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Sanitized Safeguards Insp Rept 70-1113/83-30 on 831017-21.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Statistical Controls Associated W/Nuclear Matl Control & Accountability Measurements
Person / Time
Site: 07001113
Issue date: 11/23/1983
From: David Jones, Mcalpine E
Shared Package
ML20137D194 List:
FOIA-85-554 70-1113-83-30, 70-1113-83-30-0, NUDOCS 8511270135
Download: ML20137D714 (4)


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Report No. 70-1113/83-30 ,

Docket No. 70-1113 License No. SNM-1097 Safeguards Group No. III Licensee: General Electric Company Wilmington, NC 28401 Date of Inspection: October 17-21, 1983 Type of Inspection: Unannounced Material Control and Accountability Inspector: bd 'bp2- ///p ?/f3

0. W. Jgnes, Statistician Date Signed Approved by: DD E. J. McAlpine, ^.hief,TMaterial Control and 11/23 /G 3 Date Signed Accountability fection Safeguards Branch Division of Emerge cy Preparedness and Materials Safety Programs Inspection Summary -

Areas Inspected: Statistical controls associated with nuclear material control and accountability measurements.

The inspection involved 30 inspector hours by one .NRC inspector and was begun during the regular hours. "

Results: The licensee was found to be in compliance with NRC requirements in the area examined during the, inspection.

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approval of IE:II REPORT DETAILS Report 'No. 70-1113/83-30

1. Key Persons Contacted
  • D. W. Brown, Powder Production Manager
  • D. A. Burns, Materials Services Ma' nager "W. J. Hendry, Regulatory Compliance Manager
  • G. R. Pearson, Uranium Fuel Fabrication Manager

'G. R. Mallett, Measurements & Statistics Senior Engineer

  • H. Stern, Manufacturing Technology Consulting Engineer
  • F. H. Wolz, Fuel Manufacturing Specialist
  • C. M. Vaughan, Licensing and Nuclear Materials Management Manager The inspector also interviewed several other licensee employees.

' Denotes those present at the exit interview

2. ' Statistical Controls The licensee's statistical program for the evaluation af the biases and uncertainties associated with the measuFement systems utilized to account for special nuclear material was inspected. The inspection consisted of an examination of the measurement control data used te eva.uate the statistical parameters and the statistical methods applied in the evaluation of the data base. The performance of the program during the material balance period August 10, 1982 through August 8, 1983, was inspected'. The program data for the following statistical parameters were inspectec: :ne bias, systematic and random analytical errors and random sampling errers associated with the materials analyzed by the dichromate titration and the gravimetric methods; the systematic and ' random weighing errors, the bias, systematic and random elemental and isotopic analytical errors associated with uranium hexa-fluoride; the systematic and random errors associatec with the volume measurements of liquid discards; and the bias, systematic and random errors associated with the fuel rod active, scanner measurements. In most cases the licensee uses the same measurement system for several groups of material types and determines the uncertainties associated with each group.' The program data for one group per nieasurement system was selected for inspec- l tion.

l It was found, for the measurement systems inspectec, that the biases, the systematic errors and the random bulk measurement errors were determined from measurements of standards and that the random samoling and analytical errors were deteqpined from replicate measurements of process materials.

The mathematical models of the measurement systems used by the licensee to evaluate the measurement control data appeared to De appropriate and the data bases were suf ficient, except for the mass s;ect-ographic and gravi-metric ' analyses performed by tne licensee's offsite ccet-actor laboratory l (Ledoux). The licensee determined tne b'ases anc sy stematic errors for ax wt recu onctosung i l

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these two measurement systems from data generated between August 9, 1982 and March 7, 1983. This matter was deemed an unresolved item pending the.

licensee's acquisition of the , measurement control data for the rest of that '

material balance period and demonstrating that the failure to use the program data for the entire material balance period did not have a signifi-cant effect on the limit of error of the inventory dif ference (83-30-01).

The licensees analytical laboratory reports the mean, standard deviation and number of standards measurements on a cuarterly basis. These data must tnen be pooled in order to evaluate the biases and systematic errors for an entire material balance period. The licensee indicated that revision of the reporting method is being explored in an effort to obtain the reported results on a material balance period basis which would be readily usable in evaluating measurement biases and systematic errors. This matter is deemed an inspector follow-up item (83-30-02).

The licensee determined the uncertainties arsociated with each of the three systems pgsLfor liquid discard volume measurements and then pooled the (

results.O i The licensees indicated that i propagation of errors separately for the next limit of error calculation would be evaluated. This matter is deemed an inspector follow-up item (83-30-02). . .


The relative contributions from the measurement systems which had a signifi-cant impact on the total variance associated with the uranium and eranium-235 inventory differences for the period under review are presented i., Table 1.

3. Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required to determine whether tney are acceptable or may involve violations or cevia-tions. One new unresolved item identifiec during this inspection is discussed in Paragraph 2.

4 Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized 'on October 21, 1983, with those persons indicated in paragraph I above.

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. TABLE I Variance Components of LE'.0 GE Material Balance Period August 82 - August'83' ,

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