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Forwards Util Environmental Repts for Monticello & Prairie Island Nuclear Plants
Person / Time
Site: Monticello, Prairie Island  Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/24/1972
From: Morris P
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Copeland J
Shared Package
ML20127H572 List:
NUDOCS 9211180548
Download: ML20127H568 (6)


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JAN 2 41972 h

Docket Nos. 50-263[

50-282 50-306 Ma. Julia W. Copeland Environmental Conservation Librarian Minneapolis Public Library 300 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis,- Minnesota 55401

Dear Ms. Copeland:

In response to your January 3,1972 letter I am pleased to send yon Northern States Power's Environmental Reports for the Monticello and Prairie Island Nuclear Plants. When our draft and fina1' Environmental Statements-are prepared we will send copies to the Environmental Con .

servation Library division of the Minneapolis Public Library.

AEC regulations provide that documents pertaining to reactor facility applications be available for inspection by the public in the ABC l Public Document Room, located at 1717 H Street, N.W.,' Washington, D.C.

In addition, the Commission has established local public documsat rooms for each nuclear facility at a location in the vicinity'of the reactor site ~for the purpose of providing information more readily accessible to the general public. - Such local document rooms were l established in Buffalo, Minnesota for the Monticello plant, and in Red Wing, Minnesota for the Prairie Island plant.

During the operating license hearing on the Monticello plant,' the location was changed from Buffalo to the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.

The intervenors requested, as a matter of convenience for the hearing, that documents that would normally be placed in the Buffalo public document room be made available at a location closer to where the-

-hearing was then being conducted. The Environmental Resource Center was selected as the alternate location, and last September Mr; Grant Herritt, Executive Director of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency '

requested that the Envir w =1 Resource Center continue to be used as a local public document room for the Nonticello plant. We agreed to continue to send the appropriate licensing documents to the Center.

Copy sent PDR g L IU ;


2 9211180548 720124 PDR ADOCK 05000263-P PDR

Ms. Julia W. Copeland 2 Notwithstanding all of the above, it is possible to obtain either paper copy or microfiche copies of documents filed la the Monticello sad Prairie Island dockets from the National Technical Information Service in springfield, Virginia. You prebably could arrange a

" standing account" from NTIS for all available documents under DOCKET 50263, which is the order numba'r for Monticello documents, and DOCKET 50282, which is the order nuisbar for Prairie Island docu-ments I suggest that you write to NTIS and of tain information on their current charges. Correspondence should be addressed to:

National Technical Information Service

$285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22151 Sincerely, original sits +d 67 Peter L !'ards Peter A. Morris, Director Division of Reactor Licensing Distribution:

Docket (3)


- 2 DR Reading DRL Reading BWR-1 File
DiMuntzing, DR LRogers, DREP JSullivan HShapar, OGC PSu111 van OGC (2)

RSBoyd, DRL SMKari, DRL VBenaroya, DRL BSliger, PWR-2 Control No. 4061 a

omer > ...DRL D D:BWR DRL C y.. pDRL:BWR.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

x7 1 DF t RSBo PA orris SURNAME > ,_ , _ , , , , ,_ ,

7 _ , _ _ _

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I JAN 24 1972 I

Docket Nos. 50-263 #

l 50-232 i

50-306 l

l Ms. Julia W. Copeland Enviromesatal Conservation Librarian

! Minneapolis Public Library

! 300 Mico11et Hall l Minneapolis, Minnesota $5401 l

Dear Ms. Copelsad:

In respcase to your January 3,1972 letter 1 am pleased to send you l Northern States Power's Environmental Reports for the Monticello and i

Prairie Island Nuclear Plants. When our draf t and final Envircemental l Statements are prepared we will send copies to the Environmental Con-l servation Library division of the Minneapolis Public Library, i

AEC regulations provide that documents pertaining to reactor facility
applications be available for inspection by the public in the ABC l Public Document Room, located at - 1717 E Street, N.W..- Washington, D.C.

l In addition, the Coasmission has established local public document rooms for each nuclear facility at a location in the vicinity of the  ;

reactor site for the purpose of providing information more readily accessible to the general public such local documsat rooms were

established in Buffalo, Minnesota for the Monticello plant, and in
Red Wing, Minnesota for the Prairie Island plant.

I During the' operating license hearing on the Moc'ticello plant, the location was changed' from Buffalo to the Minneapolis-St. Paul area.

N intervenors requested, as a matter of coervenience for the hearing,


that documents that would normally be placed in the buffalo public 4

document room be made available at a location closer to where the

, hearing was then being conducted. N Environmental Resource Center was selected as the alternate location, and last September Mr. Grant Merritt, Executive Director of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

!- requested that the Environmental Resource Center continue to be used j- as a local public document room for the Neaticelle plant. We agreed i to continue to send the appropriate licensing documents to the Center.

i omer > ..

$URNAME> , . _ , , , , , , , , _ , , , , _ , , , , , , _ , _ , , , , , _ _ , , _ _ _ , , __ ,__ _ _ _ _ _ , ,

oArt > . . . .

