

   ... I'IflAL .U ATER Af1D STEAM . DENSITY =... .                                                                      37 6915.._... _._                                 ..7.1655.....                                   .

_ , . . . . . . . ~ . FINAL NASS IN PZR = 19169.7578

  • PRE 55URIZER RESULT = 11.5234 ,
      .1. . OVER..THE ..INITI AL. 5PECIFIC . VOLUME .:                                                                                 47 9.436.                         .._                  .         .. ...

(m _ . . 1 OVER THE FINAL SPECIFIC VOLUME = 4'7.9481


RCS MA55 CHANGE.DUE TO TEMP AND PRESS = -48.1970 ' w t MU T ANK. LEVEL. CHANGE.-IN. LBri .=_ 3292 179.7 - u TO1.'AL RCS MASS CHANGE IN GAL 5 =- 390.6606 if TOTAL RCS INVENTORY CHANGE = 390.6606 - o

  . .___fic.5 . LEAKAGE PLUS . LOS SES. =..                                                .. 3.2555 -                                      _ _.-                             .... . . .                           . .         . . . .               . . .               ...                .                              . . . .         . .         I.                   .




     ' .T OTAL .IDENTIF.IED . LEAKAGE .Ifl GAL. PER.. MIN ..= .                                                                             _              0..1644....                                          . . . _ -                     . . .                                 .-..c...                         . .                             _


                                                                                                .. . ...Qif* ((.                                                                                '

tpuosm to,1/3t ,

                                                                                            . _dM$N.h DS3                                                           0                         .. = . + , . .               .           .                            .                           .

fAsE .113

- 4~~ (

                                                         '                                    s                    1303-1.1 p u ,3gsts to                                       Revision 13
    ,-                                                        DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2         .                Page 1 of 11                  .

For Use When Computer is Available

                        . NOTE:     . For-unavailable computer inputs, Patch Panel inputs may be sub-
       *~-     -+                      stituted provided that they are converted to units listed for both                                -

h initial and final readings (refer to Table 4 for conversion

.y factors). Note that not all computer points have corresponding

'5 ,

                                      ' Patch Panel. inputs.

L .. ? - Initial Conditions - To be taken at two minute intervals. Computer 4 Point L, Tg T1 (Circle Selected Point) Line l Time oev9 025/ casJ is1r / S3/. 7 - Line 2a . T. Loop A S 3 /. 7 + SJ /,7 + (J/. 7 - +3= *F.

         .                                               511
                                                                                                                    /JTW,3-         #J 3.7

,?. Line 2b T Loop A @ SJ r. 8 + SJr.7 + sar. 7 - +3- *F. 405 l /$99& sas r"

                        -Line 2c        T. Loop B @             SJ /. s-   +     S 3/.S +            SJ '. 4        -        +3-           *F.


                                                                                                                     /596./          gy2.o Line 2d       T. Loop B @            SJr. /      +     SJ r. o +            CJ r.o        -        +3-           *F.
- . 407 ,f ,7,,
                                                                                                                    ,-              63 t.o Line 2e       Unit Tave        (Sum of Lines 2a, 2b, 2c, and 2d + 4)                  2f.          +4=           *F.

Line 3 Przr Level 17 /of + /o s- + /of 3'# + 3 = /dd~1 n . 21 1 2 34r.? so,9 Line 4 MU T. Level O /. F. + 80,9 + G4,4 = .+3- in. z/.*7 Line 5 RCDT Level 835 7.o / + 7. o a. . .x e 4 - +3 7.o ft. x 12 in/ft Line Sa = 8f i n . 447M* z/ r7. 2. Line Sb. RCS Pres's @ 2/S7.J + 2/S7. / + 2/s X/ . +3- PSIG 588 N v",r i OFFICIAL FIELD COPY rnn/r CUPUCATE PAGE O 23.0 MmN /#<3 /J' (m . . u Th s

     ~^                                                                                   .

{ '*-

s. 1303-1.1
                                             -                  bictow                              Revision 13 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd)                          Page 2 of 11 Final Conditions - To be taken at two minute intervals.

Computer Point .T2 h L (Circle Selected Point) . Line 6 Time. CVSS O V5 7 CMf9 15198 SJ/.6 Line 7a T. Loop A @ SJ/.6 + SJ/. 4 + S J /. 4 - '+ 3 - *F. 511

                                                                                                          /588         fJr. c.

Line 7b T., Loop A @ S3r. 6 + S326 + SJE6 - +3- *F. 3 405 ISf* *~ S315 Line 7c T. Loop B @- S3 /. V + SJ/, 4 + S J /. W = +3- *F. 514

                                                                                                           /Jf&      . g33. 6 Line 7d        T.,  Loop B @               S32       +      Sia.    +         f32-     -       +3-          *F.

407 a/274 ' 5 3 !' 9 l.ine 7e Unit Tave (Sum of Lines 7a, 7b, 7c, and 7d + 4) +4-


3/6> ~ /M.3 Line 8 Przr Level /05 + /05- + /04 = +3= in, l 200*5 6r6,83

. Line 9 MU T. Level 4,2 / + G4 8 + 44.6 - +3- in.

1 3.T*- 7,8 + Line 10 RCDT Level 835 78J + '7,81' + 7 84~ = +3- ft. x 12 in/ft 9%/

.Line 10a - in.

I ca41/S 1ss7, z. [ Line 10b RCS Press 2./f 7./ + 2/57,3 + 2./S7. / - +3= PSIG

i.  : NOTE: Leakage out of the RCS will have a positive (+) sign. :
" Leakage" into the RCS (chemical additions, etc.)  :
will have a negative (-) sign.  :

i 1 . OFFICIAL FIELD COPY mr- *. r , rr wir gau .wu.10, MJI CUP;tCATE PAGE O

l. . 24.0 ganoon Srt-'

N: ' W IV

                                                          +                                                           ,

(M ( 1303-1.1

                                                                                  ,                                           Revision 13 DA'A T SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd)                                            Page 3 of 11 Carry Algebraic Signs Through All Steps
1. Mass change in pressurizer due to changes in pressurizer level and temperature.
                               ':       NOTE:            The initial and final mass in the Pzr. are determined :.
        ,;                       :-                      using the following equation.                                                                       :

M - A (L,D, + [400" - L,3 D.) . where: M= initial or final mass

        .                                     L, -            level of the water mass in the Pzr.

400" - distance between level taps A- cross sectional area of the Pzr. D, - density of the water as a fluid D. - density of the water as a gas (steam) The terms-D, and D. are obtained from Table 2. l a.- Initial Mass in Pressurizer. Determine the initial absolute pressure in the pressurizer. (Line 5b + 14.7 psi - absolute pressure) Line 5b-  ? / f 7, 8- psig -

                                                    +                   14.7 osi                                          .

Line 11a -- 2. / 7/. 9 psia

b. Use Line Ila and Table 2 to determine the initial density of the water (D,, Line lib) and steam (D., Line lic) in the pressurizer.

Interpolate as necessary.

                                    'Line 11b -             37. 4 8f2 lbm/ft' (water density)

Line 11c - 7, /4 4 + lbm/ft" (steam density) , p11 VdoT I OFFICIAL FIELD COPY n o*F gau.oseu so, f/31 UUIUCATd PAGE O 25.0

  • M'3 "# #
  • e.a . (M If&

L ..;. - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - -


                                                                                             ~( ,

(z< s y 1303-1.1

                                                                   'En ct.oso u to _.                   Revision 13

DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 4 of 11

c. Convert water level in inches to level in feet (Line 3 divided by 12") _

Line.3' - /Of in.

                                                +                    12  in./ft.
        .                             Line lid =            8,77         ft.                        .
 -'                              d.
                             ,        Determine.the height of. steam mass in feet [(400" - Line 3) divided by 12 in./ft.]
  ',                                                                400   in.

Line 3 - /of in. Line'lle = 29f in.

                         .                      +                    12    in./ft. ~

Line lif = 3 V. 58 ft,

e. Determine initial mass in Pzr.

M1 - 38.14 ft* [(Line lib)(Line lid) + (Line lic)(Line 11f)] M1 - 38.14 ft" [(U '85a.)( 8.7f ) , ( 7. N4+ )( 2.4,fs ))

                                          = 38.14 ft"                329.7S

[ + /74~,/f 3

            ~                             =   /9E9f             Ibm.

Line 11e M1 /92 PT Ibm.

f. Final Mass in Pressurizer. Determine the final absolute pressure-in the pressurizer.

Line 10b 2 / 5 7, E psig

                                  .             +                 14.7 psi k.ine12a-            2 / 7/,9      psia Toni valor i OFFICIAL FIEi.D COPY                                                                 7, 6,o/c       ,

CUPUCATE PAC-2 b uww **441 W essea'srx.-s 26.0 fA K If7

                                            '                                                     ~


  • 1303-1.1 Revision 13 bactosvxc n DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 5 of 11
  .                g.      Use Line 12a and Table 2 to determine the final density of the water (Dr. Line 12b) and steam (D., Line 12c) in the pressurizer.
                        ' Interpolate as necessary.                                                 ,

Line 12b - 3 '7,46 r2. lbm/ft* (water density) Line 12c - 7, /4 4 Y lbm/ft* (steam density)

h. Convert water level in inches to level in feet (Line 8 + 12 in./ft.)
                                              - /05. 3 Line 8                              in.
                                      +                    12  in./ft.

Line 12d = 8 7B ft.

1. Determine the height of steem mass in feet [(400" - Line 8) divided by

12 in./ft.] 400 in Line 8 - /O S', 3 in. , Line 12e - 79'/ 7 in.

                                      +                    12    in./ft.

Line 12f 2 % S4 ft.

j. Determine final mass in Pzr.

Mf = 38.14 ft* [(Line 12b)(Line 12d) + (Line 12c)(Line 12f)] Mf = 38.14 ft* [(37.68f2)( s,78 ) ,( 7,/dGV)( 2 % ss ))

                              - 38.14' [          330.88             +        / 74. 0/   )

306 69

                              - 38.14 [           !? ? ? 3 *N ]
                              -    /9333             lbm.

Line 120 - Mf - /9333 lbm. m O'CLIL HELD CO*PY - 27*0

               *UPUC^TE Pacz_            0                                                  um. a s.m-1

( frix iff

( 1303-1.1 Revision 13 A#i cu wa, to _ DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 6 of 11

k. Determine Pressurizer mass change. (Initial Mass minus Final Mass or
   -                   Line.11'g minus Line 12g)-
  ,.                         Linelig     -
                                               /9295~         Ibm.

Line 12g - /9333 lbm. Line 13 - -38 l bm. .

2. Mass change in RCS due to the change in-RCS pressure and temperature.
a. Use Table 3 to determine th'e initial and final densities of the compressed water in the RCS. Determine the initial and final pressure from Lines lla and 12a. Determine initial and final temperatures from Lines 2e and 7e. Densities are found in Table 3.
1. Initial conditions Line lia Initial pressure - 2/ 7/ 9 psia Line 2e Initial temperature - 532 *F Line 11h Initial Density = '/7, 9'/ o lbm/ft' (From Table 3)
2. Final conditions Line 12a Final pressure . 2 / 7/,9 psia Line 7e Final temperature - SJ /,9 *F
                            .Line 12h      Final Density -          #7,96           lbm/ft' (From Table 3) l
b. Determine density change'in the RCS (Line 11h minus Line 12h)

Line 11h 4'7.i'/O lbm/ft.' Line 12h - 9'7 id/S~ lbm/ft.' Line 14 - 'd'#C# lbs./f t. ' OFFICIAL FIELD CC Y Tm var i TVl*o/F WPUCAIE PAGE 28.0 M"**'-/#,k3'

                                                                                     .            iLLyssad Srn-s
                 -                                                                              OhL19_T

A ( - s 1303-1.1 p c. w 3 s g p Revisicn 13 DATX SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 7 of 11

c. Determine the mass change in the RCS (Line 14 times 10,564 ft')

Line 14 - AoOC lbm/ft.' x 10.564 'ft.' [ Line 15 - - 52.87. Ibm.

3. Mass _ change in the Makeup Tank (ELine 4 minus Line 93 times 256.7 lbm/in)

Line 4. 80.9 in. Line 9 - G4.8J in.

                                                                 -                                 /%o7                                    in.

x 256.7 lbm/in.

                           .           Line15                    -          3 4 / /. 7 7                                                   lbm.
4. . Total RCS mass change (Line 13 plus Line 15 plus Line 16)

Line 13 ' 38 lbm. Line 15 + - f 2 , 6 2. Ibm. Line 16 + "M / /.7 7 lbm. Line 17 - 35'20.9J- - Ibm.

5. RCS inventory change in gallons
a. The conversion factor from Ibm. to gal.

Line 18 - 0.1200 gal /lbm (conversion factor) j'

b. RCS inventory change (Line 17 times Line 18)

Line 17 3 S ze .fr Ibm. Line 18 x 0.1200 gal /lbm. Line 19 - VZ Z S gal.

6. Operator caused changes in RCS inventory. (From Data Sheet 1303-1.1.5).

Line 20 0 gal. CpT . -- M - "'I I

--- y n C,on7
                                   - - ~
                                                                                                                                                                  ,, w h-
               'O'JPLicA,rc Pace-           O 29.0                                                      _

w a,w srx s ( _ _______--- - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- N N -- -

                                                                                                                       .            =-
                                                          '(..                                 ,

( . - E -

                                                                                                                     's                1303-1.1                j Edw5dM /O _ _                                           Revision 13 i

DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2- (Cont'd) Page'8 of:11 l l

7. _ Total RCS inventory change (Line 19 minus Line 20). i t . Line 19 V Z F'C gal.
         'x                                   Line 20             -                    o                   gal.                                              .i
        . p/

Line 21 . Var F gal. -

8.  ! Test duration (Line 6 minus Line 1 use Time - T ) i Line 6 04' h S'6' min.

Line 1 _ o 2. h 49 min.  ;

          .                                   Line'22 -                           T-         h             4-               min. -      12 6    -min.

l ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ __ _______ 1

NOTE: Minimum of 2 hrs (120 min.) per Para. 3.9. .: l

_____________ _______ _ - ~___ -__ __- ' l 9. RCS Leakage _Plus Losses (Line' 21 divided by Line 22)

. Line 21 V2 z,5 gal.

Line 22 + /24 min. Line 23 - 3,3532. sal./ min.  ! Limit: Line 23 shall not exceed 30 gal / min. i (See Table 1303-1.1.1) i

10. RCS Losses Determination  !
a. Determine the level change in the RCDT (Final Level minus Initial Level,

+ or Line 10a - Line Sa). , l

NOTE: Value should be positive. If value is negative,  :
verify an RCDT pumpdown has occurred and is  :
documented in Line 26. If no draindown has occurred  :
check for RCDT Leakage and repeat test.  :

l Line 10a M/ in. -

   .~          ,

Line Sa _ 0 44 in. Line 24 - /0,/ in. Tg ver' I Q iT. R_ _T C _T .--- q T7T ; T D C O D -V WO gawsva 10, g10/3r suosusa s m-t 4 ' CUPUCATE PAGE O 30.0 , uf

                                                                           ~               ~'                   '
( .

(_ .

g. N 1303-1.1 2,/c.4,osves to Revisten 13'
                                                                  ' DATA SHEET. 1303-1.1.2                        (Cont'd)                      Page 9 of 11
b. Change in RCDT Hass'(Level Change times Mass per Inch, or 2

Line 24 x 292.0 lbm/in. Line 24

                                                                       /0,/                          in.                                           x.



x- -292.0 lbm/in. Line'25 - 7 9 Y f E- Ibm.

                       -c.         -Operator caused changes to RCDT from D.S. 1303-1.1.5.

Line 26 - O lbm.

- NOTE: Water added is minus (-). Water removed is (+).  :


                        .d.         Total RCDT Mass Rate of Change (Line 25 Plus Line 26 Divided by Duration of Test)

Line 25 29492- Ibm. Line 26 + 0 lbm. Line 27 - 2 9 4 9. 2- Ibm. Line 22 + /26 min. Line 28 . 23,4/ lbm./ min.

e. Convert Mass Change to Gallons per Minute (Line 28 x 0.1200 gal /lba)'

Line 28 2 3. '// lbm./ min. x 0.1200 gal./lbm. Line 29 - T.849% gal./ min.

11. Identified Leak Rate (Generated from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4).-
                         .           Line 30                                  6                            lbm/ min.
12. . Leakage through OTSG tubes (Primary-to-secondary leak)
a. Line 31 O lbm/ min. (From most recent I calculations required by 1301-1 calculated on D.S. 1303-1.1.6) ,

TMI unor i OFFICIAL FIELD CC_?Y *k 3O Escusou.10.k lif 0 DUPUCATE PAGE - uv,s..a 57x-C~ put .1 e.t. ,

(, , , g , g' 1303-1.1 sgg,g g Revision 13 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 10 of 11-2 b. OTSG 1eakage in gallons ,

        , , .                         Line,31'                 C                 lbm/ min.(from' Data Sheet j

1303-1.1.6, Line 48) Line 18 x 0.1200 gal./lbm. y,. Line 32 - C gal./ min

    .1^'                                     .

L Limit: Line 32 shall not exceed limits specified in Table

       ,'              13. Correction Factor
     .                        a.       Evaporative losses      : + 2.24 lbm/ min.                              .
b. RCP No. 3 Seal Purge : -

0.87 lbm/ min.

                               .             Line 33 - Sum     : + 1.37 lbm/ min.
14. Total identified leakage [(Line 30 plus Line 31 plus Line 33) X Line 183 Line 30 O lbm/ min.

Line 31- + o Ibm / min. Line 33 + 1.37 lbm/ min. . Line 34' .- 1.37 lbm/ min. (sum) Line 18 x 0.1200 gal./lbs. Line 35 - o, /4 W gal./ min.

                       .15. Unidentified Leakage (Line 23 minus Line 29 minus Line 35)

L Line 23 3 3 5~ 3 2- gal./ min.

                                            'Line 29       -     2 , s o 9 a-           gal./ min.

L Line 35 - C'/' W gal./ min. Line 36 - O,3794 gal./ min. 1 Limit: Line 36 shall not exceed 1 gal./ min. .

      .                                   If change in Line 36 from last calculation is ).33 gpm, l                                          obtain an RM-A-5 grab sample.

911 sluIT I OFFICIAL FIELD COPY v uo/r uctoseu10.httk DU?uCA7E PAGE O . MV/ssou srn-1 FMc D3

   . . . s;                                 ,

s I' 1303-1.1 g* *- Revision 13 p e u sJrLL ID

                                                ' DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2  (Cont'd)           Page 11 of 11
16. Total Leakage (Line 35 plus Line 36) .

Line 35 De 14W gal./ min. Line 36 + o J 794 gal./ min. . Line 37 = O

  • SW gal./ min.

Limit: Line 37 shall not exceed 10 GPM. Remarks- (Specify reasons for any results determined to be invalid):

                        ,. :    NOTE:         Attach all. calculation sheets.                      :

DVM Serial No.: ^'/4 Model No.: #/4 Performed by: h T1me/Date: OCSY; F-27-8Y Reviewed by: .#-- e (/ Time /Date: o S- S' l, / F-W" f I Tm1 umr' OFFICIAL FI$LD COPY yos ucusual Io,11/3I CUPLICATE P/,GE O 33.0


u sat a str.-t p h+tet 2rV

     .      e-       -
                                                                                                                ..     '9                                .
                 .                                                                               .               1       .1 l                                                                                                                         .

AREA 2 GROUP 40 1303-1.1-13 - i ALARN L I t1 I T S ' 8O

     ~    i er =    eor"r ocscarerro"                     c o 'io     a va'uc   uri r Ts .-      . 'o"                wrow y ',n1]            A510     RC LOOP A IHLET TEllP NRRW 1          ....       S  531.7 DEGF              ......            ......

l M O A511 RC LOOP A IHLET TENP NRRW 3 .... S 531.7 DEGF- ...... ..;... s V' A508 RC LOOP R OUTLET TEllP NRRW ..... S 532.8 DEGF ....... 607.0 S t" R405

           ',5 RC OUTLET TEllPERATURE LOOP R          ....      S 532.54 'DEGF              ......            ......                        /'

A513 RC LOOP B INLET TEMP NRRW l HIGH S 531.5 DEGF ...... 200.0 ['] A514 RC LOOP B INLET TEllP NRRH 3 ..... S 531.6 DEGf ......

o t) -

A509 RC LOOP B OUTLET TEllP NRRW .... S 532.1 DEGF 607.0 t O A407 RC OUTLET TEllPERATURE LOOP B .... S 532.3 DEGF ...... ...... E O C1720 Pl.1 R.C. PRESSllRIZER LEVEL ~ i LOW  ? 103. IN 200.. 260. E Pi,2R.C.PRESSURl2ERLEVEL

   ,        'dd         C1721 01722   PL3 R.C. PRESSURl2ER LEVEL
                                                                   ~ LOW LOW

105. 110. IN IN 200. 200. 260. 260. [ A498 11U TANK LVL (IlO .... S- 81.2 INH 2O 66.0 98.0

A426  !!U TANK LEVEL (IID .... S 82.9 INH 2O 66.0 96.0 A835 Rt DRRINETANK LEVEL GT) ' . LOW S 7.01 FT 8. 49 9.20 .

8459 RC DRAIN TANK llDL-T-3 TEllP .... S 151. DEGF ...... ...... [' . A586 RP LOOP A RC PRESS NRRH .... S 2157.3 PSIG 2054.9 2254.9 l A588 RP LOOP B RC PRESS HRRW .... S 2154.5 PSIG 2054.9 2254.8 4 A507 RC LOOP B WIDE RANGE PRESS .... S 2156.8 PSIG 1700.0 2500.0

    $$?4}                  E87ai'"S'*d id$li ^' '""' Tsca cxccurc                MTh
     " ret t                                                                                                  .


 .   $43                                                                                                                                               .



                                                                                                                    -        ~

AREA 2 GROUP 40 1303-1.1-13

                                                                          ,                  se s m     2:sI: s ALARt1    %. I!1I TS PT S    POINT DESCRIPTION                     COND    G  VALUc  UNITS     LOW        HIGH E   i$            A510      RCLOOPAIllLETTEf1PflRhHI              .... S  531.7 DEGF     ......     ......
   ,h N             fiS11     RC LOOP A IllLET TEllP tlRRil 3      .... S  531.6 DEGF     ......

g g - A508. RC LOOP A OUTLET TEllP llRRH 532.7 DEGF

                                                                    .... S                 ......       607.0 El  t-i           A405      RC OUTLET TEllPERATURE LOOP A        .... S 532.49 DEGF     ......    ......         C
       '21           A513      RC LOOP B INLET TEMP NRRW l          HIGH     S 531.5   DEGF                200.0 N             A514      RC LOOP B IllLET TEllP tlRRH 3               S   531.5 DEGF ohg A509      RC LOOP B DUTLET TEllP flRRH                     532.0 DEGF
                                                                    .... S                  ......      607.0 A407     RC OUTLET TEllPERATURE LOOP B         .... S   532.3 DEGF     ......

7 B O C1720 L1 R.C. PRESSURI2ER LEVELL LOH  ? 103. Ill 200. 260. y E C1721 # PI.2R.C.$RESSURI2ERLEVEL LOW  ? 105. IH 200. 260. C1722 PL3 R.C. PRESSURl2ER LEVEL LOW  ? 110. Ill 200. 260.

  • A498 l10 TANK LVL (IID 80.9
                                                                   .... S         INH 2O      66.0      96.0 A426      ftU TAf;lK LEVEL (IfD                              32.6
                                                                   .... S         IllH2O      66.0      96.0 A835      E DRRIN TANK LEVEL IFT P                           7.02 LOH      S         FT          8.49      9.20           _

A459 RC DRRIN TAUK HDL-T-3 TEMP .... S 152. DEGF ...... ...... ./ A586 RP LOOP A RC PRESS NRRH S 2157.1 PSIG

                                                                   ....                       2054.9    2254.9 A588      RP LOOP B RC PRESS NRRH                      S 2154.1 .PSIG
                                                                  - ....                      2054.9    2254.9 A507      RC LOOP B llIDE RANGE PRESS                  S 2157.5 PSIG
                                                                   ....                       1700.0    2500.0 w?g g7y y E87 8 "SI'd 0d E "' '""* Tsen excCurc              N hm gEEkl
  ,w4       s 3

5 -

AREA 2 s/2sen 2:sa: s GROUP 40 1303-1.1-13 - ALARt1 ,L I rf1 T S U PT 3 POINT DESCRIPTION COND G VALUE UNITS LOH. HIGH h@N


S 531.7 531.7 DEGF DEGP W g 2 lj A508 RC LOOP A OUTLET TEf1P flRRll 532.7

                                                                   .... S          DEGF      ...... 607.0 i

A405 A513 RC OUTLET TENPERATURE LOOP A .... S 532.49 DEGF ....... '...... r' ^ 51 10 LOOP B INLET TEMP NRRR.1 . HIGH S' 531.4 DEGF ...... 200.O hj A514 RC LOOP B INLET TENP NRRil 3 .... S 531.5 DEGF ...... ...... g a - A509 RC LOOP B OUTLET TENP NRRH .... S 532.0 DEGF ...... 607.0 g o A407 RC OUTLET TENPERATURE LOOP B .... S 532.3 DEGF ...... ...... g O C1720 Pfi R.C. PRESSilR12ER LEVEL L0li  ? 103. IN 200. 260. y C1721 PD Rd. PRESSURIZER LEVEL.> L0li -

                                                                           ?    105. IN            200.      260.

t f. C1722 PL3 .C. PRESSURI2ER LEVEL LOW  ? 110. IN 200. 260.  : A498 flu TANK LVL (IN) S- 80.6

                                                                  ....               INH 2O        66.0      96.0 8426     NU TANK LEVEL (IN)                                  82.4               66.0
                                                                  .... S         INH 2O                 96.0 A835     RC BRAIN TANK LEVEL IFI) ' -                        7.04 LOW      S         FT            8.49     9.20                ^

A459 RC DRAIN TANK 11DL-T-3 TENP .... S 152. DEGF ...... / A586 RP LOOP A RC PRESS NP,RW S 2157.1 2054.9

                                                                  ....               PSIG               2254.9 A588      RP LOOP B RC PRESS NRRW                        S 2154.3           2054.9
                                                                  ....               PSIG               2254.9                    -

A507 RC LOOP B llIDE RANGE PRESS S 2156.8 1700.0

                                                                  ....               PSIG               2500.0

?R;43 I Uni'"o E " '""' Tsen excCUrc T T s'a T 4 T h u t &?s$;5 nES 5 c , D .



RC LOOP A INLET TEllP NRRW 1 .... S 531.6 DEGF ...... ...... h]o


S 531.5 DEGF 532.6 DEGF 607.0 7 F -8405 RC OUTLET TEl1PERATURE LOOP R S 532.39 DEGF F, Sb A513 RC LOOP B INLET TEMP NRRW l - HIGH S 531.4 DEGF 200.0 ' l$ A514 RC LOOP B INLET TEMP NRRW 3 .... S 531.5 DEGF ...... ...... [d A509 RC LOOP B OUTLET TEMP NRRW 532.0 DEGF

                                                                                   .... S                        ......         607.0 o t)                    A407       RC OUTLET TEf1PERATURE LOOP B            .... S   532.2 DEGF o                  C1720 i                                          PL1 R.C. PRESSURIZER LEVEL         -

LOW  ? 103. Ill 200. 260. a O i

                             .C1721       PL2 R.C..PRESSUR12ER LEVEL               LOW     ?      105. IN            200.          260.       '


           %                   C1722 A498 PL3 R.C. PRESSURI2ER LEVEL HU TANK LVL (IN)

LOW  ? 110. IN 200. 260. f

                                                                                  .... S     67.1 INH 2O            66.0          96.0 A426       HU TANK LEVEL (IH)                                    69.2' INH 2O            66.0
                                                                                  .... S                                          96.0
A835 RC DRAIN TANK LEVEL (FT) ~ 7.83 FT LOW S 8.49 9.20 j A459 . RC DRAIN TANK WDL-T-3 TEMP .... S 149. DEGF ......


                                                                                  ....                            2054.9        2254.9 l                              A588        RP LOOP B RC PRESS NRRW                          S 2154.5. PSIG
                                                                                  ....                            2054.9        2254.9


                                                                                  ....                            1700.0        2500.0 3                                N                               THEH EXECUTE
ttm,49,, c e.

E k ;D 3%e

,~w          l k b,            I I        N       -

D ,

a - 2 se2ses* 9:s7: s AREA GROUP 40 1303-1.1-13 , A L A R if- LI!!ITS PT tt POIf4T Dc5CRIPTIOil COilD G VALUc Uti!TS LOH HIGH 9 d' A510 RC LOOP R. INLET TEf1P HRRH 1 S~ 531.6 dO A511 RC LOOP A INLET TEllP HRRH 3

                                                                                                                            ....                       S       531.5 DEGF DEGF k[$        A508 A405 RC LOOP R OUTLET TEMP HRRH RC OUTLET TEMPERATURE LOOP R
                                                                                                                            ....                       S S 532.39 532.6    DEGF             ......                            607.0 g                                                                                                          ....                                        DEGF             ......                ......                            /k
j. A513 E LOOP +BflNLeFTEFNRRH i --

HIGH S 531.4 DEGF ...... 200.O I" A514 RC LOOP B INLET TEMP NRRH 3 U .... S 531.4 DEGF ...... ...... 1 O - A509 RC LOOP B OUTLET TEMP NRRH .... S 532.0 DEGF ...... 607.0 $ i h m A407 C1720 RC OUTLET TEMPERATURE LOOP B N.{ } E G RESSUR12ER LEVEL p

                                                                                                                           ....                     S          532.2   DEGF           ......               ......                            S
c. LOW  ? 103. IN ~200. 260. g -

M C1721 Pl.2Rit.'PRESSURI2ERLEVEL LOH  ? 105. IN 200. 260.  ;;- C1722 PL3 R.C. PRESSURI2ER LEVEL LOH  ? 110. IN 200. 260. < A498 HU TANK LVL (IN) .... S 66.8 INH 2O 86.0 96.0 A426 HU TANK LEVEL (IfD 69.0 66.0

                                                                                                                          ....                   S                     INH 2O                                                    96.0 A835                                                         RC DRRIN TRNK LEVELMFT)              LOH                    S              7.84   FT                           8.49                         9.20              _

A459 RC DRAIN TANK HDL-T-3 TENP .... S 149. DEGF ....... ......