Form AEC=318 (Rev. S 83) uA sownnatu rnentosG cryict eo-mas

.5,- - w ., s ..--.m... u...~.. -.-ram.~,w=*r- ==. mum.e--.- e. w-- ,-

4 f

I g Hs. Julia W. Copelend 2 I


! Notwithstanding all of the above, it is possible to obtain either paper copy or microfiche copies of documents flied in the Noeticello and Prairie Island dockets from the National Technical Information Service is Springfield, Virginia. You probably could arrange a "staMing account" from NTIS for all available docunsats under DOCKET 50263, which is the order number for Hooticello doctaments,

, and DOCKET 50282, which is the order number for Prairie Island docu-meats. I suggest that you write to NTIS and obtain information on their current charges. Correspondence should be addressed to:

National Technical Information Service i

5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22151 Sincerely, triginal Signed by Peter L Worris Peter A. Morris, Director Division of Reactor Licensing I

Distribution: #2 Docket (3N -

! AEC PDR (3) '

Local PDR (2)

DR Reading DRL Reading BWR-1 File LNMunta;ing. DR LRogera DREP JSullivan HShapar, OGC PSullivan OGC (2)

RSBoyd,'DRL SMKari DRL VBenaroya, DRL BS11ger, PWR-2 Control No. 4061 o, m , .DRL: B.WR- 1 .. D EL..:..B.W...R..-.DRL. 1..... :.AD:BWR .. . ... .D RL. . ... .. . . . OGC g . . . . .


,.3 1/14/72 1/ /72 1/ /72 1/ /72 1/ /72 Fonn AECa818 (Rev. S.53) di GOVERMMENT NMTmG rmCEdte.O-M6-690

. , - -- < . - - , - ~ . , . - - ~, , .

. lp -l>

. l l

, j 4

JAN 24 1972 l i

I Docket Noe. 50-263 56-282 '


5040V i


! Ms. Julia W. Copeland l

Envirw=1 Commervation LibrtMaa Miansapolis Public Library l 300 Nicollet Hall t

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 i


Dear Ms. Copeland:

In response to your January 3,1972 letter I am pleased to send you Northern States Pouer's-Environesotal Reports for the Nonticello and ,

Prairie Island Nuclear Plants. When our draft end final Environmental statements are prepared we will send copies to the Environmental com-i servation Library division of the Minneapolis Public Library, i

! ABC regulatione provide that documents pertalaims to reactor facility spplicationa W available for taspection by the public in the ABC Public Document Room, located at 1717 N Street, N.W., Washington, D.C.

' In addition, the Commissica has established local public. document -

! rooms for each nuclear facility at a location in the vicinity of the i reactor site for the purpose' of providing taformation more readily accessible to the general public. Such local document rooms were -

l j established in Buffalo, Minnesota for the Monticello plant, and ia Red Wing, Minnesota for the Prairie Island plant.

l During the operating license bearing on the Hooticello plaat, the location vas changed from auffalo to the-Minneapolis-St. Paul ares. .

The intervenors requested, as a matter of convenience for the hearing,
that documenta that would notaally be-placed in the_ Buffalo public document' hearing was.then roombeing be made available at a location closer to where the -


l- The Environmental Resource Centar i

was selected as the alternate location, and last' september Mr. Grant i Herritt,' Executive Director of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency requested that the Environmental' Resource Center contiano to be us ed

se a local public document room for- the Monticello plant. l We agreed

! to continue to send- the appropriate licensing daevaants to the Center.

4 i

j orra > . . . . . . . . . . . _.

SURNAME) ...._...... . . . . . _.,


Form AEC-318 (Rev. 9-84) ur sownnutairmmues crymcxwo-souse m

- en- - , . v ,,yw s- e,.r,%--*-T*-1 -

e'ey -w --

= - .-. . . . . - . - -- ..- . _ - - . . _ - _ . .- . - _ .-

h '

l Hs. Julia W. Copeland 2 i

4 l i

Notwithstanding all of the above, it is possible to obtain either paper copy or ulcrofiche copies of documents filed La the Heatteelle

sad Prairie Island dockets from the Matiamal Technical Information service la spriagfield, Virginia. You probably could arrange a

" standing seesent" from NTIs for all available documente under DOCKET 50263, ubich is the order number for Heaticalle desuments, sad DOCKET 50282, which is the order number for Prairie Island docu-meats. I suggest that you write to NTIS and obtain information en their current charges. Correspondence should be addressed to National Technical Infor1mation service 5285 Port Royal Road l Springfield, Virginia 22151

Sincerely, Original Ilgned by Peter A. Merris ,_
Peter A. Morris, Director-
Division of Reactor Licensing l Distribution

Docket (3) l AEC PDR (3)

Local PDR (2)

, DR Reading

! DRL Reading

( B'1R-1 File -

l LMMuttsing, DR

LRogers, DREP l JSu111 van
HShapar, OGC

! PSullivan

, OGC (2)

RSBoyd, DRL i SHKari, DRL VBenaroya, DRL BSliger, PWR-2 Control No. 4061 4

i omer , ....DRL: B.W.R .1. ... .D...R..L..: .BWR- 1..D, RL: AD.._: B..W. R...

. . ....D.RL.. .... . . . ..O..GC. . ....

.g . . . ... .. .

su o m > x7791 . . . . . .

DFKnuth , , , _ ,

RSBoyd , ,,

PAHorris 4

y, , ,

1/14/72 ,

1/ /72 1/ /72 _

- 1/ -/72 1/ /72 ,

4 Pbrm AEC=388 (Rev,9-63) U.S. sovranutnt raintmG ctrict ate- o.-3644ee 5 k



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