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 / .' ;
A586 RP LOOP R RC PRESS HRRil S 2157.3 PSIG 2054.9
                                                                                                                          ....                                                                            2254.9 A588                                                      RP LOOP B RC PRESS NRRH                 ....                  S 2154.5               PSIG       20'54.9                 2254.9 A507                                                     RC LOOP B WIDE RANGE PRESS                             .S 2156.8                      PSIG        1700.0
                                                                                                                          ....                                                                            2500.0

{R041y MM'!!"'"nAllili ^' """' THen execuTc TT.5%T h u k[k

            'a,G["n -

b D

1303-1.1-13 AREA 2 GROUP 40 - -

                                                                                                                       'A L A Rif   , LIMITS
 ?!    8:rj         PT #    POINT Dc5CRIPTION                        COtID       Q  VALUc   UtlITS                        LOli            nIGH
 ,h                A510     RC LOOP A INLET TEllP NRRH 1            ....         S  531.6   DEGF                        ......        ......

g A511 RC LOOP R INLET TEllP NRRH 3 .... S 531.5 DEGF ...... ...... 2 h;-* A508 RC LOOP A OUTLET TEllP URRH .... S 532.6 DEGF ...... 607.0 ig A405 RC OUTLET TEllPERATURE LOOP A . . . . . S 532.39 DEGF ...... ......

                                                                                                                                                                /_    -

[1 A513 (C LOOP B' INLET TEMP NRRW l. HIGH S 531.4 DEGF 200.0 y A514 RC LOOP B INLET TEllP IIRRH 3 .... S 531.4 DEGF g A509 RC LOOP B OUTLET TEllP NRRH 532.0 607.0

                                                                   ....         S          DEGF                        ......                                'E O             R407    RC OUTLET TEllPERATURE LOOP B           ....         S  532.2   DEGF                        ......        ......

[ C1720 PhlSCuPRESSUR12ERLEVEL- 3 LOH  ? 104. IN 200.

     $'            C1721 260.               E M.2 R.C. ERESSURIZER LEVEL       .-     LOH          ?    106. IN                              200.            260.               F C1722   PL3 R. ..PRESSURI2ER LEVEL              LOH-         ?    110. IN                              200.           280.                ;

A498 11U TANK LVL (IN) .... S 66.6 INH 2O 66.0 96.0 A426 flu TAllK LEVEL (IN) .... S 68.8 INH 2O 66.0 96.0 A835 e DRRIN"TRR1EVEL*(FT) 1- LOH S 7.85 FT 8.49 9.20 . 8459 RC DRAIN TANK HDL-T-3 TENP .... S 149. DEGF ...... ...... '4 A586 -RP LOOP A RC PRESS NRRH .... S 2157.1 PSIG 2054.9 2254.9 A588 RP LOOP B RC PRESS NRRH .... S 2154.1. PSIG 2054.9 2254.9 A507 RC LOOP B HIDE RANGE PRESS .... S 2156.2 PSIG 1700.0 2500.0

 &i Eg                l8M"!85"d&iiii ^ '""* Tacn execuTc                        TT.3M Th e

oaz -

    !. j                                     .


('- (* ' 1303-1.1 bla.osvet to Revision 13 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 Page 1 of 12 For Use When Computer is not Available Initial Conditions _ To be taken at two minute intervals.


Patch Panel Point Ti T: T


Line 1 Time 2:+8 / 2:56 2*SZ Ti= 2:48 Line 2 Tave 40 + 7.525 + t7533 + + 7.53 3 .22#+ 3 11.%DC Line 3 Przr level 27 44.52o + +4. g zo , # ,.3,7 . g.AU+ 3 =t4 ' VDC Line 4 MU Tank 15 + 6.13 3 + +6.t37 + +4.085 . iSA + 3 .+63NVDC Line 5a RCDT Level (Note 2) 71 ft.S&S + +4.P80 ++4.834 - 2 s.'#+ 3 =+68"VDC Line 5b RCS Pressure +5.634 + +5.No + + 5 430 + 3 =4'#VDC (Narrow Range) (Preferred) Of 4 6(& Line 5c RCS Pressure 28 + F.624 + + 8.626 + + F. 'Z 4 d' + 3 = - VDC (Hide Range) ' (Alternate)

NOTE: 1. Use of the Patch Panel allows this procedure to  :
be performed when Tave >520*F.  :
2. Conversion factors are given in Table 4.  :

Attach any additional calculation sheets used to :

convert the values in Lines 1 to 10 into the  :
parameters used in the calculations. All values :
recorded are in volts, DC, (VDC).  :
3. Leakage out of the RCS has a positive (+) sign.  :
" Leakage" into the RCS (ex. chemical adds) has a  :

OFFTOIAL KELD COPY' negative sign. __________________ ___ __________ CUPUCAT2T.!CE __.-O --

CAUTION: When using Patch Panel voltage, be sure to record the :

voltage polarity (+ or _) and treat this as an  :

algebraic sign.  :

ThL VMt7 / All values are in Terms of volts, DC. 77soo/r

NOTE: ,,, ,,, gogf w,,,, m. ,

34.0 . mc :y

k. 1303-1.1 pctosgg.t. ,3 Revision 13
                                   ' DATA SHEET. 1303-1.1.3          (Cont'd)               Page 2 of 12 Final Conditions - To be taken at two minute intervals.

Patch Panel Point' Ti T: T Line 6 Time +!fA 4:fo +f52 T3 - +:52 Line 7 Tave 40 +1.533 + + 7. 543 + + 7.5+ 7 58 '* '+ 3 =+' VDC Line 8 Przr level 27 + 4. 8 3 0 + + +. 8 zc + + +. s r.s - 4.4 + 3 = * + '*h Line 9 MU Tank ~ 15 + J.545 + + 3.5/o + + 3.4 5e W5*+ 3 *3'**VDC Line-loa RCDT Level (Note 2) 71 +1.642 + + 1. css + n.c c 5 ' 21#+' 3 d'"VDC Line 10b RCS Pressure $ 4.0425 + +5.c ss

                                                                          + + r.c 3 +      l'  + 3 *i  VDC
           .-       (Narrow Range)

(Preferred) or Line 10e RCS Pressure 28 +8423 + 4r.&23 + #' *+3 =*8' VDC (Wide Range) (Alternate)

CAUTION: When using Patch Panel voltage, be sure to record the :
voltage polarity (+ cr -) and treat this as an  :
algebraic sign.  :


                                      ~ - - v.: .a _ r- :..: u p) G   m - --

A3 DUPUCATE PAF' ~ O - Tmi udor I TT6085 35.0 L""* *^C '*

  • Z'l3 I suanoa sin-g O O N % ___ ~ _ ._

w. ( .; s 1303-1.1 Revision 13 M eto n /4.lo DATdSHEET 1303-1.1.3'-(Cont'd) Page 3 of 12 Carry Algebraic Signs Through All Steps

1. Mass change in' pressurizer due to changes in pressurizer level and temperature.
NOTE: The initial and final the Pzr. are determined : .
using the following. equation.  ;:

M = A (L,D, + [400 - L,) D.) where: M= initial or final mass ' L, = level of the water mass 400" = distance between level taps. A= cross sectional area of the Pzr. D, = density of the water as a fluid D. = density of the water as a gas

                              -The terms D, and D. are obtained from Table 2.
a. Initial Pressure ([Line 5b or Sc times Table 4 Conversion Factor] plus 14.7 psi)

Line h + E435 VDC I tvoa*(so (vad Table 4 Conversion Factor *

                                                 -        2/50,s               psig h                                                 +                    14.7     pst L

Line lla = 2 /'S'S psia i j b. Use Line 11a and Table 2 to determine the initial density of the water (D',, Line lib) and of the steam (D., Line lic) in the pressurizer. Interpolate as necessary. (' Line 11b = 31.7352 lbs/ft" (water density)

                             .Line 11c =             7./2 60         lbm/ft* (steam density)

( TML wnrI ! OFFICIAL .WD COPY n u.u LNCLo$dAA 10,LL/38 O 36.0 CUPUCATE PAGg . gg y,s..a s rn-s Y -


( ' .< I. '- 1303-1,1 Rev15 ton 13

l. fedces JAI. ~/o i

DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd) Page 4 of 12

c. Determine the water 1evel in the Pzr. in feet Initiallevel'[Lir,;;T;.e;20tr.'vYtpigs 200"3 12 1...!?t.)-
   .9-Line 3                           + 4.813                              VDC
                                                 / zoo 42cxv>c)                                                          Tastr 4 (*W64Nd f*'7" 20    in! yC-
 ^:l. ' :                                          -                 ios.41                          in.
                                       .           +                                         2^^     in Tf Line 3a                                                                in
                                                   -                    /a 3. 4%
                   -                               +'                                         -12    in./ft.

s Line lid - F.435 .ft. .

     '.[                 d. Determine the height of steam mass (400" - Line 3a divided by 12 in./ft.)

400 in. Ill Line g = 4eo, - leu. sa. in. Line 11e - 294.38 in.

              .                             +                               12              in./ft.

Line lif - 24.438 ft.

e. Determine initial mass in Pzr.

M1 - 38.14 ft' [(Line lib)(Line lid) + (Line lic)(Line 11f)] M1 - 38.14 ft* [0 77352 )( 8.43 F ) + ( 7.1150 )( 24.08 )3 -

                                  - 38.14 ft* [ 32S.8+3
                                                                                                     +            175.973            3 19139.283 l                                  = i5iM.s +                "

1ba. I3139,2.93 Line 110 - M1 - - Ji n .J ak Ibm. OFFICIAL $1 ELD COPY Tm1 statT* I DUPUCATE PAGE O TF 40elS' Ewa.osne Io, z3/3 37.0,a srx-s Ph+t. k V

b 1303-1,1

                                                        .p,4 f,                                    Revisicn 13
    -c              .

DATK SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd) Page 5 of 12 f.- Determine the final absolute pressure in the pressurizer. LFinal Pressure ([Line 10b or 10c times Table 4 Conversion Factor) plus


14.7 psi)- - Line h/ +S.43o VDC Y i7eo +(sor ed Table 4 Conversion Factor

                                             -          2/50.4              psig
                                             +                       14.7   psi

_Line 12a - 2//,f, / psia

g. Use Line 12a and Table 2 to determine the final density of the water (D,, Line 12b) and of the steam (D., Line 12c) in the pressurizer.

Interpolate as necessary. Line 12b = 37733o .lbm/ft* (water density) Line 12c = 7.!I-7 7.n2+ lbm/ft' (steam density)

h. Determine the final level in the Pzt. In terms of feet.

Final level in.the Pzr. . Line 8 ' + 4 527 VDC , Nr zoo-{zntne.\ 20 i?;;; Peu + cavotsud FMrot. l 7

                                              =            /os.+4            in.
                                             ,a                        200   in.#

l .. ~

                               .Line 8a       =           le3. 44 '.         1n
                                              +  __

12 in./ft. Line 12d = 8.42/7 , ft. s [ I OFFICIAL FIELD COPY 7trll vair i DUPUCATE PAGE O TP 400/5 j . gaa.aseM . to, Ztl3I

                       .                                             38.D                            ws.oa sm-l f            '<               .

Ph&f. S/f

y . (s. - (  :

                                                                                                                                   ~                  1303-1.1             1 uciosv46,e                                                Revision 13 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 -(Cont'd)                                          Page 6 of 12,
     ' ';-                                   't.         Determine height of steam mass in feet [(400" - Line Ba) divided by ,

y, 12 in.'/ft.3 ' [

    ~                                                          Ize 400       in.                                                                  ,

L1nt = 4eo'- LMe, 06 in.


T . Line 12e . 234.5f in.

                                                                      +                        12     i n. /f t'.
       .                            #                   'Line 12f                M.7//7               ft.
j. Determine final mass in Pzr.

Mf = 38.14 ft' [(Line 12b)(Line 12d) + (Line 12c)(Line 12f)]

                                               '                                                                      ~
                                                             = 38.14 ft*            [(31 733o        )( s.czi7          ) + ( 7./zz +        )( 24.7/i7   ))
                                                             - 38.14 [             J 25.J 7f              +         i 74,0046            ]
                                                            ' 's m                 ,        ,
                                                             - 38.14 [            58/.38                3 19122.MS
.*:: :.  ?


                                                             .                           1bm.

Is)ZZ.L CS Line 12g - Mf - 19/ M ' - Ibm.

k. Determine pressurizer mass change. (Initial Mass minus Final Mass, or Line lig minus Line i2g.)

D' ~

                                                               ~Line lig              ,

J a/r f /8/32 283 lbm. Line 12g - 1'Oi;;. f, 1 9/z s Ibm. Line 13  % /4.62.0 lbm. m 2.- 2 Determine the Initial and Final Tave. Temperature conversion (from VDC to *F) 4

                  ;                             Initialtemperature(570*F.minus[Line2 Times 53i 570*F. - (+7.530 VDC x 5)*F.                                               _

570*F. - J745 *F.

                ,            1                                  Line 14a .                ' .rJ 2,35             'F. - Initial Tave-
Tr1L udII* /

nmy iscusencIe,2r/3I

                                     .s   bu *UCATE PAG:!                    O                       39.0                                             uveses sm-s b              b[dE                         $11                                                                                                     z.



3w (-

                                                                                      ~               1303-1.1 p         g ,,                                      Revision 13 DATA SHEET.1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd)                                 Page 7 of 12    :
                 -Final temperature (570*F. minus [Line 7 times 53) 570* F . - ( '7. T+J VDC x 5)*F.                                                           !

570*F. - J77ss *F.  ; Line 14b - 5J2.21522.zs *F. - Final Tave e

3. Mass change in RCS due to the change in RCS' pressure and temperature.

a.- Use Table determine the. initial and final densities of the


compressed water in the RCS. Determine the initial and final-pressure

                        .from Lines 11a and 12a.          Determineinitialandfin[1temperaturesfrom Lines 14a and 14b.-
1. Initial conditions .

Line 11a Initial pressure - 2/(,5, 5 psia Line-14a Initial temperature - D2.35 *F-Line 11h Initial Density = +7J138 lbm/ft*

2. Final conditions Line 12a Final pr' essure - 2/45./ psia

s 3 2. 2.s Line 14b Final temperature - 5 2.: n vr *F

41. s tG+

6.-l'6 Line 12h Final Density - 47.;iS+ .e Ibm /f t* evo

3. Change in density (Line 11h minus Line 12h)

Line 11h +7. 3/3 8 lbm/ft.* Line 12h - 4 7. ;i34 t?' 41.9/'+ lbm/ft.' [.IC _, Line 15 - E c ^ ^1,r . 0 0 24 lbm/ft* .

b. RCS mass change q p a+

Line 15 3.0 ; P .oozA Ibm /ft." bl6 RCS Vol. x 10.564 ft.* sar ' Lin'e 16 - 27.4Mt -1.y n . Ibm. OFFICIAL FIELD COPY [flJ(('

                                                                                                         -~ ~ . un.

y x.s,,,, ,, x do.o . uva ea srn-o E ___._____m

1 [ ( 1303-1.1 l gcuug f, Revision 13 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd) Page 8 of 12

4. Mass change in Makeup Tank
a. Initiailevel(50plus[Line4 times 5in./VDC))

V . Line 4 +6138 VDC t.

 ,                                          x                                 5    in./VDC
                                           .                 30.63                 in.
                                            +                                50    in.

Line 17 - 80.'8 in.

b. Final level (50 plus [Line 9 times 5 in/VDC])

Line 9 + 3.5b3 VDC x 5 in./VDC

                                            =               4I          17.54       in.
                                            +                                50     in.

Line 18 - /-7.54 in.

c. Level change (Line 17 minus Line 18)

Line 17 80.6 S in.

                       .         Line.18      -            67.54                    in.

Line 19 = /3.15 , in.

d. Mass change (Line 19 times 256.7 lbm./in)

Line 19 / 3, /S in. x 256.7 lbm/in. Line 20 - 3375.405 lbm.

           ;       5. Total RCS Mass change (Sum of'Line 13, Line 15 and Line 20)

Line 13 + /4.42o Ibm. sy s.o s* 615 Line 16 + . 2I 5 - 27 44t+ Ibm. Line 20 + 3375.40f Ibm. . 3364 16 g;5 Line 21 - 13 Se, . ri P e489 lbm. g pag. ; OFFICI.AL 1%LD COPY 7$"1 i.,nh, < . 41.0 gcy,3.,a six I OUPL'CATE PAGE O racc 4/#

                                                             ,7            ,..    .;.                                 _                _        -
                                          , (, . . - t  "
                                                                      .                                                     1303-1.1              .

Revision 13 [HCleSdM /c DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd) Page 9 of 12 ,.

6. RCS lbs. to gal. conversion factor
a. The conversion factor 1s; Line 22 (conversion factor) = 0.1200 gal./lba.
           -7. RCS Inventory Change (Line 21 Times Line 22)
                                 .       JJ4.16                                                    -
    -[jg         'Line 21                ?"' a teuf                          Ibe.               -
                 .Line 22           x              0.1200                   gal./lbm.                               *
                                                <ywe Lkne23            .             r-7. J ~r   4o177         gal.
8. Operator cause'd changes to RCS inventory (From Data Sheet 1303-1.1.5)

Line 24 : a gal. .

                       .:     NOTE:           Gallons added is minus (-), gallons removed is                                                :
plus (+).  :
9. Test duration (Line 6 minus Line 1, use Ti) 4s Line 6. f h M 'f&
  • min. .

EIS Line 1 2 h +8 min. ac /z4 Line 25 2 h #o min. - J4 + * # N in.

            -10. Total RCS Leakage minus changes (Line 23 minus Line 24)

qw uan Line 23  ?. ; 7 + *>.7 7 gal. gg Line 24 _ o gal. gram Line 26 - , 7.57 4,3.17 gal.

           .11. Leakage Rate (Line 26 divided by'Line 25) g^use Line 26                      ,   7 .r7 4*3.77           gal.                                   '

gl6 Line 25 -+ 'Ie #-ft+ / Zo min. y 6 o-p+ 3.3&ts a Line 27 - m . I ^ 4 3 - M ' F ,a,.g l./ min.

 .                          Limit :     Line 27 shall not exceed 30 gpm.

(See Table 1303-1.1.1) , OFFICW~~* .mtT.D COPY

                                                                                                                                 ' '
  • to, 20/31 O 42.0 M in a d M-'


                                       '{ s     . . . .     .     '..                 f~

1303-1.1 *

                                                    .                                                 Revision 13 DATASHENT 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'.d)                               Page 10 of 12-
12. RCS Losses Determination
a. Deteralne the level change in the PCDT (Final Level minus Initial Level, or Line 10a .Line Sa). Conversion factors are given in Table 4 and are included below, i  : NOTE: .Value should be positive. If value is negative,  :

verify an RCDT pumpdown has occurred and is

. documented in Line 30. If no draindown has occurred :
check for RCDT Leakage and repeat test. -:

Line 10a + 1. 4 53 VDC x 12 in./VDC = S/.83' in. Line Sa +6.880 VDC x 12 in./VDC = B 2.E' in. Line 28 - 7.2 74 in.

b. Change in RCDT Mass (Level Change times Mass per Inch, or Line 28 x 292.0 lbm/in.)

Line 28 .1. 27' in. x 292.0 lbm/in. Line 29 - 2 708.53 lbm. l c. Operator caused changes to RCDT from D.S. 1303-1.1.5. Line 30 = 0 lbm. l -----------------------------------------------------------------.:--

NOTE: Water added is minus (-). Water (+).  :


d. Total RCDT Mass Rate of Change (Line 29 Plus Line 30 Divided by Duration of Test)

Line 29 2708.F3 lbm. Line 30 + 0 lbm. Line 31 - 270F.f8 lbm. Line 25 + /2+ min. mri Line 32 = 2/.F+3$~ lbm/ min. 7 "*M

                                                                                                .        tracusm, to,    2sl3o CFFICI L FIELD COPY                                 43.o                                    m,,,, ,, t y. ,

m ia + , n. cr 0 _. tm no

(4 - " ( 1303-1.1

  • Revision 13
                                            ~ Lau.asm to      _

DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd) Page 11 of 12.

e. Convert Mass' Change to Gallons per Minute (Line 32 x.0.1200 gal /lba)

Line.32 2/.8435 lbs./ min. .


x 0.1200 gal./lba. Line 33 - 2.4212. gal./ min.

13. Identified Leak Rate (Generated from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4; sign is positive)
    .                    Line 34         :              O                lbm./ min.
14. Leakage through OTSG Tubes (Primary-to-secondary leak; sign is positive determined from D.S. 1303-1.1.6)
a. Line 35  : O lbm./ min. -
b. OTSG 1eakage in terms of gal./ min. (Line 35 times Line 22)

Line 35 0 lbm./ min. Line 22 x 0.1200 gal./lbm. Line 36 - O gal./ min. 4 Limit : Line 36 shall not exceed limits specified in Table 1303-1.1.1

15. Correction factor : Line 37 - (+ 1.37 lbm./ min.) (From Data Sheet'1303-1.1.2)
16. Total identified leakage ([iine 34 plus Line 35 plus Line 37] Times Line 38.)

Line 34 d Ibm./ min. i Line 35 + o lbm./ min. Line 37 + 1.37 lbm./ min. l Line 38 - I.37 lbm./ min. Line 22 x 0.1200 gal./lbm.

              .           Line 39        -       , / 4 f4                gal./ min.                             ,

m oir ', DUPUCATE PAGE O ut-tess4 los J0 /3' 44.0 gmnoa srn.-t f ftkrc M


                                   ,l   ',        :  C,              .


                                                                                           - ~

1303-1.1 - Revis1on 13

                                    .               Cass.oswa to DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd)                           Page 12 of 12.
17. Unidentified Leakage-(Line 27_minus Line 33 minus Line 39).

un* . 3.y +s .

                           .Line 27                          1af " 4 "5LY'a1./

g min. . Line 33 - 2. 6212. gal./ min. Line 39 - 0, /6 + +- gal./ min. , p ,~.+ y .51st Line 40- = _ . 5 r !3vsve gal./ min. 4ff , Limit : Line 40 shall not exceed 1 gal / min.. (See Table 1303-1.1.1). If change in Line 40 from last calculation is >.33 gpm, obtain an-RM-A-5 grab sample

18. Total Leakage (Line 39 + Line 40)

Line 39 0, /4+f gal./ min.

  • t Vo-H gjf L1ne 40 +

f.y,^!J MqsM+ gal./ min. qr s a H o.14M .n Line 41 - 9. ! f M ^ C' T'* gal . /mi n . Limit : Line 41 shall not exceed 10 GPM. Remarks (Specify reasons for any results determined to be invalld): DVH Hodel No.  : H.unt BoCoA

                     -Ser1a1 No. :          A //o o LI           ut 2-D-8+

9H g wB+ Performed by  : d4.- [AIN --- T1me/Date  : 04 3r f o~-LS-8+ Reviewed by  : T1me/Date  : n f. L/ 0 ,

                                                                / S ~2 P W                           'TN wT I OFFICIAL FELD COPY                                      -

L'**L, ,,,,4,

                                                     .       45.0                                     g muna su.-n

- DUPUCATi PAGE O - png ::: L

  • THREE_tlILE_15 LAND _. NUCLEAR 5TATION _.. _ _

UNI.T,NO.,21.5URVEILLANCE PROCEDURE- 1303-1.1 REV 13 - l~ ' ., DATE:. 0 5 /25 / 8 4. __ ___ _ T IllE: 05:23:58 .

                             . NOTE:__YOU MU$T.. ENTER _ A_.DECINAL_P.OINT._MI.TH THE_ LEAKAGE VALUES..._

IF RC5 INVENTORY I5 INCREASED.THE DATA ENTRY MUST BE NEGATIVE. s . . SELECTED If1TERVAL (2-8 HOURS): 2 HOUR 5 ENTERED RC5 OR NUT INVENTORY CHANGE FROM D51383-1.1.5 0.000 GAL' .__ EllTERED_ RCDT CHAllGE..FROM .D51303--1.1 5_. _ _ . ___ ...0.000 LBM . . . . _ . . . _ _ . . . . ENTERED IDENTIFIED LEAK RATE FROM D51303-1.1.4 0.000 LBM/ MIN ENTERED 05TG . LEAKAGE FR0t1 D51303-1.1. 6 ,


0.000 LBM/NIN [ ' '- POINT ID: A510 A508 'A513 A507 C1720 A426 A835 A586

   . .PO.II.JT ID L. _ . A519                                                   AS.QR_               A5.13               A5.09                                      C1720_....A426                                .. _ 835. .....A586..




 . _ - . . . _ _ ~ . . . _ . . .                                 . . _ .
-_ w ... - .~. - . . . .


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            .k C5:34:14                             531.885                        532.948            531.677             532.254 532.191                                   103.'982 07:34:15                                                                                                                                                                               84.132                     82.184-                        2156.91                            l t 531.732                        532.798            531.550             532.120 ,5 32.~ 050                               103.737                   68.618                                                   '2157.96 91.473 LEAMAGE PLUS LOSSE5 (MUST BE LESS THAN 30 GPM)                                                                                               -


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ..                       m GRO55 RCS LEAK RATE (MUST.BE LESS THAN is GPM),:-.-

1.2047 . j s ,

    ' .flET UNIDENT.IF.IED. LEAK _ RATE .(MUST. BE _LESS._THAN.1.ERM L 3. .._ __ 1 0403.._ . .                                                                                                                              -

~ - -- --- OPERATOR: ' 82 b

                                                                                                                                                            .DATE/ TIME:'                                                                                 <

APPROVED: DATE/ TIME: TPfl sm'i'I OmM ELELD~ COPY ~ ~T ~ *rawuu

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    " * '~ig,'rht    ,            ..
   . NOTE: ATTACH . ALL APPROPRI ATE . DATA .5 HEE.TS_ ' . _DUPUCATE'PAGE                                                                                                            O                            -

Aueus m-t -- - m w

7 l

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ,.                              .r       e                                                                                           ..
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .,                        ..               y .w                                -                                                                2                                            .

e .,. %;:L., ,k*.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      '                                                                                                                                                    4 e  .
' * ,.s..'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         +u           ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              .<* . J.~. >;;A' ,


                                                                                                                          -m. . . . w.q . . 27m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .                                             .o..v.                  . n.. a9<.-                                 .. .,                                          ,
                                  .              . .                              ,f'         .,                                                                                                                                                  ,


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    #                                             #                                    ,U
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        .' M
   . INITI AL WATER :TAND.4                    -
                                                                       ;          -                 5 TEAM;
                                                                                                                            ,:            DENSITY.N.?'-N.37f
s. A W ;a v.cp.'.J.7 N . - p., 1645 ' 69Eh.w,mqc.c 4.  ; . . ..; _.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ' 41                           . _ ..                                    .

INITIAL MA55 IN PZR = 19197.8437 . 37 6715 '7.1455. .._.._.....,___c_..____.._..:.---- - . ._.EINAL_. WATER..AND_ STEAM _ DEN 5IT.Y _= .

                                                                                                                                         '~. , -

s n, ..j.:. n .w ,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               . . c. -d yu .,'c %'            .

FINAL MASS IN PZR = 19174.4141 .

                                                                                                                                                                                              . i 1, , 7 J ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           .                                                            -       s.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               -                                               ~-



. . _ _ _1._0VER_.THE_INI.T.I AL. SPECIEI.C._YOLUME = 47 23AA . _ _ . _ . _ _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . _ .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ~- '

s. y . . e . . . . 1 OVER THE FINAL SPECIFIC-VOLUME = ,, 47.943B.i.t . J. 9- .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          . . ~ . .                 ,      . . . _ .


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             .                                                                            O t-29.82 EiGA                                                                                                                                                                                                                               _ . . . . _ . _ . _ .                                              . ;._ . . . ..

__ .NU. LATH:~_ LEVEL CHANGE _IN_LBtt.= , ,

s. ;
y.  ;
                                                                                                                                                                           ..,,- ;%. ( . u.;p.::;         4            .c.; :c, .                                             .,,                                                                   ,                   .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                .    .      (,

TOTAL RC5 MASS CHANGE . IN . GAL 5L=c; T' ,l470.  ; 055 3 9. 2.QJ,'.:..J

                                                                                                                                                                                  ., em.,:e                                r.M            ,.                                          .                                                             .              .      ,                                       -
n .

_ . . _. ~ . ... _ . - . _ . . - - . . ~~.- ..

   . . - _ .                                               _.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             **u.

v TOTAL RCS INVENTORY CHANGE = 470.0553 4 ..__RC5 _LEAEAGE PLUS LGESES = ' 19.1.1 7 -

                                                                                                                ;.                    .                                              .:. : o .                                               , . . .                                                      r .
s. . -



r 8' '- LEVEL CHANGE.;.Ip.N R C D T.'i =. a.9:2898 / Gr.' rr- e. , :.t.) '.c., . . :t. . . ^ 4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    '                      _.:.;4L _ " . a                                                                '

n ....__.~;.,,... TOTAL RCDT MASS RATE CHANGE GAL PER MIN = a.7124 y c __ T.0TAL._I DENT.IEIED_ LE AEA.GE..IM_G Af _ P E R._.MIM_.= G 16.4.4- - _ _ .

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .;.                     .                                     s*                                                    .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         .: y ,.
                                                                                                                                              ,.              .                   .m.,.

a '. . y

- i-TOTAL UNIDENTIFIED LEAKAGE IN GAL PER? MIN..,=' . ?.i.d. r. 1. 9 40 3 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      . ,w, .       ,
                                                                         '                      ~'
    ~ TOTAL LEAE5GE lE G L PER MIE~=                                                                                                          1.2047                                                                          .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          . .                                               ~
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 - a
                                                                                                                                                                      .8.m.w.e.n&m.;                                                                                                                                                                                                 .                                                     .
.m.~ c.. u. .~ m. c.m
                                       +-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      . . . , .. imx vaa. i
                 .n                                                                        :                                                      . ww . w....n.                  arm...,w. .                                                               ; A. & -s,...g.e:                                                    . . 4.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      . " - " .-~~                                        7,~ + g. y.. .uEfd,                                               .U"y ~

0FFICUtt-FIELD COPY-~-~ Nnsua sm-r DUPUCATE PAGE O a. fuc-334-~ ~~


f (. s [~ f ... %g y N 1303-1.1 Revision 13

     ,.                                                   D'ATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2                   Page 1 of.11               -

For Use When Computer is Available -

         ,                NOTE:-. For unavailable-computer inputs, Patch Panel inputs may be sub-g,,                                 -stituted provided that they are converted to units listed for both initial and final readings-(refer to Table 4 for conversion v
 .N;                                  factors). Note that not all computer points have corresponding Patch Panel. inputs.

Initial Conditions - To be taken at two minute intervals.

           .                                      Computer i                                           Point      E                ,T2                 L
                                        -(Circle Selected Point)

Line 1 Time C53y 0534 OS38

                                                                                                         /St!*f         cs/.8 T. Loop A @

Line'2a S7/.8 + s J /. 8 + SJ/. s . +3- *F. 511

                                                                                                          /4T8 7        g32,9
                         'Line 2b     T. Loop A            S377 +        57t3 +           S3r.9          .       +3         *F.

S3/.4 Line 2c T. Loop B SJ /, 4 + 53/,4 + 53/,4 . + 3 '- *F.

                                                                                                         /f86'd         y3 2. s.

Line 2d T. Loop B @ S31 2- + 53 r. z. + S32.2. . +3- *F.  ! 407 g,t ze o.s- S3 E * /3 Line 2e Unit Tave (Sum of Lines 2a, 2b, 2c, and 2d + 4) +4- *F. Line 3 Przr Level /05 + /of + / or' 8'I+ 3 . /as i n . s z..s- 247.s- gg g-Line 4 MU T. Level 82,7 + 0 '/, 2 + 62.3 - ,+3= in. 2e S*' 483 Line 5 RCDT Level 835 6.82 + 4 89- + 6. 8 '/ - +3= ft. x 12 in/ft Line sa . emin. ' 2/56,8 6 44.Y 2/re.8 Line 5b RCS Pres's 2 /S6.f + 2/S7. / , - +3- PSIG 701Z VWoT I OFHCIA.L HELD COPVa *tawuu

                                                                                                          */' <<4sisi
                       ' DUPUC,Wi! Pace             g               23.0                   ,

Aumes sm-t Y' --- - _-- _ -. -. fMc_R C.- _- -

( 1303-1.1

                               *    ~.
  • Revision 13 h/c4esv44.[//
 ',                                                                           DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd)                                                       Page 2 of 11 Final Conditions - To be taken at two minute intervals.

Computer Point h h L

                         .                            (Circle Selected Point)

L1ne 6 T1me 073'/ 6 734 0 7 3 B' T. Loop A' @ 1795:3 S:.' N- p Line 7a J'S/.4 + #5/. ? + $5/. '7 - +3- *F 511 Szc . IS96. / $~32.0 Line 7b T., Loop A O SJ2. 7 + f52 .7 + (Ja .7 = +3- *F. 405 i.cs4S~ 53/.S~ Line 7c T. Loop B @ #3/ f~ + S3/# + r3/. 5~ = +3- *F. 514 is % 3. 59 04

    .                             Line 7d         T. Loop B                       S !L7 0            + S3 a . /               + 53 3 ./                    -        +3-         *F.

Line 7e Unit Tave (Sum of Lines 7a, 7b, 7c, and 7d + 4) d'dI'k4 - *F. Line 8 Przr Level 1 2 / OS' + /05~ + /o f' -31f + 3 - 10Iin. T722 Line 9 MU T. Level /o47 + (4.5~ + 6G. 3 - +3- n.

                                                                                                                              ,                              pS4           n.GU Line 10         RCDT Level 835                    ?.6 0            +       7. 6 /            +     p. (,3                -        +3-         ft.

x 12 in/ft Line 10a -9fMin.

                                 'Line 10b         RCS Press                    G / f' . I + .2 /s7. 3                         + a/fG.9                       W//+ 3       88CPSIG 1                                                                                                                                                                                       :
NOTE: Leakage out of the RCS will have a positive (+) sign. :
" Leakage" into the RCS (chemical additions, etc.)  :
                              ,              :                          will have a negative (-) sign.                                                                      :

m.,,,,_ TMW'T I O 7sr1vit.1 _n 4ir- ,LD U_ U P r 7,,,,/f uewuu. lh, +/> o DUPl! CATI PAGE O - gg,3,,a 3y.g 24.0 g y


y .-

   +-    .    .                                 . *-
  • 1303-1.1 y Revision 13 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 3 of 11 Carry Algebraic Sions Through All Steps
           '                     ~
1. Mass change in pressurizer due to changes in pressurizer level and temperature.
NOTE: The initial and final mass in the Pzr. are determined :
- using the following equation.  :

M - A (L,0, + [400" - L,3 D.) where: M- initial or final mass - L, - level of the water mass in the Pzr. s - 400" - distance between level taps A= cross sectional area of the Pzr. D, - density of the water as a fluid D. - density of the water as a gas (steam) The terms D, and D. are obtained from Table 2.

a. Initial Mass in Pressurizer. Determine the initial absolute pressure in the pressurizer. (Line 5b + 14.7 pst - absolute pressure)
      .                    Line 5b                    2 / #6 ,8            psig                         -
                                            +                     14.7 psi                         .

Line lla - 2 /7/# psia

b. Use Line Ila and Table 2 to determine the initial density of the water (D,, Line lib) and steam (D., Line lic) in the pressurizer..

Interpolate as necessary. - Line 11b - 37,6883 lbm/ft' (water density)


Ltne lle .. 7,/638 lbm/ft' (steam density) , TML UdeT l OFFICIAL FIELD COPY Ebsj,rh, DUPLICATE PAGE O D'" 25.0 PMc A17 y ,

s. (' s 1303-1.1 g Revision 13 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd) Page 4 of 11
c. Convert water level in inches to level in feet (Line 3 divided by 12")-

('f , , Line. 3' - /of in. [,, + 12 in./ft.

       'l                         Line 11d -             B.75~        ft.
d. Determine the height of steam mass in feet [(400" - Line 3) divided by

12 in./ft.] 400 in. c., Line 3 -

                                                         /oJ~           in.

Line' lie - 2Y in.

                                             +                    12 ' in./f t.

Line 11f = 2%58 ft.

e. Determine initial mass in Pzr.

Mi - 38.14 ft* [(Line lib)(Line lid) + (Line lic)(Line 11f)] Mi = 38.14 ft" [( 7 7, /,8 83)( d. 7f ) + ( 7, /4 J8 )( 2VM )]

                                       - 38.14 ft* [            'J 2 9 . 7 7    +   / 7/* ,8 9   3
                                       -   / 929'h          Ibm.

Line 110 - Mt - /929 9 lbm.

f. Final Mass in Pressurizer. Determine the final absolute pressure in the pressurizer.

Line 10b 3 / f*7 psig

                                              +                14.7 psi
                 ,-                 Line 12a .         .3 / 91      7 psia TM1 Nrl rPw/r OFFICIAL FIELD COPY                                                             uu,uu. /j, c h, m,,.w sn-a
                      " " " ^ '
               .                                                       2s.0                  ,
  • M6
                                                    'I'^"                                             ( **    1303-1.1 Revision 13 Edcusdes h II DATASkEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd)                           Page 5'of 11
g. . Use Line 12a and Table 2 to determine the final density of.the water
   .                                                                                                                            n
                    .                 (Di,-Line 12b) and steam (D., Line 12c) in the pressurizer.-                               l Interpolate as necessary.                                                        .

Line 12b - @," J/374f1bm/ft' (water density)

                .       E,tf
                                                          ~p IGS.. /974r'i*bs/ft' (steam density)
  ..,. ' . .                          Line 12c =
h. Convert water level in inches to level in feet (Line 8 + 12 in./ft.)'

Line 8 /05' in.

                                                  +                12   in./ft.

Line 12d -- 9'. 7f ft.

1. Determine the height of steam mass in feet [(400" - Line 8). divided by 12 in./ft.)

400 1n Line 8 -

                                                              /of         in.         .

Line 12e - A 9f* in.

                                                  +                 12    in./ft.

Line 12f' d' ft.

           .                   j.    ' Determine final mass in Pzr.                                                         -

Mf = 38.14 ft" [(Line 12b)(Line 12d) + (Line 12c)(Line 12f)] 1.14 se* Mf = 38.14 ft" [( 37.6C' )( f'. 7f ) + ( ?. /??y)( JV.fF )]

                                           - 38.14 [          3a9.7            +        , '^ '. ; 0 ,'co443
                                           = 38.14 [        #~Js 61$

13,131.S3 .

                                           . n = > :,pm,1be.
                                                           .ysa-n,g;,;,, 19.29119 Line ire . Mf .         >=      2 ^/ ihm.

D5 '

                                                                           *p 6 es 89 Tni unor i OFFICIAL FIELD COPY                                                               ""/r      a 0

uu,ua.y shi DU?UCATE PAGE 27.0 M* *d * *'

                                                                                                          . Fnw of
c. ,.~ _,.

(. ( ,,. 1303-1.1 Revision 13 ucs,osaw [6 Il _ DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 '(Cont'd) , Page 6 of 11 k.. Determine Pressurizer mass change. (Initial Mass minus Final. Mass or

       .                           Line.11g minus Line'12g)
                                      '.Line l'Ig     ~

r t .2 9'/ lbs.

                                                                    ' ?/ibY.

Line 12g - ,

                                                          + 2.+l
                     }l5 Line 13   =           _'^ 9.W l bs.


2. Mass change in RCS due to the change in RCS pressure and temperature,
a. Use Table 3 to determine the initial and final densities of the compressed water in the RCS.- Determine the initial and final pressure from Lines 11a and 12a. Determine initial and final temperatures from Lines'2e and 7e. Densities are found in Table 3.
1. Initial conditions Line lla Initial pressure . 2 / 7/,5~ psia Line 2e Initial temperature = 53 F. /3 *F Line 11h Initial Density = '/7*953 lbm/ft*

(From Table 3)

2. Final conditions Line 12a Final pressure = J / 7/ . 7 psia Line 7e Final temperature = f32.0 *F i
                                        . Line 12h      Final Density =            W.W          lbm/ft' (From Table 3)
b. Determine density change in the RCS (Line 11h minus Line 12h)
                               .          Line 11h                 9'7933              lbm/ft.'

Line 12h -

                                                                   '/7.9t/             lbm/ft.'~

Line 14 - ~,o d 7 lbm/ft.' m wrI resoolt ,, OEICIAL FIELD COPY a c " " " # ' /3 ' Ituss a*4 573- 1

             ,         DUPUCAIE PAGE              O                   28.0                              ru.c     .f.3D

(e *. '+ 1303-1.1 Revision 13

                                                         ,gff DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont'd)                   Page 7 of 11
c. Determine the mass change in the RCS (Line 14 times.10,564 ft")

Line 14 . co 7 lbm/ft.'

                                           'x        10.564            ft.8
                                                    -' 73.9V f Line 15        -                         Ibm.
3. Mass change in the Makeup Tank ([Line 4 minus Line 93 times 256.7 lbm/in)

Line 4 8 2.S~ t r. . Line 9 - C (,. 5~ in.

                                             -             /6           in.

x 256.7 lbm/in. Line 16 - V/0 7.d. Ibm.

4. -Total RCS mass change (Line 13 plus Line 15 plus Line 16)
                                                      + 2.4I
                              'I"'  I3               ~#7* / t '#81bm.

6/5 , Line 15 + ' 7 3 9 Y 9' lbm. Line 16 + V/67 p Ibm. 4 o3S. c42 fI6 Line 17 - Z T c.a.a+ Ibm.

5. RCS inventory change in gallons
a. The conversion factor from Ibm. to gal.

i Line 18 - 0.1200 gal /lbm (conversion factor)

b. RCS inventory change (Line 17 times Line 18) 4-0JS e&S Z e3-84 gIS Line 17 'l= f. W Ne- V ',1 km.

Line 18 x 0.1200 gal /lbm. 4s +. 27s 5/5 - Line 19 - N?d . ' f';- 4 'ia,.l.

6. Operator caused changes in RCS inventory. (From Data Sheet 1303-1.1.5).

Line 20 - 0 ~~ gal. TM1 MarI OFFICIAL FIELD COPY L"u"/b y, sh, cueu::,n e:,a2 0 """-' 29.0 , rue ,:t3 / C

fA .

  • v
                                                                                                                                .(c .


i l

Revision 13 Encusen ll _ ' l DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2  ; (Cont'd) - Page 8 of 11, 7.. Total RCS inventory change (Line 19 minus' Line 20). *

                                                                                              +H.n3 .                                                                                 :
                                                                                              ? O 4 7.3 Y s.ws4 t/f                 Line 19                                                                       gal.                                                        >

Line'20 ~ 4 n .,sn - gal.

g. Line 21 = '/ W. efJ 'F,g,al . - -
8. . Test duration (Line'6 minus Line 1 use Time = Ti)

Line 6 o ~7 h 3Y- min. Line 1 - 05- h ~ 3 98 min. Line'22 = 0 A. /Rd' min.

     ,                                                                                                   h              O             mi n. . .
                                  ----------                            _------                      ------            ---------           - - - - - - - -                           i
. NOTE: Minimum of 2 hrs (120 min.) per Para. 3.9.  : .
9. . RCS Leakage Plus Losses (Line~21 divided by Line 22) -

4 N.17s g Line 21 - Y 7' ' O 'r '*g*a'1. . Line 22 + /2 o min. III Line 23 = ((IS'W*il./ min. ~

                      -Limit:           Line 23 shall not exceed 30 gal / min.

(See-Table 1303-1.1.1) .

10. RCS Losses Determination
a. Determine the level change in the RCDT (Final Level minus Initial Level, or Line 10a - Line Sa).
NOTE: Value should be positive. If value is negative,  :
verify an RCDT pumpdown has occurred and is  :

documented in Line 26. If no draindown has occurred  : ,

         .                  :                         check for RCDT Leakage and repeat test.                                                                             :

Line 10a 9/.34 in.

                                'Line Sa         -

7 A .. O in. TML unor i Line 24 = 9.94 in. Tv kols si w, , - - . imoua 4,1* ho V d ." .l'v, t J , i' 1 % b C d, 2

  • m ,3,,w m ,/
                   = .c u .:, n t u a 2                     0                                  30.0                                 .                PM              A3L
                                                                   .                                        4 s                                       b .-         1303-1.1
                                                                                                 ,                   Revision 13 DATA ~ SHEET 1303_1.1.2 (Cont',d)                   Page 9 of 11
b. Change in RCDT Mass (Level Change times Mass per Inch, or Line 24 x 292.0 lbs/in.

Line 24


9 36 in. - x 292.0 lbm/in. Line 25 - 2 0 J3./3. Ibm.

c. Operator caused changes to RCDT from D.S. 1303-1.1.5.
        ,                                        Line 26     -            -O'              lbm.
NOTE: Water added is minus (-). Water removed is (+).  :
d. Total RCDT Mass Rate of Change (Line 25 Plus Line 26 Divided by Duration of Test) -

Line 25 2933./2. Ibm. Line 26 + Ibm. Line 27 - J7 33./2. Ibm. Line 22 + /2o min. Line 28 - 32 776 lbm./ min.

e. Convert Mass Change to Gallons per Minute (Line 28 x 0.1200 gal /lba)'

Line 28 JJ. D 4 lbm./ min. 9 x, 0.1200 gal./lbm. Line 29 - 3 733 gal./ min.

11. Identified Leak Rate (Generated from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4).'

Line 30 ' C' ~~ lbm/ min. .

12. Leakage through OTSG tubes (Primary-to-secondary leak)
a. Li'ne 31 Ibs/ min. (From most recent calculations required by 1301-1 calculated on D.S. 1303-1.1.6)

TottUNiri O_7ECI.AL FIELD COPY 7, u,ls- y OUTUCATE PAGE O 31*0 ' ""* ,s m,3, "" 3#rw. ,' " ?,. O

L~4 I-1303-1.1 ' Revision 13 uct.ossrc5/t DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2 (Cont ', d) Page 10 of 11

b. OTSG Ieakage in gallons ,

Line 31 Ibm / min.(from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.6, Line 48) Line 18 x 0.1200 gal./lba. Line 32 - ' O ~~ gal./ min Limit: Line 32 shall not exceed 11mits specified in Table 1303-1.1.1.

13. Correction Factor
a. Evaporative losses  : + 2.24 lbm/ min.
b. RCP No. 3 Seal Purge : -

0.87 lbm/ min. Line 33 - Sum  : + 1.37 lbm/ min.

14. Total identified leakage ((Line 30 plus Line 31 plus Line 33) X Line 18]

Line 30 'O- Ibe/ min. Line 31 + -o- Ibm / min. Line 33 + 1.37 lbm/ min. Line 34 .- / 3 '7 lbm/ min. (sum) Line 18 x 0.1200 gal./lba. Line 35 - ./4 W gal./ min.

15. Unidentified Leakage (Line 23 minus Line 29 minus Line 35)

[fy Line 23  % Of f w &* H gal./ min. Line 29 - .P . '13 3 gal./ min.

                            . Line 35        -              . / /, W                            gal./ min.
l. I S $4 6/5 Line 36 - ,./J~t483dal./
                                                                 '                               J      min.

Limit: Line 36,shall not exceed 1 gal./ min. .

  .                            If change in Line 36 from last calculation is >.33 gpm, obtain an RM-A-5 grab sample CFFICIAL FIELD COPY                                                                                 7ji,$/[l, h

gact.e u rt M tt ! CUPUCATE PAGE O 32.0 gg,3,u 3J.,, fA&E .23!

(' ' (

  • 1303-1.1 Revision 13 jacusose Nll
                                                 ' DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.2                (Cont'd)                            Page 11 of 11
16. Total Leakage (Line 35 plus Line 36)
       .                         Line 35                        . /4 'r"/                gal./ min.
                                                               /.' /3 3               #

Line 36 + ./'7' F# gal./ min. J. Je3 Line 37 - ' 27 A v t.'* gal ./ min. Limit: Line 37 shall not exceed 10 GPM. Remarks (Specify reasons for any results determined to be invalid):

          '0 45 7ktf was A NAlouM) w onfic                                         /r skxn ft        art / MA_
          $vw. t au ssosd 1, xx Bh 77snwa
                  .                                                                  Avrcess r/od Bro ar f(RfAnft est/fularre d                         is    84   _
x. M A m 4 n orsfM L fuxforfs OrllV ,
NOTE: Attach all calculation sheets.  :

DVM Serial No.: Did noku..w h Model No.: M / useci com p M Performed by: T1me/Date: r/aff / 09/f


Reviewed by: Time /Date: Sf2S/B4- og 4-C CFFICIAL FELD COPY $!,$/[',, u c u sstF L x , t.3 }3t

   ,          C,UPUCATE PAGg                        6                   33.0                                              gg,,3,,, 3 g,f D
  • fAGC .3f
                                                                             . i :' ('M
                                                                                           -I            o
                                                               . 5 m 5-                           -


   $      (' j            A510    RC LOOP A INLET TEMP NRRW 1          .... S   531.8   DEGF    ......        ......

g 17 A511 RC LOOP A INLET TEMP NRRW 3 .... S 531.8 DEGF ...... .c.... 2 I,i 8508 RC LOOP A OUTLET TEMP NRRW .... S 532.9 DEGF ...... 607.0 C


i=j A405 RC OUTLET TEMPERATURE LOOP A .... S 532.64 DEGF ...... ...... j A513 RC LOOP B-INLET TEMP NRRW l HIGH 531.6 200.0 p(j A514 RC LOOP B IHLET TEMP NRP,W 3 .... S S 531.6 DEGF DEGF 1 n A509 RC LOOP B OUTLET TEMP NRRW S 532.2 DEGF 607 0 g O A407 RC OUTLET TEMPERATURE LOOP B .... S 532.4 DEGF ...... ...... N C1720 PL1 R.C. PRESSURI2ER LEVEL LOW  ? 103. Ill 200. 260. # C1721 C1722 PL2 R.C. PRESSUR12ER LEVEL L3 R.C. PRES $URI2ER LEVEL LOW LOW


105. 110. IN IN 200. 200. 260. 260. h R498 MU TANK LVL (IN) .... ~S 82.7 INH 2O 66.0 96.0 R426 MU TANK LEVEL (IN) .... S 84.4 INH 2O 86.0 96.0 A835 RC DRRIN TANK LEVEL (FT) LOW S 6.82 FT 8.49 9.20 - A459 RC DRAIN TANK WDL-T-3 TEMP .... S 149. DEGF ...... ....... 1# A586 RP LOOP R RC PRESS NRRW .... S 2156.5 PSIG 2054.9 2254.9


A588 RP LOOP B RC PRESS NRRW .... S 2153.7 PSIG 2054.9 2254.9 A507 RC LOOP B WIDE RANGE PRESS .... S 2156.8 PSIG 1700.0 2500.0 s R t :4 3 E55I2 poYn?'"oI' E "' '""* Tucn cxccuTc MTh ut v M t2 kt

AREA 2 GROUP 40 1303-1.1-13 -

                                                                                                      . ALARM LIMITS 2     *>1        PT 3    POINT DcSCRIPTION                          e COND     UALUc          UNITS        LOW          HIGH a is)
     $8 p

R510 RC LOOP R INLET TEMP NRRW 1 .... S 531.8 DEGF ...... ......

            !g        A511     RC LOOP A INLET TEMP NRRW 3         .... S  531.8 DEGF                ......      ......

2 't- 8508 RC LOOP A OUTLET TEMP NRRW .... S 532.9 DEGF ...... 607.0

             ;j       A405    RC OUTLtT TEMPERATURE LOOP A        .... S 532.64 DEGF               ......      ......           i, t21      A513     RC LOOP B INLET TEMP NRRW l        HIGH   S   531.6 DEGF               ......          200.0
             'h       A514    RC LOOP B INLET TEMP HRRW 3         .... S   531.7 DEGF               ......      ......


                                                                  .... S S~ 532.4 DEGF
                                                                                                      ......         607.0

{ y

                                                                  ....                                ......      ......        a C1720   PL1 R.C. PRESSURI2ER LEVEL C1721   PL2 R.C. PRESSUR12ER LEVEL LOW    ?         104.

105. IN IN 200. 260. } C1722 PL3 R.C. PRESSURI2ER LEVEL LOW  ? 200. 260.  % LOW  ? 110. IN 200. 260. A498 HU TANK LVL (IN) 82.5 66.0

                                                                 .... S                INH 2O                       96.0 8426     HU TANK LEVEL (IN)                 .... S      84.2      IHH2O           66.0         96.0 A835     RC DRRIN TANK LEVEL (FT)                          6.84. FT LOW     S                                8.49.       9.20         -


                                                                 . ... S                DEGF       ......      ......            '*

A586 RP LOOP R RC PRESS NRRW S 2157.1 2054.9

                                                                 ....                     PSIG                   2254.9 A588     RP LOOP B RC PRESS NRRW                    S 2154.1         PSIG       2054.9
                                                                 ....                                            2254.9 A507     RC LOOP B WIDE RANGE PRESS                 S 2156.8         PSIG       1700.0
                                                                 ....                                            2500.0 k$h3                    l8"ni'llSI'M        "' **"' Tucu cxcCurc       T T sU M " D E uscxT                        +

uitil, . w u ci ikk


,' AREA 2 GP,00P 40 1303-1.1-13 . se2ses, s:28: 7 g ALARt1 LIttITS j af g PT tt POI!4T DESCRIPTIOFI COfiD G VALUE UNITS LOH HIGH Q 'r1 g'g A510 RC LOOP A. INLET TEf1P HRRW 1 .... S 531.8 DEGF ...... ...... g r4 A511 RC LOOP R INLET TEllP NRRW 3 .... S 531.8 DEGF ...... ...... P '[l 8508 RC LOOP R OUTLET TEMP NRRW .... S 532.9 DEGF ...... 607.0 ,

,       y            A405     RC OUTLET TEMPERATURE LOOP A           ....                                 S 532.67 DEGF                ......
                                                                                                                                                             ......                r     .

l iTi A513 RC LOOP B INLET TEMP NRRW l HIGH 531.6 DEGF S ...... 200.0 t A514 A509 RC LOOP B IHLET TEllP NRRW 3 .... S 531.6 DEGF ...... ..,... g RC LOOP B OUTLET TEMP NRRW .... S 532.2 DEGF ...... 607.0 d

        'O A407     RC OUTLET TEMPERATURE LOOP B          ....                                  S  532.4 DEGF               ......                 ......

t C1720 Pll R.C. PRESSURIZER LEVEL LOW  ? 103. IN 200. 260. b i C1721 PL2 R.C. PRESSURIZER LEVEL LOW  ?' 105. IN 200. 260. 2 ! C1722 PL3 R.C. PRESSURI2ER LEVEL i A498 HU TANK LVL (IN) LOW

                                                                                                          ?  '110.

82.3 IN 200. 260. \ INH 2O 66.0 96.0 j A426 HU TANK LEVEL (IfD S 84.0 IllH2O 66.0 96.0

A835 RC DRRIN TANK LEVEL (FT) 6.84 LOW S FT 8.49 9.20 m I A459 RC ERAIN TANK HDL-T-3 TEMP . . . . . S 148. DEGF ...... ......

i ) A586 RP LOOP A RC PRESS NRRW .... S 2156.8 PSIG 2054.9 2254.9 ! A588 RP LOOP B RC PRESS NRRW .... S 2154.1 PSIG 2054.9 2254.9

                                                                 ....                                                  PSIG          1700.0                 2500.0 a


       . ph E bb

) . i


( - . . 2 se2sen 7:n:12 ARER GROUP 40 1303-1.1-13 - ALARM LIMITS g v3] PT a POINT DESCRIPTIOff COND G VALUc UfIITS LOH HIGH n ll

   ,!j     'y                                           R510                             RC LOOP A IllLET TEl1P NRRif 1           .... S  531.6 DEGF          ......          ......

g :- A511 RC LOOP A IllLET TEllP llRRH 3 .... S 531.6 DEGF ...... S l;. - A508 RC LOOP R OUTLET TEl1P NRRil 532.7 DEGF

                                                                                                                                  .... S                       ......             607.0 3                                          8405                            RC OUTLET TEl1PERATURE LOOP R             .... S 532.49 DEGF           ......         ......          +,

tri A513 RC LOOP B INLET TEMP NRRW l HIGH S 531.5 DEGF 200.0 O y A514 RC LOOP B INLET TEllP llRRil 3 .... S 531.5 DEGF g A509 RC LOOP B OUILET TEllP llRRil .... S 532.0 DEGF ...... 607.0 t O R407 RC OUTLET TEllPERATURE LOOP B .... S 532.3 DEGF ...... ...... E

                'j'                                     C1721                            'L2 R.'C) PRESSURIZER LEVEL             L0li   ?    105. Ill            200.             260. j C1722                                 L3 R.C. PRESSUR12ER LEVEL          LO!!   ?    110. Ill            200.             260.

A498 A426 11U TAllK LVL (IN) 11U TAtlK LEVEL (Ill)

                                                                                                                                 .... S    66.7   If1H2O         66.0             96.0   h
                                                                                                                                 .... S    68.8   IllH2O         66.0             96.0 A835                              10 DRRIN TANK LEVEL (FT)              . L0ll   S    7.60   FT             8.49             9.20 A459                           RC DRAIN TAllK llDL-T-3 TEllP             .... S    148. DEGF     ......           ......           -

A586 RP LOOP A RC PRESS NRRH .... S 2156.8 PSIG 2054.9 2254.9 + A588 .RP LOOP B RC PRESS NRRW .... S 2153.5 PSIG 2054.9 2254.9 A507 RC LOOP B llIDE RAllGE PRESS .... S 2156.8 PSIG 1700.0 2500.0 l [$E$2 mn 5 ',' PM a'a' '""' racn execurc in!& n!liEm ISM /b r<omm iiu ! $yty I



AREA 2 GROUP 40 1303-1.1-13 se2sen 7:n :12 ALARN LItfITS PT a PO It4T DESCRIPTIOtt COND Q VALUE UtIITS LOli HIGH

 ,$  l;'j    A510       RC LOOP A IllLET TEf1P llRail 1      .... S  531.7 DEGF         ......
 $y                                                                                                 ......

A511 RC LOOP R IllLET TEitP llRRil 3 S 531.8

                                                             ....              DEGF       ......    ......

p  : 8508 RC LOOP A OUTLET TEllP NRRH S 532.7 DEGF R l;- ....

                                                                                          ......,     607.0      ,


                                                            ....                          ......   ......        re 8513       RC LOOP P INLET' TEMP NRRW 1        HIGH   S   531.5 DEGF iT1
                                                                                         ......      200.0 A514       RC LOOP B IllLET TEllP HRRH 3        .... S   531.5 DEGF
  *E      -

A509 RC LOOP B OUTLET TEllP llRRil .... S 532.1 DEGF 607.0 p o A407 RC OUTLET TEl1PERATURE LOOP B .... S 532.3 DEGF ...... ...... O C1721 2 R.C./ PRESSURIZER LEVEL L0li  ? Ill y C1722 PL3 R.E. PRESSURI2ER LEVEL LOH  ? 105.. 110. Ill 200. 200. 260. 260. [ y 11498 IlU TANK LVL (IN) .... S 66.5 IllH2O 66.0 96.0 , A426 11U TAllK LEVEL (IN) 68.7

                                                           ....   ~S          IllH2O        66.0      96.0 8835       RC/ DRAIN TRNK LEVEL (FT)           LOW          7.61 S          FT            8.49      9.20 A459       RC DRAlli TANK WDL-T-3 TEllP                S    148.
                                                           ....               DEGF     ......     ......         n A586       RP LOOP A RC PRESS llRRH            .... S 2157.3   PSIG     2054.9     2254.9            '

A588 .RP LOOP B RC PRESS NRRil S 2154.3

                                                           ....               PSIG     2054.9     2254.9 A507      RC LOOP B llIDE RANCE PRESS                 S 2156.8
                                                           ....               PSIG     1700.0     2500.0 ffff!

e tni l8"ni'Il8I M ^'"' '""* THeti cxcCuTc NThu

 \hb   B D


AREA .2 GROUP 40 1303-1.1-13 - "'25'*' **

                                                             ~                                         AL ARif   'L IttI T S -


  ,g    'g              A511   RC LOOP A IHLET TEMP HRRW 3              .... S  531.6    DEGF     ......      ......

g - A508 RC LOOP A OUTLET TEl1P HRRW S 532.7

                                                                       ....                 DEGF                     607.0 3 {g.


                                                                       ....                 DEGF      ......     ......        '+


                                                                       .... S   532.1  DEGF       ......         607.0   y
                                                                       .... S   532.3  DEGF       ......     ......      E O              C1721  'L2 R.C. PRESSURIZER LEVEL

L0li  ? 105. IH 200. 260.

         'j'           C1722                                                                                                 J PL3 R.C. PRESSUR12ER LEVEL             L0li      ?    110. .IN             200.

A498 HU TANK LVL (IH) S 66.3 66.0 260.  %

                                                                      ....                 INH 2O                      96.0 A426    HU TANK LEVEL (IH)                                    68.5
                                                                      ....      S          IllH2O         66.0         96.0 A835    RC DRRIN MNR LEVEL (FT)

L0ll S 7.63 FT 8. 49 9.20 A459 RC DRAIN TANK llDL-T-3 TEMP .... S 148. DEGF ...... ....... - A586 RP LOOP A RC PRESS NRRH S 2156.9

                                                                      ....                 PSIG      2054.9     2254.9         :
  • A588 RP LOOP B RC PRESS HRRH S 2154.0
                                                                     ....                  PSIG      2054.9     2254.9 A507    RC LOOP B llIDE RANGE PRESS                      S 2156.2
                                                                    ,....                  PSIG      1700.0     2500.0 ff          {           l8"n"'"S' M         ^' '""* Tacn excourt            M 'mT h z dNl
o t

s (.s 1303 1.1

                                                                                        ' E4ccesv4.M//                                          Revision 13          o
      .n                                                       .i, -                   DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3.*                                         Page 1 of 12             '

1 . f

                                                          ,             For Use When Computer is not Available                                                                4'
          ,           Initial Conditions - To be taken at two minute intervals.
 <.u                                                                          -

X - Patch - C Panel

 .,,,,                                   .                       ,   Point                   Ti               T:                   T L1ne 1                     T1me                                     f 5.'33              F!35                  S: 3T               T,= 5:33 Line 2                     Tave                         40 + 1. + sS              + + 1+s1             + 4 1. 4 s f          =$t b 3 . o* VDC
                    -Line 3                      Przr, level                  27 + +.8 85               + + 4 8e4            + 4 4.se8             .p.**k3J4.P'VDC Line 4                     MU Tank                      15 + 3.488                + +4 44*             + *4.+/5              - iS M'+   34      VDC J Line 5a                    RCDT Level (Note 2) 71 4tsat + +6.'sf                                       +
  • s.748 ' . te + 3 .* @ VDC i Line 5b RCS Pressure 8 4.43e + 4 / r.63e + + 5. 6 31 =[+ 3 N #VDC
      .                                           (Narrow Range)

(Preferred) ~ or St Line 5c RCS Pressure 28 t 8.623 + +s.414 + t s.423 SI .1f1+3M VD (Wide Range) . (Alternate)

NOTE: 1. Use of the Patch Panel allows this procedure'to  : '
be performed when Tave >520*F.  :
. 2. Conversion factors are given in Table 4.  :
Attach any additional calculation sheets used to  : "
convert the values in Lines 1 to 10 into the  :
parameters used in the calculations. All values  :
recorded are in volts, DC, (VDC).  :
                                  ,.       :                             3. Leakage out of the RCS has a positive (+) sign.                                    :
                                                                                 " Leakage" into the RCS (ex, chemical adds) has a                             :                 '
                  .                        :                                     negative sign.                                                                :

f p . _____...... . ____________ ___________ ______ _____ ........ i

CAUTION: When using Patch Panel voltage, be sure to record the : l
voltage polarity (+ or -) and treat this as an  : l OFFICIAL F:IELD COP 119'braic 559a-  : 1 DUPUCATE PAGE O w vaer s
                                                                                                                                             , g,,,/,.
NOTE: All values are l'n Terms of volts DC. teamd,.zeAt was,,a sn. '

34.0 -

                                                                                                                                              - , $ 41-. -



                                            %                                         A          1303-1.1 gg w g g g-      _

Revision 13 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd) Page 2 of 12 Final Conditions - To be taken at.two minute intervals. ,

                                      .      Patch        *
        - ~

Panel ^

                                            ~ Point'           Ti            T              T.                               .

Line 6 Time 713 8 1 JJ 7!sf T = 1/Jr . Line 7 Tave 40 +1 533 + + 1. s so + 41.s27 . st #+ 3 = =MVDC Line 8 Przr level . 27 *4 806 + 4 +.30s + +4. S to - +3-=&k ; Line 9 MU Tank 15 +3. 344 + + 3. 3 # 4 + +3.zes - e.S#+3MMVDCj Line 104 RCDT Level (Note 2) 71 *1.+31 + + 7. + 4 + + + 1. +5r -t M+ 3 %44 h l Line 10b RCS Pressure L&3e +'f.6so +44.gao . 6 6S , 3 , ,g. #VDC (Narrow Range)

      '                                                                                                                        '[
                       .          (Preferred)                                                                                     i or Line 10e      RCS Pressure       28 rs.614            + +s.624      ++t.424           SI' + 3 =
  • VDCl (Hide Range)  !

(Alternate) '

CAUTION: 'When using Patch Panel voltage, be sure to record the :

_.  : voltage polartty (+ or -> and treat this as an  :

algebraic sign.  :

f TmL yNorI OFFICIAL FIELD COPY m */r si DUPUCATE PAGE O eau..ur g.u4 u ,,3,, , syn., 35.0 - N #M

g . .

                                                                                                               ,                           l M.                                          ,

1303.1.1 '!

                                                                                                                 -Revision 13 Facco.sd4 Yll                             -

I a . . I DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd). Page 3 of 12 Carry Alcebraic Sions Throuch All Steps l ._ Masschangeinpressurizerduetochangesinpressur)$erlevelandtemperature.

NOTE: The initial and final mass in th'e Pzr. are determined :

using the following equation. n  :- Tr ' . , ?. - M - A.(L,0, + [400 - L,3 D F where: ' M= initial or final mass L, - level of the water mass 400" - dishnce between level taps A- cross sectional area of the Pzr. - D, - density of the water as a fluid D. - density of the w0;r as a gas The terms D, and De are obtained from Table 2.

a. Initial Pressure ([Line 5b or 5c times Table 4 Conversion Factor] plus 14.7 psi)

Lineh +5. 6 3 o VDC

                                                          %      17eo t(fo x fDc)          Table 4 Conversion Factor

2/ 50.4 psig

                                                           +                      14.7     psi Line 11a            -             2/65'.1           psia
b. 'Use Line 11a and Table 2 to determine the initial density of the water (D,, Line lib) and of the steam (D., Line lic) in the pressurizer.

Interpolate as necessary.

                                                                                                                        -     ~~

Line lib - 37 7390 lbm/ft' (water density) Line 11c - 7.12.Lt Ibm /ft' (steam density) W ar/ 77 too/r OFFICIAL FTETB COPY 1""'ll" ","'"

,              DUFUCQ PAGE                              O

( '

                                        -                                       s           1303-1.1 Eaccosang Nil
  • DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd) Page 4 of 12
c. Determine the water level in the Pzr. in feet '

Initial level ([Lin; ; Ti..;: ?n in/vn1+ n1nr ?^^ 12 in./ft.F Line 3 -

                                                 + 4 80.3           VDC M 24o-[2a t voc) 20              N/'!00- 17tS4 +   Gd""'*"   ""
                                        =           /03.91          in.

m pnn < ., T Line 3a . /03.32, in

                                        +                     12    in./ft.

Line Ild - 9.45z ft. d.- Determine the height of steam mass (400" - Line 3a divided by 12 in./ft.) 400 in. Ils Line -3e- : 4+/ in.

                            *r Line 11e -             234.18          in.
                                  +                     12  in./ft.

Line lif = 2. + 4 8 2. ft.

e. Determine initial mass in Pzr.

. Mi - 38.14 ft* [(Line lib)(Line lid) + (Line lic)(Line 11f)] l ' l M1 - 38.14 f t" - [( J7.739o )( F.452. ) + ( 7.12z4 )( 24.c82. )) i l = 38.14 ft" [ 324.5178 + /75.735I ] l

                         =       17/fB .Z i+ lbm. .

Line llo - Mi - /S15B.2i+ lbm. l Tiriz t/ nit I OFFICIAL FIELD COPY Eld </,23At DUPUCATE PAGE O 37.0 fM' slYT h - . .- -

(. (.

  • 1303-1.1 l

Eacusv44..M l/ Revision 13

         ,.                                                             DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cg,t'd)                                                                                                                                   Page 5 of .12
f. Determine the final absolute pressure in the pressurizer.
            ,,                                  Final Pressure ([Line 10b or 10c times Table 4 Conversion Factor] plus J.                                        14.7 psi)

Lineh/E +f.'30- ' VDC


I 11eot-[Bo 4 oc.)- Table 4 Conversion Factor 1

                                                                 =                        2850.+                                                         psig

_'_ + 14.7 psi

           't Line 12a.        -                    2/451                                                              psia
g. Use Line 12a and Table 2 to determine the final density of the water (D,, Line 12b) and of the steam (Di, Line 12c) in the pressurizer.

Interpolate as necessary'. Line 12b = 3 7 7 3.7 o Ibm /ft' (water density) - Line 12c = 1.122+ lbm/ft' (steam density)

h. Determine the final level in the Pzr. in terms of feet.

Final level in ,the Pzt. . Line 8 + 4.fil VDC

                                                                .$ zoo-(zo x voc)                                                  20
  • r..?DC -T"$'l-- Th6LL f GN='w*4 McwL
                                                                 =                         /o .1,7 s                                                      in.

. 200 ' , .E Line 8a = /03.78 in

                                                                 +                                                                  12                    in./ft.

Line 12d - F. 44 9.3 ft. TML VHITI OFFICIAL FIELD COPY 7, ,,, fs t.o*closeas It, L+/3 s DUPUCATE PAGE [

  • ggy,3,a px.f e- +

38.0 /Mt M4

                  + - -       , ,,    y,-----    , - - , ,a         ,n-  - > , . , - - . , - - - - , , , - - . , . - , , , , , - - . , - , , , , , . , - . -

( . 1303-1.1 Eaeto.w u 5 ll

        .                                                 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3' (Cont'd)                           .Page 6 of.12 1.

Determine height of steam mass in feet [(400" - Line Ba) divided by 12 in./ft.] 400 in. - ste. Line Be- = foo"- /.eae. 8d in.

    ~:                                  9'.

Line 12e = 23(. 22 in. .

                                             +                         '12      in./ft.-

Line 12f 24.685 ft. '

j. Determine final mass in Pzr.

Mf = 38.14 ft" [(Line 12b)(Line 12d) + (Line 12c)(Line 12f)]. -

                                   = 38.14 ft" [(37.7338 )(s.6+s3 ) + ( 7/zu )(24.485 )]

g;f = 38.14 [ f T 2 4 s75 8/64 -] faz.o&J4

                                  .= 38.14 [ '^ * * *w                           3 4'*?,:;;;.;;;          IsIGwi

_ = , ,- , ,_ . w I bm .

                                                             ' I D153.43[

g ^Line 120 - Mf = -! ?i f t. e; & <r'.H bm. k.. Determine pressurizer mass change. (Initial Mass minus Final Mass, or


Line lig minus Line 12g.) I Line 11g 19/f8. 2s + lbm. IDiS3.615 i . Line 12g - - !O ! ? 9 ' ; w mi lbm. [IS ~ Line 13 = 3. Ti ' .w + 44'S lbm. we

2. Determine the Initial and Final Tave.

Temperature conversion (from VDC to *F)

                      ~ Initial temperature (570*F. minus [Line 2 Times 53) 570*F. - ( + 1.+S7 VDC x 5)*F.

i 570*F. - 37. +8f *F. Line Ida = 532. sz *F. - Initial Tave TPlz Waar I mo tr L OFFICIAL FIELD COPY ' * " " " 2 r/3' !: AgVissa # 5 7R -1 L DUPUCATE PAGE C 39.0 . pg g7 p.~

c. 1303-1.1 _Wccosv4.d 11_ Revision 13 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd) Page 7 of,12 Final temperature (570*F. minus [Line 7 times 53) [ 570*F. - ( +1530 ' VDC x 5)*F.


570*F. - 37.65 *F. , Line 14b = 532,35 *F. . Final Tave

3. Mass change in RCS due to the change in RCS pressure'and temperature.
a. Use Table 3 to determine the. initial and final densities of the ~

compressed water in the RCS. Determine the initial and final pressure from Lines lla and 12a. Determine initial and final temperatures from

                           ~ Lines 14a and 14b.          .
1. Initial conditions
               .                  Line 11a           . Initial pressure -         2/45.I             psia Line 14a            Initial temperature - 532.5I                   *F Line 11h            Initial Density - 4130+ 2.               Ibm /ft'
2. Final conditions i

Line 12a , Final pressure - Z/45./ psia l Line 14b Final temperature - S32.35 *F


Line 12h Final Density - +7. S/ 34 lbm/ft'

3. Change in density (Line 11h minus Line 12h)
                                 -L'ine 11h                            lbm/ft.'

l Line 12h - 47.3/Jf lbm/ft.' Line 15 - ,4092 lbm/ft' l

           .          b. RCS mass change Line 15                        .0032                  lbm/ft.'

RCS Vol. x 10,564 ft.*


Line'16 - 37. I F 8 8 1bm. p TM1 Wor} OFFICIA L FIELD COPY IIusIn u, uht 40.0 **W g' DUPUCATE PAGE_ g ,

                                                                                                           /AL .2.%F

(. . (-

  • 1303-1.1 .

Erk4050#4 // Revision 13 DAT'A SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd) Page 8 of .12

4. Mass change in Makeup Tank Initial level (50 plus [Line 4 times 5 in./VDC])

at Line 4 + C. 454 ,VDC x 5 in./VDC

                                                   -                                1n.
                                                  .+                          50' in.

Line 17 . 82.19 in. b.- Final level (50 plus [Line 9 times 5 in/VDC3) Line 9 -f 3.Ji + VDC x 5 in./VDC

          .                                        =               /6.57            in.

. + 50 in. Line 18 = 46.57 in.

c. Level change (Line 17 minus Line 18)

Line 17 82.28 in.

                       ,         Line 18           -            64,57                in.

Line 19 in. L - /5 7/

d. Mass change (Line 19 times 256.7 lbm./in) -
                              - Line 19       .                    /r.7I             in.

x - 256.7 lbm/in. Line 20 = foJ2.757 lbm.

5. Total RCS Mass change (Sum of Line 13, Line 15 and Line 20) 4 s om f/f Line 13 + m e Ibm.

Line 16 + - S7,1888 lbm. Line 20 + feJ 2. 757 lbm. C/f Line 21 . J I J. o s [ lb$. W ##'r i TP 600I5 OFFICIAL FIELD COPY a c"5"" "< 27 /3 ' 41.0 ' M its***' * /

. a .. .

DUPdOATE PAG,E - 0 - -. rae avf.. .--

                            -                         ~


                                                                                                               %              1303-1.1 E ric t o s pe c il                                   Revision 13 DATA SHEET. 1303-1.1.3                (Cont'd)                          Page 9 of 12
6. RCS lbm. to gal. conversion factor -
a. The conversion' factor 1s; Line 22 (conversion factor) = 0.1200 gal./lbm.
7. RCS Inventory Change (Line 21 Times Line 22) -

3 240.0972. 4015. 00 <m* gfg . Line 21 lbm. Line 22 x 0.1200 gal.11bm. 412.81 gfg Line 23 - -475, +t 9e e-a-*+ gal.

8. Operator caused changes to RCS inventory (From Data Sheet 1303-1.1.5)

Line 24 : 0 gal.

NOTE: Gallons added is minus (-), gallons removed is  :
plus (+).
9. Test duration (Line 6 minus Line 1, use Ti)

{/f Line 6 '7 h h<ff"mTn . Line 1 5 h 33 min. cr @ g/5 Line 25 / 2 '#' *" h #,# 's min. - -H!+ t/8 min.

10. Total RCS Leakage minus changes (Line 23 minus Line 24) gfg Line 23 4 7 0. ; ! Pe+ gal. -

Line 24 .- 0 gal. 6/5 Line 26 - M +12 st ga1.

11. Leakage Rate (Line 26 divided by Line 25) -

n fIf Line 26 ?p? * ^2 412.8I ga1.

            -                                           .y M Line 25       +             M            //8            min.

t.0869 515 Line 27 - 2. 0 0 ^ 4- <tr M*9 gal./ min. Limit : Line 27 sha,11 not exceed 30 gpm. (See Table 1303-1.1.1) mz umri 1rGoolf OF5ICIAL FIELD COPY - s=a= , 2 */3 ' 42.0 gis5sdA/ STA-( c OUPUCATE PAGE O . 7, yo

(. V 1303-1.1 - E*sccesso si _ Revision 13 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd) Page 10 of.12

12. RCS Losses Determination ' '

a.. Determine the level change in the RCDT (Final Level minus Initial Level,. or Line'10a - Line Sa). Conversion factors are given in Table 4'and are N included below.

NOTE: Value should be posit.tve. If value is negative,.  :
verify an RCDT pumpdown has occurred and is  :
- documented in Line 30. If no draindown has occurred :
check for RCDT Leakage and repeat test. -:
                                            + 1. ++ +

Line 10a - 4 7 M3 6VDC x 12 in./VDC = 85.328 in. Y Line Sa l.695 VDC x 12 in./VDC - 88 3+ in. L1ne 28 = 8.988 in. i

b. Change in RCDT Hass (Level Change times Mass per Inch, or Line 28 x 292.0 lbm/in.)

Line 28 8.D88 in. x 292.0 lbm/in.


Line 29 - 2C 2.4,486 lbm.

           .          c.      ' Operator' caused changes to RCDT from D.S. 1303-1.l.5.                                           -

Line 30 - 0 lbm. -

NOTE: . Water added is minus (-). Water removed is h )..  :
d. Total RCDT Mass Rate of Change (Line 29 Plus Line 30 Duration of Test)
                              -Line 29              2c 24. + 36              lbm.

Line 30 + o lbm. - Line 31. . z&z+.+st Ibm. Line 25 + 122 min. TMI MT / TFGoolC

                            . Line 32     -          2/.5/23                 lbm/ min.                      Edc4c5N //,Isht On     L i s .r m n u u n                              43.0 u y,, ,,, s m_ ,
                                                                                              ,            agc yf f                 DUPUCATE PAos                0

('w t' 1303-1.1 - 7t gw3su ,,- Revision 13 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd) Page 11 of.12

e. _ Convert Mass; Change to Gallons per Minute (Line 32 x 0.1200 gal /lbm)

Line.32 2/.5/23 lbm./ min. y, , x ~0.1200 gal./lbm. 5 Line 33 - 2.58/5 gal./ min. -

  • ~
13. Identified Leak Rate (Generated from Data Sheet 1303-1.1.4; sign is pos1tive)

Line 34

0 lbm./ min.
- . 14. Leakage through OTSG Tubes (Primary-to-secondary leak; sign is positive determined from D.S. 1303-1.1.6)
a. Line 35  : 0 lbm./ min. -
b. - 0TSG 1eaka'ge in terms of gal./ min. -(Line 35 times Line 22)
    '                                  ~
                 .                                                   Line 35                      o                 ibm./ min.
                                                       '_ Line 22                  x           0.1200               gal./lbm.

Line 36 = 6 gal./ min. Limit : Line 36 shall not exceed limits specified in Table 1303-1.1.1 , l 5' . Correction factor : 'Line 37 = (+ 1.37 lbm./ min.) (From Data Sheet'1303-1.1.2)

16. Total identified leakage ([Line 34 plus Line 35 plus Line 37] Times Line 38.)

Line 34 0 lbm./ min. Line 35 + 0 lbm./ min. Line 37 + 1.37 lbm./ min. Line 38 = l.37 lbm./ min. Line 22 x 0.1200 gal./lbm. e Line 39 = . M ++ gal./ min. 71n1 WHar I THoolS* OFFICIAL FIELD COPY

  • tacasvul'/3*/2i prisnow Sn-I DUPUCATE PAGE O 44.0 /M M L . . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~ - - - - -


                                                     ..                                            ~
                                                    +                                            %         1303-101            -

he ,,, ,f , Revision 13 DATA SHEET 1303-1.1.3 (Cont'd) Page 12 of. 12

17. Unidentified Leakage (Line 27 minus Line 33 minus Line 39)

' 440ss

  • f/f . Line 27- - ".090' fPN gal./ min.

Line 33 -

2. 5B<5 gal./ min. -

Line 39- --  ; /' ++ - gal./ min. I.241 gfg ~ Line 40 = /104fered" gal./ min. Limit :- Line 40 shall not exceed I gal / min.. (See Table 1303-1.1.1)'. If change in Line 40 from last calculation is >.33 gpm, obtain an RM-A-5 grab sample

18. Total Leakage (Line 39 + Line 40)

Line 39 . /4 4+ gal./ min. i.21 0 Line 40 + i., m <r4-i+c gal./ min.

 .~                   ElI
1. +z 54
          .                               Line 41         =        !.2?*= +s m gal./ min.


              ,              Limit :. Line 41 shall not exceed 10 GPM.

(- Remarks (Specify reasons for any results determined to be invalid):

  .                         %s its+ was a ko on m vr/ed leak rde. us ed Sr- sarvimosed /uk
                          ' h kshm . IAJ .~ fr,~ cdwinse is                            6.- us;,s~ ss,>,su of.

( - DVM Model No.- : , Ft.8/K4 SODA Serial No. : 3 tto e za . c+t.. z-zt-st Oct. B 21 p+

                           . Performed by       :         4.4 /A.-

o.roo / 5-rr-st [ Time /Date  : Reviewed by *: N r Time /Date  : 0 / y-W6k 7mr us,r i OFFICIAL FIELD COPY 45.0 U"s'fu <<. 4 < was ed sirel

             .      ..                        (_4                                     (t m (UClear                                                  Memorandum



                                         ,                                           Date:   June 6, 1984 From:     F. W. PAULEWICZ, ENGINEER SENIOR I, THI-l                                                       '

Location: Three Mile Island

                                                                                   3310-84-099 T2:       R. J. TOOLE, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE                      File: Leak Rate DIRECTOR, TMI-l T. M. HAWKINS, MANAGER TMI-l STARTUP & TEST

Plant Engineering has completed its review of the subject testing which was performed to verify the adequacy of SP 1303-1.1, RCS Leak Rate, Revision 13. The results of this testing are summarized in Attachment #1. A review of these results shows the following: a.) Good consistency exists between the three methods of deter-mining the leak rate - i.e., computer determination, manual calculations with computer data and manual calculation with ' patch panel data - for both the baseline and superimposed leak testing.. The patch panel indicated slightly higher for Gross Leakage and Unidentified Leakage than the other two methods. The maximum difference was only on the order of 0.20 gpm higher, which is a conservative discrepancy. b.) Excellent correlation exists between the baseline leakage and superimposed leakage rates when the superimposed leak is accounted for. As Attachment #1 shows, the calculated unidentified leak rate (computer determination) is only 0.1 gpm away from the expected value. This is well within the

                                     + 0.5 gpm acceptance criteria.                                                   -

c.) Minor errors were noted with respect to the test duration period for the Patch Panel determinations. These errors did not significantly affect the TP 600/5 results as shown in Attachment #2. The time corrected results are shown in-Attachment #1. These errors were made due to a procedural , contradiction in the Patch Panel Data Sheets. Step #9 of I l the calculation specifies that time Ty is to be used in determining test duration. Page 2 of the Data Sheets {

                               '     indicate that time T3 is to be used for the test completion time. 'This confused the operator and resulted in a small s

error for the leakage values. I l t ' 7,5 O M- OU n ~~.** p M A t TM1 ddC l Q: ( d ,t,% L,  : e k n* 'A* a 1 rpsoofg h ESCA0$uRL lt , llf D @ hntGr*386 Aed. C fy< L59

f ,. q

                                                                                   ,i .,
                       -R.' J. Toole                               Page 2                    June 6, 1984         .
                       'T. M. Hawkins                                                        3310-84-099                    l 1

1 During the, testing two discrepancies' were noted in Revision 13 of the RCS' - u Leak _ Rate Procedure. They are:

       '                     '    -1.) ' The values of steam densities used in SP 1303-1.1 Table 2,
                                         .(p. 53.0) are slightly in error. _ A TCN will be issued against Revision 13 of the Leak Rate Procedure to correct this problem
                                        . during the week of June 4.

s The magnitude of this error was very small (on the order of 1.0 lbm/ft3 ). When this value is compared to th~e actual steam-densities (6.01 lbm/ft3) and water densities (37.7 lbm/ft3 ), and since the leak rate principle is based on a mass balance difference over time, it can be seen that a very large level change must occur before this mass difference begins to affect - the accuracy'of the leak rate determination. Calculations have shown that a,large pressurizer ' level decrease (on the order of

                         ,               a 10 inch level change) will affect.the calculated Unidentified Leakage by only 0.036 gpm. Since this effect is linear, a 43 inch level decrease would have to occur before the mass dis-crepancy begins to approach the calculated procedural error

(+ 0.~155 gpm). Note that the level must also decrease'to act in a non-conservative direction. Any level increase would act in a conservative direction. The TP'600/5 test results'are not aff'ected by this error. Pressurizer level changed-by < 0.5 inches during the test. This reduced the mass error to negligible proportions.

                                 '2.) The Patch Panel Data Sheet (D.S. 1303-1.1.3) was found to have typographical and referencing errors. The operators also found             -'

it to be confusing with respect to converting voltage values to unit values. Additionally, as noted earlier, a small error was introduced into-the Patch Panel results due to confusion over the duration of the test. This small error did not significantly affect the results,. as shown by Attachment #2. The TCN mentioned above will correct these discrepancies and simplify the. calculations.- The:results of TP 600/5 were reviewed by the PRG on June 1,1984. Agreement OFFICIAL F! ELD CDP 1 =;;;;" ye Ouplicate Page O ""

                                                                                ,                       - ,. w r. w
                .                                                                                        w. o p
                                                                                           .             fy 25S i

s Y R. J. Toole Page 3 June 6, 1984 T. M. Hawkins 3310-84-099 was obtained that the test results were valid and Revision 13 is acceptable for use by the plant. . A PCR will be issued in the near future to correct th_e above discrepancies and to incorporate any comments on the procedure obtained from Operations

                  ' Department. A TWR will also be issued to update the computer program with respect to the steam density error noted above. TP 600/5 should also be updated or revised to reflect the timing error identified in Attachment #2.

In summary, Revision 13 of the RCS Leak Rate is acceptable for use by plant. Errors or points of confusion in the procedure will be corrected as expedit-iously as possible. fMA $11 F. W. PAULEWICZ Engineer Senior I, TMI-1


2 R. O. BARLEY Lead Mechanical ineer, THI-1 h J.J.($GLITZ j Plant Engine'er16{!; Director, TMI-l WP/ ROB /JJC:gh Attachments cc: H. D. Hukill, Jr., Director, TMI-l

                         -M.      A. Nelson, Engineer Senior II, TMI-l F. D. Piazza, Computer Applications Engineer, TMI-l M. J. Ross, Manager, Plant Operations, TMI-l M. O. Sanford, Manager - Mechanical Systems, Tech. Functions, Parsip.

H. B. Shipman, Operations Engineer Senior II, TMI-1, A. P. Spivak Engineer, Tech. Functions, TMI-l R. A. Washick, Computer Applications Manager, TMI-l J. Wetmore, Manager PWR Licensing, Parsippany CARIRS OFRC!.M. MELD CDPY. m-TP6c0lS Qualiccia t:g3 g 4 tL IL,3lC {l4 _ __ ry 156

                             - ..             .y.    - - . . . , - - n, -
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  • f ATTACHMENT #1 3310-84-099 RESULTS


TP 600/5; RCS Leak Rate Verification Testing Baseline Testing - Parameter Results l Calculated Computer Manual with (GPM) Manual with (1) (MODCOMP) Comp. Data Patch Panel Data Leakage Plus - [.16 3,g4g Losses' 3.2555 3.3532 -3 . 2 0 5 '. + s. +,+ Gross o,7+36 ' Leakage 0.5196 0.5440 l' Unidentified

                                                                                                 ^ 00'h + 4-i+.t+

Leakage 0.5732 0.3552 0.3796 0. 52 21 cu s it s, _ Superimposed Leak Data A . total of 786 lbm. of coolant was drained out of the RCS during the superimposed leak testing.

               ,                    786 lbm X 0.1200 gal /lbm 120 min.              = 0.786 GPM Superimposed Leak Testing Parameter                                        Results Calculated                  Computer         Manual with                   Manual with (1)

(GPM) (MODCOMP) Comp. Data Patch Panel Data ' g Leakage Plus Losses f,.036 $.go6 D 3.9171 . C O L:yc-a , . 11^ ep 6-/+ s+ Gross 1,303

                 . Leakage                                                                     1.42r+

1.2047 - 1. 272 cyc onp h 2 ' 20 cp s 14-o+ Unidentified . g,g3 g 1,2t.f Leakage 1.0403 1.107 6-:yt ,.* 2.1730 Vt-+r4 Leak Rate Correlation Diff erence = [ComputerCalculated [Spperimposed Unidentified Leak Rate [ Baseline (Unidentif ed -

                                                                                                         ~(Leak Rate (w/ Superimposed Leak

Diff = (1.0403) - (0.3552) - (0.786) c. g ;bl^NT nt [*p!O Op{V TM10aar l O3 '

                                                                                 ~      i ' " "'                .b       TP 600/r Diff = -0.1009 CPM                                                                                    ucwavu,12,+/i Note (1):    Time corrected values given D o eiict i *e~ P a g d~-     h     -


                                                                                                         - ~ ~ ~ '

r,ca. 4 ge gr7

(*.o Attachment #2

                                                                                                  .               3310-84-099 TEST DURATION DIFFERENCES                                    -

Baseline Test

                                                  ,          Start                 Stop Time                Time              Elapsed Time (min.)

Computer Data 0249 0449 120 Manual w/ Computer Data 0249 0445 126 (1) Manual w/P.P. Data 0248 0452 124 (2) (1) Elapsed time is T , initial to T ,1 final, which is the correct treatment.


s 6 minute delay encountered in taking data, but this delay is properly accounted for in the calculations. (2) Elapsed time is T initial to T final, which is incorrect treatment. Actualelapsedtibe,shouldbe12b, minutes (0248to0448). Original and corrected values shown below: Parameter Original Value Corrected Value EIS ,k Leakage + L sses 3.2869 JW -3. M eg+9

  • g Total Leakage 0.6657 o,74m O. SS70 y ce4-N

.L- - Unidentified Leakage 0.5013 p Sc2 0.5234 76-ste

  • Superimposed Test Superimposed Leak Duration:

h- Start: 0535 - Stop: 0730 Test Results: ,

  ,,                                                         Start                Stop Time                 Time              Elapsed Time (min.)

Computer Data 0534 0734 120 Manual w/ Computer Data 0534 0734 120 Manual w/P.P. Data -0533 0735 122 (3)

               -(3) Elapsed time is yT , initial, to T , final, which is an incorrect treatment.

Actualelapsedtimeshouldhavebken118 minutes,whichisalsoincorrect. TP 600/5 and SP 1303-1.1, Revision 13 specify a 2 hour (120 minute) minimum test duration. The following Patch Panel calculated values are corrected to a 118 minute test duration.

       .                  Parameter                                    Original Value                  Corrected Value Leakage + Losses                                    3.8804               +.00 0 4.0110 P&M M f.15             Total teakage.                                      1.2989               ,, p g+ A-300 ye-iv M Unidentified Leakage                                1.1345                 ,, m          1 ' M yn,-r,-a+

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